Bee coloring sheet


2020.04.15 18:36 playemotionalparkour ColoringSheet

Hey redditors! This subreddit is for the posting of blank coloring pages!

2015.09.05 14:48 A place to post, discuss, gift adult coloring books

We're adults now, but that doesn't mean we can't color! Coloring as an adult is a great stress relief and hobby! *:・゚✧ 〆(・∀・@)

2020.04.16 01:22 zaccaria_slater SneakerColoringSheets

After posting a successful Coloring Sheet onto GolfWang, I decided to create more sheets so people can design there own Colorways of beloved sneakers.

2024.06.01 16:02 EmmaWatsonButDumber Heard something in the wall or ceiling? Call us!

We are an independent organization with one purpose: to make you feel good in your own home and restore the peace and quiet! We deal in all kinds of intruders, from cockroaches to rats to racoons: all sizes and shapes and colors! Safety and comfort is one call away!
We offer a high variety of services, accommodated to your needs and enquiries, and have a flexible schedule. Call us anytime!
That's the job I work at. For privacy reasons, I won't say the name of the company.
The pay is decent, the hours are flexible, and I get uniforms on the house and meals. Yes, I do have to deal with all kinds of infested homes: from termites to roaches to bees, and even 'intruders' like racoons, foxes, once even a snake. It can be dangerous, but I take my precautions.
I can also take phone duty if I'm feeling particularly lazy. Like last week. Don't imagine we're working non-stop: we rarely get any calls. Not a lot of incidents happen around here, in this village.
Last week, however, I had three calls, which was interesting enough by itself, because I rarely get this much activity. Three calls also meant that I had to go do ground duty, because we didn't have enough personal for three interventions in one day.
The first call happened at around 6PM.
"Hello, this is XXX Exterminators, where the safety of your home is our priority. How can I help you today?"
Hi, yeah, my name is Emily and I think there's something in my ceiling.
"Hi, Emily! Could you describe the issue with a bit more details? What kind of noises are you hearing, any signs of anything living up there... anything like that can help a lot."
Okay, um... so I've been hearing these faint scratches, like rats? The scratches started yesterday, around midnight, and at first I thought it was the rain, you know... the way you can hear each individual drop fall on the roof of your house... Then I imagined it must've been the birds, but I ended up realizing it was coming from the attic, because I, uh, I heard the scratches... like... coming from right above me. And I thought something had gotten into the house - I live next to Helene-
"Right, so the gas station. Which one, exactly? The one you pass by going to Kaden or the other one down the road to the bridge?"
No, the one down the road. To the bridge, right next to the creek. My house is the blue one right when the town starts. I don't have any neighbors. It's Pollen Street no. 3. So, you know, I'm afraid something got into the house from the forest. It wouldn't be the first time. I just hope this time, it isn't a snake. But snakes don't scratch like that.
"Are you hearing the scratches now?"
They're really faint, but persistent. Could be rats.
*"*Okay, Emily! We'll be on our way soon."
Thank you.
I sent the team over there, but they couldn't find anything out of place. No insects, no animals. No rats.
The next call came around 10PM.
"Hello, this is XXX Exterminators, where the safety of your home is our priority. How can I help you today?"
Hello. I keep hearing these scratches and thuds coming from the ceiling, and I think it moves to the walls. I'm not sure, though, but there's definitely something in there.
"Could you describe the issue with a bit more details? Anything like that can help a lot."
The noises started like three hours ago. At first, I thought it was the pipes, but they're too... rhythmic. Like footsteps or more like something dragging its limbs through the walls. I don't understand and I can't identify the animal. It sounds big. This is an old house, and it's relatively easy to dig through it. I've never heard anything like it.
"Where is it, right now?"
I can't hear anything right now. I don't know where it went.
"Could you tell us your address?"
Pollen Street no. 7.
My stomach tensed. Could it be a coincidence? Maybe some raccoon was making its way through homes...
"All right, thank you. We'll be on our way!"
I sent the team to the location, and was left alone with Andrew, a coworker. The night had fallen and I hated night interventions, so I hoped the phone wouldn't ring again until they came back. Honestly, I was pretty relaxed. There wasn't such a high chance that I'd get any other calls for the day-
I lifted my head from the lasagna. Me and Andrew stared at each other.
It had been... what, like 30 minutes since the last call? The fuck?
Andrew raised his shoulders. I stood up and lifted the receptor.
"This is... um, XXX Exterminators. How can I help you?" I mumbled.
There was a pause on the other line, then heavy breathing.
"Sir? ... Madam? Are you okay? What happened?"
It fucking dragged something into the house.
"What do you mean? Who dragged what? Sir, be more precise."
Andrew's eyes widened. "What?" he whispered.
I shook my head and motioned to him to be quiet.
"Sir, what's going on?"
Something broke into my, my house. But there's two of them. Two... DISTINCT... bodies. Not a raccoon. Not a bird. No, and at first I thought there were two alive things, but as I listened more I realized one of them was... dragging the other. Across my attic. On my fucking ceiling. I don't even know how it got there... I ain't heard anything like climbing on the house... Like it just landed on the roof then dug down to the attic. I don't know.
"... Right."
No, I'm not done. I got scared shitless, because I thought it was a person at first. It sounded big enough to be a person. I was like, shit, it's a murderer, but that was until I heard it... eating.
*"*Eating? What do you mean?"
Andrew frowned. The fuck? he mouthed.
Yeah. I can hear this heavy thing eating right above me, and I hear the floorboard of the attic creaking. I'm afraid it's gonna come down. The thing is dragging something... heavy. Fucking hell... please just come. I wanted to call 911, but I know it's not human.
"All right. I will send someone right away. Address and name, please?"
"Who are you gonna send?" Andrew asked. "There's just us-"
Finnick Gallen. Pollen Street no. 11
Fuck me.
"Okay. Sir, we'll be on our way."
After I hung up, a moment of silence followed, where me and Andrew just stood there, perplexed.
"You know it's us that have to go there, right?" Andrew asked.
"I'd really rather not."
"Then call Walt. Ask him if they're finished there. Are the houses close to each other?"
"All three calls came from the same street. Pollen Street. Near the forest."
"Fuuck. Yeah, call them."
I dialed Walt's number. It took a while for him to pick up.
"Hi! Walt? You done there? Cause I got another call..."
"Liam, there was no one in that house."
My hand was shaking on the receptor. "What do you mean?"
"There was no creature, no person, nothing. However, the scene is rather... interesting. I'm afraid we'll be busy here for a while."
"The windows are broken. Furniture destroyed. The attic is covered in scratches and broken wood. And there's the blood... it's fresh. I don't know what happened here, but we need to find your caller. And the intruder. We're searching the property."
"Right." I responded, my mouth dry.
The third call had mentioned something dragging something else...
We need to find your caller.
I think I knew where he was.
I had never been so afraid. As me and Andrew put on our uniforms, I couldn't help but wonder if I should get the police involved. This was no snake, no fox, no bear. The most frustrating thing was that I didn't know what it was.
We took a deep breath and drove into the night.
Reached our destination pretty fast. I know what you'll say: if the houses' numbers were so close, why couldn't Walt just take a look at number 11 too? Well, the numbers were really far apart. This area wasn't so populated.
I reached this cabin with its lights on. We hesitated, then got out of the car and knocked on the door.
I got an instant response - Finnick opened, pale and shaking. "I am so, so glad you came."
I was used to clients being afraid. Finnick, however, was deeply shaken. His eyes were glossy and his movements irregular - he sensed the same thing I had, that something sinister was going on, but we couldn't quite label it out. I tried to remain calm.
"Sir, you can wait in the car if you want."
He didn't need to be told twice. Me and Andrew made our way upstairs, to the master bedroom.
The house looked pretty normal. Nothing out of place, and nothing broken like on number 7. The bedroom had old, creaking furniture and floors - it was undeniable that something was in the ceiling. I could hear the sound of something being torn apart, and scratching. So much scratching. The ceiling was old too, consisting in some slabs. Andrew and I took out our equipment, gathering our courage to go inside the attic.
Had the slabs always had this... red tint? I raised my hand and felt them - they were humid and smelled like metal.
"Andrew, get your gun."
Pulling the attic stairs down, I tried to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want to make our presence known.
As silent as we tried to be, the stairs creaked obnoxiously and I closed my eyes. Fuck.
The sounds upstairs stopped.
"Okay, you go first." I told Andrew.
"Fuck you", he responded, then disappeared into the darkness.
I heard his footsteps, then a loud, echoing scream that turned into an inhuman wail. My first instinct was to crouch and stay on the ground, with my hands on my ears. Then, I heard two gunshots and Andrew cursing.
More gunshots followed. Then, glass breaking and something batting its wings and wailing. The voice was not human, but had some inflexions of a woman - it made my skin crawl.
The attic window was broken, and the thing had flown away. I don't know why, but I pulled away the curtain to the bedroom and looked outside, for any signs of what it could have been.
When Andrew came back down, he was crying. I had never seen him cry.
"I saw it... I saw it... I saw hell, Liam. I looked right at it. I saw it happen."
The sweet smell from the attic made me gag. I put on my mask and went upstairs, leaving Andrew frozen, staring into a corner.
The light didn't work, so I had to use my flashlight. The floor was humid and darkened in blood, and the smell lingered, putrid and overwhelming. I couldn't understand at first what I was seeing, and at first it had no impact on me. I didn't realize I was staring at what would turn out to be the second caller.
I have never dealt with gore, so my head didn't know how to take it. I guess I knew in some sort of way that that inflated shape was supposed to be the head, and what was above it were the limbs... the stomach lay somewhere farther, and the torso was dug into. I was in shock, and the images just didn't seem real. Above the body, it had carved something on the wooden wall. Some symbol.
My face felt numb. Remaining in the same position, I made a call.
"Hey, Walt?"
"Are you guys done there?"
"Are you ok? You sound... weird."
"Yeah, um..." I blinked a few times, then cleared my voice. "Are you done there?"
"We didn't find anything. Did you guys do the other intervention?"
"Oh, yeah. We did."
"We found the caller. Not all of him, though. And the thing is gone now. Probably resting."
"Yeah. You might want to come."
Since then, I have been giving interviews non-stop. Asked to describe the three calls and our interventions. The creature. I told them everything.
Well, almost everything.
That night, I had looked through the window as an instinct.
I don't know why. You know how the most horrible things have a way of drawing you in.
Pulled the curtain, placed my face close to the window. I hadn't heard it fly away yet. I should have waited for it to leave.
In the darkness, I saw two eyes shimmering a few inches from mine, two eyes that looked so human, I almost thought it was my reflection I was seeing. Except, well, they were upside down, and the other parts of the face had been kind of carved into the flesh, with blood drained skin sort of stretched over them. Behind the head, large wings, made the same way. It turned its head so it wasn't upside down anymore, but the body remained exactly the same. I felt it had wanted to see me better.
Then, it pressed its forehead onto the glass. Fear paralyzed me, but I remained still. I hadn't known it had a mouth until then, when it smiled. It had no teeth, just more skin - not even gums, not even a tongue.
Then, it flew away. The rest of its body was stretched out, the limbs curved and molded from the grey flesh. I watched it disappear into the night, leaving nothing but a bloody stain on the window, where it's forehead had been.
I didn't get a lot of sleep after that. I was hesitant to return to the job, but I had no better option.
It has been exactly a week since then. As I am typing this, it is almost midnight, and I got a call earlier.
"Hello, this is XXX Exterminators, where the safety of your home is our priority. How can I help you today?"
There is something in my ceiling, scratching-
You didn't even let me finish! Pollen Street, no. 13-
*"*Ma'am, get out. Just leave. Trust me."
"Yeah, fuck no we ain't helping you with that. It's beyond us. That shit needs a priest."
Are you kidding?
As I hang up, I know we can't run from that forever.
And there's this other thing I know.
My address is Hamney Lane no. 34. Right across from Pollen Street.
submitted by EmmaWatsonButDumber to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:44 vistopher Setlist, Audio & Video Downloads, Stream, etc

Brought to you by

Hampton Coliseum - Night 1 - Hampton, VA - 5-31-2024

Video Download - Uncut - Full twitch VOD with the pre-set and intermission.
Audio Download - Full Audio Cut - one large file, pre-set and intermission removed
Stream the Twitch VOD - Stream the VOD before it's uploaded to youtube

Setlist by PLF Setlisters

SET 1 New (All I Ever Wanted) [26:14] Omega Children [33:30] New (A Trip Through Time) [44:35] How We Do [58:55] Time To Build A Home [1:10:20] Chasing Rainbows [1:24:3] High School Art Class [1:32:15] SET 2 Understand Me Now [2:21:26] Color of My Soul [2:34:12] Shining Bright Despite.. [2:46:41] So Bright [2:50:54] Analog Lullaby [2:59:26] Sound of Silence [3:06:53] New (Free) [3:18:15] MITMJ > [3:26:08] FAFO v Work It Swirl [3:32:48] Encore Who Loves Me > [3:45:21] Rockstar > Mothership Connection[3:50:45] I Know the Truth [3:57:11] 

Samples by PLF Setlisters

John Williams - The Mothership [24:25] :: New (All I Ever Wanted) Aaliyah – Try Again [27:02] ID "Put Your Hands in the Air" [30:10] Timbaland & Magoo - Drop [???] ID "??" [29:33] Joe - Stutter [30:46] :: Omega Children Dr. Dre - The Next Episode [34:22] Supremes – No Matter What Sign [36:29] BIG - Let's Get It On [39:07] Culture Power45 - Ride [39:31] Clark Sisters - Brought Sunshine [???] :: New (A Trip Through Time) Scorpio Dance - First Movement [44:33] Willie Hobbs - You Don't Know [45:34] Rogér Fakhr – Trip Thru Time [46:08] Jay Electronica – Letter To Falon[46:57] Country Joe - Bass Strings [47:26} ID [48:38] Artifacts – Ingredients to Time. [50:13] PL - Around The Block (Talib Kweli)[50:17] :: How We Do ID "Now How Do You Like That" [59:31] ID "Mental Energy" [1:01:13] Chris Brown - Look At Me Now [1:02:20] David Bowie - Moonage Daydream [1:05:41] Sesame St - Someday Little Children[1:06:40] Maxfield - Fiesty Mallard [] [] :: Time To Build A Home Common - All Night Long [~1:12:xx] Guru – Lost Souls? [~1:13:22] Beastie Boys – Takes Time to Build [1:19:32] :: Chasing Rainbows [1:29:33] :: High School Art Class [1:35:50] Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart [] Axel F [] [1:43:27] :: Understand Me Now Chris De Burgh - Spaceman Traveling[2:21:26] Atmosphere - God's Bathroom Floor [2:22:53] Bee Cola [2:29:45] ID Got to Understand [2:30:10] ID Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood [2:31:48] :: Color of My Soul Common - The 6th Sense [2:35:22] ID "Baby" [2:37:40] [2:42:48] :: Shining Bright Despite the Plight Sesame St - Live on the Moon [2:43:41] ID Shining Baby (below samples) [2:45:58] Z-Ro – Still Shinin' [] :: So Bright The Kinks - Supersonic Rocket Ship [] :: Sound of Silence Travis Scott- Goosebumps [] Trick Daddy - Shut Up [3:10:56] DJ Shadow – Nobody Speak [3:13:08] :: New (Free) The Prodigy – Out of Space [3:18:40] J5 - Freedom [] BUMS - Elevation (Free My Mind) [] :: MITMJ ID "Yall ready for this" [3:26:33] Phil Gonzo - FAFO [] Missy Elliot - Work It [] Sean Paul- Gimme the Light [] Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman [] :: Who Loves Me Brownstone - If You Love Me? [3:47:03] Rihanna – Disturbia [3:50:25] NERD - Rockstar [3:50:45] Parliament - Mothership Connection [3:52:58] Pink Floyd – Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 :: I Know The Truth Rick Ross - Hustlin [4:02:20] Lil Wayne - A Milli [4:02:50] Ann Peebles - Can't Stand the Rain [4:03:17] 
submitted by vistopher to prettylights [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 Pizuna T20 World Cup 2024: Turn Your Home into a Stadium with Family, Friends, and Pizuna Cotton!

T20 World Cup 2024: Turn Your Home into a Stadium with Family, Friends, and Pizuna Cotton!
Greetings Fellow Cricket Fans,
The ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 is here, and the electricity's practically buzzing off the lampposts! But listen, tickets to the stadium can cost more than a king's ransom (okay, maybe not a king's, but definitely a knight's). Fear not, cricket fanatics! Your home can be just as electrifying (and way comfier, let's be honest) for a fraction of the price. Here's how to turn your living room into the ultimate cricket stadium, complete with the perfect sleep solution from Pizuna Cotton – because cheering on your team takes energy, and victory naps are a must!
Home is Where the Heart (and the true Cricket Fan) Is
For most of us, our living or bed rooms become the stadium during the T20 World Cup. Here's how to transform your home into a cheering haven:
• Unleash Your Team Spirit: Decorate your room with team colors, flags, posters, or even make your own banners!
• Snack Time! Get creative with cricket-themed snacks.
• Get Interactive: Make the experience fun for everyone!
Pizuna Cotton: The MVP of Your Home Stadium
The excitement of the T20 World Cup can keep you on the edge of your seat late into the night. But a good night's sleep is crucial, especially during a high-stakes tournament.
• Natural Comfort: Pizuna Cotton sheets are made from 100% natural cotton, known for its breathability and temperature regulation. Stay cool and comfortable throughout the entire nail-biting match.
• Soft Touch: The luxurious softness of Pizuna Cotton pampers your skin, ensuring a truly relaxing sleep experience.
• Durable Quality: These high-quality sheets are built to last, celebrating countless cricket victories.
Beyond the Game: Sleep Hygiene for Cricket Fans
Even during the World Cup, prioritize good sleep hygiene
• Set a Sleep Schedule: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, This helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.
• Power Down Before Bed: Avoid screen time for at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt sleep patterns.
• Create a Relaxing Routine: Develop a bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing yogic breathing.
Pizuna Cotton: Dream of Victory While You Sleep
With Pizuna Cotton sheets and a commitment to good sleep hygiene, you can experience the T20 World Cup to the fullest. Cheer on your team with all your heart, then drift off to sleep dreaming of victory. You'll wake up refreshed and ready for the forthcoming matches.
Don't forget to share your World Cup experience with us on social media! Tag us u/pizuna / PiZzuna and use #SleepVictory #T20WorldCup, #LoveForCricket, #WorldCricket, #ChaseMasters and #HomeStadiumCricket. We might just feature you on our page!
Now, get ready to roar for your team! Let's make this World Cup a victory to remember, even if you're cheering from the comfort of your home stadium!
submitted by Pizuna to PiZzuna [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:04 askandexplain2 Kenmore Elite HE3t: Dispenser, what goes where?

Kenmore Elite HE3t: Dispenser, what goes where?
So I rent, and my house has a Kenmore Elite HE3T washer. The picture shows the current dispenser. However, I am unsure where to put the bleach, and liquid fabric softener, and if the current setup is okay for liquid and powder detergent or just one. The current dispenser setup has 3 slots. I am confused as the manual seems to say two different things.
So first I know the detergent goes in the first, bottom left slot (in the attached picture).
However, for bleach it is confusing. The manual says "Liquid or powdered color-safe bleach may be added to the Main Wash compartment along with the same type of detergent, liquid or powdered."
The manual seems to imply that there is a specific bleach compartment. And fabric softener compartment.
So based on the 3 slot setup where does everything go?
I should note, my landlord used to have the dispenser shown in the second picture from the manual but he switched it out for some reason. He couldn't help me as he doesn't seem to use bleach, and uses dryer sheets while I want to use liquid softener. He only knows/ cares about the detergent. Also, I use liquid detergent while he uses powder. See the conundrum? lol I am considering switching to powder.
submitted by askandexplain2 to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 DivineGodDeity Battle of the Queens

Battle of the Queens
1 - Who is the most beautiful ? 2 - Who is the most powerful ?
Is it Hera the Supreme Queen of the Heavens, the Queen of Olympus and Queen of the gods ? 👑🦚✨🪷
Or Persephone the dread queen of the Underworld and the queen of the dead ? 👑💀🥀🍂
You already know my answer 🤭💅🏼 Let me know in the comment section and Vote here :
submitted by DivineGodDeity to BloodofZeus [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 tomatobee613 [homemade] bruschetta chicken, Parmesan roasted asparagus, and pasta salad

[homemade] bruschetta chicken, Parmesan roasted asparagus, and pasta salad submitted by tomatobee613 to food [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:55 REGZBY_ Cheap commissions OPEN

Payment only via PayPal, DM me for more info/ of you're interested!
submitted by REGZBY_ to hireanartist [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 Strong_Parsley_420 Scammed fans at festival in NY

So I was a pretty big fan I won’t lie. But I bought tickets to see her in New York and after the experience I can’t say I’m a fan of the person she turned out to be. A place called Electric Echo Park in Bainbridge NY booked her for a 4/20 hippie fest on the lake. They paid her $15,000 to play. They thought she’d fit the scene and generate a lot of traffic. Well she cancelled the show hours before she was supposed to show. All her fans, including me were already there. There were even people who came from out of the country to see her. She posted this very short video on her insta story that most people didn’t even catch before it disappeared saying she couldn’t come because her flight from the west coast to the east coast lost her bags. She had very little regard for letting her fans know she wasn’t going to show up. Then she told everyone to get a refund from the venue. She spent days asking for more money and a large tip according to the owners and then didn’t even show and left them without a headliner for a festival on a Saturday night. She refused for days to pay them back even though she told everyone to ask them for refunds, they directed her to Shanin who had actually had the money they paid for tickets. I think she did eventually pay them back like a week later. This is a smaller venue trying to get up and running and the owners were very dope and accommodating to all. They thought she’d actually be a cool hippie chick and turned out she was not. She basically was going to take them under. They believed she booked with no intentions of ever showing. The workers I talked to who corresponded with her said she had list upon lists of requests like specific sheets in a specific color of black, obscure grocery items, even down to pick these colored candies out of the bowl. They said she was a total nightmare and was frankly a total bitch. They searched high and low for her requirements so only for her to not show up and leave them to foot that bill. This venue is totally sick and up and coming. The owners were ACTUAL gracious hippies and they didn’t deserve any of this bullshit. It really changed my perspective of her and made me realize as a person she is bad vibes entirely and does not fit the music she makes or persona she portrays. It was a total bummer honestly. But nonetheless it was still a sweet show. Cowboy Killer came back for another night to headline in her place and they were probably better than she could have been anyways. If you’ve not heard of this venue and are in the NY area definitely check them out. They were amazing and did everything in their power to make sure we still had a blast despite the shit storm of Shanin Flake.
submitted by Strong_Parsley_420 to ShaninBlake [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:41 REGZBY_ Cheap commissions OPEN

Cheap commissions OPEN
Payment only via PayPal, DM me for more info/ of you're interested!
submitted by REGZBY_ to ArtSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 REGZBY_ Cheap commissions OPEN

Cheap commissions OPEN
Payment only via PayPal, DM me for more info/ of you're interested!
submitted by REGZBY_ to Artists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 REGZBY_ Cheap commissions OPEN!

Cheap commissions OPEN!
Payment only via PayPal, DM me for more info/ of you're interested!
submitted by REGZBY_ to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:31 GabrielArts [FOR HIRE] EMERGENCY! I can draw your oc and more stuff! Call me DM for more information! DISCOUNT 15$! 1 SLOTS!

[FOR HIRE] EMERGENCY! I can draw your oc and more stuff! Call me DM for more information! DISCOUNT 15$! 1 SLOTS!
[FOR HIRE] EMERGENCY! I can draw your oc and more stuff! Call me DM for more information! DISCOUNT 15$! 1 SLOTS!
submitted by GabrielArts to artcommission [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 LazyTerrestrian Baking from camera view

Some months ago I saw a video on YouTube explaining how to bake a sculpted trim sheet (basicaly a "flat" surface with some geometry above) with the camera pointing to it, so he could get the color data from meshes materials to an image file.
Thing is, I can't find it anymore, does any of you know how is that method called? I made a wall using the Wall Factory and wanted to bake the textures out of its mesh but now I'm left with a useless model because can't remember the method not find the video 🥲
submitted by LazyTerrestrian to blender [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 barkiny2199 [Browser][2010s?] kinda DnD style game that i can't remember the name of

Platform: Browser
Genre: DnD style (you had a character sheet with stats to choose when levelling up)
Estimated year of release: release could probably date back to 2000-2010s but i played it around 2015 i think
Graphics/art style: The site had this yellow parchmenty color palette with the intention of really making it look like old scribblings on a scroll i think but not sure if i remember this correctly. The art style was meant to be brutal and realistic with your character having a detailed but not too realish picture of gladiator and even though not sure i think the monsters you fought like rats for example had their realistic pictures as well.
Notable characters: you had the option to choose how your character looked like at the start but the main theme was always gladiators, what i mean is half naked man with armor pieces and weapons. I only recall fighting rats and seeing their picture(?) but no other characters than them
Notable gameplay mechanics: As i said it was kinda DnDish where u created a character and it gave you your character sheet with stats to level up and choose from. The combat also took place in an action log where it wrote "Anon attacked for 5 dmg" or "Rat took 6 dmg" and such but no animation or anything played it was all written out. You also got equipments i think from defeating monster and could equip them but im not really sure about that
Other details: It was my friend who recommended the game to me so I think there may be some online friendship mechanic that I was not aware of at the moment but again definetly not sure about this
submitted by barkiny2199 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:12 GouTheIncubus Fleas driving me insane

So a few days ago I noticed two fleas on me and then another and then more so I just spent an entire day cleaning dusting my room as well as cleaning my sheets and pillow covers aswell as hoovering my entire carpet and bombing my room in raid and then I got in my bed within less than five minutes I had 2 on me and I haven't even bee able to sleep now for 2 days due to these fuckers what do you recommend we do?
Also should say we can't hire an exterminator
submitted by GouTheIncubus to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:16 MindControlExpert Me trying to sing DREAM OF THE ROOD 1st 30 lines approximately

I'm a pretty decent country singer who learned Old English a long time ago when it was a focus in college. I was inspired to try singing DREAM OF THE ROOD today, I think the oldest still existing gospel lyric sheet in English. Obviously, there's not much to go on. I tried to imagine my guitar like a bard's instrument and sang how it felt it. I hope you all like it. Singing these you see them a little differently. Cheers. I was on my porch and the light was dim, so I lost the thread a couple of times, but I think it was an interesting experiment.
Dream of the Rood as sung by MindControlExpert
Here is the part I got through.
Translated by Roy M. Liuzza Listen! I will speak of the sweetest dream, what came to me in the middle of the night, when speech-bearers slept in their rest. It seemed that I saw a most wondrous tree raised on high, wound round with light, the brightest of beams. All that beacon was covered in gold; gems stood fair at the earth’s corners, and there were five up on the cross-beam. All the angels of the Lord looked on; fair through all eternity; that was no felon’s gallows, but holy spirits beheld him there, men over the earth and all this glorious creation. Wondrous was the victory-tree, and I was stained by sins, wounded with guilt; I saw the tree of glory honored in garments, shining with joys, bedecked with gold; gems had covered worthily the Creator’s tree. And yet beneath that gold I began to see an ancient wretched struggle, when it first began to bleed on the right side. I was all beset with sorrows, fearful for that fair vision; I saw that eager beacon change garments and colors––now it was drenched, stained with blood, now bedecked with treasure. And yet, lying there a long while, I beheld in sorrow the Savior’s tree until I heard it utter a sound; that best of woods began to speak words: “It was so long ago––I remember it still–– that I was felled from the forest’s edge, ripped up from my roots. Strong enemies seized me there, made me their spectacle, made me bear their criminals;
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2024.06.01 06:58 GhoulGriin Best 380 Reloading Dies

Best 380 Reloading Dies
If you're a seasoned gun enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of reloading, the 380 Reloading Dies is a must-have tool in your arsenal. In this article, we've rounded up the top 380 Reloading Dies on the market, catering to a variety of shooters' preferences and budgets. From the basic to the high-tech, we've got you covered. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the world of 380 Reloading Dies.

The Top 17 Best 380 Reloading Dies

  1. Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading - The Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set for .45-70 Government offers an all-in-one solution for perfect reloading, featuring a full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, factory crimp die, and a universal shell holder.
  2. Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading - Experience efficient and effective reloading with the Lee Precision Deluxe 4 Die Carbide Set - the perfect solution for .38 Special ammunition!
  3. Efficient Carbide Reloading Dies for 5.7 X 28 Ammo - Experience the precision and durability of the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm, ideal for efficient reloading with its universal shell holder, powder dipper, and comprehensive load data sheet.
  4. High-Quality RCBS 3-Die Set for 5.7 x 28 Reloading - The RCBS Lott 3-Die Set offers a top-quality, 5.7 x 28 reloading system that includes dies for size, expander, and seater, resulting in a professional, crimp-free finish for your ammunition.
  5. Precision Pacesetter Dies for .223 Caliber - High-Quality Reloading Solution - Experience top-quality reloading with the Lee Precision PaceSetter Dies .223, featuring a unique factory crimp die, exceptional storage box, and a wide range of crimping options.
  6. Precision 338 Lapua 2 Die Set for Reloading - Lee Precision's 338 Lapua 2 Die Set offers affordable 2-Die sets with premium features and quality, perfect for reloaders on odd or obsolete calibers.
  7. Lee Precision Deluxe 4-Die Set for 350 Legend Reloading - Upgrade your reloading process with the Lee Precision 4 Die Set 380 Auto — a comprehensive, high-quality set featuring carbide-enhanced dies and simplified adjustment, resulting in perfect, reliable ammunition.
  8. Match Grade 338 Lapua Magnum Reloading Die Set with MicroJust Seating Die - The Hornady 338 Lapua Mag Match Grade 2 Die Set delivers seamless brass handling, adjustable bullet seating, and precise neck sizing to ensure superior match-grade accuracy for your 350 Legend loads.
  9. Lee Precision .38 Special Powder Through Expanding Die for Reloading - Efficiently charge cases and expand mouths with the Lee Precision 38SP Powder Thru Expanding Die, featuring a made-in-USA design for ultimate reloading convenience.
  10. Precision 7.62 x39 Reloading Dies Set for Exceptional Performance - Lyman Pro Die Pack offers superior precision and durability for reloading 7.62x39 cartridges, backed by stainless steel material, carbonite neck sizing, and enhanced bullet seating technology.
  11. Lee Precision 38-40 WCF Steel 3-Die Set for Reloading - Lee Precision's 3-Die Set for .38-40 WCF ammunition provides easy decapping, sizing, powder charging, bullet seating, and crimping on the press, making it a versatile choice for reloading enthusiasts.
  12. Precision 380 ACP Reloading Die with Adjustable Micrometer Seating for Accurate Bullet Seating - The Lyman Pro Micrometer Seating Die 380 (7704360) ensures precise bullet seating with minimal run-out, featuring a micrometer-adjustable seating head and a floating bullet seating punch, all while being built from corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
  13. RCBS 380 Carbide 3 Die Set for Easy Reloading - Elevate your reloading experience with the RCBS 20415 Carbide 3 Die Set 380, delivering unparalleled precision, durability, and ease of use for all straight-wall rifle and pistol cases.
  14. .452 Hand I Sizing Die for Rifle and Pistol Calibers - For hassle-free bullet sizing and lubrication, the Lyman .452 Hand I Sizing Die is the perfect choice for 380 reloading dies, featuring 90-degree hole spacing and a tapered mouth for optimal alignment.
  15. Lyman 380 Auto Carbide Pistol Die Set - Precision, versatility, and consistency: the Lyman 380 Auto Carbide 3 Die Set delivers top-quality rounds for bullseye, action, and cowboy shooting enthusiasts.
  16. High-Quality 380 ACP Reloading Dies with Smart Lock Breech Bushings & Enhanced Features - Get precision reloading with the durable 4-Die Set for 380 Auto (ACP) pistols, featuring color-coded bushings, a versatile seating die, and compatibility with major press brands.
  17. Stainless Steel Reloading Dies for 380 Auto - Experience ultimate durability and precision with the Lyman Stainless Pro Carbide Sizing Die 380 Auto - the perfect choice for serious reloaders seeking exceptional performance and anti-corrosion protection.
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🔗Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading
When I first got my hands on the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set, I was impressed with the sturdy construction. This set has everything you need for handloading your. 45-70 Government rounds, without any need for additional accessories. I appreciated the inclusion of the Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die, which allowed for easy sizing without having to buy that separately.
One thing that stood out was the versatility of this product. With its included powder dipper and shell holder, it was a breeze to charge and seat my bullets, making handloading as simple as can be. Add that to the reliable crimping process and it was hard to find any faults.
However, like any product, it wasn't without its quirks. I found that the included Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die required careful lubrication before use and needed the cases to be cleaned before charging. It also didn't come with a factory crimp die, which added an extra step to the process.
All in all, the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set was a reliable addition to my reloading kit. With its robust construction, versatile capabilities, and reasonable price, it's a product that any serious handloader should consider. Just remember that with any reloading equipment, patience, and attention to detail are key to ensuring a seamless process.

🔗Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading
When I decided to take up reloading my own ammunition, I knew I needed a reliable and efficient set of dies. That's when I stumbled upon the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set. I was immediately attracted to its four-die set, which included a carbide sizing die, a bullet seating die, a powder thru expanding die, and a carbide factory crimp die. The set is perfect for effectively and efficiently reusing my ammunition.
One of the things that stood out to me was the air-tight, low profile box that the dies come in. It keeps the dies organized and preserved, so they're always ready to use. The dies themselves are high quality and easy to set up, ensuring a smooth and efficient reloading process.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The instructions could be clearer at times, and I found that I needed to thoroughly clean the dies with lacquer thinner to ensure accurate adjustments and prevent any issues with powder flow. The locking rings also took some getting used to, but after a little practice, I was able to easily switch between calibers on my Lee turret press.
Overall, the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set has been a reliable and efficient addition to my reloading setup. It's a great value for the price and has lived up to my expectations. I would definitely recommend it to fellow reloaders looking for a high-quality and cost-effective set of dies.

🔗Efficient Carbide Reloading Dies for 5.7 X 28 Ammo
I recently got my hands on the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10mm, and let me tell you, it's been quite the experience. First off, the packaging was quite impressive - the dies were neatly arranged in a small, sturdy box. The manual and load data sheet were a nice touch too.
One of the features that stood out to me was the universal shell holder, which made it a breeze to start reloading my ammo. It took me back to the old days when people had to go through the hassle of finding the right components and assembling them by hand. The powder dipper was a real game-changer; it's like a whole new level of precision in reloading.
As for the dies themselves, they were durable and easy to use. The carbide full length sizing die was really impressive - no more issues with stripped lock screws! The powder through expanding die bullet seating die worked like a charm, ensuring accurate and consistent crimping. The universal shell holder was a bit fiddly at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was a smooth operation.
That's not to say there weren't a few cons. The instruction manual could have been more detailed, particularly when it came to adjusting the die. And the seating/crimping die took some fiddling around before I achieved consistent results, especially when I tried to do both at the same time.
Overall, though, it's been a positive experience. The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10mm does a great job of making reloading more efficient and reliable. I'd definitely consider investing in more sets for the future. A five out of five for me!

🔗High-Quality RCBS 3-Die Set for 5.7 x 28 Reloading
I recently had the chance to try out the RCBS Lott 3-Die Set, and let me tell you, it was quite an experience. This set includes a Group C die, a Sizer die, an Expander die, and a Seater die, all of which are essential for any gunsmithing workshop.
One of the standout features of this set is the 3-Die roll crimp, which adds a professional touch to your reloading dies. The quality of the dies is top-notch, and the fact that they are made in the United States only adds to their appeal.
While the RCBS Lott 3-Die Set is a great addition to any gun enthusiast's arsenal, there are a few drawbacks to note. For instance, the dies may require some adjustment to get the perfect fit, which can be a bit frustrating. Additionally, the price point may be a bit steep for some users, particularly those just starting out in the reloading world.
Overall, if you're looking for a high-quality set of dies to take your reloading game to the next level, the RCBS Lott 3-Die Set is definitely worth considering. While there are a few minor drawbacks, the pros far outweigh the cons in this case.

🔗Precision Pacesetter Dies for .223 Caliber - High-Quality Reloading Solution
As a frequent reloader, I've had the pleasure of using the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies for. 223. These dies have been an essential part of my reloading process, offering a great balance between affordability and performance.
Upon first use, the quality of these dies became apparent. The crimp die and roll crimper allowed me to achieve consistent ammunition with ease. However, one area where these dies excel is with full-length sizing. By performing this step in a Lee single stage press followed by a turret press, I've been able to achieve optimal accuracy for a reasonable price.
The storage box is another highlight, designed to keep the dies safe and organized. The fact that Lee includes a powder dipper and load data also adds value to the product.
However, there is one potential downside to consider: the depriming arm can sometimes come loose during use. This issue may cause inconvenience for those looking for a smoother reloading experience. Despite this minor drawback, I would still highly recommend the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies to any reloader looking for affordability without sacrificing quality.

🔗Precision 338 Lapua 2 Die Set for Reloading
I recently got my hands on the Lee Precision 338 Lapua 2 die set and let me tell you, it's been a game changer. This set includes all the essentials - a sizer and bullet seater die, as well as a powder dipper and the correct shell holder. The best part? It's half the price of its competitors, without sacrificing on quality.
One of the features that really stood out to me is the built-in roll crimp. It ensures my cartridges are secure and ready for some serious shooting. The storage box is a thoughtful addition, keeping everything neat and organized when it's not in use.
However, there are a couple of downsides too. I noticed that it doesn't come with a factory crimp die, which could be a deal-breaker for some. Also, it's missing load data which isn't ideal for those unfamiliar with odd or obsolete calibers.
Overall, the Lee Precision 338 Lapua 2 die set is a solid choice for anyone looking for an affordable and reliable way to reload their ammo. With its accurate sizing and seating, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Lee Precision Deluxe 4-Die Set for 350 Legend Reloading
I've been using the Lee Precision 4 Die Set for my 380 Auto rounds, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my reloading process. The highlight for me has been the inclusion of the factory crimp die, which simplifies the adjustment process and ensures that my rounds chamber properly in my gun.
Using the universal shell holder as well as the powder dipper has made loading easier and more precise. The carbide dies, including the full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, and powder thru expanding die, have been incredibly durable and reliable.
However, I did notice that the resizing and depriming die wasn't as smooth as I'd hoped. It required a bit more force to secure the brass properly. Additionally, some users mentioned that the recapping pins could be cheaper for the price paid.
Overall, the Lee Precision 4 Die Set has been a valuable addition to my reloading setup, saving me money in the long run. The simplicity of the die set and the factory crimp die have made the reloading process more accessible and enjoyable.

🔗Match Grade 338 Lapua Magnum Reloading Die Set with MicroJust Seating Die
The Hornady 338 Lapua Mag Match Grade 2 Die Set has been a part of my daily reloading routine for quite some time now. From the beautifully crafted design of the die set to the easy-to-use features, it has made the process of loading ammunition a delightful experience.
One aspect that really stood out to me was the interchangeable self-centering neck size bushings. This feature ensures that you never end up oversizing the case necks or overworking the brass. It's like having a perfect assistant who knows exactly what needs to be done.
The micro-just in-line bullet seating die has been a game-changer. It allows for incredibly precise adjustments to the bullet seating depth, which results in match-grade accuracy without having to fiddle around with multiple dies. This, combined with the full-length sizer and seater, makes it a top choice for anyone looking for top-tier reloading equipment.
While there are no issues with the storage box, it would have been even better if the shell holder was included. A minor inconvenience that can be easily addressed with an additional purchase.
The lack of die-locking rings can be a little frustrating, as it requires a bit of extra precision to make sure everything stays aligned. However, with a bit of practice, this issue can be overcome.
In conclusion, the Hornady 338 Lapua Mag Match Grade 2 Die Set is an excellent choice for those looking for match-grade reloading equipment. With its precision-engineered components and user-friendly design, it sets a high standard for what to expect from a high-quality die set.

🔗Lee Precision .38 Special Powder Through Expanding Die for Reloading
In my experience, the Lee Precision 38SP Powder Thru Expanding Die has quickly become a vital component in my reloading arsenal. This made-in-USA die is designed to charge the case while expanding the case mouth for seamless and efficient powder funnel use. While working with it, I immediately appreciated the precision and quality that Lee Precision has to offer.
One of the standout features is its compatibility with various powder measure systems, such as the Auto Disk or Pro Auto Disk Powder Measure, which allows for fully automatic powder charging while case mouth expansion. The use of the Powder Funnel adapter further enhances the overall reloading experience.
However, one minor drawback is the necessity of a shell holder, which is sold separately. Despite this minor inconvenience, the Lee Precision. 38 Special Powder Thru Expanding Die remains an invaluable tool for any serious reloader. The high-quality construction, ease of use, and compatibility with various accessories make it a must-have addition to any reloading setup.

🔗Precision 7.62 x39 Reloading Dies Set for Exceptional Performance
Introducing the Lyman Pro Die Pack, a versatile and powerful addition to your press reloading toolkit. Crafted with your Mark 7 press in mind, every aspect of these dies was meticulously engineered to deliver top-notch performance. While they're perfectly suited for Mark 7 presses, they also work seamlessly with regular progressive presses, turret presses, and even single station presses.
The Lyman Pro Die Pack boasts dies made of stainless steel for its resilience and rust resistance. It's great to see durable and anti-corrosion materials in action. The Lyman Pro even goes the extra mile with highly polished carbide rings on the sizing dies, offering unparalleled wear resistance and reduced sizing force. The spring-loaded decapping rod system ensures the primer is ejected from the primer pocket with force, eliminating any potential misfire.
In the Lyman Pro Die Pack, the M die neck expander stands out. It has a specially designed two-step expander plug, ensuring just the right amount of neck tension and flair for your case mouths. The pistol sets include flare dies, designed to let bullets sit securely on the case mouth before being seated.
The Micrometer Seating die, a standout feature, impresses with a micrometer adjustable seating head. It guarantees precision bullet seating length and a floating bullet seating punch that centers your bullet with pinpoint accuracy. Lastly, each set comes with a taper crimp die, micrometer adjustable, which fully removes any case mouth flare and provides improved bullet retention.
However, like any review, there are pros and cons to consider. While the Lyman Pro Die Pack delivers exceptional performance with its array of features, it may lack compatibility with certain cartridge types. Always ensure it matches your intended use. Overall, the Lyman Pro Die Pack is a reliable and robust choice for reloaders looking for top-tier performance.

🔗Lee Precision 38-40 WCF Steel 3-Die Set for Reloading
Recently, I tried out the Lee Precision. 38-40 WCF Steel 3-Die set and it has become part of my daily life. This 3-Die set is fantastic for reloading your ammunition, as it allows me to decap, size, powder charge, seat bullets, and crimp them all on the same press, eliminating the need for a separate taper crimp die. The Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die is also included, but note that it requires lubrication before it can be used.
One of my favorite highlights of this excellent set is its versatility – no matter your brass's condition, this set can give it a new life. I also appreciate that it comes with a shell holder for free, which gives me more value for my money.
However, there is one small downside: lubrication is required when using the dies. It's a simple process but it's still something to keep in mind. Other than that, the Lee Precision 3 Die Set 38-40 has impressed me greatly and solidified its place in my reloading routine.

🔗Precision 380 ACP Reloading Die with Adjustable Micrometer Seating for Accurate Bullet Seating
The Lyman Pro Micrometer Seating Die has been a game-changer in my bullet seating process. I've been using it for my 380 ACP cartridges, and the precision and ease of use are unmatched. The floating bullet seating punch centers the bullet on the case, minimizing run-out. The micrometer adjustable seating head allows me to easily adjust the bullet seating depth by simply turning the head.
The die is built with corrosion-resistant stainless steel, ensuring it withstands the test of time and looks brand new even after years of use. The storage box is a nice touch, keeping everything organized and clean. While the die is a bit heavy, it does its job well and is well worth the investment for the accuracy it provides. Overall, a great product for any serious reloader looking for precision in their bullet seating process.

🔗RCBS 380 Carbide 3 Die Set for Easy Reloading
The RCBS Carbide 3 Die Set for 380 ACP is a game-changer for ammo enthusiasts. After months of using these dies, I can confidently say they're built to withstand the toughest outdoor conditions. With their carbide sizer, expander, and seater dies, I'm able to achieve top-quality results every single time.
One aspect I love about this set is the lack of need for case lubrication. Not only does it save time, but it also keeps my cases in prime condition. The 3-die taper crimp set works seamlessly, providing the necessary precision for all my ammo needs.
While I've had great success with this set, there were moments where it felt like a bit of trial and error. The bullet seating crimp die has the potential to damage cases if not handled correctly. And though the instruction manual can be a bit confusing at times, I've learned to trust my own reloading techniques after seeking advice from experienced friends.
One thing I wish came with the set is a storage box. After purchasing one separately, I found it to be a great solution to keeping all my dies organized and protected when not in use.
Overall, the RCBS Carbide 3 Die Set for 380 ACP is a strong contender among reloading dies. With a bit of practice and patience, you can reap the rewards of high-quality ammo for years to come.

🔗.452 Hand I Sizing Die for Rifle and Pistol Calibers
I recently had the chance to use the Lyman. 452 Hand I Sizing Die in my own reloading process, and let me tell you, this thing sure makes a difference. The highlight that instantly caught my attention was the tapered mouth and hardened interior, ensuring proper alignment for a cylindrical shape. It made the task of sizing and lubricating my bullets a breeze.
However, as with any product, there are pros and cons. While I love how the extra lube hole allows me to use cast lubricants, I wish it was more compatible with other punches. But overall, the Lyman. 452 Hand I Sizing Die has made a positive impact on my reloading experience.

🔗Lyman 380 Auto Carbide Pistol Die Set
My experience with the Lyman 380 Auto Carbide 3 Die Set has been quite positive. In my daily life, I found these dies to be versatile and efficient in creating high-quality ammo for various shooting activities. As a pistol reloader, I appreciated the inclusion of a Tungsten Carbide sizing die and a two-step neck expanding m die for proper bullet alignment.
The bullet seating die roll crimp bullets securely and the provided bullet seating screws offered an added bonus, accommodating both round nose and truncated cone bullets. However, I did notice that the bullet seating die had a slightly rougher finish compared to other Lyman products.
Overall, these dies have significantly improved my reloading process, delivering consistent quality ammo. They fit seamlessly with my reloading press and the included tools made the process even smoother. Though the finish of some components could be improved, the Lyman 380 Auto Carbide 3 Die Set has proven to be a reliable and efficient choice for serious shooters seeking high-performance ammo.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to 380 reloading dies, there are a few important features and considerations to keep in mind. These dies can help you save money by reloading your own ammunition, but they also require some knowledge and skill. Let's dive into the details of 380 reloading dies and what you should look for when purchasing.

Important Features

  • Material: Look for dies made from high-quality materials, such as steel or aluminum, to ensure durability and longevity of the product.
  • Design: The design of the die should be made to accommodate the specific 380 cartridge, ensuring accurate sizing and proper function during the reloading process.
  • Resizing: The resizing feature of the die is essential in resizing the brass case, which helps maintain proper chamber dimensions and ensures the cartridge can be reused.
  • Priming: The priming system should provide consistent and reliable priming, ensuring the ammunition functions as expected during firing.
  • Diameter Control: The die should have the appropriate diameter control, making sure the bullet is seated correctly in the case and maintaining correct overall diameter for safety reasons.
  • Safety: The dies should be designed to prevent any malfunctions or issues during the reloading process, ensuring the safety of the user and others around.


  • Compatibility: Make sure the dies you purchase are compatible with both your 380 firearm and the specific ammunition you intend to reload.
  • Experience Level: Consider your level of reloading experience, as some dies can be more complex or difficult for a beginner to use.
  • Price and Value: Compare the price of 380 reloading dies from different manufacturers to find the best value that meets your needs and budget.

General Advice

When shopping for 380 reloading dies, it is essential to take your time and do your research. Compare different brands and models, and read reviews from other users to get a better understanding of the pros and cons of each option. Additionally, don't forget to properly maintain your dies and follow all safety guidelines during the reloading process.
Remember, reloading ammunition can be both rewarding and dangerous if not done correctly. Always follow safety guidelines and invest in quality equipment to ensure the best results for both you and your firearm.
When you're in the market for 380 reloading dies, consider the important features, such as materials, design, and safety, as well as compatibility and your level of experience. With the right information and the right products, you can successfully reload your own 380 ammunition and save money in the long run.


What are the best 380 reloading dies to use?

The top 380 reloading dies are the Lee Precision 380 Auto Bushing Die, the RCBS 380 Auto Magnum Die, and the Dillon RST 380 Auto Die. Each of these dies is known for its durability, ease of use, and precision, making them the go-to choices for reloading enthusiasts.

What are the differences between the Lee Precision, RCBS, and Dillon RST 380 Auto Dies?

  • Lee Precision 380 Auto Bushing Die: This die is known for its affordability and simplicity. It uses a standard 7/8-24 die thread, and it can handle both semi-automatic and revolver-fired 380 ACP cases.
  • RCBS 380 Auto Magnum Die: This die is a bit more expensive, but it offers more versatility. It works with both semi-automatic and revolver-fired 380 ACP cases and is designed for the Magnum version of the cartridge. It features an adjustable bushing system that allows for precision sizing and crimping.
  • Dillon RST 380 Auto Die: This is the most advanced and expensive option on the list. It is designed for high production runs and features a rotary case tumbler and automatic indexing system. It can handle both semi-automatic and revolver-fired 380 ACP cases.

What is the difference between the 380 ACP and 380 Auto Magnum?

The main difference between the 380 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) and 380 Auto Magnum lies in the case length and design. The 380 ACP has a case length of 0.840 inches, while the 380 Auto Magnum has a case length of 1.035 inches. This longer case length allows for greater powder capacity and thus increased performance. Many 380 Auto Magnum loads are also more powerful than their 380 ACP counterparts.

What tools do I need for reloading 380 ACP or 380 Auto Magnum ammo?

To get started with reloading 380 ammo, you will need the following essential tools: a reloading press, dies (Lee Precision, RCBS, or Dillon RST 380 Auto Dies), a set of reloading components (brass, primer, powder, and bullet), a scale, and a shell holder. Additional tools, such as a case trimmer, shell holder cutter, deburring tool, and bullet puller, may be required depending on the condition of your brass and the specific needs of your reloading setup.

How do I choose the right bullet weight and powder charge for 380 reloading?

The load data for 380 reloading varies depending on the specific caliber and bullet type used. It is essential to consult an up-to-date reloading manual or online load data resource to find the appropriate bullet weight and powder charge for your load. Factors to consider when selecting a bullet weight include bullet type (full metal jacket, hollow point, etc. ), case length, and desired ballistic performance. The powder charge should be selected based on the desired velocity and pressure level, and it should always be within the manufacturer's recommended range for the specific cartridge.

What is the difference between single-stage and progressive reloading presses?

  • Single-stage reloading press: This press uses individual stations for each reloading operation (depriming, sizing, resizing, filling, reaming, and crimping). Each operation must be performed manually, which makes it slower but more accurate and adaptable for various calibers and bullet types.
  • Progressive reloading press: This press features multiple stations that allow for simultaneous reloading of multiple cases. The various operations are performed in a specific order within the press, making it faster but less adaptable to different calibers and bullet types.

What is the price range for 380 reloading dies?

The price range for 380 reloading dies varies depending on the brand and features. Generally, you can expect to pay between $100 to $250 for a high-quality set of dies. However, prices may vary based on availability and specific features, such as adjustable sizing bushing systems or compatibility with Magnum cartridges.
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2024.06.01 06:13 Count-Daring243 Best 350 Legend Reloading Dies

Best 350 Legend Reloading Dies
Looking for the perfect reloading dies for your 350 Legend firearm? Look no further! In this roundup, we'll take a closer look at some of the top reloading dies on the market, providing you with insightful reviews and comparisons to help you make the best decision for your needs. Get ready to elevate your reloading game and enjoy improved accuracy and performance.

The Top 17 Best 350 Legend Reloading Dies

  1. Lee Precision PaceSetter .308 Reloading Dies for Accurate Hunting - The Lee Precision PaceSetter Dies for .308 caliber deliver exceptional accuracy, boasting features such as a built-in stuck case remover and long guided expander for reliable performance.
  2. Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading - The Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set for .45-70 Government offers an all-in-one solution for perfect reloading, featuring a full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, factory crimp die, and a universal shell holder.
  3. Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading - Experience efficient and effective reloading with the Lee Precision Deluxe 4 Die Carbide Set - the perfect solution for .38 Special ammunition!
  4. Durable Carbide Dies for 9mm Luger Reloading - The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set for 9 mm Luger offers a durable and practical solution for handgun reloading, with universal compatibility and easy-to-follow instructions.
  5. Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set: High-Quality Reloading Dies for Efficient Ammo Use - Experience exceptional precision with the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set, designed for efficient and reliable 10 mm ammunition reloading with its robust construction, comprehensive accessories, and air-tight packaging.
  6. High-Quality RCBS 3-Die Set for 5.7 x 28 Reloading - The RCBS Lott 3-Die Set offers a top-quality, 5.7 x 28 reloading system that includes dies for size, expander, and seater, resulting in a professional, crimp-free finish for your ammunition.
  7. Affordable 3-Die Set for 300 AAC Blackout Cartridge - Experience the superior quality and reliability of Lee Precision's Pacesetter 3-Die Set for .300 AAC rounds, featuring easy die identification, full-length sizing, and adjustable bullet seating capabilities.
  8. Precision Pacesetter Dies for .223 Caliber - High-Quality Reloading Solution - Experience top-quality reloading with the Lee Precision PaceSetter Dies .223, featuring a unique factory crimp die, exceptional storage box, and a wide range of crimping options.
  9. Premium 338/06 Very Limited Production Reloading Die Set - The Lee Precision 338/06 2 Die Set boasts a limited production, providing reloading enthusiasts with high-quality tools such as a shell holder, powder dipper, and storage box, tailored for the 350 Legend cartridge.
  10. High-Quality 350 Legend Expander Die for Reloading - Master your 350 Legend ammo with the Hornady Custom Grade V Expander Die, delivering exceptional accuracy and unbeatable performance.
  11. RCBS Taper Crimp Reloading Die for 350 Legend Caliber - The RCBS Taper Crimp Seater Die (21962) in Group C is a highly-rated reloading die for 350 Legend cartridges, combining bullet seating and taper crimping for optimal performance.
  12. Lee 90624 3-Die Set for .32S&W Long Pistol Reloading - Enjoy a hassle-free reloading experience with the Lee 90624 3 Die Set, specifically designed for .32S&W Long Pistol and offering features like carbide full length sizing dies, bullet seating die, powder through expanding die, and more.
  13. Hornady 350 Legend Taper Crimp Reloading Die - Improved Feeding Reliability - Revolutionize your reloading experience with the Hornady Custom Grade 350 Legend Reloading Dies, featuring No-Risk Lifetime Warranty, expert feed control, and seamless compatibility with Hornady accessories.
  14. Precision 338 Lapua 2 Die Set for Reloading - Lee Precision's 338 Lapua 2 Die Set offers affordable 2-Die sets with premium features and quality, perfect for reloaders on odd or obsolete calibers.
  15. Lee Precision Deluxe 4-Die Set for 350 Legend Reloading - Upgrade your reloading process with the Lee Precision 4 Die Set 380 Auto — a comprehensive, high-quality set featuring carbide-enhanced dies and simplified adjustment, resulting in perfect, reliable ammunition.
  16. Match Grade 338 Lapua Magnum Reloading Die Set with MicroJust Seating Die - The Hornady 338 Lapua Mag Match Grade 2 Die Set delivers seamless brass handling, adjustable bullet seating, and precise neck sizing to ensure superior match-grade accuracy for your 350 Legend loads.
  17. Reload with Confidence: 500 S&W Magnum Dies from Hornady - Unmatched reliability and ease of use - the Hornady Series V Four Die Set for 500 S&W provides a lifetime of hassle-free reloading, featuring high-quality materials and innovative design elements.
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🔗Lee Precision PaceSetter .308 Reloading Dies for Accurate Hunting
A few weeks ago, I decided to give reloading my own ammunition a try. Being a newbie, I thought I could give it a go after reading some positive reviews about Lee Precision's Pacesetter dies. I chose the. 308 caliber for my first attempt, as it seemed versatile and widely used. The package arrived quickly, and I was excited to start reloading.
As I began the process, I found the Lee Precision Crimper to be quite helpful. It crimped the bullet in place more firmly than any other tool I've tried, preventing buckling of the case and making for more accurate shooting. The Full Length Sizer was also convenient, and I appreciated the built-in Stuck Case Remover.
On the flip side, I did encounter a couple of issues. First, the locking ring design seemed to have changed since my last set of Lee dies. Second, the powder dipper wasn't much help, as it didn't fit the powder perfectly. Nonetheless, these minor drawbacks didn't outweigh the overall positives of the Pacesetter dies.
Overall, I've been quite satisfied with the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies for the. 308 caliber. The product has held up well, and I've noticed fewer misfires and jams compared to using factory-loaded ammo. While I may experiment with other die sets in the future, I'm confident that the Pacesetter Dies have given me a solid start in the world of reloading.

🔗Lee Precision 3-Die Set for 45-70 Government Reloading
When I first got my hands on the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set, I was impressed with the sturdy construction. This set has everything you need for handloading your. 45-70 Government rounds, without any need for additional accessories. I appreciated the inclusion of the Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die, which allowed for easy sizing without having to buy that separately.
One thing that stood out was the versatility of this product. With its included powder dipper and shell holder, it was a breeze to charge and seat my bullets, making handloading as simple as can be. Add that to the reliable crimping process and it was hard to find any faults.
However, like any product, it wasn't without its quirks. I found that the included Lee Precision Steel Full Length Sizer die required careful lubrication before use and needed the cases to be cleaned before charging. It also didn't come with a factory crimp die, which added an extra step to the process.
All in all, the Lee Precision 3 Die Steel Set was a reliable addition to my reloading kit. With its robust construction, versatile capabilities, and reasonable price, it's a product that any serious handloader should consider. Just remember that with any reloading equipment, patience, and attention to detail are key to ensuring a seamless process.

🔗Lee Precision 4-Die Carbide Set for .38 Special and .357 Magnum Reloading
When I decided to take up reloading my own ammunition, I knew I needed a reliable and efficient set of dies. That's when I stumbled upon the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set. I was immediately attracted to its four-die set, which included a carbide sizing die, a bullet seating die, a powder thru expanding die, and a carbide factory crimp die. The set is perfect for effectively and efficiently reusing my ammunition.
One of the things that stood out to me was the air-tight, low profile box that the dies come in. It keeps the dies organized and preserved, so they're always ready to use. The dies themselves are high quality and easy to set up, ensuring a smooth and efficient reloading process.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The instructions could be clearer at times, and I found that I needed to thoroughly clean the dies with lacquer thinner to ensure accurate adjustments and prevent any issues with powder flow. The locking rings also took some getting used to, but after a little practice, I was able to easily switch between calibers on my Lee turret press.
Overall, the Lee Precision Carbide 4 Die Set has been a reliable and efficient addition to my reloading setup. It's a great value for the price and has lived up to my expectations. I would definitely recommend it to fellow reloaders looking for a high-quality and cost-effective set of dies.

🔗Durable Carbide Dies for 9mm Luger Reloading
The Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set for 9mm Luger has been an excellent addition to my reloading routine. One of the standout features of this set is its universal shell holder and powder dipper, which has made the process of loading rounds much smoother and efficient. The durable design of the dies also adds peace of mind, knowing that they can withstand regular use without breaking down.
However, I must admit that I've faced a few minor inconveniences while using this set. The most notable issue has been the occasional difficulty in crimping the bullets correctly, which resulted in a few misfires. Additionally, the provided case holder seemed less than ideal, leading me to explore alternative options. Overall, I believe the pros outweigh the cons, and I would recommend the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set for anyone looking to reload their 9mm Luger ammo.

🔗Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set: High-Quality Reloading Dies for Efficient Ammo Use
I recently had the chance to try out the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm in my daily reloading routine. The set includes powder through expanding die, bullet seating die, and a carbide full-length sizing die, making it perfect for reusing ammunition efficiently.
What really stood out to me was the universal shell holder and powder dipper. It made the entire process much more streamlined and convenient. The durable design was also a standout feature, as it allowed me to reload ammo without worrying about the equipment breaking down or wearing down over time.
However, I did notice that the instruction manual and load data sheet could have been a bit clearer and more detailed. As a beginner, I found myself struggling a bit to understand some of the more complex steps. Additionally, the set screw on the die adjustment seemed a bit less secure than some other options available.
Overall, I think the Lee Precision Carbide 3 Die Set 10 mm is a solid choice for anyone looking to get into reloading their ammo. The universal shell holder and powder dipper make the process incredibly easy, and the durable design ensures that the equipment will last for years to come. Just be prepared to be a bit patient with the instruction manual and adjusting to the set screws on the dies.

🔗High-Quality RCBS 3-Die Set for 5.7 x 28 Reloading
I recently had the chance to try out the RCBS Lott 3-Die Set, and let me tell you, it was quite an experience. This set includes a Group C die, a Sizer die, an Expander die, and a Seater die, all of which are essential for any gunsmithing workshop.
One of the standout features of this set is the 3-Die roll crimp, which adds a professional touch to your reloading dies. The quality of the dies is top-notch, and the fact that they are made in the United States only adds to their appeal.
While the RCBS Lott 3-Die Set is a great addition to any gun enthusiast's arsenal, there are a few drawbacks to note. For instance, the dies may require some adjustment to get the perfect fit, which can be a bit frustrating. Additionally, the price point may be a bit steep for some users, particularly those just starting out in the reloading world.
Overall, if you're looking for a high-quality set of dies to take your reloading game to the next level, the RCBS Lott 3-Die Set is definitely worth considering. While there are a few minor drawbacks, the pros far outweigh the cons in this case.

🔗Affordable 3-Die Set for 300 AAC Blackout Cartridge
As a passionate shooter, I found these Lee Precision Pacesetter 3-Die Sets to be a game-changer in my reloading process. These high-quality sets have been a life-saver for me, offering convenience and efficiency in every step, all while maintaining the utmost precision and quality that shooters deserve.
One of the standout features for me was the universal shell holder, which is a life-saver for anyone who reloads using multiple rifles. It's a must-have accessory that adds versatility and ease to the reloading process.
The colored spline drive breech bushings were also something I found particularly useful, as they make die identification a breeze. It means that there's no fumbling around or guessing which die to use when, everything is right there and clearly labeled for easy access.
The Full Length Sizing Die and Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die are top-notch components, providing the accuracy and control that comes standard with Lee Precision products. They made a noticeable improvement in the consistency and quality of my ammunition.
However, the sets did come with a factory crimp die, which, while useful, tends to be less versatile compared to a separate die designated specifically for crimping. Nevertheless, they still offer a comprehensive solution for the majority of reloading requirements.
Lastly, the powder dipper came in handy, and the instructions were comprehensive and easy to follow, making it a great option for beginners or people looking to switch up their reloading method.
In conclusion, Lee Precision's Pacesetter 3-Die Sets are truly a joy to use for anyone serious about reloading – offering top-notch precision, versatility, and convenience, all wrapped up in a remarkably affordable package.

🔗Precision Pacesetter Dies for .223 Caliber - High-Quality Reloading Solution
As a frequent reloader, I've had the pleasure of using the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies for. 223. These dies have been an essential part of my reloading process, offering a great balance between affordability and performance.
Upon first use, the quality of these dies became apparent. The crimp die and roll crimper allowed me to achieve consistent ammunition with ease. However, one area where these dies excel is with full-length sizing. By performing this step in a Lee single stage press followed by a turret press, I've been able to achieve optimal accuracy for a reasonable price.
The storage box is another highlight, designed to keep the dies safe and organized. The fact that Lee includes a powder dipper and load data also adds value to the product.
However, there is one potential downside to consider: the depriming arm can sometimes come loose during use. This issue may cause inconvenience for those looking for a smoother reloading experience. Despite this minor drawback, I would still highly recommend the Lee Precision Pacesetter Dies to any reloader looking for affordability without sacrificing quality.

🔗Premium 338/06 Very Limited Production Reloading Die Set
As a seasoned reloader, I've had the pleasure of trying out these Lee Precision 338/06 Very Limited Production 2 Die Set. Let me tell you that the Full Length Sizer just blew me away. It allows you to restore any case to factory original dimensions and is perfect for firing form in your gun. And speaking of form, I couldn't help but notice the Bullet Seating Die. Working with nearly any point style bullet, it's a simple adjustment to set the seating depth. The tapered design is a nice touch for use with automatic bullet feeders.
However, nothing's perfect. The design of the radius on the bottom of the die seemed a little too luxurious for my preferences. I found that it caused some issues when trying to reload. 338 Lapua in standard 7/8"-14 dies. It's a design flaw that I hope the manufacturer will consider fixing.
But in the end, these dies have served me well, and I have no qualms about recommending them to others looking for a reliable and affordable reloading solution for their 338-06 caliber. The quality and performance of these Lee Precision dies are worth highlighting indeed.

🔗High-Quality 350 Legend Expander Die for Reloading
I recently used the Hornady Custom Grade Series V Expander Die for reloading my. 350 Legend cartridges, and I must say the experience has been fantastic. The 355" die has been a game-changer, allowing me to create better, more consistent rounds for my hunting adventures.
The highlight of this product, for me, is the smooth and precise adjustment mechanism that makes it extremely user-friendly. Additionally, the accuracy with which this die expands the bullet into the case has surpassed my expectations. These features make this die an essential addition to any reloader's toolbox.
However, there was one minor drawback I encountered – the price point. Given the quality and features of the Hornady Custom Grade Series V Expander Die, I expected it to be slightly more affordable. Despite this, the performance and ease of use make it a worthwhile investment for any serious hunter or gun enthusiast.

🔗RCBS Taper Crimp Reloading Die for 350 Legend Caliber
As a regular reloader, I've been using the RCBS Taper Crimp Seater Die for my 350 Legend ammo. This die is a game-changer in my reloading process, as it not only seats the bullet precisely but also secures it using a built-in taper crimper.
One of the features that stands out is the versatility of the die. It fits perfectly with 350 Legend Reloading Dies, making it a must-have tool for anyone working with this caliber. The seating process is smooth and efficient, ensuring a consistent and accurate bullet placement on the case.
However, there is one thing I would like to see improved. While the taper crimper works well, it could benefit from a bit more adjustability. This would allow users to fine-tune the crimping process for even better results.
Overall, the RCBS Taper Crimp Seater Die - Group C - 350 Legend 21962 is an excellent addition to any reloading setup, especially for those working with 350 Legend cartridges. With its smooth seating process and functional taper crimper, it makes the reloading experience more efficient and enjoyable.

🔗Lee 90624 3-Die Set for .32S&W Long Pistol Reloading
It was quite a delightful experience to use the Lee 90624 3 Die Set in my daily life. One of the most noteworthy features of this set is the carbide full-length sizing die. I was reloading for multiple firearms, and this die made the process incredibly hassle-free. Another highlight is the adjustable crimp from slight taper to full roll, offering versatility and precision in seating the bullets.
However, I also noticed a minor drawback - I encountered a few crushed cases when seating bullets for the. 32 S&W Long. This was an unexpected occurrence, but I learned that it could be due to the flare die not properly preparing the case mouth for seating. Despite this minor issue, I found the Lee dies to be a reliable choice for my pistol reloading needs.
Also, the die set came with a powder thru expanding die and a universal shell holder, which proved to be quite useful. The carbide dies made the process incredibly smooth and efficient. I must say, Lee Precision's products have been a great addition to my handloading equipment, and they consistently deliver high-quality results. Their customer service is top-notch, making the overall experience even more satisfying.

🔗Hornady 350 Legend Taper Crimp Reloading Die - Improved Feeding Reliability
I recently added the 350 Legend Taper Crimp Die to my arsenal of reloading dies, and let me tell you, it has proven to be a game-changer. This die, designed by Hornady, is specifically made to improve the feeding reliability of your semi-automatic handgun or rifle. The unique Taper Crimp Die removes the flare from the case mouth, promoting smooth feeding, while still maintaining that sharp edge for perfect head spacing.
What really stands out is the inclusion of Hornady's Sure-Loc die locking ring, which keeps the die securely in place. However, one thing to note is that the shellholder is sold separately, but that's a minor inconvenience considering the benefits this die provides. It's worth mentioning that Hornady offers a No-Risk Lifetime Warranty, giving you peace of mind when investing in their products.
In terms of my experience, I've noticed a significant improvement in the reloading process, and the results have been impressive. The die works like a charm, and it's virtually hassle-free. The only downside is having to purchase the shellholder separately, but that's a minor issue considering the overall performance and reliability of this die. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their reloading experience.

🔗Precision 338 Lapua 2 Die Set for Reloading
I recently got my hands on the Lee Precision 338 Lapua 2 die set and let me tell you, it's been a game changer. This set includes all the essentials - a sizer and bullet seater die, as well as a powder dipper and the correct shell holder. The best part? It's half the price of its competitors, without sacrificing on quality.
One of the features that really stood out to me is the built-in roll crimp. It ensures my cartridges are secure and ready for some serious shooting. The storage box is a thoughtful addition, keeping everything neat and organized when it's not in use.
However, there are a couple of downsides too. I noticed that it doesn't come with a factory crimp die, which could be a deal-breaker for some. Also, it's missing load data which isn't ideal for those unfamiliar with odd or obsolete calibers.
Overall, the Lee Precision 338 Lapua 2 die set is a solid choice for anyone looking for an affordable and reliable way to reload their ammo. With its accurate sizing and seating, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Lee Precision Deluxe 4-Die Set for 350 Legend Reloading
I've been using the Lee Precision 4 Die Set for my 380 Auto rounds, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my reloading process. The highlight for me has been the inclusion of the factory crimp die, which simplifies the adjustment process and ensures that my rounds chamber properly in my gun.
Using the universal shell holder as well as the powder dipper has made loading easier and more precise. The carbide dies, including the full-length sizing die, bullet seating die, and powder thru expanding die, have been incredibly durable and reliable.
However, I did notice that the resizing and depriming die wasn't as smooth as I'd hoped. It required a bit more force to secure the brass properly. Additionally, some users mentioned that the recapping pins could be cheaper for the price paid.
Overall, the Lee Precision 4 Die Set has been a valuable addition to my reloading setup, saving me money in the long run. The simplicity of the die set and the factory crimp die have made the reloading process more accessible and enjoyable.

Buyer's Guide


What are the benefits of using 350 Legend reloading dies?

Reloading dies for the 350 Legend offer several benefits, including cost savings, customization options, and better performance. By reloading your own ammunition, you can save money on commercial ammunition and get the exact specifications you want for your rounds.

Are 350 Legend reloading dies compatible with other calibers?
Many 350 Legend reloading dies are compatible with other caliber conversions, such as 350 Legend to 350 Winchester Magnum. However, it's crucial to verify compatibility before making the purchase, as not all dies offer this feature.

What materials are 350 Legend reloading dies typically made of?

350 Legend reloading dies are often made from high-quality materials like steel, aluminum, or stainless steel. The choice of material will depend on the desired performance, durability, and ease of use for the reloading press.

Can 350 Legend reloading dies be adjusted for different powder levels?

Yes, you can adjust 350 Legend reloading dies for different powder levels to achieve varying velocities and performance in your ammunition. Many dies provide micrometer adjustments for precise control over your loads, but the specifications may vary depending on the brand or model.

What type of tooling should be considered when selecting 350 Legend reloading dies?

When selecting 350 Legend reloading dies, consider the tooling options available. Many dies offer interchangeable parts, making it easier to switch between bullet sizes and seating depths. Additionally, choose a brand known for quality and compatibility with your reloading press.

How do I clean and maintain my 350 Legend reloading dies?

To clean and maintain your 350 Legend reloading dies, gently scrub any residue with a soft-bristled brush and mild cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive materials or solvents, as they may damage the die surfaces or cause discoloration. After cleaning, dry the dies thoroughly before storing them to minimize corrosion and maintain their performance.
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2024.06.01 05:41 HadamGreedLin pretty little liars s1

pretty little liars s1 submitted by HadamGreedLin to TheCoverProject [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:08 ShockDizzy459 Auguries of Innocence, by William Blake

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour A Robin Red breast in a Cage Puts all Heaven in a Rage A Dove house filld with Doves & Pigeons Shudders Hell thr' all its regions A dog starvd at his Masters Gate Predicts the ruin of the State A Horse misusd upon the Road Calls to Heaven for Human blood Each outcry of the hunted Hare A fibre from the Brain does tear A Skylark wounded in the wing A Cherubim does cease to sing The Game Cock clipd & armd for fight Does the Rising Sun affright Every Wolfs & Lions howl Raises from Hell a Human Soul The wild deer, wandring here & there Keeps the Human Soul from Care The Lamb misusd breeds Public Strife And yet forgives the Butchers knife The Bat that flits at close of Eve Has left the Brain that wont Believe The Owl that calls upon the Night Speaks the Unbelievers fright He who shall hurt the little Wren Shall never be belovd by Men He who the Ox to wrath has movd Shall never be by Woman lovd The wanton Boy that kills the Fly Shall feel the Spiders enmity He who torments the Chafers Sprite Weaves a Bower in endless Night The Catterpiller on the Leaf Repeats to thee thy Mothers grief Kill not the Moth nor Butterfly For the Last Judgment draweth nigh He who shall train the Horse to War Shall never pass the Polar Bar The Beggars Dog & Widows Cat Feed them & thou wilt grow fat The Gnat that sings his Summers Song Poison gets from Slanders tongue The poison of the Snake & Newt Is the sweat of Envys Foot The poison of the Honey Bee Is the Artists Jealousy The Princes Robes & Beggars Rags Are Toadstools on the Misers Bags A Truth thats told with bad intent Beats all the Lies you can invent It is right it should be so Man was made for Joy & Woe And when this we rightly know Thro the World we safely go Joy & Woe are woven fine A Clothing for the soul divine Under every grief & pine Runs a joy with silken twine The Babe is more than swadling Bands Throughout all these Human Lands Tools were made & Born were hands Every Farmer Understands Every Tear from Every Eye Becomes a Babe in Eternity This is caught by Females bright And returnd to its own delight The Bleat the Bark Bellow & Roar Are Waves that Beat on Heavens Shore The Babe that weeps the Rod beneath Writes Revenge in realms of Death The Beggars Rags fluttering in Air Does to Rags the Heavens tear The Soldier armd with Sword & Gun Palsied strikes the Summers Sun The poor Mans Farthing is worth more Than all the Gold on Africs Shore One Mite wrung from the Labrers hands Shall buy & sell the Misers Lands Or if protected from on high Does that whole Nation sell & buy He who mocks the Infants Faith Shall be mockd in Age & Death He who shall teach the Child to Doubt The rotting Grave shall neer get out He who respects the Infants faith Triumphs over Hell & Death The Childs Toys & the Old Mans Reasons Are the Fruits of the Two seasons The Questioner who sits so sly Shall never know how to Reply He who replies to words of Doubt Doth put the Light of Knowledge out The Strongest Poison ever known Came from Caesars Laurel Crown Nought can Deform the Human Race Like to the Armours iron brace When Gold & Gems adorn the Plow To peaceful Arts shall Envy Bow A Riddle or the Crickets Cry Is to Doubt a fit Reply The Emmets Inch & Eagles Mile Make Lame Philosophy to smile He who Doubts from what he sees Will neer Believe do what you Please If the Sun & Moon should Doubt Theyd immediately Go out To be in a Passion you Good may Do But no Good if a Passion is in you The Whore & Gambler by the State Licencd build that Nations Fate The Harlots cry from Street to Street Shall weave Old Englands winding Sheet The Winners Shout the Losers Curse Dance before dead Englands Hearse Every Night & every Morn Some to Misery are Born Every Morn and every Night Some are Born to sweet delight Some are Born to sweet delight Some are Born to Endless Night We are led to Believe a Lie When we see not Thro the Eye Which was Born in a Night to perish in a Night When the Soul Slept in Beams of Light God Appears & God is Light To those poor Souls who dwell in Night But does a Human Form Display To those who Dwell in Realms of day
submitted by ShockDizzy459 to u/ShockDizzy459 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:38 RocksThrowing Need Some Help Identifying a Kaiju

Need Some Help Identifying a Kaiju
One of my students found this coloring sheet and asked me to help identify the kaiju. I think I managed to get them all except the one on the far left. I figured if anyone knew who that is supposed to be, I’d find them here. Any ideas?
submitted by RocksThrowing to Ultraman [link] [comments]