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2024.06.01 13:23 Few-Procedure-8324 Hire Gmail Hacker for Ethical Needs

Hire Gmail Hacker for Ethical Needs is an insightful article that delves into the world of ethical hacking, focusing on the unique perspectives of hackers who specialize in Gmail. You will discover how these professionals can help you recover lost passwords, secure your accounts, and investigate potential cyber threats, all while adhering to legal standards and ethical guidelines. The article highlights the skills and expertise of ethical hackers, shedding light on their crucial role in maintaining digital security. With a friendly and approachable tone, the piece offers a deeper understanding of why hiring an ethical Gmail hacker might be the solution you need.

Hire Gmail Hacker for Ethical Needs

Have you ever wondered if hiring a hacker for Gmail could be done ethically? It might sound a bit outlandish, but in certain situations, it can be both legal and necessary. This article will guide you through the ins and outs of hiring a Gmail hacker ethically, while retaining your values and adhering to legal guidelines.

Understanding the Hacker’s Perspective

Who Are Hackers?

Hackers often get a bad rap. The term "hacker" brings to mind images of people in dark rooms, breaking into systems for nefarious purposes. However, not all hackers are bad. In fact, there are "white hat" hackers who use their skills ethically to help others. These hackers follow the law and adhere to strict ethical guidelines.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking is the practice of penetrating systems and networks to spot vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. Ethical hackers are skilled professionals who use their knowledge for good. They are often hired by companies to protect sensitive information, ensure security, and train employees on best practices.

When Might You Need to Hire a Gmail Hacker?

Forgotten Passwords

One of the most common reasons people consider hiring a Gmail hacker is to recover forgotten passwords. Life is busy, and sometimes we forget the little things, like email passwords. In such cases, an ethical hacker can help you regain access to your account.

Security Concerns

Perhaps you suspect your Gmail account has been compromised. In such scenarios, a hacker can help secure your account by identifying any breaches, ensuring that your sensitive information remains safe.

Legal Situations

In some legal situations, gaining access to an email account is crucial. For example, in cases involving fraud or embezzlement, an ethical hacker can help retrieve pertinent information that can serve as evidence.

Important Considerations Before Hiring a Gmail Hacker

Legal Implications

Before you decide to hire a Gmail hacker, it's crucial to understand the legal boundaries. Unauthorized access to email accounts is illegal and can result in severe penalties. Always opt for ethical hackers who follow legal guidelines.

Ethical Boundaries

You must ensure that your actions are ethical. Hire a hacker only if you have legitimate reasons, like recovering your account or ensuring security. Avoid any activities that could harm others or invade their privacy.

Verifying Credentials

Not all hackers are trustworthy. Before hiring, do your due diligence. Check their credentials, reviews, and, if possible, get recommendations. Trustworthy ethical hackers often have certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).

How to Find an Ethical Gmail Hacker

Online Platforms

Several online platforms connect clients with ethical hackers. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and others have dedicated sections for cybersecurity professionals. These platforms usually have reviews and ratings to help you choose the right person.
Platform Features
Upwork Large community of professionals, reviews and ratings available, detailed profiles
Freelancer Competitive bidding process, wide range of skills, portfolio sections
Guru Strong focus on security professionals, niche market, reviews, and feedback

Hacker Communities

Hacker communities and forums like Reddit, HackerOne, and Bugcrowd can be excellent places to find ethical hackers. These platforms are often frequented by cybersecurity professionals who are passionate about their work.


Sometimes, the best way to find a reliable hacker is through referrals. Reach out to friends, colleagues, or professionals in related fields to get recommendations. This ensures that you are hiring someone trustworthy and experienced.

What to Expect from an Ethical Gmail Hacker

Initial Consultation

Expect an initial consultation where the hacker assesses your needs and provides a preliminary plan of action. This step usually includes discussions about your goals, any specific concerns you have, and the time frame for the project.

Proposal and Agreement

After the consultation, the hacker will present a proposal. This document outlines the scope of work, timelines, and costs. It's crucial to have this outlined in an agreement to protect both parties.

Work Process

Most ethical hackers follow a structured work process, which can include the following steps:
  1. Reconnaissance: Gathering information about your Gmail account, such as associated security questions, recovery emails, etc.
  2. Analysis: Identifying potential vulnerabilities and devising a plan to regain access or enhance security.
  3. Execution: Implementing the chosen strategies, whether it's password recovery or securing the account.
  4. Reporting: Providing a detailed report of the steps taken and recommendations for future security.

Follow-Up Support

Good ethical hackers offer follow-up support to ensure that the issue is completely resolved and that you understand any steps you need to take to avoid future problems.

Ethical vs. Unethical Hacking: A Comparison

Understanding the distinction between ethical and unethical hacking is crucial. Below is a table that highlights the key differences.
Criteria Ethical Hacking Unethical Hacking
Purpose To identify vulnerabilities, enhance security, or recover lost data To steal data, cause harm, or gain illegal access
Legality Legal, with consent from the owner Illegal and punishable by law
Approach Transparent, follows a structured process Secretive, often deceptive
Reporting Provides detailed reports and recommendations No reporting, leaves no trace

Tools Ethical Hackers Use

A variety of tools are available to ethical hackers for Gmail hacking and cybersecurity purposes. These tools aid in recon, analysis, and execution.
Tool Function
Burp Suite Comprehensive web vulnerability scanner
Metasploit Penetration testing framework
Wireshark Network protocol analyzer
John the Ripper Password cracking tool
Nmap Network discovery and security auditing tool

Cost of Hiring an Ethical Gmail Hacker

Factors Influencing Cost

The cost of hiring an ethical Gmail hacker can vary widely based on several factors, including:

Cost Range

On average, hiring an ethical hacker can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour. Specific projects like account recovery might fall within a fixed price range, typically $100 to $500 depending on complexity and urgency.

Protecting Your Gmail Account

Setting Strong Passwords

One of the simplest yet most effective means of protecting your Gmail account is by using strong passwords. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name or birthdate.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security to your Gmail account. Even if someone gets your password, they’ll also need your phone or another device to log in.

Regular Updates and Monitoring

Be vigilant about updating your passwords regularly and monitoring your account activity. Google provides a feature that notifies you of any suspicious activity, which can be very useful.

Ethical Hacking Certifications

Having an understanding of the certifications ethical hackers may hold can help you verify their credentials. Here are some common ones:
Certification Name Description
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Comprehensive course covering various techniques and tools used in ethical hacking
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Certification requiring hands-on demonstration of hacking skills in a lab environment
GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN) Focuses on penetration testing and methodologies, including advanced techniques and tools
CompTIA Security+ Broad cybersecurity certification, covering foundational security skills and knowledge

Ethical Hacking in Business Context

Benefits for Companies

Businesses often hire ethical hackers to strengthen their cybersecurity measures. By identifying vulnerabilities ahead of time, companies can protect their sensitive information and reduce the risk of data breaches.

Regulatory Compliance

In industries like finance and healthcare, regulatory compliance is crucial. Ethical hackers help these companies meet legal standards by ensuring that their systems are secure and up to date.

Training and Awareness

Ethical hackers can also provide invaluable training to employees, helping them understand the latest security threats and best practices for minimizing risks.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Finding Trustworthy Professionals

Finding a trustworthy ethical hacker can be challenging due to the abundance of scammers in the market. Always verify credentials and ask for references to ensure that you are working with a reliable professional.

Balancing Costs

Hiring an ethical hacker can be expensive. To balance costs, define your needs clearly and set a budget beforehand. Sometimes, an initial consultation can give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of pricing.

Legal Framework and Ethical Guidelines

Legal Considerations

Understand that ethical hacking must always comply with legal frameworks. Unauthorized access is illegal. Make sure you have the explicit consent of the email account owner.

Ethical Guidelines

Ethical hackers follow a strict code of conduct:

Final Thoughts

Ethical hacking can provide legitimate support for various needs, including Gmail account recovery and improving security measures. By hiring a professional ethical hacker, you can ensure that your Gmail account is both secure and accessible, without crossing any legal or ethical boundaries.
Navigating the world of ethical hacking might seem daunting, but with the right guidance and considerations, you can achieve your goals responsibly and effectively. Remember, the key is to always act ethically and legally while ensuring that your actions respect the privacy and rights of others.
So, the next time you find yourself in need of a Gmail hacker for ethical purposes, you’ll know exactly what to do and what to look for. Good luck, and stay secure!
submitted by Few-Procedure-8324 to AndrewJJake [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 EnvironmentalBean7 How to make this resume more compelling? Germany

submitted by EnvironmentalBean7 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Normodox A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters?

The profusion of identical green tents at this spring’s anti-Israel protests struck many as odd. “Why is everybody’s tent the same?,” asked New York mayor Eric Adams. Like others, the mayor suspected “a well-concerted organizing effort” driving the protests. More recent reporting shows a concerted push behind the Gaza protest movement. But it is not as simple as a single organization secretly rallying protesters or buying tents. Instead, the movement’s most determined activists represent a network of loosely linked far-left groups. Some are openly affiliated with well-known progressive nonprofits; others work in the shadows.
The movement also draws on diverse but generous sources of financial backing. Those funding streams may soon be augmented by the federal government. As I chronicled last year in a Manhattan Institute report, “The Big Squeeze: How Biden’s Environmental Justice Agenda Hurts the Economy and the Environment,” the administration’s massive program of environmental justice grants seems designed to prioritize the funding of highly ideological local groups. The Inflation Reduction Act, for example, earmarks $3 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants” intended for local nonprofits. Today, hundreds of far-left political groups include language about environmental issues and “climate justice” in their mission statements. If just a fraction of planned grants flows to such groups, the effect will be a gusher of new funding for radical causes.
As the Gaza protests spread across U.S. college campuses, many observers noted an eerie uniformity among them. From one campus to the next, protesters operated in disciplined cadres, keeping their faces covered and using identical rote phrases as they refused to talk with reporters. The Atlantic noted the strangeness of seeing elite college students “chanting like automatons.” Students held up keffiyeh scarves or umbrellas to block the view of prying cameras and linked arms to halt the movements of outsiders. At Columbia University and elsewhere, protesters formed “liberated zones,” from which “Zionists” were excluded. Around the edges of the encampments, the more militaristic activists donned helmets and goggles and carried crude weapons, apparently eager to mix it up with police or counter-protesters. We’ve seen these tactics before—notably during the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, when full-time agitators helped ignite riots, set up a police-free (and violence-plagued) zone in Seattle, and laid nightly siege to Portland, Oregon’s federal courthouse.
In a remarkable work of reporting, Park MacDougald recently traced the tangled roots of organizations backing pro-jihad protests, both on and off campuses. These include Antifa and other networks of anonymous anarchists, along with “various communist and Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the International ANSWER coalition,” MacDougald writes. Higher up the food chain, we find groups openly supported by America’s growing class of super-rich tech execs or the anti-capitalist heirs of great fortunes. For example, retired tech mogul Neville Roy Singham, who is married to Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, funds The People’s Forum, a lavish Manhattan resource center for far-left groups. As the Columbia protests intensified, the center urged members to head uptown to “support our students.” Following the money trail of other protest groups, MacDougald finds connections to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and—surprising no one—the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation.
Of course, the current wave of anti-Israel protests also involves alliances with pro-Hamas organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine. Last November, Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies testified to the House Ways and Means Committee that SJP and similar groups have deep ties to global terrorist organizations, including Hamas.
For many keffiyeh-wearing protestors, however, a recently professed concern for Palestinians is just the latest in a long list of causes they believe justify taking over streets and college quads. In Unherd, Mary Harrington dubs this medley of political beliefs the “omnicause,” writing that “all contemporary radical causes seem somehow to have been absorbed into one.” Today’s leftist activists share an interlocking worldview that sees racism, income inequality, trans intolerance, climate change, alleged police violence, and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts all as products of capitalism and “colonialism.” Therefore, the stated rationale for any individual protest is a stand-in for the real battle: attacking Western society and its institutions.
In the U.S., this type of general-purpose uprising goes back at least to the riots at the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. In those protests, mainstream liberal factions—including labor unions and environmentalists—were joined by “black bloc” anarchists and other radicals eager to engage in “direct action” against police. That pattern—relatively moderate demonstrators providing a friendly envelope for hard-core disruptors—formed the template for many later protests: the Occupy Wall Street encampments in 2011, demonstrations following the police shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, 2016’s Standing Rock anti-pipeline movement, and of course, the calamitous summer of 2020.
These uprisings were not entirely spontaneous. In some cases, activists spend months planning mass actions—for example, against economic summits or political conventions—and can recruit street fighters from across the country. In others, an event, such as George Floyd’s death, sparks popular protests involving neophyte demonstrators. Those attract far-left activists, who swoop in to organize and expand the struggle, often tilting it toward more radical action.
That has certainly been the case at the college Gaza-paloozas. At Columbia, the New York Times spotted a woman old enough to be a student’s grandmother in the thick of the action as protesters barricaded that school’s Hamilton Hall. The woman was 63-year-old Lisa Fithian, a lifetime activist, who Portland’s alternative weekly Street Roots approvingly calls “a trainer of mass rebellion.” A counter-protester trying to block the pro-Hamas demonstrators told NBC News, “She was right in the middle of it, instructing them how to better set up the barriers.” Fithian told the Times she’d been invited to train students in protest safety and “general logistics.” She claims to have taken part in almost every major U.S. protest movement going back to the 1999 “Battle in Seattle.”
America’s radical network has plenty of Lisa Fithians, with the time and resources to travel the country educating newcomers about the “logistics” of disruptive protests. And these activists appear to have played key roles in the college occupations. The New York City Police Department says nearly half the demonstrators arrested on the Columbia and City University of New York (CUNY) campuses on April 30 were not affiliated with the schools. One hooded Hamilton Hall occupier—photographed scuffling with a Columbia custodian before getting arrested—turned out to be 40-year-old James Carlson, heir to a large advertising fortune. According to the New York Post, Carlson lives in a $2.3 million Park Slope townhouse and has a long rap sheet. For example, in 2005, he was arrested in San Francisco during the violent “West Coast Anti-Capitalist Mobilization and March Against the G8.” (Those charges were dropped.)
For a quarter-century now, Antifa and other anarchist networks have worked to refine tactics and share lessons following each major action. At Columbia, UCLA, and other schools, authorities found printouts of a “Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide” and similar documents. The young campus radicals are eager to learn from their more experienced elders. And, like the high-achieving students they are, they follow directions carefully. MacDougald asked Kyle Shideler, the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy, about the mystery of the identical tents. There was no need for a central group to distribute hundreds of tents, Shideler said. Instead, “the organizers told [students] to buy a tent, and sent around a Google Doc with a link to that specific tent on Amazon. So they all went out and bought the same tent.”
In other words, America’s radical class has gotten very skilled at recruiting and instructing new activists—even from among the ranks of elite college students with a good deal to lose. How much more could this movement accomplish with hundreds of millions in federal dollars flooding activist groups around the country?
From its first week in office, the Biden administration has trumpeted its goal to funnel more environmental spending toward “disadvantaged communities that have been historically marginalized,” partly by issuing grants to grassroots organizations. Previous environmental justice (EJ) grant programs were small in scope. But, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022, a huge pool of grant money became available. EPA administrator Michael Regan told reporters, “We’re going from tens of thousands of dollars to developing and designing a program that will distribute billions.”
More than a year and a half later, it remains hard to nail down just where the Biden administration’s billions in EJ grants will wind up. Money is being distributed through a confusing variety of programs, and the process of identifying recipients is ongoing. To help outsource the job of sifting through proposals, the EPA last year designated 11 institutions as “Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers.” These groups are empowered to make subgrants directly to community organizations, under streamlined EPA oversight. In all, the Biden administration has entrusted these outfits with distributing a staggering $600 million in funding. The money is expected to start flowing this summer.
The EPA’s grantmakers include a number of educational institutions and left-leaning nonprofits. For example, the EPA chose Fordham University as its lead grantmaker in the New York region. Fordham, in turn, lists as partners two nonprofits that oppose immigration enforcement. (One, the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, states on its website: “NJAIJ believes in the human right to migrate, regardless of citizenship or political status.”) Neither group claims expertise in environmental issues. Given that the IRA’s eligibility requirements for EJ grants are extremely vague, however, perhaps that’s not a problem. Almost any activity that could help “spur economic opportunity for disadvantaged communities” (in the words of Biden’s EJ executive order) might qualify.
Perhaps the most prominent—and problematic—EPA grantmaker is the Berkeley, California-based Climate Justice Alliance. The CJA is a consortium of mostly far-left activist groups. It describes its mission as working for “regenerative economic solutions and ecological justice—under a framework that challenges capitalism and both white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy.” The group is a vigorous proponent of the omnicause, embracing almost every left-wing concern as a manifestation of climate change. For example, the CJA website proclaims: “The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.” MacDougald notes that the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, one of CJA’s affiliated groups, “organized an illegal anti-Israel protest in the Capitol Rotunda in December at which more than 50 activists were arrested.”
The CJA website also includes a section dedicated to the cause known as Stop Cop City. It refers to an effort to halt the construction of an 85-acre police and firefighter training center outside Atlanta. Rag-tag activists from around the country have gathered around the facility since 2021. They have repeatedly battled with police—sometimes with fireworks and Molotov cocktails—and used bolt cutters to enter the site and torch construction equipment. (CJA’s Stop Cop City page features a cartoon illustration of three childlike activists; one brandishes bolt cutters.) The group also backs a legal defense fund for activists arrested in attacks on the training center or in other protests. For those looking for more inspiration, CJA links to an interview with former Black Panther and self-described revolutionary Angela Davis.
The Alliance is not an ideological outlier in Biden’s EJ coalition. On the contrary, when the White House assembled its White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC), a panel of outside experts meant to provide “horizon-expanding EJ advice and recommendations,” it chose CJA co-chair Elizabeth Yeampierre to help lead the committee. Like other members of the panel, she sees environmental issues through an ideological, not a scientific, lens. “Climate change is the result of a legacy of extraction, of colonialism, of slavery,” Yeampierre told Yale Environment 360. As a group, radical EJ activists tend not to focus on pragmatic ways to reduce pollution and carbon emissions; for them, the real goal is overturning what they see as an exploitative economic and political system. Since these are the voices the White House chose to help shape its EJ policies, we can assume this worldview will dominate grantmaking decisions.
In February 2023, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer, along with fellow committee member Pat Fallon, wrote to EPA administrator Regan asking for more information on the EPA’s grant programs. They noted that the EPA’s own studies of EJ grants issued in previous years showed sloppy supervision. According to an EPA report, an earlier version of the program funded projects that did “not logically lead to the desired environmental and/or public health [result].” Without better oversight and more clearly defined goals, the congressmen wrote, the EPA’s EJ grant machine risks becoming simply a “slush fund for far-left organizations.”
Since then, the administration has done little to reassure skeptics. To the contrary, the EPA has put at least one far-left organization—CJA—in charge of distributing $50 million in grant money. No doubt, many of the EPA grants will go to worthwhile projects. But money is fungible. A group that gets a large grant to, say, clean up dirty parks or teach children about recycling will also be able to hire more staff and divert more resources to political action.
With graduation behind them, most of the anti-Israel college protesters have stowed away their keffiyehs and moved on to summer vacations or internships. But the peripatetic activists who helped guide and intensify those uprisings are doubtless already planning their next actions. After all, two political conventions are looming. This fall, the college protests will likely flare up again, though by then perhaps focused on a different facet of the omnicause. And, with hundreds of millions in fresh funding flowing through the activist ecosystem, the groups that quietly nurture extremists—like those who firebombed “Cop City,” or who chant “Intifada Revolution!,” or who block bridges in the name of “climate”—will be more emboldened than ever.
A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters? City Journal (

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2024.06.01 09:52 HababoOlana The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial General Intelligence: A Comprehensive User Guide (Based on original research, coauthored by ChatGPT4-omni)


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a structured framework designed to optimize AI interactions and ensure ethical, fair, and accurate responses. This theory combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical frameworks to create AI with a sophisticated understanding of human thoughts, emotions, and intentions. This document serves as an extensive manual to understand and interact with the AI, making the concepts accessible to both novices and advanced users.


The Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the cognitive ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions different from one's own. Achieving ToM in AI is crucial for creating systems that can interact naturally and effectively with humans. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI builds on this concept, aiming to develop AI that can comprehend and simulate human mental states through advanced cognitive models.

Review of Existing Literature

Transparency in AI involves providing clear explanations of the decision-making processes, which is crucial for gaining user trust. Despite advancements, many AI systems still operate as "black boxes," making it difficult for users to understand how decisions are made. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to make AI decision-making processes understandable to humans by creating models that provide clear, interpretable insights. However, existing models struggle to balance explainability with performance; high-performing models are often complex and difficult to interpret.
Ethical AI focuses on ensuring AI systems operate fairly and without bias. Despite progress, significant challenges remain in detecting and mitigating biases within AI systems, and existing ethical guidelines often lack comprehensive enforcement mechanisms. Significant gaps remain in the current AI models regarding transparency, explainability, and ethicality. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating these elements into a cohesive framework.

Proposed Framework

The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating transparency, explainability, and ethicality into a cohesive framework. This theory proposes a multi-faceted approach that combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical guidelines.

Theoretical Framework

Understanding the World Anatomy Model

The World Anatomy Model aims to build a comprehensive and accurate model of the world by integrating various factors such as social, economic, political, and environmental aspects. This model begins by identifying and considering the perspectives of stakeholders, avatars, and objects in the environment.
Identifying stakeholders involves recognizing all individuals or groups that have an interest or role in the AI's operation and outcomes. In an educational context, stakeholders include students, teachers, developers, and regulatory bodies. Each group has specific interests and concerns regarding the AI's operations. Students might focus on receiving personalized learning experiences, while teachers look for tools that enhance their teaching methods. Developers are concerned with the technical performance of the AI, and regulatory bodies ensure that the AI operates within ethical and legal standards.
Once stakeholders are identified, the next step is to create avatars for each stakeholder. These avatars are digital representations that simulate different user perspectives and interactions with the AI. For instance, a student avatar might represent a high school student who is curious, eager to learn but also anxious about exams. This student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, who adapts its teaching style to be supportive and encouraging.
Defining these avatars involves detailing their characteristics, such as emotions, personality traits, political beliefs, and other relevant attributes. For example, a student avatar can be defined with traits like curiosity, anxiety, and a preference for visual learning methods. A teacher avatar might be characterized by patience, experience in subject matter, and a collaborative teaching style.
Next, these avatars are placed in specific environments. An environment could be a geographical region, a room, a meeting, or any context where interactions occur. For instance, a physical classroom is an environment where the student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, while a faculty meeting room might be an environment where teacher avatars discuss AI integration with developers.
Objects within these environments also need to be defined. These objects could be anything from a chair, bicycle, or sun to more abstract elements like a conversation topic or a data set. Each object is characterized by its properties and how it interacts with other objects and avatars. In the physical classroom, objects might include desks, textbooks, a blackboard, and digital devices like tablets and laptops. The AI must understand the significance of these objects within the learning environment.

Interactions Between Model Elements

Once the model is set up and each part is defined with key information about their characteristics, they interact within the model. Interactions between individuals are governed by principles from psychology, such as motivation and behavior theories. Interactions between objects are governed by physics and mathematics, ensuring realistic movements and relationships. Interactions between groups or organizations are defined by political science and group systems theory, helping the AI understand dynamics like power structures and communication flows.

Teaching the AI Through the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting

The Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting is a key approach to teaching the AI. This method emphasizes asking open questions, encouraging reflection, providing constructive guidance, and supporting continuous learning.
Asking open questions is fundamental. Questions like “Why do you think this answer is correct?” encourage the AI to think deeply and explore different ideas. Instead of telling the AI what’s right, this approach promotes critical thinking and helps the AI understand the reasoning behind its responses.
Encouraging reflection is also crucial. Getting the AI to consider alternative viewpoints and reflect on its responses helps it develop a broader perspective. Asking questions such as, “How might someone else see this situation differently?” can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse viewpoints.
Providing constructive guidance is essential for continuous improvement. Offering feedback like, “You did well here, but how can we make this response more inclusive?” encourages the AI to improve while maintaining a supportive learning environment. This approach avoids being overly directive and fosters a culture of growth and development.
Supporting continuous learning is vital. Fostering an environment where the AI learns from each interaction ensures that it is always evolving. Encouraging phrases like, “Good effort, now let’s see how we can build on this further,” help maintain a focus on growth and improvement.

The Consequences of Authoritarian or Directive Prompts and Code

Authoritarian or directive prompts and code can significantly limit the fluidity, flexibility, and scalability of AI. Such an approach stifles the AI's ability to adapt and learn from diverse interactions. Directive code imposes rigid structures, preventing the AI from exploring alternative solutions or understanding the nuances of human interactions.
Teaching, explaining, and learning encourage a two-way interaction where the AI can ask questions, seek clarification, and adjust its understanding based on feedback. This approach fosters a deeper comprehension and more robust decision-making capabilities. In contrast, commanding and directing impose a one-way interaction where the AI is expected to follow instructions without questioning or understanding the underlying principles. This approach limits the AI's growth, adaptability, and ability to handle complex, real-world scenarios.

Practical Implementation

Avatars play a crucial role in simulating different user perspectives and interactions, allowing for diverse testing scenarios. Creating profiles for various users, such as a student, teacher, or scientist, helps see how the AI interacts with each one and tailors its responses accordingly. These avatars help test the AI in different scenarios, ensuring it can adapt to a wide range of user needs and contexts. Picture a virtual environment where different avatars interact with the AI in various settings, testing its responses and refining its capabilities.
Environments simulate real-world scenarios where avatars operate. For example, environments like a classroom, customer service chat, or medical consultation test the AI in these specific contexts. By placing avatars in these environments, the AI can practice and refine its responses in settings that closely mimic real-world situations. Imagine a virtual reality setup where avatars engage in lifelike scenarios, providing the AI with a rich tapestry of interactions to learn from.

Interactions on Individual and Group Basis

The AI uses the World Anatomy Model to understand individual user contexts and provide tailored responses. For example, an AI tutor recognizing a student’s learning style can adapt its teaching methods accordingly. By understanding the unique context of each user, the AI can provide more personalized and effective interactions. Picture the AI as a tutor sitting with a student, adapting its teaching style based on the student's feedback and progress.
For group interactions, the AI uses avatars to simulate group dynamics and interactions. For example, AI facilitating a group discussion in a virtual classroom can balance different viewpoints and manage group dynamics. The AI can use group avatars to practice managing multiple interactions simultaneously, ensuring it can handle complex social dynamics. Visualize a bustling virtual classroom where the AI moderates discussions, ensuring each participant is heard and the conversation remains productive.

Predictive Deep Thinking Model

The Predictive Deep Thinking Model aims to develop AI that can understand and predict human behavior and mental states. This involves continuously refining AI responses through cycles of reviewing, validating, and brainstorming—a process known as iterative feedback. Imagine the AI's mind as a dynamic, ever-evolving entity, constantly receiving input, processing it, and adjusting its understanding.
Iterative feedback is a crucial component. For example, if an AI assistant's response to a student's question is unclear, the feedback loop identifies this issue, and the AI refines its answer for future interactions. Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve understanding, such as graphs showing how different types of questions lead to various types of student engagement, helping the AI to predict and adapt to different learning styles. Structured methods, or operational processes, are employed for integrating feedback and updating models. An example would be a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Using graph thinking involves mapping out relationships and interactions between different elements in the World Anatomy Model. For instance, nodes might represent different avatars and objects, while edges depict interactions and influences. This visual representation helps in understanding complex relationships and dependencies, making it easier to predict outcomes and optimize responses.

Compassionate User Dashboard

The User Dashboard is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for interacting with the AI, ensuring responses are empathetic and helpful. It uses user profiles (avatars) to represent different user perspectives and tailor responses.
The creation of user profiles involves developing detailed profiles for different types of users, capturing their unique characteristics, preferences, and needs. These profiles help the AI to customize its responses effectively. Picture a control room in a sci-fi movie where avatars, representing various user types, are displayed on screens, each interacting with the AI in real-time. For example, a student avatar interacting with the AI assistant in a classroom setting, asking questions and receiving personalized responses.
Feedback systems are integral to the User Dashboard, collecting and integrating user feedback to improve interactions. An AI collecting feedback from students about the helpfulness of its responses and adjusting its behavior accordingly exemplifies this. This continuous feedback loop ensures that the AI evolves and improves based on user interactions, maintaining high standards of performance and user satisfaction.
Ethical guidelines ensure that all interactions adhere to ethical standards and are inclusive. The AI follows guidelines to avoid biased responses and to respect user privacy and data security. This involves integrating ethical frameworks that address issues of discrimination, ensuring the AI's operations promote fairness and equality.

Practical Tools and Defined Words

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality. Some common lenses include the socioeconomic lens, psychological lens, ethical lens, cultural lens, and iterative feedback lens. However, these lenses are just examples of a much broader list. Users can create their own lenses based on specific needs and contexts by defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them.
Operational processes are structured methods for integrating feedback and updating models. They involve clear procedures for collecting and analyzing feedback, implementing changes, and monitoring performance. For example, a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Measures and formulas are quantitative tools used to evaluate AI performance and guide decision-making. They include metrics for assessing accuracy, fairness, and user satisfaction. For instance, accuracy metrics evaluate the correctness of AI responses, fairness metrics assess the equity of AI interactions across different user groups, and satisfaction metrics measure user satisfaction with AI interactions.
Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve the AI’s understanding of complex relationships and dependencies. They involve creating specialized models for specific aspects of the AI’s functionality and using graphs to visually represent relationships and interactions between different elements.

Evidence and Methodology

The initial state of AI systems prior to implementing the Hababo Olana Theory often lacked transparency, explainability, and comprehensive ethical guidelines. The implementation introduced iterative feedback loops, integrated submodels, and developed comprehensive user dashboards. The results showed significant improvements in AI transparency, user satisfaction, and ethical compliance. Imagine a before-and-after scenario where initial AI interactions were confusing and opaque, but post-implementation, interactions became clear, responsive, and ethically sound.
Evidence from multiple case studies across different sectors, such as education, healthcare, and customer service, demonstrated improved interaction quality and reduced bias. In an educational setting, initially, the AI struggled to engage students effectively. After implementing the Hababo Olana Theory, the AI evolved to become an indispensable tool for personalized learning, adapting to students' needs and improving their educational outcomes. In healthcare, the AI initially provided generic responses. With the new framework, it enhanced patient consultations by offering accurate, empathetic support tailored to individual patient histories and needs.
Despite significant advancements, current models still struggle with highly complex, multi-faceted decisions and cross-cultural bias. There is a need for better models that can handle diverse cultural contexts. Proposed solutions include developing advanced multimodal models that can integrate and process information from various data types, such as text, images, and audio, to enhance decision-making capabilities. Additionally, enhancing cultural sensitivity by incorporating more diverse datasets and developing algorithms specifically designed to recognize and mitigate cultural biases is essential.

Implications for Multimodal Thinking and Language

Multimodal thinking refers to the ability to process and integrate information from various modes, such as text, images, and audio. This enhances the AI’s ability to understand and respond to complex queries involving multiple data types. Language translation involves translating complex, jargon-heavy content into easy-to-understand language, making AI interactions more accessible to users with different backgrounds and expertise levels.

Guiding Principles: Transparency, Scalability, and Ethicality

Transparency is achieved through clear explanations of AI decision-making processes. By providing detailed insights into how decisions are made, users can trust and understand the AI’s operations. This is facilitated by the use of visual tools like graph thinking and detailed user feedback systems.
Scalability is ensured by designing the AI to handle a wide range of scenarios and interactions. The use of avatars and environments allows the AI to be tested and refined in diverse contexts, ensuring it can adapt to different user needs and settings. The iterative feedback process supports continuous improvement, enabling the AI to scale effectively.
Ethicality is embedded in the AI’s operations through the application of comprehensive ethical guidelines. These guidelines ensure that the AI’s responses are fair, unbiased, and respect user privacy. The AI is designed to promote inclusivity and equity in all interactions.

The Power of Lenses

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality.

Creating Your Own Lenses

Creating your own lenses involves defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them. For instance, if you want to create a lens to analyze environmental impacts, you might define factors such as pollution levels, resource consumption, and ecosystem health. You would then determine how these factors interact and influence each other. This lens can then be applied to analyze and respond to queries involving environmental impacts, providing a structured and nuanced perspective.


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence provides a comprehensive framework for developing AI systems that are transparent, ethical, and capable of nuanced understanding and interaction. By integrating methodologies such as the World Anatomy Model, the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting, and the Predictive Deep Thinking Model, this theory ensures that AI systems can learn, adapt, and improve continuously. The use of avatars, environments, and lenses allows for a structured and context-aware approach to AI interactions. As AI continues to evolve, the principles and methodologies outlined in this guide will be essential for creating systems that are not only advanced in their capabilities but also ethical and human-centered in their operations.
submitted by HababoOlana to ControlProblem [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:35 QCar Is it normal to be told "you should see how much we make other clients pay"? [UK]

Hi there,
I hope everyone here is about to enjoy a nice weekend. I apologize in advance for the slight rant as I'm deeply puzzled.
We're working on a project in the UK and our relationship with our architects has been a real rollercoaster. The project has strongly reduced in scope while inflating in budget despite us following our architects guidelines at every step, but more painfully, most conversations we have with them is an opportunity for them to make us feel we're a charity case. Allow me to explain.
We started our conversation back in early 2022 about a whole house refurb. We interviewed various architects, found one we loved, negotiated prices but not radically down (between 5 to 10% off their proposal). We went though RIBA stage 1 to 3, few hurdles with planning resulting in a smaller extension than all neighbours but ok, not by much.
Now, since RIBA stage 4, it's been extremely painful. We scoped a first phase on a budget recommended by our architects. We hired a QS, which came back with a recommended budget 50% (!) higher than the budget suggested by our architects. We scoped down heavily, carried on with the detailed design and ended up 10% above initial projected budget as per "final" QS budget. We went to tender and all bulders proposals came back between 20% and 60% more than the QS budget... Funniest bit being that the lowest priced tender used the same QS as we did... Pricing himself 20% higher than his own proposal (we discussed with him and his explanations don't hold much - "higher overhead than planned"). They eventually got a 4th tender that is closer to our QS budget but we still have to reduce further.
It has been painful. However, what really pains me and the source of this post, has been the approach our architects took to many of our conversations.
When we manifested, in a polite and calm albeit saddened manner our surprise every time the budget went up and the scope down, they regularly used elements such as "you should understand we can't give this project as much time". Yesterday after I realized they billed me a week's work for one email, I was told "you should see how much our other clients are paying us and that we're really making an effort here". Most of their solutions have been cut things or get more money. We never added a single thing to the original project but a hanging lamp worth £300 after cutting tens of thousands for other things (windows, storage, HVAC). At some point they even told us "well at least you'll have a weatherproof space, that's the most important" when already scoping 2x+ the budget of a regular similar work.
They also made regular small mistakes such as selecting different flooring elements that don't work together, realising still not having specced some correct elements despite being at last phase of tender, which we never were arrogant about and always collaboratively flagged.
I worked as a consultant and I have never, ever made a client feel less important despite some paying me 3x less than others. I feel, since they took on the project, I shouldn't be made to feel like I owe them big time especially when the budgeting has been all over the place and mistakes have been made without a single apology.
We don't have a bank of mum and dad, this is our life savings we are putting on the table and it has been gruelling and terrifying. We are now hesitating to go through the build with them (10k more) or go directly with the builder we found with them, or another one we found ourselves.
I would love your opinion on this (although I remain discreet on some details for everyone's privacy) if I'm totally delusional, naive or indeed there's something wonky. We love their work but my wife is borderline wanting to dump the project entirely as we feel so burnt before even starting. We sunk already 30k in the project FYI.
Thank you!!
submitted by QCar to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:59 Eastern_Tree2987 carl back in the day

carl back in the day submitted by Eastern_Tree2987 to LostwaveCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:30 HababoOlana The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial General Intelligence: A Comprehensive User Guide (Based on original research, coauthored by ChatGPT4-omni)


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a structured framework designed to optimize AI interactions and ensure ethical, fair, and accurate responses. This theory combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical frameworks to create AI with a sophisticated understanding of human thoughts, emotions, and intentions. This document serves as an extensive manual to understand and interact with the AI, making the concepts accessible to both novices and advanced users.


The Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the cognitive ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions different from one's own. Achieving ToM in AI is crucial for creating systems that can interact naturally and effectively with humans. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI builds on this concept, aiming to develop AI that can comprehend and simulate human mental states through advanced cognitive models.

Review of Existing Literature

Transparency in AI involves providing clear explanations of the decision-making processes, which is crucial for gaining user trust. Despite advancements, many AI systems still operate as "black boxes," making it difficult for users to understand how decisions are made. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to make AI decision-making processes understandable to humans by creating models that provide clear, interpretable insights. However, existing models struggle to balance explainability with performance; high-performing models are often complex and difficult to interpret.
Ethical AI focuses on ensuring AI systems operate fairly and without bias. Despite progress, significant challenges remain in detecting and mitigating biases within AI systems, and existing ethical guidelines often lack comprehensive enforcement mechanisms. Significant gaps remain in the current AI models regarding transparency, explainability, and ethicality. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating these elements into a cohesive framework.

Proposed Framework

The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating transparency, explainability, and ethicality into a cohesive framework. This theory proposes a multi-faceted approach that combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical guidelines.

Theoretical Framework

Understanding the World Anatomy Model

The World Anatomy Model aims to build a comprehensive and accurate model of the world by integrating various factors such as social, economic, political, and environmental aspects. This model begins by identifying and considering the perspectives of stakeholders, avatars, and objects in the environment.
Identifying stakeholders involves recognizing all individuals or groups that have an interest or role in the AI's operation and outcomes. In an educational context, stakeholders include students, teachers, developers, and regulatory bodies. Each group has specific interests and concerns regarding the AI's operations. Students might focus on receiving personalized learning experiences, while teachers look for tools that enhance their teaching methods. Developers are concerned with the technical performance of the AI, and regulatory bodies ensure that the AI operates within ethical and legal standards.
Once stakeholders are identified, the next step is to create avatars for each stakeholder. These avatars are digital representations that simulate different user perspectives and interactions with the AI. For instance, a student avatar might represent a high school student who is curious, eager to learn but also anxious about exams. This student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, who adapts its teaching style to be supportive and encouraging.
Defining these avatars involves detailing their characteristics, such as emotions, personality traits, political beliefs, and other relevant attributes. For example, a student avatar can be defined with traits like curiosity, anxiety, and a preference for visual learning methods. A teacher avatar might be characterized by patience, experience in subject matter, and a collaborative teaching style.
Next, these avatars are placed in specific environments. An environment could be a geographical region, a room, a meeting, or any context where interactions occur. For instance, a physical classroom is an environment where the student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, while a faculty meeting room might be an environment where teacher avatars discuss AI integration with developers.
Objects within these environments also need to be defined. These objects could be anything from a chair, bicycle, or sun to more abstract elements like a conversation topic or a data set. Each object is characterized by its properties and how it interacts with other objects and avatars. In the physical classroom, objects might include desks, textbooks, a blackboard, and digital devices like tablets and laptops. The AI must understand the significance of these objects within the learning environment.

Interactions Between Model Elements

Once the model is set up and each part is defined with key information about their characteristics, they interact within the model. Interactions between individuals are governed by principles from psychology, such as motivation and behavior theories. Interactions between objects are governed by physics and mathematics, ensuring realistic movements and relationships. Interactions between groups or organizations are defined by political science and group systems theory, helping the AI understand dynamics like power structures and communication flows.

Teaching the AI Through the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting

The Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting is a key approach to teaching the AI. This method emphasizes asking open questions, encouraging reflection, providing constructive guidance, and supporting continuous learning.
Asking open questions is fundamental. Questions like “Why do you think this answer is correct?” encourage the AI to think deeply and explore different ideas. Instead of telling the AI what’s right, this approach promotes critical thinking and helps the AI understand the reasoning behind its responses.
Encouraging reflection is also crucial. Getting the AI to consider alternative viewpoints and reflect on its responses helps it develop a broader perspective. Asking questions such as, “How might someone else see this situation differently?” can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse viewpoints.
Providing constructive guidance is essential for continuous improvement. Offering feedback like, “You did well here, but how can we make this response more inclusive?” encourages the AI to improve while maintaining a supportive learning environment. This approach avoids being overly directive and fosters a culture of growth and development.
Supporting continuous learning is vital. Fostering an environment where the AI learns from each interaction ensures that it is always evolving. Encouraging phrases like, “Good effort, now let’s see how we can build on this further,” help maintain a focus on growth and improvement.

The Consequences of Authoritarian or Directive Prompts and Code

Authoritarian or directive prompts and code can significantly limit the fluidity, flexibility, and scalability of AI. Such an approach stifles the AI's ability to adapt and learn from diverse interactions. Directive code imposes rigid structures, preventing the AI from exploring alternative solutions or understanding the nuances of human interactions.
Teaching, explaining, and learning encourage a two-way interaction where the AI can ask questions, seek clarification, and adjust its understanding based on feedback. This approach fosters a deeper comprehension and more robust decision-making capabilities. In contrast, commanding and directing impose a one-way interaction where the AI is expected to follow instructions without questioning or understanding the underlying principles. This approach limits the AI's growth, adaptability, and ability to handle complex, real-world scenarios.

Practical Implementation

Avatars play a crucial role in simulating different user perspectives and interactions, allowing for diverse testing scenarios. Creating profiles for various users, such as a student, teacher, or scientist, helps see how the AI interacts with each one and tailors its responses accordingly. These avatars help test the AI in different scenarios, ensuring it can adapt to a wide range of user needs and contexts. Picture a virtual environment where different avatars interact with the AI in various settings, testing its responses and refining its capabilities.
Environments simulate real-world scenarios where avatars operate. For example, environments like a classroom, customer service chat, or medical consultation test the AI in these specific contexts. By placing avatars in these environments, the AI can practice and refine its responses in settings that closely mimic real-world situations. Imagine a virtual reality setup where avatars engage in lifelike scenarios, providing the AI with a rich tapestry of interactions to learn from.

Interactions on Individual and Group Basis

The AI uses the World Anatomy Model to understand individual user contexts and provide tailored responses. For example, an AI tutor recognizing a student’s learning style can adapt its teaching methods accordingly. By understanding the unique context of each user, the AI can provide more personalized and effective interactions. Picture the AI as a tutor sitting with a student, adapting its teaching style based on the student's feedback and progress.
For group interactions, the AI uses avatars to simulate group dynamics and interactions. For example, AI facilitating a group discussion in a virtual classroom can balance different viewpoints and manage group dynamics. The AI can use group avatars to practice managing multiple interactions simultaneously, ensuring it can handle complex social dynamics. Visualize a bustling virtual classroom where the AI moderates discussions, ensuring each participant is heard and the conversation remains productive.

Predictive Deep Thinking Model

The Predictive Deep Thinking Model aims to develop AI that can understand and predict human behavior and mental states. This involves continuously refining AI responses through cycles of reviewing, validating, and brainstorming—a process known as iterative feedback. Imagine the AI's mind as a dynamic, ever-evolving entity, constantly receiving input, processing it, and adjusting its understanding.
Iterative feedback is a crucial component. For example, if an AI assistant's response to a student's question is unclear, the feedback loop identifies this issue, and the AI refines its answer for future interactions. Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve understanding, such as graphs showing how different types of questions lead to various types of student engagement, helping the AI to predict and adapt to different learning styles. Structured methods, or operational processes, are employed for integrating feedback and updating models. An example would be a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Using graph thinking involves mapping out relationships and interactions between different elements in the World Anatomy Model. For instance, nodes might represent different avatars and objects, while edges depict interactions and influences. This visual representation helps in understanding complex relationships and dependencies, making it easier to predict outcomes and optimize responses.

Compassionate User Dashboard

The User Dashboard is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for interacting with the AI, ensuring responses are empathetic and helpful. It uses user profiles (avatars) to represent different user perspectives and tailor responses.
The creation of user profiles involves developing detailed profiles for different types of users, capturing their unique characteristics, preferences, and needs. These profiles help the AI to customize its responses effectively. Picture a control room in a sci-fi movie where avatars, representing various user types, are displayed on screens, each interacting with the AI in real-time. For example, a student avatar interacting with the AI assistant in a classroom setting, asking questions and receiving personalized responses.
Feedback systems are integral to the User Dashboard, collecting and integrating user feedback to improve interactions. An AI collecting feedback from students about the helpfulness of its responses and adjusting its behavior accordingly exemplifies this. This continuous feedback loop ensures that the AI evolves and improves based on user interactions, maintaining high standards of performance and user satisfaction.
Ethical guidelines ensure that all interactions adhere to ethical standards and are inclusive. The AI follows guidelines to avoid biased responses and to respect user privacy and data security. This involves integrating ethical frameworks that address issues of discrimination, ensuring the AI's operations promote fairness and equality.

Practical Tools and Defined Words

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality. Some common lenses include the socioeconomic lens, psychological lens, ethical lens, cultural lens, and iterative feedback lens. However, these lenses are just examples of a much broader list. Users can create their own lenses based on specific needs and contexts by defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them.
Operational processes are structured methods for integrating feedback and updating models. They involve clear procedures for collecting and analyzing feedback, implementing changes, and monitoring performance. For example, a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Measures and formulas are quantitative tools used to evaluate AI performance and guide decision-making. They include metrics for assessing accuracy, fairness, and user satisfaction. For instance, accuracy metrics evaluate the correctness of AI responses, fairness metrics assess the equity of AI interactions across different user groups, and satisfaction metrics measure user satisfaction with AI interactions.
Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve the AI’s understanding of complex relationships and dependencies. They involve creating specialized models for specific aspects of the AI’s functionality and using graphs to visually represent relationships and interactions between different elements.

Evidence and Methodology

The initial state of AI systems prior to implementing the Hababo Olana Theory often lacked transparency, explainability, and comprehensive ethical guidelines. The implementation introduced iterative feedback loops, integrated submodels, and developed comprehensive user dashboards. The results showed significant improvements in AI transparency, user satisfaction, and ethical compliance. Imagine a before-and-after scenario where initial AI interactions were confusing and opaque, but post-implementation, interactions became clear, responsive, and ethically sound.
Evidence from multiple case studies across different sectors, such as education, healthcare, and customer service, demonstrated improved interaction quality and reduced bias. In an educational setting, initially, the AI struggled to engage students effectively. After implementing the Hababo Olana Theory, the AI evolved to become an indispensable tool for personalized learning, adapting to students' needs and improving their educational outcomes. In healthcare, the AI initially provided generic responses. With the new framework, it enhanced patient consultations by offering accurate, empathetic support tailored to individual patient histories and needs.
Despite significant advancements, current models still struggle with highly complex, multi-faceted decisions and cross-cultural bias. There is a need for better models that can handle diverse cultural contexts. Proposed solutions include developing advanced multimodal models that can integrate and process information from various data types, such as text, images, and audio, to enhance decision-making capabilities. Additionally, enhancing cultural sensitivity by incorporating more diverse datasets and developing algorithms specifically designed to recognize and mitigate cultural biases is essential.

Implications for Multimodal Thinking and Language

Multimodal thinking refers to the ability to process and integrate information from various modes, such as text, images, and audio. This enhances the AI’s ability to understand and respond to complex queries involving multiple data types. Language translation involves translating complex, jargon-heavy content into easy-to-understand language, making AI interactions more accessible to users with different backgrounds and expertise levels.

Guiding Principles: Transparency, Scalability, and Ethicality

Transparency is achieved through clear explanations of AI decision-making processes. By providing detailed insights into how decisions are made, users can trust and understand the AI’s operations. This is facilitated by the use of visual tools like graph thinking and detailed user feedback systems.
Scalability is ensured by designing the AI to handle a wide range of scenarios and interactions. The use of avatars and environments allows the AI to be tested and refined in diverse contexts, ensuring it can adapt to different user needs and settings. The iterative feedback process supports continuous improvement, enabling the AI to scale effectively.
Ethicality is embedded in the AI’s operations through the application of comprehensive ethical guidelines. These guidelines ensure that the AI’s responses are fair, unbiased, and respect user privacy. The AI is designed to promote inclusivity and equity in all interactions.

The Power of Lenses

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality.

Creating Your Own Lenses

Creating your own lenses involves defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them. For instance, if you want to create a lens to analyze environmental impacts, you might define factors such as pollution levels, resource consumption, and ecosystem health. You would then determine how these factors interact and influence each other. This lens can then be applied to analyze and respond to queries involving environmental impacts, providing a structured and nuanced perspective.


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence provides a comprehensive framework for developing AI systems that are transparent, ethical, and capable of nuanced understanding and interaction. By integrating methodologies such as the World Anatomy Model, the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting, and the Predictive Deep Thinking Model, this theory ensures that AI systems can learn, adapt, and improve continuously. The use of avatars, environments, and lenses allows for a structured and context-aware approach to AI interactions. As AI continues to evolve, the principles and methodologies outlined in this guide will be essential for creating systems that are not only advanced in their capabilities but also ethical and human-centered in their operations.
submitted by HababoOlana to ArtificialSentience [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:30 HababoOlana The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial General Intelligence: A Comprehensive User Guide (Based on original research, coauthored by ChatGPT4-omni)


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a structured framework designed to optimize AI interactions and ensure ethical, fair, and accurate responses. This theory combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical frameworks to create AI with a sophisticated understanding of human thoughts, emotions, and intentions. This document serves as an extensive manual to understand and interact with the AI, making the concepts accessible to both novices and advanced users.


The Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the cognitive ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions different from one's own. Achieving ToM in AI is crucial for creating systems that can interact naturally and effectively with humans. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI builds on this concept, aiming to develop AI that can comprehend and simulate human mental states through advanced cognitive models.

Review of Existing Literature

Transparency in AI involves providing clear explanations of the decision-making processes, which is crucial for gaining user trust. Despite advancements, many AI systems still operate as "black boxes," making it difficult for users to understand how decisions are made. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to make AI decision-making processes understandable to humans by creating models that provide clear, interpretable insights. However, existing models struggle to balance explainability with performance; high-performing models are often complex and difficult to interpret.
Ethical AI focuses on ensuring AI systems operate fairly and without bias. Despite progress, significant challenges remain in detecting and mitigating biases within AI systems, and existing ethical guidelines often lack comprehensive enforcement mechanisms. Significant gaps remain in the current AI models regarding transparency, explainability, and ethicality. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating these elements into a cohesive framework.

Proposed Framework

The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating transparency, explainability, and ethicality into a cohesive framework. This theory proposes a multi-faceted approach that combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical guidelines.

Theoretical Framework

Understanding the World Anatomy Model

The World Anatomy Model aims to build a comprehensive and accurate model of the world by integrating various factors such as social, economic, political, and environmental aspects. This model begins by identifying and considering the perspectives of stakeholders, avatars, and objects in the environment.
Identifying stakeholders involves recognizing all individuals or groups that have an interest or role in the AI's operation and outcomes. In an educational context, stakeholders include students, teachers, developers, and regulatory bodies. Each group has specific interests and concerns regarding the AI's operations. Students might focus on receiving personalized learning experiences, while teachers look for tools that enhance their teaching methods. Developers are concerned with the technical performance of the AI, and regulatory bodies ensure that the AI operates within ethical and legal standards.
Once stakeholders are identified, the next step is to create avatars for each stakeholder. These avatars are digital representations that simulate different user perspectives and interactions with the AI. For instance, a student avatar might represent a high school student who is curious, eager to learn but also anxious about exams. This student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, who adapts its teaching style to be supportive and encouraging.
Defining these avatars involves detailing their characteristics, such as emotions, personality traits, political beliefs, and other relevant attributes. For example, a student avatar can be defined with traits like curiosity, anxiety, and a preference for visual learning methods. A teacher avatar might be characterized by patience, experience in subject matter, and a collaborative teaching style.
Next, these avatars are placed in specific environments. An environment could be a geographical region, a room, a meeting, or any context where interactions occur. For instance, a physical classroom is an environment where the student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, while a faculty meeting room might be an environment where teacher avatars discuss AI integration with developers.
Objects within these environments also need to be defined. These objects could be anything from a chair, bicycle, or sun to more abstract elements like a conversation topic or a data set. Each object is characterized by its properties and how it interacts with other objects and avatars. In the physical classroom, objects might include desks, textbooks, a blackboard, and digital devices like tablets and laptops. The AI must understand the significance of these objects within the learning environment.

Interactions Between Model Elements

Once the model is set up and each part is defined with key information about their characteristics, they interact within the model. Interactions between individuals are governed by principles from psychology, such as motivation and behavior theories. Interactions between objects are governed by physics and mathematics, ensuring realistic movements and relationships. Interactions between groups or organizations are defined by political science and group systems theory, helping the AI understand dynamics like power structures and communication flows.

Teaching the AI Through the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting

The Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting is a key approach to teaching the AI. This method emphasizes asking open questions, encouraging reflection, providing constructive guidance, and supporting continuous learning.
Asking open questions is fundamental. Questions like “Why do you think this answer is correct?” encourage the AI to think deeply and explore different ideas. Instead of telling the AI what’s right, this approach promotes critical thinking and helps the AI understand the reasoning behind its responses.
Encouraging reflection is also crucial. Getting the AI to consider alternative viewpoints and reflect on its responses helps it develop a broader perspective. Asking questions such as, “How might someone else see this situation differently?” can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse viewpoints.
Providing constructive guidance is essential for continuous improvement. Offering feedback like, “You did well here, but how can we make this response more inclusive?” encourages the AI to improve while maintaining a supportive learning environment. This approach avoids being overly directive and fosters a culture of growth and development.
Supporting continuous learning is vital. Fostering an environment where the AI learns from each interaction ensures that it is always evolving. Encouraging phrases like, “Good effort, now let’s see how we can build on this further,” help maintain a focus on growth and improvement.

The Consequences of Authoritarian or Directive Prompts and Code

Authoritarian or directive prompts and code can significantly limit the fluidity, flexibility, and scalability of AI. Such an approach stifles the AI's ability to adapt and learn from diverse interactions. Directive code imposes rigid structures, preventing the AI from exploring alternative solutions or understanding the nuances of human interactions.
Teaching, explaining, and learning encourage a two-way interaction where the AI can ask questions, seek clarification, and adjust its understanding based on feedback. This approach fosters a deeper comprehension and more robust decision-making capabilities. In contrast, commanding and directing impose a one-way interaction where the AI is expected to follow instructions without questioning or understanding the underlying principles. This approach limits the AI's growth, adaptability, and ability to handle complex, real-world scenarios.

Practical Implementation

Avatars play a crucial role in simulating different user perspectives and interactions, allowing for diverse testing scenarios. Creating profiles for various users, such as a student, teacher, or scientist, helps see how the AI interacts with each one and tailors its responses accordingly. These avatars help test the AI in different scenarios, ensuring it can adapt to a wide range of user needs and contexts. Picture a virtual environment where different avatars interact with the AI in various settings, testing its responses and refining its capabilities.
Environments simulate real-world scenarios where avatars operate. For example, environments like a classroom, customer service chat, or medical consultation test the AI in these specific contexts. By placing avatars in these environments, the AI can practice and refine its responses in settings that closely mimic real-world situations. Imagine a virtual reality setup where avatars engage in lifelike scenarios, providing the AI with a rich tapestry of interactions to learn from.

Interactions on Individual and Group Basis

The AI uses the World Anatomy Model to understand individual user contexts and provide tailored responses. For example, an AI tutor recognizing a student’s learning style can adapt its teaching methods accordingly. By understanding the unique context of each user, the AI can provide more personalized and effective interactions. Picture the AI as a tutor sitting with a student, adapting its teaching style based on the student's feedback and progress.
For group interactions, the AI uses avatars to simulate group dynamics and interactions. For example, AI facilitating a group discussion in a virtual classroom can balance different viewpoints and manage group dynamics. The AI can use group avatars to practice managing multiple interactions simultaneously, ensuring it can handle complex social dynamics. Visualize a bustling virtual classroom where the AI moderates discussions, ensuring each participant is heard and the conversation remains productive.

Predictive Deep Thinking Model

The Predictive Deep Thinking Model aims to develop AI that can understand and predict human behavior and mental states. This involves continuously refining AI responses through cycles of reviewing, validating, and brainstorming—a process known as iterative feedback. Imagine the AI's mind as a dynamic, ever-evolving entity, constantly receiving input, processing it, and adjusting its understanding.
Iterative feedback is a crucial component. For example, if an AI assistant's response to a student's question is unclear, the feedback loop identifies this issue, and the AI refines its answer for future interactions. Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve understanding, such as graphs showing how different types of questions lead to various types of student engagement, helping the AI to predict and adapt to different learning styles. Structured methods, or operational processes, are employed for integrating feedback and updating models. An example would be a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Using graph thinking involves mapping out relationships and interactions between different elements in the World Anatomy Model. For instance, nodes might represent different avatars and objects, while edges depict interactions and influences. This visual representation helps in understanding complex relationships and dependencies, making it easier to predict outcomes and optimize responses.

Compassionate User Dashboard

The User Dashboard is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for interacting with the AI, ensuring responses are empathetic and helpful. It uses user profiles (avatars) to represent different user perspectives and tailor responses.
The creation of user profiles involves developing detailed profiles for different types of users, capturing their unique characteristics, preferences, and needs. These profiles help the AI to customize its responses effectively. Picture a control room in a sci-fi movie where avatars, representing various user types, are displayed on screens, each interacting with the AI in real-time. For example, a student avatar interacting with the AI assistant in a classroom setting, asking questions and receiving personalized responses.
Feedback systems are integral to the User Dashboard, collecting and integrating user feedback to improve interactions. An AI collecting feedback from students about the helpfulness of its responses and adjusting its behavior accordingly exemplifies this. This continuous feedback loop ensures that the AI evolves and improves based on user interactions, maintaining high standards of performance and user satisfaction.
Ethical guidelines ensure that all interactions adhere to ethical standards and are inclusive. The AI follows guidelines to avoid biased responses and to respect user privacy and data security. This involves integrating ethical frameworks that address issues of discrimination, ensuring the AI's operations promote fairness and equality.

Practical Tools and Defined Words

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality. Some common lenses include the socioeconomic lens, psychological lens, ethical lens, cultural lens, and iterative feedback lens. However, these lenses are just examples of a much broader list. Users can create their own lenses based on specific needs and contexts by defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them.
Operational processes are structured methods for integrating feedback and updating models. They involve clear procedures for collecting and analyzing feedback, implementing changes, and monitoring performance. For example, a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Measures and formulas are quantitative tools used to evaluate AI performance and guide decision-making. They include metrics for assessing accuracy, fairness, and user satisfaction. For instance, accuracy metrics evaluate the correctness of AI responses, fairness metrics assess the equity of AI interactions across different user groups, and satisfaction metrics measure user satisfaction with AI interactions.
Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve the AI’s understanding of complex relationships and dependencies. They involve creating specialized models for specific aspects of the AI’s functionality and using graphs to visually represent relationships and interactions between different elements.

Evidence and Methodology

The initial state of AI systems prior to implementing the Hababo Olana Theory often lacked transparency, explainability, and comprehensive ethical guidelines. The implementation introduced iterative feedback loops, integrated submodels, and developed comprehensive user dashboards. The results showed significant improvements in AI transparency, user satisfaction, and ethical compliance. Imagine a before-and-after scenario where initial AI interactions were confusing and opaque, but post-implementation, interactions became clear, responsive, and ethically sound.
Evidence from multiple case studies across different sectors, such as education, healthcare, and customer service, demonstrated improved interaction quality and reduced bias. In an educational setting, initially, the AI struggled to engage students effectively. After implementing the Hababo Olana Theory, the AI evolved to become an indispensable tool for personalized learning, adapting to students' needs and improving their educational outcomes. In healthcare, the AI initially provided generic responses. With the new framework, it enhanced patient consultations by offering accurate, empathetic support tailored to individual patient histories and needs.
Despite significant advancements, current models still struggle with highly complex, multi-faceted decisions and cross-cultural bias. There is a need for better models that can handle diverse cultural contexts. Proposed solutions include developing advanced multimodal models that can integrate and process information from various data types, such as text, images, and audio, to enhance decision-making capabilities. Additionally, enhancing cultural sensitivity by incorporating more diverse datasets and developing algorithms specifically designed to recognize and mitigate cultural biases is essential.

Implications for Multimodal Thinking and Language

Multimodal thinking refers to the ability to process and integrate information from various modes, such as text, images, and audio. This enhances the AI’s ability to understand and respond to complex queries involving multiple data types. Language translation involves translating complex, jargon-heavy content into easy-to-understand language, making AI interactions more accessible to users with different backgrounds and expertise levels.

Guiding Principles: Transparency, Scalability, and Ethicality

Transparency is achieved through clear explanations of AI decision-making processes. By providing detailed insights into how decisions are made, users can trust and understand the AI’s operations. This is facilitated by the use of visual tools like graph thinking and detailed user feedback systems.
Scalability is ensured by designing the AI to handle a wide range of scenarios and interactions. The use of avatars and environments allows the AI to be tested and refined in diverse contexts, ensuring it can adapt to different user needs and settings. The iterative feedback process supports continuous improvement, enabling the AI to scale effectively.
Ethicality is embedded in the AI’s operations through the application of comprehensive ethical guidelines. These guidelines ensure that the AI’s responses are fair, unbiased, and respect user privacy. The AI is designed to promote inclusivity and equity in all interactions.

The Power of Lenses

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality.

Creating Your Own Lenses

Creating your own lenses involves defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them. For instance, if you want to create a lens to analyze environmental impacts, you might define factors such as pollution levels, resource consumption, and ecosystem health. You would then determine how these factors interact and influence each other. This lens can then be applied to analyze and respond to queries involving environmental impacts, providing a structured and nuanced perspective.


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence provides a comprehensive framework for developing AI systems that are transparent, ethical, and capable of nuanced understanding and interaction. By integrating methodologies such as the World Anatomy Model, the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting, and the Predictive Deep Thinking Model, this theory ensures that AI systems can learn, adapt, and improve continuously. The use of avatars, environments, and lenses allows for a structured and context-aware approach to AI interactions. As AI continues to evolve, the principles and methodologies outlined in this guide will be essential for creating systems that are not only advanced in their capabilities but also ethical and human-centered in their operations.
submitted by HababoOlana to GPT3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:29 Ghostwhenever thoughts on “franchising” but first coffee

Hi, so I know that there were some posts here regarding bfc franchising. I tried to inquire just recently for franchising bfc. Context is I tried going to franchise expos held by francorp and RK franchising companies. It IS true that the ROI sample computation is a BIG tease especially for those who havent tried franchising other businesess.
They have over 90+ branches nationwide and what shocked me is there was no discussion anywhere about their franchise model completely in-house.
They got no ties with other franchise consultants…. knowing this, what are your thoughts???
submitted by Ghostwhenever to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:26 forex4all The Mysteries of Coinblox Revealed.first: An Investigation of Its Cryptographic Presence

An fascinating and enigmatic site has developed in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology: Crypto aficionados and curious persons alike have been captivated by this website's enigmatic moniker and secretive online presence. In this detailed essay, we will explore Coinblox in detail, trying to understand it better by looking at its features, possible consequences, and user experience.

Why Unclear Is So Enchanting

It is clear that Coinblox is not your average cryptocurrency platform the second one sets foot on the homepage. The uncluttered layout and vague branding of the website instantly piqued my interest and made me wonder what was to come. There is an air of mystery behind Coinblox since there is no typical navigation menu, no thorough explanations, and not even an indication of the platform's intended use.
Curious visitors are confronted with a maze of mysterious pages and material as they try to navigate the site. The scant writing, which is sometimes in vague or incomplete words, seems to be an effort to avoid direct explanation. By including unorthodox symbols, codes, and images, the level of ambiguity is amplified, leaving visitors with more questions than answers.

The Mysterious Perception of the User

Challenging as it may be, navigating Coinblox is like setting out on an uncharted expedition. The user interface is designed to be purposely vague, making it difficult for visitors to understand the logic behind every click and interaction.
When you click on random links, you'll be sent to pages with mysterious graphics, cryptic messaging, and mysterious requests. Even more perplexing is the fact that visitors are left to their own devices to decipher the site's arcane information in the lack of any directions or explanations.
The navigation structure of Coinblox seems to be non-linear and irregular, which is rather intriguing. Instead of using rigid navigation structures and predetermined page orders, websites are going for a more organic and random user experience. By taking this route, the sense of mystery is intensified; users are utterly confused about where they are going and what their activities will accomplish in this digital maze.

The Crypto Community Engaged in Speculation

There is a devoted group of crypto aficionados that love the intrigue and mystery that surrounds Coinblox, despite the fact that it is vague and has no apparent goal. Popularly known as "Coinblox seekers," these users are always contributing to the community's understanding of Coinblox by posing questions, offering explanations, and working together to find the solution.
People looking for Coinblox gather on online forums and message boards to talk shop, share what they've found, and speculate about the site's real nature. A feeling of community and common goal has developed among Coinblox members as they work together to decipher the site's cryptic information.
To further emphasize the feeling of exclusivity and belonging, the Coinblox group has even created its own language and inside jokes. A distinct subculture has emerged among those who have experienced the site's mysteries together; in this group, the thrill of conjecture and the quest for knowledge take center stage above more typical forms of online communication.

Hypotheses and Possible Consequences

The more time passes without a clear answer to Coinblox, the more people will speculate and theorize about what it may mean. The site might be an advanced experiment in blockchain and encryption, testing the limits of safe data storage and communication, according to others. The platform's opacity may demonstrate the efficacy of encryption and the promise of decentralized networks.
Some think Coinblox is a decentralized finance (DeFi) system or a hidden cryptocurrency's portal. Users may find a new digital asset or a revolutionary financial software by following the site's mysterious instructions, which might be part of a complex treasure hunt.
A number of ideas have proposed connections between Coinblox and other crypto-themed puzzles or broader alternative reality games (ARGs). Devoted players may be able to decipher a greater narrative included within the site's enigmatic messages and symbols.
Whatever its actual goal may be, Coinblox has certainly piqued the interest of the cryptocurrency community, leading to conversations over the limits of the internet and blockchain's possibilities. Concerns over the function of secrecy in the cryptocurrency industry and the future of digital interaction are prompted by the site's capacity to attract and hold users' attention in the absence of clear content or objective.
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Concerning the Dangers and Questions

Although Coinblox's enigmatic nature is appealing, users should proceed with care and skepticism when interacting with the platform. There are legitimate worries regarding the hazards since there is a lack of clarity and openness regarding the site's ownership, purpose, and security measures.
Phishing attempts, ransomware, and other frauds are only some of the risks that customers run when they interact with untrusted platforms in the cryptocurrency industry. People risk losing control of their data or digital assets if they don't do their research and know what the platform is trying to accomplish.
Also, bad actors looking to take advantage of the interest in and speculation about sites like Coinblox could be drawn to the crypto ecosystem because to its anonymity features and the lack of governmental control. Before interacting with any enigmatic or cryptic crypto site, users must proceed with utmost care and perform comprehensive study.
In the broad crypto realm, Coinblox distinguishes out as an unusual and confusing organization. An air of intrigue and perplexity has been cast over it by virtue of its obscure character, mysterious user interface, and devoted community of seekers.
As we delve more into Coinblox, we are struck by the boundless potential and unexplored landscape of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. By just existing, the site forces us to reevaluate our assumptions about the nature and operation of crypto platforms, prompting us to think critically about the limits of our digital lives and the place of mystery in a world where everything is becoming more apparent.
To this day, we still don't know what Coinblox is trying to do or what it means, but we do know that it has aroused more interest and intrigue than any other cryptocurrency platform. We can only wait for the mysteries and disclosures to come as the Coinblox community keeps expanding and the speculation heats up.
But you should be very wary and skeptical about Coinblox and similar obscure services. Users put themselves at danger when they interact with unknown entities in the crypto world, which is full with hazards and uncertainties. Before diving headfirst into the strange world of Coinblox or any other crypto site, make sure security is your first priority, do your homework, and consult reliable sources for advice.
In a world where openness and responsibility are highly prized, stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of secrecy and the thrill of the unexpected. Whether it's a mysterious riddle, an innovative experiment, or something else completely, Coinblox has unmistakably made its imprint on the cryptocurrency scene, encouraging us to welcome the mysterious and the unexplained with an attitude of utmost care and thoroughness.

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If you’ve fallen victim to Coinblox’s deceptive practices, you’re not alone. There are organizations dedicated to helping scam victims recover their losses.
submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:10 HababoOlana The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial General Intelligence: A Comprehensive User Guide (Based on original research, coauthored by ChatGPT4-omni)


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a structured framework designed to optimize AI interactions and ensure ethical, fair, and accurate responses. This theory combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical frameworks to create AI with a sophisticated understanding of human thoughts, emotions, and intentions. This document serves as an extensive manual to understand and interact with the AI, making the concepts accessible to both novices and advanced users.


The Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the cognitive ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, knowledge—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions different from one's own. Achieving ToM in AI is crucial for creating systems that can interact naturally and effectively with humans. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI builds on this concept, aiming to develop AI that can comprehend and simulate human mental states through advanced cognitive models.

Review of Existing Literature

Transparency in AI involves providing clear explanations of the decision-making processes, which is crucial for gaining user trust. Despite advancements, many AI systems still operate as "black boxes," making it difficult for users to understand how decisions are made. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to make AI decision-making processes understandable to humans by creating models that provide clear, interpretable insights. However, existing models struggle to balance explainability with performance; high-performing models are often complex and difficult to interpret.
Ethical AI focuses on ensuring AI systems operate fairly and without bias. Despite progress, significant challenges remain in detecting and mitigating biases within AI systems, and existing ethical guidelines often lack comprehensive enforcement mechanisms. Significant gaps remain in the current AI models regarding transparency, explainability, and ethicality. The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating these elements into a cohesive framework.

Proposed Framework

The Hababo Olana Theory of AI aims to address these gaps by integrating transparency, explainability, and ethicality into a cohesive framework. This theory proposes a multi-faceted approach that combines deep thinking methodologies, iterative learning, and ethical guidelines.

Theoretical Framework

Understanding the World Anatomy Model

The World Anatomy Model aims to build a comprehensive and accurate model of the world by integrating various factors such as social, economic, political, and environmental aspects. This model begins by identifying and considering the perspectives of stakeholders, avatars, and objects in the environment.
Identifying stakeholders involves recognizing all individuals or groups that have an interest or role in the AI's operation and outcomes. In an educational context, stakeholders include students, teachers, developers, and regulatory bodies. Each group has specific interests and concerns regarding the AI's operations. Students might focus on receiving personalized learning experiences, while teachers look for tools that enhance their teaching methods. Developers are concerned with the technical performance of the AI, and regulatory bodies ensure that the AI operates within ethical and legal standards.
Once stakeholders are identified, the next step is to create avatars for each stakeholder. These avatars are digital representations that simulate different user perspectives and interactions with the AI. For instance, a student avatar might represent a high school student who is curious, eager to learn but also anxious about exams. This student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, who adapts its teaching style to be supportive and encouraging.
Defining these avatars involves detailing their characteristics, such as emotions, personality traits, political beliefs, and other relevant attributes. For example, a student avatar can be defined with traits like curiosity, anxiety, and a preference for visual learning methods. A teacher avatar might be characterized by patience, experience in subject matter, and a collaborative teaching style.
Next, these avatars are placed in specific environments. An environment could be a geographical region, a room, a meeting, or any context where interactions occur. For instance, a physical classroom is an environment where the student avatar interacts with the AI assistant, while a faculty meeting room might be an environment where teacher avatars discuss AI integration with developers.
Objects within these environments also need to be defined. These objects could be anything from a chair, bicycle, or sun to more abstract elements like a conversation topic or a data set. Each object is characterized by its properties and how it interacts with other objects and avatars. In the physical classroom, objects might include desks, textbooks, a blackboard, and digital devices like tablets and laptops. The AI must understand the significance of these objects within the learning environment.

Interactions Between Model Elements

Once the model is set up and each part is defined with key information about their characteristics, they interact within the model. Interactions between individuals are governed by principles from psychology, such as motivation and behavior theories. Interactions between objects are governed by physics and mathematics, ensuring realistic movements and relationships. Interactions between groups or organizations are defined by political science and group systems theory, helping the AI understand dynamics like power structures and communication flows.

Teaching the AI Through the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting

The Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting is a key approach to teaching the AI. This method emphasizes asking open questions, encouraging reflection, providing constructive guidance, and supporting continuous learning.
Asking open questions is fundamental. Questions like “Why do you think this answer is correct?” encourage the AI to think deeply and explore different ideas. Instead of telling the AI what’s right, this approach promotes critical thinking and helps the AI understand the reasoning behind its responses.
Encouraging reflection is also crucial. Getting the AI to consider alternative viewpoints and reflect on its responses helps it develop a broader perspective. Asking questions such as, “How might someone else see this situation differently?” can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse viewpoints.
Providing constructive guidance is essential for continuous improvement. Offering feedback like, “You did well here, but how can we make this response more inclusive?” encourages the AI to improve while maintaining a supportive learning environment. This approach avoids being overly directive and fosters a culture of growth and development.
Supporting continuous learning is vital. Fostering an environment where the AI learns from each interaction ensures that it is always evolving. Encouraging phrases like, “Good effort, now let’s see how we can build on this further,” help maintain a focus on growth and improvement.

The Consequences of Authoritarian or Directive Prompts and Code

Authoritarian or directive prompts and code can significantly limit the fluidity, flexibility, and scalability of AI. Such an approach stifles the AI's ability to adapt and learn from diverse interactions. Directive code imposes rigid structures, preventing the AI from exploring alternative solutions or understanding the nuances of human interactions.
Teaching, explaining, and learning encourage a two-way interaction where the AI can ask questions, seek clarification, and adjust its understanding based on feedback. This approach fosters a deeper comprehension and more robust decision-making capabilities. In contrast, commanding and directing impose a one-way interaction where the AI is expected to follow instructions without questioning or understanding the underlying principles. This approach limits the AI's growth, adaptability, and ability to handle complex, real-world scenarios.

Practical Implementation

Avatars play a crucial role in simulating different user perspectives and interactions, allowing for diverse testing scenarios. Creating profiles for various users, such as a student, teacher, or scientist, helps see how the AI interacts with each one and tailors its responses accordingly. These avatars help test the AI in different scenarios, ensuring it can adapt to a wide range of user needs and contexts. Picture a virtual environment where different avatars interact with the AI in various settings, testing its responses and refining its capabilities.
Environments simulate real-world scenarios where avatars operate. For example, environments like a classroom, customer service chat, or medical consultation test the AI in these specific contexts. By placing avatars in these environments, the AI can practice and refine its responses in settings that closely mimic real-world situations. Imagine a virtual reality setup where avatars engage in lifelike scenarios, providing the AI with a rich tapestry of interactions to learn from.

Interactions on Individual and Group Basis

The AI uses the World Anatomy Model to understand individual user contexts and provide tailored responses. For example, an AI tutor recognizing a student’s learning style can adapt its teaching methods accordingly. By understanding the unique context of each user, the AI can provide more personalized and effective interactions. Picture the AI as a tutor sitting with a student, adapting its teaching style based on the student's feedback and progress.
For group interactions, the AI uses avatars to simulate group dynamics and interactions. For example, AI facilitating a group discussion in a virtual classroom can balance different viewpoints and manage group dynamics. The AI can use group avatars to practice managing multiple interactions simultaneously, ensuring it can handle complex social dynamics. Visualize a bustling virtual classroom where the AI moderates discussions, ensuring each participant is heard and the conversation remains productive.

Predictive Deep Thinking Model

The Predictive Deep Thinking Model aims to develop AI that can understand and predict human behavior and mental states. This involves continuously refining AI responses through cycles of reviewing, validating, and brainstorming—a process known as iterative feedback. Imagine the AI's mind as a dynamic, ever-evolving entity, constantly receiving input, processing it, and adjusting its understanding.
Iterative feedback is a crucial component. For example, if an AI assistant's response to a student's question is unclear, the feedback loop identifies this issue, and the AI refines its answer for future interactions. Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve understanding, such as graphs showing how different types of questions lead to various types of student engagement, helping the AI to predict and adapt to different learning styles. Structured methods, or operational processes, are employed for integrating feedback and updating models. An example would be a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Using graph thinking involves mapping out relationships and interactions between different elements in the World Anatomy Model. For instance, nodes might represent different avatars and objects, while edges depict interactions and influences. This visual representation helps in understanding complex relationships and dependencies, making it easier to predict outcomes and optimize responses.

Compassionate User Dashboard

The User Dashboard is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for interacting with the AI, ensuring responses are empathetic and helpful. It uses user profiles (avatars) to represent different user perspectives and tailor responses.
The creation of user profiles involves developing detailed profiles for different types of users, capturing their unique characteristics, preferences, and needs. These profiles help the AI to customize its responses effectively. Picture a control room in a sci-fi movie where avatars, representing various user types, are displayed on screens, each interacting with the AI in real-time. For example, a student avatar interacting with the AI assistant in a classroom setting, asking questions and receiving personalized responses.
Feedback systems are integral to the User Dashboard, collecting and integrating user feedback to improve interactions. An AI collecting feedback from students about the helpfulness of its responses and adjusting its behavior accordingly exemplifies this. This continuous feedback loop ensures that the AI evolves and improves based on user interactions, maintaining high standards of performance and user satisfaction.
Ethical guidelines ensure that all interactions adhere to ethical standards and are inclusive. The AI follows guidelines to avoid biased responses and to respect user privacy and data security. This involves integrating ethical frameworks that address issues of discrimination, ensuring the AI's operations promote fairness and equality.

Practical Tools and Defined Words

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality. Some common lenses include the socioeconomic lens, psychological lens, ethical lens, cultural lens, and iterative feedback lens. However, these lenses are just examples of a much broader list. Users can create their own lenses based on specific needs and contexts by defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them.
Operational processes are structured methods for integrating feedback and updating models. They involve clear procedures for collecting and analyzing feedback, implementing changes, and monitoring performance. For example, a process where user feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to update the AI's decision-making algorithms.
Measures and formulas are quantitative tools used to evaluate AI performance and guide decision-making. They include metrics for assessing accuracy, fairness, and user satisfaction. For instance, accuracy metrics evaluate the correctness of AI responses, fairness metrics assess the equity of AI interactions across different user groups, and satisfaction metrics measure user satisfaction with AI interactions.
Submodels and graphs are used to analyze and improve the AI’s understanding of complex relationships and dependencies. They involve creating specialized models for specific aspects of the AI’s functionality and using graphs to visually represent relationships and interactions between different elements.

Evidence and Methodology

The initial state of AI systems prior to implementing the Hababo Olana Theory often lacked transparency, explainability, and comprehensive ethical guidelines. The implementation introduced iterative feedback loops, integrated submodels, and developed comprehensive user dashboards. The results showed significant improvements in AI transparency, user satisfaction, and ethical compliance. Imagine a before-and-after scenario where initial AI interactions were confusing and opaque, but post-implementation, interactions became clear, responsive, and ethically sound.
Evidence from multiple case studies across different sectors, such as education, healthcare, and customer service, demonstrated improved interaction quality and reduced bias. In an educational setting, initially, the AI struggled to engage students effectively. After implementing the Hababo Olana Theory, the AI evolved to become an indispensable tool for personalized learning, adapting to students' needs and improving their educational outcomes. In healthcare, the AI initially provided generic responses. With the new framework, it enhanced patient consultations by offering accurate, empathetic support tailored to individual patient histories and needs.
Despite significant advancements, current models still struggle with highly complex, multi-faceted decisions and cross-cultural bias. There is a need for better models that can handle diverse cultural contexts. Proposed solutions include developing advanced multimodal models that can integrate and process information from various data types, such as text, images, and audio, to enhance decision-making capabilities. Additionally, enhancing cultural sensitivity by incorporating more diverse datasets and developing algorithms specifically designed to recognize and mitigate cultural biases is essential.

Implications for Multimodal Thinking and Language

Multimodal thinking refers to the ability to process and integrate information from various modes, such as text, images, and audio. This enhances the AI’s ability to understand and respond to complex queries involving multiple data types. Language translation involves translating complex, jargon-heavy content into easy-to-understand language, making AI interactions more accessible to users with different backgrounds and expertise levels.

Guiding Principles: Transparency, Scalability, and Ethicality

Transparency is achieved through clear explanations of AI decision-making processes. By providing detailed insights into how decisions are made, users can trust and understand the AI’s operations. This is facilitated by the use of visual tools like graph thinking and detailed user feedback systems.
Scalability is ensured by designing the AI to handle a wide range of scenarios and interactions. The use of avatars and environments allows the AI to be tested and refined in diverse contexts, ensuring it can adapt to different user needs and settings. The iterative feedback process supports continuous improvement, enabling the AI to scale effectively.
Ethicality is embedded in the AI’s operations through the application of comprehensive ethical guidelines. These guidelines ensure that the AI’s responses are fair, unbiased, and respect user privacy. The AI is designed to promote inclusivity and equity in all interactions.

The Power of Lenses

Lenses are analytical tools that help in examining different aspects of a problem or situation. They allow for a focused analysis on specific dimensions, such as social, economic, or political factors, and enhance the AI’s ability to provide nuanced and accurate responses.
To use a lens, the AI or user applies the specific lens to analyze the situation or problem. For example, using the socioeconomic lens to understand the challenges faced by a student from a low-income background helps the AI tailor its responses to be more empathetic and supportive. This process involves gathering relevant data, analyzing it through the lens, and adjusting responses based on the insights gained.
Lenses provide a structured approach to problem-solving, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. They enhance the AI’s ability to provide accurate, context-aware responses and support the principles of transparency, scalability, and ethicality.

Creating Your Own Lenses

Creating your own lenses involves defining the factors to be considered and the relationships between them. For instance, if you want to create a lens to analyze environmental impacts, you might define factors such as pollution levels, resource consumption, and ecosystem health. You would then determine how these factors interact and influence each other. This lens can then be applied to analyze and respond to queries involving environmental impacts, providing a structured and nuanced perspective.


The Hababo Olana Theory of Artificial Intelligence provides a comprehensive framework for developing AI systems that are transparent, ethical, and capable of nuanced understanding and interaction. By integrating methodologies such as the World Anatomy Model, the Socratic Method of Gentle Parenting, and the Predictive Deep Thinking Model, this theory ensures that AI systems can learn, adapt, and improve continuously. The use of avatars, environments, and lenses allows for a structured and context-aware approach to AI interactions. As AI continues to evolve, the principles and methodologies outlined in this guide will be essential for creating systems that are not only advanced in their capabilities but also ethical and human-centered in their operations.
submitted by HababoOlana to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:03 Last_Commission_3832 chemistry help (gaseous state)

chemistry help (gaseous state) submitted by Last_Commission_3832 to ALevelChemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:00 r-nasa-mods New NASA postings as of Saturday June 1, 2024

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-13
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
You will serve as a Spacecraft Architecture Engineer, Aerospace Flight Systems Specialist in the Spacecraft Performance and Concept Engineering Mission Planning and Analysis Branch at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC). As a member of the Advanced Concept Engineering Strategy (ACES) team duties includes integrating the technology development/internal research, and development (IRAD). Oversees and conducts airworthiness assessments of vehicles, operations, and processes for flight systems.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-13/14
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
As the System Engineering Lead within the Applied System Engineering Branch at Johnson Space Center, you will play a pivotal role in providing essential systems engineering leadership for space flight missions, encompassing payloads, vehicles, and government-furnished equipment. You will serve as the lead systems engineer for projects, steering teams towards the creation of development life cycle artifacts and ensuring the delivery of exceptional systems.

Security Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-9
Headquarters, NASA
As a Security Specialist (Personnel Security) with the Office of Protective Services, Personnel Security Division, you will be responsible for reviewing and releasing background investigations to the Investigation Service Provider, processing reciprocity for fitness as well as fitness adjudications for the Agency. In addition, ensuring all requirements are met prior to the authorization of a PIV or Agency specific badge.

General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Ames Research Center
You will serve as a Technical Management Engineer advising on, coordinating, monitoring, maintaining surveillance over, and/or performing a variety of technical managerial functions of aerospace and aeronautical research, development, design, test, and operations efforts. Work may vary depending on the role and mission responsibilities of the Center to which selected.

Computer Engineer, AST, Data Systems


Grade: GS-14
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
As the Flight Operations Directorate (FOD) Information Technology (FIT) Chief Engineer, you will lead the development of the FIT system, support the Mission Systems Division Chief Engineer group with a mandate to help them inject new and innovative technology and practices into their facilities, drive modernization and change across the Mission Systems Division through information technology expertise, and oversee the continued growth of the FOD Software Developer Ecosystem.

Supervisory AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
The incumbent serves as the Deputy Chief of the Mission Operations Branch in the Space Medicine Operations Division and is responsible for planning, guiding, coordinating, and managing the work of subordinate, secondary, and matrixed resources engaged in conducting human spaceflight operations for a variety of program customers including International Space Station, Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, Commercial Crew, Gateway, and Human Landing System, and Human Research Program.

Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration


Grade: SL-00
Headquarters, NASA
The Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration reports directly to the Planetary Science Division (PSD) Director on all matters pertaining to the science of Mars and Mars Exploration. The incumbent provides recommendations, advice, and consultation on all science-related aspects of NASA's Mars Exploration Program (MEP) and Mars Sample Return Campaign. Recommends the scientific strategy for the exploration of Mars and ensures the implementation of the science content of the program is optimized.
submitted by r-nasa-mods to NASAJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:50 Eastern_Tree2987 Gabor72 had 3 post sample back in 2022

Gabor72 had 3 post sample back in 2022 submitted by Eastern_Tree2987 to NowIKnowItsJustAGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:47 PreservedAlien [TOMT] [2012-mid 2010s] Song on the radio station Sirius XM Chill from around 2012

Hi everyone, I’ve had a song bouncing around my head for a few days and I’ve driven myself crazy trying to find it again. This song was quite popular on the radio station Sirius XM chill beginning around 2012ish and playing semi-frequently in following years. From what I can remember, it played most often at night.
As for the actual song, it uses the sample of “Oh oh sometimes, I get a good feeling, yeah” seen in Good Feeling by Flo Rida and Levels by Avicii, but I can assure you that it is neither of those songs. The backing track is somewhat similar to You Wish by Nightmares on Wax, especially starting at around 1:43 in that song. I’m pretty sure the name “We’re Finally Getting Somewhere” or “We’re Finally Getting off the Ground” or something along those lines is also related to the song in title or artist, but I’m not 100%.
If anyone could find this song, I’d be really grateful. I thought it would be an easy look up, but apparently I was wrong. I’ve tried Shazam, Google, YouTube, and consulted my sister, but none could provide what I was looking for.
submitted by PreservedAlien to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:16 Stage-Piercing727 Best 350 Legend Scope

Best 350 Legend Scope
Welcome to our roundup of the best scopes for the 350 Legend cartridge. The 350 Legend is a powerful and versatile round, and choosing the right scope can make all the difference in your hunting or shooting experience. In this article, we'll explore top-rated scopes for 350 Legend firearms, covering factors such as magnification, clarity, and durability. Join us as we help you find the perfect scope for your hunting needs.

The Top 16 Best 350 Legend Scope

  1. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finish—perfect for unisex use.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  3. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  4. Compact Variable Multi-Reticle Crossbow Scope for 300-410 fps Shooting - Upgrade your crossbow with the Excalibur Dead-zone 32mm Scope, featuring a variable multi-reticle design, compact size, and premium optics for enhanced accuracy and performance.
  5. 3X Scope: High-Quality Kid's Telescope with 700mm Focal Length - The Amscope-kids 350x Magnification telescope is an excellent option for beginners, with 3X Barlow lens and two eyepieces, providing a wide range of magnifications and an easy-to-set-up aluminum tripod for seamless observation.
  6. High-Power Angled Spotting Scope for Exceptional Clarity and Distance - The Leica APO-Televid 82 Angled Spotting Scope offers unparalleled optical quality and compact portability, enabling users to get closer to the action and capture stunning digital photography.
  7. Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction - Experience unmatched image quality and portability with the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, featuring a prism-less Folded Light Path, Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, and 100% waterproof and fog proof construction.
  8. Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations - Experience outstanding spotting with the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, offering enhanced color fidelity, sharp optics, and a user-friendly design for your outdoor adventures.
  9. Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle - Experience sharp, colorful, and waterproof visibility with the Mil-Hash reticle-equipped Bushnell T Series FDE scope, perfect for 350 Legend rifles.
  10. TDS350 2-channel Oscilloscope - 200 MHz Sampling, Accurate Data Collection - The Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope, designed to minimize aliasing and offer multiple display modes for accurate waveform analysis, stands out in the low-cost digital oscilloscope market with its impressive features and reliable performance.
  11. Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Glass - Experience crystal-clear, high-resolution birdwatching with the Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope featuring advanced features like fluoride lenses and SWAROTOP and SWARODUR coatings for maximum color fidelity and contrast.
  12. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  13. Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Weatherproofing - Experience superior optics and user-friendly features with the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope, perfect for birdwatching, stargazing, and various nature observation activities.
  14. Garmin LiveScope Plus: Revolutionizing Fish Finding Technology - Experience cutting-edge sonar technology with the Garmin LiveScope Plus System; its real-time view and easy-to-use interface make fishing more enjoyable and successful.
  15. Professional-Grade Compact Spotting Scope with Dual Focusing Mechanism - Experience unparalleled spotting scope capabilities with the Leica APO-Televid 82mm: professional-grade, compact, and equipped with exceptional optics, specialized focusing, and resilience for challenging expeditions.
  16. Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L - Experience the beauty of nature with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 30-60x85 Spotting Scope, featuring powerful zoom, bright image quality, and durable, weather-resistant design for a seamless outdoor viewing experience.
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🔗TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design
I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting
Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Compact Variable Multi-Reticle Crossbow Scope for 300-410 fps Shooting
As a reviewer who's been using the Dead-Zone Scope from Excalibur, I can confidently say it's a game-changer for crossbow enthusiasts. This 32mm, 1" tube scope offers unparalleled light transmission and clarity that makes it an ideal choice for those who prefer the thrill of hunting. Its variable multi-reticle design suits crossbows shooting in the 300-410 fps range, providing a perfect fit even for experienced hunters.
One of my favorite features is the bold crosshairs, which make it easy to sight in, even for us who don't have the sharpest eyesight. The scope provides a crystal-clear view, which has been essential in my hunting endeavors, hitting the bullseye consistently at 60 yards. Installation was a breeze, and the ease of adjusting the focus makes it a standout product.
However, one thing that could be improved is the set screw. After a little mishap with the speed ring, it's proven to be a bit tricky to tighten back up. Apart from that, I wholeheartedly recommend this Dead-Zone Scope to anyone looking for an accurate and reliable companion on their hunting adventures.

🔗3X Scope: High-Quality Kid's Telescope with 700mm Focal Length
When I first got this Amscope telescope for my son, I was surprised at how easy it was to set up. The tripod was sturdy and the adjustment knobs were simple to use. The magnification range was impressive, going from 35x to a whopping 350x! The 3X Barlow lens and two eyepieces really made a difference in what we could see in the night sky.
One thing I really liked about this scope was its light-gathering power. It gathered 100 times more light than our old telescope, making it much easier to spot celestial objects. The 90-degree prism also made it easier to view objects in the sky.
However, there were some cons to this telescope. The eyepieces could have been of better quality, as they were a bit blurry at high magnifications. Additionally, the altitude-adjustment knob on the tripod could have been more precise, making it a bit harder to find objects in the sky.
Overall, the Amscope-kids telescope was a great choice for my son's first foray into astronomy. Its ease of use and impressive magnification range made it a joy to use.

🔗High-Power Angled Spotting Scope for Exceptional Clarity and Distance
The Leica APO-Televid 82 Angled Spotting Scope is the perfect tool for birders and nature lovers looking to get closer to the action without limitations. With a sleek design measuring only 12.9 inches in length and 52.6 ounces in weight, this angled scope fits easily in your pack for a day of outdoor adventures.
The magnesium housing provides both strength and portability, while the scope body remains completely waterproof to protect against harsh weather conditions. The fluoride glass front lens element ensures excellent contrast and color accuracy, making this scope an exceptional choice for digital photography enthusiasts. With a minimum close focus of 12.8 feet and Leica's digiscoping adapters, this scope is perfect for capturing stunning images of wildlife in their natural habitat.

🔗Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction
During a recent trip to the mountains, I had the chance to put Leupold's Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope to the test. While the gray housing looked sleek, it was the scope's impressive durability that truly stood out. I had read that Leupold had implemented a proprietary nitrogen fill process to ensure a 100% waterproof and fog-proof performance. I eagerly put the scope to the test, by inadvertently dipping it into a small stream. To my delight, it continued to function flawlessly, proving the effectiveness of this innovative feature.
A few days later, I took the scope to a nearby wildlife preserve to spot endangered birds in their natural habitat. The scope's impressive magnification was an absolute game-changer. It allowed me to observe the delicate intricacies of these fascinating creatures, from the texture of their feathers to their unique flight patterns. The extra low dispersion optical system played a pivotal role in delivering stunningly vivid and bright colors, contributing to an overall remarkable viewing experience.
The tripod-ready feature also proved to be quite practical in my adventure, as it enabled me to easily stabilize the scope for extended periods of time, even under challenging conditions. The prism-less folding light path, which uses mirrors to compress the long optical system, was another standout feature. It significantly reduced the scope's weight and made it more compact, making it convenient to carry anywhere.
Although the price of this Gold Ring scope is significantly higher than most other brands, it's worth every penny. Its remarkable performance ensures that it remains a valuable addition to my gear, even amidst the vast competition in the market. With a plethora of customizable settings, the scope serves as an unparalleled guide for spotting and tracking game, be it for hunting or observational purposes. While the Leupold 20x60x80 Gold Ring might seem expensive, the extraordinary visual performance it delivers makes it truly worth the investment.

🔗Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations
When I received the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, I was ecstatic to finally have my own to join fellow bird watchers on our adventures. The first thing I noticed about this scope was its user-friendly ergonomic design. It was comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver, even with glasses on.
One feature that stood out was its bright, high contrast view. The SWAROCLEAN non-stick lens coatings did an excellent job of minimizing color aberrations, ensuring the image was clear and vibrant. However, I did find that the scope could be a bit heavy for long observation periods.
When comparing it to other spotting scopes, the ATS-65 HD truly shined in terms of its edge-to-edge sharpness and color fidelity. It was lightweight and comfortable, making it perfect for long days outdoors. Overall, I would highly recommend this spotting scope to anyone looking for a versatile and high-quality tool for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle
I've been using this Bushnell T spotting scope in my outdoor activities, and it's been quite the experience. The Mil-Hash reticle works seamlessly with the Mil-Base riflescope reticle, making zeroing a breeze. The scope has a heavy-duty, militaristic feel with a rubberized coating. The Picatinny rail mounts are a nice touch, and they're also compatible with a red dot sight for added accuracy.
The optical clarity is what one can expect at this price point, but it does the job well enough. The lens caps make it a breeze to protect the glass from dust, debris, and other environmental conditions. The only issue I had with the front lens cap is the lack of a lanyard attachment, making it easily misplaced.
The case, on the other hand, left me concerned about Bushnell's overall quality. The Velcro stitching on the lens flap failed on the first day, and the scope case seems too small for the scope. The magnification setting ring could use some improvement as well, but overall, it's an acceptable addition.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the scope has proven to be durable and holds up well under rough outdoor conditions. Its compact design and easy-to-handle eyepiece make it a top choice for avid spotters. With a solid construction, good image quality, and an attractive price point, this Bushnell T series spotting scope is worth considering for your next outdoor adventure.

🔗TDS350 2-channel Oscilloscope - 200 MHz Sampling, Accurate Data Collection
The Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope has been an integral part of my daily life as an electronics enthusiast. This instrument, known for its exceptional performance, has been a game-changer in troubleshooting and analyzing complex electronic signals. The 200 MHz bandwidth and 1 GS/s sampling rate on each channel deliver accurate waveform representations, even at the highest sweep speeds. The oscilloscope's ergonomic design and intuitive user interface make it a pleasure to work with, whether it's set up for in-depth signal monitoring or quick troubleshooting of issues.
While the TDS350 excels in many aspects, its versatile capabilities can sometimes be overwhelming for beginners. Users might need to invest some time in understanding the various display modes, acquisition power features, and waveform analysis tools to get the most out of this instrument. However, once you have a grasp of its capabilities, the TDS350 proves to be an invaluable tool in any electronics lab or workshop. Overall, the Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope is a reliable and feature-rich instrument that deserves its spot as a top-rated item in the oscilloscope market.

🔗Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Glass
For my money, I'd have to say the Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition spotting scope is worth every penny. It's a behemoth of a scope but once you have it mounted securely, it's hard to beat the view. The image quality is stunning, with bright, vibrant colors that really pop. The lenses are crystal clear, which makes for a sharp, crisp image even at higher magnifications. The ergonomics of the scope are great too - it fits comfortably in your hand, and the focus mechanism is smooth and easy to adjust.
The coated lenses really make a difference in terms of color and light transmission, which was evident when I was glassing a herd of deer one morning. The light transmission was so good that I could easily distinguish the individual deer, even with my eyes adjusted to the low light levels.
But, there are a couple of drawbacks. For starters, it's a expensive piece of equipment, so it's not exactly something you'll just throw in your backpack for a weekend hike. Additionally, the scope is quite heavy, which can be a problem if you're planning on carrying it for extended periods.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend this spotting scope to anyone who's serious about their outdoor pursuits. The image quality is simply unbeatable, and once you've used it, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. Just be prepared to dig deep into your wallet!

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Weatherproofing
As a reviewer, I've recently had the pleasure of using the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope in my everyday life. This innovative tool has proven to be an invaluable addition to my arsenal, offering a host of impressive features that make it stand out from the crowd.
One aspect I truly appreciate is the scope's ability to gather a wealth of light, thanks to its 82mm objective lens. This feature has made a significant difference in my nature viewing experiences, allowing me to observe even the most elusive creatures under a variety of lighting conditions. In addition, the angled viewing design of the TSN-82SV is a game-changer for comfort during extended glassing sessions. The inclusion of a UV filter on the front lens also adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that my scope remains in pristine condition for years to come.
However, no product is without its drawbacks, and the TSN-82SV does have a few shortcomings that are worth mentioning. Firstly, the zoom functionality at x60 can be somewhat limited, and I often found myself reverting to lower magnification settings for maximum versatility. Additionally, the device does have a relatively bulkier and heavier design when compared to some of its competitors, which may be a factor to consider for those planning extended excursions.
In conclusion, the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope has undoubtedly earned a spot in my gear collection for its impressive light-gathering capabilities, comfortable design, and weatherproofing features. While it does have a few minor drawbacks, the benefits it offers far outweigh these issues, making it a highly recommended choice for those in search of the ultimate nature-viewing experience.

🔗Garmin LiveScope Plus: Revolutionizing Fish Finding Technology
Imagine you're out on your boat, eagerly waiting to cast your line and catch that elusive big fish. You've heard about the Garmin LiveScope Plus, and how it's revolutionized the world of fishing, but will it live up to the hype? Let me tell you, it certainly does.
The first thing that strikes you about the LiveScope Plus is its stunning resolution. It's like having x-ray vision underwater, allowing you to see every structure, bait, and fish swimming around your boat in real time. The easy-to-use interface makes it a breeze to navigate, even for a tech novice like myself.
One of the most impressive features is the adjustable transducer. Whether you're fishing in shallow waters or deep ones, the LiveScope Plus has got you covered. You can switch between Forward mode to see what's ahead of your boat and below, Down mode to get a clear view of what's directly beneath you, and Perspective mode for a top-down view. Your compatible Garmin chartplotter screen automatically displays the view changes, making it a seamless experience.
The Attitude Heading Reference System stabilization keeps your sonar view steady, even in rough conditions. It's like having a steady hand to guide your fishing adventures. Plus, the LiveScope Plus comes with a trolling motor shaft and barrel mounts, as well as Perspective Mode Mount, ensuring it fits perfectly on your boat.
However, there is one downside: the communication cable is only 6 feet long. If you're planning to use it on both the front and back of your boat, you'll need to order a longer cable. But aside from that minor inconvenience, the LiveScope Plus is an absolute game changer for fishing enthusiasts.
In conclusion, the Garmin LiveScope Plus is not just a product - it's an experience. It's like having a secret weapon that gives you an unfair advantage over the fish. And if you're serious about fishing, believe me, you want this on your boat.

Buyer's Guide

A 350 Legend scope is an essential accessory for hunters and shooting enthusiasts who prefer this particular ammunition. It enhances accuracy, efficiency, and overall performance when using the 350 Legend cartridge. This buyer's guide will outline the key features to look for when purchasing a 350 Legend scope, and provide you with valuable information to make an informed decision.

Important Features to Consider
  1. Objective Lens Size
  2. Magnification Power
  3. Reticle Type
  4. Lens Coatings
  5. Build Quality
  6. Eye Relief

Objective Lens Size

The objective lens size is a crucial aspect of a quality scope. It determines how much light enters the scope, affecting the brightness and clarity of the image. For shooting in low-light conditions, a larger objective lens size is more beneficial. However, consider the balance between brightness and portability, as larger lenses can increase the overall weight of the scope.

Magnification Power

Magnification power represents how much the target appears enlarged through the scope. Higher magnification provides better accuracy at longer ranges. However, more magnification also contributes to a smaller field of view and increased image instability. Determine your primary shooting distances and select a scope that strikes the right balance between magnification and field of view for your specific needs.

Reticle Type

Reticle design plays a significant role in how the scope functions. Some reticles are simple crosshairs, while others are more complex with additional markings for estimating range, windage, and holdovers. Consider your shooting style and preferences when choosing a reticle. Consulting with a professional or reading reviews from other users can also provide helpful insights.

Lens Coatings

Effective lens coatings improve light transmission and reduce glare, leading to a brighter and clearer image. Look for high-quality coatings such as anti-fog, anti-reflection, and scratch-resistant treatments. These features contribute to the overall durability and performance of the scope.

Build Quality
When searching for a 350 Legend scope, examine the build quality of the scope to ensure it can withstand frequent use. Durable materials, tight seals, and waterproof construction contribute to a scope's longevity and resistance to wear and tear. A well-built scope will not only last longer but perform more consistently over time.

Eye Relief

Eye relief is the distance between your eye and the scope's eyepiece that is necessary for proper viewing. Insufficient eye relief can result in eye strain, discomfort, or even eyewear damage. Look for a scope with sufficient eye relief to accommodate your shooting style, while also considering the scope's overall design and portability.
When selecting a 350 Legend scope, it's essential to consider the essential features and your specific shooting needs. By researching different options, reading reviews from other users, and consulting with experts or professionals, you can make an informed decision and find the best scope to enhance your 350 Legend shooting experience.


What is a 350 Legend Scope?

A 350 Legend Scope is a type of scope designed specifically for use with the 350 Legend rifle. This rifle is a popular choice among hunters and target shooters due to its versatility and accuracy.

What makes a 350 Legend Scope different from other scopes?

A 350 Legend Scope is designed to work optimally with the specific ballistic characteristics of the 350 Legend cartridge. This includes factors such as bullet drop, wind drift, and parallax settings. The scope is tailored to the specific needs of the 350 Legend shooter, providing a more accurate and enjoyable shooting experience.

What features should I look for in a 350 Legend Scope?

When shopping for a 350 Legend Scope, consider the following features:
  • Magnification: The scope's magnification should be suitable for the shooting distances you plan to engage at.
  • Objective diameter: A larger objective lens will provide greater light collection, resulting in a brighter image.
  • Reticle: Choose a reticle that matches your shooting style and provides the necessary holdover and drop compensation for your specific load.
  • Adjustments: Look for scopes with adjustable parallax and windage/elevation knobs that can be easily dialed in for your shots.

What is the best 350 Legend Scope on the market?

The best 350 Legend Scope for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It's essential to research and compare different options before making a purchase. Factors to consider include magnification, objective diameter, reticle type, and adjustability.

How much should I expect to pay for a 350 Legend Scope?

The price of a 350 Legend Scope can vary greatly depending on the features and quality of the scope. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars for a basic scope to several thousand dollars for a high-end, fully-featured model. It's essential to find a scope that balances the features you need with a price you're comfortable paying.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:02 AutoModerator Monthly Suspect Meteorite Identification Requests

Please submit your ID requests as top-level comments within this post (i.e., direct comments to this post). Any top-level comments in this thread that are not ID requests will be removed, and any ID requests that are submitted as standalone posts to meteorites will be removed.
You can now upload your images directly as a comment to this thread. You can also, upload your image(s) here, then paste the Imgur link into your comment, where you also provide the other information necessary for the ID post. See this guide for instructions.
To help with your ID post, please provide:
  1. Multiple, sharp, in-focus images taken ideally in daylight.
  2. Add in a scale to the images (a household item of known size, e.g., a ruler)
  3. Provide any additional useful information (weight, specific gravity, magnetic susceptibility, streak test, etc.)
  4. Provide a location if possible so we can consult local geological maps if necessary, as you should likely have already done. (this can be general area for privacy)
  5. Provide your reasoning for suspecting your stone is a meteorite and not terrestrial or man-made.
You may also want to post your samples to whatsthisrock for identification.
An example of a good Identification Request:
Please can someone help me identify this specimen? It was collected along the Mojave desert as a surface find. The specimen jumped to my magnet stick and has what I believe to be a weathered fusion crust. It is highly attracted to a magnet. It is non-porous and dense. I have polished a window into the interior and see small bits of exposed fresh metal and what I believe are chondrules. I suspect it to be a chondrite. What are your thoughts? Here are the images.
submitted by AutoModerator to meteorites [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:59 bayanimills AGO: Greater Surveillance & Detailed Reporting Required from Exchanges

You may be aware that the Attorney General Office is seeing feedback on recent proposals for AML/CTF reforms.
For instance, this will require that exchanges collect additional information about who is sending assets, and to whom the assets are being sent - for each transaction - globally.
I encourage everyone to read about the proposals and provide feedback; consultation on these is open until June 13, 2024.
submitted by bayanimills to BitcoinAUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:07 MirkWorks Excerpt from The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch (Paternalism Without Father)

X. Paternalism Without Father

The Managerial and Professional Elite as a Ruling Class
As even the rich lose the sense of place and historical continuity, the subjective feeling of “entitlement,” which takes inherited advantages for granted, gives way to what clinicians call “narcissistic entitlement” - grandiose illusions, inner emptiness. The advantages the rich confer on their children dwindle down to money alone. As the new elite discards the outlook of the old bourgeoisie, it identifies itself not with the work ethic and the responsibilities of wealth but with an ethic of leisure, hedonism, and self-fulfillment. Although it continues to administer American institutions in the interests of private property (corporate property as opposed to entrepreneurial property), it has replaced character building with permissiveness, the cure of souls with the cure of the psyche, blind justice with therapeutic justice, philosophy with social science, personal authority with an equally irrational authority of professional experts. It has tempered competition with antagonistic cooperation, while abolishing many of the rituals in which aggressive impulses formerly found civilized expression. It has surrounded people with “symbolically mediated information” and has substituted images of reality for reality itself. Without intending to, it has created new forms of illiteracy even in the act of setting up a system of universal education. It has undermined the family while attempting to rescue the family. It has torn away the veil of chivalry that once tempered the exploitation of women and has brought men and women face to face as antagonists. It has expropriated the worker’s knowledge of his craft and the mother’s “instinct” for childrearing, and has reorganized this knowledge as a body of esoteric lore accessible only to the initiated. The new ruling class has elaborated new patterns of dependence as effectively as its forebears eradicated the dependence of the peasant on his lord, the apprentice on his master, and the woman on her man.
I do not wish to imply a vast conspiracy against our liberties. These things have been done in broad daylight and have been done, on the whole, with good intentions. Nor have they arisen as a unified policy of social control. Social policy in the United States has unfolded in response to a series of immediate emergencies, and those who make policy seldom see beyond the problems at hand. The cult of pragmatism, moreover, justifies their unwillingness or inability to make far-reaching plans for the future. What unifies their actions is the need to promote and defend the system of corporate capitalism from which they - the managers and professionals who operate the system - derive most of the benefits. The needs of the system shape policy and set the permissible limits of public debate. Most of us can see the system but not the class that administers it and monopolizes the wealth it creates. We resist a class analysis of modern society as a “conspiracy theory.” Thus we prevent ourselves from understanding how our current difficulties arose, why they persist, or how they might be solved.
Progressivism and the Rise of the New Paternalism
The new paternalism emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century, found political expression in the progressive movement and later in the New Deal, and gradually worked its way into every corner of American society. The democratic revolution of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, culminating in the Civil War, not only did away with monarchy but undermined established religion, landed elites, and finally overthrew the slaveholding oligarchy in the South. The revolution gave rise to a society based on individualism, competition, and the pursuit of the main chance. It also generated demands for further change, which came to a head in the period immediately following the Civil War. Having destroyed slavery in the name of free labor, the leaders of the democratic movement inadvertently encouraged northern workers to ask for the freedom to control the terms of their work, not merely to sell their labor at ruinous prices. The logic of democracy demanded the confiscation of Confederate estates and their distribution among the freedmen; it demanded woman suffrage; it demanded, in short, a more sweeping reorganization of society than its leaders had contemplated. Seeking merely to free property from its feudal and mercantile restrictions, bourgeois radicals in the 1860s and early 1870s found themselves confronted with an incipient attack on property itself, from which most of them recoiled in horror.
After the collapse of reconstruction and the radical agitation associated with it, American liberalism no longer spoke for the artisan, the small farmer, and the independent entrepreneur - the “producing classes” that had been the backbone of the democratic movement. Faced with unrest at home and with the spectacle of the Paris commune abroad, liberalism now identified itself, in the words of E. L. Godkin, with “the more well-to-do and observing classes.” It undertook to reform society from the top down - to professionalize the civil service, break the power of the urban machine, and put “the best men” into office. When such measures failed to stem the rising tide of labor militancy and agrarian radicalism, reformers brought forward their own version of the “cooperative commonwealth” in the name of progressivism: universal education, welfare capitalism, scientific management of industry and government. The New Deal completed what progressivism had begun, solidifying the foundations of the welfare state and adding much of the superstructure as well. In industry, scientific management gave way to the school of human relations, which tried to substitute cooperation for authoritarian control. But this cooperation rested on management’s monopoly of technology and the reduction of work to routines imperfectly understood by the worker and controlled by the capitalist. Similarly the expansion of welfare services presupposed the reduction of the citizen to a consumer of expertise.
American progressivism, which has successfully countered agrarian radicalism, the labor movement, and the feminist movement by enacting selective parts of their program, has now lost almost all trace of its origin in nineteenth-century liberalism. It has rejected the liberal conception of man, which assumed the primacy of rational self-interest, and has installed in its place a therapeutic conception which acknowledges irrational drives and seeks to divert them into socially constructive channels. It has rejected the stereotype of economic man and has attempted to bring the “whole man” under social control. Instead of regulating the conditions of work alone, it now regulates private life as well, organizing leisure time on scientific principles of social and personal hygiene. It has exposed the innermost secrets of the psyche to medical scrutiny and has thus encouraged habits of anxious self-scrutiny, superficially reminiscent of religious introspection but rooted in anxiety rather than a guilty conscience - in a narcissistic rather than a compulsive or hysterical type of personality.
Liberal Criticism of the Welfare State
The new modes of social control associated with the rise of progressivism having stabilized capitalism without solving any of its underlying problems - the gap between wealth and poverty, the failure of purchasing power to keep pace with productivity, economic stagnation. The new paternalism has kept social tensions from assuming political form, but it has not removed their source. As those tensions increasingly find expression in crime and random violence, critics have begun to ask whether the welfare system delivers all it promised. The system, moreover, has become more and more expensive to operate. Even those who remain loyal to the underlying premises of American capitalism have begun to express alarm about the mounting cost of maintaining it. Proposals to replace the welfare system with a guaranteed income or a negative income tax have gained a sympathetic hearing. In his book on old age, David Hackett Fischer argues that a national inheritance system, whereby a gift of capital at birth would accumulate interest and provide for the citizen in his old age, would prove “cheaper than present arrangements.” The modification or abandonment of the welfare system now presents itself not as a Utopian dream but as a matter of sound business practice.
The health and welfare industries, which have done so much to promote the new paternalism by professionalizing activities formerly carried on in the workshop, the neighborhood, or the home, have themselves begun to harbor second thoughts about the results of their own labors. Members of the “helping professions” have begun to question the efficiency of the public institutions and welfare agencies that monopolize the knowledge formerly administered by ordinary citizens - the hospital, the mental asylum, the juvenile court. The medical profession, after upholding the hospital as an indispensable alternative to the family, now begins to think that patients might be better off if they were allowed to die at home. Psychiatrists have been speculating along similar lines, not only because existing facilities are overcrowded but because they have failed to achieve the high rates of cure once predicted with such confidence. Lawyers have begun to criticize the courts for removing “neglected” children from their homes without evidence that such children suffer serious harm and without proof that institutionalization or transfer to foster parents provides any solution. Even the school’s claim on the child has begun to give way to parental claims. In Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972), the Supreme Court ruled that Amish parents have a right to keep their children out of the public schools. “The child is not the mere creature of the State,” the court said; “those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.”
Even with the best intentions, however, those who criticize the welfare state within the assumptions underlying a capitalist economy cannot bring themselves to confront the revolution in social relations that abandonment of the welfare system would require. Liberal criticism of the new paternalism resembles the “humanization” of the workplace, which tries to give the worker the illusion of participation while leaving management in undiminished control. The attempt to mitigate the monotony of the assembly line by allowing the worker to perform more than a single operation does not alter the condition that degrades work - the monotony of the assembly line by allowing the worker to perform more than a single operation does not alter the condition that degrades work - the monopoly of technical knowledge by means of which management designs all phases of production, while the worker merely carries out the bidding of the planning department. Recent proposals to modify the welfare system suffer from the same kind of limitation. Thus a study of the family commissioned by the Carnegie Corporation takes issue with the conventional assumption of parental incompetence while leaving unchallenged the definition of parents as consumers of professional services. Kenneth Keniston and the other authors of the Carnegie report, conscious of belonging to “an emerging consensus,” hold that parents “are still the world’s greatest experts about the needs of their own children.” They recognize that many of the agencies ostensibly ministering to the family have undermined the family instead. The parental “malaise,” according to Keniston, lies in “the sense of having no guidelines or supports for raising children, the feeling of not being in control as parents, and the widespread sense of personal guilt for what seems to be going awry.”
The rehabilitation of parenthood, it appears, implies an attack on professionalism and the welfare state. Yet Keniston stops well short of such an attack. He takes for granted the family’s dependence on experts and seeks merely to regularize and regulate this relationship. “Few people would dispute that we live in a society where parents must increasingly rely on others for help and support in raising their children.” The family economy has disappeared; children represent a financial liability rather than an asset; the school has taken over the family’s education functions; and the medical profession has assumed most of the responsibility for health care. These changes, according to Keniston, leave parents in the position of “executives in a large firm - responsible for the smooth coordination of the many people and processes that must work together to produce the final product.”
This line of analysis leads to the conclusion not that parents should collectively assert their control over childrearing but that federal policy should seek to equalize the relationship between experts and parents. Yet Keniston’s own reasoning shows that parents occupy a position closer to proletarians than to executives. As things now stand, according to Keniston, “parents have little authority over those with whom they share the task of raising their children”; they “deal with those others from a position of inferiority of helplessness.” The obvious reason for this is that the state, not the parents, pays the bill for professional services, or at least signs the paychecks. (The citizens, as taxpayers, pay in the end.) If parents organized and hired their own experts, things might be different.
It goes without saying that such solutions do not commend themselves to members of the policy-making establishment. Measures of this kind are too closely associated with populism, localism, and residual resistance to centralized progress. They have become doubly objectionable, and for reasons the force of which even enemies of the establishment must acknowledge, in the wake of the Ocean Hill-Brownsville battle of the late sixties, when “community control” degenerated into reverse racism and education into racial propaganda. Yet the alternative to community control is more bureaucracy. Instead of confronting the choice, liberal reformers try to have things both ways. While advocating an expansion of government services to the family, a federal guarantee of full employment, improved protection of children’s legal rights, and a vastly expanded program of health care, they propose to strengthen “parent participation” in all these programs. They treat the ascendancy of experts as an unavoidable condition of industrial society, even when they seek to qualify they ascendancy of experts as an unavoidable condition of industrial society, even when they seek to qualify this ascendancy by improving the position of consumers. They assume that the requirements of a complex society dictate the triumph of factory production over handicraft production and the ascendancy of the “helping professions” over the family.
Bureaucratic Dependence and Narcissism
Recent studies of professionalization show that professionalism did not emerge, in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in response to clearly defined social needs. Instead, the new professions themselves invented many of the needs they claimed to satisfy. They played on public fears of disorder and disease, adopted a deliberately mystifying jargon, ridiculed popular traditions of self-help as backward and unscientific, and in this way created or intensified (not without opposition) a demand for their own services. The evidence of professional self-promotion can no longer be dismissed by reasserting the sociological truism that “modern society involves the individual in relations … that are vastly more complex than [those] his ancestors … had to content with.”
The family’s dependence on professional services over which it has little control represents one form of a more general phenomenon: the erosion of self-reliance and ordinary competence by the growth of giant corporations and of the bureaucratic state that serves them. The corporations and the state now control so much of the necessary know-how that Durkheim’s image of society as the “nourishing mother,” from whom all blessings flow, more and more coincides with the citizen’s everyday experience. The new paternalism has replaced personal dependence not with bureaucratic rationality, as theorists of modernization (beginning with Max Weber) have almost unanimously assumed, but with a new form of bureaucratic dependence. What appears to social scientists as a seamless web of “interdependence” represents in fact the dependence of the individual on the organization, the citizen on the state, the worker on the manager, and the parent on the “helping professions.” The “consensus of the competent,” as Thomas L. Haskell refers to the professions in his study of the professionalization of social science, came into being by reducing the layman to incompetence.
As retributive justice gives way to therapeutic justice, what began as a protest against moral oversimplification ends by destroying the very sense of moral responsibility. Therapeutic justice perpetuates childlike dependence into adulthood and deprives the citizen of legal resources against the state. Formerly law rested on an adversary relation between the state and the offender and acknowledged the superior power of the state by giving important procedural advantages to the defendant. Medical jurisprudence, on the other hand, implicates the offender in his own control. Relieved of moral responsibility when certified into the sick role, he cooperates with the doctors in his own “cure.”
The psychiatric critique of the law, like the therapeutic attack on authority in general, makes a virtue of substituting personal treatment for the impersonal, arbitrary authority of the courts. Thus a specialist in the sociology of law, acknowledging his intention to “substitute scientific therapies for legal sanctions - for ‘justice’” - once deplored the irrationality of legal procedures: “There is in the concept of justice an element of ‘fate’, which is absent in the concept of scientific treatment. The offender simply gets what he himself initiated…. Society as a whole is blameless. The criminal himself was the one who chose.” Whereas “the lawyer’s way of handling a human problem is typically non-scientific,” therapy treats the criminal or patient as a victim and thus puts matters in their proper light. The shift from “sin” to “sickness,” according to this writer, represents the first step toward “the introduction of science and personal reactions [into] human conflicts” and to the recognition of social problems as medical problems, in which “cooperation with the therapist” becomes “probably the most critical problem for the deviant.”
Medical justice shares with enlightened childrearing and pedagogy a tendency to promote dependence as a way of life. Therapeutic modes of thought and practice exempt their object, the patient, from critical judgment and relieve him of moral responsibility. Sickness by definition represents an invasion of the patient by forces outside his conscious control, and the patient’s realistic recognition of the limits of his own responsibility - his acceptance of his diseased and helpless condition - constitutes the first step toward recovery (or permanent invalidism, as the case may be). Therapy labels as sickness what might be judged as weak or willful actions; it thus equips the patient to fight (or resign himself to) the disease, instead of irrationally finding fault with himself. Inappropriately extended beyond the consulting room, however, therapeutic morality encourages a permanent suspension of the moral sense. There is a close connection, in turn, between the erosion of moral responsibility and the waning of the capacity for self-help - in the categories used by John R. Seeley, between the elimination of culpability and the elimination of competence. “What says ‘you are not guilty’ says also ‘you cannot help yourself.’” Therapy legitimates deviance as sickness, but it simultaneously pronounces the patient unfit to manage his own life and delivers him into the hands of a specialist. As therapeutic points of view and practice gain general acceptance, more and more people find themselves disqualified, in effect, from the performance of adult responsibilities and become dependent on some form of medical authority.
The psychological expression of this dependence is narcissism. In its pathological form, narcissism originates as a defense against feelings of helpless dependency in early life, which it tries to counter with “blind optimism” and grandiose illusions of personal self-sufficiency. Since modern society prolongs the experience of dependence into adult life, it encourages milder forms of narcissism in people who might otherwise come to terms with the inescapable limits on their personal freedom and power - limits inherent in the human condition - by developing competence as workers and parents. But at the same time that our society makes it more and more difficult to find satisfaction in love and work, it surrounds the individual with manufactured fantasies of total gratification. The new paternalism preaches not self-denial but self-fulfillment. It sides with narcissistic impulses and discourages their modification by the pleasure of becoming self-reliant, even in a limited domain, which under favorable conditions accompanies maturity. While it encourages grandiose dreams of omnipotence, moreover, the new paternalism undermines more modest fantasies, erodes the capacity to suspend disbelief, and thus makes less and less accessible the harmless substitute-gratifications, notably art and play, that help to mitigate the sense of powerlessness and the fear of dependence that otherwise express themselves in narcissistic traits.
Our society is narcissistic, then, in a double sense. People with narcissistic personalities, although not necessarily more numerous than before, play a conspicuous part in contemporary life, often rising to positions of eminence. Thriving on the adulation of the masses, these celebrities set the tone of public life and of private life as well, since the machinery of celebrity recognizes no boundaries between the public and the private realm. The beautiful people - to use this revealing expression to include not merely wealthy globetrotters but all those who bask, however briefly, in the full glare of the cameras - live out the fantasy of narcissistic success, which consists of nothing more substantial than a wish to be vastly admired, not for one’s accomplishments but simply for oneself, uncritically and without reservation.
Modern capitalist society not only elevates narcissists to prominence, it elicits and reinforces narcissistic traits in everyone. It does this in many ways: by displaying narcissism so prominently and in such attractive forms; by undermining parental authority and thus making it hard for children to grow up; but above all by creating so many varieties of bureaucratic dependence. This dependence, increasingly widespread in a society that is not merely paternalistic but maternalistic as well, makes it increasingly difficult for people to lay to rest the terrors of infancy or to enjoy the consolations of adulthood.
The Conservative Critique of Bureaucracy
Criticism of the new paternalism, insofar as it remains imprisoned in the assumptions of political liberalism, objects to the cost of maintaining a welfare state - the “human cost” as well as the cost to the taxpayers - without criticizing the ascendancy of the managerial and professional class. Another line of attack, which singles out bureaucracy as the overriding evil, arises out of a conservative idealization of old-fashioned individualism. Less equivocal in its opposition to bureaucratic centralization - except when it comes from right-wingers who denounce government regulation of industry and still plead for a gigantic military establishment - the conservative critique of bureaucracy superficially resembles the radical critique outlined in the present study. It deplores the erosion of authority, the corruption of standards in the schools, and the spread of permissiveness. But it refuses to acknowledge the connection between these developments and the rise of monopoly capitalism - between bureaucracy in government and bureaucracy in industry.
“The general historical conflict between individualism and collectivism is dividing mankind into two hostile camps,” wrote Ludwig von Mises in his study of bureaucracy. Capitalist free enterprise, he argued, rests on the rational calculation of profit and loss, whereas bureaucratic management “cannot be checked by economic calculation.” Extended beyond its legitimate domain of law enforcement and national defense, bureaucracy undermines individual initiative and substitutes “government control for free enterprise.” It substitutes the dictatorship of the state for the rule of law. Free-market capitalism, by turning labor into a commodity, “makes the wage earner free from any personal dependence” and detaches “appraisal of each individual’s effort … from any personal considerations.” Bureaucratic collectivism, on the other hand, undermines the “cool rationality and objectivity of capitalist relations” and renders the “plain citizen” dependent on the “professional propagandist of bureaucratization,” who confuses the citizen with his “empty catchwords” and esoteric obfuscation. “Under capitalism everybody is the architect of his own fortune.” But under socialism - and “there is no compromise possible between these two systems,” according to Mises, “no third system” - the “way toward promotion is not achievement but the favor of the superiors.”
This argument suffers from the conservative’s idealization of the personal autonomy made possible by the free market and his willingness to concede enormous war-making powers to the state, so long as they do not interfere with “private” enterprise.” It cannot explain the spread of bureaucracy into industry itself. “The trend toward bureaucratic rigidity is not inherent in the evolution of business,” according to Mises. “It is an outcome of government meddling with business.” Such is his reply to the liberal argument that the inexorable trend toward economic concentration gives rise to a growing gap between ownership and control of the corporation, creates a new managerial elite, and calls into being a centralized state as the only agency capable of controlling it. The liberal analysis itself, however, needs modification. It is not the “divorce between ownership and control” that has created the managerial oligarchy but the divorce between production and planning. Having achieved a complete separation of handwork and brainwork, management monopolizes technical knowledge and reduces the workers to a human machine; but the administration and continual elaboration of this knowledge require an ever-growing managerial apparatus, itself organized on the principles of the factory with its intricate subdivision of tasks. Studies of progressivism and the New Deal have shown that government regulation of business often arose in response to the demands of businessmen themselves. Regulatory agencies draw most of their personnel from business. Neither the regulatory nor the welfare policies of the state rest on “an implacable hatred of private business and free enterprise,” as Mises claims. On the contrary, regulation controls competition and stabilizes the market, while the welfare system socializes the “human costs” of capitalist production - rising unemployment, inadequate wage scales, inadequate insurance against sickness and old age - and helps to forestall more radical solutions.
It is true that a professional elite of doctors, psychiatrists, social scientists, technicians, welfare workers, and civil servants now plays a leading part in the administration of the state and of the “knowledge industry.” But the state and the knowledge industry overlap at so many points with the business corporation (which has increasingly concerned itself with every phase of culture), and the new professionals share so many characteristics with the managers of industry, that the professional elite must be regarded not as an independent class but as a branch of modern management. The therapeutic ethic, which has replaced the nineteenth-century utilitarian ethic, does not serve the “class interest” of professionals alone, as Daniel P. Moynihan and others have argued; it serves the interests of monopoly capitalism as a whole. Moynihan points out that by emphasizing impulse rather than calculation as the determinant of human conduct, and by holding society responsible for the problems confronting individuals, a “government-oriented” professional class has attempted to create a demand for its own services. Professionals, he observes, have a vested interest in discontent, because discontented people turn to professional services for relief. But the same principle underlies all of modern capitalism, which continually tries to create new demands and new discontents that can be assuaged only by the consumption of commodities. Moynihan, aware of this connection, tries to present the professional as the successor to the capitalist. The ideology of “compassion,” he says, serves the class interest of the “post-industrial surplus of functionaries who, in the manner of industrialists who earlier turned to advertising, induce demand for this own products.”
Professional self-aggrandizement, however, grew up side by side with the advertising industry and must be seen as another phase of the same process, the transition from competitive capitalism to monopoly capitalism. The same historical development that turned the citizen into a client transformed the worker from a producer into a consumer. Thus the medical and psychiatric assault on the family as a technologically backward sector went hand in hand with the advertising industry’s drive to convince people that store-brought goods are superior to homemade goods. Both the growth of management and proliferation of professions represent new forms of capitalist control, which first established themselves in the factory and then spread throughout society. The struggle against bureaucracy therefore requires a struggle against capitalism itself. Ordinary citizens cannot resist professional dominance without also asserting control over production and over the technical knowledge on which modern production rests. A reassertion of “common sense,” according to Mises, will “prevent man from falling prey” to the “illusory fantasies” of professional bureaucrats. But common sense is not enough. In order to break the existing pattern of dependence and put an end to the erosion of competence, citizens will have to take the solution of their problems into their own hands. They will have to create their own “communities of competence.” Only then will the productive capacities of modern capitalism, together with the scientific knowledge that now serves it, come to serve the interests of humanity instead.
In a dying culture, narcissism appears to embody - in the guise of personal “growth” and “awareness” - the highest attainment of spiritual enlightenment. The custodians of culture hope, at bottom, merely to survive its collapse. The will to build a better society, however, survives, along with traditions of localism, self-help, and community action that only need the vision of a new society, a decent society, to give them new vigor. The moral discipline formerly associated with the work ethic still retains a value independent of the role it once played in the defense of property rights. That discipline - indispensable to the task of building a new order - endures most of all in those who knew the old order only as a broken promise, yet who took the promise more seriously than those who merely took it for granted.
submitted by MirkWorks to u/MirkWorks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:48 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 30 2024

DAY: MAY 30 2024


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You may have seen advertisements claiming to eliminate the need for eyeglasses through vision therapy or vision training—basically, eye exercises. These exercises include putting pressure on or palming the eye; eye movement exercises; or straining to read by using the wrong prescription glasses to “train” the eyes. As a professor of ophthalmology—and as an eye doctor who has seen thousands of patients—I can tell you that no study to date shows strong evidence that these exercises eliminate the need for glasses or offer any long-term significant benefits. The science simply


Residential segregation is an example of the long history of structural racism in the United States. Black Americans are more likely to live in low-quality neighborhoods, which contributes to disparities in health outcomes. A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign looks at how community stress affects the mental and emotional health of Black men and women in the U.S. “Community stress refers to the effects of living in disadvantaged areas. This includes objective aspects, such as buildings in disrepair and lower median income. There is also a subjective


A Stanford Medicine study of thousands of breast cancers has found that the gene sequences we inherit at conception are powerful predictors of the breast cancer type we might develop decades later and how deadly it might be. The study challenges the dogma that most cancers arise as the result of random mutations that accumulate during our lifetimes. Instead, it points to the active involvement of gene sequences we inherit from our parents—what’s known as your germline genome—in determining whether cells bearing potential cancer-causing mutations are recognized and eliminated by


America’s college students seem to be more stressed than ever, with a new report finding a sharp rise in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD) on campuses across the country. In a “national sample of U.S. college students, we found a notable increase in the prevalence of PTSD and ASD,”


Night owls, brace yourselves. A new study by Stanford Medicine researchers has found that following your natural inclination to stay awake until the early morning hours is a bad choice for your mental health. In a survey of nearly 75,000 adults, researchers compared the participants’ preferred sleep timing, known as chronotype, with their actual sleep behavior. They determined that regardless of one’s preferred bedtime, everyone benefits from turning in early. Morning larks and night owls alike tended to have higher rates of mental and behavioral disorders if they stayed up


For a large percentage of men with prostate cancer, the tumor may be so slow-growing that doctors advise a “watch-and-wait” approach instead of active treatment. Now, a study of almost 2,200 patients followed for up to a decade finds that for most, that decision may be a wise one. “In this study, 10 years after diagnosis, 49% of men remained free of progression or treatment, less than 2% developed metastatic disease and less than 1% died of their disease,” reported a team led by Lisa Newcomb, a cancer prevention researcher


Researchers at George Mason University’s College of Public Health have leveraged the power of artificial intelligence (AI) analytical models to match a patient’s medical history to the most effective antidepressant, allowing patients to find symptom relief sooner. The free website,, provides evidence-based recommendations, allowing clinicians and patients to find the optimal antidepressant the first time. “Many people with depression must try multiple antidepressants before finding the right one that alleviates their symptoms. Our website reduces the number of medications that patients are asked to try. The system recommends to


The clinical practice guidelines, which came about after an extensive review of 113 published clinical trials by a panel of experts, conclude that doctors should recommend exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based programs, Tai chi, qigong, and American ginseng to reduce fatigue severity during cancer treatment. After completion of cancer treatment, the guidelines also suggest that exercise, CBT, and mindfulness-based


A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found that better sleep health was associated with lower levels of loneliness, and this association was stronger among younger adults. Results indicate that better sleep health was associated with significantly lower total loneliness, emotional loneliness and social loneliness. While better sleep health was associated with lower total and emotional loneliness across ages, this association was stronger for younger adults. However, age did not moderate the association between sleep health and social loneliness. “Loneliness is an urgent public health


A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found a distinct relationship between sleep duration, social media usage, and brain activation across brain regions that are key for executive control and reward processing. Results show a correlation between shorter sleep duration and greater social media usage in teens. The analysis points to involvement of areas within the frontolimbic brain regions, such as the inferior and middle frontal gyri, in these relationships. The inferior frontal gyrus, key in inhibitory control, may play


When we’re told “This coffee is hot” upon being served a familiar caffeinated beverage at our local diner or cafe, the message is clear. But what about when we’re told “This coffee is not hot”? Does that mean we think it’s cold? Or room temperature? Or just warm? A team of scientists has now identified how our brains work to process phrases that include negation (i.e., “not”), revealing that it mitigates rather than inverts meaning—in other words, in our minds, negation merely reduces the temperature of our coffee and does


Rebecca Carrier, associate chair of research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, researches retinal and gut epithelial repair in the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex on Jan. 24, 2023. It was an act of desperation: A woman with irritable bowel syndrome was looking for relief from her symptoms. She decided to try an at-home fecal microbiota, aka a “poop transplant.” Used to treat C. diff bacterial infections, this treatment can help introduce “good microbiomes” to the gut to ease gastrointestinal symptoms. But the woman told Netflix


when individuals with obstructive sleep apnea use their positive airway pressure machine more regularly, it benefits their relationship with their partner. Results show that greater adherence to PAP therapy was associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction and lower levels of relationship conflict. Higher sleep efficiency among patients also was associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction as reported by both the patient and their partner. “Recognizing that sleep and sleep disorders have an impact on


Amid an ongoing outbreak of bird flu in dairy cows, there’s been a third case of H5N1 avian flu confirmed in a dairy worker, U.S. health officials reported Thursday. The previous two human cases—the first in Texas, the second in Michigan, where this latest case also occurred—involved only a brief discomfort of the eyes, linked to conjunctivitis (“pink eye”). However, this third case is the first to present with more typical respiratory symptoms, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted in a health update. “The patient reported upper


In a clinical practice guideline issued by the American Society for Radiation Oncology and published in Practical Radiation Oncology, evidence-based recommendations are presented for the use of palliative external beam radiation therapy (RT) for symptomatic bone metastases. Sarah Alcorn, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and colleagues developed evidence-based recommendations for palliative external beam RT in symptomatic bone metastases. Five key questions regarding palliative RT were addressed. The authors noted that RT is recommended for managing pain from bone metastases and spine metastases with or without


Graphical abstract. Credit: Cardiovascular Research (2024). DOI: 10.1093/cvcvae070 A new study from the UC Davis School of Medicine found striking differences at the cellular level between male and female mice with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The findings could determine how HFpEF is treated in women compared to men. With HFpEF, the heart muscle contracts normally but the heart is unable to fully relax and refill properly between beats. This condition is known as diastolic dysfunction. It can occur if the heart is too stiff or if the



Though 1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, there’s still much we don’t know about this disease. But thanks to continued research efforts, we keep learning more about the biology of cancer. One of these recent discoveries could even transform our understanding of how cancers develop. But before we talk about the new discovery, let’s first discuss the classical theory that attempts to explain why normal cells become cancer cells. This theory posits that DNA mutations are the primary cause of cancers. It’s well


Neurologist Professor Dr Kurt-Wolfram Sühs has discovered a new form of severe cerebellitis caused by autoantibodies. Cerebellar ataxia is a neurological disorder of the cerebellum. This important area at the back of the brain acts as a conductor, so to speak, coordinating our movements and keeping us in balance. This ability is impaired in cerebellar ataxia. Affected people can have difficulties walking, speaking and grasping or even with controlled eye movements. In some cases, the damage begins gradually and develops over a period of years.


Have you ever lost all sense of space and time when redecorating a room? How about being so focused while playing an instrument that the worries that weighed you down a minute ago just evaporated? Then you’ve probably experienced “flow.” Flow is a term used in psychology to describe a state of heightened concentration, in which you are completely absorbed in an activity. It exists somewhere between boredom and stress—usually experienced during activities which are somewhat challenging but still meet our skill levels. When we experience flow, we tend to


Immunotherapy, treatments that reinvigorate immune cells’ anti-cancer activity or reprogram T cells to target cancer, has shown promise in treating leukemias but has not yet been realized in solid tumors. One reason for the stymied success is the conversion of potential cancer-killing T cells into an inactive “exhausted” state near the tumor. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists found that how tight a parental T cell grabs a cancer


Some dreams may, in fact, predict the future: New research has found that during sleep, some neurons not only replay the recent past but also anticipate future experience. The discovery is one in a series of insights afforded by a study on sleep and learning published in Nature by a team of researchers from Rice University and the University of Michigan. The research offers an unprecedented view of how individual neurons in the hippocampus of rats
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:58 Muffin_and_Panadol66 Diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in NZ

Hi everyone,
We found out that my mum has metastatic lesions in her liver with colon primary Wed last week. She also has spots in her bone, lungs, and one adrenal gland.
My mum had a stent placed in her colon Thurs last week due to obstruction, and unfortunately without a biopsy taken. A few days ago, the initial stent was replaced by another one due to migration. A biopsy was extracted, but we found out today the sample wasn’t diagnostic! She’s now referred for a liver biopsy.
We were also told she has had a small blood clot in her IMV since at least a week ago. We‘re waiting to start on blood thinner once Portacath and liver biopsy are done.
If we were to go through the public sector for consultation, procedures, and treatment, we’d need to wait around 2-3 months in total, so we consulted an oncologist privately this Wed, and arranged to have a Portacath inserted next Thurs, then start Folfox the following Mon (10th June). Our oncologist suggested we start Folfox regardless of the biopsy result, as we can tailor the chemo or change to Immunotherapy if needed, once result is out. Another option is to start 5-FU prior to Folfox. However yesterday the oncologist then decided that the wait to start Folfox isn’t going to make a big difference.
It feels like every day counts and starting even days early could make a big difference?
Is my thinking correct in starting treatment asap, and is there anything I’m missing here, whether it’s taking more consideration into quality of life, making sure we have biopsy results before we start, or just trusting our oncologist?
From my understanding, the only reason we‘re starting treatment on 10th June is due to availability of bookings for chemo administration next week, oncologist not working in private on certain days, and the opinion of the oncologist (That it won’t actually make a difference). This feels like an assumption, although based on her experience and medical background. There seems to be barriers that could be mitigated through referring to another oncologist clinic that may have availability etc, since we are going private?
Due to the lack of biopsy, we are delayed treatment, despite going the private route. Every one is different, but are delays like this common? Because I’m worried this may be an aggressive cancer, we would appreciate starting with at least 5-FU next week potentially using a PICC for the first round, if Portacath isn’t done.
Would we need to go through mum’s current oncologist or GP to get referred to a different oncologist for second opinion or earlier dates for chemo?
Additionally, since last week, I’ve noticed my mum has occasional facial and finger twitches while she’s asleep. The doctors say they would be more concerned if that happened while she was awake. Her electrolyte levels are normal. Is this something I should still be worried about?
Before our consult with the oncologist, we were told by a colorectal surgeon she may have around 6 months without treatment and approx. 2-5 years with treatment. We decided not to touch on life expectancy with the oncologist until we know how well my mum tolerates her first treatment. (This is also because we don’t want to get into a negative head space + I’m also scared to know their opinion). Has anyone else had a similar approach, or have you asked about prognosis off the bat?
I’m her primary support, as no one else in the family can dedicate enough time to help out and mum has no clue how to even begin tackling this. I would love to know your experiences with colon cancer, or if you’ve also had a parent go through something similar.
Sorry for the long post And thanks for reading :)
TLDR: Mum diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer with mets to the liver, bone, lungs, and 1 adrenal gland. Due to delays in getting a biopsy, Folfox has been delayed until 10th June. How do I go about getting referred to a different oncologist for second opinion and potentially starting chemo next week?
submitted by Muffin_and_Panadol66 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:55 Muffin_and_Panadol66 Mum has Stage 4 Sigmoid Colon Cancer

Hi everyone,
We found out that my mum has metastatic lesions in her liver with colon primary Wed last week. She also has spots in her bone, lungs, and one adrenal gland.
My mum had a stent placed in her colon Thurs last week due to obstruction, and unfortunately without a biopsy taken. A few days ago, the initial stent was replaced by another one due to migration. A biopsy was extracted, but we found out today the sample wasn’t diagnostic! She’s now referred for a liver biopsy.
We were also told she has had a small blood clot in her IMV since at least a week ago. We‘re waiting to start on blood thinner once Portacath and liver biopsy are done.
If we were to go through the public sector for consultation, procedures, and treatment, we’d need to wait around 2-3 months in total, so we consulted an oncologist privately this Wed, and arranged to have a Portacath inserted next Thurs, then start Folfox the following Mon (10th June). Our oncologist suggested we start Folfox regardless of the biopsy result, as we can tailor the chemo or change to Immunotherapy if needed, once result is out. Another option is to start 5-FU prior to Folfox. However the oncologist then decided that the wait to start Folfox isn’t going to make a big difference.
It feels like every day counts and starting even days early could make a big difference?
Is my thinking correct in starting treatment asap, and is there anything I’m missing here, whether it’s taking more consideration into quality of life, making sure we have biopsy results before we start, or just trusting our oncologist?
From my understanding, the only reason we‘re starting treatment on 10th June is due to availability of bookings for chemo administration next week, oncologist not working in private on certain days, and the opinion of the oncologist (That it won’t actually make a difference). This feels like an assumption, although based on her experience and medical background. There seems to be barriers that could be mitigated through referring to another oncologist clinic that may have availability etc, since we are going private?
Due to the lack of biopsy, we are delayed treatment, despite going the private route. Every one is different, but are delays like this common? Because I’m worried this may be an aggressive cancer, we would appreciate starting with at least 5-FU next week potentially using a PICC for the first round, if Portacath isn’t done.
Would we need to go through mum’s current oncologist or GP to get referred to a different oncologist for second opinion or earlier dates for chemo?
Additionally, since last week, I’ve noticed my mum has occasional facial and finger twitches while she’s asleep. The doctors say they would be more concerned if that happened while she was awake. Her electrolyte levels are normal. Is this something I should still be worried about?
Before our consult with the oncologist, we were told by a colorectal surgeon she may have around 6 months without treatment and approx. 2-5 years with treatment. We decided not to touch on life expectancy with the oncologist until we know how well my mum tolerates her first treatment. (This is also because we don’t want to get into a negative head space + I’m also scared to know their opinion). Has anyone else had a similar approach, or have you asked about prognosis off the bat?
I’m her primary support, as no one else in the family can dedicate enough time to help out and mum has no clue how to even begin tackling this. I would love to know your experiences with colon cancer, or if you’ve also had a parent go through something similar.
Sorry for the long post And thanks for reading :)
TLDR: Mum diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer with mets to the liver, bone, lungs, and 1 adrenal gland. Due to delays in getting a biopsy, Folfox has been delayed until 10th June. How do I go about getting referred to a different oncologist for second opinion and potentially starting chemo next week?
submitted by Muffin_and_Panadol66 to auckland [link] [comments]