Prix cartouche cigarette suisse 2011

I'm 40 and my car list has been....a little weird

2024.05.31 23:04 OutrageousTime4868 I'm 40 and my car list has been....a little weird

In order of when I had them:
1955 Chevy Belair 1989 Chevy Cavalier (5 speed) 1991 Isuzu Trooper (5 speed) 1987 S10 (5 speed) 1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix 2006 Mazda 3 (5 speed) 1953 Willys Pickup (3 speed stick, daily driver) 1946 Willys Jeep (350 V8, 3 speed stick) 1987 GMC Rally STX (6.2 liter diesel) 2011 Toyota Yaris (5 speed) 1984 Chevy C10 2022 Toyota Corolla (6 speed)
I still have the 84 C10 and I put in a 5.3 LS with a big cam but couldn't afford a better transmission so it rocks the original turbo 350C
submitted by OutrageousTime4868 to regularcarreviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:19 Leather-Chocolate-62 Le prix du mazout en Suisse en 2024

En mai 2024, le prix du mazout en Suisse varie selon les fournisseurs et les régions. Actuellement, le prix moyen du mazout de chauffage standard se situe autour de 105 centimes par litre pour une commande de 1'500 litres​​.
Les prix du mazout peuvent fluctuer en fonction des conditions du marché international, notamment les prix du pétrole brut, ainsi que les coûts de transport et les taxes locales.
Si vous envisagez de commander du mazout, il peut être utile de comparer les offres de différents fournisseurs et de surveiller l'évolution des prix pour choisir le moment opportun pour votre achat.
submitted by Leather-Chocolate-62 to u/Leather-Chocolate-62 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:19 chou-coco Tabac : le Sénat veut porter le prix du paquet de cigarettes à 20 euros d'ici dix ans

Tabac : le Sénat veut porter le prix du paquet de cigarettes à 20 euros d'ici dix ans submitted by chou-coco to actualite [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:25 UmpaLumpa91 Tja

Tja submitted by UmpaLumpa91 to tja [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:28 AguyForAguy C’est quoi le problème avec Salt ?

Non, mais sérieusement, c'est quoi ces chiffres aléatoires qui s'ajoutent aux factures ? Quand on les appelle, ils nous sortent un "c'est la Suisse, c'est comme ça, c'est cher". Enfin, oui, je veux bien que ce soit cher, mais j'ai un contrat qui me dit le montant que je dois payer, qui n'est clairement pas de 164 ou 230 (les prix sont complètement aléatoires et je n'arrive même pas à avoir une explication sur pourquoi). D'autres personnes ont ce problème ? Et si oui, pourquoi ? C'est une arnaque ? Comment cette boîte existe-t-elle toujours, personne n'a déposé de plainte ?
submitted by AguyForAguy to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:05 katiebabe23 My 29F partner 31M keep breaking up, what should I do?

Me(29F) and my partner (31M) have been together for 13 years. My partner constantly breaks up with almost every argument. This has happened since 2011 when we started dating.
Me and my partner stay together, I pay the rent, food basically everything because he has not been able to secure a job. About 2 months I went through an old phone of his and found sex videos between him and different woman, basically having unprotected sex, these videos were from 2022, I confronted him and broke up. He then begged and opened up about having addiction problems and that he would admit himself to rehab to deal with the addiction aswell as quit smoking cigarettes and Marijuana and that he wanted to be the best for me and himself.
I supported him whole he was in rehab and would visit him on the visiting day, he stayed there for 28 days, when he came out things were fine for about a month until I recently came back home to see my parents. On Sunday my dad asked me to take a shirt and give it to a neighbor that stays by the corner, so I left my partner a message on WhatsApp letting him know that my dad sent me to give my neighbors a shirt and that I would be back, I left my phone on the charger and left. I didn't take 20min and came back to missed video calls and a break up message, saying I am with a guy and that's why I had posted myself on my WhatsApp status, he had even deleted my numbers. He also stated he would be leaving my place, I know he is still there and I am still visiting my parents, I confused about this situation if maybe he had a weak moment after rehab, please advise.
submitted by katiebabe23 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:06 Capital-Swimming7625 Le Maroc, FIRE eldorado ?

Ceux que ca intéresse voici mes dépenses fixes mensuelles au Maroc. (tout est en Euro)
Total : 1070
A noter :
Je suis développeur web indépendant. Parti en week end chez un ami en 2019 pour deux semaines, je suis finalement revenu m'y installer au vue de la qualité de vie par rapport au cout.
submitted by Capital-Swimming7625 to FranceFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:56 disco-dingus My best friend is obsessed with The 27 Club

TW: Suicide themes
It all started the day we found Charlie’s sister in the barn.
Erica had returned to our little town from the city to celebrate her 27th birthday. She was sporting a nose ring and had choppy black hair. She had brought her boyfriend Blake with her, with his long black hair and dark wayfarers. Charlie and I were 14 at the time and thought they looked like rock stars.
Their parents had arranged a party on the grounds of their property. Charlie and I had our first taste of alcohol that night and coughed our guts up when Erica and Blake let us take drags of their cigarettes.
“I love you, Chaz,” said Erica, her arms around Charlie and me. “You too, Glen. Promise me you boys will do whatever makes you happy.”
We had no idea it was her way of saying goodbye.
The next day, there was confusion in the house when Erica and Blake were nowhere to be seen. They’d spent the night in her old bedroom. I’d spent the night on Charlie’s bedroom floor.
“Did you see your sister leave?” asked his mom. We hadn’t. She wasn’t answering her cell either.
Later that day, Charlie and I went to the barn to look for Erica. When we opened the doors, we saw her lying in the arms of Blake on a bed of straw. We put it down to too much vodka.
“We found them,” yelled Charlie. “Wake up, sleepy heads!” As we got closer, we saw an empty bottle of vodka, along with a small empty pot for high-strength sleeping pills, the kind for prescription only.
“Erica,” said Charlie, shaking his sister. She was out cold. “Glen, she’s not breathing!”
Blake started to stir like he was in pain.
“Mr and Mrs Morgan!!” I screamed, running out of the barn.
Erica and Blake were rushed to the hospital. As feared, Erica was dead at the scene. Blake had his stomach pumped and was put in a ward to recover.
“She wanted this,” he managed through god knows what other drugs they had put him on.
“What the fuck do you mean,” said Erica’s dad, grabbing Blake by the front of his smock. He had to be escorted out in tears along with his wife. I sat with Charlie until my parents could come pick me up. We just stared at Blake, this guy who we had thought was so cool, pale with greasy black hair plastered to his face.
“She got in, dudes,” he said.
“”What did she get in?” said Charlie, close to tears. “My sister is dead.”
“But she’s with them now.” He looked up. “Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix…”
“Who are you talking about?” I said.
“Only the greatest to ever live. The 27 Club.” He stepped out of bed, wincing, pulling out the tubes in his arms. I still remember the trickles of blood running down his wrists.
“What the hell is The 27 Club?”
“Strictly members only,” he said. “No admittance to anyone even a day before or after turning 27. I turned two weeks ago, and we were saving it to go together. Forever 27 with the legends.”
He walked to the window. “Say, what floor are we on?”
I shrugged. “Sixth I think.”
He looked out and turned with a grin. “I bet she’s up there partying with Cobain as we speak.” He opened the window,
“Blake,“ said Charlie. “I think you should get back in bed.
“Forever 27 boys,” he said. “See you in a few years.”
He leapt from the window, making Charlie and I cry out in unison. We heard a gruesome thud as he hit something hard. When I braved a peek, he was face down on the roof of an ambulance.
After the events, Charlie became obsessed with “The 27 Club”. When we turned 16, he wanted to form a suicide pact. We would wait until we both turned 27, then end it together.
“These people meant nothing to you,” I said. “When did you ever talk about The Doors, or Jimi Handrix? And everyone has those fucking Nirvana T-Shirts. it means nothing!”
“It’s not just that, Glen,” he said. “It’s honoring my sister. You loved Erica too.”
“I did, but she had problems, Charlie. It’s not even a real club. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s not some amazing club where they’re all living it up in paradise. They're unfortunate coincidences. Plenty of other cool people have died at 26, or 28.”
Before I could react he pulled out a pen knife and sliced open my right palm. I screamed.
“Jesus, what the fuck Charlie!”
He did the same to himself, barely reacted to the pain, then gripped my hand in his.
“Forever 27. We’re bound by blood now, my brother.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” I said, leaving his house. My hand kept slipping on the handle bar of my bike until I got home to patch myself up.
Some years passed, and I’d kept my distance from Charlie. I started college and got a new circle of friends. I remember July 23rd 2011 like it was yesterday. I was 21. Even before Charlie texted me, I knew he would as soon as I heard the news.
Amy Winehouse is dead. She was 27.
The scar on my right palm began to ache. I wasn’t going to contribute to crazy, so I ignored him. I met with my girlfriend Lori and our group of friends for a night out. Of course, Winehouse was the topic of the evening. She had managed to become a cultural phenomenon in such a short amount of time, and her death was genuinely hard hitting. And what better way to celebrate the life of a tortured soul than by keeping the drinks flowing and partaking in the coke our friend Shane had scored.
“Are you guys familiar with the concept of the 27 club?” asked Lori. I swallowed my whisky and cleared my throat.
“Yeah, that’s an exclusive group of celebrities who croaked it at 27, right?” said Shane.
“Exactly,” she said. “Anyone who’s anyone is part of that club.” She held up a glass. “To Amy, and the 27 club!”
“Here here,” said Shane. “May she forever shoot up with my idol, Kurt Cobain, in that big club in the sky.”
“That’s a bit insensitive,” I said. “She literally died hours ago. Have some respect.”
“I’m respecting, buddy,” he said. “This is all for her.”
“Are you OK, Glen,” said Lori. My palm was burning. I ran a finger over the scar and held it up to them.
“I never told you how I got this,” I said. “My childhood best friend, Charlie. His sister killed herself when she was 27. Her boyfriend, too.”
“Shit,” said Shane.
“Charlie did this to me when we were 16. He cut my hand and made us blood brothers. He wanted me to make a suicide pact, that we would end it at 27.”
“Glen, I had no idea,” said Lori.
“I pushed it away,” I said. “I cut all ties with him. But he texted me today, funnily enough, on the day the 27 club gets a new member.”
“I feel awful,” said Shane. “If I’d known, I wouldn't have…”
“Look, it’s fine,” I said. “I’m all for celebrating life or death. I guess I’m just being sensitive. It kind of all came back.”
A few more years passed. Lori and I were married and had a baby boy, Jack. We lived in a house not a million miles away from where I grew up.
One week, I was feeling particularly agitated, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I realized what it was when I spoke to my mom on the phone.
“Will you be seeing Charlie for his birthday?” she asked. “I know you boys don’t see each other as much as you used to, but you were inseparable once upon a time. I hear it’s the big two-seven. He could probably use the support, what with… well, you know.”
“I’ll message him,” I said before saying goodbye. I didn’t want to be a prick, so I kept it polite.
Hey Charlie, I wish you a happy birthday. Maybe we can meet for a drink sometime soon. I’m only like two hours away from our old town. Love, Glen.
About an hour later, I got a notification.
Glen, my brother. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I hear you have a little one of your own now. Me too! Little Joseph. I would love to meet for a drink sometime. You stay in touch. Love, your friend Charlie.
What was most surprising about it was that he didn’t mention his age at all. There was no “I’m 27 now, and you know what that means…” Years of guilt hit me like a sledgehammer to the teeth. I had neglected who was once my most important friend due to an admittedly messed up experience, but clearly one he could have used more support with. I had abandoned him. The scar on my hand burned as if to remind me of the wrong I’d done to him.
A few days later, I reached out again. I suggested we meet at one of our old haunts, but he invited me to his home on account of watching his son. He was still based in our old town and had a nice but modest house.
“Courtesy of the ‘rents,” he said. Charlie’s parents had done rather well for themselves and owned several properties around town. “I’d like you to meet someone.”
There was a basket perched on a wooden frame, and out he pulled a baby wrapped in a blanket. His little eyes were half open.
“This is Joseph. Say hello to your uncle Glen.” He handed Joseph to me, who I awkwardly cradled in my arms until I found the right position.
“He’s the spit of you, Charlie,” I said, looking down at his cute little face. He reached up and grabbed my nose with his sharp baby nails. “Forgot how much that stings,” I said. “Jack is currently enjoying his terrible twos. He’s a bit of a handful for Lori and myself at times.”
“Come sit down,” he said. “How is the old ball and chain?”
I laughed. “She’s actually perfect. I can’t recall a single disagreement we had, other than what to name Jack. She wanted to name him Donald after her grandfather. That wasn’t going to happen.” He laughed. “Where’s your better half, anyway? I don’t think we ever met.”
He looked down. “Suzie. She’s no longer with us. It’s just little Joey and me.”
“Charlie, I’m so sorry.”
“It wasn’t long after his birth. She just didn’t wake up one morning.” He smiled. “We disagreed about his name, too. I wanted to name him Joseph after Joseph Merrick, more commonly known as “The Elephant Man”. He was the first official member of the 27 club.”
I took in a deep breath as I felt unease set in. “Charlie, you can’t still be obsessed with that club.”
He reached over and took Joseph from me. “Did you hear Anton Yelchin is also a member now? Don’t try and tell me it’s not real.”
“Okay, I’m gonna leave you to it,” I said. “Charlie, promise me you’ll look after yourself and Joseph. You know where I am if you need any help.”
“Appreciated,” he said, laying Joseph down in the basket. “Say, isn’t your birthday coming up soon?”
I gulped. “Yeah, in a few weeks. Lori and I are having a weekend in the Hamptons.” I lied.
“Ah, good for you,” he said. “I hope the weather holds out for you.” He held out his hand palm side up, clearly showing me the scar we shared. “Put it there, brother.”
I firmly yet quickly shook his hand and made my way out of his house.
“He’s still not right,” I said to Lori later that evening. “It’s been over 10 years and he’s still obsessed with that fucking club.”
“Try to be more sensitive, Glen. He lost his sister, and now his wife too. As well as raising a baby on his own. The poor guy is probably so lost right now.”
“I’m trying, Lori. But that little reminder of my birthday didn’t sit right with me. It was like ‘remember what that means’. The thing is, it means nothing to me. I didn't agree to a damn thing! I didn’t ask for this scar!”
She kissed the top of my head. “I’m putting Jack to bed, then taking a bath. Why don’t you listen to one of your podcasts? Take your mind off things.”
“Good idea, honey,” I said. “But not before the tickle monster attacks!” I grabbed Jack and blew raspberries on his belly, which sent him into fits of giggles.
“Okay, that’s enough excitement for one day,” said Lori.
“Give me a hug,” I said to Jack. “Goodnight buddy.”
“Night daddy,” he said, then disappeared upstairs with Lori.
I put in my earbuds and started listening to the latest "How Bizarre" podcast. I was content for all of ten minutes when I started thinking about Charlie.
I opened Google and typed in Charlie Morgan, followed by our hometown. One of the first results was from a local newspaper. The headline was something like “[Redacted] man becomes single father after sudden tragedy.” It mentioned his wife Suzie had passed away from breathing complications during sleep. My heart skipped a beat when I read she was 27 at the time of death. I then started to groan as my scar burned as if freshly cut.
I knew in my heart Charlie was responsible for Suzie’s death. I was turning 27 in just over two weeks. I called my mom.
“You sound agitated, sweetheart,” she said. “What’s the matter?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about Charlie’s wife?”
“I did! I mentioned how he’s had a rough go of it in life, but you didn’t seem to be interested. Too occupied with childish rivalries or whatever you call it.”
I felt terrible. “I’m sorry, mother. Did you attend the funeral?”
“I did. Don’t worry, I mentioned how busy you were and you would have been there if you could.”
“Mom, do you think there’s any chance Charlie knows where we live?”
“Would that be a bad thing? You were best friends, after all.”
“Can you just answer me, please?”
“Yes, he knows where you live. Was I not supposed to tell him during his crisis? Should I have read your mind?”
“No, no. I’m sorry, mom. I’m not mad. Look, Lori and I are thinking of going to the Hamptons for my birthday weekend. Would you be able to have Jack?”
“You mean I get to spend the whole weekend with my little Jackie boo?”
That was a 100% yes. When Lori came downstairs after her bath, I grabbed her. She let out a little yelp.
“You haven’t made plans for my birthday, have you?”
“No, not yet. I was thinking of having everyone over for a BBQ, bouncy castle for the kids, bucking bronco for the big kids.”
“How about we get away, just the two of us. Go to the Hamptons and rent a romantic cottage on the beach.”
“How bourgeois,” she chuckled. “Should we rent a garish Lamborghini too?”
I laughed. “If you want? My folks have already said they’ll have Jack for the weekend.”
My birthday came around on a Friday. That morning, Lori drove Jack to my parents’ while I finished packing our weekend bags. Lori has already specifically picked out some fancy dresses to show off to the “douchebags who summer in the Hamptons”. I think she was looking forward to seeing how the other half lived, and making snide remarks behind their backs. I was also in charge of collecting our neon green Lamborghini, which got the whole neighborhood snooping as I pulled it into our driveway.
After an hour or so, Lori hadn’t returned. I just assumed mom and dad were chewing her ears off, so I gave her a call. It went straight to voicemail. so I called my mom instead.
“Is Lori still with you?” I asked. “We kinda need to get on the road.”
“No, sweetheart. We haven’t seen Lori yet.”
My heart dropped. “She left over an hour ago.”
“Oh, my. Maybe she stopped for gas or something.”
“For an hour?”
“Don’t snap at me, Glen. There could be traffic. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll keep trying her cell. Please let me know when she gets to you.”
My stomach was in knots as I hung up and tried Lori’s cell again. Three hours of calls and texts later, nothing. I kept checking local traffic news to see if there was congestion, or god forbid an accident.
“Mom, I’m so worried,” I said, calling her back. “Do you think I should call the police?”
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t think they’d do anything after a few hours. Stay positive.”
My mind kept going to Charlie. It was my 27th birthday, after all. I dialled his cell.
“Glen,” he answered. “Happy Birthday, my brother,” I could hear the rumblings of an engine in the background.
“Is this a bad time?” I asked. “Are you driving?”
“Oh no, it’s the perfect time. I’m not driving. But hold on, I’ll just put you on to the driver.”
After a few seconds, I heard her.
“Glen, we’re okay. We’re driving to…”
It was Lori, but she was cut off short. “Okay, that’s enough.”
“What the fuck have you done, Charlie,” I spat down the phone. “You bring my family back now!”
“Do you know how kind your wife is?” he said. “She saw me on the side of the road and stopped to give me a ride. Such a sweetie. She told me all about your little birthday getaway and, well, I had to insist on being there myself. I couldn’t miss your 27th after all.”
My stomach was in knots. “Please Charlie. Please bring them back to me.”
“I think you should come here,” he said. “We'll be at the cottage in around 3 hours or so. I heard you have some wheels of your own. Sounds like you’ll be travelling in style.”
“Charlie,” I pleaded. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for your sister. I’m sorry for abandoning you. Please, just come back to me. Let’s talk about it man to man.”
“You’ll either be there, or not. But if not, I’ve got another little friend who would love to make acquaintances with Lori and Jack.” I heard a click.
“He has a gun, Glen,” said Lori.
“I’m coming. Just don’t hurt them, Charlie. Please. I’m coming.”
“Good. Oh, and no police and all that shit of course. You know how it goes. See you later, brother.”
He hung up. I inhaled a sharp breath and screamed into the house. The first thing I did was collect the handgun we kept on the top shelf of our bedroom closet. Then I went downstairs and spotted a handmade birthday card from Jack on the kitchen counter, with a cupcake next to it. You could see Lori’s influence in the words as she had guided his little hand with a paintbrush.
Happy Birthday to the best daddy in the world
I fought back the tears, shoved the delicious cupcake into my mouth, and got into that ugly assed Lamborghini, putting my foot down and raising my middle finger at the neighborhood watch who shook their fists at me.
It took me 4 hours to reach the cottage in the Hamptons we’d rented on Airbnb. I put the gun down the front of my pants and walked inside, my heart ready to explode. I was greeted by the smell of rich tomato sauce. Lori was sitting at a dining chair, her hands strapped to the sides with thick twine. Charlie was standing over the cooker, stirring a saucepan. I could see a playpen with Jack sitting up playing with toys, and baby Joseph was lying on his back, waving his arms around.
“I’m here,” I said, making my presence known. Lori went from looking terrified to mild relief.
“Oh, I heard that god-awful car pull up,” said Charlie. “Half the neighborhood probably did. You’re just in time. I made pasta.”
“Thanks and all, but I’m not hungry.” I went straight over to Lori. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head. “No, honey. I’m fine. Jack’s fine, too.”
I kissed her and went over to the playpen. Jack giggled when he saw me, holding up a plastic dinosaur. Joseph clung on to a plush toy of a blue dog.
“Don’t they look so cute together?” said Charlie. “Brothers from a different mother, just like us.”
I pulled the gun from my pants and turned to face Charlie. “You’re not the Charlie I called my best friend for years. You need help. This obsession has gone on long enough. Tell me, did you kill your wife?”
“What?” said Lori from the table.
Charlie grinned. “I forget how clever you are. You were always the brains, helping me with homework and stupid math tests that mean absolutely nothing.”
“I loved you, Charlie. But this is too much. So I’m taking my wife, and I’m taking my son. I think under the circumstances we’ll be taking Joseph, too. I sincerely hope you get the help you need so one day he can have a relationship with his dad.”
I walked over to Lori, but she yelled out “Wait!”
Charlie started to laugh. “Did you think it would be that easy? Just look inside her blouse.”
I peeked inside and saw an electronic device strapped to her chest. It had a numerical display that was counting down. There were 46 minutes remaining.
“If she moves from that spot before the timer runs out, a shot of adrenalin will be pumped into her heart. We’re talking about an insane amount of adrenaline. Enough to knock out an elephant. She simply won’t make it.”
“What do you want from me?” I yelled.
He walked towards me and took the gun from my hand, putting it on the table. Then he held up his scarred palm and held it against mine. That burning sensation came back.
“I want us to share a bottle, then live up to our pact.”
“But I didn’t make the pact!” I screamed. “You forced it on me.”
“Come on, Glen. We owe this to my sister and to Blake. To Basquiat, Winehouse, Morrison, Cobain, Joplin. To all those legends.”
“You’re insane,” I said, pushing him against the wall.
“Careful. All it takes is one little click, and Lori’s heart goes boom! And little Jack and Joey will be left orphans.”
“You’re actually going to take your own life with your baby boy right there?”
He nodded. “I’ve been committed to this since I was 14 years old. If you do exactly what I say, Lori lives. She can take Jack and Joey and be the hero of the story. Now, I checked your birth certificate. You were born at 21:19, which is when you’ll officially turn 27. Lori’s heart device will become useless at 21:30, at which point she can wriggle out of those ropes and get out of here. But not before we’ve taken a special concoction I’ve made to honor my sister.”
My legs went weak, and I had to sit down on the floor. “You actually want me to end my life with you?”
“Forever 27, Glen. You’ll thank me when we’re living it up.”
“Don’t do it, honey,” said Lori.
“Yeah, that’s not an option,” said Charlie. “You see, if he refuses, I’ll put a bullet in his head. Then I’ll watch as your heart explodes.”
I started to cry. I felt so weak, so powerless. But I think the worst thing of all was that Charlie was my friend. We’d been estranged for years, but he was my friend.
“May I kiss my wife?” I asked.
“Of course, I’m not a monster.”
I stood up and walked over to Lori, gently hugging her. I could feel the metallic device against my chest as I kissed her.
“Don’t do this,” she said, tears streaming.
“I love you, Lori. Look after our boy.”
I went over to the playpen and picked up Jack, who looked so oblivious to everything.
“Dadda,” he said, gently patting my face.
“I love you, Jack,” I said, kissing his cheek. He wiped his cheek like it was the most disgusting thing he’d experienced. “Look after mamma.”
I reached down and stroked little Joseph’s face. “I wish things could have been different for you, little one.”
“Alright, we get it,” said Charlie. “Outside, now.”
Despite the disturbing situation I found myself in, the night was beautiful. A dinner table had been set up on the deck behind the cottage. There was a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. The moon was low, the temperature mild, the sounds of the ocean gentle. It was supposed to be me and Lori, enjoying a meal and maybe a spot of love making on the dunes like we were teenagers again.
“Sit down,” he said. “I’ve waited weeks for this. I almost did it without you, but my scar burned like a motherfucker. Do you ever get that?”
I shrugged as I sat down.
“Yeah, you do. It’s because we’re connected.”
He poured two whiskeys and pushed one towards me. I didn’t hesitate, downing it in one go, shuddering a little at the afterburn.
“That’s good shit,” I said.
“It’s gotta be the best,” he said. “It’s a 10 year old single malt.”
I pushed out my glass for another, which he obliged.
“Suppose I’d better catch up.” He downed it and checked his watch. “21:15. Now’s as good a time as any.”
He pulled out a glass vial from his pocket containing a clear liquid. “This is a highly concentrated mix of Zaleplon, Valium, Klonopin, and ethanol.” He opened it and poured half into my glass, and the other half into his. “The beauty is we’ll probably be asleep before any of the nasty side effects take hold.”
I took a deep breath and downed some whiskey straight from the bottle.
“Gimme that,” he said and did the same. He then pulled out his gun and placed it on the table. I could feel tears streaming down my face.
“You were my brother, Charlie,” I said. “How could you do this to me?”
“Because I love you,” he said. “You and I, forever 27. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than that.”
He looked at his watch again and beamed. “21:19. It’s officially your birthday, Glen. Welcome to 27! Oh, how I’ve waited for this.”
“Please, Charlie. Think of Jack. Think of Joseph. He needs his daddy.”
He picked up the gun. “Drink it.”
I picked up the glass and swirled the clear mixture around. The smell was like pure alcohol. Then I looked to the sky, the moon, the stars, and the ocean.
“To Lori and to Jack,” I said, downing the mixture. It burned like freshly boiled water as it went down, making me clutch my throat. As soon as it reached my stomach, it was like a suckerpunch to the gut. I stumbled off the chair and fell to the ground, clutching my belly.
“I’m coming, brother,” said Charlie, picking up his glass. But before he could take a sip, a gunshot sounded out. I heard the glass smash on the ground and had enough time to see a single trickle of blood drip down his forehead before he collapsed. Then I passed out.
A week later, I was awake in a hospital bed. It turns out my wife is a genius. She figured out that if she could force something between her chest and the adrenaline shot, she’d be able to move freely. So, while Charlie and I were sitting outside, Lori freed her hands (Charlie was no expert when it came to knots, apparently) and wedged a dinner plate against her chest. When the device activated, it shattered the plate, causing a small cut to her chest, but otherwise leaving her unharmed. She then used my gun, which Charlie had left on the table to shoot him in the head.
It wasn’t a fatal shot, though, just enough to render him unconscious. He was being kept on a different floor in the hospital. On the day of my release, I went to see him. He had tubes coming out of his arms, mouth, and thighs. Despite what he’s put me through, it gave me no pleasure to see him that way,
We’ve become temporary guardians to Joseph Morgan, Charlie's son. Though we’re fighting for custody. Charlie’s parents, who are his next of kin, are really too old to be looking after a baby. We always said we wanted two kids, and he’s as sweet as pie. Jack has taken a shine to him, too.
Charlie remained on life support. There was always a police officer sitting outside his room, but I visited regularly. He could sometimes communicate with his hands and eyes. Speech was usually slurred. But I know in my heart he used every fibre of energy left in his body to communicate with me on one special day.
The day before he turned 28.
I was reading “Of Mice and Men” to him. It was a book we’d studied at school and had meant a lot to us at the time, having got us both B grades on our assignments. Mid speech, I was interrupted by his hand on my wrist. He gripped it tighter than I thought he could. I looked into his eyes, my breath frozen. They were wide. Pleading. There were already several birthday cards dotted around the room reminding him of what was about to happen.
“Ple…” his lips parted to try and speak. I could see tears forming in his eyes. I put the book down and leaned closer.
“Charlie, what is it?”
“Glen… you have to…”
I knew what he wanted to say. “Charlie, please don’t ask that of me.”
“Please!” he said. “Forever… 27.”
I looked around the room. It was empty, but the door was open. A cop was sitting outside like usual. I stood up and slowly closed the door, wedging a chair under the handle. I went back to Charlie.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
He lifted a trembling hand to my face and nodded. “I’m sorry, Brother.”
I started to cry as I kissed his cheek. Then I found the mains plug, pulling it out of the wall. I held his hand as he started to convulse, and alarms started sounding through the halls. The cop was knocking on the door, trying to force himself in. By the time the cop and two nurses had got into the room, Charlie was dead.
His parents took me to court. I spent six months in prison before the judge dismissed the case.
Charlie got his wish; he became a member of the 27 club. I hope it’s everything he wanted it to be
submitted by disco-dingus to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:39 disco-dingus My best friend is obsessed with The 27 Club

It all started the day we found Charlie’s sister in the barn.
Erica had returned to our little town from the city to celebrate her 27th birthday. She was sporting a nose ring and had choppy black hair. She had brought her boyfriend Blake with her, with his long black hair and dark wayfarers. Charlie and I were 14 at the time and thought they looked like rock stars.
Their parents had arranged a party on the grounds of their property. Charlie and I had our first taste of alcohol that night and coughed our guts up when Erica and Blake let us take drags of their cigarettes.
“I love you, Chaz,” said Erica, her arms around Charlie and me. “You too, Glen. Promise me you boys will do whatever makes you happy.”
We had no idea it was her way of saying goodbye.
The next day, there was confusion in the house when Erica and Blake were nowhere to be seen. They’d spent the night in her old bedroom. I’d spent the night on Charlie’s bedroom floor.
“Did you see your sister leave?” asked his mom. We hadn’t. She wasn’t answering her cell either.
Later that day, Charlie and I went to the barn to look for Erica. When we opened the doors, we saw her lying in the arms of Blake on a bed of straw. We put it down to too much vodka.
“We found them,” yelled Charlie. “Wake up, sleepy heads!” As we got closer, we saw an empty bottle of vodka, along with a small empty pot for high-strength sleeping pills, the kind for prescription only.
“Erica,” said Charlie, shaking his sister. She was out cold. “Glen, she’s not breathing!”
Blake started to stir like he was in pain.
“Mr and Mrs Morgan!!” I screamed, running out of the barn.
Erica and Blake were rushed to the hospital. As feared, Erica was dead at the scene. Blake had his stomach pumped and was put in a ward to recover.
“She wanted this,” he managed through god knows what other drugs they had put him on.
“What the fuck do you mean,” said Erica’s dad, grabbing Blake by the front of his smock. He had to be escorted out in tears along with his wife. I sat with Charlie until my parents could come pick me up. We just stared at Blake, this guy who we had thought was so cool, pale with greasy black hair plastered to his face.
“She got in, dudes,” he said.
“”What did she get in?” said Charlie, close to tears. “My sister is dead.”
“But she’s with them now.” He looked up. “Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix…”
“Who are you talking about?” I said.
“Only the greatest to ever live. The 27 Club.” He stepped out of bed, wincing, pulling out the tubes in his arms. I still remember the trickles of blood running down his wrists.
“What the hell is The 27 Club?”
“Strictly members only,” he said. “No admittance to anyone even a day before or after turning 27. I turned two weeks ago, and we were saving it to go together. Forever 27 with the legends.”
He walked to the window. “Say, what floor are we on?”
I shrugged. “Sixth I think.”
He looked out and turned with a grin. “I bet she’s up there partying with Cobain as we speak.” He opened the window,
“Blake,“ said Charlie. “I think you should get back in bed.
“Forever 27 boys,” he said. “See you in a few years.”
He leapt from the window, making Charlie and I cry out in unison. We heard a gruesome thud as he hit something hard. When I braved a peek, he was face down on the roof of an ambulance.
After the events, Charlie became obsessed with “The 27 Club”. When we turned 16, he wanted to form a suicide pact. We would wait until we both turned 27, then end it together.
“These people meant nothing to you,” I said. “When did you ever talk about The Doors, or Jimi Handrix? And everyone has those fucking Nirvana T-Shirts. it means nothing!”
“It’s not just that, Glen,” he said. “It’s honoring my sister. You loved Erica too.”
“I did, but she had problems, Charlie. It’s not even a real club. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s not some amazing club where they’re all living it up in paradise. They're unfortunate coincidences. Plenty of other cool people have died at 26, or 28.”
Before I could react he pulled out a pen knife and sliced open my right palm. I screamed.
“Jesus, what the fuck Charlie!”
He did the same to himself, barely reacted to the pain, then gripped my hand in his.
“Forever 27. We’re bound by blood now, my brother.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” I said, leaving his house. My hand kept slipping on the handle bar of my bike until I got home to patch myself up.
Some years passed, and I’d kept my distance from Charlie. I started college and got a new circle of friends. I remember July 23rd 2011 like it was yesterday. I was 21. Even before Charlie texted me, I knew he would as soon as I heard the news.
Amy Winehouse is dead. She was 27.
The scar on my right palm began to ache. I wasn’t going to contribute to crazy, so I ignored him. I met with my girlfriend Lori and our group of friends for a night out. Of course, Winehouse was the topic of the evening. She had managed to become a cultural phenomenon in such a short amount of time, and her death was genuinely hard hitting. And what better way to celebrate the life of a tortured soul than by keeping the drinks flowing and partaking in the coke our friend Shane had scored.
“Are you guys familiar with the concept of the 27 club?” asked Lori. I swallowed my whisky and cleared my throat.
“Yeah, that’s an exclusive group of celebrities who croaked it at 27, right?” said Shane.
“Exactly,” she said. “Anyone who’s anyone is part of that club.” She held up a glass. “To Amy, and the 27 club!”
“Here here,” said Shane. “May she forever shoot up with my idol, Kurt Cobain, in that big club in the sky.”
“That’s a bit insensitive,” I said. “She literally died hours ago. Have some respect.”
“I’m respecting, buddy,” he said. “This is all for her.”
“Are you OK, Glen,” said Lori. My palm was burning. I ran a finger over the scar and held it up to them.
“I never told you how I got this,” I said. “My childhood best friend, Charlie. His sister killed herself when she was 27. Her boyfriend, too.”
“Shit,” said Shane.
“Charlie did this to me when we were 16. He cut my hand and made us blood brothers. He wanted me to make a suicide pact, that we would end it at 27.”
“Glen, I had no idea,” said Lori.
“I pushed it away,” I said. “I cut all ties with him. But he texted me today, funnily enough, on the day the 27 club gets a new member.”
“I feel awful,” said Shane. “If I’d known, I wouldn't have…”
“Look, it’s fine,” I said. “I’m all for celebrating life or death. I guess I’m just being sensitive. It kind of all came back.”
A few more years passed. Lori and I were married and had a baby boy, Jack. We lived in a house not a million miles away from where I grew up.
One week, I was feeling particularly agitated, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I realized what it was when I spoke to my mom on the phone.
“Will you be seeing Charlie for his birthday?” she asked. “I know you boys don’t see each other as much as you used to, but you were inseparable once upon a time. I hear it’s the big two-seven. He could probably use the support, what with… well, you know.”
“I’ll message him,” I said before saying goodbye. I didn’t want to be a prick, so I kept it polite.
Hey Charlie, I wish you a happy birthday. Maybe we can meet for a drink sometime soon. I’m only like two hours away from our old town. Love, Glen.
About an hour later, I got a notification.
Glen, my brother. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I hear you have a little one of your own now. Me too! Little Joseph. I would love to meet for a drink sometime. You stay in touch. Love, your friend Charlie.
What was most surprising about it was that he didn’t mention his age at all. There was no “I’m 27 now, and you know what that means…” Years of guilt hit me like a sledgehammer to the teeth. I had neglected who was once my most important friend due to an admittedly messed up experience, but clearly one he could have used more support with. I had abandoned him. The scar on my hand burned as if to remind me of the wrong I’d done to him.
A few days later, I reached out again. I suggested we meet at one of our old haunts, but he invited me to his home on account of watching his son. He was still based in our old town and had a nice but modest house.
“Courtesy of the ‘rents,” he said. Charlie’s parents had done rather well for themselves and owned several properties around town. “I’d like you to meet someone.”
There was a basket perched on a wooden frame, and out he pulled a baby wrapped in a blanket. His little eyes were half open.
“This is Joseph. Say hello to your uncle Glen.” He handed Joseph to me, who I awkwardly cradled in my arms until I found the right position.
“He’s the spit of you, Charlie,” I said, looking down at his cute little face. He reached up and grabbed my nose with his sharp baby nails. “Forgot how much that stings,” I said. “Jack is currently enjoying his terrible twos. He’s a bit of a handful for Lori and myself at times.”
“Come sit down,” he said. “How is the old ball and chain?”
I laughed. “She’s actually perfect. I can’t recall a single disagreement we had, other than what to name Jack. She wanted to name him Donald after her grandfather. That wasn’t going to happen.” He laughed. “Where’s your better half, anyway? I don’t think we ever met.”
He looked down. “Suzie. She’s no longer with us. It’s just little Joey and me.”
“Charlie, I’m so sorry.”
“It wasn’t long after his birth. She just didn’t wake up one morning.” He smiled. “We disagreed about his name, too. I wanted to name him Joseph after Joseph Merrick, more commonly known as “The Elephant Man”. He was the first official member of the 27 club.”
I took in a deep breath as I felt unease set in. “Charlie, you can’t still be obsessed with that club.”
He reached over and took Joseph from me. “Did you hear Anton Yelchin is also a member now? Don’t try and tell me it’s not real.”
“Okay, I’m gonna leave you to it,” I said. “Charlie, promise me you’ll look after yourself and Joseph. You know where I am if you need any help.”
“Appreciated,” he said, laying Joseph down in the basket. “Say, isn’t your birthday coming up soon?”
I gulped. “Yeah, in a few weeks. Lori and I are having a weekend in the Hamptons.” I lied.
“Ah, good for you,” he said. “I hope the weather holds out for you.” He held out his hand palm side up, clearly showing me the scar we shared. “Put it there, brother.”
I firmly yet quickly shook his hand and made my way out of his house.
“He’s still not right,” I said to Lori later that evening. “It’s been over 10 years and he’s still obsessed with that fucking club.”
“Try to be more sensitive, Glen. He lost his sister, and now his wife too. As well as raising a baby on his own. The poor guy is probably so lost right now.”
“I’m trying, Lori. But that little reminder of my birthday didn’t sit right with me. It was like ‘remember what that means’. The thing is, it means nothing to me. I didn't agree to a damn thing! I didn’t ask for this scar!”
She kissed the top of my head. “I’m putting Jack to bed, then taking a bath. Why don’t you listen to one of your podcasts? Take your mind off things.”
“Good idea, honey,” I said. “But not before the tickle monster attacks!” I grabbed Jack and blew raspberries on his belly, which sent him into fits of giggles.
“Okay, that’s enough excitement for one day,” said Lori.
“Give me a hug,” I said to Jack. “Goodnight buddy.”
“Night daddy,” he said, then disappeared upstairs with Lori.
I put in my earbuds and started listening to the latest "How Bizarre" podcast. I was content for all of ten minutes when I started thinking about Charlie.
I opened Google and typed in Charlie Morgan, followed by our hometown. One of the first results was from a local newspaper. The headline was something like “[Redacted] man becomes single father after sudden tragedy.” It mentioned his wife Suzie had passed away from breathing complications during sleep. My heart skipped a beat when I read she was 27 at the time of death. I then started to groan as my scar burned as if freshly cut.
I knew in my heart Charlie was responsible for Suzie’s death. I was turning 27 in just over two weeks. I called my mom.
“You sound agitated, sweetheart,” she said. “What’s the matter?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about Charlie’s wife?”
“I did! I mentioned how he’s had a rough go of it in life, but you didn’t seem to be interested. Too occupied with childish rivalries or whatever you call it.”
I felt terrible. “I’m sorry, mother. Did you attend the funeral?”
“I did. Don’t worry, I mentioned how busy you were and you would have been there if you could.”
“Mom, do you think there’s any chance Charlie knows where we live?”
“Would that be a bad thing? You were best friends, after all.”
“Can you just answer me, please?”
“Yes, he knows where you live. Was I not supposed to tell him during his crisis? Should I have read your mind?”
“No, no. I’m sorry, mom. I’m not mad. Look, Lori and I are thinking of going to the Hamptons for my birthday weekend. Would you be able to have Jack?”
“You mean I get to spend the whole weekend with my little Jackie boo?”
That was a 100% yes. When Lori came downstairs after her bath, I grabbed her. She let out a little yelp.
“You haven’t made plans for my birthday, have you?”
“No, not yet. I was thinking of having everyone over for a BBQ, bouncy castle for the kids, bucking bronco for the big kids.”
“How about we get away, just the two of us. Go to the Hamptons and rent a romantic cottage on the beach.”
“How bourgeois,” she chuckled. “Should we rent a garish Lamborghini too?”
I laughed. “If you want? My folks have already said they’ll have Jack for the weekend.”
My birthday came around on a Friday. That morning, Lori drove Jack to my parents’ while I finished packing our weekend bags. Lori has already specifically picked out some fancy dresses to show off to the “douchebags who summer in the Hamptons”. I think she was looking forward to seeing how the other half lived, and making snide remarks behind their backs. I was also in charge of collecting our neon green Lamborghini, which got the whole neighborhood snooping as I pulled it into our driveway.
After an hour or so, Lori hadn’t returned. I just assumed mom and dad were chewing her ears off, so I gave her a call. It went straight to voicemail. so I called my mom instead.
“Is Lori still with you?” I asked. “We kinda need to get on the road.”
“No, sweetheart. We haven’t seen Lori yet.”
My heart dropped. “She left over an hour ago.”
“Oh, my. Maybe she stopped for gas or something.”
“For an hour?”
“Don’t snap at me, Glen. There could be traffic. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll keep trying her cell. Please let me know when she gets to you.”
My stomach was in knots as I hung up and tried Lori’s cell again. Three hours of calls and texts later, nothing. I kept checking local traffic news to see if there was congestion, or god forbid an accident.
“Mom, I’m so worried,” I said, calling her back. “Do you think I should call the police?”
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t think they’d do anything after a few hours. Stay positive.”
My mind kept going to Charlie. It was my 27th birthday, after all. I dialled his cell.
“Glen,” he answered. “Happy Birthday, my brother,” I could hear the rumblings of an engine in the background.
“Is this a bad time?” I asked. “Are you driving?”
“Oh no, it’s the perfect time. I’m not driving. But hold on, I’ll just put you on to the driver.”
After a few seconds, I heard her.
“Glen, we’re okay. We’re driving to…”
It was Lori, but she was cut off short. “Okay, that’s enough.”
“What the fuck have you done, Charlie,” I spat down the phone. “You bring my family back now!”
“Do you know how kind your wife is?” he said. “She saw me on the side of the road and stopped to give me a ride. Such a sweetie. She told me all about your little birthday getaway and, well, I had to insist on being there myself. I couldn’t miss your 27th after all.”
My stomach was in knots. “Please Charlie. Please bring them back to me.”
“I think you should come here,” he said. “We'll be at the cottage in around 3 hours or so. I heard you have some wheels of your own. Sounds like you’ll be travelling in style.”
“Charlie,” I pleaded. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for your sister. I’m sorry for abandoning you. Please, just come back to me. Let’s talk about it man to man.”
“You’ll either be there, or not. But if not, I’ve got another little friend who would love to make acquaintances with Lori and Jack.” I heard a click.
“He has a gun, Glen,” said Lori.
“I’m coming. Just don’t hurt them, Charlie. Please. I’m coming.”
“Good. Oh, and no police and all that shit of course. You know how it goes. See you later, brother.”
He hung up. I inhaled a sharp breath and screamed into the house. The first thing I did was collect the handgun we kept on the top shelf of our bedroom closet. Then I went downstairs and spotted a handmade birthday card from Jack on the kitchen counter, with a cupcake next to it. You could see Lori’s influence in the words as she had guided his little hand with a paintbrush.
Happy Birthday to the best daddy in the world
I fought back the tears, shoved the delicious cupcake into my mouth, and got into that ugly assed Lamborghini, putting my foot down and raising my middle finger at the neighborhood watch who shook their fists at me.
It took me 4 hours to reach the cottage in the Hamptons we’d rented on Airbnb. I put the gun down the front of my pants and walked inside, my heart ready to explode. I was greeted by the smell of rich tomato sauce. Lori was sitting at a dining chair, her hands strapped to the sides with thick twine. Charlie was standing over the cooker, stirring a saucepan. I could see a playpen with Jack sitting up playing with toys, and baby Joseph was lying on his back, waving his arms around.
“I’m here,” I said, making my presence known. Lori went from looking terrified to mild relief.
“Oh, I heard that god-awful car pull up,” said Charlie. “Half the neighborhood probably did. You’re just in time. I made pasta.”
“Thanks and all, but I’m not hungry.” I went straight over to Lori. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head. “No, honey. I’m fine. Jack’s fine, too.”
I kissed her and went over to the playpen. Jack giggled when he saw me, holding up a plastic dinosaur. Joseph clung on to a plush toy of a blue dog.
“Don’t they look so cute together?” said Charlie. “Brothers from a different mother, just like us.”
I pulled the gun from my pants and turned to face Charlie. “You’re not the Charlie I called my best friend for years. You need help. This obsession has gone on long enough. Tell me, did you kill your wife?”
“What?” said Lori from the table.
Charlie grinned. “I forget how clever you are. You were always the brains, helping me with homework and stupid math tests that mean absolutely nothing.”
“I loved you, Charlie. But this is too much. So I’m taking my wife, and I’m taking my son. I think under the circumstances we’ll be taking Joseph, too. I sincerely hope you get the help you need so one day he can have a relationship with his dad.”
I walked over to Lori, but she yelled out “Wait!”
Charlie started to laugh. “Did you think it would be that easy? Just look inside her blouse.”
I peeked inside and saw an electronic device strapped to her chest. It had a numerical display that was counting down. There were 46 minutes remaining.
“If she moves from that spot before the timer runs out, a shot of adrenalin will be pumped into her heart. We’re talking about an insane amount of adrenaline. Enough to knock out an elephant. She simply won’t make it.”
“What do you want from me?” I yelled.
He walked towards me and took the gun from my hand, putting it on the table. Then he held up his scarred palm and held it against mine. That burning sensation came back.
“I want us to share a bottle, then live up to our pact.”
“But I didn’t make the pact!” I screamed. “You forced it on me.”
“Come on, Glen. We owe this to my sister and to Blake. To Basquiat, Winehouse, Morrison, Cobain, Joplin. To all those legends.”
“You’re insane,” I said, pushing him against the wall.
“Careful. All it takes is one little click, and Lori’s heart goes boom! And little Jack and Joey will be left orphans.”
“You’re actually going to take your own life with your baby boy right there?”
He nodded. “I’ve been committed to this since I was 14 years old. If you do exactly what I say, Lori lives. She can take Jack and Joey and be the hero of the story. Now, I checked your birth certificate. You were born at 21:19, which is when you’ll officially turn 27. Lori’s heart device will become useless at 21:30, at which point she can wriggle out of those ropes and get out of here. But not before we’ve taken a special concoction I’ve made to honor my sister.”
My legs went weak, and I had to sit down on the floor. “You actually want me to end my life with you?”
“Forever 27, Glen. You’ll thank me when we’re living it up.”
“Don’t do it, honey,” said Lori.
“Yeah, that’s not an option,” said Charlie. “You see, if he refuses, I’ll put a bullet in his head. Then I’ll watch as your heart explodes.”
I started to cry. I felt so weak, so powerless. But I think the worst thing of all was that Charlie was my friend. We’d be estranged for years, but he was my friend.
“May I kiss my wife?” I asked.
“Of course, I’m not a monster.”
I stood up and walked over to Lori, gently hugging her. I could feel the metallic device against my chest as I kissed her.
“Don’t do this,” she said, tears streaming.
“I love you, Lori. Look after our boy.”
I went over to the playpen and picked up Jack, who looked so oblivious to everything.
“Dadda,” he said, gently patting my face.
“I love you, Jack,” I said, kissing his cheek. He wiped his cheek like it was the most disgusting thing he’d experienced. “Look after mamma.”
I reached down and stroked little Joseph’s face. “I wish things could have been different for you, little one.”
“Alright, we get it,” said Charlie. “Outside, now.”
Despite the disturbing situation I found myself in, the night was beautiful. A dinner table had been set up on the deck behind the cottage. There was a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. The moon was low, the temperature mild, the sounds of the ocean gentle. It was supposed to be me and Lori, enjoying a meal and maybe a spot of love making on the dunes like we were teenagers again.
“Sit down,” he said. “I’ve waited weeks for this. I almost did it without you, but my scar burned like a motherfucker. Do you ever get that?”
I shrugged as I sat down.
“Yeah, you do. It’s because we’re connected.”
He poured two whiskeys and pushed one towards me. I didn’t hesitate, downing it in one go, shuddering a little at the afterburn.
“That’s good shit,” I said.
“It’s gotta be the best,” he said. “It’s a 10 year old single malt.”
I pushed out my glass for another, which he obliged.
“Suppose I’d better catch up.” He downed it and checked his watch. “21:15. Now’s as good a time as any.”
He pulled out a glass vial from his pocket containing a clear liquid. “This is a highly concentrated mix of Zaleplon, Valium, Klonopin, and ethanol.” He opened it and poured half into my glass, and the other half into his. “The beauty is we’ll probably be asleep before any of the nasty side effects take hold.”
I took a deep breath and downed some whiskey straight from the bottle.
“Gimme that,” he said and did the same. He then pulled out his gun and placed it on the table. I could feel tears streaming down my face.
“You were my brother, Charlie,” I said. “How could you do this to me?”
“Because I love you,” he said. “You and I, forever 27. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than that.”
He looked at his watch again and beamed. “21:19. It’s officially your birthday, Glen. Welcome to 27! Oh, how I’ve waited for this.”
“Please, Charlie. Think of Jack. Think of Joseph. He needs his daddy.”
He picked up the gun. “Drink it.”
I picked up the glass and swirled the clear mixture around. The smell was like pure alcohol. Then I looked to the sky, the moon, the stars, and the ocean.
“To Lori and to Jack,” I said, downing the mixture. It burned like freshly boiled water as it went down, making me clutch my throat. As soon as it reached my stomach, it was like a suckerpunch to the gut. I stumbled off the chair and fell to the ground, clutching my belly.
“I’m coming, brother,” said Charlie, picking up his glass. But before he could take a sip, a gunshot sounded out. I heard the glass smash on the ground and had enough time to see a single trickle of blood drip down his forehead before he collapsed. Then I passed out.
A week later, I was awake in a hospital bed. It turns out my wife is a genius. She figured out that if she could force something between her chest and the adrenaline shot, she’d be able to move freely. So, while Charlie and I were sitting outside, Lori freed her hands (Charlie was no expert when it came to knots, apparently) and wedged a dinner plate against her chest. When the device activated, it shattered the plate, causing a small cut to her chest, but otherwise leaving her unharmed. She then used my gun, which Charlie had left on the table to shoot him in the head.
It wasn’t a fatal shot, though, just enough to render him unconscious. He was being kept on a different floor in the hospital. On the day of my release, I went to see him. He had tubes coming out of his arms, mouth, and thighs. Despite what he’s put me through, it gave me no pleasure to see him that way,
We’ve become temporary guardians to Joseph Morgan, Charlie's son. Though we’re fighting for custody. Charlie’s parents, who are his next of kin, are really too old to be looking after a baby. We always said we wanted two kids, and he’s as sweet as pie. Jack has taken a shine to him, too.
Charlie remained on life support. There was always a police officer sitting outside his room, but I visited regularly. He could sometimes communicate with his hands and eyes. Speech was usually slurred. But I know in my heart he used every fibre of energy left in his body to communicate with me on one special day.
The day before he turned 28.
I was reading “Of Mice and Men” to him. It was a book we’d studied at school and had meant a lot to us at the time, having got us both B grades on our assignments. Mid speech, I was interrupted by his hand on my wrist. He gripped it tighter than I thought he could. I looked into his eyes, my breath frozen. They were wide. Pleading. There were already several birthday cards dotted around the room reminding him of what was about to happen.
“Ple…” his lips parted to try and speak. I could see tears forming in his eyes. I put the book down and leaned closer.
“Charlie, what is it?”
“Glen… you have to…”
I knew what he wanted to say. “Charlie, please don’t ask that of me.”
“Please!” he said. “Forever… 27.”
I looked around the room. It was empty, but the door was open. A cop was sitting outside like usual. I stood up and slowly closed the door, wedging a chair under the handle. I went back to Charlie.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
He lifted a trembling hand to my face and nodded. “I’m sorry, Brother.”
I started to cry as I kissed his cheek. Then I found the mains plug, pulling it out of the wall. I held his hand as he started to convulse, and alarms started sounding through the halls. The cop was knocking on the door, trying to force himself in. By the time the cop and two nurses had got into the room, Charlie was dead.
His parents took me to court. I spent six months in prison before the judge dismissed the case.
Charlie got his wish; he became a member of the 27 club. I hope it’s everything he wanted it to be.
submitted by disco-dingus to DiscoBloodbath [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:37 disco-dingus My best friend is obsessed with The 27 Club

It all started the day we found Charlie’s sister in the barn.
Erica had returned to our little town from the city to celebrate her 27th birthday. She was sporting a nose ring and had choppy black hair. She had brought her boyfriend Blake with her, with his long black hair and dark wayfarers. Charlie and I were 14 at the time and thought they looked like rock stars.
Their parents had arranged a party on the grounds of their property. Charlie and I had our first taste of alcohol that night and coughed our guts up when Erica and Blake let us take drags of their cigarettes.
“I love you, Chaz,” said Erica, her arms around Charlie and me. “You too, Glen. Promise me you boys will do whatever makes you happy.”
We had no idea it was her way of saying goodbye.
The next day, there was confusion in the house when Erica and Blake were nowhere to be seen. They’d spent the night in her old bedroom. I’d spent the night on Charlie’s bedroom floor.
“Did you see your sister leave?” asked his mom. We hadn’t. She wasn’t answering her cell either.
Later that day, Charlie and I went to the barn to look for Erica. When we opened the doors, we saw her lying in the arms of Blake on a bed of straw. We put it down to too much vodka.
“We found them,” yelled Charlie. “Wake up, sleepy heads!” As we got closer, we saw an empty bottle of vodka, along with a small empty pot for high-strength sleeping pills, the kind for prescription only.
“Erica,” said Charlie, shaking his sister. She was out cold. “Glen, she’s not breathing!”
Blake started to stir like he was in pain.
“Mr and Mrs Morgan!!” I screamed, running out of the barn.
Erica and Blake were rushed to the hospital. As feared, Erica was dead at the scene. Blake had his stomach pumped and was put in a ward to recover.
“She wanted this,” he managed through god knows what other drugs they had put him on.
“What the fuck do you mean,” said Erica’s dad, grabbing Blake by the front of his smock. He had to be escorted out in tears along with his wife. I sat with Charlie until my parents could come pick me up. We just stared at Blake, this guy who we had thought was so cool, pale with greasy black hair plastered to his face.
“She got in, dudes,” he said.
“”What did she get in?” said Charlie, close to tears. “My sister is dead.”
“But she’s with them now.” He looked up. “Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix…”
“Who are you talking about?” I said.
“Only the greatest to ever live. The 27 Club.” He stepped out of bed, wincing, pulling out the tubes in his arms. I still remember the trickles of blood running down his wrists.
“What the hell is The 27 Club?”
“Strictly members only,” he said. “No admittance to anyone even a day before or after turning 27. I turned two weeks ago, and we were saving it to go together. Forever 27 with the legends.”
He walked to the window. “Say, what floor are we on?”
I shrugged. “Sixth I think.”
He looked out and turned with a grin. “I bet she’s up there partying with Cobain as we speak.” He opened the window,
“Blake,“ said Charlie. “I think you should get back in bed.
“Forever 27 boys,” he said. “See you in a few years.”
He leapt from the window, making Charlie and I cry out in unison. We heard a gruesome thud as he hit something hard. When I braved a peek, he was face down on the roof of an ambulance.
After the events, Charlie became obsessed with “The 27 Club”. When we turned 16, he wanted to form a suicide pact. We would wait until we both turned 27, then end it together.
“These people meant nothing to you,” I said. “When did you ever talk about The Doors, or Jimi Handrix? And everyone has those fucking Nirvana T-Shirts. it means nothing!”
“It’s not just that, Glen,” he said. “It’s honoring my sister. You loved Erica too.”
“I did, but she had problems, Charlie. It’s not even a real club. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s not some amazing club where they’re all living it up in paradise. They're unfortunate coincidences. Plenty of other cool people have died at 26, or 28.”
Before I could react he pulled out a pen knife and sliced open my right palm. I screamed.
“Jesus, what the fuck Charlie!”
He did the same to himself, barely reacted to the pain, then gripped my hand in his.
“Forever 27. We’re bound by blood now, my brother.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” I said, leaving his house. My hand kept slipping on the handle bar of my bike until I got home to patch myself up.
Some years passed, and I’d kept my distance from Charlie. I started college and got a new circle of friends. I remember July 23rd 2011 like it was yesterday. I was 21. Even before Charlie texted me, I knew he would as soon as I heard the news.
Amy Winehouse is dead. She was 27.
The scar on my right palm began to ache. I wasn’t going to contribute to crazy, so I ignored him. I met with my girlfriend Lori and our group of friends for a night out. Of course, Winehouse was the topic of the evening. She had managed to become a cultural phenomenon in such a short amount of time, and her death was genuinely hard hitting. And what better way to celebrate the life of a tortured soul than by keeping the drinks flowing and partaking in the coke our friend Shane had scored.
“Are you guys familiar with the concept of the 27 club?” asked Lori. I swallowed my whisky and cleared my throat.
“Yeah, that’s an exclusive group of celebrities who croaked it at 27, right?” said Shane.
“Exactly,” she said. “Anyone who’s anyone is part of that club.” She held up a glass. “To Amy, and the 27 club!”
“Here here,” said Shane. “May she forever shoot up with my idol, Kurt Cobain, in that big club in the sky.”
“That’s a bit insensitive,” I said. “She literally died hours ago. Have some respect.”
“I’m respecting, buddy,” he said. “This is all for her.”
“Are you OK, Glen,” said Lori. My palm was burning. I ran a finger over the scar and held it up to them.
“I never told you how I got this,” I said. “My childhood best friend, Charlie. His sister killed herself when she was 27. Her boyfriend, too.”
“Shit,” said Shane.
“Charlie did this to me when we were 16. He cut my hand and made us blood brothers. He wanted me to make a suicide pact, that we would end it at 27.”
“Glen, I had no idea,” said Lori.
“I pushed it away,” I said. “I cut all ties with him. But he texted me today, funnily enough, on the day the 27 club gets a new member.”
“I feel awful,” said Shane. “If I’d known, I wouldn't have…”
“Look, it’s fine,” I said. “I’m all for celebrating life or death. I guess I’m just being sensitive. It kind of all came back.”
A few more years passed. Lori and I were married and had a baby boy, Jack. We lived in a house not a million miles away from where I grew up.
One week, I was feeling particularly agitated, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I realized what it was when I spoke to my mom on the phone.
“Will you be seeing Charlie for his birthday?” she asked. “I know you boys don’t see each other as much as you used to, but you were inseparable once upon a time. I hear it’s the big two-seven. He could probably use the support, what with… well, you know.”
“I’ll message him,” I said before saying goodbye. I didn’t want to be a prick, so I kept it polite.
Hey Charlie, I wish you a happy birthday. Maybe we can meet for a drink sometime soon. I’m only like two hours away from our old town. Love, Glen.
About an hour later, I got a notification.
Glen, my brother. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I hear you have a little one of your own now. Me too! Little Joseph. I would love to meet for a drink sometime. You stay in touch. Love, your friend Charlie.
What was most surprising about it was that he didn’t mention his age at all. There was no “I’m 27 now, and you know what that means…” Years of guilt hit me like a sledgehammer to the teeth. I had neglected who was once my most important friend due to an admittedly messed up experience, but clearly one he could have used more support with. I had abandoned him. The scar on my hand burned as if to remind me of the wrong I’d done to him.
A few days later, I reached out again. I suggested we meet at one of our old haunts, but he invited me to his home on account of watching his son. He was still based in our old town and had a nice but modest house.
“Courtesy of the ‘rents,” he said. Charlie’s parents had done rather well for themselves and owned several properties around town. “I’d like you to meet someone.”
There was a basket perched on a wooden frame, and out he pulled a baby wrapped in a blanket. His little eyes were half open.
“This is Joseph. Say hello to your uncle Glen.” He handed Joseph to me, who I awkwardly cradled in my arms until I found the right position.
“He’s the spit of you, Charlie,” I said, looking down at his cute little face. He reached up and grabbed my nose with his sharp baby nails. “Forgot how much that stings,” I said. “Jack is currently enjoying his terrible twos. He’s a bit of a handful for Lori and myself at times.”
“Come sit down,” he said. “How is the old ball and chain?”
I laughed. “She’s actually perfect. I can’t recall a single disagreement we had, other than what to name Jack. She wanted to name him Donald after her grandfather. That wasn’t going to happen.” He laughed. “Where’s your better half, anyway? I don’t think we ever met.”
He looked down. “Suzie. She’s no longer with us. It’s just little Joey and me.”
“Charlie, I’m so sorry.”
“It wasn’t long after his birth. She just didn’t wake up one morning.” He smiled. “We disagreed about his name, too. I wanted to name him Joseph after Joseph Merrick, more commonly known as “The Elephant Man”. He was the first official member of the 27 club.”
I took in a deep breath as I felt unease set in. “Charlie, you can’t still be obsessed with that club.”
He reached over and took Joseph from me. “Did you hear Anton Yelchin is also a member now? Don’t try and tell me it’s not real.”
“Okay, I’m gonna leave you to it,” I said. “Charlie, promise me you’ll look after yourself and Joseph. You know where I am if you need any help.”
“Appreciated,” he said, laying Joseph down in the basket. “Say, isn’t your birthday coming up soon?”
I gulped. “Yeah, in a few weeks. Lori and I are having a weekend in the Hamptons.” I lied.
“Ah, good for you,” he said. “I hope the weather holds out for you.” He held out his hand palm side up, clearly showing me the scar we shared. “Put it there, brother.”
I firmly yet quickly shook his hand and made my way out of his house.
“He’s still not right,” I said to Lori later that evening. “It’s been over 10 years and he’s still obsessed with that fucking club.”
“Try to be more sensitive, Glen. He lost his sister, and now his wife too. As well as raising a baby on his own. The poor guy is probably so lost right now.”
“I’m trying, Lori. But that little reminder of my birthday didn’t sit right with me. It was like ‘remember what that means’. The thing is, it means nothing to me. I didn't agree to a damn thing! I didn’t ask for this scar!”
She kissed the top of my head. “I’m putting Jack to bed, then taking a bath. Why don’t you listen to one of your podcasts? Take your mind off things.”
“Good idea, honey,” I said. “But not before the tickle monster attacks!” I grabbed Jack and blew raspberries on his belly, which sent him into fits of giggles.
“Okay, that’s enough excitement for one day,” said Lori.
“Give me a hug,” I said to Jack. “Goodnight buddy.”
“Night daddy,” he said, then disappeared upstairs with Lori.
I put in my earbuds and started listening to the latest "How Bizarre" podcast. I was content for all of ten minutes when I started thinking about Charlie.
I opened Google and typed in Charlie Morgan, followed by our hometown. One of the first results was from a local newspaper. The headline was something like “[Redacted] man becomes single father after sudden tragedy.” It mentioned his wife Suzie had passed away from breathing complications during sleep. My heart skipped a beat when I read she was 27 at the time of death. I then started to groan as my scar burned as if freshly cut.
I knew in my heart Charlie was responsible for Suzie’s death. I was turning 27 in just over two weeks. I called my mom.
“You sound agitated, sweetheart,” she said. “What’s the matter?”
“Why didn’t you tell me about Charlie’s wife?”
“I did! I mentioned how he’s had a rough go of it in life, but you didn’t seem to be interested. Too occupied with childish rivalries or whatever you call it.”
I felt terrible. “I’m sorry, mother. Did you attend the funeral?”
“I did. Don’t worry, I mentioned how busy you were and you would have been there if you could.”
“Mom, do you think there’s any chance Charlie knows where we live?”
“Would that be a bad thing? You were best friends, after all.”
“Can you just answer me, please?”
“Yes, he knows where you live. Was I not supposed to tell him during his crisis? Should I have read your mind?”
“No, no. I’m sorry, mom. I’m not mad. Look, Lori and I are thinking of going to the Hamptons for my birthday weekend. Would you be able to have Jack?”
“You mean I get to spend the whole weekend with my little Jackie boo?”
That was a 100% yes. When Lori came downstairs after her bath, I grabbed her. She let out a little yelp.
“You haven’t made plans for my birthday, have you?”
“No, not yet. I was thinking of having everyone over for a BBQ, bouncy castle for the kids, bucking bronco for the big kids.”
“How about we get away, just the two of us. Go to the Hamptons and rent a romantic cottage on the beach.”
“How bourgeois,” she chuckled. “Should we rent a garish Lamborghini too?”
I laughed. “If you want? My folks have already said they’ll have Jack for the weekend.”
My birthday came around on a Friday. That morning, Lori drove Jack to my parents’ while I finished packing our weekend bags. Lori has already specifically picked out some fancy dresses to show off to the “douchebags who summer in the Hamptons”. I think she was looking forward to seeing how the other half lived, and making snide remarks behind their backs. I was also in charge of collecting our neon green Lamborghini, which got the whole neighborhood snooping as I pulled it into our driveway.
After an hour or so, Lori hadn’t returned. I just assumed mom and dad were chewing her ears off, so I gave her a call. It went straight to voicemail. so I called my mom instead.
“Is Lori still with you?” I asked. “We kinda need to get on the road.”
“No, sweetheart. We haven’t seen Lori yet.”
My heart dropped. “She left over an hour ago.”
“Oh, my. Maybe she stopped for gas or something.”
“For an hour?”
“Don’t snap at me, Glen. There could be traffic. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll keep trying her cell. Please let me know when she gets to you.”
My stomach was in knots as I hung up and tried Lori’s cell again. Three hours of calls and texts later, nothing. I kept checking local traffic news to see if there was congestion, or god forbid an accident.
“Mom, I’m so worried,” I said, calling her back. “Do you think I should call the police?”
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t think they’d do anything after a few hours. Stay positive.”
My mind kept going to Charlie. It was my 27th birthday, after all. I dialled his cell.
“Glen,” he answered. “Happy Birthday, my brother,” I could hear the rumblings of an engine in the background.
“Is this a bad time?” I asked. “Are you driving?”
“Oh no, it’s the perfect time. I’m not driving. But hold on, I’ll just put you on to the driver.”
After a few seconds, I heard her.
“Glen, we’re okay. We’re driving to…”
It was Lori, but she was cut off short. “Okay, that’s enough.”
“What the fuck have you done, Charlie,” I spat down the phone. “You bring my family back now!”
“Do you know how kind your wife is?” he said. “She saw me on the side of the road and stopped to give me a ride. Such a sweetie. She told me all about your little birthday getaway and, well, I had to insist on being there myself. I couldn’t miss your 27th after all.”
My stomach was in knots. “Please Charlie. Please bring them back to me.”
“I think you should come here,” he said. “We'll be at the cottage in around 3 hours or so. I heard you have some wheels of your own. Sounds like you’ll be travelling in style.”
“Charlie,” I pleaded. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for your sister. I’m sorry for abandoning you. Please, just come back to me. Let’s talk about it man to man.”
“You’ll either be there, or not. But if not, I’ve got another little friend who would love to make acquaintances with Lori and Jack.” I heard a click.
“He has a gun, Glen,” said Lori.
“I’m coming. Just don’t hurt them, Charlie. Please. I’m coming.”
“Good. Oh, and no police and all that shit of course. You know how it goes. See you later, brother.”
He hung up. I inhaled a sharp breath and screamed into the house. The first thing I did was collect the handgun we kept on the top shelf of our bedroom closet. Then I went downstairs and spotted a handmade birthday card from Jack on the kitchen counter, with a cupcake next to it. You could see Lori’s influence in the words as she had guided his little hand with a paintbrush.
Happy Birthday to the best daddy in the world
I fought back the tears, shoved the delicious cupcake into my mouth, and got into that ugly assed Lamborghini, putting my foot down and raising my middle finger at the neighborhood watch who shook their fists at me.
It took me 4 hours to reach the cottage in the Hamptons we’d rented on Airbnb. I put the gun down the front of my pants and walked inside, my heart ready to explode. I was greeted by the smell of rich tomato sauce. Lori was sitting at a dining chair, her hands strapped to the sides with thick twine. Charlie was standing over the cooker, stirring a saucepan. I could see a playpen with Jack sitting up playing with toys, and baby Joseph was lying on his back, waving his arms around.
“I’m here,” I said, making my presence known. Lori went from looking terrified to mild relief.
“Oh, I heard that god-awful car pull up,” said Charlie. “Half the neighborhood probably did. You’re just in time. I made pasta.”
“Thanks and all, but I’m not hungry.” I went straight over to Lori. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head. “No, honey. I’m fine. Jack’s fine, too.”
I kissed her and went over to the playpen. Jack giggled when he saw me, holding up a plastic dinosaur. Joseph clung on to a plush toy of a blue dog.
“Don’t they look so cute together?” said Charlie. “Brothers from a different mother, just like us.”
I pulled the gun from my pants and turned to face Charlie. “You’re not the Charlie I called my best friend for years. You need help. This obsession has gone on long enough. Tell me, did you kill your wife?”
“What?” said Lori from the table.
Charlie grinned. “I forget how clever you are. You were always the brains, helping me with homework and stupid math tests that mean absolutely nothing.”
“I loved you, Charlie. But this is too much. So I’m taking my wife, and I’m taking my son. I think under the circumstances we’ll be taking Joseph, too. I sincerely hope you get the help you need so one day he can have a relationship with his dad.”
I walked over to Lori, but she yelled out “Wait!”
Charlie started to laugh. “Did you think it would be that easy? Just look inside her blouse.”
I peeked inside and saw an electronic device strapped to her chest. It had a numerical display that was counting down. There were 46 minutes remaining.
“If she moves from that spot before the timer runs out, a shot of adrenalin will be pumped into her heart. We’re talking about an insane amount of adrenaline. Enough to knock out an elephant. She simply won’t make it.”
“What do you want from me?” I yelled.
He walked towards me and took the gun from my hand, putting it on the table. Then he held up his scarred palm and held it against mine. That burning sensation came back.
“I want us to share a bottle, then live up to our pact.”
“But I didn’t make the pact!” I screamed. “You forced it on me.”
“Come on, Glen. We owe this to my sister and to Blake. To Basquiat, Winehouse, Morrison, Cobain, Joplin. To all those legends.”
“You’re insane,” I said, pushing him against the wall.
“Careful. All it takes is one little click, and Lori’s heart goes boom! And little Jack and Joey will be left orphans.”
“You’re actually going to take your own life with your baby boy right there?”
He nodded. “I’ve been committed to this since I was 14 years old. If you do exactly what I say, Lori lives. She can take Jack and Joey and be the hero of the story. Now, I checked your birth certificate. You were born at 21:19, which is when you’ll officially turn 27. Lori’s heart device will become useless at 21:30, at which point she can wriggle out of those ropes and get out of here. But not before we’ve taken a special concoction I’ve made to honor my sister.”
My legs went weak, and I had to sit down on the floor. “You actually want me to end my life with you?”
“Forever 27, Glen. You’ll thank me when we’re living it up.”
“Don’t do it, honey,” said Lori.
“Yeah, that’s not an option,” said Charlie. “You see, if he refuses, I’ll put a bullet in his head. Then I’ll watch as your heart explodes.”
I started to cry. I felt so weak, so powerless. But I think the worst thing of all was that Charlie was my friend. We’d been estranged for years, but he was my friend.
“May I kiss my wife?” I asked.
“Of course, I’m not a monster.”
I stood up and walked over to Lori, gently hugging her. I could feel the metallic device against my chest as I kissed her.
“Don’t do this,” she said, tears streaming.
“I love you, Lori. Look after our boy.”
I went over to the playpen and picked up Jack, who looked so oblivious to everything.
“Dadda,” he said, gently patting my face.
“I love you, Jack,” I said, kissing his cheek. He wiped his cheek like it was the most disgusting thing he’d experienced. “Look after mamma.”
I reached down and stroked little Joseph’s face. “I wish things could have been different for you, little one.”
“Alright, we get it,” said Charlie. “Outside, now.”
Despite the disturbing situation I found myself in, the night was beautiful. A dinner table had been set up on the deck behind the cottage. There was a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. The moon was low, the temperature mild, the sounds of the ocean gentle. It was supposed to be me and Lori, enjoying a meal and maybe a spot of love making on the dunes like we were teenagers again.
“Sit down,” he said. “I’ve waited weeks for this. I almost did it without you, but my scar burned like a motherfucker. Do you ever get that?”
I shrugged as I sat down.
“Yeah, you do. It’s because we’re connected.”
He poured two whiskeys and pushed one towards me. I didn’t hesitate, downing it in one go, shuddering a little at the afterburn.
“That’s good shit,” I said.
“It’s gotta be the best,” he said. “It’s a 10 year old single malt.”
I pushed out my glass for another, which he obliged.
“Suppose I’d better catch up.” He downed it and checked his watch. “21:15. Now’s as good a time as any.”
He pulled out a glass vial from his pocket containing a clear liquid. “This is a highly concentrated mix of Zaleplon, Valium, Klonopin, and ethanol.” He opened it and poured half into my glass, and the other half into his. “The beauty is we’ll probably be asleep before any of the nasty side effects take hold.”
I took a deep breath and downed some whiskey straight from the bottle.
“Gimme that,” he said and did the same. He then pulled out his gun and placed it on the table. I could feel tears streaming down my face.
“You were my brother, Charlie,” I said. “How could you do this to me?”
“Because I love you,” he said. “You and I, forever 27. I can’t think of anything more beautiful than that.”
He looked at his watch again and beamed. “21:19. It’s officially your birthday, Glen. Welcome to 27! Oh, how I’ve waited for this.”
“Please, Charlie. Think of Jack. Think of Joseph. He needs his daddy.”
He picked up the gun. “Drink it.”
I picked up the glass and swirled the clear mixture around. The smell was like pure alcohol. Then I looked to the sky, the moon, the stars, and the ocean.
“To Lori and to Jack,” I said, downing the mixture. It burned like freshly boiled water as it went down, making me clutch my throat. As soon as it reached my stomach, it was like a suckerpunch to the gut. I stumbled off the chair and fell to the ground, clutching my belly.
“I’m coming, brother,” said Charlie, picking up his glass. But before he could take a sip, a gunshot sounded out. I heard the glass smash on the ground and had enough time to see a single trickle of blood drip down his forehead before he collapsed. Then I passed out.
A week later, I was awake in a hospital bed. It turns out my wife is a genius. She figured out that if she could force something between her chest and the adrenaline shot, she’d be able to move freely. So, while Charlie and I were sitting outside, Lori freed her hands (Charlie was no expert when it came to knots, apparently) and wedged a dinner plate against her chest. When the device activated, it shattered the plate, causing a small cut to her chest, but otherwise leaving her unharmed. She then used my gun, which Charlie had left on the table to shoot him in the head.
It wasn’t a fatal shot, though, just enough to render him unconscious. He was being kept on a different floor in the hospital. On the day of my release, I went to see him. He had tubes coming out of his arms, mouth, and thighs. Despite what he’s put me through, it gave me no pleasure to see him that way,
We’ve become temporary guardians to Joseph Morgan, Charlie's son. Though we’re fighting for custody. Charlie’s parents, who are his next of kin, are really too old to be looking after a baby. We always said we wanted two kids, and he’s as sweet as pie. Jack has taken a shine to him, too.
Charlie remained on life support. There was always a police officer sitting outside his room, but I visited regularly. He could sometimes communicate with his hands and eyes. Speech was usually slurred. But I know in my heart he used every fibre of energy left in his body to communicate with me on one special day.
The day before he turned 28.
I was reading “Of Mice and Men” to him. It was a book we’d studied at school and had meant a lot to us at the time, having got us both B grades on our assignments. Mid speech, I was interrupted by his hand on my wrist. He gripped it tighter than I thought he could. I looked into his eyes, my breath frozen. They were wide. Pleading. There were already several birthday cards dotted around the room reminding him of what was about to happen.
“Ple…” his lips parted to try and speak. I could see tears forming in his eyes. I put the book down and leaned closer.
“Charlie, what is it?”
“Glen… you have to…”
I knew what he wanted to say. “Charlie, please don’t ask that of me.”
“Please!” he said. “Forever… 27.”
I looked around the room. It was empty, but the door was open. A cop was sitting outside like usual. I stood up and slowly closed the door, wedging a chair under the handle. I went back to Charlie.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
He lifted a trembling hand to my face and nodded. “I’m sorry, Brother.”
I started to cry as I kissed his cheek. Then I found the mains plug, pulling it out of the wall. I held his hand as he started to convulse, and alarms started sounding through the halls. The cop was knocking on the door, trying to force himself in. By the time the cop and two nurses had got into the room, Charlie was dead.
His parents took me to court. I spent six months in prison before the judge dismissed the case.
Charlie got his wish; he became a member of the 27 club. I hope it’s everything he wanted it to be
Edit: For those who don't understand why I did what I did, Charlie was my best friend for a lot of years. One final act of kindness felt right to me, regardless of what he'd done to me. I wouldn't even want to see my worst enemy kept alive with wires and synthetic breathing apparatus.
submitted by disco-dingus to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 11:17 Mr_Wamo Aide au choix d'un véhicule avec compromis place/puissance/Crit'Air

Bonjour, je viens chercher un peu d'aide pour choisir ma future voiture, parce que j'ai l'impression de tourner en rond et de m'arracher les cheveux... Je commence par un petit topo de la situation.
Actuellement : 308 essence de 2011, achetée en 2014 à 49k Kms, maintenant presque 130k Kms. Content, pas de problème, mais ça commence à être limité en place et à vieillir
Mes besoins : - de la place, aussi bien assise que pour charger : voyages en couple avec pas mal de matos (camping etc), festivals avec les potes donc là aussi pas mal de matos à charger, répétitions avec mes groupes donc là aussi matériel à trimballer, vie à la campagne donc parfois besoin de faire des grosses courses... - un poil de patate pour des routes qui montent et qui tournent (pensez Vercors, Ardèche, etc) - Trajets en ville/ZFE fréquents (notamment pour les répètes et concerts) malgré la vie à la campagne, donc j'imagine Crit'Air 1 maximum ? Et un bon compromis entre place et encombrement (un Trafic c'est pas ouf à garer en ville n'importe où, ou pour passer dans les petites rues) - pas un gros rouleur malgré les voyages/festoches/répètes, donc je partais sur de l'essence car il me semble que le diesel c'est intéressant à partir de 15k Kms / an, et je fais 8/9k comme l'indique la différence de kilométrage à l'achat/maintenant. Pas du tout fermé à l'hybride, l'électrique ça me semble un poil plus compliqué mais pas fermé non plus - un attelage serait cool aussi, notamment pour un porte-vélos, également pour y atteler une remorque moto quand j'ai besoin de traîner la mienne (rare mais ça arrive)
Mes envies : je vois la voiture comme quelque chose de très utilitaire, je m'en fous un peu de la finition, des gadgets etc, du coup c'est assez limité de ce côté : - une boîte auto, ce serait hyper cool avec les trajets en ville, testé, approuvé, j'adore - connexion Bluetooth pour diffuser la musique depuis mon téléphone, radar de recul (caméra pas du tout indispensable), clim pour l'été, rétro électriques, bref des trucs qu'on trouve assez facilement en 2024 mais je ne ressens pas le besoin de plus.

Budget : disons 20k max + revente de mon véhicule actuel, qui doit pouvoir partir à 5k je pense. Je peux gonfler un peu le budget de quelques milliers d'euros, mais faudra pas que ça dépasse trop.

Tout ça m'a emmené du côté des ludospaces / utilitaires ludiques qui semblaient parfaitement répondre à ce cahier des charges, et même plus, et surtout qui sont faciles à chargedécharger de part le volume plus en hauteur qu'en longueur. Et donc je me suis renseigné sur les Rifter, Berlingo etc : voilà la tuile, je vous refais pas l'histoire du moteur PureTech, vous connaissez sûrement mieux que moi. Du côté Dacia (Dokker), ça a l'air de se traîner quand c'est chargé, chez Volkswagen (Caddy) v'là les prix, chez Ford (Tourneo) on me parle d'une fiabilité aux fraises... Je préfère éviter les SUV, j'ai un peu regardé du côté des break mais le volume plus long que haut me freine un peu.
Et par-dessus j'y connais pas grand-chose en moteur hybride / hybride rechargeable, donc je ne peux pas trop évaluer les voitures sur ces critères.
Et y'a rien à faire, j'ai beau chercher, j'ai pas de piste concrète, donc je me tourne vers Reddit, en espérant y trouver un coup de pouce !
Merci pour vos contributions :)
submitted by Mr_Wamo to voiture [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:49 Key_Mango_3385 Struggle at times

Quitting 13 years of vaping and aware that giving it up will be really difficult. Total of 20 years of daily nicotine all together as a former smoker. I quit cigarettes in 2011 and it took me two full weeks to adjust to the satisfaction of a vape and about a month to fully commit to vape only. I just had to be patient with myself.
Fast forward to trying to quit the vape.. I have not been easy on myself and a few years back was the attempt that sent me buying an actual pack of cigs. I had to once again switch back to vaping to get off of them.
So here I am trying to quit vapes after getting seriously sick with respiratory issues and using the time wisely while on antibiotics and prednisone to wean myself down.
I went 50 hours not inhaling anything except a straw of air with a little peppermint oil. I caved and got a 0% vape and been using patch or gum. I figured if I could separate my addiction into two parts that might help. I know it won't work that way for some but that's how I got through days 3-5.
Today is the end of day 5 and I nearly relapsed. I just asked for my original vape back... held it in my hand and sat it on the table in front of me for two hours without hitting it. It was so close but I resisted.
It was probably all in my mind because the moment it was there I felt satisfaction and relief. Didn't even puff.
I just put it away and the craving also left. I got through this somehow and I think I'll keep going. Tricky situation because I was at my weakest yet felt my strongest.
I will say that the cravings are getting less frequent. I rarely hit the 0% and usually leave it in the other room for hours at a time. I'm still counting up the days of not inhaling nicotine because it holds me accountable. I'll start a new clock when I completely stop the 0%.
The brain fog is what keeps triggering me because I feel "off" all the time but I don't want to undo all I have achieved this far so onward it is.
submitted by Key_Mango_3385 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:12 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 24 2024

DAY: MAY 24 2024


Colon cancer is increasingly hitting Americans under the age of 50, and a new study outlines the warning signs that these young patients first encounter. The analysis was based on data from 80 different studies, involving almost 25 million patients under the age of 50. In nearly half (45%) of cases, blood in stools was an initial symptom, followed by abdominal cramps (40% of cases) and alterations in bowel habits (27% of


The rate at which Americans under the age of 65 suffered a stroke rose by about 15% between 2011 and 2022, new government data shows. That was true even among the young: The rate of stroke jumped 14.6% among people ages 18 to 44 during the study period, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. It’s not clear why stroke rates have risen so sharply, but rising rates of obesity and high blood


The 2023 wildfire season was worst on record. High temperatures and widespread drought fueled over 6,600 fires, burning a record-breaking 18.4 million hectares, an area more than double the size of New Brunswick. The fires emitted nearly 480 million tons of carbon, five times the emissions of an average season, turning the skies hazy and orange and blanketing much of North America in wildfire smoke for weeks. Many regions of Canada experienced over 40 days where air pollution concentrations exceeded the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines, leading to


A pioneering study has demonstrated that semaglutide significantly reduces the risk of major kidney disease events, cardiovascular outcomes, and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. will pave the way for new treatment strategies and offer hope to millions of patients globally. The study is also published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The FLOW (Evaluate Renal Function with Semaglutide Once Weekly) study is a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled international trial comprising 3,533 patients, with a


A. Experimental setup and conditions (created with; B. Correlation between age and pain thresholds; Significant difference in heat threshold; Pain ratings of heat stimuli across younger and older groups (**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001); C. Significant difference in pain discriminability at various levels of heat stimuli; Correlations between pain discriminability and pain threshold; Correlations between age and discriminability of heat stimulation (**p < 0.01). Does pain perception change with age? In particular, is there a significant increase or decrease in perception between older and


Integration of pharmacies with physician practices, where on-site pharmacies open at physician practice locations, is a growing trend in cancer treatment. However, little is known about how this integration affects drug utilization or expenditures, along with other aspects of the patient experience. Open compares the outcomes of patients treated by oncologists whose practices integrated with pharmacies, to those of oncologists that did not integrate. Researchers found a slight increase in utilization of oral oncology drugs,


The diseases caused by PM2.5 pollution in different systems are shown. CAD, cardiovascular disease; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma. Fine air particles, less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5), are a major air pollutant linked to various health problems. These particles can travel deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream when inhaled. Recent research suggests a major health concern: PM2.5 exposure can also damage the digestive system, including the liver, pancreas, and intestines.


Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the way we work, play and communicate. While artificial intelligence has potential to help solve complex problems, you’ve likely also heard serious concerns about it—and especially, the ways AI might change the lives of children and teens. As child health experts at UNICEF have pointed out, kids around the world use AI almost daily. Most interactive toys, games and internet platforms made for children depend on AI technology. Even though AI is advancing faster than anyone expected, most nations have not considered how AI will


New AI can help detect breast cancer that is spreading to other parts of the body, without the need for biopsies, a new study finds. The AI analyzes MRI scans to detect the presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes under the arms, researchers said. In clinical practice, the AI could help avoid 51% of unnecessary surgical biopsies to test lymph nodes for cancer, while correctly identifying 95% of patients whose breast cancer had spread, results showed. Most breast cancer deaths are due to cancer that’s spread elsewhere, and


A new research provides guidelines for the design, production and preclinical testing of viruses that infect and destroy cancer cells , while also promoting protective antitumour immunity. Credit: National Cancer Institute In the global hunt for both a cure and cancer treatments, researchers are finding it may be the very viruses we try to shield ourselves against that hold great promise in fighting the deadly disease. Pathogens—those bugs that routinely infect and sicken us, like the common cold or influenza—are being


A new treatment approach using an older drug may enable more patients with high-risk blood cancers to receive transplanted stem cells from unrelated, partially matched donors, according to a study conducted by researchers at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and colleagues. Results to be presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the European Hematology Association suggest the new approach may expand the donor pool, with patients from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups standing to benefit


Early Learning Lab BabyX is a hyper-realistic computer-generated simulation of a human infant. In a world first, developmental psychology researchers at the University of Auckland will use the digital child to research adults’ interactions with babies. The infant on a computer screen responds to a social partner—including their voices, gestures, and expressions—just as a human infant would, smiling, laughing, crying, or getting cross and frustrated. The aim of the research is to look more closely at the nuances


Coral Olazagasti expected a relatively smooth transition when she moved to New York to start her residency after graduating from medical school in her native Puerto Rico. But that proved wishful thinking. She not only experienced major culture shock, but also her superiors and colleagues often chastised her for speaking too loudly and joked about her accent. “Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory so when I moved to New York, I thought it wasn’t going to be a big change,”


Colorized scanning electron micrograph of an apoptotic cell (green) heavily infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (yellow), isolated from a patient sample. New research from scientists suggests people who received COVID-19 vaccines and then experienced “breakthrough” infections are especially well armed against future SARS-CoV-2 infections. By analyzing blood samples from study volunteers, the LJI researchers discovered that people who experienced symptomatic breakthrough infections develop T cells that are better at recognizing and


Researchers have identified the unique features of an exceptionally rare set of childhood brain tumors—a discovery that could pave the way for more effective treatments. A decade-long study, carried out by a team from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, as part of a European working group, to comprehensively analyze a set of childhood tumors known as gliomatosis cerebri,


Metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, are associated with compositional shifts in the human gut microbiome, including the fungal fraction called the mycobiome. But research on the mycobiome and how type 2 diabetes or its common treatment, metformin, may interact remains relatively limited despite suggestions that these fungi can influence the overall health of the microbiome, according to a research team at Penn


A new study examining how state Medicaid programs are helping people with substance use disorders (SUD) uncovered the need to expand the programmatic features to assist individuals who are transitioning in and out of the criminal justice system. The study, “State Medicaid Initiatives Targeting Substance Use Disorder in Criminal Legal Settings, 2021,”


Sweden is seeing “an explosion” of ADHD cases among children that has put it far above the global average, the government said Friday as it ordered a review to find out why. Around 10.5 percent of boys and six percent of girls in Sweden in 2022 had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Social Affairs Minister Jakob Forssmed told reporters, citing statistics from the Board of Health and Welfare. The figures were expected to rise to 15 and 11 percent respectively before leveling


When one family member looks out the window at sidewalks and green space and the other sees a multilane highway and power lines, the differences may contribute to more than just sibling rivalry. A new study by University of Maryland public health researchers has shown that those neighborhood characteristics correlate with different health outcomes.


Cardiovascular disease has profound effects on the structure and function of the heart. While past research has mainly focused on the left ventricle and the coronary arteries, the effects of the disease on the right atrium remain largely unexplored. The right atrium functions as the entryway to the heart, pushing blood towards the right ventricle and the lungs. It also houses the pacemaker of the heart, the sinoatrial node, that initiates and maintains the heartbeat. For this reason, pathological remodeling of the site


Patients with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have increased rates of severe multiple drug intolerance syndrome (MDIS), according to a study published in the May issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. Alicia A. Alvarez, M.D., from Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida, and colleagues conducted a retrospective chart review to examine the prevalence of MDIS in patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia or IBS. Patients who had been seen at a large academic center were identified and matched to controls seen within the same timeframe by exact


Researchers have developed an artificial olfactory system that discriminates odorants at the molecular chain length level. The olfactory system has been developed through the integration of human olfactory receptors and organic synaptic devices. The system generates distinct conductance patterns for odorants and mixtures. This approach enables precise odorant recognition via training and inference simulations.


. In a study published in Cell Host & Microbe, a research team has demonstrated the causal link between microbial factors and dysfunction of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in colitis. On the basis of this mechanism, they proposed a possible approach to restore ISC function in colitis. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease characterized by microbial dysbiosis and dysfunction of ISCs in the gut. However, how these two factors are directly communicated remains poorly understood. In this study, researchers first revealed that ?


Immunotherapy increases survival rates in kidney cancer, but does not work for everyone. A Leuven research team has developed a new method to predict which patients will benefit from it. The team of Francesca Finotello (Computational Biomedicine Group) from the University of Innsbruck also contributed. Their study also opens new avenues to even more effective treatments. Every year, roughly 1,300 people in Austria are diagnosed with kidney cancer. Thanks to


The 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting is being held May 31 to June 4, 2024, in Chicago and online. The theme of this year’s meeting is “The Art and Science of Cancer Care: From Comfort to Cure.” Attendees will share and discuss the latest clinical cancer research impacting patient care. “Treatment advances involving targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and new uses of technology, as well as research on improving patient quality of life and outcomes are among the topics that will be highlighted in the meeting’s official Press


Parental legal system involvement may negatively impact child mental health, according to a study published online May 23 in Pediatrics. Lilian G. Bravo, Ph.D., R.N., from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles, and colleagues used two-year follow-up data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study when children were 11 to 12 years of age to examine whether adverse parental legal system involvement (incarceration, arrest) was associated with suicide risk. Of the 10,532 children included in the study, 6.5 percent reported parent incarceration


Massively parallel characterization and prediction of gene regulatory activity in the developing brain. In a scientific feat that broadens our knowledge of genetic changes that shape brain development or lead to psychiatric disorders, a team of researchers combined high-throughput experiments and machine learning to analyze more than 100,000 sequences in human brain cells—and identify over 150 variants that likely cause disease. The study, from scientists at Gladstone Institutes and University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), establishes a comprehensive catalog of genetic sequences involved in brain
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:08 OxOMandoBZH Upgrade Class D cars

Upgrade Class D cars
Here is a table that can be useful for improving Class D vehicles
submitted by OxOMandoBZH to asphaltxtreme [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:07 rentier-digital Avis cleanshot mac 🏆 Captures d'Écran sur Mac

Voici mon logiciel préféré pour les captures d'écran sur MacOS : Cleanshot. J'en suis au point, où je ne peux plus revenir à l'antique outil de copie d'écran intégré au mac !
Pas le temps ? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Cleanshot est le meilleur outil pour faire des copies d'écran et enregistrer son écran et sa Webcam sur Mac. Parfait pour faire des tutos, illustrer des articles, fonctions support ... C'est un no-brainer !
Télécharger Cleanshot
L'une des principales difficultés des captures d'écran sur Mac est la gestion des fichiers. Souvent, ceux-ci ont tendance à s'accumuler rapidement, encombrant inutilement l'espace de stockage.
Cleanshot est une application développée spécialement pour résoudre ce problème. Elle permet de capturer facilement des images de votre écran, de les organiser et de les partager, le tout dans une interface simple et intuitive. Cette application est compatible avec les dernières versions de MacOS et est régulièrement mise à jour pour inclure de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
Si vous en avez assez de l'outil de capture d'écran intégré de Mac, Cleanshot est la solution qu'il vous faut. 🖥️✨
📸 Capture et Organisation Capturez et organisez vos captures d'écran facilement
✏️ Annotations Ajoutez des flèches, du texte et floutez certaines parties
🎥 Vidéo Enregistrez des vidéos avec ou sans son
🗂️ Bibliothèque dédiée Stockage automatique pour éviter l'encombrement
🌐 Partage facile Partagez via un lien unique
🛠️ Outil de Nettoyage Supprimez les fichiers volumineux inutiles
🪟 Capture de Fenêtre Sélection d'une fenêtre spécifique pour la capture
🗑️ Suppression de Pièces Jointes Supprimez les pièces jointes volumineuses des emails
💵 Tarification Version gratuite et payante à partir de $29 pour une licence à vie
🆚 Comparaison Alternatives comme Snagit et Monosnap, mais Cleanshot est le plus complet
Cleanshot est plus qu'un outil de capture d'écran, c'est une application indispensable pour optimiser votre expérience sur MacOS ! 🚀

Pourquoi choisir Cleanshot ?

Cleanshot est bien plus qu'un simple outil de capture d'écran. En plus de sa fonctionnalité principale, l'application offre une gamme de fonctionnalités supplémentaires qui en font un véritable couteau suisse pour tout utilisateur de Mac.
Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve :
De plus, Cleanshot offre une excellente gestion des fichiers. L'application stocke toutes vos captures dans un espace dédié, vous évitant ainsi de polluer votre bureau avec une multitude de fichiers. Elle dispose également d'une fonction de prévisualisation flottante, vous permettant de voir et d'éditer vos captures immédiatement après les avoir prises.

Les alternatives à Cleanshot

Bien que Cleanshot se démarque par ses nombreuses fonctionnalités, d'autres applications offrent des services similaires. L'une des plus connues est certainement CleanMyMac.
CleanMyMac est une application de nettoyage pour MacOS qui intègre également un outil de capture d'écran. Toutefois, cette fonctionnalité est moins développée que celle de Cleanshot, qui reste l'outil de référence en la matière.

Quel est le prix de Cleanshot ?

En ce qui concerne le prix, Cleanshot est proposé à différents tarifs, en fonction des fonctionnalités que vous souhaitez utiliser.

Conclusion sur Cleanshot

En résumé, Cleanshot est un outil très complet pour la gestion des captures d'écran sur MacOS. Sa facilité d'utilisation, combinée à ses nombreuses fonctionnalités, en font un choix de prédilection pour tous ceux qui cherchent à optimiser leur utilisation des captures d'écran sur Mac.
Que vous soyez un professionnel à la recherche d'un outil performant pour gérer vos captures, ou un utilisateur occasionnel souhaitant simplement améliorer votre expérience sur Mac, Cleanshot est une application à considérer.

Les fonctionnalités avancées de Cleanshot

Lorsqu'il s'agit de la capture d'écran, Cleanshot va bien au-delà des fonctionnalités basiques. Cet outil offre une multitude d'options supplémentaires qui aideront à améliorer votre expérience de capture d'écran sur Mac.

Comparaison avec d'autres outils de capture d'écran

Bien que Cleanshot soit une référence incontournable pour la capture d'écran sur Mac, il existe d'autres outils qui méritent d'être mentionnés. Deux d'entre eux sont Snagit et Monosnap.
En somme, bien que ces outils soient de bonnes alternatives, Cleanshot reste l'outil le plus complet pour les captures d'écran sur Mac.

Verdict Final Cleanshot

En conclusion, Cleanshot est un logiciel de capture d'écran très complet pour MacOS. Il offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités avancées qui facilitent non seulement la capture d'écran, mais aussi la gestion et le partage des captures. De plus, grâce à son outil de nettoyage intégré, Cleanshot aide à maintenir votre Mac en bon état en supprimant les fichiers inutiles.
Que vous soyez un professionnel qui utilise régulièrement la capture d'écran dans votre travail, ou un utilisateur occasionnel qui souhaite seulement simplifier la capture d'écran sur votre Mac, Cleanshot est indéniablement un outil à considérer. Avec toutes ces fonctionnalités et sa simplicité d'utilisation, Cleanshot est définitivement l'incontournable pour les captures d'écran sur MacOS.
Vérifier le prix de Cleanshot
submitted by rentier-digital to AvisLogiciels [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:57 RenardRock Choix premier vélo de triathlon.

Je me suis mis au triathlon depuis quelque temps et je cherche un vélo,
j'ai trouver le canyon speedmax Al de 2011 pour 300€ sans les roues.
Est-ce une bonne affaire ? De plus, Quelle roues me faut-il acheter et quelle est leur prix ?
Merci Beaucoup, Bonne journée à tous
submitted by RenardRock to pedale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:52 bastiisalive 25 [M4F] From Baguio ka? From Manila ka? Nice to meet you!

Yo!, let's get to know each other. If we vibe, maybe we can become friends 😊. Just know na may mga part na mag-click tayo, may mga part na hindi. And if it turns out na hindi tayo mag-work, its all good, no hard feelings. Iba iba din naman tayo paniniwala, personalities, etc. We cannot force it, but we can at least try.
We can do Discord, pede rin TG o IG pero pag close na lang cguro ganun hehe.
If taga- Baguio ka, pede rin naman tayo mag-meet depende if parehas tayo available sa sched hehe, we can eat, drink, clubbing, gym, window shop, walk around the park, walk the trail, coffee, co-work, co-study, biglaang balikan na trip sa elyu, ano pa ba? Kung trip ko yung trip mo pede rin naman. Saktuhan nga lang mukhang rainy season na eh, ilang beses na ako naliliparan ng payong.
pag taga-Manila ka, virtually muna 😅 hindi na kasi ako nakatira jan pero bumababa rin naman ako pag may time, di nga lang palagi. Lumipat na kasi ako Baguio eh, paumanhin na agad 😂 Tsaka madalas ako sa gabi lumabas pag nasa Manila kasi grabeee ang init, pero we'll see. Nanjan naman ako possibly whole month of June, I also just joined a "run club" kaya if ka-club member kita baka makasabay kita one of these days/nights.. Pede rin inuman sa Pobla, Katips, Taft etc.. I am game (depende sa budget)
If kelangan mo rant buddy, next time na lang cguro if mag-kakilala na tayo hehe, tsaka baka di rin ako available para ma-dump for those, at least for now.
May times na active ako, may times na hindi, so baka di kita lagi makausap or message, huwag sana mag-tampo xD Trip ko rin talaga mag-isa minsan, o recovering lang muna outside socmed.
About me:
About you:
introhan nyo na lang din ako sa dm hehe para at least may topic na agad if ever. Alam ko na busy tayo, di lahat may oras mag-chat at syempre understandable yun. Pero during discussions or actual chat mismo, okay din sana if parehas tayo nag-kakargahan sa usapan😊. Salamat!
submitted by bastiisalive to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:35 MattyMizzou Smoke shop edition.

Smoke shop edition. submitted by MattyMizzou to GrandmasPantry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:57 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] Home Run Deals For Summer!

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay 👍
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date Proof:
2015 Canada 1/20th gold $1 - $old
1991 Australia 1/20th gold - $old
An $5 premium for fractional sovereign issued gold people!
Zelle preferred on these.
$100 army man lot
1oz cannabis silver and 1 oz copper
3 90% half
A Morgan and a mercury dime
$095 shipped !
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $35
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $60
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $55
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $40
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $31
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $35
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $35
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $35
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $35
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $31
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
4 or so FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965-69 silver .8134 asw
$27 melt is $26.62
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $29
2011 infantry no box $33
1992 Columbus $1 - $29
D-day $1 bu $33
Wright brothers $1 $29
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $35
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $33
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $35
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $30
1995 Olympic track and field proof $30
1996 national community service proof $30
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $30
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $35
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $30
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $35
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $35
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $35
2006 ASE certified $35
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $38
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $30
Better 1922 peace dollar $30
Nice 1922 peace dollar $30
1925 peace dollar $30
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $199 ! 🔥
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $38
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $old
Trump wanted $32
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:56 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] home run deals for summer!

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay 👍
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date Proof:
2015 Canada 1/20th gold $1 - $old
1991 Australia 1/20th gold - $old
An $5 premium for fractional sovereign issued gold people!
Zelle preferred on these.
$100 army man lot
1oz cannabis silver and 1 oz copper
3 90% half
A Morgan and a mercury dime
$095 shipped !
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $35
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $60
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $55
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $31
Spider-Man 1oz $40
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $31
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $35
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $35
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $31
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $35
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $35
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
4 or so FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965-69 silver .8134 asw
$27 melt is $26.62
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $29
2011 infantry no box $33
1992 Columbus $1 - $29
D-day $1 bu $33
Wright brothers $1 $29
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $35
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $33
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $35
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $30
1995 Olympic track and field proof $30
1996 national community service proof $30
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $30
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $35
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $30
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $35
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $35
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $35
2006 ASE certified $35
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $38
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $27
Better 1922 peace dollar $27
Nice 1922 peace dollar $27
1925 peace dollar $27
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $199 ! 🔥
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $38
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $old
Trump wanted $32
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:59 Gabe0212 [WTS] A whole lot of Gold, from 5 Gram Engelhard to a variety of 1/10 ounces, poured silver from Hayleybug, variety of junk silver, variety in governmental silver, lots of spot and under spot silver deals, and so much more!

Proof Picture
Howdy! Before getting into todays sale, I want to briefly address the ongoing security concerns with the current scam.
  1. I will never disclose my password to anyone.
  2. Not only does my reddit account have 2FA, all my emails associated have 2FA. In general, every account I possess, has 2FA.
  3. I will never accept Crypto for any reason.
  4. And lastly, just take precaution. Always ask for proof pictures, check the Ban List, middlemen are worth every penny for the protection it provides to both parties.
Now for todays sale, finally back for another sale. Most groups have a picture with all the items together to better organize my post. I apologize for the lengthy post.
Buy with Confidence! Every applicable item is Sigma Verified!
Prices are based on Kitco Ask.
Gold (Items in this lot)
Pending 10 Gram Gold Bar Koi Fish Imperfect - $776 SPOT
5 Gram Gold PAMP Lakshmi - $650
5 Gram Gold PAMP in Assay - $395 Each (6 available)
Pending 5 Gram Gold Engelhard #1 - $465
5 Gram Gold Engelhard #2 (Small Copper Spot) - $460
Pending 2.5 Gram Gold PAMP in Assay (Protective film is off) - $202
Pending 2.5 Gram Gold Credit Suisse in Assay - $215
Pending 2020 1/4 OZ Gold Australia Marlin - $610
Pending 1984 1/10 Oz Gold Krugerrand - $250
Pending 1988 1/10 Oz Proof American Gold Eagle (Coin in capsule only) - $270
1 Pending 2020 1/10 Oz Gold Canada Bald Eagle Sealed - $251 Each (7 available)
2014 1/10 Oz Proof American Gold Eagle NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo Angela M. Buchanan SIgned - $350
2018 1/10 Oz Proof American Gold Eagle NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo John M. Mercanti Signed - $350
1989 1/4 Gold Panda in Black Onyx,14K Gold Bezel at Below MELT - $719 (1/4 Oz Gold Panda. Bezel is about 3.3 Grams of 14k Gold)(Melt is around $752)
2 Pending 1985 1/20 Oz Gold Panda - $129 Each (15 available)
Pending 1993 Australian Nugget (Kangaroo) 1/20 Oz Gold - $128
2023 1/20 Oz Gold Year of the Rabbit - $150
Pending 1990 1/20 Oz Gold Kangaroo - $126
Pending Mexico Dos Pesos Gold - $129
Pending 1911 $5 Gold Indian - $615
Geiger Club Set (1 Gram Gold and 1/2 Oz Silver) Set Number 234 - $145
World's Smallest Gold Coins, Statue of Liberty (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37
World's Smallest Gold Coins, Krugerrand toned (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37 Each (2 available)
World's Smallest Gold Coins, Abraham Lincoln (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37
Pending World's Smallest Gold Coins, Rembrandt van Rijn (.5 Grams of 14k Gold) - $37
All Pending .10 Gram Gold KaratPay - $15 Each (11 available)
Bullion Silver (Items in this lot)
Silver Dragon Laser Engraved .999 Fine (898 Grams) (Unmarked but Sigma Tested) #1 Under Spot! - $880 ($30.50/Ozt)
Silver Dragon Laser Engraved .999 Fine (981 Grams) (Unmarked but Sigma Tested) #2 Under Spot! - $961 ($30.50/Ozt)
4 Ozt Silver Gilded Round in Capsule - $122 (SPOT)
3 Pending 5 Oz Silver Alexander the Great - $156 Each (Below Spot!) (8 available)(Some have had their plastic broken)
22 Troy Ounce Ironman Silver Helmet by Pit Bullion Bellow Melt - $682 ($31/Ozt)(Below Spot)
Pending 2018 5 Oz Proof Libertad (Capsule is scruffy) - $235
2 Oz Silver Privateer High Relief "The Captain" - $68
Pending 2009 5 Oz BU Silver Libertad - $195
All Pending Generic Silver Pours (Unmarked but Sigma Tested) Below Spot at $30.50/Ozt - $96.25 for the 3.16 Ozt one and $102 for the 3.345 Ozt one.
Poured Silver (Items in this lot)
5 Ozt Hayleybug Silver Puck - $165
Pending 3.92 Ozt Silver Gun Pour - $119.50 ($30/Ozt)(Under Spot)
Wild Pig 2 Ozt Silver Octopus - $68
Hayleybug 1 Ozt Silver Pour Design #1 - $36
Hayleybug 1 Ozt Silver Pour Design #2 - $36
Hayleybug 1 Ozt Silver Pour Design #3 - $36
Hayleybug 1/2 Oz Silver Pour - $18
Government/Sovereign Minted Silver Rounds (Items in this lot)
2022 1 Oz Libertad in Fabulous 15 Holder (Milky) - $35 Each (3 available)
Pending 2016 1 Oz Silver Kookaburra Monkey Privy - $33
Pending 2022 1 Ozt Silver Phoenix (Cracked Capsule) - $32
Pending 1986 Proof Silver Eagle Capsule and Velvet Case only - $52
2019 1 Oz Proof Krugerrand - $44 (Milky)
All Pending Proof Silver Eagles all with Box and COA - $49 Each
Years available (1) 2001, (2) 2002, (2) 2003, (2) 2004, (1) 2005, (1) 2006, (1) 2014
Pending 2021 1 Oz Silver Swan - $33
2012 1 OZ Year of the Dragon (minor toning) - $48
Pending 2020 1 OZ Australia 1 Dollar - $32
2001 Silver Eagle "9/11" Colorized - $31.50
Silver Bars (Items in this lot)
Pending 1 Oz Silver Shitters Full - $44
2022 3 Oz 40th Anniversary Libertad Bar - $225 (2 Oz Silver Bar with a 1 Oz Libertad inside)
Pending 10 Gram Silver Geiger in Assay - $17 Each (2 available)
Pending 1 Oz PAMP "Am Yisrael Chai!" - $95
Pending 5 Gram Geiger Silver in Assay - $11
Fractional Silver
All Pending 1 Gram Silver MPM Fish - $1.50 Each (70 available)
All Pending 1/10 Silver Medjugorje Queen of Peace - $3.50 Each (69 available)
100 Pending 1 Gram Silver - $1.50 Each (500 available)
1/10 Oz Silver Morgan Rounds (Milky) - $3.50 Each (3 avaialble)
1 Oz Silver Rounds (Items in this lot)
Pending Worlds Wildlife "The Bear" 1 Oz - $32
Pending 1 Oz Silver Vikings in Capsule - $31.50 Each (1 available)
2024 Samoa Year of the Dragon with Black Rhodium Plating Coin - $55
2 Pending 1 Oz Generics - $31 Each (9 available)(Under Spot)
All Pending 1 Oz Engelhard Rounds - $33 Each (5 available)
1 Oz New Aztec Calendar Design #1 - $32 Each (6 available)
2 Pending 1 Oz New Aztec Calendar Design #2 - $32 Each (10 available)
2022 Liberty 1 Oz (Norfed Type)(Milky) - $32.50 Each (7 available)
1 Oz Silver John Wick Round - $31.50
Pending 1 Oz African Wildlife "The Giraffe" Proof - $32 (Minor Milk)
Pending 1 Oz Silver "Connect #6" - $32
90% Silver (Items in this lot)
1999-2020 Silver Proof Quarter Sets - $695 about $25 Per FV (22 individual lenses, 111 silver proof quarters. Includes 1999-2009 Statehood and US Territories, 2010-2020 America the Beautiful. (2019/2020 quarters are .999 fine and 1999-2018 are .90 fine)
90% Silver Proof Quarters in Lenses (Some toned) - $29 Each Lens (8 available)
$3 FV Lot of 90% Silver - $70 for the Lot
All Pending 90% Silver Proof Dimes (Slight Milk) - $2.30 Each (4 available)
All Pending 90% Silver Roosevelt Dimes - $2.15 Each ($20 FV available)(Slightly under melt)
90% Silver Proof Quarters (Slight Milk) - $5.75 Each (3 available)
.999 2022 Silver Proof Quarters - $9 Each (2 available)
All Pending 90% Silver Proof Kennedy (Slight Milk) - $11.50 Each (2 available)
90% Silver Kennedy Half Dollars - $11.37 Each (10 available)
All Pending 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollars Under Melt - $4.25 Each (24 available)
3 Pending Peace Dollars - $25.50 Each (6 available)
Pending Peace Dollar Key Chain - $27
Pending 1934 S Peace Dollar #1 - $29
Pending 1934 S Peace Dollar #2 - $29
Pending 1926 S Peace Dollar - $29
Pending 1904 O Morgan Silver Dollar - $33
1991 USO 90% Silver Dollar Proof with Box and COA (Slight Milk) - $24 Each (2 available)
Pending 2001 US Capital Silver Dollar Proof with Box and COA - $24
1995 Civil War Battlefield Silver Dollar and Clad Half Dollar - $26
1991 Mount Rushmore 90% Silver Dollar and Clad Half Dollar (Milky) - $24
Pending 1990 Prestige Proof Set - $27
1 Pending1999 Silver Proof Set With Box and COA (Slight Milk) - $44 Each (2 available)
1962 Proof Set (Some are loose) - $22
Slabs (Items in this lot)
1986-2005 Proof Silver Eagle Set (20 Coins/Slabs) All Graded by NGC as PF 69 Ultra Cameo! - $1,325 for set, includes NGC Slab Box.
Pending 2018 Australia 1 Oz Kookaburra Dog Privy PCGS MS 70 - $69
2021 S PCGS MS 70 Silver Eagle - $44
2021 PCGS MS 70 Silver Eagle (Last Production) - $44
2006 W Proof Silver Eagle NGC PF 69 Imperfect - $54
2023 Dragons of the World 1 Oz Egyptian Dragon NGC MS 70 Antiqued - $110 (Thick Slab)
2021 The Red Flag Fleet Ching Shih NGC MS 70 - $50
2019 South Korea Silver Proof Medal NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo - $78 (Minor Milk on reverse)
2018 W Silver Eagle NGC MS 70 Mercanti - $
1995 1 Oz American Silver Eagle MS 69 ANACS - $37
2011 Great Britain S5PND Olympics Countdown NGC PF 69 Ultra Cameo - $39
1986 S Proof Silver Eagle PCGS PR 69 DCAM - $75
Pending 1 Oz Copper Will Myers - $2
1 Pending 5 Ozt WildPig Copper Poured Bar - $14 Each
2.21 Ozt WildPig Copper Poured Bar - $10 Each
WildPig Copper Fossil Round - $8.5 Each (4 available)(Weights Range from 45-49 Grams Each)
WildPig Copper Frankenstein Round - $6 Each (7 available)(Weights Range from 24-29 Grams Each)
Pending 1 Oz Copper Bar - $1.50
Random Items (Last 4 are NSFW)(Items in this lot)
2022 1 Gram Platinum Panda in OGP - $77
Pending 1 Gram PAMP Platinum - $42
Sterling Silver, "The Virgin of the Rocks" Gold Gilded - $61 (Melt, 65.60 Grams)
2 Oz Silver Revolver - $195
Pending 2 Oz Silver Doggaebi - $74
Pending 2 Oz Silver Doggaebi (Cracked Capsule) - $68
Pending 2 Oz Silver Michelangelo's Eyes - $75
Both Pending 2 Oz Silver South Korea Shield of St Michael - $88 Each (2 available)
Sterling Silver - Wild Pig Pours Modern Solid Cuff Bracelet - 77.7 Grams - $85 (Melt is around $72)
Lockermint 1 Oz Holiday Wenches Colorized Sealed - $85
Lockermint 1 Oz Locker Wenches - $
All Pending CMG Mint 1/10 Oz Silver Bar "Happy Birthday" NSFW - $10 Each (3 available)
St Louis Mint 1/10 Oz Silver Bar "Jasmine" NSFW - $10 Each (3 available)
Shipping ranges from $5-$6.50 for Ground Advantage. Heavier packages can ship ground advantage or Priority Mail for $9. Insurance can be added upon buyer request. I pack securely with bubble wrap and other packing materials. Packages go out within two days, Monday through Sunday. It usually takes 1-2 days for USPS to scan packages.
Priority Mail Express/UPS are also available.
I accept PPFF, Venmo, Cash App and Zelle to a certain extent.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. And as always, I try my best to be competitive on prices. Thats the point of buying from the community. So if any of my prices are off, please let me know.
Best, Gabe
submitted by Gabe0212 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:51 Skye_fairy_delph Some of my TDCC collection

Some of my TDCC collection
Thought I’d post this here since the old setlist is interesting. I’d love to hear costume party live
submitted by Skye_fairy_delph to TwoDoorCinemaClub [link] [comments]