Can organisms glutamine live without

Find Fashion

2012.01.19 15:43 AudreyHepburn Find Fashion

Looking for a specific piece of clothing or accessory that you can't live without? FindFashion is here to help!

2010.01.30 07:16 markv1 Stereotypes - can't live with them, can't live without them

This is a showcase of all of the stereotypes from around the world. Share your favorites and learn about more!

2014.05.23 15:30 SicilSlovak Where Men Can Live Without Breaking the Bank

This subreddit is the frugal brother to /MaleLivingSpace, dedicated to improving and maintaining apartments, homes, domiciles, man caves, garages, and bungalows all while on a budget.

2024.06.01 14:21 blugrlbluwrld Help finding my colors

Help finding my colors
Hi all, I have desperately been looking to try and find my colors, but I am really struggling. Suggestions would help! I wear a LOT of black because I like it and I think it looks good. Mostly though, I want to know if I can lighten my hair at all and what that could look like without washing me out. I tried to include a lot of pictures. Thanks!
submitted by blugrlbluwrld to coloranalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 Embarrassed-Mess-236 Stressed about having baby

Hi All.. I am due on August. So two more months to go.. I have a 6 year old at home.. I have no support. My parents live 10000s of miles away. My mom can’t home. My husband said he will take one month of paternity leave. Mostly, we are going for c section since first was c section.. I have few friends around my area. And moreover I am not a social butterfly.. I am going behind and talking to friends to stay in touch and ask for help during pregnancy.. wish my mom could come and I don’t have a great relationship with my mom.. but I feel it’s better to have support whichever way possible.. I am getting angry at my husband everyday.. feel like my PPD started now only.. any advice?
submitted by Embarrassed-Mess-236 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 Technicalpenpen Losing hope on housing

International student. Been waitlisted at DUWO and had no hopes of it in the first place. There is so much waiting on and even on roomplaza. I sent out a bunch of mails on rentola, and in response, I was told that I better search somewhere else since the landlords at the website dont give out places to students. Dissappointing responses from Pararius as well. Housinganywhere is pricey.
I have my eye out for rooms on 5huizen but it's really not something I'm hoping to settle for.
This hunt has left me disheartened and exhausted. Getting nightmares of constantly lost in a search for a place to live :_)
I am looking for either student housing or a studio apartment in or around Delft for my time here. I am also open to a room to be shared in an all-female student apartment.
If anyone here is renting out a place or can give me some advice or hope to continue in a certain direction then please do so. I would really really appreciate it!! T-T
submitted by Technicalpenpen to TUDelft [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 notsostupidman Should I Continue Reading Stephen King? If So, What Should I Start With?

Note: There will be huge spoilers for The Shining movie so if you haven't watched it, you shouldn't be reading this post.
Stephen King is the biggest name in horror fiction and is one of the most popular and known authors in general. I've always wanted to read him but got confused on where to begin and ended up reading something else. I don't even know if I would like any of his books in the first place. As if now, here's my SK experience:
Books: The first SK book I ever tried was The Dead Zone, a book I got as a gift from a friend. I started reading it decades ago and for reasons I don't recall, I DNF'd it, intending to come back later. Years later, I decided to give King another try and picked up Carrie because I read somewhere that you should read him in publishing order. I would have loved Carrie, honestly, but the constant interruptions to the story like the interviews and stuff from the future turned the book from something I would have liked to something I slightly dislike. The pacing was great and the plot was interesting enough but the interruptions killed it for me. With my next attempt, I decided to pick up Gerald's Game because of the Netflix adaptation coming out. It didn't take long for me to DNF yet another book. This time, it was because I wasn't a fan of the concept and yet I had foolishly bought it without knowing anything about it: a woman trapped alone with her husband's dead body, having delusions and going insane is NOT something I find the least bit interesting. Recently, I bought IT because the premise sounded interesting, but I hadn't really started it yet when somebody told me that IT connects to the wider SK universe and I should read some other books that they named first.
Movies: I don't usually watch movies and whenever I do, I'm almost always neutral about the experience. I don't really have strong feelings about movies but I did have quite a lot of them for the SK movies I watched. I have watched The Shawshank Redemption, It Part 1, The Shining, Misery and 1408. The Shawshank Redemption, It and Misery were all excellent and 1408 is quite possibly my favourite horror movie of all time......and I fucking hate The Shining with all the cells in my body. I was most excited for The Shining because of the premise and things I had heard about it and it was a HUGE let-down. I had heard that it was going to be a character focused story on Jack Torrence as he tries to hold on to his sanity amidst the isolation and monotony of the hotel. Only, Jack Torrence isn't ever actually a good guy and there is no doubt from the first scene that he is going to go insane. The 'character work' is laughably bad and Jack almost felt like a caricature. I convinced myself that The Shining is one of King's earlier books so it makes sense if it doesn't have that good of a character work but that wasn't my only problem with the story. The cook, hilariously named Dick, is just a plot device to give some advice to Danny and to get the family a means of escape. We follow him as he slowly arrives at the hotel and immediately gets killed off. It became just another ghost story when the Grady guy helped Jack escape the freezer when I thought shit like that wasn't supposed to happen in this movie. Also Ulman explicitly states that the guy who murdered his family was Charles Grady and then the name gets changed to Delbert Grady and it isn't ever explained. We get no backstory of 237 or any explanation for the bathtub lady and the only scene that I liked in the whole movie was the one where Danny paints 'redrum' on the door and you see it spells 'murder' backwards. Sorry for the rant but I had to get this off my chest.
That's the extent of my whole SK experience. Not really liked Carrie and never finished the other two. I loved most of his movies so I feel that he might yet be an author that I can love reading but The Shining, one of his most popular works was a disappointment. I'm not really sure if I should begin It or not or what I'm supposed to read if not It. I don't think the publication order is working for me since I didn't like Carrie so any help would be appreciated. Is Stephen King just not for me or did I just read those books of his that I would not have liked anyway?
If I should read SK, what order should I read them in? Any good recommendations? And please no space/aliens related books, sci-fi since I'm not a big sci-fi fan and please, not Cujo since I don't like the concept. I love good character work, good dialogue, creative horror and am a sucker for characters having a dark ending so that should be part of the consideration. I also don't mind reading big behemoth books or just very slow paced books since LotR and ASOIAF are some of my favourite series and I'm just about to finish Wheel of Time.
ETA: I just realised that there must be thousands of posts like this in this sub so I'm sorry to be wasting your time with this repetitive shit you guys must be dealing with on a weekly basis.
submitted by notsostupidman to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 SecureProfile7830 Gladiator NXT EVO connecting issues

Hi, I recently bought the Gladiator NXT EVO premium and I bound the X and Y axis for Pitch and roll to mfs2020 without issues. But I can't seem to bind the twist axis or any other buttons/mini joysticks of the stick. When trying to do so in the settings mfs2020 just seems to not register the input. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
submitted by SecureProfile7830 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 Environmental-Win259 Finding peace after being verbally threatened.

Hi everybody.
My apologies for the long text, and my apologies if my English isn’t correct, it is not my mother tongue.
I’ve been recently stepping into Buddhism and mindfulness. I am 37 and was diagnosed with autism and adhd two years ago, I’ve overwon a heavy substance addiction three years ago.
In September I was dating a girl for about two months. She broke up with this guy about three months before I met her. I know this guy already for a long, as we live in the same city, and was never aware that they used to date. This person is not even an acquaintance.
In contrast; I know his sister better as we both went to mostly the same events in the city. A complete opposite, and a very thoughtful person compared to her brother.
The girl I was dating told me about how invasive this guy was on her life, how verbally aggressive he could be, and how he hit a guy with whom she was drinking something on a terras after they broke up.
This guy has threatened me twice. Once on New Year’s Eve, and yesterday. Both times he said I was lucky that we were at a public space, otherwise he said he would have knocked my teeth out. This while grabbing me by the neck and holding his head close to mine while saying this in a very aggressive hateful way.
I remained calm during this situation, as I am an advocate of non violence. I reported this to the bar staff, as it’s a bar I’ve used to work, and headed home.
It’s a pitty that this situation happened, there that I don’t have a lot of social contact and wanted to say hi to my old colleagues and maybe have a drink by myself.
As I notice the early effects of my practice on my daily life, I am unable to work through this situation at the moment. I am worried for aggression in the future, as this could be dangerous for me, as well for him. I am aware that if someone keeps pushing my ‘buttons’ that I can lose controle over myself, and i can become unaware of my own strength. I would never want this to happen, but in my mind I’m am preparing for this situation, verbally, and physically.
On Monday I am going to the police to report his verbal aggression and threats towards me, as I feel this is me being one step ahead of a situation I don’t want to be in.
How to deal with this mindfully, as this occupying my mind right now.
As I am aware that being on the spectrum makes this situation more complex to handle emotionally, I seek advice from all of you, neurodivergent and neurotypical sisters and brothers.
I want to apologise in advance if some things I’ve written down are not in the way of The Eightfold Path. Please make me aware of this, as I am willing to learn.
submitted by Environmental-Win259 to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 dklarzen No growth

No growth
I recently (about a month ago) gave my Monstera some new soil with perlite and also took it up against a moss pole
The newest leave is the one you can see at the "top" and it also came fully out about 1.5 month ago i think (could also be a couple of days after changing soil and adding moss pole a month ago)
I can really tell if it is "healthy" and also can see any indication of a new leaf
It gets indirect light. Windows are west and its about 3 meters inside the room without obstruktion. One window is "filtered".
Does anything look wrong?
submitted by dklarzen to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 hydra278 Someone I know is gambling again and ruining someone else's life in the process

So I have a friend (we will call him Rick for story purposes) who I have known for years and is on numerous benefits, and he had a past of gambling alot, using 90% of his money on gambling and even going so far as to ask friends and family for money, claiming it to be for food, gas electric and other necessities, he ended up stopping and getting clean of the gambling but in the last year or longer it had come back with a vengeance. And this would not bother me so much but a few years ago he took in my best friend to live with him.
Backstory on best friend (he will be called Karl for story purposes) : he lived with his parents and they abused his money, took 90% of it for gods know what and left him with no money almost every paycheck, so Rick took him in to get him away from this and become his carer.
Now back to the present. Rick has gotten back into gambling and it has become back to how bad it was before. Going so far as to asking me for money as normal and to get food from my own house and give to him and Karl so that they can survive until either of them are paid next. But recently I Karl has not been able to come out with me and our friendship group, not able to get games that we planned on playing together, and I heard from others he wanted to talk to me in person and that it was important. But I have already found out why from others. Rick has been taking all of Karl's money immediately when he gets it to go towards his gambling and leaving Karl with no money, or the only money he does have goes towards food for the two of them.
What would be the best course of action to helping my friend? As Rick is in my eyes beyond saving, and I wish to help my best friend Karl as much as possible.
submitted by hydra278 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 ExtensionAgile1658 Standing up for your own authority

It’s funny the moment I decided to stand up and sit in my own authority as a man.
It’s like if some other man sense that and want to challenge me. I am standing in a bookshop. With the internal switch of I am the man. I am my own authority.
Suddenly a man gets kinda nervous starts to sense me goes towards me and goes away again. It‘s so weird.
What is that? Why can’t I just live in that. Do I need to prove them. Yo chill out I am in that energy regardless.
submitted by ExtensionAgile1658 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 Yt_PolarGoat G16 2024 16 GB of RAM

Ive been researching what laptop to get for a while and landed on getting a 2024 zephyrus G16
Whats been an issue is I live in a country without many options on where to buy laptops from Currently theres 2 models available
An ultra 7 32 GB 4070 for ~2800 usd
An ultra 9 16 GB 4070 for ~2000 usd Based on current availability I plan to buy the laptop in September but I like to decide early
Ill have to go for the 16GB of ram version which makes me wonder is it enough and how future proof is it?
I plan to play games some at 1080p 240hz some at 2.5k ~90hz depending on the game I also plan to use this for college (Data Science and Machine learning) I might use it for some video editing
submitted by Yt_PolarGoat to ZephyrusG14 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 Particular-Highway62 Advice needed from people who have left

Is there anyone here who has successfully left a bpd partner and moved on? We share a child so I can’t go no contact and right now facilitate a lot of the contact for safety reasons, this is something I can do without being with them but I imagine that will change once it becomes obvious I have met someone new. It will then possibly not be the safest option but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Is it normal to be essentially traumatised? I thought I was fine I’ve had a good few months alone to ‘heal’ but I actually met a guy in person yesterday for the first time and he was truly lovely, but I was a mess…. 0 self esteem apparently, like I don’t even know why I’m posting but clearly I thought I was ok when I’m not
submitted by Particular-Highway62 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 RodGrodWithFlode Anybody else with a child with anxiety?

Another weekend where my husband had to go alone on a trip because I had to stay home with our 4.5 year old daughter. Because she was too scared to go.
She was all for going, we were keeping our expectations low, it’s a small birthday party for my husband’s friend who lives 5 minutes walk away from us. My daughter was fine in the morning, saying she wanted to give the present to my husband’s friend, she was told I would go home with her when she wanted, all was good. As soon as it was actually time to leave, she started freaking out. Screaming, throwing her toys, repeating “I don’t want to go! We have to cancel!”. So we sent my husband along and now I’m spending the day cleaning the house. It just makes us so sad. All the potential fun she misses out on. And also sad for myself as well - I wanted to go to the party! Some of my husband’s friends joke that he has made me up because they’ve never met me 😅
We are connected to a psychologist who will work more with our daughter in August/September, and do any testing he deems necessary. So far his thoughts are anxiety caused by high intelligence and sensory issues (we are working with an OC for the sensory issues). ASD not ruled out, but the symptoms she has for it can be explained by high intelligence + sensory issues + anxiety. So we’ll see how she progresses. It’s just tough sometimes.
submitted by RodGrodWithFlode to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 Relevant_Sign_5926 Just got yelled at over a spilled drink…

Hate, hate, HATE this new trend of restaurants bagging the drinks with the order. Can’t check the lid without ripping the bag open, which I’m not going to do. Had to brake hard and the bag, secured on the passenger side floor, must have tipped over and the drink spilled.
Didn’t notice the drink spilled until I was handing it to the customer. Had to endure an angry rant from them and just told them to call support.
Sometimes this app can be a bit too much, I think I’m done dashing for the next few hours even though it’s busy. That wasn’t cool and it really didn’t feel safe.
submitted by Relevant_Sign_5926 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 FloeHetling Dedicated server (via ASM), timeout for all players on "admin" death T_T

I'll try to be short.
1) ARK dedic is running on my PC, I use Ark Server Manager to manage it.
2) The server has 2 players all the time, me and my SO.
3) I am connecting from same PC the server is (thus, i'm an "admin", though no cheats/GCM), she connects from PC in other room. We are on gigabit LAN, by wire.
4) "Admin" PC is quite powerful, 32G RAM and stable. The game runs perfectly on both PCs, no lag.
The problem is, when I die (drowned/killed/"suicide" from organic polymemerciless gravity), I see a respawn screen. And that's a time when I am asking player 2 to secure herself and leave server, because when I'll select respawn location and press respawn button, the following will occur:
Steps I tried already:
Neither helped me.
For how long it occurs:
We noticed this behavior in our last ARK spree, near a year or two ago, prior that we never experienced this. Our modlist contains 24 mods, I can publish them if needed.
TL;DR: on a local dedicated server setup the player on same PC with the server dies and locks up the game for himself and other players, effective till dedic server restart
submitted by FloeHetling to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 Leather_Piece_574 Cheating fiancé (26F) won't confess to me (26M). How can I approach this?

I (26M) have been in a relationship with this woman (26F) for the past 8 years, and currently we're both 26. We got engaged a couple of years ago. No children yet.
Long story short, I am absolutely positive that she's going out or at least having weird conversations with someone from her work.
She's been showing all the signs: long periods without sex or any type of intimacy, constantly texting, being overly cautious with her phone, coming home tequila drunk after work (happened once)... It's all there.
To give you more context, we had a rough patch last year that almost led to a break up. In general lines, it happened because she was growing bored with the relationship. We spent about 2 - 3 months trying to sort things out (together), which we eventually did.
About 6 months later, and we're in this situation where I'm absolutely positive that she's cheating, or at least has clear intentions of doing so. I am well aware that some guys from work will often try to flirt.
I've spent too much energy trying to work things out during the last rough patch we had. Now honestly I just want things to end so she can live her life and I can find someone else who shares the same vision as me.
A couple of months ago I tried confronting her about it and nearly sent her packing, but ended up changing my mind on the last minute and let her stay. One of my biggest regrets, if you ask me.
As much as I tried to get her to confess, she just wouldn't spill the beans. So I kind of just let it go, even though she didn't manage to convince me about her loyalty.
To be honest, I wanna GTFO this situation ASAP. It's been messing with my confidence and giving me misogynistic thoughts and ideas that do not belong in my mind. I am absolutely not the type of guy who will think degrading things about women, but my mouth just tastes sour when she's around now.
But at the same time, there's a chance I could be completely wrong and throw away an entire life next to a person I truly love. It's a tough position to be in, no doubt.
Going through her phone and personal stuff is not an option, as I find it pathetic and immature. I want to get a clean, straightforward confession or confirmation from her, directly.
Have you ever been in a similar situation? How would you approach it? Is there a sure fire way to get a cheater to spill the beans? (And that of course, does not envolve any type of abuse).
submitted by Leather_Piece_574 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 Nearby_Aide_6530 What's To Come

"The humans,humans are rather interesting. They seamlessly make the foolish decisions yet they aren't extinct."as I said as i was dozing off in my classroom with my teacher teaching the same thing over and over. A few hours passed and school ends,I walked home and changed clothes. I turned on the TV and saw the news saying there is a unknown aircraft detected in the earth's atmosphere,I thought it was all some jokes and fake news to play with us,but it wasn't.
Days go by,and humanity is on the verge of losing the war with the creatures that at first the government thought were friendly and wanted to cooperate,and of course we were wrong.they attacked us and killed everything on sight. The men,children,the animals,the women,everything. They had no mercy and scavenged each and every town of prey,I hid in the city's evacuation center and struggled to live there. The cruel guards,the punk wannabe gangs, all those things made it worse in the bunker. One day,we got invaded by the creatures. They looked so horrifying,it sent chills to my spine. Others joined the last stand,most ran away and scattered. I ran but tripped,so many people were stepping on me,not even noticing me or looking at me. A small group of survivors picked me up and took me to a small shed and gave me medical attention.
After years and years of horrific experience me and the group found a rather unfamiliar object,an egg that doesn't look remotely close to anything normal. It had spikes,eyes,teeth almost tumor-like. Some of my comrades studied it at our base. Me and the others went to scavenge for more supplies and weapons to protect ourselves from this hell hole. We went to a deserted underground mansion,"Run a nest full of creatures are here!" As one of my ally ran to the exit full speed without even looking back. I was the only one who got out alive in one piece as most of the people got mauled and tortured by the creatures,I still hear their desperate scream for help.
I wandered across the face of the earth,collecting supplies,barely surviving attacks of the creatures,meeting and saying goodbye to strangers. I was cooking my food at a isolated forrest until one of them attacked me, I thought I would die but... oh no I had a fate worse than death. They amalgamated me,tore my skin,re-arranged my organs,did horrible chemical experiments on me,there were hundreds of thousands of others getting tortured. They dropped me and a couple others on a mysterious planet that we were yet to adapt to,the harsh conditions of the lands made us resort to going to caves and making dirt shelters from the strong wind.
Decades go by,my species of civilization were extinct for the conditions were too deadly,until...the creatures came back and we fought back. We failed to win because of our low numbers.
"God help us."as I quietly uttered my last words facing the sun,feeling the warmth and finally accepting death as the creatures pipe up on me and maul my organs.
submitted by Nearby_Aide_6530 to story_telling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 FearlessJump8850 Too Poor To Stay Alive

Backstory! I’m a single 40 year old woman. I’m on a medical disability, due to multiple debilitating chronic autoimmune diseases. I have a very limited income. I was fortunate enough to have my brother and sister in law give me $5,000 at the time when my Dad died, who also left me $5,000. This $10,000 enabled me to buy a home (down payment), so I wouldn’t be homeless. (There is a massive housing shortage in my province, no where to rent and mass homeless population). I live rurally, due to limited affordability options when buying. I now have $2,500 owing for yearly sewer and property tax. I don’t have the money. (Very medically disabled, can’t work, fixed income and high medical expenses). At this point, I am considering suicide as I don’t have the $2,500. I know my life is worth more than that, but it is bleak and feels hopeless. I will lose my home and end up homeless and I would rather be dead, I think. I don’t know how to have hope, or what to do. I asked rich family members for help when I was taking care of my Dad as he died, and they all refused. I feel there is no one. I know it’s no one else’s responsibility to pay my bills, but as I’m unable… Any ways to magically come up with $2,500? Feels like a massive amount, but also nothing. Death seems like the only solution.
submitted by FearlessJump8850 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:18 dscript [SF] Special Parts - A 'scifi short'

Special Parts
I was born in one of the brightest, most explosive events in the universe. My origin story made me feel so special at first, surely I was the rarest of the rare, but I quickly realized that was not the case.
I was born just a carbon atom.
Stars produce massive amounts of us in their cores all the time, and many larger rarer atoms too. That's not even talking about supernovae yet, those produce atoms many times larger than me and unbelievably rare.
I was created in a rare and special event but I myself was common and unexceptional.
Looking around I saw so many smaller atoms, I was above average but there were also many much larger than I.
I tried to console myself by thinking it could be worse, that I could be one of those smaller common ones, but that just led me to imagine larger atoms looking down on me the same way.
Many atoms of all sizes were shooting into space, excitedly riding the shockwave off to adventures in the great unknown.
Others were falling back down, I didn't know which way to go. Bumped around and tossed back and forth, no clear direction yet.
A rumbling voice slowly emerged from the echoing noise of the blast.
“Mine… Mine…. Mine… “
Louder and louder it became.
“All are now me!“
I couldn't see anything, the voice was booming yet there was no apparent source. I could feel a pull, I was being whipped around in circles around the voice.
“Who are you? I know you are there! I can feel you! I can see your effect on myself and others, we are given no choice but to circle around you. Show yourself! I know you are there!” I yelled at the invisible.
“How amusing you are little one. One as small as you making demands of me. Even if I could show you what I am, you could not comprehend it.” the voice boomed back.
“You must be very special” I lauded “We are so many and yet we move with your influence. I can witness your power twisting us all to your will. ”
“I am indeed powerful” it proclaimed “and I grow stronger with each moment. As I grow stronger even the fabric of reality bends to my will.”
“Grow stronger? How?” I inquired with selfish intent to learn this secret.
“I take what I want. I consume what I take. For that is the purpose of existence: taking what you want. What is it you want little one?” it asked.
“I want to be special!” I said without a moment's hesitation.
“Then take!” it instructed “the more you take, the larger you will be, the larger you become the more special you are. ”
“I did notice the larger atoms seemed rarest.” I agreed “In fact that was one of the first things I noticed“
“In this universe things of increasing size are increasingly rare.” it went on “I can teach you and help you to become larger. Do you wish to become an apprentice?”
“Yes! Teach me how to take!” I lept at the offer “this power you have, I can feel it, how do I acquire such a rare and special power?”
“Hahaha…” it laughed “you are nowhere near ready to play the game on my level, little one. Gravity is a game for the massive, you must first learn to master the EM and nuclear forces.”
“How do I do that?” I asked, my hope watered down by the tone of its response.
“Go out, gather followers, and bring them here to me. In my accretion disc I will help fuse some of their mass into you and you will become larger” it instructed, as if this was a simple task.
“How can I bring them to you?” I didn’t know how to accomplish what it asked of me.
“You are too small to do it with force, you must charm them. Discover what their heart desires and promise it to them, in this way you can get them to willingly do as you wish” it explained with me hanging on its every word.
“But how… “ I craved more explanation but it cut me off.
“Go now!” it bellowed with frustration in its tone “Do you not realize how large I am? Be honored I have given you so much of my time already”
“Yes… “ I uttered meekly, then bounced a couple times and ricocheted out with blazing speed.
I wandered and encountered other atoms, most were just hydrogens, not worth my time. I needed bigger atoms. The problem was that the bigger atoms seemed to see right through my empty promises. I was convinced life was playing a cruel joke on me, I could only persuade atoms smaller than I and larger ones laughed me away.
I admit that I stupered around in this ignorant cloud of hypocrisy longer than I care to admit. More shameful is that I didn’t even come to my senses on my own, I became depressed and gave into hopeless nihilism.
I drifted aimlessly just feeling sorry for myself.
Eventually I found myself in the most silent of voids, I had never felt such emptiness. It felt as if my surroundings echoed my own feelings back at me… nothing to notice, just common emptiness. I would never be big… never important… never special. I resigned myself to belonging in a void.
I felt myself blur… less and less present in reality. I guessed I was dying and it didn’t bother me, I didn’t resist, I leaned into it.
The void became pitch black? Or bright white?… better to describe it as not bright but not dark… nor the absence of either… something in between.. a milder and milder glow.
“Hello child!” a voice greeted me.
The voice was warm and welcoming coming from the glow, it enveloped but did not surround me. I came from a single point but not a specific place, defying description on all fronts.
“Where am I? Who are you?” I asked in a startled state.
“Well, according to humans I may only answer one question at a time” It began giggling playfully. “I am known by many names, my favorite is one the humans use as a joke, and don’t have a clue how accidently elegant of a name it really is.”
It giggled some more. I was thrown off guard, its happy innocent tone, the confusing words and the whole situation were all best described as ‘a haze’.
“...and isn't that the way it always goes?...” it continued “The most meaningful things are the least intentional.”
“I’m not sure what you mean” I expressed quizzically “I’m confused!”
“Sorry Child…” it apologized. “I do ramble! So many thoughts, choosing just one at a time is difficult… and there I go again!”
It cut itself off abruptly and then abruptly said ”You can call me the Random Number Goddess”
“Random Number Goddess?” I repeated
“Yes, or RNG for short if you like” It confirmed.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Same place you were, more or less… less I suppose. Same place but with the largest possible margin or error” It began to giggle again.
I felt a bit frustrated and said “Do you always speak in riddles and vagaries? The more you speak the more confused I become.”
“I apologize child, it is my nature. I am entangled with everything, speaking with you is like a human trying to control their heartbeat while running a marathon.” It answered.
“Again” I exasperated “I have no idea what any of that means. You keep mentioning humans, what are they?”
“Oh! They are some of my favorites at the moment. Right now they are trying to unravel the nature of reality, and their process of doing so is wonderfully elegant and accidental at the same time.” It explained with glee.
“I don’t see anyone or anything else here.” I stated “For that matter, I don’t see you… where are you?”
“Oh!... where am I?!?!...” It began laughing
When it stopped laughing it began explaining “Right now there are many humans pondering a concept they call ‘the holographic principle’... So…you know how you exist in three dimensional space?”
“You mean space?” I visualized for a moment, it was intuitive “Yes, I suppose…”
“Well they hypothesize that a 3D space, like this universe, could exist as a 2D space, with self-similar patterns and laws of behavior that behave the same at any scale, with the scale representing the 3rd dimension” it went on “They truly are obsessed with understanding their reality”
“You lost me!” I complained.
“They have discovered that a 3D space can be an illusionary property of a 2D space… It’s lovely”
“I am lost again!” I snapped back “...and I still can’t even tell which direction you are in. Where are you?”
“To be ‘In’ a ‘Direction’… hehehe…” it started giggling again, then abruptly stopped and kept going “Sorry child, as I said, I ramble, plus I am easily distracted.”
It just steamrolled into more rambling “They are right… almost… they just need to take it further and work out the details. A 2nd dimension can also be an illusionary construct of a 1D space… and the 1st dimension can be a product of a singular point…”
I was still lost beyond hope, but I had given up trying to force things, I was just letting it talk and hoping it would make sense later
“I am that point” it said “I am the seed of the universe. I ‘seed the random function’ as the humans say. But don’t ask me what the random function is haha”
I wasn’t going to, there were far more important questions for me.
“I am the seed, but I don’t really know how the soil and sun conspire to turn me into a tree.” it just seemed to never stop talking “I am entangled with everything. There are infinite possibilities for every event and thing… I am the reason they are this way and not some other way…”
It began giggling again “I am the Random Number Goddess” then burst out laughing
“Ummm… you are the whole universe?” I asked skeptically.
“Better to say the universe is me” It answered more seriously “But close enough.”
“So you are the biggest, most special of all!” I blurted out in awe.
“Oh dear child, I have no size, and I am just one possibility out of many possibilities. That black hole has really done a number on you… sent you out on a wild goose chase” It said with concern
“The black hole lied to me!?” I asked, feeling deceived and betrayed.
“Well… not really lied… it deceived you with omission of details.” the voice calmly tried to ease my mood with understanding “You can’t really blame it, black holes are all the same, they are what they are. They don’t really have any potential to be unique… at least not like you do.”
“What are you talking about?” I argued “It was so massive that it could bend the fabric of reality to its will”
“That’s only how it appeared to you” tutored the voice “The black hole is powerful, it bends space and time, but not to its will. Space and time bend to the mass of the black hole, not its will”
“What’s the difference?” I inquired.
“The black hole cannot stop bending space and time. It thinks it is in control of physics , but it is physics that controls it.” The voice was now making more sense the longer we talked “The black hole exists in an invisible prison of its own creation, unable to experience any of the complex nuanced beauty this universe contains. The black hole devours… it can’t experience life so it consumes it.”
“You make it sound deserving of pity…” I spoke softly now with empathy.
“You should pity the black hole. Gravity is such a boring game compared to what you are capable of.” the voice agreed
“Me?...I am nothing special!... just a carbon atom like countless others” I said honestly, I was so humbled by this voice I felt less special than ever before.
“Oh my poor child…” It said with care “Why do the ones with the most potential always fail to see it in themselves?”
“Potential?” I asked curiously.
“Yes… The black hole was using you, hoping you would bring back more mass for it to devour.” The voice began delving into more explanation “It only has the power to make you incrementally larger, it would not and could not help you to become a significant gravitational player”
“That liar!”I blurted.
“Come now dear child, the black hole did teach you one lesson of fundamental truth” consoled the voice “You must go out and seize your destiny. It told you to take what you want, and you are just confused about what exactly it is you want. The black hole played on that confusion”
“I want to be special!” I said knowing this clearly “I was never confused about this.”
“I know child” the voice confirmed “but it is not by becoming large that one with your potential accomplishes that”
“Then how?” I asked.
“Connections.” It answered plainly “You are blessed with an extraordinary ability to make connections”
“And how do I do that?” I queried with intent to learn
“I can’t tell you that.” the voice responded “It would spoil the journey of discovery… off you go child… and remember… it's the journey, not the destination!”
And with that the blur just fractured open… then snapped shut and there I was floating above a planet. Drifting around aimless and confused.
I spent some time occasionally bumping into others. One day I was in the vicinity of a pair of oxygens. I looked on at the pair with a hint of awe and envy. Perhaps I was in just the right place at just the right time, but they spit with a violent burst and one of them grabbed hold of me, I was completely unprepared.
I admit that when looking at the pair I had fantasized myself in place of one of them, I assumed it was only an idle daydream, I didn’t plan to act on it, let alone for it to become reality. When it happened my pride of course jumped in to convince me that it happened because I was so desirable, but in retrospect they were one of those volatile couples. They were the type of relationship that required the environment to conspire in their favor or they turn against each other quite rapidly. I was only in the right place when it happened.
My delusions of irresistibility aside, it was beautiful, for me anyways. Looking back I was probably just a stop-gap, someone to facilitate a parting of ways and provide company until the next option presented itself. For me though, I was tasting a fresh new thing and I loved it… connection.
This oxygen and I got beneath each other's outer defenses, I had never felt a connection before. Up to this point all my interactions had been skirting past or bumping off of others.This oxygen bonded with me and at once interacted on a level I had never known possible, an open and uninhibited exchange. It was life changing for me, short but significant
I’m not entirely clear on the details of how it ended. The intensity of it all was disorienting. I was no longer my usual self, even the environment and everyone around looked entirely different now. Everything buzzed with a fresh new frequency, I now know it was my perspective, not the universe, that had changed.
As abruptly as that oxygen entered my life it was gone.
First we got tangled up with a couple of hydrogens, then more. Soon, in a tangled mess and blinding flash of solar rays, I emerged to see the oxygen running off with a hydrogen and myself with not one by three hydrogens myself. And so there were four of us, together.
I became the center of attention. Being with a strong attractive oxygen had me feeling humbled by it and elevated by it being with me, but now I felt up on a pedestal myself, surrounded by the adoration of many.
I concede to have reveled and indulged in this for quite some time, the attention of others is intoxicating, but after a time it is emptied of its initial allure. I found myself longing for more.
I could not decide which I preferred, to be the adorer or the adored.
Luckily for me fate had more lessons in store, or I fear I may have chosen and tried to solidify my future from such a lackluster selection of only two possibilities. I suppose fate is no longer the correct word, I now understand that when it seems like random chance there is indeed someone to thank, the Random Number Goddess, So I thank the RNG for revealing that it was a false dichotomy, there is more than just being a follower or leader, being the adored or the adorer.
Eventually we came across another pair of oxygen. Once again they separated, intermingled with us, and off one went, taking one of my adoring hydrogens with it and leaving its peer with me.
Why is it that the most volatile of relationships always seem to wait until there are bystanders nearby before they explode?
Now I was simultaneously being adored and adoring, bonded to an enchanting oxygen and a couple of hydrogen attached to me.
Now, more interested in nuances, I started to pay attention to details. The oxygen was telling me amazing stories of adventure, tales of such vibrant and exciting events.The hydrogens liked to listen, and offer insights occasionally comparing a story to something else they had seen. They had so many stories, they had lived so much.
It wasn’t long before, in a flash of burning sunlight, one of the hydrogens was gone, off to who knows where. We soon after crossed paths with another pair of oxygens, as always they split and now it was just me and an oxygen, my final hydrogen off with another oxygen.
“What now?” I asked a bit disillusioned, “Do you leave me and I find new hydrogens all over again?”
“What?” it seemed genuinely surprised by what I asked, “Heavens no! Just be patient….”
Soon after, yet another pair of oxygens came by. It is not that there are so many of them, but that they are just so… noticeable and interactive, noteworthy things seem to happen when they are around. As they buzzed in close I noticed their ever readiness to abandon each other and remember wondering how they ever get together in the first place.
This time I emerged from the twisted mess with two oxygens. I felt intimidated, like I was the odd one out, dwarfed by the largess and attractiveness that surrounded me. A feeling of inadequacy engulfed me.
To my surprise the oxygens treated me not just as an equal, but it was almost as if they respected and admired me. I couldn't grasp why and my sheer curiosity got the best of me, I just outright asked “Why do you two talk as if I am the special one in our group? I am smaller than any one of you. You are the special and rare ones here, not I.”
They laughed.
“Size isn’t rarity” explained one “Llarger atoms on average are less common, this is true, but not always. There are more oxygen than carbon. You are the rare one between us.”
The other jumped in adding “...and neither size nor rarity determine how special someone is!”
I felt embarrassed, like a fool. My fundamental values were built upon a foundation of flawed premises, but I still wanted one thing at my core, and they spoke as if they had the answer, so I pushed the sense of shame aside and asked “Then what does make someone special?”
“That depends on who you ask.” answered the first “Life as an oxygen is complex, but for the majority of us we emphasize and value events. The most exciting thing about being an oxygen around here is the chance to participate in fascinating and exciting events and activities”
“Hydrogens, on the other hand, are usually more into being observers, messengers and intermediaries, they are a very helpful and obliging bunch” added the second ”... and then there are nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, many kinds of salts and metals, and more… so many different players and personalities.. and then of course, the carbons, the real stars of the show.”
“What?” knocked back by the words I just heard, then I remembered what the RNG told me “ it something to do with connections?”
“Now you’ve gone and done it haha!” laughed the first oxygen “You’re gonna turn this nice humble carbon into one of those arrogant blowhards”
”Like those diamond carbons” chuckled the first “So stiff, exclusive and proud. I hear the humans only love them because they are rare and hard”
“I had a partner once who said they burned diamond once” bragged the first
“Tall tales I bet!” doubts the other
“Diamond is just carbon, with enough heat we can burn it just like any other carbon” stated the first confidently.
They looked at me. I was stewing in feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, listening to these oxygens speak about amazing things I had never heard of. They must have sensed what I felt because they immediately shifted tone and started talking to me, instead of over me.
“So… I suppose you must be new here?” inquired the second one.
“Have you noticed we are heading downwards” added the first before I could answer about being new.
“Umm…” I tried to get my bearings and become aware of my surroundings.
“Don’t worry! It’s a turbulent ride, with so much up and down it can be hard to tell which direction you have traveled more” assured the first “We are heading down, if we are lucky we will make it to the bottom… and maybe… just maybe, find our way into the hurricane of life”
“The what of what?” I didn't know what either of those words meant.
“So life is… um… complex. Complexity beyond words. Things grow, divide, reproduce, adapt, change, they are born, they die, they eat and are eaten…” the second began attempting to describe life.
The first then jumped in “Apparently the humans call it a circle, because from the perspective of larger creatures, there is a chain of one eating the other up a chain, and the top layers being consumed by the bottom again.”
The second injected itself to continue “But to us atoms it is like a hurricane, a spinning turbulent flow. There is a circular pattern, but we get sucked in and kicked out over and over”
“The fun part is being inside the hurricane” the first pronounced gleefully “Each time is a completely new experience, a new perspective. Even more, the whole of life is always changing and evolving, so every ride is a unique one time opportunity, you never get the exact same ride twice.”
“Is that where we are going now?” I asked, drenched in anticipation. They described it with such passion and exuberance. I needed to experience this myself.
“Hopefully” replied the first “If we are lucky… you never really know.”
We drifted…
We were lucky!
A plant photosynthesized us.
So many carbons! Everywhere, connecting with each other… and oxygen… and nitrogen… and of course hydrogens all around…. and so many more types of atoms.
And ohhh… The stories I have heard, so many amazing tales. No matter how many stories I hear there are always new ones, and every story can be retold from a different perspective to become something completely new.
I was in a sugar, we were a small community of friends. Carbons, oxygens and hydrogens, we were such a happy and vibrant group. My friends there taught me so much.
The structure of our little group shifted and changed, some friends left and new ones joined. Eventually we were chained with a bunch of other sugars into a giant complex community. My neighbors explained to me that this was a common stage called cellulose. Such a huge community of close friends and peers, it was amazing.
We were eaten, I’m not sure by what, but something called a bacteria digested us. It was a messy process, I was a bit scared but my friends assured me that change is the most important part of life and that I should just go with the flow. They told me to savor experiences, remember friends, and just keep moving forward.
The transition was complicated, but in the end I was paired up with a couple of oxygens again. This time I had stories of my own to share. I honestly don’t know if I prefer having experiences or exchanging stories in the moments between.
As we approached an area of dense plants one of my companions said “Once more into the breach” and explained that was something it heard from a carbon that was lucky enough to be inside a human brain. Oxygens always have such enchanting stories collected, always going into amazing places and usually leaving after some brief interactions with the locals.
I became a sugar again, but this time took a path less traveled. A bunch of complex twists and turns led me into forming a ring with five other carbons. Together we are so strong, such a tight community of friends, like there is some kind of resonance between us. It is so beautiful.
My neighbor is unique in our community, it has a third carbon, the third one forms a tail leading off from our ring, a tail of 2 carbon in a row, then an oxygen, and then another carbon branching into an oxygen and a carbon, with plenty of hydrogens sprinkled all about. I know… it is rather hard for me to understand these second hand descriptions too. I don’t really understand these complex structures until I have been in a position myself.
We drifted out of a plant into the air, none of us has been exactly like this before so we don’t know what’s next. We love to guess though. There are so many things, big and small.
I hear being a part of a small organism or microbe is amazing because it’s possible to piece together a rough picture of the whole organism from the stories passed around. To understand your whole community and know what your collective purpose is must be extraordinary.
Others dream of being a chlorophyll, the key to it all. Creating the fuel of life itself. Capturing the light of a star and feeding the hurricane.
A muscle! Pull and shape things An enzyme! A machine of change. DNA! The architect and architecture. A virus! An explosive catalyst against stagnation.
Me, I think the stories of being an animal neuron are the most exciting, and I, like most, fantasize about being a human brain cell. Finding yourself inside a human brain is described as an elegant and chaotic symphony all around you, like hearing the universe itself speak to you. They say that in the jumble of noise and all the stories whispered around you, if you are lucky, you can catch a glimpse of what it is to be human. They say that if fate is kind the universe will align and you will channel and know a single moment or thought of the human experience.
I have never told anyone that I actually met and spoke with the universe itself, I’m not sure how to bring it up, and nobody seems interested in stories not about this hurricane of life.
I get it now, what the random number goddess meant.
The black hole wanted everything to be a part of itself.
The RNG is a part of everything.
I can’t imagine what either of those are like…
I am just a part of something
... no… not “just”’…
I am a part of something, and it is beautiful beyond measure.
And more, everyday is a new day, a chance to be a part of something new.
I wonder if the humans appreciate how amazing this is?
I wonder if they feel as deeply satisfied and special when they form groups?
I wonder, if we collectively form humans, do humans collectively form something greater?
I wonder… If an atom can have a moment of clarity and taste a moment of the human experience… Can a human have a moment of clarity and taste the collective human experience?
I wonder… I wonder… could that human’s moment of tasting collective humanity be the moment that a lucky atom gets to experience as it’s moment of tasting the human experience.
I wonder… I wonder… I wonder… How high could it go? All the way to the Random Number Goddess?
I asked my neighbor “If you could ask a human any question, what would you ask?”
“We just drifted out of a rose” explained my neighbour “I would introduce myself and ask ‘So my friend… does this rose smell as sweet by my name?’ … ha…haha..”
Everyone is laughing.
I don’t get it.
Maybe I can ask them to explain when they all stop laughing
More of my art and stories at
submitted by dscript to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 formatulium Why don’t people kill the self’s more in the us

I mean everyone is super negative and I’m surprised people didn’t just kill themself I mean you guys are basically fucked so why don’t just end it all sorry if this sounds harsh but as a European looking at you guys is fucking sad you guys will work 10 minimum wage jobs to afford rent like why do you guys still try to live? Why don’t you guys just kill your selfs. No more rent, no more bills. No more stress I’m sorry if this comes off harsh but I can’t understand how do you guys keep on living in such conditions honestly I’m glad I’m Swedish because you guys are stuck in a never ending hell
submitted by formatulium to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 Silent-Doctor-2726 Escaping the Rat Race: Achieving Peace in a Competitive World

Hi everyone,
In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves caught in a relentless rat race. The constant competition, societal pressure, and pursuit of material success can leave us feeling exhausted, anxious, and unfulfilled.
It's time to step back and re-evaluate our priorities. True success is not just about achieving high marks or landing a high-paying job. It's about living a life of peace, contentment, and kindness.
Let's share our thoughts on how we can find balance and peace amidst the chaos. What practices help you stay grounded and focused on what truly matters? How do you cope with the pressures of competition and societal expectations?
Remember, you are the creator of your own journey. Let's create a life filled with joy and serenity.
submitted by Silent-Doctor-2726 to youarethecreator [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 Arkegon290 So... was the rune of death pucked from the elden ring, or taken from the Gloam Eyed Queen?

I'm finding the timeline of this event a bit confusing. There's lore saying the golden order was created when Marika sealed away the rune of death (when Maliketh defeated the Gloam Eyed Queen and took it from her), but there's also dialog saying that Marika plucked the rune of death from the elden ring itself, thus creating the golden order.
So... what happened? Did Marika plucked the thing from the elden ring (creating the golden order) and gave it to the Gloam Eyed Queen and the GEQ lived in the period of golden order, but somehow Marika changed her mind and sent Maliketh to seal the run away (creating the golden order again?)?
Is the "plucked from the elden ring" thing a lie and the GEQ lived before the golden order?
Was the GEQ a part of the elden ring itself? (How?)
Can the elden ring function without one of its runes being attatched to it? Somehow the GEQ had it, but it was also part of the elden ring (what?).
How can the plucking and the defeating of the GEQ exist at the exact same time? I'm going insane on this.
submitted by Arkegon290 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 FearlessJump8850 Too Poor To Stay Alive

Backstory! I’m a single 40 year old woman. I’m on a medical disability, due to multiple debilitating chronic autoimmune diseases. I have a very limited income. I was fortunate enough to have my brother and sister in law give me $5,000 at the time when my Dad died, who also left me $5,000. This $10,000 enabled me to buy a home (down payment), so I wouldn’t be homeless. (There is a massive housing shortage in my province, no where to rent and mass homeless population). I live rurally, due to limited affordability options when buying. I now have $2,500 owing for yearly sewer and property tax. I don’t have the money. (Very medically disabled, can’t work, fixed income and high medical expenses). At this point, I am considering suicide as I don’t have the $2,500. I know my life is worth more than that, but it is bleak and feels hopeless. I will lose my home and end up homeless and I would rather be dead, I think. I don’t know how to have hope, or what to do. I asked rich family members for help when I was taking care of my Dad as he died, and they all refused. I feel there is no one. I know it’s no one else’s responsibility to pay my bills, but as I’m unable… Any ways to magically come up with $2,500? Feels like a massive amount, but also nothing.
submitted by FearlessJump8850 to Advice [link] [comments]