Cute sybols for facebook

Animals just being bros

2013.03.15 21:58 tara1 Animals just being bros

A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of animals being bros.

2014.12.30 03:19 saltyteabag Cats and their jelly bean toes

Those foot pads are so cute, and you want to touch them... but, *it's a trap!*

2020.05.12 07:41 BairakaDV AnimalsBeingStrange

Animals. Being. Strange!

2024.06.01 05:49 Difficult-Theme AITAH in getting blocked from this group?

Let me start by saying this is going to be a bit long, and is just a weird thing that happened today that I’m confused by thinking maybe idk FB etiquette or dealt with my first “weirdly power hungry admin” or something.
I’m part of a corgi group on Facebook. People just share cute photos of their corgis. The posts have to be approved by admins first. I submit a post with some pictures of my corgi. I included multiple photos with context that he has resting side eye face basically. The post is denied with a comment attached that says: “just one photo please”.
I’ve been part of the group for quite a while, maybe around 2 years at this point but can’t remember exactly. People share multiple photos in the same post frequently. I’ve also posted in the group a few different times so I’m unsure where the problem is. I check their rules to make sure I didn’t miss a change or something, and I didn’t. It’s just general like “don’t be abusive” type rules.
There is no way to respond directly to the admin that denied the post, or a general way to message the admins in general. So I submit my post again with a screenshot of another post by someone else from a few days ago that was approved with several photos. I wrote: “please message me to help me understand my post denial, thank you”.
Denied again. No comment this time in reply. No private message from whoever continues denying.
So I comment on the post I referenced that was accepted with the word “admin” thinking this would trigger the weird fb alerts in groups (idk how true this is just know of admins in other groups suggesting to do this or report posts to admins for potential issues that could arise instead of reporting to FB risking the group getting blocked for too many reports or something).
Anyway, on this person’s post, I write: “admin please help clarify the rules” and as a response to my own comment, include a photo comment of the first denial.
The OP for the post replies to my comment saying that it doesn’t make sense to them either and they’re sorry to hear about it and hope my post can be approved. I reply apologizing that I had to bring this up on their post but there wasn’t a direct way to find out who denied it or comment the admins as a group. The person and I have a really kind back and forth with each other.
A few hours go by and when I check, there has been no response or update to anything. I do see more posts that have since been approved and posted, and that one post is by an admin who shares her own photos. So I go to look at this admin’s post history.
MOST of her posts include multiple photos. Many of them with 4+. I tag her in the post comment thread with me and the other person asking if she has any idea of what is going on.
I give it about an hour or two, and still nothing. I screenshot a few of her posts and a few other recent posts with many photos, and request post approval again for a response. I include a few of the screenshots, my original denial, and say: “please clarify why my post was denied for having multiple photos. I’m providing group examples of approved multiple photos posts”
There is no response at all when I check again a while later. I go to the group and see I have been removed and blocked entirely from the group.
At the end of the day, it’s just a petty FB group issue not really the end of the world or anything of course, it’s just dumbfounded me a bit on why they wouldn’t tell me what the true issue was or what about my multiple pictures was cause for denial vs others?
submitted by Difficult-Theme to AITAH [link] [comments]


Been supporting you a long time redd! Telling me you dont value 20 dollars? It’s ok I can read between the lines. I will be upgrading to the 50 dollar tier. Does that mean I can get a proper read finally? Now your family won’t starve doubly! I get it you trying to get a little more money out of me. That’s fine the fifty dollar tier means you have to have a skype call with me now! We’re gonna spend a long time talking about how you should be reading my stories. And stop it with the stupid weird voice! Read it normal! I am paying you fifty american dollars now! 50! You put some respect on my stories from now on redd. And no more of this hotdog man stuff. Would be a shame if your patrons started seeing how little you care about a generous donation from your fan honestly a bad look. Dont be so ungrateful for my support.
I also see that some of your super soft fans on your reddit must have mass reported my account. Its suspended now. I demand you tell me which of your fans reported me because i will be talking to my lawyer about this. You cant just flag down my account! HOW JEALOUS ARE YOU ALL! I am sorry that I have the money to support redd and be his friend and you dont but that’s no reason TO FLAG ME DOWN! AND REDD STOP TALKING BOUT HOTDOGS. I AM GETTING BULLIED IN YOUR COMMENTS BECAUSE YOU ARE CALLLING ME THE HOTDOG MAN. it wasnt funny. Youre basically creating hate mob against me! You have a responsibility as a content creator to not bully me. Thats a violation of youtubes amendments. Stop having the commenters bully me. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T COVER A STORY RIGHT.
In your reading you say my store is failing. It is not. I said i have enough money to keep it going for years if it was. My car is an escalade with all the bells and whistles thank you very much. It is very descript sir. Greatly so. Would a failing business owner drive such a luxurious car? They wouldnt. These are the things you can achieve with a winning mind set like mine. You criticize me maliciously for jokes because I am a new op. You act like thats not the case. I watch your videos. I know how you are. Now read my stories right like a respectable business man would.
I generously didnt mass report your comments last time. I cant hold your audience responsible for what you basically encouraged them to do. Bullying a king like me! They wouldnt dare if they knew what I could do! BUT I SWEAR IF YOUR COMMENTERS BULLY ME AGAIN I WILL BE HANDING OUT DISCOUNTS TO ANYONE IN MY SHOP WHO REPORTS YOUR VIDEOS! 100’s of people walk through my store everyday. Your videos will come crumbling down! SO YOU KEEP YOUR AUDIENCE IN LINE. AND IF YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT COMMENTING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ON ME IN THIS VIDEO KNOW THAT YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! No more hotdog man bullshit. I am tired of it. I dont deserve this treatment. I brought you great stories and you decided to focus on nothing! Accusing me of crimes! TREATING ME LIKE I AM A BAD GUY! My shop brings joy to people. All you commenters do is watch youtube videos!
I wasn’t gonna upload anymore. But then you would all think i am like a party demon. Running scared. Well I am not scared to share my great stories. You can’t stop KingRodGod! I dont care how much hate you throw my way. You are all peasants to me. I am your king and you will respect me. So now I will tell the story of the legbeard who ripped me off. Ive clearly stated what I want for the money I am giving you redd. I hope we are clear now!
So there was there mid 20’s girl who was a regular at the wednesday yugioh tournaments. Kinda of a chubby pop tart. But she was cute, funny in the sense that she was dense as a rock. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was autistic. She was friendly and we’d play hands of yugioh between matches if she had time. It became obvious she was flirting with me eventually. Constantly spending time around me and complaining to me about her dumb ass problems. I acted like I cared. Gave her a few promotional things. a few packs here and there and one night asked if she wanted to come over and play some yugioh at my house. I was able to message her on facebook through the store page. She came over, we played and eventually I asked her if she wanted to have a threeway with me and my wife. She did some hemming and hawing about it for a bit. She eventually agreed. Me and my wife had a great time with her. Well I did at least. My wife tried to yell at me about the unexpected girl. I made her sleep in the guest room and took away her debit and credit card. She came around eventually.
Things progressed like this for a while. I started buying the dumb girl things from her amazon wishlist. Giving her free tourney entry. Basically the works. treating her like a kings royal consort. She would come more or less whenever I messaged her on facebook and all was right with the world. Then things changed. She became an entitled brat. Started asking for bigger things. More expensive things. Wanting to live in my house instead of her shit inner city apartment. As an almost 50 year old man I am happy to bang out a girl in her mid 20’s. But live with one. Not for me. You know american girls in their mid 20’s are. Needy with a capital N. Plus she was an atheist. I tried to convince her to join my church. Then she stopped coming over. She would still message me and ask me to get her stuff. Still expecting free packs. Still expecting gifts. I wasnt getting anything out of it though. So I didnt care.
Youll never believe what this little leg beard did. She started showing my dms to other customers. She started slandering me on my stores facebook page. Commenting on events that she slept with me and my wife. Saying my wife wasn’t into it and I was forcing her. All slanderous lies designed to blackmail me. I had to create a new store page and block her from it. I had to block her on other socials. I had to ban her from my store for spreading lies about me “exploiting her trusting nature for sex”. She was completely fine with it when I was buying her everything she wanted. I guess when the wallet closed so did her legs. Typical american woman. Rumors spread though. Most of the players thought i was awesome. They all wanted to bang the girl. A few tried to yell at me for something about “abusing my position”. What a bunch of babies. They were just jealous of my great pull. It must suck to be theym. It was still annoying to have to hear about her all the time. I started handing out temporary bans to anyone who brought up that stupid beard. I will allow no slander in my kingdom.
This stopped most talk about it. She was still a stain on my store though as some people still talk about how she spazzed out just cause I wouldn’t buy her more things. Then one day she came into the shop crying. She begged me to let her stay at my place cause she was getting evicted. Saying she was sorry she upset me. Saying she’d do whatever I said for a place to stay. I laughed in face and told her she was still banned. I thought that would be the end.
That night after closing I drove home to find her in my house already with my wife. I screamed at her to get the hell out of my home. My wife begged me to let her stay. I told her to shut up and told the girl she had to go. She screamed at me. Called me names. Threatened to call the police for some reason. I guess she thought consensual sex was illegal. I laughed in her stupid chubby poptart face. She did end up calling the cops. I asked them to take her away. After some questioning. They did take her away. I’ve had to have them come out two separate times for the same thing. Everytime her showing up. Screaming and accusing me of taking advantage or ruining her life. Personally I think she might be an insane person. Insane asylums should be brought back for people like her.
And that was the worst girl I ever had come over from the store. Any other time ive brought a girl over they are very appreciative and polite. Unlike the poptart faced legbeard. She better hope she never tries to hit me on my property. I have certain rights in that situation.
Now for the audience. If you missed it. This is a story about a girl who tried to slander me and exploit me. She tried to jam up my business and wouldn’t take no for an answer when I told her too. Ok! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? Which means I am innocent here. So I don’t want to see anymore hotdogman bullshit from you. You say thank you in the comments. I am tired of you all making redd treat me like this! You say good story or you bow to me! OR YOU SHUT UP! Shut up and just consume the content like a good viewer.
Now hopefully you’ve covered this story properly. I look forward to you reading it properly and I look forward to our skype call. I think I have an offer that might interest you. Could be some big money for you.
Your very good friend
submitted by GodKingRodGod to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:38 SheriffPeaches How do you make cute compilation videos?

I have a 3 month old baby and want to make a cute video for my husband for Father’s Day. I see people post all these cute compilation videos on Facebook or instagram with music and stuff. Is there a particular app or website that one uses for this? Any recommendations appreciated!
I’ve compiled 225 videos to choose from 😳🤣
submitted by SheriffPeaches to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:53 r3crac Creative Mini Cute Cartoon Pear Shaped Pat Light for 10.36 USD without coupon (Best price in history: 10.62 USD)

Here is the link (Aliexpress): Creative Mini Cute Cartoon Pear Shaped Pat Light
(Aliexpress coupons: (All Aliexpress items in my db: ))
Only real deals and discounts.
FB Page:
FB group:
submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:54 Important_Purple_830 72 Cutest Animals On May 31 On Netflix

72 Cutest Animals On May 31 On Netflix submitted by Important_Purple_830 to u/Important_Purple_830 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:52 RotaryBurnPhone I accepted my own friend facebook friend request to my dad years ago and have now done the same for my mum.

My dad (currently in his 60s) joined facebook in 2008 but only added two of my siblings as friends in order to tag them in photos of family events, etc. He does however regularly leave his facebook open on his computer when he goes out or whatever. So, in 2018 I (a male in my 20s) walked past his computer to find facebook open and unattended, so I decided to open and accept the friend request i'd sent to him some years ago at the time. Since then i've been able to tag him in posts as well as see posts he's put up of the family that he hasn't specifically tagged me (or anyone else in the photos tbf) in. I've since told him that this is how he now has me as a friend on facebook and he seemed to have very few objections (at least not enough to unfriend me lol).
Recently, i've noticed he has been posting some very sweet pictures of him and my mum (also in her 60s), such as them in the garden, old photos of them when they were young, etc. However, upon asking mum if she's seen them, she always says she hasn't because he won't accept HER friend request either. As a result, I have to pull the post up on MY computephone and show her and they always make her smile, but I think it's such a shame that she probably wouldn't have seen the posts at all if I hadn't mentioned them to her and i'm sure there are many I've not noticed (I don't spend as much time doom scrolling as I have in previous years) and thus many i've not found myself with the oppertuinity to show her either.
So today, I noticed that mum and dad were both out of the house and had BOTH left their facebook pages open on their computers. [stealth mode activated]. I went to mum's facebook and momentarily disabled her facebook notifications (so it wouldn't come up as a notification on her phone), sent dad another friend request from her account, then went to dad's facebook and accepted the friend request from mum via HIS facebook. I then went back to mum's facebook and reenabled notifications. Luckily, even if they did suspect, i'm pretty sure that neither of them are tech-savy enough to check their internet histories to see that the friend request page or the notification settings have been accessed despite neither of them having done so.
So now i'm sitting here patiently waiting for the day dad posts something sweet regarding him and mum, and for that post to show up on mum's facebook feed whilst she's scrolling through. Hopefully this will bring a few more smiles to her day as she can enjoy the cute posts he puts up just as much as I do.
Thanks for reading, reddit :)
submitted by RotaryBurnPhone to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:02 Dragonfire2lm Any chance this game will ever get a PS5 release? (also a couple of questions about the switch version)

I'd really like to play this game, but I'm playstation user, and this game is out on pretty much everything except playstation, is there any news at all about a PS4/5 port later down the line?
If it's not coming to playstation, how's the switch version run?
I do have a nintendo switch, I just rarely use it because I prefer to hang out with my friend in voice chat while I play, which I can't do on the switch, and prefer using an actual controller over the joycons, as not all switch games are compatible with a controller.
Can I use my switch controller with this game if i got this on my switch?
I'm sorry is these are all stupid questions, or if the answers are obvious, I just want to play the cute cat game and a lot of the time I find its better to get info from the playerbase than trying to find answers on google (also I do not use social media, so i can't go trawling through twitter or facebook for info).
submitted by Dragonfire2lm to LittleKittyBigCity [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:37 Eaglesfan816 What do I 21M do in this situation with my girlfriend 21F?

I don't know how long this will be but just bare with me as this is something that has been bothering my relationship for a while now. I am a 21 year old male in a relationship with a 21 year old female and we have been together for over a year and a half. Our two year will be in August! That may sound great but there has been a problem that I can't figure out how to get around or out of. I'll tell a little bit about my self, I'm definitely introverted, don't really drink or smoke, kind-hearted, and usually puts others before myself which tends to hurt me. I can go into further about myself but that is the little jist of it.
I'll first give some back story and then go into the issue. So, my girlfriend and I have actually known each other for most of our lives but never actually fully met u til about two years ago which funny enough was on tinder. We've known each other through a connection with our dads as they are both friends with each other and my dad was my girlfriend's dads best man at his second wedding. Anyway when we first met and started talking everything was amazing and great as most relationships are in the first stages. We had a lot of interest like being introverted, having the same relationship boundaries, and so forth. We went on a couple dates and eventually when we hung out more we became official. This was the happiest that I have ever been because I at the time I didn't really have anyone there for me or any sort of close friends at the time or even now for that matter. We begun hanging out more and doing everything together and everything was great.
At this point we had just passed our six months together and everything was going great. Heading into what was our eight months together I was beginning to notice that she was being a little weird on her phone. We were still hanging out all the time and inseparable but I noticed different guys she had added on Snapchat which she just said were for streaks or were just old people from high school she was catching up with. There was one night where she was sleeping and my thoughts were getting to me and I decided to look through which I know isn't the best decision on my part and saw that she had mainly just guys she was snapping and one guy she texted back and forth with. Remembering back on it there was a part that made me feel uncomfortable where the other person said "Good morning beautiful" and she replied saying "Hehe you're cute" but nothing else bad after that. The worse part was on her Snapchat I found she was sending nudes to another guy which absolutely broke me. Now you would probably think I would've ended things there but I didn't. I just absolutely loved this girl and really thought and still think I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I think a thing that kept me there was how we always hung out and just were always together. She agreed to do whatever it took to try and regain my trust back from that point forward. She took all the guys off her Snapchat and made her insta private. From that point forward everything was going pretty steady. A few days where tears were shed but overall after a few months everything was going great.
Fast forward to March of this year everything was still going good. We were still hanging out all the time, she began hanging out with some of her work friends, who were females, which I had no issue of since she never really hung out with anyone besides me and her family. During this time as well I was getting more and more stressed as I had to deal with school, I have a full time job at a bank, and my dad recently underwent dialysis treatments at my house so I had extra cleaning and cooking responsibilities there.
There was one day where after we hung out she just seemed drained. Once we were heading to bed she was zonked. I was on my phone when I noticed a name on my quick add for snap which I thought was an ex of hers that she had from in high school. In went more investigating and found out she was following him on insta as well which made my stomach turn real hard. I did another probably bad decision but I decided to check on her phone just to make sure nothing was going on but low and behold she was sending tons of nudes and was even more flirtatious than the previous incident. You probably thought I would've left after this one but I just couldn't. Which I think would be embarrassing in any situation but I just couldn't just leave her to the dust when almost all her stuff was at my place and I still loved her all my heart. I tried to wait and comfort her in the morning but my emotions took over me and she could hear me and almost knew exactly when she heard me. The last time I was just sad but this time I was sad but also more frustrated than anything. How could I have let this happen? Am I that easy to fool over? What is wrong with me? Does she even love me? She mentioned how it seemed like I was losing interest and was becoming distant with all the extra stress I had going in the month. This just made me more frustrated as I just needed her to communicate that with me. I had her talk me through how the ex added her and what they talked about and all that jazz. I asked if she still had feelings for her and she said no. This was an ex from a relationship back in high school. She said that their relationship had always been really toxic but they would talk every now and then but this was the first time they talked while we were together. I did have her block him on snap and insta. Before we were heading to bed I had a few things I needed her to do in order for me to regain her trust. I told her I needed her to tell me if anyone tries to talk to her on snap, communicate any feelings that she may have, do well in school, and etc.
After we talked and talked about it that night her actions became very scary and was very worried as she has had suicidal thoughts before we met as she has dealt with numerous surgeries and a toxic household which isn't an excuse by any means. Anyway she was in the bathroom for longer than I wanted and when I went in I saw her rubbing her fingers along a razor. This absolutely broke me and I made sure that she was safe and if she wanted to use the bathroom I had to be there. I also got rid of any sharp objects that she could've used to harm herself. This was really hard for me because part of me wanted to just throw her out or for me to leave, and the other part just wanted to comfort her and be with her because deep down I still loved her with all my heart. As days went on we still stayed with each other but it was definitely more difficult to get passed this situation comparing to the first one. I just felt so betrayed and didn't even know what love was and what to even do. We had a big trip coming up with my extended family and just was a tough situation.
For the most part everything was ok up until the vacation. Obviously not everything was ok but we were still running the boat. Like previously mentioned there would be times where she would hang out with some of her old work friends which I had no issues with and trusted. I didn't and still don't have friends like that so when she did that I chilled at my place. There would be times when we would need a bit of space so she would ask one of her work friends if they could hang for a bit and I would again just chill or drive around. This space would often help or we would collect our thoughts and be good after it.
Before our vacation we would often have bad conversations and what I mean by that is I would often bring up some of the past incidents or we would just have a disagreement which we normally don't have. One for example would be her getting her own place/apartment. Which I fully supported but I did set my side and say how I would love if you would wait for me to do this sort of thing. The reason I couldn't go right away was that I wanted to pay off my car and be done with school which would be by the summer. I thought that we agreed and we would get a place by the summer or August on one of the days before the vacation.
Now going onto the vacation everything was going great for most of the 7 day trip. There would be some days where we would have some arguments or not talk to each other for a bit but we were always by each others side and I felt like I had the responsibility of her since she was with my family. There was a moment in the vacation where we had a visitor and my dad was introducing them to my family and when he introduced me and my girlfriend and accidentally said "my son and his wife" and no I wasn't proposing. This was a funny time but it really bothered my girlfriend. We always talked about engaging and our future and I didn't say it but implied it that it wouldn't happen anytime soon because of the thing she did in the recent past. But I also didn't plan on engaging since I wanted to make it a special engagement and have always wanted to do it at the right time. I've tried to mention that to her multiple of times but after that situation and seeing an engagement happen at our vacation and one of my cousins talking about all the weddings happening soon it made her feel uneasy. I tried my best to comfort her but whatever I did felt like it wasn't going anywhere. I've thought back to this moment and vacation and have asked myself should I have proposed? Would everything be good now if I would have? Etc, etc. Besides that the vacation went great and we had a great time and got more legos to build which we loved to do as a spending time together activity.
Another thing to add is during this time she was acting very weird on her phone again. I would be walking past her and she would go on her phone and when I looked back she would keep her eye contact on me and when I got closer she would put her phone away. This would happen on multiple occasions and when I talked to her about or who she was texting it would always be one of her old work friends. She would always be on it where I couldn't see it either which didn't really bother me too much because that was her business but just the things that happened in the past would always get to my head when I noticed it.
When we eventually were leaving there was a time when we were leaving and what I thought was the name of her ex she was texting I confronted her and she denied. She showed me all who was on her snap and there was this one other guy on it and I asked who it was it she said it was a friend from high school and that she said she told me she added him or you should've saw that he was on my snap when I showed you it on vacation which I had no remembrance of that happening. She also mentioned that she thought the guy was gay anyway which turns out a couple days ago that the guy isn't so yeah. But she showed me that nothing was going on which helped me a little. The flight home was definitely timid and before that little incident happened she wanted to have some time apart when we landed, just a couple hours as she wanted to go shopping and see one of her work friends. Her and her mom don't have the best relationship and her mom definitely stalks her when she gets the chance through life 360 and there was time when she was out with the work friend that she thought that she was cheating on me with the location that she was at. I knew she wasn't because we were constantly texting but this sent her over the edge. We had previously talked about sleeping in separate houses with her at her moms house but after that, she decided to get an apartment by herself. This came at a shock to me and hurt me as I thought we were gonna do that together but I was ready to support her because I knew that was something she always wanted to do. Her move in date was in about a week which was pretty quick but it didn't take long to move all her stuff.
I would like to also had that during this time I had a talk with her about how she hasn't really been there in the relationship as she used to. She would rarely take pictures with me or when we were on vacation as a photographer to take picture of us. Would rarely post us on social media. And when she did she would post me on Facebook but not insta which I thought was really weird. Usually on my lunches at work I would get her something to eat if she didn't have anything or if she wanted something with energy in it I would get it for her. I rarely see that given back like I know she doesn't have to but when it goes on for so long you begin to notice. I'm sure there are things that I haven't done in a while that she probably notices but I've tried to work on those things as well. And I know these things are small but they are valuable to me and are small things to show love to someone.
After moving all her stuff I was excited for her and excited to stay with her some nights. I'm not gonna lie it was pretty exhausting for me moving all her stuff and some of the time it felt like I did a lot of the work. She felt bad when I told her but I put myself in that situation. After sleeping alone some nights it definitely felt lonely for the both of us. We would sometime FaceTime but it still didn't feel right. Her apartment was two towns over so it often hard to stay there every night.
Now this is where we are having the current issue sorry for the ton of back story. Recently we have been getting into more arguments and we've began staying more nights apart from each other. Some of the arguments have been just differences on how we communicate. When she gets stressed or has had a bad day she tends to lash out on people i unfortunately got the bad end of the stick on that one where I would tell her that I didn't appreciate how I was being treated or talked to and she just told me to leave. Often times when I'm getting lashed out on I become silent or I don't know what to say and I felt like I was gonna explode so I went to get gas and she told me to leave which I didn't because I already drove out to see her. What is crazy is before this we hadn't slept with each other and hung out on the days that we didn't and everything seemed like it was going great. Before it just seemed like we were friends but during that time when we hung out we actually felt like a couple which was really refreshing. So I don't know what changed but we both agreed to stay in separate beds again for the coming days and she plans on having a date night for us in the coming days.
Last thing that just happened recently as well is she was clearly some of her insta which I had no issues with but she also cleared all the post with just me and her on it and not only had post where it's just her. I know I probably am overreacting to it but it sorta hurt me and caught me off guard because why wouldn't you have me in your insta and she kept saying things like I'm just clearing my insta and what stopping me from posting in the future. There was just some valuable post like our anniversary's and other posts that I would look back on every once in a while. Now I don't use social media very often or post very much for that matter so she countered with saying I don't post anything but I don't have very many followers and she post a lot of the time and I rarely post. Currently I have one post and that is with me and her. I was thinking more and more about the situation and didn't know if what I was thinking was justified or if I was overreacting.
I just I don't know where to go from here. I want to be with her but I also want to be in a good relationship. I know this is my first relationship and maybe I'm scared I won't find anyone else but I also really want to be with her and am scared I'm gonna lose her or see her with someone else. Again I'm sorry if this is all over the place I just needed to get this off my chest and maybe some sort of guidance.
submitted by Eaglesfan816 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:12 Master_Jelly_5201 New baby swing❤️

Snagged this gorgeous baby swing 5 mins away from me from facebook market place today for only $10! I cant wait to put some batteries in this and get it going, the baby girls look too cute❤️
submitted by Master_Jelly_5201 to reborndolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:07 Gelflingdeet You wanted to see my 287 Palm Pals collection so here it is! 😋❤️ More pictures in the comments! 🌸😍

You wanted to see my 287 Palm Pals collection so here it is! 😋❤️ More pictures in the comments! 🌸😍
After my latest post I had a lot of you ask me for an updated video and pictures of my complete Palm Pals collection! I'm at 287 now and after a little over a year have finally completed my entire collection of US releases and exclusives! I do NOT collect ALL the licensed Palm Pals like BTS, Grinch, Emoji, etc etc. From those sets I only collect the one's I absolutely LOVE, because for me those are not cute characters created by Palm Pals, they're just additional stuffed animals of characters we already have many plushie of.
Yes, I'm absolutely in love with these plushies. So much so that I make sure to get the exclusives and also the US versions of those exclusives once they release in the USA. The reason being is because there's slight differences in them and they're like Pokemon... I gotta catch them all! I will continue to do giveaways on my Instagram though with all my extras!! 😍
It honestly feels amazing to be caught up with all these cute little guys because I thought it would take me at least 3 years to get caught up. But, thanks to my boyfriend's new job and his kindness I was able to get them all very quickly. 😍
Now, since I'm just sitting and waiting for new releases I spend more time researching releases instead of collecting. But I'm happily waiting for new ones to come out so I can snag all those too! 😋
I probably won't share my collection again until it gets to 300 or a little over that but I'm glad to at least share it with my fellow Palm Pals lovers! I've created a YouTube channel as well as an Instagram, besides those two you can also find me on Facebook and Reddit. But that's pretty much it. ❤️😍
I would love to see your guys's collections as well if you would love to share them! Love you guys very much and I hope you have a fabulous day!
🌸 PalmPalGal
submitted by Gelflingdeet to palmpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:56 Gelflingdeet You wanted to see my 287 Palm Pals collection so here it is! 😋❤️ More pictures in the comments! 🌸😍

You wanted to see my 287 Palm Pals collection so here it is! 😋❤️ More pictures in the comments! 🌸😍
After my latest post I had a lot of you ask me for an updated video and pictures of my complete Palm Pals collection! I'm at 287 now and after a little over a year have finally completed my entire collection of US releases and exclusives! I do NOT collect ALL the licensed Palm Pals like BTS, Grinch, Emoji, etc etc. From those sets I only collect the one's I absolutely LOVE, because for me those are not cute characters created by Palm Pals, they're just additional stuffed animals of characters we already have many plushie of.
Yes, I'm absolutely in love with these plushies. So much so that I make sure to get the exclusives and also the US versions of those exclusives once they release in the USA. The reason being is because there's slight differences in them and they're like Pokemon... I gotta catch them all! I will continue to do giveaways on my Instagram though with all my extras!! 😍
It honestly feels amazing to be caught up with all these cute little guys because I thought it would take me at least 3 years to get caught up. But, thanks to my boyfriend's new job and his kindness I was able to get them all very quickly. 😍
Now, since I'm just sitting and waiting for new releases I spend more time researching releases instead of collecting. But I'm happily waiting for new ones to come out so I can snag all those too! 😋
I probably won't share my collection again until it gets to 300 or a little over that but I'm glad to at least share it with my fellow Palm Pals lovers! I've created a YouTube channel as well as an Instagram, besides those two you can also find me on Facebook and Reddit. But that's pretty much it. ❤️😍
I would love to see your guys's collections as well if you would love to share them! Love you guys very much and I hope you have a fabulous day!
🌸 PalmPalGal
submitted by Gelflingdeet to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:21 milkyros What games have you found?

  1. YoYo Decor
Cute in the sense it’s very versatile home decorating and character decorating in 2D style. Sadly lots of ads after very click.
  1. PIGGParty
Just like Amebapico from Facebook 10+ years ago! Very cute with squares like LP,rooms like LP, character gachas/shops and collabs like LP. Sadly only in Japanese server and mainly Japanese speakers. They also have a seperate web version for the internet but the app is more convenient than logging in web all the time.
  1. HelloSweetDays
Sanrio version of LP, 1 type of currency but very grind/ p2p. Has trading function for duplicate items from gachas.
  1. BUD
Super cute 3D where you can socialize, play lots of mini games, or create custom clothing like everskies.
Just in general from what I’ve seen though, I rarely join character customization especially if it involves metaverse or outside meta payment now. Those type of games usually shut down their English/foreign servers in roughly 1 year of release like pkcl twins, Disney my doll, and etc. They only keep their Japan servers open, so either I learn Japanese enough to recognize words or just memorize where all the important buttons for the game is if I’m not translating every other page. Definitely stay mindful of spending now.
What games have you found that help remind you of LP?
submitted by milkyros to Lineplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:52 ArtistBeautiful5810 My evil sister-in-law who hates me is now trying to marry my nephew and I’m thinking of telling my family about her

Hello, my name is Miriam i fell in love with this guy named Daniel we dated for 10 years I was scared to tell him so I told my friend, and she and up saying it out loud so my ex-sister-in-law and up hearing and told her brother everything guys forgive me English is not my first language. I am trying to learn English we were so young at that time we did not date. I ended up coming to America before him I started dating other people but they hurt me a lot because I didn’t know how to communicate with them Daniel ended up coming through my Facebook he told me that he liked me by saying that her sister told him about me and I was like oh yes, he asked me out and I was like I am not interesting right now because I was dating this guy in high school who I did love so much but he hurt me badly so I come back to Daniel and tell him yes we start dating. The relationship was not serious. I was not serious, but he was serious so I didn’t know that because I never give him time. I was always busy but a few months went by I started giving him my time like listening to him telling him my problems and telling him what was going on he started opening up about himself so we started dating and talking more when time went by I realized that they love that I used to have for him when I was so young back in Africa is coming back. I started seeing him differently than the other man that I dated this guy was very smart at school. I started telling him to help me with my homework. He started helping me he was like a green flag He started asking me for my stuff that I had never done with the other guy keeping in mind I was a virgin. I had never done anything with any man I didn’t know what was sex at that time it was almost 7 years before he started teaching me about sex and what he would do to me when he saw me I started feeling so happy dreaming about creating a family with him one day he asks me if he comes to see me I’m going to letting him smash I was like in my heart I was like yes but I say not we continue talking mind you he lives in different city’s and we haven’t seen each for almost 8 years now he leads me into watch po** I started feeling like I wanna sleep with this man he told me to promise him that I’ll keep this precious thing and he should be the only man to touch it I was like yes and the way Ilove this man I promise myself I’ll never let anybody touch me there were a lot of guy asking me out even trying to marry me but I rejected all of them in 2020 during COVID-19 he started planning to come to see me I was so excited like I almost lost my mind he did come as he promise I went outside to see him my little sister was the only one who knew about him coming so she helped me to get ready I went outside my apartment to see him I was so nervous but I push my self to walk cute for him when I see him he didn’t get out of the car so I forced him to get out and I hugged him i notice that he didn’t sweating or smelling really bad because most African man that i date before they both smelling really bad and i hated that but him he was different he didn’t know how to dress well he was just somebody who doesn’t have experience at all and he was so skinny but I didn’t mind at all because I was I love with this man I didn’t see anything wrong with him so we get into car I was so nervous scary so excited I didn’t even know what to say so he asked me what I wanted to do. I was like you can just drive me around and I’m gonna have to come back. It was late. It was almost midnight mind you I don’t go anywhere when it’s that late he asked me to go see where he was remember I was so excited. With everything that was happening at that time thought maybe I was dreaming I kept on telling him to let’s go tomorrow because I was on my period and I was so shy I didn’t want him to know so he kept touching me and all of that I and up agreeing to go with him it’s was like 40 minutes drive to the hotel he was staying and again when we get at the hotel I was so scared because I didn’t have id or drive license with me at that time so when we get inside I was so scared I almost told him that we should go back I already see but I was so embarrassed I keep telling myself it’s okay he’s gonna be your husband, so don’t worry whatever happened will happen when I get in the room he was staying I was so surprised the room was very good like he did something that I was like it’s was so romantic when I see that that’s when we share our first kiss he carried me to the bed and we started kissing but I stop him because I wa on my period I told him to wait for 2 more days it’s be over that’s when he told me he never done it’s before I was so happy when I heard that he end up, driving me home and those two days passed by we end up in the same room again that’s when he started promising me like he will married me he won’t hurt me he’s going to buy me my dreams car I end up losing my virginity on that day I mean, we both did lose our virginity I didn’t regret at that time so here’s what happened after we did that time he started coming back every 5 months the problems started Daniel and I were both virgin when we start dating and I feel like he maybe manipulating me into losing my virginity by promise me he will buy me a car and merried me but the problem was I didn’t know what is sex at that time I felt like the more I slept with him the more I wanted more but I can’t get enough I didn’t know anything I was so scared to ask my friends but I heard one of my friend talking about sex so I listen she was tell us how her boyfriend treated her in bed so I started to compare my relationship and found out everything was doing to me during sex was wrong start to feel like I was this slave For example Daniel used to treat me like he will only do things that make him feel good and when he come, he will leave me like that like he doesn’t care and when he done he will go straight to this phone and when he need again, he only do it like coming on top of me no kissing or anything I didn’t mind cuz I love him and we both didn’t live at the same city if he came to visit me I’ll be so happy because I’m going release all my stress if we both wanted sex he won’t take long to finish I didn’t know why but still all this I was okay because I always promise myself maybe he’s tired round two he won’t finish so fast so this keeps on happening for so many years I and up buying sex toy to help me so my stupidity I and up tell him about the sex toy he started calling me and started talking dirty and we both started feeling things he will tell me to get the toy and and again he will starting to demand me to do stuff that will make him happy without him, knowing that I need it too i did all this for 7years it’s was maybe only 4 times that we had sex that I feel like 3 years goes by I feel into depression I started to add more weight I didn’t know what I was feeling I was confuse I was not happy there with my family or him, but I was just in love with him was happy talking to him but I’ll let him know what’s been going on with my family and I’m not happy I started feeling like killing my self one day I and up drinking allot pills so my sister and up calling ambulance I was taking to the hospital and up to psychiatric hospital I was not allowed with phone I didn’t know my mom or sister phone number they have to call me but i didn’t know if he knews what was going on with me but thanks god my niece, and up telling him everything when when my sister call me my niece and up tell me what Daniel Said he told me that he love me and everything will be fine so I ask my niece for Daniel number I and calling him I remember I cried so much that day he and up telling to watch what I say and I should not take any medicine that they give me so I started to blame myself saying that why I’m struggling when he love me why I’m trying to die when I have somebody who can listen to my problems thank goodness start to feel better and I was discharge from that hospital after 2 weeks pass by Daniel’s started asking me for more sex show on face time and start to demand more I’ll do everything he wants but when he done feeling good he will start commenting on my body say that I don’t look good I need to lose weight mind you I just come from the hospital I don’t know what’s going with me and why I’m adding more weight because I was not eating a lot but i keep on adding more weight and it’s be coming so difficult for me to lose weight I try to work out starving myself from eating so I can look good for him buying him some sex clothes start to eat only one time a day but nothing works months goes by we start to fight I remember telling him that I’m doing everything he wants why can he love me from who I’m because I love him from who is mind you this man was In school never buy me anything he will only buy me something he like not something I like and I was okay keep in mind I date this man almost 10 years but never complain about anything on him so one day I was so angry I and up calling him son of a bitch and tell him that he want me to try killing my self so he can realize that I love him so much he and up apologize but in few weeks he started acting very cold. When I ask him what’s going he willing be I’m busy with work or a project he will stop texting me or calling me later on he starts being rude to me when I complain he will tell me to leave him alone since I’m always trying to kill myself he doesn’t want to say something that will hurt me I remember crying a lot that day he continued to ignore me one day While we were dating he started cheating and when I found out I asked him why he was doing this he told me he didn’t know the girl I was kind of happy and started to think maybe the girl was nothing because I was in love with him one day he told me he ruined out of love with me I was crying and broke I begged him to come back I give him Time he will stop answering my text or my calls and I stop texting him or calling but once when I’m happy and trying to forget about him he I’ll come back with another hurtful word like you’re so fat you don’t look beautiful anymore mind you he’s the one who used to be so skinny like not any woman will want him but I love him like that he started telling me to go date other men and telling me to stop texting the other woman when I was never doing that I didn’t even care about that woman every few months he Will trying to blame me when I didn’t even do anything. I stopped bothering him and he was the one dating another woman there I’m just here focusing on my work and my school after three months he started blaming me again by saying that the reason why he was leaving me was that I tried to kill myself and I was going through depression at that time he didn’t seem to care so in my anger, I told him that he will never find any woman like me and start beg him that I’ll change that’s when he told me to try to sleep with other people and leave him alone so I stop talking to him for 5 months he comes back again when I was happy to tell me that we can be friends I was like we can’t be friends so he asks me what I’m been up too I told him I have been dating somebody he gets angry and started asking me about this man and up telling him it’s one man he asked again I told him he’s a man like he was good in bed and that’s the first time I feel like love sex he got so mad at me I’m at fault here
Update He continues acting like he is still my boyfriend by continuing to find any excuse to blame me when I give him the time he will get whatever he wants and start complaining about my behavior or whatever I’m eating or why I’m not like the woman he likes or why I’m so nice mind you even if was depression I use to look good I don’t know what I did to him to hate me and he won’t leave me alone he doesn’t want me to date, anybody, plus he keeps on manipulating me by saying that I’m not cute or beautiful like I use to be I should just leave him and go date other people he continues on to tell me ever me I hates myself guys I was not that fat i did just have a big belly I he’d really good ass at that time it’s was just my belly that was big so I told my guy friend everything and ask him if I’m the one at fault he was like not actually leave that guy he’s not good for you one of my friend who I told you from the beginning and tell me that Daniel wants me to lost my belly so he can start taking pictures of me because he knows if I started losing weight I’ll bring him a lot of customer And she advised me I should leave because he’s a controlling at the same times he’s busy fucking other people’s after one year later he. Continues on pushing me into getting into a new relationship so I did as he wanted the first thing I did with my new partner now I asked him for sex he was surprised because that was the first time he was very impressed I was happy he treated me well he asked me if I was okay at that time I started to feel like my self again I didn’t feel in love with this guy I was just happy because he impressed me more than my ex so he ask to comes backs Again we did it again like 3 times when my ex started to ask me what I was up too I look down on him for some reason because I was like I don’t know why I’m still in love with you when you don’t really care about me or make me happy so that’s when I realize I was still in love with him not my current partner right now so I started sleeping more with my boyfriend so I can forgive about him it’s was so difficult I’ll cry ask god to make me forget about him it takes time I found out I was pregnant that’s when he come again blaming me and told me my curse is working on me still at that time he didn’t leave me alone he kept on trying to blame me so my friend and up stepped up and let him know that I was pregnant. He needed to leave me alone, but he didn’t stop. Keep on blaming me and talking shit about me to other people. I don’t know what I did still today I hate to see him happy or anyone from this family mind you this whole family hates me but I was ready to fight so I could marry him like I was ready for anything as long as I was with him now the whole family is blaming me on top of that’s this sister the one who hates me the one who will tell her mom lying about me is trying to marry my nephew do I tell my family the truth my nephew knows I was dating her brother before in Africa tradition from Congo my ex sister in law will be calling me mom and I don’t want that if she and up married into my family my nephew seems happy and in love with her should I told him what they did to me what should I do my ex won’t leave me alone by continuing blaming me by saying that my curse is working on him now any women’s he dates to keep on leaving him I’m the *sshole here
submitted by ArtistBeautiful5810 to u/ArtistBeautiful5810 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:49 httpcoffee-16 I'm conflicted with my feelings towards our newly adopted cat after my baby passed

Hey everyone.
Last month I made some posts about losing my sweet baby girl Shadow. 8 y/o Calico who passed unexpectedly. I still miss her every day, the crying is a bit less now but I still feel down when I think about how much I miss her and that she's gone. She was my soul mate cat. It's been a little bit over a month now..
Last weekend my boyfriend and I came across this cat on a shelter page on facebook and something about her tugged our heart strings. He almost immediately fell in love with her when we visited. I thought she was very cute but I can tell I was very hesitant on letting another cat come into my life when all I think about is how I just want my baby girl back.
Well next thing you know, we're driving home with her from this shelter. This probably wasn't the smartest move, I wasn't sure that I was ready for this just yet but it happened.. I won't lie and say that some of her habits have brought a few chuckles out of me, but it's only made me miss Shadow so much more. At first I had this guilt of replacing her, but then I thought to myself that we're providing this cat an opportunity to be loved and to be saved just like we did with Shadow. Shadow had a great life, we spoiled her and loved her so much. I can feel that I'm a bit closed off to the new cat, my boyfriend is infatuated with her and he grieves Shadows death differently than I.
I had a stronger bond with her and I feel bad for being so closed off to the new cat. I know that eventually I'll be able to open my heart out to her and build a bond but I just can't stop thinking, crying, missing Shadow. Also to add- since Shadow had passed and left us so unexpectedly and so quickly, I've built this constant paranoia/fear that something is going to happen to our next cat and I don't know how to cope with it..
Has anyone been in a similar situation? Will things get better? How did you cope with it?
submitted by httpcoffee-16 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:53 MatchDangerous9112 Has anyone ever ordered from macorner?

I keep seeing really cute things pop up on Facebook and I wanted to get something for Father's Day. Has anyone ordered there with success?
submitted by MatchDangerous9112 to Gifts [link] [comments]


AITA for choosing A closer friend over my childhood bestie
My friend, Cassy, and I grew up together through middle school and were close. we had sleepovers, and a secret handshake, and my parents loved her like their own. When we got older, we drifted apart and made new friends all while staying connected. When we graduated high school and went to separate universities. I DID TEXT Cassy during college to catch up, but she would barely respond so I slowly stopped reaching out until we reconnected after we both graduated college, I understand that she also had college so I didn't take it to heart.
*I did notice myself distancing from when I caught her in lies like saying she was sick and couldn't come to my graduation party But that's a story for another time or I'll post it as an Update here.*
Ok on with the situation
So, after I graduated college my Fiancé proposed to me at my graduation party. It was a very sweet and sentimental thing for me because I had bad luck in my love life due to my mental health and choice of men, But now I found the one, and he's Everything I could've asked for. He went as far as getting my nanas permission to propose because he knew how much that meant to me.
Now at the time, I thought we were a little bit young to plan a wedding while trying to settle into our jobs considering all the stress from wedding planning. My fiancé was a little upset but saw my point and agreed that we would wait until were both comfortable and financially stable. At this point in time, Me and Cassy talk from time to time like regular friends would. When she heard my fiancé proposed She congratulated me and was so excited. Super excited......Like almost a little over-excited.
Fast forward 2 years later and now she is 25 and I'm 24
I've started planning my wedding, I already booked a venue around after I got the ring because I knew my dream venue was somewhat popular and would take months to reserve. So when I got a confirmed date I sent the save-the-date invitations out to all our friends and family. The bridal party Received a sticker on their invites asking to be a Bridesmaids/groomsman or MOH/BM. After the letters were delivered, I got a call from Cassy........Now me and Cassy are on good terms and have a good friendship now.
When I answered the phone, She was very condescending saying things like "Oh I got the wrong sticker" and "My sticker has a typo". I explained to her that she didn't have a typo, and told her She would not be my maid of honor. I told her My best friend Eve would be my MOH. Eve is a friend met in high school and although she didn't go to college with me we still made an effort to see each other and hang out and we grew super close throughout the years, even when she was working 2 jobs.
Anyways, after I told her Eve would be my MOH, she shouted at me saying that I promised her she would be my MOH when I got married. I asked her what she was talking about. She said remember when were 12, and at your house, we promised to be each other's MOH. I shi*t you not, I laughed so hard on the phone I had to mute myself. I said "WE WERE 12" I didn't think it meant anything hence why I didn't remember it in the first place. Cassy then told me that it wasn't fair to promise something like that to her knowing I wouldn't follow through with it. So then I got annoyed and said if she didn't want to be apart of the bridal party she could drop out and hung up. She did not drop out
After a few days, she started sidetracking our conversations to express how I should want her to be my MOH and Not some Rando from high school. She was also posting sly remarks on Facebook about how trust means nothing to anyone nowadays. I muted her messages, but it was too late I was stressing and overthinking about my wedding. I'm a very emotional person who gets stressed very easily. Eve noticed my mental state going downhill and made it clear to Cassy not to Contact me about my Wedding Unless it was strictly about bridesMAIDS activities or to ask in the group chat. which she agreed to........
Until one day, when my fiance approached me about how Cassy has been blowing his phone at work asking to be MOH AGAIN. He said he told her to stop multiple times but she refused. At this point, I was done with her BS and called her. I was furious so when she picked up I Told her she WONT be a part of the bridal party anymore and that she NEEDS to understand boundaries especially when she knew she was stressing me out. She started crying and apologizing but when I'm mad I don't have time for the tears, I told her shes still invited but as a NORMAL GUEST and not a bridesmaid anymore.
Later that night I got a call from my parents telling me to apologize to Cassy and to let her be a bridesmaid again. I said no and that her spot was already filled, if she wanted to be a BM she should've respected my boundaries and hung up. I know this is a lot and there most likely will be an update
so AITA?
hello my fellow potatoes I Originally posted this story a while back on AITA thread but decided to move here after this thread came to be. It was late last night so i posted the story here first and posted the update today.
  1. Yes, i asked them to be a part of the bridal party through a sticker on their invite, I am A D.I.Y bride so I thought it would be really cute. I also arranged a dinner for the entire bridal party, where they got custom robes, cups, etc.
  2. My mental health went undiagnosed for a while, until college when i started getting depressed and emotional mood swings (particularly anger more than others), My fiancé and other close friends know about this. So from time to time when he sees me shut down he cuts in the conversation or tries to distract me from it to keep me from crossing a certain line.
I decided to have a sit-down talk with my fiancé, Cassy, my parents, and me. All 3 of them arrived together with Cassy looking like a scared child walking behind them. When they sat down i immediately started addressing the situation (I knew if i didn't, one of them would hound me and wouldn't let me get a word in). I explained that what they did hurt me and they shouldn't put her feelings over mine. My parents wanted me to hear them out on how ridiculous demoting her was and asked how TF she crossed my boundaries. I asked them "what do you mean, How?" she blew up mine and my fiancés phone even though she was asked to stop repeatedly. I yelled that she had multiple chances to let it go and just be happy for me but she didn't. to which let to My dad quietly saying "Well sweetie the dresses are a little tacky, can you just pick a different one".
I guess The look of confusion on mine and my fiancés face must've made my parents realize that wasnt the truth at all because My mom looked at Cassy and asked "Did you lie to us?", but Cassy kept quiet. My Mom explained that Cassy told them that I kicked her out of the Bridal party because she said she didn't like the BM dresses i picked and sent them a photo THE ABSOLUTE UGLIEST dress. At this point my Fiancé was over Her BS, he told my parents everything she had done. My parents do know about my mental health history and dont tolerate people that could put me back in that state. They were very upset with cassy since she knew of this for years. My parents got up and the left her without a ride. Before my fiancé and i left the table and I respectfully told Cassy dont bother coming to my wedding and if she did come, I would happily beat her ass in my wedding dress Infront of all my guests and walked away. I did speak to my Parents after the talk with cassy and understood that it WOULD be ridiculous to kick a really close family friend out over a stupid dress but that wasnt the case and when they realized she lied they cut her off too. Its one thing to lie, but to lie to people who were like family to you and make them look like AH is very disrespectful in my family.
My wedding was amazing and there was no sight of drama or Cassy at all. The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was delicious. My Now husband and i Went TO DUBAI for our honeymoon and had an amazing time. I am now pregnant with our first baby boy and were so excited to meet him for the first time. So that's it for my dramatic AITA i guess. I want to thank everyone you wrote in the comments it really gave me some fresh eyes and help me understand i was in the right.
PS: Not that anyone asked but our baby's name will be Halo.
submitted by Different-Battle7531 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:29 creativity-- Am I[18M] a "mama's"[39F] boy? Is my mother overprotective?


While she is bit overprotective, mild racist, slightly "manipulative" (not to me), and obsessed with looks of others and hers, I'm fine with her. She is just like my "elder sister".
I know that the equal amount of genes are received from both sides, but we sometimes feel like that I inherited almost 80% from her. We have a very similar phenotype, which is considered "attractive" in here. Pale, smooth skin, long wavy hair, light eyes, slim("underweight"), and youthful behavioappearance etc.
She was forcefully married in an arrange marriage to my father at a young age. Later when my father died, she was again forcefully married to a stereotypical "wealthy old man". Age gap is almost 8 years. The relationship between her and my step dad isn't very good. He is alcoholic and physically abusive.
So ever since that, we have been living together in a same room of a house, while my stepdad lives in another.

Reasons I am not

Recently I had to move out of the city for education, so this topic again again started. She said she will feel "lonely and unsafe" in home alone, with stepdad, and wants to accompany me to college. I too don't want to leave her alone to stepdad, but I won't really "miss" her much. See full post here

Strict boundaries

I don't really share my life memories with her. While I do have full access to her bank, Facebook, phone, email and everything, she doesn't even know password of my phone. I don't tell her, anymore, whatever happens in my life and don't wait for her decisions.

Reasons I am

Dependence on her

I am kinda dependent on her. Financially, "emotionally", and she has a big influence over my life. She recently sold her beloved gold jewelry to pay my college(B. Tech) fee, after my step dad denied. She also said that she will become a mathematics teacher. She has a degree in mathematics from a tier - 1 university, along with high CGPA, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Conversation Style

She talks very respectfully to everyone, but extra respectfully to me. Like using words like "Dealovely son, ...", using respectful pronouns like "aap", "ji", and my nickname, which is a "cute" version of my real name.
I too refer to her same way. Sometimes, I even call her with her nickname, which is again a "cute" version of her first name. Or sometimes I call her "mana/manu" (which just means cat or sounds like mom/mum).
To others, she too maintains the same tone, and by her influence I too, like calling them "didi ji", "bhaiya ji", excessive use of "thank you" etc. She doesn't really discriminate and even pays same respect to auto drivers, maid, shopkeepers etc.

Similar lifestyle

I didn't care much about my looks till starting of my teenage, but she was always concerned with her and my looks.
She used to force bath me, as according to her, I didn't bath "properly" by myself. Edit : A lot of people are commenting that it's wrong. Well this only happened till maybe I was 10 and she only cleaned my hair. I had bit longish hair which were hard for me to clean myself.
She would apply Vaseline to my feet when I would be sleeping, and would style my hair etc. Obviously, now I do and have a similar routine to her, expect for skincare, which none of us need.
She also fed me with her hands while I played video games on my PC, as according to her, "I don't eat enough myself". Kinda ironic, as she herself is underweight and obsessed with exercise, so I'm due to her genes and influence.

Her influence on my friend circle

As I mentioned above, she is mildly "racist", and doesn't like people with darker features.
She herself almost never leaves home, due to various concerns, so same was with me. She didn't let me become friends with kids with dark skin, are "ugly" or who are from "poor", less educated, certain religions like Sikhism, Islam, or "low caste" background. I'm not sure if the motive behind this was her racism, or the behavior of those kids, but she was absolutely right in this one.
One day, those kids planned to kill and bury me in graveyard. They were about to take me near an abandoned area near graveyard, but I recognized midway. So they started the act way before the planned destination.
They offered me a drug, to which I refused. Immediately afterwards, they started hitting me with a stick. I didn't know my way back to my home, so I started running towards the road and in direction of my home.
Fortunately my mom somehow came in a car, despite not being a very good driver, and safely rescued me. She reached there by asking from nearby people and knowing their usual "hideouts".
After reaching home, she started crying, but still lectured me for the first and last time in my life. Initially I didn't tell her the full story, just to not make her more angry/sad.
Edit 2: A lot of uneducated, porn addicts have been spamming this buzzword known as, "Oedipus complex", without fully understanding it. It's not even scientifically proven but whatever. Here is what it means:
Oedipus complex refers to a son's sexual attitude towards his mother and concomitant hostility toward his father.
However in my case, there is no father. My father is dead. There is no sexual attraction or barrier either. Not even my mom is a barrier. If we wanted to have sex, we would have done it. Who is stopping us? The truth is that real life isn't porn. Mother son love isn't Oedipus complex or "emotional incest".
There is a difference between love and lust. SMH, people need to stop consuming porn and touch grass.
submitted by creativity-- to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:53 creativity-- Am I[18M] a "mama's"[39F] boy?


While she is bit overprotective, mild racist, slightly "manipulative" (not to me), and obsessed with looks of others and hers, I'm fine with her. She is just like my "elder sister".
I know that the equal amount of genes are received from both sides, but we sometimes feel like that I inherited almost 80% from her. We have a very similar phenotype, which is considered "attractive" in here. Pale, smooth skin, long wavy hair, light eyes, slim("underweight"), and youthful behavioappearance etc.
She was forcefully married in an arrange marriage to my father at a young age. Later when my father died, she was again forcefully married to a stereotypical "wealthy old man". Age gap is almost 8 years. The relationship between her and my step dad isn't very good. He is alcoholic and physically abusive.
So ever since that, we have been living together in a same room of a house, while my stepdad lives in another.

Reasons I am not

Recently I had to move out of the city for education, so this topic again again started. She said she will feel "lonely and unsafe" in home alone, with stepdad, and wants to accompany me to college. I too don't want to leave her alone to stepdad, but I won't really "miss" her much. See full post here

Strict boundaries

I don't really share my life memories with her. While I do have full access to her bank, Facebook, phone, email and everything, she doesn't even know password of my phone. I don't tell her, anymore, whatever happens in my life and don't wait for her decisions.

Reasons I am

Dependence on her

I am kinda dependent on her. Financially, "emotionally", and she has a big influence over my life. She recently sold her beloved gold jewelry to pay my college(B. Tech) fee, after my step dad denied. She also said that she will become a mathematics teacher. She has a degree in mathematics from a tier - 1 university, along with high CGPA, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Conversation Style

She talks very respectfully to everyone, but extra respectfully to me. Like using words like "Dealovely son, ...", using respectful pronouns like "aap", "ji", and my nickname, which is a "cute" version of my real name.
I too refer to her same way. Sometimes, I even call her with her nickname, which is again a "cute" version of her first name. Or sometimes I call her "mana/manu" (which just means cat or sounds like mom/mum).
To others, she too maintains the same tone, and by her influence I too, like calling them "didi ji", "bhaiya ji", excessive use of "thank you" etc. She doesn't really discriminate and even pays same respect to auto drivers, maid, shopkeepers etc.

Similar lifestyle

I didn't care much about my looks till starting of my teenage, but she was always concerned with her and my looks.
She used to force bath me, as according to her, I didn't bath "properly" by myself. Edit : A lot of people are commenting that it's wrong. Well this only happened till maybe I was 10 and she only cleaned my hair. I had bit longish hair which were hard for me to clean myself.
She would apply Vaseline to my feet when I would be sleeping, and would style my hair etc. Obviously, now I do and have a similar routine to her, expect for skincare, which none of us need.
She also fed me with her hands while I played video games on my PC, as according to her, "I don't eat enough myself". Kinda ironic, as she herself is underweight and obsessed with exercise, so I'm due to her genes and influence.

Her influence on my friend circle

As I mentioned above, she is mildly "racist", and doesn't like people with darker features.
She herself almost never leaves home, due to various concerns, so same was with me. She didn't let me become friends with kids with dark skin, are "ugly" or who are from "poor", less educated, certain religions like Sikhism, Islam, or "low caste" background. I'm not sure if the motive behind this was her racism, or the behavior of those kids, but she was absolutely right in this one.
One day, those kids planned to kill and bury me in graveyard. They were about to take me near an abandoned area near graveyard, but I recognized midway. So they started the act way before the planned destination.
They offered me a drug, to which I refused. Immediately afterwards, they started hitting me with a stick. I didn't know my way back to my home, so I started running towards the road and in direction of my home.
Fortunately my mom somehow came in a car, despite not being a very good driver, and safely rescued me. She reached there by asking from nearby people and knowing their usual "hideouts".
After reaching home, she started crying, but still lectured me for the first and last time in my life. Initially I didn't tell her the full story, just to not make her more angry/sad.
Edit 2: A lot of uneducated, porn addicts have been spamming this buzzword known as, "Oedipus complex", without fully understanding it. It's not even scientifically proven but whatever. Here is what it means:
Oedipus complex refers to a son's sexual attitude towards his mother and concomitant hostility toward his father.
However in my case, there is no father. My father is dead. There is no sexual attraction or barrier either. Not even my mom is a barrier. If we wanted to have sex, we would have done it. Who is stopping us? The truth is that real life isn't porn. Mother son love isn't Oedipus complex or "emotional incest".
There is a difference between love and lust. SMH, people need to stop consuming porn and touch grass.
submitted by creativity-- to onexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:52 TokyoDisney_stuffs Some humble thoughts and advice for live action princess films from a nobody pt2

Some humble thoughts and advice for live action princess films from a nobody pt2
Edit, added some more sentences for the '' choking'' paragraph in case ppl don't understand what i mean xd
I hope that this amateur fan opinion counts as a movie critic😅
But anyway i'm sorry to disturb beforehand if it does not.
Since i realized i have more thoughts than i imagined on the 2023 Little mermaid, plz read this part 1 first for at least the introductions and the warnings. Like i said there, I stupidly hope that this somehow reaches to someone in the industry so i post this here at a different subreddit.
In this pt 2 article, i will be focusing mainly on the little mermaid and put the remaining topics in pt 3.
Most important of all, terribly sorry for the next amateur and subjective words and think again if you're the live action fan.
Let's begin.
I would like to discuss the film in 4 aspects accordingly, Halle's race Song performance+ acting Offscreen behavior + styles in movie The other songs
🙉Halle's race🙉
So when the decision and some leaked on-set photos came out, i was in doubt too. ''The Queen's Gambit'' was a hit then and i was upset that they chose Halle when there's the obvious right person(Anya Taylor-Joy) to play Ariel.
But after been ''deceived'' by this teaser, i changed my mind and was excited about her! The orchestra and her unstrained voice tells me that THIS is the musical i've never got with 2017 belle and 2019 Aladdin. I was beyond happy to finally see a princess who can do the orchestra justice!! Having scarred by 2017 belle, this meant a lot to me so i decided to look past her dark skin since the soul of the character, a beautiful voice, is there.
Yes i understand ppl are upset by her race but here's my point of view, 1.Mermaids are fictional creatures so i think it's ok to change their looks
2.The animation did give us a red-haired Caucasian girl and i totally understand why fans are upset. But the animation did also change the Andersen version tragedy into a happily-ever-after story and added a Jamaican crab. Most importantly, i'd much rather see someone who can sing ariel well than to see a look-alike ruining the classic songs like the 2017 belle to be honest with you guys.
Yeah so i still stand on these thoughts to this day and not her skin color but her looks in the movie is what pisses me off. (Will discuss later in her behavior part)
🙉Song performance+ acting🙉 To sum up, less is more for her songs and horrible yet understandable acting of a singer thanks to poor directing.
Part of your world.
the teaser i mentioned earlier has only the last 3 sentences of part of your world so i thought that the exaggerative ''be~~'' would be toned down and washed out by the rest of the song.
i'm not gonna bore you with how i changed my mind again and again several times after the whole song release but yeah, Halle didn't do so well in my final opinion.
back in 1989, Jodi was asked by Howard ashman to sing the whole song in a breathy voicewhich can't have been an easy task just by imagining it. The studio also had the lights dimmed to give her the feeling of an underwater cave and she pulled it off! the song was so effortless and easy to the ears that i only learned to appreciate after chatting (analyzing) with my mom and surfing the net before the 2023 film premiered.
Meanwhile, we have Halle, showing off as many techniques as possible. well yeah there's nothing wrong with this and it may be a WOW at first but it's just not a classic. Every sentence in the 1989 ver ended nice and clean, indicating Jodi is capable to continue but she ended as a concept of '' less is more'' But not in Halle's case. The increased length of the song plus all these singing techniques to pull off all require her breathe to be longer. Unfortunately, she doesn't have what it takes to nail this ver so she ends sentences out of breath (the lyric, waters) and sometimes strain her voice during a long high note.
Regarding these flaws, they covered them up cleverly by adding anger and frustration into this song.
So we hear a desperate but crazy full of technique singing voice, which is the opposite way to sing songs in a legit musical. You see, they are meant to be natural and sincere cause they are used to convey a character's overloading emotions when spoken words aren't enough to express.
Sure we feel how much Halle's ariel wants to go on shore. And I'm totally fine with the mood switch of getting up shore from 1989's "wants to" to the 2023's "needs to'' but the techniques aren't properly dealt with and appears to be unnecessary as a result.
Plus, visually, how she throws away thingamabob which is supposed to be precious to ariel, how she pats on a book weirdly and the zombie angle are all questionable to me.
Which all lead this unnatural clip to be more of a music video instead of an inserted song of a film.
See how halle seems to be soaked in and enjoying her twisting twirling '' be~~'' ??
This is a very strong example of how she's starring in a mv instead of letting out ariel's emotions in a movie.
Take cinderella 2015 as an example.
Lily did a nice job in the theme song but it's more like a song for advertisement.
This song has to be Ella humming to herself, giving herself a pat talk for another day's mean comments and chores to be inserted in the movie.
(TMI i have some murmurs about this song too but will talk about it in pt3 and has nothing to do with lily's singing)
Another classic example i thought of will be singing in the rain. The Gene kelly ver, in which he's happily splashing around in the rain, and the on-stage ver which sounds commercial.
Now for the perfect 2023 jp ver. This musical actress managed to end sentences cleaner than halle in spite of the similar singing method. And also, her techniques are smoother and her singing voice sounds much sweeter. Like the "i want more~~" part, halle just suddenly burst up to the high note while the jp ver kinda transited her way up there. I did not know halle was doing it wrong until this jp perfection ver was released
As for the mood, jp ver is softer and more mild maybe bc of the Japanese buff, the actress's natural voice or how the techniques are handled more smoothly. Idk the exact reason cause I'm not a profession.
Whatever causes the differences, jp ver is the perfect balance between ''princess ariel'' and ''needing to be on shore" without being too aggressive like Halle.
Some past examples of such intense feelings and mood changes are below,
Agony is a great combination of natural outlet of strong desire in a musical with orchestra music. Once upon a dream underwent an amazing transformation in the mood with originaland maleficent 1.
So yeah the solution is to have halle sing in a natural way without so much ''brouhaha'' to make her out of breathe.
As for the reprises,
Aside from the very poor directing of crouching down and crawling sideways, I don't like how they changed the final note in reprise 1. Not at all artistic and beautiful.
(another moment of halle closing her eyes and singing sincerely like in a mv)
Yes the last "world" is mind blowing but is it good to listen to? That's an impossible note to sing and both halle and jp verwere struggling through and straining, very difficult to the eardrums. A sierra boggess ver on broadway is shorter but much more better. Disney, plz keep in mind that you are not here to wow ppl for only 10 seconds. You are here to make more classics. Make the songs durable to listen to, like reprise 2!! (jp ver here) No crazy high notes, no showing off, just beautifully sung pure sadness and heartbreak.
~Starting from here are 2 scenes i have problems with~
~plz note that there's a paragraph mentioning bodily functions/fluids so be prepared~
In kiss the girl, how ariel is playing with eric's lips is cringe for me too
i know fans like how she tries to signal eric her name but an intact person wouldn't go on and play with a non-relative ''stranger's'' lip. it's just a strange behavior even for ariel if i may. in the 1989 ver, yes we see a red hair girl combing her hair with a dinglehopper and acting like a child on a tour throughout the kingdom.
but the dumb acts all make sense and are actually adorable cause she's ariel, a princess showing great interest in the human world.
however, i'm not on board with how 2023 ariel teaches eric to pronounce her name. it just somehow seems confusing and makes me feel uncomfortable. Sorry i'm not able to point out the reason clearly but here's an alternative solution i came up with myself, during the interlude of the song, eric asks her name and ariel points at Aries star then gestures an eel.
(i know this clip is her gesturing usurla swimming but it's quite similar to an eel)
or she can even point at Flotsam and Jetsam waiting for orders to ambush nearby if the writers want to make things interesting
after several attempts, eric finally figured out her name and kisses her hand. ariel, a little surprised, stares at eric with wide eyes cause she's never knew about this kind of curtsy before. then the song continues. finally, eric leans in to kiss ariel but the eels, now realizing ariel was pointing at them just now, quickly flipped the boat and escaped. or the eels simply took action to stop the kiss like in the 1989 ver.
there, my solution includes the stars, keeps the setting of how ariel cannot write and how 2023 eric is the one who initiates all the kisses. yeah i know the hand kissing may seem a bit too flirty? but i mean the whole song is about s*xual tension. if you wanna tone it down, a smile towards each other will do.
Lastly, the scene in which ariel gets her voice back from vanessa. While you may guess how ariel tackles vanessa may seem a problem to me, I'm actually ok with it. Judging from this scene, i'd say that 2023 ariel is more independent than 1989 ver ? which is ok with me.
Plus, the fight was not too brutal for a princess and the ugly faces + the ''get offf!'' scream are all vanessa, the sea witch xd
What bugs me the most is that gag reflex when the voice returns to ariel's vocal cord. why, oh why must i see and hear a suffocating person in a disney princess movie? it's just like 2017 belle's ''UGH'' in ''belle reprise'' , both very odd and don't fit in a 1990s princess movie. Artistic beauty should not be totally discarded in a disney princess movie.
So all reflexes shouldn't exist in a princess film to satisfy me? Well it depends. if you wanna throw up as belle or ariel, don't. if you wanna fart as jasmine or cinderella, hold your gas and do it offscreen. But if you are a modern-like princess like Anna, mulan or merida, these reflexes which may appear to be disgusting are acceptable in a certain degree. Like they are allowed to make vomit sounds but don't you dare show me a princess's yellow-greenish vomit.
Why do you think elsa's ice palace has no toilet? bc a queen only urinates and poops offscreen. and the cute little achoo snowmen replacing running nose and spit saliva? very creative and impressive:)
Eliminate possible body functions onscreen that may go against the character's setting.
The queen/the 5th spirit, would never be drawn to act like the soldiers in Mulan's camp.
Same goes to this 2023 ariel. Yes you're less passive and more modern like than 1989 ver but you are still ariel. The change in your personality should not be used as an excuse to loss total grace and control. A tiny burp on soda water is acceptable in my head when followed by a cute giggle but the hand gesture 🔽 and the gag reflex are not.
I mean suffocation sound is totally unnecessary in this scene. Mute it down cause it's not pleasant for me to see and hear someone who's supposed to be a lady choking onscreen in a make-believe Disney movie.
🙉controversial behaviors and the looks in movie🙉
i'm really not satisfied with her styles in the movie. (will discuss the hairstyles later cause i in fact hated it bc of her offscreen behavior) idk what the dresser was thinking but what's with the headband??
and i'm not sure about the blue. it might be the correct shade of blue for halle and totally the headband's fault but how can the same color come out so differently on the similar brown/black skin??
ps. the ballerina screenshot is from a facebook videorecommended for me months ago and i saved it due to the similar outfit/tutu colors
i mean halle looks so much better in a ponytail with the kind of collar!! if you want her hair down, change the fricking collar and plz just loose the headband.
and why no purple sparking dress? design a purple dress for halle as a sign of triumph over vanessa/usurla but plz don't be so lazy to use the exact same dress. redesign it, change the shade if the purple is not friendly to halle's brown/black skin and add sparkles to the total look to pay respect to the 1989 ver!!
now, for the controversial behaviors. as a shallow fan who was deceived by the early preview i mentioned above, i turned a blind eye on her ''us being raciest for attacking her color'' post. i certainly think that it was uncool for her to ''overuse'' and ''mislead'' but still eager about the movie, hoping that halle would wow us and change everyone's mind with her ''being'' ariel.
Then came the awful songs which made me loss all interest, thinking '' good lord, another ruined Alan menken movie'' and pity over the classics. but at least i was happy for the African American children who finally got a princess that looks like them on some youtube videos. yeah my childhood is long in the past so was still rooting for the brown-black ariel.
the last straw for me to hate halle and the movie has to be the animal abusing zoo she visited. i'll break my logic down so it's easier for you guys to follow, halle accidentally went to a zoo in Thailand known for abusing animals ► hot debate on the net and animal rights group request an apology ► seeing an abuse picture makes me sad and i think it's an honest mistake since you know she went there as a tourist, not some ambassador►a simple apology will do ► no response from halle ► she doesn't care about how her offscreen behavior might set an example to the kids ►her big talk about '' playing ariel for the kids and the future'' is all 💩BS💩 to me
ok so now, for the locs of her hair. Do note that i'm only ''hating'' on locs only bc of halle's offscreen actions and the character she's playing. I loved how her cgi hair flows underwater and how she wants her culture in the character. BUT after the whole zoo incidence and the '' don't give a hoot'' attitude, i think that she's just being lazy and spoiled. Yes the underwater cgi hair is really beautiful to me but it's totally a degrade form the iconic 1989 hair-flip 🔽 of ariel. And it's harder to style for an on-shore hair-down look, hence the headband i dreaded i'm guessing?
ps. if it's possible for civilians with natural hair to ace flips like this, then i think it's totally possible to relive the 1989 ver with movie magic.
solution? wear a wig for the hair flip since obviously you don't care about you representing the first america-african live action princess or you must have apologized for the zoo incident.
if the locs must be kept, then 🔽 braid the wig 🔽 on shore during the makeover or the kingdom tour. but i would suggest go deeper, make the whole america-african culture a thing above water instead of just a hairstyle on the lead role
(will elaborate this in the part 3, what to do with racial diversity)
🙉the other songs i cared about🙉
fathoms below lost all the majesticness and sounds like folklore pirate music. it's supposed to be an introduction of an underwater kingdom, not something pirates drink beer and cheer to.
kiss the girl Sebastian's first word '' percussion'' made me leave immediately. sorry for my language but it sounds like a pervert whispering. and the part in an earlier preview where all ariel's friends sing in turns? i think it's very off either bc they're in 3 different keys? or their voices don't match.
under the sea there's more talking than singing in the 2023 ver. and the new element of ''scolding'' is great and reasonable in my opinion. also ariel's chorus!!! impressive!!
but if i'm being picky, the audio of the crab soloing gives me less party/concert vibe. and i must say it's a fair adopt but the 1989 ver still wins cause 2023 ver lacks the musicality in the rapping bit. Here i also paste the 2023 jp ver cause the voice actor did a better job distinguishing the low and high notes. 1989 ver 2023 ver 2023 jp ver
poor unfortunate soul the musicality is not enough and it doesn't sound like singing the first talking part's fine but it's tough for me to hear when she starts yelling and shouting
uncharted water Jonah strained and roared himself to get to the high notes and idk if i misheard but he was at the edge of cracking his voice here?
also thejp verto show how it should sound to me
but i have to say that this eng ver might be tiring for me to here merely bc i'm only listening to the audio.
it may actually be good with the clip all together cause eric's in a movie crying out loud for ariel so a few cracks are acceptable~~
new ariel song i have to say halle did a great job in this song but unfortunately it's not my type. it gives me a more''Encanto‘’ vibe and not ''little mermaid'' the orchestra in the end manages to find some ''les mis'' musical vibe back but the whole song still doesn't work for me.
thanks you for your precious time reading my complaint😅
i don't actually blame halle for her bad acting to tell the truth.
i blame her for not taking Ariel seriously enough to avoid all the controversial incidents.
And the fact that they failed to combine cultures wonderfully like the song ''that's how you know''(at least in my opinion), another down-grade of the 1989 classic.
And the snow ''brown'' is just ewwww.
i can understand a brown ariel with great voice(halle can actually nail ariel if there weren't so many outburst like i said in the article) but a brown snow ''white''????
i actually came up with a storyline to make the snow ''brown'' reasonable and i can only hope that disney has the similar idea in head too.
Will be posting pt 3 1 month later cause the subreddit requires comment history~
That's it for this article, have a nice day:)
submitted by TokyoDisney_stuffs to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:13 Appropriate-Day-480 Family won’t speak to me

I (F27) come from a pretty wild family. Mom was very abusive, dad shot himself when I was a kid, and a million other things that don’t matter too much. So while I was in high school I met my best friend, we’ll call her Layla (now 28F). Layla and I met while skipping school. We messaged each other on Facebook later and quickly became best friends. Naturally that led to me being at their house every day. Over the years I grew to love this family and her more than my own. One day, the family asks me to go on a vacation with them, and I was amazed. Someone wants me to go somewhere with them? Someone cares? Mind was blown. I told my mom where we were going and we set out. Later that night I get a call from mom saying she knows I was lying about going with a family to this place, that no one would ever want me to go anywhere with them, much less this place. While she’s screaming at me Layla’s family are all asking what’s wrong why is she yelling? Now, let me add; up until this point no one had believed how my mom treated me. This is when it all changed. Mom then tells me (16 at the time) how she wished I was successful during the many times I tried to kill myself like my dad did and how terrible I am and it’s my fault he did it. Layla’s family are disgusted, grab the phone, and tell her she’s a bad mom and I am with them. They hung up after arguing and the rest of that night is a blur.
Fast forward to when I get home from vacation. Laylas mom offers to take me home. As we pull up there is a sheriff deputy on the porch with a bag. As I come on to the porch he explains my mom has signed my rights away. What? Ok. He tell me I then need to leave the property. I ask ‘where am I supposed to go?’ Social services. So I grab my bag and walk back to the car emotionless. Laylas mom asked ‘what’s wrong?’ I said ‘my mom doesn’t want me anymore I guess, can you take me to social serves?’ So she takes me up there, we go in the office, as the lady is explaining what will happen next, Laylas mom cuts her off and says ‘how can I adopt her?’ And the rest was history. These people saved my life.
Now to the big problem. We had a family trip planned. We had went to this place together once and loved it so much we all wanted to go back together. This time me and Layla were supposed to go to a huge festival. I paid about $900 for festival ticket and $300 for plane ticket. Layla’s dad gets the hotel room with points. About a month before our trip, I lost my job and I started having seizures again. Fine, nbd. I thought maybe I shouldn’t go to festival, I could always sell my ticket and still go on the vacation. (I did sell it)
I was still sending Laylas dad $ for my plane ticket. I then send a text asking a question about the flight and I get ‘Elizabeth I’ve already bought the tickets.’ #1 he has never once called me by my full name, always Liz or Lizzy yknow cute nicknames. #2 I was not bought a ticket. Ok cool that’s fine too. So I say I’ll buy one it’s cool lmk the flight # and everything. He doesn’t know it? ???? How? So I look up flights and there’s only one going to that place that day from where we live. I then send him a pic, he said he knows the flight isn’t American Airlines. How do you know that but not which one it is? Ok cool. I told him actually it’s fine I don’t even have to ride on the plane with y’all, I’m happy just being there with them. He said if I can find a ticket to go for it. I lied and told him I bought a ticket. He kinda stops texting me. I asked did he not want me to go, to which I’m told ‘why do you have to take it there?’ Sorry, your actions up to this point led me to believe that. He then sends me my money back and hasn’t said a word to me since.
I had talked to Layla a little bit, she said he was busy and hadn’t talked to him either. Fine. I then tell her about the situation. One of the first things out of her mouth was ‘Idk anything about the tickets but I know we aren’t flying American’ naturally I’m like ‘how did you know that if you haven’t talked to your dad?’ She changed the subject by finally telling me that I wouldn’t have anywhere to stay, apparently dad couldn’t get a hotel room and had to pay out of pocket and everyone else had already paid dad but me. I was never told this by him because it’s probably a lie. At this point I have been crying for hours. I forgot what was said but the convo ended. Days and weeks went by and no one would text me back. I texted daily just trying to check on them or let my son talk to his family. When I say not one single time would either of them reply. One day Layla needs something and finally texts back. She’s been so busy doing DoorDash she doesn’t have time to reply to a text! She finally has a ‘job’ working ‘60’ hours a week. I have grown up with this girl, I know she has never worked 60 hour a week in her life. She’s almost 30 and still throws fits when she’s told no. After her casually acting like I wasn’t fucked over I had enough and I tell her how I feel and how depressed I am, how I haven’t stopped crying for weeks because I don’t understand what I did wrong. When I’m depressed I tend to have suicidal thoughts. Apparently me telling her that is me having a pity party and playing the victim. She said I’m going to loose all my friends always being a victim. After she told me that all I stopped replying and haven’t spoken to anyone in my family since.
I know she’s going to think it’s ok to text me one day, and I don’t know what to do. My heart is broken. This man was supposed to walk me down the aisle one day and her my MOH. My heart wants to close them off and never forgive or forget. Would that be a terrible things to do or is it justified?
How do I stop feeling like my gut is being wrenched out every time I think of said family?
TLDR; family booted me out of vacation and won’t speak to me; AITA for not wanting anything else to do with sister even though they saved my life?
submitted by Appropriate-Day-480 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:30 mistyblue3 Dating over 40 in a new area 3000 miles from all you knew

I moved from Connecticut to California just about a year ago. I have yet to hang out with anyone outside of work but family and they're all the elders in my family so there's a generation gap and none of them have been to Connecticut so don't understand why I ask about certain foods or activities. Anyway. I miss my friends. I miss getting laid(even when I didn't have a man I could figure that one out if I needed/wanted to, not often but ya know. I'm 40+ lol)I hang by myself far more than I'd like to and I actually enjoy hanging by myself. I don't drink but I smoke pot. I don't even do coffee and I'm predominantly a water drinker. I gave my number to a coworker who seemed interested a few weeks ago...figured he's cute, I'm cute, we don't work in the same department and I'm not a drama queen so I won't start shit. Anyway, he hasn't called, texted or even said "hi" since and we used to talk daily. He seemed happy to have my number too. I've moved on but I wanna date! I want a guy friend I can go do some stuff with. I want a concert buddy. I want someone to hug and hold hands with. I've been divorced for 10 yrs. I've dated a few guys back home since but nothing serious. I'm on every dating app and Facebook dating and I've talked to guys on the phone or texted guys for months and just have zero interest in who's interested in me.
How the fuck do people meet new people being 40+ and 3000 miles from their comfort people? I have to add that I'm super shy on top of all this so it takes me quite a lot to meet someone but I haven't even spoken to anyone I'd be interested in except the one guy at work and that was a major fail and makes me wanna give up and be alone forever but I am so sick of being alone.
I'm generally very positive, I take care of myself, have all my teeth, no gray hairs and that's natural, I'm a little chubby but nothing grotesque, I'm starting to feel defeat and I'm sick of hearing that I'm trying to hard because I'm really not. I can't even find someone to hang out with as friends that's a woman...I have also made plenty of phone friends in that aspect too.
Is it because in our 40s we're all settled down and comfortable with our lives as they are? I don't wanna be comfortable being alone. I wanna be comfortable having a companion...even if it's nothing serious and we don't get married. I could use a friend
Misty 46 Single East bay, California Lonely and definitely looking
submitted by mistyblue3 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:11 Schadenfrazzled My (32F) Ex-Husband (50M) Got Sick, and His Lies Unraveled. What I discovered Was Shocking.

Originally posted to TwoHotTakes and okopshow because I love both so much <3
TW: Sex, Dark Humor, Harsh Language, STIs, Medical Stuff, Bodily Functions, Near-Death Experiences, Huge Age Gap, Infidelity, Divorce
Please let me know any major triggers I’ve missed and I’ll slap them up there.
Please don't cross-post to other subreddits without asking, thank you!
I don't need advice or a ruling, since this is all over. Names have been changed for anonymity’s sake.
I (32F) was married to Daniel (50M). We met when I was 19 (math: he was 37) through working at a large retail store, and discovered we only lived a few miles away from each other. I actually knew one of his siblings at school, though Dan and I had never met. He gave me some player vibes initially, but after talking with him a bit, I found we actually had a lot in common, especially our goofy and sometimes incredibly dark sense of humor. I initially didn’t know how large the age gap was between us, since he looked young, and he said he didn’t either. We both ended up going through breakups and trauma bonding through that. We started hooking up and living together mostly out of necessity.
One of the things Dan and I bonded over was the fact that we’re both bisexual. That meant that things like cute celebrity crush guys or women at the store with more curves than an Appalachian country road weren’t a point of jealousy as much as they were a point of mutual understanding. I liked that. However, and reasonably so, Dan had been with a lot more people than I had (27 was the number he gave me, including myself), including men (7 dudes), whereas I’d only been with a couple of guys and 0 women. Before we ever got together, I asked him if he'd been STI tested, and he said yes. I pressed again, and he said, and I quote: “Don’t worry about it.”
Things went far too fast, in hindsight. In 6 months, we were engaged, and on our one year anniversary of dating, we were married. We had discussed children, but we never had any, and I thank god for that now.
I knew throughout our relationship that he missed male companionship, especially in the sexual sense, and no matter how well I could peg him, that would never be something I would never be able to truly and fully provide. I tried discussing opening the marriage if he needed something like that, and that I was open to the idea. I said I’d need some conditions, such as open communication, protection, and negotiation on a case-by-case basis; things along those lines. Every time I brought it up, however, Dan poo-pooed the idea, saying things like “those relationships (meaning poly/enm/open marriages) never work out,” etc. I never gave up, however, because I could tell that he missed men.
And, well, I was right? But oh, what a fool I was.
There were many, many warning signs our relationship wasn’t healthy. I had so many chances to see the truth and pack up and leave. While I’d like to think that I loved him and saw the best in him, what it came down to was I hated myself, and I didn’t think I deserved better, and I didn’t want to put in the effort to become a better person so I would deserve more. He seemed somewhat content to let me live as I was, and so I just had to put up with the bullshit he threw my way. I can get into other stories, but I really want to focus on how it ended right now, because that was the real kick in the pants.
Back in Summer of 2021 (math: I was 29, he turned 47, together 10 years, married 9), he got sick. REALLY sick. He lost 20 pounds (9kg) in 4 days. He couldn’t eat, and even if I forced him to, it came back within minutes. His head agonized him. He moaned and screamed in pain in his sleep. Soon, he couldn’t see or walk straight. It took three hospital visits and both of us putting our foot down before he was finally diagnosed:
He had AIDS. Not HIV, but full blown AIDS.
(If you need a dark humor comedic break, here you go: and yes you can laugh. I sang that to him some time after he was diagnosed and we were crying, we were laughing so hard.)
Quick rundown for those that don’t know; HIV destroys the white blood cells known as CD4 T lymphocytes, or just CD4 cells. These guys tell your body, “Hey, we have a disease here and we should fight it maybe.” AIDS is when you have so few of those blood cells that you might as well be considered to not have an immune system at all anymore. Basically, AIDS doesn’t kill you, it just removes your Immune system so literally anything else can kill you. A normal count of CD4 cells for someone is 500 to 1500 per cubic millimeter sample. AIDS patients measure at 200 or less. Daniel’s measurement was 19. Not 190, but 19.
So it took a minute to figure out what was happening to Dan, because it could’ve been just about anything, but it turned out he had Cryptococcal Meningitis: basically mushrooms growing in his brain juice. That was causing inflammation, swelling, and pressure, which was squishing his brain. He spent a month and a half in 2 different hospitals and 3 different departments, most of which he doesn’t remember. His brain was so smushed he went what I not-so-affectionately dubbed “Monkey-Mode” where he could sort-of speak and respond to stimuli, but he was mostly just surviving and not really all there. Once he started recovering and became himself again, he weighed only 95 lbs (43kg) and looked like he’d aged 2 decades. He needed extreme physical therapy and couldn’t walk unattended because he was likely to fall and harm himself.
Throughout the whole time he was sick, I was by his bedside. I just needed to focus on getting him better. I helped where I could, helping them insert his catheter, calming him when he was panicked or rowdy, dancing and joking to keep everyone’s spirits up, cleaning him, holding his hand through rough procedures, and doing his physical therapy exercises with him. I even emptied his feces and urine, measuring and recording the amount on his whiteboard. I slept by his side and argued with doctors on his behalf.
I tried to believe, as much as I could, his story that he must’ve gotten HIV before we’d even gotten together and that he’d had it the whole time. I tried to ignore the looks of pity the nurses and doctors gave me. For the first two weeks, I believed that I must have it too, since I’d had unprotected sex with him before, including anal, so I just… figured it was a matter of course. The local health department had to come to me in the hospital, because I refused to leave Daniel vulnerable without me. They tested me three times while the doctors took Dan for an MRI and… Negative. All three. I did not have HIV or AIDS. How lucky was I? I managed to avoid getting it! Even the doctor testing me was a little in disbelief. I later went to the Health Department clinic for more rigorous testing, but I continue to test negative to this day.
Once Daniel woke up, while I was still by his bedside and advocating for him where I could, I pulled back a little. I said it’s because now that he got his agency back, I didn’t want to take that from him, and that I was a little burnt out, but if I’m being honest, I was checking out of the marriage. We’d already had a fight long before where I’d told him he had a last chance to get out any lies or secrets he had, and he’d promised he had none. He’d broken that promise by not getting tested at the start, if his story was true. If his story wasn’t true, well, then, that was the lie, and I was out anyway. As it stood, his story seemed very unlikely, as the chances that I didn’t get HIV after 9 years as his wife were incredibly slim.
It also dawned on me that he would’ve never dropped everything to be at my bedside, were the roles reversed. He would’ve passed the responsibility off to his mom, who hated me and wanted me gone. He would’ve never called my friends, never defended me from inept doctors, never made sure my medical wishes were followed, none of it. Heck, when I’d gotten my wisdom teeth out, he complained about getting me ice cream. He would’ve never wiped my butt and changed my diaper for me like I had for him. Thus, I was slowly pulling away while publicly playing the ever-supportive wife.
His recovery was incredible to watch. He was walking unassisted in no time, regained his muscle and fat like a champ, and while his CD4 is apparently garbage to this day, his Post-AIDS HIV was classified as “undetectable” (basically, he can’t pass it to anyone) within only a couple months. We started getting back to almost normal, cracking jokes about the whole situation, where I negging-ly called him things like “Clicker” (the mushroom zombies from Last of Us) and “Toad” (the mushroom guy from Mario), much to his amusement. As his caretaker, I also started taking Prep, which prevents you from getting HIV if you’re exposed to it. So while I wasn’t too surprised by him asking to get intimate, I felt like it happened way sooner than I’d initially planned. The conversation went sort of like this:
Dan: “So, uh… Now that I’m undetectable, did you want to have sex?” (This was pretty normal, I like blunt and to-the-point, so don’t judge him for lack of romance.)
Me: “Oh! Uh… No?”
Dan: “Oh, ok. When would you be comfortable?”
Me: “How about never?” (no malice or sass, more like cringe in my voice)
Dan: “Huh? Wait, why?”
Me: “Dan, I’m saying I want a divorce.”
I pointed out that his story didn’t line up or make sense. Even if it was the truth, he lied about being STD tested before we started hooking up, and he didn’t come forward with that lie during the fight years later, and therefore we were through. He put not just his life, but my life and the lives of our theoretical children on the line. I had to draw the line somewhere, and negligent attempted manslaughter via AIDS seemed like a pretty good line.
He did exactly what you’d expect. He begged, he cried, he pleaded, swearing he’d never lie or hide anything again and he’d change. He even said he’d start therapy, which for a Gen X man is a pretty big deal. I’d already decided I was done, but I did still care about him, and I knew if I told him that he’d have no motivation to get better. So, I strung him along a little bit in the hopes that he’d get better enough that when I cut ties, he’d continue to progress via inertia. It’s not like I had any idea where I’d go anyway.
So he started therapy (theoretically) and I set out to find a job that would offer financial independence. He made friends and reconnected with family, even telling his mother about his real medical condition, and otherwise making progress as a more authentic version of himself. Or so I thought.
Come the end of November, his health took a mild negative turn, just as I was about to start my new job. While I was packing up some stuff for him in case his hospital stay got longer, he got a message from a woman over facebook that felt a little too romantic. I snooped (I know, bad Schadenfrazzled) and discovered there were entire segments of conversation missing, and even in the parts that weren’t, she was messaging him things like “I love you,” “I miss you,” etc. The woman was an ex of his from back in his school days, who herself was married with children. Her marriage was in a rough patch because her husband had been unfaithful, and Daniel had asked if he could speak with her to get her perspective on things as part of his recovery of our marriage, to which I’d consented. This, however, did not look like mutual counsel, this looked like an emotional (if not physical) affair.
I screenshotted and downloaded what I could, given there were huge segments missing, and confronted him the next day. I asked how many messages he deleted. He said a couple. I asked again. He said a few. I demanded a specific number. He said he didn’t count. I said to give me his best estimate. He said “Like 100 or so.” He said he never responded in kind, but he couldn’t help himself. He liked the attention, and we weren’t even having sex anymore, so what was he supposed to do? I don’t remember all of what I said, but I do remember one phrase that I’m only a little ashamed of:
“If I’d known you would betray me like this, I would have let you rot and die like the diseased dog you are.”
I don’t recall ever speaking to him like that before, but I was so thoroughly done. He lied to me, he lied to her, to his family, to his doctors, to everyone about everything and he wasn’t even trying to be sneaky about it anymore. I forced him, there in the hospital, to call his Affair Partner and tell her over the phone that he had AIDS and that’s why he was sick. She went into denial for a bit, then wailed like a wounded animal and hung up. I don’t think they’ve spoken since.
We were officially separated from that point onward. We started seeing other people in January '22, and he paid the larger part of our divorce paper’s filing fee as a birthday present to me. Our divorce was official shortly after our tenth Anniversary. We were both actually a little disappointed it didn’t happen ON our anniversary, but whatever, you get what you get.
I found out, much later, that he’d cheated 20 times over that 10 years, with 20 different men. He claims he used protection for anal, but was less stringent for oral, and one had come in his eye, which he thought was the most likely culprit of his infection. I asked why he’d never taken me up on the offer of an open relationship, and he said he thought it was a trap. He claimed he didn’t know why he cheated. He did admit he knew I probably wouldn’t leave, even if I found out, and that knowing he could get away with it was part of the thrill.
So, yeah. That’s my story. I’ll answer whatever comments I can, and if there’s enough interest I can get into some of the other stories of bullshit he pulled. Maybe I’ll do a poll, idk.
TLDR; My ex-husband had 20 sneaky-links with men in our 10 years together, and I found out because he got AIDS.
Edit for formatting since mobile sucks.
submitted by Schadenfrazzled to okopshow [link] [comments]