Free apartment lease termination sample letter

Boston Tenants

2014.08.12 22:42 wihz Boston Tenants

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2024.06.01 16:22 nacho__mama Just moved into my apartment and discovered the downstairs neighbor chain smokes.

Before I even filled out an application I asked if it was a smoke-free property. They assured me it was. From the first day I moved in I noticed a bad smell and told the office. I asked them if anybody smokes downstairs. The guy in the office assured me there is no one downstairs smoking and the entire property is smoke-free. They had me wasting maintenance's time because I was convinced there must be something wrong with my HVAC system because it was admitting such a putrid smell all the time.
Then earlier this week I discover WOL (waste of life) sitting on his patio right underneath mine , smoking. It was then that I realized he is smoking inside and outside his apartment. I immediately sent an email to the office. They responded by delivering an addendum to the lease to everyone in my building stating that smoking is not allowed in the apartments or the patios. It is allowed in the parking lot if you are 15 ft away .
WOL responded by standing beside his vehicle smoking which is less than 5 ft from my bedroom window. As soon as I saw him I went out there to confront him. As soon as he saw me he ran into his apartment and hid behind his sliding glass door staring at me, cigarette in hand.
My friends and coworkers started asking me if I had recently taken up smoking because I reek of smoke.
I've been waiting for maintenance to fix my dryer so I've had to take all of my linens and clothing and bedding to a laundromat to wash. After doing this all day I sent the office an email thanking them for the addendum. I told them I still see him smoking by his vehicle. I also offered to move to a different apartment. They responded the next day by telling me WOL complained of noises I was making upstairs. I told them after laundering WOL’s filth out of my belongings all day at the laundromat I came home to vacuum and mop up his filth for him all at no charge. Which was true.
Since WOL doesn’t like noise I’ve started slamming a plastic bin onto the floor by the vent when I still smell him smoking. I know confronting him in person is probably not the best option anyway and since he cowards like a child there is no point. But I'm not going to tolerate this.
WOL has a handicap sign at his parking spot, I suspect just so he can guarantee his spot. He does not appear to be disabled. I'm worried he's going to play up being disabled as a reason why he has to smoke in his apartment and he's already trying to make it sound like he's a victim because me cleaning up his filth for him is inconveniencing him. He's also taken to smoking heavy amounts of weed late at night which is not nearly as bothersome but it does make me sick. This morning he was smoking at 6:00 a.m. which woke me up immediately. I looked out my window and he was working on his vehicle, walking back and forth with a cigarette in hand. I've been trying to get a picture of him with a cigarette.
My furniture is being delivered today and I'm so depressed I feel suicidal. Legally what kind of demand can I make if this continues? I have documentation from my doctor saying I'm extremely allergic to any kind of Ash mix especially cigarettes. If they won't put me in a different apartment can I sue them to get my rent back, make them reimburse my moving costs? I feel like I should start looking for a new apartment.
submitted by nacho__mama to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 nacho__mama Just moved into my apartment and discovered the downstairs neighbor chain smokes. Considering asking lawyer for help.

Before I even filled out an application I asked if it was a smoke-free property. They assured me it was. From the first day I moved in I noticed a bad smell and told the office. I asked them if anybody smokes downstairs. The guy in the office assured me there is no one downstairs smoking and the entire property is smoke-free. They had me wasting maintenance's time because I was convinced there must be something wrong with my HVAC system because it was admitting such a putrid smell all the time.
Then earlier this week I discover WOL (waste of life) sitting on his patio right underneath mine , smoking. It was then that I realized he is smoking inside and outside his apartment. I immediately sent an email to the office. They responded by delivering an addendum to the lease to everyone in my building stating that smoking is not allowed in the apartments or the patios. It is allowed in the parking lot if you are 15 ft away .
WOL responded by standing beside his vehicle smoking which is less than 5 ft from my bedroom window. As soon as I saw him I went out there to confront him. As soon as he saw me he ran into his apartment and hid behind his sliding glass door staring at me, cigarette in hand.
My friends and coworkers started asking me if I had recently taken up smoking because I reek of smoke.
I've been waiting for maintenance to fix my dryer so I've had to take all of my linens and clothing and bedding to a laundromat to wash. After doing this all day I sent the office an email thanking them for the addendum. I told them I still see him smoking by his vehicle. I also offered to move to a different apartment. They responded the next day by telling me WOL complained of noises I was making upstairs. I told them after laundering WOL’s filth out of my belongings all day at the laundromat I came home to vacuum and mop up his filth for him all at no charge. Which was true.
Since WOL doesn’t like noise I’ve started slamming a plastic bin onto the floor by the vent when I still smell him smoking. I know confronting him in person is probably not the best option anyway and since he cowards like a child there is no point. But I'm not going to tolerate this.
WOL has a handicap sign at his parking spot, I suspect just so he can guarantee his spot. He does not appear to be disabled. I'm worried he's going to play up being disabled as a reason why he has to smoke in his apartment and he's already trying to make it sound like he's a victim because me cleaning up his filth for him is inconveniencing him. He's also taken to smoking heavy amounts of weed late at night which is not nearly as bothersome but it does make me sick. This morning he was smoking at 6:00 a.m. which woke me up immediately. I looked out my window and he was working on his vehicle, walking back and forth with a cigarette in hand. I've been trying to get a picture of him with a cigarette.
My furniture is being delivered today and I'm so depressed I feel suicidal. Legally what kind of demand can I make if this continues? I have documentation from my doctor saying I'm extremely allergic to any kind of Ash mix especially cigarettes. If they won't put me in a different apartment can I sue them to get my rent back, make them reimburse my moving costs? I feel like I should start looking for a new apartment.
submitted by nacho__mama to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 rheannahh Therapist falsified information in clinical documentation after destroying the last of my sanity (long)

I had an abusive therapist in 2021 whom I recently, and so kindly, made a review page for on RateMDs (Canada); turns out a lot of people feel the exact same way about her, and one person claimed they are reporting her to the ethics board due to her verbal attacks.
My next therapist in 2022 was abusive, even worst than the last. It was so bad I ended up reporting to the ethics board, and the therapist is now doing coaching for the time being. If I had recorded the sessions it would have been game over for that therapist. It killed me for a long time that I didn't record the sessions.
I later sought out a new therapist; my friend warned me that the one I chose had "crazy eyes" and it was red flags all over (based on their PP profile). I should have listened.
This new therapist, Alex, almost killed me, again. He was awful. The second I walked in the room, I warily mentioned my past experience with the abusive therapist. In response, Alex started accusing me of having "destructive" behaviours - despite that I didn't tell him anything about my behaviours yet. I hadn't told him anything at all, just that I was anxious due to a past experience. I think he has issues with younger women.
I saw Alex from August 2023 - April 2024. In this time, he was immediately convinced of his own assumptions - never asked me to explain my experiences or thoughts or anything like that - confronted me constantly for things he pulled out of thin air (he would twist anything I said and then confront me for some alleged bad behaviour or cognitive distortion), and was entirely unwilling to try a different approach despite my (at first) gentle attempts to communicate that his approach wasn't working and was making me very unwell. I can gladly provide examples but it'd end up being a long ass post if I do that, so bear with me. He couldn't handle me even trying to talk about my past therapy abuse, because it was assumed to be my fault. Any dissent was "resistance" or rigidity. He refused to do trauma work despite that being the foundational problem.
He refused to let me "free associate" (psychodynamic therapy) because he was convinced it would cause me some wild regression (as if his current approach wasn't fucking me up). That is, he refused to let me speak my mind.
There was nothing for me to work with in the therapy. It wasn't grounded in reality; it was just all about how awful I am, yet not even in a way that was tangible - he could never explain himself. I was already hanging on a thread from my past abusive therapists, and I pretty quickly developed a substance use disorder (prescription) to try to cope. Began to vape nicotine constantly to try to stabilize myself. I began to isolate myself. By December 2023 I stopped going out at all - again. You know, almost died from the therapist in 2022, my life was almost ruined, and couldn't go out at all, and there I was basically back in the same place.
I never missed a single session. I even opted to increase to twice a week session in an attempt to resolve whatever was going amiss. I continuously tried to establish a working relationship with him. My self-confidence and sense of reality and self were devastated.
Anyway, March 2024 comes around and it comes out Alex diagnosed me with BPD and that was why he was so confrontational (and frankly pulling horrible things out of thin air). Now, I'm pretty darn sure I have either schizotypal or a psychotic disorder. I was under the impression he was treating me for this, as he himself said he dx'd me with schizotypal. But I was also very confused because being confrontational with the kinds of populations I fit into is exactly not what you're supposed to do and has been proven to fuck them up. It's one of the reasons I stayed so long; I just dissociated into oblivion. Not to mention the CPTSD.
I end up sending Alex an email detailing my experiences, which was hard to do. He never asked me about my experiences before (it was all about his assumptions of me), and I thought I needed to try to put an end to this, to again try to establish a working relationship.
The next session, Alex immediately begins to apologize, tells me how he misdiagnosed me, that he's been treating me for a Cluster B disorder when he should have been treating me for a Cluster A, that the "treatment" not working wasn't my fault. He also was convinced that this is what went wrong in my past therapies; that they misdiagnosed me with BPD when the issue was schizotypal, and that it just so happens that applying the confrontational treatment for BPD to schizotypal can basically end the schizotype. (TBH he was way too generous to these past therapists; all him saying that proved to me was that he never believed me in the first place.) He told me he "failed me" and that I "humbled him." He was almost crying he seemed so sorry.
I was already looking for a new therapist, but I was grateful that at least it seemed like things were set straight with Alex. I mean, I now had a substance use disorder and all the more therapy trauma, but I'm pretty happy with little. It was mutually agreed upon that the termination was due to the ways in which the misdiagnosis made the treatment inhospitable for me. It was ended amicably but I noticed he began to act weird around me, very distant, etc. I didn't think much of it, figured maybe he was more emotionally involved when he thought I had BPD for whatever reason.
Found a new therapist at the beginning of April - a formally trained, internationally-based psychoanalyst out of all things (was getting desperate) - and things are going well, finally. No therapy abuse; no issues that even closely resemble the issues I've had with the abusive therapists, etc. Things are finally "easy" with a therapist; the sailing is as smooth as it can be. Also it's entirely free association and it hasn't caused me any issues, contrary to Alex's conviction that letting me speak freely would be devestating to my wellbeing.
Well, two days ago I contacted Alex as I wanted to go to a boutique treatment centre for my prescription substance use issue and they were requesting recent past therapist notes. I thought what a better option than to have Alex send his notes with an explanation that he misdiagnosed me, that he thinks I have been misdiagnosed continuously in past therapies and that's why I've been "treatment resistant," and so on and so forth. Also, given that I developed the issue because of the stress from Alex, this way my story would be corroborated.
Alex was adamant sending his notes was a bad idea, and that the ethics board actually recommends that psychologists write summary letters of the treatment instead. I thought that was nice that Alex was looking out for me. I explained to Alex what I'm looking for in the letter (with the central focus being on the misdiagnosis issue), and that my main goal is to help prove my eligibility for the program (they only take "highly motivated" clients; it's more relaxed in terms of restrictions and what not). I agreed to pay Alex around $400 for his time. I really thought Alex and I were making further amends and that it was so nice he could have my back on this.
Alex gets back to me with the worst letter imaginable. All about how the treatment failed because of ME, how we never made any progress because of ME, that the "lack of consensus on treatment goals and methods" was a massive barrier, and that this all happened despite that the frequency was increased to twice a week (which he failed to mentioned only occurred because I requested it, in an effort to save the therapy!). He made no mention of the fact that I never missed a single therapy session or any fact that would make me sound good, not to mention that he didn't even so much as touch on the fact that the therapy failed because of HIS misdiagnosis. He made it sound like the termination occurred because of how treatment resistant I was.
He also downplayed my trauma (I asked him to speak out this in the letter), saying only how I have a family history of "neglect" and being "scapegoated." My mother would scream at me, like to the point her lungs were going to burst, as a small child until I blacked out, this continued up until I was kicked out at 18, and I have serious CPTSD. I was even diagnosed with PTSD at one point. Like? Alex is supposed to be a specialist in trauma.
So I read the letter and was confused. Got back to him assuring that I'd still pay him, but suggested maybe he remove some parts of it if he can't revise them. Told him I disagree with the reasons for termination and why the treatment didn't work out, and reminded him of the fact he misdiagnosed me. I was honestly very confused and thought maybe he forgot. Told him it's probably not helpful to minimize my trauma.
Cue a minute after I send that email, and it suddenly dawns on me. The pathetic excuse of a therapist never recorded his fuck up in my clinical file. He obviously maintained his delusional narrative within his notes, presumably to cover his ass in case I reported him or sued him for malpractice (unlikely anyway), given that his misshapen and misapplied "treatment" caused me a ton of harm due to his incompetence.
I was seeing red and sent him another email informing him that I actually recorded our final sessions in light of what happened with my previous therapist (and Alex knew about my regret of not recording those sessions, and I'd often leave my phone out during our sessions). It's one-party consent in Canada, and Alex at the very beginning told me he was fine if I recorded the sessions anyway. So yeah, I emailed Alex whilst appalled telling him all about how I recorded him stating he misdiagnosed me, was treating me for the wrong disorder, that therapy not working wasn't my fault, and so on.
Told him he can either write me a letter based on facts - facts I can corroborate given my session recordings - or I'm not paying him for shit. Told him to not even bother replying if he isn't willing to write me a letter grounded in reality. Shockingly, he never got back to me.
And now he'll never know if I was bluffing and he gets to spend the next few months in terror that I'm going to use session recordings to report him for knowingly putting false information in clinical documentation.
What the hell. He could have at least TRIED to make me sound decent in the letter given that he knew what he was saying was bullshit. I guess dissonance is a real bitch. I also don't for a second buy that if I had BPD, his shit-tier "treatment" would have magically worked. It was gaslighting and abusive. You can't just make horrible assumptions about people or create a false reality, shove that in the person's face, then gaslight them all the more when the person is fucking confused and, eventually, distraught.
What a gaslighting loser. I should legitimately report him. Leaving him a bad review as we speak.
(I have had many legitimate delusions myself and don't find the term "delusional" as a pejorative to be offensive. LMK if I should edit it out though.)
submitted by rheannahh to therapycritical [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:44 vistopher Setlist, Audio & Video Downloads, Stream, etc

Brought to you by

Hampton Coliseum - Night 1 - Hampton, VA - 5-31-2024

Video Download - Uncut - Full twitch VOD with the pre-set and intermission.
Audio Download - Full Audio Cut - one large file, pre-set and intermission removed
Stream the Twitch VOD - Stream the VOD before it's uploaded to youtube

Setlist by PLF Setlisters

SET 1 New (All I Ever Wanted) [26:14] Omega Children [33:30] New (A Trip Through Time) [44:35] How We Do [58:55] Time To Build A Home [1:10:20] Chasing Rainbows [1:24:3] High School Art Class [1:32:15] SET 2 Understand Me Now [2:21:26] Color of My Soul [2:34:12] Shining Bright Despite.. [2:46:41] So Bright [2:50:54] Analog Lullaby [2:59:26] Sound of Silence [3:06:53] New (Free) [3:18:15] MITMJ > [3:26:08] FAFO v Work It Swirl [3:32:48] Encore Who Loves Me > [3:45:21] Rockstar > Mothership Connection[3:50:45] I Know the Truth [3:57:11] 

Samples by PLF Setlisters

John Williams - The Mothership [24:25] :: New (All I Ever Wanted) Aaliyah – Try Again [27:02] ID "Put Your Hands in the Air" [30:10] Timbaland & Magoo - Drop [???] ID "??" [29:33] Joe - Stutter [30:46] :: Omega Children Dr. Dre - The Next Episode [34:22] Supremes – No Matter What Sign [36:29] BIG - Let's Get It On [39:07] Culture Power45 - Ride [39:31] Clark Sisters - Brought Sunshine [???] :: New (A Trip Through Time) Scorpio Dance - First Movement [44:33] Willie Hobbs - You Don't Know [45:34] Rogér Fakhr – Trip Thru Time [46:08] Jay Electronica – Letter To Falon[46:57] Country Joe - Bass Strings [47:26} ID [48:38] Artifacts – Ingredients to Time. [50:13] PL - Around The Block (Talib Kweli)[50:17] :: How We Do ID "Now How Do You Like That" [59:31] ID "Mental Energy" [1:01:13] Chris Brown - Look At Me Now [1:02:20] David Bowie - Moonage Daydream [1:05:41] Sesame St - Someday Little Children[1:06:40] Maxfield - Fiesty Mallard [] [] :: Time To Build A Home Common - All Night Long [~1:12:xx] Guru – Lost Souls? [~1:13:22] Beastie Boys – Takes Time to Build [1:19:32] :: Chasing Rainbows [1:29:33] :: High School Art Class [1:35:50] Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart [] Axel F [] [1:43:27] :: Understand Me Now Chris De Burgh - Spaceman Traveling[2:21:26] Atmosphere - God's Bathroom Floor [2:22:53] Bee Cola [2:29:45] ID Got to Understand [2:30:10] ID Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood [2:31:48] :: Color of My Soul Common - The 6th Sense [2:35:22] ID "Baby" [2:37:40] [2:42:48] :: Shining Bright Despite the Plight Sesame St - Live on the Moon [2:43:41] ID Shining Baby (below samples) [2:45:58] Z-Ro – Still Shinin' [] :: So Bright The Kinks - Supersonic Rocket Ship [] :: Sound of Silence Travis Scott- Goosebumps [] Trick Daddy - Shut Up [3:10:56] DJ Shadow – Nobody Speak [3:13:08] :: New (Free) The Prodigy – Out of Space [3:18:40] J5 - Freedom [] BUMS - Elevation (Free My Mind) [] :: MITMJ ID "Yall ready for this" [3:26:33] Phil Gonzo - FAFO [] Missy Elliot - Work It [] Sean Paul- Gimme the Light [] Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman [] :: Who Loves Me Brownstone - If You Love Me? [3:47:03] Rihanna – Disturbia [3:50:25] NERD - Rockstar [3:50:45] Parliament - Mothership Connection [3:52:58] Pink Floyd – Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 :: I Know The Truth Rick Ross - Hustlin [4:02:20] Lil Wayne - A Milli [4:02:50] Ann Peebles - Can't Stand the Rain [4:03:17] 
submitted by vistopher to prettylights [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 nacho__mama Just moved into my apartment and discovered the downstairs neighbor chain smokes.

Before I even filled out an application I asked if it was a smoke-free property. They assured me it was. From the first day I moved in I noticed a bad smell and told the office. I asked them if anybody smokes downstairs. The guy in the office assured me there is no one downstairs smoking and the entire property is smoke-free. They had me wasting maintenance's time because I was convinced there must be something wrong with my HVAC system because it was admitting such a putrid smell all the time.
Then earlier this week I discover WOL (waste of life) sitting on his patio right underneath mine , smoking. It was then that I realized he is smoking inside and outside his apartment. I immediately sent an email to the office. They responded by delivering an addendum to the lease to everyone in my building stating that smoking is not allowed in the apartments or the patios. It is allowed in the parking lot if you are 15 ft away .
WOL responded by standing beside his vehicle smoking which is less than 5 ft from my bedroom window. As soon as I saw him I went out there to confront him. As soon as he saw me he ran into his apartment and hid behind his sliding glass door staring at me, cigarette in hand.
My friends and coworkers started asking me if I had recently taken up smoking because I stink so bad.
I've been waiting for maintenance to fix my dryer so I've had to take all of my linens and clothing and bedding to a laundromat to wash. After doing this all day I sent the office an email thanking them for the addendum. I told them I still see him smoking by his vehicle. I also offered to move to a different apartment. They responded the next day by telling me WOL complained of noises I was making upstairs. I told them after laundering WOL’s funk out of my belongings all day at the laundromat I came home to vacuum and mop up his filth for him at no charge. Which was true.
Since WOL doesn’t like noise I’ve started slamming a plastic bin onto the floor by the vent when I still smell him smoking. I know confronting him in person is probably not the best option anyway and since he cowards like a child there is no point. But I'm not going to tolerate this. When I do this he gets in his vehicle, smokes for a while then usually drives of the complex.
WOL has a handicap sign at his parking spot, I suspect just so he can guarantee his spot. He does not appear to be disabled. I'm worried he's going to play up being disabled as a reason why he has to smoke in his apartment and he's already trying to make it sound like he's a victim because me cleaning up his filth for him is inconveniencing him. He's also taken to smoking heavy amounts of weed late at night which is not nearly as bothersome but it does make me sick. This morning he was smoking at 6:00 a.m. which woke me up immediately. I looked out my window and he was working on his vehicle, walking back and forth with a cigarette in hand. I've been trying to get a picture of him with a cigarette.
My furniture is being delivered today and I'm so depressed I feel suicidal. Legally what kind of demand can I make if this continues? I have documentation from my doctor saying I'm extremely allergic to any kind of Ash mix especially cigarettes. If they won't put me in a different apartment can I sue them to get my rent back, make them reimburse my moving costs? I feel like I should start looking for a new apartment.
submitted by nacho__mama to rental [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 RigellianTea fired after broke arm, need help

 My mother in law who is in her 50s was at home off the job, and fell from the porch and broke her arm. For reference we live In Tennessee and she worked at a large hospital. Of course the doctor said she’d need to be off work 6 weeks to heal. HR was demanding she come in to work within 2 weeks. WITH A BROKE ARM. I also worked for same hospital in surgery and am very aware of who the HR agent she dealing with. I am not sure if they are fully aware we are family but I almost feel like she’s taking it out on her because I has quit there for better job. I actually gave them double notice also to be nice and the same hr lady basically pleaded with me but I denied her as I needed higher pay and I was getting that else where. So I don’t know if it’s for revenge or what. Anyways so 2 weeks had went by and her doctor told her and the hospital she does not need to work yet. Which the doctor is also affiliated with hospital so they knew 2 weeks was too short. They basically demanded she quit on her own will, which she denied because she need to be able to get unemployment. She is not rich and clearly has unexpected medical bills now. The HR agent called her from her office, not any witnesses . Over the phone she said she was terminated aka fired. However her letter of separation says she quit on her own free will. I know she is doing this to not pay unemployment and so she can’t apply for it. What should she do? And can she fight it? And is this good enough reason for her to sue and have good chance of winning ? Thank you Reddit and those who read this. 
submitted by RigellianTea to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:29 Independent_Wash_487 honestly wishing I wasn’t pregnant right now. having horrible thoughts right now.

I have so far been up all night as I can’t fall asleep for nothing. I have been stressing so much lately and there is nothing that can ease the stress.. on top of the thoughts of what can happen to the baby long term medical wise from all this stress. It’s honestly so much eating away at me and I just don’t know what to do with these thoughts. I am going to just write away everything that’s been eating away at me.. that is why this is going to be very long as it’s been a lot so far… I got off birth control in December as life was going amazing and it was giving me awful migraines as I was rearing my third year being on nexplanon. I knew that there could be a possibility of getting pregnant and honestly with how life was going the thought of potentially getting our boy as we have two girls right now was really exciting me. I have been working from home and recently got a huge raise and things were looking great. A month after getting off the birth control I started feeling weird, that intuition feeling came. Shortly after, my job that I had been with for almost 3 years randomly lays off a lot of employees including me with no notice or anything. I thought it would be a long term job but they eventually grew financial issues. Of course I didn’t want to abort this baby just because my job laid me off. I am a very independent person so of course I would do anything to make sure me and mine are straight. I start back doordashing full time from 9 am to 9 pm and I stay an hour from the nearest city so the stress of wear and tear on my car has always scared me but you gotta do what you gotta do as a parent. Of course they say I’m eligible for unemployment and I’ve tried endless times to file for it and they always denied me due to work searches as I wasn’t applying to the right places when I was applying EVERYWHERE. No matter what I put. Every week would get denied cause of this and the phone number is impossible to reach someone. So I’ve given up on unemployment. We lived off of our tax return plus DoorDashing which I really wanted to save this money. The work search has been so stressful. I got a seasonal job and did amazing at it working up to 18 hours overtime one day but they over hired people so there was way to many people to consider hiring everyone full time so once it ended less then a month of working there that was it. Until I got a call from my dream job which my mom and my bf mom both work there and it pays way higher then what I’ve made on top of providing a hybrid schedule too. I felt it was a stretch applying but my resume looked really good so I went for it. I got an interview with them and the interviewer loved me and said he felt really confident in me and would like to offer me the position. Of course I’m overly excited cause this is my dream job. After filling out the onboarding and going to scheduled onboarding appointments they state there was only one issue stopping my onboarding which was a previous account with them that had restrictions on it that I was not aware of. I trusted the wrong “friends” back in high school 7 YEARS AGO with my personal information not knowing any better and they did fraud with my information and of course it fell back on me. I even paid back every owed penny from the fraud to clear my name to move on from that mistake. They never told me they also proceeded to put restrictions cause of it. So my onboarding was put on hold until I handled the restrictions. Fast forward a month later of struggling making ends meet. We have no more income tax money.. but at least I finally receive a response saying the restrictions would be removed. So finally we receive great news. I let the people know and they proceed to let me know that someone will reach out to me in 5-7 days and it has now surpassed that time frame with no response and I am just so scared that they won’t follow through.. It is now June and I have been struggling to get a full time job since February and I am holding onto the little ounce of hope that this job will follow through like they said… Holding onto that ounce of hope as doordash grew very stressful I decided to pull all of my retirement out from my previous job to put into savings in case we need it for an emergency especially if the car were to go out on us. on top of our apartment lease renewal coming up. We did NOT want to renew the lease because this apartment has treated us HORRIBLY since we moved in. We came from a clean bug free apartment due to the rent randomly increasing twice since we moved in it and moved 30 minutes to be closer to my OLD job and his family. We moved into this apartment because I had a work friend refer it to me saying it was her first apartment and she fell in love with it. Not knowing we were going to get the worst apartment building probably out of the whole complex. Since we moved in we could not look at the apartment until after the lease was signed and given the keys. We moved ONE box into the place and came back days later to move the rest of our stuff. We moved that box and SO MANY roaches scattered from it and we knew instantly we got played and that now all of our things were going to be roach infested now. Fast forward almost a whole year later we have tried endless methods to get rid of them such as boric acid, orthene, endless traps, endless raid bottles, ONTOP of the apartment buildings monthly pest control coming in doing whatever they do and WE STILL HAVE THEM. No matter what we do they are not leaving as I believe even tho we try different methods it won’t matter if everyone else in the building aren’t trying to get rid of them. They are probably being constantly rotated between the other apartments around us so it’s useless. I DO NOT WANT TO BRING MY NEW BORN BABY INTO THIS APARTMENT. On top of all the plugs in the walls has blown in the living room. I let the landlord know about this and they sent there only technician to check it out and they didn’t know what they were doing. They switched the power surge switches on and off and it fixed the plugs but they proceeded to go back out the next day. We haven’t even been there a year and the refrigerator has been tearing up like crazy. The whole bottom of it has ripped off cause apparently the adhesive is so strong when closing and opening that it slowly tore its own frame off. We had to use gorilla glue to glue it back on and it’s so far worked. On top of the rims around the door got so many rips in it. The door holders on the fridge can’t hold anything heavy or else the whole shelf falls off same as the door handles on the freezer so we have to carefully move things around it and put only certain things in those spots or else it’s all going to the floor. The first red flag of the apartment is there are no washer and dryer hook ups and that is honestly the least of our problems with this place.. the bolts on the dish washer are so tiny and unscrewed with time and randomly the whole dish washer completely fell down from being poorly connected to the counter. Whenever you open it to put dishes in you have to hold the racks or else the whole dish washer will fall forward and they will roll out with all the dishes in it. I’m so over this place and we have BEEN ready to move out. So once the 30 days came up I contacted the landlord about the 30 day notice that we were going to move out before the lease renewed. She proceeded to tell me with no emotion that they required a 60 DAY notice in advance prior to our lease end date and that our lease already renewed for another YEAR. She didn’t even try to help us out and did not provide any kind of notice or reminding about the 60 day notice. She just kept repeating that we signed the lease and it is written in the lease. She said if we move out we will be responsible to pay the months rent for each upcoming month until a new tenant moves in and takes over the lease which is very unlikely as they have full control on whether they want to move someone new in or continue to bill us the monthly rent.. So now we are trying to figure out how we are going to work out this New obstacle/road block and I am already halfway through my pregnancy. All of this stress has been eating me alive for the whole beginning of my pregnancy and it ALL came out of the blue. This is not how I pictured being pregnant with my third baby and I feel completely miserable right now. I am struggling doordashing all day just waiting for any kind of good news. We are thinking about ditching this apartment and going to stay with my mom until we find a full time job to afford a new apartment as we just want to start the process of this landlord potentially searching for a new tenant to take this burden off of us. We do not wish to pay two apartment rents as my credit is amazing and I know if they put any of this apartments owed rent when we move out on my collections it will ruin my credit.. we have been growing it for when we are ready to get our first home. So I know not paying it is not an option for me. I’ve just been wishing this ongoing nightmare will finally come to an end and I can finally receive any kind of good news. I was sooo excited about this pregnancy but now I have zero excitement for it as I have been through endless stressing and roadblocks the whole pregnancy so far. I am afraid that this stress and pain will affect the baby long term.. I do not wish to bring this baby into this apartment as I fully wish to be in a new upgraded apartment bug free when the baby comes in October my birthday month.. It’s just super hard holding onto any kind of motivation right now and the pain is slowly eating me up inside.. I just really needed to get all of this off of my chest and hopefully maybe I can finally get some sleep right now. If you read all of this.. thank you for listening and all I can really say is check on your people cause you never know what they could be going through as life can hit so random at times..
submitted by Independent_Wash_487 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 WaveOfWire This is (not) a Dungeon - Chapter 2

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PRs: u/anakist & u/BroDogIsMyName
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Ceele strolled through the damp grass along the outskirts of the village, a spring in her step and the dwindling scent of dew following behind. It rained yesterday, which had prevented her from going out to gather supplies, but the mild morning air had been accommodating enough for her to get an early start and make the trip. She was glad she did.
One hand clutched her new prize to her chest, while the other held a fraying wicker basket filled with herbs and some edible roots she gathered by exploring the forbidden forest. Despite her reservations regarding where she chose to go, her excitement now lingered like a steady thrum of shifting stones, giving her energy that defied how long she had been walking. She all but pranced beneath the burgeoning night's sky, gleefully toeing the line between the dirt pathways of the settlement’s outskirts and the trees of unclaimed land. Normally, her path back home would never be so close to the village, but she was far too gleeful to mind. She had come back with a sense of fulfillment and a rare object—or if not rare, then hopefully of great value.
It was hard to point to any one specific reason that she came across the orb. There had always been a ‘draw’ during her travels, urging her that there was something missing in her life, yet it was no more than a mild whim to walk in a particular direction more often than not. Once she reached this part of the continent, she was compelled to wander, never quite able to explain why she obliged the sensation besides having nowhere in particular to be. Even when she finally settled somewhere, it stayed in the back of her mind, suggesting that she was close to whatever would make the pit of vacancy go away. She ignored it, purposefully distracting herself with her work and responsibilities, yet that could only last so long. When she awoke this morning with plans to resupply, and all of her newfound spots had been picked clean by wildlife, she turned to the depths of the forest where she was warned not to tread. It was all too easy to follow the subtle tug in her chest through the loose justification.
The urge to be somewhere grew unbearable with every step closer to the forbidden area. That sense of having a direction she needed to go became stronger and stronger, until she was well into land long since forgotten. She came across an overgrown depression in the hillside, and was entranced by the foreboding image. Something about the cave just…beckoned her. She was far too weak to resist.
Horrible tales echoed into her ears as whispers of fearful voices, warning and unending, yet but a dull drone compared to her hammering heart. She navigated the trees and brushed aside unkempt vines, stepping into the cavern with a mix of expectation and trepidation, then laid eyes on the small obsidian stone perched atop a crumbling pillar. The feeling of needing to travel somewhere…stopped.
The pull was absent, which was why she held the orb close instead of placing it into her basket. She wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but she recalled overheard tales of hidden gemstones, deep cavernous expanses, and the untold terrors that lay within. Comparing the scenes of those fables to the cave seemed foolish now; it wasn’t some torturous chamber, but a dusty depression in a small hillside. Besides, anything this pretty was sure to be worth a fair sum, and she needed the coin. Yet the thought of selling the precious-looking stone was a conflicting one. She shook off the thought for the time being, turning her attention back towards where she was going.
Shadows stretched and faded as the moon stole the last of the illumination afforded by the sun, replacing it with a calming glow that caressed the log frames and thatched roofs of various homes. A star-filled sky came into prominence as clouds lazily drifted away, revealing the promise of tomorrow’s fair-weathered arrival. It was too late for anyone to notice her treading on the edge of their town while lost in thought, but she was still careful not to get too close to the houses or livestock pens where people might be finishing the evening’s duties. It was best that they didn’t see her returning from a place she was told not to go. Still, her feet carried her near the dwellings as she took in the noises.
Ceele enjoyed the comforting chatter from a distance. Indistinct words floated freely. Meaningless gossip and warm goodbyes were exchanged between friends and family. Places of various occupations were dark and quiet, only the faint contented mewls and clucks of livestock coming from their pastures as they ate what was recently put out for them. No metal rang throughout the streets as it was struck inside a centralized smithy, no heated bartering came from an overactive trade house, and the crunch of dirt beneath transport or merchant wagons was absent, replaced by the rapid steps and yelps of children rushing to their homes before it got too dark out. It was all just gentle conversation and life drifting through the wind, taking the rustle of leaves along for the ride, just so she could hear it. Tranquil, in a word.
She wondered what it would sound like if she were yet one more voice within that crowd of kindness. Would it be loud like the larger cities? Would she struggle to maintain a thought with so many stray topics floating about? Would she once more yearn for the peace and quiet of solitude that she had grown used to, or would she immerse herself, free of judgment and laughing like the carefree young that scampered about? Did thinking about it even matter?
Her smile fell from its genuine intensity—still worn, but not as fully. She glanced downward as her stride lost its jubilant bounce, her tail losing its sway as her grey eyes examined the dry black scales that adorned her body against her wishes. It was the ugly hue of tarnished oil, unlike the skin of any other kobold she had met. Some had reds or greens, yellows or whites, while most were between a sandy tan or earthen brown. The rainbow of peculiarities was displayed by the lucky few, and she was one of them…
…Yet she was different in the worst of ways.
Even if she would rather any other colour, she supposed it was that way to make sure no one came near without accepting the unspoken risks. That was what her mother always said, anyway, though the woman hardly feared much of anything in her old age, and dedicated herself to giving her offspring all the love she had left to give—a perk of living a full life. She would always help her daughter bathe, complimenting the colour of what most were unnerved by. That was more than a decade ago now, however. Ceele’s parents had passed on while she was still young, and she took to travelling not long after, working at what she could to afford what little she needed. Never for long, though—just enough to get to the next town between where she was and where the urge to go lay. There were certainly moments she looked back on fondly, but the journey had taken its toll.
The crude material of her ‘dress’ was coarse, old, and heavy, but it helped ease the worst of spring's chill—even if it was more of a modified sack than proper attire. Still, it was all she had after the last of her clothing fell apart, and giving the repurposed material a name that reminded her of something else made it less uncomfortable to wear, somehow. It would have to do until she could afford a pitying seamstress or the like. Until then, she would pretend she didn’t look so desperate, even if it only highlighted her status and made finding work difficult.
But it did. The dishevelled garment was a far cry from the wonderful silks or breathtaking designs she had seen some women wear, harshly marking the distinction between herself and those of affluence. The clothing of commoners was also a leap in style and quality, so she couldn't say her attire was up to even modest standards. No matter how hard she squinted, and no matter how much she fantasized otherwise, she seemed every bit like the vagrant she was, down to the soil embedded in the curvature of her claws and the stains throughout her fabrics. She looked like a serf from the more oppressed lands, yet they too wore crude cottons, which said a lot about how she appeared to those who had never lived a life of servitude. It was obvious that she was an outsider. That she didn't belong amongst the rest. It made changing something as simple as her appearance all the more difficult; prospective employment always saw a young woman who seemed more likely to steal or swindle than make an honest day’s living.
There was one good twist of fate in recent memory, however, and she came upon the result of it after leaving the slowing bustle of the village behind. Her steps carried her through a small copse of trees on the outskirts of town, the small shaded path leading to the back of a large, carefully pruned clearing, a scattering of fruit-bearing trees providing even darker shadow than the already dim moonlight. She skirted along the aging fence on the border that kept predatory animals away, carefully hoisting herself over the barrier where a large vegetable garden she was responsible for tending resided. If one were to tell her she would be living in such an area several months ago, she would have smiled politely and walked away, yet here she was.
A modest, warmly lit home occupied the middle of the clearing, sitting front and centre when one approached from the village path. It looked quite cozy, surrounded by berry bushes that were just beginning to bloom as the last dregs of winter slipped away. A front patio displayed a nice table and well-loved chairs, the rustic appearance only adding to its charm as a place where friends and family spent the warm summer afternoons. A smithy to the left of the house functioned as an additional heated building during the colder months, but usually served as a storefront and to muffle the sounds of hammered iron, though that had become less common. An old stable was nearby, close enough to be accessible, but not so close as to disturb the once occupying animals with sounds of iron craft. It hadn't seen a horse in quite some time, apparently, so it was mostly a workshop for whatever tasks didn’t require fire or metal.
There was a long history attached to each little detail—from the scuffs along the wooden siding to the depressions in the ground where daily routine wore into the earth. Every fault suffered throughout the years was matched by a thousand quirks that made it feel welcoming, like the house itself was merely waiting for the next friendly face with one of its own. She knew that the inside of each building would look just as cared for.
Her concern lay outside, however. It was a comparatively miniscule space just barely visible through the sheltering trees, true, yet it was where her efforts turned into tangible results, and where a stranger’s trust was painstakingly repaid. Once overgrown grass had been laboriously trimmed, the weeds plucked and disposed of, and now nothing distracted from what she could claim she had done.
The small plots of rock-bordered soil had little buds of growing vegetables, a sense of pride never failing to bloom in her breast with the knowledge that it would be barren without her touch. When her troubles and concerns grew heavy, and fears of the future or spectres of the past loomed over her head, she could look at where she had brought life where it wouldn't otherwise be. Some days, that was enough. She smiled in appreciation at what was admittedly amateur work, the night’s sky helping to hide any inevitably made mistakes.
She enjoyed the sight for a moment longer, then turned to walk towards a neglected old tool shed that was well out of sight within the trees, far away from whatever warmth and comfort the larger house offered to everyone and anyone. She put a hand on the degrading wood of the entryway, giving one last sad smile at the garden as she dismissed selfish thoughts of taking the eventual harvest for herself. A breath cleared the uncertainty from her voice, and she pushed open the door.
“I'm home!”
= = = = =
It took a while for Altier to adjust to his situation, and even once he accepted that his mana wasn't being siphoned, he was still reeling from confusion. He had spent centuries with every year passing by without his notice, yet now he was painfully aware of each creeping second languidly dragging on with the expediency of growing grass. It was as disorienting as it was painfully nostalgic.
Time was something he was never good with, and it only got worse as a dungeon. He'd get lost in creating rooms, corridors, creatures, and whatever else needed doing, only pausing to watch or listen to the few adventurers he became interested in. There was a stint where he spent what felt like hours agonizing over new abilities or options while he let the system manage things in the background, though he supposed it might have been much longer. So many wasted days, yet he still hadn't managed to try everything he had gained access to. Some abilities were simply too niche, came with concerning titles, or held descriptions that made him wary. Anything with ‘Decay’ in the name was instantly ignored—he didn't need more reasons to fear his affinity, and from the few he took the effort to read through, they were always vile.
But his existence for the moment was no longer like those endless stretches spent pondering the minutiae of what would help his adventurers grow stronger. Now, he could follow the rhythmic sounds of footsteps and steady breathing that set a calming pace. They were someone else's, yes, but they contextualized how easy it was to slip away without the subtle noises of life that he had long since surrendered to help his family. Of course, there were more differences that he noticed since being removed from his crumbling cavern, and his sight was the newest change.
He never gave much thought to how far he could see before. Why would he? As a man, his world extended as far as he could fathom, yet was also confined to the room where he spent his days, and as a dungeon… Well, who was he to consider distance when an event happening miles away could be seen with a flicker of thought? Nothing was too far when it was within his creation. Or his ‘body,’ he supposed. Sadly, his entire perception currently consisted of the small sphere of his obsidian core, and maybe a finger's length beyond it—which is to say, not much. He could make out the fine details in the dirty burlap he was held against, and how pale moonlight slowly took over the blurred reds of sunset, but hardly anything more. It was all just frosted colours after a certain point, and he found it infinitely frustrating. He just wanted to peer beyond the haze and scaly hand holding him to confirm that the sky he remembered was still there. Alas, the sunlight faded at too quick a pace, yet one oh so agonizingly slow.
The ensuing darkness gave him nothing to do but think about where he was, not that he had any ideas. He was too curious about why he wasn't dead to bother much with his blurry surroundings after the soft-spoken kobold abducted him, thus why he only belatedly noticed how limited his worldview had become. There might have been a forest beyond his cave, but the greens and browns were gone, and the sounds of steps through brush was replaced by the distant din of a village. An idle curiosity pondered if he would recognize any descents of his ‘family tradition’ adventurers there, but he was being carried by what most considered a monster, so likely not.
That short musing was short-lived, however, and he brought his focus back to the matter at hand. He supposed he was being taken somewhere specific, but that was an obvious deduction, considering he was taken at all. The why of the matter was less so; for what purpose would someone want a Decay-aligned core? He hadn’t heard of them before…well, before he was made into one, but he couldn’t imagine many uses. Maybe he was being sold? His…kidnapper? His sudden companion seemed rather pleased by their discovery of him, so that might be the case, and it was morbidly amusing to think that a frail, sickly young man might one day become a coveted, highly valuable item. His abduction could also be a part of some cult’s nefarious activities, but he didn't want to think about that too hard. He experienced enough odd ceremonies from the adventurers who took the time to tell him their tales.
Either way, he wasn't in the dungeon anymore, and he couldn’t see where he was going. He tried to query his menu to glean an answer, but was met with a scrambled mess he suspected read ‘Synchronizing…’ and little else. It gave him a headache trying to make sense of it—which he didn't know was possible anymore—so he dismissed the text and distracted himself with blurs from whatever diluted senses he still had. There wasn’t much to observe other than the constant footfalls and the flicker of shadows on his companion’s burlap garment. They might have travelled through brush again, but it was too dark to really say for certain.
Eventually, there was something new. He heard an old latch rattle and rusted door hinges groan, then a shuddered clack that confirmed he was now in a building. His kobold acquaintance gently cooed at something before moving about the nearly pitch-black space, finally setting him down on a… He wasn’t sure what it was, besides old and wooden.
[D$#@m$n E@$*ded]
The headache from before became a blinding migraine that suffocated him under a flash-flood of suffering. Seconds passed in abject torture until it blissfully abated, the mental blinks clearing his mind enough to notice a change in his existence. Specifically, he could actually see something besides the rotting wood grain he was placed on top of.
And it wasn’t anything promising…
He was more or less in the centre of a room no bigger than twelve paces by maybe ten. Not a terrible size for a space, but it was clearly never meant to house someone. His resting place looked about as neglected as he surmised; it was an upturned feeding trough, he supposed, since calling it a table seemed too generous. The surface was rife with holes and degraded iron, so it was something that once saw regular use before being replaced and tossed into storage, never to see the light of day again.
Actually, most things in the room seemed to fit that description. The window shutters were installed with metal hinges that had since rusted them closed, the misalignment letting in a draft—and whatever weather was outside as well, most likely. A poorly carved bowl sat on the floor, the stain beneath it hinting that it collected any rainwater that slowly dripped from the leaky roof. The wooden floorboards looked old, splintered, and in need of maintenance or replacement, though an effort had been put into abrading it somewhat smooth lately.
A tiny and decrepit fireplace was to the left of the door upon entry, its brickwork slowly crumbling due to weathering and age. It was sized more for keeping the room warm during mild days than to keep away the frigid chill of night. Its base only held cold ashes, but there was a collection of deadwood and scraps nearby, so that would probably be rectified soon. A small wheel-less cart had been turned into storage against the opposite wall, some herbs and other foraged items stowed away in it for future use. Various things he remembered seeing his father and brothers use in the fields were scattered about, too. It was nostalgic to see, honestly, even if his recollections had blurred over time.
Bundles of tattered blankets formed a pair of nests in the far corner, the smaller of the two had a pile of rough plants nearby. That answered his silent pondering of the room's purpose somewhat, though he was pretty sure the bedding material was salvaged, and there didn’t seem to be any hay or padding underneath whoever was sleeping on it. He didn’t know what to think about the weeds; they were purposefully placed there, and whoever did so had taken the time to wash them, but it was still strange.
He couldn’t see a doorway besides the entrance, yet most of the hallmarks of residency were put where space could be afforded, however crude. All in all, he surmised that it was a gardening shed of sorts, and his new acquaintance apparently lived here. He wasn't sure what he was expecting when a creature he had only read about came into his dungeon, but it wasn't being brought to a rundown and decrepit shack for unknown purposes.
Even if he had been raised by parents who made a humble living at the best of times, and they had emptied their coffers for unsuccessful attempts to ease his ailments, his acquaintance's living space made him uncomfortable. His family's house was never anything fancy, true—it shared some of the worn qualities that inevitably gathered over the years—but it was never this bad. His home benefited from a father's touch keeping it robust and a mother’s love keeping it warm, whereas this place had seen neither in quite some time. Oh, there was evidence that such was once the case; a wall was adorned with carefully made and well-spaced hangers for the various gardening tools, though the implements themselves had become a victim of neglect. That being said, he could make out the fresh soil and recent scratches exposing furrows of silver, so they were seeing use again.
A scrape and clack of flint drew his attention to his kobold companion. They were kneeling in front of the fireplace, methodically sparking life back into a dead flame with twigs and dried leaves. A slow, steady breath into the reddened base illuminated its face with a dull orange glow, revealing its weary visage and the permanently etched smile that rested beneath its cold grey eyes. The black-scaled kobold looked tired, if he were to guess—much the same as Altier did when he spent countless days watching everyone living a life he could never have through the mossy window of his bedroom. He was probably humanizing it too much. Still, he was surprised by the muted pang of sympathy, and how he would feel much more than blithe curiosity after spending so much time alone in the crumbling crypt of his own making.
A mental breath cycled through him as he looked at the odds and ends yet to be observed. Hardly anything else was of note—everything else was degraded and neglected, too. He did notice a nest of blankets move though, which was as good a distraction as any. The answer to his previous ‘pile of weeds’ inquiry poked a tiny nose from a crease in the fabric, then rapidly pawed at the blankets to dig itself out. Altier stared at the creature in both recognition and confusion.
It was a rabbit…or at least it looked like one, assuming you were to also describe a porcupine and a sea urchin as well. He was pretty sure he didn’t remember any hare that had jagged metal-tipped fur, nor that had said fur arranged into a row of spiked horns that flowed down its spine, terminating at a large fluffy tail, which was equally bizarre to see. The whole of its coat could double as a weapon, with semi-sharp barbs sticking off seemingly at random, yet he remembered an adventurer saying most animals used that sort of thing defensively. He increased his focus as he tried to make sense of the odd creature. Surely he would have heard about—
[Hoppittttttt#%%÷ — Ferro-o-orabbit-it (Ma%$le)
He bit back the pain caused by the sudden intrusion of his menu, blanking out the text and mentally retreating to hide from the source. Did he just inspect something? How? Shouldn’t his entire…‘framework,’ was it…? Yes, that was it. Shouldn’t that have been corrupted? Why could he see the creature’s information when his entire framework was damaged? That was the first ability he lost, so why is it the first to be functional? How was it functional? Was it? It did just spit garbled text at him, but it was something, and that was more than he had gotten from it in a very long time. If it was somehow working—no matter how poorly—then that left the question of why he hadn't heard of anything called a ‘ferrorabbit’ before, assuming he read that correctly.
A soft thud vibrated the tro— table, startling him out of thought. He turned his attention to the button nose wiggling erratically at him, the short, stubby muzzle leading to surprisingly expressive and curious red eyes. Dull brown fur jutted off in random tufts and patches, changing to a darker tint on its paws and the upper half of its ears, while the tips of its spikes were a muted hue of iron. It still seemed just as soft as the less pointed variety he remembered, if a touch dirty. Upright ears twitched this way and that way as its head vigorously shook, eventually settling on pointing in his direction when it calmed down enough.
It was apparent that he had its undivided attention…for all of a few seconds. His scaly companion called something out in their foreign tongue, and whatever conclusion the pointy-furred animal came to, it seemed more interested in the kobold, parting from him after nudging his core with its nose.
[Errrrrrr0r: Undefiiiiiiii—]
[Yeeee— s s / Nnnnnnn—]
He winced at the intrusion, but the contents detracted from the pain. He couldn’t remember the system ever asking him a question without his explicit intent being involved. It wanted him to…accept something? Was it the system prompting him, or the animal? What was he to accept?
= = = = =
“Hoppit, that's not food!” Ceele admonished half-heartedly, placing a larger branch on the burgeoning flame before she got to her feet. She wasn’t actually that worried; the stone was as big as his head, and she was pretty sure he couldn't bite into it. Hopefully. “Come here, momma has a treat for you!”
The ferrorabbit playfully bumped the gemstone and jumped off the low table, landing with a soft thud that belied how heavy he was for his tiny size. He wiggled in excitement, his ears flailing and releasing a slight clack whenever the two connected. It got even louder when she grabbed her basket and put away the useful herbs, taking out a specific item that she had gathered just for him. The little bun wasted no time in scurrying over and standing tall on his hind legs to judge if the offered plant was to his liking—and it was, based on how he dug in with enthusiasm. She stifled a laugh as she contentedly watched him nibble away on the treat, ignoring the guilt that came with knowing she couldn't afford proper vegetables for him. He had a hard life too, and it tore at her to have so little to give.
She came across Hoppit a year ago, during a storm that worsened while she was travelling between towns. The day had darkened to night in spite of it still being about noon, but the weather didn't care for how bright it was supposed to be. Wind and rain became a typhoon, forcing her to seek shelter in a thankfully abandoned den of what was probably a larger animal. She was fine with waiting out the squall, since the stone roof over her head was more than she usually had back then, but the sounds of dull bangs and thuds near her hideaway was followed by cries of animals yelping in pain. Curiosity won over reason, and she left the safety of her shelter to see what was causing the disturbance. Truthfully, she was hopeful that she'd come across scraps or the like, her hunger driving her forward, and she could always turn back if it seemed dangerous. Yet when she arrived at the source of the commotion, she found herself thinking of anything but food.
Two predators had fought over a small burrow, both trying to dig out a meal and taking offence to the other doing the same. What they didn’t know was that they were assaulting the home of ferrorabbits. Specifically, the home of an angry, protective, and well-fed mother that was keeping her newborns safe from the storm when predators decided to try their luck. From the scene Ceele came across, it was certainly obvious why most people dislike trying to hunt the creatures.
Sadly, the rabbit didn't survive an attack from two predators, but she did make their victory pyrrhic; neither could do much about their hunger with their bodies full of cuts and holes, and it was only a matter of time before they succumbed to blood loss or infection. The mother's sacrifice meant that the babies had avoided the imminent threat, but they were left unattended as a consequence, and it took an opportunistic bird swooping down to shake Ceele out of her shock. Despite her subsequent hurry, she only acted in time to save one of the orphaned young. The warren was new and barely dug out, which meant that it didn’t take much effort for the kits to be found—by both her and hungry maws. All she could do was scoop the ball of fluff into her arms and run back to the cave before anything else tried to eat it.
In retrospect, it was a stupid decision for a number of factors. She barely had the resources to supply herself, and an attempt to raise offspring of any type would only make the inevitable heartbreak worse. But when she saw how quiet and scared he was… How his tiny, shaking body calmed in her arms, those terrified red eyes seeking comfort… She should have just walked away when she knew there wasn’t going to be anything to fill her stomach. She should have put the baby animal down and let nature take its course…yet the preciously furry face stole her heart far too quickly for it to grow so cold. The next day was spent backtracking to the nearest town to get him something suitable to eat, which used most of her meagre savings. Still, it was worth every coin.
Hoppit had been accompanying her ever since. He grew quickly, transitioning from something she saved that stormy night into a presence she had grown to love like a child. The little lagomorph would bounce along beside her during her travels, then ride in her arms as he rested—though the latter happened with worrying frequency as of late. She hadn’t learned much about the springy herbivores, but she knew enough to say that he wasn't as big as he should be, nor was his fur as sharp. No matter how startled he was, his spiky coat never managed to do more than stiffen slightly, which was apparently a side effect of poor diet, according to snippets of conversation she had overheard on the topic. She wanted him to be healthy, but she didn't know what he needed. Not many farmers raised ferrorabbits, and those that did were far away, so she didn’t have anyone to ask what she should be doing. Her best course of action was to give him what little she had.
Ceele was well aware of how he would be better off on his own, but he followed her whenever she tried to set him free. Hoppit just kept launching into her arms and wiggling his ears, ecstatic that he was with her again, uncaring that food was scarce and that they spent most of their days travelling. No amount of cold nights spent bundling up under the tattered blankets she managed to find ever dampened his spirits, and he was content to eat the grass or flowers whenever he felt like it, oblivious to the fact that he wasn’t getting enough nutrition. He would dig and excitedly drag back oddities that he found, and the one time he found a plant that looked particularly good for him, he insisted that it be shared with her.
A black pit still lingered in her chest when she recalled how pleased he was while he munched on the rare vegetable he discovered, then how distressed he became when she wouldn’t have any as well. He bumped and nipped at her, all but begging her to eat. His ears pinned back against his head, his fur bristled in a way she hadn’t seen since. It was only when she took a small bite and let him inspect the new teeth marks that he seemed to calm down, but perhaps she had been looking too deep into the actions of her tiny friend. All she could say for certain was that he was scared she was going hungry.
A morbid thought wondered if his first mother had refused food shortly before being attacked, and he—as small and simple as he was—had connected the two events in his mind, making him absolutely terrified that something would happen if Ceele didn’t have something too. All of that fear, and desperation overwhelmed him, just because she was happier watching him eat. She was determined to erase that issue. She would find something that needed a worker and earn enough to feed them both. One day, she would be able to smile at how big and healthy her little fluffy boy had become, but until then, it was becoming increasingly difficult not to think about how she was spending so much time growing vegetables and fruit that he couldn’t have…
Every morning was an exercise in tending to the gardens while actively shoving down images of a pleased ferrorabbit happily eating the results. That never went well; no matter how determined she was to complete her duties without a single selfish thought, most tasks were done while picturing his full belly and delighted bounces. There were a few weeks until the fastest of the crops would be ready for harvest, and Ceele would have to collect them while fighting the urge to bring back just a few for him.
She couldn’t, because she knew exactly how quickly that could escalate. It would start small—A vegetable here, a fruit there—but seeing Hoppit happy was one of the precious few good things she had in her life. Crossing the line would only become easier each time. They couldn’t risk losing their new home over greed, and she was already betraying the trust given to her by housing a wild animal, especially one known to be a pest for crops. She didn't want to know how angry it would make her benefactors if she was caught taking their vegetables for one.
No matter how tame and precious Hoppit was, and no matter how well he listened, they would only see him as the same creature that ruined harvests in droves. Thus was why she had to tell him to stay cooped up by himself while she was working or scavenging. And to her surprise, he did.
Honestly, she had made the initial request with the expectation of needing to carry him back into their home until he understood that she wasn’t leaving him forever. There wasn’t much she could do to stop the ferrorabbit from digging through the old wooden building if he wanted to get out. He wouldn’t need to damage anything either—a rotting board on the door only needed a little push to nudge it out of the way, and his natural curiosity made sure he was aware of it. But no, Hoppit was well-behaved as always, keeping hidden until she walked through the door, where he would leap from the shadows to personally show her how good he was and how he stayed put like she asked him to. It never stopped amazing her that he had such a surprising level of understanding despite being an animal, and that was to say nothing of how young he was.
All that intelligence, joy, and companionship he offered her…and yet the best she could give back to him was the weeds from the garden and the odd plant she found while scavenging…
Soft clacks of flicking ears dragged her from her pondering, her mind returning to the present. Hoppit finished his treat of the small plant, then bounced in place and scurried over to his bowl of water, perfectly happy to have eaten only that. He was so joyful with how little she provided, approaching every day of scarcity with the same enthusiasm she could never muster, as if certain that everything would be alright.
“It’s bedtime, Hoppit,” Ceele announced through a soft sigh, stoking the fire with enough branches to hopefully last the night. The ferrorabbit perked an ear in her direction, then sat on his haunches to extend the rest of himself up, his two little forepaws adorably held to his chest as he inspected the room like he always did. She smiled and made sure everything was stored away, then laid down on her bundle of blankets, covering herself with the warmest one. Hoppit bolted over to snuggle once he decided everything in the shed was up to his standards, throwing himself to the floor in a dramatic flop of comfort. Her quiet laughter subsided as they both settled in for the night, her tail completing the rabbit’s encompassing cuddle, but her eyes fell towards the obsidian orb on the table, her thoughts following suit.
It sat there, just as she left it, as benign as anything else ever placed atop the improvised furnishing. Yet there was a sense of ease and purpose as well. The old wooden trough seemed…important with its adornment firmly laid upon its surface, and she couldn’t puzzle out why. She was starting to doubt her earlier excitement.
Should she sell it? Would anyone know where it came from? Would anyone know what it was, or if it was worth anything? If she could get even a modest sum for it, she would be able to buy clothing, food, and new bedding. It would be easier to convince someone to give her work if she was dressed better and wasn’t so thin, and then she would have the income to slowly improve both of their lives. She could pay for a wandering merchant to ask a ferrorabbit rancher about the animal, even if it would take time to get back to her, or maybe she could hire a local if they needed to go near one for some reason. The cost didn’t matter to her as long as it happened.
But there was something else bothering her about the idea of selling the stone. She had travelled so far with a tug in her chest, only for the feeling of wanderlust to dissipate as soon as she held it. Was that a sign? She was never one for things like ‘fate,’ but a niggling doubt in her mind discouraged the idea of making a profit off her discovery. Even if what she could gain was so very tempting, and even if Hoppit would be happier if she did…
She tore her dampened eyes away and closed them, ignoring the burning trails running across her face. It would be another early morning, and she needed to sleep so she could take care of the garden. Decisions like this could wait. Once she had nothing else distracting her, and she had time to properly think about it, she would see how she felt about the stone.
Eventually, she dozed off with Hoppit pressed against her chest, and a longing in her heart.

A/N: Patreon and Ko-fi will be 1 chap ahead this time around, and I've set it so everything from the lowest tier up can read the newest trashfire! Anything above that is sheer show of love. Hope you enjoyed!
submitted by WaveOfWire to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 QueasyStorage637 Looking for novel

Hi I just came across a novel, chosen by the moon novel by izabella W. Its on pay by chapter websites, I've opened and read a few chapters but I can't seem to find any free version or chapter version anywhere. Please help. If anyone has read it I'm willing to take spoilers. Here's the advert I found below of it on Facebook.
Lycanthrope species is a disgusting race. And I, Delan Riley, am nothing more than a human scum in their eyes never expected those species would turn my world upside down. Since when the lycans managed to penetrate our town, like in the early 1900's we have a hierarchy, upper class = the lycans, middle class = mated humans, and lower class = the normal humans, who were basically considered scum. I endured their torment day after day, vowing to run away from them one day, until that day came and everything changed.
Dylan POV "Humans," I scowled at the principal's words from tannoy. "The Alpha twins will be celebrating their birthday tomorrow, as such, festivities are in order." Oh great, the Alphas twin children. Adrian and Arya are the worst lycans alive. I swear just because they are the alphas kids they literally get away with everything. If their birthday is tomorrow, then the wolves are going to be worse than ever. "All students will be present to greet them, two lines will be made, with humans on the left and the lycanthrope on the right. Any mated human will be at the front of the line for their year, you will all also be in order of your school year. That is all." Chat broke out the minute the tannoy was finished. "We haven't had a school gathering since the alpha king visited three years ago, before his sons coronation." Nick was right, the last time we all gathered like that was for the king and queens visit, when he decided to let the world know that he was to renounce his title to his only child, son Josh. "That sick bestard, he wants to make sure everyone is there so those idiot twins can find their mates." Yes I was mad, my fists connected with the table in front of me once more as I thought about how disgusting the situation was. You see the twins will be turning 17, so it's very possible someone in our school could be their mate, finding a mate is sacred to a wolf, the minute they say that one word your fate is sealed. They will turn your mind, morph you into being a lover of their kind, and then you'll give in.

That won't happen to me, I'm growing old to see the world as it once was, and I'm going to choose who I'll be with. No one will take that dream away from me.

Once dinner was finished, I just wanted to sleep. I'd had a very long tiring day, I quickly sat down on a small stool my mother kept in the storage closet and removed my shirt while my brother Freddy sat at the table to do his simple homework. It wasn't long before my mother came in with a large bowl of warm salt water and some cotton, this was going to sting I just knew it. She was here to help me with the wounds caused by wolves yesterday. She slowly began to unwrap the bandage from around my torso and slowed down drastically when it came to the final layer, I felt it peel off every wound and my fists clenched in pain. "Jesus!" I heard my mom exclaim once the dressing was completely removed. The air on my back was nice though and I sighed as my arm covered my once again exposed brests. "This is more than 15!" I began to hear sniffles coming from her and sighed turning round to look at her face, only to notice tears streaming down it. "Mom I'm fine, it's alright." She shook her head. "It's not alright, I'm your mother I shouldn't let these things happen. I'm so sorry. Your father would have..." here she goes again. Every single time something happened she'd always bring up dad, it really annoyed me because no matter how much we all wish he was here, he just isn't. My father was kiled by THEIR kind, almost 5 years ago when they actually managed to take over. When the lycans managed to penetrate our town my father rose up with some people from the neighborhood, to defend our livelihood, it was futile to say the least. We lost many people and I watched as my dad was ripped apart by two fully shifted wolves, I ended up shoting him to stop his suffering before they dragged me to the courtyard, i was the person to receive the first lashing of the town when I was 12! The wolves have been pretty strict with me since that day. "Stop being stvpid!" Was I harsh? Definitely! Did she need to hear it again, absolutely. "Dad is dead, we don't know what he'd do because he never knew this life. He never knew this world." I know what he'd have done, most likely attacked the guy who held the whip and got himself kiled in the process. "The best thing you can do for me, is stop crying and help me, next time don't insist on helping if you can't handle it." She began to wash my open wounds with the warm salt water causing loud winces to leave me, I knew it was necessary to prevent infection, but my god it hurt like a betch. "Some of these are really deep Dylan!" She sniffed again and my eyes rolled in my head. "I told you, I'm fine, just wrap me back up so I can get to bed." My mom was obviously more impacted by my injuries than I was, I suppose that always the case though. When it's happening to you, you've just got to get through it but when it's happening to someone you love, you just want to take their pain away. She quickly placed a fresh bandage around my waist and chest and wrapped it tightly for compression. The bowl of water that was used was now red in color, I guess from the blood my back was dripping with. "Can you keep your head down please? At least just this week. You can't take any more lashings." I simply nodded before standing up away from the stool, I walked over to Freddie and ruffled his hair in affection. "Good night squirt." He giggled and fixed his hair slightly. "Night Dilly." I smiled walking upstairs to my little bedroom, as soon as I was inside i shut the door and flopped down on to my bed on my stomach and I took a minute to cry to myself at the pain in my back, what my mom did was important but it hurt, not that I'd ever tell her. My hand covered my mouth quickly to muffle any noise I might be making. I couldn't tell anyone, I had to be strong because more and more people were crumpling these days, and my mom would break if she knew how much I was suffering. Sleep followed me shortly after, she was right though about me needing to keep my head down for the time being, I could not take another lashing! After a long night and an even longer morning, we were all finally stood in the hallway at school waiting for the twins to arrive. "Mine!" Everyone that was stood in the hallway tensed up, as we were seniors, me and Nick were stood towards the very back of the human line. All the mated people were situated directly opposite their wolf mates in their years. We stayed silent and still as Arya walked down the hall and stopped directly in front of Nick. His eyes widened in fear, unsure of wether to look up or keep his head lowered. "Look me in the eye, mate." He glanced at me slightly as if asking what he should do. "I said, look me in the eye." He slowly moved his eye line up to look at her face. I took a glance myself to see her eyes pitch black with lust. "I... can't... I mean... erm." Before he was able to mutter anything else, two wolves from opposite, grabbed him out of the line and dragged him behind Arya. "Hey!" My head shot up before I could stop myself. My mouth also forgot its place as I jumped out of line. Everyone's head shot to me as my eyes widened in realization at what I'd done. Adrian, the other twin, walked up to me before punching me right in the stomach, I doubled over instantly. Feeling the sting in my slightly healed back. "I know you... You were publicly flogged only two days ago." God I hate this guy. "I also have it on good authority, that you openly spoke out against our rules and regulations in yesterday's class." My head shot down the line slightly to see Erin, looking a little frightened, her mate, the beta to be was looking at her, nodding his head in reassurance. "You traitor, you grassed on your own kind?" I yelled at her before feeling a fist connect with my cheek. My head whipped to the side from the force, while my class members gasped. I'm so done with this treatment, right then, I wasn't in charge of my actions. My fists curled up and my stance became a lot more defensive. My head snapped up to the alpha to be, and I looked him in the eye. "You don't know the meaning of the word disrespect." I suddenly hurled my fist towards his head, which he easily dodged, but my foot came up and kicked him instead. He stumbled backwards from the force with wide eyes. "You... you Actually hit me!" He didn't even sound annoyed, more shocked. Everyone in the hallway was watching, waiting for the alpha to do something but instead he simply stood up straight, regaining his composure. "I think everyone should get back to class." He began to walk away, following his sister when I called him back. "What about Nick?!" "Simple, He's my sisters mate. He now belongs to her." Argh, he's not an object. "He's not her property." A chuckle left his mouth, before turning his back to me again. "All humans are property." A short while later everyone made it to science class, our teacher Mrs Mathews is mated to the lycans pack doctor, she also now has a four and two year old with him. She was one of the first humans to be cohered into a false relationship. "What were you thinking young lady?" I rolled my head at her before looking at the empty seat next to mine. Nick was with that stvpid wolf girl right now. Being changed, I'm so angry it's ridiculous. "I was thinking, this guy is being a prick. Did you hear him? 'All humans are property.' It's bull shet." I looked up and the whole class looked at me like I had three heads. Talking shet about wolves is one thing, but talking about an alpha is punishable by death, attacking an alpha is an even worse offense. There was then a knock at the door and in walked Erin and her band of mated bestards. "Sorry we're late Mrs." "Erin, how are things between you and bata Monroe?" She blushed, the traitor actually blushed at the mention of his name. "He spoke to me last night about trying for a baby. We need a good strong boy to take over as beta." I scoffed looking at her as she took her seat. "You guys are actually pathetic, why can't it be a girl? Those mutts are basically Neanderthals" I voiced my opinion and saw all the shocked faces around me. Calling the lycans mutts, is the same as them calling us scum. After lesson had ended the entire school was called into the hall for assembly. This is where any human who has been found to have broken the rules were punished, usually 10 lashings were goven out or something similar. "Welcome to the school assembly, congratulations to the alpha twins for finding both your mates. Now on to the business at hand, as the 5 year anniversary of the new world is coming up, we have been informed that the alpha king will be visiting our district next week, this is very exciting news. We want you all to look your absolute best, she wolves and mated females will wear exemplary dresses made by seamstress. Male wolves and mated men will wear tailored suits. Anyone who doesn't comply will be reprimanded." The Alpha King?! No one has met him yet, he took over the throne three years ago when he turned 18. He really didn't make any appearances though, great, this month is going to be a nightmare. "As for the humans, you will be given a new uniform to wear for the visit, these are to be neatly ironed and worn to the highest standard. As for the following humans, based on your attitude this past week, you will be coming to the front and facing punishment. Tony summerset?!" Tony's head shot up as he looked around, he was in the year below but he shared my views when it came to the lycans. He slowly walked up to the front of assembly, almost instantly his top was t0rn in two and he received 10 lashings. A girl named Kara was next and she too received 10 lashings. A few more people went up slowly accepting their fate then suddenly my name was called. "Dylan Riley." Inside I was terrified but I simply shrugged my shoulders, I guess I did kind of expect this. Although I'm not sure if my back can take any more damage. "You attacked an alpha, correct!" His eyes bored into mine as I bowed my head submitting to his authority. "Technically, no." Everyone in the school gym looked on in fear, as my head moved to the front row of the wolf side. Adrian sat, with a werewolf girl in the year below, her name was Jana, I guess he found his mate. Nick and Arya were no where to be seen though. Adrian gave me a shrug as if to say he didn't tell, before smirking at my comment. "He hasn't officially taken the alpha title yet, so he's just..." i looked at the principle and noticed his eyes black and his claws out, he was in what lycans call a half shift, triggered when the subject has become angered. He turned to two security wolves and gave them a nod, Almost immediately i was forced onto my knees, my arm was slammed on a table and held in place by one wolf, while my body was held in place by the other. "Ok, I don't think this is needed, I have alpha blood, a stvpid human girl can't hurt me." My head snapped to Adrian who had stood up in front of the school to stop what was happening. "Nevertheless, humans need to know their place." With that the pressure on my arm increased as our principals hand pulled my sleeve up before a long claw punctured my skin. The searing pain shoting from the fresh wound had my eyes scrunched and my fist clenched, I bit the inside of my cheek hard instantly tasting blood, however no sound left my mouth. He continued to write, using my skin as a canvas and his claws as a marker, it went on forever, my vision blurred slightly at one point as I turned my head away. After minutes of torture, he was done and the pressure on my arm eased, instantly I snatched my arm away, hissing through my teeth at the pain. I was about to scurry off stage, when I was roughly grabbed yet again, my arm being held in the air by the principal while my feet were inches off the floor, blood dripped from the wound and the pattern he had made was on show for everyone to see. Loads of people gasped, even the wolves looked slightly horrified at what had happened. "This is what happens when a human decides to speak out. I can promise, anyone who so much as says one word about our way of life, will have the same punishment." My arm was starting to seriously ache from being held in the air for so long, and the lack of blood flow to my suspended arm was causing me pins and needles, still I refused to make a sound. I held the tears back and I bit my cheek harder causing more blood to fill my mouth. "That's enough Bradley!" Adrian growled, he was still stood up and looking at the scene in front of him. His eyes hard as he stared at the principal a low warning growl erupted from his chest which had the head teacher gulping, he quickly let go of my arm causing me to crash to the floor. A small cry left my mouth as I hit the hard floor. Immediately I scrambled away, my foot just missed the high step leading to the stage and I fell, waiting for the impact of the ground, but it never came. Two strong arms wrapped around me catching my weak body causing me to look up, my eyes widened as I noticed Adrian had caught my falling form. "This isn't part of the human punishment program!" Adrian growled causing me to tense in his grip, I pushed him away from me before fixing my uniform top. The room was deadly silent, taking in the scene in front of them, while I stole a glance at my forearm. Carved into my skin by his devastating claws were two words, words that would most definitely scar my body for life. 'Human scum' "Lessons must be learned, she received lashing merely two days ago, and clearly it had no effect on her." Another growl left Adrian's chest as he stepped on to the stage, I wasn't bothered though, you would think I'd be ashamed but I simply smiled slightly. I fixed my sleeve a little so it wouldn't rub on the fresh wound before speaking. "It doesn't matter," the whole room looked at me shocked by my attitude. "I would rather be labeled human scum, than have any resemblance to your kind. I'm proud of what I am, how many of you can say that?" After my amazing little speech, I walked right down the middle between the humans and lycans and out the door. No more compliance, I'm going to get away with as much as I can without getting into too much bother. There will come a day when the lycans power will fizzle out. When it does I'll be ready, I'll be waiting for the day we take our world back. As for the best part about my plan...

No one can stop me.

"Ouch, not so hard." I seethed as the school nurse cleaned my new wound with antiseptic. "If you had of just kept your mouth shut, this wouldn't have happened." I turned to my right looking out the window at the few clouds that were floating in the blue sky. "Like I said, I'm proud to be human, and now everyone knows what I am." I clenched my fist together as the nurse began wrapping a bandage around my forearm. It had been a good few hours since the incident in the hall, and I had been forced to come to the nurces office after I had tried to clean my wound by splashing it with water from the tap, it also refused to stop bleeding. "You are impossible. Can you please just try and stay out of trouble? For one day, that's all I ask." Our school nurse is a wolf, she's one of them. However she hates the way they treat us mere humans, she thinks we should all just live in peace with equal rights. Like that would ever happen. "All I've done is stay out of trouble, but you are just going to humiliate me anyway, so what's the actual point?" "The pack were discussing a public execution, Dylan. You need to walk on egg shells from now on, not just for you but for your family as well." No ones been publicly executed in over 4 months, I'm flattered they're considering it. They only execute people who they believe are the biggest problems to society. "Well then... I'm flattered." I chuckled, before looking at the patch job. 'Huh, not too shabby.' I quickly stood up from the human nursing station and pulled the sleeve of my shirt down covering the evidence of ever being hurt. "This is serious!" I just gave her a blank look before leaving the room. On the way out I heard her call back to me. "Please just think about it." I gave a clipped nod as I walked away wondering how I'm going to tell my mom about this. Later in the evening... "Dilly why you say that?" Freddie looked up at me with a mouth full of bread. "Don't speak with your mouthful!" My mom scolded him as a bashful blush made its way to his cheeks. "Sowwy mommy." His reply was muffled as he swallowed the last chunk of food. "I said it Freddie, because it's the truth. The wolf race are a pathetic excuse for..." my mom cut me off with an extremely stern look. "Dylan! They have ears everywhere, one more word out of you and it's your room." I scowled, my hatred for the Lycan kind growing stronger as each day passes. "What more can they do to me, lash me? Beat me? Brand me? They've ran out of options." I stated slamming my hands down, then severely regretting it as sharp pain shot though my wound. "What was that?" My head shot to regard my mothers worried expression. Her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were dull and judging as she looked at me. "Nothing, it was nothing." I quickly took my plate in my hand and began to walk to the kitchen. "I'm not really hungry, and I have homework to do!" My mom caught hold of my forearm causing me to drop my plate suddenly, I watched it slowly fall before shattering on the floor. I retracted my arm quickly and turned to Freddie. "Stay there and don't move until it's cleaned up ok sport?" He just nodded with wide eyes, I turned back to my mom and noticed her curious stare on my arm. Her grip shifted to the other side as she turned it around before pulling my sleeve up. The bandage was showing and a bit of blood was seeping though after the wound had been disturbed. "What the hel happened?" My moms eyes widened as she began to fumble with the bandage. Before she could unravel any of it I snatched my arm away. "I had an accident at school. No big." I began to gather the large pieces of the broken plate up ready to put them in the bin. "What did you do Dylan?" She looked at me with pure worry and only then did I realize what the wound must look like to someone who didn't know. "For gods sake! I didn't do it to myself! I got publicly punished at the assembly alright? It's no big deal." Her face dropped instantly and she stepped towards me, causing me to step backwards. "Mom, I'm ok. So back off will you." "What did you do? I've never known them to cut someone's arm as a punishment." Her shock and accusation was evident in her voice and I sighed heavily. "I spoke against the alphas son." I may have hit him too, but I wasn't going to divulge that part to her. "It's not one big cut, mom, it's a brand, 'human scum' carved onto my arm." "They've branded you now too?!" My eyes rolled at her hurt tone as I went to get the dustpan and brush. "You're so much like your father." A sigh left her mouth as she spoke, running a hand through her hair, while I quickly swept up the little pieces of the broken plate. "You've had a new uniform delivered. It's laid out on your bed. Dylan, Please just try and stay respectful in the future, I don't want my daughter to be completely mutilated. Although you're not far off." "Gee, Thanks." I then walked over to my little brother Freddy before blowing a kiss into his neck and hearing him giggle. "So sport, how's school going?" "It's ok." He shrugged before going back to coloring a dinosaur picture in. "Well that's good, stay out of trouble, ok little man?" Heading upstairs and into my room, my thoughts wandered to the permanent graffiti scar very slowly healing on my arm. Disgusting beasts. Think they own the world because they're faster, stronger and can shift. Pah. If you ask me they are not all that.

The second I walked into my room my mouth dropped open. On my bed was some grey pants laid out neatly, which wasn't the surprising part, no, what shocked me was the grey high neck no sleeved button down shirt, every single set of uniform had sleeves except this one. They've done this on purpose those, mutts. They want the world to see my arm and know what a disgusting creature I am. They want the world to know that I, Dylan Riley, am nothing more than 'human scum'.

During the last week, I've been horrible, in class I've been loud in voicing my views, I've insulted at least everyone to some degree, I didn't care about the consequences, and I certainly didn't think about them. I haven't seen Nick at all since he was claimed, and to make matters worse today was the royal visit. Oh yes, werewolves and mated humans alike were spending every waking minute preparing themselves to meet his royal majesty, king of the wolves. Unclaimed Humans however would rather stick pins in their eyes. "Dylan, get down now... you're going to be late." She was right, I was dawdling this morning, I really couldn't be bothered today, I gave myself one last look in the small mirror and sighed when my eyes met my newly uncovered brand. It had bad bruising around the letters, and was still extremely tender to touch, it was definitely healing now though. I made my way down the stairs and came face to face with my mother who was seeing to Freddie, she was helping my brother get his coat on when she turned to me. "You ready sport?" Freddie nodded his little head at me and smiled while I quickly slid my shoes on. "Just Remember, the alpha is bad enough, Dylan, please, please don't do anything to anger the king." My mother stopped us from walking out the door to tell me something she had been telling me continuously for the last couple of days, it was almost as if the entire human population of our district was expecting me to do something stvpid. "Try and have a good day." I rolled my eyes but nodded, even I know not to push the king, he could kil me in the hallway like it was nothing. In fact I plan on staying out of his way for the entirety of the day. "We will see you tonight mom." I stated before me and my brother began our walk to school, his little hand clutched my own tightly as we went. Usually Nick would be with us, as he lives next door, well he used to, now he's residing in the main pack house. I quickly dropped Freddie off at his school and watched him get the wolfsbane neutralizer before walking into him building giving me a small wave before he went in. With my new scar on complete show, and my figure being complimented by the skin tight shirt I was wearing, I sauntered down the street to school, I gave my name and year in and took the wolf's bane neutralizer injection with no problems at all. It was finally getting into school that the problem occurred. Walking through the halls I was met by many looks, some of pity some of disgust. You see every single non mated human in the school was wearing a long sleeved version of the uniform I was given. All the Wolves and mated couples were scattered around in fancy floor length dresses or tailored suits. As I turned the corner I noticed a couple, now this couple happened to catch my eye the most out of all of them because it consisted of Arya and Nick, eating each other's faces off. "What the hel!" Nicks head shot to me as his eyes widened. He too was dressed in a tailored suit, a navy blue tie hung on his neck to match Aryas dress. Why was this happening all the time? It's always my friends that get completely brain washed. I shook my head in disbelief before turning my back on him. I heard his fast footsteps behind me as I rounded the corner. "Dylan?!" He ran right in front of me, stopping me in my tracks, making me drop my bag off my shoulder and almost causing me to bump into him. "Let me just explain..." "Has she marked you?" I mean you could almost see it in his eyes, she had marked him, and knowing the way life goes he's probably even mated with her. "Actually... Don't even answer that." I aggressively picked my bag up off of the floor and stormed off down the hall. "Dylan, just listen to me, Erin was right, it's so hard to resist your soulmate, and Arya is actually ok once you get to know her." I just kept walking, he caught up to me walking beside me but it didn't matter, I completely ignored everything and everyone. 'I'm so not in the mood today' getting into class was good though, I said hello to Mr Foley and took my usual seat. Nick sighed then took his bag off ready to sit next to me, but I snapped before he had the chance. "Traitors and mated idiots sit on that side of the room." I didn't look him in the eye as I pointed to a seat right at the front of the classroom on the opposite side. His eyes widened as he turned his attention back to me. "You can't be serious Dylan." I gave him a blank look before grabbing my book out of my backpack, I placed it on the desk then began to write the date on the top line. "I've sat in this seat for as long as I can remember." I ignored him, his voice sounded sad and shocked. "Dylan? Wait! What is that?!" Before I could react Nick had grabbed hold of my branded arm and turned it to see the letters. "Oh my God! What happened?" I snatched my arm away from him and shrugged as I continued to write in my book before grabbing my water bottle out of my bag. "The principal happened, it was my punishment for speaking out against Adrian and Arya. I wear it with pride." He just held a complete look of disbelief. "You spoke out against them?" I shrugged, what did he think I'd do. "It's no secret that I despise this stvpid new world and the mutts that control it. You were my friend, I wasn't going to let them just take you without saying something, although that is exactly what you seem to have done. Enjoy the view from your new seat!" "Don't be like that, Dylan, I'm your best friend, I'm sorry about your arm, but..." my eyes rolled inside my head at my friends words. "Anything with the word 'but' in, isn't an apology, it's a rationalization." I took a drink of water from my bottle and kept my eyes facing forward, ignoring his every attempt to try and talk to me. "Dylan?.. Dylan?... Do you know what? Erin is right, if you push us all away you won't have any friends left." He huffed before walking over to the empty seat and sitting down, I could feel him glancing up at me every now and again but I didn't respond. "Good morning class, please settle down." He looked at me then at Nick and frowned, we've never sat apart, we were friends before the new world even began. I just shook my head telling him to forget it. "So... as you know the king will be arriving in a short while, but until then lessons will go on as normal." Its funny seeing teachers in the same uniform your wearing, mr Foley and his wife are the coolest. Human teachers and doctors only have slightly more respect than we do. Because of Mr Foley's status him and his wife have better access to food and drink, Mrs Foley is cool, sometimes she even makes sure mr Foley brings some in for me. Ya know, coz I'm their favorite student. It's not in a weird way, it's just they were friends of the family before the new wold took effect. Mr Foley and my dad were buddies from high school, so it goes without sayin really. "All the mated humans will be at the front of each years line again, after that you will all be placed in status, Nick, as your mated to Alpha Arya, you'll be at the front of your line. Dylan as you have been branded..." his voice trailed off as he looked at me. "Yeah yeah, I'll be at the back of the line behind everyone. I get it." I huffed, moving my sight towards the window once more. "I am sorry." I turned to face Mr Foley again, he looked genuinely upset and that look of pity wasn't something I wanted to see. I gave him a clipped nod then turned away again. "Anyway, on to the subject matter, 'Of Mice and Men, page 64, Nick why don't you start us off with the reading."

"Of course sir." Nick began reading the book but I switched off, today is going to be a long day. After almost an hour and a half of reading comprehension, the bell chimed signaling lunch. I shot up and out of the classroom before anyone could say anything. Today, I was avoiding drama like the plague.

I wandered the corridors straight to the lunch hall. All the people I would normally hang out with we're all mated so I grabbed my lunch quickly, and sat down at the end of the human table. Let me lay the lunch hall out for you. On one side of the room you have two long rows of tables, with simple benches that make it look like prison, on the other side of the room you have multiple round tables with fancy chairs. Yup you get it. The humans sit at the prison tables and the wolves and traitors sit on the fancy tables, they get fancy food, fancy drink and most importantly they get pudding. what I would give to have some pudding. "Dylan can we just talk?" Nick quickly took the spot next to me as he set his lunch tray down. I looked at his food which had been placed on a ceramic, circular white plate. God that looked good. I sighed knowing he was going to talk anyway. "Fine, you have two minutes." I used my fork to take a bit of pasta off his plate and shoved it into my mouth. God that was good. "After I left school, I was taken to the pack house with Arya, and I really got to know her. It took a few days for me to finally accept being with her, but ever since life has been ok, and the sax... well that's a whole other story." Eww, I didn't need that mental image in my head. "I'm glad your happy." I stated before deciding I had no appetite. His face held shock before he sighed in relief. "That means a lot Dylan, I mean you know that your opinion matters to me." I cut him off before he could say anything else. "I said I was glad your happy. I didn't say I approved of what you've done. You've basically turned into one of THEM, I can't ever forgive you for that." He looked hurt, but I couldn't care less about his feelings. He placed his hand gently on my arm and went to open his mouth when a growl sounded out. All heads whipped to where it came from, Arya was stood holding a glass of soda and a plate, she was looking right at me and Nick and I would totally be dead if looks could kil. Nick quickly retracted his hand, his whole face fell and you could see sorrow flood his irises. "You sit with me now, get away from that, that... scum!" Wow, Nick was such a lucky guy. NOT. "You heard her. Get away from me, go sit with your new friends. I'm happy for you, and I understand where your coming from, but don't come up to me again and pretend you didn't betray your own kind. Don't pretend you didn't betray me." I shoved a little bit of food into my mouth before standing up and walking out of the cafeteria, leaving my tray on the table. I was walking through the hallway to the classroom, you see I decided to spend lunch with Mr Foley in his room, when I happened to hear voices in the corridor. "Is it wise for her to actually be present when the king arrives? Surely she could be placed in the dungeons, it might actually teach her some respect?" My principal was speaking to the alpha of our district, huh, if I stayed and listened do you think they'd notice, maybe they could smell me?! "Everyone is to be present, if the Riley girl does one thing out of line she will be dealt with severely, child or not. That girl has been a blight to the district since day one, she's dangerous, if she puts one hair out of place I will personally break her into submission." Oh shet, they were talking about me specifically, and they mentioned the dungeon, that's not been used in months. Normally I would have listened in more but something about the entire situation didn't sit right with me, all of a sudden, I was on edge, and simply wasn't interested in the slightest in hearing how my misery was to be enhanced. I backed up slightly before turning around and bumping head first into one of the hottest man I had ever seen. I lost my balance immediately and fell straight on to the floor letting out a small grumble in the process. His eyebrows knitted together quickly and his breath hitched in his throat as he looked upon my fallen state and gasped. "Mate!" He whispered, his eyes fixated on mine. Now, I had seen and heard that many times to know what that means, I gasped before taking a step back. 'No, no, no, no, no. This can not be happening.' He growled slightly before stepping towards me. Oh Shet!
submitted by QueasyStorage637 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:43 False_Dragonfly172 Minecraft Campaign 1 Endings Explained (Choices and Consequences Explained)

Minecraft's first-ever campaign features five unique endings (SOF Ending, CORS Ending, COE Ending, Lone Wolf Ending, and the Brotherhood Ending). Most of these endings are the same, with the biggest differences located in the Brotherhood's ending. I will explain the choices and consequences that factor into the differences in each ending. I am doing this because replaying the story is NOT WORTH IT! It takes a long time to get back to Act 3, and you are not missing much in the ending variety. Unless you want to experience unique boss fights. Yet most of the boss fights are the same.
This ending is only worth doing if you have completed each side's quest in favor of the society of freedom. This includes Killing the Ice King, taking the nether star, telling Roberto the truth about Virgil, saving Foo Foo, creating the antidote, helping Melinda with her golden carrot, and giving Monty's love letter to Melinda. The society will be very weak if you do not assemble all the members. In some cases where the side quests are not completed or not completed in favor of the society, only Roberto Flemen and Dr. Kynes will be in Act 3 (this does not change everything; it just changes the characters who give certain story-specific items. The society will be much weaker without the full army and thus Act 3 will be much harder). The epilogue will also feature a smaller version of Freedom Town.
Synopsis: Fight Janice Dei (the society ending with only unique boss fight) to get the flint and steel. Use the portal gateway to kill Ramon and Gregory. Use Kyne's lab to travel to Bedrock Castle. Fight Mother of Nature, Vargas, Mad Librarian, Twin Witches, and The Admin. Choose Norman or Billy. Fight Ender Dragon. You wake up at Freedom Town and choose to be mayor or adventure into the world. Find the mirror and either Billy or Norman (who vow to make you suffer and find Issac). Get message from Angel. The End.
Only do this ending if you do the side quests in favor of this cult. This means not stealing water of life, not killing the general, and not giving the Virgil intel to Roberto. If you weaken the cult and then side with them, Act 3 will again be MUCH harder.
Synopsis: Travel under the base to the Warden's ruins and fight the ghost of the Warden. Establish a home in the Mushroom Temple with Ramon. Travel with the general through Mushroom portals to defeat Gregory the Grim and Roberto Cullen in his mech. Use Ramon's secret portal to travel to the Bedrock Castle. Fight Mother of Nature, Vargas, Mad Librarian, Twin Witches, and The Admin (using the ghost warden's abilities that you get after killing him at the beginning of Act 3). Choose Norman or Billy. Fight Ender Dragon. Wake up at Mushroom Island, a secret cult sanctuary built by Ramon as they are wanted by the village trade network (same as the society of freedom). He gives you the choice to lead the cult or adventure in the world on your own (same as the society of freedom). He gives you coordinates for Angel's Shack in the swamp. Find the mirror and either Billy or Norman (who vow to make you suffer and find Issac). Get message from Angel. The End.
(the society of freedom and the cult of the red shroom are essentially the same in terms of endings except for different characters and locations for the home base and epilogue. The only difference being the Ramon Fight and the Roberto Flemen fight (and the Janice Dei fight).
Only do this ending if you do the side quests in favor of this cult. This means giving the nether star back to Alice Grim and doing the extra unlockable Alice Grim side quest in Act 2 (this is only unlockable if you give her the nether star). If you weaken this cult and side with them, Act 3 will be MUCH harder.
Synopsis: Establish a home in the Ender Spyre. Travel with Alice Grim through Ice portals to defeat Ramon and Roberto Flemen in his mech. Use Gregory's secret portal to travel to the Bedrock Castle. Fight Mother of Nature, Vargas, Mad Librarian, Twin Witches, and The Admin. Choose Norman or Billy. Use the Warden, in the End, to tame and ride the Ender Dragon with Gregory to the countryside and destroy the winter season (this makes it so it cannot snow in your world, and there are no more ice or snow biomes) (you will not have to fight the Warden as the dragon kills it once it is tamed). The dragon then dies of weakness from its fire breath. Gregory establishes a democracy with the village trade network, and the two factions join under the label "The Countryside People." In the epilogue, you live at the Ender Spyre. Franklin and Gregory ask you to lead the Countryside People. You have the choice to accept or adventure in the world. Gregory gives you the coordinates to Angel's Shack. Find the mirror and either Billy or Norman (who vow to make you suffer and find Issac). Get message from Angel. The End.
Only do this ending if you have not done any side quests or have not fully shown loyalty to one specific faction. This Act 3 is hard as you are all alone, apart from the help of Franklin.
Synopsis: Establish a home in Franklin's Village/Radio Tower. Use the village trade network portals to kill Ramon, Gregory, and Roberto Flemen in his mech. Use Franklin's secret portal to travel to the Bedrock Castle. Fight Mother of Nature, Vargas, Mad Librarian, Twin Witches, and The Admin. Choose Norman or Billy. Use the Warden to kill the Ender Dragon, but then have to fight the Warden in another boss fight after the dragon as it goes crazy. In the epilogue, you live in Franklin's village. The village trade network appoints Franklin as its new leader, and Franklin gives you the choice to become mayor of his village or adventure in the world. He then gives you the coordinates of Angel's shack. Find the mirror and either Billy or Norman (who vow to make you suffer and find Issac). Get message from Angel. The End.
Only do this ending if you have not done any side quests or have not fully shown loyalty to one specific faction. This ending makes Act 3 very easy.
Synopsis: In Act 2, Intermission, you travel to the Eye Casino again, and the Admin makes you kill either Norman or Billy in cold blood to prove your loyalty to him (this is the replacement for choosing them in Act 3 in the bedrock castle). (if you choose not to kill any of them, the Admin will teleport you back to the real world, and you will be given the four other ending choices with Franklin's radio tower again). You then establish a new base with the Admin in the end in his bedrock castle. You ride the Ender dragon with Vargas to kill Gregory the Grim, you ride the Ender dragon with the Mad Librarian to kill Roberto Flemen in his mech, you ride the Ender dragon with Mother of Nature to kill Ramon, and you travel with Connie and Bonnie to kill Mayor Franklin and his army of village trade network soldiers (this is the only somewhat unique boss fight in this ending). You then return to the bedrock castle and are invited to the bedrock sanctuary. The Admin tells you the truth about his wife and that he has been looking for someone worthy and strong enough to kill him finally, as his powers make it so he cannot commit suicide. He gives you admin powers, and you have a final fight with him; in the process of the epic admin power fight, the dragon is also killed (this fight is much grander and epic in scale compared to the regular Admin fight aa this time you have admin powers instead of warden powers or no powers at all). In the epilogue, the four henchmen of the admin ask you to become the new admin and rule the End and the Bedrock castle. You can choose to lead them as the new admin or adventure in the world. They show you the vault and you find the coordinates to Angel's shack. Find the mirror and either Billy or Norman (who vow to make you suffer and find Issac). Get message from Angel. This time, Angel will thank you for freeing William but will be very angry at you for helping him take his anger out on innocent people and killing all your friends. She will seem like she does not want to watch over you but does anyway because you freed William, and there is a "chance" that you may be good. The End
This is everything. Thank you for reading! Mojang seems to tease a sequel at the end of the campaign!
submitted by False_Dragonfly172 to u/False_Dragonfly172 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:29 Low-Entropy Fischkopf Top 148: All tracks by Fischkopf Hamburg listed, ranked, and commented

Here it is. Every track that was put out by the label Fischkopf Hamburg, from all records they released. Listed, ordered, with a little comment / short review / description added to each one. Note that the "chart" concept might be a bit misleading here: Essentially, we love *all* Fischkopf tracks and think they are great. So, if a track is at number 101 or 124 in this chart, this does not mean it's a bad track - to the contrary! It's all good stuff (but some is a little better ;) We just thought the charts format would be a good idea; to present the label's catalogue, increase awareness of its music, and give somewhat of an overview of the material the label released. (And some of the comments aim to be in the typical tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted attitude, and style of the 90s hardcore fanzines)
More info about Fischkopf Hamburg can be found here:
But let us begin:
1.Taciturne - Phenprocoumon
very inventive hardcore techno track. a good example of the kind of music Fischkopf Records released. commodore amiga hardcore sound. uses broken, unusual rhythms, not typical 4/4 hardcore techno sequences. very noisy and abrasive. at the same time, a "far eastern" ambient melody is used in this track, which is very calm and soothing. this creates a very interesting clash between the harsh, abrasive elements, and the calm melody.
2.Auto-Psy - Oxyde
A legendary track made by Stella Michelsen. Hardcore Techno. From France. Industrial. Raw. Surreal. Manipulated vocals. Ambient elements. Immortal.
3.No Name - Latex
Aggressive Overture produced by Poka Michelson. Extremely unorthodox. Noisy. Close to avantgarde music. Glorious.
4.Fields Of Defacement - Urticated
Acidcore. Experimental. Project by Lasse Steen. Unusual sound. Hypnotic melody. Very Techno-like.
5.Christoph De Babalon - Babylon 90210
Dreamy. Futuristic. Sci-Fi. Jungle, Breakcore. Done on an amiga 500. By a producer from Hamburg.
6.Amiga Shock Force - Keep Your Enemies Close
By cult producers from germany. Not really hardcore techno. Almost soft, calm. Use of breakbeats. Commodore Amiga sound. Digital, lofi, sizzling. Very good.
7.Cybermouse - My Dorectives
Proto-Doomcore techno track. Very unusual. Entrancing. Techno-style. Drone that gets modulated throughout the track. Mid-tempo. Use of loops. Creates a surreal feel.
8.Eradicator - You're Lieing Pig
The only breakcore track on the "Agit Prop" LP. very lo fi, very thin sound. strange sound fx, bleeps, almost videogame-like sounds. overdriven breakbeat rhythm running throughout the track. sparsely used other elements such as distorted guitars and an aggressive vocal sample. great work by Patric Catani under his "Eradicator" alias.
9.Fields Of Defacement - Bang-Bang (Live In Hamburg 96)
Live recording. Brutal. Acidcore. With gabber and general hardcore elements. Entrancing. Exalted. Shows the power of a hardcore techno live performance.
10.Taciturne - Mourning
Probably the best known track by Taciturne next to "Der Toten". was included in Manu Le Malin's "Biomechanik" compilation. Use of ambient sounds next to a midtempo, industrial hardcore techno drum. very minimal, very few elements, not even hi hats snares or other percussion apart from the drum. crispy noisy 8 bit commodore amiga sound. legendary track.
11.Eradicator - Thou Shall Kill
one of the best tracks on the agit prop LP. fast beats, guitars, synth, noises, and a strange vocal.
12.Cybermouse - Overreacting
electro beats. non four-to-the-floor rhythm. commodore amiga sound.
13.Monoloop - Underwater Trumpet
very interesting. unique early breakcore. drone, ambient sounds mixed with hard and rough breakbeats. very surreal, futuristic. this track could only have been produced in hamburg.
14.Auto-Psy - Neutron
experimental merciless distorted ambient hardcore techno.
15.Burning Lazy Persons - If The Truth Be Known
very brutal. one of the hardest by burning lazy persons. guitars and fast beats.
16.Orderly Chaos - Melt Away Love
pure ambient track. interesting, repeated melody. wonderful track.
17.No Name - Control
one of the most classic and most fierce hardcore tracks. if you haven't heard this one, you are missing out!
18.Mathey Olivier - Residential Volume
heavy and loud drums, noises, funny intro.
19.R.A.W. - Cold War Memory Nightmare
great, great early breakcore. interesting use of sounds and "melody". also a good but haunting cold-war feel.
20.EPC - Where Do You Go?
perfect hardcore track, with radar / space-transmission like sounds. very industrial.
21.Fields Of Defacement - Attached
one of the most bittersweet dark and disturbing melodies in hardcore techno. set to arrhythmic beats and fragile manipulated percussion.
22.Eradicator - Titan
included on the 90s hardcore cd compilation "mururoa test 1". truly experimental hard electronics.
23.Amiga Shock Force - Psycore Pt. 1
slow intro. amiga computer sounds. hissing, noisy, overdriven. surreal feel.
24.Taciturne - In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi
samples the chuch of satan. non 4/4 beats. slow, distorted, noisy. dark and scary.
25.Trash Enemy HQ - Pestilence
truly interesting track. acid sounds. very dark and epic melody. no real hardcore beats and rhythm. close to industrial.
26.Eradicator - Brujeria
perfect bloodthirsty "e-de cologne"-style gabber. shouts and heavy metal guitars.
27.Christoph De Babalon - Pleased With Being Alive
one of our favorite christoph de babalon tracks. pure future and cyberdelic feel. a true classic.
28.Taciturne - Der Toten
the one and only fischkopf track that became a real "hit". was in high demand in the dutch gabber scene and ended up on countless compilations. as you probably already know this track, I don't need to describe it here :-)
29.Cybermouse - War Is Hell
maybe the most brutal track by cybermouse. early speedcore. very minimal. anti-war message.
30.M.C.P. - Overload 30303
arhythmic hardcore inferno
31.Auto-Psy - If
when i played this track, a guy once asked me "what kind of terrorist music is this?". good description!
32.Eradicator - M.C.P.
samples the movie tron. genuine 90s experimental hardcore.
33.No Name - Ydroid
Slick and without mercy.
34.Taciturne - Haematopan F
hardcore to blow your teeth out.
35.Cybermouse - Gulp
also one of cybermouse's most hardcore tracks. midtempo bounding 909 next to acid sounds.
36.Christoph De Babalon - I Own Death
the first track on his fisch 12". long, long intro. then it unleashes its full force with distorted breakbeats and a powerful melody.
37.Eradicator - Used Against Us (Remix)
Experimental gabber, ambient intro, rough sound, metal guitars. Juno hoover rave sounds. Murderous, nasty, and epic.
38.Auto-Psy - Escape
one of the most outstanding "hardcore" tracks ever. a symphony of drones, fx, noises and bassdrums. over seven minutes.
39.Burning Lazy Persons - Hyper Bitch
an early speed record. brutal and shocking.
40.No Name - Koma
so psycho, so evil, so mean. can you take it?
41.Auto-Psy - Go Out
a submarine is out of control, explosions shake the vessel, metal clanking is heard, and people scream in terror. then the sounds fade out into the cold dark blue depths.
42.Monoloop - Underwater Feelings (Live Alone Mix)
one of the most interesting tracks on this ep. fake live act. ferocious early breakcore with sophisticated production values.
43.Monoloop - Underwater Feelings
very sweet, very relaxed ambient sounds, mixed with hard breakbeats. pianos, water splashing, whales' whistling.
44.Amiga Shock Force - 24 Hour Connection
another true amigacore classic! ruthless and heavy.
45.Cybermouse - Datenvernichtung
comparable to early french noisecore. nice and evil.
46.Taciturne - Phenylephrin-Hydrochlorid
everyone knows "mourning" and "der toten", but this one is great too. proto-doomcore with a haunting drone, then gets faster towards the end.
47.Eradicator - Worringen
Heavy track with pounding steel drums, noisy synths, screams, everything you need.
48.Eradicator - Fucking Bitch Called Walker
Is that patric screaming? Menacing uncoventional hardcore gabber techno.
49.Cybermouse - Noishead
Early noise hardcore. The noise treatment for hardcore heads.
50.No Name - 01100010
didn't the german dance act "das modul" have a similar track title? but this one is hardcore, for sure!
51.Cybermouse - Adrenalin Structure
first track of the first fischkopf release. epic. was first released on an commodore amiga diskette magazine. not 4/4 hardcore, but wicked and strange electro sounds.
52.Monoloop - Chill Out
breakcore madness in between being chilled (as indicated by the piano) and being killed (as indicated by the screams).
53.M.C.P. - Overload MS 50
very aphex twin like, great experimental hardcore.
54.EPC - Autoplasie
Noisecore for your mind!
55.Burning Lazy Persons - Frd
a hammer coming down on your skull.
56.P. Server - Wires (Break)
a recording of audio wires that have been broken?
57.Fields Of Defacement - Uptight
melancholic melodic hard core tech-no?
58.EPC - R 624-2
Techno chopped up and turned into noise. Very analogue feel.
59.EPC - Persistance
Oh what a beatiful noise!
60.Eradicator - I Cum Blood
Evil experimental gabber insanity.
61.Auto-Psy - Ovoide
first track on this great ep. sounds that invoke the images of a runaway train accelerating straight to hell.
62.Auto-Psy - Andropose
the tranquil intro might give you the impression it's time to relax now, on this ep. but then the beats hammer on.
63.Eradicator - Destroy It Yourself (Remix)
March into hardcore disturbia..
64.Taciturne - Liquid Theatre
strange ambient intro. cult track.
65.M.C.P. - Overload RZ-1
hardcore machines got out of control and force people to dance to their death.
66.Auto-Psy - Clear
"null... null... null..." when i put on this record for the first time, i totally fell in love with this sound and all that followed.
67.P. Server - Ratings (Terror Unit H.Q.)
cool monotonous acidcore track.
68.M.C.P. - Overload Sigma
mental gabber up your cranium.
69.Amiga Shock Force - Sex, Mord Und Kunst
one of the fastest tracks of its era. hyperfast beats next to crazy rap samples.
70.Taciturne - Boys Don't Cry (Revisited)
robert smith would be proud!
71.No Name - Black Dream
help me. i hear voices. they are distorted. just as the drums.
72.No Name - 0.Vin .I
slowing down a bit. but not one bit less relentless.
73.Mathey Olivier - Easy Recording Aera
the last track of the last official fischkopf release. going out with a bang! and it's good-bye.
74.No Name - Kamasutra
i wonder what kamasutra technique inspires one to produce such devilish hardcore from hell like this. but then, it might be better to not find out.
75.Eradicator - Us Against Us
not as good as the revisit, but great nevertheless. tough experimental gabber.
76.Amiga Shock Force - Violent Geisha
mix between breakcore and early speedcore with an amiga feel.
77.Burning Lazy Persons - Poisoned Radio Wave
ooh, painful audio signals and overly distorted hardcore drums. i'm luving it.
78.Eradicator - Streptocock Gee
one of two true breakcore tracks patric catani did for fischkopf. excellent!
79.Taciturne - Praxis Dr. Fischer
Legendary drone-speedcore track. Doctor Fischer has the cure for you! Just go to his praxis.
80.Monoloop - The Dreamer
already a foreshadowing of the "ambient-breakcore" on fischkopf 13. epic!
81.Burning Lazy Persons - Garden Of The Permanent
this is crazy!
82.Burning Lazy Persons - Nakano Shit
man, this is some of the roughest hardcore that i ever heard.
83.EPC - Infectious Properties
these sounds bash right through your skull.
84.Fields Of Defacement - Found & Lost
Stones and flowers on the ground We are found and lost But love is gonna save us
85.Burning Lazy Persons - Fake
"die maschinen die maschinen die maschinen"? whatever. this machine kills!
86.Eradicator - Impulse To Destroy
the other "oversize" track on the agit prop LP. fierce drums and percussion. plenty of noise.
87.Eradicator - Distorted
Very distorted indeed! Fantastic.
88.Eradicator - Split Wide Open
Powerful radical hardcore with acid elements.
89.Burning Lazy Persons - Catastro
The overdose of noise and drums.
90.Taciturne - Krach-Aran-RMX
Now this is just krach! But a good one.
91.Eradicator - Cologne Boring M.F.
Hyperfast mental metal hardcore madness.
92.Orderly Chaos - 45m
The so real dark ambient experience.
93.Burning Lazy Persons - Kone Kane Dayone
a very very wild ride.
94.P. Server - Pulley
excellent lasse steen production. has some rave elements.
95.Amiga Shock Force - Mass Appeal Madness
one of the most "poppy" tracks on fischkopf as it samples james brown. crazy hardcore gabber.
96.Jean Bach - Tausend Stimmen
very crazy and over the top track by jean bach. heavy distortion.
97.Eradicator - Destroy It Yourself
Sepultura samples, weird noises, gabber drums - perfect!
98.Christoph De Babalon - Promise, Broken
total future psychedelic breakcore.
99.Trash Enemy H. Q. - Braintraining
noise and distortion with a painful sound without drums or anything else.
100.Taciturne - Avarie De Machine
made up of sounds of heavy machinery? great!
101.No Name - Message
we got the message and the message was clear.
102.No name - Help
get on a hardcore trip faster than light.
103.Eradicator - Starving
epic ambient intro.
104.No Name - Start E·nd
it starts and ends in torturous hardcore agony.
105.No Name - A
"a" total french insane techno track.
106.Monoloop - Second Trumpet
in style similar to the other 3 tracks on fisch 13. has a heavy jazz feel.
107.Shangoe - Army Of Darkness
interesting breakcore out of hamburg.
108.Eradicator - Agitprop Troop
interesting noise experiment.
109.Eradicator - Forkboy
early speedcore track. guitars and hyperspeed drums.
110.Taciturne - Dexpanthenol
riots of noise, distortion, and brutality.
111.Monoloop - Drum Da Style
stylish early breakcore.
112.Mathey Olivier - Second Transmission
mad scientist hardcore.
113.Mathey Olivier - Well Done!
the acid sounds from outer space invade the second part of this great french hardcore track. well done indeed!
114.P. Server - Epigraph
lasse steen delivers with this great dark acidtechno track.
115.Taciturne - Krank
total "kranker" hardcore!
116.P. Server - Plunger
all power to the 303!
117.P. Server - Psave
legit 90s acid hardcore. rough production values, almost as if mastered from cassette tape.
118.P. Server - Dispatching
hardcore up your acid!
119.Fields Of Defacement - Dark.R
the 808 gets the full-on distortion treatment.
120.Eradicator - Enter Three Witches
one of two "oversize" tracks on the agit prop LP. on four-to-the floor beats. ambient outro.
121.Eradicator - Widerstand
noisy agit prop sounds!
122.P. Server - Banging Happening
123.Fields Of Defacement - Corkscrew
Wonderful monotonous hardcore without bleeps or melodies.
124.Amiga Shock Force - Shoot 'em Breax
A perfect early breakcore track. Hip hop and guitars.
125.Cybermouse - Obstreperous
Very experimental techno / hardcore track. Acid like sounds, great use of percussion, and a sci-fi feel.
126.P. Server - Metal Disposition
acid gabber brutality.
127.Burning Lazy Persons - "R"
vicious nice and nasty track by nawoto suzuki.
128.Burning Lazy Persons - Dorami De Onanie (240 Vers.)
faster onanism.
129.Johnny Ego - Untitled
again an interesting hamburg breakbeat track.
130.Orderly Chaos - Pine
painful sounds and pure ambient.
131.R.A.W. - Sudden Death
the other r.a.w. track from the otaku compilation. impressive as well!
132.EPC & A.N.T.I. - Sharpomatic
noisy hardcore with a total "piss off!" attitude.
133.Burning Lazy Persons - Dorami De Onanie
onanism will give you a mental disorder that allows you to create wonderful nasty hardcore tracks like this.
134.Burning Lazy Persons - Fish Tenpuraaaaa
fish fried well, and served for this solid hardcore dish.
135.Burning Lazy Persons - Mongolian Chop
typical nawoto suzuki. mental and dangerous. awesome.
136.Burning Lazy Persons - Niko Niko Satujin Dan
ooh I'm freaking out.
137.Taciturne - Boys Don't Cry RMX
the original "remix" version. i'm also lovin' it.
138.Taciturne - Evil Dead
a kick straight to the face.
139.P. Server - Intensioner
wonderful acid techno.
140.Eradicator - Liebe Und Verbrechen
very strange and surreal gabber track.
141.Monoloop - For The Lord
monumental, experimental and exceptional breakcore with a runtime of over 7 minutes.
142.Burning Lazy Persons - Rotter…damn
funny piss take on rotterdam hardcore. includes a piano, but not in a typical happy gabber way!
143.Burning Lazy Persons - T.C.H.C.
nasty and nice.
144.Monoloop - Kills Again
a track to die for.
145.Monoloop - Free Man
noone is ever free. except the experimental hardcore resistance! (or, in this case, early breakcore).
146.Taciturne - Nightchildren RMX
lullaby of terror for the night children.
147.Taciturne - Mo Punk RMX
do you feel lucky, punk?
148.Monoloop - She's A Lion
early breakcore from hamburg
So, that's it! Over and out. Did you like our charts? Let us know!
submitted by Low-Entropy to TheHcTechnoOverDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:19 CaterpillarOdd2585 MOVE IN ASAP

Location: University Park Apartments, third floor apartment. Address: 9201 Nelson Park Cir, Orlando, FL 32817 Room: You’ll get the spacious master bedroom with an attached bathroom. Shared Spaces: Kitchen, living room, and laundry room. Convenience: Valencia East Campus is just half a mile away, and UCF is a quick 5-10 minute drive. Rent: Around $750/month, including utilities!
This is a great opportunity for a student or professional looking for a comfortable and convenient living situation. If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to message me. We need someone to move in ASAP, so don’t wait—first come, first served!
Looking forward to hearing from you! We have two cats who are very friendly but they stay in our space! Very affordable and we need someone to move in asap! You can stay for the summer or if you want when the lease is up for renewal in the fall you can resign and stay longer! Please anyone interested message quick! We need someone quick as our third roommate had to leave due to family issues!
submitted by CaterpillarOdd2585 to UCFstudenthousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:49 cheesenotyours [NYC] Rent Increase notices for month-to-month rentals where I pay a month's rent in advance

I am a month-to-month tenant, and have an agreement where rent for the next month is due a month prior (i.e., July's rent is due June 1st, June's rent was due May 1st). It's a non-regulated apartment.
For non-regulated month-to-month rentals, my understanding is that the landlord needs to give written notice 30days in advance of increasing rent, or terminating the "lease."
If I am paying rent for July on June 1st, can the landlord increase the rent for July on May 31st? The increased amount of rent that I pay will be due June 1st, less than 30days, but the rent will be applied towards July. Is this sufficient notice from the landlord?
Or do they need to give me notice 30days before my next rent payment (e.g., a notice on May 31st to increase rent due on July 1st, which will be applied to August's rent).
I've been looking at NY's residential tenants' rights guide for reference
Thank you in advance.
submitted by cheesenotyours to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:31 CaterpillarOdd2585 MOVE IN ASAP!

Location: University Park Apartments, third floor apartment. Address: 9201 Nelson Park Cir, Orlando, FL 32817 Room: You’ll get the spacious master bedroom with an attached bathroom. Shared Spaces: Kitchen, living room, and laundry room. Convenience: Valencia East Campus is just half a mile away, and UCF is a quick 5-10 minute drive. Rent: Around $750/month, including utilities!
This is a great opportunity for a student or professional looking for a comfortable and convenient living situation. If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to message me. We need someone to move in ASAP, so don’t wait—first come, first served!
Looking forward to hearing from you! We have two cats who are very friendly but they stay in our space! Very affordable and we need someone to move in asap! You can stay for the summer or if you want when the lease is up for renewal in the fall you can resign and stay longer! Please anyone interested message quick! We need a third roommate as our roommate had to leave due to family issues! Please feel free to message me about to any questions!
submitted by CaterpillarOdd2585 to ValenciaCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:33 thnhngyn Gauging interest for Potential PV2 Studio Summer Sublease (June 17th-Sept 20th)

I currently live in a PV2 Studio and I have a lease renewal for 2024-25. I was planning on staying in Irvine to work, but my hours got cut to where it might be cheaper to quit my job, live at home, and sublease my studio. I'm not sure yet, so I can't guarantee it but would anyone be interested in subletting June 17th-Sept 20th? You'd have your own bathroom, kitchen, living space, no roommates, fully furnished.
Rent + utilities is basically $1700/month, and going up starting July. But, I would be keeping MOST of my stuff in the apartment, so I'd lower the rent to $1400/month and cover utilities.
Stuff including, but not limited to, Keurig, extra desk/chair, standing mirror, TV, beside table, desktop monitor, and kitchen and cleaning supplies that you'd be free to use. You'd have half the closet and dresser space probably. I also own a cat so some of her stuff would be there. I sleep on my own mattress, not the PV2 one so you'd have a basically new mattress (guests have used it like 5 times).
Again, I'm not completely sure about subleasing/quitting my job.
submitted by thnhngyn to UCI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:22 TheBroadcasterTB DOODLE

Yeah so I didn’t win the doodle for google thing so I figured id share my submission here. Below will be the explanation behind the art for those curious. I apologize for any spelling, grammatical, and/or factual errors.
This is MY dream for the next 25 years.
The g contains a sample of the symbols for common religions/theologies from around the world and the wood grain represents a dinner table, the place to share meals and good stories and the hope that one day there will be peace enough to eat in the presence of someone completely different of you. I dream for tolerance, no matter the vast amount of differences we share.
The o contains a few but not anywhere near all of the species currently endangered of extinction living in our oceans and bodies of water. They deserve our help, I dream to see them return in thriving numbers and for them to have clean seas to live in.
The second o is for the horn of Africa. Their region has provided for this entire world for a very long time and yet they still face hunger and many other struggles that are simply a tragedy when thinking of all they provide both in services and goods such as food, resources, and materials for construction and clothing. I dream to see them be thanked, fully, for what they have lost and given.
The g is symbolic of the drinking water of the world, and the lack of that many face. The green boarder contains many words from across the world that mean “water”. I dream for a day that water is free and everyone has clean water to drink, cook with, bathe with, and play in.
The L has become a tree, it grows tall and shades and protects the others like I wish I could myself. It is a baobab tree, one at risk of extinction and some of the largest trees to grace our planet. My dream is to see them one day, to travel and connect with the many astounding parts of this world, to see the people and hear their dreams and loves, to know their fears and to know the places they adored as children. I dream to speak with the ancient things of this world, and I dream to see them thrive as they are even in the face of extinction.
The final G is symbolic of the beloved groves of 🍉, of their beautiful streets, high flying birds, and their wild, free children that run through their streets. It is for the hope, and the untamable resistance that lives in the ruined streets of Gaza. It is for the loved ones that now only dance in their creator’s embrace and the warm rays of the sunset. The final letter is for those who have suffered, for those bearing the crushing weight of oppression. I am sorry, for what I have not done I am sorry. I dream of everyone being free and safe to raise their families, safe to go to school, and safe to rest their heads after a long day of being alive.
That is my dream for the next 25 years, and forever after that.
submitted by TheBroadcasterTB to AmselTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:10 Hot_Entertainment322 Wood or German?

Wood or German?
1st photo looks like a nymph. 2nd is dead adult/casing. Gf and I moved into apartment and found the casing and a live one first day and the little guy about 4 days later with no more in between. We spray wondercide almost everywhere. I bought advion and rope caulk to seal many things. I am planning on sealing gaps on cabinets with wood/caulk. Any tips or tricks lmk please. I hate roaches and I’ll fight this war.
Context: We found a cheaper apartment complex and we saw the unit before we signed the lease and they told us 6 eyes were supposed to walk the unit as inspection. Our move in sheet was full so they gonna hate us but grease was splattered on walls and top of cabinets were absolutely disgusting as well as under the fridge and oven. I am becoming obsessive with being “roach free home” and I don’t want to affect my relationship or stress levels.
We have yet to bring any food or electronics into the apartment and have only brought furniture.
submitted by Hot_Entertainment322 to GermanRoaches [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:49 robot_guilliman My BAO 2024 Experience (Long Read)

Come and behold: an odyssey of two men that both claimed they just wanted to have an enjoyable Round 6 at the BAO 2024, and how that all went to hell after just 2 phases. This is a long read so strap yourselves in and get a tea or something, because I'm not giving you a TL;DR, you have to suffer like I did.
Now I’ll be honest, I’m not a perfect player. I don’t know every rule. I make mistakes. The match was Talons of the Emperor Custodes (myself) and Hypercrypt Necrons (my “good-natured” opponent). I ran a rather generic list, and he was running 4 C’tan with a very thin offering of 3 flayed one units and two sets of Lokhust heavy destroyers with Lokhust lords due to points. My main game plan was to just kill his non-C’tan stuff and then try to die efficiently wrapping his C’tan up in melee so they couldn’t jump around, limiting his ability to score with only a few models. The mission was Take and Hold, which I knew was to my disadvantage because he was going to be able to easily jump around and usually score the full 15 for primaries.
From the beginning my “this guy is gonna be an issue” red flag goes off. He doesn’t have a cohesive set of dice, just a random pile of dice of different sizes and colors. I’ve never had a friendly match with anyone who does this. It makes the dice rolls much harder to read and while I don’t expect someone to spend a lot of money on limited edition, faction-specific dice, in my experience, if a person can’t be bothered to spend a few dollars on a proper set of legible dice they won’t be bothered to read, understand and play the rules correctly either. And kids, let me tell you just how right I was.
During deployment, he just haphazardly put his units out one after another, not following the each player places one unit at a time rule. This resulted in his whole army being deployed while I had only put down a couple units. He placed his Void Dragon right on the line in a way that let me deploy my Caladius in a way that would give my tank a free shot due to line of sight while nevertheless being out of range of the Dragon’s movement and weapon range. I won the roll-off to go first, so therefore I would get shots in the first two turns due to its placement.
Here is where I have to admit my one mistake. I didn’t understand how the C’tans damage- halving interacted with damage modifiers. My tank's damage is D6+2. I assumed the D6 was halved, then the +2 added. We argued this, I even wanted a judge ruling because I knew I needed every point of damage I could muster if I was going to kill those C’tan. However, I knew both of the players on the table next to me. They’re good and knowledgeable players, so I asked them. They corrected my thinking as it only applies to weapon abilities like Melta 2, etc. Oops, my bad. I accept that three people are now telling me the same thing, even after my opponent still offers to get the judge. I decline, wanting to move on and not waste time. However, I’m sure this signaled to my opponent that I was willing to fight over proper rules interpretations, which apparently meant we weren’t just going to have an enjoyable game anymore. I’ve played dozens of games with very competitive players that had plenty of contention and tension that comes with two grown people wanting to win a game of plastic army men while still maintaining civility and sportsmanship... but I guess everything that follows is really my fault lol.
Using Tabletop Tactics' random secondaries, he drew Bring it Down and Secure No Mans Land on turn one. He didn't like BiD and burned it for 1 CP. Then said he drew Deploy Teleport Homers. Then he exclaimed that he "accidentally" drew that random secondary on my mission selection tab instead of his, so said he actually got Area Denial. I told him it really shouldn't matter because it was a secondary available to him and should still count. He got very huffy, then tried to claim he never drew BiD. After several minutes of arguing I finally got him to agree to having burned BiD and just let him have Area Denial.
At the end of both my first and second turns he forgot to hyperphase any units until after had already drawn his secondaries, then tried to decide at that point what would be best to remove from the board and redeploy in order to achieve them. This culminated in his second turn movement phase where he specifically asked me to move a unit of Flayed Ones, then several minutes later tells me he had pulled them at the end of my previous turn. We argued for several minutes where I tell him exactly what he pulled, but he continued to insist. I finally let him have it but forced him to make an agreement that we both had to pull units like that before we drew secondaries since I also had a Callidus Assassin and Allarus Terminator Squads. He of course continued to not do this even after I had to hold myself to the agreement after forgetting to pull a squad of terminators. I then had to spend the rest of the game markedly declaring the end of my turn and asking if he wanted to pull anything. (He still tried to do it in his turn 4's movement phase but stopped himself with a muttered "Yeah... but you won't let me do that..."
He also did not fundamentally understand how cover worked, claiming another Flayed One squad had cover because the front of my Calladius tank couldn't see them, despite the unit being fully visible to the back half of the tank. The two players on the table next to me had to explain how cover works because he was convinced I was wrong.
In my turn 3, after deep striking in a terminator unit nine inches out from the third unit of Flayed Ones on his home objective (yes, if you’ve been paying attention there was a different and equally ridiculous issue with every single one of his Flayed One units), I was stupid and shot a couple off. He pulled 2 models. I measured for the new charge distance. Oops, I was stupid and extended my 9-inch charge to 10 inches. I told him this.
“There is no way that is a 10 inch charge!!! I put them 2 inches apart from each other. It has to be an 11 inch charge.”
“Alright, dude, well. Look at the tape measure. It’s like 10.5.”
“Were they even 9 inches to begin with!?”
He then proceeded arbitrarily to put one of the models I killed back onto the table and measured the charge himself only to find it was 9 inches. He still was not convinced. I had to get a player from another table (not the original other table, but the one to the right of me this time [so if you’re keeping track on that front as well, that’s two tables and five players acting as pseudo-judges for this match]) to confirm that yes, it was a 10-inch charge. I then proceeded to roll a 3 on the charge lol. This one really gets me because if he had taken at least 5 seconds to actually care about where he put back the dead model, he could have made me look like a cheater because his Flayed Ones were absolutely not 2 inches apart as he had originally spaced them.
In my subsequent Turn 3 fight phase, I charged the Void Dragon with my wardens. I popped the FNP because I know they wouldn't kill it. I made my attacks, blowing the double ka’tah, and did a small amount of damage to it. He fought back. I reminded him of the -1 to hit for the Radiant Mantle. I reminded him of the -1 to wound because of wardens' ability. He generates his wounds, I make my saves and fail 2 of them. He rolls two 3s for damage.
“That’s 12 damage on your captain.”
“Umm... how? does the Void Dragon have Precision or something?”
“No, I did the precision strat.”
“You never declared it.”
“Yes I did this is why I was asking about your Captain’s toughness.”
“Yeah, but you never said anything about doing a stratagem; it’s not happening.”
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be?”
“Yeah, it is.” I roll my FNPs. The first one died and I manage to save 4 damage on the second wound.
By this point the match resembled something closer to a marriage between a knife fight and when two kids play pretend laser guns, where one kid says I hit you and the other one goes, “No you didn’t!” He wanted to retroactively Heroically Intervene the nearby Nightbringer. He had the CP for it since I wouldn’t let him "do the precision strat" (which turned out to be Epic Challenge). I allowed it because I preferred the fight while the wardens' FNP was activate rather than be charged by the Nightbringer in the next round. He then wanted to fight me next with the Nightbringer, despite the fact that I had another charging unit elsewhere to fight next. I told him I had to fight over there first. “But I charged!” I then had to spend several minutes explaining how fighting first actually works in regards to charging units, and how Heroic Intervention specifically stated he doesn’t get a charge bonus despite rolling a charge. In response, he spent his last 2 CP to interrupt. I reminded him of the debuffs, again. He rolled to hit and wound rather poorly. It caused like 2 damage overall, killing the other wounded warden. He is not happy. Well, even less happy than the already not-happy he was.
You might notice I’m beginning to add some flavor commentary. That’s because as I write this out and realize I’m not even halfway through it I’m becoming very demoralized and I’m sure you, dear reader, are as well and we could both use some entertainment from this utter mess.
At the start of his Turn 3, he announced his secondary draws: Assassination and Bring it Down. I had taken so much psychic damage in the match by then (which is impressive considering Necrons) that I was confused why BiD wasn’t showing up in his secondaries to select. Then it all came back to me in a flashback, like I was Neville Chamberlain having signed the Munich Agreement in Round 1, convinced that it would stop all the hostilities and we would live in peace for the next 5 rounds. Indeed, appeasement had worked as well for me as for him. I reminded him he drew BiD in turn 1 and had burned it with a CP.
“No, I just drew it now in Turn 3.”
“Dude, we had a huge dispute about this. This was the fiasco about you saying you accidentally drew a random secondary from my secondary list.”
Somehow, he did not remember this. I once again just had to force the issue and tell him he couldn’t draw it again, since it was all too suspicious that he happened to get the same secondary twice -- right as he had my only vehicle, the Caladius, lined up for an easy charge from the Nightbringer. Oh well, he still found something for the Nightbringer to charge that round.
Now, whenever he would do his massive 36 shots on the Lokhust unit, he would pick up a massive pile of 16mm or larger dice that was far too large for his very average-sized hands. He would then proceed to throw -- yes, throw -- in the manner of lifting the pile into the air and chucking them down into his dice tray as if this were an anime about cooking and he was adding ingredients to a bowl. Dice would bounce everywhere. On at least one occasion this produced a dropped a waterfall of like 10 dice onto my nearby Witchseekers that produced neither a care nor an apology. Also, he used a neighboring game's mat as the base for his dice tray and they were forced to play around it.
After the dicefall had generated a suspicious number of wounds in the previous two shooting phases from his Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (equipped with Enmitic Exterminators) -- 36 wounds on 36 shots is what finally did it -- I looked them up in the 40k app in his Turn 3 shooting phase. Yes, they have Sustained Hits 1. Yes, the Lokhust Lord attached to them lets them crit on a 5+, but I cannot find where he's getting the Lethal Hits he claims they also have. So, I ask him how he's getting them.
"Uh, from the critical hits."
"That's not what the critical hits are."
He gave me the snidest tone possible. “What do you think a critical hit is?"
After several impassioned minutes of explaining the difference between Sustained, Lethal and critical hits, he still refused to believe me and, yet again, the players next to me had to explain because by that point he was convinced I’m lying about every rules correction I made.
By this point a friend of his had come over to observe the game. He made several not-subtle, over-the-shoulder whispers to him. I can only guess these were all sorts of pejoratives about me and requests for him to police the rest of the match because the friend watched the rest of the game very intently. But, wouldn’t you know, he would never chime in that I was incorrect about a rules correction.
There were several other grand and epic spectacles over the course of the game...
After the fiasco of the Void Dragon not actually invoking an Epic Challenge and Nightbringer using IRL chronomancy to time-travel and use a Heroic Intervention/Interrupt, I used Hunt as One in my Turn 4 to fall back, shoot, and charge. I declared this. I declared what it does. Several minutes later, when I made a whopping 6 shots with the remaining spears in attempt to chip off a lucky wound, he informed me that I couldn’t do that: I fell back. I told him I did the strat. “Oh so you can fall back, charge, and shoot.” >.< I finally brought the Void Dragon down after three dedicated tank attacks and two rounds of warden charging attacks. (C’tans' half damage, 4+ invuln, 5+ FNP sucks lol.)
In Round 4, one of his secondaries was Engage on all Fronts. He was already in two quarters and could easily have hyperphased a Transcendent C’tan into a third. What he really wanted to do, however, was put a C’tan on the center objective and also have the same C'tan also count as within a quarter. It was impossible for it to be in the objective’s range and also be wholly past 3” of both center lines to be in the quarter properly. I tell him this and he argued that he only has to be more than 3” from the very center of the board in the direction of one of the corners. I then had to spend several minutes using dramatic arm motions to explain how the table is divided into quarters along two axes, how he has to be more than 3” beyond both of these, and how it’s simply impossible with his base size to be on the objective and properly in the quarter for Engage. One of the pseudo-judge players from another table finally has to back me up. I explained that he could easily put the Transcendent C’tan somewhere else and score Engage, but it wouldn’t be in a position to do anything else. He didn't want to, as he inexplicably wanted it on the objective with the Nightbringer on it that he had already scored and also to put attacks into my Caladius which, by this point, was on 4 wounds. Following that, the Nightbringer killed the Caladius on its own with Gaze of Death, so the Transcendent C’tan sat there, did nothing, and didn’t score him Engage.
Throughout the game, he would rarely if ever declare intention, especially when making attacks. He would just throw some dice to hit and wound, and then I would have to ask what unit he was even attacking. This came to a head in his turn following the death of the Void Dragon. He made an auto-charge into the wardens with the Nightbringer and did his typical just throwing dice and telling me how many wounds I had to save. I asked him if he did the -1 to wound. He exasperatedly told me yes. I asked him if he did the -1 to hit as well. Dumbfounded silence. I had to make him redo the entire attack. He was very annoyed because in all it resulted in one less wound for me to save. I tell him yes, in fact, that one less wound to save from the Nightbringer's melee is, in fact, a big deal.
He also tried to argue with me that I couldn’t gain a CP after discarding a tactical objective at the end of the turn since I had done so on Turn 1 to discard Assassination. Apparently, you can only gain a bonus CP from discarding tacticals once per game.
Finally, in his last turn at the bottom of round five, I had done all the scoring I could. He was going to score 15 for primaries and there was nothing I can do. Points as they were, I would still be up by 2 points. However, he had kept Engage, and when he scored the three points he could get from that, he would win by 1 point. It’s plain as day. He taps his other secondary on the app and his policer-friend agrees with him that it’ll be a six-point victory. He announced that the game was over. I ask him what his other secondary is, and he wouldn’t tell me.
“Why not?”
“It won’t make a difference anyway.”
“Yeah, but I need to know for proper scoring.”
“Fine, it’s Behind Enemy Lines.”
Truth be told, there was no way he could score two units for Behind, three quarters for Engage, and score the center objective alongside the two he already held. I didn't argue it, because no matter what combination of two objectives and Behind + Engage he mustered, he still would get the win by 1 point. I didn’t feel like getting in one last fight over what would have been just my stubborn pride.
This was quite honestly the worst 40k game I’ve ever played and made true my worries about going to a big competitive event after what was a relatively pleasant five rounds. Mind you, this was also a fight to see who would go 4-2 so the stakes were about as low as what it would look like if I ever tried to make a soufflé.
If you made it this far, thank you for sharing in my misery. Oh, one nice/right thing he did was to give me a few beers at the start of the match... but maybe he was just trying to get me drunk and make my play worse.
submitted by robot_guilliman to WarhammerCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:36 excusemykawisma seeking advice please! my roommate got an aggressive dog without warning

this is gonna be a bit long, but hopefully it’s understandable to a degree. english isn’t my first language. also if this doesn’t belong here i’m sorry.
ok so a lil background, i (32m) live with my boyfriend (30m) and my good friend of like 10 years (40f) in a good sized 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. my roommate, sarah, has a dog named yoda. yoda is a cute frenchie that’s well behaved any time my roommate ISNT around. when sarah’s home he acts like a little troublemaker and is pretty much allowed to do anything he wants. when my roommate goes to work, we (partner and i) watch yoda and he hangs out with my frenchie puppy and my english bulldog/pitbull mix. my mix breed is the sweetest, most well trained boy and my puppy is still learning but has a lot of energy and is a little more protective.
anyways, in late february, im going out to lunch w sarah and on our way to the car, our child neighbor asks her if she got petunia yet. i don’t think anything of it, and i don’t talk to the neighbors because im not like that, so i just mind my business. after lunch sarah heads out before coming home a few hours later w a full grown ass big ass english bulldog. my frenchie still doesn’t know how to act and i wasn’t aware i would have to teach him to learn how to get along with another dog living in the house, simply because sarah just didn’t say anything about it.
since she got petunia, my partner and two dogs have been confined in our room because her dog has free reign of all the public spaces of the house. we both work from home so we have to wait til sarah goes to work to be able to let our dogs play in the living room. we have to inform sarah any time we take our boys out because she needs to put her dog away since she’s super aggressive towards my partner and i. as soon as we open our door she barks a deep scary bark and comes charging.
. any time i try to give any advice to my roommate about her new dog she immediately goes into a delusional defensive thing where she does anything but accept responsibility. she makes every excuse in the world, from “she’s still adjusting” to “she was abused “to “it’s yodas fault she’s like this”
our lease ends in august so we’re gonna head in different directions but im starting to get super angry at small things because i feel super trapped and i can’t ever just go walk around the house unless my roommate is at work since spends all her time in the living room w her dogs. it was fine when it was just her and yoda but now it’s like i gotta get permission to leave my bedroom. i don’t like not having any time to myself and i don’t like being angry. i don’t want to hate sarah just because she’s ignorant and inconsiderate to me in this setting, so if there’s any advice at all that anyone could throw my way, i would be super appreciative.
tldr; roommate sneakily got a dog without letting me or my partner know. this is the 4th dog in the household now, and my roommate gives the new dog free reign of the house. if me or my partner leaves our bedroom she barks and charges us and bites. my roommate does nothing about anything of this.
submitted by excusemykawisma to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:32 excusemykawisma irresponsible roommate adopted aggressive dog without letting my partner and i know.

this is gonna be a bit long, but hopefully it’s understandable to a degree. english isn’t my first language. also if this doesn’t belong here i’m sorry.
ok so a lil background, i (32m) live with my boyfriend (30m) and my good friend of like 10 years (40f) in a good sized 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. my roommate, sarah, has a dog named yoda. yoda is a cute frenchie that’s well behaved any time my roommate ISNT around. when sarah’s home he acts like a little troublemaker and is pretty much allowed to do anything he wants. when my roommate goes to work, we (partner and i) watch yoda and he hangs out with my frenchie puppy and my english bulldog/pitbull mix. my mix breed is the sweetest, most well trained boy and my puppy is still learning but has a lot of energy and is a little more protective.
anyways, in late february, im going out to lunch w sarah and on our way to the car, our child neighbor asks her if she got petunia yet. i don’t think anything of it, and i don’t talk to the neighbors because im not like that, so i just mind my business. after lunch sarah heads out before coming home a few hours later w a full grown ass big ass english bulldog. my frenchie still doesn’t know how to act and i wasn’t aware i would have to teach him to learn how to get along with another dog living in the house, simply because sarah just didn’t say anything about it.
since she got petunia, my partner and two dogs have been confined in our room because her dog has free reign of all the public spaces of the house. we both work from home so we have to wait til sarah goes to work to be able to let our dogs play in the living room. we have to inform sarah any time we take our boys out because she needs to put her dog away since she’s super aggressive towards my partner and i. as soon as we open our door she barks a deep scary bark and comes charging.
. any time i try to give any advice to my roommate about her new dog she immediately goes into a delusional defensive thing where she does anything but accept responsibility. she makes every excuse in the world, from “she’s still adjusting” to “she was abused “to “it’s yodas fault she’s like this”
our lease ends in august so we’re gonna head in different directions but im starting to get super angry at small things because i feel super trapped and i can’t ever just go walk around the house unless my roommate is at work since spends all her time in the living room w her dogs. it was fine when it was just her and yoda but now it’s like i gotta get permission to leave my bedroom. i don’t like not having any time to myself and i don’t like being angry. i don’t want to hate sarah just because she’s ignorant and inconsiderate to me in this setting, so if there’s any advice at all that anyone could throw my way, i would be super appreciative.
edit when i say aggressive i mean she bites. she bit my partner and i on separate occasions. when she bit my leg it drew blood. she also bit my pitbull and i can’t bare to think what would’ve happened if she kept biting at him a few more seconds.
tldr; roommate sneakily got a dog without letting me or my partner know. this is the 4th dog in the household now, and my roommate gives the new dog free reign of the house. if me or my partner leaves our bedroom she barks and charges us and bites. my roommate does nothing about anything of this.
submitted by excusemykawisma to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:28 Evening_Boat_2674 AITAH for refusing to fire my nanny, and telling my husband I would rather divorce him than fire her?

My husband, John, (40M) and I (26F) have been together* 5 years (married for 3) and have 3 kids (ages 3mos, 2, 4). We met when I was still in college working part time as a nanny for his friend's family. We crossed paths a few times at my nanny family's functions, and my nanny family gave him my number and encouraged me to go out with him. Initially I only did because I didn't want to offend them, but we ended up hitting it off really well. I accidentally got pregnant with my oldest about a year into seeing him. (3 kinds of birth control and still got pregnant, what are the chances ha) At first I was devastated because I was just about to graduate and had already been offered an amazing internship in my field. The internship would require me to move across the country and so I was already planning to leave my current job and break up with John so I could pursue my dream job, so my initial plan was to terminate the pregnancy. However, long story short, I ended up staying with John and having my oldest but under the agreement that I would start working asap and John would pay for childcare so I didn't have to be a SAHM and permanently walk away from career goals that I had worked very hard toward for basically my whole life.
As soon as my son was born I fell instantly in love and the few resentments I had about the way things turned out completely disappeared. While I did stay home with him for the first year because I couldn't stand to leave him for more than a few hours, I was open with John about my plans to find a job in my field as soon as I could, and he was always on board and never expressed any issue with it.
John and I got married when my oldest was 1, and John started pushing me to have more kids but I refused because I felt ready to start working. I ended up getting a really great job offer at the company I'm still with today. I started looking for nannies and was put in contact with our current nanny, Sarah (21F). She has honestly been a godsend. She is the sole reason I made it through being apart from my baby and she does such an amazing job I honestly cannot imagine my life without her.
Shortly after I started my job I accidentally got pregnant again (another birth control baby!), and my husband tried to talk me into staying home with the kids again after my 2nd was born, but I was too happy with my job. They offered to let me WFH part time which worked out perfectly. My husband wanted to cut back Sarah's hours as I would be home a lot more but I refused because while I'd be able to breastfeed and help take care of my newborn, I still wanted her there to help with our rambunctious toddler while I was working. Our arrangement worked out really well, and I recently did the same with our 3rd baby, while Sarah watches the older two during the days when I'm working.
Sarah and I get along great. We have a lot in common and I see her as a friend as much as an employee. My kids love her very much and ask about her whenever she isn't there. Since I was also a nanny I am able to work with her effectively and I have so much respect and admiration for the job she does with my kids as she's even more patient and hands-on than I ever was with my nanny family's kids. Even though we pay her a lot, I honestly think she's worth even more than that and I tip her as much as I can. For some reason my husband does not feel the same way. He is very critical of her (not to her face, he has very little interaction with her as most days she leaves before he gets home). To me he is always nitpicking how she does things, like if a few toys get left out in the playroom, if she used too much gas in the car, if she got fast food for the kids instead of cooking them a meal, etc. He tells me she is not worth what we're paying her, and that she's doing an "easy" job I was fine doing for free. This irritates me like nothing else, because while yes I don't find looking after my kids particularly difficult, I wouldn't call it remotely easy, and it's much different when it comes to dedicating most of your free time to looking after someone else's kids. And Sarah goes above and beyond to make sure my kids are safe, happy and entertained every day, and even does some pre schooling with them.
Last week my husband confronted me with some of the footage from our security cameras of Sarah "neglecting" our kids. The whole thing was completely ridiculous. There was one video where she left my 2 yo in her high chair crying for 5 minutes while taking my 4yo to the bathroom 3 feet away. There was one where she let them stay up past bedtime to finish a movie while she worked on schoolwork. All relatively innocuous things like that that I couldn't care less about. The worst of it was a video of her texting on her phone for like 30 minutes while my kids were playing, which we have asked her to not be on the phone while playing with the kids. But even though she technically did something "wrong" she's a human being she's not going to be perfect 100% of the time.
Once he was done showing me I asked him "is the neglect in the room with us right now?" and that made him really mad. He accused me of not caring about our children's well-being because if I did I would agree with him that we need to fire her. I told him we're firing her over my dead body and if it wasn't for her our children would actually be neglected because we both work full time. He told me that Sarah was trying to take over my role as a mother in my children's eyes and she was coming between me and our family and if I cared about our family I would want to fire her too. I laughed in his face and told him I would rather divorce him and pay for her myself than fire her and quit my job. He stormed out and hasn't spoken to me since. AITAH?
Edit: Thank you so much to everyone who has offered advice and support. I'm trying to read over everyone's comments and process everything. Honestly, I thought this was just an annoying ongoing argument between myself and my husband about our nanny but you all have opened my eyes to a much deeper issue.
Firstly I want to say I'm a bit worried it came across like I resent getting pregnant or having kids because I really don't. I love my kids more than anything and I would not trade them for the life I wanted before or choose my job over them if it ultimately came to that. I do stress about the accidental pregnancies a lot because it makes me feel out of control of my own life and body but I hope that doesn't come across as me having regrets over them. The last thing I want is for people to think my kids are a burden who have ruined my life because they are a gift and have brought more love to my life than I knew I was capable of. I really don't feel "trapped" by then or anything like that.
On that note, however, a lot of people have pointed out the possibility of my husband tampering with my birth control. This has me really shaken up I'm not going to lie. The scariest thing about this is that he's a medical professional and started writing my scripts for BC after we got married, and he often recommends and prescribes me supplements and things for my health. He also convinced me that IUD's were dangerous and ineffective, and that it's not uncommon to get pregnant on BC if you're extremely fertile. I don't even want to think about the implications of him having messed with something to get me pregnant. I trust him a lot with medical decisions and opinions, and while I know he's not as vigilant about birth control as I am I didn't even consider the chance he was actively sabotaging it..
Not really sure where to go from here or how to investigate this further. Many of you were concerned about having an emergency fund/ safety plan and I do keep my finances separate from his and luckily I make good enough money that I could leave if I really needed to. Thank you again to everyone who commented, I will try to update for those of you who asked.
submitted by Evening_Boat_2674 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:16 Stage-Piercing727 Best 350 Legend Scope

Best 350 Legend Scope
Welcome to our roundup of the best scopes for the 350 Legend cartridge. The 350 Legend is a powerful and versatile round, and choosing the right scope can make all the difference in your hunting or shooting experience. In this article, we'll explore top-rated scopes for 350 Legend firearms, covering factors such as magnification, clarity, and durability. Join us as we help you find the perfect scope for your hunting needs.

The Top 16 Best 350 Legend Scope

  1. TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design - Upgrade your crossbow performance with TruGlo's rangefinding, trajectory compensating 4x32 scope, featuring shock-resistant durability, generously long eye relief, and advanced optics under the camouflage finish—perfect for unisex use.
  2. Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting - The Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring 1.5-5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope empowers hunters with precise targeting and crystal-clear vision in low-light conditions, making every shot count.
  3. Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination - Experience ultimate clarity with Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 IR-E Crossbow Scope Black, boasting a multicoated 1-inch mono tube construction and fast focus eyepiece - the perfect companion for your crossbow laser sight adventure.
  4. Compact Variable Multi-Reticle Crossbow Scope for 300-410 fps Shooting - Upgrade your crossbow with the Excalibur Dead-zone 32mm Scope, featuring a variable multi-reticle design, compact size, and premium optics for enhanced accuracy and performance.
  5. 3X Scope: High-Quality Kid's Telescope with 700mm Focal Length - The Amscope-kids 350x Magnification telescope is an excellent option for beginners, with 3X Barlow lens and two eyepieces, providing a wide range of magnifications and an easy-to-set-up aluminum tripod for seamless observation.
  6. High-Power Angled Spotting Scope for Exceptional Clarity and Distance - The Leica APO-Televid 82 Angled Spotting Scope offers unparalleled optical quality and compact portability, enabling users to get closer to the action and capture stunning digital photography.
  7. Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction - Experience unmatched image quality and portability with the Leupold Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope, featuring a prism-less Folded Light Path, Extra Low Dispersion Optical System, and 100% waterproof and fog proof construction.
  8. Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations - Experience outstanding spotting with the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, offering enhanced color fidelity, sharp optics, and a user-friendly design for your outdoor adventures.
  9. Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle - Experience sharp, colorful, and waterproof visibility with the Mil-Hash reticle-equipped Bushnell T Series FDE scope, perfect for 350 Legend rifles.
  10. TDS350 2-channel Oscilloscope - 200 MHz Sampling, Accurate Data Collection - The Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope, designed to minimize aliasing and offer multiple display modes for accurate waveform analysis, stands out in the low-cost digital oscilloscope market with its impressive features and reliable performance.
  11. Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Glass - Experience crystal-clear, high-resolution birdwatching with the Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope featuring advanced features like fluoride lenses and SWAROTOP and SWARODUR coatings for maximum color fidelity and contrast.
  12. UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses - The Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Spotting Scope delivers unparalleled clarity and precision, making it the perfect choice for birding enthusiasts and precision shooters alike.
  13. Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Weatherproofing - Experience superior optics and user-friendly features with the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope, perfect for birdwatching, stargazing, and various nature observation activities.
  14. Garmin LiveScope Plus: Revolutionizing Fish Finding Technology - Experience cutting-edge sonar technology with the Garmin LiveScope Plus System; its real-time view and easy-to-use interface make fishing more enjoyable and successful.
  15. Professional-Grade Compact Spotting Scope with Dual Focusing Mechanism - Experience unparalleled spotting scope capabilities with the Leica APO-Televid 82mm: professional-grade, compact, and equipped with exceptional optics, specialized focusing, and resilience for challenging expeditions.
  16. Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 Spotting Scope - Angled, 30-60x85, 10.8ft MFD, 15.6in L - Experience the beauty of nature with the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85 30-60x85 Spotting Scope, featuring powerful zoom, bright image quality, and durable, weather-resistant design for a seamless outdoor viewing experience.
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🔗TruGlo Crossbow Scope with Unisex Camo Design
I've recently had the chance to try out the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope, a nifty piece of equipment for enthusiastic crossbow users like me. The scope's main highlight was its ability to find the range and calculate the correct trajectory for my crossbow bolts. In my experience, this feature proved to be quite handy in my local archery range, particularly for those days when the wind and temperature were unstable.
One of the things that stood out to me was the scope's robustness. It was designed to handle the harsh conditions of the outdoors, as evidenced by the sturdy aluminum body and the shock-resistant construction. This scope also offered a generous 4-inch eye relief, a feature that helped protect my eyes during those blustery hunting sessions.
The scope's lenses were fully-coated, making them highly resistant to glare, a common concern for crossbow users shooting in low-light conditions. Additionally, the durable leavespring for windage and elevation adjustments were a welcomed bonus, allowing me to finetune my shots with ease.
On the downside, one of the screws on the scope rings was stripped, a minor issue that wasn't a deal-breaker. I also discovered that the scope wasn't rated specifically for a particular crossbow speed. To achieve optimal accuracy, I had to adjust the scope manually, which was a bit tricky and time-consuming.
Regardless of these minor downsides, the TruGlo 4x32 Rangefinding/Trajectory Compensating Crossbow Scope proved to be an essential piece of equipment in my hunting arsenal. Its ease of use, durable construction, and helpful features make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to upgrade their crossbow hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix Speedring Crossbow Scope: Improved Targeting for Hunting
Using the Killer Instinct MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope has been quite an experience. The scope has made hunting much more enjoyable for me, thanks to its amazing abilities to lock onto and track moving targets from vast distances.
One of the features that really stood out is the durability of the metal case. This thing has a real tank-like feel to it, resisting impacts and harsh weather as if it was made for it. The spring-loaded covers on the lenses also proved to be quite reliable, keeping the lenses safe and scratchless until I was ready to hunt.
The built-in Speed Ring is another aspect of the scope that has impressed me. Making adjustments for my crossbow's speed has been a breeze, and the illuminated reticle is a big help when it comes to sighting in low-light conditions. I particularly appreciate the contrast the red/blue illumination provides.
However, there was one downside that I found a little disturbing. The scope came in a condition that made it apparent that someone had used it before. I was not happy with this fact, especially considering I had paid for a brand new product.
Overall, the MSCKI-1020 Lumix Speedring 1.5 to 5 x 32 IR-E Crossbow Scope is a product that I would recommend, even with its minor fault. It certainly helped me become a better hunter, and it would do the same for anyone looking to enhance their hunting experience.

🔗Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Black Ir-E Crossbow Scope with LED Illumination
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. This black 1021 model was a great addition to my hunting gear, providing exceptional clarity thanks to its multicoated optics and 1-inch mono tube construction. The fast focus eyepiece is a game-changer, allowing me to quickly adjust my sight even when on the move.
One feature that stood out was the illuminated cross-hair reticle, which came in both blue and red. It was perfect for low-light situations, making it easier for me to spot my target. I appreciated the adjustment click value of 0.5 inches at 100 yards, as it gave me accurate and consistent shot adjustments.
However, there were a few downsides to this otherwise great scope. The exit pupil was smaller than I would have liked, making it a bit more challenging to see the cross-hair reticle at times. Additionally, the scope's weight was lighter than expected, which might not have been ideal for everyone.
Overall, I'm happy with my experience using the Killer Instinct Lumix 4x32 Ir-E Crossbow Scope. It's a quality product with some small drawbacks, but its pros certainly outweigh the cons. If you're in the market for a reliable crossbow scope, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Compact Variable Multi-Reticle Crossbow Scope for 300-410 fps Shooting
As a reviewer who's been using the Dead-Zone Scope from Excalibur, I can confidently say it's a game-changer for crossbow enthusiasts. This 32mm, 1" tube scope offers unparalleled light transmission and clarity that makes it an ideal choice for those who prefer the thrill of hunting. Its variable multi-reticle design suits crossbows shooting in the 300-410 fps range, providing a perfect fit even for experienced hunters.
One of my favorite features is the bold crosshairs, which make it easy to sight in, even for us who don't have the sharpest eyesight. The scope provides a crystal-clear view, which has been essential in my hunting endeavors, hitting the bullseye consistently at 60 yards. Installation was a breeze, and the ease of adjusting the focus makes it a standout product.
However, one thing that could be improved is the set screw. After a little mishap with the speed ring, it's proven to be a bit tricky to tighten back up. Apart from that, I wholeheartedly recommend this Dead-Zone Scope to anyone looking for an accurate and reliable companion on their hunting adventures.

🔗3X Scope: High-Quality Kid's Telescope with 700mm Focal Length
When I first got this Amscope telescope for my son, I was surprised at how easy it was to set up. The tripod was sturdy and the adjustment knobs were simple to use. The magnification range was impressive, going from 35x to a whopping 350x! The 3X Barlow lens and two eyepieces really made a difference in what we could see in the night sky.
One thing I really liked about this scope was its light-gathering power. It gathered 100 times more light than our old telescope, making it much easier to spot celestial objects. The 90-degree prism also made it easier to view objects in the sky.
However, there were some cons to this telescope. The eyepieces could have been of better quality, as they were a bit blurry at high magnifications. Additionally, the altitude-adjustment knob on the tripod could have been more precise, making it a bit harder to find objects in the sky.
Overall, the Amscope-kids telescope was a great choice for my son's first foray into astronomy. Its ease of use and impressive magnification range made it a joy to use.

🔗High-Power Angled Spotting Scope for Exceptional Clarity and Distance
The Leica APO-Televid 82 Angled Spotting Scope is the perfect tool for birders and nature lovers looking to get closer to the action without limitations. With a sleek design measuring only 12.9 inches in length and 52.6 ounces in weight, this angled scope fits easily in your pack for a day of outdoor adventures.
The magnesium housing provides both strength and portability, while the scope body remains completely waterproof to protect against harsh weather conditions. The fluoride glass front lens element ensures excellent contrast and color accuracy, making this scope an exceptional choice for digital photography enthusiasts. With a minimum close focus of 12.8 feet and Leica's digiscoping adapters, this scope is perfect for capturing stunning images of wildlife in their natural habitat.

🔗Premium Spotting Scope with Folded Light Path Technology and 100% Waterproof Construction
During a recent trip to the mountains, I had the chance to put Leupold's Gold Ring 12-40x60mm HD Spotting Scope to the test. While the gray housing looked sleek, it was the scope's impressive durability that truly stood out. I had read that Leupold had implemented a proprietary nitrogen fill process to ensure a 100% waterproof and fog-proof performance. I eagerly put the scope to the test, by inadvertently dipping it into a small stream. To my delight, it continued to function flawlessly, proving the effectiveness of this innovative feature.
A few days later, I took the scope to a nearby wildlife preserve to spot endangered birds in their natural habitat. The scope's impressive magnification was an absolute game-changer. It allowed me to observe the delicate intricacies of these fascinating creatures, from the texture of their feathers to their unique flight patterns. The extra low dispersion optical system played a pivotal role in delivering stunningly vivid and bright colors, contributing to an overall remarkable viewing experience.
The tripod-ready feature also proved to be quite practical in my adventure, as it enabled me to easily stabilize the scope for extended periods of time, even under challenging conditions. The prism-less folding light path, which uses mirrors to compress the long optical system, was another standout feature. It significantly reduced the scope's weight and made it more compact, making it convenient to carry anywhere.
Although the price of this Gold Ring scope is significantly higher than most other brands, it's worth every penny. Its remarkable performance ensures that it remains a valuable addition to my gear, even amidst the vast competition in the market. With a plethora of customizable settings, the scope serves as an unparalleled guide for spotting and tracking game, be it for hunting or observational purposes. While the Leupold 20x60x80 Gold Ring might seem expensive, the extraordinary visual performance it delivers makes it truly worth the investment.

🔗Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope: Lightweight & Comfortable for Outdoor Observations
When I received the Swarovski ATS-65 HD 20-60x65mm Spotting Scope, I was ecstatic to finally have my own to join fellow bird watchers on our adventures. The first thing I noticed about this scope was its user-friendly ergonomic design. It was comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver, even with glasses on.
One feature that stood out was its bright, high contrast view. The SWAROCLEAN non-stick lens coatings did an excellent job of minimizing color aberrations, ensuring the image was clear and vibrant. However, I did find that the scope could be a bit heavy for long observation periods.
When comparing it to other spotting scopes, the ATS-65 HD truly shined in terms of its edge-to-edge sharpness and color fidelity. It was lightweight and comfortable, making it perfect for long days outdoors. Overall, I would highly recommend this spotting scope to anyone looking for a versatile and high-quality tool for their outdoor adventures.

🔗Advanced 15-45x60 FDE T Series Scope with ED Prime Glass and Mil-Hash Reticle
I've been using this Bushnell T spotting scope in my outdoor activities, and it's been quite the experience. The Mil-Hash reticle works seamlessly with the Mil-Base riflescope reticle, making zeroing a breeze. The scope has a heavy-duty, militaristic feel with a rubberized coating. The Picatinny rail mounts are a nice touch, and they're also compatible with a red dot sight for added accuracy.
The optical clarity is what one can expect at this price point, but it does the job well enough. The lens caps make it a breeze to protect the glass from dust, debris, and other environmental conditions. The only issue I had with the front lens cap is the lack of a lanyard attachment, making it easily misplaced.
The case, on the other hand, left me concerned about Bushnell's overall quality. The Velcro stitching on the lens flap failed on the first day, and the scope case seems too small for the scope. The magnification setting ring could use some improvement as well, but overall, it's an acceptable addition.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the scope has proven to be durable and holds up well under rough outdoor conditions. Its compact design and easy-to-handle eyepiece make it a top choice for avid spotters. With a solid construction, good image quality, and an attractive price point, this Bushnell T series spotting scope is worth considering for your next outdoor adventure.

🔗TDS350 2-channel Oscilloscope - 200 MHz Sampling, Accurate Data Collection
The Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope has been an integral part of my daily life as an electronics enthusiast. This instrument, known for its exceptional performance, has been a game-changer in troubleshooting and analyzing complex electronic signals. The 200 MHz bandwidth and 1 GS/s sampling rate on each channel deliver accurate waveform representations, even at the highest sweep speeds. The oscilloscope's ergonomic design and intuitive user interface make it a pleasure to work with, whether it's set up for in-depth signal monitoring or quick troubleshooting of issues.
While the TDS350 excels in many aspects, its versatile capabilities can sometimes be overwhelming for beginners. Users might need to invest some time in understanding the various display modes, acquisition power features, and waveform analysis tools to get the most out of this instrument. However, once you have a grasp of its capabilities, the TDS350 proves to be an invaluable tool in any electronics lab or workshop. Overall, the Tektronix TDS350 2 Channel Oscilloscope is a reliable and feature-rich instrument that deserves its spot as a top-rated item in the oscilloscope market.

🔗Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition Spotting Scope with Extra Low Dispersion Glass
For my money, I'd have to say the Swarovski ATS/STS High Definition spotting scope is worth every penny. It's a behemoth of a scope but once you have it mounted securely, it's hard to beat the view. The image quality is stunning, with bright, vibrant colors that really pop. The lenses are crystal clear, which makes for a sharp, crisp image even at higher magnifications. The ergonomics of the scope are great too - it fits comfortably in your hand, and the focus mechanism is smooth and easy to adjust.
The coated lenses really make a difference in terms of color and light transmission, which was evident when I was glassing a herd of deer one morning. The light transmission was so good that I could easily distinguish the individual deer, even with my eyes adjusted to the low light levels.
But, there are a couple of drawbacks. For starters, it's a expensive piece of equipment, so it's not exactly something you'll just throw in your backpack for a weekend hike. Additionally, the scope is quite heavy, which can be a problem if you're planning on carrying it for extended periods.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend this spotting scope to anyone who's serious about their outdoor pursuits. The image quality is simply unbeatable, and once you've used it, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it. Just be prepared to dig deep into your wallet!

🔗UHD Spotting Scope with Apochromatic Lens System and Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
In the world of optics, the Athlon Optics Ares G2 UHD 20-60x85 Straight Spotting Scope has made a name for itself. It's not just for the birders spotting variances in plumage from far away or for the precision shooters who aim for targets at 1,000 yards, the scope's extra-low dispersion glass provides vivid clarity and resolution in a full-size spotting scope.
Athlon has cleverly designed it to be lightweight although strong, making it comfortable to carry and use for long periods. The aluminum alloy chassis adds to its strength without making it too heavy. With its twist-up eye-cup, it allows you to set the eyecup to the perfect eye relief for your eyes, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience.
Its ESP Dielectric Coating gives you an advantage in viewing with an image that has little or no chromatic fringe for the clearest and sharpest image. The UHD Glass in the lens helps in converging refracting colors into one focus point, producing greater contrast, sharpness, and color definition.
Reflecting over 99% of the light to your eyes, the scope brings you a clear, bright image and accurate color reproduction, thanks to the BaK4 Prisms coupled with advanced fully multi-coated lenses. It produces perfect brightness and color across the entire light spectrum, making viewing under different lighting conditions a breeze.
And when it comes to durability, the scope doesn't disappoint. It comes with an extra protective layer coating that keeps the exterior of the lens free from dirt and scratches. It's also Argon Purged and Waterproof, ensuring weatherproof performance even in harsh conditions. Purging allows for better waterproofing/fogging, making sure your scope doesn't fog up when you switch environments.
Overall, it's a joy to use this spotting scope. It's not just about viewing in high detail but also the ease it offers in using it. You won't be disappointed with its performance and features.

🔗Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope with Advanced Optics and Weatherproofing
As a reviewer, I've recently had the pleasure of using the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope in my everyday life. This innovative tool has proven to be an invaluable addition to my arsenal, offering a host of impressive features that make it stand out from the crowd.
One aspect I truly appreciate is the scope's ability to gather a wealth of light, thanks to its 82mm objective lens. This feature has made a significant difference in my nature viewing experiences, allowing me to observe even the most elusive creatures under a variety of lighting conditions. In addition, the angled viewing design of the TSN-82SV is a game-changer for comfort during extended glassing sessions. The inclusion of a UV filter on the front lens also adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that my scope remains in pristine condition for years to come.
However, no product is without its drawbacks, and the TSN-82SV does have a few shortcomings that are worth mentioning. Firstly, the zoom functionality at x60 can be somewhat limited, and I often found myself reverting to lower magnification settings for maximum versatility. Additionally, the device does have a relatively bulkier and heavier design when compared to some of its competitors, which may be a factor to consider for those planning extended excursions.
In conclusion, the Kowa TSN-82SV 82mm Angled Spotting Scope has undoubtedly earned a spot in my gear collection for its impressive light-gathering capabilities, comfortable design, and weatherproofing features. While it does have a few minor drawbacks, the benefits it offers far outweigh these issues, making it a highly recommended choice for those in search of the ultimate nature-viewing experience.

🔗Garmin LiveScope Plus: Revolutionizing Fish Finding Technology
Imagine you're out on your boat, eagerly waiting to cast your line and catch that elusive big fish. You've heard about the Garmin LiveScope Plus, and how it's revolutionized the world of fishing, but will it live up to the hype? Let me tell you, it certainly does.
The first thing that strikes you about the LiveScope Plus is its stunning resolution. It's like having x-ray vision underwater, allowing you to see every structure, bait, and fish swimming around your boat in real time. The easy-to-use interface makes it a breeze to navigate, even for a tech novice like myself.
One of the most impressive features is the adjustable transducer. Whether you're fishing in shallow waters or deep ones, the LiveScope Plus has got you covered. You can switch between Forward mode to see what's ahead of your boat and below, Down mode to get a clear view of what's directly beneath you, and Perspective mode for a top-down view. Your compatible Garmin chartplotter screen automatically displays the view changes, making it a seamless experience.
The Attitude Heading Reference System stabilization keeps your sonar view steady, even in rough conditions. It's like having a steady hand to guide your fishing adventures. Plus, the LiveScope Plus comes with a trolling motor shaft and barrel mounts, as well as Perspective Mode Mount, ensuring it fits perfectly on your boat.
However, there is one downside: the communication cable is only 6 feet long. If you're planning to use it on both the front and back of your boat, you'll need to order a longer cable. But aside from that minor inconvenience, the LiveScope Plus is an absolute game changer for fishing enthusiasts.
In conclusion, the Garmin LiveScope Plus is not just a product - it's an experience. It's like having a secret weapon that gives you an unfair advantage over the fish. And if you're serious about fishing, believe me, you want this on your boat.

Buyer's Guide

A 350 Legend scope is an essential accessory for hunters and shooting enthusiasts who prefer this particular ammunition. It enhances accuracy, efficiency, and overall performance when using the 350 Legend cartridge. This buyer's guide will outline the key features to look for when purchasing a 350 Legend scope, and provide you with valuable information to make an informed decision.

Important Features to Consider
  1. Objective Lens Size
  2. Magnification Power
  3. Reticle Type
  4. Lens Coatings
  5. Build Quality
  6. Eye Relief

Objective Lens Size

The objective lens size is a crucial aspect of a quality scope. It determines how much light enters the scope, affecting the brightness and clarity of the image. For shooting in low-light conditions, a larger objective lens size is more beneficial. However, consider the balance between brightness and portability, as larger lenses can increase the overall weight of the scope.

Magnification Power

Magnification power represents how much the target appears enlarged through the scope. Higher magnification provides better accuracy at longer ranges. However, more magnification also contributes to a smaller field of view and increased image instability. Determine your primary shooting distances and select a scope that strikes the right balance between magnification and field of view for your specific needs.

Reticle Type

Reticle design plays a significant role in how the scope functions. Some reticles are simple crosshairs, while others are more complex with additional markings for estimating range, windage, and holdovers. Consider your shooting style and preferences when choosing a reticle. Consulting with a professional or reading reviews from other users can also provide helpful insights.

Lens Coatings

Effective lens coatings improve light transmission and reduce glare, leading to a brighter and clearer image. Look for high-quality coatings such as anti-fog, anti-reflection, and scratch-resistant treatments. These features contribute to the overall durability and performance of the scope.

Build Quality
When searching for a 350 Legend scope, examine the build quality of the scope to ensure it can withstand frequent use. Durable materials, tight seals, and waterproof construction contribute to a scope's longevity and resistance to wear and tear. A well-built scope will not only last longer but perform more consistently over time.

Eye Relief

Eye relief is the distance between your eye and the scope's eyepiece that is necessary for proper viewing. Insufficient eye relief can result in eye strain, discomfort, or even eyewear damage. Look for a scope with sufficient eye relief to accommodate your shooting style, while also considering the scope's overall design and portability.
When selecting a 350 Legend scope, it's essential to consider the essential features and your specific shooting needs. By researching different options, reading reviews from other users, and consulting with experts or professionals, you can make an informed decision and find the best scope to enhance your 350 Legend shooting experience.


What is a 350 Legend Scope?

A 350 Legend Scope is a type of scope designed specifically for use with the 350 Legend rifle. This rifle is a popular choice among hunters and target shooters due to its versatility and accuracy.

What makes a 350 Legend Scope different from other scopes?

A 350 Legend Scope is designed to work optimally with the specific ballistic characteristics of the 350 Legend cartridge. This includes factors such as bullet drop, wind drift, and parallax settings. The scope is tailored to the specific needs of the 350 Legend shooter, providing a more accurate and enjoyable shooting experience.

What features should I look for in a 350 Legend Scope?

When shopping for a 350 Legend Scope, consider the following features:
  • Magnification: The scope's magnification should be suitable for the shooting distances you plan to engage at.
  • Objective diameter: A larger objective lens will provide greater light collection, resulting in a brighter image.
  • Reticle: Choose a reticle that matches your shooting style and provides the necessary holdover and drop compensation for your specific load.
  • Adjustments: Look for scopes with adjustable parallax and windage/elevation knobs that can be easily dialed in for your shots.

What is the best 350 Legend Scope on the market?

The best 350 Legend Scope for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It's essential to research and compare different options before making a purchase. Factors to consider include magnification, objective diameter, reticle type, and adjustability.

How much should I expect to pay for a 350 Legend Scope?

The price of a 350 Legend Scope can vary greatly depending on the features and quality of the scope. Prices can range from a few hundred dollars for a basic scope to several thousand dollars for a high-end, fully-featured model. It's essential to find a scope that balances the features you need with a price you're comfortable paying.
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