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People having conversations with a cat

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2020.04.28 01:57 Post memes, and have fun!

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2024.06.01 12:02 Gloomy-Beginning-218 Wizard tries to murder another party member in their sleep, fails, apologizes, then creates a new character and then attempts the same thing again.

Context: This was one of my first online games as a DM. I ran a campaign with the typical "necromancy magic is seen as bad" trope due to massive events in the campaign world (that led to the first Lich being created and using the war between 3 nations to fuel his undead army, until all 3 nations realized the threat and banded together to defeat the army of the dead and supposedly destroyed the Lich). With that knowledge in mind, one player asked to create a school of necromancy wizard (tiefling). I said sure, but let them know that if they were to use necromancy within a village, town or captial city that it would draw attention to them and most likely result in their character being arrested, or even attacked. The player said they were fine with that, but asked if they could be Lawful Evil. Now, this should have been the first red flag for this player, but I said that I would allow it but only if their actions didn't directly target or effect the other player characters. They agreed.
Now to give some more context, the other players character's consisted of:
I mentioned to the Wizard player that the paladins might not be pleased with their character if they witness them using necromancy, again, to which the wizard player said that would be fine. The second red flag was the wizard's backstory. One of the major NPC's in this campaign was a High Elf Prince, who was a powerful Archmage and a hero to the elves (inspired by Teclis from Warhammer), and the player wanted to include this NPC in their backstory, but frame the elf prince as a villian, having him mysteriously kill off the tiefling's adopted father. Now, I should have suggested perhaps another NPC of less significance to the world to take his place, but I thought, "what the hell??", I could throw an interesting twist on it and have the wizard's foster father actually be a bad guy. So, I let it be.
Onto the story: The party were in the Elven captial city when the wizard asks me as one of their "errands" that they want to visit the slums of the city. So they travel there and the wizard sees a bunch of dirty kids playing together. The wizard then walks over to a halfling girl, and begins to mesmerize her with prestidigitation effects. He asked about her quality of life (I thought he was going to give her some money or something like that), so she shares with him that she is an orphan and lives on the street. The wizard offers her food and says that if she comes with him, he will give her a better life and teach her how to use magic. Now at the time, I wasn't sure what his intentions were, so I was being very cautious in this moment, so I asked him to roll an insight check as she was looking at him with doubt in her mind. He succeeds and I share that she has doubts about his sincerity. I ask him to roll a persuasion check with a 20 DC and he makes it with a high roll. So, she agrees to go with him on the promise that he teaches her magic. When the wizard returned to the party, they were surprised and not very keen on having a young girl accompany them for their next adventure, but they allowed it after they made the wizard promise to keep her well out of harms way when danger arises.
The party arrive at the entrance to a long, and fairly dangerous dungeon crawl. In the first battle encounter, the wizard tells his "apprentice" to attack the nearest enemy instead of running away, like the party had agreed on. Now the "apprentice" isn't able to do much (as a lvl 1 wizard), and is subsequently attacked and falls unconcious and the party began to panic. The party were able to swiftly defeat the remaining enemies and heal the halfling girl. Now, when she came to, she was terrified and had a full on panic attack and wanted to leave after almost dying. The party agreed that she should not be with the party and should return to her home. This angered the wizard (and the player), who was not pleased when the party all voted to send her home. They were able to do so as another NPC was accompanying the party, and they escorted the girl back.
Now comes the kicker. The wizard player dm's me and says that he is not happy with what happened. I tell him that I had already spoken to him about the other player characters possibly not agreeing with his decision, and that the wizard was "okay with that". The wizard player doesn't reply. So I thought that the matter has been resolved. NOPE!!! Out of nowhere, the wizard states that during the night whilst on his "watch", he casts mold earth multiple times during the night and burries the oath of ancients paladin alive (as he was the voice of reason that was consistantly raising the fact that the halfling girl would not be safe). Now by this point in the session, the majority of the players as well as myself were quite frustrated with this player, as he had tried to meta before and say things like, "it would work in real life" when he attempted to turn events in his favor over and over again.
I told the group that we're going to take a 10 minute break before anything else happened. I spoke with the oath of ancients paladin player and asked him what his opinion is on the matter was and if what he thought I should do/should I even allow the wizard to attempt it? The oath of ancients player says that he was happy for me to let the wizard try as if they failed and the paladin would quickly "solve" the issue.
So I messaged the wizard player and confirmed that they're certain that they want to still try it. They agreed confidently and stated that mold earth was "a somatic only cantrip" and that the paladin "won't even know that I'm casting it until their suffocating under the ground".
I messaged the group and asked them to come back to the discord chat and we jumped back in. I asked the paladin to roll a perception check, setting the DC at 10, as I reasoned that the paladin would still feel the earth being molded over and around them. The paladin rolls a natural 20. So the paladin awakens, and sees that the wizard is trying to smother them. The paladin player attempts to intimidate with the wizard and convince them not to "test his patience", but the wizard player was furious and was trying to make up more excuses on how the perception roll should have been at disadvantage.
I stated that my ruling stood, and asked them what they want to do, to which the wizard left and never returned.
I had a long conversation with the wizard player after the session and explained that I did warn them in advance that the other player characters might not agree with their actions. The player seemed strangely calm and collected and asked if they could create another character to replace the tiefling wizard (this should have been the 3rd red flag). I agreed but specified this time that necromancer and evil alignment was off the table this time. The player agreed and then createed a high elf blade-singer wizard (and min maxed it as much as they could). They gave this new character a compelling backstory and I was pleased with it. So the next session, I introduced their character to the party (the party had left the dungeon to find safety and heal the halfling girl before sending her home), and the first thing the player does was declared that they moved to attack the oath of ancients paladin, as soon as they saw him.
Dumbfounded, I ask him why? He respond with, "the paladin threatened (name of the tiefling character) and I take threats deadly seriously".
IMPORTANT NOTE: This was not in the backstory that they provided me with! And I mean, not even the slightest hint, nor was it eluded to!
I pause the game and ask the wizard player to join me in a seperate chat, and asked them how could their new character possibly know who the paladin was and how they would know the tiefling, as the two characters had never met. He said that they would have passed each other and he would have shared it with this stranger. To which I said, yeah no that's not what you sent me and you're not just gonna change your backstory on the fly just so you can attempt to kill the paladin. He got incredibly angry and started yelling about me not letting him play his character how he wants to play them.
The conclusion: So to wrap up this long post. The player apologised to the group, asked for one more chance as he like the group. I asked the others individually what their thoughts on it were, they agreed to give him one more chance, so I did. And then 3 sessions later, that same player attempted to attack the ranger because he made a funny comment about the tielfing wizard (all in character). After that final straw, the player was subsquently removed from the campaign.
On a happier note: This campaign has been running for almost 5 years now and is beginning to come to a close as the players are level 19 (soon to be 20) and have accomplished incredible feats in the world.
submitted by Gloomy-Beginning-218 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:00 SynnBabii Everglades University

Everglades University
Join Everglades University, the modern-day university server
In a world where technology surged, humans began to forget the ancient myths and legends that once roamed their lands. But as their advancements reached new heights, they inadvertently breached the barriers between realms, awakening the magic that had been lying dormant for centuries. With the resurgence of magic, mythical creatures began to reappear, drawn back to a world ripe with untapped potential and wonder. As humans rediscovered their connection to the mystical forces of the universe, they found themselves once again sharing their world with dragons, unicorns, and other fantastical beings, ushering in an era where technology and magic coexist in harmony.
🧝‍♀️ ✨ Immerse yourself in a world where fantasy creatures and magic coexist with everyday life on our sprawling campus. Thanks to The Ravenfrosts the school is still here today and open for any and all magical creatures 🏫 Explore our massive campus, nearby downtown shops, and a beautiful lakeside state park with hiking trails. Interact with Elves, Sorcerers, and Witches, and get into magical mischief along the way. 🎊 Female owned & We’re committed to making connections, and having a blast together. Our active moderator and admin team ensures a safe and fun environment. 🌈 LGBTQ+ users and characters are welcome here! We embrace diversity and provide a safe space for everyone. Let your imagination run wild with character creation – any race or character is allowed! 📖 Our comprehensive rules maintain a comfortable atmosphere and protect our community. We also offer Tupperbox for up to 4 characters per user. 🌟 With interesting in-character locations and plenty of OOC chats, there's always something to do and someone to chat with at EU. Plus, we will host regular staff-led events to bring everyone together! 🔞 Please note that we're an 18+ NSFW server ONLY. We have a wide variety of content, but we prioritize the comfort and well-being of our community.
Ready to join the magical adventure? Click here to join us. We are just starting off but have a very good small little community going.
submitted by SynnBabii to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:25 sourmothz Looking for long term literate rp!

Hello! I'm looking for anyone interested in doing a long term rp. I usually type 2-4 paragraphs per reply just depending on what's going on. I enjoy fantasy characters (I have demons, vampires, Werewolves, elves,,,) in either modern or past/historical settings. I also have a couple human ocs I wouldn't mind using as well.
I love doing OOC chat and world building, as well as chatting about our characters and such. I'm more than happy doing that. I'm mostly just looking for someone with similar interests and who will at least respond as much as they can. I'm free pretty often and can rp for hours if I'm not busy.
I don't have any plots in particular and I enjoy coming up with those with my partner, but to give a general idea of what I'm into: fantasy, crime, romance, sci-fi (depending), and apocalyptic. Most of my characters are LGBTQ+ (like me) and I do prefer queer couples but I'm open to all pairings. I will not rp with anyone under 18 especially if those themes are present (I will do them)
Anyway! Thank you so much for reading and comment or dm if you're interested!! I only rp on discord :))
submitted by sourmothz to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:52 No-Computer8025 Humanity, After the Dark Lord - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Meeting the Team Time: 5th Era; 3rd Year; 1st Moon of Autumn; Perspective: Arryn Valren, Elf Wizard, 328 years old.
After that, enlightening, thought from the leader of this base, We ducked out with Hans and he said, “Silvyr, that was a heavy hit. Do you want to see our medic? Mind you, no magic, not even healing.” which had Nasir and myself grumble. Silvyr said, “I think I can sleep it off, I’ve been hit harder falling out out a tree.” Hans nodded, “Very well, it is getting close to the time my team comes off the line and grabs dinner. Feel free to join us or we can meet in the Barracks.”
Silvyr was quick on the draw, “No no, I could use a drink still after that briefing.” Nasir said, “It’s been quite the culture shock I suppose is the right term for it. Hopefully there is something stronger than the mead.” I nodded, “Plus getting on the same schedule as the rest of the team would be important.”
We moved with Hans towards main space where the way up the walls and battlements were found and we found another set of men there. Hans shook hands with the other of his same rank on the shoulder marks, followed by a salute.
Hans pulled a little on the weave and his voice boomed, “FIRE TEAM 2. CHANGE WITH FIRE TEAM 14.” followed by the other one “FIRE TEAM 14. TAKE POSITIONS.” and like well formed clockwork team 14 went up and changed the guard on the spot with members of fire team 2 and they came down to assemble in front of us and Hans. It was quick and quiet outside of the loud commands.
Hans took a big breath and said, “Gentlemen, our Elvish Host has graced us with an adventuring party that we will be the minders of. They are joining our extended team for the next patrols, and training refreshes. They do not have callsigns yet, but I assure you we will find some for them as they become better integrated into our force.” Hans then looked at us, “Would you rather a formal or informal meeting of the team you see before you?”
“Informal will do, after all formality isn’t exactly the strong suit of adventurers,” Nasir said with a wry smile. Silvyr and I nodded at the answer.
“Gentlemen, clean yourselves up, get comfy, chow time in 10 minutes. You will meet with our Elvish Adventurers here properly.” “Hoorah” they all responded in unison. “GO GO GO.” Hands said and they bolted off. “Gentlemen, please make your way back to the mess. We’ll be with you in about 10 minutes or so.” and like that he bolted behind them even a step faster than the rest.
“They, are an intense lot.” I stated out loud. “Thrice the light for a third the time it seems as the Dwarves would say.” Nasir said strolling casually towards the hall. “Honestly, I’m even more interested in how they conduct combat now. Fights are never formal affairs for martial classes, and no offense, I bet they have ways to deal with even magic users. I recommend both of you get ready when it comes to training, they’re going to push us hard.” Silvyr said still a hand to his side where he was kicked.
Arriving at the mess, we found a spot. I ask the portly chef if there was anything stronger for a nightcap and the portly chef nodded and pulled a Brandy Bottle and handed me three finer glasses than the common mug. I bring it back over to Nasir and Silvyr and said, “Brandy?” I said and place a glass in front of them each and poured we sat. “Almien” we cheered and downed the first glass quickly taste was rough but bright, barely aged, but plenty of power to it. Nasir looked at the empty glass, Silvyr went for a second. “Could use another few years on it in a barrel.” Nasir motioned and taking the bottle to pour his own before I sat and waved it off, “Should wait for the rest of the team.”
Hans and his men walked in, fresh and clean as Silvyr waved them over. Hans said a few words to one of the bigger men who nodded and grabbed a second tray as he came over to us. “Oh, I see you asked for the Brandy. Nice.” Hans said supportive as he sat, “Let the guys get some food and we can all have a good chat.”
First to sit was a huge slab of a man, “Hands.” he said in a deep bass putting down a tray in front of Hans. Hands replied, “Wall, Thank you. This is Otis Bailey callsign Wall, as you can imagine, he’s our grenadier.” Otis smiled and nodded, “Pleasure to have y’all on the team.” “Question,” Silvyr asked, “Was your father a god damned Hill Giant?” Otis’s deep laugh, “Wish I could tell ya, never knew him, war and all that jazz.”
Next soon after was a more average human, only slightly taller than myself, blond, blue eyes, his skin was mostly pale with notes of brass scale, “Marián Švarc, callsign Locke as in Brass Lock, yes. I’m one of the riflemen.” Nasir asked, “Are those brass scales?” “Sorcerer bloodline too, guess where I get it from. I’ll give you one.” Locke said with shining smile. Nasir hummed and hawed, “Someone in your family was a Bard?” which caused a few cackles from myself, Silvyr, and Otis. Hans smiled which was a first.
Another darker skinned Teifling gentleman popped down and said, “Elísio Rios de Assis, callsign Rios, Medic, I’m the one keeping you alive when things go bad and in charge of one of the big screening guns. Yes, I am a Teifling born to human parents. At least so I’ve been told.” “Screening guns?” I asked. “High Rate of fire to either keep them in place, or moving where we want them to so we can turn the whole lot into mince, if things go bad, patch you back. Otis carries. Locke and I are immune to fire.”
the last of the team sat dark hair and eyes, but otherwise pale skin and nodded. Hans sighed, “The rest of us already introduced ourselves.” the quiet one pulled the bottle of Brandy and filled his little glass. Rios’s turn to sigh, “I guess we’re doing it his way, he’s always been the most paranoid of us about magic users.” Rios took the bottle next, filled his, and around the circle it went.
“Cheers.” the last of the fireteam finally said and shot back the glasses contents completely, the rest of the team ourselves included followed suit, “Name is Luca Wenz callsign Wing, I’m a marksmen like Locke but without all the magic bollocks, no offense, wizards.” “Druid.” Nasir corrected. “Nature Wizard by any other name.” Luca shot back. “Luca, c’mon, you know why we were selected to be their team.” Hans said, “Or do I need to remind you of my callsign again, Private?” “Hans has Hands, I know I know. You know why I disagreed as respectfully as possible.” Luca put his hands up. “Well, I’m not a wizard,” Silvyr said, “Care to let me in on why?” “Ever heard of a being called a Cackler Demon? Little nasty demons. Mimics voices and in my case lead some men and kids to a Blood Hag Coven. Need I say more?” Luca replied coldly hands back at his knife and fork going at a piece of meat. Hag Covens are bad news, Hag Covens that use demon summoning is a deeper depravity than even the usually fairly depraved Hag Coven. I shake my head. Nasir was pale and sipped more Brandy. Hans looked at us, “Your turns, since everyone is here.” We did our little song and dance of introductions and had more food and drink.
“I understand that this is kinda bigger than just us three, and I understand everyone is a little on edge about magic use and the enemy you fought targeted magic users first.” “Bespoke Magic.” Locke replied, “Magic done by a person, most have little issue with magic of a cleric, paladin, or by way of artifice like the shower or our weapons. Those are fairly understood by now with some manipulations to old spells.”
“So, what’s the gnarliest thing y’all have taken down?” Silvyr asked. “You first.” Luca asked. “A Maurezhi, an shape-shifting elf ghoul” Silvyr replied. The others nodded. “A Shadow Beast, a dark fey corrupted by something far stranger,” I replied. Hans looked approvingly, but the rest nodded kindly. “An asshole with a Big Xorn, looked like a Earth Elemental mixed with some real unnatural abomination.” Nasir replied. “Degloth are fun enemies, four of them together was the rough day.” Hans said. “You five, against 4 Degloths? And you are sitting here talking about it?” “Yep,” Otis said, “All it took was keeping them at range. I think the last one got within what? 30 feet?” “It would have been a bloodbath if they got in Melee range. Thankfully another team got their support line and they were too dumb or too confidant to notice.” Locke mentioned then drank his fill of a mug. “And you’re going to help us fight like that?” Silvyr asked. “And give you better equipment too. Those staves gotta go, we need you mages to have a focus you can’t be disarmed from.” Hans said, “Locke and Rios both have some foci in their equipment.” “You seriously want me to give up my staff?” Nasir seemed incredulously. “You don’t plan on breaking the current stuff we have correct?” I ask, “I admit we like our staves.” “Whole new gear, part of the patrol tomorrow would be to the nearby Sacred Grove isn’t that about right? We still need to patrol the area for more and the Unicorns already gave their blessing.” “I don’t need anything that special.” I replied, “I just need to see what you have in mind and I’m sure we can talk it out. After all Foci are very personal.” I replied, “Nasir, would you at least be willing to take something manufactured but otherwise natural?” Nasir grumbled in agreement, “If we can get permission to take it.” “Alright, so morning plan is to go out and do some patrol, see if we can get some permission to gather something special, bring it back and build something you can use and not lose. Silvyr, how do you feel about your bow?” Hans said with some certainty before asking. “It’s a comfortable piece for range, I’m a good shot for someone of my age and skill with it. I admit I am a little more up close and personal with my short swords than most.” Silvyr responded casually. “Worst case, down to hands?” Hans asked. “Worst case, escape if I’m down that bad.” Silvyr said. “Never been down that bad huh?” Luca said. “Even if I was, I’m still breathing.” Silvyr shot back.
“Alright, so here’s the plan so far boys.” Hans said, “Tomorrow, breakfast, armory up, grab a ride, head to the grove, do the business, grab something for Nasir’s new battle foci, get back here, lunch, training, dinner, done.” All the Humans, and Silvyr nodded. I responded, “Sounds like not much of a plan, but I suppose it’ll do.” “Look, if we had time to spare, we would, but we only live to I believe people used to live to 100. Never met any. You three are literally the oldest things on two legs we met and didn’t have to kill.” Hans said. “I know your kind doesn’t do a classic classes anymore, but can you tell me for our own understand what the closest each of you are to?” Nasir asked. Hans shrugged, “Monk? I guess, no tradition, just punches in bunches.” Luca rolled his eyes, “Sniper? So I guess a rogue cause I want to stay hidden and get a perfect shot?” Otis smiled, “I like protecting my people, but I have a nasty bloodlust, so barbarian?” Locke drew his hand up and down, “Like I ain’t gonna use what my mama gave me. Sorcerer.” Rios shrugged, “Lot of anger in my bones, a lot of faith in my heart. Barbarian as well?” “How can you be both a Medic and a Barbarian?” Nasir asked. “Potions, Salves, and ability to mend someone in an active battlefield fighting against death itself on your behalf to the point I refuse to let another man fall in my reach.” Rios said. “How many times have you been punched when they finally come to?” Silvyr asked. The rest of the team laughed, “Enough times to dodge, twice by Luca.” Rios responded. Plates where cleared, drinks were had, and we all walked back to bunk and soon enough the whole lot was out like a light. Elves don’t really sleep like that, however we do take a restful mediation due to our Fey ancestry we don’t have to sleep, we can, but it’s not common.
Time: 5th Era; 3rd Year; 1st Moon of Autumn; Day 2.
Hans was the first up and I came to my feet as well. Silvyr was already doing some stretches and body movements for the last hour silently in the dark. Nasir was looking over his staff.
“Huh, So you three really don’t sleep like us. I always thought that was some act in the books.” Hans said. “Otis snores in his deep sleep.” Nasir said. “I know.” Hans said, “Hopefully that didn’t interrupt your rest.” Silvyr popped up and onto his feet. Nasir shortly after with his staff. Hans made a motion to cover our ears and then pulled at the weave around us. “RISE AND SHINE YOU LAZY FUCKS.” His voice empowered like a Bard that even covering our ears we felt it in our chests, and the other four popped out of bed and were saluting Hans. “At ease. Showers, everyone. Then I want everyone in the mess, we have no time to spare. I will see everyone in 15 minutes in front of the mess. GO GO GO.” Grabbing bath gear and we were all out to the showers. Nasir and I were last, but not by much we were the last pair out.
Another wonderful if short shower, and we were in our adventuring dress for us three elves, as they were all in their uniforms and out in front of the mess. Food was quick and quiet as we were all hungry and apparently needed time in the armory today for us three. Water-skins already prepared for all of us.
“Humans, gear up. Elves with me.” Hans said as we followed him to through. “Your moving with us, you are going to need some gear, namely boots, mask, goggles, helm minimally before weapons.” Hans said and handed us each. Silvyr wasted no time in getting them on. “You are getting modified human gear, as such the goggles simply protect your eyes, ours grants us dark-vision as well as your natural ones. Mask has a filter and a modified speaking stone that connects back to our team and FOB Owlbear. Simple touch commands. Right goes to Operator at Owlbear, Left to Team, forward voice out. They are toggles so you can call all types of hell down. It talks back telepathically, so get ready to have other people’s voices in your heads.” “I am a druid, alternative to this iron bucket?” Nasir asks. Hans quickly pulls something else and tosses a leather version at him. “Studded Leather is the best I can give you on that front. Unless your feykin wanna give up some steel-leaf.” “Maybe if you give them your first born.” Nasir and Silvyr said at the same time. “Humm, these boots have a blessing against difficult terrain on them, don’t they?” Silvyr asked taking a few steps in them. “the material is enchanted for movement, Processed Rubber should help you keep going without taking away your ability to climb too much. 2 charges per day of feather falling for emergency.” and that got Nasir into them quickly at Hans’ explanation. “They are comfy too.” Silvyr said. “Aye, they are new for us too, as to say a bit of a prototype still,” Hans said.
Hans moved to the weapon placements and pulled one, a box, and three backpacks. “Backpacks, stuff everything extra you don’t need in hand on them, loops for staff on the top, no bedroll cause we are getting back to Owlbear before nightfall. Alright, now we got a few choices. Silvyr, I would like you to give this one a try. It’s a rifle similar to Luca’s. We will train you in field.” Hans said and pushed the pile on the table towards Silvyr.
“For our Wizard.” He pulls a similar weapon but very different, “This is a magi-rifle, it’s made to be changed by the user pushing power into this box or magi-mag, it fires a beam of energy similar to the spell Fire Bolt or Eldrich Blast from Warlocks or so I’m told. Usually a box lasts 5 uses before needing to be recharged, it cannot be recharged in the weapon platform, thus you get three of them. Where as Silvyr’s is a 8 round clip.” handing things over to myself and pulling another made of wood completely for Nasir, “Look, we had to do something special when we knew you were comin’ so this is a bespoke piece just for you, all wood construction except for the various gems and runestone needs to keep it running. We do not have this properly tested, so keep that staff around just in case. Hopefully you can use it, if you can’t we’ll take it back.” Hans said pushing it over.
“Besides that, Nasir’s personal weapon is probably still his staff. Silvyr, you said you were a more sword guy, keep them on you. What’s your backup weapon, Arryn?” I looked confused as I moved my hands around the weapon and said, “Usually if my staff and spells don’t work I have a basic knife in my bag, but it’s more for food than it is for murder.” I say picking up the box and feeling the pull of magic in it.
Hans looked around and then handed me a bracer for my right hand and a knife and holster for my left, “Foci, keep it safe, we don’t have many of these even if this is the general model. Knife for when things get very bad.” it was magically infused and well crafted I put it on and it was a powerful little bit of spellmake. “This will do quite nicely.”
We walked out to the rest of the guys loaded to bear, Hans full hand pointed at a closet, “Additional Supplies, rations at the bottom, take 2, grab whatever you feel you need and can fit in your bag.” Hans look at the rest of his men and then started grabbing his hear, the full gasmask going back on his face. Otis had the strangest looking weapon, but Hans and Rios had massive weapons. I noticed Otis was the only one with a shield, “Otis, don’t you have a secondary weapon?”
Otis chuckled and said, “If I need to, I can bash someone in with the shield.” and gave it a quick hard wave blowing a mass of air my way and I nodded, “Yeah, certainly would not want to be in arms reach of that.”
“Right on, let’s grab a wagon and go.” Hans said hefting his massive weapon and we started moving towards the same place we left the little wagon earlier that day except we got into the one of the human made ones that didn’t have a horse. Otis and Rios got into the back last, weapons pointed out while Luca and Hans took the front. Luca in at the driving position which was off to one side.
“How in hell does this thing work?” I asked as we started moving which gave some of the smoothest travel in just a few feet even as we got onto the dirt path back toward the city. Locke said, “It’s a bit of a complicated mess, but if you can turn a push force into a rotational force and have that back-swing of the rotational force push back into the original position, then you can make one of these, but the exacts is beyond me. I’m told it’s similar to the water system but for fire. More Enginseer tomfoolery.” which had Nasir sitting next to Locke eye give a twitch of disgust.
“Gentlemen” Hans voice came through the speaking stone and into my head into my own mother tongue. “This is a patrol mission, we are going to go look and see what we can see. Silvyr is gonna be a major guide. Wing [Luca] and Locke [Marián] will be his shadows. If we encounter the enemy we are not to engage, we are tracking them back to their base and then going to evaluate a big push just like the old days. If we are attacked, Big Stick [Captain Reed] says FAFO [fuck around, find out] for RoE [Rules of Engagement].”
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submitted by No-Computer8025 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:21 Special-Pride-746 [Online][Other][Wednesday Either 3a-4am or 7pm or later EST] The Whispers of Veliis -- Homebrew Weird Magic/Scifi Game

The island-continent of Kathamon or Katmon is surely amongst the most remarkable realms of the kingdoms of Estral-Veliis. It's northern portion is a fearsome icy waste. Its southern portion is a verdant land of semi-tropical forests that contains the Eight Kingdoms. The lofty peaks of the intertwining ranges of the Rainshadow, Thundershadow, Stormshadow, Lightning Shadow, and Hailshadow Mountains that form the stony spine of Kathamon divides these distinct biomes so decisively that each side of the mid continental divide might is practically a separate world. In the north, lapped by the chilly waters of the Inner Sea of Cadmusia, the Isle of Karmathag stands as an isolated outpost of civilization, home to the settlements of Minikog, an outpost of the barbarian Kadyrian tribes, and the town of Namir's Rest, a dependency of the Kingdom of Ceracal. Of late, the peace of the Isle of Karmathag has been threatened by the forces of Samagsmolyandolsomanodolonta, the Frostbite Tyrant, a vile white dragon from the far northern continent of Plegilon. The merciless wyrm directs his armies of frost orcs and trolls and yeren to locate the Hidden Well, a mana lake of immense size and nigh infinite power from which the Frostbite Tyrant intends to draw forth the necessary power to condemn all lands of the living to an eternal chill...
I'm checking interest for a homebrew that would run in the EST time zone either early morning (3am) or early evening (7pm) on Wednesday.
Here's the catch -- I haven't settled on a system yet and am willing to be slightly flexible (though any form of 5e and PF2e are a hard 'no' -- This is not a 5e game. I will not run this in 5e), as long as it's easy to model the fluff ideas I have like most races have were/lycanthropic or elemental forms and various forms of scifi technology and unusual forms of magic (as well as having a way to share rules that doesn't involve pdfs that have personal metadata in them -- I have plenty of stuff from rpg drivethru, but I'm not comfortable sharing pdfs with my personal email and a purchase number watermarked on every page with strangers on the internet -- in other words, it doesn't matter if one person in the group has a specific resource, there needs to be an easy way to share all the rules materials that are needed for the game). My original plan had been to use the AGE system, but the amount of homebrewing and the lack of pre-existing mechanical options/templates for a lot of my ideas just ended up making it a poor fit. I was thinking of perhaps Mutants and Masterminds 3e PL12 with the 'infinite power points' option from the game master's guide. Here are some other options I've thought of/would consider:
-Palladium megaversal (rifts) -Some kind of point buy/generic d20 system like True20 or Anime d20 -A custom crunchy version of the open d6 system -RolemasteSpacemaster -Savage Worlds -Some kind of a mixture of Earthdawn and Shadowrun
Reply here or send me a DM in chat if you're interested in the game idea and what systems you'd be interested in playing. I'm already DMing 2 PF1e games, so I'd really like to do something other than d20 fantasy.
I'd probably use tableplop for a battlemap/VTT -- that's strictly to move tokens, there'd be no automation.
Campaign might be short or long depending on how well the sessions go.
Please, if you apply/express interest, be an active/participatory player -- not someone who 'spectates' during a session. I only enjoy playing with groups where there's a good exchange between the GM and party -- if I describe something, I want a reaction more than 'huh, yeah' etc., I want players to talk to each other and RP -- it doesn't need to involve voice acting or theater kid antics, but I'm not interested in a one-sided table where I talk and talk and no one else gets into it or interacts with each other.
This would be a voice game.
Here's some more info on the starting area and races to give an idea of what systems might be applicable:
The deep history of this homebrew is that it appears to be a normal fantasy setting on first glance, but deep down it's probably more like Numenera or a similar 'sufficiently advanced' science kind of setting. The basic concept is is a planet in the very middle of the Boötes Void that's isolated from the rest of the galaxy. It was colonized many millennia or millions of years ago by some kind of human or post-human society, but most of this technology has been forgotten and is currently confined to 'vaults' deep underground and their 'vaultcraft' or 'vaultwear, which are considered to be quasi magical to the degree they are understood at all. The 'dragons' might be dinosaurs subjected to genesplicing and injected with alien DNA a long time ago -- your character would have no idea about that, it's just background. The current state of affairs appears, on the surface, to be a magical arctic setting, except the 'deep explanation' for most of the phenomena is some kind of 'sufficiently advanced' technology = magic similar to Numenera. Most of the 'monsters' are genesplicing experiments of various sorts and the 'magic' is nanotech or something like biotics in Mass Effect. the 'dragons' are probably dinosaur genespliced with alien DNA by ancient 'genemathematicians'/'genehermeticists'
The initial campaign premise is that you're going to start out in a town (Frostfang) that's built around two fangs of a city-sized dead dragon (or dragon-statue, no one is really sure). The town has two trade partners -- a barbarian hunting camp on an island and another, larger, fortified town that's a colony of one of the Eight Baronies of the south. The feel/ambience is similar to Skyrim and and Ralph Bakshi's 'fire and ice'. There's an ancient tomb on a mountain overlooking the starting town -- similar to Bleakfalls Barrows in Skyrim.
The continent north of the starting zone is much more ice age/primeval and primarily consist of the disparate 'thouman/kurulthaag' of the maalisans, white orcs, and yeren -- their semi nomadic empires, established on the bones of a more ancient elven civilization, are the dominions of the Snowflake Tyrant. The area (on the northern shore of the starting continent) has a number of other factions/areas/events going on -- the yeren (yeti) empire of the northern continent of Phlegilon/Plegilon is one of the main servitors of the Frostbite Tyrant -- a mysterious creature that's similar to King Ghidorah in Godzilla. He was awoken from a deep ice tomb miles beneath the earth by crazed archeologists who became his first cultists. He seems to have abilities similar to the Legion of Everblight from Iron Kingdoms in that he has a despoiling aura that can be used to extend his conscious presence into servitors, including the yeren priest-king Azkoog the Indominable.
The forces of the yeren and the white orcs (bolgazog/bulazuur), and the 'wild men' (mallisan) have set up several forward camps in the starting zone and are pushing inwards looking for the purported location of the mana-well sought by their draconic god. There's also another dragon lord known as Kamabuzda that lives in the depths of the oceans between Kathomon and Pheligon/Plegilon/Phelgilon that's also looking for the mana-well and has its own legions of deformed servitors.
There are two different 'genealogies' or 'species' of races based on what exotic sci-fi fuel polluted their area in the past -- one set are 'were kint' that have mischwesen (mixed animal, like neo-assyrian sheddim/griffins or centaurs) or similar beastial forms. The other are 'mana kint' -- possessing elemental forms. The basic concept would be that with certain triggers characters can assume there manamorph or weremorph.
Other Races:
here's another version of the advert with some mood pics and screenshot of the setting map:
submitted by Special-Pride-746 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:15 Angel391982 The Summer Days Part 1

Cambria-A beach a short walk away from the Cambrian ship docks
Baby Tyrande giggled and squealed as Fangir gently wiggled her little legs and kissed her little feet. He baby talked to her and made faces, while Lashara and Vaylin did the same with Astra and Wicca. Kiora and Roth played with Riki and Layra a couple feet away, helping them build sandcastles. The rest of the family were also present at the beach, enjoying each other's company. Even the three Dragonborn were relaxed and enjoying the sun and waves.
Inara was snuggled into Vlaad, visibly content and happy, though their ages were showing but they were still fit. Her eldest blood daughter, Lanara gently glided over the waves with her two squealing and laughing children strapped to her, via slings. Her wings spread wide, going at a decent pace, she smiled lovingly at Tommen when he caught her eye.
Hannah and Kaila looked after Nissa and Nessa, while Annabella and Slithera swam in the ocean. Tommen had Samus in a sling, asleep, while Ferra was also building a sandcastle with the help of twin sisters Vaylin and Varina. Burai and Kou were chit chatting with a couple of human girls their age a few feet away. The twin brothers caught the two fair skinned, brown and black haired ten and seven's (17) attention when they were sparring with each other.
At some point, something natural happened to Kiora and Roth that scared them pretty good. "Sister!!" Roth cried pointing, which got Kiora to look down at where Roth was pointing and she almost paled. She turned a frightened gaze to her sister and noted something similar was happening to her.
"Momma!" Kiora spoke up, her voice full of fear, which caused Vaylin to look over at her eldest daughters. She spotted the blood right away, noted the location and gave her daughters gentle, and loving smiles. "Do not be afraid you two, what is happening is natural" she explained and got up, and with the aid of a couple of the servants that went with them, quickly wrapped beach towels from New Capenna around their waists.
Fangir knew exactly what was happening and chose not to interfere, trusting his wife and the servants to do whatever it was they needed to do. Inara also lent a hand, as did Vaylin and Varina to offer their own wisdom and insight into what Kiora and Roth were going through.
The group of ladies returned a few minutes later with Kiora and Roth both cleaned up and in simple clothing instead of the swimsuits Slithera brought from New Capenna for them as a random gift. Everyone in the estate, except for Shojo and Yayoi, got swimsuits as gifts that fit them. Fangir got hugs from his two eldest daughters, and he made sure they were ok, and they said yes. They were also calmer and accepting of their situations.
Vaylin came back over and took her turn with baby Tyrande and spoke to Fangir. "Much like I was at their age, your daughters are early developers and maidens" she explained, and baby talked Tyrande and gave her kisses and tickled her as if she were her own. Tyrande squealed again and laughed, smiled, until the distinct and familiar sound of her soiling herself met Vaylin's ears and she began to fuss and cry.
"Uh oh! Someone needs changing!" Lashara chimed in with a smile and exchanged Astra for Tyrande. Eventually Wicca and Astra fell asleep and were placed in little beds of beach blankets under a parasol, while Fangir sat back in a special beach chair with Tyrande sleeping on his chest while he watched Vaylin play with Riki and Layra. She held a hysterically laughing Riki upside down by his ankle while an equally hysterically laughing Layra was held in a similar manner with Vaylin's tail. Inara had a shocked look and was trying not to laugh, Vlaad was just guffawing. Lashara was snickering and trying to look concerned but was failing miserably.
Lanara finally landed and shouted out to Vaylin. "Too young!! Throw them back!" she laughed while Tommen and a servant took their sleeping children from their slings. Kiora and Roth guffawed as well, as did the two sets of twins.
Hannah, Kaila, Slithera and Annabella chuckled as well, while eating fruit the servants brought along. Nissa and Nessa were also asleep and placed next to Wicca and Astra. Things were calming down, Riki, Layra and Ferra ended up falling asleep, which allowed Vaylin to snuggle into Fangir, same went for Inara and Vlaad, Lanara and Tommen, and much to everyone's surprise, the Silver Dragonborn into the White Dragonborn. They chose to make their secret relationship, not so secret and they got plenty of praise for it.
The aches and pains that come along with their anatomy, also made an appearance for Kiora and Roth. "Does it always hurt like this!?" Kiora whined trying the ache in her belly away but to no avail.
"Sadly yes, and sometimes the pain and flow can be even worse" Annabella spoke up gently and gave their heads comforting pats. "Worse? That cannot be possible!" Roth spoke up pouting and on the verge of tears.
"Oh, my sweet, loving Granddaughter, it can be. However, it's also a funny thing. Every woman is different. Some are dangerously heavy, some are moderately heavy, then there are those who are enviously light, both on the bleeding and the pain" Inara spoke up and rolled her eyes at the last one.
"I do know what can be helpful though!" Slithera revealed and reached into a second basket that was kept in the shade next to the sleeping babies. She pulled out several bars of chocolate and smiled triumphantly.
"You are a life saver!!" Inara said with a smile, then took one and broke it in half, giving the two halves to Kiora and Roth. The two girls ate it, and whether it was chocolate itself or their own feelings, but they felt the pain lighten considerably.
The family enjoyed each other's company while the sun was high overhead. Vaylin and Fangir were swimming now while under their own decision, Kiora and Roth remained at the edge of the water, the waves rolling over their feet and lower legs.
"How come you two aren't going in? Afraid you'll melt?" a girl's voice spoke to Kiora and Roth. They looked to the source to see three human girls their age with smirks on their faces. Kiora and Roth could see the malice coming off them as if it were steam and chose to ignore them instead. However, the lead girl persisted. "Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone talking to you?" she added becoming visibly angry.
At that moment, Riki, Layra and Ferra trotted over to Kiora and Roth and started guiding them away. "Figures. A pair of freaks with little freaks don't talk" the girl added. Kiora was the first to move and she was right in the girl's face far faster than she anticipated, causing her to gasp and start to tremble. The look on Kiora's face mirrored who mothers when she was dealing with the half-sibling woman Ella.
"I don't socialize with trash. You would have been safe if you left my siblings and cousin out of it. But you chose to include them. They're only toddlers and know nothing of such vile attitudes such as yours. I am permitting you to leave. Why my sister and I are not in the water is none of your business. Now go. While you have the chance" Kiora explained in a deathly calm voice on par with her mothers. The lead girl recovered, but barely and simply smirked.
"See, told you Tieflings melt in water" she spoke to her two companions who also recovered and started chuckling. Without another word, Kiora turned to leave once Ferra came over and took her by the hand, sensing the malice from the three girls, she glared at them. However, the lead girl made the mistake of snatching Kiora's tail and at that moment, it was Roth who then appeared, snatched the girl's wrist and held it in a twisting grip that caused her to whimper and yelp in pain.
"My sister is not the only one you have to worry about. She gave you permission to leave. You chose to be stupid. We're just here trying to relax with our family and here comes three brainless humans trying to what? Be bullies? Why? You bored? You'll get one last warning. Leave us alone" Roth explained in the same kind of voice her sister spoke to them in. Little Riki, Layra and Ferra began to fuss, sensing the hostility and it was scaring them. Kiora comforted them the best she could. "Come sister, leave the trash alone before it stinks up our good time" she spoke up, which caused Roth to let go of the girl's wrist, turned and walked away only for the third human girl to snatch Roth's tail. What she wasn't expecting was Roth's tail to wrap around her forearm and with a quick, powerful force, snap her forearm. The girl screamed in pain and began to cry hysterically, getting the attention of their family.
"What's wrong?! What happened!?" Inara asked concerned as her grandchildren walked back towards them. Slithera herself attempted to heal the girl, but the trio panicked when they saw her and fled.
Vaylin crossed her arms, but had a proud, little smirk on her face. "Explain yourselves" she spoke up. trying to keep the pride off her face and be a stern parent. " I don't know what happened Momma, one minute those three tried to bully us, the next minute one of them is crying and screaming when they realized their antics were getting them nowhere" Kiora spoke up calmly, her arm draped over her sisters' shoulders.
Fangir can see right through their little ruse, but he was a proud father. Vlaad was very proud of his granddaughters and couldn't help but guffaw and picked them both up, having them sit on his shoulders. Inara was proud but also concerned, as was Hannah and Kaila. Vaylin herself would have been a hypocrite if she chose to lecture them on not resorting to violence. She witnessed the entire interaction as did the rest of the family. Her two eldest daughters showed great restraint in handling their conflict, because at that age, she was far more vicious than they were. Things calmed down after that, the two girl's aches were returning, but nibbling on another piece of chocolate seemed to help.
The rest of the family noted a dynamic forming between Fangir, Vaylin and Lashara. Everyone understood the circumstances behind the conceiving and birth of Tyrande, but knowing how Vaylin was, they were expecting her to be more guarded with Fangir. More possessive, protective, so on. But she surprised them all with how accepting she was. She treated Tyrande as if she were her own and has often left Fangir alone with Lashara or Fangir was seen napping sandwiched between them. Today was no different. He bonded with his new daughter, as well bond with his other children including his only son Riki. While not as rough as Vaylin was, Fangir was rough housing with Riki. Letting the toddler chase him around, charge at him until Fangir would pick him up and hold him over his head. All the while Riki squealed and laughed happily.
Lilianna was still grieving Gregor, but she was still willing to spend time with her family. Her cousin Layra walked over to her, sensing her mood and sat with her. She smiled and snuggled with the little girl. After a while, the easily distracted child, got up and trotted off to the call of food from her parents and one of the servants brought her a bowl of fruit. Thanking them, she slowly ate the pieces of berry, apple, oranges and pears.
However, the families good time would be put to a halt when the trio of girls returned with adults. "There! father! That's the one!" the lead girl pointed at Roth. The family on alert, the father of the lead girl was dressed in noble attire not suited for a beach, but his Arrogantes could care less about sand. The girl with the broken forearm was still visibly shaken up and hid behind another adult.
"Excuse me little girl, come here please" he called to Roth ignoring everyone else around her. Roth herself simply arched a brow and responded to him. "I'm sorry, but I don't talk to strangers. But if it has anything to do with the one cowering behind that other person, those three tried bullying my sister and me. They paid the price, but really came off light" she explained. This visibly angered the two adults with the three girls.
"I can see no one taught you your place Tiefling. Now come here before it becomes worse!" he barked. At that moment, Fangir appeared in front of him far faster anyone saw him move. Fangir was a little taller than the human man dressed in noble clothing. The man grunted and took a step back.
"We could have talked, father to father. But you chose to speak to my daughter as if were you going to harm her. I tell you now, I don't mind embarrassing you in front of your child. Look around you. You spoke to a child in full view and earshot of her family. Are you so arrogant that you think your fancy clothing protects you somehow?" Fangir said in a low tone, glaring into the human man's eyes.
"That little tart broke my little girls' arm!" the other adult man with the hiding child, spat out. Vlaad, who was taller than Fangir, then appeared beside Fangir. Both human men grunted and took another step back.
"Like he said. We could have talked, father to father. But we all witnessed those three attempted to bully my granddaughter. They're lucky they got away relatively unharmed. They take after my daughter, their mother" he explained in the same calm tone that was unnerving. The two human men finally looked around them to see a Drow woman, two Elf women that looked like High Elves, another Elf woman that looked like a Drow if it weren't for her ears, three Dragonborn, the Elf male in front of them and the rest were Tieflings with a winged one that looked like a Drow herself due to not having horns or a tail. Plus, the numerous children, mostly small, five young adults, and six babies. Then he saw Vaylin herself, flanked by her two eldest daughters. All three glared at him and he can see, the two youngest were mirror images of her just with different color hair, eyes and skin. However, his stubbornness was overriding his common sense.
"Still, she needs to answer for her crime. She can either come with us, or I will bring my guards over here and take her" he double downed on his stance. "Ok, before things spiral further out of control, you can tell us what you want with her" Lashara spoke up and stepped next to Fangir and Vlaad.
Lashara was just as protective of Vaylin's daughters as if they were her own, considering they have one major common factor and that would be Fangir. She held baby Tyrande in her arms and the little one was looking at the two adult humans, studying them seemingly, but even she can sense the tension. She began to fuss, which prompted Lilianna, who happened to be closest, to walk over and take her, comforting her.
"Well, she needs to answer the crime of threatening my daughter's life and breaking her arm!" the other human man spoke up. "I did no such thing! My sister and I were just standing by the water, enjoying the waves over our feet and your stupid daughter decided to say something about Tiefling's melting via water. We gave them plenty of opportunity to leave us alone, that one chose to escalate by grabbing my sisters tail, then the other tried grabbing mine. I defended myself. There is your answer!" Roth spoke up defiantly.
"Gina! Is this true?" the father of the broken arm girl, named Gina, turned to look down at his daughter. The girl double downed. "They're Tieflings and Elves and Dragonborn! They're lying daddy!" she whimpered. It was clear to the family she was good at manipulating her father with how he melted to her words and face.
"Sir, do not let your daughter manipulate you into making a mistake. We all saw it. We trusted them to handle it themselves and they did with minimal damage. Like it was said earlier, they got off light. My grandbabies could have hurt them far worse than what occurred" Inara spoke up softly.
"So, you admit that little tart hurt my child!" the man barked back. "Call my daughter a tart again and your daughter is going to witness her father cease to be" Vaylin spoke up, her tail ceasing to move, her eyes and hair rapidly changing colors. He finally looked at Vaylin and noted the scars all over her body and the odd choice of small clothes she wore. He never saw anything like them, but he was taking in her appearance as a whole.
"I am telling you this now. My Granddaughter is not going anywhere with you. She already told you what happened, compared to the version what your girl told you. At most I can offer Slithera there to heal her arm for her and we call it even. If not, walk away and leave us alone." Fangir explained in just as a deadly calm voice.
"Do you know who I am Elf!?" he growled in reply. Fangir simply blinked at him and responded. "I don't care. I gave you the offer. Take it or leave" he replied crossing his arms. "You'll regret this Elf" he growled and actually pushed his daughter to start walking.
Vaylin watched them leave, a thing of sympathy started forming for the child. "I can see where some of her behavior comes from" she said softly, her hands on her eldest daughter's heads. The family then packed up what they brought with them and decided to head back home. The youngest babies were asleep in slings again, while the still highly energetic toddlers, Riki, Layra and Ferra were trotting ahead a bit with Talon and Talon keeping guard on them. Then the sound of hoofbeats rapidly approaching got their attention.
A group of five riders was rapidly approaching and from the looks of it, taking aim at the three toddlers. Talon and Talon put themselves in front of the toddlers and growled out a warning. Vaylin's combat gear appeared on her body in a display of magical light, she growled while Lashara aided Fangir in holding Tyrande, Astra and Wicca. They didn't see three more riders galloping from the rear, until Dasha, the Silver dragonborn, heard them and turned to face them. Her lover, the White Dragonborn, Bombata also turned to face them.
The first group of riders were too close now until a stream of fire struck the ground in front of them, allowing Talon and Talon to quickly pluck the toddlers up and carry them back to the rest of the family. The riders stopped, their horses panicking, Kashar growled, putting himself at the front of the family, though all he had on were swim trunks.
"Slithera, get the children out of here and back to the estate" Vaylin instructed, her scimitars appearing in her hands. Lashara, along with Hannah and Kaila gathered the youngest children while Lilianna and the two sets of twins took up guarding positions. Lanara handed Slithera Samus and took to the air with Ferra. The distinct sound of an arrow whistled into the air just as the portal opened, then closed again, the children gone.
"Vaylin?...Inara?..."Annabella spoke up, uncertainty in her voice, causing them to turn and look at her. Their eyes got wide in shock, which then turned to sadness. An arrow was sticking out of her chest. Fangir caught her as she collapsed. His hand glowing green, he whispered assurances to her she was going to be ok, that he was healing her. The sound of another whistled into the air and before his shocked eyes, it punched into her left temple, killing her instantly. "No...NO!!" Fangir cried and hugged her to himself.
Vaylin had tears in her eyes and spotted the movement in a tree to their back left. She growled and purple tendrils burst from the ground and the tree, ensnaring the startled archer, then cut off his attempt to scream by ripping the individual apart. The portal opened again, and the others rushed to it with Kashar acting as Vaylin's guard. Bombata and Dasha made walls of ice. The portal then closed before the shocked eyes of the riders.
The Estate
The family was back at the estate and Slithera fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "No!! Please gods NO!!!!!" she screamed knowing full well she could nothing to heal Annabella. The arrow in her head made sure of that. The children collapsed to their knees and sobbed loudly while the servants could do nothing but look on, holding each other, crying.
Fangir cried loudly for his friend. Vaylin sobbed into Annabella's hand. Inara was held by Vlaad as she cried into his chest. Lanara would enter the estate doors with Ferra and fell to her knees. Tommen rushed to her, and they cried together as well as Ferra.
Kashar, Bombata and Dasha growled loudly and went to the estates armory and put on their armors and armed themselves. Shojo even fell to his knees, gently taking the Drow woman's hand he swore himself to, his blue eyes and mouth slit flashed between blue and red.
"You are now with your sister my Mistress. Your fears, your doubts, your sorrows, will no longer trouble you" he spoke softly. Yayoi's eyes also flashed between blue and red while she ever so gently snapped one end of the arrow, then gently pulled the other end out. Looking at the arrowhead, she studied it, looking for any kind of markings and found what she was looking for. The arrowhead had a small bird design on one side. She showed it to Shojo, who then stood up and left silently.
Yayoi gently picked up Annabella and took her to the estates medical room, while being accompanied by the crying family. She was placed on a bed, her eyes gently closed, while the first arrow was removed as well.
Vaylin managed to control herself long enough to speak to Slithera. "We have to send word to the Underdark. Let her parents know what happened. Let the Queen know what happened. Then, upon our return, I will hunt down those responsible. Can you control yourself long enough Slithera?" she asked after explaining what she wanted to do. Slithera wiped her tears away, nodded then placed her hand on Vaylin's shoulder and both vanished before anyone else can protest.
North Cambria-Estate of Goin
The wife of the noble was still fuming over what happened earlier at the beach. She was fuming over her husband's inability to take that little girl. So, she sent her brother out with some of his riders to teach them a lesson. Her brother was the best archer in their family, if anyone can do it, he could. She heard the riders return and went outside to greet them. Her brother was nowhere in sight. "Where is my brother? Is he going to be last to return?" she asked.
The lead rider, her brother's longtime friend got a pained look on his face. He turned and two other riders were carrying her brother's bloody cloak. She got wide eyed, started to breath heavily. "He killed one of them, but he paid for it with his life" he choked out. She began to wail and scream, causing her husband and their daughter to come rushing out of their estate and look on in horror.
The Underdark
The Queen nodded sadly at the news of Annabella's death. Her parents were also summoned, and they broke down crying upon hearing the news, which resulted in Vaylin and Slithera crying again and held each other. The Queen offered them to stay, but they gently refused and told them of their plans upon returning home. She accepted and reminded them that if they needed help, all they had to do was ask.
Cambria-The road Annabella died on
Shojo returned to the road the family was ambushed at just as the riders left. He looked around, found the riders left the archer's quiver and bow behind as well as something with his family crest on it. It matched the bird symbol that was on the arrow. Some time passed and he tracked them down to the estate they came from. He got to them just as he heard the woman wailing. His blue eyes and mouth slit shifted to red, but instead of immediately attacking, he marked the tree he was watching from and returned to his own family.
To be continued.
submitted by Angel391982 to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:15 Special-Pride-746 [Online][Other][Wednesday Either 3a-4am or 7pm or later EST] The Whispers of Veliis -- Homebrew Weird Magic/Scifi Game

[Online][Other][Wednesday Either 3a-4am or 7pm or later EST] The Whispers of Veliis -- Homebrew Weird Magic/Scifi Game
The island-continent of Kathamon or Katmon is surely amongst the most remarkable realms of the kingdoms of Estral-Veliis. It's northern portion is a fearsome icy waste. Its southern portion is a verdant land of semi-tropical forests that contains the Eight Kingdoms. The lofty peaks of the intertwining ranges of the Rainshadow, Thundershadow, Stormshadow, Lightning Shadow, and Hailshadow Mountains that form the stony spine of Kathamon divides these distinct biomes so decisively that each side of the mid continental divide might is practically a separate world. In the north, lapped by the chilly waters of the Inner Sea of Cadmusia, the Isle of Karmathag stands as an isolated outpost of civilization, home to the settlements of Minikog, an outpost of the barbarian Kadyrian tribes, and the town of Namir's Rest, a dependency of the Kingdom of Ceracal. Of late, the peace of the Isle of Karmathag has been threatened by the forces of Samagsmolyandolsomanodolonta, the Frostbite Tyrant, a vile white dragon from the far northern continent of Plegilon. The merciless wyrm directs his armies of frost orcs and trolls and yeren to locate the Hidden Well, a mana lake of immense size and nigh infinite power from which the Frostbite Tyrant intends to draw forth the necessary power to condemn all lands of the living to an eternal chill...
I'm checking interest for a homebrew that would run in the EST time zone either early morning (3am) or early evening (7pm) on Wednesday.
Here's the catch -- I haven't settled on a system yet and am willing to be slightly flexible (though any form of 5e and PF2e are a hard 'no'), as long as it's easy to model the fluff ideas I have like most races have were/lycanthropic or elemental forms and various forms of scifi technology and unusual forms of magic (as well as having a way to share rules that doesn't involve pdfs that have personal metadata in them -- I have plenty of stuff from rpg drivethru, but I'm not comfortable sharing pdfs with my personal email and a purchase number watermarked on every page with strangers on the internet -- in other words, it doesn't matter if one person in the group has a specific resource, there needs to be an easy way to share all the rules materials that are needed for the game). My original plan had been to use the AGE system, but the amount of homebrewing and the lack of pre-existing mechanical options/templates for a lot of my ideas just ended up making it a poor fit.
I was thinking of perhaps Mutants and Masterminds 3e PL12 with the 'infinite power points' option from the game master's guide. Here are some other options I've thought of/would consider:
-Palladium megaversal (rifts) -Some kind of point buy/generic d20 system like True20 or Anime d20 -A custom crunchy version of the open d6 system -RolemasteSpacemaster -Savage Worlds -Some kind of a mixture of Earthdawn and Shadowrun
Reply here or send me a DM in chat if you're interested in the game idea and what systems you'd be interested in playing. I'm already DMing 2 PF1e games, so I'd really like to do something other than d20 fantasy.
I'd probably use tableplop for a battlemap/VTT -- that's strictly to move tokens, there'd be no automation.
Campaign might be short or long depending on how well the sessions go.
Please, if you apply/express interest, be an active/participatory player -- not someone who 'spectates' during a session. I only enjoy playing with groups where there's a good exchange between the GM and party -- if I describe something, I want a reaction more than 'huh, yeah' etc., I want players to talk to each other and RP -- it doesn't need to involve voice acting or theater kid antics, but I'm not interested in a one-sided table where I talk and talk and no one else gets into it or interacts with each other.
This would be a voice game.
Here's some more info on the starting area and races to give an idea of what systems might be applicable:
The deep history of this homebrew is that it appears to be a normal fantasy setting on first glance, but deep down it's probably more like Numenera or a similar 'sufficiently advanced' science kind of setting. The basic concept is is a planet in the very middle of the Boötes Void that's isolated from the rest of the galaxy. It was colonized many millennia or millions of years ago by some kind of human or post-human society, but most of this technology has been forgotten and is currently confined to 'vaults' deep underground and their 'vaultcraft' or 'vaultwear, which are considered to be quasi magical to the degree they are understood at all. The 'dragons' might be dinosaurs subjected to genesplicing and injected with alien DNA a long time ago -- your character would have no idea about that, it's just background. The current state of affairs appears, on the surface, to be a magical arctic setting, except the 'deep explanation' for most of the phenomena is some kind of 'sufficiently advanced' technology = magic similar to Numenera. Most of the 'monsters' are genesplicing experiments of various sorts and the 'magic' is nanotech or something like biotics in Mass Effect. The 'dragons' are probably dinosaur genespliced with alien DNA by ancient 'genemathematicians'/'genehermeticists'
The initial campaign premise is that you're going to start out in a town (Frostfang) that's built around two fangs of a city-sized dead dragon (or dragon-statue, no one is really sure). The town has two trade partners -- a barbarian hunting camp on an island and another, larger, fortified town that's a colony of one of the Eight Baronies of the south. The feel/ambience is similar to Skyrim and and Ralph Bakshi's 'fire and ice'. There's an ancient tomb on a mountain overlooking the starting town -- similar to Bleakfalls Barrows in Skyrim.
The continent north of the starting zone is much more ice age/primeval and primarily consist of the disparate 'thouman/kurulthaag' of the maalisans, white orcs, and yeren -- their semi nomadic empires, established on the bones of a more ancient elven civilization, are the dominions of the Snowflake Tyrant. The area (on the northern shore of the starting continent) has a number of other factions/areas/events going on -- the yeren (yeti) empire of the northern continent of Phlegilon/Plegilon is one of the main servitors of the Frostbite Tyrant -- a mysterious creature that's similar to King Ghidorah in Godzilla. He was awoken from a deep ice tomb miles beneath the earth by crazed archeologists who became his first cultists. He seems to have abilities similar to the Legion of Everblight from Iron Kingdoms in that he has a despoiling aura that can be used to extend his conscious presence into servitors, including the yeren priest-king Azkoog the Indominable.
The forces of the yeren and the white orcs (bolgazog/bulazuur), and the 'wild men' (mallisan) have set up several forward camps in the starting zone and are pushing inwards looking for the purported location of the mana-well sought by their draconic god. There's also another dragon lord known as Kamabuzda that lives in the depths of the oceans between Kathomon and Pheligon/Plegilon/Phelgilon that's also looking for the mana-well and has its own legions of deformed servitors.
There are two different 'genealogies' or 'species' of races based on what exotic sci-fi fuel polluted their area in the past -- one set are 'were kint' that have mischwesen (mixed animal, like neo-assyrian sheddim/griffins or centaurs) or similar beastial forms. The other are 'mana kint' -- possessing elemental forms. The basic concept would be that with certain triggers characters can assume there manamorph or weremorph.
  • Varidan/Varidoran: The main primary ethnic group of the Varadian Republic that used to rule the Eight Baronies of southern Kathomon. An industrious, mercantile people that are also highly militaristic. Their cultures is a mix of medieval Iberia, Venice, as well as ancient Rome and Macedon. Their capital of Thal-amun-Varidoth is similar to Lankhmar.
  • Cheirsulari: The druidic and hunter-gatherer peoples who form the original population of the Barony of Gaulsir, of which the township of Frostfang (Chorachost) is a colonial dependency. Their culture has a Finnish/Celtic aesthetic.
  • Osalavdun: Pale-skinned, bald -- believed to have 'elder blood' from the prehistoric civilization of the enigmatic Glassspinners. Live in isolated clans in the mountains of the Shalar Region.
  • Malisan/Maalisan: The so-called 'wild men' of the northern continent of Plegilon. They are similar to historical neanderthals and are believed to have interbred with yeren and orcs. They are renowned for their great strength and skill at hunting. At least some clans are rumored to be matriarchal theocracies ruled by half-breeds known as Lammia or Lammazu which combine the genus of a sabre-toothed tigre or similar predator with that of a Malisan amazon.
Other Races:
  • Cryoraptors: Blue-scaled dinosauroids who once ruled an empire centered on the present-day ShalaSalar Region. They ruled in the name of Slaaniatar the Maiden of Pain and Pleasure. A civil war with their dragon-angels and the followers of Asaelen, mistress of light, destroyed their empire. Many undead inculabulsan -- the pain priests of Slaaniatar -- remain entombed in the ancient barrows of the Cryoraptorian civilization, including the edifice that grimly overlooks the isolated settlement of Frostfang (Chorachost). Any player characters of this race will probably be descendants of the upstart adherents of Asaelen.
  • Xollital/Xoxolitol: Blue and purple ice salamanders. The previous 'chosen people' of Slaaniatar that were replaced when their dragon-angel fell from the favor of the goddess known as the Hungry One. They currently live in subterranean caverns. A small number are explorers. Many have abandoned their worship of Slaaniatar and now venerate a pantheon of eight hero deities, most of whom are tricksters.
  • Mimkin: White mink bipeds. Tricksters, traders, caravan folk. They are scavengers that live in clans on the edge of the northern townships. They acknowledge no absolute law except their own, including the 'civilized' notion of private property.
  • Ice gnomes/Ukkanaq: Ram-horned peoples who live on the highest peaks of mountains. They are renowned as mystics and seers, as well as masters of gemnomancy. They were previously slaves of the Xollital and Cryoraptors.
  • Snowflake Elves: Mysterious adherents of the snow dragon goddess Tzamakaga and her council of 'white women'. Extremely white--blindingly white, skin with blue, pink, and purple veins and blood and hair. They are famed for their knowledge of snow magic, which combines elements of illusion and cryomancy, as well as their three-headed arctic fox-hunting steeds. Tzamakaga is considered to be a trickster and inter-dimensional traveler. She is currently believed to have departed on a tour of the nearby stars for an unknown purpose. She has been gone for roughly a decade.
submitted by Special-Pride-746 to lfgmisc [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:16 Independently-Fixed GM4A: Step Into a World of Magic and Wonder. Enter the Wildwoods.

Hi there! I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Tim and I am 23 years old. I have been roleplaying for the last 8 years in some shape or form be it tabletop, writing, large servers, and probably a few other methods I have forgotten about over the years. I like to think of myself as literate and I tend to write about 2-5 paragraphs depending on what's going on in the story. I have a lot of fun ideas for characters and storylines and I have found that the most fulfilling way for me to get to have fun with all of my ideas is to GM a story for you! Yes, you! Reading this right now.
The world I am imagining right now is definitely a fantasy one and it leans much more Lord of the Rings than Game of Thrones. We're talking mystical species like elves, dwarves, goblins, and more, all for you to meet. I also tend not to believe in good species and bad species and prefer a much broader more morally-grey spectrum. Having said that, I am more than happy to figure out a setting that works for both of us. I am open to changing and modifying most anything so we can get to talking and figure that out.
Also, we should discuss mechanics before we dive into characters. I am comfortable with just making decisions for outcomes based on what I think would be best story-wise or we can use dice. I have a system that I tend to like. It's DnD based but I have made some modifications. The same goes for combat and magic using.
Now, onto the characters you can play as: Basically, you can be whoever you want but I find it tends to work best you have a similar level of knowledge of the world as your character. This can lead us into one of two paths. The first is that you are basically isekai-ed into this world. You start off as a normal human from this world and you are transported to the magical world where you unlock abilities you never thought possible beyond the pages of a book. On the other hand you could be a peasant spurred into action for some reason. Of course, if you want to go another route, that's fine to and we can discuss that. Also, please put your favorite color in your first message so I know you read all this. Please.
I prefer to play on discord but I can play on reddit here. I am not a huge fan of reddit chat so please use DMs when reaching out. I think that covers everything so I hope I caught your eyes. Cheers!
submitted by Independently-Fixed to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 13:33 wrexsoul Love P99 - Thank You Everyone

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to take a moment to share my love and appreciation for the Project 1999 server and this amazing community. I've been playing on and off for years, and even though I don't have any high-level characters (lol), each time I come back, I'm reminded of just how special this place is.
I usually play in bursts—I'll level a character or two for a while, maybe reroll a noob char, check out the starting zones, or work on my enchanter (highest level char, 32), then take some time off. But no matter how long I'm away, every time I return, it's like stepping back into a living, breathing world. There's always folks chatting, I love just seeing ogres, elves, all the races just running around, trading, forming groups... It's amazing, and been going on for years. I'll log on after months and see the 600-800+ player count and just grin.
So, a big thank you to everyone who makes this server what it is. Cheers to many more adventures together! Also, if anyone wants to hook up a noob pally with some starter gear, hit me up in game @ Graelo, level 1 dwarf - GREEN, my current goal is just to make it to unrest, a zone I love, then at some point lower guk, where I've never been.
submitted by wrexsoul to project1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:03 Cerimlaith Tails of Meowrrowind: Part 2

This part is way longer. This time, Ma'Varrah meets everyone's dearest friend Fargoth.
2. Fargoth’s Resting Place
17 Last Seed 3E 427
Even after a whole afternoon of picking mushrooms, Khajiit could get no sleep. She still hates this awful swampy village. As soon as she returned to Seyda Neen yesterday, a hideous Wood Elf midget with bug eyes approached her and asked if she’d seen his ring. Ma’Varrah had no idea where his ring could be, but he claimed that her beautiful ring found in some barrel behind the office actually belonged to him. How weird! Khajiit still doesn’t understand human and elven concepts of property. Anyway, this one didn’t want to make a scene, so she gave this Fargoth her ring. Or, technically speaking, lent it to him – she decided to recover it later. The midget said his friend Arrille had a shop in this village, so that’s where Ma’Varrah went next.
Arrille turned out to be a huge banana who couldn’t be bothered to stoop while he talked to Khajiit and she had to strain her neck looking up at him. How rude! This one always crouches to speak with her Alfiq cousin. She bought some weapons from the banana and went upstairs. The first person she saw there was a snowman named Hrisskar who wanted her to do him a favour. Of course, Ma’Varrah isn’t an errand girl, but she really needed more money. Besides, this favour involved spying on Fargoth and taking his stuff, which looked like the perfect revenge for stealing Khajiit’s ring.
One good thing happened to this one: she met a fellow Khajiit in these backwoods and he decided to join her! His name is J’arziin and he has a lot of knowledge about this terrible island. He told Ma’Varrah that she wouldn’t be punished for killing anyone as long as they attacked her first. Come to think of it, that sounds quite useful!
At night, J’arziin and Ma’Varrah climbed the lighthouse to observe Fargoth. It took so long for him to show up that Khajiit almost lost all feeling in her tail and paws. The nights here are so cold compared to Leyawiin! When this ugly midget finally put something in a tree stump, this one’s teeth were chattering and she was shaking all over. As soon as he left, Ma’Varrah could finally leave the lighthouse and loot the stump, in which she found quite a bit of gold and a lockpick. (Khajiit is pretty good at picking locks, not that she’s a thief or anything.) In the morning, she gave Fargoth’s money to Hrisskar, who let her keep 100 drakes. She used it to buy a set of chitin armour from the banana – maybe it’ll keep her warmer at night.
When she left the tradehouse, she was immediately treated to the sight of furious Fargoth. He started yelling at Ma’Varrah for robbing him – how did he even find out? This one couldn’t just stand there and let the midget take it out on her, so she unsheathed her claws and very kindly asked him to shut up. Well, he didn’t, and he got even more aggressive. What choice did Ma’Varrah have but to defend herself? It absolutely wasn’t her fault that he basically asked to be scratched to death! This one was so angry with the way those damn elves treated her she insulted the nearest peasant, who attacked her as well. By Azurah, everyone here is just so impulsive! But everyone could see Khajiit was hit first and it was her right to fight back.
After calming down, Ma’Varrah recovered her ring from Fargoth’s body, as well as the stuff he had on him. She sold everything to his friend Arrille, who somehow didn’t mind buying his dead friend’s clothes. These elves really have no morals. Then, Khajiit went upstairs to train and came face-to-face with a renrij [Ta’agra for ‘scum’] who told her how he considered Daedra worshippers nasty. Ma’Varrah couldn’t just let that go. Of course she worships the Daedra, like Azurah, Mafala, and Hircine, and she won’t allow her faith to be insulted! Obviously, this one had to get into yet another fight this day. She was getting rather sick of it, but luckily J’arziin was a good friend and helped her teach that bastard a lesson.
Ma’Varrah really couldn’t catch a break this morning with all these hot-headed elves hounding her. Another banana, named Eldafire and very snooty, got awfully defensive when Khajiit tried to teach her some manners. (High Elf, this one’s rump! No elf could be as high as her brother M’Revarr.) Indrele Rathryon took offence with Khajiit simply mentioning smugglers, as if she was suggesting something about that Dark Elf. Teleri Helvi had the same reaction to being asked about services and her trade, implying that Ma’Varrah had delicate notions of morality and would shame a woman for being a daughter of Mafala or whoever she was. Another old elf bored this one to death with a never-ending tale about his aches and injuries. Every time Khajiit lost her patience with one of them and said, for example, that their mother was a guar, she’d get attacked. Ma’Varrah left quite a few bodies behind her, but it’s not like it was murder, just self-defence. No guard tried to arrest her for it, anyway.
Alright, this one admits that there was actually one elf she attacked first. But he was a massive racist who said that “outlanders don’t have a right to be here” (Ma’Varrah wasn’t exactly asking to be sent to Morrowind), so he absolutely deserved to die. Khajiit took great pleasure in looting his shack, which technically belongs to her now, finding a lot of ingredients in baskets and vases. Her eyes lit up when she saw an expensive-looking ring on his body. A peasant like him couldn’t possibly have been its owner so somebody was likely looking for it, but Ma’Varrah decided it’s hers and no one could disagree. She discreetly picked the locks of her other new houses and searched them very thoroughly, gathering more ingredients and alcohol. While at it, she also returned to the office, where she found flin, mazte, and a beautiful limeware platter, which could fetch a good price. Isn’t it amazing how this one was a poor prisoner yesterday and now she owns several properties? Not to mention how the banana merchant bought everything she didn’t need without asking where she got it from. She’s never met anyone so naïve before.
Ma’Varrah met only one more decent person today. He was an Argonian called Fine-Mouth who was a victim of Dark Elf racism like her and had to live in a sleazy shack in the swamp. We shared our pain and agreed we both don’t feel safe in Morrowind. It’s not like there weren’t plenty of criminals back in Leyawiin, but having to defend yourself from half of the people you talk to? And, of course, the Imperial guards never help you because no one cares if a Khajiit gets injured. Only sweet moon sugar would make this one feel better – she really must find some.
Taking advantage of the fact that no one was attacking her for a while, Ma’Varrah had a really enlightening chat with J’arziin. He told her about some Nerevarine prophecy (probably another stupid Dark Elf superstition) and corprus, a disease coming from the local volcano which turns you into a mindless monster. Hearing it curled this one’s fur. She has to deal with racism, aggression, being constantly insulted, and she also could get infected with something this horrible? Now that she has plenty of money, she would very much like to return to the mainland, but she’s ordered to stay in this Oblivion on Nirn.
Ma’Varrah decided she wanted to get out of the disgusting swampy village and go to the nearest decent city (assuming any city on Vvardenfell could be called decent). Before leaving, she climbed the lighthouse and looked at Seyda Neen from the top. The view, with several bodies no one bothered to remove on the ground, was truly morbid. Khajiit run from that hole as fast as she could and took a silt strider, owned by the only normal elf here, to Balmora. Hopefully she’ll find a better welcome there, but maybe she’s just being as naïve as a kitten.
Kill count:
Bretons: 0
Dark Elves: 9
High Elves: 1
Imperials: 1
Nords: 0
Orcs: 0
Redguards: 0
Wood Elves: 1 (RIP Fargoth)
submitted by Cerimlaith to Morrowind [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:03 BrainGrey Join Radiant Pines University, the modern-day university server

🧙‍♂️✨ Immerse yourself in a world where fantasy creatures and magic coexist with everyday life on our sprawling campus. 🏫 Explore our massive campus, nearby downtown shoppes, and a beautiful lakeside state park with hiking trails. Interact with Elves, Sorcerers, and Witches, and get into magical mischief along the way. 🎉 Our level 3 female-owned server is a tight-knit community of 100+ users, sharing stories, making connections, and having a blast together. Our active moderator and admin team ensures a safe and fun environment. 🌈 LGBTQ+ users and characters are welcome here! We embrace diversity and provide a safe space for everyone. Let your imagination run wild with character creation – any race or character is allowed! 📚 Our comprehensive rules maintain a comfortable atmosphere and protect our community. We also offer Tupperbox for up to 3 characters per user. 💫 With interesting in-character locations and plenty of OOC chats, there's always something to do and someone to chat with at RPU. Plus, we host regular staff-led events to bring everyone together! 🔞 Please note that we're an 18+ NSFW server. We have a wide variety of content, but we prioritize the comfort and well-being of our community. Ready to join the magical adventure? Click here to join us
submitted by BrainGrey to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:03 BrainGrey Join Radiant Pines University, the modern-day university server with a magical twist!

🧙‍♂️✨ Immerse yourself in a world where fantasy creatures and magic coexist with everyday life on our sprawling campus. 🏫 Explore our massive campus, nearby downtown shoppes, and a beautiful lakeside state park with hiking trails. Interact with Elves, Sorcerers, and Witches, and get into magical mischief along the way. 🎉 Our level 3 female-owned server is a tight-knit community of 100+ users, sharing stories, making connections, and having a blast together. Our active moderator and admin team ensures a safe and fun environment. 🌈 LGBTQ+ users and characters are welcome here! We embrace diversity and provide a safe space for everyone. Let your imagination run wild with character creation – any race or character is allowed! 📚 Our comprehensive rules maintain a comfortable atmosphere and protect our community. We also offer Tupperbox for up to 3 characters per user. 💫 With interesting in-character locations and plenty of OOC chats, there's always something to do and someone to chat with at RPU. Plus, we host regular staff-led events to bring everyone together! 🔞 Please note that we're an 18+ NSFW server. We have a wide variety of content, but we prioritize the comfort and well-being of our community. Ready to join the magical adventure? Click here to join us
submitted by BrainGrey to roleplaygroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:05 tangledinfairylights [F4M] Looking for a literate partner for medieval fantasy RP! <3

{RP ON DISCORD ONLY} sorry about the long message >.<
Helloooo! <3 My name is Lana. I’m a 22 year old female from the UK (GMT), looking for a literate, creative and passionate guy to roleplay with! I’m pretty new to roleplay on Reddit but I’m no stranger to rp as a hobby. I’ve been roleplaying nearlyyyy 10 years now? And would definitely consider myself as experienced.
As the title suggests, I’m searching for a partner to build a medieval, high fantasy world with! I have one very loose, and vague, idea in mind but I am more than happy to create something new with a partner. Im looking for…something political, violent, gory, plot driven and interesting. I’m thinking low magic, combat, kingdoms, different races (elves, orcs, etc) and much moreeeee. Roleplay is my one true creative outlet these days so I really do appreciate creative people.
I tend to write in third person, although that can be negotiated, and I typically write anywhere between 4-6 paragraphs per response, depending on the scene. I would consider myself to be very descriptive and detailed but some scenes just don’t require more than a few sentences! So, don’t worry about the lengths of your responses… Id prefer quality over quantity! (:
OOC chat is more than welcome! I’d love to get to know you as we roleplay… it’s important to me that I make friends with my partners. Makes things feel more natural, in my opinion!
If you’ve read this far and decide I’m not the girl for you, have a wonderful day and good luck on your search! If you like what you read, drop me a DM with your name, age, timezone and a small fact about you to get the ball rolling! Thank you for your time <3
submitted by tangledinfairylights to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 07:06 Special-Pride-746 [Online][PF1e][5pm AEST/7pm NZST (GMT+12/3am EST)][Tuesday] Australian/New Zealand Timezone Homebrew Game with a lot of 3pp. and House Rules -- Need One More Player for a Campaign Four Sessions in

Hey there, I'm EST, but I am running a really complex homebrew PF1e game in the middle of the night Tuesday morning 3am-5am my time, so I'm looking for players in the Australian, New Zealand, and similar Oceania time zones. One (1) of our six players just had to drop because of a theater commitment -- the new player would be coming in on session 4.
This is a classic high fantasy game in a homebrew world influenced/inspired by Hickman and Weiss properties like Sovereign Stone and Dragonlance.
The main set up is five elementally-aligned continents with god-dragon chromatic dragon rulers (Red for the 'fire' continent, etc.). The twist in this world is that the chromatic dragons have dual elemental or para/quasi-elemental affiliations -- fire/earth aspected red dragons; wood/ash aspected green dragons, etc. There's a artifact mcguffin quest involving a trinity of magical swords created by an ancient elven civilization. The beginning locale is an isolated township near the edge of a plateau, the base of which is a desert. The plateau is the former domain of an evil grey elf empire that still nominally controls some former territories. The nearby area has recently been afflicted by raids from the forces of the Legion of Thorns -- an army of goblinoids directed by a trio of half watehalf-earth elemental green dragon dragon lords.
Here's a summary of the initial set-up:
The isolated settlement known as the Township of Gryphonton was founded on the periphery of the fallen Serene and Implacable Grey Elven Empire of Thasmudyan*. The Grey Elf cabals who founded the empire were the previous masters of the region, and ruled cruelly as emissaries of the* Serpent or Deceiver*, a mysterious god of deception, hidden knowledge, and tyranny who wishes to dominate all mortal life. The* Township of Gryphonton was built on the ruins of an ancient avalari/avalarai (high elf/sun elf) city known as Tyr-Haishen*. The remnants of the monumental architecture of the avalari metropolis still dot the countryside and farms surrounding the* Township of Gryphonton*.* Tyr-Haishen was sacked by the legions of Thasmudyan during its third period of expansion.
The Township of Gryphonton is situated in a hinterland region on the edge of the elevated plateau that contains the Inland Sea of Helacar*, also known as the* Crescent Sea or the Scimitar Sea*, which comprised the former heartlands of the* Empire of Thasmudyan*. The* Peninsula of Charcardon and the Lordship Isle of Charachon in the Crescent Sea were the site of the former Imperial Capital known as the Iron City of Chararcheron*.
The empire of the grey elves fell in a civil war between the three greatest cabals of the Grey Elves -- the* Cabal of Purity*, the* Cabal of Majesty*, and the* Cabal of Mysteries*. The* Cabal of Mysteries attempted to replace the hereditary human and half-orc janissary and mamluk corps of the empire with more pliable legions of troll helots. The resulting conflict tore the empire into competing factions that were finally disbanded by the assault of the Legion of Thorns*, a vast army of goblinoids directed by the* Venom Pact -- a triune of ancient Green Dragons -- against the Iron City of Chararcheron*. The* Iron City of Chararcheron was sacked, as well as many important cities of the north shore of the Inland Sea. The grey elves (sub-races of which are known as the sable elves, stone elves, or mist elves) abandoned the Iron City of Chararcheron and established a new, hidden enclave in the Marshes of Chalimbar known as the Hidden City of Cinsex*.*
The grey elf cabals of the Hidden City of Cinsex still dispatch armed battalions to collect the Imperial Levy from former dependencies, including the Township of Gryphonton*. Despite the merchant clans having overthrown the hereditary nobility of the region, the assessors of the new capital have regularly dispatched companies of* Emerald Drake Mercenaries*, accompanied and directed by an* Imperial Mesmerist and a Serpentine Inquisitor of the Deceiver*, to levy taxes on the settlement. One such detachment is currently present in the* Township of Gryphonton*.*
The ruined Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*, a relic of the* Kingdom of Ceradalor*, a human and half-elf successor state of the avalari realm centered on* Tyr-Haishen*, has recently become the subject of considerable speculation. The old keep overlooks the streets of the* Township of Gryphonton from it's perch atop Thunderclap Bluff, a jagged massif that arises violently from the surrounding Forest of Talons*. Travelers along the winding* Road of Lammashedu*, an ancient pathway through the forests which is made of an immense quantity of some kind of enchanted mountain ash piled one story in height and some forty feet in breadth, have claimed that lights have been seen in the heights of* Dolor's Peak*, the highest pinnacle of* Thunderclap Bluff from which rise the foundations of the Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*. The talk of the* Dancing Ogre Inn beside the Quickwash River in the Milk District of Gryphonton is that the old fort has been reoccupied by goblinoid forces associated with the Legion of Thorns -- purportedly a tribe that has specifically devoted themselves to Venrimthaargamanix*, the most deceitful and acquisitive member of the trinity of green dragons known as the* Venom Pact*.* Venrimthaargamanix*, also known as the* Prince of Poison*, has purportedly directed his forces to occupy the ancient citadel for unknown ends...*
The chief patron deities of Grypthonton are the temples of the solar dragon goddesses of sunrise (Selys-Satra-Satama), midday (Xylynyn-Aoil), and sunset (Zulidrasamra-Xezyn) are remnants of the ancient avalari culture. The three temples of the Three -- all daughters of the Dragon God of Light, Goodness, and Glory Kheryth-Khatar Brahamasramanachamarama-Bahmut*. Their greatest festival occurs during the* Blessed Month of Ti-Akooman*, a holy period of 27 days in the sacred calendar which separates the springtide months of* Harvesttide and Brightblossom in the Daleshaart calendar of the Southern Daleshires of the Charcaradon Peninsula*. The greatest rite of this sacred month is the* Festival of Fortune's Full Favor in honor of the goddess of the noonday sun Xylynyn-Aoil*. The procession of the khopesh (egyptian sickle-sword) of the sun-elf hero-ancestor* Daiklantanes Sungleam upon a heavily ornamented palanquin is the high point of the festival. A collection of unlikely heroes observed the procession and the startling theft of the relic by a mysterious woman with a slave brand from the Citadel of Tarim*, who disappeared after assuming a verminous wereform. Her escape was covered by the appearance of hobgoblin troops from the sewers of Gryphonton, presumably servants of the* Venom Pact*. The proceedings were watched with suspicious intent by the Imperial Mesmerist Sebastien D'zantir, a half-elf dispatched by the savants of the Cabal of the Mysteries in the Hidden City of Cinsex. The hobgoblin raiders lit several fires to cover their retreat. The heroes then consulted the local high priestess of* Xylynyn-Aoil*, one* Ankhsunammun p'ten Ahamkhashara*, one of the so-called 'dragonchildren' who possess the blood of their sacred patron and her children. The priestess hypothesized that the relic had been seized by a mysterious alliance of the savants of the* Virtuous and the forces of the Venom Pact -- perhaps the high hierophants of the cabal sought to make common cause with their purported enemy to bring about the downfall of their rivals for rule of the former imperial territories and the matchless spires of the Hidden City*? In any event, the truth of the matter could only be plumbed by descending into the vast underworks of* Gryphonton known as the Veins of the Griffon*. An unlikely collection of heroes descended into the sewers and defeated several powerful giant mantis shrimp...*
Rules Stuff:
Mechanically, there are a boatload of mechanical adumbrations to the magic and combat system -- Path of War, Akasha from Dreamscarred Press and Advanced Arcana from Necromancers of the Northwest (the former adds new subsystems, while the latter hugely expands what the 'base' spellcasting classes can do with spells). Consequently, this won't be a good game for those new to the system unless you have a lot of experience with ttrpgs and can make a character largely on your own by reading a rule book. I'm intending to have a session 0 that covers setting up whatever VTT is used and going over plot/world details -- it won't be 6-8 hrs of making characters step by step as a group; the expectation would be that players are able to do that almost entirely on their own. Other rules items are things like feat-tax adjustments, gestalt, path of war 'sparking', 5e style split movement, parry as a basic combat option.
Primarily looking for players that would be satisfied basically playing core rule book and near core rule book races -- elves, half-elves, gnomes, dwarves, half-orcs, orcs, humans, halflings -- I'm open to variations on these like unusual subraces, as long as it doesn't end up with a party of drow nobles. I'd also be open to a limited number of anthropomorphic animal people like otterkin, but, again, I don't want a whole party of kitsune -- like 1-2 of these kinds of 'unusual' races in a party of 6. For dragon-like races, only kobolds with dragon-aspirant kinds of classes or maybe half-dragons of some kind -- I don't want dragon pcs or anything like that.
For a VTT, b/c of the home brew elements, and the difficulty of getting that into a VTT, I'm just using it to move tokens. It would be too difficult to program home brew rules into something like Foundry. I try to have nice, full-color maps for most things, but there is no drag-and drop functionality with compendia of spells and items. The format is going to be everyone using an excel sheet character sheet and rolling dice either with a Discord bot or in a 3d dice room. I'm planning on initially using Tableplop, and maybe supplementing with Foundry, with perhaps with a 3d option like Talespire or Rpg Stories for some scenes (I'd just stream that if I did it so everyone wouldn't have to purchase it). I set up battlemaps like a Warhammer board instead of 5ft squares -- instead, I use a 1ft=1square grid so you can move in increments other than 5', and AoO zones can overlap in more complex ways. I use a square template around the the tokens to designate AoO and reach zones.
The other format elements are voice on Discord or Zoom (no cameras), along with some audio-visual props like mood music and mood images.
My style tends to be highly sandbox -- I have an overall idea of a story, but the campaign has the general shape of an ubisoft open world game or an MMO. There's a 'major story arc', but also a high level of sandbox site-based activities. This kind of game works best for players that are fairly self-motivated and are able to develop goals for their characters -- setting up a shop, establishing a temple etc.
I prefer playing with players that are fairly self motivated/active instead of sort of trying to follow a predetermined plot arc of some kind and have a more passive approach. If that sounds interesting to you, send me a DM and we'll chat further.
I am looking for one more player for this game. The current party is:
Human Bloodrager 1 / Fighter (Free Hand) 3 / Ninja (Yokai Scion) Human Marksman (Spearman) 3 / Soulknife (Soulbolt) Dwarf S Class Monk 3/ S Class Fighter (High Guardian/Mutation Warrior) Samsaran VizieS Class Arcanist (player that has to drop) Ancient Lorekeeper S-Class Oracle/Virtious Bravo S-Class Paladin Human Soulknife//Psychic Warrior
submitted by Special-Pride-746 to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 06:57 Special-Pride-746 [Online][PF1e][5pm AEST/7pm NZST (GMT+12/3am EST)][Tuesday] Australian/New Zealand Timezone Homebrew Game with a lot of 3pp. and House Rules -- Need One More Player for a Campaign Four Sessions in

Hey there, I'm EST, but I am running a really complex homebrew PF1e game in the middle of the night Tuesday morning 3am-5am my time, so I'm looking for players in the Australian, New Zealand, and similar Oceania time zones. One (1) of our six players just had to drop because of a theater commitment -- the new player would be coming in on session 4.
This is a classic high fantasy game in a homebrew world influenced/inspired by Hickman and Weiss properties like Sovereign Stone and Dragonlance.
The main set up is five elementally-aligned continents with god-dragon chromatic dragon rulers (Red for the 'fire' continent, etc.). The twist in this world is that the chromatic dragons have dual elemental or para/quasi-elemental affiliations -- fire/earth aspected red dragons; wood/ash aspected green dragons, etc. There's a artifact mcguffin quest involving a trinity of magical swords created by an ancient elven civilization. The beginning locale is an isolated township near the edge of a plateau, the base of which is a desert. The plateau is the former domain of an evil grey elf empire that still nominally controls some former territories. The nearby area has recently been afflicted by raids from the forces of the Legion of Thorns -- an army of goblinoids directed by a trio of half watehalf-earth elemental green dragon dragon lords.
Here's a summary of the initial set-up:
The isolated settlement known as the Township of Gryphonton was founded on the periphery of the fallen Serene and Implacable Grey Elven Empire of Thasmudyan*. The Grey Elf cabals who founded the empire were the previous masters of the region, and ruled cruelly as emissaries of the* Serpent or Deceiver*, a mysterious god of deception, hidden knowledge, and tyranny who wishes to dominate all mortal life. The* Township of Gryphonton was built on the ruins of an ancient avalari/avalarai (high elf/sun elf) city known as Tyr-Haishen*. The remnants of the monumental architecture of the avalari metropolis still dot the countryside and farms surrounding the* Township of Gryphonton*.* Tyr-Haishen was sacked by the legions of Thasmudyan during its third period of expansion.
The Township of Gryphonton is situated in a hinterland region on the edge of the elevated plateau that contains the Inland Sea of Helacar*, also known as the* Crescent Sea or the Scimitar Sea*, which comprised the former heartlands of the* Empire of Thasmudyan*. The* Peninsula of Charcardon and the Lordship Isle of Charachon in the Crescent Sea were the site of the former Imperial Capital known as the Iron City of Chararcheron*.
The empire of the grey elves fell in a civil war between the three greatest cabals of the Grey Elves -- the* Cabal of Purity*, the* Cabal of Majesty*, and the* Cabal of Mysteries*. The* Cabal of Mysteries attempted to replace the hereditary human and half-orc janissary and mamluk corps of the empire with more pliable legions of troll helots. The resulting conflict tore the empire into competing factions that were finally disbanded by the assault of the Legion of Thorns*, a vast army of goblinoids directed by the* Venom Pact -- a triune of ancient Green Dragons -- against the Iron City of Chararcheron*. The* Iron City of Chararcheron was sacked, as well as many important cities of the north shore of the Inland Sea. The grey elves (sub-races of which are known as the sable elves, stone elves, or mist elves) abandoned the Iron City of Chararcheron and established a new, hidden enclave in the Marshes of Chalimbar known as the Hidden City of Cinsex*.\*
The grey elf cabals of the Hidden City of Cinsex still dispatch armed battalions to collect the Imperial Levy from former dependencies, including the Township of Gryphonton*. Despite the merchant clans having overthrown the hereditary nobility of the region, the assessors of the new capital have regularly dispatched companies of* Emerald Drake Mercenaries*, accompanied and directed by an* Imperial Mesmerist and a Serpentine Inquisitor of the Deceiver*, to levy taxes on the settlement. One such detachment is currently present in the* Township of Gryphonton*.\*
The ruined Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*, a relic of the* Kingdom of Ceradalor*, a human and half-elf successor state of the avalari realm centered on* Tyr-Haishen*, has recently become the subject of considerable speculation. The old keep overlooks the streets of the* Township of Gryphonton from it's perch atop Thunderclap Bluff, a jagged massif that arises violently from the surrounding Forest of Talons*. Travelers along the winding* Road of Lammashedu*, an ancient pathway through the forests which is made of an immense quantity of some kind of enchanted mountain ash piled one story in height and some forty feet in breadth, have claimed that lights have been seen in the heights of* Dolor's Peak*, the highest pinnacle of* Thunderclap Bluff from which rise the foundations of the Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*. The talk of the* Dancing Ogre Inn beside the Quickwash River in the Milk District of Gryphonton is that the old fort has been reoccupied by goblinoid forces associated with the Legion of Thorns -- purportedly a tribe that has specifically devoted themselves to Venrimthaargamanix*, the most deceitful and acquisitive member of the trinity of green dragons known as the* Venom Pact*.* Venrimthaargamanix*, also known as the* Prince of Poison*, has purportedly directed his forces to occupy the ancient citadel for unknown ends...\*
The chief patron deities of Grypthonton are the temples of the solar dragon goddesses of sunrise (Selys-Satra-Satama), midday (Xylynyn-Aoil), and sunset (Zulidrasamra-Xezyn) are remnants of the ancient avalari culture. The three temples of the Three -- all daughters of the Dragon God of Light, Goodness, and Glory Kheryth-Khatar Brahamasramanachamarama-Bahmut*. Their greatest festival occurs during the* Blessed Month of Ti-Akooman*, a holy period of 27 days in the sacred calendar which separates the springtide months of* Harvesttide and Brightblossom in the Daleshaart calendar of the Southern Daleshires of the Charcaradon Peninsula*. The greatest rite of this sacred month is the* Festival of Fortune's Full Favor in honor of the goddess of the noonday sun Xylynyn-Aoil*. The procession of the khopesh (egyptian sickle-sword) of the sun-elf hero-ancestor* Daiklantanes Sungleam upon a heavily ornamented palanquin is the high point of the festival. A collection of unlikely heroes observed the procession and the startling theft of the relic by a mysterious woman with a slave brand from the Citadel of Tarim*, who disappeared after assuming a verminous wereform. Her escape was covered by the appearance of hobgoblin troops from the sewers of Gryphonton, presumably servants of the* Venom Pact*. The proceedings were watched with suspicious intent by the Imperial Mesmerist Sebastien D'zantir, a half-elf dispatched by the savants of the Cabal of the Mysteries in the Hidden City of Cinsex. The hobgoblin raiders lit several fires to cover their retreat. The heroes then consulted the local high priestess of* Xylynyn-Aoil*, one* Ankhsunammun p'ten Ahamkhashara*, one of the so-called 'dragonchildren' who possess the blood of their sacred patron and her children. The priestess hypothesized that the relic had been seized by a mysterious alliance of the savants of the* Virtuous and the forces of the Venom Pact -- perhaps the high hierophants of the cabal sought to make common cause with their purported enemy to bring about the downfall of their rivals for rule of the former imperial territories and the matchless spires of the Hidden City*? In any event, the truth of the matter could only be plumbed by descending into the vast underworks of* Gryphonton known as the Veins of the Griffon*. An unlikely collection of heroes descended into the sewers and defeated several powerful giant mantis shrimp...\*
Rules Stuff:
Mechanically, there are a boatload of mechanical adumbrations to the magic and combat system -- Path of War, Akasha from Dreamscarred Press and Advanced Arcana from Necromancers of the Northwest (the former adds new subsystems, while the latter hugely expands what the 'base' spellcasting classes can do with spells). Consequently, this won't be a good game for those new to the system unless you have a lot of experience with ttrpgs and can make a character largely on your own by reading a rule book. I'm intending to have a session 0 that covers setting up whatever VTT is used and going over plot/world details -- it won't be 6-8 hrs of making characters step by step as a group; the expectation would be that players are able to do that almost entirely on their own. Other rules items are things like feat-tax adjustments, gestalt, path of war 'sparking', 5e style split movement, parry as a basic combat option.
Primarily looking for players that would be satisfied basically playing core rule book and near core rule book races -- elves, half-elves, gnomes, dwarves, half-orcs, orcs, humans, halflings -- I'm open to variations on these like unusual subraces, as long as it doesn't end up with a party of drow nobles. I'd also be open to a limited number of anthropomorphic animal people like otterkin, but, again, I don't want a whole party of kitsune -- like 1-2 of these kinds of 'unusual' races in a party of 6. For dragon-like races, only kobolds with dragon-aspirant kinds of classes or maybe half-dragons of some kind -- I don't want dragon pcs or anything like that.
For a VTT, b/c of the home brew elements, and the difficulty of getting that into a VTT, I'm just using it to move tokens. It would be too difficult to program home brew rules into something like Foundry. I try to have nice, full-color maps for most things, but there is no drag-and drop functionality with compendia of spells and items. The format is going to be everyone using an excel sheet character sheet and rolling dice either with a Discord bot or in a 3d dice room. I'm planning on initially using Tableplop, and maybe supplementing with Foundry, with perhaps with a 3d option like Talespire or Rpg Stories for some scenes (I'd just stream that if I did it so everyone wouldn't have to purchase it). I set up battlemaps like a Warhammer board instead of 5ft squares -- instead, I use a 1ft=1square grid so you can move in increments other than 5', and AoO zones can overlap in more complex ways. I use a square template around the the tokens to designate AoO and reach zones.
The other format elements are voice on Discord or Zoom (no cameras), along with some audio-visual props like mood music and mood images.
My style tends to be highly sandbox -- I have an overall idea of a story, but the campaign has the general shape of an ubisoft open world game or an MMO. There's a 'major story arc', but also a high level of sandbox site-based activities. This kind of game works best for players that are fairly self-motivated and are able to develop goals for their characters -- setting up a shop, establishing a temple etc.
I prefer playing with players that are fairly self motivated/active instead of sort of trying to follow a predetermined plot arc of some kind and have a more passive approach. If that sounds interesting to you, send me a DM and we'll chat further.
I am looking for one more player for this game. The current party is:
Human Bloodrager 1 / Fighter (Free Hand) 3 / Ninja (Yokai Scion) Human Marksman (Spearman) 3 / Soulknife (Soulbolt) Dwarf S Class Monk 3/ S Class Fighter (High Guardian/Mutation Warrior) Samsaran VizieS Class Arcanist (player that has to drop) Ancient Lorekeeper S-Class Oracle/Virtious Bravo S-Class Paladin Human Soulknife//Psychic Warrior
submitted by Special-Pride-746 to pathfinder_lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 06:55 Special-Pride-746 [Online][PF1e][5pm AEST/7pm NZST (GMT+12/3am EST)][Tuesday] Australian/New Zealand Timezone Homebrew Game with a lot of 3pp. and House Rules -- Need One More Player for a Campaign Four Sessions in

Hey there, I'm EST, but I am running a really complex homebrew PF1e game in the middle of the night Tuesday morning 3am-5am my time, so I'm looking for players in the Australian, New Zealand, and similar Oceania time zones. One (1) of our six players just had to drop because of a theater commitment -- the new player would be coming in on session 4.
This is a classic high fantasy game in a homebrew world influenced/inspired by Hickman and Weiss properties like Sovereign Stone and Dragonlance.
The main set up is five elementally-aligned continents with god-dragon chromatic dragon rulers (Red for the 'fire' continent, etc.). The twist in this world is that the chromatic dragons have dual elemental or para/quasi-elemental affiliations -- fire/earth aspected red dragons; wood/ash aspected green dragons, etc. There's a artifact mcguffin quest involving a trinity of magical swords created by an ancient elven civilization. The beginning locale is an isolated township near the edge of a plateau, the base of which is a desert. The plateau is the former domain of an evil grey elf empire that still nominally controls some former territories. The nearby area has recently been afflicted by raids from the forces of the Legion of Thorns -- an army of goblinoids directed by a trio of half watehalf-earth elemental green dragon dragon lords.
Here's a summary of the initial set-up:
The isolated settlement known as the Township of Gryphonton was founded on the periphery of the fallen Serene and Implacable Grey Elven Empire of Thasmudyan*. The Grey Elf cabals who founded the empire were the previous masters of the region, and ruled cruelly as emissaries of the* Serpent or Deceiver*, a mysterious god of deception, hidden knowledge, and tyranny who wishes to dominate all mortal life. The* Township of Gryphonton was built on the ruins of an ancient avalari/avalarai (high elf/sun elf) city known as Tyr-Haishen*. The remnants of the monumental architecture of the avalari metropolis still dot the countryside and farms surrounding the* Township of Gryphonton*.* Tyr-Haishen was sacked by the legions of Thasmudyan during its third period of expansion.
The Township of Gryphonton is situated in a hinterland region on the edge of the elevated plateau that contains the Inland Sea of Helacar*, also known as the* Crescent Sea or the Scimitar Sea*, which comprised the former heartlands of the* Empire of Thasmudyan*. The* Peninsula of Charcardon and the Lordship Isle of Charachon in the Crescent Sea were the site of the former Imperial Capital known as the Iron City of Chararcheron*.
The empire of the grey elves fell in a civil war between the three greatest cabals of the Grey Elves -- the* Cabal of Purity*, the* Cabal of Majesty*, and the* Cabal of Mysteries*. The* Cabal of Mysteries attempted to replace the hereditary human and half-orc janissary and mamluk corps of the empire with more pliable legions of troll helots. The resulting conflict tore the empire into competing factions that were finally disbanded by the assault of the Legion of Thorns*, a vast army of goblinoids directed by the* Venom Pact -- a triune of ancient Green Dragons -- against the Iron City of Chararcheron*. The* Iron City of Chararcheron was sacked, as well as many important cities of the north shore of the Inland Sea. The grey elves (sub-races of which are known as the sable elves, stone elves, or mist elves) abandoned the Iron City of Chararcheron and established a new, hidden enclave in the Marshes of Chalimbar known as the Hidden City of Cinsex*.*
The grey elf cabals of the Hidden City of Cinsex still dispatch armed battalions to collect the Imperial Levy from former dependencies, including the Township of Gryphonton*. Despite the merchant clans having overthrown the hereditary nobility of the region, the assessors of the new capital have regularly dispatched companies of* Emerald Drake Mercenaries*, accompanied and directed by an* Imperial Mesmerist and a Serpentine Inquisitor of the Deceiver*, to levy taxes on the settlement. One such detachment is currently present in the* Township of Gryphonton*.*
The ruined Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*, a relic of the* Kingdom of Ceradalor*, a human and half-elf successor state of the avalari realm centered on* Tyr-Haishen*, has recently become the subject of considerable speculation. The old keep overlooks the streets of the* Township of Gryphonton from it's perch atop Thunderclap Bluff, a jagged massif that arises violently from the surrounding Forest of Talons*. Travelers along the winding* Road of Lammashedu*, an ancient pathway through the forests which is made of an immense quantity of some kind of enchanted mountain ash piled one story in height and some forty feet in breadth, have claimed that lights have been seen in the heights of* Dolor's Peak*, the highest pinnacle of* Thunderclap Bluff from which rise the foundations of the Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*. The talk of the* Dancing Ogre Inn beside the Quickwash River in the Milk District of Gryphonton is that the old fort has been reoccupied by goblinoid forces associated with the Legion of Thorns -- purportedly a tribe that has specifically devoted themselves to Venrimthaargamanix*, the most deceitful and acquisitive member of the trinity of green dragons known as the* Venom Pact*.* Venrimthaargamanix*, also known as the* Prince of Poison*, has purportedly directed his forces to occupy the ancient citadel for unknown ends...*
The chief patron deities of Grypthonton are the temples of the solar dragon goddesses of sunrise (Selys-Satra-Satama), midday (Xylynyn-Aoil), and sunset (Zulidrasamra-Xezyn) are remnants of the ancient avalari culture. The three temples of the Three -- all daughters of the Dragon God of Light, Goodness, and Glory Kheryth-Khatar Brahamasramanachamarama-Bahmut*. Their greatest festival occurs during the* Blessed Month of Ti-Akooman*, a holy period of 27 days in the sacred calendar which separates the springtide months of* Harvesttide and Brightblossom in the Daleshaart calendar of the Southern Daleshires of the Charcaradon Peninsula*. The greatest rite of this sacred month is the* Festival of Fortune's Full Favor in honor of the goddess of the noonday sun Xylynyn-Aoil*. The procession of the khopesh (egyptian sickle-sword) of the sun-elf hero-ancestor* Daiklantanes Sungleam upon a heavily ornamented palanquin is the high point of the festival. A collection of unlikely heroes observed the procession and the startling theft of the relic by a mysterious woman with a slave brand from the Citadel of Tarim*, who disappeared after assuming a verminous wereform. Her escape was covered by the appearance of hobgoblin troops from the sewers of Gryphonton, presumably servants of the* Venom Pact*. The proceedings were watched with suspicious intent by the Imperial Mesmerist Sebastien D'zantir, a half-elf dispatched by the savants of the Cabal of the Mysteries in the Hidden City of Cinsex. The hobgoblin raiders lit several fires to cover their retreat. The heroes then consulted the local high priestess of* Xylynyn-Aoil*, one* Ankhsunammun p'ten Ahamkhashara*, one of the so-called 'dragonchildren' who possess the blood of their sacred patron and her children. The priestess hypothesized that the relic had been seized by a mysterious alliance of the savants of the* Virtuous and the forces of the Venom Pact -- perhaps the high hierophants of the cabal sought to make common cause with their purported enemy to bring about the downfall of their rivals for rule of the former imperial territories and the matchless spires of the Hidden City*? In any event, the truth of the matter could only be plumbed by descending into the vast underworks of* Gryphonton known as the Veins of the Griffon*. An unlikely collection of heroes descended into the sewers and defeated several powerful giant mantis shrimp...*
Rules Stuff:
Mechanically, there are a boatload of mechanical adumbrations to the magic and combat system -- Path of War, Akasha from Dreamscarred Press and Advanced Arcana from Necromancers of the Northwest (the former adds new subsystems, while the latter hugely expands what the 'base' spellcasting classes can do with spells). Consequently, this won't be a good game for those new to the system unless you have a lot of experience with ttrpgs and can make a character largely on your own by reading a rule book. I'm intending to have a session 0 that covers setting up whatever VTT is used and going over plot/world details -- it won't be 6-8 hrs of making characters step by step as a group; the expectation would be that players are able to do that almost entirely on their own. Other rules items are things like feat-tax adjustments, gestalt, path of war 'sparking', 5e style split movement, parry as a basic combat option.
Primarily looking for players that would be satisfied basically playing core rule book and near core rule book races -- elves, half-elves, gnomes, dwarves, half-orcs, orcs, humans, halflings -- I'm open to variations on these like unusual subraces, as long as it doesn't end up with a party of drow nobles. I'd also be open to a limited number of anthropomorphic animal people like otterkin, but, again, I don't want a whole party of kitsune -- like 1-2 of these kinds of 'unusual' races in a party of 6. For dragon-like races, only kobolds with dragon-aspirant kinds of classes or maybe half-dragons of some kind -- I don't want dragon pcs or anything like that.
For a VTT, b/c of the home brew elements, and the difficulty of getting that into a VTT, I'm just using it to move tokens. It would be too difficult to program home brew rules into something like Foundry. I try to have nice, full-color maps for most things, but there is no drag-and drop functionality with compendia of spells and items. The format is going to be everyone using an excel sheet character sheet and rolling dice either with a Discord bot or in a 3d dice room. I'm planning on initially using Tableplop, and maybe supplementing with Foundry, with perhaps with a 3d option like Talespire or Rpg Stories for some scenes (I'd just stream that if I did it so everyone wouldn't have to purchase it). I set up battlemaps like a Warhammer board instead of 5ft squares -- instead, I use a 1ft=1square grid so you can move in increments other than 5', and AoO zones can overlap in more complex ways. I use a square template around the the tokens to designate AoO and reach zones.
The other format elements are voice on Discord or Zoom (no cameras), along with some audio-visual props like mood music and mood images.
My style tends to be highly sandbox -- I have an overall idea of a story, but the campaign has the general shape of an ubisoft open world game or an MMO. There's a 'major story arc', but also a high level of sandbox site-based activities. This kind of game works best for players that are fairly self-motivated and are able to develop goals for their characters -- setting up a shop, establishing a temple etc.
I prefer playing with players that are fairly self motivated/active instead of sort of trying to follow a predetermined plot arc of some kind and have a more passive approach. If that sounds interesting to you, send me a DM and we'll chat further.
I am looking for one more player for this game. The current party is:
Human Bloodrager 1 / Fighter (Free Hand) 3 / Ninja (Yokai Scion) Human Marksman (Spearman) 3 / Soulknife (Soulbolt) Dwarf S Class Monk 3/ S Class Fighter (High Guardian/Mutation Warrior) Samsaran VizieS Class Arcanist (player that has to drop) Ancient Lorekeeper S-Class Oracle/Virtious Bravo S-Class Paladin Human Soulknife//Psychic Warrior
submitted by Special-Pride-746 to lfgmisc [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 06:47 Special-Pride-746 [Online][PF1e][5pm AEST/7pm NZST (GMT+12/3am EST)][Tuesday] Australian/New Zealand Timezone Homebrew Game with a lot of 3pp. and House Rules -- Need One More Player for a Campaign Four Sessions in

Hey there, I'm EST, but I am running a really complex homebrew PF1e game in the middle of the night Tuesday morning 3am-5am my time, so I'm looking for players in the Australian, New Zealand, and similar Oceania time zones. One (1) of our six players just had to drop because of a theater commitment -- the new player would be coming in on session 4.
This is a classic high fantasy game in a homebrew world influenced/inspired by Hickman and Weiss properties like Sovereign Stone and Dragonlance.
The main set up is five elementally-aligned continents with god-dragon chromatic dragon rulers (Red for the 'fire' continent, etc.). The twist in this world is that the chromatic dragons have dual elemental or para/quasi-elemental affiliations -- fire/earth aspected red dragons; wood/ash aspected green dragons, etc. There's a artifact mcguffin quest involving a trinity of magical swords created by an ancient elven civilization. The beginning locale is an isolated township near the edge of a plateau, the base of which is a desert. The plateau is the former domain of an evil grey elf empire that still nominally controls some former territories. The nearby area has recently been afflicted by raids from the forces of the Legion of Thorns -- an army of goblinoids directed by a trio of half watehalf-earth elemental green dragon dragon lords.
Here's a summary of the initial set-up:
The isolated settlement known as the Township of Gryphonton was founded on the periphery of the fallen Serene and Implacable Grey Elven Empire of Thasmudyan*. The Grey Elf cabals who founded the empire were the previous masters of the region, and ruled cruelly as emissaries of the* Serpent or Deceiver*, a mysterious god of deception, hidden knowledge, and tyranny who wishes to dominate all mortal life. The* Township of Gryphonton was built on the ruins of an ancient avalari/avalarai (high elf/sun elf) city known as Tyr-Haishen*. The remnants of the monumental architecture of the avalari metropolis still dot the countryside and farms surrounding the* Township of Gryphonton*.* Tyr-Haishen was sacked by the legions of Thasmudyan during its third period of expansion.
The Township of Gryphonton is situated in a hinterland region on the edge of the elevated plateau that contains the Inland Sea of Helacar*, also known as the* Crescent Sea or the Scimitar Sea*, which comprised the former heartlands of the* Empire of Thasmudyan*. The* Peninsula of Charcardon and the Lordship Isle of Charachon in the Crescent Sea were the site of the former Imperial Capital known as the Iron City of Chararcheron*.
The empire of the grey elves fell in a civil war between the three greatest cabals of the Grey Elves -- the* Cabal of Purity*, the* Cabal of Majesty*, and the* Cabal of Mysteries*. The* Cabal of Mysteries attempted to replace the hereditary human and half-orc janissary and mamluk corps of the empire with more pliable legions of troll helots. The resulting conflict tore the empire into competing factions that were finally disbanded by the assault of the Legion of Thorns*, a vast army of goblinoids directed by the* Venom Pact -- a triune of ancient Green Dragons -- against the Iron City of Chararcheron*. The* Iron City of Chararcheron was sacked, as well as many important cities of the north shore of the Inland Sea. The grey elves (sub-races of which are known as the sable elves, stone elves, or mist elves) abandoned the Iron City of Chararcheron and established a new, hidden enclave in the Marshes of Chalimbar known as the Hidden City of Cinsex*.*
The grey elf cabals of the Hidden City of Cinsex still dispatch armed battalions to collect the Imperial Levy from former dependencies, including the Township of Gryphonton*. Despite the merchant clans having overthrown the hereditary nobility of the region, the assessors of the new capital have regularly dispatched companies of* Emerald Drake Mercenaries*, accompanied and directed by an* Imperial Mesmerist and a Serpentine Inquisitor of the Deceiver*, to levy taxes on the settlement. One such detachment is currently present in the* Township of Gryphonton*.*
The ruined Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*, a relic of the* Kingdom of Ceradalor*, a human and half-elf successor state of the avalari realm centered on* Tyr-Haishen*, has recently become the subject of considerable speculation. The old keep overlooks the streets of the* Township of Gryphonton from it's perch atop Thunderclap Bluff, a jagged massif that arises violently from the surrounding Forest of Talons*. Travelers along the winding* Road of Lammashedu*, an ancient pathway through the forests which is made of an immense quantity of some kind of enchanted mountain ash piled one story in height and some forty feet in breadth, have claimed that lights have been seen in the heights of* Dolor's Peak*, the highest pinnacle of* Thunderclap Bluff from which rise the foundations of the Fortress of Byrones' Sighs*. The talk of the* Dancing Ogre Inn beside the Quickwash River in the Milk District of Gryphonton is that the old fort has been reoccupied by goblinoid forces associated with the Legion of Thorns -- purportedly a tribe that has specifically devoted themselves to Venrimthaargamanix*, the most deceitful and acquisitive member of the trinity of green dragons known as the* Venom Pact*.* Venrimthaargamanix*, also known as the* Prince of Poison*, has purportedly directed his forces to occupy the ancient citadel for unknown ends...*
The chief patron deities of Grypthonton are the temples of the solar dragon goddesses of sunrise (Selys-Satra-Satama), midday (Xylynyn-Aoil), and sunset (Zulidrasamra-Xezyn) are remnants of the ancient avalari culture. The three temples of the Three -- all daughters of the Dragon God of Light, Goodness, and Glory Kheryth-Khatar Brahamasramanachamarama-Bahmut*. Their greatest festival occurs during the* Blessed Month of Ti-Akooman*, a holy period of 27 days in the sacred calendar which separates the springtide months of* Harvesttide and Brightblossom in the Daleshaart calendar of the Southern Daleshires of the Charcaradon Peninsula*. The greatest rite of this sacred month is the* Festival of Fortune's Full Favor in honor of the goddess of the noonday sun Xylynyn-Aoil*. The procession of the khopesh (egyptian sickle-sword) of the sun-elf hero-ancestor* Daiklantanes Sungleam upon a heavily ornamented palanquin is the high point of the festival. A collection of unlikely heroes observed the procession and the startling theft of the relic by a mysterious woman with a slave brand from the Citadel of Tarim*, who disappeared after assuming a verminous wereform. Her escape was covered by the appearance of hobgoblin troops from the sewers of Gryphonton, presumably servants of the* Venom Pact*. The proceedings were watched with suspicious intent by the Imperial Mesmerist Sebastien D'zantir, a half-elf dispatched by the savants of the Cabal of the Mysteries in the Hidden City of Cinsex. The hobgoblin raiders lit several fires to cover their retreat. The heroes then consulted the local high priestess of* Xylynyn-Aoil*, one* Ankhsunammun p'ten Ahamkhashara*, one of the so-called 'dragonchildren' who possess the blood of their sacred patron and her children. The priestess hypothesized that the relic had been seized by a mysterious alliance of the savants of the* Virtuous and the forces of the Venom Pact -- perhaps the high hierophants of the cabal sought to make common cause with their purported enemy to bring about the downfall of their rivals for rule of the former imperial territories and the matchless spires of the Hidden City*? In any event, the truth of the matter could only be plumbed by descending into the vast underworks of* Gryphonton known as the Veins of the Griffon*. An unlikely collection of heroes descended into the sewers and defeated several powerful giant mantis shrimp...*
Rules Stuff:
Mechanically, there are a boatload of mechanical adumbrations to the magic and combat system -- Path of War, Akasha from Dreamscarred Press and Advanced Arcana from Necromancers of the Northwest (the former adds new subsystems, while the latter hugely expands what the 'base' spellcasting classes can do with spells). Consequently, this won't be a good game for those new to the system unless you have a lot of experience with ttrpgs and can make a character largely on your own by reading a rule book. I'm intending to have a session 0 that covers setting up whatever VTT is used and going over plot/world details -- it won't be 6-8 hrs of making characters step by step as a group; the expectation would be that players are able to do that almost entirely on their own. Other rules items are things like feat-tax adjustments, gestalt, path of war 'sparking', 5e style split movement, parry as a basic combat option.
Primarily looking for players that would be satisfied basically playing core rule book and near core rule book races -- elves, half-elves, gnomes, dwarves, half-orcs, orcs, humans, halflings -- I'm open to variations on these like unusual subraces, as long as it doesn't end up with a party of drow nobles. I'd also be open to a limited number of anthropomorphic animal people like otterkin, but, again, I don't want a whole party of kitsune -- like 1-2 of these kinds of 'unusual' races in a party of 6. For dragon-like races, only kobolds with dragon-aspirant kinds of classes or maybe half-dragons of some kind -- I don't want dragon pcs or anything like that.
For a VTT, b/c of the home brew elements, and the difficulty of getting that into a VTT, I'm just using it to move tokens. It would be too difficult to program home brew rules into something like Foundry. I try to have nice, full-color maps for most things, but there is no drag-and drop functionality with compendia of spells and items. The format is going to be everyone using an excel sheet character sheet and rolling dice either with a Discord bot or in a 3d dice room. I'm planning on initially using Tableplop, and maybe supplementing with Foundry, with perhaps with a 3d option like Talespire or Rpg Stories for some scenes (I'd just stream that if I did it so everyone wouldn't have to purchase it). I set up battlemaps like a Warhammer board instead of 5ft squares -- instead, I use a 1ft=1square grid so you can move in increments other than 5', and AoO zones can overlap in more complex ways. I use a square template around the the tokens to designate AoO and reach zones.
The other format elements are voice on Discord or Zoom (no cameras), along with some audio-visual props like mood music and mood images.
My style tends to be highly sandbox -- I have an overall idea of a story, but the campaign has the general shape of an ubisoft open world game or an MMO. There's a 'major story arc', but also a high level of sandbox site-based activities. This kind of game works best for players that are fairly self-motivated and are able to develop goals for their characters -- setting up a shop, establishing a temple etc.
I prefer playing with players that are fairly self motivated/active instead of sort of trying to follow a predetermined plot arc of some kind and have a more passive approach. If that sounds interesting to you, send me a DM and we'll chat further.
I am looking for one more player for this game. The current party is:
Human Bloodrager 1 / Fighter (Free Hand) 3 / Ninja (Yokai Scion) Human Marksman (Spearman) 3 / Soulknife (Soulbolt) Dwarf S Class Monk 3/ S Class Fighter (High Guardian/Mutation Warrior) Samsaran VizieS Class Arcanist (player that has to drop) Ancient Lorekeeper S-Class Oracle/Virtious Bravo S-Class Paladin Human Soulknife//Psychic Warrior

submitted by Special-Pride-746 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 03:42 TheOneTrueAnimeGod Sionia Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Map First Previous
I was shaken out of my thoughts of my near escape by Lars who rode up informing me that there was a good place to stop for the mid day meal. About twenty minutes later, we pulled into an area that had fire pits and crude wooden and stone benches.
As everyone was exiting, there was a commotion with the wolf kin brothers at the girl's carriage.
“It is OK. Calm down!” Stated one of the Aphardian wards named Flora.
“It-th is-th not OK! They are infiltrators-th!” Snarled Connor with his lisp and baring his teeth pointing at two individuals I had never seen before.
Conan also was growling at the pair and halted at attacking them because of my presence.
Lars ran quickly to me and said, “I was told you approved of them joining our party for you have added many without letting me know.”
“I see. Who are they?” I asked generally for anyone to answer.
“This is Ruth and Quinn. They asked for help in escaping from Fortress Avalon. Quinn told us that Lord Skafhoggr is locked up in a high tower room with his mind lost to reality. Ruth told us that Lady Grogda hoped to make you her husband and planned to drug you into compliance because you were not simple minded like Lord Skafhoggr. We were unable to warn you before you entered into the great hall and was already seated when we arrived just before the meal was served. When we saw the footman drugged and order for us to leave, we asked Ruth to come with us as she feared retribution for seeing and knowing too much. Ruth would not leave without her man Quinn. Both were told that if they did not do as they were told, they would have their throats slit and tossed from the high battlement into the river.” Flora explained as she stood between the pair and the wolf kin brothers while facing me.
“Tell me, Quinn is it, what position did you hold?” I asked out of curiosity.
“I was administrative assistant and man's man to Lord Skafhoggr. Lord Skafhoggr appointed me after the previous chamberlain and steward fled after Lord Appleton was murdered. Lord Skafhoggr could not find the seal of Avalon Fortress nor locate where the previous Lord's treasure room for it is well hidden. Lady Ludmilla had the Fortress searched several times over for almost two months straight trying to find both the treasure room and the Lord's seal.” Quinn stated with salute and bowed again.
“I see. That explains a lot and produces even more questions. The king's message did it arrive in Avalon?” I asked as I was trying to putting two and two together.
“Yes. There were many messages by both filoxis and florse that was arriving constantly almost every day over the last three weeks. Most I read were about the Empire and requesting the raising a maximum number soldiers for the levy army from Lord Skafhoggr's holdings. I also know there was one from Grand Chamberlain Olof Skagkung that stated Lord Skafhoggr to provide you assistance and rest as you traveled south through the city of Avalon. Lady Ludmilla asked the information brokers about you with Lord Skafhoggr permission as he stated he had never heard your name before. I do not know what was in the other messages and there were many them. Lady Ludmilla took those messages and did not divulge the contents.” Stated Quinn as he saluted and bowed.
“How is Lady Ludmilla paying for servants and things?” I asked trying to understand what I thought was simple greed of a gold digger.
“She has been selling random items mostly furniture from the Fortress to meet their financial needs. A trader from the Federation of Aldoberia buys directly from Lady Ludmilla who arrives once a month by ship.” Quinn answered as he shook his head.
“That is a long and expensive journey. I suspect they are buying at a major discount as Lady Ludmilla can not let people know she is basically without money. It also explains why the fortress was so spartan when it should have displayed wealth. Does she not receive rents and taxes?” I stated the obvious with a question.
“Lady Ludmilla cries about that often. However, the chamberlain has the steward's records and account books. Who owes what and when taxes and tributes are to be collected has not been found. Lady Ludmilla has been threatening local business to provide items as tribute which several acquiesced to her demands. However, she tried to tax them a couple of times and it resulted in a heavy push back with the tradesman's merchant guild threatening to go to the king for a hearing about being illegally over taxed.” Quinn answered which painted a complete picture of pure evil schemes and unadulterated greed.
“Running away could cause a problem for you. I am not certain exactly the laws concerning this as it breaks honor and trust. However, I am going to the king. I would like you to give testimony to what you know and repeating what you have told me. That should be enough to release you from any obligation and law that you might have broken.” I said with sound advice as I remembered a story about a steward who fled during the War of the Roses back on earth joining the other side.
“We understand and yes, we will tell the king all that we know.” Answered Quinn where he and Ruth both gave a salute and bow followed by them hugging one another.
“Fine. Connor, Conan they will be riding in the carriage for the time being. When we catch up to Zack, they can ride in that cart.”
“Yess-th, Lord Wyatt-th” Said Connor with his lisp.
“Rurright.” Said Conan with a nodding motion.
With the newest pair to join our group was settled, everyone sat down to have lunch which Big Jake had made a soup like stew with Kanade making bread slices covered in melted cheese and sauteed apples in simple syrup with cinnamon spice. After everyone had eaten, we were back on the road more than three hours later. I asked Lars to pick up the pace as I wanted to reach Zack's party before nightfall. Lars ordered the florses to trot for thirty minutes then walk for thirty.
About three hours later, we had to stop and switch out the florses pulling the main baggage cart and the third carriage that our new guests were in. This took about twenty minutes with Luke making the comment that I was lucky to have extra florses.
Just as the last sun was getting low in the sky, Ivor came riding up.
“I have spotted the Keepers of the Blood Oath about seven millos head.” Ivor reported as he had been scouting ahead.
“Very good. Ride quickly and let Zack know we will be joining him shortly.” I stated with relief.
Ivor quickly galloped up the road to inform Zack of my impending arrival. About forty minutes later, we pulled into at a hidden little clearing about fifty yards off the main road in a small forested area.
“You have done well. Any problems or issues?” I praised Zack and wanting to know if there were any potential problems I needed to deal with.
“No, we had no issues at all. We passed through Avalon without a search for we are well known by the gate guards.” Zack stated with a salute and a hearty laugh.
“Well good. I am glad. Let's get everyone situated for the night.” I stated with a nod.
I saw my cook Jason hard at work spit roasting up two deer that the adventurer's had shot prior to our arrival. With more fires lit, Big Jake was making side dishes with Kanade making fresh bread rolls and simple tarts fried in the rendered fat of the deer.
Sitting before a fire with Zack, I informed him of what happened at Avalon Fortress. Zack seemed shocked and had no clue as to what was going on with those in power. Pamba came and climbed on my shoulder rubbing her cheek against mine letting me know she missed me. It was then that Zack stated Pamba went missing just after they had set up camp the night before until just a little before our arrival. That kind of surprised me but brushed it off as we were not in Elven or Nysa lands where ventu volpis was said to be from where they had mates and others of their kind.
After diner, I had Zack and his party take the bulk of the guard duty allowing most of the guard to get a good night's rest where only two guards would be posted around the baggage carts where each only had to stand a two hour watch.
In the morning, I allowed everyone to take their time getting ready and for a long breakfast period. With the extra time, I had Big Jake and the cooks prep for a cold lunch that could be eaten quickly on the move and not having to cook as this was going to be a very long travel day.
Around mid morning, I called for everyone to load up. With Nick and Fang leading out onto the road, we began heading southwest toward a town called Crysauster. Our next stop for the night was a good ten to twelve hours of travel through endless wheat and barley fields as far as you could see as the trees fell away toward endless flat plains.
“I think I am in Kansas now.” I mumbled to myself with Gus giving me an odd questioning look.
I ordered a stop a little after mid day for people stretch their legs and see to their own constitutional needs for just forty minutes. As everyone was loading back up, the cooks were handing meals wrapped in rough paper that contained deer strips that was flour coated and fried along with fried strips of potato that were called steak fries back on earth. My people seemed surprised by the request of them eating on the road. After all, lunch breaks were at least a three hour ordeal from food prep to clean up afterwards.
We continued traveling southwest for another four hours before we stopped again for those needing another forty minute constitutional respite. Finally, we arrived near the small town of Crysauster and camped at a known place where a merchant caravan displaying the standard from the Seven Sisters of Pleiadesia had already stopped and set up camp. I made sure we had a full guard this night. Big Jake cooked up a hearty stew with lots of vegetables as the dried meat given by Evito back in Trikath would need to be reconstituted. Soups and stew was a perfect way to insure the meat was tender and not lumps of leather.
After dinner, it was noticeable that everyone was exhausted as they retired early without complaint save the guards who were on a three hour rotating watch along with half of Zack's party who were on a four hour watch.
The following morning, I allowed Big Jake to go into town and get eggs for the morning meal which I gave him three koper. The breakfast consisted of the last of the bacon with eggs and toasted bread with jam.
Big Jake, how is our food supply?” I inquired given the request for eggs earlier.
“We have about ten measures of dried meat, twenty measures of flour, three measures of cane sugar, eight bottles of vinqua, one measures of ground salt, less than a hand of pepper. Herbs we are running out with just enough for maybe one more meal. As for vegetables, there are about three measures of dried peas, corn, carrots, squash and beans. About twenty large measures of potatoes. Two measures of dried tomatoes and around twenty measures of yellow onions.” Jake rattled off exactly what was left of the rations Evito had provided.
“I see.” I said and began thinking of ways on how to address our quickly dwindling supplies.
“Lord Wyatt, given the size of our party, we will be completely out of food in two to three days. However, the quality and quantity of that food will be bad as spices and herbs we are basically out of. We will have to ration how much people can have as well until we get more supplies.” Big Jake stated as he shook his head.
At this news, I sought out the Alphardians Aura and Sylvia and asked them to ride a florse to find herbs, fruits, nuts and eatables along with any spices that grew in these parts. I also gave them five koper to buy spices and herbs which could not be found foraging where they would catch up to us at the town of Lanyon our next camping stop.
“Pardon me. I am Adrian Pleiad a humble merchant from Electra one of the Seven Sisters of Pleiadesia. I apologize but I over heard your need for spice. I happen to be carrying spices as my main cargo. When it comes to spice, you name it and we have it or can get it.” Adrian introduced himself out of the blue with a salute followed by a deep bow along with his sales pitch.
“Is that so. Tell me, where does your countrymen stand with the Empire of Mardor these days?” I asked more to satisfy my curiosity given that they were neighboring counties.
“We have an understanding with Empire. We provide them with trade from around the world that they obviously could not get otherwise. To oppose or attack us would make them completely isolated in the world. Even though they do trade with the pirates of the Union of Fordia, it is not a reliable source nor is the goods specific to what is needed. Pirates can only steal what they can catch and they rarely know what type of cargo they will get.” Adrian explained with a nod.
“I see. Fine, Big Jake there will see to the quality. If it meets his standards, I will be happy to become your patron.” I stated and pointed to Big Jake.
Big Jake went with Adrian to see what they had while Aura and Sylvia left to gather herbs fruits, nuts and other eatables with new instructions not purchase any spice for now. Big Jake returned and stated the spices were of good to high quality. I ended up purchasing one silver's worth of spices which was way more than we needed. However, Adrian stated he only sold in bulk and I had to buy the full cask, crate or box of the spices we needed as Adrian would not break down these items into smaller quantities. I understood as stores would buy in bulk then divide up what each customer needed. All considered, it was a bargain but not exactly at an opportune time as travel could spoil or cause a loss to such an expensive purchase.
Big Jake and Jason asked both Lars and Zack to be on the lookout for two to three boar and get another two to three deer. Once the spices were sorted and stored in my cart, I saw Luke with the deer hides he had been working on cleaning and stretching all morning. The deer hides were tied to the outside frame of the baggage cart to dry as we traveled.
Laughing at the ugly scene, Luke stated “ I need leather and will take the hides to a tanner in Camelot. The tanners will for a few koper exchange them for the high quality leather I require.”
“Is that so. Let me know how much and I will supply the koper.” I stated as I realized my people were needing items I had not thought about.
Calling for everyone to load up, Freya came and insisted joining me in my carriage as she wanted to spend time with me. Freya was with another Asgardian named Prima a bluish blond with violet eyes who turned out to be her best friend.
“I am Prima. Freya and I have been best friends since we were children. When we arrive back in Asgard, I will stand with Freya before the Counsel of Wings the trial to become a Valkyrie.” Prima introduced herself stating a title I was clueless about.
“A pleasure to now meet you personally. I am sure we will be good friends as we both love Freya.” I said with a smile.
“Yes, I am aware and I see no reason why we can not be good friends.” Prima said as she hugged Freya close to her.
I asked Robert to join me in my carriage as I wanted to talk with him about Fortress Avalon now he had time to digest the news from earlier. We were led out again by Nick and Fang as we continued onward.
As the endless wheat fields passed by with Freya and Prima chatting about the Valkyrie trial, I questioned Robert.
“You were chamberlain and steward for the former Viscount. Is that not right?” I asked with Freya sitting next to me playing with Pamba as she listened to Prima's advise.
“Yes, that is true.” Robert answered but offered nothing more.
“I see. Where did you hide the account books?” I asked pointedly which Robert seemed shocked.
“What makes you think that, Lord Wyatt.” Robert replied and deliberately was looking at Pamba to avoid my eyes.
“Robert, Quinn stated that you hid or took the account books as Lord Skafhoggr appointed him to do your job until they found you. Lady Ludmilla is selling off furniture and other items because no one knows where the treasure is hidden and can not collect rents because the books are missing. Look, I am not interested in the treasure or books themselves. However, if they are with you or in a place where they can be stolen, lost or destroyed, then as Charlie's guardian I need to act for his benefit.” I explained then leaned back and crossed my arms.
“I understand. However, I know nothing.” Said Robert as he shook his head.
Pamba made a growling bark where she jump out of Freya's lap and up onto my shoulder. Rubbing my cheek with hers where she looked at Robert and made a growling bark at him.
“I see. Ah, Pamba is calling you out Robert. She can tell when people are telling the truth or not. If they are good or evil. She can even tell if people have ill will or good intentions. She is letting me know you are lying to me.” I said with a pointing finger at Robert.
Pamba yipped what I understood as a yes bark and rubbed her cheek against mine again.
“So, it is true. I heard the tale that they bond with elves where they let them know about strangers they come across.” Robert said as he seemed genuinely shocked.
“The truth this time.” I stated with a heavy frown as I scratched Pamba under her chin and behind her ears.
“I took the account books to the merchant's guild for them to hold in a strongbox for me. They do that if you pay them one silver which they will hold and protect for one year in their treasury room. It is very secure as they generally have about fifty guards that protect their building, storefront and warehouse. Thieves would be hard pressed in tight quarters to get past them.” Robert explained with a sigh.
“That is good. The books are well protected for at least a year. What about the treasure Viscount Appleton had? He has a large holding and Avalon is a city that produces incredible wealth.” I asked the important question and leaned back again crossing my arms.
“It is hidden in a very special place within the fortress. Unless you know exactly where to look and which stone to press, you will never find it. It is in a hidden small room about eight podes long and six podes deep. They can search for cycles and never find it. Access is in a place you just can not easily get to nor could you press by accident to gain entry. I would have to show you as the hiding place does not have an actual name.” Robert stated with a shrug of his shoulders.
“You are certain no one can find this room or access the lever stone to open the hidden door?” I asked as I leaned forward with my palm outstretched.
“I am very certain. Quinn has said that Lady Ludmilla has search the fortress from top to bottom at least fifteen times where they spend one to three days in each room literally looking for anything. They can search for a thousand cycles and will never find it.” Robert stated emphatically and laughed.
“I see. Tell me Robert, what will you do after reporting to the king?” I asked leaning even more forward now with my elbows on my knees.
“I do not know. You are aware Charlie will most likely become a ward of the king until he becomes old enough that he can properly look after himself and titles. There would most likely will be a hearing concerning succession at the least. It is not outside the possibility that they will also decide the current title and lands and who actually retains them. Sometimes, holdings are reduced to the original core land. Which in this case for Charlie, is the city of Pamona and all the orchards to the east along the north side of the River Paradise to about half way to Avalon. That is the original ancestral holding of House of Appleton.” Robert stated honestly what could happen in the Capital.
“I see. If Charlie becomes the king's ward, what happens with you?” I asked poignantly.
“I honestly do not know. I could be asked to look after some or all of Charlie's holdings or I could be dismissed. It really is up to the king. Why do you ask?” Robert asking his own question with a puzzled look.
“You seem very knowledgeable. From what I have learned, you are an excellent chamberlain and steward. If things are as I am being told, I will be needing someone with your qualities and experience.” I stated honestly.
“I am honored. If I am dismissed, I would gladly join your House. However, I am honor bound upon my oath to serve the House of Appleton. The king will decide for us what the future hold.” Robert stated clearly with a sad expression.
Robert's answers made me respect him all the more and I really wanted him to help manage any future holdings I would have. Turning to Freya, I asked her to tell me about Asgardia and the city of Asgard. Listing intently, Freya gave me the history and description of the city with Prima interjecting here and there items that Freya had left out or was unsure about.
Time flies as they say when having an enjoyable time and it was already reaching mid day. Lars informed me of a place to camp a few millos ahead and I was more than ready to stretch my legs.
“Alarm, Alarm! Arm yourselves!” Called Ivor riding hard toward our little group on the road as he had been scouting as we traveled.
I immediately raised the window shields and opened all the louvers before stepping out of the carriage. Lars and Ivor came running up with worried looks on their faces.
“Monsters! Hordes of monsters!” Ivor exclaimed panting hard with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.
“Monsters? How many and where?” I asked as my own surprise and alarm rose significantly.
“Over a hundred goblins, five hobgoblins and an ogre leading the way. Behind them, I saw three war orcs and a salamander on a chain as well. The war orcs were also carrying red slimes! With them, they will devastate us!” Ivor answered clearly showing signs of abject fear.
“Wait what? I do not understand about the red slimes. Why are they so bad?” I asked in confusion.
“They produce a fluid that burns very hot when lit and hard to put out. Water just kind of spreads it around. It is a type of burn that will kill you as it consumes to the bone. Orcs will squeeze these slimes to make them spray this stuff where the salamanders spitting fire will burn us to death.” Lars said with the grim outlook.
“How far are they now!” I asked as I was trying to control my own fear.
“About fifteen millos to the northeast. They are moving down the Avalon Elysium road off to the east over there. The crossroad just ahead is where old Fort Lanyon lies where we planned on stopping for the midday meal. It is an ancient abandoned tiny two story keep whose walls were breached some thousand cycles ago. The road off to the left eastward continues on for about ten or so millo where it joins the main Avalon Elysium road.” Ivor answered and pointing down the King's Highway.
“So, if we do nothing, they will pass?” I asked thinking hard.
“Yes, Lord Wyatt. However, we can not let them ravage through the countryside. No telling how many will be taken unaware. The threat is big enough to even threaten the destruction of the city of Elysium but not the fortress as it is impregnable.” Stated Lars as he rubbed his chin in thought.
“I see. Tell me Zack, is there a place where we might be able to ambush them and make a stand where we can protect those who can not fight in the carts?” I asked as Zack with Mi had joined our group.
“Yes, there is an old outpost complex about three millos down the Avalon Elysium road from Lanyon cross. If we hurry, we can get into position. And, if we are really lucky, we will have enough time to reinforce our positions.” Zack stated as he began waiving for his people to join up.
“Alrighty then, lets make the florses run the ten or so millos as fast as we dare push them. Gus, go to my cart and pull the largest of the chain mail suits from the open top box in the back. Bring it to me when we reach this outpost. Let's get moving!” I commanded and quickly entered the carriage.
“Right” Replied all the others as they quickly heading back to their travel positions.
The ride to the outpost was bumpy and uncomfortable as I was constantly was being tossed around. I then chose to just hug Freya it is was more stabilizing as I kept constantly banging into her. Prima to her credit also grabbed hold of Freya with her foot braced against the door frame which I followed suit in doing.
About twenty minutes later having pushed the florses at a hard gallop, we arrived at the abandoned outpost complex. It was similar to the outposts I had stayed in when I first arrived on Sionia. The difference was this structure had additional buildings attached and two large areas for florses and another for men to camp.
Pulling our carriages and carts into the large florse corral area, I had all those who could use a bow to take up positions on the outpost sentry firing points. I had all the servants and girls go inside the large stone florse stall with a slate roof. They would be safe there from fire at the least.
I pulled off my shirt and vest and put on a t-shirt followed by the heavily padded linen coat that Gus had brought from my cart which had leather ties down the front. Finally, I put on the chain mail coat which Gus helped tie the leather straps securing it properly. I then went and pulled my rifle case, sports bag and the satchel with shotgun still in it. Putting on my weapons belt, I slung the strap of my satchel over my head so it sat on my right hip. I also quickly tossed the extra magazines for my weapons into the satchel that was bulging and completely full. I put the .380 auto in my pants belt and retrieved the shield from its holder up on the ceiling. Picking up the the scoped 30-06 rifle, I stepped out of the carriage and I slung it over my right shoulder. Grabbing the shield I swung it over my left shoulder.
With a waive toward Freya standing at the stall door with a sword in hand, I joined the group who would face the Monsters outside the enclosure along a short wall that was about four and a half feet tall and about two feet thick.
Now, it was a waiting game of nerves for the approaching monsters to reach us.
submitted by TheOneTrueAnimeGod to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:25 CrotodeTraje I don't have a BBEG and my players are starting to find links where there aren't.

This will probably be a long one. I have been DMing for quite some time and it has been a very fun game so far.
My game is centered around exploring a lawless land full of conflict between races (elves and half elves against humans) and religions (Gods of nature agains Gods of Agriculture). And in between, the place is full of enslavers, outlaws and criminals. Also some reclussive communities and so on.
So far they have been exploring this world without being able to solve much issues, but this all is about to change.
They haven't positioned themselve in these issues except for saying "we want all to get along well".
The thing is.... I never tought of this campaign as having one BBEG behind all. In fact, there isn't one. Just random people doing evil things for selfish reasons.
But as they are getting close to a big (BIG) fight, I thought the opposing force should have a leader that orchestrates everything. It's an outcast of the city they are going towards, that became a powerful warlock and is following the instruction of his fiend patron.
But it wasn't my intention for this guy to be anything beyond just one fight.
As with that, it happened with a couple more things, that I really didn't think it should have further meaning, and they concluded that this all "couldn't possibly be mere chance".
Like when they found a huge goblin army reaching the same city as they (it has been 3 or 4 sessions and still they haven't dealt with this enemy), and they said this couldn't be just chance, that they are reaching the same city at the same time...
So In the last session, they all got an out of body experience (like a vision) of this evil guy (not a clear vision, but more or less their camp, some symbols around him, like his shadow extenging very, very long, and covering the city), and his items, but not his face.
Sonow I feel I'm the one doing it now, that I'm sending signals that this isn't just a random evil guy or that there is some kind of meaning or nexus between all, and I don't know how to move on.
BTW, This evil guy ios pretty cool and has his own char sheet, and I gave him means to escape, but I don't have much further plans for him at the moment. IDK what to do.
Also, In the last session, there was a long chat between all about the present and future of the campaign (more or less in character) where several PCs expressed that if anything would happen to a certain NPC (the one everyone has a link with it's backstory) they would lose motivation to keep going (not the players, but the PCs). I was expecting at least one of the PCs to be the heir of this guy, but none is interested either. I gave them a NPC that could inherit, but they also don't like him. And they all expressed their interest in having more adventures and killing dragons and monsters like that (they haven't meet many monsters, mostly humans and elves, and some beasts. This goblins are the first creature of their kind they encounter so far).
I feel I should give my campaign a very hard turn. Please advice me.
submitted by CrotodeTraje to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:07 McDeJay How do you get colored healthbars on nameplates in Raid? [help]

Hi! I'm watching a random stream for the drop, and I saw that they have colored hp bars under the names of people in Mythic Aberrus. I thought that was removed. How can I get those?
Can't find anything, only that it was removed.
Thank you!
Edit: I asked him in chat, he says he only has ElvUI and Plater, but I didn't know you can do this with those, due to the cvar change.
submitted by McDeJay to WowUI [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:59 Teslazoa Shattered Skies, Airships and Adventure! [Online] [Paid, $15] [DnD5e] [LFP] [Discord] [LGBT+] [Beginner Friendly]

Rock falls away at the weight of your heel like a dam giving way, a cascade of soil, then stones, giving way to the howling gales of wind beneath you, the surface miles below those clouds. You catch your breath a moment and let your heart calm before proceeding along the narrow cliff edge, the taught pull of the rope tied at your waist reassuring you of your companion's progress just around the blind corner. Step by uncertain step you finally finish your harrowing shimmy and find yourself in the mouth of a cave. Your moment's rest before pressing on into the yawning mouth of earth is made briefer still by your sudden awareness of little pinpricks of red, eyes in the murk looking back at you. In a flash you make for your wand just as the flash of teeth leaps towards you...
Before the world was consumed in the Age of Fire, those treasured acolytes of Vayu planned. As conflagrations erupted across the face of the realm whole swaths of terrain were vaulted into the sky, a crisis averted and a new home in the clouds made. In a new world of sky islands and airships to navigate them, it falls to you brave few to chart the airways and claim your destiny.
Hi! I'm Ellory (She/they) and I've been a Dungeon Master for about 8 years now. DnD 5e was my very first system and I've been DMing it since session one! TTRPGs have never left my life and continue to captivate me. I've learned quite a bit in that time and I'd love the opportunity to collaborate on a game with you! And I do mean collaborate. It's my firm belief that the PCs are the main characters of our story and should be treated like it, the plot custom fitted to their emotional arcs with ample opportunities afforded to grow and change along the way. To be frank I hate talking myself up, so I'll let some of my players do it for me:


Game Details!

The good stuff you're here for. You will be taking on the role of Cartographer, a trailblazing adventurer determined to make the world a safer place, find excitement, and get rich doing it. Along the way you'll discover forgotten history, amazing vistas, dreadful monsters, and unforgettable moments. This is a setting of my own creation, and I've assembled a healthy chunk of lore for it. World histories, cultural depth, and geopolitical dynamics are all thought through and written about. If you're interested in reading what materials I've prepared, here you go:
Generally speaking, our format of play will involved downtime at the Guildhall with our characters unwinding from the last expedition and preparing for the next. From there, exploration will ensue with brief but enriching and immersing random encounters until a plot encounter is discovered. Following its resolution our heroes will return to base and so the cycle repeats, with some glaring exceptions when player decision calls for it.
I accept any and all classes from officially published material, though your selection of lineage/race will be more limited to fit the lore of the setting. Your options will include:
Even the familiar names of the above list do have occasionally significant alterations from the PHB to reflect their unique standing in the Shattered Skies.

Logistics & Requirements!

This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $15 per session excepting absences and session zero delivered through Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle.
Roll20 will be used for the purposes of tactical combat encounter maps, dice rolling, and character sheet management. Discord will be used for voice and video communications. I will be using my camera for our sessions so I can talk with my hands and face alongside my voice, and I would encourage you to do the same! I have a server made and prepared for this game.
You will be paying for this game. I will be getting paid for this game. That demands serious consideration and effort on both of our parts, and I will be doing everything to ensure you have the best game experience within my power to provide. I will be taking this as seriously as I would my job and be available over Discord most times of day most days of the week.
My timezone is CST, and I'm entirely available on Saturday to make a session time work around whatever our schedules allow for. I'm partial to evening start times myself. I'm hoping our (free) session zero can happen on the 25th and we can begin play properly on the 1st of June.
If you're paying for sessions of DnD it's a fair assumption you're over the age of 18, and I would prefer you're at least that old. Exceptions can be made, but my games tend to be adult and include elements of horror.
I expect y'all to have fun, and if that involves drug or alcohol use for you I'd ask the dial to be set to somewhere around 3 out of 10. I've been known to have a glass of wine during sessions but never anything more.
Safety tools will be utilized to maintain a safe environment where everyone is having comfortable fun. Lines and veils will be established, and mine is an open table. If you knowingly violate a line it is grounds for ejection without refund. There is a certain amount of emotional trust we give our players and our DMs when we play this game, and it will not be betrayed.
Furthermore, this is an explicitly LGBT friendly space. I'm queer in multiple ways and queer identities will be portrayed in the NPCs of the world. If either of those things are deal breakers for you, please look elsewhere for a game.

In Closing!

If this game has piqued your interest, shot me a chat, message me and send a friend request over discord to "teslazoa", or comment with the following information to open with:
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Teslazoa to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:57 Teslazoa Shattered Skies, Airships and Adventure! [Online] [Paid, $15] [DnD5e] [LFP] [Discord] [Roll20] [LGBT+] [Beginner Friendly]

Rock falls away at the weight of your heel like a dam giving way, a cascade of soil, then stones, giving way to the howling gales of wind beneath you, the surface miles below those clouds. You catch your breath a moment and let your heart calm before proceeding along the narrow cliff edge, the taught pull of the rope tied at your waist reassuring you of your companion's progress just around the blind corner. Step by uncertain step you finally finish your harrowing shimmy and find yourself in the mouth of a cave. Your moment's rest before pressing on into the yawning mouth of earth is made briefer still by your sudden awareness of little pinpricks of red, eyes in the murk looking back at you. In a flash you make for your wand just as the flash of teeth leaps towards you...
Before the world was consumed in the Age of Fire, those treasured acolytes of Vayu planned. As conflagrations erupted across the face of the realm whole swaths of terrain were vaulted into the sky, a crisis averted and a new home in the clouds made. In a new world of sky islands and airships to navigate them, it falls to you brave few to chart the airways and claim your destiny.
Hi! I'm Ellory (She/they) and I've been a Dungeon Master for about 8 years now. DnD 5e was my very first system and I've been DMing it since session one! TTRPGs have never left my life and continue to captivate me. I've learned quite a bit in that time and I'd love the opportunity to collaborate on a game with you! And I do mean collaborate. It's my firm belief that the PCs are the main characters of our story and should be treated like it, the plot custom fitted to their emotional arcs with ample opportunities afforded to grow and change along the way. To be frank I hate talking myself up, so I'll let some of my players do it for me:


Game Details!

The good stuff you're here for. You will be taking on the role of Cartographer, a trailblazing adventurer determined to make the world a safer place, find excitement, and get rich doing it. Along the way you'll discover forgotten history, amazing vistas, dreadful monsters, and unforgettable moments. This is a setting of my own creation, and I've assembled a healthy chunk of lore for it. World histories, cultural depth, and geopolitical dynamics are all thought through and written about. If you're interested in reading what materials I've prepared, here you go:
Generally speaking, our format of play will involved downtime at the Guildhall with our characters unwinding from the last expedition and preparing for the next. From there, exploration will ensue with brief but enriching and immersing random encounters until a plot encounter is discovered. Following its resolution our heroes will return to base and so the cycle repeats, with some glaring exceptions when player decision calls for it.
I accept any and all classes from officially published material, though your selection of lineage/race will be more limited to fit the lore of the setting. Your options will include:
Even the familiar names of the above list do have occasionally significant alterations from the PHB to reflect their unique standing in the Shattered Skies.

Logistics & Requirements!

This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $15 per session excepting absences and session zero delivered through Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle.
Roll20 will be used for the purposes of tactical combat encounter maps, dice rolling, and character sheet management. Discord will be used for voice and video communications. I will be using my camera for our sessions so I can talk with my hands and face alongside my voice, and I would encourage you to do the same! I have a server made and prepared for this game.
You will be paying for this game. I will be getting paid for this game. That demands serious consideration and effort on both of our parts, and I will be doing everything to ensure you have the best game experience within my power to provide. I will be taking this as seriously as I would my job and be available over Discord most times of day most days of the week.
My timezone is CST, and I'm entirely available on Saturday to make a session time work around whatever our schedules allow for. I'm partial to evening start times myself. I'm hoping our (free) session zero can happen on the 25th and we can begin play properly on the 1st of June.
If you're paying for sessions of DnD it's a fair assumption you're over the age of 18, and I would prefer you're at least that old. Exceptions can be made, but my games tend to be adult and include elements of horror.
I expect y'all to have fun, and if that involves drug or alcohol use for you I'd ask the dial to be set to somewhere around 3 out of 10. I've been known to have a glass of wine during sessions but never anything more.
Safety tools will be utilized to maintain a safe environment where everyone is having comfortable fun. Lines and veils will be established, and mine is an open table. If you knowingly violate a line it is grounds for ejection without refund. There is a certain amount of emotional trust we give our players and our DMs when we play this game, and it will not be betrayed.
Furthermore, this is an explicitly LGBT friendly space. I'm queer in multiple ways and queer identities will be portrayed in the NPCs of the world. If either of those things are deal breakers for you, please look elsewhere for a game.

In Closing!

If this game has piqued your interest, shot me a chat, message me and send a friend request over discord to "teslazoa", or comment with the following information to open with:
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Teslazoa to lfgpremium [link] [comments]