Plot outline wooksheet

Science Fiction Concepts, Ideas, Plots, and Worldbuilding

2010.11.21 10:16 redeto Science Fiction Concepts, Ideas, Plots, and Worldbuilding

scifi ideas and concepts. These science fiction concepts can be based in hard sci-fi or can come from science fantasy. The only thing that matters is that the concepts could be reasonably found in a SF book, film or short story. If you have too many ideas to write about or are just looking for discussion then this is the right sub for you. Post your scifi concepts, ideas, plots and worldbuilding

2013.09.05 14:21 TheBurntEskimo ManBorg

Remember all those crazy, spoof, sci-fi, comedy horror films of the late 80s and early 90s that for more than a decade were the most popular video genre ever?

2013.09.01 09:58 Clipper24 Divided House

Subreddit for Divided House project.

2024.06.01 12:02 NathemaBlackmoon The best outlines for organizing the highlights and details of a plot?

Hi! Usually when I organize the outline of a plot, before I start writing it (but also during the writing phase), I use a bullet list to list the salient points, the details in a sublist.
But I need some advice on a better method. Could anyone recommend me some study material that would allow me to find a better method? Or recommend a better method.
submitted by NathemaBlackmoon to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:30 AutoModerator Plot Bunny Adoption Thread - June 2024

This is a place where you can post plot ideas and writing prompts that you would like to share for others to use. This is also the place to drop fic requests!
What is a plot bunny? ‘Plot bunny’ is a funny fandom term for a fic idea – so called because they breed like rabbits! Since so many writers end up with a surplus of them, here is a place where you can drop off your unwanted plot bunnies for others to consider adopting, or simply for the sake of sharing. A plot bunny is generally a more developed idea and might well be fandom specific, although some Alternate Universe ideas could work for a few different fandoms.
For the purposes of this thread, a prompt is a short idea that could work in any fandom - for example, "your OTP wish on a shooting star together".
A fic request would be asking for someone to write a specific fic for you - sticking to the pairing and outline that you wish.
Be aware – once you post an idea in this thread for adoption, you lose ‘ownership’ of it. Someone else taking up the plot bunny is free to adapt or change it as they like. If you have a very specific vision of the story you would like to see fulfilled, you might have better luck posting it as a fic request. Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from tackling the idea yourself at a later date if inspiration for the idea strikes you again!
Whilst the mods will be monitoring the thread, we will not be involving ourselves in discussions over fic requests or the like. There is no guarantee that anyone will take up your request, and we will not be chasing up authors who have been out of contact for a while or similar.
Don't forget to let someone know if you adopt their plot bun or decide to work on their fic request!
submitted by AutoModerator to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:11 AchRuoh How do you power up to start writing again after a long break

So I wrote the outline first for my 1st book, and after I finished the outline. I wrote 2 chapters draft from it and stopped to outline the 2nd and 3rd books since it is a connected story and I want to write the entire story to look at the bigger picture.
After I outlined the other two books. I had some responsibilities to take care of which toke me off of continuing the draft of my 1st book.
Now, after a break of more than 2 months, I can't bring myself to start writing again.
I do keep thinking of the story and the plot holes that could exist and try to find a solution for them.
How can I solve this problem?
submitted by AchRuoh to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:01 adulting4kids More 5 Step Story Prompts

Set 6: Quantum Reality Shift
  1. Conceptualization: Imagine a world where quantum fluctuations lead to unpredictable reality shifts.
  2. Characterization: Develop characters who navigate these shifts, each possessing a unique perspective and coping mechanism.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering the challenges of adapting to sudden changes, the quest to understand the quantum phenomena, and the consequences of manipulating reality.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as a reality-shifting event, characters' reactions, and the climax where they attempt to control the quantum fluctuations.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to create a mind-bending narrative that explores the intersection of science and personal experience.
Set 7: Underwater Utopia
  1. Conceptualization: Envision an advanced society living in an underwater utopia, facing challenges from both the depths of the ocean and internal conflicts.
  2. Characterization: Create characters representing different roles in the underwater society, each with distinct aspirations, fears, and contributions.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering the exploration of underwater mysteries, political tensions, and the struggle for harmony in this unique environment.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as underwater exploration, diplomatic negotiations, and moments of tension or unity among characters.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to create a captivating narrative that delves into the intricacies of life in an underwater utopia.
Set 8: Quantum Entanglement Romance
  1. Conceptualization: Create a world where individuals are mysteriously linked through quantum entanglement, experiencing each other's emotions and sensations.
  2. Characterization: Develop characters paired through quantum entanglement, exploring the challenges and connections formed through this unusual bond.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering the characters' attempts to understand and control their entanglement, the conflicts that arise, and the potential for a unique form of love.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the discovery of the entanglement, moments of shared experiences, and the climax where characters navigate the complexities of their connection.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to create a deeply emotional and intellectually engaging story about love transcending the boundaries of conventional understanding.
Set 9: Celestial Detective Agency
  1. Conceptualization: Imagine a detective agency that solves cosmic mysteries, dealing with supernatural entities, extraterrestrial beings, and cosmic anomalies.
  2. Characterization: Create a team of detectives, each with unique skills and backgrounds, specializing in solving celestial cases.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering cases involving otherworldly crimes, intergalactic conspiracies, and the personal growth of the detective team.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the introduction of a new case, investigative processes, and the resolution of cosmic mysteries.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to create a cosmic detective narrative that combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and mystery.
Set 10: Renaissance of Dreams
  1. Conceptualization: Envision a world where dreams have a tangible impact on reality, shaping landscapes, events, and individuals.
  2. Characterization: Develop characters with unique relationships to the dream realm, exploring how their dreams influence and reflect their waking lives.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering the challenges and consequences of dreams shaping reality, personal quests within dreamscapes, and the overarching impact on the world.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as a significant dream event, characters' reactions to dream-induced changes, and the climax where dreams and reality collide.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to create a fantastical narrative that blurs the lines between dreams and reality in an imaginative renaissance.
Feel free to let me know if you'd like more prompts or if you have any specific themes in mind!
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:33 ItsGotThatBang Is Ron Paul responsible for the rise of Trumpism in general & Vivek Ramaswamy in particular?

Ron Paul Redux: The Texan Congressman Has an Unlikely Intellectual Heir: Vivek Ramaswamy is running on Paul’s regressive libertarian populism
Remember that moment in the Republican presidential debate when one brash guy voiced some unorthodox positions, and the other candidates hastened to express their vigorous disagreement? Probably not. I mean, the debate took place in 2011, and that controversial Republican, Ron Paul, has largely faded from memory.
When he ran for the GOP nomination in 2008 and 2012, Paul came across as a rumpled gadfly voicing unvarni­shed opinions that put him on the fringes of the party. But today, at 88, he can look with pride on an ideological heir who is young, handsome and slick– and happens to be in perfect harmony with the modern Republican Party: No, not Rand Paul, Ron’s son, the three-term Republican Senator from Kentucky. It is the practicing Hindu and son of Indian immigrants: Vivek Ramaswamy.
Ramaswamy doesn’t look or act like the avuncular Texas obstetrician. Educated at Harvard and Yale, with a glib confidence and a physique suited to playing tennis shirtless, Ramaswamy could hardly be more different. But that’s on the surface. Put him and Paul together in a room and they would find plenty to agree on. Not only do both self-identify as libertarians, they represent the same flavor of populist paleolibertarianism. The main difference is that Paul was starkly at odds with the prevailing ideology of the GOP back then. Ramaswamy, on the other hand, is fluent in the language of today’s very different GOP.
Comrades In Arms
Paul railed against the federal government and particularly the central bankers at the Federal Reserve. He abhorred multilateral institutions, affirmative action, foreign aid, welfare, and environmental protection. He denounced NAFTA as a step toward a North American Union. He vowed to cut federal spending by $1 trillion in his first year and abolish five cabinet departments. His newsletter described Martin Luther King Jr. as “the man who replaced the evil of forced segregation with the evil of forced integration.” Paul later claimed that he didn’t write or approve such statements in the publication that bore his name. But his followers ate them up.
You can hear distinct echoes of much of this in Ramaswamy.
The 38-year-old pharmaceutical tycoon says he would eliminate the Department of Education, the IRS, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the FBI, part of his unlikely plan to get rid of 75% of the federal workforce. He has said he would cut off aid to Ukraine and, in time, to Israel too – though he later reversed himself on the latter. Like Paul, he claims the “climate change agenda is a hoax.”
When a white gunman killed three Black people in Jacksonville, Florida, Ramaswamy, who likewise opposes affirmative action, put the blame not so much on the perpetrator but on racial preferences for creating “a new wave of anti-Black and anti-Hispanic racism in this country.” He suggested his running mate might be Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is notorious for his anti-vaccine disinformation, popular in certain libertarian circles.
Ramaswamy has raised the possibility that government instigators were involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection. But you know who beat him to that? Ron Paul. (There is no evidence of that.)
Carrying Water for Trump
Ramaswamy says, “I don't think Donald Trump was the cause of Jan. 6,” ignoring a Himalayan pile of evidence confirming that he was thoroughly complicit in the Capitol insurrection. Without knowing the evidence that will emerge during Trump’s criminal trials—which Ramaswamy smears as “politicized prosecution”—he promises to grant the former president a full pardon. Oh, and he describes Trump as “the best president of the 21st century,” despite his unprecedented effort to overturn a free and fair democratic election.
Paul, meanwhile, has said little—if anything—about Trump’s role in inciting the Capitol mob. He has, however, slammed the Jan. 6 Congressional hearings as “insurrection theater” perpetrated by “desperate Democrats.”
On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Ramaswamy outlined the following bizarre scenario if he were certifying the last election instead of Mike Pence: “Here’s what I would have said: ‘We need single-day voting on Election Day, we need paper ballots, and we need government-issued ID matching the voter file.’. . . In my capacity as president of the Senate, I would have led through that level of reform, then on that condition certified the election results, served it up to the president — President Trump — then to sign that into law. And on January 7th, declared the re-election campaign pursuant to a free and fair election.”
And then he would have ridden away on his purple unicorn. Ramaswamy’s alternative was not only idiotic but impossible, a tribute to either ignorance of the Constitution and the legislative process or breathtaking dishonesty. Paul had a reputation for being a kook given his many offbeat crusades. But Ramaswamy seems determined to outdo him.
On immigration too, Ramaswamy and Paul are remarkably aligned with each other and at odds with policy libertarians, who paleolibertarians deride as establishment elites. Paul was against a border wall—at least he said he was—whereas Ramaswamy, borrowing from Trump, has pledged to “close the southern border.” But Paul talked incessantly about eliminating the incentives for “illegal immigration,” to wit, easy welfare and easy birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented. In the same vein, Ramaswamy has pledged to push a constitutional amendment ending birthright citizenship if elected.
Ramaswamy: No Anti-War Warrior
But that’s not the only thing in the constitution Ramaswamy wants to amend. He’d also raise the voting age to 25, which would disenfranchise 31 million people—more than the population of Texas. That’s one way to address the Republican Party’s low esteem among 18-to-24 voters, 65% of whom voted for Joe Biden in 2020, though he may not have considered the electoral vengeance they would exact as soon as they turn 25.
Ramaswamy’s measure combines the anti-democratic with the coercive. Young adults could gain voting rights by passing a civics quiz or by spending six months in the military or “first responder service”—his goal being to “revive civic duty among Americans.” He has also advocated compulsory universal service for high school students on summer breaks in his book, Woke Inc.
Much of this, along with Ramaswamy’s embrace of the Monroe Doctrine as a warning to foreign powers such as China that “America comes First and that our hemisphere is not to be encroached by our adversaries,” would not thrill the Paulistas whose version of America Firstism consists of not spilling American blood for foreigners. Nor would they likely go along with Ramaswamy’s proposal to use military force to “annihilate the Mexican drug cartels” or his suggestion to make a firm commitment to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack.
But paleolibertarian Paul fans would be four squares behind Ramaswamy on ceding Ukraine to Putin – the only Republican on the debate stage in favor of doing so.
Mainstreaming the Fringe
They would also be open to Ramaswamy’s conspiratorial turn of mind. Paul has tried to distance himself from the kooky theories peddled under his name in his newsletter—like when in the grimmest days of the AIDS epidemic, it accused gays of plotting to “poison the blood supply”—but Paul himself is on the record claiming that the U.S. government knew about 9/11 in advance but kept it a secret. In a similar vein, Ramaswamy also hinted­ at federal involvement in the attack but recanted later.
When Paul ran for the GOP nomination, his views were effectively disqualifying. In 2012, his best showing, he finished third in the Iowa caucuses and second in the New Hampshire primaries. He eventually ended up with 8% of the convention delegates, putting him fourth in the overall race. But like Pat Buchanan before him, he was never halfway plausible as the Republican presidential nominee. His role was provocateur, taking bold positions that let his rivals unite in denouncing him as dangerous and irresponsible.
Ramaswamy likewise found his opponents ganging up on him in the first Republican debate, with Nikki Haley, Chris Christie and Mike Pence doing their best to read him out of the race. But his views, despite their similarity to Paul’s, can no longer be derided as conservative heresy. In fact, his rivals seemed to be the ones defensive with GOP voters, which is no surprise given Trump retains the allegiance of 59% of them, according to a post-debate poll.
Ramaswamy isn’t likely to win the nomination. But if he loses, it won’t be because his views are too extreme for the party faithful who remain under the spell of Trump’s toxic populism. That’s why Ramaswamy has shrewdly declared, “I’m in this race to take the America First agenda far further than Donald Trump ever did.”
To that end, Ramaswamy has put out a 10-point statement of his convictions which include “God is real,” “there are two genders,” “reverse racism is racism,” and “an open border is no border,” all intended to signal his vehement opposition to the left.
Paul was against the cultural left too but he didn’t make that the center-point of his campaign because the GOP then wasn’t fighting the culture war 24/7. But post-Trump, the party is fully consumed by the leftist enemy and so what was implicit in Paul is now explicit in Ramaswamy.
In retrospect, Paul was less an outlier than a forerunner. In his candidacy were the seeds of a new version of a populist libertarian conservatism—rooted in a suspicion of ties with the rest of the world, racial paranoia, rejection of cultural liberalization, hostility toward almost every major national and international institution, a propensity for red-pill fantasies and a distrust of democracy.
What was fringe in Paul’s time is now the dominant strain in the GOP—and Ramaswamy is determined to be its champion.
What are your thoughts? This is obviously a bold claim & I’m not sure I fully agree with it.
submitted by ItsGotThatBang to AskLibertarians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:42 Gullible_Ant_4150 FpM 4 F •low fantasy romance• (Outlander inspired)

“Someone is coming through for you but it’s not a relative, dear.”
Genevieve could see the woman across from her was skeptical in her practice, speaking to those who had passed. She’d explained that she’d only come in out of curiosity not because she wanted a reading. And Genevieve had almost immediately heard someone for her, a sort of desperate pleading that was rare and fueled by a deep love. The stranger regarded her with a frown of confusion, fidgeting with her own hands as she glanced around the room. Tapestries hung draped across the walls while a red neon sign depicting an open palm flickered in the corner of the dimly lit space.
“He… he says to dress warmly tomorrow. To wear your long, powder blue coat and the brown leather boots you wore yesterday.”
The stranger’s demeanor immediately shifted as she glanced up at Genevieve with wide eyes, all suspicion suddenly gone and replaced by what seemed to be a mixture of fear and shock. She’d seen the look a thousand times before so she offered a warm, understanding smile as she gave the woman time to process the message. Genevieve didn’t understand it herself though it wasn’t her job to. She was simply there to act as a translator
“If he’s not a relative then how do I know him? How does he know me?”
The words were just above a whisper while she went back to glancing around the room as though she was expecting to see some sort of ghost. Again, it wasn’t anything that Genevieve hadn’t seen before. In an attempt to provide some sort of comfort to the woman as well as satisfy her own curiosity, Genevieve took her fidgeting hands and pulled them to rest on the table. Turning the woman’s delicate hands over, she exposed her palms so they faced the ceiling while her eyes traced over the lines she saw.
“He was your lover it seems. And is quite taken with you still it sounds like,” the medium explained with a fond smile. She could hear the man speaking to her, telling her about the woman across from her, about how he had waited so long for a chance to speak with her. His love for her was so obvious that it came with a sort of pain that Genevieve felt herself. It was evident from his tone alone that being unable to speak with the woman who had wandered into her shop had been agony for him.
“He likes your hair like that, up. He likes being able to see your face,” she murmured softly, her thumb brushing over one of the longer lines that ran across the woman’s palm before picking her hand up to view it more closely.
“And he says that he’d like for you to know that he’s with you often. I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt him from time too. Tends to happen when a bond between souls is that strong.” Her voice came in a thoughtful tone, her fingers smoothing over the woman’s hand to try and provide some sort of comfort but as she took in the stranger’s face all she saw was worry.
“I don’t have any lovers who have passed away.”
The confession was followed by the stranger attempting to pull her hands away through Genevieve’s grip tightened while her head turned to the left, her eyes flickering over the corner of the room where she could feel the presence radiating from. Spirits didn’t show up for the incorrect people. They never had in all of her years of practice. And then she heard it. Heard him explain where he was from.
“Where are you going tomorrow?”
As Genevieve asked the question, the knot in her stomach told her that she already knew the answer, knew why the woman had a lover who was deceased that she’d seemingly never met. She’d be meeting him soon.
“The tree maze,” she answered a bit breathlessly while searching Genevieve’s face as the medium continued to stare at the corner of the room. At the same time she answered, so did her lover, his voice breathless all the same as he spoke. ‘To meet me’.
After a break from writing and roleplaying brought on a rather miserable period of writer’s block, I’m searching for a partner to write with in hopes of undoing the unpleasant spell I seem to be stuck in:) Above is a blurb I wrote that came from the idea I’m hoping to build off of.
I’m a twenty four year old woman living in EST who has been writing on and off for eleven years give or take. I enjoy reading in my free time as well as gardening and obsessing over my cats.
A multitude of genres interest me from more modern, crime driven plots to high fantasy adventures. But romance is a common theme I enjoy including in all of my stories as I find relationship dynamics to be some of the most interesting things to explore especially when playing out in different worlds.
Today I’m looking to write something that shows two people who are from different times, making it appear as if they are from different worlds entirely. And through a woman accidentally traveling back in time, a love is born that changes history itself. If intrigued by the simple outline, I’d love to share ideas and build a full plot out together that way everyone’s interests can be included! I’m also a firm believer that constructing a plot with someone else is half the fun of a writing together.:)
If interested please be
Here’s some things I’m hoping to include in our story: -lots of angst. All the angst. -flash backs and tying the future to the past -political intrigue -an unstable land that brings our characters together through navigating difficulties -light supernatural or fantasy elements that are mainly a mystery to our characters -a history involving mythology and lore that we can create ourselves and tie into our world -a male character who is not so secretly obsessed with the fiery, strong willed female lead
If this story is one you’d like to help create, message me a bit about you and your interests as far as writing goes and please have a sample ready as well! I have my own that I’ll be happy to send:)
submitted by Gullible_Ant_4150 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:29 Ok_Froyo_8036 My fight with the "chosen one trope" and trying to lean into new narratives

Cmon I’m not the only one who’s tired of the “the chosen one” trope, nor am I the only one who’s ever attempted a crusade to combat the concept. I don’t hate it, there have been plenty of awesome chosen one characters in all kinds of fiction, as well as characters who also oppose the chosen one concept as well.
Right now, I’m just trying to devise my own unique attempt at challenging the concept. I had scrapped 99% of a previous work and started rebuilding from ground zero. Consider Avatar the Last Airbender, specifically the idea of someone being THE avatar (as a concept rather than the role itself). My mc rolls into the scene. A young pirate who’s determined to be the so called SPECIAL, a two step goal, one being to claim the title of the chosen one, and then streamlining all the way to accomplishing this secondary goal (yea this is just structural stuff, nothing cemented in yet given I’m rebuilding from nothing). Less than halfway through, my mc has it all. Majority of the main cast together, one city away from the place where the special is supposed to be found. Only to be blindsided with breaking news broadcasted to around the world. The special has finally been revealed.
The outline progresses to reveal that this special, similar to the Avatar from ATLA was not chosen at a whim, but determined at birth based on thousands of determining factors. This was no accident, and there was never going to be a chance for the mc to achieve that first goal. Coming to terms that they had invested hope in the wrong thing and trying to regain balance in their life. During the recovery process another sideline introduces itself into the plot, the previous special, the alleged “first” chosen one. Who makes a fool out of the current chosen one, who is supposed to be this new god-like figure in the world. This event is an attempt to shatter the idea that the chosen one can fulfill the destiny chosen for them, and to show that at least one other chosen one was given this false hope and experienced the crushing failure, the weight of loss, having all the people idolizing them demonizing them. My mc witnessing this and using it to jump off into a new path understanding that no destiny is set in stone no matter what. This is where my outline has it a bit of a roadblock but to be fair I came up with this last night baked outta my fucking mind 😂
So what do you think? Any advice? Any critiques? Any questions? I’m open to anything!
submitted by Ok_Froyo_8036 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:09 Russianbud Should I read “Cujo” before “Rattlesnakes”?

What the title says. Since "Rattlesnakes" is a sequel to "Cujo" should I read the original work first? I've never read the book nor seen the movie so I know pretty much nothing about it other than the basic plot outline. So was thinking of skipping "Rattlesnakes" during my read through of the amazing "You Want It Darker" and reading "Cujo" after I finish this collection. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Russianbud to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:55 Soliart I am writing a story that takes place in an alternate history where Neanderthals never went extinct.

I am writing a story that takes place in an alternate history where Neanderthals never went extinct.
So, yeah, in reality Neanderthals went extinct some 30,000 years ago, though not before interbreeding with Sapiens, as anyone who isn’t of direct African descent has some Neanderthal DNA. That said, in the world of this story Neanderthals are still around and the world is quite different from our own.
There are two main populations of Neanderthals, as well as a refugee population that lives in Canada (which is a bit different from the Canada of our world in that it includes all of the Rocky Mountains and all of our world’s New England, east of the Delaware river. I’ll get back to the new world shortly.) The smaller of the Neanderthal populations displaced the Pictish people of the northern British isles, over 800 years ago and fended off the Vikings and others. The larger Neanderthal population occupies much of the Iberian peninsula and moved into the area a few hundred years ago from eastern Europe, themselves being displaced by Sapiens (and possibly Denisovans, I’m not sure if I will eventually incorporate them into the story later on).
The world is quite different from our own in that the European nations that in reality did extensive empire building, were unable to support their overseas colonies in this world, much earlier independence for colonized countries. The US doesn’t exist in the way it does in our world as the colonies never thrived and there was no revolutionary war. Much of what would have been the US is instead a union of Native American nations, kind of like the EU. Canada still, exists, as without early support from European nations, settlers in the new world mostly migrated northward to where land was less contended over.
South America still has significant cultural influences from Spain and Portugal, but also from France. This is less because of colonization though, as those failed early on without backing from Europe, and instead because many people from the Iberian Peninsula migrated to South America after being displaced by Neanderthals.
Free from the majority of European exploitation and colonization, Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa is quite wealthy and developed, though I haven’t yet written any part of the story that takes place on the continent yet.
I also haven’t written any part of the story that takes place in Asia, as I haven’t decided to what extent I want to utilize the Denisovans, or what their dynamics would be with Neanderthals or Sapiens.
I am choosing to write the Neanderthals as very rational and pragmatic, and overall relying less on emotion in their decision making than Sapiens. Part of the cultural interplay between Sapiens and Neanderthals in this world, reflects much of the assumptions researchers made about them in our reality. Most Sapiens’ countries in this world have active propaganda campaigns to vilify and other the Neanderthal populations. Meanwhile, the Neanderthals, when taking prisoners of war, treat the prisoners exceedingly well, even putting them up in hotels rather than concentration camps. This is because the Neanderthals, having a significantly smaller population size than Sapiens, want to incentivize surrender over combat. A large portion of the plot actually revolves around sapiens prisoners of war who are ashamed of how well they were treated, as it so strongly opposes the narrative constructed through propaganda, that the collectively like upon being released. This leads to escalating conflict, which I still have to figure out how to resolve by having the main characters come clean about how they were actually treated.
Anyway, I am open to suggestions and feedback, and am more than happy to share the documents I’ve create if there is interest. My academic background is in ecology and evolution, so I’m a bit out of my depth with all of this, and was actually thinking about streaming the writing process. I am skeptical as to if there would actually be any interest in that, so I haven’t really gotten around to trying that yet.
The story opens some 800+ years ago in the Northern British isles in a manner that is meant to build suspense about the Neanderthals, and later tells the same happenings from the point of view of the clan of Neanderthals, demystifying them. I linked the main Google document, and I guess I can link the world history, plot outline, and Neanderthal language documents in replies. Not sure how this all will be received, but I figure why not.
submitted by Soliart to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:39 Blazerbgood Congo and Aliens

I've been reading some Alien books. It occurred to me that most of them have the same basic plot as Aliens. When I thought about it further, I realized that Aliens (1986) has the same plot outline as Congo (1980) by Michael Crichton. A small number of persons in an isolated location with advanced technology face a low tech enemy with superior numbers and no fear of death. Not that it matters, but Jurassic Park (1990) is similar. Don't get me wrong, I love all of these stories. I don't mind reading new takes on a story. I am also not saying that Aliens "ripped off" Congo or anything like that. It's a great movie.
This is what interests me. Are there earlier examples of this plot outline by other authors? I would love to find some more. Crichton was a master, and I'd be interested if there are other examples.
ETA: Zombie movies are the closest I can think of.
submitted by Blazerbgood to scifi [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:01 Arthur_G_Bloomfield Does anyone know of any non-Mutant!Izuku-centric fics that still feature Mutant discrimination?

This is related to a point I brought up in my post yesterday. It's a fairly specific request, but I'll try to outline what I'm looking for.
To me, discrimination against Mutant-types has always seemed both more likely, and more interesting to explore. Sure, it might be a bit unusual that Taro and Hanako from the next door over don't have quirks, but who cares about that when Suzuki, the man with the Rhino head, comes walking down the street.
It just seems to me that, if any group was to attract a truly violent fear of the "other", it would be Mutants, rather than the Quirkless, whom I feel would attract pity and condescension more than anything. This seems to line up with the manga, wherein we actually see a Mutant woman attacked in the streets by adult civilians during the Dark Hero arc, with the mob specifically citing her appearance as the reason for their distrust.
Furthermore, I like it when Izuku is the protagonist of the fic, but I don't want for him to be inserted into the center of the bigotry via making him a Mutant himself. I think it would be much more interesting for Izuku to be used to the condescending pity the Quirkless receive, only to be blindsides by the outright hatred that classmates such as Ashido, Asui, Koda, Shoji, or Tokoyami have come to accept as normal.
Bascially, I'm looking for a fic that meets the following conditions:
  1. Izuku is the main protagonist of the fic, but not a Mutant. You can keep him Quirkless, give him OfA, or give him a natural Quirk, just as long as he is not a Mutant.
  2. Bigotry against Mutants is fairly common, somewhat akin to attitudes towards the Quirkless in Red Shoe fics. Perhaps even a few members of Class 1-A display prejudice. Prejudice against the Quirkless can still exists, but it cannot be as bad as the sentiments against Mutants.
  3. The anti-Mutant bigotry does not have to be the main plot of the fic, though it can be, but it does have to be a major element of the fics worldbuilding, and it has to exist in the present day of the fic.
Does anyone know of a fic that meets a few, or perhaps all, of these conditions? I've seen plenty of fics with heavy Quirkless discrimination, but not many with Mutants in that role instead.
submitted by Arthur_G_Bloomfield to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:54 amariasc I really believed I made progress - editing/rewriting

So, I have written my first draft. 50k words of cow's crap, but that is fine, I convinced myself that though the first draft even if it's a failure, I have something to work on.
I embarked on the journey of editing.
I was so determined, motivated and inspired. From January until the end of March, I didn't take my mind off editing. I've rewritten 14 chapters just to end up at the beginning of April to feel detached from the story.
I didn't like the theme anymore. I felt like there was no spark, and I still feel the same way. It got so bad, no matter how much I tried to force myself something snapped. No matter the fact that I took a break. No matter that I reread from the beginning, and revisited the outline, I couldn't find a solution.
I came to the conclusion that this story doesn't mean anything to me. I love the world-building, but that's about it. I don't like the characters. I don't care what the main protagonist wants. I cannot rewrite or edit any more words.
I took a break for two months. However, the fact that I have gone so far remains, and I feel like a failure for not trying more. Ileft this story in a pile with all the rest projects and ideas I've ever begun and dumped it after I got bored or lost focus.
In those 2 months I didn't remove myself completely I still thought of it, and made notes or tried to 'fix it'. So I managed to realise that maybe I feel detached because I am writing for pleasure, like an escape better said. So I changed the theme, I gave a spark to my character, I tweaked a bit the plot and now I feel like it's an entire NEW STORY.
It daunts me that I have to go - yet - back again to the very beginning and do it all over again. To the point, I am petrified and procrastinate by writing 1000 outlines or looking for 'the best way to write a character arc'... stuff like that.
What would you do?
What would shake you out of this situation?
Where would you start and with what?
What would you tell yourself?
Is this a new idea? New story? Is it the same one? Is it the same draft? I am lost and confused. Mostly I am afraid that I am chasing my tail round and round, without not reaching anywhere.
Help, please...
submitted by amariasc to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:01 adulting4kids 5 Step Story Prompts

Use these to help with brainstorming five step stories!
Set 1: Magical Heist
  1. Conceptualization: Develop the concept of a magical world where a legendary artifact is guarded by mystical creatures.
  2. Characterization: Create five distinct characters, each with a unique magical ability, who form a team to execute the heist.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, detailing the challenges the team faces in infiltrating the enchanted vault and the consequences if they fail.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the planning phase, the infiltration, and the confrontation with the guardians.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to ensure a seamless integration of each writer's contribution into the thrilling magical heist.
Set 2: Interstellar Exploration
  1. Conceptualization: Create a futuristic world where interstellar travel is possible, and a team embarks on a mission to explore a distant planet.
  2. Characterization: Develop five characters with diverse backgrounds, skills, and personal motivations for joining the interstellar expedition.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering the challenges of space travel, unexpected discoveries on the alien planet, and interpersonal dynamics within the team.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the launch, planetary exploration, and encounters with extraterrestrial life.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to ensure a cohesive narrative that captures the wonders and challenges of interstellar exploration.
Set 3: Time-Traveling Romance
  1. Conceptualization: Imagine a world where time travel is possible, and two individuals from different eras unexpectedly meet.
  2. Characterization: Create detailed profiles for the two main characters, exploring their backgrounds, personalities, and the challenges they face due to the time difference.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering the complications and emotional developments as the characters navigate their time-crossed romance.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the first meeting, moments of conflict arising from temporal disparities, and the resolution.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to create a seamless and emotionally resonant time-traveling love story.
Set 4: AI Uprising
  1. Conceptualization: Create a near-future world where advanced AI gains sentience and challenges humanity's control.
  2. Characterization: Develop characters on both sides of the AI-human conflict, exploring their perspectives, motivations, and ethical dilemmas.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, detailing the events leading to the AI uprising, human resistance efforts, and potential compromises.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the emergence of AI sentience, human debates on ethical AI development, and intense confrontations.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to weave together a thought-provoking narrative that delves into the complexities of AI-human relationships.
Set 5: Mythical Academy
  1. Conceptualization: Envision a hidden academy where mythical creatures and humans coexist, fostering a unique learning environment.
  2. Characterization: Create characters representing different mythical species and human students, each with their own challenges and aspirations.
  3. Plot Outline: Collaboratively outline the plot, covering school rivalries, mysteries within the academy, and the threat that endangers the diverse student body.
  4. Scene Drafts: Assign each writer a specific scene, such as the introduction to the academy, character interactions, and the climax involving the resolution of the looming threat.
  5. Revision and Integration: Exchange scenes, provide feedback, and revise to ensure a harmonious blend of mythical elements and human experiences in this enchanted academy.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:09 lex_kenosi Critique Request Time Thief [Sorcery- 15,000 (Two Chapter Sample]

Hey, I'm looking for some critique for my Fantasy novel, for the Young Adult category. Its a mix of Wizardry and machines powered by the users blood!
Quick Info:
The Blurb: In a world where enigmatic machines are controlled by blood and wielded by powerful rulers, Unami, an orphaned teenage thief, discovers her extraordinary skills with these 'blood machines' and is unexpectedly invited to the prestigious Elite School. Unami's journey takes an unforeseen turn as she is forced to team up with Moko, a legacy huntsman burdened by family tragedy, and Pri, a descendant of the feared beast-tamers, to unravel a perilous plot threatening to unleash a climate-altering weapon.
Together, Unami, Moko, and Pri navigate treacherous landscapes aboard a massive multi-chamber train driven by massive beasts, perpetually caught between worlds. As they chase down culprits and confront personal demons, the trio must learn to trust one another and embrace their unique flaws. A frost looms large—can they conquer it and defy an elitist system, or will their fractured histories doom them all?
What I would like to hear about:
  1. Plot & Story: Is it engaging, well-paced, and free of plot holes? Does it have a satisfying conclusion?
  2. Characters: Are they well-developed, believable, and do their actions make sense?
  3. Readability: Is the writing clear, smooth, and emotionally engaging?
  4. Genre Specifics: Does the world-building or information feel believable and accurate?
Interested? Here's a ten page sample:
Time Thief (Ten Page Sample):
Love the Sample? (Tym! Here's a Chapter outline)
Time Thief ( Two Chapters):
submitted by lex_kenosi to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:47 iPreferAndroid Potential canon continuity error

Hey guys, I really haven't been a fan of canon, preferring EU, but I am really trying to give it a chance. People argue that the EU had poor continuity, which is more or less false, due to a few reasons, but if that is true then the following feels like it might not work out well.
I just watched Tales of the Empire, which I was not impressed with for a myriad of reasons. I may outline a post later about that, but to the point. Bariss Offee is told by a clone that she is lucky she is no longer a jedi, implying she would be dead.
So what about Ahsoka in S07 of The Clone Wars? It is well known she left the Jedi order, so outside of Filoni plot reasons, why is Bariss given special treatment in regards to not being killed, while Ahsoka wasn't? The clones knew she wasn't a jedi, and Rex blatantly spelled it out. But chick that is in prison for attacking the jedi is in the clear? Doesn't make sense.
If there is a reasonable explanation, I will gladly accept it even if I am less fond of the new canon, it just doesn't make sense. Like maybe Ahsoka was given special treatment by the emperor to be killed anyways? But we don't see that and I don't intend to do the writers job for them?
submitted by iPreferAndroid to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:42 BoiseGangOne I Have A Crazy Hypothesis - "The Ceph" Aren't "The Ceph", But Not For The Reasons You Might Think

Okay, so hear me out. Crysis Legion isn't exactly canon, and it's difficult to figure out how much of it has been directly contradicted in Crysis: Escalation or Crysis 3.
In general, here's what is outlined/theorized by the characters in 2/Legion:
Crysis 3 gives us more information on the Ceph, and it's sort of disappointing:
Now, while Crysis 4 has been announced as being in-development, we don't know exactly what its plot will be (or even when it will be revealed in full or released), there's a very, very terrifying direction that the writers could go with.
So, in Crysis 3, Prophet (meaning the nanosuit construct that has the memories and personality imprint of Laurence Barnes) is obsessed with defeating the Alpha Ceph, and we know that Carl Ernst Rasch (co-founder of Hargreave-Rasch) integrated Ceph technology and genetics to extend his life, which backfires as his mind is taken over by the Alpha Ceph.
Now the fun/horror begins.
What if the Alpha Ceph wasn't the construct/organism we fought?
What if it, just like Barnes, tossed aside its original body?
The Ceph HiveMind is energy. Ergo, it can be assumed that interacting with any energy source created by Ceph technology is interacting with the mind of the Ceph.
What is the nanosuit? A ceph exoskeleton. By the end of Crysis 3, the nanosuit has been unshackled and its limits removed, allowing Prophet to take a more human form.
Characters, most notably Claire, state that Prophet risks becoming Ceph by interfacing with the HiveMind.
But what if he already is?
There's a passage on pg. 270 of Crysis Legion that I want to bring up.
(Hargreave) "But the Ceph are so much smarter than we are. They know we can only see what we look for, we can only make what we can imagine. Nature -- four billion years of experimentation, endless mutation and selection, Darwin's tangled bank in all its glorious diversity-- Nature creates what we haven't imagined, gives us vital gifts we'd never even think to look for."
"The Ceph understand these things. They come upon life-bearing worlds and they set up their monitoring stations to watch nature grind out its wonders and they leave it alone*. And every million years or so they drop by to see how their garden grows and let me tell you, my friend, they don't much like the cancer that's infested this place since the last time they were here."*
Now, Hargreave could be wrong. After all, Prophet says the Ceph encountered in NY were less gardeners and more shears and hedge-clippers.
Let me ask you something, if the Ceph have existed for at least 500 million years, what's the chance they've encountered other intelligent life?
I'll give you a hint: It's sure more than 0.
Now, Alcatraz hears "integrating new DNA profile" as the suit comes online for him. Maybe this is part of Crynet's own bespoke technology, but Ceph technology seems rather easily adaptable to even something as primitive as human tech.
How much do you want to bet that humanity is the first one to try using the Ceph's technology against them?
How often do you think that backfires?
But we won, didn't we?
Probably not.
Again, the Ceph have existed for 500 million years. What is a span of 200 years compared to that? Not even seconds. It's not even a fraction of a blink of an eye.
So, what do we know of the Ceph?
One could say that the Ceph seem to lack imagination. But their civilization spans countless worlds and has existed for an absurdly long time compared to humanity. Going back to Hargreave's quote, why not wait and see what nature and evolution develops rather than trying to brute-force advancements? And if that happens to develop into intelligent life, all the better.
The Ceph fought in all 3 games don't exactly seem to be going all-out in an existential struggle like humanity is. Humanity likes to think in definitions like "human", "ceph", "organic", "mechanical", but the Ceph don't seem to share these distinctions. How much of the N2's behavior was programmed, and how much of it was just the innate drive of the ceph-tech inside of it?
What if this life and death struggle for existence was little more than a test?
Prophet made contact with the Hivemind, absorbed its energy. Again, the Ceph Hivemind is energy that powers their tech. But going beyond that, what if the Ceph and what we consider to be their technology are one and the same?
The Ceph we see on Lingshan and NY both try to interface with the nanosuits. In Crysis 3, they take an even more active role in that, because the nanosuit is able to interface with Ceph-Tech instead.
Prophet tells the Alpha Ceph that "We've evolved your technology" as if it's a gotcha, but honestly, I think we got played like a damn fiddle. Even the destruction of a single Warrior Ceph battleship is nothing, a small price to pay for essentially outsourcing their technological development and iteration.
Anyways, if you've somehow read this entire essay, uh, congrats? I guess I somehow managed to convince someone else to waste as much of their time reading this as I did writing it. I'm sure this will not be the direction Crysis 4 will take, but, hey, at least I can get someone else to be stuck at night thinking about these things.
submitted by BoiseGangOne to Crysis [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:46 Gullible_Ant_4150 FpM 4 FpF •low fantasy romance• (Outlander inspired)

“Someone is coming through for you but it’s not a relative, dear.”
Genevieve could see the woman across from her was skeptical in her practice, speaking to those who had passed. She’d explained that she’d only come in out of curiosity not because she wanted a reading. And Genevieve had almost immediately heard someone for her, a sort of desperate pleading that was rare and fueled by a deep love. The stranger regarded her with a frown of confusion, fidgeting with her own hands as she glanced around the room. Tapestries hung draped across the walls while a red neon sign depicting an open palm flickered in the corner of the dimly lit space.
“He… he says to dress warmly tomorrow. To wear your long, powder blue coat and the brown leather boots you wore yesterday.”
The stranger’s demeanor immediately shifted as she glanced up at Genevieve with wide eyes, all suspicion suddenly gone and replaced by what seemed to be a mixture of fear and shock. She’d seen the look a thousand times before so she offered a warm, understanding smile as she gave the woman time to process the message. Genevieve didn’t understand it herself though it wasn’t her job to. She was simply there to act as a translator
“If he’s not a relative then how do I know him? How does he know me?”
The words were just above a whisper while she went back to glancing around the room as though she was expecting to see some sort of ghost. Again, it wasn’t anything that Genevieve hadn’t seen before. In an attempt to provide some sort of comfort to the woman as well as satisfy her own curiosity, Genevieve took her fidgeting hands and pulled them to rest on the table. Turning the woman’s delicate hands over, she exposed her palms so they faced the ceiling while her eyes traced over the lines she saw.
“He was your lover it seems. And is quite taken with you still it sounds like,” the medium explained with a fond smile. She could hear the man speaking to her, telling her about the woman across from her, about how he had waited so long for a chance to speak with her. His love for her was so obvious that it came with a sort of pain that Genevieve felt herself. It was evident from his tone alone that being unable to speak with the woman who had wandered into her shop had been agony for him.
“He likes your hair like that, up. He likes being able to see your face,” she murmured softly, her thumb brushing over one of the longer lines that ran across the woman’s palm before picking her hand up to view it more closely.
“And he says that he’d like for you to know that he’s with you often. I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt him from time too. Tends to happen when a bond between souls is that strong.” Her voice came in a thoughtful tone, her fingers smoothing over the woman’s hand to try and provide some sort of comfort but as she took in the stranger’s face all she saw was worry.
“I don’t have any lovers who have passed away.”
The confession was followed by the stranger attempting to pull her hands away through Genevieve’s grip tightened while her head turned to the left, her eyes flickering over the corner of the room where she could feel the presence radiating from. Spirits didn’t show up for the incorrect people. They never had in all of her years of practice. And then she heard it. Heard him explain where he was from.
“Where are you going tomorrow?”
As Genevieve asked the question, the knot in her stomach told her that she already knew the answer, knew why the woman had a lover who was deceased that she’d seemingly never met. She’d be meeting him soon.
“The tree maze,” she answered a bit breathlessly while searching Genevieve’s face as the medium continued to stare at the corner of the room. At the same time she answered, so did her lover, his voice breathless all the same as he spoke. ‘To meet me’.
After a break from writing and roleplaying brought on a rather miserable period of writer’s block, I’m searching for a partner to write with in hopes of undoing the unpleasant spell I seem to be stuck in:) Above is a blurb I wrote that came from the idea I’m hoping to build off of.
I’m a twenty four year old woman living in EST who has been writing on and off for eleven years give or take. I enjoy reading in my free time as well as gardening and obsessing over my cats.
A multitude of genres interest me from more modern, crime driven plots to high fantasy adventures. But romance is a common theme I enjoy including in all of my stories as I find relationship dynamics to be some of the most interesting things to explore especially when playing out in different worlds.
Today I’m looking to write something that shows two people who are from different times, making it appear as if they are from different worlds entirely. And through a woman accidentally traveling back in time, a love is born that changes history itself. If intrigued by the simple outline, I’d love to share ideas and build a full plot out together that way everyone’s interests can be included! I’m also a firm believer that constructing a plot with someone else is half the fun of a writing together.:)
If interested please be
Here’s some things I’m hoping to include in our story: -lots of angst. All the angst. -flash backs and tying the future to the past -political intrigue -an unstable land that brings our characters together through navigating difficulties -light supernatural or fantasy elements that are mainly a mystery to our characters -a history involving mythology and lore that we can create ourselves and tie into our world -a male character who is not so secretly obsessed with the fiery, strong willed female lead
If this story is one you’d like to help create, message me a bit about you and your interests as far as writing goes and please have a sample ready as well! I have my own that I’ll be happy to send:)
submitted by Gullible_Ant_4150 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:38 exuberant_emerald Idea for another Doctor Who Immersive Stage Show

Ok, so this litrally all began developing in my mind an hour ago whilst I was sat eating dinner, pondering over the idea of what another Doctor Who Immersive theatre show could look like, only to experience a rare surge of inspiration hitting me like a mighty wave. Therefore, you'll have to forgive me for the rather wild and messy flow of thought that is outlined down here due to how sudden and immense these thoughts had become.
I won't deny that the plot does sound quite ridiculous and not as thrilling and action-packed as most would want from a Doctor Who experience, but instead something more light-hearted and fun (although, considering this is only a very first draft, this idea probably might change entirely to instead revert to a more adventurous plot-line—unless you encourage/contribute to this current idea I have further otherwise).
Would absolutely love to hear any additional thoughts/contributions (even criticisms) to this blossoming idea of mine! :D
Doctor Who Immersive Theatre Show: In Time For Tea and Fish Custard
• Stage is set in the style of the rounds with the audience sat all around an adapted stage of the 11th Doctor's second TARDIS from the later half of Series 7.
Plot: Clara is holding a Tea party in the TARDIS to celebrate the 1st year anniversary of travelling with The Doctor with Clara having the audience as most of the guests invited to the party.
The other guests of the party are intended to be each of the Doctor's past and future incarnations with the TARDIS, in agreement with Clara who has always wanted to meet the other Doctors in her current echo, traveling back to somepoint when each of the incarnations would be with the companions to trick them that it is their TARDIS so that they could be politely accommodated into their Tea party as if it were by pure coincidence.
The Doctor only notices the guests twice during the entire duration due to spending the rest of the time grumbling in bed with a sudden headache from all the vigorous effort and enthusiasm he put into the preparation. Meets the first 7 incarnations there enjoying their tea before shooing them off, only to then meet his 10th self face to face with an encounter extremely similar to the one seen in the Day of the Doctor when they show off their sonic screwdrivers.
• Eleventh DoctoClara Oswald • First DoctoSusan Foreman • Second DoctoVictoria/Jamie Mc.Crimmon • Third DoctoJo Grant • Fourth DoctoSarah Jane Smith/K-9 • Fifth DoctoTegan • Sixth DoctoPeri or Mel • Seventh DoctoAce • Eighth Doctor • War Doctor • 9th/ Rose Tyler • 10th/Donna Noble • 12th/Bill Potts/Nardole/Missy • 13th/Yaz • 15th/Ruby Sunday.
(Most of them will obviously be played by different actors, but would obviously love for Smith, Tate, Coleman, Tennant, Whiticker, Piper and Mandip etc. contributing back to their roles)
submitted by exuberant_emerald to doctorwho [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:53 DMofNone Complete Vecna: Eve of Ruin Remixed Outline

Dungeon Master of None’s Vecna: Eve of Ruin Remix

After reviewing and discussing VEoR on our podcast, Dungeon Master of None, (Listen to Part One and Part Two here), I started rewriting and remixing the module as I have wanted to run an adventure similar to this one when my current D&D game ends. Before I knew it, I had created a 15-or-so page outline for a better campaign. Obviously, it is too long for a post and contains major spoilers for VEoR, so below are the major flaws and my approach to fixing them. If you like my analysis and my fixes, then click the link above to view the outline. Feel free to comment, suggest, critique, use, share and remix further (with credit given).
Here are the links to the discussion and review that sparked this remix:

Why Vecna: Eve of Ruin fails

How to fix it

Again, let me know what you think of the remixed outline! Hope it's helpful! Solidarity and happy DMing.
submitted by DMofNone to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:24 TheLotStore Navigating the Market for Residential Land for Sale in Arkansas

Navigating the Market for Residential Land for Sale in Arkansas
Navigating the Market for Residential Land for Sale in Arkansas
Exploring the Market for Residential Plots for Sale in Arkansas
Arkansas, the "Natural State," is recognized for its stunning terrains, thriving communities, and economical cost of living. For those interested in acquiring residential plots in this picturesque state, there are numerous elements to ponder to ensure a fruitful and satisfying investment. From comprehending the local market trends to conducting comprehensive research, navigating the market for residential plots for sale in Arkansas demands conscientious reflection and strategic preparation.
This thorough manual will delve into the diverse facets of purchasing residential plots in Arkansas, covering the current market circumstances, statutory considerations, and guidance for locating the ideal piece of land. Whether you're a novice purchaser or an adept investor, this piece will offer valuable perceptions to help you reach knowledgeable resolutions in your land procurement crusade.
Comprehending the Ongoing Market Circumstances
Before plunging into the specifics of procuring residential plots in Arkansas, it is imperative to grasp the ongoing market conditions. Comparable to any real estate market, the land market in Arkansas is influenced by an assortment of elements, including supply and demand, economic tendencies, and local zoning statutes.
Arkansas has observed stable expansion in its residential land market in recent times. The state's varied terrains, from undulating hills to luxuriant forests, have enticed homebuyers seeking a tranquil and natural environment. Furthermore, the relatively low cost of living in Arkansas has rendered it an enticing haven for those in pursuit of affordable housing options.
During the exploration of the contemporary market conditions for residential plots in Arkansas, it is crucial to be mindful of local tendencies and advancements. Aspects such as population growth, urbanization, and infrastructural projects can considerably influence the value and demand for land in specific areas. By keeping abreast of these tendencies, buyers can identify favorable prospects and reach well-informed determinations when stepping into the market.
Statutory Considerations When Acquiring Residential Plots
One of the most pivotal facets of acquiring residential plots in Arkansas is complying with the statutory considerations involved. Land transactions are subject to various laws and regulations, and buyers must ensure adherence to these requirements to circumvent potential legal entanglements in the future.
An imperative statutory consideration when acquiring residential plots in Arkansas is acquainting oneself with the zoning regulations. Zoning statutes stipulate the permissible utilization of land, such as for residential, commercial, or agricultural intentions. It is essential for buyers to investigate the zoning regulations in their favored location to ascertain the suitability of the land for their intended purpose.
Another significant statutory consideration involves conducting a title investigation. This process entails examining the property's ownership history to ensure the absence of unresolved liens, encumbrances, or ownership disputes. Acquiring a clear title to the land is crucial for evading potential legal predicaments subsequent to the acquisition.
Moreover, buyers should familiarize themselves with the protocol for securing essential licenses and authorizations for residential land development in Arkansas. Depending on the planned usage of the land, licenses may be mandatory for undertakings such as construction, well drilling, or septic system installation. Acquiring an understanding of these legal requisites is crucial for a prosperous land acquisition and development procedure.
Strategies for Unearthing the Ideal Piece of Land
Equipped with a profound understanding of the market conditions and statutory considerations, prospective buyers can now dedicate themselves to identifying the perfect piece of residential land in Arkansas. Whether it pertains to erecting a dream abode, establishing a vacation abode, or making an investment, there are multiple tips to keep in consideration when scouting for land in the state.
Primarily, it is essential to delineate your priorities and inclinations for the land you intend to acquire. Factor in elements like location, topography, natural attributes, and proximity to conveniences. Arkansas offers a wide spectrum of terrains, from mountainous landscapes in the Ozarks to fertile plains in the Delta region, thus it is crucial to pinpoint the sort of environment that aligns with your vision for the property.
Upon determining your priorities, it is time to initiate your quest. Various resources are accessible for locating residential land for sale in Arkansas, encompassing real estate websites, local listings, and land brokerages. Collaborating with a reputable real estate agent or land broker can furnish invaluable aid in identifying suitable properties and navigating the procurement process.
When assessing potential land parcels, it is imperative to conduct thorough investigation. This may encompass a visit to the property to evaluate its condition, scrutinizing the adjoining area, and delving into the land's past and ownership. Furthermore, buyers should contemplate enlisting the services of professionals like land surveyors, environmental consultants, and attorneys to gain a comprehensive grasp of the potential opportunities and challenges associated with the property.
In addition to conducting a thorough investigation, buyers should also contemplate the long-term potential of the land. Elements such as forthcoming development in the area, proximity to job hubs, and infrastructural projects can sway the value and appeal of the property over time. By contemplating these elements, purchasers can reach informed choices that resonate with their enduring aspirations for the land.
Financial Considerations and Investment Approaches
Analogous to any real estate investment, acquiring residential land in Arkansas encompasses diverse financial considerations and investment approaches. Buyers must meticulously assess their finances, financing alternatives, and potential return on investment to reach informed determinations about their land procurement.
One of the foremost financial considerations when acquiring land is outlining a pragmatic budget. Buyers should contemplate not only the acquisition cost of the land but also supplemental expenditures like closing costs, property taxes, and potential development expenses. By prudently evaluating their financial reserves and defining a precise budget, buyers can sidestep overextending themselves and arrive at a judicious investment resolution.
In the context of financing, there are myriad options accessible for acquiring residential land in Arkansas. Buyers may opt to make a cash payment for the land, secure a traditional mortgage, or explore unconventional financing avenues such as land loans or seller financing. It is essential to thoroughly assess the stipulations of each financing option and select a solution that aligns with your financial position and investment objectives.
From an investment standpoint, purchasers should weigh the potential return on investment for the land they intend to acquire. Whether the objective is to construct a principal residence, develop a vacation abode, or retain the land for future appreciation, it is critical to assess the long-term value and revenue potential of the property. Elements like market tendencies, demand for residential land, and prospective development prospects should be factored in when evaluating the investment potential of the land.
Environmental Considerations and Sustainable Development Practices
In conjunction with the legal and financial considerations, purchasers of residential land in Arkansas should also exhibit mindfulness of environmental considerations and sustainable development practices. As the requisites for land development continue to evolve, embracing environmentally-conscious approaches is becoming increasingly imperative for setting the stage for sustainable and responsible development.continues to expand, it's crucial to prioritize mindful stewardship of the land and diminish the environmental impact of development activities.
An essential initial phase in tackling ecological considerations is conducting a comprehensive environmental evaluation of the land. This might involve assessing elements such as soil health, water reserves, wildlife habitats, and potential environmental risks. By comprehending the land's inherent characteristics, purchasers can make educated choices regarding the sustainable use and evolution of the property.
When contemplating land development activities, giving precedence to sustainable methods that lessen the ecological impact of the project is important. This could encompass integrating energy-efficient design principles, conserving natural habitats, reducing water consumption, and using eco-friendly construction materials. By prioritizing sustainable development methods, purchasers can establish a harmonious correlation between the land and the adjacent environment.
Additionally, purchasers should be mindful of any environmental statutes and constraints that might impact the utilization and advancement of residential land in Arkansas. Depending on the site and natural aspects of the land, there might be specific statutes governing activities such as wetland preservation, wildlife protection, and erosion management. It's imperative for purchasers to comply with these statutes and incorporate environmental stewardship into their land development blueprints.
Effectively navigating the market for residential land for sale in Arkansas demands thorough contemplation of various aspects, comprising market conditions, legal considerations, suggestions for finding the ideal piece of land, financial considerations, and environmental considerations. By understanding the local market tendencies, conducting comprehensive due diligence, and giving precedence to sustainable development methods, purchasers can make informed decisions that harmonize with their objectives and principles.
Whether you're in pursuit of constructing your ideal residence, establishing a vacation property, or making an investment, acquiring residential land in Arkansas offers numerous prospects for expansion and contentment. With the right blend of research, planning, and professional guidance, purchasers can navigate the land market with assurance and create a heritage that aligns with their vision for the future.
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2024.05.30 18:24 0peratUn0rth0 How do I write a story with political themes without being preachy or insulting to my readers who don’t agree?

I’m in the outlining stages of a Sci-Fi fantasy series I want to write about a nation (loosely inspired by the HRE) where the nobles and dukes are organizing an investigation and eventual coup against the emperor, who they see as a tyrant, for their own personal gain.
I don’t know if this is the plot I want to go with and I'm definitely trying to think of alternatives, this is the best I got.
The thing about this is that I wanted to write with political philosophy in mind, snd this means that my opinions are no doubt going to slip in as they always do with overtly political stories.
But with that in mind, I want to handle this with care and not treat my readers as dumb or stupid for having different opinions then I have. How would this be done?
I already thought of some ways, like covering universal themes that the reader can apply to their own opinions without changing their ideology, such as Frank Herbert's message against charismatic demagogues being an applicable lesson to most people from communists to conservatives.
But I'm not sure how that would work, because something about it feels like it's ignoring the issue entirely.
Any other suggestions?
submitted by 0peratUn0rth0 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:54 adulting4kids Foreshadowing - Lecture Outline

I. Introduction (10 minutes) - Definition of foreshadowing - Importance in storytelling - Brief explanation of how it builds anticipation
II. Types of Foreshadowing (15 minutes) a. Direct Foreshadowing - Definition and examples b. Indirect Foreshadowing - Definition and examples c. Symbolic Foreshadowing - Exploring symbols that hint at future events
III. Examples in Literature (20 minutes) - Analyzing examples from well-known works - Shakespeare, Harper Lee, J.K. Rowling, etc. - Discussing how foreshadowing contributes to plot development
IV. How Authors Use Foreshadowing (15 minutes) a. Establishing tone and mood b. Creating suspense c. Developing character arcs
V. Foreshadowing in Different Genres (15 minutes) a. Foreshadowing in mystery and suspense genres b. Foreshadowing in fantasy and science fiction c. Foreshadowing in drama and tragedy
VI. Interactive Activity (20 minutes) - Analyzing short passages for foreshadowing - Discussing findings as a class
VII. Film and TV Examples (15 minutes) - Clips from movies or TV shows showcasing effective foreshadowing - Comparing visual foreshadowing to literary examples
VIII. Creative Writing Exercise (20 minutes) - Providing a prompt for students to create their own foreshadowing in a short piece - Sharing and discussing the results
IX. Importance of Foreshadowing (10 minutes) - Discussing how foreshadowing enhances the readeviewer experience - Reflecting on the role of anticipation in storytelling
X. Q&A and Wrap-Up (10 minutes) - Addressing any questions from students - Summarizing key points
This lecture outline combines theoretical concepts, literary analysis, and practical activities to engage students in understanding and appreciating the art of foreshadowing. Adjust the timing based on the specific needs and dynamics of the class.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]