Bios for xbl


2014.05.04 12:27 big_bert RetroPie

RetroPie allows you to turn your Raspberry Pi or PC into a retro-gaming machine. This community focuses around the projects that come from this as well as providing tips/tricks and help in getting it setup.

2016.07.27 22:06 The unofficial ASRock Subreddit - A place to discuss all things ASRock

An unofficial forum for discussion of ASRock Products, News, BIOS updates and Troubleshooting.

2018.10.12 04:56 Gin_chan Bios Sub for StrawhatRPG


2024.01.08 08:47 Apprehensive-Bad-484 Things I've noticed about Xemu & Insignia

So I've been playing around with this setup for a few hours and looking at all of the issues that people have been having with it. It just seems to work for some and not for others, with no really apparent explanation. I took the time to type a whole book, so get ready for it. This might answer quite a few questions that are repeatedly asked. Plus, the more you know how to do for yourself, the less you'll have to depend on others for.
(1) I own about 99% of all of the NTSC consoles. From those systems, I've also retrieved their respective MCPX and EEPROM binaries, and have paired them up accordingly. Each was dumped 3 times and compared to previous dumps for validation. That's quite a few physical systems. I've dumped the files myself for testing. Testing was done with Xemu v0.7.118.
That being said, Xemu simply does NOT like certain BIOS+MCPX+EEPROM files.
A bad or incompatible BIOS or MCPX file, OR incompatible combination of the two will cause issues with Xemu, like:
"Guest has not initialized the display (yet)"
"Please insert an xbox disc" on a black screen, which appears after the initial splash screen.
If you have the "Guest has not initialized the display (yet)" error, you should not and probably will not be able to load a "disc", as you have a bad file or incompatible files selected. Choose a different MCPX or BIOS file, exit Xemu, re-open it and try again. Change the files INDIVIDUALLY and test each one. If you change the BIOS and MCPX each time, you could be continually selecting incompatible combinations and have lower odds of success. So try all of your MCPX files, and if that makes no difference, revert back to MCPX v1.0 and start trying your bios files. Remember that you will need to completely close Xemu and open it again, each time you select a new file. Don't just click "Machine > Restart".
The MCPX should be verion 1.0. It makes no difference how it's labeled and your OS will let you know if there is an issue with it's name. I've tried "^$*^$#&^%*&%.bin" and it works fine. The name is just so YOU know what it is. I could not make MCPX v1.1 work at all, with any combination.
TRUE Retail BIOS on Xemu should perform just like an unmodified Xbox, meaning NO homebrew, locked XBL and only OFFICIAL discs. Retail firmwares can be modified to allow you to boot into, lets say the "Insignia Assistant ISO" but will give you an error message saying that your BIOS was found to have XBL blocked, when selecting "troubleshoot" in the "Insignia Assistant". You cannot use Insignia on a TRUE Retail BIOS. You shouldn't even be able to launch homebrew, so you'd never make it past the dashboard. If you can, it's not a TRUE Retail BIOS. I have yet to try a HDD image of a soft-modded HDD from an actual console. I don't expect that to work anyways as it's a lot of work, for a minimal gain and 90% of emulation users won't know how to do that. You're better off playing on actual hardware.
A REAL Xbox should load the default dashboard when booted, if no disc is inserted. In Xemu, you can click "Machine > Load Disc" from the dashboard, and the disc will load automatically. If you're getting the "Guest has not initialized the display (yet)" you will need to select a different BIOS and or MCPX file(s), as you're officially stuck there.
Remember that BOTH MCPX AND BIOS files can each cause these errors. One could be bad or incompatible, or they both could. You'll just have to find the one that works for you. Some BIOS files will actually trigger an "Assertion failed!" error in Windows, for "../hw/xbox/nv2a/pgraph.c" on Line 6034. This gives you the option to "Abort", "Retry" or "Ignore". Press "Ignore" as the other options will immediately close Xemu. This is DEFINITELY a BIOS issue, but not one that you'll likely run into. It only happens to me because I'm using a DS4 controller and DS4Windows v3.3.3, emulating my DS4 controller as an Xbox 360 Controller. It happens when you start booting the dashboard or a "disc", then go into "Settings > Input" and change the DS4 in Port 1 to Xbox 360 Controller Port 2" and click "Machine > Restart". Even though I'm causing it, it DOES only happen with "bios_debug_4627 (MD5 19b5c6d3d42a707bba620634fe6d4baf)". No biggie.
As for Insignia...
One of the most common problems that I've seen with using Xemu and Insignia, is networking. There are many reasons why you wouldn't be able to connect or even register in the "Insignia Assistant". Reasons including a messed up or incomplete EEPROM, Port Forwarding or Firewalls or you touch yourself at night.
You should not be able to use your EEPROM from an Xbox that you use to connect to Insignia, on Xemu. Think " new machine, new account". The EEPROM generated by Xemu is random and should only contain what you need to connect to Insignia and nothing else. The EEPROM generated by your console, and the special ID that they assign to you is what your account is locked to, and that console would then have to be removed from Insignia's database before it could ever connect to another account and I'm sure someone would have to manually remove it, which gets REALLY old after a while. Just make another account. It's not like you're losing purchases and achievements.
You can forward UDP 3074 or TCP AND UDP 3074 and enable uPnP if you have it (you should). Insignia uses UDP 3074, so you'd need to forward that to whichever IP address Xemu is using. For example, if you use the NAT option in Xemu, your IP should resemble 10.0.x.x, whereas if you're using Bridged, you should end up with whatever IP your network normally uses like 192.168.x.x. Another example...I normally connect to one of my networks with WiFi, but I could not use Bridge mode (would not communicate), only NAT. NAT would not allow me to register Insignia in Xemu. Troubleshoot checked out fine, but Register always said "failed to connect". To use Bridge mode, I had to also connect my laptop to my router via Ethernet, and then it would automatically assign the correct IP. I did not have to disconnect from WiFi or disable my WiFi adapter, because I set Xemu to use Ethernet instead. My IP is also set to Auto, and Manual is only if your router really likes to give out new IP addresses. My leases on my router don't expire, so it doesn't do that unless I tell it to. DNS however, needs to be correct. DNS #1 should be Insignia's DNS of and DNS #2 can be literally ANY DNS as it is a last resort if DNS #1 doesn't do anything or does not contain what another app is requesting. For the sake of simple setup, it's recommended to use Manual addresses. Not everyone is willing to write a book about why " I click and it don't work wtf", but I am, just this once.
You can forward UDP 3074 or TCP AND UDP 3074 and enable uPnP if you have it (you should). Not all ISPs will allow you to even log in to your Router / Modem. If that's you, you're probably screwed, and you'd need some kind of redirect or a friend with networking experience and even then, there's a 50/50 chance that it just won't work for you. Blame your ISP. You can also have the correct port forwarded on your router (if it's separate from your modem) but your modem can still block the port. If that's you and you can't log into it, or your ISP won't change it for you, you're screwed. Sorry.
Add an exception to Windows Firewall for both Public AND Private, for Xemu. If your router and modem are separate, that's 3 different things that can prevent Xemu from communicating. Windows shouldn't prevent it, but it might and it's best to just allow Xemu through and eliminate that from the equation.
Use a different EEPROM. The one you're using for Xemu might be blank, or might be missing some information. Xemu does generate one when you launch the app, or if one no longer exists in the directory where it should be. You can simply delete it, close the app, and open the app again and a new one will be created for you.
Use a different BIOS. Even if "Troubleshoot" in the "Insignia Assistant" says that you should be able to connect, that doesn't mean that you WILL be able to. Don't assume that it will tell you if that specific BIOS is blocking XBL. It might still be and it just wasn't detected. Never assume anything because we don't live in a perfect world.
Understand exactly what is being emulated
The MCPX is the South Bridge and the purpose of the MCPX ROM is to setup the GPT table, enter 32 bit mode, Enable caching, decrypt the second bootloader (2BL) and then transfer control over to it. It has a fair few things to do, and it also contains an interpreter to read instructions from the BIOS (known as xcodes).

The EEPROM. Some of the system settings it maintains are:
Lastly, here's the info and MD5 from the MCPX and BIOS that I have confirmed to work. These are the files that you will likely end up downloading somewhere. Remember that the names get changed sometimes, but the MD5 is the important part for knowing exactly which file you have.
mcpx_1.0.bin d49c52a4102f6df7bcf8d0617ac475ed
3944_1024k (MAME) e8b39b98cf775496c1c76e4f7756e6ed (Blocked XBL, No Homebrew)
4034_1024k (MAME) b49a417511b2dbb485aa255a32a319d1 (Blocked XBL, No Homebrew)
4134_1024k (MAME) c0a543ce695201aca87c51b3a5cdf8c8
bios_retail_4627 39cee882148a87f93cb440b99dde3ceb
bios_debug_4627 19b5c6d3d42a707bba620634fe6d4baf (Blocked XBL)
xbox-4627_debug e8dd61cc6abdbd06aac185e371312dc1 (Blocked XBL)
Complex_4627 ec00e31e746de2473acfe7903c5a4cb7
Complex_4627v1.03 21445c6f28fca7285b0f167ea770d1e5
Kernels and Revisions (MoBo) (not necessarily what's in yours)
Sincerely and unapologetically,

submitted by Apprehensive-Bad-484 to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 18:38 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to TopPennyStocks [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 18:33 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to Wealthsimple_Penny [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 18:31 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to stockfreshman [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 18:31 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to StonkFeed [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 03:42 UndercoverMiscreant Respect Alraune, Whisperer of Dementia (Bayonetta)


Whisperer Of Dementia
"Madama Butterfly, oh how I've longed for the day to see you suffer at my hands! This shall be the final day of your existence!"
Within the depths of Inferno, resides a demon consumed by insatiable desire and obsession. It constantly searches for the most "beautiful" creatures, be they human, angel, or demon, and injects poison into their nerves, turning them into unmoving "lovers" to decorate its palace for all eternity.
Sharing the name of a rose that blooms within Inferno, Alraune appears as a woman wearing a crimson dress, decorated in floral motifs. Myth spins tales as to her origin, and to why she bears such hatred for Madama Butterfly, Bayonetta's contracted demon—but all that can truly be said, is that Alraune's heart is tainted, and she will never know peace, not even with the sacrifice of a thousand souls, or a million...
Note: Despite being defeated in the second game, and having her soul trapped inside one of Rodin's weapons, she inexplicably reappears in Bayonetta 3, during an unlockable 'Phenomenal Remnant' bonus chapter. The canoncity of this appearance is highly dubious, and likely non-canon, but interestingly enough, other B3 characters makes comments on this demon and reference previous story-related events from Bayonetta 2 in her bio. This may just somehow be related to Bayonetta 3's multiverse/alternate universe nonsense, but regardless, Alraune's Bayo3 feats should probably be considered with an asterisk, and hence will be labeled.
Bayonetta RT for scaling (Outdated; Update Coming... Soon?)


Speed / Agility


Nail Claws
Plant Manipulation
Demonic Shields
Soul Stealing
Soul Empowerment


Alraune, Whisperer of Insanity

Whisperer Of Insanity
"Such an exquisite soul... And so fresh. Such a delicacy!"
In truth, Alraune was born a human. Hailing from nobility, she took her own life by dousing herself with mandrake poison, as a means to seek revenge on her husband who abandoned her.
The poison she took, continued to course through her skin even after death, searing her body, devouring her very soul. At height of being consumed by delusions and hallucinations, she was at last reincarnated as a demon in Inferno.
Now, seizing the power of one of the last remaining Umbra, Alraune's strength has grown immensely. Mutating into a colossal demonic beast, her desires know no bounds, and she now believes that she has the power to rule Inferno as the Queen of Hell herself.




Demonic Ordnance
Magic / Energy Enhancement
Plant Manipulation
Soul Stealing


Demonic Traits

Realm Traversal
Demonic Barriers
submitted by UndercoverMiscreant to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2023.10.23 17:29 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to PennyQueen [link] [comments]

2023.10.23 17:28 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to CNDpennystockbets [link] [comments]

2023.10.23 17:27 Professional_Disk131 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to CanadianStocks [link] [comments]

2023.10.13 18:37 Temporary_Noise_4014 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to PennyCatalysts [link] [comments]

2023.10.13 18:36 Temporary_Noise_4014 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to OTCstockradar [link] [comments]

2023.10.13 18:27 Temporary_Noise_4014 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to CanadianStockExchange [link] [comments]

2023.10.10 16:44 Temporary_Noise_4014 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to marketpredictors [link] [comments]

2023.10.10 16:43 Temporary_Noise_4014 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to Canadapennystocks [link] [comments]

2023.10.10 16:30 Temporary_Noise_4014 New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today

New Small-cap AI Cybersecurity Firm IPOs Today
Integrated Cyber Solutions (ICS: CSE) Inc. delivers Cybersecurity managed services to the small-to-medium business and small-to-medium enterprise segments. Its proprietary services include managed detection and response, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and assessment, penetration testing, dark web scanning, remediation, security awareness and training, and cybersecurity insurance.
In other words, ICS keeps your data, systems, etc., safe from incursion, exploitation and expensive data theft or corruption.
As an investor, today is your lucky day: ICS is listing on the CSE as of the October 10th, 2023 opening.
There are few opportunities to get in on the ground floor of a nifty company like ICS. If you doubt me, check out management bios. You will be impressed. And confident in the Company’s prospects and potential
The wheel shows the components ICS uses to accomplish client solutions.
Discussing this topic would make getting lost in the cyber weeds easy. While the minutiae and processes are likely complicated — and not available for public perusal — the point is simple. Protection.
The Market
The global cyber security market was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Why the significant growth? Mainly due to the demand for endpoint security solutions. The main clientele are startups, retail and financial entities.
On a grand scale, as we saw this weekend in the horrific attacks in Israel, the first things to be compromised and hacked were computer systems.
The future is not just in dealing with cyber threats but staying several jumps ahead of the bad guys, internal or external.
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing technology industries because it’s essential to staying at the top of your game in business.
Even more so as cyber threats continue to grow and become more sophisticated, companies must find a way to avoid being caught unprepared.
“Cybersecurity is a lucrative industry because it’s fraught with opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs who can see and seize them from the beginning. … Cybersecurity is essential to a company’s infrastructure, but many businesses fail to invest adequately in their digital security. This leaves them open to cyber attacks, which will cause significant financial losses and harm company reputations”. (Ayoka Systems)
The opportunities for companies like ICS are myriad. The central tenet is system protection and shielding. ICS will simulate an attack on your systems to establish a level of need. This exercise shows the steps to resolve vulnerabilities and secure client data.
Key to all of this is employee training: As the first line to identify threats and ultimately prevent breaches. ICS monitors and manages your systems to further enhance security.The number of publicly traded cybersecurity companies is relatively low: Cisco, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet are the leading cybersecurity vendors worldwide. In the first quarter of 2020, Cisco accounted for 9.1 percent of the market share in the cybersecurity industry, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet accounted for 7.8 and 5.9 percent, respectively.
There is also a small but healthy M&A market in the sector.
“Concerns over financial losses are positioned to bolster the growth of the sector, as global cybercrime damages are projected to total $8 trillion in 2023 and reach $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures” (Capstone Partners)
Bottom Line
Lots of reasons to own some ICS. As with any IPO, a dollar cost-averaging strategy might be prudent. At the very least, it needs to be on your watchlist.
I can’t think of a world that doesn’t need Cybersecurity now and more into the future. As mentioned, you rarely get to purchase a startup of this quality.
Look at a long-term chart of Cisco. Point made.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2023.09.06 23:32 TheSubwayTrader BNOX - Bionomics Shares In Rally Mode As Investors Take Interest Ahead Of Planned Phase III Trial To Treat PTSD And SAD ($BNOX)

Bionomics Shares In Rally Mode As Investors Take Interest Ahead Of Planned Phase III Trial To Treat PTSD And SAD ($BNOX)
Bionomics Limited (Nasdaq: BNOX) (ASX: BNO) shares have kicked into rally mode, surging by over 65% since August 22nd to $1.98 on Tuesday. And heading into the final hour of trading on Wednesday, it appears that investors are intent on keeping the stock in the green. Initial liftoff for BNOX shares started in late August when they announced that the last patient visit had been completed in its Phase 2 ATTUNE study in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”). Topline results are expected to be released by the end of September. Reaching that milestone isn’t the only thing attracting investors’ attention. Bionomics also disclosed expectations for its End of Phase 2 (EoPh2) meeting with the FDA in September to review results from its Phase 2 PREVAIL study in patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Leaving that meeting could include details putting another milestone in play. Specifically, a more determinant date to commence a proposed Phase 3 registrational trial.
That calendar alone has put multiple potential catalysts in the near-term crosshairs. And they could deliver an appreciable boost to the share price. Analysts covering BNOX think so. At least two have modeled for Bionomics shares to surge by over 288% to $7.00 from current levels in the next 12 months. They present a strong case for why, emphasizing the implied value of BNOX drug candidates earning front-line treatment designations for unmet medical conditions, particularly patients suffering from serious central nervous system (“CNS”) disorders. The company is equally optimistic.
Spyros Papapetropoulos, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of Bionomics, said, “We continue our strong momentum with our fast track designated BNC210, with a robust clinical and regulatory milestone-rich year in both SAD and PTSD, two highly prevalent neuropsychiatric disorders with significant unmet needs.” With excellent data supporting its drug efficacy and safety profile, September should be filled with value drivers. In fact, with plans to release topline results for its ATTUNE trail and an expected announcement for when it will commence its Phase 3 PREVAIL trial, the $7.00 price target may be conservative. After all, BNOX shares traded as high as $10.90 in the past 52 weeks, and they are better positioned today to advance key drug candidates with data supporting mitigated risk. Re-claiming that high, BNOX investors could be eyeing gains of over 505% from its current $1.80.
Milestones Reached Can Become Catalysts
Thus, any weakness from profit-taking should be viewed as an opportunity, not a trend. That’s not an unwarranted presumption. Except for some profit-taking on Wednesday, the BNOX chart over the past month shows a steepening trajectory. That’s no coincidence. Investors are seizing low-priced entry into a company on the precipice of a breakout, leveraging intrinsic and inherent value from its lead drug candidate, BNC210. It’s an oral, proprietary, selective negative allosteric modulator of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor for the acute treatment of SAD and chronic treatment of PTSD. It’s not the only promising asset.
Beyond BNC210, Bionomics has a strategic partnership with Merck (NYSE: MRK), evaluating two drugs in early-stage clinical trials to treat cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease and other central nervous system conditions. The BNOX pipeline extends further, with preclinical assets targeting Kv3.1/3.2 and Nav1.7/1.8 ion channels being developed for Central Nervous System (“CNS”) conditions with high unmet needs.
As expected, its busy pipeline provides plenty of additions to the BNOX agenda. In addition to topline data from its placebo-controlled Phase 2b ATTUNE study of BNC210 in PTSD expected this quarter, BNOX expects to take guidance from its FDA End of Phase 2 meeting discussing data and plans for its proposed registrational program for BNC210 in Social Anxiety Disorder. In Q4/2023 and Q1/2024, the company expects to dose its first patient in the Phase 3 study of BNC210 in Social Anxiety Disorder. Also leading into next year, the company’s partnership with Merck for Phase 1 candidates targeting cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s and other CNS disorders is expected to gain clinical trial traction. That’s not all.
Bionomics has a memorandum of understanding with EmpathBio for the feasibility assessment of EMP-01 (MDMA derivative) & BNC210 for PTSD treatment. If acted on, it represents another value driver that could feed off that drug candidate’s blockbuster potential. A blockbuster drug is one that generates annual sales of $1 billion or more for the company that sells it. The promise of BNC210 checks that box, highlighted by its non-sedating anxiolytic profile and rapid onset of action, which adds to the potential of becoming a first & best-in-class therapeutic for the acute treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. If approved, it could be the first, as-needed treatment for SAD with a non-sedating, non-habit-forming profile.
Other partnering opportunities are also in play, with BNOX hinting at potential collaborations with preclinical assets targeting potassium (Kv) and sodium (Nav) ion channels. With drug candidates on the pathway to earning front-line designations and scoring blockbuster revenues, future development agreements with big pharma are more likely than not. That makes sense. Big pharma giants like Pfizer (NYSE: PFE), AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV), and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) have become acquirers instead of developers over the last decade, a strategy turning microcap biotechs into development stars while shaving years off of development time.
Assets That Are Attracting Big Pharma
Reasons support these drug sector behemoths to look BNOX’s way. Foremost is BNOX advancing an impressive drug candidate pipeline that has at least two making their way toward Phase 3 status. Moreover, they target significant unmet medical needs, which is more than excellent news for the patients who need better care but also for the companies that develop them. Include Bionomics in that list. And here’s another thing to consider. The Phase IIb ATTUNE study is evaluating BNC210 as a monotherapy to treat PTSD. That’s an indication high on the list of any big pharma company, noting the blockbuster potential. Thus, don’t rule out the possibility of a combination therapy approach to treating that debilitating condition, which would trigger a new potential partnership. They may also get outside interest from its mission to find a better way to treat SAD.
Bionomics is intent on delivering there as well. More than just focused, they have completed evaluating BNC210 in a Phase II PREVAIL study for SAD. The data from the trial is impressive, showing that both 225-mg and 675-mg doses of BNC210 resulted in a decline in anxiety across multiple phases of the public speaking challenge. Notably, patients receiving BNC210 experienced significantly less anxiety during the public speaking task compared to placebo. Treating that indication also comes with over a billion-dollar revenue-generating potential. And with BNOX planning to meet the FDA in mid-September to discuss the clinical requirements for advancing BNC210 into Phase 3 development, a partnership could come sooner than later. That could lead to a windfall.
The value difference between a Phase 2 and a Phase 3 company can be hundreds of millions. Considering data from its PREVAIL study impresses evaluators, confidence is high that the Phase II PREVAIL study results will support this giant clinical step forward. Moreover, developing a Phase III study and its expected data will likely help BNOX submit a new drug application for BNC210 to treat SAD. Meeting expectations and capitalizing on strengths throughout its pipeline adds fuel to turn milestones into catalysts.
Bionomics Pipeline Exposes Multiple Blockbuster-Sized Candidates
Those catalysts are what investors want. Yes, milestones are significant, but the latter turns ambitions into revenues. And with Bionomics having several in its sights, the value disconnect between assets, programs, partnerships, and its share price may be too wide to ignore. Like many biotechs, BNOX took a hit to its valuation as the undercurrent in the markets isn’t as strong as what’s displayed in the Nasdaq 100. However, the selloff may be overdone, especially with BNOX ideally positioned to capitalize on late-stage products that put them on a fast track to approval and commercialization.
In fact, at $1.80, BNOX shares are priced at where investors would pay for a Phase 1, preclinical stage company. That’s certainly not the case. Bionomics is expecting to and is on its way to changing the treatment landscape for PTST, SAD, and other neurologic conditions. Other companies may also be trying, but few, if any, are as near to commercialization, with the amount of supporting data, as Bionomics. That difference can be transformative to BNOX in the back end of 2023 and into 2024.
And better still, it can lead to not only reaching analysts’ price targets 302% higher than its current price but also to re-claim its $10.90 high, 505% higher than the $1.80 price just printed. Companies presenting that value proposition, with evidence to justify the increase, should not be ignored. Based on the ascending trajectory of BNOX shares, investors are certainly paying attention to this one. Rightfully so.

submitted by TheSubwayTrader to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2022.12.03 11:21 Dayshonta Need Help With Insignia

Okay so I’m pretty new to the xbox modding scene. I bought a original xbox with a 2tb hdd from eBay, so I didn’t mod it myself. I know little to nothing about modding the original xbox. I believe it’s a TSOP ind-bios, which isn’t supported for Insignia. I don’t know which version of ind-bios and how to find out. I see there is a ind-bios version which is XBL enabled. So basically I need help with flashing those bios onto the xbox. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Dayshonta to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2022.11.25 05:01 TrantaLocked Did the original BioShock for PC on disc connect to GFWL and get achievements?

I was looking through my old XBL achievements and saw some achievements for BioShock 2 but not 1. I assume this means the original disc copy for PC didn't connect to GFWL, or it just didn't have achievements, but I honestly can't remember if it did or not.
submitted by TrantaLocked to Bioshock [link] [comments]

2022.11.21 16:27 Linkisdoomed Getting Online in 2022 with an X3CE

Hello everyone, I just recapped my system, and I'm getting my machine ready to play on Insignia with my X3CE, but I can't seem to connect. I've got my network set up for DHCP, and the DNS set to the recommended DNS, but it says it won't connect to XBL. I turned off the option in the BIOS to block XBL, and even attempted to run xblunlock, but it doesn't seem to fix my issue. I'm wondering if I need to swap out my BIOS for something better, but I'm not sure if that needs to be done.
Basically, what I'm looking for is some recommendations on things to try when I get home tonight so I can get online. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Linkisdoomed to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2022.11.19 13:10 danifunker X3 can’t connect to insignia

Greetings all, I tried to setup my xbox for insignia. I have a 1.0 with an x3 installed (latest x3 bios) and disabled the xbl blocker. I also tried running the xblunblock xbe but it crashed.
I’m at a loss of what I need to do, can anyone provide some advice?
submitted by danifunker to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2022.10.25 11:31 Glittering-Ad9161 The link between sex life and prostatitis

The link between sex life and prostatitis
From Traditional Chinese Medicine's (TCM ) point of view, frequent sexual behavior is considered a critical risk factor for diseases, including prostatitis. It says that masturbation and frequent sexual activity would lead to prolonged prostate hyperemia and stagnation of stasis that couldn't be discharged. When the stagnation of stasis accumulated, the symptoms would occur. There is some research also approved that sex could associate with prostate-related disease. Meta-analysis of the included studies indicated that men with fewer sexual partner numbers, older age at first intercourse, and moderate frequent ejaculation were associated with a significantly decreased risk of PCa. Sexual behaviors appear to play a significant role in PCa pathogenesis, probably through inflammatory mechanisms.
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2022.07.21 16:22 ScipioAtTheGate The DD on Monkeypox and how you can profit off it. The bull case for Siga Technologies and Bavarian Nordic

A lot of folks here on WSB and other places have been making light of the global monkeypox outbreak, but as the months have gone by it has gotten progressively worse. Those who scoff at monkeypox could in fact be scoffing at a quick ticket to a lambo and a yacht. The disease is rapidly spreading to new countries and in places like New York City demand for vaccine is so high that clinics typically run out within minutes of announcing availability. The global epidemic has gotten bad enough that theWorld Health Organization is meeting today to decide whether or not to declare monkeypox a “global heath emergency.” As with any crisis, disaster or pandemic there are those who stand to profit from the chaos. So the natural question us here at WSB will ask is, just how can I make money of monkeypox. The answer lies with Bavarian Nordic, that makes monkeypox vaccine, and SIGA Therapeutics that makes the only effective anti-viral treatment for monkeypox.
So just what is Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is in the Orthopoxvirus family and is closely related to smallpox, cowpox, horsepox, camelpox and vaccina virus. Monkeypox, like all orthodox viruses, spreads through close contact with infected persons and the pustules that form on the skin of those infected.Smallpox was the deadliest of the orthopox viruses. It had two subtypes, 1. variola major, the most common type, had a deathrate of 30% and 2. variola minor, which had a deathrate of about 1%. Similarly, monkeypox also has two variants, the Congo basin variant has a death rate of about 10%, and the West African variant has a death rate of about 1%. The West African variant is the type that has now spread across the globe and infecting people worldwide. While outside of a minor outbreak in the US Midwest (important for reasons we will get into) in 2003 and some isolated cases, monkeypox was not known to spread outside of Africa until the current outbreak. However, it is entirely possible that some cases of monkeypox many decades ago had been mistaken for weak variola minor cases. Most of the other orthopox virus are much milder than smallpox or monkeypox, but all cases of orthopox can be disfiguring leaving scars, hence the “pox”, leaving literal pock marks on the skin after infection. Monkey pox is spread through contact with an infected person or through contact with infected rodents. The 2003 outbreak was spread through contact with pet Gambian pouched rats, very different from today’s epidemic which is spread through close person to person contact. Given that animals can spread the disease, even in the event it is eventually suppressed in humans in a particular area, if a local animal population becomes infected that could provide a new reservoir for the disease.Since monkeypox is already endemic in large swaths of Africa, its stands to reason that even if the current epidemic subsides, that additional monkeypox outbreaks will occur in the future globally without widespread vaccination.
So how can I profit off of it?
As I mentioned above, there are two primary pharmaceutical products that stand to profit from the expanding global monkeypox epidemic:
1. SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ: SIGA)
Amazingly, even though monkeypox was not a widespread disease of global concern until recently, there is in fact an anti-viral drug on the market that is effective at treating monkeypox (and other orthopox viruses). This is Siga Technology’s Tpoxx antiviral drug. Its sales have soared as the monkeypox outbreak has worsened, since it is practically the only effective treatment for monkeypox. The result is that as monkeypox spreads to new areas, countries have no choice but to place orders for more and more of Siga’s Tpoxx drug, with Siga racking up tens of millions of dollars in orders.However, Tpoxx’s applications actually go beyond monkeypox. Siga just signed a deal with KaliVir Immunotherapeutic to use Tpoxx as part of a cancer treatment. KaliVir’s cancer treatment uses vaccina virus to target and destroy cancer cells. Since Tpoxx appears to work against all Orthopox viruses, including vaccina virus, its use can moderate the effects of the vaccina virus injections given with the cancer treatments. Siga’s Tpoxx drug was also designed to be effective against smallpox, and countries were originally interested in it to protect against any bio-weapon attacks using smallpox. In fact, Siga’s development of Tpoxx was subsidized by the government specifically for use in the instance of biological warfare involving smallpox. A benefit to this is that Siga has lower R&D costs associated with Tpoxx due to the subsidies, and therefore reaps in higher profits on each new order. Siga Technologies is actively traded on the Nasdaq under ticker symbol SIGA (and yes, there are options available). Since Tpoxx is the only treatment, if the monkeypox outbreak continues to get worse SIGA will reap in the profits. Of couse, if the outbreak subsides, the demand for SIGA’s drug will slacken, but the opportunity for its uses outside of treating monkeypox, such as in KaliVir’s cancer treatment, will potentially still be there. SIGA reports its quarterly earnings in early August.
2. Bavarian Nordic (NASDAQ Copenhagen: BAVA)
In addition to TPOXX there are also vaccines that have been approved by the FDA and the EU that are effective against Monkeypox, however Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos vaccine is by far the most popular and useful on the market for reasons that we will get into. Similar to how Tpoxx is seemingly effective against multiple orthopox viruses, most smallpox vaccines are also effective against multiple other orthopox viruses. Generally, infection with one type of orthopox virus provides protection against the others. The first vaccine ever created was simply cowpox virus (also an orthopox virus) deliberately given to people in the late 1700’s to protect them against smallpox. Since the deathrate for cowpox is very low, people would survive the cowpox and be protected against smallpox. Most modern smallpox vaccines use vaccina virus, which has a death rate that is infinitesimally small (mostly just severely immunocompromised people). However, vaccina virus does have side effects since it is a live virus. Most notably it causes a scar at the injection site, but it can occasionally cause mild illness in otherwise people.For smallpox vaccination purposes, this is perfectly acceptable, because of the absurdly high deathrate and disfigurement smallpox caused. However, this also meant that the smallpox vaccines that had been on the market could not be used for immunocompromised people.
As a result, the company Bavarian Nordic (BAVA on the Nasdaq Copenhagen), obtained government subsidies to develop its Jynneos vaccine, which is made from a severely weakened non-replicating (attenuated) version of the vaccina virus. Again the government's interest in aiding the development of Jynneos was spurred by concerns of a bioattack with smallpox. Interestingly enough, before the monkeypox outbreak even occurred, Jynneos was specifically also approved for use to prevent monkeypox, while other smallpox vaccines are not (even though they are also generally effective at preventing same). Since Jynneos’s vaccine does not have the nasty side effects that traditional smallpox vaccines do, is specifically approved to prevent monkeypox and is safe for immunocompromised people, Bavarian Nordic has been receiving millions and millions of orders from across the world for is Jynneos vaccine. On July 1, 2022, the US federal government ordered an additional 2.5 million more vaccine doses from Bavarian Nordic.Despite the orders,clinics offering the vaccine are routinely running out of vaccine doses, most notably in New York City where the virus is spreading rapidly. Bavarian Nordic reports is earnings on August 24.
So what about the future outlook?
The more monkeypox spreads, the better business will get for both Siga and Bavarian Nordic. Once smallpox was eradicated in 1979, countries generally stopped vaccinating their citizens for smallpox. The result is that most of the population today is unvaccinated against smallpox, and therefore susceptible to all orthopox viruses, including monkeypox. In the US, the only people who had been vaccinated the past few decades had been soldiers participating in the invasions of Iraq (where it was feared Saddam Hussein would use smallpox as a weapon)and certain researchers and medical personnel. Since most of the population is unvaccinated against monkeypox, in the event monkeypox becomes permanently established (aka “endemic”) within the population of any particular country, that country will have to start routinely ordering Jynneos vaccine and Tpoxx to prevent and treat the infections. In the event countries want to vaccinate their entire population and attempt to wipe out monkeypox, like they did smallpox, literally billions of doses of Jynneos vaccine will need to be ordered to vaccine most of the earth. The result of course is utterly insane profits for Royal Bavarian and SIGA. Even in the event the current epidemic is ended, the prospect of another international monkeypox outbreak will always be present and therefore countries will continue to order and keep on hand does of Bavarian Nordic’s vaccine. Amazingly enough, even though Bavarian Nordic keeps racking up orders from across the globe,it is still currently trading at 20% less than its 52 week high of 369 DKK in August of last year.
I am long both Bavarian Nordic (i own 670 ADR shares) and SIGA (i own 151 shares and a variety of August 19 and September 16.*Edited to add earnings dates.
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