Soccer yearbook articles

Austin FC 🌳

2017.10.18 17:53 DiggerPhelps Austin FC 🌳

Austin FC is Austin's Major League Soccer team, here to celebrate the people and culture of Austin through the world's game. Verde is more than a color. Home of the 2022 & 2023 Copa Tejas champions and reigning MLS NEXT Pro champions.

2011.09.28 08:45 Stadium Porn

Stadium/Arena pictures

2008.12.29 19:04 Celtic

In this subreddit, we celebrate and discuss Celtic how it appears across time - the archeological, linguistic, and religious knowledge that is revived and appreciated today, as well acknowledging, welcoming, and respecting the Modern Celtic nations. For the Scottish soccer team please go to /CelticFC For Celtic Re-constructionism, try /paganacht

2024.06.01 00:14 Ur_Anemone The Local Girls Who Inspired the Hollywood Classic “Mean Girls”

The Local Girls Who Inspired the Hollywood Classic “Mean Girls”

“Do you want to hear something that sounds like a lie but it’s really true?” [Jessica] Jackson told the room. “I’m the real Regina George.”

As proof, she pulled up an article on her phone, a 2002 New York Times Magazine cover story entitled “Girls Just Want to Be Mean.” At that time, Jackson was a 16-year-old junior at Northwest High School in Germantown. She loved Dawson’s Creek and Britney Spears, and when she spoke to the reporter for the story, she thought it was about some volunteer work she’d been doing with an organization that sought to build better relationships between girls. But in the course of their interviews, Jackson said some bonkers things about her social world, which wound up quite prominently in the Times

Jackson is bubbly and warm, a bleached-blonde suburban mother of two who loves cats and Disney princesses
Jackson is not a person who resembles the Plastics—but somehow she’s partly the model for them. To understand how, you have to rewind a bit, to about a decade before she decreed Mondays jeans-free

According to [Rosalind] Wiseman, the Mean Girls origin story begins in the 1990s
At the time, Wiseman was 22 or 23—not much older than her pupils. She listened as they talked about their lives, and it struck her how often they discussed other girls: how important and complicated their friendships were, and how painful and elaborate their cruelties. “I felt it was important to go to the foundations of why girls were doing the things they were doing in their relationships with each other,” she told me. “I wanted to give them the skills to self-reflect as they were operating in the world.”
So Wiseman pivoted, asking schools if she could try out a different kind of workshop—not self-defense but relationship-­building, the kind of thing we would now call “social-emotional learning.” Administrators said yes. Within a few years, Wiseman was a fixture at a broad mix of the region’s public, private, parochial, and alternative schools, teaching girls—well, not to be nice, exactly, but to disagree respectfully, to not abuse one another’s trust, to have friendships based in dignity, and to navigate the barbarism of adolescent life

At that time, Wiseman was working with what she called her “Girls Advisory Board.” It was akin to a focus group: about a dozen teens from all over the region, who would regularly give feedback on her curriculum. “That group of girls were the people who said, ‘Tuesdays we wear that, Wednesdays we do this,’ ” she explained. They had a huge influence on her work, and aspects of their lives appeared in the movie...
If you remember the end of Mean Girls, then you know approximately what these workshops were like: The junior girls report to the school’s gymnasium, where Ms. Norbury, the put-upon math teacher played by Fey, stands before the bleachers and teaches them to be less cruel. The girls raise their hands if they’ve ever said something mean behind a friend’s back, then they handwrite apologies and read them aloud to their peers. For years, Wiseman led those exercises, almost exactly as they appear in the film

In January, at a cafe in upper Northwest, Margaret Talbot admitted that she’d never seen Mean Girls. “I don’t own the phrase ‘mean girls,’ I didn’t even invent it,” she said. “But through this article”—the Times Magazine story she wrote—“it did enter the culture, and I feel mixed about it.” It troubles her to hear women called “mean girls,” often to trivialize or diminish them. Still, she thinks the term caught on because it “gets at something real.”
In the early 2000s, Talbot learned of a cutting-edge psychological theory: that adolescent girls are not, in fact, nicer than boys. Instead of socking each other on the playground, they bully through “relational aggression”—exclusionary cliques, caustic gossip, and arcane social cruelties. “I’d had some personal experience with the ingenuity of girls when they wanted to be dominant in a social setting,” Talbot said, so the theory resonated. It was “a useful antidote to a tendency to idealize girls, to imagine within feminism that women always had each other’s backs.”
To learn about relational aggression, Talbot began following Wiseman around DC, shadowing her at the workshops she was running, then interviewing her while they drove between schools. “She was super-vivid in her descriptions,” Talbot recalled, “and almost anthropological in the way she would lay out these different types of characters and maneuvers.” From Wiseman, Talbot learned about “fruit-cup girls,” who feign helplessness for male attention, and “bankers,” who hoard secrets to deploy as social currency. Her article mentions the diabolical tactic of leaving a message on a girl’s family voicemail asking if she’s gotten her pregnancy test back, knowing that her parents might hear

Notably, Jackson’s relationship to Mean Girls is less fraught. “It wasn’t a public statement about me, it didn’t say my name,” she said. Hearing her teenage remarks in the mouths of various Plastics felt “so surreal,” but it “wasn’t obvious to anyone else the way it was obvious to me.” This freed her to love the movie: She thinks it’s hilarious and likes the positive ending.
As for Wiseman, she consulted on Mean Girls, but she first watched it in full at the AFI screening. “My experience of that was this kind of like—horror is a strong word, but it was like seeing a picture of yourself that you’re not really sure you want everybody to see.” She found the characters “so real” and “scary” and their meanness true to life. But after the movie came out, she learned that girls were dressing up as the Plastics for Halloween. “And it’s like, damn, girls subvert everything I do, all the time. I try so hard, but the opponent is formidable.”

Days before, on the phone, I’d asked Jackson directly if she was a Queen Bee. “So, let’s do some layers here,” was her bristling reply. “When you’re confident and bold, are you a bitch? Are you Miranda Priestly? Do I only get to be either Taylor Swift from ‘Teardrops on My Guitar’ or Regina George?” For what it’s worth, Jackson has a “wild affinity” for Regina, for her fashion and brazen self-regard. Still, she said, the character is “not a representation of myself in high school, even though her quotes and my quotes are the same. Skeptical, I asked to see Jackson’s yearbooks, so she popped down to the basement and emerged with a stack. Opening one, she pointed to a picture of a jaguar mascot. “You see that? That’s me in there.” Before I could follow up, she’d moved on. “These were easily the most popular girls,” she said, her finger atop some identical blonde twins who apparently later became Ravens cheerleaders. Then she noticed another girl. “Anybody’s Regina George would be her, because everyone hated her but wanted her to like them.”

But if Jackson wasn’t mean, then why the rules? When I asked, she seemed bewildered. “It wasn’t a big-enough part of our lives or friendships that I remember, like, how we came up with them. Let’s say they were, at best, a phase.” She added that she and her friends “wanted to wear skirts on the same day. We made up all kinds of random songs and fake little clubby things. We weren’t the mean girls by any means.”
But as I puzzled, two of Jackson’s comments rattled around my brain.
“Teenage friendships are a lot like teenage love,” she’d said. “Her laundry ends up in your clothes, you’re in each other’s closets and cars and dinner tables and bedrooms.”
That thought seemed related to this one, an offhand remark about the actor Sydney Sweeney: “I just want to be her best friend really hard. We would braid each other’s hair and I would tell her all my secrets. I want us to smell the same. I want our periods to sync up.”
To Jackson, friendship seemed to mean sameness and melding—mingled laundry, matched perfume. So I asked if she thought the rules were about formalizing intimacy.
“Wow, what a poignant point,” she replied. “Like, you killed it.”
“I’m also going to throw this out there,” she added. “There is a Disney movie called Wish Upon a Star starring Katherine Heigl, from the ’90s. I loved that movie. I watched it over and over again.” The movie features a Plastics-like popular clique, “and I remember those gals having specific rules about, like, shaving your legs every day, and this or that. I never forgot that.” Then she brought up the Pink Ladies from Grease. (“What made them friends? They had the jackets, it was a thing.”) “So maybe it has something to do with that,” she mused.
Of course, I thought—it’s classic high school, emulating movies to make life feel cinematic. But Jackson had slightly misremembered the plots. She described those two cliques as essentially benevolent, when both are a little mean. In Wish Upon a Star, the happy ending involves Heigl’s friends abandoning their rules, and in Grease, the Pink Ladies mock Sandy at a party—Sandy, who never gets to wear the pink jacket and belong. The misreading, though, is telling; it’s why the women of GAB are vexed about Mean Girls, that even though the ending is harmonious, it’s possible no one remembers it right.
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2024.05.31 20:19 Worldly_Lunch5227 Reign Content

Yesterday, Coop and Van dropped their first episode of a podcast in which I think they’re going to discuss all things Reign! It’s called “The Cooler Guild.” Here is the link to the 1st episode on Spotify:
This got me thinking about other sources I look at for Reign related content & wondering where other people go for theirs. Below is my list (from most Reign specific to more general WoSo)!
I still wish there was on the Reign specifically. I think it would be interesting to hear about things like how the new international players have been slotting in (like Ji and Haz), how people think Emeri is doing, etc. Anywho, I’d love to know what others think of these sources and also if there is anything else out there!
submitted by Worldly_Lunch5227 to Reignfc [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:32 Unusual_Ebb7762 Gabby Carle: Faire mentir les preneurs aux livres (Making book takers lie)

Gabby's latest column entry on her experiences as a professional and international soccer player (in French, but Chrome and other resources easily provide a workable English translation). This article focuses on how she/the Spirit experienced/processed the start of the season - initial loss, but since then climbing upwards. Nothing too notable, but wanted to flag for anyone who isn't familiar with Gabby's intermittent columns (some of the previous entries were more revealing/interesting)
submitted by Unusual_Ebb7762 to washingtonspirit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:27 heypeterman14

Adweek Article posted by NWSL
submitted by heypeterman14 to redstars [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:05 TheReadingOlive The Christmas Truce: A Rare Moment Of Peace In World War I

A World at War
By December 1914, World War I had turned into a brutal stalemate. The Western Front, stretching from the North Sea to Switzerland, was a long line of trenches where soldiers faced constant shelling, sniper fire, and horrible living conditions. As Christmas neared, soldiers on both sides were weary and longing for peace, far removed from the politics that had led to the conflict.
Christmas Eve 1914
On Christmas Eve, an eerie calm began to settle over parts of the front. It started with soldiers exchanging greetings and singing carols. British soldiers reported seeing lights and hearing songs from the German trenches. The Germans had decorated their positions with candles and Christmas trees, and soon "Silent Night" could be heard drifting across no man's land. The British responded with their own carols, creating an impromptu choir.
This led to more direct communication, with soldiers cautiously emerging from their trenches to meet in no man's land. These encounters were tentative at first but soon became more friendly as the soldiers realized neither side intended to attack.
Christmas Day
By Christmas morning, the truce had spread along various sections of the front. In some areas, it lasted only a few hours; in others, it extended into the next day. Soldiers who had been enemies now mingled, shook hands, and exchanged gifts. They shared food, tobacco, and souvenirs, creating a brief sense of camaraderie.
One of the most famous stories from the truce involves a soccer match. Several impromptu games broke out between the opposing sides, symbolizing a return to normalcy and a break from the horrors of war.
In addition to the games and exchanges, soldiers took the opportunity to bury the dead lying in no man's land, ensuring fallen comrades received proper burials. This act of compassion was a stark contrast to the relentless fighting that had preceded the truce.
The Truce Ends
As the day went on, pressure from higher command on both sides resumed. The truce was unofficial and unauthorized. Officers ordered their men back to their trenches, and hostilities gradually resumed. By nightfall, the guns had largely started up again, and the war returned to its brutal pace.
Though brief, the Christmas Truce left a lasting impression on those who experienced it. Many soldiers wrote about it in letters and diaries, preserving the memory of that extraordinary day and providing historians with invaluable insights into the human side of the conflict.
Full article with images:
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2024.05.31 15:57 Sweet-Count2557 8 Great Summer Camps for Boston Preschoolers

8 Great Summer Camps for Boston Preschoolers
8 Great Summer Camps for Boston Preschoolers Are you wondering where to send your preschooler for a fun and enriching summer camp experience in Boston? Look no further - we've got you covered!In this article, we'll introduce you to eight great summer camps tailored specifically for Boston preschoolers. From sports-focused camps to outdoor adventures, arts and crafts, science and nature, music and performing arts, technology and coding, language immersion, and special needs inclusive camps, there's something for every child's interest and need.So, if you're ready to discover the perfect summer camp that will not only entertain but also inspire and educate your little one, keep reading to find out more!Key TakeawaysBoston and surrounding areas offer a variety of summer day camps for preschool-aged kids, catering to different interests and preferences.Summer camp can provide preschoolers with a school-like setting and opportunities for mental and social stimulation.Preschoolers can develop new skills and interests through camp activities in a structured and supervised environment.When choosing a summer camp, consider your child's interests, the camp's reputation and safety measures, location and transportation options, and read reviews from other parents.Sports-Focused Summer CampsWhen it comes to summer camps for preschoolers in Boston, sports-focused options provide an exciting and active way for young children to develop new skills and have a blast. These camps not only offer a fun-filled experience but also come with a range of benefits for your little ones.Benefits of sports-focused summer camps for preschoolers include physical development, as they engage in various sports activities like soccer, basketball, and swimming. They learn coordination, balance, and teamwork while having a great time. These camps also promote social skills as children interact with their peers, learn to communicate effectively, and build friendships. Additionally, participating in sports can enhance their self-confidence and boost their self-esteem as they achieve personal goals and overcome challenges.Choosing the right sports-focused summer camp for your preschooler is essential to ensure they've a positive and enjoyable experience. Consider their interests and preferences when selecting a camp that offers activities aligned with their passion, be it soccer, gymnastics, or tennis. Research the camp's reputation and safety measures to ensure a secure environment for your child. Location and transportation options should also be taken into account for convenience.Outdoor Adventure CampsAs we explore the world of summer camps for preschoolers in Boston, let's now embark on an exhilarating journey into the realm of Outdoor Adventure Camps.Outdoor adventure camps offer an incredible opportunity for preschoolers to connect with nature, develop new skills, and experience the thrill of exploration. These camps provide a perfect balance between freedom and structure, allowing children to explore the great outdoors while ensuring their safety and well-being.In the table above, you can see a glimpse of what outdoor adventure camps have to offer. From scavenger hunts and nature hikes to building forts and learning about wildlife, these camps provide a wide range of activities that promote outdoor exploration. Preschoolers will have the chance to develop valuable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and resilience, all while having a blast in the fresh air.The benefits of outdoor exploration for preschoolers are numerous. It helps them develop a sense of independence and confidence as they navigate through new environments. Outdoor activities also promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, as children engage in active play and learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies. Moreover, spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being, fostering a sense of calm and tranquility.Choosing the right outdoor adventure camp for your preschooler is crucial. Consider their interests and preferences, whether it's hiking, camping, or exploring marine life. Research the camp's safety measures and reputation to ensure a positive experience. Additionally, take into account the location and transportation options, making sure it's convenient for your family. Reading reviews and testimonials from other parents can also provide valuable insights into the quality of the camp.Arts and Crafts CampsLet's dive into the vibrant world of creativity and imagination with Arts and Crafts Camps! These camps are the perfect place for preschoolers to explore their artistic talents and express themselves through various crafts and activities. At these camps, children have the freedom to let their creativity run wild and create unique masterpieces that showcase their individuality.One of the key benefits of Arts and Crafts Camps is the development of fine motor skills. Through engaging in arts and crafts activities, preschoolers can enhance their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Whether it's painting, drawing, or sculpting, these activities require precision and control, helping children refine their motor skills in a fun and playful way.Arts and Crafts Camps provide a wide range of opportunities for preschoolers to experiment with different art mediums and techniques. From painting with watercolors to molding clay, children have the chance to explore various materials and discover what forms of creative expression resonate with them. These camps often feature experienced instructors who can guide and inspire children to unleash their artistic potential.In addition to nurturing creativity and developing fine motor skills, Arts and Crafts Camps also offer a platform for social interaction and collaboration. Children can engage in group projects, share ideas, and learn from one another's artistic approaches. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and encourages children to appreciate and celebrate each other's unique artistic abilities.Science and Nature CampsNow, let's embark on an exciting journey into the world of Science and Nature Camps, where preschoolers can explore the wonders of the natural world and cultivate their curiosity about science through hands-on activities and outdoor adventures.At Science and Nature Camps, preschoolers have the opportunity to have incredible animal encounters. They can get up close and personal with fascinating creatures like birds, reptiles, and even some furry friends. These encounters allow them to learn about different species and develop a deeper appreciation for the animal kingdom.Eco-friendly explorations are a highlight of these camps. Preschoolers can engage in activities that promote sustainability and environmental awareness. They may go on nature walks, learn about recycling, and participate in gardening projects. These experiences not only teach them about the importance of taking care of our planet but also instill a sense of responsibility and love for nature.In Science and Nature Camps, preschoolers are encouraged to ask questions, make observations, and engage in hands-on experiments. They can explore the properties of water, discover the wonders of plants, and learn about the solar system. Through these experiences, they develop critical thinking skills and a love for learning.The best part is that all of these activities take place in a fun and playful environment. Preschoolers get to enjoy the outdoors, make new friends, and create lasting memories. The camps are designed to foster a sense of freedom and exploration, allowing children to follow their own interests and curiosities.Music and Performing Arts CampsMusic and Performing Arts Camps offer preschoolers a chance to unleash their creativity and express themselves through the magical world of music, dance, and theater. These camps provide a unique and exciting opportunity for young children to explore their artistic talents and develop a love for the performing arts.One of the key benefits of music and performing arts camps for preschoolers is the opportunity to enhance their cognitive and social skills. Through activities such as singing, dancing, and acting, children can improve their memory, language development, and problem-solving abilities. They also learn important social skills like teamwork, cooperation, and self-expression.Finding the right music and performing arts camp for your preschooler can be a fun and rewarding experience. Start by considering your child's interests and preferences. Do they enjoy singing, dancing, or acting? Look for camps that offer activities aligned with their interests. Research the camp's reputation and safety measures to ensure a positive experience for your little one. Location and transportation options are also important factors to consider.When deciding on a music and performing arts camp, it can be helpful to read reviews and testimonials from other parents. These insights can give you a better idea of the camp's quality and what to expect. Additionally, talking to the camp staff and asking any specific questions or addressing concerns is crucial for a successful camp experience.Technology and Coding CampsAs we explore the exciting world of summer camps for preschoolers, we now turn our attention to the captivating realm of Technology and Coding Camps. These camps offer a unique opportunity for our little ones to delve into the fascinating world of technology while having a blast.Here's what you need to know:Virtual coding camps for preschoolers: In this digital age, virtual coding camps have become increasingly popular. These camps provide a safe and interactive online environment where preschoolers can learn the basics of coding through fun games and activities. They'll develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity, all while exploring the wonders of technology. It's a fantastic way to introduce our little ones to the world of coding from the comfort of their own home.Incorporating technology into outdoor adventure camps: Who says technology and outdoor adventures can't go hand in hand? Some summer camps have found a way to combine the best of both worlds. They incorporate technology into their outdoor activities, allowing preschoolers to learn about nature, science, and technology all at once. From using tablets to identify different plants and animals to coding robots to navigate obstacle courses, these camps provide a unique and exciting experience for our young adventurers.With these technology and coding camps, our preschoolers can explore the limitless possibilities of the digital world while fostering their creativity and problem-solving skills. Whether they choose a virtual camp or one that combines technology with outdoor adventures, they're sure to have a summer filled with learning, fun, and endless possibilities.Language Immersion CampsLanguage Immersion Camps offer an exciting and immersive experience for preschoolers to learn a new language while having fun. These camps provide a unique opportunity for young children to be fully immersed in a different language, allowing them to develop language skills naturally and effortlessly. The benefits of language immersion camps for preschoolers are numerous. Not only do they gain proficiency in a second language, but they also develop cultural awareness and appreciation. Research has shown that early exposure to multiple languages enhances cognitive abilities and improves problem-solving skills.When choosing the right language immersion camp for your preschooler, there are a few factors to consider. First, determine the language you want your child to learn or explore. Some popular options include Spanish, French, Mandarin, and German. Next, consider the age appropriateness of the camp and ensure that it aligns with your child's developmental stage. Additionally, look for camps that offer a balance of language instruction and engaging activities to keep your child motivated and interested. It's also important to inquire about the qualifications and experience of the camp instructors, as they play a crucial role in facilitating language acquisition.To help you visualize the different language immersion camp options available in Boston, here is a table showcasing three popular camps:Camp NameLanguage OfferedAge RangeLinguaKidsSpanish3-6 years oldFrench Fun CampFrench4-7 years oldMandarin Magic CampMandarin5-8 years oldSpecial Needs Inclusive CampsInclusive camps that cater to children with special needs offer a supportive and enriching environment for all campers to thrive and have fun together. These camps provide numerous benefits for children with special needs, including:Personalized Support: Inclusive summer camps have trained staff who understand the unique needs of children with disabilities. They're equipped to provide individualized support and accommodations, ensuring that every child can fully participate in camp activities.Social Interaction: Attending an inclusive summer camp allows children with special needs to interact and build relationships with their peers. This social interaction can help develop important social skills, boost self-esteem, and foster a sense of belonging and acceptance.When choosing the right inclusive summer camp for your preschooler, consider the following:Camp Philosophy and Approach: Look for a camp that values inclusion and promotes an inclusive environment. Ask about their approach to accommodating children with special needs and how they ensure every child's participation and enjoyment.Staff Qualifications and Training: Inquire about the qualifications and training of the camp staff. Ensure that they've experience working with children with special needs and are knowledgeable about various disabilities and accommodations.Facilities and Accessibility: Assess the camp's facilities and determine if they're accessible for children with disabilities. Consider factors such as ramps, wide doorways, accessible bathrooms, and sensory-friendly spaces.Communication and Collaboration: Choose a camp that prioritizes open communication and collaboration with parents. Discuss your child's specific needs, provide necessary information, and inquire about how the camp will keep you updated on your child's progress and experiences.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Camps That Offer a Combination of Sports and Arts Activities for Preschoolers?Yes, there are summer camps in Boston that offer a combination of sports and arts activities for preschoolers.Combining sports and arts activities in a summer camp can provide a well-rounded experience for your child. It allows them to explore their interests and develop new skills in a fun and engaging way.A camp that offers both sports and arts activities can provide mental and physical stimulation, foster creativity, and promote social interaction among preschoolers.What Are Some Examples of Outdoor Adventure Activities Offered at the Outdoor Adventure Camps?Outdoor adventure activities at the camps are a great way for preschoolers to explore and have fun. Some examples of outdoor adventure activities include nature hikes, scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, and water play. These activities allow preschoolers to engage with the natural world and develop their physical and cognitive skills.They also promote teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity. Outdoor adventure camps offer a unique and exciting experience for preschoolers, allowing them to create lasting memories and develop a love for the outdoors.Do the Arts and Crafts Camps Provide All the Necessary Materials for the Activities?Yes, there are camps that focus on STEM activities for preschoolers. These camps provide a fun and engaging way for young children to explore science, technology, engineering, and math concepts. They offer hands-on experiments, interactive projects, and educational games that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Additionally, there are cooking and baking camps available for preschoolers who have an interest in the culinary arts. These camps teach basic cooking techniques and allow children to create delicious treats.Are There Any Science and Nature Camps That Focus Specifically on Marine Biology or Astronomy?Sure, we've got some great options for marine biology camps and astronomy camps in Boston! These camps provide a unique and immersive experience for preschoolers who are interested in science and nature.They offer hands-on activities, educational lessons, and the chance to explore the wonders of marine life or the mysteries of the stars. Your little one will have a blast while learning about these fascinating subjects.It's an opportunity for them to broaden their knowledge and fuel their curiosity in a fun and engaging way.Are There Any Music and Performing Arts Camps That Offer Instruction in Multiple Instruments or Dance Styles?There are some great music and performing arts camps in Boston that offer instruction in multiple instruments or dance styles. These camps provide a fun and creative environment for preschoolers to explore their musical and artistic talents.From learning to play different instruments like guitar, piano, and drums to experimenting with various dance styles such as ballet, hip hop, and jazz, these camps offer a wide range of opportunities for preschoolers to discover their passion for music and performing arts.ConclusionSo, whether your little one is a budding athlete, an outdoor enthusiast, a creative artist, a curious scientist, a talented performer, a tech-savvy individual, a language lover, or has special needs, there's a summer camp in Boston just waiting to provide them with an unforgettable experience.Don't miss out on this opportunity to give your preschooler a summer they'll cherish forever. Sign them up for one of these amazing camps and watch them thrive and grow in a fun and supportive environment.
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2024.05.31 15:27 Sweet-Count2557 Best All Inclusive Caribbean Resorts Water Parks

Best All Inclusive Caribbean Resorts Water Parks
Best All Inclusive Caribbean Resorts Water Parks Looking for a luxurious Caribbean getaway? Look no further!In this article, we'll take you on a journey through the best all-inclusive Caribbean resorts with water parks.From the stunning Coconut Bay Beach Resort in St. Lucia to the Hilton Rose Hall Resort in Jamaica, we've curated a list of resorts that offer thrilling water attractions and top-notch amenities.So pack your swimsuits and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the Caribbean's best all-inclusive resorts with water parks!Let's dive in!Key TakeawaysCoconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa in St. Lucia is rated highly for its water park quality, accommodation, family-friendly activities, and dining options.Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa in Jamaica is also highly rated for its water park quality, accommodation, family-friendly activities, and dining options.Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic is praised for its water park quality, accommodation, dining options, and location/accessibility.Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort in Jamaica is known for its exceptional beach and fun water park, although specific ratings were not provided for its water park quality, accommodation, family-friendly activities, dining options, and location/accessibility.Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa - St. LuciaCoconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa in St. Lucia is one of the best Caribbean resorts with a water park. The water park quality at Coconut Bay is top-notch, receiving a perfect 5/5 rating. With exciting pools, thrilling slides, a wave pool, lazy rivers, and attentive lifeguards, guests are guaranteed to have a splashing good time.The accommodation at Coconut Bay is also exceptional, earning a 5/5 rating. Guests can expect comfortable rooms, spaciousness, and family suites that cater to their needs.The resort offers a wide range of family-friendly activities, scoring 4.5/5. From entertaining programs and game rooms to sports facilities, there's something for everyone in the family to enjoy.When it comes to dining options, Coconut Bay receives a perfect 5/5 rating. Guests can indulge in delicious buffet-style dining, kid-friendly menus, and accommodating dietary restrictions and preferences.The location and accessibility of Coconut Bay are also highly rated, with a perfect 5/5 rating. Guests can easily explore nearby attractions, take advantage of complimentary transportation, and utilize public transportation if needed.Overall, Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa in St. Lucia is a fantastic choice for a Caribbean vacation, offering an amazing water park experience, excellent accommodation, a variety of family-friendly activities, delicious dining options, and convenient location and accessibility.Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa - JamaicaWe are currently discussing the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa in Jamaica, which has received a rating of 4.5/5 for accommodation at the water park.Here are four reasons why this resort is a great choice for families looking for an all-inclusive Caribbean vacation with a water park:Unforgettable Water Park: The Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa boasts an impressive water park that will leave both kids and adults in awe. With thrilling slides, a lazy river, and a splash pool, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Mind-Blowing Accommodation: The resort offers top-notch accommodation options that are spacious and comfortable. From cozy rooms to luxurious suites, they've it all. You can expect excellent housekeeping service and all the amenities you need for a relaxing stay.Delicious Dining Options: The dining options at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa are truly exceptional. With a variety of restaurants serving a range of cuisines, you'll never get bored. The resort also caters to dietary restrictions and preferences, ensuring that everyone can find something they love.Night Entertainment: After a fun-filled day at the water park, the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa offers fantastic night entertainment for the whole family. From live shows to themed parties, there's always something exciting happening.Overall, the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa in Jamaica is a fantastic choice for families looking for an all-inclusive Caribbean resort with a top-notch water park.Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana - Dominican RepublicLet's explore the fun water park and night entertainment at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.Located in the beautiful Dominican Republic, this resort offers an unforgettable experience for families and children of all ages.The water park at Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana is top-notch, providing endless hours of fun and excitement. With thrilling water slides, splash pools, and a lazy river, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The resort also ensures the safety of its guests with lifeguards stationed throughout the water park.In addition to the amazing water park, Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana offers fantastic night entertainment. From live shows to character meet and greets, there's always something happening to keep guests entertained. And don't forget about the popcorn! You can enjoy a delicious snack while watching a movie under the stars.The Dominican Republic is known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, and Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Punta Cana is the perfect place to experience it all. With its beautiful location and accessibility to nearby attractions, it's easy to see why this resort is a popular choice for families seeking a fun-filled vacation.Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort - JamaicaWe can't wait to experience the fun water park at Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort in Jamaica, but we've heard that the beach is exceptional too. Here are four reasons why this resort is a must-visit for families looking for a Caribbean all-inclusive with a water park:Exciting Water Park: The water park at Jewel Runaway Bay is sure to provide endless fun for all ages. With thrilling slides, splash pads, and lazy rivers, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Beautiful Beach: While the water park may be the main attraction, the beach at Jewel Runaway Bay is equally impressive. The crystal clear waters and powdery white sand create a picture-perfect setting for relaxation and beach activities.Family-Friendly Activities: Apart from the water park, Jewel Runaway Bay offers a wide range of activities for the whole family. From beach volleyball and tennis to snorkeling and kayaking, there's never a dull moment at this resort.All-Inclusive Dining: At Jewel Runaway Bay, you'll never have to worry about finding a great meal. The resort offers multiple dining options, including buffet-style restaurants and specialty eateries, ensuring that every palate is satisfied.With the combination of a fantastic water park, stunning beach, family-friendly activities, and delicious dining options, Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort is a top choice for an unforgettable Caribbean vacation.Speaking of exceptional beaches, let's now turn our attention to Beaches Turks and Caicos in the Turks and Caicos Islands.Beaches Turks and Caicos - Turks and CaicosWhat family-friendly activities and dining options are available at Beaches Turks and Caicos in the Turks and Caicos Islands?Beaches Turks and Caicos is a premier destination for families seeking a Caribbean vacation filled with excitement and relaxation. This luxurious resort offers a wide range of family-friendly activities and dining options that are sure to please everyone.One of the highlights of Beaches Turks and Caicos is its incredible water park. With thrilling water slides, lazy rivers, and splash zones, the water park provides endless fun for kids and adults alike. Whether you want to race down the slides or simply float along the lazy river, there's something for everyone to enjoy.In addition to the water park, Beaches Turks and Caicos offers a variety of other activities for families to enjoy. From beach volleyball and soccer to snorkeling and paddleboarding, there's no shortage of things to do. Kids can also participate in the Kids Camp, where they can engage in arts and crafts, games, and other age-appropriate activities.When it comes to dining, Beaches Turks and Caicos has numerous options to satisfy every palate. From casual beachside grills to elegant fine dining restaurants, there's something for everyone. Guests can enjoy a wide range of cuisines, including Caribbean, Italian, and Asian, ensuring that every meal is a culinary delight.In conclusion, Beaches Turks and Caicos is a paradise for families seeking a Caribbean vacation with water park fun and delicious dining options. With its range of family-friendly activities and diverse dining options, this resort is sure to create unforgettable memories for everyone.Now, let's move on to discussing Moon Palace Jamaica in Jamaica.Moon Palace Jamaica - JamaicaMoon Palace Jamaica in Jamaica is a stunning all-inclusive resort that offers a range of amenities for a memorable vacation. While the water park features and accommodation quality aren't specified, the resort's reputation for luxury and top-notch service suggests that they're likely to be exceptional.With its beautiful location, family-friendly activities, and dining options, Moon Palace Jamaica is a great choice for those seeking a Caribbean getaway with plenty of fun and relaxation.Water Park FeaturesThe Moon Palace Jamaica in Jamaica offers a variety of water park features that cater to all ages and preferences. Here are four reasons why this Caribbean waterpark resort is worth considering for your next vacation:Thrilling Water Slides: Experience heart-pounding excitement as you zoom down the twisting and turning water slides. From high-speed drops to winding tunnels, these slides are sure to satisfy any adrenaline junkie.Relaxing Lazy River: Take a leisurely float along the lazy river, surrounded by lush tropical landscapes. Let the gentle current carry you as you soak up the sun and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere.Splash Pools for Kids: The water park at Moon Palace Jamaica also offers splash pools specifically designed for children. With shallow areas, water features, and mini slides, the little ones will have a blast splashing around and making new friends.Wave Pool Fun: Dive into the excitement of the wave pool, where you can ride the rolling waves and feel like you're at the beach without leaving the resort.With its wide range of water park features, the Moon Palace Jamaica is sure to keep the whole family entertained and create unforgettable memories.Now, let's delve into the accommodation quality.Accommodation Quality?We were impressed with the accommodation quality at the Moon Palace Jamaica in Jamaica, especially considering the resort's water park features. The rooms at the resort were spacious, clean, and well-maintained. The beds were comfortable, and the amenities provided were top-notch. We were pleasantly surprised by the attention to detail and the level of comfort the rooms offered.The staff was also friendly and helpful, ensuring that our stay was enjoyable. The resort's water park was a highlight, with a variety of exciting slides, pools, and water attractions. It provided endless fun for both kids and adults alike.Overall, the accommodation quality at the Moon Palace Jamaica exceeded our expectations, making it a fantastic choice for a family vacation.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre the Water Parks at These Resorts Suitable for All Ages?The water parks at these resorts are suitable for all ages. They offer a variety of attractions like pools, slides, lazy rivers, and wave pools. Lifeguards ensure safety while families enjoy the water activities.The resorts also provide family-friendly activities such as game rooms, sports facilities, and entertainment options.With spacious accommodations, delicious dining options, and convenient locations, these resorts are perfect for everyone seeking a fun-filled and memorable vacation in the Caribbean.Is There a Cost to Access the Water Parks at These Resorts?There may be a cost to access the water parks at these resorts, but it varies depending on the specific resort and its policies.It's best to check with each resort individually to get accurate and up-to-date information on any associated fees.Keep in mind that even if there's a cost, the water parks at these all-inclusive Caribbean resorts offer an incredible array of slides, pools, and other attractions that are sure to be worth the investment for a fun-filled day of water park adventures.Are the Water Parks at These Resorts Open Year-Round?Yes, the water parks at these resorts are open year-round. They provide endless fun and excitement for guests of all ages.From thrilling water slides to lazy rivers and wave pools, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're splashing around with the family or relaxing by the poolside, these water parks offer the perfect way to beat the heat and create lasting memories.Can Guests at These Resorts Use the Water Parks Even if They Are Not Staying in a Room With Water Park Access?Yes, guests at these resorts can typically use the water parks even if they aren't staying in a room with water park access. Many all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean allow all guests to enjoy the water park facilities, regardless of their room type.This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to have fun and make the most of their vacation. So, you can rest assured that you'll have access to the exciting water park attractions and enjoy a memorable experience, no matter where you stay at these resorts.Are Lifeguards Present at the Water Parks to Ensure Guest Safety?Yes, lifeguards are present at the water parks to ensure guest safety. They're trained professionals who monitor the pools, slides, and other water attractions to prevent accidents and respond quickly in case of emergencies.Their main priority is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all guests. So, you can relax and have fun knowing that there are lifeguards on duty to keep you and your family safe at the water parks in these all-inclusive Caribbean resorts.ConclusionIn conclusion, these all-inclusive Caribbean resorts with water parks are like hidden gems waiting to be discovered. They offer a paradise of thrilling water attractions, luxurious accommodations, and endless entertainment for the whole family.Whether you choose to relax by the pool or dive into the exhilarating slides, these resorts will surely make your vacation dreams come true.So dive in, make a splash, and create memories that will last a lifetime in these incredible Caribbean resorts.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:01 AutoModerator Weekly /r/MLS Questions/Free Kick Thread - Post General Questions and Discussion Here

Welcome to the Weekly /MLS Questions/Free Kick Thread. This thread is designed to house questions/discussions users might have including:

Our usual ground rules:

  1. Questions that are covered in the FAQ, Newcomer's Guide, or league site are fair game, even if they are marked as "dead horse topics".

  1. Questions can be about MLS, lower U.S. or Canadian divisions, USMNT/USWNT, or any club or domestic competitions those teams could play in. Questions about how soccer works as a sport are fine too! Questions solely about the European leagues or competitions, on the other hand, are not.

  1. If you're answering a question, be extra sure to follow our community guidelines: thought out and rational comments, backed up with supporting links. Try not to "take a guess" at an answer if you're not sure about the answer. Do not flame, troll, attack fans of other teams, or attack opinions of others in this thread. If you can't be friendly and helpful, don't post in this thread.

  1. This is meant to be a helpful Q&A/Discussion thread. This is not a place to practice your comedy bits; avoid asking joke questions or providing joke answers. This is also not a place to dump random articles, links, or opinions about the league.

  1. Despite us posting these on Fridays, the thread stays up all week. If it's Wednesday and you have a question, you don't have to wait until Friday to ask it.

Even though we want you to ask questions, here are some resources that we always recommend reading because they can also help:

submitted by AutoModerator to MLS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:19 Camp-North best overnight camps near me

The Magic of Overnight Camps: Building Lifelong Memories and Skills


Overnight camps, also known as sleepaway camps, provide a unique and immersive experience for children and teenagers. Away from the daily routines and distractions of home, campers engage in a variety of activities that promote personal growth, foster new friendships, and build valuable life skills. This article delves into the transformative impact of overnight camps and why they remain a cherished tradition for many families.

The Benefits of Overnight Camps

  1. Independence and Responsibility
    • Being away from home for an extended period teaches campers to manage their daily routines, keep track of their belongings, and make decisions independently. This fosters a sense of responsibility and self-reliance that is hard to replicate in other settings.
  2. Social Skills and Friendship
    • Campers live and interact closely with peers, learning essential social skills such as cooperation, communication, and conflict resolution. The shared experiences often lead to deep, lasting friendships that extend beyond the camp.
  3. Exposure to New Activities
    • Overnight camps offer a wide range of activities, from sports and arts to nature exploration and adventure challenges. This exposure helps campers discover new interests and talents, boosting their confidence and broadening their horizons.
  4. Connection with Nature
    • Many overnight camps are situated in beautiful natural settings, providing a refreshing break from urban environments. Time spent in nature has been shown to reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve overall well-being.
  5. Character Development
    • The camp environment encourages campers to take on leadership roles, face challenges, and develop resilience. Activities like team-building exercises and outdoor adventures teach perseverance, empathy, and problem-solving skills.

Popular Activities at Overnight Camps

The Role of Camp Counselors

Camp counselors play a pivotal role in the camp experience. They are not only supervisors but also mentors and role models. Trained to handle various situations, counselors ensure the safety and well-being of campers while fostering a positive and inclusive environment. Their guidance helps campers navigate the challenges of camp life and make the most of their experience.


Overnight camps are more than just a summer activity; they are a rite of passage that offers invaluable life lessons and cherished memories. By stepping out of their comfort zones, campers grow in independence, form meaningful connections, and discover new passions. As they return home, they bring with them a renewed sense of confidence and a treasure trove of stories, ready to take on the world with a fresh perspective.
Camp North Star is situated in beautiful Poland Spring, Maine, surrounded by many beautiful and natural landscapes that we get to share and enjoy with our campers. Trips are offered every session and happen on the days we are not on our normal activity schedule. Trip days are a time to relax and enjoy time with friends and bunkmates.
Camp North Star is the top premier Maine sleepaway camp for boys & girls. We offer the best overnight summer camps for kids & teens in New England. Call Now: (207)998-4777.
We give Different types of camp north star like-
Thank You, For More Service’s Please Visit Our Websites.

submitted by Camp-North to u/Camp-North [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:50 Independent_Fox_1635 Anyone find it eerie how right they were about the attention and infamy they'd receive?

I guess the question of the title really, I mean just a quick type of either of the names on Google and it's actually kind of very telling how much attention they brought to themselves from carrying out the incident. I mean, it's not like this was this was the very first shooting that resulting in the amount of casualties and injured, there was the Lubys shooting of the early 90s, which had more victims and was actually carried out by one person, the California McDonald's shooting in the 1980s which had around the same number of victims has the Lubys shooting, even the École Polytechnique massacre, the perpetrator of this incident when he carried it out was in his 20s and only a few years older than Klebold and Harris at the time of Columbine, (I know that one took place in Canada but still..)
I kinda feel like it's partly because they both looked so 'normal', and I guess what I mean by that is like from their at their yearbook photos etc it's literally almost looking at any other kid from that time period, they both just had that super 'typical, 90s, clean cut' look if you get what I'm saying, I know it's not (just) their appearance, but I guess because this shooting included two shooters also had alot to do with it, the fact two people met by chance and somehow got to firstly discussing the idea and actually carrying it out, another thing about their appearance, I find it honestly ridiculous that some news articles from just after it taken place described them as 'Marilyn Manson fanatics' and 'goths', I mean looking at both their yearbook pics again, they are not even CLOSE to looking goth, yea on the videos like the Radioactive Clothing and Hitmen and Hire they might be all in black head to toe and wearing their trenchcoats, but to me that's not goth, in all honesty they were probably looked at very similar to me at times whenever I'm out and about if and I'm wearing my Type O Negative shirt or Fear Factory hoodie.
But yea more to the point, I think they got it completely spot on how the media would have taken the event, there's not only books and TV shows about the incident, there's various movies with actors playing them, documentary with Dylan Klebold as a toddler on the cover of 'American Tragedy', video games where you can actually play as Harris or Klebold and carry out the massacre virtually (this is one of the craziest for me) and their faces literally finished up on the cover TIME magazine also, it's kind of astonishing when you sorta think about it, so yea idk, just would like to hear your thoughts as well..
submitted by Independent_Fox_1635 to ColumbineKillers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:36 djarsonist USL Pro/Rel Article Burn
About halfway through the article, “However, this system can sometimes result in stagnant performances, as seen with the Chicago Fire’s decade-long struggle with minimal consequences.”
submitted by djarsonist to chicagofire [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:19 DrWhit65 Utah Warriors Open New HQ

Utah Warriors Open New HQ
There are several things from this KSL article that are exciting:
1.) This new HQ is separate from the soccer facility where the team was sharing office and training space with the Real Salt Lake Academy and Monarchs USL team. I’m sure this will give players, coaches, business employees, and fans a better experience overall.
2.) While the team will still play most of their home matches at Zions Bank Stadium, the article mentions that the team will start playing more matches at America First Field which is the home of MLS’s Real Salt Lake (20,000 seats). This stadium has much better access to fans since it is very close to the freeway and should only help to grow the sport.
3.) The community club jersey and national championships wall look fantastic. This shows the way the club is trying to integrate into the community (I’ll try to attach pictures).
All-in-all, good things are happening in Utah. Now let’s see if we can get into the playoffs. 😊
submitted by DrWhit65 to MLRugby [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:32 82ghost82 Euro Cup Mania: pay attention to game credits!

Euro Cup Mania: pay attention to game credits!
UPDATE: it seems it was not as described, no need to worry about playing with footballs, read the full discussion to understand better.
Hello guys,
I think this is important and it's about game credits.
Euro Cup Mania event will rewarn you with:
  1. euro 24 ticket
  2. shopping credits: value for each shopping credit: 1 $
  3. possibility to buy articles for 0,1 $
  4. game credits: this is the most attractive for me, play games, invite friends, etc. and gain game credits to be converted to coupon. This is attractive because it seems you can reach easily 20$ or even 50$ till the end of the event. attention! Read terms and conditions:
Euro cup mania tap on top where you have your game credits tap on Register, next to your credits tap on question mark (top right) scroll to bottom tap on terms and conditions Read point 11!!
It seems that if you win shopping credits, tickets, or article for 0,1$ you could not redeem and convert your game credits. So, I think that if you are interested in game credits, it will not be a good deal to bet your soccer balls and try to win tickets, shopping credits or articles in evidence..Your choice!
PS: sorry for the image, it's in italian, but you can check in your native language in the app.
submitted by 82ghost82 to AliExpressMergeBoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:30 Camp-North best overnight camps near me

The Magic of Overnight Camps: Building Lifelong Memories and Skills


Overnight camps, also known as sleepaway camps, provide a unique and immersive experience for children and teenagers. Away from the daily routines and distractions of home, campers engage in a variety of activities that promote personal growth, foster new friendships, and build valuable life skills. This article delves into the transformative impact of overnight camps and why they remain a cherished tradition for many families.

The Benefits of Overnight Camps

  1. Independence and Responsibility
    • Being away from home for an extended period teaches campers to manage their daily routines, keep track of their belongings, and make decisions independently. This fosters a sense of responsibility and self-reliance that is hard to replicate in other settings.
  2. Social Skills and Friendship
    • Campers live and interact closely with peers, learning essential social skills such as cooperation, communication, and conflict resolution. The shared experiences often lead to deep, lasting friendships that extend beyond the camp.
  3. Exposure to New Activities
    • Overnight camps offer a wide range of activities, from sports and arts to nature exploration and adventure challenges. This exposure helps campers discover new interests and talents, boosting their confidence and broadening their horizons.
  4. Connection with Nature
    • Many overnight camps are situated in beautiful natural settings, providing a refreshing break from urban environments. Time spent in nature has been shown to reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve overall well-being.
  5. Character Development
    • The camp environment encourages campers to take on leadership roles, face challenges, and develop resilience. Activities like team-building exercises and outdoor adventures teach perseverance, empathy, and problem-solving skills.

Popular Activities at Overnight Camps

The Role of Camp Counselors

Camp counselors play a pivotal role in the camp experience. They are not only supervisors but also mentors and role models. Trained to handle various situations, counselors ensure the safety and well-being of campers while fostering a positive and inclusive environment. Their guidance helps campers navigate the challenges of camp life and make the most of their experience.


Overnight camps are more than just a summer activity; they are a rite of passage that offers invaluable life lessons and cherished memories. By stepping out of their comfort zones, campers grow in independence, form meaningful connections, and discover new passions. As they return home, they bring with them a renewed sense of confidence and a treasure trove of stories, ready to take on the world with a fresh perspective.
Camp North Star is situated in beautiful Poland Spring, Maine, surrounded by many beautiful and natural landscapes that we get to share and enjoy with our campers. Trips are offered every session and happen on the days we are not on our normal activity schedule. Trip days are a time to relax and enjoy time with friends and bunkmates.
Camp North Star is the top premier Maine sleepaway camp for boys & girls. We offer the best overnight summer camps for kids & teens in New England. Call Now: (207)998-4777.
We give Different types of camp north star like-
Thank You, For More Service’s Please Visit Our Websites.

submitted by Camp-North to u/Camp-North [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:22 tugreenwave Game Day Info! 7pm – Weidner Field - Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC vs Oakland Roots SC [Jun 1st]

Tickets: Buy tickets HERE or at the stadium box office.
Parking Cost: Variable depending on where you park The Switchbacks have posted a map with various parking options on their website or HERE ADA Parking: On the West side of the stadium, and visible in the link directly above
EVENT DAY POLICIES & FAQ * Switchbacks have a clear bag policy, details HERE * Further rules can be found HERE
Kickoff Weather: Approx: 81 degrees. Partly Cloudy (21% of precipitation). Winds SSE 14MPH. Sunset 8:17 pm.
Broadcast * LOCAL Broadcast The CW * KRDO NewsRadio 105.5 FM 1240 AM * From now on all games will be carried on ESPN+, a new streaming service. FAQs on this service can be located HERE
submitted by tugreenwave to SwitchbacksFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:47 Tryintobegeek The Concussions heals completely ?

I ve myself into 3-4 concussions ( Soccer , falls , rear-ended ) But.. few articles shows even does you heal , you ve higher chances to get dementia or CTE . My question is .... Does Our brain just completely ever heal from every concussion ? If it does ..why does It is associated with some neurodegenerative disease which takes place in remote future after the concussion event . Or Are these articles simply misleading ?
here is the article -:,severe%20consequences%20later%20in%20life.
submitted by Tryintobegeek to Concussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:35 Tryintobegeek Do a few Concussions/ hits to head ,can be haunt in old age ?

I was into sports for short time ( Soccer ) has taken few headers to head . Apart of from , fell once on my head . Got rear ended Once . Overall i got 3-4 Concussion in my life till now ( 25 Years ). I am good , healed properly. But Recent news on ill effects of head trauma Causing dementia and CTE scares me . I m getting anxious thinking all these. Plus Found a article where it says even 1 concussion can lead to increased risk of dementia in old age . Isnt my brain healed ? completely ...Why something Happened in remote past will affect in my old age. ? Is the article safe ? My grand mother , uncle also.. got their head injuries in younger days , still they are good at 60s-70s . Are these Article misleading?
here is the article -,severe%20consequences%20later%20in%20life.
submitted by Tryintobegeek to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:57 kennealy33 Messi NOT playing Saturday?
So I'm pretty torn on this. The article above doesn't say one way or the other and in fact, Matlrtino says they'll see how he feels after Wednesdays game. On the one hand, I'm flying down there for the game so I would obviously like to see Messi play in person. On the other hand, no Messi gives us a better chance of winning the game.
Also funny that the very end of that story they throw in the signing of Teuchert!
submitted by kennealy33 to stlouiscitysc [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:49 Mehro613 Starting training for October 20

Planning to run my first marathon with the Detroit marathon on October 20, and am looking to start training immediately. For context, I keep a rather active lifestyle as I’ve played soccer my entire life (and still do), along with a consistent gym regimen with strength and cardio. However, I’ve never come remotely close to taking on an athletic challenge like this.
I keep reading articles on how to organize a training schedule, but still not sure if I should tailor one for myself or follow one from a Google search.
Never done a gait assessment, and am looking to buy new running shoes that are fitting for this journey.
Basically, where do I start?
submitted by Mehro613 to firstmarathon [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 monanopierrepaul CREATING MY OWN 3RD PLACE!

Hey all, my name is Mo. Our kind moderators gave me the green light to post this about 45 days ago, but I have been mulling over it, so please bear with me.
As some of you know, living in a heavily populated city like NYC has loads of benefits, but it also comes with a few annoying setbacks, such as the difficulty of making long-term or interesting friends who share similar interests or backgrounds as you get older. Not being from here can make it even more challenging.
With books like Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community and Out of My Skull: The Psychology of Boredom coupled up with these 2 articles: Want to Make a New Friend? How Much Money Have You Got? & The Loneliness of the American Worker that I recently read from the Wall Street Journal. I got super fired up about posting this. Things are getting worse out there, & as someone who’s into sports, it’s a little challenging to find people who are able & willing to watch or go to games, let alone be friends with them.
So, I am a 29-year-old black male lurker here. With the aim of stepping out of my comfort zone & meeting new people to develop long-term friendships with, I purchased 3 full-season memberships for the NY Liberty, NY/NJ GothamFC, & NYCFC. I’m looking for female & male friends around my age (25–35ish). I don’t think I have a number as to how many friends I am looking for, but let’s just go ahead & say maybe 10 females & 10 males to even things out. Please keep in mind that this is not an R4R post & is very NYC-based sports team-related. I noticed that on Reddit, women’s posts about friendship tend to get more engagements & answers, so hopefully this gets some traction & I get to e-meet new people that I can physically meet in real life on a biweekly or even monthly basis. If you read this and feel like it's not for you, then that’s fine, but if you know a friend who’s looking for friends, then please kindly share this with them and/or introduce us. I’m looking for people around the same age, as I don’t have lots of NYC-based friends in general. I currently work as a social worker. My simple pleasures are trivia, sushi, museums, karaoke, bowling, scenic drives, working out, my curated playlists, the New York Times’ games, a comedy & theater show, & coconut cake & ice cream. I love cats. I am a Libra with an ENTJ personality type. I am Caribbean. I love food. I love anything coconut-flavored. I studied and love theater, so I like to enjoy good plays, musicals, and movies. I love going to the movies. My Regal Theater is about 12 minutes from me. This year I’ve seen 106 movies so far (a few of my favorites: The Holdovers, Anatomy of a Fall, Past Lives, Yodha, Dogman, Seagrass, & Cabrini. Sorry Challengers didn’t make the cut, haha). I love museums (a few of my favorites: the Brooklyn Museum, the Met Cloisters, & AMNH). I also love good comedy: sitcoms, stand-ups, and improv. Although I am more of a fast-paced person, I do love classical music. I’m straight. I’m spiritual but not religious. I am an extrovert. No allergies. I am very proactive. I am impatient sometimes. Little fun fact about me: almost everything I own or wear is grey/gray but my favorite color is red. I live alone. I don’t drink alcohol, & I don’t smoke/vape. No substance use at all, but I’m open to being friends with people who do these things as long as they aren't around me when doing so. I don’t play video games; I don’t stream. I have them, but I don’t necessarily use mainstream social media. Loneliness is a b-word & I can be a homebody & a bit reserved sometimes. I consider myself to be a sapiosexual, so evidently I am an avid audiobookworm—I have listened to 75 books so far this year through my Libby & Audible apps (a few of my favorites would be: Ikigai, Feminism is for Everybody, The Art of Logic in an Illogical World, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, I am Not Sydney Poitier, The Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao & Heartburn). I try to listen to a book a month. I closely follow and like to talk about international and national politics. I think I get bored easily, so I like to talk & have meaningful conversations. It doesn’t have to be “deep conversation,” but something that can stimulate and challenge my brain & point of view. My apology language is planned change, & my love language is quality time (doing something) so I am looking for platonic female & male friends that I can go to games with & spend quality time with doing other things that we have in common as well. The Copa America and the Euro are starting soon. Let’s not forget the World Cup. I live in Canarsie, Brooklyn, & I drive, so maybe we can tag along to games sometimes, etc. I have an ACE score of 1. One social cause that I am passionate about is homelessness. I have a fear of heights. I'm very big on respecting people's personal space & boundaries, so I don't like people who are always late. My motto is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Around the right person, I am stupidly funny but can be too blunt sometimes; therefore, one thing that I started doing is checking in & asking to see if I have said anything unkind, mean, rude, or condescending to whoever I’m talking to, and if so, I ask what they are so I can be cognizant of them, & I also ask the person if they feel heard, understood, & respected after apologizing & talking about what I said or did that bothered them. I looooove football (soccer). My favorite teams are Argentina, Barcelona, Manchester City, Inter Milan, PSG, Borussia Dortmund, NYCFC, & NY/NJ GothamFC, as mentioned above. Obviously, the Libs are the best WNBA team out there. I like to think of myself as someone who’s securely-anxious in friendship. My spirit animal is a bull. I am open-minded, so I am willing to learn & compromise. I am not diagnosed with any mental or physical illnesses. I'm all about the simple pleasures in life. I have tried making friends in real life—in person through un/paid events, etc.—but people are madly flaky & aren’t committed to a friendship
Anyway, enough said—I am looking forward to making meaningful connections with you here, & if there's something specific that you'd like to know about me, then please do not hesitate to ask, or you can organically find out when we start getting to know each other in person!
Please feel free to reach out to me either through DM or comment under this post. Because you made it this far through my post, I am giving a free ticket for the May 31st game to the first person who reaches out to me and is willing to be friends. Oh, & in case you're wondering, I sit in Section 8, Row 18. As a season ticket holder, I definitely won’t be able to attend all the games, so I will be giving other free tickets to people who reach out to me & want to be friends as well.
Lastly, I want to give a huge shoutout to the moderators for allowing me the opportunity to do this. I appreciate it but I appreciate y’all even more.
submitted by monanopierrepaul to NYLiberty [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:44 lafc88 MLS 2024 Season Match #15, Wednesday @ 7:54pm: Los Angeles FC vs. Minnesota United FC

After the 100th win in all regular season games, Los Angeles FC return to the Banc to face Minnesota United FC.
Match thread will be on the Reddit Live Score thread. The Pre-Match Thread link will be stickied in the comments.
Los Angeles FC vs. Minnesota United FC
MLS Season 2024 - Match #15
Please do not sell, advertise, give away or buy tickets on this sub.
Wednesday May 29th 2024
Approx. 7:54 p.m. PT (9:54 p.m. CT) via MLS Kickoff Times
Location: BMO stadium, 3939 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90037
Outdoor Weather: 🌙 64 Degrees, Precipitation 0%, Winds Northeast @ 7mph, 70% Humidity. During Game: Weather will be the same throughout the game. Temps will fall by two degrees.
MLS Season Pass on Apple TV - Free
English: ESPN 710AM, ESPN LA App with Dave Denholm
Sirius XM FC
Español: 980 AM La Mera Mera con Armando Aguayo
General Information
Keys to the Match
BMO A-Z & Info
Stats & Summary
MUFC Away Section 217
Ticketmaster Tickets
Watch Parties & Bar Locations
Event Info
Sign up for Youth Camps
Box Office open @ 10:00am PT
LAFC HQ open from 12:00pm - 10:00pm PT
Gates Open @ 6pm PT
Parking Opens @ 3pm PT
Fields LA open from 5:30pm - 7:30pm PT
Level Up open from 5:30pm - 7:30pm PT & 90min after match. Must enter through outside the stadium after match.
Small Business Spotlight: Chili Chews Use 20% off code: LAFC
Dog Adoption Event - Sunday June 2nd @ Party Beer Co. from 3-6pm & meet Aaron Long from 4-5pm. Address: 3056 Roswell St Glassell Park, CA 90065
Armenian Heritage Night
Available @ LAFC HQ & MLS LAFC Store
Ships no later than June 12th.
Los Angeles FC Preview
Minnesota United FC Preview
Position Name
Main Timothy Ford
AR1 Jeremy Hanson
AR2 Jose Da Silva
4TH Brandon Stevis
VAR Jose Carlos Rivero
AVAR Eric Weisbrod
Player Availability
Per MLS & LAFC Injury Report 5/29.
Player Injury Team
Franco Fragapane Leg MNUFC
Player Injury/Other Team
David Martinez Back LAFC
Lorenzo Dellavalle Knee LAFC
Eduard Atuesta đŸŸ„ LAFC
Hugo Bacharach Knee MNUFC
Emanuel Reynoso MIA MNUFC
Recent Results
Most recent result on right.
LAFC: W - W - W - W - W
MNUFC: W - W - D - W - D
submitted by lafc88 to LAFC [link] [comments]