Jigsaw puzzles clip art

Online Jigsaw Puzzles

2013.11.19 19:49 foxdots Online Jigsaw Puzzles

By becoming an impeccable combination between the art of image and intellectual development, **Jigsaw Puzzles** became a way of expression and an endeavor in our goal to develop problem solving skills. From educational and character development to important therapeutic range of benefits logical picture puzzles are a valuable asset that the human race created to establish a perfect equilibrium between the necessity to relax and to stimulate our brain activity

2024.01.23 03:35 Jigsaw

Subreddit for Jigsaw Puzzles. You can post photos of the puzzles you've completed, bought or made from scratch. Have you finished any puzzles and and framed them? Take a picture and show us your wall art.

2024.06.01 14:37 blueboy714 Reddit June 2024 Jigsaw Puzzle Theme Contest - Puzzle & Gift Card Raffle

Reddit June 2024 Jigsaw Puzzle Theme Contest - Puzzle & Gift Card Raffle submitted by blueboy714 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:12 Crystlazar Post flairs are here!

Hello, Community!
A little over a month ago we released a poll asking whether you’d be interested in having post flairs on the subreddit. The results were very clear: You supported post flairs, but they had to be optional.
Having optional flairs means that it’s up to you to decide whether you want to use them. We encourage everyone to do so but rest assured that you will not be reprimanded for not using them. The flairs are simply to make it easier for people to filter through the content they want to see.

Post flairs on Skyrim

We have introduced the following post flairs:


If you have any feedback on post flairs, feel free to comment below or write us through Modmail! We’re open to ideas (or criticism, should you have any). We'll make sure to do our part in monitoring the use of flairs and conversations about them.
Have a nice weekend, everyone!
submitted by Crystlazar to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 Lucky-Program7456 Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK

Unlocking the Secrets of Love Marriage: Expert Guidance from the Best Astrologer in the UK

Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK Love is in the air, and for many, it’s the most magical and transformative experience of life. But what happens when the spark of romance fades, and the reality of everyday life sets in? The journey to a successful and fulfilling marriage is not always easy, and the road to happiness can be fraught with challenges.
As the saying goes, “opposites attract,” but what happens when the differences in personalities, values, and lifestyles become a source of tension rather than excitement? Astrology has long been revered as a tool for understanding the intricacies of human relationships, and with the guidance of the best astrologer in the UK, we can unlock the secrets of love and marriage. In this post, we’ll delve into the mysteries of the universe and explore the expert insights that can help you navigate the twists and turns of your relationship, and find the path to a lifelong bond of love and commitment.

Understanding the role of astrology in love and marriage

As the ancient art of astrology continues to fascinate and captivate us, it’s no surprise that many of us turn to the stars for guidance on matters of the heart. In the realm of love and marriage, astrology can be a powerful tool for understanding the intricate dynamics of relationships and uncovering the secrets to a harmonious and fulfilling union. From the moment we meet our soulmate to the moment we exchange our vows, astrology can provide us with valuable insights into the energies that shape our love lives.
As the best astrologer in the UK, I have spent years honing my expertise in the complexities of astrology and its applications in the realm of love and marriage. Through my work, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that astrology can have on our relationships, from the subtle nuances of planetary alignments to the profound shifts that can occur when we align our energies with the cosmos. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
In this blog post, we will delve into the role of astrology in love and marriage, exploring the ways in which the stars can guide us towards a more fulfilling and loving relationship. From the astrological signs that are most compatible with one another to the powerful energies that can shape our emotional responses, we will uncover the secrets of astrology and its role in unlocking the mysteries of love and marriage. Whether you’re seeking guidance on finding your soulmate or navigating the complexities of your current relationship, this post will provide you with the expert insights you need to unlock the secrets of love and marriage.

Expert guidance on the dos and don’ts of a successful marriage

As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless couples who are seeking to strengthen their bond and navigate the challenges that come with building a lifelong partnership. And, trust me, the journey to a successful marriage is not without its obstacles. In fact, it’s often the little things that can make or break a relationship. This is why I’ve dedicated this section to sharing my expert guidance on the dos and don’ts of a successful marriage.
From the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution, to the subtle yet powerful ways that astrological influences can shape our relationships, I’ll be sharing my insider knowledge to help you build a stronger, more loving bond with your partner. Whether you’re still in the early stages of your romance or you’ve been married for many years, these tips and insights will provide you with the tools you need to navigate the ups and downs of married life with confidence and wisdom. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
One of the most critical aspects of a successful marriage is learning to communicate effectively with your partner. This doesn’t just mean talking about the big things, but also being mindful of the little things that can make a big difference. As an astrologer, I’ve seen how the positions of the planets can influence our communication styles, and how understanding these influences can help us to better navigate our relationships. In this section, I’ll be sharing my expert guidance on how to use astrological insights to improve your communication and build a stronger, more loving bond with your partner.

Top 5 astrology signs that make perfect partners

As one of the most renowned astrologers in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of delving into the intricacies of the zodiac and uncovering the secrets of love and relationships. When it comes to determining the perfect partner, astrology can be a powerful tool in predicting compatibility and harmonious matches. In this section, we’ll be exploring the top 5 astrology signs that make perfect partners, and what qualities they bring to the table.
First up, we have the patient and gentle Taurus, who is known for their unwavering commitment and loyalty. Their practical nature and love of stability make them a perfect match for those who value security and long-term relationships. Next, we have the charismatic and adventurous Leo, who brings a spark of excitement and passion to their partnerships. Their natural leadership qualities and confident demeanor make them a magnet for those who crave attention and admiration. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
The empathetic and sensitive Cancer, with their nurturing nature and strong emotional intelligence, are often drawn to partners who share their compassionate and caring qualities. Their strong family ties and desire for a sense of belonging make them an ideal match for those who value close relationships and a sense of community. The intelligent and analytical Virgo, with their attention to detail and love of problem-solving, are often attracted to partners who share their analytical mind and love of learning.
Last but not least, we have the free-spirited and creative Pisces, who bring a touch of magic and imagination to their relationships. Their compassion and understanding nature make them a perfect match for those who value empathy and emotional support. Whether it’s their romantic nature, their adventurous spirit, or their ability to connect on a deep emotional level, these five signs have the potential to make for unforgettable and fulfilling partners.
In this section, we’ll delve deeper into the characteristics of each sign and explore the unique qualities that make them perfect partners. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or simply looking for a deeper understanding of the zodiac, you’ll find valuable insights and expert guidance in this section. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets of love and marriage, from the best astrologer in the UK.

The importance of compatibility in a marriage

As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless couples navigate the complexities of love and marriage. One of the most crucial factors that can make or break a relationship is compatibility. When two individuals are compatible, they share a deep understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and values, which creates a strong foundation for a lifelong bond. On the other hand, when couples are not compatible, they may struggle to communicate effectively, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.
In astrology, compatibility is measured by the planetary positions of the couple, particularly the Sun, Moon, and Venus. When these planets are in harmony, it’s a sign that the couple is destined for a happy and fulfilling marriage. For instance, when the Sun is in a harmonious aspect with the partner’s Venus, it indicates a strong sense of love and affection, which is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
Moreover, an astrologer can also analyze the couple’s birth charts to identify potential areas of conflict and suggest ways to overcome them. By understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, couples can work together to build a stronger and more resilient relationship. As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of compatibility in marriage. By embracing the unique energies and vibrations that each partner brings to the table, couples can create a love marriage that is not only fulfilling but also long-lasting.

How to identify your soulmate using astrological signs

As the ancient art of astrology reveals the mysteries of the universe, the quest to find one’s soulmate has become a profound and intriguing topic. The stars have a way of whispering secrets about our destiny, and in this realm, the identification of our soulmate is a crucial piece of the puzzle. But, how do we decipher the celestial language to uncover the identity of our eternal companion?
In this section, we will delve into the world of astrological signs, where the zodiac wheel holds the key to unlocking the secrets of love and marriage. As we explore the intricacies of each sign, we will discover how the positions of the planets and the position of the sun at the time of our birth have a profound impact on our compatibility with others. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
From the fiery passion of the Leo to the intuitive nature of the Scorpio, each sign brings its unique set of characteristics and traits to the table. By understanding the astrological signs of our potential soulmates, we can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and ultimate compatibility with us.
As the best astrologer in the UK, I will guide you through the process of identifying your soulmate using astrological signs, providing you with a deeper understanding of the cosmic connections that can bring us together. Whether you’re seeking love, seeking guidance, or simply seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe, this section will reveal the secrets of love and marriage that will change your life forever.

The impact of planetary positions on love and marriage

As the planets continue to dance across the celestial sky, their intricate positions can have a profound impact on our most intimate and meaningful relationships. The ancient art of astrology has long recognized the subtle yet powerful influence of planetary alignments on the human experience, particularly when it comes to love and marriage. From the passionate allure of Venus to the fiery intensity of Mars, each planet plays a unique role in shaping our romantic journeys.
In this critical phase of our lives, the positions of the planets can either amplify our love and commitment or create challenges that test our relationships. For instance, a Jupiter-Moon conjunction can bring an influx of emotional support and nourishment, while a Saturn-Neptune opposition can lead to feelings of uncertainty and frustration. The intricate web of planetary relationships can also reveal hidden patterns and tendencies that may be driving our choices and behaviors in the pursuit of love and marriage. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
By understanding the astrological map that governs our lives, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of our relationships, allowing us to make more informed decisions and navigate the complexities of love and marriage with greater ease and confidence. As the best astrologer in the UK, I have spent years studying the ancient art of astrology and have developed a deep understanding of its profound impact on our personal and romantic lives. In this blog post, I will share my expert guidance on how to unlock the secrets of love and marriage, and provide you with the tools and knowledge to create a fulfilling and lasting relationship.
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:29 pvugrad White Mountain Puzzles The Seventies - 70s Themed Jigsaw Puzzle - 1000 Pieces

White Mountain Puzzles The Seventies - 70s Themed Jigsaw Puzzle - 1000 Pieces submitted by pvugrad to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 JFilli [Browser/Flash Game][2000's] Game You Try To Fill Space With A Circle While Ball Bounces Around

Platform: Web browser
Genre: Puzzle(?)
Estimated year of release: I played it in the 2000's, but it could have been made eariler.
Graphics/art style: 2D art style with simple shapes
Notable characters: N/A
Notable gameplay mechanics: You're given an area that you want to fill with circles spawned by holding the left mouse button. Holding the button longer makes the circle grown larger. Another circle bounces around the screen, and if it hits the circle you're making it gets rid of it.
Other details: It was a flash game, and I think it was on Addicting Games,
submitted by JFilli to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:51 Crisaegrimm [NES] [90s?] Platformer with castle in background with 2 walkways on upper and lower part of screen

This will be difficult to present but it's honestly the best I've got. I never finished the game because at some point in the very first level I just got stuck with no idea what to do and it's nagging away at me not knowing what the game even was. I'm pretty sure I even returned it to exchange it with another game at some point because the level was just unbeatable. The NES cartridges I had access to in my country were most of the time hacks with the image on it having nothing to do with the game itself (like Doki Doki Amusement Park having an image of Snow White on the cartridge). This game had an image of Barbie on it so I always referred to the game as "Barbie", and I played it probably when I was around 8-9 or so, so maybe 2001-2002 (yes I was playing NES at that time, PS1 didn't become accessible for me until later). Game would've been out long before that.
Platform(s): NES
Genre: Platformer
Estimated year of release: No later than the 90s, probably early 90s, but didn't look old enough to be from the 80s
Graphics/art style: Bright and colorful, had a sort of Disney-like feel to it and all I really remember is a static image of a castle being visible in the background and there were 2 "segments" of the screen to walk on - an upper and lower that you couldn't jump between, you had to find a door or something to switch between them. At some point in the level there was an "indoor" change to the appearance with the castle background replaced with a basic color pattern, I think it was a more yellowish look, still with 2 walkways above and below. You could exit the indoor area and come back to the castle background.
Notable characters: From what I can recall, the playable character was a little girl, and the design wasn't very pixely or difficult to differentiate as is typical with old NES titles, it looked more detailed and I actually believe this was the sole character in the game with no enemies encountered at any point. I think the character was wearing pink clothes and resembled a sort of princess (not quite like Peach though) but I'm not sure.
Notable gameplay mechanics: I actually believe there were no enemies to fight or avoid in the entire game, just walking across the screen and possibly opening chests and picking up items that unlocked access to more of the level? But I don't recall an inventory of any kind. I don't recall being able to do anything with the character either, like shooting or anything like that, just running/walking. If you COULD do anything, maybe you were able to press switches with a button? I also believe you could run faster, but not sure if with a powerup or you held down a button for it. If there were any puzzles which I don't even believe there were, it was likely limited to being walled off on your progress and having to find alternate routes. As far as the platforming, I'm torn between believing it was a side-scroller or just walking off the screen to a new one, but I'm leaning more towards the latter.
Other details: I don't know if the game has anything to do with Barbie because the character is a girl or if it's a ROM hack at all, but it's possible. All I remember is the one single level because I could never get past it and got stuck at the exact same spot so the game could've even just been a prototype of sort and not even a finished one. My family also tried to play it with the same result, and again we all just called it "Barbie" because of the cartridge image.
If this isn't even remotely enough info to go on let me know, maybe I can even ask my family if they remember anything about the game (but that's unlikely). I also looked up Barbie NES games and castle-related games and I haven't found anything worthwhile so far. Another thing I know is some titles, like Altered Beast, were released for the SNES but downgraded to be able to play on the NES, and this game could've been something like that? But I looked for some SNES titles as well and still found nothing. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Crisaegrimm to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:39 Significant-Tower146 Best 1911 Holsters

Best 1911 Holsters

Looking for a new holster? You've come to the right place! In this comprehensive article, we've gathered the finest 1911 holsters currently available on the market. From state-of-the-art design to exceptional craftsmanship, each holster on our list is sure to impress and suit your needs perfectly.
No matter if you're an experienced gun enthusiast or a first-time buyer, we've got you covered. Our carefully curated selection is designed to showcase a diverse range of options, all perfect for your 1911 firearm. Get ready to find your ideal holster and enhance your shooting experience like never before!

The Top 18 Best 1911 Holsters

  1. Comfortable 1911 Inside Waistband Holster for Threaded Barrels - Upgrade your concealed carry with C&G's Covert IWB holster, offering superior comfort, solid locking retention, and a versatile design made in America by veterans and law enforcement.
  2. Carry Comfortably with Versacarry's Quality 1911 Holster - Embrace confident, safe concealment with Versacarry's premium water buffalo leather Compound Series OWB Holster, designed for right-handed use and extra rigidity to protect your 1911.
  3. Comfortable Chest-Mounted 1911 Holster for Maximum Support - The Crossbreed Chest Rig Holster for 1911 is a well-designed, versatile, and comfy choice for pistols enthusiasts, providing secure retention and strap fit while breathing easy.
  4. Eco Leather Concealed Carry Holster for 1911 Guns - Stay secure and comfortable with the Houston Eco Leather Concealed Carry Soft Material IWB Gun Holster with Mag Pouch, featuring Inside The Waistband design and a soft suede lining for maximum gun protection.
  5. Sig Sauer 1911 ProTuck Holster - Adjustable, Lightweight IWB Concealment - The ProTuck IWB Holster from Vedder Holsters offers an advanced, form-fitted design for superior concealment and durability, perfectly catering to your Sig Sauer 1911 w/out Rail 3.3" with adjustable retention, ride height, and cant.
  6. Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster with Adjustable Retention - Experience ultimate concealment with the Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster, boasting BCA's patented Torsion technology, adjustable retention, and a secure, comfortable fit for your 1911 gun.
  7. Premium 1911 Holster for Right Hand Configuration - Experience ultimate carry comfort with Desantis Gunhide's Mini Slide Belt Holster for 1911, right-hand, featuring adjustable tension and premium saddle leather.
  8. Vintage 1911 Holster: Expertly Crafted for Maximum Security and Comfort - Cannon TX-BH3 Vintage Edition: A luxurious, full-grain leather holster with a comfortable and secure fit for your full-size 1911 handguns, perfect for confident carrying wherever you go.
  9. Quality 1911 Optic Ready Leather Holster for Optic and Red Dot Accessories - Experience premium quality and added functionality with the 1791 Optic Ready 1911 Belt Holster BH1 in Signature Brown, designed for optic-equipped firearms and offering a multi-fit solution with reinforced stitching.
  10. Comfortable 1911 Right-Hand Tan Holster - Experience secure gun retention with Desantis Cozy Partner 1911 Holster, featuring a tension device, precise molding, and adjustable memory band, available in tan or black leather.
  11. Comfortable and Adjustable 1911 Holsters for Right-Hand Use - Experience ultimate comfort and convenience with the BlackPoint Outback Chest System - a sleek, lightweight, and fully adjustable chest carry solution for your 1911 holster.
  12. Cozy Partner Inside-the-Pants Holster for 1911 Government Model - Experience ultimate handgun retention and comfort with the DeSantis Cozy Partner Holster, featuring a tension device, precise molding, and a memory band for one-handed re-holstering.
  13. Reliable 1911 Springfield 5" (rail) Concealed Carry Holster - Securely carry your 1911 Springfield 5" rail in style with this lightweight, reliable OWB concealed carry holster, perfect for everyday protection.
  14. Versacarry Element Distressed Brown Leather Holster for 1911 Style Guns with Spare Mag Pocket and Easy Clips - Versacarry Element Holster IWB RH is the perfect choice for 1911 style gun owners, providing superior protection, spare magazine storage, and adjustable cant with easy on/off clips while maintaining discreet comfort.
  15. Premium Leather 1911 Right-Hand Holster for Concealed Carry - Experience ultimate concealment and comfort with the Desantis Sof-Tuck 1911 Right Hand Tan Holster, featuring adjustable cant, multiple carry positions, and premium materials.
  16. Kydex Mini Ambidextrous 1911 Holster - Experience premium comfort and security with the Desantis Slim-Tuk 1911 Holster, featuring precision-molded Kydex, unlimited mounting options, and adjustable tension for an ideal fit.
  17. Custom 1911 Tactical Kydex Holster for Light-Bearing Needs - C&G Holsters OWB TACTICAL Kydex Holster offers secure and versatile carry, perfect for 1911 guns with light-bearing needs in any situation, backed by exceptional craftsmanship and quality.
  18. Precision Competitive Holster for 1911 4.25'' - Kydex, Aluminum, Adjustable - The Pro Ball Joint Competition Holster transforms your 1911 4.25'' into a precision and performance-driven shooting tool, with adjustable ride height, aluminum ball joint, Kydex shell, and optic compatibility for an unmatched competitive edge.
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🔗Comfortable 1911 Inside Waistband Holster for Threaded Barrels

C&G's Covert IWB holster quickly became a staple in my daily life. The first thing that caught my eye was the solid feel of the Kydex material. It's a bit heavier than some other holsters I've tried, but this adds to the confidence that my firearm is securely held in place. The open bottom design is a game-changer - it fits threaded barrels and compensators like a glove, and offers compatibility with most RMRed Dots on the market. I particularly appreciate the customization options available for fit and attachment, which make it a perfect match for my carry needs.
The slight discomfort I've experienced while wearing the Covert IWB holster is the only downside I've noticed. After wearing it for a few hours, I feel a bit of pressure on my hip. It's not unbearable, but it is worth mentioning. Overall, the positives far outweigh the negatives, and I highly recommend this holster to anyone in the market for an IWB 1911 holster.

🔗Carry Comfortably with Versacarry's Quality 1911 Holster

Last week, I had an interesting experience with the Versacarry Compound holster. I was at the range, trying to practice with my 1911, when I realized my holster wasn't the greatest for my needs. So, I swapped it for this one, and let me tell you - it's been a game changer.
First off, the material is premium water buffalo leather. It's softer than most plastic holsters but holds up better against wear and tear. Plus, it has a raised protective backing and metal inlay for extra rigidity. It's like having a little bodyguard for your gun.
I also appreciate the fit. This right-handed holster fits my 1911 perfectly, and it's comfortable to wear. It hugs my waist just right, without digging into my side. Now, practicing at the range is a breeze, as I can focus on my aim, instead of fidgeting with my holster.
The stitching is industrial-grade bonded nylon thread, so you know it's made to last. But don't just take my word for it - Versacarry even made sure it's made in the USA.
However, there are a few things I'd like to point out. The holster is only compatible with certain handguns, and I had to return my first one because it didn't fit my pistol correctly. Also, if you're using it for open carry, it might be a bit too conspicuous for my liking. Lastly, there were a couple of minor issues with the holster's design, but it didn't affect the overall experience.
In conclusion, the Versacarry Compound holster has become my daily sidekick at the range. Its quality, comfort, and ease of use make it a versatile and reliable partner for my 1911. And with a rating of 3.9, it seems other users have also had similar experiences.

🔗Comfortable Chest-Mounted 1911 Holster for Maximum Support

I recently had the chance to try out the Crossbreed Chest Rig Holster for my 1911-Founders, and let me tell you, it's a breath of fresh air when it comes to holding on to heavier pistols. The holster's thick leather backer provides excellent support, while the soft suede lining ensures that it's always comfy against the body.
What really sets this holster apart is the multiple points of retention adjustment. You can really make it work for you, thanks to the three different straps. The adjustability makes it a perfect fit, no matter how your body is built.
While some might argue that the holster might be a bit too noticeable for everyday carry, I've been genuinely impressed with its performance and versatility. It's definitely worth considering when you're looking for a reliable chest rig for your firearm.

🔗Eco Leather Concealed Carry Holster for 1911 Guns

I recently had the chance to try out the IWB Gun Holster with Mag Pouch by Houston. This concealed carry holster is made with eco-leather, making it a great choice for those who value sustainability. The holster is designed with comfort in mind, fitting around your waist with ease. It also features a soft suede lining for extra protection for your gun.
One of the best parts of this holster is the sturdy metal clip that ensures your gun stays secure throughout the day. I found it to be a reliable choice when I needed to be on the move. However, on hot summer days, the holster can get a bit sweaty, so it might not be the best choice for intense outdoor activities.
Overall, the IWB Gun Holster with Mag Pouch by Houston is a solid choice for anyone looking for a comfortable and reliable concealed carry option. The eco-leather and soft suede lining provide excellent features for keeping your gun safe, while the metal clip ensures it remains secure throughout the day. However, be mindful of the potential for sweat build-up in hot weather.

🔗Sig Sauer 1911 ProTuck Holster - Adjustable, Lightweight IWB Concealment

The Vedder Holsters ProTuck for a Sig Sauer 1911 without rail offers an exceptional inside the waistband (IWB) experience, providing superior concealment and comfort in one package. The hybrid holster is meticulously crafted from premium leather and form-fitted Kydex, creating a secure and personalized fit for your firearm. Its natural hugging of your body and adjustable retention make it a standout option.
However, I found the weight distribution to be slightly top-heavy, which may require some adjustments. The limited number of color options could also be a drawback for those seeking a more unique look. Nonetheless, the holster's lightweight design, durability, and lifetime guarantee are all noteworthy features that make this a top contender in the market.

🔗Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster with Adjustable Retention

I recently became a fan of the Bravo Concealment Adaptive IWB concealed carry holster for my trusty 1911. This holster has been a game-changer in my daily carry routine, thanks to its adjustable retention, which feels secure yet accessible at the same time.
The polymer injection mold is absolutely impressive—it ensures a perfect fit for my 1911 without adding any unnecessary bulk. The torsion technology also helps conceal the gun by twisting it slightly inward, making it effortlessly blend with my wardrobe.
One of my favorite features of this holster is the comfortable fit; it feels like a second skin without any discomfort or irritation. Plus, the holster retains its shape for smooth one-handed re-holstering. The tuckable clip is another added convenience, allowing me to effortlessly tuck it under my clothing when needed.
However, there's one aspect I wish could've been improved—the audible clicking sound when re-holstering. It's a bit too loud for my liking, especially if I'm in quieter surroundings. Overall, I'm satisfied with the performance of the Bravo Concealment IWB holster for my 1911. It's a reliable and comfortable option for everyday concealed carry.

🔗Premium 1911 Holster for Right Hand Configuration

While I was out on a shooting range, I decided to try out the Desantis Gunhide Mini Slide Belt Holster for my 1911 pistol. First off, the premium saddle leather and attention to detail were striking. The exposed muzzle design gave it a tight fit, perfect for my gun. I also loved the adjustable-tension device, allowing me to customize the holster's hold.
The only issue I encountered was that the belt slots were a tad too wide for my taste. However, the black and tan unlined leather options added a nice touch. Overall, I found the holster to be a great choice for anyone looking for a well-fitted, comfortable, and stylish companion for their 1911 pistol.

🔗Vintage 1911 Holster: Expertly Crafted for Maximum Security and Comfort

I recently got my hands on the Texas 1836 Cannon Vintage Edition Open Top OWB Holster. It's a beauty to behold, with its premium full-grain leather design that simply exudes luxury. The handcrafted attention to detail is obvious, making it a perfect fit for my 1911. The double-stitching adds an extra layer of security, and the smooth interior makes for a speedy draw whenever I need it.
While I absolutely love the holster's aesthetics and comfort, I've noticed that it might not be the most versatile option. It's specifically designed for full-size 1911s with no attachments, which means those looking for a more universal option might want to look elsewhere. Nevertheless, for someone looking for a sleek and sturdy holster that's an extension of their style, the Texas 1836 Cannon Vintage Edition is definitely worth considering.

🔗Quality 1911 Optic Ready Leather Holster for Optic and Red Dot Accessories

The 1791 Optic Ready 1911 Belt Holster BH1 in Signature Brown is a versatile and reliable choice for those seeking a high-quality belt holster. Crafted using premium 100% Certified American Heavy Native Steerhide leather, this holster exudes durability and comfort.
Its multi-fit design and open top make it an easy choice for your preferred carry-style, accommodating a wide range of firearms. However, the added functionality of the optic cut and the inclusion of a sweat guard or shield give it a slight edge in terms of usability.
The reinforced stitching ensures that the holster remains secure and long-lasting. Despite these pros, the holster may not be the most ideal choice for those looking for a more minimalist or lightweight design.
Overall, the 1791 Optic Ready 1911 Belt Holster BH1 is a solid option for anyone seeking a reliable and feature-rich belt holster.

🔗Comfortable 1911 Right-Hand Tan Holster

Desantis Cozy Partner 1911 Tan Holster impressed me in many ways. I love its tension mechanism for handgun retention, ensuring that my firearm stays secure in place. However, the memory band, which helps maintain the holster's shape for easy re-holstering, could be improved.
The 1 1/2" split belt loop works well, but I wish it was removable or adjustable for better compatibility with my belt. Another downside is that some models, unfortunately, lack this crucial feature. Overall, as a right-handed firearm enthusiast, this holster has proved useful and practical, but a little more flexibility could enhance my overall experience.

🔗Comfortable and Adjustable 1911 Holsters for Right-Hand Use

As someone who's always on the lookout for innovative gear to make my outdoor activities more efficient, I recently had the chance to try out the Blackpoint Outback Chest System. This chest holster is an excellent alternative to traditional belt and off-body carry when hiking, skiing, or engaging in other activities where your hands are occupied.
The Outback Chest System is crafted with a sleek design and lightweight materials, which makes it comfortable to wear and carry for long periods. The holster is securely attached to a well-designed, adjustable harness system that balances strength and ease of use.
One of the standout features of this chest system is its versatile harness design. The Dynamic Bungee Strap enables greater flexibility for movement, while the Static Buckle Strap ensures a snug and stable fit. The Shoulder Strap allows for easy height adjustments, and the adjustable retention features on the holster ensure a perfect fit for a user's gun.
While I'm not a fan of bulky, cumbersome accessories, the Outback Chest System is not heavy or unwieldy. The balance between comfort and security is well executed in this product. However, for those who prefer a more minimalist approach, it might be worth looking into other options.
In conclusion, the Blackpoint Outback Chest System is a smart and practical choice for gun enthusiasts who need a reliable chest carry option for various outdoor activities. Although not everyone may find it their perfect fit, it deserves kudos for offering an effective solution to the inherent challenges of traditional belt and off-body carry methods.

🔗Cozy Partner Inside-the-Pants Holster for 1911 Government Model

I recently got my hands on the Desantis Cozy Partner Holster for my trusty Colt Gov Model 1911. Intrigued by its unique design, I eagerly put it to use. The first thing that caught my attention was the tension device. It provided a perfect fit for my handgun, securing it in place like a glove, and I didn't even have to struggle with adjusting the holster.
The memory band that retains the shape of the holster was another great feature. It made re-holstering my handgun super easy and one-handed, which came in handy when I was on the move. The 1 1/2" split belt loop was a convenient addition, ensuring the holster stayed securely in place.
However, there were a couple of hiccups during my experience. The lack of an adjustable belt loop was a bit of a bummer, as it would have been perfect for those of us with smaller belts. Also, the memory band and split belt loop were only available on some models, not all.
Overall, the Desantis Cozy Partner Holster impressed me with its comfortable design, secure fit, and convenient features, despite a few minor drawbacks. If you're looking for a holster that provides both style and function, this might just be the right pick.

🔗Reliable 1911 Springfield 5" (rail) Concealed Carry Holster

As someone who has been a firearms enthusiast for years, I was intrigued to try out the 1911 Springfield 5" (Rail) Holster for concealed carry. The first thing that struck me was its lightweight construction, which made it feel incredibly comfortable to wear throughout the day. This holster also proved to be reliable, as it securely held my Springfield 5" in place, even during strenuous activities.
One of the most notable features of this holster is its 1.50" belt loops, which provide a snug fit and stability. However, it did take a bit of time to get the holster to sit just right on my belt, which was a minor inconvenience. All in all, for those seeking a lightweight, reliable, and secure option for concealed carry, the 1911 Springfield 5" (Rail) Holster is a great choice.

🔗Versacarry Element Distressed Brown Leather Holster for 1911 Style Guns with Spare Mag Pocket and Easy Clips

As a reviewer who's tried the Versacarry Element Holster for myself, I can confidently say it's a comfortable and versatile choice for anyone carrying 1911-style guns. The high-quality distressed brown leather not only looks great but also offers excellent protection, allowing me to conceal carry with peace of mind.
The biggest highlight in this holster for me was the adjustable cant and easy-on/off clips. I appreciate that I can customize the holster's angle to suit my carry preferences, which makes my daily carry more ergonomic and comfortable. Additionally, the quick-release clips make it a breeze to access my firearm when needed.
However, there are a couple of downsides that I've noticed during my use. First, the spare magazine storage compartment is quite snug, which can make it difficult to load or unload extra magazines. And second, while the raised protective backing helps shield my skin from cold contact, the holster does tend to slip a bit, especially when I'm moving around briskly.
Overall, the Versacarry Element Holster is an excellent choice for those looking for a comfortable and discreet 1911 holster. Its adjustable cant and quick-release clips make it a standout option, but expect some minor issues with the spare magazine storage and slippage. But if you're willing to overlook these minor flaws, this holster could be a great addition to your daily carry routine.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing the right 1911 holster, there are several important factors to consider. Here, we'll guide you through some of the most significant aspects of 1911 holsters and provide you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

Material and Durability

A good 1911 holster should be made of high-quality materials that can withstand the test of time. Common materials used for 1911 holsters include leather, Kydex, and nylon. Leather holsters offer excellent durability and a natural, classy look but may require more maintenance over time. Kydex and nylon holsters, on the other hand, offer greater durability, resistance to weather, and ease of care.

Retention and Security

Retention is a crucial feature that ensures your 1911 stays securely in its holster when not in use. Consider holsters with adjustable retention systems that allow you to adjust the tension to fit your personal preferences. Furthermore, the holster should have a secure clasp or locking mechanism to prevent accidental falls or drops.

Comfort and Concealment

Comfort is a key factor to consider when choosing a 1911 holster, as you'll likely wear it frequently. Look for a holster that has a smooth interior to minimize friction against your firearm. Additionally, a 1911 holster with a curved base, adjustable cant, or a swivel mechanism can help you achieve better concealment, especially when carrying in the appendix position.


Draw Speed and Access

Draw speed is vital for self-defense and can be affected by various factors such as the style of the holster and the position of the grip. A good holster should allow for quick and easy draws without compromising security. Consider holsters with open-bottom designs, as these often promote faster drawing speeds.

Mounting Options and Fit

There are different methods for attaching 1911 holsters, including belt loops, clips, and clips with belt loops. Choose a holster that suits your preferred method of attachment. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that the holster provides a snug and secure fit for your specific 1911 model. Consider the type of carry position you prefer (e. g. , appendix, side, small of the back) and look for holsters designed for that position.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Do your research on the 1911 holster's brand and customer reviews. A reputable brand with a track record of quality products and satisfied customers can be a good sign. Read reviews to learn about users' experiences with the holster, particularly in terms of fit, durability, and functionality.
Remember that your decision should be based on your personal needs and preferences, as well as the specific requirements of your 1911. By considering these factors, you'll increase your chances of selecting a high-quality 1911 holster that meets your unique demands.


Why is a 1911 holster important for gun owners?

A 1911 holster is essential for gun owners who own a 1911 pistol, as it offers a safe and secure way to carry and store their firearm. A high-quality holster protects the pistol from damage, keeps it firmly in place during activities such as shooting or daily carrying, and is readily accessible when needed.


What are some common materials used to make 1911 holsters?

Some common materials used to make 1911 holsters include leather, polymer, and nylon. Leather holsters offer durability and a classic look, while polymer and nylon holsters are lightweight, water-resistant, and provide a faster draw for the user.

What are the key features to look for in a 1911 holster?

  • Secure retention: The holster should hold the 1911 pistol securely while allowing for a quick and easy draw when needed.
  • Comfort: The holster should be comfortable to wear, with minimal friction or pressure points on the user.
  • Durability: The materials and construction of the holster should be rugged and withstand wear and tear, including exposure to the elements.
  • Ambidextrous design: If applicable, the holster should be suitable for both right- and left-handed shooters.

What is the difference between inside-the-waistband (IWB) and outside-the-waistband (OWB) 1911 holsters?

An inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster is designed to be worn under clothing, close to the body for concealment. It can offer a better fit and is more comfortable for most users. Outside-the-waistband (OWB) holsters are worn outside clothing, providing easy access to the firearm. While OWB holsters are generally faster to draw, they may be less discreet for concealed carry purposes.

Are there any special considerations for choosing a 1911 holster with a specific gun carry method?

  • Concealed carry: For concealed carry, look for a holster that is thin, lightweight, and designed for minimal printing or visible outline under clothing.
  • Inside-the-waistband carry: An IWB holster should be designed to comfortably conceal the pistol and should be adjustable for a customized fit.
  • Outside-the-waistband carry: An OWB holster should be adjustable for cant angle and ride height to ensure it fits the user's body and gun model well.

How do I maintain and clean a 1911 holster?

Cleaning and maintaining a 1911 holster involves regularly inspecting it for tears, wear, or damage. Leather holsters should be conditioned periodically using a leather conditioner, and all holsters should be wiped clean of sweat, dirt, or debris. It is also essential to prevent excessive moisture buildup that can damage the holster or cause bacteria growth. Always check the holster before use for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:15 SIFASBowman [Partially Lost] Fur Fighters PC Game "Fluff Resurrection" Map

The evidence that this exists is well documented, but completely lost to the eyes of the internet for a very inexplicable reason.
In the early 2000's PC game 'Fur Fighters' there was a multiplayer mode called "fluffmatch" where you could fight with other players.
In this mode, there was a special map called "Fluff Resurrection' which was based off of the popular movie "Alien Resurrection" due the game publisher's fondness for the movie series.
The content of the this map was found very disturbing by many people that played it, with a very eerie and haunting soundtrack that played in the background, disturbing images and art on the walls, a giant statue of the main villain in the art style of the Alien Movie Franchise, etc. A brief, text only overview of what the level contained can be found on the Fur Fighters Wiki. They even try to link the strange, twisted audio, but their link does not work. The text overview on the wiki, of the map is linked here: https://furfighters.fandom.com/wiki/Fluff_Resurrection
Now comes the interesting part, because of the disturbing imagery and content of this particular level, the makers of Fur Fighters rereleased the game on different consoles, but completely changed the level "Fluff Resurrection"; removing the haunting sound clip, and disturbing imagery.
I know for a fact that it does exist, as I have a very vivid memory playing the map myself as a very young child, and being absolutely terrified of it.
After dedicating many hours to my search of trying to find a clip of the original level so I can put this behind me, some kind of evidence other that hearsay of this original level, I could only find this video of a youtuber looking at the "new and remodeled' version of the Fluff Resurrection map. It can be found on this youtube link here: https://youtu.be/csLwjat_y30?si=3njoL3SlPLCS9cn9 (The part of the video he looks at the Level is called "Fluffed in Space 2" and starts at approximately 17 Minutes in, you can see what the level has become after the changes)
Further information: I know for a fact that the unaltered level is on the early PC releases of the game. I'm not sure if this unaltered version of the level can be played on the also early released Gamecube version.
In short, any video clips of the original, unaltered level, as well as the eerie background music from this level seem to have been completely wiped from the visible internet. Although, I feel like finding this is definitely within the realm of possibility.
Thank you with utmost sincerety for reading until the end, I hope this search will be successful.
submitted by SIFASBowman to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:27 LeopoldineBel Calypto - Champ de blé avec cyprès - Vincent Van Gogh (1000 pieces)

Calypto - Champ de blé avec cyprès - Vincent Van Gogh (1000 pieces)
I bought this one because it is a Calypto - I love their ultra mat, deep, vibrant colour rendering and soft touch surface.
The sky was a bit more of a challenge than I expected.
submitted by LeopoldineBel to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:28 Neither_Ground_1921 New vendor/artist seeking feedback!

New vendoartist seeking feedback!
On a complete whim and leap of faith, I’m actually following thru on one of those “crazy stupid ideas” we have every day but never do anything with. Well not this time. I, along with my 19 year old daughter, will be vendors here https://www.cannafestohio.com/ in a couple of months! 😀
I’m taking a chance same at letting my creative side bring home the bacon for a while- the corporate side has done great but I’m going to end up soulless soon- i need more love and joy in my life!
Here are the things we’re planning to sell: * Bucket hats - reversible pattern/black, with little stash pockets and buttonholes for the furry clips ears. I’m buying and customising but can also do custom, and hope to have a mix of both if there’s time. Planning to sell for between $35 and $65 depending on what alls been done. * original artwork punch-needle pillows created by my daughter. (She is embarking on an artist life path). * mini selenite wands with wire-weaving of chakra gems down the length (i thought these might be a good souvenir? See if i can add the festival logo or something) * lithographs of some of her original other original art.
I know these aren’t going to appeal to everyone but give us some feedback on our “product line”.
What are some things you’d like to see more of at festivals? What would you do to make your bucket hat even cooler?
submitted by Neither_Ground_1921 to aves [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:54 forex4all Got Scammed by Bzcoins.org? We Help Victims!

Bzcoins.org has emerged as a captivating and enigmatic platform in the quickly advancing realm of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. This website, with its enigmatic name and mysterious online presence, has attracted the interest of both cryptocurrency enthusiasts and inquisitive persons. This essay aims to provide a detailed analysis of Bzcoins.org, exploring its distinctive characteristics, possible consequences, and the overall user satisfaction it provides.
The Appeal of Anonymity: Upon reaching the homepage of Bzcoins, it is immediately evident that this cryptocurrency platform deviates from the norm. The website's cryptic layout and absence of distinct branding immediately establish an atmosphere of mystery and ambiguity. The lack of a conventional navigation menu, comprehensive explanations, or any indication of the platform's intended purpose contributes to the enigmatic atmosphere surrounding Bzcoins.
Curious visitors who try to examine the site encounter a complex network of mysterious pages and puzzling material. The content is sparsely written, with fragmented words or vague ideas, perhaps designed to intentionally avoid clear interpretation. The use of nontraditional symbols, codes, and visuals intensifies the feeling of uncertainty, causing visitors to struggle with a greater number of inquiries rather than solutions.
The Mystifying User Experience: Using Bzcoins is like setting out on a confusing trip into the unknown. The user experience is deliberately obscure, presenting a challenge for visitors to unravel the purpose and significance of each click and interaction.
By clicking on apparently arbitrary links, users are sent to webpages that are populated with obscure messaging, perplexing images, and mysterious prompts pertaining to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The lack of explicit instructions or explanations contributes to the feeling of confusion, as users are left to their own devices to decipher the platform's obscure information.
Bzcoins utilizes a navigation system that is non-linear and unorthodox. Conventional website structures and logical page sequences are discarded in favor of a dynamic and surprising user experience. This method intensifies the feeling of enigma, as visitors become disoriented in a virtual maze, uncertain of their intended location or the importance of their engagements.
The enigmatic and purposeless character of Bzcoins has successfully drawn a devoted community of cryptocurrency aficionados who derive pleasure from the intrigue and conjecture around the platform. These users, commonly known as "Bzcoins seekers," actively participate on the platform by discussing theories, decoding clues, and working to solve the mystery of Bzcoins.
Online forums and discussion boards have become central places where those seeking Bzcoins gather to exchange thoughts, share their discoveries, and put forward theories concerning the actual essence of the platform. The collaborative endeavor to decipher the enigmatic material of Bzcoins has fostered a feeling of camaraderie and mutual objective among its users.
The Bzcoins community has also created its own vocabulary and inside jokes, contributing to the feeling of being part of a select group and having a sense of belonging. The collective endeavor of exploring the intricacies of the platform has given rise to a distinct subculture inside the realm of cryptocurrencies, where the quest for comprehension and the excitement of speculation are prioritized over traditional talks about digital currency.
Possible Implications and hypotheses: Just as Bzcoins remains a mystery, so too do hypotheses and conjectures regarding its possible ramifications for the cryptocurrency industry. There are suggestions that the platform could be an advanced experiment in cryptography and blockchain technology, aiming to explore innovative ways of conducting secure transactions and developing decentralized networks. The enigmatic characteristics of the platform may serve as evidence of the potential of state-of-the-art encryption methods and the influence of decentralized networks.
Some suggest that Bzcoins could serve as an entrance to an undisclosed digital currency or an innovative method of reaching consensus. The platform's perplexing hints and cryptic instructions may form a complex scavenger hunt, guiding users to discover a revolutionary advancement in the realm of digital assets.
Additionally, there are hypotheses proposing that Bzcoins could be associated with a more extensive alternate reality game (ARG) or a puzzle centered around cryptocurrency. The enigmatic messages and ciphers dispersed around the platform may be fragments of a broader storyline, awaiting assembly by committed users.
Irrespective of its actual intention, Bzcoing has unquestionably captivated the interest of the cryptocurrency community, igniting debates about the limits of blockchain technology and the possibility of unorthodox methods for embracing cryptocurrencies. The platform's capacity to effectively involve and capture people, even in the absence of explicit functionality, prompts inquiries regarding the prospects of crypto platforms and the significance of enigma in stimulating user involvement.
The Risks and Uncertainties: Although the mysterious nature of Bzcoins may be appealing, it is essential to exercise caution and skepticism when engaging with the platform. The absence of openness and explicit information regarding the platform's objectives, ownership, and security procedures gives rise to substantial apprehensions regarding the potential hazards involved.
Interacting with an unfamiliar and unauthenticated platform in the cryptocurrency industry might subject consumers to a range of risks, such as phishing attempts, malicious software, and potential fraudulent schemes. Users who fail to conduct thorough research and lack a comprehensive understanding of the platform's objectives may unintentionally jeopardize their digital assets or personal information.
Furthermore, the lack of governmental supervision and the ability to remain anonymous within the cryptocurrency ecosystem may entice malevolent individuals who aim to take advantage of the interest and speculation surrounding sites such as Bzcoins.org. Prior to participating with any enigmatic or obscure cryptocurrency site, it is imperative for users to exercise utmost caution and undertake comprehensive research.
Bzcoins.org is an enigmatic and unorthodox presence in the expansive realm of the cryptocurrency industry. The cryptic and intriguing user experience, along with its dedicated community of seekers, have generated an aura of mystery that continues to captivate and perplex.
As we explore the complexities of Bzcoins, we are reminded of the boundless opportunities and undiscovered areas that exist in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. The site's presence disrupts our preconceived notions of the ideal characteristics and operational mechanisms of a cryptocurrency platform, prompting us to scrutinize the limitations of digital encounters and the significance of enigma in a more open world.
Although the exact aim and consequences of Bzcoins are unclear, it is undeniable that it has managed to captivate people's imagination and pique their curiosity in a manner that is rarely seen in other cryptocurrency platforms. As the Bzcoins community expands and the speculation increases, we can only anticipate the undisclosed information and discoveries that may arise in the future.
Nevertheless, it is imperative to use prudence and doubt when dealing with Bzcoins.org and other comparable enigmatic sites. The cryptocurrency industry is filled with various dangers and uncertainties, and interacting with unfamiliar organizations might potentially expose users to harm. Prioritizing security, conducting comprehensive research, and seeking assistance from reliable sources are crucial steps to take before engaging with Bzcoins.org or any other obscure cryptocurrency network.
In a time characterized by the appreciation for openness and responsibility, Bzcoins.org stands as a testament to the lasting influence of enigma and the attraction of the unfamiliar. Bzcoins.org has made a significant impact on the world of cryptocurrency, whether through innovative experiments, complex puzzles, or other mysterious endeavors. It encourages us to embrace the enigmatic and unexplained, while emphasizing the importance of being cautious and thorough in our approach.
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submitted by forex4all to brokercomplaintalert [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:48 ImThe_J- DAY 1 OF POSTING Jack-O-Verse FanArt Inc .Pop Up Pirate, TurdBoi420, PWK, Geog, No Context, Sam Smells of Apricots- and Singular- Stuff, Life, Clips, JWM, Espanol, Both of the super long channel names.

DAY 1 OF POSTING Jack-O-Verse FanArt Inc .Pop Up Pirate, TurdBoi420, PWK, Geog, No Context, Sam Smells of Apricots- and Singular- Stuff, Life, Clips, JWM, Espanol, Both of the super long channel names. submitted by ImThe_J- to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:45 adulting4kids Parables / Parallels

  1. The Wise Gardener: A gardener tended to his plants, teaching patience and care as they grew.
  2. The Lost Key: A key lost in darkness was found when its owner lit a candle.
  3. The Talking Mirror: A mirror reflected not just appearances but revealed the truth within one's heart.
  4. The Persistent Ant: Despite challenges, an ant persisted and built its colony through determination.
  5. The Wandering Cloud: A cloud drifted, embracing change, teaching the value of adaptability.
  6. The Broken Vase: Repaired with gold, a broken vase became more beautiful, symbolizing resilience.
  7. The Wise Owl's Advice: An owl shared wisdom: "Silence speaks louder than words; listen, and learn."
  8. The Dancing Flames: Flames flickered in harmony, reminding that unity brings strength.
  9. The River's Journey: A river flowed steadily, symbolizing life's journey, overcoming obstacles.
  10. The Echoing Mountain: Words spoken echoed back, emphasizing the impact of one's actions.
  11. The Patient Spider: A spider patiently spun its web, illustrating the rewards of perseverance.
  12. The Butterfly's Metamorphosis: A caterpillar transformed into a butterfly, teaching the beauty of change.
  13. The Swaying Willow: The flexible willow bent in storms, teaching resilience in adversity.
  14. The Singing Pebble: A pebble sang as it moved, reminding that even small actions have resonance.
  15. The Caged Bird: Freed from its cage, a bird soared, symbolizing liberation and personal growth.
  16. The Footprints in Sand: Footprints washed away, teaching the impermanence of life's challenges.
  17. The Harvest Moon: A moon lit the night, symbolizing reaping the rewards of hard work.
  18. The Compassionate Lotus: Despite muddy waters, a lotus bloomed, representing compassion amid difficulties.
  19. The Humble Oak: The mighty oak started as an acorn, embodying the power of humble beginnings.
  20. The Whispering Wind: Wind carried whispers of wisdom, emphasizing the importance of mindful listening.
  21. The Tangled Threads: A weaver untangled threads, showing the value of patience in solving problems.
  22. The Reflecting Pond: A pond mirrored the sky, teaching that what you give reflects back to you.
  23. The Sturdy Bridge: A bridge connected lands, symbolizing the strength of unity and cooperation.
  24. The Generous Sun: The sun shared warmth and light, teaching the joy found in giving.
  25. The Migrating Geese: Geese flew in formation, embodying teamwork and shared leadership.
  26. The Embracing Shadows: Shadows embraced objects, illustrating the inseparable nature of light and darkness.
  27. The Enduring Stone: A stone weathered storms, reminding that resilience strengthens over time.
  28. The Reflective Lake: A calm lake reflected clarity, emphasizing the importance of inner peace.
  29. The Patient Fisherman: Patiently waiting, a fisherman reeled in a big catch, teaching the rewards of perseverance.
  30. The Enchanted Forest: Trees whispered ancient tales, emphasizing the wisdom found in nature.
😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🙈🙉🙊🙊🙉🙈😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 1. The Parallel Paths: Two paths diverged, yet both led to unique destinations, illustrating the diversity of life journeys. 2. The Echoing Choices: Choices echoed across parallel realities, emphasizing the impact of decisions on different paths. 3. The Parallel Mirrors: Mirrors reflected alternate selves, revealing the complexity of individual identities. 4. The Parallel Rivers: Rivers flowed side by side, representing the interconnectedness of parallel experiences. 5. The Parallel Seasons: Different seasons coexisted, symbolizing the simultaneous cycles of growth and change. 6. The Parallel Flames: Flames burned in parallel, illustrating the shared passions that connect diverse individuals. 7. The Parallel Echo: Echoes resonated in tandem, signifying the interconnected nature of parallel existences. 8. The Parallel Puzzles: Puzzles solved in parallel, showcasing the diversity of solutions to life's challenges. 9. The Parallel Footprints: Footprints imprinted on parallel sands, symbolizing the impact of actions in different realms. 10. The Parallel Orbits: Planets orbited in parallel, highlighting the harmony within cosmic parallels. 11. The Parallel Visions: Different eyes saw parallel worlds, illustrating the subjectivity of perception. 12. The Parallel Harmony: Musical notes played in parallel, representing the symphony of coexisting realities. 13. The Parallel Threads: Threads woven in parallel, portraying the intricate tapestry of interconnected fates. 14. The Parallel Shadows: Shadows cast in parallel, illustrating the simultaneous dance of light and darkness. 15. The Parallel Echoing Mountains: Mountains stood tall in parallel, symbolizing the strength found in unity. 16. The Parallel Whispers: Whispers carried across parallel winds, sharing timeless wisdom. 17. The Parallel Seeds: Seeds planted in parallel soil, growing into diverse and unique expressions of life. 18. The Parallel Ripples: Ripples spread in parallel waters, showcasing the far-reaching effects of actions. 19. The Parallel Sparks: Sparks ignited in parallel fires, representing the shared inspiration within different passions. 20. The Parallel Canvases: Artists painted on parallel canvases, expressing the multitude of perspectives in art. 21. The Parallel Paths of Learning: Parallel learners walked diverse educational paths, embracing varied forms of knowledge. 22. The Parallel Fragrances: Scents mingled in parallel air, portraying the richness of shared experiences. 23. The Parallel Rhythms: Heartbeats echoed in parallel, illustrating the shared essence of life. 24. The Parallel Sands of Time: Hourglasses measured time in parallel, signifying the synchronicity of moments. 25. The Parallel Whirlwinds: Whirlwinds danced in parallel, embodying the dynamic forces shaping parallel destinies. 26. The Parallel Stars: Stars shone in parallel skies, symbolizing the vastness of possibilities in parallel universes. 27. The Parallel Voices: Voices spoke in parallel conversations, revealing the diversity of perspectives. 28. The Parallel Constellations: Constellations adorned parallel night skies, telling different stories in each realm. 29. The Parallel Bridges: Bridges connected parallel lands, fostering understanding and unity. 30. The Parallel Reflections: Reflections mirrored in parallel waters, embodying the interconnected nature of self-awareness.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:15 TheMoondance [Web][Mid-2010s] Isometric pixel art puzzle game where you have to open the right doors in a spaceship to make sure all of the hazmat suit people make it to safety without getting sucked out into space

The hazmat suits were white, I think, and the scientists were very small. I don't remember what site you could play it on, maybe something like Kongregate.
submitted by TheMoondance to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:14 HughEhhoule Bait Dog: Part 3

For anyone who wants to see how things began.
“In what universe would I ever do you a favor? “ I say, sweeping the floor of the reinforced barn.
“It’s not a favor, it’s a trade, bud.
What do you want in return? “ Trenchcoat asks from within the coffin-like cage.
“To be back home, 8 months ago. “ I reply.
Over the past few weeks I’ve managed to integrate myself into the day to day life on the farm. Things are still a grim, horrifying slog, but with every day it gets a bit easier to deal with.
“Give me something I can do. “ The creature pleads.
“Why, so I can wind up on the end of another ‘ Gotcha’ moment? I’m good. “ is my answer.
A few minutes of silence go by, Augustus breaks it.
“I don’t know many secrets of the universe. Facts, not really my bag. But I know a couple.
How about I share one with you?
No one, not the pope, not my brother, not the shit-bird perched on the highest branch of my twisted family tree, knows what happens when you die.
Some of us never will, of course. Others have ways of avoiding it, but at the end of the day, when the lights truly go out, we know next to nothing.
We do know one thing though. There is judgement, by who? Who knows? Why? Not important.
But at the end of the day, if your battery can’t be recharged, you really want to be thinking about how many marks are on each side of the ledger. “
I don’t reply, and for the next hour or so I ignore the pleading and hinting Trenchcoat does.
But that night, as I sip acidic tea, and try to get a handle on how in the fuck old televisions function, his offer is at the forefront of my mind.
He wants to kill, specifically 6 teenagers who, according to him, have been murdering classmates yearly in a twisted ritual.
He wants me to think this is some kind of noble act, he frames it as almost superheroic. The evil prick knows how I feel, knows that I see the blood on my hands every day, and would kill ( possibly literally) for some way to atone.
Is it a play? I honestly don’t think so, something about how eager the twisted thing is, about how he’s treating the situation as a buyer’s market makes me think something about this makes it important to him.
He offers me everything besides safety and protection. I’m desperate for help, but I have no way to hold him to any agreement.
So the thought rolls around in my mind, staving off the few hours of sleep I get.
“Okay, so, I have it on good authority that tea is supposed to taste better over here. What the hell is wrong with this? “ I say, sitting around an outside table with Sylvia, Dafydd and Colin.
Sylvia smiles, “ Barium, calcium, and a touch of castor oil. “
I look at the brew, then at her.
“If I had told you when you got here you need to drink that to mitigate the effects of working with void touched objects and creatures, you’d have assumed the worst, and found a way to avoid drinking it.
Good to see you becoming more perceptive though. “ Sylvia explains.
“That’s called paranoia, Syl. “ I reply.
She laughs, lighting a cigarette.
“Do you know why I’ve let you figure things out on your own? “ The ancient woman asks.
“Accepted? Yes. Understood, not in the slightest. “ I answer, wondering what sadist invented the scone.
“It’s because I need a leader. Someone who can understand, not a boy who puts his head down and listens to orders.
Someone who can make their own decisions when the time comes.
And I think that time is coming soon. “ Her statement feels like a question.
“If I chose to be here I’d be honored.” I counter.
“That attitude on the other hand… needs work.
Nikolas, today, we talk about what’s really going on.
We play a role in a much larger organization, us, and other families like us, are the ‘boots on the ground’ so to speak.
Our job is not to capture creatures, or horde esoteric goods. We do not foil the schemes of demons, nor blind those who look too deeply into the abyss.
We’re given information about events that could steer the path of humanity into a brick wall. And our job is to make sure they don’t happen. “ Sylvia reveals.
“Something is happening with these fights? “ I ask.
“As I said, perceptive.
Yes, it could be next week, it could be in a decade or two. Right now, we know very little about it, other than when it happens, it would be in our best interests to be of a high standing in the pits. “ She replies.
I absorb the information, and t drug laced tea in equal measure. As I do, I feel something, I feel I’m a part of what’s going on.
This is going to sound dumb as hell, but up until this point I hadn’t been taking things seriously. Don’t get me wrong, death is on the table, and I was trying to avoid that. But I was just treading water, hoping something or someone came by and to get me out of this situation.
But as Syl lays things out, I start to think of my place here, what I can be doing to better my state.
“Here is the part where you avoid telling me why you couldn’t have used anyone around here. “ I prod.
I keep her gaze, Colin and Dafydd shift uncomfortably.
“Augustus, he’s a tricky one. But a very lucky find for us.
I’ve tried 2 others. A boy and a girl, both I practically raised.
Marco, he was a warrior. But the demon got in his head. There was nothing that could be done beyond end his suffering.
Zelma, I won’t talk about.
That thing, it has a way of turning someone’s best traits against them. You, are a blank slate, but you’re family. You’re my best guess as to how we can use him to our advantage.
And this is why I need you, not to listen, but to understand. To see what’s happening, and make your own decisions. If I were to give you my knowledge, if I were to arm you with the best weapons, and the most powerful esoteric objects I know. He’d just have more to turn against you. “ Sylvia’s revelation scares me and puts a massive weight on my shoulders all at the same time.
Confidence and fear are both dangerous emotions. The two of them are almost like drugs in a way.
After eight months of mainlining fear, the tiny line of confidence Sylvia gave me, went straight to my head.
Trenchcoat told me where to find a video file. And after a couple of weeks of running it through every possible test I could, to check for any kind of manipulation, supernatural or otherwise, I watched it.
I was confident that the world would be much better off without the people committing the vicious acts contained in those twenty minutes of footage.
A teenage view of morality, I admit. But what do you want, I’m a teenager.
We watch the abandoned house from across the street. It’s a dingy, urban blight affected suburb, that being said, how no one seems to notice the seven foot freak with me, I have no idea.
The kid inside smoking stolen cigarettes and illegally supplied booze is a husky young guy of about 14. The half dozen kids that show up a couple hours later look closer to my age, last couple of years of high school I’m guessing.
The way they get into the house tells me they’ve done this before. The backpacks they all carry tell me they’re there for a purpose.
“How fucking funny would it be if I just killed you here and took off? “ Trenchcoat says, looming behind me.
I tense.
“It’s a joke. Out of my whole rotten family, Art and I, are close. I’m not going anywhere.
Unfortunately for you. “ Trenchcoat shoves me to the ground as he walks toward the house.
We get in through a basement window, I fit easily, Trenchcoat contorts his body to fit through the thin opening, somehow doing so silently.
I keep hearing Sylvia in my head. Telling me how she needs someone that can make his own decisions.
As I stand in the litter strewn basement, beside a creature with child murder on it’s mind I question the decision that I made.
At first the illumination is dim, nothing more than scraps of moonlight filtered through splintered wood. But with an industrial click, suddenly a half dozen lightbulbs bathe the basement in harsh, yellowish light.
Harsh, but not harsh enough to cause the reaction I see from Trenchcoat.
He squints and tries, unsuccessfully to turn away from the lights. Something about them is causing him discomfort. I get my hopes up for a moment he’s going to burst into flame or turn into dust or something, but no dice.
The sight of the walking nightmare looking pained and confused makes me panic. But before I can think of how I fucked up, I hear a voice.
The room, by the sounds of it, the entire house, has been rigged with speakers. Cleverly recessed in sconces and corners.
“Augi, long time no see. And I see you brought a little Renfield fella with you. “ The voice is modulated, Trenchcoat looks curious for a moment.
“Who, is this? You that clown that’s been fucking with Art?” He guesses.
The voice laughs, “Nope.
Who I am, is a guy who managed to find a few boxes of lightbulbs from ’93.
Then again, with eBay, that could make me just about anyone. “
Trenchcoat turns and looks toward the window we came in. He reaches a hand toward it, stopping a few inches away.
“That’s fucking interesting. “ He says, eyes darting around the room.
“Isn’t it though? “ The voice replies, clearly hearing the creature’s whisper, “ Tonight you get the pay for centuries of the worst shit committed by man or beast. I’ve made sure of that. No one in this house is going anywhere for the next 8 hours.
I’m sure the rest of the houseguests are pretty confused as to what’s going on. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so let me give you the Cliff’s notes.
You kids have been killing a monster a year for half a decade. You were the perfect bait, and I have faith you’ll be able to outwit Augi long enough to make it out of here.
If not, you’ll still have helped kill one of the worst things to walk the face of the earth. “
“What the hell is he talking about? “ I ask, a sinking feeling in my gut.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?
Yeah, these kids are more Scooby gang than Manson family. Don’t blame me for the fact it only took an out of context exorcism video and some promises of making things right with the universe to get you on board with killing them. “ Trenchcoat spits.
I feel afraid, stupid and small. Which is to say, lately, business as usual.
I begin to break lightbulbs, I notice no runes, or anything else that would indicate they have any kind of supernatural origin.
As the basement dims, Trenchcoat starts to breathe easier.
“What’s going on, what stopped you from leaving? “ I ask.
“This little shit is playing The Game. “ Trenchcoat says to himself as much as to me. He looks deep in thought, inspecting the glass from the bulbs.
“What are you talking about? “ I say, my voice cracking slightly.
I hear noises upstairs, frantic foot falls. Indecipherable shouting.
Trenchcoat turns to me, exasperated and filled with anger.
“You’ve heard of ‘Rules’ right? All that ‘Don’t turn left on East street at 3:24 am kind of shit? “ The creature starts, “More and more of them popping up lately. Can’t miss the things.
Well, your kind seems great at finding them, but fucking awful at figuring out what they are. It’s not someone’s new job, or creepy school. The answer is so damned simple, but all of you’ve missed it.
It's a game. It’s, The Game.
It’s ran by the thickest branches of my family tree, and the stakes are high enough even I don’t really understand.
And whoever has us here, he’s weaponized it. The crazy fuck. “
“Call on your family for help then. “ I say, starting to deal with the fear and confusion.
“You first. “ Is Trenchcoat’s reply.
I get his point, and for a twisted, shitty moment, I find myself relating to the murderous thing I’ve been saddled with.
“So what’s the plan? “ I ask.
“Get my hands on whoever’s been stalking me. Between A and B, probably kill those little do-gooders upstairs out of spite.
I need you to circumvent rules we come across. Humans need to agree to follow the rules, it’s why people encounter them in jobs and schools so much. I’m not human, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t get a choice. “ I’m shaking my head as Augustus relates his plan.
“We’re not hurting those kids. “ I say defiantly.
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that.
But I’m a God damned child killing monster, bud! How long is that going to take to sink the fuck in?
Me not doing what I do, isn’t like giving up smokes. Think of it like not having a slash for months on end. Sooner or later, like it or not, I’m either finding a bathroom or pissing my pants. “ the rant scares me, but it makes me think.
Something about Augustus, it seems very, 90’s. Whoever was on the speakers was talking about the lightbulbs being from ’93. I’m picking up on a very distinct pattern.
I file that information with the rest of the disconnected lore I’ve managed to find on Trenchcoat as I follow him up the steep, narrow set of stairs.
He whips the thin wood door open, taking an aggressive, lurching step into the livingroom beyond. Surely ready to dispense too far quips and limitless violence, as per usual.
But that doesn’t happen, his rage filled scowl turns into a look of resignation, “Fuck”, is the monster’s last word before he disappears.
I cautiously walk up the loose splinter ridden stairs, expecting Augustus to be waiting around the corner, or engaged in combat with some other horror.
But once I get to the top, there’s nothing more sinister than a livingroom covered in dust and graffiti strewn with old bottles and new stains.
I know my chance when I see it. The particle board sealing the bay window is rotten, the glass long since broken.
No monster, no crazy family, I’ll take my chances with the streets of the U. K.
I tap the crumbling wood with a foot, it rattles, it won’t take much to make a hole.
I line up a kick, freedom no more than a quarter inch of rotten wood away.
“I wouldn’t do that. “ Says a voice behind me, male, around my age I’d guess, but with a confidence that makes me listen, “ Rigged with a load of C4 in the window frame.
Don’t take my word for it, guy wasn’t very subtle. ”
Sure enough, I see small wires running along the edges of the frame and embedded in the particle board.
I turn around, the six people standing in front of me have a vibe I can only describe as severe.
“Are we going to have issues? “ a slight, dark skinned guy asks.
“You making threats? “ I reply.
“No, he isn’t. “ it’s the same voice that warned me about the explosives. It belongs to a squared jawed kid with short black hair, he’s wearing a grey hoodie, and separates himself from the group. “ Call me Kent, and I’m in charge of making threats.
Sid, he’s our people person, he’s just trying to see if you’re someone we need to worry about. “
“We don’t have time to figure this kid out, leave him. “ a short, ginger girl says.
“Ami, why don’t I stay out of equipment, and you and Kent let me figure this kid out?” Sid says.
“I’m Nik. “ I volunteer.
“Good to meet you Nik. “ Sid says, walking around Kent, “Didn’t mean to start things off on the wrong foot.
We’ve just gotten used to doing these kinds of things in our own way over the past bit. We get a little… weird around this time of year if I’m being honest. “
I nod, apprehensive at giving any kind of detailed response.
“Derik” says a tall, pale guy, “ Research. “
“Liam. “ a tanned boy in a flannel shirt and deep blue jeans tells me, “ Oxford doesn’t talk, accident a couple of years back. I’m logistics, he figures spooky shit out. “
Oxford is thin and bald, his face looks much older than it should. Like he’s the victim of some kind of wasting disease.
Telling these kids the truth would be, complicated. And something about their war vet demeanor, makes me want to keep things simple.
So I give them a version of the truth. One where I was plucked from my room by Trenchcoat, and brought here for a slow death.
They buy it. I think.
“Well, I don’t know what this Jigsaw wannabe has planned, but trust me when I say, it can’t be much worse than the things we’ve went through. “ Kent says, trying to be reassuring.
“Just, one more thing. “ Sid begins, “ Why all the scars? “
I know I’ve won most of the group over, but I don’t like the look Sid is giving me.
“Work on a farm, on top of that, the family owns an auction. Lots of bent steel and splinters, what can I say? “ I say, trying to sound casual.
“Fair enough, that accent though. “ Sid’s look becomes almost predatory as he talks.
“Immigration my guy. What’s with the third degree? “ I reply.
“We’ve just met and I’ve only asked three questions.
Humor me here though.
You get taken in the night by that thing that winked out of existence.
Seems pretty nice of him to let you put on shoes. “ Sid lets his statement hang.
Kent turns, I don’t like where this is going. Panic and fear start to well up.
“What’re you thinking Sid? “ Kent asks.
“Kid’s lying. But he’s good at it. “ Sid answers.
“You saying this has turned into a, me, situation? “ Kent’s question starts a deep pit in my stomach.
“I don’t know if we need to go that far. But I don’t like the idea of him having seen our faces. I think this is a Liam situation. “ As Sid says this I look to Liam, who already seems deep in thought.
“Local cops will back our story, but he could go beyond them.
We tie him up until all of this is done, and we get some video of him putting a blade into the body upstairs. He goes telling any stories, it’s us and the locals versus some Yank on video stabbing the kid. “ Liam suggests.
I tried to fight, it went, embarrassingly. Kent had me on the ground in some kind of arm lock in about a second.
I’m bound to an old wooden chair with electrical cords, dragged into a room on the second floor where the chubby kid from before lays face down in a coagulated pool of his own blood. Surrounded by the trappings of misspent youth.
The door locks, and I stare at the corpse, wondering what in the hell went on up here, and in what universe are these psychopaths anything other than what they seemed on screen.
Time becomes almost malleable. I’m terrified to the point where every moment seems to stretch out forever.
Then, I hear it. A wet, organic noise. It starts below the body, and slowly starts to spread.
After a minute or two, the body starts to jerk and twitch. The room is dim as hell, but some kind of ropey, flesh-like substance, is sealing off the door.
I watch as the corpse clumsily gets to it’s feet. It’s skin pale, it’s throat slit to the point of near decapitation.
The head falls backward, obscenely with a small spurt of thick blood.
I scream, I thought I’d been getting used to being face to face with monsters. But fully bound, inches away from a kid that seems to be filled with a twisting mass of barbed, writhing, intestine like tentacles, I realize I’m not used to shit.
The ropey mass forms the barest suggestion of features, a shifting, lumpen mass of ever moving tendrils coming from what used to be the kid’s neck.
The sound spreads more, cracks in the floorboards and walls begin to show hints of the tendrils filling them in like spray foam.
No one is hearing my screams, or if they are, they have no interest in helping.
Ever wonder how you’d handle torture? I think if you’re the kind of person to be reading this, it’s likely you have.
I started by pissing myself.
The second the thin tendril touches my hand, I feel a blinding, flensing pain. I can do nothing but watch, as thousands of nearly hair thin spines tear and consume my flesh. As it slowly, almost, curiously makes it’s way up my arm, it leaves a bloodless, scarred furrow about an eighth of an inch deep.
My second reaction was to lose any pretense at defiance or dignity. I thrash and scream, beg and offer. All of this turning into choked sobs as the thing starts to do much of the same with another tendril.
It felt like I was in hell, every inch of me nothing more than a canvas for this artist of misery.
But pain, it can only go so far. Whether we’re talking about my tolerance, or this thing’s interest.
Mutilation, the brutal wedding of pain and loss. That was it’s next step.
A thick, almost centipede like tendril sits on my pinky like a hot iron. I can only watch in horror as I see fat, then muscle, then bone, then, nothing.
My voice shreds, I tear my wrists and ankles trying desperately to break the expertly tied wires.
My mind is at the breaking point, the creature in front of my makes a terrible, high pitched keening I assume is laughter.
My body is a roadmap of scarred pits and lines. My hand sports a cleanly severed finger. Fuck me, I wish things ended there.
Of all the important parts of the human body, the eye, tends to feel the least pain. Which isn’t to say, as I watched the greedy, grasping claws slowly take pieces of one of mine, it didn’t hurt, but the worst part, was knowing what was happening.
The vision in my left eye begins to distort at first, the edges getting blurry, then going dark. Bit by bit, chunk by irreplaceable chunk, the creature takes half my vision.
I can feel the shifting air on the bare socket, to call what I’m doing screaming, would be understating things to the point of absurdity.
My brain reels at what has just happened. I can feel my grip on reality begin to loosen, pain, worse than can bare, loss of half my sight, it’s too much.
My brain feels filled with static, for a few brief moments I swear, I can hear someone, a voice, trying to tell me something.
But then, a smell hits me. Something so foul, so alien, it yanks me back from the brink of disassociation. I gag and choke, as the air becomes thick with the rotten, chemical reek.
Then, I see it, I see, him.
As randomly as he disappeared, in an instant Trenchcoat is in the room.
He’s torn apart, wounds so deep and ragged, I can see the door on the other side of the room through the worst of them.
One arm is a twisted, broken mess, the flesh jacket torn to shreds of necrotic tissue.
The look on his face is panic, paranoia. A rictus grin of someone that has been kept on his toes for entirely too long.
He trembles and heaves, looking like he could fall over at any second.
He points his good arm at the tendril creature, who I notice has a too familiar eye suspended in it’s shifting features.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the motherfucker who just made me kill my favorite cousin, would you? “ Trenchcoat asks, his voice cracked, and strained.
He gets a confused keening in response.
“Bad day for you then. “ Augustus says.
There is no style to his violence, Trenchcoat grabs the shifting mass, his wicked, claw tipped fingers angling themselves in tendrils. As he lifts the thing, floorboards break, and it’s torn free from the root-like system it was creating in the room.
Three brutal slams cover me in ichor and pieces of creature. Trenchcoat tosses the mewling, twitching pile in a corner and looks at me with disgust.
“You let that thing do this to you? Fuckin’ pathetic, bud.
And who tied you up? “ The nightmare I’ve been cursed with chides me.
“The kids downstairs. “ I say only now realizing I’ve still been sobbing.
One handed, Trenchcoat snaps the wires, then stumbles backward, slowly sliding down the wall.
He coughs, grey, bloody phlegm hitting the ground.
“So, what’s the play here? If this shit broke you, I could use the spare parts, if not, well, you know what the Bible says.
An eye for an eye. “ Trenchcoat grins as he talks, nearly on the brink of death.
And that’s where I think I’m going to leave things. Because, honestly I don’t know what I’m choosing.
I’m mutilated, half blind, using too much of my energy typing to strangers online about things because, I’m so fucking alone here.
If you hear from me again, I hope I made the right move. If not, take this as a lesson on what happens when you screw around with the occult.
submitted by HughEhhoule to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:11 HughEhhoule Bait Dog: Part 3

For anyone who wants to see how I got into this situation.
“In what universe would I ever do you a favor? “ I say, sweeping the floor of the reinforced barn.
“It’s not a favor, it’s a trade, bud.
What do you want in return? “ Trenchcoat asks from within the coffin-like cage.
“To be back home, 8 months ago. “ I reply.
Over the past few weeks I’ve managed to integrate myself into the day to day life on the farm. Things are still a grim, horrifying slog, but with every day it gets a bit easier to deal with.
“Give me something I can do. “ The creature pleads.
“Why, so I can wind up on the end of another ‘ Gotcha’ moment? I’m good. “ is my answer.
A few minutes of silence go by, Augustus breaks it.
“I don’t know many secrets of the universe. Facts, not really my bag. But I know a couple.
How about I share one with you?
No one, not the pope, not my brother, not the shit-bird perched on the highest branch of my twisted family tree, knows what happens when you die.
Some of us never will, of course. Others have ways of avoiding it, but at the end of the day, when the lights truly go out, we know next to nothing.
We do know one thing though. There is judgement, by who? Who knows? Why? Not important.
But at the end of the day, if your battery can’t be recharged, you really want to be thinking about how many marks are on each side of the ledger. “
I don’t reply, and for the next hour or so I ignore the pleading and hinting Trenchcoat does.
But that night, as I sip acidic tea, and try to get a handle on how in the fuck old televisions function, his offer is at the forefront of my mind.
He wants to kill, specifically 6 teenagers who, according to him, have been murdering classmates yearly in a twisted ritual.
He wants me to think this is some kind of noble act, he frames it as almost superheroic. The evil prick knows how I feel, knows that I see the blood on my hands every day, and would kill ( possibly literally) for some way to atone.
Is it a play? I honestly don’t think so, something about how eager the twisted thing is, about how he’s treating the situation as a buyer’s market makes me think something about this makes it important to him.
He offers me everything besides safety and protection. I’m desperate for help, but I have no way to hold him to any agreement.
So the thought rolls around in my mind, staving off the few hours of sleep I get.
“Okay, so, I have it on good authority that tea is supposed to taste better over here. What the hell is wrong with this? “ I say, sitting around an outside table with Sylvia, Dafydd and Colin.
Sylvia smiles, “ Barium, calcium, and a touch of castor oil. “
I look at the brew, then at her.
“If I had told you when you got here you need to drink that to mitigate the effects of working with void touched objects and creatures, you’d have assumed the worst, and found a way to avoid drinking it.
Good to see you becoming more perceptive though. “ Sylvia explains.
“That’s called paranoia, Syl. “ I reply.
She laughs, lighting a cigarette.
“Do you know why I’ve let you figure things out on your own? “ The ancient woman asks.
“Accepted? Yes. Understood, not in the slightest. “ I answer, wondering what sadist invented the scone.
“It’s because I need a leader. Someone who can understand, not a boy who puts his head down and listens to orders.
Someone who can make their own decisions when the time comes.
And I think that time is coming soon. “ Her statement feels like a question.
“If I chose to be here I’d be honored.” I counter.
“That attitude on the other hand… needs work.
Nikolas, today, we talk about what’s really going on.
We play a role in a much larger organization, us, and other families like us, are the ‘boots on the ground’ so to speak.
Our job is not to capture creatures, or horde esoteric goods. We do not foil the schemes of demons, nor blind those who look too deeply into the abyss.
We’re given information about events that could steer the path of humanity into a brick wall. And our job is to make sure they don’t happen. “ Sylvia reveals.
“Something is happening with these fights? “ I ask.
“As I said, perceptive.
Yes, it could be next week, it could be in a decade or two. Right now, we know very little about it, other than when it happens, it would be in our best interests to be of a high standing in the pits. “ She replies.
I absorb the information, and t drug laced tea in equal measure. As I do, I feel something, I feel I’m a part of what’s going on.
This is going to sound dumb as hell, but up until this point I hadn’t been taking things seriously. Don’t get me wrong, death is on the table, and I was trying to avoid that. But I was just treading water, hoping something or someone came by and to get me out of this situation.
But as Syl lays things out, I start to think of my place here, what I can be doing to better my state.
“Here is the part where you avoid telling me why you couldn’t have used anyone around here. “ I prod.
I keep her gaze, Colin and Dafydd shift uncomfortably.
“Augustus, he’s a tricky one. But a very lucky find for us.
I’ve tried 2 others. A boy and a girl, both I practically raised.
Marco, he was a warrior. But the demon got in his head. There was nothing that could be done beyond end his suffering.
Zelma, I won’t talk about.
That thing, it has a way of turning someone’s best traits against them. You, are a blank slate, but you’re family. You’re my best guess as to how we can use him to our advantage.
And this is why I need you, not to listen, but to understand. To see what’s happening, and make your own decisions. If I were to give you my knowledge, if I were to arm you with the best weapons, and the most powerful esoteric objects I know. He’d just have more to turn against you. “ Sylvia’s revelation scares me and puts a massive weight on my shoulders all at the same time.
Confidence and fear are both dangerous emotions. The two of them are almost like drugs in a way.
After eight months of mainlining fear, the tiny line of confidence Sylvia gave me, went straight to my head.
Trenchcoat told me where to find a video file. And after a couple of weeks of running it through every possible test I could, to check for any kind of manipulation, supernatural or otherwise, I watched it.
I was confident that the world would be much better off without the people committing the vicious acts contained in those twenty minutes of footage.
A teenage view of morality, I admit. But what do you want, I’m a teenager.
We watch the abandoned house from across the street. It’s a dingy, urban blight affected suburb, that being said, how no one seems to notice the seven foot freak with me, I have no idea.
The kid inside smoking stolen cigarettes and illegally supplied booze is a husky young guy of about 14. The half dozen kids that show up a couple hours later look closer to my age, last couple of years of high school I’m guessing.
The way they get into the house tells me they’ve done this before. The backpacks they all carry tell me they’re there for a purpose.
“How fucking funny would it be if I just killed you here and took off? “ Trenchcoat says, looming behind me.
I tense.
“It’s a joke. Out of my whole rotten family, Art and I, are close. I’m not going anywhere.
Unfortunately for you. “ Trenchcoat shoves me to the ground as he walks toward the house.
We get in through a basement window, I fit easily, Trenchcoat contorts his body to fit through the thin opening, somehow doing so silently.
I keep hearing Sylvia in my head. Telling me how she needs someone that can make his own decisions.
As I stand in the litter strewn basement, beside a creature with child murder on it’s mind I question the decision that I made.
At first the illumination is dim, nothing more than scraps of moonlight filtered through splintered wood. But with an industrial click, suddenly a half dozen lightbulbs bathe the basement in harsh, yellowish light.
Harsh, but not harsh enough to cause the reaction I see from Trenchcoat.
He squints and tries, unsuccessfully to turn away from the lights. Something about them is causing him discomfort. I get my hopes up for a moment he’s going to burst into flame or turn into dust or something, but no dice.
The sight of the walking nightmare looking pained and confused makes me panic. But before I can think of how I fucked up, I hear a voice.
The room, by the sounds of it, the entire house, has been rigged with speakers. Cleverly recessed in sconces and corners.
“Augi, long time no see. And I see you brought a little Renfield fella with you. “ The voice is modulated, Trenchcoat looks curious for a moment.
“Who, is this? You that clown that’s been fucking with Art?” He guesses.
The voice laughs, “Nope.
Who I am, is a guy who managed to find a few boxes of lightbulbs from ’93.
Then again, with eBay, that could make me just about anyone. “
Trenchcoat turns and looks toward the window we came in. He reaches a hand toward it, stopping a few inches away.
“That’s fucking interesting. “ He says, eyes darting around the room.
“Isn’t it though? “ The voice replies, clearly hearing the creature’s whisper, “ Tonight you get the pay for centuries of the worst shit committed by man or beast. I’ve made sure of that. No one in this house is going anywhere for the next 8 hours.
I’m sure the rest of the houseguests are pretty confused as to what’s going on. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so let me give you the Cliff’s notes.
You kids have been killing a monster a year for half a decade. You were the perfect bait, and I have faith you’ll be able to outwit Augi long enough to make it out of here.
If not, you’ll still have helped kill one of the worst things to walk the face of the earth. “
“What the hell is he talking about? “ I ask, a sinking feeling in my gut.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?
Yeah, these kids are more Scooby gang than Manson family. Don’t blame me for the fact it only took an out of context exorcism video and some promises of making things right with the universe to get you on board with killing them. “ Trenchcoat spits.
I feel afraid, stupid and small. Which is to say, lately, business as usual.
I begin to break lightbulbs, I notice no runes, or anything else that would indicate they have any kind of supernatural origin.
As the basement dims, Trenchcoat starts to breathe easier.
“What’s going on, what stopped you from leaving? “ I ask.
“This little shit is playing The Game. “ Trenchcoat says to himself as much as to me. He looks deep in thought, inspecting the glass from the bulbs.
“What are you talking about? “ I say, my voice cracking slightly.
I hear noises upstairs, frantic foot falls. Indecipherable shouting.
Trenchcoat turns to me, exasperated and filled with anger.
“You’ve heard of ‘Rules’ right? All that ‘Don’t turn left on East street at 3:24 am kind of shit? “ The creature starts, “More and more of them popping up lately. Can’t miss the things.
Well, your kind seems great at finding them, but fucking awful at figuring out what they are. It’s not someone’s new job, or creepy school. The answer is so damned simple, but all of you’ve missed it.
It's a game. It’s, The Game.
It’s ran by the thickest branches of my family tree, and the stakes are high enough even I don’t really understand.
And whoever has us here, he’s weaponized it. The crazy fuck. “
“Call on your family for help then. “ I say, starting to deal with the fear and confusion.
“You first. “ Is Trenchcoat’s reply.
I get his point, and for a twisted, shitty moment, I find myself relating to the murderous thing I’ve been saddled with.
“So what’s the plan? “ I ask.
“Get my hands on whoever’s been stalking me. Between A and B, probably kill those little do-gooders upstairs out of spite.
I need you to circumvent rules we come across. Humans need to agree to follow the rules, it’s why people encounter them in jobs and schools so much. I’m not human, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t get a choice. “ I’m shaking my head as Augustus relates his plan.
“We’re not hurting those kids. “ I say defiantly.
“I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that.
But I’m a God damned child killing monster, bud! How long is that going to take to sink the fuck in?
Me not doing what I do, isn’t like giving up smokes. Think of it like not having a slash for months on end. Sooner or later, like it or not, I’m either finding a bathroom or pissing my pants. “ the rant scares me, but it makes me think.
Something about Augustus, it seems very, 90’s. Whoever was on the speakers was talking about the lightbulbs being from ’93. I’m picking up on a very distinct pattern.
I file that information with the rest of the disconnected lore I’ve managed to find on Trenchcoat as I follow him up the steep, narrow set of stairs.
He whips the thin wood door open, taking an aggressive, lurching step into the livingroom beyond. Surely ready to dispense too far quips and limitless violence, as per usual.
But that doesn’t happen, his rage filled scowl turns into a look of resignation, “Fuck”, is the monster’s last word before he disappears.
I cautiously walk up the loose splinter ridden stairs, expecting Augustus to be waiting around the corner, or engaged in combat with some other horror.
But once I get to the top, there’s nothing more sinister than a livingroom covered in dust and graffiti strewn with old bottles and new stains.
I know my chance when I see it. The particle board sealing the bay window is rotten, the glass long since broken.
No monster, no crazy family, I’ll take my chances with the streets of the U. K.
I tap the crumbling wood with a foot, it rattles, it won’t take much to make a hole.
I line up a kick, freedom no more than a quarter inch of rotten wood away.
“I wouldn’t do that. “ Says a voice behind me, male, around my age I’d guess, but with a confidence that makes me listen, “ Rigged with a load of C4 in the window frame.
Don’t take my word for it, guy wasn’t very subtle. ”
Sure enough, I see small wires running along the edges of the frame and embedded in the particle board.
I turn around, the six people standing in front of me have a vibe I can only describe as severe.
“Are we going to have issues? “ a slight, dark skinned guy asks.
“You making threats? “ I reply.
“No, he isn’t. “ it’s the same voice that warned me about the explosives. It belongs to a squared jawed kid with short black hair, he’s wearing a grey hoodie, and separates himself from the group. “ Call me Kent, and I’m in charge of making threats.
Sid, he’s our people person, he’s just trying to see if you’re someone we need to worry about. “
“We don’t have time to figure this kid out, leave him. “ a short, ginger girl says.
“Ami, why don’t I stay out of equipment, and you and Kent let me figure this kid out?” Sid says.
“I’m Nik. “ I volunteer.
“Good to meet you Nik. “ Sid says, walking around Kent, “Didn’t mean to start things off on the wrong foot.
We’ve just gotten used to doing these kinds of things in our own way over the past bit. We get a little… weird around this time of year if I’m being honest. “
I nod, apprehensive at giving any kind of detailed response.
“Derik” says a tall, pale guy, “ Research. “
“Liam. “ a tanned boy in a flannel shirt and deep blue jeans tells me, “ Oxford doesn’t talk, accident a couple of years back. I’m logistics, he figures spooky shit out. “
Oxford is thin and bald, his face looks much older than it should. Like he’s the victim of some kind of wasting disease.
Telling these kids the truth would be, complicated. And something about their war vet demeanor, makes me want to keep things simple.
So I give them a version of the truth. One where I was plucked from my room by Trenchcoat, and brought here for a slow death.
They buy it. I think.
“Well, I don’t know what this Jigsaw wannabe has planned, but trust me when I say, it can’t be much worse than the things we’ve went through. “ Kent says, trying to be reassuring.
“Just, one more thing. “ Sid begins, “ Why all the scars? “
I know I’ve won most of the group over, but I don’t like the look Sid is giving me.
“Work on a farm, on top of that, the family owns an auction. Lots of bent steel and splinters, what can I say? “ I say, trying to sound casual.
“Fair enough, that accent though. “ Sid’s look becomes almost predatory as he talks.
“Immigration my guy. What’s with the third degree? “ I reply.
“We’ve just met and I’ve only asked three questions.
Humor me here though.
You get taken in the night by that thing that winked out of existence.
Seems pretty nice of him to let you put on shoes. “ Sid lets his statement hang.
Kent turns, I don’t like where this is going. Panic and fear start to well up.
“What’re you thinking Sid? “ Kent asks.
“Kid’s lying. But he’s good at it. “ Sid answers.
“You saying this has turned into a, me, situation? “ Kent’s question starts a deep pit in my stomach.
“I don’t know if we need to go that far. But I don’t like the idea of him having seen our faces. I think this is a Liam situation. “ As Sid says this I look to Liam, who already seems deep in thought.
“Local cops will back our story, but he could go beyond them.
We tie him up until all of this is done, and we get some video of him putting a blade into the body upstairs. He goes telling any stories, it’s us and the locals versus some Yank on video stabbing the kid. “ Liam suggests.
I tried to fight, it went, embarrassingly. Kent had me on the ground in some kind of arm lock in about a second.
I’m bound to an old wooden chair with electrical cords, dragged into a room on the second floor where the chubby kid from before lays face down in a coagulated pool of his own blood. Surrounded by the trappings of misspent youth.
The door locks, and I stare at the corpse, wondering what in the hell went on up here, and in what universe are these psychopaths anything other than what they seemed on screen.
Time becomes almost malleable. I’m terrified to the point where every moment seems to stretch out forever.
Then, I hear it. A wet, organic noise. It starts below the body, and slowly starts to spread.
After a minute or two, the body starts to jerk and twitch. The room is dim as hell, but some kind of ropey, flesh-like substance, is sealing off the door.
I watch as the corpse clumsily gets to it’s feet. It’s skin pale, it’s throat slit to the point of near decapitation.
The head falls backward, obscenely with a small spurt of thick blood.
I scream, I thought I’d been getting used to being face to face with monsters. But fully bound, inches away from a kid that seems to be filled with a twisting mass of barbed, writhing, intestine like tentacles, I realize I’m not used to shit.
The ropey mass forms the barest suggestion of features, a shifting, lumpen mass of ever moving tendrils coming from what used to be the kid’s neck.
The sound spreads more, cracks in the floorboards and walls begin to show hints of the tendrils filling them in like spray foam.
No one is hearing my screams, or if they are, they have no interest in helping.
Ever wonder how you’d handle torture? I think if you’re the kind of person to be reading this, it’s likely you have.
I started by pissing myself.
The second the thin tendril touches my hand, I feel a blinding, flensing pain. I can do nothing but watch, as thousands of nearly hair thin spines tear and consume my flesh. As it slowly, almost, curiously makes it’s way up my arm, it leaves a bloodless, scarred furrow about an eighth of an inch deep.
My second reaction was to lose any pretense at defiance or dignity. I thrash and scream, beg and offer. All of this turning into choked sobs as the thing starts to do much of the same with another tendril.
It felt like I was in hell, every inch of me nothing more than a canvas for this artist of misery.
But pain, it can only go so far. Whether we’re talking about my tolerance, or this thing’s interest.
Mutilation, the brutal wedding of pain and loss. That was it’s next step.
A thick, almost centipede like tendril sits on my pinky like a hot iron. I can only watch in horror as I see fat, then muscle, then bone, then, nothing.
My voice shreds, I tear my wrists and ankles trying desperately to break the expertly tied wires.
My mind is at the breaking point, the creature in front of my makes a terrible, high pitched keening I assume is laughter.
My body is a roadmap of scarred pits and lines. My hand sports a cleanly severed finger. Fuck me, I wish things ended there.
Of all the important parts of the human body, the eye, tends to feel the least pain. Which isn’t to say, as I watched the greedy, grasping claws slowly take pieces of one of mine, it didn’t hurt, but the worst part, was knowing what was happening.
The vision in my left eye begins to distort at first, the edges getting blurry, then going dark. Bit by bit, chunk by irreplaceable chunk, the creature takes half my vision.
I can feel the shifting air on the bare socket, to call what I’m doing screaming, would be understating things to the point of absurdity.
My brain reels at what has just happened. I can feel my grip on reality begin to loosen, pain, worse than can bare, loss of half my sight, it’s too much.
My brain feels filled with static, for a few brief moments I swear, I can hear someone, a voice, trying to tell me something.
But then, a smell hits me. Something so foul, so alien, it yanks me back from the brink of disassociation. I gag and choke, as the air becomes thick with the rotten, chemical reek.
Then, I see it, I see, him.
As randomly as he disappeared, in an instant Trenchcoat is in the room.
He’s torn apart, wounds so deep and ragged, I can see the door on the other side of the room through the worst of them.
One arm is a twisted, broken mess, the flesh jacket torn to shreds of necrotic tissue.
The look on his face is panic, paranoia. A rictus grin of someone that has been kept on his toes for entirely too long.
He trembles and heaves, looking like he could fall over at any second.
He points his good arm at the tendril creature, who I notice has a too familiar eye suspended in it’s shifting features.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the motherfucker who just made me kill my favorite cousin, would you? “ Trenchcoat asks, his voice cracked, and strained.
He gets a confused keening in response.
“Bad day for you then. “ Augustus says.
There is no style to his violence, Trenchcoat grabs the shifting mass, his wicked, claw tipped fingers angling themselves in tendrils. As he lifts the thing, floorboards break, and it’s torn free from the root-like system it was creating in the room.
Three brutal slams cover me in ichor and pieces of creature. Trenchcoat tosses the mewling, twitching pile in a corner and looks at me with disgust.
“You let that thing do this to you? Fuckin’ pathetic, bud.
And who tied you up? “ The nightmare I’ve been cursed with chides me.
“The kids downstairs. “ I say only now realizing I’ve still been sobbing.
One handed, Trenchcoat snaps the wires, then stumbles backward, slowly sliding down the wall.
He coughs, grey, bloody phlegm hitting the ground.
“So, what’s the play here? If this shit broke you, I could use the spare parts, if not, well, you know what the Bible says.
An eye for an eye. “ Trenchcoat grins as he talks, nearly on the brink of death.
And that’s where I think I’m going to leave things. Because, honestly I don’t know what I’m choosing.
I’m mutilated, half blind, using too much of my energy typing to strangers online about things because, I’m so fucking alone here.
If you hear from me again, I hope I made the right move. If not, take this as a lesson on what happens when you screw around with the occult.
submitted by HughEhhoule to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:48 MADPIRATEDOG Sharing resources for creating assets for noobs

Hi! So, first of all, I'm from Italy, so sorry in advance for my bad english. And secondly, sorry for the reaaaally long post.
Anyway, I've finally found the courage to try to approach game developing, something I've been wanting to do for years. It will be in my spare time since I've gotta work, but hey I gotta try it now before it's too late for my small brain to learn something new. I don't have the money or time to enter a school, so I'll try to learn as much as possible on my own, following online courses ecc. For the kind of game I have in mind I think I'll go with game maker. I used rpg maker and other "light" softwares many many years ago, completely forgot how to use them, but they wouldn't be flexible enough for my project anyway. So, as far as the game developing software goes, either I learn how to use it or I don't and the project dies right at the start. Fortunately, the gameplay ideas ar not too complicated to realize, but the real obstacle on my path, about which I'm asking for help in this post, is the creation of assets. I'm learning to draw (actually re-learning, I could produce something not too horryfing to look at when I was much younger, then I stopped drawing and now I've got to start over) so that I can create my own assets, since everything will be in 2d and in a kind of hand-drawn style. But still, I'll be real, I know for a fact that I won't be able to make great art, it would be a miracle to make something passable. That's why I'm researching some tools to help me achieve a better look for my future assets and to compensate my lack of skill (and yes, patience too). I know you can buy pre-made assets, but I want to at least try to make my own if I can. We're living in a time where each day there's a massive technological leap that makes a lot easier to achieve things that once were extremely difficult to do, especially with AIs. I studied cinema, so I know some softwares in the video editing field, but I know very little in the game development one, so I'd like to know which softwares could help me in this task. Example: I need to draw the face of a character to show during a dialogue. Even if stylized, I have (and fear I'll always have) difficulties drawing a face from scratch, like actually imagining it in my head. With ai tools I can generate some faces based on facial features and decorations given by me in the prompt, pick some pieces here and there from different results, toy with them in photoshop (I'm pretty skilled with ph) and drawing over the final result, adding my own ideas to it. It would also be useful to find a software that, starting from a "plain" expression makes other expressions (you can somewhat do that in photoshop too). Obviously I'd redraw every change, but it would be a starting point. Other example: I found this software that offers a massive help in creating a sprite sheet starting from a single drawing. Yes, you still have do make some corrections, that I can do, while animating it from scratch it's a different story https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iUks4wuYkUU
I've been ranting for too much, let's wrap this up by describing briefly what kind of game I'm designing, so that you know what kind of tools could be useful. But generally speaking I'm open to any tool that you might find useful, you never know what I could need for future projects. Anyway, the best way to put it would be an extremely story-driven game like To the moon (with a hand-drawn style, not in pixel art), but with a lot of dialogue options and some "actual" (not in an offensive way, I love Too the moon lol) gameplay, not only puzzles. It would be visualized from a semi top-down view, so I'll need to think about everything from that perspective, other than cut-scenes and dialogues. As for the cut-scenes I think I'll just have to draw the single moments and cross-fade them; as for the dialogues there will always be a small portrait of the face of the character who's speaking.
I hope it's clear what I'm looking for. Aaaaand now let's see what you come up with :)
P.S. I know that AIs are a sticky subject and I couldn't summarize in this post what I think of them. Let's just say that I think that for a small, self-published project their use is justified as long as the raw asset produced by them is reworked so much by the artist to the point that he/she made it their own. Artists have always used collages and references to help create original artwork, so I see them as a starting point, especially for unskilled individuals like me, not as a final product, at least if you're profiting out of your project. If your project is completely free, eh, you could get a pass depending on the circumstances. If you're a big company and you're using AIs to avoid paying an actual artist, well you can go f yourself :) But this is not the point of my post
submitted by MADPIRATEDOG to GameDevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:40 TheFyrijou The Legend of Vox Machina feels like a bad fanfiction written by a teen, rather than by a team of professional writers.

I just finished binge watching both seasons of the show because i never had Prime in my home and now that i‘m overseas staying at a friend‘s house, i thought i would finally gove it a try. I only watched clips on YouTube beforehand. And oh boy do i regret watched it. And i only watched it because i‘m a DnD guy myself and wanted to see what all the hype was about.
And so much more. I started to slug myself trough after episode 4 because it became so predictable, generic and childish that i only pushed trough to see if it would get better with time and it never did. People are praising this show and i do not understand why. Honor among Thieves is an amazing D&D movie where the jokes are actually funny, the characters lovable and the story actually truly connected to the characters with moments where it’s believable that the party escaped/ won trough skill rather than just luck and plot armor. Dungeon Meshi/ Delicious in Dungeon is the same thing with a party of different people going on an adventure together and despite having disputes and arguments, they’re a lovable group that truly sticks with one another and their fights are surprisingly better choreographed than Vox Machina‘s.
submitted by TheFyrijou to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:49 Stage-Piercing727 Best 380 Handgun

Best 380 Handgun

Welcome to our roundup of the top 380 handguns on the market! Whether you're a seasoned shooter or a first-time buyer, we've got you covered with our comprehensive guide. Read on to discover the best handguns in the 380 caliber, and find the perfect fit for your shooting needs. Let's dive in!

The Top 19 Best 380 Handgun

  1. WWII Era Walther P.38 Replica Pistol by Denix - The Denix Replicas 1911 Automatic Pistol is a non-fireable, historically accurate tribute to the iconic German sidearm, perfect for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
  2. Authentic 18th Century British Dueling Pistols - Experience the thrill of 18th-century British dueling with Denix's DX1196, a beautifully crafted reproduction of historical flintlock pistols, meticulously crafted in Spain.
  3. Affordable and Tough Pistol Starter Kit for Beginners - Equip yourself for safe and enjoyable pistol shooting experiences with the Pachmayr Pistol Starter Kit, featuring essential accessories, durable construction, and top-quality ear protection.
  4. 1851 Navy Revolver: A Reliable and Handsome Sidearm for Gunfighters - Experience the timeless charm and reliability of the 4 Barrel Pistol with this Polished Gold and Nickel M1851 Navy Revolver by Medieval Collectibles, a piece of history sure to impress any gun enthusiast.
  5. Denix 1106N 1873 Old West Revolver .45 - 12.25 Inch Metal Barrel with Wood Grips - Experience the authenticity of the Old West with the Denix 1106N 1873 Revolver, boasting a 4.8-star rating and featuring a 5.5-inch black cast metal barrel, wood grips, and a boxed presentation.
  6. 1825 Italian Percussion Pistol - 4 Barrel Dueling Replica - Embrace history with the meticulously crafted 1825 Italian Percussion Pistol 4-Barrel Edition, a stunning replica of the legendary dueling pistol boasting intricate engravings and timeless appeal.
  7. Desert Eagle Chrome 4 Barrel Realistic Pistol Replica - The Desert Eagle Replica Chrome Pistol, a popular 4-barrel firearm, brings legendary action and screen presence to life with its removable clip and realistic working action.
  8. Historic 4-Barrel Pistol Replica by Denix - Elegantly crafted replica, the Denix 1849 Wells Fargo Revolver boasts both style and authenticity, creating an impressive display for gun enthusiasts and collectors alike.
  9. Denix 22 Magnum Miniature Revolver for Display - Experience the authenticity of the 1873 single action six-shooter with the Denix Miniature Western Revolver - a finely crafted miniature replica perfect for display, featuring an antiqued gray finish and simulated wood handle.
  10. Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica - Experience the authenticity of the Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver replica with its nickel silver finish and original "single action" and "top break" loading mechanisms.
  11. Zerobulk Holster for Taurus Spectrum 380 ACP with Adjustable Height - Experience unmatched comfort and convenience with the Zerobulk Holster, designed to secure your Taurus Spectrum 380 perfectly for everyday carry while allowing external device compatibility.
  12. Wild West Cowboy Die-Cast Metal Toy Gun Set with Holster and Belt - Step into the Wild West with the Outlaw Pistol, a classic die-cast metal toy gun featuring 12 shot action ring caps and an authentic vinyl holster set for ages 3 and up.
  13. Authentic Walther PPK Replica Pistol for James Bond Fans - Relive the iconic James Bond moments with the Denix 1277 31 Walther PPK Pistol replica, a 7-inch non-firing German-made classic perfect as a collectible or display piece.
  14. Non-Firing 380 Handgun Replica in Black Finish - Experience the authentic feel of a 380 Handgun with Denix Replicas' DX1235, a non-firing replica featuring a black finish metal construction, black plastic grips, and removable magazine.
  15. Realistic 380 Handgun Replica - 1873 Western Frontier Pistol - Experience the thrill of the Wild West with the authentic Denix 1873 Western Frontier Pistol, an impressively accurate museum-quality reproduction featuring a 12-inch overall length, antique gray finish, and faux ivory grip.
  16. Classic Broomhandle Pistol Replica for 380 Handgun Enthusiasts - Take a step back in time with the authentic Mauser 1896 Broomhandle Pistol Replica, bringing the iconic features and robust design of the C96 to your hands.
  17. Smith & Wesson MP-45 Pistol Building Brick Toy for Gun Lovers - Experience the meticulously detailed and sturdy Smith & Wesson MP-45 brick toy, perfect for gun enthusiasts and LEGO fans alike!
  18. Denix 1259G Gray Finish Pocket Pistol Replica 380 Handgun - The Denix DX1259G Pocket Pistol Replica, featuring a grey finish barrel and fittings, is a non-firing replica 380 handgun designed for collection, display, and decoration purposes, boasting a wood grip and safe, mechanically functional locks.
  19. Authentic 45 Peacemaker Replica Revolver by Denix - Experience the authenticity of the iconic 19th-century "Peacemaker" with the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L, a non-firing replica that captures the essence of the M1873 Single-Action Army Revolver.
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🔗WWII Era Walther P.38 Replica Pistol by Denix

I recently got my hands on the Denix Replicas 1081 Walther P. 38 Automatic Pistol and I have to say, it's a real treat for history enthusiasts! The detailed recreation of this iconic WWII weapon is impressive, and it's not just for show. It's heavier than one might expect, which gives it a solid feel in the hand. The pistol-like click of the slide and the smoothness of the mechanism make it a joy to handle, even if it's not fireable.
However, there are some minor drawbacks, like the fact that the slide doesn't lock back and the magazine can't be removed. But considering this is a replica for display purposes rather than practical use, it's not much of a hindrance. It's a conversation starter and a great way to add a piece of history to your collection.

🔗Authentic 18th Century British Dueling Pistols

Recently, I got my hands on these Denix British dueling pistols, a replica of flintlock pistols from the late 1700s. Measuring just under 15 inches, these pistols have a classic wood stock, a convincing brass barrel, and an intricately designed trigger guard. The butt plate, with its embossed designs, adds that authentic touch.
These handheld firearms, crafted in Spain, were designed to uphold a man's honor in duels of old. The weight and balance of the pistols felt right as I held them, reminiscent of the past. The flintlock mechanism functioned smoothly, and the click as the hammer was cocked felt satisfying.
However, one thing to note is that the replica parts are somewhat fragile, so they need to be handled with care. The trigger, in particular, is quite sensitive and requires some practice to get used to. Nonetheless, despite these minor issues, the Denix British dueling pistols have been a delight to use in my airsoft games.

🔗Affordable and Tough Pistol Starter Kit for Beginners

The Pistol Starter Kit by Lyman is a comprehensive package tailored for first-time pistol enthusiasts, or those looking to expand their shooting accessories. Enclosed within a robust 600D nylon shooter's carry bag, this set has all the essentials one could need for a safe, enjoyable experience at the range. Eye and ear protection are top-notch, with high-quality earplugs boasting 25dB noise reduction, and eye protection suited for various shooting conditions.
The QwikDrawTM barrel cleaner is a standout feature, simplifying the cleaning process without the need for traditional rods and patches. As an added bonus, this set offers significant cost savings compared to purchasing items individually. It's a perfect introduction to the world of pistol shooting and a worthwhile investment for seasoned shooters alike.

🔗1851 Navy Revolver: A Reliable and Handsome Sidearm for Gunfighters

This antique beauty, the Polished Gold and Nickel M1851 Navy Revolver by Medieval Collectibles, is a sight to behold. The intricate details on this 4-barrel pistol bring it to life, transporting you back to the Civil War era, and even beyond.
The 7.5-inch barrel, with its octagonal design, has a timeless charm that's impossible to ignore. The solid frame exudes confidence and strength, much like the times it was used. At 13 inches in total length and a weight of 2.3 lbs. , it's a well-balanced sidearm for gun enthusiasts.
However, there are a few areas that might require attention. Some users have reported loose moving parts and issues with the plating, which could affect its overall durability. Additionally, there's been mention of sharp edges and misaligned fittings, which might not be ideal for those handling this piece.
Despite these setbacks, the M1851 Navy Revolver remains a coveted collectible. With the right care, it could become a prized possession, adding an element of history to your collection.

🔗Denix 1106N 1873 Old West Revolver .45 - 12.25 Inch Metal Barrel with Wood Grips

I was pleasantly surprised by this 1873 Old West Revolver from Denix, it felt tough and well-constructed. The 5.5 inch black cast metal barrel and trigger give it a solid, weighted feel, while the genuine wood grips lent a touch of authenticity. In my daily life, it served as a perfect replica for a western-themed event and even in my holster, it looked great.
However, I did notice that the action of the trigger wasn't as smooth as it could be, but overall, this was a good purchase.

🔗1825 Italian Percussion Pistol - 4 Barrel Dueling Replica

As an enthusiast of historical firearms, I recently had the pleasure of trying out the 1825 Italian Percussion Pistol. This replica is a true beauty, with its intricate engravings and detailed furniture. It's the kind of piece that can instantly become the centerpiece of any collection, whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out.
Using this pistol sparked a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship that goes into creating such intricate weapons. The trigger was smooth and the accuracy was impressive, just like what you'd expect from an authentic piece.
However, my experience was marred by a minor issue. Upon receiving the product, I found that the stock was broken. While this wasn't a showstopper and I managed to fix it with some glue and tape, it was an unexpected inconvenience.
Despite this minor hiccup, I still think the 1825 Italian Percussion Pistol is a great addition to any collection. Its unique design, accurate specifications, and the satisfaction of handling a piece of history make it more than worth the investment.

🔗Desert Eagle Chrome 4 Barrel Realistic Pistol Replica

As a fan of the silver screen, I couldn't resist the Desert Eagle Replica Chrome Pistol. This sleek, shiny pistol has made its way into countless movies and video games, and I was thrilled to get my hands on it.
The first thing that stood out to me was its impressive weight - it felt like I was holding a real, trustworthy sidearm. The removable clip made it easy to reload, and the working action added that extra touch of realism.
While the pistol's chrome finish did attract some fingerprints, it cleaned up easily and added a touch of flair. On the flip side, the plastic components made it feel less sturdy than I would have preferred, and the lack of a proper safety did leave me a bit uneasy. Overall, this Desert Eagle Replica had its moments of glory and its flaws, but I'll definitely be looking for the next big thing in movie props.

🔗Historic 4-Barrel Pistol Replica by Denix

As a fan of Civil War reenacting, the Denix 1849 Wells Fargo Revolver has been a game-changer for me. Its realistic look and feel are top-notch, making it an excellent addition to my outfit, giving it that authentic touch.
The black metal and nickel body, with its wood grips, is a delight to hold and adds a sense of weight to it - a detail that's hard to find in other replicas. However, I've also experienced some minor downsides, like the non-firing replica being the only type available. But overall, I'm thrilled with my purchase, and it has become a favorite in my collection.

🔗Denix 22 Magnum Miniature Revolver for Display

I recently came across the Denix Miniature Western Revolver, and I must say it's a sight to behold. This little gem perfectly captures the intricate details of a real 1873 single-action six-shooter. From the antiqued gray finish to the simulated wood handle, every aspect of this miniature replica makes it a stunner.
One of the most pleasant surprises was the smooth action, just like the original gun. It operates flawlessly and is a true testament to the craftsmanship that goes into making these marvels. However, this adorable little collector's piece isn't designed for playtime, especially not by young, curious kids. It's more of a display item, meant to grace shelves or cabinet shelves with the genuine feel of a real, historical weapon.
With all these features in place, it's clear that the Denix Miniature Western Revolver isn't just a toy; it's a work of art. Yet, it doesn't quite pack the power or the heft of the real thing, which can both be seen and felt. It's a perfect balance of form and function, a captivating collector's piece that's a delight to observe and handle.
So, if you're looking for an authentic replica with the spirit of the Wild West, you might just find your heart's content right here with this delightful little Denix Miniature Western Revolver.

🔗Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica

As someone who's always been fascinated by the era of the Old West, I couldn't resist trying out this non-firing replica of the 1869 Army Revolver. Featuring a sleek nickel silver finish, this replica brought me back to the iconic "Cowboy" days.
Handling the replica felt like holding a piece of history, with the original's "single action" and "top break" mechanisms. It even had the added bonus of being a non-firing model, which meant I didn't have to worry about accidentally accidentally discharging it.
However, the size and weight of the replica were a bit more challenging to deal with, given that it's a faithful replica of the original. Despite this, I appreciated the fact that it gave me a better understanding of the real gun without the need to purchase one.
All in all, the Denix 1869 Army Revolver replica is a solid choice for anyone looking to step into the boots of a "Cowboy" in the Old West. Just be prepared to handle its size and weight!

🔗Zerobulk Holster for Taurus Spectrum 380 ACP with Adjustable Height

The Versacarry Ibcch 380 ACP Extra Small 2.75" Barrel holster is a sleek and comfortable option for those who want to carry their handgun without sacrificing convenience or style. I've been using this holster for a while now, and it's definitely one of the smallest on the market that still feels incredibly snug.
The patented design of the holster secures the handgun by its inner barrel diameter and length, rather than the external features, making it a great choice for those who may have external lasers or lights attached to their firearms. The black finish of the holster is both practical and stylish, and it fits perfectly with a 380 ACP caliber.
Overall, I've been really impressed with this holster's capabilities and its ability to keep my handgun safe and secure without being too bulky.

🔗Wild West Cowboy Die-Cast Metal Toy Gun Set with Holster and Belt

As a kid, I remember dreaming of being an outlaw in the Wild West, and the Outlaw Pistol brought that dream to life. Crafted with solid die-cast metal and quality plastic, it feels like a real antique gun, just like those used by the famous outlaws of the era. The 12 shot action ring caps provide a satisfying bang that's thrilling and safe.
The holster and belt set add that authentic touch, making it more than just a toy. While the plastic handle may not be the most durable, it's still functional and adds a unique look to the pistol. I did find the size a bit small for my hand, but it works perfectly for my son, who absolutely loves it. Overall, the Outlaw Pistol is a great choice for anyone looking to relive the glory days of the Wild West.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for 380 handguns! This guide is designed to provide you with detailed information about the important features, considerations, and general advice for selecting a high-quality 380 handgun. We'll discuss aspects such as caliber, action, capacity, and ergonomics to help you make an informed decision when choosing the best 380 handgun for your needs.


The 380 handgun typically comes in three common caliber sizes: 380 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), 380 Auto (shortened version of 380 ACP), and 380 +P. The primary difference between these calibers is the amount of stopping power they provide. The 380 Auto offers decent stopping power, while the 380 +P has more energy and produces a higher velocity for increased stopping power.



There are two primary actions in 380 handguns: semi-automatic and revolver. Revolvers typically have a lower capacity (usually 5 or 6 rounds) and require manual extraction of spent casings, while semi-automatics have a higher capacity (10 or more rounds) and automatically eject spent casings. Semi-automatic handguns generally have a higher cyclic rate and are more popular for self-defense purposes due to their quicker reloading times.


The capacity of a 380 handgun can range from 5 to 13 rounds, depending on the type of magazine, and the type of action. Semi-automatic handguns usually have a higher capacity than revolvers. However, capacity should not be the only consideration when selecting a handgun. Other factors, such as trigger pull and reliability, should also be taken into account.


Ergonomics play a crucial role in comfort and accuracy when shooting a 380 handgun. Factors such as grip size, texturing, and weight distribution should be considered. A handgun that fits well in your hand and feels comfortable will improve your accuracy and ease of use.



Reliability is essential when selecting a 380 handgun. A reliable handgun will function properly under various conditions, such as extreme temperatures, adverse weather, and rough handling. Be sure to test the handgun with different types of ammunition to ensure it's reliable.

Cost and Value

Lastly, consider the cost of the 380 handgun and the value it provides. While it's important to find a handgun within your budget, don't sacrifice performance or quality to save a few dollars. A high-quality 380 handgun may cost more initially, but it will likely provide better performance, reliability, and durability in the long run.
We hope this buyer's guide has provided you with valuable information about the important features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the best 380 handgun for your needs. Remember to prioritize factors such as accuracy, reliability, and comfort when making your decision. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to choosing a high-quality 380 handgun that will serve you well in various self-defense or recreational applications.



What are the key features of a 380 handgun?

The 380 handgun is known for its compact size, lightweight design, and reliable performance. It features a semi-automatic action, low recoil, and high capacity magazines, making it an ideal choice for concealed carry and personal defense.

What are some popular 380 handgun models on the market?

Popular 380 handgun models include the Sig Sauer P365, Glock 48, Walther PPS M2, and the Springfield Armory Hellcat.

What is the size and weight of a typical 380 handgun?

The size of a 380 handgun typically ranges from 6.8 to 7.3 inches in length and 1.1 to 1.5 inches in width. The weight varies from 18 to 23 ounces, depending on the model and manufacturer.


What ammunition is suitable for a 380 handgun?

380 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) is the most common ammunition used in 380 handguns. It is available in various bullet types, such as self-defense, target practice, and training ammunition.

Are 380 handguns suitable for concealed carry?

Yes, 380 handguns are ideal for concealed carry due to their compact size, lightweight design, and easy portability. They offer an effective and reliable means of self-defense in case of emergency situations.

What is the recoil like on a 380 handgun?

The recoil on a 380 handgun is generally low, making it more comfortable to shoot compared to larger calibers. This feature is particularly beneficial for novice shooters or those who are recoil-sensitive.

How many rounds can a 380 handgun magazine hold?

The magazine capacity of a 380 handgun can range from 9 to 16 rounds, depending on the model and manufacturer. High-capacity magazines are available for those seeking a greater number of rounds.

What is the price range for a 380 handgun?

The price range for a 380 handgun can vary greatly depending on the brand, model, and features. Generally, you can expect to pay between $400 to $800 for a high-quality 380 handgun. Prices may be higher for premium or limited edition models.

Can I use a 380 handgun for home defense?

Yes, a 380 handgun can be used for home defense in case of intruders or other threats. Its reliable performance, low recoil, and ease of use make it a suitable choice for self-defense scenarios.

How do I clean and maintain a 380 handgun?

Cleaning and maintenance of a 380 handgun should follow the manufacturer's recommended guidelines. This typically involves disassembling the firearm, cleaning the barrel and frame, and lubricating moving parts. Regular maintenance will ensure optimal performance and longevity.
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2024.06.01 06:30 AestheticGamer The 10 most interesting things I found from all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake footage

The 10 most interesting things I found from all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake footage
Here's the 10 most interesting things I found analyzing all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake media released for the last State of Play, Silent Hill Transmission, etc.

10 - James pulls out his map & writes on it with sharpie when making some notable additions to the player's map.


9 - Enemies (or at least the Nurses) can cancel and counter your attacks if you spam the same attack against them multiple times, seen below with the Nurse grabbing James' pipe when he tries to spam the normal attack.


8 - All the weird shops you saw around while exploring the South Vale part of town in Silent Hill 2 are also back & reimagined.


7 - In the original Silent Hill 2, there was a closed off path you could never access which had school buses store behind a gate you could barely see for some reason. This part of South Vale has been expanded into an all-new location with new places within it in the remake.


6 - Not only are there all-new puzzles in Silent Hill 2 Remake, but a video on the SH2R website showing off the puzzles is titled "Beginner" within the files, maybe implying there's puzzle difficulty options in the remake just like the original game.


5 - When James takes heavy damage & needs to heal badly, a red cross actually appears within the "damage aura" covering the screen, a way to have the Red Cross that appeared in the original without breaking the Geneva convention.


4 - The enemies of Silent Hill 2 Remake change over the course of the game, getting "sickly" looking variants, with the first versions resembling old concept art Masahiro Ito drew for the original SH2 monsters, the "sickly" versions more similar to the original SH2's monsters.

Pictured below is the "Normal" Nurse the "Sickly" Nurse, but there's similar variations also for the Lying Figures you can spot at different points in the trailer.

3 - A later "sickly" variation of the Mannequin enemies found in the Historical Society Prison Labyrinth Otherworld get a creepy new ability to scamper up walls, which may be a reference to all the Mannequins weirdly on the ceiling on the original Silent Hill 2 manual cover.


2 - After killing the first enemy in the game, the reflection on the backdoor of a vehicle reflects' James to subtlety show his head as a giant triangle. James also breaks into the back of the car, where he before coming to town put his wife's corpse in the backseat of his car


1 - There appears to be a gentle drone that plays when you enter into "Safe" rooms with Red Squares to save in, which stops when you exit the room. A darker slowed down version of that drone played with Piano over it is played for Angela, because you cannot "Save" her.

Timestamped Link to the slowed down version with piano playing with it used for Angela in the newest trailer.
I hope these little observations of mine were interesting!
submitted by AestheticGamer to silenthill [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:19 Rekiddan The map in WW is way better than people make it look like

Despite being pretty monochromatic, which sets the tone for the game, the world already set for Wuthering Waves is phenomenal, people often compare it to Genshin's map design which is way more colorful and easy to the eye, but the truth is that people 100% ignore the fact that WW's world should NOT be compared to Genshin at all, you know which game should it compare to?
Elden Ring, it has literally way more similarities to Elden Ring's map design than any other game, the way the terrain is built and the art style of the whole landscape is way too similar to Elden Ring, but with a tone similar to Death Stranding (color palette and certain designs more specific to the Tacet Fields and its surroundings)
Tbf i was way more invested in the whole discovering and interacting with the map than anything else, after going through different paths and finding certain places that are REALLY amazing to just look at, i realized that Wuthering Waves had a map design way more deserving of a AAA game than a simple gacha.
Sadly, certain puzzles don't really fit within the amazing world it has, if it had more puzzles inside buildings and used more of its enviroment to play with, the experience would be 10000 times better
submitted by Rekiddan to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:48 stonedkitty_ Trilogy Show Disappointing ???

So i was scrolling through tiktoks to watch clips from the orlando show that I went to and came across this post. I totally respect everyones opinions but it’s just so shocking to me that anyone could walk out of the show feeling disappointed. I absolutely loved the show. Maybe it’s because i’ve been a Crybaby since I was in 7th grade (I’m 21 years old now) and I finally got to see Mel perform these songs live that I’ve loved since childhood. And the fact it felt so special because like a lot of older Crybabies, I feel like I grew up with Crybaby’s story as she put out each album/part of the trilogy so seeing it all play out live had me emotional. But anyway, in regard to the post, Melanie is getting a lot more recognition now and that means packed venues, thus the need for the screen so everyone can get a chance to see her. But even with that everything was so well thought out and put together with such cool ideas; like the costumes, the props, the intermissions like the transition into pity party when we sang happy birthday to Crybaby, or the sudden cut off from wheels on the bus to class fight, or crybabys death after hssh, how we got to see a closeup angle of Mel while she performed Nurses Office.”, the choreography from the dancers (they were all amazing btw). Mel is a bigger artist now and no offense, but since the venues are more and more packed as time goes on, if it was just her up there singing her songs with non of the extra stuff, it wouldn’t have been as entertaining to her audience. Yes it was a giant performance but performing is also a form of art and I really appreciate how much thought Mel put into how she wanted the show to play out to her audience, telling Crybaby’s trilogy from beginning to end.
submitted by stonedkitty_ to MelanieMartinez [link] [comments]
