Uspkirt las bailarinas de escandalo tv

Se acuerdan de estás cadenas xd

2024.06.01 03:54 Aradinoban Se acuerdan de estás cadenas xd

Hola, me llamo Keila, y tengo 14 años, bueno tenía. Si has empezado a leer esto, no lo ignores o te pasará algo.. he muerto en una trágica muerte, el día 10 de Diciembre a las 11:10PM.Mi padre a los 8 años se cansó de mí, y me apuñaló por detrás, después me cortó en trocitos...NO CREAS QUE ESTO ES UNA SIMPLE BROMA! Porque... No lo es... Hoy cumplí 14 años, y quería pasarte mi miedo a ti... NELSÓN un niño de 10 años también creyó que era una broma, e ignoro el mensaje.. Al día SIGUIENTE Nelson fue encontrado debajo de la cama, sin cara y encima de un charco de sangre... Paula otra niña muy feliz y agradable también recibió este mensaje, & trato de reenviarlo, pero se dio cuenta de que no tenía los 25 contactos suficientes que hacían falta. Pobre paula, al cabo de horas, desapareció, y en unas semanas fue encontrada en una finca, lo que quedaba de ella, sus huesos. Mándalo a 25 contactos, si ni quieres ver lo que vieron ellas & que te pase. Busca esta HISTORIA en "internet" para que veas que no es broma. Verás las trágicas muertes de todos los niñ@s.Esta noche si no lo reenvías, dormiré contigo. Sentirás escalofríos. Sentirás que te tocan y observan. Envíalo ya, solo tienes 15 min, o a las 11:10 empezarás a oír ruidos en tu casa.. Verás s Sombras extrañas en tus sueños... No vale enviármelo de nuevo sorry, Pero me lo mandaron :c Hola, aunque no lo creas, este es el mensaje que todos quieren leer pero solo tú lo vas a ver en estos minutos...Nunca se sabe cuándo te van a estar mirando, desde el vecino espiándote hasta un encuentro horroroso, si no me crees te contare la historia. Una niña de 11 años llamada Laura abrió este mensaje pero le dio pereza leerlo. Entonces lo elimino, pero no se dio cuenta que este mensaje era la salvación de su muerte. Ese mismo día, ella era la única que quedaba despierta en la casa, y eran las 11:03 PM. Laura, como si nada se fue a acostar, prendió la tv. y en un canal decía: SI TU QUIERES TU VIDA TE ARREPENTIRÁS NO VI
submitted by Aradinoban to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:56 enieto87 Cuando salga...

El papá de la niña esa que usaron...
La víctima...
"Un carbón especial..."
Quien seria...
Vaya pero que gentes circundantes más impresionante sus métodos...
Los créditos...
Era de tus club de fans....
Por eso se que estoy muy bien...
Que los albums de genitalica...
Desde cuando ahí saben que "no tengo amigos"
Hasta se reían... cuales amigos...
"Unos enfermos" mejor dicho "unos jodidos"
Que crueldad es matar a una niña... cuando pusieron esas mamadas en Los Cabos... que mal me sentí...
Mira la vieja el mismo papa la había mandado a chingar... me ponen "un medley cubano" en Bologna...
"Jesús siempre llega a tiempo..." para lo que sirven esas mamadas... ojalá Jesús coma en su casa... no tenga "Astral Husks" decían los locos esos... "Las basculas"
Pero cuanta operación... impresionante...
"Breaking Joeys in a corner of a mouse..."
Tienen la creencia me hicieron el puto ese a la de ahuevo...
Me quedo estacionado una tarde enfrente de un restaurante de sushi por donde vendían la hierba en los Cabos...
Llego la puta de la TV esta local... a que le vendieran una maleta... que ella ya tenia los permisos...
Que lo vuelva a hacer... que ostente que trabajaba en el gobierno... ahi la espere el secretario... le de el permiso necesita ella...
Que fabriquen vergas... de tu esposa... te pongan que unos pitos mancinistas... pitos de mujer... cuales millonarias... que por ser de las razas sagradas...
Decía el tal Orlando... que Morelos el de los billetes de 50 era de raza africana... negroide... que usaba un palacete para ocultar su verdadero origen... mira como tiene la nariz...
Que los esclavos de Cuajiniculapan en guerrero ahí fue la gran liberación africana... de esclavos... unas liberaciones... de dinero en efectivo... grandes.... algo tremendo...
Mira como El Pardillo... sale con unas bolsas... va a de ahí... directo a comprar unos pollos... "una cooperación... le toque un cacho" bueno...
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:07 TitoMarcelo10 Caballeros del Zodiaco, dejen el universo y vengan a salvarnos de nuestros problemas 🤣😂

Caballeros del Zodiaco, dejen el universo y vengan a salvarnos de nuestros problemas 🤣😂 submitted by TitoMarcelo10 to MoaiGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:03 cala7a Escandalo de los seguros que involucra a Alberto Fernández (Inhibido) : Una de las cooperativas resultó ser una cervecería (La birrería) ubicada en pleno Palermo Hollywood. El tesorero era socio del gerente de nación seguros

Escandalo de los seguros que involucra a Alberto Fernández (Inhibido) : Una de las cooperativas resultó ser una cervecería (La birrería) ubicada en pleno Palermo Hollywood. El tesorero era socio del gerente de nación seguros submitted by cala7a to argentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:42 burnerphonesf415 AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend over text?

This month marks six months since my ex (25F) and I (29M) broke up. We had been together for a little over a year, until I found out she had been lying to me so her and her friend (34F) who is also in a relationship, could both go out dancing with other men one night.
I have contemplated posting this story for a long time as the situation still weighs heavily on my mind, she never so much as offered a sincere apology to me and even blamed me for her actions in the end.
This is going to be a long post with 6 months worth of trauma and lingering confusion so readers beware.
For anonymity I'll refer to my ex as "Yesica" her friend as "Jezebel" and her friend's boyfriend as "Eduardo".
This all happened around Halloween of last year, one Friday afternoon she had mentioned to me how she had become mysteriously ill at work and her whole body was aching so she couldn't wait to get home. I found this odd because, one, we were set to go to a Latin Halloween dance cruise on a boat in San Francisco together with her friends the next evening which she had been very excited for the whole month so I knew she wouldn't miss it, and two, because she had displayed a questionable pattern of disappearing the previous two Fridays in a row and texting me back the next day at some ridiculous time like 1pm as if nothing ever happened and we hadn't just gone 24 hours without hearing from each other.
I grew suspicious of this pattern because she had just broken up with me after a night out together the month before as I was crying in my car with her for an hour begging her to let go of a grudge she had been holding against me for 2 months and fix our relationship, then the next morning she sent the most pathetic excuse for saying sorry and that it was for no reason other than that she was drunk, to which I replied "I appreciate your apology" but she didn't respond afterwards and we stayed broken up for 3 more days before she finally said "Let’s just move past this, but this is the last time.” as if she wasn’t the one who broke up with me.
With all of the this in mind, I realized this would be the third Friday in a row that something strange was going on, so I decided to go to her apartment and surprise her with soup from her favorite restaurant and flowers to make her feel better in case she really was sick, or to figure out whether she was really there or not, only to find that her car was nowhere to be seen and there wasn't a single light on in her house.
As I was actually on my way to her house from the restaurant nearby, she texted me around 9pm asking what I was up to so I told her I was just relaxing watching TV so as not to ruin the surprise and asked her the same question, which she didn't answer until 11pm saying "Just chilling too" with sunglasses emojis; after I had already gotten there and waited about an hour and a half seeing that her car wasn't there in the off chance she had gone to her friend's house which was also close by so I could bring the soup and flowers there just in case. Since she was obviously not "chilling" at her house, right away I sarcastically asked "Interesting, what does that entail?" which she surprisingly also quickly replied to saying "Well it entails me being in my warm bed watching movies bc it's f*cking cold and I'm sick" with an extra "Lmao" added at the end.
Knowing now that I was in fact being lied to and possibly even cheated on in my relationship, I threw the soup and flowers in the dumpster behind her house and drove home.
After getting back to my apartment, I didn't hear from her for the rest of the night so I just started drinking Tequila. It had occurred to me that her friend Jezebel who I have heard say she believes she is so sneaky and good at hiding things is a bit silly and follows all of the Instagram pages of the clubs they like to go to, so I checked her following and it didn't take me much longer than 5 minutes to find exactly what I was looking for, but the same club we had went to the night her and I broke up a month earlier just so happened to be having a Halloween Fiebre de Cumbia Party in Oakland that evening, and they had posted a story about 10 minutes after midnight of people doing a group dance with a woman that looked very much like my Yesica. She had a very distinctive hairstyle she would always use with her natural dark hair and the bangs and ends dyed blonde so she could roll it up into two blonde buns on the back of her head, and she had been talking all month about how her and her friend were going to dress up as devils for Halloween so I imagined she would probably be wearing red if she went out. Right away as I viewed the story, my eyes were immediately drawn to a woman with the same hairstyle as Yesica that I described wearing a tight red dress dancing in the group and although the video was blurry I was 90% sure that it was her.
Seeing that I was not only being lied to but that she was there at that very moment and imagining what else that night could possibly lead to and what her intentions were honestly broke me, it made me sick to my stomach and I actually ran to the toilet and threw up the tequila I had been drinking after watching the video. I didn't even have to see her dancing with anybody else to feel utterly betrayed, it was just the fact that I had constantly begged her to spend more time with me throughout our entire relationship as I watched her choose literally everybody and everything else over me and now she was also willing to lie to me because she'd rather spend her time with and get attention from complete strangers instead. It was still early enough in the night that I probably would have drove there myself and caused a scene before they closed, but I was already too drunk to drive so I took one last shot of tequila and went to sleep.
The next day, Saturday, she texted me at 11am saying good morning with a bunch of loving emojis, and I didn't say much to her so as not to raise any suspicions that I knew what she was up to the night before on her end, but told her that I hoped she was having a good morning so far and matched her energy by returning the same emojis and asked her what time she wanted me to get there for the boat dance in SF later that night. To that she replied to me at 2pm saying it had been an early morning for her because as a teacher she had "training" for work which was also unusual for a Saturday, but she had just got done with it, with more sunglasses emojis, and knowing what I knew then that she probably left Oakland around 2am and got home to SF no earlier than 3am, I can almost guarantee you she didn't go to any "training" Saturday morning.
She wanted me to get to her house at 6pm that night, and I was still furious, yet playing it cool over text and when I eventually saw her in person later, even when she miraculously didn't appear to be sick at all. I had every intention of confronting her that same evening, I was going to wait until we got on the boat and it had departed the pier so that she had nowhere to go afterwards, where I imagined that her and her friend would probably ask me to take pictures of them in their costumes and ask me show them how they turned out, before showing both of them the screen recording of the Instagram story from the club the night before to their faces as they looked in confusion and I asked her to explain herself.
Inadvertently, Jezebel's boyfriend Eduardo appeared to have started the drama first that night, before we had even boarded the boat we were all going through security and when it came to be Jezebel's turn they thought she was wearing a backpack so they asked her to spin around but it was actually just the strings on the back of her shirt, Eduardo had thought that Jezebel was just trying to show off her rear to them so he said something along the lines of "Why don't you ask him to feel it so he can see if it's real too?" and this turned into a big argument between them that continued onto the boat and had Jezebel going off and crying as Yesica followed her.
I had gone with Eduardo onto the side of the boat where we spoke briefly as it departed the pier. While we were talking, I asked him if he had been with Yesica and Jezebel the night before and if they went out anywhere as if I was just curious if they did anything fun, to which he answered no, but that he knew that Jezebel said that she had been at Yesica's house that night. Meaning that not only would his statement further contradict what Yesica had told me about being sick, as I doubt Jezebel would be there if she actually was, but that Jezebel had also gone out without Eduardo's knowledge and they had both gone together. After this I looked around to make sure that Yesica wasn't anywhere close by before taking out my phone and showing Eduardo the video of Yesica dancing in the club the night before. I told him that she said she was very sick that night and went home right after work, but when I went to her house to bring her flowers and soup her car was gone and nobody was home. Naturally, he thought this was really weird and immediately asked if I could see Jezebel in the video, but as we both looked and she didn't appear to be in that specific video he began to doubt that it was her because he said that if they had gone out then they would always stick together, which I could say based on our history would probably be true, and I honestly wanted to and started to believe him. I told him about what I planned to do that night and that I didn't know what to do anymore because I knew that if I didn't say anything that this behavior would only continue and I wasn't okay with that either, but he had convinced me that unless I had an undeniably clear video of her where you couldn't say it wasn't her, it probably wasn't worth it, and knowing them, they would probably deny it anyway, so I took his advice and decided to save it for another time.
The issue had still not left my mind however, only now I decided to approach it differently. Halloween was coming up on Tuesday of that week and I asked Yesica what she was doing that day, she said she was going to take Jezebel's three kids trick or treating since Jezebel was taking night classes at college after work and couldn't go with them, so I asked if I could join her because I wanted to see her that night in person. We had a fun time taking the kids out together before dropping them off and going back to Yesica's apartment to talk on the couch. We had a normal conversation for about 30 minutes before I started prodding for information. Since Yesica had told me that she was at home sick Friday night, I casually mentioned that Eduardo was asking about where Jezebel was that night as well on Saturday. She didn't immediately answer the question, but you could tell right away that she got defensive as she went from leaning in towards me the entire conversation to leaning back positioning her head upward as she talked to the ceiling uninterrupted for almost 5 minutes about how "Eduardo just likes to say things to start drama and then gaslights everybody to play the victim" to which I kinda just nodded and said "Hmm." The next thing I asked Yesica was if she had been with Jezebel that night directly, still keeping it casual, as I was trying to determine whether she went out on her own that night or with Jezebel which I honestly would have preferred as opposed to the former cause I thought that at least then they probably would have just danced with each other, and so she couldn't backtrack on any of her statements if one of her answers turned out to be contradictory later, to which she answered "Yeah, we hung out for a bit but not for long because I was sick like I said." so she was still not showing any sings of slipping up in her story. An important thing to note is that Jezebel and Eduardo had been constantly arguing in the weeks leading up to this, it seemed as if every time we all went out together one of them got upset with the other, and it had not shown any sign of getting any better at this point. Knowing this, I asked Yesica that if Jezebel had ever been mad at Eduardo and just wanted to go out without him, would she ever tell me about it, and I assured her that she could and I'd never say a word to Eduardo because the only person I was loyal to was her, and to this she became slightly defensive again. She asked "What do you mean, like hypothetically?" so I said yeah, or just in general, and all she could say to answer was "I mean yeah, I always tell you what I'm doing and what I'm up to." as her look grew increasingly concerned. This led me into my final question, where I asked, so if you were at home sick Friday, and Jezebel wasn't with you either, is there any reason why I might find something on the internet that would lead me to believe that you weren't where you said you were that night?
She pretended to act confused, while still looking concerned, and said "Like what?" so I took out my phone and handed it to her with the video from the Instagram story which I had trimmed down and placed on a loop so that it played only the part showing her in it. She stared at the screen silently for about 30 seconds before finally saying "The Cumbia place?" to which I answered yeah, with somebody who looks just like you, with the same exact hairstyle you have right now, wearing a red dress like you did Saturday night too. I still hadn't blatantly accused her at this point, but I calmly asked her as I started to become choked up myself, "Is that you?" She couldn't look me in the face when she answered, but she shook her head left and right as she continued to stare at the phone and nonchalantly said "That isn't me." before handing it back. I hadn't even told her that I had gone to her house yet, which I did next by saying that it wasn't even until after I went to her apartment and saw that her car was gone and there were no lights on in her house the same time she told me she was laying in bed that I found the video so I asked her to explain that to me, and she tried to play it off by saying “You know how bad parking gets here, I had to park far away that time, but I was in my room before going to bed like I said I was and the lights were on in there.” But I can tell you right now that both of these statements were false, as I drove around the entire block and more to make sure that her car wasn’t there specifically so that I didn’t make any false accusations towards her and I didn’t see it parked anywhere, even in places we parked before when we had gotten back very late at night, there were still plenty of spots available. I also had to walk past the back of her house when I took the flowers and soup I had brought for her to the dumpster, and none of the lights nor a flicker from the tv in her room were visible not even 5 minutes after she had said she was laying in bed watching movies either. I didn't even know what to say at this point, and its honestly hard to remember what happened after that because it was such an adrenaline rush at that moment, I could feel my heart pounding, but I remember asking her "Are you sure? Because if it was just that Jezebel was mad at Eduardo like I asked and you tell me I won't be upset." I honestly would have forgiven her right then and there if she had just told the truth to me, but she swore that wasn't it either and again said she wasn't there as she grew increasingly more defensive and said that it was starting to feel like I was accusing her. I tried to reassure her that I wasn't accusing her, I was just asking, which was why I was there with her now, but it only seemed to make her even more mad. She asked "Is that all you came here for? Why didn't you say anything on Saturday?" to which I answered no, I actually enjoyed the time I was able to spend with her that night, and I was planning on saying something on Saturday, but that would have sounded a lot more accusatory so I took a few days to collect my thoughts. She said something along the lines of it wasn't her and she has always been honest with me one last time, and I told her "Okay, if that's what you say to me, I believe you. But just like you have expectations of me in the relationship, I have the same expectations of you, and if I find out later on that you weren't honest with me, I won't tolerate those things either." We both sat in silence for several minutes later as neither of us had anything else to say, I continued to glance over at her in case she said anything else or had a change of heart after what I had just said, but she just concentrated away from me with a blank stare at the floor. I told her I should probably get going now, so I got up as she walked me downstairs to the door and we didn't even exchange goodbye's or hug or kiss, I just stepped outside and left.
I left knowing full well that she had just lied to my face. Despite the video quality being poor in the Instagram story and what Eduardo had said on the boat, as much as I wanted to believe him, I wasn't stupid either. There were far too many inconsistencies for it not to be true, as much as I wish I would have been wrong, there's no one else that looks like her, and I knew that it was her in the video. I just never thought that she would have lied to me. But I also knew that more information would come out eventually, as it's a monthly event at the club and they always post videos from the previous occasion on their Instagram in the lead up to the next date, so all I had to do was wait.
I texted her goodnight after I had gotten home about 45 minutes later, which I didn't expect her to reply to, but she never said good morning or anything else all day Wednesday either. Thursday also passed without hearing anything from her, so I sent a text to her earlier in the evening before she probably would have been asleep saying "Goodnight, I hope you have a great day tomorrow" and she still didn't respond. Friday passed without hearing anything from her, and eventually on Saturday afternoon I reached out and said "It's been 4 days now, will you please talk to me?" and she answered saying "What so you can take your time when you get pissed but I can't take time to think things over?" I knew exactly what she was doing now.
She was pretending to be fake mad to get revenge for a time where I hadn't talked to her for 3 days after a heated argument 2 months earlier, also revolving around her going out to a club with her friend, except this time it was because it was a Friday afternoon and I had texted her at 2pm asking her how her day was going and what she was doing later because I was hoping we might be able to see each other that evening. 5pm rolls around and she responds "good" to me asking how her day went, but doesn't bother saying anything about what she's doing later. I try to call her a short while after as I'm all cleaned up, dressed, and ready to go just in case we were able to see each other that night and she doesn't answer my call. She never answered my calls in fact, even with her apple watch on her wrist, so I know that she always saw them, but that's beside the point. At 10pm she finally tells me that she's going to an all-girls reggaeton event with Jezebel in SF and sends me the information for the event, which isn't even what bothered me, it was the fact that I asked her those two questions at 2pm and she selectively chose to answer one and not the other almost as if she didn't want me to know about it until she was already there or on her way, and maybe it was my fault for assuming we might see each other on a Friday night like couples in a serious relationship typically do and we had consistently been doing, but I felt like an idiot sitting around in my house for 8 hours waiting to get a response to a simple question from her and couldn't even get her to answer or return my call. I was frustrated to say the least, but not mad, so I just let her do her own thing and went to sleep for the night.
The next morning, I told her that I really didn't appreciate her not telling me what her plans were until it was so late in the evening, especially when she had saw my messages and responded to one and not the other, I reiterated to her that I literally wouldn't have cared if she had told me earlier, I would have told her go ahead and have fun, but the fact that she didn't made me think that she feels she needs to hide things from me. I don't know why, but this immediately caused her to blow up. She responded viciously saying that it was because they were last minute plans, but that she doesn't need to ask for my permission to do anything, and that she had no reason to hide anything from me, if anything, if she would have known that I would have been bothered by it she would have never told me about it at all. I was dumbfounded by this response and admittedly went on the offense myself. I clarified to her that at no time have I ever told her that I want her to ask for permission before doing anything, nor did I expect it at any time in the future, I even sent a screenshot of the text I had sent immediately before highlighting the part where I said I literally wouldn't have cared if she had just told me earlier, and then went on to explain that the reason why I asked her what she was doing later was because I wanted to see her that evening, I wasn't just asking her for no reason at all, and I dedicated my weekends entirely to her so I just thought it would have been a common courtesy to tell somebody you're in a relationship with on days you usually spend time together that you may have plans that would mean otherwise.
To which all she said was "Ok."
Ok? Ok, what? Ok, you understand? or Ok, you don't give a f*ck? because I couldn't tell anymore. This drove me completely over the edge. I had never felt so disregarded by any woman I had ever dated in my life. It was like every time I expressed my feelings or concerns to her in the relationship she took it as a personal attack and was completely incapable of constructive communication, and she did this every time. I was honestly ready to just tell her "You know what, this isn't gonna work out anymore" or say something else that would have hurt her feelings. But I did not want to do that. I literally did not have anything good to say to her for 3 days until I had collected my thoughts, so I just didn't say anything at all. But neither did she, and on the third day I had finally calmed myself down and apologized to her saying that I was sorry if what I had first said came off as accusatory. She on the other hand was still enraged so we went back and forth a bit for a few more days as I tried to deescalate the conflict until we eventually settled and went on a trip to Las Vegas the following weekend.
So this is why she ignored me for 4 days after confronting her about lying to go to the club with her friend, and seeing as how everything I had suspected turned out to be true, she had no reason to do this other than to get revenge for the time I didn't talk to her for 3 days when I was actually upset with her.
When she did finally talk to me after the 4th day of purposefully ignoring me, she tripled down on her position, saying "I'm not going to be telling you every single thing that I'm doing or who I am with, or where as if you're my mom/dad. As for your accusations, if you don't trust me that's your issue I can't help you there. At this point in the relationship, I think you should know what kind of person I am and if you don't like it then we can stop this because I am not changing who I am just to make people or you happy." This was the moment I realized that she really just didn't care at all, like even if she didn't hadn't lied to me, which she did, why go out of your way to say such a thing to someone you supposedly say you love. I tried to play it off and sent an agreeable message in appeasement, "I believe your word that is enough. I never asked you to do anything differently and you didn't do anything wrong so I don't see any reason why you would have to change anything about yourself. So long as we're still holding each other accountable to the same values we agreed upon when we established our relationship I don't see any problem here. Like you've always said, just don't do anything you wouldn't want me doing, or that will be the end of that for me too." I was honestly still willing to let the whole thing slide just this one time, even at this point. My relationship with her meant too much to me to let it go over what I still had hoped was just another girl's night out, although the damage to trust built within our relationship had still been done. I was willing to look past it so long as I didn't learn more such as if she had been dancing with another man.
Two weeks passed and everything had returned to normal, she was being nice to me again, we were seeing each other regularly, and we had just spent a few days together over Veteran's day weekend. I continued checking the Instagram page of the club every night as the next event was coming up that Friday. One Wednesday night around 7pm, the club had posted a video to their page, this was a professionally edited video uploaded in high quality this time and not just a story. In this video, I was able to see Yesica perfectly clear. She was facing toward the camera, I could make out all the features of her face, there was no way you couldn't say it wasn't her, and she was with another man. My heart sank immediately. The video must have replayed about 10 times as I watched in disbelief. Jezebel was in the video too, and she was dancing with another man that wasn't Eduardo. I screen recorded the video, trimmed it, zoomed it, enhanced it, and put it on a loop so that it focused on Yesica as I had done before. I saved it to my phone as I contemplated which actions to take next.
This was the red line for me. Yesica had crossed it. To those unfamiliar with Cumbia, it is a form of dancing that could be considered as Latin social dancing such as salsa and bachata. There are group dances, cordial dances, and couple's dances. What she was doing was not the dance where everybody dances in a circle, this was the couple's dance where they had their hands on each other's backs and waists, bodies close together facing each other, and everything. I had been to that same club with Yesica as I mentioned before myself and there is lots of alcohol, flashing lights, and the music is loud. There are some people who might say that Cumbia is an innocent form of dancing and they wouldn't care if their partner danced with another person which I could understand, to each their own, it didn't bother me when Yesica danced with someone else on occasions that I had accompanied her either and it did happen, I didn't like it, but I was unbothered because I was there. But one thing I can tell you about the men who go to such events is that I can guarantee you there is not a single one there that goes just because they like to dance Cumbia, and it is not a situation I would be comfortable with my significant other placing themselves in alone, especially in an environment like that. I know for a fact that Yesica would not have been okay with it if I had done the same to her because we explicitly stated during a conversation at the beginning of our relationship establishing our boundaries and expectations that we didn't want each other alone with someone of the opposite gender while either of us wasn't around, in fact she was the one who said this herself, and she broke those promises that we had made to each other.
And that is the entire principle of this post, contrary to what Yesica and Jezebel would have themselves believe, I didn't come to the decision that I made because she chose to go out dancing one time, I got there based on the fact that she lied to me to do it. She showed me that she was willing to lie to me to do things I wouldn't be okay with behind my back, she was willing to lie to me so she could spend an entire evening with a whole other man, and she was willing to lie to my face when I had asked her for the truth. Knowing what she did the first time that I had confronted her, I didn't have any reason to believe that going to her house and talking about it a second time would end any different. There was no scenario where I imagined her taking accountability for her actions and sincerely apologizing, she had never done it once before, otherwise I probably would have gave her another chance. She always blamed me, every time that I had expressed my concerns to her before she found a way to make it my fault and ended up manipulating me into making me be the one who had to apologize for bringing it up in the first place, and I just couldn't imagine myself doing that one more time, not for this. So I decided to break up with her.
I sent her the video along with a short text "Hey Yesica, I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore. Say what you want to turn this around on me or make it my fault somehow but I can clearly see that that's you with another man and I don't even care enough to argue about it with you I'm just done. I was honestly hoping to get a ring and propose to you soon but I couldn't imagine myself marrying a woman who makes up stories to go out clubbing behind my back and then lies to my face when I ask about it, you knew exactly what you were doing and I know it wasn't a mistake so this is the result. I'll let you go now so you can continue running around doing whatever you want since that's obviously more valuable to you. Good luck with your life I guess." As the message said delivered, I broke down and began wailing.
This was one of the worst pains I ever had to experience in my life, despite all our differences, I did deeply love her unlike anybody else I had ever loved before, and I was planning on proposing to her only a month later on an international trip to Mexico we had planned together over Christmas. I wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her, and this was the first time I ever had to be the one who had to let go of the person they still loved.
I didn't hear anything from Yesica at all after that. Not a sorry, not an I understand, not a I respect your decision, nothing. But I don't blame her.
As time went by, it was still the only thing that occupied my mind. I knew Yesica wouldn't talk to me, nor should I reach out to her at that time either, but I still had questions I sought answers for, I just wanted to know why. So I decided to reach out to Jezebel. We went back and forth a bit as she blamed me for the break up, saying things could have ended differently if I had just talked to her in person, but I let my emotions get to me instead. She didn't appear to be aware that in reality I had done just that and talked to her in person 2 weeks before while giving her every opportunity and more to tell the truth, as I would have preferred because I would have forgiven her if she had just been honest with me, but she chose to lie. As I told her this and continued to ask for the reasoning behind all of it which she had been refusing to answer all she could say was "I don't know, maybe she was scared of losing you, but again you chose to act out of your emotions, and it was just dancing, so what, I don't know what else you want me to say you acted wrong and now you're talking to me, oh well" I was beginning to lose my patience with Jezebel. But after refuting her claims and pushing a bit more the truth seemed to finally come out, I had mentioned that I had been getting advice from Eduardo on the situation prior to the break up as well as I had shown him the first video that only had Yesica in it and she quickly answered "First of all don't involve Eduardo in this conversation, he didn't know we went, that's another story, my story." So it would seem that my suspicions surrounding the idea that they had gone because she was just mad at Eduardo were true.
This changed my perspective on everything. I did end up sending a long drawn out message to Yesica apologizing for the way which I handled things and explained every reason why I made the decision I did, and that I understood if she had not wanted to reconcile either, but I never heard anything back from her.
It was now late December and had been two weeks since I had spoken to Jezebel last and I had still not heard anything from Yesica. I was now mad at Jezebel as I saw this whole situation being her fault more than anyone else's at this point, I still had more I had to say to her. I messaged her one day saying "Hey what's up Jezebel, hope you're doing good. Quick question, if going out and dancing with other men is no big deal like you say it's not and Eduardo doesn't care, why didn't you just tell him Hey Eduardo I'm gonna go dance with other men tonight, it's no big deal right? Just curious" This pissed her off having her say "OMG really? Please stop trying to blame others for your actions, the issue is not me dancing it's you and your decisions not me" but I was prepared for it so I ripped into her. “I’m not blaming anyone for my actions, yes I take responsibility for what I did. And what I did was hold Yesica responsible for her lying. Because your friend is not the only one who didn't do anything wrong. And all that you've told me from all the messages that you sent me is that you basically think it's okay to lie. Because you have completely failed to acknowledge that fact this whole time. The problem is not my reaction, the problem is your friend’s dishonesty and I'm sure any other self respecting man with a backbone wouldn't tolerate that either. And that is the problem that I have with you, because for whatever reason you wanted to go out I'm sure it was your idea for Yesica to tell me a bullsh*t story that night. And the problem is not that I won't tolerate a liar, the problem is the only person who hasn't taken responsibility for their actions is your friend. She is not the victim in this situation because she did this to herself.” To my surprise it silenced her.
3 hours later, even more to my surprise, I hear from Yesica for the first time since the break up saying “I’m reaching out to you to have some closure and to say sorry for how things came about, l didn't know how to deal with things and it was my fault for lying. You are a good person, you were nice to me and I truly wish you the best and I hope you find the person that deserves you. And please do not bring in anyone else into how the situation ended, we are both responsible and I wish you nothing but the best. I kindly ask to leave things as is I need time to process all this but I truly wish you the best.” Given that I had just been barking at Jezebel and this sorry was not as sincere as I hoped or believed I deserved as it was likely only to get me to leave Jezebel alone, I took it as the best I would probably ever get from her and said “Thank you for finally saying something to me Yesica, I accept your apology and I forgive you for all that has happened. I will respect your wishes to leave Jezebel and Eduardo alone and give you some time and space to yourself. Maybe I'm the one who's naive, but I still love you and hope we can find a way to make it back to each other. I agree that things should be left as they are for the time being and if we were to work things out a serious conversation needs to be had about how we will move forward, but I will leave that up to you to decide if or when that ever happens. You can always reach out to me and I’ll still have your contact saved in my phone, take care”
3 months after the break up in February, I can't help but reach out to Yesica one more time. I still loved her and missed her so much, I just wanted to know why she made the choices she did and sought real closure myself. I sent her a short message asking "Hey Yesica, can we talk?" I'm not upset or looking to debate you, I just want to know some of the reasons behind why you did what you did. Was it just me? Did you just not care anymore? It's the only thing that's been on my mind after all of this time" Sadly, she took up the same position as Jezebel saying “Hi, first of all you are the one who broke up with me. You let your emotions get to you instead of talking about it in person. After that happened, it got me thinking about everything we went through. We both made bad choices that lead to this situation, after you broke up with me it made me reflect on how things fell apart and it got too overwhelming for both us, you were the one who made the last decision and that's where we are now. Instead of trying to figure me out… figure out your thoughts and decisions...” And that's where things been left ever since then, we both have each other blocked on everything.
I personally feel like as though I obviously could have handled things better than I did, but ultimately made the right decision in breaking up regardless of the manner in which I did it, and all of my friends and family have come to an agreement with me, that if she wants to party and act single, she deserves to be single. I just know someone who actually loved me never would have done any of those things she did to me. Even I would never consider doing such a thing to her, I would be completely disgusted with myself. Nor did I ever do anything to her that was even remotely close to this. I was the sweetest person I could be to her and went above and beyond to make her happy because that’s when I was happiest. When she expressed herself I was caring and attentive, and when I expressed myself it was always my fault. But it's just sad because I was her first boyfriend that she had ever had before, so I never would have imagined something like this of a girl like her. I just see that as straight up disloyalty, and would personally even consider it as essentially cheating. But I don’t blame her entirely, I see this as her friend's fault more than anything, I just wish she would have chosen better examples to follow. Despite what all of my friends and family have said towards the contrary, she is still the one who said it was my fault and unfortunately it has been her opinion which has weighed heavily on me the most. Some days I find myself asking if it really was my fault and even find myself believing it. But I wanted to know what Reddit thinks so that's why I am here.
My ex girlfriend lied about being sick one night so she could go out to the club with her friend
I found out about it via an Instagram story and calmly confronted her about it in person a few days later
She lied to my face when I showed her the Instagram story from the club and said that it wasn’t her
She proceeded to not talk to me for 4 days and pretended to be fake mad just to get revenge
When she did finally talk to me, she tripled down on it saying if I didn’t trust her that was my problem, but she’s not changing herself to make me or anybody else happy and if I didn't like it we could just break up
Two weeks later another video from the club gets posted in much higher quality than the story where you can not only clearly see that it is in fact her, but it was her doing a couples dance with another man
I send her the video immediately after its posted and instead of driving an hour to her house to be gaslit, manipulated, or blamed again like she did before and many times in the past, I break up with her over text
3 months later I reach out to my ex for closure trying to get an explanation for her actions and she offers none, saying the break up was my fault because I didn't talk to her in person and communicate when in reality I had done just that 2 weeks prior to breaking up and she chose to lie and play games instead
submitted by burnerphonesf415 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:31 Accomplished_One2553 2021: Una loca experiencia (Parte 1)

Desde que nací siempre fui sobreprotegido por mi madre, nunca me dejó ser un "hombre" y como consecuencia nunca aprendí a defenderme y estando en un lugar como LATAM pues aquí si no sabes defenderte ya sea en la calle o en el colegio eres considerado una presa fácil o como se le conoce en Perú "Lorna".
Recuerdo que mi personalidad se basaba en que era un chico "bueno" osea era humilde, bondadoso, tranquilo, torpe. Pero habían muchos chicos de mi edad que se aprovechaban de eso y me trataban como el "mongolito" del grupo.
No solo era tímido y torpe sino que también era bruto en los estudios, siempre reprobaba, tanto así que trataron de expulsarme en varias ocasiones, cosa que nunca lograron.
Apesar de mi torpeza e ingenuidad estaba rodeado de personas que me defendían y valoraban mi personalidad, pero más abundaban los que se aprovechaban de ella, en pocas palabras "me faltaba calle" y nunca la tuve por la sobreproteccion de mi hogar.
En la escuela y en otros lugares debido a mi personalidad era el blanco de burlas de muchos, pero aveces si llegaba a defenderme pero muchas veces me acobardaba, después de todo, era solo un niño... Mis compañeros siempre fueron rudos y tenían calle, y siempre me vacilaban, tanto así que hasta las chicas pensaban que era un pendejo (No sé si esa haya sido la razón por la que nunca tuve pareja).
Apesar de todo yo era "feliz" y trataba de vivir mi vida con esa mediocre personalidad y vivía pensando que en algún futuro sería alguien respetado. Nunca pasó.
Hasta el 2019... Recuerdo que en ese año un viejo amigo volvió a mi escuela, me alegró mucho verlo ya que hacían años que no sabia nada de él. Entre nosotros y varios de nuestros amigos nos bromeabamos con apodos, pero al que más bromeaban y 'masacraban' con insultos era a mi. Pues nunca fui bueno para defenderme con palabras y tampoco era bueno en los insultos, algo que muchos de mis compañeros si lo eran. Hector (así era su nombre) al ver mi ingenuidad siempre sacaba cara por mi y me defendía, aunque muchas otras veces también me bromeaba XD, pero él siempre fue testigo de mi torpeza.
Toda mi vida fue así, rechazo tras rechazo, humillación tas humillación, etc. Hasta que la vida me dio un giro de 180 grados en pandemia (2020-2021): Como las cosas se habían complicado en esos años, yo viví una vida cómoda a como otras personas en esa situación: tenía comida, Internet potente, varios aparatos electrónicos y aplicativos (celulares, laptop, TV, Netflix, Disney plus, etc.) y aproveche ese tiempo en pasarlo en un grupo de Facebook que yo había creado subiendo muchos memes, el grupo fue un éxito, tanto así que llegamos a 13,000 miembros pero había gente que solo vino a joder. Debido a los memes que según algunos haters daban "cringe" me denunciaron entre todos mi grupo, ni idea del porqué hicieron eso la verdad, muchas veces me llenaban de insultos, insultos que no sabía como responder debido a mi torpeza. Las denuncias fueron tantas que me borraron el grupo. Lo lograron.
Traté de no sentirme tan mal por el asunto porque a fin y a cabo <>. Pero no pude y si me sentí mal, no por el grupo, sino por los insultos y humillaciones que me hicieron esas personas.
A pesar de todo, yo traté de superarme y cree un grupo de WhatsApp con los miembros de mi grupo muerto de Facebook y me sentí mejor al ver palabras de apoyo sobre los miembros prometiendo que algún día volveremos a revivir el grupo. Nunca lo logramos. Pero solo me limite a chatear con la gente de mi grupo de WhatsApp. Todo eran risas y diversión hasta que llegó un miembro nuevo, y todo se fue al carajo otra vez...
2021... El miembro nuevo se hacia llamar "David" y lo unico que hizo al ingresar fue llenarme de insultos, insultos que de por sí nunca habían escuchado pero si que eran jodidamente humillantes. Todos los miembros que me habían 'apoyado' en la caída del grupo, se rieron de mí. Tuve la opción de eliminarlo pero sabía que si lo hacía el grupo de WhatsApp moriría ya que con sus insultos se habían ganado el respeto de todos y era algo así como "el alma del grupo". No quise dejarme humillar e hice todo lo posible por defenderme pero fracasé en todos los intentos.
Me harté de las humillaciones y lo mejor que hice fue buscar a alguien que lo humillara por mi, para así lograr sentirme un poco mejor (algo exagerado ahora que lo recuerdo bien). Busque muchas personas pero la mayoría decía que lo mejor era ignorarlo pero si algo aprendí es que ignorar un insulto es como ignorar un temblor, por más que lo intentes siempre te va a hacer a chocar. Busqué y busqué entre mis contactos pero TODOS era ingeniuos igual a mi, ninguno era lo suficientemente bueno como para humillarlo. Hasta que me acordé de Hector, mi viejo amigo. Hector siempre fue un cague de risa con los insultos pues siempre tenía la respuesta perfecta para humillabromeatrolear a alguien.
Lo contacté, le conte la situación y le pedí que si se podía unir al grupo y humillar a David. Al parecer hector no tenía nada que hacer con su vida ya que accedió de inmediato. Al ingresar al grupo Hector lo buscó, y después de una interesante pelea, Hector hizo mierda al David y no sólo a él, sino a todos los miembros. Me quedé con la maldita boca abierta al ver como alguien era capaz de humillar a varias personas a la vez. Hector se unió al grupo para quedarse y David se quedó pero no lo saqué porque quería ver más humillaciones.
Me pareció muy interesante las habilidades que este poseía, la habilidad de cerrar bocas, así que sin vergüenza alguna le pregunte si me podría enseñar sus trucos, y lo repito, ese tío no tenía nada que hacer con su vida porque acepto enseñarme de una. Me enseñó varios insultos, algunos bastante buenos, y estrategias para evitar que usen tus propios insultos contra ti. Así pasamos 2 meses hasta que por fin logré dominar su método. No solo lo aplique en WhatsApp sino también en el mundo real, y me impresiono lo fácil que era cerrar bocas, algo que a mí me parecía imposible. Recuerdo que cada vez que alguien me insultaba yo respondía uno de los insultos de Hector y esa persona se quedaba callada. Poco a poco fui aprendiendo más y saqué mis propios insultos. Luego saqué mis propios trucos para humillar, uno de ellos era que cuando tu conozcas a una persona, le pides que te cuente su vida, si esa persona se abre contigo y cuenta sus oscuros pasados, ya sea, la muerte de un pariente o un suceso traumatico en su infancia, pues lo usas como material para humillarlo en caso de que esa persona alguna vez llegue a meterse contigo. (Lo sé, fue lo más bajo que pude hacer).
Me converti tan bueno en ese mundo de los insultos que mis personalidades de humilde, bondadoso y amable se convirtieron en arrogante, sarcástico y obsesionado por uno mismo. Cualidades que no están bien en una persona si es que lo llevas en exceso y claro, los llevé en exceso. Aunque no era una persona tan mala del todo, ya que cada vez que veia a alguien siendo humillado o insultado salía en su defensa y junto con Hector lo 'entrenabamos'. Así fue todo mi 2021, como un niño miedoso de 15 años entró a un grupo de WhatsApp y salió un monstruo de los insultos. Me acuerdo que humillaba tanto que muchas veces ni siquiera humillaba a gente que se lo mereciera, humillaba por el simple placer de hacerlo ya que te hacia sentir "poderoso". Pero pagué por todo el daño que le hice a muchas personas con mis palabras, no diré que pasó pero si llegue a pagarlo y la verdad mi karma si fue jodidamente cruel pero lo acepté porque sabia que me lo mereciea por ser tan maldito. Luego de pagar mi karma mi personalidad de arrogante, la guardé y nunca más la volví a tomar.
Parte 2?
submitted by Accomplished_One2553 to HistoriasDeReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:24 bunny__0 Recommend me a TV show like El Juego de las Llaves/The game of keys

submitted by bunny__0 to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:53 Then-Talk-3166 Cosas de hermanos

Cosas de hermanos
Scrad: rápido Russell que la monja nos hace dos x uno.
Kronen: viendo a una lamía bailar sensualmente mientras le arroja dinero
Russell: y siempre vienen aquí. Dice avergonzado mientras ve a las bailarinas
Scrad: si a excepción de las noches gay o las noches de chicas, esas son para Valeri, María, Astrid y elizabeth.
submitted by Then-Talk-3166 to Roleplaydewattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:46 bamzing Tuesday Modern Challenges Results - May 28 2024



  • Zorro7x4 on Bant Living End
  • ShadowTitan1 on BR Grief


76 Tuesday Modern Challenge 1 (May 28 2024)
1. Bant Living End (8-2) Zorro7x4
2. BR Grief (8-2) ShadowTitan1
3. Grixis Shadow [Jegantha] (7-2) Ale_Mtg @Ale_mora_02
4. 61-cards Amulet Titan (6-3) VictorCarvalho01
5. BG Yawgmoth (6-2) Ketofol
6. BR Grief (6-2) jev_
7. 5c Grief (6-2) 12azor
8. 61-cards Amulet Titan (6-2) _EzMud1
9. BR Grief (5-2) Lupos
10. UW Urza (5-2) gyyby297 @gyyby_mtg297
11. Amulet Titan (5-2) YES_i_accept_SPLIT_
12. 4c Control (5-2) Hypsh
13. UW Control [Kaheera] (5-2) Graciasportanto @MauroSasso2
14. 4c Creativity (5-2) FourzTV
15. UR Murktide (5-2) O_danielakos
16. Mono B Rack (5-2) SorryImSoTilted
17. BG Yawgmoth (4-2) ResponsiblyStupid
18. Bant Living End (4-3) LucasG1ggs @GiggsMtg
19. BR Grief (4-3) claudioh @claudiohmtg [Twitch]
20. 5c Creativity (4-3) Napoleon_I
21. Amulet Titan (4-3) HouseOfManaMTG @HouseOfManaMTG [Twitch] [YouTube]
22. Dredge (4-3) TheSouthDakota
23. Naya Winota (4-3) internetsurfer09 @youngpeezy8 [Twitch]
24. BR Grief (4-3) sokos13 @sokos13_
25. 4c Living End (4-3) Linden_43
26. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (4-3) BeoulveHeart
27. BR Grief (4-3) _and_one_
28. 61-cards UR Control (4-3) Doomenstein
29. 4c Living End (4-3) AFX @afxmtg
30. 4c Living End (4-3) powered_by_VANYA
31. Mono B Rack (4-3) Oppa
32. Amulet Titan (4-3) Jumba
33. 5c Creativity (3-4) Viatt
34. UR Breach [Jegantha] (3-4) kobayui
35. 4c Living End (3-4) MdvWin
36. Jund Grief (3-4) NickBolas90
37. Mardu Burn (3-4) quinniac @GeneralQuinniac
38. RW Burn (3-4) medvedev @m3dvedev
39. Jund Grief (3-4) _Shatun_
40. Jund Saga [Jegantha] (3-4) rastaf @MtgRastaf [Twitch]
41. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (3-4) Martin_Dominguez @RuloMTG
42. Amulet Titan (3-4) iamyep
43. BR Grief (2-4) r0cknati0n
44. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (3-4) iLeD
45. UW Control [Kaheera] (2-2) Ignotus97 @IgnotusMTG
46. BG Yawgmoth (2-2) pepeteam
47. Mono B Rack (2-4) msskinbolic @_Mattmartins_
48. BG Rock (2-2) albertoSD @Albertosd87Diaz
49. Domain Zoo (2-5) rasvd
50. 4c Living End (2-4) Capitano_CL
51. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (2-4) Grogore
52. UR Murktide (2-3) Parrit @ParritMtg
53. 4c Living End (2-4) ClubFlamingo
54. 4c Goryo's Vengeance (2-3) Rvng @Rvng_mtg
55. UG Merfolk (1-2) raiden6
56. Mono R Skred Red (0-3) EnderW
57. BR Grief (1-2) Bugsy69 @BugsyOP
58. BR Grief (1-4) Konohakitsune
59. 4c Living End (1-4) Buwen
60. Bant Living End (1-3) _Batutinha_ @_Batutinha_ [Twitch]
61. BG Yawgmoth (1-3) SleepingSnorunt
62. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (1-5) McWinSauce @McWinSauce
63. Esper Persist (1-4) Grxss
64. RG Prowess [Jegantha] (1-3) Janisss
65. 4c Grief (1-4) TheGodMikeDeVo
66. BR Grief (0-2) Misplacedginger @misplacedginger [Twitch]
67. BG Rock (0-2) Paul-Blart-Mall-Cop
68. 70-cards 4c Control (0-2) cftsoc3 @cftsoc3
69. UW Mill (0-2) slaxx
70. BG Yawgmoth (0-2) Nammersquats @Nammersquats [Twitch]
71. Bant Living End (0-2) draco09
72. UB Mill (0-3) Armek
73. 61-cards Amulet Titan (0-4) VicTm
74. Mono U Tron (0-2) Soon
75. Affinity [Jegantha] (0-2) Zoob5555
76. Mono B Coffers (0-1) derlumberzack
53 Tuesday Modern Challenge 2 (May 28 2024)
1. BR Grief (7-2) ShadowTitan1
2. UR Control (7-2) Joryago
3. BR Grief (6-2) Konohakitsune
4. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (5-3) Locutus79
5. UR Murktide (5-2) O_danielakos
6. Grixis Shadow [Jegantha] (5-2) Ale_Mtg @Ale_mora_02
7. 4c Living End (5-2) Capitano_CL
8. BR Grief (5-2) LasVegasChaos
9. Hardened Scales (4-2) Chichichi
10. Amulet Titan (4-2) Jumba
11. Mono U Tron (4-2) Soon
12. Bant Living End (3-2) Zorro7x4
13. Jund Saga [Jegantha] (4-2) Oppa
14. BG Yawgmoth (4-2) derk714 @mtg_derrick [Twitch]
15. Amulet Titan (4-2) HouseOfManaMTG @HouseOfManaMTG [Twitch] [YouTube]
16. BG Coffers (4-2) Squirtle19
17. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (4-2) cityofcards
18. Jund Grief (4-2) _Shatun_
19. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (4-2) Graciasportanto @MauroSasso2
20. RG Crimes [Jegantha] (3-3) Clockwork Dean
21. Mono R Burn (3-3) deleon91
22. Bant Living End (3-3) jessy_samek @Jessy_samek
23. RG Prowess [Jegantha] (3-3) serginalves
24. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (3-3) iLeD
25. BR Grief (3-3) Bugsy69 @BugsyOP
26. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (3-3) AFX @afxmtg
27. Bant Control [Kaheera] (3-3) CrazyMorango
28. Bant Living End (3-3) _Batutinha_ @_Batutinha_ [Twitch]
29. Domain Zoo (3-3) rasvd
30. Amulet Titan (3-3) epicmingo
31. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (3-3) No_e_that_knows @Noe_leal_jr
32. UW Control [Kaheera] (3-3) Alpha_Go
33. 61-cards Amulet Titan (2-3) CrisMTG77 @Cristia78884858
34. BR Grief (2-4) sokos13 @sokos13_
35. Bant Living End (2-4) LucasG1ggs @GiggsMtg
36. RW Burn (2-4) medvedev @m3dvedev
37. 4c Living End (1-4) MagicPlayer740510
38. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (2-4) McWinSauce @McWinSauce
39. Amulet Titan (2-4) Gul_Dukat @GuI_Dukat
40. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (2-4) Alan07 @AlanLB07
41. BR Grief (1-4) TenasX
42. BR Grief (0-2) jev_
43. BG Rock (1-2) albertoSD @Albertosd87Diaz
44. BR Grief (1-3) bless_von
45. BR Grief (1-2) Misplacedginger @misplacedginger [Twitch]
46. UW Urza (1-3) gyyby297 @gyyby_mtg297
47. 5c Grief (1-4) 12azor
48. Temur Prowess [Jegantha] (1-4) AlejandroAArenas
49. 4c Omnath (1-4) bershekprc10
50. BR Grief (1-4) rastaf @MtgRastaf [Twitch]
51. Domain Zoo [Jegantha] (0-2) pepeteam
52. UG Infect (0-4) happybg
53. Jund Creativity (0-4) b0juka
4c Living End powered_by_VANYA

Full Metagame Breakdown

14 Bx Grief (10 BR, 2 Jund, 1 5c, 1 4c) 11 Living End (7 4c, 4 Bant) 7 Amulet Titan 5 BG Yawgmoth 4 Domain Zoo 3 Creativity (2 5c, 1 4c) 3 Mono B Rack 3 Rx Prowess (2 Temur, 1 RG) 2 4c Control 2 UW Control 2 UR Murktide 2 Rx Burn (1 Mardu, 1 RW) 2 BG Rock 2 Ux Mill (1 UW, 1 UB) 1 Grixis Shadow 1 UW Urza 1 Dredge 1 Naya Winota 1 UR Control 1 UR Breach 1 Jund Saga 1 4c Goryo's Vengeance 1 UG Merfolk 1 Mono R Skred Red 1 Esper Persist 1 Mono U Tron 1 Affinity 1 Mono B Coffers 
12 Bx Grief (10 BR, 1 Jund, 1 5c) 7 Domain Zoo 6 Living End (4 Bant, 2 4c) 5 Amulet Titan 5 Rx Prowess (4 Temur, 1 RG) 2 Rx Burn (1 Mono R, 1 RW) 2 UWx Control (1 Bant, 1 UW) 1 UR Control 1 UR Murktide 1 Grixis Shadow 1 Hardened Scales 1 Mono U Tron 1 Jund Saga 1 BG Yawgmoth 1 BG Coffers 1 RG Crimes 1 BG Rock 1 UW Urza 1 4c Omnath 1 UG Infect 1 Jund Creativity 

X-2 or better Archetype Breakdown

4 Bx Grief (3 BR, 1 5c) 3 Amulet Titan 1 Living End (1 Bant) 1 BG Yawgmoth 1 Creativity (1 4c) 1 Mono B Rack 1 4c Control 1 UW Control 1 UR Murktide 1 Grixis Shadow 1 UW Urza 
4 Bx Grief (3 BR, 1 Jund) 2 Domain Zoo 2 Amulet Titan 1 Living End (1 4c) 1 Rx Prowess (1 Temur) 1 UR Control 1 UR Murktide 1 Grixis Shadow 1 Hardened Scales 1 Mono U Tron 1 Jund Saga 1 BG Yawgmoth 1 BG Coffers 

New Cards (OTJ/BIG)

Roxanne, Starfall Savant Honest Rutstein Three Steps Ahead High Noon Lavaspur Boots Slickshot Show-Off Pillage the Bog Magda, the Hoardmaster Caustic Bronco Satoru, the Infiltrator Freestrider Lookout Abraded Bluffs Jagged Barrens Magebane Lizard Worldwalker Helm Fomori Vault Pest Control Simulacrum Synthesizer Greed's Gambit 

Follow me on Twitter!

submitted by bamzing to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:28 bot_olini Las noticias del 30 de mayo de 2024 en UnoTV.

Las noticias del 30 de mayo de 2024 en UnoTV. submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:14 Mexopz Streaming, series, pago por evento, peliculas, al mejor precio ---Streaming, series, pay per view, movies, at the best price---

Streaming, series, pago por evento, peliculas, al mejor precio ---Streaming, series, pay per view, movies, at the best price---
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submitted by Mexopz to u/Mexopz [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:08 Minute_Musician2853 Tv shows in Spanish recs for a K drama fan?

I spend a lot of time watching Kdramas but I would like to watch more tv shows in Spanish. However, it’s been a struggle to find Spanish tv shows I really like and could binge. Specifically, I’m struggling to find the things I like in romance kdramas in Spanish tv shows—good chemistry between the leads, well-developed characters, good pacing, and an interesting storyline that may rely on tropes but has some surprising turns, too. For those familiar with K dramas some of my favorites are Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, Red Sleeve, Business Proposal, Our Beloved Summer, and Crash Landing On You.
I’ve been watching the telenovela El Clon for the past few months, and although it has an interesting premise, I find myself going weeks without watching it because I’m just not that engaged. I think the characters are flat and silly and the pacing is weird—I’m at episode 67 and still no one except the creator knows that the clone exists.
In the past I’ve watched Casa de las flores and Valería. I thought they both had really interesting characters and fresh storylines, though I fell off after a season or two.
Currently, I’m watching La flor más bella and I love it so far—the main character is quirky, flawed but likable. The plot does rely on some high school drama tropes (which I don’t mind) but with some fresh takes. It also feels youthful and relatable.
In short, I would love recommendations for a tv show (or movie) that features romance, good chemistry between the leads, well-developed characters, good pacing, and a fresh interesting storyline like my favorite kdramas. For example, something like La Flor Más Bella would be great.
submitted by Minute_Musician2853 to Spanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:19 HakiBizarro Así me lo imaginaba

Ahora que he terminado de leer el archivo estaba recordando todos los momentos remarcables de mi experiencia y me dí cuenta de que tenía una visión muy cinematográfica. Imaginaba cada escena con una música de fondo, una intro y una outro. A inicios de diciembre de 2023 estaba terminando Palabras Radiantes y empezando Juramentada, por las mismas fechas empecé a jugar Baldur's Gate 3 y asocié al archivo con el soundtrack del juego. Entonces, cada vez que iniciaba una lectura, el primer capítulo tenía como "opening" el Main Theme I de BG3 y cuando terminaba la sesión sonaba a modo de Ending el Main Theme III. O en el momento de la batalla de la explanada de Thaylena sonaba Old Time Battles II. Me resulta gracioso. Algo similar me pasó con la primera era de mistborn, pero en lugar de BG3 fue el soundtrack de Planescape: Torment. También sucedía con los recuerdos borrosos de Dalinar sobre Evi, solo que en lugar de música me imaginaba que Dalinar tenía algo similar a los recuerdos de Roxas en KH2, estática, como si de señal perdida en la TV se tratase.
Me pareció algo curioso que he notado en mi manera de leer y que quería compartir. ¿Alguien más añade soundtrack mental a sus lecturas?
submitted by HakiBizarro to cosmere_es [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:40 Hykness6 Escojan sabiamente 🍷🚬

Escojan sabiamente 🍷🚬 submitted by Hykness6 to Monterrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:44 mekkanixx Set-Up Felizmente Terminado ( la 3.0 loco) - Depto Gaming

Set-Up Felizmente Terminado ( la 3.0 loco) - Depto Gaming
Mis estimados, muy buena semana ante todo :)
Queria compartirles la version definitiva (retoques mas, retoques menos) de mi gran Logro, se armo de a poquito, con paciencia y trabajo, Dejo abajo todas las especificaciones de la maquinola, las consolas y los perifericos y accesorios
Espacio PC PC: procesador Ryzen 5 5600X Cooler : Coolermaster hyper X evo 212 Ram: 16gb DDR4 patriot viper blackout Fuente de 1000W 80 plus Gold Gabinete: Coolermaster masterbox td500 mesh Placa de Video: RTX 3080ti MSI Gaming X Trio Monitor: LG Ultragear 32 Pulgadas 1440p 165 Hz Teclado Inalambrico Redragon Deimos Mouse inalambrico Logitech Pro Series Auriculares Inalambricos Sony Platinum Series joystick Xbox stellar shift y joystick Xbox Black Altavoces Thonet & Vander kurbis cinema Escritorio Gamer GTC Gta-002 Adaptador Wifi Pci Tp Link Archer Tx55e Ax3000 WIFI6 y Router AX10 WIFI6 Silla Ergonomica Casco VR Oculus Quest 2 + Auriculares Inalambricos Thonet and Vander dauer gen 2 (Proximo paso: habitacion exclusiva para VR)
Espacio Consolas
TV LG OLED C2 65 Pulgadas Sony Muteki 7.2 (distribuido en surround tipo Dolby DTS) PS5 Primera version + Joystick White + Joystick Black PS4 PRO PS3,PS2,PS1 SNES Mini y Sega Genesis 3 Original Volante Logitech G923 trueforce con palanca y base
Todo ambientado con Luces LED E27 Wifi Philips Smart Rgb
sillon, mini heladera y Aire acondicionado frio calor no puede faltar :)
Bar con varios tipos de bebidas : Wisky, Ron, Fernet, Gin, Cerveza (Mi Otra gran pasion)
Sin mas locuras, tengan una hermosa semana, abrazo de OSO
submitted by mekkanixx to Argaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:19 bot_neen Las noticias del 29 de mayo de 2024 en UnoTV.

Las noticias del 29 de mayo de 2024 en UnoTV. submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:56 shinless1412 Duda de la infancia / adolescencia

Al final los programas esos que daban en la tv nacional en las madrugadas haciendo mini juego como con los palitos de fósforo o ordenar letras para formar palabras .
Eran reales o era todo fingido ? Esas dudas no me dejan a dormir a día de hoy (?
submitted by shinless1412 to RepublicadeChile [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:16 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Acquitters Never Win by Crooked Media (05/28/24)

"You are gangsters!" - Robert De Niro, who's played onscreen mobsters since the dawn of time, letting Trump fans know they're the real hoodlums.

Kind Of A Verdict Move

Disgraced former President Trump could be a convicted felon by this weekend. But a guilty verdict is far from assured — and, even then, a prison sentence remains uncertain.
If Trump’s convicted, he’ll be a first-time offender with low-level felonies. Jail (several months or a year?) is possible, but so is house arrest or community service. Will Trump wind up in a jumpsuit picking up trash in Central Park just steps from Trump Tower?

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

Know some undecided voters, but don’t know how to convince them to show up this election year? Who are we kidding, of course you do. But fear not! Pod Save America host Jon Favreau is back with season 4 of The Wilderness, to give you the insights you need to persuade the persuadables in your life. With the help of some of the smartest strategists, pollsters, and organizers in politics, Jon explores the thought processes of voters who are slipping away and dives into what we can do between now and November to secure our democracy.
New episodes of The Wilderness drop every other Sunday in the Pod Save America feed - And next day on the Pod Save America YouTube channel!

Under The Radar

Israeli Defense Force tanks pushed into central Rafah on Tuesday, taking control of key infrastructure and territory in the heart of the city. Still, U.S. officials refused to say that the operation — or the Israeli strike that killed at least 37 Palestinians, most of whom were sheltering in tents — crossed a “red line” for offensive operations the U.S. says it won’t support. American officials called the airstrike “tragic” and “horrific.” But White House and other American officials continue to brand Israel’s Rafah operation as “limited,” and not in violation of their call for no “major ground operation” in the city.
While the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues, the U.S.-built pier meant to direct aid into the territory has ceased operating. The Pentagon blamed rough seas and high tides for damaging the pier and causing some ships to become unmoored. It’s unclear when the pier will function again, though it’s been plagued by logistical problems from the start. Initial aid shipments were heavily looted, either by black marketers or hungry, desperate people. The U.S. military said it plans to tow the pier to a nearby port in Israel for repairs, and then reinstall it in Gaza next week.

What Else?

Former South Carolina Gov. and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley did a PR tour in Israel, where she signed “finish them!” on IDF artillery shells. A gross and crass gesture — and yet the moment also served up a lesson in the ease of spreading misinformation. This tweet accusing Haley of signing shells about to fall on Rafah, a city filled with Palestinian civilians, was viewed 3.5 million times and retweeted by prominent figures on the left. Haley was in fact on Israel’s northern border, where Israel is fighting Iran-backed Hezbollah. Either way, still pretty bad!
Special Counsel Jack Smith’s attempt to gag Trump was denied by the Trump-appointed judge overseeing the Mar-a-Lago documents case. Smith sought the order to stop Trump from telling brazen lies about a supposed FBI plot to assassinate Trump.
Trump endorsed Rep. Bob Good’s (R-VA) primary opponent, saying Good is “BAD FOR VIRGINIA AND BAD FOR THE USA!” That’s especially bad for Good (sorry, we had to), considering he’s the chair of the MAGA-boosting House Freedom Caucus, and went all the way to Manhattan with other Trump sycophants last week to shill for the boss!
Former U.S. Capitol Police are starting to fan out to swing states for Joe Biden. Officers Sgt. Aquilino Gonell and Harry Dunn, who both fought rioters on Jan. 6, will appear in Nevada for Biden on Wednesday to talk about defending democracy and law enforcement. Cops4Biden lol okay we’ll take it?
MAGA Republicans in Wisconsin are launching a second attempt to recall the Republican Speaker of the state assembly, Robin Vos. Organizers, including a former state Supreme Court Justice Vos appointed to investigate stolen election conspiracy theories, are angry that the speaker refused to impeach the chair of Wisconsin’s elections commission.
Supporters of the Jan. 6 riot tried to drive a memorial stone honoring rioters who died at the Capitol through Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. The stone honored QAnon conspiracy theorist and insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt — who was killed by Capitol Police after breaking into the building — and others. The supporters were stopped by cemetery personnel.

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Light At The End Of The Email

A North Carolina man who won $100,000 on a scratch-off lottery ticket made good on a years-old pact with a friend and split his winnings. “We are both men of our word,” Walter Bonds said of his friend and lottery winner, Curtis Hudson
A cool-headed, off-duty paramedic saved a woman’s life with CPR when she collapsed after dancing at the Loft Pub in Victoria, British Columbia to the Miley Cyrus song “Flowers.” We’ve all been there!
A solid majority of Americans, including 59% of independents, support holding fossil fuel companies legally accountable for climate change, according to a new poll. Meanwhile, about half support criminal charges against Big Oil for the deaths caused by global warming. Imagine if there were some way to translate majority opinion into government action!


Ben Crew on Twitter: "All the President's Men rules cause it's like "Bob Woodward, as appreciation for taking down the President of the United States we're going to make you HOT.""
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 Pretend_Noise_6703 Rock it, or ditch it?

Rock it, or ditch it?
Total audio novice here. I only know the basics and have been pouring over this community looking for info. I recently acquired some equipment from a self proclaimed audio guy. Is this stuff worth setting up or should I get rid of it....
Yamaha RX-V667 AVR. Polk Audio TL150 5 piece set of speakers ( 1 center, and 4 "satellite") Klipsch RW12 subwoofer
I'm assuming I can run a 5.1 with the components? Really only going to watch TV and movies with it
submitted by Pretend_Noise_6703 to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:32 Jumpy_Drawing3790 una biblia entera para desahogarme

okey, para que me entiendan y sepan que carajos he hecho con mi vida les voy a decir de una vez tres cosas, soy un pelotudo, soy raro y soy la misma persona en internet y en la vida real, asi que, bueno, a desahogarse se ha dicho
yo toda la vida he sido muy hiperactivo, hasta donde se no tengo tdh ni autismo pero lo parezco a decir verad, lo bueno es que toda la vida la pase en colegios muy buenos de aca, de ahi sales becado si te esfuerzas, lo malo es que debido al trabajo de mi papa me ha tocado irme de un lado a otro a los 1 o dos años.
a los 11 llegue a 6 en bogota en un colegio publico, era la cosa mas tranquila posible, y ahi vi todo lo que vi en 5 asi que no tuve problema de notas, el problema es que yo era re sapo y pelotudo, y en los anteriores colegios vivia como gringo basicamente, sin bullign y no conoci la recocha real hasta los 11 años, y me acostumbre a esta a los 12, asi que ya es obvio el problema, para mi esa madre era el infierno en vida (recalco, la vaina mas tranquila posible), y nunca me logre adaptar, nunca respondia fisicamente y siempre sapeaba con la profe por pendejadas, no es joda cuando les digo que una vez le avise a la profe que 2 chicas se molestaban con unas carteleras y disque se estaban pegando (asi de despegado estaba de la realidad weon) asi que nunca le cai bien a nadie de ahi, no me extiendo mas porque son solo detalles, pero ahi empezo una cosa bastante jodida, me empeze a alejar mucho de la gente, caminaba sin cesar para pasar el tiempo porque no tenia ni puta mierda mas que hacer, (les spoileo que eso ha preocupado a los profes desde ese año) empeze a estar aburrido todo el tiempo, casi nada me motivaba y me pasaba el dia viendo youtube en la tv (si, tengo smart tv) eso solo fue el inicio de un verdadero infierno.
a los 12 me fui pa medellin, al comienzo estudie en un colegio virtual pero al final me metieron en uno privado y bueno (lo admito, el mejr colegio donde he estado y donde peor la pase) yo despues de la experiencia del publico pense que podia vivir con los ñeros..... hable mierda y se me fue encima, la gente de alla era... pues paisa pura, pero buena gente, el problema es que n estaba acostumbrado a su recocha y pues a veces me la montaban, aunque tambien trataron de hacerse amigos mios, honestemente ser tan pendejo y no haber aprovechado eso es hasta ahora mi segundo mayor arrepentimiento, honestamente me volvi muy anti paisa por eso, en ese tiempo era racismo puro, ahora si me pides mi opinion de medellin dire que es una mierda, la mitad por rencores futuros y la otra porque es muy sobrevalorada, la verdad por un tiempo quize exonerarlos de culpa, ahora se que a veces si eran unos hijos de puta, pero yo no los supe tratar, en ese tiempo me hicieron algo de bullyng, una vez me lo busque por mi cuenta xd pero bueno, en ess tiempo me volvi muy esquivo, muy solitario, las notas eran fatales y mi salud mental se fue a la mierda, fui a un psicologo porque todo esto preocupo a mi mama, me hicieron examen de iq (124 para curiosos) descartaron tdh y autismo pero me van a hacer otra prueba por si acaso, en fin, el resultado fue que tenia sintomas depresivos, no dormia bien, estaba aburrido todo el tiempo y lo unico que hacia era ver youtube, honestamente, estoy mas que seguro que eso empezo desde 6, pero eso no fue nada en comparacion con 7, tuve solo 2 amigos, uno era autista y le hacian bullyng de verdad, de el me di cuenta que la joda que yo no entendia y que un wey de 11 me tirara piedras a final de año no era nada, asi que me di cuenta que, a diferencia de lo que pense, era un pendejo que se busco eso, no una victima, un weon que le paso eso porque si, solo un guevon que se busco esa mierda; demonize mucho a mis compañeros, hablaba de ellos como si fueran drogadictos cuando eran chicos normales, me siento como un pendejo ahora que escribo esto xd, pero bueno, al final las quejas constantes de mi persona convencieron a mis padres para cambiarme de colegio.
siendo honesto, la gente con la que estudie en 8, 15 de los 20 hombres que habian no iran a la universidad o de una entraran en las drogas, y la mitad de las mujeres son putas o como minimo se haran un onlyfans, fue el PEOR colegio donde estudie, mi mama se la pasaba chupandosela a que era de monjitas, ESA PUTA MIERDA PARECE PUBLICA, entraron droga, habia indiciplina por todas partes, los puñeteros profes no sabian como manejar a los pinches chamacos, mis compañeros eran unos fastidiosos a lo mejor, y en lo peor son malparidos de autistas lesbianas que trataron de abortarlos, tengo mucha mierda contra ellos asi que lo resumire en que todo el odio que tengo hacia medellin proviene exclusivamente de ellos, joder, esos me hacian bullyng casual pero bullyng de verdad, una vez cuando lanze una cartuchera hacia un compañero que jodia con otros y le dio a una chica todo el salon de fastidiosos fueron a darme collejas hasta mas no poder, soy debil fisicaente y no tenia alguien que me defendiera asi que me aguante toda esa mierda, pero si vuelvo y me tratan de meter ojala que me jodan otra vez para romperle la jeta a 2 en especifico,
serna, jodete pedazo de mierdita....(no escribo mas o me banean)
tuve 2 amigos pero mi depresion se fue, y estuve tan solo que me acuerdo de las pocas cosas que unos randoms hicieron por mi por decencia con algo de cariño, y hasta me caian bien que jugaba baloncesto los recuerdo bien (era el pendejo que estorbaba asi que me odiaban xd) pero bueno, fue un año de recuperacion basicamente, eso si, no vuelvo a menos que me den beca
durante ese tiempo me di cuenta de algo, si has leido todo esto te habras dado cuenta que he usado expresiones de al menos 3 paises, y eso es por tanto tiempo viendo youtubers de todos los paises (principalmente mexico y españa a veces) y mi acento esta entre neutro y mexicano, asi que tambien me jodieron el colegio por eso, alli tambien me acostumbre mucho a sentirme como un idiota todo el tiempo, que me insulten, que me aparten, que piensen mal de mi.
no pude haber estado mas feliz de haber abandonado medellin, es la ultima ciudad a la que me gustaria ir si que que las otras opciones no esten como el choco o vaupes, asi que todo bien por ahi.
luego tuve una crisis existencial por ver un video de reddit de gente que murio clinicamente, me peturbaba que tods dijieran que no vieron nada, me peturbo de diciembre a comienzos del año escolar y un poco ahora que escribo esto.
y bueno, volvi a bogota, y me inscribieron a un colegio privado, ese colegio parecia bueno hasta ahora, donde me di cuenta que es casi tan malo que el anterior, durante este tiempo he querido devorarme el mundo, y estoy escribiendo esto en vez de hacer la tarea xd
al comienzo todo bien, los problemas empezaron cuando le pregunte a una chico trans que era
veran, yo creia que era hombre que se creia mujer, pero un compañero me dijo lo contrario, asi que le pregunte a 2 personas mas que pasaba ahi, y como ni me respondieron y solo dijieron guevonadas pues fui y le pregunte directamente, sin querer la humille ante todo el curso aunque a decir verdad estoy seguro que el humillado fui yo por hacer semejante pregunta tan pendeja xd
antes de eso estaba almorzando en la misma mesa que el y le pregunte que si podia probar de un postre que le dieron en cafeteria, lo probe y se empezo a reir con una amiga a su lado, le pregunte desconfiado si lo habia escupido, me dijo de broma que si y le eche todo eso en el almuerzo
¿resultado? me mandaron a coordinacion con una coordinadora inculpona que me puso como el malo de todo y por cada cosa que decia me acudaba de algo, le empeze a subir el tono porque que se joda que me hable asi y pues al final llamaron a mi padre, tuvimos que hacer una exposicion que nunca presente y cuando tuve que dispulcalme le pregunte porque me sapeo asi (literalmente me acuso de acoso, ACOSO WEON) Y me dijo la cosa mas estupida con la que excusarse "es que recibi tanta vaina antitrans antes que ya no me soporto nada" osea, tio, te aclare que iba enserio, en fin, le cai mal a todos en el salon despues de eso, y ahora solo tengo 1 amigo ahi
luego de eso fuimos a la feria del libro, un compañero, que le gusta joder per te pega si lo molestas tuvimos una discucion, estaba detras mio un enano y detras de este ese man, forero, me toco el hombro el enano diciendo que forero decia que era autista, yo le dije que le dijier que parecia veneco, y asi hazta que en un punto me dio una cahcetada, no me aguante y le devolvi el favor, al man lo tubieron que coger 2 amigos porque me iba a matar, y si podia hacerlo xd, lo provoque un poco diciendo que pa cuando la pelea porque ya estaba en las mamadas de que me iba a tener que cambiar de colegio y todo eso, y pues me acusaron de estarlo provocando, y yo como, BRO, QUE PUTAS? el man me abofeteo, osea, que tenga un novio al que le pegue cuando quiera no significa que yo me lo vaya aguantar.
en fin, otra cosa que paso fue que en un descanso yo cogi un balon de microfutbol, y pues todo normal, jugue con el y todo bien, viene un enano a pedirmelo, pense que queria jugar asi que se lo pase y se fue, y pensando que me lo robo lo segui hasta la sala de ping pong, donde dejo el balon a un lado y lo volvi a cojer, jugue contro ul rato hasta que fui a la azotea (ahi esta el 4 piso y lo de ping pong) pues me fui ahi por espacio y todo normal hasta que se fue y e lo quito, estuve hombro a hombro persiguiendole hasya que se lo dio a un amigo de el, lo codee fuerte, se me puso de frente y me dijo "volverlo a hacer" yo como no soy de peleas y no me convenia una le dije "chinga a tu madre" de dio un puño en el brazo y yo uno ahi tambien, hasta ahi llego todo ya que nos alejamos, luego me di cuenta que ese era su balon
lo mas reciente que ha pasado es que estaba comiendo un perro con mis amigos cuando me volteo un momento para quitarme un pedazo de comida de los dientes.... desaprecieron el perro, fui a la mesa del otro lado emputado y gritando groserias de al menos 4 paises, cogi el perro caliente y cuando alguien lo cogio de broma le empuje a cuerpo y me fui, y los desgraciados me mordieron el perro.
no soy autista y se que hacen, estan probando limites para ver que me pueden hacer, estoy casi que con las manos atadas porque ese colegio es muy escandaloso, jode por todo y maman por estupideces, ademas de que paso algo que aun no he contado
estaba jugando voley grupal en el descanso, cuando se me ocurrio irme a otro lado para que me caiga ams el valos, me echaron de 2 lugares hasta llegar donde una china que me odiaba porque una vez accidentalmente le tire el valon desde el cuarto piso xd, pero no queria moverme mas asi que me quede ahi, se mamo pero ya que, entonces el balon cayo y fui por el, la china se me abalanzo encima y me pego un madrazo en la espalda, le mande el brazo y accidentalmente le di un "puñetazo" (mas tarde me entere de que ella se estrello contra mi brazo nomas) la tipa armo todo un escandalo, y hasta la psicologa que nos atendio pues dijo que se ponia del lado de ella porque sabe lo que es ser goolpeada por un hombre.... si, tremenda estupidez, hasta ahora mi madre se la esta montando a la niña por inculparme de golpearla de frente, que er lo que habia dicho, y porque en el colegio me apodaron el machista por esto, luego de que reclamara ver las camaras de seguridad
asi que estoy en el ojo del huracan, hay un grupito que ya intuyo que me va a empezar a joder y ya estoy dispuesto a echarme a madrasos con alguien, soy debil, pero estoy haciendo ejercicio ademas de que no me guardo nada en una pelea, y no huire como marica de eso, dicho esto, el colegio tiene varias mierdas, para empezar maricon, ya lo dije, pero tambien tienen un sistema de calificador, osea que un tercero califica tu trabajo, es tan malo que a mi unico amigo de mi salon le pusieron por ahi 15 en una tarea que le hizo el profe, asi que baja mucho la nota, mandan trabajos a montones, estoy haciendo una tarea ahora que escrino esto y debo hacer 5 mas, tienen reglas estupidas como escaleras para subir y bajar, como si nos fueramos a matar por eso, y formacion al terminar descando, como si no supieramos donde estan los salones, en fin, a mi madre lo que mas le molesta es el escandalo injusto que me hicieron y los calificadores, mi hermana y y no queremos salir, ambos porque hicimos amigos, estoy con unos chicos de 8, un grupo que se pone a joder como raritos todo el rato pero son amigos, y no me siento un pendejo con ellos, ademas que la gente de alla es muy tranquila en comparacion con otros colegios, asi que no saldre a menos que me expulsen.
honestamente, esto me ha dejado mucho que pensar, antes pense que solo debia comerme el mundo para mejorar, ahora veo que soy impulsivo, socialmente pendejo, pendejo, imprudente, impulsivo, y que me he entrañado tanto los insultos que alguna vez me lanzaron que ahora creo de verdad que estoy pendejo, que soy autista, etc, y ya me doy cuenta de lo turbio de eso
gracias por esuchar
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2024.05.29 04:42 Away_Code5004 Carolina Rocha

Carolina Rocha
De las mejores piernas de tv azteca
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2024.05.28 23:36 NateSilverFan NYT: Eyeing Trump, but on the Fence: How Tuned-Out Voters Could Decide 2024 (Politically disengaged Americans are increasingly Trump-curious, but President Biden has a shot at winning some of them back. Reaching them in a changed media environment will be his challenge.)

Joe Perez is exactly the type of voter President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump are fighting over: A 22-year-old Hispanic man in Las Vegas who grew up leaning Republican, he also supports abortion rights and was turned off by the Capitol rioters on Jan. 6, 2021.
But Mr. Perez — unenthusiastic about a Biden-Trump rematch, overwhelmed by the news and disillusioned by politics — is tuning out.
“If you ask me right now what’s going on with, like, the presidential race, or the situation in Gaza or Ukraine or whatever, I don’t think I can answer,” said Mr. Perez, who supported Mr. Trump in 2020 and is intrigued by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. now. “I’m not trying to follow that anymore.”
Instead, said Mr. Perez, a valet who hopes to become a firefighter, “I’m just going to have to roll with the punches, because I don’t think I’m going to make a difference.”
In fact, people like him could be quite important.
Politically disengaged Americans are emerging as one of the most unpredictable, complex and potentially influential groups of voters in the 2024 race. They are fueling Mr. Trump’s current polling leads but in many cases hail from traditionally Democratic communities, giving Mr. Biden a chance to win some of them back — if he can get their attention.
No shortage of events could jolt alienated voters over the next five months, starting with a verdict in the first criminal trial of a former president in American history, which could arrive this week. Even though many of these people are historically infrequent voters, those who do cast ballots could make the difference in an inevitably close race.
But reaching them is a problem. Campaigns up and down the ballot are operating in an ever-more-fragmented media landscape where misinformation thrives — spread especially by Mr. Trump and his allies — and basic facts are often ignored, disputed or filtered through a partisan lens.
“People have really separated into their own information cul-de-sacs,” said former Representative Stephanie Murphy, a Florida Democrat. “It’s harder now to reach people than it was in previous elections because of that disaggregated or decentralized information network.”
In a presidential election in which more than 80 percent of voters, according to a Pew Research Center survey, say they wish one or both major candidates were not running, some are opting out of straight-ahead political news entirely.
When your team’s losing, you don’t read the sports page’
In a presidential election in which more than 80 percent of voters, according to a Pew Research Center survey, say they wish one or both major candidates were not running, some are opting out of straight-ahead political news entirely.
That is evident in polling about current events.
Recent New York Times/Siena College/Philadelphia Inquirer surveys found that nearly 20 percent of voters in battleground states said Mr. Biden was responsible for ending the constitutional right to abortion, even though it was Mr. Trump’s choices for the Supreme Court who helped overturn Roe v. Wade.
Almost half of the country believes the unemployment rate is at a 50-year high, a Harris poll conducted for The Guardian found, even though it is near a 50-year low.
And in a recent Politico-Morning Consult poll, voters were divided over who had done more to “promote infrastructure improvements and job creation.” Mr. Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law, while Mr. Trump repeatedly failed to advance the issue.
“When your team’s losing, you don’t read the sports page after the game,” said Ken Goldstein, a professor of politics at the University of San Francisco. “You have a big swath of the country that just thinks they’re losing when it comes to politics, and so the way to deal with that is to just not pay attention.”
Low-information voters are hardly a new phenomenon: Landmark studies dating back nearly 80 years have found that the public is often uninformed on key issues.
And many Americans are indeed following this contest.
A Gallup survey released this month showed that 71 percent said they had given “quite a lot” of thought to the upcoming presidential election, in keeping with findings around this time in 2020 and 2008.
Voters who are paying less attention, pollsters say, tend to be younger or more working-class, and are more likely to engage late in the race, if they do at all.
“It’s not that politics is unimportant to them, but they have other priorities,” said Whit Ayres, a veteran Republican pollster. “Turning out the low-information voters who favor your candidate is one of the major tasks of political consultants.”
An NBC News poll conducted last month found that 15 percent of voters surveyed said they did not follow political news closely. Among those voters, Mr. Trump had an edge of 26 percentage points over Mr. Biden.
By contrast, among voters who primarily consume news through newspapers, national network and cable news — 54 percent of those surveyed — Mr. Biden was up by 11 points.
Mr. Trump’s commanding lead among the politically disengaged underscores how hard it may be for Mr. Biden to translate his record and vision into a galvanizing and attention-grabbing message for these voters, some of whom are firmly committed to Mr. Trump.
But some Democrats also see an opportunity.
“A single piece of information might have a radical impact on them, because they are by definition low-information,” former Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said.
Pointing to subjects like Mr. Trump’s record on abortion rights or Mr. Biden’s work to lower the cost of insulin for older people, he added: “That doesn’t take a lot of explaining. It takes focusing people, it takes jolting them, but these are not complex points to get across.”
Mr. Trump also remains unpopular, and Democrats are betting that he will grow weaker as more voters see reminders of what they disliked about him.
Republicans, however, note that most Americans drew conclusions about Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden years ago — and that many voters are not following the former president’s provocations closely.
“Trump, I think he gets up there and talks a lot of stuff,” said Carla Williams, 50, of Detroit.
But Ms. Williams, who said she was often too busy with her work at an auto factory and a hotel to follow the news closely, said she was considering him anyway. She faulted Mr. Biden, whom she said she supported in 2020, for the high cost of living.
“People out here are struggling,” she said. “Everything is expensive.”
For voters who pay less attention to the news, “short-term forces” tend to play a dominant role in their thinking about politics, said Christopher H. Achen, an emeritus professor of politics at Princeton University.
“If the price of eggs goes up, they’re more likely to vote against the incumbent, even if the incumbent has nothing to do with the price of eggs,” he said.
Those are among the concerns driving Paul Ferando, 61, of Henderson, Nev., to consider voting for the first time, he said.
“You go to the grocery store, 150 bucks for one bag,” said Mr. Ferando, who works in construction and said he was too busy to closely follow the news. “It’s a joke.”
He added of Mr. Trump, “This year I might vote just to make sure he gets in.”
Many Americans now consume political news through social media, and TikTok’s emergence has greatly accelerated that trend.
By 2023, almost a third of people aged 18 to 29 were regularly getting news from TikTok, a hub for liberal causes that has also had an uptick of pro-Trump influencers since the last election.
The nature of social media — fast-moving and sometimes driven by unreliable narrators or bad actors — means that large audiences are more vulnerable to misinformation.
“I don’t really dig into it very much,” said Dean Citroni, 30, of Newnan, Ga., who works in TV and film production and said he predominantly got political news from Facebook or TikTok. Mr. Citroni, who said he would “probably” lean toward Mr. Trump over Mr. Biden but was interested in Mr. Kennedy, added, “Somebody posts a reel of it, I’m probably looking at it, going: ‘Huh! Can’t believe that!’”
And even as young voters get much of their information from individualized social media feeds, while cable news often reinforces partisan instincts, Americans have fewer cultural connections to unite them.
The era of major-network, prime-time TV hits has given way to pay-walled streaming services. Music has moved into personalized, app-driven experiences. Instagram and TikTok algorithms pelt people with unending, individualized streams of content.
And Americans’ shared vocabulary — and shared set of facts — is shrinking.
“It used to be that you could reach practically every voter through conventional electronic media, radio and television,” said Representative Dan Kildee, a Michigan Democrat. Now, he said: “You can’t really even just reach them through the more popular social media platforms. The splintering of information, the way people consume information, it’s much more difficult.”
Darrell Hammond, the comedian and former “Saturday Night Live” cast member, said those realities were even changing the nature of political comedy.
“You’d like to think that in order to laugh at a joke, the crowd has to basically understand the premise and agree with it to some extent,” he said. “But now, you have blanket generalizations only.”
Kal Penn, an actor who worked in the Obama administration, said he challenged himself to bridge the divide through humor.
“I love making something that your crazy uncle can watch with you on Thanksgiving,” he said. “And it’s like the only night where you’re not yelling at each other about the election.”
NYT link here:
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