Cai luong tan co

[M17] officially 17😁

2024.06.01 13:18 YxngJaiJai [M17] officially 17😁

[M17] officially 17😁 submitted by YxngJaiJai to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:46 Selector28 Win $150 Amazon Gift Card (06/30/2024) {WW} Confirmed by Organizer

Win $150 Amazon Gift Card (06/30/2024) {WW} Confirmed by Organizer submitted by Selector28 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:02 fading_relevancy From 36 packs of CZ

Had fun slowly opening these packs over the past week. Definitely feel pretty good about these pulls. Can't say it enough, love me some Crown Zenith. Truly hoping that a set that is just as much fun to rip comes out during SV era.
submitted by fading_relevancy to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:31 lgats Guangdong He yi Cai Investment Co., Ltd. Mechanical keyboard B87 (2BF6O-B87)

submitted by lgats to FCCID [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:16 cenimsaj [SELL][US] YSL, Urban Decay, Augustinus Bader, Caudalie, Oribe, Lipstick Queen, Beauty of Joseon, Bite Beauty, plus perfume and freebies:)

Added a few new items - open to offers:) Shipping is $6 within the US and payment is Paypal G&S. Please post here with the items you’d like and we’ll finalize via DM. I’ll send tracking ASAP and drop items off at the post office tomorrow morning. All items are cleaned and sanitized with alcohol. Thanks!
All images are here:
Lips: Bundle price! Take all 7 lipsticks for $32
FREE Stuff (just ask - take as many as you’d like):
Perfume Bottles:
Perfume Samples:
Perfume Decants:
submitted by cenimsaj to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:36 TlacuacheCool La gente cree que sabe como funciona el país pero no lo saben en realidad

Es bieeen común leer en todas las redes sociales a la gente que se rasga las vestiduras porque algo pasa en su estado o ciudad y el president no hace nada. Tenemos la idea bien fija de que el president es como un rey absoluto que todo lo hace y todo lo puede, y si no pasa es porque no quiere y es un culero y la neta es una visión bien ignorante del tema porque pasamos por alto a los otros dos niveles de gobierno que son más responsables (¿Cómo esperan que una persona en CDMX sepa lo que sucede puntualmente en una ciudad de alguna de las dos penínsulas del país?).
Lo más cabrón es que la gente no se da cuenta que los políticos se aprovechan de esa visión tan corta e ignorante para perpetuar la dinámica actual: AMLO, por ejemplo, se la vivió criticando a los presidentes de los últimos 18 años por cosas que él ya sabía que no se iban a poder mover o desaparecer por obra y magia de la palabra presidencial (las remesas, el CO, la corrupción...) y con base en eso construyó su legitimidad pública. En estas elecciones no dejé de escuchar el mismo cuento de que cuando gane la nueva presidenta, sin distinción de partido, iba a hacer X o Y, sin considerar qué hay poderes en medio (como el militar) que tienen su propia lógica e intereses (¿de verdad hay gente que cree que porque el nombramiento de presidente trae el titulo de "jefe supremo de las fuerzas armadas", le van a hacer caso ciegamente? Considerando que un ejército tiene la fuerza para derrocar gobiernos y que un general de carrera se mantiene en su puesto y un presidente solo está por 6 años ¿de verdad creen que es tan fácil darles ordenes?).
Todos se fijan en la candidata y creen que con su nombre y palabra basta, pero parecen ignorar que este show es de equipos de gente que se arma y conviven entre ellos, que trabajan por objetivos comunes o particulares... Nadie se fija quién está atrás de las candidatas y mientras tengamos esa visión equivocada y sigamos pensando que la democracia es absolutista estamos condenados a seguir viviendo bajo el mismo paradigma.
submitted by TlacuacheCool to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:30 Professional-Fan1372 Burning from UVMune 400 Hydrating Cream & Kids Hydrating Milk? :(

Recently got these two, the Hydrating Cream and the new Pediatrics Milk 250 ml. Unfortunately, my face immediately burns when and after I put them on, especially around my mouth area. Could it be the alcohol? It definitely feels like how I'd imagine putting alcohol on my face would feel, lol. No itchiness or spots etc, just burning and face a bit more dry. My eyes also feel very dry after applying. The burning dissipates after a bit but it still leaves my face very warm for a few hours. The Cream burns more than the Milk.
The only other experience I have with alcohol is the old formulation of the Hatomugi toner, and it didn't burn me.
So, could it be the alcohol, or something like a filter that my skin doesn't like? So that I know what to potentially avoid when I choose a new one. I've been using my Avene Fragrance Free Cream SPF 50+ and BoJ and they don't burn me at all. I enjoy using them. My skin isn't sensitized atm and I'm able to use niacinamide and retinal without issues.
Maybe I should just go back to Avene, but how much would I be missing out on protection/preventing tanning/hyperpigmentation if I don't stay with UVMune? Super thankful for any advice and/or recommendations! Actually, I'd prefer a fragrance-free SPF that would give a slight white-ish & dewy cast.
submitted by Professional-Fan1372 to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:58 CapableBear5891 thoughts on this as a gift

thoughts on this as a gift
i know creed is kaafi expensive as it is but would it be worth to give this as a gift, or would one specific perfume in a bigger size be more worth it thode aur paise laga kar (would have to take a gamble on kya pasand aayega) (i have coupons and shit so i could get additional discounts ispar bhi)
submitted by CapableBear5891 to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:56 Tutabede Can you help me figure out if these have any value or are they headed for the plastic recycle?

Can you help me figure out if these have any value or are they headed for the plastic recycle?
Missing a few from the complete set. P.S. poor binder.
submitted by Tutabede to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:58 mwenbis Morgan Simpson on the new Dos Monos

Morgan Simpson on the new Dos Monos submitted by mwenbis to bmbmbm [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:51 Dirtysoulglass Found Male German Shepard dog, ~1 year old, well taken care of, very friendly

Dog showed up at my Grandma's house- very friendly, clearly anxious about being lost, no tag, no microchip, dark blue collar, seems leash trained, probably around 1 year old, German Shepard (mix?). Just really really sweet. Seems well taken care of. Light cream/tan splotches, darker around snout, ears, eyes. Brown eyes.
We are trying to find the owners, but if we cannot find them before Saturday afternoon we are going to have to find a shelter to take him because he loves being on the porch and will probably knock my 90 year old grandma down when she tries to go outside :( she cannot take care of him. Found at Albert Pike and Kelley Highway in Ft Smith
I really want to find his home, he clearly misses his people. If you recognize this dog, contact Ft Smith Animal Haven (they have multiple phone numbers for my contact- he is not there currently, will be fastest way to get ahold of someone who can return the dog). After another day or so we will have to find a shelter with room, and we will update the Ft Smith Animal Haven on where he ends up.
submitted by Dirtysoulglass to ftsmithar [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:30 No-Guava406 Desahogo

Tras 2 años y medio de que el amor de mi vida me dejase por lo mal que me conporte y por como era en aquel entonces no he podido tener una vida normal , tengo 21 años y estoy cómodo con mi vida pero no puedo evitar estar mal por que significó tanto para mí, hablamos esporádicamente hasta que en una de esas corras conversaciones me dijo que tenía novio que lleva un año y medio con el , al enterarme me derrumbe aunque a él mes y medio volví a escribirla y tras hablar unas 2 semanas aún sabiendo lo que había ella vio que cambie que no era lo que fui y que como tal soy lo que quiero ser por como me he refugiado en el pensamiento de tenerla , tengo tan claro que es el amor de mi vida que no puedo tener nada co. Nadie , tengo pocas amistades a nadie le interesa como me fue el día y se que no me voy a enamorar de nadie por que ella es mi alma gemela , me dejo de escribir hoy bloqueandome diciendo que si novio no merece eso , que ella esté hablando conmigo si es feliz con el , no tengo ganas de vivir , tengo un trabajo que me gusta una vida fácil dentro de lo que cabe y de como fue en el pasado , pero no aguanto más, se que esto no es más que un desahogo pero siento que he perdido la vitalidad , me ha hecho polvo el ni siquiera poder tener un mensaje de ella cuando estás semanas hablábamos más frecuentemente , no quiero más que estar bien no se que hacer estoy mejor que nunca y a la vez estoy destrozado , más que en ningún momento de mi vida , perdí mi vitalidad aunque se que tengo 21 años no tengo deseo de nada
submitted by No-Guava406 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:46 Holiday_Apartment251 Mastering the craft of User Experience: Must read books on UX

Mastering the craft of User Experience: Must read books on UX
UX is the secret weapon of successful digital products. From websites that feel like a dream to apps that feel intuitive, a great UX keeps users happy and coming back for more!
But where do you begin on building exceptional UX? Here are some books which will help you delve into the world of user experience.
  • The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman - This influential book argues that good design is invisible - it should be so intuitive and user centered that we don’t even notice it! In this book, Norman lays out principles for creating products that are a joy to use. It’s a must read for anyone who wants to understand user experience.
  • Frustrated by confusing websites? Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug cuts through the jargon and is a cornerstone of web usability and UX design. This books offers practical advice on creating intuitive and user friendly websites emphasizing simplicity and clarity.
  • Mental Models by Indi Young is a pivotal book for UX as it focuses on understanding users’ thought processes to create better products and services.This book provides practical methods for gaining deeper insights into users’ minds, making it a must read for anyone in the field of user experience.
  • If you’re passionate about creating engaging products, Hooked by Nir Eyal is a must read. This book introduces the Hook Model, breaking down the process of forming user habits into four key steps: trigger, action, reward and investment. Eyal’s practical strategies, based on psychology and behavioral science, provides invaluable guidance for designing products that keep users coming back.
  • Navigating in the world of UX alone? The User Experience - Team of One by Leah Buley is your go-to guide. This practical book is tailored for solo UX practitioners offering a wealth of techniques and strategies to effectively manage UX projects single-handedly. Buley’s insights help you to maximize your impact, streamline your workflow and advocate for user experience.
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman is a captivating journey through the world of human cognition. Kahneman’s exploration of cognitive biases and the dual systems of thinking offers profound insights into the intricacies of user behavior. It’s a must read for any UX designer seeking to elevate their craft and create impactful designs.
  • Bottlenecks by David Evans is a compelling exploration of the barriers for innovation in organizations. This book provides practical strategies for streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. This book is invaluable for UX practitioners looking to optimize their workflows and deliver more impactful results.
  • Validating Product Ideas by Tomer Sharon is a concise yet comprehensive guide for product designers and developers. This book demonstrates how to validate your ideas effectively. From gathering feedback to iterating efficiently, it provides a roadmap for creating products based on users’ needs.
  • Designing with the Mind in Mind by Jeff Johnson bridges the gap between designer rules and user psychology. This book gives a foundational understanding of perceptual and cognitive behaviors making them more effective in creating user friendly interfaces.
  • How to Get People do Stuff by Susan Weinschenk is a must read for UX designers to gain more insights into human behavior and persuasion. Whether you’re designing interfaces, crafting calls-to-action, or optimizing user flows, this book equips you with the tools to drive user engagement effectively.
From understanding the intricacies of human behavior to crafting intuitive and engaging designs, these books provide valuable guidance that can elevate your UX practice. Whether you are a novice or an expert, these resources empower you to design experiences that delight users and drive business success.
We also talk a lot about user experiences and how to make them intuitive at Nudge.
submitted by Holiday_Apartment251 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:35 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 84 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNWfor proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good! :D
A big thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to u/creditmission for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taikel, Venlil Farmer, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 18th, 2136
Polani guide her light… please.
My heart hurt as I awoke to the familiar clatter of the window’s auto blinds snapping me to consciousness, rousing me from my sleep as golden twilight rays filled the room, forcing me to follow through. Everything felt tighter, stiffer, more painful as I slowly rose upright, my paws finding and pressing into the tension at the base of my neck, my eyes squeezing shut as I did everything I could to push past the tide of reality falling on my shoulders.
Rensa laid at my side while her occasional muffled beep drifted from her as she was lost in whatever dreams her medicine had brought to her mind this time. She’d cried into my shoulder when she’d broken from them after the accident, wailing about the horrid events and images she’d been forced to endure, or relive, in the nights of her dreams. All I could hope was that her stillness was a good sign that she wasn’t haunted by those horrors again; old, or new.
The heavy weight hanging on my eyelids beckoned me to give in, to turn over and bury myself back into the covers, to hide from the thought of what we’d los-
No. Not yet.
The thought of losing them. The UN hadn’t confirmed anything and wouldn’t for a few more paws - or ever, Stars willing - but Taisa’s silence set ice in my veins. Until then, I had to push forward to help Rensa and to keep Renkel’s spirits up. Even if it meant I’d have an even farther fall.
And if they are gone, they wouldn’t want you to sit and rot away in bed. Keep everything together, gray coat, for them-
A tight, high whimper from my love, my life beside me all but shattered my heart.
And for her.
I leaned over, gently licking Rensa’s cheek before tucking the blankets a little tighter around her and slipping myself free from beneath their enticing embrace. I wasn’t entirely alright; wouldn’t be until I knew, for better or worse. Until then… Until then I’d do everything I could to make them proud.
The wood beneath my paws let out a long, sighing creak as I rose from the bed, pushing myself out into the hall before gently sliding the door closed behind me. This waking, for Renkel at least, would be no different than any other waking he had off from school. Not if I had anything to say about it.
The stairs were silent as I descended, turning into the open living room and staring at the hearth for a long moment, doing my best to keep my attention off of Chris’ empty room and onto the task at hand. I let out a long sigh, flapping my ears to try and batter the thoughts away as I padded into the kitchen. Warm pops and wet hisses of my cooking soon filled the air as I set about making first-meal with a hearty helping of Human vegetables.
Before I knew it the soft click-clack of pup-claws sounded from the stairs as Renkel followed his tongue to find a steaming bowl of scramble waiting for him.
“Good waking, Rekan.” I whistled, doing my best to shear the melancholy from my voice as he clambered up into his seat, clutching one of his Human ‘Animal Encyclopedias’ close to his chest. “How was your rest?”
“Good! I dream’d’d of fishies!” He exclaimed before thumping the book on the table and flicking it open to a page with the dull, speckled flanks of some massive fish that dwarfed the Human swimming next to it. “That one! It’s my favorite!”
A small titter of amusement slipped from my snout at the fickleness of a pup’s interests. “Oh really now? I thought you said the Manta Ray was your favorite!”
“Muh-uh! Whale sharks is way cooler! Look how big it is! And it swims around with its mouth open like the manta but way bigger!” Renkel groaned, tossing his arms as wide as his maw in imitation of the gargantuan fish.
“Well you’ll have to tell me all about them!” I whistled in return, serving myself a steaming bowl of the mix before knocking the heat down to keep it warm for Rensa… whenever she woke up.
“What’s wrong, Papa?” >Alright?< My son asked with his, curious, worried eyes staring up at me past the wisps of steam drifting from his food. “Is Mama ok?”
“She’s… She’s alright, son. Her leg’s hurting her a lot lately. Everything going on has got her real worried, is all.” >Everything Fine.< I answered, my voice sounding far more sure of the words than I felt as I paused for a moment. >Eat Up!<
His attention hung on me for a few moments longer before he let out a happy, satisfied beep and launched into an explanation of everything he found interesting about these ‘Whale Sharks’, only pausing to breathe and stuff whole skewers of vegetables into his mouth. The enthusiasm of a pup never did fail to amaze, and Renkel certainly had enough to go around! Our bowls were soon finished and empty, but Renkel kept going, happily whistling on about how their gills worked and how their coloring was to protect them from predators. Before long the dishes were cleared and in the sink, all except for one.
She needs to eat.
“Tell ya what, Rekan, you find yourself a few more facts and you can teach me even more about them after I give your Mama her first-meal. How’s that sound?”
“More fishie facts!” He exclaimed with glee, his paws in the air as he rocked back in his chair before plunging straight back into his book. My paw slipped beneath his bowl, scooping a fresh serving into it before gently nuzzling the studious pup’s crown on my way to the stairs. His happy whistles faded as I plodded up the old wooden steps, stopping for a moment at the door to mine and Rensa’s room, my paw hovering above the door-slide as I listened for any sign that she’d stirred.
I didn’t hear any.
The door whined as I gently slid the door aside and found her awake, staring at her cupped paws with a vacant expression. Her ears swung in my direction as I stepped in, only for a moment, while I did my best to keep my voice positive as I approached with food in paw. “Good Waking, Sweetheart.”
A small, grumbled ‘Good Waking, Love’ was all she could muster for me as she stared at the black bead cradled in her paw.
So soon?
“Your leg feeling any better?” I whispered as I set the bowl of scramble and glass of water on the bedside before gently taking my place at her side.
“Not really.” She hissed, her voice distant as an unladen paw kneaded at the border of her wool and the leg’s interface plate, squeezing her eyes shut and drawing in a long breath before shaking her head, her tail bobbing a succinct >Not at all.<
“Maybe some food will help.” I whispered, gently trading the bead for her bowl and skewer and setting it on the bedside before softly pressing my snout to her’s.
She was quiet, staring into her food for a long moment, her eyes puffy and orange. >Don’t think so. Gone.<
Tears pooled at the corner of my eyes, burning like firefruit oil as I twined my tail around what little of hers hung over the side of the bed, squeezing tight as I could to ground my wife to what of this world, of our family, we had left. Her paws moved, slowly poking the skewer into the food before raising it to her mouth, and then again and again before the bowl and glass were empty.
“I…” Rensa let out a small sigh, setting the bowl on the old bedside with a loud clunk before her tail squeezed, weakly, back into mine. “Th-Thank you, Love.”
“It’s ok, Sweetheart.” I replied, leaning into her side and soaking in the silence that stifled the space between us. She sucked in a pained gasp as her free paw found its way back to the remains of her leg, clutching the wool tight. “W-Were the meds helping any, last paw?”
>Yes.< Her tail flicked slowly, almost reluctantly as I watched tears gather in the folds of her squinted eyes.
I rose, gently nuzzling her crown with a forlorn mewl before guiding her paw back to mine for a moment, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’ll be right back.”
I hate to see her like this, more than I hate seeing her drifting a while. At least then she’s not crying from the pain. Not suffering…
I rushed to the bathroom, ripping open the closet and retrieved the damned bottle. A single pill tumbled into my paw, the remainder clacking noisily against the sides as I slipped them back into the box they had been stowed in. The little tan capsule churned my stomach as I looked down at it, horrid memories sprouting in my mind. The memories of the paw of the accident and the herds after it where she was despondent, from the pills and the loss of her career.
If those two are gone…
My tail shuddered, trying to shake the creeping vines of despair free from my heart at the thought before I drew in a deep breath, steeling myself and stepping back into the bedroom. Rensa stared up at me as I approached, her eyes filled with worry as I settled back down on the bed beside her, holding the pill out on my paw. She hesitated, her tail curling as her attention slid from me down to the proffered pill before her eyes squeezed shut and her paw seized as hard as her leg, digging her claws into her pads with a low, pained mewl.
“Please, Sweetheart…” I trailed off, my paw sliding over hers to try and calm her squeezing claws from hurting herself further. I’d seen her draw her own blood far too many times.
A soft gasp sucked into her mouth as she leaned forward, wrapping her paws around me with a stifled cry before accepting the pill and downing it with a sip from her glass. “I-I’m sorry, Love.”
“It’s ok, Sweetheart.” I soothed, pulling her close to me as I ran my paws through her wool, doing my best to drive the sorrow burrowing in my heart away. “It’s ok…”
Her sobs began to fade as the medicine took hold, her arms slackening around me a little before she let out a harrowingly familiar, relieved sigh. “Thhhank you, Taikel…”
I couldn’t bring myself to answer in kind as I pulled her closer, fighting away the tears pooling at the corners of my eyes. Instead I settled on easing her back on the bed before gently nuzzling her snout, receiving a passive mumble of acknowledgement as I stood from the bedside, stopping to stare down at the black bead on the bedside, quietly pawing it before I padded through the door to the upper landing. I paused. Took a breath. And another. Willing myself to stifle the rattle in my throat before I faced my son again. There was little more I could do for her right now; at least the meds might let her sleep for a while longer.
The stairs beneath my paws clicked and creaked between the amazed whistles and beeps of Renkel still at the island meeting my ears; most certainly still enamored with his book. Quietly I found my way to the hearth, doing my best not to alert the pup as I gently opened the Heartwood box Rensa and I had made when we’d married, staring down into the void-black padding at the singular circle of white, Amarek wood at its center.
When we’d made it her father had insisted that, according to tradition, this was where it was meant to be, in the middle of everything else in your life. That the chest that held your darkest days should live with the rest of your joy until it would in turn join the others in the tapestry of your life.
We’d only ever used one since we’d married… I had hoped we wouldn’t need anot-
No. Not until you know.
My ears battered away the despair sprouting in my chest as the bead slipped into place, standing in stark contrast to the brilliant wood encircling it like an eye peering back up at me while the lid slowly closed over it, shielding the burrow from the pain it held. I pulled in a quiet breath before turning, squeezing my eyes shut again to hold back the tears I knew were just one bad assumption, one errant thought, one horrid message away from spilling forth.
The pup whirled around as I stepped behind him, peering over his shoulder to see what new tidbits of information he was foraging for this time. A new picture of the massive fish was spread across the page, this one taken from above the water looking over the side of some vessel staring down at the animal through glimmering, crystal clear waters.
“I wonder if Chris has ever seen a whale shark! That’d be so cool!” Renkel exclaimed, his tail zipping back and forth excitedly as he tapped at the page. “I bet he’s been all over the carry-bean!”
A pang of grief flashed through my heart at the mention of the missing pair, the feeling festering for a long, gut wrenching moment before I whispered to him over his shoulder. “I’ll bet he has, son, and I bet he’ll be happy to tell you all about it when they get back!”
Then if they c- When. WHEN they come home, I’m going to give them both ears so full the stars above will hear everything I’ve got to say.
And then some.
Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 19th, 2136
Another paw of sun-scorched hell. Stars, I hope Mama and Papa are alright….
The pad in my paws was still harrowingly silent as I gazed down at the screen, a trail of my own messages dotting their way up the screen had gone unanswered these last two paws. Letting them know that we’d made it out safe, what we’d been doing, when I thought we’d be home…
Polani shook and shuddered as Chris brought her around again, shaking me from my thoughts as we passed over charred, smoldering tracts of forests on the eastern side of the crash site that looked like little more than blasted ashen sticks. It’d been a sleepless night as we rushed to help quench the fire the Glorious Pyre and the Twilight Star’s drives set when they’d crashed. The U.N. had leapt to invoke our contract again, putting us to work shuttling material, equipment and water to put out the inferno that threatened Chris’ home and the surrounding areas. Thankfully they hadn’t sent any Arxur for us to shuttle!
The fact that they were here. That they were helping. That they’d even showed up to Humanity’s defense in the first place was… it was unthinkable!
Every stray glance I was forced to see them, every plodding step they took, every reverberating growl of their horrid language and every time I caught one of them staring at me like I was little more than a cut of meat to hunt, to chase, to toy with… Sent shivers down my spine and out my tail.
I hated it.
Hated them.
Hated what I’d seen them do on the Cradle, what one of them had done to me. What one of them had made Chris do to protect me. Hated what they’d made us have to see, hear, and live through. It didn’t matter what they were here for, it bought no good will of mine. Chris promised to protect me again if we got assigned to moving any of them, that he’d happily put another bullet in one of them before chancing the possibility of losing someone else.
He, and the rest of his family, were still holding out hope that they’d find her and the rest of her bunker beneath what little was left of what had been the outskirts of London. I wanted to be hopeful with them, to pray and call and beg to every star I could see, every star I could name for her to have been spared but… but the pictures didn’t look good. The scattered rubble that had once been so many Human cities left the bitter taste of bile and sorrow in my mouth as I thought about the millions of lives the federation I’d once believed in had snuffed out in a flash.
The monsters I’d once championed had tried to take everything from Chris, from his Family, from all of us. From Me. They’d stolen parents from their children, shattered families, people, communities and cultures that they’d turned to ash in the wake of their failure. So much gone, so much destroyed, so much lost, so much taken.
Because of their fear. Because of their hatred. Because of their cowardice.
Because of their weakness.
“At least the fires are out.” Chris sighed, the long, forlorn sound gently pulling me from the anger simmering in my chest. “Ma, Pa, an’ Ryan’ll be alright, so long’s the Peacekeepers actually do their job with trackin’ down those… stragglers.”
“Let them burn or let them rot for all I care.” I grumbled, staring out the viewscreen down at the devastated countryside below; images of Chris’ family, tears in their eyes as they huddled around their TV looking for any information they could find about Annabelle. “It’s the least they’d wanted to do to us.”
“‘Much as they fuckin’ deserve it…” His voice cracked as a flash of concern passed over his face while he glanced over at me, hesitating for a moment before responding. “Probably for the best we don’t reinforce what everyone the arm over already thinks of us.”
“‘Specially not the new friends we picked up, doubt the Zurulians would be particularly big fans of Humans doing… that to prisoners.” He sighed, righting Polani from her bank before guiding her nose around, across the horizon, and back towards Blacksburg, the hum of her thrusters building to a mournful, crackling wail as they pushed us onward. “For now though, let's get some food in us; Ma’s bound to have something good.”
My tail twitched at the idea of a belly full of Darlene’s wonderful red beans and rice to try and take my worried mind off of the world of ash and fire smoldering around us as a meek mewl slipped from my mouth. “Thank you, Love.”
I swear to the stars above:
I’ll get even for what they’ve done.
[Advance Transcription by Time Unit: 1.5 Hours]
The comfortingly warm weight of Darlene’s cooking settled in my stomach as I sunk back into the chair, my tail wrapped tight around Chris’ leg. Darlene stared through the window out at the pasture beyond, passively scrubbing grime and grit away from the white pot in her hands as the sound of running water filled the air.
“Where’s Ryan now?” Chris grumbled as he scooped another mouthful of meat, beans and rice from his bowl.
“Out ‘helping’ ‘gain.” Darlene sighed, setting the pot on her drying rack with a ringing clang as she turned to point a wooden spoon at an empty plaque on the wall. “At least Cobb’s gon’ go out with ‘im.”
“Boy went out an’ got hisself hurt on ‘nother planet and now he’s damned well set to go on ‘n get hurt again on this’n.” Michael grunted, anger in his voice as he flicked through article after article on the pad sitting on the counter in front of him. “‘Tween those fire-crazy exterminators and these god-damned lizards I ‘on’t find myself thinkin’ this shit’s hardly a good idea.”
“Pa’, come on, you know how he fe-” Chris started, swallowing his food as he leaned forward over the counter, his response cut short by the ringing chimes sounding out from both of our pads.
Your services are required to move the personnel and material listed in the attached manifest from the subject port to the following aid sites:
Thank you,
Thomas Ashforth
U.N. Logistics Coordinator
A manifest was attached, listing off everything from pallets of food, medical supplies, material for expanding the aid camps, a pawful of Zurulians and U.N. staff an-
Oh Stars.
My blood ran cold as my tail tightened around Chris’ ankle, a small, weak, terrified mewl weeping from my snout at the sight of the final thing on the list.
Arxur Volunteers.
A low growl built at my side as Chris stared down at his pad, his fists tightening around the pad until his knuckles were white with the strain. “Rat fucking bastards.”
>We have to.<
He nodded, his mouth tight with anger as the scrape of his stool sounded across the room while he rose to his feet. His hair tossed about as he shook his head, doing his best to drive off whatever thoughts were raging behind his eyes as he looked over to me, gently slipping his leg free from my tail before he marched to his room, Roscoe’s wagging tail close at his side. The comforting, familiar thump of his boots on hardwood marked his return just as fast as he’d left, the glint of his pistol holstered across his chest and the soft shine of the rifle hanging from his shoulder telling me everything I needed to know.
Memory Transcription Subject: Rensa, Venlil Farmer & Ex-Exterminator, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 20th, 2136
Fire’s gone. Pain. Gone. Daughter. Taisa. Gone.
My mind swam as I stared at the stars high above the Warren, drifting in a sea of white, black, and gray, feeling little but the chill of the glass of gin resting in my paw alongside the whispering cold of twilight’s winds. The occasional drift of odd colors floated through the air, harvesting my attention from the morass of nothing that had filled this paw and the one before it. Warbling sound filled my ear, vibrating the left side of my vision and sending new waves of kaleidoscopic colors across the sky.
I was hallucinating again. It’d been a while.
Dr. Poreth had told me a long time ago not to mix; it hadn’t stopped me then and it certainly couldn’t stop me now. Besides, they were a far better distraction than anything else I had right now. So instead I sit and stare at the sky, watching the pretty colors.
They were just as real as anything else.
A tide of messages from Taisa had bolted through my pad early this waking, from before the bombing. Each one the last I’d ever hear from her. The last words I’d ever see from my darling daughter. Renkel still didn’t understand, the pup happily chirping away about when they’d be back, about his next paw at school and about going with Taikel to one of the shelters in a claw or so to try and help ‘keep their spirits up’. Through the haze I envied him, wishing and pleading to Polani that I could have that same youthful hope.
Even if it would just be cut down by the scythe of the real world.
The glass in my paws slips away as the wavering rays of the sun are blocked, quickly replaced by another, and a soft nuzzle on my crown. Taikel’s wavering voice floated across my ears, still filled with mournful sorrow. I can’t make out the words but Renkel’s upbeat whistles tell me enough; they’re off to the shelter.
Barely seems worth it with them gone.
I weakly return the nuzzle, barely leaving my chair with my leg feeling like little more than juicefruit pulp as Taikel’s shadow slips past me, Renkel asking something I can’t quite make out past the fog.
So strong, stronger than me.
The rumble of the truck’s engine shuddering to life sends waves of green across my vision, accompanied by the crunch of gravel following after it before it fades into the distant hum of tires on the road. Alone again. The fog falls back in around me, stifling the sounds of nature that had begun to creep in at the edges of my mind. I sink again, staring up at the sky, watching the drifting colors and clouds as I sip at the liquid fire in my glass.
At least it helped smother the fire eating my leg and dull the storm in my mind.
The sound of my pad letting out a painfully familiar chime on the table split the air, stirring me from my stupor to clumsily paw at it to go silent. The offending sound faded, replaced by the isolating silence that I’d craved; at least in it I didn’t have to think about what I’d lost.
About the tricks my mind was playing on me.
A long, deliberate sigh fell from my snout as I pressed my paw into the thready wool near the stump that’d once been my leg, trying to push the pain away as best I could before reaching, once again, for my gin. Before my paw met the star-slicked glass flanks my pad bleated out the same, mocking chime.
A growl built in my throat as I grasped at it, angrily hurling the offending electronic phantom what few tails my numb shoulder could manage.
Another trick of my mind
Another message from Taisa’s ghost.
Another claim that the Arxur were ‘helping’ them.
Another promise of them coming home when they were done.
Another mote of hope sprouted before being ripped from my grasp.
Another paw of despair.
Another river of tears.
Another dose.
First Prev. Next
submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:40 Alarming-Disaster509 Sephora Uk Discount: Expire soon

Here’s the discount information available on Sephora UK’s website:
  1. Makeup Offers:
    • Up to 15% Off Sephora Collection Makeup
    • 15% Off Iconic London
    • 20% Off Danessa Myricks Beauty
    • Tarte Free Gift
    • Huda Beauty Free Gift
    • Benefit Free Gift
    • 15% Off Natasha Denona
    • Free Gift
  2. Summer Shop:
    • Explore sun protection, self-tanning products, summer makeup, palettes, skincare, body care, and haircare in the Summer Shop section.
Remember, these discounts are subject to change, so it’s a good idea to check the Sephora UK website directly for the most up-to-date information! 😊🛍️
Check more at
submitted by Alarming-Disaster509 to NewsletterDump [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:40 saw_5air Hello from Kuwait! This is the first time I see one of your products in the supermarket

Hello from Kuwait! This is the first time I see one of your products in the supermarket
Wanted to share that.
submitted by saw_5air to cyprus [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:56 AuRevoir_ TIME100 CÔNG TY ẢNH HƯỞNG NHẤT 2024: VinFast

bài viết gốc của u/albert1165 TIME100 MOST INFLUENTIAL COMPANIES 2024: Vinfast
VinFast (VFS): Một làn sóng mới trong lĩnh vực xe điện
Khi TIME đến thăm nhà máy sản xuất xe điện của VinFast ở miền bắc Việt Nam vào năm 2022, Google Maps vẫn hiển thị một nửa khu vực này là dưới biển Đông; đất đã được khai hoang và đưa vào hoạt động chỉ trong vòng 21 tháng. Tuy nhiên, tốc độ nhanh chóng đó cũng không thể sánh bằng việc IPO của VinFast vào tháng Tám, với cổ phiếu tăng vọt 700% chỉ trong hai tuần. Sự phấn khích này xuất phát từ mô hình kinh doanh độc đáo của công ty: bán xe với giá thấp mà không kèm theo pin, sau đó cho khách hàng thuê pin và thay thế miễn phí khi pin bị hỏng. Cũng kể từ đó, VinFast đã mất 90% giá trị so với đỉnh, mặc dù vẫn giữ kế hoạch táo bạo tăng gấp ba lần số lượng xe giao hàng trong năm 2024 là 100.000 chiếc.
Được hậu thuẫn bởi người giàu nhất Việt Nam, Phạm Nhật Vượng, người ban đầu đã khởi nghiệp từ mì ăn liền nhưng ngày nay sở hữu đế chế VinGroup đa ngành nghề từ khách sạn đến bệnh viện, VinFast đang mở các nhà máy ở Bắc Carolina, Indonesia và Ấn Độ. Mặc dù đã báo cáo khoản lỗ 618,3 triệu USD trong quý đầu tiên của năm 2024, Vượng đã cam kết ít nhất sẽ đạt mốc hòa vốn vào năm tới và hứa sẽ bỏ thêm 1 tỷ USD tài sản cá nhân để thực hiện điều đó. “Chúng tôi sẽ không bao giờ để VinFast gục ngã,” Vượng nói với các cổ đông vào tháng Tư.
VinFast: 2024 TIME100 Công ty Ảnh hưởng Nhất TIME
### Bài viết phản biện
VinFast có thể mua TIME? Điều này chắc chắn (có dấu hiệu) trong việc đưa cái tên VinFast vào danh sách Top100. Hầu hết người dân ở Mỹ thậm chí không biết gì về VinFast, và đối với những người đã biết, VinFast là một bản sao thất bại, đang đứng trên bờ vực phá sản (thực tế là đã phá sản kỹ thuật).
Chính xác theo tiêu chí nào mà VinFast có thể lọt vào danh sách 100 công ty ảnh hưởng nhất của TIME năm 2024? Chính xác thì VinFast ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến nền kinh tế Mỹ để có mặt trong danh sách này? Chính xác thì VinFast đã đóng góp gì cho công nghệ xe điện?
Mô tả của TIME về VinFast ở trên quá lỗi thời và thiếu thông tin quan trọng: 70% doanh số bán hàng được đẩy vào GSM và mục tiêu 100.000 chiếc là một trò lừa (không thể thực hiện được).
Tôi không biết về các công ty khác trong danh sách nhưng chắc chắn bằng cách đưa VinFast vào danh sách, TIME cho thấy danh sách này có thể mua được.
### Kiểm chứng thông tin
Điều này có đúng không? "Khi TIME đến thăm nhà máy sản xuất xe điện của VinFast ở miền bắc Việt Nam vào năm 2022, Google Maps vẫn hiển thị một nửa khu vực này là dưới biển Đông; đất đã được khai hoang và đưa vào hoạt động chỉ trong 21 tháng." Nghe có vẻ bịa đặt. Làm sao Google Maps có thể hiển thị một nửa khu vực dưới biển Đông vào năm 2022? Và khai hoang cái gì?
### thông tin thêm bởi người dịch
ảnh gmap khu vực nhà máy Vinfast tại Hải Phòng năm 2018
ảnh gmap khu vực nhà máy Vinfast tại Hải Phòng năm 2024
Có lấn biển hay không mời người xem tự đánh giá
submitted by AuRevoir_ to VinFastComm_VNese [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:06 black_box_co Personalized Passport Cover: Travel in Style

When it comes to travel, every detail counts. A personalized passport cover not only adds a touch of style to your travel essentials but also ensures that your passport remains protected and easily identifiable. One company that excels in providing high-quality personalized passport covers is The Black Box Co..
Why Choose a Personalized Passport Cover?
Unique and Stylish
A personalized passport cover allows you to express your personality and style. Whether you prefer a minimalist design, vibrant colors, or intricate patterns, a customized passport cover can reflect your taste and make a statement.
Easy Identification
In the hustle and bustle of travel, distinguishing your passport from others is crucial. A personalized cover makes your passport stand out, reducing the risk of losing it or picking up the wrong one by mistake.
Added Protection
Travel can be rough on documents. A sturdy passport cover provides an extra layer of protection against spills, tears, and general wear and tear, ensuring your passport remains in pristine condition throughout your journeys.
Features of The Black Box Co. Personalized Passport Covers
Premium Materials
The Black Box Co. uses only high-quality materials to craft their passport covers. From genuine leather to durable synthetic options, you can choose a material that suits your preference and budget.
Customization Options
With The Black Box Co., the customization possibilities are endless. You can choose from a variety of colors, fonts, and design elements to create a passport cover that is uniquely yours. Add your initials, name, or even a special date to make it truly personal.
Practical Design
The passport covers from The Black Box Co. are designed with functionality in mind. They feature secure slots for your passport, boarding passes, and even a few credit cards or IDs, ensuring you have all your essential travel documents in one convenient place.
Perfect Gift Idea
A personalized passport cover makes an excellent gift for any travel enthusiast. Whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or a special occasion, a custom passport cover is a thoughtful and practical present that will be appreciated.
How to Order Your Personalized Passport Cover from The Black Box Co.
Ordering your personalized passport cover from The Black Box Co. is easy. Simply visit their website, browse the selection of covers, and use the customization tool to design your perfect passport cover. Once you’re satisfied with your design, place your order, and The Black Box Co. will take care of the rest.
A personalized passport cover is more than just a protective accessory — it’s a stylish statement and a practical tool for any traveler. The Black Box Co. offers a wide range of high-quality, customizable passport covers that cater to all tastes and preferences. So why wait? Elevate your travel game and order your personalized passport cover today!
For more information and to start designing your personalized passport cover, visit The Black Box Co..
submitted by black_box_co to u/black_box_co [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:15 CyberRaiju_ Thee Sacred Souls Tour Variant?

Thee Sacred Souls Tour Variant?
Got this a few months back at their last show in Philly 12/09/2024. Haven’t seen no one put this variant up on Discogs despite it being a few months already. But does anyone have this and know if this is like a tour variant or something. I know they already have a tour variant that’s like a teal color. There was no hype sticker cause it’s signed all over. But I will say it’s a pretty variant. Gold with like micro glitter of gold which is hard to see on pic but in person it shines through the wax.
submitted by CyberRaiju_ to vinyl [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:02 MannyDantyla Here's a tip for ya: save your plant tags and staple them to the inside of a shed or something so you know exactly what you planted

Here's a tip for ya: save your plant tags and staple them to the inside of a shed or something so you know exactly what you planted
This is everything I've planted in my backyard this year.
submitted by MannyDantyla to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:17 Mr_Tricorder This just arrived in the mail. Hopefully I can get it cleaned up and working so I can give it to my kid.

This just arrived in the mail. Hopefully I can get it cleaned up and working so I can give it to my kid.
I have a 7-year-old who absolutely loves Pokemon. Lately he's been using my 3DS XL to play Pokemon games, but I'd rather he have one of these. I ordered this non-working one for cheap on eBay. Now I'm just waiting on a battery so I can test it and see what needs to be fixed.
submitted by Mr_Tricorder to 3DS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:15 Adventurous-Trust545 WTS CKF Davless, TRM Shadow, Null Raikou Black Camo CF Damasteel, F5.5 and more!

Hey Everyone, I have 11 knives up for grabs today. I’m the original owner of all of them. Prices include PPGS and USPS priority shipping (insured). Not looking to trade. Thank you for looking!
$850 - CKF Davless Superconductor
This knife is brand new (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials and accessories.
Serial Number: 335.
Handle material: Carbon Fiber & Superconductor.
$540 - Null Knives Raikou Black Camo CF w/ Thor Damasteel
This knife is brand new in box (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials.
Serial Number: 544
$325 - Null Knives Raikou Blue Belt Satin
This knife is brand new in box (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials.
Serial Number: 294
$310 - TRM Shadow Black G10
This knife is brand new (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials.
Blade Steel: 20CV
Handle: 3D Miller Jet Black G10
$200 - Urban EDC f5.5 Orange G10
Carried a few times. In excellent condition. Includes all original packaging and accessories. Skiff bearings have been installed and original bearings are included.
$200 - Urban EDC f5.5 Jade G10
Carried a few times. In excellent condition. Includes all original packaging and accessories. Skiff bearings have been installed and original bearings are included.
$150 - Urban EDC Baby Barlow - Tuxedo G10
In excellent condition. Small signs of wear evident on the show-side scale and below the clip.
$150 - Knafs Co. x Urban EDC Seigaiha Lander (Sprint Run) - M390 - Green
This knife is brand new (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials and accessories.
$150 - Knafs Co. x Urban EDC Seigaiha Lander (Sprint Run) - M390 - Tan
This knife is brand new (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials and accessories.
$100 - Vosteed Thunderbird - Trek Lock Knife (3.48" S35VN Blade & Red Topo G10 Handle)
This knife is brand new (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials and accessories.
$160 - Vosteed Thunderbird - Trek Lock Knife (3.25" Elmax Blade & Black Titanium Frag Pattern Handle)
This knife is brand new (never carried, cut or disassembled) and comes with all original COA materials and accessories.
submitted by Adventurous-Trust545 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]