Chicanos font style

The latest bark in the world of fashion

2016.05.04 03:27 The latest bark in the world of fashion

The latest in Dogue and Catte style.

2014.05.06 21:26 Eatenplace7439 Microsoft Office Help

A place to post questions about any Microsoft Office programs such as Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Visio and Word. Any questions are welcome so don't be embarrassed about your lack of knowledge!

2013.04.08 02:46 Ese_D Subreddit for La Raza and the Homies

This sub was made to share and unite Chicano subculture from the West Coast to the East Side and around the globe. If you're into low-riders, oldies or are just down with the scene, come by and say "Que onda?". Feel free to discuss with us whatever is affecting our communities today.

2024.05.12 00:58 renmeno Sugarcube 2.36.1 back and forward buttons

Hello everyone,
As far as I understood Sugarcube should include back and forward buttons by default. And you can disable them with Config.history.controls = false;. However, in my case, they don't appear even though my JavaScript is empty. I have done nothing for them to be absent, and yet, they are.
I tried to use Config.history.controls = true;. Yet it did not work (the browser told me Error [user.script-node-1]: Config is not defined).
I have checked with new stories. I have tried some code solutions I found googling to add the buttons to the sidebar. Nothing has worked. Twine is also updated (I checked). As for the browser, I use Chrome. I know from other users that Sugarcube should have the feature available, so I don't know why I don't have it.
I'm not sure if the problem is my device. It's a bit old at this stage (I bought it in 2019), and it's a low-end device, but I don't see how it could be related since twine does not seem to be that demanding. And even if it was, it would be a weird way to show the lack of capacity to perform.
I don't know if it's related or not. But I have also been unable to edit the saves and restart UI, independently of what I write on the Style sheet. Like, the "saves" and "restart" have changed font and colour and all of that on the sidebar. But the save slots remain the same even when I copy and paste code that should change how it looks. But this is not a main issue for me, yet I decided to share it in case is related to the problem I'm focused on (the absence of a back and forward button).
I'm at my wit's end. Maybe it's just my profound inexperience when it comes to coding anything.
English is not my first language, so it's possible I wasn't clear. I would understand if you need to ask for clarification.
Thank you, have a good day.
submitted by renmeno to twinegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:21 tempmailgenerator Crafting Engaging Email Designs Using HTML and CSS

Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Email Design

In the digital age, the art of email communication has evolved far beyond simple text messages. Designing emails that capture attention and convey messages effectively requires a blend of technical skill and creative vision. At the core of this process lies the use of HTML and CSS, languages that power the visual presentation of content across the web. This foundation enables marketers, designers, and developers to craft email layouts that are not only visually appealing but also compatible across various email clients.
The challenge of email design lies in navigating the limitations and peculiarities of email clients, which often interpret HTML and CSS differently than web browsers. This necessitates a strategic approach, focusing on responsive design principles and inline styling to ensure consistency. Moreover, understanding the importance of layout, typography, and visual hierarchy in email design can significantly enhance user engagement and drive action. As we delve into the specifics of creating effective email content layouts, these principles guide the way to achieving communication that resonates with audiences in a crowded inbox.
Command/Property Description
HTML Markup language used for creating and structuring sections on the web.
CSS Style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.

Enhancing Email Communication Through Design

Effective email design transcends mere aesthetics, playing a pivotal role in engagement and conversion rates. The core of impactful email content layout lies in its ability to convey messages succinctly and attractively, driving the recipient towards intended actions. Key to this is the strategic use of visual hierarchy, guiding the reader's eye through the content in a manner that enhances comprehension and retention. This involves careful consideration of element placement, color use, and typography, ensuring that important messages stand out. Personalization further elevates the impact, making recipients feel valued and increasing the relevance of the content to their specific interests or needs.
Responsive design is non-negotiable in email layout creation, given the variety of devices used to access emails today. A layout that adapts seamlessly across devices ensures a consistent user experience, crucial for maintaining professional credibility and message effectiveness. Beyond visual elements, accessibility considerations are vital; ensuring content is easily digestible for all users, including those with disabilities. This includes alternative text for images, readable font sizes, and clear contrasts. Incorporating these principles into email designs not only enhances user engagement but also complies with legal standards, promoting inclusivity in digital communications.

Email Layout FAQs

  1. Question: What is the importance of responsive design in email layouts?
  2. Answer: Responsive design ensures emails look good and function well on any device, improving readability and user engagement.
  3. Question: How can I make my email design accessible?
  4. Answer: Use legible fonts, include alternative text for images, ensure high contrast for text and background, and structure content logically.
  5. Question: What role does visual hierarchy play in email design?
  6. Answer: It guides the reader's eye to the most important parts of the email, improving comprehension and the likelihood of taking action.
  7. Question: How can personalization improve email effectiveness?
  8. Answer: Personalization makes content more relevant to the recipient, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  9. Question: What is the best practice for using images in emails?
  10. Answer: Use images sparingly to complement your message, ensure they're optimized for fast loading, and always include alt text for accessibility.

Wrapping Up the Email Design Journey

As we conclude, it's clear that the art of email design is a critical aspect of digital communication that goes beyond mere aesthetics. An effective email content layout requires a deep understanding of both technical aspects, such as HTML and CSS, and design principles that cater to user experience and engagement. By focusing on responsive design, testing across various platforms, and crafting compelling calls to action, marketers can significantly improve the effectiveness of their email campaigns. The key lies in the balance between form and function, ensuring that emails not only look appealing but also perform flawlessly across all devices. As email continues to be a vital tool in digital marketing strategies, embracing these practices will lead to more meaningful interactions with audiences and, ultimately, contribute to achieving marketing goals. In essence, the journey of email design is an ongoing process of learning, testing, and adapting to stay ahead in the dynamic digital landscape.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:04 Repulsive_Enginebag Why is my 1px row border not showing? Old and beginner level!

It's an exercise for class (apologies if my questions are dumb... I'm in my 40s and never used HTML or anything like that before!). I'm making a mock email landing page with a form for the perfume brand Jo Malone. If you Google "Jo Malone Email Promotion" you will see several examples. They use a thin black border around each table row. I am also using a thicker border that should be 7 px padded around the entire table.
This is the code:

Jo Malone of London


submitted by Repulsive_Enginebag to HTML [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:57 ConsciousRun6137 8-Pointed Star Occult Meaning: And the connection to superheroes, Nibiru, CERN, & The plasma apocalypse! Part 2

8-Pointed Star Occult Meaning: And the connection to superheroes, Nibiru, CERN, & The plasma apocalypse! Part 2

Revelation Through Symbols: The Lesser Magic of Predictive Programming

The presence of this symbol in movies and media is not mere coincidence but a form of revelation through symbols, a concept rooted in the occult practice of lesser magic and predictive programming. This ideology posits that revealing truth through symbols absolves karmic debt, adhering to a universal law of truth revelation.

The Energetic Signature of Ancient Symbols

These ancient symbols, charged with energy, transcend their physical form. When placed in media, album covers, or clothing brands, they carry an energetic signature that influences the material on which they are depicted.

Unravelling the Origins and Implications

This blog will delve deep into the origins and meanings of the eight-pointed star, exploring its historical context and modern implications. By understanding how this symbol has been woven into the fabric of our culture, we can gain insight into the hidden forces that have shaped human civilization and continue to influence our world today.
Exploring the Mystical Octagram
The octagram, or the 8-pointed star, stands as a timeless emblem, weaving its significance through various religions and cultures globally. Its origins stretch back through the annals of history, and today, it adorns national emblems and religious symbols, each interpretation adding a unique layer to its rich tapestry. This exploration dives into the diverse interpretations and ancient symbols of the octagram.
The Octagram’s Varieties
There are two primary styles for crafting the octagram, each leading to different symbolic representations:
  1. Dual-Square Octagram (8/2): This style emerges from the intersection of two squares, creating an 8-pointed star with a distinctive appearance.
  2. Unicursal Octagram (8/3): Known for its ability to be drawn in one continuous motion without lifting the pen, this version of the octagram weaves a singular, uninterrupted path.
Besides these, variations of the 8/3 unicursal style exist, each adding its unique flair to the octagram’s design.
Decoding the Octagram’s Meanings
Each culture and belief system that embraces the octagram infuses it with its own set of meanings and interpretations. These range from representing fundamental cosmic principles to embodying deep spiritual truths. The octagram’s universal appeal lies in its ability to encapsulate diverse philosophies and ideologies.
Glimpses of Ancient Octagrams
The journey through the octagram’s history takes us across 16 ancient symbols from various corners of the world. Each of these symbols carries its own story and symbolism, reflecting the beliefs and artistic expressions of the cultures they originated from.
In summary, the octagram is not just a geometric figure; it’s a portal into the world’s diverse cultural and spiritual landscapes, offering insights into the human quest for meaning and connection.

In ancient mythology, the 8-pointed star represents the God of heaven, who was called Anu (Aunu, Aun). We also observe the connection to the eight-pointed star with Jupiter.
The 8-pointed star is the pentacle of Jupiter.

The relief in the British Museum displays an image of the Sumerian deity Ninurta, whose parents were Enlil and Ninlil. Notably, the emblem around his neck resembles the cross patee of the Knights Templar.
The 8-pointed Cross Pattee of the Knights Templar
The earliest records of the word Anu come to us from the Sumerians. It is said to be an Akkadian word brought from the Euphrates to Egypt, meaning Heaven and God.
The ancient Akkadians, Assyrians, Chinese, and Phoenicians recognized Anu as the ruler of the Anunnaki. In Babylonian hymns and incantations, the Igigi and Anunnaki have a significant role, with Anu depicted as the father of both groups. The Anunnaki, as descendants of Enki, were the close allies of the newly created humans.
Jupiter is referred to as the star of Babylon, often mentioned in the inscriptions as Marduk and Niribu (né-bé-ru), who is known as the god of the morning and spring sun, or what we can call the shining morning star. Please observe the 8 pointed stars on his attire.
The Greek alphabet is the key to understanding the gematria of the allegorical language of the New Testament, according to Ambroise. In Christianity, there are eight beatitudes: poverty of spirit; mourning; meekness; desire of righteousness; mercy; purity of heart; the peacemaker; and suffering for the sake of righteousness. The number eight symbolizes salvation, as seen in the octagonal shape of the baptismal font, and is also the sign of God’s covenant. It represents the concept of a new beginning, as evidenced in the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation, the Anti-Christ is referred to as the eighth king. In Jewish tradition, the number eight is associated with circumcision, which is performed on the eighth day.
The 8 pointed Cross Pattee of the Hospitalers
There is a profound connection between the eight-pointed star and the Sirius Empire, particularly its link to the Anunnaki. However, it’s important to note that Sirius is not merely a distant galactic location; rather, it’s believed to be accessible interdimensionally. This star symbolizes the Sirius Empire, also known as the Empire of El, an alien empire reputed to rule Earth.
In Eastern cultures, this entity is sometimes referred to as the Jade Empire. The eight-pointed star is a ubiquitous symbol associated with the Anunnaki, the purported extraterrestrial rulers of Earth. Its presence is evident in various insignias and designs, ranging from the Space Force patch to the top of Disney’s D23 poster.
This symbol is also linked to Inanna, known in various cultures as Diana, Freya, Asteroth, and other names. Inanna is considered the representative of the Empire of El in charge of human affairs, managing humanity on behalf of her father. Her father, identified with various names such as Sin Allah, Dionysus, Khonsu, Yahweh, Jesus, and Njord, is believed to be the current Elohim/Anunnaki ruler of the Multiverse. Consequently, the eight-pointed star often appears on items related to Inanna and her father Sin, signifying their influence and authority.
There’s a solid connection to Dracula & the eight-pointed star
lds payson temple star of babylon
United Nations Outpost Atop Mount Hermon: We see an eight-pointed star. Remember, this star is a symbol connected to CERN, which is believed to open portals. This location is significant as it’s where the 200 fallen angels, referred to as the Watchers or the Anunnaki, are said to have descended and imparted forbidden knowledge to mankind. They mated with human women, resulting in the offspring known as the Nephilim. These Nephilim turned cannibalistic and began preying on children. In the Americas, Native American tribes united to hunt these giants to extinction after they turned against the people. Initially worshiped, these giants were eliminated due to their unholy acts.
Nephilim Giants found in Brewer Cave
The ancient giants of America
The UN outpost’s location on the 33rd parallel is noteworthy, as the number 33 is often associated with the third of the angels that fell with Lucifer according to some beliefs
United Nations Outpost Atop Mount Hermon 8 pointed star
The Vatican and the papal bloodlines hold power among the descendants of the Anunnaki.
There are also some reports that the Mormon Church is heavily involved in black magic and has ties to the music industry. Allegedly, they take master tapes into their Mormon temples and bind demons to the masters. Consequently, every copy of an album produced from these masters is said to be bound to a demonic entity. The connection between the Church and the eight-pointed star was astonishing to me.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:43 Bearded_web_designer Transparent Text Components

This irks me and I can't figure out why this is happening lol.
Build is great then once we check on mobile or live on another device, the text is transparent.
Then when we go to change the color, the color swatch has disappeared and says its inehriting. But when we try to find that inheriting piece, it's a completely different style.
How do we fix this to where its not transparent?
submitted by Bearded_web_designer to webflow [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:31 Admirable_Positive88 Upwork (is this scam?)

Upwork (is this scam?)
Hello! I am a new freelancer, and I applied to this job, After they messaged me on Gmail, they asked me to message this person for more details about the job description.
After they emailed me, their job posting on Upwork was already deleted.
The offer is too good to be true.
Do you think it's a scam?
Because if yes, I would love to fuck with them by submitting covert word HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA jk.
submitted by Admirable_Positive88 to Upwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:29 pabletos Presenting Pizzoo, a python library for creating your own designs, animations and dials, including a micro-game framework and a template compiler for using HTML-XML like templates

Presenting Pizzoo, a python library for creating your own designs, animations and dials, including a micro-game framework and a template compiler for using HTML-XML like templates
Hey all! I really love my Pixoo64 device, so as a dev myself, I browsed for libraries to taking control of it, and I discovered the official API. As no library included all the features I wanted to add I created my own (That also can be easily extended to support any device, including other Divoom devices as Pixoo16 and TimesGate).
Official docs - Pypi package - Github repo
Full Animation Creation and Control
With frame-by-frame drawing capabilities to craft detailed animations directly on your LED display, allowing you to visually conceptualize, iterate, and render animations seamlessly. You can design your static images or just load them, load your gifs or manually create your own animations.
Aside from loading your images you have basic shapes manipulation and pixel-by-pixel control.
Custom fonts loading
You can also load your BDF fonts to further customize your designs with custom writing styles. Also texts support positioning and shadows with any offset.
Two loaded fonts and the default one with the auto-wrapping property.
Template Rendering
A built-in compiler supports an XML/HTML-like language for template processing. This facilitates the design of UIs with relative positioning, defined areas, and reusable components, helping you creating fast and reusable interfaces. Templates like:
Long text wrapped Cool
Can be used to generate complex dials like this one:
Although not pretty this shows how powerful can be the feature itself.
Game Development Toolkit
Tap into the possibilities of micro game development with our mini game engine. Design, develop, and deploy small-scale games that can be played right on your LED devices, perfect for creating engaging interactive experiences. You can find a little working example with cameras, sprite, actors and so on, on the `games` folder on the repo.
Flexible integration with any device
The library is designed to be device agnostic, this means that anyone with some technical knowledge can quickly extend the `Renderer` class. This way you can create specific logics for how the library should interact with your physical or virtual device.
Is there a working example using this library?
Yes! There it is A Helldivers 2 realtime tracker that also include dial capabilities like date, time...And gets you updated on the game status and current objectives.
submitted by pabletos to Divoom_Products [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:29 TyphonGotClout Thread 1: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type MultiCartManager found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for MultiCartManager may be missing as an ancestor of this view.

I tried fixing it multiple times but I keep getting this error and I have no idea how to fix it. I'm new to SwiftUI so don't judge, im just using it for a quick school project.
// // AddToCartButton.swift // ProducePal // import SwiftUI struct AddToCartButton: View { @EnvironmentObject var multicart: MultiCartManager var product: Product var body: some View { VStack { Button { multicart.addToCart2(product: product) } label: { Text("Add to Cart") .font(.headline) .fontWeight(.semibold) .foregroundColor(.white) .padding() .padding(.horizontal, 20) .background( .cornerRadius(10) .shadow(radius: 20) } } .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) } } struct AddToCartButton_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { AddToCartButton(product: productList[0]) .environmentObject(MultiCartManager()) } } 
submitted by TyphonGotClout to SwiftUI [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:06 PuzzleLab From ASCII to Pixel Art and back

From ASCII to Pixel Art and back
Hello everyone! I'm developing a new game called Coin-Op Vice on my old text-mode engine. However, this is a pseudo-3D (2.5D) pixel art game with perspective. It turns out that a character-based ASCII engine can handle this task, it just needs a couple of upgrades.

Upgrade number one: custom font

Each character in the font is simply an image. In my case, it's pixel art. If we replace the characters with arbitrary images, we can create cool Pixel Art from this font. However, this method has two limitations:
  1. My font is originally monochromatic. Each letter can only consist of pixels of one color. While there is information about the color of the character, there is no information about the color of each pixel within the character. This is due to the way the font is created in the engine. I've decided not to change this part of the engine.
  2. The character set is limited. If we replace the "/" character in the font with a sprite of a right leg, then all "/" characters on the screen will become right legs. And if this character was used to create an arm, it will now turn into a leg. At the moment, I'm already using characters from the entire ASCII range to create images.
Due to the monochromatic nature of the characters, the image has a Spectrum-style look. And because of the character set limitation, I can edit and test various configurations right in the code using the keyboard. Essentially, each image in the game corresponds to a key on my keyboard. Lots of benefits!

Upgrade number two: multiple alphanumeric layers with variable grid size

Let's say it's 1978, and you're sitting in front of an alphanumeric display (like a VT100). Let's assume it can display 24 rows by 80 characters. The characters are arranged in a grid with a fixed and uniform size for each cell.
Now we create multiple alphanumeric layers, as if several computers (or video adapters) were sending signals to your display. The signals combine, and you see a composite image - multiple text layers superimposed.
Now let each text layer have its own smooth offset on the screen, as well as its own cell size for characters. That's it. Now you can make a 2.5D Top-Down game with perspective. You just need to calculate the offsets of the alphanumeric layers correctly and set the sizes of their grids.

Upgrade number three, non-authentic

Couldn't resist adding CGA palette graphics to the game. I really like the colors, and the faces turn out particularly vivid. I hope the retro style vibe isn't compromised by this eclecticism. What's your opinion?

Back to ASCII

One day, during endless testing and debugging of the game, my custom font switched back to the original - character-based one. I really liked the image. It was like being in another world. The Matrix.
I decided to implement a special mode. If you approach the terminal in the game, you can switch to a "matrix" mode. Since it's better not to use the name "Matrix," I named the mode "Neo-N." It's a reference to the main character of the movie, and the name also emphasizes that everything is illuminated with neon. My wife came up with it.
Being in this mode offers many advantages: monsters don't inflict damage (while I can still harm them), hidden passages become visible, and you can collect special cartridges to build a deck. After 15 seconds, there's an automatic "emergence" from this mode.
During the transition to this expanded text mode, I tried smoothly changing the parallax parameters. The image seemed to, sort of, expand. Isn't that interesting?
Such a comeback in ASCII, even if only at 15-second intervals. I decided to tell you about this unusual game design. I hope you liked the style. Visit the game's page on Steam, where a demo with this feature is already available.
Does such a retro design have the right to exist in our era? What do you think?
Thanks everyone, bye for now!
submitted by PuzzleLab to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:05 Fantastic_Middle_173 “I have a code for text-to-speech, and I’d like to save the generated audio. Is there a way to do that?” Help Please

“I have a code for text-to-speech, and I’d like to save the generated audio. Is there a way to do that?”

Help Please
Coding By CodingNepal - [](

Text To Speech in JavaScript CodingNepal

Text To Speech

/* Import Google Font - Poppins */
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
min-height: 100vh;
background: #5256AD;
color: #fff;
background: #5256AD;
width: 370px;
padding: 25px 30px;
border-radius: 7px;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 7px 7px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
.wrapper header{
font-size: 28px;
font-weight: 500;
text-align: center;
.wrapper form{
margin: 35px 0 20px;
form .row{
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 20px;
flex-direction: column;
form .row label{
font-size: 18px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
form .row:nth-child(2) label{
font-size: 17px;
form :where(textarea, select, button){
outline: none;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
form .row textarea{
resize: none;
height: 110px;
font-size: 15px;
padding: 8px 10px;
border: 1px solid #999;
form .row textarea::-webkit-scrollbar{
width: 0px;
form .row .outer{
height: 47px;
display: flex;
padding: 0 10px;
align-items: center;
border-radius: 5px;
justify-content: center;
border: 1px solid #999;
form .row select{
font-size: 14px;
background: none;
form .row select::-webkit-scrollbar{
width: 8px;
form .row select::-webkit-scrollbar-track{
background: #fff;
form .row select::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{
background: #888;
border-radius: 8px;
border-right: 2px solid #ffffff;
form button{
height: 52px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 17px;
cursor: pointer;
margin-top: 10px;
background: #675AFE;
transition: 0.3s ease;
form button:hover{
background: #4534fe;
(max-width: 400px){
max-width: 345px;
width: 100%;
const textarea = document.querySelector("textarea"),
voiceList = document.querySelector("select"),
speechBtn = document.querySelector("button");
let synth = speechSynthesis,
isSpeaking = true;
function voices(){
for(let voice of synth.getVoices()){
let selected = === "Google US English" ? "selected" : "";
let option = ``;
voiceList.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", option);
synth.addEventListener("voiceschanged", voices);
function textToSpeech(text){
let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
for(let voice of synth.getVoices()){
if( === voiceList.value){
utterance.voice = voice;
speechBtn.addEventListener("click", e =>{
if(textarea.value !== ""){
if(textarea.value.length > 80){
if(!synth.speaking && !isSpeaking){
isSpeaking = true;
speechBtn.innerText = "Convert To Speech";
}, 500);
isSpeaking = false;
speechBtn.innerText = "Pause Speech";
isSpeaking = true;
speechBtn.innerText = "Resume Speech";
speechBtn.innerText = "Convert To Speech";
submitted by Fantastic_Middle_173 to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:39 Fantastic_Middle_173 “I have a code for text-to-speech, and I’d like to save the generated audio. Is there a way to do that?”

Coding By CodingNepal -

Text To Speech in JavaScript CodingNepal

Text To Speech

/* Import Google Font - Poppins */
u/import url(';500;600;700&display=swap');
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
min-height: 100vh;
background: #5256AD;
color: #fff;
background: #5256AD;
width: 370px;
padding: 25px 30px;
border-radius: 7px;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 7px 7px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
.wrapper header{
font-size: 28px;
font-weight: 500;
text-align: center;
.wrapper form{
margin: 35px 0 20px;
form .row{
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 20px;
flex-direction: column;
form .row label{
font-size: 18px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
form .row:nth-child(2) label{
font-size: 17px;
form :where(textarea, select, button){
outline: none;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
form .row textarea{
resize: none;
height: 110px;
font-size: 15px;
padding: 8px 10px;
border: 1px solid #999;
form .row textarea::-webkit-scrollbar{
width: 0px;
form .row .outer{
height: 47px;
display: flex;
padding: 0 10px;
align-items: center;
border-radius: 5px;
justify-content: center;
border: 1px solid #999;
form .row select{
font-size: 14px;
background: none;
form .row select::-webkit-scrollbar{
width: 8px;
form .row select::-webkit-scrollbar-track{
background: #fff;
form .row select::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{
background: #888;
border-radius: 8px;
border-right: 2px solid #ffffff;
form button{
height: 52px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 17px;
cursor: pointer;
margin-top: 10px;
background: #675AFE;
transition: 0.3s ease;
form button:hover{
background: #4534fe;
u/media(max-width: 400px){
max-width: 345px;
width: 100%;
const textarea = document.querySelector("textarea"),
voiceList = document.querySelector("select"),
speechBtn = document.querySelector("button");
let synth = speechSynthesis,
isSpeaking = true;
function voices(){
for(let voice of synth.getVoices()){
let selected = === "Google US English" ? "selected" : "";
let option = ``;
voiceList.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", option);
synth.addEventListener("voiceschanged", voices);
function textToSpeech(text){
let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
for(let voice of synth.getVoices()){
if( === voiceList.value){
utterance.voice = voice;
speechBtn.addEventListener("click", e =>{
if(textarea.value !== ""){
if(textarea.value.length > 80){
if(!synth.speaking && !isSpeaking){
isSpeaking = true;
speechBtn.innerText = "Convert To Speech";
}, 500);
isSpeaking = false;
speechBtn.innerText = "Pause Speech";
isSpeaking = true;
speechBtn.innerText = "Resume Speech";
speechBtn.innerText = "Convert To Speech";
submitted by Fantastic_Middle_173 to code [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:28 mxsfitss Best tattoo artists that do script?

I'm wanting a script piece done but I'm not sure who are the best/specialise. I'm more interested in a font that will last well over time and won't fade/become not very legible after a few years like some of theore delicate styles. I know there's Emily Thomas at need to know it, does anyone else have any other recommendations?
submitted by mxsfitss to glasgow [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:01 FrenchCookieMonster [Hiring] Minimalist unicolor digital drawing of a famous opera scene to print on an apron

Hello artist friends !
I’m looking to commission a minimalistic, black/white digital drawing to be printed on an apron as a gift for a friend.
I recently invited a friend to the opera to see a production of Strauss’ Salome, based on the one-act play by Oscar Wilde. After the show my friend made dinner for us but they don’t own a single apron, and so I want to gift them one for their flat warming mid May (or later since the commission and printing might take a while, but ideally within the next few weeks).
[TW GORE/DEATH] The opera is a very dark tragedy that depicts the attempted seduction of the prophet Jokanaan by the princess Salome, stepdaughter of the King Herod Antipas, her dance of the seven veils, the execution of Jokanaan at Salome’s instigation as payment for dancing for the King, and Salome’s death on Herod’s orders. There is a significant pre-existing iconography of this biblical story, as quite a few artists throughout history have depicted it.
I would like the drawing to depict and reference a specific quote from the opera : “Zu meiner eignen Lust will ich den Kopf des Jochanaan in einer Silberschüssel haben.” (= It is for mine own pleasure that I ask the head of Iokanaan in a silver charger.)
Detailed description of the requested drawing
[TW GORE/DEATH] Princess Salome of Judea, shown in three quarter profile, is being handed the head of the prophet Iokanaan on a silver platter. The decapitated prophet’s head is shown in full profile, laid on said silver platter.
I would like the depiction of both Salome & the prophet’s head to resemble the costume and hairstyling of the opera (with slight alterations to be detailed once a deal has been made), and will provide all necessary visual references & stimuli needed (a start can be found here: https://www.operadeparis.fen/season-23-24/opera/salome#gallery)
Precisions on style and colour
As this is for printing on an apron, I want the drawing style to be simple. I would like it to be either a white drawing on a black apron, or a black drawing on a white apron, in a minimalistic style with no background. I am looking for a rather thick and precise line (little to no work on shade, and I’m not fully decided yet on the filling of the bodies, but I lean towards no filling).
If confirmed one-line drawing artists think this is doable in a one-line drawing, let’s talk about it!
I would like the quote above to be included in the design as well, and would need to discuss font choices with the commissioned artist.
Timeline and Budget
Timeline : quite short, since my friend’s flat warming is taking place soon and I don’t want the memories of the opera to fade. A rush fee is negotiable.
Budget : since I’m looking for a minimalist drawing with no colouring or background, I’m not envisioning an exorbitant budget, but I’m willing to discuss it based on your offer, your portfolio and your commission sheet if you have one. I’m not sure what a typical price would be for this kind of art, so I’m going to say $30 or $15/hour to play by the subreddit rules. I will be paying in €, since — as you might have guessed — I’m French.
If you share your portfolio but there are no examples of minimalistic art / black-white line drawings / one-line drawings on it, please share examples of such work you’ve done in the past.
Thank you in advance for your replies/offers/feedback, this is my first time ever commissioning art and I want to do it conscientiously :)
submitted by FrenchCookieMonster to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:44 NovaRC99 Anyone know what the actual fonts are?

Anyone know what the actual fonts are?
I know that 3 is some sort of Varsity-style font, 4 was used for one of the 2K games in their promotional material, 7 is the Stencil font and 8 was used for Backlash 1999. I would like to know the others if anyone has any clue on them. Thanks.
submitted by NovaRC99 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:52 tempmailgenerator Resolving CSS Issues in Outlook Email Templates

Overcoming CSS Compatibility Challenges in Outlook

Designing email templates that render consistently across various email clients can be a daunting task for developers and marketers alike. The complexity arises primarily due to the different ways email clients interpret HTML and CSS. Among these, Microsoft Outlook is notorious for its unique rendering engine, which often leads to unexpected and frustrating discrepancies between the email design and its appearance in Outlook. Understanding these challenges is the first step towards creating more robust and universally compatible email templates. This necessitates a deep dive into the intricacies of CSS support across Outlook versions, as well as the adoption of specific coding practices tailored to mitigate these issues.
Moreover, the problem is compounded by the fact that Outlook uses Word's HTML rendering engine, which is less forgiving and less standard-compliant than web browsers. This can result in common CSS properties and HTML elements not displaying as intended, leading to broken layouts and impaired user experiences. To navigate this landscape, developers must leverage conditional CSS, use inline styles, and sometimes resort to table-based layouts to ensure compatibility. The goal is to craft emails that not only look good in Outlook but also maintain their integrity across all major email clients, ensuring a consistent and engaging experience for every recipient.
Command Description
Inline CSS Using CSS directly within HTML tags to ensure styles are applied in Outlook.
Conditional Comments Outlook-specific HTML comments that allow inclusion of CSS for Outlook only.
Table Layout Using table-based layouts instead of divs for better compatibility with Outlook.

Strategies for Outlook Email Compatibility

Creating HTML emails that render effectively in Microsoft Outlook requires a nuanced approach due to its unique rendering engine. Unlike most email clients that use web-based rendering engines, Outlook relies on the Word rendering engine. This fundamental difference means that many modern web standards and CSS properties that work seamlessly in browsers and other email clients might not work as expected in Outlook. For instance, CSS styles like flexbox and grid, which are staples for responsive web design, are not supported in Outlook. This limitation necessitates a shift towards more traditional and robust layout strategies, such as table-based layouts, to ensure consistency across all viewing platforms.
Furthermore, to address Outlook's idiosyncrasies, developers often resort to conditional comments. These Outlook-specific conditional comments can be used to target styles or even entire sections of the email exclusively to Outlook users. This allows for the inclusion of fallback styles or alternative layouts that better align with Outlook's rendering capabilities. Additionally, inline CSS is crucial for email compatibility across all clients, including Outlook. By placing styles directly within HTML tags, developers can circumvent many of the limitations imposed by email clients' CSS parsing. Careful attention to these practices, along with rigorous testing across various versions of Outlook, is essential for achieving the best possible user experience in email campaigns.

Ensuring CSS Compatibility in Outlook

HTML with inline CSS

Welcome to Our Newsletter

Using Conditional Comments for Outlook

HTML with Outlook conditional comments
[if mso]>  This text is styled specifically for Outlook.

Strategies for Optimizing Email Templates for Outlook

Creating email templates that perform well in Outlook involves understanding both the limitations and capabilities of this platform. Microsoft Outlook, unlike most email clients, uses the Word rendering engine to display HTML emails. This fundamental difference means that many modern CSS properties, particularly those related to layout and animation, do not work as expected. Developers must therefore adopt a more conservative approach to email design, focusing on compatibility and reliability. Utilizing table layouts for structuring content is a key strategy, as tables are consistently rendered across all versions of Outlook. This approach, while seemingly outdated, ensures that your email's layout remains intact, providing a uniform experience for recipients regardless of their email client.
Another important consideration is the use of inline CSS. While external stylesheets are a staple of web development, they pose significant challenges in the email world, especially in Outlook. Inline styles are more likely to be supported and render consistently across email clients, including Outlook. For advanced styling that cannot be achieved with inline CSS alone, conditional comments targeted specifically at Outlook can be used to include CSS or even entire sections of HTML that will only be displayed to Outlook users. This allows for the creation of emails that look great in Outlook without compromising their appearance in other email clients. Adhering to these practices not only improves the visual consistency of emails but also enhances their accessibility and readability across diverse platforms.

Email Template Compatibility FAQs

  1. Question: Why do emails look different in Outlook compared to other email clients?
  2. Answer: Outlook uses the Word rendering engine, which has limited support for modern CSS properties and layouts, leading to discrepancies in email appearance.
  3. Question: How can I ensure my email looks good in Outlook?
  4. Answer: Use table-based layouts, inline CSS, and Outlook conditional comments to ensure compatibility and consistency.
  5. Question: Are external stylesheets supported in Outlook?
  6. Answer: Outlook has limited support for external stylesheets, making inline styles a more reliable option for styling emails.
  7. Question: Can I use web fonts in my Outlook email templates?
  8. Answer: Outlook has limited support for web fonts, so it's safer to use system fonts for broader compatibility.
  9. Question: How do conditional comments work for Outlook?
  10. Answer: Conditional comments allow you to target specific versions of Outlook with CSS or HTML that will only be rendered by those versions.
  11. Question: Is responsive design possible in Outlook email templates?
  12. Answer: Yes, but it requires careful planning and the use of inline styles and table-based layouts to achieve the best results.
  13. Question: What are some common issues when designing emails for Outlook?
  14. Answer: Common issues include broken layouts, unsupported CSS styles, and images not displaying as intended.
  15. Question: How can I test my email's appearance in Outlook?
  16. Answer: Use email testing tools like Litmus or Email on Acid to preview and debug your email in various versions of Outlook.
  17. Question: Can I use animations or interactive elements in Outlook emails?
  18. Answer: Outlook has limited support for animations and interactive elements, so these should be used sparingly and tested thoroughly.

Wrapping Up Email Template Design for Outlook

Designing email templates for Outlook demands a nuanced approach that respects its distinct rendering engine. By embracing table-based layouts, inline CSS, and conditional comments, developers can navigate the challenges posed by Outlook's Word-based renderer. This approach ensures that emails not only look good but also function well across the diverse landscape of email clients. It highlights the importance of adaptability in email design, where understanding and leveraging the peculiarities of each client leads to more successful and engaging email campaigns. Testing remains a critical step in this process, enabling designers to identify and rectify issues before emails reach their audience. Ultimately, the pursuit of Outlook compatibility is a testament to the meticulous and thoughtful approach required in modern email marketing, where reaching every recipient effectively is paramount.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:30 Soninetz HeyGen App Download - AI Video Tool

HeyGen App Download - AI Video Tool
Ready to revolutionize your skincare routine? Looking for a game-changer in the world of beauty apps with customizable AI avatars? Say hello to Heygen App - your friendly face, friendly interface, customizable AI avatars, and generative AI skincare companion. With Heygen, downloading the app opens doors to personalized skincare tips, product recommendations, expert advice, and customizable AI avatars right at your fingertips. Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary results with just a tap and a fantastic tool in hand? Discover the power of Heygen App today!
Useful Links:
  1. HeyGen LifeTime Deal
  2. HeyGen Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize HeyGen's video creation features effectively by exploring all the available tools and options to enhance your video content and marketing message.
  • **Leverage AI technology within HeyGen for efficient and high-quality video production, ensuring a seamless editing process.
  • **Follow the steps outlined in the article to create engaging videos using HeyGen, including importing media, adding effects, and exporting the final product.
  • **Consider the scalability and integration capabilities of HeyGen to streamline your video production workflow and adapt to changing project requirements.
  • **Maximize the potential of HeyGen by integrating it with other tools or platforms to enhance collaboration and productivity in video creation projects.
  • **Experiment with different features and functionalities of HeyGen to discover unique ways to elevate your video content creation.

Exploring Video Creation Features

Text To Video

Utilize the Text To Video feature for quick and professional video creation. This tool allows users to convert text content into engaging videos within minutes. By simply inputting your desired text, the app transforms it into a visually appealing video, saving time and effort.

Multi-scene Videos

Take advantage of the Multi-scene Videos feature to combine multiple scenes seamlessly. With this functionality, users can create dynamic videos with transitions between different scenes, enhancing the overall quality and storytelling aspect of their content.
Unleash the power of AI in video creation! 🎥 Sign up for your FREE TRIAL today!

Creative Styles

Customize your videos with the Creative Styles feature offering various fonts, images, and shapes. This feature provides users with a wide range of options to enhance the visual appeal of their videos, making them more engaging and captivating for viewers.

Navigating AI Technology for Video Production

Personalized Voice Recordings

Experience the power of AI with the Audio Uploads feature, allowing users to customize voice recordings. With this feature, users can add a personal touch to their videos through unique voiceovers.

Global Audience Reach

Explore the 300+ voices available in 40+ languages to cater to a diverse and global audience. This feature enables users to connect with viewers worldwide by providing content in their preferred language.

Background Music Integration

Enhance your videos by adding your favorite music using the Background Music feature. This functionality allows users to choose from a wide range of tracks to complement their content and create engaging videos.
  1. Pros:
    • Customizable voice recordings for a personalized touch.
    • Extensive voice options in various languages for global reach.
    • Diverse selection of background music to enhance video quality.
  2. Cons:
    • Limited customization options for voice recordings.
    • Some languages may have fewer voice choices available.

Steps to Create Videos with HeyGen

Audio Uploads

Record and upload your real voice effortlessly with HeyGen's Audio Uploads feature. This functionality allows users to personalize their videos by adding their own authentic voiceovers, enhancing the overall quality and uniqueness of the content.
Useful Links:
  1. HeyGen LifeTime Deal
  2. HeyGen Free Trial

Multi-scene Videos

Easily combine scenes and create stunning videos using HeyGen's Multi-scene Videos feature. This feature provides users with the flexibility to experiment with various visual elements, transitions, and effects, resulting in engaging and dynamic video compositions.

Video Sharing

Effortlessly share your videos with colleagues or clients through HeyGen's Video Sharing feature. This functionality streamlines the process of distributing your creations, enabling seamless collaboration and feedback exchange within professional or personal circles.

Scalability and Integration with HeyGen


HeyGen offers the ability to download videos in up to 4K resolution, ensuring high-quality content creation. This feature caters to users seeking top-notch video output.


The affordable pricing of HeyGen makes it an attractive option for individuals or businesses looking to create professional videos without breaking the bank. This factor contributes to its popularity among users.

User-Friendly Interface

With its user-friendly interface, HeyGen provides a seamless experience for users at all skill levels. This accessibility allows beginners to navigate the platform with ease while also catering to advanced users.

Diverse Styles

Users have access to a wide range of styles within HeyGen, enabling them to experiment with various looks and effects for their videos. This versatility ensures that creators can find the perfect fit for their content needs.

Web-Based Access

Closing Thoughts

In a nutshell, HeyGen offers a seamless way to create engaging videos with the power of AI at your fingertips. From simplifying video production to enhancing scalability and integration, this app revolutionizes the way you approach content creation. By leveraging its innovative features, you can elevate your video projects and captivate your audience effortlessly.
Ready to take your video creation skills to the next level? Download HeyGen now and unlock a world of possibilities in video production. Start crafting professional-looking videos with ease and efficiency. Elevate your content game and leave a lasting impression on your viewers today!
Elevate your video game with Heygen! Get started with our FREE TRIAL today! 🎬

Frequently Asked Questions

Is HeyGen app available for download on all devices?

Yes, HeyGen app is available for download on both Android and iOS devices. You can easily find and install the app from the Google Play Store for Android users or the Apple App Store for iOS users.

How does HeyGen use AI technology in video production?

HeyGen leverages AI technology to enhance video creation by offering features like automated editing, smart suggestions for effects and transitions, and real-time object tracking. This helps users create professional-looking videos quickly and easily.

Can I integrate HeyGen with other software or platforms?

Yes, HeyGen offers seamless integration with popular platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. You can directly export your videos to these platforms from HeyGen, saving you time and effort in sharing your content with your audience.

What scalability options are available with HeyGen?

HeyGen provides scalability by offering various subscription plans tailored to different user needs. Whether you are an individual creator or a business looking to scale your video production efforts, HeyGen has flexible options to accommodate your requirements.

Are there specific steps to follow when creating videos with HeyGen?

Yes, there are simple steps to follow when creating videos with HeyGen:
  1. Choose your media files
  2. Select a template or start from scratch
  3. Customize your video using AI-powered tools
  4. Preview and make any final adjustments
  5. Export and share your video seamlessly
Useful Links:
  1. HeyGen LifeTime Deal
  2. HeyGen Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to ReviewsFactory [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:10 SENSENEL Does anyone know which setting can be used to change or hide the context font styles in 3.23?

Does anyone know which setting can be used to change or hide the context font styles in 3.23? submitted by SENSENEL to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:27 DeLaRoka Google Sheets as custom spreadsheet data source for Definer popup dictionary browser extension

Google Sheets as custom spreadsheet data source for Definer popup dictionary browser extension
You can easily turn a Google Sheets database into a popup dictionary. This allows you to quickly search through it when selecting text on any webpage or PDF document.
A spreadsheet serves as an accessible and adaptable database option. It’s faster to set up and easier to manage than traditional SQL-based databases.
In this tutorial, I'll guide you through creating a popup dictionary for your own spreadsheet. For demo purposes, I’ll use a modified dictionary spreadsheet for the Yherchian constructed language, generously provided by u/Xsugatsal.
First, let's take a look at how exactly all of this will work when we're finished:
Google Sheets database in Definer popup dictionary browser extension
A little explanation of what's going on in the video:
  • A Google Sheets spreadsheet is set to public so anyone with the link can view it.
  • The Definer popup dictionary set up to fetch data from this spreadsheet using a link to Google's Visualization API (gviz).
  • A small window pops up whenever you select a word on a webpage or in a PDF document, displaying results from the spreadsheet if there's a match in the first two columns.
If this sounds useful, let's start setting it up. You don’t need any technical skills to follow these steps.

1. Install the Definer browser extension

Definer - Popup Dictionary & Translator browser extension has a feature called "Custom source" that allows turning any website into a popup dictionary using only its link. We'll need this to interact with Google Visualization API.
Install it from:

2. Locate the Custom source

Right-click the extension icon and select "Definer Options". On the "Sources" page, activate the "Custom" source and drag it to the top if you want it as your default. Then, click on "Settings" to configure it.
How to locate the Custom source in Definer browser extension

3. Set up your spreadsheet

Conlang dictionary basic table structure
I’ll work with a prepared spreadsheet that includes four columns:
  1. English word
  2. Yherchian word
  3. Category
  4. Meaning
View my example spreadsheet here:
It's crucial that the spreadsheet is set to public. In your own spreadsheet, you'd have to find and click on "Share" button and under "General access" select "Anyone with the link".

4. Set the website address (URL)

We need to prepare the URL the popup dictionary will use to fetch data from your spreadsheet. Here’s what it will look like for my spreadsheet: A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B contains "{str}"&tqx=out:html&headers=1 
Gviz link schema

Now, let’s break it down and see what each part of this URL means and how you can customize it for your own spreadsheet:
1. Base spreadsheet URL: This is the link to your Google Sheets that is set to public access.
  • Example:
2. Google Visualization API endpoint: Adding /gviz/tq?tq= to the base URL enables querying the sheet using SQL-like commands. You can read the docs for more info.
  • /gviz/tq?tq=
3. SQL query: The SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B contains "{str}" part is the query that fetches rows where the first two columns match the word selected in your browser.
  • SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B contains "{str}"
4. Output format and headers: The &tqx=out:html&headers=1 specifies that the output should be in HTML format and the first row of the spreadsheet should be used as headers.
  • &tqx=out:html&headers=1

Type the URL into the "URL" field in the Custom source settings in Definer, replacing the spreadsheet ID and possibly modifying the SELECT query to match your table structure.
Type the URL into the \"URL\" field in the Custom source settings.

5. Set custom styles (CSS)

At this point it should already work perfectly. But just to slightly improve the visual aspect, let's add some CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets and affects how webpages look. The code snippet below will align the colors of the resulting table with the Definer’s theme. Paste this into the "CSS" field:
table, tr { background-color: var(--v-ground-base) !important; color: var(--v-text-base) !important; } table, td { border: none !important; } tr[style^="font-weight: bold"] td { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(var(--text-rgb), 0.4) !important; padding: 0 6px 3px !important; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: rgba(var(--text-rgb), 0.05) !important; } 
Copy and paste the code into the \"CSS\" field in the Custom source settings.


Now, it's functional AND beautiful. Let's check it out in action:
My attempt to write a poem in Yherchian conlang with the help of Definer popup dictionary that is connected to my dictionary database in Google Sheets

Searching the Google Sheets database by typing the word, instead of selecting it on a page

Looking up an English word in my spreadsheet by selecting it on a page. Dark theme in Definer.

Highlight to define the word on a page using Definer popup dictionary and Google Sheets as a data source. Light theme.

Select a word on a page to find it in the spreadsheet. Dark theme.

Another example of popup search in Google Sheet database through the definition extension. Green theme.

Definer popup dictionary tool linked to a database in Google Sheets. Royal Blue theme.

Chrome Web Store Firefox Addons

submitted by DeLaRoka to lumetrium_definer [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:06 TaurusFervant Flutter page reloading

I want my page to reload when i tap on the dates, and display time slots according to the selected date. This is my code for the dates widget: ` FutureBuilder>( future: getTimesByDates(1, selectedDate), builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasError) { // Display an error message if fetching data failed return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}'); } else if (snapshot.hasData) { // Extract the data from the snapshotas final List data =!; print('i was here');
 return Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: List.generate(5, (index) { bool isSelected = selecteddateindices.contains(index); // var item = data[index]; return GestureDetector( onTap: () async { print('in the gesture'); selectedDate = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd').format(next10Days[index]); // print(selectedDate); setState(() { if (isSelected) selecteddateindices.remove(index); else selecteddateindices = [index]; fetchAvailableTimeSlots(data); }); }, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0), child: Container( width: 70, // Adjust the width as needed height: 95, // Adjust the height as needed decoration: BoxDecoration( color:isSelected? Color(0xFF3E64FF): const Color.fromARGB(255, 252, 252, 252), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(15) ), child: Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: , children: [ Text( DateFormat('d').format(next10Days[index]), style: TextStyle( decoration: TextDecoration.none, color: isSelected? const Color. fromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255): const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0), fontSize: 33, fontFamily: 'museo500', // fontWeight: FontWeight.w800, height: 0, letterSpacing: -0.32, )), SizedBox(height: 5,), Text( DateFormat('EE').format(next10Days[index]), style: TextStyle( decoration: TextDecoration.none, color: isSelected? const Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255): const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0), fontSize: 16, fontFamily: 'actor', // fontWeight: FontWeight.w800, height: 0, letterSpacing: -0.32, )), ], ), ), ), ), ); }), ); } else return CircularProgressIndicator(); } 
this is my fetchavailabletimeslots function:
 Future fetchAvailableTimeSlots(List data) async { print('in the fetchtime func'); bookedTimeSlots = []; // Call API or database query to retrieve shift start and end times for the doctor // print(newshiftStart); DateTime shiftStart = DateTime.parse('2024-04-30 $newshiftStart'); // Fetch shift start time from database DateTime shiftEnd = DateTime.parse('2024-04-30 $newshiftend'); // Fetch shift end time from database // String formattedTime = DateFormat('HH:mm:ss').format(shiftStart); // print(formattedTime); //print(shiftStart); // Generate list of all possible time slots within shift start and end times with 1-hour interval List allTimeSlots = []; DateTime currentTime = shiftStart; while (currentTime.isBefore(shiftEnd)) { allTimeSlots.add(currentTime); currentTime = currentTime.add(Duration(hours: 1)); } print(allTimeSlots); print('all data is:'); print(data); //generate booked lists for ( var item in data) { print(item['timeofvisit']); var test = item['timeofvisit']; DateTime time_Str = DateTime.parse('2024-04-30 $test'); // Fetch shift end time from database bookedTimeSlots.add(time_Str); } print('the booked time slots are:'); print(bookedTimeSlots); //remove avaialbel time slots for (DateTime timeSlot in bookedTimeSlots) { allTimeSlots.remove(timeSlot); } print('the new time slots are'); print(allTimeSlots); timeSlotsforthispage = []; for (DateTime timeSlot in allTimeSlots) { String formattedTime = DateFormat('h:mm a').format(timeSlot); timeSlotsforthispage.add(formattedTime); } print(timeSlotsforthispage); setState(() { }); } 
This is my page, right now its displaying the time slots according to the previously selected date which was 12, even though i have already tapped on the 11 may date container. data showing according to the last selected date not the current selected date In this image if i re tap on the 11 container it will display the right time according to the date. Each time i have to tap twice on the container to display the right time slots. enter image description here
I have tried using setstate function in the fetchtimeslots function and all of this page is in the same stateful class.
submitted by TaurusFervant to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:56 pabletos Presenting Pizzoo, a python library for creating your own designs, animations and dials, including a micro-game framework and a template compiler for using HTML-XML like templates

Presenting Pizzoo, a python library for creating your own designs, animations and dials, including a micro-game framework and a template compiler for using HTML-XML like templates
Hey all! I really love my Pixoo64 device, so as a dev myself, I browsed for libraries to taking control of it, and I discovered the official API. As no library included all the features I wanted to add I created my own (That also can be easily extended to support any device, including other Divoom devices as Pixoo16 and TimesGate).
Official docs - Pypi package - Github repo
Full Animation Creation and Control
With frame-by-frame drawing capabilities to craft detailed animations directly on your LED display, allowing you to visually conceptualize, iterate, and render animations seamlessly. You can design your static images or just load them, load your gifs or manually create your own animations.
Aside from loading your images you have basic shapes manipulation and pixel-by-pixel control.
Custom fonts loading
You can also load your BDF fonts to further customize your designs with custom writing styles. Also texts support positioning and shadows with any offset.
Two loaded fonts and the default one with the auto-wrapping property.
Template Rendering
A built-in compiler supports an XML/HTML-like language for template processing. This facilitates the design of UIs with relative positioning, defined areas, and reusable components, helping you creating fast and reusable interfaces. Templates like:
Long text wrapped Cool
Can be used to generate complex dials like this one:
Although not pretty this shows how powerful can be the feature itself.
Game Development Toolkit
Tap into the possibilities of micro game development with our mini game engine. Design, develop, and deploy small-scale games that can be played right on your LED devices, perfect for creating engaging interactive experiences. You can find a little working example with cameras, sprite, actors and so on, on the `games` folder on the repo.
Flexible integration with any device
The library is designed to be device agnostic, this means that anyone with some technical knowledge can quickly extend the `Renderer` class. This way you can create specific logics for how the library should interact with your physical or virtual device.
Is there a working example using this library?
Yes! There it is A Helldivers 2 realtime tracker that also include dial capabilities like date, time...And gets you updated on the game status and current objectives.
submitted by pabletos to Divoom [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:31 rodders1013 [TASK] Trading Card / Collector Card layout and element design (no Digital Images/pictures required) U/I/Frame/Style

I am in need of someone to create a card layout and frames for a collectible card game / trading card that I am building,
Requirements: Design the card layout, I will provide all placeholder images as requirements. I do not need extravagant digital images being made. Design needs to be in a photoshop format (I use photopea) where each element can be edited as required. Card designs will need to be in the aesthetics of console gaming systems, like PLaystation / Xbox so knowledge of what the aesthetics and styles of gamers like is a bonus. You main task will be creation of individual elements and placement and presentation of the cards. Adding effects/textures for the overall card look and feel. I will supply the details and fonts that are needed. The cards will need to have an overall style but can change appearance by adding elements or taking elements away. Payment will be via PayPal
submitted by rodders1013 to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:16 hulululuuuuuhu My fellow "pirates", do you usually read in pdf or epub?

Both of them have their pros and cons on kindle scribe: ----Epub Pro: 1-much faster on scribe. 2-You can change font, style, etc. 3-you have sticky notes 4-scribe shows book covers for epub Cons: 1-You CAN'T write directly on the book.
---pdf Pro:1-you can write directly on the book Cons: pretty much everything else.
My goal is that when I finish the book and export it, I have a much easier to read and distilled version of my highlights and notes.
submitted by hulululuuuuuhu to kindlescribe [link] [comments]