Achy nodes

Desperate at this point

2024.06.05 15:34 Educational_Yam7855 Desperate at this point

Hey guys, I don't know where else to go and how much energy I've left for this never-ending search. Doctors don't believe me and the ones who does are people who cannot send me to any important check up. I've done ANA, RA factor, some bacterias in stomach, my blood work is fine and CRP low. They did colonoscopy, gastroscopy and CT of my belly where are small lymph nodes. All started in August with my lymph nodes on my neck huge as tennis ball, followed with back pain and terrible knee pain, feeling dizzy, nautious, pain in my chest and weird burning feeling in the nodes. Now new thing to the collection - twitching and tinnitus in right ear. I'm having crying session almost every day, I honestly don't know where else to ask for help when everybody is sending me to psychiatrist. I'm 27F and cannot move properly because of muscle weakness in my left knee, getting tired and achy so quickly that I cannot live my life properly.
I was already thinking to go Austria (I'm from Czech Republic) and get myself a pet scan because here no one seems to care about my problems (and slightly bigger lymph nodes).
Just venting I guess, not expecting any diagnose of course.
submitted by Educational_Yam7855 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:27 labellavitaaa Concerned about colon cancer and general health.

I (17M) have been concerned these last few days about having kidney stones, UTIs, and now colon cancer. Before you reply to me, please don't tell me I'm being stupid because of the statistics and I'm most likely worried for nothing but I'm just a person who doesn't wanna die a slow painful death.
This all started about 1-2 weeks ago when I felt some throbbing/pressure kinda feeling I would say between my belly button and my left hipbone. The thought of it being anything serious didn't even cross my mind until one night when it woke me up feeling like some slight achy pain that would come and go. I broke the rule and googled what this could be even though you obviously shouldn't self-diagnose. This made me TERRIFIED.
After some days of googling, a few days later I felt some weird pain on the skin below the jaw and also some weird feeling when swallowing which set this off even more. I also think my vision got a bit blurry and I thought it was fatigue, I started feeling tired even when I got enough rest, however not that tired. I read about swollen lymph nodes and what connection they could have to colon cancer. I felt mine and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like this but I'm able to move mine around but it hurts a bit when I do.
Then came the random body aches, one was particularly below my right arm. I thought I was done for, that cancer was spreading and I thought of the worst case scenarios. This pain also went away, thankfully, but what made me spiral even more was how I noticed I couldn't even fart. How I had to strain while pooping, how it was even smaller and smaller. There was no blood on it however though, which kinda put my mind at peace on that. My stomach also keeps making weird noises.
Next came two canker sores, which was last night. I know this could be because of a weakened immune system and this made me even more scared, this particular canker sore I'd say was very tiny and red, it also had some weird slightly white patches next to it and I got even more scared on it.
I'm looking for reassurance and I'm thinking is this all from being scared and nervous about my health since this isn't the first time something like this happened. The most likely scenario is that I'm just constipated I guess. Last year I also thought I had testicular cancer which ended up being nothing, and sorry If I structured my sentences weirdly since English isn't my first language. Thank you for your time!
submitted by labellavitaaa to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:48 royalpenny Struggling with spleen, lymph & shoulder pain, what are my options as an uninsured person in NYC?

Hi all, I think I've really screwed myself here but the US marketplace insurance system just enraged me to no end so I opted out after moving from the Netherlands three years ago. What are my options for a GP visit/ blood work as a non-insured person in NYC that won't put me in debt?
29F Ive been struggling with increasing spleen pain, an urgent care doctor a year ago confirmed splenomegaly, I had a neg monospot test but tested pos to EBV antibodies, we called it Mono and tried to moved on with my life. Cue a year later my spleen has been bothering me this whole year and recently the pain has spread to my left shoulder. I have also noticed enlarged lymph nodes/achiness under my jaw and increased petechia in patches on my skin. I'm feeling way more tired than usual and the spleen pain is really getting to me.
Initially, I wanted to wait until I found a job that offered decent insurance (I am currently a marketing contractor without insurance) but now I'm getting worried that waiting the potential months that could take could cause more damage if something is really wrong.
What would you do in this situation? I made 64k last year so I understand I don't qualify for most governmental assistance. Are there low-cost clinics somewhere in the city? Is it possible to get health insurance outside the enrollment period without a “qualifying incident”? Please help me understand if there is any options I am overlooking, I feel so destitute. I'm trying to find a job with good health insurance but I've been feeling so unwell I don't know how I'll be able to find/ start a new job with my current condition. I feel trapped in a hellish feedback loop. Let me know if there is any light at the end of the tunnel
submitted by royalpenny to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 08:30 Expert_Interaction_5 Squirrel question again

I posted a few days ago on here about a wild squirrel that ran up to me in a regional park last weekened with no fear, jumped up my leg for peanuts and its claw nicked my thumb. I went to 2 hospitals to get 2 opinions and they both said squirrels don't transmit rabies to humans in Canada. I live in BC. The next day I randomly had diarrhea, then that went away, then I had a sore throat, that too went away, then today I noticed a swollen lymph node under my ear and I have a bad headache and I'm achy in my arms. My anxiety is through the roof and I'm wondering if it's totally unrelated and I'm coincidentally just getting sick at the same time, or if it's rabies?
I'm at the end of my rope. I'm freaking out. Please help.
submitted by Expert_Interaction_5 to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:15 EngineeringCurrent24 Lymph node pain

Does anyone have lymph node pain and just general achiness ? Some times it’s worse than others.. no visible swollen nodes and recently had a ct of my stomach but under my arms and just general areas or big nodes ache some times. Just feel like total crap some times .
submitted by EngineeringCurrent24 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:11 Fitgirly357 23F, Has anyone had swollen armpit lymph nodes?

I am a 23 year old female. The last five days I have had 3 swollen lymph nodes get worse in my righr armpit. They are painful and achy. Last night I felt an ache in my left armpit and felt a small one starting to form in my left armpit. However, I do not feel sick whatsoever. I have fatigue and body aches. The last three nights I have woke up hot and sticky, I wouldn't say drenched in sweat, but I have woke up with pain in both armpits last night.
submitted by Fitgirly357 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:16 sdni HELP ME.

19 (20 early July)
5’1 1/2
Mostly the last few years but especially the last 4 months.
I (F) turn 20 at the beginning of July and was vaguely diagnosed with something called ‘CCOA’ or also known as Complex Clinical Overlapping Autoimmune Syndrome. So far, I exhibit a multitude of symptoms that overlap with many different conditions. Rheumatoid Arthritis is one that is at the top right now. I just started a combination of Prednisone and Methocarbamol. I have meloxicam for after I finish the Prednisone. Majority of my blood work has ruled out many things and has been normal. I had a low C4 level, fluctuating levels with some things relating to kidney function, and consistently low Vitamin D. My symptoms include folliculitis with no bacteria (diagnosed through skin biopsy after a month of a terrible rash), swollen lymph nodes consistently along with constant upper respiratory symptoms such as coughing/swollen throat/congestion, along with consistently always being sick and getting really sick, migraines, gastrointestinal issues but I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy over 2 years ago and they only found mild inflammation and biopsy was normal and my endoscopy showed my throat was swollen so they dilated it. I have experienced a mild malar rash on my face multiple times, my hands and legs are unsteady and I get muscle spasms, my hands and joints swell and burn and hurt, I have had two episodes of scleritis (once in each eye) that lasted a month each time, my hair is thinning on my scalp and has some noticeable bald spots when I put it up (at least to me), I also have POTS with the added symptom of bad hypotension. I get reoccurring UTIs and infections that most of the time antibiotics are ineffective for long term because my upper respiratory symptoms never seem to really go away. I have tried antihistamines too. My pain has gotten out of hand this year and is impacting my ability to function. I am sick and fatigued all the time and the fatigue makes me so tired I have to sleep or rest no matter where I am. The Prednisone is working for the inflammation but I am still achy. I am at a loss. I have a 14 month old daughter and a partner who need me and I feel scared that I will continue to get sicker and sicker as I already am. I am crossing my fingers desperately that this third referral to a rheumatologist gets approved since some recent results came back abnormal.
submitted by sdni to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:00 sdni Complex.

I (F) turn 20 at the beginning of July and was vaguely diagnosed with something called ‘CCOA’ or also known as Complex Clinical Overlapping Autoimmune Syndrome. So far, I exhibit a multitude of symptoms that overlap with many different conditions. Rheumatoid Arthritis is one that is at the top right now. I just started a combination of Prednisone and Methocarbamol. I have meloxicam for after I finish the Prednisone. Majority of my blood work has ruled out many things and has been normal. I had a low C4 level, fluctuating levels with some things relating to kidney function, and consistently low Vitamin D. My symptoms include folliculitis with no bacteria (diagnosed through skin biopsy after a month of a terrible rash), swollen lymph nodes consistently along with constant upper respiratory symptoms such as coughing/swollen throat/congestion, along with consistently always being sick and getting really sick, migraines, gastrointestinal issues but I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy over 2 years ago and they only found mild inflammation and biopsy was normal and my endoscopy showed my throat was swollen so they dilated it. I have experienced a mild malar rash on my face multiple times, my hands and legs are unsteady and I get muscle spasms, my hands and joints swell and burn and hurt, I have had two episodes of scleritis (once in each eye) that lasted a month each time, my hair is thinning on my scalp and has some noticeable bald spots when I put it up (at least to me), I also have POTS with the added symptom of bad hypotension. I get reoccurring UTIs and infections that most of the time antibiotics are ineffective for long term because my upper respiratory symptoms never seem to really go away. I have tried antihistamines too. My pain has gotten out of hand this year and is impacting my ability to function. I am sick and fatigued all the time and the fatigue makes me so tired I have to sleep or rest no matter where I am. The Prednisone is working for the inflammation but I am still achy. I am at a loss. I have a 14 month old daughter and a partner who need me and I feel scared that I will continue to get sicker and sicker as I already am. I am crossing my fingers desperately that this third referral to a rheumatologist gets approved since some recent results came back abnormal.
submitted by sdni to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:13 Excellent-Can8531 can this be Lyme or coinfection symptom?

It first started with a small zit on the tip of the ear lobe, it had a black head that spread and inflamed the skin around the cartilage filling it with some kind of liquid and then lymph nodes got swollen around the ear and neck. The infection looked black, and within a weak made a crust that made it unrecognizable that was an insect bite. That is when I went to the doctors and they thought it was viral. That is why I was misdiagnosed so many years.
Since then I get this painful small blisters in the hands, some under the skin like the first picture, some on the surface. around joints. They are dark in appearance with black head and every time they appear they last around 1 - 2 weeks and when they leave the skin gets dry and flaky. But this does not end here, as soon as they disappear the nerve pain starts and I het really achy in the area for a long time.
I really believe that what I am looking at is the infection that havocs my body for such a long time (3yrs). I will not get into details but I do have neurological symptoms similar to MS, ALS.
I would like to know if you have these as well with Lyme.
submitted by Excellent-Can8531 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:15 iNEEDteaNOW When should I go to the ER for Acid Reflux? Inflammation?

25M, 125lbs, 5’9, moderately active, don’t smoke/drink, 2-4 cups of coffee daily Medications: Flovent, abuterol, Allegra most days, Benadryl occasionally Medical HX: silent asthma (for dust allergies), reguka, allergies (mostly dust mites for severe symptoms), Fam history: DAD- psoriasis, acid reflux Mom- Idiopathic ventricular arrhythmia (went into cardiac arrest once), small stroke from unknown cause (heart healthy, potentially the irregular contractions)
Okay, so I went to an urgent care because I was having asthma problems and ran out of my rescue inhaler, and I have to wait till mid June for my allergy appointment. I also noticed my right lymph node was swollen and frankly it might be considered “hard” lol. Anyways I had my medicine but I started getting chest pain while breathing in and hiccuping. I went back for that in the last week, and it had been 2-3 weeks since my last appointment at least. The last doctor told me I probably just had a viral infection, but when I went back this time the lymph node softer but still pretty swollen and firm. My left lymph node was bigger before my last appointment but it went down and it’s still down. Now the doctor gave me medicine for heartburn and I think that’s what it is, after the feeling has moved a couple days and it’s always cured by drinking water and gets worse when doing things that make acid reflux worse. My problem is that it has been nearly 3/4 of the time burning, and even after taking a PPI it still burns some while laying on my back (I tried differently). I have a doctors appointment in a week, but I was concerned due to the persistence and how often the reflux has been happening. It’s pretty painful but not like unbearable. I wanted to know what level of consistency or severity should I just go to the ER for? I don’t want to wait until I’m bleeding out honestly. I searched it up some and it seems like I definitely need to get help, but I’m not sure whether to wait for doctor or just go to ER now. The weird part is the pain started 3 days ago and I’d never had it that bad or for that long before. Idk why all of a sudden it’s long and persistent. I didn’t think it happened that way for my family, and I was concerned that the frequency might cause serious damage if it doesn’t have time to heal or rest. Can someone help me get an idea of when I should go to he ER? The urgent care already did what they could, but they weren’t sure if acid reflux was the problem. Should I go back there in the meantime?
I’ve also been having episodic allergy and immune problems. Achy and stuff fingers in morning, dry mouth in morning, red spots on knuckles, stomach ache/slowing of stomach, stuffy nose, loss of smell, occasionally skin burn feeling, and asthma. The thing is usually those things were correlated with the amount of dust allergens I had in my apartment, but now they seem to be just happening. The asthma is relatively controlled now but I was using my inhaler a few times a day a week or two ago. But usually the asthma happens first and then other symptoms come on. This feels like the inflammation is just doing separate from the dust allergens. Also I’ve gotten those falling asleep jerks that wake me before I completely sleep, and I believe sometimes they make me move and sometimes I don’t move that much but I feel like I did. Recently my prostate has also been twitching during those and sometimes before being partially asleep, and it’s hard to pee so I thin t might be swollen. I’ll feel an urge to bee but then I have to push super hard to get it out. Then sometimes I just have to pee super duper fast. You can Dm me for advice too, I just really don’t want to have anything happen to me. I personally wouldn’t care that much, but I just couldn’t imagine leaving my partner alone. So I just want to take it seriously, I could never imagine leaving my partner behind. That woulf be one of the most painful things I could ever ezpwrience.
submitted by iNEEDteaNOW to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:39 AnonymousAndalite Micro-diary

I am traveling internationally soon, so I'm putting this where I can access it no matter what (and maybe help others in the process). Definitely concerned about increasing my dose right before I travel- has anyone else done this?
May 2nd: First ever shot. A few hours in, I'm hungry-hungry, and I've already eaten about what I usually eat. Towards the evening I get heinously tired.
May 3rd: Woke up very thirsty and sore all over, but otherwise, I'm fine. Weirdly not sore at or near the injection site, just my limbs, lymph nodes in my pits, & back. Still way more hungry than I usually am, but it's not the kuchisabishii I usually get, which is weird. I'm not craving anything specific, and I feel like I could eat anything, which is way weirder [I have an odd kind of ARFID].
May 4th: Still no real side effects except for the soreness. Appetite back to normal (for me). Had a drink and didn't want a second one. I was pretty active today. I still haven't defecated since shot day, but I don't feel constipated, so who knows.
May 5th: I'm not uncomfy, but nothing solid has come out of me yet, so I took dulcolax. Also, I'm a bit tired today.
May 6th: Dulcolax worked. Appetite not necessarily decreased, but I'm playing it safe, so I'm running on California rolls, protein shakes, and gatorlyte mostly.
May 7th: No side effects. Did have a normal BM. I think my appetite has decreased? Not necessarily a good thing; I ate like a bird before. My problem is that I gained weight anyway.
May 8th: Adjusting my schedule, so I took the second shot this day in the evening even though I busted my butt all day. Sore throat towards the evening (from inhaling sawdust, probably).
May 9th: First day after second shot. I woke up feeling dehydrated. Way less sore than I was with the first shot, but still a bit achy - could easily be from the manual labor I did yesterday. I was slow to wake up, but I had way more energy than I usually do once I got moving. I'm going to keep using this post as a little tracker, but probably less frequently.
May 10th: First time eating steak since starting! Went fine.
May 11th: My libido is insanely high. Not sure if related.
May 14th: Had more carbs/sugar this day than I have been. Bit nauseous towards the end of the day but also was on my feet all day cooking for someone else's wedding, which is never great for my health. Might be constipated? Third shot in the evening. Still have a really high libido.
May 21st: 4th shot. No symptoms to speak of.
May 25th and 26th: Starving, ate a whole ribeye like a dinosaur.
May 28th: Dose increase! 5mg now. Been busting my little butt all day, took it in the evening.
May 29th: I had wild nightmares all night, and I was exhausted today. That might be because I busted ass all yesterday, and I used to be prone to night terrors, I just haven't had them in awhile. I still got plenty done, and I'm not sore. I am pretty thirsty.
May 30th: Weird dreams but not nightmares. A little gassy last night and this morning, and my lower tummy is squeaky/grumbly, but it's not painful so I wouldn't call it bubble guts or anything. Probably a side effect of housing broccoli and celery raw yesterday. Way less tired today, still rabidly thirsty. Appetite suppression/feeling of fullness is definitely stronger this evening. Feel constipated, but it hasn't been long enough to actually call it that. Took a half dose of dulcolax jic.
May 31st: Took the other half of the dulcolax, defecated just fine. Kind of mopey today, but the red tide is nigh, so. Appetite back to reasonable, though I still get full super fast.
June 1: I woke up in the middle of the night, and my tummy was NOISY. It's probably bc of the lax. Doesn't hurt, just loud as hell. Very thirsty.
June 3: I've been very stressed for various unrelated reasons lately, and I do have appetite suppression, but I can still eat and enjoy food. Second dose of 5mg late afternoon today. Down about 15 pounds since I started, which shocked me.
submitted by AnonymousAndalite to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:57 THEEdrdoofensmhirtz Starting Today!! (kinda)

F20 SW:187 lb GW: 140lb
Just took my first dose and i'm so excited for the journey ahead. My family have no idea i'm taking mounjaro and are totally against it, so i'm alone and wanted to say hi to other people who are going through the same thing. Hoping I don't get many side effects as i'm a student in the height of exam season but 🙏🏽
'update': I wrote this draft a few weeks ago but never posted it! I did end up having major side effects: i felt dizzy randomly but i'd put this down to not eating much, i had some pain from inflammation in my lymph nodes - neck, back and thighs were the worst, just generally achy like when you're sick. and most importantly a non stop cluster headache on one side of my head (didnt go for 2 weeks, and i tried every treatment possible but nothing worked). the headache put me off so much that i didnt take my 2nd dose because i was so scared of it coming back and i had exams to revise for.
finished the bulk of my exams so decided to try the second dose... and except for a bruise on the injection site (tried my thigh this time to reduce side effects) i feel amazing!!!! the dose feels not as strong (definitely have more of an appetite) but still working and even better ive not had a single side effect. so glad i decided to stick with it. also just wanted to say when i first wrote this draft there were around 700 members on this sub and now its up to 1.7k! crazy how many people are on this journey, wishing everyone good luck!
oh and just to finish off - the first week i lost 6lb! did end up gaining like 2lb back over the 2 weeks i didnt take any med but i don't mind at all - i was eating quite a bit to keep my energy up for revising, so 2lbs doesnt really feel like anything at all. excited to update for week 2!
submitted by THEEdrdoofensmhirtz to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:09 Praline-Open Please help me. I am scared for my health.

I (19 yo female, overweight (270 lb) but otherwise usually in great health) have been having some extremely concerning symptoms lately. Please no one but doctors or nurses give me advice, I really need solid and qualified opinions right now.
For the past few weeks, I have been incredibly sick.
I cannot find a doctor near me. The ones who will accept my age are not accepting new clients, and the ones that are accepting clients only want people over 21.
I have been extremely exhausted and fatigued, vomiting for no apparent reasons (the vomiting began like 2 weeks ago, since then I have not had an appetite and have thrown up 6-7 times in those two weeks. It is extremely violent when I do vomit, like legitimately vomiting every drop of food and water out of my body), my joints (particularly my left knee and both hips, are always sore and achy, the knee swelling up at times) headaches, hot sweats and cold chills, extremely clumsy (falling, sprained my ankle twice in the past two weeks), bruising easily, completely unable to sleep (3/4 hours a night if that). On top of that, I recently got accepted into LPN school (begins late this month) and I had some bloodwork done as part of my application. My WBC count was slightly elevated, 12.9 yall probably know this but the lab said normal was like 10.8 at the most? Anyways) and my lymph nodes are very firm and swollen. No recent change in any medication or supplements. Usually otherwise in great health except for the past few months (2-3 months of slight difference and discomfort, now it has been in full swing about three weeks) They did a urinalysis too and found no bacterial things going on urinary tract wise, so I don’t believe I have a nasty UTI or anything. My PH was great too. No STD’s. Neutrophils count was 8.6 (i don’t know if that’s super high) lymphs were 3.2 (so just slightly high) but that was on 4/6 when the bloodwork was taken. I do smoke nicotine, vape (don’t come for me, i know i’m 19 okay 😭) but have done so since I was 16 and never had any issues with it, so please do not tell me its that. I know it’s terrible but I really think something else is going on. No other drug usage. I also pride myself in how strong I typically am, (i am 6’0) and can lift around 350 lb (past two months is when I started noticing the decline and it has been pretty rapid since. No changes in physical activity.) . Recently though it has been difficult for me to even lift 50 pounds. Not because I get winded, because my body feels so weak. Thought it was relevant, maybe I’m just rambling. I’m sorry y’all had to read through this all I just wanted to get it all out. I’m honestly terrified for my health. Believe it or not I do eat pretty decent (I have PCOS & have always struggled with my weight. I don’t think it is a diet issue. Tonight I had Salmon & broccoli with a sweet potato, this is usual for me. I don’t eat out. I don’t drink alcohol. I have a energy drink, protein shake and protein bar in the mornings, a small lunch in the afternoon which is typically veggie based, and a good dinner in the evening.) okay I know I’m yapping but please help.
To be frank, I am extremely concerned for my health. Please help me, I really need some advice. My family seems to think it’s nothin and I am very concerned. Give honest advice, even if it is brutal.
submitted by Praline-Open to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:04 raininspain24 Recently diagnosed - uncertain about how to go forward

43 yo f here. Colonoscopy and endoscopy because of dark maroon/purple blood streaks for a few weeks. as well as some achy pain in left and right abdomen for that time. Doc found 2.5cm mass in sigmoid colon (removed 90% of it during the colonoscopy), and it's cancer.
CT scan of chest/abdomen/pelvis was marked clear, although radiologist remarked on a few masses in my uterus ("probably submucosal fibroids" - 6mm and 14mm). CEA of 1.6.
Doc is hopeful cancer is localized. I've had both bright red and dark purple blood on/in my stool since the colonoscopy, and the pain in left/right abdomen off and on.
So, I'm looking for opinions from anyone who's been down this path. Current plan is to move forward with a laparoscopic surgery to remove the part of the sigmoid colon that's cancerous, and check surrounding lymph nodes. I am trying to stay positive, but after reading people's stories here, I am wondering if my doc is being too optimistic. Does the pain on my right as well as the color of the blood (dark) suggest that there's more cancer there, maybe in my small intestine? Should we consider starting with chemo or radiation before removing the cancer surgically? Should I just move forward with their plan, see the results, and then reassess at that time, or does it make sense to get a second opinion at this early stage? I'm sorry to come here with so many questions. Very best wishes to each and every one of you out there!
submitted by raininspain24 to coloncancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:45 water_biscuit Tick bite

tldr: I found a tick on me but no idea if it was in my skin. I have an insect bite mark where the tick was found with small bumps showing up later. Skin has weird sensation, arm and neck are strange feeling too. Lost the tick.
I woke up yesterday morning to a tickling sensation on my shoulder blade area. When I scratched it a tick came off and was under my fingernail. It was chaotic as my little ones and dog had all woken up at once and were needing things so the quickest way to get the tick off my finger was to flick it into the toilet. Frustratingly it either crawled out or went to the bottom and disappeared so I have no idea what kind it was. Yes I know this was not the best decision but I’ve done this so many times and gone back to take a picture after cleaning my hands. This time it didn’t work out.
Thoughts on me potential tick bite? It looks like nothing compared to most tick bite pictures, but it’s itchy and my skin at the bite site has that sensation you get when you have a fever and it hurts to lightly rub your fingers across it. Down my arm and up my neck feel a little off, not quite achy but again kind of like when you’re sick. Sometimes my my pinky finger gets a little numb, maybe from lymph nodes swelling and putting pressure on nerves down my arm? No fever. No rash except that the small bumps above the main one showed up later in the day. All the bumps are itchy.
It seems odd to me that the bite site is so mild but I have the skin sensations and strange arm feelings.
Could a single tick pierce the skin several times searching for the right place? Why did the small bumps show up later? I’ve never had a tick come off so easily from scratching when it was embedded in my skin. I remember having to really scratch at it before it would come out (thinking back to when I was a kid and had a tick in my skin not knowing what I was scratching at).
And if it was in my skin for more than a few hours or a day wouldn’t the bite mark look way worse?
Anyone have similar experience?
I’m currently breastfeeding which plays a factor in treatment.
submitted by water_biscuit to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:58 bummybabe Chronic illness improved with candida diet, symptoms coming back? What to do?

Hi everyone. I'm posting because I'm really scared. I need some help/your opinions. (also posting this in the Microbiome group)
3,5 almost 4 years ago I got very sick following an ear infection. Basically the infection was supposedly better but I remained very ill: overall body aches, flu like symptoms, intense fatigue, brain fog, can't think cant focus, anxiety, bad sleep, heart palpitations, pain in my lymph nodes, a lot of mucus in my nose, trouble breathing, getting colds all the time, sinus pressure and headaches, exhaustion, severe ear aches that didn't respond to painkillers. It was the worst years of my life. I couldn't function at all. I was a shell of myself.
Last year I stopped working because I was so sick I couldn't function at all. I never did anything besides lay in bed and rot and feel miserable. Over the years I tried many things but nothing helped me feel better.
Eventually, last December, I was at the depths of my despair I stumbled upon the book From Fatigued to Fantastic by Dr Teitelbaum, it's a book about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how to heal. In the book he explained that if you have CFS together with mucus problems, sinus issues etc. it's highly likely you have Candida overgrowth. I figured what the hell and first I did a herbal parasite cleanse and then I went on a candida protocol: low carb/almost keto diet, took Nystatin, oregano oil, NAC and activated charcoal. Within a month and a half I got my health back. It was incredible.
I started to have energy, be able to think, my lymf pain and ear pain disappeared, I had lust for life, finally could make goals and plans. I felt like myself again. Stupidly, I became a bit lazy and complacent and quit the diet and started eating carbs again and occasionally drank alcohol. Stopped the antifungals. This went well of about 2 months.
Eventually I felt like symptoms were slowly creeping back up on me... so I went back to the diet and antifungals about 2,5 weeks ago. I had some die-off and detox but overall I felt good. It made me feel better again. Things were looking up. I told my job I am healthy again, but that I can't go back to the same place. now they will stop paying me and I need to find a job within 3 weeks!!!
Anyway. Things were going well until 4 days ago. I went to the gym on Monday and did some cardio, and ever since then I feel horrible. I have insane ear aches, really deep in my ear that dont respond to painkillers. My body feels achy, namely the lymph nodes, although I dont feel any nodules. I feel more tired, it's harder to wake up in the morning. Sometimes my left lung hurts too. I feel really brain foggy and I cant focus at all, Its extremely hard to function. I feel hazy and weird. I also feel anxious, but it's like a body anxious, not mental at all.
I'm not sure what happened and why I feel so miserable suddenly, like all my symptoms I had when I was rly sick seem to be coming back, why?
I see people who are on the Candida diet for years, taking pills for years and I dont think this is the way. Do you think my improvement means it was likely the Cnadida making me ill? (I have a past of many other candida related symptoms and took many antibiotics in my life) And what can I do to permanently heal this? Why did it work before and now I'm so ill, what is going on?
TL;DR: Was chronically ill for 4 years. Healed after a candida cleanse. Now symptoms are coming back. Not sure what's going on and how to heal this... Need guidance.
submitted by bummybabe to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:56 bummybabe Chronic symptoms/ possible Candida overgrowth?, how to heal ?

Hi everyone. I'm posting because I'm really scared. I need some help/your opinions. (also posting this in the Candida group)
3,5 almost 4 years ago I got very sick following an ear infection. Basically the infection was supposedly better but I remained very ill: overall body aches, flu like symptoms, intense fatigue, brain fog, can't think cant focus, anxiety, bad sleep, heart palpitations, pain in my lymph nodes, a lot of mucus in my nose, trouble breathing, getting colds all the time, sinus pressure and headaches, exhaustion, severe ear aches that didn't respond to painkillers. It was the worst years of my life. I couldn't function at all. I was a shell of myself.
Last year I stopped working because I was so sick I couldn't function at all. I never did anything besides lay in bed and rot and feel miserable. Over the years I tried many things but nothing helped me feel better.
Eventually, last December, I was at the depths of my despair I stumbled upon the book From Fatigued to Fantastic by Dr Teitelbaum, it's a book about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how to heal. In the book he explained that if you have CFS together with mucus problems, sinus issues etc. it's highly likely you have Candida overgrowth. I figured what the hell and first I did a herbal parasite cleanse and then I went on a candida protocol: low carb/almost keto diet, took Nystatin, oregano oil, NAC and activated charcoal. Within a month and a half I got my health back. It was incredible.
I started to have energy, be able to think, my lymf pain and ear pain disappeared, I had lust for life, finally could make goals and plans. I felt like myself again. Stupidly, I became a bit lazy and complacent and quit the diet and started eating carbs again and occasionally drank alcohol. Stopped the antifungals. This went well of about 2 months.
Eventually I felt like symptoms were slowly creeping back up on me... so I went back to the diet and antifungals about 2,5 weeks ago. I had some die-off and detox but overall I felt good. It made me feel better again. Things were looking up. I told my job I am healthy again, but that I can't go back to the same place. now they will stop paying me and I need to find a job within 3 weeks!!!
Anyway. Things were going well until 4 days ago. I went to the gym on Monday and did some cardio, and ever since then I feel horrible. I have insane ear aches, really deep in my ear that dont respond to painkillers. My body feels achy, namely the lymph nodes, although I dont feel any nodules. I feel more tired, it's harder to wake up in the morning. Sometimes my left lung hurts too. I feel really brain foggy and I cant focus at all, Its extremely hard to function. I feel hazy and weird. I also feel anxious, but it's like a body anxious, not mental at all.
I'm not sure what happened and why I feel so miserable suddenly, like all my symptoms I had when I was rly sick seem to be coming back, why?
I see people who are on the Candida diet for years, taking pills for years and I dont think this is the way. Do you think my improvement means it was likely the Cnadida making me ill? (I have a past of many other candida related symptoms and took many antibiotics in my life) And what can I do to permanently heal this? Why did it work before and now I'm so ill, what is going on?
TL;DR: Was chronically ill for 4 years. Healed after a candida cleanse. Now symptoms are coming back. Not sure what's going on and how to heal this... Need guidance.
submitted by bummybabe to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:17 FirmSeaworthiness198 Opinions? I'm looking for experience with similar results.

Opinions? I'm looking for experience with similar results.
Im anxious to see the dr. I've been having alot of health issues and just recently been told they could all be related.My PCP tested me and when the results came in she referred me to a rheumatologist. Waiting for them to schedule me. Any ideas on what it could be and what u should say or ask the specialists? Symptoms: Headaches/stuff sore neck Always tired Stiff/achy joints - my hips bother me most right now All kinds of stomach issues - diagnosed with GERD and IBS in 2019-2020 Stupid rashes randomly show up and last 3ish weeks including scalp and chest/breasts (I have a folder on my phone camera of some of them) Tendinitis in right knee that will not heal since 2020 Swollen lymph nodes Random low grade fevers <101 Stillbirth 2015 Endometriosis removed 2015
This nitpicking and I don't want to show up to my appt and them think I'm a hypochondriac off the bat and then not take me seriously. I felt this way with my last PCP and didn't bring up issues til they were hurting my quality of life.
submitted by FirmSeaworthiness198 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 03:46 AwacsSkyRanger Anyone know what mod could be causing this at all, I've tried disabling the mod suggested but nothing.

Anyone know what mod could be causing this at all, I've tried disabling the mod suggested but nothing. submitted by AwacsSkyRanger to TransportFever2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:00 Nickyjtjr Coughing up blood and night sweats

I’m a 41 year old male. 5’11” 160lbs. Non smoker. Healthy lifestyle. Good diet and exercise. No history of prior illnesses. 2 weeks ago I got headcold. Felt like a sinus infection. By this last weekend I was pretty much back to normal so I went on a 20 mile bike ride. The next day when I woke up I felt like I got hit by a truck. Sore, achy, lethargic. That night my lungs felt weird and I was coughing a lot. Then Monday morning I was coughing up some flem with some red streaks. I figured the cold had headed down to my lungs but I’d be better soon. I started to feel fevery. Like I had a fever but when I took my temp it was normal. For this whole week during the days I feel okay, although I’m coughing a bit. But 2 nights ago a fever did start and last night it got pretty high. 102. The whole week I’ve been having really intense night sweats. The last 2 days and especially this morning the stuff I’m coughing up is super bloody. Like normal flem but dark brown/red. Been covid testing all week and it’s been negative. Not sure if this is related but the lymph node under my left jaw has been randomly flaring up on and off for about 8 months.
submitted by Nickyjtjr to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:48 Novalaris 24 hrs before my orchi: All my data so far

Hey all, my orchi for my righty is tomorrow and one source of comfort has been reading through this subreddit. Sometimes I would search for a something and find a post/story that made me feel better so I'm going to dump my story + the data I have on my TC. I'm 30.
It all really started when I had some weird things going on with my body as a result from a minor case of gonorrhea in December of 2023. Saw my GP early Jan, took a blood test 1/4 among STI tests and confirmed the gonorrhea, and got some antibiotics and that was that.
The blood test on 1/4 showed heightened liver enzymes (98 AST, 152 ALT) and high absolute lymphocytes (6132), otherwise everything was normal. Since my liver enzymes were a bit high we did another hepatic function panel 1/10 and still had heightened liver enzymes (103 AST, 163 ALT) but was negative on any STIs.
My GP orders an ultrasound for 1/12 and nothing is out of the ordinary for my liver. Kidney has a 1.4 cm cyst with "minimal hyper echogenicity suggestive of tiny calcifications" but that doesn't seem to be an issue. Had yet another hepatic function panel on 1/16 and the liver enzymes finally decreased (64 AST, 110 ALT). Later in January I had some strange symptoms like severe lower backpain that lasted for a couple days and sporadic pins and needles. My GP was convinced this was all just reactions from the gonorrhea infection. None of this really has to do with TC until..
In Feb I wake up in the middle of the night from a dull aching pain in my right testicle, it feels really hard to touch like a stone. I take some ibuprofen and it completely goes away so I think nothing of it. This happens sporadically through Feb and March but since the ibuprofen makes it a non-issue for me I don't pay much attention to it. I assume its a varicocele but still keep debating going to my GP. I do another hepatic function test 3/6 (this was planned in January) just to confirm my liver enzymes have normalized - they did (32 AST, 17 ALT).
At the end of March I finally schedule an appointment for 4/13 to figure out what's up with my balls since they still get sporadically achy consistently. He gives a physical and says its probably epididymitis from the gonorrhea but he orders an ultrasound to be safe, he also has me do a urine test. I schedule the ultrasound for 4/15.
On 4/20 urinalysis comes back with "trace" for occult blood but otherwise normal. More importantly GP relays the ultrasound results and tells me to go to a urologist because the ultrasound found a 1.7 cm mass with "mild internal vascularity" (epididymides are normal in appearance and no evidence of varicocele). I see the urologist 4/21 and schedule a CT scan for 4/30 and the orchi for 5/2. I also take a blood test for serum markers that day.
Blood test comes back 4/30 with hCG: <1 mIU/mL and AFP: 6 ng/ml, and also my AST is 118 (no idea why yet). This test didn't have LDH which I found to be a bit odd but apparently it's not super reliable. My urologist calls 6 ng/ml "slightly elevated" since the lab has the normal range 0.0-5.7. Is 6 AFP really considered elevated though? Most papers I've read or guidelines or whatever sometimes call under 10 ng/ml "normal.".
CT scan results come back 5/1 with these impressions:
  1. A punctate 2 mm subpleural micronodule in the anterior margin right lower lobe and a 5 mm transverse subpleural nodule in the anterior superior right middle lobe. A follow-up CT scan of the chest in 4-6 months to assess foraminal change is suggested, or as clinically warranted. No evidence of a focal pulmonary mass, consolidation, or infiltrate.
  2. The liver, pancreas, spleen appear within normal limits.
  3. A non-enhancing 14 mm transverse posterior right lower pole renal cyst. No evidence of a renal calculus, hydronephrosis, or renal solid mass lesion.
  4. No abnormal mass lesion or lymphadenopathy within the abdomen or pelvis.
I'm a bit concerned the nodules in my lungs could be cancer, but I'm happy to see none of my lymph nodes appear to be enlarged. I'm hopeful I won't have to do any chemo but depending on the biopsy I think those lung nodules might end pushing me towards it. Regardless, I think I will be able to get through just alright. If you've read this far, thank you for listening.
submitted by Novalaris to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 13:49 WordBroad1923 Hashimoto or not?

Went to the doctor today to get results from bloodwork. Doc requested that I redo my TSH blood work. Because the level was low. Went on April 12 th at 2:15 pm. ( I was not fasting) My TSH was 0.17. The second TSH was within the normal range. I went at 8:38 am on April 23 rd. The level was 1.12 ( I was fasting) She went with the second test and said everything is normal. When I am having severe symptoms right now. Including food sensitivity and reactions to food. Including soy, dairy products, gluten sensitivity. Have issues with swallowing food. Due to allergies/ sensitivity to these foods.When I eat these foods I cannot swallow. The food gets stuck in my throat. I have severe reaction. Throwing up. Gagging. Feeling like food is caught in my throat. It will not go down. I have no choice but to throw up. I produced a lot of saliva at this time. So I am basically throwing up clear fluid / bile. It’s devastating and frankly very alarming for me. I am scared I will choke to death. I am not being dramatic at all about this either. Had a reaction the other night to soy. Made a stir fry. First ever reaction. ( so definitely will not eat again) It lasted about 1 hour after only a few bites of it. Was throwing up clear fluid bile for about an hour. Took awhile to calm down my throat from the reaction. This was the worst by far reaction that have had. Have also had the same reaction with bread as well. ( Not to this degree though.) Tried to talk to the doctor about the reaction today and she did not want to address it. I was so upset and angry. There are so many other things going on with my health as well. This is not the only symptom that I have been having. They do believe that my swallowing issues stem from acid reflux which has already been diagnosed. But I do believe that I have silent acid reflux. Which has not yet been determined. I have not had the time to discuss with a doctor about that yet. Due to all the other issues. It’s ridiculous really. All these doctors that I have been seeing and not one of them will diagnose me with Hashimoto’s syndrome. I have one other autoimmune condition that has been diagnosed which is psoriasis. Have had it a very long time. Since adolescence. Have deficiency in B12 and D which have been taking monthly injections and supplementation for vitamin D.Have been diagnosed previously with depression and anxiety. Have had bone loss.No testing yet. Have recently had surgery to remove my gallbladder. Have issues with memory loss. Have just been reading about the effects of long term antipsychotic medications. Was on several medication over the years for depression anxiety disorders. ( Not on meds now) Have brain fog and poor concentration. Especially when tired. Have severe insomnia.Extreme weight gain. High blood pressure. Which I was recently diagnosed and put on meds for. I was also having a lot of cramping issues in legs and hands. Which led to my discovery about what was going on with my body. Went to the doc about that. She recommended I drink more water. Was not satisfied with her response so I read about what I could do about it. Started taking magnesium bisclysinate. Cramping has improved tremendously. Although did increase the water intake as well. lol. Changed the diet as well. As I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism many years ago. Was not informed then about anything regarding or related to that at the time. They have not even monitored my thyroid function since putting me on medication. ( Synthroid) Have suspect that I have fibromyalgia as well. Joint pain. Locking of joints had a lot of achiness. Stiffness in muscles. Muscle pain and weakness. Also it has been suggested by another person on Reddit that she thinks that I have lipedema as well. I have told her that I have fluid retention. This is just the most recent thing noticed as well. Fluid especially in ankles have also discovered that have had fluid in my face. Started using a gua sha and has noticeably improved. Has been noticed by several people.Have had issues with fat in arms and legs.My lymph nodes swelling. Mostly all of my symptoms I have described and developed over time. With age. I think the root cause is Hashi’s . Just recently went to a Naturopath. She made some adjustments to my vitamins and minerals. She suggested D3 and K2 together rather than just D3. She suggested licorce root for digestion.( went to the heath store right after my appointment and they were sold out of the brand she suggested will go back as it’s extremely important to me.) Also she talked about castor oil supplements as well for digestion and skin and hair. Not sure if I mentioned it but have also a lot of hair loss. Use black seed gel by Chi to try and help with that. She wants the results of my blood work as well. Am curious to see what she will say when she reads the results. No help from the doc today at all. As a matter of fact she was down right rude. Am so tired of it to be honest with you. Life has been a struggle and no support from doctors has really caused a lot of anxiety and stress in my life when it comes to dealing with all of these health issues. Even mental health has been difficult and hard to find someone to talk to about all these health issues. Because it’s all really overwhelming to be honest. She told me today she would make a referral to a psychiatrist for me which is difficult to get into see one here. Lost my psychiatrist awhile back due to retirement. The stress of my health conditions combined with financial difficulties and hardships have been overwhelming. When you don’t have the support of a doctor it makes things even more challenging. The cost of supplements. My medical care. Is huge. Have had some difficulties as well because of missed work due to my recent surgery and also fractured my ankle just before that. So has all been a challenge. Dealing with the Naturopath is the light at the end of the tunnel right now for me. Although it is hugely challenging financially.As it’s very expensive. Might need some support from you all here on Reddit. Have found my community here and just want to gain new knowledge. Oh and just wanted to say that it seemed to me when dealing with the doctor today that some of her issues from my sense of what I got from what she said to me was that she thought it was mentally related. That I am having issues with my mental health. Duh really you think? The stress of having to deal with doctors is issues enough alone in itself.Also she said all things that are going on with me are too much for one appointment. Well really? It would help if these doctors would address something the first time I went to an appointment. Like what about blood tests for allergies and sensitivity to foods. MRI Cat scans. Mineral loss and malabsorption issues. The list goes on. I am sticking with the Naturopathic doctor she is the only one that helped me. In any way. Sorry for the long post. Just wanted a bit of feedback. Thanks for listening.
submitted by WordBroad1923 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]