I took cymblata\

I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

2009.07.07 15:00 noroom I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

A subreddit about photography techniques and styles. Post your work here to ask for critique, or browse the submissions and learn how photography techniques are achieved.

2012.05.14 20:05 barcodescanner I saw a car. I took a picture of it.

People often see rare or interesting vehicles that brighten their otherwise dreary days. And what a better way to express that than to share a picture of it with complete strangers? (Motorbikes welcomed!)

2018.02.23 20:24 Doomb0t1 I Took Apart

It kills me to do this, but I cannot support the API fees that Reddit is imposing on 3rd party developers. itookapart will be set to private indefinitely unless these change. Thanks for the great run.

2023.12.15 11:42 OnAvanceTravail Should i ask for cymbalta ?

He there,
Since soon 2 months I'm working with my psychiatrist to find the right medication for me.
Let me explain : 1) since 2 years and my mother death I've been too hyper active, worked from 8AM to 9PM. Like my mind just can't stop but i never noticed it, i have hyper activity, anxiety and also maniac behaviour (I'm well integrated and haven't issues BUT im always focusing on something). 2) 2 months ago i did a burnout. Had to stop my job for a moment. 3) i tried prozac and mirtazapine for 1 month. It shot me down and helped me noticed that I'm hyper active (lol). Then we decided to take me off these 2 meds 2 weeks ago because i haven't got any pros. 4) we're currently trying concerta since 3 days now : * I feel a bit better and cleared mind but it's not enough.
My symptoms are : * ADHD thoughts, I've lost the ability to concentrate. * Physical anxiety i guess due to my hr. * Trouble memory probably due to my ADHD and the meds i took.
I've seen here that cymblata could help both for anxiety and ADHD symptoms ?
Could you tell me if it could suit for me and how do you feel using it ?
Thanks 🙏🏻
submitted by OnAvanceTravail to cymbalta [link] [comments]

2023.04.22 10:08 billyandteddy When will the brain zaps/withdrawal go away???

It stopped working so I went from 120mg a day to 60 for a while. The psychiatrist said I could just stop or take 30 mg for a few days. Said it only be bad for like a day or two if I stopped at 60. I took 30 for a couple of days and then I forgot about it so I don't remember exactly when I took it last but a few days ago?
Brain zaps really bad. I'm crying. I already have a condition (separate from my anxiety that I was taking cymblata for) that causes chronic headaches. Now my head hurts more. It's like it's sizzling and all these little sparks going off.
submitted by billyandteddy to cymbalta [link] [comments]

2021.07.14 14:28 Kiwcakes I just want to rant. Bipolar and ADHD

I was first diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression. The doctor then went through a list of depression meds with me for a year and then finally put me on Cymblata, I turned into a crazy person.
Finally got a new nurse and she put me on Ambilify once a day and Buspar 3 times a day . However, she took me off my Concerta. And this was after she explained that BipolaADHD/and Anxiety kinda go hand in hand.
I am to the point of tears. I can't focus, and the ambilify makes me restless, so I am just walking around frustrated because my mind and body don't know what to do.
I tried to ask her to put me back on last week but all she asked was, " It doesn't give you anxiety?" I didn't push for it, and I knew I should. I'm afraid I'll be looked down on.
I just hope I get the strength to advocate for myself tomorrow. I hope I find the strength. I didn't ask for the diagnosis, I just want to be happy.
I don't know why I posted this. I just wanted to get it off my chest.
submitted by Kiwcakes to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2019.04.26 13:53 StrangeMagic83 Where to go from here?

In the Spring of 2018, I developed a "burning" sensation in my chest that was persistent. I thought it was heart burn or a pulled muscle. After about 2 weeks of dealing with that, I had a panic attack sitting at my work desk. I knew for sure I was having a heart attack and had my partner drive me to the ER. By the time we arrived, I was feeling somewhat better but they ran their tests to make sure I was ok. Of course, I had no issues. Heart test and blood work came back fine and I was sent home. Anxiety wasn't even mentioned to me. About a week later, I still had the burning sensation in my chest and it was worse, so I went to a walk-in clinic. The doctor there checked me out and said that he didn't find anything wrong except I had high blood pressure. He prescribed HBP meds and sent me on my way. I had the prescription filled and started taking them that day. Within 2 days, I could barely move. I was nauseous, feeling faint, had no energy at all. After 4 days on this medicine, I called 911 from my front steps because I was so dizzy and lightheaded I couldn't make it inside the house. Ambulance came and took me to the ER where they determined I was on the wrong meds. I was taking a beta blocker and apparently, it wasn't for me. The ER doc prescribed another HBP med and sent me home. The side effects from the previous HBP med went away, but the side effects from the new one were loss of energy and dizziness. I dealt with it but then a new symptom appeared: I was becoming short of breath. There were times when I felt that I couldn't get a deep breath and would have to go lie down for a while until it passed. During all of this, I didn't have health insurance or a primary care doc. I considered myself healthy (don't drink or smoke and eat healthyish). I found a doc in my area that doesn't accept insurance and made an appointment. During my first appointment and after hearing about what happened previously, he said he thought it was anxiety and wrote me a prescription for Xanax. I started taking the Xanax that day. Nothing improved and things basically got worse. I took Xanax for 30 days and then couldn't do it anymore. It did nothing to stop the issues I was having. I called the doc and he advised I stop taking them. He said I wouldn't have any issues just stopping. He was wrong. For the next week or so, I was extremely sick. Nausea, diarrhea...the whole gamut. When I was finally past the withdrawal, I went back to the doc because my original symptoms were still present. This time, he wanted me to take Prozac. I took the prescription and went home and read all about it and decided not to take it. I gave myself 2 months to work through it naturally. I started meditating and exercising more. I felt better in the short term and then it all came back. I broke down and started the Prozac. I felt like shit the first 5 weeks. Then things got better and my symptoms went away. I felt like my old self for about 2 weeks...and then the anxiety issues came back. I continued taking it for 4 months but the feeling that it was working had been long gone. During this time, I got insurance through work and found a psychiatrist. At my initial appointment, he told me to stop the Prozac and wanted me to take Cymblata. At this point, I was tired of being drugged up and just smiled and took the prescription home and threw it away. I just dealt with how shitty I felt and that was that. After a few weeks, all of my symptoms went away and I felt great. I thought I had beat it. In the last month, the dizziness has returned. There are days where I feel dizzy all day. There are other days where it comes and goes and some days where its only in the mornings. Im SICK of feeling like shit every day but I don't want to go to the doctor for them to throw yet another drug at me as a "fix". I should mention, aside from the initial panic attack that sent me to the ER, I've never had another one. Ive had other anxiety related issues, but no panic. I don't even feel anxious 99 percent of the time. I just feel like me, only a dizzy version of me if that makes sense. All of this (and sorry its so long) to see if anyone can relate or what your experience was and how do you deal with dizziness that won't go away? I feel like if I could get rid of the dizzy/lightheaded feeling, I would feel 100 percent myself. Thoughts?
submitted by StrangeMagic83 to HealthAnxiety [link] [comments]

2018.08.29 22:20 JacquiChan So my fibro turned out to be...*drum roll, please*

Ankylosing Spondylitis!
I thought I'd share my story because chronic pain is no joke and maybe my journey will help someone else.
In 2012 I went to urgent care because I couldn't take the pain in my back any longer. I didn't have a GP at the time so the doctor I saw took me on as a regular patient. After a few rounds of physical therapy and no improvement she chalked everything up to fibro, started me on Cymblata, and that was that. I felt like a total zombie so stopped taking the Cymbalta and figured I'd just live in pain forever.
In 2014 it dawned on me that what I'm experiencing wasn't normal. I figured, "sure, everyone has back pain right?". Wrong. So I tried again. I saw a new GP, he sent me to a sports medicine doctor, who sent me to an orthopedist. They thought I had a rib out of place...because accountants do so much physical activity, right? More physical therapy, another MRI, chiropractic care - nothing was helping. They didn't say it was fibro but definitely made me feel I was making everything up.
Earlier this year I decided to try one last time. I plan on having kiddos and knowing that washing dishes and folding laundry would knock me out and I worried about picking up little ones all day. This time I shopped around for another new GP. The one I found is a godsend. She's young, from France (which idk if that has anything to do with how she treated my pain), and most importantly believed me and referred me to a rheumatologist.
I waited six months to see this particular rheum. In the meantime I was referred to a neurologist to rule out MS and anything else nerve related. I CRIED TODAY IN THE RHEUM'S OFFICE. She suspected I had AS by my symptoms which included all my pain, she looked at my finger nails, she looked at my scalp, she measured how far my spine moved when I bent over...she said "Oh honey, no you have arthritis written all over you, you don't have fibro, and this is not in your head". And today when I got the results of my blood work showing I had the gene for AS I lost it.
So now we're waiting on more blood work to make sure I can start treatment safely. If you are in the northeast Ohio area please send me a PM and I'll give you her name - she is changing my life.
TL;DL - Thought I had fibro for six years turns out I have arthritis in my spine and it's fusing together.
submitted by JacquiChan to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]
