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[Panne surchauffe] Sèche linge Samsung DV361EWBEWR/A3-0001

2024.03.27 16:42 Grimscy7he [Panne surchauffe] Sèche linge Samsung DV361EWBEWR/A3-0001

Amis bricoleur bonjour,
Comme l'aurez certainement compris de par le titre de post j'ai besoin de l'aide d'un électro qui s'y connaîtrai en sèche linge.
J'ai eu de ça il y a quelques temps mon sèche linge qui ne chauffait plus du tout. Depuis, j'ai procédé au changement de la résistance qui était clairement brûlée sauf que depuis ce changement il s'avère que le sèche linge chauffe trop et ce même sur un programme extra low (j'ai ne crois pas avoir faire d'erreur de câblage car j'avais fait une photo au préalable).
Ce qui me laisse croire que du coup la résistance brûlée n'aurait été qu'un symptôme, j'ai depuis aussi changer le thermostat de sécurité et le fusible qui a coté (high limite temperature) pensant que du coup il était lui responsable.
Si besoin il m'est possible de documenté de photos.
Merci d'avance à tous :-).
submitted by Grimscy7he to brico [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 07:00 astarter2 Can you please help compare these quotes for replacing heat pump and furnace?

Can you please help compare these quotes for replacing heat pump and furnace?
Can you please help by giving advice on how do these quotes look? I'm still forming my opinions on how I should think about these quotes, as it's all quite new to me. This is to replace Heatpump and Furnace - I called Costco to get a quote and this is the company that came. I got one more quote and it was at least $6K above this one. I have 3 more companies coming in to provide quotes next week so I'll continue comparing.
For now, how do these look like? From what I could tell 14 Seer, 3 Ton is good enough for my case:
This is not from Costco (let's call it company A) - they are offering a Daikin heatpump. With taxes, it's going to be 19,500.
This is from Costco (let's call it company B) - they are offering Lennox setup. They are costing $13K so difference is significant.
submitted by astarter2 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 21:08 vital101 Honeywell T9 rC -> U1 jumper

Honeywell T9 rC -> U1 jumper
I just bought a Honeywell T9 to upgrade my thermostat. Following the directions I’m unsure what to do about the wire jumping from the rC to U1 and then the other U1 wire. We have a fresh air system that pulls in air from the outside (or so I’m told. House built in 2017). How can I wire this up with the new thermostat?
New T9 panel is on the paper, old thermostat wiring is 2nd picture and still attached. Thank you!
submitted by vital101 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2023.12.25 02:18 ntd53 Lennox dual heating / heat pump Y2 wire

Lennox dual heating / heat pump Y2 wire
I have a Lennox EL296UH070XV36B furnace and EL22XPV-024-230A heatpump. Original Comfortsense 7500 thermostat.
My installation had a team over for a few days, an electrician came the following weekend to do the wiring, and then the apprentice set up the final install of the heatpump.
My first issue came when I looked in the installation manual and saw that the heat pump connecting link was not cut. After some arguing, The apprentice came back and cut the link for me and it seemed like the heat pump was working. Apparently it was lost in communication from the lead installer and the final setup. They did not want me without heat over the weekend, so the link was not cut so the furnace could run until the electrician could come in.
During the commissioning, the heat pump was not tested and I was told it would not run due to the weather being colder (it was 10 degrees celsius at the time), and the heat pump may run in the spring time. I thought it was a little odd, but I figured all was well.
A month passes and the weather gets colder, I noticed that constantly my house is cold and is only warmed up when the furnace comes on. They send the tech back and its determined at this point that my system is overcharged as there is a fault logged for the high pressure switch being triggered. At this point the tech looks at the service manual and mentions that Lennox has a jumper that needs to be activated to force the heatpump to run 100% when testing pressure. He estimates about 2 pounds of refrigerant was removed.
It has been a few days now and all seems well, but I am now questioning a bit of my install.
I am wondering about the Y2 wire and if it should be connected onto the furnace terminal board. Currently it is not, and there is a marrette connecting the Y2 thermostat / heatpump.
On the furnace installation instructions, it looks like the Y2 wire should only be connected to the T stat and heat pump.
On the thermostat instructions, they use a dot on the Y2 furnace terminal board which i think indicates similar to the above.
On the heat pump, diagram, it looks like the Y2 connector is hooked up on the terminal board. However i did notice the instructions say this is for a non-communicating thermostat.
I've attached diagrams to this post.
I plan to install an ecobee once I am sure everything is properly working. My guess is once I install the Ecobee, I need to move the Y2 connection to the furnace terminal board.
Does anyone have any input on how the Y2 wire should be connected? I am not in the industry so forgive me if anything is not clear.

Furnace installation instructions
Thermostat installation instructions
Heat pump installation instructions

submitted by ntd53 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2023.11.26 10:26 Mirror4809 Installation thermostat

Bonjour à tous, débutante totale en bricolage je souhaiterais installer un thermostat dans mon appartement chauffé avec une chaudière à gaz (pour le moment, aucun thermostat installé, même pas un vieux).
J'ai regardé quelques vidéos sur youtube, ça n'a pas l'air trop compliqué mais je ne voudrais pas me lancer seule et me rendre compte en cours de route que c'est plus compliqué que prévu, que je galère, que ça ne marche pas ou qu'il y a un problème de compatibilité quelque part.
Est-ce que selon vous je ferais mieux de faire appel à un pro ? Ou bien c'est jouable d'installer ça pour quelqu'un qui ne s'y connaît pas bien ?
Si vous avez des conseils au passage, que ce soit sur le choix du thermostat ou sur l'installation en elle-même, je suis preneuse :)
Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront
submitted by Mirror4809 to brico [link] [comments]

2023.10.13 20:55 pharmkeninvests Taco zone control valve

This is probably a stupid question. I'm wiring a Taco ZVC 404 zone control relay.
It turns the pump on, it opens the valves but what turns on the boiler? Do I hook the Navien NCB 240 boiler to the 24V "isolated end switch" on the control panel?
Right now I just have 1 valve hooked up but it will eventually be 3 valves.
submitted by pharmkeninvests to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2023.09.27 03:38 SaudiOilPrince Thermostat Installation Help

I am looking to install a new thermostat that is far less advanced than my prior.
The installation itself seems easy, but key phrases like:
made me think wiring this wrong would ruin the unit.

Please help me figure out which of the various classifications in the directions (in the Imgur link) apply to my unit.
I appreciate and thank you for any help clearing this up.

Side question: I looked up the model number of the unit, and it is a gas furnace (more info below). Is this what produces all of the air that comes out of my vents? or just heat?

The Imgur link below contains the various directions that made me seek help:
The additional link is what I believe to be the unit based on Googling the model number:

Thank you again for any help you can provide.
submitted by SaudiOilPrince to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2023.04.20 19:40 xSlayver sd

Une consommation énergétique pour le chauffage de l’ordre de 50 KW/m2/an à 100 KW/m2/an sera imposée. Cependant, les habitudes des occupants pourront faire varier cette consommation. De plus, étant situé en Normandie, le climat a son importance vis-à-vis de cette consommation. En effet, la consommation de chauffage sera plus importante en hiver dans cette région, malgré le fait que le bâtiment soit bien isolé. Pour atteindre ces 50/100 KW/m2/an, des co-générateurs seront notamment utilisés. Ces moteurs thermiques au gaz sont capables de fournir, à partir d’une seule source d’énergie, électricité et chaleur, ce qui engendre une diminution considérable des émissions de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère. De plus, une isolation extérieure d’environ 20 cm pour tous nos bâtiments sera choisie, ce qui permettra d’obtenir de belles performances énergétiques.
Enfin, afin de maintenir une température confortable dans les habitations tout en réduisant la consommation d'énergie, le choix s’est tourné vers l’installation de thermostats programmables. Ce sont des dispositifs de régulation de la température qui permettent de programmer le chauffage. En hôtellerie comme en habitation classique, les thermostats programmables peuvent être utilisés pour réguler la température dans les pièces en fonction des heures de la journée et de la présence des occupants. Par exemple, la température peut être abaissée automatiquement lorsque les habitants sont absents ou pendant la nuit lorsque les températures extérieures sont plus basses. Cela peut contribuer à réduire la consommation d'énergie pour le chauffage de manière significative tout en assurant le confort des occupants. De plus, ces derniers peuvent bénéficier d'un plus grand contrôle sur la température de leur chambre, ce qui peut contribuer à améliorer leur expérience globale.
Il est important de soulever que la consommation d'énergie pour le chauffage peut être réduite d’avantage en adoptant des pratiques de gestion énergétique efficaces telles que l'utilisation de thermostats programmables, l'optimisation de la ventilation et l'entretien régulier du système de chauffage. C’est pourquoi il est important de tout mettre en œuvre pour appliquer ces pratiques.
Côté matériaux, le béton de chanvre sera un matériau phare dans la construction de nos logements. En effet, le béton de chanvre est un matériau écologique qui est fabriqué à partir de fibres de chanvre renouvelables et de chaux, qui sont tous deux des matériaux naturels. Le chanvre est une plante à croissance rapide qui nécessite peu d'eau et peu d'intrants chimiques pour pousser. La culture de chanvre ne nécessite donc pas beaucoup d'énergie et n'émet pas beaucoup de gaz à effet de serre. De plus, la production de béton de chanvre consomme moins d'énergie que la production de béton traditionnel à base de ciment. Le ciment est en effet un matériau très énergivore à produire, car il nécessite des températures élevées pour être fabriqué. Le béton de chanvre peut donc contribuer aux énergies renouvelables en réduisant la demande en ciment et en limitant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre associées à sa production. Par ailleurs, le béton de chanvre possède des propriétés d'isolation thermique et phonique élevées, ce qui permet de réduire la consommation d'énergie pour le chauffage et la climatisation des bâtiments. Il peut donc aider à réduire la demande en énergie pour le confort thermique des bâtiments, ce qui contribue à la transition énergétique vers des sources d'énergie renouvelables. Ce matériau sera évoqué plus en détail dans une prochaine partie.
  1. Formes urbaines denses
Le projet a été conçu en considérant l’idée d’optimiser l’espace disponible tout en répondant aux besoins importants de la ville, en créant des espaces conviviaux et en encourageant la circulation piétonne. Le projet inclut une variété de types de bâtiment tel que des logements, des commerces, une garderie et un hôtel, ainsi que des espaces verts et piétonniers. De plus, les venelles relient les différents bâtiments et espaces entre eux, créant une impression d’unité et d’harmonie dans le quartier.
La parcelle hachurée a été utilisée de manière optimale pour construire des logements de type « Papi Loft ». Ce type de logement est spécialement conçu pour répondre aux besoins des personnes âgées, avec des aménagements adaptés tels que des portes plus larges, des équipements de sécurité et des espaces de vie ouverts et lumineux. Cette parcelle abritera également une garderie, ce qui offre un service essentiel en plein centre-ville aux parents. Ainsi, la parcelle a été utilisée de manière stratégique pour répondre aux besoins de logement et de garde d’enfant, tout en créant un espace vert agréable pour les résidents. De plus, les toitures végétalisées créent un aspect naturel au sein de la ville et offrent des avantages environnementaux tel que la régulation de la température et l’absorption de l’eau de pluie.
Des venelles relient les bâtiments au jardin central ainsi que la rue piétonne, ce qui facilite la circulation piétonne et crée un espace convivial et agréable. De plus, la rue Masséna est réduite en une petite rue piétonne interdite au passage des voitures, ce qui permet d’optimiser l’espace pour les piétons et cyclistes.
La mise en place d’un parking a pour objectif de permettre aux habitants des nouveaux logements et au public de stationner leurs véhicules. Le choix d'un parking souterrain au lieu d'un parking en plein air s'est fait pour des raisons esthétiques et pour répondre au besoin de densification de l’espace résidentiel tout en conservant la présence d’espaces verts et partagés. Ainsi, la construction verticale est favorisée tout en réduisant les places de parking extérieures.
Les commerces au rez-de-chaussée le long de la ligne orange permettent d’utiliser efficacement l’espace tout en offrant des services aux habitants. Les bâtiments de différentes hauteurs destinés au logement sur les parcelles roses permettent de maximiser l’utilisation de l’espace disponible à travers la construction de logements en hauteur.
La voie piétonne créée sur la parcelle verte relie directement la gare au quartier Danton, ce qui facilite les déplacements et encourage la circulation piétonne.
La conception de l'hôtel ne débute que lorsque le promoteur parvient à trouver un groupe hôtelier qui souhaite acheter le bâtiment. Une fois que le groupe a acheté le bâtiment, il fournit au promoteur un cahier des charges qui doit être respecté pour l'aménagement. Le contenu de ce cahier des charges varie en fonction de la catégorie de l'hôtel projeté et dépend du groupe hôtelier concerné. Par exemple, si le groupe hôtelier est Accord Hôtel, les spécifications seront différentes pour un Mercure ou un Ibis. Le projet de construction est donc ajusté en collaboration avec le groupe hôtelier concerné, et l'hôtel qui est conçu résulte de cet accord.
L’objectif a donc été de réaliser un grand nombre de logements tout en conservant une part importante d’espaces verts et végétalisés, agréables et conviviaux. Il s’agit d’inciter les gens à vivre dans ce quartier renouvelé, possédant une diversification d’espaces et de paysages. Il a de plus été choisi de créer une variété de types d’habitations puisqu’on y retrouve des logements destinés aux familles et aux jeunes parents, mais aussi aux personnes âgées, aux couples, aux étudiants et même aux voyageurs.
  1. Éco-construction et éco-matériaux
Optimiser l’eau et l’énergie dans les bâtiments qui vont être implantés est fondamental. De nombreuses solutions vont être mises en place. Premièrement, comme exprimé plus haut dans ce rapport, un système de VMC à double flux sera installé, une ventilation naturelle permettant de réguler la température intérieure et d'améliorer la qualité de l'air intérieur. Les bâtiments seront équipés d’un système de récupération des eaux. Ce dernier collectera l'eau de pluie à partir du toit de l'immeuble en utilisant des gouttières et des descentes d'eau pluviale. L’eau sera par la suite stockée dans un réservoir pour une utilisation ultérieure. Les réservoirs de stockage seront enterrés. Ce système permettra de réduire la consommation d’eau potable tout en offrant une source d'eau alternative pour l'irrigation des espaces verts présents sur la parcelle par exemple. Des appareils économes en eau avec une limitation des débits des différents points de puisage, permettra de favoriser les économies en eau potable. C’est pourquoi chaque robinet sera équipé d’un mousseur hydro-économe avec une limitation des pressions de sortie d’eau. L’architecture des bâtiments a été pensé de sorte que l’éclairage naturel soit optimal. L'utilisation de la lumière naturelle permettra de réduire la consommation d'énergie pour l'éclairage artificiel. De plus, des isolants écologiques, tels que la laine de mouton, la ouate de cellulose et le chanvre, vont être utilisés pour l'isolation thermique et acoustique des bâtiments. Ils sont renouvelables, non toxiques et recyclables.
En plus d’être plus économes en énergie et en eau, créant des bâtiments plus durables, ces mesures prennent en compte la santé et le bien-être des occupants. En effet, l’éclairage naturel y contribue en offrant une vue sur l'extérieur et en améliorant la qualité de la lumière. Une bonne isolation favorise le confort thermique des occupants en maintenant une température stable à l'intérieur. Enfin, une ventilation naturelle permet de réduire le risque de maladies respiratoires et augmente la qualité de l’air intérieur.
En ce qui concerne la construction de tous ces bâtiments, le choix des matériaux utilisés n’a pas été mis de côté. Il a été choisi d’utiliser au maximum des matériaux éco-responsables et réutilisables. Le béton de chanvre est un matériau de construction relativement nouveau qui est de plus en plus utilisé en raison de ses avantages uniques, notamment :
Grâce à l'inertie des parois procurée par le béton de chanvre, qui engendre un confort général des pièces, les utilisateurs constatent généralement une baisse de leur consommation d'énergie par rapport à une construction classique. Ce matériau permet d’initier la transition de constructions en béton vers des constructions plus durables, voire entièrement en bois. De plus, le béton de chanvre est adapté à tout type de chantier mais aussi aux contraintes énergétiques actuelles et futures. En effet, le béton de chanvre peut être préfabriqué, coulé sur place ou même projeté. La projection permet de supprimer les principales contraintes du béton de chanvre de façon traditionnelle ou manuelle. Le délai de séchage et son temps de mise en œuvre sont très court car au moment de la projection le béton de chanvre s’autoporte en composant un béton de chanvre homogène et stable, donc la prise hydraulique se fait instantanément. Par ailleurs, il est important de garder en mémoire le critère de mutabilité en vue de répondre aux besoins de société de demain, critère que l’on détaillera dans une prochaine partie.
Pour participer à l’économie circulaire, les planchers des logements ainsi que le revêtement de sol du parking souterrain seront composés de matériaux à base de déchets. Les planchers seront en bois recyclé ou en béton renforcé avec des fibres de carbone recyclées afin d’obtenir des planchers solides et durables. Le revêtement de sol du parking souterrain sera lui constitué de plastique recyclé.
Finalement, comme évoqué auparavant, seront intégrés au sein du quartier des éléments de natures, tels que des plantes, des toitures végétalisées ainsi qu’une source d’eau, consistant à améliorer le bien-être des occupants, tout en ayant une démarche environnementale. Cela contribue au besoin inhérent des humains de s’associer à la nature dans l’environnement bâti moderne ; c’est le principe de la conception biophilique.
Les espaces végétalisés tels que le jardin public, le jardin commun de la parcelle hachurée, les toitures végétalisées, l’espace en plein terre devant l’hôtel ainsi que l’espace en pleine terre en haut de l’OAP sur la parcelle « front bâti » devront contenir des espèces indigènes, locales et adaptées à l’environnement. Seront donc plantés différents types d’espèces végétales comme le chêne pédonculé ou le bouleau, qui sont des essences attractives pour les insectes, ainsi que le sureau noir et rouge ou encore le merisier, qui sont des essences attractives pour les oiseaux. D’ailleurs, une variété d’oiseaux aura la possibilité de s’installer dans ces espaces verts tels que la mésange bleue, le rougegorge familier, le merle noir ou encore le verdier d'Europe.
Comme cité précédemment, certaines toitures seront végétalisées. Elles devront être de type extensif puisqu’elles ne seront pas fréquentées. Elles permettent une bonne isolation thermique et phonique ainsi qu’une augmentation de la quantité et de la qualité de la biodiversité.
Il sera import ant de réaliser une étude de structure après construction pour s’assurer que le bâtiment est stable et bien construit. En effet, en construction, une marge de 20% en moyenne est considérée en termes de charges ; l’ajout de toitures végétales annule cette marge de calcul.
  1. Mixité sociale
Sur la parcelle marron, le PLU impose de réaliser un équipement public mixte. Un équipement public mixte se définit comme un type d'infrastructure publique qui permet d'offrir plusieurs services ou usages différents dans un même espace. Contrairement à un équipement public dédié à un seul usage, comme une bibliothèque ou un parc, un équipement public mixte peut proposer différents services et activités, tels que des espaces de loisirs, de détente, de sport, de culture, de formation ou de rencontre. Les équipements publics mixtes sont souvent conçus pour répondre à plusieurs besoins des citoyens et permettent de maximiser l'utilisation des espaces urbains en offrant des services et des activités variés. Ils peuvent également favoriser la cohésion sociale en encourageant les rencontres entre différents groupes de population et en créant des espaces de vie communautaires. Les équipements sportifs et de loisirs proposés sur la parcelle en question répondent donc à la problématique d’équipement public mixte.
De plus, afin de respecter le PADD, il faut requalifier et valoriser progressivement les espaces publics structurants de la ville du Havre. C’est pourquoi cette aire de jeux sera installée (avec araignée, ping-pong, terrain de basket et de foot…) favorisant ainsi les sorties familiales et créant un lieu de rencontre entre tous les enfants du quartier, mais aussi entre différentes générations. Associé au jardin public mitoyen, cette espace favorisera grandement la mixité sociale prescrite par le PLU.
Par ailleurs, l’objectif de ce nouveau quartier est de favoriser l’inclusion sociale notamment en ouvrant l’accès au logement pour les jeunes ménages et de créer des conditions d’accueil pour les personnes âgées défavorisées. Parmi les bâtiments prévus, deux d’entre eux seront aménagés pour les personnes âgés avec des rez-de-chaussée adaptés à leur situation. De plus, l’installation d’un jardin sera prévue pour les habitants des immeubles, créant ainsi un lieu de rencontre et de partage. Une petite place possédant des statues et des bancs sera construite entre les deux bâtiments réservés aux personnes âgées afin de leur conférer un lieu de rencontre tout près de leur lieu de logement. L'objectif des statues est de fournir aux résidents vivant à proximité de cette place un symbole d'appartenance. Cet aspect sera détaillé dans une prochaine partie.
La position de la parcelle dans la ville du Havre lui confère une attractivité commerciale majeure, qui, associée aux logements présents, en fait un lieu de vie et de travail. En effet, située à côté de la gare, elle permet de développer des ambitions telles que la construction d’un hôtel. Celui-ci contribuera autant à la vie touristique que professionnelle notamment grâce à ses salles pouvant accueillir des séminaires.
En résumé, l’objectif est d’attirer l’attention des passants, venant notamment de la gare, grâce à la création de l’axe piéton et des commerces, qui déboucheront sur le jardin public ainsi que les jeux pour enfants, menant les passants à vouloir profiter de l’espace convivial disponible. Toutes les raisons sont réunies pour encourager les voyageurs ou les futurs habitants à se loger aux alentours :
Par ailleurs, les personnes provenant de rues comme Casimir Delavigne ou Jules Lecesne seront tout autant attirées par ce nouvel espace contenant diverses activités et mélangeant les âges et les cultures.
  1. Thématiques majeures de l’aménagement
  2. Consommation d’espace
La fonctionnalité de chaque espace de la parcelle étudiée découle d’une OAP issue de concertations entre la mairie de la ville du Havre et les habitants du quartier. Le projet présenté dans ce document s’inspire donc et reflète les volontés de la population locale.
En créant une zone de jeux pour enfants de tout âge, le principe d’aménagement public prescrit par le PLU est bien respecté puisque celui-ci impose la création d’un espace public mixte sur la parcelle marron. A travers ce choix, les résidents ont exprimé leur désir d'apporter de la diversité dans le quartier en concevant un espace communautaire. Ainsi, la zone de jeux favorisera la cohésion sociale comme expliqué dans la partie précédente en invitant les différents groupes de population à se rencontrer.
A côté de ces jeux pour enfants, l’existence de l’espace public majeur que sera le jardin accompagné de sa fontaine centrale aura le même objectif d’unité des populations. En plus d’apporter un espace vert permettant aux habitants de se promener ainsi qu’aux espèces animales et végétales de s’épanouir, ce jardin favorisera la rencontre entre les promeneurs. De plus, ce jardin servira de lieu de détente pour les propriétaires de chiens qui pourront y emmener leurs animaux de compagnie pour qu'ils profitent également de ce cadre agréable et convivial.
Les exigences des habitants ont conduit à une variation dans la hauteur des bâtiments pour éviter de créer un quartier uniforme et monolithique. Ces demandes ont été prises en compte, créant un quartier accueillant avec des variations dans les hauteurs des bâtiments, ce qui aura pour but de le rendre accueillant. En plus de fournir des lieux de rassemblement, la présence d'espaces verts a pour rôle de donner une bouffée d'air frais au quartier, incitant les gens à s’y promener voire à s'y installer. Ces bâtiments offriront par ailleurs une variété de logements ouverts à tous, reflétant toujours la volonté de mixité sociale. Les familles, les jeunes parents, les étudiants, les personnes âgées mais aussi les voyageurs, avec la présence d’un hôtel convivial et près du centre et de la gare, seront les bienvenus dans ce quartier. Tout le quartier sera agencé de manière à favoriser les rencontres grâce aux espaces publics et aux espaces verts, mais aussi grâce aux services proposés comme le sont les commerces le long de l’axe piéton. Ces commerces sont aussi le reflet des désirs des habitants du quartier. Ils répondent au PLU et chacun d’eux a été pensé de manière à satisfaire l’ensemble de la population. La pharmacie permettra aux personnes âgées vivant dans les Papi Lofts d’obtenir des soins à proximité. L’espace de coworking et le coffee shop seront des lieux de rencontre et de partage. Le magasin de produits électroniques reconditionnés, la friperie et la boutique de produits locaux inciteront les gens à réduire leur consommation en achetant des produits d’occasion ou en réparant leurs produits personnels. Leur usage sera détaillé dans une prochaine partie.
Enfin, le défi actuel est de savoir densifier la ville tout en la gardant désirable. Cela passe donc par la construction des bâtiments en verticalité, pour multiplier les possibilités de logements de différents types tout en conservant des espaces publics agréables. Cette idée de verticalité est notamment traduite par la construction du parking et des immeubles de la parcelle hachurée. Le parking souterrain vise aussi à réduire la présence de places de stationnement extérieures qui détériorent l’esthétique de l’OAP.
  1. Consommation d’énergie
Tous les lieux publics de cette parcelle seront équipés de lampadaires équipés de capteurs de mouvement ou de présence, constituant un éclairage public économe en énergie. Ainsi, ces lampadaires s’éteignent automatiquement lorsque personne n’est présent dans la rue, réduisant considérablement les consommations électriques du quartier et les coûts associés. De plus, les éclairages extérieurs minimiseront la pollution lumineuse en jouant sur l’orientation, l’intensité et la durée de l’éclairage afin de tendre vers un minimum d’éclairage en fonction des contraintes d’usage et de la réglementation. Ce point est exposé dans la disposition H « Préserver et étendre la trame Verte et Bleue » du PLU et on peut même retenir les orientations d’éclairage favorables ou non à la faune nocturne :
De plus, les nombreux aménagements verts tels que le jardin public, les espaces en terre pleine sur la parcelle hachurée ou encore en face de l’hôtel contribuent à la réduction de l'empreinte carbone en absorbant le dioxyde de carbone, en fournissant de l'ombre et en créant des habitats pour la faune locale.
Par ailleurs, il s’agira de promouvoir des moyens de transport durables tels que les transports en commun, les vélos, les trottinettes électriques, le covoiturage et les zones piétonnes, car ils permettent de réduire l'utilisation de voitures individuelles, réduisant ainsi la pollution de l'air et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. A côté du jardin deux zones seront réservées pour les vélos ainsi que pour la location de trottinettes de la ville du Havre.
L'isolation thermique des bâtiments, des toits et des murs sera à améliorer, afin de réduire la consommation d'énergie pour le chauffage et la climatisation, réduisant ainsi les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le béton de chanvre ainsi que les planchers composés de matériaux à base de déchets auront cette fonctionnalité, en plus de faire partie de matériaux plus respectueux de l’environnement et de la durabilité que les matériaux couramment utilisés comme le béton armé. De plus, la présence de toitures végétalisées renforce l’isolation thermique et phonique des bâtiments entre autres, comme expliqué précédemment.
En somme, il est possible de participer à la sobriété écologique en urbanisme en favorisant l'utilisation de technologies et de pratiques durables pour réduire l'empreinte carbone et préserver l'environnement.
  1. Augmentation besoins de déplacement
Le Centre ancien, par son histoire dans le développement de la ville, possède une réelle identité liée à la présence d’un patrimoine architectural d’intérêt et à une implantation urbaine caractéristiques du XIXème siècle. Par ailleurs, ce quartier possède un potentiel urbain très fort, notamment grâce à :
Il est indispensable de penser à l’accessibilité du quartier. Son emplacement est situé à une distance tout à fait convenable des transports en communs. En effet, l’arrêt de Tram « Gares » se situe à moins de cinq minutes à pied du centre de l’OAP tout comme l’arrêt « Palais de Justice », ce qui fait de ce quartier un lieu largement accessible en transports. De plus, des arrêts de bus sont également proches comme les lignes citées plus haut. Bien sûr, la proximité avec la gare du Havre n’apporte que plus d’ouverture. Il sera aussi possible d’utiliser des trottinettes disponibles sur des parking dédiés à quelques pas du quartier ainsi que sur la parcelle jaune de l’OAP. Tous ces modes de transports disponibles en font une parcelle reliée et connectée à la ville du Havre et au territoire.
Toutefois, l’utilisation de la voiture ne peut pas être supprimée. Il est alors important de rendre la parcelle atteignable en voiture. C’est aussi pourquoi un parking souterrain sera mis en place sous les logements, ainsi que quelques places en surfaces pour l’hôtel. La parcelle étant entourée de routes, la présence de deux voies de circulations douce au sein de la parcelle ne pose pas de problème d’accessibilité. De plus, il est important de noter qu’en cas d’urgence (incendie par exemple), les voies douces seront accessibles aux véhicules autorisés.
  1. Perte de biodiversité
La présence de nature en ville est un critère de plus en plus prisé par les habitants des zones urbaines denses, notamment pour sa contribution à la qualité du cadre de vie. Venant appuyer des fonctions de la Trame Verte et Bleue, la nature en ville participe au bien-être des habitants et à l’attractivité d’un territoire urbain. Cette nature urbaine est support d'espaces de respiration, de calme, de lien social et de loisir, offrant aux habitants un grand nombre d'espaces verts de proximité, de lieux de rencontres et d'événements, mais aussi des points de vue et des perspectives paysagères. Les orientations proposées dans l’OAP thématique sont complémentaires. C’est donc leur combinaison qui assure l’efficacité des services écologiques rendus par la nature en ville et qui permettra le développement de la biodiversité.
Par ailleurs, la contribution à la biodiversité passe aussi par le respect du SRCE, soit Schéma Régional de Cohérence Écologique. Il s'agit d'un document d'urbanisme qui vise à préserver et à restaurer la biodiversité en France, en organisant la Trame Verte et Bleue sur le territoire régional. Cette trame est un réseau de continuités écologiques terrestres et aquatiques qui permettent la circulation des espèces animales et végétales et qui assurent la survie des écosystèmes. Le SRCE a pour objectif de coordonner les différentes politiques publiques pour permettre la réalisation de cette trame. Le SRCE est élaboré par la région, en concertation avec les acteurs locaux (collectivités, associations, etc.), et doit être compatible avec les autres documents d'urbanisme (Plan Local d'Urbanisme, Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale, etc.). Il s’agira donc de respecter ce document en créant des corridors écologiques nécessaires à la survie des espèces animales et végétales présentes sur l’OAP.
📷La proposition D/ Organiser les cœurs d’îlots en faveur de la biodiversité de la Trame verte, invite à veiller à ce que les cœurs d’îlots (comme celui présent sur notre OAP, parcelle rayée violette), proposent des espaces plantés, les plus larges possible, ouverts sur la ville. C’est la raison pour laquelle les quatre bâtiments de cet îlot seront entourés d’herbe et accueilleront quelques arbres. Cet espace vert sera visible depuis les rues environnantes et constituera un lieu de passage notamment grâce aux petits chemins qui reliront les rues les unes aux autres, en passant par les entrées des immeubles ainsi que le jardin partagé (voir planches). De plus, l’espace en pleine terre présent sur cette parcelle servira de jardin partagé, qui cherchera à favoriser la circulation de la biodiversité. Il sera notamment envisagé la plantation de prêles des champs, de lierres terrestres, ou d’une haie de biodiversité, avec un mélange de végétaux (petits fruits, fleurs, arbustes à feuillage persistant…), pour que ces différents végétaux s’épanouissent et qu’ils attirent des petits animaux. Pour favoriser le passage de la petite faune, la mise en place d’une clôture à claire-voie autour de ce jardin sera privilégiée, pour répondre encore une fois à la proposition D/ de la Trame verte ainsi qu’à la disposition G qui incite à « Des modes de gestion et des utilisations des espaces en faveur de la biodiversité ». La réalisation de ces îlots en centre-ville du Havre est donc le reflet de ces dispositions de la partie « Trame Verte Trame Bleue » du PLU de la ville.
Des toitures végétalisées vont être mises en place sur les îlots de bâtiments (zone inférieure de la parcelle). Celles-ci seront extensives car elles ne seront pas fréquentées et le substrat aura une épaisseur de 10 cm.
L’espace en pleine terre séparant les « Papi lofts » de la garderie sera inaccessible au public car des clôtures à claire voie seront installées, permettant le déplacement de la petite flore sans entraver les corridors écologiques comme l’indique le PLU.
La surface totale des espaces verts s’obtient en effectuant la somme des surfaces végétales présentes sur la parcelle affectées des coefficients suivants :
Les surfaces sont répertoriées ci-dessous :
Types de surface
Surfaces (m2)
535,6 m2
796 m2
7770 m2
Sespaces communs
452 m2
Tableau 3 : Liste des différentes surfaces végétales de la parcelle
Le calcul qui en découle est alors le suivant :
Sv=1×Spt+0,5×Stv+1×Sjardin+1×Sespaces communs
Sv=1×535,6+0,5×796+1×7770+1×452=9155,6 m2
La surface totale de la parcelle étant considérée à
28290 m2, la surface végétale totale représente donc 32,4%. Ce pourcentage respecte bien le règlement qui prescrit que « sur les terrains de plus de 2 000 m², la surface végétale doit représenter au moins 15% de la superficie du terrain ».
  1. Perte de diversité d’usage
Un système de sécurité sera installé dans les habitations de type « Papi lofts » ainsi que dans la garderie. Ceux-ci permettront aux personnes âgées vivant sur place ainsi qu’aux parents laissant leurs enfants en bas-âge de contacter les urgences à toute heure et ainsi de se sentir en sécurité, la caserne de pompiers la plus proche étant à 6 minutes en voiture de la rue Masséna.
Le choix des commerces a aussi été pensé pour satisfaire les besoins des habitants alentours, notamment la présence d’une pharmacie dans laquelle les personnes âgées vivant dans les « Papi lofts » pourront se rendre dans le cas où ils auraient besoin de médicaments ou d’une aide médicale à proximité.
submitted by xSlayver to u/xSlayver [link] [comments]

2023.03.11 15:04 emmawarriorcats Will this work? Mat 12w, lamp 40w

Will this work? Mat 12w, lamp 40w submitted by emmawarriorcats to electrical [link] [comments]

2023.03.11 15:03 emmawarriorcats Will this work? Mat 12w, lamp 40w

submitted by emmawarriorcats to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2023.03.11 15:00 emmawarriorcats Will this work?

submitted by emmawarriorcats to ECE [link] [comments]

2023.01.10 22:50 schneidernet Update Email

I received this today:
Hi everyone,
Happy New Year! We started off 2023 with a ‘Lunch with Insteon’ webinar last Friday. Thank you for everyone who joined us. If you missed it, click this linkand use passcode zu.2Hs$U to watch the recording.
I am excited to announce two new products – the Insteon i3 Dial (DS01) and the Insteon i3 Outlet (WR01). The i3 Dial is a modern take on the classic rotary switch that allows for a simple and intuitive way to turn lights on/off and fine-tune dim levels. The i3 Outlet behaves much like existing Insteon On/Off Outlets, but it should be noted that i3 products have been re-designed from the ground up. Also, both of these products are supported in the current version of Director but we are unable to support them in the Insteon for Hub app.
On the product availability front, we just got in the Popular 50-Button Set for Keypads (2401BT50) and more On/Off Switches (2477S). Later this month, we will be getting in more On/Off (2635-222) and Dimmer (2457D2) Modules as well as Water Leak Sensors (2852-222). The Outdoor On/Off Module (2634-222) arrives at the end of February while Powerline Noise Filters (1626-10) and PLM’s (2413Sand 2413U) are expected by the end of March.
We are now offering PLM repairand Hub 2 data migrationservices, both of which people have been requesting.
I do recommend watching the webinar recording as Richard (my co-founder) walks you through some of the important features of our mobile app. He shared that we are working on supporting I/O Module and Range Extenders within the Director app by end of February. He also announced we plan on supporting Thermostats and Mini-Remotes within Director.
Another important Director feature we are working on is an in-app indication when a sensor is no longer communicating with the Hub. A dead battery is usually the culprit, but at least you will now know in a timely fashion when it is not sensing.
I know this was a long update. So thank you to everyone who made it this far. I hope that you see that we do take your feedback to heart. You asked for the ability to have Hub data migrated. You asked for Thermostats to be supported in Director – and we initially said that was not going to happen. We heard your voices loud and clear so we dedicated resources to these two projects. I cannot promise we will check every box on every wish list, but I can promise we will always listen.
Thank you, Ken CEO, Insteon Technologies
Insteon Technologies
4790 Irvine Blvd. Suite 105-665, Irvine, CA 92620
Unsubscribe - Unsubscribe Preferences
submitted by schneidernet to insteon [link] [comments]

2022.12.22 18:40 RMcCallum Anyone help with my boiler? No idea how to work it. 🤦‍♂️

Anyone help with my boiler? No idea how to work it. 🤦‍♂️ submitted by RMcCallum to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2022.12.07 02:04 Helpful-Complex-9667 Please help me connect the blue "C" common wire in boiler control board for Google Nest Thermostat

Please help me connect the blue
I'd really appreciate it if someone can help me figure out where I can connect this unused, twirled up blue wire (see red arrow in photo) so that it can become a common "C" wire and provide power for my Google Nest Thermostat 3rd Gen. There is an unused blue wire coming from my boiler heating system that I can connect to the Nest board in the "C" slot, but I need to first connect the blue wire in my boiler control board to power and I don't see any "C" slot on the boiler control board.
The photos are of the boiler control board - used for my furnace system.
Would connecting the unused, twirled up blue wire (red arrow) to the black wire (purple arrow) in the orange wire nut solve my problem?
If not, what can I then connect it to in the photo?
submitted by Helpful-Complex-9667 to electrical [link] [comments]

2022.11.18 00:23 Scrum_Bucket Thermostat stats

Thermostat stats submitted by Scrum_Bucket to u/Scrum_Bucket [link] [comments]

2022.07.16 19:31 viralx3 Trying to upgrade old thermostat to ecobee3 lite - need wiring help

Originally asked this on /askanelectrician but was told to ask here.
I just got a new apartment and I'm trying to upgrade the existing TE226 thermostat to an ecobee3 lite. I tried to follow the ecobee install guide as well as the ecobee app, but the letters of the wires don't seem to match what I'm seeing on the back of my old thermostat.
Wires going into old thermostat
Labels on the thermostat housing
Wiring diagram from thermostat manual
Air handler unit / diagram (model no: FS-GF08-86MKY-CHY)
ecobee3 lite thermostat I need to map wires to
After doing some research online and studying the wiring diagram, I think I've figured out most of the wires but I'm having trouble identifying what the last brown wire is for.
This is what I have so far, please correct me if this looks wrong:

Wire Old Thermostat Terminal Ecobee Terminal
Red wire (power) 1(L) Rc
Black wire (common) 2(N) C
Yellow wire (cooling) 3(c) Y1
White wire (heating) 5(H) W1
Green wire (fan) 12(FAN) G
Brown wire (???) 11(G) ???
What I find confusing is that the labelling convention on the old thermostat (L,N,C,H...) doesn't seem to correspond to what all the documentation is telling me. Originally I thought the yellow wire was the common "C" wire as it was going into 3(C), but I think it is actually the cooling wire.
I also have no idea what the brown wire going into terminal 11(G) is for? Based on the wiring diagram, both 11 and 12 are connected to the ECM Modulating Fan. Where do I connect the brown wire on the ecobee terminal?
I would appreciate any help here!
submitted by viralx3 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2022.07.16 10:50 viralx3 Trying to upgrade old thermostat to ecobee3 lite - need wiring help

I just got a new apartment and I'm trying to upgrade the existing TE226 thermostat to an ecobee3 lite. I tried to follow the ecobee install guide as well as the ecobee app, but the letters of the wires don't seem to match what I'm seeing on the back of my old thermostat.
Wires going into old thermostat
Labels on the thermostat housing
Wiring diagram from thermostat manual
ecobee3 lite thermostat I need to map wires to
After doing some research online and studying the wiring diagram, I think I've figured out most of the wires but I'm having trouble identifying what the last brown wire is for.
This is what I have so far, please correct me if this looks wrong:
Wire Old Thermostat Terminal Ecobee Terminal
Red wire (power) 1 (L) Rc
Black wire (common) 2 (N) C
Yellow wire (cooling) 3 (C) Y1
White wire (heating) 5 (H) W1
Green wire (fan) 12 (FAN) G
Brown wire (???) 11 (G) ???
What I find confusing is that the labelling convention on the old thermostat (L,N,C,H...) doesn't seem to correspond to what all the documentation is telling me. Originally I thought the yellow wire was the common "C" wire as it was going into 3(C), but I think it is actually the cooling wire.
I also have no idea what the brown wire going into terminal 11(G) is for? Based on the wiring diagram, both 11 and 12 are connected to the ECM Modulating Fan. Where do I connect the brown wire on the ecobee terminal?
I would appreciate any help here!
submitted by viralx3 to ecobee [link] [comments]

2022.06.19 19:29 LibMike Apartment indoor insulation sug?

Hi all,
(First of all, sorry for wall of text, I really just want to explain this to be as clear as possible. I wrote this then realized how long it seems..)
I'm looking for some advice regarding a way to help keep an apartment cool with some indoor method of insulating the walls that can be removed when we move out. I recently moved from Texas to Florida, from living in a house to a small 1 bedroom apartment. The first two months was fine and our apartment was kept cool around 73*F. But more recently, during the peak daytime hours from around 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM the AC isn't able to keep up and cool the apartment. It steadily rises to around 78-80*F until the sun goes down, and it's able to slowly go back to 73-74*F which is what our thermostat is set to. This wouldn't be a huge deal to myself, but me and my girlfriend have axolotls in water tanks/tubs and the water has to be kept in the 60-65*F range (we have water chillers but they can't keep up either when the apartment gets to 77-80*F.)
Anyway, our apartment is quite small, 650 or so sqft. One main room, one bedroom, the bathroom, and a walk in closet. We are in a detached 2 story building above garages so our apartment is in the direct sunlight all day. The AC unit is a in the bathroom ceiling (a "pancake unit") and the compressor unit is at the ground level. We had the AC unit completely replaced a month or two after moving in as it completely died. This new one was working fine, but this past week it seems like the AC unit is just too small to cool the apartment during hotter days. The AC unit itself is working fine, and the vents are blowing cold air. The AC installer came out and checked a few units similar to ours and all of them couldn't cool enough (the 2 bedroom apartments have larger AC units compared to our 1B.)
I randomly felt a wall in the bathroom a few days ago and realized it was hot to the touch, almost like there was no or poor insulation. I decided to buy a FLIR camera to check for hotspots in the apartment, and there's a few which I believe are a big contributor to the apartment heating up.
Any suggestions on something I can do to prevent the heat from passing through to the apartment? Is there anything good I can put on the wall while we live here that can be easily removed without damaging the wall? Would something like some basic double reflective insulation sheets (Home Depot has some Everbilt brand reflective insulation) work just taping to the wall for now?
Here's some pictures from the FLIR.
These first two pictures are from the main room showing the vent and the ceiling/wall edge near it.
These three pictures are from the bathroom. The first is the wall above the shower close to the ceiling (the AC unit doocover can be seen by it). The second is the wall to the left of the ceiling by the bathroom lights showing that it's cooler at 87*F. The third is a hot spot on the ceiling directly above the lights, which is nearly 100*F not even by 1 PM -- the heat is not from the lights being on, they were turned on only for a few minutes and I checked the temps of this hot spot before they were turned on this morning, this spot is where the roof/wall connect outside basically.
Lastly, these two are from the bedroom closet. First is the wall temperature and the second is a hotspot in the corner of the wall/ceiling.
We brought this up to the apartment complex and they said they would let us move to another unit that's not like this one, so we could move to a 1st floor apartment in a building that's not a separated building above garages. This would probably be great... less heat on first floor, no walls against the sun a middle unit, but I really don't want to deal with moving everything when we just moved in 2-3 months ago. Plus I have a garage included with this one and I would lose my garage if we moved to a normal unit that isn't in this detached garage building.
Our power bill for this 1b1b is $300-350/m which to me is insane, but we also have to run the AC 24/7 practically... in Texas our power bill for a 1500sqft house was only around $150/m but it was a brick house..
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by LibMike to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2022.05.16 19:40 shanabailey New items in Couponsfromchina (16.05.2022 17:40:40)

Image compilation: or
New items in Couponsfromchina database. You can set price alerts.
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submitted by shanabailey to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2022.04.09 22:48 Not_The_h APR Stage 3 DTR6054 Turbocharger Review

I'm writing this lengthy review because there isn't much to find about customer reviews about this turbo kit because it's so new. It only came out about a month ago. If you aren't familiar with this turbo kit, it can be found here:
To start, this turbocharger system is an absolute monster. I drive a 2015 GTI submodel S. It's far bigger than the IS20 in the GTI and larger than the IS38 in the Golf R. It puts down power with incredible aggressiveness. Zip and zoom to a quick 100 mph without hesitation and you feel every bit of it. Throws you into your seat and will carry you to 160 mph and beyond in a heartbeat. Super clean and fits OEM perfectly. All around, I'm super happy with this turbocharger and it lives up to what APR claims.
I'm going to break down segments of what I noticed or what should be disclosed when purchasing and installing this turbocharger.

APR lists their turbocharger system to fit OEM parts and upgraded parts. As of today 4/9/2022, this is not the case. Installed in my car I have the APR Intercooler which does a great job. However, this turbo kit does not include support to fit their own intercooler with their charge pipes and hoses kits. It was only meant to fit the stock piping to it. Since this intercooler is bigger, and if you have their aftermarket pipes and hoses, the hose to the intercooler ends up being about 3-4 inches short. Obviously, this is a big problem. Using some extra silicone hosing and some hose clamps you can make it work, but this shouldn't be this way. As of this current moment, APR is designing a solution for me, and hopefully for the future, new piping to solve this issue. They will ship the new pipe once they have completed R&D. (Also, as a disclaimer, you definitely can do the fueling upgrades for the GTI that APR says is for the Golf R. They install exactly the same and are also given the option when tuning the car of loading the FWD or AWD version. The only difference here is how much boost is given by gear. Install at your own risk - but they run the same.)
Link to the new hose that solves this issue:

Coming from APR Stage 2 - before the EPA outlawed catless downpipes in 2020, my car had a distinct sound to it. It was pretty nice and it didn't sound bad at all. Now with this turbocharger system, it has a lower growl and deeper exhaust note. I have APR's non-resonated cat-back exhaust, so the drone now in Stage 3 is much louder and you will hear it at any speed. As far as turbo sound goes, I have APR's closed-box cold air intake and can still hear the turbo spooling up from inside the cabin. It's faint but can be heard. No T51R turbo, but I'm very certain that with an open-box intake it is much much louder. On WOT, it sounds like a racecar.
I took off the housing for the closed box that contains the air filter. Since my catch can in bolted to the side of the intake and screws through the housing I put some nuts on the back and torqued it down so it doesn't move. Effectively, removing the Cold Air Intake aspect but just as a test to try to hear some turbo noises. This turbo produces some very nice and clean spooling sounds that you can definitely hear. Not comparable to the T51R Mod, but does make noise and you WILL hear it. Letting off the throttle on full boost produces the nice STUTUTU sounds everyone loves.
If you want more turbo noises or better turbo dosing sounds, then the piping material matters the most. APR's Carbon Fiber intake does not compliment the turbo very well. If you used an aluminum or steel pipe as the intake instead, you will have much loudebetter sounds. Any rubber will dampen the sound quite a bit. One solid metal pipe will be the route to go - nice loud spooling sounds and (depending on the BOV or DV) some pretty good dosing sounds. It won't sound like a modded out R34 or Mk4 Supra, slightly different since this turbo has 9 blades. I've only removed the rubber coupler for the APR intake and replaced it with a silicone coupler so that the two sides of the intake stay physically in contact with each other, and I already noticed a difference in the loudness/length of the turbo dosing that happens.

For the GTI, since it is FWD all the power goes to 2 wheels. It's a lot of power to control so it's hard to keep the car straight for a moment. As long as you can do that, you'll be fine. I'm sure it's much easier to control for the Golf R.

The stock GTI and in APR's Stage 2 rev limiter was at about 6800 RPM. The Rev limiter in this Stage 3 turbocharger system is now at about 7000 RPM with spikes up to 7200 RPM. This is probably because the peak power is put down at about 6500 RPM on the Stage 3 tune. If there's one thing I've learned about APR, it's that they make very high quality products and would not release a product unless it were safe to use. As far as this goes, I trust APR but obviously don't bring your needle into the red if you can help it.

Gas Mileage:
Again, coming from APR Stage 2, If I babied the car and drove like a decent and sane person I would get about 37-48 mpg. Then 28-30 mpg if I were stuck in traffic and only drove city. It seems as though the gas mileage on this Stage 3 turbo is slightly less than what I was getting. However, obviously you will get much much lower mpg in city driving now as you have a big snail under the hood. Closer to 20-25 mpg in city driving. On WOT, it will suck some gas.
In 35 minute drive with 12 minutes in city and 23 minutes highway. This includes one clutch dump, and one 60 - 130 mph time attack:
Distance: 32 Miles
Average Speed: 54 mph (Cruise control on 70 for highway)
Average Fuel Economy: 37.1 mpg

Again, having the APR intercooler, the temperature never got too high and always ran constant. Haven't notice oil getting any hotter than it used to while running this turbo.

The power is immense. It is an insane amount of power for a FWD car. It will pick up and go very quickly so you need to be very careful. This turbo also introduces the concept of turbo lag to the GTI. The IS20 let the EA888 Gen 3 engine be ignorant to the idea, but with this turbo you will have lag. A 60mm compressor wheel and 54mm turbine wheel take a moment to spool up the total amount of air that gets forced into the engine. APR will not release the A/R of the turbo or release the maximum amount of PSI that this turbo can reach. They claim it as proprietary so I'll leave that be. I elected for the boost-by-gear tune when installing this, so using my P3 Guage it was showing 22.7 PSI on WOT in 3rd gear and on. In 2nd gear, it was about 18 PSI. 1st gear is hard to say because you're in and out so fast that it honestly doesn't even really matter. As of this moment, I have pulled on an Audi RS7 at a 50 roll which is saying something. A $115,000 car pushing 591 hp and 590 ft/lbs of torque that is twin turbocharged could not keep up with my GTI. Could be to the fact that the RS7 is 2000 lbs heavier but I digress... 5.0 Mustangs are in the rear view, along with all 392's for 2/3 the cost. You won't be disappointed with the power this brings.
I have made an error in boost pressure levels. The P3 Gauge without a boost tap, can only read values up to 22.7 PSI. I checked my ECU readings and discovered that the turbo produces much more boost. As of my ECU readings, the max boost I saw in a short test was 33.5 PSI. I have ordered a boost tap for the P3 Gauge so that I can get accurate readings. When I can get more accurate readings I will edit this post to include those below this section. I have also swapped the tune to APR's "unrestricted" tune (idk what else to call it) which does not limit max boost by gear. WITH THIS UNRESTRICTED TUNE AND A CATLESS DOWNPIPE, I DO THROW AN EMISSIONS CODE (P0420). This is unlike the boost-by-gear tune which did not throw a code. However, I discovered a caveat with now throwing an emissions code and how to not make it come back. My Secondary Air Injection (SAI) Hose which leads to the intake manifold has a broken clip which happened recently. In case you aren't familiar with SAI, it pumps extra air into the exhaust manifold to help burn any unburnt or harmful chemicals. I'm currently going to get a new one to replace it, however, since clearing codes off of the GTI with the emissions code, the P0420 Code has not come back after 150 miles of driving with 5 cycles. This will produce a different emissions code for the Secondary Air Injection failure on the next startup of an unplugged SAI. Not very relevant and not the greatest of ideas, so don't do it! Mines just been broken, waiting for the new hose.
I received and installed the boost tap. The maximum PSI that I measured through an analog boost tap was 35.6 PSI. This is crazy amounts of boost. Thanks to the low compression ratio of the EA888 Gen 3, you can buy this turbo and casually run rally car levels of boost. Happy spooling!

Test Runs (To Be Continued):
Both of these 60 - 130 tests were conducted in the same place. The road has a slight incline (2-4 degrees).
Cruise Control @ 60 mph - 130 mph: 10.62 seconds
Cruise Control @ 60 mph - 130 mph: 10.21 seconds

Installed On My Car:*Fanboy alert

In all, I love this Stage 3 turbocharger kit that APR has released and I think it's the best bang for your buck when trying to get more power out of your GTI, coming in at $1499.95 for just the turbo kit without the fueling upgrades and includes the tune with it. I think APR should have done a better job in understanding that this turbocharger doesn't fit their own intercooler + charge pipe by length, but its only been a month into release and they're designing a solution to fix that problem for free so I'll cut them some slack. I'm having a blast with this upgrade and I hope this clears the air for a lot of people pondering the idea as well. In my own head I wanna believe that DTR stands for Down To Race, and 60 is the size of the compressor wheel with 54 being the size of the turbine wheel. If you found this helpful, please let me know. If there's something else that you'd like to see here that I haven't listed, drop a comment and I'll try to edit and include it in the post.

So after a year and some months of running this turbo, it’s held true to everything I originally typed up in this post a year ago. It hasn’t given me any issues and I haven’t had to remove the tune for any reason. Since installing the turbo + tune, I’ve had:
All things aside, any one of these is just the normal wear and tear of owning a race car. You add more power, cost of service goes up as well. Lifespan of parts goes down too. This is the nature of the beast but all of these I’d consider to be fairly normal issues except snapping my diff - that’s all me wanting to let the turbo eat.
Personally, I’ve loved APR because everything is always so high quality. However, American company falls under the EPA. No tunes worthy of catless downpipes. I’m gonna stick with APR for now. Also, when I do fueling upgrades, I’ll still probably stick with APR. The tune for adding MPI, lands you a little more power but I think that’s perfect for what the engine is as a stock block. Anything further requires forged internals - especially the crank. If I’m not mistaken, the max torque you should load on stock internals is ~500-550ft/lbs? Not exactly sure but I know that’s close. When I’m ready, I’ll throw some forged internals in mine with MPI, metal intake manifold, and go custom tune. Assuming everything works smoothly I could easily see a GTI running this turbo push 600-650hp. Maybe more but who knows? Only one way to find out!
Otherwise, I’m still to this day just as satisfied with the turbo and tune as when I got it over a year ago. It puts down great power when boost hits. It actually “feels” like a big turbo. Also, I daily this thing. Stage 3 clutch and all, not hard to drive and goes when I want it too. It hits highway speeds just as quick as making a left turn at a stoplight.
All in all, great turbo so far after a bunch of time and miles put on it. I do have ONE issue. I suppose it’s more of a VW thing with the O2Q manual transmission than it is APR, but when in first gear on WOT - the rev limit on the tune is backed up to 7300RPM. Hitting higher than ~6800-6900 in a first gear pull will NOT allow me to shift the car into second gear until the RPM’s have dipped back below the old rev limit. I try to move the shifter but the car stops me. Not really a huge issue since there’s no traction in this area of the gearing anyways, pushing 35lbs of boost. I just shift from first to second a little earlier and hope the RPM isn’t too low when second gear catches - otherwise you have to build boost all over again.
Hope this helps. If you want to know more or have any questions I’m happy to help. I realize this post has become a beacon for quite a few, so I wanna always be able to help.
submitted by Not_The_h to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2022.03.15 19:54 mage_in_training C'Leena Thomas, Prosthetist (Ch. 28)

Writing this sober was harder than anticipated. As always, written on mobile.
~ ~ ~
Hardly able to keep his eyes open, the double shifts he had been 'asked' to work had taken quite the toll on the young Dynoshean known as Rutak. This had been his last double after working them for ten straight rotations.
Without realizing it, he had nodded off as he rode the orbital elevator planet-side, the music from his oversized headphones relaxing him a bit too well. Quickly realizing that he had nodded off, he found that he had actually fallen asleep and missed disembarking. To make matters worse, he was on his way back up to the Ring. With a silent groan, he set an alarm on his phone and leaned back against the corner he had temporarily claimed as his own. It would be another hour or so before he was planet-side again.
Closing his tired eyes and zoning out for what felt like a few moments, he was startled by the alarm he had set. With five minutes or so until the elevator touched down, he stretched and tried to wake himself up so that he would not miss his stop again. Rubbing the grogginess out of his eyes, he looked at his phone and sent off a message to C'Leena telling her that he was on his way home.
The two of them had kept messaging each other throughout his time working, especially on his breaks. While not quite as good as in-person conversation, they had come to know each other rather well and even scheduled another lunch date since their attempted first had been ruined by horrendous events.
Disembarking finally, and flashing his updated identification card to the checkpoint officer, he was allowed to pass with his concealed pulse pistol. Purchasing an overpriced Dynoshean equivalent to a Terran energy drink from a vending machine, he began his trek to the parking garage.
Tossing the now empty beverage container into a trash can as he entered the parking garage, it was not long before he was on his hover bike and speeding home faster than the regulated speed limits allowed for. With the hot, summer air rushing over his scales, his metabolism started to kick into a higher state, waking him up better than the beverage he had paid for.
While he was excited for C'Leena's and his lunch date tomorrow at a local restaurant, he could not wait for their excursion on First Contact Day. The holiday was one of the few that was celebrated by the entirety of the planet and Orbital Ring. The fact that it was one of eight such planetary holidays nearly ensured it would be an outing to remember as shops, vendors and eateries would have a theme of some kind dedicated to the event.
Gherd had informed him that she and C'Leena were planning something together and that he was required to join them for another night out on the town. This time without her getting sick from the festivities.
Finally arriving into his much cooler studio apartment, the cool temperature lowering his metabolism once more, he locked the door and crashed out on his couch, not even bothering to convert it into a bed.
He was asleep in minutes.
~ ~ ~
Obb Sy'deyan parked his hover car in front of a rundown, small, two story home. He had seen many of these kinds of models before made by all sorts of construction companies. The home was an older, prefabricated unit with the living space on top of the small garage that could hold possibly two vehicles.
The building itself was a cube that was partially modular, allowing two units to be built next to each other without taking up additional space. However, in this instance, the home was singular with only a maintenance access pathway separating the unit from the others around it.
Oddly enough, more than half the units on this block were empty and possibly beyond repair showing that that had sat vacant for a very long time. This far out from anything of true note, he could see how such things could happen, especially in this rural region composed of mostly automated vertical farming systems.
Pushing such thoughts out of his mind as he exited the high end sports model hover car, and putting it into a power save mode, he walked up to the dilapidated unit as he made sure he had his weapons on him. A modified Terran pistol that was designed for piercing armored foes and and a high yield, slow-cycling pulse pistol capable of deep tissue penetration.
It was an effective small arms combination.
Obb pushed the doorbell and waited patiently in the hot, blue tinted light of the summer sun, totally unbothered by it. Being the only crystalline species in the known galaxy granted his people unique traits. The most well known was high temperature resistance and a fatal weakness to low temperatures. Their crystalline structure did not compress well under low thermals and would simply crack.
Freezing to death was the most painful way a M'nau Yil could die and their people considered such executions a declaration of war.
C'Leena's untranslated voice broke him from his musings.
'What kind of cheap building is this to not have an installed translator program?' Obb thought.
"Sorry," C'Leena's translated voice said again, "I've not yet managed to get a translator installed. How can I help you?"
"Hello, I'm Obb Sy'deyan, I have an appointment with C'Leena Thomas."
"Right, I'll be right down, give me a minute."
A few moments later, the front door opened up revealing a very short Terran whose skin was a dark olive tone. Each of her limbs were prosthetic and had synth-skin, showing that they were very high end. Clad in a shirt that displayed some kind of fluffy animal with a phrase on it that did not quite translate and a pair of shorts. A peculiar weapon of Terran design was strapped to her leg in plain view. The rumors that were buzzing about on the Dark Net about this small human seemed to be true, based solely on her appearance. If her prosthetics were as high end as he suspected, there would be no doubt of them having hidden surprises and coupled with the fact that she was in such an out of the way area in a rundown prefab, lended a sort of hidden in plain sight sort of obfuscation.
"It's nice to meet you," C'Leena said, "come, this way. Let's see what you have and what I can do."
Obb walked in, following her. While the outside was pleasant to a species such as himself, and a few others, the inside was much cooler but not unbearably so. He estimated it was around three hundred thermal units while outside was around three hundred and twenty. If the inside of her home were twenty units cooler, he would be in trouble for his species version of hypothermia.
Sitting in the slightly uncomfortable, reinforced chair with a single, thick data cable attached to an access port on the side of his neck, he watched the Terran work. There were multiple high-end printing machines and computers taking up the available space. Data and power lines were taped down onto the bare concrete to prevent beings from tripping over loose cords.
"Mr. Sy'deyan," C'Leena said, "I have a few questions for you."
"Ask away, Miss Thomas," Obb replied.
"How long have you had your integrated support apparatus system?"
"A long time, many Galactic Standard Solar Rotations."
"Hmm, and lastly, how often do you overstress the apparatus? Be real with me, please."
"At least four times," Obb replied honestly.
"That's what I thought," C'Leena said, "I won't do work for you, not in good conscience at any rate." Seeing the look on Obb's face, she quickly said, "Listen to me, ok? Whoever did work on you either didn't know what they were doing or were being particularly cheap. Based on the internal bioreaders and your information you just gave me, I think your apparatus is tungsten plated with a toxic heavy-metal core and not a true tungsten alloy apparatus. Any kind of flight system will stress your build and cause further damage. If you don't get your entire build removed, you'll die of heavy metal poisoning and quite frankly, I'm surprised you're not exhibiting any symptoms of it yet."
She waited for her words to sink in before she continued, "I'm not an expert on M'nau Yil physiology, and I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. If you go see a specialist and I'm wrong, I'll grant a fifteen percent discount for your trouble. But if I'm right, I probably just saved your life."
Obb was silent for a long moment then spoke as he removed the data cable as he got up, "Thank you for your candor, Miss Thomas, you have been most enlightening and have answered some silent speculation I've been having. I feel that you are correct in your heavy metal assessment. I have need of answers, and, perhaps, you shall see me again."
"Whatever you're going to do, Mr. Sy'deyan, do not stress your support system, keep it well within safe limits or you may not have a chance of any kind of recovery. As per our agreement, diagnostic is free, though, I feel if i see you again this data will be useless."
Obb nodded and was shown the way out by the small Terran. As he walked to his vehicle and then drove to Tal-Vi on automated pilot, already looking for a proper doctor in the vast metropolis. If the Terran was right, and his support apparatus was leaking micro doses of toxic heavy metals into his body, then he and a certain wet-ware installer were going to have... words.
~ ~ ~
C'Leena sighed as she shut down the analyzer programs and lowered the thermostat to sixty degrees Fahrenheit. She had kept it to eighty because she had been expecting Obb and knew that lower temperatures were bad for his species and that below freezing was usually a death sentence for them. It was only marginally worse than the slow death by heavy metal poisoning. Like all complex fauna, it was impossible to fully extract toxic metals from tissues, organs or other biological structures.
Turning to her printer, she could see that the hand she was printing for an elderly male Mipobz was mostly finished. As the client had a limited wet-ware interface, the hand had a focus on pressure and kinesthetic sensory functions, and had synth-skin only on the fingertips due to bandwidth and processing limitations. Primarily constructed of aluminum and carbon fiber due to monetary issues and lack of need for anything high end.
Sending off a message to her client that his hand would be completed ahead of schedule, she asked if he could arrive sometime tomorrow evening to have it attached and run calibration tests to make sure everything was working properly. As her day had given her an unexpected boost in free time, she decided to head to Tal-Vi ahead of schedule and scheduled a ride
She really needed a vehicle of her own.
~ ~ ~
"You have crashed and are now dead! Congratulations on your fourth failure!" the oddly chipper, almost game show host-esque computer voice declared to C'Leena, "you have killed two hundred and seven people so far this session!"
"Is the AI here always like this or is it just for me?" C'Leena asked her piloting instructor.
"Its just this particular one," the middle-aged Mipobz female replied, "this AI is a 'mostly' decommissioned military flight assistant. On your data files it says you've had a pilot's license. How are you so terrible with this?"
"That's for Terran flight craft and, oddly enough, unofficially, a Terran Pelican-class ODST dropship, not Galactic Alliance Standard anything. The controls and layout are all different. I have to relearn everything."
"I see," her instructor said, not believing in her ability to pilot the drop ship, "okay, let's start from the beginning again."
"Alright," C'Leena said as she began the preflight checklist in the simulator. It was a full mock-up of the craft she now owned in storage and the 'mostly' decommissioned AI ran the simulation while the instructor taught and informed. This particular AI was sinister and quite nefarious. Throwing all sorts of obstacles at her, from drunk pilots and inclement weather, all the way to spontaneous engine and power failures. It seemed to not only delight in her failures but also seemed to get off, as much as a digital program could, when her crashes involved the deaths of others.
The fact that it kept a running tally did not help.
"Time's up," the instructor replied as the AI started to power the simulator down.
"Damn, I wanted to see her crash again," the AI said, "she was about to hit a children's school. It would have been *glorious!"
"Shut it, MILTON," the instructor said, "or I'll have you reset. By the Disciples, I should do it anyway. You're long overdue."
"Oh, alright, Ma'am, but I'll have you know I now train some of the best civilian pilots!"
"Yes, which is the only reason why I haven't done it yet. I also don't need you cause emotional trauma in our clients. Consider it an order. Again."
"Yes, Ma'am!" MILTON's voice took on a different tone as it received an order from a 'superior,' its military origins shining through.
"I'm sorry you had to endure that," the instructor said to C'Leena, "MILTON is usually kinder than this, however, I think it's because he's training a Terran that he's making things difficult."
"It's no matter," C'Leena replied as she and the instructor got out of one of the many simulation units for the piloting class she was attending, "I think I'll need another lesson or two before I feel comfortable taking Woqplw's piloting exam."
"You are a remarkably quick learner, you'll do fine."
With her lesson concluded, she paid the fee and scheduled another one set for a week later for the same time of day. Walking out of the air conditioned building and back into the hot sunlight, she grumbled a bit and went about walking aimlessly. Still wearing her cat meme tank top, shorts and holstered weapon as before, though with a pair of sunglasses on to shield her eyes, she explored this part of Tal-Vi.
The most of the metropolis that she had seen had been the Spaceport and some of the nightclubs, now, she wanted to see what this new area held during the day. As she walked, she garnered strange looks, mostly due to the fact that she had her printed weapon on clear display. It was a design that had been tried and true, a slightly bulkier version of the standard variable gauss pistols that ODSTs used and was openly shared amongst the Gearheads of that arm of the Terran Military.
The design itself got around most printers' internal security protocols by having the printer make each individual part out of sequence with the components to be assembled by hand. Due to this, the weapon was bulkier and heavier than the actual variable gauss pistol it was based on and required a certain degree of strength to accurately and properly use one handed. Such a requirement was easily overcome by her prosthetic arms, she just needed to work on her lackluster aim.
Corporal Williams had told her she was hopeless and stick to Spray and Pray type weapons.
She had to agree with his assessment.
Spying a street food vendor, she walked up to a S'prau-ling male she had never seen before. Much like Gherd, the male was simply wearing a bit of cloth to cover his modesty. While Gherd was typically a lighter shade of green, this male was of a much darker hue. Looking at what the tall man was selling, it was some kind of grilled sausages wrapped with another kind of meat. Now that she was next to the man, she could detect the scent of roses just over the smell of sizzling meat and oils.
"Huh, I didn't know your, uh, scent was universal," C'Leena said to the vendor, "one of my friends is a S'prau-ling, like yourself, she frequents my rooftop."
"Hmm?" The vendor said then understanding came over him, "Ah! Yes, our fornication pheromones. It's universal among our kind. Strong, direct sunlight usually triggers its production. Its sort of why I'm standing out here, the breeze disperses it before it can do anything to anyone and I can... enjoy the sunlight as it were with little fuss."
"Huh, I thought you S'prau-lings tended to... enjoy yourselves"
"Most times, yes," he replied, adjusting some of his head-vines and leaves, "however, mmmm, right now, I'm, how you say... edging, I believe. Unless you want to help a fellow out, hmm?"
"Not today, perhaps another time," C'Leena replied with a gentle shake of her head, "I'm interested in meat of a different kind."
"Such a shame, we'd both enjoy it, our parts are compatible," he said with a sad tone then changed topics abruptly. "So! What do you like? I've got a few things grilling here, I can even toast a kind of bread if you'd like."
"That would be great," C'Leena replied, "wait, I thought your people didn't like eating plants or grains?"
"It's a common enough trait, but, food is food. I would not deny others their likes so long as... mmmmm..." the vendor paused and shuddered, eyes closed and breath deepening.
"Did you just...?" C'Leena asked, looking at the vendor.
He took a moment to reply and quickly adjusted the food on his large grill to prevent it from burning. "Yes, from the sunlight. It's different than the physical act, and much less messy. Anyways, what can I offer you?"
Perhaps being friends with Gherd had desensitized her or perhaps it was because it was merely the plant-based xeno's basic reaction the direct, summer sunlight, however, C'Leena found it quite easy to ignore what had just transpired and went on with her conversation.
She was not sure if she should be worried about it.
"What you're making at least smells good," C'Leena found herself saying, "are you usings herbs or the like?"
"Yes, though, perhaps not strong enough for a human palate, definitely nothing with capsaicin."
"I thought as much," she said with a bit of a sigh, "and yes, I would like a toasted bun to go with what you have here."
With a S'prau-ling equivalent to a nod, the vendor got to work preparing a meal for C'Leena. The oddly colored, multigrain bread was lightly toasted rather quickly, absorbing some of the fats and oils from the meats as it did so. He then smeared a purple sauce of some kind on one slice and the other one he put a blue sauce. Cutting two of the wrapped sausages in half, he made a kind of sandwich. Wrapping the finished product in wax paper and putting it into a cardboard box, he handed it to C'Leena.
"That should be to your liking I hope, it's a favored combination by many different patrons."
With a nod, C'Leena paid for her food and a transparent bottled drink with a pretty, silvery liquid inside it, then went to sit under one of the many random awnings that had been pulled out in preparation for the hot summer months of Woqplw. Digging into her space sandwich, she quickly determined that it was a barbecue bacon-wrapped sausage space sandwich. While a tad on the bland side, it was a little sweet and tangy, and the sauces gave it a peculiar smokey taste. Truthfully, it smelled better than it tasted and the drink was only mildly sweet and citrusy. At least the liquid looked pretty, like drinking silver turned liquid.
Thinking as she ate her space sandwich, she wondered if it was Mipobz or Nyymeian cuisine that was so bland as those species were quite prolific throughout all of Alliance space. She would have to conduct trial and error. So far, Dynoshean and now S'prau-ling cuisine, at least their street food, were oases of flavor in a bleak desert of blandness. While she had been to a Gloipty establishment with Giok, the selection of ingredients available overall was quite limited and it showed in their cooking, even if it was all quite good.
Throwing everything away into their proper receptacle, her phone rang. While she did not recognize the number, the autotranslation software stated that the number was from Tal-Vi Regional Security.
Answering it, she said, perhaps a bit too formally, "C'Leena Thomas, prosthetist, how can I help you?"
"Hello, Ms. Thomas, this is Mr. Gbsert, I'm with Tal-Vi Regional Security, Medical Division. Your services are being requested..."
*ninja edits: fixed next/previous links. *regular edits: spelling, grammar should be fixed.
submitted by mage_in_training to HFY [link] [comments]

2021.12.26 03:37 extra_specticles Want to adjust the temp of this old electric water/tank heater, but the service hatch seems to have no screws to open?

Edit: thank you. Done it Thanks to this answer.
See pics
I have the manual (have added pic) and it states the thermostat is located under the metal cover. But the metal cover seems to be stuck on and not screwed in (have checked all around it). The cover has a warning about wiring being 3kWh but nothing about the opening.
Would anyone have any thoughts as to how to proceed, please?
submitted by extra_specticles to diynz [link] [comments]