Data notebook elementary

Python Statistics

2013.10.25 09:42 naught101 Python Statistics

A place to discuss the use of python for statistical analysis.

2016.02.26 01:54 afatsumcha Notebooks to Spread Knowledge and Discovery

A place to share links to interesting and educational notebooks!

2014.10.14 17:47 superteacherwks Super Teacher Worksheets' Subreddit

A subreddit for Super Teacher Worksheets news, recommendations, comments, and questions. All conversation related to elementary education topics are welcome.

2024.06.04 20:48 Tricky-Discount-620 Vent/Rant

(Obligatory sorry for formatting, I’m on Mobile)•••••I’m 22 he’s 21••••• Y’all idek, I feel like I’m going crazy? I come from a family of 4 he’s from a family of 7. My parents are terrible, mostly my dad but my mom was either working or passive so unfortunately that man is most of my childhood, I can count on one hand how many times she was like “ok you’re doin too much” and it had to be egregious one being he tried to shave me bald in elementary school because he told me to wrap my hair while holding the wrap so I said “? I am?” He took it as sass you get the gist. ••••• His parents? Are terrible? And so they raised his siblings to be…kinda terrible? They’re good people (all older than him) but like they definitely have their parents tendencies and they’ll lash out over dumb things like “this sandwich has been here three days I’m gonna eat it” silence, a few minutes pass, he’s eating OlderBro: yo! What the f!!! Who said you could eat that snatches it from him “I literally asked” “well I didn’t hear! starts eating angrily like how do you eat angry bro? ••••• Just things like that, so his parents offered me help when I lost my house (RM couldn’t pay the rent anymore and housing is dumb expensive I couldn’t just spawn in double) I was hesitant cause I’d heard stories but it was either that or a homeless shelter and when I tell you I should’ve picked the shelter, never thought I’d say that. Anytime a dish is used it must be washed immediately, if you get a glass of juice either chug it or dump it cause if it touches the counter you’re in trouble (because they have a large dog that they refuse to stop letting countersurf, and i guess the dogs more important than their human children) but!!! His parents don’t wash their dishes, and then make the kids wash the dishes 😭 they got upset my bf and I were spending money to get takeout, remember that ok. •••••She goes on this fit about how we need to buy food for everyone or stop and tell the delivery people to be careful because they dropped the food off, but she was walking her dog instead of yknow grabbing her lunging dog she just stands there and starts yelling at me cause “why didn’t [redacted] just come get it 😡” so my bf is like “why don’t you have a hold on your large dog so he can’t lunge at people?” She comes inside fussing cause it’s on the ground (where they’re supposed to put stuff) so the dogs being nosy trying to eat it.••••• Ok from earlier? Remember we don’t use the kitchen? After this she makes us clean the kitchen because “y’all use it and never take the initiative to clean 😡” when we literally did not use it like I can’t remember the last time I even grabbed a glass from their kitchen yall. ••••• They’re also multilingual so like it’s been pretty standard like it was with my parents so far but them being multilingual is a whole new thing. They don’t know I also speak that language (not fluent but enough to understand responding is my struggle) so they’ll talk about me in a mix of that and English but I can…I can literally understand them and I wanna respond so bad but I don’t wanna cause too much turmoil cause these aren’t my parents. ••••• Then back to the dogs, one of them the big one that countersurfs, he’s just an ahole, he keeps going through my bags and eating shit, he ate my health insurance paperwork, he ate my bfs breakfast, so we put him away and let her know cause his stomach is weak and he will shit, she’s upset cause “she should’ve put her stuff away 😡, why are you trying to blame my dog😡” he literally went to my bag, opened the bag, pulled the ihop container out, opened the ihop container, and ate four pancakes and two chicken tenders, and instead of training him to not do that, putting him in timeout, anything you’re upset at the humans? ••••• Oh oh and! My bf games, i game, his father decided he was using too much wifi and kicked him off and said he’s leeching, sister put him on hers then said the same thing, my bf gets his own wifi we’ve used very little like 400/1200 and that’s only cause we had to update games cause we didn’t have anything for a month, and then it reset with the new month we’re currently at 20/1200 AND HIS DADS STILL GOING OVER LMFAO, they said it’s cause we stream a lot so I’m gonna cut the wifi off twice a week. Now he’s all upset he can’t stream and he won’t use his data I can see the gears turning like “ugh it wasn’t my kid but but I’ll still blame him cause how could it be my fault even though I’m the only one on wifi😡” so they tried to get the youngest (minor) to get our wifi on her iPad so she can stream with her mom and originally we were gonna give her wifi but I’m not giving them ANYTHING. ••••• So yeah, there’s more I could say but this is already disgustingly long, we’ve decided when we move out we’re going NC/LC (and I’m so serious when I say they will not be seeing their grandkids, I’m gonna block socials and everything cause I’ll be damned if she show up at the hospital or the baby shower, told him that since they’re his parents he can decide on the wedding but if they are there I’m not being cordial and they don’t get any of the photos. But the waiting game is so hard, jobs are playing rn I’m sure you know if you’re job hunting rn, and rent is dumb expensive. Oh and!!! They’re telling us to hurry up and get out and save but they’re taking $1000 a month from us as “rent” aka his dads unemployed and so they get an extra $3000 a month if they just charge everyone $500 in rent. They’re so exhausting like why don’t npsrents ever shut up, they’ll hate you and then force themselves into your life like??? Misery loves company but I don’t back up.
submitted by Tricky-Discount-620 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:19 ChmodPlusEx Need suggestions/recommendations for setup & OS

Hi all, looking for some setup suggestions. I have Surface Go 1824, which I had installed POP OS about a week ago.
And it’s pretty buggy, random crashes, buggy Bluetooth etc.
I had unknowingly selected encrypt HD option When I was installing the OS, I am guessing this might be a possible reason for the slowness.
Also there are couple of unwanted services running in the bg along with a handful of unwanted apps
Nonetheless, to remove the encryption, I have to reinstall the OS again.
I intend to use the Surface Go as a plannenotebook mainly for work.
Incase you’re wondering why, it is because I work in a very controlled environment, thus access to the internet is not allowed.
The main purpose of using the surface is to achieve the following:
1) View/edit my obsidian notes 
Obsidian has linux support and i am using the paid version.
2) View/edit my ToDoist 
ToDoIst has linux support and I am using the paid version
3) Read PDF/EPUB 4) light internet browsing; 
Mainly checking Reddit/stackoverflow, accessing personal gmail account
5) Stylus support 
not to draw or anything heavy, to use when I am just want to scribble something down quickly, especially when I am in a meeting before including it in either ToDoIst or obsidian. Incase you’re wondering why I can’t just type it straight; based on my experience in my environment, very often I would need to jot down things very quickly, typing would be a little slow.
I have no data on the surface go currently and I do not anticipate I would be storing anything directly on the surface go as well, everything will be synced to obsidian.
I am open to all advice :)
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ChmodPlusEx to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:43 wyttearp AutoGen v0.2.28 released

New release: v0.2.28


Thanks to @beyonddream @ginward @gbrvalerio @LittleLittleCloud @thinkall @asandez1 @DavidLuong98 @jtrugman @IANTHEREAL @ekzhu @skzhang1 @erezak @WaelKarkoub @zbram101 @r4881t @eltociear @robraux @thongonary @moresearch @shippy @marklysze @ACHultman @Gr3atWh173 @victordibia @MarianoMolina @jluey1 @msamylea @Hk669 @ruiwang @rajan-chari @michaelhaggerty @BeibinLi @krishnashed @jtoy @NikolayTV @pk673 @Aretai-Leah @Knucklessg1 @tj-cycyota @tosolveit @MarkWard0110 @Mai0313 and all the other contributors!

What's Changed

submitted by wyttearp to AutoGenAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:46 ChmodPlusEx Need suggestions/recommendations for setup & OS

Need setup recommendation
Hi all, looking for some setup suggestions. I have Surface Go 1824, which I had installed POP OS about a week ago.
And it’s pretty buggy, random crashes, buggy Bluetooth etc.
I had unknowingly selected encrypt HD option When I was installing the OS, I am guessing this might be a possible reason for the slowness.
Also there are couple of unwanted services running in the bg along with a handful of unwanted apps
Nonetheless, to remove the encryption, I have reinstall the OS again.
I intend to use the Surface Go as a plannenotebook mainly for work.
Incase you’re wondering why, it is because I work in a very controlled environment, thus access to the internet is not allowed.
The main purpose of using the surface is to achieve the following:
1) View/edit my obsidian notes 
Obsidian has linux support and i am using the paid version.
2) View/edit my ToDoist 
ToDoIst has linux support and I am using the paid version
3) Read PDF/EPUB 4) light internet browsing; 
Mainly checking Reddit/stackoverflow, accessing personal gmail account
5) Stylus support 
not to draw or anything heavy, to use when I am just want to scribble something down quickly, especially when I am in a meeting before including it in either ToDoIst or obsidian. Incase you’re wondering why I can’t just type it straight; based on my experience in my environment, very often I would need to jot down things very quickly, typing would be a little slow.
I have no data on the surface go currently and I do not anticipate I would be storing anything directly on the surface go as well, everything will be synced to obsidian.
I am open to all advice :)
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ChmodPlusEx to SurfaceLinux [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:31 o5gdaroca SISOPMIL-74

Esta história não tem absolutamente nada de sobrenatural. Nada de espíritos atormentando minha mente, nenhum espectro assombrando os cantos escuros, e definitivamente nenhum ser maligno me forçando a adorar algum deus pagão, muito menos fazendo eu escutar "to bem" de jovem dionisio (crendeuspai). Não, essa é uma história muito mais sombria e perturbadora do que qualquer conto de terror convencional. Esta é uma história sobre algo que o governo brasileiro fez de tudo para esconder, algo que eles não querem que ninguém saiba.
Eu sou um paulistano puro, caipira. sempre vivi na região rural, sou especialista em informática, e uma vez, em Nuporanga, tive uma experiência assustadora na "usininha", um local abandonado que eles diziam ser uma usina, que continha muitas coisas de laboratórios Engenharia e militar abandonadas. O ano era 2003 e eu fui até lá para procurar algumas coisas que poderiam ser úteis na roça, mas acabei encontrando muito mais do que esperava.
Enquanto tentava me esconder de um gado bravo que estava me perseguindo, entrei em uma casa velha que encontrei pelo caminho, cheia de camas e roupas jogadas no chão. Estava claro que ninguém morava ali há décadas.
Enquanto explorava a casa, ouvi miados vindos de uma sala próxima. Decidi investigar e me deparei com um gato palheiro se alimentando de um rato. Assustado, o gato logo fugiu pela janela, deixando-me sozinho na sala. Mas o que mais me surpreendeu foi a quantidade de ratos que infestavam o local.
Decidi me livrar daquelas pragas e peguei meu revólver Rossi cal.38. Disparei contra os ratos até que pudesse andar tranquilamente pela casa. Foi então que encontrei algo que me deixou ainda mais perplexo: um computador antigo, da época da ditadura militar, eu tinha certeza disso pois estava escrito 74 provavelmente era por conta do ano. eu sei que em 1974 foi o ápice da opressão e ditadura no Brasil
Obviamente ele não funcionava. Eu levei para minha casa, e a primeira coisa que eu fiz foi trocar a tela. obviamente eu tava com luva, o tanto de rato que tinha lá eu obviamente pegaria hantavirose. com ajuda de uns amigos técnico meu, ficar comprando adaptador, clandestinamente comprando peças de computadores antigos e muito esforço, consegui fazê-lo funcionar, apareceu um texto verde escrito na tela "SISOPMIL-74", então entrei em uma coisa que parecia um desktop do Windows 3.1 porém o fundo era totalmente Verde. e me deparei com um programa estranho chamado "UNSER BRASILIANISCHER FÜHRER.brex". Ao tentar acessá-lo, uma mensagem perturbadora apareceu na tela: "YOU THOUGHT HITLER WORKED ALONE?". Puta que pariu, Aquela porra tava tão claro e forte que eu não conseguia nem ficar com o olho aberto, daí o computador desligou e reiniciou
Intrigado e assustado, decidi transferir os arquivos do computador para uma fita magnética, mas o processo não foi tão simples quanto eu esperava. No entanto, com a ajuda de alguns amigos técnicos, conseguimos passar os arquivos para um pendrive bootavel, o tempo todo trabalhando com medo de alguma autoridade ou político ver nós trabalhando com essas coisas antigas e ROUBAREM para colocar em um museu, isso deveria ser proibido. Eu peguei meu positivo mobile coloquei o pen drive e liguei ele então entrei na bios e cliquei em USB sandisk e apertei +, depois F10 e enter. Ao iniciar o sistema operacional do computador, fui recebido por uma tela azul perturbadora, tava totalmente diferente do que era no trambolho original talvez porque não foi feito para um hardware moderno desse. Tava tudo azul exceto a bios e a tela da positivo que apareceu quando ligava. Deu uma aparecida de um texto muito estranho eu lembro quase merda nenhuma, só sei que tinha uma suástica e umas coisas que indicava uma conexão entre Hitler e o Brasil. Descobri que Hitler havia fugido para o Brasil após a Segunda Guerra Mundial e que estava envolvido em eventos históricos do país, como a morte de Getúlio Vargas.
Os documentos encontrados no computador revelavam detalhes perturbadores sobre a conspiração de Hitler e seu envolvimento no Brasil. Fiquei chocado com a revelação. eu iria destruir o computador, temendo as consequências de manter aquele conhecimento em minhas mãos, mas não fiz isso.
Mas a descoberta não parou por aí. Dentro de uma pasta intitulada "Documentos Secretos", encontrei uma série de arquivos de texto que pareciam datar da década de 70. Bom no início obviamente eu achei que era uma brincadeira de alguém né porque que nome de arquivo é esse, trem clichê brega desse? Bom mas de qualquer jeito a curiosidade e o medo se misturaram dentro de mim enquanto abria o primeiro documento.
Dentro dele, encontrei uma mensagem escrita em alemão, com a tradução para o português logo abaixo. A frase me fez arrepiar:
"Vocês pensaram que Hitler trabalhou sozinho?"
Um frio percorreu minha espinha enquanto eu lia e relia aquela frase, sem conseguir acreditar no que meus olhos viam. Como era possível que Hitler estivesse envolvido com algo neste local remoto? E o que isso significava para a história do Brasil?
O próximo documento continha uma carta, aparentemente escrita por Getúlio Vargas, o presidente brasileiro que supostamente se suicidou em 1954. A carta era uma despedida, mas agora eu entendia que era muito mais do que isso. Era uma confissão, um pedido de desculpas por sua colaboração com Hitler e uma tentativa de redenção.
"Fontoura, passe isso para o povo. Eu escrevo estas palavras com o peso da culpa sobre meus ombros. Fui cúmplice de um dos maiores males que o mundo já viu, e por isso me envergonho profundamente. Adolf Hitler não morreu em 1945 como a história nos fez acreditar. Ele fugiu para o Brasil, onde continuou seus planos sinistros. Eu me entreguei à sua influência, pensando que estava agindo pelo bem do nosso país. Mas agora vejo que fui enganado, manipulado por um homem que não tinha nada além de ódio em seu coração. Peço perdão por minha fraqueza e imploro que vocês não sigam os mesmos passos que eu. Com sinceridade e arrependimento, Getúlio VƧ§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
Mais uma vez, as forças e os interesses contra o povo coordenaram-se novamente e se desencadeiam sobre mim. Não me acusam, me insultam; não me combatem, caluniam e não me dão o direito de defesa. Precisam sufocar a minha voz e impedir a minha ação, para que eu não continue a defender como sempre defendi, o povo e principalmente os humildes. Sigo o destino que me é imposto. Depois de decênios de domínio e espoliação dos grupos econômicos e financeiros internacionais, fiz-me chefe de uma revolução e venci. Iniciei o trabalho de libertação e instaurei o regime de liberdade social. Tive que renunciar. Voltei ao governo nos braços do povo. A campanha subterrânea dos grupos internacionais aliou-se à dos grupos nacionais revoltados contra o regime de garantia do trabalho. A lei de lucros extraordinários foi detida no Congresso. Contra a Justiça da revisão do salário-mínimo se desencadearam os ódios. Quis criar a liberdade nacional na potencialização das nossas riquezas através da Petrobrás, mal começa esta a funcionar, a onda de agitação se avoluma. A Eletrobrás foi obstaculada até o desespero. Não querem que o trabalhador seja livre. Não querem que o povo seja independente. Assumi o Governo dentro da espiral inflacionária que destruía os valores do trabalho. Os lucros das empresas estrangeiras alcançavam até 500% ao ano. Nas declarações de valores do que importávamos existiam fraudes constatadas de mais de 100 milhões de dólares por ano. Veio a crise do café, valorizou-se o nosso principal produto. Tentamos defender seu preço e a resposta foi uma violenta pressão sobre a nossa economia a ponto de sermos obrigados a ceder. Tenho lutado mês a mês, dia a dia, hora a hora, resistindo a uma pressão constante, incessante, tudo suportando em silêncio, tudo esquecendo, renunciando a mim mesmo, para defender o povo que agora se queda desamparado. Nada mais vos posso dar a não ser meu sangue. Se as aves de rapina querem o sangue de alguém, querem continuar sugando o povo brasileiro, eu ofereço em holocausto a minha vida. Escolho este meio de estar sempre convosco. Quando vos humilharem sentireis minha alma sofrendo ao vosso lado. Quando a fome bater à vossa porta, sentireis em vosso peito a energia para a luta por vós e vossos filhos. Quando vos vilipendiarem, sentireis no meu pensamento a força para a reação. Meu sacrifício nos manterá unidos e meu nome será a vossa bandeira de luta. Cada gota de meu sangue será uma chama imortal na vossa consciência e manterá a vibração sagrada para a resistência. Ao ódio respondo com o perdão. E aos que pensam que me derrotaram respondo com a minha vitória. Era escravo do povo e hoje me liberto para a vida eterna. Mas esse povo de quem fui escravo não mais será escravo de ninguém. Meu sacrifício ficará para sempre em sua alma e meu sangue terá o preço do seu resgate. Lutei contra a espoliação do Brasil. Lutei contra a espoliação do povo. Tenho lutado de peito aberto. O ódio, as infâmias, a calúnia, não abateram meu ânimo. Eu vos dei a minha vida. Agora ofereço a minha morte. Nada receio. Serenamente dou o primeiro passo no caminho da eternidade e saio da vida para entrar na história"
Meus pensamentos estavam em turbilhão enquanto eu lia aquelas palavras. Era difícil acreditar que toda essa conspiração estivesse escondida naquele lugar abandonado, mas as evidências estavam ali, diante dos meus olhos. parece que Vargas queria escrever outra coisa, mas foi interrompido... ou morto? sequestrado? mas de qualquer forma, ele foi forçado a escrever a famosa carta de despedida... ou escreveram por ele? e quem saberia tanto sobre ele? No próximo documento, encontrei uma série de planos detalhados para um projeto chamado "Operação Novo Reich". Era um plano para estabelecer uma nova ordem no Brasil, liderada por Hitler e seus seguidores. Havia mapas, listas de nomes e datas marcadas para execução de diferentes fases do plano.
O horror que senti ao ler aquilo era indescritível. Era como se estivesse mergulhando em um pesadelo do qual não conseguia acordar. Mas sabia que não podia ficar ali parado, ignorando a gravidade do que havia descoberto.
quem teria armazenado tudo isso por tanto tempo até a era digital chegar?
Eu também encontrei um aplicativo chamado "gore.exe" Definitivamente não abri isso, eu já sabia o que encontrar lá e provavelmente ia me dar trauma. E VOCÊ TAMBÊM SABE. Nem terminei de ler as outras coisas que tinha e peguei meu revólver e meti bala no meu notebook Positivo, destruindo-o completamente. Em seguida, peguei o computador antigo que encontrei na usininha e o joguei no rio Sapucaí. Aquela experiência mudou minha vida para sempre e me fez questionar a história que aprendemos nas escolas. A verdade estava lá fora, esperando para ser descoberta, mas às vezes é melhor deixá-la esquecida. senti um peso sendo tirado de cima de mim. Era como se estivesse fazendo justiça, mesmo que de uma maneira pequena.
Com o coração ainda acelerado, deixei aquelas merda tudo pra trás, prometendo a mim mesmo nunca mais retornar àquela usininha. As sombras do passado eram mais profundas do que eu jamais poderia imaginar, e preferia deixá-las lá, onde pertenciam, enquanto seguia em frente com minha vida. Tudo que importa é que aquele tempo já passou, ninguém mais está sofrendo com aquilo. Deus abençoe vocês.
Caso você queira instalar essa coisa em seu computador, aqui estou deixando o arquivo de instalação por executavel. Não tem ISO porque na época nem existia isso.
submitted by o5gdaroca to creepypastachannel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:06 SkyFallsInThunder Lets gooooooo admech!

Lets gooooooo admech! submitted by SkyFallsInThunder to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:06 utkarsh_aryan pythonIsTheFuture

pythonIsTheFuture submitted by utkarsh_aryan to ProgrammerHumor [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:05 RemarkableEnd123 Doubt in ANN model trained on MSNIT Digit Recognition data.

I am making basic ANN using MSNIT Data. There are two problem:
  1. When I use LeakyReLU activation it's like my neural network is dead (not learning anything). On the other hand when I use ReLU my network starts learning (accuracy gets better and losses gets smaller). How is this happening?.
  2. After using ReLU my training accuracy is getting better but my test accuracy is not getting better. I think so this is a code bug but I am not getting it.
This is the link of notebook:
submitted by RemarkableEnd123 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:07 fmlforveaaa 7 Best Essential Crypto Products on Amazon

7 Best Essential Crypto Products on Amazon
As you navigate the world of cryptocurrency, you’re likely aware of the importance of staying informed and secure.
With so many products on Amazon claiming to provide the best solutions, it can be overwhelming to determine what you really need.
But, what if you had a curated list of the most essential crypto products to give you a solid foundation for your crypto journey?
From comprehensive guides to secure storage options, you’re about to discover the top 7 must-haves to elevate your crypto game.
But first, let’s take a closer look at what really matters.
Key Takeaways
  • Cryptocurrency guides, such as the Crypto QuickStart Guide and The Crypto Millionaire Bible, provide valuable information for beginners and experienced investors alike.
  • Secure storage solutions, like Seedbook Crypto Recovery Seed Phrase Notebook and Ballet Real Bitcoin Crypto Cold Storage Card, offer advanced security features for offline storage.
  • When choosing a crypto product, consider factors such as security, compatibility, ease of use, storage capacity, and material durability.
  • Research a brand’s reputation, customer support, and warranty before making a purchase, and compare prices across different sellers to find the best deal.
  • Investing in a high-quality crypto product may have a higher upfront cost, but it can provide long-term benefits, such as secure storage and durability.
Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide
If you’re a beginner looking for a simplified guide to cryptocurrencies, Dr. Jonathan Reichental’s book is the best choice, offering a neutral and informative overview of the crypto world.
You’ll find it’s packed with valuable information, covering the story of cryptocurrencies, popular ones, buying and trading, regulations, and what the future holds.
The author’s neutral voice and helpful references make it an excellent resource for learning.
Plus, the book is divided into easy-to-digest chapters on money, cryptography, and more, making it super accessible.
Whether you’re new to crypto or looking to improve your knowledge, this book is your go-to guide.
Best For: Beginners who want to learn about cryptocurrencies and trading, looking for a simplified guide to get started.
  • Informative and easy to read, making it a valuable resource for learning about cryptocurrencies
  • Presents a neutral voice and provides helpful references and websites
  • Divided into easy-to-digest chapters on money, cryptography, popular cryptocurrencies, buying and trading, regulations, and the future
  • The physical book’s quality is poor, with thin cardboard covers and low-brightness, porous paper that smudges easily
  • Some reviewers mention issues with the physical book’s quality
  • No other notable drawbacks mentioned by reviewers
Get it from Amazon
The Crypto Millionaire Bible: Smart Investing and Trading Cryptocurrency
Whether you’re a crypto newbie or looking to refine your investing strategy, ‘The Crypto Millionaire Bible: Smart Investing and Trading Cryptocurrency’ is a vital resource for anyone seeking a thorough guide to understanding the world of cryptocurrency.
You’ll love how this book breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language, making it perfect for beginners.
With its straightforward approach, you’ll gain clear insights and actionable strategies to master the volatile crypto market.
From the history of crypto to blockchain, altcoins, and NFTs, this book covers it all.
By following the smart investing strategies and trading tips, you’ll be well on your way to making informed investment choices and potentially earning profits.
With this bible, you’ll become a better crypto finance wizard, and who knows, you might just become a crypto millionaire!
Best For: Newcomers to the world of cryptocurrency, beginners looking to dip their toes into crypto investing, and anyone seeking a thorough guide to understanding the world of cryptocurrency.
  • Offers clear insights and actionable strategies for navigating the volatile crypto market successfully
  • Presents a blend of smart investing strategies and trading tips in an easy-to-understand language
  • Covers a wide range of topics, including the history of crypto, blockchain, altcoins, and NFTs
Cons: * None
Get it from Amazon
Seedbook Crypto Recovery Seed Phrase Notebook
The Seedbook Crypto Recovery Seed Phrase Notebook is the best choice for securely storing your crypto recovery seed phrases, thanks to its premium faux leather compact design and thick stone paper that can resist water, tears, and fire.
With its locking mechanism, you can rest assured that your sensitive information is protected.
This notebook can store up to 26 seed phrases, 26 login credentials, and 25 pages for private notes, making it an ideal solution for managing your crypto assets.
Plus, it comes with a sealable fire and water-resistant storage pouch for added security.
With a 4.8-star rating from 31 reviews, you can trust that this notebook is a reliable choice for keeping your crypto information safe.
Best For: Crypto investors and enthusiasts who need a secure and convenient way to store their recovery seed phrases and other sensitive information.
  • Premium faux leather compact design with locking mechanism for added security
  • Water-resistant, tear-resistant, and fire-resistant stone paper for durability
  • Includes a sealable fire and water-resistant storage pouch for extra protection
  • Limited space for storing seed phrases and login credentials
  • No digital backup or cloud syncing option
  • May be too bulky for carrying in a pocket or small bag
Get it from Amazon
Ballet Real Bitcoin Crypto Cold Storage Card
For those seeking ultimate security and control over their cryptocurrency assets, the Ballet Real Bitcoin Crypto Cold Storage Card stands out as a top choice, offering a tangible, offline storage solution that eliminates the need for third-party services.
With advanced security features like encrypted private keys, tamper-evident scratch-offs, and UV invisible ink, you can store your crypto safely and securely, with peace of mind.
As a user, you’ll appreciate the ease of use, managing your crypto assets quickly and efficiently with the Ballet app.
Plus, you can send and receive multiple cryptocurrencies with ease, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced crypto users.
Best For: Those seeking ultimate security and control over their cryptocurrency assets, including beginners and experienced crypto users.
  • Provides 100% control over assets, eliminating the need for third-party services
  • Offers advanced security features like encrypted private keys, tamper-evident scratch-offs, and UV invisible ink
  • Allows for easy management of crypto assets and sending/receiving of multiple cryptocurrencies
  • May be more expensive than traditional hardware and software wallets
  • Limited availability and accessibility for some users
  • May require some technical knowledge for setup and use
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SecuX Crypto Wallet Bundle
If you’re searching for a secure and user-friendly crypto storage solution, the SecuX Crypto Wallet Bundle stands out as an excellent choice, offering a robust combination of security and ease of use.
This bundle includes the V20 and W10 hardware wallets, providing you with a reliable way to store your cryptocurrencies.
With a 4.3-star rating from 82 customer reviews, it’s clear that users love the ease of use, security, and design of this product.
Weighing just 6 ounces and measuring 11.81 x 5.51 x 1.57 inches, this bundle is both portable and compact.
Plus, with a 30-day return policy and available warranty information, you can buy with confidence.
Best For: Crypto investors and enthusiasts who need a secure and user-friendly storage solution for their cryptocurrencies.
  • Offers a robust combination of security and ease of use
  • Compact and portable design with a weight of 6 ounces and dimensions of 11.81 x 5.51 x 1.57 inches
  • Backed by a 30-day return policy and available warranty information for added confidence
  • Limited to USB flash memory type
  • No specific warranty duration mentioned
  • May not be compatible with all devices or operating systems
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Seed Phrase Storage Crypto Cold Storage Device
When safeguarding your cryptocurrency investments is paramount, the Seed Phrase Storage Crypto Cold Storage Device stands out as the best choice for securing your digital assets with its unparalleled AES256 encryption and complete isolation from network connections.
This cutting-edge device offers elite security, storing your seed phrases safely and efficiently. You can store up to 48-word seed phrases by cryptogram, accommodating different seed types, including BIP39, Plain Text, SLIP39, and XMR seeds.
Plus, it’s universally compatible with major wallets like Ledger, MetaMask, Trezor, and more, ensuring you have offline access to your seeds or private keys, giving you sole ownership and custody of your digital assets.
Best For: Investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts seeking top-tier security and offline storage for their digital assets.
  • Offers unparalleled AES256 encryption and complete isolation from network connections for maximum security.
  • Universally compatible with major wallets, ensuring offline access to seeds or private keys.
  • Accommodates various seed types, including BIP39, Plain Text, SLIP39, and XMR seeds, and supports up to 48-word seed phrases.
  • The product’s dimensions and weight may be bulky for some users.
  • The return policy is limited to 30 days, which may not be sufficient for some customers.
  • The warranty information is only available upon request, which may be inconvenient for some users.
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Keep Metal Crypto Seed Phrase Backup Storage
You’ll want to consider the Keep Metal Crypto Seed Phrase Backup Storage if you’re a serious cryptocurrency holder seeking a highly secure and durable way to store your recovery seeds.
This product boasts an aerospace-grade stainless steel construction, ensuring it can withstand harsh conditions.
The rubber O-ring provides a water-tight seal, giving you added peace of mind.
Plus, the four-letter entry system simplifies the process of storing your recovery seed words.
With its compatibility with Ledger and other hardware wallets, this product is a great option for those looking to secure their crypto assets.
Best For: Serious cryptocurrency holders seeking a highly secure and durable way to store their recovery seeds.
  • Aerospace-grade stainless steel construction provides high durability and resistance to harsh conditions
  • Rubber O-ring ensures a water-tight seal, adding an extra layer of protection for stored recovery seeds
  • Simplified four-letter entry system makes it easy to store and recover seed words
  • Limited storage capacity, only storing the first four letters of each seed word
  • Product weight may be a concern for some users
  • No additional features beyond seed phrase storage
Get it from Amazon
Factors to Consider When Choosing Essential Crypto Products on Amazon
As you start shopping for vital crypto products on Amazon, you’ll want to think about a few key factors to guarantee you find the perfect fit for your needs.
You’ll need to ponder security considerations, like encryption and access controls, in addition to compatibility with your existing crypto setup.
Security Considerations
To safeguard your digital assets, consider these critical security factors before selecting a crypto product on Amazon.
You want to confirm that your chosen product provides premium protection against theft or loss. Look for products that use advanced encryption methods like AES256 to keep your assets safe.
It’s also vital to opt for products that completely isolate the system from any network connections, cloud, internet, or data input/output peripherals to minimize security risks.
Additionally, consider products with tamper-evident features, such as scratch-offs or UV invisible ink, to detect any unauthorized access. You should also prioritize products with advanced security features, like encrypted private keys, to provide an extra layer of protection.
Furthermore, choose products that focus on offline access to seeds or private keys, guaranteeing sole ownership and custody of your digital assets.
Product Compatibility Needs
When selecting a crypto product on Amazon, verifying compatibility with your existing devices and systems is crucial, so consider the operating system and hardware requirements of the product you’re interested in.
You don’t want to end up with a product that won’t work seamlessly with your setup. Check if the product is compatible with your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and whether it requires any specific software or hardware to function properly.
Additionally, consider the compatibility of the product with your existing crypto wallets or exchanges. You want to guarantee that the product integrates smoothly with your existing ecosystem.
If you’re planning to use the product for multiple cryptocurrencies, make sure it supports the ones you’re interested in.
Ease of Use Features
You’ll want to verify that the crypto product you choose is easy to use, with features that make it simple to navigate and understand, especially if you’re new to the world of cryptocurrency.
A clear and concise guide, like the ‘Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide’, can make all the difference in getting started.
Look for a well-structured format, like the ‘The Crypto Millionaire Bible’, which breaks down complex concepts into manageable parts.
An intuitive interface design, such as the ‘Ballet Real Bitcoin Crypto Cold Storage Card’ app, can also remarkably improve your user experience.
Simple and straightforward language, like that found in the ‘Seedbook Crypto Recovery Seed Phrase Notebook’, can make a product more accessible to beginners.
Furthermore, a minimalist design, like the ‘Seed Phrase Storage Crypto Cold Storage Device’, can contribute to a seamless user experience.
Storage Capacity Options
Considering the storage capacity of a crypto product is vital, as it directly impacts the number of seed phrases you can securely store, ranging from a few to dozens, depending on the product’s design and construction.
When choosing a crypto storage product, you need to think about how many seed phrases you need to store. Some products can store up to 26 seed phrases, while others can store up to 48-word seed phrases.
You should also ponder the type of storage capacity you need, such as a compact notebook or a durable stainless steel construction, depending on your personal preferences and security needs.
Additionally, some products offer a combination of storage capacity and security features, such as encrypted private keys, tamper-evident scratch-offs, and UV invisible ink, which can provide an extra layer of protection for your crypto assets.
It’s also vital to ponder the compatibility of the storage product with your existing cryptocurrency setup, including hardware wallets and software wallets, to facilitate seamless integration and maximum security.
Material Durability Matters
Two vital factors to think about when selecting a crypto product are the material’s resistance to water, tear, and fire, plus its build quality, which can substantially impact the product’s durability and longevity.
You want a product that can withstand accidental tears, scratches, or exposure to the elements, reducing the risk of damage to your stored seed phrases or private keys.
Look for materials like stone paper or aerospace-grade stainless steel, which provide exceptional durability and resistance to water, tear, and fire.
Premium materials like faux leather or stainless steel can also provide a high-quality feel and added security features, such as locking mechanisms or tamper-evident designs.
When evaluating material durability, consider the product’s intended use and the level of protection required, in addition to any certifications or guarantees provided by the manufacturer.
Brand Reputation Importance
When shopping for essential crypto products on Amazon, your initial step should be to scrutinize the brand’s reputation, as it’s the cornerstone of trust and credibility in the crypto space.
A reputable brand is more likely to provide high-quality products and services, ensuring the security and safety of your crypto assets. In fact, 71% of consumers say they’re more likely to purchase from a brand with a strong reputation.
So, how do you evaluate a brand’s reputation? Research online reviews, ratings, and testimonials from multiple sources, including independent review websites and social media platforms.
Look for transparency, excellent customer support, and adherence to industry standards and regulations. A brand with a good reputation is more likely to provide reliable customer support, which is pivotal in the crypto space where technical issues can be complex and time-sensitive.
Price Point Comparisons
Compare prices across different sellers and marketplaces to uncover the best value for your essential crypto products, as even slight variations in cost can add up to significant savings.
You might be surprised at the price differences between sellers, and finding the best deal can make a big difference in your wallet.
The cost of a crypto product can vary greatly depending on the material, quality, and features. For instance, a premium faux leather notebook might cost more than a standard one, but it may be worth the extra cost for the added durability and style.
Don’t forget to factor in discounts, promo codes, and coupons that can bring the price down even further.
And while it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, consider the long-term benefits of investing in a high-quality product. A secure storage device might’ve a higher upfront cost, but it can save you from potentially disastrous losses in the long run.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Use a Single Device for Multiple Cryptocurrency Types?
“You might worry that juggling multiple cryptocurrencies means cluttering your desk with devices, but rest assured, you can use a single device for multiple cryptocurrency types, like a Ledger or Trezor wallet, to simplify your crypto management.”
Are Crypto Seed Phrase Notebooks Secure Against Fire or Water Damage?
You’re right to worry about securing your crypto seed phrase. While notebooks can be vulnerable to fire or water damage, you can take steps to protect them, like storing them in a fireproof safe or waterproof container.
Do Crypto Cold Storage Devices Require Internet Connections?
You’re wondering if crypto cold storage devices need internet connections. The answer is no, they don’t. In fact, it’s recommended to keep them offline to minimize hacking risks and protect your crypto assets from theft, maintaining their security.
Can I Recover My Crypto Assets if I Lose My Seed Phrase?
If you lose your seed phrase, you’re in trouble — you won’t be able to recover your crypto assets without it, so make sure you store it safely and securely, and never share it with anyone.
Are Crypto Wallets Compatible With Both Windows and Macos Systems?
You’ll be relieved to know that most crypto wallets are compatible with both Windows and macOS systems, allowing you to access your digital assets seamlessly across different operating systems.
You’ve made it to the end of this vital crypto product roundup, but now the real adventure begins!
It’s ironic that securing your cryptocurrency is all about being proactive, yet it’s often the last thing on our minds — until it’s too late.
Don’t wait until you’ve lost your life savings to take action. Invest in your crypto security today and sleep better tonight knowing your assets are protected.
submitted by fmlforveaaa to Crypto_Wallet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:55 AccomplishedIsopod9 Received a response from Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) about Robert Garcia's UAP Amendment

Received a response from Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) about Robert Garcia's UAP Amendment submitted by AccomplishedIsopod9 to disclosureparty [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:03 Strict_Guarantee5581 West Seattle Blog… ALKI ELEMENTARY REBUILD: Appeal hearing goes to Day 3 tomorrow. Here’s how Day 2 went

Putting this here because I doubt WSB will post my comment directly to the article:
I’m so completely disgusted by this appeal as well as some of my so called “neighbors” that take the term NIMBY to a whole other level. Before I go any further, I want to say that I’d be more than happy to have a discussion with anyone who CURRENTLY LIVES ON ALKI BEACH. I also want to say that at this point in the process, if you do not live in this neighborhood, then there is literally no reason for you to be expressing any opposition to this project, that ship sailed in 2019 with the levy vote, again in 2022 with the public comment period, and with every election cycle in between.
In good faith, the design team added a parking lot to this project which wasn’t even necessary in the first place. But of course, this wasn’t enough to satisfy some of my neighbors who either absolutely have ulterior motives or literally have nothing better to do with their time. And so, our “Friends for a Safe Alki Community” filed this latest appeal, and here we are today.
Personally, I’ve lived on Alki Beach for over 12 years. We rented here for 8 years and bought a house while we were expecting our first child in 2019. We used to love this neighborhood, and a major draw for us staying here was the fact that Alki Elementary was consistently ranked 9 or 10 (Great Schools). With the levy in 2019, and subsequent updates including public comment period in 2022 we were excited that our oldest would likely be in the first kindergarten class at the newly remodeled school. Now we’ll be lucky if the project is completed before our youngest enroll in 2027.
I’m taken aback that so far, none of the appellant witnesses in this hearing have K-12 aged children. For those that argue about their voices not being heard, as a parent my voice is definitely NOT being represented by the appellants, and I know I speak for many other families in the neighborhood when I say this. As parents of K-12 aged children we simply don’t have the same time that these retired folks without dependents do. If you don’t want to actually listen to the hearing, just look at the summaries on the WSB. In fact, here’s a quick summary so far: Dan Beal “retired longtime SPS teacher;” Maryanne Wood 40 year resident of West Seattle; Lisa Cuddy “I’ve been seeing this for 30 years;” Gary Norris “ detailed a long resumé of positions with municipalities around the region before starting his own business;” Robert Laird “who said he has lived across 59th and a bit south of the school for more than half a century;” Judy Hall “who said she has lived across 59th from Alki Elementary for almost 50 years;” and Shauna Causey “34-year resident of the neighborhood.” The fact that only the district is calling parents of current K-12 children should speak volumes here.
The notion that there are less children in the neighborhood than there used to be as expressed by some of the witnesses is ludicrous. Personal opinions with no basis on reality, with no merit, and no supporting evidence should be called out as such. There are a ton of families that live in the neighborhood, and while we did see a slight decrease county wide from 2020 to 2022, we were at all-time highs in 2020 according to census data widely available online.
Also, what’s the point with this argument about there being less kids? Do our “Friends for a Safer Alki” really feel that our community will be safer if there are less families not only living but also utilizing local services? Closing this school, or even simply fighting this project will deter new families from moving to the neighborhood. I’d argue that functional families are drawn to communities with amenities like modern elementary schools, and that these neighborhoods are far safer than those without. The witnesses are saying things like “I talk to teachers and they know who’s having babies” and “the real estate prices are preventing new families from moving in” to call this hearsay would be doing it a favor. My block is full of new families and we are all talking about what our contingency plans are going to be because our neighbors are ignoring reality on this point. Plus the neighborhood IS absolutely densifying = more people = more children.
I keep hearing, “if SPS is going to end up closing schools, why are we talking about rebuilding Alki Elementary?” Look, I get this concern, it makes some sense on face value. That said, as soon as you do a little more research, the facts are clear, Alki Elementary is NOT going to close, one could say that there is already too much money and political capital invested in this project. But simply looking at the location, demographics and enrollment at other local schools you should be able to understand how important this school and this project are.
Alki Elementary is isolated in the NW corner of the peninsula, the two closest elementaries are Genesee and Lafayette. As reported by WSB on May 8th, Genesee was recently expanded and has an enrollment of around 439 students, Lafayette is at almost 500. So, while the forthcoming school closures/consolidations have already been ruled as irrelevant to this project, here’s a question I’d love to hear the opposition answer: “Where do you propose to send 300 elementary school children if you close Alki?”
Schmitz park is dated, and is not a permanent solution. To suggest this as an option is an injustice to our children who deserve modern learning facilities. Schmitz works as a swing space for the (very) short term. And don’t even suggest expanding that school, we’ll only be back here in 10 years after wasting more money fighting similar opposition.
I also keep reading comments like “If SPS is going to end up closing schools, why are they spending so much money on lawyers, plan changes, etc.” To those that ask this I ask are you joking? None of this would be necessary if it weren’t for the latest appeal. Again, the project was redesigned to include parking which wasn’t even necessary in the first place. We’re going into a third day (completely unnecessary) on this hearing, largely because of how many witnesses the appellants are calling.
Oh, and finally we get to the actual argument we should be discussing, parking. Living in the neighborhood, I can tell you that there is PLENTY of parking during regular school hours (M-F 7AM to 6PM). Not on 59th and not on Beach Drive, but within 800 feet of the school? Absolutely. Maryanne Wood’s testimony was so silly: According to her the reason for the current parking issue is because of the increase in popularity of being at Alki beach, “the parks that are there, there is a pickleball court and everyone is playing pickleball.” She also stated that the school is not there right now and not in session, but when school is in, it’s not possible to find parking within two blocks. The best was when she said that the weather DOES NOT impact the amount of parking??? Plus those pesky dog walkers coming to Alki to take their dogs down to the beach.
“The competition for parking is fierce!” “The parking situation has always been there” etc. So I offer this as a solution, let’s make parking in the entire area a restricted parking zone with meters, 4 hour limits, etc. and permits for residents. In the Alki parking zone, if you own a house you should have at least 1.5 stalls per dwelling unit on the property anyways so this really shouldn’t be an issue.
Ms. Cuddy repeated the same gripes as Ms. Wood, and then proceeded to provide her “expert” opinion about how bad the traffic is and how the parking is just getting worse and worse because of all the tourists. For people who bought their house to be nearby the school, I find the Cuddy’s opposition to the expansion to be only self-serving and ridiculously hypocritical. In fact, all the arguments against this project are completely hypocritical. How on earth, with the current status of our society, could anyone, ANYONE, be opposed to providing the best educational facilities for our children?
The big issue here is that we clearly have a group of NIMBY curmudgeons in this neighborhood who are willing to use our children as pawns to push their own personal agendas. If you are against this project at this point, then you simply do not care about the next generation or the future of our neighborhood and society at large, full stop.
submitted by Strict_Guarantee5581 to WestSeattleWA [link] [comments]

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submitted by comptiacertified to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:06 tiredndoverworkd Need advice about going No/Low contact [tw: all]

(TW was put on because I'm not certain what will be triggering in my story so would rather be cautious)
I (28F) am facing a bit of a conundrum about dealing with my parents. For background I am Poly and have two loving partners K (30f) and D (28TF) who believe both of my parents are narcissists. So I'm hoping for a little bit of perspective because I began to notice my childhood and relationship with my parents was not normal when I first left for Uni.
Without recaounting every moment of my childhood, I felt very out of place in my own family. There is definitely no risk of me being a bastard, I was a planned pregnancy and by a recent admission of my mother a zero complication pregnancy and birth. Both my parents came from what I'm learning is pretty fucked up homes but waited to have kids until they were in thier late 20's (for my dad) and 30s (for my mom). I think this plays a factor but they both refuse therapy so I can't know for sure. I have a brother about 5 years younger than me but we are the only two.
I remember being on my own a lot, it didn't feel odd both my parents worked, and (with hindsight) I had a lot of anxiety as a child. One of my first memories is sitting in the doorway to the bathroom in my house picking at paint on the doorjam late after my parents had gone to sleep. I remember being terrified to wake them up but being unable to sleep. Among many other stories, I could go on for a long time, I remember being terrified to tell my parents about issues I had with friends and school. I remember my father having meetings with my teachers in elementary school about me being untidy and losing homework I had completed. There was certainly a lot of pressure for academic success through high school.
There was a lot of focus on my younger brother when I was younger, he played sports and so my parents spent a ton of money on that as well as time going to and from events. I was along most of the time but usually in a quiet corner trying to drown out noise with headphones and a writing notebook. Through my own therapy, I realized I did a lot of maladaptive daydreaming in this period. I remember being told a lot that things weren't about me, which seems weird to me now because I can never remember actively wanting people's attention because of the anxiety. I did have some medical problems requiring surgery when I was about 12 which was abnormal for the condition I was diagnosed with. I struggled with flares and medical professionals writing off my pain as "take a couple of tylonol". My PCPs were trying to tell me how serious this was while my parents and emergency room staff were pushing me away.
I was left to make a lot of my own medical decisions with the exception of real choice. Sorry if that doesn't make sense. I was given one or two options and expected to pick, often times yelled at if someone didn't agree with me. For example from 9-18 I was dropped off at the orthadontist and expected to manage the appointment alone. The orthodontists were able to yell at me for lack of care for my teeth, not show me how to care formyself, then charge my parents more money and send me home to be berated more. This left me with severe dental anxiety, I panic brushing my teeth and I need serious medication to step foot in a dental office for basic maintenance.
I remember feeling something was off a lot, I never had people over to the house, I always went to other people's homes. I remember my parents hovering on the odd occasion we did have people over. I remember my parents fighting a lot usually with my dad yelling and blustering around the house while my mom sobbed and flew into "sorry I'm the worst at everything" speaches. That sums up most arguements including ones with me. I was always wrong and making them feel bad.
I remember the burning need to escape that home but worrying about leaving my brother behind. I did leave at 18, I went to another country for Uni and that limited the contact with my parents due to time zones. This is when I began to notice things were off. I remember explaining to my roommates that I had a tracker on my phone and they were appalled. I did go back one christmas and had a big fight with my father that really opened my eyes to some larger problems.
The fight centered arround some money troubles my parents were having, I had taken out student loans but my parents did have to help me fly out to my university. Because of the limited holiday I had booked out time with friends and family in advance which my father ignored and chose to make no plans with me. He then drove to my friend's house, who I was seeing for a day, and proceedeed to have a yell at me in his car for me wrecking his finances. This was terrifying for the instability, but also confusing because I don't remember my father giving me any money to help me go to school. My mother pawned one of her grandmother's rings for a couple weeks to help me with the plane ticket but I confirmed she got the ring back so I wasn't sure what this was really about. In the middle of the artgument, I stopped him and told him this wasn't the time or place and walked back inside. This started a period of No Contact between me and my dad for at least a year.
During this period my mom's position was that I should appologise because she knew my father wouldn't. When I refused she took to just trying to force us to talk. It led to a lot of sitting on the phone in silence before she would take the phone back. I should mention while my brother was in the house at this point, about a year later he applied for scholorships to High schools in other states than where my parents lived and ended up at a boarding school. Eventually, my father started speaking to me and I accepted what I assumed was an unspoken appology.
Even though I began speaking to him again my contact with both of them was low. Some political issues with my university forced me to move back to thier home at the same time as my brother. Things were strained but I felt they were getting better with everyone being adults. I was not out with my relationship but things resumed being tense when Covid hit. My brother and I coped well with stay at home orders relying on delivery if necessary but mostly just keeping to ourselves and the digital resources around. My parents went a little stir crazy. My job did a limited reopening to give some of us a few hours back and I gave myself sunstroke the first day back. The fever that came with caused my father to threaten to leave me in a tent in the yard.
I ended up just locked in my room with an ice chest for deli meats and limited access to the bathroom. Following that I was eager to get out. I spoke with K and we decided to move states since I was out of work and she was remote anyway. We packed up and my mother did help us drive to our new place. there was some issues with it and my mom got very emotional going on excessively how much she worried about us here alone. (We have now lived here for 3 years and own a home, D has even been able to join us)
I felt the relationship getting better again with distance but I at the same time feel the (for lack of a better term) ick creeping back. I am now out about my relationship, which has been rocky, I expected as much since Poly is difficult for most to wrap thier heads around. Both of them keep asking if my partners are supporting me, which they always have. They ask about us fighting or asking pointed questions like my partners are abusing me, but we don't fight and if we feel like we are we sit down and talk through any issues calmly.
I've had a rough few months personally leading up to some medical concerns. I've had to force myself back into therapy and am likely going to need surgery in the next six months. My mother has been incessant with needing information about it. She will not go more that 2 days without calling me even if I havent had a new appointment.
She has been rewriting the history we have had together in discussions. She tried to tell me that I never wanted therapy and just wanted drugs. Which is catagorically incorrect, I have struggled to maintain therapy due to access where I am. I have hated taking medication since I was a child because tablets upset my stomach. But when I told her that was wrong, she few off down a spiral about how I always say they're aweful parents. I generally don't talk to them about my childhood unless they bring something up and I rarely correct them because the argument that ensues is exhausting and I'm feeling so unwell I don't have the energy.
She keeps telling me (unprompted) that she's working on coming to visit as though I've been begging her to come when I have repeatedly explained how stressed and chaotic things have been. She is now fixated on coming durring my surgery (still unscheduleed atm) and the thought of having her in my space while trying to recover has me feeling nothing but dread. I would like to have a reasonable discussiong with her, explain that the surgery is going to be a strain and we currently have my step son with us for the summer so we have a very full small house. But I know the discussion would devolve into how much she misses me (hardly a phone conversation goes by without her telling me she wishes her kids lived closer to see us every day). She would then mope for lord only knows how long before my father would call and yell at me for being insensitive.
This situation is hard enough because it may lead to me being infertile which is severely impacting my mental health and I just want to go through it calmly with my partners. They are a huge support to me and are already making preparations incase the surgery goes well and trying to keep my hopes up. My gf K thinks I should just cut contact because I am calmer and less anxious when there's little contact (not to say K doesn't get along with them on some things, she gets along with my mother great and is strained but polite with my father) she just worries about my health. D doesn't like how anxious I get around them and how they react to basic conversations flipping the subject to themselves, they have not weighed in on cutting contact but said they will support me 100%. I agree with a lot of thier points but I feel they are biased and already in my corner. Even typing all this out has me criticizing myself that I'm being overdramatic. At the same time I feel the strain every day of things that still effect me form time I spend with them.
I guess I'm looking for any advice people have. Does this even fit this subreddit? My gf said yes because of how they make things about them but they won't go to therapy so idk how true it is. Am I wrong for pushing them further away? Is there any good way to go about it without it leaving me wrecked at the end?
Thank you all fro your time.
submitted by tiredndoverworkd to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

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If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. U.S. Citizenship Status: I have native-born U.S. citizenship status, an 100% authentic & natural U.S. American accent, and a verified New Jersey, USA residence. I can speak on the phone professionally in both perfect native U.S. English and fluent Canadian English.
  2. U.S. 212 Phone Number: I have a verified U.S. American business phone number with the prestigious 212 area code (212-380-1856 - Ext 3) that can both send & receive phone calls, texts, voicemails, photos, and website links.
  3. Social Media Verified: I have an active & verified online Presence with my name and contact info regularly showing up on all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  4. Professional Website: I have a professional, well-designed, well-written, 100% secure SEO-optimized WordPress business themed website: HiraEdu. com
  5. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  6. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  7. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  8. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  9. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  10. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  11. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  12. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  13. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  14. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  15. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  16. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  17. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  18. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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submitted by Key_Constant4544 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:46 ccna_cisco Online Chemistry Exam Help Reddit Online Chemistry Course Help Reddit Pay someone to take my chemistry exam Reddit someone to do my chemistry class Reddit do my chemistry class Reddit Chemistry Course Taker for Hire Reddit Online Helper for Homework Assignment Quiz Test Help Reddit

If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. U.S. Citizenship Status: I have native-born U.S. citizenship status, an 100% authentic & natural U.S. American accent, and a verified New Jersey, USA residence. I can speak on the phone professionally in both perfect native U.S. English and fluent Canadian English.
  2. U.S. 212 Phone Number: I have a verified U.S. American business phone number with the prestigious 212 area code (212-380-1856 - Ext 3) that can both send & receive phone calls, texts, voicemails, photos, and website links.
  3. Social Media Verified: I have an active & verified online Presence with my name and contact info regularly showing up on all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  4. Professional Website: I have a professional, well-designed, well-written, 100% secure SEO-optimized WordPress business themed website: HiraEdu. com
  5. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  6. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  7. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  8. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  9. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  10. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  11. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  12. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  13. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  14. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  15. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  16. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  17. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  18. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Accounting Exam Help Reddit, Best Online Test Takers Reddit, Best Ways to Cheat on a Test Reddit, Best Website to Pay for Homework Reddit, Bypass Respondus Lockdown Browser Reddit, Calculus Test Taker Reddit, Canvas Cheating Reddit, Cheating in Online Exam Reddit, Cheating on Pearson Mymathlab Reddit, Cheating on Proctortrack Reddit, Cheating on Zoom Proctored Exams Reddit, Cheating on a Test Reddit, College Algebra Mymathlab Reddit, Do Homework for Money Reddit, Do My Assignment Reddit, Do My Exam for Me Reddit, Do My Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Math Homework Reddit, Do My Math Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Test for Me Reddit, Doing Homework Reddit, Domyhomework Reddit, Exam Cheating Reddit, Exam Help Online Reddit, Examity Reddit, Finance Homework Help Reddit, Fiverr Exam Cheating Reddit, Gradeseekers Reddit, Hire Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Hire Test Taker Reddit, Homework Help Reddit, Homework Sites Reddit, Reddit, Homeworkhelp Reddit, Honorlock Reddit, How Much Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, How to Beat Honorlock Reddit, How to Beat Lockdown Browser Reddit, How to Cheat Examity Reddit 2022, How to Cheat Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat and Not Get Caught Reddit, How to Cheat in School Reddit, How to Cheat on Canvas Tests Reddit, How to Cheat on Examity Reddit, How to Cheat on Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat on Math Test Reddit, How to Cheat on Mymathlab Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Proctored Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exam Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on a Proctored Exam Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio 2020 Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio Reddit, How to Cheat with Respondus Monitor Reddit, How to Get Past Lockdown Browser Reddit, Hwforcash Discord, I Paid Someone to Write My Essay Reddit, Is Hwforcash Legit, Lockdown Browser Hack Reddit, Lockdown Browser How to Cheat Reddit, Math Homework Reddit, Monitoredu Reddit, Mymathlab Answer Key Reddit, Mymathlab Answers Reddit, Mymathlab Cheat Reddit, Mymathlab Proctored Test Reddit, Online Exam Help Reddit, Online Exam Proctor Reddit, Online Proctored Exam Reddit, Organic Chemistry Exam Help Reddit, Organic Chemistry Test Taker Reddit, Paper Writers Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reviews Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Assignment Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My College Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Math Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Math Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Programming Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Statistics Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Chemistry Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Proctored Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Test in Person Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Class for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Test Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Your Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Write My Paper Reddit, Pay for Homework Reddit, Pay to Do Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Do Your Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Paying Someone to Take Online Class Reddit, Paysomeonetodo Reddit, Physics Test Taker Reddit, Proctored Exam Reddit, Reddit Do My Homework for Me, Reddit Domyhomework, Reddit Homework Cheat, Reddit Homework Help, Reddit Homework for Money, Reddit Honorlock Cheating, Reddit Mymathlab Hack, Reddit Mymathlab Homework Answers, Reddit Paid Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Do Your Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Take Online Test, Reddit Pay for Homework, Reddit Pay to Do Homework, Reddit Test Takers for Hire, Reddit Tutors, Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Statistics Test Taker Reddit, Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reviews Reddit, Take My Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Math Test for Me Reddit, Take My Online Class Reddit, Take My Online Class for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reddit, Take My Online Exams Review Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reviews Reddit, Take My Online Test Reddit, Take My Online Test for Me Reddit, Take My Physics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Proctored Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Statistics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Test for Me Reddit, Takemyonlineexams Reddit, Test Taker Reddit, We Take Classes Reddit, Write My Exam for Me Reddit
submitted by ccna_cisco to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:19 Ok_Structure_2396 Experimenting with Structured Generation for Improved Retrieval in a RAG Prototype

Hi all, I wanted to contribute my experience in building a prototype that uses RAG.
I’m going to assume everyone reading this knows what RAG is. If not, I found this post to be a short and helpful conceptual primer. You can easily find many more sources that go into more technical detail.
This post will focus on the data preprocessing I did in order to populate my vector db. In a RAG-based application, the early steps of acquiring data and preparing that data for use are just as important, probably more important, than the later steps involving choosing the most appropriate embeddings model, building an index and setting query parameters to implement ANN search, reranking, and prompting LLMs.
First, some background:
Polymetric aspires to be an AI-enabled tool for market research, allowing you to create custom briefs based on arbitrary market research questions. Polymetric’s LLM-generated briefs include data metrics extracted from thousands of sources. The project is in early stages and it’s not perfect by any means, and feedback is welcome!
  1. All responses include at least one numerical data point, with citations. Polymetric helps you discover relevant data points for a question you have.
  2. You don’t need to know in advance what data points you need in order to answer questions.
  3. Many responses include a data visualization.
Long-term vision:
An AI market/product/business analyst for the 99% of the businesses that can’t afford expensive market research reports or management consultants.
Data Sources:
Thousands of news, government, and company websites that I curated.
Vector DB implementation overview:
I’m using Weaviate as my vector database, self-hosted using docker on a Contabo VPS instance with 120gb ram. ~9 million embeddings, each with 768 dimensions. HNSW index. No quantization on the vectors.
Now on to the fun details.
Data processing journey to computing embeddings
Goal for data processing
I start with acquiring raw HTML from news articles and web pages, and my end goal is to be able to retrieve relevant data metrics for responses to market research user queries. For example, the response to a user query like “Please give me an overview of digital payments in Brazil” should ideally contain recent data metrics on annual digital payments volume in Brazil.
Instead of embedding chunks of unstructured raw text, a common technique for RAG, I compute embeddings on pre-structured objects. You can think of these objects as a sort of “entities-only knowledge graph” (I don’t have relations/edges – this is one area of potential improvement), or perhaps more accurately an Entity-attribute-value data model. A more knowledgeable reader may have a better term for this. I did not know in advance how well this approach might work, but it was something I wanted to experiment with.
I'm using a LLM to generate the structured objects, which is what I mean by "structured generation".
In detail, here is what I did or tried.
Acquiring data
  1. Fetch raw HTML from data sources and parse fields like title, body, publication date. I’m using a custom crawler written in Python, newspaper3k (hasn’t been actively maintained in a few years, so proceed with caution) with a lot of custom parsing code using Beautiful Soup to do this.
  2. I’m also using Scrapy for getting content from company and government sites.
  3. I’m not sourcing any text from PDFs, another big area for improvement in future.
Initial data processing, or “do the dumb thing first”
At this point my sub-goal is to identify sentences that contain data metrics about businesses, industries, markets, etc. I use a combination of NLTK, regex, and a binary classifier implemented through Distilbert.
  1. Tokenize body text into sentences using sent_tokenize from NLTK.
  2. Use regex to filter the sentences above for sentences that contain any number value. I’m filtering for these sentences because many of them contain useful data about an industry, business, or market.
  3. Remove sentences with irrelevant numbers, again using regex (examples of irrelevant numbers for my use-case are sentences containing phone numbers, address numbers, sports scores, ages of people, etc.). This requires lots of iterative spot-checking. ChatGPT is pretty good at proposing regex if you give it a few examples of what you’re trying to do.
  4. At this point, there were still many irrelevant sentences, and it became tedious to create a regex rule for each type of issue, so I trained a distilbert classifier, using data I hand labeled, to better identify (classify) the positive examples of sentences I wanted to use. Distilbert is a nice option because it’s small and fast to train on my 2020 Macbook Pro with 16gb ram (M1 chip). My training set + test set together were about 1,200 data points.
Extracting entity-attribute-value objects using a finetune of Mistral-7b
  1. Once I had a list of sentences that contained interesting metrics, I finetuned a small LLM to extract entities and attributes from sentences. My goal was to take the unstructured or semi-structured text from the steps above (i.e., a sentence containing some numerical metric + surrounding text as context), and output a JSON object with a standard schema that would look something like {“entity_name”: “Manufacturing Industry”, “location”:”United States”, “metric”: “Total Sales”, “value”: “10”, “units”: “billion dollars”, “period”: “2023”}.
  2. I wanted to find the smallest possible LLM that could complete this structured generation task to save on time and money. I started with Flan T-5 base, then Phi-2, Tiny Dolphin, qwen-1.5 variants up to the 7B variant, and finally Mistral 7b. (this phase of experimentation all happened before Llama-3 and Phi-3 were released).
  3. With only few-shot prompting and no finetuning, I got encouraging results with the OpenHermes finetune of Mistral 7b, although accuracy was not high.
  4. I hand-labeled a data set of several hundred examples and finetuned (using LoRA) using the free notebooks from Unsloth, starting on the OpenHermes finetune of Mistral 7b. The Unsloth notebooks are really excellent, so big shoutout to their team. My new finetuned model generated structured output in JSON format using a schema similar to the one noted above. I found that more data for finetuning was more impactful in increasing accuracy than tuning parameters like learning rate or number of epochs/max steps. Ultimately, though, I found that r=8, lora_alpha=16, num_steps=200, learning_rate=2e-4, and weight_decay=0.01 gave pretty good results (meaning an accuracy on my test set of around 95%).
  5. The prompt I’m using for my finetuned Mistral-7B model injects a sentence containing some data metric, as well as the entire paragraph containing that sentence, and also the previous paragraph as context, and with that context the model outputs a JSON array of entities and numerical attributes.
  6. I saved the above finetuned model with 16-bit weights. Quantizing the model weights to 8 bits or 4 led to unacceptably bad accuracy.
  7. I did try generating synthetic training data using GPT-4 turbo and few-shot prompts, but I found that the quality of the synthetic data was not as high as I wanted it to be (the accuracy of the outputs was less than 90%), so I opted to invest more time in hand labeling myself.
Structured generation over millions of texts
  1. Next, I used SGLang on RTX 4090 GPUs I rented on to efficiently/quickly generate structured JSON across the millions of sentences I had filtered from the first few steps above. I first tried vLLM to increase inference speed, which got a 10x speed improvement relative to llama.cpp. Then SGLang got me another 35% speed improvement beyond vLLM.
  2. At the end of this stage, I had millions of entity-attribute-value JSON objects generated by my finetuned LLM.
Embeddings model
  1. I put together a list of ~30 example user queries for evaluation purposes.
  2. Once I had structured entities and attributes generated from the step above, I tested various embeddings models for retrieval. I chose Weaviate as my vector db because set-up was easy and I wanted to try their managed service (WCS), and the pricing for this service was transparent – based only on storage of the number of vectors and the sizes of the vectors. Their pricing calculator also made it transparent how PQ (Product Quantization, quantizing your vectors) decreases cost and I wanted to try this out too.
  3. I tried multiple embeddings models and found avsolatorio/GIST-Embedding-v0 to produce good retrieval results and the vectors are still of manageable size (768 dimensions). I compared retrieval results on the same set of test queries for the following embeddings models:
    1. snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-s
    2. BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5
    3. avsolatorio/GIST-small-Embedding-v0
    4. jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-code
    5. snowflake/snowflake-arctic-embed-m
    6. Alibaba-NLP/gte-base-en-v1.5
    7. avsolatorio/GIST-Embedding-v0 [best for my use-case]
    8. nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5
Putting it all together in the vector db
  1. Using the embeddings model noted above, a HNSW index, and cosine similarity as my distance metric, I found that hybrid search worked better than vector search alone. Weaviate has a parameter for hybrid search called alpha, which determines how much to weight search results from BM25 vs. your distance metric from ANN search (cosine similarity for me), and for me an alpha of around 0.8 gave the best results.
  2. Quantizing vectors ended up not working well. Recall took too big a hit, so I decided not to do this.
  3. At first I tried embedding the stringified version of each JSON object. This didn’t work well. I then tried converting each JSON object to something more like a natural language sentence. So for example: {“entity_name”: “Manufacturing Industry”, “location”:”United States”, “metric”: “Total Sales”, “value”: “10”, “units”: “billion dollars”, “period”: “2023”} becomes “Total sales of Manufacturing Industry located in United States for time period 2024”, and I computed embeddings on the latter sentence. This worked much better. Importantly, later on, user queries need to be converted into a semi-structured format like this as well for the retrieval to work.
  4. I had better luck indexing all of my objects in Weaviate by self-hosting, rather than using their managed service WCS, and I found that you can rent a server on Contabo with 120gb ram for what I felt was an affordable price relative to other options, so this is where I’m hosting my Weaviate db.
  5. I computed embeddings for all my structured objects using a RTX 4090 GPU from I didn’t evaluate less powerful GPUs for computing embeddings but my feeling is I could probably get by with a much weaker GPU for this task. I have about 9 million embeddings with metadata in Weaviate.
Thanks for reading! If this was helpful at all, I was thinking of following-up in other posts with more details on the above or, the following topics, depending on interest:
  1. The steps I implemented to process user queries, retrieve relevant data, and then incorporate the retrieved data into generating outputs from multiple sequential LLM calls. (spoiler: Google’s Gemini-1.5 Flash is pretty fast, capable, has generous rate limits, and is cheap to use, so I use this model where I can. I’m using GPT-4o for the most complex analytical tasks.)
  2. Using the code-generation capabilities of LLMs to create data visualizations using Python’s Plotly library.
  3. Deploying my prototype with Streamlit.
submitted by Ok_Structure_2396 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:40 GinXL17 Need some help and honest suggestions about my resume (roast my resume)

Been trying for some time nowto find another marketing job or land my first petroleum engineering role. So, Every piece of advice is much appreciated. Also, a friend of mine advised me to start a master’s in computer science or production/ drilling engineering in Germany (Europe in general) what would you do if u were me or what advice u’d give me. Again, thank you for reading this.
submitted by GinXL17 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:29 MadArmy_Ranger Need help, Which one would you

Need help, Which one would you
I need help, which laptop would you chose Coming from a asus tuf a15 ryzen 7 with gtx 1660 ti I will use it for study and gaming while I have time, Price budget would be no more than 1800$. I searched and some people said asus rog strix Would be the best laptop
submitted by MadArmy_Ranger to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:51 doniimajor [FOR HIRE] 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙞 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙤𝙧 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉 - Character, Illustration and Concept for characters (more info in the comments)

[FOR HIRE] 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙞 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙤𝙧 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉 - Character, Illustration and Concept for characters (more info in the comments) submitted by doniimajor to artstore [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:45 nton27 How do python debbuger works?

For example in C++ you were always given a reference to some exact line in a code or a library.
In python I wrote below and get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' which seems to be completely unrelated and list of some directories in green text. What does it mean?
import as reader import datetime as dt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt start =,1,1) end =,12,31) crypto = ['BTC-USD'] df = reader.get_data_yahoo(crypto,start,end) 
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[9], [line 1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=9&line=1) -- [1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=9&line=1) df = reader.get_data_yahoo(crypto,start,end)
File c:\Users\jurek\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\, in get_data_yahoo(*args, **kwargs) [79](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ def get_data_yahoo(*args, **kwargs): - [80](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ YahooDailyReader(*args, **kwargs).read()
File c:\Users\jurek\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\, in [256](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ = self._dl_mult_symbols(self.symbols.index) [257](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ else: [258](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ = self._dl_mult_symbols(self.symbols) [259](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ return df
File c:\Users\jurek\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\, in _DailyBaseReader._dl_mult_symbols(self, symbols) [266](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ for sym in sym_group: [267](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ [268](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/[sym] = self._read_one_data(self.url, self._get_params(sym)) [269](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ [270](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/ (IOError, KeyError):
File c:\Users\jurek\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\pandas_datareader\yahoo\, in YahooDailyReader._read_one_data(self, url, params) [150](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/pandas_datareadeyahoo/ ptrn = r"root\.App\.main = (.*?);\n}\(this\)\);" [151](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/pandas_datareadeyahoo/ try: [152](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/pandas_datareadeyahoo/ = json.loads(, resp.text, re.DOTALL).group(1)) [153](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/pandas_datareadeyahoo/ = j["context"]["dispatcher"]["stores"]["HistoricalPriceStore"] [154](file:///C:/Users/jurek/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/pandas_datareadeyahoo/ except KeyError:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
submitted by nton27 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:03 Silver_Eagle_3279 Please review my resume

Hi everyone,
I'm a student set to graduate in May 2025, looking to gain experience through internships or entry-level roles. I know my resume is not impressive hence why I need help enhancing it. Any feedback is appreciated! .
submitted by Silver_Eagle_3279 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:56 Artanisx Looking for a Distro to ditch Windows

Hello! I hope you are doing well.
I'm coming to you for assistance! As you likely know, Windows 10 is going to stop getting supported in October 2025; and as you probably know Windows 11 is terrible, not only for usability and user experience (a mark downgrade from Win 10), but also for all the tracking, the threat of ads and now the built-in spyware called Microsoft Recall.
It's definitely time to jump ship and I'm starting to consider it strongly. I would like your help to select a distribution that will be a match for me. I've already did some research, but I think it's still best to ask the experts.
What I use the PC for:
I use it for both high-end gaming, and for productivity (game dev with Unreal Engine / Godot; C# programming with Rider, light video editing). For "High end gaming" I mean to say I use expensive hardware for gaming and of course I wish to make full use of it. Specifically, a RTX 4090 that is connected to three monitors (all 144hz refresh rate, G-Sync and one of which HDR 1000 nits) and a TV (also HDR, and VRR). I game sometimes with all monitors at the same time, sometimes only using the HDR one and sometimes using the TV instead (with a gamepad). I also use Remote Desktop to connect to a local (via wireless) Notebook so I can use my regular keyboard/mouse and one of my monitors to use it.
What I'd like out of a distribution:
Now, it's not my first rodeo with Linux, and usually I faced so many issues I went back to windows. One of the issue I really hate is when I do a dist-upgrade (or in general, update the system), it starts spewing random errors and then it breaks the system. I know (and love the idea of) about Timeshift and rollbacks, but really I don't want to deal with unexpected failure to boot as I would use the PC for my daily use which includes work. Another issue I faced in the past is that things sometimes simply do not work, you have to look for solutions but since there are thousands of conflicting standards the solution you find may not work on your distribution (using different packages, or versions, or systems). Moreover, things that should be easy are needlessly complex (now I know sometimes it isn't "linux fault", and it's a evil company doing, but the result for the end user is the same). I'd like the above issues to be minimized (I can't expect them not to happen at all), especially I don't want to boot the PC one morning and randomly find myself staring at grub wondering why it hasn't booted the O.S. I also would like to be able to play games well. I accept there might be some games that won't work at all (anticheat ones for example), that's "ok". But I'd like the games that run, to run well, and make full use of my hardware (Raytracing, Gsync, HDR, 120/144 refresh rate). I would like to make full use of my three monitors (and TV), being able to have them running at their peek refresh rate, with gsync enabled, and to make full use of HDR support in my primary monitor (and on my TV when I use it as fourth monitor to game there). I would like to be able to do game dev with Godot and with Unreal Engine, using Rider as a IDE. I am fully aware that some application or game won't work no matter what, and I'll probably fire up a VM of some kind or have a win 10 ltsc dual boot partition. I also am privacy concerned, so my data should be my own and not sold to whoever for any reason. Lastly, and I don't wish to offend anyone (I know this matter can be delicate), I don't really like the open source approach for which I need to hope someone in the community finds my issue important and decide to spend their free time to correct it; nor I wish to find out that something that's important to me is "not in line" with the "vision" of the distribution and thus won't ever be worked upon and I'm out of luck. What I'm trying to say is that I wish the distribution to be supported professionally; open source is fine, but I fear the uncertainty that spawn from that. Which means I'd like a distribution that is backed by a company.
What distributions I was looking at:
FEDORA: It seems it ticks several boxes, it's linked to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is (unless I'm mistaken) the most professional and company backed Linux distribution there is. It's also updated frequently, which should improve things that aren't well supported. There's an edition that is kind of a semi-rolling release. It includes some Atomic spins that, as far as I understood, means updates are either applied in full with no errors, or not applied at all (which should solve my fear of finding myself unable to boot). There's a spin that uses KDE+Plasma which is the same one used in the Steam Deck and also, as far as I know, the best one for gaming and HDGsync support. Installing Nvidia drivers, though, might be tough and I read some horror stories that if the kernel is updated, but nvidia drivers aren't, you won't be able to boot.
POP_OS: Aside from the questionable name, looks like a great distribution as well. Backed by a company, too, and seems to have good support for games. It doesn't use KDE+Plasma but its own DE which is Wayland supported. I don't especially like the fact they're doing "their own thing" for the DE as it only creates yet another standard, but I know I can (right?) install KDE and still use it.
BAZZITE: I read this is basically a spin off Fedora, specialized for gaming. On one side, I like the fact it is gaming focused, on the other I don't like the fact it's a "smaller" distribution supported by a smaller team as that might mean updates could be slow or not applied or the team might decide they are not in line with their vision. Also it kind of detach itself from being company backed as Fedora is.
openSUSE: Another company backed distribution, sounds like a good one, but I am not sure about the way packages / app are installed and looks like a less used workflow.
What distributions I think are not a good fit:
UBUNTU: At first it seems a good fit, as it's company backed and very popular. But then I heard they are doing questionable things about privacy and seems they are on their way to be matching Microsoft. I don't want to login to the PC using an email account like Windows 11 is forcing its users to. To be fair, it's hearsay so maybe it's not true at all.
MINT: I used this one some years back and it's nice. But suffered from the "update and make a mess of things" problem I don't want to face. Also, as I said I prefer a company-backed "professional" O.S.
GARUDA: I don't think a distribution handled by a handful of people is very stable to be used as a main driver. Also I prefer a company-backed "professional" O.S.
MANJARO: I was interested into this one as it's a "easier Arch", but it was not recommended. Also I prefer a company-backed "professional" O.S.
. .
And that's about it! Can you please share with me your thoughts, recommendations and corrections if I said something wrong or if some of my thoughts are incorrect? Thank you so much and I hope to be able to switch to Linux soon!
submitted by Artanisx to linux4noobs [link] [comments]