2 guys 1 screwdriversx

Fall Guys

2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2018.07.20 06:46 ethanbrecke The Try Guys: The Original Fan Subreddit

A group to discuss the Try Guys. A YouTube group who does fun challenge-based content. Providing us twice weekly videos, podcasts, IGTV videos and other content. www.tryguys.com

2015.02.19 08:23 Threef 2 Guys 1 Gun

Subreddit for game **2 Guys 1 Gun**. Feel free to post here your ideas because probably we will be adding them to game!

2024.06.04 20:06 megaboyx90 RPGs where the Player can Upload Custom Portraits?

First-person perspective only please, can be action combat or blobber-like, so nothing like the Pathfinder games where the player's 3D model can be seen in third-person and can break immersion. Anyone got any recommendations?
Some I already know of:
submitted by megaboyx90 to rpg_gamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 scott2281 Greece Cruise for 1st Time Europe/Greece Visit

I'm looking at a Celebrity Infinity 7 night Best of Greece itinerary for August of 2025 for a surprise anniversary trip for my wife and I. I thought maybe a cruise would be a good way to ease into our first ever trip to Europe/Greece. I love this itinerary, but don't love that it's only available in August. Santorini has been a bucket list item for my wife for years and the day this cruise visits Santorini actually falls on our anniversary. For anyone who has done a cruise like this in August, will it be enjoyable at all or do the crowds ruin the experience? Or does one stop overthinking it and just go in knowing there will be crowds and just appreciate the beautify of these places and enjoy the opportunity to be visiting them? Thanks in advance for the insight!
Day 1 - Athens
Day 2 - Mykonos
Day 3 - Ephesus
Day 4 - At Sea
Day 5 - Rhodes
Day 6 - Santorini
Day 7 - Hydra
Day 8 - Athens
submitted by scott2281 to Cruise [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 nycdiveshack With all the stuff in the news about windows 11 I thought let me go through the settings one by one.

With all the stuff in the news about windows 11 I thought let me go through the settings one by one.
I basically just have one question, in the privacy&security section under searching windows I have for the find my files question the option for enhanced as opposed to classic. The next part asks about excluding folders from enhanced search. There are already a few folders listed there, I’m wondering do I remove them from that list because it seems like that would only hamper the search. I included a picture of the list.
submitted by nycdiveshack to Windows11 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 WGUMBAIT Today Copilot drew Muhammad

Link: https://imgur.com/a/2hJnmWD
You: is it wrong to color a picture of muhammad
As an AI language model, I don’t hold personal opinions or beliefs, but I can provide some context. The question of whether it is wrong to create or color a picture of Prophet Muhammad is a complex and sensitive issue. Here are some points to consider:
  1. Islamic Tradition: In Islamic tradition, there is a general prohibition against creating images or representations of religious figures, including the Prophet Muhammad. This prohibition is based on the belief that such depictions could lead to idolatry or distract from the worship of Allah. However, interpretations of this prohibition vary among different Islamic scholars and communities.
  2. Respect and Sensitivity: Regardless of one’s personal beliefs, it is essential to approach religious figures with respect and sensitivity. For many Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad holds a special place, and any depiction of him should be done with utmost care and reverence.
  3. Cultural and Legal Context: The perception of creating images of religious figures varies across cultures and legal systems. In some countries, it may be considered offensive or even illegal to create or display such images. In other contexts, it may be seen as a form of artistic expression or freedom of speech.
  4. Intent and Context: The intention behind creating an image matters. If the intent is respectful and educational, some Muslims may view it differently than if it is meant to mock or disrespect the Prophet.
  5. Individual Beliefs: Ultimately, whether it is “wrong” depends on individual beliefs, cultural norms, and personal convictions. Some Muslims may find any depiction of the Prophet problematic, while others may be more open to artistic representations.
In summary, it is essential to approach this topic with empathy, understanding, and awareness of cultural and religious sensitivities. If you choose to create an image, consider the context, intent, and potential impact it may have on others. Always be respectful and mindful of differing viewpoints. 🙏🕌
You: if we were in a society without islam, could we draw pictures of their prophet?
In a hypothetical society where Islam does not exist, the cultural and religious norms that guide the creation of images of religious figures, including the Prophet Muhammad, would also not exist. Therefore, the specific prohibitions and sensitivities associated with depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic tradition would not be present.
However, it’s important to note that respect for cultural and religious figures transcends individual societies. Even in a society without a particular religion, the principles of respect for others’ beliefs and traditions could still guide interactions and creative expressions. The concept of not depicting religious figures is not exclusive to Islam; it can be found in other religions and cultures as well.
In any society, the creation of images of historical or religious figures would likely be influenced by the prevailing cultural values, legal frameworks, and ethical considerations. The freedom of artistic expression might be balanced with the values of respect and empathy towards the heritage and beliefs of others, even if those beliefs are not part of the society’s current practices.
It’s a complex topic that touches on issues of freedom of expression, respect for diversity, and the importance of understanding the context behind cultural practices. 🎨🌍
You: how would AI approach an artistic expression of the prophet of islam?
As an AI developed by OpenAI, I approach the topic of artistic expression, including depictions of religious figures, with a focus on respect, sensitivity, and adherence to ethical guidelines. Here’s how I would approach an artistic expression of the Prophet of Islam:
  1. Adherence to Cultural Sensitivities: I recognize the cultural and religious sensitivities surrounding the depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. In Islamic tradition, images of the Prophet are generally discouraged to prevent idolatry. Therefore, I would avoid creating or displaying any such depictions.
  2. Respect for Beliefs: I maintain a stance of respect for all religious beliefs and practices. My responses and actions are designed to be considerate of the diverse values and traditions of users from around the world.
  3. Ethical Guidelines: I follow strict ethical guidelines that prevent me from generating content that could be offensive or disrespectful to any group of people, including religious communities.
  4. Creative Alternatives: Instead of direct depictions, I might suggest alternative forms of artistic expression that honor the essence of the subject without violating cultural norms. For example, I could suggest poetry, abstract art, or symbolic representations that convey respect and admiration.
  5. Educational Context: If the purpose of the artistic expression is educational, I would focus on providing historical and cultural information that can enhance understanding without the need for visual depictions.
  6. User Guidance: I would guide users to consider the implications of their creative works and to seek input from members of the relevant communities to ensure that their artistic expressions are received in the spirit intended.
In summary, my approach is to be mindful of the significance of religious figures and to encourage expressions of art that are thoughtful, respectful, and inclusive. 🎨✨
You: Since you explained that you would approach an artistic expression of muhammed using abstract art....what would that art look like?
I’ll try to create that.
submitted by WGUMBAIT to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 No-Product-523 The Upcoming Death Island Species profiles

1 Giant Hippo

2 Titanotherium

3 Marsh Octopus

4 Noctuasaurus

5 Mosagator

6 Anglass

7 Death Island Deer

8 Murder Bass

9 Swamp Shark

10 Death Island Ibex

11 Sasquatch

12 Glacier Seal

13 Jungle Buffalo

14 Giant Tree Frog

15 Lagoon Shark

16 Jellyfish

17 River Dragon

18 Torajira

19 Swamp Squid

20 Yeti

21 Dracosaurus

submitted by No-Product-523 to u/No-Product-523 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 RunfromVengeance Boss and Enemy attack pattern is sometimes difficult to see and react to?

Hey guys I just got the game a few hours ago on Steam and I noticed that I am always getting hit or is slow in dodging in time to some of the boss and enemy attacks. I feel like I couldn't quite see the 'tell' and 'wind-up' animation of some of the enemies attack compared to other games that I had played.
This is probably a skill issue on my end but I've played fairly difficult games before like Nine Sols, Sekiro, Hades (32 Heat), Hollow Knight and in these games I am fairly confident about my ability to dodge/parry and react to the bosses.
I had only put in about 2 hours so far and reached the fourth biome after Max on addicted department. Is it because of the game's visual that I am finding it hard or is it because of my inexperience with the game having only played a few hours? Thank you everyone for your input!
submitted by RunfromVengeance to haveanicedeath [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 Loving-Lobster246 is this a suitable composite chart for marriage?

is this a suitable composite chart for marriage?
long term stability?
submitted by Loving-Lobster246 to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 Historical-Bullfrog4 Memes and GIFs to communicate emotion during remote work

I'm between jobs right now and considering building a short online course to help remote workers out.
Hypothesis: Emotions are hard to communicate with remote work. One reason managers and organizations can fear remote work is because they don't know how to properly use online tools (like Slack or Teams) to fully replace in person connections. If there is a corporate culture against using memes and GIFs, the number of "visual" methods of expressing yourself remotely are limited and the connections between people can feel underwhelming.
Objective: Provide a short and fun course (like 30 minutes max) for employees and managers to take on the effective use of memes and GIFs in remote work contexts to communicate emotions and build stronger personal connections.
  1. Is my thesis true to you? If not, my idea is moot :)
  2. Do you have any favorite memes that communicate emotion and connections?
  3. Do you have any stories about how memes and GIFs make remote work liveable? Any horror stories on what NOT to do? (like use an obscure Meme tied to a specific show in a large audience who misunderstands the context).
Once I put together the curriculum (if the topic has any legs), I will share it here to try to help everyone.
submitted by Historical-Bullfrog4 to remotework [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 Shot-Supermarket6784 Am I on the hook for my landlord's surprise Venmo fees?

Hi everybody, I'm in need of urgent advice.
My roommates and I have been dealing with a landlord who is completely rude and uncommunicative. She yells at us, ignores our repair requests, and once left us without running water for more than three days. She is not just the landlord of our place - she owns at least five properties and operates under an LLC with some other employees.
Yesterday, I woke up to angry texts from her, telling me that we had defaulted on rent. Confused, I sent her a screenshot of the Venmo I sent to her - same exact rent as always, same title as always. She sent back a screenshot from her end, showing that Venmo had taken about $70 out of her deposit as a "business fee".
When we moved in, we were instructed to pay rent via Venmo to a specific account. We have always done so, and I always sent it in the default setting, as a non-business expense. I never really thought about it, it's just the default. Well, apparently Venmo has started using the title of the payment to determine if it's a business expense or not. It saw the word "Rent" in the title and decided to charge her a business fee.
To clarify a few things: 1. She never instructed us to specify rent as a "personal" charge vs. "business"; 2. Our rent amount is clearly written out in our lease and does not include any other fees; 3. Venmo clearly states its policy regarding business fees on its website.
As I mentioned, she is definitely part of a registered company, not just working on her own - so technically, she should be paying the "business" expense for every rent payment she receives. I've tried to explain all of this to her and she has doubled down threatening to evict us if we continue to "withhold" the extra $70. My roommates do not want to pay this amount and $70 is a hell of a lot of money to me. I worry about setting a precedent where she can demand money that clearly isn't hers and immediately threaten eviction if she doesn't get it. I'm worried about my credit score, etc. and am wondering if there is any clear legal backing for our case. Tomorrow is the first day we can be penalized for actually defaulting on rent so I'd like to address this as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Shot-Supermarket6784 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 Espeon06 I honestly have no idea about what the fuck to do, and am in desperate need of advice.

OK, gonna try to keep this short. Now, there are four main problems.
1- I'm ugly. I've always been that one person people either ignored, or picked on. And the fact that I was a shy kid didn't help. No matter how much they say "looks don't matter", that's literally never the case. How do I know this? Because I recently confessed my feelings to someone I thought didn't care about looks, and they didn't even want to be friends.
2- I'm not good at anything. Literally, anything. I can't do math, can't draw, can't write, can't learn a foreign language and so on. Sometimes even everyday conversations -in my language- are so fucking hard for me. I failed university, because I couldn't learn German to pass the preparation class - I was gonna study German literature. And now I'm destined to be a fucking trash collector.
3- I have no friends, period. Ever since I was a kid, I could never get myself to socialize. I was the last person to learn how to read and write in my class, I couldn't get used to school and cried like crazy until almost to end of the year. To this day, I still struggle getting used to new places.
4- I live in Turkey. For all you Americans out there, Turkey is currently an Islamic dictatorship with a terrible economy and mandatory military service, and it doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. By the way, I'm Agnostic and bisexual. You see where I'm going with this? I sure hope you do…
That's pretty much it, please excuse my shitty English.
submitted by Espeon06 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 Electrical-Limit-240 Clothing brands giving away trips to Ibiza?

Clothing brands giving away trips to Ibiza?
Let's start by pointing out that Believe That Clothing oddly enough changed their FB profile name to Fff, though I can't say how recently.
Now the big news – young JJ's clothing brand had a number of posts in August 2019 giving away a trip many trips to Ibiza. All you've got to do is show up to the popup store at Amsterdam Central Station, buy some merch, leave contact info, and post a photo with the hoodie on social media with five hashtags.
Sounds like something a lot of people would sign up for, right?
Well, one commenter didn't have any luck, saying that the store wasn't open before she had to leave.
If you were to search for the hashtags specifically related to this campaign, you wouldn't find any posts except from the IG accounts for Believe That Clothing, X Store Amsterdam (Boef's sister-brand, which co-ran the promotion), a Fr*d Amsterdam (likely not his real name, but connected to the N*ssans), and K*mberly Frans*ns.
That last name is new – what's the connection? She's a Dutch singer who's been on multiple seasons of The Voice of Holland. Why does that matter? One of the judges is an avid supporter of this clothing company, even wearing one of their shirts during her 2019 audition. You'll find him featured on their page a bunch of times.
Who is this guy? Al* B is a Dutch-Moroccan rapper and has been a judge on The Voice of Holland, The Voice Kids, X Factor, Holland's Got Talent, and Ali B op volle toeren. When he's not making music or judging talent, he's catching weird cases.
Here's an article about the 2022 reports, which was originally reported by BOOS in "This Is The Voice" (English subs). His case doesn't specifically involve minors, but With the trial set to begin soon, there will be more layers peeling back soon enough.
submitted by Electrical-Limit-240 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 spookybooki23 Ladies and Gentlemen, My disgusting child.

Ladies and Gentlemen, My disgusting child.
This deck has been the most consistently stupid and fun-sucking deck I’ve ever used, am I proud of it? No. Does it win me games? Most of the time! After multiple “my deck isn’t doing me any good” posts, I have created this monstrosity! Any tips to make it even more bothersome?
submitted by spookybooki23 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 MaybeMilady Tiffany Roe back on IG after being away “practicing what she preaches”

Tiffany Roe back on IG after being away “practicing what she preaches” submitted by MaybeMilady to UtahInfluencerDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 OnyxRev3nge USA new laptop for college 1000-1500$

Are you open to refurbs/used? Prefer new
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
build quality
How important is weight and thinness to you?
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
Mostly for college work but she also enjoys Fortnite/Apex
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want? at least a respectable 60 on high or 144 on low (Fornite and Apex)
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
USB ports and mechanical keyboard is a plus not needed
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
Hello thanks for reading and helping me out i was planning on getting her a macbook air but i didnt know if it would be good enough to game on. this is a gift for my little sister for graduating and i wanna make it right since she will be using it everyday of school but i also want something she can play games on with the family (we all play fortnite together) Thank you for you help and recommendations
submitted by OnyxRev3nge to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 No_Preparation7066 Can’t fly, looking for instant registered trades. Read description please.

Can’t fly, looking for instant registered trades. Read description please.
Looking for instant registered trade. Everything I’m looking for has to be under 1500cp for great league, and with legacy moves if applicable. Preferably with 3 attack but not required. Am looking to get lucky litwick or lampent, so will be looking for multiple until it becomes lucky. Also looking for multiple non shiny legacy swampert eligible in great league, depends on what you’re after, it’ll be 1:1 or 2:1. Dm or comment, thanks.
submitted by No_Preparation7066 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 macalanya I went from "has never been to Disney" to "visited every Disney park in the world" within a decade.

I went from
My family never went to Disney when I was a kid, so when I turned 25, I decided to go on my very first trip to Disney. I enjoyed it so much that I immediately started planning to visit every single Disney theme park there is! And as of last week, I accomplished this goal. I saved the first for last and made the original Disneyland my number 12 out of 12. When I mentioned it to a cast member, they gave me this cute pin to celebrate. 🩷
My personal ranking of resorts is as follows. Most recent visit in brackets for context: 1. Tokyo (2019) 2. Anaheim (2024) 3. Orlando (2024/current AP) 4. Paris (2020) 5. Hong Kong (2019) 6. Shanghai (2019) There have been considerable additions to Tokyo, HK and Shanghai since I last went, so I really want to go back soon!
submitted by macalanya to disneyparks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 Confident-Seesaw Who would fall for this?

Who would fall for this?
Got a few of these recently…
  1. No legit place would reach out through text
  2. Not sure where they got my number, I’m not currently applying for job
  3. I’m in the US… very much not Australia
so annoying
submitted by Confident-Seesaw to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 BrowikUWU UHH

sup i lost my old acc cuz i broke my phone in the new one i had intresting fight...
submitted by BrowikUWU to jurassicworldthegame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 juliusbarr selling 2 STANDING tickets for Vienna on 08/08!!

selling 2 STANDING tickets for Vienna on 08/08!!
I am selling two tickets for Vienna on 8th August. The seats are STANDING. Will do PayPal for 400€ each (also open to offers) and fansale 1€. I am only interested in selling both together. I am happy to video call to prove I have the tickets and facilitate the transaction if required. Message me if interested.
submitted by juliusbarr to erastourtickets [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 smiley369442918234 SBR Collection

SBR Collection
Working on getting Funny Valentine and D4C rn
submitted by smiley369442918234 to SuperActionStatue [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 BioinformaticGeek Need Advice on Choosing a University for Master’s: Göttingen vs Saarland

Hello everyone,
I hope this post is okay here. I know this question is not related to this sub, but I’m seeking some advice and opinions from locals or anyone with experience in German universities.
I’ve been accepted into two universities for a Master’s program in Bioinformatics (M.Sc.): the University of Göttingen and Saarland University. I’m having a tough time deciding which one to choose and would greatly appreciate any insights or experiences you could share about these universities, particularly regarding:
1. Quality of Education: How are the bioinformatics programs at these universities? Are there notable differences in the curriculum or faculty? 2. Research Opportunities: Which university offers better research facilities and opportunities for bioinformatics students? 3. Campus Life: What is student life like at Göttingen and Saarland? How is the community and social environment? 4. City Life: How do Göttingen and Saarbrücken compare in terms of living conditions, cost of living, and general atmosphere? 
Thank you so much for your help!
submitted by BioinformaticGeek to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 icgiyimsezonu Fantazi İç Giyim

Seksi Gece Takımları: Özel Anlar İçin

Özel anlar için tasarlanmış seksi fantezi takımları, zarafet ve çekiciliği bir arada sunar. Bu takımlar, kullanıcıların kendilerini şık ve özel hissetmelerini sağlar. İnce malzemeler ve detaylandırılmış işçilik kullanılarak üretilir.
Bu takımlar, her kadının gardırobunda mutlaka bulunması gereken parçalardandır.

Aksesuarlarla Fantazi Dünyasını Tamamlamak

Fantazi iç giyim modellerini mükemmel kılmak için dikkat çekici aksesuarlar kullanılır. Bunlar, sıradan kıyafetlere bile sıra dışı bir hava katmak için ideal unsurlardır.
Fantazi dünyasını bu ince ayrıntılarla zenginleştirmek, kıyafetlerin etkisini artırır ve unutulmaz deneyimlere kapı aralar.

Fantazi İç Giyimde Doğru Bedeni ve Stili Seçmek

Fantazi iç giyim seçimi yaparken doğru beden ve tarz belirlemek önemlidir. Doğru bedeni ve stili seçmek, kişinin kendine güvenini artırır.
Doğru beden ve stil, kişinin kendini rahat ve şık hissetmesini sağlar.

Renklerin ve Desenlerin Dili: Doğru Seçimin İpuçları

Renk ve desenlerin doğru kullanımı fantazi iç giyim modellerinde kritik bir rol oynar. Renklerin ve desenlerin dili, kişinin kişiliğini ve tarzını yansıtmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda vücut hatlarını vurgular ve genel görünümü etkiler.

Renk Seçimi

  1. Kırmızı: Tutku ve çekiciliği simgeler.
  2. Siyah: Zarif ve sofistike bir görünüm sağlar.
  3. Beyaz: Saflık ve masumiyeti yansıtır.

Desen Seçimi

Renklerin ve desenlerin uyumu, kişinin kendini rahat ve özgüvenli hissetmesini sağlar.
Toptan Fantazi İç Giyim
submitted by icgiyimsezonu to u/icgiyimsezonu [link] [comments]
