Ordered pair worksheets to print

Welcome to Keats

2010.11.14 00:20 Aluhut Welcome to Keats

This is a Subreddit dedicated to the captivating world of the Hyperion Cantos, a science fiction series consisting of four books by Dan Simmons - "Hyperion", "Fall of Hyperion", "Endymion", and "Rise of Endymion". Explore the intricate storyline, fascinating characters, and thought-provoking themes that have captured the imaginations of readers for decades. Join the community to discuss, theorize, and share your love for this epic saga.

2013.12.08 18:18 Burial4TetThomYorke Math Challenges

Post mathematical challenges and problems here and get answers! ***This is NOT a homework help subreddit.***

2013.02.21 11:58 jordanlgriffith MilkDrop - A place to share your favorite music visualisations

Discussion about the classic Winamp visualizer, presets, and good music to pair with it. Self promotion is encouraged! Show us what you've got.

2024.06.02 20:34 Nightwingx7 Jared Goff once again is an excellent late round QB target to pair with a late rookie QB pick / late QB choice in order to go heavy on RB/WR/TE in the earlier rounds. (write up within)

\Prefacing this to say you can draft a QB earlier of course, but this is more for a strategy of targeting 2 late QB's to stack your team with WRB/TE talent in the prior rounds. (*Kyler Murray is an excellent road QB and would be a great prior choice if you want a QB a few rounds earlier but still want some top end RB/WR talent.)
At home last year, Goff averaged 20.61 pts (last 3 home games 18 pts, 31 pts, 20 pts).
away, he averaged 13.8 ( last 3 games 4.44, 14.28, 10.84 ).
In 2022, at home he averaged 21.6 fantasy points, while away once again, he averaged a lowly 11.98
Where he's going in the draft right now does not account for his QB1 level value at home games. ( round 9/10 (87-depending on your site).
At home, Jared Goff is a QB1. away, he isn't startable reliably for fantasy purposes.
The advantage his late adp (round 10+) not only allows you to stack your team heavy in the earlier drafts, but you're able to pair a 2nd QB to handle the away game schedule (or shoot for a upside rookie pick who might just end up overall more viable (Caleb Williams, Jayden Daniels).
Personally if I'm stacking a late QB to pair with Goff, Jayden Daniels has an excellent schedule alongside him and would be my premiere choice-- The games Goff are away the matchups Washington has are relatively good, outside of Week 9 (Ravens.)
If you want a "safer" pick on the backend with perhaps less upside (Because banking on a rookie to put a reliably safe QB1-QB2 number every away game is a huge gamble) then I'd recommend these guys alongside Goff: (as a late choice):
(these are in no specific order)
  1. Baker Mayfield - I know, I know, you may be thinking - what? But lets look at last years away games.
Week 17, in the saints game Mayfield hurt his ribs. he played through and put up 6.18 fantasy pts week 18 (Away game) vs. panthers. Anyone who watched the game knew he was playing hurt - he couldn't throw it downfield. For argument sake, lets exclude this game from the dataset. Anyone with a brain would not be starting an injured QB in the championship week (well I mean it depends, but you're not starting an injured Baker Mayfield lol)
Excluding that game, away he averaged 19.01 fantasy points (Low end QB1 numbers). Out of the 8 away games (Excluding the last game), 6/8 he was over 16 fantasy points. This pick isn't exciting, and frankly I personally would roll the dice on a rookie like JD or even the pick below simply due to the upside. (His schedule is also not as amazing alongside Goff.)
  1. Geno Smith - With the change to Ryan Grubb at offensive coordinator, this offensive will likely have a lot more motion / uptempo play and set versatility if it looks anything like his UW team (Which I think it will considering the similar personnel).
Last 3 away games of the year, Geno averaged 22.5 points (QB1 numbers). However, for the year @ away games, he put up a putrid 14.09 a game with 4/8 away games under 13 points.
However, last 4 games of the year he averaged 21.1 and with the upgraded offensive focus there's upside here for reliable QB2 output with opportunities for situational QB1 play. With the Rams Aaron Donald retiring too, everyone in that division @ QB gets a boost for fantasy simply due to having a softer matchup 2 games of the year. I'm a lot higher this year on Kyler and Geno due to this.
Feel free to adjust however you like. If you want any opinions on any particular QB's or have any general insights to share feel free to respond. Thank you for your time. Good luck in fantasy this year everyone.
submitted by Nightwingx7 to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:33 powerchip15 Stable training with the Transformer

I have spent the last few months creating my own implementation of the Transformer as described in the paper: Attention Is All You Need. As far as I can see, my version matches the described version with only minor differences: 1. No Adam optimizer is used 2. There is no implementation of Beam Search, and 3. the embeddings do not have dropout applied. When I use a super simple dataset with a single input and target, the model can train with exceptional results very quickly. However, with a slightly larger text-to-text dataset with only 7 input-target pairs, the model becomes extremely unstable and I can't get good results from it. This is the code I am using for my model, built in Swift:
class Transformer { let modelSize: Int let outputSize: Int let vocabularySize: Int // Embed and Position let embeddings: SharedEmbeddings let positions: PositionalEncoder // Encode var encodeNorm1: [LayerNormalization] = [] var encodeNorm2: [LayerNormalization] = [] var linearA: [Dense] = [] var linearB: [Dense] = [] var multiHead: [MultiHeadAttention] = [] var resA: [Group] = [] var resB: [Group] = [] //let encoder: Group // Decode var decodeNorm1: [LayerNormalization] = [] var decodeNorm2: [LayerNormalization] = [] var decodeNorm3: [LayerNormalization] = [] var linearC: [Dense] = [] var linearD: [Dense] = [] var multiHeadA: [MultiHeadAttention] = [] var multiHeadB: [MultiHeadAttention] = [] var resC: [Group] = [] var resD: [Group] = [] var midBlock: [MultiHeadResidual] = [] let relu: ReLULayer = ReLULayer() //let decoder: Group let outputLinear: Dense let outputSoftmax: SoftMaxLayer = SoftMaxLayer() let sport: Bool let start_token: String let end_token: String let startData: [Double] let sequenceLength: Int var training: Bool var layers: Int var temperature: Double let vocabulary: [String] var inputData: (encoder: [(ER1: [[Double]], ER2: [[Double]])], EFinal: [[Double]], decoder: [(DR1: [[Double]], DR2: (keys: [[Double]], queries: [[Double]], values: [[Double]]), DR2o: [[Double]], DR3: [[Double]])], outputMatrix: [[Double]]) = ([], [], [], []) var inputEmbeddingData: [[Double]] = [] var outputEmbeddingData: [[Double]] = [] init(sequenceLength: Int, modelSize: Int, outputSize: Int, vocabulary: [String], layers: Int, heads: Int, sport: Bool = false, start_token: String = "", end_token: String = "", training: Bool = true, temperature: Double = 1.0) { self.modelSize = modelSize self.training = training self.outputSize = outputSize self.layers = layers let vocabularySize = vocabulary.count self.vocabularySize = vocabularySize self.sequenceLength = sequenceLength self.sport = sport self.start_token = start_token self.end_token = end_token self.temperature = temperature self.vocabulary = vocabulary // Embed and Position self.embeddings = SharedEmbeddings(dimensionSize: modelSize, vocabularySize: vocabularySize, initialization: .xavier_glorot, sport: sport) self.positions = PositionalEncoder() self.startData = oneHotEncode([start_token], vocabulary: vocabulary)[0] for i in 0.. (output: [[Double]], memory: (keys: [[Double]], queries: [[Double]], values: [[Double]])) { let data = (keys, queries, values) let multiHeadOutput = multiHead.forward(queries: queries, keys: keys, values: values) dropInput = multiHeadOutput let normmultiHeadOutput = matrixAdd(queries, drop.forward(multiHeadOutput))! inputDataRes = normmultiHeadOutput return (norm.forward(normmultiHeadOutput), data) } func backward(keys: [[Double]], queries: [[Double]], values: [[Double]], passthrough: [[Double]], learningRate: Double) -> (inner: [[Double]], external: [[Double]]) { var firstPassthrough = norm.backward(input: inputDataRes, passthrough: passthrough, learningRate: learningRate) firstPassthrough = drop.backward(input: dropInput, passthrough: firstPassthrough, learningRate: learningRate) let (_, keyPass, queryPass, valuePass) = multiHead.backward(queries: queries, keys: keys, values: values, passthrough: firstPassthrough, learningRate: learningRate) return (matrixAdd(firstPassthrough, queryPass)!, matrixAdd(keyPass, valuePass)!) } } func forward(_ input: [[Double]], target: [[Double]] = []) -> [[Double]] { var outputs: [[Double]] = [startData] let endIndex = vocabulary.firstIndex(of: end_token) if !training { while outputs.count < outputSize { outputs.append(Array(repeating: 0.0, count: vocabularySize)) } } else { outputs = target } var inputEmbeddings = embeddings.embedForward(input) inputEmbeddings = positions.forward(inputEmbeddings) var encoderOutput: [[Double]] = inputEmbeddings var encoderInputData: [(ER1: [[Double]], ER2: [[Double]])] = [] var encoderFinal: [[Double]] = [] for i in 0.. The dataset I am using is: 
inputs = [ "I am feeling good", "I feel bad", "I feel not good", "I am not feeling bad", "I am not feeling good", "I feel good", "I feel not bad" ] targets = [ "you feel good  ", "you feel bad  ", "you feel bad  ", "you feel good  ", "you feel bad  ", "you feel good  ", "you feel good  ", ] 
I use a learning rate of 0.1, model size of 12 with 2 layers, and each multi head attention mechanism has 2 heads. If anyone is able to help me figure out what is causing the issue, any help is greatly appreciated.
submitted by powerchip15 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:31 RedRackhamsPleasure Linen tee, polo and The Biscotto - fit pics

Linen tee, polo and The Biscotto - fit pics
A received my order from the last drop a little bit ago. A got a black tee (M), the polo in Mare (L) and the Biscotto crew neck (M). I like all three of them.
I’m 6’4” and 180 pounds. I usually wear a M or L in WvG tops. Wearing a pair of Franco linen trousers (34) in these pics. Big fan of those — got them in three colors!
For me, the tee fits pretty true to size (M), and the length is perfect. The linen is soft and drapes beautifully. The fabric is kind of irregularly transparent, is that makes sense. I don’t mind that at all.
I went up a size for the polo (L), which was definitely a good call. The neck is snug if you button all the way to the top, but I don’t think anyone is doing that with a polo anyway! Zero or one button buttoned is the move, in my opinion. The color is gorgeous. I think color is one of the biggest things that makes WvG special (shout out to Aegean Blue).
I’ve been looking forward to the Biscotto ever since Mauro described the cotton cashmere blend and the toweling on the inside. As much as like my Barni and Bleach sweaters, the feel of the inside of the Biscotto is more comfy. The color is really nice, too. I’m still not sure whether M was the right call for me, though. It’s maybe a little short, but I didn’t want to get too baggy with a L. Fits the shoulders well.
The tag says machine wash cold/tumble dry low, but I remember a comment from a post a while ago saying not to put in the dryer. Mauro — is dryer okay for the Biscotto?
Looking forward to the Afromood stuff!
submitted by RedRackhamsPleasure to wolfvsgoat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 Significant_Tie_3222 SCP-9770: "The Guillotine devil”

Item #: SCP-9770
Object Class:Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9770 is to be contained within a reinforced steel safety deposit box, that is to be housed within a steel vault measuring 2m x 2m x 2m.
The vault housing SCP-9770 , must be sealed with a circular steel door measuring 5 feet in thickness and must remain locked at all times. Routine monitoring of the interior of the vault is mandatory in case of the event that SCP-9770 where to enter its secondary state (hereby designated as SCP-9770-B) and attempt a containment breach.
Description: SCP-9770 has been observed in two distinct forms (designated as Scp-9770-A and Scp-9770-B ) :
SCP-9770-A: In its initial state, SCP-9770 resembles a small stone cylinder approximately 3 cm in height and 1 cm in diameter. The cylinder features carvings resembling two eyes, a beak, and a pair of wings.
SCP-9770-B: In its secondary state (assumed to be its default form prior to its initial encounter with SCP-9771), SCP-9770 takes on the appearance of an extremely large avian, reminiscent of a common pigeon. Notably, SCP-9770's head can always be seen leaning to the right atop a large ring of feathers at the base of its neck. Uniquely, SCP-9770 possesses a pair of human ears at the base of its beak.
SCP-9770 is covered by two large wings that ,when by its side, form a cape with a frontal partition . Within this partition, SCP-9770's skeletal structure (which consists of a spine, pelvis, and leg bones), is visible. The most striking feature of SCP-9770 is the large guillotine blade suspended in the place of where a ribcage would be typically located. SCP-9770 has also been observed to lack any apparent feet, with its legs terminating at the tibia bone.
SCP-9770 exhibits two notable anomalous abilities:
  1. Enhanced Durability:SCP-9770 demonstrates significant durability, having been observed to withstand sustained gunfire from multiple armed individuals.
  2. Slicing: SCP-9770 can slice through targets with minimal effort and great precision. The mechanism by which SCP-9770 inflicts damage is currently unknown, but it appears to be triggered by the spreading of its wings.
SCP-9770 is confirmed to be under the influence of a separate anomalous entity (hereby designated as SCP-9771) This entity is theorised to be the one responsible for SCP-9770's form as SCP-9770-A. Despite this , when animate, SCP-9770 displays a high level of independence, preferring to incapacitate and disrobe opponents disobeying its orders to kill them. SCP-9770 also exhibits a sense of self-preservation, often reverting to its SCP-9770-A form when faced with significant threats, leaving others to contend with the danger.
Investigation regarding SCP-9771 is currently ongoing.
submitted by Significant_Tie_3222 to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:05 A_Master_Chooses Joe Hisaishi Madison Square Garden

Joe Hisaishi Madison Square Garden submitted by A_Master_Chooses to Tickets [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:04 understandunderstand What constitutes "totally enclosed"?

I'm putting WiZ bulbs in all my ceiling dome fixtures. I have two pairs of multicolour A19s in my bedroom and living room.
Today I got in a partial order of two tunable white bulbs for my office. I was setting up the one that came in at my desk, in a task lamp where I could access it quickly, and when I was finished I screwed the thing out and noticed the base was super hot.
Are they all like this? Is keeping them in enclosed domes going to cause my bulbs to overheat eventually?
submitted by understandunderstand to wiz [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 poncecatchemall RepWeidianSneakers Member Guide and Rulebook: Read Upon Arrival and Before Posting!

Hello, and welcome to RepWeidianSneakers! Whether you’re a long-time member or someone new who just straggled in from one of the other replica subreddits, this recurring post will serve as an introduction to or reminder of the subreddit rules. This group runs in several key ways that may be different from other groups to ensure we maintain a high-quality group where well-informed replica buyers can engage in constructive conversation regarding the best batches for various shoes, batch flaws of popular and commonly purchased batches, and QC posts of new and old products alike.
Please do your best to stay up-to-date on the latest subreddit rules and cultural norms in order to make sure that your participation in the group is in accordance with how we run things here! All sub rules are visible along the side bar if on desktop, and under the "About" tab if on mobile. We appreciate your attention and diligence to subreddit policies, and hope you enjoy your time here!
The following rules will be outlined in the following ways:
  1. Most Important Rule of the Sub
  2. Post Formats (QC, Find, Help Me Find)
  3. General Subreddit/Reddit-Wide Rules
Rule #1: Sneakers from Weidian, TaoBao only
This one should be self-explanatory - QCs for shoes purchased from overpriced middlemen are not allowed on this sub. I understand that many users value the input from members in this subreddit specifically due to their reputation and credibility, but we want to keep this sub as pure to its purpose as possible.
Additionally, when users ask for recommendations on where to purchase, make sure to provide links to Weidian or TaoBao stores, and not middlemen. Middlemen sell Weidian/TaoBao products at a markup for convenience, and sometimes by false batch names or identities - always focus on the actual product. Do not post your middlemen pairs asking for batch identification either, as that is not the purpose of this group.
As of June 2024, the group will allow direct shipping from known Weidian sellers from the community, as they are offering competitive prices. Please do not bring overpriced middlemen from other groups into this ecosystem, as it will be called out for all community members to see, in order to ensure that everyone gets the best prices possible for their purchases.
Rule #2: QC Post Title Guidelines: [QC] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name} and Find Post Title Guidelines: [FIND] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name}
When posting your QCs or Finds, use the following format: [QC] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name} or [FIND] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name}. Example: [QC] 400¥ FK Batch Travis Scott x Jordan 1 High OG Mocha from A GDJ Supplier
The Group Automod comments on every single post in this group with a reminder of this title format. If your title does not include each of the necessary components in the brackets above, please be proactive and repost with the correct format. If you don’t delete the post, a moderator will, and that or repeated infractions may result in a temporary ban from the group. This rule exists to ensure the group is easily searchable to help make researching batches on your own as streamlined as possible.
Please also ensure that you use the correct QC type, using the Agent flair for agent purchases, and the DIRECT flair for pairs purchased with direct shipping from Weidian sellers.
The automod may filter your post if the post title format is not followed. If your post is incorrectly filtered, it will be reviewed by a moderator and approved once they see it. Please be patient.
If you post with a title or caption asking if the pair you purchased is actually the batch you purchased, you must:
  1. Include reasoning as to why you think it is possible that the shoe is not what was advertised. Acceptable reasoning includes specific characteristics of the shoe (leather cuts, wings logo placement, colors, etc) that differ from known pairs, different production dates from known pairs, sellers with recent history of bait and switch, etc. The most important part is to include some sort of reasoning. Posts without reasoning will be deleted, as these posts are typically made from newer members to the replica community, and the posts lead to unnecessary fearmongering and damage to seller reputations.
Rule #3: QC Posts need W2C Link:
If you are posting a QC, make sure to post the W2C link. If the listing link is dead, please post the link to the store where the shoe was purchased instead. No W2C link will result in the deletion of your post!
You are welcome to post Weidian links, TaoBao links, or links from any shipping agent.
Rule #4: Help Me Find Post Title Guidelines: [HELP ME FIND] {Shoe Name} + Picture of Shoe
If you are hunting for a certain pair, your post must fulfill 2 key criteria:
  1. Your post title must include the Full Shoe Name and Colorway of the shoe in question. For example, Jordan 1 High Chicago, Dunk Low Kentucky, etc.
  2. A picture of the shoe in question must be included in the post. This makes it easier for users to identify and help find the pairs.
If either of the two criteria above is missing, your post will be deleted. This rule exists to reduce the number of repetitive “Help Me Find” posts, as a user will be able to search previously posted “Help Me Find” posts for the shoe they want.
Example Title: [HELP ME FIND] Jordan 1 High Chicago
Rule #5: Find Post Title Guidelines: [FIND] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name}
Okay, so you’re on WeChat, and a seller has posted a new product. You want to be the first one to post about it on Reddit, so you rush over and make the post. Great, pat yourself on the back. Just kidding. Don’t just stop there - put some thought into the post. How does this new find compare to other products on the market? Do they have potential? You don’t have to be an expert QCer, but give your general thoughts. In short, were these worth finding? The hope is that with this general subreddit policy, it will encourage people to post high-quality finds and reduce clutter from low-tier finds that don’t add much to the group.
Additionally, there has been an increase in posts from Seller Accounts and Redditors collaborating with sellers. This group does not exist to be a seller billboard or onslaught of promotional ads. If you repeatedly spam low-quality finds on the group, you will be banned. Sellers must message the moderator team prior to posting to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship between the subreddit and the sellers.
Rule #6: Be Respectful of One Another
Please be nice and courteous to one another. All rules of Reddiquette apply. Your membership in this subreddit is contingent upon your overall Reddit activity, not just limited to this subreddit. To put explicitly, this includes but is not limited to: harassing or disrespecting others in other subreddits, posting hate speech of any kind, or spreading misinformation. Any violation of this will result in the banning of your account and any alternate accounts you may be known to have!
Rule #7: No Cussing
In line with the previous rule, no cussing on the sub, please. Often, on the rep subs, the only time people are cussing is to insult one another, spread misinformation, or speak illy in general. For this reason, an AutoMod is in place that will regulate posts and comments on the sub. Your post/comment will be deleted and you will receive a message alerting you if this happens. Bonus: Mr. Frosty can't post or comment without some sort of explicit language, so this simple rule (and the accompanying AutoMod) keeps the sub safe
Rule #8: Support Your Statements with Evidence
Essentially, cite your source. Let's avoid being like other rep subs where people make up rumors or decide their opinions without any research or evidence.
If you comment saying a batch is the best or better than what has been posted, show us why. Link reference posts, rep vs retails, QCs, etc. Show, rather than tell, us why what you're saying is correct. If your statement is a good one, this shouldn't be difficult. As above, don't default to name calling if you can't support your statement. It is okay to have a well-informed opinion - it is not okay to have an uneducated opinion that you spread as fact.
If you run into issues with a member or members in the group that are not participating in this group norm, please tag a mod, and the situation will be handled accordingly.
If you are a member who is frequently participating in the group without doing the appropriate research, spreading objectively false information as shown from prior reference posts, or spreading newbie misconceptions even after being informed otherwise, you may be removed from the group. The spread of misinformation is not allowed in this group. This statement will be specifically referenced in your ban message if you are banned from the group, and ask why.
Rule #9: No Price Bashing Without Explanation
Price bashing comments without an explanation are not allowed in this group. If you are going to comment on a replica product that you believe is overpriced, include reasoning with an explanation, otherwise, you risk being permanently banned from the group. If there is a better or comparable batch, with an emphasis on comparable, drop the link. If you are simply going to complain about the price, please keep the unhelpful comment to yourself.
For people posting the pricier purchases, it may be helpful to leave a comment explaining why you chose to purchase that particular batch over others on the market. This typically helps dissuade lower-quality commenters as long as your reasoning is valid.
Rule #10: Discussion of Replica Packaging (boxes, tissue paper) or Passing Legit Check Apps is Frowned Upon
Discussion of replica packaging (boxes, tissue paper, shoe inserts) or asking if a shoe is able to pass Legit Checks/StockX/GOAT verification is frowned upon in the community. If you choose to wear replica products, that is your own choice. However, discussing topics that are IRRELEVANT to you wearing the shoe on your feet such as the above mentioned topics can result in a permanent ban from the group. There is no need for your replica to pass ACTUAL legit checks for you to wear them.
Rule #11: No User-to-User Selling Allowed
No user-to-user sales are allowed in the group. Do not attempt to sell your regretted purchases in the group. The group is not responsible for any sales done in the group between members against subreddit rules.
Rule #12: No Legit Checks
This is a group for replica sneakers purchased using agent avenues. This is not the place for legit checks or retail discussion outside of posting retail references.
Your Legit Check post will be deleted, and you will be temporarily banned from the group.
Rule #13: No Memes/"Fire Up the Rep Machines"/Interest Check Posts/WeChat Verification Posts
This group aims to be a research-focused subreddit. It prides itself on providing the most objective information possible. Please keep the memes or satire posts in other subs. This includes meme titles or captions such as "how fast do I need to walk" or "fire up the rep machines." These posts add little to no value and are often unoriginal anyway.
Any use of meme titles will result in a 14-day temp ban as previously announced, as will repeated infractions of posting other memes.
I understand that you may want your WeChat verified in order to communicate with sellers or see their WeChat Moments. Please utilize your own personal network to get your WeChat verified. If that fails and you have no other options, there are other subs for WeChat Verifications. Please do not make these posts here.
Your WeChat Verification request post will be deleted, and you will be temporarily banned from the group for 5 days.
Rule #14: Weidian Sellers - Reach out to the Moderator Team BEFORE Posting
As the group grows, more and more Weidian sellers would like to enter our community in order to interact with customers more closely. In order to ensure that each seller can provide useful content to the group, and not useless advertisements, please contact the moderator team through Mod Mail to discuss next steps. In your message, include the link to your Weidian store and your WeChat ID. Failure to do so will result in the permanent ban of your account and Weidian store from the group.
RepWeidianSneakers x Seller Cooperation Guidelines outlines all guidelines for sellers in this group to adhere to in order to interact with the community.
In short, you will be asked to:
- Avoid promotional ads that do not help the group learn more about a product. Posts that are allowed are replica vs retail comparisons, batch comparisons, stock information, and "New Find" posts for products that either: have not been posted yet or are cheaper in your store than the previously posted Find post.
- Collaborate with the moderator on popular posts or reviews that would benefit the group. The seller and the moderator will be in frequent communication regarding the needs of the group, and how the seller can be a positive member in the community.
- Host giveaways for the group are an option if sellers want to go above and beyond to gain the good spirits of community members.
- Sellers cannot make fake accounts to upvote their own posts, post fake QCs, or downvote other sellers. Sellers also cannot block community members that offer valid criticisms on their posts, such as commenting on low-quality or overpriced products. The moderator will handle these situations to ensure the actions done are fair on all sides. Making fake accounts will result in a permanent ban and blacklisting from the group. Do not do it.
Rule #15: No Seller Ads
Self-explanatory. This especially applies to lost middlemen posting their fake QCs to try to gain business. If you are a member and see this, please report the post. If a post receives enough reports, it is automatically removed and sent to the mod queue. This helps keep the group clean through community effort.

Lastly, this Group is Not Meant to Be a Direct Line to u/poncecatchemall
Please reference his guides and resources (to be updated in the near future) for answers to most commonly asked questions. He does not read chats asking repetitive questions, and mod mail is not meant to be used to ask specifically him questions, so do not use it for that purpose.

Thank you in advance to everyone for following the sub rules and for keeping this sub a great, high-quality sub to be a part of. If there are any rule addition recommendations, we are always open to suggestions.
submitted by poncecatchemall to repweidiansneakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 SaitamaFTW1337 Got paper cuhz

Got paper cuhz
I need more of these!! Less Costco and Home Depot combined crapola!
submitted by SaitamaFTW1337 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 egekhter UX: GenAI + print-on-demand

I just finished programming version 1.0 of genaiwear.com, an e-commerce brand that makes it fun and easy to design and print custom t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and more.
We bridge the ease of using prompts to generate one-of-a-kind images quickly with high-quality products.
I believe GenAI Wear is the easiest and fastest way to create a memorable custom product, with a UX that has unique features and is enjoyable to use.
The website is both mobile and desktop friendly.
I just ordered my first t-shirt this week and can't wait for it to arrive.
submitted by egekhter to ClothingStartups [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:46 figure_sk8 Safe House (GMMTV) Day 6 Summary/Rough Translation [Potential Spoilers]

Hi everyone,
Here's the summary for Day 6 of Safe House. This one was also short enough to fit the whole day into one post. Hope you enjoy!
Video 1 Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/Bj2-lxkbG1U?feature=shared
Video 2 Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/L8FBOxlJoQA?feature=shared
Video 3 Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/3wNDiAP2Zbg?feature=shared
Video 4 Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/W909YEhhqUc?feature=shared
submitted by figure_sk8 to ThaiBL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:37 Cakemixr Margaret Howell x Mizuno

Margaret Howell x Mizuno
Does anyone know where I might find this Margaret Howell Mizuno collab pair? It's hard to find much infotablit them as I think they were a Japan only release from a few years ago. It seems they're called the M-Line Special Order, but I've also seen them called MR1.
submitted by Cakemixr to moresneakers [link] [comments]


Hey all! Got a great sale :)! All shoes are $100 or less, making this the biggest sale I've ever had! Most shoes have discounts of at least $15, if not even more!
Plus they're brand new and deadstock. Doesn't get better than that!
With the status of agents in limbo, get these for a great price and fast domestic shipping!
CURRENT VOUCH THREAD: https://www.reddit.com/RepVouch/comments/ntvbpw/usaca312_part_3/
• • •


I have a certain process with shoe orders to best serve you, the consumer. The following is a breakdown of important things to note:
1.) ÅJ1 x UN!0N BL@ĆK TOE
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5.) ÅJ1 x T$ OG L0W M0CHǍ


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That is all for what I have! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
If you ever encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via PM or chat. I'll do my best to resolve them for you. If anything falls short of your expectations, please send me a message, as I'm committed to ensuring your satisfaction with your purchase. However, please understand that certain factors like shipping delays are beyond my control, and I won't be able to provide refunds in those cases. Your satisfaction with your purchase is my top priority!
Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for taking the time to browse through my items. If you're interested, feel free to PM, chat, or comment!
submitted by Saca312 to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:36 Critical999Thought Laser Cannon

so i love this weapon, never need to reload it, can do decentish damage, but with the recent major order i'm struggling with it, the thing is, i dont know how to use it vs chargers and bile titans,
the charger: the only part i can damage is the back soft belly part, but it takes painfully long since i was once in a 1vs1 situation with one, and i was about to just quit the fight because it took me that long
bile titans: outside in destroying the 2 sacks underneath, can it do any other damage at all to it?
LC is so fun to use, and the fact you have a free backpack space is sweet also. i always pair it with armor destroying strats like the railcannon strat, and the 500kg just to have something that destroys armor, only thing is railcannon has a painfully long CD.
submitted by Critical999Thought to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:36 Cakemixr Margaret Howell x Mizuno

Margaret Howell x Mizuno
Does anyone know where I might find this Margaret Howell Mizuno collab pair? It's hard to find much infotablit them as I think they were a Japan only release from a few years ago. It seems they're called the M-Line Special Order, but I've also seen them called MR1.
submitted by Cakemixr to Sneakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:29 mrapoka What upgrades are a must have?

Hello there. I'm the proud owner of a 1YO ender 3 v1, and have been obsessed about it since I got it. It's really satisfying to be able to create things out of nothing but a spool of filament.
Anyway... So far I got myself a few mods such as a generic BL touch, silicone spacers for the heatbed and a Satsana cooling duct. Right now I'm also printing belt tensioners and a drawer to optimize space.
One thing that I really thing that could improve is the printing speed. Anytime I tried to print something faster than 50-60 mm/s, my prints would end up awful, riddled with underextrusion and delamination on the outer walls. Therefore I ask what are some recommended (and cheap if possible, LATAM) upgrades that I could do on my printer in order to print faster?
I've done some research about it but couldn't really come to a conclusion as to what would get me to print faster. Maybe using Klipper instead of marlin, getting a better hotend, converting to direct drive, using linear rails and getting an all-metal extruder kit... It's just overwhelming to look at all of it.
BTW I tried upgrading my extruder to an all-metal one when I first got my printer, but couldn't do it because the extruder stepper motor shaft wasn't compatible with the improved gear. In the end I just returned it.
submitted by mrapoka to ender3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:15 Jealous-Rice1293 Martín wants to "close his future soon" and Márquez is "very calm"

Article: https://es.motorsport.com/motogp/news/martin-cerrar-pronto-futuro-marquez-tranquilo/10618895/
While on Thursday everything pointed to Jorge Martín being the rider chosen by Ducati to partner Pecco Bagnaia in the factory team, on Sunday the sensations had changed slightly.
The publication of an Italian newspaper on Thursday claiming that Ducati had "chosen" Jorge Martin for the factory 2025 team and "expected" Marc Marquez to go to Pramac, set the Italian Grand Prix weekend ablaze in the media, especially when the current Gresini rider closed any possibility of switching from one satellite team to another: "It's not an option for me", in reference to riding with Pramac.
With no official confirmation, the riders tried to improve their cards on track. Martín took pole position on Saturday, but in the Sprint race Márquez overtook him, finishing on the podium as the Spaniard crashed out. This Sunday, Jorge rode a very solid race, but at the last minute he made a mistake and left an open door through which Enea Bastianini overtook him, completing a Ducati double, with Pecco Bagnaia, which was celebrated in style in a Mugello packed with fans as not seen since the days of Valentino Rossi.
In the afternoon, after the Italian GP race, Martin attended the microphones of DAZN, the platform that has the rights to MotoGP in Spain, as he always does.
In that appearance Jorge was asked if the rumours and questions surrounding his future and the news that he was the rider chosen by Ducati to join Pecco Bagnaia in 2025, could have affected him.
The Spaniard said no, but did admit that he did not want to go through that again at the upcoming Dutch Grand Prix, the last weekend in June.
"It has been a difficult weekend off track, but I think we have managed it well. And I hope to finally solve my future this week, if not next week. But arriving at Assen with a clear head will be important and with clear ideas, and hopefully with a signature on paper so I won't be thinking about these things".
Later, after the official podium press conference, in which Martín shared the stage with the pair of official Ducati riders, Bagnaia and Bastianini, the Spaniard spoke to the media in a 'huddle', where he was asked, among other things, if it was important to stop Pecco's streak (victory in Barcelona and Italy) with a view to Assen, in order to preserve the World Championship lead.
"We'll see what happens at Assen, but right now the main thing for me is to close my future," said the Pramac rider. "This weekend has been difficult, I have not been able to be 100% focused on riding and I don't feel comfortable with this situation. So my idea is to finish defining what will happen with this situation".
Martin's message on Sunday had nothing to do with the optimism with which he arrived at Mugello on Thursday, with the 'news' that he was the chosen one to go to the official Ducati next year.
"No idea, to be honest. Tomorrow we'll keep moving forward. I wanted to put it on hold for a bit this weekend so I don't keep thinking about it. But all the information that comes to you affects your subconscious and I suffered, on Friday a lot, on Saturday less and today I was calm and when you're calm the results come".
Motorsport.com asked Jorge about his statement on television, when he said he planned to "sign the papers" and whether he expected that paper to carry the Ducati letterhead.
"I don't know, I don't know, in the end we'll see what happens and what is best for us".
A subject that on Thursday seemed closed and that now seems completely open.
"It's still the same, with the same options", although on Thursday Martin was happy, this Sunday not so much. "Nothing has changed, the same options as on Thursday and I'm still just as happy, just the same," said the #89 rider.
For his part, Márquez, when asked about Martin's words and whether he thought the balance had shifted over the weekend, put on a poker face and maintained his position. "I still have very clear ideas and I'm very calm," said the #93 rider.
submitted by Jealous-Rice1293 to motogp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:05 Jcb112 Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School (82/?)

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“Is that a threat?” I countered plainly, simply, and with my hand brushing against the back of my pistol.
“No, newrealmer.” The apprentice replied with a nonchalant, conversational tone of voice, having dropped that momentary rise in intensity. “I am merely referring to this little mixer. Which, I believe, I should allow you to get back to. But just be warned, it would be wise to heed my words. Though I highly doubt this will be the last you’ll be hearing of this, as perhaps clarification will be needed to address exactly what is and isn’t acceptable and tolerable. Then again, I doubt even that will be my purview. Oh well…” The apprentice shrugged, cutting himself off and removing the little blanket of darkness before he could get into another one of his long-winded tirades.
The darkness disappeared as abruptly as it’d arrived. Moreover, if the sensor readings didn’t already make it clear, it was now very much evident to me that the shadowy bubble I’d been thrust into wasn’t some kind of portal or spatial anomaly, but a careful manipulation of light; separating our small space from the rest of the gathered crowd. A crowd which, much to my surprise, didn’t seem at all fazed by the scene. If anything, the sudden and inexplicable appearance of the apprentice seemed to only result in the expected nods of respect, and bows of deference.
No words were exchanged between the shadowy apprentice and the gathered group. Instead, only a glare and a nod of respectful warning was given; generating an immediate shift in the atmosphere.
A vibe that immediately read as: Tread Lightly.
Silence permeated the immediate aftermath of that encounter. Whilst concern over the apprentice’s actions brewed inside of me, forcing me to consider the implications of this first open attempt at information control, and more worryingly… if he was acting on his own volition or at someone else’s standing orders.
However, despite the general submission to the apprentice’s presence and the unspoken warnings toward the group as a whole, the mileage by which the warning was taken… varied considerably.
The tortle-like-turtle, along with the rest of his group and some scattered compatriots, simply left.
Ladona and a few others remained there for a second longer, before likewise breaking course, returning back to Auris Ping and the rest of their group.
Etholin and the group of crocodiles however, whilst relatively unnerved and cautious, actually took a few steps towards me.
“Well then.” The orange and yellow Viscount Gumigo broke the silence first. “You, newrealmer, are now officially on our sight-map.” He spoke in a manner that because of his cocksure and gung-ho demeanor, made it difficult to determine if that was a particularly good, or a particularly bad thing. Though the fact he also left quickly after saying that, probably implied the sentiment lay somewhere in between.
“We'll have our eyes on you.” One of the crocodiles spoke, using two of his three fingers to point towards his eyes, before shooting them back towards me.
“And our ears too!” The smallest crocodile yapped through a confident grin, before just as quickly bolting off.
This left only the small ferret as the last one standing, as he once more craned his head up higher and higher, just to meet my eyes.
“T-the offer from before still stands, earthrealmer.” Etholin began, generating a brief instance of a privacy screen around us. “The offer to parlay that is. W-with the added caveat of guaranteed discretion on my part.” The ferret’s mild-mannered demeanor remained all throughout, even as he tried his best to infer something other than skittish nervousness through his words. “You were leading towards something, a topic which… while admittedly taboo and borderline preposterous, entering the realm of absurdity, is one that I very much wish to hear more of. Will you walk with me, Emma Booker?” The ferret gestured towards the second nook. “We don't have much time before the end of this mixer, after all.”
I nodded cautiously, prompting the ferret’s privacy screen to grow stronger with mana radiation, a confirmation that these things did take more effort to maintain when in motion.
“I’m flattered they even bothered to entertain my explanations in that case.” I offered, trying to keep the conversation rolling as it naturally veered towards one of the points I wanted to touch on; gauging the crowd from earlier using Etholin’s insight. “After all, it would’ve been much easier to simply disengage and disregard, rather than to engage and actively humor my points.”
“Indeed. Though this perhaps due in no small part to the… unconventional and daring plays of your vastly inferior hand.” The ferret paused, before quickly correcting himself just as we arrived at the third nook. “I… I meant no disrespect with that of course!”
“No offense taken, at least not at this junction, Lord Esila.” I offered with a sigh, urging him to continue.
“A newrelamer’s deck is often composed of cards stacked against their favor from the moment they step into the nest of intrigue that is the Academy. Your… unique predispositions, whilst seemingly a handicap, have been overshadowed by your peers’ classroom performance in the form of your current points, and most notable of all… your library card. Whilst the former is subject to the whims of the academic game, the latter… has become a foundational cornerstone to your lore. This, amongst a few other rumors and whispers, has forced the student body to reassess its stance on what would otherwise be an easily-dismissed existence. Indeed I… applaud your risk-taking maneuvers during that fateful assembly. Though I can imagine it did not come without its price.”
That latter, almost ominous statement, immediately put me in mind of Auris and the resultant cold war stemming from our two fates that’d become inexplicably linked after that assembly fiasco.
A pause quickly punctuated the scene, with Etholin looking up expectantly, as I took a moment to get a closer look at the third nook and all of its magically-derived shenanigans; namely the battle-lines now drawn into what appeared to be a fully actualized, highly-rendered battlemap, and miniatures of several towns and cities scattered across it.
“All decisions have their prices, Lord Esila.” I offered earnestly, just as the lines in whatever magical RTS game happening in the background behind him were shifting. “Indeed, as much as I appreciate your insight on this matter, this does raise the question—”
“You backstabbed my third guard unit, Lord Etale!”
“Well, YOU lied to me about the shipment of grain, Lady Evrail!”
I paused, momentarily distracted by the drama quickly manifesting in the background.
“—why exactly do you seem to be more invested in me than most? Now, I’m not saying I’m not appreciative of course. I genuinely, and wholeheartedly, wish to form more bonds amidst an… in your own words — nest of intrigue. However, I am merely curious.”
“Perhaps I see this as a risk worth taking, Cadet Emma Booker.” He offered with a twitch of his ears. “Perhaps, I see that the benefits of discussing matters, of forming at the very least a working relationship, is now worth the potential risks following your elevation from a mere newrealmer, to a potential player in the game.”
A momentary silence once more descended following that answer, as I paused to ponder the sincerity behind the ferret’s voice, amidst the growing chaos and rapidly deteriorating battle-lines of the game behind him; towering high-rises and windmills alike, crumbling amidst a barrage of tiny magical missiles hurled to the tune of tiny mana radiation signatures.
However, just before I could formulate an answer, a series of bells suddenly sounded above us, eliciting the attention of not just me and my gathered audience, but the rest of the room as well.
It was around this time that the musical ensemble from one of the nooks came forward, carried aloft on a floating invisible platform, as the ‘MC’ began addressing everyone in the room. “Princes and Princesses, Lords and Ladies… newrealmer… may I have your attention, please! The time for dinner has arrived! As a result, it would be our pleasure once again to serenade the end of today’s mixer.” The ‘MC’ quickly turned towards the only other noble on stage, who just as quickly began performing.
The question of just how a singular person would be able to play a quartet’s worth of instruments quickly became clear, as disembodied white-gloved hands manifested out of nowhere, and began playing a sharp and whimsical tune.
“It stands to reason that perhaps fate has deemed our conversation stops here, at least for now, Cadet Emma Booker.” Etholin offered.
“There’s more you wanted to touch base on?”
“Y-yes. There is a proposition I wish to pose to you, on the matter of this weekend’s sojourn into Elaseer, and on another matter more pertinent to your time here within the Academy and its many, many factions.”
So that’s what his angle is?
“If it’s a simple nonbinding talk, then sure. Maybe tomorrow after class? Or maybe after Friday’s PE class? As long as nothing else comes up of course.”
“Those are indeed acceptable time frames, Cadet Emma Booker.” Etholin nodded deeply, before taking a few careful steps back. “Till we meet again.”
The sun had begun setting at this point, and as the music prepared to draw to a close, so too did everyone’s formerly talkative spirits.
The wrap-up process was somber, and was rather distinct for each of the little nooks within the lounge. The first nook, with Ilunor and Rostario, seemed to be tallying up some sort of a scoreboard that floated in mid air, far above the reaches of the pair’s short little arms.
The second nook however seemed to be dealing with a lot of cleanup work, as the animated paper birds, dragons, gryphons, and dragon-wyvern-gryphon hybrids were practically torn to shreds by the end of it. Whatever animated battle had transpired, I was apparently not privy to. But I made an immediate mental note to both myself and the EVI to focus on that nook the next time around.
The third nook, the one I’d seen towards the tail end of the mixer, was my main fixation at this point however; as the students here seemed to be tallying and wrapping up what was effectively a magically actualized version of a hybrid between a real-time strategy and a table-top roleplaying game. Except instead of holograms, they dealt with fully autonomous physical miniatures, small representations of anything from your archetypal knight to what looked to be a heavily armored… dare I say it, renaissance looking APC… if that was even a thing. I tended to stay away from fusion fantasy stories, being known as a stickler for minimally invasive crossover settings, so I’d need to look this over with the EVI after work was done. Many of the miniatures however lie in tatters, mauled and torn apart across the mini battlefield. But just like the second nook, this mess didn’t seem to be a problem; a series of magical spells restored every model back to their original condition.
Though following the cleanup, I’d expected the tensions from earlier to spiral into some form of a duel. Similar to how Ilunor and Rostario had seemingly been riled up from what amounted to a minor confrontation.
This, surprisingly, didn’t happen. Instead, and much to my surprise, the group just ended up shaking hands in a surprising display of sportsmanship.
But while the first three nooks were rather straightforward, the fourth nook… I just couldn’t comprehend. Their incantations of darkness seemed to have brought about some sickening creature that disintegrated into what I could only describe as liquid shadow following the call for dinner.
Which left only the fifth nook, who were essentially already packed up, with their musical instruments disappearing either into a burst of smoke or into a small dimensional rift-in-the-wall.
That, I’d need to investigate down the line.
For now however, I turned towards the exit, towards the animated painting that had acted as the entryway to the space. One that had now just given up on all pretenses and opened up like a traditional door; exactly as I recalled it on the night of the warehouse explosion.
“So much for all the magical effort that goes into entering the place.” I groaned out, as I regrouped with the rest of the party, but not before Ilunor turned around for one final jab at the hamster.
“You’re a guinea pig, Prince Rostarion!” He seethed, before seemingly out of nowhere, pulling a fruit that looked like a cross between a pineapple and a cantaloup out of his cloak. At which point, he lobbed it, directly towards the hamster who deflected it with a flick of his wrist.
This led to what amounted to an impromptu tennis match that followed us from the lounge, into the halls, and even all the way down the stairs, before it finally came to an end at the end of an upper yearsman’s wand. At which point, a few words were exchanged, and the pineapple found itself floating and following the Vunerian down and into the dining hall. It seemed to get closer and closer to his head, only halted when he turned around to glare at it.
“I… I don’t understand what’s going on anymore, Ilunor.” I offered in an exasperated breath.
“It’s humor, earthrealmer.” The Vunerian responded somehow pridefully, yet defeatedly at the same time. “You wouldn’t understand.”

Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30, Living Room. Local Time: 2000 Hours.
“So what do you make of it?” I asked the gang after more or less divulging the entirety of my encounters during the little ‘mixer’, now that we’d plopped ourselves down on the couch, with a cone of silence deployed for good measure.
“Lady Ladona was attempting to assert some level of social dominance and intimidation.” Thacea began, taking a sip of some tea she’d ordered in from dinner. “Whether or not that is at the behest of Lord Ping’s request, or one committed on her own volition, does not detract from the fact that her actions are invariably representative of her peer group.”
“To which Emma responded in the best way possible.” Thalmin offered with a snarky grin. “Care to revisit that moment you stood your ground against her on your memory shard again, Emma?”
“I’m afraid I have to insist on moving forward with the conversation, Thalmin.” Thacea countered, prompting the lupinor to hold back and to simply shrug, urging the avinor to continue.
“The rest of the crowd seemed… as you pointed out to Lord Esila, surprisingly accommodating all things considered. Though it’s the encounter with Apprentice Arlan Ostoy that I am most worried about.”
“As am I.” I offered, prompting both of us to stare intently in deep thought.
“The man is obviously trying to halt the divulgence of hard evidence to your manaless existence.” Thalmin offered.
“But the enforcement aspect of it is nebulous at best.” Ilunor chimed in. “I believe you will see further expansion upon this warning sooner rather than later. For now I believe it would be best if we heeded those warnings, especially considering the delicate situation we are already embroiled in.”
I took a moment to take all of that advice in, pausing to consider my next course of action with that particular development.
Exhaustion certainly wasn’t something I’d expected to feel this early on in the night. This was especially true when considering that all that had transpired was what amounted to a small social gathering.
Though as my time with the Director had taught me, ‘parties’, and ‘social events’ were two very distinct things. With the latter being less of a party and more of a thinly veiled networking expo disguised under layers of booze, food, and whatever shiny distractions your budget could afford.
But while the social mixer seemed to have opportunities for those to pursue their hobbies, namely in the little nooks… the social event aspect of it was definitely still there. And as a result, it was still something I desperately wanted to recover from.
Though given my track record…
“INFIL-DRONE01a has returned-to-base, Cadet Booker.”
… I should’ve expected that work was going to rear back its ugly head somehow.
Moreover, this was all part of the plan, after all.
The expected downturn in activity was expectedly replaced with the anxiety-inducing apprehension of what was to come.
“Alright.” I announced, both towards the EVI, and outwardly towards the rest of the gang. “The spy drone’s back. Are you guys ready to see what’s on it?”
A series of nods quickly followed, with all eyes averting from the dragon-fly like drone currently docking itself back into my suit.
I held my breath as the data began its tentative upload, a nagging feeling coiling from the back of my spine urged me to prepare for the worst.
“Alert. Probability of stealth compromisation and discovery at 50.27%. Isolate and play moment of stealth parameter endangerment?”
And I just about let loose the largest sigh of internalized stress I’ve released over the past 48 hours.
This clearly brought on the attention of the rest of the group, as each of them leaned closer towards me.
“There’s a near fifty-fifty chance we’ve been found out.” I explained bluntly. “But there’s only one way to find out.” I quickly began setting up the tablet and its on-board projector, flipping it on its kickstand as the recorded footage started playing, zeroing in on the exact instance of mission endangerment.
The footage revealed what appeared to be the same blank void from my long-winded journey towards the man’s office. The blank unrendered walls, the shadowless bright white fixtures, and the floatiness of it all, made it clear exactly where we were.
“At least we’re headed towards Mal’tory’s office.” I offered with a half-hearted laugh.
However, as the footage continued, it quickly became clear to all of us that it wasn’t just the apprentice that was on the prowl towards the black robed professor’s offices.
In fact, as the camera panned up, it became readily apparent exactly who had triggered the stealth alarm.
As it became undeniably clear that the armorer of all people, was now side-eying the drone, cocking his head if only so slightly in the direction of its flightpath.
Throughout all of this however, the apprentice remained locked in her own little world, as she continued talking about subject matters not particularly important, most of which simply related to the class and the more mundane aspects of teaching.
“This is bad.” Thalmin managed out first, sinking the bottom half of his face into his hands.
However, just as those words were uttered, so too did the footage reveal something… peculiar about Sorecar’s unfettering gaze.
He winked.
Or at least, in his own little way, as a gleam of light reminiscent of a lens flare emanated from the left visor currently in view of the drone.
All four of us just about lost it at that point.
As Thacea turned towards me expectedly, looking up at me as if I had the answers.
“I… I’m guessing… I mean… He’s perceptive, I’ll give him that. He’s doing something none of the professors could do so far. Heck, not even the apprentice seems to notice. But that wink… I guess…” I paused, before turning towards the EVI. “EVI, any other instances of potential discovery?”
“Negative, Cadet Booker. This is the only recorded instance that surpasses the tolerable threshold.”
I took a moment to sink into the armor. “Well, this seems to be the only instance the drone caught anyone or anything else staring directly at it.” I explained to the group. “Moreover, there were no instances in which Sorecar actually notified the apprentice about this it seems.” I continued, once more reviewing the EVI’s risk of discovery reports.
“The man seems to be somewhat endeared to you, Emma.” Thacea reasoned.
“Yeah… funny the way things turn out, huh?” I offered, before scrolling towards the start of the mission proper, and began playing.
Everyone now became intently focused on the long stretches of silence as the apprentice and professor duo made their way from the class and towards the dark and imposing double doors of Mal’tory’s office.
It was here however, that the first words from the apprentice directly referencing the man were finally spoken.
“Well here we are.” Larial spoke through a tired sigh.
“The office of the great man himself.” Sorecar chuckled darkly, crossing his arms in the process. “Well go on then. Be my guest, Apprentice.”
To which the apprentice nodded, but instead of simply opening the door… she grabbed what appeared to be a small notebook, turning to a page stamped entirely with seals and runes. She took a few steps forward, holding the book up, and outstretching her other hand in what amounted to the most archetypal image of a mage casting a spell I could ever dream up. “Ars la tal te al…” She mumbled in rapid succession, looking visibly silly without my drone’s ability to pick up manastreams due to its limited onboard sensors, and thus giving the gang a small slice of what it was like to see the world through my eyes.
These mumblings however eventually resulted in the doors creaking open, slowly, but surely, and with great strain, being pushed inwards by an unseen force.
“That wasn’t an Academy spell.” Sorecar noted accusingly.
“No, it wasn’t.” Larial acknowledged cryptically, pocketing the book and stowing it away.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Apprentice.” The armorer spoke with a hint of ominous foreboding, visibly hesitant to cross the threshold and into Mal’tory’s office.
“I’m merely carrying out my duties, and the last I checked, those who carry out their duties are impervious to the ministrations of the games fought amongst the issuers of said duties.”
“You see the world in black and white, Apprentice; a fatal misstep once one enters the throes of the game. And the longer you remain in this rat race, the sooner you will come to realize that you must pick a side. Lest you become a liability, or worse, be an intolerable threat to be dealt with.” Those words carried with it what seemed to be a genuine sense of care and concern. Though dour and colored with a severity I hadn’t seen from the armorer so far. Part of me even felt like he could be speaking from experience.
The apprentice only paused for a few seconds, her whole body freezing for a moment as if considering the very real looming threats.
However, no sooner did that realization come did it also dissipate, as she let out a sigh, before pulling out a monocle from beneath her cloak. “You speak as if I have a choice, Professor. Where in reality, the only choice I have is to resign or to obey. In which case, I have little choice at all.” Larial’s eyes wavered as she said that, if only for a moment. “My choice was made the moment I left the crownlands. Moreover, I try my best to see the light in this dire situation. I still see this responsibility as an opportunity for me to also work for myself.”
“So you do have aspirations for the black-robed position.” The professor surmised.
“No. Not particularly anyways. No, what I meant by my personal responsibilities… is a debt that I must uphold.”
“A life debt, perchance?” The professor reasoned, prompting the apprentice to once more pause.
“A debt is a debt, which must be paid in full all the same.” She reasoned, before once more urging the man across the threshold.
Sorecar did so with a nervous hop, as if preempting some sort of trap which never came.
It was at this point that the pair became silent, as if in awe of the room they were now standing in.
Everything about it… was exactly the same as it was on that fateful night. From the dark and moody bookshelves that lined most of the walls, to the somber and almost mournful pieces of art, furniture, and knick-knacks that looked eerily fluid this time around.
Moreover, the centerpiece of the whole room, that anatomical live-model of a dragon, remained exactly as it was.
And even now… I could swear that its eyes were staring at the sole occupants of the room, in a permanent expression of shock and dread.
“I assume you’ve never been in the prime iteration of the man’s offices before.” Sorecar reasoned, his gait becoming paradoxically more confident, whilst Larial’s became more and more nervous.
“No. It would seem not.” She expressed through a tentative breath, closing the doors behind them, before going over practically every nook and cranny in the room with both her eyes, and a flight of magical gloved hands. “It would seem as if he didn’t trust me enough to allow me entry into his true domain.”
“Understandable.” Sorecar shrugged. “But that begs the question, exactly how did you come across that seal-breaker?”
“As I said before, Professor. I’ve been assigned this responsibility by three authorities simultaneously.”
“Let’s see… the weak-willed young Vanavan?”
“Yes.” The apprentice nodded, now kneeling in front of the chair I’d broken out of half a week ago.
“And the Dean as well, I imagine?”
“Correct.” She nodded again, this time placing her hand over top of the damaged chair, as if inspecting it for signs of tampering.
“And the third, the only one with the key to the prime iteration of the black-robed professor's offices… I assume this is a third party?”
The apprentice finally paused at that latter question, though it wasn’t clear if it was because she discovered something about the chair, or was more concerned about the question itself.
“Yes.” She finally responded after a tentative few seconds, moving over towards the back of Mal’tory’s desk.
“Am I correct to assume then, that this mysterious third party is some young and aspiring member of the inner guard? A Captain perhaps? Maybe even a Major?”
“I am not at liberty to discuss the nature of my superiors, Professor.” Larial concluded sternly, placing both of her hands atop of Mal’tory’s desk.
“But you just did.” Sorecar shot back with a tone of voice that could only be described as amused and cocky.
“I did so in the hopes of appeasing your curiosities, professor, to the point where perhaps you would be satisfied with two answers out of a total of three.” The apprentice responded with a hard sigh.
“And you just so happened to have chosen to stop at the mystery individual because that was perhaps the juiciest insight out of all three?”
“I stopped because that just so happens to be the third question on your roster, professor. Now please, I need a moment of concentration.”
“Apologies, apprentice.” The man craned his head down in a show of apologetics.
The silence finally prompted Larial to bring out what looked to be a bespoke, intricately crafted, and fancifully adorned magnifying glass. One that was tastefully sized, and looked genuinely cool to hold with its cherry-oak handle and its gold and silver decals. I would’ve killed to have something like that commissioned out-of-pocket for a Victorian steampunk cosplay. This, coupled with the monocle she had put on not a few moments prior, gave an almost period-appropriate air of some Sherlock Holmes flick; vibing quite well with the room’s Victorian aesthetic.
Even Sorecar of all people seemed to fit weirdly well, as some sort of an eccentric overly curious sidekick to the serious and strait-laced Detective Larial. These dynamic duo vibes would be further tested, as Sorecar continued pushing on his previous talking points. “Though, forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds here… but I do assume that the seal on your notebook belongs to the inner guard. Dare I say it, it reminds me of a sub-order within the guard, the Beholders of His Eternal Majesty, to be precise.”
“And what makes you think that, professor?” Larial shot back curiously, cocking her head, but still completely engrossed in whatever it was she was eyeing through that magnifying glass.
“This room we’re in.” Sorecar gestured aggressively. “This is its prime iteration, the real deal, the actual room, not a tertiary, let alone a secondary decoy to be accessed by a lesser seal or an attempt at physical trespassing. Now, for any other office within the castle walls, that access could easily be explained through the utilization of the Dean’s seal. But for a black robed professor’s office? Well… you know as well as I, that no academic authority can grant you access into what is effectively the crownlands’ consulate. I know for a fact, that the last time I entered a black-robed professor’s office with the Dean’s Seal, all I saw was the most unconvincing facsimile of the prime iteration.”
“I forget sometimes that you were once perhaps an apprentice as well, professor.”
This attempt to connect with the apprentice through personal anecdotes seemed to work for a little bit, before something caused the warmth from the apprentice’s face to fade entirely.
“What is it?” Sorecar urged, noticing the radical shift in their back and forths.
No sooner was that question raised did an audible CLICK soon follow, and the sound of a desk drawer opening filled the stale and stagnant air soon after.
From there, the now-silent apprentice cautiously pulled up two items from the unlocked drawer using some sort of levitation spell; only one of which I recognized from that fateful day.
In one of her hands was the crystal ball I saw Mal’tory stowing away prior to our conversation.
And in the other, was a small notebook bound in bright green leather, one that prompted Ilunor’s eyes to grow wide with worry.
“I believe I have found the last instance of the professor’s personal correspondence to the crownlands.” She spoke, placing the crystal ball down on the professor’s desk. “And I also believe, I have found exactly what our dear Dean, and indeed… my third party is looking for.” She placed the notebook on the table. “A list… containing a number of books marked as recommended reading material for the studious student… all to be issued not by the school’s library, but the Library.”
“None of those books are on the course’s recommended reading material list, I imagine.” Sorecar responded darkly and facetiously.
“No. Not a single one, professor. Which can only mean one thing.”
"We found The Library's burned catalog."
First Previous Next

(Author’s Note: Apprentice Arlan Ostoy, the shadow-obscured apprentice, seems to be rather serious in his attempts at obfuscating the truth! We'll just have to see how that plays out haha. However, in spite of that, we see Etholin's interests in Emma growing, as he speaks frankly with her on several matters, and Emma finally confronts him about just why he seems to be so eager to talk to her despite the taboo nature of her very existence! We also see exactly what the five nooks in the student lounge are up to, as I've always wanted to give the magical world just a little bit more whimsy and a lived in sort of vibe with these things happening all around Emma, and just demonstrating that there is indeed multiple stories and characters just living their own lives outside of Emma's story! That's the sort of vibe that I always love and that I hope I'm able to capture with this haha. Also, most importantly, we start to see the footage gathered from Emma's snooping, as we get to see the nitty gritty of Larial's investigation on Mal'tory! I hope you guys enjoy! :D The next Two Chapters are already up on Patreon if you guys are interested in getting early access to future chapters!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 83 and Chapter 84 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:05 MOONDROP77 Credit Card Dispute (Birthday Cake Nightmare)

Credit Card Dispute (Birthday Cake Nightmare)
Hi all, I have been banking with CO (Capital One) for almost 14 years. My credit score is great and I have an outstanding history with CO. I have never had any need to file a dispute with CO until yesterday.
My daughter’s birthday was yesterday, and I got in touch with a local baker 2 months ago to try and order a custom birthday cake for her. I was very clear from the beginning about the design, colors, and theme of the party. I asked the baker several times if they could create a design that I had picked from Instagram which fit what we were looking for. The baker’s assistant assured me that they could create the exact cake we wanted, which was a 2-tiered cake with a custom cake topper. They told me the cost and other details, I made a deposit of about $55 to reserve our spot, and had until 2 weeks before the event to get back to the baker and finalize the guest numbers and the cake size. I got in touch with them as soon as I received the final RSVPs as we agreed upon so that we could finalize the flavor and I could pay the remainder of the balance which was about $214 with transaction fees! They charged my card, and right after that I started getting messages about where I got the original design and if I could have my cookie baker (I have a fantastic cookie artist who created matching cookies for the party to go with the cake, her work is beautiful) send them her stencils so that they could use them to create the design for the cake. I told them that my cookie baker does her cookies free hand without using any stencils. They said that it was ok and that they would find a solution. They sent me several other designs very different from what I had originally sent them, and then they told me that they could not create the fondant cake topper that they initially promised (they were going to charge $50 for this) and that they could create the topper out of cardboard!
I was so shocked and told them that I would not put cardboard on my daughter’s cake. We had over 30 guests including family and her school friends. We had reserved an indoor playground for the kids to play, ordered custom cookies, favors, pizza, and drinks for everyone and spent all the money for the party and the cake so my daughter could get the beautiful birthday cake that she wanted. Them offering to put a non-edible item on the cake was very upsetting. Still, since it was 2 weeks before the event, and I knew other places would not accept a custom cake order on such short notice, I decided to forget about the cake topper and just have them make the cake itself. After that, they sent me some other stencil designs to choose from, but none were close at all to what I had asked. I was very upset and annoyed, so I decided to change the cake’s design completely and sent them a simple cake covered in buttercream that just needed to have some basic piping techniques to create some simple flowers, etc. They again assured me that it was okay and that they would deliver the exact cake I had asked for.
Since the bakery was located over an hour away from us, we decided for them to deliver the cake for which I had to pay another $85. On Friday, the day before my daughter’s birthday, the driver brought the cake and put it on our foyer shoe closet and left immediately without me having the time to look at it. I brought the cake to the kitchen and immediately I noticed the very bold pink, yellow, and purple colors, poorly done one note piping all over, and the ugliest most basic fondant flowers I have ever seen on a cake. I am not a baker, but just like many other parents, we had to make birthday cakes for our daughter during the pandemic, and I can guarantee you that what my husband and I created then was much more visually appealing than the cake this baker had delivered. I could not believe that they could not pipe simple flowers or even match the colors to the photo I sent them with several color palette to make sure they kept the color according to our birthday theme.
Stressed out and panicked, I reached out to the person I was in touch with, took a couple of photos of the cake, and sent them to her. She said she was shocked that the baker had not followed the instructions and that, yes, the cake looks different, etc! She said she would get in touch with the baker to see what has happened and what they can do.
I waited anxiously for half an hour and I called to inquire about what had happened and why my 2 months of communication was not enough to stop them from creating such a hideous cake!
They told me that if I’m not happy with the cake I should take it to my local grocery store bakery and that they can redo the design (I did actually tried this and called them but both Costco and Wegman’s told me they cannot do this due to liability issues. They only redo the designs for cakes that were purchased from them). Then the baker told me to take the cake to her in the morning of my event so that she can redo it in 30 mins! I told her that I have other appointments in the morning and all the last minute stuff that I must take care of and that is not something that I can do. Also, looking at the cake, the poor piping, the colors, etc. I had lost all of my faith in this business and what the baker was promising. If she really could make the cake she promised, why had she simply not done it in the first place? I told them that she can create a brand new cake, send me the picture and if it is the cake that I ordered or anything close to what I had ordered, my husband would take the first cake back in the morning and pick up the new cake. Just so you know the cake’s flavor was a simple vanilla cake with American butter cream, nothing too complicated for a so-called baker to make in few hours. They refused that and said that they were sorry, but their cake tastes great even though visually it is not what you asked for!
I was so frustrated and almost in tears, I did not want to disappoint my daughter who was looking forward to her birthday and seeing this cake. I printed out the design and ran to my local grocery store bakery and plead with them to help create something similar to the cake we had wanted. The lady working there was so nice and despite the last minute request, she agreed to stack 4 of their premade cakes and decorate them to create a similar design. When I showed her the pictures of the other cake that I paid over $350 to received, she could not believe the poor job that they had done.
I came home, still nervous about how the new cake would turn out when I picked it up in the morning. The baker called a few hours later to let me know that accepting my cake was a mistake. She is not comfortable working with butter cream and when I asked her about the simple piping she told me she did not have the various piping tips and tools so she only use the one piping tip that she had and piped the entire cake with it. For context, I have bought decorating tip sets from Michael’s and Target in the past and they cost less than $10 for a set of 6-8 design tips! They charged me that much money and did not bother to spend $10 to buy some reusable tools, or even not having them in the first place!
I confronted her about the color choices and the fact that it was nothing like what I requested. She would not give me a straight answer! I told her that her cake was sitting in my fridge, and that I would neither use it for the party nor eat it, because I was utterly disgusted with their dishonesty, and that she can either come and pick up the cake or tell me to dispose of it. I also told her that I am calling the bank to initiate a dispute for not providing the services that were agreed upon. I have all our texts and communications about them assuring me they would deliver what I requested. CO has temporarily credited my account for all 3 of the charges they made. I picked up the grocery store cake and although it is not what we had in mind, given the less than 24 hours that they had, their design, techniques, and colors were good enough to save my daughter’s birthday yesterday. I was very upset that, despite spending all this money for a nice party for my girl, I ended up serving our guests cheap premade cakes! I contacted the baker to see what she wants me to do with the cake. I cannot donate it or give it to someone because honestly now I worry that when it looks this terrible, then the flavor and taste could be horrible too. I need to use the space in our fridge so can I just throw away this ugly cake? Will Capital One reverse the charges if the baker claims that they still delivered the cake to me?
I have had so much stress since Friday morning and just want to be done with this nightmare. Does the baker have any say in this or will the bank side with me since I have all the evidence that they failed to deliver what was agreed upon and that I did not use the cake for the intended event and, due to lack of communication and us needing our fridge space I had the right to dispose of the cake?
Thank you for any thoughts on this and so sorry for this long post!
submitted by MOONDROP77 to CapitalOne_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:01 Aggressive_Fold_7399 Too many Orders

I’ve been selling 3d prints for the past 10 days and I already have over 30 orders. Do you guys think I should buy another 3d printer or try to find a manufacturer? If you think I should get a manufacturer let me know if you know any good manufacturers.
submitted by Aggressive_Fold_7399 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:52 johnsonmt110 A collection of the 80-card "Myth or Real" set, cryptozoology trading cards issued by the American Realist Company in 1994.

I've been a lifelong fan of cryptozoology and similar topics. A week ago, I visited the North American Bigfoot Center in Oregon, and noticed a display of trading cards in one exhibit. They looked like a fun thing to collect, but after doing some research I discovered they weren't available for purchase anywhere. Fortunately, the Trading Card Database had scans of the entire set. I've formatted them to playing card size (2.5" x 3.5") for ease of printing. Enjoy, and stay weird!
"The American Realist Company (Box 95945, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195-0945 USA) has recently released a pair of trading card sets, each with forty cards (at US$15/set outside the USA, US$11 in the USA). They are called "Myth or Real" and are based on "30 years of research by Loren Coleman, author of Mysterious America." The cards include ones on Springheel Jack, the Loch Ness monster, the New Jersey devil and "places with devil names.""
submitted by johnsonmt110 to Fortean [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:49 multiplesofate8 Another Michelle Creation!

Another Michelle Creation!
Michelle was back at the Rice Village Farmers Market today so I made the 1.5 hour round trip to try another one of her creations and it was done to perfection! The biscuit was tender and buttery. The eggs were creamy with the perfect cheese pairing. The bacon added a good crisp and salt to the dish. And dang, why don’t we put crispy hashbrowns on every sando?!
I’ll be honest, I wish I wasn’t there solo so my husband could have ordered more for us to try. 😂 As it stands I already told the sweet lady trying to bag the food that I didn’t need a bag because I’d be going straight to my car to shame eat this gem with no abandon. 😜 No regrets, 10/10 would recommend.
submitted by multiplesofate8 to TopChef [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:45 poncecatchemall [NEWBIE CORNER] If You Are a New Rep Buyer or New Agent User, Please Read This Post PRIOR To Posting!

This thread will be posted by the automoderator every 48 hours at 6:00 PM PST.
Hi all,
This thread will attempt to limit the amount of low-effort posts we get in the subreddit. Yes, we all started somewhere at some point, and being new can be difficult and scary, but that is no excuse to not do any research and think that every question that pops into your head warrants a brand new post.
This post will initially be made by me, but will subsequently become a recurring automoderator thread.
Most questions can usually be answered with the following guides:
Basic, Commonly Used Replica Terms Defined (QC, GL, RL, Batch Names, Batch Tiering, etc)

Agent Basics

"I have never used an agent - how do I learn?"
In the current landscape, it is difficult to recommend any agents. Once an agent arises that seems trustworthy and efficient, a How-To Guide may be written. At this time, this group does not have a How-To Guide for agent purchases.
"How can I order this pair? The website (Weidian/Taobao) is in Chinese."
Web Browser's such as Apple's Safari or Google Chrome have built-in translation features that you can use to translate the page. Additionally, copy-pasting the link into an agent website translates the page for you.

"W2C?" "Do you have a link?"
I see these comments underneath posts at least daily, and I fear those of you commenting these things will not read this post either. All QC posts are mandated to have W2C links. All W2C links are either in the caption of the photos or in the comments section. Please check these two areas before posting "W2C?"

"I don't know what size to purchase"
If you've never ordered from an agent, you may not have ever referenced European sizing. Weidian listings are most commonly listed in EU sizing. I am a US 8.5, and that is an EU 42. Convert from your US or UK size to find the appropriate size! There are multiple size charts online, but the one I use myself is this one from N1k3.
In my experience, most shoes and batches are true to size, or at least fit like their retail counterparts. Order whatever size typically works for you in that silhouette. If it's your first time buying a certain silhouette, you can ask for insole measurements, though this isn't something I typically do.

"Wait - but X Middleman in another subreddit charges double the price for these! Am I being scammed by purchasing of Weidian?"
No, you are not being scammed. In short, middlemen do not produce pairs - they source them from the same places Weidian sellers do. Middlemen mark up the price as they are profiting off of user laziness and desire for maximum convenience, as well as providing usually faster UPS/FedEx shipping (a ~$55 value to the US). Some middlemen will lie and say Weidian is scamming you - this is not true. These sellers are simply trying to instill fear in ignorant, usually newer rep buyers in order to maintain business. These sellers also usually pay off other group moderators in order to be given the "trusted seller" status. This status was not earned, but bought. Keep this in mind when perusing other subreddits with weaker moderation.
As stated in my guide, batch is what matters, not seller. If you buy the same batch from a middleman as an agent, it will be the same exact quality. Please do not discuss overpriced middlemen from other groups here as that is against subreddit rules. Please try to do your own research on any outside information prior to bringing it into this subreddit as it may be unreliable. The only discussion regarding direct shipping allowed in the group is for Weidian sellers in the community as they offer the most competitive prices and have maintained a good reputation.

"I bought a pair in another subreddit from a middleman and want to know what they sent me! Can I post here asking for the batch identity?"
That is unfortunate that you purchased from a seller in another subreddit where sellers are not upheld to standards for transparency and putting the seller first. This group was not made to be a crutch to these other subreddits. We here encourage you to purchase from sellers who have gained their reputations organically, and who will be held to consequences if they breach that trust. You are welcome to post in other groups asking for batch identities, though that is not allowed here in order to maintain our ecosystem and not help maintain other, shadier subreddits.

"But middlemen said that if I use an agent, I can't get QC pictures or RL pairs?"
This is false and again, an attempt to keep your business and keep you from saving money. You can see all of the QC pictures in this group. Being able to GL or RL pairs depends on the listing. Certain sale listings or B-Grade listings are non-refundable, so you will get QC pictures, but you won't be able to return them except for severe circumstances (seller sent wrong shoe, seller sent wrong size).

"What is a B-Grade pair? How do they differ from regular products?"
B Grades or B Versions have imperfections that prevent the pairs from being sold at regular price - it’s impossible to know what imperfections will be present, though typically for top-tier batches, the imperfections are relatively minor. The flaws can range from scuffs to loose stitching, differences in tumbling to wrinkled leather. Sometimes, but not always, do the sellers state what types of flaws to expect on the pairs. I typically avoid any pairs where the sellers warn about mold, as that is not something I want to deal with or put on my feet.
"Well, do you recommend B-Grade products poncecatchemall?"
If you can’t tolerate minor flaws, do not purchase. These pairs are typically non-refundable. If you’re willing to compromise minor flaws that you’ll likely acquire rapidly anyway from wearing your shoe, pick the B-Grade pairs up and enjoy the discounted price - I personally recommend B products from top batches as I’m not bothered by imperfections that quickly come from wear.

QC Questions

"Which post flair should I use, Agent or DIRECT, and which price range should I select?"
Because the group will temporarily allow direct shipping from our Weidian sellers, QC Post Flairs were split for each price range into Agent Purchases and Direct Shipping Purchases. Please use the appropriate flair for how you purchased the item.
  1. If you are purchasing through an agent, use the QC Post Flair that captures the price of the shoe on the Weidian Listing. For example, a 470¥ pair of GX Batch Jordan 4s would use the Agent QC 400¥ - 499¥ flair.
  2. If you are purchasing the same GX Batch Jordan 4s pair directly from a Weidian seller, without an agent, you should use the DIRECT QC post flair that captures the total price (including direct shipping). If that GX Batch Jordan 4 pair comes out to $119 shipped, or 861¥ (470¥ + 390¥ Direct Shipping), you should use the DIRECT QC 800¥-899¥ post flair.
Using the appropriate flair helps keep the group organized (good for me) and more importantly, places prices in the direct view of all buyers in order to compare prices across sellers and ensure that no one seller is price gouging anybody (good for the community).

"Can I post screenshots of my QC pictures instead of downloading the pictures and posting the actual QC pictures?"
No. Posting screenshots of the QC photos reduces the picture resolution and makes actually providing any accurate QCs much more difficult. On your agent site, download the QC photos the agent has provided. Users should post the actual QC pictures with the appropriate title format.

"Wow, the pair I ordered using an agent looks like the colors are all off - why is that?"
Warehouse lighting is terrible and often distorts colors. You cannot QC color shades or saturations through warehouse lighting QC pics. Either 1) ask for natural lighting pictures (though not all agents do this) or 2) look up in-hand pictures of the batch you are purchasing, as in-hand pictures typically have better lighting. The latter tends to be easier unless it is a brand new batch on the market. Remember, colors typically do not vary within a batch. For example, all LJR TS1 Highs have a yellow midsole, and that does not change from pair to pair unless the batch is updated. The midsoles might picture differently among different agents or purchases, but they'll all look the same in person.

"I think I may have been bait and switched - what should I do?"
If you post asking if a pair you received is not what you purchased, your post must include specific reasoning as to why you believe that is so.
Acceptable reasoning includes specific characteristics of the shoe (leather cuts, wings logo placement, colors, etc) that differ from known pairs, different production dates from known pairs, sellers with confirmed recent history of bait and switch, etc. The most important part is to include some sort of reasoning. Posts without reasoning will be deleted, as these posts are typically made from newer members to the replica community, and the posts lead to unnecessary fearmongering and damage to seller reputations.
Please order a QC picture of the size tag so that we can see the production dates. Production dates on size tags can help rule out a batch identity. However, matching size tags does not guarantee a batch identity and requires some additional information. I order size tag pictures by asking my agent for additional "Detailed Photos" with the following statement in the request comment: "Complete picture of inner white size tag clearly showing both production dates."

"There are so many differing opinions! I don't know who to listen to. What do I do?
Being new in the rep game is hard - it is difficult to know who is a credible commenter, and who is not. For this reason, certain members in repweidiansneakers have been given User Flairs to distinguish them from the crowd as reputable, knowledgeable members of the community. They have earned their flairs, and if there are conflicting opinions on a QC, I personally would give their opinion more weight.

"What is the best batch for X shoe?"
Oftentimes, and especially for very popular shoes, these questions have already been asked and discussed in detail. Recommendations for navigating this are:
  1. Check poncecatchemall's batch guide if available
  2. If the shoe isn't listed on there, utilize the group's search bar to search for the shoe in question to look at QCs. You can also utilize the group's search bar to search by the Rep vs Retail Flair in order to see comparisons of batches on the market.
  3. You can also check the comments history of any of the group experts to see if they've discussed these shoes in the past.
These 3 methods answer most questions. Please do some research prior to making a new post.

Shipping Questions

"How much will it be to ship X amount of shoes using an agent?"
There are often too many variables to give a blanket answer. Which agent? Shipping to which country? Using which shipping method? The most optimal way to use an agent in terms of cost is to make a haul of at least 4kg in my opinion, which is about 3-4 pairs of shoes. Previously, I myself typically shipped out 8kg-10kg hauls using my agent through GD-EMS, the haul typically arrives in 2 weeks, and the shipping cost per shoe is usually around $30.

"How much should I declare for the value of my package for Customs?"
This varies by country. For the US, I declare $12/kg. For 10kg hauls, I thus declare $120. Other countries have different guidelines. Hopefully members from different countries can state what they declare for their hauls per kg in the comments.

"Is my package seized?"
Does your tracking say your package has been seized? If yes, then yes, your package has been seized. If no, then no, your package has not been seized. Patience is a virtue and is the name of the game. Read your tracking information. Whatever it says is what the current status of the package is. That is the purpose of tracking information.

"But my tracking information hasn't updated in 3 days? Should I panic?"
No. Again, patience is key.

"Should I post a generic picture of my boxed haul about to ship out with a corny caption?"


"Wow I saw a hilarious meme on another subreddit, can I post it here?"
No. Please keep the low-quality spam in other groups. Posting memes, "Fire up the rep machines" posts, or anything similar will result in a 14-day temporary ban from the group.
"I threw together a list of low-quality items in a spreadsheet and called it THE ULTIMATE FINDS LIST, just trying to get people to use my affiliate link for an agent - can I post it?"
Do not spam the group with low-quality "finds" spreadsheets. The majority of you doing this don't even know how to QC or make solid, informed recommendations. If you actually have good recommendations, I will make an exception. However, the majority of your "1:1 spreadsheets" are terrible, and thus are not allowed in this group.
submitted by poncecatchemall to repweidiansneakers [link] [comments]
