Hack gunbound

Jogo estilo gunbound

2023.03.06 21:11 Holiday-Restaurant30 Jogo estilo gunbound

Existe algum jogo estilo gunbound que não seja cheio de hacks e nem seja aqueles feios de navegador?
submitted by Holiday-Restaurant30 to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]

2023.02.27 10:34 Interesting_Drama97 [PC][2000s] MMOish Asian Lobby game where you slide around and attack

An Asian game where you login to a lobby with your friends to complete instances. The most similar format to this that I can think of is Slingshot Braves for mobile, but this was for PC.
Your chosen character slides and when you are near a mob you can attack them. The slipperiness and control depends on the chosen character. Similar to Gunbound character selection style.
I believe it was a 2d game, graphics similar to Maplestory. One of the choosable characters is an old man with a white beard whose weapon is an axe. Another I believe, is a succubus.
You can also earn in-game currency called "Code". There was a hack which made the Code spawn repeatedly on the same spot and you can earn Code just by standing still there.
submitted by Interesting_Drama97 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2021.07.29 18:15 diucameo Você já usou algum bug ou exploit num jogo online? Como foi?

Eu jogava otserver (tibia) na epoca de 2007-11 por aí... Nesse tempo eu tinha ouvido falar de um bug de clonar item.
Fui testar num ot (tibia) com meus GPs, não lembro o tempo que demorei pra conseguir (eu tinha uma ideia de como era, mas não certeza), mas era arrastando o item no chão de um lado pro outro bem rapido e acho que apertava shift.
Deu certo e vcs sabem a alegria do adolescente se sentindo o milionário do servidor, só não lembro se continuou funcionando, se fui banido, não lembro mesmo, mas não deve ter durado muito pela falta de memória...
Na mesma época eu jogava servidor de MU e tinha o bug de dupar item no baú. Apertando ctrl+d, toda vez aparecia o "sistema anti-cheat atividado" e vc era deslogado, mas não acontecia nada, eu lembro que tinha servidor que funcionava muito bem pra dupar soul, bless e chaos, esses itens assim, acho que nunca fui banido por isso, ou se fui eu não percebi, pq eu mudava de server como mudava de roupa. (hmm talvez eu tenha sido banido de alguns kkkkkkk achando que o servidor estava fora do ar)
E o que eu acredito que foi o pior (em questão de risco pra mim e impacto no gameplay dos outros), foi quando usei um AimBot no Gunbound.
O maior risco era que eu pouco sabia de malware e baixei um um hack num site aí que achei, aparentemente não tinha virus. Funcionava muito bem, ele fazia um overlay na tela com a força e o angulo que eu tinha que atirar pra acertar, calculava o vento e o escambau e ajustava pra cada personagem. Também não lembro se fui banido ou não ou se o aimbot explodiu meu pc, não lembro mesmo kkkk esse foi no Gunbound oficial
submitted by diucameo to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]

2017.09.11 06:43 zixteee GunboundM HACKS (Android and iOS) 4K

GunboundM HACKS (Android and iOS) 4K submitted by zixteee to gunboundm [link] [comments]

2015.12.19 04:54 Dyrus Dyrus Confessions Thread (160)

I will add as I go.
  1. I weighed 50 pounds when I was 3 years old
  2. When I was 2 years old and had no realization of reality or anything, I was in diapers and I pooped and jumped all over the place and my mom had to clean it up
  3. When I was 3 years old I kept throwing a video tape at my cousin because I felt like it, then she started laughing so I thought she liked it. So I threw it again and she started bleeding on her head then I got in trouble.
  4. Soon after I got the belt from my dad, I stayed disciplined for the rest of my school life.
  5. I went to seaworld with my dad,grandpa and my grandpa gave me 50$ to use on quarters at the sea world arcade/shooting range. He told me to get change (I was 5-9 years old) then I used the 50$ all on quarters and tokens and played the shooting game for hours then I got in trouble.
  6. When I had a cut my mom said spit would heal it so in kindergarden one of my friends got a cut, so I spit on his cut and said it would heal. Then on I was labeled as the weird kid.
  7. When I was a kid I watched wrestlemania with my dad and hulk hogan was my favorite so when I played tag in kindergarden and I was the slowest kid, to power myself up I would make the bicep flex pose to pretend to run faster.
  8. I went to karate for 10 years and I purposely did the moves badly so I didn't have to go up in belt so I didn't have to do all hard moves and stayed at green belt.
  9. I put my karate clothes in the laundry and said it was an accident so I could skip practice because I didn't have any spares. (happened a few times)
  10. I started basketball in high school because my PE teacher said I was tall, so by using that excuse I finally got out of karate.
  11. Chobits was the first anime I've ever watched.
  12. My introduction to manga was my friend giving me a manga called fruits basket....
  13. My first crush was in 5th grade then I got rejected. Later that person came to like me then I didn't like them back.
  14. My mom was better than me at diablo 2 and everquest
  15. I would sometimes let my dad win(rarely)at tekken tag tournament because he would get really angry when he lost sometimes.
  16. I played warcraft 2 under the account name Ha_Deathsofpain
  17. In middle school I made my name SirDiesAlot because I wanted to make a cute girl laugh.
  18. I used a ruler and formulas for gunbound.
  19. During my elementary school years while walking to summer fun I swung around a silver chain necklace like it was a weapon from grand theft auto, then my parents took it away from me.
  20. During summer fun all I did was use swear words and I enjoyed saying it because I never got away with it before.
  21. I would heat up two hot pockets and walk to middle school and sell it to my friends for a dollar each even though it wasn't mine to sell.
  22. During middle school I was walking from class to class and accidently touched a girls butt while passing by because there was way to many people moving around.
  23. I wanted to commit suicide in middle school but I didn't know why, so I didn't do it.
  24. I punched two holes in the wall in the house I grew up in. Once because of league of legends, another because I was cleaning and it was an accident.
  25. Soon after realizing how pointless it was to hurt myself I realized that I should live life to eat food, play video games, sleep, and try to become presentable enough to find a cute girlfriend or be friends with good people in general.
  26. When I was at the tsm first gaming house I never had a single conversation with rainman because I could not think of anything to say or talk about.
  27. I search my tag on Twitter during my career like an idiot.
  28. I search my tag on tumblr during my career.
  29. I have never had a single argument with oddone my entire life.
  30. After high school I went to a prom with one of my crushes I got rejected and ran away that night in a suit. They searched for me but I just hid and called my dad to pick me up around 1 am.
  31. My best friend unintentionally hooked me up with one of his hot Asian friends but she rebounded off me because I had no idea what to do in a relationship. She stole my first kiss.
  32. I would pretend to be sick so I could stay home and watch anime or play a new game I bought.
  33. I used maphack in warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 for mf runs and got banned.
  34. I got scammed in Diablo 2 because the guy said he would make my computer blow up. I was in second grade.
  35. My maplestory account got hacked but I didn't know what contacting support was.
  36. I've still using Yahoo mail since the 3rd grade.
  37. My first really close best friend I got along with tried to burn down a tree. In middle school.
  38. One of the girls I had a crush on in high school told me if I tried I could potentially be really cute. I was to lazy to try and just played video games all day everyday instead.
  39. The only time in my life where I have not touched a video game besides when I was young was when I went on a three day trip to camp. I hated it.
  40. My addiction to video games was so strong when my friend offered me drugs and I tried it, I couldn't care less. I hated cigarettes too they tasted like shit. From those days on I could never understand how anyone could get addicted.
  41. I bought a knife in middle school but never used it because I thought it was only for show.
  42. I could get along with my 2nd best friend because we had two things in common video games and depression. Actually same thing happened with the 3rd. Actually all my best friends played video games.
  43. I'm weak for cute Asian girls especially if they're tall.
  44. I would stream snipe streamers with the most viewers by making their game a living he'll by either feeding or ksing on their team or camping them on the enemy team.
  45. I posted on general discussion and talked mad shit in beta. Back then I was a really aggressive person but overtime as I made mistakes I reverted to passive.
  46. I was invited to parties throughout my league career but never went so I could gain elo in solo queue.
  47. I met with about 5 fangirls throughout my career but never commited.
  48. During the time of my debut I had an online girlfriend and she was depressed and suicidal. I also made fun of her for playing league but didn't realize how bad it was. I made a song for her to laugh but it has the opposite effect on valentines day. I paid for her flight to new York and canceled it because I decided to break up with her because way to much stress. I regretted it later because she was hot too but it was honestly worth since I became the most popular I've ever been as dyrus during ipl 3.
  49. I teased a fan girl because she was cute with the whole kouhai senpai thing. I eventually made her sick of me and I feel bad for it now.
  50. I sometimes think how cool it would be to do certain things after doing it. The one time I pulled it off was season 4 summer finals. More of a I should have done this moment and I would look so cool kind of thing.
  51. Sometimes I dance when nobody is watching.
  52. Sometimes I do karate moves when no one is watching.
  53. I'm the kind of person that says what you wanna hear but doesn't always do it.
  54. Season 4 world's I got tilted off an elements scrim so badly that when regi was talking about it we got into an argument. I yelled really loud slammed the door and walked out of the scrim room for a good hour during scrims.
  55. My dad was better then me at command and conquer
I'm running out of things to add
I give up most of you guys probably forgot about this anyways
submitted by Dyrus to LOLDyrus [link] [comments]

2014.09.09 05:50 nyuuneechan [LF MMO] Looking for fast-paced mmo

After playing GW2 almost since launch i feel kinda burned out and want to make a break from it to restore my enthusiasm, so I have been looking for some good mmo or tps with little to no succes so far.
Preferred Genres (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, etc.): Anything is fine with me
Pricing Model: f2p, b2p, p2p with ability to pay for subscription with in game currency
Eastern or Western: Both work fine
Combat Type : action, action and more action, that's the only thing i care for
Game Type: RPG, TPS, Brawler ( i think that was the name for it - games like Elsword), Hack'n'Slash
Casual/Hardcore: Both work (i'm not sure what is meant by that)
Released or Upcoming: Released or with avaible beta to try it out
Games Played: Tibia (long long time ago), Flyff, Elsword, Nostale, SUN online, Age of Wulin, Mu online, Perfect World, FF XIV, Gunbound, Eden Eternal, World of Tanks, Warthunder, Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine, ArchAge ( tried during this beta, didn't like), Tera ( trying currently, don't really like), GW2, S4 League
Any preferred features or mechanics?:
So im basicaly searching for a game like last two of mentioned by me: GW2 or S4 league
submitted by nyuuneechan to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2013.07.24 20:07 blakrazor Any Gunbound players still out there?

I loved Gunbound back in the day. I was big into playing when Season 2 just came out. Then everyone started hacking too much and Ijji went down in North America and couldn't play the game anymore. Fast forward years to now, the game came to mind and saw that they've started a new season 3 and it seems the classic server is still up.
I'm just wondering if there's any other Gunbound players out there currently playing to let me know how the game is now. Classic seems interesting, but might not be active enough to find matches. Then I hope the Season 3 game is better on less hacking and not too rigged in terms of paying accounts. Would love to start playing again.
submitted by blakrazor to gaming [link] [comments]

2011.10.14 09:27 SolInvictus What's the most fucked up thing you've ever done?

I made a website for Gunbound Online to phish people's passwords. Designed it and everything, promoting an "Item Creator" that people could download and use to edit their characters (to cheat their way to success) after they put in their username and password.
Worked like a charm. Posted it on the game's official forums and got several dozen submissions—which I then emptied of their contents. This was before the game added microtransactions, so nothing of real monetary value changed hands. Still, people invested dozens of hours into accumulating those items, only to lose them in an instant of greed.
The funniest part was reading their complaints on the forum (I never changed their passwords) about how their accounts had been "hacked." There was no hacking involved. Just social engineering.
submitted by SolInvictus to AskReddit [link] [comments]
