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2024.06.02 05:20 arvarnargul Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

Intro: In a series of reviews that will begin (or return) here; we are going to try and take a critical look at the Chuck series, especially the unfolding of the story as scene through the teleplay. In this case we are assuming multiple things about a potential watcher:
What is this all for: This started as a project to improve my critical reviewing skills for a hobby of movie script writing and analysis. Chuck happens to have published 3 original scripts and all the text of every episode has been published to a searchable database. This affords an opportunity to break from my movie writing woes and infinite revisions to just have fun enjoying Chuck and trying to deepen my understanding of the intersection of script writing with filmography and visual editing. Having said this, it should be known I have no affiliation to the show, no additional insider knowledge, and I do not write scripts for a living. So, consequently, feel free to ignore everything I say :). I do hope, however, we can go on this journey together and appreciate the excellence that is a love story called Chuck.
So, don't freak out, and lets get started.

Chuck 01x04 (Chuck vs the Wookiee): TEASER - We open with the gang playing "Know Ya!", which isn't actually a real board game, but based on the game Paddles. It's amazing that Morgan can't stand Ellie/Awesome being in love/winning, but marches triumphantly whenever he gets a question correct. I also like we see, in frame, Chuck watching Sarah pick off olives; he's beginning to notice things just like a real spy. The deep sadness and yet storied confliction on Chuck's face when he discovers Peaches 1 and Peaches 2 was great.
For those who don't know about dogs:
I find it very interesting how Sarah has "spidey sense" about potentially being watched. At no point previously did either Sarah nor Casey display this trait and I'm not totally sure how an open window was enough to do this; I wonder if Sarah's comfort being around Chuck's family is causing her to develop a "feeling of being watched" as she is comfortable with the Bartowski's? For those who missed it, Sarah talks about having a sister I think at the time this was just a throw-away line to protect her cover, but in season 5 Sarah does actually have a little sister if you count the little girl she rescues One last thing about Sarah here, when Bryce is being discussed, I really like how it was played where she acts quiet and shocked, but not saying anything. The facial expressions of Yvonne here are really special and you can tell Sarah lives a life of secrets. This is carried outside when Chuck asks Sarah about her relationship with Bryce. She is totally looking down and to the right, a classic indication of an emotional response searching for rationalization (ie. she is clearly lying)
As they end the game and exit to the courtyard, there teleplay of Chuck does something I've been wanting to see forever; they switch perspective to keep both characters in camera and follow them around from a 3rd perspective. We know this is supposed to indicate they are being watched, but I really enjoy getting to see them together reacting and talking instead of the constant close-ups and cuts. Normally Chuck will be shot with something between a medium close up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS) to emphasize their characters and highlight their faces and expressions. This works really well because Chuck's cameras are typically either shoulder level or hip level based on the operators moving through their space. In many more modern TV shows, the technology of boom cranes and gyroscopic gimbals allows for content to be show from ground level to overhead giving directors the opportunity to tell their story through a variety of shifting profiles. If Chuck were shot today, we would see everything from full body shots all the way to extreme closeups without the need for continual jump-cuts and re-shoots because the technology is there. At least for this episode, it's nice to see the director explore more hip/knee level motion and more cowboy framed shots when having a distant observer perspective. does a fantastic breakdown of all the different shot type and camera perspectives for you want to read more!
As we transition into Sarah's hotel room, did anyone pick up on how NICE this is? She has double sinks, a king bed, a sitting mirror, free standing tub, and a great view. I doubt any agency in the "real world" would ever spring for something like this for multiple years for one of their agents, it's fancy! Enter Carina, tell me, who saw Sarah fight with a soap sock and think of iCarly and the famous "butter sock". Also during this fight, why is Sarah wearing a golden bikini? I know she is about to get into the shower, but what plausible reason is there for her to a) wear a bikini at all and b) it to be a bright golden yellow?? If you slow this fight scene way down, you will notice Yvonne's strikes actually come close to hitting Mimi as she has had a lot of training, whereas Mimi's strikes are miles from Yvonne and she just over-acts their impact. The most noticeable is the kick into her table, Sarah goes flying back, but we can tell from the angle, Carina missed her by a good 2 ft. This was just some sloppy editing and not getting the camera into position. I give it a pass because you have probably 3 camera operators wearing stabilized camera rigs trying to rotate around a room with 2 girls fighting and they just missed the angle by like 2 feet. I did really like at the end of the fight Carina had the option to go for the gun but instead went for the fish. If you didn't know they were not enemies before, this should have been a big clue! Carina calls Sarah's life in LA boring #1


Carina aka: Maria Elena Argalberdi was born Jun 16, 1978 in Alberdi Argentina with a Buenos Aires passport. Maria Elena is actually the name of a famous song in Mexico and eventually had a movie. This Chuck learns on Flash #1 and is the precursor to meeting the general for the first time. I know I've mentioned this before, but to reiterate; the pictures in Casey's apartment are all wrong; he has photos of Chuck and Morgan that don't happen until season 5 (lost footage) he has a map of Echo Park and Malibu already on display, and he has tactical information for each member of the Buy More (which he has no reason for at this time). It is interesting they talk about an opium cartel in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is known for it's huge poppy fields for heroin drug money.
The NADAN-I-NOOR diamond:
We open back to see Carina and Sarah looking at classified files within the restaurant. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW, you do not look at classified files out in the open and especially not where there are clearly other customers around. Venturing into the BuyMore, there is a monster truck rally on the TV's showing grave digger and reaper, two famous trucks from this time period. Morgan wants to spread his wings and be the fourth wheel to the perpetual 3 wheel party and Sarah, ever the schemer, literally glows when she thinks of the plan to have Carina go on a date with Morgan. I THINK this was just to help maintain their cover, but also maybe Sarah is just needling Carina? If you look in the back of the store when Chuck is talking to Sarah and Carina, there is a really cool Nerd Herd poster that says "Bringing peace to your computer emergency". "if a yawn could yawn" is Carina calling Sarah's job boring #2. One thing I really like with the double data is the way the camera jumps between the couples: boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. I think they way they try and keep private conversations via screen time is a really nice, typical, teleplay trick that really works well here. In a "real" environment, everyone could hear everything, but by splitting the camera focus or playing with perspective, the viewer clearly knows "this is a conversation between girls the boys don't hear it". We see Chuck noticing Sarah picking off olives #2 while they watch a movie about penguins: who mate for life, present their love in the form of rocks, and are pack animals. In Chuck's bedroom as he talks to Morgan, Chuck has a box of King Edward Invincible underneath bongos; for those who don't know this is a famous box for mild tobacco cigars. So I wonder what Chuck is up to in his free time :P.
On the Nerd Herd call with Carina, she opens a bottle of wine with a butter knife. This is actually a pretty famous thing that is done all over the world with everything from a key to a saber. In fact they make a specially type of knife with an extra wide blade for this it Italy. I do want to ask the question; is Carina dressed in red lingerie (Chuck's favorite color she stole from Sarah) really necessary for this scene? I know that Carina is all about improvising and she often uses her sexuality to progress her cause (Casey), but I think we could have gotten away with just the top. I can certainly see the rationalization for going this far, but I think as an artistic choice it wasn't necessary. What IS necessary however is to talk about how Chuck's world implodes when Carina tells him about Sarah and Bryce. Also the perfect act transition ending right at Chuck's jaw dropping and the work boyfriend!


I'll say it again, the back an forth with Chuck and Sarah should have been a medium close up, shoulder level straight on shot instead of the constant cuts. Seeing their reaction in real time would have been easier and it would have allowed the Weinerlicious to be maybe 15 ft smaller to not need so many cameramen rotating. "Unless talking to your boyfriend is a matter of national security, the ketchup bottles won't refill themselves". Why yes it IS a mater of national security for Sarah to talk to Chuck... also if any one of us stood up to our boss like Sarah did, I'm pretty sure we'd be fired on the spot!
Malibu is ~2hours for Echo Park with standard LA traffic. Seriously, how do girls in high heels walk down stairs; we see Carina and Sarah walking sideways so there is enough space on each step to fit their shoes. Girls, how do you do that and not fall especially with narrow staircases and 3-6inch heels! Inside the room with the stone there is a bust of Cesare, archenemies, da vinci, and biblical David. There is also some famous paintings the best of which is Vemieer's "young girl with a pearl earring" which is rather appropriate considering it's meaning. There is also a Van Gogh of man in a wheat field and a Monet in one shot too. If ANY of these paintings were real instead of reproductions, they would be worth millions, in fact the young girl with a pearl is estimated at 40million, which is 1.5x the sell value of the Nadan-I-Noor! If we take a look at the engineering drawing of Flash #2 on the pedestal, we would see this design creates a closed circuit around the tongs the diamond rests on; which might explain it's red hue. If a person were to touch the diamond, it would close the circuit on their body allowing the 4000volts to travel through their heart. A person can die with ~20volts, though it's usually more like 50 in most occurrences. 4000volts is enough to kill a herd of elephants and completely overkill for a person. Also the amount of power that would take is more than the city of Malibu... this is to say the trap is real, the numbers are complete nonsense; thinking lightning! Nice shot by Sarah with the plate (there are some great bloopers on this too where she misses badly)! A remote controlled jet ski... i'm not even going to calculate the nonsense for this; it's just total nonsense. Almost as much nonsense as Casey using his phone to track Carina's call. That would take minutes, even with today's technology to back trace like that and way more power than just pushing a button on a razer flip-phone from the 90's!
back at the house, Chuck i playing halo with the legendary skulls as his weapon; this is nice because in the BuyMore at the end of the episode there are dudes dressed as master chief! I really like the changing perspective here with Chuck and Morgan. Chuck's reactions remain in focus while Morgan tells a story behind him, then it switches as Chuck starts to move around until bringing both into focus for the final line "we still have each other and that's really sad". The side cut to Sarah picking locks to the hotel door is classic early 2000's TV and i'm all for it, even if it is super cheezy. BTW as someone who used to lock pick in college, that's .... not how that works, but good try. We get our Flash #3 on the diamond in Morgan's back nuclear explosions. I wonder if the refractive capability of a diamond this pure is enough to focus laser to induce fission or if the value of selling the diamond is enough to buy nuclear material on the black market? Either way, we end the act with... the man with the golden gun!


Chuck uses Sarah's plate move against Carina, nice inter-episode call back; he's clearly watching/learning, but his aim is terrible. This was actually clever as Sarah has perfect aim for she is a professional, while Chuck is still definitely a civilian and has no aptitude for fighting. I really like both these types of simple call backs but also how seemingly throw-away lines/actions help tell the broad story of the show. Chuck talking to Carina also shows Chuck has this weird, innate aptitude to get people to re-evaluate themselves and grow internally. You can watch Carina "grow in real-time. When we get to the hotel and Carina opens her trunk first there are a few glocks, a couple rugers, and a 1911; then she switches to blades and we see some folders, some strait blades, an illegal gravity blade (still illegal today), and a kbar... nice selection! Carina, always the flirt, gives Chuck some very insightful works about the nature of being a spy, but also maybe some way to get through to Sarah.
Inside the hotel we see Carina and Sarah speaking; Carina is speaking Swedish, while Sarah replies in Polish. "Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?" which is Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?" Sarah answered in Polish: "Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia", which means "Only if you throw it like your mommy". This is just great!
I want to talk about how fast Chuck managed to find an address for DC, print a label, open a box, put the label on, and get the diamond there all before the door gets broken. Somehow on screen time this is like 10seconds, but in real life this would have to be like 3minutes minimum? Either that door is remarkably strong or... TV magic??


Even with all the flirting, as we say goodbye to Carina >! for now !< she is still joking with Casey and every the professional. I like how they show when it's "game time" it's all about the job, but spys can be people too! Carina still calls Sarah's life boring #3 (the common trifecta of episode repeats).
Sarah's face when Chuck brings the pizza with no olives is the reason I think Yvonne makes the perfect Sarah. She exudes the hidden beauty needed and has the acting to so such emotion for Chuck being sweet. The whole scene with Chuck and Sarah asking questions, then Chuck backing off, then Sarah acting stoic like she WANTS to open up but doesn't know if she can really trust Chuck, is ready to move on from Bryce, and should for the nature of her job. This was probably the most well acted 20seconds of the entire episode. Finally, we hear Sarah's middle name is Lisa. Now we never officially know if Chuck hears this or not both due to camera focus and distance, it's never officially confirmed in the entire show. When the intersect is updated in season 4 we see Sarah's picture and it lists Lisa as a middle name, so we assume it's official, but it's never confirmed at any point. Finally, I really like how they end the episode with Sarah closing her eyes as the fade to black.

Few notes: There are 5 official songs in this episode:

I think this was a great episode and really showcased what they can do when additional cast members join the team and when they are not afraid to play with perspective. Mimi as Carina is a great addition to the ensemble and I wish we saw her more, but every time she drops in, it's always a wild episode and it's fantastic. Watching Chuck learn about Sarah and seeing Sarah start to open up is a good way forward and heck Casey had some of the best humor in the episode. Overall, it was fast paced, had some nice character development, as funny in the best way, and moved the main theme along, 8/10.
submitted by arvarnargul to chuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:14 dl5454 [WTS] Griffin Scout f3.5

$225 for a scout f3.5 is nuts if you ask me! Someone steal this from me!
Putting up my Griffin Scout f3.5 full DLC back up for sale today. These retail for $330. I’m asking $225!!! Great price for a great knife! The action and sounds that come from this beast make this a fidgeters dream. Super smooth and THWACKY. Awesome detent with an incredibly satisfying reverse flick. Check the last video for action. Not really looking for trades but I’ll look at any serious offers. Preciate y’all checking it out!
SV: $250 $225
SV: $250 $225
submitted by dl5454 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:52 Louis-Capet-XXVI Pine Valley / Pine Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115 USA - House of Orleans

Pine Valley / Pine Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115 USA - House of Orleans
Wider than NYC, at 2.5 miles, built in the 1950's by the Royal Family.... This is a photo of my parents home. My mother's name is Arlene, and so also is the shape of the streets inside Philadelphia 19115. It also says, #Orleans if you switch the last two letters, the "NE" in Arlene to "AN" in the #HouseofOrleans. It spans 2 miles, bigger than Central Park and wider than Manhattan, NYC. Starting at Pennypack Park on Pine Rd. at Kingsfield Rd and concluding at Red Line Road. My parents were the inaugural homeowners in the 1960s, the 1st owners.
Within this neighborhood, the streets are named after distinguished military figures from England, spanning various eras from the American Revolution to World War II. Streets like Lockart, Darlington, Welsh, and Clinton allude to espionage and historical military significance.
British Commander-in-Chief during the #Revolution Clinton Rd 19006,_born_1730))
Lockhart Rd & Place 19115
Darlington Rd. 19115
Welsh Rd. 19115 - - or - -
Grant Ave 19115 - There's Ulysses S. Grant, and then the British have 7 different British Military leaders named Grant:,_born_1720))
Contrary to what one might assume, the street name is unrelated to Ulysses S. Grant and instead commemorates British military leaders.
In the 1950's Grant Ave. was named and mostly completed, as prior it had many different names. Frankford Ave. aka The King's Highway was built by #King George II from 1682 to the late 1790's. - Those dates were all before The American #Revolution and Civil War, so regardless of the construction date of Grant Ave, I would still say the name Grant Ave. has absolutely nothing at all to do with Ulysses S. Grant.
We also have Portis Rd. which is a combination of 2 words = La Porte + Paris = Portis - - La Porte was named Intendant of the Civil List (Minister of the Royal Household) in December 1790 which gave him direct control of the large sums of #money that were considered the private wealth of the King of France and so not subject to public audit.
Across the street from my home is Durand Road. Durand was the name of the fake ID they gave to the King of France during the #French Revolution when the King of #France and his family tried to escape with Barron Batz. See p24 hosted on the University of Chicago's website:*.html - More on Barron Batz can be found in your local library, or here:,_Baron_de_Batz - Keep in mind, Louis XVI's grandfather Louis XIV had 30 children.
When my parents moved in, the area was all farmlands. Directly across the street from us at 1855 Melmar Road 19006 was the country home of Nicholas Biddle w/ 33 Rooms, & 9 Bathrooms. Though, there was nothing in between us except empty fields, there house was about 1,000 feet away. - He was the President of the Second Bank of the United States. It is now called the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. That's where everybody gets there monthly $600 social security checks from... and, there still located here very close to this zip code printing checks for the majority of #America. His original home is still there, but... In the 1980's, they turned his land into a development of multi-million dollar homes now called Biddle Estates.
His brother, married a #Falcone girl, and members of their family built Drexel University and also Lippincott Medicine, who are book publishers, and also the name of the next street across from me, Lippincott Rd. 19006.
A lot of the homes here go for over 1 million dollars. My house was right there in the middle, on Pine Road at the top the shape of the "L" that looks exactly like the Boston Red Sox logo. We're on the city line, so I'm inside #Philadelphia, but the homes on the other side of Pine are not. Were on very high elevation here. At the bottom of the hill is Huntingdon Valley aka Lower Moreland. Bryn Athyn, and #Hollywood, PA are at the top of the valley.
On the other side of the valley, at the top of that hill, is Abington, PA. Coincidently, also the same place based on the TV show, The Goldbergs.
Additionally, The Golden Girls which aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992 also talk about us in every episode, "Shady Pines" was the retirement home Rose burnt down... as in Shady Lane & Pine Rd located at Fox Chase Farm, and the World Headquarters for the Medical Mission Sisters, who bring justice and healing to women, children and men in 17 countries on five continents. Their 2nd office is in London. They also speak frequently inside the United Nations.
Previously, that property belonged to the oldest home in Pennsylvania, the Ury House, & it was located here. Built in 1640 it frequented visitors such as: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and even George Washington slept here. The school located on the grounds, has now relocated as the Valley Forge Military Academy.
In addition, one of the 4 main actresses in the show, Blanch Devereaux, coincidently the United States DoD - Department of Defense is located on Devereaux St & Oxford Ave, about 10 minutes from here, as Pine Road changes names to Oxford Ave & Rising Sun Ave at a 5 points. This DoD site encompasses over 134 acres, in which its warehouse offices and other buildings amount to 2,250,000 square feet.
The rap group N.W.A Music w/ Dr Dre sings about us in a lot of songs, in "Straight out of Compton" They say, "Until them dumb motherf*ckers see clearly, that I'm down with the Capital C-P-T" ...and, at the same time in the video, they keep showing a picture of map with areas marked out in red marker. (That's C-P-T as in #Capet, as in Louis Capet XVI)
There's a lot going on here, too much for me to type on Facebook.
ABC daytime soap opera "All My Children" with Kelly Ripa, which aired January 5, 1970, to September 23, 2011, is based in "Pine Valley" PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, the same name as my neighborhood, but in the soap opera, they are actually located on the other side of Philadelphia.
Get it? "All My Children" as how Louis XIV had 30 children.
In 2023, the TV series "Pine Valley" aired as a prime time spin-off of the daytime drama soap opera “All My Children.” Their description reads as, "Set in a fictional Philadelphia suburb called Pine Valley, it delves into the dark and murderous history of the town." It also starred the same cast, Kelly Rippa & Susan Lucci again from "All My Children."
Unrelated, but the first 10 years of "All My Children" ...The original recordings from the 1970's were destroyed in a fire.
The highest elevation inside #Paris & oldest Military Base in #Paris is Montfaucon - now called the Parc des Buttes Chaumont - as in my name, Mont Faucon / Matt Falcone. The word Falcon in English translates to Faucon in French.
Also, the City of MonFalcone in Italy.
Also, the City of Falcone, in Sicily.,_Sicily
Also, the Falcone International Airport in Italy -
Billionaire Empire, The Falcone Group in the USA -
A different entity, Billionaire Empire, Phillip Falcone - with 20% ownership of the The New York Times - plus owner of 5,000 different Television Station Networks, and 5,000 Satellites in space, & 5,000 Satellite repeaters on land, such as the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles California. - - In addition he owned & controlled Harbinger Capital aka HRG Group which was created by former President George H. W. Bush Senior -\_Group#Glazer\_era\_and\_the\_birth\_of\_Harbinger\_Group\_Inc.
In 2019, he sold one of his homes in NYC. It went for a record breaking most ever paid for a residential townhouse in New York City -
9643 pill (My address 9643 Pine Rd.) = Prochlorperazine is a phenothiazine (FEEN-oh-THYE-a-zeen) antipsychotic medicine that is used to treat #schizophrenia. It is supplied by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
9643 PILL IMPRINT - - - Ruger® PC Carbine™ Autoloading Rifle Model 19115 < - - - 19115
Royal Pine Litte Tree's Air Freshener's since 1952 -
On the east side of the words, in the "E" in Arlene, or the "N" in Orlean on the map of 19115, we have Geiger Road. A Geiger Counter is an instrument that measures radioactive levels.
In the 1990's Lockheed Martin had a factory here on Geiger Road. They are a leading American aerospace and defense corporation, specializing in cutting-edge technology and solutions for air, land, sea, space, and cybersecurity challenges.
On Red Line Road, we had "The Budd Company" who specialized in manufacturing Railroad Cars. They were a 20th-century metal fabricator, a major supplier of body components to the automobile industry, and a manufacturer of stainless steel passenger rail cars, airframes, missile and space vehicles, and various defense products. - During WW2, they switched production from rail cars to war heads & various Military Equipment. During their tenor, they left behind contaminated land, from PCB's oil leakage, and Radioactive Waste. Though, I had the radioactive reports 5 years ago before covid, which described the radioactivity levels, stretching as far south as Bustleton Road, via an underground creak, that crosses Red Line Rd just about 100ft north of Bustleton Ave, I do not have those links anymore, ...maybe on an old computer.
I did recently find the reports where the NCR, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has terminated the license held by the Budd Company for another facility in Philadelphia, which may have occurred at both locations, as this location, which consisted of 75 acres was their main manufacturing facility, and the other may have been primarily used for offices, mailing address, and smaller manufacturing. -
The Budd Company operated a hot cell facility in Philadelphia from l956 through l967 to manufacture sealed sources for use in industrial radiography. (A hot cell is a heavily shielded enclosure in which radioactive materials are handled by persons using remote manipulators, such as mechanical arms, and viewed through shielded windows or periscopes.) A small amount of unsealed cesium-137 was also used for a brief time at the facility.
In addition, we also have Laramie Road. I always wondered what the meaning of Laramie meant, as I have seen roads all over the world with the same name, such as in Canada.
The Laramie Mountains in Black Hills / Paha Sapa, USA was one of the largest Uranium mining sites in the USA.
The Black Hills are considered a sacred place by the Lakota people and are representative of the entire four-state region of South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota, where thousands of uranium mines or exploration wells are located. For more than 40 years, the local population has been exposed to the radioactive legacy of the former uranium rush.
Behind my house at 9643 Pine Rd. inside Buckley Place, and also Buckley Terrace, Almatt Place, Almatt Terrace, Myers Circle, Mark Place, Johnathin Place, Kismet Place, etc... etc... and so on, whatever... we have various dead end streets, which the locals refer to as a "cul-de-sacs" as they strikingly resemble a cement covered missel silo's, aka launch sites, in which the process requires the cement cover to be blown off by explosives, so the missile underneath can launch intercontinentally.
We also have, "Flagstaff Rd." ...Get it? Flag, like the American Flag & Staff.
In the 1985 movie, Back to the Future, Marty Visits Hill Valley, as in Pine Valley / Huntingdon Valley -
Also, in Back to the Future, the Mall Scene where the Libyans arrive to get back their stolen Plutonium, the name of the mall is "Twin Pines" ...there is also a "Lone Pine" Mall in the movie. So, the Twin Pines Mall in the movie, is almost an exact replica of the Plymouth Meeting Mall, which is about 25 minutes away from Pine Rd. Though, the mall had a makeover in around the year 2010. or here
Also, in Back to the Future, Marty's mom's name is Lorraine. As a play on words in French, "Reine" means "King" in France, So, Lorain would translate in French to King Louis, Lou, Lo.
In the South Park SE 8 EP 1 2004 Paris Hilton inserts a Pine Apple up her vagina. Get it, Paris as in France, like how the streets here are shaped into the words: Arlene & Orlene, ....and, a Pine Apple like Pine Rd. and/or - The 1993 movie, the Coneheads as in Falcone, Fal-cone, in this clip, ...they say, "Were from France" and also their homes look identical to ours.
In addition, as explained above + http://www.LaserLightShow.ORG as myself... also in the movie, plus many more:
Eminem - Slim Shady like Shady Lane Road & Pine Rd.
In the movie, Trading Places Movie with Eddie Murphey, that was filmed in Philadelphia, ....his name is Billy Ray Valentine, but, it sounds like Billy Revel on Pine, as in the French Revolution.
Did you ever hear the saying, "We'll that's the word on the street?" or... "The word on the street is..."
My parents were my best friends. I bought my 1st home in 2004, in the 19115, When they got old & sick, I had to move back in w/ them & keep my home vacant. We wanted to prevent them from going into a nursing home, and also having the nursing home take away their home. We had nurses, round the clock for 24 hours. I was not embarrassed living with my parents. I actually enjoyed it very much. We would eat dinner together every day. We never argued. My whole life I was never yelled at. They were a lot older than me, and as their age progressed, things became tough. I had to cook for them 3 meals a day, and do everything for them... because I didn't want to put them in a nursing home. One time, my vegan diet gave my father low iron, low hemoglobin (which requires a blood transfusion to fix immediately), it makes you weak, and you can't move.... So, I had to sleep on the floor next to him for a month. I didn't know about the Nutrition Tracking Meal Diary Cell Phone Free App called at that time. I miss them very much, and think about them all the time.
My father was a prominent Book Publisher, similar to myself also a publisher. He was the VP at Ruttle, Shaw & Wetherill. One of their notable works that they published was the Merck Manual Professional // Merck Manual Consumer, an indispensable resource for medical professionals; it was the most popular reference guide for Medical Professionals, on how to treat hospital patients. It's what Hospitals used before the internet & computers.
My mother worked at Orleans Technical College & also the School District of Philadelphia as a part time substitute #teacher, and hemy friends worked in operations. They also owned a printing company specializing in medical forms. They both retired around 1990.
I think this is the best home in #America. I don't care about those big homes in California or Florida nor Donald Trump's home in Key Largo.... I don't think his home is better than mine. I only mention that b/c I hear it in the news every day for the past 5 years... but, maybe that's why the Donald Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia in New Jersey is located in a city, with the same name as mine, Pine Hill / Pine Valley. Here, we have the Fox Chase Farm, it's 117 acres, 1 hour walk to loop it.
The only homes or Cities that might even come close, might be Dubai, United Arab Emirates - World Islands, or Dubai Palm Island ....but, we did this in the 1950's, and they just started.
"l'état, c'est moi"
Capet XXI (My Grandmother's Maiden Last Name)
🔴🔴🔴🔴 ⚡ Louis XVI & The American Revolution
Louis XVI's financial support to the United States during the American Revolutionary War primarily came in the form of loans and supplies. The financial assistance was crucial for the American colonists in their fight against British rule. Here are the details of how the money was distributed:
Financial Agreements: In February 1778, France and the United States signed the Treaty of Alliance, formally allying France with the American colonists. As part of this agreement, France pledged its support, including financial aid, to the United States.
Loans: France provided substantial loans to the United States to fund their war efforts. The most significant loan came in 1778 when the French government arranged a loan of 2 million livres (a French currency) from the French banking house of Le Couteulx et Cie. This initial loan was followed by additional loans, including a total of 10 million livres in 1779 and 24 million livres in 1780.
Supplies and Military Aid: In addition to financial assistance, France also provided military supplies and aid to the American colonists. The French Navy played a crucial role in the war by assisting in naval blockades and engaging in key battles, such as the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, which was a decisive victory for the Americans. The French military support included troops, warships, weapons, and ammunition.
Benjamin Franklin's Role: Benjamin Franklin, the American envoy to France, played a significant role in negotiating and securing French support. He worked closely with the French government to secure financial aid and other resources for the American cause. Franklin's diplomacy and influence were instrumental in obtaining French assistance.
Distribution of Funds: The funds received from France were primarily managed by the Continental Congress, the governing body of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. Congress used the funds to pay for various war-related expenses, such as purchasing supplies, equipping troops, and maintaining military operations. Some funds were also used to pay off existing debts.
It is important to note that while Louis XVI and France's support was crucial for the American cause, the financial aid alone did not guarantee victory in the war. The American colonists faced numerous challenges throughout the conflict, and the outcome of the war was determined by a combination of factors, including military strategy, perseverance, and the support of other nations such as Spain and the Netherlands.
⚡ Family Relationships of France & England
Louis XVI's wife, Marie Antoinette, and King George III's wife, Queen Charlotte, were sisters-in-law as they both came from the House of Habsburg-Lorraine through their mother, Maria Theresa. This made Louis XVI and King George III brothers-in-law by marriage.
In addition, there were also related by blood by former ancestors.
The British and French royal families have a long history of intermarriage, resulting in blood connections between the two dynasties. Here are some key relationships that link the British and French royal families:
The House of Stuart and the House of Bourbon: One significant connection between the two royal families was through the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots, a member of the Stuart dynasty, to Francis II of France, who belonged to the House of Valois-Bourbon. Their son, James VI of Scotland (later James I of England and Ireland), became the first monarch of the Stuart dynasty to rule over England and Scotland, effectively uniting the crowns from 1567 to 1625.
The House of Hanover and the House of Bourbon: The Hanoverian dynasty in Britain began with the accession of George I in 1714. The Hanoverians were related to the French Bourbon dynasty through Sophia of Hanover, whose mother was Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James VI and I. Sophia's uncle, Charles I of England and Scotland, married Henrietta Maria of France, a member of the House of Bourbon. Therefore, there was a blood connection between the Hanoverians and Bourbons through the Stuart lineage.
The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and the House of Orléans: In the 19th century, the British royal family, known as the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (later renamed the House of Windsor), had a connection to the French royal family through Queen Victoria. In 1840, Victoria married Prince Albert, who was a member of the German noble House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Their daughter, Princess Victoria, married Prince Louis of Battenberg, whose mother was a member of the House of Orléans, a branch of the French royal family.
Edward III and Isabella of France: Edward III of England, who reigned from 1327 to 1377, was married to Philippa of Hainault. However, a significant blood connection between the British and French royal families came through Edward III's mother, Isabella of France. Isabella was the daughter of King Philip IV of France, making Edward III a grandson of a French king.
These are only a few examples of how the British and French royal families were related.
While these connections highlight the historical ties between the British, The Royal Family, and French royal families, it is important to note that they represent a small portion of the complex web of intermarriages among European royal houses throughout history. The relationships between the two dynasties were often influenced by political considerations, diplomatic alliances, and the desire to strengthen familial connections among European monarchies.
Matt Falcone -
submitted by Louis-Capet-XXVI to u/Louis-Capet-XXVI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:35 dl5454 [WTS] Griffin Scout f3.5

Griffin Scout f3.5 [B]
Putting up my Griffin Scout f3.5 full DLC back up for sale today. These retail for $330. I’m asking $250. Great price for a great knife! The action and sounds that come from this beast make this a fidgeters dream. Super smooth and THWACKY. Awesome detent with an incredibly satisfying reverse flick. Check the last video for action. Not really looking for trades but I’ll look at any serious offers. Preciate y’all checking it out!
SV: $250
SV: $250
submitted by dl5454 to EDCexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:39 dl5454 [WTS] Griffin Scout f3.5

Putting up my Griffin Scout f3.5 full DLC back up for sale today. These retail for $330. I’m asking $250. Great price for a great knife! The action and sounds that come from this beast make this a fidgeters dream. Super smooth and THWACKY. Awesome detent with an incredibly satisfying reverse flick. Check the last video for action. Not really looking for trades but I’ll look at any serious offers. Preciate y’all checking it out!
SV: $250
SV: $250
submitted by dl5454 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:27 CuzStoneColdSezSo My 50 Favorite Films of the 80s! (#30-21)

My 50 Favorite Films of the 80s! (#30-21)
Click my username for previous entries! These are only films in my collection so blind spots are inevitable. Also I know which of these blu-rays have 4K upgrades available you don’t have to tell me to get them lol. Feel free to post your own favorites! 30) Midnight Run: Robert DeNiro shows a lighter side perfectly playing a professional bounty hunter who has to wrangle Charles Grodin’s high strung mob accountant across the U.S. in this buddy action-comedy. Like Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with guns. 29) The Last Temptation of Christ: Martin Scorsese’s highly controversial passion project starring Willem Dafoe as a more humanized Jesus Christ remains a deeply moving examination of faith and spirituality. 28) After Hours: Martin Scorsese’s darkly comic masterpiece runs Griffin Dunne’s lonely office drone through a Kafka’esque wringer in the definitive “Up All Night” New York movie. 27) The Killer: John Woo’s singular blend of kinetic action and melodrama was perfectly engineered in this masterpiece of heroic bloodshed starring Chow Yun Fat as an assassin with a code of honor. 26) Die Hard: The most influential action film of the decade, John McTiernan’s perfectly directed thriller features a great script and two amazing performances from Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. Also a Christmas classic. 25) This Is Spinal Tap: Rob Reiner’s fake rockumentary about the titular British metal band is quite simply one of the funniest movies ever made. 24) Amadeus: Milo’s Forman’s Best Picture winner about the professional-turned-deeply personal rivalry between court composer Salieri and the young genius Mozart is a world class drama. Triumphant, enthralling, a masterpiece. 23) The Road Warrior: George Miller’s post apocalyptic action opus is a film of pure, unrelenting violence and brutality, realized with astonishing craft and a mythic grandeur. 22) Aliens: James Cameron’s more action oriented sequel to Ridley Scott’s sci-fi horror classic brilliantly expands on its predecessor strengths while cementing Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley as an all time great cinematic heroine. 21) The Terminator: Two years before Aliens James Cameron proved himself with another perfectly engineered sci-fi thriller on an even tighter budget, elevating a glorified B-movie premise about a killer robot from the future into a work of incredible pop art. To be continued!
submitted by CuzStoneColdSezSo to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:19 tfb1000 Anyone ever notice a lot of the popular shows of the 2000s had interesting/sad parental situations?

For example, Drake and Josh’s parents are divorced. iCarly with Carly’s mom, Sam and Freddie’s Dads’ out of the picture. Zoey101 living thousands of miles away from her parents. Even on Disney with Zack and Cody’s parents divorced, Hannah Montana’s mom dying.
Why do you think this was a reoccurring theme during this era of kids shows?
submitted by tfb1000 to nickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:30 Curious_Individual LOL

LOL submitted by Curious_Individual to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:59 shinmiri2 Shinmiri's Balance Council, Expectations & Analysis

With Nik_r not submitting votes for the Balance Council this month, we have a near-complete picture of what the upcoming balance changes will be simply by looking at the suggestions from MetallicDanny, Necrotal/P_Star, and the Chinese coalition. Last month, MetallicDanny got all 12 of his votes through, Necrotal/P_Star 11 out of 12, and China had 14 out of 17. With Nik_r abstaining, we can assume that these three groups will have a near 100% success rate on their votes. They are likely to account for 9 out of the 10 changes in each category leaving maybe 1 or 2 slots in each category open to the rest of the voters.
So let’s look at what they are voting for this time around. Using this document compiled by A_Reveur,
I’ve made my own little graphic to visualize all the changes and which factions will be affected.
The uncolored cells are either for neutrals or throwaway nerf votes that won’t make significant impacts on the meta. I’ll quickly summarize my thoughts below for each faction:
MO: Buff to Viy and maybe Haunt version of Deathwish, and a nerf to Necromancer’s Tome. I like the nerf, as Necrotome has been indirectly buffed since Last Wish got buffed to 6p, allowing GN to consistently combo Necrotome with a special that activates it on the same turn, making it usually impossible to answer it without trading massively down in points. Necrotome has been in many strong MO archetypes recently such as Relicts, Vampires, and Deathwish (all Golden Nekker variants).
NR: Nerfs to Damned Sorceress and Leticia. I like the Leticia nerf as she’s answer-or-lose with a huge carryover component. I’m okay with the nerf to Damned Sorc, but would have preferred a nerf to Immortals instead, as Sorc is rather weak without Immortals, but could be played with other things like Griffin Witcher Adept. Buff to Ronvid is questionable because although he’s a weak card by himself, he’s always played for Revenant synergy, and Revenants have been super strong since getting buffed to 4 power. I’d argue that Revenant deserves a nerf to 5 provisions before or at the same time as this Ronvid buff. I think a Revenant provision increase is one of the best ways to nerf the Devotion Temple Zeal deck that is quite popular and strong on ladder, which somehow isn’t getting any nerfs here from these three influencers.
SY: Fairly good changes overall. KoB and Conjurer’s Candle basically swap a provision, which makes sense. Bare-Knuckled Brawler will be weak at 4 power and 5 provisions, which we saw briefly before, but next month, we should push it to a healthy place at 5 power and 5 provisions, where it cannot be created from Eventide Plunder. Shady Vendor nerf is arguable, maybe not necessary? Eveline Gallo buff is fine as a good “spend-to-zero” engine. SY should still get more buffs in some of its underplayed archetypes and packages, such as Fireswarm and Self-poison. Lerio suggested Back-Alley Chemist power increase, which I quite like. It could be very impactful as an activator for 4 power Mutant and Wretched Addict, which currently rely too much on Gellert.
NG: Small nerf to status NG with the Servant, and a bigger nerf to Machines NG with Combat Engineer, Teleport, and Ffion. I’m fine with this as Combat Engi is such a huge carryover card and the deck abuses red coin very hard. On the buff side, NG soldiers is getting massively buffed with Crossbowmen, Affan, Baccala, War Council, and Sweers. Then there’s Tactical Decision and possibly Blightmaker as well. Some of these cards are already quite competitive. I don’t understand Blightmaker buff at all. The card is already very competitive at 11 for 7p + thin 1. Hopefully it won’t go through. Crossbowmen buff is very scary as he will have a floor of 8 for 5p most of the time while also threatening 2 points per turn. IMO, this is the month where it is really important to push through a provision nerf for Slave Driver, so there at least is a slight surcharge for playing the same soldier over and over again while also having flexibility to play pointslam, engine, or lock.
SK: It’s currently the Pirate faction, partly due to nerfs to Highland Warlord last month, and Necrotal/P_Star want to give the archetype a lot of buffs this month. But if these changes go through as expected, Warriors will be buffed above their previous power level (when they were already very popular) with getting 3 provisions back from WoC and Vabjorn as well as 2 stats more on Skjordal which also increases his removal reach. Herkja is also a buff for Warriors, but might not make it into the classical version. Warriors are going to end up getting overbuffed, so I suggest compensating with a nerf to one of its core cards, either Tyr or Sove. Tyr requires a provision increase, whereas Sove can be nerfed via power decrease, so I suggest the latter as it’s a less competitive category. With Dimun Smuggler and Compass expected to get nerfed, SK seems like it will simply transform from the pirates faction into the warriors faction. Shieldmaiden buff might encourage some Cerys Lippy, but I would also like to see some buffs to Alchemy/Rain with a suggestion from Kerpeten last month that I really liked, which was a provision decrease to Bride of the Sea.
ST: Speaking of overbuffing an archetype, Harmony stands to go bonkers with this balance council, getting a power buff to answer-or-lose Saskia Commander, Dryad Fledgling power buff which would make this 4p engine start at 6 power, a triple buff to Waters of Brokilon, and possibly a power buff to Chameleon as well (which would be significantly more than just a 1 stat buff). IMO, Saskia is not a good card to buff as she’s often auto-winning round 1 against a lot of decks. At 4 power, she might be killable with random pings or weather, but at 5 power that becomes much harder. Dryad Fledgling at 6 power is also a really high starting point for a 4p engine, but that might be acceptable if it didn’t also double-buff Waters of Brokilon. Assuming these changes go through, WoB will be a 9p card that starts at 12 power (often 14 due to leader, stratagem, or Chameleon) and continues to be a 2-points-per-turn threat, often growing to something like 24 points. It’s also extremely difficult to answer both Fledglings in one turn. Waters of Brokilon can even be played multiple times with things like Alyssa or possibly Filavandrel. Unfortunately, there’s no way to vote to NOT change something like Dryad Fledgling, so I think the next best thing would be to nerf an ST card that often is played with Harmony like Dana or Simlas. I am going with a power nerf to Simlas because I think it’s more likely that some casual players might vote to nerf Simlas this month, whereas no casual players will vote to nerf Dana as she’s not really played this season.
As for my own votes, I’m using my 1-star vote to supplement an existing card that one of these 3 big groups are voting for which I think makes sense, especially if they are in the 1-star or 2-star slot, to help push them over the threshold. My 3-star and 2-star votes will be for cards outside of the existing 3 big groups. Many of them I have already mentioned above. In addition to those, I have Kerack Frigate for a power increase to help NR swarm archetype. This could synergize with cards like Meve, Coen, Scythemen/Uprising, and Melitele. It doesn’t really buff Stockpile either because it takes up too much space. I also have Yennefer of Vengerberg for a provision decrease to help various swarm archetypes like this NR swarm, classic Arachas Swarm, and maybe some sort of Knight ChallengeCahiEnemy Boost deck, etc.
Here are my votes:
I think we have a very clear picture of what this upcoming BC will entail, and for once I feel quite passionate about the nerf categories due to multiple archetypes seemingly in for an overbuff. I hope you enjoyed the read, and if you agree with these thoughts then please vote with us! Last time we were able to push through one change (Chimera buff) with the help of Kerpeten and the rest of the English-speaking community. As far as I know, Chimera was not on any Russian or Chinese balance councils. Hopefully, this time we can do a little more!
submitted by shinmiri2 to gwent [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:59 Seamus_Hean3y (Spoilers Extended) "If King's Landing loses Oldtown and the Arbor, the whole realm will fall to pieces"

As AFFC closes the city of Oldtown is expecting a large-scale assault from the ironborn led by Euron Greyjoy. There's been a lot of theorising about Euron's potential hidden motivations in targeting Oldtown, upcoming kraken summoning, and apocalyptic ambitions.
Putting the supernatural aside for a moment let's examine the political ramifications of an ironborn invasion of the Seven Kingdoms' wealthiest city.

Oldtown under pressure

Euron's ironmen have captured towns outside Oldtown and carrying out probing attacks into the city proper. Bloody fighting has taken place. Yet, Oldtown has not fallen and her Hightower defenders continue to fly the flag of Lannister-Tyrell rule:
...a war galley came sliding from the fog, stroking slowly toward them. Huntress was the name she bore, behind a figurehead of a slender maiden clad in leaves and brandishing a spear. A heartbeat later, two smaller galleys appeared on either side of her, like a pair of matched greyhounds stalking at their master's heels. To Sam's relief, they flew King Tommen's stag-and-lion banner above the stepped white tower of Oldtown, with its crown of flame. -Samwell V, AFFC

The Lannister's legitimacy

There's deep resentment from the Hightower war galley's captain towards the ruling regime at King's Landing. Not only is Queen Cersei refusing to help her subjects, but she is actively blocking the Redwyne fleet from returning to defend the city:
"Garth is training new recruits, and Humfrey's gone to Lys to hire sellsails. If he can winkle a proper fleet out of his whore of a sister, we can start paying back the ironmen with some of their own coin. Till then, the best we can do is guard the sound and wait for the bitch queen in King's Landing to let Lord Paxter off his leash." -Samwell V, AFFC
Samwell immediately grasps the political implications. Were King's Landing to lose Oldtown, it would seriously undermine the Lannister-Tyrell dynasty:
The bitterness of the captain's final words shocked Sam as much as the things he said. If King's Landing loses Oldtown and the Arbor, the whole realm will fall to pieces, he thought as he watched the Huntress and her sisters moving off. -Samwell V, AFFC
Fans have noticed that GRRM likes inserting parallels with his main series into spinoff works. A hundred years earlier during the time of Dunk and Egg there was another audacious Greyjoy king whose raids on the Reach were destabilising King's Landing's political authority:
"Bittersteel and the sons of Daemon Blackfyre are hatching plots in Tyrosh, and Dagon Greyjoy's krakens prowl the sunset sea like wolves, raiding as far south as the Arbor. They carried off half the wealth of Fair Isle, it's said, and a hundred women, too. Lord Farman is repairing his defenses, though that strikes me as akin to the man who claps his pregnant daughter in a chastity belt when her belly's big as mine. -The Sworn Sword
"Myself, I blame Bloodraven," Ser Kyle went on. "He is the King's Hand, yet he does nothing, whilst the krakens spread flame and terror up and down the sunset sea."-The Mystery Knight

Aegon and Dorne

It's said nature abhors a vacuum and the alienation from Lannister-Tyrell monarchy in the southwestern Reach is begging to be filled. Fortunately, an alternative for the Iron Throne has just landed in Westeros: Aegon Targaryen VI. In The Mystery Knight the instability in the Seven Kingdoms is fertile ground for House Blackfyre, and forms the backdrop for the failed Second Blackfyre Rebellion. Aegon VI's contemporary effort, headed by Jon Connington, has already taken Storm's End:
“Has no one told you?” Halden Halfmaester favored her with a smile thin and hard as a dagger cut. “Storm’s End is ours. The Hand awaits you there.” -Arianne II, TWOW
Griffin's Roost was strong but small, and so long as they sat here they would seem small as well. But there was another castle nearby, vastly larger and impregnable. Take that, and the realm will shake. -The Griffing Reborn, ADWD
Arianne Martell is en route to the Golden Company and will likely marry Aegon and bind Dorne to his cause. As of Arianne II a Tyrell army is descending on Storm's End. Doubtless Aegon and Jon Connington will survive the ensuing battle.
Doran Martell has delegated enormous authority to Arianne. Two Dornish armies are ready to march at her command:
In the Boneway and the Prince’s Pass, two Dornish hosts had massed, and there they sat, sharpening their spears, polishing their armor, dicing, drinking, quarreling, their numbers dwindling by the day, waiting, waiting, waiting for the Prince of Dorne to loose them on the enemies of House Martell. Waiting for the dragons. For fire and blood. For me. One word from Arianne and those armies would march… - Arianne I, TWOW
Obara Sand earlier suggests one of the Dornish armies could sweep down on Oldtown:
"I know better. You need not even leave your chair. Let me avenge my father. You have a host in the Prince's Pass. Lord Yronwood has another in the Boneway. Grant me the one and Nym the other. Let her ride the kingsroad, whilst I turn the marcher lords out of their castles and hook round to march on Oldtown."
Obara wanted to sack Oldtown in revenge for her father Oberyn's death. But with the two Dornish armies acting at Arianne's command it would be a twist of irony if they were instead dispatched to save the city.

The King Who Bore The Sword

Why would Aegon VI want to save Oldtown? Well, securing the allegiance of powerful House Hightower would be a boon to his cause:
"What is Lord Hightower doing?" Sam blurted. "My father always said he was as wealthy as the Lannisters, and could command thrice as many swords as any of Highgarden's other bannermen." -Samwell V, AFFC
We also have the precedent of Stannis Baratheon:
Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne. -Jon XI, ASOS
Whatever the precise reasons Aegon will march to Oldtown and defeat Euron or "defeat" Euron. Whether Aegon actually saves Oldtown or just arrives as Euron Greyjoy is withdrawing doesn't really matter. Perception is reality.
Meanwhile in King's Landing the conflict between the Iron Throne and the Sparrows will have no doubt escalated and led to serious bloodshed. Cersei may triumph over the Sparrows short-term but the High Septon isn't done. He will flee the city and seek out a new king... a godly king. Here's his earlier account to Cersei of how the Faith of the Seven endorsed Aegon the Conqueror:
"The realm is full of kings. For the Faith to exalt one above the rest we must be certain. Three hundred years ago, when Aegon the Dragon landed beneath this very hill, the High Septon locked himself within the Starry Sept of Oldtown and prayed for seven days and seven nights, taking no nourishment but bread and water. When he emerged he announced that the Faith would not oppose Aegon and his sisters, for the Crone had lifted up her lamp to show him what lay ahead. If Oldtown took up arms against the Dragon, Oldtown would burn, and the Hightower and the Citadel and the Starry Sept would be cast down and destroyed. Lord Hightower was a godly man. When he heard the prophecy, he kept his strength at home and opened the city gates to Aegon when he came. And His High Holiness anointed the Conqueror with the seven oils. I must do as he did, three hundred years ago. I must pray, and fast."
Aegon VI will retrace the footsteps of Aegon the Conqueror and be anointed by the High Septon in Oldtown, wield the sword Blackfyre and possibly even wear the Conqueror's original crown lost in Dorne. All while being physically a classic (male) Targaryen warrior, unlike Cersei or Tommen (and later Daenerys).
Every visible symbol of legitimacy belonged to Aegon. He sat the Iron Throne. He lived in the Red Keep. He wore the Conqueror’s crown, wielded the Conqueror’s sword, and had been anointed by a septon of the Faith before the eyes of tens of thousands. Grand Maester Orwyle sat in his councils, and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard had placed the crown upon his princely head. And he was male, which in the eyes of many made him the rightful king, his half-sister the usurper. -The Princess and the Queen
Aegon will be the hero of Oldtown, the perfect picture of a Targaryen king. House Hightower swearing fealty could initiate a domino effect granting him much of the South. Buoyed by the revived Faith, his battlefield victories, and the emotive symbols of Targaryen legitimacy, Daenerys invasion of Westeros will face a genuinely popular young figurehead:
A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. -Daenerys IV, ACOK
submitted by Seamus_Hean3y to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:29 spacedebriss THE DEADPOOL THEORY: PART I

Sorry, this got so long, that seems to happen when I write a DD. I wanted to get this out last week, but it kept growing. I’ll try and answer questions, but I also kind of need a break.
None of this is financial advice. I’m just a stranger on the internet. Please do your own research.
I did a deep dive into the rules a year or so ago and wrote a long DD. I think it’s still relevant.
Options are most likely not used as locates for naked shorting. ETFs are the likely culprit. Bullet Swaps would likely be used for insurance or leverage, I don’t think they’re as important as some people think – they are scary as fuck though.
You need at least two parties to naked short. A Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. Market Maker pulls naked shares out of ETFs for Hedge Fund to naked short. Market Maker insures with Futures Contract or Options (probably LEAPS).
That insurance means that if the Market Maker sends X naked shares to the Hedge Fund then the Market Maker also bought enough contracts to buy X numbers of shares from the Hedge Fund on or possibly by some date far in the future. MMs practice CYA!
SEC: Where are the shares?
MM: I don’t know! I definitely sold this Hedge Fund real shares a long time ago. I have a contract for shares back and he doesn’t seem to have any. Isn’t that crazy?!
SEC: Yeah… Are you hiring?
Two Pools Theory is based around the idea that Naked Shorters likely have many reasons to naked short to one another and could potentially naked short large amounts of naked shares through the market to one another in a desperate time of need. Naked shorters didn’t get this far on wall street by trusting others – sell some naked shorts to your “buddy”, and you also get a contract that your “buddy” owes you those “shares” back at some point. CYA!
Too bad it’s impossible to CYA when you’re naked shorting. Duh. “Smart Money” my ass.
I call the pool of naked shares that naked shorters might be holding the deadpool. Maybe superstonk can come up with something better.
If the naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares between themselves (the deadpool), a large portion of it in 2021, then how many of those naked shares have been closed/rolled? Is it possible the expiration date of some of those naked shorts was based around a witching date/LEAP date roughly three years in the future?
And my biggest question of all, if naked shorters could delay delivery of naked shorts to one another three years into the future, could they also delay the splividend to one another? What if they owe 4 shares for every 1 on a toxic mess they’re holding between themselves?
If I was a naked shorter in this situation then I’d want out. If I also knew I and every other naked shorter needed shares soon then I’d either try and buy real shares from the company or as many call options as I possibly could. GME did just sell some shares and a bunch of call options have been bought recently. Is a big expiration date coming due and someone is trying to get out?
I sadly don’t have answers to a lot of the questions I raise in this paper. I’d mostly just like you to think about these questions with me.
Now here’s another thing to think about because I’ve hyped myself up, and it’s good to stay level headed. If that’s all true, then naked shorters have also had three years to come up with a plan to survive another day.
If there’s naked shorting, then eventually DRSing will uncover it, if it fucking has to.
In the mean time, I think it’s fun to think about naked shorters building a deadpool that might be coming back to fuck them.
This theory covers a lot and I’m hesitant to even put it out there because it could have big implications and it could also be completely wrong. It’s also based on some speculation. There’s a lot of speculation about June swirling around with LEAPS and Bullet Swaps. I haven’t seen any proof that anyone actually knows expiration dates on any bullet swaps or LEAPS that naked shorters may or may not be holding. There’s also some speculation on some rules in this write-up because I’ve been unable to find anything worthy of a citation that says naked shorters can delay delivery of a dividend to one another. I also haven’t found any citations on how splividends would work with naked shorting.
The gist of the theory is that there are two pools of naked shares. One pool is held in the hands of retail and one pool is held in the hands of the naked shorters themselves. I believe the naked shares in those pools could be handled in different ways. Naked shorting would need to be done between two parties: a Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. The Market Maker would most likely pull naked shares out of ETFs for the Hedge Fund and the Hedge Fund would then sell the naked shares into the market.
The Market Maker likely would want insurance on a risky naked shorting play. The Market Maker could enter into Futures Contracts or LEAPS with the Hedge Fund. These contracts mean on or sometimes before the expiration date the Market Maker can go to the Hedge Fund with the cash and demand shares.
Now, the obvious reason you naked short is to hopefully drive the price of a stock down, the company goes bankrupt, and you never have to buy the naked shares back. Pure profit. Sure, maybe at some point you might get found out and become an infamous slimey asshole, but you could be a rich slimey asshole! You embrace it and naked short a bunch of shares to retail investors. Asshole.
Here’s where the two pool theory comes in, you need to be the hedge fund to a market maker or the mm to a hf to naked short. Do you also naked short to your “buddy”? Your “friend”?
Hedge Fund: Why are you saying it like that?
Space Debris: Saying what what way?
Hedge Fund: “Friend” With the things. MM and I are buddies! Right, MM?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Do the MM and the HF create a naked pool between themselves? What could be the advantages of that?
Could those naked shares be used as locates for a legitimate short sale? They should look and act like real shares, right? Could they move them around in dark pools? Could they be used for margin? Again, they should look like real shares that their “buddy” sold them? Meanwhile they’re toxic garbage.
If the Stock you’re trying to crush isn’t moving, no one is buying, no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares out into the market to your buddy to get the price moving down?
If everyone is buying and no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares through the market to your buddy to try and drop the price?
Hedge Fund: That would get people selling, right? That would get the price dropping, right?
Plus, those shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls. They end up in your “buddies” hands. He also wants to crush this stock.
Hedge Fund: Retail is selling, right?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Now, let’s say you have a huge naked short pool in the hands of retail you have to deal with and you have a huge pool with your buddy. Which are you going to deal with first? Probably the retail pool.
So, I’m not saying you did this, but what exactly would happen if say….
  • You have two monstrous naked share pools. One with retail and one pool with your naked shorting buddies
Hedge Fund: Well, I….
Space Debris: Let me fucking finish.
  • On a stock of a company with potential, that’s not going bankrupt anytime soon
Hedge Fund: That’s debat….
Space Debris: Shut the fuck up
  • That stock also has a large group of retail investors who have been DRSing for the past three years…
Hedge Fund: Well, then why does the price keep dropping?
Space Debris: There’s this little film from 1944 I’d like you to watch. You like Ingrid Bergman?
What would happen if say you had that huge retail pool of naked shorts that you’ve been successfully rolling for three years, but you also have a huge pool of naked shorts with your buddy that you created in a time of desperation? A time of desperation, say about three years ago?
Now, say a big part of that pool of naked shorts you have with you friend is coming due finally? You’ve been putting most or maybe all of it off just trying to tread water and roll your retail naked shorts. You’ve been crushing the price, desperately hoping retail will sell, but now you and your buddy need to roll the toxic pool you hold between yourselves. The way to roll an old naked short into a new one is by: 1. Creating a new naked share. 2. Buying a real share to close the old naked share.
If you keep reading I’ll dive into the mechanics a bit more (not as much as my old DD), but basically the Naked Shorting Market Maker will need to have special privileges (be an Authorized Participant) to rip open ETFs. The Market Maker rips open a bunch of ETFs that shouldn’t exist – which could be why you see ETFs with such high short interest and such high Failure-To-Delivers (FTDs). The MM then has a bunch of naked shares that he pulled out of the ETF and those are used to naked short the stock.
Here’s an image I want you to picture that might help. When naked shorters crush a company through naked shorts, most of the time they’re not just flushing more and more naked shorts into the market. Most of the time it’s rolling over the market in a wave. They would be closing old naked shorts as they open new ones. If a naked shorter started naked shorting against a company at $20 10 years ago then they will no longer have naked shorts opened at $20. The naked share could have been rolled at 19, 18, 17 or 15, 10, 5. In other words, a naked share was sold to Bob for $20 in the past. A real share is now bought from Suzy for $19 and sent to Bob, then a new naked share is sent to John for $19. There’s still only one naked short in the market, but the expiration date, price, and location has changed. Bob never knew he had a fake and now neither does John. The naked shorter scraped $1 off the play and is still crushing the stock. If you have a super algo that can do this for change constantly all day everyday then that change adds up very fast. Ever seen office space?
There are times where it would be beneficial to shoot out more naked shorts than you’re closing. At the beginning, possibly towards what the naked shorter hopes is the end, to get the stock moving, in a time of desperation, etc.
But now a big question I have...
A question I really wish I knew the answer to and sadly I honestly don’t. What if you delayed the delivery of a fuck ton of naked shorts to your buddy, they’re finally coming due, and there was also a split or maybe a splividend sometime in the past three years? Did you delay the delivery of the splividend shares to your “buddy”? Is that allowed?! I’m trying to find out, but the market is so fucking opaque! This seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed, but this market can also be a joke at times. Is this allowed? I’ve been trying to find it somewhere in the rules, but there are too many rules. ChatGPT said it’s allowed, but ChatGPT says a lot of crazy shit.
I need to go over that again. You’re so fucking underwater because GME is sneezing, you just spray a fucking hurricane of naked shorts at the market to crush the price, your naked shorting buddy buys up as many of your naked shorts as he can so they don’t get into retail hands. You’re also exchanging contracts far out in the future as insurance – insurance that you can buy the shares back from your “buddy” at some point. Time to crush retail. If retail doesn’t sell… and if it’s finally time to settle your deadpool with your “friend”? Has some of it been quadrupled in the past three years?
Again, I want to be clear. No one has hard evidence that there are naked shorters holding a fuck ton of LEAPS coming due in June. I also have no evidence that a split or splividend can be delayed between naked shorters. This is all a theory. It does line up nicely with the other DD I wrote over a year ago and does make some puzzle pieces fit nicely in my mind, but I also feel a bit like I’ve been smoking tinfoil and mainlining GME for years now.
So, again, don’t get too hype now….
A bigger question, the splividend is kind of weird. Does the splividend require that the deadpool be closed/rolled by buying real shares? It seems like with a split a deadpool could be closed using cash, is the splividend different?
Hedge Fund: Well… okay, but… why does the price keep dropping? You should sell… AI boom! Artificial Intelligence is here. Sure, you read a book two years ago that AGI would take 50-100 years to develop, but AGI is here! Now! I swear. Buy my AI Stocks!
A little over a year ago I wrote an 89 page DD. You probably haven’t read it. It was long and covered way too much, but there’s a lot to talk about with a stock like GME. I’m going to try and summarize my DD for you, that way you don’t need to go back through it. A lot of it is important to my theory and some of it is just interesting in my opinion. And some of it is wild cohencidences that make me feel like a conspiracy nut.
I honestly originally went on the journey to write that long DD because sometimes I felt like I was in a cult and I needed to do my own research. Fuck, I may have fell farther down the rabbit hole and I keep tumbling down. Yay!
Naked shorting has been around since markets have been around. If you have delayed delivery then it’s easy to sell something and worry about the delivery later. The stock market seemed to reach a fairly good place of stability because of rules and regulations until computers came along. Computers and algorithms have led to an insane advantage for wall street over the common retail investor. Market makers have also had special rules and have had access to different loopholes that allow for even larger delays in delivery.
I sell you 100 shares of Stock A for $10 now. If I can wait to buy then I’ll just wait until it’s cheaper. Also, remember, I have a super fast computer selling huge amounts of shares to other people too. Cheap enough for me might be $9.99. I buy for $9.99, settle my naked short with you, and now I’m selling naked shorts at $9.98. Anyone?! $9.98? I got as many as you need! (the price falls) $9.96? $9.94?
Most retail investors hold shares for less than a year. Naked shorters hate hodlers, they want to constantly be selling to new suckers at lower prices until the company goes bankrupt. They want retail investors churning through the stock in months. Shares constantly moving hands.
So, you can kind of think of naked shorting as delayed delivery. Sell high and delay delivery long enough until you can buy low. Or at the end not even buy at all. “Sorry, product is no longer available, your delivery has been canceled.”
In the past Market Makers had an exemption that made it very easy to naked short and there are some strong signs that they abused that exemption. Back in the day a Market Maker could point to an UN-EXERCISED call option as a locate. I capitalized that un-exercised part because it’s important.
So, here’s where I found some weird coincidences writing my old DD that made me really feel like I was losing my mind a bit. So, please, lose your mind along with me.
  • Back in the day a Market Maker and Hedge Fund would do this naked shorting using a package of naked shares, put contracts, call contracts, and futures contracts. To the outside world it would look like normal buying and hedging of shares that hedge funds do everyday. The Market Maker side would look like something called a Reverse Conversion and the Hedge Fund side would look like something called a Split-Strike.
  • Bernied Madoff used to claim that he made all of his money using Split-Strikes.
  • This Option exemption or Reverse Conversion/Split-Strike strategy was closed through rule changes during the 2008 financial crash.
  • Bernie Madoff’s fund blew up during the 2008 financial crash.
Hopefully, it’s just a coincidence, because, what the fuck. Who’s writing this story?
  • Oh, also Bernie Madoff’s friend from prison claims that Madoff admitted to naked shorting and says that Madoff claimed everyone on wall street was doing it.
Wild, am I completely crazy wondering if naked shorting played a part in the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Oh, also, the options market lost a lot of steam after 2008, and well, guess what market really started taking off after 2008? Did you guess the ETF market? Because you’d be correct!
Did naked shorters move from the options market to the ETF market around 2008? Options still would have been good for insurance purposes, but not for creating the actual naked shares anymore.
An EXERCISED option can still be used as a locate today in order to short a stock. If you exercise the option, it means you’ve paid for the stock and the stock will be delivered soon. Market Makers have about a month to make good on the delivery. You could probably naked short through exercised options, but it would give you a finite window. I don’t know why you would if you can just use ETFs to naked short instead.
The way those old Reverse Conversion and Split-Strikes were built is very important. Yes, they looked like normal plays any hedge fund might make to regulators, but they also included insurance between thugs. Options and futures contracts can provide insurance to the Market Maker, that way when the MM shows up with cash the Hedge Fund will be forced to deliver shares. CYA! Cover Your ASS! Too bad you’re already naked shorting – that’s a dangerous fucking game.
These days the Market Maker opens up ETFs for the naked shares and sends those to the Hedge Fund. The ETF is the locate. Then the Market Maker can still use futures contracts or options contract with the Hedge Fund to ensure the MM won’t be the one left holding the bag.
We should also take a quick detour into bullet swaps. Bullet swaps would also not work as a locate for naked shorting.
No shares exchange hands because of a bullet swap. Nobody on wall street can point to a bullet swap as proof that they can get shares. Bullet swaps would primarily be used for hedging (insurance) or leverage.
INSURANCE: If you are short a stock then you can get insurance through a swap deal by entering a swap that is long on the stock. You short the stock and also enter a long bullet swap that expires far in the future. You now have years to crush the stock. In the future if you fail to crush the price of the stock then your long swap will help offset the cost of your failed shorts. With a bullet swap you pay for the insurance at expiration.
LEVERAGE: If you are short a stock, but also want leverage you could add a short bullet swap to your position. This will grow your short position without shorting more of the stock. Also, this will leave less of a sign that you’re shorting the stock. Buying a shit ton of puts might get noticed. And again, with a bullet swap, you pay for the leverage in the future.
Hwang in there. Sorry, this DD is so long.
Let’s say you were a degenerate with a lot of money to play on the stock market. You’re naked shorting a stock and you’re positive you can crush this thing. So you also take out a big bullet swap short position. You’ll make even more money when this stock goes bankrupt and you don’t even have to pay for the bullet swap until the expiration date. You just bought, or just got leverage without buying anything… You pay for the leverage in the future!
Bullet swaps are completely irresponsible! How is this a thing?!
If your naked short position blows up AND you haven’t hedged AND all of the sudden you owe a big lump sum on a short bullet swap, yikes, you’d be fucked.
Let’s use a made up story to help illustrate what I’m trying to say here. In this hypothetical scenario, naked shorters decide to naked short Stock A into the ground. Let’s say they start naked shorting on Stock A around 2012 or something.
Hedge Fund: It’s a dying business!
They start pumping naked shares into the market and the price falls.
Hedge Fund: See!
Then some dude looking for deep value comes along in 2019. He buys a bunch of shares and a bunch of call options on Stock A.
Now jump forward to 2021, January is an important time:
  1. FUTURES EXPIRING – Naked shares could be insured using Futures Contracts.
  2. LEAPS EXPIRING – Naked shares could also be insured using LEAPS.
  3. REGARDS – Also, that deep value dude has some calls expiring January 15th. Retail Investors send their regards. Dude on the internet (not a cat) and a bunch of traders on reddit YOLO hard into Stock A.
That means:
  1. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  2. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  3. Retail starts buying shares and call options.
In other words,
  1. Buy Pressure
  2. Buy Pressure
  3. Buy Pressure
The price skyrockets. Or sneezes if your prefer.
Naked shorters flood the market with naked shares of Stock A to drive the price back down. A bunch of those naked shares are sold to other naked shorters.
Now, in this scenario there are suddenly bulls and bears fighting over the stock. There’s even talk among some of the bulls of a possible short squeeze. Everyone is buying, but naked shorters need the price to go down. The only way to do that is to sell shares. More supply meets demand = price drops. Obviously, a naked shorter would do that by selling naked shares. But more naked shares into the hands of bulls?
It’s slimey, dark, and disgusting in here, but please, come join me in the mind of a naked shorter for a second. Let’s say as a naked shorter: 1. I need to buy a bunch of shares to roll a big part of my naked position. 2. Bulls are out on parade buying like fucking crazy. 3. There’s talk of a potential short squeeze.
As a naked shorter we would want to flood the market with naked shares to crush the price. A fuckton more supply meets the same demand = big price drop. On the other hand, bulls are buying like crazy. The more naked shares we pump out the more ammo we’re handing to bulls.
I don’t know about you, but if I were a naked shorter then I don’t want to hand a bunch of naked shares to bulls, especially if they’re already talking about a squeeze. I do want to flood the market with naked shares though. I would probably ask one of my naked shorting “friends” to gobble up as many of my naked shares as possible. We’ll both survive and we can settle up with each other later.
We usually use yearly contracts with retail naked shorts because most of retail sells within a year. With one another we could push it to three years. Surely, retail will give up after three years. Retail holding for three years is an anomaly. It just doesn’t happen!
Hedge Fund: That’s right!
Let’s assume naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares among themselves on Stock A. The huge flood of shares into the market helps crush the price and most of the shares end up with other naked shorters.
Maybe naked shorters also turn off the buy button, which is the rich kid equivalent of overturning the game board. Really just pathetic.
Company A: That was fucking weird….
Retail: Was that naked shorting?
Company A:
To recap, in this scenario, naked shorters now have a large pool of naked shares in the hands of retail that they need to continually roll. I think it’s likely naked shares to retail would be built with yearly expiration dates, most retail investors sell within a year. That gives flexibility to naked shorters to continually settle old naked shares and create new ones. Waves of naked shares being gobbled back up and spewed back out and gobbled back up and spewed back out. The naked shares look and act like the real thing as long as they can find a cheaper real share before expiration. They have a year – retail sells quick, and can be easy to manipulate. Should be easy money. Easy money with a whole lot o’ fucking risk.
Then the naked shorting pool, or the deadpool, are all of the naked shares that naked shorters sell to one another. Again, maybe at a time of desperation a fuck-ton of naked shares get sold through the market from one naked shorter to another. These naked shares have been created from an ETF loophole, then packaged with insurance using a Futures Contract or a LEAP Contract.
For example, on GME (a stock completely unrelated to made-up Stock A), the share price has shown waves in the price around quarterly triple-witching dates in March, June, September, and December. This would make sense if the price is moving because of common expiration dates used for Futures Contracts and LEAPS.
Now, let’s dive back into the grimy mind of a naked shorter. We built a bunch of naked shares and sent those to retail with yearly expiration dates. If we made these naked shares around January, March, June, or December of 2021 then they would expire in January, March, June, or December of 2022. Retail sells quick, a year should be enough time to close or roll.
In a time of desperation you also naked short a butt load of naked shares to your naked shorting “buddy”, he’s also naked shorting the stock and has no interest in calling in those naked shares anytime soon.
If you built a pool of naked shares with your “friend” then why would you give them the same expiration as naked shares sold to retail? That’s just adding to your retail headache. Retail should sell in a year (most usually do), but you can hold this position with your “friend” for a lot longer. Why not sell those naked shares with expiration dates much farther in the future? Maybe three years if you’re using LEAPS.
That gives you plenty of time to scare off retail, close out your retail naked shorts, and then you can worry about settling up with your “buddies”. You have insurance with LEAPS or Futures so settling with your buddies should be pretty easy. You can put that all off for another day far in the future.
Hedge Fund: Retail sells, right?
Space Debris: It’s just a story.
Hedge Fund: But retail sells, right?
Space Debris: No.
Let’s jump back to our fake Stock A scenario, maybe Company A sees some weird shit happening to their stock and think of naked shorters. Maybe Company A even sees the possibility of a huge naked short position being paired with a lot of LEAPS. Maybe Company A then gives naked shorters a year to close their short position, seems fair to me. Or maybe Company A just liked the idea of a splividend for a multitude of other reasons.
In this story, Company A puts out a splividend, it’s a bit different then your normal dividend. Mostly because of the way it’s delivered. Normally, with a split, every share of the Stock is just split. Naked shares look like normal shares so they’d be split and no delivery would be necessary. They would just need to deliver more shares on or before expiration to go with the old naked share. The price has also been split so their naked position should fundamentally be the same.
For ease, let’s say Company A split 4:1. Every share will now become 4. But for the splividend, they’ll actually hand deliver 3 shares to only the real shares. Company A’s people are going to check. If naked shorters have 1 naked share in the hand of a retail investor then they need to add 3 more shares to that hand. Doesn’t matter if the expiration is still a year out on that naked share, they owe 3 shares right now. The rules are convoluted and hard to parse through, but I believe Market Makers would have a few days to deliver splividend shares to retail. They could potentially have a month or so, but I’m not sure on that. I don’t think they would be able to delay retail splividend delivery for much more than a month. Retail splividend delivery. RETAIL….
The Deadpool might be different! With your retail splividends you could just create new naked shares to send as your dividend fulfillment. With your deadpool could you just agree to wait?
For, ease let’s assume for every 1 naked share sent out into the market, naked shorters also sent 1 to each other. These are made up numbers. It would be impossible to see the size of a naked short position or where it’s hidden. Naked shares look just like the real thing… until they don’t.
For every 1 naked share of Stock A in the Retail Pool, there is 1 naked share in the Deadpool.
Other stocks could be different, Stock A is a hypothetical.
Let’s assume naked shorters have been rolling, but unable to close their Retail naked short position in Stock A. These naked shorters would most likely have also held onto a lot of their naked short position with one another. The stock has also been split.
If naked shorters have the ability to delay delivery of the splividend to one another then they may not have settled a bunch of dividends yet. Every 1 naked share in the deadpool could now be 4 naked shares.
Now if you’re hoping Company A will squeeze because of a huge deadpool that needs to be closed then calm down, it might not be that easy.
Let’s look at all of the advantages of creating a deadpool with your naked shorting friends:
  1. Those naked shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls and the naked shares drive the price of the stock down.
  2. Your naked shorting “friend” is good at hiding naked shares. If there’s a limit to how many naked shares you can shit into retails’ hands, then a deadpool could be a place to go if you start hitting the retail limit.
  3. Those naked shares look like real shares so they could potentially be used for margin.
  4. You could potentially move them around in a dark pool to your “friend”, just match them with a short term option or future depending on when you want them back.
SEC: “Where are these locates?”
MM: “Right here, got them out of the deadpool.”
SEC: “The what?”
MM: “The darkpool.”
SEC: “Oh, cool. Are you hiring?”
  1. Extra Insurance with your naked shorting “friends”? “We all close our retail naked shorts and then we close these.” OR “Fine! I was naked shorting! But… but… he also sent me this huge pile of naked shares!”
  1. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE – I’m gonna hit you with some minor fud. This hypothetical deadpool might (I’m not positive) be able to be closed with cash. Naked shorters don’t want to drive the price up. Buying actual shares to close would drive the price up. I believe Deadpool naked shares could and would most likely be closed using cash when the time came. I have some questions about this because of the splividend that I’ll talk about below. Basically, does the splividend change that? Can splividend naked shares be settled with cash? I really wish I knew.
The deadpool could also be rolled and they would keep some of the other benefits, but it would likely be opened the normal way, and the old naked shares would still likely be closed using cash.
Now, I’m not positive, but I do believe rolling an old deadpool position using cash could cause upward movement in the shorted stock. It could also be very expensive, but if you’re rolling and your “buddy” also naked shorts an even amount of “shares” back to you then you’re basically just breaking even.
If the Deadpool exists then it would be just another hidden festering pile of naked shares slowly dragging naked shorters down. If it was grown by the splividend then it’s like a cancerous pile of naked shares and it’s reckoning day could be coming soon. Time to close or roll. I think Deadpool is a fitting name. The Deadpool would be zombie shares (that shouldn’t exist) pulled out of zombie ETFs that were conjured out of nothing. There are no real (living) shares hanging out in the Deadpool.
Not to be confused with the comic book character. He would DRS and hodl.
First off, there has been a lot of conjecture about a stock called GME. It’s all conjecture. No one knows dates. No one knows how many naked shares there could potentially be. No one here knows. Unless Kenny G is lurking. He might know something. No one gets that good at the sax without knowing a thing or two. Totally unrelated, but could you imagine if you were a naked shorter who had been griftin’ the market for years and your last name was Griffin.
Some of this DD is based on research into the rules, but some is also based on conjecture and theories. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Let’s go back to Stock A.
Let’s say a hedge fund naked shorted a bunch of Stock A with his friends. Then that hedge fund also entered bullet swap deals to get even more leverage on his short position. January 2021 rolls around, he blows up. He can’t roll all of his retail naked shares and can’t make good on shares with his Market Maker. Oh, and because of those bullet swaps, instead of making extra money, he owes a big lump sum.
The Hedge Fund evaporates and someone else takes over his position. Maybe someone who is not “friends” with the naked shorters and doesn’t want to be naked.
Now, Company A is smart, there were some signs that maybe your company was being naked shorted, but naked shorting is illegal. A year after all of the craziness, Company A does a splividend. A splividend could really make a naked shorting position even more of a nightmare, but naked shorting is illegal. Plus, shorters said they closed a year ago. Company A has many reasons to do a splividend that don’t involve naked shorting at all.
Company A then puts it out there that they want to sell a lot of shares. They have bright plans for the future and they need money. It costs money to make money! Or is it whisky? Again, naked shorting is illegal so there shouldn’t be any naked shares, but an offer like that could look like a lifeline if someone was naked shorting.
Seems like it would also be a good way to protect Company A from any litigation in the future that says they purposely tried to start a squeeze on their own stock. Or a MOASS. How could they start a squeeze? Company A put it out there that they wanted to sell a nice chunk of shares. You didn’t try to get any of those shares?
Company A: How many shares did you need?
Company A: How many shares did you need, MM?
Like Five Fancy Lawyers in Unison: Our client pleads the fifth.
Back to the lifeline though, you just absorbed someone’s toxic bag of naked shorts and you want out. Company A just put up a flashing sign that says, we’d like to sell some shares. Seems like a pretty good opportunity to me, doesn’t hurt to ask.
Market Maker: I just absorbed some toxic shit, got any shares you’d sell me?
Company A: Maybe
If you inherited a bag of toxic naked shorts and you know or have a strong feeling there are many more out there then trying to close by buying real shares through the market will run the price up. Can you close before you get out? If Company A sells you as many shares as they’re willing then that might cut your naked short position down or completely close it. If it doesn’t close it then what’s the next best option? You likely know that buying power is about to crank up because your toxic bag is expiring and so are a lot of other toxic bags.
Your next best option? Options…
If there’s a scenario where you’re trying to maybe not be the first one out, but insure that you make it out, this is the best play in my opinion. Again, Company A said they want to sell shares. You need real shares. If you’re unable to get enough shares directly from Company A then you turn to options. Options allow you to lock in a price for the shares you’re comfortable with, if the price drops then you can buy some shares for cheaper on the open market. If the price rises then you can still buy shares for the cheaper strike price by exercising the options contract.
Again, if you start buying at market then the price could start taking off and you’re cost basis could get blown out of the water. For example, you need 1 million shares of Company A at $20. If company is at $19, then with a big buy order your 1 millionth share might actually get bought at $21 or $25 or way higher. If you buy 10,000 $20 Calls then you can buy 1 million shares at $20 until the Calls expire.
The other advantage, you don’t have to be the first naked shorter to go to the market and start smashing the buy button. If Company A goes through some sort of Mother of All Short Squeezes then you won’t be the one who started it. To regulators, you just luckily bought some call options before this all started happening and now you’re exercising. Really wild stuff going on. Good thing you’re not naked short on that stock…. anymore… You go home and cry.
submitted by spacedebriss to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:28 spacedebriss THE DEADPOOL THEORY: PART I

Sorry, this got so long, that seems to happen when I write a DD. I wanted to get this out last week, but it kept growing. I’ll try and answer questions, but I also kind of need a break.
None of this is financial advice. I’m just a stranger on the internet. Please do your own research.
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I did a deep dive into the rules a year or so ago and wrote a long DD. I think it’s still relevant.
Options are most likely not used as locates for naked shorting. ETFs are the likely culprit. Bullet Swaps would likely be used for insurance or leverage, I don’t think they’re as important as some people think – they are scary as fuck though.
You need at least two parties to naked short. A Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. Market Maker pulls naked shares out of ETFs for Hedge Fund to naked short. Market Maker insures with Futures Contract or Options (probably LEAPS).
That insurance means that if the Market Maker sends X naked shares to the Hedge Fund then the Market Maker also bought enough contracts to buy X numbers of shares from the Hedge Fund on or possibly by some date far in the future. MMs practice CYA!
SEC: Where are the shares?
MM: I don’t know! I definitely sold this Hedge Fund real shares a long time ago. I have a contract for shares back and he doesn’t seem to have any. Isn’t that crazy?!
SEC: Yeah… Are you hiring?
Two Pools Theory is based around the idea that Naked Shorters likely have many reasons to naked short to one another and could potentially naked short large amounts of naked shares through the market to one another in a desperate time of need. Naked shorters didn’t get this far on wall street by trusting others – sell some naked shorts to your “buddy”, and you also get a contract that your “buddy” owes you those “shares” back at some point. CYA!
Too bad it’s impossible to CYA when you’re naked shorting. Duh. “Smart Money” my ass.
I call the pool of naked shares that naked shorters might be holding the deadpool. Maybe superstonk can come up with something better.
If the naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares between themselves (the deadpool), a large portion of it in 2021, then how many of those naked shares have been closed/rolled? Is it possible the expiration date of some of those naked shorts was based around a witching date/LEAP date roughly three years in the future?
And my biggest question of all, if naked shorters could delay delivery of naked shorts to one another three years into the future, could they also delay the splividend to one another? What if they owe 4 shares for every 1 on a toxic mess they’re holding between themselves?
If I was a naked shorter in this situation then I’d want out. If I also knew I and every other naked shorter needed shares soon then I’d either try and buy real shares from the company or as many call options as I possibly could. GME did just sell some shares and a bunch of call options have been bought recently. Is a big expiration date coming due and someone is trying to get out?
I sadly don’t have answers to a lot of the questions I raise in this paper. I’d mostly just like you to think about these questions with me.
Now here’s another thing to think about because I’ve hyped myself up, and it’s good to stay level headed. If that’s all true, then naked shorters have also had three years to come up with a plan to survive another day.
If there’s naked shorting, then eventually DRSing will uncover it, if it fucking has to.
In the mean time, I think it’s fun to think about naked shorters building a deadpool that might be coming back to fuck them.
This theory covers a lot and I’m hesitant to even put it out there because it could have big implications and it could also be completely wrong. It’s also based on some speculation. There’s a lot of speculation about June swirling around with LEAPS and Bullet Swaps. I haven’t seen any proof that anyone actually knows expiration dates on any bullet swaps or LEAPS that naked shorters may or may not be holding. There’s also some speculation on some rules in this write-up because I’ve been unable to find anything worthy of a citation that says naked shorters can delay delivery of a dividend to one another. I also haven’t found any citations on how splividends would work with naked shorting.
The gist of the theory is that there are two pools of naked shares. One pool is held in the hands of retail and one pool is held in the hands of the naked shorters themselves. I believe the naked shares in those pools could be handled in different ways. Naked shorting would need to be done between two parties: a Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. The Market Maker would most likely pull naked shares out of ETFs for the Hedge Fund and the Hedge Fund would then sell the naked shares into the market.
The Market Maker likely would want insurance on a risky naked shorting play. The Market Maker could enter into Futures Contracts or LEAPS with the Hedge Fund. These contracts mean on or sometimes before the expiration date the Market Maker can go to the Hedge Fund with the cash and demand shares.
Now, the obvious reason you naked short is to hopefully drive the price of a stock down, the company goes bankrupt, and you never have to buy the naked shares back. Pure profit. Sure, maybe at some point you might get found out and become an infamous slimey asshole, but you could be a rich slimey asshole! You embrace it and naked short a bunch of shares to retail investors. Asshole.
Here’s where the two pool theory comes in, you need to be the hedge fund to a market maker or the mm to a hf to naked short. Do you also naked short to your “buddy”? Your “friend”?
Hedge Fund: Why are you saying it like that?
Space Debris: Saying what what way?
Hedge Fund: “Friend” With the things. MM and I are buddies! Right, MM?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Do the MM and the HF create a naked pool between themselves? What could be the advantages of that?
Could those naked shares be used as locates for a legitimate short sale? They should look and act like real shares, right? Could they move them around in dark pools? Could they be used for margin? Again, they should look like real shares that their “buddy” sold them? Meanwhile they’re toxic garbage.
If the Stock you’re trying to crush isn’t moving, no one is buying, no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares out into the market to your buddy to get the price moving down?
If everyone is buying and no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares through the market to your buddy to try and drop the price?
Hedge Fund: That would get people selling, right? That would get the price dropping, right?
Plus, those shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls. They end up in your “buddies” hands. He also wants to crush this stock.
Hedge Fund: Retail is selling, right?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Now, let’s say you have a huge naked short pool in the hands of retail you have to deal with and you have a huge pool with your buddy. Which are you going to deal with first? Probably the retail pool.
So, I’m not saying you did this, but what exactly would happen if say….
  • You have two monstrous naked share pools. One with retail and one pool with your naked shorting buddies
Hedge Fund: Well, I….
Space Debris: Let me fucking finish.
  • On a stock of a company with potential, that’s not going bankrupt anytime soon
Hedge Fund: That’s debat….
Space Debris: Shut the fuck up
  • That stock also has a large group of retail investors who have been DRSing for the past three years…
Hedge Fund: Well, then why does the price keep dropping?
Space Debris: There’s this little film from 1944 I’d like you to watch. You like Ingrid Bergman?
What would happen if say you had that huge retail pool of naked shorts that you’ve been successfully rolling for three years, but you also have a huge pool of naked shorts with your buddy that you created in a time of desperation? A time of desperation, say about three years ago?
Now, say a big part of that pool of naked shorts you have with you friend is coming due finally? You’ve been putting most or maybe all of it off just trying to tread water and roll your retail naked shorts. You’ve been crushing the price, desperately hoping retail will sell, but now you and your buddy need to roll the toxic pool you hold between yourselves. The way to roll an old naked short into a new one is by: 1. Creating a new naked share. 2. Buying a real share to close the old naked share.
If you keep reading I’ll dive into the mechanics a bit more (not as much as my old DD), but basically the Naked Shorting Market Maker will need to have special privileges (be an Authorized Participant) to rip open ETFs. The Market Maker rips open a bunch of ETFs that shouldn’t exist – which could be why you see ETFs with such high short interest and such high Failure-To-Delivers (FTDs). The MM then has a bunch of naked shares that he pulled out of the ETF and those are used to naked short the stock.
Here’s an image I want you to picture that might help. When naked shorters crush a company through naked shorts, most of the time they’re not just flushing more and more naked shorts into the market. Most of the time it’s rolling over the market in a wave. They would be closing old naked shorts as they open new ones. If a naked shorter started naked shorting against a company at $20 10 years ago then they will no longer have naked shorts opened at $20. The naked share could have been rolled at 19, 18, 17 or 15, 10, 5. In other words, a naked share was sold to Bob for $20 in the past. A real share is now bought from Suzy for $19 and sent to Bob, then a new naked share is sent to John for $19. There’s still only one naked short in the market, but the expiration date, price, and location has changed. Bob never knew he had a fake and now neither does John. The naked shorter scraped $1 off the play and is still crushing the stock. If you have a super algo that can do this for change constantly all day everyday then that change adds up very fast. Ever seen office space?
There are times where it would be beneficial to shoot out more naked shorts than you’re closing. At the beginning, possibly towards what the naked shorter hopes is the end, to get the stock moving, in a time of desperation, etc.
But now a big question I have...
A question I really wish I knew the answer to and sadly I honestly don’t. What if you delayed the delivery of a fuck ton of naked shorts to your buddy, they’re finally coming due, and there was also a split or maybe a splividend sometime in the past three years? Did you delay the delivery of the splividend shares to your “buddy”? Is that allowed?! I’m trying to find out, but the market is so fucking opaque! This seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed, but this market can also be a joke at times. Is this allowed? I’ve been trying to find it somewhere in the rules, but there are too many rules. ChatGPT said it’s allowed, but ChatGPT says a lot of crazy shit.
I need to go over that again. You’re so fucking underwater because GME is sneezing, you just spray a fucking hurricane of naked shorts at the market to crush the price, your naked shorting buddy buys up as many of your naked shorts as he can so they don’t get into retail hands. You’re also exchanging contracts far out in the future as insurance – insurance that you can buy the shares back from your “buddy” at some point. Time to crush retail. If retail doesn’t sell… and if it’s finally time to settle your deadpool with your “friend”? Has some of it been quadrupled in the past three years?
Again, I want to be clear. No one has hard evidence that there are naked shorters holding a fuck ton of LEAPS coming due in June. I also have no evidence that a split or splividend can be delayed between naked shorters. This is all a theory. It does line up nicely with the other DD I wrote over a year ago and does make some puzzle pieces fit nicely in my mind, but I also feel a bit like I’ve been smoking tinfoil and mainlining GME for years now.
So, again, don’t get too hype now….
A bigger question, the splividend is kind of weird. Does the splividend require that the deadpool be closed/rolled by buying real shares? It seems like with a split a deadpool could be closed using cash, is the splividend different?
Hedge Fund: Well… okay, but… why does the price keep dropping? You should sell… AI boom! Artificial Intelligence is here. Sure, you read a book two years ago that AGI would take 50-100 years to develop, but AGI is here! Now! I swear. Buy my AI Stocks!
A little over a year ago I wrote an 89 page DD. You probably haven’t read it. It was long and covered way too much, but there’s a lot to talk about with a stock like GME. I’m going to try and summarize my DD for you, that way you don’t need to go back through it. A lot of it is important to my theory and some of it is just interesting in my opinion. And some of it is wild cohencidences that make me feel like a conspiracy nut.
I honestly originally went on the journey to write that long DD because sometimes I felt like I was in a cult and I needed to do my own research. Fuck, I may have fell farther down the rabbit hole and I keep tumbling down. Yay!
Naked shorting has been around since markets have been around. If you have delayed delivery then it’s easy to sell something and worry about the delivery later. The stock market seemed to reach a fairly good place of stability because of rules and regulations until computers came along. Computers and algorithms have led to an insane advantage for wall street over the common retail investor. Market makers have also had special rules and have had access to different loopholes that allow for even larger delays in delivery.
I sell you 100 shares of Stock A for $10 now. If I can wait to buy then I’ll just wait until it’s cheaper. Also, remember, I have a super fast computer selling huge amounts of shares to other people too. Cheap enough for me might be $9.99. I buy for $9.99, settle my naked short with you, and now I’m selling naked shorts at $9.98. Anyone?! $9.98? I got as many as you need! (the price falls) $9.96? $9.94?
Most retail investors hold shares for less than a year. Naked shorters hate hodlers, they want to constantly be selling to new suckers at lower prices until the company goes bankrupt. They want retail investors churning through the stock in months. Shares constantly moving hands.
So, you can kind of think of naked shorting as delayed delivery. Sell high and delay delivery long enough until you can buy low. Or at the end not even buy at all. “Sorry, product is no longer available, your delivery has been canceled.”
In the past Market Makers had an exemption that made it very easy to naked short and there are some strong signs that they abused that exemption. Back in the day a Market Maker could point to an UN-EXERCISED call option as a locate. I capitalized that un-exercised part because it’s important.
So, here’s where I found some weird coincidences writing my old DD that made me really feel like I was losing my mind a bit. So, please, lose your mind along with me.
  • Back in the day a Market Maker and Hedge Fund would do this naked shorting using a package of naked shares, put contracts, call contracts, and futures contracts. To the outside world it would look like normal buying and hedging of shares that hedge funds do everyday. The Market Maker side would look like something called a Reverse Conversion and the Hedge Fund side would look like something called a Split-Strike.
  • Bernied Madoff used to claim that he made all of his money using Split-Strikes.
  • This Option exemption or Reverse Conversion/Split-Strike strategy was closed through rule changes during the 2008 financial crash.
  • Bernie Madoff’s fund blew up during the 2008 financial crash.
Hopefully, it’s just a coincidence, because, what the fuck. Who’s writing this story?
  • Oh, also Bernie Madoff’s friend from prison claims that Madoff admitted to naked shorting and says that Madoff claimed everyone on wall street was doing it.
Wild, am I completely crazy wondering if naked shorting played a part in the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Oh, also, the options market lost a lot of steam after 2008, and well, guess what market really started taking off after 2008? Did you guess the ETF market? Because you’d be correct!
Did naked shorters move from the options market to the ETF market around 2008? Options still would have been good for insurance purposes, but not for creating the actual naked shares anymore.
An EXERCISED option can still be used as a locate today in order to short a stock. If you exercise the option, it means you’ve paid for the stock and the stock will be delivered soon. Market Makers have about a month to make good on the delivery. You could probably naked short through exercised options, but it would give you a finite window. I don’t know why you would if you can just use ETFs to naked short instead.
The way those old Reverse Conversion and Split-Strikes were built is very important. Yes, they looked like normal plays any hedge fund might make to regulators, but they also included insurance between thugs. Options and futures contracts can provide insurance to the Market Maker, that way when the MM shows up with cash the Hedge Fund will be forced to deliver shares. CYA! Cover Your ASS! Too bad you’re already naked shorting – that’s a dangerous fucking game.
These days the Market Maker opens up ETFs for the naked shares and sends those to the Hedge Fund. The ETF is the locate. Then the Market Maker can still use futures contracts or options contract with the Hedge Fund to ensure the MM won’t be the one left holding the bag.
We should also take a quick detour into bullet swaps. Bullet swaps would also not work as a locate for naked shorting.
No shares exchange hands because of a bullet swap. Nobody on wall street can point to a bullet swap as proof that they can get shares. Bullet swaps would primarily be used for hedging (insurance) or leverage.
INSURANCE: If you are short a stock then you can get insurance through a swap deal by entering a swap that is long on the stock. You short the stock and also enter a long bullet swap that expires far in the future. You now have years to crush the stock. In the future if you fail to crush the price of the stock then your long swap will help offset the cost of your failed shorts. With a bullet swap you pay for the insurance at expiration.
LEVERAGE: If you are short a stock, but also want leverage you could add a short bullet swap to your position. This will grow your short position without shorting more of the stock. Also, this will leave less of a sign that you’re shorting the stock. Buying a shit ton of puts might get noticed. And again, with a bullet swap, you pay for the leverage in the future.
Hwang in there. Sorry, this DD is so long.
Let’s say you were a degenerate with a lot of money to play on the stock market. You’re naked shorting a stock and you’re positive you can crush this thing. So you also take out a big bullet swap short position. You’ll make even more money when this stock goes bankrupt and you don’t even have to pay for the bullet swap until the expiration date. You just bought, or just got leverage without buying anything… You pay for the leverage in the future!
Bullet swaps are completely irresponsible! How is this a thing?!
If your naked short position blows up AND you haven’t hedged AND all of the sudden you owe a big lump sum on a short bullet swap, yikes, you’d be fucked.
Let’s use a made up story to help illustrate what I’m trying to say here. In this hypothetical scenario, naked shorters decide to naked short Stock A into the ground. Let’s say they start naked shorting on Stock A around 2012 or something.
Hedge Fund: It’s a dying business!
They start pumping naked shares into the market and the price falls.
Hedge Fund: See!
Then some dude looking for deep value comes along in 2019. He buys a bunch of shares and a bunch of call options on Stock A.
Now jump forward to 2021, January is an important time:
  1. FUTURES EXPIRING – Naked shares could be insured using Futures Contracts.
  2. LEAPS EXPIRING – Naked shares could also be insured using LEAPS.
  3. REGARDS – Also, that deep value dude has some calls expiring January 15th. Retail Investors send their regards. Dude on the internet (not a cat) and a bunch of traders on reddit YOLO hard into Stock A.
That means:
  1. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  2. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  3. Retail starts buying shares and call options.
In other words,
  1. Buy Pressure
  2. Buy Pressure
  3. Buy Pressure
The price skyrockets. Or sneezes if your prefer.
Naked shorters flood the market with naked shares of Stock A to drive the price back down. A bunch of those naked shares are sold to other naked shorters.
Now, in this scenario there are suddenly bulls and bears fighting over the stock. There’s even talk among some of the bulls of a possible short squeeze. Everyone is buying, but naked shorters need the price to go down. The only way to do that is to sell shares. More supply meets demand = price drops. Obviously, a naked shorter would do that by selling naked shares. But more naked shares into the hands of bulls?
It’s slimey, dark, and disgusting in here, but please, come join me in the mind of a naked shorter for a second. Let’s say as a naked shorter: 1. I need to buy a bunch of shares to roll a big part of my naked position. 2. Bulls are out on parade buying like fucking crazy. 3. There’s talk of a potential short squeeze.
As a naked shorter we would want to flood the market with naked shares to crush the price. A fuckton more supply meets the same demand = big price drop. On the other hand, bulls are buying like crazy. The more naked shares we pump out the more ammo we’re handing to bulls.
I don’t know about you, but if I were a naked shorter then I don’t want to hand a bunch of naked shares to bulls, especially if they’re already talking about a squeeze. I do want to flood the market with naked shares though. I would probably ask one of my naked shorting “friends” to gobble up as many of my naked shares as possible. We’ll both survive and we can settle up with each other later.
We usually use yearly contracts with retail naked shorts because most of retail sells within a year. With one another we could push it to three years. Surely, retail will give up after three years. Retail holding for three years is an anomaly. It just doesn’t happen!
Hedge Fund: That’s right!
Let’s assume naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares among themselves on Stock A. The huge flood of shares into the market helps crush the price and most of the shares end up with other naked shorters.
Maybe naked shorters also turn off the buy button, which is the rich kid equivalent of overturning the game board. Really just pathetic.
Company A: That was fucking weird….
Retail: Was that naked shorting?
Company A:
To recap, in this scenario, naked shorters now have a large pool of naked shares in the hands of retail that they need to continually roll. I think it’s likely naked shares to retail would be built with yearly expiration dates, most retail investors sell within a year. That gives flexibility to naked shorters to continually settle old naked shares and create new ones. Waves of naked shares being gobbled back up and spewed back out and gobbled back up and spewed back out. The naked shares look and act like the real thing as long as they can find a cheaper real share before expiration. They have a year – retail sells quick, and can be easy to manipulate. Should be easy money. Easy money with a whole lot o’ fucking risk.
Then the naked shorting pool, or the deadpool, are all of the naked shares that naked shorters sell to one another. Again, maybe at a time of desperation a fuck-ton of naked shares get sold through the market from one naked shorter to another. These naked shares have been created from an ETF loophole, then packaged with insurance using a Futures Contract or a LEAP Contract.
For example, on GME (a stock completely unrelated to made-up Stock A), the share price has shown waves in the price around quarterly triple-witching dates in March, June, September, and December. This would make sense if the price is moving because of common expiration dates used for Futures Contracts and LEAPS.
Now, let’s dive back into the grimy mind of a naked shorter. We built a bunch of naked shares and sent those to retail with yearly expiration dates. If we made these naked shares around January, March, June, or December of 2021 then they would expire in January, March, June, or December of 2022. Retail sells quick, a year should be enough time to close or roll.
In a time of desperation you also naked short a butt load of naked shares to your naked shorting “buddy”, he’s also naked shorting the stock and has no interest in calling in those naked shares anytime soon.
If you built a pool of naked shares with your “friend” then why would you give them the same expiration as naked shares sold to retail? That’s just adding to your retail headache. Retail should sell in a year (most usually do), but you can hold this position with your “friend” for a lot longer. Why not sell those naked shares with expiration dates much farther in the future? Maybe three years if you’re using LEAPS.
That gives you plenty of time to scare off retail, close out your retail naked shorts, and then you can worry about settling up with your “buddies”. You have insurance with LEAPS or Futures so settling with your buddies should be pretty easy. You can put that all off for another day far in the future.
Hedge Fund: Retail sells, right?
Space Debris: It’s just a story.
Hedge Fund: But retail sells, right?
Space Debris: No.
Let’s jump back to our fake Stock A scenario, maybe Company A sees some weird shit happening to their stock and think of naked shorters. Maybe Company A even sees the possibility of a huge naked short position being paired with a lot of LEAPS. Maybe Company A then gives naked shorters a year to close their short position, seems fair to me. Or maybe Company A just liked the idea of a splividend for a multitude of other reasons.
In this story, Company A puts out a splividend, it’s a bit different then your normal dividend. Mostly because of the way it’s delivered. Normally, with a split, every share of the Stock is just split. Naked shares look like normal shares so they’d be split and no delivery would be necessary. They would just need to deliver more shares on or before expiration to go with the old naked share. The price has also been split so their naked position should fundamentally be the same.
For ease, let’s say Company A split 4:1. Every share will now become 4. But for the splividend, they’ll actually hand deliver 3 shares to only the real shares. Company A’s people are going to check. If naked shorters have 1 naked share in the hand of a retail investor then they need to add 3 more shares to that hand. Doesn’t matter if the expiration is still a year out on that naked share, they owe 3 shares right now. The rules are convoluted and hard to parse through, but I believe Market Makers would have a few days to deliver splividend shares to retail. They could potentially have a month or so, but I’m not sure on that. I don’t think they would be able to delay retail splividend delivery for much more than a month. Retail splividend delivery. RETAIL….
The Deadpool might be different! With your retail splividends you could just create new naked shares to send as your dividend fulfillment. With your deadpool could you just agree to wait?
For, ease let’s assume for every 1 naked share sent out into the market, naked shorters also sent 1 to each other. These are made up numbers. It would be impossible to see the size of a naked short position or where it’s hidden. Naked shares look just like the real thing… until they don’t.
For every 1 naked share of Stock A in the Retail Pool, there is 1 naked share in the Deadpool.
Other stocks could be different, Stock A is a hypothetical.
Let’s assume naked shorters have been rolling, but unable to close their Retail naked short position in Stock A. These naked shorters would most likely have also held onto a lot of their naked short position with one another. The stock has also been split.
If naked shorters have the ability to delay delivery of the splividend to one another then they may not have settled a bunch of dividends yet. Every 1 naked share in the deadpool could now be 4 naked shares.
Now if you’re hoping Company A will squeeze because of a huge deadpool that needs to be closed then calm down, it might not be that easy.
Let’s look at all of the advantages of creating a deadpool with your naked shorting friends:
  1. Those naked shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls and the naked shares drive the price of the stock down.
  2. Your naked shorting “friend” is good at hiding naked shares. If there’s a limit to how many naked shares you can shit into retails’ hands, then a deadpool could be a place to go if you start hitting the retail limit.
  3. Those naked shares look like real shares so they could potentially be used for margin.
  4. You could potentially move them around in a dark pool to your “friend”, just match them with a short term option or future depending on when you want them back.
SEC: “Where are these locates?”
MM: “Right here, got them out of the deadpool.”
SEC: “The what?”
MM: “The darkpool.”
SEC: “Oh, cool. Are you hiring?”
  1. Extra Insurance with your naked shorting “friends”? “We all close our retail naked shorts and then we close these.” OR “Fine! I was naked shorting! But… but… he also sent me this huge pile of naked shares!”
  1. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE – I’m gonna hit you with some minor fud. This hypothetical deadpool might (I’m not positive) be able to be closed with cash. Naked shorters don’t want to drive the price up. Buying actual shares to close would drive the price up. I believe Deadpool naked shares could and would most likely be closed using cash when the time came. I have some questions about this because of the splividend that I’ll talk about below. Basically, does the splividend change that? Can splividend naked shares be settled with cash? I really wish I knew.
The deadpool could also be rolled and they would keep some of the other benefits, but it would likely be opened the normal way, and the old naked shares would still likely be closed using cash.
Now, I’m not positive, but I do believe rolling an old deadpool position using cash could cause upward movement in the shorted stock. It could also be very expensive, but if you’re rolling and your “buddy” also naked shorts an even amount of “shares” back to you then you’re basically just breaking even.
If the Deadpool exists then it would be just another hidden festering pile of naked shares slowly dragging naked shorters down. If it was grown by the splividend then it’s like a cancerous pile of naked shares and it’s reckoning day could be coming soon. Time to close or roll. I think Deadpool is a fitting name. The Deadpool would be zombie shares (that shouldn’t exist) pulled out of zombie ETFs that were conjured out of nothing. There are no real (living) shares hanging out in the Deadpool.
Not to be confused with the comic book character. He would DRS and hodl.
First off, there has been a lot of conjecture about a stock called GME. It’s all conjecture. No one knows dates. No one knows how many naked shares there could potentially be. No one here knows. Unless Kenny G is lurking. He might know something. No one gets that good at the sax without knowing a thing or two. Totally unrelated, but could you imagine if you were a naked shorter who had been griftin’ the market for years and your last name was Griffin.
Some of this DD is based on research into the rules, but some is also based on conjecture and theories. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Let’s go back to Stock A.
Let’s say a hedge fund naked shorted a bunch of Stock A with his friends. Then that hedge fund also entered bullet swap deals to get even more leverage on his short position. January 2021 rolls around, he blows up. He can’t roll all of his retail naked shares and can’t make good on shares with his Market Maker. Oh, and because of those bullet swaps, instead of making extra money, he owes a big lump sum.
The Hedge Fund evaporates and someone else takes over his position. Maybe someone who is not “friends” with the naked shorters and doesn’t want to be naked.
Now, Company A is smart, there were some signs that maybe your company was being naked shorted, but naked shorting is illegal. A year after all of the craziness, Company A does a splividend. A splividend could really make a naked shorting position even more of a nightmare, but naked shorting is illegal. Plus, shorters said they closed a year ago. Company A has many reasons to do a splividend that don’t involve naked shorting at all.
Company A then puts it out there that they want to sell a lot of shares. They have bright plans for the future and they need money. It costs money to make money! Or is it whisky? Again, naked shorting is illegal so there shouldn’t be any naked shares, but an offer like that could look like a lifeline if someone was naked shorting.
Seems like it would also be a good way to protect Company A from any litigation in the future that says they purposely tried to start a squeeze on their own stock. Or a MOASS. How could they start a squeeze? Company A put it out there that they wanted to sell a nice chunk of shares. You didn’t try to get any of those shares?
Company A: How many shares did you need?
Company A: How many shares did you need, MM?
Like Five Fancy Lawyers in Unison: Our client pleads the fifth.
Back to the lifeline though, you just absorbed someone’s toxic bag of naked shorts and you want out. Company A just put up a flashing sign that says, we’d like to sell some shares. Seems like a pretty good opportunity to me, doesn’t hurt to ask.
Market Maker: I just absorbed some toxic shit, got any shares you’d sell me?
Company A: Maybe
If you inherited a bag of toxic naked shorts and you know or have a strong feeling there are many more out there then trying to close by buying real shares through the market will run the price up. Can you close before you get out? If Company A sells you as many shares as they’re willing then that might cut your naked short position down or completely close it. If it doesn’t close it then what’s the next best option? You likely know that buying power is about to crank up because your toxic bag is expiring and so are a lot of other toxic bags.
Your next best option? Options…
If there’s a scenario where you’re trying to maybe not be the first one out, but insure that you make it out, this is the best play in my opinion. Again, Company A said they want to sell shares. You need real shares. If you’re unable to get enough shares directly from Company A then you turn to options. Options allow you to lock in a price for the shares you’re comfortable with, if the price drops then you can buy some shares for cheaper on the open market. If the price rises then you can still buy shares for the cheaper strike price by exercising the options contract.
Again, if you start buying at market then the price could start taking off and you’re cost basis could get blown out of the water. For example, you need 1 million shares of Company A at $20. If company is at $19, then with a big buy order your 1 millionth share might actually get bought at $21 or $25 or way higher. If you buy 10,000 $20 Calls then you can buy 1 million shares at $20 until the Calls expire.
The other advantage, you don’t have to be the first naked shorter to go to the market and start smashing the buy button. If Company A goes through some sort of Mother of All Short Squeezes then you won’t be the one who started it. To regulators, you just luckily bought some call options before this all started happening and now you’re exercising. Really wild stuff going on. Good thing you’re not naked short on that stock…. anymore… You go home and cry.
submitted by spacedebriss to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:27 spacedebriss THE DEADPOOL THEORY: PART I

Sorry, this got so long, that seems to happen when I write a DD. I wanted to get this out last week, but it kept growing. I’ll try and answer questions, but I also kind of need a break.
None of this is financial advice. I’m just a stranger on the internet. Please do your own research.
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I did a deep dive into the rules a year or so ago and wrote a long DD. I think it’s still relevant.
Options are most likely not used as locates for naked shorting. ETFs are the likely culprit. Bullet Swaps would likely be used for insurance or leverage, I don’t think they’re as important as some people think – they are scary as fuck though.
You need at least two parties to naked short. A Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. Market Maker pulls naked shares out of ETFs for Hedge Fund to naked short. Market Maker insures with Futures Contract or Options (probably LEAPS).
That insurance means that if the Market Maker sends X naked shares to the Hedge Fund then the Market Maker also bought enough contracts to buy X numbers of shares from the Hedge Fund on or possibly by some date far in the future. MMs practice CYA!
SEC: Where are the shares?
MM: I don’t know! I definitely sold this Hedge Fund real shares a long time ago. I have a contract for shares back and he doesn’t seem to have any. Isn’t that crazy?!
SEC: Yeah… Are you hiring?
Two Pools Theory is based around the idea that Naked Shorters likely have many reasons to naked short to one another and could potentially naked short large amounts of naked shares through the market to one another in a desperate time of need. Naked shorters didn’t get this far on wall street by trusting others – sell some naked shorts to your “buddy”, and you also get a contract that your “buddy” owes you those “shares” back at some point. CYA!
Too bad it’s impossible to CYA when you’re naked shorting. Duh. “Smart Money” my ass.
I call the pool of naked shares that naked shorters might be holding the deadpool. Maybe superstonk can come up with something better.
If the naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares between themselves (the deadpool), a large portion of it in 2021, then how many of those naked shares have been closed/rolled? Is it possible the expiration date of some of those naked shorts was based around a witching date/LEAP date roughly three years in the future?
And my biggest question of all, if naked shorters could delay delivery of naked shorts to one another three years into the future, could they also delay the splividend to one another? What if they owe 4 shares for every 1 on a toxic mess they’re holding between themselves?
If I was a naked shorter in this situation then I’d want out. If I also knew I and every other naked shorter needed shares soon then I’d either try and buy real shares from the company or as many call options as I possibly could. GME did just sell some shares and a bunch of call options have been bought recently. Is a big expiration date coming due and someone is trying to get out?
I sadly don’t have answers to a lot of the questions I raise in this paper. I’d mostly just like you to think about these questions with me.
Now here’s another thing to think about because I’ve hyped myself up, and it’s good to stay level headed. If that’s all true, then naked shorters have also had three years to come up with a plan to survive another day.
If there’s naked shorting, then eventually DRSing will uncover it, if it fucking has to.
In the mean time, I think it’s fun to think about naked shorters building a deadpool that might be coming back to fuck them.
This theory covers a lot and I’m hesitant to even put it out there because it could have big implications and it could also be completely wrong. It’s also based on some speculation. There’s a lot of speculation about June swirling around with LEAPS and Bullet Swaps. I haven’t seen any proof that anyone actually knows expiration dates on any bullet swaps or LEAPS that naked shorters may or may not be holding. There’s also some speculation on some rules in this write-up because I’ve been unable to find anything worthy of a citation that says naked shorters can delay delivery of a dividend to one another. I also haven’t found any citations on how splividends would work with naked shorting.
The gist of the theory is that there are two pools of naked shares. One pool is held in the hands of retail and one pool is held in the hands of the naked shorters themselves. I believe the naked shares in those pools could be handled in different ways. Naked shorting would need to be done between two parties: a Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. The Market Maker would most likely pull naked shares out of ETFs for the Hedge Fund and the Hedge Fund would then sell the naked shares into the market.
The Market Maker likely would want insurance on a risky naked shorting play. The Market Maker could enter into Futures Contracts or LEAPS with the Hedge Fund. These contracts mean on or sometimes before the expiration date the Market Maker can go to the Hedge Fund with the cash and demand shares.
Now, the obvious reason you naked short is to hopefully drive the price of a stock down, the company goes bankrupt, and you never have to buy the naked shares back. Pure profit. Sure, maybe at some point you might get found out and become an infamous slimey asshole, but you could be a rich slimey asshole! You embrace it and naked short a bunch of shares to retail investors. Asshole.
Here’s where the two pool theory comes in, you need to be the hedge fund to a market maker or the mm to a hf to naked short. Do you also naked short to your “buddy”? Your “friend”?
Hedge Fund: Why are you saying it like that?
Space Debris: Saying what what way?
Hedge Fund: “Friend” With the things. MM and I are buddies! Right, MM?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Do the MM and the HF create a naked pool between themselves? What could be the advantages of that?
Could those naked shares be used as locates for a legitimate short sale? They should look and act like real shares, right? Could they move them around in dark pools? Could they be used for margin? Again, they should look like real shares that their “buddy” sold them? Meanwhile they’re toxic garbage.
If the Stock you’re trying to crush isn’t moving, no one is buying, no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares out into the market to your buddy to get the price moving down?
If everyone is buying and no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares through the market to your buddy to try and drop the price?
Hedge Fund: That would get people selling, right? That would get the price dropping, right?
Plus, those shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls. They end up in your “buddies” hands. He also wants to crush this stock.
Hedge Fund: Retail is selling, right?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Now, let’s say you have a huge naked short pool in the hands of retail you have to deal with and you have a huge pool with your buddy. Which are you going to deal with first? Probably the retail pool.
So, I’m not saying you did this, but what exactly would happen if say….
  • You have two monstrous naked share pools. One with retail and one pool with your naked shorting buddies
Hedge Fund: Well, I….
Space Debris: Let me fucking finish.
  • On a stock of a company with potential, that’s not going bankrupt anytime soon
Hedge Fund: That’s debat….
Space Debris: Shut the fuck up
  • That stock also has a large group of retail investors who have been DRSing for the past three years…
Hedge Fund: Well, then why does the price keep dropping?
Space Debris: There’s this little film from 1944 I’d like you to watch. You like Ingrid Bergman?
What would happen if say you had that huge retail pool of naked shorts that you’ve been successfully rolling for three years, but you also have a huge pool of naked shorts with your buddy that you created in a time of desperation? A time of desperation, say about three years ago?
Now, say a big part of that pool of naked shorts you have with you friend is coming due finally? You’ve been putting most or maybe all of it off just trying to tread water and roll your retail naked shorts. You’ve been crushing the price, desperately hoping retail will sell, but now you and your buddy need to roll the toxic pool you hold between yourselves. The way to roll an old naked short into a new one is by: 1. Creating a new naked share. 2. Buying a real share to close the old naked share.
If you keep reading I’ll dive into the mechanics a bit more (not as much as my old DD), but basically the Naked Shorting Market Maker will need to have special privileges (be an Authorized Participant) to rip open ETFs. The Market Maker rips open a bunch of ETFs that shouldn’t exist – which could be why you see ETFs with such high short interest and such high Failure-To-Delivers (FTDs). The MM then has a bunch of naked shares that he pulled out of the ETF and those are used to naked short the stock.
Here’s an image I want you to picture that might help. When naked shorters crush a company through naked shorts, most of the time they’re not just flushing more and more naked shorts into the market. Most of the time it’s rolling over the market in a wave. They would be closing old naked shorts as they open new ones. If a naked shorter started naked shorting against a company at $20 10 years ago then they will no longer have naked shorts opened at $20. The naked share could have been rolled at 19, 18, 17 or 15, 10, 5. In other words, a naked share was sold to Bob for $20 in the past. A real share is now bought from Suzy for $19 and sent to Bob, then a new naked share is sent to John for $19. There’s still only one naked short in the market, but the expiration date, price, and location has changed. Bob never knew he had a fake and now neither does John. The naked shorter scraped $1 off the play and is still crushing the stock. If you have a super algo that can do this for change constantly all day everyday then that change adds up very fast. Ever seen office space?
There are times where it would be beneficial to shoot out more naked shorts than you’re closing. At the beginning, possibly towards what the naked shorter hopes is the end, to get the stock moving, in a time of desperation, etc.
But now a big question I have...
A question I really wish I knew the answer to and sadly I honestly don’t. What if you delayed the delivery of a fuck ton of naked shorts to your buddy, they’re finally coming due, and there was also a split or maybe a splividend sometime in the past three years? Did you delay the delivery of the splividend shares to your “buddy”? Is that allowed?! I’m trying to find out, but the market is so fucking opaque! This seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed, but this market can also be a joke at times. Is this allowed? I’ve been trying to find it somewhere in the rules, but there are too many rules. ChatGPT said it’s allowed, but ChatGPT says a lot of crazy shit.
I need to go over that again. You’re so fucking underwater because GME is sneezing, you just spray a fucking hurricane of naked shorts at the market to crush the price, your naked shorting buddy buys up as many of your naked shorts as he can so they don’t get into retail hands. You’re also exchanging contracts far out in the future as insurance – insurance that you can buy the shares back from your “buddy” at some point. Time to crush retail. If retail doesn’t sell… and if it’s finally time to settle your deadpool with your “friend”? Has some of it been quadrupled in the past three years?
Again, I want to be clear. No one has hard evidence that there are naked shorters holding a fuck ton of LEAPS coming due in June. I also have no evidence that a split or splividend can be delayed between naked shorters. This is all a theory. It does line up nicely with the other DD I wrote over a year ago and does make some puzzle pieces fit nicely in my mind, but I also feel a bit like I’ve been smoking tinfoil and mainlining GME for years now.
So, again, don’t get too hype now….
A bigger question, the splividend is kind of weird. Does the splividend require that the deadpool be closed/rolled by buying real shares? It seems like with a split a deadpool could be closed using cash, is the splividend different?
Hedge Fund: Well… okay, but… why does the price keep dropping? You should sell… AI boom! Artificial Intelligence is here. Sure, you read a book two years ago that AGI would take 50-100 years to develop, but AGI is here! Now! I swear. Buy my AI Stocks!
A little over a year ago I wrote an 89 page DD. You probably haven’t read it. It was long and covered way too much, but there’s a lot to talk about with a stock like GME. I’m going to try and summarize my DD for you, that way you don’t need to go back through it. A lot of it is important to my theory and some of it is just interesting in my opinion. And some of it is wild cohencidences that make me feel like a conspiracy nut.
I honestly originally went on the journey to write that long DD because sometimes I felt like I was in a cult and I needed to do my own research. Fuck, I may have fell farther down the rabbit hole and I keep tumbling down. Yay!
Naked shorting has been around since markets have been around. If you have delayed delivery then it’s easy to sell something and worry about the delivery later. The stock market seemed to reach a fairly good place of stability because of rules and regulations until computers came along. Computers and algorithms have led to an insane advantage for wall street over the common retail investor. Market makers have also had special rules and have had access to different loopholes that allow for even larger delays in delivery.
I sell you 100 shares of Stock A for $10 now. If I can wait to buy then I’ll just wait until it’s cheaper. Also, remember, I have a super fast computer selling huge amounts of shares to other people too. Cheap enough for me might be $9.99. I buy for $9.99, settle my naked short with you, and now I’m selling naked shorts at $9.98. Anyone?! $9.98? I got as many as you need! (the price falls) $9.96? $9.94?
Most retail investors hold shares for less than a year. Naked shorters hate hodlers, they want to constantly be selling to new suckers at lower prices until the company goes bankrupt. They want retail investors churning through the stock in months. Shares constantly moving hands.
So, you can kind of think of naked shorting as delayed delivery. Sell high and delay delivery long enough until you can buy low. Or at the end not even buy at all. “Sorry, product is no longer available, your delivery has been canceled.”
In the past Market Makers had an exemption that made it very easy to naked short and there are some strong signs that they abused that exemption. Back in the day a Market Maker could point to an UN-EXERCISED call option as a locate. I capitalized that un-exercised part because it’s important.
So, here’s where I found some weird coincidences writing my old DD that made me really feel like I was losing my mind a bit. So, please, lose your mind along with me.
  • Back in the day a Market Maker and Hedge Fund would do this naked shorting using a package of naked shares, put contracts, call contracts, and futures contracts. To the outside world it would look like normal buying and hedging of shares that hedge funds do everyday. The Market Maker side would look like something called a Reverse Conversion and the Hedge Fund side would look like something called a Split-Strike.
  • Bernied Madoff used to claim that he made all of his money using Split-Strikes.
  • This Option exemption or Reverse Conversion/Split-Strike strategy was closed through rule changes during the 2008 financial crash.
  • Bernie Madoff’s fund blew up during the 2008 financial crash.
Hopefully, it’s just a coincidence, because, what the fuck. Who’s writing this story?
  • Oh, also Bernie Madoff’s friend from prison claims that Madoff admitted to naked shorting and says that Madoff claimed everyone on wall street was doing it.
Wild, am I completely crazy wondering if naked shorting played a part in the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Oh, also, the options market lost a lot of steam after 2008, and well, guess what market really started taking off after 2008? Did you guess the ETF market? Because you’d be correct!
Did naked shorters move from the options market to the ETF market around 2008? Options still would have been good for insurance purposes, but not for creating the actual naked shares anymore.
An EXERCISED option can still be used as a locate today in order to short a stock. If you exercise the option, it means you’ve paid for the stock and the stock will be delivered soon. Market Makers have about a month to make good on the delivery. You could probably naked short through exercised options, but it would give you a finite window. I don’t know why you would if you can just use ETFs to naked short instead.
The way those old Reverse Conversion and Split-Strikes were built is very important. Yes, they looked like normal plays any hedge fund might make to regulators, but they also included insurance between thugs. Options and futures contracts can provide insurance to the Market Maker, that way when the MM shows up with cash the Hedge Fund will be forced to deliver shares. CYA! Cover Your ASS! Too bad you’re already naked shorting – that’s a dangerous fucking game.
These days the Market Maker opens up ETFs for the naked shares and sends those to the Hedge Fund. The ETF is the locate. Then the Market Maker can still use futures contracts or options contract with the Hedge Fund to ensure the MM won’t be the one left holding the bag.
We should also take a quick detour into bullet swaps. Bullet swaps would also not work as a locate for naked shorting.
No shares exchange hands because of a bullet swap. Nobody on wall street can point to a bullet swap as proof that they can get shares. Bullet swaps would primarily be used for hedging (insurance) or leverage.
INSURANCE: If you are short a stock then you can get insurance through a swap deal by entering a swap that is long on the stock. You short the stock and also enter a long bullet swap that expires far in the future. You now have years to crush the stock. In the future if you fail to crush the price of the stock then your long swap will help offset the cost of your failed shorts. With a bullet swap you pay for the insurance at expiration.
LEVERAGE: If you are short a stock, but also want leverage you could add a short bullet swap to your position. This will grow your short position without shorting more of the stock. Also, this will leave less of a sign that you’re shorting the stock. Buying a shit ton of puts might get noticed. And again, with a bullet swap, you pay for the leverage in the future.
Hwang in there. Sorry, this DD is so long.
Let’s say you were a degenerate with a lot of money to play on the stock market. You’re naked shorting a stock and you’re positive you can crush this thing. So you also take out a big bullet swap short position. You’ll make even more money when this stock goes bankrupt and you don’t even have to pay for the bullet swap until the expiration date. You just bought, or just got leverage without buying anything… You pay for the leverage in the future!
Bullet swaps are completely irresponsible! How is this a thing?!
If your naked short position blows up AND you haven’t hedged AND all of the sudden you owe a big lump sum on a short bullet swap, yikes, you’d be fucked.
Let’s use a made up story to help illustrate what I’m trying to say here. In this hypothetical scenario, naked shorters decide to naked short Stock A into the ground. Let’s say they start naked shorting on Stock A around 2012 or something.
Hedge Fund: It’s a dying business!
They start pumping naked shares into the market and the price falls.
Hedge Fund: See!
Then some dude looking for deep value comes along in 2019. He buys a bunch of shares and a bunch of call options on Stock A.
Now jump forward to 2021, January is an important time:
  1. FUTURES EXPIRING – Naked shares could be insured using Futures Contracts.
  2. LEAPS EXPIRING – Naked shares could also be insured using LEAPS.
  3. REGARDS – Also, that deep value dude has some calls expiring January 15th. Retail Investors send their regards. Dude on the internet (not a cat) and a bunch of traders on reddit YOLO hard into Stock A.
That means:
  1. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  2. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  3. Retail starts buying shares and call options.
In other words,
  1. Buy Pressure
  2. Buy Pressure
  3. Buy Pressure
The price skyrockets. Or sneezes if your prefer.
Naked shorters flood the market with naked shares of Stock A to drive the price back down. A bunch of those naked shares are sold to other naked shorters.
Now, in this scenario there are suddenly bulls and bears fighting over the stock. There’s even talk among some of the bulls of a possible short squeeze. Everyone is buying, but naked shorters need the price to go down. The only way to do that is to sell shares. More supply meets demand = price drops. Obviously, a naked shorter would do that by selling naked shares. But more naked shares into the hands of bulls?
It’s slimey, dark, and disgusting in here, but please, come join me in the mind of a naked shorter for a second. Let’s say as a naked shorter: 1. I need to buy a bunch of shares to roll a big part of my naked position. 2. Bulls are out on parade buying like fucking crazy. 3. There’s talk of a potential short squeeze.
As a naked shorter we would want to flood the market with naked shares to crush the price. A fuckton more supply meets the same demand = big price drop. On the other hand, bulls are buying like crazy. The more naked shares we pump out the more ammo we’re handing to bulls.
I don’t know about you, but if I were a naked shorter then I don’t want to hand a bunch of naked shares to bulls, especially if they’re already talking about a squeeze. I do want to flood the market with naked shares though. I would probably ask one of my naked shorting “friends” to gobble up as many of my naked shares as possible. We’ll both survive and we can settle up with each other later.
We usually use yearly contracts with retail naked shorts because most of retail sells within a year. With one another we could push it to three years. Surely, retail will give up after three years. Retail holding for three years is an anomaly. It just doesn’t happen!
Hedge Fund: That’s right!
Let’s assume naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares among themselves on Stock A. The huge flood of shares into the market helps crush the price and most of the shares end up with other naked shorters.
Maybe naked shorters also turn off the buy button, which is the rich kid equivalent of overturning the game board. Really just pathetic.
Company A: That was fucking weird….
Retail: Was that naked shorting?
Company A:
To recap, in this scenario, naked shorters now have a large pool of naked shares in the hands of retail that they need to continually roll. I think it’s likely naked shares to retail would be built with yearly expiration dates, most retail investors sell within a year. That gives flexibility to naked shorters to continually settle old naked shares and create new ones. Waves of naked shares being gobbled back up and spewed back out and gobbled back up and spewed back out. The naked shares look and act like the real thing as long as they can find a cheaper real share before expiration. They have a year – retail sells quick, and can be easy to manipulate. Should be easy money. Easy money with a whole lot o’ fucking risk.
Then the naked shorting pool, or the deadpool, are all of the naked shares that naked shorters sell to one another. Again, maybe at a time of desperation a fuck-ton of naked shares get sold through the market from one naked shorter to another. These naked shares have been created from an ETF loophole, then packaged with insurance using a Futures Contract or a LEAP Contract.
For example, on GME (a stock completely unrelated to made-up Stock A), the share price has shown waves in the price around quarterly triple-witching dates in March, June, September, and December. This would make sense if the price is moving because of common expiration dates used for Futures Contracts and LEAPS.
Now, let’s dive back into the grimy mind of a naked shorter. We built a bunch of naked shares and sent those to retail with yearly expiration dates. If we made these naked shares around January, March, June, or December of 2021 then they would expire in January, March, June, or December of 2022. Retail sells quick, a year should be enough time to close or roll.
In a time of desperation you also naked short a butt load of naked shares to your naked shorting “buddy”, he’s also naked shorting the stock and has no interest in calling in those naked shares anytime soon.
If you built a pool of naked shares with your “friend” then why would you give them the same expiration as naked shares sold to retail? That’s just adding to your retail headache. Retail should sell in a year (most usually do), but you can hold this position with your “friend” for a lot longer. Why not sell those naked shares with expiration dates much farther in the future? Maybe three years if you’re using LEAPS.
That gives you plenty of time to scare off retail, close out your retail naked shorts, and then you can worry about settling up with your “buddies”. You have insurance with LEAPS or Futures so settling with your buddies should be pretty easy. You can put that all off for another day far in the future.
Hedge Fund: Retail sells, right?
Space Debris: It’s just a story.
Hedge Fund: But retail sells, right?
Space Debris: No.
Let’s jump back to our fake Stock A scenario, maybe Company A sees some weird shit happening to their stock and think of naked shorters. Maybe Company A even sees the possibility of a huge naked short position being paired with a lot of LEAPS. Maybe Company A then gives naked shorters a year to close their short position, seems fair to me. Or maybe Company A just liked the idea of a splividend for a multitude of other reasons.
In this story, Company A puts out a splividend, it’s a bit different then your normal dividend. Mostly because of the way it’s delivered. Normally, with a split, every share of the Stock is just split. Naked shares look like normal shares so they’d be split and no delivery would be necessary. They would just need to deliver more shares on or before expiration to go with the old naked share. The price has also been split so their naked position should fundamentally be the same.
For ease, let’s say Company A split 4:1. Every share will now become 4. But for the splividend, they’ll actually hand deliver 3 shares to only the real shares. Company A’s people are going to check. If naked shorters have 1 naked share in the hand of a retail investor then they need to add 3 more shares to that hand. Doesn’t matter if the expiration is still a year out on that naked share, they owe 3 shares right now. The rules are convoluted and hard to parse through, but I believe Market Makers would have a few days to deliver splividend shares to retail. They could potentially have a month or so, but I’m not sure on that. I don’t think they would be able to delay retail splividend delivery for much more than a month. Retail splividend delivery. RETAIL….
The Deadpool might be different! With your retail splividends you could just create new naked shares to send as your dividend fulfillment. With your deadpool could you just agree to wait?
For, ease let’s assume for every 1 naked share sent out into the market, naked shorters also sent 1 to each other. These are made up numbers. It would be impossible to see the size of a naked short position or where it’s hidden. Naked shares look just like the real thing… until they don’t.
For every 1 naked share of Stock A in the Retail Pool, there is 1 naked share in the Deadpool.
Other stocks could be different, Stock A is a hypothetical.
Let’s assume naked shorters have been rolling, but unable to close their Retail naked short position in Stock A. These naked shorters would most likely have also held onto a lot of their naked short position with one another. The stock has also been split.
If naked shorters have the ability to delay delivery of the splividend to one another then they may not have settled a bunch of dividends yet. Every 1 naked share in the deadpool could now be 4 naked shares.
Now if you’re hoping Company A will squeeze because of a huge deadpool that needs to be closed then calm down, it might not be that easy.
Let’s look at all of the advantages of creating a deadpool with your naked shorting friends:
  1. Those naked shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls and the naked shares drive the price of the stock down.
  2. Your naked shorting “friend” is good at hiding naked shares. If there’s a limit to how many naked shares you can shit into retails’ hands, then a deadpool could be a place to go if you start hitting the retail limit.
  3. Those naked shares look like real shares so they could potentially be used for margin.
  4. You could potentially move them around in a dark pool to your “friend”, just match them with a short term option or future depending on when you want them back.
SEC: “Where are these locates?”
MM: “Right here, got them out of the deadpool.”
SEC: “The what?”
MM: “The darkpool.”
SEC: “Oh, cool. Are you hiring?”
  1. Extra Insurance with your naked shorting “friends”? “We all close our retail naked shorts and then we close these.” OR “Fine! I was naked shorting! But… but… he also sent me this huge pile of naked shares!”
  1. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE – I’m gonna hit you with some minor fud. This hypothetical deadpool might (I’m not positive) be able to be closed with cash. Naked shorters don’t want to drive the price up. Buying actual shares to close would drive the price up. I believe Deadpool naked shares could and would most likely be closed using cash when the time came. I have some questions about this because of the splividend that I’ll talk about below. Basically, does the splividend change that? Can splividend naked shares be settled with cash? I really wish I knew.
The deadpool could also be rolled and they would keep some of the other benefits, but it would likely be opened the normal way, and the old naked shares would still likely be closed using cash.
Now, I’m not positive, but I do believe rolling an old deadpool position using cash could cause upward movement in the shorted stock. It could also be very expensive, but if you’re rolling and your “buddy” also naked shorts an even amount of “shares” back to you then you’re basically just breaking even.
If the Deadpool exists then it would be just another hidden festering pile of naked shares slowly dragging naked shorters down. If it was grown by the splividend then it’s like a cancerous pile of naked shares and it’s reckoning day could be coming soon. Time to close or roll. I think Deadpool is a fitting name. The Deadpool would be zombie shares (that shouldn’t exist) pulled out of zombie ETFs that were conjured out of nothing. There are no real (living) shares hanging out in the Deadpool.
Not to be confused with the comic book character. He would DRS and hodl.
First off, there has been a lot of conjecture about a stock called GME. It’s all conjecture. No one knows dates. No one knows how many naked shares there could potentially be. No one here knows. Unless Kenny G is lurking. He might know something. No one gets that good at the sax without knowing a thing or two. Totally unrelated, but could you imagine if you were a naked shorter who had been griftin’ the market for years and your last name was Griffin.
Some of this DD is based on research into the rules, but some is also based on conjecture and theories. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Let’s go back to Stock A.
Let’s say a hedge fund naked shorted a bunch of Stock A with his friends. Then that hedge fund also entered bullet swap deals to get even more leverage on his short position. January 2021 rolls around, he blows up. He can’t roll all of his retail naked shares and can’t make good on shares with his Market Maker. Oh, and because of those bullet swaps, instead of making extra money, he owes a big lump sum.
The Hedge Fund evaporates and someone else takes over his position. Maybe someone who is not “friends” with the naked shorters and doesn’t want to be naked.
Now, Company A is smart, there were some signs that maybe your company was being naked shorted, but naked shorting is illegal. A year after all of the craziness, Company A does a splividend. A splividend could really make a naked shorting position even more of a nightmare, but naked shorting is illegal. Plus, shorters said they closed a year ago. Company A has many reasons to do a splividend that don’t involve naked shorting at all.
Company A then puts it out there that they want to sell a lot of shares. They have bright plans for the future and they need money. It costs money to make money! Or is it whisky? Again, naked shorting is illegal so there shouldn’t be any naked shares, but an offer like that could look like a lifeline if someone was naked shorting.
Seems like it would also be a good way to protect Company A from any litigation in the future that says they purposely tried to start a squeeze on their own stock. Or a MOASS. How could they start a squeeze? Company A put it out there that they wanted to sell a nice chunk of shares. You didn’t try to get any of those shares?
Company A: How many shares did you need?
Company A: How many shares did you need, MM?
Like Five Fancy Lawyers in Unison: Our client pleads the fifth.
Back to the lifeline though, you just absorbed someone’s toxic bag of naked shorts and you want out. Company A just put up a flashing sign that says, we’d like to sell some shares. Seems like a pretty good opportunity to me, doesn’t hurt to ask.
Market Maker: I just absorbed some toxic shit, got any shares you’d sell me?
Company A: Maybe
If you inherited a bag of toxic naked shorts and you know or have a strong feeling there are many more out there then trying to close by buying real shares through the market will run the price up. Can you close before you get out? If Company A sells you as many shares as they’re willing then that might cut your naked short position down or completely close it. If it doesn’t close it then what’s the next best option? You likely know that buying power is about to crank up because your toxic bag is expiring and so are a lot of other toxic bags.
Your next best option? Options…
If there’s a scenario where you’re trying to maybe not be the first one out, but insure that you make it out, this is the best play in my opinion. Again, Company A said they want to sell shares. You need real shares. If you’re unable to get enough shares directly from Company A then you turn to options. Options allow you to lock in a price for the shares you’re comfortable with, if the price drops then you can buy some shares for cheaper on the open market. If the price rises then you can still buy shares for the cheaper strike price by exercising the options contract.
Again, if you start buying at market then the price could start taking off and you’re cost basis could get blown out of the water. For example, you need 1 million shares of Company A at $20. If company is at $19, then with a big buy order your 1 millionth share might actually get bought at $21 or $25 or way higher. If you buy 10,000 $20 Calls then you can buy 1 million shares at $20 until the Calls expire.
The other advantage, you don’t have to be the first naked shorter to go to the market and start smashing the buy button. If Company A goes through some sort of Mother of All Short Squeezes then you won’t be the one who started it. To regulators, you just luckily bought some call options before this all started happening and now you’re exercising. Really wild stuff going on. Good thing you’re not naked short on that stock…. anymore… You go home and cry.
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2024.05.27 21:26 spacedebriss THE DEADPOOL THEORY: PART I

Sorry, this got so long, that seems to happen when I write a DD. I wanted to get this out last week, but it kept growing. I’ll try and answer questions, but I also kind of need a break.
None of this is financial advice. I’m just a stranger on the internet. Please do your own research.
I did a deep dive into the rules a year or so ago and wrote a long DD. I think it’s still relevant.
Options are most likely not used as locates for naked shorting. ETFs are the likely culprit. Bullet Swaps would likely be used for insurance or leverage, I don’t think they’re as important as some people think – they are scary as fuck though.
You need at least two parties to naked short. A Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. Market Maker pulls naked shares out of ETFs for Hedge Fund to naked short. Market Maker insures with Futures Contract or Options (probably LEAPS).
That insurance means that if the Market Maker sends X naked shares to the Hedge Fund then the Market Maker also bought enough contracts to buy X numbers of shares from the Hedge Fund on or possibly by some date far in the future. MMs practice CYA!
SEC: Where are the shares?
MM: I don’t know! I definitely sold this Hedge Fund real shares a long time ago. I have a contract for shares back and he doesn’t seem to have any. Isn’t that crazy?!
SEC: Yeah… Are you hiring?
Two Pools Theory is based around the idea that Naked Shorters likely have many reasons to naked short to one another and could potentially naked short large amounts of naked shares through the market to one another in a desperate time of need. Naked shorters didn’t get this far on wall street by trusting others – sell some naked shorts to your “buddy”, and you also get a contract that your “buddy” owes you those “shares” back at some point. CYA!
Too bad it’s impossible to CYA when you’re naked shorting. Duh. “Smart Money” my ass.
I call the pool of naked shares that naked shorters might be holding the deadpool. Maybe superstonk can come up with something better.
If the naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares between themselves (the deadpool), a large portion of it in 2021, then how many of those naked shares have been closed/rolled? Is it possible the expiration date of some of those naked shorts was based around a witching date/LEAP date roughly three years in the future?
And my biggest question of all, if naked shorters could delay delivery of naked shorts to one another three years into the future, could they also delay the splividend to one another? What if they owe 4 shares for every 1 on a toxic mess they’re holding between themselves?
If I was a naked shorter in this situation then I’d want out. If I also knew I and every other naked shorter needed shares soon then I’d either try and buy real shares from the company or as many call options as I possibly could. GME did just sell some shares and a bunch of call options have been bought recently. Is a big expiration date coming due and someone is trying to get out?
I sadly don’t have answers to a lot of the questions I raise in this paper. I’d mostly just like you to think about these questions with me.
Now here’s another thing to think about because I’ve hyped myself up, and it’s good to stay level headed. If that’s all true, then naked shorters have also had three years to come up with a plan to survive another day.
If there’s naked shorting, then eventually DRSing will uncover it, if it fucking has to.
In the mean time, I think it’s fun to think about naked shorters building a deadpool that might be coming back to fuck them.
This theory covers a lot and I’m hesitant to even put it out there because it could have big implications and it could also be completely wrong. It’s also based on some speculation. There’s a lot of speculation about June swirling around with LEAPS and Bullet Swaps. I haven’t seen any proof that anyone actually knows expiration dates on any bullet swaps or LEAPS that naked shorters may or may not be holding. There’s also some speculation on some rules in this write-up because I’ve been unable to find anything worthy of a citation that says naked shorters can delay delivery of a dividend to one another. I also haven’t found any citations on how splividends would work with naked shorting.
The gist of the theory is that there are two pools of naked shares. One pool is held in the hands of retail and one pool is held in the hands of the naked shorters themselves. I believe the naked shares in those pools could be handled in different ways. Naked shorting would need to be done between two parties: a Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. The Market Maker would most likely pull naked shares out of ETFs for the Hedge Fund and the Hedge Fund would then sell the naked shares into the market.
The Market Maker likely would want insurance on a risky naked shorting play. The Market Maker could enter into Futures Contracts or LEAPS with the Hedge Fund. These contracts mean on or sometimes before the expiration date the Market Maker can go to the Hedge Fund with the cash and demand shares.
Now, the obvious reason you naked short is to hopefully drive the price of a stock down, the company goes bankrupt, and you never have to buy the naked shares back. Pure profit. Sure, maybe at some point you might get found out and become an infamous slimey asshole, but you could be a rich slimey asshole! You embrace it and naked short a bunch of shares to retail investors. Asshole.
Here’s where the two pool theory comes in, you need to be the hedge fund to a market maker or the mm to a hf to naked short. Do you also naked short to your “buddy”? Your “friend”?
Hedge Fund: Why are you saying it like that?
Space Debris: Saying what what way?
Hedge Fund: “Friend” With the things. MM and I are buddies! Right, MM?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Do the MM and the HF create a naked pool between themselves? What could be the advantages of that?
Could those naked shares be used as locates for a legitimate short sale? They should look and act like real shares, right? Could they move them around in dark pools? Could they be used for margin? Again, they should look like real shares that their “buddy” sold them? Meanwhile they’re toxic garbage.
If the Stock you’re trying to crush isn’t moving, no one is buying, no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares out into the market to your buddy to get the price moving down?
If everyone is buying and no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares through the market to your buddy to try and drop the price?
Hedge Fund: That would get people selling, right? That would get the price dropping, right?
Plus, those shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls. They end up in your “buddies” hands. He also wants to crush this stock.
Hedge Fund: Retail is selling, right?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Now, let’s say you have a huge naked short pool in the hands of retail you have to deal with and you have a huge pool with your buddy. Which are you going to deal with first? Probably the retail pool.
So, I’m not saying you did this, but what exactly would happen if say….
  • You have two monstrous naked share pools. One with retail and one pool with your naked shorting buddies
Hedge Fund: Well, I….
Space Debris: Let me fucking finish.
  • On a stock of a company with potential, that’s not going bankrupt anytime soon
Hedge Fund: That’s debat….
Space Debris: Shut the fuck up
  • That stock also has a large group of retail investors who have been DRSing for the past three years…
Hedge Fund: Well, then why does the price keep dropping?
Space Debris: There’s this little film from 1944 I’d like you to watch. You like Ingrid Bergman?
What would happen if say you had that huge retail pool of naked shorts that you’ve been successfully rolling for three years, but you also have a huge pool of naked shorts with your buddy that you created in a time of desperation? A time of desperation, say about three years ago?
Now, say a big part of that pool of naked shorts you have with you friend is coming due finally? You’ve been putting most or maybe all of it off just trying to tread water and roll your retail naked shorts. You’ve been crushing the price, desperately hoping retail will sell, but now you and your buddy need to roll the toxic pool you hold between yourselves. The way to roll an old naked short into a new one is by: 1. Creating a new naked share. 2. Buying a real share to close the old naked share.
If you keep reading I’ll dive into the mechanics a bit more (not as much as my old DD), but basically the Naked Shorting Market Maker will need to have special privileges (be an Authorized Participant) to rip open ETFs. The Market Maker rips open a bunch of ETFs that shouldn’t exist – which could be why you see ETFs with such high short interest and such high Failure-To-Delivers (FTDs). The MM then has a bunch of naked shares that he pulled out of the ETF and those are used to naked short the stock.
Here’s an image I want you to picture that might help. When naked shorters crush a company through naked shorts, most of the time they’re not just flushing more and more naked shorts into the market. Most of the time it’s rolling over the market in a wave. They would be closing old naked shorts as they open new ones. If a naked shorter started naked shorting against a company at $20 10 years ago then they will no longer have naked shorts opened at $20. The naked share could have been rolled at 19, 18, 17 or 15, 10, 5. In other words, a naked share was sold to Bob for $20 in the past. A real share is now bought from Suzy for $19 and sent to Bob, then a new naked share is sent to John for $19. There’s still only one naked short in the market, but the expiration date, price, and location has changed. Bob never knew he had a fake and now neither does John. The naked shorter scraped $1 off the play and is still crushing the stock. If you have a super algo that can do this for change constantly all day everyday then that change adds up very fast. Ever seen office space?
There are times where it would be beneficial to shoot out more naked shorts than you’re closing. At the beginning, possibly towards what the naked shorter hopes is the end, to get the stock moving, in a time of desperation, etc.
But now a big question I have...
A question I really wish I knew the answer to and sadly I honestly don’t. What if you delayed the delivery of a fuck ton of naked shorts to your buddy, they’re finally coming due, and there was also a split or maybe a splividend sometime in the past three years? Did you delay the delivery of the splividend shares to your “buddy”? Is that allowed?! I’m trying to find out, but the market is so fucking opaque! This seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed, but this market can also be a joke at times. Is this allowed? I’ve been trying to find it somewhere in the rules, but there are too many rules. ChatGPT said it’s allowed, but ChatGPT says a lot of crazy shit.
I need to go over that again. You’re so fucking underwater because GME is sneezing, you just spray a fucking hurricane of naked shorts at the market to crush the price, your naked shorting buddy buys up as many of your naked shorts as he can so they don’t get into retail hands. You’re also exchanging contracts far out in the future as insurance – insurance that you can buy the shares back from your “buddy” at some point. Time to crush retail. If retail doesn’t sell… and if it’s finally time to settle your deadpool with your “friend”? Has some of it been quadrupled in the past three years?
Again, I want to be clear. No one has hard evidence that there are naked shorters holding a fuck ton of LEAPS coming due in June. I also have no evidence that a split or splividend can be delayed between naked shorters. This is all a theory. It does line up nicely with the other DD I wrote over a year ago and does make some puzzle pieces fit nicely in my mind, but I also feel a bit like I’ve been smoking tinfoil and mainlining GME for years now.
So, again, don’t get too hype now….
A bigger question, the splividend is kind of weird. Does the splividend require that the deadpool be closed/rolled by buying real shares? It seems like with a split a deadpool could be closed using cash, is the splividend different?
Hedge Fund: Well… okay, but… why does the price keep dropping? You should sell… AI boom! Artificial Intelligence is here. Sure, you read a book two years ago that AGI would take 50-100 years to develop, but AGI is here! Now! I swear. Buy my AI Stocks!
A little over a year ago I wrote an 89 page DD. You probably haven’t read it. It was long and covered way too much, but there’s a lot to talk about with a stock like GME. I’m going to try and summarize my DD for you, that way you don’t need to go back through it. A lot of it is important to my theory and some of it is just interesting in my opinion. And some of it is wild cohencidences that make me feel like a conspiracy nut.
I honestly originally went on the journey to write that long DD because sometimes I felt like I was in a cult and I needed to do my own research. Fuck, I may have fell farther down the rabbit hole and I keep tumbling down. Yay!
Naked shorting has been around since markets have been around. If you have delayed delivery then it’s easy to sell something and worry about the delivery later. The stock market seemed to reach a fairly good place of stability because of rules and regulations until computers came along. Computers and algorithms have led to an insane advantage for wall street over the common retail investor. Market makers have also had special rules and have had access to different loopholes that allow for even larger delays in delivery.
I sell you 100 shares of Stock A for $10 now. If I can wait to buy then I’ll just wait until it’s cheaper. Also, remember, I have a super fast computer selling huge amounts of shares to other people too. Cheap enough for me might be $9.99. I buy for $9.99, settle my naked short with you, and now I’m selling naked shorts at $9.98. Anyone?! $9.98? I got as many as you need! (the price falls) $9.96? $9.94?
Most retail investors hold shares for less than a year. Naked shorters hate hodlers, they want to constantly be selling to new suckers at lower prices until the company goes bankrupt. They want retail investors churning through the stock in months. Shares constantly moving hands.
So, you can kind of think of naked shorting as delayed delivery. Sell high and delay delivery long enough until you can buy low. Or at the end not even buy at all. “Sorry, product is no longer available, your delivery has been canceled.”
In the past Market Makers had an exemption that made it very easy to naked short and there are some strong signs that they abused that exemption. Back in the day a Market Maker could point to an UN-EXERCISED call option as a locate. I capitalized that un-exercised part because it’s important.
So, here’s where I found some weird coincidences writing my old DD that made me really feel like I was losing my mind a bit. So, please, lose your mind along with me.
  • Back in the day a Market Maker and Hedge Fund would do this naked shorting using a package of naked shares, put contracts, call contracts, and futures contracts. To the outside world it would look like normal buying and hedging of shares that hedge funds do everyday. The Market Maker side would look like something called a Reverse Conversion and the Hedge Fund side would look like something called a Split-Strike.
  • Bernied Madoff used to claim that he made all of his money using Split-Strikes.
  • This Option exemption or Reverse Conversion/Split-Strike strategy was closed through rule changes during the 2008 financial crash.
  • Bernie Madoff’s fund blew up during the 2008 financial crash.
Hopefully, it’s just a coincidence, because, what the fuck. Who’s writing this story?
  • Oh, also Bernie Madoff’s friend from prison claims that Madoff admitted to naked shorting and says that Madoff claimed everyone on wall street was doing it.
Wild, am I completely crazy wondering if naked shorting played a part in the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Oh, also, the options market lost a lot of steam after 2008, and well, guess what market really started taking off after 2008? Did you guess the ETF market? Because you’d be correct!
Did naked shorters move from the options market to the ETF market around 2008? Options still would have been good for insurance purposes, but not for creating the actual naked shares anymore.
An EXERCISED option can still be used as a locate today in order to short a stock. If you exercise the option, it means you’ve paid for the stock and the stock will be delivered soon. Market Makers have about a month to make good on the delivery. You could probably naked short through exercised options, but it would give you a finite window. I don’t know why you would if you can just use ETFs to naked short instead.
The way those old Reverse Conversion and Split-Strikes were built is very important. Yes, they looked like normal plays any hedge fund might make to regulators, but they also included insurance between thugs. Options and futures contracts can provide insurance to the Market Maker, that way when the MM shows up with cash the Hedge Fund will be forced to deliver shares. CYA! Cover Your ASS! Too bad you’re already naked shorting – that’s a dangerous fucking game.
These days the Market Maker opens up ETFs for the naked shares and sends those to the Hedge Fund. The ETF is the locate. Then the Market Maker can still use futures contracts or options contract with the Hedge Fund to ensure the MM won’t be the one left holding the bag.
We should also take a quick detour into bullet swaps. Bullet swaps would also not work as a locate for naked shorting.
No shares exchange hands because of a bullet swap. Nobody on wall street can point to a bullet swap as proof that they can get shares. Bullet swaps would primarily be used for hedging (insurance) or leverage.
INSURANCE: If you are short a stock then you can get insurance through a swap deal by entering a swap that is long on the stock. You short the stock and also enter a long bullet swap that expires far in the future. You now have years to crush the stock. In the future if you fail to crush the price of the stock then your long swap will help offset the cost of your failed shorts. With a bullet swap you pay for the insurance at expiration.
LEVERAGE: If you are short a stock, but also want leverage you could add a short bullet swap to your position. This will grow your short position without shorting more of the stock. Also, this will leave less of a sign that you’re shorting the stock. Buying a shit ton of puts might get noticed. And again, with a bullet swap, you pay for the leverage in the future.
Hwang in there. Sorry, this DD is so long.
Let’s say you were a degenerate with a lot of money to play on the stock market. You’re naked shorting a stock and you’re positive you can crush this thing. So you also take out a big bullet swap short position. You’ll make even more money when this stock goes bankrupt and you don’t even have to pay for the bullet swap until the expiration date. You just bought, or just got leverage without buying anything… You pay for the leverage in the future!
Bullet swaps are completely irresponsible! How is this a thing?!
If your naked short position blows up AND you haven’t hedged AND all of the sudden you owe a big lump sum on a short bullet swap, yikes, you’d be fucked.
Let’s use a made up story to help illustrate what I’m trying to say here. In this hypothetical scenario, naked shorters decide to naked short Stock A into the ground. Let’s say they start naked shorting on Stock A around 2012 or something.
Hedge Fund: It’s a dying business!
They start pumping naked shares into the market and the price falls.
Hedge Fund: See!
Then some dude looking for deep value comes along in 2019. He buys a bunch of shares and a bunch of call options on Stock A.
Now jump forward to 2021, January is an important time:
  1. FUTURES EXPIRING – Naked shares could be insured using Futures Contracts.
  2. LEAPS EXPIRING – Naked shares could also be insured using LEAPS.
  3. REGARDS – Also, that deep value dude has some calls expiring January 15th. Retail Investors send their regards. Dude on the internet (not a cat) and a bunch of traders on reddit YOLO hard into Stock A.
That means:
  1. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  2. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  3. Retail starts buying shares and call options.
In other words,
  1. Buy Pressure
  2. Buy Pressure
  3. Buy Pressure
The price skyrockets. Or sneezes if your prefer.
Naked shorters flood the market with naked shares of Stock A to drive the price back down. A bunch of those naked shares are sold to other naked shorters.
Now, in this scenario there are suddenly bulls and bears fighting over the stock. There’s even talk among some of the bulls of a possible short squeeze. Everyone is buying, but naked shorters need the price to go down. The only way to do that is to sell shares. More supply meets demand = price drops. Obviously, a naked shorter would do that by selling naked shares. But more naked shares into the hands of bulls?
It’s slimey, dark, and disgusting in here, but please, come join me in the mind of a naked shorter for a second. Let’s say as a naked shorter: 1. I need to buy a bunch of shares to roll a big part of my naked position. 2. Bulls are out on parade buying like fucking crazy. 3. There’s talk of a potential short squeeze.
As a naked shorter we would want to flood the market with naked shares to crush the price. A fuckton more supply meets the same demand = big price drop. On the other hand, bulls are buying like crazy. The more naked shares we pump out the more ammo we’re handing to bulls.
I don’t know about you, but if I were a naked shorter then I don’t want to hand a bunch of naked shares to bulls, especially if they’re already talking about a squeeze. I do want to flood the market with naked shares though. I would probably ask one of my naked shorting “friends” to gobble up as many of my naked shares as possible. We’ll both survive and we can settle up with each other later.
We usually use yearly contracts with retail naked shorts because most of retail sells within a year. With one another we could push it to three years. Surely, retail will give up after three years. Retail holding for three years is an anomaly. It just doesn’t happen!
Hedge Fund: That’s right!
Let’s assume naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares among themselves on Stock A. The huge flood of shares into the market helps crush the price and most of the shares end up with other naked shorters.
Maybe naked shorters also turn off the buy button, which is the rich kid equivalent of overturning the game board. Really just pathetic.
Company A: That was fucking weird….
Retail: Was that naked shorting?
Company A:
To recap, in this scenario, naked shorters now have a large pool of naked shares in the hands of retail that they need to continually roll. I think it’s likely naked shares to retail would be built with yearly expiration dates, most retail investors sell within a year. That gives flexibility to naked shorters to continually settle old naked shares and create new ones. Waves of naked shares being gobbled back up and spewed back out and gobbled back up and spewed back out. The naked shares look and act like the real thing as long as they can find a cheaper real share before expiration. They have a year – retail sells quick, and can be easy to manipulate. Should be easy money. Easy money with a whole lot o’ fucking risk.
Then the naked shorting pool, or the deadpool, are all of the naked shares that naked shorters sell to one another. Again, maybe at a time of desperation a fuck-ton of naked shares get sold through the market from one naked shorter to another. These naked shares have been created from an ETF loophole, then packaged with insurance using a Futures Contract or a LEAP Contract.
For example, on GME (a stock completely unrelated to made-up Stock A), the share price has shown waves in the price around quarterly triple-witching dates in March, June, September, and December. This would make sense if the price is moving because of common expiration dates used for Futures Contracts and LEAPS.
Now, let’s dive back into the grimy mind of a naked shorter. We built a bunch of naked shares and sent those to retail with yearly expiration dates. If we made these naked shares around January, March, June, or December of 2021 then they would expire in January, March, June, or December of 2022. Retail sells quick, a year should be enough time to close or roll.
In a time of desperation you also naked short a butt load of naked shares to your naked shorting “buddy”, he’s also naked shorting the stock and has no interest in calling in those naked shares anytime soon.
If you built a pool of naked shares with your “friend” then why would you give them the same expiration as naked shares sold to retail? That’s just adding to your retail headache. Retail should sell in a year (most usually do), but you can hold this position with your “friend” for a lot longer. Why not sell those naked shares with expiration dates much farther in the future? Maybe three years if you’re using LEAPS.
That gives you plenty of time to scare off retail, close out your retail naked shorts, and then you can worry about settling up with your “buddies”. You have insurance with LEAPS or Futures so settling with your buddies should be pretty easy. You can put that all off for another day far in the future.
Hedge Fund: Retail sells, right?
Space Debris: It’s just a story.
Hedge Fund: But retail sells, right?
Space Debris: No.
Let’s jump back to our fake Stock A scenario, maybe Company A sees some weird shit happening to their stock and think of naked shorters. Maybe Company A even sees the possibility of a huge naked short position being paired with a lot of LEAPS. Maybe Company A then gives naked shorters a year to close their short position, seems fair to me. Or maybe Company A just liked the idea of a splividend for a multitude of other reasons.
In this story, Company A puts out a splividend, it’s a bit different then your normal dividend. Mostly because of the way it’s delivered. Normally, with a split, every share of the Stock is just split. Naked shares look like normal shares so they’d be split and no delivery would be necessary. They would just need to deliver more shares on or before expiration to go with the old naked share. The price has also been split so their naked position should fundamentally be the same.
For ease, let’s say Company A split 4:1. Every share will now become 4. But for the splividend, they’ll actually hand deliver 3 shares to only the real shares. Company A’s people are going to check. If naked shorters have 1 naked share in the hand of a retail investor then they need to add 3 more shares to that hand. Doesn’t matter if the expiration is still a year out on that naked share, they owe 3 shares right now. The rules are convoluted and hard to parse through, but I believe Market Makers would have a few days to deliver splividend shares to retail. They could potentially have a month or so, but I’m not sure on that. I don’t think they would be able to delay retail splividend delivery for much more than a month. Retail splividend delivery. RETAIL….
The Deadpool might be different! With your retail splividends you could just create new naked shares to send as your dividend fulfillment. With your deadpool could you just agree to wait?
For, ease let’s assume for every 1 naked share sent out into the market, naked shorters also sent 1 to each other. These are made up numbers. It would be impossible to see the size of a naked short position or where it’s hidden. Naked shares look just like the real thing… until they don’t.
For every 1 naked share of Stock A in the Retail Pool, there is 1 naked share in the Deadpool.
Other stocks could be different, Stock A is a hypothetical.
Let’s assume naked shorters have been rolling, but unable to close their Retail naked short position in Stock A. These naked shorters would most likely have also held onto a lot of their naked short position with one another. The stock has also been split.
If naked shorters have the ability to delay delivery of the splividend to one another then they may not have settled a bunch of dividends yet. Every 1 naked share in the deadpool could now be 4 naked shares.
Now if you’re hoping Company A will squeeze because of a huge deadpool that needs to be closed then calm down, it might not be that easy.
Let’s look at all of the advantages of creating a deadpool with your naked shorting friends:
  1. Those naked shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls and the naked shares drive the price of the stock down.
  2. Your naked shorting “friend” is good at hiding naked shares. If there’s a limit to how many naked shares you can shit into retails’ hands, then a deadpool could be a place to go if you start hitting the retail limit.
  3. Those naked shares look like real shares so they could potentially be used for margin.
  4. You could potentially move them around in a dark pool to your “friend”, just match them with a short term option or future depending on when you want them back.
SEC: “Where are these locates?”
MM: “Right here, got them out of the deadpool.”
SEC: “The what?”
MM: “The darkpool.”
SEC: “Oh, cool. Are you hiring?”
  1. Extra Insurance with your naked shorting “friends”? “We all close our retail naked shorts and then we close these.” OR “Fine! I was naked shorting! But… but… he also sent me this huge pile of naked shares!”
  1. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE – I’m gonna hit you with some minor fud. This hypothetical deadpool might (I’m not positive) be able to be closed with cash. Naked shorters don’t want to drive the price up. Buying actual shares to close would drive the price up. I believe Deadpool naked shares could and would most likely be closed using cash when the time came. I have some questions about this because of the splividend that I’ll talk about below. Basically, does the splividend change that? Can splividend naked shares be settled with cash? I really wish I knew.
The deadpool could also be rolled and they would keep some of the other benefits, but it would likely be opened the normal way, and the old naked shares would still likely be closed using cash.
Now, I’m not positive, but I do believe rolling an old deadpool position using cash could cause upward movement in the shorted stock. It could also be very expensive, but if you’re rolling and your “buddy” also naked shorts an even amount of “shares” back to you then you’re basically just breaking even.
If the Deadpool exists then it would be just another hidden festering pile of naked shares slowly dragging naked shorters down. If it was grown by the splividend then it’s like a cancerous pile of naked shares and it’s reckoning day could be coming soon. Time to close or roll. I think Deadpool is a fitting name. The Deadpool would be zombie shares (that shouldn’t exist) pulled out of zombie ETFs that were conjured out of nothing. There are no real (living) shares hanging out in the Deadpool.
Not to be confused with the comic book character. He would DRS and hodl.
First off, there has been a lot of conjecture about a stock called GME. It’s all conjecture. No one knows dates. No one knows how many naked shares there could potentially be. No one here knows. Unless Kenny G is lurking. He might know something. No one gets that good at the sax without knowing a thing or two. Totally unrelated, but could you imagine if you were a naked shorter who had been griftin’ the market for years and your last name was Griffin.
Some of this DD is based on research into the rules, but some is also based on conjecture and theories. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Let’s go back to Stock A.
Let’s say a hedge fund naked shorted a bunch of Stock A with his friends. Then that hedge fund also entered bullet swap deals to get even more leverage on his short position. January 2021 rolls around, he blows up. He can’t roll all of his retail naked shares and can’t make good on shares with his Market Maker. Oh, and because of those bullet swaps, instead of making extra money, he owes a big lump sum.
The Hedge Fund evaporates and someone else takes over his position. Maybe someone who is not “friends” with the naked shorters and doesn’t want to be naked.
Now, Company A is smart, there were some signs that maybe your company was being naked shorted, but naked shorting is illegal. A year after all of the craziness, Company A does a splividend. A splividend could really make a naked shorting position even more of a nightmare, but naked shorting is illegal. Plus, shorters said they closed a year ago. Company A has many reasons to do a splividend that don’t involve naked shorting at all.
Company A then puts it out there that they want to sell a lot of shares. They have bright plans for the future and they need money. It costs money to make money! Or is it whisky? Again, naked shorting is illegal so there shouldn’t be any naked shares, but an offer like that could look like a lifeline if someone was naked shorting.
Seems like it would also be a good way to protect Company A from any litigation in the future that says they purposely tried to start a squeeze on their own stock. Or a MOASS. How could they start a squeeze? Company A put it out there that they wanted to sell a nice chunk of shares. You didn’t try to get any of those shares?
Company A: How many shares did you need?
Company A: How many shares did you need, MM?
Like Five Fancy Lawyers in Unison: Our client pleads the fifth.
Back to the lifeline though, you just absorbed someone’s toxic bag of naked shorts and you want out. Company A just put up a flashing sign that says, we’d like to sell some shares. Seems like a pretty good opportunity to me, doesn’t hurt to ask.
Market Maker: I just absorbed some toxic shit, got any shares you’d sell me?
Company A: Maybe
If you inherited a bag of toxic naked shorts and you know or have a strong feeling there are many more out there then trying to close by buying real shares through the market will run the price up. Can you close before you get out? If Company A sells you as many shares as they’re willing then that might cut your naked short position down or completely close it. If it doesn’t close it then what’s the next best option? You likely know that buying power is about to crank up because your toxic bag is expiring and so are a lot of other toxic bags.
Your next best option? Options…
If there’s a scenario where you’re trying to maybe not be the first one out, but insure that you make it out, this is the best play in my opinion. Again, Company A said they want to sell shares. You need real shares. If you’re unable to get enough shares directly from Company A then you turn to options. Options allow you to lock in a price for the shares you’re comfortable with, if the price drops then you can buy some shares for cheaper on the open market. If the price rises then you can still buy shares for the cheaper strike price by exercising the options contract.
Again, if you start buying at market then the price could start taking off and you’re cost basis could get blown out of the water. For example, you need 1 million shares of Company A at $20. If company is at $19, then with a big buy order your 1 millionth share might actually get bought at $21 or $25 or way higher. If you buy 10,000 $20 Calls then you can buy 1 million shares at $20 until the Calls expire.
The other advantage, you don’t have to be the first naked shorter to go to the market and start smashing the buy button. If Company A goes through some sort of Mother of All Short Squeezes then you won’t be the one who started it. To regulators, you just luckily bought some call options before this all started happening and now you’re exercising. Really wild stuff going on. Good thing you’re not naked short on that stock…. anymore… You go home and cry.
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2024.05.27 21:25 spacedebriss THE DEADPOOL THEORY: PART I

Sorry, this got so long, that seems to happen when I write a DD. I wanted to get this out last week, but it kept growing. I’ll try and answer questions, but I also kind of need a break.
None of this is financial advice. I’m just a stranger on the internet. Please do your own research.
I did a deep dive into the rules a year or so ago and wrote a long DD. I think it’s still relevant.
Options are most likely not used as locates for naked shorting. ETFs are the likely culprit. Bullet Swaps would likely be used for insurance or leverage, I don’t think they’re as important as some people think – they are scary as fuck though.
You need at least two parties to naked short. A Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. Market Maker pulls naked shares out of ETFs for Hedge Fund to naked short. Market Maker insures with Futures Contract or Options (probably LEAPS).
That insurance means that if the Market Maker sends X naked shares to the Hedge Fund then the Market Maker also bought enough contracts to buy X numbers of shares from the Hedge Fund on or possibly by some date far in the future. MMs practice CYA!
SEC: Where are the shares?
MM: I don’t know! I definitely sold this Hedge Fund real shares a long time ago. I have a contract for shares back and he doesn’t seem to have any. Isn’t that crazy?!
SEC: Yeah… Are you hiring?
Two Pools Theory is based around the idea that Naked Shorters likely have many reasons to naked short to one another and could potentially naked short large amounts of naked shares through the market to one another in a desperate time of need. Naked shorters didn’t get this far on wall street by trusting others – sell some naked shorts to your “buddy”, and you also get a contract that your “buddy” owes you those “shares” back at some point. CYA!
Too bad it’s impossible to CYA when you’re naked shorting. Duh. “Smart Money” my ass.
I call the pool of naked shares that naked shorters might be holding the deadpool. Maybe superstonk can come up with something better.
If the naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares between themselves (the deadpool), a large portion of it in 2021, then how many of those naked shares have been closed/rolled? Is it possible the expiration date of some of those naked shorts was based around a witching date/LEAP date roughly three years in the future?
And my biggest question of all, if naked shorters could delay delivery of naked shorts to one another three years into the future, could they also delay the splividend to one another? What if they owe 4 shares for every 1 on a toxic mess they’re holding between themselves?
If I was a naked shorter in this situation then I’d want out. If I also knew I and every other naked shorter needed shares soon then I’d either try and buy real shares from the company or as many call options as I possibly could. GME did just sell some shares and a bunch of call options have been bought recently. Is a big expiration date coming due and someone is trying to get out?
I sadly don’t have answers to a lot of the questions I raise in this paper. I’d mostly just like you to think about these questions with me.
Now here’s another thing to think about because I’ve hyped myself up, and it’s good to stay level headed. If that’s all true, then naked shorters have also had three years to come up with a plan to survive another day.
If there’s naked shorting, then eventually DRSing will uncover it, if it fucking has to.
In the mean time, I think it’s fun to think about naked shorters building a deadpool that might be coming back to fuck them.
This theory covers a lot and I’m hesitant to even put it out there because it could have big implications and it could also be completely wrong. It’s also based on some speculation. There’s a lot of speculation about June swirling around with LEAPS and Bullet Swaps. I haven’t seen any proof that anyone actually knows expiration dates on any bullet swaps or LEAPS that naked shorters may or may not be holding. There’s also some speculation on some rules in this write-up because I’ve been unable to find anything worthy of a citation that says naked shorters can delay delivery of a dividend to one another. I also haven’t found any citations on how splividends would work with naked shorting.
The gist of the theory is that there are two pools of naked shares. One pool is held in the hands of retail and one pool is held in the hands of the naked shorters themselves. I believe the naked shares in those pools could be handled in different ways. Naked shorting would need to be done between two parties: a Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. The Market Maker would most likely pull naked shares out of ETFs for the Hedge Fund and the Hedge Fund would then sell the naked shares into the market.
The Market Maker likely would want insurance on a risky naked shorting play. The Market Maker could enter into Futures Contracts or LEAPS with the Hedge Fund. These contracts mean on or sometimes before the expiration date the Market Maker can go to the Hedge Fund with the cash and demand shares.
Now, the obvious reason you naked short is to hopefully drive the price of a stock down, the company goes bankrupt, and you never have to buy the naked shares back. Pure profit. Sure, maybe at some point you might get found out and become an infamous slimey asshole, but you could be a rich slimey asshole! You embrace it and naked short a bunch of shares to retail investors. Asshole.
Here’s where the two pool theory comes in, you need to be the hedge fund to a market maker or the mm to a hf to naked short. Do you also naked short to your “buddy”? Your “friend”?
Hedge Fund: Why are you saying it like that?
Space Debris: Saying what what way?
Hedge Fund: “Friend” With the things. MM and I are buddies! Right, MM?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Do the MM and the HF create a naked pool between themselves? What could be the advantages of that?
Could those naked shares be used as locates for a legitimate short sale? They should look and act like real shares, right? Could they move them around in dark pools? Could they be used for margin? Again, they should look like real shares that their “buddy” sold them? Meanwhile they’re toxic garbage.
If the Stock you’re trying to crush isn’t moving, no one is buying, no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares out into the market to your buddy to get the price moving down?
If everyone is buying and no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares through the market to your buddy to try and drop the price?
Hedge Fund: That would get people selling, right? That would get the price dropping, right?
Plus, those shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls. They end up in your “buddies” hands. He also wants to crush this stock.
Hedge Fund: Retail is selling, right?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Now, let’s say you have a huge naked short pool in the hands of retail you have to deal with and you have a huge pool with your buddy. Which are you going to deal with first? Probably the retail pool.
So, I’m not saying you did this, but what exactly would happen if say….
  • You have two monstrous naked share pools. One with retail and one pool with your naked shorting buddies
Hedge Fund: Well, I….
Space Debris: Let me fucking finish.
  • On a stock of a company with potential, that’s not going bankrupt anytime soon
Hedge Fund: That’s debat….
Space Debris: Shut the fuck up
  • That stock also has a large group of retail investors who have been DRSing for the past three years…
Hedge Fund: Well, then why does the price keep dropping?
Space Debris: There’s this little film from 1944 I’d like you to watch. You like Ingrid Bergman?
What would happen if say you had that huge retail pool of naked shorts that you’ve been successfully rolling for three years, but you also have a huge pool of naked shorts with your buddy that you created in a time of desperation? A time of desperation, say about three years ago?
Now, say a big part of that pool of naked shorts you have with you friend is coming due finally? You’ve been putting most or maybe all of it off just trying to tread water and roll your retail naked shorts. You’ve been crushing the price, desperately hoping retail will sell, but now you and your buddy need to roll the toxic pool you hold between yourselves. The way to roll an old naked short into a new one is by: 1. Creating a new naked share. 2. Buying a real share to close the old naked share.
If you keep reading I’ll dive into the mechanics a bit more (not as much as my old DD), but basically the Naked Shorting Market Maker will need to have special privileges (be an Authorized Participant) to rip open ETFs. The Market Maker rips open a bunch of ETFs that shouldn’t exist – which could be why you see ETFs with such high short interest and such high Failure-To-Delivers (FTDs). The MM then has a bunch of naked shares that he pulled out of the ETF and those are used to naked short the stock.
Here’s an image I want you to picture that might help. When naked shorters crush a company through naked shorts, most of the time they’re not just flushing more and more naked shorts into the market. Most of the time it’s rolling over the market in a wave. They would be closing old naked shorts as they open new ones. If a naked shorter started naked shorting against a company at $20 10 years ago then they will no longer have naked shorts opened at $20. The naked share could have been rolled at 19, 18, 17 or 15, 10, 5. In other words, a naked share was sold to Bob for $20 in the past. A real share is now bought from Suzy for $19 and sent to Bob, then a new naked share is sent to John for $19. There’s still only one naked short in the market, but the expiration date, price, and location has changed. Bob never knew he had a fake and now neither does John. The naked shorter scraped $1 off the play and is still crushing the stock. If you have a super algo that can do this for change constantly all day everyday then that change adds up very fast. Ever seen office space?
There are times where it would be beneficial to shoot out more naked shorts than you’re closing. At the beginning, possibly towards what the naked shorter hopes is the end, to get the stock moving, in a time of desperation, etc.
But now a big question I have...
A question I really wish I knew the answer to and sadly I honestly don’t. What if you delayed the delivery of a fuck ton of naked shorts to your buddy, they’re finally coming due, and there was also a split or maybe a splividend sometime in the past three years? Did you delay the delivery of the splividend shares to your “buddy”? Is that allowed?! I’m trying to find out, but the market is so fucking opaque! This seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed, but this market can also be a joke at times. Is this allowed? I’ve been trying to find it somewhere in the rules, but there are too many rules. ChatGPT said it’s allowed, but ChatGPT says a lot of crazy shit.
I need to go over that again. You’re so fucking underwater because GME is sneezing, you just spray a fucking hurricane of naked shorts at the market to crush the price, your naked shorting buddy buys up as many of your naked shorts as he can so they don’t get into retail hands. You’re also exchanging contracts far out in the future as insurance – insurance that you can buy the shares back from your “buddy” at some point. Time to crush retail. If retail doesn’t sell… and if it’s finally time to settle your deadpool with your “friend”? Has some of it been quadrupled in the past three years?
Again, I want to be clear. No one has hard evidence that there are naked shorters holding a fuck ton of LEAPS coming due in June. I also have no evidence that a split or splividend can be delayed between naked shorters. This is all a theory. It does line up nicely with the other DD I wrote over a year ago and does make some puzzle pieces fit nicely in my mind, but I also feel a bit like I’ve been smoking tinfoil and mainlining GME for years now.
So, again, don’t get too hype now….
A bigger question, the splividend is kind of weird. Does the splividend require that the deadpool be closed/rolled by buying real shares? It seems like with a split a deadpool could be closed using cash, is the splividend different?
Hedge Fund: Well… okay, but… why does the price keep dropping? You should sell… AI boom! Artificial Intelligence is here. Sure, you read a book two years ago that AGI would take 50-100 years to develop, but AGI is here! Now! I swear. Buy my AI Stocks!
A little over a year ago I wrote an 89 page DD. You probably haven’t read it. It was long and covered way too much, but there’s a lot to talk about with a stock like GME. I’m going to try and summarize my DD for you, that way you don’t need to go back through it. A lot of it is important to my theory and some of it is just interesting in my opinion. And some of it is wild cohencidences that make me feel like a conspiracy nut.
I honestly originally went on the journey to write that long DD because sometimes I felt like I was in a cult and I needed to do my own research. Fuck, I may have fell farther down the rabbit hole and I keep tumbling down. Yay!
Naked shorting has been around since markets have been around. If you have delayed delivery then it’s easy to sell something and worry about the delivery later. The stock market seemed to reach a fairly good place of stability because of rules and regulations until computers came along. Computers and algorithms have led to an insane advantage for wall street over the common retail investor. Market makers have also had special rules and have had access to different loopholes that allow for even larger delays in delivery.
I sell you 100 shares of Stock A for $10 now. If I can wait to buy then I’ll just wait until it’s cheaper. Also, remember, I have a super fast computer selling huge amounts of shares to other people too. Cheap enough for me might be $9.99. I buy for $9.99, settle my naked short with you, and now I’m selling naked shorts at $9.98. Anyone?! $9.98? I got as many as you need! (the price falls) $9.96? $9.94?
Most retail investors hold shares for less than a year. Naked shorters hate hodlers, they want to constantly be selling to new suckers at lower prices until the company goes bankrupt. They want retail investors churning through the stock in months. Shares constantly moving hands.
So, you can kind of think of naked shorting as delayed delivery. Sell high and delay delivery long enough until you can buy low. Or at the end not even buy at all. “Sorry, product is no longer available, your delivery has been canceled.”
In the past Market Makers had an exemption that made it very easy to naked short and there are some strong signs that they abused that exemption. Back in the day a Market Maker could point to an UN-EXERCISED call option as a locate. I capitalized that un-exercised part because it’s important.
So, here’s where I found some weird coincidences writing my old DD that made me really feel like I was losing my mind a bit. So, please, lose your mind along with me.
  • Back in the day a Market Maker and Hedge Fund would do this naked shorting using a package of naked shares, put contracts, call contracts, and futures contracts. To the outside world it would look like normal buying and hedging of shares that hedge funds do everyday. The Market Maker side would look like something called a Reverse Conversion and the Hedge Fund side would look like something called a Split-Strike.
  • Bernied Madoff used to claim that he made all of his money using Split-Strikes.
  • This Option exemption or Reverse Conversion/Split-Strike strategy was closed through rule changes during the 2008 financial crash.
  • Bernie Madoff’s fund blew up during the 2008 financial crash.
Hopefully, it’s just a coincidence, because, what the fuck. Who’s writing this story?
  • Oh, also Bernie Madoff’s friend from prison claims that Madoff admitted to naked shorting and says that Madoff claimed everyone on wall street was doing it.
Wild, am I completely crazy wondering if naked shorting played a part in the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Oh, also, the options market lost a lot of steam after 2008, and well, guess what market really started taking off after 2008? Did you guess the ETF market? Because you’d be correct!
Did naked shorters move from the options market to the ETF market around 2008? Options still would have been good for insurance purposes, but not for creating the actual naked shares anymore.
An EXERCISED option can still be used as a locate today in order to short a stock. If you exercise the option, it means you’ve paid for the stock and the stock will be delivered soon. Market Makers have about a month to make good on the delivery. You could probably naked short through exercised options, but it would give you a finite window. I don’t know why you would if you can just use ETFs to naked short instead.
The way those old Reverse Conversion and Split-Strikes were built is very important. Yes, they looked like normal plays any hedge fund might make to regulators, but they also included insurance between thugs. Options and futures contracts can provide insurance to the Market Maker, that way when the MM shows up with cash the Hedge Fund will be forced to deliver shares. CYA! Cover Your ASS! Too bad you’re already naked shorting – that’s a dangerous fucking game.
These days the Market Maker opens up ETFs for the naked shares and sends those to the Hedge Fund. The ETF is the locate. Then the Market Maker can still use futures contracts or options contract with the Hedge Fund to ensure the MM won’t be the one left holding the bag.
We should also take a quick detour into bullet swaps. Bullet swaps would also not work as a locate for naked shorting.
No shares exchange hands because of a bullet swap. Nobody on wall street can point to a bullet swap as proof that they can get shares. Bullet swaps would primarily be used for hedging (insurance) or leverage.
INSURANCE: If you are short a stock then you can get insurance through a swap deal by entering a swap that is long on the stock. You short the stock and also enter a long bullet swap that expires far in the future. You now have years to crush the stock. In the future if you fail to crush the price of the stock then your long swap will help offset the cost of your failed shorts. With a bullet swap you pay for the insurance at expiration.
LEVERAGE: If you are short a stock, but also want leverage you could add a short bullet swap to your position. This will grow your short position without shorting more of the stock. Also, this will leave less of a sign that you’re shorting the stock. Buying a shit ton of puts might get noticed. And again, with a bullet swap, you pay for the leverage in the future.
Hwang in there. Sorry, this DD is so long.
Let’s say you were a degenerate with a lot of money to play on the stock market. You’re naked shorting a stock and you’re positive you can crush this thing. So you also take out a big bullet swap short position. You’ll make even more money when this stock goes bankrupt and you don’t even have to pay for the bullet swap until the expiration date. You just bought, or just got leverage without buying anything… You pay for the leverage in the future!
Bullet swaps are completely irresponsible! How is this a thing?!
If your naked short position blows up AND you haven’t hedged AND all of the sudden you owe a big lump sum on a short bullet swap, yikes, you’d be fucked.
Let’s use a made up story to help illustrate what I’m trying to say here. In this hypothetical scenario, naked shorters decide to naked short Stock A into the ground. Let’s say they start naked shorting on Stock A around 2012 or something.
Hedge Fund: It’s a dying business!
They start pumping naked shares into the market and the price falls.
Hedge Fund: See!
Then some dude looking for deep value comes along in 2019. He buys a bunch of shares and a bunch of call options on Stock A.
Now jump forward to 2021, January is an important time:
  1. FUTURES EXPIRING – Naked shares could be insured using Futures Contracts.
  2. LEAPS EXPIRING – Naked shares could also be insured using LEAPS.
  3. REGARDS – Also, that deep value dude has some calls expiring January 15th. Retail Investors send their regards. Dude on the internet (not a cat) and a bunch of traders on reddit YOLO hard into Stock A.
That means:
  1. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  2. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  3. Retail starts buying shares and call options.
In other words,
  1. Buy Pressure
  2. Buy Pressure
  3. Buy Pressure
The price skyrockets. Or sneezes if your prefer.
Naked shorters flood the market with naked shares of Stock A to drive the price back down. A bunch of those naked shares are sold to other naked shorters.
Now, in this scenario there are suddenly bulls and bears fighting over the stock. There’s even talk among some of the bulls of a possible short squeeze. Everyone is buying, but naked shorters need the price to go down. The only way to do that is to sell shares. More supply meets demand = price drops. Obviously, a naked shorter would do that by selling naked shares. But more naked shares into the hands of bulls?
It’s slimey, dark, and disgusting in here, but please, come join me in the mind of a naked shorter for a second. Let’s say as a naked shorter: 1. I need to buy a bunch of shares to roll a big part of my naked position. 2. Bulls are out on parade buying like fucking crazy. 3. There’s talk of a potential short squeeze.
As a naked shorter we would want to flood the market with naked shares to crush the price. A fuckton more supply meets the same demand = big price drop. On the other hand, bulls are buying like crazy. The more naked shares we pump out the more ammo we’re handing to bulls.
I don’t know about you, but if I were a naked shorter then I don’t want to hand a bunch of naked shares to bulls, especially if they’re already talking about a squeeze. I do want to flood the market with naked shares though. I would probably ask one of my naked shorting “friends” to gobble up as many of my naked shares as possible. We’ll both survive and we can settle up with each other later.
We usually use yearly contracts with retail naked shorts because most of retail sells within a year. With one another we could push it to three years. Surely, retail will give up after three years. Retail holding for three years is an anomaly. It just doesn’t happen!
Hedge Fund: That’s right!
Let’s assume naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares among themselves on Stock A. The huge flood of shares into the market helps crush the price and most of the shares end up with other naked shorters.
Maybe naked shorters also turn off the buy button, which is the rich kid equivalent of overturning the game board. Really just pathetic.
Company A: That was fucking weird….
Retail: Was that naked shorting?
Company A:
To recap, in this scenario, naked shorters now have a large pool of naked shares in the hands of retail that they need to continually roll. I think it’s likely naked shares to retail would be built with yearly expiration dates, most retail investors sell within a year. That gives flexibility to naked shorters to continually settle old naked shares and create new ones. Waves of naked shares being gobbled back up and spewed back out and gobbled back up and spewed back out. The naked shares look and act like the real thing as long as they can find a cheaper real share before expiration. They have a year – retail sells quick, and can be easy to manipulate. Should be easy money. Easy money with a whole lot o’ fucking risk.
Then the naked shorting pool, or the deadpool, are all of the naked shares that naked shorters sell to one another. Again, maybe at a time of desperation a fuck-ton of naked shares get sold through the market from one naked shorter to another. These naked shares have been created from an ETF loophole, then packaged with insurance using a Futures Contract or a LEAP Contract.
For example, on GME (a stock completely unrelated to made-up Stock A), the share price has shown waves in the price around quarterly triple-witching dates in March, June, September, and December. This would make sense if the price is moving because of common expiration dates used for Futures Contracts and LEAPS.
Now, let’s dive back into the grimy mind of a naked shorter. We built a bunch of naked shares and sent those to retail with yearly expiration dates. If we made these naked shares around January, March, June, or December of 2021 then they would expire in January, March, June, or December of 2022. Retail sells quick, a year should be enough time to close or roll.
In a time of desperation you also naked short a butt load of naked shares to your naked shorting “buddy”, he’s also naked shorting the stock and has no interest in calling in those naked shares anytime soon.
If you built a pool of naked shares with your “friend” then why would you give them the same expiration as naked shares sold to retail? That’s just adding to your retail headache. Retail should sell in a year (most usually do), but you can hold this position with your “friend” for a lot longer. Why not sell those naked shares with expiration dates much farther in the future? Maybe three years if you’re using LEAPS.
That gives you plenty of time to scare off retail, close out your retail naked shorts, and then you can worry about settling up with your “buddies”. You have insurance with LEAPS or Futures so settling with your buddies should be pretty easy. You can put that all off for another day far in the future.
Hedge Fund: Retail sells, right?
Space Debris: It’s just a story.
Hedge Fund: But retail sells, right?
Space Debris: No.
Let’s jump back to our fake Stock A scenario, maybe Company A sees some weird shit happening to their stock and think of naked shorters. Maybe Company A even sees the possibility of a huge naked short position being paired with a lot of LEAPS. Maybe Company A then gives naked shorters a year to close their short position, seems fair to me. Or maybe Company A just liked the idea of a splividend for a multitude of other reasons.
In this story, Company A puts out a splividend, it’s a bit different then your normal dividend. Mostly because of the way it’s delivered. Normally, with a split, every share of the Stock is just split. Naked shares look like normal shares so they’d be split and no delivery would be necessary. They would just need to deliver more shares on or before expiration to go with the old naked share. The price has also been split so their naked position should fundamentally be the same.
For ease, let’s say Company A split 4:1. Every share will now become 4. But for the splividend, they’ll actually hand deliver 3 shares to only the real shares. Company A’s people are going to check. If naked shorters have 1 naked share in the hand of a retail investor then they need to add 3 more shares to that hand. Doesn’t matter if the expiration is still a year out on that naked share, they owe 3 shares right now. The rules are convoluted and hard to parse through, but I believe Market Makers would have a few days to deliver splividend shares to retail. They could potentially have a month or so, but I’m not sure on that. I don’t think they would be able to delay retail splividend delivery for much more than a month. Retail splividend delivery. RETAIL….
The Deadpool might be different! With your retail splividends you could just create new naked shares to send as your dividend fulfillment. With your deadpool could you just agree to wait?
For, ease let’s assume for every 1 naked share sent out into the market, naked shorters also sent 1 to each other. These are made up numbers. It would be impossible to see the size of a naked short position or where it’s hidden. Naked shares look just like the real thing… until they don’t.
For every 1 naked share of Stock A in the Retail Pool, there is 1 naked share in the Deadpool.
Other stocks could be different, Stock A is a hypothetical.
Let’s assume naked shorters have been rolling, but unable to close their Retail naked short position in Stock A. These naked shorters would most likely have also held onto a lot of their naked short position with one another. The stock has also been split.
If naked shorters have the ability to delay delivery of the splividend to one another then they may not have settled a bunch of dividends yet. Every 1 naked share in the deadpool could now be 4 naked shares.
Now if you’re hoping Company A will squeeze because of a huge deadpool that needs to be closed then calm down, it might not be that easy.
Let’s look at all of the advantages of creating a deadpool with your naked shorting friends:
  1. Those naked shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls and the naked shares drive the price of the stock down.
  2. Your naked shorting “friend” is good at hiding naked shares. If there’s a limit to how many naked shares you can shit into retails’ hands, then a deadpool could be a place to go if you start hitting the retail limit.
  3. Those naked shares look like real shares so they could potentially be used for margin.
  4. You could potentially move them around in a dark pool to your “friend”, just match them with a short term option or future depending on when you want them back.
SEC: “Where are these locates?”
MM: “Right here, got them out of the deadpool.”
SEC: “The what?”
MM: “The darkpool.”
SEC: “Oh, cool. Are you hiring?”
  1. Extra Insurance with your naked shorting “friends”? “We all close our retail naked shorts and then we close these.” OR “Fine! I was naked shorting! But… but… he also sent me this huge pile of naked shares!”
  1. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE – I’m gonna hit you with some minor fud. This hypothetical deadpool might (I’m not positive) be able to be closed with cash. Naked shorters don’t want to drive the price up. Buying actual shares to close would drive the price up. I believe Deadpool naked shares could and would most likely be closed using cash when the time came. I have some questions about this because of the splividend that I’ll talk about below. Basically, does the splividend change that? Can splividend naked shares be settled with cash? I really wish I knew.
The deadpool could also be rolled and they would keep some of the other benefits, but it would likely be opened the normal way, and the old naked shares would still likely be closed using cash.
Now, I’m not positive, but I do believe rolling an old deadpool position using cash could cause upward movement in the shorted stock. It could also be very expensive, but if you’re rolling and your “buddy” also naked shorts an even amount of “shares” back to you then you’re basically just breaking even.
If the Deadpool exists then it would be just another hidden festering pile of naked shares slowly dragging naked shorters down. If it was grown by the splividend then it’s like a cancerous pile of naked shares and it’s reckoning day could be coming soon. Time to close or roll. I think Deadpool is a fitting name. The Deadpool would be zombie shares (that shouldn’t exist) pulled out of zombie ETFs that were conjured out of nothing. There are no real (living) shares hanging out in the Deadpool.
Not to be confused with the comic book character. He would DRS and hodl.
First off, there has been a lot of conjecture about a stock called GME. It’s all conjecture. No one knows dates. No one knows how many naked shares there could potentially be. No one here knows. Unless Kenny G is lurking. He might know something. No one gets that good at the sax without knowing a thing or two. Totally unrelated, but could you imagine if you were a naked shorter who had been griftin’ the market for years and your last name was Griffin.
Some of this DD is based on research into the rules, but some is also based on conjecture and theories. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Let’s go back to Stock A.
Let’s say a hedge fund naked shorted a bunch of Stock A with his friends. Then that hedge fund also entered bullet swap deals to get even more leverage on his short position. January 2021 rolls around, he blows up. He can’t roll all of his retail naked shares and can’t make good on shares with his Market Maker. Oh, and because of those bullet swaps, instead of making extra money, he owes a big lump sum.
The Hedge Fund evaporates and someone else takes over his position. Maybe someone who is not “friends” with the naked shorters and doesn’t want to be naked.
Now, Company A is smart, there were some signs that maybe your company was being naked shorted, but naked shorting is illegal. A year after all of the craziness, Company A does a splividend. A splividend could really make a naked shorting position even more of a nightmare, but naked shorting is illegal. Plus, shorters said they closed a year ago. Company A has many reasons to do a splividend that don’t involve naked shorting at all.
Company A then puts it out there that they want to sell a lot of shares. They have bright plans for the future and they need money. It costs money to make money! Or is it whisky? Again, naked shorting is illegal so there shouldn’t be any naked shares, but an offer like that could look like a lifeline if someone was naked shorting.
Seems like it would also be a good way to protect Company A from any litigation in the future that says they purposely tried to start a squeeze on their own stock. Or a MOASS. How could they start a squeeze? Company A put it out there that they wanted to sell a nice chunk of shares. You didn’t try to get any of those shares?
Company A: How many shares did you need?
Company A: How many shares did you need, MM?
Like Five Fancy Lawyers in Unison: Our client pleads the fifth.
Back to the lifeline though, you just absorbed someone’s toxic bag of naked shorts and you want out. Company A just put up a flashing sign that says, we’d like to sell some shares. Seems like a pretty good opportunity to me, doesn’t hurt to ask.
Market Maker: I just absorbed some toxic shit, got any shares you’d sell me?
Company A: Maybe
If you inherited a bag of toxic naked shorts and you know or have a strong feeling there are many more out there then trying to close by buying real shares through the market will run the price up. Can you close before you get out? If Company A sells you as many shares as they’re willing then that might cut your naked short position down or completely close it. If it doesn’t close it then what’s the next best option? You likely know that buying power is about to crank up because your toxic bag is expiring and so are a lot of other toxic bags.
Your next best option? Options…
If there’s a scenario where you’re trying to maybe not be the first one out, but insure that you make it out, this is the best play in my opinion. Again, Company A said they want to sell shares. You need real shares. If you’re unable to get enough shares directly from Company A then you turn to options. Options allow you to lock in a price for the shares you’re comfortable with, if the price drops then you can buy some shares for cheaper on the open market. If the price rises then you can still buy shares for the cheaper strike price by exercising the options contract.
Again, if you start buying at market then the price could start taking off and you’re cost basis could get blown out of the water. For example, you need 1 million shares of Company A at $20. If company is at $19, then with a big buy order your 1 millionth share might actually get bought at $21 or $25 or way higher. If you buy 10,000 $20 Calls then you can buy 1 million shares at $20 until the Calls expire.
The other advantage, you don’t have to be the first naked shorter to go to the market and start smashing the buy button. If Company A goes through some sort of Mother of All Short Squeezes then you won’t be the one who started it. To regulators, you just luckily bought some call options before this all started happening and now you’re exercising. Really wild stuff going on. Good thing you’re not naked short on that stock…. anymore… You go home and cry.
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2024.05.27 21:25 spacedebriss THE DEADPOOL THEORY: PART I

Sorry, this got so long, that seems to happen when I write a DD. I wanted to get this out last week, but it kept growing. I’ll try and answer questions, but I also kind of need a break.
None of this is financial advice. I’m just a stranger on the internet. Please do your own research.
I did a deep dive into the rules a year or so ago and wrote a long DD. I think it’s still relevant.
Options are most likely not used as locates for naked shorting. ETFs are the likely culprit. Bullet Swaps would likely be used for insurance or leverage, I don’t think they’re as important as some people think – they are scary as fuck though.
You need at least two parties to naked short. A Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. Market Maker pulls naked shares out of ETFs for Hedge Fund to naked short. Market Maker insures with Futures Contract or Options (probably LEAPS).
That insurance means that if the Market Maker sends X naked shares to the Hedge Fund then the Market Maker also bought enough contracts to buy X numbers of shares from the Hedge Fund on or possibly by some date far in the future. MMs practice CYA!
SEC: Where are the shares?
MM: I don’t know! I definitely sold this Hedge Fund real shares a long time ago. I have a contract for shares back and he doesn’t seem to have any. Isn’t that crazy?!
SEC: Yeah… Are you hiring?
Two Pools Theory is based around the idea that Naked Shorters likely have many reasons to naked short to one another and could potentially naked short large amounts of naked shares through the market to one another in a desperate time of need. Naked shorters didn’t get this far on wall street by trusting others – sell some naked shorts to your “buddy”, and you also get a contract that your “buddy” owes you those “shares” back at some point. CYA!
Too bad it’s impossible to CYA when you’re naked shorting. Duh. “Smart Money” my ass.
I call the pool of naked shares that naked shorters might be holding the deadpool. Maybe superstonk can come up with something better.
If the naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares between themselves (the deadpool), a large portion of it in 2021, then how many of those naked shares have been closed/rolled? Is it possible the expiration date of some of those naked shorts was based around a witching date/LEAP date roughly three years in the future?
And my biggest question of all, if naked shorters could delay delivery of naked shorts to one another three years into the future, could they also delay the splividend to one another? What if they owe 4 shares for every 1 on a toxic mess they’re holding between themselves?
If I was a naked shorter in this situation then I’d want out. If I also knew I and every other naked shorter needed shares soon then I’d either try and buy real shares from the company or as many call options as I possibly could. GME did just sell some shares and a bunch of call options have been bought recently. Is a big expiration date coming due and someone is trying to get out?
I sadly don’t have answers to a lot of the questions I raise in this paper. I’d mostly just like you to think about these questions with me.
Now here’s another thing to think about because I’ve hyped myself up, and it’s good to stay level headed. If that’s all true, then naked shorters have also had three years to come up with a plan to survive another day.
If there’s naked shorting, then eventually DRSing will uncover it, if it fucking has to.
In the mean time, I think it’s fun to think about naked shorters building a deadpool that might be coming back to fuck them.
This theory covers a lot and I’m hesitant to even put it out there because it could have big implications and it could also be completely wrong. It’s also based on some speculation. There’s a lot of speculation about June swirling around with LEAPS and Bullet Swaps. I haven’t seen any proof that anyone actually knows expiration dates on any bullet swaps or LEAPS that naked shorters may or may not be holding. There’s also some speculation on some rules in this write-up because I’ve been unable to find anything worthy of a citation that says naked shorters can delay delivery of a dividend to one another. I also haven’t found any citations on how splividends would work with naked shorting.
The gist of the theory is that there are two pools of naked shares. One pool is held in the hands of retail and one pool is held in the hands of the naked shorters themselves. I believe the naked shares in those pools could be handled in different ways. Naked shorting would need to be done between two parties: a Market Maker and a Hedge Fund. The Market Maker would most likely pull naked shares out of ETFs for the Hedge Fund and the Hedge Fund would then sell the naked shares into the market.
The Market Maker likely would want insurance on a risky naked shorting play. The Market Maker could enter into Futures Contracts or LEAPS with the Hedge Fund. These contracts mean on or sometimes before the expiration date the Market Maker can go to the Hedge Fund with the cash and demand shares.
Now, the obvious reason you naked short is to hopefully drive the price of a stock down, the company goes bankrupt, and you never have to buy the naked shares back. Pure profit. Sure, maybe at some point you might get found out and become an infamous slimey asshole, but you could be a rich slimey asshole! You embrace it and naked short a bunch of shares to retail investors. Asshole.
Here’s where the two pool theory comes in, you need to be the hedge fund to a market maker or the mm to a hf to naked short. Do you also naked short to your “buddy”? Your “friend”?
Hedge Fund: Why are you saying it like that?
Space Debris: Saying what what way?
Hedge Fund: “Friend” With the things. MM and I are buddies! Right, MM?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Do the MM and the HF create a naked pool between themselves? What could be the advantages of that?
Could those naked shares be used as locates for a legitimate short sale? They should look and act like real shares, right? Could they move them around in dark pools? Could they be used for margin? Again, they should look like real shares that their “buddy” sold them? Meanwhile they’re toxic garbage.
If the Stock you’re trying to crush isn’t moving, no one is buying, no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares out into the market to your buddy to get the price moving down?
If everyone is buying and no one is selling, could you naked short a bunch of shares through the market to your buddy to try and drop the price?
Hedge Fund: That would get people selling, right? That would get the price dropping, right?
Plus, those shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls. They end up in your “buddies” hands. He also wants to crush this stock.
Hedge Fund: Retail is selling, right?
Hedge Fund: MM?
Now, let’s say you have a huge naked short pool in the hands of retail you have to deal with and you have a huge pool with your buddy. Which are you going to deal with first? Probably the retail pool.
So, I’m not saying you did this, but what exactly would happen if say….
  • You have two monstrous naked share pools. One with retail and one pool with your naked shorting buddies
Hedge Fund: Well, I….
Space Debris: Let me fucking finish.
  • On a stock of a company with potential, that’s not going bankrupt anytime soon
Hedge Fund: That’s debat….
Space Debris: Shut the fuck up
  • That stock also has a large group of retail investors who have been DRSing for the past three years…
Hedge Fund: Well, then why does the price keep dropping?
Space Debris: There’s this little film from 1944 I’d like you to watch. You like Ingrid Bergman?
What would happen if say you had that huge retail pool of naked shorts that you’ve been successfully rolling for three years, but you also have a huge pool of naked shorts with your buddy that you created in a time of desperation? A time of desperation, say about three years ago?
Now, say a big part of that pool of naked shorts you have with you friend is coming due finally? You’ve been putting most or maybe all of it off just trying to tread water and roll your retail naked shorts. You’ve been crushing the price, desperately hoping retail will sell, but now you and your buddy need to roll the toxic pool you hold between yourselves. The way to roll an old naked short into a new one is by: 1. Creating a new naked share. 2. Buying a real share to close the old naked share.
If you keep reading I’ll dive into the mechanics a bit more (not as much as my old DD), but basically the Naked Shorting Market Maker will need to have special privileges (be an Authorized Participant) to rip open ETFs. The Market Maker rips open a bunch of ETFs that shouldn’t exist – which could be why you see ETFs with such high short interest and such high Failure-To-Delivers (FTDs). The MM then has a bunch of naked shares that he pulled out of the ETF and those are used to naked short the stock.
Here’s an image I want you to picture that might help. When naked shorters crush a company through naked shorts, most of the time they’re not just flushing more and more naked shorts into the market. Most of the time it’s rolling over the market in a wave. They would be closing old naked shorts as they open new ones. If a naked shorter started naked shorting against a company at $20 10 years ago then they will no longer have naked shorts opened at $20. The naked share could have been rolled at 19, 18, 17 or 15, 10, 5. In other words, a naked share was sold to Bob for $20 in the past. A real share is now bought from Suzy for $19 and sent to Bob, then a new naked share is sent to John for $19. There’s still only one naked short in the market, but the expiration date, price, and location has changed. Bob never knew he had a fake and now neither does John. The naked shorter scraped $1 off the play and is still crushing the stock. If you have a super algo that can do this for change constantly all day everyday then that change adds up very fast. Ever seen office space?
There are times where it would be beneficial to shoot out more naked shorts than you’re closing. At the beginning, possibly towards what the naked shorter hopes is the end, to get the stock moving, in a time of desperation, etc.
But now a big question I have...
A question I really wish I knew the answer to and sadly I honestly don’t. What if you delayed the delivery of a fuck ton of naked shorts to your buddy, they’re finally coming due, and there was also a split or maybe a splividend sometime in the past three years? Did you delay the delivery of the splividend shares to your “buddy”? Is that allowed?! I’m trying to find out, but the market is so fucking opaque! This seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed, but this market can also be a joke at times. Is this allowed? I’ve been trying to find it somewhere in the rules, but there are too many rules. ChatGPT said it’s allowed, but ChatGPT says a lot of crazy shit.
I need to go over that again. You’re so fucking underwater because GME is sneezing, you just spray a fucking hurricane of naked shorts at the market to crush the price, your naked shorting buddy buys up as many of your naked shorts as he can so they don’t get into retail hands. You’re also exchanging contracts far out in the future as insurance – insurance that you can buy the shares back from your “buddy” at some point. Time to crush retail. If retail doesn’t sell… and if it’s finally time to settle your deadpool with your “friend”? Has some of it been quadrupled in the past three years?
Again, I want to be clear. No one has hard evidence that there are naked shorters holding a fuck ton of LEAPS coming due in June. I also have no evidence that a split or splividend can be delayed between naked shorters. This is all a theory. It does line up nicely with the other DD I wrote over a year ago and does make some puzzle pieces fit nicely in my mind, but I also feel a bit like I’ve been smoking tinfoil and mainlining GME for years now.
So, again, don’t get too hype now….
A bigger question, the splividend is kind of weird. Does the splividend require that the deadpool be closed/rolled by buying real shares? It seems like with a split a deadpool could be closed using cash, is the splividend different?
Hedge Fund: Well… okay, but… why does the price keep dropping? You should sell… AI boom! Artificial Intelligence is here. Sure, you read a book two years ago that AGI would take 50-100 years to develop, but AGI is here! Now! I swear. Buy my AI Stocks!
A little over a year ago I wrote an 89 page DD. You probably haven’t read it. It was long and covered way too much, but there’s a lot to talk about with a stock like GME. I’m going to try and summarize my DD for you, that way you don’t need to go back through it. A lot of it is important to my theory and some of it is just interesting in my opinion. And some of it is wild cohencidences that make me feel like a conspiracy nut.
I honestly originally went on the journey to write that long DD because sometimes I felt like I was in a cult and I needed to do my own research. Fuck, I may have fell farther down the rabbit hole and I keep tumbling down. Yay!
Naked shorting has been around since markets have been around. If you have delayed delivery then it’s easy to sell something and worry about the delivery later. The stock market seemed to reach a fairly good place of stability because of rules and regulations until computers came along. Computers and algorithms have led to an insane advantage for wall street over the common retail investor. Market makers have also had special rules and have had access to different loopholes that allow for even larger delays in delivery.
I sell you 100 shares of Stock A for $10 now. If I can wait to buy then I’ll just wait until it’s cheaper. Also, remember, I have a super fast computer selling huge amounts of shares to other people too. Cheap enough for me might be $9.99. I buy for $9.99, settle my naked short with you, and now I’m selling naked shorts at $9.98. Anyone?! $9.98? I got as many as you need! (the price falls) $9.96? $9.94?
Most retail investors hold shares for less than a year. Naked shorters hate hodlers, they want to constantly be selling to new suckers at lower prices until the company goes bankrupt. They want retail investors churning through the stock in months. Shares constantly moving hands.
So, you can kind of think of naked shorting as delayed delivery. Sell high and delay delivery long enough until you can buy low. Or at the end not even buy at all. “Sorry, product is no longer available, your delivery has been canceled.”
In the past Market Makers had an exemption that made it very easy to naked short and there are some strong signs that they abused that exemption. Back in the day a Market Maker could point to an UN-EXERCISED call option as a locate. I capitalized that un-exercised part because it’s important.
So, here’s where I found some weird coincidences writing my old DD that made me really feel like I was losing my mind a bit. So, please, lose your mind along with me.
  • Back in the day a Market Maker and Hedge Fund would do this naked shorting using a package of naked shares, put contracts, call contracts, and futures contracts. To the outside world it would look like normal buying and hedging of shares that hedge funds do everyday. The Market Maker side would look like something called a Reverse Conversion and the Hedge Fund side would look like something called a Split-Strike.
  • Bernied Madoff used to claim that he made all of his money using Split-Strikes.
  • This Option exemption or Reverse Conversion/Split-Strike strategy was closed through rule changes during the 2008 financial crash.
  • Bernie Madoff’s fund blew up during the 2008 financial crash.
Hopefully, it’s just a coincidence, because, what the fuck. Who’s writing this story?
  • Oh, also Bernie Madoff’s friend from prison claims that Madoff admitted to naked shorting and says that Madoff claimed everyone on wall street was doing it.
Wild, am I completely crazy wondering if naked shorting played a part in the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Oh, also, the options market lost a lot of steam after 2008, and well, guess what market really started taking off after 2008? Did you guess the ETF market? Because you’d be correct!
Did naked shorters move from the options market to the ETF market around 2008? Options still would have been good for insurance purposes, but not for creating the actual naked shares anymore.
An EXERCISED option can still be used as a locate today in order to short a stock. If you exercise the option, it means you’ve paid for the stock and the stock will be delivered soon. Market Makers have about a month to make good on the delivery. You could probably naked short through exercised options, but it would give you a finite window. I don’t know why you would if you can just use ETFs to naked short instead.
The way those old Reverse Conversion and Split-Strikes were built is very important. Yes, they looked like normal plays any hedge fund might make to regulators, but they also included insurance between thugs. Options and futures contracts can provide insurance to the Market Maker, that way when the MM shows up with cash the Hedge Fund will be forced to deliver shares. CYA! Cover Your ASS! Too bad you’re already naked shorting – that’s a dangerous fucking game.
These days the Market Maker opens up ETFs for the naked shares and sends those to the Hedge Fund. The ETF is the locate. Then the Market Maker can still use futures contracts or options contract with the Hedge Fund to ensure the MM won’t be the one left holding the bag.
We should also take a quick detour into bullet swaps. Bullet swaps would also not work as a locate for naked shorting.
No shares exchange hands because of a bullet swap. Nobody on wall street can point to a bullet swap as proof that they can get shares. Bullet swaps would primarily be used for hedging (insurance) or leverage.
INSURANCE: If you are short a stock then you can get insurance through a swap deal by entering a swap that is long on the stock. You short the stock and also enter a long bullet swap that expires far in the future. You now have years to crush the stock. In the future if you fail to crush the price of the stock then your long swap will help offset the cost of your failed shorts. With a bullet swap you pay for the insurance at expiration.
LEVERAGE: If you are short a stock, but also want leverage you could add a short bullet swap to your position. This will grow your short position without shorting more of the stock. Also, this will leave less of a sign that you’re shorting the stock. Buying a shit ton of puts might get noticed. And again, with a bullet swap, you pay for the leverage in the future.
Hwang in there. Sorry, this DD is so long.
Let’s say you were a degenerate with a lot of money to play on the stock market. You’re naked shorting a stock and you’re positive you can crush this thing. So you also take out a big bullet swap short position. You’ll make even more money when this stock goes bankrupt and you don’t even have to pay for the bullet swap until the expiration date. You just bought, or just got leverage without buying anything… You pay for the leverage in the future!
Bullet swaps are completely irresponsible! How is this a thing?!
If your naked short position blows up AND you haven’t hedged AND all of the sudden you owe a big lump sum on a short bullet swap, yikes, you’d be fucked.
Let’s use a made up story to help illustrate what I’m trying to say here. In this hypothetical scenario, naked shorters decide to naked short Stock A into the ground. Let’s say they start naked shorting on Stock A around 2012 or something.
Hedge Fund: It’s a dying business!
They start pumping naked shares into the market and the price falls.
Hedge Fund: See!
Then some dude looking for deep value comes along in 2019. He buys a bunch of shares and a bunch of call options on Stock A.
Now jump forward to 2021, January is an important time:
  1. FUTURES EXPIRING – Naked shares could be insured using Futures Contracts.
  2. LEAPS EXPIRING – Naked shares could also be insured using LEAPS.
  3. REGARDS – Also, that deep value dude has some calls expiring January 15th. Retail Investors send their regards. Dude on the internet (not a cat) and a bunch of traders on reddit YOLO hard into Stock A.
That means:
  1. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  2. Naked shares might need to be closed or rolled.
  3. Retail starts buying shares and call options.
In other words,
  1. Buy Pressure
  2. Buy Pressure
  3. Buy Pressure
The price skyrockets. Or sneezes if your prefer.
Naked shorters flood the market with naked shares of Stock A to drive the price back down. A bunch of those naked shares are sold to other naked shorters.
Now, in this scenario there are suddenly bulls and bears fighting over the stock. There’s even talk among some of the bulls of a possible short squeeze. Everyone is buying, but naked shorters need the price to go down. The only way to do that is to sell shares. More supply meets demand = price drops. Obviously, a naked shorter would do that by selling naked shares. But more naked shares into the hands of bulls?
It’s slimey, dark, and disgusting in here, but please, come join me in the mind of a naked shorter for a second. Let’s say as a naked shorter: 1. I need to buy a bunch of shares to roll a big part of my naked position. 2. Bulls are out on parade buying like fucking crazy. 3. There’s talk of a potential short squeeze.
As a naked shorter we would want to flood the market with naked shares to crush the price. A fuckton more supply meets the same demand = big price drop. On the other hand, bulls are buying like crazy. The more naked shares we pump out the more ammo we’re handing to bulls.
I don’t know about you, but if I were a naked shorter then I don’t want to hand a bunch of naked shares to bulls, especially if they’re already talking about a squeeze. I do want to flood the market with naked shares though. I would probably ask one of my naked shorting “friends” to gobble up as many of my naked shares as possible. We’ll both survive and we can settle up with each other later.
We usually use yearly contracts with retail naked shorts because most of retail sells within a year. With one another we could push it to three years. Surely, retail will give up after three years. Retail holding for three years is an anomaly. It just doesn’t happen!
Hedge Fund: That’s right!
Let’s assume naked shorters built a huge pool of naked shares among themselves on Stock A. The huge flood of shares into the market helps crush the price and most of the shares end up with other naked shorters.
Maybe naked shorters also turn off the buy button, which is the rich kid equivalent of overturning the game board. Really just pathetic.
Company A: That was fucking weird….
Retail: Was that naked shorting?
Company A:
To recap, in this scenario, naked shorters now have a large pool of naked shares in the hands of retail that they need to continually roll. I think it’s likely naked shares to retail would be built with yearly expiration dates, most retail investors sell within a year. That gives flexibility to naked shorters to continually settle old naked shares and create new ones. Waves of naked shares being gobbled back up and spewed back out and gobbled back up and spewed back out. The naked shares look and act like the real thing as long as they can find a cheaper real share before expiration. They have a year – retail sells quick, and can be easy to manipulate. Should be easy money. Easy money with a whole lot o’ fucking risk.
Then the naked shorting pool, or the deadpool, are all of the naked shares that naked shorters sell to one another. Again, maybe at a time of desperation a fuck-ton of naked shares get sold through the market from one naked shorter to another. These naked shares have been created from an ETF loophole, then packaged with insurance using a Futures Contract or a LEAP Contract.
For example, on GME (a stock completely unrelated to made-up Stock A), the share price has shown waves in the price around quarterly triple-witching dates in March, June, September, and December. This would make sense if the price is moving because of common expiration dates used for Futures Contracts and LEAPS.
Now, let’s dive back into the grimy mind of a naked shorter. We built a bunch of naked shares and sent those to retail with yearly expiration dates. If we made these naked shares around January, March, June, or December of 2021 then they would expire in January, March, June, or December of 2022. Retail sells quick, a year should be enough time to close or roll.
In a time of desperation you also naked short a butt load of naked shares to your naked shorting “buddy”, he’s also naked shorting the stock and has no interest in calling in those naked shares anytime soon.
If you built a pool of naked shares with your “friend” then why would you give them the same expiration as naked shares sold to retail? That’s just adding to your retail headache. Retail should sell in a year (most usually do), but you can hold this position with your “friend” for a lot longer. Why not sell those naked shares with expiration dates much farther in the future? Maybe three years if you’re using LEAPS.
That gives you plenty of time to scare off retail, close out your retail naked shorts, and then you can worry about settling up with your “buddies”. You have insurance with LEAPS or Futures so settling with your buddies should be pretty easy. You can put that all off for another day far in the future.
Hedge Fund: Retail sells, right?
Space Debris: It’s just a story.
Hedge Fund: But retail sells, right?
Space Debris: No.
Let’s jump back to our fake Stock A scenario, maybe Company A sees some weird shit happening to their stock and think of naked shorters. Maybe Company A even sees the possibility of a huge naked short position being paired with a lot of LEAPS. Maybe Company A then gives naked shorters a year to close their short position, seems fair to me. Or maybe Company A just liked the idea of a splividend for a multitude of other reasons.
In this story, Company A puts out a splividend, it’s a bit different then your normal dividend. Mostly because of the way it’s delivered. Normally, with a split, every share of the Stock is just split. Naked shares look like normal shares so they’d be split and no delivery would be necessary. They would just need to deliver more shares on or before expiration to go with the old naked share. The price has also been split so their naked position should fundamentally be the same.
For ease, let’s say Company A split 4:1. Every share will now become 4. But for the splividend, they’ll actually hand deliver 3 shares to only the real shares. Company A’s people are going to check. If naked shorters have 1 naked share in the hand of a retail investor then they need to add 3 more shares to that hand. Doesn’t matter if the expiration is still a year out on that naked share, they owe 3 shares right now. The rules are convoluted and hard to parse through, but I believe Market Makers would have a few days to deliver splividend shares to retail. They could potentially have a month or so, but I’m not sure on that. I don’t think they would be able to delay retail splividend delivery for much more than a month. Retail splividend delivery. RETAIL….
The Deadpool might be different! With your retail splividends you could just create new naked shares to send as your dividend fulfillment. With your deadpool could you just agree to wait?
For, ease let’s assume for every 1 naked share sent out into the market, naked shorters also sent 1 to each other. These are made up numbers. It would be impossible to see the size of a naked short position or where it’s hidden. Naked shares look just like the real thing… until they don’t.
For every 1 naked share of Stock A in the Retail Pool, there is 1 naked share in the Deadpool.
Other stocks could be different, Stock A is a hypothetical.
Let’s assume naked shorters have been rolling, but unable to close their Retail naked short position in Stock A. These naked shorters would most likely have also held onto a lot of their naked short position with one another. The stock has also been split.
If naked shorters have the ability to delay delivery of the splividend to one another then they may not have settled a bunch of dividends yet. Every 1 naked share in the deadpool could now be 4 naked shares.
Now if you’re hoping Company A will squeeze because of a huge deadpool that needs to be closed then calm down, it might not be that easy.
Let’s look at all of the advantages of creating a deadpool with your naked shorting friends:
  1. Those naked shares don’t end up in the hands of bulls and the naked shares drive the price of the stock down.
  2. Your naked shorting “friend” is good at hiding naked shares. If there’s a limit to how many naked shares you can shit into retails’ hands, then a deadpool could be a place to go if you start hitting the retail limit.
  3. Those naked shares look like real shares so they could potentially be used for margin.
  4. You could potentially move them around in a dark pool to your “friend”, just match them with a short term option or future depending on when you want them back.
SEC: “Where are these locates?”
MM: “Right here, got them out of the deadpool.”
SEC: “The what?”
MM: “The darkpool.”
SEC: “Oh, cool. Are you hiring?”
  1. Extra Insurance with your naked shorting “friends”? “We all close our retail naked shorts and then we close these.” OR “Fine! I was naked shorting! But… but… he also sent me this huge pile of naked shares!”
  1. THE MAIN ADVANTAGE – I’m gonna hit you with some minor fud. This hypothetical deadpool might (I’m not positive) be able to be closed with cash. Naked shorters don’t want to drive the price up. Buying actual shares to close would drive the price up. I believe Deadpool naked shares could and would most likely be closed using cash when the time came. I have some questions about this because of the splividend that I’ll talk about below. Basically, does the splividend change that? Can splividend naked shares be settled with cash? I really wish I knew.
The deadpool could also be rolled and they would keep some of the other benefits, but it would likely be opened the normal way, and the old naked shares would still likely be closed using cash.
Now, I’m not positive, but I do believe rolling an old deadpool position using cash could cause upward movement in the shorted stock. It could also be very expensive, but if you’re rolling and your “buddy” also naked shorts an even amount of “shares” back to you then you’re basically just breaking even.
If the Deadpool exists then it would be just another hidden festering pile of naked shares slowly dragging naked shorters down. If it was grown by the splividend then it’s like a cancerous pile of naked shares and it’s reckoning day could be coming soon. Time to close or roll. I think Deadpool is a fitting name. The Deadpool would be zombie shares (that shouldn’t exist) pulled out of zombie ETFs that were conjured out of nothing. There are no real (living) shares hanging out in the Deadpool.
Not to be confused with the comic book character. He would DRS and hodl.
First off, there has been a lot of conjecture about a stock called GME. It’s all conjecture. No one knows dates. No one knows how many naked shares there could potentially be. No one here knows. Unless Kenny G is lurking. He might know something. No one gets that good at the sax without knowing a thing or two. Totally unrelated, but could you imagine if you were a naked shorter who had been griftin’ the market for years and your last name was Griffin.
Some of this DD is based on research into the rules, but some is also based on conjecture and theories. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Let’s go back to Stock A.
Let’s say a hedge fund naked shorted a bunch of Stock A with his friends. Then that hedge fund also entered bullet swap deals to get even more leverage on his short position. January 2021 rolls around, he blows up. He can’t roll all of his retail naked shares and can’t make good on shares with his Market Maker. Oh, and because of those bullet swaps, instead of making extra money, he owes a big lump sum.
The Hedge Fund evaporates and someone else takes over his position. Maybe someone who is not “friends” with the naked shorters and doesn’t want to be naked.
Now, Company A is smart, there were some signs that maybe your company was being naked shorted, but naked shorting is illegal. A year after all of the craziness, Company A does a splividend. A splividend could really make a naked shorting position even more of a nightmare, but naked shorting is illegal. Plus, shorters said they closed a year ago. Company A has many reasons to do a splividend that don’t involve naked shorting at all.
Company A then puts it out there that they want to sell a lot of shares. They have bright plans for the future and they need money. It costs money to make money! Or is it whisky? Again, naked shorting is illegal so there shouldn’t be any naked shares, but an offer like that could look like a lifeline if someone was naked shorting.
Seems like it would also be a good way to protect Company A from any litigation in the future that says they purposely tried to start a squeeze on their own stock. Or a MOASS. How could they start a squeeze? Company A put it out there that they wanted to sell a nice chunk of shares. You didn’t try to get any of those shares?
Company A: How many shares did you need?
Company A: How many shares did you need, MM?
Like Five Fancy Lawyers in Unison: Our client pleads the fifth.
Back to the lifeline though, you just absorbed someone’s toxic bag of naked shorts and you want out. Company A just put up a flashing sign that says, we’d like to sell some shares. Seems like a pretty good opportunity to me, doesn’t hurt to ask.
Market Maker: I just absorbed some toxic shit, got any shares you’d sell me?
Company A: Maybe
If you inherited a bag of toxic naked shorts and you know or have a strong feeling there are many more out there then trying to close by buying real shares through the market will run the price up. Can you close before you get out? If Company A sells you as many shares as they’re willing then that might cut your naked short position down or completely close it. If it doesn’t close it then what’s the next best option? You likely know that buying power is about to crank up because your toxic bag is expiring and so are a lot of other toxic bags.
Your next best option? Options…
If there’s a scenario where you’re trying to maybe not be the first one out, but insure that you make it out, this is the best play in my opinion. Again, Company A said they want to sell shares. You need real shares. If you’re unable to get enough shares directly from Company A then you turn to options. Options allow you to lock in a price for the shares you’re comfortable with, if the price drops then you can buy some shares for cheaper on the open market. If the price rises then you can still buy shares for the cheaper strike price by exercising the options contract.
Again, if you start buying at market then the price could start taking off and you’re cost basis could get blown out of the water. For example, you need 1 million shares of Company A at $20. If company is at $19, then with a big buy order your 1 millionth share might actually get bought at $21 or $25 or way higher. If you buy 10,000 $20 Calls then you can buy 1 million shares at $20 until the Calls expire.
The other advantage, you don’t have to be the first naked shorter to go to the market and start smashing the buy button. If Company A goes through some sort of Mother of All Short Squeezes then you won’t be the one who started it. To regulators, you just luckily bought some call options before this all started happening and now you’re exercising. Really wild stuff going on. Good thing you’re not naked short on that stock…. anymore… You go home and cry.
submitted by spacedebriss to u/spacedebriss [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:54 OliviaGraceMarkham My Customized Goyard Hardy PM Work tote for a little luxury at work

My Customized Goyard Hardy PM Work tote for a little luxury at work
Seller: Griffin Whatsapp: +4407719326472 or Wechat: qq2981794784 or Seller Album- Price: $170 for the bag + $54 for the stripe ($40 for shipping a bag and a wallet 2 items) = $264 paid via Paypal (by the way, authentic is over $2000, plus the cost of customization)
Photos: My own pictures: Comparison Pictures of Hardy from Aadi vs Griffin (including video):
Factory pics: None, I was going based on Griffin’s previous track record and he told me that he would guarantee that he found me a Hardy that did not collapse.
Authentic: Also play around with their custom simulator on the website if you want to customize some Goyard bags!
QUALITY 10/10:
• I am really happy with the thickness of the goyardine canvas. As you can see my previous Hardy was basically a sad puddle if not stuffed which made it very difficult to use for work. It was like carrying a limp noodle around and I eventually didn’t bother using it. When I saw the customization on the review a month ago though I was inspired to try again and I am so glad I reached out to Griffin for this great rep! • Goyardine canvas has a good gloss/sheen to it. It’s not florescent shiny, but rather has a good gloss that catches the light. The canvas is very much waterproof, water just sits on the surface without really penetrating and I am able to wipe it off with a towel. This helps when I get caught in the rain (a common occurrence where I am from). • Leather components of this bag are soft and supple, The handles are pliable and can stand of their own, very handy when I put the bag down and need to reach for it quickly. The bag has leather feet that give it a bit of structure and protection. • Handle glazing is even and well coated. I don’t see thin spots that could threaten a split in the leather. • The textile interior of the bag is canvas material and the Hardy comes with a removable base shaper that increases the bag’s structured look. You can also remove the base shaper to have a more slouchy look. • The Hardy comes with a small pouch similar to the St. Louis. Instead of an internal pocket this is what the bag has as an extra feature. I am torn on whether I would appreciate an internal pocket more (like the Artois) or a small pouch. Admittedly, I do like the pouch because I use it as a wallet for when I travel, but I also would have appreciated an internal pocket. Can’t we have BOTH? Lol. Alas, dreams don’t often come true. The pouch is detachable from the bag. • I love the leather strap details because I tend to hook my keys onto it and use the pouch separately. • One similarity with the Artois is that both bags have zipper openings. But what I appreciate about the Hardy is that the zipper opening is LARGE. Both sizes of the zipper extend well past the bag and have a leather strip on sides of the bag that keeps the zipper tabs locked in. Zipper quality is amazing, slides like a charm and the double zip makes taking things in and out a breeze. • I can fit in full A4 folders in here with room to spare, so suffice to say, my laptop and all my work components including my lunch box can fit in here. I also bring along a foldable umbrella and coffee thermos. Mind you, the bag can get heavy with all the stuff in here, but as the day progresses, I eat most of my snacks so the bag gets lighter at the end of the day.
ACCURACY 10/10: • All the basics accuracy points of a good Goyardine canvas are checked off for my Hardy. The Ys touch, the 14-16 count also is nailed, the Goyard St Honore/233 Rue looks similar in font and pattern to the auth. • The placement of the Ys and alignment of the Goyard St Honore matches the auth. The color of this Goyardine canvas’s dots actually has the correct copper tone that I read a member saying most reps get wrong. At any rate, I would not have known about this because unless you have an auth side by side it’s really hard to determine. • The canvas has a beautiful glossy sheen to it as I mentioned in my quality section, that coating helps with the water repellence and also makes it more resistant to wear and tear. There was no chemical smell, even right out of the box. • The bag measures exactly the same as the authentic- 31 x 17 x 40 cm and weighs 800 g, a very lightweight bag! The shape is exactly the same and the strap drop on this bag is generous! Another nice thing about the Hardy is that it’s not so commonplace as the St. Louis or even the Artois. That way you don’t have to worry about bumping into someone who has an auth! • All the leather parts of my bag have soft, large grained leather that is not dry or stiff. The zipper slides back and forth very easily, the zipper pulls are shiny and made of real metal. The leather feels similar to my other genuine leather bags. The grain matches the authentic pictures I’ve seen and the details such as the zipper flaps, the strap stitching, the shape of the bag and strap drop are really non distinguishable from the authentic to my eye. • The Goyard logo has the correct font and depth of embossing The silver G engraving on the pouch looks correct and the font of the Goyard St Honore also looks correct. • Interior canvas has the off white look similar to auth, everything looks as it should. The detachable pouch has the correct diameters and shape is consistent with the authentic. The leather strap that attaches the pouch to the bag is soft but not flimsy. • The removable bag base is sturdy and stiff. It has the handle with the the GOYARD logo on it, shape and cololining is correct. • SATISFACTION 10/10: So incredibly satisfied with finding a Hardy bag that a. meets my expectations for the structure/sturdiness of the Goyardine canvas and b. satisfies the inspiration for the stripe customization I wanted! I already knew that the Hardy would be a perfect work tote for me because I did a lot of research before I bought it the first time around, but I was so disappointed with my first attempt so before trying again I really took the time to show sellers what I didn’t want. The shape of this bag, the zipper flaps, leather feet, base insert and strap drop really tick off all my boxes for what I am looking for in a work bag!
This is my first time buying from Griffin and was slightly hesitant because of the issues I read about last year but when I started seeing the great comments and reviews, I gained a bit more confidence to try him out again. Griffin was very thorough with his selling process, spoke in pretty perfect English, explained to me the customization process and reassured me that he would find me a thicker canvased Hardy. I appreciate when a seller is willing to go above and beyond in helping me find something that has better accuracy.
Payment was smooth and went without a hitch, delivery was fast too! I appreciated that Griffin sent psps before customizing my bag and also warned me that once it was customized it’s really “my bag” so unless the customization goes awry, then I get what I get and can’t get upset. Lol. Prices are very fair though and when I did some price quotes, Griffin came in very competitively.
I also appreciate Griffin having an insurance option and may check that out next time if I do a larger haul. 10% of the price isn’t a lot so that seems to be a very worthy option, especially now that there are so many inspections with shipping!
Highly recommend Griffin based on this experience, I will definitely be back for more!
submitted by OliviaGraceMarkham to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 12:42 WalkSilly1 A few frustrated questions. Need a professional to help

1 - How do you know what the size of the butter block should be? I know the dough should be big enough to enclose the butter block while making sure the dough isnt overlapping. But at what point is the butter block too big and me having to roll out my dough thin to be able to enclose the butter becomes the issue?
2 - The picture Ive attached is the problem Ive been facing a lot which is when i do my final roll, the bottom layer of the dough seems to get too thin even tho the dough as a whole is still at like 1cm. I can’t get it down to 6mm without the bottom just breaking open because its so thin meanwhile the top of the dough is fine. I know the dough is not sticking to the bottom because i check it often and its always moving around smoothly. I know my dough isn’t getting too warm either. So i am wondering if during the first stage of the lamination, my butter block and dough should be thicker maybe? I’m just so confused trying to figure out the right size of the dough
3 - I do an offset fold & a book fold and brush off the access flour and spray it with water before folding. The recipe and method i use is from jimmy griffin. Dough weight is 445g and butter block is 155g. I roll my butter block out to 18x12cm (6mm) and my dough to 19-24cm (1cm)
I have made croissants over 40 times and i just hate how inconsistent they are for me.
submitted by WalkSilly1 to Croissant [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 22:46 ThotTamer (WTS) Help me pay for school sale!

Hey guys, I need some cash to help pay for summer classes. I am only looking for cash atm so no trades please. I am accepting payment via cashapp, zelle, venmo, and chime only.
Timestamp and pictures:
1) Mcnees PM Mac 3.5 $450 I am looking to get what I paid for on this guy. The action is very nice and crisp however K installed thick washers from Skiffs and will include og ball bearings. I am the second owner. The knife has been lightly used and carried but is in excellent condition.
2) microtech Socom Bravo Mini Tanto/half serrated $200 I am the second owner, the knife was previously disassembled and the washers took a little bit of damage however this does not affect the action as the knife is drop shut smooth. The knife has been lightly used and carried and shows little to no signs of wear.
3) Benchmade 945 Mini Osbourne $145 I am the second owner, I have replaced the og solver thumbstuds with black thumbstuds from a mini bugout. The knife has been lightly used and carried & shows no signs of wear.
4) Protech SBR $160 I am the second owner. The knife has been lightly used and carried and shows little to no signs of wear. The action is very strong and fast.
5) Griffin Scout F2 with Green Micarta Inlays $180 I am the original owner, the knife has been lightly used and carried and shows no signs of wear. The action is very fast and smooth. The knife also has great ergos despite its small size.
6) EDC Bundle $80 The bundle includes a cold steel mini recon drop point, the knife has been sharpened but is in great condition and shows little signs of use. Also included is a Workerman Bonehead knuckle and Olight flashlight. Both have been lightly carried and show little to no signs of use.
That is all guys, pls feel free to send questions/offers. I have been struggling with imgur so if there are any problems viewing the pictures lmk 👍
submitted by ThotTamer to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 19:47 dl5454 [WTS] Griffin Scout f3.5

Price reduced!!! Gunna regret this one down the line I’m sure.
This is one beast of a knife. Incredibly smooth action with incredibly comfortable ergos. Made by Bestech and they did a phenomenal job. These are $330 retail. Not really looking for trades but will take a look. The worst I can say is no. Preciate y’all!
SV: $275 $250
submitted by dl5454 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:35 dl5454 [WTS] Griffin Scout f3.5 DLC

This is one beast of a knife. Incredibly smooth action with incredibly comfortable ergos. Made by Bestech and they did a phenomenal job. These are $330 retail. Not really looking for trades but will take a look. The worst I can say is no. Preciate y’all!
SV: $275 TV: $300
submitted by dl5454 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:50 FlubzRevenge Eisner Award Nominees are Here!

Link here:
“Friendship Is Forever,” by Sam Maggs and Keisha Okafor, in My Little Pony 40th Celebration (IDW)
“The Kelpie,” by Becky Cloonan, in Four Gathered on Christmas Eve (Dark Horse)
“The Lady of the Lake,” by Joe S. Farrar and Guilherme Grandizolli, in BUMP: A Horror Anthology #3 (BUMP)
“Talking to a Hill,” by Larry Hancock and Michael Cherkas, in Comics for Ukraine (Zoop)
“World’s Finest, Part 1,” by Tom King and Belen Ortega, in Wonder Woman #3 (DC)
Horologist, by Jared Lee and Cross (Grim Film)
Nightwing #105, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC)
Star Trek: Day of Blood—Shax’s Best Day, by Ryan North and Derek Charm (IDW)
Superman 2023 Annual, by Joshua Williamson and others (DC)
Sweet Paprika: Black, White, & Pink, by Mirka Andolfo and others (Image)
Birds of Prey, by Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Basto Romero (DC)
Nightwing, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC Comics)
Shazam! by Mark Waid and Dan Mora (DC)
Transformers, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image Skybound)
Wonder Woman, by Tom King and Daniel Sampere (DC)
The Cull, by Kelly Thompson and Mattia De Iulis (Image)
Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons, by Frank Tieri and Inaki Miranda (IDW)
Kill Your Darlings, by Ethan S. Parker, Griffin Sheridan, and Robert Quinn (Image)
PeePee PooPoo, by Caroline Cash (Silver Sprocket)
Superman: Lost, by Christopher Priest and Carlo Pagulayan (DC)
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees, by Patrick Horvath (IDW) shincoal you did it! haha.
Black Cloak, by Kelly Thompson and Meredith McClaren (Image)
Local Man, by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs (Image)
Phantom Road, by Jeff Lemire and Gabriel Hernández Walta (Image)
Somna: A Bedtime Story, by Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay (DSTLRY)
Bigfoot and Nessie: The Art of Getting Noticed, by Chelsea M. Campbell and Laura Knetzger (Penguin Workshop/Penguin Random House)
Burt the Beetle Lives Here! by Ashley Spires (Kids Can Press)
Go-Go Guys, by Rowboat Watkins (Chronicle Books)
The Light Inside, by Dan Misdea (Penguin Workshop/Penguin Random House)
Milk and Mocha: Our Little Happiness, by Melani Sie (Andrews McMeel)
Tacos Today: El Toro & Friends, by Raúl the Third (HarperCollins/Versify)
Buzzing, by Samuel Sattin and Rye Hickman (Little, Brown Ink)
Mabuhay!, by Zachary Sterling (Scholastic Graphix)
Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir, by Pedro Martín (Dial Books for Young Readers/Penguin Young Readers)
Missing You, by Phellip Willian and Melissa Garabeli. translation by Fabio Ramos (Oni Press)
Saving Sunshine, by Saadia Faruqi and Shazleen Khan (First Second/Macmillan)
Blackward, by Lawrence Lindell (Drawn & Quarterly)
Danger and Other Unknown Risks, by Ryan North and Erica Henderson (Penguin Workshop/Penguin Random House)
Frontera, by Julio Anta and Jacoby Salcedo (HarperAlley)
Lights, by Brenna Thummler (Oni Press)
Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story, by Sarah Myer (First Second/Macmillan)
My Girlfriend’s Child, vol. 1, by Mamoru Aoi, translation by Hana Allen (Seven Seas)
How to Love: A Guide to Feelings & Relationships for Everyone, by Alex Norris (Candlewick/Walker Books)
I Was a Teenage Michael Jackson Impersonator, and Other Musical Meanderings, by Keith Knight (Keith Knight Press)
It’s Jeff: The Jeff-Verse #1, by Kelly Thompson and Gurihiru (Marvel)
Macanudo: Optimism Is for the Brave, by Liniers (Fantagraphics)
The Yakuza’s Bias, by Teki Yatsuda. translation by Max Greenway (Kodansha)
Comics for Ukraine, edited by Scott Dunbier (Zoop)
Deep Cuts, by Kyle Higgins, Joe Clark, Danilo Beyruth, and others (Image)
The Devil’s Cut, edited by Will Dennis (DSTLRY)
Marvel Age #1000, edited by Tom Brevoort (Marvel)
The Out Side: Trans & Nonbinary Comics, edited by The Kao, Min Christensen, and David Daneman (Andrews McMeel)
Swan Songs by W. Maxwell Prince and others (Image)
Are You Willing to Die for the Cause? by Chris Oliveros (Drawn & Quarterly)
Last on His Feet: Jack Johnson and the Battle of the Century, by Adrian Matejka and Youssef Daoudi (Liveright)
Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali, by Marc Bernardin and Ron Salas (First Second/Macmillan)
Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood, by Samuel Machado and Cynthia Sousa Machado with Steven M. Wise (Island Press)
Three Rocks: The Story of Ernie Bushmiller: The Man Who Created Nancy, by Bill Griffith (Abrams ComicArts)
Family Style: Memories of an American from Vietnam, by Thien Pham (First Second/Macmillan)
A First Time for Everything, by Dan Santat (First Second/Macmillan)
In Limbo, by Deb JJ Lee (First Second/Macmillan)
Memento Mori, by Tiitu Takalo, translation by Maria Schroderus (Oni Press)
Sunshine: How One Camp Taught Me About Life, Death, and Hope, by Jarrett J. Krosoczka (Scholastic Graphix)
The Talk, by Darrin Bell (Henry Holt)
Ashes, by Álvaro Ortiz, translation by Eva Ibarzabal (Top Shelf/IDW)
Eden II, by K. Wroten (Fantagraphics)
A Guest in the House, by Emily Carroll (First Second/Macmillan)
Parasocial, by Alex De Campi and Erica Henderson (Image)
Roaming, by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise Treasury Edition, by Tradd Moore (Marvel)
The Good Asian, by Pornsak Pichetshote and Alexandre Tefenkgi (Image)
Hip Hop Family Tree: The Omnibus, by Ed Piskor (Fantagraphics)
Orange Complete Series Box Set, by Ichigo Takano, translation by Amber Tamosaitis (Seven Seas)
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Jimenez, Gene Ha, and Nicola Scott (DC)
Bea Wolf, adapted by Zach Weinersmith and Boulet (First Second/Macmillan)
DRCL midnight children, vol. 1, based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, by Shin’ichi Sakamoto, translation by Caleb Cook (VIZ Media)
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow over Innsmouth, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translation by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse Manga)
The Monkey King: The Complete Odyssey, adapted by Chaiko, translation by Dan Christensen (Magnetic)
Watership Down, by Richard Adams, adapted by James Sturm and Joe Sutphin (Ten Speed Graphic)
Ashes, by Álvaro Ortiz, translation by Eva Ibarzabal (Top Shelf/IDW)
Blacksad, Vol 7: They All Fall Down, Part 2, by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido, translation by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (Europe Comics)
A Boy Named Rose, by Gaëlle Geniller, translation by Fabrice Sapolsky (Fairsquare Comics)
The Great Beyond, by Léa Murawiec, translation by Aleshia Jensen (Drawn & Quarterly)
Shubeik Lubeik, by Deena Mohamed (Pantheon Books/Penguin Random House)
Spa, by Erik Svetoft, translation by Melissa Bowers (Fantagraphics)
DRCL midnight children, vol. 1, based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, by Shin’ichi Sakamoto, translation by Caleb Cook (VIZ Media)
Goodbye, Eri, by Tatsuki Fujimoto, translation by Amanda Haley (VIZ Media)
The Horizon, vol. 1, by JH, translation by ULTRAMEDIA Co. Ltd. (Yen/Ize Press)
My Picture Diary, by Fujiwara Maki, translation by Ryan Holmberg (Drawn & Quarterly)
River’s Edge, by Kyoko Okazaki, translation by Alexa Frank (Kodansha)
The Summer Hikaru Died, vol. 1, by Mokumokuren, translation by Ajani Oloye (Yen Press)
Dauntless Dames: High-Heeled Heroes of the Comic Strips, edited by Peter Maresca and Trina Robbins (Sunday Press/Fantagraphics)
David Wright’s Carol Day: Lance Hallam, edited by Roger Clark, Chris Killackey, and Guy Mills (Slingsby Bros, Ink!)
Popeye Sundays Vol 3: The Sea Hag and Alice the Goon, by E.C. Segar, edited by Conrad Groth and Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies 1932-1935: Starring Bucky Bug and Donald Duck and Walt Disney’s Silly Symphonies 1935-1939: Starring Donald Duck and Big Bad Wolf, edited by David Gerstein (Fantagraphics)
Where I’m Coming From, by Barbara Brandon-Croft, edited by Peggy Burns and Tracy Hurren (Drawn & Quarterly)
Adventures Into Terror: The Atlas Comics Library, vol. 1, edited by Michael J. Vassallo (Fantagraphics)
All-Negro Comics 75th Anniversary Edition, edited by Chris Robinson (Very GOOD Books)
The Ballad of Halo Jones Full Colour Omnibus, by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson, edited by Olivia Hicks (2000AD/Rebellion)
The John Severin Westerns Featuring American Eagle, edited by Michael Dean (Fantagraphics)
Michael Golden’s Marvel Stories Artist’s Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Stephen Graham Jones, Earthdivers (IDW)
Mariko Tamaki, Roaming (Drawn & Quarterly)
Tom Taylor, Nightwing, Titans (DC)
Kelly Thompson, Birds of Prey, Harley Quinn, Black White and Redder (DC); Black Cloak, The Cull (Image); It’s Jeff, Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Mark Waid, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Shazam!, World’s Finest: Teen Titans (DC)
G. Willow Wilson, Poison Ivy (DC); Hunger and the Dusk (IDW)
Emily Carroll, A Guest in the House (First Second/Macmillan)
Bill Griffith, Three Rocks (Abrams ComicArts)
Daniel Warren Johnson, Transformers (Image Skybound)
Mokumokuren, The Summer Hikaru Died, vol. 1 (Yen Press)
Zoe Thorogood, Hack/Slash: Back To School (Image)
Tillie Walden, Clementine Book Two (Image Skybound)
Jason Shawn Alexander, Detective Comics (DC); Killadelphia, with Germán Erramouspe (Image)
Tula Lotay, Barnstormers: A Ballad of Love and Murder (Comixology Originals/Best Jackett)
Inaki Miranda, Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons (IDW)
Dan Mora, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Shazam! (DC)
Chris Samnee, Fire Power (Image Skybound)
Jillian Tamaki, Roaming (Drawn & Quarterly)
Jason Shawn Alexander, Blacula: Return of the King (Zombie Love Studios)
Chaiko, The Monkey King (Magnetic)
Juanjo Guarnido, Blacksad, Vol 7: They All Fall Down, Part 2 (Europe Comics)
Liam Sharp, Nocterra: Nemesis Special (Best Jackett); Starhenge: The Dragon and the Boar (Image)
Martin Simmonds, Universal Monsters: Dracula (Image Skybound)
Sana Takeda, The Night Eaters: Her Little Reapers (Abrams ComicArts); Monstress (Image)
Jen Bartel, DC Pride 2023, Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1 (DC); Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1, Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin #1, Scarlet Witch #9, Sensational She-Hulk (Marvel)
Evan Cagle, Detective Comics (DC)
Jenny Frison, Alice Never After #1, BRZRKR: Fallen Empire #1, and other alternate covers (BOOM! Studios); Knight Terrors: Harley Quinn #1–2, Poison Ivy #8, #12 (DC)
E. M. Gist, Expanse Dragon Tooth #1, Something Is Killing the Children #28 & #34, Wild’s End, vol 2 #4 and other alternate covers (BOOM! Studios); Amazing Spider-Man #23, Doctor Aphra #36, Moon Knight #3, Nightcrawlers #1, Wolverine #38 (Marvel)
Peach Momoko, Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin, various alternate covers (Marvel)
Dan Mora, Coda #3, Damn Them All #4, MMPR 30th Anniversary Special #1, Rare Flavours #3 and other alternate covers (BOOM! Studios); Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, Outsiders #1, Poison Ivy #9, Shazam!, Titans #1 (DC)
Jordie Bellaire, Batman, Birds of Prey (DC); Dark Spaces: Hollywood Special (IDW)
Matt Hollingsworth, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Punisher (Marvel)
Lee Loughridge, Red Zone (AWA); Edgeworld, Grammaton Punch, Nostalgia (Comixology Originals); The Devil’s Cut, Gone, Somna (DSTLRY); Star Trek (IDW); Killadelphia (Image); Hunt. Kill. Repeat. (Mad Cave)
Dave McCaig, The Sacrificers (Image), The Walking Dead Deluxe (Image Skybound)
Dean White, Conan the Barbarian (Titan Comics)
Emily Carroll, A Guest in the House (First Second/Macmillan)
Benoit Dehan and Lauren Bowes, Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes (Titan Comics)
Bill Griffith, Three Rocks (Abrams ComicArts)
Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, The Unlikely Story of Felix and Macabber, The Witcher: Wild Animals, and others (Dark Horse); Batman: City of Madness, The Flash, Poison Ivy, and others (DC); Black Cat Social Club (Humanoids); Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (IDW); The Cull, What’s the Furthest Place from Here? (Image); and others
Richard Starkings, Barnstormers: A Ballad of Love and Murder, Canary (Comixology Originals/Best Jackett); Parliament of Rooks (Comixology); Astro City, Battle Chasers (Image); Conan the Barbarian (Titan Comics)
Rus Wooton, Monstress, The Sacrificers (Image); Fire Power, Kroma, Transformers, The Walking Dead Deluxe, Universal Monsters: Dracula, Void Rivals (Image Skybound); Hunt. Kill. Repeat., A Legacy of Violence, Nature’s Labyrinth (Mad Cave)
The Comics Journal #309; edited by Gary Groth, Kristy Valenti, and Austin English (Fantagraphics)
“The Indirect Market,” by Brandon Schatz and Danica LeBlanc,
Rob Salkowitz, for Forbes,, Publishers Weekly
SKTCHD, by David Harper,
SOLRAD: The Online Literary Magazine for Comics, (Fieldmouse Press)
Bryan Talbot: Father of the British Graphic Novel, by J. D. Harlock and Bryan Talbot (Brainstorm Studios)
Confabulation: An Anecdotal Autobiography, by Dave Gibbons (Dark Horse)
Flamed Out: The Underground Adventures and Comix Genius of Willy Murphy, edited by Nicki Michaels, Ted Richards, and Mark Burstein (Fantagraphics)
I Am the Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future, by Michael Molcher (Rebellion)
The Pacific Comics Companion, by Stephan Friedt and Jon B. Cooke (TwoMorrows)
Thalamus: The Art of Dave McKean (Dark Horse)
Asian Political Cartoons, by John A. Lent (University Press of Mississippi)
The Claremont Run: Subverting Gender in the X- Men, by J. Andrew Deman (University of Texas Press)
Desegregating Comics: Debating Blackness in the Golden Age of American Comics, edited by Qiana Whitted (Rutgers University Press)
If Shehrazad Drew: Critical Writings on Arab Comics, by George Khoury-Jad (Sawaf Center for Arab Comics Studies and American University of Beirut Press)
In Visible Archives: Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s, by Margaret Galvan (University of Minnesota Press)
Super Bodies: Comic Book Illustration, Artistic Styles, and Narrative Impact, by Jeffrey A. Brown (University of Texas Press)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein boxed set, designed by Mike Kennedy (Magnetic)
Gratuitous Ninja, by Ronald Wimberly, designed by Chloe Scheffe (Beehive Books)
Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes, designed by Benoit Dahan andDonna Askem (Titan Comics)
Iron Maiden: Piece of Mind, designed by Josh Bernstein and Rob Schwager (Z2)
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun First Stall Box Set, designed by Wendy Chan (Yen Press)
Asturias: The Origin of a Flag, by Javi de Castro,
Daughter of a Thousand Faces, by Vel (Velinxi), (Tapas)
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, (WEBTOON)
Matchmaker, vol. 6, by Cam Marshall at (Silver Sprocket)
3rd Voice, by Evan Dahm, (WEBTOON)
Unfamiliar, by Haley Newsome: (Tapas)
Blacksad, Vol 7: They All Fall Down, Part 2. by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido, translation by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (Europe Comics)
Friday, by Ed Brubaker and Marcos Martin, vols. 7–8 (Panel Syndicate)
Parliament of Rooks, by Abigail Jill Harding (Comixology Originals)
Practical Defense Against Piracy, by Tony Cliff (
A Witch’s Guide to Burning, by Aminder Dhaliwal (
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