Symptoms diarrhea sore throat swollen lymph nodes neck

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.19 21:58 xLadyLaurax Dogs possibly allergic reactions got better on cortisol but substantially worse on antihistamines. What's going on??

My dog is an 8 year old, male, neutered Pomeranian. Ever since we got out second dog (don't know if it has anything to do with it, but just in case I'm mentioning it) my dog kept getting sick. He started coughing - dry and loud - and one day we got up and his eyes were horribly infected. We instantly went to the vet and his lymph nodes were swollen and his eyes infected. He got cortisol drops for the eyes (3x daily for a week) and some liquid we put in his food (wetened with water) to help with the throat pain, as well as 3 shots to help with immunity.
Within a week his eyes were better again, his lymph nodes weren't swollen anymore and he seemed perfectly fine. But about a week or so later, the coughing was still happening and when we went to the vet his eyes were a little infected again. We did the eye-drops again and a few days later they were fine again. The vet suggested an allergy could be causing this. As a test she put the pup on cortisol pills, and said that if the symptoms went away, it was (probably) allergies.
She suggested it might take a week for the cortisol to take effect, but within 2 days the couching was down to once or twice a day and by days 3 and 4 he was completely cured. I let her know and she told me to get off cortisol and give him antihistemines instead (betadorm), and also to watch out, as it could make him sleepy. He's been getting the pills for about 4 days and not only did it not help with his allergy symptoms, I feel like the coughing is even worse than before and his eyes are slightly infected AGAIN.
I just don't understand what could be going on. He's also getting Trazodone, but he took that before the allergy symptoms and also during the cortisol episode without any symptoms, so I don't believe it's that, but I figured I'd mention it regardless. I'd go to the vet, but due to holidays they are all closer and the couching sounds horrible. How can I help my dog?
submitted by xLadyLaurax to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:53 Necessary-Bug-1550 PET scan results and recurrent fevers

Hello! Can someone please help me interpret these PET scan results? I have been having fevers without any clear cause for 3 months now, and although the doctors have very low suspicions for lymphoma, this makes me nervous that I had lymph nodes that were FDG avid. Thank you!
I mainly want to know if I should push for a biopsy or get a second opinion now that we have these results. The doctors (including an oncologist) really don't think it's cancer, but I have been sick for 3 months now and the results of this scan are worrying me.
18F with swollen axillary and cervical lymph nodes for the past three months and fever of unknown origin. Have had all the infectious and rheumatological work up imaginable. History of anxiety and depression. Genetic testing was unremarkable except for one of the genes that is correlated with Yao syndrome. I have the results of many more tests that I could also share if that would help.
FINDINGS: Overall PET and CT image quality and inter-modality registration are satisfactory. Mediastinal blood pool SUVavg is 3.6. Hepatic parenchyma SUVavg is 2.3. Head and Neck: Reactive, bilateral level 2 FDG avid cervical lymph nodes. Thorax: Physiologic FDG uptake within the thorax. Abdomen and Pelvis: Decreased density affecting the liver parenchyma suggestive of diffuse fatty infiltration with heterogeneous FDG avid appearance. Osseous Structures: Physiologic FDG uptake within the osseous structures. Lower Extremities: Physiologic FDG uptake. 
submitted by Necessary-Bug-1550 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:51 TTC40 Adenovirus my 2.5 YO started part time day care recently..not even two weeks in and she falls ill. Diarrhea like I’ve never seen, plus vomiting.
Thankfully, no fever….and if you didn’t know she was sick, you’d have no idea. Chipper, happy, not lethargic by any means. They tested her stool and it came back positive for adenovirus.
But the diarrhea….my God…I have gone through desitin and diapers like I am FN Octomom. I cannot wait until the distinct smell of “sick poop” is a distant memory. She is puking occasionally but I find this cleanup mild compared to five diarrhea diapers in an hour.
I am hoping her previously sheltered immune system is just getting a drastic “break-in”…because I’m not seeing the point of day care if I can’t Fn work due to illness and caretaking
About to go do the third round of laundry today……thankfully as of now I just have a sore throat…but time will tell 🥺
submitted by TTC40 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:39 Necessary-Bug-1550 PET Scan results and prolonged fevers

PET Scan results
Hello! Can someone please help me interpret these PET scan results? I have been having fevers without any clear cause for 3 months now, and although the doctors have very low suspicions for lymphoma, this makes me nervous that I had lymph nodes that were FDG avid. Thank you!
I mainly want to know if I should push for a biopsy or get a second opinion now that we have these results. The doctors (including an oncologist) really don't think it's cancer, but I have been sick for 3 months now and the results of this scan are worrying me.
18F with swollen axillary and cervical lymph nodes for the past three months and fever of unknown origin. Have had all the infectious and rheumatological work up imaginable. History of anxiety and depression. Genetic testing was unremarkable except for one of the genes that is correlated with Yao syndrome. I have the results of many more tests that I could also share if that would help.
FINDINGS: Overall PET and CT image quality and inter-modality registration are satisfactory. Mediastinal blood pool SUVavg is 3.6. Hepatic parenchyma SUVavg is 2.3. Head and Neck: Reactive, bilateral level 2 FDG avid cervical lymph nodes. Thorax: Physiologic FDG uptake within the thorax. Abdomen and Pelvis: Decreased density affecting the liver parenchyma suggestive of diffuse fatty infiltration with heterogeneous FDG avid appearance. Osseous Structures: Physiologic FDG uptake within the osseous structures. Lower Extremities: Physiologic FDG uptake. 
submitted by Necessary-Bug-1550 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 SuccessfulFlower3682 do I have HIV?

I just found out my boyfriend of 10 years cheated on me for the last 5 years with sex workers (up until last week), he has gonorrhea and I have gotten tested and waiting for results. I’m scared I have HIV, I don’t believe he used protection every time. He had sex 2-3 weeks ago and I now am having a sore throat, loss of appetite, swollen tonsils and a cough. I’m scared. I can’t handle waiting 3 months to test again, any advice ?
submitted by SuccessfulFlower3682 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:05 GayBro97Yo Advice on HIV anxiety /medical

Please delete my post if this breaks any rules - I need some ways of coping with the stress of not knowing my status as of now. Here’s some background for everyone, I’ll do it from the beginning as I don’t know how else to do it:
I’m 26, male, gay. On 14th of April I’ve met a guy and had unprotected sex with him. I was passive. I know he was HIV+ve but he told me he was undetectable. Prior to this for about 3 weeks I was taking PreP daily which I only stopped 3 days prior to meeting him (I had some stuff happening) and restarted it an hour and a half before meeting him.
Fast forward two weeks, I get a high fever, vomiting, aches all over and a massive headache as well as a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. I didn’t immediately connect it back to him but I started finding out that unfortunately he’s a drug addict a stoner and frequently misses his meds - I am not judging at all so please don’t take it as such but that planted a seed in my head.
When my main symptoms went away (roughly day 15/16) I was left with aching everywhere and a sore throat that had continued on and off since then. It’s almost like the more I think about it the more it happens.
I am now in this IMMENSE black hole of constantly googling stuff related to HIV. I have done a test on day 32 which was a 4th generation test from my finger. This came back negative.
Yesterday, day 36 I’ve noticed white spots at the back of my throat.
I can’t stop googling, researching and finding more reasons as to why I am positive. I keep reading about how prep delays the detection window which is why I don’t trust my negative result.
I am just looking for people to give me some ways of coping with anxiety as it’s taken over my life. I am at work and I can’t stop thinking about it no matter what I’m doing. I keep randomly breaking down into tears. I wake up in the middle of the night and think about having it.
I understand having HIV is not a death sentence - I think it’s the anxiety of not knowing. If I knew I could then start moving on, but for now my life has been put on hold and I’m just paralysed.
I have another test at week 6 (+5days) and I’m already finding reasons as to why it won’t be definitive.
For me, it’s just way too many coincidences for me to not be positive and I just wanted people to essentially tell me what to do, please.
submitted by GayBro97Yo to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 Spo0kcat Throat/ neck tightness

I’ve had some unbearable throat tightness (and neck) along with super tense shoulder and back muscles. The throat tightness seems worse when laying down. Last night, I kept waking up with a horribly tight throat and couldn’t breathe well at all. It felt super dry and tense and like I was being choked.
I know it’s from tmj, I just don’t know how to get any relief. I’m sure I have a sleep apnea at this point. The only relief I got was laying on my left side. But that’s my ‘tmj’ side and my jaw feels displaced when I lay on my side. But sleeping on my back my throat feels so horrible.
Any advice would be great. Doctors think I’m nuts and tell me it’s anxiety. Sure, the symptoms give me awful anxiety, but I know it’s stemming from tmj which they’ve also disregarded.
Please help. Last night was a nightmare. I’m terrified to sleep, and I still feel miserable during the day. Muscle relaxers, heat, downing water does not help.
I’m sure it’s postural too, but it feels like my neck is being compressed. Feels like I got punched in the throat. I get zero comfort in any position :/ it’s making me suicidal at this point.
Has anyone tried acupuncture or dry needling? I’m so desperate for relief.
submitted by Spo0kcat to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 Apprehensive_Toe_253 Panic attack or heart attack?

For the past 3 weeks i’ve been occasionally feeling some strange kind of feeling in my left side of chest and left arm. It wasn’t unbearable pain but enough to worry me. 3 weeks earlier prior to these symptoms i had what i thought was heart attack except my symptoms increased when i started overthinking and googling what might be the case. I got tingles in my left arm and sudden flash of cold sweat followed up with nausea and i almost blacked out. I haven’t went to the ER but week after i got sick (constant low grade fever, sore throat, hot flashes in my cheeks, neck and chest) so i went to the doctor and explained my symptoms. We did ecg, blood tests and and blood pressure but all the results came back normal (except lower ALT and GGT). I also got scheduled for cardiologist in 3 weeks but until then i wanted to ask if anyone has experienced anything similar or has any advice/idea what it could be? Could it really be anxiety or should i keep worrying? I’ve stressed out so much in these past few weeks i feel like it took off few years of my life.
submitted by Apprehensive_Toe_253 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 Alert-Ad-7038 Possible dysautonomia RIGHT after 3rd Covid infection?

For some backstory: I first caught covid nearly 2 years ago. I caught it pretty badly and was hospitalised and have had long Covid since. When I visited the long covid clinic they suggested I had dysautonomia. I was sceptical because I didn’t have any typical nervous system type symptoms; my symptoms had simply been severe fatigue and pain and nothing else. (I have a history of severe anxiety and nervous breakdowns etc so am familiar with what it feels like when your nervous system gets messed up). They also suggested POTS due to a high heart rate, which is something I’ve always had and I don’t necessarily feel any symptoms from this.
Fast forward to this month when I caught Covid for the third time. The exact day I finally tested negative for Covid I experienced something very weird. It basically felt like a severe panic attack but without any anxiety beforehand. I was fine and then suddenly my vision went weird and I was having palpitations, running around, legs trembling etc. All things I experience with panic attacks (though the palpitations were more fluttery). But mentally it didn’t feel like a panic attack. I called 111 - who then called an ambulance - because I was then concerned and panicking and thought it could be a heart issue. But after 2 hours I started to feel better and the ambulance still hadn’t come so I just cancelled it. The only thing I could guess that could have caused it was that I did a LOT of inhalers maybe an hour before the ‘attack’ (because the Covid was affecting my asthma). But that would still be an extreme reaction.
That was a few days ago, but in the last couple of days I’ve been experiencing similar. In the past couple of days in particular I’ve been experiencing nearly constant palpitations. They present as a fluttering feeling in my chest and throat which really freaks me out. When I check my heartrate it isn’t too high - it’s mainly the sensation that bothers me. There’s also often this airy/hollow feeling in my chest plus twinges in my chest and neck. I am also constantly on the verge of panic attacks now. But again it’s more physical than mental. And I can’t handle a lot. Most stimulation bothers me. Tiny things people say cause a stress response and the chest symptoms immediately come up. I’m jumping out of my skin easily. It’s like severe anxiety but different to what I’m used to because there's no initial mental anxiety. And it all came on out of no where a few days ago - literally the day I got over covid. I’m just in this constant state now and it’s quite unbearable. I stopped doing inhalers so I’m not sure that could still be the cause.
Basically now this feels like it could possibly be dysautonomia. But I find it odd how it could start so suddenly. And of course I’ve been worried about something more sinister.
I did have an ECG about a week and a half ago when I had Covid which was fine, but the problem started a few days later. I will also speak to my doctor tomorrow. But I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar.
submitted by Alert-Ad-7038 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:51 Due-Expression8229 Sore throat for 21 days

(M27) My throat was always prone to hurt, basically my only symptom when I was sick (not even high fever when I passed strep or covid), I also have post nasal drip.
It has been a good 3 weeks since the sore throat started (behind my tonsils, under the lump nodes) and lasted a good week (fought it with lozenges and ibuprofen).
Then it hurted very mildly and I had a dry cough for an other week.
Then, it came back hurting my tonsils for 6 days now and the pain is still here... I'm taking ibuprofen 600mg twice per day for 5 days according to my doctor's advice + some gargles with benzydamine which they don't seem to help much + anti allergic medication to stop post nasal drip.
The weird thing is that tonsil pain issues one sided and changes sides every 1-2 days... Tuesday was the right one, Thursday the left, Saturday right again and today left...
What the heck is happening to me? I'm trying to gargle salt water too, but not seem to help much, it hurts even moving my tongue around my back teeth.
Btw I'm planning to remove them by early September.
submitted by Due-Expression8229 to lifehacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:40 crueltycunt May 2024 Variant

So I have the current variant which I don’t know the name of or much about, symptoms were full body aches almost felt like it was my bones or joints, hot and cold flushes, bad headache and a sore throat. I didn’t know I had it and passed it onto my partner, who is now having symptoms and is having a much worse reaction. Been Using nurofen and Codral cold & flu tablets but nothing has helped. My question is, what are the best foods and drinks will be best to help treat the pain and discomfort at home? What did you find helped most? Thanks !
submitted by crueltycunt to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:30 Ok_Echo1989 A bit worried about symptoms of tetanus

So like. I (19M) got scratched by an outdoor cat on Saturday last weekend. He's very healthy, not worried about rabies or anything like that, I'm vaccinated. But I heard that cat scratches can cause tetanus and I'm worried about it because as of yesterday I've been feeling like it's hard to swallow, like something's stuck in my throat, and I keep getting random pains all over. I have very mild gerd but this is a new symptom. I usually have back pain and neck pain, terrible posture, but I woke up with a pretty bad headache and neck pain as well. The scratches are on my hand, weren't deep at all but still bled, I washed them and cleaned with rubbing alcohol immediately. They've healed good with no complications. I was vaccinated fully against tetanus as a kid, and I think I might have gotten another shot in 2020 because of another injury (that was way worse) but I can't remember. I can't afford a doctor visit or er trip, I have no insurance, live in america. I live with my parents who tell me I'm overreacting and it's just anxiety and think I'm stupid and dismiss everything. They won't let me go to the doctor, and I can't drive myself. But still if it gets worse I'll call 911 if I have to. I do have bad medical anxiety but I can usually tell between my anxiety and actual symptoms. Idk I'm just stressed about it. What do y'all think is wrong with me ?
submitted by Ok_Echo1989 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:10 Few_Tomatillo2624 Tropical Parasite?

37f 5ft 6 110pounds For the past 2.5 years I have been extremely unwell, mostly bedbound in extreme pain. I returned from the tropics feeling very unwell, with weight loss, bloody stool and severe fatigue. I also had a swollen lymph node in my groin. I had lots of tests and they could not find a thing . I started to see what I thought was parasites in my stool. A doctor prescribed me albendazole. The day after taking it, the lymph node exploded and I started to feel extreme crawling all over my body. I have been trying to work out what was going on ever since. I’m certain I have a systemic infection but all my bloods responded negatively to antibodies. To give my full history, I have lived in a lot tropical countries over 20 years including south east Asia, south India and south and Central America. I have travelled extensively. I’ve been unwell on and off for 16 years and was never tested for infections thoroughly until 2021. Only stool tests and fbc. My symptoms are as follows: - sensations in my veins - feels like rushing / pumping - collapsed / indented veins in the head and face (diagnosed) - ongoing hematuria - extreme groin pain - extreme head pain in veins / tissues - progressive subdermal lumps on pubic area - numbness and ‘dead arms’ - puffy arms - lumpy breasts with sudden prominent veins - severe fatigue
After delving into a tonne of research it has become apparent than only 3 infections can cause systemic infection -Strongoloides, Filariasis and Schistosomiasis. Schistomiasis has been ruled out through urine and cystoscopy. Last month I spoke to a microbiologist (abroad) who I told I suspected an infection. She asked me if I was immune suppressed. I had taken immune suppressants on and off for a while, specifically before this infection got crazy. I also have chronic uti symptoms and occasional acute / severe UTIs. I’ve had to take multiple extended antibiotics in the past - last year I had to take them for 5 months. I was looking into these infections and it seems that steroids can prevent an immune response and can also impact antibody / eosinophil response. What’s more is I found a tonne of case studies where people are diagnosed with filariasis without antibodies or esoniphils. It also says on medical literature that the antibody does not rule out infection. It seems to be a very immune modulating parasite and is even capable of preventing sepsis. Im wondering if perhaps my antibodies response is not working? I cannot convince any of my doctors that I could have this disease, despite being very exposed and having classic progressive symptoms. Therefore they will not do the gold standard microfilaria testing at night. I have lived a very active lifestyle since my early 20s despite having bouts of fatigue and there is no way I’d be this sick if there wasn’t something wrong. I’ve had confirmed parasites come out before also. Doctors keeps saying my symptoms are ‘mysterious’, but will not properly test me for this infection. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do? Should I ask to biopsy the subdermal lumps down below ? I know in india testicular lumps are a pretty common sign of the disease. I’d be grateful for any advice. 🙏🏻
submitted by Few_Tomatillo2624 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:55 prxttygrl Blood Results, anyone know what this might be?

I am a 25 yr old Female, and starting in January, thought I just had an earache. I went into the walk in clinic and they prescribed me some medications for my ear. Couple days later, I started having racing thoughts, bad anxiety, and fatigue, which I went back into the doctor and did blood tests and I had hypercalcemia… Fast forward a couple months, I got an endocrinologist and they did some blood tests and my PTH is low and am now diagnosed with Secondary hypoparathyrodism (my symptoms are being caused by something else)… So with these new results, my blood count is actually fine. Everything looks to be in range, BUT my alpha 1 globulin is on the edge of being high and my beta 1 globulin is on the edge of being low. My calcium and bone tests came back good, but my vitamin A is low. Has anyone seen something like this before??
I am worried because I went for a CT scan of my parathyroid and they found lymph nodes that were inflammed, as well as I get this pain underneath my right armpit that flares up.. I looked these symptoms up and of course its gotten my mind racing. any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
submitted by prxttygrl to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:54 roccosRevenge Wheezing after eating like I have bronchitis

Could be a symptom of autonomic nervous system?
My other symptoms include:
In august last year I had strong infection, I was sweating by month, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph node under armpit.
Since then I have tons of symptons:
Bloodwork is ok. Is it some kind of long covid? Taking gabapentin, doesnt help too much. Antihistamines doesnt work (ketotifen too) so not MCAS..Please, tell me which lab tests should I take. Please, I feel like a living dead.
submitted by roccosRevenge to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:38 Pure_Translator_5103 Ongoing health issues. Should an AN be considered or dismissed?

Have had inner ear discomfort both sides, neck discomfort, inflammation, slightly swollen feeling, for over a year straight. Tinnitus and hyperacusis started 3-4 months ago. Tinnitus has slowly been increasing in loudness. Gets louder when I turn, move my head, open mouth wide. Have had extreme fatigue, heavy brain fog for over a year. Dizziness for about 3 months. A nuero ordered mri of brain which showed nothing. They were ruling out stroke, etc.
ENT did vestibular testing after 4 visits over 3 months of not getting better, got diagnosed a month ago with vestibular neuritis. Seen 3 different practitioners as same ent clinic. They don’t have much to offer or seem willing to help much further other than vestibular physical therapy order. One PA says Eustachian tube dysfunction as well, and says the tinnitus, hyperacusis, inner ear discomfort both sides, occasional distorted sound and slight sound fluctuation in right ear, which tested weak on VNG vestibular test, is probably from ETD. He prescribed nasal sprays and a month after starting fluticasone is when tinnitus started followed by hyperacusis. If it is etd it’s affecting both ears. Blood Allergy tests didn’t show much. Hearing test 4 months ago was normal, tho the test seems biased and not great and was before onset of T and H. Have had jaw discomfort and crackling more frequently the last 2 months. Neck muscle pains as well. Seeing dentist this week about tmj.
Feel like I’m in constant motion, dizzy, which lessens when laying down.
Current pcp said it was all mental, mentioned anti depressants, which I was on for years prior to health issues and it stopped working. He would only refer to a mental health counselor who knew something was not right and then I got VN diagnosis. Pcp makes me feel like a bad person, him and PA dismissed me at every one of 4 visits, so I can’t go there anymore and am waiting for new pcp.
Another un linked issue is heavy eye floaters both eyes, strange vision sensation, light sensitivity. This came on within weeks of feeling inner ear issues. Ophthalmologist did not see anything alarming. They are saying floaters with age. I am 35, nearsighted. He did not know much about autoimmune, Lyme, other possible causes, so he Agreed to send me to a retina specialist, which is in a few weeks.
I’m lined up to get a different opinion from a different ENT clinic, tho I don’t have my hope up for much help.
Was originally told I had mold toxicity.
Have had 2 aura migraine type events in the last 2 months. Some days wake up with headache at back of neck, head joint area. I’ve been to so many doctors and practitioners in Tx and Massachusetts, where I am now. My life has been destroyed for over a year and getting new issues and symptoms as time goes on vs better. Working with a dr on possible late stage Lyme, tho no 100% diagnosis. I am beyond exhausted and desperate to get better. I haven’t been able to work, given up my second job and big love of playing live music, singing, guitar. And my life career of woodworking has been impossible. The fatigue and brain fog, cognitive issues are terrible. Exertional malaise mental and physical activities happens quickly. Feel like I’m in a daze. Weak and achey busy. At the beginning of health downturn I had soow onset of fatigue turn heavy pain from herniated low spine discs 18 months ago. That nerve pain still exists most days, especially if I try to be even lightly active and lift anything over 15 pounds. I’m not overweight. All lab tests that have been done have been normal aside from a vibrant labs test showing 5 bands reactive igg Lyme. And 2 bands igg Babesia. Have tried so many supplements, clean organic diet. If you’ve read this far thank you. Any insight would be appreciated.
submitted by Pure_Translator_5103 to AcousticNeuroma [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:26 edamame9 Swollen thumb

My thumb / hand (pretty much where the cmc joint is) started hurting around two weeks ago specifically being very sore to the touch. The pain has been consistent and has been swollen and warm to the touch for a few days. Symptoms line up with tendonitis but I haven’t injured it nor have I done any strenuous activity / repetitive movement. Also it’s my non dominant hand. Any ideas of what it could be?
20F, 5’4”, 55kg, I take levothyroxine, venlafaxine and lisdexamphetamine. I have Hashimoto’s disease and suspected pots.
submitted by edamame9 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:13 ThreatLevelMidnighto Can a toothache cause increased anxiety and shoulder pain? I'm on antibiotics for it but I feel like I woke up worse today.

I'm on amoxicillin for a tooth that needs a root canal. We're waiting for my state insurance to approve the procedure and in the meantime I'm just suffering.
Today I woke up feeling like the whole right side of my cheek had been numbed. I felt it all the way down to my neck and shoulder. Is that normal? It's freaking me out and I've been having increased anxiety over these symptoms while I wait for approval. I've been taking 400mg ibuprofen daily for any pain on the jaw, but in return it's been giving me rebound headaches. I don't want to take ibuprofen because my head feels awful when I take some.
When I first got the x ray done, the dentist didn't put me on any antibiotics. So I'm trying to convince myself the infection is not that bad. He only gave me antibiotics a week later because I said I could feel the sore feeling up to my eye and down to my neck. I have to believe that my body is just fighting this infection and that if it was initially as bad as I'm thinking it to be, the dentist would've taken other measures. The first time I had a bad infection I was put on amoxicillin and prednisone (a steroid). I remember being nervous back then and asking if a toothache could spread to your heart and brain and the dentist said it was a very, very slim chance even with how bad my infection was.
But my anxiety wasn't nearly as bad back then as it is now. I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting, but I just want to get this tooth done with. Has anyone had a similar situation with an infected tooth with similar symptoms? I'm hoping to get my approval this week, that way we can do the root canal in one go. Otherwise, I'm just going in for a removal and temporary filling. I need to deal with this.
submitted by ThreatLevelMidnighto to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:10 rahulshariff Prostate Worries? Feeling the Effects of Age on Your Prostate? The Secret Weapon to Good Prostrate Health

Prostate Worries? Feeling the Effects of Age on Your Prostate? The Secret Weapon to Good Prostrate Health
Prostate Worries? Feeling the Effects of Age on Your Prostate? The Secret Weapon to Good Prostrate Health
Image Credit: Pexels
Prostrate Problems – A Comprehensive Guide for Men's Health
The prostate gland is a walnut-sized organ. The organ is the male reproductive system and helps in sexual function and urination. With age, the prostate undergoes changes that lead to various health concerns. This informative guide explores the most common prostate problems, empowering you with knowledge and promoting early detection and treatment.
Understanding the Prostate
The prostate gland is below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. A healthy prostate is essential for male fertility and urinary control.
Common Prostate Problems
Many men experience prostate problems as they age. Here's a closer look at the three most frequent issues:
  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
BPH, or enlarged prostate, occurs when the prostate gland grows more significant than usual. It causes several bothersome symptoms, including:
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Weak urine stream
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
  • Dribbling after urination
Causes and Risk Factors
The exact cause of BPH is unknown, but it's believed to be linked to changes in hormone levels as men age. Here are some factors that increase the risk of BPH:
  • Age: The risk increases significantly after 50.
  • Family History: Having a close relative with BPH increases your risk.
  • Lifestyle: Obesity and lack of exercise may contribute to BPH.
Early diagnosis of BPH is crucial for effective management. Diagnosis typically involves:
  • Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A doctor feels the prostate for enlargement or abnormalities.
  • PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) Test: This blood test measures PSA levels, which can be elevated in BPH or prostate cancer. It's important to note that a high PSA doesn't necessarily mean cancer.
  • Uroflowmetry: The test measures the rate and volume of urine flow.
Treatment for BPH depends on how severe the symptoms are. Here are some options:
  • Watchful Waiting: If symptoms are mild, monitoring may be sufficient.
  • Medication: Medications can relax the prostate muscles or shrink its size.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: These procedures use heat or steam to destroy prostate tissue.
  • Surgery: Surgery becomes necessary in severe cases to remove some prostate tissue.
  1. Prostatitis
Prostatitis occurs due to inflammation of the prostate gland. The inflammation causes discomfort with symptoms like:
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain in the groin, testicles, or lower back
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Painful ejaculation
Types of Prostatitis
There are three main types of prostatitis:
  1. Acute Bacterial Prostatitis is the least common type, causing sudden and severe symptoms. It requires immediate antibiotic treatment.
  2. Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis: This type involves recurring bacterial infections. Treatment involves long-term antibiotic therapy.
  3. Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome/Chronic Prostatitis/(CPPS/CP): This is the most common type, and the cause is often unknown. Symptoms may be constant or come and go. Treatment focuses on pain management.
Causes and Risk Factors
The causes of prostatitis vary depending on the type. Here are some potential contributing factors:
  • Bacterial infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Muscle tension in the pelvic floor
  • Unknown factors (CP/CPPS)
Diagnosis of prostatitis often involves:
  • Urinalysis and urine culture to detect infection
  • Digital rectal exam
  • Prostate massage (not always performed)
Treatment for prostatitis depends on the type. Here are common approaches:
  • Antibiotics: For bacterial prostatitis.
  • Pain medication: To manage discomfort.
  • Alpha-blockers: To relax prostate muscles and improve urine flow.
  • Lifestyle changes: Reducing stress and avoiding irritants in the diet may help.
  1. Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is common among men and is second only to skin cancer. It's generally slow-growing, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment.
You will often find no symptoms in the early stages. In later stages, it may cause:
  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Weak urine stream
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Bone pain (especially in the hips, lower back, and thighs)
  • Pain during ejaculation
Risk Factors
Several factors increase the risk of prostate cancer, including:
  • Age: The risk increases significantly after 50.
  • Family history: If you have a family member with prostate cancer, it substantially increases your risk.
  • Obesity: Men with excess weight are at higher risk.
  • Diet: A diet high in red meat and processed foods may increase risk.
Early Detection
Early detection of prostate cancer ensures successful treatment. While the PSA test is commonly used, it could be more foolproof. Here are two critical methods for early detection:
  1. PSA Test: A blood test that measures prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. An elevated PSA can indicate cancer, but it can also be caused by BPH or inflammation.
  2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A doctor feels the prostate for enlargement or abnormalities.
If a PSA test or DRE raises concerns, further tests may be needed, including:
  • Biopsy: A small sample of prostate tissue gets removed and examined for cancer cells.
  • Imaging Tests: Imaging tests like MRI scans can help determine the extent of cancer if present.
Treatment for prostate cancer will depend on different factors. The factors include the cancer's stage and aggressiveness. Some common approaches include:
  • Surgery: This may involve removing the entire prostate gland or nearby lymph nodes.
  • Radiation Therapy: High-energy radiation therapy kills cancer cells.
  • Hormone Therapy: The treatment shrinks the prostate or slows cancer growth.
  • Active Surveillance: This involves monitoring the cancer closely without immediate treatment.
Maintaining Prostate Health
While there's no guaranteed way to prevent prostate problems, some lifestyle choices may help:
  • Diet: A diet of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains helps prevent cancer. Limit red meat and processed foods.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity improves overall health. It reduces the risk of prostate problems.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight to lower your risk of BPH and prostate cancer.
  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can worsen prostate symptoms. Yoga and meditation help manage stress.
  • Regular Checkups: Schedule regular checkups for prostate exams and discuss your risk factors.
Prostate problems are a common concern for men as they age. By understanding the different types, their symptoms, and risk factors, you ensure good health. Early detection and treatment help manage prostate problems effectively.
Don't hesitate to discuss any concerns with your doctor. Taking charge of your prostate health is crucial towards a healthy and fulfilling life.
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submitted by rahulshariff to u/rahulshariff [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:04 Fun-Profession4219 Pain and EPI after colonoscopy.

So I had a colonoscopy in early April. The prep was fine. And the procedure itself was mostly fine—I did it without any anesthesia or propofol or anything. The doctor warned that I would feel some pain when approached the turn in the left colon, and that part did hurt quite a bit.
So I went home and felt mostly fine accept for a little soreness in same spot on the left. I ate some fast food. A few hours later I had diarrhea. The stool was very dark, and I thought it was black. So I panicked and went to the urgent care. They did a CT scan and it showed some mild irritation in my colon and they did labs and showed I wasn’t hemorrhaging internally or anything, and sent me home.
From there, I’ve continued to have irregular bowel movements. Mostly in the morning I would have normal looking stools, but then later have yellow diarrhea, then sometimes floating stools. All of this was accompanies by a continued slight sharp pain in the same left colon spot.
The doctor ordered another stool test that showed my elastase levels were low—130. My lactoferrin levels were normal (5.9) which I suppose shows no inflammation present. He prescribed Creon but I don’t want to take it yet because I’m worried my pancreas will downregulate making its own enzymes. He also says the CT scan at the urgent care didn’t show any pancreatic damage, but it was done without contrast so I don’t know.
To be clear, I NEVER had any of these symptoms before the colonoscopy. I ate fatty foods all the time and had no issues. The only reason for the colonoscopy was because I had some bloating and mushy stools sometimes. It’s been over a month since the procedure, and I still have random sharp pains the left colon spot, almost always preceding flatulence. My bowels are slightly better since I’ve eaten bland low fat foods.
Does anyone have any idea and experience something like this? I’m thinking it could be they nicked something, or the air irritated something, or the prep just made somethings out of whack.
submitted by Fun-Profession4219 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:04 Fun-Profession4219 Pain and EPI after colonoscopy.

So I had a colonoscopy in early April. The prep was fine. And the procedure itself was mostly fine—I did it without any anesthesia or propofol or anything. The doctor warned that I would feel some pain when approached the turn in the left colon, and that part did hurt quite a bit.
So I went home and felt mostly fine accept for a little soreness in same spot on the left. I ate some fast food. A few hours later I had diarrhea. The stool was very dark, and I thought it was black. So I panicked and went to the urgent care. They did a CT scan and it showed some mild irritation in my colon and they did labs and showed I wasn’t hemorrhaging internally or anything, and sent me home.
From there, I’ve continued to have irregular bowel movements. Mostly in the morning I would have normal looking stools, but then later have yellow diarrhea, then sometimes floating stools. All of this was accompanies by a continued slight sharp pain in the same left colon spot.
The doctor ordered another stool test that showed my elastase levels were low—130. My lactoferrin levels were normal (5.9) which I suppose shows no inflammation present. He prescribed Creon but I don’t want to take it yet because I’m worried my pancreas will downregulate making its own enzymes. He also says the CT scan at the urgent care didn’t show any pancreatic damage, but it was done without contrast so I don’t know.
To be clear, I NEVER had any of these symptoms before the colonoscopy. I ate fatty foods all the time and had no issues. The only reason for the colonoscopy was because I had some bloating and mushy stools sometimes. It’s been over a month since the procedure, and I still have random sharp pains the left colon spot, almost always preceding flatulence. My bowels are slightly better since I’ve eaten bland low fat foods.
Does anyone have any idea and experience something like this? I’m thinking it could be they nicked something, or the air irritated something, or the prep just made somethings out of whack.
submitted by Fun-Profession4219 to pancreatitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:02 mangulo2021 post djs stabbing pain in throat

hey guys on day 6 post op from djs with genio now and up until last night i luckily havent really had much of a sore throat but last night developed this just delightful new symptom where every couple of minutes it feels like someone is jamming a freshly sharpened citrus knife into my throat. doesn’t even have to be accompanied by anything, like swallows or talking don’t trigger it it just HAPPENS and hurts like hell. anyone else have this issue? any idea what’s happening or how to make it stop? didn’t get a wink of sleep last night because of it and really can hardly take it anymore!
submitted by mangulo2021 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]