One night paris tape

Disney Parks Meet Reddit: A meet-up community for the Disney parks around the world.

2012.12.11 00:56 Disney Parks Meet Reddit: A meet-up community for the Disney parks around the world.

**Disney Meet-up** Made to relieve Disneyland from the occasional (and apparently annoying) meet up requests, DisneyMeetUp is designed to give redditors who love everything Disney to collaborate and plan meet-ups. Great for redditors who might not want to go alone, tourist groups, and even seasonal meet-up activities such as Secret Santa!

2015.07.04 16:48 ghururgh Young Fathers band

Sub for everything related to Young Fathers band from Scotland.

2015.01.03 08:23 ChiSoxBoy Star Wars Comics

A subreddit dedicated to discussing all things related to Star Wars comic books!

2024.06.02 20:59 TransientBogWarmer Found Cat

Found Cat
Hi folks,
Hoping somebody can chime in with info on how to get this lil lady home. A little black/white patterned scottish fold with a vest has been hanging out in my backyard for about a month now. It started with them meowing at me from the shadows while I’d be working on my bike in the garage, until eventually she just wandered into the garage one day hanging out. Each time she came around she’d look slightly worse for wear, with her coat getting dirtier, and her vest getting more and more ripped up (always the same vest).
The last few times she showed up she seemed distressed, and would spend the entire night under a bush looking really freaked out, so I let her into the house, gave her some dry food, and took her in to get her chip scanned, figuring this MUST be somebodies cat.
Turns out no chip, but I’m reluctant to just turn her loose again cause the vibe I get is that she’s very lost. She has been really content in the house so far, so she is welcome to stay as long as she needs, but I want to make sure I at least tried to find her home before she camps out here long term.
submitted by TransientBogWarmer to corvallis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:59 PheasantPlucker_666 NLD, plus SOTC and a humble flair request

NLD, plus SOTC and a humble flair request
D4V2 Ti Quad with 519A 4500K. Wow, this bad boy is hefty. Without the boost driver it chewed through a freshly charged battery pretty quickly and the titanium/copper body heated up just as fast. But the quality and amount of light pouring out of it makes all those trade-offs worthwhile. Love it!
Stone white D1K with SFN60 6500K. I might need bigger pockets for this to qualify as a “pocket thrower”, but it certainly has plenty of throw for my purposes, and I appreciate the spill generated by the default optics. I ordered a pocket clip, but stopped trying to attach it when I noticed how easily the white finish was being scratched and scuffed. Still, it will probably join the late night dog walk rotation. Very happy with this one.
Pic #2: New lights, plus red D4K, cyan D3AA, dark grey KC1. There’s room there for at least a few more…
submitted by PheasantPlucker_666 to Hanklights [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 xRandom066x Choosing my family over everything and I kind of hate it

My parents had me late in life. My mom had me in her late 40s and my dad was in his late 30s (he's 10 years younger than her). When I was 13 my dad's health problems started, when he was going in for surgery he pulled me aside and said I was the one responsible for pulling the plug if anything went wrong, not my mom or 18 year old brother but 13 year old me, because I'm less likely to make am emotional decision. Luckily he pulled through just fine.
When I was 19 and in college, I began taking care of my parents. My dad had more health problems so I'd drive home every night for 3 hours to help with the business and do whatever care they needed, then I spent all weekend with them. I literally had 0 friends in college, and this continued through both grad school programs. I even made the 12 hour drive each way every Friday to care for them on the weekends when I moved to a different state. Both my mothers parents had dementia or alzheimers during this time.
I began to notice similarities in my mom to how my grandma's diagnosis started, it began with small memory issues, but kept growing. When I was 26 in 2016, I moved back home and a month later my dad had a heart attack, he survived. Since then I lived with them and was a 24hr live in carer essentially. I was never allowed to leave the house and again, had literally no one to talk to except them. I did some contract work for companies and one was so impressed with my research skills they offered me first Crack at a job that would be $200k a year, but I'd have to move. My dad essentially told me, I'd never be allowed contact with the family if I moved, so I turned it down. My mom began progressing in her disease and the doctor still refuses to diagnose her. I eventually, at 32, found an amazing job 3 states away that my parents support. I still drive home every weekend to care for them since it's been one health crisis after another. Even when I had a health crisis, I still had to drive to care for them. My mom was sympathetic but never remembered a conversation after 5 minutes. She's easily confused and will repeat herself 7 times in an hour long conversation, it gets annoying for me. I try to be understanding but I feel my nerves are frayed. I feel bad for her, because she is aware of the problem, but she can't do anything about it.
I have a friend here that I made recently, though I've began to drift away from him. He's handsome, kind, friendly, has a great career he worked hard to progress in and is just an all around great guy. He asked me out and I turned him down. After a few days he respectfully wanted to know why, mainly if he was too pushy or coming on too strong. I told him that I fully expect my parents health to decline so badly in the next 5 years that I'd have to move home to care for them. I don't want to start anything knowing there was a time limit on it. He said what if he'd move with me, and I replied that there was a chance he'd have to start from the bottom again at his new job and I don't want to be responsible for that sacrifice. That's how I left it and began to pull away. I've always had issues making friends because I'm so shy, we just clicked when I had to work with him for work. However, he said that I can't live my life like this letting my parents situation control everything and alienating myself from everyone around me. I'm 34, I've been doing this since I was 19. I don't know how to be otherwise. I've never gone to a bar with a friend, I've never gone to the movies, or a sports game, or even a concert when I was past the age of 14. We lived in the middle of nowhere, so far away from everything that my parents never wanted to go anywhere. I don't know how to behave otherwise.
I guess I'm asking, am I in the wrong for being like this? What do I do? How do I live my life knowing what's coming and knowing my brother can't care for my parents? Also, we can't get a new doctor because there is only 1 within an hour of my parents home, but he said he refuses to diagnose people with dementia/alzheimers? What do I do for that?
submitted by xRandom066x to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 TurtleBox_Official I think I was almost Abducted as a Child

There are very few things I remember from my childhood, but earlier last year I began a therapy program and began to attempt to discover what truama had caused me to begin to block out so many years of my childhood. My Therapist says it could be caused by a single truamatic event or in some cases an overall truamatic living situation. I am still not quite sure which category I fit into, or where I fit into all of this at all for that matter.
I was not a special child, I did not come from a good home. Growing up it was just myself, My mother, and two of my sisters, the only one relevant to this story being named Meg.
Two weeks before Halloween, my mom took us all to the near by K-mart to pick out one cool thing for Halloween as well as our outfits. I picked out some knight outfit because at the time I was obsessed with Final Fantasy Tactics. My sister, Meg, picked out one of those weird Voice Changers, like the ones they used in the Scream Movies, you know? My mom just gave her one rule, she wasn't allowed to use it to scare me or annoy people.
About four days later, some bizarre things started. I began to hear her out in the hallway using the voice changer from her room. The almost growling low pitched voice setting was quite haunting. She was only really saying one thing though...her own name. This went on for two nights before she started sleeping in my older sisters room instead of her own, sharing a bed with each other.
Around this time is when she began to use the stupid voice changer to keep me awake. She would stand outside my bedroom door, in random hours of the night, and just say my name. "Zachary....Zachary..." Over and Over. In that eerie painful voice. It kept me awake for hours, and whenever I did sleep I would have nightmares. Nightmares that gave shape to the voice. Always a lonely looking creature, with skin that looked charred with white eyes that dripped back into it's sockets like runny eggs, always keeping it's head down low as if to hide itself from embarrasment or guilt like a child would.
This went on for days... then the tapping would begin. First on my door, then somehow on my window. This simple tapping turned into hard scratching at the door which at first I would assume was our cat or dog. Every few nights the the being within my dream would be see more detail added to the body. First a thin layer of what seemed like fur, then eventually clothes, a visably moldy jean jacket and and on it's head a thin layer frayed hair. On it's feet it wore no shoes and but wore ripped tattered shorts. It had a small mouth, very child like and immature facial features. It always seemed so helpless and lonely.
I stopped talking out of this overbearing sense of guilt I felt the more the dreams continued. I kept hearing the voice every where I went. At school, to the store with my mom, at home, in the bathroom...sometimes I would even hear movement where the voice was coming from...While taking a bath one night, I heard the bathroom door open, next came very soft steps...almost soft enough to be our dogs...
"Zachary...are you in here?" I'd never been so horrified in my life before then. The door closed behind it. I sat in the bathtub for about an hour listening to it scurry around. Eventually my mom came in and asked for me...she hadn't remembered that I was still in there.... I'm convinced to this day it was hiding just outside of the shower curtain that provided me privacy during these bathtime hours.
A few days pass, still hearing it calling my name at night, still tapping, still scratching...Halloween comes. I put on my costume, my sister put on hers, everyone was getting ready to go out for the night. A friend of mine was coming with us and I naively figured I'd be protected in my knight outfit. It was still around midday as Mom prepared our Trick-or-treat bags so I went outside by myself to on the side of our lawn that faced the huge abandoned vineyard. Every parent in our neighborhood always used to stress about how we were never allowed in Vineyard. Eventually it all entirely blocked off by the township and is currently said to be filled with various homeless camps despite friends of mine in the town saying they only ever find the bodies of the homeless and never actual evidence of camps.
I was swinging my plastic sword, fighting imaginary bad guys when I heard that there was someone moving in the bushes. I could hear it vividly, It wasn't normal like a cat or dog or even a person. It was precisely weighed footsteps inched apart bit by bit. I moved a bit closer to my house and farther back from the thick bushes. If my mom knew I was on that side of the house, she would have killed me.
Then it all happened so quickly The voice began calling my name from the bushes. It was only saying my name. It wasn't telling me to come over or anything, it was simply saying my name and moving back and forth. I could see the outline of it's clothes...a jean jacket, some shorts, and it was wearing boots. It was wearing a mask however, one of those old 90s alien mask like you'd see in the Halloween store, the flat plastic kinds with the small eye holes and horizontal mouth slit. It moved down on all fours and began walking closer to the ledge. And that's when I noticed it's legs and hands...they were absolutely burnt, charred to an almost unrecognizable crisp like exaggerated burnt bacon. I could tell it was looking right into my stupid eight year old eyes. It whimpered and seemed to press it's belly to the ground before speaking in a voice that instantly put me over with fear. "Zachary...I will...You...Come..." My eyes grew twice their size and I ran inside, dropping my sword and shield in the grass.
My mom got furious. Shes stomped around before calling my sister into the room. Upon being asked about the voice changer and teasing me for sister told us that it broke, that it had stopped working one night after she dropped it in the driveway. She even showed my was smashed. My mom just looked out the window into the Vineyard. My sister looked over at me. We weren't allowed to go out that night. My mom made up some story about Halloween being cancelled because another kid in the town had gotten hurt like a few years before, something I still don't really remember.
That night my Sister and I just sat in our living room. We didn't really speak. We didn't pay attention to whatever Disney Channel Halloween movie was playing. We both knew the other had something to say but couldn't open our mouths.
After what felt like hours of silence she moved closer to me and spoke -
"It tried to take you too, didn't it?"
I nodded.
submitted by TurtleBox_Official to joinmeatthecampfire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 SchofieldSilver SK3L3T0K: Part 3 - The Basement Club
This is the story of an average night where I used to hang out after the club. An all night underground basement techno club in Boston aptly named "The basement" it was raided and shut down in 2021 but for many years it was the last bastion of underground clubbing in this city. If you know you know. The basement was lit.
I know you're all here (This was copied from my Patreon Redditor friends) for adult content.. but you listen to music sometimes don't you? Good. I'm sure you have a wide and eclectic taste. As do I. As it stands, I practice a large variety of art that I have been more & more interested in sharing with others lately.
So, get used to experiencing a litany of different artforms if you're going to chill with SK3L3.
My next adult script/video release will be on June 10th.
When I wrote and recorded this and a few other tracks, the human population was in the depths of full covid lockdown. My mind was racing for lack of interaction and through that and a harsh and recent breakup came the inspiration to write 5 still unreleased songs. Until today.
An EP about my experiences and sorrows in life. For now lets start with the fun one. Part three. I cried many times while writing and recording the other ones, many things in the other four songs I have never wanted others to hear and so I never released any of them to the public. The few people I did play them for said they really enjoyed the stories. Listening to them back years later, I've decided its been long enough to look back in understanding and without anger or sorrow over what I had gone through. I can hear now that they are worth releasing no matter the emotions and bad memories they bring up for me.
If you're only here for adult content feel free to ignore this post. I would however, love to build a strong and understanding community of heartfelt friends here on Patreon, so I hope you can get to know the artist in me better through the act of song and maybe one day I'll be able to combine some mediums in a refreshing way to you all.
*Hi Reddit, I posted this on my Patreon today after holding onto it for 4 years. I hope you like it as much as I do. I listen to it all the time. I know its not the best recording but its me. Thanks for reading & I hope you enjoy my amateur flow and storytelling. I have 4 other unreleased songs that are a bit more sad than this one.*
submitted by SchofieldSilver to localrap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 Mysterious_Wafer425 [Fanfic] Remembrance

Hathor Lupercalia, Primarch of the XVI Legiones Astartes, Daughter of the Emperor of Mankind and much, much, bigger in-person than you had expected. She stood above her sons in picts and holos but sitting opposite her now; it is more than just her size that dominates the room, it’s a sheer presence the recordings can’t do justice and strangely you don’t feel afraid. There is no doubt in your mind that if she wanted to scare you she would have done so already which is why you’re confused. Convincing Sergeant Xantos to let you deploy with his squad during the compliance had been surprisingly easy after the point-blank refusal of every other marine you’d asked; if anything he seemed a little too keen about a remembrancer “wanting to make themself useful.” but once you were in the thick of it and proved you did in fact know the business end of a hellgun he seemed to take a shine to you. The chapter master and company captain however were less impressed, and while Xantos got away with a slap on the wrist you have spent the last week in the brig until an armed escort marched you up to an audience with Lady Hathor.
She smiles as the guards are waved out and takes a seat opposite you. “I have seen the picts from your mission with Sergeant Xantos, Remembrancer. Why did you ask to deploy with him?”
“I asked other’s first. Xantos was the only one who agreed. As for why, well,” you swallow hard, “we remembrancers are supposed to document the great crusade and preserve its memory and that should be both the glory and the dirty work.”
Hathor nods slowly, thinking on what you say rather than dismissing you out of hand like so many others already. “And is this a common sentiment among remembrancers?”“No, ma’am-”
“There’s no need to stand on ceremony. Please, call me Hathor.”
“No… Hathor,” the word feels strange in your mouth as you were told in no uncertain terms that the primarchs were always to be addressed and discussed with utmost respect and you can’t ignore the grin she flashes. “I’m the only one who wanted to capture the battles firsthand.”
“You are a brave one indeed,” She chuckles, “with an eye for the dramatic.”
Across the mirror-polished table she slides a pict, of the midnight sky above a squad of marines being split by daylight. It was the cannon from a distant titan and you couldn’t see it’s target but the long shadows, the heat, and the moment’s weight you captured were well worth the damage to your eye. The medicae said it should heal so long as you don’t stare at any more volcano cannons. ‘Should’ being the operative word in his assessment. Hathor slides more of the developed picts across the granite and they are excellent, if you do say so yourself. Combat stills, moments of humanity among the post-human, and a Warbringer titan’s upper reaches shining brilliantly in the night and smoke, illuminated by the flash of its own cannon and standing proudly as a testament to the unstoppable force of the great crusade.
“We will soon be making the final push of the conquest and then compliance will begin. I would like you to accompany me and capture those decisive moments from a human perspective.”
“I- I would be honoured ma- Hathor.”
Again she smiles, brightly this time and something flutters in your chest as your whole body feels somehow lighter. “Excellent! We will be in the thick of the fighting but worry not, brave remembrancer, the Justairin and I will keep you safe; we can’t have you missing the action. In fact, the armourers will see that you are properly outfitted for the task. We can’t have anything happening to that precious head of yours… or your picter.” Hathor winks playfully, tapping the side of the implant housed where your other eye used to be as she strides toward the door; leaving you scrambling to catch up and thankful she can’t tell how hot your cheeks have turned. Or at least you don’t think she can.
submitted by Mysterious_Wafer425 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:56 IngovilleWrites Bullying and legal rights (in the waning days of the school year)

My son is 16 and is a high school sophomore in Wisconsin. The timing of all of this is horrible. There are only two days of school left, and that's just to take finals, so they aren't even full days.
My son has autism, ADHD, and serious mental health challenges. With a doctor's note, he stopped attending in-person school in early April, and we've been trying to finish his school year, but it's been extremely difficult. He is in the second month of a total mental collapse. He stopped going to school in-person because he was having constant, severe panic attacks.
They would start every day like clockwork during third hour (study hall). This was due to a combination of bullying, and of trememdous anxiety caused by his band director's teaching style. (He's been active in band since 6th grade, and I'm in the school's "band boosters."
We've had struggles with bullying since kindergarten. However, this year has been especially bad. In the past few weeks, the school has stepped up in helping him try to get work done and find ways for him to complete the school year.
However, he has a part-time job at a fast food place (they've been excellent to him in accomodating everything he's going through and supporting him). But one of the bullies works there, too. The manager makes sure they don't work at the same time, but last night my son saw the bully, and had a complete meltdown and panic attack, and had to come home. His dad and I managed to get out of him why this kid upsets him so much. As it turns out, this bully was taunting our son for over a month, calling him a "zoophile" and saying our son "f*cks dogs" He was relentless.
Our son told us this was the main reason he had a complete breakdown and couldn't go to school anymore. This bully is also in band, and plays the same instrument. Our son is likely going to quit band, which is awful, because it's been such a big part of his life (and ours). Also, he was scheduled to go on a trip with the band next spring break, which we'll have to cancel, and I was scheduled to chaperone. Cancellation will cost us $500.
Additionally, our son is going to have to do summer school, because he's failing classes because of all this. Last year he was on the honor roll both semesters.
Do we have any legal recourse regarding this bullying? I know it's been over a month and a half since it happened, but this is criminal behavior. Sexual harassment and sexual intimidation, from what I can tell? If they were adults, we'd be pressing charges and filing for a restraining order.
Is there anything we can do?
submitted by IngovilleWrites to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:56 JakeSullysExtraFinge Kenmore 106.54606300 Coldspot - Diagnostics Mode - Force Defrost

OK, so I suspect something is amiss in my defrost system. Replaced bimetal last night and I can see through the vents it's starting to frost over again.
I figured out that I can enter diagnostics mode by holding the power and filter reset button. Holding the reset button for a bit cycles it through about 6 tests. One of them MUST be a defrost test, but not sure. None of them seem to make the heater glow.
Does anyone know the proper way to force a defrost cycle on a Kenmore 106.54606300 Coldspot?
submitted by JakeSullysExtraFinge to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:56 Boring_Bill2430 Mavs fan coming in peace

Sorry in advance if this isn't the kind of post for this subreddit – given all the shit-talking and toxicity that emerges between fanbases when their teams reach this point, I thought I'd share some thoughts with y'all and wish you good luck in the finals.
The Celtics have been probably my second favorite team in the NBA ever since they drafted Tatum, as I'm a massive Duke fan (along with being a massive Mavs fan). I've been watching Tatum highlights since he was a high school sophomore lol and have rooted for him his whole time in Boston against all the unfair criticism he seems to trigger across NBA media. He's an amazing player. And unlike Kyrie and Zion, he's the star-level player from my school who's just crushed it in all aspects of being a professional since coming to the league.
As such, this finals matchup is the one I hoped wouldn't happen – it's way more enjoyable to dislike the team you're rooting against lol. Y'all have a historically great team and deserve to get over the hump, especially with the endless shit thrown your team's way since the Miami series last year. I sincerely hope you fail to do so, but I can be honest in appreciating the squad you have and the journey the team has been on to get back to the cusp of a championship.
Happy to talk more about the matchup on the court for anyone interested in a Mavs fan's perspective, too. I think this is going 6 or 7 games and has the potential to be an all-time series. Cannot wait for Thursday night. I know I'll find all Celtics fans insufferable starting then, but for now I can be earnest in giving my best wishes lmao
submitted by Boring_Bill2430 to bostonceltics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 Historical_Hunter897 How do I tell someone I slept with, and who is falling in love with me, that I am in a long term relationship?

Hi Reddit. I am in desperate need of advice.
I (30f) have been dating my partner (30m) for 12 years. We occasionally open our relationship for short periods of time (eg one night, a weekend, or the period of time one of us is travelling overseas without the other).
I am currently on a trip to another country and my partner and I are in an open relationship for the period of time that I’m away (2 weeks).
While in this foreign country, I met “Ben” (30m) after both of our travel plans went awry one day and we wound up spending the day together. His English is not the best, and I don’t speak any of his language, but we muddled through (with some help from google translate) and had a fun day together.
The subject of relationships never came up - he didn’t ask about my relationship status and I didn’t offer it.
We ended up going out to dinner in the evening and on the walk back to my hotel Ben kissed me. At that point, I didn’t want to kill the mood by bringing up my boyfriend back home and trying to explain our time dependent open relationship via google translate. Ben and I had sex that night. The next day we were both travelling to different cities and I didn’t expect to ever see him again.
However, a few days later, in a different city, I walked into a restaurant looking for a late night meal after a long day travelling and I ran into Ben again, completely by chance. We slept together again that night and then spent much of the next few days together (both alone and also occasionally with some other people we met while travelling).
When we said goodbye earlier today (as I was leaving for the next part of my trip), Ben started to get teary and suggested he might travel to my home country to visit me, and said we should call each other every day to stay in touch.
Up to this point, Ben and I hadn’t discussed “the future” at all (it was just a holiday fling for me) and I still hadn’t told Ben about my relationship status. I know I fucked up majorly here. By the time I realised Ben had developed deeper feelings for me than I had expected, it was our last night together and, again, I didn’t want to ruin the mood by telling him the woman he thought he was falling in love with was actually in a long term, committed relationship (albeit without there being any “cheating” involved).
I have no idea how Ben would feel about having slept with someone in an open relationship and I feel really guilty for not having said something up front when (or before) he first kissed me, or even when we ran into each other again a few days later. If I had done so, he would have gone into this with his eyes wide open (or could have chosen not to) and it might have prevented him from developing such strong feelings for me over the time we spent together.
Unfortunately, I didn’t tell him, and now I’m in a predicament. After spending so much time with Ben, I care about him, and I want to minimize the pain I cause him in trying to fix this messy situation I’ve created. When I return to my home country I can message Ben as a friend (without violating the bounds of my relationship with my partner) but I definitely can’t and won’t be able to meet Ben’s expectations of frequent texts, longs calls, and sexy video chats. I also think I should give Ben the chance to move on rather than him continuing to hope for something more/ongoing. I also wouldn’t want Ben to book flights to my home country expecting to spend more romantic time with me.
I love my partner and plan to spend the rest of my life with him. The terms we’ve set for our relationship will prevent me from being romantic with Ben in any way once I finish this trip (unless Ben and I happen to be in the same city again next time my partner and I open our relationship, which could be a year or more away, and wouldn’t involve me speaking with Ben romantically in the interim).
I fully expect to be roasted for my shitty choices up to now (I truly feel terrible and I know I’ve not handled this well) but I’m also hopeful I might get some fresh perspectives and suggestions as to:
  1. Whether I should tell Ben about my relationship status now (over the phone/via message given we are no longer in the same city); and
  2. Assuming I do tell Ben (telling him is my strong inclination/preference unless the majority says otherwise), how should I go about breaking the news? What should I say to minimize the pain I cause him?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated! I’m really struggling to come to terms with hurting Ben, though it seems inevitable at this point.
submitted by Historical_Hunter897 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 wintergreen82 Mae Ruined MyLife.mkv

I regularly watch Mae and the gang, it is my favorite thing to do while chowing down on a big bowl of Chipotle. But i think watching Mae has made me lose touch with my thoughts and reality as a whole. I've noticed things where they shouldn't be. Things move without me doing anything. I swear one night my pants were standing up on their own in the corner of my room. Sort of like this. But it was most apparent last night. I had a big end-of-the-year exam the next day so I was trying to catch some sleep early. I was finishing up a vod of a stream I couldn't catch the previous day and was watching it as I brushed my teeth when... it happened. I watched as my reflection in the mirror blinked right in front of me. But I didn't blink, I just stood in shock, pure horror. Mae ruined my Life.MKV
submitted by wintergreen82 to rantdotmkv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 pseudodiver 52 [M4F] Any hardbodies in the Houston, TX area or online?

Do you squat? Are you, or were you, a gymnast or swimmer?
I love athletic women and tight gym clothes. I especially love high cut, one-piece swimsuits. Let’s exchange smoothie recipes, and talk smack about the people who don’t re-rack their weights.
Send me a message you Amazon goddess’s.
p.s. I just came off of night shift and about to fall asleep. Seeing some notifications would be a nice thing to wake up to.
submitted by pseudodiver to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 Utterparrot7432 I had a REALLY scary dream about Danny last night

I had a REALLY scary dream about Danny last night
Alright so before I begin, I haven't watched Danny Gonzalez in a few weeks, nor was he on my mind while falling asleep, so this was totally random.
Alright, on with the dream. So, me and my friends were driving around some random road on a like the side of a cliff. We were looking for a place to watch the sunset, sense it was really pretty that night. We keep looking off to the side, but trees were blocking our vision. Then, we saw a clearing where there was a house. For some reason, we climbed on the roof to watch the sunset, and that's when I saw Danny in the window. I guess he saw me too, which scared me, but he had a big smile on his face and told us to come in. I was really excited cause I'm a big fan, so me and my friends went right in. We sat down and talked for a bit with Danny and his wife, and then went upsairs to play some video games. I was having so much fun until my friends started getting up and going downstairs. (Not like one at a time, but like one would leave every 10 minutes.) I was kinda confused but still was playing video games, Danny and his wife started to leave too, but I stayed there. I waited for a few minutes for them to come back, but they didn't, so I went downstairs. I couldn't find anyone until I started hearing voices from a previously closed door. I thought maybe they were doing something else without me, and I wanted to join. I walked downstairs confused, but I soon saw what was going on. I was HORRIFIED, because Danny was COOKING MY FRIENDS IN A BIG WITCH CAULDRON. Danny and Laura were wearing witch hats and were cackling. I was so scared I woke up. I'm typing this just when I woke up, and I'm still recovering.
This was what I saw down there:
submitted by Utterparrot7432 to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 AmoebaOk1184 weird situationship

i’ve been in a complicated situation with a girl i really like. we started texting two years ago, and things would go well for a while until she blocked me and disappeared. this cycle happened multiple times. we only text, even though we are classmates and never talk in person.
in may 2024, she texted me asking for homework, and we started talking again. one night, she confessed her feelings, but i ignored her because i thought i liked her friend, who also liked me. later, she confronted me about ignoring her, and my feelings for her came back. i had to choose between the two, and i picked her, but she said we couldn’t be together because she was afraid of becoming too attached and it affecting her love life.
she ignored me for a few days, and i thought it was over. she later told me she was in the hospital. while she was there, i texted the other girl, and when she found out, she got jealous but i apologized. so we started texting until late at night again, but then she said it wouldn’t work and blocked me. i was devastated and blamed myself.
recently, she texted me again, apologizing and saying she still loves me. she even wants to go on a date, but we’re both scared since we’ve never talked in real life. also i’m obsessed with her and can’t stop thinking about her. i need advice on how to handle this and ideas for a date to overcome our fear of it being awkward.🙏
submitted by AmoebaOk1184 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 Mrs-Elephant Need help

Need help
For the queen of the night comp I am currently trying to design a look but I want to design model B. It says that I can’t move on to model B until I have a formal hand held but the thing is I only own one formal hand held and it says that model B is using it. I don’t know what to do. I tried resetting and deleating the look but nothing is working. I also don’t want to use gems on another formal hand held because I am saving them up since I am a f2p player. Is there anything I can do?
submitted by Mrs-Elephant to SuitU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 TekNickel23 [H] PayPal, [W] 40k Aeldari, AoS Seraphon, [Loc] WI, US

Hello all!
I'd like to to expand my collection of Aeldari. I'm looking for dark reapers, night spinner, shining spears, and skyweavers. NOS is preferred, but if the minis are in good shape I'll also consider built ones (painted or not).
I am also looking to get into AoS Seraphon via this past year's Primordial Starhost Battleforce (or a similar offer of minis in the 1k point range). Again, NIB or NOS is preferred but not required.
I'm only interested in current plastic minis (no recast, finecast, or OOP please!). Thank you!
submitted by TekNickel23 to Miniswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 ThrowRA192647 Block B…

We lived in the same apartment building, we never formally met but over time we got to know each other casually. What were the odds of moving in here and months later, she did so too.
We never hung out, we just passed each other by occasionally and greeted, helped with mundane neighborly things.. we had each other on social media but I wasn’t curious about her.
It was only a hear and a half after we met, I had a crush on her, and she funnily enough messaged me asking about my career, and how to get into it, what it involved, how much it costs etc, I gave her the whole explanation and took my chance on offering her a chance to experience what I do firsthand. Surprisingly she said yes. Literally took her the next day to where I worked and showed her everything. She was overjoyed with happiness and enjoyed all of it. I offered to have a drink afterwards which she declined. We were very casual thereafter and went about our days, but we kept in slight contact.. as friends would..
A month or so went by the December holidays came up and she was leaving for the month, so she came up with a plan to have drinks with her, and her roommate before she left, it was a nice evening again, as friends.. it was only when she returned in January that we spoke again, and she had gone through a minor medical procedure which had her at home for a couple days, and as anyone would, I offered to bring her dinners, or anything from a shop if I stopped on the way home. Just to make it easier on her. This happened a few times, and it was just a nice gesture from my side.
Couple weeks go by and we bumped into each other when I was going out one night and she asked if she could join, I of course accepted as I wanted to spend time with her, we did so a few times and I guess a slight bind was formed and we began talking regularly, seeing each other often, almost every night at my place.
I asked her to dinner and she declined saying she didn’t want to do anything “romantic” so we just hang out at home, takeaways occasionally and some drinks.. we made out on a drunken night and the next day her entire mood changed and became distant. When I asked about why she kept quiet and avoided me, her response was that she doesn’t want to date because she’s changing careers and will be moving abroad so I said okay we’ll just move on from this and continue on our own ways..
A week went by and she reached out asking for help, which I did and this whole “situationship” if you want to call it started again, we became closer, and actually went on dates and became a bit more intimate, but never slept with each other, although she did spend a night or two at my place. This continued for weeks and when I expressed my feelings toward her, she became cold again and completely shut me out. For the second time. I was confused as we were acting like a couple, and I knew she didn’t want anything more but acted differently. We didn’t speak for a while after that and I had left the country for a job interview, she knew about this and messaged me when I arrived asking if I was safe etc, and she had claimed she misses me and wanted me to hurry back home. We spoke every day, things fell quickly back into our routine and I did genuinely think that she had feelings for me this time. When I returned back home I saw her that night and we made out, cuddled, spoke a lot and from that day onward we saw each other every day, went out together, met each others friends and siblings, we had a lot of fun. We eventually slept together, and things carried on beautifully. I didn’t think she wouldn’t have been keen on a relationship by this point.
I did a huge amount for her during this time, I drove her to friends far away, I picked her up from weddings late at night, I made sure she was taken care off in the best way I knew how. She was still leaving to try get a job abroad but we made the most of our time and even considered long distance.
This last month, she was in another city do complete some training for her new career, in which we still remained close and very romantic. I asked if I could see her on the last weekend and we can return home together. She agreed, I booked flights and a hotel for us and spent a very quiet and somewhat awkward time together. I knew at this point things were going to turn.
When we arrived back home, she messaged me saying “we knew this was never going to work, she was clear from the start, and she can’t keep assuring me when things aren’t okay, you’re a great man and deserve the world”
And that was that. I got a bit annoyed and for the first time I showed that I was annoyed, I replied saying how ungrateful she seemed toward everything and toward me. I was blocked on every platform shortly after and then haven’t heard from her since.
I don’t know what to make of it.
I found out that each time she had “left me” she had been on a date with another person, which obviously didn’t work out, and she always came back.
I dont regret doing all I did for her, because that’s just me as a person, but the lack of appreciation and how easy it is to get thrown to the curb… I will be truly honest in saying I didn’t do anything wrong. I was always there for her, I supported her in everything she did, I hyped her up all the time. If she was down, I picked her up. If she had a bad day, I made sure to comfort her and make sure she would end the day happier.
I don’t know how to move on from this one.
submitted by ThrowRA192647 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:53 chikaku824 Bf (20M) acts different/off when back home. I (19F) am struggling with it. How can I deal/cope with it?

Hey all! Some background information: I’ve been dating my bf for 7 months met at college, when he’s back home he lives about 2 hours away from me. He recently went on summer break and will be back home for 3 months. Distance isn’t a huge deal as we’re going to be visiting every 1-2 weeks and hang out for a day.
However when he’s back home he just becomes off and starts acting slightly different. I noticed this when he went home for winter break as well. When he’s back home little things change. He doesn’t seem as loving when he talks and messages me (despite me knowing he loves me), I have to be the one always making plans to visit or asking to call or game on certain nights so we can spend time together. His whole demeanor just shifts. He’s not mean but just not as loving as he usually is and it throws me off and makes me super anxious. I don’t know what could be causing this. I’ve brought it up to him the other day and he was very reassuring and said he doesn’t feel any different and doesn’t notice a change. However I do and it’s killing me. I’m struggling to adjust and cope with it. It would help me if there was a reason he was acting this way (work, stress, etc.) but there’s not, at least not that he’s aware of. How can I stop my overthinking and cope/adjust to him being like this for the summer?
TLDR: whenever bf is home from college over breaks he acts different but says he doesn’t feel any different or notice anything.
submitted by chikaku824 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 RubberAce I had a dream last night where i got a golden colour changing nintendo switch lite with two games on it, one was called Bubbley Toad D*ck hunter, and the other had Pacman on it pointing at Jaiden Animations on top of Burj Khalifa with Peppa Pig logo on top, with only for game boy advance down...

I had a dream last night where i got a golden colour changing nintendo switch lite with two games on it, one was called Bubbley Toad D*ck hunter, and the other had Pacman on it pointing at Jaiden Animations on top of Burj Khalifa with Peppa Pig logo on top, with only for game boy advance down...
There were teletubbies in The toad game and that vaccum cleaner was evil, it also had sonic on it but he didn't appear ingame and the colors were all blue and pink.
submitted by RubberAce to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 2KWT I loathe seeing most champions in my games, is there even a point on trying to keep playing?

Friday night I played some League with my friends and I just fucking loathed every single second of it, why? Because of the characters, first game I pick Aatrox R5 thinking I was going vs Olaf, and then I have a Heimerdinger on my screen. We won the game but every single second was unbearable, dealing with the poke, Ignite, being perma pushed. Then going out of laning phase and having to see one of my friends sprint it down like 99% of games, seeing that Samira character, how do people lose lane against this thing? I don't know, but it happens and often, and it turns the game into hell.
Next game I get counterpicked, Kled vs Sett, time to get stat checked. Friend runs it down like 99% of games and we lose, but it drags on till 35 minutes because my other friend felt like picking Smolder. So now I just have to sit in a game vs Sett-Jax and wait until Smolder dies in the correct timing for the enemy team to finish.
Then today I decide to queue soloq, enemy top picks Trynda, time to get stat checked. My mid picks Caitlyn and goes 2 lvls down at 10 minutes without jungler intervention, then I have to pretend like he was not inting and these ''quirky'' picks are fine. Just like I had full AP Amumu last time I decided to play soloq, or that time I got lethality Jinx support two games in a row and then I choked on a bottle of copium, because losersq does not exist.
Basically, anytime I feel like playing League and I get into a lobby, I see like 80% of characters and instantly remember why I haven't played lately, they range from mildly annoying to outright absolutely boring to play against outside very specific scenarios where your team counters the champ, which never happens with a Jinx supp and Cait mid.
Only kind of champ that does not annoy me are most marksmen (played in bot) because they have 0 impact and deal no damage unless botlane is a stomp from minute 2.
I thought the problem was toplane, but then I played support and felt the same dread, but now assassins are even more annoying and unfun to play against.
submitted by 2KWT to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 Local_Jellyfish7554 I hate my dad.

I truly hate my dad. It’s not just that I hate him; it's that I can't wait till he dies. I wouldn’t do it myself, but if I found out he was murdered or brutally attacked, I wouldn’t care. I won't go to his funeral when he dies. What brings this up is my recent birthday and that Father’s Day is this month the realization that he was never there for any of them. He was never around while I was growing up. He's an addict. His parents were willing to send him to rehab, but he wouldn’t go, and they didn’t force him. They just let him do whatever he wanted while living with them. That’s a whole other story.
Anyway, no matter how many times he disappointed me or didn’t keep his promise to see me or show up for anything like birthdays and holidays (he once called me to wish himself a happy Father's Day because he thought I forgot), I always just let it happen again and again. My mom was always there for me when I cried. She would always tell me, “I’m sorry he did this to you, but he’s not a good guy, and he will always disappoint you.” I never learned. I kept trying, but in 2010, my brother died while my dad was in prison. After that, my dad became more present in my life, especially after he got out. I finally had a father-daughter relationship. He was sober, and I was happy, but my mom kept reminding me, “He’s not a good guy, and I don’t want him to hurt you again.” She knew it would be worse as I was 17 at this point.
He relapsed a couple of years after he got out, like the same week he got off probation. We (my sibling & I) had given him a chance, told our mom he had changed, and it was different this time. But the day he relapsed, I saw the man/monster my mom always warned me about. He went off on me and said things that scared me; I thought he would get violent. Then he called my sister, went off on her, and threatened to kill my dog and kick my ass. Everything he was mad about, he was guilty of himself. He told me I wasn’t doing anything with my life after I graduated high school, just working and living with my mom, while he got his GED in prison at the age of 51, didn’t have a job, and lived with his mom. His brother was paying him to “care” for their mom.
We cut off contact, obviously. When my mom died, despite us telling a family friend not to tell him, she went and told him. His response was, “Where is she buried? I want to go piss on her grave.” He blamed my mom, saying she was the one with a drug problem, not him didn’t didn’t abandon our family, and that he was trying to protect us. My mom was a single mom of three kids, working two jobs and going to college at night.
This past year, in 2023, he reached out after eight years (we stopped talking in 2015) to tell us he had cancer and was thinking about us and missed us. Eight years without contact or anything. I got his number and texted him, calling him out on his shit (screenshots of the convo). But with Father’s Day coming up, I want to text him from a different number and say something like, “Hey, just checking if you're dead yet. Fingers crossed that you are. Fuck you.” I’m not going to take the higher ground. Screw him. But I want some ideas of things I could say to him.
submitted by Local_Jellyfish7554 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 chikaku824 Bf (20M) acts different/off when back home. I (19F) am struggling with it. How can I deal/cope with it?

Hey all! Some background information: I’ve been dating my bf for 7 months met at college, when he’s back home he lives about 2 hours away from me. He recently went on summer break and will be back home for 3 months. Distance isn’t a huge deal as we’re going to be visiting every 1-2 weeks and hang out for a day.
However when he’s back home he just becomes off and starts acting slightly different. I noticed this when he went home for winter break as well. When he’s back home little things change. He doesn’t seem as loving when he talks and messages me (despite me knowing he loves me), I have to be the one always making plans to visit or asking to call or game on certain nights so we can spend time together. His whole demeanor just shifts. He’s not mean but just not as loving as he usually is and it throws me off and makes me super anxious. I don’t know what could be causing this. I’ve brought it up to him the other day and he was very reassuring and said he doesn’t feel any different and doesn’t notice a change. However I do and it’s killing me. I’m struggling to adjust and cope with it. It would help me if there was a reason he was acting this way (work, stress, etc.) but there’s not, at least not that he’s aware of. How can I stop my overthinking and cope/adjust to him being like this for the summer?
TLDR: whenever bf is home from college over breaks he acts different but says he doesn’t feel any different or notice anything.
submitted by chikaku824 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]