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Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

2016.12.15 05:51 antitrypsin Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

A place for support and discussion about everything related to the genetic disorder alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (A1AD).

2022.02.14 18:49 Speco7 Wuthering Waves Official

The official subreddit for Wuthering Waves — a story-rich open-world action RPG launching worldwide May 22. Awakened on Solaris-3, a vast world of endless possibilities awaits. Meet companions, conquer enemies and behold unseen spectacles. Follow the sounds to reclaim your lost memories and surmount the Lament.

2009.09.29 02:30 Rick-Deckard iOS Jailbreak (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV)

This subreddit is for any and all iOS jailbreaking news, questions, etc. Got a question about iOS jailbreaking? You're in the right place! For additional jailbreak help, join our Discord at https://discord.gg/jb.

2024.05.20 07:58 Boycandy Unstable system/crashes

Two months ago, I built a new computer. It ran smoothly until last week.
Just followed the instructions as I went along with the setup and installation process. (Asus A.I overclock, with the default settings for that.) XMP on/off makes no difference to the issues, but it is on. 6000, 1.35v. Tried 6400, 1.4v, no difference.
Tried some fixes
I have no clue what to do next... Is it the CPU? (There are similar cases with other 14900Ks) Not sure how to further diagnose the RAM.
I use the machine for work (Rendering, music production, A.I stuff), heavy on GPU/VRAM, CPU, and RAM. Weather's been warmer, so I'm afraid that the CPU might have fried a bit.
Are there other tests I can do? What SHOULD I do?
submitted by Boycandy to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:30 rdk67 Spring Day 61: Hot Cicada Sunday

Today! Today issued forth these existential moments, when the absence of human activity is the defining feature of the landscape – not because there is a disaster or a change of heart about the human project but because, well, I don’t know, so I grab my backpack, which stands for aspects of the soul that only sprout in alternate realities – and charge into the day to find out. By noon, the heat is like a flickering color in the mind – unseasonably early for this sort of highlight, and then I remember the cicadas are appearing, which might explain the sudden interest by the rest of the universe. Not halfway down the block, I’m startled by the first cicada of the season – near the top of the tallest tree by the building that houses the renowned music program. The cicada makes music all by itself, and it is like a siren made of clicks, a drumstick pulled across bones.
This is just the beginning of the historical emergence, and the location where I live is one of the nationally recognized hot spots. The people, I don’t believe, have evacuated, but they certainly aren’t rubbing their hands over the trembling earth, waiting for bulging eyes and knobby legs to drag a dirt-stained cicada out of the ground, then off to a place to molt. The molting process is brimming with the sort of metaphor we associate with heaven – something below ground for its whole remembered life, save for a brief time after it hatches, falls out of a tree and into the grass, crawls down into the soil to find a tasty dandelion root to suck on. That original body, on the brightest day of the year, goes searching for a hard vertical surface to cling to, like the side of the tree it was feeding on, then escapes out of its body through the hind end of its own skull.
The heat seems to have its own sense of choice in evidence. While I’m standing there, listening for more clicks, the heat generates a crackling sensation across my shoulders, like patches of my skin are sparkling below my shirt. The clouds – more of those cumulonimbus dreams-come-true – are simultaneously isles and aisles – two bulging eyes – both work, so whichever, either one a somewhat brawny pronunciation, like the words have to walk with a slight bow about the legs, because of the pronounced thigh muscles. Just as I turn to walk away from the lone cicada at the top of the school of music’s tallest tree, the clicking begins again. I stop and turn back to the tree – it stops. I turn to walk, and the clicking sounds again. Maybe the cicada brood will be so large, the movie we call reality has given them final cut, at least for the next few months, so I carry on.
That cicada was a female – they make that clicking sound by rubbing their wings together, and I picture the males all hearing the clicking as a variation of – could some big strong male crawl on over and open this jar for me? The male call is the more familiar whooping siren, which is made with a spasmodic diaphragm on their abdomens – Jerry Lee Lewis at his most raucous – though I believe he did play piano with his feet, so there are dissimilarities, too. The big winners will be the birds and fish, which are looking forward to extra animal protein wherever they look for the next couple of months, second nesting seasons all but in the bag. At the height of his fame, Jerry Lee famously wedded his 13-year-old cousin. Myra Williams was her name, and she said later, after the divorce, she was always the adult in the relationship. They stayed married for 13 years.
Scientists speculate that cicada broods follow such irregular cycles – 7 years, 13 years, 17 years – because they are prime numbers and therefore difficult for predators to sync to over time in the performance of their own boom and bust cycles. I like this theory, though I wonder why the rest of the animal kingdom hasn’t likewise worked the numbers – like cicadas launched themselves into a probabilistic deep-space orbit inside the mind of nature, and never looked back. I picture Neil Armstrong on the ladder of the lunar module, freezing in place, mission command busy on the radio but no reply from Neil until, all wet and new, he bursts forth through the back of his space helmet, as naked as the day he was born, gets busy inflating his wing casings, as mission control cheers, and the scientists all light cigarettes to relieve the stress, maybe hand out cigars.
The heat is a measure of energy in the system – to the extent it also accounts for human absence, we stay huddled inside on hot days like today due to chronic overabundance – nature is giving us too much – which is also true for many allergies and fevers – but with the overabundance of energy, you can find relief through the judicious application of even more energy, which option I used to always forego on general principle – I want to feel the reality of days overabundant as surely as days where the molecules are all optimally excited. These days, I’m in charge of a mid-sized HVAC operation, and thus, feel part of my body living inside a factory of probability that stretches around the world. We humans, on days like today, take it as a given that temperature-controlled climates are part of the deal, that molecules should be in optimal states of excitement.
Which, with self-similarity across scale in mind, might suggest nature treat our excitability with similar regard. Oh to live the life of temperate climes, where fairness and passion are concerned! I’m on my way to the library to borrow a book about love and rage, written by a Buddhist, who examines the roll of anger in transformation. I have no truck with my fellow human sufferers – literally no anger at all – but with human systems? Disembodied intelligences? Those aspects of the hyperform that privilege torment and indifference? When it climbs to a high enough part of the tree to be heard, I can indeed hear my anger. What’s that? A false reality precipitates false authority? Yet knowing this, hyperforms readily believe wealth confers merit. The exaggerated accumulation of capital is an existential disease assuaged with the delusion of personal success.
A block from the library, I come upon two boys playing in a pile of sand beside a garden. The one boy seems to be trying to burrow inside it, and the other is battering the sand with the flat side of a child-sized metal shovel. He has the wrong shovel for the job, a fact I choose to keep to myself, especially since the one really is trying to thwack the tall pile just as hard as he can. The sort of thing kids do in a spirit of curiosity – what happens to the world when the force of one’s anger is applied to a giant pile of sand? Perhaps the urge to use force for no reason is the human behavior we end up with when ambient energy gets so overabundant. This is what life seems to be – the planet’s novel approach to dissipating heat. We are much more than that, of course, and fortunately, the kids have plenty of time and energy to prove it. Their parents tell them to stop.
When a cicada molts, the effect is more than just a body crawling out of a body – for instance, in the moments before this happens, the cicada is visibly squirming inside its former self, which is permanently clinging to the side of a tree, and all the while, it is feeling the pronounced effect of gravity for the first time in its life, not to mention terrestrial life in the trees, where the sap flows freely and sunshine dances on those giant globular eyes for the first time. Emerging cicadas first do a backbend, then hang upside down by their hind ends, letting the legs, wings and abdomen inflate and adjust to the atmospheric pressure, which pressure gracefully draws the body back to an upright posture. They stay that way, letting their wings inflate, flatten out, stiffen. Veins in the wings were veins, were flesh, before the flesh became the will to fly, a means of saying hello.
Nearer the library, I catch sight of someone squatting in the subsurface terrace of the Unitarian-Universalist peace church – I spot a bedroll and backpack, a forty-ounce can of something cold to drink on such a sweltering day. The guy is leaning against the brick wall, staring into space, and I picture him being the pile of sand from the block before – the one repeatedly hit over the head with the flat side of a shovel. At the library, they’re resetting the furniture after a musical performance. I don’t really know who it was – I just see my favorite librarian thanking someone with a violin case, the sort of hardened case they used to carry machine guns around in, and for a moment I hear the rat-a-tat-tat that stands for the sound of anger overcoming us – but then it becomes that highest cicada, back at the top of her tree, rubbing her wings, building railroads.
The heat on the walk home – neighborhoods still evacuated – is like a drunken horse I’m forced to ride. I can feel my body swaying from side to side a little more than usual, so I try to imagine some other time – for instance, when our bodies will be able to take the heat on a day like today and do something with it – cranial stimulation or micromachines to repair the body or even just a way for the body to stay cool without installing an HVAC system. A crow stops me cold when I hear it imitating the sound of a cicada – it doesn’t have the tone exactly right, but it’s doing the clicks, and I know this is true of crows – they acquire new elements of language from what they hear, and the crows must be hearing female cicadas calling out to the others. What a witness! I call up to the crow – or maybe it’s just got a cicada in its beak. In instant reply, the crow shrieks.
submitted by rdk67 to MetaphysicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:15 Hefty-Fee-1669 My neighbour is threatening to end my life

[EDIT- possible TW for mention of sa, and death threats]
Not really sure where to begin, but I (F19) am being harassed, stalked, threatened & more by my neighbours. For context I live on a street of flat/apartment buildings, in my building there is me, one man (irrelevant), and another woman in her late 30s. 2 doors down is the other neighbours (early 40s, late 50s, and mid 40s).
All four of these neighbours, plus one of the neighbours daughters (early 30s) have taken it upon themselves to harass me and attempt to get me evicted. I moved here almost a year ago, they have all been here 10+ years so are close knit.
The woman in my actual apartment building, I will call Susan for the sake of not confusing you too much, is the main issue, as well as 'Amy' the woman in her early 40s. Amy is constantly making up lies anout me to other neighbours to the point I've had them threaten me in the street, despite never speaking to them ever.
I have 48 minutes of audio recordings of Susan threatening to kll me, break into my flat, kll my dog, smash my windows in, skin myself and my dog alive, set fire to my flat when my dog is left home alone, and even worse things along the lines of making up false r*pe allegations to get me arrested which I won't go into (which are all obviously untrue).
Susan is constantly banging on my doors, ringing my buzzer, putting her phone up to my windows to record me in my bedroom, and I even had a dr*g dealer barge through my front door and sleep on my sofa, refusing to leave for over 7 hours, threatening me if I called the police to get him removed.
I have had a man (she prstitutes herself to drg dealers, for context) leave her flat to come and tell me that she is attempting to convince/hire the group of men in her flat to break into mine or beat me up on the street to 'teach me a lesson'.
I have severe PTSD from a similar situation involving DV and SA, and also suffer from extreme paranoia due to OCD & Bipolar so this has taken a huge toll on my mental state, I don't sleep most nights because my brain convinces me that if I even close my eyes for a few seconds someone is going to break in, or set fire to my flat.
I have reported this to our landlord and the police, neither will do anything because I am not in 'immediate danger'. I do now have an open police report against her and 'Amy' though, in case anything does happen.
Amy and I used to be friends of Facebook before she started harassing me and telling lies to others, so she had access to my friends list on there. She went through all my FB friends to private message them and make up lies, saying I was talking behind their backs and telling my male frienfs I was making false claims about SA, which never happened and I never said.
This has gotten so bad that family members have reached out to me, I have lost friends, and Amy has dedicated entire catfish social media accounts just to stalk me, even joining all the Facebook groups I'm in to watch everything I post. She also watches me on her Ring doorbell camera, and posts clips of me walking past her house (I have to walk past it to leave our street) to her Facebook, and will even stand outside watching and waiting for me to leave my building so she can throw drinks and cigarettes at me as I walk past (we don't have front yards, so the distance between us is only around 1-2ft) and verbally assault me.
I'm at a loss on what to do, I can't afford to move elsewhere, our landlord is ignoring my complaints, and police won't do anything until she physically assaults me.
I just need advice on what to do to be honest, I'm so tired of it all
submitted by Hefty-Fee-1669 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:09 CringeyVal0451 Married Mary (Part 11): WAR

A few days later my phone buzz-chirped. I opened my messages to find several pics of Dennis' Jeep, a blurry mess of lights, and a final shot of Dennis leaning back in the driver's seat with his eyes closed and his junk out and at attention. And there was a caption.
"Consider us EVEN."
I saw red. The possibility of finding peaceful contentment with Whisky was a distant memory. A figment of my imagination. I wanted blood. I wanted to slap Mary's fat fucking face senseless. I wanted to rat her out to Chuck. I was livid. Angry heat spread from my sternum to my shoulders, and the sharp sting of wrath radiated through my being. I rang Mary.
Mary: How does it feel, bitch?
I couldn't make words. I was shaking. My head was spinning. All I could muster was a meek little, "Why???"
Mary: You owed me.
Me: Mary, I'm not screwing Whiskers. And how did you even FIND Dennis? Do you even LIKE him?
Mary: Totes! He's soooooo cute! We banged it out five or six times in his car, and then he told me to lie down in the parking lot. And then he pissed all over my titties! It was soooo hot!
Me: I don't believe you. Dennis is into some pervy-ass shit. But not piss.
Mary: Well, he told me you were too vanilla to do anything fun.
Me: YEAH. I didn't wanna get butt-blasted without a rubber by a guy who couldn't even be bothered to show up when we had plans. That's not being vanilla. That's having self-respect.
Mary: Guys don't like girls who make a big deal about self-respect. It's a major turn-off. That's why I get so much more boom-boom than you do. Hey! Now that we're done fighting, you can pick me up and take me out for sushi! I'll teach you how to make men happy and then you'll owe me dinner. I obviously pleased Dennis when you couldn't.
Words failed me yet again. I shouted a much, much filthier version of, "GO SCREW," hung up on her, put on my sneakers, and ran aimlessly through my neighborhood until I almost collapsed. Once I trudged back home, I smoked a shit-ton of cigarettes and drank a shit-ton of vodka (for me, which was like... three shots) and really did collapse.
Up to this point, I felt like I had been patient with Mary. More patient than she deserved. I probably hadn’t done her any favors by allowing her to behave like a fucking maniac while I did nothing more than gently suggesting alternative behaviors. I still wanted to have faith in her ability to grow (emotionally). But all of that came crashing down. For some reason, my formerly improved sense of self-respect crashed as well...
I texted Whisky, planned to meet him at his townhouse, and successfully banged him. It was absolutely a hate bang even though I didn't hate Whisky at all (yet). I'd never engaged in hate-fueled intimacy before. I didn't realize those two states could co-exist like that. As reluctant as I am to admit it, it was cathartic. And it was also admittedly unfair to Whisky because he had no idea what was happening. I had just used him to make myself feel marginally better about a guy I guess I still had some kind of feelings for.
In case I've been unclear, I'm fully acknowledging that my actions were immature, inconsiderate, and indefensible. Don't bang somebody just because you're mad at somebody else, kids. Nobody wins. Well, it might feel like winning for a short time. It's NOT. It's bad behavior. And I absolutely hold myself accountable. Did I deserve to get verbally abused by the psycho neckbeard lurking behind the mask of the man I’d just hate-banged? No. Unequivocally, NO. But would Whisky have been well within his rights to dump me in a spectacular fashion if he’d realized what I was doing in that moment? Abso-freakin-lutely. Hell, I would have totally deserved it if he’d booted me out of his house butt-naked and screamed insults from the window. An isolated hurling of insults is not the same thing as chronic verbal maltreatment within the context of a relationship. But that's a serious topic that feels out of place in this story.
So instead of calling me on my crap and giving my butt the boot, Whisky remained oblivious to what was going on in my misguided mind and took the hate bang to mean that our relationship had just gone to the next level. And he became even sweeter and more affectionate towards me. This made my skin crawl because all my feelings for Dennis (both good and bad) had just come flooding back with a vengeance. I had no idea what to do with them. Part of me wanted Dennis to hug me and apologize. Part of me wanted to punch him in the dick. Part of me wanted Whisky to hug me and assure me that I had value as a human being even if some Golden God hadn’t chosen me to be his partner. And then part of me wanted to snap at Whisky every time he touched me. "You're NOT the one I want, Asshat!!!!!!!"
But the truth was... I didn't really want Dennis anymore. I mean... I wanted him in theory, but I didn't want the real version. He was a flake. He was nasty. I couldn't wrap my head around his inconsistent, albeit devout, spiritual beliefs. He was indeed a braggadocious butthead. I suspected that he wasn't even a very nice person beneath his affable veneer. Even so, I was irrationally irate with Mary for deliberately stalking him and seducing him. Did she really think that would make me look at my relationship with Whisky differently? I hadn't stalked him. I hadn't even pursued him. In fact, I'd rejected him several times (albeit not out of respect for Mary). How are these two situations alike??? What am I failing to see here??? Maybe I was the villain. I certainly wasn't innocent. But neither was Mary.
I mean... Mary was friggin’ MARRIED. And she'd been going around blabbing indelicately about all her supremely nasty boom-boom (whether real or fabricated) with Whiskers, Scumbanger, Tech Guy, Artistic Director, and the Hoggs. How the living, breathing, God-forsaken FUCK had she decided that she was entitled to sexy time with my (former?) crush just because I was dating ONE of the innumerable guys she’d stalked once upon a time???? Gaaaahhhhhhhhh!
And then it got even worse. Dennis was almost finished with his graduate program and was planning to move to New York that summer, while I still had another two years to go (counting the internship). But we both worked in the Neuropharmacology Lab that semester, so I still had to see him every week. Even though nothing had happened between us in a long, long time, I never knew if Dennis was going acknowledge my presence or look right through me. The power of invisibility isn't all it's cracked up ti be. But the next time I saw him, following the Mary tryst, he very deliberately approached me and said in an almost apologetic tone, "Val? Can we please talk after lab?" I nodded.
He asked me to get in his car, but I couldn't stand the thought of sitting in the ghost of Mary's snail trail. I insisted that we sit in my car, and he didn't protest. The familiar scent of mandarins and mountain air wafted through my Prius as I steeled myself for a confrontation.
Dennis: I think your friend stalked me...
Me: The crazy bitch with the big boobs?
Dennis: Yeah... She messaged me on Facebook and she was talking like you'd told her about me and thought we should hang out. I said we should call you and invite you to come along, but she said you had a boyfriend. Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: I'm dating someone. But what does it matter?
Dennis: Oh. I guess it doesn't. Anyway, I met her at this 24-hour diner. She drank like... ten beers even though I told her I don't drink. She kept talking about her cat or something...
Me: Whiskers?
Dennis: Yeah.
Me: That's a guy. She used to have a thing for him.
Dennis: That’s a guy’s name??? Weird. Well, anyway... She got all sloppy and literally started doing mouth stuff to me under the table.
My stomach turned and my blood boiled. "I don't need to hear that. She already told me all about your night. She sent me pictures of your dick and she told me how you peed on her in the parking lot."
Dennis: She said I WHAT??? Babe! Er. Um. Val! I would never do that.
I gave him a skeptical stare.
Dennis: Hand to God! I didn't pee on her. But, wait... She took pictures of my stuff???
I took out my phone and showed him the pic. Dennis blushed ferociously and looked away. Finally, he said quietly, "I'm so ashamed of myself."
I sighed. "You're always ashamed of yourself. That's why I stopped fooling around with you. It felt like you were ashamed of me, too."
Dennis: Babe! No. I just have to get right with God.
Me: Well, have you talked to God about Mary?
Dennis: I'm not ready for that one yet. I feel dirty. Like... dirtier than usual.
Me: Well, now I feel kind of guilty. She's mad at me because I'm dating a guy she used to have a crush on. She went after you because she knew I used to have a crush on you.
Dennis: You had a crush on me??? For real?
At first, I scoffed (thinking he was being sarcastic). Then I looked at his wide eyes and realized that he might have actually been that clueless.
Me: Yes, Dennis. I massively had a crush on you. You knew that. But I was apparently too vanilla for you, according to Mary.
Dennis: What??? Babe! I never said you were vanilla. I said you were classier than her.
Me: Well... Thank you? If that really is what you said to her, I appreciate that.
Dennis (striking his version of a smoldering pose): So. Uh... You still have a crush on me?
Me: I think I'll always wonder what could have been if we were each just... slightly different people. But I had to move on. I knew you didn't like me in that way, and it wasn't fair to either of us.
Dennis: Well, for what it's worth, I wish it had been your mouth the other night.
I finally smiled a little bit. I wished the same thing. But I didn't say that out loud.

Oddly enough, having that somewhat respectful, somewhat reassuring conversation with Dennis quelled my anger at Mary... a little. Don't get me wrong; I was still pissed and I never let her get close to me again after that. But I also never made a big, dramatic show of telling her off. In my mind, that would have invited more unnecessary drama. By tacitly distancing myself and henceforth keeping her at arm's length, she wasn't able to freak out over anything and I was able to keep her out of my business.
Years and years later, even now that Mary is a functional person with a healthy BMI, and much better manners (most of the time), she is still wont to bring up her tryst with Dennis. While I genuinely applaud her for putting in the work and making some sensible changes, I'll never be super buddy-buddy with her again. The fact that she still throws Dennis in my face to this very day makes me suspect that there remains a touch of cray in her gray matter.
And where Whisky was concerned, I had finally felt some sense of closure with Dennis after the aforementioned talk. So I leaned into a new relationship. And it was fine at first. Not super hot, but also not super weird. Having learned from my disgusting mistake, I know that I tend to get tempted to speculate about incredibly offensive crap regarding Funky Whisky whenever his behavior is unremarkable and not in keeping with the delightfully repulsive tone that this audience tends to enjoy. So I'll end this chapter here. In the next proper installment, I'll finally shed some light on The Goblinization. But before I wrap things up, I need to write a one-off about The Pie Guy and bring back some classic cringe!
submitted by CringeyVal0451 to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:35 chemistryML [US-PA] [H] Osume Dalgona x Aurora Ikki68 bundle, Mode Envoy, Cycle7, QK75, Neo65, Bauer lite, Cerakeys Ceramic Keycaps, Gateron ink blacks v2, Silent Gecko, Osume Matcha [W] Paypal

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/6rmyzDV
Prefer to sell in bundle or as built so shoot me a PM!
Osume Dalgona x Aurora Ikki68 Bundle
Mode Envoy White with copper accent and copper weight
TKD Cycle 7 Crow (Black)
Neo65 Green
QK75 anodized blue + dusk sandblasted PVD
Bauer lite Phantom
Cerakeys Ceramic Keycap Set V2
70x Gateron ink blacks v2
90x Silent Gecko
Osume Matcha keycaps + novelties
PBT Hello World keycaps
submitted by chemistryML to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:28 airlineshelp24 Delta airlines cancellation policy

When booking a flight, unforeseen circumstances can sometimes arise. Due to this, we need to changes or cancellations our travel plans. Delta Airlines understands this, and that’s why they have a well-defined cancellation policy. In this post, we will clear your all doubts about Delta airlines cancellation policy 2024. Apart from this, we also explain you how to avoid paying cancellation fees if you purchase a non refundable ticket.

What Is Delta’s Cancellation Policy?

Delta’s Cancellation policy is a term and conditions that decide when people cancel their flight and get a refund or when they don’t. This policy depends on various conditions that we will discuss in this article.

Delta Airlines Cancellation Policy To Get Full Refunds

Here we give some points for what Delta airlines gives you a full refund when you cancel your flight. Please check them.

Delta Flight Cancellation Policies

Every airlines has different cancellation policies. Here, we give some cancellation policies of Delta airlines, please check them.

24-Hour Cancellation Policy

The first cancellation policy that we discuss is 24-hour cancellation policy. Delta’s 24-hour cancellation policy is one of the most generous in the industry. If you cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking, you will get full refund without incurring any cancellation fees.
This policy applies to all Delta-marketed and Delta-operated flights, including codeshare flights.

Delta Weather Cancellation Policy

If your flight is cancelled due to bad weather then in such case you will get a full refund of your ticket.

Refundable Tickets

Refundable tickets are more expensive than non-refundable tickets but if you have purchased a refundable ticket, you can cancel your flight at any time before departure and receive a full refund of the ticket cost. This offers you greater flexibility.

Non-Refundable Tickets

If you have a non-refundable ticket and want to cancel it then don’t worry you can also cancel it and get a refund. Although for non-refundable tickets, Delta airlines charges a cancellation fee but you can get a refund if you decide to cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking.

Changes And Rebooking

If you want to change your travel dates or destination, Delta allows you to make changes to your non-refundable ticket. But airlines apply change fee The change fee and fare difference will depend on your fare class and the specifics of your new itinerary.
To get any information about Delta airlines cancellation policy, call Delta Airlines help support number +1-888-918-5556 and get the best solution for Delta airlines cancellation.

Travel Credits

If you choose to cancel your non-refundable ticket outside of the 24-hour cancellation period, Delta may offer you a travel credit for the value of your ticket, minus any applicable cancellation fees. This travel credit can be used towards future Delta flights within a specified validity period.

Delta Airlines Cancellation Fee

The cancellation fee is depends on what type of ticket you have and when you cancelled it. There are three types of tickets which are;
Basic economy tickets: these tickets are most restrictive.
Non-refundable tickets: Such tickets have some restrictions.
Refundable tickets: Such types of tickets are most flexible.

How To Cancel Your Delta Flight Tickets?

You can cancel your Delta flight using three different ways: by phone, online, and at Delta airlines sales counter. Here, we will tell you all three ways to cancel your Delta flight so that you can easily cancel your Delta flight without any hassle.

By Phone

If you want to cancel your flight using phone then you can easily do this. Call the Delta airline office of your city/country. You can also cancel your flight ticket by calling travel agent if you book your ticket from any travel agent.

Delta Airlines Cancellation Online

If you want to know how to cancel Delta airlines online then don’t worry here we give some simple steps by following them you can easily cancel your Delta airline tickets online.
This is how you can easily cancel your Delta airline flight online.
submitted by airlineshelp24 to u/airlineshelp24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:28 ShorelineWinter Awful birthing

I recently gave birth and it was a horrible experience. Since the begging my dr told me he doesn’t see the baby but he sees something in my ovary(remember for later) so he offered me an abortion just in case I have an ectopic pregnancy, since I had one before. I refused and in a week we saw a fetus. The pregnancy went along well and I didn’t dislike the dr, he seemed more focused on cosmetic vaginal procedures and rejuvenation but he had really good reviews for everything so I kept coming til it was too late to switch, when I went to give birth it was induced. After I pushed the baby out instead of letting me deliver the placenta he shoved his arm inside of me trying to get it out twice. The next day he sent another dr to check on me who just asked if I feel ok and I said yes.. I felt as fine as one would after going thru labor for 13 hours. For the next two-three weeks I was bleeding out, huge blood clots -I called the dr he said it’s just my period. Soon after I filled an entire bathtub with blood, it wouldn’t stop I felt lightheaded and couldn’t walk, I layed down with my baby and rested while bleeding out. Soon I need up in a lot of pain and went to ER to find out I hemorrhaged lost a bunch of blood and need to get it removed, got it done and thought it was all over. After two weeks, I get a fever of 120 that jumps up and down, my body hurts I go to ER and after some labs and tests they ambulance me to another ER… the little thing in my ovary from before is not a gigantic teratoma that the dr never even mentioned. Week in the hospital away from my newborn, unable to breastfeed, drugged and in pain, I had to have my ovary removed. I tried speaking to a lawyer and I was told there is no malpractice, it is so frustrating that I had to go thru all this and he won’t even give me an answer as to why
submitted by ShorelineWinter to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:24 Beaumo89 What are some Upgrade Recommendations ?

I've a pretty complete build but.. This being my 2nd build, 1st where I feel I've fully put it together top to bottom.. There are some pieces of this that I might want to upgrade already, mainly because It's an addicting process, not because I am lacking performance in anyway.
What would you upgrade? and what makes sense other than going straight AM5. Not Opposed to going back to Nvidia. The 6750xt has been good to me the last year :D still cookin to! also, I like MSI boards but I am very open to better MB recommendations than the current b550 I have.
*My Rig* Case - NZXT H5 Elite MB - MSI B550 Tomahawk CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 5600x GPU - XFX AMD Radeon 6750xt / 12gb vram AIO - NZXT Kracken Elite DDR4 - Corsair Dominator Platinum / 32Gbs / 3600mhz Fans - 1x NZXT 120 (GPU) / 2x NZXT RGB 140s (Front Intake) / 3x Deepcool fk120s (Top Radiator, Rear Exhaust) PSU - Be Quiet 80+ Gold / Pure Power 12m / 850w Misc - Asiahorse Pure Black Pro Cable Extensions / Asiahorse Diamond ARGB Strip (5in, Magnetic) / EZDIY-FAB GPU Bracket
submitted by Beaumo89 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:22 GuiltlessMaple Best Cd Storage Boxes

Best Cd Storage Boxes

Looking for the perfect solution to store your CDs and keep them organized? Look no further! In this article, we've compiled a list of the best CD storage boxes on the market, designed to fit your needs and budget. These handy storage solutions will protect your precious music collection and make it easy to access your favorite tracks.

The Top 16 Best Cd Storage Boxes

  1. Organize your CDs with style - Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box - Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box: Effortlessly organize your CDs with sturdy assembly and stylish design.
  2. Double-Wide CD/DVD Storage Box for Organized Media - Sturdy and customizable, this Snap-N-Store Berry Double-Wide CD Storage Box accommodates various CD/DVD sizes and features a chrome label holder for ease of organization.
  3. Clear CD Storage Tote with Movable Dividers - Keep your music, movies, DVDs and games organized and secure with the Iris Large Media Storage Box features, including a clear lid and body for easy identification, and stackable design that saves space.
  4. Birchwood CD Storage Cabinet with Vintage Details - Store and protect your music collection like a library with this 24-drawer Birchwood CD/DVD storage cabinet, featuring library-style drawers, sturdy construction, and retro-style finger pulls.
  5. Versatile CD Storage Box Set for Optimal Organization - The HATTERTOP CD Storage Box Set of 3 is a durable, collapsible, and versatile solution for organizing up to 165 discs, suitable for both car travel and home storage needs.
  6. Aluminum Hard Case for Media Storage: 1000 CD DVD Storage Holder w/ Chrome Metal Reinforcement - Secure your media with Hongwa's 1000 CD/DVD black aluminum hard case, featuring a quarter-round shape and durable construction for ultimate protection.
  7. Organize Your CDs with Style: Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box Set (Set of 2, Black) - Organize your music collection effortlessly with the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Boxes, featuring reinforced corners, sturdy construction, and space-saving design, while adding a tasteful accent to any room.
  8. Luxury CD/DVD Storage Binder Set by Bellagio-Italia - Keep your media safe and secure with the Bellagio-Italia's Imperial & Persian CD/DVD Storage Binder Set, featuring a 128-capacity organizer for DVDs, CDs, Blu Rays, and video games, all in a classy, unique, and secure design.
  9. Stylish Acrylic Media Storage Box for CDs and DVDs - Organize your CDs in style with the AUXPhome Clear Acrylic DVD/CD Storage Box, featuring a unique and durable design that makes finding your favorite music a breeze.
  10. Megadisc 300 CD DVD Premium Aluminum Storage Case for Maximum Disc Storage - Secure your collection with the SimpTronic Tech New Megadisc 300 CD DVD Premium Aluminum Storage Case Silver, featuring durable aluminum construction, hanging sleeves for up to 150 CD/DVDs, and a sleek black interior.
  11. NETTIA ABS Storage Box for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays - Stay organized and protect your precious discs with the NETTIA CD/BD/DVD Storage Box - a sophisticated, moisture-proof solution perfect for home and office use!
  12. Eco-Friendly Storage Box for CD, DVD & Blu-Ray Collection - Store your DVDs, CDs, and Blu-rays with ease and style in this high-quality, eco-friendly, and scratch-resistant storage box, available in black (10290).
  13. Safe and Space-Saving CD Storage Drum - Store up to 80 CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray Discs safely with the Atlantic Disc Manager 80 Disc Storage Drum, featuring space-saving design, protection from scratches and dust, lockable door, and easy disc organization.
  14. Portable CD/DVD Storage Wallet with 96 Capacity - UENTIP's 96-capacity CD Holder is a highly protective and durable storage solution for CDs and DVDs, saving space and keeping discs scratch-free and organized.
  15. Semikolon Multimedia CD/DVD Storage Box with Marine Blue Design - The Semikolon Multimedia CD/DVD/Photo Storage Box is a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your media, featuring 5 adjustable tabs and window on the front for personal touch.
  16. Alluring CD Storage Box with Elegant Chrome Accents - Organize your CDs with style and durability - the Snap-N-Store Standard CD Storage Box offers space for 165 discs, features reinforced corners, and comes with a chrome card holder for labeling convenience.
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🔗Organize your CDs with style - Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box

I recently tried out the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box for my music collection, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The sturdy industrial snaps made it a breeze to assemble and secured it perfectly for long-term use. The card holder was a great addition, as it allowed me to easily label each section with the name of the music artist.
The leather-like PVC laminate exterior gave it a sophisticated, stylish appearance, complementing any room decor. However, one minor drawback was that the boxes slightly overlapped when placed next to each other, creating a stacking issue. Overall, I'm happy with this product and highly recommend it for anyone looking for an organized, attractive solution to managing their CD collection.

🔗Double-Wide CD/DVD Storage Box for Organized Media

The Snap-N-Store storage box in the eye-catching Berry color is a fantastic addition to any home or office for organizing your music and movies. I love how sturdy it is - the reinforced corners and heavy-duty panels with industrial-sized snaps really hold everything in place. It's such a simple yet effective solution for keeping CDs and DVDs neat and tidy.
The box can hold up to 60 full jewel cases, 120 slim cases, or 330 CDs/DVDs in sleeves. The chrome card holder on the front is a nice touch for easy labeling. And, with 50% post-consumer recycled content, there's a positive environmental impact to boot.
However, one thing that bugged me was that the center divider is slightly slanted or crooked, making it difficult to hold two rows of CDs properly. Despite this minor flaw, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Overall, a great find that I can highly recommend for those looking to keep their music and movies organized.

🔗Clear CD Storage Tote with Movable Dividers

I recently needed a reliable storage solution for my extensive music collection and stumbled upon the Iris Large Media Storage Box. I was thrilled to see that it could accommodate up to 120 CDs, giving me ample space to organize my favorite tunes. The tote's clear design allowed me to easily identify the contents without needing to open it, which was a game-changer for my music storage needs.
One of the standout features was the snap-tight lid, which kept my precious CDs secure and protected from dust and potential damage. The clear lid and body were also perfect for quick identification, while the movable dividers made it simple to customize the container box to fit my storage preferences.
However, I did encounter a minor inconvenience when trying to organize the CDs. The plastic sleeves were challenging to remove without causing scratches on the disc itself. This required extra care and attention during the organization process.
Overall, the Iris Large Media Storage Box has been a fantastic addition to my music storage routine. Its sleek design, ample space, and protective features make it a top choice for anyone looking to keep their CDs organized and secure.

🔗Birchwood CD Storage Cabinet with Vintage Details

I recently had the chance to try out this beautiful media storage cabinet in my own home, and I must say I'm quite impressed. The walnut finish adds a touch of warmth and elegance, while the library-style drawers remind you of a bygone era.
One of the things that stood out to me was the sturdy construction. The 24 deep drawers hold 19 discs each, which is perfect for my CD collection. The assembly-free delivery was a bonus too—no need to spend hours piecing it together myself.
However, the finger pull hardware on the drawers could have been better. While the label slots are a nice touch, some of the hardware felt a bit flimsy. I also noticed that the slides in a few drawers didn't seem as smooth as I would have liked.
All in all, this storage cabinet is a great addition to my home. It looks fantastic, keeps my discs dust-free, and offers plenty of room for my growing collection. The minor issues with the hardware and slides were easy to overlook considering the benefits.

🔗Versatile CD Storage Box Set for Optimal Organization

I recently came across this amazing CD Storage Box set of 3, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. I used to have a mess of CDs scattered all over the place, but this set solved my storage woes in a jiffy. The large capacity is seriously impressive - it can hold up to 165 discs! The non-woven fabric material is sturdy and durable, making it the perfect long-term storage solution for my CDs.
One of the best features of this set is the lidded design that keeps my discs away from dust. It's also collapseable, which is great because it saves space when I'm not using it. And the best part? It's not just limited to storing CDs – I've found it to be a versatile organizer for all sorts of things, from books to passports to toys.
Of course, no product is perfect. I wish the handles were a bit stronger, but overall, this CD Storage Box set has been a lifesaver for my ever-growing CD collection. If you're in the market for a reliable and spacious storage solution, give this set a try – I don't think you'll be disappointed.

🔗Aluminum Hard Case for Media Storage: 1000 CD DVD Storage Holder w/ Chrome Metal Reinforcement

Embracing the world of technology and organization, I found myself in need of a reliable and sturdy disc storage solution for my growing collection of CDs and DVDs. Enter the Hongwa CD/DVD Hard Case, a sleek and shiny addition to my media room.
Setting up the hard case was a breeze; its quarter round shape and robust aluminum construct make it a solid and durable storage solution. I was particularly impressed with the chrome metal corner and extra strip reinforcements, ensuring that my discs remained safe and secure. The case came with two hinges and two chrome locks, providing a secure and stylish enclosure for my treasured media.
As I filled the Hongwa Hard Case with my vast collection of CDs and DVDs, I marveled at the spaciousness it offered. The ability to store up to 1000 discs made me wonder how I had ever managed without it. The sleek aluminum exterior not only looked fantastic, but it also provided my discs with an extra layer of protection, keeping them free from scratches and fingerprints.
Despite its impressive features, the Hongwa CD/DVD Hard Case did have a couple of downsides. The price point might be a bit higher than some competing products, but when compared to their durability and capacity, it was well worth the investment. Shipping times were also a little longer than I would have preferred, but considering the care and attention to detail invested in the product, I was willing to be patient.
In conclusion, the Hongwa CD/DVD Hard Case is an excellent addition to any media enthusiast's setup, offering a stylish and sturdy solution for disc storage. While there might be a few minor issues with the shipping times and price point, the overall quality and functionality of the case far outweigh these shortcomings, making it a worthy investment for anyone looking to organize and protect their valuable media collection.

🔗Organize Your CDs with Style: Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box Set (Set of 2, Black)

As someone who enjoys having their CD collection handy but also neatly organized, I found the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Boxes to be a game-changer. Set up was a breeze - just snap the sides together and your music organizer is ready to use. The sturdy construction and reinforced corners made these CD boxes a reliable choice, and the chrome card holder on the front was a convenient touch for labeling different genres.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks that I noticed. Firstly, the snaps on some of the boxes didn't seem as tight as I would have preferred, causing them to pop open occasionally. Secondly, the label on the card holder seemed a bit small, making it difficult to read the genre from a distance. Despite these minor issues, the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Boxes did a great job of keeping my CDs organized and within easy reach.

🔗Luxury CD/DVD Storage Binder Set by Bellagio-Italia

Imagine walking into your living room and being greeted by a luxurious touch of elegance. This Bellagio-Italia DVD Storage Book Box set, consisting of an Imperial black and a Persian burgundy combo, does just that. These classy, eye-catching patterns not only provide a unique storage solution but also add an element of sophistication to any room in your house.
What stood out most was the complete enclosure made by the side and lid, ensuring the protection and security of your discs and other valuable items. Each box comes with 12 sheets installed, capable of holding up to 48 discs. The patented 3-ring rivet even allows for expansion with other Bellagio-Italia Insert Sheets for a more extensive collection.
The only drawback I found was its limited capacity, but given the small luxurious footprint it occupies, it's well worth it. Overall, this CD/DVD Storage Binder Set by Bellagio-Italia is a fantastic addition to your home, providing both style and functionality, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase.

🔗Stylish Acrylic Media Storage Box for CDs and DVDs

This AUXPhome Clear Acrylic DVD/CD Storage Box has been a game-changer in my life. The sleek and stylish acrylic design fits perfectly with my kitchen countertop, and it's been a fantastic way to keep my CD collection organized. Its open design makes finding the specific disc I need a breeze. Plus, the unique floating and invisible effects make it look like a piece of art, not a mere storage box.
What truly sets this CD holder apart from others is its high-quality acrylic construction. Unlike those made of artificial leather or plastic, this media storage box has proven to be very durable. No more worrying about damaging my CDs or having to deal with unsightly storage solutions.
However, one downside of this product is the price point. It may seem a bit steep compared to other CD storage options, but the durability and elegant design it offers certainly make it worth the investment. Overall, I highly recommend this AUXPhome Clear Acrylic DVD/CD Storage Box for anyone looking to smartly organize their CD collection while upgrading their kitchen countertop's aesthetic.

🔗Megadisc 300 CD DVD Premium Aluminum Storage Case for Maximum Disc Storage

As someone who constantly deals with stacks of CDs and DVDs, I was thrilled to find the SimpTronic Tech New Megadisc 300. This sleek silver case provides a safe and convenient home for up to 300 discs, with a velvet lining and solid chrome metal corners to keep them secure. The aluminum frame, along with the ABS panel, gives the case a sturdy feel, while the chrome handle makes it easy to transport.
However, I did notice that the quality of the hanging sleeves could be improved. Sometimes, the material felt a bit cheap, and the fit was a bit tight, which could make removing the discs a bit difficult. Overall, though, I'm impressed with the product's durability and capacity, and I'm confident it will last a long time in my collection.

🔗NETTIA ABS Storage Box for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays

I recently had the chance to try out the Nettia CD/BD/DVD Storage Box with Moisture Protection, Lockable - a handy little gadget that's perfect for keeping my music and movie collection organized, secure and easily accessible. This bad boy can hold a whopping 50 CDs, which is ideal for both my personal and office use.
The first thing I noticed about the Nettia box was its sturdy build. It's crafted from a high-impact ABS material, ensuring that my discs are well protected and the box lasts a long time. I also appreciated the transparent AS lid that not only allows me to show off my collection but also helps me easily locate the disc I'm looking for without having to open the lid.
However, there was one thing that bothered me - the anti-theft lock. While it's great for providing added security, it sometimes felt a bit tricky to operate. But overall, the Nettia CD/BD/DVD Storage Box with Moisture Protection, Lockable has been a game-changer in keeping my music and movie collection neatly organized. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and stylish storage solution for their CDs, BDs, and DVDs.

Buyer's Guide

CD Storage Boxes offer a convenient and organized way to store your CDs. These boxes can be found in various sizes, designs, and materials. Whether you are an avid music collector, a professional organizer, or simply someone looking to declutter their space, CD Storage Boxes can be a great investment. This buyer's guide will help you understand the key features to consider and provide general advice to make the best purchasing decision for your needs.

Size and Capacity

Before purchasing a CD Storage Box, consider the number of CDs you want to store. Most boxes come in standard sizes that can hold between 20 to 150 CDs. However, if you have a larger collection, you may want to look for an extra-large or modular storage solution. Make sure to measure the space where you plan to store the box to ensure it fits within your desired location.

Materials and Durability

CD Storage Boxes come in various materials such as plastic, metal, and wood. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. Plastic boxes are lightweight and affordable, but they may not be as durable as metal or wood alternatives. Metal boxes offer better durability, but they can be more expensive and heavier. Wood boxes are aesthetically pleasing, but they can be more susceptible to moisture damage and would require regular maintenance.

Organization and Accessibility

Organization is essential when it comes to CD Storage Boxes. Look for boxes with dividers or separate compartments to easily sort your CDs by genre, artist, or any other categorization that suits your needs. Additionally, consider a box with a transparent top or side panels for easy identification of your CDs without having to open the box every time. The box should also be easy to access with clear openings and handles for effortless lifting.


Design and Aesthetics

CD Storage Boxes come in various colors, designs, and finishes to complement any room decor. Consider where the box will be placed in your space and choose a design that matches your existing interior. Additionally, if you plan to store your box in an area where it will be visible to guests or in a professional setting, look for a box with a clean and stylish design.
When purchasing a CD Storage Box, focus on size and capacity, materials and durability, organization and accessibility, and design and aesthetics. Consider your specific needs, the number of CDs you want to store, and the space where you plan to store the box. By evaluating these features, you can make an informed decision and find a CD Storage Box that suits your requirements and preferences.


What are CD Storage Boxes?

CD Storage Boxes are specially designed containers meant for holding and safely storing CDs, DVDs, and other optical discs. They come in different sizes and materials to suit various needs and preferences.

Why do I need a CD Storage Box?

You need a CD Storage Box to keep your discs organized, protected from dust and scratches, and easily accessible. Investing in a good CD Storage Box can help prolong the life of your discs and make it easy to find what you're looking for when you need it.

What types of materials can CD Storage Boxes be made from?

CD Storage Boxes can be made from various materials, such as plastic, metal, or wood. The most common types are plastic and metal, as they tend to be more durable and lightweight. Wooden storage boxes offer a more aesthetic option for those who prefer a classic look.


What is the difference between a CD Storage Box and a DVD Storage Box?

A CD Storage Box or a DVD Storage Box essentially serve the same purpose, which is to store and keep optical discs safe and organized. The main difference between the two is the size, as CDs are usually smaller than DVDs and require a slightly smaller storage box.

How do I choose the right size CD Storage Box?

To choose the right size CD Storage Box, consider the number of discs you need to store. Measure the height and width of the discs to determine the correct dimensions for your storage box. Most CD Storage Boxes come in standard sizes, but customized options are available for more specific needs.

Can I use CD Storage Boxes for other types of discs, such as Blu-ray or game discs?

Yes, you can use CD Storage Boxes for other types of discs like Blu-ray, game discs, or even vinyl records. Most CD Storage Boxes are adaptable to different disc sizes, but make sure to measure the discs you need to store to ensure a proper fit.

How do I prevent CDs from getting scratched or damaged in storage?

To prevent CDs from getting scratched or damaged in storage, make sure the discs are not exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Handle the discs gently and avoid touching the shiny, reflective side. If the storage box has an interior lining, it can help protect the discs from scratches and dust.

What are some safety precautions when using and storing CD Storage Boxes?

When using and storing CD Storage Boxes, make sure the containers are placed on level surfaces and not exposed to excessive heat or moisture. Keep the boxes away from sources of direct sunlight, and avoid stacking heavy objects on top of them. Regularly check for any signs of wear or damage to ensure the safety and longevity of your discs

Where can I find the best CD Storage Boxes for my needs?

You can find a wide variety of CD Storage Boxes online and in retail stores. Look for reputable brands, such as AmazonBasics, Satechi, or Plustek. Consider factors like the size, material, and any additional features when choosing a storage box. Read customer reviews to get an idea of the product's performance and durability.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:11 ducksdoexist 1440p 7900 GRE PC build check

I live near a microcenter so I can get the 7800X3D CPU + RAM + MOBO bundle. I already have the M.2.
How upgradeable is this PC in the future and how soon will I need to upgrade which parts? I'm open to other build suggestions as well. Thank you!
[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/YsKpwg)
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) $480.00
**CPU Cooler** [Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/hYxRsY/thermalright-peerless-assassin-120-se-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-pa120-se-d3) $33.90 @ Amazon
**Motherboard** [Gigabyte B650 GAMING X AX ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YZgFf7/gigabyte-b650-gaming-x-ax-atx-am5-motherboard-b650-gaming-x-ax) $0.00
**Memory** [G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LBstt6/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-f5-6000j3038f16gx2-fx5) $0.00
**Storage** [Crucial P3 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/dBBG3C/crucial-p3-2-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-ct2000p3ssd8) Purchased For $0.00
**Video Card** [Gigabyte GAMING OC Radeon RX 7900 GRE 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Fq26Mp/gigabyte-gaming-oc-radeon-rx-7900-gre-16-gb-video-card-gv-r79gregaming-oc-16gd) $549.99 @ Amazon
**Case** [Lian Li LANCOOL 216 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KKytt6/lian-li-lancool-216-atx-mid-tower-case-lancool-216rx) $99.99 @ Amazon
**Power Supply** [Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YRJp99/corsair-rm750e-2023-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020262-na) $99.99 @ Amazon
*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*
**Total** **$1263.87**
Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-20 00:08 EDT-0400
submitted by ducksdoexist to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:55 pepe_silvia_12 [US-WI] [H] Drop CTRL High Profile Keyboard w/ Cherry MX Browns [W] PayPal

Timestamp $120 shipped. RGB backlighting. Comes with original packaging and hard travel case. Shipping only to Lower 48. Please comment before PM or chat.
submitted by pepe_silvia_12 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:32 Pufflekun 4K 120Hz Air Cooling Build - Looking for Feedback

I'd like to buy everything on Amazon, except Windows 11 (I'll buy a key), and the 48" LG CX (already owned). How does this build look?
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor $344.99 @ Amazon
CPU Cooler Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE ARGB 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler $36.90 @ Amazon
Motherboard MSI MAG B650 TOMAHAWK WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard $199.99 @ Amazon
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory $214.99 @ Amazon
Storage Western Digital Black SN850X 4 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $311.43 @ Amazon
Video Card MSI GAMING X TRIO GeForce RTX 4090 24 GB Video Card $1839.00 @ Amazon
Case Fractal Design Torrent RGB ATX Mid Tower Case $229.99 @ Amazon
Power Supply Corsair RM1000x (2021) 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $159.99 @ Amazon
Operating System Microsoft Windows 11 Home OEM - DVD 64-bit $109.99 @ Amazon
Custom LG - 48" Class - CX Series - 4K UHD TV - Smart - OLED - with HDR -
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $3447.27
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-20 00:05 EDT-0400
submitted by Pufflekun to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:22 LamCDM1216 Any thoughts on this Linux build for scientific computing?

Hi, all! I'm in the process of designing a PC to use as a home workstation for scientific computing. The work I'm doing is primarily CPU-intensive (e.g. Bayesian inference/parameter-estimation and least-square minimization over large amounts of data), although I'll also occasionally carry out more memory-intensive image processing as well. Currently, I'm doing all of this on my laptop (2022 Macbook Air, M2 CPU, 16 GB RAM), which, unsurprisingly, has been less than ideal. The fiducial build I've designed below will hopefully increase computing performance such that I'm spending significantly less time waiting on Python scripts to run.
I've listed a table describing the build below, which I've annotated with some notes and questions for select components. As far as the OS goes, I plan to use Linux (specifically, Ubuntu). Since this build is meant for scientific computing (as opposed to gaming) with an emphasis on Python scripting (numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, etc), I've opted to not buy a dedicated GPU. For now, I'll just use the integrated graphics offered by the 14900K.
As I've never built a PC before, I would very much appreciate any feedback/advice from this sub! Thanks in advance!
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Notes
CPU Intel Core i9-14900K 3.2 GHz 24-Core Processor I'm still torn between this and the less-expensive i7 14700K, but I like the idea of having 20% more cores with the i9. Also, I understand many on this sub tend to prefer AMD given the better performance/cost ratio, but I chose Intel as I can get a substantial discount through my wife's employer.
CPU Cooler Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler Do others here think this cooler will be enough for the high temperatures associated with the i9? $33.90 @ Amazon
Motherboard MSI PRO Z690-A WIFI ATX LGA1700 Motherboard Any reasons to spend the extra $50+ for a Z790 motherboards? $149.99 @ B&H
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-6400 CL32 Memory I'll likely want to upgrade this 128 GB at some point in the future, but I think 64 GB is a good starting point! $217.99 @ Amazon
Storage Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive Likewise, I'll likely add more storage in the future. Do others think it's worth the extra cost for the newer PCIe 5.0 SSDs? This would also entail a different motherboard. $169.99 @ Amazon
Case Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case $104.99 @ Amazon
Power Supply Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $99.99 @ Amazon
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $1325.84
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-19 19:33 EDT-0400
submitted by LamCDM1216 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:14 hubb2001 Translation Status Update/Discussion - May 19

Previous thread
This is the weekly translation status update thread. Use this thread to discuss translation news, issues, titles you're looking forward to, etc.
Note: This is simply a mirror from 4chan's weekly thread on the /jp/ board. All credit goes to the user VNTS there. I'm simply copying and pasting for discussion sake here since some people can't access 4chan.
Entries in Bold have had changes since last week
Entries in itallics denote my own changes

Fan Translations

  • 12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 42% translated
  • Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated and edited, 70.11% through QA
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated, 42,368 lines edited (69.69%), 4,793 (7.88%) through QA
  • Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
  • CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 70.54% translated, 22.70% edited
  • CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated, 55.30% edited
  • Chusingura 46+1 - 36843/82770 (44.51%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
  • Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
  • Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF
  • Haruka na Sora - Sora and Yahiro routes translated, Kozue 75% translated, Sora 90% edited
  • Honoo no Haramase Oppai Nyuu Doukyuusei ~Oppai mo Haramase! New Class Zen'in Harama-sensation!~ - Picked up, porting to Ren'Py
  • If My Heart Had Wings: Snow Presents - 100% translated, 100% edited
  • Jisatsu no Tame no 101 no Houhou - 17% translated
  • Junketsu Megami-Sama - 2nd Alpha patch released, Astarotte route finishing up
  • Kaseki no Uta - 100% translated, 4770/15389 (31%) edited
  • Ken ga Kimi - 58% translated
  • Koukan no Toriko-Tachi - Prologue, common, and Cuckold Play route translated, Swinging Route 35%, Yukari POV 40%
  • Kud Wafter - AA Version 23,835/31,579 (75.5%) Lines translated, 18+ Version 19,240 / 33,113 (58.1%) lines translated
  • Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ - Translation finished, fully edited
  • Lover Able - 100% translated and edited, 9419/32258 lines approved (29.47%)
  • Lucky Star ~Ryouou Gakuen Outousai~ - episode 1 patch released
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A - Ryouken Route After - 2,647/3,494 (75.76%) lines translated
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A Plus Disk - Preparing files
  • Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru - 66% translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o - 1 of 4 routes translation finished for the restoration patch, Houkiboshi Hika 2 of 4 H-scenes translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o: Interstellar Focus - 100% translated, 89.6% edited
  • Nursery Rhyme - 100% translated and edited, text insertion 100% complete, testing ongoing
  • Pure Pure - 100% translated, needs proofreading, partial patch released, all routes have been inserted
  • Sakura no Uta - Chapter I 30% translated
  • Sakura Wars 2 - Demo patch released, ADV, Battle, and "Long Day in the Theater" mode fully translated, disc 1 text inserted
  • Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki - Both original and fan disc 100% translated, in need of editing
  • Shirotsume Yubiwa - 100% translated, 50% beta patch released
  • Shizuku - 120/197 script files translated, 20/197 edited
  • Taima Seiko Alice - 45% translated, 35% edited, 35% proofread, 1st partial patch out
  • Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu - 100% translated, Editing ongoing
  • To Heart - 720/993 scripts translated, 200/993 edited
  • Tokimeki Memorial 2 - Being translated
  • Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 4 - 55% translated
  • Tsui no Sora Remake - 100% translated and edited, finalization progressing
  • Umi kara Kuru Mono - 91/138 scripts translated
  • Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete - 23243/35416 (65.6%) lines translated
  • Yosuga no Sora - Translation finished, editing and TLC ongoing, Total: TL 100% TLC 71% ED 55%, Common/Kazuha/Motoka/Sora routes fully edited

Official work


  • The Pillagers of Raillore - Out of Beta
  • Ciconia - Phase 1 Released
  • Hadaka Shitsuji fandisc - Picked up
  • Rance 03 - 79% translated, 41% edited
  • Rance X - 94% translated, 5% edited
  • Luckydog1 - 100% translated and edited
  • Funbag Fantasy 4 - 84% translated, 80% edited
  • Eve of the 12th Month - 100% translated and 88% edited
  • DEAD DAYS - 100% translated and edited
  • Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - 88% translated and 81% edited
  • Welcome to a Sexy, Open World - 98% translated and 90% edited


  • Sisters: Last Day of Summer - June 3rd release
  • Sumaga- Slow progress ongoing
  • Katahane - Progress being made again
  • Django - Not actively making progress
  • Tokyo Hero Project - Translation finished, dealing with bugs
  • Machine Child - Still being developed
  • Yomegami: My Sweet Goddess - 100% translated
  • Yamizome Liberator - Picked up
  • Mojika: Truth Rears Its Ugly Head - Picked up
  • Djibril - 100% translated, in editing
  • Masquerade: Hell Academy - Through 1st QA pass, in 2nd QA pass


  • NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN - In QA Testing, 2024 release
  • Happy Saint Sheol - 100% edited, 40% QA, Demo released
  • Harumade Kururu - Waiting on build
  • Rewrite+ Harvest Festa - 100% translated, 40% edited, Steam page up, 2024 release
  • Subete no Koi ni, Hanabata o. - 50% translated
  • Sumire - Picked up
  • Sanarara R - 100% translated and edited, waiting on build
  • Glass - Picked up
  • New Glass - Picked up
  • Karakara 3 - 100% translated and edited, 70% engine work
  • Yume to Iro de Dekiteiru - 100% translated, 35% edited
  • Zutto Mae Kara Joshi Deshita - 100% translated, in editing
  • A Maiden's Serenade - In Editing
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi 10% translated
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi AA - Announced
  • Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka - 50% translated
  • Hamidashi Creative - Announced
  • Inupara - In Development
  • Nekopara After La Vraie Familie - In Development
  • Raspberry Cube - Announced
  • Wagamama High Spec OC - In Translation


  • Angel Chaos RE-BOOT!- Delayed after Steam rejection
  • Dracu Riot - Waiting on Build, Release date announcement on hold until after Angel Chaos
  • Melty Moment - 80% translated
  • Fureraba Complete edition - Vita exclusive content to be added to Fureraba a couple months after the fandisc release
  • Floral Flowlove - 100% translated, 70% edited, enging port ongoing
  • Kakenuke Seishun Sparking - 80% translated, 70% edited, QA started
  • Love, Elections, & Chocolate - 100% translated and edited, Engine port nearly finished, entering QA shortly
  • Love Love Love, Burning in my Heart! - 100% translated and 74% edited
  • Ready or Not: The Deadline is Coming! - 100% translated, 99% edited, waiting on build
  • Mysteries of the Heart: The Psychic Detective Case Files - 100% translated and edited, engine work in progress
  • Secret Project 2 - 100% translated and edited, queued for Unity port
  • Secret Project 3 - 100% translated and edited, 50% though QA


  • SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky - Announced




  • Lilja and Natsuka: Painting Lies - July 25th release
  • Revue Starlight El Dorado - August 8th release
  • Everlasting Flowers - Where there is a will, there is a way - August 29th release date
  • Sharin no Kuni - Working to resolve remaining issues


  • Radiant Tale -Fanfare- - June 27th release
  • Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch - Summer release
  • Virche Evermore -EpiC: Lycoris- - Fall release
  • Despera Drops - 2025 release

Age titles

  • Kiminozo - Aiming for a Summer 2024 release


  • Two Beasts Or Not To Beast!! - 2.0 version, editing in progress
  • Forbidden Ward - In Pre-Production

Saikey Studios (mix of official/unofficial)

  • The Reason For Your Smile - Steam page up, Happy and NTR routes translated
  • Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ - 50% translated


  • Knight Case Files - Trial released, upcoming release


  • Corpse Party II - Darkness Distortion - 2024 release

Voltage Inc.

  • Project Code Kaleido Tower - 2024 release
  • Project Code Neon Mafia - 2024 release
  • Project Code Vampire Hunter - 2025 release


  • Re;quartz Raid - 2024 release

MediBang Inc.

  • Cocktail Magic - Upcoming release

Kamitsubaki Studio


Dayu Zixun

  • Voice Love on Air - Upcoming release


  • AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ - Released
  • Destiny Star Girlfriend 2 - Q2 2024 release
  • Real Hentai Situation! 2 - 2024 release
  • NYO-NIN-JIMA -My New Life in Charge of a Tropical Island- - 2024 release
  • An Aunt After My Own Heart - 2024 release, rejected by Steam
  • Kara no Shoujo III - Announced
  • Sacrifice Villains - Announced

Dramatic Create

Kagura Games

  • Forsaken Quartet - Released
  • Yoru ga Kuru! -Square of the Moon- Remastered - 2024 release
  • Angel Tear: Goddess Betrayed - Upcoming release


  • Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - June 27th release
  • Fate/stay night REMASTERED - 2024 release
  • Hookah Haze - 2024 release
  • Tanetsumi no Uta - 2024 release

Spike Chunsoft

Love Lab

  • Ever Maiden - 2024 release


  • Friendly lab - unlock(); - Upcoming release
  • Club Suicide - Picked up

Idea Factory

  • Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling - May 28th release
  • 9 R.I.P. - Fall 2024 release
  • Date A Live: Ren Dystopia - 2024 release


  • Geminism - English version announced


  • Monkeys! - English release planned


  • Haunted Obachestra Vol.1 Awaking - Upcoming release

Alice In Dissonance

  • Fault Milestone 2 - Side Below - Upcoming release


  • Shinjuku Soumei - Demo Released, May 24th release

MiKandi Japan

  • Libra of the Vampire Princess - All versions of the patches in testing


  • Paradise Cleaning! -Tutor X Hypnosis- - Upcoming release

072 Project

  • Princess Paradise - 2024 release


  • NTR with hypnosis application - Upcoming release

Eroge Japan

Tensei Games

  • Unfaithful Wife: Ayano's "Netorare Report" - My gentle wife is fucking another man - - Q2 2024 release


  • Tokyo Psychodemic - Demo released, May 30th release

Dark Nyaa

  • Master & Succubi Hentai Lessons 2 - April release


  • Him, the Smile & Bloom - August 8th release

Cherry Kiss

  • Cosplay Cumdump: Doing it Doujin Style - May 23rd release


submitted by hubb2001 to vns [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:57 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] Home Run Deals For Summer!

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay 👍
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date Proof:
2015 Canada 1/20th gold $1 - $old
1991 Australia 1/20th gold - $old
An $5 premium for fractional sovereign issued gold people!
Zelle preferred on these.
$100 army man lot
1oz cannabis silver and 1 oz copper
3 90% half
A Morgan and a mercury dime
$095 shipped !
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $35
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $60
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $55
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $40
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $31
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $35
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $35
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $35
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $35
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $31
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
4 or so FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965-69 silver .8134 asw
$27 melt is $26.62
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $29
2011 infantry no box $33
1992 Columbus $1 - $29
D-day $1 bu $33
Wright brothers $1 $29
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $35
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $33
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $35
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $30
1995 Olympic track and field proof $30
1996 national community service proof $30
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $30
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $35
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $30
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $35
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $35
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $35
2006 ASE certified $35
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $38
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $30
Better 1922 peace dollar $30
Nice 1922 peace dollar $30
1925 peace dollar $30
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $199 ! 🔥
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
📷 https://imgur.com/a/x4CsSMR
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $38
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $old
Trump wanted $32
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:56 bigheadguy123 [US-MD][H] Jris65, Matrix ME SE, Keyno Y-8, Matrix Noah V2, Neo80 [W] Paypal

Hi guys, just selling some stuff for more funds.
Prices include shippings. And feel free to DM for offers.
  1. Jris65 - Cream - $120
    • Fine condition, some scratches on the silver mirror back weight.
    • HS PCB, Alu and PC plate.
    • Comes with accessories and original keyboard bag.
  2. Matrix ME SE - Jade Green - $350
    • Flawless condition, no scratches or scuffs
    • Millmaxed PCB, Alu plate.
    • Comes in the original case, but no case foams.
  3. Keyno Y-8 - Burgundy - $350
    • Flawless condition, blue heat-coated waffle weight
    • 2 PCBs and 2 plates, 1 soldered with Jerrzi Tu switches with FR4 half plate, and 1 hotswap pcb and 1 full FR4 plate.
    • Comes with the bag and accessories.
  4. Matrix Noah v2 - Linen? -$350
    • One scratch on the bottom right corner, cant see when using.
    • 1 Solder pcb soldered with Gateron Smoothie switches and the alu plate.
    • Comes in the original package.
  5. Neo80 - Red - $180
    • Flawless condition, only built once, copper weight
    • Tri-mode HS pcb, alu and pom plate
    • Comes with original bag and accessories.
Feel free to DM for more pics, and if you have any offers of trades, please do so. thanks
submitted by bigheadguy123 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:56 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] home run deals for summer!

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App
No notes ! emoji okay 👍
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date Proof:
2015 Canada 1/20th gold $1 - $old
1991 Australia 1/20th gold - $old
An $5 premium for fractional sovereign issued gold people!
Zelle preferred on these.
$100 army man lot
1oz cannabis silver and 1 oz copper
3 90% half
A Morgan and a mercury dime
$095 shipped !
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Niue 1oz silver Aerosmith 1 oz $35
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $60
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $55
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $31
Spider-Man 1oz $40
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $31
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $35
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $35
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $31
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $35
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $35
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
4 or so FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965-69 silver .8134 asw
$27 melt is $26.62
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $29
2011 infantry no box $33
1992 Columbus $1 - $29
D-day $1 bu $33
Wright brothers $1 $29
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $35
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $33
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $35
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $30
1995 Olympic track and field proof $30
1996 national community service proof $30
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $30
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $35
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $30
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $35
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $35
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $35
2006 ASE certified $35
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $38
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $27
Better 1922 peace dollar $27
Nice 1922 peace dollar $27
1925 peace dollar $27
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $199 ! 🔥
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
📷 https://imgur.com/a/x4CsSMR
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $38
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $old
Trump wanted $32
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:55 OkMetal9804 WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges Review: A Game-Changer for Amateur Golfers

Golf is a game of precision, and having the right equipment in your bag can make all the difference between a great round and a frustrating one. Among the various clubs, wedges play a crucial role in helping golfers tackle a variety of challenging shots around the green. In this comprehensive review, we will dive deep into the WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges, exploring their design, versatility, and performance benefits. Whether you are an amateur golfer or a seasoned enthusiast, this review aims to provide you with valuable insights to enhance your game.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Wedges

Wedges are often referred to as the "scoring clubs" in golf, and for good reason. They are designed to help you execute short, high-trajectory shots that require precision and control, such as chips, pitches, and bunker shots. The right set of wedges can significantly improve your ability to get up and down from tricky lies, ultimately lowering your scores. The WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges have gained popularity among golfers for their impressive blend of performance and value. But do they live up to the hype? Let's find out.
Click Here To Check Price

Overview of the WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges

The WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges are known for their classic design and reliable performance. They are crafted to cater to golfers of all skill levels, offering a versatile solution for various short-game situations. Here are some key features that set these wedges apart:

Key Features

Detailed Review of Each Wedge in the Set

To provide a thorough analysis, let's break down the performance and strengths of each wedge in the WILSON Harmonized set.

Pitching Wedge (PW)

Gap Wedge (GW)

Click Here To Check Price

Sand Wedge (SW)

User Testimonials and Real-World Performance

To provide a balanced perspective, let's hear from some golfers who have put the WILSON Harmonized wedges to the test.

Comparison with Other Leading Wedge Sets

To help you make an informed decision, let's compare the WILSON Harmonized wedges with some other popular options on the market.

Titleist Vokey SM8 Wedges

Cleveland RTX ZipCore Wedges

Callaway Mack Daddy 5 JAWS Wedges

WILSON Harmonized Wedges

Click Here To Check Price


In conclusion, the WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges offer a compelling blend of performance, versatility, and affordability. Whether you are a beginner looking to upgrade your short game or an experienced golfer seeking reliable wedges, the Harmonized set delivers on all fronts. With their classic design, user-friendly features, and real-world effectiveness, these wedges are a worthy addition to any golfer's bag.
Investing in quality wedges can significantly impact your game, and the WILSON Harmonized Golf Wedges provide exceptional value for the price. We encourage you to explore these wedges further and see how they can elevate your performance on the course.
submitted by OkMetal9804 to productreviewman [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:54 MolaMolaMania Lockpicking, walking in certain interiors and game launch menu SUPER FAST - Is it an AMD Adrenaline update? I think I've checked everything else.

I'm on PC using AMD Adrenaline, and I'm at my wits END.
My system specs:
· Corsair 780T Case
· Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 20H2 OS Build 19044.1766 – Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0
· Intel Core i7 9th Gen - Core i7-9700K Coffee Lake 8-Core 3.6 GHz (4.9 GHz Turbo) LGA 1151 (300 Series) 95W BX80684I79700K
· ASUS Prime Z390-P LGA 1151 (300 Series) Intel Z390 SATA 6Gb/s ATX Intel Motherboard for Cryptocurrency Mining (BTC) with Above 4G Decoding, 6 x PCIe Slot and USB 3.1 Gen2
· G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 4266 (PC4 34100) Intel XMP 2.0 Desktop Memory Model F4-4266C19D-32GVK
· Corsair iCUE H150i RGB Pro XT CPU Cooler
· ASUS Dual Radeon RX 6600 XT Mech 2x 8GB GDDR6 PCI Express 4.0 CrossFireX ATX Video Card DUAL-RX6600XT-O8G
· GIGABYTE G27Q 27" 144Hz 1440P Gaming Monitor, 2560 x 1440 IPS Display, 1ms (MPRT) Response Time, 92% DCI-P3, VESA Display HDR400, FreeSync Premium, 1x Display 1.2, 2x HDMI 2.0, 2x USB 3.0
· SyncMaster SA550 27” monitor 1920 x 1080
· Sound Blaster Z
My fps exceeds 2200 when I launch the game. I have tried everything I can think of to resolve this issue, including the following:
  1. Enabling Radeon Chill and limiting the fps to 60. Does nothing and I found out just now that this setting is not designed to do this. WTF?
  2. Checked that my iPresetinterval in the ini file is correctly set at 1.
  3. Checked that my monitor refresh rate is correct at 60Hz
  4. Tried disabling every single @#$%& setting in Adrenaline.
Nothing has worked. When I get to the initial in-game menu to Load or Save or whatever, the option highlighter moves so fast that it's useless and I have to use my mouse. Weirdly, once I'm actually in the game and bring it up, it works normally. Still, lockpicking is also insanely fast. I just went into the cave where the alien is and I'm suddenly speedwalking.
My Performance Grade in Adrenaline is listed as Excellent with an Average FPS of 1701.1.
I had installed High FPS Physics Fix and Long Loading Times Fix today as those had been recommended to fix these issues. No joy. I unchecked them and started the game. Still no joy. I don't think that it's a mod issue because every other mod I've installed this entire year is merely a texture enhancer or replacer.
Could it perhaps be the latest AMD software update that was release on May 8 of this year? I seem to recall a software update from a few months or years back that had a similar effect, but I don't remember how it got resolved.
This page contains instructions on how to roll back the driver. Should I try that?
I'm guessing that initiating a Factory Reset would be a waste of time?
I stumped and pretty furious. I guess once I resolve this I'll turn off Adrenaline updates permanently!
Help me, please.
submitted by MolaMolaMania to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:18 phase_overtemp Question on Wash Sale Adjusted Losses

I have a question regarding wash sales which I'll set the context for by describing four scenarios below:
Scenario 1 - Standard profit / loss scenario
-Buy $100 of Company A stock and sell at $80 for a loss of $20
-Buy $100 of Company B stock and sell at $130 for a gain of $30
-Net taxable gains: $30 - $20 = $10
Scenario 2 - Wash sale loss disallowed scenario
-Buy $100 of Company A stock and sell at $80 for a loss of $20
-Buy $70 of Company A stock within 30 days, and hold
-Buy $100 of Company B stock and sell at $130 for a gain of $30
-Net taxable gains: $30. The $20 loss from company A is disallowed due to wash sale.
Scenario 3 - Wash sale cost basis adjustment
-Buy $100 of Company A stock and sell at $80 for a loss of $20
-Buy $70 of Company A stock and sell at $100 for a gain of $30
-In this case because it is a wash sale, the cost basis for trade #2 is adjusted by adding the loss from trade 1, so the adjusted gain ends up being $100 - $90 (70 + 20) = $10. Effectively, the wash sale doesn't have any impact on taxable gains or losses in this case.
Scenario 4 - Complex wash sale scenario
-Buy $100 of Company A stock and sell at $80 for a loss of $20
-Buy $70 of Company A stock within 30 days and sell at $80 for a gain of $10
-Wash sale adjusted loss: $90 (70 + 20) - $80 = $10 loss
-Buy $100 of Company B stock and sell at $120 for a gain of $20
My question is in scenario 4, can the residual $10 loss from company A be deducted from the $20 gain from company B?
Also, I think I'm right about scenarios 1 - 3 but please correct me if I am mistaken.
submitted by phase_overtemp to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 beachcampfire FormD T1 v2.1 + 4090 FE 3 slot + 7950x3d

FormD T1 v2.1 + 4090 FE 3 slot + 7950x3d
Super proud of my boy! Nothing new for you experts here but a lovely successful project for me ✨
  • FormD T1 v2.1
  • 4090 FE 3 slot + custom 3d printed anti-sag bracket (https://www.printables.com/model/631715-formd-t1-v21-anti-sag-bracket-for-4090-fe)
  • 7950x3d
  • ASRock b650i Lightning
  • GSkill Trident Z5 Neo 64Gb DDR5 6000
  • Lexar NM790 4Tb
  • Corsair SF750 (normal mount, 5mm offset)
  • Cooler Master MasterLiquid 240 Atmos
  • 1x SilverStone Air Slimmer 120 (SST-AS120B) + #6-32x7/8" screws
  • 1x Phanteks T30 + black grill
  • Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut Extreme
DreambigbyRayMOD custom cables for Corsair SF750, unsleeved black, absolutely perfect tight fit, even allowed for T30 grill, I'm actually pleasantly surprised how much room for air flow there is after full build: - 24p: 10pin 110mm, 18pin 130mm, no combs - CPU 8p: 280mm + 2 black combs - 12vhpwr to 3x8p: 12vhpwr right angle A, 340mm + 3 black combs This is actually my 2nd set from DreambigbyRayMOD, first one was paracord, absolutely lovely, but a bit thick and stiff for such a tight SFF. Didn't have the right angle 12vhpwr but it still fit at the bottom of the case FYI.
Settings: - RAM EXPO 6000Mhz (only one available for this mobo, happens to be the right one, easy BIOS setting) - still playing with the CPU, but after the first few rounds I don't think the PBO + UV is worth it, tbd - 4090 FE planning on gentle OC: +200 GPU clock / +1000Hz VRAM - Custom Fan Control curves (still experimenting): - SilverStone Air Slimmer: 40°/0%- 85°/50% - Phanteks T30: 40°/10%- 85°/100%
Temps are totally fine so far, set CPU to max at 85°. Still experimenting...
I don't and won't do PC gaming, this 4090 is only shredding Unreal Engine.
CineBench 2024: little over 33k, I want to push it past 35k. FurMark: 4090 FE barely pushes over 71° in 2160p.
I managed to fuck around in Ryzen Master and get it to not post. I can't stress enough the importance of having BIOS FlashBack on the mobo, saved my ass 2x already, thank you ASRock! Scary at first, easy after you do it once. Ryzen Master's been a bitch so far, I think I'm done with it, anyway...
Small annoyance with the riser cable: keeps actually popping out. Yes, I pre-bent it. I will most likely design and 3d print 2 little C-shaped clamps to keep it in place.
I'm super proud of all my research and how it turned out. Thank you all here on these subreddits and the sff discords 🙏.
Hope this helps some new SFF warriors. Peace ✌️
submitted by beachcampfire to sffpc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 krzykillax [USA-NV][H] Nintendo 3DS XL Bundle, Switch games, JRPG Games, OG PS3 Console, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles CE, Nier Replicant White Snow Edition [W] PayPal

Hello All!
Cleaning out my closet. I'll have a lot more to add, but here are some for starters. Some CE's require a pretty big box, so for those it will take a bit longer to ship out. Pictures will be provided upon request!
Nintendo Switch Games
To The Moon LRG BNIB $50
To The Moon LRG Deluxe Edition BNIB $100
Fire Emblem Three Houses SEASONS OF WAREFARE CE BNIB $200 Shipped
I'm the original owner and still have the OG box. It is the Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds Gold LE 3DS XL. The code has long been redeemed but the console itself is in good condition.
The 3DS will come with the included games below. Some have a case and the rest will be loose cartridges.
Asking for $500 For the bundle
Games with a CASE
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
LOZ Majoras Mask
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2
Loose Cartridges
Pokemon Y
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Mario Kart 7
Super Mario 64
LOZ Ocarina of Time
Sims 2 Castaway
Adventure Time - Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Last Story LE CIB SOLD
Trails of Cold Steel Lionheart Edition BNIB $80 Shipped
Drakengard 3 CE CIB SOLD
Record of Agarest War Zero Limited Edition BNIB $50 Shipped
El Shaddai BNIB $40 Shipped PENDING SALE
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns CE BNIB $100 shipped
Bleach Soul Resurrecion CIB $25 Shipped
Medal Of Honor Warfighter LE + Steel Book BNIB $30 Shipped
Tales Of Xilia 1 CE BNIB $100 Shipped
Tales Of Xilia 2 CE BNIB $100 Shipped
Atelier Totori Premium Edition BNIB $50 Shipped
Demon Souls CIB $15 Shipped
Dark Souls 1 CIB $15 Shipped
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 CIB $15 Shipped
Tales Of Symphonia Cronicles CE BNIB $150 Shipped
PS3 Fat Console w/ PS2 backwards Compatibility CIB (tested and working, plays PS1 and PS2 games) Only Console and Power + HDMI cable. SOLD
Nier Replicant White Snow Edition BNIB $150 Shipped
BlazBlue Central Fiction Limited Edition BNIB $150 Shipped
Diofield Chronicle 2 CE BNIB $160 Shipped
Nier Replicant White Snow Edition (no game) BNIB $120 Shipped (this version was for steam but the game codes were sent digitally so it's just the collectible box with all contents inside and not opened) PENDING SALE
submitted by krzykillax to GameSale [link] [comments]
