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2012.08.03 04:17 weaselstomp r/Cutouts

Transparent cutouts for your photoshop creations.

2012.01.19 23:10 atomichugbot PhotoshopBattles

Photoshop contests on reddit. A place to battle using image manipulation software, play photoshop tennis, create new images from old photos, or even win reddit gold.

2008.01.25 07:22 Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

2024.05.20 08:24 TheFlaccidCarrot Rebirth's approach to difficulty and the player base's lactose intolerance

This is not a rant post about the combat sim, nor is it an overly long way of saying "git gud" to those of you struggling with the platinum. What this *is*, is a theory on why so many people are complaining when it didn't feel that way during Remake's release window.
Rebirth is too big for its own good, when it comes to balancing, and it feels like 7 different people were in charge of different aspects of the hard mode.
Think back to Remake's hard mode. If we're being honest with ourselves, it wasn't particularly hard. Standard enemies would only give you trouble if A) you'd come back from a hiatus or B)you weren't level 50 quite yet. Scorpion Sentinel mostly plays itself, chapter 2's horde of mooks fell apart in the face of punisher mode counter, chapter 3's boss is 4 hoodlums, most of chapter 4 is on the bike, and its not until Roche that the game takes the training wheels off. You have time to acclimate, to gain exp, and to figure out that 90% of early enemies are weak to fire + braver.
Let's compare to Rebirth's opening chapters on hard: Sephiroth makes things easy at first, chapter 2 offers a long break from serious combat and then.... -You get stunlock combo'd to death by a flower field -Your party members stand still in the face of Midgardsormr's fire breath so you better have elemental Materia. -White Terror can explode 5 times in a row but its unblockable and non elemental. Have fun with that dps check -Mythril Golem can passively launch very painful missiles *forever* and neither of your characters have high magic. -Here's an enemy that never stays in place, casts protect on itself and all its attacks interrupt yours. -Roche casts reflect pretty often so either pump that dps or have fun holding block for 60 seconds.
It's...a lot. It's brutal. It is unrelenting. But the solution is obvious: cheese.
All of those roadblocks have very obvious, and very effective weaknesses. Once you realize chocobo stops refill MP, you're free to spam spell combos to your heart's content and make your way through Gaia yet again. Except...
This is the opposite of how Remake handled things. You party was very fluid back then, not to mention limited. You spend most of the game without a tank, Aerith's the only reliable source of magic in more ways than one and Tifa's defensive options are nothing like the other characters. You were encouraged to make as versatile a build as possible so that any surprises could be dealt with somewhat effectively, and you have to be conservative in the latter half of the game where bosses start doubling up in each chapter. Kind of like the original game did....
Compare this to every Rebirth guide, which has you going off to grind every single possible Materia and then nullifying the enemy completely. Even if its not stop-stagger or a dedicated sleeper, you're almost forced to be reactionary. Every boss is completely different from the last, which is great for the first playthrough but annoying as all hell when it means you gotta sit there and die repeatedly until you figure out an entirely new Materia loadout.
Rufus, Sephiroth 1,2 and 4, all of the archfiends, Phoenix, Kujata, Gilgamesh, Red Dragon, Yin and Yang, Roche 2, Midgardsormr, Mythril Golem, Gigatrice, Gallian Beast, all of the Double Summon fights and *especially* all of the Brutal Challenges revolve around the boss' ability to nullify your character. They all cannot be beaten conventionally and do exorbitant amounts of damage under nearly unavoidable conditions. You will not get past these fights without specializing into some sort of role. You go into the menu, drop anything non-essential (anything you thought would be fun to use) and go full utilitarian. How many resistances can I get? How do I maximize the value of the element they're weak to. Do I need first strike to get the ball rolling? Can I afford an MP up to get through the rest of the chapter? It's a game of cat and mouse except you're both nullifying the other's strategy, waging a war of attrition until you run out of patience and try something different only to be stomped into the ground.
Stay in your lane. Stick to the plan. If we load up Aerith with a maxed out Blizzaga she can maybe kill the dragon before lava reaches us. Do not engage in the mechanics. Do not try and use the character's abilities. Stop with Magnify and abuse synergy materia, until the fight is over. Cheese vs. Cheese back and forth eternally. It's so polarizing, and so antithetical to what the previous game taught you. Most players don't like playing that way, they don't like working hard training until the challenge itself has become trivial. They're lactose intolerant, if you will.
Hard mode has you changing your Materia constantly, combat sim has you spamming the same spells against what has effectively become a brick wall. The game quite simply stops being fun, because the focus is now on crafting the game breaking build.
Is it really so far fetched that people aren't fond of this direction?
submitted by TheFlaccidCarrot to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:21 Kiko_Kekw [PC] [2010s] Beat em up browser game

I remember playing a game in the 2010s on a website called Free Online Games. I cant find the website anymore. It was a beat em up game in the style of 90s arcade. The plot was that a girl got kidnapped by an evil villain or something and you had to choose from 3-4 guys and play through the game. I remember one of the guys wearing a white tank top and blue jeans and one other guy who was wearing red clothes AND for his special move, he did a circular motion and created a green fire circle. yup that's about all i remember. Hope someone can help me out.
submitted by Kiko_Kekw to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:11 Falconpunch100 Who's got the best art? (Brides to Be)

See everyone's full art here: Embla Lapis Nel Sharena Alcryst
This is actually a very good Bridal banner in terms of art and design; I like every single one of the brides. Even Nel, who I think is the weakest one out of the four brides, still looks very pretty. Embla's lovely black and red wedding dress with a rose motif looks beautiful, Lapis is extremely cute and I love the longer veil and the double-layered wedding dress (and the fact that she has a sharp as hell blade makes it funnier), Nel is very extravagant with the blues on the trim of her wedding dress, and Sharena is amazing with how her design takes inspiration from Henriette, as Veronica's takes inspiration from her Legendary self.
That being said...the loser here is clearly Alcryst. Compared to how lovely and unique the brides look, Alcryst is kind of just...the same Alcryst we know, just with a white tuxedo. Pretty boring...
Overall, I would say something like: Sharena = Embla > Lapis >= Nel >>> Alcryst.
View Poll
submitted by Falconpunch100 to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:05 mathfem [LORE] The Writings of Tom Landry

Thomas Joseph Landry was a New Brunswick farmer before the flood destroyed his St John Valley farm. He claims he was present during the Battle of Fredricton when the ships of the Royal Canadian Navy fired upon the city. Many of Landry's political opponents have pointed oit that tales of the navy firing on Fredricton have bren shown time and time again to be exaggerations. However, this has only raised charges of falsification of navy records amongst Landry's closest followers.
For years after losing his farm, Landry lived under the NERC occupation of New Brunswick. He claims to have been involved in an underground resistance movement against the NERC occupation, but the only evidence of this resistance movement that has been presented was letters complaining to his friends about the 'communist backwardness' of the NERC regime.
It is already in these letters written under NERC occupation that the political thought that would become Landrism would begin to become apparent. Landry wrote time and time again about how Ronism was a foolish attempt to apply a political philosophy developed by industrial workers to an agrarian society. Landry already saw the village - the basic social unit of agrarian society - as something fundamentally incompatible with a centrally planned Commjnist economy.
After New Brunswick was returned to the rule of the Maritime Relief Agency, Landry's criticism of the Communists would turn to equally scathing criticism of the MRA's attempt at running an economy largely under centealized control. Landry would soon get involved in the Atlantic People's Party, where he would write pamphlet after pamphlet on behalf of the party. During this time, Landry directed his firey words primarily at the reigning Liberals who he felt were 'communists in sheep's clothing'. He expressed ontl words of support for the APP leaders at the time.
It was only when Landry would be elected to a seat on the Maritime Regional Assembly that he would begin to dissent from the APP leadership. Regional Premier Robert Stanfield had come from a Progressive Conservative background, and largely governed as a conventional Conservative. While Landry voted in favour of Maritime Union, he began to criticize Stanfield's approach to the formation of the United Maritimes in op-ed pieces we would be able to get published in various regional newspapers.
To Landry, Stanfield's main mistake was his desire to centralize power in the hands of the Maritime Regional Government. To Landry, the village was and had always been the fundamental unit of rural life. In the form of the feudal manor, the village had been the fundametal unit of European society right until the industrial revolution. To Landry, the urban way of life was fundamentally different from the rural one, and since the industrial revolution the main political conflict in society had been between the urban left and the rural right.
To Landry, the early 20th century had seen the final victory of the urban over the rural, of big business and big unions over the small farmer and fisherman. Landry described how the urbanites had won control of every single major government from the American Revolution to the Russian Revolution, and how ultimately, it had been the urbanites who had destroyed the world with the Great Flood of their making.
Landry described Stanfield as a 'urbanite Conservative'. A man who 'deceived the farmers and fishers into abandoning their own villages in favour of an urbanized state'. For Landry, true Conservatism meant putting the village above the country, refusing to pay taxes to a Province and Country which did not in turn look after the needs of each and every one of its villages. Landry saw the ideal relationship between a village and its Province as one rooted in the feudal relatioship between a manor lord as his King. The King would provide military protection in exchange for modest taxation, but the manor would be largely able to run its own economic affairs.
However, at the same time Landry did not advocate a return to an aristocracy as such. He admired the work that the Antigonish Movement had done in empowering the rural poor through adult education and the creation of cooperatives and credit unions. He believed that each village could function as a democratic entity, with municipal government being run cooperatively and with the local Church taking a prominent role in guiding the village.
As Stanfield approached 10 years as Regional Premier, the voice of rural backbenchers opposing his policies began to grow stronger. There was no longer any substantial opposition to the APP at the Provincial level, so the strongest criticism to Stanfield's government came from within his own party. However, in 1966, the true strength of the opposition to Stanfield had not yet become clear.
submitted by mathfem to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 75976345 A repost by request:

The mods of ProRevenge exercised their judgement that, fair enough, my childhood story did not constitute revenge. I respect the decision. Apparently it was crossposted to another sub first, though, but the thing was too dang long and ended up cut off. I will provide the full post here and give full permission for anyone who is able to, to post the second half on the reddit it was crossposted to, but I would only like to say first:
I only use reddit to troubleshoot tech issues since Google is down the drain now, and read BoRU posts on occasion. In general, I like to keep a very low social media footprint. So please understand that this will be my final word on this post. :)
This happened decades ago now, back in primary school. I only remembered it because I was recently catching up with old friends from back then, and we got to laughing over old stories and then someone mentioned, "The wildest was when you organised that whole protest against our teacher."
"The time I did what?"
The consensus was I did, indeed, organise the entire class to rebel against our teacher that resulted in her being deposed and our class getting a "substitute" for the rest of the year. I almost fell out of my chair hearing this story from their mouths. It wasn't that I didn't remember it, of course I did--that year was awful. It was just that it existed very differently in my memory.
Two important pieces of background knowledge to understand here:
I went to a very very small, very very rural school. How small? Each classroom was composed of the entire year level, and the largest had at most 30 kids in them. My class/year level was on the smallest in the entire school, with a piddling 14 kids in it altogether. While we still had our cliques and factions, our small size caused our class to be very tight knit and protective of each other. How rural? The school building itself was incredibly small, but one thing we were not short on was gigantic empty fields surrounding us on all sides. Great for sports, great for (it turns out) student protests.
I was, at the time, undiagnosed autistic. I mean I still am autistic, I'm just formally diagnosed now. But back then I was just seen as being a very quirky kid. One of the ways this quirkiness manifested was that I really had trouble adapting to the rules and structure of grade school and how it differed from what I was used to. At home if I wanted to pee, I just went to the toilet. Now I have to put my hand up? Now I have to ask permission to piss? Then I went home and put my hand up to ask my mom for permission to pee and she told me I didn't need to! Madness! Chaos! I don't care what the rules are, please just be consistent!
But one of the main parts of my brain and the way it works is that sometimes my brain, separate from my will, would just make a decision about a course of action and I would very calmly commit to it come hell or high water. Like, it is vitally important that I stay true to this course of action. I can't explain it. It's like I set a rule for myself and if something disrupts that, I just shut down and stop functioning.
So when the school said, "Okay, when this bell rings during recess/lunch, that means you have to leave the playground and go back to class", I was a confused child already struggling with all these completely nonsensical limitations and guidelines imposed on me. So when that bell rang, I got that calm little voice in my head that said, "Hmm, no, I'm good out here actually. I don't think I will go back into class." So I would just continue to sit out on the playground, playing with my plastic spider toys or sitting on the swing. Teachers would realise what was going on and come out to get me and tell me I have to go back to class, and I would just very calmly hear them out and then smile at them and politely as possible tell them, "No thank you, I want to stay out here."
They really didn't know what to do with me. I wasn't getting upset, I wasn't throwing a tantrum, I wasn't yelling, I wasn't being rude in any way. I was incredibly docile and would let them explain things to me with endless patience and then just politely refute them and go back to what I was doing, like this was just a very normal and reasonable negotiation between two equal parties. I have memories of sitting on the swing while three very confused and flustered adult staff huddled around me trying to bribe me with candy to go back to class. It would take a whole lesson block to lure me back to the classroom, and then at lunch the whole thing would start over again. It took me three years at school to finally accept the status quo thanks to a religious nutter I got for a teacher, and finally went back to class when the bell rang (was never happy about it though).
I eventually settled into school life. Excelled at subjects I liked, at least passed subjects I didn't, followed the rules, was seen as intelligent and obedient and was often liked by my teachers. Until my final year, when we got the teacher I can only rudely monniker Mrs Bigmouth.
Mrs Bigmouth should not have been a teacher. She had a trigger temper and would explode into long, verbally abusive tirades against us if we ever did anything she felt was disrespectful behaviour. What was disrespectful behaviour? Damned if I know. It changed day by day, depending on mood. You could disrespect her to her face one day and she'd laugh and say you have such razor wit, and politely ask a question the next and she'd scream at you for ten nonstop minutes then give you a week of DT for talking back. The absolute peak moment of her boiling temper came when she threw a dictionary at a girl's head because she was whispering to me in class. When I tell you it missed her by half an inch...
But believe it or not, this wasn't what made her such an awful teacher. It was so hard to get teachers at rural schools back then, there was almost nothing you could do to get fired, so we had experience with teachers with nightmare tempers. What made her such an issue was her big mouth. She used us, her trapped audience, as free therapy. She would infodump, traumadump, about her very personal, very private life to us. All day. She'd be two words into a spelling list and launch into an extended story session about her marital issues with her husband. We'd be heads down doing fractions and, unprompted, she'd declare to the class that her adult daughter no longer talks to her and then diatribe to us about it until the bell rang. She had money issues, a contentious relationship with her parents, her marriage was on the rocks. She once pulled me aside after school and spoke with me, at length, about how she was thinking of having another child to try to repair her marriage. I was like, okay lady, I'm 11, about to miss my bus, and my house is a 4 hour walk on foot from here.
We weren't learning. We'd hadn't had a complete lesson since the first week of the school year. We were behind on the cirriculum and frustrated. One kid had brought a stopwatch into school and would time lessons vs her monologues and kept detailed lists, and we would come to school each morning and do betting pools on them. What subject would she interrupt, what would she talk about, and how long would it go.
But all that still wasn't the breaking point if you can believe it. No! Still not! The problem was it wasn't just her own private life she couldn't keep her mouth shut about. It was everyone else's. Because parents would make the reasonable assumption that she should be told things as our class teacher that would be important to know, and that she would understand these things were said in confidence. Instead she would veer randomly off in the middle of talking to us about her horrible weekend to let us know whatever private or traumatic thing was going on in a classmate's life that she had been made aware of. That was awful. That was what made that year hell. It wasn't even about when my secrets were shared with the entire class against my consent. It was watching the faces of my small, lovely, supportive class of 11 year old children go pale and scrunch up with held-back tears as things they never wanted to share were announced like morning news. God we hated her.
Then one day that voice came. The one I hadn't heard in years. The bell ring to go back into class and that voice said, "But I don't want to be in that classroom. I'm not even being taught there." So I just... didn't. I didn't go back to class. I just sat in the playground in a daze eating grass (don't eat grass, it's not good for your teeth). Despite how small my class was, I don't think Mrs Bigmouth even noticed I wasn't there. Others did though. Come lunch and everyone came out, my friends asked me where I was and I said, "Oh, I didn't go back to class."
"Why didn't you go back to class?"
"Why would I go back to class?"
Lightbulb moment for my schoolmates. Yeah, why would they go back to class? What was the point? From a practical standpoint, they weren't learning. From an emotional standpoint, it was horrible to be there. A friend who had had her family's dirty laundry aired to the entire class just last week, things even she didn't know because her parents tried to keep it from her, asked if she could sit with me rather than go back to class. I just stared at her, vacant and confused.
"Sure? I mean, I'm just eating grass though."
Over the next few days, two kids turned into four, turned into ten, turned into the whole class. The whole class was doing a sit-out protest on the field rather than go back to class. Of course Mrs Bigmouth tried to do something about it. She'd come out, screaming at us and threatening us with DT and internal suspension, but six months of that behaviour had totally vaccinated us against her. I'd become the de facto leader and spokesperson of the protest by merit of being the first to sit out and also because I was well known to not give a shit (autistic brain: I actually just frequently had trouble reading and reacting with the correct social behaviour but it gave me a cool and aloof bad boy mystique I guess). I gave her the exact same treatment from back in grade one. I would let her scream, let her holler, let her threaten, let her spittle rain down on me, and then I would give her a sweet and innocent smile and nod in acknowledgement and say, "No thank you, we're going to remain out here." And thirteen pairs of eyes would stare at her in total silence. No one, not even the most gobbermouthed little shite in the class, would volunteer a word. The unspoken agreement was all negotiations were my responsibility.
The thing about angry people is that they feed off conflict. They get you angry so they can respond with even more anger and it nourishes them. She had no absolutely no plan of action on how to deal with me patiently hearing her out then refuting her in the gentlest of terms.
Another thing that ended up helping down the line is that we made an attempt to conduct our own classes. I mean, they sucked and we didn't learn much because we were kids with no supervision, but it was really cute in retrospect. We'd have groups of people assigned to subjects, with some people bringing in words they found in a dictionary for spelling lists and others bringing in old 6th grade homework from older siblings. The heart was there and it served a purpose, if not educational.
"Okay, but how did no one else notice this was happening? Surely people would notice 14 kids sitting on the lawn, not in class?"
Rural school. Big. Empty. Fields. Even screaming at us, the most other classrooms would hear would be muffled voices, and everyone was used to hearing her yelling at us or taking us out onto the field abruptly to make us do laps as group punishment. Plus the way the school buildings were arranged was that it was actually all in one straight line of adjacent rooms, and ours happened to be at the very end of the building. No windows faced the field we all sat in except that of our own classroom. It was just a very lucky arrangement of coincidences and preconceived notions, at least for a couple weeks. I couldn't tell you the exact number, this was so long ago and as a kid I definitely had a more stretched idea of time. Minutes felt like hours, especially during that year. But there was definitely at least two weekends that passed by since the "sit-out protest" started.
Eventually someone cottoned on to what was happening, or maybe Mrs Bigmouth humbled herself and finally confessed to her boss that she had lost control of a bunch of 11-year-olds, so we were called into the principal's office to sort this out. As the representative of our class, I was of course chosen to attend the meeting, flanked by the girl who'd had the dictionary thrown at her head and my friend who was the first to sit out with me. Since I understood that this meeting was one where we were probably going to be yelled at for doing the wrong thing, a thing I had ample experience of, I felt like the easiest way to mitigate things (especially since I felt guilty for being the instigator) was to explain in a very rational and logical way the series of events that led up to our bad behaviour. As well, for my entire life my mother had always taught me that it was no good complaining about things unless you were also willing to think of solutions. "I'm hungry!" - "Well, what's a solution to that problem?" - "Uh, make myself a sandwich?" - "Great! Let's do that together!"
So what did I do? Of course, to make things as clean and concise as possible, I interviewed my class one by one to hear each individual story of why they didn't feel comfortable going to class anymore, itemised them under categories (Verbal Aggression; Interruptions of Lessons; Oversharing Student Life) for easier discussion because my little quirky brain loved itemising things, and then as a kind of olive branch came up with solutions (we wanted to finish lessons unhindered, we wanted our personal privacy to be respected, we wanted to be able to catch our bus on time rather than being held back with unfair DT or long "chats"). So many things sort of came together in this beautiful, wholly accidental way. We had months of records of timed rants and monologues, noted down to the millisecond thanks to that kid's stopwatch. We had records of us trying to teach ourselves during the protests, showing this wasn't us just not wanting to go to class but due to us feeling as though we did not have a class to go to. When the principal heard all this, her jaw it the floor. A lot of it was stuff she knew, peripherally, but things had just never been laid out so neatly before. Some of it was stuff we'd complained to parents about, but it was one kid coming home and telling one parent one time, weeks ago. There was no real sense, up until now, the sheer scope of her behaviour. She didn't even answer us. She just said, "Okay, I need to call your parents."
We got the rest of the week off school. That weekend, every parent of every student came to a meeting between them, Mrs Bigmouth, and the principal. Stories were swapped. My exercise book with my tidy little lists and the records of the betting pool and monologue times were confiscated and brought into the meeting. I don't know what went down, but when my mother came home she just told me that Mrs Bigmouth would not be our problem for the rest of the school year, and more importantly, that she was incredibly proud of me and that I did the right thing. Rarely in my childhood had my inability to integrate into normal society led me to doing the right thing, so I just remember crying and hugging and feeling vindicated about, I don't know, just existing or something.
So yeah. From the outside perspective here is what it looked like: I, the ringleader with a history of dismissing school rules, organised a sit-out strike amongst my class. I kept the protest peaceful and non-disruptive to other classes. When negotiations with the principal were finally arranged, as the representative I compiled a clear list of greivances, with evidence, and a list of reasonable demands. I mean, holy crap, yes, yes I clearly organised a student protest.
The actual results of it are mixed. We got a revolving door of substitute teachers of varying quality for the rest of the school year, occasionally being bundled into other classrooms entirely when they couldn't find someone. It wasn't a great learning environment and we continued to struggle a lot, but it was better than before. Mrs Bigmouth was not actually fired but put on leave for the rest of the school year, then returned and was put in charge of a different year level (which happened to be the class of the younger sister of a guy in my class: according to him, she was quiet as a church mouse that entire year so I hope at least she learned her lesson, or at least finally got divorced and went to actual therapy). The entire ordeal caused our already small and close class to become really really supportive and like family to each other and we all remain in touch until this day. And we became fierce about standing up for ourselves.
I kind of learned to parse the difference between when it was appropriate to go along with set societal rules even if I don't understand them, and when those rules were just straight up unreasonable and nobody should be required to follow them. I did, years alter, lead an actual (very small) strike at work but intentionally that time. My mother was proud of me then too. :)
Actually, this is my final word on this post:
I am sending much love from across the internet to every neurodivergent person who saw themselves in this story and a possibility of how being out of the ordinary can also mean being extraordinary. You are fantastic! You are fantastic! You are fantastic! I will say it three times so you understand the importance of it!
submitted by 75976345 to u/75976345 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:04 submissivekitty2828 PSA: We have far more concrete dates than people let on.

At one point I was thinking about the timeline of FNaF, and decided to write out every concrete date we have. The dates we know for certain are:
And doing this made me realize something. With the number of dates we have, a lot of people are just guessing instead of working around them. Most notably, the reuse of certain weekdays/months can help us understand dates that aren't confirmed. For example:
Now that we've covered every possible point from the Clickteam games, let's take this information and form a timeline. Please note that not all of the specifics will be agreed upon, but I believe the general dates are correct.
And that's it. This post took me all day writing out and double-checking to make sure I didn't get anything incorrect, but I'm sure there are a few typos or inconsistencies and that there are pieces of information I've missed. After all, no one knows all the answers about FNaF except Scott himself, and even Scott makes mistakes. But I feel confident in this and hope that it leaves some sort of impact.
submitted by submissivekitty2828 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 Fiddlesticklin Middenland themed DLC unit ideas

Middenland themed DLC unit ideas
Ulric's Thunder is one of the largest cannons ever constructed for the Empire of Man. Given to the Cult of Ulric, its barrel was formed after a wolf-head, the sacred animal of Ulric.
The immense bronze cannon was used for the defense of Middenheim. Too large to be moved outside, it needed several teams of drey horses to be pulled in the correct firing position. It was described large enough that a house could fit inside its barrel. The cannon was so immense that it only could be loaded by a giant. Thunderball, the Middenheim Giant, held this position. Due to its size, it could only shoot at a slow rate and each shot had enough impact to make a man standing nearby unprotected deaf for several days.
The Teutogen Guard are the elite bodyguard of the Ar-Ulric in his role as Elector of the Empire, accompanying him both at state occasions and on the battlefield. They are named after the great Teutogen Tribe, that in the time of Sigmar helped the man-god drive the Orc and Goblin invaders from the lands of men. Unlike the Greatswords who are drawn from the State Troops, the Teutogen Guard are instead selected from the ranks of the Knights of the White Wolf by the orders of the Grand Master and the Ar-Ulric himself. Unlike the rest of the order they fight on foot, but they still retain the order's iconic warhammers.
The Drakwald Forest is vast and treacherous, and many monstrosities such as Beastmen, Orcs and Minotaurs make their lairs deep within it. These creatures are dangerous and savage, and must be purged from time to time lest their numbers grow out of control. Finding these lairs is difficult, and so the Middenlanders use packs of Hunting Hounds to sniff them out and hunt them down. These packs are often led by Hunt Masters, warriors mounted on warhorses who guide them towards the foe.
The Order of the Knights of the White Wolf, or White Wolves as they are more commonly known, are the most infamous of all the Templar Orders under the worship and servitude of the Ar-Ulric and their God, Ulric, God of Wolves and Winter. Readily identified by their distinctive wolf pelts and their savage fighting-style, the Knights of the White Wolf are the most ancient and largest of the Templar Orders in the entire Old World, their founding dating back to the time of Ar-Ulric Wulcan, during the Age of Sigmar some 2,500 years ago. The Knights' wolf-skin cloaks, coupled with their long, often wild hair and beards, gives them a barbaric appearance similar to those of the first worshippers of Ulric, but in truth they are a highly disciplined and martial Order whose presence inspire both courage and savagery that rivals that of even the most blood-thirsty and savage of the Northmen Warriors.
submitted by Fiddlesticklin to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:55 KimberlySauce Roblox will not open

On my computer I have tried both installing through the web and on the Microsoft store toe get Roblox on my new computer. On the web download doesn’t open anything, Microsoft store download does open for a second with just the Roblox logo on a white background but then it closes after around half a second. I have tried basically everything I can think of, thank you!
submitted by KimberlySauce to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:51 GhoulGriin Best Chanel Chance Perfume

Best Chanel Chance Perfume
Finding the perfect scent can be a journey, but one collection that consistently delivers is the Chanel Chance Perfume line. In this roundup, we'll explore the various Chance fragrances, along with their distinct notes and profiles. Whether you're a fan of chic, timeless Chanel or just looking for a new olfactory adventure, you'll find everything you need to know here. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the world of Chanel Chance.

The Top 8 Best Chanel Chance Perfume

  1. Delicate and Vivacious: Chance Eau Fraiche Eau de Parfum - Experience the vibrant and intensely fresh Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche Eau de Parfum Spray with top notes of Citron and Aldehydes, a captivating heart of Jasmine, and a rich, woody base of Teak Wood and Amber.
  2. Chanel Chance Eau de Toilette 1.2 oz: Refreshing Floral Fragrance for Women - Discover the Chance Eau de Toilette by Chanel, a captivating floral fragrance with uplifting citrus notes and a long-lasting scent, perfect for making lasting impressions and gifting loved ones for special occasions.
  3. CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set - Experience the delicate and radiant charm of Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Toilette travel set, complete with a full-size bottle and refillable twist-and-spray atomizer, perfect for on-the-go scent indulgence.
  4. Chanel Chance Hair Perfume Mist, Exquisite EDP for Hair - Chanel Chance Hair Mist: Experience the enchanting scent of jasmine, pink pepper, patchouli, and vanilla in a luxurious hair fragrance that lasts up to 6 hours, blending floral notes with warm undertones for the perfect balance of sweet and spicy.
  5. Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Hair Mist - 35ml - Floral-Fruity Scent for Women - Discover the delicate Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Hair Mist, enveloping your locks in a soothing scent of grapefruit, jasmine, and white musk, while nurturing and preventing unwanted odors with its alcohol-free formula.
  6. Chanel Chance Tendre Eau De Toilette Spray - Experience the captivating allure of Chanel Chance Tendre Eau De Toilette Spray - a vibrant, delicate, and airy fragrance perfect for those who embrace their youthful charm and adventurous spirit.
  7. Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents - Experience the magic of the Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum with this full-size and travel-sized set, boasting a pleasant and long-lasting scent, perfect for a radiant, feminine aroma anytime, anywhere.
  8. Chanel Chance Fragrance Duo Travel Set - Discover the delightful Chanel Chance Eau Tendre set, combining a burst of tender floral-fruity notes with the invigorating Eau Fraîche, perfect for a refreshing, on-the-go experience.
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🔗Delicate and Vivacious: Chance Eau Fraiche Eau de Parfum
I was initially skeptical about the Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche Eau de Parfum Spray, but after using it for a few weeks, I've become quite a fan. The fragrance is a perfect blend of citrusy freshness and floral sweetness, with a touch of woodiness that adds depth and warmth. It's a scent that's both invigorating and comforting, making it perfect for any occasion.
One thing that really stood out to me was the longevity of the fragrance. Even after a long day, I could still catch a whiff of the lovely scent, which made me feel confident and put-together. Additionally, the packaging is elegant and sophisticated, just like the perfume itself.
The one downside that I noticed was the price. While the quality of the product is undeniable, it's definitely on the pricier side. However, I believe it's worth the investment if you're looking for a high-quality, luxurious fragrance that will last all day.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche Eau de Parfum Spray to anyone looking for a fresh, floral, and sensual scent. While it may not be for everyone, it's definitely worth a try!

🔗Chanel Chance Eau de Toilette 1.2 oz: Refreshing Floral Fragrance for Women
Well, where do I begin? I've been using the Chanel Chance Eau de Toilette for some time now and it's safe to say it has become a staple in my daily routine. The first time I spritzed this on, I was instantly drawn to its refreshing floral bouquet. The mix of citrus notes with a hint of vanilla and white musk creates a lovely aroma that's both energetic and soothing at the same time. I can't help but feel refreshed every time I use it, like I'm starting my day on a positive note.
One of my favorite features about this perfume is its versatility. It's not too overpowering but also doesn't disappear after just a few hours. I find myself getting compliments on how I smell whenever I wear this, which always brings a smile to my face. The elegance of the bottle also adds to its appeal, making it a perfect gift for someone special.
However, there are a couple of things that could be improved upon. On some occasions, I've noticed that the scent can become a bit heavier and might not appeal to everyone's preference. Additionally, some users have found the price to be on the higher side, which might discourage others from giving it a try.
All in all, if you're looking for a timeless and elegant fragrance, I would highly recommend giving the Chanel Chance Eau de Toilette a shot. It has certainly lived up to its reputation in my experience, and I believe it would make anyone's day feel just a little bit brighter.

🔗CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set
I was excited to give CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette a try after hearing good things about it. The first thing that impressed me was the packaging. It came in a beautiful box that perfectly encapsulated the elegance I associated with the brand.
The scent itself is a delightful mix of fresh and fruity notes. It's mostly dominated by grapefruit and quince, with hints of jasmine and white musk in the background. I found it to be very pleasant – light enough for daily use but also unique enough to stand out from other fragrances I've tried.
One feature that stood out to me was the twist-and-spray atomizer. It made applying the perfume super easy and convenient, especially when I was on the go. However, I did wish the scent lingered a bit longer. On some days, I felt I had to reapply after 3-4 hours because it wore off.
Despite this minor issue, I absolutely loved this product. The combination of its fresh scent and ease of application made it a must-have in my beauty routine. Plus, the twist-and-spray atomizer ensured that I could take it anywhere without worrying about spills or leaks.
In conclusion, whether you're buying it for yourself or as a gift, CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette is definitely worth considering. Its radiant scent and user-friendly design make it stand out from other perfumes on the market.

🔗Chanel Chance Hair Perfume Mist, Exquisite EDP for Hair
I recently incorporated Chanel's Chance Parfum Hair Mist into my daily routine, and I'm absolutely smitten with it. The delicate scent of jasmine, pink pepper, patchouli, and vanilla creates an intoxicating aroma that perfectly complements my natural fragrance. Its long-lasting power means I don't have to constantly reapply throughout the day, making sure I always feel fresh and confident. Plus, it's incredibly easy to use - just a few spritzes onto my hair and I'm good to go!
However, there are a couple of minor downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, the price point may be slightly high for some people, especially considering it's only available in a 35ml bottle. Additionally, the potency of the scent might be too strong for those who prefer a more subtle fragrance.
Overall, Chanel's Chance Parfum Hair Mist has quickly become a staple in my beauty routine. Its luxurious scent and convenient packaging make it perfect for both casual daytime use and special occasions. I highly recommend giving this hair mist a try if you're looking to elevate your daily beauty regimen with a touch of Chanel elegance.

🔗Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Hair Mist - 35ml - Floral-Fruity Scent for Women
I recently tried Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre Hair Mist, and I must say I'm quite impressed! This little bottle packs a big punch when it comes to scent. Infused with notes of grapefruit and jasmine, the aroma it leaves on my hair is simply intoxicating. The hair mist's spray dispenser makes application super easy and mess-free.
One thing that really stood out for me was the long-lasting fragrance. Even after a day spent out in the sun, my hair still retains that delicate floral-fruity scent that everyone seems to love. It's definitely a nice change from the harsh, alcohol-based perfumes that can often dry out my locks.
However, I will mention that if you're looking for a heavy, powerful scent, this might not be the product for you. The scent strength here is quite light and subtle - perfect for those who prefer a more understated aroma.
In conclusion, if you're in search of a delightful hair mist that will leave your tresses smelling fresh and lovely all day long, look no further than Chanel Chance Eau Tendre! Just remember to shake the bottle before using as some separation may occur due to the lack of alcohol in the formula.

🔗Chanel Chance Tendre Eau De Toilette Spray
As a long-time fan of Chanel's exquisite fragrances, I was thrilled to discover their latest offering, the Chance Eau Tendre Eau De Toilette Spray. This delightful scent has quickly become my go-to for those days when I need a little extra boost of confidence.
From the moment I first spritzed it on, I was captivated by the harmonious blend of fruity and floral notes that dance on the skin. The initial burst of citrus is perfectly balanced by the subtle hints of jasmine and rose, creating a fresh and vibrant bouquet that lingers throughout the day. It's no wonder this is Chanel's bestselling fragrance family - it truly embodies elegance and sophistication.
One of my favorite aspects of this perfume is its impressive longevity. Even on days when I'm constantly on the go, the scent remains with me, enveloping me in its captivating aura. Whether I'm attending a sophisticated event or simply embracing the everyday moments of life, Chance Eau Tendre complements my presence with an understated elegance that leaves a lasting impression.
However, no product is perfect, and there are a few minor drawbacks to this otherwise exceptional fragrance. Some users may find the scent strength to be slightly too light, particularly in comparison to other Chanel perfumes. Additionally, due to its delicate nature, it may not be the most versatile choice for those who prefer a bold and intense aroma.
In conclusion, if you're seeking a fragrance that exudes femininity and charm, look no further than Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre Eau De Toilette Spray. Its enchanting blend of fruity and floral notes, coupled with its impressive longevity, make it a timeless classic that is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who encounter it.

🔗Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents
Chance Chanel is my go-to perfume for any occasion. From the moment I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of elegance and sophistication. The delicate floral scent, with its hints of jasmine and rose, is simply divine. What's even better is that this perfume has great longevity, lasting all day without being overpowering. Not only do I get countless compliments when I wear it, but it also makes me feel confident and radiant. The packaging is nothing short of stunning – a sleek glass bottle adorned with the iconic double-C logo, a true symbol of timeless beauty and elegance. If you're looking for a perfume that embodies femininity with a touch of Chanel's signature sophistication, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is definitely worth a try. "
Its standout feature is the beautiful blend of floral and fruity notes, which creates a scent that is both fresh and romantic. The top notes of grapefruit and quince are zesty and uplifting, while the heart of the fragrance is dominated by delicate jasmine and hyacinth. The base notes add a warm and comforting touch with their hints of musk, amber, and cedarwood. The packaging is equally impressive – a simple yet elegant design with the iconic Chanel logo.
However, I must admit that I had a slightly disappointing experience with one particular purchase of this perfume. The scent of the new bottle was nothing like the product I had been using for years, which was a real let-down. Fortunately, the customer service team at Sephora were quick to replace the faulty bottle, but it's something to be aware of if you decide to purchase this perfume.
Overall, though, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is a beautiful fragrance that is perfect for anyone who loves a soft and romantic scent. Its longevity is impressive, and the packaging is classic and timeless. If you're looking for a delicate and feminine perfume that will make you feel confident and radiant, then this one is definitely worth trying.

🔗Chanel Chance Fragrance Duo Travel Set
I was excited to try out the Chanel Chance Eau Tendre & Chance Eau Fraîche Set during a recent trip, as I was looking for a versatile fragrance that could transition from day to night. As someone who's always on the go, the round, travel-friendly bottle instantly caught my eye - it's perfect for tossing into my bag to refresh my scent throughout the day.
First, I dove into the CHANCE EAU TENDRE Eau de Toilette, which features a lovely, fruity scent. It's like having a beautiful garden of soft, tender floral notes wrapped around me, making me feel fresh and revitalized. The green and fruity grapefruit-quince accord adds a unique twist that I absolutely adore. This scent was my favorite of the two, as it was perfect for the warm summer days I was experiencing while traveling.
However, when I transitioned to the CHANCE EAU FRAîCHE Eau de Toilette, I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. While it was pleasant and refreshing with its zesty freshness of citron combined with jasmine and teak-wood notes, it didn't have the same allure or captivating quality as the Tendre version.
One issue I encountered with this set was the price point. For $180, I expected more value, and it would be nice to receive a discount for purchasing both scents together. But honestly, the Eau Tendre fragrance alone made the purchase worthwhile for me. Overall, the Chance Eau Tendre is my go-to choice for a light, fruit-infused, floral scent that adds a touch of elegance to any day.

Buyer's Guide



What is Chanel Chance Perfume?

Chanel Chance is a popular line of fragrances by the renowned luxury fashion house, Chanel. This collection features several distinct scents, with each one offering a unique blend of notes and aromas to suit different styles and preferences.

How many Chanel Chance Perfumes are there?

There are currently four main Chanel Chance fragrances: Chance Eau Fraîche, Chance Eau Tendre, Chance Eau Vive, and the original Chance. Each has its own set of notes, making each variant unique in its own right.

Who is the target audience for Chanel Chance Perfume?

Chanel Chance Perfume is designed for a wide range of users, catering to both men and women. Each scent in the collection has been crafted to capture the essence of confidence, spontaneity, and modern femininity or masculinity.

What are the different Chane Chance Perfume scents?

  • Chance Eau Fraîche: A fresh and vibrant scent with top notes of citrus, pink pepper, and jasmine
  • Chance Eau Tendre: A floral and sweet scent with notes of jasmine, white musk, and iris
  • Chance Eau Vive: A zesty and effervescent scent with notes of grapefruit, quince, and jasmine
  • Chance Original: A bold and sensual scent with notes of pink pepper, jasmine, and amber

How long does Chanel Chance Perfume last on the skin?

The longevity of a perfume largely depends on multiple factors, such as skin type, fragrance concentration, and environmental factors like temperature and humidity. Generally, the Chanel Chance fragrances are known for their good performance and lasting power on the skin, with some users reporting that they last for several hours.

Are Chanel Chance Perfumes suitable for all seasons?

Yes, the Chanel Chance perfumes are designed to be suitable for all seasons. While some might cater to certain seasons more, each fragrance in the collection can be worn throughout the year, depending on your personal preferences and scent preferences for specific seasons.

Where can I purchase Chanel Chance Perfumes?

Chanel Chance Perfumes can be purchased at various brick-and-mortar stores, as well as through reputed online retailers. Always ensure that you're buying from an authenticated retailer to maintain the quality and integrity of your perfume purchase.

Are there any travel-sized versions of Chanel Chance Perfumes available?

Yes, Chanel offers travel-sized versions of some of its Chance perfumes to allow users to carry their favorite scents with them on-the-go. These compact versions come in the same elegant packaging as their full-sized counterparts, making them perfect for travel and everyday use.

How should I store my Chanel Chance Perfume?

To maintain the quality and longevity of your Chanel Chance Perfume, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Keeping the cap on tightly will also help preserve its fragrance and prevent any unwanted evaporation.

Are Chanel Chance Perfumes cruelty-free and environmentally friendly?

Chanel is committed to ethical practices and the responsible use of resources in its production processes. While specific information regarding the exact production methods of their Chance fragrances may not be available, the company regularly updates its sustainability initiatives and maintains a commitment to ethical practices across its product lines.
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2024.05.20 07:47 GuiltlessMaple Best Chanel 9 Perfume

Best Chanel 9 Perfume
Indulge in the luxurious world of Chanel 9 Perfume with our exclusive roundup of the latest scents that are sure to captivate your senses. Whether you're a die-hard Chanel fan or just discovering the brand, this comprehensive guide will guide you through a collection of beautiful fragrances that are perfect for any occasion. So, sit back, take a deep breath, and let's explore the fabulous world of Chanel 9 Perfume together.
In this article, we'll provide you with detailed information about each Chanel 9 Perfume, including their key notes, longevity, and sillage. We'll also share user reviews and expert opinions to help you decide which fragrance aligns with your personal style and preferences. Stay tuned as we dive into the exquisite world of Chanel 9 Perfume, where opulence and elegance meet in a harmonious blend of scents. Enjoy the journey!

The Top 8 Best Chanel 9 Perfume

  1. CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set - Experience the delicate and radiant charm of Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Toilette travel set, complete with a full-size bottle and refillable twist-and-spray atomizer, perfect for on-the-go scent indulgence.
  2. Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents - Experience the magic of the Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum with this full-size and travel-sized set, boasting a pleasant and long-lasting scent, perfect for a radiant, feminine aroma anytime, anywhere.
  3. Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum 1980s Sealed W/Box - Experience the iconic, glorious vintage Chanel No 19 Parfum in an astonishingly potent 1970s Pure Parfum, featuring exquisite notes of rose, jasmine, galbanum, and more, all in a nearly mint condition box and bottle.
  4. Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set - Introducing the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set: a limited edition featuring a versatile twist-and-spray atomizer and an enchanting scent, perfect for the bold and spirited woman.
  5. Coco Mademoiselle Intense: A Captivating Fragrance for Women - Experience the captivating allure of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense, an invigorating blend of jasmine, bergamot, and mandarin orange that leaves a lasting, woody impression with its powerful scent strength.
  6. Ladies' Chanel No. 19 Eau de Toilette 100ml - Experience the iconic and daring Chanel EDT No. 19, a floral-woody-green scent that captures the essence of Mademoiselle in a 100ml spray bottle with optional bath and body rituals for an unforgettable fragrance journey.
  7. Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray for Men - Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray is an enchanting blend of light and dark notes, perfect for all seasons and moods — a sensually vibrant scent that transcends boundaries while embracing individuality, all packaged in Chanel's signature elegant style.
  8. Coco Mademoiselle Parfum Spray Trio Set - Enhance your personal style with Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray, an Oriental fragrance perfect for every occasion, boasting an inviting scent that lasts throughout the day.
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🔗CHanel Chance Eau Tendre Travel Set
I was excited to give CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette a try after hearing good things about it. The first thing that impressed me was the packaging. It came in a beautiful box that perfectly encapsulated the elegance I associated with the brand.
The scent itself is a delightful mix of fresh and fruity notes. It's mostly dominated by grapefruit and quince, with hints of jasmine and white musk in the background. I found it to be very pleasant – light enough for daily use but also unique enough to stand out from other fragrances I've tried.
One feature that stood out to me was the twist-and-spray atomizer. It made applying the perfume super easy and convenient, especially when I was on the go. However, I did wish the scent lingered a bit longer. On some days, I felt I had to reapply after 3-4 hours because it wore off.
Despite this minor issue, I absolutely loved this product. The combination of its fresh scent and ease of application made it a must-have in my beauty routine. Plus, the twist-and-spray atomizer ensured that I could take it anywhere without worrying about spills or leaks.
In conclusion, whether you're buying it for yourself or as a gift, CHANEL's Chance Eau Tendre eau de toilette is definitely worth considering. Its radiant scent and user-friendly design make it stand out from other perfumes on the market.

🔗Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau de Parfum Set for Classic Everyday Scents
Chance Chanel is my go-to perfume for any occasion. From the moment I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of elegance and sophistication. The delicate floral scent, with its hints of jasmine and rose, is simply divine. What's even better is that this perfume has great longevity, lasting all day without being overpowering. Not only do I get countless compliments when I wear it, but it also makes me feel confident and radiant. The packaging is nothing short of stunning – a sleek glass bottle adorned with the iconic double-C logo, a true symbol of timeless beauty and elegance. If you're looking for a perfume that embodies femininity with a touch of Chanel's signature sophistication, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is definitely worth a try. "
Its standout feature is the beautiful blend of floral and fruity notes, which creates a scent that is both fresh and romantic. The top notes of grapefruit and quince are zesty and uplifting, while the heart of the fragrance is dominated by delicate jasmine and hyacinth. The base notes add a warm and comforting touch with their hints of musk, amber, and cedarwood. The packaging is equally impressive – a simple yet elegant design with the iconic Chanel logo.
However, I must admit that I had a slightly disappointing experience with one particular purchase of this perfume. The scent of the new bottle was nothing like the product I had been using for years, which was a real let-down. Fortunately, the customer service team at Sephora were quick to replace the faulty bottle, but it's something to be aware of if you decide to purchase this perfume.
Overall, though, Chance Chanel Eau Tendre is a beautiful fragrance that is perfect for anyone who loves a soft and romantic scent. Its longevity is impressive, and the packaging is classic and timeless. If you're looking for a delicate and feminine perfume that will make you feel confident and radiant, then this one is definitely worth trying.

🔗Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum 1980s Sealed W/Box
I recently got my hands on a vintage bottle of Chanel No. 19 Parfum. Upon opening it, I was instantly transported back to the era of classic perfumes. This fragrance is unlike any modern interpretation of No. 19 that I've come across in recent years.
The top notes are dominated by aldehydes, bergamot, galbanum, neroli, and hyacinth, giving it an uplifting and fresh scent. The heart notes reveal a harmonious blend of jasmine, rose de mai, lily of the valley, orris, and Nossi-Be ylang ylang, which adds a beautiful floral touch.
What sets this apart is the base notes: oakmoss, vetiver, sandalwood, leather, and musk. They create a rich, warm, and sensual aroma that lasts on your skin for hours. This old-school formula is practically impossible to find today, as it has been replaced by lighter and more commercially acceptable versions of No. 19.
The bottle itself is a visual treat, with its hand-sealed wax seal and near mint condition box. Although this particular bottle is no longer sealed due to an unfortunate shattering of the wax seal, the fragrance within remains as potent as ever.
One downside is the mottled stickers on the inner box and bottle. This age-related discoloration is common in many 1970s perfumes, but it might not appeal to everyone's taste. However, this small flaw does not affect the quality or potency of the fragrance itself.
In summary, the Vintage Chanel No. 19 Parfum evokes a sense of nostalgia and glamour with its complex, rich, and timeless scent. While the packaging may show some signs of age, the enchanting aroma that envelops you upon application more than compensates for it.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set
My experience with the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray Set has been quite pleasant. The elegant and chic design of the bottle, along with the twist and spray atomizer, makes it convenient and sophisticated enough to carry around in my purse.
The scent is not overpowering, but it's noticeable and lasts throughout the day. It's the perfect combination of sweet floral notes and deep earthy undertones. I find myself getting compliments from others whenever I wear it, which is always a nice bonus.
One of the highlights of this set is the refillable twist-and-spray atomizer. Not only does it save on packaging and reduce waste, but it also allows me to take my favorite fragrance with me wherever I go.
However, there have been a few instances where the scent didn't last as long as I'd hoped. It seems to vary depending on the weather, with the fragrance not lasting as long in hot or humid conditions.
Overall, I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a high-quality, long-lasting, and versatile fragrance. The twist and spray atomizer adds an extra level of convenience and portability, making it perfect for travel or on-the-go application.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Intense: A Captivating Fragrance for Women
I recently stumbled upon the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense by Chanel and added it to my daily routine. From the moment I spritzed it on, I knew it was something special. Featuring top notes of bergamot and mandarin orange, it offers an invigorating aroma right off the bat. The middle notes of jasmine and Turkish rose give it a pleasant fragrance that lingers throughout the day, while the base notes of vanilla and patchouli add a sense of depth and elegance.
One thing I truly appreciate about this EDP is its longevity. With just a few sprays, the fragrance lasts for hours, gradually releasing its alluring scent. I remember attending a formal event where I received multiple compliments on how captivating my scent was - and it was all thanks to the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense!
Another highlight is the packaging. The sleek bottle design, with its timeless black label, perfectly captures the essence of the Coco Chanel brand. It's a beautiful addition to any perfume collection or a perfect gift for that special someone in your life.
However, I must note that fragrances are subjective. Some might not find this scent to their liking due to its unique blend of notes. My advice? Test it out on your skin or try a sample first before making a purchase.
In conclusion, the Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Intense by Chanel has become a staple in my daily routine, providing me with an invigorating aroma and a timeless sense of elegance. It's definitely worth a try if you're looking for an exquisite scent that stands the test of time.

🔗Ladies' Chanel No. 19 Eau de Toilette 100ml
As I dabbed on a few spritzes of this captivating scent, I couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence and allure. The Chanel EDT No 19 is definitely a daring, distinctive fragrance that leaves a lasting impression. The floral-woody-green notes strike the perfect balance, making it an uncompromising composition, much like its wearer.
One aspect that I absolutely loved was the easy and fluent application. The eau de toilette in a spray format made it so convenient to lightly mist on my skin or even inside my clothing. Plus, the bath and body product range added an extra layer of enchantment to my daily perfuming ritual.
However, on the downside, some users might find the scent a bit strong for everyday use. It's more suitable for those who prefer bold, statement-making fragrances. Overall, the Chanel EDT No 19 is a powerful, captivating perfume that's perfect for those who aren't afraid to turn heads with their scent.

🔗Bleu de Chanel Eau de Parfum Spray for Men
Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a bold and alluring scent that captures the essence of adventure and sophistication. I had the pleasure of trying out this Eau de Parfum Spray, and it quickly became a staple in my daily routine. As soon as I spritzed it on, I was transported to a world of fresh citrus and warm spices. The grapefruit note adds a refreshing zing, while the ginger and incense give it a mysterious depth.
One thing that stood out to me was the superb longevity of this fragrance. Even after a long day at work, the scent lingered on my skin, leaving me feeling confident and stylish. Additionally, the sleek and elegant design of the bottle made it a welcome addition to my vanity.
However, there are a couple of downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, the price point may be a bit steep for some consumers, but I believe the quality and performance of the product justify the cost. Secondly, while the fragrance is not overwhelmingly powerful, it does have a certain presence that may not be suitable for all occasions.
In conclusion, Bleu de Chanel by Chanel is a phenomenal Eau de Parfum Spray that truly deserves its high rating. Its unique blend of citrus, spice, and woody notes creates a captivating and timeless scent that is perfect for any season. If you're in search of a luxurious, long-lasting fragrance that turns heads and leaves a lasting impression, look no further than Bleu de Chanel.

🔗Coco Mademoiselle Parfum Spray Trio Set
Alright, let me tell you about this beautiful Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum Twist and Spray 3 x 0.7 oz. Imagine getting ready in the morning and spritzing yourself with a divine scent that will stay with you all day, even when you're sipping cocktails at a rooftop bar? Yeah, that's the magic of this lovely perfume.
The first whiff you get will be bright and fruity, like a fresh burst of orange. Then, as the day progresses, it'll turn into a lovely combination of jasmine blossom and rose. The best part? The deep, earthy notes of patchouli that keep you smelling fresh and confident throughout the day.
However, like any product, there are some cons to consider. It's a bit on the pricey side, but hey, it's Chanel! If you're not used to strong scents, this might not be your cup of tea. And remember, a little goes a long way, so don't overdo it.
But overall, I absolutely adore this product. The packaging is luxurious and elegant, and it's perfect for travel. It's definitely worth the investment, and anyone who tries it will fall in love with it, just like I did. So go ahead, treat yourself to this divine concoction and prepare to be showered with compliments all day long!

Buyer's Guide



What are the top Chanel perfumes available in the market?

Chanel offers an array of beautiful and elegant perfumes. Some of the most popular ones are Chanel N°5, Chanel N°5 L'Eau, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Chanel Chance, and Chanel Allure.

How do I choose the right Chanel perfume for me?

Choosing the right Chanel perfume depends on your personal preference. It's best to try a few samples and see which one resonates with you most. Pay attention to the notes and scent families (floral, fruity, oriental etc. ) as that will help you narrow down your choices.

Can I purchase Chanel perfumes online?

Yes, you can purchase Chanel perfumes online from authorized sellers such as Chanel's official website or other reputable retailers. Be sure to verify the authenticity of the product before making a purchase.

What are some popular notes in Chanel perfumes?

Chanel is known for its unique and innovative blends of notes. Some popular ones include jasmine, rose, vanilla, iris, and citrus scents.

How long do Chanel perfumes last?

The longevity of a perfume depends on several factors, such as your skin's natural chemistry and how much you apply. However, Chanel perfumes are typically known for their excellent sillage (projection) and lasting power, with some lasting up to 8 hours or more.

How should I store my Chanel perfume?

To maintain the quality of your Chanel perfume, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Keep the cap on when not in use, and avoid shaking the bottle excessively.

Do Chanel perfumes have any allergen warnings?

Chanel perfumes are subject to the EU allergens labeling requirement. This means that certain perfumes may contain ingredients that could cause allergies or irritation. Check the product label or the Chanel website for a list of allergen ingredients.

How can I tell if my Chanel perfume is authentic?

To ensure you're purchasing an authentic Chanel perfume, buy from authorized sellers, and verify the packaging and labeling. Authentic Chanel perfumes have specific details such as a holographic foil on the box, an embossed Chanel insignia on the cap, and a solid color on the bottom of the bottle.

What is the difference between Eau de Parfum (EDP) and Eau de Toilette (EDT) in Chanel perfumes?

Eau de Parfum (EDP) generally contains a higher concentration of fragrance oil compared to Eau de Toilette (EDT), resulting in a stronger and longer-lasting scent. EDT is usually lighter and less intense than EDP.

How should I apply Chanel perfume to get the best results?

For ideal application, spray your Chanel perfume on pulse points such as your wrists, behind your ears, and the crook of your elbow. This will help the scent to radiate and last longer. Avoid rubbing the perfume into your skin, as it can alter the scent.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:43 Cpomplexmessiah A Continuation of my Perfected Game

Current situation: So i originally made post about 1 week ago asking questions related perfecting FF6. Original post here. I figured now i would give you a update on what has transpired over last week of playing and grind. I also would like to tell you my methodology to get the results i did and why some people are the way they are. So first thing is first, I am playing the 2015 Steam version (not the pixel remaster) we have just killed Kafka and now have just finished the grinding required to get the other two parties upto what i would call a Decent standard.
So when i was building these 3 parties i wanted to do in such a way that make party 1 a whirlwind of violence without detracting from the other 2 parties. I also wanted to have all 3 parties with a dedicated caster so serve as support and AOE as well as healer. All melee or none dedicated casters i have kept their known magic to a minimum. As of writing they have only learned the Magic their stat magicite / equipment has taught them and Quick. I believe quick is Mandatory on anyone that can learn it. Another thing to know is I am not a man above using game breaking glitches as suck I have abused the Terra duplication glitch for equipment.
Party 1 Lock, Terra, Edgar and Relm. I tried to stack this team to be able to get as much DPS as possible with lock easily being the forefront of that being able to casually do a total of about 80k per wave of attacks. I also wanted to keep Edgar as a Dragoon so he can dodge party ending attacks up also add a level of diversity in the offensive line up. Terra has been assigned the role of parties mom. Her job is to heal and support the party while Relm is there do a steady 50k-ish damage.
Locke Equipment: Ultima Weapon x2, Red Cap, Genji Armor, Master Scroll and Genji Gloves. I think this is the highest possible damage output in the game. Higher than any magic set up i can think of without relying on luck. The thing i like about this particular setup is disregard for the Enemies defence. I chose the red cap over the Genji because of the stat boost it offered me so i could then funnel those Levels worth of stats into something more useful. Stats focused for Maxing: STR and Speed. Rest is in Stam and HP / MP. The equipment set up has no on hit magic procs so worry about it seemed good to disregard the magic stat entilierly and focusing on making locke as fast and as damaging as possible. He truly is the all star this particular party.
Terra Equipment: x2 lightbringer, Circlet, Minerva Bustier, Genji Gloves and Celestriad I thought this is the best setup i would of for this particular set up giving her a High strength if needed and a whopping 150 magic. Her role in this party is to be there mom. Make sure that Locke and Relm can do the heavy lifting. She does not need to cast two spells per turn. She can function on 1 spell and be changed into a pretty decent master scroll set up if needed. I doubt this will be needed but i built it in Just in case the situation is needed. Stats focused for Maxing: STR, Magic. Rest in Stam and HP / MP The stats are Spread quite thin on the terra, she barley reaches 128 STR and focuses it all into Magic and Stam.
Edgar Equipment: Radiant Lance, Paladin shield, Genji Helm, Genji Armor, Dragoon Boots and Dragon horn. I spent a lot of run umming and ahhing over Holy Lance or radiant lance. In the end i chose Radiant for two main reason. The first is the minor stat buffs it gives and the second is the fact it is none elemental damage. I figured later on in the game edgar would be useless against anything that is immune or absorbs Holy damage. Additionally if they are weak to it i can always put a holy lance on and go fishing for holy procs for additional damage. Stats focused for Maxing: STR, Magic. Rest in Speed and HP / MP. I chose in this particular reason to for max STR and Magic. The strength is make those jumps worth using and 40k-ish damage seems good. Magic is there because of Flash incase i need AOE quickly. It also facilitates the on hit procs he has access to in Lightbringer and Holy lance. This is a set up in needed could easily be changed into a Genji Glove, Master Scroll set up with double lightbringer / Ragnarok / Ultima Weapon. I also like the tank this set up as with the elemental protection of Paladin shield and high defence of the armor.
Relm Equipment: Magus Rod, Paladin shield, Cat ear hood, Behemoth Suit, Soul of Thamasa and Celestriad I spent a lot of time going between Magus rod and Angel brush. I have finally settles on the Brush when i get it for now i think this is the best i can do. I realise there is a Contradiction of between the Hood and Shield, however the shields main purpose is provide a higher degree of defence and the hood is there for the stat boosts it gives. Stats focused for Maxing: Magic, Speed. Rest in Speed and HP / MP. As the secondary DPS of the party i wanted her to be fast, effective and easily be able to get those sweet 5 ultima out ASAP. like lock i tried to focus on as much Damage as possible with total disregard for the secondary offensive stat.
Party 2 Gau, Celes, Mog and Gogo This party is the Gau show. Everything about this is to get Gau Raging and keep him alive while he Rages. It also acts as a good environment for Gogo to mime. Celes is the Dedicated caster of this party she is there to Spam runic when Gau rages and heal, hatse, reraise Gau when he needs it. Mog serves as the same function as Edgar in the first party and as a a minor Support for status elements when needed.
Gau Equipment: Paladin shield, Circlet (will be replaced with Dueling mask), Snow Scarf, Ribbon, Master scroll. I struggled with gau on many levels some of this is lack of knowledge. I could make an entire new thread about Gau and what i should do with him. So for now this is what i have settled on. I would like to know a few things, Does gau keep his equipment advantages when he rages? so for example if he rages into something that is weak to fire but you have something that makes you absorb fire will you heal for double the amount. Same for status effects. The last time i played this was on the SNES and i could do a completely different set up with Medal Award. I do have half a mind to hack it on him go with a double lightbringer set up on him. But alas this is what i have settles on. I would like some Heavy advise on this particular matter and your opinions on them. Stats focused for Maxing: Magic, Strength. Rest in Speed and MP. I think MP is a dead stat on gau. Rages do not require MP to be used and there is no incentive to get it as far as i am aware so i ignored it. It seemed obvious that his Magic and strength stat are must maxes. I chose speed in the end as the dump stat as i believe to be more useful than Stam in this particular case.
Celes Equipment: x2 lightbringer, Circlet, Minerva Bustier, Genji Gloves and Celestriad See Terra for a full explanation. Celes unlike Terra in this point of the game has a useful ability in runic. Trance is useful midway to late game but when you are guaranteed to hit damage cap there is no need for it. Runic is the reason she is paired with gau eating the magic and giving gau the support my favourite gremlin needs. Stats focused for Maxing: Magic, Strength. Rest in Speed and HP /MP I chose speed on Celes as she will need to be rather attentive to Gau. She is also fast so i can abuse wait Tricking on her if needed. As the main caster it is also her job to Ultima enemies when needed.
Mog Equipment: Holy Lance, Paladin Shield, Circlet, Diamond Armor, Dragoon boots and Dragon horn As a strictly worse version of edgar in terms of equipment I tried to give them the best i could. With the dances adding a level of healing and status affect puring. All in all they seem to be ok. Stats focused for Maxing: Magic, Speed. Rest in magic and HP / Mp.
So the main reason Edgar had max magic was because of their "Tools" ability. Mogs does not have that instead has dance. So i chose speed to proc dance as many times possible as well get them in the Air as fast as possible (I don't think the drop time has anything to do with speed)
Gogo Mimics: Magic, Lore and Steal Equipment: Lightbringer, Paladin Shield, Circlet, Genji Armor, Ribbon and Merit Award I can see a argument to go Genji glove and double lightbringer for even more stats but i chose this instead. I can also see a argument of ditching Ribbon for Soul of Thamasa or Celestriad with the things he as Mimic. Gogo is mainly there to mimic the other party members Mainly as a second jumper or a second runic.
Party 2 Strago, Sabin, Cyan and Shadow There is less of a plan with this team and more trying to make the best with what i have left. all in all i think this is quite good. Strago is a strong caster with blue magic adding a level of utility. Sabin being the main physical DPS. Cyan and shadow are outshadowed by Sabin here. At least Shadow can throw Elemental Weapons when needed and the interceptor is a nifty free auto attack.
Strago Equipment: Magus rod, Paladin Shield, Genji helm, Behemoth suit, Celestriad and Miracle Shoes / Soul of Thamasa.
Strago's relics change on a boss to boss situation. Miracle Shoes are there for general use and mainly battles between bosses and Soul of Thamasa when i need to a lot Quickly like cast 5 ultima or white wind into Delta. With the utility that blue magic adds as well as access to the interceptor rippler glitch. I think strago is pretty ok all round. Stats focused for Maxing: Magic, Speed. Rest in Stam and HP / MP.
I made a thread going through the whys of this. But in short i decided Speed due to the ability to blitz ultimas and Stam because of the amount of stuff has as access to that scales off it and Miracle Shoes.
Sabin Equipment: x2 Claws (they are always changing,) Circlet, Red jacket, Genji glove, master scroll Sabin has single job. Press attack and watch them disappear. If he can proc as many on hits as possible and kill them. He has the same mentality as Locke in terms of build. Stats focused for Maxing: Magic, Strength. Rest in Stam and HP / MP. So the strength is there for his stupid good auto attacks, Magic for the onhits and AOE blitzes and the stam to benefit from strago and his buffs.
Cyan Equipment: Zantetsuken, Mutsunokami, Diamond helm, Genji Armor, Genji Gloves and Miracle shoes. So i have no idea what to do with him Most of his stats seem useless for Bushido. So i just gave him quite a generic Set up and hope we can get through this. Not to do Cyan dirty but i have no idea what to do with him. Stats focused for Maxing: Strength and Magic I am told that his Bushido is a mix of Magic and Strength so that's what i maxed.
Shadow Equipment: Kagenui, Gladius, Red cap, Genji Armor, Miracle Shoes, Genji Glove. He has a basic set up. Just deal as much damage as possible and if you cannot reach damage cap throw stuff at them. Stats focused for Maxing: Strength and Speed. Rest in magic HP / MP His stats are not the best but the 128 speed and strength means he does good damage so all in all he seems ok.
submitted by Cpomplexmessiah to FinalFantasyVI [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:34 Cwazy_Llama Tell me your favorite map/town and why!

Or you could do a top 3-5, that's cool too.
For me it's probably Lith Harbor and Kerning City, call me old school.
Lith Harbor - The music, the theme, I love the feel of this Greek island all white/mykanos kinda vibe it has going on. I wish more was done to it to "modernize it" I guess in 2024.
Kerning City - I love the background of the NYC-esqe skyline. The whole place feels rugged, as it should for the home of thieves. Back alley/forgotten/rugged/rough area that's overshadowed by the major downtown area and skyline.
I would also include old school Henesys but that feels like a cop out answer.
submitted by Cwazy_Llama to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:33 Beneficial-Hat-365 Svg to jsx wrapped in react component.

I'm working on a project where i need to convert a svg image accessed from the user's computer to a jsx wrapped react component.The svg image is getting converted partially.I mean i can see the partially transformed react component in the console. const error = new SvgoParserError( ^ SvgoParserError: :1:1: Non-whitespace before first tag. at sax.onerror (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/svgo/lib/parser.js:247:19) at emit (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js:518:35) at error (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js:549:5) at strictFail (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js:573:7) at beginWhiteSpace (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js:847:7) at SAXParser.write (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js:902:11) at parseSvg (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/svgo/lib/parser.js:259:7) at optimize (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/svgo/lib/svgo.js:66:17) at Object.optimize (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/svgo/lib/svgo-node.js:76:10) at svgoPlugin (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@svgplugin-svgo/dist/index.js:76:23) at run (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@svgcore/dist/index.js:174:16) at transform (/Users/yugdev/Documents/SVG /servenode_modules/@svgcore/dist/index.js:180:10) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) { reason: 'Non-whitespace before first tag.', line: 1, column: 1, source: 'import * as React from "react";\n' + 'const SvgComponent = props =>
{"Main Block (kWh)"}
{"Total (kWh)"}{"\n .apexcharts-legend {\n display: flex;\n overflow: auto;\n padding: 0 10px;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-bottom, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-top {\n flex-wrap: wrap\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-right, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-left {\n flex-direction: column;\n bottom: 0;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-bottom.apexcharts-align-left, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-top.apexcharts-align-left, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-right, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-left {\n justify-content: flex-start;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-bottom.apexcharts-align-center, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-top.apexcharts-align-center {\n justify-content: center;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-bottom.apexcharts-align-right, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-top.apexcharts-align-right {\n justify-content: flex-end;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend-series {\n cursor: pointer;\n line-height: normal;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-bottom .apexcharts-legend-series, .apexcharts-legend.apx-legend-position-top .apexcharts-legend-series{\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend-text {\n position: relative;\n font-size: 14px;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend-text *, .apexcharts-legend-marker * {\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend-marker {\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n cursor: pointer;\n margin-right: 3px;\n border-style: solid;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend.apexcharts-align-right .apexcharts-legend-series, .apexcharts-legend.apexcharts-align-left .apexcharts-legend-series{\n display: inline-block;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend-series.apexcharts-no-click {\n cursor: auto;\n }\n .apexcharts-legend .apexcharts-hidden-zero-series, .apexcharts-legend .apexcharts-hidden-null-series {\n display: none !important;\n }\n .apexcharts-inactive-legend {\n opacity: 0.45;\n }"}{"8.00"}{"8.00"}{"7.00"}{"7.00"}{"6.00"}{"6.00"}{"5.00"}{"5.00"}{"4.00"}{"4.00"}{"3.00"}{"3.00"}{"2.00"}{"2.00"}{"1.00"}{"1.00"}{"0.00"}{"0.00"}
submitted by Beneficial-Hat-365 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:55 AffectionateSleep229 Want to feel 100% again

Hey I’ve been dealing with a lot of health issues it seems for the past year it seems. Frustration brings me here as I have had a difficult time getting information and ideas from doctors. It all started over a year I began to develop pain and discomfort in my groin area. It was hard to pinpoint the exact area where the discomfort comes from. Sometimes it would feel like the testicles, other near the joint, other on the shaft, or sometimes down the urethra. I often felt a feeling of cold near the tip of the scrotum. Then a few months after that, I began to feel soreness and muscle aches throughout the body, mainly the upper part of my arms. This symptom went on for months during the summer. For that the doctor noted I was deficient in vitamin d and told me to take a supplement for it. I feel that has worked a bit but still deal with this issue still. Generally I deal with that groin discomfort, body ache, fatigue, lack of motivation, and just drained and tired of it all. I would like some help trying to find what is wrong and point me in a direction because I have not gotten much from doctors. More background, in 2018 I had a sexual encounter that gave me bad anxiety for STDs. Specifically I was scared for HIV. Few months after I developed a swollen lymph node right below my ear on the right side only. I thought that was the start and took a Sylvia test and it seemed negative to me. Still anxiety and fear ruled over me for years but I tried to forget. In 2022 around covid time, I noticed my tongue more white and felt weird to swallow and stuff. I was worried that was HIV and my symptoms were multiplying. Doctors did say it wasn’t oral thrush so I’m not sure on that still. In 2023 when the groin discomfort began, I finally decided it was time to get a blood test. Got a 4th gen HIV 1&2 test and it came back negative. I thought that it would put my mind to rest but it didn’t somehow. I was still extremely worried as I still felt the issues above. A couple months ago I decided to get another HIV 4th gen 1&2 blood test. It came back negative again. All other STDs came back negative as well. I just want to find out what it could be and how to feel 100% again in my life. It makes my school, physical, and mental life hard on me. So if anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.
submitted by AffectionateSleep229 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:48 That_Anonymous_One [F4M (24F here)] 18+ Fantasy advance-lit roleplay partner search! "The Lost Princess"

The continent of Gêde is a sprawling land of diverse biomes, vegetation, and different walks of life. Humans, animals, fairies, orcs, vampires. All sorts of creatures inhabit the land and over thousands of years, have formed civilizations, villages, and kingdoms.
There are three prominent kingdoms in Gêde. In the northwestern temperate regions lies the kingdom of [writer’s choice]. In the northeast mountain ranges of Gêde lies Sovia, a kingdom of ice and snow, which is ruled by powerful warlords and greedy kings.Sovia is inhabited by frost giants, yetis, and uldra. But the monarchy consists of a long lineage of Vampyres who have taken favor of the sprawling, mineral-rich land and everlasting arctic nights. Down towards the tropical Niraqian Sea stretches the smaller peninsula kingdom of Al-Khuna. This kingdom, fertile by the sun and sea, is dominated by humans and sun elves on land and Suvannamacchi—mermaid-like creatures—in the sea. Al-Khuna was particularly rich in spices, exotic vegetation, silks, and it was said to have had enough gold to make the sun god himself jealous of the kingdom’s radiance.
Well. that was 100 years ago.
For the last century, the royal Al-Khunian kings of the family Farashi had made some…rather critical financial decisions, mostly driven by greed, ignorance, and arrogance. It was always rumored by the other neighboring kingdoms that one day Al-Khuna would collapse under its own rule. The economy was rapidly beginning to collapse. The frivolous spending, greed, and ignorance of the late Raja, his father before him, and his father before him had plunged the land into its downfall. The entire kingdom had gone into a deep famine, and poverty was running rampant. Even as the old generations of the royal family died off and the new generations were coronated, no one could solve the famine. Drought plagued the land, and trading ports were not outputting enough goods to bring in profit. Al-Khuna was growing desperate.
The Raja should have approached the king in the northwest for help. Perhaps then, Al-Khuna might have been saved. But no. Stupidly, Al-Khuna had struck a deal with Sovia.
All Sovia needed to do was provide food and money and the Al-Khunians would sell their services in any way possible, but more conflicts were arising. The Sovians would demand services and goods that the Al-Khunians did not want to provide, but the Sovians were demanding more payment than what was originally agreed upon. Contracts were broken, and loopholes were taken advantage of. The Raja of Al-Khuna made impulsive mistakes that ultimately left too many vital parts of Al-Khuna as collateral.
A war broke out, but Sovia was too powerful. The Raja of Al-Khuna was too proud to surrender, and when he and his Rani were finally assassinated by the Sovians, every kingdom in Gêde watched as Al-Khuna fell under Sovian control.
The only ones of the Farashi line that were spared were the young Prince Adan and his baby sister Princess Iirana, who were ordered by the Sovians to be taken far away where they would not cause any trouble. It was against Sovian morals, of course, to spare children when decimating an entire country.
Prince Adan remembered the massacre, however, and as his birthright to the throne, he planned well into his adulthood how to regain control of Al-Khuna.
The Prompt:
"Go! GO! Into the woods!" The booming voice of the prince was nearly drowned out by the sounds of screams, cannons, metal clashing against metal, and destruction. Another battle was raging mercilessly, this time right in the heart of Al-Khuna... It started as a failed assassination attempt on the Sovian prince, who was to marry Princess Iirana—who was now 21. It was all planned out by Prince Adan to regain control of Al-Khuna. They were to arrange matrimony between Prince Veric and Princess Iirana. They were to meet during the Festival of Lights, an annual Al-Khunian traditional party held every Summer Solstice. Iirana was to seduce him, take him somewhere private, and kill him with a kiss with the nightshade painted on her lips.
The Sovian guards saw right through the plan, and all hell broke loose.
Iirana and Adan managed to flee the palace. Shouts and commands could be heard somewhere in the disarray of the battle as Sovian soldiers attempted to track and pursue them. Adan grabbed Iirana's hand and led her through the fray. They ran for what seemed like hours, and they had almost made it to the edge of the kingdom before the prince collapsed with a painful thud. "Adan?" Iirana's eyes widened at the sight of a Sovian arrow impaling right through his leg. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled through his teeth, "Don't wait for me! Into the woods, Iirana, NOW!!"
She wanted to protest, she wanted to drag him with her, but she knew better, and she fought herself as she fled far into the forest. Far, far away from the raging battle, the screams, the clashing of weapons, and the collapse of buildings on fire. She did not look back to see what had become of her brother.
Al-Khuna was destroyed. The Sovians would make sure there was nothing left for Iirana to return to. The only direction she could go for another safe civilization was northwest across the entire continent.
And that she did.

The scene:
“Your Highness! My Lord!” Rowan, The captain of the Royal Guard of the northwestern castle barged into the throne room, interrupting the business his king was attending to. He never behaved in such a manner, and certainly never barged in without a formal announcement. His eyes seemed wide with confusion and urgency, and behind him, two guards were slowly escorting a female figure between them.
“Please forgive me for this sudden intrusion, my lord, but—” Rowan turned his head to watch as his armored men came closer, and the figure slowly becoming more visible to their ruler on the throne.
They had her held firm by arms, but she was not cuffed. She did not seem to struggle either, but rather allowed them to guide her where they wanted her. She was young. Human. Although like no human in this kingdom. She was dressed in a ragged gray peasant dress and black cloak. Her skin was a dark olive tone, as if kissed by the sun god himself. Her fingers and hands were adorned with swirling intricate curlicues of a faded red stain. Her feet were bare, painted with the same patterns. Her hair was thick and falling over her shoulders like tendrils of endless black night. Her dark downcast amber eyes seemed…tired. Empty. Dark circles plagued her gaunt face; it was clear that she hadn’t eaten in some time, it seemed like she hadn’t slept in…months. The tightness of her pupils resembled that of an old warrior, one who had seen death and was forever haunted by the horrors of the past.
This was not a normal girl. Not one that was from anywhere near here.
“My lord,” Rowan straightened as he spoke. “She says she is from Al-Khuna. Says she had been traveling for several months. Says she fled from a Sovian attack. They’d apparently done a massacre. Says she escaped.” He spoke rapidly, trying to recount everything that she had told the guards when she initially approached the castle. They didn’t believe her at first, but upon looking at her foreign appearance, they knew they needed to get her to the king right away for his judgment. After that encounter, however, she hadn’t said another word. The exhaustion was simply too much.
After Rowan spoke, the young woman slowly raised her head to meet the king’s eyes. As exhausted as she appeared, there was a certain look about her. There was a certain fire in her eyes that told him that she did indeed come from a powerful line. And she had seen things that only true hell could produce.
My HARD Rules:
I only roleplay on Discord.
I roleplay in 3rd person only.
Advance-lit only. I write with detail and flesh out 2 to 3, sometimes even 5-paragraph responses. I expect my partner to hold the same writing standard.
You must be 18+. This roleplay will contain adult themes like gore, violence, and possibly sexual themes.
I am in US Central Time.
Explore your creative freedom! You'll be playing the "leader" of the northwestern kingdom (you get to name the kingdom as well), whether that be king, prince, emperor, or whatever you'd like to call your character. Have your kingdom be any race you want! Humans, elves, orcs, vampires, etc., or make up your very own! They can of course have magic or any other special traits that you'd like. This is your domain to play with.
Thank you for reading this rather long prompt. If you are interested, please message or DM me through Reddit with your RESPONSE to the prompt, as if you are starting the roleplay with me. I want to see how your writing is and if you are what I’m looking for. If you are not interested, thank you anyway for your time, and happy roleplaying!
submitted by That_Anonymous_One to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:44 That_Anonymous_One [F4M (24F here)] 18+ Fantasy advance-lit roleplay partner search! "The Lost Princess"

The continent of Gêde is a sprawling land of diverse biomes, vegetation, and different walks of life. Humans, animals, fairies, orcs, vampires. All sorts of creatures inhabit the land and over thousands of years, have formed civilizations, villages, and kingdoms.
There are three prominent kingdoms in Gêde. In the northwestern temperate regions lies the kingdom of [writer’s choice]. In the northeast mountain ranges of Gêde lies Sovia, a kingdom of ice and snow, which is ruled by powerful warlords and greedy kings.Sovia is inhabited by frost giants, yetis, and uldra. But the monarchy consists of a long lineage of Vampyres who have taken favor of the sprawling, mineral-rich land and everlasting arctic nights. Down towards the tropical Niraqian Sea stretches the smaller peninsula kingdom of Al-Khuna. This kingdom, fertile by the sun and sea, is dominated by humans and sun elves on land and Suvannamacchi—mermaid-like creatures—in the sea. Al-Khuna was particularly rich in spices, exotic vegetation, silks, and it was said to have had enough gold to make the sun god himself jealous of the kingdom’s radiance.
Well. that was 100 years ago.
For the last century, the royal Al-Khunian kings of the family Farashi had made some…rather critical financial decisions, mostly driven by greed, ignorance, and arrogance. It was always rumored by the other neighboring kingdoms that one day Al-Khuna would collapse under its own rule. The economy was rapidly beginning to collapse. The frivolous spending, greed, and ignorance of the late Raja, his father before him, and his father before him had plunged the land into its downfall. The entire kingdom had gone into a deep famine, and poverty was running rampant. Even as the old generations of the royal family died off and the new generations were coronated, no one could solve the famine. Drought plagued the land, and trading ports were not outputting enough goods to bring in profit. Al-Khuna was growing desperate.
The Raja should have approached the king in the northwest for help. Perhaps then, Al-Khuna might have been saved. But no. Stupidly, Al-Khuna had struck a deal with Sovia.
All Sovia needed to do was provide food and money and the Al-Khunians would sell their services in any way possible, but more conflicts were arising. The Sovians would demand services and goods that the Al-Khunians did not want to provide, but the Sovians were demanding more payment than what was originally agreed upon. Contracts were broken, and loopholes were taken advantage of. The Raja of Al-Khuna made impulsive mistakes that ultimately left too many vital parts of Al-Khuna as collateral.
A war broke out, but Sovia was too powerful. The Raja of Al-Khuna was too proud to surrender, and when he and his Rani were finally assassinated by the Sovians, every kingdom in Gêde watched as Al-Khuna fell under Sovian control.
The only ones of the Farashi line that were spared were the young Prince Adan and his baby sister Princess Iirana, who were ordered by the Sovians to be taken far away where they would not cause any trouble. It was against Sovian morals, of course, to spare children when decimating an entire country.
Prince Adan remembered the massacre, however, and as his birthright to the throne, he planned well into his adulthood how to regain control of Al-Khuna.
The Prompt:
"Go! GO! Into the woods!" The booming voice of the prince was nearly drowned out by the sounds of screams, cannons, metal clashing against metal, and destruction. Another battle was raging mercilessly, this time right in the heart of Al-Khuna... It started as a failed assassination attempt on the Sovian prince, who was to marry Princess Iirana—who was now 21. It was all planned out by Prince Adan to regain control of Al-Khuna. They were to arrange matrimony between Prince Veric and Princess Iirana. They were to meet during the Festival of Lights, an annual Al-Khunian traditional party held every Summer Solstice. Iirana was to seduce him, take him somewhere private, and kill him with a kiss with the nightshade painted on her lips.
The Sovian guards saw right through the plan, and all hell broke loose.
Iirana and Adan managed to flee the palace. Shouts and commands could be heard somewhere in the disarray of the battle as Sovian soldiers attempted to track and pursue them. Adan grabbed Iirana's hand and led her through the fray. They ran for what seemed like hours, and they had almost made it to the edge of the kingdom before the prince collapsed with a painful thud. "Adan?" Iirana's eyes widened at the sight of a Sovian arrow impaling right through his leg. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled through his teeth, "Don't wait for me! Into the woods, Iirana, NOW!!"
She wanted to protest, she wanted to drag him with her, but she knew better, and she fought herself as she fled far into the forest. Far, far away from the raging battle, the screams, the clashing of weapons, and the collapse of buildings on fire. She did not look back to see what had become of her brother.
Al-Khuna was destroyed. The Sovians would make sure there was nothing left for Iirana to return to. The only direction she could go for another safe civilization was northwest across the entire continent.
And that she did.

The scene:
“Your Highness! My Lord!” Rowan, The captain of the Royal Guard of the northwestern castle barged into the throne room, interrupting the business his king was attending to. He never behaved in such a manner, and certainly never barged in without a formal announcement. His eyes seemed wide with confusion and urgency, and behind him, two guards were slowly escorting a female figure between them.
“Please forgive me for this sudden intrusion, my lord, but—” Rowan turned his head to watch as his armored men came closer, and the figure slowly becoming more visible to their ruler on the throne.
They had her held firm by arms, but she was not cuffed. She did not seem to struggle either, but rather allowed them to guide her where they wanted her. She was young. Human. Although like no human in this kingdom. She was dressed in a ragged gray peasant dress and black cloak. Her skin was a dark olive tone, as if kissed by the sun god himself. Her fingers and hands were adorned with swirling intricate curlicues of a faded red stain. Her feet were bare, painted with the same patterns. Her hair was thick and falling over her shoulders like tendrils of endless black night. Her dark downcast amber eyes seemed…tired. Empty. Dark circles plagued her gaunt face; it was clear that she hadn’t eaten in some time, it seemed like she hadn’t slept in…months. The tightness of her pupils resembled that of an old warrior, one who had seen death and was forever haunted by the horrors of the past.
This was not a normal girl. Not one that was from anywhere near here.
“My lord,” Rowan straightened as he spoke. “She says she is from Al-Khuna. Says she had been traveling for several months. Says she fled from a Sovian attack. They’d apparently done a massacre. Says she escaped.” He spoke rapidly, trying to recount everything that she had told the guards when she initially approached the castle. They didn’t believe her at first, but upon looking at her foreign appearance, they knew they needed to get her to the king right away for his judgment. After that encounter, however, she hadn’t said another word. The exhaustion was simply too much.
After Rowan spoke, the young woman slowly raised her head to meet the king’s eyes. As exhausted as she appeared, there was a certain look about her. There was a certain fire in her eyes that told him that she did indeed come from a powerful line. And she had seen things that only true hell could produce.
My HARD Rules:
I only roleplay on Discord.
I roleplay in 3rd person only.
Advance-lit only. I write with detail and flesh out 2 to 3, sometimes even 5-paragraph responses. I expect my partner to hold the same writing standard.
You must be 18+. This roleplay will contain adult themes like gore, violence, and possibly sexual themes.
I am in US Central Time.
Explore your creative freedom! You'll be playing the "leader" of the northwestern kingdom (you get to name the kingdom as well), whether that be king, prince, emperor, or whatever you'd like to call your character. Have your kingdom be any race you want! Humans, elves, orcs, vampires, etc., or make up your very own! They can of course have magic or any other special traits that you'd like. This is your domain to play with.
Thank you for reading this rather long prompt. If you are interested, please message or DM me through Reddit with your RESPONSE to the prompt, as if you are starting the roleplay with me. I want to see how your writing is and if you are what I’m looking for. If you are not interested, thank you anyway for your time, and happy roleplaying!
submitted by That_Anonymous_One to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:43 That_Anonymous_One [F4M (24F here)] 18+ Fantasy advance-lit roleplay partner search!

The continent of Gêde is a sprawling land of diverse biomes, vegetation, and different walks of life. Humans, animals, fairies, orcs, vampires. All sorts of creatures inhabit the land and over thousands of years, have formed civilizations, villages, and kingdoms.
There are three prominent kingdoms in Gêde. In the northwestern temperate regions lies the kingdom of [writer’s choice]. In the northeast mountain ranges of Gêde lies Sovia, a kingdom of ice and snow, which is ruled by powerful warlords and greedy kings.Sovia is inhabited by frost giants, yetis, and uldra. But the monarchy consists of a long lineage of Vampyres who have taken favor of the sprawling, mineral-rich land and everlasting arctic nights. Down towards the tropical Niraqian Sea stretches the smaller peninsula kingdom of Al-Khuna. This kingdom, fertile by the sun and sea, is dominated by humans and sun elves on land and Suvannamacchi—mermaid-like creatures—in the sea. Al-Khuna was particularly rich in spices, exotic vegetation, silks, and it was said to have had enough gold to make the sun god himself jealous of the kingdom’s radiance.
Well. that was 100 years ago.
For the last century, the royal Al-Khunian kings of the family Farashi had made some…rather critical financial decisions, mostly driven by greed, ignorance, and arrogance. It was always rumored by the other neighboring kingdoms that one day Al-Khuna would collapse under its own rule. The economy was rapidly beginning to collapse. The frivolous spending, greed, and ignorance of the late Raja, his father before him, and his father before him had plunged the land into its downfall. The entire kingdom had gone into a deep famine, and poverty was running rampant. Even as the old generations of the royal family died off and the new generations were coronated, no one could solve the famine. Drought plagued the land, and trading ports were not outputting enough goods to bring in profit. Al-Khuna was growing desperate.
The Raja should have approached the king in the northwest for help. Perhaps then, Al-Khuna might have been saved. But no. Stupidly, Al-Khuna had struck a deal with Sovia.
All Sovia needed to do was provide food and money and the Al-Khunians would sell their services in any way possible, but more conflicts were arising. The Sovians would demand services and goods that the Al-Khunians did not want to provide, but the Sovians were demanding more payment than what was originally agreed upon. Contracts were broken, and loopholes were taken advantage of. The Raja of Al-Khuna made impulsive mistakes that ultimately left too many vital parts of Al-Khuna as collateral.
A war broke out, but Sovia was too powerful. The Raja of Al-Khuna was too proud to surrender, and when he and his Rani were finally assassinated by the Sovians, every kingdom in Gêde watched as Al-Khuna fell under Sovian control.
The only ones of the Farashi line that were spared were the young Prince Adan and his baby sister Princess Iirana, who were ordered by the Sovians to be taken far away where they would not cause any trouble. It was against Sovian morals, of course, to spare children when decimating an entire country.
Prince Adan remembered the massacre, however, and as his birthright to the throne, he planned well into his adulthood how to regain control of Al-Khuna.
The Prompt:
"Go! GO! Into the woods!" The booming voice of the prince was nearly drowned out by the sounds of screams, cannons, metal clashing against metal, and destruction. Another battle was raging mercilessly, this time right in the heart of Al-Khuna... It started as a failed assassination attempt on the Sovian prince, who was to marry Princess Iirana—who was now 21. It was all planned out by Prince Adan to regain control of Al-Khuna. They were to arrange matrimony between Prince Veric and Princess Iirana. They were to meet during the Festival of Lights, an annual Al-Khunian traditional party held every Summer Solstice. Iirana was to seduce him, take him somewhere private, and kill him with a kiss with the nightshade painted on her lips.
The Sovian guards saw right through the plan, and all hell broke loose.
Iirana and Adan managed to flee the palace. Shouts and commands could be heard somewhere in the disarray of the battle as Sovian soldiers attempted to track and pursue them. Adan grabbed Iirana's hand and led her through the fray. They ran for what seemed like hours, and they had almost made it to the edge of the kingdom before the prince collapsed with a painful thud. "Adan?" Iirana's eyes widened at the sight of a Sovian arrow impaling right through his leg. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled through his teeth, "Don't wait for me! Into the woods, Iirana, NOW!!"
She wanted to protest, she wanted to drag him with her, but she knew better, and she fought herself as she fled far into the forest. Far, far away from the raging battle, the screams, the clashing of weapons, and the collapse of buildings on fire. She did not look back to see what had become of her brother.
Al-Khuna was destroyed. The Sovians would make sure there was nothing left for Iirana to return to. The only direction she could go for another safe civilization was northwest across the entire continent.
And that she did.

The scene:
“Your Highness! My Lord!” Rowan, The captain of the Royal Guard of the northwestern castle barged into the throne room, interrupting the business his king was attending to. He never behaved in such a manner, and certainly never barged in without a formal announcement. His eyes seemed wide with confusion and urgency, and behind him, two guards were slowly escorting a female figure between them.
“Please forgive me for this sudden intrusion, my lord, but—” Rowan turned his head to watch as his armored men came closer, and the figure slowly becoming more visible to their ruler on the throne.
They had her held firm by arms, but she was not cuffed. She did not seem to struggle either, but rather allowed them to guide her where they wanted her. She was young. Human. Although like no human in this kingdom. She was dressed in a ragged gray peasant dress and black cloak. Her skin was a dark olive tone, as if kissed by the sun god himself. Her fingers and hands were adorned with swirling intricate curlicues of a faded red stain. Her feet were bare, painted with the same patterns. Her hair was thick and falling over her shoulders like tendrils of endless black night. Her dark downcast amber eyes seemed…tired. Empty. Dark circles plagued her gaunt face; it was clear that she hadn’t eaten in some time, it seemed like she hadn’t slept in…months. The tightness of her pupils resembled that of an old warrior, one who had seen death and was forever haunted by the horrors of the past.
This was not a normal girl. Not one that was from anywhere near here.
“My lord,” Rowan straightened as he spoke. “She says she is from Al-Khuna. Says she had been traveling for several months. Says she fled from a Sovian attack. They’d apparently done a massacre. Says she escaped.” He spoke rapidly, trying to recount everything that she had told the guards when she initially approached the castle. They didn’t believe her at first, but upon looking at her foreign appearance, they knew they needed to get her to the king right away for his judgment. After that encounter, however, she hadn’t said another word. The exhaustion was simply too much.
After Rowan spoke, the young woman slowly raised her head to meet the king’s eyes. As exhausted as she appeared, there was a certain look about her. There was a certain fire in her eyes that told him that she did indeed come from a powerful line. And she had seen things that only true hell could produce.
My HARD Rules:
I only roleplay on Discord.
I roleplay in 3rd person only.
Advance-lit only. I write with detail and flesh out 2 to 3, sometimes even 5-paragraph responses. I expect my partner to hold the same writing standard.
You must be 18+. This roleplay will contain adult themes like gore, violence, and possibly sexual themes.
I am in US Central Time.
Explore your creative freedom! You'll be playing the "leader" of the northwestern kingdom (you get to name the kingdom as well), whether that be king, prince, emperor, or whatever you'd like to call your character. Have your kingdom be any race you want! Humans, elves, orcs, vampires, etc., or make up your very own! They can of course have magic or any other special traits that you'd like. This is your domain to play with.
Thank you for reading this rather long prompt. If you are interested, please message or DM me through Reddit with your RESPONSE to the prompt, as if you are starting the roleplay with me. I want to see how your writing is and if you are what I’m looking for. If you are not interested, thank you anyway for your time, and happy roleplaying!
submitted by That_Anonymous_One to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:43 Excellent_Rip_6605 ISIS is practicing pure Sunni Islam as Mohammed did in 7th century Arabia

Yes. ISIS does exactly what Muhammad did in the 7th century. And it also adopts a lot of what the subsequent “rightly guided” caliphs did. Because after all, ISIS is a Salafi organization (Salaf- as in “Al-Salaf Al-Saleh” = the rightly guided predecessors - referring to the four “rightly guided” caliphs following Muhammad).
Long answer:
Let’s take a look first what ISIS is doing. If we can agree what these “atrocities” are, then we can look further and dig deeper whether we can find something similar in Islamic scripture and history.
So, here’s what ISIS does:
Scriptural base:
Qur’an 8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
Qur’an 47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
What Muhammad did:
Then the Messenger of Allah commanded that ditches should be dug, so they were dug in the earth, and they were brought tied by their shoulders, and were beheaded. There were between seven hundred and eight hundred of them. The children who had not yet reached adolescence and the women were taken prisoner, and their wealth was seized.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir - The Campaign against Banu Qurayzah
Narrated Aisha . . . No woman of Banu [tribe] Qurayzah was killed except one. She was with me, talking and laughing on her back and belly (extremely), while the Apostle of Allah . . . was killing her people with the swords. Suddenly a man called her name: Where is so-and-so? . . . I asked: What is the matter with you? She said: I did a new act. [Aisha] said: The man took her and beheaded her. [Aisha] said: I will not forget that she was laughing extremely although she knew that she would be killed. (Abu Dawud)
Scriptural base:
Qur’an - 4:24 - "And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you.
What Muhammad did:
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 2, # 2150:
Abu Said al-Khudri said: "The apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Quranic verse, "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess". That is to say, they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period." (See Qur’an 4:24 above)
Sahih Bukhari Vol.3 #432
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri that while he was sitting with Allah's messenger we said, "Oh Allah's messenger, we got female captives as our booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?" The prophet said, "Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence."
Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, #3371
Abu Sirma said to Abu Said al Khudri: "O Abu Said, did you hear Allah's messenger mentioning about al-azl (coitus interruptus)?" He said, "Yes", and added: "We went out with Allah's messenger on the expedition to the Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing azl" (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: "We are doing an act whereas Allah's messenger is amongst us; why not ask him?" So we asked Allah's messenger and he said: "It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born".
Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, page 151
"He [the Lord of Alexandria] presented to the prophet Mariyah, her sister Sirin, a donkey and a mule which was white....The apostle of Allah liked Mariyah who was of white complexion and curly hair and pretty.... Then he cohabited with Mariyah as a handmaid and sent her to his property which he had acquired from Banu al-Nadir."
Tabari's History, volume 39, page 194
"He (Muhammad) used to visit her (Mariyam) there and ordered her to veil herself, [but] he had intercourse with her by virtue of her being his property."
Scriptural base:
Qur'an 4:16 If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447 Narated By Abdullah ibn Abbas : The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.
What Muhammad and companions did:
Mishkat, vol. 1, p. 765, Prescribed Punishments
Ibn Abbas and Abu Huraira reported God's messenger as saying, 'Accursed is he who does what Lot's people did.' In a version...on the authority of Ibn Abbas it says that Ali [Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law] had two people “burned” and that Abu Bakr [Muhammad's chief companion] had a wall thrown down on them.
Modern Exegesis:
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 5177
Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq judged in accordance with this, and he wrote instructions to this effect to Khaalid, after consulting with the Sahaabah. ‘Ali was the strictest of them with regard to that. Ibn al-Qasaar and our shaykh said: the Sahaabah agreed that [the person who does homosexual acts] should be killed, but they differed as to how he should be killed. Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq said that he should be thrown down from a cliff. ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that a wall should be made to collapse on him. Ibn ‘Abbaas said, they should be killed by stoning. This shows that there was consensus among them that [the person who does homosexual acts] should be killed, but they differed as to how he should be executed. This is similar to the ruling of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) concerning the person who has intercourse with a woman who is his mahram [incest], because in both cases intercourse is not permitted under any circumstances. Hence the connection was made in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the deed of the people of Loot, kill them.” And it was also reported that he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has intercourse with a woman who is his mahram, kill him.” And according to another hadeeth with the same isnaad, “Whoever has intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill the animal with him.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 2420; Abu Dawood, 4464; al-Tirmidhi, 1454; al-Haakim, 4/355).
Imam Sirajudeen Bakrin, Nigerian Tribune, December 30, 2011
However, there is a divergence of opinions on the methodology to be used in executing the punishment. While some scholars such as Abu bakr [the first Rightly-Guided Caliph] and Ali [Muhammad's son-in-law and the fourth Rightly-Guided Caliph ] were of the view that such a person should be beheaded and set on fire thereafter, Umar [the second Rightly-Guided Caliph] and Uthman [the third Rightly-Guided Caliph] thought the wall should be fell on him. To Ibn Abbas [Muhammad's cousin], he should be taken to the tallest building in the town, thrown upside down while some men stand on the ground waiting to meet him with stone in replication of the destruction done to the people of Lut (Lot) by Allah.
Scriptural base & what Muhammad did:
Sahih Bukhari (6:60:79) - Two people guilty of illegal intercourse are brought to Muhammad, who orders them both stoned to death.
Sahih Muslim (17:4192) - "in case of married (persons) there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death). And in case of unmarried persons, (the punishment) is one hundred lashes and exile for one year"
Sahih Muslim (17:4196) - A married man confesses to adultery. Muhammad orders him planted in the ground and pelted with stones. According to the passage, the first several stones caused such pain that he tried to escape and had to be dragged back.
Sahih Muslim (17:4206) - A woman who became pregnant confesses to Muhammad that she is guilty of adultery. Muhammad allows her to have the child, then has her stoned.
The description is graphic: "Khalid b Walid came forward with a stone which he flung at her head and there spurted blood on the face of Khalid and so he abused her."
Ibn Ishaq (970)
  • "The adulterer must be stoned." These words were a part of Muhammad's farewell address to his people on the occasion of his final pilgrimage to Mecca.
What Muhammad did:
Bukhari vol.3 book 45 ch.3 no.687 p.415.
(687) Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, 'Who would kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf as he has harmed Allah and His Apostle? Muhammad bin Maslama (got up and) said, 'I will kill him.' So, Muhammad bin Maslama went to Ka'b and said, 'I want a loan of one or two Wasqs of foodgrains.'" After dickering over what to hold as mortgage, they agreed that Muhammad bin Maslama would mortgage his weapons. So he promised him that he would come with his weapons next time."
Source: Ibn Ishaq, pp. 675-76 / 995-96.
Asma was a poetess who belonged to a tribe of Medinan pagans, and whose husband was named Yazid b. Zayd. She composed a poem blaming the Medinan pagans for obeying a stranger (Muhammad) and for not taking the initiative to attack him by surprise. When the Allah-inspired prophet heard what she had said, he asked, "Who will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?" A member of her husband’s tribe volunteered and crept into her house that night. She had five children, and the youngest was sleeping at her breast. The assassin gently removed the child, drew his sword, and plunged it into her, killing her in her sleep.
The following morning, the assassin defied anyone to take revenge. No one took him up on his challenge, not even her husband. In fact, Islam became powerful among his tribe. Previously, some members who had kept their conversion secret now became Muslims openly, "because they saw the power of Islam," conjectures Ibn Ishaq.
Al-Tabari vol.9 p.167:
Al-Aswad was assassinated because he claimed that he was a prophet, after coming out of the Khubban cave. He was killed a day or two before Mohammed's death.
Al-Tabari vol.9 p.121
"The Messenger of God called me and said, 'It has reached me that Khalid b. Sufyan b. Nubayh al-Hudhali is gathering a force to attack me. He is either in Nakhlah or 'Uranah, so go to him and kill him.'"
Abu Dawud vol.1 no.1244 p.328
"He (the prophet) said, :Go and kill him. I saw him when the time of the afternoon prayer had come. I said : I am afraid if a fight takes place between me and him (Khalid b. Sufyan), that might delay the prayer. I proceeded walking towards him while I was praying by making a sign. When I reached near him, he said to me : Who are you? I replied : A man from the Arabs ; it came to me that you were gathering (any[sp] army) for this man (i.e. the Prophet). Hence I came to you in connection with this matter. ... I then walked along with him for a while; when it became convenient for me, I dominated him with my sword until he became cold (dead)."
Al-Tabari vol.8 p.122
According to Ibn Ishaq: Kinanah b. al-Rabi' b. Abi al-Huqayq who had the treasure of the Banu al-Nadir, was brought to the Messenger of God, who questioned him, but he denied knowing where it [the treasure] was. Then the Messenger of God was brought a Jew who said to him, "I have seen Kinanah walk around this ruin every morning." The Messenger of God said to Kinanah: "What do you say? If we find it in your possession, I will kill you. "All right he answered. The Messenger of God commanded that the ruin should be dug up, and some of the treasure was extracted from it. Then he asked him for the rest of it. Kinanah refused to surrender it, so the Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam, saying, "Torture him until you root out what he has." Al-Zubayr kept twirling his firestick in his breast until Kinanah almost expired [died]; then the Messenger of God gave him to Muhammad b. Maslamah, who beheaded him to avenge his brother Mahmud b. Maslamah."
The list goes on.
All the included sources are Muslim sources. A lot of scholars are using this material to come up with Fatwas and also material for their sermons.
If you have read through my brief write-up, you can see that what ISIS is doing today is almost an exact carbon copy of what Muhammad and his warband were doing back then.
Therefore I urge you all to study all the facts about Muhammad and Islam first, before defending the narrative that ISIS is not Islamic.
submitted by Excellent_Rip_6605 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:33 caps-von [Highly Opinionated]A guide to getting a job in tech startups

Attention -> This guide is highly opinionated, if you're looking for a post from a perspective from a highly experienced dev then you should probably stop reading and check out other posts. I've been working full-time for over 2 years only but I've been a part of startups in different capacities for the past 4 years, either as an intern or a contractofreelancer. Resources might be outdated but still check them out and decide accordingly, but in my opinion you should read my post since, I fall under these buckets ->
  1. NON CS and Tier 2/3/4.. College -> I had 50k+ rank in JEE and was only able to land Civil in a Tier 3 college due to home state quota, later got a circuit branch from branch upgrade.
  2. Off Campus Placement -> I had already started freelancing since culture at a company is a very very crucial to me and I loved the freelancing lifestyle this I skipped on campus placements altogether. Also due to freelancing I was making more than what all the companies who were part of our placement drive were offering.
  3. Got placed primarily due to my past experience and projects as opposed to my CP ranking -> I asked my HR why was I hired and she mentioned that it was my past experience + projects which caught their attention, of course I went through their standard selection rounds but they still preferred my profile over Tier 1 students with good coding platform ranks due to my past work experience.
  4. Consistent earning -> While someone can dismiss my current job as a fluke I've a history of making good money($20K in 6 months from scratch) through freelancing with multiple clients and was able to translate that experience into a job at a startup as well. My PPO comp was 40 base and a very sizeable portion of equity of a very fast growing startup. If we were to do the cringy CTC calculation it was a 1 CR+ job offer.

What makes someone hire a candidate?

I've interviewed over 40+ people and 4 batches of interns. Working at a startup has allowed me to be very close with recruiting process and work with recruiter with over 10+ years in premier MNCs and startups and there's a lot that goes into hiring but I think it can be put into some buckets.
Hiring for interns/freshers -> We personally don't hire for freshers roles and instead all junior devs go through our intern process but this is where the most non traditional profiles can break in tech early. I've noticed that for senior roles a lot of emphasis is given to the the companies they've worked in and which team were they a part of. Working folks might be aware that for senior roles usually the hiring manager personally have a chat before adding the candidate in interview pipeline and based on our debriefs I've noticed that institute rarely comes up but rather their work at the teams that they've been a part of takes the highest priority. Now a argument can be made that being from a Tier 1 institute allows the ability to get a headstart but a lot of folks are able to breakthrough into big tech even after working at WITCH so entering into high paying startups isn't that big of deal for them as tech profiles converge the more experienced one get. For interns and freshers a solid development and a mix of coding platforms experience should get you a job in startups with a very high probability.
To put more emphasis in why profiles matters let's take a look at a couple of profiles that I'm personally aware of ->
My friend working at a High Growth Seed Round
Highlights of his profile ->
  1. Very very low ranking Engineering College.
  2. No prior intern at a big company instead mixture of work at small startups and his own ventures.
  3. Didn't apply for a job at all since he was also happy as a freelancer but finally decided to work at a startup and got a job in flat 16 days.
  4. Comp-> 16 lpa base + seed round equity.
The best part about this friend why how deep his profile was. He has always been passionate about computers since school time and had experience in cyber security, crypto, fullstack-development,etc. As you can guess the secret of how quickly he was able to get a job was how many past experiences he had. When he started finding jobs at he was able to get calls from a couple of startups and he had a offer within 20 days. Wellfound was a a suprisingly good place to find jobs at small startups since my friend was able to receive a lot of calls for interview rounds.
My batchmate working at a FAANG equivalent MNC ->
  1. Same college as mine.
  2. Prior intern at a MNC but overall mid projects and a couple of development profiles and hackathons under his belt.
  3. Average codeforces profile but experience of solving a lot of questions hence able to breeze through leetcode rounds.
  4. Got a on campus placement here so didn't apply anywhere.
  5. Comp -> 20l base + ~60l in equity.
His profile is a mix of development and a lot of coding rounds but the curious case in his case was how a lot of candidates with similar profiles in coding platforms or even better were knocked out from the selection process in the system design round. His previous experience in development surely helped him here in comprehending system design case studies and hence he was able to ace this round whereas others with better coding profiles weren't able to do so.
My batchmate working at FAANG and now a high growth startup ->
  1. Same college.
  2. Prior intern at startups and deep experience in development since school which includes projects in full stack development, compilers and couple of hackathons.
  3. Better than average codeforces profile and breezes through standard OA rounds due to lots of practise.
  4. Comp -> 50+ CTC at FAANG earlier and 25l base at a startup now.
His profile is similar to the first profile but way more competitive coding experience as well. Similar deep experience in projects and very passionate about software engineering and computer science in general.
A common pattern amongst the profiles posted above and mine is development experience allowed us from low tier colleges to be able to get a job quickly. This matters a lot since you'll get calls for interview rounds doesn't matter how tough the market is though what will fluctuate is how much are these companies are offering.

All of your eggs in one basket

It's pretty easy to see how big the market for DSA and Algorithm is. Youtubers are popping left right and center, but is it worth investing all of your time in getting a great rating in Codeforces. First thing first let's make this very clear that standard interview questions are very different than competitive questions and while it is true that due to market saturation some companies have resorted to asking questions that you would see as part of codeforces rounds in their OA. This though isn't the norm and you can do fine if you're good enough for Leetcode rounds. My whole post can be described that we need to stand out from other profiles if we fall into buckets of Low ranking colleges , Non CSE branches, etc.


The following section is a collection of resources that I and my friends used during the placement process ->
  1. Roadmaps -> Roadmaps, Roadmaps, Roadmaps. Youtube is filled with didi bhaiya trying to come up with the best roadmap that they can. Honestly speaking while there's nothing wrong with that I always prefer roadmaps which are open source and updated time to time by community or the author to stay relevant. Go to and pick paths. Focus more on topics rather than content, find whatever resource you can to read up on topics rather than sticking to one youtube channel. Similarly for people who might not be from a CS background the Open Source Society University is a very popular roadmap to follow.
  2. Resume -> I used the variations of the following template. Overleaf is a solid platform for creating resume in latex. Keep your resume simple and keep on iterating with what you should and shouldn't have. If you want you can always ask recruiters what they found nice in your resume and double down on expanding those sections.
  3. Freelancing Platforms -> Personally for me Upwork worked very well, I was able to get the chance of working on a lot of high paying jobs but based on what I've heard from candidates and personally managing profiles for a couple of friends the platform seems to have shifted in terms of job quality a lot. I'm noticing a lot of low quality jobs, underpaid jobs which has made it highly unlikely for new candidates to break through here. I would personally not recommend Freelancer and Fiverr since they have low quality, low paying jobs as compared to Upwork. Also fiverr follows a marketplace model so hard for non experienced folks to get discovered.
    1. If you're a experienced dev and have a solid profile and need a better platform as compared to Upwork checkout Toptal and
  4. Job Platforms -> I personally had a great experience with Cutshort since it apart from applying on jobs as a candidates also has a strong emphasis on recruiters reaching out to candidates. Apart from that I've had a good experience with LinkedIn jobs purely in terms of response times. Atleast recruiters reached out quickly even though the quality of jobs wasn't great. As mentioned above is also a good resource for finding startup jobs. Apart from this cold mailing recruiters should be a part of your job hunting cycle. We used to go over startups which were recently funded and then messaging their client or staff for queries regarding openings.
  5. Youtube channels -> I usually relied on the following channels during my prep and I what I usually watch as well.
    1. Traversy Media -> Followed his tutorials the most.
    2. Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller -> For learning full stack development I've mostly used his courses and honestly speaking they are amazing. I've also heard great things about her courses, Dr. Angela Yu.
    3. Tech News and General Tech Videos ->, Ben Awad, Devon Crawford, ForrestKnight. They Ben and Devon aren't posting these days but they are the reason why I found tech to be super cool.
    4. DSA and Algo Training -> Stick to no nonsense channels like TUF, Back To Back SWE, CS DOJO, Tushar Roy, NeetCode, Nick White, Priyansh Agarwal.
      1. Couple of websites which I liked a lot of practise includes USACO Guide, CP Algorithms, CSES.
The above post is a very opinionated post about what helped me, let me know what helped you in your job hunt.
submitted by caps-von to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:29 GhoulGriin Best Ceiling Light Cover Replacements

Best Ceiling Light Cover Replacements
Say goodbye to worn, damaged, or outdated ceiling light covers with our top picks for Ceiling Light Cover Replacements. In this article, we've rounded up a selection of stylish and durable options to breathe new life into your home's lighting. Whether you're looking for sleek modern designs or classic, timeless options, our collection has got you covered—quite literally.
From elegant glass dome covers to bold, eye-catching statement pieces, you'll find a range of styles and price points to suit any taste and budget. Discover the perfect ceiling light cover replacement to elevate your home's lighting and create a warm, welcoming ambiance. Read on and light up your space in style!

The Top 18 Best Ceiling Light Cover Replacements

  1. Dysmio Clear Hammered Glass Ceiling Fan Cover Bell Shape - Transform your living space with the elegant Dysmio Ceiling Fan Light Covers, featuring a traditional bell shape and clear hammered glass for texture and ambiance.
  2. Classic Diamond Crystal Ceiling Light Shade - Introducing the Boao Gold Crystal Lamp Shade, a stylish and durable option for your living room, bedroom, and bathroom, with a warm white glow and secure fit.
  3. Clear & Frosted Ceiling Fan Light Cover with Handmade Quality - This handmade, high-quality XIDING Clear & Frosted Ceiling Fans Light Covers Glass Shade boasts a transitional style and easy installation, perfect for refreshing your ceiling fan light kit with a 2-1/8" fitter size.
  4. Turner Light Covers Keep Pests Away - Turner Light Covers: The perfect solution to keep insects and pests out, with easy installation and maintenance for recessed interior and exterior lighting fixtures. Enjoy brightness and no unpleasant surprises while changing bulbs!
  5. Modern Raindrop Style Glass Cylinder - Discover the captivating Anmire 3 Pack Raindrop Glass Shade, elevating your space's modern, fashionable, and artistic ambiance for a wide range of pendant light styles and decor options.
  6. Textured Glass Ceiling Fan Shade - Discover the versatile Aspen Creative Bowl Clear Textured Glass Ceiling Fan Light Shade, boasting a 2-1/8-inch fitter size and suitable for upgrading the appearance of various ceiling fan light kit products with its hassle-free glass changes.
  7. Replacement Alabaster Bell Ceiling Fan Glass Shade - This high-quality alabaster glass ceiling fan light shade by Aspen Creative adds an elegant touch to your lighting fixtures, with a 2-1/8-inch fitter size and easy installation process for seamless upgrades and transformations of your space.
  8. Fire Resistant Recessed Light Insulation Cover - Tenmat FF130E Recessed Light Cover: Protect light fixtures, improve energy efficiency, and reduce noise with this UL-tested, fire-safe solution for compatibility with cellulose, foam, fiberglass insulation, and both IC and non-IC rated recessed lights.
  9. Stained Glass Light Shade for Chandelier, Wall Sconce or Pendant - Upgrade your light fixture with this stained glass light shade that adds vintage charm and casts a warm, cozy glow to your living spaces, perfect for chandeliers, sconces, pendants, vanity lights, and table lamps.
  10. EZ Shade - Clip-on Ceiling Light Bulb Cover - Experience seamless transformation with EZ Shade's Clip on Ceiling Light Bulb Cover, offering a quick, tools-free solution to hide exposed bulbs in any room of your home.
  11. Opal White Ceiling Fan Light Shade Cover - Upgrade your ceiling fan with LIGHTACCENTS' elegant opal white glass shades, providing a soft, diffused light and featuring a quick and easy installation process.
  12. Modern White Opal Glass Lamp Shade - Voguad White Opal Cylinder Glass Lamp Shade Replacement: Boost your home's lighting ambiance with this energy-efficient, 5.5" tall and 3.5" diameter shade, perfect for wall sconces, ceiling lights, chandeliers, and pendant light fixtures.
  13. Stylish, Durable Glass Lamp Shades for Ceiling Fans - Upgrade your ceiling fan or flush mount ceiling light with LIGHTACCENTS Ceiling Fan Light Covers, providing a soft and diffused light for any room while being easy to install and versatile for most light fixtures.
  14. 6-Inch Ceiling Light Canopy Kit with Hardware - Upgrade your interior lighting with this high-quality, easy-to-install ceiling light cover kit, perfect for chandeliers and pendant lights. Comes with comprehensive hardware and instructions.
  15. Frosted White Ceiling Fan Light Covers - Frosted White Glass Shade Lamp Replacement Kit for Ceiling Fan Light Kits: A Beautiful, Modern Touch for Your Home
  16. Clear Design Light Covers for Ceiling Fan Globe Replacements - Transform your home decor with our Clear Design Light Kit, featuring durable and stylish ceiling fan light covers that offer effortless installation and seamless integration with any ceiling fan light kit.
  17. Aesthetic White Opal Bell Glass Shade - Transform your space with Dysmio's elegant Bell Glass Shade, offering a perfect blend of style and functionality that enhances the ambiance of any room.
  18. Frosted White Ceiling Fan Light Globe for Multifunctional Usage - All-in-one Ceiling Fan Replacement Glass: Transforms Any Space with Its Flush Mount, Frosted White Design for a Classic Aesthetic.
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🔗Dysmio Clear Hammered Glass Ceiling Fan Cover Bell Shape
As an avid interior design enthusiast, I've been continually scouting for ways to spruce up my living space without breaking the bank. I stumbled upon the Dysmio Ceiling Fan Light Covers and let me tell you, they've brought a whole new level of elegance and charm to my home. These small details make a world of difference when it comes to altering the atmosphere of a room.
The Dysmio Ceiling Fan Light Covers are traditional bell-shaped glasses made from clear hammered glass that gently ripples light, casting delicate patterns throughout my space. They've added a touch of sophistication and class that perfectly complements the existing decor. It's amazing how much of a difference a simple replacement of light covers can make in transforming your home's look and feel.
One thing that really stood out for me was the ease of installation. Each cover comes with its own mounting hole, making it a breeze to attach to my ceiling fans, wall lamps, and chandeliers. The standard 2-1/4-inch fitter also ensures versatility, so I didn't have to worry about compatibility issues.
However, the one aspect that could be improved is the size. With a height and depth of 4.75 inches, and a base width of 4.95 inches, they might not be the perfect fit for every type of light fixture. But in my case, they were just the right size to bring a renewed sense of style and ambiance to my living space.
In conclusion, the Dysmio Ceiling Fan Light Covers are an affordable and effective way to breathe new life into your home's lighting fixtures, transforming your living space with elegant and classic charm. I can wholeheartedly recommend these light cover replacements for anyone looking to elevate their interior design without breaking the bank.

🔗Classic Diamond Crystal Ceiling Light Shade
I've recently added the Boao Gold Crystal Lamp Shade to my living room, and I couldn't be happier with the sparkle it brings to the space. This product not only gives off a warm, inviting glow, but it's also incredibly durable. The non-toxic paint ensures that it won't easily rust or fade, making it a great addition to any room.
One thing to note is that the assembly process does require some effort, but once it's up and running, the payoff is worth it. The diamond and cylindrical shape of the lampshade complements a variety of decors, making it a versatile piece to have in your home.
However, keep in mind that the size might not be ideal for those looking to install this in a smaller room or ceiling height. Additionally, the packaging could use some improvement to ensure that the delicate crystal pieces remain intact during shipping.
Overall, I would definitely recommend the Boao Gold Crystal Lamp Shade to anyone looking to enhance the ambiance of their living space with a touch of sparkle and elegance.

🔗Clear & Frosted Ceiling Fan Light Cover with Handmade Quality
I recently installed the XIDING Clear & Frosted Ceiling Fans Light Covers Glass Shade in my living room, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my interior lighting. The handmade quality of this glass shade is truly impressive, and it adds a touch of elegance to our ceiling fan.
One of the best things about this glass shade is its compatibility with various ceiling fan light kit products that use a 2-1/8 inch fitter. This made replacing my old, damaged glass shade incredibly easy and straightforward. Plus, the water-resistant material makes cleaning a breeze!
However, it's crucial to correctly measure the inside diameter of your glass holder before purchasing this product. This ensures a perfect fit and avoids any disappointment upon installation. Additionally, although I didn't encounter any issues during installation, it's essential to have an adult on hand to assist with moving and placing the glass shade safely.
Customer satisfaction is a top priority for XIDING. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can request a refund as long as the item and package are in original and perfect condition.
Overall, the XIDING Clear & Frosted Ceiling Fans Light Covers Glass Shade has completely transformed my living space, and I am confident that it will do the same for you. Its durable construction, versatile compatibility, and easy-to-clean surface make it a must-have addition to any home.

🔗Turner Light Covers Keep Pests Away
My journey with the Turner Light Covers has been nothing short of a breeze. As an avid DIY enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for products that can simplify my home maintenance efforts. This product checks all the boxes - from its sleek, low-profile design to its high-quality construction, it definitely stands out.
What I really dug about the Turner Light Covers is their ease of installation. They come with their own patented trim ring mounting system which makes it incredibly easy to replace bulbs without fumbling around with tools or risking any injuries from hidden pests. The fact that they're compatible with up to 8-inch recessed lights adds to their versatility, making them suitable for both commercial and residential use.
Another key feature of these light covers is their resilience against heat and rust. They're built to handle the harsh outdoor elements, giving you peace of mind knowing they won't degrade over time. Additionally, the transparent screen provides protection without compromising on light output, ensuring your space stays bright and inviting.
However, despite all these positives, I did find one con - the price. It's a bit on the higher side compared to similar products in the market. But given the durability and convenience they offer, I think it's a worthwhile investment.
All in all, the Turner Light Covers have significantly improved my home maintenance experiences, making bulb replacements a hassle-free task. If you're in the market for a high-quality light cover solution, these are definitely worth considering.

🔗Modern Raindrop Style Glass Cylinder
I recently came across Anmire 3 Pack Modern Raindrop Style Glass Shade, and I must say, this is a game-changer for my home decor. As soon as I unboxed it, the sleek, modern design caught my eye. This glass shade not only provides a stylish touch to my pendant light but also creates a unique ambiance in my living room.
One of the things that stood out most was how easy it was to install. The simplicity design makes it a hassle-free process, and it fits perfectly with my existing light fixture. Plus, I was thrilled to see that it works well with various styles of decor, including modern, traditional, industrial, and rustic.
Another highlight of the glass shade is the way it beautifully filters the light, casting subtle raindrop-shaped patterns on my walls. It has transformed my space, giving it a touch of romance and artistry that I absolutely adore.
However, one concern I have is its fragility. I would advise handling it with care, as it might break if dropped.
In conclusion, the Anmire 3 Pack Modern Raindrop Style Glass Shade has been a wonderful addition to my home. Its stylish design, variety of applications, and easy installation make it a must-have for anyone looking to upgrade their light fixtures. Just be mindful of its delicate nature.

🔗Textured Glass Ceiling Fan Shade
I've recently added a touch of elegance to my living room ceiling fan with Aspen Creative's textured glass bowl light shade. Measuring 4.875 inches in width and 3.875 inches in height, this 2-1/8 inches fitter size glass shade perfectly complements my fan's style.
As an avid DIY enthusiast, I appreciate how easy it is to change the look of my fixtures with this user-friendly glass exchange. While some might argue that the frosted glass option would have been nice, the clarity of this textured glass provides a lovely focal point in my space. Overall, I'm thrilled with this versatile and stylish addition to my home decor.

🔗Replacement Alabaster Bell Ceiling Fan Glass Shade
When I first moved into my new apartment, I was in desperate need of a ceiling fan light shade. I came across the Aspen Creative 5.5-inch Bell Alabaster Glass Ceiling Fan Light Shade with a 2-1/8-inch Setscrew Fitter in White - and boy, was I delighted! This little bell-shaped glass replaced my old, scratched one in no time, giving my ceiling fan a complete makeover.
What truly stood out for me was its high-quality alabaster glass, which gives off a warm and gentle glow. It's perfect for setting the mood in my living room or even in my bedroom. Plus, the fitter size is spot-on, making it a breeze to install.
However, one thing that might concern some people is that it's not suitable for use in bathrooms. But on the positive side, this versatile light shade can be used almost everywhere else in my home, from my dining room to my kitchen.
The Aspen Creative Bell Alabaster Glass Ceiling Fan Light Shade is undoubtedly an affordable and stylish addition to any home, especially if you're looking to revamp your lighting without breaking the bank. "
In my experience, the Aspen Creative Bell Alabaster Glass Ceiling Fan Light Shade truly enhances the ambiance of a room with its warm, alabaster glow. Its quick and easy installation, combined with its versatility, makes it a worthy addition to any home. Though it isn't suitable for use in bathrooms, this shouldn't be a deal-breaker considering its low price point and the number of other areas it can brighten up. Overall, it's a great choice for anyone seeking an affordable lighting update for their living space.

🔗Fire Resistant Recessed Light Insulation Cover
As a homeowner who recently installed the Tenmat Recessed Light Cover, I can attest to its effectiveness in stopping unwanted air leakage through my recessed lights. I was initially concerned about how compatible these covers would be with my IC-rated recessed lights, but after reading through the installation instructions and checking the specs, I found that they worked perfectly.
The FF130E is made from a fire-safe material and has been tested to meet UL1598 and IEC 60598-1 standards, providing peace of mind when it comes to safety. One of the standout features of this product is its ease of installation; it took me just a few minutes to cover each light without any special tools or assembly required.
Another positive aspect of the Tenmat Recessed Light Cover is its ability to save energy. By providing an airtight seal over my recessed lights, I've noticed a significant reduction in drafts and noise, leading to a more comfortable living space.
However, there is one drawback worth mentioning. Some users might find the product's price point to be slightly higher than other alternatives on the market. Despite this, I believe the quality and performance of the Tenmat FF130E make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to improve their home's energy efficiency and overall comfort.

🔗Stained Glass Light Shade for Chandelier, Wall Sconce or Pendant
I decided to upgrade my lighting fixtures to give my home a new look, which led me to discover the Skelang Glassy Light Shade. Upon receiving it, I was immediately drawn to the beautiful stained glass design in blue and white.
The light shade has a 1-5/8 inch fitter diameter, and it was easy to install on my light fixture with the E26 socket ring. It casts a cozy glow that adds vintage charm to my kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Highly recommended for anyone looking to revamp their lighting fixtures and give their space a unique touch.

🔗EZ Shade - Clip-on Ceiling Light Bulb Cover
I recently used the EZ Shade Clip on Ceiling Light Bulb Cover in my garage, and I absolutely love it! It was super easy to install, and it completely transformed the look of my garage. The matte white shade covers the exposed bulb and provides a nice, diffused light that's perfect for working on projects.
One of the best things about this product is that it really is "EZ" to install. I mean, it took me less than a minute to clip it onto the bulb – no tools or re-wiring required! The scratch, UV, and shatter-resistant materials make me feel confident that my light bulb is secure and won't cause any safety concerns.
However, there was one minor inconvenience that I experienced. The metal clasp could be a little more versatile in terms of positioning. For instance, I had to bend it slightly to accommodate the shape of my light bulb, but it wasn't a big deal and it didn't affect the overall performance of the product.
I also appreciate the fact that this product is made in the USA by local and family-owned businesses. Plus, each purchase supports the disabled community by providing vocational work. It's a win-win for everyone!
Overall, I am extremely happy with the EZ Shade Clip on Ceiling Light Bulb Cover. It's a simple yet effective solution for covering exposed bulbs and improving the ambiance of any room. I highly recommend giving it a try!

🔗Opal White Ceiling Fan Light Shade Cover
I've been using the "Opal White Ceiling Fan Light Covers" for quite some time now, and I've found them to be quite useful in revamping the look of my rooms. The light that emanates through them provides a soft and warm glow, perfect for creating a cozy ambiance in any space.
The glass shades are made of high-quality material, ensuring durability and longevity. I've noticed that they are quite easy to clean and maintain, which is a huge plus. The fan light covers are compatible with a variety of ceiling fans and light fixtures, making them a versatile option for anyone looking to update their lighting.
However, one con I've experienced with these light covers is that they can be slightly tricky to install at first, but once you get the hang of it, the process becomes much smoother. Overall, I would definitely recommend the "Opal White Ceiling Fan Light Covers" to anyone looking for a cost-effective way to update their lighting fixtures and add a touch of elegance to their space.

🔗Modern White Opal Glass Lamp Shade
You know how sometimes a simple piece can complete the look of your living space? Well, that's exactly what my Voguad White Opal glass lamp shade did for me. This little glass shield, with its frosted exterior and white opal finish, has the power to transform any room into a warm and inviting haven.
The cylindrical shape is sleek and modern, and it complements a variety of decor styles. It's not just an aesthetic addition though, the white opal glass diffuses light evenly creating a soft glow that's both pleasing to the eyes and perfect for relaxing.
One thing that I really appreciate about the Voguad glass shade is its versatility. It fits perfectly with my wall sconce, ceiling light, chandelier, hanging light, and pendant light fixtures. It's like a wardrobe essential that works with everything in my closet! Plus, the fact that it's 5.5 inches tall and 3.5 inches in diameter means it caters to a wide range of lamp base sizes.
The service from Voguad was outstanding too. They offered a 30-day free return and a 24-month free exchange policy, showing that they genuinely care about their customers' satisfaction.
However, it’s not all roses and sunshine. While the glass shade is beautifully designed and built to last, it doesn’t come with any mounting hardware. So, you may need to visit your local hardware store to find the right fitter, especially if you have an older lamp base.
Through and through, I'm thrilled with my Voguad White Opal glass lamp shade. It's been a perfect addition to my home, transforming each room into a warm and inviting space. Despite the lack of mounting hardware, the exceptional design and performance make this glass shade a wise choice for any household.

🔗Stylish, Durable Glass Lamp Shades for Ceiling Fans
I recently replaced the old, outdated glass shades on my ceiling fan with the Lamp Replacement for Ceiling Fan - Clear Ribbed, and I must say, I am absolutely thrilled with my decision! The opal white glass offers a soft, diffused light that instantly creates a warm and inviting atmosphere in my living room. What I love most about these glass shades is how versatile they are - not only do they fit perfectly onto my ceiling fan, but they also work seamlessly with my flush mount ceiling lights.
The high-quality glass feels extremely durable and sturdy, and I am confident that they will last for many years to come. Additionally, I am impressed with how easy these shades are to clean and maintain, which is a major plus in my book.
One minor drawback is that the installation process could be made slightly easier, as it was a bit of a challenge to align the shades perfectly. However, this is a relatively small issue in comparison to the overall satisfaction I have with these glass shades.
In conclusion, the Lamp Replacement for Ceiling Fan - Clear Ribbed is an excellent choice for anyone looking to update their ceiling light fixtures with a stylish and functional solution.

Buyer's Guide



What are the benefits of replacing my ceiling light covers?

There are several benefits to replacing your ceiling light covers. Upgrading to a new design can enhance the appearance of the room, increase energy efficiency, and extend the lifespan of the light fixture.

How can I determine the right size and shape of the replacement ceiling light cover?

To select the correct size and shape of the replacement cover, you need to measure the existing one or your light fixture. Measure the diameter or width and length of your light cover, and check the dimensions of the replacement options you're considering to ensure they'll fit.

Are ceiling light cover replacements difficult to install?

No, replacing ceiling light covers is generally a fairly easy process. You may need to detach the current cover, carefully dismantle the light fixture, and screw or clip on the new cover. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

How can I clean and maintain my ceiling light cover replacement?

Clean and maintain your replacement ceiling light cover by wiping it with a soft, slightly damp cloth or sponge. Avoid using harsh chemicals, and be gentle to prevent scratches or damage. For a deeper clean, you may use a mild soap diluted in water, but always ensure the cover is thoroughly dried afterward.

Do I need any special tools or knowledge to replace my ceiling light cover?

Most ceiling light cover replacements do not require any special tools or knowledge. However, you may need a screwdriver or pliers depending on the type of fixture you have. Follow the manufacturer's instructions thoroughly for proper installation.

How do I know which type of ceiling light cover will match my existing decor?

Consider the style, material, and color of your room's existing decor when selecting a new ceiling light cover. Glass or clear light covers provide a timeless, elegant look, while opaque or patterned covers can add a modern or vintage touch to your space. Ensure the cover blends seamlessly with your room's design and color scheme.

Can I install a ceiling light cover replacement myself, or should I hire a professional?

Homeowners with basic electrical knowledge can typically replace their ceiling light covers without the help of a professional. However, if you feel uncomfortable or unsure about handling electrical components, it's recommended to hire a licensed electrician for safety reasons.

How much does it cost to replace a ceiling light cover?

The cost to replace a ceiling light cover can vary greatly depending on the type of material, style, and brand of the new cover. Prices typically range from $10 to $50 or more for high-end designs. Adding the cost of installation by a professional can add an additional $50 to $100 or more to the total cost.

How can I find the best ceiling light cover replacement options?

To find the best ceiling light cover replacement options, consider browsing home improvement stores, visiting online retailers, and reviewing customer feedback from other purchasers. Comparing prices and styles from several sources can help you identify the most suitable option for your needs and budget.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]


Can a male give me some advice.
I am (29f), very pretty by societal standards, I always get compliments on my personality which is new because for a long time I always struggled with being stereotypically pretty and whether I had a personality worth getting to know.. I know I do and I know I am really cool to hang out with.
This is not me being obnoxious it's based on what many people have said. I also struggle with mental health but I do my very best to not emulate that.
I know I am not perfect and of course have flaws but WTF.... also I am sure looks are not %100 everything but for online dating looks are what get people past a certain point, you know?
I never get past date 3 and I try not to message too soon, or show TOO much interest.. I never bother them or text too much.. I was talking to a guy approx 10 yrs older and we would talk on the phone 2x/day for about 4 days... at first I knew it was kinda too easy, like it felt a little fast to be getting along with someone so easily so quickly but despite being done so wrong so many times, I still choose to romanticize things....
2 nights ago he drank and expressed how he was always excited to have our daily phone calls and talk to me. (via text).. the day after, I felt an energy shift, he didn't call me at all, I waited until he finished work, around 4 pm, to say " hey, I just wanted to check in, we didn't talk much today and I don't want to assume or anything," he said he's "just tired" since then we have had NO phone calls only scattered texts.....
he messaged me today for the first time consistently, initially when he said he was 'tired" that was the day after we agreed that on Sunday (today) we would go to a restaurant for a late snack since I worked until 9pm.... then he asked, "hey can you come here and we can just have a fire in my backyard?" and I know right now he isn't driving and we live like 45 minutes away so I agreed, **stuid of me.., I know... Then all day today he was like omg I went out last night, I'm so tired. he asked me what I want to drink and he would get it, not even 30 min later he's like omg I'm exhausted do you drink wine? I do not want to go out but I have wine...
I told him, hey, it's fine just get some rest, like I do not want to see you up etc.. he said to message him when I finish work. around 9:30 he said "hey something came up and I have my son tonight" like WAY too convenient. and he's like oh, you're probably pissed.
My feelings have been off for days, since he stopped calling me etc, please tell me if my feelings are correct. like this is weird, I feel like he's hiding something and I genuine feel like he's still with the mother of the baby. like I feel something is not right and I always do my best to not pass judgment, esp. when there is a child, like I know your responsibilities but what...?
I told him I understand, it's his kid, it cannot complain etc, but if he cancels again obv I will not be okay with it. and he has not responded. I will assume he's asleep but I am so sure he is gone ghost me OR come up with an excuse.
I know this was a lot but so fking tired of this, I try t never pass judgment and I want a romantic life but time after time its just men, GROWN ASS men, playing games I do not want to be involved in, I'm exhausted. It cannot possibly be me a this point.
and yes, this scenario is in fact black an white, there is no grey area I'm missing...
submitted by AdOld479 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:12 fragdelta [US][Selling] Slipcovers for Sale!!

I accept Zelle, Cash App, and Venmo F&F
Selling some 4K and Blu-Ray slipcovers. Unless otherwise marked, a 4K UHD slipcover is $5 each and a Blu-Ray slipcover is $3 each. I'm happy to take pictures of the items for you, just ask.
Shipping is $5; free if total is over $50. Please note that these are SLIPCOVERS ONLY, no movies are included.
Disney 4K UHD Slipcovers ($5, unless marked)
  • Aladdin [2019] 4K
  • Avengers, The: Endgame 4K
  • Dumbo [2019] 4K
  • Jungle Cruise 4K
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi 4K
  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 4K
Studio 4K UHD Slipcovers ($5, unless marked)
  • 65 4K - $7
  • Ambulance 4K
  • American Assassin 4K
  • Angel Has Fallen 4K
  • Aquaman 4K
  • Bad Guys 4K, The
  • Batman [2022] 4K, The
  • Batman: The Killing Joke 4K - $9
  • Battlestar Galactica [1978] 4K
  • Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) 4K
  • Blade 4K - $7
  • Brightburn 4K - $9
  • Bumblebee 4K
  • Candyman (2021) 4K
  • Christmas Story 4K, A - $7
  • Cold Pursuit 4K
  • Color Out of Space 4K - $7
  • Commuter 4K, The
  • Contractor 4K, The
  • Days of Thunder 4K - $9
  • Dirty Dancing 4K
  • Don't Breathe 2 4K - $7
  • Doom 4K
  • Downton Abbey: A New Era 4K
  • Dune 4K
  • Edge of Tomorrow 4K
  • Elvis 4K
  • Enter the Dragon 4K - $7
  • Everything Everywhere All At Once 4K
  • Everything Everywhere All At Once 4K (White Walmart Exclusive)
  • Evil Dead Rise 4K
  • Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore 4K
  • First Man 4k
  • First Purge, The 4K
  • Free Guy 4K - $7
  • Ghost in the Shell [2017] 4K - $7
  • Ghostbusters: Afterlife 4K - $7
  • Great Wall 4K, The
  • Green Knight [A24] 4K, The - $7
  • Green Mile 4K, The - $7
  • Grinch [2018] 4K, The
  • Hellboy [2019] 4K
  • Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard 4K, The
  • Howard the Duck 4K
  • Hunt for Red October 4K, The
  • Hustlers 4K - $9
  • It's a Wonderful Life 4K
  • Jaws 2 4K
  • Jigsaw 4K
  • John Wick Chapter 4 4K
  • Jurassic World 4K
  • Jurassic World: Dominion 4K
  • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 4K
  • Kid Who Would Be King 4K, The - $7
  • King Arthur: Legend of the Sword 4K
  • King's Man [2021] 4K, The
  • Knock at the Cabin 4K - $7
  • Lost Boys 4K, The
  • Monster Hunter 4K - $7
  • Monty Python's The Meaning of Life 4K - $7
  • Mortal Kombat 4K
  • Mule 4K, The
  • National Lampoon's Vacation 4K
  • News of the World 4K
  • Nightmare Alley 4K
  • Nobody 4K
  • Nope 4K
  • Old 4K
  • SOLD Pan's Labyrinth 4K - $10
  • Patriot Games 4K
  • Planes, Trains and Automobiles 4K - $7
  • Poltergeist 4K
  • Power Rangers 4K
  • Protégé 4K, The - $7
  • Quiet Place 4K, A - $7
  • Quiet Place part II 4K, A - $7
  • Rambo: Last Blood 4K
  • Rampage 4K
  • Rebel Without a Cause 4K
  • Requiem for a Dream 4K - $7
  • Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City 4K
  • Robin Hood [2018] 4K
  • Shadow 4K - $10
  • Shazam! 4K
  • Sisu 4K
  • Skyscraper 4K
  • Smokin' Aces 4K
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 4K
  • Space Jam [1996] 4K
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 4K - $7
  • Spider-Man: Far from Home 4K - $7
  • Spiral 4K
  • Stuber 4K - $7
  • Suicide Squad [2021] 4K - $7
  • Sum of All Fears 4K, The
  • Super 8 4K - $7
  • Tenet 4K - $7
  • Terminator: Dark Fate 4K - $7
  • Top Gun Maverick 4K
  • Training Day 4K - $7
  • Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 4K, The
  • Voyagers 4K
  • Wonder Woman 1984 4K
  • X-Men: Dark Phoenix 4K - $7
  • Zombieland: Double Tap 4K - $9
Boutique Blu-Ray Slipcovers
  • Child's Play (Scream Factory Collector's Edition) - $8
  • Drug War (Well Go) - $5
  • Firestarter (Scream Factory Collector's Edition) - $8
  • New World (Well Go) - $5
  • Stranger, The (Scream Factory / IFC) - $5
DisneyMarvel Blu-Ray Slipcovers ($3, unless marked)
  • 101 Dalmatians
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron 3D
  • Bambi
  • Beauty and the Beast [2017]
  • Brave
  • Brave 3D (lenticular) - $4
  • Bug's Life, A -- fair condition
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3D [Nick Fury cover] - $5
  • Celebrating Mickey
  • Cinderella [1950]
  • Disneynature: Monkey Kingdom
  • Finding Dory
  • Finding Nemo
  • Finding Nemo 3D (lenticular) - $4
  • Frozen
  • Gnomeo & Juliet
  • Good Dinosaur, The
  • Incredible Hulk, The
  • Inside Out
  • Iron Man
  • Iron Man 2
  • Iron Man 3 3D
  • Jungle Book [2016], The
  • Lady and the Tramp
  • Lion King [1994], The
  • Lion King 1 1/2, The
  • Lion King 2, The: Simba's Pride
  • Little Mermaid 3D, The
  • Lone Ranger, The
  • Maleficent
  • Mars Needs Moms
  • Mary Poppins Returns
  • Moana
  • Moana 3D (lenticular) - $5
  • Monsters, Inc.
  • Monsters University [BD+DVD]
  • Monsters University (Collector's Edition, BD+DVD+DC]
  • Muppets, The
  • Olaf's Frozen Adventure
  • Oz: The Great and Powerful
  • Pirate Fairy
  • POTC: At World's End
  • POTC: On Stranger Tides
  • Pixar Short Films Collection Vol 3
  • Ratatouille
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [1937]
  • Star Wars: A New Hope
  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
  • Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  • Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story
  • Thor
  • Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo
  • Zootopia
  • Zootopia 3D (lenticular) - $5
Blu-Ray Slipcovers ($3, unless marked)
  • 007 Live and Let Die
  • 47 Ronin
  • Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (lenticular)
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip
  • Angry Birds: The Movie (w/ eyebrows)
  • Annihilation
  • Appaloosa
  • Arthur Christmas
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Avatar 3D
  • Bag Man, The
  • Baggage Claim
  • Barbie
  • Blood Father
  • Card Counter, The
  • Chicago (Diamond Edition)
  • Copshop
  • Courier, The
  • Criminal Activities
  • Crimson Peak
  • Croods, The
  • Cry Macho
  • DCU: Batman & Superman Battle of the Supersons
  • DCU: Throne of Atlantis
  • Deep Blue Sea 2
  • Dictator, The
  • Divergent Series, The: Allegiant (lenticular)
  • Dying of the Light
  • Entourage: The Movie
  • Exodus: Gods and Kings
  • Fall
  • Fantastic 4 (2015)
  • Fantastic 4 / Fantastic 4 Silver Surfer
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
  • Fast and the Furious, The (Roman Numeral I)
  • Fast & Furious (Roman Numeral IV)
  • Fear the Walking Dead Season 1
  • Fear the Walking Dead Season 1 (lenticular) - $5
  • Ferdinand
  • Forrest Gump
  • Ghostbusters
  • Ghostbusters: Afterlife
  • Girl in the Spider's Web, The
  • Green Knight, The
  • Halloween Kills
  • Halo: Legends
  • Halo: The Fall of Reach
  • Hangover Part II, The
  • Happy Feet Two
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 3D (lenticular)
  • Hitman's Bodyguard, The
  • Home (Target Exclusive)
  • Hotel Transylvania
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Hunger Games, The
  • Hunger Games, The: Catching Fire
  • Hunger Games, The: Mockingjay Pt 1
  • Hunger Games, The: Mockingjay Pt 2
  • I, Tonya - $5
  • Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas Special
  • In the Heart of the Sea
  • It (Target Exclusive lenticular) - $5
  • Jexi
  • Jigsaw
  • Jumanji: The Next Level
  • Jupiter Ascending
  • Kin
  • Knock at the Cabin
  • Knowing
  • Kubo and the Two Strings
  • La La Land (Target Exclusive) - $5
  • Last Airbender, The
  • Last Night in Soho - $5
  • Legend of Tarzan, The
  • Lego Movie, The
  • Maggie
  • Mamma Mia (Original)
  • Man Who Killed Hitler and the Big Foot, The
  • March of the Penguins (Gold AA)
  • Max Steel [fair condition]
  • Meatballs (VHS)
  • Men in Black 3
  • Million Ways to Die in the West, A
  • Monster Trucks
  • Mountain Between Us, The
  • My All-American
  • Night Hunter
  • Norm of the North
  • Ocean's 8
  • Oklahoma
  • Pan
  • Paradise Hills
  • Parasite
  • Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
  • Peanuts Movie, The
  • Pearl
  • Phantom Thread
  • Polar Express, The (Target Exclusive lenticular) - $5
  • Puss in Boots
  • Ready Player One (Target Exclusive lenticular) - $5
  • Reminiscence
  • Rhythm Section, The
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  • Rock the Kasbah
  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (50th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
  • San Andreas (Best Buy Exclusive lenticular)
  • Shallows, The
  • Shape of Water, The
  • Shaun the Sheep
  • Sisters
  • Smallfoot
  • Snitch
  • Sonic 2
  • Source Code
  • Spider-Man 3
  • Spies in Disguise
  • Split
  • Stand, The
  • Star Trek: Into Darkness (Best Buy Exclusive)
  • Storks
  • Submerged - $5
  • Tag
  • Tower Heist
  • Tracers
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: The Last Knight
  • Twilight Saga, The: Eclipse
  • Underwater
  • Unfinished Business
  • Violent Night
  • Walking with Dinosaurs (original)
  • Walking with Dinosaurs
  • Warcraft
  • Warning Shot
  • Witch, The - $5
  • Woman in Black 2, The: Angel of Death
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  • Yesterday
  • Your Name - $5
  • Zipper
submitted by fragdelta to MediaSwap [link] [comments]