Jahit baju kurung riau

UPU/Public Uni help

2024.05.30 09:56 Puzzled-Answer-9569 UPU/Public Uni help

Hello! When I made a post before this I got lots of help so I thought I could try again this time after SPM results have come out. Currently I'm filling out UPU and applying for scholarships and I just have a few questions(?). If you have a bit of time and you are willing, please comment anything that you think could help me. Thank you.
Also some questions are less academic related so if this post violates guidelines my apologies.
The first question is about UPU. So, my merit marks are slightly below the avg merit marks that UM asasi has, but I do meet the entry requirements. My merit marks are around ~88% and UM’s markah merit avg is around 92-94%. Should I still put it as my first option? Do I still have a chance at getting in? On the other hand, I have a much better chance at getting into UITM bc my markah merit actually exceeds their avg. Would putting UITM as a 2nd/3rd option reduce my chances? Would someone with a lower merit mark than me have a higher chance at getting in because they put it as their first option? Should I just play it safe and put UITM as my first option then? Or keep UM as my first option?
These next few questions are more about the social aspect of public uni. I'm a bit worried about these as I don't really want to stand out in a bad way and be made fun of. I would like to ask about your experiences at public uni. For background, I’m a non-hijabi Malay girl and while I can speak Malay, I’m more comfortable with English and it’s my main language. I definitely don't mind speaking it, I just want to hear some of your experiences so I can better prepare myself.
I know that public unis are very Malay heavy, and ofc I expect to speak a lot of Malay while I’m there, but is it possible to find others like me? I don’t want to be the odd one out speaking only semi-fluent bm and english. Also, I understand that a large majority of the girls there will be hijabis. Is it possible that there are any non-hijabis like me as well? As in, more than one or two. I’m afraid I’ll stand out in that way too and get teased/made fun of.
What do I wear? Do I have to wear baju kurungs everywhere? What attires should I bring? I’ve heard a few horror stories of students showing up to the first day of class wearing something completely different from their classmates and getting stares. Are they strict about what we wear? Is there anything class-related I should prepare for?
Any culture shocks I should be expecting? I'm gonna be honest I'm kinda whitewashed.
submitted by Puzzled-Answer-9569 to malaysiauni [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:13 Connect-Pangolin-415 Amoi wearing baju kurung

Amoi wearing baju kurung submitted by Connect-Pangolin-415 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 DangerousAd7359 Amoi Tiktokers who regularly appear in baju kurung

I know this sub has hard on for amoi in kurung or kebaya. So I create this thread for us to share the sauces of the amoi influencers who wear kurung or kebaya from time to time, not just in raya season or to kenduri. Others with sauces also please share in the comments!
  1. Jessica Minkoff
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicaminkoff?lang=en
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jessicaminkoff/featured
This one not only often appears in kurung & kebaya but sometimes wears tudung also. She is an online seller especially of Muslimah products so of course she gonna play to the gallery lorrrr...
  1. Cempaka Lim
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cempaka.l?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cempaka.l/?__d=11
This one is an O&G engineer and also harum manis seller. Mainly motivational content about being a kampung girl who succeeded after hardwork bla bla bla.
  1. Sherlyn Heon
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sherlynheon?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sherlynheon/
This one mainly dancing content. She has made a very cringe video during GE15 to support Tengku Zafrul.
So, I have share mine. Share yours in the comments!
submitted by DangerousAd7359 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:27 jimkurkur Thoughts on Baju Kurung vs Baju Kebaya?

So i’m bringing my gf to a wedding where my parents will be attending. she has never wore it before so which one would be appropriate for the occasion?
submitted by jimkurkur to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:04 stormy001 Pro-PAS Dayangku Intan berates DAP candidate for donning ‘baju kurung’, ‘tudung’ to win Malay votes in KKB by-election

submitted by stormy001 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 11:06 Past_Nobody_8080 Wearing Cheongsam to work at Malaysia

Hi fellow audience,
I have several question regarding this elegance dress
  1. Why won't Malaysian Chinese wear Cheongsam to work?
  2. Is wearing Cheongsam is restricted to a certain festive or ceremony?
  3. If let's say a Malay women wear Cheongsam to work everyday as they wear Baju Kebaya, would it became culture appropriation in the eyes of Chinese community?
I need an honest opinion because I have two beautiful long dress of cheongsam (of course la cheap but still beautiful in my eyes) which I wear during a week before CYN ONLY (wear it a work). Most of my Chinese neighbors will give a compliment when they see me with that dress. A usual a side eyes from several of Malay friend since the dress itself is a little bit tight and fit. Still, I'm thinking of adding more Cheongsam collection in my wardrobe.
Aside from wearing it during that time, it kind of weird to wear as usual dress code to work since Chinese also don't wear it to work. I'm the type of Malay women who wear Baju Kebaya and Baju Kurung Moden to the office (reason why I don't have a problem to wear cheongsam due to my slim shape even at the age of forty).
I do also have Punjabi Salwer Kamez type of clothes and I have no problem wearing it to the office since most of my Indian friends does wear it. Thus it not weird la kan... but Cheongsam with the elegance and the craftmanship of the dress itself, why not wear it as daily work dress? When Cheongsam itself is gazette as Baju Kebangsaan at Malaysia. Why?

submitted by Past_Nobody_8080 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:48 TsurugiBear Lamb in traditional Malay Dress, Baju Kurung, art by me

Lamb in traditional Malay Dress, Baju Kurung, art by me submitted by TsurugiBear to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 09:59 lelakimengantuk Pantun menggatal raya

submitted by lelakimengantuk to bahasamelayu [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 02:16 Zentrova I commissioned an artist to draw my waifu in baju kurung

I commissioned an artist to draw my waifu in baju kurung submitted by Zentrova to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 18:51 atsuhiroonreddit Komi-san wearing the Malaysian school uniform (baju kurung variant) + Tadano too

Komi-san wearing the Malaysian school uniform (baju kurung variant) + Tadano too
As a Malaysian a little diversity wouldn’t hurt, right?
submitted by atsuhiroonreddit to Komi_san [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 01:00 DeoWorks Raya art rq (amoi wolfcut)

Raya art rq (amoi wolfcut)
Got asked to draw amoi wolfcut in baju kurung. Idk if I got it right. My friend told me to post it here.
submitted by DeoWorks to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 04:14 Infinite_1303 Noelle in baju kurung getting ready for raya

Noelle in baju kurung getting ready for raya submitted by Infinite_1303 to BlackClover [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 09:10 atsuhiroonreddit Komi-san in Baju Kurung school uniform (and Tadano in regular uniform)

Komi-san in Baju Kurung school uniform (and Tadano in regular uniform)
Seriously though, anyone noticed this before?
submitted by atsuhiroonreddit to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 10:27 Happy-Study-981 Habis tu? Takkan nak pakai baju kurung/baju melayu pergi bersukan? 🗿

Habis tu? Takkan nak pakai baju kurung/baju melayu pergi bersukan? 🗿 submitted by Happy-Study-981 to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 18:45 CiaranEndyein Aku edit Yuno Gasai pakai baju kurung

Aku edit Yuno Gasai pakai baju kurung submitted by CiaranEndyein to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 18:40 CiaranEndyein I made Yuno Gasai wear baju kurung, a Malay traditional attire for women

I made Yuno Gasai wear baju kurung, a Malay traditional attire for women submitted by CiaranEndyein to yandere [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 06:03 NuvaTech Fashion trend observations in Southeast Asia

Fashion trends in Southeast Asia, where vibrant cultures, rich heritage, and modern influences collide. From bustling cities to serene beaches, this region is a melting pot of styles. Here are some key trends to watch:
-Traditional Textiles Take Center Stage:
-Streetwear with a Twist:
-Sustainable Fashion Gains Momentum:
-Batik Everything:
-Relaxed Silhouettes:
-Statement Accessories:
-Modernizing Traditional Wear:
-Inclusive Beauty Standards:
Let Southeast Asia inspire your style journey! 🌺👗🌟

Mar 28, 2024
submitted by NuvaTech to NUVAtech_me [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 14:45 Zayn42 Bro's too hungry....

Bro's too hungry.... submitted by Zayn42 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 14:21 LongEnormousSchlong Just saw 2 chinese girl wearing baju kurung in KL.

They are cute, that’s all.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by LongEnormousSchlong to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 15:23 RyouMirul Day 1 - Baju Kurung Mashu. @RyouMirul

Day 1 - Baju Kurung Mashu. @RyouMirul submitted by RyouMirul to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 14:31 Pink_inthenightcream Help me find this book please.

Guys tak Pasti judul buku Dia. Tapi masa Kecik adik cikgu tuition bagi pinjam novel ni. Dia ada byk episode buku 1,2,3 cam tu. Cerita dia pasal kerenah budak pompuan asrama penuh. Memang suka giler buku tu. Duk bertahun dah cari. Still X jumpa buku tu sebab X ingat nama buku dia. Korang tolong boleh dak? Buku Dia warna biru rasa. Details lain. Rasa cover Dia ada budak sekolah. Semua pompuan. Baju kurung & pinafore kot. Dah lebih Dari 15 tahun dah X ingat. Rasa Ada Satu character . Dia rambut pendek. Sekolah berasrama semua pompuan. Dah lama dah sgt X ingat 🤧😭
FOUND IT !!!! Terima kasih semua. Ni dia judul buku.
submitted by Pink_inthenightcream to bahasamelayu [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 03:51 IncreaseFun21 looking for affordable baju kurung and baju melayu

Hi people. do you guys know where i can look for baju melayu and baju kurung that wont break the bank? or any shop that have offers? im going out on tuesday so im gonna go on a hunt lol
would appreciate your suggestions, thanks
submitted by IncreaseFun21 to KualaLumpur [link] [comments]
