Websites that let you on games in school

for cosplayers, by cosplayers

2012.03.05 16:44 ts87654 for cosplayers, by cosplayers

This is a subreddit specifically for people who cosplay and people looking to cosplay. Want to share the outfit you just made? Share it here! Want some advice on a costume? Ask here! Want to show some cool pics you took at the last convention you went to? Post them here!

2012.07.25 05:02 Roastmasters 10/10 would bookmark again

/InternetIsBeautiful has shut down as part of the coordinated protest against Reddit's exorbitant new API pricing. Please don't message to request access. Details are available here: This community will not grant access requests during the protest.

2009.10.29 18:32 ucslug Law School Subreddit

For current and former Law School Redditors. Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. This is NOT a forum for legal advice.

2024.05.20 03:03 cadco25 New build won’t post, DRAM light on, help troubleshoot bad component?

Hi everyone, I am attempting to put together a new build but have hit a snag. The PC turns on, but the red DRAM light comes on and no visual displays ever appear on screen. This is true using integrated graphics from the cpu or from a video card. The video card is from a different PC so is known to work.
NOTE: I made a mistake and removed the cpu cooler improperly after installing with thermal paste; i didn’t twist the fan to detach, and it pulled the CPU out of the socket and unseated it. I’m worried this may have broken something, but I did not see evidence of bent pins
I have:
It seems to me that likely the motherboard or processor is faulty, but I’ve no idea how to determine which it is. I do not have other compatible parts to test with, so my only real option is to purchase replacements, which means I’d really like to be getting the proper replacement.
My build includes: Intel i5 12600k ASRock b660m pro Silicon power gaming DDR4-3600
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks in advance
submitted by cadco25 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:01 OrchidAccomplished29 everyone in my grade turned on me

Im in middle school and am approaching the last days of school.
During school me and my "friends" really enjoy playing soccer but recently they haver been getting competitive and very rough. My "friends" started pushing people and so I started calling fouls (by pushing people I mean pushing the skinny kids and actually hurting them) and they started arguing with me about the fouls and flags I was calling. SO I just assumed we could push people now so i started pushing the bigger kids and playing rough, BUT THEN THEY DECIDE TO CALL THE FOULS ON ME. So I argue back which pisses them off and now they all gang up on me at school and dtry their best to bully me. I've nver let people bully me and always fight back whioch has been pissing them off. My so called "friends" completely turned on me and even said to me quote: "maybe your social life would be better if you didn't argue about everything" I just keptm on walking when he said that. But I really wish I had turned aro8und and socked that fucker in the face though.
I only have 1-2 friends that don't bully me and don't hate on me and they're the only friends I care about at this point, but im just pissed because I went from being semi-popular to hated by all the boys for no apparent reason. Idk if anyones gonna see this I just really need to talk to someone.
Thank you,
submitted by OrchidAccomplished29 to MMFB [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:00 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game? Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
Why Choose BananaServers?
1. Wide Range of Supported Games BananaServers offers server support for a plethora of popular games including Minecraft, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, and many more. Whether you’re into survival games, creative sandbox experiences, or intense strategy games, they have you covered.
2. Rapid Server Setup One of the standout features of BananaServers is their quick setup process. You can have your server up and running in less than 10 minutes! This is perfect for gamers who want to dive right into the action without lengthy setups.
3. 24-Hour Free Trials Not sure if BananaServers is right for you? They offer a 24-hour trial period for all their servers—absolutely free and no credit card required. This allows you to test the server with your specific game and see if it meets your needs before committing.
4. User-Friendly Management Panel BananaServers uses the Peel panel, a user-friendly server management interface that makes it easy for both beginners and experienced server admins to manage their game servers. Whether you need to install mods, adjust server settings, or manage backups, it’s all streamlined through their intuitive panel.
5. Competitive Pricing With plans starting as low as $1.00 per month, BananaServers provides affordable options without compromising on quality or performance. They also offer scalable options to grow with your gaming needs, ensuring you always have the right amount of resources.
6. Robust Security Online security is a major concern for many gamers, especially when running popular servers. BananaServers provides advanced security features, including DDoS protection, to keep your server safe from attacks and ensure stable gameplay.
7. Stellar Customer Support BananaServers boasts a dedicated support team that’s available 24/7 to help with any issues you might encounter. Whether it's a technical glitch or a billing question, their knowledgeable staff is there to assist you promptly.
Website: Discord:
submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:59 Fragrant_Pie7067 TIFU by making a cheeky comments to my gf's friends

I (m 29) was meeting my new girlfriends (f 25) girlfriends for the first time today. It was going to just be a chill hand at her friends house. When we got there it was all girls except for me (her former college swim teammates). I didn't mind and did my best to play along / chime in.
Eventually they broke out into some game of truth or dare. They seemed to be having a lot of fun with it and I played at first but then took a break to get some water / go to the bathroom. It was getting kinda sexual and I figured that was a good time to give them their space and come back
When they came back they has clearly been talking about some sexual stuff and I saw my gf do this move with her two hands mimicking sucking a at this point, for some strange reason, I thought I would make a cheeky comment and decided to say "hey, that's not how you give bjs, tell them about your special move!
Now for context, when I first received a bj from her she held my penis with just her two fingers. I did not have much experience sexually (was a virgin before I met her) and had only seen blowjobs in porn, so I asked her why she held it like that...and she said it's just her style, so I let it be.
Back to the part and my gf Is just giving me a surprised look, and everyone is now looking at me, egging me on to share her "style" I told everyone about the two finger move she does.
The girls went from laughing to looking at each other and whispering and there was some awkwardness in the room.
This was there for the rest of the day until we decided to head out. My gf and I went our separate ways after saying bye at the party... but this has been bugging me so I decided to come on here to get your thoughts.
Reddit, did I fuck up here? Why did they react like that? Was that a rude comment to make?
TL;DR - made a comment about how my gf gives me bjs to her friends and turned an entire party awkward
submitted by Fragrant_Pie7067 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:58 DagothNereviar [TOMT] [VIDEO GAME] [90s-00s, UK] An educational in-browser game where you play either a blood cell or virus

The game was hosted on the developers website (or maybe the website of the educational 'compan'y, idk a better word for it) so it wasn't massively popular.
It wasn't cartoony graphics, more realistic. You played either a blood cell and had to avoid viruses, or a virus and you were avoiding immune systems. The cell/virus would follow your cursor. You could upgrade/evolve. I sadly can't remember much more than that.
I do know the educational company also gave out these weird credit card sized cards that were meant to be fun and educational; one was a blood bag (fake blood), one had a scratch and sniff, one had a glow in the dark. There were about half a dozen cards. I sadly hoped to find the name from these, but it seems at some point I have thrown them away :(
It is NOT Spore, CellCraft
submitted by DagothNereviar to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:56 OwenWrites New game options are forcing me to interact with more of the game's mechanics and making it way more interesting

I was always content but not thrilled with Starfield. I loved the aesthetic and vibe, and I liked the idea of the overall story (Jules Verne's Star Trek, explore the stars to find adventure, mystery, and to leave the universe a better place than you found it), but I was let down by quests that were less interesting than I hoped and a gameplay loop that often boiled down to "run here, shoot all guys, win".
But the new gameplay options changed way more than I thought. A few examples include:
Suddenly, I'm considering building my first outpost to automate getting the rescources I need to keep my research going and medical updates intact. I'm actually collecting rescources and storing it my ship for when I need it. I'm searching POIs for more than just med kits. I want to invest in my ship to make it feel more like a home. I'm trying to find ways to avoid combat as much as possible.
The next thing I want to try is to turn off auto-save and only save when I'm on my ship or in a city. I want to make each fight feel more impactful and dangerous, plus help mechanically fulfill that "Jules Verne Star Trek" fantasy where every adventure begins and ends on my ship with my crew, as we flesh it out and make it feel more "homely" with notable items and memorabilia we take from our quests.
If your initial reaction to the game was like mine, I encourage you to give it a try with the new options on. The list of items feels small on paper, but they combine in just the right way to make it feel like an entirely new game has just opened up for me within the old one I thought I'd been playing.
submitted by OwenWrites to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:55 ExtensionBox8375 Making friends when you're chronically ill

Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster here. I (24F) have found myself in a tough spot, I always thought I'd have a community around me by the time I reached my mid-twenties, but life has happened and I find myself utterly alone.
I feel like I missed out on the prime time for making friends, when I was in school my parents didn't let me hangout with people after school, so eventually the invitations stopped coming, I was at university during the pandemic and also dealing with adjusting to life with invisible disabilities. So my life hasn't exactly had fertile ground for friendships to develop, despite the ideas of childhood best friends and "finding your people at uni" that you always hear about.
When I read these kinds of post people talk about having no friends then mention the one or two friends they sometimes talk to, well I don't even have that. You usually hear about people going to clubs or joining a social activity group, clubs are a no go for me because I don't physically have the energy for that environment with no seating and loud music, and social clubs tend to be on Saturdays, which happens to be one of my work days.
I feel at a loss for what to do, even though I live in London, which theoretically should make things easier.
I've tried those friendship apps but you just end up flooded by men in their 40s and 50s there. What can I be doing to meet new people and find friends?
submitted by ExtensionBox8375 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:52 Sad_Mechanic_1506 How do you move on?

How can you move on if you ruined someone’s life? I reported my ex boyfriend for overstaying his visa and working illegally because he broke up with me… i feel so terrible for doing this. Its so hard to cope and the guilt is so extreme I dont know what to do or how to handle it… I feel so bad for lashing out - I feel so bad for letting my emotions get to me. I should have let go. Now he cant come back to USA and I ruined him forever. He was such an amazing man and I’m such a monster… I ruined him because I was caught in an emotionally/narcissistic abusive relationship before him- with someone he used to know, they were friends once. And even though I was broken and didn’t heal we kept on pursuing our relationship. In part because I was lonely and he was nice to me… but I would snap at him and I ended up threatening him a few times so he could do things that made me happy because I wouldn’t want to take a no for an answer.. (it was things like watching a movie, a series, playing a game, etc… going out… nothing crazy) but I shouldn’t have treated him this way… i should have accepted his “no”… I thought of my self inferior for some reason, controlling and I just hated to hear the word “no”. I made many mistakes and once I realized the damage I had done to him I tried to fix it, I tried to work on myself, I tried to be more loving and supporting… but it was too late… because of the way I was to him… I broke him… and he would acuse me of cheating all the time but never have I ever done this and it went on since October 2023 until now… everything became so toxic and we couldn’t talk it through and I exploded and lashed out and didn’t think about the consequences of my actions… God I feel so bad… this was an online relationship… It was all my fault… But I was always like this to him… I always put myself before him and never considered him - I should have had put us both and thought about us both but I messed everything up all the time. Im such a mess that shouldn’t be alive… im a walking mistake, im a demon, im a devil - and I dont want to be. I wish he was here with me. I ruined him. I want to work on myself but every time I smile i think about all the damage i have done… im the worst person alive. I apologized many times… but apologies dont do anything - they dont bring back our lives, it doesn’t bring him back… they dont matter and I dont want to live with this guilt… its so awful… I wish I had realized things sooner or myself or my behaviours…
submitted by Sad_Mechanic_1506 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:51 MacroPlanet New Community to Document & Share Old Screenshots and Stories from Old MMO’s

Hey Norrath!
Long time supporter of old school MMO’s since 1999 with Ultima Online and EverQuest. In fact recently I’ve found myself coming back to EQ because it just feels like these old school MMO’s had it right when it comes to crafting the perfect immersive living world. Can’t wait for the new TLP to release!
With the approval of the mods here at EverQuest, I’d like to share with you all a new community here on Reddit that is focused on building a place we can document and share old photos and stories of our favorite old school MMORPG, MMOClassic.
As we all know, there is a history unknown to most of what it used to be like back when EQ launched in 1999. Share any and all of your screenshots! Tell stories behind the screenshots and help build a classic community for these old MMO’s
We define ‘classic’ as any MMO that is at least 15 years old.
Join us and share your memories! Let’s build a community where we can relive and celebrate the journeys we took in Norrath and beyond so many years ago. I’d love to see all of those old screenshots you’ve stored on your old HDD.
Welcome to MMOClassic
submitted by MacroPlanet to everquest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:50 JayStupidVideos EKT PROJECT YOU CAN JOIN (OPEN)

Hello! I’m Jay and I Make animations for entertainment and to post online, I’m making a Short Animation film explaining the beginning and end of the search on EKT. Kinda like a Documentary :P and animating over it, I do need help with the project and thought it would be a great idea to ask the talented People in the EKT Community, I’m happy to currently have One-Truth-5867 Helping out with this project, and hopefully Some of You! ^
Roles: •Narrator (The Narrator!. you will be reading off of a script about the story of EKT, how it started and ended)
•Carl92 (Carl92!. You Will be Reading out loud Carl92’s Comments and posts description as If you were him!)
•Commenter on WZS (Male) ((Commenter.WZS!. You will be Voicing over the Replies and comments sent by users on WZS))
•Commenter on WZS 2 (Female) ((Same Thing as The Role Above this one! ))
•WZS Moderator (WZS MOD!. Reading out loud the Mods Comments after the Sample Change and Hack (Not Confirmed) of Carl92’s Account)
•Reddit Posters (Male) ((Reading out Loud Posts That helped The search for EKT))
•Reddit Posters 2 (Female) ((Same thing as the Role above this one! ))
•Rolling Stone (interviewer of Christopher.Booth) ((There are some parts of the interview that have not been released but there is a transcript on The Rolling stone website, You will be Reading out what was asked!))
•EKT Singer (Someone who go is able to Sing EKT Fully For The Credits!, Show your talents!)
•Animators/Artist (You Will Be Animating Finishing the animation from the story Bored and instructions sent to you!, You will also be doing background Art!)
If you are interested, please email me at with the Role you are interested in, and if you have any further questions Please let me know in comments and I will try my best to get back to you asap
Thank you and have a good rest of your Day/Night!!!!~
submitted by JayStupidVideos to christophersaintbooth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:49 AtlaZ-bby [Online][5e][UTC-3][LGBTQ+] Looking for a group

I was hoping to find a moreso regular fantasy campaign, someone to pick me up into a game they've already got planned and are missing a player or a campaign that's already been started.
I'm 18 going on 19 so idc about more riské games but I'd prefer having it on the down low. I haven't played in a while but I've got the experience and I've got the materials.
I have a flexible schedule, my work let's me change my availability pretty well and I don't get many hours anyway (looking for a new job is hard 😮‍💨). You can message me and I'll get you my discord if it's best for you. Keep in mind I don't use Reddit often. Just desperate to play a campaign at this point.
submitted by AtlaZ-bby to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:49 trinitydino So confused on Burn In

I have been researching the past few days trying to decide on a new monitor. I have read a lot of post on this thread, as well as others about playing WoW on an ultrawide and I am at the point to where I am considering try it. I have zoned in on the AW3423DW but the burn in issue really has me concerned. I will straight up say I think I will struggle to "baby" my monitor. Here is some information and my specific questions which I am hoping someone can just set me straight:
So can someone just give me the straight up "nope OLED not for you" or "OLED will be fine"
If no OLED other 34 inch alternatives that will perform well and maybe not require the same maintenance?
submitted by trinitydino to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:48 HyRisKxFistPump Anxiety like everyone else

Anxiety like everyone else
So to start off I’m the 0311 Marine Corps vet that was never going to file for anything. My wife actually made me see the truth. The truth was I needed to put aside my bullshit thoughts and get the money I’m entitled to for my kids and us. Also I can finally get treatment for my needs that I’ve never gotten because of being stubborn. I got out in 2006 and never went to the doctor for shit so needless to say this has been a process. I put in my intent to file April 28th 2023 and submitted my claims March 19th 2024. I just finished my second and last C and P May 17th 2024 and last DBQ was submitted on the VA website May 18th 2024. Now waiting for my rating. I had no idea the kind of stress you can put yourself through going through this shit. I go from feeling like do I deserve this to shaming myself to say fuck that this is mine. Shits crazy to go through. If I just get my foot into the door with a % I’ll continue to file and keep pushing. To start off I only filed for 4 different things. I’ve read so many stories of everyone on here which is motivating honestly. We all have gone through some shit that’s affected us. Your worst day is your worst day. Don’t let anyones story effect what you’ve been through. I hope everyone smacks this shit in the mouth and gets what they deserve. Money/Treatment.
submitted by HyRisKxFistPump to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:46 Dream_Dragon_Gina PSA: How I learned to survive the game braking bugs on PlayStation 4, (after the Dreamlight Parks Fest event hotfix during the Thrills and Frills update).

Hello all! Ever since the hot-fix on Wednesday (May 15th) playing this game has been a nightmare; a whiplash of emotions. The bugs have probably made this game unplayable for a bunch of us, some of us more so than others. Not all of the issues mentioned here may apply to everyone…but this is my personal experience.
I’ve had my game crash at least 20 times or more since Wednesday, and my local save has been corrupted at least half as many times. (Honestly, I’ve lost count…). To deal with this corruption, it’s vital to have a backup of your local save file (from your system). The PlayStation Plus subscription offers cloud saving through the system’s option menu (hover over the DDV application, press the options button on the controller, and select “upload/download save data”). You can save your game data to cloud storage. After a crash, going to “upload/download save data” can show you if your local save is corrupted. If it is, download the backup from the cloud, and it will overwrite the corrupted save. Opening the game will show you a pop up stating there’s a conflict between the local save and the Game Server’s cloud save, (if you have also been cloud saving from in the game’s settings when you play). If your game server cloud save is up to date compared to your back up local save, select the cloud save, and you will have your game restored to its most recent save.
If you don’t have PS+, you can use a USB drive storage device to back up your save file. Go to you system settings and select “Manage Save data” (I forgot if this is the correct name); you can then select where to save your backup, and upload your DDV file to your device. This same menu will let you download to your system as well.
Now that I have the the back up process out of the way, here’s the main part of my post!
The main valley seems to contain most of the actions that cause crashes: 1. Using furniture mode for too long and exiting out of it (outside). 2. Entering the main menu and exiting it while OUTSIDE. 3. Interacting with Goofy and Christof’s stalls. 4. Cooking outside… (the developers gave a message in the mailbox with a list of all the food items that will make the game crash. it seems safe to use the DLC Ancient Cooker outside, however, I have experienced some crashes when using it sometimes.) Not being able to access the menu means: we can’t SAVE our game! 😭 no access to the map, Dreamlight Duties, event tab, quest tab, or the starpath tasks.
HOWEVER I discovered that you CAN safely open up the menu when inside your house (or other villager houses). Essentially, any location that requires you to “step out” of the valley and has its own loading screen, will be a safe place to access the menu. Cooking and using the furniture menu indoors is safe as well. I even stepped into the Dream Castle, and it’s safe there too. Also, I can still use Scrooge’s store and Remy’s Restaurant.
Sadly, my game still crashes randomly sometimes; running through the valley, entering Remy’s, entering Scrooge’s, and using the Furniture menu outside.
Not being able to use goofy’s stall is a Major issue: I can’t sell anything or buy seeds I need. (Sugarcane is required to make cupcakes, and Star coins are needed to buy milk and butter, as well as furniture.) The only work-around for this specific issue requires the DLC. Playing the game in Eternity Isle is entirely safe from crashes (supposedly because it’s a separate server from Dreamlight Valley.) I can sell any extra items I’ve gathered or buy seeds to grow fruit and make money…but I don’t think I have access to sugarcane. The only thing that’s saved me in this case is that I had a stash of sugarcane seeds stored in my vegetable storage room.
I’m trying decorate in short bursts, and going indoors to save my progress whenever I can. All I can do is hope my save doesn’t get corrupted every single time it crashes, and restore my save file when it does.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope this helps some of you who are suffering from crashes the same as me. All we can do is contact support and hope they provide us with an update on the situation next week.
Good luck everyone! And wish me luck in completing my amusement park for my Dreamsnaps. It’s incredibly challenging at the moment, but I haven’t given up!
submitted by Dream_Dragon_Gina to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:46 Nostalgic_599 38M Looking to Chat! Love Horror Movies, Running, Video Games, and More

Hello Reddit world,
I'm a 38-year-old guy who’s basically a mixed bag of cool interests and quirks. If you're into horror movies, running, or video games, we might just become best buddies.
First off, horror movies are my jam. From the spine-chilling classics to the latest indie scream-fests, I love diving into the creepy and the terrifying. If you’ve got a favorite horror flick or a hot take on the best horror villain, I’m all ears (and probably hiding under a blanket).
When I'm not getting my scare on, you’ll find me out running. Yep, I’m that guy who actually enjoys pounding the pavement. Always looking for new routes, running tips, and motivational running playlists (because let’s be real, the right song can make all the difference).
And then there’s video games. I’m a gamer through and through, from epic RPGs to intense action-adventures. If you’ve got game recommendations, want to talk strategies, or are up for some multiplayer fun, let’s connect.
I also love dabbling in creative projects – whether it’s writing, drawing, or something else entirely. I’d love to hear about your creative pursuits and maybe share a few of my own.
If any of this sounds like your cup of tea (or potion of health, for the gamers out there), drop a comment or shoot me a message. Can’t wait to chat and see where the conversation takes us!
submitted by Nostalgic_599 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:45 Top-Scallion2334 AITAH for being salty and bitter about elementary and middle school drama? (please don’t post this anywhere else.)

couldn’t put the tag, but tw for self harm,physical discipline,depression
long story ahead!if your wondering why i have a problem with this being posted on other platforms, it’s because i know for a fact that the person i m talking about does not use reddit. and i’ll be deleting this afterwards. I am 15f. this is pretty dark elementary school drama but it has stuck with me since and has since haunted me😭😭 so this was about 2017 when i met this girl and let’s call her alicia. we hit it off at first because we both had similar interests. for background i was a shy girl who had gotten bullied in the past. it was going pretty good for a couple months with alicia.until she was also kind of mean to me and she would call me names(names that wouldn’t hurt me now, but at the time it did.) she called me a scaredy cat over something stupid and i got really upset at this. i remember holding back tears. she also did this on my moms phone as i didn’t have one at the time. to which my mother never told her to stop. i don’t honestly remember anymore, we were frenemies from that point on. i think i blocked some of it out because it caused trauma. we would be good one day and then fighting the next. i was also a mean girl at times, but this was mostly as a result of her being toxic towards me. i also had bad traits too, and was very ignorant. i am not and was not an innocent angel, but i was 8! i know now that she possibly had mental issues, but i accused her of faking depression.(to my defense, it really seemed like she was. she would cry on video on tiktok)i also have many memories of her at my house being a spoiled brat which is what i WILL call her because there’s no better way to say it .My parents work very hard to have the stuff that we do have. we are not rich and have struggles with money.when i was 8i had my barbie smart house. she was pushing the elevator up and down(an electrical one and she was doing it roughly) and my dad yelled at her. maybe this wasn’t his place to do,but cmon this girls mom literally just dropped her off at our house and my mom let her in without asking if i was even in the mood for a playdate. Obviously he is going to yell! it’s a barbie smarthouse!! very very expensive. she started crying afterwards which isn’t my issue. most children cry after being scolded (hell even now i be crying😭) my issue is with that my mother decided to run after her into my bedroom and comfort her and hug her. she never did this for me. she was nicer to alicia most likely because of her issues, (if she has any)but damn i’m ur child! another moment was when her mother once again just brought her to our home randomly without texting about a playdate the day before. (she had errands to do and i respect that but.. it’s honestly rude to assume we want another child here.) we were having a pool party with two of my friends who i still talk to this day. let’s call them blonde and ginger. me and ginger wanted to have the pool for ourself just for a moment to show off our dance. we politely asked if they could step out for a second and she threw a fit. blonde and gingers mom was mad at them and i got yelled at by my father. i got grounded,forced to apologize,and sent inside. she lies about this situation to this day and claims i called her”not pog”(ew i hate dreamsmp and it also didn’t even become popular until was 2018.) she lies and twists stories to her liking to make herself seem like a victim of bullying by me. this time we invited her over,she also cried about having to get out the pool and help us put the pool cover on. it’s our pool and if my dad wants her to do something she should do it and not father yelled again, my mom telling him to stop, and comforting alicia once again. she never did this for me i grew up wiping my own tears which i still do and now have trouble expressing emotion in relationships. she lied to her friends about me and said i bullied her. i also struggle with anger issues now half of which probably has to do with her because i’m angry that no one believed me and some still do not. my mother accused me of bullying her and told me (8 year old again) that murderers will go for me and try to k word me first because they think i am a bully. recently told her she should’ve just adopted her and she loves her more than me. she told me to move on but it is hard when it caused me so much pain— i don’t hate my parents,i love them very much and i’m working on getting a better relationship,but i resent them. i resent the kind old l teacher who everyone loved, who accused me of whispering about alicia.(i did talk shit about alicia and i do about her but teacher lady had 0 clue.) “people talk about me and i know how that feels”-teacher lady. i resent the childhood friend,Australia, who commented on my tiktok about me needing to leave her alone and alicia tagged my account saying i bullied her,crying on camera when i had dropped her that day for being a toxic spoiled hypocrite . BY DEFINITON I LEFT ALICIA ALONE BY DROPPING HER BUT ALICIA DIDNT WANT TO SAY THAT PART!it doesn’t give her the sad victim image she wants.her mother texted mine because alicia said she wanted to (not going to say on here so i’ll just say do bad things to herself). parents immediately looked through the phone they gave me. they saw the hurtful things she said about me by which i retaliated back.decided i was the bully and sent me to bed,spanked me,and took away the phone. Do you know how much it hurts a nine year old when it feels like noone understands the big complex feelings you have in such a small body? Sounds messed up but i was very jealous of her and her ability to get away with so much from everyone due to her mental illness or whatever she had going on. i resent everyone who believed her in the past even though it was 4th grade. there is so much more. she did terrible stuff to my friends and her ex. maybe i got a miracle, now i am the popular one and she is alone most of the time. i heard she still says i bullied her,that stupid pog thing,i’m a fake latina(i am adopted with white parents ),takes pics of me , lied to my bf last year,lied to my friends, and many people have apologized to me for believing her overdramaticized fairytales. but she changed something in me that idk if ill get back. the ability to trust. i know i suffer with anxious feelings because of her fs.+the resentment i feel to the people i love the most. since i was very young all i’ve ever known is to be angry which ends in me cussing people out,physically fighting and accidentally hurting loved one’s feelings. again not trying to make myslef seem like a victim(just explanations for why i’ve acted the way i have),so here’s some shitty things i’ve done to her.
Things i’ve done to alicia: •talked shit back,still do to this day but mostly just about what happened bc my image is now tainted •threatened to fight her last year •talked shit about her mom not disciplining her enough •made fun of her haircut •made fun of her interests •made fun of her unibrow with her best friend in 4th grade •call her names •was jealous of her, seemed like my mom didn’t love me and only loved her
I want to be better. i do. i feel cold and mean.I’m working on it but i want a moral viewpoint. please be kind in the comments but tell me if i am the AH. i want to be able to sleep at night and fix my life.
submitted by Top-Scallion2334 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:45 Backdoorpickle Low Levels... Don't be stupid when you have a legendary pelt.

I'm around level 350. Not the best PVPer in the world, but certainly not the worst and also have every weapon, card, etc maxed up, upgraded, all the tonics.
I'm just sitting there in my catalogue, hanging out on Roanoke Ridge this morning, playing a game on my phone and letting Harriet passively not pepper spray me to get my "don't kill an animal for 24 hours" challenge knocked out.
Dumbass level 16 player rides up, kills me, then downs my horse. So I respawn, put my poor horse (RIP CeeDee) out of his misery and summon Parsons, my sturdy Overo Mustang, and hunt this dumbass down. Kill him, AND his horse... of course. The horse drops a nice legendary bison pelt. Scooped it up, killed homeboy a couple of more times, then fast traveled and threw that thing in my hunting wagon.
I get that y'all have low-level curiosity, but try to be a little less brain-dead about it, yeah? If you hadn't killed my horse, I would have left you the pelt.
submitted by Backdoorpickle to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:45 lexomusic Help build my first PC?

Hey I’m looking to purchase my first PC to replace my Xbox Series X. I’ll be doing gaming at 1080p on Ultra settings (maybe some 1440p every now and then)
Budget: <$1800AUD (max $2000AUD)
This is my current build that I’m very happy with (I want NVIDIA despite being overpriced):
I’m set on the Fractal North case so don’t want to change that. My main question really is about airflow. I have 6 fans chosen (as seen in the build) but my motherboard only has 4 fan ports. Do I need to purchase a fan splitter (if so, how does that work?) Or is there a way to optimise temperatures with a different fan configuration?
The case can fit 140mm at the top but only 120mm at the back so I was going to keep the build consistent with only 120mm fans. The case comes with two 140mm fans so I was going to avoid using those, but please let me know if I could use those as intake and do a different exhaust combo?
Someone suggested using 3 intake fans, 1 exhaust at the back and using a 240mm AIO as an exhaust at the top. Would this be betteeasier to setup? I kinda wanted to CPU fan cooled, so if the 6 fans will be the same amount of work I’d probably prefer that (unless there are other fan configurations you’d recommend?)
submitted by lexomusic to PcBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:44 lexomusic Help build my first PC?

Hey I’m looking to purchase my first PC to replace my Xbox Series X. I’ll be doing gaming at 1080p on Ultra settings (maybe some 1440p every now and then)
Budget: <$1800AUD (max $2000AUD)
This is my current build that I’m very happy with (I want NVIDIA despite being overpriced):
I’m set on the Fractal North case so don’t want to change that. My main question really is about airflow. I have 6 fans chosen (as seen in the build) but my motherboard only has 4 fan ports. Do I need to purchase a fan splitter (if so, how does that work?) Or is there a way to optimise temperatures with a different fan configuration?
The case can fit 140mm at the top but only 120mm at the back so I was going to keep the build consistent with only 120mm fans. The case comes with two 140mm fans so I was going to avoid using those, but please let me know if I could use those as intake and do a different exhaust combo?
Someone suggested using 3 intake fans, 1 exhaust at the back and using a 240mm AIO as an exhaust at the top. Would this be betteeasier to setup? I kinda wanted to CPU fan cooled, so if the 6 fans will be the same amount of work I’d probably prefer that (unless there are other fan configurations you’d recommend?)
submitted by lexomusic to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:42 NotButAHumblePeasant Generic sad/lonely/anxious man post

My situation: I'm a 27M virgin, never even kissed. My self-esteem and confidence are practically non-existent. I've been on two dates with two women. The first situation was ended by me because she was a major slob. The second was ended by her via ghosting even though she had agreed to a second date and said she had a good time. I had liked her for a long time and that hurt a fair bit. It happened a week after valentine's day.
About a month later I met a cool woman while at a bar with some friends. She approached me in the bar after I had shared my pizza with her and her friends in the parking lot. We both listen to metal, so we chatted for a while about that. Unfortunately, she had broken up with her boyfriend of 9yrs two months prior. He cheated on her. Despite it being fast, I assumed that her approach and seeing her on Tinder a month before meant was ready to move on. She had to work the next day and had to get going, so I asked her out to lunch for the following weekend. She said yes, and I got her instagram. I went to bed the happiest I've felt in years. Reality check incoming.
I followed up during the week, but she canceled, saying she had to drive her friend to Toronto. No biggie. I followed up the following week and she said she was booked for several upcoming weekends. I said she seemed busy and not especially interested, but if that wasn't the case, she could let me know whenever she had time. She then said it was a bit soon and that she's not ready for a relationship just yet. I said it was okay and that I understood.
Over a month has passed since then with our only interactions being exchanged likes on instagram posts.
She's the only person in the area that I've been romantically interested in since I moved up here almost 3 years ago, and I don't want to move on. I want to try again and maybe even be friends if that's all she wants. The second woman I mentioned left me with a fair bit of trauma, a lot happened before the date, too much to include in this post. Basically she played a lot of games and according to her friend, only liked having me chase her for an ego boost. For that reason, I'm constantly thinking that any mistep could push this new woman away forever.
What should I do? Should I hold off and wait to see if she'll make a move when she's feeling better? Should I try to be friends with her and leave it at that? Should I make another move? Check in? Invite her to things with other friends and just feel things out?
Before you say it, yes, I need therapy. I've been doing it on/off for a year. Last set of sessions just ended and I'm going to find someone to help me tackle the self-esteem and anxiety stuff.
submitted by NotButAHumblePeasant to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:39 Elect_Locution Tamed Animals Need a Rework

Surely I'm not alone here. I've seen a previous post regarding mounts being awful, and I agree, but I think that extends to tamed creatures in general.
The mechanic/feature could benefit from assigning a radius to pets preventing them from leaving spots or you while following.
Transportation... I'm ambivalent about them making it easier, since traversing the seas and managing to get a tamed creature back is sort of an earned accomplishment At the same time, what a cumbersome task that can be so disappointing. Could be nice to have a "tie-down" mechanic to fix them to a vessel.
That leads into the next part, why does the AI in the game make the tamed creatures completely incompetent? Anybody witness their tamed creatures just let enemies stroll about or have extraordinarily slow reaction time? Aggro in general could use improvement. Toggling it on/off setting specific enemies, patterns, radii, etc..
Of course, it's an unfinished game. But it's worth talking about it. What do all think? Any features you'd like improved, added, removed?
submitted by Elect_Locution to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:37 ls58 the history of fantasy sports

Hi everyone, I wrote Amazon best seller "Winning Fantasy Baseball" in 2014 + I just launched a new book "The History of Fantasy Sports: And the Stories of the People Who Made It Happen."
I want to let everyone know about this as it's the first ever complete telling of the history of fantasy sports and how we went from some ideas people had years ago to the multi-billion-dollar industry of today. It includes everything from the origins of fantasy baseball and fantasy football, through the first magazines, books, websites, stat services, high stakes games, worldwide expansion, etc., etc.
I spent 18 months doing massive research and interviewing dozens of people. This is not written like a boring research paper. The stories of the people involved are fascinating, often inspirational, humorous, and a few will even bring a tear to your eye.
It's available now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, paperback and eBook. I encourage you to check out the details. The editorial reviews and first Amazon customer reviews have been great. If you love fantasy sports, you will love this book. Seriously, you will.
submitted by ls58 to hhhFantasyBasketball [link] [comments]