I-carly fake porn

Fake History Porn

2016.10.14 15:45 Vmoney1337 Fake History Porn

Fake History Porn : A subreddit dedicated to Fake History

2019.02.11 13:01 2zo2 Imperatoria Falsa Historiae Ordo

A cross between Warhammer 40k Lore and /fakehistoryporn/

2018.12.23 18:58 ductmale34_5 Fake Prehistoric Porn


2024.05.20 07:08 OilOk70 AITA for wanting to abandon my husband because he came out to me?

I (33f) and my husband (34m) have been in a commitment and solid relationship since we were 18.
If you need background on our relationship read this or skip ahead:
Background: We met online in a game in two separate states. We moved in together in his state and got married in court during lockdown in 2021. Neither of us are close with our families because of their extremely conservative and religious convictions. I am romantically attracted to women more than sexually which I confessed to my husband at a later time in our relationship. I didn’t have and don’t have any interest in other women since we met. I later shared with him my spiritual beliefs and practices as a witch that I suppressed since I was caught by my mother as a teenager. I was shammed a lot for being me growing up. I grew up in a very emotionally unstable home. I also did not receive the supports I needed as a child with adhd and autism that developed anxiety and depression. There is a lot behind that but it is what it is at this point. This being said, my dad also has adhd and mental illnesses that he would display with subtle to full outbursts of anger and my mom unresolved childhood neglect and bullying and what I believe to be some form(s) of intellectual deficits which severely affected her self esteem and her almost unhealthy strong attachment to me. So I grew up to be a clusterfuck of mental, emotional, developmental and spiritual instability. I was also bullied and suffered betrayals from friendships because of various factors often due to my neurodivergent behaviors. So as to be expected, I 100% formed an anxious attachment style. Please look it up so you are familiar with this. It’s a big part of the conundrum I’m in.
(DISCLAIMER: I’m not into the evil fuckery type magic btw… I’m the kind of witch that practices moon magic with lots of love, light and blessings n all that shit - yes I’m in a pissy mood from all of this so you’ll be getting that sort of spice throughout). .
If you skipped ahead it starts here:
My husband had slowly loosened up on his own strict conservative programming since he started seeing me become happier and more secure in myself since I started practicing my personal spirituality again and dropping my “mask” more often and being that weird quirky neurodivergent girl more openly and working so hard on myself to overcome my childhood traumas and the shame that stifled my authentic self. And that was great! Until it wasn’t for me in our monogamous relationship.
He guilted me (unintentionally) into having a threesome 2x with a woman who we ended up having a sort of friendship afterword but I was always very mentally off put by it but faked being ok for a while. After each of the 2x weeks apart, I became very emotionally numb to my husband. Like my heart literally froze and I was feeling almost like a cold-hearted bitch, even telling my husband I wanted a divorce. Mind you, he was in a bad mental state at this time in which I didn’t really know because he never truly expressed his actual emotions much. I found out later that he had been feeling pretty severe distress from his mom who has been making horrible mistakes and acting like a spoiled child begging him for money and complaining to him about her constant fights with her sister who was like a second mom to him in which he kept being placed in the center. I have my own traumas from her due to a psychiatric break she had which was slowly building that we weren’t aware of until she snapped fully disconnecting from reality and the entire time I was the center of her hostilities, likely because I was taking her baby boy from her - if you’re Hispanic, you understand this atrocity I was committing 🙄. My poor husband was under her thumb to the point he was completely sheltered and dependent on her - as a full grown man in his 20s until I literally helped him become an independent man in thought and lifestyle. So imagine that stress being in the middle and then having me add in to that with my constant complaining and irritation with his mom’s bs affecting us constantly in one way or another.
And then ADD TO THAT he was suffering severe caregiver burnout because I’ve been chronically ill since we met and still in that stage where all my doctors were telling me I was just anxious so they didn’t have to actually do their due diligence, which was then exacerbated significantly after I was in a car accident and they couldn’t figure out was was wrong for almost 2-3 years until I got the right care and back on my feet- kind of. I have been off and on disability - including a SI attempt last March - for about 6 yrs now. So my husband has been my main support for almost 12-13 years of our relationship. I obviously am not close to my parents (and because my dads a money hungry idiot I was always moving around California for his next big promotion which separated me at 7yrs old from my then 22yr old sister and her 2yr old daughter).
When he finally broke down and told me, we had a long and difficult talk with so many tears and a bit step toward healing ourselves individually and as partners. Don’t get me wrong, we had our fair share of misunderstandings and issues but we always came together stronger and closer. I thought before this significant issue that I had the most wonderful and strong marriage in the world. I mean, not only was he still there, but he helped me get back up every time I wanted to give up which allowed me so much success and the ability to purchase our 2nd home by the time we were 32yrs old. The 1st house we had to sell because of the accident and we hit rock bottom, and then we got this one a year ago and almost lost it again due to my health.
We worked to a point where we were happy again. Like the kids who met and fell in love 15yrs ago. We just had the PERFECT date day (we had 6 separate exciting things packed into that day). At the end of the night we walked around the lake by our house and sat down on a bench overlooking the water when after some time snuggling and laughing and talking about our day…. He confessed something major to me. Something that has made me feel that slipping of warmth in my heart for him once again.
He brought up the poly thing again. But this time, he said after much research and soul searching, he identifies as polyamorous. I asked him if he meant he wanted just flings or something with other people or if he meant… romantic relationships as well. With sadness in his voice he confirmed. He wanted a romantic relationship outside of me. This is why he hadn’t been wearing his wedding ring in a long time. It started during to his skin condition on his hand but when it healed he lied and said it bothers his hand whenever I’d ask after that.
I know he will always keep me as the permanent primary partner I guess they call it, but I just can’t get over this intense sense of anger, jealousy, fear of abandonment. Remember that anxious-attachment style? Well this is the WORST NIGHTNARE for someone with that type of attachment.
It feels almost like he punched me square in the chest with all his strength and this boy has some serious biceps. I love him so much and as much as I want to tell him no, that I am his wife and I will be the only one because HE is MY husband, that would lead to that awful resentment we both held for what felt like ages. You know that saying? If you love them, let them go? That’s how I feel. He has made it so clear he will always be at my side and that his love for me is everything. But he can’t deny who he is and I can’t rip that part out of him and burn it until not even ashes remain.
I know he would be a complete and utter mess if I divorced him, but I feel so devastated. He has done so much research and I asked him to give me the resources he said he’d collected for me to understand him and what this whole polyamory thing is. I love this man with all of my being. He’s my soulmate. Or I guess… was.
I don’t want to feel this way but I don’t know how I’m going to get over this right now. We talked about couples counseling but my heart and anxiety want to just throw in the towel to avoid any more pain.
****I’m so sorry for the long and possibly over encumbered post…
But, AITA for wanting to shut down and kick my loving husband to the curb? ****
Any advice for this anxiously attached, autistic wife married to a monogamous and now polygamous husband would be so appreciated.
Edit: he only wants to see a partner WE BOTH are into. But I want to punch the shit out of every imaginary man or woman who would dare steal any millisecond of my man’s affection.
submitted by OilOk70 to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:44 wulfycomentatetiktok AITAH For leading a girl on and ghosting her twice?

I, (15M) was talking to this girl (15F) for a while who i met from a mutual friend, and after a couple weeks of texting, i could tell that she was really into me.
she started saying very spicy to me, and i’m not gonna lie, i liked it. ive never talked to a girl in that way before and i’ve never had a real relationship so i just went with it.
i was always shy when we facetimed, and a lot of the time i made up excuses so i didn’t have to facetime her.
after a while she was completely obsessed with me even though we haven’t ever met in person, (she lives like 20 minutes away from me.) she asked if i wanted to hangout, and she was pretty much hinting at the fact that she wanted to do ‘things’ with me when i was there.
i wasn’t sure what i wanted tbh, like i didn’t want to lose my virginity at a young age but at the same time i wasn’t sure if i’d have another chance any time soon.
i decided to hangout with her. she told me her mom was at work so we’d be able to hangout for awhile before she got home. anyways she texted me the adress of a park that she lives near.
i got out of the car and started looking for her, she was sitting on a bench and when she saw me she hugged me and we walked to her house.
she showed me her room and we were talking for a while sitting on her bed, and she asked me if im watching any good shows at the moment. i recommend the show called shameless and we decided to watch it on her small tv in her room. she sat on her pillow at the head of the bed and i was just awkwardly half leaning half sitting on the side of the bed. i could tell that she was getting bored of the show but i was too scared to make the first move and just decided to wait until she did. i caught her looking at me a few times. i kept imagining in my head what would happen if i stood up and made a move which is what she wanted but it was just so awkward.
we ended up watching an entire hour long episode of shameless, occasionally chatting about the show. i was getting the feeling that nothing was going to happen so i decided to fake look at my phone and tell her i had to be home for dinner. we waited until my ride got there and she walked me out, hugging me goodbye.
when i got home, our mutual friend texted me and asked me how it went. i told her everything and she said “nobody kisses on the first date just wait for the next time” honestly i didn’t know what i wanted. honestly i wasn’t even that into her and i only hung out with her to see what would happen.
a couple days later i decided i didn’t want to talk to her anymore and kinda ghosted her. i felt bad but i thought it was the right thing at the time.
this was a while ago and so far i have never talked to a girl in that way since. i had always thought about her from time to time.
one day i was with my best friend who knows everything about what happened, and he brings her up and tells me i should talk to her again. i thought it would be fun to hit her up again so i did.
we started talking again and she made it clear that she was mad about me ghosting her. she warmed back up way quicker than she should have which i thought was kinda a red flag
she started talking to me the same way she did before but this time it made me kinda uncomfortable but i tried my best to go with it. i didn’t know how to tell her that i didn’t want us to be a thing, so… i ghosted her. again.
sorry if my writing is bad, i’ve never posted on reddit before. thanks for reading though, and let me know what you think.
submitted by wulfycomentatetiktok to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:42 Downtown_Swim5036 AITA for blocking and ghosting two of my ex-best friends since march

Im going to try to explain this situation in a way that isn’t very bias towards any party because I genuinely want to know if I’m in the wrong. So how this all started is me (17M “I think I do this because I see other people doing it) I had one really close friend (19M) this year in particular who I had known for a long time, this friend had a long history of being really fake and lying a lot, not even trying to be bias but that’s the easiest way to put it. But I thought he had grew up and matured since he moved away and moved back and was now a lot older. We became really good friends over the summer. Let’s name him Jerry. When Jerry moved away I became really good friends with my friend who we will call Carter. (17M). When jerry moved away me and Carter were best friends for about 3 years, we did everything together almost. About 3-4 months ago Jerry and I started having frequent arguments because he would leave trash in my truck and in my bedroom and even in our Christmas tree and my moms office, this may not seem bad but I’m a clean freak I hate when trash is left anywhere. And Jerry got upset that I would confront him about the trash. So he convinced carters younger brother (14M) and his younger brother (15M) to throw trash in my truck while I was asleep. The very next day I found out because his little brother told me. We got into an argument or whatever then I blocked Jerry.
After I blocked Jerry, Carter started to act a little weird. He wouldn’t open my messages, wouldn’t want to hang out, and would almost always be with Jerry. I understood they became friends and it actually didn’t bother me. Until Carter and Jerry decided to play a prank on me. See while me and Jerry were friends I lost my spare keys in his car and he said he could never find them.
I got out of school one day and saw that my truck was parked in a different parking spot and that it was parked in a different direction that I left it. The first thing I did was call Carter because I thought he would for sure tell me anything he knew about it. Surely enough he said that he didn’t know anything about it. I then get in contact with Jerry and we talk about it person to person because I knew he was the only one with my keys, he lied to me for a few hours and swore to God he didn’t have my keys and what not,
I get home and I’m obviously confused and very angry , until Jerry’s little brother tells me everything. Jerry gave my keys to Carter and Carter broke into my truck and then gave my keys back to Jerry and they both planned on throwing away my keys asap. I go to Jerry’s house and tell him I know he has my keys and he gives them to me. I then blocked Carter and have not spoken to him since. Did I overreact or did I do the right thing? I hate that I’ve lost two of my best friends in very short time and that is what makes me think it could be my fault.
submitted by Downtown_Swim5036 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:39 Gamenumber12 New bigscreen can't handle wide aspect ratios?

New bigscreen can't handle wide aspect ratios? submitted by Gamenumber12 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:21 ThrowRA-Few-Champ My husband 23M thinks I 24F am spending too much time with my family. Thoughts?

I 24F and my husband 23M just moved back in with my parents. Am I spending too much time with my family?
My(24F) husband(23M) have been married for just under three years. We are high school sweethearts and married young. I may be seeking more advice and opinions than the title leads on. We lived with my parents for a short time after being married, then we spent two years in our own apartment. We are trying to save to buy a house and decided our best option would be to live with my parents. They built a massive house with a master suite and full living room and kitchen in their basement. We pay $1600 a month, $1000 of that goes to a savings account that we will be given access to once we move out. The other $600 covers a $150 truck payment we pay to my dad, utilities and rent. We’ve got the ultimate set up.
For context, I’ve almost divorced the man twice. Our sex life has completely changed since being married. If I don’t initiate, it’s not going to happen. He almost never pleasures me and I have recently found out he has an addiction to porn. We don’t do much together, he spends a lot of time on his phone scrolling through Instagram or on his PC playing games, finding cars or trucks he wants to buy or watching twitch. I do not feel like a priority to this man. He does however work a really good job and makes most of the money in our relationship. He provides well financially for us.
If my family is invited to hangout in our space, he gets upset and sits in our room for most of the time they’re down here. He also gets upset if I make dinner for them. A prime example of this would be a few weeks ago, I asked if he wanted to play super Mario bros on the Wii with me and have dinner. He refused to play Wii with me and didn’t want to do anything else, so I invited my sister and dad down to play and have dinner with us. They provided me with extra groceries to make enough for everyone and have leftovers. To me, he didn’t want to spend time with me so I did what I wanted to do. Also, making dinner for my family who charges us close to nothing in rent and welcomed us back so quickly with open arms AND gives us as nice of a set up as we’ve got, the LEAST I can do is make dinner.
He also gets upset because I park upstairs and when I come home from work I’ll hangout and chat with my family. For probably 30 mins to an hour. Not every day, probably twice a week. They probably spend time in our space MAYBE once a week but it’s not consistent enough to really put a number on it.
What do I do here to fix all of the things? I’m sure I’m missing some things as I’ve written this up so quickly so let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by ThrowRA-Few-Champ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:02 JustStopItDamn This Girl On Live Lying Her Ass Off

This chick is about to take advantage of these elderly folks! She cancelled the woman's debit card, to get a new one...she wants to put her social security card, birth certificate, etc., in a lock box with a key that she doesn't want to know where the key is located, but she's gonna ask her every day: WHERE IS YOUR KEY, DO YOU REMEMBER WHERE IT IS? I smell trouble...I pray to God Porsha doesn't make this poor lady any sicker. She already had a stroke.
She told her fake Uncle, she knows the mechanic, he has previously worked on 3 of her cars, then she said that she happenstanced to AutoZone, where old dude gave her his business card and said he would hook her up. Girl get your lies together!!
She has moved into this woman's house and is making moves without having the proper conversations, just trying to take over as usual, but this man is kind of on top of stuff!
Now she is about to beg for TikTok to fix her car, she begged for sheets, she begged for food, but the kicker is, she said she's going to delete TikTok once she receives the money of others, to get her car repaired...y'all go on and be stupid!!!
On another note...the bathroom is only accessible through the room Porsha, Chris, Jamell, and her two kids are occupying, so the poor lady has to go through their junkiness, to get to the bathroom and Porsha doesn't really have privacy...her and Chris are going to be at each other's throats...the space is very small and they don't like sharing too much time together, or the same space...Chris likes to be one with his game. Chile, this is turning out to be a royal mess!
submitted by JustStopItDamn to PorshiaFurlowScammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:36 patron_goddess More thoughts I wanna put down

When he was splitting at the hotel he said You don't tell your spouse to fuck off and call names This is what HE DID. Total projection
When we got to the airport he said I still have your back.... Likewhat??? I said you have never had my back and you don't kniw what that means...this is 4 hours after he threatened me
When we got to home, he tried to caress my ear as I bent down and then smiled with thar gleam in his eye when I looked at him. He was trying to smooth it all over. Smooth over threatening me and calling me cunt pos and whatever else it was was
When I tried to talk to him at the hotel, after the blow up in the car, he took off his ring and said I'll be with you but I'm not doing this marriage game anymore. It's confusing. You know it was never gonna happen. This right here. I'm trying to parse that out. Was it future faking or was he thinking we would never actually get married. I think the latter. He had just said days before we have to get your last name changed. And he made some comment to a driver about not getting married in Vegas. I think he thought we might? Idk wtf even...you can't know what's going g in I their head.
In October HE called off our wedding....when he split hard. I just never picked it back up again.
I truly think a huge part of this episode was probably fear of engulfment as well as grief and guilt from his sister's death. He made this happen, self sabotage. Things were too good. He was too happy. Have to take the first opportunity to ruin everything.
Funny a few days ago he posted the song everything's ruined by faith no more. Part of him knows he did it.
submitted by patron_goddess to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:31 New_Ad583 A little rant

Sorry this is going to be more like a rant but basically, im a 20yr old guy. I would say I have a pretty good life, I go to the gym 6 days a week, train weights 4-5days and cardio 2-3 days a week. I ice bath twice a week and basically cold shower as much as possible, im studying IT and I am also learning Day Trading. I work 5 days a week, and when Im not at the gym or studying I work on my car.
So in theory I have what some would call a good life, yet I still cant get over the habit of watching porn. Like I can stop my self from watching it, but im always peeking or always thinking about sex, I do have a high test and a very active libido so porn is on my mind constantly and Im not the one to openly speak to people about my problems. It just seems like a struggle to me. When I do peak or do watch porn, I get demotivated and essentially forget how to speak to people and cant focus on my work/study.
Ive learnt that a huge reason people fall into addiction is because they feel like their life has no meaning and no end goal. I would say I have an end goal and Im working hard towards it, but it does become distracting when I try to work towards those goals, like I cant focus when im studying.
Any tips or feedback would highly be appreciated.
submitted by New_Ad583 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:30 MyLifeIsABoondoggle I was given directions mafia-style by a friend of a friend to kill someone

I dreamt this last week, but I still think about it and remember it clear as day so I just wanted to write it down. For some reason or another, I was placed in the middle of this quiet, rural type of town, and the setting was in the middle of the night. I live in a suburban city that's fairly lively at all hours, so this wasn't like home. I don't want to say it was like a scene from a western, but it harkened that type of imagery. I was with this group of people, all men, who I don't know in real life, and all I learned shout them through the nightmare was that they were friends of a friend of mine in the dream (who I also don't know in real life). Since I was the friend of a friend, I was sort of on the outside in this group, and was on the bottom of the hierarchy. Perhaps I was put up to this to "prove my worth". Anyways, everyone in the group but me was partaking in some sort of drug, it wasn't apparent what it was, and sitting in an open roof car just talking as they did so. They had someone, I don't know who they were or what they did, placed in some sort of box or closed contraption in the trunk of the car. How this person didn't suffocate first, I don't know. Dream logic I guess. Anyways, the driver of the car gets out, goes to the trunk, pulls out a pistol, and shoots him (I think it was a him) in the leg. Purposely doesn't kill him, and made him suffer. The driver comes back and tells me to finish the job. I skipped ahead for awhile in my head, because the next thing I remember I was driving in my car, that's my car in real life, down a freeway, which is one I take in real life to come home, with this person lodged in my trunk. I pulled over, took this person out, and began beating them up. The physics certainly gets murky here, but despite that I never take them out of their contraption, I get blood on my hands and the outside of my window, as it's splattered on to my car. Suddenly, I come to my senses and realize I'm acting insane. In a panic, I fled the scene, leaving the guy there, not having any idea if he survived or not. In the dream, I scoured the news for the next week, hoping to see any story of if anyone was found dead by the side of a freeway, or anything at all. Not a single story. I remember being terrified of any law enforcement that passed me in the dream, and one time what I think was about a week later, a police car with its lights on passed me in a residential area and I thought for sure I'd been had. But they kept on going. I was planning, if I were caught, to give up any names to law enforcement that I had in exchange for partial immunity. I woke up before any resolution was reached.
Why the change in scenery, from fake town to my car and my city? Why would I agree to this, even in a dream? Why would I start but then stop? I'm one of the least aggressive people you could know, so even dreaming this freaked me out. It felt extremely real when I woke up.
submitted by MyLifeIsABoondoggle to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:35 Ok-Succotash-4800 TCH induced Dp/Dr Trip Extreme!

I think I hit a new low in my ventures with Weed, yesterday night I took a deep hit of a kart at a movie theater. The kart is 80 percent pure thc sativa hybrid. Feeling the tightness in my throat from the weed I held in my cough to Try not to attract attention.
I could feel my muscles relax for a second then suddenly the sounds of the movie expanded and kept growing, I could suddenly feel the sound coming out of the speakers this feeling as very intense almost like that’s all I could hear, my awareness shifted to everything everywhere at once, time slowed way down, my body felt incredibly light like if I was floating I started to loose sense of reality and who I was or where I was. At this point I stare at my girlfriend and just get up and leave my chair, walking out of the theater seemed like an eternity, I could barely feel myself walking or even if I was walking properly at all. As I open the last door I manage to get out. All I was focused on was walking to my car. At this point my heart rate was at an all time high about 200 bpm it felt like. I reach the door to my car and get in. Everything was so intense my thoughts were loud sounds were extremely loud and would acoustically reverb ever so slightly. I tried calming myself down but it just got worse, My heart rate just kept beating fast I thought and felt like I was going to die there was a moment were I thought I died it felt so fake and real at the same time. I ended up praying at this point and finally started to calm down I rolled down the windows but then suddenly my mouth felt extremely dry and thirsty like I’ve never experienced before it was such an intense thirst. So I look down and grab my coffee and drink that which helped for a bit but it just got worse after that. I started feeling nauseous after that so I texted my girlfriend to come back to the car which she did eventually and started to comfort me. At this point the intensity was past its peak but it’s been staying almost constant and with no intention of slowing down. So I drink water and lay down. Closing my eyes would make me nauseous so I ended up vomating extremely bad several times out the door. Almost chocked on my own vomit it was disgusting, this did help me sober up and the high at this point was wearing off but the physical and physiological effects were still there.
This was by far the most intense high I’ve ever experienced and it’s a nightmare I honestly in that moment wish I was dead because I think dying feels better than whatever the fuck that was. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy never.
If anyone now’s why and how this is caused and if it is dp/dr then please feel free and comment thanks!
submitted by Ok-Succotash-4800 to derealization [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:28 hues_of_longing I think a god warned me of death

I woke up the other morning pretty pissed. A letter about code enforcement from the county bitching about my yard. The land has grown steep in parts, and i my attempt to mitigate damage done by previous owners, I ended up with a mound of debris that likes to grow weeds as well. I called them. Take down the weeds, they say, they will work on me with the debris.
I cannot seem to keep a string trimmer. I am less affluent than my neighbors and can only seem to afford weaker electric ones, and their batteries or really any part of them dies within the year. So, I decided to look into unconventional methods, and found how I might to take up scything.
I did a lot of research, and romanticized the idea of restoring a 100 year old American scythe like the men doing so on youtube. I immediately, late at night, searched up anybody selling some locally on FB marketplace. A man was selling two, for very cheap, very nearby. I messaged him and worked out the purchase. I fell asleep thinking of restoring the old instrument. I felt calm.
In my dream, I was bowing before three figures. One, a female, who was peeling a fruit that looked like a honeycomb full with red droplets of blood. One, a naked male with what looked like a viking helmet and a long, golden horn in one hand. The last figure I could not make out, just a scuffy, charcoal-like image on the edge of a shadow. I wept when I saw the second figure, begging him to interject on my behalf. I seemed to have entered the dream mid-conversation.
The two other figures looked to him, the woman looking on me with an almost doting expression of pity. The shadowy figure seemed to be whispering to them both in a language I did not know. Both the helmeted man and the woman nodded to it. The woman looked on me with a charitable sort of smile.
"You will have to give some token of your appreciation later." she says. Then there is a conversation I still do not remember. And I wake up. I forget the dream.
I am 34. I have several children. My two older kids want to go get the scythes with me. We hop in the car, and I drive around, getting tools to use in the restoration.
The man lives in a remote part of the next county over. It takes a while to find his house. He is waiting in his driveway. When I pull up, I immediately start feeling dread. I can't figure out why. He seems like a nice guy. Yet I feel something is off. I do some meditative breathing and calm down. I get out.
He tells me where he got them, and we talk a little. As soon as I pick up and hold one, I feel a brief moment of shock. Like in my legs and arms. I insist on ignoring the stupid feelings. I dismiss it as me being reclusive and not feeling social today. After putting the scythes in the hatch of the van, I come around to the driver side and stop dead.
The man is standing there with a piece of paper in his hand. It's a "million dollar question" he says. It's some kind of religious pamphlet on a fake million dollar bill. The man talks for a moment about death, about how we aren't going to be here forever, about how Jesus Christ is the only thing that will keep our souls from going to hell.
The whole thing redoubles the dread I feel. I am very polite and talk my way back into my car, feeling the dread mount more and more as I drive.
We stop at a light after an onramp. I am coming off an interstate turning left onto an intersecting highway. I try to breathe, feel very sick. While the light is red I for some reason decide to turn on some music, maybe it will calm me down. I get the urge to fiddle with spotify on my radio screen. I hear a loud beep. The light is green. I hesitate only a split second and then I start going.
Suddenly, a vehicle goes screaming in front of me. A red and white pickup truck. Has to be going 55 if not 65. It's a blur basically, even if I do make some of it out. I screech to a halt and then once the truck clears, complete my turn and immediately pull into the nearest parking lot, which turns out to be a bank.
My kids didn't even notice. Nobody seems to have appreciated but me how close we were to serious trouble.
As background. "Skeeters" in pickup trucks are a real pain here. They drive like dickheads, they are stereotypical as hell, and often I find that they instigate road trouble a lot. I don't know what it is about this area, but the "muh trukk" people seem to be way more prevalent than anywhere else.
Of course my reaction is rage. I wish I could have found this idiot who ran a red light and almost killed me and my kids. We were feet from a rather brutal collision.
I am exhausted by the time I get home. I disassemble the scythes and put the metal parts in a rust solution. I think about taking a nap and that is when the dream comes back to me. I remember the figures. And in my waking mind, I have theories on who they are. I do read a lot of old greek poetry and philosophy, so it could just be a coincidence.
However. If three greek gods were indeed discussing my fate in a dream, and one decided to intervene on my behalf, thanks a lot. I will find some "token of appreciation" to give.
submitted by hues_of_longing to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I need to preface this by saying that I am not interested in having a back-and-forth in the comment section. If you are interested in speaking with me, kindly message me in DMs.
I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 1241308650 Does your husband follow "hot girls" on Instagram? and other social media grumblings

So I have plenty of issues with my marriage but for some reason this one really stands out. My husband (40) and I (41) have been together for 15 years and married for ten.
Ive never been the least bit bothered by porn, which he does partake in (as do i on a more seldom occassion), but in the last year or so ive noticed that he follows a lot of hot girls in instagram.
I just dont get it. i dont follow guys on instagram just bc theyre hot. it doesnt make me feel good. hes done a lot to make me not feel good...recently hes gotten on medication and suddenly in the past month has acted nicer and more appreciative than ive seen in years.
But i am worried ive checked out. i lost 30 pounds and have been throwing a lot of time and money at my appearance in the past couple years. amidst getting nitpicked and nagged at by him for all my percieved shortcomings and glaring flaws, ive just been appreciating me. after 14 years of zero crushes on other men ive had two in the past year. seriously all it takes is for a guy to be cute and pffer a fleeting percieved glance of admiration and to be nice and im so appreciative of it. i both enjoy feeling that again and resentful im that desperate.
and now my husband is finally acting how i have been wanting him to since we had kids seven years ago and im relieved to not be walking on eggshells or feeling like hes judging me, but hes lost his luster. hes just a guy who looks at hot chicks on instagram and worked overtime to blame me for every bad feeling.
even years ago he switched his instagram description from "just pics from my life and my family" to no reference to our family and no pics of anything but his projects and cars. his facebook profile pics havent included me for years. i actually realized that this past weekend and scrolled thru my profile pics that are just me and him for the past seven years and switched it to one of me and my boys.
i just feel that ive endured years of him checking out of his adoration of me and these are tangible pieces of evidence of that...im tired of not feeling good. in the past month since hes flipped a switch he also bought me an anniversary band a month after our ten year anniversary. its like once he started feeling better emotionally he got nicer and suddenly wanted to do something nice for me. i wouldve relished this stuff even a year earlier i would be thrilled right now.
but ive spent years with him nagging and yelling and grumbling and taking me for granted and even threatening divorce when he was miserable with a couple different jobs, while i was slowly finding ways to feel at peace outside of him.
ive recently read about the walk away wife syndrome and i hate that emotionally thats where im at. i dont want to ever get divorced. i want our life forever. i dont want our kids to have two homes. i want to just fully embrace the sweet attentive person my husband has become the past month. im not sure if this new "him" will last, so ill continue to plan to embrace the things about myself and my life beyond him. what scares me is if this medication is helping and hes taking a turn for better for good, wouldnt it be depressing if he waited too long, after years and years, and only gets his issues under control once i checked out? the instagram thing sounds silly but it's just this huge representation of the ways he DOESNT make me feel special or cherished, and my silly little crushes recently have been vague glimpses into feelings im clearly missing and craving.
submitted by 1241308650 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:19 ainaspai Not sure if anyone will even read this but l'm gonna post it anyways

2 years ago, I had a relationship with a 21 yo guy and I was 13. He added me and we started talking. I kept in touch with him for 5 months and he was always respectful until he asked me to do something, and I did it unfortunately, I felt like everything happened so fast (we never met) he also asked me for a picture of my body, but when I refused he understood.
I was looking for any opportunity to just chatting with him and he always responded. He was careful to protect his personal privacy and I wasn’t interested in asking much. I'm not even sure of his age whether he was 21 or even older all I know the he was an employee.
On the contrary, I was an idiot to the point that I told him almost everything about my life even some family problems. after some time later, I found out that he had a twitter porn account in which he was harassing girls who knew him from his real account, but they didn’t know that he was that person, their friend.
I only asked him one thing, "Is this your account?" and he said “you trying to accuse me now?” “You’re the one who wanted to seduce me and always stick to me”. He suddenly started getting angry even though I didn't respond and told me that he had a recording of my voice (I just learned that he was recording calls without my knowledge) and he knew my full name and the last thing he said was “I can expose you with your vn but I am a man”.
I never told anyone about this, and even though I've overcome it now, how I could just forgive myself to putting myself in such situations. I'm also sad because there was nothing I could do but delete my account and disappear (he was keen to use even buy fake numbers).
submitted by ainaspai to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Naganosupreme Crow Country- Beginning of the Game Recap and Review

Right off the bat, seeing a counter go down from 2024 to 1990 made me think there's some kind of flashback at play. Given the reverence the devs have for the past and the fact literal first second of the game is spent in 2024 (on a technicality), maybe we play across multiple characters and eras at some point? It could just be a nice visual gimmick telling the player the game takes place in 1990 but given the stellar reviews, Im expecting everything to have some kind of hidden purpose insttead of just being a gimmick.
And to follow up on that, Mara is very insistent she is Mara Forest and I better really remember that she is Mara Forest, Special Agent. Me thinks the lady dost insist too much! Given what I said before, I'm sure you know what Im already guessing about her identity.
First screen- a small, run down employee parking lot with an abandoned car covered in debris, some chain link around me and some trash bags sitting around. This screen gave me some time to figure out things, like I had no clue I could move the camera at first, thought it was like RE with tank controls and static images. A few screens later I'd look around while running down a straightaway and realize "Omg thats right, I can see this area in full 3D, it's not static. Oh cool look at the back of this thing! Oooo memos on the walls!" The notion I could look around for tons of info and puzzle? Loved it.
But Im getting ahead of myself. FIrst screen. Unlimited ammo in the trunk? You bet I started trying to shoot out car windows and objects. Nothing broke, I was sad. Welp, reload, lets go to the next screen. (There are some things to find here, so search around)
Ticket booth comment- lol.
I was asked if I want to pick stuff up and I quickly got the notion I should NOT pick up many items yet bc the ammo may be scarce, the car is loaded.
My assumption is I can keep reloading at the car early on to save ammo until the car gets compromised, then Ill be wanting all the ammo around the early areas of the park.
The moving mushrooms, staff memos and fog are all appropriately creepy as are the occasional spots of blood and an empty backpack. I skip the first area I can go into because I havent finished running all the way down this alley and I- oop, there's a guy. I had a small and a large med kit, you get the small one buddeh and you be grateful for it.
Later on I find out large med kits have antidotes and this guy also complains in my car about not feeling well. Uh oh. I think I was supposed to give him a large kit to stop him from monsterizing. I try shooting him through my window multiple times...Ok I tried shooting him in the dick when he was on the ground, too. Sue me, Im a 90s kid. BTW slight error, I hadnt aactually encountered any monsters yet but she tells the reporter she ran into a monster and it hurt her. I notice blood on her back, too. Now I DID step on a bear trap earlier so maybe having any damage triggers her to say that line? Or maybe she says it no matter what bc the devs assume I'd go forward and find trouble before heading all the way back to the car to check on this dude? Or did something happen to her before the game starts? Guess Ill find out.
I make note of the MULTITUDE of key holes, potential puzzles, codes on the floor, etc and finally encounter my first enemies in the hall. I get the distinct vibe they're reluctant to hurt me. If I put just a minor amount of distance, they stop chasing. Unless I shoot them, then they come after me. After I go down the hall, save at the fireplace and exit, I let one attack me. It's just a push and then he sounds kind of broken up about it as I lie there dead. The fact I could still spin the camera while dead had me excited there'd be something unique that'd happen but after a minute I restarted. At this point, my veteran survival horror game instincts were like "yea, just run around these dudes, dont waste ammo"
I found a few more nice areas like the excavation site and saw something about Roots being disturbed by the excavation company. Very shady. between that, gold in a trunk and a book about the gold rush, Im expecting greed gone horribly wrong, releasing something like in Ghosts of Mars. But why are there so many humans contaminated? I get the feeling the park was closed and no one was there. It doesn't sound like there was a horrible publicized accident. Maybe they're the excavators? Doubt it. And then I find a mega skeleton man. By luck I got him stuck on a metal pipe near the crow, so I could pick easy close range headshots. Stilllll took forever, tons of wasted ammo. And he was super easy to avoid AND he dropped nothing. At that point I decided to restart, avoid grabbing most items and ammo and go from there.
Throughout, there is a great atmosphere of claustrophobic tension. Nothing revolutionary, about the vibe, just a great, well done vibe, exactly what it needs to be. Gameplay-wise, some real good QOL enhancements like full 3D camera movement and the ability to move my aim up down, left right, diagonal, etc? Great. Found some environmental stuff to shoot eventually, INCLUDIING key puzzle spots. Missed my PS1 aesthetics.
Im dying to uncover the mystery of whats going on, why fake Mara...I mean Mara is here, why she's dying to meet Mr. Crow, what this monster outbreak is, etc.
Life gets in the way so Idk if Ill continue these write ups but I figured fans of the game might enjoy reading a breakdown and recap from the perspective of fresh eyes.
submitted by Naganosupreme to CrowCountry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:33 utopian_potential Roaring Kitty's Meme spree, reverse order, breakdown

Roaring Kitty's Meme spree, reverse order, breakdown
Here goes nothing, strap yourself in, and enjoy the retelling of our story. You cannot tell me this is a "Cohencidence". Im not making reaches here, this story lines up with our journey far too perfectly, for someone who has been planning for years...
As i near the end, I am absolutely certain this was his intention.
Please help me fill in the blanks, or let me know if you think ive made mistakes.
Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw4d10/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
Part 3: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw4q0m/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
Part 4: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw5a9g/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
Part 5: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw5my2/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
Part 6: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw5uvx/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
Part 7: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw64gt/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
Part 8: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/1cw6acw/roaring_kittys_meme_spree_reverse_order_breakdown/
DFV, blasting away from his friends on the bets sub, on his rocket ship, to \"the green planet\"
Cant decide my guess is - Zen masters, Zen apes \"well see\", because not everything is first as it appears.
The previous Zen masters will watch it backwards and see the full picture
\"You just ran\" - Didnt DFV use some of his gains to build a running track for his old school?
Not sure of this scene, any tips would be appreciated. Maybe prepping for the trial?
Whats in the box? Maybe what Kitty has learned prepping for the trial has lead him to believe
GME is at the center of something MASSIVE
DFV was threatened to hand over all he had earned. But he had his Gamestop thesis
The bear thesis didnt look like anything to him
The big players locked in a box all looking at each other suspiciously
Dont know, help?
Answer: The SEC and busy looking at Porn on the computers. Thanks Mjrmaravilla
Testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services. Our boy DFV in the box
Maybe something about fake friends coming out of the woodwork after he got GME famous?
So he hung out here, with a different name, because we understood the crazy he was experiencing.
Because he cant speak freely, he doesnt want to get in trouble.
I didn't quite get this sequence, maybe DFV is the therapist listening and watching to all our shit. Or you could say DFV is each character because their squence kinda tells a story.
Early earnings calls were a hype.
The price is red, but its an optical illusion. The price is wrong. Thanks Throwaway
This squence was us. And our multiple \"migrations\" where we just kept shooting ourselves Which is why the next meme is Roaring kitty crying
submitted by utopian_potential to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:27 ThrowRAbambia I (F21) think my best friend (F22) is lying about her real identity

(Lol smosh if u end up seeing this plz put this on a reddit stories episode i would love to hear what you guys think)
(I’ve never posted here before sorry if I brake any rules, and let me know if theirs any other places I can post this)
Ive thought about this for a really long time and i want to confront her but i don’t know how or if i should. Every since I’ve known her she tells everyone shes Japanese and i think that she may be lying.
When we first started hanging around a lot i got curious and asked “what is your race“ she told me she was full Japanese. also she told me she was born in japan and moved to America when she was 5. I said “ohhh i thought you were hispanic.” I also thought “oh maybe she is hispanic but is Asian passing ??” Then later she tells me something different and said she was just born in Chicago. She also says she has a Japanese name “Aiko Takahashi“
in school we always called her by her Japanese name, but when they would call her name through the school intercoms, they called her by “Camila García” (fake name but it’s pretty close to her real name) one day she actually skipped picture day so she wouldn’t have her real name in the year book. One day yearsss later she told me that she is Half Filipino, which if thats true that could explain her real name.
i also asked her once “why do you have two different names?” She said “my stepmom didn’t like my Japanese name and forced me to change it legally because she couldn’t pronounce my real name”
Every since I’ve known her she has aways dated Asain guys, and always had Japanese cars (specifically mitsubishis) She would also lie about her car when i could literally see it. she would say “i have a 2020 Mitsubishi” when you could clearly look at it and it would be a 2010. She also introduced me to Kpop, we both use to love it together, but now i feel like the purposely mispronounces / misspells group names for some reason, maybe to make it seem like she knows nothing about it? Idkk. she also use to drink alot and had a huge obsession with being skinny. She was probably 90 pound’s soaking wet.
Ive known my her since middle school and Ive never met her family or anything. I didn’t even know she had siblings until her ex told me about them he also sent me video proof of her with her father and siblings at the mall. We have both seen her ID and it also has the same name of Camila Garcia. He even told me thats he’s met her family that they all looked Hispanic and that they all spoke Spanish. But i have never met her family so i would never know.
We are all in our 20s now and we live in different states but she would always travel just to hangout and see me. and for a little bit i disappeared on her (only for about a month) because i was kinda hurt knowing that she could be lying and not being truthful, because if we are really best friends she wouldn’t hide anything from me. We literally talk to each other about everything. and I’ve always wanted that best friend relationship where we met each others family’s and we could all be close.
She wants to move to my state and to roommate with me, I really want confront her but, i don’t want to confront her and hurt her. Im wondering if this coping thing. What if i ask her and it brings back some trauma and she disappears?
if your confused on anything or have any questions plz let me know in the comments so i can clear it up for you
submitted by ThrowRAbambia to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:18 hookahfrfr51 i have really horrible habits regarding dating [20M]

this is probably caused by having a gf throughout the entirety of highschool, and being used to it. but since we broke up ive been trying to find something similar. someone to love, and someone to love and pay attention to me.
problem is: im an introvert and dont approach girls, and when i talk to them online, we talk and yadda yadda, i develop this sort of para-social relationship, where i am significantly more invested than they are, most dont care (dont expect them to tbh)
its just this constant cycle of: oooh i wanna girl to date -> shes cute! -> send some dms -> think abt her all the time, regardless of anything -> overthink interaction, slight depression -> stop initiating conversation -> no reponses -> repeat
like i have good qualities, go to the gym, good job, good money, have a car, been told repeatedly i have a nice voice. had girls attracted to me quite a few times. just getting something serious seems difficult. (only downsides is being 5’7 and living with my parents lol)
sort of stuck on just like giving up this crappy cycle. quitting everything sexual / romantic. hormones sre a fuckin bastard though. horny literally all the time. dont even look at porn more than once a week. i hate it here
asexuals, im jealous. this is self destructive behaviour and idk what to do. dunno if religion is some savour in this position.
submitted by hookahfrfr51 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:10 ThrowRAbambia I (F21) think my best friend (F22) is lying about her real identity should I confront her about it?

(Lol smosh if u end up seeing this plz put this on a reddit stories episode i would love to hear what you guys think)
(I’ve never posted here before sorry if I brake any rules, and let me know if theirs any other places I can post this)
Ive thought about this for a really long time and i want to confront her but i don’t know how or if i should. Every since I’ve known her she tells everyone shes Japanese and i think that she may be lying.
When we first started hanging around a lot i got curious and asked “what is your race“ she told me she was full Japanese. also she told me she was born in japan and moved to America when she was 5. I said “ohhh i thought you were hispanic.” I also thought “oh maybe she is hispanic but is Asian passing ??” Then later she tells me something different and said she was just born in Chicago. She also says she has a Japanese name “Aiko Takahashi“
in school we always called her by her Japanese name, but when they would call her name through the school intercoms, they called her by “Camila García” (fake name but it’s pretty close to her real name) one day she actually skipped picture day so she wouldn’t have her real name in the year book. One day yearsss later she told me that she is Half Filipino, which if thats true that could explain her real name.
i also asked her once “why do you have two different names?” She said “my stepmom didn’t like my Japanese name and forced me to change it legally because she couldn’t pronounce my real name”
Every since I’ve known her she has aways dated Asain guys, and always had Japanese cars (specifically mitsubishis) She would also lie about her car when i could literally see it. she would say “i have a 2020 Mitsubishi” when you could clearly look at it and it would be a 2010. She also introduced me to Kpop, we both use to love it together, but now i feel like the purposely mispronounces / misspells group names for some reason, maybe to make it seem like she knows nothing about it? Idkk. she also use to drink alot and had a huge obsession with being skinny. She was probably 90 pound’s soaking wet.
Ive known my her since middle school and Ive never met her family or anything. I didn’t even know she had siblings until her ex told me about them he also sent me video proof of her with her father and siblings at the mall. We have both seen her ID and it also has the same name of Camila Garcia. He even told me thats he’s met her family that they all looked Hispanic and that they all spoke Spanish. But i have never met her family so i would never know.
We are all in our 20s now and we live in different states but she would always travel just to hangout and see me. and for a little bit i disappeared on her (only for about a month) because i was kinda hurt knowing that she could be lying and not being truthful, because if we are really best friends she wouldn’t hide anything from me. We literally talk to each other about everything. and I’ve always wanted that best friend relationship where we met each others family’s and we could all be close.
She wants to move to my state and to roommate with me, I really want confront her but, i don’t want to confront her and hurt her. Im wondering if this coping thing. What if i ask her and it brings back some trauma and she disappears?
if your confused on anything or have any questions plz let me know in the comments so i can clear it up for you
submitted by ThrowRAbambia to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:34 albert1165 A prime example of a Vinfan ...

A prime example of a Vinfan ...
This is a good laugh for normal people.
The guy/gal below is a typical Vinfan: his/her stupidity is unmatched. The way the comment was written is not a joke.
The comment below contains all the signatures of a Vinfan:
1/ "Tesla too" meme. This stupidity has been debunked so many times in this sub.
2/ Vingroup is the biggest firm in Vietnam. Not. Biggest debtor of all listed companies in Vietnam, probably of all companies in Vietnam.
3/ The stupidity of "unlimited cashflow, good product, numerous talent". Only $123M cash on hand, very buggy cars with many broken front wheel cases, senior people continue to quit in drove. Of course, normal people will find this claim hillarious.
And the poster claimed to have 2 Vinfast: VF5 anf VF9. If he/she has the money to buy that 2 Vinfast cars while his/her stupidity is staggering, he/she is either a GSM taxi driver or a poor student lying or he/she is the son/daughter of a crooked official got money from bribery or he/she got money from shady business in Vietnam, like MMO or selling fake skin cream on Shopees. With the stupidity / delusion revealed in the comment, he/she can hardly earn much money in a proper way to buy VF9/VF5. I am inclined to the first possibility.
Anyway, here it is, a really good laugh for normal people. Too bad, reddit doesn't have the haha emoticon.
submitted by albert1165 to VinFastComm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:14 titanlmao A review of the Pyro video abt Kendrick vs Drake and (almost) everything he got wrong

i’m a diehard hip hop fan, more specifically Kendrick, so most of this stuff I know by heart so why not make a post pointing out EVERY SINGLE wrong thing i can catch Pyro say. Im mostly making this since it pisses me off when people who have zero clue about something come in and try to sound confident as hell about it while getting countless things wrong. I will try to link proper sources for everything he got wrong as well. Enjoy! By the way when I say Dot it is Kendrick I’m talking about. And I will also put the time stamps of what i’m talking about
Also if i got something wrong please correct me so I can edit it. Most everything here should be correct however
First off and it isn’t Pyro, it’s Critikal, but talking about how youtubers in 2016 ruined diss tracks and Dot vs Drake is the first beef since then to make real diss tracks is so funny because Pusha T vs Drake happened in 2018 I believe so just goes to show how in touch they are
Okay once again something petty , it’s small but it kinda shows how much research was done from the get go, because Kendrick’s real name isn’t Kendrick Lamar, It is Kendrick Duckworth, Lamar is just his middle name. So it kinda shows the research level when you can’t get the dudes name right when you’re supposed to be saying the full name of both dudes.
Claim - Drake came from nothing thus Drake flexes money
Okay so this is the first major one I think. Drake did not come from nothing, he grew up in rich neighborhoods, more specifically Forest Hill in Toronto. Not to mention his father’s side of the family had many successful musicians. He grew up rich. This is why people dislike Drake as he tends to go on his records rapping about the hard hoods and shit like this when he grew up infinitely more wealthy than most other rappers.
Claim - Kendrick does not like Drake as he flexes too much
Not even close. The actual origin of their beef is said to come from Kendrick’s legendary verse on Control. It is said that after Kendrick made his verse Drake felt very disrespected and thus attempted to blacklist kendrick from various radio stations which didn’t work. Kendrick felt that Drake took the verse too personally when Kendrick was just being competitive(it is vital to note that every other artist Kendrick mentioned ignore it or praised him for it). And eventually the animosity just kept ramping up as many people began to perceive drake as a culture vulture due to the fact he’d rap about stuff such as hard life in the streets or gangs despite never growing up around that only because it was trendy at that time. Which funnily enough is what pyro is doing right now, he’s culture vulturing off the beef since it’ll give him money but doesn’t really care
I don’t see why bring up Pusha T vs Drake as this isn’t that relevant to the Dot beef. Not to mention he just skips over 90% of things said in the beef. But yea it’s not Adoeniss lmao.
Okay so that wasn’t a diss track. That’s a sneak diss, something very big to distinguish as in the hip hop community sneak disses are seen as a pussies way to start beef while trying not to. this is especially relevant to drake as one of the biggest criticism of drake is how often he sneak disses rappers. to the point dot himself mentioned it in one of the diss tracks. Also tory le ness. also again i don’t see why bring this up as it is not relevant to the Dot beef. It wasn’t even a beef in the first place megan never fired back nor did drake even say her name. just feels like padding runtime
9:15- 9:30
Why is bigfoot being brought up at all it is not relevant, i’ve said it like three time but it really isn’t you can skip over all this and not have missed a single thing
Claim - Megan’s law line is about drake
It isn’t, this is the line that kickstarted the nicki beef. Nicki’s husband and i think brother are both sex offenders, Megan’s line about Megan’s law references a law in america where it is required for the police to make a sex offenders information public. Maybe it can be about drake but it almost unanimously agreed it’s about nicki. Okay so i listened to everything he said, basically the same I said. So yea it’s probably not about drake only reason people think it is is because kendrick called him a predator
Metros booming track? For all the scary dogs? what? Everything else he said seems accurate however. He didn’t mention the prince and jackson line though which was specifically at drake
No, GKMC was the classic he was talking about. The actual line would be the classic is GKMC, the overhyped is TPAB and the prime was DAMN. This is the only one that makes sense as not many people see section 80 as a classic whereas GKMC is seen as the first of the four run classics by Kendrick. Also good kid and Maad City
They weren’t directly involved but essentially Drake was saying that all the dudes I collab with clear you because of me. And that you’re not even the biggest in your own label, cus I think him and SZA were both top dawg. Pyro also doesn’t mention the push up and give me 50 line despite being the fucking chorus
That’s not it? At all? What Rick ross was trying to say is that Drake is so insecure about his own music that he had to “leak” the song in order to see if the public liked it enough for him to officially release it
That’s not what he claimed at all either. The nose job thing is not about not giving credit to his mentors, it’s about how Drake is seen as confused about his race and how he never felt black enough and that he isn’t black enough. Pusha and Dot tackled the same thing head on. Hell Dot literally ended Euphoria by saying Drake shouldn’t say the n word no more. It’s nothing abt giving credit rather adding on to the fake narrative that’s chased Drake his whole career
Thats part but not the only reason. He used the voice of the most iconic west side rapper ever to diss and make fun of tue current best west side rapper. This is why that became so controversial among the hip hop community, which he doesn’t mention. Because it’s corny to use the voice of a dead man to diss a dude who’s seen as the protege of Tupac and the current rep of the west coast.
It’s small but hearing Pyro act like DMX is just “some random rapper that passed away that said the same thing” is so annoying. Like bro isn’t a legendary rapper himself. It’s the equivalent of saying “oh yea and this interview of this one boxer, Mike Tyson idk if yk him, said the same shit”
No he isn’t saying that because Drake isn’t an activist he’s saying that because of the fact that Drake grew up super wealthy, but likes to act and pretend like he had a hard up bringing. The black enough just comes form the way Drake is perceived as a culture vulture who likes to pretend to live a life he didn’t.
Most people don’t care about writers. Kanye is a legendary rapper and he was well known for having writers in his track. The problem comes from when you attempt to portray yourself as an incredible writer when in reality you have 20 dudes doing it and you ignore that part. What makes it funnier is that Kendrick actually mentioned this in Euphoria I believe with the “It’s 1v20 with all the writers”. Essentially it’s the same as an athlete taking steroids but pushing himself as clean. Just makes you feel fake, which again is the main narrative around drake
Thing is that it wasn’t just his son, he literally addresses each family member, including his father. Also the predator line is referencing his father, and also Baka who’s an actual sex offender, so idk why mention that but not mention who it is he’s talking abt
Okay, so I think that’s it. Pyro weirdly left out vital parts of the beef such as how Drake was constantly alluding to Dots wife cheating with the bodyguard. Or other stuff like that. Or just not explaining certain bars and what they mean when it’s like 20 seconds at most. Or why some backlash occurred or like leaving certain things that can paint a picture of why Drake lost which is what he’s attempting to do. Such as him leaving out the fact that the Tupac part got backlash because of the west coast connection. Or how Drake isn’t critiqued for flexing but rather pretending to live a life he never did just because it’s trendy
In other words it just sounds like a white dude who’s never even listened to one song by either artist trying to make money off of it. Stick to Sunnyv2 and inflated furry porn pyro.
submitted by titanlmao to pyrocynical [link] [comments]
