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2014.12.01 23:19 dbspeltwrong4r Tires are the enemy

The tires are out to get us.

2014.10.23 13:27 Vikingfruit Civilization VI

A place to discuss all things Sid Meier’s Civilization VI! Always take one more turn!

2024.06.02 18:37 VerndaleAve First trip to Tulum (early 30s couple)

Tulum review
Just spent a week in Tulum with my husband to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. Despite the negative comments I’ve seen on this sub/Trip Advisor we had a beautiful time.
Where we stayed:
We stayed at an Airbnb that was essentially a block of luxury condo type development. It was off Avenida Kukulkan between Tulum town and beach. We enjoyed the stay there, but after some reading I regret not researching more into the infrastructure and rapid development of the area. But we had WiFi, AC, easy access to most things, and it was safe. The staff were helpful and friendly. Despite ongoing construction in the area we enjoyed it.
Getting around:
About a week before we did some research and decided on renting a scooter. Taxis to our area seemed $$ and car we were nervous about parking. We loved driving around in the scooter and would do it again in a heartbeat! Everyone was helpful at the gas station and we didn’t feel unsafe in anyway. The only taxi we took was from the airport ($60 USD and to the airport $95 USD), those were a tad pricey to me coming from Boston, but we bit the bullet instead of public transit (but the ADO bus seemed easy to use if anyone is looking into it).
Places we loved and would eat at again: El Camello (seafood), Honorio (tacos/tortas), street carts on Satélite, and Riviera’s Kitchen (actually a cooking class but easily the best food we had there). I highly recommend all these spots! Encanto, this place was pricey but the food really was excellent, just know you’re paying extra for ambiance and service.
Places that were good food but we would have been fine missing them: Mezzanine (by the beach). We knew we were paying premium for the location. The food was fresh but it was so $$. We just got it cause we were by the beach and hungry.…it can be missed though as there is nothing special or unique about it (to me). Rossina cafe, this felt like any brunch spot in a major city in the US. The food was good but you don’t need to come to Tulum for it. Unless you’re an American here for a long stay I don’t see why one would want to go here.
Places that were just not good: Negro Huitlacoche, wtf yall. I came here from recs on Reddit and was so disappointed. The food is so bland. The service is awful. It was not worth a minute of time or a singular peso spent on it. The elote was good but its street corn. Everything else I hated.
We spent a night out at Obsidiana and another at M. Obsidiana was fun and relaxing with decently priced drinks. M was more expensive and the vibes were like a typical club back home, but we expected that and had fun. We didn’t too much else cause we’re old lol.
Snorkeling by Playa Paraiso, this was fine for a first time experience but my husband has done it before in Jamaica and he said it was okay. I still enjoyed it and we got to see the ruins from the water side. Got a little seasick but recovered with a fresh coconut afterwards.
Beach: after snorkeling we walked along the beach till we physically couldn’t cause of rocks and then made our way back to a random spot. It was relaxing despite the seaweed.
Chichen Itza: we booked a tour through MexicoKan and went to Chichen Itza and a cenote. The site was amazing and we got to get there before crazy crowds, and the lunch they took us to was great. The highlight was the cenote which was tranquil. If you’re looking for a more guided experience this company is excellent.
Cenotes: we visited Cristal and Escondido and they were perfectly relaxing. The scenery isn’t amazing or anything but there were people there who let us borrow their snorkeling masks and it was fun to try out and see the underground caves.
Tulum town: we felt safe the whole time, there was one incident with a drunk guy approaching us but we managed it fine. We stopped for ice cream and panna e cioccalato and Caterina’s a few days. They were both yummy. The nights are hot and there are markets in Parque Dos Aguas, we didn’t end up buying from them and shopped at Mixik, Hecho a Mano, some pottery from a fruit shop and Chedraui for some gifts. Might have overpaid or been duped idk.
Since this was for our anniversary we did want some mornings/nights to relax so we got groceries from Chedraui to make meals (eggs, rotisserie chicken, and bread). We also got homemade tortillas, mangos, and mamey zapote from a random fruit shop.
Overall we loved our vacation, that being said I can see why people may have felt bamboozled cause some things are definitely pricey. Do some research to get the most out of it brush up on Spanish and be baseline friendly and you should be okay. This wasn’t the cheapest vacation spot ever, but once we learned about the recent history of the place, it makes sense. We tried our best to branch out to spots that aren’t overly catered to tourists, but I do recognize that even the “local shops” are adjusting as well (Honorio and Camello). If I were to come here again I’d stay in town or maybe even somewhere else near by and just come to the cenotes or town for day trips. It’s a small city and we ran into the same people everywhere we went which was cute but anything more than a week would be tough for a tourist. I’m not sure if I’ll be back anytime soon as there are a hundred other places in Mexico and the region I want to travel to (Oaxaca, CDMX, Baja, Antigua, Atitlan…). I’m sure the next I come here the city will be way different since we were seeing such rapid development happening while we were there.
submitted by VerndaleAve to tulum [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 SEOwhale [For Hire] Free Custom-Coded Website in Exchange for Testimonials

We're currently trying to grow our portfolio & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee.
The website includes built-in SEO, a proprietary CMS connected to our AI autoblogger, AI assistants, automated pinterest schedule & publishing, and an AI image generator to make your blog creation process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, it has a link tree feature to eliminate the need for additional fees.
So my team would build the website for free, you don't have to pay anything up front, then the monthly hosting would just be $50/month
Our company sites are: &
Rate: $50/Month
DM me if this is something you'd be interested in :)
submitted by SEOwhale to ForHireFreelance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 SEOwhale [For Hire] SEO-Optimized Custom-Coded Websites built with TailwindCSS & NextJS

Rate: $50/month
Hi everyone!
At the moment we're trying to grow our portfolio of local service based businesses & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee.
So backstory, we've been developing custom websites for service based businesses and during this time we created a in-house CMS. Over time we've upgraded the CMS to include things like an AI autoblogger, AI assistants, and an AI image generator to make blog creation process smoother, we also added a custom linktree so people don't need to pay the fees for that anymore. These custom websites are built with NextJS and tailwindCSS, practically all of them get 100% on lighthouse.
We use to be bloggers so we build the SEO into each site we make to ensure its fast, user friendly, and the schema is all correct - this helps rank for local search terms, for example 'landscaping services near me", which will help you get more organic traffic to the site!
So my team would build the website for free, you don't have to pay anything up front, then the monthly hosting would just be $50/month.
Our company sites are: &
DM me if this is something you'd be interested in!
submitted by SEOwhale to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:23 sirgeneralcliche Ficnapping: An Introduction to Terran Zoology - The Ocean Episode

In which this ficnapping first-timer tackles An Introduction to Terran Zoology by u/Still_Performance_39. I'm still a newbie author, so imagine my surprise when I'm handed one of the most popular stories on the sub. One that's received the rare honor of being approved by the fifteenth holy knight of space himself. No pressure I guess lol.
I knew what I wanted to write about, at least. I've been waiting for this series to cover the ocean, so this was the perfect opportunity to do it myself! I had to think hard about what to include; the ocean is a big place after all. See if you can guess the secret (really obvious) theme I went with! Fingers crossed I did this story justice! (Shoutout to Wikipedia btw)
Memory transcription subject: Rysel, Venlil Environmental Researcher
Date [standardized human time]: Idk sometime after Cilany’s broadcast
Brahk, brahk, brahk!
I tore across the campus, sprinting for the Terran Zoology lecture hall as fast as my legs could carry me.
I can’t believe I overslept! Of all days, it had to be today.
Dr. Bernard had teased today’s topic last time. “By now we’ve learned about animals from all over Earth, and through our simulation exercises you’ve seen for yourselves how intricate Terran ecosystems can be.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Everybody’s simulated ecosystems had failed catastrophically on their first attempts. It’d taken a herd of paws for everyone to accept how necessary predators were to maintain balance in Earth’s ecosystems.
“With what we’ve learned so far, we are ready to finally tackle one of if not the most complex and vibrant ecosystems on Earth: the coral reef. This lesson even has some direct relevance to us here on Venlil Prime. You might have heard the recent news about those biologists exploring Venlil Prime’s oceans not far from here. Well, the region they’ve been studying shares many things in common with Terran coral reefs. Learning about reefs on Earth could be a useful reference point for uncovering the secrets of your own oceans. I hope to see you all tomorrow!”
I’d been so excited I could barely fall asleep. I’d also completely forgotten that Milam was away visiting family. Why did that matter? Well, without the raucous squawking of her alarm, I’d overslept, and now I was about to be late!
My lungs and legs burned, but I pressed forward. There, the lecture hall’s door was still open! I dashed inside and scrambled to my seat, gasping and wheezing as I tried to still my beating heart. I’d made it.
“Wow, Rysel, you’re right on time. That’s the latest you’ve been yet!”
I glanced to my right and saw Sandi chuckling heartily at my expense.
“I -hrrf- over -hrrf- slept,” I wheezed, “didn’t -huff- want to -huff- miss this -huff- though.”
“Hmph. Rysel, of all Venlil, oversleeping for one of the Doctor’s lessons. Never thought I’d see the day,” Kailo scoffed from my left, snuggled deep into his duvet. I supposed it was technically an insult, but there was no hostility in his tone. I knew what real anger and hostility sounded like from him, and he hadn’t done or said anything like that for some time. No, this was just Kailo being Kailo.
I flicked my tail at him in a friendly greeting. “Good paw to you too, Kailo.”
He huffed and turned away, but I didn’t miss his tail swishing under his seat.
Kailo’s changed so much since our first day. It’s like he’s a different person. Honestly, I sometimes feel like a different person too.
I’d come a long way from being scared of humans and enrolling in the exchange program for money. Now, these classes were the highlight of every paw, and I couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else.
My reminiscing was cut short by a familiar series of sharp knocks on the doorframe. My tail whirled with glee at the sight of the familiar figure.
“Good morning everyone! How’re we all doing on this very fine paw?” Dr. Bernard greeted us with a beaming smile.
Most of us beeped out a cheery hello in response. I glanced around the room, warm contentment welling in my chest. We were no longer the nervous, skeptical, and borderline hostile class Dr. Bernard had to put up with on the first day. Now, even the shyest participants flicked a friendly greeting in his direction.
“Excellent! I’m always delighted to hear your enthusiasm. Now, just to remind you, today we’ll be taking our first proper look at one of the most beautiful biomes Earth’s oceans have to offer. I always enjoy chatting with you all, but we do have a lot to get through today. Would anyone object if we skipped the banter this time and dive straight into the material?”
Yes, I’m ready! Let’s go!
The rest of the class echoed my sentiment, beeping with varying levels of excitement and curiosity. Bernard smiled as he glanced over everyone, his gaze lingering on me. “I’m happy to see that everyone’s excited for today’s lesson.”
It was at this point that I noticed that in my excitement, I’d jumped out of my seat and lunged onto the table. Sandi was chuckling merrily, and I heard a cough from Kailo underneath his blanket cocoon. Did I say that out loud? I slowly slid back into my seat, my ears blooming hot orange from embarrassment. I knew at this point that Bernard wouldn’t take offense to my outburst, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing for a grown man to be jumping up and down like a pup.
“Since everyone seems to be on board,” Bernard said, graciously distracting everyone from my faux pas, “let’s dive right into our ocean lesson, shall we?”
His pun was met with scattered beeps and groans, though most of the class let out merry bleats to express their excitement for the lesson. The classroom’s monitor flickered to life, and gasps echoed throughout the room. The image showed a rocky seabed covered with what looked like strangely shaped rocks in a wide array of bright colors. The fish swimming among the rocks, many of them as colorful as their environment, stood out against the deep blue background of the ocean water. Of all the gorgeous pictures of life on Earth I’d seen, none had ever been this vibrant, this full of color. It almost felt like I was looking at an art exhibit.
Wow… this develops naturally_? It’s so pretty! I wonder how the rocks form those bright colors._
“There’s really only one way to start a lecture about coral reefs, and that’s with the animals that give them their name. Coral!”
Bernard changed the screen to a close-up of the weird rocks.
“Now, at first glance, these may just look like a bunch of weird rocks.” Wait, they’re not? “But they are actually colonies of living creatures.”
Confused beeps and whispers broke out in the audience, as people tried to wrap their heads around how the objects on the screen could possibly be animals. My mind went back to our first day, when we classified a bunch of Earth creatures as prey or predator. There had been quite a few aquatic animals, and several of them hadn’t looked anything like animals. Maybe this was something like that?
It seemed my seat neighbors had come to similar conclusions, as both of them looked relatively unfazed by Bernard’s reveal, Milam instead flicking her ear in thought while Kailo leaned forward with intense focus.
“Each of these colorful formations is made up of hundreds of tiny, genetically identical individuals called polyps.”
The screen changed to a close-up shot of what at first glance looked like a fleshy plant that had grown roots into the rock, but the diagram next to it had labels that read things like “tentacle,” “mouth,” and “stomach.” Animal parts, not plant parts.
“This is an individual polyp. They are very small, typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in height. They anchor themselves in one place by secreting an exoskeleton of calcium carbonate from their base. From their anchored spot, they catch and eat any food that drifts by with the tentacles by their mouth. The exoskeleton they make gets left behind, allowing new generations of the colony to build on top of it. Thus, over many generations, the colony can build a skeleton like the ones you saw in the previous photo, up to several meters in size.”
So that was how it worked! It made sense once he explained it. Colonial organisms were an uncommon but familiar concept in the Federation, though they mostly consisted of various small insects. The idea of invertebrates secreting an exoskeleton was also a known concept. This was the first time I’d seen both traits in a single creature, though.
“These skeletons are the structure upon which the reef ecosystem grows, providing shelter for thousands of different species. Even though they occupy less than 0.1% of the world's ocean area, they provide a home for at least 25% of all marine species, making them one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet.”
With the truly staggering variety of species on Earth, 25% was no small number. My ears tilted back in awe at the pictures of the reefs on screen. They were like… underwater cities! Living cities that built themselves and teemed with all kinds of wonderfully fascinating creatures.
Bernard glanced around the room, wearing his “I’m about to ask a question” smile. The question arrived soon after. “Would anyone like to guess what corals’ diet consists of?”
Let’s see… they grab things with their tentacles, but they don’t move, meaning that they have to subsist on whatever floats by. Hmmm, why does that sound familiar…
The images from our first day still floated around in my mind. Wait! That’s it! I raised my paw.
“Yes, Rysel?”
“Is it like the jellyfish from our first day? Snagging small creatures in their tentacles and pulling them into their mouths?”
Bernard grinned widely. “Excellent conclusion, Rysel. You are right, coral polyps do indeed have similar feeding habits to those of jellyfish. Both coral and jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria, so you were correct to draw parallels between the two. Obviously, due to their size, any prey they catch must also be microscopic.”
My tail wagged proudly at his praise. The feeding behaviors of jellyfish had horrified me back then, but now I could take it in stride. The fact that I could even remotely navigate the humans’ complicated classification system gave me even more satisfaction. I glanced around the room. A few classmates seemed a bit uncomfortable at the mention of coral’s predatory nature, but most remained fascinated and engaged. It’d taken months, but we were finally beginning to appreciate predators as something more than monsters, even if they had to be predators that didn’t even look like animals.
“However, while corals do feed with their tentacles, that isn’t actually where most of their energy comes from. You see, most corals have evolved a symbiotic relationship with certain types of algae that live in their tissues, which they acquire from the surrounding environment. The algae produce energy through photosynthesis, which the coral can then use. Algae also aid the coral in calcification for the coral skeleton and waste removal. The algae, in turn, benefit by having a safe place to live, and by consuming the coral’s carbon dioxide and waste products as nutrients. Truly an excellent example of two species coming together for the mutual benefit of one another.”
I knew what symbiosis was, of course. Traditional Federation classes loved to highlight how different prey species united together to benefit one another. It was considered a major part of the innate empathy in prey species that predators lacked. Not only was Bernard showing us a symbiotic relationship involving what would traditionally be considered a predator, but said predator was allied with a plant, of all things!
Was this phenomenon unique to Earth, or was this yet another thing the Federation hid from all of us?
“The coral reef is filled with mutually beneficial relationships like this. Take, for example, one of the most iconic reef creatures, the sea anemone.”
With the push of a button, the screen changed to show a creature that loosely resembled a coral polyp, only bigger, more colorful, and with longer tentacles.
“Now, sea anemones are close relatives of coral, and they share many similarities. They feed in much the same way as coral, snaring prey with their stinging tentacles and drawing it into the mouth. Their diet mainly consists of small fish, crustaceans, and other appropriately sized organisms. Despite its predatory nature, the sea anemone is often considered the poster child of mutualism in the ocean.”
Bernard’s words prompted hushed murmuring throughout the classroom. I was a bit unsettled by the anemone’s predator status, but those feelings were overwhelmed by my sensation of curiosity. What was it about anemones that made their relationships so notable? I just had to know!
I turned my ears to the conversations around me. Some classmates were saying that any mutualistic relationships an anemone could have must be predatory in nature: a union with other predators to hunt and kill more efficiently. Others argued it could be something else, like the coral and algae from before. Someone suggested that the humans were wrong about them, but that notion was quickly shot down.
Everyone’s reactions made me realize just how desensitized we’d all become to “predatory” things. While the term was still uncomfortable, Bernard had, through his lessons, patiently instilled in us the idea that predators were more than wanton bloodlust and violence. There existed predators like that, of course, but with such a broad and diverse class of animals, one would expect some horrible ones due to sheer statistics. Likewise, there would be plenty of good ones.
Sea anemones are predators, yet they’re famous for their mutually beneficial relationships with other lifeforms. If someone said something like that to me months ago, I’d never have believed them. I was so certain that I knew the fundamental mechanisms of ecosystems like the back of my paw. I chuckled to myself. Stars, so much has changed since then.
“First of all, many sea anemones form symbiotic relationships with algae in the same way corals do, benefiting from their photosynthesis while offering shelter and protection in return. But that’s hardly the only relationship they’re known for.”
Bernard changed the screen to a video of an anemone. Bright orange fish with white stripes swam around its tentacles. My heart skipped a beat as one brushed up against the tentacles, but the fish seemed unaffected by the anemone’s venom, much to my relief.
“This right here is one of the most famous symbiotic relationships on Earth: the sea anemone and the clownfish. These small, colorful fish have adapted to the anemone’s stinging tentacles, allowing them to nestle among them. The anemone protects the clownfish from predators, functions as a safe nesting site, and provides food from the leftover scraps of the anemone’s meals. The clownfish, in turn, defend the anemone from its predators, provide nutrients through their excrement, and circulate the water around the anemone, improving its respiration.”
As Bernard talked, the fish on the screen frolicked around their tentacled friend, the adorable sight eliciting pleased mewls from several audience members.
They protect each other, they feed each other, and they play together too! Who knew that two wildly different species could have such a beautiful friendship, even when one of them doesn’t have a brain!
Vlek spoke up, his voice skeptical. “Excuse me Doctor. You said that clownfish feed off of anemones’ meals. They are predators as well, then?”
“One could make that argument,” Bernard replied, “clownfish are omnivorous, and primarily feed on ambient zooplankton, with their diets supplemented by their anemone’s scraps and algae. The microscopic organisms they eat are so abundant that they don’t really need to hunt; they can just munch on whatever happens to drift by.”
“Like their anemone friends!”
“Yes, Rova, like their anemone friends!”
The class seemed to have mixed feelings about the clownfish’s diet. Zooplankton being tiny, simple creatures made it easier, but some still squirmed at the thought. Personally, I didn’t think it took away from how fascinating this duo was. As I’d come to learn with most predators, their diets weren’t what defined them; they were just one of many facets of their nature.
Bernard changed the slide to a photo of a different fish. “While clownfish are the most famous species to form mutualistic relationships with sea anemones, they are hardly the only ones. Take this cardinalfish, for example…”
Bernard went on to highlight several more species with special relationships with sea anemones, each one fascinating in its own way. Fish that laid their eggs among their tentacles. Snails that used them as shelter from predators. Crabs that mounted them on their shells for defense. One type of crab even attached anemones to its claws, using them as living weapons!
Such a simplistic creature, yet it’s evolved a rich network of relationships with so many different species. No wonder Bernard called them iconic.
Kailo fidgeted next to me. Something was obviously bugging him, but he seemed hesitant to speak up.
“Before we move on, does anybody have questions?” Bernard asked smoothly. He probably noticed Kailo’s uncertainty too. He had a teacher’s eye for that sort of thing.
Kailo huffed with determination and raised his paw. “Yes, Kailo?”
“Um, all the animals you’ve talked about so far have been pred– carnivores and omnivores. Where are all the pre– herbivorous fish?”
Bernard grinned. “That’s an excellent question, Kailo. There are herbivorous fish that graze on the algae of the coral, such as the parrotfish and the rabbitfish. That said, true herbivores are relatively uncommon in the ocean. After all, there aren’t many plants around besides algae and seaweed, and a lot of the algae that is there is integrated into the bodies of coral polyps. Thus, thanks to natural selection, most underwater species consume flesh in some form.”
A few months ago Kailo would’ve exploded in anger and denial at that response, but now his ears just tilted in confusion. “But… how can that work?? How can an ecosystem with so many pred– meat eaters sustain any sort of population, let alone the vast numbers you told us?”
Several sets of ears flicked in agreement at Kailo’s question.
“Of course, given what we know about land ecosystems, it makes sense to assume that the base of the food chain would be mostly herbivores. Under the sea, however, plants are much less abundant, so that role is filled by other animals. Some creatures derive nutrition by filtering food from the water or sand, much like a plant would pull sustenance from the air and ground. Many species, especially smaller ones, reproduce frequently and in large quantities, allowing them to sustain significant populations even when predators regularly hunt them. Finally, and this is a good transition into our next section, not all carnivores are predators.”
Wait. Huh? How does that even work? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
“Well, technically they are predators to the microscopic organisms they feed on, but they certainly aren’t predators in the traditional sense.”
A new set of images appeared on the monitor, showing off a handful of small fish and crustaceans.
“Now, as I’m sure you all have noticed, most fish don’t have hands or paws.” My brain conjured an image of a fish with furry Venlil arms. I stifled a whistle at the silly thought.
“This means that they can’t groom themselves. Dead skin, infected tissue, and nasty parasites can just accumulate on their bodies, and there’s nothing they can do about it. What’s a poor fish to do? Well, that’s where these guys come in. These are cleaner fish and cleaner shrimp. They are carnivores whose diet consists of dead or infected skin and parasites from the bodies of bigger fish, like so.”
He switched the screen to two photos: the left showed a fish (the parrotfish he mentioned just now?) floating by some coral with two cleaner fish picking at it. One was nipping at its scales, the other nestled all up in its gills. On the right, a cleaner shrimp mounted the back of a different fish, presumably using its claws to pluck things off its skin.
“These cleaners congregate in areas called cleaning stations, and animals from all over the reef swim to them to get cleaned. The cleaners remove parasites and dead skin from all the hard-to-reach places, like their gills and even inside their mouths!”
The monitor now showed a video, the contents of which elicited several gasps from the audience. The spotty fish in the video had its mouth open, revealing rows of sharp, mean-looking teeth. Side-facing eyes notwithstanding, this was definitely a predator. And a cleaner fish was swimming into its mouth. On purpose. And the predator just let it. We watched for a tense moment, waiting for those jaws to clamp down, but the cleaner swam out of the mouth with no issue, and the predator fish just… left, revealing a surprisingly long body to the camera as it did.
“That was a moray eel, considered an apex predator of the coral reef. Despite that, it allowed that cleaner wrasse to clean its mouth safely, and the wrasse clearly wasn’t concerned about being eaten. Would anyone care to guess why?”
Silence filled the room as everyone thought, until Sandi raised her paw. “Well, the eel wanted to be cleaned, and it couldn’t be cleaned if it ate the cleaner, so it resisted the temptation.”
As usual, Bernard paused to allow us to digest the answer before replying. “You pretty much got it! Even predators like the moray need cleaning, and eating the cleaners is a good way to get refused service from the rest of their kin. One minor correction, though. The average customer is not tempted to eat the cleaners, even when it’s a predator. There are exceptions, of course, but customers generally aren’t hungry when they show up for cleaning, or else they’d be out hunting instead. Moreover, the cleaner’s size makes for a poor meal; hardly worth the cost of being refused service at the cleaning station in the future.”
A chatter of discussion erupted after Bernard finished his explanation. It made sense, but it was still so… odd, to think about. I listened to the scattered conversations around me.
“How could a predator ever not be hungry? Sure, humans aren’t like that, but they’re sapient! An animal couldn’t possibly control…”
“...such a beautiful relationship. To think these cleaners get their food by helping others…”
“...wonder if there are others like them?”
The chatter hadn’t yet died down when the break bell rang.
“Ah, looks like we’ll have to end our conversation here for now,” Bernard chuckled. “Not to worry, though! Part 2 of this presentation will be after lunch, in which I will talk about humanity’s relationship with reefs and highlight some more of the amazing features of reef creatures. See you in a claw!”
Aw come on, you can’t just tease us like that! I have so many questions!
Coral reefs were so cool! I’d always thought the ocean was a dark, scary place where incomprehensible terrors lurked in the depths. Who knew the seas could be so lively, colorful, and fascinating?
I can’t wait to learn more!
submitted by sirgeneralcliche to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:21 LoganR11_ [FNV] Getting R6025 Runtime Error after using 4GB Patcher

[FNV] Getting R6025 Runtime Error after using 4GB Patcher
Hey y'all,
After running the 4GB Patcher .exe, I get an R6025 Runtime Error. I'm not sure what would be causing it. I have found nothing online except for this poor guy who has the exact same issue as me, but no one replied to him.
The game starts up and runs fine if I repair the installation through Steam (which effectively just reverts the game to a non-4GB patched version). The only issues I get are issues related to NOT having the game patched, such as black textures and occasional CTDs. I'm tired of it and want a stable game, so I am trying to figure out this issue.
Here is my mod list (made using Vortex modlist exporter).
[Mod] A Little More Lamplight-69226-1-2-1594706760
[Mod] ActorCause Save Bloat Fix-80666-1-0-1680643208
[Mod] Afterglow -- Neon Illumination-83736-2-01-1715188521
[Mod] Altitude-71404-3-1-1635272575
[Mod] And Justice For All v.1.2-83221-1-2-1708996816
[Mod] Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix-78617-2-0-1710648993
[Mod] Assorted Voice Popping Fixes-77073-2-4-1-1709029795
[Mod] Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP-79378-1-4-1705701795
[Mod] B42 Inertia V1.2-64335-1-2-1615691254
[Mod] B42 Optics - Real Time Reflections Patch-82466-2-0-1710650189
[Mod] B42 Optics-81641-0-21b-1707330650
[Mod] BOA NV The Book Of Flesh-39873
[Mod] Basic Console Autocomplete-82098-1-0-1689194801
[Mod] Better Brotherhood-75031-2-4h-1714790144
[Mod] Blood By The Dollar 1.22-59357-1-22
[Mod] Boom to the Moon v2.3 - BSA-58488-2-3
[Mod] Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered V1.2-73805-1-9-2-1692128971
[Mod] Climate Control NVSE-77205-1-0-1656185991
[Mod] Console Paste-65906-2-3-1705873242
[Mod] Crafting Consistency Fix-81130-1-1-1-1684022606
[Mod] Crash Logger-82540-4-6-1716062880
[Mod] DOG CITY DENVER - Remastered-85146-1-2-1709830888
[Mod] Decaying Ferals-83726-0-01-1699482598
[Mod] Delilah Alternative Voice Pack 1-54896-1-0
[Mod] DelilahMMD1v7FULL-50641-1-7
[Mod] Depth of Field Fix-81200-1-1a-1709302843
[Mod] Dog City V2-41751
[Mod] ELECTRO-CITY v12A-37908-V12A
[Mod] EVE Compatibility Patch for WMIM-81282-2-0-1689335709
[Mod] EVE v1.19-42666-1-19-1623957051
[Mod] Elijah Missing Distortion Fix-77073-1-0-1691326711
[Mod] Engine Optimizations-80993-1-0-1693171685
[Mod] ExRB-71501-2-2-1715181195
[Mod] Exterior Emittance Fix-80443-1-2-1688312414
[Mod] FCO - Delilah Addon Expansion-70316-1-0-1604699709
[Mod] FCO - Delilah- Mojave MD (Companion)-75042-1-1643169810
[Mod] FNV Clean Animations-70599-2-3-1700595310
[Mod] FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting All DLC-52037-v5-542-1542790908
[Mod] FOMOD Installation-55768-1-1
[Mod] FOV Slider-55085-2-9-1586064165
[Mod] Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks-80316-2-5-2-1710935866
[Mod] Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0-54460-3-0
[Mod] Fast Weapon Lag Fix-71973-1-0-1617537597
[Mod] Faster Start Menu-67811-2-0-1693172473
[Mod] Fog-based Object Culling-79516-2-1673628097
[Mod] Functional Post Game Ending-66726-6-8-2-1715368116
[Mod] George's Landscape Retextured 2021-68233-1-1-1616502301
[Mod] Gore Overhaul v2-67666-v2-1636577277
[Mod] Grass Remesh-85926-1-0-1714762883
[Mod] Hall Of Equipment-44879-V-2023-1684949022
[Mod] Headhunting-65790-1-4-1552886541
[Mod] Honest Hearts Reborn Complete 1.5.1-60431-1-5-1
[Mod] ISControl-75417-2-3-1688602677
[Mod] ITEM-85622-1-3-1711575785
[Mod] Immersive Recoil 2.4.1-61973-2-4-1-1663113917
[Mod] Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix-83691-1-0-1699216940
[Mod] Improved Console-70801-3-1702935922
[Mod] Improved LR Robot Textures-56759-1-0-1
[Mod] Improved Lighting Shaders-69833-1-5beta4a-1668774269
[Mod] Improved OWB Robot Textures-56759-1-0
[Mod] Improved Robots Textures-56759-1-0
[Mod] Infinite Ammo (With Reloading) 1.1-67763-1-1-1571876168
[Mod] Into The Deep-81385-1-5-2-1713510332
[Mod] Iron Sights Aligned-81933-4-2-1716341362
[Mod] JIP LN NVSE Plugin-58277-56-02-1613855478
[Mod] JIP LN NVSE Plugin-58277-57-21-1694289677
[Mod] JIP LN Settings INI-58277-56-24-1691190751
[Mod] JohnnyGuitar NVSE-66927-5-07-1715956601
[Mod] Just Assorted Mods-66666-4-4-1648916021
[Mod] KEYWORDS-83088-1-01-1695964898
[Mod] Leather mattress - mattress bug fixed-39611-1
[Mod] MAC-10-83815-5-0-1711796567
[Mod] MCM BugFix 2-42507-
[Mod] MGs NCR Pack 7-42551
[Mod] MLF-68714-3-1-1691312308
[Mod] Main File - All you need-45557-1
[Mod] Main File Beta 7_2-52721-beta
[Mod] Micro Clutter-74267-1-0-1635764661
[Mod] Millenia's Environment Map Shader Fix Compatible Shaders-69833-1-5beta4-1600695801
[Mod] Mojave Raiders-64660-1-2-6-1699806517
[Mod] MoonlightNVSE-77683-2-00-1708887233
[Mod] NCR Grizzly Unit V.1.0-87269-1-0-1716758672
[Mod] NMC New Vegas Patch for ALL Sized packs-43135-1-1-1566493738
[Mod] NMC_NVInteriors compatibility Patch Large v2.0-43534-v2-0-1551559830
[Mod] NMCs Textures NV LARGE Pack Part 1 of 3 FOR NMM -43135-1-0
[Mod] NMCs Textures NV LARGE Pack Part 2 of 3 FOR NMM -43135-1-0
[Mod] NMCs Textures NV LARGE Pack Part 3 of 3 FOR NMM-43135-1-0
[Mod] NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash-53635-7-5-1-0
[Mod] NVCS Installer-68776-13-1675087064
[Mod] NVInteriors Core v2.1.1-43534-v2-1-1--1551573205
[Mod] NVSR_4-1-36-34832-4-1-36
[Mod] NVTF-66537-10-2-2-3b-1711971784
[Mod] Naval Chair Fix-43135-1-0-1605708373
[Mod] Navmesh Overhaul-81003-6-0-1714019262
[Mod] Nevada Skies 2281 Rework-35998-Final-Rework-1622851359
[Mod] New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered-74218-2-2a-1691260882
[Mod] New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod-74295-1-10-1673911628
[Mod] New Vegas Script Extender (xNVSE)-67883-6-3-5b-1706230462.1
[Mod] New Vegas Type 3 Armor Pack Complete V2_1-34825-2-1
[Mod] NewVegasReloaded
[Mod] NivSpiceofLife-V 1_2-44476-1-2
[Mod] Perk Per Level-66347-1-0-1585496082
[Mod] Pip-Boy Shading Fix-77957-2-0-1710109777
[Mod] PipBoyOn Node Fixes SMIM-81775-1-1697348375
[Mod] Populated Strip Freeside and Casinos-81408-1-1685772737
[Mod] Populated Westside-80884-1-1682226941
[Mod] Real Time Reflections - INI-82343-1-3-1695506893
[Mod] Real Time Reflections-82343-1-3-4a-1711638690
[Mod] Repopulated NCR Ranger Stations-80572-1-1680010522
[Mod] Roberts Lonesome Road DLC Patch 3_3-54731-3-3
[Mod] Roberts New Vegas Main - Underwear 3_4-54731-3-4
[Mod] Roberts Patch by nivea-49531-optional
[Mod] Robots 2K-82892-1-0-1693595718
[Mod] ShowOff xNVSE-72541-1-80-1714868543
[Mod] Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul-71390-1-2-1645557078
[Mod] Simply Overhauled Dialogue - Ontologically Metapho-86916-1-1715791403
[Mod] Smooth True Ironsights-69074-2-0-1693172812
[Mod] Someguy Series 2 dot 0-48925-2-0
[Mod] Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI-76522-1-07-1700607944
[Mod] Stewie Tweaks INI-66347-2-1-1562243757
[Mod] Stewie Tweaks-66347-9-15-1714746836
[Mod] Strip Cinematic Lighting Overhaul-86501-1-4-1715245310
[Mod] Strip Lights Region Fix-73596-1-3-4-1714357330
[Mod] Super Mutant Great Khans V.1.0-87084-1-0-1716182435
[Mod] Sweet Home-63917-12-1549105570
[Mod] Swiming Creatures Fix-83094-1-1695045027
[Mod] Texture Modding Preset-81231-10-2-2-3a-1706572266
[Mod] Th3OverseerCoreFile-65975-1-3-1613441304
[Mod] The Couriers Cache Main-49531-1-2
[Mod] The Depths of Depravity-68893-1-3-1606438143
[Mod] The Inheritance Version 1 dot 29-49012-1-29
[Mod] The Living Desert Main File-64623-2-61-1714337846
[Mod] The Mod Configuration Menu-42507-1-5
[Mod] The North Road Remastered-66160-1-1-1609784708
[Mod] Titans of The New West-78688-2-1-36c-1715762526
[Mod] UIO - User Interface Organizer-57174-2-30-1629600625
[Mod] Uncut Wasteland-56625-0-91
[Mod] Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus-71239-1-4-9-1705434043
[Mod] VATS Lag Fix-84823-1-0-1706985218
[Mod] Version 1.87-49152-1-87
[Mod] Version 2b-41853-2b
[Mod] Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE-84443-1-2-1709322855
[Mod] WRP - Hotfix-38285-2-2-5-1590168045
[Mod] Wasteland Flora Overhaul-39856-3-6f-1710821823
[Mod] Water Tower Clark County Fix-43135-1-1-1605616613
[Mod] Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod-65052-1-3-1658869646
[Mod] Weapon Retexture Project - WRP-38285-2-2-3-1590027446
[Mod] YUP - Base Game and All DLC-51664-12-4-1-1656694859
[Mod] YUP - Base Game and All DLC-51664-13-0-1707076107
[Mod] fo fo fo your mod 2-82042-20-1716069498
[Mod] kNVSE-71336-20-1632181674
[Mod] nov 2011 book of steel-39873-omni2.1
Any help would be much appreciated! The game is LITERALLY unplayable if I don't get the issue fixed.
submitted by LoganR11_ to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 okimgoingtobed Review of SlimDownRx

I had a big thing like I’m some sort of influencer but I’m not. I’m bored reading it so let’s cut to the chase. Meds are fine. No issues like I had with Hallendale compound.(welt at injection site that itched for days, bruising to be determined) I switched because when I started Hallendale pharmacy, my legs and arms started bruising. People gave me grief about it not being that compound, but baby, I’m on my 4th pharmacy. I only switched to Hallendale because of insurance/prescriber problems. I saw slimdownrx uses a different pharmacy and is cheaper.. I had to try it. I’m not rich and these drugs aren’t cheap. Everything works like emerge except you talk to a doctor. They listen to what you put online and make changes so, they did all of that with the labels and communication. I bought 3 vials they had the details everyone is worried about. I know the meds will work like the other with suppression. I took it yesterday and I’d be starving if they didn’t by now. I felt a head rush though and got nervous there was some b12 or something but I think maybe it’s just a different compound and it leveled out. I emailed them when it happened and the doctor that replies to everyone here answered and assured me no scary drugs in the compound. Everything is normal with it. I won’t argue with the people or bots that post all the background stuff, I’m in this for me. Do what’s best for you
submitted by okimgoingtobed to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:15 idontwannabhear Vent, I think this game is bad compared to past souls games, feel free to flame me I don’t mind.

Came here to Recieve differing opinions. I am open to them. I genuinely want to hear what arguments people have and why they disagree with me. I really wanted to have fun with this and enjoyed bloodborne ds3 and sekiro a lot when I played but I’ve had an awful experience with elden ring despite me really trying to enjoy it. I’ve got more takes like this which I’m sure you all see as misguided. Despite, I would love to hear your retorts for some of these gripes I’ve had with this rant I wrote. This comes after me killing that gargoyle thing in front of the grand lift of rold, I have a video of me attempting to tactically evade it and it just does a spinning torpedo at me and takes all my health away. The next attempt I legitimately let my brain go dead, run at it spamming r1 and it dies. Like every time I try and fight it brain dead I always win, it’s happened with so many of the bosses that I’ll do great when I’m not even trying to dodge anything
Platinumed sekiro and bloodbourne, what do you guys think of my angry rant
Grand lift of rold boss I stupid
This game is actually ludicrous. Fun is fleeting. I can sparsely rmemebr the time I had fun. Everywhere is a dead end. It’s overly mysterious. Facade of “open world” but I followed grace and was told to ruck off. Had to ask Cooper for help because the castle wouldn’t let me in
This game preaches freedom. I had to kill that thing before the grand lift of rold worked
There was no prompt to show medallion
The lights weren’t even on in the room yet
So why even allow me to go past the boss if I have to kill it to progress? It just perpétuâtes the false narrative that I can actually progress on my own accord, when I can in fact not do that because I’m left confused as to why the room behind the boss I chose to run past has nothing in it. If I had a fog wall at least It could indicate that I had to do this in order to progress but no. This game is fucking stupid with a bunch of dumb bosses that are clones or half baked pieces of shit
Literally turn my brain off, spam r1 and run aorund it in a circle with my horse. That’s it and it died. The moment u try to be intelligent and engage with it it it does this fuck off aoe that just outright kills u. It incentivises braindead play. I legit experienced this on basically every boss barring margit and Goodrick, and those were at the beginning of the game.
All downhill from there
I’d say I’d die ok tbis bill but elden ring has slayed me long agai
It is a bad game. It’s full of dead end optional nonsense and when you follow the sites of grace when they finally give you a map it won’t let you in to the castle
Sekiro was way better. Every engagement felt awesome and in this literally every single thing I do feels tedious. Everything
Atory doesn’t make sense and your mysterious as fuck for no good reason. I wish they made it more like sekiro you could’ve kept so much of your essence without turning it into a giant hedge maze where your the size of a thumb. It’s actually ludicrous. I’m trying to be objective but who the hell thought this was a good idea. Every single thing is worse from bloodborne and sekiro. World building was tight and traversal was aweosme. There were seldom bad boxes and you could remmeber them for being subpar or shif “micolash comes to mind and that thing that fell from the moon in bloodbourne, but literally everything in elden ring feels like that thing made of all the legs. Just a giant lump that can jump up in the air and slam down and kill u if it decides it can but your right near it’s ankles missing as you swing at it on your horse. Ridiculous. Try and prove me wrong I dare you. I don’t have time to read wikis I wanted to figure it out and expeifence it for myself and tbh I wish I watched the whole lore before going into this, I would’ve been able to enjoy it more. I have no idea what’s going on and I hate it
Feel free to flame me. No holds barred. I am generally pretty chill it’s just these games hit me in my ribs juuust right lmao.
I’d love to love it. Why do you guys like the game? Because for me barring a few fleeting moments, I really do prefer the other games more. I think this is a step down in almost every way and I feel I can explain why
submitted by idontwannabhear to eldenringdiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:10 JammaSquee On The Subject of Conservation - [1]

On The Subject of Conservation - [1]
Hey there everyone! This is my first ever fanfic, and it was mostly a spur of the moment thing. I'm still really new to writing so I apologize If this isn't the kind of quality you would expect.
Please let me know If I make any canon mistakes and I'll be sure to fix them either in edits or any upcoming parts I make! This first chapter is more character establishing than anything, so I hope you all enjoy it!
Also, I hope you enjoy the little tool cards I made! I plan on making more in the future so people don't have to look up stuff for this story, also, let me know if you have any questions about anything!
Thank you u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this setting!


[Memory transcript)
[Subject: Krittoh, Venlil Forestry technician at Bridger-Teton National Forest.]
To think, just a few [years] ago, I was a bookish shut-in who never dreamed about stepping outside, much less moving to a different planet.
Now, I stood at about 11,000 feet of elevation on a planet 16 lightyears away from Venlil prime, Hiking across a ridge with a Pulaski on my shoulder, and listening to my Human sing about a “big Rock Candy Mountain”
I was whistling along occasionally, but my gaze was mostly glued to the magnificent scenery that surrounded me. The mountains rising above the planet, scraping the clouds with their timbered granite peaks. The Gros Ventre range stretched as far as my sight would reach before being obscured by the blue tinge of the planet's atmosphere. Hmph, no fair.
It was so beautiful, so amazing. a claw ago I stood before the Gros Ventre Wilderness boundary with Marshal by my side, eye affixed on the big sign with bold letters that read “This is GRIZZLY BEAR country!”. Of course, Marshal wasn't phased at all! I shouldn't have been either, I work here! But I was still absolutely horrified.
In general, this whole career path has been in the face of my entire species. As a Venlil, it's been drilled into me that I am prey, weak, vulnerable, and tasty to all things that have pointed teeth. It's certainly not as bad sense the fall of the federation, but it's an idea that persists even today in Venlil society.
Yet here I am, on my way to fight an all-consuming force of nature that on all accounts could be compared to a predator. The nature of fire is to consume, and it is very good at it. I have no hatred for fire, as I've since learned that fire creates just as much as it destroys.
“How ya' doing back there?” The voice of my human broke my thoughts, I shook my head and turned my right eye to meet his. He stood tall and straight despite his enormous pack and pick mattock on his shoulder. He adjusted the old brown wide brimmed hat he always wore in the backcountry. “taking in the scenery?” The human partook in the view himself. “Beautiful, ain't it.”
“I don't have the words to describe…” I said, adjusting by bifocals and shifting the smaller pack on my back, along with switching which shoulder I rested my Pulaski on. I took my time to survey the primeval landscape that dominated here in Bridger-Teton National Forest. The human let out a few quick exhales through his nose as though it were a laugh escaping.
“We gotta keep on going, we should see the smoke on the other side of this ridge” Marshal whipped out his phone and checked something, likely his downloaded map. “You need a snack?”
I flicked my tail in the affirmative, taking off my pack and quickly going for the front compartment where I kept all of the goodies. I pulled out an Applesauce squeeze pouch for myself, and a “Monster” sized “Slim Jim” that had been folded to fit inside for Marshal. “Here” I tossed it to him. “so you can satiate your predatory instincts.”
“Ohhoho! Now!” he caught the meat stick and tore open one end of the plastic packaging with his teeth. “thank goodness!” He took a bite “I was just thinking about eating you, good thing you came prepared”
I whistled through my teeth at his reply, squeezing some apple-y goodness into my mouth. “Hmph” I verbalized through a mouthful, before I swallowed. “Sometimes I wonder if I should let your instincts kick in, maybe it would be fun~”
“you've got an interesting idea of fun.” Marshal shot back a smirk at me, “I like it!”
It wasn't long before we crested the ridge we were on, and there it was, a thick plume of smoke drifting lazily into the atmosphere before dispersing in the clouds, this was the fire we came to see, the “Crystal Valley” Fire.
The fire had started about 7 hours ago, and was picked up on the forest service's fire detection software a little later. the last fire of the season, and a pretty big one at that. Procedure usually indicated identifying the cause of the fire, if it were natural, it could be managed and allowed to burn. This one was quickly deduced to be a man-made fire, so the only option was total suppression.
“Bet the smokejumpers are already down there, probably building a fireline-” Marshal pointed to a well-timbered spot in the valley “right there. If I had to guess, Bastion is probably going to-”
Suddenly, the radio on my packstrap came to life! Well, almost. The voice on the other end was clinical in its report, almost bored. It began with the current weather conditions; hot and dry, I knew that much… the direction and speed of the Wind, and the locales most at risk. Jackson, Wyoming. The National Elk refuge. Grand Teton National park.
“Yadda yadda, let me see that, would ya Critter?” Marshal reached his hand towards me, his fingers flexing in a “gimme” fashion. I obliged without much complaint, I didn't have much of a desire to listen to it. I was well aware of what I was up against.
I remember the first time I laid my hands on my radio, I was ecstatic, it took everything in me not to bleat with joy! It made me feel like a professional, it's primitive design sparked my love of vintage things! I “geeked out”, in Marshal's own words. I've since gotten used to it, and it's just another tool that the Forest Service expects you to take care of.
Oh, I took care of my things! As a forestry technician, my duties are varied, typically having to do wth maintenance. Yes, I've had a couple cool experiences with wildlife, and getting my red card was a huge milestone, but usually my work consists of fuels reduction or maintaining historic sites around the Jackson ranger district.
I sort of zoned out as Marshal messed with my radio, I had my mind on other things. While we hiked I dug around in my bag and pulled out my current reading material. I held the book in my paws. It was brand new, only ever having been opened by me a day earlier.
“ “Fire Season: Field notes from a Wilderness lookout” by Philip Connors. Forward and Venlang translation by: Tresta “Forester””. This must be the latest book translated by Tresta! I picked it up just under a week ago from a bookstore in Afton, Wyoming. And it was the first bookstore I had ever seen on earth display Venlang copies of books straight on the shelf! Hell, they had a whole section dedicated to books translated by Tresta, as well as a few of her own books translated into English.
I had almost every one of her translated and original books. I knew a lot about her, it's hard not to in this profession, and given that I'm working in the very same forest that she did! Tresta was the first Venlil to ever work with the US forest service (in none other than Bridger-Teton national forest!) she was also the first to ever complete the pack test and get her Red card, a feat of endurance worthy of human envy in some cases. She was a very vocal naturalist, and many of her books centered around it.
Her response to the Federation attack on earth was her book “On the nature of predators, and the right to existence.”. It was perhaps the most striking piece of literature I had ever read. From her interviews I gathered that it took her one hundred and eleven tries to get it published, and about twelve of those tries almost ended with the publisher trying to get her committed to a facility. Surprisingly low, all things considered.
Tresta's works and translations have sense seemed to penetrate the minds of the Venlil who have read them. The swath of human conservation literature from “A sand county almanac” to “Wilderness and the American mind” have created a vocal group of Venlil who are eager to change things on the homefront. Large swaths of undeveloped land on Venlil prime have since been targeted for potential protection, along with the creatures within it, even the predators.
Tresta herself has proposed the idea of a Xeno-exchange conservation corps program akin to the ones that already exist on earth, a good way for young people of any species to visit another world and work on environmental and sustainable agricultural projects. I wonder how well those are going, another thing to look up when all of this is finished.
My train of thought was interrupted when I heard Marshal say his call code over the radio, he wasn't going to let Sébastien know that he's out here, is he?
My question was answered in less than a moment.
“Marshal Motherfuckn’ Mason” I heard the human voice over the radio, a tone indicating some slight agitation, I didn't think Sébastien would be too pleased with Marshal being out here, but somehow I don't think he was surprised.
“it's nice to talk to you Bastion, I ain't that far away now, you can rest easy! Do you copy?” Marshal snickered to himself, seeming quite pleased with himself.
“i Copy. You know you aren't supposed to be out here, Reggie is going to flip his shit when he finds out. Krittoh is supposed to be coming out in your place. You copy?”
“Copy, you know I can't miss the last fire of the season! It was just a light knock on the head anyway. I have Krittoh with me, I'm using his radio. Do you copy?.”
“You had a concussion, son. The hotshot crew is inbound near Saddlepack. You copy?”
“Copy! that means I'll make it to the fire before they do! Plus, whatever Reggie doesn't know won't hurt him. Do you copy?”
“copy. If I see you out here, I'll fire you myself. I can't be taking these kind of risks, especially on a fire like this. You copy?”
“I copy. Well, then you won't see me! It's a win-win for both of us.” Somehow, Marshal's optimism didn't exactly make me feel any better about my decision to allow him to come with me, I began to feel a tinge of worry creep up my back, and my throat started to tighten in a sure sign of stress.
“You're going to kill yourself, Marshal.”
Seems that his optimism didn't cause Sébastien to feel any better about it either, his voice betrayed no anger, just genuine concern, it made me shudder.
“You worry too much, boss. I'll take it easy though, don't worry about me.”
Marshal was stubborn, perhaps too stubborn most of the time, but that's what attracted me to him. I have never been stubborn, nor have I ever been particularly assertive. Marshal always had a strong, sure optimism in everything he did or said, it was a reassuring confidence.
I met him about three standard human years ago. Marshal had come to Venlil prime for a “Terran environmental” panel being held at the local community center in my town. They wanted a human with experience doing conservation work and Marshal was exactly what they were looking for.
He was well rounded; having been with the National Park Service, Forest Service and Borough of Land Management, And he had stories to tell from his time as a Wildland firefighter. Marshal was also an author of relative renown within the small world of environmental conservation, though most of his work focused around history and outdoor lifestyles.
When I met him, I was clutching one of his books in my arms as if it were a newborn cub. I think he was shocked to see that I had a copy given that it wasn't translated into Venlang.
I must have looked so peculiar to him now that I think about It, a scrawny little Venlil with glasses holding a book he wrote about the ethics of primitive living. I likely looked like the last person who would be interested in the subject.
I asked for a signature with probably ten extra syllables then the question needed to contain, and he asked me about the book I had. He was mostly concerned with the fact that it mentions hunting, and he was curious on how I acquired it in the first place.
I explained that I acquired it through a book exchange program, which was true. It would have been almost impossible to acquire online, and mainstream sites that sell earth literature would never import something like this. The book exchange sites are really good ways to find hidden gems, books that are scarce due to tight regulations on the sort of media that can enter different worlds.
My explanation perplexed him, and he began asking me what my interest in conservation actually stemmed from. I didn't have an answer. Marshal decided to give me his contact information in case I was ever interested in talking with him about the subject.
It was shortly after that day that we started messaging each other online. It started strictly professional in nature, just a few questions about the experiences he drew on for the book. This quickly turned into exchanging stories of our personal lives, my aspirations, my desire to do something that matters.
Even after he went back to earth, we continued to message regularly. We talked about anything that came to mind, but what I loved most was when he would talk about his lifestyle. The passion he had for the outdoors, his love for the natural world around him. He talked about his reverence for animals, even the predators. He made me love everything he talked about.
Soon, I started to love him too.
So I made preparations to uproot my life and move to a new world. Me, a Venlil who was once very comfortable with the idea of never moving out of my hometown. It was as nerve-wracking as it was exciting.
I often think about one of the first paragraphs from the Boon of his that I owned at the time, it's ingrained in my memory, and sums up a lot of what I like about him and his philosophy.
“Reverence for Nature is just as contradictory as Nature is objective. Nature is, and always will be. It has no rhyme, no reason. Humanity -and all sapient creatures- have a propensity to assign philosophical and often idyllic meaning to things that just are. Because of this we also fall victim to the tendency to give nature moral power, which leads to disgust, or a feeling of betrayal when it inevitably does the exact opposite, on account of it just being.” -Marshal Mason. “Ethical dilemmas of the outdoors, and how to live with them.”
All of it lead up to this moment, descending a mountain into a wide and wild valley to face one of nature's greatest and most frightening forces.


submitted by JammaSquee to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 FounderFolks Growing a $1M+ Moving Business

Steffie here from Founder Folks, with a recent story I did with Daniel White from Bigger Better Movers.
Here is his story of how he started and grew his moving business.
Name: Daniel White Company: Bigger Better Movers Employee Size: 20-25 Technology Tools: Housecall Pro, Gusto, GroupMe, Upwork, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Social Media Revenue: $1,000,000+ Founded: 2017 Website:
Introduction: I am in the moving and transportation business. Bigger Better Movers provides residential and commercial moving services for customers throughout Oklahoma. We have two physical locations in OKC and Tulsa and provide services ranging from packing, storage, labor only, on site relocation and interstate moves. All services are available for both commercial and residential customers.
Prior to starting my moving company I was in the insurance business. I sold property and casualty coverages, mainly auto and home coverages to families in Oklahoma. I sold that business to try my luck in the tech space. I lost bad. My worst entrepreneur moment! During that time I also acquired a brewery called Mustang Brewery thru an acquisition with an investment group. I have bought, sold, and flipped commercial and residential real estate since 2017 and Also just started a Property Management company called People Property Solutions.
The Inspiration Behind Bigger Better Movers From my past experience I learned that I preferred service based businesses over product based businesses. After losing big with my tech company in 2017 I knew I had to pivot and find a new way to create revenue. I considered my network and my current skill set. I considered businesses with minimal risk and low start up cost. Being in insurance most people I knew were somehow involved around a real estate transaction. Lenders, Realtors, Insurance agents, Restoration companies, Roofers, etc. Everyone had something to do with real estate. I just needed to find out where I fit in. I ended up trying my hand at moving. It was something that nobody liked to do, an industry that needed improvement and something that could pay well if I could dial it in.
From Idea to Reality It happened relatively quick. Since I needed to find a way to create revenue I quickly form the legal structure. EIN, LLC, Etc. Prior I did have to come up with the name and ensure the name and domain was available online. Once secured and the legal formation was complete I created a business plan, organizational chart and mission, vision and purpose statement to give us direction. The original funding came from a few assets I had sold and credit cards to get started. I sold my first job before I ever had a truck. I had to make a quick purchase to complete the job.
Attracting Customers Through HomeAdvisor, Groupon, Google, word of mouth/referral, in-person visits to apartments, realtor offices, etc.
Overcoming Challenges in Starting the Business COVID, inflation, interest rates, interstate regulation - There's no formal training or classes to learn interstate transportation regulation. Hiring employees, creating a culture, and getting people to buy in.
Costs and Revenue Staff, insurance, and fuel.
Revenue used to come from one source: just moving. Now it comes from storage, moving, material, and middle mile transportation contracts.
A Day in the Life I always put myself first. I wake up around 7:30 - 8 a.m., check in with my operations manager, and do a quick overview of dispatching operations. Then, I proceed to the gym to work out and have a healthy breakfast. Meetings and office work usually take place after 12 p.m. for me. Emails are not a priority throughout the day as most are not money-generating activities, so I respond most often after 6 p.m. when the day-to-day pace slows down.
The Vision for Bigger Better Movers We will have 3 locations. OKC, DFW, TULSA. We will have physical locations in each equipped with 100+ storage units, full retail stores to purchase material and our dispatch location on premises with all of our trucks and field team on site.
Guiding Principles for Entrepreneurial Success Do the things that need to be done when no one else is watching. Be authentically you! High level operators can tell the difference and generally will steer clear if you're not authentic. Keep a great network of motivated, influential people. They will push you to get from where you're at to where you're trying to go!
submitted by FounderFolks to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:02 joyceying Please help me find this song!!

One of the lyrics is something like “the king is back uh” and I can imagine Hongjoong singing/rapping it but I went through all the Ateez songs I know and couldn’t find it
There’s like piano playing where the tones are going down as the person sings the “the king is back” line
For any context if you want it: I went to the Xdinary Heroes concert today and after Jooyeon’s ment we screamed “the king is back” and then I had that line stuck in my head but I can’t place it for the life of me and it’s annoying me lol
Please help me!!! I can try record a soundnote if that will help but I don’t remember the name of that website on which you can do that right now so if you want a soundnote please help me with the name of the site first 😭
submitted by joyceying to kpophelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 BallistiXPro Trump being found guilty on all 34 accounts is the most UNAMERICAN thing I think I have ever seen.

When you look at what is really going on, it is the setup for autocracy. Having controlled elections as in the communist countries of the world. If your opponent is likely to win, or even has a chance, take them out by any means necessary.
It seems to me, our government took it right out of Putin's playbook. What happened in Russia's last election. If you watch what is going on the world, his rival Alexei Navalny was tried in court on charges that were false and put in jail right before the election. There is a lot more to it than that, but in simple terms that is basically what happened, the same as what our government just did to Trump. The end result in Russia though, is that while in prison Putin had him killed so he would no longer be a problem. Are they going to do this to Trump?
Is this what is going on now in America? Are we really going this route?
Trump, my prayer are with you!
#Trump2024 #Election2024 #Trump #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice
submitted by BallistiXPro to BallistiXPro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:40 TechnicianOrganic13 I learned the basics of Web Development. How do I move further?

So about 2 months ago I decided to learn how to build websites. I discovered how websites and the internet worked and started studying html and css. I started building simple front end applications such as the facebook login page and the google homepage. recently i also learned javascript and tried to implement it.
I'm currently stuck at html css and javascript and don't even know how to build real sites with funcitonality. When I see other Youtubers building websites they have a lot of folders and hundreds of files that I didn't even know you needed them. My websites consist only of index.html, style.css and other html pages that are connected with each other via a link. I want to build a forum and I don't know how to build it, because there should be user generated content, and I don't even know how it works.
Thanks for taking the time to read this entire message. And thank you for trying to help me
submitted by TechnicianOrganic13 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:39 panzagi Page not showing anything

Hey! I am using Elementor free version for my website, and after trying to create another page, my landing page is not showing anything, but if you inspect the site, al elements are there. My site is
I am driving crazy trying to fix this, I have spent like two hours reseting previous settings, or changes I made, and I still got no clue what is happaning. I have barely no plugins installed.
Any idea?
submitted by panzagi to elementor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:32 Guilty-Elephant3304 Swedish news site or app with best layout

Hi everyone. I'm moving to Sweden soon and am trying to figure out the best place to get my news from. I know about an 'easy Swedish' site like 8sidor, but for this post I'm looking for tips on decent news outlets (Swedish or English didn't matter) with a good layout and UI of their homepage on their website or app. Better than something like SVT.
I find sites like SVT or Aftonbladet to be awful to use. Their homepage is way too cluttered, there's too much text for each item and it just looks very busy to read. It's hard to scan headlines to find the interesting articles and the whole page just seems to 'scream' at you. I know many news sites opt for this 'loud' tabloid look, but it just looks like a mess to me with all the different font types, sizes and different image sizes etc.
Examples of a site in my home country that I like better regarding layout are something like or Much more streamlined, just one line with a small photo for each item and lots of empty space for quick headline scanning. Are there any decent news outlets in Sweden with a similar design?
TL;DR layout of sites/apps like SVT or aftonbladet are bad. Which Swedish news outlets are better?
submitted by Guilty-Elephant3304 to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:26 brklyn1123va Gaba & Confusion !!

Hi all first off brand new to this site so ty glad to be here.
I'm just a little confused about something people have read the overwhelming overwhelming even medical statements mostly that gaba supplements or gaba and supplemental form does not in fact cross the blood-brain barrier and there is an abundant amount of information confirming this.
But then yes you do have some contradictory information that states either a it can and does somehow across or B even though it can't by another method I forget can still in fact get to the brain.
But again the overwhelming to overwhelming majority of the information confirming that he can't why in the world would you spend so much money on taking a chance with gaba when you have something like l-theanines taurine or picamilion all also totally natural supplements that you could choose over gaba that do in fact without a doubt any doubt can cross the blood-brain barrier why would you take the smallest chance and wasting money when you have a few that have no doubt getting to the brain.
Second I firmly believe gaba is a little overrated gaba is coming it is sedating it is hypnotic but I don't believe just increasing job as a whole or in general can actually directly impact severe anxiety disorders.
I frustrated with meds went to natural route and tried two of these first was l-teanine and because of it's amazing truly truly amazing profile pharmacology profile of raising dopamine and gaba I ran out and bought a bottle and I became obsessed with getting again to his profile how great it was getting it to work and that including different dosages different brands etc etc but never got any anxiety relief from it at all.
Then there was taurine I've seen now very complex pharmacology that I can't even understand but I remember the one that got me was simple taurine can cross the blood-brain barrier and in there it has a direct impact on raising gaba levels causing anti-anxiety effects and could also stabilize electrical current in the brain and body and I was like wow and I ran out and bubble bottle of that.
Both of the above mentioned failed completely I got no relief or effect from either. So then I ordered of course take a guess picamilion once again read the profile pharmacology was amazed how they were able to bond it and get it to cross and ordered it right away and once again nothing at all at least for anxiety nothing.
I want to reinstate gaba is a great thing it's calming it's a dating it's hypnotic it shows you out but just raising gaba in general in general increasing gaba levels I do not believe confirm has a direct effect on stopping anxiety especially severe clinical anxiety.
I believe and I'm sure I'll get some heat and probably a tax for this but I believe they found the answer the one most powerful substance that could actually alleviate anxiety or ease it are in fact the hated benzodipines.
Now I want to make a quick suggestion or idea as what's happening with them I'm on the MAOI parnate. It's the first and only med that actually works for me I take it in the morning and immediately has a robust rapid antidepressant effect and within minutes I feel a total relief of depression and misery totally gone it gives me a strong I don't give a f-k attitude towards problems or worries that won't help me and don't need to think about.
but here's the part I'd like you to pay close attention to I'm on an antidepressant that actually works and works really really well with depression itself and alleviates it almost completely as well as extremely calming effect that alone calms you and gives you a piece of serenity a feeling of peace and serenity overall but mostly gives you an extreme calming feeling as well.
And I believe because my particular antidepressant is so effective in alleviating depression as well as calming effect that and directly affects the benzodipine I take the night before Klonopin because my antidepressant is giving me some relief too and I'm not basing my anxiety treatment solely on a benzo alone.
My anxiety Klonopin dose is 1 mg before bed and people sit online but I'm telling you the truth I take it before bed for anxiety the next day and to help me sleep that the night I'm taking it I'm going to take it at night before I go to bed the next day I do not need a dose at all until night time so it lasts the whole day over the next day the next day the whole day over at last. And I firmly believe that I don't have any problems with Klonopin a benzodiapine even close to the ones that I sadly hear about because I do in fact have a potent powerful antidepressant that is alleviating my depression as well as giving me a call me overall effect too which didn't turn helps the Klonopin keep at a low dose and not tolerance and work better.
I believe and I can't say this for a fact but it's a belief that a lot of people who are suffering with really bad anxiety and aren't getting the results they need with benzodipines and even worse escalated in a dose I believe a good possibility of this is because the antidepressant and leaving the depression enough or at all so they're walking around with bad depression which is that alone worsens or causes anxiety by itself also the antidepressant isn't working well enough not only for depression but any added anxiety relief at all instead of walking around without a substantial relief of the depression and that's terrible for anxiety alone and also walking around with any benefit from the antidepressant on anxiety at all. So not only are they getting enough relief from the depression from the med they're not getting any anxiety relief and now what happens is they're basically basing the entire treatment for anxiety solely on the benzodipine alone.
And this is where I see problems arise if you're relying solely on a benzodipine to totally be the soul treatment for your anxiety that doesn't sound like a good idea using a benzodipine solely by itself to treat anxiety I could easily see tolerance and escalation happening. I believe to State one last time an antidepressant working really well and truly alleviating a person's depression significantly right off the bat less depression less anxiety also a really well working antidepressant should also add the smallest amount of anti anxiety as well both of those should happen with an antidepressant and if they're not at least not significantly enough then once again you're relying solely on the methodipine to do all the work and that's why I see where a problem could arise. Again I am not stating this as fact just an opinion because in my case when my situation I'm positive it I'm on 1 mg of Klonopin that I take at night before bed and the last do the entire next day I don't need any and I've been on that 1 mg dose with 10 years and have an escalated once. I think my MAOI antidepressant and it's positive effect on depression and calming effect on anxiety coincide with the Klonopin and help the Klonopin work better and also keep it effective at a low dose. I had severe severe anxiety I mean really bad. Now with the way things are my antidepressant work is so well and my anxiety under control I actually forgot I even had it I always put my Klonopin for the night on a nightstand the other night I went and it was done there I looked in the bottle and realized it was empty and I didn't spill it and I thought to myself the hell with it I don't even have anxiety anymore I don't need it no big deal because I really truly felt like it was gone.
3 days with no Klonopin my system I learned a hard lesson I still do indeed have severe anxiety that finally started erupting back after three days and I also experienced withdrawal from the Klonopin of no 3 days using as well. So there sorry for the long post I hope it at the very least it makes some kind of sense I'm not stating this fact or something that I thought about thank you for reading
submitted by brklyn1123va to SupplementsReviews [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:10 perdufleur TNVR

Would like to ask for some advices in doing TNVR. I'm feeding around 20 community cats here in our town, and I'd want to hopefully prepare them for TNVR this year. There's a low cost kapon drive that visits our town every two months so I'm eyeing on that. Here are some of my questions:
1) How important is CBC before the surgery? I know that CBC is not required for low cost kapon drives, but some of the cats I feed have recurring sipon. Would CBC help us identify if a community cat is fit for kapon? 2) Since they are stray cats, is it okay for them to have their first vaccination during the kapon? 3) For community cats that are averse to people, how did they react when they were caged and before they were injected with anaesthesia? One of my worries is that they might try to escape when the staff would bring them out from the cage for their injection. 4) Is it enough that they are caged for a week? I have no one to help me in monitoring the cats (and I work for 8 hours a day), so I can only observe them after work hours. Is it required to clean the post-op site (just in case the cat might be aversive to touch and wound cleaning)? 5) For anyone who has experienced complications after surgery (e.g. cat not wanting to wear collasurgery suit, suture opening), how were you able to resolve it?
Thank you so much! 🥺
submitted by perdufleur to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:53 thisisrandom678 cd making kunaki alternatives

hi! i've recently decided to make cds for myself, for those internet or vinyl-only releases, bc i like collecting cds lol. i've done a couple using kunaki bc it was a very reasonable price. but ~graphic design is my passion~ and i've had a lot of fun designing the cds, so i was thinking of trying to do booklets instead of just the simple inserts.
does anyone know of a similar cd on demand service to kunaki (meaning they let you buy only 1 cd) that does booklets instead of inserts? or maybe a booklet manufacturer that's cheap and allows you to buy only 1? i don't have the money or need to buy more than 1 or maybe 2 (to give to a friend) so the sites that require 50 cds minimum to buy are really not doing it for me haha
submitted by thisisrandom678 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 Zacheif Does donating on twitch give you the same high?

Twitch isn't my thing, and i've never donated to anyone on there much less a female streamer, but for those of you who are on the site, have you guys ever tried donating to one? Did it give you the same high or was it not the same?
submitted by Zacheif to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:48 Egosauce 6 days in Malta - a recap

Hello my dear friends, I am writing this as sort of a diary entry to commemorate my time on this island. I will try to keep it short but as of right now, I don't quite know where this leads lol
I came to Malta 2 weeks ago and stayed in a hostel in the outskirts of St. Julian's. The moment I arrived, I was completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff that was going on. People, also tourists everywhere. Cars clogging up the roads. The sun burning from above. It was just crazy to me, how an island this small with a quarter of the population of my hometown City Vienna, can produce 4 x times the mayhem. You would think, with that limited space, people would prefer using their bikes to travel around. Not on Malta. Please tell me how this culture around cars emerged, I am very curious.
My bed in my hostel wasn't ready so I went to explore St. Philips Hospital. Holy shit, I have never been to a more disgusting place than that. 50% of the building is burned, and 25% of the rest that remains, is filled with bodily excretions and/or trash. I have also heard some questionable stories about that place. Fetuses found in buckets after the hospital was closed? Sounds like an urban myth to me but if you can confirm that, please do.
I ended the day by going to the Seafood Grill Market. I haven't seen that restaurant mentioned anywhere in my research. But damn, if you want some good seafood, go there. It is quite expensive though but absolutely worth it.
Next day I went to Ras id-Dawwara to go hiking. First however, I went to is-Serkin to get some Pastizzi and some tea for breakfast. Wow, great fucking stuff. Also, what are these prices? 60 cents for a Pastizzo (is that the singular?) , I instantly fell in love. I trekked 12km from Dingli to Bahrija through some incredibly interesting landscapes along the cliffs. Although, it was already very dry, I didn't mind because I was here to experience what the island is like. And that is what it is like. I very much enjoyed that walk and recommend it to anyone who hasn't done it yet. On the roads there, there are markings on the ground saying something along the lines of Start - Spin - Go. Are there some sort of races happening in the backcountry?
I came back to the hostel, took a 90 minute nap and then continued my mission on Malta by going to Liquid Club to some Hardtechno event. I met some very lovely people there, explaining to me what life is like on this island. In some conversations, sitting on the curb outside, heard a lot of complaints about some very shit politics, the general lack of opportunity and the loss of the Maltese identity. The night was incredible though and I am very thankful for these people guiding me.
Coming ack from the club, I couldn't sleep a single second. After lying in bed for 4 hours almost falling asleep but then not, I decided to do something about it and went to Kemmuna. When I arrived, I was once again completely overwhelmed by the amount of tourists on this beautiful little getaway spot. This is the place, where I really came to hate the average tourist. I am in no way trying to portray myself as oh so holy but I do try to practice my tourism as minimally invasive as possible. Assimilating into the culture pretty much summarizes this practice. But that was an insane scene I witnessed. Just boatloads (hehe) of tourists being dumped there fighting for every square cm of space to get the perfect shot for Instagram. The beauty of it all is however, that if you just put in a little effort, you get away from them entirely. Which is what I did and so I could explore this island with a girl I randomly met there from the hostel. Bless her heart, without her and in my physical state (at this point, I was awake for 28 hours, excluding the nap), I would have folded at some point. I am glad, I made it though and so I went to bed after 40 hours awake.
The next day, we went to Marsaxlokk to the supposed Fish Market. I already had my absolute reservations about going there and they were all truly fulfilled But one thing after the other. This place has gone to shit due to tourism. At the same time, there is nothing there? The fish market is just some stands ripping off tourists. I think I saw two stands selling actual fish. The restaurants are catering solely to people from abroad. There is no soul there anymore. St. Peter's pool was fun. Did some tricks into the water but that was it. Tbf, I was a little bit wasted from the 2 days before. In the evening, I excitedly made my way to Gozo to spend two nights there. Having been told at the club that Gozo is, what Malta used to be like 20 years ago.
I rented an E-Mountainbike to make sure, I see most of this island, which I absolutely accomplished. But once again, one thing after the other. I stayed in Marsalforn in a hostel and made my way to Nadur to get some Ftira. This is the beauty of food in a place where there's limited capabilities to grow food yourself. That thing filled me up for the rest of the day, even though I biked 70kms. Also, I am happy to announce my favoritism of Maxokk bakery (which I had the next day) over Mekren. They are indeed just a tad bit better. Either way, I then made my way to just about every town on Gozo and all the natural sites. Absorbing the beauty and calm of the old Mediterranean Or so you would think. Because every 30 minutes, there'd be a group of clueless tourists on loud, stinky quad bikes, disrupting that serenity. That didn't discourage me however and I continued my journey.
At this point, I would like to know how you feel about tourists. Maybe you don't even notice them anymore. I really did however. But if you tell me to tone down the hate, I will certainly listen to the people mostly affected.
I finished the day by climbing on of the hills and looking over the island. Found a lot of shards and shotgun shells (they're everywhere). I hoped for a beautiful sunset but I learned, there was a lot of sand in the atmosphere so that didn't happen unfortunately. It was a very beautiful sight nonetheless.
The next day isn't that noteworthy. Met up wit a girl I met at the club and we went to White Rocks and just talked and talked. the plan was to maybe see Valletta but that we skipped. I was very happy to go home anyway.
My conclusion of this trip, also TLDR I guess also endnotes. Malta is a very interesting case study in all of its intricacies. It can be a beautiful destination if you know what to look for. It has some incredibly lovely people. I seriously did not meet a single person that was hostile. Coming there was a small culture shock. You instantly notice, there are some problems quite present on this island. Lots of Jesus and Hail Mary. I expected more trash on the ground tbf. The water is better than in other places in Europe. The traffic is absolutely unbearable and it makes absolutely 0 sense to me why it is that way. The public transport as a result is terrible as well but what can you do when people unnecessarily clog up the already narrow roads. I didn't see a single homeless person which I found curious. There are a lot of Southeast Asian migrants which I found oddly specific. Gozo really is a different world, unfortunately the better Malta. Tourists everywhere. Some very unique nature but no beaches. It is in the end just a huuuge rock.
To be honest, I don't think I will be coming back. I have seen everyhing there is to see. But I very much enjoyed my time and want to say thank you to all of you. Your home really is something worth seeing.
submitted by Egosauce to malta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 ImaginaryFalcon7554 Trans masc men that have/are in the process of having kids via IVF.

What’s up guys, so another dude posted on here yesterday asking for advice in regards to having kids. I reached out to a few of you initially that had left a comment with your own experiences, however I didn’t get the chance to actually ask anything. So I figured I’d make my own post that’s more topic specific since at this point it looks like my fiancé and I (she’s a CIS woman) will be taking the IVF plunge in the next few months. It’s been one hell of a year, between 5 failed at home inseminations. 4 of them were donor sperm from a cryo bank, all IUI’s minus the first try I believe? Which was an ICI? The last and most recent try was with “fresh” stuff from an anonymous donor that we found from a local donor site on FB. We were almost certain that it took, as my girls period was late by 2 days which has never happened, however unfortunately that wasn’t the case. We’ve been seeing a fertility doctor the last two cycles, and were told that my fiancé is basically only working with the right side of her uterus, as the left side is blocked? The doctor said it could be a result of endometriosis/signs of early menopause because that’s a thing on my girls side of the family. BUT she can STILL get pregnant per the doctors words. So we basically have to get an ultrasound every cycle to make sure she’s ovulating on the side that’s viable. This last cycle we used the “trigger shot” and Clomid to increase her egg count which worked as she had 3 eggs total. But I guess that wasn’t enough.. So anyway, just thought I’d give a little back story of where we are at, and what our hurdles look like. She’s been pregnant twice in her life. She was a teen mom as a result of SA. And the second time, at 21 she was the victim of SA again, and had an abortion. She definitely wants this more than anything, and of course I would love to be a dad. We’ve spent about 10k at this point, and should’ve just done IVF to begin with… This has been an emotional roller coaster, definitely not for the faint of heart. Any advice would be extremely appreciated. Thank you guys in advance! And sorry if I used any triggering words.
submitted by ImaginaryFalcon7554 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 SapphicLove22 online dating for Sapphics quick tip

Try a couple different sites and apps. Depending on your area different online dating platforms will work better. There are several paid websites (personally I don’t think they are really worth it).
Show your personality in your photos. Put photos that represent who you are, take some photos that you feel confident and radiant in. Also people love photos with animals,,, I’m not talking about dead fish here.
Put what you want in your description and be specific. If you want a casual thing, mention that, or if you are looking for something serious. This helps you narrow down who is meant for you.
Be careful who you meet online. Always remember to be cautious there are weirdos in the world.
Remember to have fun, the first person you meet or speak with doesn't have to be the love of your life. Date multiple people to see what is right for you.
x big T
submitted by SapphicLove22 to EmbraceSapphicLove [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:41 NumerousBit2322 Remote jobs/career options

Hello everyone, I’m a 5th year senior as a double major in exercise science and biomed science with a minor in chemistry. My original plans were PT and then pre-med and now I’ve decided I really want to have a more simple 9-5ish career. I’m doing an internship in corporate wellness this fall semester and I’m thinking that’s probably something I’ll enjoy and want to do but I was curious if anyone else has input. I don’t want to be a fitness instructor or personal trainer. My dream is to find a remote job, I’m not super particular about what I want other than that. What are some good tips for job searching specifically for remote jobs? What sites do you use? What are some good positions to search for entry level? Thanks in advance!
Edit: I also want to add that I LOVE jobs that are the same thing everyday/repetitive. I have extreme burnout due to incredibly hard semesters, doing school full time over summers, and always working full time & multiple jobs. I just want a job that I can have for a few years that is fairly straightforward and won’t consume my life while I try my best to heal from this burnout.
submitted by NumerousBit2322 to Kinesiology [link] [comments]