Lab exercise 2 skeletal muscle physiology

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

2024.05.20 07:20 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Joseph Burkes MD 2024
The high desert outside of Roswell is where contact activist Shari Adamiak was reportedly attacked.


In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I
knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team.

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:15 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project:
Joseph Burkes MD 2024

The high desert near Roswell was where contact activist Shari Adamiak was reportedly attacked

In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I
knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

Shari was one of the principal organizers of the CE-5 Initiative. She is greatly missed.

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team.

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:59 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project:
Joseph Burkes MD 2024

The high desert near Roswell was where contact activist Shari Adamiak reportedly was attacked

In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I
knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team.

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:48 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
The high desert near Roswell was where contact activist Shari Adamiak was reportedly attacked.

In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo, both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”

During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.

Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.

Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom

As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.

OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team.

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:47 LetBeFriendsHere 10 Benefits of Walking for 10 Minutes After Every Meal

Walking is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of exercise. It requires no special equipment, can be done almost anywhere, and offers a myriad of health benefits. One particularly effective habit is taking a 10-minute walk after every meal. Here’s a detailed look at the benefits of incorporating this practice into your daily routine:

1. Improves Digestion

Walking after meals aids the digestive process. It helps food move through the stomach and intestines more efficiently, reducing the chances of indigestion and bloating. The gentle movement encourages the digestive organs to function optimally.

2. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Post-meal walks can significantly improve blood sugar control. This is especially beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. Walking helps the muscles use some of the excess glucose in your bloodstream, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

3. Enhances Metabolism

Regular post-meal walks can boost your metabolism. Increased physical activity promotes a higher metabolic rate, helping your body burn more calories even when at rest. This can be particularly advantageous for weight management and fat loss.

4. Reduces Stress and Enhances Mood

Walking, even for a short duration, stimulates the release of endorphins and serotonin, hormones that help alleviate stress and improve mood. This can lead to a greater sense of well-being and reduced anxiety levels.

5. Supports Heart Health

Engaging in physical activity after meals can improve cardiovascular health. Walking helps lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Consistent post-meal walking can contribute to maintaining a healthy heart.

6. Promotes Weight Loss

Walking after meals can aid in weight loss by increasing the number of calories burned. It helps to offset the calorie intake from your meal, contributing to a caloric deficit if combined with a balanced diet. Over time, this can lead to gradual weight loss.

7. Enhances Energy Levels

Contrary to the common belief that rest is required after eating to conserve energy, walking can actually boost your energy levels. Physical activity increases blood flow and oxygen supply to your muscles and organs, leaving you feeling more energetic and less lethargic.

8. Improves Sleep Quality

Regular physical activity, such as walking after meals, can enhance sleep quality. It helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm and promotes deeper, more restful sleep. Better sleep contributes to overall health and well-being.

9. Strengthens Muscles and Joints

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help strengthen muscles and joints. It improves joint mobility and flexibility, reducing the risk of conditions such as arthritis. Stronger muscles and joints contribute to better overall physical function and longevity.

10. Fosters Consistent Exercise Habits

Incorporating short walks after every meal can help establish a consistent exercise routine. It’s easier to stick to shorter, manageable exercise sessions spread throughout the day rather than committing to longer workouts. This consistency is key to reaping long-term health benefits.

Tips for Effective Post-Meal Walks

To maximize the benefits of your post-meal walks, consider the following tips:
· Choose a Comfortable Pace: Walk at a pace that feels comfortable yet brisk enough to increase your heart rate slightly.
· Wear Comfortable Shoes: Ensure you have supportive and comfortable footwear to prevent any strain or injury.
· Stay Hydrated: Drink water before and after your walk to stay hydrated.
· Be Consistent: Aim to walk after every meal to create a habit and enjoy the cumulative benefits.
· Enjoy the Scenery: Walking outside can provide additional mental health benefits, such as improved mood and relaxation from being in nature.
Walking for 10 minutes after every meal is a simple yet highly effective way to improve your overall health. From aiding digestion and regulating blood sugar levels to enhancing mood and supporting heart health, this easy habit offers a wide range of benefits. By making post-meal walks a regular part of your routine, you can enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle.
submitted by LetBeFriendsHere to HealthCheck [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:15 daddieofthree Down 50lbs in 100 days

43 years old , 2/1 SW 275 lbs , CW 225 . Goal weight - 215?
Started at 16:8 , now mostly 20:4.
Had type 2 diabetes , now off all my meds .
Waist went from 40 to a 35. Needed all new clothes.
Avoiding most carbs , salad with protein for lunch most days . Black coffee is my main meal now 😬👍
Was doing 2-3 days of 45 minutes stair master , tweaked back at work, no exercise for the last 5 weeks but now I was going to try and add strength training to try and add back some muscle .
submitted by daddieofthree to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:13 ameliacanlove RNS/sfEMG Results & upcoming appt

Hi folks! To preface: 29F- had sudden onset double vision & slight facial droop, was sent from Urgent Care to a nearby ED for stroke work up in June 2023. Discharged later that day after being cleared & treated for a possible ocular migraine. Was sent to my PCP with instructions to get a referral to a neurologist. In October, neuro discovered extremity weakness & he ordered AChR & MuSK (both negative). MRI of brain results were unremarkable. He sent me to ophthalmology, who sent me to neuro-ophthalmology.
Come March 2024- Only eye issue neuro-opth found indicated that my eyelid muscles are weak. She expressed her high suspicion of MG. Explained SNMG & oMG. An unrelated CT incidentally showed “soft tissue mass in anterior mediastinum” (thymus area). PCP said possible thymoma but admits it’s out of her wheelhouse. Now no one is really addressing it? LPR4 was negative. Lots of blood labs, all normal.
Had a RNS & sfEMG last week, most of which was preformed by an “EMG Tech” & sfEMG by a random neuro. He sent the report saying everything was normal to my neuro-opth who I’ll see this week. I read the results & saw that the RNS of trapezius shows severe amplitude (26%) & area decrement (14%) despite his reporting of a normal study.
Symptoms have progressed to 4+ episodes of vision changes a month, eye droop, can’t smile very well, frequent weakness worse with exercise, & difficulty chewing/swallowing. How do I approach my concerns w/ the report without sounding like I’m fishing for an MG dx? Should I request a repeat run of the AChR & MuSK labs? Or does this sound like we’ve ruled out MG?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ameliacanlove to MyastheniaGravis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:59 Contactunderground Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”

Contact Network History Project: Were “psychotronic” attacks against contact activists in the 1990s a precursor of the “Havana Syndrome”? Directed Energy Weapons not only affect the human body but might be targeting human consciousness itself at the level of what is called the astral body.”
Contact Network History Project:
Joseph Burkes MD 2024

The high desert near Roswell is where contact activist Shari Adamiak was reportedly attacked.

In my judgment, flying saucers threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the planet’s people. Given what is a perceived threat to the status quo,
both corporate and Executive Branch Intelligence operatives have historically been compelled to deal with UFOs as a non-human intelligence counterintelligence challenge.

As a Working Group Coordinator in the 1990s for the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Initiative, I observed signs of obvious surveillance of our contact efforts. Young men in civilian clothing with a military bearing were frequently present at our research sites. Team members were blatantly photographed on arrival at a fieldwork location. On one occasion, military helicopters and on another F-14s buzzed us during our investigations.

Contact activists who are staging Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE5, might in some ways be ideal targets to try out what are now called Directed Energy Weapons. This is because we already are under surveillance and the effects of such non-lethal technology can be readily monitored via telephone conversations and email.

Importantly, as the result of a de facto policy of ridicule and denial, most people imagine that those attempting to contact aliens” are probably mentally ill. Once targeted and attacked, contact activists would find little sympathy from the larger society, including police and medical authorities, if they dared to complain about such attacks. Thus, the technology can be developed with little interference.

“The Havana Syndrome”
During the past few years, current and former US government employees have reported being targeted by are called “Directed Energy Weapons.” The failure of US Executive Branch to identify the precise source of these alleged attacks and to adequately deal with the long-term health consequences of them, has led to charges of a coverup. The victims describe experiencing a wide range of symptoms: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and memory loss and insomnia.
Shari Adamiak, a Prominent Leader in our Human Initiated Contact Network
Shari Adamiak was a Working Group Coordinator in the CE-5 Initiative from 1991 until her death in 1998. She played an immeasurable role in the formulation of the CSETI Contact Protocols and the development of contact teams that operated primarily in the Western United States during the 1990s. Several times Shari also accompanied the CSETI Director Dr. Greer to Southern England to investigate the relationship between UFOs and Crop Circle phenomena.
Directed Energy Weapon Attack in the United Kingdom
As a fellow contact team leader, I always paid close attention to what she shared with me about her work. If memory serves me correctly, after returning from the UK in 1994(although it might have been 1993) I heard a very disturbing account from her. While in Southern England, Shari and two other crop circle investigators were sitting at an outdoor café. A commercial van of some sort pulled up and parked about twenty yards away. Suddenly all three women developed the following symptoms, vertigo, nausea, light headedness, muscle ache and headache. According to Shari all were feeling perfectly fine before the onset of the symptoms which lasted perhaps ten or fifteen minutes and then gradually resolved. Shari stated the van then drove away.

“Psychotronic” Weaponry Appears to Target Human Consciousness
In 1994 both Steven Greer MD and Shari Adamiak reported to our network that they had been targeted with what Greer called “psychotronic” weaponry. (In Shari’s report posted below she used the term “psychoelectronic.” In his oral history book “Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge,” the CSETI leader described a series of attacks starting in the fall of 1994. One reportedly occurred in New York City after a meeting with a member of a European royal family.
“After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later. I couldn't raise my arms; I couldn't roll over; I couldn't move! I was in a state of complete physical paralysis. I knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me. It was coming through the window above my bed. Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I've ever felt in my life. I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.”

This appears to be different from what Shari described above in the UK attack but is similar to what she stated happened to her in New Mexico in October 1994 during a UFO investigation. I have posted a portion of her official CSETI report on that mission below as part of my Contact Network History Project.

Readers please note that "CTS" is the abbreviation for "Coherent Thought Sequencing. This is the term Steven Greer MD coined for group meditation involving either thought projection to, and /or remote viewing of "extraterrestrial spacecraft", combined with the group's intention to interact peacefully with the non-human intelligences piloting those craft.
OCTOBER 1- 7. 1994


A small Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team (RMIT) of three CSETI members met in Albuquerque, New Mexico to investigate activities in the state, and to take a reconnaissance trip to the Roswell area. Members of the team for this mission included: Steven M. Greer, M.D., international director of SETI; Shari Adamiak, CSETI executive council, coordinator for the RMIT, the working groups, and the Denver, Colorado group; and Patrick Sullivan, a CSETI member from Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

The starting date of the mission followed immediately after Steven Greer's appearance on the Larry King Live special the previous night near Area 57, Rachel, Nevada.

We traveled to the Roswell area after joining up on October 2nd. Here we spent time in prayer and thought to help heal the area and the energy from the crashes of space craft in New Mexico in the late 1940s and 1950s.

Our trip was primarily of an investigative nature. Besides wanting to do research around Roswell, we were also following up on activity reported in Midway, outside Roswell. We also wanted to investigate the White Sands area, as it had been the site of extreme activity in the past and is also an area that Dr. Greer feels may be the site of a future, cooperative landing and meeting between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and representatives from this planet, including government, military and civilian (a small CSETI team).

The report that follows is real-time dictation and field notes from this mission.

Respectfully submitted,
Shari Adamiak
CSETI Executive Council


Real-time dictation from the field each night follows:
~October 2, 1994:~

We are outside of Roswell, New Mexico on our first night of a RMIT. Present are Steven Greer, Patrick Sullivan, and Shari Adamiak. We have just camped out on a road of a county road between Midway and Dexter. We have seen one anomalous object flying in the East, very low to the horizon headed towards the North. Did not appear to have any strobing lights. When Steven signaled to it, the object rose up a little bit and became noticeably brighter, changing from red to white. Also, as that was occurring, I saw a shooting star at about 25° above the Eastern horizon headed North.

10:50pm and two shooting stars just seen in the zenith by Patrick and Steven. Patrick just reported a very brilliant shooting star, shooting from East to West by the Milky Way. It's about 11:00. Patrick said it was the fastest "shooting star" he's ever seen. Just a moment later a second shooting star was seen by Patrick almost parallel to the other. It's just a minute or so after 11:00 and we have just been observing in the SE a very unusual strobing object visible only through the night vision scope, moving very low to the horizon with a rapid strobe to it. We can't see it with the naked eye.

At 11:40pm we had an experience during Coherent Thought Sequencing (CTS) where Steven and I both felt there was something directly over us and at the same time Patrick reported seeing a strobing above us. Steven then felt they were directly behind his head. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He got up and on the very low Northern horizon was able to see the red-amber colored light.

It's about midnight. We're having an unusual sighting over in the East. We've been watching an object that moved South and then became stationary. Now it looks as if it could be a planet rising. It has a red-amber look to it or the object could be just totally stationary. We did signal to it. It seemed to flare up. It's about 5° above the horizon, directly across from us in the East. This object that we were looking at appeared to have positioned itself in front of either Regel or Betelgeuse in Orion, which that was a part of and is now fully risen and is beautiful in the Eastern sky.

~October 3, 1994:~

We are out at a site East of Roswell. It's just a minute or two before 7:00pm. We're getting something to east. It’s partly cloudy. It’s in the 70s. It looks like it will be fairly clear for most of the night. West. We are directly across from the mountain Capital to the West. To our East there is a vent for a gas well that's burning.

It's 7:50 and in the East towards Midway we are observing some twinkling, strobing type lights. There are two or three of them. They seem to be like the lights described that Mr. Escamillo has on video from Midway. About a minute later, we don't see them at all. Oh, I just saw one flash farther to the East. We are not sure if these could be aircraft or something anomalous. They are dim to bright and white. These white blinking objects have continued on to the East, traveling in the South part of the sky. They are continuing to do strobing and flashing but in no regular pattern. They appear to be chasing each other randomly across the sky, rather slowly.

It's 10:15pm and there is one single white bright light appearing in the South that is signaling back to us. It is very low on the horizon, maybe even on the ground. The object just signaled back twice after a signal sent to it of two flashes. It is in the area of Bottomless Lakes State Park, which is due South of us. It's about 5 or 10 minutes later and this light in the South is again signaling. It's moved just a bit. It moves a bit to the East or the West, but it's still completely low, right on the horizon. We don't know if it's terrestrial or extraterrestrial at this point. It is 10:35 when this signaling has reoccurred again. Steven is now looking at it through the night vision binoculars and he says it is a continuously illuminated object that's on right now, even when it is not signaling to us. It just now flashed again faintly. We will continue to signal to this and report. The sky has also become completely clear except for around the very far edges and just in the East. Through the night vision scope, Patrick is seeing that there is also a corresponding strobing light in the sky about 10° above the horizon that's in synch with the one that's here on the ground. But we cannot see the one in the sky without using the night vision scope.

It's 11:00 and the light across the road in the South by the Bottomless Lakes has just illuminated itself about 5 or 6 times to us. It definitely seems to be under intelligent control. The last round of signaling that's going on now started up just after we broadcast the tones out over the walkie-talkie. It's just a few minutes after 11:00 and Steven saw an extremely fast moving "meteorite" just to the East of zenith. He said it was faster than anything he's ever seen move. Also, it happened to Patrick last night - that same type of extremely fast moving object.

It's 11:55 and we were just hit from behind to our East by some beam that was low and on the ground that swept right across the field encompassing us.


Narrative Report:

Soon after this round of light signaling, we did a Coherent Thought Sequencing. I was in a deep state of unbounded mind when I felt my body struck by an invisible beam of negative energy. It caused nearly total paralysis except that my body was wracked with small convulsions from what I sensed to be a psychoelectronic, non-lethal weapon. I could hear myself moaning slowly. I felt that the beam was coming from my left, towards Bottomless Lakes. I sensed three shadowy figures that appeared to be human men. The beam had the effect of separating me from my teammates. Since I only had the faculty of mind at my disposal during the attack, I mentally asked where Patrick and Steven were. I finally could sense Patrick out I front of me, distance away. I could not see or sense Steven. I kept asking mentally, “Where is Steven?” in as authoritative tone as I could manage while under attack. Receiving no response, I began to mentally call to Steven. He must have mentally picked up my thoughts because I felt him take my hands even though he was not there physically. He then hugged me and the attack ended. I sensed that it was our combined energy that was able to break the beam. I then rather passed out for a few minutes.

When our CTS ended, I clearly recalled everything that happened and knew I had not dozed off and had a dream. It was ultimately real. I was still a bit weak from the attack. Steven asked if something happened. I said, "you won't believe this" and proceeded to tell Steven and Patrick most of what occurred. Patrick had been unaware of any of this during our CTS. When I finished, Steven said, "wait until you hear this". During the CTS, he heard a voice that said, "are you ready to go?" He then felt that the energy was instantly scrambled and he lost the connection. He could hear me faintly moaning and sensed that I was in distress. He then came to me etherically and hugged me. The dove tailing of our experiences was incredible. For some days, I pondered on this event. It had a profound effect upon me, and still does to this day. I knew it was highly significant that we were able to break the attack with combined positive energy. I also instinctively and absolutely felt that the attack had come from human beings. I knew that it was not sent by extraterrestrials. The beam carried with it fear and terror which I knew were being projected upon me by an outside force. I did not feel that fear and terror from within my own being, but I was forced to experience it.

We then saw the ground-based lights at Bottomless Lakes flashing randomly again. It was nearly 1:00 by now and we decided to pack up. And drive over there to investigate. As we were in a flat open area, and anyone at Bottomless could have seen us coming for literally a mile. We drove around the Bottomless Lakes State Park, shining our 1.5 million candle power light all about. No traces of anyone or any vehicles were seen. There is a county road that cuts out of Bottomless Lakes which could make for an easy get-away for any one in that park.

End of Narrative Report

Links to articles supportive of themes outlined in the above report:
If flying saucer intelligences threaten all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth’s people, then it is understandable that governmental response to UFOs is a counterintelligence one.
“Science, Counterintelligence & UFOs”
Researcher Val Germann wrote this important multi-part article in 1997. He has given me permission to repost his work on my blog site.

Staging Human Initiated Contact Events adjacent to a high security research lab involved challenges of surveillance for my team.

During fieldwork in the high desert, my contact team was blatantly photographed on two separate occasions. We had UFO sightings first in the west, then in the north. We anticipated the next would be in the east. Instead three waves of jet fighters heading east buzzed us.

submitted by Contactunderground to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:37 ItsSnowyy Please help, I cannot live with this pain

Hey Guys,
So I was diagnosed with AS at 20yrs old. Before that I always had pain in my ass/lowervack whenever I sneezed but that was literally it, I was extremely fit and had the stamina to match. Then, middle of the first covid lockdown in AUS, I woke up in the middle of the night now able to move. The pain was so agonising that I could barely breathe, this prompted all the dr appointments that lead to my AS diagnosis and being prescribed biologics.
Fast forward 4 year's and I'm currently on Cosentyx, I have just had my dosage upped to two jabs every 30days. The flare ups when I'm unable to move have stopped, but the constant agonising pain in my lower back, ass, and knees is just unbearable. I cannot sit for longer than about a minute on the toilet before I have to stand up and walk (not a fun experience) I struggle to sleep, move around my tiny apartment, even get my work done (pain is too distracting).
I've gone from being extremely fit to as skinny as a twig due to being scared of going going back to the gym after the last couple times I went (2 years ago) and flared up in the middle of an exercise causing serious injuries and almost being crushed by 200kg on the leg press.
I feel empty, sad, tired, and every negative emotions inbetween. The inflammation is causing my eczema and psoriasis to flare up leaving my skin looking horrid, plus the fact I have dermatillomania causing my eczema to turn into massive open wounds all over my body through picking.
I'm at my limit, I can handle pain but this is something else. My rheumatologist just said the pain is "muscular skeletal" but didn't elaborate further, I'm in the public health care system so i cant see him again for another 6 months.
I don't even know what the point of this post is to be honest, I'm just lost and cannot enjoy life any more.
submitted by ItsSnowyy to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:24 Brilliantmind1997 26 [F4M] Georgia,USA -Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

*Do Not message or add me just to unfriend me or ghost me. * Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a fiscally stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance will be a problem and you aren't willing to make it work then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one Must be free from venerial diseases and must be willing to get tested(will discuss) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:20 Brilliantmind1997 26[F4M] #Atlanta, Georgia - Seeking a long term monogamous relationship (serious inquiries only)

Greetings future partner ❤️ I'm still searching for you. I have to be honest and say that I am losing hope trying to find you.Please be somewhere. I want my search for a partner to be over. I'm seeking adventure in my life with someone I can call a forever partner. I'm tired of the loneliness and the sheltered lifestyle that I've lived. It would mean a lot of you could read through this post so that I could make sure we are compatible. Even if we start off as friends that would be fine.
Here's to new beginnings and new connections. PLEASE make sure you READ through the WHOLE POST also please be respectful when messaging me * *If you're the type to be impatient, block, or ghost easily, then save both of us the trouble and DO NOT message me! I'm not trying to come off as mean but I'd much rather you not message me if you're the type of person to do that. If something isn't working just let me know. We're all adults.
Greetings, I am seeking a long term relationship monogamous with the end goal being matrimony. I am not one for playing around and being used casually as it doesn’t suit me personally. Ideally I'd prefer a man that has his life already in place so that I can be able to share life with him and for him to take care of me. I would expect my future man to have a fiscally stable job and be able to support me and our future family. I wouldn’t be opposed to being a housewife. There are few reasons why I would like to work or work part time: 1) Being abandoned with nothing, 2) I want to feel fulfilled and not bored. Happy to discuss possible dynamics, I'm flexible. I would love a synergistic partnership where we are both able to mold our minds and fill our hearts with warm affection. I will be there to support you throughout your journey and celebrate every moment with you. I want you to be proud of you just as you are with me. I want to show you that you are truly cared for and appreciated by gestures of love such as massages and other forms of entertainment. I would expect the same from you as well. Even if we are both working adults we can still make our relationship work in the best way possible. I have seen this come out well for people who are dedicated and willing to make their relationships work. For a strong relationship to occur I would expect effective (transparent) communication from you. If you are going to be busy just be honest and let me know you won’t be able to talk to me.Also, if you need your space both mentally and physically let me know. I understand that we all have our lives to attend to but it is incredibly important for people in a relationship to be transparent when circumstances arise in a timely manner in order to avoid future conflict. If this relationship isn’t going to work I would expect you to tell me and not ghost or block me before giving me a reason why. We are all adults so I would expect nothing but maturity. Starting out I don’t want the pressure of sex to be pushed onto me. I’d rather let time tell in all of its glory.
Now onto my true introduction
My name is Angie and I'm from Georgia in the United States. I've been lonely for quite some time and find it hard to find a soulmate in IRL. What I'm looking for is someone who I can connect with and have wholesome conversations with. I want to be able to treat my future soulmate well just as much as they do me. The biggest part of a long lasting relationship is the ability to communicate openly without worry. I'd love it if my significant other has a dark sense of humor and continues to crack me up non-stop. As cheesy as it may sound I long for those late night calls and cute texts. I want for us to drive out the very best in each other; become our support system. A little bit about me is that I grew up in Florida and not too long ago moved to Georgia. I'm currently in college to become an RN but I'm also passionate about cosmetic chemistry and nutrition so I may seek to build my own business in the future. I'm passionate about science and theoretical applications especially within the medical field. I'd appreciate it if my partner is open minded about varying topics and welcomes healthy conversations. Appearance wise I'm open to seeing if we have a connection and feel as long as you are well groomed and practice basic hygiene you are good. Although, I must say that attraction is key in a relationship so I will have to go off on that as well. To add on, I enjoy playing video games, exercising (I've been slacking off lately), cooking and baking (vegan), playing board games, reading, exploring nature, playing sports (basketball and soccer) for fun, and trying new experiences. I hope to save up and travel someday. It would be nice for my partner to be able to set up our travel itinerary.
My Physical Description:
I am a black woman who’s twenty five years old (almost 26 in December) with Afro-Carribean, Japanese and Swedish ancestry. I’d still consider myself black presenting since that’s more along the lines of what I appear as phenotypically. I have dark brown curly hair (Mainly 3c type curls) and brown eyes. I am 5 '4 on the thicker spectrum (not at all obese but thick boned and have thunder thighs). I am trying to exercise more to become fit. I used to weight lift when I was younger but since then have lost lean muscle mass. Having a partner that is willing to work out together sometimes is rather rewarding. A man who has drive and appeal is incredibly sexy. I would also like to point out that I am curvy and noticeable in certain aspects (I’ll leave it up to you to decide).
*You have to be MINIMUM 21 to date me *
If distance is an issue and you aren't willing to commit then DON'T MESSAGE ME!!
If you will be too busy to pursue a relationship then DO NOT contact me!! * *Again, No ghosters or blockers!! Seeking a person who seeks a relationship with God and/or is open to one MUST be free from venerial diseases (must be willing to get tested) Bonus points if you're vegan Ideally I would like someone that is taller than me (I’m 5’4) I prefer a man that is fit or trying to be. I'd prefer someone who is fiscally stable and able to support the both of us* A big red flag for me is smokers. It isn't good for your health nor is it sexy to me.* It's important for me to point out that I want children in the future and need someone who may want that as well. If you're interested in how I look and want to know more about me, message me. Although I don’t make it a huge deal, I do prefer White and East Asian men. But I do love all types of men and welcome them. As stated before I emphasize communication and would prefer you to be honest and say if something is wrong instead of ghosting or blocking without stating the reason. Fair warning if I can be socially awkward sometimes and don't know what to talk about so please be patient with me as I'm learning to be better conversation wise
submitted by Brilliantmind1997 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:01 Some-Firefighter472 💯Penile Enlargement USA Review Today💯

What components does the Growth Matrix program consist of?
Growth Matrix Bonuses
- Bonus 1: Length Routine
- Bonus 2: Girth Routine
- Bonus 3: Techniques to Improve Physical Performance
- Bonus 4: WTS Magazine
Any Side Effects to Growth Matrix? There is no side effect because of its natural way of growth.
Key Components:
Core Benefits:
submitted by Some-Firefighter472 to GoingBigger [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:34 emketart Muscle loss

57m. Diagnosed in 2010. What is your experience with muscle loss? 5 years ago I was 6' 2", 190 pounds, very little fat. I have always been thin with an athletic build. Now I'm 140 pounds. I've lost at least an inch in all my measurements, biceps, chest, calves, thighs....
My butt cheeks now sag like the back of my grandma's arms and my glutes are about the size of a McDonald's hamburger patty. I have never had a large chest, but now I have two ribs showing on each side.
I continue to keep losing muscle and strength along with it. Resistance training is difficult because I can only use 5-10 pounds at a time and often hurt myself when exercising. Most my exercising is using body weight only.
Are others experiencing the same? Do you have thoughts and/or suggestions?
submitted by emketart to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:02 CNilsen006 ChatGPT - MBLEx Exam

So there’s 206 bones in the body… Jody Scholes on YouTube says all we need to study is half. I have yet to find the 106 bones until now. I asked on ChatGPT. Can someone confirm these are the bones to study for the exam?
“The Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) often includes anatomy and physiology content, focusing on various systems of the human body. Here is a list of the 106 bones typically covered in the exam, which focuses on the major bones in the human skeletal system:
Skull (22 bones)
• Cranial Bones (8) 1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bones (2) 3. Occipital bone 4. Temporal bones (2) 5. Sphenoid bone 6. Ethmoid bone • Facial Bones (14) 1. Nasal bones (2) 2. Maxillae (2) 3. Zygomatic bones (2) 4. Mandible 5. Lacrimal bones (2) 6. Palatine bones (2) 7. Inferior nasal conchae (2) 8. Vomer 
Auditory Ossicles (6 bones)
1. Malleus (2) 2. Incus (2) 3. Stapes (2) 
Hyoid Bone (1 bone)
Vertebral Column (26 bones)
• Cervical vertebrae (7) • Thoracic vertebrae (12) • Lumbar vertebrae (5) • Sacrum (1, formed by 5 fused vertebrae) • Coccyx (1, formed by 3-5 fused vertebrae) 
Thoracic Cage (25 bones)
• Sternum (1) • Ribs (24) 1. True ribs (1-7, 14 total) 2. False ribs (8-12, 10 total, including 2 floating ribs) 
Shoulder Girdle (4 bones)
1. Clavicles (2) 2. Scapulae (2) 
Upper Limbs (60 bones)
• Arm 1. Humerus (2) • Forearm 1. Ulna (2) 2. Radius (2) • Wrist and Hand 1. Carpals (16, 8 in each hand) 2. Metacarpals (10, 5 in each hand) 3. Phalanges (28, 14 in each hand) 
Pelvic Girdle (2 bones)
1. Hip bones (2, each formed by the fusion of ilium, ischium, and pubis) 
Lower Limbs (60 bones)
• Thigh 1. Femur (2) • Leg 1. Patella (2) 2. Tibia (2) 3. Fibula (2) • Ankle and Foot 1. Tarsals (14, 7 in each foot) 2. Metatarsals (10, 5 in each foot) 3. Phalanges (28, 14 in each foot) 
This detailed breakdown includes the major bones typically covered in anatomy sections relevant to the MBLEx. These bones are essential for understanding the human skeletal system as they relate to massage and bodywork practices.”
submitted by CNilsen006 to MassageTherapists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:56 beverlyhellbillies Driving accommodation advice? Weird leg pains and instability

Looking for advice and/or creative solutions for driving please! I have really bad hEDS and I’m disabled. Over the years this has taken away my ability to drive more than about 5min to and 5min from any appt, which is very limiting! I can push it to 10min sometimes, but I have to prepare for it and prepare to not do much after for several days. I have been in PT for many years with a few different PTs, several of which were amazing. I do my exercises every day.
There are 2 main issues I have with driving: legs and neck.
I’m hoping someone out there can relate and maybe offer some insight or suggestions for any piece of this…even just how to make my heels less reactive.
I’ve built significant leg muscle (from none to at least some muscle) from years of pt, but I can’t seem to get past it. Also the neck piece I’m not sure what to do with…if I got a migraine or slightly subluxed vertebra it probably wouldn’t be worth the drive haha
submitted by beverlyhellbillies to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:47 Educational-End8 Marathon time far off from half marathon equivalent- seeking tips

Context: 31M, life long runner, long-term goal sub 3.
1st Marathon 8 years ago-20 mpw training casually: Result 4:30 on relatively flat course. From mile 15 on- experiences of leg muscle cramping and jolts of pain in feet and entire leg muscles. Walk/shuffle in. Aerobically fine, muscular endurance and tolerance to pounding = 0/10. Figured this was from a lack of serious training and miles. Pain filled experience.
Proceed to exercise aerobically (run, bike, swim) with limited structure 5-7 times per week for years on end. Fast forward to summer 2023- complete a Full IM.
Commit seriously to training for the Austin half marathon for February 2024 with a focus on not getting injured- 8 week average around 40 mpw running 5 days per week, with the other two days doing a recovery spin (30min-1hr) on zwift after either long run day or threshold/intervals day. Race result= ~1:24 half. Contemplate the possibility of sub 3.
Sign up for Ogden Marathon May 18th. Dedicate myself to training. 10 week mpw average before race of 49.3, peaking at 64 miles 3 weeks out (with some recovery spins sprinkled in). Training approach- consume content regarding various philosophies/experiences and then decide the common denominator is one LR and one threshold/interval session per week with the rest easy miles. LRs 14-20 miles per week (most weeks closer to 16, with one LR at 18, and one at 20). Some miles during LRs at overly optimistic MP pace (~7 min pace), but no dedicated LR MP finishing workouts. Most LRs run on flat dirt trail rather than asphalt around 8min to 8:30 pace. Little downhill work. Weekly threshold sessions were things like 4x1.5 mi at 6:10 pace with 2 min walk recovery, or 5.5mi continuous at 6:15 pace. 3 week taper with last hard session 10 days out- 3x mi at 5:48 with 3 min jog recovery. Time to roll the dice.
Ogden Marathon Race Day. Context- downhill race starting at 5k ft, ends at 4k ft. The course offers gorgeous views of the surrounding landscape/mountains, highly recommend if that appeals. Weather 40 degrees at start, 70 degrees at finish. Nutrition- 5 Maarten 100 gels and salt pills, every 4 miles. Race mentality- anything sub 3:15 I'd be happy with, but in my heart of hearts am curious how close I can get to sub 3. First mile 6:40 downhill. Holy shnikes, too hot. Settle in roughly 7 min pace thereafter. Go through half at 1:32 feeling decent, although stomach feels full. At mile 16 need the porta john. Lose 3 minutes. Try to get back up to speed- experience throbbing hip flexor pain on both sides. Can no longer hold 7 min miles, pace immediately jumps to 8:30 with poor form. Mile 18- quad pain comes on strong and is relentless to the finish, regardless of grade. The entire rest of the race becomes a test of pain tolerance, at times dizzying. At my pain threshold I can hold 10 minute miles, and become proud of myself for having not resigned to a walk even though that would have been sweet relief. I get flashbacks to my first marathon, and am baffled at how similar this experience feels- utterly painful. It seems my 50 mpw avg. prepared me so little for this specific race. Finishing time 3:33 (glass half full- huge PR!!).
Post race- migrane, fever, chills, and quad pain. Not sure what any of it means besides the DOMS. All goes away after a goodnight's rest, except the DOMS.
What do I have to do differently to get my marathon time more in line with half VDOT? Is it just get in MP LRs? I'm pretty sure my biggest obstacle is harding the legs for the pounding of the second half of the race. How to best do this in training while balancing out the risk for injury? Or, if you think it could be something else- please do share.
submitted by Educational-End8 to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:40 blottymary Tips on how to safely exercise after healing from blood patch?

TL;DR: What was your process for getting back into shape/reconditioning once you were recovered from your patch?
I had my second blood patch a month ago now and I feel that it’s safe for me to increase my time upright.
I’m spending spurts of ~2 hrs tops at my desk, eating meals at the table, showering, brushing my teeth standing up, doing small chores like dishes and small loads of laundry.
Besides the deconditioning and aching/pain in my postural muscles I don’t find myself having any concerning symptoms.
That being said, I’m a bit more fragile than some patients because I have hEDS and my first blood patch failed after 2.5 months. I was a bit careless the first time and likely went back to my active lifestyle too soon.
When I say “active lifestyle” I mean going to an EDS aware physical therapist who had me doing the lowest setting on recumbent bike for 5 minutes, some exercises with bands, and when I felt strong enough I tried to do the nautilus machines without any weight. The leak symptoms came back after I had been exercising for one month (gradually over a week’s time).
What I’m struggling with is making the right call for how hard to push myself. If I’m going to make the effort to exercise I want to get some physical benefit out of it that will aid me in my recovery.
This time around I’ve gone on 3 short walks (~5 minutes each) spread out over 2 days in between. I’ve noticed some shortness of breath, feeling like I can’t take a deep enough breath, and possibly some wheezing. (I’m going to my PCP ASAP about this).
My heart rate doesn’t really get that high (my average is 65 bpm and my highest I got was 88 bpm for 1 minute) and that makes me wonder if it’s even beneficial to bother because I’m not getting up to my peak heart rate.
submitted by blottymary to CSFLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:33 Puzzleheaded_Bit1438 MDs and "It's probably just anxiety.."

This is a vent, too. Please excuse my frustration.
I'm in my 50s now. I've been dealing with trauma, depression and the over-fucking-whelming-anxiety most of my adult life. But the last few weeks takes the urinal cake! My son's wedding is 6 days away. I finally got that anxiety under control and then this...
Backstory: I have something called Neurogenic Bladder. Basically, since age 33, my bladder took on a mind of its own and doesn't empty well. So I have to use a catheter a few times a day, to avoid urine backing up and stepping on kidneys lawn. My kidneys get suuuuper angry when this happens and well... a big ol fight ensues, kidneys start throwing stones, urine calls up their buddies, bacteria... the police are called, and the insides of my urogenital tract look like a crime scene.
About a month ago, I had some hip/pelvic pain. My doctor was out so I saw MD 1. MD 1 spent 2 minutes with me, ordered an x-ray, and said "Pelvic pain doesn't point to a UTI, but you do have some remodeling, were you ever injured?" As he's staring at my chart. I said, "Yes, during the birth of my last baby, it's in my chart. Can you run a urine screen, to make sure I'm not getting a UTI?" MD 1, "Nah, it's probably just some arthritis, pulled muscle or something.Try to keep your anxiety in check."
One week later... Flank pain is worse, urine is cloudy, but okay. I see my chiropractor. He can't find any reason for the pain, tries acupuncture and stretches.
Last week, I was running a 100.4 - 101.6 (F) temp, my urine was looking like kool-aid, and the flank pain was so pad I couldn't sleep! My doctor was out again. So, I saw MD 2. MD 2 agreed with MD 1. My temp was only 100.4 when i was there - "Not a real temperature, but could be something viral. I'll put in an order for PT for the "back" pain." I said - in tears - "I know something is wrong, a simple UTI can turn into a kidney infection very quickly.." sob, sob, "and my son is getting married next week, I can't feel this shitty for his wedding!" MD 2, "Well, that's probably what's going on then. You're anxious about the wedding is all. Just try to work on your anxiety... focus on enjoying the wedding.."
This week, I started passing blood clots and my temp has been 101.4 - 102.8. On Friday, I was scheduled for my neurologist's 12wk standing lab orders. When I was at the lab, I asked to leave a urine and if they could get an order from my regular doctor later. Thank God I did! I have a bad infection. My kidney function (gfr) also dropped to 60.2 from 90. It cultured to match the same antibiotic, so I'm praying it works soon.
My fever still hasn't broken and I don't feel any better yet. My doctor said that by Monday evening, if no improvement, then she's considering more supportive measures.
We leave 9am on Friday for my son's wedding rehearsal and groom's dinner. It's 4 hours by car. I have to feel better.
Those doctors who were covering for my doctor just wanted to blame it all on my anxiety.
Well, they have succeeded, now my anxiety is a problem!
Thanks for letting me vent this out.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Bit1438 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:12 Intelligent-Jelly320 My brain feels tired all the time. I feel like I've tried everything. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to manage this?

22F. I feel so exhausted all the time- but my body doesn't feel tired, only my brain? For nearly all of every day, it feels like I can't hold a simple conversation or think seriously about things because I don't have the mental energy to do so. But it also doesn't feel like I'm going to fall asleep; if I try to nap, I can't. After work, I don't even feel like watching TV or doing anything. I joke around saying all I feel like doing is staring at the wall.
I've been trying so hard to fix this for years but nothing seems to help. Here's where I'm at:
Other maybe relevant details:
This is seriously affecting my life - I feel like I'm not performing well at work and my LDR is also taking a hit because I'm often too tired to talk on the phone. Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts people have on this- even if you're not a doctor but are experiencing something similar!
submitted by Intelligent-Jelly320 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:04 No_Variety_4997 Not as sore as I used to be, do I need to work harder?

I've been working out now for about 4 months.
Started doing full body workouts for the first 3 months, and now been following the 5x5 (excluding RDL) for the last month.
I'm in the gym 3 days/week. Day A is squat, bench, overhead press. Day B is squat, bent over rows, bench press. Benching and squatting every day as I want to improve my bench and gain some chest muscle. Supplementing with 3-4 barbell and dumbbell exercises as well (curls, preacher curls, skullcrushers, lateral raises, etc.)
When I switched to this 5x5 variation...I was dead sore for like every day.
Like couldn't lift my shoulders the next day after overhead press, hobbling up stairs after squatting, and not being able to squeeze my chest after benching.
Now 1 months into it, I'm not nearly as sore.
I've added +30lbs to my bench, +15 lbs to OHP, and +20lbs to my squats. (Beginner gains I know lol I'm sure they're gonna plateau any day now)
I kinda miss being super sore, I feel like maybe I'm not working as hard as I could be.
Whats the consensus? Do I need to push harder in the gym? Start adding the baby 2.5lbs plates for new PRs each week? I don't even think that will increase my soreness that much...I'll just struggle to hit good consistent reps
submitted by No_Variety_4997 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 Mean-Hawk2069 There is Hope

I am in remission. But it took a heck ton of work to get here. I was 7 aic at diagnosis in September 2021. Nearly three years later, without meds, I did it (for now). I crawled down to 6.7, 6.5, and now under 6. I am a 47 yo male and can boast under 10% body fat.
The way was unique to me. YMMV. No, I did not do keto. I simply got rid of rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes. And yet I still had oat bran, chia seeds, fenugreek. Tons of cruciferous veg every day. I eat mostly fish. I made a disgusting slurry of apple cider vinegar, turmeric, garlic, black pepper, cinnamon, rosemary, and onion. My fish is also baked with half a full red onion daily. My snacks are cucumber, tomato, underripe bananas, 1% cottage cheese, lactose free 0% plain probiotic yogurt with sometimes low glycemic berries. My cheat is pickles.
Diet was the start. Exercise was the next. Not everyone has mobility or ability to do it. I fortunately did. I pivoted to being a bodybuilder. My ultimate goal was to turn bigger muscles into glucose sinks. At present, I have 51% skeletal muscle because I spend 1-2 hours daily lifting. The average for a male is 28-36%. I knew that going Metformin for my specific aspects would have been an androgen inhibitor. I now look like a firefighter calendar model with abs, and at my age that is a win.
I will not say this is possible for everyone. It isn't. I was lucky, but I don't undermine my luck by saying there wasn't a lot of discipline involved. We know discipline. We know what we can't, or shouldn't, do, but what can we do?
I chose eating and moving like an elite athlete. My job permits me the time. No, I will not go to a restaurant and no I can't eat 95% of what a grocery store sells. That's not my life any more.
For sure I get spikes. I need about 300g of protein to sustain my frame given my activity and size. No matter how good the protein, bioavailability is there, but temporary. Cortisol from working out too much? Another spike. Temporary. Stress? Yup. I day trade, so rollercoaster is usual. And anyone who says exercise relieves stress, understand that it is temporary and all the problems are waiting for you when the exercise high wears off.
There is hope. Of course, talk to me in 20 years. I know I lose in the end. For the time being, I remain asymptomatic and in some ways T2D has made me the strongest, healthiest person I have ever been because I had to respond with vigour.
If you can manage this, well, what can you not manage in other areas of life? You can do it. I know you can, and it doesn't matter if you can do it alone or with help -- you can do this.
submitted by Mean-Hawk2069 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:28 key_lime_ 1 Week Journey on TRT (thus far)

1 Week Journey on TRT (thus far)
Attached are my blood results (done through TrybeLabs - I was a pussy and was scared of getting blood drawn and seen an ad for painless blood test. It was in fact painless and easy - no this is not an ad but I want people to know there’s options)
A lot of my questions got answered.
Symptoms: - Depressed - Couldn’t gain muscle like I used to - Couldn’t recover like I used to - Brain fog - Absolutely 0 motivation to do anything
I’m 31M and didn’t want to live like this anymore so I decided to research TRT. I checked out AlphaMD because they did a lot of AMA on Reddit and provided some really solid info. I did my consultation and was prescribed 140mg/wk of Test Cyp to be injected SubQ (I was given the options of cream but doing research, injections seemed like the best results). Was also given the option of HCG but my girlfriend and I don’t plan on have kids soon so he recommended only hopping on it when we’re ready because your body could build sensitivity to it over time and it would be less potent when I actually needed it.
About a week and half later my medication arrived. 29G 1/2” needle. The instructions were clear and I watched a lot of YouTube videos while waiting for it to arrive because I was deathly scared of injecting myself. I knew the day before it was coming and was actually excited to start this new journey.
The day it arrived I was excited to try it. When I began unboxing everything and seeing the length of the needle reality set in. My hand was shaking trying to get draw the test into the needle and because the needle gauge is so high it took what seemed to be forever for the syringe to fill.
Once the syringe was filled, I noticed a little bubble at the top. I tried getting it out but everytime I pushed on the plunger it would just push out juice.i read a lot of shit that the bubble wouldn’t make a difference and because I was injecting subQ I didn’t have to worry about “injecting in a vein”.
I pinched some belly fat and with my left hand and held the syringe like a pencil with my index finger over the plunger. I couldn’t bare the sight of the needle going into my stomach. I put the needle down and came back to it like 3x. My girlfriend read the manual the medication came with and it suggested injecting in the outer thigh. I do have a decent amount of fat on the thigh so I sat down, pinched some fat and injected in the upper outer thigh/quad area. Really 0 pain with the needle going in (went at 90 degrees, not 45). Had to give it a little push, after the needle went in, I let go of the pinched fat(I heard keeping the skin pinched could cause the test to get “squeezed” out). and kept the needle in. At this time I injected .35ML super slow. About 20-25 seconds. My hands were a little shaky but it was the initial injection part I was nervous with not the pushing the plunger. It all went in, I pulled the needle out, no blood and re wiped it with the alcohol swab.
Got a huge boost of confidence after doing it. No pain. This was on a Wednesday. I read a lot about people getting itchy or lumps. I didn’t get any. 0 lumps, 0 redness. The slight amount of tenderness but that’s it.
Today I did my 2nd injection. I was a lot more confident after doing it once. Today was a lot smoother. I did the same thing as last time and injected into my other outer thigh/quad. Feels totally fine. The needle was slightly harder to get in this time, but after a little push it slid in like butter.
I just wanted to share this with everyone who was thinking of getting on and were scared. I’m only 1 week in with 2 injections. They say because subq is injecting into fat, it’s going to take a little more time to absorb, but when it does you get consistent steady results. Just going what was prescribed. Not feeling anything yet, but made huge efforts to not let this opportunity go to waste. Been eating better, hitting the gym hard, getting better sleep. I want to make sure I maximize this opportunity and really see how far I can get with my body and mind.
If anyone’s interested I can share blood results in 6 weeks to see where I’m at and can let yall know if I run into any issues between now and then.
submitted by key_lime_ to trt [link] [comments]