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2024.05.16 00:31 Efficient_Skin4535 KoranSlot88 Agen Judi Slot Terbaik Dan Terbesar Di Indonesia

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submitted by Efficient_Skin4535 to u/Efficient_Skin4535 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:06 sinomaltanews "Għaliex l-‘ultimate world cruise’ kellha żżid aktar waqfiet fl-Afrika

"Għaliex l-‘ultimate world cruise’ kellha żżid aktar waqfiet fl-Afrika
L-itwal kruċiera fid-dinja, ċċarġjata bħala l-“cruise aħħarija dinjija”, ġiet ikkritikata li fl-itinerarju oriġinali tagħha injorat l-Afrika.
Prodott minn Esther Kahumbi
Vidjo editjat minn Ellen Tsang u Jenna Abaakouk

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
影片由 Ellen Tsang 和 Jenna Abaakouk 編輯

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受上帝的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳的電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
"Warum die „ultimative Weltkreuzfahrt“ weitere Stopps in Afrika einschließen musste
Die längste Kreuzfahrt der Welt, die als „ultimative Weltkreuzfahrt“ angepriesen wird, wurde dafür kritisiert, dass sie in ihrer ursprünglichen Reiseroute Afrika außer Acht ließ.
Produziert von Esther Kahumbi
Video bearbeitet von Ellen Tsang und Jenna Abaakouk

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:11 sinomaltanews "Uffiċjali tat-Tuneżija arrestati fi tilwima dwar il-wiri tal-bandiera

"Uffiċjali tat-Tuneżija arrestati fi tilwima dwar il-wiri tal-bandiera
Il-prosekuturi fit-Tuneżija arrestaw seba’ uffiċjali oħra tal-isport minħabba n-nuqqas ta’ wiri tal-bandiera nazzjonali f’kompetizzjoni tal-għawm nhar il-Ġimgħa.
Il-kapijiet tal-federazzjoni tal-għawm Tuneżina u tal-aġenzija nazzjonali kontra d-doping inżammu s-Sibt wara li l-President Kais Saied irreaġixxa b’furja għan-nuqqas tagħha.
Seba’ uffiċjali oħra ġew imħarrka nhar it-Tnejn.
Bi tweġiba għas-sanzjonijiet mill-Aġenzija Dinjija ta’ Kontra d-Doping (Wada), li kienet ipprojbixxa l-bandiera Tuneżina mill-kompetizzjonijiet, din ġiet koperta nhar il-Ġimgħa waqt kampjonat organizzat mill-federazzjoni nazzjonali tal-għawm fil-pixxina Olimpika ta’ Radès.
Sigħat wara l-inċident, is-Sur Saied żar il-pixxina, tella’ l-bandiera u kanta l-innu nazzjonali.
Waqt li sejjaħ il-kisi tal-bandiera bħala ""att ta 'aggressjoni"", huwa ddikjara: ""It-Tuneżija ma tistax tittollera dan.""
F'laqgħa mal-Prim Ministru Ahmed Hachani u membri oħra tal-kabinett, is-Sur Saied qal li ""It-Tuneżija tiġi quddiem il-Kumitat Olimpiku u quddiem kwalunkwe kumitat ieħor"".
Fi stqarrija maħruġa fis-sigħat bikrin tas-Sibt, il-ministeru Tuneżin taż-żgħażagħ u l-isport ħabbar ix-xoljiment tal-bord tal-federazzjoni tal-għawm, kif ukoll it-tkeċċija tal-kap tal-aġenzija Tuneżina kontra d-doping Anad u uffiċjal tal-isport ibbażat f’Ben Arous. , ħdejn Tunis.
Id-deċiżjoni segwiet “struzzjonijiet” mill-President Saied “biex jittieħdu miżuri immedjati... kontra dawk responsabbli għall-inċident tal-ħabi tal-bandiera nazzjonali”, intqal fl-istqarrija.
Is-Sur Saied jikkontrolla kważi l-lievi kollha tal-poter fit-Tuneżija.
Waqt li ħabbar il-projbizzjoni fit-30 ta’ April, Wada qal li t-Tuneżija ma tospitax avvenimenti sportivi kbar u hija pprojbita milli ttir il-bandiera tagħha f’avvenimenti sportivi, inklużi l-Olimpjadi u l-Logħob Paralimpiku ta’ Pariġi li jmiss f’Pariġi f’Lulju u Awwissu, sakemm tikkonforma mal-anti -kodiċi tad-doping introdott fl-2021.
Fit-3 ta’ Mejju, il-ministeru tal-isports Tuneżin ħabbar li ħareġ digriet li jobbliga l-aderenza mal-kodiċi l-ġdid, bi tweġiba għas-sanzjonijiet, u ħeġġeġ “proċeduri mħaffa” biex jiżguraw li s-sanzjonijiet jitneħħew qabel il-logħob Olimpiku u Paralimpiku.
Is-sanzjonijiet għadhom ma tneħħewx.
It-Tuneżija għandha ċampjin Olimpiku tal-għawm difensur wieħed, il-midalja tad-deheb fl-2021 ta’ 400m, Ahmed Hafnaoui.
Iż-żagħżugħ ta’ 21 sena qal fit-8 ta’ Mejju li kien qed isofri minn injury mhux speċifikat u jista’ ma jikkompetix f’Pariġi.
Il-President Kais Saied tela’ fil-poter fl-2019 u f’Lulju 2022 it-Tuneżini vvutaw biex jagħtuh poteri ġodda kbar f’mossa li l-kritiċi qalu li rriskja r-ritorn ta’ ħakma awtoritarja fil-pajjiż.
Is-Sur Saied iġġustifika l-azzjonijiet tiegħu billi qal li kellu bżonn poteri ġodda biex ikisser ċiklu ta’ paraliżi politika u tħassir ekonomiku.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
世界反興奮劑機構於4 月30 日宣布禁令,表示突尼斯將不會舉辦重大體育賽事,並被禁止在體育賽事中懸掛突尼斯國旗,包括即將於7 月和8 月在巴黎舉行的巴黎奧運會和殘奧會,除非突尼斯遵守修訂後的全球反興奮劑條例。
5 月 3 日,突尼斯體育部宣布,作為對制裁的回應,已發布一項法令,要求遵守新準則,並敦促採取“快速程序”,以確保在奧運會和殘奧會之前取消制裁。
突尼斯擁有一位奧運游泳衛冕冠軍、2021 年 400 公尺自由式金牌得主艾哈邁德·哈夫納維 (Ahmed Hafnaoui)。
這位 21 歲的球員於 5 月 8 日表示,他因傷勢不明,可能無法參加巴黎比賽。
凱斯·賽義德總統於 2019 年上台,突尼斯人於 2022 年 7 月投票賦予他全面的新權力,批評者稱此舉可能導致該國恢復獨裁統治。

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受上帝的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳的電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
"Tunesische Beamte im Streit um Flaggenpräsentation festgenommen
Staatsanwälte in Tunesien haben sieben weitere Sportfunktionäre festgenommen, weil sie am Freitag bei einem Schwimmwettbewerb die Nationalflagge nicht gezeigt hatten.
Die Leiter des tunesischen Schwimmverbandes und der nationalen Anti-Doping-Agentur wurden am Samstag festgenommen, nachdem Präsident Kais Saied mit Wut auf deren Abwesenheit reagiert hatte.
Am Montag wurden sieben weitere Beamte vorgeladen.
Als Reaktion auf Sanktionen der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (Wada), die die tunesische Flagge von Wettbewerben verboten hatte, wurde sie am Freitag während einer vom nationalen Schwimmverband organisierten Meisterschaft im Olympiabecken von Radès abgedeckt.
Stunden nach dem Vorfall besuchte Herr Saied das Schwimmbad, hisste die Flagge und sang die Nationalhymne.
Er nannte das Verhüllen der Flagge einen „Akt der Aggression“ und erklärte: „Tunesien kann das nicht tolerieren.“
Bei einem Treffen mit Premierminister Ahmed Hachani und anderen Kabinettsmitgliedern sagte Herr Saied: „Tunesien steht vor dem Olympischen Komitee und vor allen anderen Komitees.“
In einer Erklärung in den frühen Morgenstunden des Samstags gab das tunesische Jugend- und Sportministerium die Auflösung des Vorstands des Schwimmverbandes sowie die Entlassung des Leiters der tunesischen Anti-Doping-Agentur Anad und eines in Ben Arous ansässigen Sportfunktionärs bekannt , in der Nähe von Tunis.
Die Entscheidung folgte den „Anweisungen“ von Präsident Saied, „sofort Maßnahmen ... gegen diejenigen zu ergreifen, die für den Vorfall, die Nationalflagge zu verstecken, verantwortlich sind“, heißt es in der Erklärung.
Herr Saied kontrolliert fast alle Machthebel in Tunesien.
Bei der Ankündigung des Verbots am 30. April sagte die Wada, dass Tunesien keine großen Sportveranstaltungen ausrichten werde und es ihm untersagt sei, seine Flagge bei Sportveranstaltungen, einschließlich der bevorstehenden Olympischen und Paralympischen Spiele in Paris im Juli und August, zu hissen, bis es die überarbeiteten globalen Anti-Verstöße eingehalten habe -Dopingcode im Jahr 2021 eingeführt.
Am 3. Mai gab das tunesische Sportministerium bekannt, dass es als Reaktion auf die Sanktionen ein Dekret erlassen habe, das die Einhaltung des neuen Kodex vorschreibe, und drängte auf „beschleunigte Verfahren“, um sicherzustellen, dass die Sanktionen vor den Olympischen und Paralympischen Spielen aufgehoben würden.
Die Sanktionen wurden noch nicht aufgehoben.
Tunesien hat einen amtierenden Olympiasieger im Schwimmen, den Goldmedaillengewinner über 400 m Freistil 2021, Ahmed Hafnaoui.
Der 21-Jährige sagte am 8. Mai, dass er an einer nicht näher bezeichneten Verletzung leide und möglicherweise nicht in Paris antreten werde.
Präsident Kais Saied kam 2019 an die Macht und im Juli 2022 stimmten die Tunesier dafür, ihm weitreichende neue Befugnisse zu übertragen, was Kritikern zufolge die Rückkehr einer autoritären Herrschaft im Land riskierte.
Herr Saied rechtfertigte sein Vorgehen damit, dass er neue Befugnisse benötige, um den Kreislauf aus politischer Lähmung und wirtschaftlichem Verfall zu durchbrechen.

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
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2024.05.13 23:13 sinomaltanews "Intervención tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

"Intervención tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado):
Convertirse en católico le dará una base sólida para su destino eterno. La fe católica representa el sistema de ideas más complejo, consistente y completo entre todas las filosofías en competencia de la humanidad. Es una verdadera catedral del pensamiento humano. La Iglesia Católica enseña que Dios nos ama tanto que envió a su único Hijo para morir por nuestros pecados y resucitar para nuestra salvación. Al creer en Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, podemos recibir la gracia de Dios y vivir con Él para siempre en el cielo. -
Radio María Gran China (China continental, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwán) - - “Radio María es un regalo de Nuestra Señora. A través de la programación, de cada producto editorial y de todas nuestras actividades, debemos ser una radio de oración y evangelización con una fuerte impronta mariana y un llamado a la conversión”. (P. Livio)
Radio María responde a la continua invitación de Jesús: “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Los principales temas de nuestra programación son:
La llamada a la conversión;
Formación humana y social;
Noticias de la Iglesia y la sociedad.
VisitMalta: ¡Obtén toda la información que necesitas para tu viaje a Malta! ¡Reserve boletos, descubra nuevos lugares para visitar, encuentre cosas increíbles para hacer y más! -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Intervent tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
"Intervent tal-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Bernard Grech fil-Parlament

Ofertas Amazon de hoje (afiliado) -
Tornar-se católico lhe dará uma base sólida para o seu destino eterno. A fé católica representa o sistema de ideias mais complexo, consistente e completo entre todas as filosofias concorrentes da humanidade. É uma verdadeira catedral do pensamento humano. A Igreja Católica ensina que Deus nos ama tanto que enviou seu único Filho para morrer pelos nossos pecados e ressuscitar para a nossa salvação. Ao crer em Jesus Cristo como nosso Senhor e Salvador, podemos receber a graça de Deus e viver com ele para sempre no céu. -
Rádio Maria Grande China (China Continental, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “A Rádio Maria é um presente de Nossa Senhora. Através da programação, de cada produto editorial e de todas as nossas atividades, devemos ser uma rádio de oração e evangelização com forte cunho mariano e apelo à conversão”. (Pe. Lívio)
A Rádio Maria responde ao convite contínuo de Jesus: “Ide por todo o mundo e anunciai o Evangelho a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Os principais temas da nossa programação são:
O chamado à conversão;
Formação humana e social;
Notícias da Igreja e da sociedade.
VisitMalta: Obtenha todas as informações que você precisa para sua viagem a Malta! Reserve ingressos, descubra novos lugares para visitar, encontre coisas incríveis para fazer e muito mais! -
Isenção de responsabilidade: este site é apenas para fins informativos e não deve ser considerado aconselhamento jurídico [de saúde, impostos, profissão]. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas, danos ou responsabilidades que possam surgir do uso deste blog. Este blog não tem como objetivo substituir o aconselhamento médico profissional. As opiniões expressas neste blog podem não ser as do anfitrião ou da gerência.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:10 sinomaltanews "Grech pide a Abela que elija por una vez la nación

"Grech pide a Abela que elija por una vez la nación
El líder del Partido Nacionalista, Bernard Grech, ha pedido al primer ministro Robert Abela que elija la nación por una vez.
En una actividad del partido en Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Grech advirtió al líder laborista que desistiera de proteger a su deshonrado predecesor y atacara al poder judicial de Malta, a las organizaciones estudiantiles y a los periodistas.
“No quedes atrapado en el trato con el diablo en el que has entrado. Elige el interés nacional, elige el interés de la nación, elige el interés del país, por una vez”, instó Grech a Abela.
Subrayó que el pueblo tiene derecho a saber toda la verdad y prometió que “el Partido Nacionalista se asegurará de que la verdad salga a la luz para que la nación vea por sí misma quién les robó millones”.
El país está pasando por una fase delicada y también peligrosa, dijo Grech a los partidarios reunidos en Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
“Si hay alguien, si hay al menos una persona que piensa que estamos contentos con lo que está pasando en nuestro país, no ha entendido lo que estamos pasando y que esto nunca debería haber sucedido en primer lugar”. Grech dijo en relación con el acuerdo fraudulento con los hospitales.
“Esto es lo que pasa cuando se hace un trato con el diablo”, afirmó el líder de la oposición, y acusó a Abela de estar atrapado entre la espada y la pared.
“Corres el riesgo de hundir a todo el país contigo”, acusó Grech.
El líder del PN se refirió a lo que ocurrió en el Parlamento el lunes, cuando los diputados de la oposición abandonaron el Parlamento el lunes por la tarde después de que el presidente Anġlu Farrugia rechazara su solicitud de un debate parlamentario urgente sobre la publicación – o la falta de él – de las conclusiones condenatorias del informe. investigación sobre hospitales dirigida por la magistrada Gabriella Vella que está llevando a la acusación contra el ex primer ministro Joseph Muscat.
“Abela se negó a discutir si la investigación magistral debía hacerse pública. Sin embargo, hemos dejado clara nuestra postura. La verdad inevitablemente saldrá a la luz, y cuanto más demores su publicación, más daño le infligirás al país”, advirtió Grech a Abela, y agregó, “la gente no permitirá que arrastres a todo el país contigo”.
“Abela es esclavo del trato con criminales, corruptos y estafadores”, dijo Grech.
El exdirigente del PN Adrián Delia dijo a los simpatizantes del partido que Abela miente. En un encendido discurso el martes, Delia dijo: “estos son tiempos sin precedentes y debemos actuar”.
El ministro de Salud en la sombra hizo referencia a las declaraciones de Abela el martes cuando dijo a los periodistas que ""preguntaran a Delia"" quién es el ""sistema"".
Rechazó la sugerencia de Abela diciendo: “Les diré quién fue el establishment en los últimos 10 años: Muscat, Schembri, Cardona, Scicluna, Fearne, Abela y el gabinete de Muscat fueron el establishment”.
Delia fue líder del PN durante tres años turbulentos durante los cuales el partido estuvo atormentado por luchas internas.

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado):
Convertirse en católico le dará una base sólida para su destino eterno. La fe católica representa el sistema de ideas más complejo, consistente y completo entre todas las filosofías en competencia de la humanidad. Es una verdadera catedral del pensamiento humano. La Iglesia Católica enseña que Dios nos ama tanto que envió a su único Hijo para morir por nuestros pecados y resucitar para nuestra salvación. Al creer en Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, podemos recibir la gracia de Dios y vivir con Él para siempre en el cielo. -
Radio María Gran China (China continental, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwán) - - “Radio María es un regalo de Nuestra Señora. A través de la programación, de cada producto editorial y de todas nuestras actividades, debemos ser una radio de oración y evangelización con una fuerte impronta mariana y un llamado a la conversión”. (P. Livio)
Radio María responde a la continua invitación de Jesús: “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Los principales temas de nuestra programación son:
La llamada a la conversión;
Formación humana y social;
Noticias de la Iglesia y la sociedad.
VisitMalta: ¡Obtén toda la información que necesitas para tu viaje a Malta! ¡Reserve boletos, descubra nuevos lugares para visitar, encuentre cosas increíbles para hacer y más! -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Grech fordert Abela auf, sich einmal für die Nation zu entscheiden
Der Vorsitzende der Nationalistischen Partei, Bernard Grech, hat Premierminister Robert Abela aufgefordert, sich einmal für die Nation zu entscheiden.
Bei einer Parteiveranstaltung in Ħaż-Żebbuġ warnte Grech den Labour-Chef, seinen in Ungnade gefallenen Vorgänger nicht mehr zu schützen und Maltas Justiz, Studentenorganisationen und Journalisten anzugreifen.
„Lassen Sie sich nicht auf den Deal mit dem Teufel ein, den Sie eingegangen sind. Wählen Sie das nationale Interesse, wählen Sie das Interesse der Nation, wählen Sie einmal das Interesse des Landes“, forderte Grech Abela auf.
Er betonte, dass die Menschen ein Recht darauf haben, die ganze Wahrheit zu erfahren, und versprach, dass die „Nationalistische Partei dafür sorgen wird, dass die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt, damit die Nation selbst sehen kann, wer ihnen Millionen gestohlen hat.“
Das Land befinde sich in einer heiklen Phase, es sei auch eine gefährliche Phase, sagte Grech den in Ħaż-Żebbuġ versammelten Parteianhängern.
„Wenn es jemanden gibt, wenn es mindestens eine Person gibt, die denkt, dass wir mit dem, was in unserem Land passiert, zufrieden sind, dann hat er nicht verstanden, was wir durchmachen, und dass das überhaupt nicht hätte passieren dürfen.“ sagte Grech im Zusammenhang mit dem betrügerischen Krankenhausdeal.
„Das passiert, wenn man einen Deal mit dem Teufel macht“, sagte der Oppositionsführer und warf Abela vor, in einer Zwickmühle zu stecken.
„Sie riskieren, das ganze Land mit in den Abgrund zu reißen“, warf Grech vor.
Der PN-Führer verwies auf das, was am Montag im Parlament passierte, als die Oppositionsabgeordneten am Montagabend das Parlament verließen, nachdem Sprecher Anġlu Farrugia seinen Antrag auf eine dringende parlamentarische Debatte über die Veröffentlichung – oder das Fehlen einer solchen – der vernichtenden Schlussfolgerungen des Parlaments abgelehnt hatte Untersuchung von Krankenhäusern unter Leitung der Richterin Gabriella Vella, die zur Anklage gegen den ehemaligen Premierminister Joseph Muscat führt.
„Abela lehnte es ab, darüber zu diskutieren, ob die gerichtliche Untersuchung veröffentlicht werden sollte. Wir haben jedoch unsere Haltung klar zum Ausdruck gebracht. Die Wahrheit wird unweigerlich ans Licht kommen, und je länger Sie ihre Veröffentlichung hinauszögern, desto mehr Schaden werden Sie dem Land zufügen“, warnte Grech Abela und fügte hinzu: „Die Menschen werden nicht zulassen, dass Sie das ganze Land mit sich schleppen.“
„Abela ist ein Sklave des Deals mit Kriminellen, Korrupten und Betrügern“, sagte Grech.
Der frühere PN-Chef Adrian Delia sagte den Parteianhängern, dass Abela lüge. In einer flammenden Rede am Dienstag sagte Delia: „Dies sind beispiellose Zeiten und wir müssen handeln.“
Der Schattenminister für Gesundheit verwies auf Abelas Äußerungen vom Dienstag zuvor, als er Journalisten aufforderte, „Delia zu fragen“, wer das „Establishment“ sei.
Er lehnte Abelas Vorschlag ab und sagte: „Ich sage Ihnen, wer das Establishment in den letzten zehn Jahren war: Maskat, Schembri, Cardona, Scicluna, Fearne, Abela und das Kabinett Maskat waren das Establishment.“
Delia war drei turbulente Jahre lang PN-Vorsitzende, in denen die Partei von internen Machtkämpfen erschüttert wurde.

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
"Grech pede a Abela que escolha a nação pela primeira vez
O líder do Partido Nacionalista, Bernard Grech, apelou ao primeiro-ministro Robert Abela para escolher a nação pela primeira vez.
Falando numa actividade partidária em Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Grech alertou o líder trabalhista para desistir de proteger o seu antecessor desgraçado e atacar o poder judiciário de Malta, as organizações estudantis e os jornalistas.
“Não permaneça preso ao acordo com o diabo que você fez. Escolha o interesse nacional, escolha o interesse da nação, escolha o interesse do país, pelo menos uma vez”, instou Grech a Abela.
Ele sublinhou que o povo tem o direito de saber toda a verdade e prometeu que o “Partido Nacionalista garantirá que a verdade será revelada para que a nação veja por si mesma quem roubou milhões deles”.
O país atravessa uma fase delicada, mas também uma fase perigosa, disse Grech aos apoiantes do partido reunidos em Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
“Se há alguém, se há pelo menos uma pessoa que pensa que estamos felizes com o que está acontecendo em nosso país, não entendeu o que estamos passando e que isso nunca deveria ter acontecido”, disse. Grech disse em conexão com o acordo fraudulento com hospitais.
“Isso é o que acontece quando você faz um acordo com o diabo”, disse o líder da oposição, e acusou Abela de estar preso entre uma rocha e uma posição difícil.
“Você está arriscando derrubar o país inteiro com você”, acusou Grech.
O líder do PN referiu-se ao que aconteceu no Parlamento na segunda-feira, quando os deputados da oposição abandonaram o Parlamento na noite de segunda-feira, depois de o presidente Anġlu Farrugia ter recusado o seu pedido de um debate parlamentar urgente sobre a publicação - ou a falta dele - das conclusões contundentes do inquérito hospitalar liderado pela magistrada Gabriella Vella, que está levando à acusação do ex-primeiro-ministro Joseph Muscat.
“Abela recusou-se a discutir se o inquérito magisterial deveria ser tornado público. No entanto, deixamos nossa posição clara. A verdade inevitavelmente virá à tona, e quanto mais você atrasar a sua publicação, mais danos você infligirá ao país”, alertou Grech Abela, acrescentando: “o povo não permitirá que você arraste o país inteiro com você”.
“Abela é escrava do acordo com criminosos, corruptos e fraudadores”, disse Grech.
O ex-líder do PN Adrian Delia disse aos apoiantes do partido que Abela está a mentir. Num discurso inflamado na terça-feira, Delia disse: “estes são tempos sem precedentes e precisamos agir”.
O ministro paralelo da Saúde fez referência às declarações de Abela na terça-feira, quando disse aos jornalistas para “perguntarem a Delia” quem é o “sistema”.
Ele rejeitou a sugestão de Abela, dizendo: “Vou lhe dizer quem foi o establishment nos últimos 10 anos: Muscat, Schembri, Cardona, Scicluna, Fearne, Abela e o gabinete de Muscat eram o establishment.”
Delia foi líder do PN durante três anos turbulentos, durante os quais o partido foi assolado por lutas internas.

Ofertas Amazon de hoje (afiliado) -
Tornar-se católico lhe dará uma base sólida para o seu destino eterno. A fé católica representa o sistema de ideias mais complexo, consistente e completo entre todas as filosofias concorrentes da humanidade. É uma verdadeira catedral do pensamento humano. A Igreja Católica ensina que Deus nos ama tanto que enviou seu único Filho para morrer pelos nossos pecados e ressuscitar para a nossa salvação. Ao crer em Jesus Cristo como nosso Senhor e Salvador, podemos receber a graça de Deus e viver com ele para sempre no céu. -
Rádio Maria Grande China (China Continental, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “A Rádio Maria é um presente de Nossa Senhora. Através da programação, de cada produto editorial e de todas as nossas atividades, devemos ser uma rádio de oração e evangelização com forte cunho mariano e apelo à conversão”. (Pe. Lívio)
A Rádio Maria responde ao convite contínuo de Jesus: “Ide por todo o mundo e anunciai o Evangelho a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Os principais temas da nossa programação são:
O chamado à conversão;
Formação humana e social;
Notícias da Igreja e da sociedade.
VisitMalta: Obtenha todas as informações que você precisa para sua viagem a Malta! Reserve ingressos, descubra novos lugares para visitar, encontre coisas incríveis para fazer e muito mais! -
Isenção de responsabilidade: este site é apenas para fins informativos e não deve ser considerado aconselhamento jurídico [de saúde, impostos, profissão]. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas, danos ou responsabilidades que possam surgir do uso deste blog. Este blog não tem como objetivo substituir o aconselhamento médico profissional. As opiniões expressas neste blog podem não ser as do anfitrião ou da gerência.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:07 sinomaltanews "La oposición abandona el Parlamento después de que el presidente negara la solicitud para discutir la investigación de Vitals

"La oposición abandona el Parlamento después de que el presidente negara la solicitud para discutir la investigación de Vitals
El presidente del Parlamento ha denegado la petición del presidente de la oposición, Bernard Grech, de que el Parlamento debata urgentemente la investigación Vitals. En respuesta, la oposición abandonó el Parlamento en protesta.
Al comienzo de la sesión, el líder de la oposición pidió que la Cámara de Representantes levantara la sesión para discutir la publicación de la investigación.
Dijo que el Primer Ministro tiene acceso a la investigación y en sus comentarios indicó que sabe lo que contiene, al tiempo que señaló que el Primer Ministro atacó a la magistrada Gabriella Vella que manejó la investigación y dijo que era el Primer Ministro quien elige quién debería haber acceso a él.
El Dr. Grech dijo que se trata de una cuestión de importancia nacional y urgente porque la gente tiene derecho a saber lo que contiene y el primer ministro no puede quebrar la confianza del público en el poder judicial.
El Primer Ministro Robert Abela respondió diciendo que si era necesario confirmar que esto no era más que un ejercicio político partidista, así lo demostraba la declaración del Dr. Grech.
Dijo que esta solicitud era una forma para que la oposición intentara ganar ventaja política y dijo que lleva mucho tiempo diciendo que el Fiscal General debería publicar la investigación lo antes posible.
El Primer Ministro negó estar en posesión de la investigación y mencionó que había un exdiputado de la oposición que siempre sabía de antemano cuándo se realizarían registros en relación con la investigación.
Añadió que con lo que dice la oposición la Cámara acabaría asumiendo poderes que hasta ahora sólo pertenecen al AG y afirmó que el Parlamento no puede participar en un ejercicio que va en contra de las propias leyes que él mismo ha promulgado.
El Dr. Grech respondió que el Primer Ministro no quiere que el Parlamento popular debata, pero quiere que las conclusiones queden en sus manos, refiriéndose al Primer Ministro como el establishment.
El Primer Ministro refutó refiriéndose al ex líder de la oposición y del PN, Adrian Delia, y le dijo que fue el establishment el que lo destituyó de su cargo y, en cambio, puso al Dr. Grech en su lugar.
El Dr. Delia reaccionó afirmando que el establishment es quien habla a favor de la salud de los malteses y luego realiza el mayor fraude contra el pueblo.
El presidente Anġlu Farrugia suspendió la sesión hasta que se decidiera sobre la petición del líder de la oposición.
El Portavoz concluyó que no había elementos ni requisitos urgentes para que la Cámara se levantara y celebrara el debate solicitado por la Oposición.
El líder de la oposición respondió que si bien no estaba de acuerdo con esta decisión, dejó claro que no deseaba discutir la investigación desde su aspecto penal y dijo que como oposición iban a retirarse porque el presidente y el gobierno querían callalos.ón-sale-del-parlamento-después-de-el-orador-niega-la-solicitud-para-discutir-la-consulta-de-vitals/

Ofertas de Amazon de hoy (afiliado):
Convertirse en católico le dará una base sólida para su destino eterno. La fe católica representa el sistema de ideas más complejo, consistente y completo entre todas las filosofías en competencia de la humanidad. Es una verdadera catedral del pensamiento humano. La Iglesia Católica enseña que Dios nos ama tanto que envió a su único Hijo para morir por nuestros pecados y resucitar para nuestra salvación. Al creer en Jesucristo como nuestro Señor y Salvador, podemos recibir la gracia de Dios y vivir con Él para siempre en el cielo. -
Radio María Gran China (China continental, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwán) - - “Radio María es un regalo de Nuestra Señora. A través de la programación, de cada producto editorial y de todas nuestras actividades, debemos ser una radio de oración y evangelización con una fuerte impronta mariana y un llamado a la conversión”. (P. Livio)
Radio María responde a la continua invitación de Jesús: “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evangelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Los principales temas de nuestra programación son:
La llamada a la conversión;
Formación humana y social;
Noticias de la Iglesia y la sociedad.
VisitMalta: ¡Obtén toda la información que necesitas para tu viaje a Malta! ¡Reserve boletos, descubra nuevos lugares para visitar, encuentre cosas increíbles para hacer y más! -
Descargo de responsabilidad: este sitio tiene fines informativos únicamente y no debe considerarse asesoramiento legal [de salud, impuestos, profesión]. No somos responsables de ninguna pérdida, daño o responsabilidad que pueda surgir del uso de este blog. Este blog no pretende reemplazar el consejo médico profesional. Las opiniones expresadas en este blog pueden no ser las del anfitrión o la administración.
"Die Opposition verlässt das Parlament, nachdem der Sprecher den Antrag auf Erörterung der Vitals-Untersuchung abgelehnt hat
Der Parlamentspräsident hat einen Antrag des Oppositionssprechers Bernard Grech abgelehnt, das Parlament solle die Vitals-Untersuchung dringend erörtern. Als Reaktion darauf verließ die Opposition aus Protest das Parlament.
Zu Beginn der Sitzung beantragte der Oppositionsführer eine Vertagung des Repräsentantenhauses, um über die Veröffentlichung der Untersuchung zu diskutieren.
Er sagte, dass der Premierminister Zugang zu der Untersuchung habe, und gab in seinen Kommentaren an, dass er wisse, was darin enthalten sei. Gleichzeitig wies er darauf hin, dass der Premierminister Richterin Gabriella Vella angegriffen habe, die die Untersuchung bearbeitet habe, und gesagt habe, dass es der Premierminister sei, der darüber entscheide, wer dies tun solle Zugriff darauf.
Dr. Grech sagte, dass dies eine Angelegenheit von nationaler und dringender Bedeutung sei, da die Menschen ein Recht darauf hätten, zu erfahren, was darin enthalten sei, und der Premierminister das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in die Justiz nicht brechen könne.
Premierminister Robert Abela antwortete mit den Worten, dass die Aussage von Dr. Grech bewiesen habe, dass die Aussage von Dr.
Er sagte, dieser Antrag sei eine Möglichkeit für die Opposition, politisch Einfluss zu gewinnen, und sagte, er habe schon seit langem gesagt, dass der Generalstaatsanwalt die Untersuchung so schnell wie möglich veröffentlichen solle.
Der Premierminister bestritt, im Besitz der Untersuchung zu sein und erwähnte, dass es einen ehemaligen Oppositionsabgeordneten gebe, der immer im Voraus gewusst habe, wann im Zusammenhang mit der Untersuchung Durchsuchungen durchgeführt würden.
Er fügte hinzu, dass das Repräsentantenhaus mit dem, was die Opposition sagt, am Ende die Befugnisse übernehmen würde, die bisher nur der AG zustehen, und dass das Parlament sich nicht an einer Übung beteiligen kann, die gegen die Gesetze verstößt, die es selbst erlassen hat.
Dr. Grech antwortete, dass der Premierminister nicht möchte, dass das Volksparlament debattiert, sondern dass die Schlussfolgerungen in seinen Händen bleiben, wobei er den Premierminister als das Establishment bezeichnet.
Der Premierminister entgegnete, indem er sich auf den ehemaligen Oppositions- und PN-Führer Adrian Delia bezog und ihm sagte, es sei das Establishment gewesen, das ihn von seinem Posten entfernt und stattdessen Dr. Grech an seine Stelle gesetzt habe.
Dr. Delia reagierte mit der Aussage, dass das Establishment die Person ist, die sich für die Gesundheit der Malteser einsetzt und dann den größten Betrug am Volk begeht.
Sprecher Anġlu Farrugia unterbrach die Sitzung, bis er über den Antrag des Oppositionsführers entschieden hatte.
Der Sprecher kam zu dem Schluss, dass es keine dringenden Elemente oder Voraussetzungen für eine Vertagung des Repräsentantenhauses und die Durchführung der von der Opposition geforderten Debatte gebe.
Der Oppositionsführer antwortete, dass er zwar mit dieser Entscheidung nicht einverstanden sei, aber deutlich gemacht habe, dass er die Untersuchung nicht unter ihrem strafrechtlichen Aspekt diskutieren wolle, und sagte, dass sie als Opposition austreten würden, weil der Sprecher und die Regierung dies wollten lass sie ruhig sein.

Die heutigen Amazon-Angebote (Affiliate) –
Wenn Sie katholisch werden, erhalten Sie eine solide Grundlage für Ihre ewige Bestimmung. Der katholische Glaube stellt das komplexeste, konsistenteste und vollständigste Ideensystem unter allen konkurrierenden Philosophien der Menschheit dar. Es ist eine wahre Kathedrale menschlichen Denkens. Die katholische Kirche lehrt, dass Gott uns so sehr liebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn gesandt hat, um für unsere Sünden zu sterben und für unsere Erlösung wieder aufzuerstehen. Indem wir an Jesus Christus als unseren Herrn und Erlöser glauben, können wir Gottes Gnade empfangen und für immer mit ihm im Himmel leben. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Festlandchina, Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan) – – „Radio Maria ist ein Geschenk Unserer Lieben Frau. Durch die Programmierung, jedes redaktionelle Produkt und alle unsere Aktivitäten müssen wir ein Radiosender des Gebets und der Evangelisierung mit einer starken marianischen Prägung und einem Aufruf zur Umkehr sein.“ (P. Livio)
Radio Maria antwortet auf die ständige Einladung Jesu: „Geht hinaus in die ganze Welt und verkündet das Evangelium allen Geschöpfen“ (Mk 16,15).
Die Hauptthemen unserer Programmierung sind:
Der Aufruf zur Bekehrung;
Menschliche und soziale Bildung;
Nachrichten aus Kirche und Gesellschaft.
VisitMalta: Holen Sie sich alle Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Reise nach Malta benötigen! Buchen Sie Tickets, entdecken Sie neue Sehenswürdigkeiten, finden Sie tolle Aktivitäten und vieles mehr! -
Haftungsausschluss: Diese Website dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Rechtsberatung [Gesundheit, Steuern, Beruf] betrachtet werden. Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Verluste, Schäden oder Verbindlichkeiten, die aus der Nutzung dieses Blogs entstehen können. Dieser Blog soll keine professionelle medizinische Beratung ersetzen. Die in diesem Blog geäußerten Ansichten stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit denen des Gastgebers oder des Managements überein.
"Oposição sai do Parlamento depois que o presidente nega pedido para discutir o inquérito Vitals
O Presidente do Parlamento negou um pedido do Presidente da Oposição, Bernard Grech, para que o Parlamento discutisse urgentemente o inquérito Vitals. Em resposta, a oposição saiu do Parlamento em protesto.
No início da sessão, o líder da oposição solicitou o encerramento da Câmara dos Representantes para discutir a publicação do inquérito.
Ele disse que o PM tem acesso ao inquérito e em seus comentários indicou que sabe o que ele contém ao mesmo tempo em que apontou que o PM atacou a magistrada Gabriella Vella que conduziu o inquérito e disse que foi o PM quem escolheu quem deveria ter acesso a ele.
O Dr. Grech disse que esta é uma questão de importância nacional e urgente porque as pessoas têm o direito de saber o que contém e o PM não pode quebrar a confiança do público no judiciário.
O PM Robert Abela respondeu dizendo que se houvesse alguma necessidade de confirmar que se tratava apenas de um exercício político partidário, isso foi comprovado pela declaração do Dr. Grech.
Disse que este pedido era uma forma de a Oposição tentar ganhar terreno político e disse que há muito que afirma que o Procurador-Geral deve publicar o inquérito o mais rapidamente possível.
O PM negou estar na posse do inquérito e referiu que havia um ex-deputado da oposição que sempre sabia de antemão quando haveria buscas no âmbito do inquérito.
Acrescentou que com o que a Oposição diz, a Câmara acabaria por assumir os poderes que até agora só pertencem à AG e disse que o Parlamento não pode participar num exercício que vai contra as próprias leis que ele próprio promulgou.
O Dr. Grech respondeu que o Primeiro-Ministro não quer que o Parlamento popular debata, mas quer que as conclusões permaneçam nas suas mãos, referindo-se ao Primeiro-Ministro como o establishment.
O primeiro-ministro refutou referindo-se ao antigo líder da oposição e do PN, Adrian Delia, e disse-lhe que foi o sistema que o removeu do seu cargo e, em vez disso, colocou o Dr. Grech no seu lugar.
A Dra. Delia reagiu dizendo que o establishment é quem fala a favor da saúde dos malteses e depois comete a maior fraude contra o povo.
O presidente da Câmara, Anġlu Farrugia, suspendeu a sessão até decidir sobre o pedido do líder da oposição.
O Presidente concluiu que não existiam elementos ou requisitos urgentes para que a Câmara fosse encerrada e realizasse o debate solicitado pela Oposição.
O líder da oposição respondeu que embora não concordasse com esta decisão, deixou claro que não pretendia discutir o inquérito sob a sua vertente criminal e disse que, como oposição, iriam abandonar porque o Presidente e o Governo queriam cale-os.

Ofertas Amazon de hoje (afiliado) -
Tornar-se católico lhe dará uma base sólida para o seu destino eterno. A fé católica representa o sistema de ideias mais complexo, consistente e completo entre todas as filosofias concorrentes da humanidade. É uma verdadeira catedral do pensamento humano. A Igreja Católica ensina que Deus nos ama tanto que enviou seu único Filho para morrer pelos nossos pecados e ressuscitar para a nossa salvação. Ao crer em Jesus Cristo como nosso Senhor e Salvador, podemos receber a graça de Deus e viver com ele para sempre no céu. -
Rádio Maria Grande China (China Continental, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “A Rádio Maria é um presente de Nossa Senhora. Através da programação, de cada produto editorial e de todas as nossas atividades, devemos ser uma rádio de oração e evangelização com forte cunho mariano e apelo à conversão”. (Pe. Lívio)
A Rádio Maria responde ao convite contínuo de Jesus: “Ide por todo o mundo e anunciai o Evangelho a toda criatura” (Mc 16,15).
Os principais temas da nossa programação são:
O chamado à conversão;
Formação humana e social;
Notícias da Igreja e da sociedade.
VisitMalta: Obtenha todas as informações que você precisa para sua viagem a Malta! Reserve ingressos, descubra novos lugares para visitar, encontre coisas incríveis para fazer e muito mais! -
Isenção de responsabilidade: este site é apenas para fins informativos e não deve ser considerado aconselhamento jurídico [de saúde, impostos, profissão]. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas, danos ou responsabilidades que possam surgir do uso deste blog. Este blog não tem como objetivo substituir o aconselhamento médico profissional. As opiniões expressas neste blog podem não ser as do anfitrião ou da gerência.
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:33 Silikonpinsel Börse: Positive Signale für den A-Aktien-Markt

Die Erholung der im Ausland notierten chinesischen Aktien während der Maifeiertage sei ein gutes Zeichen für die Wiedereröffnung des A-Aktienmarktes am Montag und deute auf das wachsende Interesse der globalen Anleger an chinesischen Unternehmen, erklären chinesische Börsenexperten. Insbesondere fortschrittliche Hersteller würden profitieren, werten sie.
Chris Liu, ein leitender Portfoliomanager bei der globalen Investment-Management-Gesellschaft Invesco, sagte, er sei optimistisch, was die Entwicklung chinesischer Aktien für den Rest des zweiten Quartals angehe. Die politischen Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der wirtschaftlichen Erholung würden angesichts der Erwartung von Zinssenkungen in den Vereinigten Staaten, die dazu beitragen würden, mehr globale Liquidität in chinesische Aktien zu bringen, fortgesetzt, erklärte er.
„Chinas Wirtschaftsdaten zeigen Anzeichen einer Stabilisierung, was das Vertrauen sowohl inländischer als auch ausländischer Investoren erheblich gestärkt hat“, sagte Liu.
Nach dem besser als erwarteten Wirtschaftswachstum in China im ersten Quartal setzte sich die wirtschaftliche Erholung des Landes im April fort, wobei der offizielle Einkaufsmanagerindex für das verarbeitende Gewerbe bei 50,4 lag. Das ist weniger als im März mit 50,8, aber immer noch im expansiven Bereich.
Auf einer Sitzung am Dienstag forderte das Politbüro des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas die Erforschung von Strategien und Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Wohnungsbestands und den flexiblen Einsatz politischer Instrumente wie Zinssätze und Mindestreservesatz.
Unter den Anlagemöglichkeiten, die chinesische Aktien bieten, sei Invesco besonders optimistisch für die Sektoren Kupfer, Pharmazie und Robotik, erklärte Liu.
Invesco ist nicht der einzige ausländische institutionelle Investor, der so optimistisch ist. Laut dem Marktbeobachter Wind Info flossen in den letzten drei Monaten 94,19 Milliarden Yuan (13 Milliarden US-Dollar) an ausländischem Kapital in A-Aktien über den nordwärts gerichteten Handel im Rahmen des Stock-Connect-Programms, das die Märkte in Shanghai und Shenzhen mit dem Markt in Hongkong verbindet.
Contemporary Amperex Technology, Chinas führender Hersteller von Fahrzeugbatterien, verzeichnete einen Nettoeinkauf aus dem Ausland in Höhe von 8,94 Milliarden Yuan.
Experten erläuterten, die Daten zeigten, dass das internationale Kapital von der wachsenden Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der grünen Fertigungsindustrie Chinas profitiert habe.
Channel Yeung, Marktanalyst bei der Finanzhandelsplattform FXTM, erklärte, dass der Vorstoß für chinesische börsennotierte Unternehmen, die Dividendenausschüttungen und Aktienrückkäufe zu erhöhen, geduldiges ausländisches Kapital in den A-Aktienmarkt locken werden.
Bei einer effektiven Umsetzung, „können wir eine robuste langfristige Performance des Marktes für A-Aktien erwarten“, analysiert Yeung.
submitted by Silikonpinsel to Wirtschaftsweise [link] [comments]


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submitted by SINIKO_HONGKONG to u/SINIKO_HONGKONG [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 10:44 djminger007 BTC Singapore

BTC Singapore
Being a L2 or a sidechain to BTC as i personally prefer, means we get to mingle with the BTC crew. Very welcome in my books. Here's a Nervos sponsored event coming up;
About Event
​Bitcoin Sinagpore is a one-day conference focused on the latest developments in the Bitcoin community and dispel the myths that Ethereum had imposed on us in the past. Join experts and enthusiasts as we explore Bitcoin's past, present, and future.
​The topics of conversation centered on Bitcoin, covering technological progress, new product ideas, and different cultural characteristics. The format is mainly individual talks, supplemented by panel discussion at the end.
​This gathering is perfect for Bitcoin enthusiasts seeking insights from industry veterans and peers. Connect with like-minded individuals, exchange knowledge, and pave the way for Bitcoin's future. Don't miss out on networking opportunities and engaging discussions.
​Join us to celebrate Bitcoin's growth and spark new conversations.

​Basic information

Date: 9 March 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00-20:00
Venue: Distrii Amphitheatre (2F, 9 Raffles Place, Republic Plaza, Singapore 048619)
Participation method: The activity is mainly by invitation, with a small number of external places open.


​12:00-12:30 Registration
​12:30-12:35 Opening
​12:35-12:50 Opening Speech: Matt Quinn (Executive Director, Nervos Foundation): Why We Follow Satoshi?
​12:50-13:10 Jeffrey Hu (Tech Lead, HashKey Capital): Covenants
​13:10-13:30 Mi Zeng (Contributor, BTCStudy): The Current Situation and Future of Self-custody Wallets
​13:30-13:50 Octoshi (Bitcoiner): User Experience and Optimization of Lightning Network or LSPS
​13:50-14:10 Ben77 (Founder, Discooco Labs & Contributor, TaprootAssets): Client Validation Protocols and Assets
​14:10-14:30 Shaoping Zhang (Co-Founder, Spark Pool): Ecash
​14:30-14:50 Philipp Hoenisch (Founder, 10101 Finance): Discreet Log Contracts DLC
​14:50-15:20 Tea Break
​15:20-15:40 Super Testnet (Freelance Dev Focused on BTC): BitVM
​15:40-16:00 Ren Zhang (Vanguard, Cryptape & Researcher, Nervos): PoW vs. PoS
​16:00-16:20 Yilin Hu (Associate Professor, Tsinghua University & Founder, Hesuan Dao): Bitcoin as Digital Terrain
​16:20-16:40 Arnaud (Board Member, LNP/BP Association): RGB Asset Protocol
​16:40-17:00 Cipher Wang (Founder, CELL Studio & Author, RGB++ Protocol): Overview and Prospects of the RGB++ Protocol
​17:00-17:20 Retric Su (Developer Advocate, Cryptape): The Current Status and Issues of Nostr's Ecological Development
​17:20-18:00 Panel: Challenges and Difficulties Faced by Chinese Builders in the BTC Ecosystem, Moderator: BMAN (Co-Founder & Managing Partner, ABCDE), Jan Xie (Chief, Cryptape Architect, Nervos)
​18:00-20:00 Dinner & Social Network

​About the Organizer:

​Nervos Foundation

​The Nervos Foundation’s mission is to bootstrap a thriving ecosystem around CKB, an open-source public blockchain ecosystem. Its goal is to create a peer-to-peer (P2P) crypto-economy network where users can access a wide range of provably secure blockchain services and capabilities.
​The Nervos mainnet launched in November 2019 with a novel dual-layer architecture. There’s a base layer where the consensus mechanism operates and smart assets are stored, and a computation layer where transactions are processed.
​The base layer, also known as the Common Knowledge Base, has its own cryptocurrency called CKByte (CKB). It uses the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism and drives the Nervos ecosystem. It is used to pay miners for keeping the network safe, managing network resources, and letting users store things on the network.


​ABCDE is a 400m fund co-founded by Huobi cofounder Du Jun and former Internet&crypto founder BMAN. Before ABCDE, we have built multi-billion dollar companies in Crypto from the ground up, including HongKong listed companies with crypto licenses(01611.HK), exchanges(Huobi), SAAS companies(, media(, and developers platforms(
LocationDistrii Singapore9 Raffles Place, Republic Plaza, Singapore 048619
submitted by djminger007 to NervosNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 17:56 JetServiceNL Where to go next?

Help! Je wil op reis, maar je weet niet waarheen? Er zijn zoveel mooie bestemmingen waar je heen kan, dichtbij maar natuurlijk ook ver weg. Zelfs de wat minder bekende bestemmingen; ook daar kunnen wij je naar toe vliegen!
Daarom laten wij zien wat er voor mooie plekken op de wereld zijn waar wij jou heen kunnen brengen. De Malediven, Seychellen en Filipijnen zijn prachtige, vaak bekende, plekken. Maar wat dacht je van Karimunjawa, Mauritius of Raja Ampat?
Al deze mooie plekken zijn natuurlijk prima te bereiken met een commerciële lijndienst vlucht, maar wat zou je ervan vinden om die lange wachttijden en drukke luchthavens te vermijden? JetServiceNL is niet alleen gespecialiseerd in de verhuur van eigen toestellen, maar kan je ook helpen bij intercontinentale vluchten! Op die manier skip je de drukke luchthavens en lange wachtrijen.
Met een privé jet naar de andere kant van de wereld? Dat kan, maar niet met alle toestellen. Met bijvoorbeeld een Heavy Jet kun je de Atlantische Oceaan oversteken, maar met een Ultra Long Range kun je al richting Azië!
Een Heavy Jet is een groot toestel met ongeveer een bereik van 7.400 kilometer. Een vlucht van Amsterdam naar New York is dus makkelijk haalbaar!
De Ultra Long Range daarentegen gaat nog een stuk verder. Met een bereik van ongeveer 12.000 kilometer vliegt deze privé jet je met gemak naar Singapore!
Skiën in Aspen
Aspen is Amerika's grootste en beroemdste skigebied gelegen in de Rockies. Tussen de dik drieduizend meter toppen is fantastische poedersneeuw, pistes voor jong en oud en een prachtig uitzicht te vinden. Nu vraag je je misschien af: kan ik niet gewoon op het vliegtuig richting de Alpen stappen? Dat kan zeker! Maar er is weldegelijk een verschil. Waar het in de Alpen vaak druk is, zie je dit in Amerika niet snel terug. Er zijn amper wachttijden bij de liften en veel accommodaties liggen op de piste, volgens het befaamde ski-in ski-out principe.
Benieuwd naar de opties om met een privé jet naar Aspen, Colorado te vliegen? Klik dan hier en vraag meer informatie op.
Or do you prefer a city trip to New York?
Deze stad wordt niet voor niets de hoofdstad van de wereld genoemd! New York is een stad vol bezienswaardigheden, cultuur en zelfs natuur. Welk seizoen je ook besluit te gaan, elk heeft zo zijn eigen charme. Met de kerst word je overspoeld door alle kerstverlichting en in de lente kun je heerlijk picknicken in Central Park. Deze stad heeft zo veel te bieden!
Met een Heavy Jet kun je al in 7 á 8 uur met je voeten aan de grond staan en hoef je niet door de lange wachtrijen op de luchthaven. Zo sta je binnen no-time midden op het indrukwekkende Times Square!
Zakenreis naar Hongkong
Het zal geen verrassing zijn, maar vliegen met een privé jet wordt vaak gedaan door zakenreizigers. Zakelijk reizen betekent meestal dat er gewerkt moet worden en dat vraagt om flexibiliteit. Hoe fijn is het dan als je zonder enige problemen je laptop open kan klappen in je jet als je onderweg bent naar een vergadering in een van 's werelds grootste handel steden? Blijkt die vergadering nou ook nog behoorlijk te zijn uitgelopen? Of besluit je last minute toch nog even van het centrum van Hongkong te willen genieten? Dat kan! Wij wachten op je. Moe van al die meetings? Geen zorgen! Tijdens de terugvlucht kun je genieten van een uitgebreide maaltijd en vervolgens kun je met een gerust hart je ogen sluiten op een heerlijk opgemaakt bed.
Strandvakantie naar de Seychellen
Op zoek naar de perfecte bounty stranden voor je jaarlijkse vakantie naar de zon? Of een fantastische bestemming voor je huwelijksreis? Dan zijn de Seychellen dé optie voor jou! De eilanden van de Seychellen zijn nabij perfectie. Met zijn witte zandstranden, azuurblauwe zee en palmbomen is het niet alleen leuk om te relaxen. Nee, want met zijn 115 eilanden kun je er ook geweldig eilandhoppen, hiken en fietsen. Zo kun je activiteit combineren met ontspanning! De Seychellen staan ook bekend om de vele exclusieve accommodaties waar je u tegen zegt. En wat hoort er bij een exclusieve vakantie? Juist, reizen in stijl! Met een Ultra Long Range jet vlieg je er direct naar toe!
Waar je ook naar toe wilt, wij bij JetServiceNL gaan graag voor je op zoek naar de best passende privé jet voor al je (vakantie)wensen. Niks is ons te gek!
Wie zien we de volgende keer bij ons aan boord?
submitted by JetServiceNL to u/JetServiceNL [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 13:17 nod3ls Blockchain SIM and HK stablecoin talk with Conflux Co-Founder Fan Long & Brandon Zemp

Our Co-Founder Fan Long sat down with Brandon Zemp to chat about the latest on Blockchain SIM card, Bitcoin L2 advancements, and the launch of the Hong Kong stablecoin. 🚀
🎙️ For EP. 381, Founder Fan Long talks about the Conflux Network and some exciting new updates!
✅ Conflux Ecosystem
✅ Blockchain SIM Card
✅ HongKong Stable coin
✅ 2024 Roadmap
Available to listen or watch on :
🔗 Spotify:
🔗 YouTube:
submitted by nod3ls to Conflux_Network [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 01:10 Elegant-Driver9331 The Exploitation of the Chinese Proletariat in the Export-Oriented Toy Industry

Recently, I have become interested in the export-oriented toy industry in China: the productive forces and productive relations behind this multi-billion dollar industry. Virtually every corporation in the imperial core has at least some of its supply chain running through China, and especially since China entered the WTO in 2001, Chinese labor has become a critical pillar for the profits acquired by most imperial core bourgeoisie. Furthermore, the high consumption of the imperial core’s population is undergirded by “cheap” imports from the capitalist semi-periphery and periphery, as demonstrated by many Marxist writers such as Zak Cope in his Divided World: Divided Class.
While pursuing this interest, I read many things that I believe would be of interest to the readers. Examples include the vast scale of the Chinese toy industry, overviews of various machines, the rise of Chinese plastic production, how Chinese levels of administration are organized, how the Hukou system works, and how Labor Market Intermediaries are parasites on the Chinese working class. I then end on how the vast exploitation on the Chinese mainland supports the existence of non-value producing workers, labor aristocracy, petite bourgeois, and bourgeoisie in the USA and elsewhere. Finally, even if the reader considers my post boring or wrong in and of itself, it will still show the reader very interesting websites they may have never seen before, such as Import Yeti, OEC, and Simply Wall Street, all of which are free and are fantastic resources for investigating capitalism.
The company I decided to select for analysis, is one US-based toy firm called “Bonkers Toys.”
Founded in 2015 by an individual with toy industry experience, Bonkers is a privately owned toy company based in San Diego, California. Since its foundation, Bonkers has pursued the clever idea of partnering with child-oriented YouTube influencers to sell branded toy merchandise to fans. One of their most successful toy lines was with the English language YouTube channel called Ryan’s World, which has 36 million subscribers and regularly racks up hundreds of thousands of views per video. Bonkers also produces toys for the gamer YouTube channel Aphmau, which has 19 million subscribers, and recently entered into partnership with another channel called “Moriah Elizabeth,” which has nearly 10 million subscribers.
As is common for US-based firms selling consumer goods, Bonkers does not own any factories; rather, they contract out their manufacturing to third parties. In the USA, whenever goods are imported by sea, the bill of lading is automatically considered public information, and remains so unless the importing firm moves to make the bill private. A bill of lading is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper, detailing the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried. Thanks to a website called ImportYeti, which compiles these documents, I am able to see Bonkers Toys’s suppliers, and which port the suppliers ship their goods from.
According to ImportYeti, 100% of Bonkers Toys’s overseas suppliers come from China. When I am able to locate the factory location for these suppliers (not always easy online), it appears that the top suppliers all have their manufacturing based in the metropolitan Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong area, with the corporate offices being listed in Hong Kong and the factories being located on the mainland.
The use of Chinese manufactures by Bonkers Toys is not surprising. The Hong Kong Trade Council Research website writes in a 2023 report that “An estimated 75% of all toys produced worldwide are made in mainland China, with local producers dominating the market…Guangdong is the leader, with manufacturing there centred around Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Shantou’s Chenghai, and Foshan. 30% of the world’s toys are said to be produced in Chenghai, where there are over 10,000 toy enterprises.” HKTC also writes that “The bulk of toy exports are produced for foreign brands on an OEM basis” - OEM standing for Original Equipment Manufacturer, which means that the manufacturer manufactures the product to be sold under another company's brand name.
Luckily for my research purposes, Bonkers Toys’s top supplier is named Sun Wing Ming, and they have a website with detailed explanations and photos of its production process. Sun Wing Ming was founded in 1970, is headquartered in Hong Kong, and operates its factory in the city of Dongguan, Guangdong. Sun Wing Ming made at least 87 sea shipments of product for its client Bonkers Toys since 2018, weighing a total of 755,000 kilograms. I am going to hone in on Sun Wing Ming’s productive process and relations from here on out, breaking my focus into three parts: machines, raw materials, and then labor. Finally, I will follow the journey of the finished product, and how the entire distribution process of Sun Wing’s Ming’s goods relies on expropriated surplus value from the Chinese proletariat. Each of these three parts will be extensive, so skip ahead if one part interests you more than the others.

Sun Wing Ming’s Machines

In this section and at the beginning of the second section, I rely on ChatGPT for information about machines and science. Why? I consider ChatGPT reliable for broader scientific and “factual” questions such as “how does x machine work?” and “how many workers are typically required to operate x machine?” I also rely on Sun Wing Ming’s descriptions of what their workers do in the factory, and the photos on their website. The following are the machines used in the Sun Wing Ming production process:

Sun Wing Ming’s Raw Materials

Based on Sun Wing Ming’s products offered, and the types of machines they use, we can infer what some of their most important raw materials most likely are. The raw materials analyzed below are:
  1. ABS Plastic Pellets - common plastic used injection machines especially for figurines
  2. Polyethylene - main plastic used in rotational casting machines
  3. Polyester - doll clothes
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS Plastic Pellets)
ABS is a type of plastic frequently used in toy production to make plastic figurines. It is a combination of three different monomers (small individual molecules) into the single polymer ABS. I am not a chemist, so I asked ChatGPT to explain the process of how ABS is created. I summarized by results below. The three monomers which create ABS are:
Acrylonite is then combined with Butadiene in a polymerization process, with the Styrene later being “grafted” on to create ABS. Then ChatGPT writes that “After polymerization, the ABS resin is compounded with additives like stabilizers, pigments, and flame retardants.”
All this to say, the ABS raw material has a very complicated and customizable production process requiring many different ingredients. So how does the ABS production process look in practice?
We will turn to the brand-new Ineos and Sinopec joint venture in the city of Ningbo, Zhejiang to investigate. On November 21st, 2023, these two firms opened up a brand new, state of the art ABS production facility with a capacity of 600,000 tons a year. This is a significant development -according to the industry website PlastEurope, “[The new facility] utilises the Terluran technology from Ineos Styrolution, covers an area of 26.7 hectares, and provides work for more than 360 people…ABS capacity in China is now more than 6.5 mn t/y, or almost 46.5% of available global output.”
If China’s capacity as of December 2023 is 6.5 mn tons a year, and that is 46.5% of global ABS available output, this implies that total global ABS available output is roughly 13.98 million tons a year. Therefore, since the new facility in Ningbo has a capacity of 600,000 tons a year, it is responsible for 4.3% of global ABS available output.
Despite 4.3% of global ABS production being concentrated in a single facility, the Ningbo plant only has 360 employees. This number of employees in a such a huge facility is due to the ABS production process being mostly automated. This means that little to no new value is created in the ABS production process, with values instead being a combination of value already crystallized in the raw materials, and the value transferred from the various plastic-making machines to the ABS product.
The final interesting note about the Ningbo Facility, is PlastEurope’s prediction on how it will impact the global market. They write: “Even though manufacturing at the new plant is primarily intended for the Chinese market, it is still likely to have an impact on Europe as China will probably have to import less ABS in the future, meaning manufacturers from South Korea and Taiwan may try to sell their material in other markets to an even greater extent than before.” This perhaps signals to a wider trend for foreign capital, that as the Chinese bourgeoisie becomes more self-sufficient in supplying their domestic industries in coming years, the foreign capitalists will have to find new markets or face decline.
Polyethylene is an extremely common type of plastic, and is the most commonly used plastic as a feedstock for rotational casting machines. Sun Wing Ming, possessing 23 rotational casting machines, likely uses polyethylene in its production process. So what is polyethylene?
Polyethylene is a polymer (combination of monomers) composed of Ethylene monomers. Ethylene itself is produced in a chemical process called “steam cracking,” where certain hydrocarbons are combined with steam and heated at high temperatures. The ethylene monomer can then be polymerized in a variety of different methods, which can produce different types of polyethylene. The ingredients used for the polymerization can include benzoyl peroxide, titanium, zirconium, to name a few.
As was the case with ABS plastic, Polyethylene production is a highly capital-intensive production process, and based on everything I have read, has little to no direct labor.
The Chinese chemical company MIT-IVY, which writes about industry news, wrote an “An Analysis of Supply Pattern of Polyethylene in China 2023.” The main points are:
What is interesting is that the same phenomenon occurring with ABS plastic, is likewise occurring with Polyethylene - Chinese domestic production is expanding, and I predict it will be at the expense of foreign imports. While this will presumably hurt all polyethylene exporters to China across the board, increased domestic production will be especially problematic for the following three countries: Iran, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea, which in that order are the top 3 exporters of polyethylene to China. This is especially dangerous for Iranian producers, since 77.5% of Iran’s polyethylene exports go to China.
Returning to Sun Wing Ming, an increase in China’s domestic polyethylene production should result in less value being destroyed in the distribution and inventory holding process of polyethylene. If China requires a certain amount of polyethylene per year, and a chunk of it has to be imported to meet demand, that means value must be destroyed in the process of transportation - the depreciation of the cargo ships and all related equipment, and expending values by maintaining of the labor of the cargo ships. This same logic is expanded to the dock workers and equipment, truck drivers and equipment, all warehousing, etc. Thus, if less value is destroyed in the process of moving polyethylene, the polyethylene will become cheaper in China.
Polyester is a plastic fiber that can be made into synthetic fabric. In the textile industry, polyester fiber is considered strong and resistant to stretching and shrinking, and creates a quick-drying, wrinkle-resistant, and abrasion-resistant fabric. Polyester is also relatively lightweight, can be easily dyed, and can be blended with other fibers like cotton. As such, polyester is likely used by Sun Wing Ming.
Polyester is a combination of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid, both of which are derived from petroleum. These two materials are then engaged in the polymerization process, where they are both heated to high temperatures and sometimes combined with a “catalyst,” which can make the polymerization process more faster and more efficient. Examples of catalysts include antimony trioxide, germanium dioxide, and titanium-based compounds. After polymerization, various machines are used to spin, heat, and strengthen the polyester fibers. After that, the fibers are either ready to be spun into fabric and potentially dyed.
According to an industry report by the Chinese synthetic fibers marketing firm Hubei Decon, “The top 10 Polyester Manufacturers in China mainly lie in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The polyester production capacity of these two provinces accounts for about 77% of the total national capacity. Zhejiang area is the largest production and marketing province, in which Huzhou, Xiaoshao, and Ningbo areas are the relatively concentrated industry layout.”
Meanwhile, in 2021 the top 10 polyester manufactures accounted for 61.90% of China’s market share, with the top 3 accounting for almost 30% of market share. On a global scale, Decon writes that “Relevant data shows that China’s polyester production has increased from 43.54% of the global share to around 64.35% in the past ten years.”
This follows the pattern observed in the first two examples - China’s production of plastic has shot up in recent years, conquering new market share domestically and abroad. In the case of polyester, the three countries whose bourgeoisies have lost the most market share to China’s bourgeoisie are Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Using the Organization for Economic Complexity’s trade data, between 2011 and 2021, exports to China of textured dyed polyester fabric, fell 47% from Taiwan to China, and 42% from South Korea to China. For non-textured dyed polyester fabric, exports from Japan to China fell 60%, and fell 75.8% from South Korea to China. Meanwhile, China’s share of total global exports in these two polyester categories has grown since 2011, while Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan’s has shrank. Finally, these patterns prevailed even before the pandemic, so they cannot be blamed on the 2020 economic and health crisis.
Sun Wing Ming would use polyester in their production of doll clothes. Based on everything I have read, I would assume the polyester fabric would arrive at the Sun Wing Ming facility, be cut into desired shapes by the “laser beam cutting machines.” Then the cut polyester would likely end up in the sewing department to be turned into doll clothes.

Sun Wing Ming’s Labor

Sun Wing Ming’s website writes that “…we Hire Over 2000 Skilled Workers At Peak.” At this point, we know the values Sun Wing Ming starts with, in both machine and raw material form - now, let’s see the value Sun Wing Ming workers add. Let us determine the surplus value added, and once we do this, we can see who steals it.
It is impossible from my standpoint to know with certainty the exact wages, working hours, and living expenses for the Sun Wing Ming workers. Nevertheless, by investigating the conditions of Chinese workers as a whole, I can form a blurry image of how the Sun Wing Ming workers are exploited. This image will then become more and more focused as I investigate the conditions of productive workers, export-oriented workers, and workers in Dongguan. By the end of this process, a much clearer image of Sun Wing Ming’s workers and their exploitation will come into focus - and even if this still slightly unfocused image on their particular conditions is incorrect, my process of investigation into these types of workers will reveal the factual, gargantuan exploitation of the Chinese proletariat on the national and international scale.
We will start in Dongguan. The state-owned media outlet CGTN wrote in a 2018 article that “It's estimated that over six million migrant workers work in Dongguan, a manufacturing hub producing clothes, toys and electronic devices.” This is in a city with a 2020 census population of 10.5 million people. With the majority of Dongguan’s population being “migrant workers,” it is likely that the majority of Sun Wing Ming workers are migrants.
But what is a migrant worker in the Chinese context? A migrant worker is a worker who left their hometown to seek living and employment opportunities in a new hometown. These migrant workers can be broken down into two-subgroups: those who have household registration status where they live, and those who do not have household registration status where they live. This household registration system is called “Hukou,” and having or not having Hukou status carves out two separate classes of labor, one that is more highly exploited than the other.
Understanding the Hukou system requires knowledge of how China’s levels of government are organized. The lowest level of administration is the towns, followed by counties, themselves inside prefectures, which are themselves inside provinces. Furthermore, since prefectures are centered around big cities, the highly urban areas of the prefectures are subdivided into districts rather of counties, and these districts do not have any subdivisions. There are a few exceptions to these administrative divisions; however, what I have described above is generally the rule.
Every Chinese person is registered as living on a particular street or in a particular neighborhood - their Hukou location. If a Chinese citizen leaves their Hukou registration location to live and work in a new location, they become a migrant worker. If the migrant worker left their registered address, but moved to a nearby place within their Hukou location, then they will maintain their Hukou Status. If a migrant worker left their registered area but moved outside the Hukou location, this worker will not have Hukou status where they moved.
A government summary of the 2020 Chinese Census writes that “The number of population who lived in places other than their household registration areas reached 492.76 million. Specifically, the population who lived in places other than their household registration but still in the same city totaled 116.94 million and the floating population [Migrants without Hukou] numbered 375.82 million. Of the floating population, the population moving to other provinces reached 124.84 million.” So, 23.7% of migrant workers have Hukou status, while 76.3% do not. This also means that roughly 4.7% of the world’s population live as migrant workers in China without Hukou status.
Extrapolating this data onto the migrant workers of Dongguan, it is likely that the majority of Dongguan migrants, and by extension the Sun Wing Ming workers, lack Hukou status.
What are the implications of having or not having Hukou? The Hukou system has 2 functions: to allocate government services to registered Hukou citizens, and to regulate which type of workers can and cannot live inside the Hukou location legally. So if a Sun Wing Ming worker in Dongguan lacks Hukou residency, what services and privileges will they potentially be denied?
Answering this question is difficult, for a variety of reasons. First, there have been reforms to the Hukou system to provide more equality and easier Hukou enrollment, though the extent of reforms varies significantly by locality. Secondly, the studies I consult below indicate that laws enshrining rights and privileges for workers without Hukou are routinely violated without consequence. Thirdly, even if Hukou workers on paper have the right to pay into social security insurances, it appears that the large majority do not do so. The five social security insurances are medical, pension, work-injury, maternity, and unemployment insurance, and the majority of of Hukou-less workers do not pay into them due to prohibitive costs, or employer fraud (which we will explore later). Meanwhile, there is a minority of migrant workers with a child who appear not to send their kid to local public school - due to illegal fees charged by certain public schools, migrants have send their child to low-quality migrant private schools, or they send their child back to their “proper” Hukou to receive public education.
Essentially, for every metric of access to government provided services and protections, workers without Hukou measure worse against workers with Hukou by a significant margin. Their standard of living is also worse on average - they are the most exploited urban proletarians in China. The sources for my above assertions are in the comment section because I ran out of space - I acknowledge that some are western-based academics , but most are not, and all peer reviewed.
The first three Chinese social securities - pension, medical, and unemployment insurance - are paid by both the employer and the employee, with employers contributing a larger chunk to the fund than the employee The final two securities - the maternity and workplace injury insurance’s - are wholly funded by China’s employers. The monetary value of insurance contributions is set as a percentage of an employee’s salary, and these “insurances” are essentially the government pension, healthcare, and unemployment benefits funds. A worker’s ability to draw from these insurances requires that they have paid into them for some period of time.
In the A—B—C visualization of value creation in Marx’s Capital Volume 1 Chapters 10 and 12, A-B is the value created by workers and then returned to workers in the form of wages, and B-C is the surplus value created by workers but then stolen by various bourgeois actors, who use this surplus to pursue their own material class interests. One of these bourgeois actors is the various levels of government in China, all of whom collect surplus value in the form of taxes. After various bureaucrats, government workers, and contractors pocket a chunk of this surplus, a fraction of it is redistributed to a the Chinese proletariat in the form of services like public education, infrastructure, and the five parts of Chinese social security.
If Sun Wing Ming’s workers are even able to access these government programs when building toys for Bonkers Toys, this is the only instance when they even receives crumbs of the surplus value stolen from them. The rest of the surplus value leaves the factory upon creation, is partially shared amongst the Chinese bourgeoisie, the rest being dragged across the sea for the USA to feast upon.
So who are these expropriators, getting rich off Chinese labor? First, there are the parasitic Labor Market Intermediaries (LMIs), and the “scalpers” working for the LMIs. Export firms like Sun Wing Ming are in fierce competition with one another to buy Chinese labor, especially at peak production - as such, they hire “labor Service companies” to find workers.
This is the only time I will insist the reader should consider reading the following study linked here, written by two academics named Zixi Liu and Jianghuafeng Zhu at the University of Xiamen in Fujian, China. Their social investigation into the LMIs, their associates, and the workers they exploit, reveals a class of exploiters in Chinese cities that suck surplus value out of labor through social security fraud, lying about promised wages, scams, and cheap tricks such as requiring workers to buy the very pens they sign their contracts with. These are people who produce absolutely nothing, yet are tasked by capital to headhunt labor, drop off labor at factories sometimes under false pretenses, and frisk labor for everything they can in the process.
The study is done in the Yangzi Delta - around Shanghai. However, a 2023 WSWS article reporting on Dongguan, Guangdong, tells the story of how a worker named Yin killed one of these labor agents, as well as two other factory managers, when he “lost control” after being beaten on numerous occasions for trying to collect wages promised to him. This article’s interviews with Dongguan workers imply that in Dongguan, there is a strong chance the LMI agents are just as rapacious there as in the Yangzi Delta.
Once the Sun Wing Ming workers are in the factory, they are set to work on the raw materials and machines to produce Bonkers Toys’s toys, such as Ryan’s World “mystery eggs.' We have already gone over this productive process in great detail, so we will move on to a final analysis of Sun Wing Ming, before the toys themselves are backed up and shipped to the USA, where we will end our journey.
Sun Wing Ming’s factory is in Dongguan; however, their headquarters is in Hong Kong. Using a website called “Webb-Site Who’s Who,” which is a business directory owned by the billionaire Hong Kong investor David Webb. I also learned that in 2020, Sun Wing Ming received Coronavirus employment subsidies from the Hong Kong government for “38 Heads.” It appears to me, then, that there are at least 38 people who make up the corporate Hong Kong office staff for Sun Wing Ming. These employees, who create no value through their labor, instead live off of the value generated by the Dongguan workers, and likely live lives of greater comfort and upward mobility than the Dongguan workers could ever expect in this capitalist system. Unfortunately, throughout this whole process I have been unable to figure out who owns Sun Wing Ming. It will remain a mystery - what we know for sure is that the owner(s) is likewise parasitic on the Dongguan factory workers, and likely lives far better than the Sun Wing Ming workers he subsists off of.
Then there are the landlords, both commercial and residential. Does Sun Wing Ming own the land where they make their toys? Do they own their headquarters's office space? This is unlikely. Therefore, a portion of the surplus generated by the Sun Wing Ming workers is pocketed by the commercial landlords of Hong Kong and Dongguan. Furthermore, the Hongkonger office workers likely have rents or mortgages to pay; therefore, the apartment owners and mortgage providers are likewise parasitic on the Sun Wing Ming workers’ stolen surplus value.

Sun Wing Ming Products: From Factory to Final Customer

Now it is time to send the finished product off - because even though the LMIs, the office workers, the Chinese governments, the landlords, and Sun Wing Ming’s owners themselves have all had their cut of the surplus value, there are other bourgeoisies chomping at the bit to get their slice.
After leaving the Sun Wing Ming factory, the Bonkers Toys are brought to the port of Yantian, a city south of Dongguan. The port authority and port employees all get their cut of the Sun Wing Ming surplus in the form of port dues, terminal handling charges, documentation fees, etc. From there, the Bonkers toys are finally placed into a shipping container and set onto a boat.
Thanks to a bill of lading provided on Import Yeti, we can analyze one concrete example of Bonkers Toys being loaded onto a ship in the city of Yantian. In this case, the Bonkers Toys shipped are 6,368 kilograms of “Aphmau Mystery Box MeeMeow Mini Figures.”
The ship they were loaded onto in November 2023 is called the “Ever Fashion,” and is owned by the Taiwanese shipping company Evergreen Marine Corporation. Evergreen Marine Corporation itself is a publicly traded stock, its largest shareholders being members of the Taiwanese shipping tycoon Chang family, followed by private equity groups Vanguard and Blackrock. Simply Wall Street tells me that over half of the stocks are owned by the “general public,” which I assume to be various Taiwanese small investors.
The Ever Fashion then shipped the Aphmau toys from Yantian to Los Angeles. All of these toys were shipped in just one single container, the estimated freight cost being $1,029.50. Evergreen Marine Corporation did not create any value moving the toys from Yantian to Los Angeles, since they did not infuse any labor into the commodities - they simply moved the commodities from point A to point B. While distribution is important for the bourgeoisie to realize value, the process of distribution simply destroys value, though machine depreciation and labor costs. The way that the distributors acquire the surplus value to make their firms profitable, is by leeching off the surplus value created by the proletariat such as the Sun Wing Ming workers, and all other workers who have their surplus value shipped across the sea. This parasitic relationship applies to all the workers for Evergreen, as well as their landlords, the taxing governments, and the shareholders. That being said, the lowest paid in the Pacific shipping industry - typically the ship workers - often face terrible working conditions, and very low wages. Still, I would argue they are only being oppressed in the profit-realization process, and are not having any surplus value stolen from them like the Sun Wing Ming workers are. Even their paltry wages are still dependent on surplus value being expropriated from the productive proletariat.
The Ever Fashion’s workers docked the ship on December 4th, 2023, in Los Angeles. From there, the shipping container holding Bonkers good came off the boat, the port workers and government took a slice of the surplus value, and the toys were moved onto trucks.
What happened next? There are no sources that can tell me exactly what happened - but on Bonkers Toys’s website, they say they sell through 6 American retailers: Target, Walmart, Amazon, Walgreens, Five Below, and Kohl’s. What usually happens with imported goods to America, is that they are put on various trucks, brought to various warehouses, put on retail shelves or sold online, before finally being bought by the end customer - and then, the profit is finally realized. The only way, then, that surplus value is ultimately realized as profit, is that these retailers and Bonkers “buy low” from Sun Wing Ming, and “sell high” on the American side of the border. This entire process allows the imperial core bourgeoisie to hire vast armies of unproductive workers, and to pay America's salaries, wages, landlords, YouTubers, and shareholders. Crucially, none of these American actors in the buy low/sell high process create any value, whether they are importing from Sun Wing Ming or anywhere else. Instead, they leech off the B—C value created by the non-American proletariat.
The vast misery chain of value creation all stops creating value after the factory seals its commodity in the box. What comes afterwords becomes a matter of different bourgeois actors pushing and pulling against each other trying to grab some of that B—C for themselves. While I believe many conclusions can be drawn from my post, I hope that one conclusion is the following: any imperial core politics that engages in the squabble of trying to grab a chunk of surplus value stolen from the peripheral and semi-peripheral proletariat, is not socialism. Instead, that type of politics is opportunistic parasitism, only viable if the proletariat held at knifepoint.
submitted by Elegant-Driver9331 to communism [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 10:44 Silikonpinsel Chinas Aktienmärkte setzen die durch die Unterstützungspolitik ausgelöste Rally fort

Der chinesische Aktienmarkt setzte seine Rally am Donnerstag aufgrund der neu angekündigten Unterstützungspolitik fort. Der Shanghai Composite Index stieg um 3,03 Prozent und kletterte über die Marke von 2.900 Punkten.
Analysten äußern sich zuversichtlich über die langfristige Entwicklung der chinesischen Wirtschaft und des chinesischen Aktienmarktes, der auch „in diesem Jahr den Untergangspropheten trotzen und der Weltwirtschaft Sicherheit verleihen wird“, wie es heißt.
Am Donnerstag stieg der Shenzhen Component Index um zwei Prozent auf 8.856 Punkte, und der Technologie-Index ChiNext notierte mit 1.720 Punkten 1,45 Prozent höher. Die Nettokäufe durch den Northbound-Handel (Geld, das von Hongkong auf das chinesische Festland investiert wird) erreichten 6,29 Milliarden Yuan (888 Millionen US-Dollar), wie öffentliche Daten zeigten.
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submitted by Silikonpinsel to Wirtschaftsweise [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 04:59 Silikonpinsel Chinas Finanzsektor ist stabil

Chinas Finanzsektor bleibt stabil. Die Risiken sind gut unter Kontrolle und die Regierung hat das Vertrauen, die Bedingungen und die Fähigkeit, eine gesunde und stetige Entwicklung des chinesischen Finanzsektors aufrechtzuerhalten. Dies sagte Li Yunze, Leiter der Nationalen Finanzaufsichtsbehörde, auf dem Asiatischen Finanzforum, das am Mittwoch in Hongkong begann.
Mit der Vertiefung der Strukturreform auf der Angebotsseite als Hauptaufgabe, werde die Finanzaufsichtsbehörde die Finanzinstitutionen dazu anleiten, sich auf ihr Hauptgeschäft zu konzentrieren.
Ihr Schwerpunkt werde auf Fintech-Innovationen, grüner Finanzierung, inklusiver Finanzierung, Rentenfinanzierung und digitaler Finanzierung liegen. Ihre Funktionen sollen im Dienste der Realwirtschaft gestärkt werden, sagte Li.
Obwohl die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung auf dem chinesischen Festland mit einigen Herausforderungen und Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert gewesen sei, würden die günstigen
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submitted by Silikonpinsel to Wirtschaftsweise [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 04:19 Silikonpinsel Berichte über „Talentabwanderung“ klar widerlegt

Einige ausländische Medien haben kürzlich berichtet, dass globale Talente „zögerlich“ geworden seien, in Hongkong zu arbeiten und zu leben, und dass die Sonderverwaltungszone eine Abwanderung von Talenten erlebe. Die Zahlen sprechen jedoch eine andere Sprache: Hongkongs Anziehungskraft auf globale Talente nimmt zu.
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submitted by Silikonpinsel to Wirtschaftsweise [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 10:10 UnleashFusion 240114 Yiren Fancafe + Instagram + Weibo Update - 'Big boom🎀'

240114 Yiren Fancafe + Instagram + Weibo Update - 'Big boom🎀' submitted by UnleashFusion to Everglow [link] [comments]

2023.12.12 08:46 Due_Curve1490 “抗艾斗士”高耀洁逝世,曾揭露河南艾滋病感染

哥伦比亚大学研究中国政治的学者黎安友(Andrew J. Nathan)教授证实了她的死讯,他曾帮她处理在美国的事务。
“她的生活中经历了很多起伏,所有的逆境都考验着她的灵魂,”前香港投资银行家、智行基金会创始人杜聪(Chung To)说。该基金会旨在帮助中国农村孤儿或受艾滋病影响的儿童。“如果没有她,疫情暴发的消息可能会被掩盖更久,会有更多人死去。”
submitted by Due_Curve1490 to LiberalGooseGroup [link] [comments]

2023.12.11 12:42 Xiphler TNF100 Ultra Trail Challenge 2023 Hong Kong

Race Information

There wasn't too much information about this race online (or trail races within Asia generally), so hopefully, this becomes a data point for anyone else who's looking for information about trail races within Asia.


Goal Description Completed?
A Finish within 8 hours No
B Finish without injury Yes

Official Splits

Location / Km Time Position
CP7, Luk Keng / 11.5km 02:17:41 242
CP8, WKT Farm House / 25.2km 04:28:55 133
CP9, WKT Road & Bride's Pool Road Intersection / 37km 07:22:47 173
Finish / 47.8km 09:44:43 236
Overall Position: 236/599, Gender Position: 177/434


I had just finished a 50km trail event in Jeju in October (race report here) so I felt like I could wing this event - how wrong I was! Although I was doing 50 - 70km in weekly mileage for the weeks leading up to this, I skimped on my long runs, with no run being longer than 16km in the last 2 months. To be frank, it always seemed like 2-hour runs took a lot out of my day, so I foolishly thought that I would just make up for that by running more weekly mileage. I think this came to bite me back, as you'll see shortly.
With the race course having about 2400m of mountainous ascent and descent, you'd think I'd at least put in some trail running or hill training. Nope! I definitely should have though.
One thing that I did differently from the previous race in October was to go for physiotherapy sessions, which notably improved my single-legged stability. While rocky descents troubled me before, this time, it was my fatigued quads that posed a challenge.


In my opinion, the race wasn't very well planned even though the eventual race turned out pretty well. For starters, there was a black rainstorm that happened in Hong Kong in September, causing some parts of the trail to be unrunnable. The final GPX file was only provided to us 2 days before the actual race, with a few route changes.
Race pack collection dates were also not announced until a few weeks before the event. By then, I had already booked my flights and I panicked for a moment as my flight timings were just a little too late to make it for the stated pickup times. Thankfully, they did support a race day pickup, which I only found out by sending a WhatsApp message to the organizer.
Updates primarily circulated through their social channels, adding uncertainty.

Race Day

Race day! I woke up at a groggy 4.50 am and headed to the nearest 7-11 to grab a quick breakfast. I paid for my black coffee and cold onigiri before realizing that there was no microwave available to heat up my food. I was quite disappointed, but I decided that I would just stomach what I could and get something at the race site. I ended up getting a nice chocolate Vitasoy packet from the vending machine, which tasted amazing.
After collecting my race bib and dropping my bag off, I chilled around for a bit, enjoying the sight of the seas as the sun rose.
And then we were off!
Right off the bat, we were greeted with the course's largest climb effort - a 500m ascent over the first 5 kilometers. As I've learned from my previous race, a deceptive 10% average gradient on the trails probably required 1.5x or 2x the effort of the same gradient on the treadmill. That being said, it was still the start of the race and spirits were generally high. With the number of people going on the same narrow paths, it was inevitable that some of these climbs became nothing more than a mere walk. I tried to pass some people here by speeding up and I thought that it was more than sustainable.
What goes up must come down - the next 5 km or so were the exact opposite of the first 5. Steep rocky descents that I've learned could be much harder on the quads than the ascents. Thankfully, the trails weren't as murderous as I had expected, so I had some fun flying down some of these rocky descents. I found the descents to be much less taxing on my legs than before, so I firmly believed that perhaps I could finish the race within 8 hours. After all, the course elevation profile didn't seem too bad!
Arriving at the first checkpoint (CP7), I tripped at the aid station and nearly caused a bunch of rice balls to go to waste. I got an earful from one of the volunteers stationed there (Hongkongers aren't known for their hospitality!) but I deserved it. After a quick refill of the bottles with some of their mystery sports drink and a handful of orange slices, I took off.
I have to say, the mystery sports drink that they had at all the aid stations was probably one of the worst sports drinks I have ever had in a while. But beggars can't be choosers. And amongst the gnarly flavor was a nice sweet tang that I hoped replenished my electrolytes.
The second section was relatively flat, crossing some road sections and a few small establishments. I chugged along and all seemed well. I was around the 23km mark at 4h, and I thought to myself that now that the biggest climbs are over, I had a real chance to finish below 8 hours if I pushed just a little harder.
And then the third section came around. I stuffed down quite a few bananas and even more orange slices at the second checkpoint (CP8), wary that my gel supply was getting low. This was when the fatigue started to hit. My left quad was shot with all the descents that were happening, and my calves were exhausted by the incessant climbs. Each climb had me looking at my Garmin's current climb data screen, and each descent had me carefully lowering myself so as not to load my left quad too much.
I had loaded the course GPX file onto my Garmin, and after a somewhat manageable climb my watch was telling me that there was only one hard climb left, which was about 4km away. That turned out to be a lie, as after every few hundred meters I would see myself facing yet another steep climb. This happened a few times, and by the time I reached the advertised climb on my watch, I had done about another 300m or so in climbs in between.
By the time I reached the last checkpoint (CP9) I was exhausted. I flirted with the thought of giving up, the idea of being able to rest my legs becoming more tantalizing with each passing moment. I sat down at one of the chairs, drinking a few cups of Coke and mystery sports drink that was available there. There was just about 9km left with a mere 300m in climbs, and I was certain this would be technically the easiest part of the course. But still, it was tough to get myself started again. A volunteer egged me on, telling me that I could do it.
Even though the last 9km was technically the easiest part of the course, it was the toughest for me. Whenever a flat section appeared, I would try to run about 10-20 steps, before slowing to a walk because my muscles just couldn't take it. I saw many people overtake me, most of them still having the agility to descend downwards quickly. But I didn't care about the timing anymore - I just wanted to finish.
A grueling 2 hours later, I arrived at the finish line. There was nary a fanfare, just a mandatory gear check (funny it was done at the end of the course and not before the start) before I got my medal, backpack, and headed back to my accommodation. I had finished it!


Reaching back into my barely 8m2 hostel space, I took a shower and headed down to get a McCrispy from McDonald's. That was a pretty good meal.
And that wraps up my last race for the year! It was hard, but this was what I came for. Looking forward to joining more trail races in the future!
Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by Xiphler to running [link] [comments]

2023.09.23 08:48 StrayCatTerry UK two-tone option question (non-UK delivery)

UK two-tone option question (non-UK delivery)
I'm trying to purchase a gun that's now very hard to obtain, from Bespoke Airsoft.
The plan is to have it shipped to South Korea.
S.Korea has their similar laws about Imitation Firearms, but that's not included in shipping process but only on the completed build. Since that, I used to purchase airsoft guns and parts from Taiwan or HongKong sellers until this time--as mentioned above, the UK site is where I found it optimal.
Back to the seller page, about the two-tone thing. I know what's two-tone, and UK's law about it (partially). The issue is as follows:
  1. Does the option selected in the picture provided mean they "ship the original colored parts"?
  2. Will I still need UKARA or else certificates? (I think not but wanted to make sure)
The seller is UK, but the destination is South Korea, and I wanna get the original gun parts.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by StrayCatTerry to airsoft [link] [comments]

2023.09.22 17:35 ben81PRO A woman who immigrated to the UK and Hong Kong feared being patronized by thieves again. Netizens laughed and said, "You'll just get used to it."
The UK has high inflation, high unemployment, and a sluggish economy, and public security will become worse and worse in direct proportion. It is said that a British-Hong Kong woman complained online that her house was broken into and she felt "really bad" and said she really wanted to move out as soon as possible. The Hong Kong girl was so shocked that she would explode again and again when she talked about returning to the capital, because her owner wanted to repair the entire building this year, and the door would have to be kept open for almost half a year. Some netizens joked, "Actually, I didn't post anything valuable after I posted it once, so I won't be surprised if it happens a second time." You have to choose your own path, don’t yell when you’re on the street!”
The British-Hong Kong woman vented her bitterness in the Facebook group "British Hong Kong People's Life Exchange Area". She first mentioned, "I returned to the UK yesterday and found that my house was broken into. I was really upset. I wanted to enter through the front door. I really wanted to hurry up. Some of them can move out!" However, the supply of rental properties in London is seriously exceeding demand, and many prospective tenants cannot rent the units they want even if they have money. The Hong Kong woman lamented, "It is so expensive and difficult to find a house now. I am so shocked..."!
The Hong Kong woman pointed out that she lived in "Barnet North Finchley" in North London. She mentioned that the house next door was bombed six months ago, so she was determined to lose. "I knew it would be my turn soon!" she said. The biggest dissatisfaction is that there are so many people coming in and out of the apartment building, but "there is no security personnel at all in the housing estate!" What makes her even more worried is that the owner needs to repair the entire building this year. "Almost half a year, there are regular visits. Open!" He said frankly that he was worried that there would be an explosion.
submitted by ben81PRO to China_Really_Chinese [link] [comments]

2023.09.18 21:39 ina_waka Hong Kong’s Independence

Watched this vid and have been doing more research into the Hong Kong topic. From the various polls I’ve read, independence for Hong Kong is not popular with only around 20% of individuals within the country explicitly supporting the separation of the island. Regarding Hasan’s take about HK’s independence, what specifically is wrong with it? He seems to support the 1 country 2 systems idea which HKers also seem to overwhelmingly support. Their protests were mainly against the extradition bills for criminals, not necessarily for independence. Can someone give me the counter argument here? Why should HK be independent if the people seem to want to stay part of China? Are the polls faulty due to bias/fear of punishment?
Intuitively I think HK should be independent, as rule under the CCP has already been terrible for their human rights. But for the most part, the people who are experiencing this first hand seem to be okay with staying under CCP control and strongly oppose independence.
I do think his Taiwan take is fucking atrocious though.
Edit: Seems like taking the poll results at face value could be unreliable, but does this make up for the fact for such a big minority in support?
Reuters shows that 64% of individuals were "not proud of formally becoming a national citizen of China after the 1997 Handover". Is going off of data prior to the handover more logically reasonable here?
A majority of HKers identify themselves as "Hong Kongers", refusing to simply identify as Chinese, all while not necessarily wanting independence from China. This backs up the support for the 1 country 2 systems idea.
submitted by ina_waka to Destiny [link] [comments]

2023.08.29 05:41 Melody1222 FxGecko updated: MWH Markets, Arista Gold, Fortuna Markets, Aarambh India FX, AMAFX

FxGecko updated: MWH Markets, Arista Gold, Fortuna Markets, Aarambh India FX, AMAFX
Today FxGecko has updated 5 trading platforms info.
  1. MWH Markets,
  2. Arista Gold,
  3. Fortuna Markets,
  4. Aarambh India FX,
  5. AMAFX
⚠️Stay away from low rated, unregulated companies!
You can check the qualification info of global forex brokers to check if they are legitimate in the FxGecko app.
Click here to see how to check if a broker is safe and what to do if you encounter a scam broker.
⚠️For some forex brokers that are operating abnormally or have ceased to operate, most of them are not legitimate and beware of the risky information about their related companies. (You can view the relationship chart on the FxGecko APP)
Click here to recognize common investment trading scams to avoid being scammed.
submitted by Melody1222 to HitoRank [link] [comments]

2023.08.28 15:41 Aktiennews Evergrande: Hoffnungsschimmer inmitten der Immobilienkrise?

Evergrande: Hoffnungsschimmer inmitten der Immobilienkrise?
Konzern hat in der ersten Jahreshälfte eine Halbierung seiner Verluste verzeichnet
Der chinesische Immobilienriese Evergrande, bekannt als das weltweit am höchsten verschuldete Immobilienunternehmen, hat in der ersten Jahreshälfte eine bemerkenswerte Halbierung seiner Verluste verzeichnet. Laut aktuellen Berichten meldete das Unternehmen für das erste Halbjahr einen Verlust von 4,2 Milliarden Euro, im Vergleich zu einem doppelt so hohen Minus im Vorjahreszeitraum. Trotz der finanziellen Herausforderungen gelang es Evergrande, seinen Umsatz in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres um beeindruckende 44 Prozent zu steigern. Dieser Aufschwung wird dem erfolgreichen Ausnutzen des kurzen Immobilienbooms zu Beginn des Jahres zugeschrieben.
Nach einer mehr als einjährigen Handelspause werden die Aktien von Evergrande ab Montag wieder an der Hongkonger Börse gehandelt. Der Konzern gab an, dass alle von der Börse geforderten Richtlinien erfüllt wurden und alle ausstehenden Finanzergebnisse veröffentlicht sind. Die Handelspause war unter anderem aufgrund zahlreicher laufender Untersuchungen verhängt worden.
Die finanzielle Situation von Evergrande bleibt jedoch angespannt. Das Unternehmen schätzt seine Schulden auf rund 303,6 Milliarden Euro. Besorgniserregend ist auch der drastische Rückgang der Liquidität: Evergrande verfügt derzeit nur noch über Barmittel in Höhe von etwa 515 Millionen Euro, verglichen mit 1,85 Milliarden Euro im Vorjahr. Schon 2021 hatte der Konzern Schwierigkeiten, Zinsen für seine Kredite zu zahlen, und in den USA wurde im August die Zahlungsunfähigkeit erklärt.
Evergrande steht symbolisch für die anhaltende Krise im chinesischen Bausektor. Seit den späten 1990er Jahren erlebte die Branche einen Boom, doch mit der Zeit häuften sich die Schulden vieler Unternehmen. Trotz regulatorischer Maßnahmen, die 2020 eingeführt wurden, um die Überschuldung zu bekämpfen, konnten viele große Bauträger ihre Projekte nicht abschließen – Evergrande ist dabei das prominenteste Beispiel.
Die Zukunft des Konzerns bleibt ungewiss. Ein Gericht in Hongkong wird im Oktober über eine mögliche Zerschlagung von Evergrande entscheiden. Im März präsentierte das Unternehmen einen Umstrukturierungsplan, der vorsieht, Gläubigern Anteile an Tochtergesellschaften, wie der Elektroautotochter Evergrande NEV, anzubieten. In einem Versuch, die angeschlagene Immobilienbranche zu stabilisieren, hat die chinesische Regierung in den letzten Wochen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen ergriffen, indem sie Immobilienentwicklern mehr Kredite gewährte und bestimmte Auflagen lockerte. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob diese Maßnahmen ausreichen werden, um die Branche wieder auf Kurs zu bringen.
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submitted by Aktiennews to u/Aktiennews [link] [comments]

2023.08.28 10:01 zeevedeeptech Weekly NEWS by Zeeve! 🗞️🚀

Weekly NEWS by Zeeve! 🗞️🚀
* ‘Breakthrough growth’ will be driven by Web3: HK financial secretary
* KresusLabs launches curated marketplace for Polygon projects
* Embracing adoption: unites Web3 gaming’s evolution beyond tokenization
* Balancer exploited in nearly $900k after vulnerability warning
* Base, Optimism Foundation unveils shared governance and revenue-sharing framework
#HongKong #Finance #Kresus #Polygon #Moxy #Tokenization #Balaner #Base #Optimism #Governance #Zeeve #NEWS Coinbase
submitted by zeevedeeptech to u/zeevedeeptech [link] [comments]

2023.08.23 19:52 moondog151 4-weeks after a man went missing his body would be found inside an apartment encased in a homemade concrete sarcophagus

4-weeks after a man went missing his body would be found inside an apartment encased in a homemade concrete sarcophagus
(Just like last time this case is incredibly detailed and in a foreign language. Sorry if some aspects are confusing)
Zhang Wanli (nicknamed "Ah J") graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2009. After graduation, he moved back to his native Hong Kong and in 2012 began dating 26-year-old Guo Qien they lived together in Kangzhi Court in Hong Kong's North Point in October 2015, the young couple held a simple engagement ceremony and signed a sales contract for a "future wedding house" with a real estate developer, planning to officially get married a year later.
The reason the wedding had to be delayed was that in 2014 Wanli invested 5 million Hong Kong dollars in savings into a company ran by a friend named "Ah T" and it took a year to get the money back with Wanli resorting to borrowing from loan sharks to gather up the money. Things only got worse as several months after the engagement the telecom company that Wanli worked at laid off most of their employees including Wanli. As the wedding was seeming exceedingly unlikely and the two could barely keep up with their living expenses Qien persuaded Wanli to retrieve 5 million investment, pay off the 3 million house loan and to hold the wedding ahead of schedule. On the morning of March 4, 2016, a now 28-year-old Wanli told Qien that he was heading to "Ah T"'s residence to get him to sign papers returning his 5 million investment to him and told Qien to wait for him at home.

Zhang Wanli
By dinner time Qien saw no sign of Wanli anywhere and from 5:00 PM to 2:00 AM she called him several times but his phone was always off. On the morning of March 5, she went out to search for him herself. Her only lead is that he was in the Tsuen Wan but aside from that she had nothing to go on. While Wanli had known "Ah T" for a while, Qien barely knew him and was ignorant of his real name, home address or phone number. So due to this, she saw no further recourse than to call the police.
The investigation was handled by Hong Kong's Regional Missing Persons Investigation Team. They started the investigation by combing through Wanli's phone records and found that his last call was made on March 4 from Huiyaojiao Street, Tsuen Wan. The police just like Qien, were at a loss to try and find "Ah T" because in Hong Kong, you are not required to use your real name to register for a mobile phone. Legally you can use aliases or nicknames and "Ah T" was not just a nickname Wanli used, It was the name registered to the phone. The police attempted to call "Ah T" but his phone was disconnected. The police inquired with the phone provider to see "Ah T"'s call records. Strangely "Ah T" had only ever called three numbers (not including Wanli) and each of these numbers was also turned off and the police couldn't reach them
The police spent the next 4 weeks working with the telecom company to try and track down the owners of these disabled numbers and to try and track down their call records. On March 29 the police finally succeeded. They tracked down a 24-year-old man simply referred to by his surname "Tang" Tang alongside being one of the owners of the three numbers called was also a personal friend of "Ah T" As soon as the police arrived at Tang's residence he came prepared. He got out his phone and showed the police a WhatsApp message that "Ah T" had sent him on March 19. The message stated that "Ah T" and his friends "Ah Hao", "Ah K" and others killed someone in their residence before all fleeing to Taiwan. Tang initially thought he was joking and didn't think any more about the message until the police showed up at his door. Tang provided the police with the address which was the ninth floor of the DAN6 industrial building at No. 2-6 Huiyaojiao Street, Tsuen Wan.

The DAN6 Building
When the police arrived the room's door was closed and when the police knocked on the door nobody answered. The door was locked so the police went to the front desk. While downstairs the police also requested access to and reviewed the building's CCTV footage. At 1:00 PM, On March 4, Wanli entered the building with two men. The three took the elevator to the ninth floor. The other two were later seen going down the elevator but Wanli never left. According to the management, one of the men was "Ah T" while the other was "Ah K" who shared the rent with him. Unfortunately, management didn't know their real names.
At 3:00 PM the two returned to the building with another man who also helped with the rent. Management identified this man as "Ah Hao". At 5:57 A.M. on March 5, Ah Hao entered the elevator alone, and didn't leave until 6:02 a.m. At 9:36 am on March 5, Ah T and Ah K pushed 6 bags of cement into the elevator with a trolley. At 5:04 am on March 6, Ah T and Ah K appeared in the elevator with measuring tapes, and seemed to be measuring the length and width of the elevator door. At 9 a.m. on March 7, Ah T returned after going out for more than an hour, holding three objects that looked like jacks in his hand. At noon on March 8, Ah Hao. returned to the apartment building. At 8:49 p.m., he, Ah T, and Ah K pushed a huge concrete block into the elevator on the ninth floor, but because the object was too heavy, the elevator alarm was triggered. They could only move the concrete block out of the elevator after 3 minutes. Two minutes later, at 8:55, the three of them pushed the concrete block into the elevator for the second time. Unexpectedly, the elevator kept calling the police and attracted patrolling security guards, so they had to push the concrete block out again. At 10:07 p.m., Ah T walked into another elevator alone for the third time, looked around for a while, and then left. During the daytime on March 9, Ah T and Ah K entered and exited the building several times, one of which was carrying a black suitcase in their hands; At 9 am on March 10, Ah T, Ah K and Ah Hao left the building together and never came back.
After the police told management that Wanli was likely murdered they had to call in a locksmith to pry open the door as they unfortunately didn't have a spare key. After the door was unlocked the police entered the room and despite no one being there and the room having been vacant for a while the AC was still on and running strong and the scent of air freshener was very noticeable. Some of the floor tiles were pried open and even more noticeably, A large cement pillar was in the living room. Based on Wanli never leaving the building, the days worth of concrete the three transported into the building and how this pillar wasn't there previously the police instantly drew their own conclusions.
The police called the fire department who arrived at the building with their heavy-duty tools usually used for rescuing those from collapsed buildings. The concrete pillar was 100cm wide and 50cm tall. The firefighters spent 5 hours chiselling away at the pillar until finally breaking it open. The bottom of the pillar was covered with a standard mahjong tabletop occupying an area of 87.5*87.5cm with the outer frame removed, a bed of 3cm thick bedding was placed on the tabletop; A 80*80cm wooden floor block also covered the area.
As the police had feared, Inside the concrete was a decomposed male human corpse in a kneeling position packed in six wooden table boards like this. The body was thin with his head down, his left hand on his chest and the right hand beside him. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of black trousers. On his head was a white pillowcase wrapped in two layers of plastic bags. A roll of transparent glue was wrapped around the eyes and a hemp rope was tied around the neck.
Inside the pillowcase, the police found 6 moth balls and several moth balls were found around the body. Due to decomposition once the police removed the pillow case they still couldn't recognize the face which was unidentifiable. After searching the police found a work permit of a 27-year-old man surnamed Liao at the scene. But aside from that, no other clues or pieces of physical evidence were found. The body was taken away for an autopsy and all the items including the remains of the concrete pillar were brought to the police station for forensic examination.
On March 30, the body was identified by Qien and his family as Zhang Wanli.

Firefighters arriving at the scene
Wanli's body being removed
The concrete block Wanli's body was encased in.
Diagram's of the crime scene
After an autopsy, the coroner weighed the body at only 36 kg due to excessive blood loss. Wanli's skull was intact but he had suffered from a blood clot weighing 20 grams in his brain. This clot was caused by a blunt blow to his head inflicted post-mortem. Wanli's body had decomposed from the soft tissues of the limbs and his right leg below the knee, right arm below the elbow, left wrist, and left foot below the ankle were all severed. Due to some fractures, the coroner suspected that they may have been dismembered post-mortem. There were two deep cuts of about 11cm on the rib cage, resulting in the chest cavity being exposed, and the rest of the abdomen and back also had multiple stab and slash wounds, however, since there was no blood stain on the clothes and pants these wounds were said to be post-mortem. The spleen and stomach had completely decomposed while his kidneys were in the process of decomposition. His lungs likewise were decomposing but the left one more so causing the coroner to infer that he may of sustained puncture wounds to the lung. The heart was lacerated, with two ventricles exposed, the diaphragm was lacerated in several places, and the liver was also lacerated with the stab and slash wounds also occurring after death. There were multiple injection marks on the inner thighs and ankles. Based on these injection marks and toxicology screenings Wanli had been injected with alcohol before death. Methylene chloride was found in the liver. Due to the decomposition and post-mortem mutilation, it was difficult to determine an exact cause of death but the coroner ruled that strangulation was the most likely cause.
As the text message sent to Tang said that they had all fled to Taiwan the police taking the footage from the apartment's CCTV went to the airport to show to the airport staff. On March 11 the three boarded a plane to Taiwan alongside a woman. It was also during this check that the police discovered their real names. "Ah T" was a 26-year-old man named Zeng Xiangxin, "Ah K" was a 23-year-old man named Zhang Shanheng and "Ah Hao" was a 21-year-old man named Liu Xihao. The woman they were seen boarding the plane with was 18-year-old He Jingwen.

Zeng Xiangxin, Zhang Shanheng and Liu Xihao
He Jingwen
The police contacted Taiwanese authorities and told them to be on the lookout for the 4. While the Taiwanese police were busy searching for the suspects the police back in Hong Kong arrested suspected accomplices. The police arrested Xiangxin's personal friend 27-year-old Liao Mouguo whose work permit was found on Wanli's body. Tang was also arrested for not reporting the text to the police when he first received it. A 21-year-old man and his 16-year-old girlfriend named Liang Mouxian and Cai Mouyi were arrested as they were caught on CCTV entering the apartment after Wanli's murder. And soon enough police began to suspect Wanli's fiancee Guo Qien of being involved as she had left out several details.
Now that they knew his real name the police checked Xiangxin's call records and found that Qien had been in contact with him on March 5 having made three separate calls. But when Qien reported Wanli's disappearance to the police the next day she claimed to have no knowledge of him. Qien, based on this fact was brought in for an interrogation.
According to Qien, after Wanli went missing she accessed the couple's desktop computer and found that Wanli sent a total of 106 emails and messages to Ah T throughout the day on March 3, all of which were urging the other party to return his investment. Qien found "Ah T"'s phone number via the email and called him on March 4 but assumed he was asleep as nobody picked up. She called back early on March 5 and this time he answered. According to him on March 4 Wanli had come to see him but he was missing the relevant paperwork and sent him back to his home to go gather it. "Ah T" also urged her not to call the police about his disappearance as he claimed their arrangement wasn't entirely legal and that the police would confiscate the investment. She finally called the police on March 6. The police were unsure if Qien was being truthful or not so and they had no more leads inside of Hong Kong so for the time being they simply had to wait for news from their Taiwanese Counterparts.
Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long. On March 31, Taiwanese immigration authorities after receiving the report began their manhunt. On March 11 they found that the 4 checked into a hotel near a railway station in Taipei. On April 1 they were classified as "unwelcome visitors" on the grounds that "the purpose of their visit to Taiwan is not consistent with their application" Unfortunately, Despite knowing where they are Taiwanese laws presented a problem. The Taiwan police could not deport the four themselves. Instead, they could only impose a fine of 2,000 for overstaying their visas for 1-10 days, and then deport those who overstayed again. The visas for the four were for one month, and they entered the country on March 11th and expired on April 12th. The expiration date is April 12, if however, they are willing to pay a fine of 2,000 Taiwan dollars, They would need to wait until April 23 to deport them. Due to this on April 4, They managed to flee and escape from Taiwan's immigration department.
On April 10, at 7:40 p.m. the police finally got a lead. He Jingwen walked into the Xinhai Police Station in Taipei in a panic. She told the officers that she had witnessed a murder in Hong Kong and that the three murderers took her to Taiwan and confiscated her passport. According to her when they first arrived in Taiwan the two hid in a hot spring hotel in Beitou. They then switched to a hotel in Songshan and then one in Ximending. Afterwards, they then went to a cheap hostel near the rail station on March 28.
The 4 were almost out of money hence choosing the very cheap hostel, bought one room for the 4 of them and for food only bought one sandwich a day. By April 8 between the 4 of them, they only had 900 Hong Kong Dollars. Due to this, after Jingwen went to sleep they began to discuss selling her to a brothel for money. Jingwen was not actually asleep but just laying down and overheard this discussion. On April 9 she snuck out of her room and using a payphone dialed her boyfriend's number back in Hong Kong. Her boyfriend raised the money and helped fund Jingwen's return flight and on April 13 Jingwen finally returned home. Upon her return, the Hong Kong police arrested her for conspiracy to commit murder.
While still in Taiwan, Jingwen told the police where she was staying and also on April 11 the police raided the hostel and confronted Xiangxin, Shanheng and Xihao. The three were charged with overstaying their visas and ordered to pay a fine of $6,000 Taiwan Dollars or have their visas revoked. Due to their destitution, they couldn't pay this fine and the police knew it. The three were also starving to the police where they agreed to be taken to the police station in hopes they'd be fed.
After a full meal, the three confessed to their crimes, with the exception of murder. All three of the suspects pinned the actual murder on someone else and instead only confessed to helping build the concrete sarcophagus to dispose of the corpse. The Taiwanese police weren't too invested in getting to the bottom of the case and used this confession alone as grounds to deport them to Hong Kong. Escorting them through to the airport and into the arms of Hong Kong authorities who flew to Taiwan to greet them.

Taiwanese police escorting them through the airport.
On April 12 once the plane arrived at Chek Lap Kok Airport and the three were placed in handcuffs. After they were placed in cuffs Xihao screamed that Xiangxin strangled Wanli while Shanheng injected the alcohol into his body but all he did was simply dispose of his body. The officers ignored him and didn't ask any questions until the interview at the police station. And at the station, the 4 gave vastly different testimonies.
Jingwen was not a direct participant in the murder so she was granted immunity in exchange for her testimony. According to her she was born in Mainland China but moved and settled in Hong Kong when she was 2 years old. She dropped out of school during her sophomore year to work at a restaurant which in 2014 is where she met and became friends with Xiangxin. Due to troubles with her family and boyfriend, she moved to the DAN6 building in 2015. Shanheng lived in the attic of the room while Xiangxin and Xihao lived in a lower apartment with Liang Mouxian and Cai Mouyi. Xiangxin soon moved into the building so Jingwen and Shanheng both lived in the attic but Jingwen invested she wasn't in a relationship with any of them.
While they all lived together Xiangxin held their meetings under the name of "There" and discussed illegal and criminal activities as well as inviting Jingwen to join their "organization". Despite how often these meetings were held none of what they discussed ever materialized so Jingwen just accused them of just "paying lip service. In spite of this she still joined the "organization" because Xiangxin pledged to pay her 8,000 Hong Kong Dollars a month.
On March 2, the four of them held another meeting during which Xiangxin suggested killing Wanli. When asked why he explained that Wanli was richer than he had initially appeared and approached him and mentioned an Australian real estate investment which could net them 30 million USD. Wanli suggested to the others that they could kill Wanli so they could gain that money themselves. Both Shanheng and Xihao agreed and began chiming in and discussing their own ideas on how to kill Wanli and dispose of his body. Jingwen thought that like with most of their schemes, it was all talk and on March 3 left to move back in with her boyfriend.
Jingwen returned on March 4 to find the three arguing with a syringe full of alcohol and were looking at a map. Jingwen at this point realized that they were serious about killing Wanli. The three settled on a location the Kwun Tong seaside. The four went there but ultimately ruled this out as a good location due to an abundance of CCTV cameras. Jingwen was planning on visiting Lantau Island with her boyfriend on March 5 so she suggested the body be disposed of there.
They returned home and at 1:00 p.m. Wanli entered the apartment after his invitation. Jingwen was asleep in the attic only to be awoken by the sound of fighting from downstairs. She rushed down to see Wanlii being strangled and soon Xiangxin said he was dead. Shanheng and Xihao escorted her back to the attic and said "It's none of your business, keep sleeping". The three then spent the next half hour discussing how to dispose of the body. Numerous ideas were suggested such as bleeding it dry before disposing of him somewhere remote, dismembering his remains and disposing of each remain in separate parts and one even suggested boiling and eating his remains so that they could never be found. Ultimately they settled on sealing him in concrete.

He Jingwen brought to the scene for reenactment.
At 3:00 p.m. the three went out separately to buy wood, cement, sand, gravel and the other necessary tools. At first, they bought too little cement and the store closed so Wanli's body was left lying in the middle of the apartment room while they waited until the stores reopened the next day. Jingwen felt uncomfortable being so close to a corpse so she again left to spend another night at her boyfriend's. She returned at 7:38 pm on March 5 to find a concrete pillar erected in the room but blood was leaking from the cement and the room had a foul odor. She suggested buying air fresheners, mothballs, and boiled Chinese medicine to mask the stench.
As for why they fled to Taiwan, Jingwen wasn't sure. She told the police that while sleeping in her boyfriend's home when Shanheng called and said that she and her boyfriend was in trouble as she had witnessed the murder. She was told that he had a relative in the police and that if she didn't drop everything to flee to Taiwan then she would be hit with the full blame for all the crimes and her boyfriend would be killed. She and her boyfriend often travelled to Japan and kept their passports with them so in a panic, she gathered her mobile phone and passport and hastily met up with them. Before traveling to Taiwan the 4 went to a barber and tattoo shop to change their appearance. Once they landed in Taiwan, Xiangxin took and confiscated Jingwen's passport. This marks the end of Jingwen's testimony.
Despite how valuable the police considered her testimony, she didn't witness who actually committed the murder. To find that out police had to question the other 3 and they all turned on each other and pinned that one someone different. Xiangxin said that he went with Shanheng to pick up Wanli. Once they reached the DAN6 building Xiangxin went to the attic to sleep next to Jingwen. Not long after he woke up after hearing a fight and dispute, with Shanheng and Xihao yelling for him to come down.
When he went downstairs he saw the three in a fight and stacked on top of each other. Shanheng was on the bottom with Wanli on top of him while Xihao was ontop of him and covering his face with underwear stained with chloroform. Xihao was furious and screamed at Xiangxin to give him the injection. Xiangxin in a hurry rushed to Wanli and injected the alcohol-filled syringe into Wanli's thigh. After 50 millilitres of alcohol injections, Wanli was still conscious albeit very weak. According to Xiangxin nobody realized that killing someone would be more emotionally and mentally taxing than they had thought so they moved him to the bathroom to attempt CPR. They unfortunately failed to resuscitate him.
Xiangxin suggested that they all turn themselves in but Shanheng and Xihao were opposed to this. Xihao suggested cooking and eating the body to destroy the evidence but Xiangxin was disgusted by this proposal. Shanheng suggested dismembering the remains but Xiangxin felt they would be unable to do this as they barely had the heart to kill him. He was about to tall Tang and ask him for suggestions when one of the two proposed the concrete sarcophagus idea. All three agreed to this new plan.
Liu Xihao was a hip-hop enthusiast and appeared on TV in for an episode of 亚洲星光大道跳舞吧 (I can find screenshots but not the footage itself)
Early the next day Xihao went to Singapore to participate in a dancing competition leaving Xiangxin and Shanheng alone to build the sarcophagus. Xihao returned to Hong Kong on March 8 and the three began to move the "sarcophagus". The concrete was, however, too heavy and once they reached the elevator blood was still seeping out and a weight alarm was triggered so they hastily moved it back into the apartment room. On March 9 they were at a loss for how to transport Wanli's corpse. Xihao suggested breaking it apart and simply putting his body in a suitcase. Both Xiangxin and Shanheng agreed to this so they went to a store to purchase the suitcase and scout Hong Kong for disposal locations. Once they found one that satisfied them they returned to DAN6 only to find the cement had hardened and they could not extract Wanli's remains on their own. After much discussion, the three settled on simply abandoning the body and fleeing.
The reason why Taiwan was chosen is because Xihao was familiar with the country so Xiangxin asked to borrow 100,000 Hong Kong Dollars from his family. He never intended on bringing Jingwen with him but Xihao insisted. Xiangxin also told the police that he planned on surrendering and wasn't expecting Jingwen to do it first. This was Xiangxin's testimony which was vehemently denied by the others.
Shanheng told police that he met Xiangxin at a Halloween party in Lan Kwai Fong and that he was responsible for all of his expenses so he very much admired Xiangxin and obeyed his every command. When the murder happened he was in a cubicle reading over some files and reports concerning the three's expenses when he heard fighting from the living room. He rushed inside after hearing the two fighting and saw Xihao covering Wanli's mouth and nose with the chloroform-dosed underwear. He rushed towards them to try and separate the two but by this time Xiangxin returned with the alcohol syringe and wearing white gloves. He, before Shanheng could do anything injected the contents into Wanli's thigh and ankle.
Shanheng attempted first aid and CPR but Wanli could not be saved. He insisted to the police that the only role he played in the murder was purchasing the items used to build the concrete sarcophagus. All the wounds and mutilations to Wanli's corpse were by Xihao and Xiangxin. When the three fled to Taiwan, Shanheng also denied Xiangxin ever showing remorse or that he gave any indications of turning himself into the police.

Zhang Shanheng brought to the building to reenact his testimony
According to Xihao's testimony, he was asleep and didn't even know they brought Wanli to the apartment until the sound of fighting woke him up. Or rather he, who was sleeping in the living room was woken up when Wanli suddenly rushed in and fell on top of him. He tried to push Wanli off of him while attempting to get the others to stop but both Shanheng and Xiangxin jumped on top of Wanli and tried holding him down. Shanheng used the chloroform-dosed underwear and yelled at Xiangxin to retrieve the alcohol syringe from the attic. Xiangxin returned downstairs and stabbed Wanli with the Syringe in his lower body and ankles for about 2-3 minutes until Wanli stopped moving.
Xihao told the police that he was completely blameless in the actual murder and that he only helped dispose of the body to avoid being implicated in it. He proposed throwing his body in the sea but Xiangxin refused instead suggesting dismemberment which Xihao was against. Xiangxin then suggested the sarcophagus which all were in favour of. The reason why Wanli's face was covered in plastic was because Xiangxin "couldn't bare to look at it" Xihao then went to Singapore for the competition but Xiangxin demanded that he come home to help them. Xihao denied forcing Jingwen to come with them and even warned Xiangxin against it but he was afraid she'd tell the police so he ordered Shanheng to make a threatening phone call compelling her to come to Taiwan with the three of them. The three stood by their testimonies and refused to waver from them.

The defendants being escorted to court.
The trial began on April 10, 2018, and the three were put to a jury trial. On the 27th day of proceedings, the presiding judge fell severely ill and unable to perform his duties so the jury was dismissed. The retrial began on March 18, 2019, but had to be delayed again due to the main witness He Jingwen becoming pregnant. On October 14, 2019, the Hong Kong High Court finally completed jury selection for the retrial and proceedings began again.
In court, Xiangxin denied that Wanli wanted him to return the investment in full and instead simply asked to borrow some money, Only 300,000 instead of 5 million. He claimed that he couldn't be the mastermind because he had no motive to kill Wanli and had no intention on getting rid of his debts. The prosecution refuted his claims.
They attacked Xiangxin's claims of remorse and his plans to turn himself in as Jingwen who actually did go to the police explained that none of the three were remorseful and the topic of surrender hadn't come up even once. Which further disputed Shanheng's new claim in court that he also wanted to turn himself in. Xiangxin also made the claim that he had attempted CPR but according to Shanheng and Xihao no such attempt was made and he even stopped others from attempting to resuscitate him.
Shanheng's defence attorney pointed out that Xihao and Xiangxin had at numerous times manufactured ecstasy and without their knowledge drugged both Shanheng and Jingwen to test its effects. Jingwen when cross-examined also recalled instances of drinking spiked water. According to Tang who was called to testify. Back in February, he asked him where he could sell ecstasy. This is relevant because Shanheng's attorney brought up how his client being one of Xiangxin and Xihao's unwilling test subjects the fact that the two were doing this at all demonstrated a history of criminality, Shanheng being an unwitting accomplice and how Xiangxin and Xihao had no remorse and were trying to skirt responsibility.
On December 13, the jury began their deliberations. Deliberations lasted 3 days but on December 16 the jury found Xiangxin to be the mastermind and returned a verdict of guilty on the charge of preventing the lawful burial of a dead body. On the murder charge judge handed down a life sentence. For the prevention of a burial charge due to Xiangxin pleading guilty on that one, he was given four years and eight months added to his life sentence. The jury acquitted Xihao and Shanheng on the charge of murder and instead found them guilty of manslaughter. Both were sentenced to 17 years imprisonment to run concurrently with their sentence for preventing Wanli's burial. Due to the plea deal, He Jingwen never faced any charges.
The suspected accomplices Guo Qien, Liao Mouguo, Tang, Liang Mouxian and Cai Mouyi also never faced any charges. This remains one of the most infamous crimes in Hong Kong's recent history.
submitted by moondog151 to TrueCrime [link] [comments]