Basketball team awards ideas

college football memes

2012.08.15 02:29 college football memes

college football memes

2008.09.09 07:02 The Internet's Tailgate

The home of college football on reddit.

2018.02.01 23:50 Corr521 NBA Trade Ideas

A community where you can post and discuss trade ideas with other NBA and basketball fans. Please read the community rules before posting. Happy trading!

2024.06.02 18:40 Sn3akyD3v1L Riley Greene Auto /200 PSA 9

Riley Greene Auto /200 PSA 9
Hey team, I’m wondering if anyone has an idea of what this card is worth now that I got it back from PSA? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Sn3akyD3v1L to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:36 Acrobatic-Pop-2854 I’m so frustrated

I just lost my Madden Mobile Account. I’m lowk a beginner(just over 5000 ovr) but still I put dedication into that team. I contacted EA but when I clicked the link they gave me, it was a blank page. I’m starting to lose hope, but does anyone have an idea of how to get my account back?
submitted by Acrobatic-Pop-2854 to MaddenMobileForums [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:35 Hunter5683 Respark Community Update 8: SIN

Greetings, everyone!

We have some exciting updates and news to share with you. It may look like a small update, but I assure you it's not!

Meet SIN – Our New Support AI!

We are thrilled to introduce SIN, our friendly and knowledgeable AI, now live in the server. SIN is here to answer all your questions and keep the conversation going during quiet periods. He might even know some secrets about Respark that you don’t! But don’t worry, he won’t spoil too much. Say hello and feel free to ask SIN anything about Respark!

Current Focus: Networking

Our primary focus right now is on getting the networking... well, working! We understand how crucial a seamless online experience is for an MMO, and our team is dedicated to ensuring smooth and stable connections for all players all around the world. Stay tuned for more updates on our progress in this area.

Join Our Team

We are looking to expand our team and have some exciting opportunities available:
Programmer: If you have experience with C++ and/or Unreal Engine 5 and are familiar with Rust and Node.js for backend and frontend development, we’d love to hear from you!
Community Manager: We’re also searching for a passionate community manager to help us engage with our community and keep everyone informed and excited about Respark.
Anyone who is interested please PM me u/hunter5683 or submit a ticket in #🤝-join-the-team and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Looking Forward

As we enter summer (in most of the world), you can probably expect the pace to change a bit. Whether we're working on something fun to show you all, or if its deep code, or me balancing the combat on spreadsheets. I promise you we are working... at least most of the time, do you know how hard it is balancing a dozen weapons??? Sometimes I need a nap...
Thank you for being a part of the Respark journey. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us. Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, feel free to share your feedback and ideas with us. We thrive off that stuff!
Thank You,
submitted by Hunter5683 to Abyssall [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 FreaksLP3000 Customer doesn't understand the difference between a HDD and a SSD

Okay so this is my first story here, and english is not my first language so please keep that in mind. Also this is probably going to be one of many storys over the next years as I am working basically in the tech support industry. I work for a fairly old company that has been building and configuring servers for customers all over europe and even a few across the globe in china/usa and the likes. One of our products is a standard Server Chassis with Hardware tailored to the customers needs with motherboard, CPU and NIC and any add on cards the customer needs. This customer bought a fairly standard server with not really any special motherboard or crazy CPU and just a Network Card and a Storage Controller as an Add On Card. We shipped it out to the customer about a year or two ago. All working fine with a few SSDs installed in the 12 SSD/HDD Slots. Operating System already installed. Now there were still a few empty Slots left so we keep the trays for installing additional 3,5 inch Hard Drives in the Chassis as per company policy. Now onto the not so experienced customer whom had bought an aditional Hard Drive, yes you heard that right an HDD which although not much are still slower than SSDs. Now as I said before we installed SSDs as per the customers orders (all Items are put in an invoice which is sent to the customer for approval and final Go for the order). So the customer knew full well what they were getting. Now a couple weeks ago our Support Team gets a Ticket stating that one of ther drives in the server is substantially slower than the others and they can't work like this and what not. So after about 20 Emails back and forth and the email chain growing and growing with pauses in between because of vacations and sickness on their side. We finally get to the point where my colleague has no more idea and decides, you know what there's nothing wrong with the server but the IT guy from their company will not believe or accept that. So we go ahead and build a complete copy of their server, they swap the SSDs and HDD and send us back the "faulty" server. After some time and the email chain growing to about 70 Emails, which is a hassle to read through in order to find out what exactly the problem was in the first place we get the server. I am tasked with testing it by basically letting it run under full load and testing several Drive Slots at the same time to see if anything is broken or has any errors. And by full load I mean full load, that server was running for several days under 100% CPU, 100% RAM and maximum Performance each Disk could achieve. And no issues, no errors or any sudden reboots or slower speeds even under highly unlikely 100% CPU load. So now we have spent our time and effort fixing a non existent problem. Afterwards i then found out through my colleague that the customer installed the HDD and that they had a talk about the slower speeds of HDD and that its likely the problem the IT guy from the other company was reporting. But he was to shy or embarrased to admit via email or on the phone with my colleague. Needed context for this story: The server we are talking about cost the them about 10.000€ plus about 5000€ in Service Fees for our Support and advance replacement if needed. We on the other hand could buy these parts at about 7.500€ so we still made money but it's way less whenever something has to be replaced, because we can't sell these parts as new. We can only keep them in our stock, mark them as service and send them out once somebody needs a warranty replacement, or an advance replacement.
submitted by FreaksLP3000 to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 NobodyDifferent5293 Ecosport Low Oil Pressure

Ecosport 2018 1.5L Dragon engine petrol Automatic. It gave low oil pressure alert and check engine light got turned on.
Sitting with the authorized workshop for now with issue not diagonsed waiting for input from Ford technical team.
Got these two alerts from my bluetoooth OBD. Any idea what could be the issue? Car is in extended warranty but 1 service was missed in COVID due to which warranty might not be applicable as per the service advisor. Got 2 error codes on my Bluetooth OBD.
  1. P115E
  2. P0521
submitted by NobodyDifferent5293 to Ford [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:28 ufdbk Meet and greet: How are you using Stripe?

As we’ve got some members now and it’s blissfully currently clear of the usual nonsense people post in the main sub.. I figured it might be a nice idea to hear how some of us are using Stripe to see if we have some experts in particular parts of the product in our midst..
If you get a moment and can share anything about what you do (obviously with confidentiality in mind), drop it below ⬇️
I’ll go first
How experienced are you with Stripe
I’ve been using the platform since it launched in the UK. I was able to get a slight preview thanks to a friend of a friend who was involved in the UK rollout way back when
What are you building
I’m a freelance developer originally and have done Stripe integrations with a load of different businesses, from new businesses right up to household names, but when Covid rocked up I took the plunge and launched a tech-first business in the home services sector that allows people to book online and us to collect pre-set up payments (this is pretty much unique in our sector as this industry has always been very traditional, fully cash based and very manual, so this is our competitive advantage). Fortunately that’s gone really well so far and the plan is to launch a franchise business model later this year and expand it across as many areas as possible.
What are your go to Stripe products
I’m most experienced with full API integrations, webhooks, payments (and payment setups) both direct to platform and via Stripe connect. I’ve got a fair amount of experience with Invoicing, although in our use case we kind of outgrew Invoicing so I rolled our own in the end.
Now we’re growing the business I’m getting more into Issuing for franchisees, and as we’re an “on the road” business, tap to pay / terminal - although I’m not an app dev.
How are you building it?
I’ve been a PHP dev by default for years so always end up back there because I know I can get things out of the door 100x quicker.
My business is currently a PHP monolith (don’t judge me) but this runs everything public facing, our booking process and a dedicated PWA that my team use on the road - as a one person dev team, I’m a firm believer in do what you know best to do it quickest.
That being said now things are growing nicely, it’s being scaled back to a PHP API and I’m aiming to replace the PWA with an Ionic / Vue / Capacitor setup as a step towards native.
That’s about me! Hope that’s of interest to someone. Interested to know what you guys are up to. No right or wrong answers (unless you’re dropshipping fake trainers from an unsupported country and then complaining about it 😂)
submitted by ufdbk to stripetechnical [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:24 Xxxgenz Escalate with my coworker

How To Escalate With Coworker?
Started a new job about 2 months ago and met this girl coworker that is on the other side of the building. Throughout we only saw each other a few times briefly but always maintained eye contact with each other. She always was willing to say hello as well, I sensed potential curiosity/interest. Finally I had an opportunity to quickly chat with her and then followed up hinting us grabbing coffee. She had willingly accepted to set it up the upcoming week and then we had to work together to find a time that works for both of us.
The day of the coffee, we start to go and then she mentioned another group “coincidentally” going out and asked if we should tag along. I read the vibe she initiated that so I agreed for the sake of her comfort. After the coffee meet, I followed up with her on a PM asking if she had a good time and hopefully wanting to check out another spot I had in mind. She had stated she enjoyed herself and then suggested bringing some of her team members for me to meet next time. I said that was okay with me and she seemed pleased.
Now, my issue is how do I escalate to getting her alone and making my intentions obvious?
My approach was going to follow up with sharing some travel pics and ask her to share her own (since we spoke about her trip while out) THEN I was going to ask her as a follow up if she still wanted to hang out/check out a cafe together.
I am trying to decide if I should ask for another coffee or just simply ask her to go to a bar or grab some ice cream. Some thing to get that point of me wanting an opportunity to be alone so I can escalate with her.
Let me know thoughts or ideas. What do you all think?
TLDR: Went out with coworker for coffee and she lowkey brought a group. Suggested another one hinting the two of us and she explicitly suggested a group coffee. Need to find a way to take her alone to coffee or a drink and escalate.
submitted by Xxxgenz to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:23 CrucialLogic The Biggest Gaming Conventions

If you like watching or playing esports, or just enjoy uncompetitive gaming - then gaming conventions can be an amazing way to enjoy the world of games. They can often showcase the latest releases, bring in famous teams, allow you to experience some more interactive tech like virtual reality or receive a masterclass from pros. It can also be a great way to socialize and meet new people who like the same things as you. So what are the biggest gaming conventions and events out there right now, which you might like to attend? Do you know of any other worthy mentions?
#10 DreamHack - 100,000 visitors
The main focus is esports but it has ballooned into a wider celebration of gaming and even made it's way into the Guinness World Record book for throwing the biggest LAN party ever. It has spread across different venues, but one of the largest gatherings is in Sweden each year.
#9 San Diego Comic-Con - 130,000 visitors
It's well known for bringing together a lot of different people and it's primary focus has always been Comic books, however there have been new game launches at this event several years.
#8 IgroMir - 150,000 visitors
This figure is questionable these days and likely seen a massive drop off due to the war in Ukraine. Before that however it had a huge crowd of attendees every year and has been going since 2006.
#7 Spiel - 200,000 visitors
Held in Germany, it is perhaps a non conventional addition to the list, as it is mainly around board games and similarly interactive gaming. However there is a small amount of video game presence.
#6 G-Star - 240,000 visitors
One of the largest gaming conventions in Asia with a rising attendance, it was held in Seoul originally and has now moved to Busan. It includes gaming conventions and cosplay awards.
#5 ChinaJoy - 270,000 visitors
Of course one of the most populous countries in the world will be near the top of the list. By it's own account, it showcases over 3,500 games per year and is a focal point for many big game developers in Asia.
#4 Tokyo Game Show - 270,000 visitors
Japan is full of quirkiness and their gaming scene is fascinating. This is one of the top events on the gaming calendar and often gives release dates for new games.
#3 Brasil Game Show - 300,000 visitors
A feature in South America that brings in people from far and wide. It features all sorts of media and also has a strong cosplay scene, with lots of game developers showing off their wares.
#2 Taipei Game Show - 320,000 visitors
Maybe it makes sense that Taiwan, which is host to some of the best chip manufacturing on the planet, is able to display some of the best content around and is completely packed with everyone from the gaming scene.
#1 Gamescom - 370,000 visitors
This is Europe's version of the famous E3 general gaming expo and it is held in Germany each year. It is still a relatively new event and is growing in size every year, perfect if you want to see new announcements.
submitted by CrucialLogic to sportsbet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 Hubbit200 5 weeks - Shikoku, Kansai, Hyogo, Tokyo. Does it look sensible?

I'm planning my second trip to Japan for this coming DecembeJanuary - the first half with some friends (their first time) and then some solo time after. Our plan is to use the Seishun 18 tickets to save money on transport as much as possible until Jan 10th, with one or two Shinkansen where the slower trains would be impractical. Any opinions on especially the latter solo part would be greatly appreciated!
First part, me + 3 friends:
My friends then will leave on a Shinkansen on the evening of the 8th, to catch their return flight from Tokyo at 1am.
Second part, solo:
Last time I was in Japan in this area I went to Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Kyoto/Osaka, so I'd like to visit somewhere new. I have from the evening 8th - 25th Jan. This is what I'm currently thinking of, would appreciate any feedback if it seems like a mediocre plan!
The Kansai Wide area pass is slightly wasted at the end with the Kobe - Kyoto travel, but I ran out of ideas of how else to use it, and it seems to still be cheaper overall than without it! 😅 I'm hoping to come across some big flea markets in the last week or two (fun to browse and maybe some souvenirs), and would love any other Comiket-style events... Unfortunately haven't found any so far though. I'm assuming most of the areas I'll be in probably don't get loads of snow (except Nagoya / Kinosaki Onsen), so hopefully won't have issues with train cancellations etc. I discovered last time that I love onsen (especially ones with multiple types of onsen, e.g. Toshimaen Niwa-no-yu in Tokyo - and it has a great discount in the evening), so I'll hopefully be able to find a similar one maybe in the Kyoto/Osaka area I can go to a couple of times.
Does all this seem realistic? Are there any parts that would be improved by switching around / changing?
submitted by Hubbit200 to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 NoSoupFourYu 44 [M4F] Metro Detroit - Seeking new friends for warm-weather activities

About me… I love basketball and have season tickets to the local pro team (even though that causes me loads of heartache). I like exercise, long walks, food, TV, movies, and baseball on a nice day. I am often too sarcastic for my own good.
Like a lot of others, I am married with kids, and it isn’t quite all hunky-dory… I work from home (for years, well before the pandemic) and I am not always busy. That leaves a lot of time for me to be stuck in my own head, so I am looking for a friend who can provide a long-term distraction, both during and outside of work hours. I am not really looking to rant. I prefer chatting with someone creative, as maybe that will jumpstart a part of me that I feel I have lost.
If you are in a similar situation or possibly share some interests, please feel free to reach out.
submitted by NoSoupFourYu to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:16 somethingsteamroll We're Probably Not Going to Have the Death of Superman / Reign of the Supermen Arc in MAWS

Instead, I think we're going to be introduced to some combination of Last Line and the Superman Revenge Squad.
Last Line is a squadron of the best soldiers from different facets of the US Military, fitting the military backgrounds of many of the augmented villains we've been introduced to so far in the show. The members were given Kryptonite powered body armor in order to serve as "The Last Line of Defense" if Superman ever turned against the United States. Their members were:
Superman Revenge Squad is a group of villains consisting of some combination of Cyborg Superman, Lex Luthor, Metallo, and Parasite at least in the more modern comics. We've already been introduced to all four in some capacity and all four have made appearances in Season 2 so far, though Hank Henshaw has not been turned into Cyborg Superman, yet(?).
The writers have shown they are willing to toss aside a lot of the known origin stories for characters and even go so far as to combine characters together to give them a fresh interpretation for the series. We've seen as much with Professor Ivo / Parasite in Season 1 and many of the villains acting as a Suicide Squad to ambush and kidnap Superman towards the end of Season 1. Deathstroke has also shown now to take a lot of influence from Hotshot for Season 2 with the Kryptonite infused swords he showed at the end of episode 1. Amanda Waller has shown she's been willing to augment humans with Kryptonian technology regardless of the impact to their health and well being and many of the members of Waller's entourage either have confirmed military backgrounds or are highly hinted at in their quick introductions so far in the show. It would not be out of the question that Waller and Lex Luthor figure out how to power the Metallo suits and augment more of their allies with Kryptonite. Potentially, even Lex figuring out how to create a synthetic version of Kryptonite given how little we've seen of the actual thing so far in the show.
We've probably also already been introduced to subsitutes for Brannon, Sekhmet, and Bruiser. Brannon could very well be substituted by Atomic Skull as both possess a ranged way of attacking Superman. Sekhmet is substituted for Damage as Kryptonite technology able to grant Damage the ability to fight Superman on a near even keel similar to Sekhmet. Since John Henry Irons had his power suit confiscated from him, Lex could serve as a substitute for Bruiser if he ends up participating in the fights.
I do not think we'll get All-American Boy in any capacity as at least with my idea we're presented with a team of six to seven villains working together to stop Superman and probably a fresh out of the pod Supergirl. If he is to appear though my bet is Damage taking further augmentations with Kryptonian technology and then being weaponized with Kryptonite to fight Superman. Damage has already demonstrated he doesn't care for collateral damage when attacking anyone in Episode 1 and now the preview for Episode 4.
submitted by somethingsteamroll to SupermanAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:11 Accurate-Response-84 I’m so fucking boreeeed

Tell me something i can do bcz im soooo bored and i dont know what to do, i’ve tried sewing, crocheting, drawing, painting, baking, but like nothing is interesting and i can't sit still doing nothing. Btw i can’t leave the house.
Maybe some ideas of crocheg projects but like i’d prefere something else pleaaase help meeeee.
(What i love; -fashion -music (pavement, arctic monkeys) -art -soccer -basketball -swimming -baking -cosmetology (like make up and hair) -movies -socializing)
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to bored [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 FounderFolks Growing a $1M+ Moving Business

Steffie here from Founder Folks, with a recent story I did with Daniel White from Bigger Better Movers.
Here is his story of how he started and grew his moving business.
Name: Daniel White Company: Bigger Better Movers Employee Size: 20-25 Technology Tools: Housecall Pro, Gusto, GroupMe, Upwork, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Social Media Revenue: $1,000,000+ Founded: 2017 Website:
Introduction: I am in the moving and transportation business. Bigger Better Movers provides residential and commercial moving services for customers throughout Oklahoma. We have two physical locations in OKC and Tulsa and provide services ranging from packing, storage, labor only, on site relocation and interstate moves. All services are available for both commercial and residential customers.
Prior to starting my moving company I was in the insurance business. I sold property and casualty coverages, mainly auto and home coverages to families in Oklahoma. I sold that business to try my luck in the tech space. I lost bad. My worst entrepreneur moment! During that time I also acquired a brewery called Mustang Brewery thru an acquisition with an investment group. I have bought, sold, and flipped commercial and residential real estate since 2017 and Also just started a Property Management company called People Property Solutions.
The Inspiration Behind Bigger Better Movers From my past experience I learned that I preferred service based businesses over product based businesses. After losing big with my tech company in 2017 I knew I had to pivot and find a new way to create revenue. I considered my network and my current skill set. I considered businesses with minimal risk and low start up cost. Being in insurance most people I knew were somehow involved around a real estate transaction. Lenders, Realtors, Insurance agents, Restoration companies, Roofers, etc. Everyone had something to do with real estate. I just needed to find out where I fit in. I ended up trying my hand at moving. It was something that nobody liked to do, an industry that needed improvement and something that could pay well if I could dial it in.
From Idea to Reality It happened relatively quick. Since I needed to find a way to create revenue I quickly form the legal structure. EIN, LLC, Etc. Prior I did have to come up with the name and ensure the name and domain was available online. Once secured and the legal formation was complete I created a business plan, organizational chart and mission, vision and purpose statement to give us direction. The original funding came from a few assets I had sold and credit cards to get started. I sold my first job before I ever had a truck. I had to make a quick purchase to complete the job.
Attracting Customers Through HomeAdvisor, Groupon, Google, word of mouth/referral, in-person visits to apartments, realtor offices, etc.
Overcoming Challenges in Starting the Business COVID, inflation, interest rates, interstate regulation - There's no formal training or classes to learn interstate transportation regulation. Hiring employees, creating a culture, and getting people to buy in.
Costs and Revenue Staff, insurance, and fuel.
Revenue used to come from one source: just moving. Now it comes from storage, moving, material, and middle mile transportation contracts.
A Day in the Life I always put myself first. I wake up around 7:30 - 8 a.m., check in with my operations manager, and do a quick overview of dispatching operations. Then, I proceed to the gym to work out and have a healthy breakfast. Meetings and office work usually take place after 12 p.m. for me. Emails are not a priority throughout the day as most are not money-generating activities, so I respond most often after 6 p.m. when the day-to-day pace slows down.
The Vision for Bigger Better Movers We will have 3 locations. OKC, DFW, TULSA. We will have physical locations in each equipped with 100+ storage units, full retail stores to purchase material and our dispatch location on premises with all of our trucks and field team on site.
Guiding Principles for Entrepreneurial Success Do the things that need to be done when no one else is watching. Be authentically you! High level operators can tell the difference and generally will steer clear if you're not authentic. Keep a great network of motivated, influential people. They will push you to get from where you're at to where you're trying to go!
submitted by FounderFolks to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:04 CharmQuarkClarolin Subscriber questions about merch

Hi again!
I'm running a fan series channel based on a popular indie game, and a few people have asked about me making stickers or something similar as merch. Luckily the game dev team clearly stated on their website that they're okay with selling fanart, as long as the pieces aren't mass-produced on a site like Redbubble.
I think making stickers of characters from the series or OCs from viewers would be a lot of fun, but I'm wary about jumping into something I have no experience in. (I'm not really concerned about making any profit; I just think this would be a nice idea for everyone.)
Has anyone done anything like this, and if so, how did you avoid doxxing yourself or your viewers?
submitted by CharmQuarkClarolin to PartneredYoutube [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:03 Infamous-Ad-3249 Last sticker anyone has it for happy stroll?

Last sticker anyone has it for happy stroll? submitted by Infamous-Ad-3249 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:02 randotoaway109 How I sorted my life out - homelessness to above average salary at 30+ years old...

I see a few people struggling and thinking things might be "over" for them. I used to think like this for a very very long time. I thought I'd write a post on how I finally fixed my life in my 30s. I'm not selling anything, I dont have a magic wand but I will tell you my situation and what worked for me:

At one point I found myself deeply in what I call the "abyss". It's the monotonous slog of the same thing day in day out. My first job that I got was 12 hour shifts in a call centre. I lived in the abyss. I couch surfed, sometimes sleeping in bus stations or finding a casino to crash in until morning etc. I ate nothing but junk food constantly.

I realised in this environment that I completely sucked at communicating with people, so much so that it led to me almost being fired. So I had to learn or try something. I would constantly listen to debates online even about things that never interested me. I really think this was key to me moving on. Hearing people speak passionately sparked something in me and slowly I improved.

My résumé/CV was patchy so I done free online courses in things like SQL and "Business Improvement".

If I had free time I would go and walk in deep nature and think about what I was going to do. It sounds like nonsense but I'd convince myself that "in my interview next week I'll say this" way before I even had an interview. More times than not if I believed I would - it happened. I embarrassed myself in maybe 10 interviews before I got another job but that was all necessary to learn how to give a good interview.

I was honest with the recruitment manager and told them that yes, my CV is patchy - I had some unfortunate events happen that led me to be without accomodation for a long time but I'm back to 100% now and have done XYZ course. I finally got another job and was always on time and took a blank notepad that I wrote every single thing i felt relevant in that book. Including who managers are and what they do.

After months, I'd get to know some managers. If a job came up in the team I'd ask for an "informal chat" and bring a copy of my CV with me. Id say I was looking at the role and I'd be really interested to know what I could do to be considered for it. Could I go away and learn XYZ and have another chat with them in a few months? I got another job just like that. I jumped £10k in salary when I got that job.

I cut out anyone negative in my life and spend time with positive people. Depression is absolutely real. I used to think I was severely depressed but I realised that when I wasn't working I was spending my time with people who had nothing going on. They would smoke and drink and moan about life. It wasn't depression I had - it was lack of joy. Years before, I was in toxic relationships and got treated badly but accepted it because I had no self worth. The idea of being alone was far worse than putting up with the gaslighting and arguing. It's very hard for the first year once you leave but you gain a strength in you.

Even if I had no intention of leaving the role I was in, I applied for other external jobs very close to when I had a 1-2-1 with my manager. I interviewed and got another job and told my boss that "I love it here. I'm doing very well here. I'd like to set some goals for the next year and if I achieve them I'd really like to get a senior role in the team and the salary that goes with that. I've also been offered another job". I had goals set, met them and got another salary rise with a new title. If the manager disagreed or BS'd me then I was prepared to leave.

Instead of chasing women on dating apps (or doing what some others do - approach them in person and try to get a phone number). I simply would speak to a range of people both male and female in many different situations. Rather than be sad I couldn't get dates I was happy to try to build a friend circle. Not that anything is wrong with dating apps etc! I just think for me it would have depressed me more. This is where communication skills come in. Id be friendly and check what was on in the city at the weekend - literally saying, "Oh this XYZ is on. Do you want to go? Is that weird idk". It's important just to be breezy. Don't just ask random people out of the blue but spark up some dialogue in a friendly way. Lots of people would treat me as a weirdo but many said yes and I'm now in a year long relationship with a woman I would never have thought would even look at me let alone date me. If I wasn't "outgoing" then I would never have met her. She's gorgeous, kind, pushes me on, supports me. It's great.

This is a huge wall of text. It also sounds like I'm making myself out to be some sort of expert or god-like person. I'm not. My salary isn't huge, I'm not a millionaire. I'm not some sort of genius. Im simply just a guy that tried a few things that pulled me out the slump. Anything is possible. Some days will be horrible and it will seem like life is over but it isn't. It could even be a long road but it is what you make it. I sign this off knowing full well my life could fall apart tomorrow but I'll pick up the bits and keep going.

Whoever reads this far I wish you the genuine best!
*Formatting is bad. I've tried to fix it as best as I can on my phone.
submitted by randotoaway109 to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:02 kns87 Need The Fame to finish a set. Will trade 10⭐️ including 2 4⭐️ stickers (and a random 2⭐️). See below for the 4⭐️stickers I have to offer and let me know if you want to make a trade :)

Need The Fame to finish a set. Will trade 10⭐️ including 2 4⭐️ stickers (and a random 2⭐️). See below for the 4⭐️stickers I have to offer and let me know if you want to make a trade :) submitted by kns87 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:02 Steph-reddit LF Own the Stage or The Fame. Have Flutiful

LF Own the Stage or The Fame. Have Flutiful submitted by Steph-reddit to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:00 harinedzumi_art Gao Wei-lo.

Gao Wei-lo.
[report of the Swamp Army's Military Council]
Gao Wei-lo was born in the Ou province [Middle Empire], on the territory of the famous Luu Shaa Mountain Chain. Ethnically, Wei-lo inherits the blood of Ei-si-chan [dead-eyed frogs], Youdo-ma [toxic frogs] and Wahg-chughyo [newts] He was the fourth cub in the family [2 elder brothers, 1 elder sister] Gao family was engaged in timber extraction [pines] and grain cultivation [for making bread vodka] From his grandmother, the cub received the baby name Lo-mun [fallen star]
Despite having a large family, Lo-mun's grandmother played a crucial role in his upbringing. Being an examplary honest and wise female, she had never worshipped the Imperial Cult. Instead, she practiced the Tan-Ja [Celestial Shamanism] Unfortunately, after the death of Lo-mun's grandfather [Lo-mun was 5 months old at the time], the family gradually alienated the grandmother and accepted the Imperial Cult. Only Lo-mun remained faithful to her and inherited her religion. Therefore, grandmother focused on her youngest grandson. They walked a lot in the mountains, Lo-mun's grandmother told him many fairy tales and legends.
At the age of 1, Lo-mun already had a sharp mind, was agile and fast. At the same time, grandmother raised Lo-mun to be brave, confident and have his own opinion. Due to this, the cub started having problems early. At the age of 1.5, Lo-mun was not accepted to public school because he incorrectly answered the question of what the greatness of the God-Emperor is [Lo-mun answered that an Emperor could not be a God, and a God could not be an Emperor] The family blamed the grandmother for this.
Lo-mun's grandfather's friend took over his education. He was a retired military instructor. Therefore, he taught Lo-mun literacy, the basics of mathematics, physical culture, paw fight, wrestling and using of weapons. By the age of 2.5, Lo-mun's teacher told him that he had a significant talent in military affairs. Lo-mun became obsessed with the idea of entering the Military Academy. However, in order to be admitted to the exams, it was required to first take provincial tests. Lo-mun's grandmother was against the idea, but he didn't listen to her.
At the age of 3, Lo-mun passed the provincial tests with flying colors. Immediately after that, the local Wall invited Lo-mun to accept the Imperial Cult. Lo-mun refused, and in response, the Wall launched a case of Heresy against him. Lo-mun's grandmother died soon after. Despite the family's protests, Lo-mun and his teacher buried her in full accordance with Tan-Ja tradition.
Thanks to pressure from Lo-mun's teacher's friends, the Wall dropped the charges. At the age of 3.5, Lo-mun moved to the provincial garrison, where he studied for exams under the supervision of his teacher and teacher's friends. At the age of 4, Lo-mun returned to his native land twice to honor the memory of his grandmother and grandfather. His family [except his sister] greeted him coldly. During the same period of time, Lo-mun had a quarrel with his father over an adult name. Father insisted on the [Imperial] name Bo-xiu [glory of unity], but before Lo-mun's grandmother died, she bequeathed him the [traditional] name Wei-lo [guiding star] Lo-mun disobeyed his father and followed his grandmother's will. His father immediately rejected him. Wei-lo left home forever and returned to the provincial garrison.
At the age of 4.8, Wei-lo easily passed the exams and entered the Military Academy. At first, Wei-lo was trained as a Fire Warrior, but after 12 punishments for disobedience in 4 months [related to violating the rules of the Imperial Cult], he was transferred and studied at the Rapid Response Infantry department. Wei-lo studied melee combat, shooting, the use of special weapons, conducting in loose formation, countering raids and cooperating with artillery units. Due to his specialty, Wei-lo did not undergo ideological [Imperial Cult] training. Wei-lo graduated with honors every year of his studies, took 2 additional training courses with the Vanguard squads.
When Wei-lo was 7.5 years old [final year of the Academy], his sister came to visit him. Soon, the Academy received a letter from the Gao family rejecting her. Wei-lo rented her a hut in the garrison at the Academy, his sister lived on his scholarship money. They have developed a very close relationship. His sister converted back to the Tan-Ja and changed her [Imperial] name to Kyo-hui [returned flower]
Two months before Wei-lo's graduation, the Middle Empire invaded the Swampland. Wei-lo was transferred from the Academy straight to the front. At first Wei-lo served in the 5th Artillery brigade [counter-assault guard team] Thanks to his exemplary actions, Wei-lo went for a promotion. And due to the high casualties, his career developed rapidly [guard team leader - counter-assault junior guard commander - counter-assault senior guard commander] However, the brigade's military officials blocked Wei-lo's further promotion [the reason was racism]
Soon Wei-lo was [fake] accused of insubordination, stripped of his position and transferred to the 4th Fire Division [support brigade] During the battles in the Uh Fuwen Great Swamp and the Gwu mushroom fields, Wei-lo showed the highest military intelligence and got a rapid promotion again. He rose to the supreme commander of the support brigade. At the same time, the feedback of the command and colleagues about him was mixed. Some praised him for his initiative, intelligence, determination and superior skills. Others openly accused of ideological promiscuity, fraternization with soldiers and baseness of origin.
During the 1st battle in the Fushiga Forest, the Empire began forming new assault units. Based on feedback, Wei-lo was selected as the commander of a separate, 46th trench brigade. Initially, 46th brigade was formed from veterans and volunteers of other units [mainly ethnic minorities] Under Wei-lo's command, the 46th trench brigade participated in the 1st and 2nd battles in the Fushiga Forest. The brigade made a significant contribution to the Imperial offensive [our Council honestly recognized the 46th brigade as one of the most dangerous units of the Pacification Army]
During the 2nd battle in the Fushiga Forest, Wei-lo was hit by sniper fire. Wei-lo's soldiers showed obvious gratitude and took him to the healers' camp as soon as possible. However, due to the negligent attitude of the healers and servants [an attempted murder is suspected], internal inflammation began, and Wei-lo soon fell ill with a black fever.
Wei-lo was ill for almost 5 months. Despite the complete non-interference of the healers, he managed to recover. When Wei-lo returned to the army, he found that during his illness he had been stripped of his rank, and the 46th trench brigade was transferred to the commander Tou A-xiu [previously led the destroyed 14th Infantry Division] Due to incompetent management, the 46th brigade suffered huge casualties and was knocked out of previously captured Sectors.
Gao Wei-lo took this news as a betrayal of the Empire. He submitted a report on voluntary dismissal without payment of a military pension. The Military Administration refused him, Wei-lo received only a month's leave. This month was supposed to be spent with his sister, who was sent to the front according to the Gift to the Honest decree. It became the last straw of Wei-lo's patience [he realized that this was a direct compulsion to continue the service] It was then that Gao Wei-lo made the only right decision.
With the help of his friends from the Vanguard and the support brigades [Wei-lo doesn't give their names for their safety reasons], Wei-lo secretly freed his sister, crossed the neutral land with her and few soldiers loyal to him in [relatively safe] Sector Two-Six and surrendered to the 11th Intelligence Brigade of the Swamp Army. Wei-lo's only demands were the safety of his sister and friends and his immediate return to the front, but already as part of the Assault Battalion of the Swamp Army [as proof of loyalty, Wei-lo provided the head of a military official, later identified as Xu Lo-ma, 6th rank mong-lao]
After interrogations and consideration of his track record, Wei-lo's demands were satisfied. By personal decree of the Head of the Military Council [Ching Guh] Gao Wei-lo took the position of junior headnewt of the 4th hundred of the Assault Battalion. Soon [after the death of headnewt Wangh-goh Chugh-tsung] Wei-lo became a headnewt. Under his command, the 4th hundred took part in the 3rd battle in the Fushiga Forest. Thanks to Wei-lo's wise command, the 4th hundred captured sectors Four-Two, Four-Three and Four-Eleven, making an invaluable contribution to the breakthrough of the front.
Feedback from commanders, headnewts and soldiers about Wei-lo is unequivocally positive. Based on the feedback, Gao Wei-lo was included in the lists of Returning Swamp Heroes [currently a citizen of the Swampland] A week before the end of warfare, Gao Wei-lo was assigned to the high award [bronze crocodile claw] and included in the field command of the Assault Battalion.
To the sorrow of our honest Nation and the shame of the Swamp Council, after the end of warfare, Gao Wei-lo was lawlessly accused of war crimes committed against the Swampland. Based on this report and other irrefutable documents, we deny Wei-lo's involvement in any war crimes and remind the Council of his contribution to our common victory over evil. It was only because of the heartlessness of incompetent officials that Gao Wei-lo and his sister had to flee to the U Chagh Great Swamp! Hear us out and make the right decision as the Returning Hero made! Drop the charges, return Wei-lo's fame, position and awards, and his sister - honor and happiness! Stop and admit the Truth before it's too late! [the seals of all Military Council members are attached to the report]
submitted by harinedzumi_art to theSmall_World [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:00 lalalalahahahahahaha Being All Alone All The Time Makes My Symptoms Worse (Southern NV)

I guess I was delusional to think that anyone would understand, let alone tolerate my night terrors, brain fog, anxiety, panic, agoraphobic traits, and inability to perform simple tasks on top of my permanent physical injuries that limit me in certain ways. My relationships with other humans, when I have the energy to try, last only as long as my usefulness. It has made it impossible to figure out who is (if any exist) a safe person. Lately I have gone for days, even weeks, without seeing another person or having a conversation that is not an email I send praying that this nightmare will end.
It seems like I am a trauma magnet, as I have been trafficked since I was 8 years old, have had nearly every bone in my body broken from physical attacks, and was present in Lower Manhattan on 9/11/01, at the Boston Marathon Bombing (when my next door neighbor's husband was shot and killed), and was at October 1 here in Nevada. Then, I was domestically assaulted, and it almost took my life.
These doctors and shelter providers tells me I am strong, resilient - that I have a purpose. Meanwhile, I sit alone in a shelter, swallowing the pills prescribed, reading everything I can find in hopes I can cure myself, and finding myself in excruciating pain and violently physically ill every time I need to leave the confines of my room.
I have worked 25 days in 2024, and have had to do my best to push through. My panic attacks aren't the kind that seem like an asthma attack. They are more of every muscle in my body tensing up and hurting, not being able to move, not being able to control my bodily functions.
I have asked for help, but I have been repeatedly denied because I present well and I will not stoop so low as to put on a performance. Before the Pandemic, you would describe me as a ball of energy, super outgoing, friendly, even the life of the party. Now, I am the weird person who sits in the dark, never comes out, and is often or has been completely overlooked and/or forgotten.
The events in my life, as well as my inability to navigate them, left me in unfamiliar and dangerous places. On the days I do wake up, I spend all of my time begging attorneys to help me and trying to figure out how to access nutrition, which is only available to senior citizens. I have no idea how long this shelter situation will last, and am deathly afraid of being put to the curb in 100 degree plus weather with no idea how to take care of myself. As it is, the place I am at is in a very rough neighborhood, and I have no way to protect myself.
Nevada is one of the worst States for mental health care, and it is impossible to get medical care, even after the many nearly impossible demands the State makes before you are awarded the card to try to find a doctor but just end up on a wait list. It has been over 4 years that I have been waiting for access to a social worker or therapist.
I am at wits end, and hope nobody else out there has gone through this. But I am also looking for advice. Does anyone live in a State that has help available? Are there any supportive living programs anywhere that I can get on a wait list for? Does anyone just want to chat sometimes?
submitted by lalalalahahahahahaha to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:00 Lazy_Trust_1309 AlterLife RP Join Today EMS PD Gangs Drugs Active Player Base Active Staff Female Friendly 18+

Welcome to AlterLife RP - Where Immersion Meets Reality!

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Dive into the heart of AlterLife RP and join our Emergency Medical Services (EMS) team! Whether you're stitching up wounds on the front lines or racing against time to save lives, AlterLife RP needs dedicated individuals like you to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens. Be a beacon of hope in our immersive world. Join the ranks of the courageous and make a difference today!

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Whether you're looking to uphold the law or navigate the shadows of the underground, AlterLife RP has something for everyone. Join our ranks as a civilian, or step into the shoes of law enforcement to maintain order in the chaos. Police Duty Awaits! Answer the call of duty.

From illegal crafting to the precision of license forgery, AlterLife RP offers a myriad of immersive activities such as:

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Forge your destiny as a daring criminal mastermind or a law-abiding citizen - the city is yours to conquer! With a plethora of activities and jobs, every moment is an opportunity for excitement.

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At AlterLife, we value your input above all else. Share your ideas and suggestions to make our city even better. Together, we'll create an unforgettable experience for every player.
What are you waiting for? Join us today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime! Don't miss out on the excitement—join our Discord now and become a part of something extraordinary. We'll see you in the city!

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Please Note: AlterLife RP is an 18+ server. No exceptions.
submitted by Lazy_Trust_1309 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:00 Papa_Hasbro69 The Mysterious Word of Command

The Mysterious Word of Command
In the early 1990s, the fledgling game company Wizards of the Coast was buzzing with excitement. They were on the brink of releasing their first trading card game, Magic: The Gathering, designed by Richard Garfield. Among the many cards in the initial Alpha set was a peculiar one named "Word of Command."
Jesper Myrfors, the first art director for Magic, had sketched a rough black-and-white image for this card. The illustration seemed simple at first glance—a figure in a dark void—but there was something profoundly unsettling about it. The figure's proportions were almost right, but not quite. Its features were indistinct yet gave off an eerie sense of wrongness that no one could quite pinpoint. The eyes seemed to stare directly into your soul, and the rest of the figure hinted at a form too distorted for comfort.
From the very beginning, the card's presence began to unnerve those who saw it. Playtesters would spend hours testing the game's mechanics, enjoying the innovative gameplay and intricate strategies. But something was off with Word of Command. Players using the card often became irritable, their focus shifting to a nervous, almost paranoid state. They reported feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and an inexplicable urge to discard the card mid-game. A once amicable group began having heated arguments and bouts of irrational behavior whenever the card appeared.
Some players swore they saw fleeting shapes in the background of the sketch—shadowy figures and ghostly apparitions that seemed to move and change positions when glanced at from the corner of their eyes. Others claimed to hear faint whispers, indistinguishable yet profoundly unnerving, whenever the card was in play. One tester described the sensation as if the shadows themselves were watching and waiting.
Word of these strange occurrences reached Jesper, who was baffled. He had intended the card to be simple yet eerie, not the cause of such distress. He dismissed the concerns as mere superstition, attributing the unsettling experiences to the players’ overactive imaginations. But as the stories grew more persistent and consistent, Jesper couldn’t ignore them.
Jesper Myrfors decided to investigate the matter himself. He spent hours examining his original sketch, searching for any sign of what might be causing the disturbances. Strangely, he found nothing unusual. To him, the drawing was nothing more than a slightly off-kilter human-like figure in a dark void. Yet, when others looked at the same image, their reactions were visceral—fear, nausea, and an almost primal sense of being watched.
Jesper’s wife, noticing his growing obsession and the toll it was taking on him, pleaded with him to destroy the sketch. She had heard the unsettling stories and had begun to fear for Jesper’s well-being. Despite her concerns, Jesper couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was an artist, and the idea of destroying his work felt like a betrayal to his craft. Moreover, he felt an inexplicable connection to the drawing, as if some unseen force compelled him to keep it.
Days turned into weeks, and the reports from playtesters grew darker. A particularly chilling incident involved a playtester who claimed to have seen his own reflection within the card’s eyes, but distorted and malevolent. The man became so disturbed that he swore off the game entirely, returning home only to be plagued by nightmares. Another tester reported feeling an invisible hand lightly brush against his neck whenever he drew the card, leaving him cold and trembling.
Jesper’s wife grew desperate and insisted he at least show the sketch to Richard Garfield, hoping he might find a solution. Reluctantly, Jesper agreed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him.
Richard Garfield was initially skeptical of the tales surrounding Word of Command. However, upon seeing the reactions of those who viewed the sketch, he began to realize the gravity of the situation. He spent a night alone with the card, hoping to understand what was happening. By morning, he was pale and visibly shaken. He never disclosed what he experienced, but it was enough to make him consider canceling the entire project.
The small team at Wizards of the Coast was horrified at the thought of scrapping Magic: The Gathering. It was their passion project, their ticket to success. Yet, the growing consensus was that something had to be done about Word of Command. It was Jesper who finally proposed a solution: obscure the background entirely, leaving only the eyes. He hoped this would break whatever curse seemed to be tied to the sketch.
With a heavy heart, Jesper took a brush and black ink, carefully covering the sketch until only the eyes remained. The simplicity of the image was preserved, but its malevolent presence seemed diminished. When the playtesters used the modified card, the eerie experiences ceased.
Magic: The Gathering was released to the public, and Word of Command became just another card in the set. Few knew of the dark history behind it, and those who did spoke in hushed tones, if at all. Jesper never fully recovered from the ordeal. The experience left him with a lingering sense of dread, and he often wondered what might have happened had he not altered the card.
Years later, Word of Command became a topic of discussion among Magic enthusiasts, not for its gameplay but for the urban legend that surrounded its creation. Some claimed to have seen the original sketch and felt the terror it invoked, but those were just stories, right? In the end, the truth about Word of Command remains a chilling mystery, a dark chapter in the history of a game loved by millions.
submitted by Papa_Hasbro69 to freemagic [link] [comments]