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An old Minecraft roleplay series

2024.06.01 04:26 Ready-Cry-5381 An old Minecraft roleplay series

I just need help remembering an old, like 8-9 years old, Minecraft roleplay series.
I don't remember that many things about it but here's a few things I do.
I know it was creepypasta based, the main theme was that the main characters entered an old abandoned mansion, looking for something I don't remember what, and they proceed to read a book which unleashes the creepypastas upon them.
The real is they're stuck in the mansion and so they continue reading the books for some reason, I forgot why?
The only other things I distinctly remember about this was that it had quite the eerie feel for what it was and that the main character dude had for some reason a camera for head I've tried looking for it on YouTube but I just can't find it so any help appreciated
submitted by Ready-Cry-5381 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:15 lonely_neuron1 Help with playing DOW2, can't start campaign at all

Just got this game from the warhammer sale and was pretty excited to play something 40k related but i cannot the campaign at all
As soon as i get to the campaign launch and it asks me to name my commander, when i press a key on my keyboard the game stops accepting any input whatsoever, mouse stops working. Keyboard doesnt work at all. Whatever key i pressed doesnt even show on the naming box.
Basically i cannot start the campaign at all due to the game breaking as soon as theres any keyboard input at any point.
I have already verified game files on steam, done a full reinstall and updated gpu drivers and nothing works
Quick edit: Retribution is the same, after getting into the retribution prologue fight i decided to see if the keyboard would break things again, and it did, all inputs stopped working mid battle. Game kept going
ok edit 2 in case anyone ever finds this post scouring the internet and runs into this very rare and specific issue. if you have japanese IME installed TURN IT OFF or swap to a language that doesnt change the inputs, for some reason when the game launched it defaults to japanese for some reason and kills all the inputs.
submitted by lonely_neuron1 to dawnofwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:34 silentnooch Buying decisions: New/Lightly used 214ce (es2) vs ‘Older’ 424ce (es1)

I was all set to pick up a 214ce as a 40th birthday gift to myself but realized there are a slew of 414ce’s reasonably, if not similarly priced. Obviously the 414 is solid construction and the 214 has laminate, but the bigger thing of note is the 214 would have the es-2 system and the 414’s at this price point are all es-1.
The 414 is the better guitar on paper, and likely one I wouldn’t consider replacing for something ‘nicer’, but I have reservations on the es-1 from the (admittedly) limited research I’ve been able to do.
Of note, I doubt I’d be able to tell the difference in tone between the laminated and solid construction, and I don’t believe myself worthy of spending $3000+ on a new instrument, and not sure I’d even tell between the two expression systems in general, but given the steep discounts on the es-1’s I have reservations, whether or not I should.
submitted by silentnooch to taylorguitars [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:59 Madman5942 I'm getting written up at work and it's definitely my fault, but I'm still sad about it.

I got a message from my manager today to not bother coming to work because I'm getting written up. I overslept for my 10AM shift. I woke up at fucking 2PM. This is the second time I overslept like that but I also overslept by like 30 minutes like twice before. But I also come into work 5-10 mins late everyday and they've basically not said anything about that. And I know that's bad of me but idk. I just look at the clock needing an extra minute of sleep. I already take medication to sleep. One of the many pills I have to take every damn day. I've probs been taking it too late every night. I didn't hear any of my alarms, even my really really loud one. I feel so numb right now. Everything's falling apart around me. Nothing's going well. I'm avoiding doing important things. I've been avoiding signing up for an important class. I got an email from my student loan distributor that I have to start paying. I thought it was deferred for 6 months (I got the email around month 4) so I need to call them but I've been putting off calling them because I'm scared. I'm scared of being alive. I'm scared of reality. I'm a fat gross slob and I want my life to get better but it's so hard to eat right and exercise when there's not enough time during the day, and I don't have enough energy to make the most of my day.
submitted by Madman5942 to emotionalsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:52 Bl0odlust_666 [EU] [GER] [FS] RS Nebraska, RETAIL streetwear sweaters + shirts

PAYPAL INVOICE ONLY timestamp + tagged photos: (disregard the white sweater in the top left) Hey, I want to sell a bunch of hoodies and a t-shirt i haven't worn. Rep RS Nebraska Sweater - 20€ Tried to age it a little, probably budget batch - never worn - Size 1 RETAIL Chambre de Couture White Cross Hoodie Size L/XL- 70€ Worn twice - hand-sewn in Germany by one guy, great quality but sadly too short for my tall ass Bust 73,5cm, length 72,5cm (\_020-white-on-white-cross-hoodie) RETAIL Chambre de Couture "Fantasy Shirt" Size XL - 25€ Not even worn once - same as 2. (forgot to send back lmao) Bust 67cm, Length about 69cm (Feels much shorter than 75cm, will have to remeasure) (\_022-fantasy-shirt?variant=47598990819651) RETAIL Sacralite Hoodie Size XXL - 35€ Worn a few times - too short for me aswell Bust 73cm, Length 70cm RETAIL Chambre de Couture "i_000" Zip Hoodie Size L/XL - 100€ Honestly I only bought this with the intention of having it, back then I LOVED this Zipper, I wore it once though, then never again. It's too nice to have it laying around and would love to give it to someone that is able to style it (since I wasn't able to) - Retail Price was 150€ - only a few were made, since it was a new beginning for the brand and the owner of it. ( You can take them all for 200€ all-in (50€ less, Shipping in Germany included) Shipping in Germany for a single piece is 5,49€, contact me for quotes to other countrys. If you have any remaining questions, please don't hesitate to contact me :)
submitted by Bl0odlust_666 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:42 qozmyox My tinnitus and many questions

Hello. So basically, a few weeks ago, I wanted to go to bed. I lay down and after a few seconds, I heard a noise in my ears. It was loud and gave me a panic attack where I was sweating a lot and was stressed. I went to the bathroom and the noise was still there which made me even panic more. long story short after that my sister gave me a pill that made me sleep but then after I woke up the noise was still there. I booked an appointment with an audiologist and she told me I have slight hearing loss (around 10db)in my right ear at high frequencies. I showed the result to an ENT and he straight away told me that I probably had a stroke in my ear and I need to take Steroids which is 50/50 if it's gonna work or not. Till this point I had no idea about the word "tinnitus" and the term"ear stroke" till I googled it and I remembered 5 years ago when I lost a family member I had a moment where I lost my hearing for 10-20 seconds and I only heard noises for that time but after that, I had no issues therefor I didn't do any medical checkup. Now when I think about it even more,I probably had tinnitus for years but it was so low in terms of loudness that I never really noticed it unless I was in a quiet room with a noise-cancelling headset on my head. It was so low that I wouldn't even be able to rate it out of 10. I have been to 4 different ENTs, they check your audiogram and that's it but I'm trying to figure out if something else has caused this.
  1. When I move my jaw to the left and right, I hear something like sands moving on top of each other next to my right ear. Does this mean anything?
  2. My wisdom tooth, on top right is decayed and should be taken out. Any relation between decayed wisdom teeth and tinnitus?
  3. I feel like I have had tinnitus for years but never noticed it because of how low it was, is it possible that it has gotten worse or this is just a spike ? when a spike happens? how long does it last?
  4. I can't figure out which ear has tinnitus, is there any test where I can do it myself and figure out if its one or both?
  5. As I said I have slight hearing loss in my audiogram, I'm not even sure if I need hearing aids for this type of hearing loss but do hearing aids help with tinnitus?
  6. I have had acid reflux for a while now. this might sound stupid but can acid reflux cause tinnitus?
Thank you guys and sorry for the long story.
submitted by qozmyox to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:29 chiltonly Ads No Longer Spending

I’ve been running ads on the same account for over a year, and as of 4 days ago my ads have suddenly stopped spending. They get approved and go active, but don’t spend. If they do, it’s like $20 even when I have $1,000 budget and $250 bid as I’m selling high ticket products.
I have an audience of 6-10 million depending on the interests I put but it always says it’s too narrow and won’t spend even when I make it 10+ million. I’m thinking the narrow audience is the issue, but not sure how to get past this. I want to spend thousands daily but they won’t let me.
Anyone have an idea? I’ve created a new pixel, new ads, but nothing is spending. If it does spend it’s a small amount like I said, and my CPC is $5 which is awful compared to the typical $1-$2.
submitted by chiltonly to TikTokAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:08 AutumnRosie21 Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc Vitamin

Hi everyone! I am a 20 year old female and I have been recently taking Magnesium (400 mg), Calcium (1000 mg), Zinc (15mg), Vitamin D3 (15mcg). All of these are in a single tablet supplement from the brand Spring Valley. The bottle said to take 3 tablets a day, but I started with 1 and then moved onto 2 for a couple days. I am reading online that these doses for my age range are a lot higher than what I should be taking. My mom has taken these supplements for years and recommended them to me so I thought they were safe. I have been experiencing nausea recently so I feel like I should definitely stop taking them. I have only been taking them for like 4 days now and don’t really know if I can completely stop taking the vitamin or how to wean myself off of it without causing significant stress on my body and mental health?? Any suggestions/tips would be helpful!
Also I want to keep taking vitamins that may help with anxiety and overall health, but I want to do so in safe and manageable dosages. If anyone has any recommendations that would be awesome!
submitted by AutumnRosie21 to vitamins [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:39 Reesegirl19 Pasting from word to teams, sometimes the font is blue?

Hello all! Sometimes when I'm copying from word to teams the text will paste blue and when hoving over it, it will be underlined almost like the whole text is hyperlinked. I can't figure out what is going. I have a word doc where I have created templates for some work things and it seems to only do it when they are in paragraph formats not when there are spaces between lines.
I'm still using the old teams as I can't stand the new one but this just started from what I can tell.
Any ideas how to fix this?
submitted by Reesegirl19 to Office365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:38 No_Ingenuity_9339 Practice Test 6

Was practice test 6 math harder than usual? I’ve never gotten below a 790 in math (including an actual sat), but on this test I got a 720 - I obviously know that’s still good, but still. I did do some pretty dumb things regarding time management, but the questions just felt much harder too. English felt normal, module 1 is fine module 2 sucks, but I got a 790 - my highest score. Was it easier? The test is tomorrow, so I don’t know what I’ll gain from this but eh
submitted by No_Ingenuity_9339 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:44 Keyx12345662 How to help frightened rat

Hi! So I’ve had my girls for about 3 months now and 1 of them (Violet) seems to be having a rough start to puberty/a fear phase (got her checked out so no health related reasons) so she’s constantly hiding and has become nearly uncatchable at times, I don’t want to chase her but I obviously need her back in the cage when I leave the room. So what’s a more gentle way to get her to the cage? She doesnt move far from whatever spot she’s chosen to hide, not even for her favorite treats. She and I are probably both getting very tired of having to manhandle her back into her cage every day and it’s definitely not helping her fear.
I have already lowered their play space massively to remove any truly unreachable areas for her to hide in, my other 2 girls seem to be missing that space too.
It’s a shame cus she was literally the nicest rat and loved learning and doing tricks, she was always super confident andd fearless. What do I do in this situation?
submitted by Keyx12345662 to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:40 First_Camera_4996 I have a pattern for a Mitred Square Blanket however am struggling to work out some of the instructions. Any help appreciated.

I have a pattern for a Mitred Square Blanket however am struggling to work out some of the instructions. Any help appreciated.
Above is part of a pattern for a Mitred Square Blanket however I am struggling to work out many of the instructions. Mainly i would like help on rows 1, 2, 3 and 4 as then I could work out the rest. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by First_Camera_4996 to CrochetBlankets [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:00 AutoModerator Weekly Kequeen Megathread

Welcome to our weekly questions thread! Feel free to ask about your specific builds, weapons, artifacts, team comps, or other Keqing-related questions here.
Also be sure to check out our massive library of resources below!
Useful Links for Keqing:
Keqing Mains Discord: Our main hub for all things Keqing. The amazing Artifact Rater Bot, as well as tons of resources for Keqing (and other characters!) can be accessed by using the !help command in the #command-spam channel. There's commands covering terminology, mechanics, artifacts sets, and a ton more.
We also have dedicated channels for teambuilding, clearing the abyss, and community events!
The Comprehensive Guide to Keqing: Our frequently updated, incredibly thorough guide to all things Keqing. From basic builds and starter artifacts to endgame optimization and teambuilding, it's all there. Check back frequently, as new character synergies are added by the community. Most recent: v1.5
Useful Links for Genshin in general:
The Keqing Mains Theorycrafting Library: While we are fundamentally a Keqing focused group, our theorycrafting encompasses so much more. This 80 page+ document is the combined work of dozens of theorycrafters from across multiple servers who have put in tons of hours testing theories and crunching numbers.
KQM Youtube: A place for Quick Guides and Before You Wish videos
HoyoLab Interactive Map (Account Linked)
The Genshin Impact MEGADOC: This covers nearly every in-game system you can think of. From adventuring tips and overworld puzzles, to the exact cost (and materials!) for leveling characters, talents, and artifacts. Even if you consider yourself a veteran this is a great resource to double check things.
CharacteWeapon Planner: This tool lets you plan out what you want to level, how many materials you'll need, and what days the specific domains required will be available.
Genshin Optimizer: A very slick webapp to help you calculate how good your substat rolls are, calculate damage, and experiment with build ideas before using your in-game resources.
submitted by AutoModerator to KeqingMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:43 Battle-Left My partner and I are trying polyamory and I don’t know how to feel about it

My partner (35 amab ADHD they/them pansexual) and I (29 afab AuDHD she/they bisexual) are exploring/re-entering polyamory and I don’t know how to feel about it.
I used to be in a KTP poly dynamic for years and loved it. But when my hinge and I broke up I had moved to rural America and polyamory wasn’t really an option for awhile. When I finally moved back to civilization and polyam as an option again I found that my compersion muscles had atrophied somewhat. I dated around for awhile and would disclose to the people I was dating that I was still interested in polyam as a possibility someday.
When I met my partner they were recently a recently divorced cis gendered veteran with a kid that wasn’t really in the picture. When we started dating and defined our relationship we agreed to be monogamous, as that was the comfort level of my partner at the time.
Since then we’ve moved in together, adopted 3 pets on top of the 2 I had brought to the relationship, we got engaged and are planning on getting married in just a few months. Over the last few years my partner has come out as pansexual as well as non binary. They’ve said that the safety and encouragement I provided in our relationship gave them the courage to pursue their authentic self.
Well about two years ago my partner met someone at a party and exchanged numbers. A few months later my partner and I went to a fetish retreat and they got to see polyam and non monogamous relationships in action and realized it was an actual possibility. After years of us having a monogamous relationship and getting engaged under that assumption, they wanted to explore polyam and jump in feet first with the person they had exchanged numbers with at the party the few months before.
Logically, this should be fine right? I’m the one who wanted to be polyam to begin with, so why not jump in? I was deeply unhappy. I cried every night for weeks. We got all of the books. We listened to the podcasts. We joined the Facebook groups. I felt so deeply ashamed that I couldn’t just. . . Be excited for them in their journey. We hit the brakes for a minute there, had some emotional talks, and came back with a plan of slow re-entry.
My partner suggested that I try dating too, to make things easier. So I have been. I’ve been casually dating someone and in some ways it makes things somewhat easier, I greatly enjoy spending time with them and the friendship that has blossomed there, but my heart doesn’t really feel into it. I’ve been completely transparent with the person Ive been seeing about where I am emotionally and they are happy to just continue to see where things go.
When my partner goes on dates I keep myself busy. I see my own friends, go on my own dates, crochet, sew, watch movies, play games, ect. But when my partner gets home from the date and I see them I just get. . . Sad. My partner can feel it and keeps telling me that they don’t want me to resent them someday.
One of our biggest struggles is with our intimacy right now. My libido is either through the roof or non existent, and it hinges on my mental health and hormonal cycles. But since my partner has been dating other people, I find myself less and less interested in intimacy. It’s not just with them either, it’s across the board. I rarely have interest in self pleasure anymore.
It has been a year and a half now of daily self work, self assessment, setting boundaries, examining my attachment style, self soothing jealousy, learning how to support each other in hard discussions and emotions, and so much more. But I’m still so sad when my partner comes home from a date. So far my partner has not had any physical intimacy with the person they are going on dates with, but I know that’s something they are interested in doing and the very thought devastates me.
Rationally I know it’s wrong, they can do whatever they want as long as they are being safe. Them having physical intimacy with someone else does not mean they will love me any less. I know all of these things. But the feelings surrounding it are so overwhelming I don’t know how to breathe.
I love my partner deeply. They are my best friend. We live together and every night we go to bed it feels like a sleepover. We fall asleep whispering and giggling like school kids. I want to get married to them, share my resources with them, have them as witness to my life, and be by my side when we are old and grey.
I just don’t know where to go from here. Honestly I’m tired of feeling sad. Im tired of working on the heavy feelings around polyam when we are already working on heavy feelings with so many other aspects of our life.
I’m not sure why I wrote all of this out, or even what kind of response I’m looking for. Maybe reassurance that hard work pays off and someday it won’t hurt so much? Maybe someone saying “hey this sounds like my life and everything turned out ok!”
submitted by Battle-Left to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:23 DifferentSet3258 I hate being a mom, how do stop feeling like this?

I'm (30f) currently a SAHM with two littles. Since my second pregnancy, I have found it extremely difficult to be present. I find myself daydreaming about what it would be like to have no children. I did have postpartum depression when my second was born and feel like I missed out on a lot because of it. I thought that after some time this would go away and I could go back to being a loving mom but it's been 1 year and a half and things haven't changed. I feel like a terrible mom and wish I could be better but I'm struggling here. I don't know what's wrong with me. How do I snap out of this?
submitted by DifferentSet3258 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:15 americaspub My MIL miniature poodle is having puppies!

My MIL miniature poodle is having puppies!
Two puppies have been born and we are waiting for 1 or 2 more puppies to be born.
submitted by americaspub to poodles [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:08 Creative_Tower5264 AITAH for distancing myself from large segments of my family, after harmful comments made a few years ago?

Throwaway account
So I'm a 32 year old woman who was brought up in a loving and religious family. I married my partner who is a 35 year old man six years ago.
Both of us are Catholics, and I attended church regularly until recently.
We were both on the fence about having kiddos when we got married with a ton of discussions about it when we were dating.
I suppose you can say that he was 60/40 and I was really 50/50, more because I was worried about compromising some of the work that I do within the domestic labour.
I work for a small nonprofit in the advocacy space and often put in a lot more hours than what I'm paid for, but I really enjoy doing it, as it's really in line with my value systems and makes me feel like I'm helping future generations.
My political beliefs align well with Bernie Sanders/AOC, but I live in a red state which is another complex thing.
The reason why both of us were still on the fence about kids is because we were both brought up with the idea that having children is an expectation rather than an option, in our religion and in our families. We never really assumed as kids that we would do anything else - but strangely enough, neither of us really ever had that 'instinct' to want to have our own kids. The 50/50 used to get me really anxious though, I started thinking that there was something wrong with me (this was before the whole childfree movement really got started)
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a nasty gynecological cancer - luckily I was diagnosed relatively early.
I had a lot of chemotherapy, and after the chemotherapy was done, the doctors still strongly recommended that I have a surgery to remove everything - ovaries, uterus, you name it, because they said the risk of the cancer coming back was really high.
So my husband and I were pretty comfortable with the surgery - but close to the surgery date, we started telling our family and friends about it because at this point a lot of people were still hinting that we would eventually have kids post-treatment.
Most people were supportive, but we started getting comments from some extended family and friends questioning if the surgery was really necessary, asking what my risk of death would be without the surgery, and asking me if my husband was OK with it.
I sort of grinned and bared it and basically just blocked their comments in my mind.
The date of the surgery was a day of pure relief for me which in itself was very revealing to me about my thoughts regarding motherhood -- and the first year and a half of remission was focused on trying to manage my still high risk of recurrence and an uncertain life expectancy mentally.
During that time, I maintained relationships with all of the people who said the comments because I had really just put a mental block on what they said.
Once my life expectancy started looking better, the comments started flashing back in my mind every time I'd see those friends and family at church. It started to have a really bad impact on my confidence, because I understood that they had questioned either the value of my life, or the value of the path I wanted to follow, and since they knew me pretty well prior to cancer, I thought that meant that I was worth less.
In addition, even though I had never really wanted to be a mom, I had internalized a bit of stigma about non-motherhood which I started to deconstruct, along with challenge the significance that Christianity puts on motherhood in women.
My husband helped me with regaining my confidence along with a couple of other family members and a lot of therapy.
When my confidence started coming back and when I started understanding (after a couple of years!) that I was valuable as a human being, I also started understanding why these people had mentioned these things to me (these were people who had cared about me and had been very generous and kind in the past) and my conclusion was that they were just so scared about what a life without children would look like, that it was kind of the monster underneath the bed for them. As in - they had never been friends with a person who was confident and fulfilled and never had kids.
Even though my confidence has recovered, I have almost completely stopped going to my church which was the major place that I saw them, and I am working on establishing a new way of thinking about faith. My husband still attends church more regularly than me, but we are both supportive of each other
Even though I've forgiven those individuals for saying those comments, and I have compassion for them, I can't trust them now, because I know that their unconscious bias will color their judgements on how they see me.
Maybe they will see me with pity - I'm also worried that if I spend too much time with them, I will get influenced by their thinking and my confidence will be impacted then.
So I see them very, very occasionally compared to before.
I do feel bad though, because some of these people have kids - and I could have spent a bit more time with the kids at least. The kids are still young though, and so they're with their parents a lot.
So AITAH for distancing myself from large segments of my family and friends because of comments said to me a few years ago? .
submitted by Creative_Tower5264 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:44 Capital-Control-843 How much should I Tip?

How much should I tip for 1.7 mile delivery I’m thinking 2.50? but idk I’m a 16 year old and this is my first DoorDash order.
submitted by Capital-Control-843 to doordash [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:32 Kittykatttt__ Where’s the best place to get soil in LA?

I’m looking for nutrient rich soil in the LA area ?(not dirt) I’m into gardening and have a bunch of things going and I’m looking for more soil since I’m planting more things. Someone had told me they give free soil/compost near LA zoo and I’m looking for places like that. Also if you have big and deep planters you don’t want or need I’d love to have them!🤍
submitted by Kittykatttt__ to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:44 GODOFGAMES420 The War Mother

The War Mother
The War Mother is a huge robot made for battle. It has the ability to create armies of war machines all by itself, and power them using the large chunk of red stone in its midsection. There is also a small room inside the War Mother for soldiers to ride in. The War Mother is slow, but it can take many hits, almost like a tank. In the event that the War Mother needs to defend itself, the chimneys on its back will turn into mortars and fire rockets at any thing that may threaten it.
submitted by GODOFGAMES420 to Minecraftbuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:33 arieleatssushi2 A sad story. Belieeeeve it.

A sad story. Belieeeeve it. submitted by arieleatssushi2 to schizoposters [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:23 AuthorDDLewis Prayer based on John 1:19-34

Prayer based on John 1:19-34
The religious leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to find out who John the Baptist claimed to be. The day after their visit, Jesus appears to John the Baptist, and he testifies that Jesus is the Son of God who baptizes not with water but with the Holy Spirit.
Father, we praise You for sending John the Baptist and giving him wisdom, humility, and boldness.
The Jews sent from Jerusalem ask John the Baptist Who are you? His first reply was he is not the Christ, the Great Son of David predicted to come in the Old Testament. (2 Samuel 7:12-14) They asked him if he was Elijah, the one who never died and was to return before the DAY of the Lord. (Malachi 4:5) John replies No. They ask him if he is a Prophet, possibly the one Moses described in Deuteronomy 18:15, 18. Once again, he replies No.
Exasperated, they ask him; who are you claiming to be. John quotes (Isaiah 40:3). I am the voice crying in the wilderness: make straight the way of the Lord. They then ask John why are you baptizing if you are not the Christ, Elijah, nor a Prophet? John says he baptizes with water those who see their need and repent. John preached the need for repentance, the coming wrath of God, and spoke of the one who will come after him and baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Mathew 3:7-12)
John tells the Jews questioning him that there is one among them that they do not know: who is to come after John, who is before him and is preeminent. John says he is not worthy to loosen His sandal strap, the chore of the lowest household slave. The next day, John sees Jesus approaching and cries out behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (Genesis 22:8) John testifies that he saw the Spirit descending from heaven and remaining upon Jesus. God gave John this sign so he could boldly testify that Jesus was the Son of God who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
Father, show us our need to repent so we can grow up and become mature Christians who humbly seek after Your wisdom and follow hard after You. Amen.
Questions for reflection and meditation: 1. What characteristics of John can you list from this passage? 2. Why and who did John baptize? 3. How did John's baptism differ from the baptism of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 19:2-6)
submitted by AuthorDDLewis to Learning_God [link] [comments]