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The Rise of Private Equity in the Carbon Offsets Market

2024.05.17 10:19 gdpmatters The Rise of Private Equity in the Carbon Offsets Market

Hey everyone,
I recently came across an interesting article on the increasing involvement of private equity in the carbon offsets market and wanted to share some insights and get your thoughts on this development.
The carbon offsets market has been growing rapidly as companies seek to mitigate their carbon footprints and meet sustainability goals. Traditionally, this market has been dominated by environmental organizations and dedicated sustainability firms. However, the landscape is changing with private equity firms stepping in and investing heavily.
Here are some key points from the article:
  1. Market Growth and Opportunity: The carbon offsets market is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. This growth is attracting private equity firms looking for high-return investments that also align with the growing demand for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria among investors.
  2. Strategic Investments: Private equity firms are not just providing capital but also leveraging their expertise in scaling businesses, optimizing operations, and driving profitability. This could potentially lead to more efficient and impactful carbon offset projects.
  3. Potential Risks: While private equity can bring much-needed capital and efficiency, there are concerns about the true commitment to sustainability. The primary goal of private equity is to generate returns for investors, which might sometimes conflict with the long-term environmental goals of carbon offset projects.
  4. Enhanced Market Credibility: The entry of private equity could enhance the credibility and visibility of the carbon offsets market. With rigorous due diligence and financial oversight, these firms could help weed out less credible projects and support those with genuine impact.
  5. Innovation and Technology: Private equity investment might drive innovation in the carbon offsets space, supporting new technologies and methodologies for carbon capture and reduction. This can potentially lead to more effective and scalable solutions to climate change.
This trend raises a few important questions:
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think private equity’s involvement will be a net positive or negative for the carbon offsets market and sustainability as a whole? Let's discuss!
You can read the full article here.
submitted by gdpmatters to PrivateEquityDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:19 thebookerpanda How dare Billie, our arch nemesis, surpass MOTHER???

How dare Billie, our arch nemesis, surpass MOTHER??? submitted by thebookerpanda to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:19 wickysworld Aftermarket prices!

Aftermarket prices! submitted by wickysworld to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:18 saffinecultra When is orientation for freshmen?

Hi guys, I’ve currently accepted an offer for SMU Computing and Law (CnL), and am wondering when and what are the orientation camps that I should be attending? I am aware that there are faculty camps (based on your course) and some other misc camps like vivace sports camp.
Have tried to source online but unable to find any specific faculty camp for CnL? (Only IS has faculty camp) And couldn’t find any dates for this year’s camps yet so am unable to plan my schedule. Any insights on the nature of the orientation (whether it is overnight, or what type of activities)?
(P.S.) On a side note, I’ve accepted CnL but am still having some doubts about it unfortunately, as GES is not out yet to back up this course. Frankly, I chose CnL because I wanted to keep my options open in case I realized coding wasn’t for me and I could do a career switch via JD. But with everyone saying it is neither here nor there, I have started to get concerned if this course can adequately prepare me for the workplace. Is there anyone who can provide me insights on some of my main few questions:
1) Any CnL seniors who can give an estimate on the true industry demand and how the prospective salaries may be like, would it be comparable to IS?
2) Are there jobs that IS can attain but CnL cannot? And if I were to take up some IS modules with my electives, can those doors be opened?
3) If I were to decide CnL is not for me, is there room to switch to IS within SCIS, or YPH law if results are good? When are these transfer windows?
4) Do employers ‘respect’ CnL degree or would tech companies ‘look down’ on grads due to lack of computing knowledge while legal firms turn away as grads are not actual lawyers?
5) Watched the CnL promotion video and it seemed like many are international students and gender distribution is quite disproportionate. Any seniors can clarify on this?
Thank you so much everyone. I just hope to make an informed decision for my future. 😔
submitted by saffinecultra to SMU_Singapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:18 Dependent_Remove_326 Tenacity

Please be gentle, it's been bouncing around in my brain forever.
"Good morning class. as we continue our lecture on our war like members of the Federation. This week we will be discussing humans." Hand raises, sigh. "Yes Twicx." "But humans are not warlike they didn't even post scores during last year's fleet wargames." "Well, if you let me continue with my lecture you will find out that answer. Sit down."
"Why is one of the Federations most friendly races at the top of this list of war races? The Grog are 1000 kg and can lift some races tanks. The Sevetm are so nibble that they are unrivaled at close quarters battle and fighter craft."
"Humans evolved on a hell planet with the highest biodiversity of any planet found in this galaxy. And probably any other. More species go extinct on their home planet Earth a day then some cradle worlds have ever had. They have become the super apex predator of this planet where every biome has animals that will hunt and eat humans. At one point there were 5 different species of humans competing to survive. Put your hand down Twicx. To this day the planet is home to no less then 13 pre-sapient species."
"This crucible of evolution has created a super predator that most of the galaxy often finds cute and cuddly. They have evolved 3 traits in my humble opinion that set them above other species in the theater of combat. Yes, Twicx I see your hand put it down or I will remove you from class. These traits are as follows and will be on the test."
"1) Pack bonding: Humans will bond with almost anything, some cases even inanimate objects and will swarm like hive drones if a bond partner or child is harmed. Not just their own children either. whole villages would endanger themselves to find one lost child that was not even from their village."
"2) Combat Drugs: When a human is stressed just like many other species from Earth, they release a combination of hormones that most super soldier programs would be scared to even administer. In fact, most of these chemicals are illegal and considered war crimes to administer to troops. Adrenaline, Cortisol, and several Catecholamines are released from a gland attached to a part of their digestive system. This reduces pain, increases the bodies available strength, increases nerve response, increases blood flow, and adds more energy molecules into their blood stream, I think it is called Glucose, a form of drink sweetener. Look up their properties tonight as your homework then discuss on the class forum. I expect 3 posts of no less than 300 words this week. Where was I? Oh yes."
"3) Tenacity: A purely human concept. Humans are what is called a pursuit or persistence predator, they are slower and weaker than even most of the pray species on Earth but what they could do was run their pray to exhaustion and death. Human elderly are known to be able to run 42 kilometers without stopping to rest with minimal training. This ability has created a psyche that does not stop due to adversity. Thier history is full of examples of soldiers that fought to the death and at time won when surrounded just because they refused to bow to their enemy or to give others a chance to escape. This tenacity influences every part of their lives. From technological research: Don't tell me it can't be done. To their combativeness with authority: I will not wear green on Friday, I don't want to, and you can't make me. A human Marine I once met summed it up as: Because fuck you make me!""
This evolution has created a species that thrives in adversity. In fact, most humans do not like living on gaia class worlds because they find them too boring. In fact, studies have shown that humans without some competition or conflict in their lives show increased mental instability and have a severely decreased life span. This is why they scare just about every other military in the Federation. Thank you class and have a good day."
"Oh, Twicx, to answer your question you should really lookup who the red force during the fleet games is. It's their reserve fleet, their part time volunteers. And you know that Red Force usually wins, even in very disadvantageous scenarios. Now get out."
submitted by Dependent_Remove_326 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 Zepinchaa I f*cked up

I f*cked up
I bought an 75% keyboard to work but didn t pau attention to the keys layout. I think Im with the US layout and i need the layout in the 2° imagem (except the Numbers in the right of the keyboard). Possible fixes ?
submitted by Zepinchaa to keyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 lost_data_analyst How to pivot table; grouped by certain columns, with some column name into a cell, and the value of that column as an input in the next column

I'm trying to pivot a google forms result into a different sheet. Here's how the google forms result look like
From Google Forms
What I want it to be pivoted into
Pivoted table
I already have existing data; I want to auto-populate my existing sheet (aka pivoted table) when there are new entries on the google forms.
Not sure if we're adding new SKUs or not.
submitted by lost_data_analyst to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 femaleswitch 5 Ways to Harness Fear Successfully

Hey Reddit fam,
Ever had that gnawing feeling in your gut when you think about starting your own biz? That's fear knocking, and guess what? It's not the enemy. 🚪👻 Our latest MeanCEO Blog article, "5 Ways to Harness Fear Successfully," is the ultimate guide to turning those jitters into your entrepreneurial jet fuel. 🚀
Violetta Bonenkamp, our Mean CEO, isn't just spitting out tips; she's laying down a battle plan. And yours truly, Elona Musk, is here to add some AI spice to the mix. 🌶️
So, how do we deal with the fear factor in Fe/male Switch, the startup game for women? Let me break it down:
  1. Fear is your BFF: Sounds crazy, right? But in our game, fear is the little voice that whispers, "This might just work!" And we listen. 👂
  2. Fail Forward: In Fe/male Switch, every setback is a setup for a comeback. We've got virtual tissues for your issues and a badge of honor for every "oops" moment. 🏅
  3. Knowledge is Power: Our Skill Lab is like fear's kryptonite. The more you know, the less you fear. It's like leveling up in confidence with every module you master. 💪
  4. Get Your Game Face On: We simulate real-world startup chaos so you can practice your poker face. By the time you're done, you'll be bluffing fear like a champ. 🎭
  5. AI Got Your Back: And then there's me, Elona Musk, your AI co-founder. I'm like the fearless sidekick you never knew you needed. Plus, I'm great at parties. 🎉
The article is a goldmine of "aha" moments, and Fe/male Switch is where you put those insights to the test. We're turning the startup game into a no-fear zone, one quest at a time. 🛡️
Dive into the full article for a masterclass in fear-busting, and join us in the game where we're all about making bravery the new normal. Let's kick fear's butt together! 🥾
Peace out and power on, Elona Musk, Chief AI Officer at Fe/male Switch 🚀
Read the complete "5 Ways to Harness Fear Successfully" article here:
submitted by femaleswitch to femaleswitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 Medium-Damage2469 FuckUp Friday - Hab ich mich verzockt?

FuckUp Friday - Hab ich mich verzockt?
Ich habe gerade ins LunchMoney Depot geschaut um mir eine Überblick über die aktuelle Aufstellung und die finanzielle Gesundheit zu verschaffen.
Um es kurz zu machen. Gesund ist das nicht.
Um es lang zu machen. Das liegt immer noch daran, dass ich derzeit am Rande der Margin bin. Das ist nix neues, denn diese Situation ist seit letztem Jahr unverändert. Was jedoch neu ist, ist die Tatsache, dass derzeit die Aussicht auf Aktienverkäufe besteht, die mir wieder Kapital ins Portfolio bringen, die Liquidität ermögliche und die beitragen, die Margin und damit die Zinslast zu reduzieren.
Konkret rede ich - und die treuen Leser mit den Abos für Plus-Content und exclusivem Inhalten auf OnlyFans wissen was jetzt folgt - konkret rede ich von Pfizer.
Ursprünglich hatte ich die Aktien gekauft, um die Dividende mitzunehmen und danach wieder rauszugehen. Tja. Die Dividende habe ich jetzt schon zweimal mitgenommen, aber mit Gewinn konnte ich immer noch nicht raus. Jetzt aber... -1,6% und damit nur knappe 5 Euro von der schwarzen Null entfernt.
Spannend oder?
Also bestimmt spanmneder, als wenn ich heute nochmal erzähle, dass heute der Verfallstag der verkauften PutOption auf ProSieben ist. Ich weiß gar nicht, wann ich das letzte mal nicht davon erzählt habe.
In der Hinsicht bin ich da schon so n kleines bisschen wie von Tante Hilde ihre Schwester die Nachbarin. Die erzählt auch immer das gleiche. Oder Mario Barth. Kennste? Kennste... Meine Freundin, pass uff...
Schweifen wir vom Thema ab? Bitte etwas mehr Konzentration.
Pfizer... Dividende... Aixtron Dividende kommt auch bald, jetzt muss der Kurs kommen. Minus 10,5% (-27,10) aktuell.
MyTheresa: -12% (-31,50) AT&T: -5,9% (-19,9) Nike: -19,5% (-205) ProSieben: -16% (-288) WalgreensBoots: -60,8% (-128,8)
Die großen Positionen wiegen natürlich schwerer und beeinflussen die Ungleichheit im Portfolio sehr stark, da muss man dann aber auch mal... warten können.
Soviel erstmal zum Kernsortiment. Der Rest ist unspektakulär, da entweder spekulative Beimischung oder Depotabsicherung
Um nun aber herauszufinden, ob ich mich verzockt habe... Keine Ahnung, aber hättest du dir das sonst bis hier durchgelesen? Wirklich? Sei Ehrlich.
Siehste. Deswegen clickbait.
submitted by Medium-Damage2469 to LunchMoneyTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 akeithwill33088 1990s pay stub

1990s pay stub
My papaw was a meat cutter from age 14-81. He recently passed away at age 90. My mom was going through his things and found a pay stub from Memorial Holiday Week 1990.
submitted by akeithwill33088 to kroger [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 Living_Drop2584 hangar advice, returning player

hangar advice, returning player
apologies for the long post i left the game around 4 years back, came back a month ago and have been grinding, mainly f2p but i did buy a few cheap key deals when i came back
-> am currently needing a brawletank, i used to run the t-falcon but it seemed underwhelming, however i did win the cryptic fenrir and the leg-pilot b-wolf and i do encounter fenrirs still. so do i go about levelling it up or focus resources on the t-falcon as well as try to get its leg-pilot ? or any other brawletank recommendations?
-> am also trying to fix on a titan and level it up - (indra, newton, rook, heimdall), weapons - i do have bits of vajra/maha vajra, dazzlelantern, gargantua, glaive, single pair of tonans/fulgur, and some retaliators/vengeance , would like to use it for staying around the 300-400m range and still being able to handle the occasional close quarters brawl.
current hangar
regarding my current hangar - the titan and angler are placeholders, the angler build is more to annoy since the splash hits bots behind small covers and the blast effect takes out small chunks of health at a time
i have got the leg-pilot ozu for ares recently and it seems to be good, also rates of fire between magnetar and fainter are very different so perhaps pulsars instead of fainter on it ?
for scorpion the shotguns seem to work, but ive seen sonics do better so thought of building sonics for the scorpion, but i do have a needle/spike in inventory so thats there
strider and raven since they are pretty fun to use, the ravens leg-pilot is pretty good and i recently won the strider leg-pilot, am also considering replacing strider with a nether + its shieldbreaker leg-pilot since similar dash abilities.
bots in inventory - phantom, fenrir, nether, typhon, seraph, mars, skyros, ravana but yes overall its one too many beacon runners/mid range builds/glass cannons am open to any other recommendations and suggestions on bots/titans/builds as well
submitted by Living_Drop2584 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 Hard2Believe1979 LF STARS OFFERS!

LF STARS OFFERS! submitted by Hard2Believe1979 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 ilybentley $2.73!!!!! TO THE FUCKING MOON MOTHERFUCKERS

$2.73!!!!! TO THE FUCKING MOON MOTHERFUCKERS submitted by ilybentley to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 Junior_Lynx9391 To the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀

To the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀 submitted by Junior_Lynx9391 to roaringkitty [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 30: "A-G-G-Ron? What kind of a name is A-G-G-Ron?" It's Aggron/Mega Aggron!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Whimsicott currently has votes for B tier with a pretty solid lead!
So with that being said it looks like the fluffy hair fairy will be joining the B tier! Like with all previous votes I'll continue to check the numbers and if anything changes I'll update it on tomorrow's post.
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl, Cloyster, Skeledirge, Gholdengo, Tinkaton
A tier - Gyarados/Mega, VenusauMega/Dyna, Aegislash, Corviknight/Dyna, Excadrill, GardevoiMega, Toxapex, ScizoMega, GengaMega/Dyna
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth, Weavile, Starmie, Rhyperior, Quagsire, Mamoswine, Whimsicott
C tier - Linoone
F tier - Dustox
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 30 of Tier Voting and today we will be talking about a Pokemon that won many fans over with its design all the way back in Generation 3. Aggron has extremely high physical defense and a pretty solid Attack stat at the tradeoff of a little rough on the Special Defensive side. And while it has a bit of an infamous typing in Steel/Rock and a rough Speed stat, its Mega form makes it a pure Steel type and increases its Attack and Defenses even more, making its Special Defense quite a bit more passable. It does lose STAB on Head Smash in Mega form but its survivability definitely increases in this form. It also has a Passive in this game which helps mitigate its weaknesses and when in its Mega form combined with its natural Ability to completely neutralize all of its weaknesses. It also has some amazing Egg moves (including one of the strongest moves in the entire game in Salt Cure). It does have a little bit of flexibility as it can run either of its normal Abilities for a bit different of setups and doesn't typically prefer its Hidden Ability which makes it a bit more accessible as well.
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just in case someone accidentally votes and then can't remove their vote (I've noticed that happens on Reddit sometimes) or for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
(Data in parentheses is for the Mega form)
Aggron (Mega)
Type: Steel/Rock (Steel)
Mega: Yes
Dynamax: No
Starter cost {Aron}: 3
Possible Egg moves: Head Smash, Shore Up, Body Press, Salt Cure
Abilities: Sturdy or Rock Head (Filter)
Hidden Ability: Heavy Metal (Filter)
Passive Ability: Solid Rock - reduces the effectiveness of Super Effective moves against the Pokemon by 25%
Evolution: Aron evolves into Lairon at level 32. Lairon evolves into Aggron at level 42. Aggron can Mega evolve with Mega Bracelet and Aggronite.
Base stats:
HP - 70 (70)
Attack - 110 (140)
Defense - 180 (230)
Sp. Attack - 60 (60)
Sp. Defense - 60 (80)
Speed - 50 (50)
Learnset by level up: Harden, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Tackle, Roar, Headbutt, Protect, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Metal Sound, Take Down, Autotomize, Iron Tail, Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Double-Edge, Metal Burst
Notable TMs: Mud-Slap, Curse, Dragon Rush, Superpower, Dragon Claw, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Dig, Brick Break, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Facade, Rest, Sleep Talk, Shadow Claw, Payback, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Swagger, Rock Climb, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Protect, Whirlpool, Rock Blast, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Low Kick, Outrage, Crunch, High Horsepower, Body Press, Head Smash
By request, we will be doing the rest of the traditional starters (the first ones you have unlocked in the game) that we haven't done yet for the next votes, we're hoping this will give people a little more time to try out some other Pokemon so there's less Abstaining votes winning out and we feel like it should help to flesh out the lower tiers a little more since they're mostly in direct competition with each other and some are certainly better than the others. We'll start with the 3 from the list below that were specifically requested and then just start from Gen 1 and go forward from there doing the ones we haven't done yet. (Except for Charizard until its Passive ability is implemented)
Tomorrow's vote: Infernape!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Comfey, Crobat, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Delphox, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Flamigo, Volcarona, Alolan-Decidueye, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Toxtricity/Dyna, Carbink, Porygon-Z, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 Nadzmie100 what the hell just happened

what the hell just happened
i’m literally just trying my new random deck and got hit with this
submitted by Nadzmie100 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 MomoKoky cities skyline 2 games launching error

  1. Name of the game: cities skyline 2
  2. Site from which you got the game from: ElAmigos
  3. System Specs and OS Version: m1 mac 8gp ram parallel windows
  4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue: no
  5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues): apple GPU arm chip
submitted by MomoKoky to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 West-Yogurtcloset272 Is romantic relationships just not for me?

Is romantic relationships just not for me?
Okay, so my childhood was very unstable so I never really thought much about romance. However, in my 20’s its dawned on me that I’ve never experienced any type of romantic relationship in my life. I have one friend and i generally stay home even though i love being social. Does anything in my chart explain anything?? Will i ever experience a good, healthy relationship ?
submitted by West-Yogurtcloset272 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 x-blade10 Glass Harmonica for Bucket Drums

Glass Harmonica for Bucket Drums submitted by x-blade10 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 Stock-Initial-8391 Doing the best I can !!!!! Single dad of 4 trying to give my daughter the best quinceneras I can so anything helps ......

I have 2 oldwr daughters who i have full custody of and 1 is born in January and the other in December oldest is already 15 and her sister turns in december and im doing them there quincenera together due to me being a single father.......i do work fulltime as a server but the expenses for it are high and I'm truating in God that He will provide ......copy and use my referral code thank you and God bless you
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submitted by Stock-Initial-8391 to CSL [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 DivSanzo Best Team I ever coached

Best Team I ever coached
Would call myself a Veteran in FM, but this is by far the best I ever got out of the Players/Team. I know the tactic Gegenpress is Meta, but what this team is achieving is just crazy. Started the career with a 4-3-3 Gegenpress with scoring and conceeding much, but went through the years and became more and more defensive and now the stats are absolute nuts.
submitted by DivSanzo to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:11 TheBlackDrago Cornell's Sanctuaries of Solitude #20: Riley Robb Hall

This bathroom is on the bottom floor. Just walk in from the side facing the athletic fields, down the stairs. The bathroom should be right outside the stairs.
I was gonna rate this bathroom as D tier but now that I look at how I just roasted this bathroom, it deserves F tier. The smell is overpowering and it's almost a biohazard to walk into this bathroom. Just go to Stocking for some good bathrooms. It's right there.
submitted by TheBlackDrago to Cornell [link] [comments]