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2024.06.01 14:33 MountainSkald [A Valkyrie's Saga] - Part 112

Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
When Kayla awoke, she found herself curled up on a couch in the Banshee’s infirmary. In the nearest bed, Thandi appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Across from her, Yak was hooked up to several scary looking tubes, but her vitals looked stable. Most of the rest of the beds were also filled. Another successful Valkyrie operation, Kayla thought, bitterly.
She didn’t remember the trip back from the planet. She did remember being told that nobody had found any sign of Rayker, and that memory kindled a little of the rage that never burned out. They had been through a nightmare for nothing.
“I wondered how long you would be asleep,” a voice said.
Kayla turned to see Christie sat on the end of her couch. Her friend seemed to be weighed down by sadness as she put aside the tablet she was typing on and smiled back at her.
“Wha— uh…” Kayla managed, as her stiff tongue flapped helplessly. She yawned and stretched.
“Twenty-three wounded in total,” Christie said. “Thandi will walk again in a week. Yak’s going to be in a coma for the next month. Fortunately, nothing struck her vital organs. And, by the way, one of the Raider squads was also involved in a friendly fire incident.”
Kayla focused on her, then looked away. “Jesus,” she said to herself. “God dammit.”
“Thandi wouldn’t like that,” Christie scolded. “Heathen.”
Kayla stood up and began to pace slowly as she wrapped her arms around herself. “I can’t believe I—”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Christie said, “because you’ve been asleep for about ten hours. In the interim, I was able to speak with several Rangers about what happened. It was not your fault. Not entirely.”
Kayla shook her head. “Yes, it was. Oh, God, yes it was. I should have seen them, I should have had a stronger optic, I should have—”
“Corporal Rudaski misread her map. So did the leader of second squad. You were both actually in hall hotel-four. The base was constructed in a circular pattern of radially linked zones, orbiting a central facility. It’s a highly abstract layout that we have never seen before. Most Ranger battalions have spent the last several centuries clearing logical, grid-like layouts in ships and bunkers. Under fire, it is easy to see how confusion caused units to lose track of their positions as they advanced. Most of the platoons did, actually, at one point or another. And, in my opinion, we did not have anything like the troop numbers needed to comfortably secure that site. A consequence, no doubt, of Valkyrie’s failure to prepare and train for large scale deployments, for which there has been no requirement in at least a millennia, so they tell me.”
Kayla turned to her with a puzzled expression. “You figured all that out already?”
“I’m drafting a report on the matter. I can’t sleep, you see, because the flaws of this operation stem entirely from the task force’s desire to follow Rayker until she discovered the tracker. We found it in the central command chamber. It was sealed in a wrapping of fat and muscle tissue, which she obviously cut out of herself hours before the tamper alarm sensed the toxins of cell decay. She left it there for us to find. To taunt us, no doubt.”
Christie yawned deeply, stood up and brushed her sweater off. “Do you see, Kayla, that the intelligence team were making decisions based off of my actions on Ambrosia, when I planted that device?” She smiled bitterly. “And I had the arrogance to think I was outwitting the woman. So, in a way, it’s my fault.”
Kayla swallowed and slowly shook her head. Then she grabbed her friend and held her in a tight hug. “War sucks,” she said. “Everything about it is awful.”
“I agree. Nevertheless, we are drawn to it, like moths to a flame perhaps?”
Kayla released her and collapsed into the couch. “When I slept, I had a dream. I was in Plato’s cave, but I got free. Outside there was a dragon, burning everything in sight. The world was covered in ash, and the puppets casting shadows were dead bodies,” She wiped moisture out of her eye. “He said, ‘come out and play, little girl’.”
Christie nodded. “We were lucky nobody was killed today. Rayker will certainly cost us more blood before we manage to catch her. She could have set up a much stronger defense than a battalion of light combat drones, but she didn’t.”
Kayla reached into her pocket and found her necklace. She placed it over her head and ran a thumb over the engraved name.
She looked back at Christie. “Why not?”
“The freighter the Sirène caught was carrying several large combat walkers, produced by that plant. A deep space survey revealed that a second freighter had jumped away earlier. No doubt Rayker’s escape—she seems to have plotted a course opposite the star from where we stopped at the minefield. There seems to be no question that she had the main force of those machines with her.”
“Any idea where they went?”
Christie turned away to retrieve her tablet. “Not yet, unfortunately.”
“May the saints have mercy,” said a voice, “if a shot up woman cannot get a wink of sleep with all the talking in here.”
Kayla whirled around to see Thandi, sitting up in her bed. She darted over and grabbed her into a bearhug.
“I’m really sorry I got you shot,” she said.
“Yeah,” Thandi said looking pleased with herself. “And to apologize, you’ll be fetching me chocolate cake from the mess until I get out of here.” She lowered her voice. “Seriously though, Kayla, I need you. The food is terrible.”
Kayla chuckled. “You can count on me.”
“How are you feeling, wonder woman?”
“Oh, uh… not that wonderful to be honest.”
“Leaping tall structures in a single bound?” Thandi grinned admiringly at her. “You had a bit of a superhero moment.”
Kayla raised her eyebrows. “I tore half the muscles in my body. It was definitely not awesome.”
“Sure looked like it. I don’t even know how you do stuff like that. The Lord moved you.”
Christie cleared her throat and gave Thandi a significant look.
Thandi rolled her eyes. “It’s a compliment—I’m not diminishing what you did.”
Kayla returned her cheerful gaze with a flat expression. She had felt like everyone she cared about was about to die. Like her soul had been lit on fire, and the only way to put it out had been to move like a lightning bolt. It was not something she ever wanted to experience again.
“I was on probation for the incident on Ambrosia,” she reminded Thandi. “I will definitely be dropped back to private from now on.”
“Oh,” Thandi’s sparkling eyes darkened. “Well, that sucks. I hope they don’t. You straight up saved us all from an ambush at the start of that firefight. And the illume drone—you made lots of good calls down there.”
Kayla shook her head. “I shouldn’t be a team leader. I keep losing control. I can’t let… I don’t respond well when any of you are in danger.”
Thandi grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. “What happens to us is not up to you, my dear. It’s in God’s hands alone.”
Kayla didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure if she could accept that.
“How’s the pain?” Christie asked.
“Oh,” Thandi said and waved her hand. “Nothing too severe. I think of how Rose would be responding, and I know I can handle anything.”
Christie nodded silently.
“She speaks to me, in my dreams. She tells me how proud she is of us.” Thandi glanced at Kayla. “She says you are a true leader.”
Kayla turned away, unable to keep her eyes from tearing up.
“Will you be up in time for the merger?” Christie asked.
“On crutches maybe,” Thandi said. “But I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I can’t imagine anything more glorious.”
“What’s that?” Kayla asked before slowly turning back.
“The Banshee is returning to Tyr,” Christie explained. “On the way back, we have been tasked with collecting a probe that was observing a binary star merger. We will have the opportunity to observe the event live.”
“Whatever,” Kayla said with an eye roll. She was a little offended that their task force had been assigned a science project after what had happened. “Nerd stuff, right?”
Christie laughed, and met Thandi’s eyes with a smirk. “If you say so.”
Thandi shifted against her pillows. “How is the mood of the ship?” she said to Christie. “Are people still angry?”
“What do you mean?” Kayla cut in.
Thandi glanced back and forth between them. “You didn’t tell her?”
Christie waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, but with all that’s happening I didn’t think it pertinent. Why add to our already substantial burdens?”
“What’s going on?” Kayla demanded, and felt her hair stand on end.
Christie smiled tightly. “ODT Four seized the freighter and searched it thoroughly. No evidence of Rayker, as I said.”
“Yeah? And?”
“Well, they found a false compartment in one of the holds. And there were a pair of young teenagers inside. A boy and a girl.”
“In rags, and chained up,” Thandi added.
Kayla realized her jaw had clenched. She felt her skin crawl with a new kind of horror. “Oh my God,” she said, then glanced at Thandi. “Sorry.”
“In this case you get a dispensation.”
“Obviously,” Christie continued, “the pour souls will be returned to their families. A terrible situation.”
Kayla’s mind buzzed with questions. “What is—uh… where was it from? The ship?”
“Intaba,” Thandi said sullenly. “A VennZech registered vessel. Justice cannot come swiftly enough for the demon scum who perpetrated this evil on my homeworld…” she frowned as she lost her words, and clenched her fists together.
“Do you think Valkyrie will start interdicting their ships?” Kayla asked.
“No,” Christie said. “Hence the angry mood. It is a problem the organization has faced since humanity took to the stars. The chieftains have resolutely refused to address it. Our mission statement is to protect humanity, not interfere with their conduct. Frankly I have to agree with them, though I appear to be in the minority.”
Kayla stared at her incredulously. “But that’s bullshit,” she said. “How can you be okay with letting something like that go?”
Christie arched an eyebrow. “A secret army of super soldiers, with access to civilization destroying technology, and who answer—as far as we know—to nobody but themselves? The very thought of interfering gives me an existential crisis. However tragic the situation, it seems obvious that we must maintain our distance.”
Kayla shook her head. She already felt hot anger driving her to act. How could such monsters be allowed to walk freely in a just galaxy?
“All that it takes for evil to succeed—” Thandi began.
“Please can we not continue this conversation?” Christie snapped. “I’ve had enough of being insulted by some of my colleagues. I don’t want it from my friends too.”
Kayla exchanged looks with Thandi, but she owed her best friend the space she wanted.
“I promise, I won’t bring it up again, Chris,” she said.
Kayla ate in the ship’s mess then returned to her bunk, where the rest of the squad were waiting. They were talking in somber tones, but fell silent when she approached.
Kes stood up and beckoned to her. “Platoon ready room, this way.”
Once shut away in privacy, Kes sat her down and they retraced every event that had occurred inside the base. Every decision was picked apart minutely, with no judgement or grievance allowed.
“I needed us to go through this as soon as possible,” she explained. “This will sit with you for the rest of your life. We all made mistakes, but nobody should feel incriminated. I have been through five blue on blue incidents. This shit just happens, and I guarantee it will happen to you again in the future.”
Kayla felt a little relief as she spoke with her squad leader and found that she was neither alone, nor justified in hating herself. They had been moving quickly through a confusing environment, making a deadly situation much more likely.
“One last thing, though,” Kes added somberly. “Private Voigt from second squad fired the burst that hit Yak and Thandi. She is being removed from the battalion. By her own account, she returned Yak’s fire without any kind of communication with her team leader, or any attempt to check the position of friendlies. That was a major SOP violation when she knew they were expecting to move in our direction.”
Kayla absorbed this with shock. She couldn’t argue with it; after all, what good was a Ranger who couldn’t do her job? And didn’t that mean that the same punishment should apply to her?
She cleared her throat. Terror gnawed at her insides as Kes stared at her expectantly.
“I lost control again,” Kayla said.
“Yup,” Kes said, and rubbed her eyes with obvious frustration. “And this time, your actions swiftly ended a dangerous firefight following a terrible accident. Yak got immediate medical attention because of that. On the other hand, you put yourself in a position to be killed or wounded where no-one could help you.”
There was a long pause while the corporal appeared to search a distant horizon. “You don’t need a lecture, and Akane can’t make a decision on you. Yak was my next choice for Lance Corporal, but she’s out of action, along with a bunch of others. Together with this Rayker shitshow, it is not the time to be shuffling people around.”
Kayla’s brow furrowed “What about Ray?”
“Oh,” Kes ran a hand through her hair. “Every time I’ve offered it, she’s refused. Anyway, we’ve already been told by Captain Aguilar to expect a new private out of Ranger school once we return to Tyr.”
“Yes, Corporal,” Kayla said, unsure what to think about the decision.
“I’ve seen you make good decisions in the field. But I will push to replace you when the opportunity comes up again.” Kes narrowed her eyes. “Unless you can show me I’m wrong before that happens.”
Kayla left the room with her head spinning. She was keeping her job, even though she obviously didn’t have what it took to lead Rangers in combat.
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:30 MountainSkald A Valkyrie's Saga - Part 112

Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
When Kayla awoke, she found herself curled up on a couch in the Banshee’s infirmary. In the nearest bed, Thandi appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Across from her, Yak was hooked up to several scary looking tubes, but her vitals looked stable. Most of the rest of the beds were also filled. Another successful Valkyrie operation, Kayla thought, bitterly.
She didn’t remember the trip back from the planet. She did remember being told that nobody had found any sign of Rayker, and that memory kindled a little of the rage that never burned out. They had been through a nightmare for nothing.
“I wondered how long you would be asleep,” a voice said.
Kayla turned to see Christie sat on the end of her couch. Her friend seemed to be weighed down by sadness as she put aside the tablet she was typing on and smiled back at her.
“Wha— uh…” Kayla managed, as her stiff tongue flapped helplessly. She yawned and stretched.
“Twenty-three wounded in total,” Christie said. “Thandi will walk again in a week. Yak’s going to be in a coma for the next month. Fortunately, nothing struck her vital organs. And, by the way, one of the Raider squads was also involved in a friendly fire incident.”
Kayla focused on her, then looked away. “Jesus,” she said to herself. “God dammit.”
“Thandi wouldn’t like that,” Christie scolded. “Heathen.”
Kayla stood up and began to pace slowly as she wrapped her arms around herself. “I can’t believe I—”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Christie said, “because you’ve been asleep for about ten hours. In the interim, I was able to speak with several Rangers about what happened. It was not your fault. Not entirely.”
Kayla shook her head. “Yes, it was. Oh, God, yes it was. I should have seen them, I should have had a stronger optic, I should have—”
“Corporal Rudaski misread her map. So did the leader of second squad. You were both actually in hall hotel-four. The base was constructed in a circular pattern of radially linked zones, orbiting a central facility. It’s a highly abstract layout that we have never seen before. Most Ranger battalions have spent the last several centuries clearing logical, grid-like layouts in ships and bunkers. Under fire, it is easy to see how confusion caused units to lose track of their positions as they advanced. Most of the platoons did, actually, at one point or another. And, in my opinion, we did not have anything like the troop numbers needed to comfortably secure that site. A consequence, no doubt, of Valkyrie’s failure to prepare and train for large scale deployments, for which there has been no requirement in at least a millennia, so they tell me.”
Kayla turned to her with a puzzled expression. “You figured all that out already?”
“I’m drafting a report on the matter. I can’t sleep, you see, because the flaws of this operation stem entirely from the task force’s desire to follow Rayker until she discovered the tracker. We found it in the central command chamber. It was sealed in a wrapping of fat and muscle tissue, which she obviously cut out of herself hours before the tamper alarm sensed the toxins of cell decay. She left it there for us to find. To taunt us, no doubt.”
Christie yawned deeply, stood up and brushed her sweater off. “Do you see, Kayla, that the intelligence team were making decisions based off of my actions on Ambrosia, when I planted that device?” She smiled bitterly. “And I had the arrogance to think I was outwitting the woman. So, in a way, it’s my fault.”
Kayla swallowed and slowly shook her head. Then she grabbed her friend and held her in a tight hug. “War sucks,” she said. “Everything about it is awful.”
“I agree. Nevertheless, we are drawn to it, like moths to a flame perhaps?”
Kayla released her and collapsed into the couch. “When I slept, I had a dream. I was in Plato’s cave, but I got free. Outside there was a dragon, burning everything in sight. The world was covered in ash, and the puppets casting shadows were dead bodies,” She wiped moisture out of her eye. “He said, ‘come out and play, little girl’.”
Christie nodded. “We were lucky nobody was killed today. Rayker will certainly cost us more blood before we manage to catch her. She could have set up a much stronger defense than a battalion of light combat drones, but she didn’t.”
Kayla reached into her pocket and found her necklace. She placed it over her head and ran a thumb over the engraved name.
She looked back at Christie. “Why not?”
“The freighter the Sirène caught was carrying several large combat walkers, produced by that plant. A deep space survey revealed that a second freighter had jumped away earlier. No doubt Rayker’s escape—she seems to have plotted a course opposite the star from where we stopped at the minefield. There seems to be no question that she had the main force of those machines with her.”
“Any idea where they went?”
Christie turned away to retrieve her tablet. “Not yet, unfortunately.”
“May the saints have mercy,” said a voice, “if a shot up woman cannot get a wink of sleep with all the talking in here.”
Kayla whirled around to see Thandi, sitting up in her bed. She darted over and grabbed her into a bearhug.
“I’m really sorry I got you shot,” she said.
“Yeah,” Thandi said looking pleased with herself. “And to apologize, you’ll be fetching me chocolate cake from the mess until I get out of here.” She lowered her voice. “Seriously though, Kayla, I need you. The food is terrible.”
Kayla chuckled. “You can count on me.”
“How are you feeling, wonder woman?”
“Oh, uh… not that wonderful to be honest.”
“Leaping tall structures in a single bound?” Thandi grinned admiringly at her. “You had a bit of a superhero moment.”
Kayla raised her eyebrows. “I tore half the muscles in my body. It was definitely not awesome.”
“Sure looked like it. I don’t even know how you do stuff like that. The Lord moved you.”
Christie cleared her throat and gave Thandi a significant look.
Thandi rolled her eyes. “It’s a compliment—I’m not diminishing what you did.”
Kayla returned her cheerful gaze with a flat expression. She had felt like everyone she cared about was about to die. Like her soul had been lit on fire, and the only way to put it out had been to move like a lightning bolt. It was not something she ever wanted to experience again.
“I was on probation for the incident on Ambrosia,” she reminded Thandi. “I will definitely be dropped back to private from now on.”
“Oh,” Thandi’s sparkling eyes darkened. “Well, that sucks. I hope they don’t. You straight up saved us all from an ambush at the start of that firefight. And the illume drone—you made lots of good calls down there.”
Kayla shook her head. “I shouldn’t be a team leader. I keep losing control. I can’t let… I don’t respond well when any of you are in danger.”
Thandi grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. “What happens to us is not up to you, my dear. It’s in God’s hands alone.”
Kayla didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure if she could accept that.
“How’s the pain?” Christie asked.
“Oh,” Thandi said and waved her hand. “Nothing too severe. I think of how Rose would be responding, and I know I can handle anything.”
Christie nodded silently.
“She speaks to me, in my dreams. She tells me how proud she is of us.” Thandi glanced at Kayla. “She says you are a true leader.”
Kayla turned away, unable to keep her eyes from tearing up.
“Will you be up in time for the merger?” Christie asked.
“On crutches maybe,” Thandi said. “But I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I can’t imagine anything more glorious.”
“What’s that?” Kayla asked before slowly turning back.
“The Banshee is returning to Tyr,” Christie explained. “On the way back, we have been tasked with collecting a probe that was observing a binary star merger. We will have the opportunity to observe the event live.”
“Whatever,” Kayla said with an eye roll. She was a little offended that their task force had been assigned a science project after what had happened. “Nerd stuff, right?”
Christie laughed, and met Thandi’s eyes with a smirk. “If you say so.”
Thandi shifted against her pillows. “How is the mood of the ship?” she said to Christie. “Are people still angry?”
“What do you mean?” Kayla cut in.
Thandi glanced back and forth between them. “You didn’t tell her?”
Christie waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, but with all that’s happening I didn’t think it pertinent. Why add to our already substantial burdens?”
“What’s going on?” Kayla demanded, and felt her hair stand on end.
Christie smiled tightly. “ODT Four seized the freighter and searched it thoroughly. No evidence of Rayker, as I said.”
“Yeah? And?”
“Well, they found a false compartment in one of the holds. And there were a pair of young teenagers inside. A boy and a girl.”
“In rags, and chained up,” Thandi added.
Kayla realized her jaw had clenched. She felt her skin crawl with a new kind of horror. “Oh my God,” she said, then glanced at Thandi. “Sorry.”
“In this case you get a dispensation.”
“Obviously,” Christie continued, “the pour souls will be returned to their families. A terrible situation.”
Kayla’s mind buzzed with questions. “What is—uh… where was it from? The ship?”
“Intaba,” Thandi said sullenly. “A VennZech registered vessel. Justice cannot come swiftly enough for the demon scum who perpetrated this evil on my homeworld…” she frowned as she lost her words, and clenched her fists together.
“Do you think Valkyrie will start interdicting their ships?” Kayla asked.
“No,” Christie said. “Hence the angry mood. It is a problem the organization has faced since humanity took to the stars. The chieftains have resolutely refused to address it. Our mission statement is to protect humanity, not interfere with their conduct. Frankly I have to agree with them, though I appear to be in the minority.”
Kayla stared at her incredulously. “But that’s bullshit,” she said. “How can you be okay with letting something like that go?”
Christie arched an eyebrow. “A secret army of super soldiers, with access to civilization destroying technology, and who answer—as far as we know—to nobody but themselves? The very thought of interfering gives me an existential crisis. However tragic the situation, it seems obvious that we must maintain our distance.”
Kayla shook her head. She already felt hot anger driving her to act. How could such monsters be allowed to walk freely in a just galaxy?
“All that it takes for evil to succeed—” Thandi began.
“Please can we not continue this conversation?” Christie snapped. “I’ve had enough of being insulted by some of my colleagues. I don’t want it from my friends too.”
Kayla exchanged looks with Thandi, but she owed her best friend the space she wanted.
“I promise, I won’t bring it up again, Chris,” she said.
Kayla ate in the ship’s mess then returned to her bunk, where the rest of the squad were waiting. They were talking in somber tones, but fell silent when she approached.
Kes stood up and beckoned to her. “Platoon ready room, this way.”
Once shut away in privacy, Kes sat her down and they retraced every event that had occurred inside the base. Every decision was picked apart minutely, with no judgement or grievance allowed.
“I needed us to go through this as soon as possible,” she explained. “This will sit with you for the rest of your life. We all made mistakes, but nobody should feel incriminated. I have been through five blue on blue incidents. This shit just happens, and I guarantee it will happen to you again in the future.”
Kayla felt a little relief as she spoke with her squad leader and found that she was neither alone, nor justified in hating herself. They had been moving quickly through a confusing environment, making a deadly situation much more likely.
“One last thing, though,” Kes added somberly. “Private Voigt from second squad fired the burst that hit Yak and Thandi. She is being removed from the battalion. By her own account, she returned Yak’s fire without any kind of communication with her team leader, or any attempt to check the position of friendlies. That was a major SOP violation when she knew they were expecting to move in our direction.”
Kayla absorbed this with shock. She couldn’t argue with it; after all, what good was a Ranger who couldn’t do her job? And didn’t that mean that the same punishment should apply to her?
She cleared her throat. Terror gnawed at her insides as Kes stared at her expectantly.
“I lost control again,” Kayla said.
“Yup,” Kes said, and rubbed her eyes with obvious frustration. “And this time, your actions swiftly ended a dangerous firefight following a terrible accident. Yak got immediate medical attention because of that. On the other hand, you put yourself in a position to be killed or wounded where no-one could help you.”
There was a long pause while the corporal appeared to search a distant horizon. “You don’t need a lecture, and Akane can’t make a decision on you. Yak was my next choice for Lance Corporal, but she’s out of action, along with a bunch of others. Together with this Rayker shitshow, it is not the time to be shuffling people around.”
Kayla’s brow furrowed “What about Ray?”
“Oh,” Kes ran a hand through her hair. “Every time I’ve offered it, she’s refused. Anyway, we’ve already been told by Captain Aguilar to expect a new private out of Ranger school once we return to Tyr.”
“Yes, Corporal,” Kayla said, unsure what to think about the decision.
“I’ve seen you make good decisions in the field. But I will push to replace you when the opportunity comes up again.” Kes narrowed her eyes. “Unless you can show me I’m wrong before that happens.”
Kayla left the room with her head spinning. She was keeping her job, even though she obviously didn’t have what it took to lead Rangers in combat.
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:12 benddit Goodwill Safe GD-075 broadcasts location? Doh!

Made the mistake of buying this safe with its newfangled wifi alert system, only to discover its poor design actually introduces a new security risk.
The wifi alarm is a feature so badly implemented it's dangerous. In theory, it sends an alert to your Goodwill Safe phone app if the safe is physically jostled or a wrong pin is entered. Neato right? But beware: the app requires location access.
Without it, the app simply crashes out. Why would a safe require location access?
Trying to contact the developer through their site leads to a broken Vietnamese web site with invalid email and social media contacts. Fishy.
Has anyone heard of this company? Would like to get in touch and get some reassurance.
submitted by benddit to Safes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:07 madrasi2021 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C03) Resources

Every single day there is a question from someone here saying "where do I start for AWS Solutions Architect Associate" when there are a few hundred articles from those who passed already.
So here is a master list of resources to help those who have this question.
Cloud Practitioner version of this is here
If you find this post useful - upvote. I am happy to take feedback / suggestions / changes etc - please comment!


  1. Get 1 video course and watch it end to end - the subreddit favourites are below / scroll down further for links
    • I cannot afford any courses / need a free option - get Andrew Brown's YouTube course
    • I want to just learn bare minimum to pass exam - Stephane Maarek on Udemy
    • I really want to learn this AWS and cloud stuff well and be good at it - Adrian Cantrill
  2. Read whitepapers / review new announcements from re:Invent 2023
  3. Do one decent set of practice exams from one provider- subreddit favourites below / scroll down further for links
    • Tutorialsdojo (personal favourite - I passed ALL my exams using "TD")
    • Udemy (Stephane Maarek)
Take and Pass exam!

Subreddit Search

Following my own usual guidance, you can always use the subreddit search feature and read articles from everyone in the last month who posted about this exam / passed it. There is a wealth of detail / experience here to learn from :
Link :

Exam Details

If you have absolutely no clue about the exam - start here.
The exam code is SAA-C03
AWS page with all the details :
Always read the Exam Guide (tells you whats in / out of scope) :

Minimum Viable Path to Certification

Most people usually need 3 things to pass the exam
  1. A single video based course introducing AWS and all the key exam topics
Typically these are courses where someone reads from some slides, shows you the AWS console and how to use it and then gives you tips on what to remember - there are free and paid versions of these.
  1. Additional material on key topics.
For SAA-C03 - there are some recommended whitepapers on WAF and also since 6 months have passed since the last re:Invent 2023 - any of the major announcements from then now are in scope for the exam. You wont see too many new things but there is a chance there are some random questions that were not covered in any practice exam / course.
  1. One good quality practice exam
Note : do not fall for some random "dump" found on internet or a file your mate gave you to study.
Also note - you do NOT need more than 1 of each category. You can buy more than one practice exam for sure but doing one is enough IMHO.

1. Video Courses

Free Video based Courses

Free from AWS's own training service (Skillbuilder) :
There is an "Exam Prep" course from Skillbuilder but note that this just covers the high level domains but is not a comprehensive deep dive.
Optional : There is a slightly extended version of this in the paid tier with additional exam-style questions, flashcards and more importantly FREE hands on labs and the official practice exam.
There is a 7 day (extended to 10 days sometimes) free trial for the paid tier which can help you cram this. You can subscribe, immediately cancel but still enjoy 7 days free.
Please note that this course is not enough on its own to pass and you may want to try additional material below.
YouTube based video course
This course below is a better alternative to the SkillBuilder course above but is about 50 hours.
Andrew Brown is an AWS community hero who runs his own training site called but offers most of the material for free on FreeCodeCamp's YouTube channel.
The 2024 refresh of the SAA course is here :
Andrew also has additional (free / paid) content on his site to check out.

PAID Video based courses

Adrian Cantrill's courses :
Adrian Cantrill is an independent content creator and has his own site from where you can obtain courses.
His courses go above and beyond what the exam needs and this is exactly why the community loves these courses as you get more practical knowledge than just cramming for the exam. The additional coverage means these courses are longer and not as cheap as other courses that cover just the exam material but in the general opinion of everyone who has taken the course it is absolutely worth it.
Link :
Udemy Courses :
Udemy is a marketplace for courses created by independent authors.
Two of the well known authors are mentioned below but please note that Udemy's pricing model can be a bit weird. One day it may show 150 USD for a course and another day 15 USD. This price it high and discount it heavily model catches out most people - so NEVER pay more than USD 20 for anything on Udemy.
Just wait for a day or so and prices may change. Opening Udemy in another incognito browser etc usually yields a different price or follow the authors on social media for codes that shrink the cost.
Stephane Maarek :
Go via his site : for links to his Solutions Architect Associate with the best available coupon.
Neil Davis :
Either one of these Udemy courses is sufficient. You still need to combine it with practice exams but you do not need more than 1 video course.
Other sites :
As mentioned above Andrew Brown has his own site with additional material over his YouTube course.
Cloud Academy has both a learning plan and a practice exam at the end.

2. Additional Material

I will update this section soon with some additional guidance soon as I am not happy yet (please let me know in comments if there are key additional coverage I should include) - I am scouring recent exam pass posts to see whats current and also want to add links to re:Invent 2023 announcements. I also am thinking of adding in links to "cheat sheets" / docs - let me know if this would be useful.
WAF - Well Architected Framework
You need to know at some decent depth on what the pillars are and what they do.
Read the whitpapers from
Specifically I found the Reliability and Cost Optimization white papers very useful.

3. Practice Exams

Please do NOT fall for "dumps" - if anyone offers you the EXACT list of AWS questions or guarantees the question bank matches the exam - these are dumps. The links below are either official or well regarded sources.
Free :
AWS skillbuilder has one free official exam with just 20 free questions.
To be honest its not really worth it - you can search for "Official practic exam skillbuilder SAA-C03" using your favourite search engine to find it.
Has 1 free practice exam you can sign up to.
Paid :
Official Practice exam - there is a free 7 day trial available for you to use as this exam may not be worth a month's subscription fee
Highly recommended independent resource for practice exam questions with a very useful "review mode" and every question comes with detailed explanations on answers
Stephane Maarek : again go via his site :
Neal Davis :
Other popular sites :
Andrew Brown has I believe 3 practice exams as well on his site. One is free - the other two you pay for.
I havent used them personally but
Cloud Academy has both a learning plan and a practice exam at the end.

Not Recommended sites :

Sites that are sadly NOT recommended anymore - Avoid A Cloud Guru / Pluralsight as their courses are not considered the best anymore. They used to be leaders but somehow have fallen behind and their subscription model doesnt work in a world with cheap one time purchase courses.
If you want a sandbox to experiment - then ACG offers one but so do Whizlabs and Tutorialsdojo.

Optional / Complementary material

I have an article where you can find complementary / alternatives to the Solutions Architect Exam - most are free and includes the "AWS Knowledge : Architecting Free Digital Badge"
This material isnt exam focused but if you want some free alternatives / cannot afford to pay for the exam - then check out the link.


  1. Do I need ALL this material?
No. Just one of each is fine. Example : just Adrian's Course + tutorialsdojo
  1. Do I really need to do hands on work?
Yes - it is recommended that you get some hands on work at the Associate level. You can use one of the sandboxes but be careful using your own free tier account that you dont end up with leaving resources running too long and getting a big bill. Always secure your account and set billing alarms and dont create an account till you know how to do these!
  1. Where can I find vouchers for the exam?
Check this thread :
  1. Can I cheat my way using Dumps that I found online / my mate gave me / found on GitHub / YouTube?
Using dumps there is a high chance you fail and/or get caught / banned - the risk isnt worth it. Stick with genuine resources.
  1. Can I pass with just free resources as I cannot afford the resources?
Its possible but please it is recommended to atleast spend on decent practice exams. If you cannot afford the exam / resources - just get the free digital badges (Architecting) for the interim
  1. I skipped CCP / CLF - is that okay?
Yes - its okay to have skipped the foundational level - almost all the courses above teach you from scratch.
  1. Can someone who is new to IT do this exam?
Yes - Many people start from scratch and get to the Associate level. Just make sure you are investing the time required.
  1. Is it worth it?
Plenty of threads on this subreddit covering this. You have to make up your own mind if its worth it to you or not.
  1. Do I need to do coding?
While there is no coding involved in the course - knowing how to use the AWS CLI / being able to do some basic scripting would be very helpful anyway. You can also use free tools like CoPilot / Code Whisperer to help you with pieces you struggle with.
  1. Can I use ChatGPT / Amazon Q etc to learn?
Many of these Generative AI tools can still give you incorrect answers. So do not rely on them fully. If it helps you to quickly get the concept, use them but make sure to double check the results against official docs.
  1. Are there books to learn from instead of videos?
Books get out of date too quickly and I do not recommend learning from them. However there is an official Sybex Guide to the exam. Tutorialsdojo and Neal Davis (Digital Cloud) also have an ebook. You can google for links to these.
Good Luck folks!
submitted by madrasi2021 to AWSCertifications [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:33 STFME Subaru Starlink - worth the subscription price?

I have a 2022 Outback that came with a year of this service. Now that it’s expired, they are charging $50 a year for Starlink Security Plus and $100 for Starlink Safety Plus. Thoughts on whether this is worth it? Do my safety features stop working if I don’t get the safety package?
Safety Plus Package Includes:
Security Plus Package Includes:
submitted by STFME to subaru [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:52 jetstreamer2 [ROLEPLAY] The Statue of Victory

Following the fall of the Caliphate and the liberation of Constantinople, the Second Roman Republic emerged victorious, and in commemoration of this pivotal triumph, a magnificent Statue of Victory was erected in the Port of Rhodes, where the legendary Colossus of Rhodes once stood.

Excerpt from: An Unabridged History of Rome, Chapter 20 of 100: The First Fifty Years of the Second Republic, Page 370

The Battle for the Forum of Constantine

The century from Rhodes, a unit of hardened soldiers, found themselves at the heart of the decisive battle for Constantinople. Their mission: to secure the Blue Mosque, a critical strategic objective. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the ancient city, the soldiers prepared for what would become a grueling and relentless fight.
"Advance with caution," Evocatus Antonius barked, his voice steady despite the chaos. The streets of Constantinople echoed with the sounds of gunfire and explosions as the Rhodian soldiers moved through the narrow alleys, their senses heightened and nerves on edge. The Caliphate fighters, well-entrenched and determined, fought back fiercely, making every inch of progress a hard-won victory. They had already survived seven suicide bombing attempts today.
As they approached the Blue Mosque, the resistance intensified. Machine gun nests and sniper positions forced the Rhodian soldiers to take cover behind crumbling walls and abandoned vehicles. The air was thick with the acrid smell of vaporized civilians and the constant rattle of automatic fire.
"Move! Move! Move!" Tesserarius Lucius urged, leading a squad through a hail of bullets. They darted from cover to cover, returning fire whenever possible. Legionary Memmio, the youngest in the unit, was hit and fell to the ground. "Medic!" Lucius shouted, pulling Memmio to safety as the medic worked frantically to stabilize him.
Despite the casualties, they pushed on. The Blue Mosque was within sight, but as they crossed an open square, a hidden IED detonated, sending shrapnel in all directions. Several soldiers were thrown to the ground, and the screams of the injured filled the air. Evoactus Antonius, bleeding from a gash on his forehead, rallied his men. "We’re not stopping now! For the Republic!"
Reaching the Forum of Constantine, they set up a defensive perimeter. The ancient square, once a symbol of the gravitas of the empire of old, once again served as a battleground as it had 600 years ago when the ancestors of the Caliphate finally breached the Theodosian Walls. The Caliphate fighters, realizing the strategic importance of the Forum, launched a relentless assault. Waves of enemy troops surged forward, attempting to break the Rhodian lines.
"Hold your ground!" Decurion Marcus shouted, firing his Scorpio Heavy Cannon with an ever smaller supply of programmable airburst rounds. The century from Rhodes fought valiantly, their training and camaraderie evident in every coordinated move. But the sheer number of enemy fighters was overwhelming. Ammunition dwindled, and the cries of the wounded filled the air.
As hope began to wane, a powerful explosion rocked the ground, sending debris flying. When the dust settled, a remarkable sight was revealed: a statue of Victoria, the ancient Roman goddess of victory, uncovered by the blast. The soldiers, desperate and weary, took this as a sign.
"Victoria!" Tesserarius Lucius cried out, dropping to one knee in reverence. The others followed suit, paying homage to the goddess in a spontaneous and heartfelt prayer. "Grant us your favor and deliver us from this peril."
The enemy assault grew fiercer. The Caliphate fighters, emboldened by their numerical superiority, pressed the attack. The Rhodian soldiers, outnumbered and running low on ammunition, fought with every ounce of strength they had left. Hand-to-hand combat broke out as the enemy breached the perimeter of the Forum. Desperation set in as the defenders realized they were on the brink of being overrun.
Legionary Alexios, using his last grenade, managed to time his throw to detonate above a suicide bomber who took another 15 enemy soldiers with him, buying precious seconds for his comrades. But the situation was dire. Evocatus Antonius, clutching a makeshift bandage over a bullet wound in his side, ordered the last stand. "We fight to the end! For Rome!"
Just as the last of their ammunition was spent, the distinctive roar of Argentavis tiltrotors filled the sky. Friendly air support had finally arrived. The massive aircraft unleashed a barrage of firepower on the enemy positions, forcing the Caliphate fighters to pull back to cover. The tiltrotors hovered above the Forum, lowering ropes and medevac stretchers to evacuate the wounded and bring in fresh troops and supplies.
The arrival of reinforcements was nothing short of miraculous. The Rhodian soldiers, invigorated by the sight of their comrades descending from the skies, as if Victoria herself had arrived, launched a counteroffensive. With renewed strength and the tide turning in their favor, they pressed the attack, driving the enemy back and securing the Forum. The day was won, and their heroic stand would become legendary.

Erecting the Statue

In the aftermath of the war, the bravery and dedication of the Rhodian century were celebrated throughout the Second Roman Republic. Donations poured in from citizens moved by their courage, and a sense of renewed Roman citizenship flourished. The soldiers of Rhodes, honored and humbled by the support, decided to use the funds to build a monument to their victory and the divine favor they believed had saved them.
The Statue of Victory, a colossal representation of Victoria, was erected in the Port of Rhodes. Standing where the Old Colossus of Rhodes once welcomed travelers, this new monument symbolizes the resilience and unity of the Roman people. It serves as a reminder of shared history and enduring spirit that carried them through the darkest times to emerge victorious once more.
In the shadow of this grand statue, the citizens of Rhodes and visitors from across the Republic found inspiration and pride, knowing that the spirit of Victory and the legacy of their ancestors continued to guide and protect them.
It was also equipped with an Asterion Medium Range Missile Defense System housed in the head of the monument as well as two Jove Laser Systems, one for each eye, naturally.
submitted by jetstreamer2 to worldpowers [link] [comments]


Day by day, gacha games are becoming more and more numerous compared to 5-6 years ago. What used to be just a money sink is now made with significant budgets and added stories. And yes, it’s all still to drain your money. Don’t think too much about the overall quality, folks, you profit, you win!
Okay, now let’s focus on the story. The writer wants to say that most main characters in gacha games don’t stray far from certain patterns. Super powered, highly needed, and blah blah blah. But there is one main character that stands out to the writer as a truly interesting character. Who else but Ryan Gosling from Girl’s Frontline. So, how well-written is this character really?
Imagining yourself as “The chosen one” with special abilities, a mastermind loved by many and respected by enemies? Oh, of course… we don’t do that here. Unlike most gacha games where the main character drives the story, the Commander gets dragged along by the story. Living a fate that was never imagined or desired. From a fresh graduate hoping for a decent-paying job at a PMC, only to become a pawn that can be discarded at any time.

Don’t bring up chapters 1-6. Initially, this character really was a self-insert, bland. Blanker than British food! That all changed when “Singularity” arrived. Gradually, the Commander began to have their own dialogue, make their own choices, and become part of the story. Mica has continued to develop the Commander’s progress as a character until they became a solid character. You could see how life the commander is in girls' frontline 2
Here is an example of dialog between the commander and Erma during their preparation to the battle of Frankfurt :
???: Eating some dessert can make you feel better!
Commander: ...Erma, come in.
Erma poked her head out.
Erma: Is the Commander still angry?
Commander: No, I'm not angry with anyone. If you see AR18, please apologize to her for me. And please ask her to come back.
Erma: Ah- the Commander just needs to make a call and Miss Instructor will be back right away!
Commander: ...Yeah, I know. But I haven't figured out how to apologize to her directly yet, so I'm asking you.
Erma: ...
Erma nodded, but didn't leave right away.
Commander: What else do you want to talk about?
Erma: I have a question, I know that humans have funerals when they die.
Erma: So should we have a funeral for Ange...?
Commander: ...
Commander: No, her tombstone should not be erected here.
Erma: I see.
Commander: From what I know of her, if she knew we were crying at her grave, she would roll her eyes.
Erma: It seems like Ange is someone who doesn't need a funeral.
Commander: Yes.
Erma: Then... I have another question!
Commander: Go ahead...
Erma: Before we set off, I read a story where the protagonist went to great lengths to climb a cliff to pick a divine medicine to resurrect her mother... If there really is such a divine medicine in the world, would you be willing to resurrect Ange?
Commander: No.
Erma: Huh, I thought the Commander would be willing.
Commander: Death is the only legacy she left me. For humans, the price of taking away death is hundreds of times more painful. I have already been deprived of many things, but I will never allow anyone to take away her death.
Erma: Can death also be considered a... gift?
Commander: Yes, a heavy and painful gift. Only by holding it tightly in your hand can you not forget it all...
The Commander submerged the "Strongarm" in his palm, and Erma seemed to see such a sad expression on a human face for the first time. But it didn't last long.
Commander: I'm ready, Erma, go call Dandelion for me. I want to see "him" in person.
Erma: Who?
Commander: The man from Avernus, locked in room 1021.
Erma: Got it.
Do you hope to live in a world where all the characters are anime girls who love you? Where only you can solve problems while everyone else is clueless?...oh wait.
The Commander is arguably the most realistic character considering how characters are portrayed in the gacha game market. The Commander becomes great not because of inherent traits, but because of being forged by fate and misfortune. There are times when the Commander resigns to fate, times when they fully trust their comrades to handle problems, times when they can't bear the burden, and times when they get utterly beaten by enemies. The Commander is a character where you can step into their shoes. Yes, the Commander is not a crucial figure in their world, they are just a pawn. Many people can replace the Commander, and “The British Man” would not mind losing the Commander. You can't expect everyone to help you and love you wholeheartedly.
Here is also another example showing us how frustrated the commander and how endeavour the burden they carry :
Griffin: We'll meet soon, Commander.
Griffin: The same goes for "William." The communication channel cuts off.
No one wants to speak further, but there will always be something to break the silence. AR18: Commander, there's a call from the Security Bureau on Channel 2.
Commander: ....
Commander: Handle it yourself, I need some time alone.
AR18: ... Sorry, but it seems this is not something I can handle.
AR18: You need to stay strong.
For the first time in a long while, the man on the brink of collapse reveals the boiling emotions within him.
Commander: Give me five minutes, no, even one minute will be enough!
Commander: Just let me be alone for a moment!
Commander: Please...
The Commander sinks into his chair in sorrow. Seeing this, AR18 stops talking and quietly leaves the command room.
The Commander is one of the best-written characters, allowing us to feel their struggle. Will the Commander achieve what they believe in? What other misfortunes will they face? Keep moving forward!
Tldr : the commander is formatted quite different from any other gacha games main character
submitted by Big-Report-1887 to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:00 Khaijentry12 Rose: Fear Your World - Chapter 1: Rose Among Any Other

Finn Tresscoat, a 20-year-old with short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a pale complexion, strolled down the sidewalk of his small town. He wore a light brown leather jacket over a black shirt, paired with black jeans and black-and-white sneakers.
As Finn ambled along, he glanced at the many shops lining the main road of the town's bustling center. He wasn't searching for anything in particular; he simply wanted to enjoy the rare day off from his job, one of the most perilous occupations in the United West (U.W.).
"Finn! Oh, Finn!"
Finn turned his head to the right and spotted Ms. Tori Elortor, or simply Ms. Tori as he called her. She was an older lady in her early fifties, though her youthful appearance often surprised the townsfolk. With long white hair cascading down her back, pale skin, and bright hazel eyes, she was a striking figure. Today, she wore a navy blue sundress over a pair of tight blue jeans and brown cowboy boots.
Ms. Tori, the local bakery owner, was considered quite attractive and often caught the eye of the younger men in town. Her curvaceous figure and active lifestyle, including regular yoga sessions in the park, only added to her allure. However, Finn saw her differently. Having known her since childhood and feeling like part of her family, he saw her as a maternal figure rather than anything else. He was also close to her son, Eric, feeling like an older brother to him.
Despite his demanding job, which kept him busy for nearly twenty-four-seven, Finn always tried to visit Ms. Tori and Eric whenever he could. Today was a rare opportunity for him to relax and reconnect.
"Ah, hi Ms. Tori! How are you today?" Finn greeted her with a warm smile.
Ms. Tori returned his smile. "I'm just fine, Finn. The real question is, how are you? I haven't seen you in months!" Her tone shifted to one of concern. "I was worried, and so was Eric. You do have quite a dangerous job for someone so young," she added.
What kind of dangerous job did Finn have, you might ask?
Well, Finn was a "Gaunt Hunter," a member of a specialized group tasked with safeguarding the small towns outside the major cities in the United West from creatures known as Gaunts.
These slim, humanoid creatures had leathery black skin, no eyes or nose, and wide mouths that drooled a strange dark green liquid. They had emerged after the cataclysmic "Decade of Winter."
The Gaunts varied in form and capability. Some were very muscular, while others had bat-like wings, allowing them to fly. They were also cunning, often creating weapons from scavenged materials and hunting in packs.
Disturbingly, these were just the common variants.
There were tales of Gaunts resembling animals and some that could even speak, though Finn himself had never encountered such anomalies.
Despite the ominous title of Gaunt Hunter, Finn's role wasn't as glamorous as one might imagine.
He wasn't a high-tech, gadget-wielding hero. Gaunt Hunters received training similar to regular police officers, focusing on the use of firearms. However, since firearms were not commonly traded or shipped to the smaller towns outside the major cities, Gaunt Hunters were also taught to wield swords, knives, and other melee weapons, as well as trained in close-range combat.
Finn had been trained to fire a pistol but also learned to fight with a machete, which was more practical for their needs than a traditional sword. On duty, he carried a standard-issue Glock-17 and a machete strapped to his side. He also wore the standard protective gear issued to United West Security Forces (UWSF) officers.
Returning to the conversation with Ms. Tori, Finn let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Dangerous for most of the veterans on the job, but I'm young and fit! Practically invincible!" he said with a grin.
Ms. Tori gave Finn an unimpressed look, raising an eyebrow. "Is that right?" she asked. "Then what's this I hear about a Gaunt nearly taking your head off just last week?"
Finn's face flushed with embarrassment as he recalled the incident. A Gaunt had caught him off guard and nearly decapitated him with a makeshift axe. "Okay... yeah, fair enough," he admitted, looking down.
Ms. Tori's expression softened, and she gave him a few light taps on the shoulder. "Oh, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, Finn, I'm just reminding you that your job is dangerous… You need to be careful," she said gently.
Finn looked up at her and nodded. "I know, and thank you for caring," he replied. Inwardly, he thought, 'It's not like anyone else does'
"Of course, I care, Finn," Ms. Tori said firmly. "Do you know how devastated I'd be if you got hurt or, heaven forbid, died? I'd be heartbroken,” she told him. “Eric would be even worse off, after all, who would play with him?"
Finn felt a wave of warmth at her words. Despite not wanting to worry Ms. Tori or Eric, it was comforting to know there were people who cared about him, and who wanted him to stay safe and come back home. "I guess you're right," he said with a soft smile. "I'll try to be more careful out there, I promise,”
Ms. Tori nodded, her smile lingering. "Good,” she said. “Now, how many days do you have off?" she asked.
"Not many," Finn replied with a sigh. "Just today,"
Ms. Tori's eyes widened in shock. "Only today? Why?" She asked.
Finn's expression turned serious. "Many of the other Gaunt Hunters are either dead, retiring, or switching to become cops... There are only ten of us left in the entire town,"
Ms. Tori's eyes widened in horror. Gaunt Hunters were the primary defense against the Gaunts. The law across the U.W. dictated that local law enforcement dealt with human issues, leaving Gaunt-related threats to the Hunters. The thought of their numbers dwindling was terrifying.
Each town was supposed to have a contingent of Gaunt Hunters, given that small towns were the primary targets for Gaunt attacks.
Major cities, in contrast, rarely had to deal with Gaunts.
The dense populations of these urban centers acted as a deterrent, scaring off most Gaunt packs. Even if a small group of Gaunts did manage to attack, the cities were equipped with heavy weaponry and advanced defenses, making Gaunt Hunters unnecessary there.
This starkly contrasted with the dire need for Gaunt Hunters in the smaller, more vulnerable towns.
Ideally, each small town would have around fifty Gaunt Hunters, a number intended to ensure adequate protection against the Gaunt threat. However, the reality was far grimmer. The inherent dangers and heavy responsibilities associated with the job dissuaded many from becoming Gaunt Hunters. The perilous nature of the work, combined with the constant threat of death, resulted in a severe shortage of recruits.
As a result, the numbers in many towns had dwindled alarmingly.
"Only ten?" she repeated her voice barely above a whisper. "That's... alarming… What happens if more Gaunts come?"
"We do our best," Finn said, trying to sound confident. "But it's tough… Every day, we’re stretched thinner,"
Ms. Tori took a deep breath, trying to process the gravity of the situation.
Finn felt a lump in his throat. "I promise, Ms. Tori. I'll do everything I can to stay safe," he said, trying to remind her if his promise mere moments ago.
Ms. Tori wanted to argue with Finn's comment, but deep down, she knew he was somewhat right. The town was struggling—trade had slowed to a trickle, and many residents had moved away. The constant threat of Gaunt attacks made living there increasingly untenable. Even Ms. Tori had considered leaving to ensure Eric’s safety and to give him a chance to grow up in a more stable environment where he could interact with other children and experience the broader world.
However, she couldn’t bring herself to leave.
Her late husband was buried in this town, and even though years had passed since his death, she felt tied to the place where he rested. She had loved this town deeply, and in a way, staying felt like keeping a part of him alive.
Seeing the conflict in her eyes, Finn decided to change the subject. "Hey, why don't I come over for dinner?" he suggested with a soft smile. "I'm sure Eric would be happy to see me after so long,”
Ms. Tori was pulled out of her thoughts by his offer. She smiled, grateful for his willingness to spend his rare day off with them. "That would be lovely, Finn," she said with a quick nod.
They walked together to Ms. Tori's home, a modest three-bedroom house with a large attic. Inside, they found Eric sitting in front of the TV, watching cartoons. Hearing Finn’s voice, Eric turned, his face lighting up with excitement. He jumped out of his seat and ran to give Finn a hug.
Eric was about 11 years old, with brown hair like his deceased father but hazel eyes like his mother. He was wearing a dark black and blue striped shirt, dark gray pants, and black slip-on shoes.
Finn hugged him back, smiling. "I've got some stories to tell over dinner," he said, which made Eric's eyes sparkle with anticipation.
He loved hearing about the world beyond their town, even if it was mostly filled with woods and the ruins of an old world.
Finn then followed Ms. Tori into the kitchen to help prepare dinner. He found what he could and handed the items to her, glad to be of assistance. Ms. Tori thanked him and asked if he could help chop vegetables, which he was more than happy to do.
As they worked side by side, Ms. Tori glanced at Finn, her expression a mix of gratitude and concern. "You know, Finn, this town means a lot to me,” she told him “It’s where I built my life with my husband, and it’s where I want Eric to grow up, despite everything,"
Finn nodded, understanding the deep attachment she had. "I get it, Ms. Tori. This place has a lot of memories, and as long as I'm here, I'll do my best to keep it safe for you and Eric,"
Ms. Tori smiled warmly. "I know you will, Finn... Thank you,”
Dinner was a warm, lively affair. Eric listened intently to Finn’s stories, hanging on every word. The laughter and conversation filled the small home, creating a moment of normalcy amidst the chaos of their world. For a brief time, the threats outside seemed distant, and they enjoyed the simple pleasure of being together.
After a few bites, Eric looked at Finn eagerly. "Can you tell me one of your stories, Finn?" he asked, his eyes bright with anticipation.
Finn nodded, swallowing a mouthful of food. "Well, a couple of days ago, I was out with two or three other Hunters, we had just finished fighting off a few Gaunts, once they were dealt with, we decided to explore the area since it was the site of an old abandoned amusement park,” he began. “Some of the rides were still standing, though most were broken and destroyed, it was interesting to see the tech they used to have back then," Finn recounted.
Eric's eyes widened with excitement. "Wow! That's awesome!" he exclaimed.
Finn grinned. "It was pretty cool, but it’s nothing compared to some of the parks I saw in Salton Lake City! Those places are amazing,"
Eric's eyes gleamed at the mention of the nearby city. "Man, I want to go there someday!" he said enthusiastically. "Maybe when I start my training to be a Gaunt Hunter," he added with a big smile.
Finn chuckled. "So, you want to be a Gaunt Hunter, huh?" he asked. "You think you’ve got what it takes?"
Eric nodded vigorously. "Uh-huh! I know I can be a Gaunt Hunter! I bet I can even be better than you!" he declared, pointing at Finn.
Finn raised an eyebrow, amused. "Oh really?" he said. "Who's to say I'm not the best of the best, huh?"
Eric gave him a smug smirk. "Because if you were the best Hunter, you'd have already gotten rid of all the Gaunts!" he said confidently.
Finn chuckled. "Well, you got me there," he admitted. "But hey, if you think you can be the best and get rid of all the Gaunts, then I say go for it, dude."
Eric chuckled and resumed eating, his enthusiasm undimmed. Ms. Tori watched the two with a fond smile, marveling at the brotherly bond between them. It warmed her heart to see how close they had become. She knew that Finn cherished this connection just as much as Eric did, especially since Finn had grown up without a family of his own, raised in the local orphanage.
She recalled those early days when a young Finn would walk into the bakery, clutching a few coins. His eyes would light up with wonder at the sight of the treats and goodies lining the shelves. Something about him had touched her heart, and she began offering him free treats for him and the other orphans whenever he visited. Her late husband had also taken a liking to Finn, treating him like the son they never had. When Finn decided to become a Gaunt Hunter, it was her husband who had helped him prepare for the rigorous training, getting him into shape and offering constant encouragement.
After her husband's death, it was Finn who helped her grieve and find the strength to carry on. She had felt terrible about leaning on him during such a hard time, knowing he had his own sadness to deal with, yet he remained steadfast and strong. He had been there for her and for Eric, helping the young boy understand their loss and navigate the difficult times that followed.
She was truly grateful to have Finn in her life.
Suddenly, Finn's phone vibrated insistently in his pocket. He quickly reached for it and saw a text message from work. He opened it, dreading what it might say.
[~Finn, we need you tonight. Jon and Gary quit out of the blue, so we need someone to fill in.~]
Finn sighed, frustration bubbling up inside him. 'Great, now we're down to eight Hunters,' he thought. 'And Jon and Gary were both my age and in better shape than the veterans at the station.'
Ms. Tori noticed the change in his expression and knew immediately what it meant. "Does duty call, Finn?" she asked gently.
Finn nodded, his expression weary. "Yeah, looks like Jon and Gary quit. They need me to cover tonight."
Ms. Tori sighed, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm sorry, Finn. I know how much you were looking forward to some time off."
"It's alright," Finn said, forcing a smile. "I knew it was a long shot anyway. The town needs all the help it can get."
Eric looked up, concern etched on his young face. "Do you have to go, Finn?"
Finn ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. "Yeah, buddy. Duty calls. But I'll be back, and we’ll have more stories to share. I promise."
Ms. Tori gave him a supportive nod. "Just promise us you'll stay safe, Finn."
"I will," Finn assured her. He stood up, preparing to leave. "Thanks for dinner, Ms. Tori. It was great, as always."
As he left the warm, comforting atmosphere of Ms. Tori's home and headed out into the cold night, Finn felt a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the exhaustion and the ever-present danger, he knew he had to keep fighting. For the town, for Eric, and for the memory of the man who had helped him become who he was.
Once at the station, Finn entered and immediately spotted Dick Cortez, a veteran Gaunt Hunter who had been safeguarding the town for as long as Finn could remember. Dick, now in his 50s, had graying hair, deep-set wrinkles, and perpetually tired eyes. He was wearing the standard-issue armor that all Gaunt Hunters received, though each Hunter was allowed to customize their armor with different colors and modifications.
Dick's armor consisted of a high-collar black shirt beneath a modified, pure black chest plate that covered his upper abdomen, along with similarly-colored bracers. Both the chest plate and bracers were trimmed with white and featured matching shoulder pads. He also wore gloves with small metal plating on the fingers, dark navy jeans, black and white metal knee pads, and dark brown boots.
Dick noticed Finn and offered a small smile. "Heya, Finn," he greeted.
"Hey yourself, Dick," Finn replied with a nod.
"Sorry about having to bring you in on your day off," Dick said, his tone genuinely apologetic.
Finn walked over to his locker, where his armor and weapons were stored. He glanced at Dick and shrugged, giving a small smile. "It's alright, Dick. I understand why, and I'm not angry—well, not at you, but at those two," Finn said, referring to Jon and Gary.
Dick nodded in understanding. "Trust me, I'm disappointed in them too, but I can see why they left so suddenly," he said.
Finn nodded back, opening his locker to reveal his armor. His armor was similar to Dick's but differed in color and the clothing underneath. Finn wore his usual attire beneath the armor, which consisted of a dark brown chest plate trimmed with black, matching bracers, shoulder pads, knee pads, and gloves.
He took the armor out and quickly dressed, securing the pieces in place. He then grabbed his Glock and its holster, strapping it around his waist, and added his machete in its sheath. Once fully suited up, he turned to Dick with a raised brow. "Which side of town am I patrolling tonight?"
"Outer wall, west side," Dick stated, his voice firm.
Finn nodded, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead. The west side of the outer wall was notorious for Gaunt activity, a hotspot for their attacks. It was going to be a long night.
As he headed out, Dick called after him, "Stay sharp out there, Finn. We can't afford to lose any more good Hunters."
Finn turned back and gave a resolute nod. "I will, Dick. See you in the morning."
Once outside the city, Finn couldn't help but take in the grim sight of the outer wall. It was marred with deep scratches and chips from relentless Gaunt attacks, stained with the dark green goo that dripped from their slavering mouths, and speckled with bloodstains that would never fully wash away. The stark contrast between this battered exterior and the inner walls of the town was striking. Inside, the walls were adorned with chalk drawings from children and vibrant murals from the town's artists. These cheerful images served as a reminder of what he was protecting, and why he had chosen to become a Gaunt Hunter in the first place.
Reaching the west side of the wall, Finn began his patrol, moving back and forth to ensure no Gaunts were attempting to scale the barrier. For now, the night was quiet, and he hoped it would remain that way.
As he walked his beat, his thoughts drifted back to dinner with Eric and the boy's enthusiastic declaration about becoming a Gaunt Hunter. While part of him felt honored by Eric's admiration, another part was deeply troubled. The life of a Hunter was dangerous and filled with horrors that no one should have to witness, let alone a young boy like Eric.
Finn's mind flashed back to a particularly gruesome memory from a past patrol. He and another Hunter had been called to assist in repelling a large pack of Gaunts. They had rushed to the scene, only to find their comrades dead, slaughtered in horrific ways. One Hunter's skull had been cracked open, with Gaunts eating from it as if it were a bowl of grapes. Another Hunter, still alive, was being disemboweled and devoured. Finn could never forget the man's agonized expression as he watched his own entrails being torn apart and consumed. The sight had been so revolting that Finn had vomited on the spot, paralyzed by shock until his partner snapped him back to reality.
Then there were the stories he had heard from veterans like Dick. Dick once recounted an incident where a Hunter had been speared to death by multiple Gaunts. They hadn't even eaten him; they had just impaled him repeatedly, leaving his body to rot in the woods for days. Such tales highlighted the Gaunts' malevolence and complete lack of empathy.
Finn shuddered at the memories. He didn't want Eric to face such nightmares. The boy was full of life and potential, and Finn couldn't bear the thought of him enduring the same horrors he had.
Since that harrowing incident and the chilling story Dick had shared, Finn had sworn to himself that he wouldn't meet a similar fate. He vowed to go out fighting, to not end up like those other hunters. He couldn't bear the thought of becoming another victim, especially after what happened to his sister.
The sudden howl nearby jolted Finn out of his grim thoughts. The sound was close—too close. Instantly alert, he scanned his surroundings. Just then, something whizzed past his face, slicing his cheek. He turned to see a makeshift arrow embedded in the wall. Spinning back around, his heart sank as he saw ten Gaunts emerging from the tree line.
"Shit!" Finn cursed, his eyes widening in horror. This was a dire situation. He quickly drew his Glock and aimed at the advancing creatures. Before he could fire, a sharp pain seared through his left side. He glanced down to see a small dagger lodged in his torso.
'What the hell?' Finn thought, bewildered. 'Did one of the Gaunts throw this?'
"Sorry, but it's nothing personal," a strange voice echoed through the darkness.
Finn's gaze snapped forward, and he saw a figure emerging from the shadows. They wore a long black cloak that seemed to envelop them completely, giving the eerie impression that they were gliding across the ground rather than walking.
The figure approached him, their face obscured by the cloak's hood. "My, you are a handsome young man," they purred in a sultry tone. "Such a fucking shame that my babies must eat. We've been on the run, and they haven't had a chance to rest and eat until we saw you." They giggled, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Finn's spine.
Fear gripped Finn, but he managed to look up at the cloaked figure with a raised brow. "W-Who are you?" he stammered, his voice wavering.
The figure tilted their head slightly as if amused by his question. "Who am I?" they echoed. "I am their mother, their caretaker. I ensure they survive, even if it means feeding them humans like you." The figure leaned closer, and Finn could just make out a twisted smile beneath the hood.
Finn's mind raced. He needed to think of a way out, and fast. The Gaunts were closing in, and he was injured and at a severe disadvantage. Summoning his remaining strength, he clutched his Glock tighter and tried to steady his breath. He couldn't let this be the end.
The figure's giggle echoed eerily through the night, sending a shiver down Finn's spine. "Oh! Now I'm regretting stabbing you," they remarked with a twisted amusement. "It's not every day a handsome young man asks me my name, you know? Most prefer a no-name policy." Their tone was cryptic, and Finn couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in his gut. "While I would love to give you my name in far better circumstances, I'm afraid I don't have the time," they continued, their words dripping with urgency. "As I said, we're on the run from a rather unpleasant girl."
Finn's confusion only deepened. The figure's response didn't provide any clarity, leaving him even more perplexed. As the figure began to back away, Finn's eyes widened in shock as the Gaunts beside them moved in unison. ‘She can... control them!?’ he realized, disbelief washing over him.
"Go ahead, babies... EAT!" the figure commanded, her voice chillingly calm.
With a sickening lurch in his stomach, Finn watched as the Gaunts surged forward, their hunger palpable in the air. Determination surged within him, driving him to fight against the odds stacked against him. Ignoring the searing pain from his wound, he raised his gun and fired at the approaching Gaunts. Despite his efforts, only one was hit, and even then, it didn't slow down.
Finn gritted his teeth, preparing for the inevitable close-quarter battle with the monsters. "Come on!" he growled defiantly. "I'm right here!"
The Gaunts closed in, their predatory instincts driving them forward. Just as they leaped toward him, ready to strike, something unexpected occurred.
Thorny vines erupted from the ground, snaking around the Gaunts with incredible speed. Finn's eyes widened in astonishment as the vines ensnared the creatures, halting their advance. The vines twisted and contorted, slamming the Gaunts into the ground with brutal force, tearing at their flesh and rendering them helpless.
" Damn! How did that bitch already find us!?" the figure exclaimed, frustration evident in their voice.
Finn's gaze followed the figure's gaze as a new figure emerged from the shadows.
Her appearance was striking, to say the least. With a spiky red Mohawk and piercing red eyes devoid of any white, she exuded an aura of fierce determination. Smudged mascara framed her intense gaze, adding to her wild and untamed appearance. Her lips were painted black, a stark contrast to her fiery red hair and eyes. Clad in a black leather crop top vest that accentuated her slim, athletic frame, she exuded an air of defiance. Arm bands encircled her wrists and biceps, resembling the wraps worn by boxers, hinting at her combat prowess. Around her neck, she wore a large choker, adding to her rebellious demeanor. Her attire was completed by tight leather pants and high-heeled platform boots, giving her an imposing presence.
"Found you, ya freaking cunt!" she spat, her voice laced with venom.
The cloaked figure retreated, increasing the distance between them and the girl. "Ugh, don't you ever give up?" they retorted, their tone tinged with irritation.
The girl leveled a fierce glare at the figure. "After the shit you've done!? I ain't letting you go!" she declared, her voice dripping with disdain.
The figure let out a mocking giggle. "Is that so?" they taunted, gesturing toward Finn who lay wounded on the ground. "Not even to save his life?"
The girl's gaze shifted to Finn, her expression softening momentarily as she registered his injuries. Before she could react, a shrill howl pierced the air, drawing their attention back to the figure.
"What the hell did you do!?" the girl demanded, her voice trembling with rage.
"Oh, just called in a few friends over for dinner," the figure replied casually.
"You bitch!" the girl seethed.
With a swift motion, she thrust her hand forward, summoning a massive vine with thorns protruding from its surface. The vine lunged toward the figure, but they evaded the attack with agile grace, darting away through the forest.
"Have fun~!" they taunted, their laughter echoing through the trees as they disappeared into the darkness.
Driven by determination, the girl pursued the figure, her footsteps echoing through the forest. However, her path was suddenly obstructed as a horde of Gaunts emerged from the shadows, blocking her way with menacing snarls and bared teeth.
"Get out of my way!" the girl cried, her voice ringing with determination.
In an instant, a smaller thorned vine shot out of the ground with startling speed, piercing through the approaching Gaunts like a bullet. Lifted into the air by the force of the vine, the creatures were hurled aside, crashing into trees with bone-crushing force.
As more Gaunts emerged from the shadows behind her, four shots echoed through the air. Finn's aim was true, striking the advancing Gaunts and causing them to writhe in agony as they fell to the ground. The girl glanced back to see Finn's timely intervention, offering a silent nod of acknowledgment before focusing her attention back on the remaining threats. Summoning more vines, she ensnared the creatures, tearing them apart with ruthless efficiency.
Satisfied that the immediate danger had passed, the girl turned back towards Finn, who was now sitting against the wall, applying pressure to his wound.
Bending down beside him, the girl flashed a smile, revealing sharp triangular teeth reminiscent of a shark. "Nice shooting there, dude. Really saved my ass back there," she remarked.
Finn managed a weak chuckle. "I should be thanking you. If you hadn't shown up, I'd be Gaunt food," he admitted.
"Let's call it even, then, eh?" she suggested. "What's your name?" she inquired.
Finn met her gaze, taking a moment to catch his breath before responding. "Finn, Finn Tresscoat," he introduced himself. Curiosity burning in his eyes, he posed a question in return. "Who are you? No... What are you?" he asked, unable to shake off the mystery surrounding her.
The girl maintained her enigmatic smile, meeting his gaze with her striking red eyes. "The name's Rachel Rose," she revealed. "As for what I am, well... I can answer that once you're all patched up," she added cryptically.
Summoning another vine, Rachel gently lifted Finn to his feet, supporting him as they began to make their way back towards town. With each step, Finn's mind buzzed with questions, the mysteries surrounding Rachel and her abilities swirling in his thoughts. Who was the cloaked figure? How did they control the Gaunts? And most pressing of all, who—or what—was Rachel, and how was she able to command those vines with such ease?
As they walked back toward town, Finn couldn't help but feel the weight of exhaustion settle upon him, both physically and mentally. His thoughts swirled with questions about the events that had just transpired—about Rachel, the cloaked figure, and the unsettling abilities they both possessed. Yet, amidst the chaos of his mind, one pressing question emerged, demanding attention above all else.
'When the hell am I gonna get another day off? Because I can sure as hell use it right now...!' Finn thought to himself, his weariness palpable.
Rachel, walking beside him, seemed to sense his inner turmoil. Casting him a sidelong glance, she offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Finn. You'll have your chance to rest soon," she assured him, her voice carrying a note of empathy.
Finn managed a weary smile in return, grateful for the reassurance. Despite the gravity of their situation, her words offered a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty that loomed over them…
submitted by Khaijentry12 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:47 Riaaaa_ Student Accommodation Fine - deductible from deposit?

( posting on behalf of a friend to confirm where we stand, thank for your help! )
Currently living in student accommodation through a private company (one medium building outside the university campus/area completely, flats of 6 rooms w shared kitchen/toilets) so I don’t think it counts as “student halls” instead as private accommodation for students with a 250£ deposit secured through DPS.
We’re almost at the end of tenancy in a month or so and during random inspections, my friend had left a sock blocking the smoke detector in her own room, to light incense, and the staff has taken a picture of this and sent an email regarding a 50£ fine (which due to the obvious safety concerns and lack of care, I understand that this is a criminal offence (although unlikely a problem in our scenario afaik)
I’d appreciate if someone could let me know if on non-payment of this fine, are they able to increase the amount significantly over time? and if it is deductible from her deposit or not?
As per my understanding, although disallowed in the contact to cover fire alarms, unless they can prove damages and costs incurred, then they have no authority to fine/deduct from deposit for this? (maybe eviction rights? but unrealistic in this scenario I think)
submitted by Riaaaa_ to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:47 MonalizaFaina The rationale behind selecting the Bitcoin exchange script

The rationale behind selecting the Bitcoin exchange script
Startup owners and even crypto investors have experimented with numerous crypto-related new businesses over the years. Running a Bitcoin exchange platform has proven to be one of the most profitable ventures out of all of them. The popularity of the Bitcoin exchange script has played a critical role in enabling an easy and seamless start for the platform on a worldwide scale. Before choosing any kind of script, you must understand the benefits you avail for running your business.
This blog revolves around the significance of Bitcoin exchange scripts and companies like Zodeak are facilitating this journey for aspiring business owners.
Understanding Bitcoin Exchange Script
Bitcoin exchange script is a software solution that enables the creation and process of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. This script can be made of PHP, pre-written customizable codes, mean stack, javascript, and any other framework. The main feature of the bitcoin exchange script is to support bitcoin trading, cryptocurrency trading, Ethereum exchange, and any other alt-coin trading.

Benefits of Using Bitcoin Exchange Script

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Customization option: You can modify this script according to your business needs and requirements. it enhances the platform's attractiveness to the target audience.
Success Rate: You can launch your Bitcoin trading company by using this script. Since the current Bitcoin exchange has had a lot of traffic recently and will give you access to a sizable consumer base, you shouldn't be afraid of success.

Why should you choose the Bitcoin exchange script?

Bitcoin exchange scripts will always be the first and best choice for anyone looking to launch a Bitcoin exchange website. Utilizing a Bitcoin exchange script allows you to provide valuable results to users of digital assets. Additionally, you improve the solutions' long-term stability and adaptability.


If you are a Bitcoin trader, this is the time for you to choose a Bitcoin exchange script. With a business-friendly bitcoin-exchange script, you can achieve your dreams and goals. By exploiting, a robust Bitcoin exchange script
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Before making a choice, it's also a good idea to take benefit of a demo tour offered by a company such as Zodeak, a cryptocurrency exchange development company to evaluate the features and functionality of their Bitcoin exchange script.
Bitcoin Exchange Script
submitted by MonalizaFaina to u/MonalizaFaina [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:21 Connect-Spread8934 Stalker never stops

Last night the motion light went off on my back steps as I walked past the window, so I looked out the window but couldnt see anything. My back light is usually on, so I assumed it was "burnt out". Today when I changed the bulb, it still didnt turn on, and then I seen the light fixture was loose like someone pulled it a bit from the wall. And tonight, my little mushroom lights outside werent on, so I quickly went outside to look while I was on the phone with someone, and somehow the solar panel that charges them was flipped upside down so it couldnt charge today. The camera that points towards the front steps and walk path up is great to capture anyone coming in from the front, but I know now, I need one pointing towards the back steps too even though the yard is fully fenced in back there. Just thought I'd share that even when you think you are being vigilant, even when you have alarms on all windows and doors, sticks in all the windows, door wedges, security cameras, there can always be a breach when you're being stalked. It just never ends. I truly thought I was careful and locked in better than prison. Feel so gutted. 😔 6 years of this. When will it end?
submitted by Connect-Spread8934 to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:04 firstqualityfire Top Benefits of Commercial Fire Protection Services

Fire can destroy any business. They can quickly spread the work and devour everything in their path. These Commercial Fire Protection Services help prevent fires before they get out of hand. Our team of experts is ready to install fire alarms to ensure your premises are safe and secure and meet your specific requirements.
submitted by firstqualityfire to u/firstqualityfire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:41 manish-shetty Discover LegRoom by Legasis: Revolutionizing Legal Research with Conversational AI

Hey Redditors!
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submitted by manish-shetty to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:29 heytango66 Help with DSX comm loss after adding internet

Help with DSX comm loss after adding internet
Hi, I have had a WinDSX setup for about a year and a half after buying the software instead of relying on a security company, it runs Hid fobs and DoorKing garage openers. Everything has been fine. I decided I wanted to add internet to the computer that the DSX system is on so that I could email myself reports, update windows and so on. Prior to this we have only had like an intranet(?) that just goes directly from the DSX to the computer. I have internet on the computer now but I cannot get the DSX to download any data. It has a comm loss alarm ever since we added the internet. The only setting that we changed was we made it so the IP address is automatic instead of manual, and switching that back doesn't fix it. Any ideas? I do experience comm loss sometimes, but usually restarting the computer fixes it. This time it doesnt. I checked to make sure there are no loose wires and as far as I can tell there isn't. It's hooked up from the DSX box and runs to a DSX switch thing that connects in the back of the computer via USB. It says Waiting for Port and Not Connected when I look at the communication summary. Thank you for any help, I'm desperate!
submitted by heytango66 to accesscontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:29 Sp00kyd00d4ever Infinity Blood: Hunt for the Divine Book One:

Infinity Blood: Hunt for the Divine Book One:
This is a horro adventure series I’ve been working on for over a year! Thought I’d post some of it on here! Would love some feedback!
Existence began with a flash of light that pierced the black vastness of space, bringing forth a billion stars. And the world as we know it came to be––suspended, breathing, becoming life. Magnificent oceans, brilliant blue skies patchy with sheets of white vapor, animals from the humble mouse to the prideful lion arose, as did all forms of flora that sprouted up from beneath the dirt and soul, spreading across the lands culminating in lush jungles and forests, providing refuge to the fauna from the ever-changing elements.
On the seventh day, Man came, and with man came the original sin. As Eve plucked the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and Adam partook, they were cast out from paradise, condemned to fend for themselves in an imperfect world filled with struggle and hardships––a reality to which man grew all too accustomed.
No longer in paradise, existence no longer felt like a blessing but a vile curse. Scornful towards his Almighty Creator, Adam's hatred brought forth the embodiment of malice––creatures with an insatiable thirst for vengeance against the God who seemed to have forsaken them. This rage was passed on to his two sons, Cain and Abel, who themselves committed the second sin and unleashed the Maligus onto the world.
From then on, man's soul was thrust into a ceaseless war between good and evil; Proelium in Principio Esse had begun. Only the Angelix, warriors of the holiest order, wielded enough power to challenge the growing threat of the demon Maligus. Armed with the gifted, Divine Items––the Saber of Sovereignty, the Dagger of Divinity, and the Armament of Authority––the grand battle seemed all but won. But as civilization grew, so did the sins of man, and soon, the scales between good and evil became unbalanced.
The chosen Angelix relinquished paradise and descended to Earth to continue their duty of bringing balance to mankind, to finally rid the world of the foul demons. And so, they remained on earth, living as humans, learning to love the ever-fleeting imperfection that was humanity. Passing on the lessons of the Riteful Fite to their descendants, calling themselves Pharus Spei, as so they fought on, awaiting Proelio Finem Temporis––the final confrontation between the forces of light and dark.
The end will be ushered in by the union of three prophesied warriors, each of whom will once again wield the Divine Items hidden for millennia throughout the long stretches of time. They shall bring an end to this war and, at long last, bring forth an everlasting peace for mankind.
They will be the Infinitrinity.
Ephesians 5:16
And Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
He was being hunted. No sooner had the sun retreated behind the city skyline did the creatures come pouring out from within the shadows and trailing after the young boy from the rooftops. The boy cut through alleyways and a vacant lot in a panic frenzy, lungs burning and bare feet aching, he felt their desperate hunger careening down at his back. Young as he was his primal instincts for survival and adrenaline kept him pushing forward, trying every effort he could to lose the creatures leaping overhead. He knew they wanted nothing more than for him to take a wrong turn leading to dead end or to trip or loose his balance. These mistakes would be all they needed to guarantee an easy meal.
They were quick. Catching a glimpse of them leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Their bodies were thin and long. Barely making any sound as they landed onto the rooftops. The dark hid their viler details. But he's seen them before. They image of their hideous features haunted his dream most every night. Their jagged teeth protruding from their enormous mouths. Their scale covered limbs. Bit it was their eyes which clung most vividly to the forefront of his mind. Those wide, scarlet eyes. They were so full of equal parts malice and insatiable hunger. They only existed to feed and cause misery. And he had unfortunately borne witness to both these things.
He took a hastened turn down the wrong alley. This was the mistake they had preyed upon. He found it led to a brick wall. Far too tall for him to climb over. It was a dead end. He turned on his heels, eyes swollen with tears he prepared to face his fate head on. A boy only twelve years of age; living impoverished and without a home. Scrounging for food in dumpsters and taking shelter wherever he was able was now being forced to face his mortality. His mouth had run dry. His small chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath.
I don't wanna die. God. I don't wanna
The heard of demons huddled around the child. Salivating. Their long, serrated teeth readied for the taste of the boy's tender flesh.
A figure appearing to materialize in the moonlight stood in between the feral beast and the frightened boy. Draped in a long coat and wearing a wide brimmed hat. The boy noticed the demon's demeanors suddenly altered as they began to place distance between them and the mysterious man. No sooner did he appear did he make charge the fiendish things, a long sword in hand. Within what seemed seconds the demons were torn a sunder, leaving nothing behind by cloud of ash.
The man turned to the boy. He was an older looking fellow. A long grayish whirl beard falling from his chin and a long silver mane pouring out from beneath his hat.
"What's your name boy?" The man asked. His voice was calming.
The boy spoke.
"Nathaniel, sir. Nathaniel Lumen."
There was a brief pause. The man spoke.
"Where are you parents? You're much too young to be out here alone at this time of night."
"They're dead sir. Those things killed them. A year ago."
The mysterious man took a moment before speaking, surveying the boy from head to toe. On the boys right fore arm there was a familiar looking birthmark. It was blotchy and abnormally pigmented in the shape of an '8'.
"It appears you have a choice to make. You are course free to stay here and live your life as you choose, fighting for survival in this city rampant with those foul creatures. Or you can come with me and never fear again."
The boy looked on at the stranger in the bellowing trench coat. Perplexed. This offer had a weight to it unlike any he'd been given before. Was such a decision truly his to make? A boy of twelve years old given such reign over his destiny expected to make this life altering decision.
The man said nothing further, simply slipping his sword back to its sheath and he began to walk away.
The boy watched as the stranger walk out of the dimly lit alleyway and into the lightened streets. His silhouette statuesque, the shadows seeming to bend around him. Whoever this man was he felt certain wherever he was headed would be a place filled of purpose. There would be light.
The boy followed after.
Chapter 01
The Distant Future, the Year 2307
The Cathedral of Kayn
"The perimeter is secure."
" No heat signatures are showing up on our end."
"Copy that, we're moving in."
The Faction 7 infiltration squad had managed to make it through the mountains bordering the outskirts of the once-great city of Edenlore. After an arduous battle that left their ranks severely diminished, they had finally breached the hard light barrier, an omnipresent protective shell surrounding the cathedral. Exhausted and running low on supplies, they were weak in body but strong in spirit. Their mission was to breach the heart of the cathedral and locate the throne room.
"Hurry down the left corridor; there should be a flight of stairs to the right!" Vector Lux, a young soldier of the Pharus Spei, recited aloud, providing the infiltration squad with the intelligence that had been gathered by the last platoon on their prior mission.
Sargent Lancer nodded. "You two, you're with me. The rest of you men cover our end."
Private Vector Lux obeyed Sargent Lancer's command and followed closely as they made their way up the stairwell. This was the opportunity they had long fought for; all the lives lost, all the bloodshed, all the years he'd spent training—it all led to this moment.
They sprinted up the flight of stairs. Vector glanced to his right, locking eyes with Private Sands. Both had been enlisted into the ranks of the Pharus Spei at the age of thirteen, and both had spent years on the battlefield, bearing witness to the horrors of the ceaseless war, the countless deaths of loved ones, and the all-consuming dread that governed their entire lives.
This mission's success would make all the difference and could very well bring an end to all the suffering. Peace could finally be achieved at long last. All of civilization's fate depended solely on this success.
Hordes of maligus––winged, bloodthirsty beasts––trailed behind them, existing solely to feed on the fear and flesh of men, of which their jagged teeth made short work. They were under his dominion. Hundreds of them stood watch over the cathedral through the night, ever vigilant. Throughout the long hours of the night, they were his enforcers.
Several soldiers had managed to fend off a portion of the maligus, allowing Sargent Lancer and his team to break from the group and toward the objective. However, they were severely outnumbered, and before long, they were overwhelmed by the malevolent beasts. Vector could hear their blood-curdling screams echoing through the stairwell as the Faction 7 soldiers were torn apart in the ensuing battle.
Sargent Lancer led the two soldiers up through the stairwell and into the grand hall, where they were met with a mighty staircase leading towards two large doors.
"Intel says that's the entrance to the throne room." Sargent Lancer activated a device on his wrist that displayed a holographic map of the cathedral's interior.
"What's our next move, Sarge?" Vector asked. Suddenly, Lancer's device emitted an alarming beeping sound.
A deep, unsettling, booming voice filled the hall.
"Impressive, humans, making it this far, and only at the cost of your entire fleet." Lum was its name; a behemoth of a bestial form emerged from behind the banister.
"Was it worth it? The annihilation of all your comrades?" Another demon, female in appearance, with long flowing hair and an alluring presence; its name was Langu.
"Food!" shouted another voice, raspy and excited. Esu appeared, its long and thin body dwarfed by Lum's broad and massive form.
"Let us gift them a quick and painful death as a prize for making it this far," Morto, the final demon, said as it walked forth, unveiling its massive bat-like wings, sneering down at the three intruders.
The Four Hellsmen, the deadliest of his enforcers. Sargent Lancer engaged his mechanical wrist gauntlets, setting them to incineration mode. He looked to his right. His fellow soldier stood there, trembling, trying to keep a brave face. His teeth clenched, his left hand on the hilt of his sword, still sheathed. Fear radiated from him.
He then looked to his right and saw Vector with his sword at the ready, his face stern, unshaken, and full of resolve. He had made his decision.
"Private Lux, when I give the order to move for those doors, we will cover you. Get through those doors and complete this mission. That's an order. Do you understand, soldier?" Sargent Lancer had given his final order, and Vector nodded.
"Now! Move!" Vector ran for the staircase, only to be blocked by the winged demon Morto, who dove downward with a sweeping strike of its claw.
Vector sprung backward narrowly, evading the demon's attack. Grasping his extendable, he then began blocking a barrage of strikes from above, his steel blade clanging against the demon's talons. Like a hungry vulture, the demon attacked relentlessly, swooping up and then backing down with violent vigor.
A storm of bullets pelted the demon's body, causing it to collapse to the ground. Sargent Lancer readjusted his gauntlets and readied himself with another round of ammunition. "Go, that's an order!"
He set off another round of shots; the bullets sprayed both banisters, heaving a cloud of debris into the air. Lum jumped from atop the banister and landed heavily on the marble floor below, fracturing it with its tremendous weight. It heaved its neck back, puffed out its wide-breasted chest, inhaling deeply, and then exhaled a large wall of flames. Vector, using his jet propulsion boots, propelled himself into the air. From above, he watched the flames dissipate, hoping his team had survived the inferno below.
Vector launched himself forward in the direction of the throne room doors. Suddenly, swarms of flies appeared, obscuring his sight. He felt something grab hold of his left ankle and begin to pull him down. He looked down to see a hairy, greasy, and dark leg tugging at him.
Langu cackled, using its tendril-like locks of hair to further ensnare the slayer. A nameless soldier lunged at the demon with an arching slash of his steel blade, severing the wretched, ghastly tendrils and allowing Vector to escape.
"Go Lux, go now while we hold them off! Go!" he shouted, desperately fending off the demon Esu, who had gotten the upper hand. He had managed to pin him to the floor and begun draining him of his life essence. He shrieked in terror until all that was left was a withered, lifeless husk sprawled out on the floor.
In a state of desperate rage, Vector engaged his gauntlets and shot Esu with a pinpoint hit to the head, causing it to explode on impact. Lum leaped into the air, wrapping its massive arms around the slayer, and they came crashing down. Now, Vector was at the mercy of the demon. Staring into its eyes, he could see nothingness, only hatred and malicious intent glowing in those red pits.
"Let hell have you, Pharus Spei," the demon said, raising its head and preparing to unleash a blast of its fiery breath. Suddenly, a gleam of shimmering light tore through its chest, moving upward and splitting it down the middle of its massive torso.
Lancer stood triumphant, his plasma saber in hand. He had sustained noticeable burn wounds to his right arm; even so, he wore a face of gratification as he watched the beast fall to pieces. The three remaining demons gathered around the shredded corpse.
Having faced the Hellsmen numerous times before, Lancer knew it wouldn't be long before the beasts would regenerate and return to fighting form.
He knew he had to do whatever he could to allow Private Lux a chance to reach the throne room. He ignited his plasma blade, flipping a switch on the blade's handle. It began to grow in length, losing its straight shape, resembling that of a loose line of wire, glowing and growing into a whip made of pure light energy.
Then it began. With the flick of his wrist, the plasma whip looped outward and then inward, and suddenly, in a flurry of movements, it had begun to move in every direction, cutting through marble pillars, the banister above, and everything in its path. The demons backed away, doing all they could to avoid its wrath.
"On your feet, Vector!" he commanded, his voice still strong and focused.
Vector rose, regained his focus, and turned toward the two large wooden doors. He ran up the steps, hesitating for an instant at the top. Sargent Lancer called out to him. Turning, Vector met his gaze––a look of reassurance, pride, acceptance, but most of all, hope.
With that, Lancer deactivated the plasma weapon and tossed it to Vector Lux. They exchanged nods.
Vector now knew with all certainty that the fate of the world was in his hands. Yet, for a moment, he found himself unable to move forward. He turned once more for a final lingering glance back at Sargent Lancer, fully aware of the fate that awaited him once he walked through those doors. It was a feeling of hopelessness.
Summoning all his resolve, he pushed through the heavy doors and into his throne room.
The throne room of Kayn.
submitted by Sp00kyd00d4ever to Write_Right [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:40 SteamedSpy4 [CLAIM] KAABU: A Republic, If You Can Keep It

“Counting the days yet, Mr. President?” Haidara asked the former football star as he settled in to the box seats at the top of the Mustapha Stadium. The league had extended an invitation to the President to watch the first game in the All-Africa Championship Series since the pause during the war, and one Governor of Nigeria, Modibe Haidara, had been granted the honor of escorting him. It wasn’t yet public knowledge that the President was planning to retire, but from where Haidara was sitting, it was obvious. Two Great Liberation Wars had taken their toll on the man who liberated Kaabu.
“Only one month left now,” Pogba chuckled, looking even wearier than his 80 years. “I’ve had enough war and politics for two lifetimes. This job isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I don’t know what I was thinking- I think it was the money, if you can imagine it.”
“I didn’t think the money was that good. They certainly don’t pay me that much.” Haidara replied.
“Oh, it wasn’t Kaabu’s money. I can’t say I ever expected to end up here when that recruiter made me the offer. To be honest, for the first ten minutes I thought he was trying to recruit me to play for USM Algiers.”
A Union Security Service officer in a tuxedo and black sunglasses handed the President a pair of noise cancelling headphones as the flyover appeared on the horizon. Haidara put in his own earplugs before the roar of five Su-75s drowned out the crowd. The jets spun as they broke over the field, flashing from their light blue underside to the green and tan camouflage on their top surface, making way for the KJN bomber following behind to swing low over the stadium with its wings spread wide. By the time the roar of the jets faded away, the crowd was cheering even louder than before.
“You know, I’ve seen quite a few crowds in my day.” Pogba quipped. “But this still doesn’t compare to those Greeks back in ‘57. They sure knew how to put on a show.”


The Citizen / News

President Mansa Pogba announces retirement after 27 years

November 16th, 2072
By Emile Okongo
More about this author
Abuja. President “Mansa” Paul Pogba of the Republic of Kaabu, one of the founding heads of state of the Union of African Socialist Republics, has announced his retirement after 27 years and will not stand for reelection in 2073. Mansa Pogba was elected as candidate for the All People’s Party in 2045, and won reelection to a second seven year term in 2052, while the Bandung Pact and Arab League armies were drawing battle lines across Kaabu. Less than a year later, the Third Brother War had begun, and over the next five years Pogba would lead Kaabu from the brink of defeat to a hard-won victory with the armies of the global south at its back, becoming the first country to liberate itself from the grip of the Alfr empire. Pogba put his own life on the line, leading from the front, when he dropped from orbit into a Greek colosseum to kill his android doppelganger in single combat at the conclusion of the war.
Pogba was reelected in 2059 and 2066, overseeing the reconstruction of the Republic and the formation of the Union of African Socialist Republics alongside Chancellor Baksoro of the Sawahil Federation and Director-General Mabaluki of the Cuanza Directorate. Pogba’s unshakeable reputation kept the Republic intact in the wake of the apocalyptic devastation of the Third Brother War, as the nation reeled from 18 million dead and entire states laid to ruin by the League invasion. Pogba was, famously, one of the strongest proponents of both the northern campaign and the “peace through strength” plan that concluded at the Istanbul Conference. Pogba never spoke on his betrayal by the Arab League, the nation that was once Kaabu’s strongest ally before turning around and laying waste to it, but it was clear that the experience left an impression on him. It was Pogba who cast the deciding vote to abandon the invasion of Badiyah, warning that the Caliphate would never surrender and that the UASR would suffer “a stain that could not be washed out” trying to occupy it.
Pogba’s successor will inherit a nation still trying to come to grips with the new normal of a post-Great Liberation War world. The reconstruction effort shaded into the global resource crisis and the transition to the baraza-based socialist economy as the Union sought to escape earthly material bounds entirely with an enormous asteroid mining program. New urgency has been added by the 2100 Program- the so-called ‘30 Year Plan’ to transition to a “75% post-scarcity” economy before the onset of the African demographic collapse, and the social upheaval the mass introduction of automated industry is already creating.
Mansa Pogba is expected to retire to Guinea, where he will coach the national football team. Governor Modibe Haidara of Nigeria, an Army veteran and the leader of the All People's Party, has a strong lead in polling and is widely expected to succeed Pogba in the upcoming elections.
Army General Abdirahman Saqhadi, commander of 20th Urban Assault Army “Cairo” and the Sahara Military District, was not having a good day.
“What do you mean,” he opened, with what he considered to be a generous amount of restraint under the circumstances, “we lost fifty fucking xenomorphs in the exclusion zone?”
His chief of staff shrugged. “Tracking picked up fifty xenomorphs in the border fortifications heading for Assode two days ago. 81st Air Rifles had the watch in that sector and sent an airborne team out per standing orders, two Havocs running recon and two Leopardcats with kill teams. Tac team got there and didn’t find a damn thing- no dead xenomorphs, no live xenomorphs, no tracks, nothing. When word got back, Colonel Makaya sent half his recce wing out looking, and they didn’t turn up anything either. Makaya’s intel people think the bugs died and got buried in the sandstorm overnight, but I think they’re arrampicarsi sugli specchi if you ask me.”
Staff Sergeant Giovanni Alessi had been Saqhadi’s chief of staff for as long as he had had one, the general reflected, and he still had no idea what the Italian was saying whenever he broke out one of his favorite idioms. It probably wasn’t important.
“Half an airborne regiment of Bundis should have seen a xenomorph pack.”
“Brigade staff, army staff, and district staff agreed. Every intel head in Makaya’s chain of command told him to go back and find the bastardi, but Makaya’s people spent the whole next day combing a 250 kilometer radius and didn’t turn up anything suspicious. Vehicle tracks, but there’s more civvie traffic in the exclusion zone than there used to be.”
“Vehicle tracks. Could it be-” Saqhadi took a mental inventory of any domestic terror threat suicidal enough to fight xenomorphs and insane enough to hide the bodies, and came up with a very short list. ”-Sokoto sympathizers?”
“Could be, but them and what AT detachment? We shot the last ones with anything bigger than a Kalashnikov nine months ago. Intel thought about it but they don’t have a clue how or why.”
“Goddamnit. Pull in the Civil Guard and InSec, and get Makaya all the recon assets we can retask without making a scene. We haven’t had any civilian casualties from xenomorph attacks in six months, and I don’t want to start back up right after Issoze signed the treaty. If xenomorphs are disappearing, we’ve either got a bug problem or a really fucking weird domestic terror threat, and I want to know which one it is.”
Si, signore.” Alessi saluted. “Should we let the president know?”
“Eh, let him enjoy his game.” Saqhadi glanced towards the back of the command center, where some enterprising signals intelligence tech had repurposed a row of flatscreens to watch the Championship Series. “Damnit, Libreville just scored. I had twenty birr on Mombasa.”




IF YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE MATERIAL CLASSIFIED KLMJN/3, REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE NEAREST INTELLIGENCE CORPS OFFICER IN YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND is therefore the opinion of this committee that war with the EMPIRE OF JAPAN should be considered inevitable within the next thirty to fifty years. I am aware this is not the conclusion that the Presidium was hoping for, but it is the only one this committee can in good faith give.
For the past thirty years, the Union and its predecessors have pursued a policy of maneuvering for geopolitical advantage by prioritizing near- and medium- term threats [SEE ATTACHMENT: REPORT ON WAR PLANNING IN THE ALFR PERIPHERY (2062)]. With the collapse of Afheimr and the Russian Commonwealth, this strategy has reached its logical conclusion. The Union has succeeded in taking advantage of the loss of Alfr support and eliminated its most immediate adversary in the Caliphate. At the same time, Japan and the UNSC have also succeeded in consolidating control of former Russian territory and the Caliphate’s sea lines of communication. The problem now facing the Union is simple: we have successfully achieved a decisive near term geopolitical advantage beyond the wildest dreams of planners a decade ago, and it was not sufficient to offset the Japanese military advantage.
This committee is aware that the budgetary and political realities of the post-Caliphate threat environment are not likely to yield an enormous modernization program. Expected spending reductions have been factored into the conclusions of this report. It is my sincere hope that the Presidium is fully aware of the risk it runs in choosing to turn inwards and consolidate the gains of the Final Brother War. The endless climb is almost at its summit. There are now only two power blocks remaining in the world: the Japanese hegemony, and the Bandung Pact. If Japan wishes to complete the climb- to reach the summit- they will have to go through us.
  • FLAG: Republic of Kaabu (Union of African Socialist Republics)
  • POPULATION: 1,107,675,171 (~2,500,000,000)
  • GDP: $27,197,382,722,168, UASR as a whole
    • based on estimate of GDP per capita similar to China by 2072
  • GOVERNMENT: Socialist Federal Republic, Union member republic
submitted by SteamedSpy4 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:28 Soggy-Woodpecker-379 Disable Stock lending, If u r on Tiger Broker

Disable Stock lending, If u r on Tiger Broker
Disable the stock yield enchantment program
submitted by Soggy-Woodpecker-379 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:23 FancyInvestment397 Wild Casino Review [Updated June 2024]

Wild Casino Review [Updated June 2024]
Wild Casino transports you to a lush jungle setting with more than 430 casino games for you to explore. The majority of the games are slots, but there’s a great selection of blackjack, table games, specialty games, and a live dealer.
I especially like the one million dollars in tournament prizes given away every month, and the $5,000 welcome bonus and $9,000 crypto welcome bonus add a lot of kick to your bankroll. There are a large variety of banking methods and payouts are complete within 48 hours for most options. The casino has a lot going for it and a few shortcomings, stick with me and I’ll tell you everything I discovered on my jungle adventure.
Wild Casino
  • Most fun, easy to use games
  • Huge selection of banking methods
  • Several specialty bonus options
  • Good selection of specialty games
  • No sports betting or poker rooms
  • Not many jackpot games

Wild Casino Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
Available Games: Blackjack, Slots, Baccarat, Keno, Baccarat, Keno…
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: No
License: Panama Gamin Commission
Online Since: 2018
Min. Deposit: $10
Payout Speed: 2-3 Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 100% up to $5,000

Wild Casino User Interface

Wild Casino feels like it is set in the jungle. I love how simple it is to navigate and how the theme carries through on every page. The first thing you’ll notice is the rotating banner that prominently displays the welcome bonus and various other promotions.
Game categories are in a menu at the top, or you can scroll and see the games available. The ‘View All’ button reveals all the titles in that category.
An additional navigation menu is at the top of the screen with banking, help, sign-up, and login buttons. A drop-down menu with games, promotions, banking, and help options is on the far right of the screen.

Available Games at Wild Casino

Wild Casino has a great selection of games by software providers Real Time Gaming, Rival, BetSoft, DragonGaming, and Nucleus. There are more than 300 slot titles, table games, blackjack, video poker, and specialty games like scratch cards and Keno.
I particularly like their live dealer platform. It has more than 20 games available 24/7. In addition to blackjack, roulette, and baccarat, it also offers slots, craps, and bingo, which I found to be unique and not typical of other live dealer platforms I’ve reviewed.
Clicking on a game title reveals a short description, volatility rating, and an option to add it to your favorites list. However, a demo feature is not available for all games. I found this quite disappointing because you must wager to play and can’t test games/strategies out for free like you can on many other online gambling sites.


Wild Casino has 368 slot titles. Slot enthusiasts will find 3-reel, 4-reel, 5-reel, and video slots with multiple paylines, bonus games, and a few progressive titles with big jackpots.
Slot-specific promotions include a weekly 10% rebate for losses up to $250 and a weekly cash slots tournament by invitation.
Here are some of my favorite real money slots at Wild Casino:


Wild Casino has one of the largest selections of blackjack variations of any online casino. There are 14 different blackjack games to play in the casino and more than 15 tables in the duel live dealer section. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, there’s a blackjack game for everyone at Wild Casino.
Here’s a sample of blackjack titles I found at Wild Casino:

Table Games

Wild Casino has a great selection of table games, including blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, rummy, and craps. It is the perfect place for players who enjoy using strategy to create bigger wins for themselves.
There are more than 30 table games to choose from. Below you’ll find a few table game titles I enjoyed at Wild Casino:

Video Poker

Video poker is another thriving area of the casino. I was impressed with the number of variations available. Video poker players will find more than fifteen different games to pass the time. The selections are split into two categories: Single Hand and Multi-Hand.
Here are a few favorite Video Poker titles at Wild Casino:

Live Dealer Games

The live dealer platform has more than 100 games for players who crave social interaction. Games are available 24/7 and are divided into two sections: the red platform by Fresh Deck Studios and the black platform by Lucky Streak.
Players can customize their experience by choosing their dealer and table setup, creating an experience reminiscent of a land-based casino.
Wild Casino’s live dealer platform is impressive. In addition to typical live dealer games, it offers slots, bingo, specialty games, poker, and more.

Wild Casino for Mobile

Wild Casino is mobile-friendly and compatible with Android and iOS devices. When testing it on my smartphone, it loaded quickly and seamlessly. I did not experience any lags when playing the games which was great. It ran smoothly both on my WiFi and mobile data. It has all the same games and features available as it does on the desktop.

There is no download or app for Wild Casino, you access it by using your browser and a reliable internet connection. If you prefer a casino that has an app to download, you can try Wild Casino’s sibling company BetOnline.
While reviewing the browser-based site from Wild Casino, I paid close attention to its user interface. In this section, we’ll provide you with feedback regarding its mobile compatibility, functionality, design, and more:
  • Functionality: The functionality of the app from Wild Casino was pristine. At no point during my review did I experience any issues with navigation or overall app experience.
  • Mobile Compatibility: I am pleased to report the Wild Casino app is mobile-compatible. That means you can easily use it from tablets and smartphones if you’d like. I tested it out on devices from several manufacturers like Apple and Android and found it worked perfectly on all of them.
  • Download Casino: Luckily, there isn’t a download required to use the app from Wild Casino. Instead, everything is web-based. To use their app, simply point your device’s browser to their main website, and you’ll be ready to start playing casino games online without the need for a software download.
  • Design: The overall design of the Wild Casino app is impressive. I enjoyed the modern jungle-themed look, which helped it to stand out from many other casino apps with more simplistic and dated designs.

Wild Casino Bonuses in 2024

Wild Casino has a variety of bonuses and promotions for multiple games that will add funds to your bankroll and keep you playing through the weeks. There are two welcome offers for newcomers, including one for crypto users, weekly match, reload, and rebate promotions for returning players, contests, featured games, and tournaments.
Note that some bonuses at Wild Casino require bonus codes, while others are added to your account automatically when you opt-in. The codes you need are noted below.
To use a bonus code at Wild Casino, head back to the top of this post and select a bonus to get started. If you are not already a member at Wild, fill out an account sign-up form. Select the drop-down menu off to the top right of the screen and choose the banking and promotions page to claim your bonus and begin inputting your code. Then, make a deposit, and let the fun begin!

$5,000 Welcome Bonus
This welcome offer is spread over the first five deposits and consists of two different Wild Casino bonus codes:
  • Use WILD250 on the first deposit and get a 250% bonus of up to $1,000
  • Use WILD100 on the next four to accrue a bonus of 100% up to $1,000
The minimum required deposit is $20. The maximum bonus at Wild Casino per deposit is $1,000, and the deposit and bonus amount have a rollover requirement of 35x.
Slots, table games, and video poker are eligible for this bonus. Live dealer games do not qualify for this offer.

Crypto Welcome Bonus

This welcome offer is only available to those using cryptocurrency to make a deposit. It is another Wild Casino bonus code spread over the first five deposits.
  • Use CRYPTO300 on the first deposit and get a 300% bonus of up to $3,000
  • On the next four deposits, use CRYPTO150 for a 150% bonus of up to $1,500
CRYPTO300 is subject to a 45x rollover and CRYPTO150 is a 30x rollover. A minimum deposit of $20 is required.
The crypto bonus applies to slots, video poker, and table games. Live dealer tables are not eligible.

10% Weekly Rebate

Aside from the live dealer casino, players can get a 10% rebate on any casino game loss between Monday and Thursday. This weekly promo features a 10% rebate on all losses up to $250. The maximum loss is $1,000, and the maximum rebate bonus is $250. You will find a rollover requirement here of 40x.

Featured Game of the Week

Every week at Wild Casino, a different slot game is featured. You must have more than 100 spins between Monday and Thursday to qualify for 1 of 10 weekly prizes of $500. Players can win extra entries for every additional 100 spins they play on the select slot. The $500 bonus at Wild Casino is subject to a rollover of 10x and a maximum cashout of 2x.

Wild Diamond 7’s Progressive Jackpot

This promotion allows players to achieve a massive payout for only $1. When players place the $1 side bet for the Wild Diamond 7’s slot, they have a chance of winning the jackpot.

Tuesday Top Up

Use the promo code WCTOPUP every Tuesday to get an extra $50 when making a minimum deposit of $50. Use it up to three times every Tuesday. Before withdrawing winnings, the real money Wild Casino bonus is subject to a rollover of 45x.

Hump Day Special

Wednesday is a great day to earn some extra funds from Wild Casino. Players who deposit $30 or more can use bonus code HUMPDAY1 to get a bonus of 25% up to $250. Deposits of $150 or more with promo code HUMPDAY2 are eligible for a 50% bonus up to $250. The offer is available up to two times every Wednesday. The first Wild Casino bonus code has a rollover of 15x, and the second is subject to 20x.

Refer a Friend

Earn a 200% bonus of up to $200 for every friend you refer to Wild Casino. Your referral must create a new account and make at least one successful deposit at Wild Casino before you are eligible to receive the bonus.

The Ultimate Spin-Off

This Wild Casino bonus involves players getting a weekly invitation to the $5,000 Cash Slots Tournament. Players must wager on four different days between Monday and Sunday to qualify. They must also generate $4,000 or more in order to place in the Cash Slots Tournament.

Banking Options at Wild

Wild Casino offers more than 15 banking options for both deposits and payouts. Credit cards, cryptocurrency, e-wallets, money orders, and wire transfers are available. Most deposit methods are instant so you can get access to your winnings fast. Payouts with crypto have zero fees and are processed within 48 hours.


Here’s an overview of the deposit choices showing minimum and maximum amounts and processing fees. Funds will be available in your account within 15 minutes – two hours which is standard for most online gambling sites. Tip: Wild Casino notes that credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover are twice as likely to be accepted when making purchases online.

Wild Casino Customer Support

Wild Casino has two primary ways to get in touch with customer service: email and live chat. When testing the chat feature, I received a courteous and friendly reply within seconds. Email response time was within their 24h, but I would recommend the chat for instant answers.
You can find the chat feature and email information in the Contact Us section at the bottom of the home screen. There’s also a FAQ and Help link that provides detailed information on multiple topics.
Wild Casino customer service and support can be reached only by email at []( Expect a response within 24 hours or less. There is a link at the bottom of the home page and a Help button in the drop-down menu on the right

Security at Wild Casino

Wild Casino is a safe and secure gambling site. It has a license with the Panama Gaming Commission and uses SSL encryption to keep sensitive user information safe.
All real money games at Wild Casino use random number generators (RNGs) to ensure random results for online games with things like shuffling and dealing cards, the spinning of slots reels and roulette wheels, and dice rolls.
All Wild Casino games have return-to-player (RTP) percentages to ensure customers receive a certain percentage back from the games.

Final Verdict

Overall, I thought the Wild Casino experience was enjoyable. I appreciate the fun theme, and simple design. It was easy to find what I was looking for and it has a great selection of slots, table games, video poker, and blackjack. Their multiple banking options are a plus and I love the abundance of bonuses and promotions.
The only areas Wild Casino falls short are the lack of sportsbook, poker tournaments, and demo mode. If real money casino games are all you’re interested in, Wild Casino is a great choice, but if you’d prefer a casino, sportsbook, and poker tournament site, I suggest checking out BUSR.
All in all, it’s a great gambling site for anyone who enjoys playing slots, blackjack, scratch cards, and live dealer games.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:01 MattLockhartIII Trying to get into an old account (NEED HELP)

Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but I'm desperate at this point and any help would be appreciated. Basically I'm trying to get into an old account I made in 2007 (on a launch 'fat' model PS3), and I have VERY little info or resources to get back into the account.
I know what the email is that's associated with the account, and I have access to that email, BUT it's been so many years that I literally can't remember the user ID.
I don't know any transaction ID's from the user
I feel like I'm so damn close to getting into my account but I need help. Thanks
submitted by MattLockhartIII to PS3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:55 FancyInvestment397 DuckyLuck Casino - Honest Review in 2024

DuckyLuck Casino - Honest Review in 2024
DuckyLuck Casino first launched in 2020 and is licensed by the Curacao eGaming Commission. This casino has more than 430 slot games from 11 different developers.
You can also use DuckyLuck Casino to play video poker, table games, and bingo. It has live dealer games available as well. There is a 500% deposit match welcome bonus that also includes 150 free spins.
For the best rewards though, you will need to be a member of the DuckyBucks rewards program. There are only five withdrawal options, which could be a turn-off for some users.
DuckyLuck Casino
  • Huge selection of banking methods
  • Plenty of live dealer games
  • Accepts US players
  • No live sports betting
  • No Jackpot games
  • High fees for some payout games

DuckyLuck Casino Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
Available Games: Baccarat, Blackjack, Keno, Roulette, Slots, Video Poker
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: No
License: Curacao eGaming Commission
Online Since: 2020
Min. Deposit: $25
Payout Speed: 48 Hours- 15 Business Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 500% up to $7,500

User Interface

I found the user interface at DuckyLuck very easy to use. There are tabs at the top of the page that allow players to quickly switch between sections such as casino games, promotions, and banking.
The game section is also easy to navigate as games are separated into specific sections like slots and table games. You can even conveniently sort games by their popularity and jackpot options.
DuckyLuck prioritizes functionality over showmanship. I did not have any issues using the site, but I did not find it memorable, either. The deeper you go into the site, the harder it is to identify a theme.

DuckyLuck Casino Games

DuckyLuck offers a decent amount of slots games, jackpots, and video poker options. Really the only area that was a bit lacking was the table games section, but the core options were not too bad.
More specifically, there are 433 slot games available, many of which can be played for free. It offers a good selection of video poker and specialty games. There is even a live dealer game section with blackjack, roulette, and baccarat available.
Each game at DuckyLuck has a helpful information section that describes the game. Players can also rate the game and share comments about their playing experience.
One area that DuckyLuck could improve is its table games section. It lacks video baccarat, craps, and other popular games.
Casino Game Providers:
I really enjoyed the fact that DuckyLuck Casino uses a variety of reputable and trusted online casino game providers. Here are some of the big names that this online casino uses to provide its customers with good, quality gaming:
  • Rival Gaming
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Spinomenal
  • Saucify
  • Arrow’s Edge
  • Fugaso
  • Felix Gaming
  • Tom Horn Gaming
  • Dragon Gaming
  • Fresh Deck Studios
  • Qora Gaming

Slot Games

DuckyLuck had 433 slot games available at the time of my review. I liked that I could sort games by developer, jackpots, and popularity.
There are 39 slot games that feature progressive jackpots. DuckyLuck has slot games from eight different developers including Rival Gaming and BetSoft.

Table Games

DuckyLuck’s table game section only includes nine games. Of those nine games, seven of them are either roulette or blackjack games. Most of the table games available were developed by Rival Gaming.

Video Poker

I found 14 video poker games during my review of DuckyLuck Casino. Games from developer Rival Gaming once again dominate this section.
There single and multi-hand versions of most games. You are even able to test the games in demo modes before committing any money to them.

Specialty Games

I was impressed by DuckyLuck’s selection of specialty games. There are 19 games available in the “Casual Games” section, which is more than you normally see at online casinos. El Royale Casino, for instance, only has three games in its specialty games section.
The selection of games is varied as well. DuckyLuck offers keno, bingo, and Teen Patti. Teen Patti is a three-card poker game that is popular in South Asia. There are also seven different options for scratch cards available.

Live Dealer

One of the few areas of DuckyLuck that you cannot access without an account is the live dealer casino. This area is provided through Fresh Deck studios. At the time of review, there were 14 live tables available, although this may increase during peak hours. Only paid games are available in this part of the site. Betting limits range from as low as $0.50 to as high as $12,500. There are three categories of games including:
  • Roulette
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat

Mobile Experience

I was able to access DuckyLuck from my Android phone without having to download any software. The site is also accessible from iOS and Windows devices as well. You can access every game, including live dealer options, from your mobile device. does not have an app. All you need to do to get started is open the site in your mobile browser with a stable internet connection.
I did not experience many issues when playing from my phone. Some games took longer to load, but that was the only negative I noticed. The rest of the site worked as well on my phone as it did on my computer.

DuckyLuck Bonuses & Promotions

DuckyLuck does not offer much in the way of typical casino bonuses. There is only one welcome bonus option. Other top sites, like Las Atlantis Casino, have multiple welcome offers for new members to choose from.
The bonuses that DuckyLuck does offer are good. Both the welcome bonuses and the cryptocurrency deposit match offer 500% or more in bonus funds. I did not like that the bonuses had 30x and 40x rollover requirements, respectively.
DuckyLuck also has a rewards program. Existing players need to use the rewards program if they want to earn extra rewards. Otherwise, your opportunities to gain extra funds will be few and far between.

500% Welcome Bonus + 150 Free Spins

This is the welcome bonus that is available to all new players. New players must make an initial deposit of at least $25 to be eligible for this bonus.
  • 500% Deposit Match up to $2,500
  • Eligible Games:Casino games (No Live Dealer,Craps or Progressives)
  • Minimum Deposit:$25
  • Maximum Deposit:$500
  • Rollover Requirements:30X Deposit + Bonus
  • Maximum Cashout:10x Deposit

600% Match Bonus: Crypto Payment Methods

Bettors using crypto to make their deposit can get an exclusive bonus. This welcome bonus offers players a higher deposit match percentage. I was disappointed to see that it does not offer players free spins, though.
  • 600% Deposit Match:Preferred Payment Methods, ONLY Deposits
  • Eligible Games:Casino games (No Live Dealer,Craps or Progressives)
  • Minimum Deposit:$25
  • Maximum Deposit:$500
  • Rollover Requirements: 40X Deposit + Bonus
  • Maximum Cashout:10x Deposit

Refer a Friend

Not only can players earn cash by referring friends to DuckyLuck, but they can also get some free chips in the process as well. Both you and the person you refer will get a bonus with this promotional offer.
  • Earn $100 once referral makes an initial deposit of $25 or more
  • Referral deposit of $25 – $50:$25 free chip
  • Referral deposit of $51 – $100:$50 free chip
  • Referral deposit of $101 or more:$100 free chip
  • Rollover Requirement (Free Chip):50X the bonus
  • Max Cashout:5X the bonus
  • Bonus amount of $25:maximum withdrawal amount of $250
  • Bonus amount is $50:maximum withdrawal amount of $500
  • Bonus amount is $100:maximum withdrawal amount of $500
  • Rollover Requirements:30X

Rewards Program

Players are automatically enrolled in the DuckyBucks Rewards program. Players earn a Level Point for every $20 they deposit. Crypto players get a few more perks. You receive 10% daily cashback on all your crypot deposits, along with faster payouts, lower rates and fees.
Progressing through the DuckyBucks Rewards levels will unlock improved rewards. For instance, everyone has access to the 5% Daily Cashback bonus. But, only Golden Goose level members can get a 395% Daily Reloading bonus.
Below are the various levels of DuckyLuck’s rewards program.

DuckyLuck Social Contests

DuckyLuck offers social contests which isn’t something we see at many other online casinos. By following them on social media, you’ll be first to know when the contests go live. They are usually set to a certain day of the week, and rely on you pausing a video on a specific image. If you pause the video on the winning image and post a screenshot in the comments, you’ll win 25 free spins for the given slot. You’ll find these contests across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, so it’s worth giving this casino a follow!

Banking Options at DuckyLuck Casino

I was happy to see that DuckyLuck offers 13 different deposit methods. This allows players plenty of options to choose from when making a deposit. I was less pleased to discover that DuckyLuck only has five withdrawal options.
Upon closer inspection, I found that only three methods are available for US players. Bettors in Maryland and Washington only have one withdrawal method, Bitcoin, available.
The minimum withdrawal amount for most methods is $25. Most options also have a maximum withdrawal amount between $150 and $2,500.

DuckyLuck Deposit Methods

The strength of DuckyLuck’s banking methods lies in its deposit options. There are 13 methods to choose from, but some are only available in specific regions.

DuckyLuck Payout Methods
The payout methods at DuckyLuck are more limited compared to the depositing options. This is one area where I feel this casino misses the mark. Increasing the withdrawal options would make it easier for players to enjoy their winnings.
I was also disappointed to see that withdrawal times depend on your VIP level. Standard players may have to way up to 120 hours to receive funds. VIP Crypto high rollers on the other hand can receive their funds within 48 hours.

DuckyLuck Customer Support

DuckyLuck only offers two options for contacting customer support. Players can use the live chat feature to speak to a representative. Or you can send an email to customer support.
  • Live Chat. This option is available 24/7 and there is a small speech bubble icon at the bottom right corner on every page of this online casino. Simply click on the icon and get in touch with a customer service representative.
  • On-Site Contact Form. This option is in lieu of an email address. The generic contact form allows customers to write out any sort of questions, comments, or concerns and send them directly to DuckyLuck’s customer service. Customers can expect a response within 24 hours or less using this method.
  • FAQ Page. The FAQ page can be accessed at the bottom of every page under the “More Info” section. DuckyLuck’s FAQ page addressed a wide range of topics including banking methods, game rules, and the casino’s terms and conditions.

Safety & Security

DuckyLuck Casino requires players to verify their identity before making a withdrawal. This ensures that you are the only person taking money out of your account.
This casino is licensed by the Curacao eGaming Commission. DuckyLuck uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption software to protect players’ personal information.

Final Verdict: 4/5

DuckyLuck casino has a lot to offer. Their game variety is one of their top selling points, with a good selection of slots, video poker, speciality games and a robust live dealer section.
For those who love online slot games, their library of over 400 titles from 8 different developers is a big bonus. They also offer a range of exciting bonuses and competitions ranging from social contests to rewards programmes.
DuckyLuck accepts cryptocurrency, which is a huge plus in my book. They offer a ton of rewards for crypto bettors, too, including exclusive bonuses and faster payout speeds.
I was a little disappointed by the limited payout options offered by DuckyLuck. Also, I would have liked to see more than just nine options in the table games section.
Overall, DuckyLuck provides the entertainment I’d expect from a good online casino. I give DuckyLuck four out of five stars.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:48 MattLockhartIII Trying to find old account ID/old console serial number

Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but I'm desperate at this point and any help would be appreciated. Basically I'm trying to get into an old account I made in 2007 (on a launch 'fat' model PS3), and I have VERY little info or resources to get back into the account.
I know what the email is that's associated with the account, and I have access to that email, BUT it's been so many years that I literally can't remember the user ID.
I don't know any transaction ID's from the user
I feel like I'm so damn close to getting into my account but I need help. Thanks
submitted by MattLockhartIII to ps3hacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:43 cricketmad14 Just a list of data breaches involving Australian customers in 2024

Ticketek Australia - June 2024

XM Group (investment company) - May 2024

Advance Press – May 2024

MediSecure – May 2024

Western Sydney University (WSU) – May 2024

SUMO (utilities company) – May 2024

Dell Computers – May 2024

Monash Health – May 2024

Clubs NSW – May 2024

Aussizz Group – April 2024

Smoke Alarm Solutions – April 2024

Suncorp Bank – April 2024

American Express – March 2024

Nissan Australia – January 2024

Binge, Dan Murphys, Guzman y Gomez, The Iconic -January 2024

submitted by cricketmad14 to australia [link] [comments]