Play packrat online icarly

I learned an FPS game I'm highly anticipating is using peer 2 peer connection and I'm worried, I wanted to get game devs opinion on this, is it a bad sign?

2024.06.01 14:57 JM-ONER I learned an FPS game I'm highly anticipating is using peer 2 peer connection and I'm worried, I wanted to get game devs opinion on this, is it a bad sign?

I learned an FPS game I'm highly anticipating is using peer 2 peer connection and I'm worried, I wanted to get game devs opinion on this, is it a bad sign?
I remember hearing about and playing games that use P2P connection and it was always bad, associated with games that had big lag and delay issues while playing online, it almost makes me think along the lines of "this game isn't serious" and it socks because I was really looking forward to this game.
The game does have some hype behind it as it has over a million wishlists on steam, would the devs be able to switch the game to a server connection later on instead of using P2P?
Here's a video of the game itself -
submitted by JM-ONER to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:54 Stoon82 (WIP) project idea started in Dreams, now proof of concept with THREE.js

(WIP) project idea started in Dreams, now proof of concept with THREE.js
Hello fellow Dreamers and Reddit-people.
I want to show a little about my current off-time project, which I started in Dreams but switched to THREE.js for the missing online multiplayer support. So I hope it's OK to post this little off-topic here.
It is only a simple and early proof of concept for a map system experimenting with combining the Carcassone game-play with a hexagon / triangle grid. But I am happy how it is coming together so far.
In the pictures you can see how I place equilateral triangles as tiles next to each matching the colors of neighboring tiles. The puzzle character of this actually feels quite relaxing and satisfying. I am definately not done with this this project, though I am not perfectly sure where to go from here. I do want to add some The Settlers like game play to it and I have some more ideas I want to try out, but please let me know what you think.
Here is a video of me building puzzling a map together (please excuse the low quality, will try to do better in the future):
In the video you can see the two different insert modes I have implemented in the current version: One, where you get a suggestion for a tile and have to find a place where it fits and Two, where you Pic any place on the map and the programm finds a random combination of colors to insert.
Thanks for reading. Let me know if this interests you.
submitted by Stoon82 to PS4Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 SpacewaIker About PSN accounts

So recently, Ghost of Tsushima and God of War Ragnarok have launched/been announced on PC with a required PSN account. There was also the whole helldivers 2 fiasco
As a PC gamer, at first I was unclear if this meant a PSN account or a PSN subscription. From what I've been able to find online, it's the former, but if it's the latter, please disregard the rest of this post!
So you need a PSN account. I just don't see what the big deal is. You also need a steam account, but that's fine? I know it's not the same but still, it takes two minutes to create an account and then you're done. I'm aware of the aspect that some countries don't have PSN and so this makes the games unavailable in these countries. That sucks. But for most countries, why is the PSN account such a big deal that people review bombed helldivers 2 so much that Sony backed out? Personally I really don't mind making a new account if it means playing a dope game on my PC
Anyway, I'm not defending Sony or saying my opinion is the best, I'm just trying to understand why this is such a big deal for seemingly a lot of people
submitted by SpacewaIker to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 Victini7773 Does anyone know where this sound effect come from?

Been playing DKC2, and I'm fascinated about the music and sound effects, though, there is one I can't find online, and that is the green light whistle from Target Terror. Does anyone know what sound it is, or a link with a rip of said sound effect? Would be very appreciated
submitted by Victini7773 to donkeykong [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:53 halfcutpenis [REQUEST] [PLAYSTORE] (2nd attempt) platinum membership.

Hey, I am a beginner playing chess for over 4 months. I currently play chess online in and I've been very addicted to playing chess there.
What is platinum membership?
Its a membership for provides you with lessons, game reviews, infinite puzzles and so on. There's 2 plans for platinum membership which is yearly and monthly, I prefer the yearly membership since the vast amount of knowledge would be very hard to learn in a month.
Why I want this membership?
I am playing chess for 4 months now even though I am trying my best to learn chess its been very hard since without a subscription only gives you a single 5 minute video per week and one game review, puzzle per day. This slows my learning experience a lot. A membership which would give me unlimited lessons and reviews with puzzles would help me tremendously improve my game.
Why I cant get it myself?
I am a broke Indian student with no extra money I can use. I don't get any digital form of money and frankly the membership itself is very expensive here, even if I try to save money, it would take me 6 months to save the money.
How to gift platinum membership?
You can gift the membership by going to https:// and then gift to my profile name which is indistinguishable_pingoo the membership is around 50$ depending where you live.
If you don't wish to gift this membership, I can completely understand why since its very expensive. I am still very thankful for you reading this.
submitted by halfcutpenis to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:48 Negative_Kangaroo678 Guys am I characterless if I speak to boys online at 15?

Just to be clear I DONT speak to guys looking for anything, I just went to girls school, I now simply wanted to talk to boys online, to see how they are, they are human too, I shouldn't have an image in my mind as if they are alien. Now, I am from India, I spoke to a guy online, he was 20, this almost last year, October if I remember correctly, I spoke with him about problems in my house, how my 10th was going, this is so common in every household, atleast so do I believe, I just shared my feelings, ntg too personal, it was on discord, my brother read the chats, scolded me a lot, I felt very ashamed, but at the same time I spoke to another boy, on snapchat, he was 17, I chatted with him a bit, sent him a selfie, with a sticker on my face, idk why I did that, but ik he initiated it and pursued me. My brother didn't directly look through the chats with both these dudes, he saw the chats on whatsapp with my best friend, she's a school friend, my parents hate her too, I have almost no social life, it's depressing. But anyways he went to discord, read all those texts, then prolly tried to look for snapchat but I had already Uninstalled in because the guy was getting creepy, I even deactivated the account, permanently. He scolded me a lot, like I cried a lot about it. But then I was preparing for board exams and too distracted, so I forgot about it eventually. A month or so ago I started to speak with a dude on an app, it's an app for teens to chat, I do not know how safe it is, I found a guy, I spoke with him a lot, then I told him if we could speak on instagram because that app wasn't good, like the chatting, messages delaying, etc. When I moved to instagram, we spoke a lot, he was a year younger, which I found out 3 to 4 days ago from now, so he read my insta chats from my mother's phone, got to know and got angry, I didn't speak anything, ntg with that guy, that was personal, it was mostly about how I wanted to become vegetarian when I get out of the house, he did get very personal one time talking about how his sister was a slot, elder sister that is, how she spoke with many dudes online and even sent them her selfies, she is 18, so I didn't care and told him, he too speaks with so many girls online, it's kind of hypocritic of him to be, he then just changed the topic. So now, today morning, my brother comes and says who's that guy, I said I just spoke to him, he called awaari(characterless) and diwani(mental or an idiot), I wouldn't be hurt if I had done something wrong, I don't think I have done anything wrong, why did he have to say that I am stupid and have no sense, saying we gave u phone, now u will do this. I don't know honestly, I have no one to talk about it, I did try messaging my best friend, she's never available almost, it's not her fault, I am just boring so she turns off her notifications prolly, she's a loner too, she talks about her problems, you know what her biggest problem is? That she is ugly, no girl you are beautiful, I am not tired of suggesting solutions and her sitting in her room and talking about world problems, saying life is useless, I know she's depressed, but as she speaks that, my energy has gone over the years, I am so negative, I don't know when I started to self harm, I don't want to but crying doesn't help because there is no private place to cry in this house, it's so painful,when she talks about suicide, and I am feeling like I will kill myself everytime. I know I am not a great or even good friend, daughter, sister, student, classmate, nothing, but there are people worse who are somehow happier, at this point I am just venting, but please if there are any adults who can give me advice on how to continue to focus on studies, not hate myself, not feel so useless, it's hurting me a lot, but I am a pussy, I am scared of killing myself because I don't want people to call me mad, somehow I still care about what others think, I belong to a muslim household, so it's worse somehow and no, he didnt inform about any of this to my parents, he's so egoistic, I hate him, he always abuses me when my parents are not around, makes fun of anything I do, when beats me, ut isn't play fight, it feels like he has rage against me, I have done nothing to him my whole life, I am still a child, he's 18, I know not much older but just because he's studying engineering, he tries to show it off to my face all the time, I hate him,even my parents don't care anymore, if reply I am bad, I don't understand anything, I can't even question anything, I genuinely need help because I feel like my mental health is getting worse and worse as I think about this, my hair fall has increased, I don't want to eat, I sometimes throw out the remaining food when no one is looking, please help, I beg🙏 yes I posting this wherever I can because I am desperate
submitted by Negative_Kangaroo678 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:47 Melita482 21F looking for friends to chat with

Hello, I'm a girl with multiple hobbies! I'm a Formula 1 fan (no, not a DTS fan, and I know what DRS does - nothing wrong with discovering F1 through Netflix imo though!), I speak a few languages (obviously English, then Italian, Latin, basics of Spanish and Portuguese, learning Dutch), I'm a university student, my major is classical studies (hence the Latin and Italian), I've started writing my first original book a few weeks ago (been a fanfic writer for years now), but I also play video games like The Sims, GTA, recently tried a bit of RDR, aaaand lastly I'm interested in mental health, but also in spirituality, manifesting (which for some people can't go together).
What am I looking for? Well, that's in the title. Looking for friends, nothing more. I've had my shot at online/long distance dating and it's just not my thing. I used to treat this stuff super seriously, but now it's just not for me, not interested in online dating anymore. I guess I'm not interested in searching for a partner in general, my astrology says my soulmate will find me when I go abroad. Also it mentioned something about self love. I love myself now, so all I need to do now is manifesting moving to Monaco or something lmao
Anyways feel free to shoot me a message, that's what this post is for!!
submitted by Melita482 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:46 lemontree1111 Monsters & Memories is having a 4 hour stress test today at 1pm EST

Copied info below from the Discord. Also note that at the end if the month (June 28 - 30) there will be a full weekend play test.
We will be holding a Stress Test on Saturday, June 1st, 2024 at 1pm Eastern.
It will run for 4 hours, ending at 5pm Eastern.
If we run into stability issues, we'll either immediately patch the game or, if absolutely necessary, end the playtest (with the hopes of running one at the same time the next day, or a later date if absolutely needed)
Players will be using Fresh Characters in order to test new Combat Balance and Experience Rates. Your old characters still exist and may be used again in later tests.
Early in the test, we may be limiting characters to only the Night Harbor zone, but we will bring other zones online as soon as Stress Test data is collected.
Disclaimer: This is a Technical Stress Test, and some in progress work may not be as polished as in the upcoming weekend Playtest. There is also the possibility of some lag and other stability issues.
Come join the discord for more info:
submitted by lemontree1111 to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:44 hellsfavsinner 16f looking for online friends

Looking for people to go to for advice or to talk to when I need someone. We could also play games together. Basically a friend but online lol
submitted by hellsfavsinner to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:44 Competitive-Chip-791 FamiSafe Parental Control App: Keeping Your Kids Safe in a Digital World

FamiSafe Parental Control App: Keeping Your Kids Safe in a Digital World
In today's digital age, where children are increasingly reliant on smartphones and tablets, keeping them safe online can be a daunting task for parents. Wondershare FamiSafe Parental Control App (~ emerges as a valuable tool in this endeavour, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to monitor your child's online activity, manage their screen time, and ensure their physical safety. This review dives deep into FamiSafe's functionalities, exploring its strengths and potential drawbacks while also highlighting how it can contribute to your child's digital well-being.
Introducing Wondershare FamiSafe
Hey there, parents! Let's talk about something that's been on all of our minds lately: keeping our kids safe in the digital age. With screens becoming a bigger part of our children's lives every day, it's essential to have tools that help us navigate this brave new world. That's where Wondershare FamiSafe comes in.
Wondershare FamiSafe isn't just another app – it's your partner in parenting in the digital era. Developed by Wondershare, a trusted name in digital solutions, Wondershare FamiSafe is a comprehensive parental control app for Track cell phone location ~ designed to make your life easier and your kids' online experience
Outstanding Features to Control Your Child's Device:
FamiSafe boasts a robust set of features, allowing you to take control of your child's digital life:
Real-Time Location Tracking and Geofencing: See your child's whereabouts on a map at any time for peace of mind. Create virtual boundaries (geofences) around specific locations and receive instant alerts if your child enter or leaves these zones.
New Feature: Screen Viewer (Recently Introduced) Gain a deeper understanding of your child's app usage with FamiSafe's new Screen Viewer feature. This allows you to remotely view a live snapshot of their screen activity, providing valuable insights into how they're interacting with their device. See what apps they're using, what content they're viewing, and even monitor their social media activity (on compatible apps)—all from your parent device.
Screen Time Management and App Blocking: Set healthy screen time limits for your child's device as a whole or for specific apps. Block access to inappropriate apps completely, shielding them from harmful content.
Web Filtering and Safe Search: Block websites based on pre-defined categories and enable safe search mode to ensure search engines prioritise filtering out inappropriate results.
App Monitoring and Content Monitoring: Gain insights into how your child spends their time on different apps. Monitor their activity within communication and social media applications to identify potential cyberbullying or inappropriate interactions. Set alerts for specific keywords or phrases used in their chats for early intervention.
Driving Monitoring: (for parents with teenage drivers) Track driving behaviours like speed, harsh braking, and sudden accelerations. Receive alerts for risky driving habits, promoting responsible behaviour behind the wheel.
Schedule Screen Time: Create a schedule for screen time allowances, ensuring your child prioritises sleep, homework, and other activities.
Remote Lock and Wipe: Remotely lock or wipe your child's device if it is lost or stolen, protecting their personal data.
Browse History and App Download Approval: View your child's browsing history and approve or deny app downloads, fostering responsible online behaviour.
But FamiSafe isn't just about features – it's about making your life as a parent easier. Setting up FamiSafe is a breeze. Simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store on both your device and your child's device, sign up for an account, and follow the on-screen instructions to connect the devices. From there, you can customise settings to fit your family's needs and start monitoring and managing your child's device remotely from the FamiSafe dashboard on your own device.
How to Use FamiSafe:
Using FamiSafe is a breeze:
1. Download and Install: Download and install the FamiSafe app on your parent device (phone or tablet) and your child's device. Here you can download application for Iphone and Android.
2. Create an Account: Create a FamiSafe account or log in to an existing one.
3. Pair the Devices: Follow the on-screen instructions to pair your devices using a pairing code.
4. Configure Settings: Explore the FamiSafe app on your device to configure the various parental control settings based on your needs, including enabling the new Screen Viewer feature.
Now, I know what you're thinking – how much is this going to cost me? The good news is that FamiSafe offers flexible pricing plans to suit every budget. Whether you prefer a monthly subscription or a yearly plan, there's an option for you. Plus, you can subscribe directly through the app or on the Wondershare website, making it easy to get started right away.
Pricing and Availability:
FamiSafe offers a free trail plan with limited features. To unlock the full suite of functionalities, including Screen Viewer, you'll need a subscription plan for Family or Schools.
Free Package:
● Cost: $0 (Trail Plan for 1 Devices)
● Features: Basic content filtering, app blocker, location tracking, geofencing, activity report.
Paid Package:
● Monthly Plan: $9.99/month ( protect up to 5 Devices)
● Quarterly Plan: $19.99/quarter ( protect up to 10 Devices)
● Yearly Plan: $59.99/year ( protect unlimited Devices)
● Features: All features of the free package, plus advanced content filtering, screen time control, Remote screenshots, Screen monitor, Screen tracker, gps tracker and many more
Availability: FamiSafe is available for download on iOS, Android, and desktop platforms, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices. Users can easily access and manage their family's digital safety from their preferred device, seamlessly integrating FamiSafe into their daily routine. Whether at home or on the go, FamiSafe offers comprehensive protection and peace of mind for families worldwide.
Visit our website for detailed prices and plan
Wondershare FamiSafe is a comprehensiveparental control app[[2]](#_msocom_2) for screen time control or screen monitor that empowers parents to keep their children safe online and promote healthy digital habits. With its user-friendly interface, robust features like the new Screen monitor and gps tracker , and affordable pricing plans, FamiSafe is a valuable tool for families navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape. Remember, open communication with your child about online safety remains key. FamiSafe complements these conversations by providing the tools you need to monitor activity, set boundaries, and guide your child towards responsible digital citizenship.
submitted by Competitive-Chip-791 to u/Competitive-Chip-791 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:42 Minedrow247 20m

Looking for some people to be my potential future close friends doesn't matter what age you are as long as your somewhat mature the games i mainly play and have downloaded currently are minecraft and gta online ps4 edition I do roleplays on minecraft if you don't know what a roleplay is im happy to teach you if your interested but if your not interested dont worry If you wanna be my potential future friend msg me my user is Minedrow2479 have a nice day
submitted by Minedrow247 to PSNFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:42 TheGamer567 Hot Pursuit Remastered XCloud Autolog not connecting

As title says, I've been trying to connect to the autolog to play online with XCloud but I am presented with an error that it cannot connect to the autolog. This is the first time the account is playing the game and I know that the servers were not down when attempting. Any solutions?
submitted by TheGamer567 to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:40 Stereoz97 Can confirm, Tankmo is OP as hell...

Can confirm, Tankmo is OP as hell... submitted by Stereoz97 to TeemoTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:38 IanAnimalCrossing Anyone wanting to do Rock Revolution Achievements on XBOX Live?

I know this isn't Guitar Hero related, but come on, where the hell else am I gonna ask?
There's quite a few online achievements for Rock Revolution, and I figured this would be the best place to ask for anyone interested in getting them with me.
Gamertag is 'IanAniCro'. You can message me here on Reddit, on XBL or on Discord (my username is 'ianac').
Hope to play with some of you on XBL. Thanks! :)
submitted by IanAnimalCrossing to GuitarHero [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 BeardyFragz Looking for a TKL with a few other Pre requisites.

lost on what decent options i have as i am aware of the big KB brands (logitech, SS, roccat ect) and have used many through the years but i cant distinguish between brands i have not heard of that ARE worth looking at and ones that are.... of the cheap and disposable variety, i just basically want more options and am looking for guidance of what other bands/ product lines are a decent use of my money :)
I play esports titles alot and need/want a keyboard that performs consistently well (no crappy keycaps or stabs, decent latency ect.)
i am not too knowledgeable on keyboards as a whole so if i have asked for something that in the end dose not actually matteis unattainable within my budget feel free to correct me.
Thankyou in advance to anyone who takes the time to read or recommend
Pre requisites- (with a total budget of £160 with the ability to go to £180 if i have too.
Back lit with shine through key caps as standard or an option upon order (dont want to use budget for extra caps, and i need the shine through as i am blind as all fuck and sit in the dark a lot)
solid frame and Linear switches as an option on purchase or at least hot swappable.
ISO layout
available to order online in the uk (i dont want to wait an undisclosed amount of time for shipping haha)
be NOT one of the following: Logitech (hate their switches) Razer, Corseair, (dont like their software and have not had the best experience with build quality of MANY of their products i have had before) Roccat (story to long but fuck Roccat IMO)
aluminium frame would be nice but not 100% needed.
needs to come pre built (buildings things just isnt... my thing) :)
this should be covered by the above but i dont want to have to lube my keys and stabs and whatever and have to take things apart if i dont have too.
colourways are not too important but something that isnt black or white for once in my life would be pretty mint :)
submitted by BeardyFragz to keyboards [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 assignedboyfriend where all the freaks and geeks at???

hi >:3
i’m 24, non-binary, and autistic. i’d like to find some genuine lgbt+/neurodivergent friends but i don’t mind talking to cishet people as long as you’re nice! i’m also not really interested in speaking to anybody older than 25 unless you’re also autistic.
i’m gonna list a bunch of things about me and maybe something interests you:
• infp-t (i love personality tests!) • i’m polish but currently live in england. i’m thinking about moving back though :o • i want to learn russian (i could learn anything with another beginner tbh) so if anybody wants to learn together i’m here >:D • 420 friendly 🍃 • i love (any) music & would love to trade songs, mainly listen to rnb, hyperpop, rap • i like cartoons (especially 60s-90s), toys, animals, bugs, horror, aesthetics, brainrot things, and have lots of creative hobbies • i’m an omnist and love talking about psychology and philosophy, i studied forensic psychology @ university • i love fashion/aesthetics and drift between goth/clown/sk8r boi myself c: • i’m happy to vc in discord or watch you game, we can watch cartoons, or screenshare pinterest • myself i mainly play the sims, minecraft, roblox, and other low effort things like that (i have a pc and a switch) • i’ve been through a lot of different therapies and like giving friendly advice although i’m not a professional ofc • not easily offended as long as you’re not phobic - feel free to ask me anything
i’m a certified yapper and i’ve been told i’m fun to talk to since i don’t mask.
i’m low effort and we can just send memes or songs back and forth, no need for words. i genuinely have some really good friendships that came out of that!
i’m in the england timezone & chronically online (neet) so i’m almost aways available to talk :>
submitted by assignedboyfriend to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 Faes_AR [Faes AR] I just wanted to show off the fantasy AR costume builder our team is designing for people who play tabletop role-playing games online with webcams (or who want to get a little wild in Zoom meetings). Check out the free alpha at if you wanna.

submitted by Faes_AR to unity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:32 whateveridontcareomg Best navigation app for new driver

I am wondering what the best navigation app is for lane guidance as a new driver. I don’t want to rely too heavily on them, but as a new driver, I use them a lot getting from A to B.
I have played around with all three and have experienced problems with all. At first, Waze failed to reroute me and left me to go it alone when I took a different turn. When driving on the motorway, it failed to alert me that the lanes I needed were closed, and when I was forced to take a different exit, kept re-routing me in a loop toward the closed lane.
Apple Maps has, on three separate occasions in the last month, told me take the wrong turn - as in, it said turn right on a left only road with all signs prohibiting right turns. Despite what people say online, the lane guidance is also not great. It only occasionally shows what lane to be in when their are multiple, and will often say go in the right lane when there are two lanes designated for turning right.
Google maps seems to have less of these issues, but can be incredibly slow to re-route, which often means I miss the turns it re-routes for me and then it has to re-route again.
Just wondering what other people’s experiences are with these apps.
TLDR; what apps work for you and which cause the most issues? I definitely have issues trusting Waze after my experience the other day.
submitted by whateveridontcareomg to drivingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:31 Cinema__Renaissance [M4A] A small-time Journalist, and a chance to spend one week with the world’s last living Vampire

The name of Count Aurel de Rune was known to many across the globe. And yet, the details of who exactly that person was have always been veiled in shadows. Some talked of him as a misunderstood and charitable figure, others talked of his reputation as the world’s most beautiful man. Some were afraid to even utter his name, as if it was an ill omen, while the more skeptical minds believed that his existence was nothing, but a folk tale. And of course there were those for whom only one thing really mattered - the fact that he was a vampire.
Of course, for most people vampires stopped being the stuff of legends centuries ago, when the ghouls first walked out of the shadows. Little did they know that this one seemingly inconsequential decision would ultimately lead to the annihilation of their species. No one really knew now, but with time more and more deceased vampire bodies began appearing all over the world. And now, centuries later, there was only one left alive. The only being, who knew of where did they really come from, how different was their life, their culture, and why did they all die.
To say that Count Aurel was reclusive would be an understatement. Not a single public appearance for almost a century, no photographs, no voice recordings. Only rumors, eye witnesses accounts and portraits, most of which were diluted in the sea of fakes. His manor stood far away from the human civilization, surrounded by dense woods, on top of a hill, in the northern region of Transylvania. Not much else was known about his personal life. Did he live alone? How did he spend his time inside those walls? What was he like?
It sure seemed like it was going to remain like that until his inevitable death, alone in that manor, if it hadn’t happened already. Until the record of a public letter began to spread on the internet. A picture of a handwritten note found on a front porch of postal office in Transylvania. An invitation to spend one week in the manor, alone with the count, and interview him about his life directed to a person who no one has ever heard of. It didn’t take too long for news programs to crack the identity of this person - a small-time journalist from the United States that publishes their pieces on an online blog.
How did he even learn about them? And what made them so special? Well… That’s something they will have to ask him themselves.
Hi everyone!
Back at it again, looking for an RP partner, who could help me bring to life this gothic story of a young unknown journalist invited to spend one week and interview the world’s last living vampire. Who is that journalist? Why are they so special? Why now and what caused the demise of all other vampires? I have some ideas, but nothing set in stone. Thus, your feedback and contributions would be very much appreciated.
I was careful to keep the description of your character as obscure as possible on purpose. Their sex, age, ethnicity, personality… all of that is up to you. And of course there’s the question of their eventual intimacy with the vampire. It is not required by any means, but I expect that sooner or later in the absolutely majority of the stories they would end up having sex at least once. Now, as I said before, it’s not required. But if that’s something you’d like to avoid, I’d like to hear of an alternative vision of their relationship from you.
In terms of my play-style, I do like taking things relatively slow. Not to the point that it becomes boring, but slow enough to let the characters develop natural chemistry. (password: Sauvignon) Plus, we can always add just a sprinkle of some naughty stuff to spice up the scenes. I tend to write medium-length responses, about 2-4 paragraphs long. I can write more, but prefer not to, as it tends to have a negative impact on how dynamic the rp is.
It is also very important for me that my partner is literate and can write at least two paragraphs. I do have a preference for third person, but I don’t mind first either. I will probably ask you to provide an example of your writing early on - just letting you know in advance.
Another matter that I’d like to emphasize is my attachment to visual references. Characters, locations, clothing, props even… We will still write thorough descriptions, but references are a necessity for me. Could be pictures of real life celebrities or well drawn pieces of art, I don’t really mind either. But there must be something.
Alrighty, that should be all, for now. Reach out if you are interested — DMs only! Please, no one-liners. Let me know who you are, what you like, what you want and why did you like this prompt. And don’t forget the password~
When it comes to the RP itself, I only play on Discord.
submitted by Cinema__Renaissance to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:31 Potential-Lack-5185 Fan-Wars in the SUB. And are people wrong to extra-support their POC faves?

Edit: The downvotes have begun but hopefully that means people are reading till the end too. Will have to try the BridgertonRants sub as that seems more accepting of discussions and debates. : )
Would super appreciate it if everyone reads this long-ass thesis of a post with an open mind and to the end...its me being vulnerable in an anonymous reddit sub because i think these things matter in the larger framework of a uniquely special show and the big, bright, beautiful, multicultural gorgeous world we all as humans live in. My last post in this sub was downvoted to hell which btw totally ok...and i dont depend on reddit currency for my livelihood so its all good. I just care about my posts being read...specially this one.
Some context:
I'm very new to this community and reddit as well. Currently have time off work and going ham on reddit and venturing very scared into the deep dark of world of rabid fandoms and small niche communities. Getting a little burnt along the way but also learning from some super talented fans with their own eye-opening ideas and funny posts. Fans of all kinds, Im peeping into profiles, so white, black, brown multicolored rainbow of the world right here.
I'm also an aspiring writer and well...some of my best ideas have come from reddit lurking on cool and active subs with bridgerton sub being new for me. Jet lagged, anxious and just a tad bit antsy, I'm trying to go down and deep and maybe open some deeper discussions here.
I am Indian and lived primarily in India my whole life and now for the last 10 years between London and Canada (why am I sharing all this like and am I also going to tell you my weight, my height etc too...No but hopefully you'll understand this revelation as you read ahead without me spelling it out)
So I've been trying to figure out why fan wars as they pertain to this show prick so personally, so particularly.
I think fandoms anywhere in every country are full of insane people, obsessive chronically online people who find comfort through living through their faves..your beyonce stans, your rihanna stans, your Taylor Swift stans, your harry styles stans, your k pop stans, etc etc..
This show also has some rabid fans..But there is a conversation I want to open up only because I think it's important...Is fighting extra hard for your poc fave because you know their representation in pop culture is limited, their getting jobs is limited, subconscious biases exist even though we have been making great strides and even eradicated overt biases in employment, in accessibility, in government service etc etc ..and their culture not as dominant, their worlds not as seen or coveted.
Our ideas of beauty are framed by the extensiveness and longevity of colonial rule across the world.
there are shit people across all ethnicities religions and genders and nationalities. Barbarians, conquerors, invaders, pillaging villages raping women destroying livelihoods suppressing the peasant class, mutilating and diluting cultures- exist in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, East asia, middle East etc so not just Britain. Basically being brown, black or East Asian and Middle Eastern doesnt grant you moral superiority over white people and you can be racist and casteist and colorist and bigoted and biased and just all around shitty and criminal as a black, brown, east asian middle eastern etc etc person just as much as white people.
So now that thats settled, lets look at specific issues that POC only face because that eventually streams into the show and its politics and its discussion as well.
But for whatever reason ...the British were able to colonize on a scale that the other countries and ethnicities were not able to.. African and the Indian subcontinent's conquests and invasions were limited in area and time period...their scale of conquest limited to a small radius around their own countries...and not foreign lands travelled via sea etc.
As a result and only as a result and not because and I cannot emphasize enough that black, brown or east asian invaders, rulers etc were morally superior, kinder, less assholes...the culture that became dominant was white british culture..or european culture...if Indians had conquered the world, they would have imposed their culture on the lands and countries they invaded, if different African countries invaded the world to the extent of the british colonists, same thing...the dominant culture that would have been forcibly imposed by the people of african ethnicity would be their culture... Black skin would have been considered beautiful, white fair skin would not have been the standard....thats history....thats something we know to be true even through modern wars...the victor dictates...But that simply didnt happen.
it's not because t Africans or Asians or basically non white people are morally superior, more virtuous, incapable of terrorist acts or colonizing or I don't know were like we don't invade and conquest, we so good. But because that's history. They just didn't manage it. thats simply our current historical reality.
Being that the country or countries that did manage to conquer the world or close to 9/10ths of it were Europeans or more specifically British white nationals..which means as would happen even if another nationality had managed to invade the world, the culture that is dominant across the world is a west/white slanted world..
Colorism as a concept didnt exist until colonization: Why would it? If everyone existed under the same harsh sun, had the same skin color with minor variances...why would they think fair is more beautiful. Its because they wouldnt...the first blond haired blue eyed people would have been introduced to India via early traders of east india company in India and dutch colonists before them...Its like if everyone around you is brown, you assume thats just how everyone else looks like...thats the only reality you simply havent seen anyone look any havent seen blue eyes or anything else....same for africans and within that framework as humans are wont to do you create ideas of beauty.
So yes. POCs across the globe had just as arbitrary ideas of beauty as white people (chiense mutilated young women feet cuz small feet more beautiful, in africa genital mutiliation) because humans are humans and humans mess everything up...and animals are so much better...but color as a construct is a colonial one and one which managed to find deeep deep roots because of the extent of the rule, the sheer longevity, For context, India has been independent for the last 75 years..from over 200 years of colonial british rule...Not even the length of the life of a single human. Not even as long as Britains former queen was alive. It will take some more time for that in fighting and ideas of colorism deeply penetrated from the inheritance of our rulers to get dismanted...and totally thrown own...because you can freee from literall bondage more easily, the mind takes longer to adjust and form independent thought. But it will happen.
White people are not more or less racist than POC. Thats not a thing. There are shit people and you can find shit people anywhere...I have shit people right in my own home country, bigots, destroying the diversity of India by bullshit tactics...
But as it stands...because this cultural superiority of British and white people took over, the framing of beauty, of whats fashionable, of whats cool, of whats civilized is all seen through the lens of white culture...eating with hands which many cultures across the world do uncivilized unhygienic, paris fashions and made in italy...mark of excellence...made in India and, low quality, scammers and shit people, (thats not to say shit people and scammers dont exist in India and China and there arent industries of scammers across these poorer nations but there is also denying the equisite craftasmanship across fashion and beauty in both countries-China and India.
Brown skin bad, even darker skin even bad etc etc...We wear clothes that our colonial masters did across the world, you wont find people in china wearing Chinese clothes, same for India, african countries etc...everything from clothing, to beauty, to furniture, to houses everything indigenous was changed to a foreign ideal from our rulers. The same would have happened whoever whichever ethnicity had invaded the i said above..
Now and thanks for reading whoever read till here and I hope a lot of people did-on to to the show...
There is this frequent refrain and accusation of oppression olympics that I read about when it comes to this show, in general online discourse and also this insanely disgusting article fat shaming Nicola Coughlan in The Spectator.
And i really really want to open up this conversation...cuz race gets discussed a lot on this sub and other bridgerton subs and therefore a perfect place to have that conversation...Do Non-POC really believe in the concept of oppression olympics and that all kinds of biases are equally treacherous to navigate?
So I was overweight in my teens...I had a close friend who was wheelchair bound. my life was hard and I was bullied but surely surely I do not think that my plight was the same as my friend in a wheelchair...In class 10th, a close friend's father passed away, the same year my grandmother passed away, surely, surely, I dont think we are experiencing the same pain the same setback to our life...Class 10th in India is akin to A levels in Britain and SAT in the USA..
You know why I didnt think any of this and why if I had i was wrong, because there is a hierarchy to opression, .to loss, to struggles. There simply is. Opression Olympics is rooted in reality.
Pain is pain, loss and bad foundations suck ass...but privilege is a thing and some pains some loads just lighter compared to others. I could lose weight and get over the oppression I was facing because of my weight in school. My wheelchair bound friend didnt have that option..I wouldnt get my grandmother back...but my fathers loss would have a more immediate affect on my life and my friend who lost her father and her loss was just simply deeper. She needed more support, more help, more people crowding around her saying you've got this Niharika..well make sure your life doesnt change permanently cuz youlve lost your dad.
So when show fandom compare Jonathon Baileys struggle to Rege Jean George or say Victor Ali, they are simply pointing out that yes while Jonathon Bailey is gay...there is a difference between being white and gay and being black and gay or simply harder being black. And therefore there is a hierarchy. Why POC are less loath to crticize the average acting of their POC faves because they know the opportunities for them are limited. Lets do an exercise name 5 shows led by a POC in the USA or Britain or Canada-any POC..brown, black i dont care. And im not talking about black or brown actors in a show or film, im talking leads...
Also biases are self perpetuating....When black or brown led films fail, the opportunities immediately dry up because it shows that its just fairness and the numbers dont lie..Except this is not maths.....Maths would be first making equal amount of shows starring black or brown people, and then comparing...Now if the end result is white led shows do better-that would be correct math...but ratios and comparisons and statistics need to first start with an even scale...thats not even me taking about diversity...thats just math formulas...
If lets say there are 500 actors who are white in hollywood and 200 who are Black in hollywood, and lets say all 200 black actors are shit...would you say the statement...god white actors are so much better than black cuz the maths is not adding compared 500 actors who were white of which 300 were excellent 200 bad and you made that into the conclusion that white actors are better because you were comparing only with 200 black actors to begin with...the actual math formula yieled equal number of bad and good actors..
Why people defend Kanthony harder...or wanted Simone Ashley to be promoted as much as Polin is because (lets go with my Math analogy again) all things being the same) unless Nicola and Luke are really bad actors compared to Simone Ashley, theyll still have it easier in acting...they simply will. they wont have to change their confusingly, long foreign sounding name, they wont have to work at assimilation in other ways, lets say they were muslim they wouldnt have been trying hard to sell themselves as Im just as liberal as you, im not a threat. And I love Luke Newton and Nicola Coughland-both seem like throughly, likable, personable, kind hearted beans..
Now my own experience. I have stated in an earlier post on this sub that I'm a Shonda Rhimes fan...because I have personally benefitted from the diversity she has included so naturally, so elegantly in all her shows. My own ideas of beauty, have been tested and transformed. In fact I know exactly the moment it happened...watching Christina Yang as a 14 year old...and thinking god meredith is so beautiful and I want to see more of HER and Izzie but then seeing christina again and again and again over each episode over hundreds of hours of binging, school, college, masters, big move outside India, my own constant this brain was soft mushy and impressionable and christina yang, korean Sandra Oh became suddenly but actually slowly and then all at once became beautiful to me...I dont know when it happened but like the book Colin telling Penelope I dont know when or how and why others dont see it but you ARE beautiful in the book carriage scene. I found her hot, I found her cool. I cared to learn more about her Korean mother and her Jewish father and it didnt matter that the show never covered that culture..Christina was atheist and could handle her shit..even around racists.. But I still wanted to learn more about HER..a woman I simply didnt think was beautiful comparable to meredith and an impressionable 14 year old..just made that turn because of a show.,..a fluffy...not that deep soapy as hell show.
But it was only possible cuz I saw 24 episodes day in day out,...over many many years....for that to happen. I had many more years of falling asleep to dawsons creek joey and dawson, joey and pacey, gilmore girls rory and jess rory and dean rory and logan..i imagined and dreamt of windswept Mr. Darcy...and of course I luckily had my own countrys pop culture cuz I grew up and lived in a country where I was repped plenty eveywhere... So i found bollwood heroes hot and I found White americans or british people brain simply didnt have a framework for East Asians hot. And I needed to seem them constantly and frequentlyn and in Hot front and center, desirable covetable-their culture, their families all respected, admired again and again and again over many years for that switch to happen.
So why do we fight for our POV faves.. fight hard (some fight really ugly too which....they are not my people ( as in I dont know them) so sorry for that)....because we know how much more repping they need...we know how much MORE MORE MORE important it is to see POC culture done right...because it simply is not accessible,...cannot be to people outside..
K POP is making waves super..., people love themselves some MANGA and good and progress...but a lot of countries pop culture is in the native tongue...people outside of it cannot access the same way one would English language content-books, podcasts, news, films, shows etc etc. And hollywood does our culture wrong, played up for laughs, stinky curry, stinky indians, scamming Indians, uncivilized heathens, oh so funny that Sofia Vergara and her funny accent (The Ellen Show), niche shows that dont become popular behemoths because it stars all ethnic casts-Fresh Off the Boat.
You simply will not understand how brilliant and gorgeous my country's embroideries, temple art, clothing and fashion, actors and sculptors, museums and writing and authors are...not because YOU are racist..but because you dont speak-my language and my culture isnt dominant or wide spread enough-insert again-my above explanation of colonialism and dominant and suppressed cultures. History made one culture the most widespread...again not because white people, bad and racist...brown and black people good and not racist and benevolent..but they simply were the victors...for centuries...plural.
We want to fight harder for Rege and defend him leaving the show (im not even black but when you live outside of your home country, all POC seem like a united underrepresented group and you find kinship everywhere) because any potential cancellation or quote unquote unlikeability and hes difficult accusations would hurt him far far more than Nicola Coughlan, Luke Thompson, Newton, Phoebe etc. for the same crimes. And there just arent enough of us to begin with to lose even one. For what is quite honestly a mid Netflix show with seeds of promise but a lack of ambition.
submitted by Potential-Lack-5185 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:30 Emergency-Seat-5026 Wuthering waves on steam deck stuttering problem

Am I the only one experiencing stuttering issues on the Steam Deck? Additionally, I am dual-booting my system and running the game on Windows.
I hope Kuro addresses this issue as soon as possible. I really wanna play this game in its fully optimized version.
I've edited game configs, updated drivers, used 4GB of virtual memory, and tried other tweaks I found online. Still no luck so far. I am close to giving up on playing the game if this continues.
submitted by Emergency-Seat-5026 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:30 compic_360 anybody who has virus 8-bit lets do this on 5v5 lobby

anybody who has virus 8-bit lets do this on 5v5 lobby submitted by compic_360 to 8BitGang [link] [comments]