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2011.02.25 02:55 flightoficarus Elder Dragon Highlander

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2024.05.17 11:56 CrepusculeMilk Is my (24F) boyfriend (23m) getting complacent, or am I too needy?

Short backstory: We started dating about 9 months ago. He's stationed here through the army and wants to stay with me after he's done. Our relationship started really strong and intense. Hour long phone calls every day, seeing each other once or twice a week, we would regularly come up with cute date ideas, and he would seem really excited to come and see me. I know that this amount of effort wasn't sustainable, and we've since mellowed out, but in the past month or two I have often ended up feeling a little neglected.
Right now we usually see each other once every week or two because of work, even though we only live 20 minutes apart. We would often play video games online to make up for it. However, he has now started playing "our games" more with his friends at the army and I've become more of an afterthought. They hang out and go out to eat and play games every single day, sometimes during the weekends too. He'll usually text me once a day to check up on me and the conversation usually ends there. Sometimes he'll tell me that I can join their game "if I want", and sometimes I do. His friends are nice and I don't mind spending time with them, but I feel like I can never catch him without them. When I come over to his place, his friends will also always be in his room with us. Sometimes they'll just play video games without me because the "party is full". Playing games with his friends is also not a substitute for "relationship time" in my eyes.
Having him come over to my place is a challenge too. He's become increasingly apathetic about coming over and when he does, he sulks or is bored. In the past he would sometimes cancel last minute to hang out with his friends. All we do is watch youtube/netflix and sit in bed and cuddle. He says he's comfortable just relaxing with me, and while I feel the same, I'm also starting to miss how he used to to take me out and contribute ideas. "Do you want to do something fun next weekend? Wanna go eat? Wanna go on a walk?" All of my questions are met with "Up to you/Whatever you want to do". And when I come up with plans and we go out he's bored because "we just like different things". If I try to suggest something that he likes, he wants to do it with his friends. I cook meals for him when he comes over and try to make him relax after a long mission, but I'm starting to feel like our relationship is stagnant. For a while I thought he was just less interested in me. Sometimes he'll be sad and after attempting to get him to open up all day, he'll mention that he's homesick and doesn't know if he wants to stay here with me. He has intense ADHD and changes his mind often and it makes me anxious. I don't know how to help him or how to plan our future.
When I tried asking him if he's losing interest, he got mad at me and told me that he's just tired from work and wants to rest. I should stop overthinking and that I'm needy for demanding to "hang out all the time or do things every day". I don't know how to explain that it's not really about hanging out every day, or him wanting time with his friends. I just feel like we stopped bonding and making new experiences, like there's nothing that glues us together anymore except for comfort and the title of a relationship. "Quality time" now consists of staring at a screen and watching shows or videos for a day, and then he goes back to his friends. I have my own hobbies and usually hang out with my own friends, but every time I tell myself that I'll just lower my expactions and focus more on my own things, I feel like I'm mentally abandoning that relationship. At this point we each see and talk to our friends more than we see each other.
I've had pretty toxic relationships in the past and have developed a bit of relationship anxiety, so maybe I really am just overthinking everything. He told me that he's gonna try to do better and I haven't really brought it up since then, but I still can't help but doubt if it's really going to change. It also makes me wonder how life would be if we ever ended up living together.
submitted by CrepusculeMilk to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:53 computergeek221 So disappointed in her

I(F38) She(F40) we've been dating since November. We are long distance. When we started talking everything was ok. We talked every single day, texted all day, video chat etc. Them around Christmas and New years I started not hearing from her as much. She took her kids traveling for one of their birthdays. In January I got to see her for two days. In those two days we pretty much spent all day with her, her sister, and her wife. She stayed at the hotel with me. After the visit I didn't from her for almost week not talking on the phone. I sent her a long text stating I wanted her to be honest with me because it seem like she was slowly ghosting me and stringing me along and not being serious about me. She immediately responded and said that wasnt the case that's she just been busy with work and she starts telling me about the navy. She apologized and said she promise to do better.
She starts doing a little better then she starts slacking off again. She barely calls me or text me. I will see get on Facebook before she calls or text me. She be on tik tok. There was a time I use to can see when the last time she was on there she literally turned that feature off. I always have to call her or text her. Then when I text her she takes all day to respond. She knows what time I start and get off work. She knows what days I'm off.
This week she was suppose to come to see me on Wednesday. She never called me. I only received a text from her saying she was at the airport. If you work for the airline they have this system called buddy passes( To me it's not worth it)where you get to fly for free locally. The only thing is you have to wait if seats are available after everybody that has paid get their seats. She tells me she was on the plane and got kicked off that was at 10:32. I still didn't hear from her all day. Mind you I got off work early and paid for a hotel. Not one time did she call me and tell me what was going on.During this time I see she's been on Facebook. She also has been on tik tok. At 6:32 on my way to the hotel she tells me she's in my and that she has to rent a car and drive back to Philly. No call and no text after that. When I called around 9 she didn't pick up. She told me that she just made it home and she's dealing with kids right now and that she would call me. She never called me. I called her the phone ranged and she never picked up.
The next day which is Thursday. I text her but I didn't call her. I'm texting her and still never responds. Later she text me after I asked her if she was ok. She said she was so mad about yesterday and how she really want to see me. Then I text her if she's ok what's wrong. She says no that she's in her feelings and wanted to see me. I still don't hear from her. When I text her telling her I'm not mad at her. She text back saying she on flight. When I get home I tell her I made it home. I then tell her that I really wanted to talk to her tonight and that I was gonna call her when she's at her second job. Again my mom knows about her suppose to come to see me now it's looking like she's lying about shit. My mom has no idea we've been having issues as far as her not communicating. My mom believes long distance never work so I didn't tell her what was going on. She is literally proving my mom right. She is having doubt about us strictly because this situation happened. Not one time did she call me and ask if it was ok. The two ppl that asked if I was ok was my mom and my bestfriend. I can hear the concern in my mom's voice because I spent money on a hotel and left work early because of her. My bestfriend thinks she's lying about shit. When we talked she literally told me the times it shows active on Facebook sometimes she doesn't be on. I investigated that and it's true sometimes. But her case I feel that's not true for her. When she she's not on Facebook and she's sleep it say she has was active 7 hours ago. The things I have asked her she's been truthful. I know where she works. I know where she lives. I've met her family. She has told me personal shit that if anybody wanted to use her they would quickly run with it. Somebody with no good intentions will try to use her because the things she do to be stable. She has a very good job, owns her home. The only reason she's been so open is because she never has worry about being with her because of what she has because I have my own everything. So what she tells me doesn't matter. I know there's trust when it comes to that. Like I am in love with her. I tell her how much I love her everyday. We are not official yet. I even told her in the beginning I don't want my time wasted. Recently I asked when she gonna be my gf and she's gonna have me waiting forever. She told me "not forever' so I left it alone after that. When we talk we talk about all other things except about me and her.
At night when she's at her second job, I called 3 separate times she never picked up. I texted her she never respond back. At this point I am very unhappy. Wednesday when she was suppose to visit she was on Facebook. I always have to call her. She never send me a good night text. I buy her lunch sometimes. In the beginning she bought me lunch and sent flowers and candy to my job. She bought something for me for Christmas and she gave it to me when I saw her in January. Since then I haven't received any gifts from her, no letters, etc. About two weeks ago she asked if she can buy me lunch I said yes. That was it. Last time we really talked on the phone was at 12:00 am on her birthday of May 8. When she say she'll call me she never calls and I stay up late waiting on her call. She knows damn well I have to get up early for work. But No she never calls. Since then we haven't talked. Not one time did she apologize or call to see if I was ok. I even sent her a text asking why is she not answering my calls or text. No response. I've decided that today I will not contact her at all. Again I am not sure what to do at this point. What would you do?
submitted by computergeek221 to ActualLesbiansOver25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:52 HealthyYard6559 Revelation 1:8

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
Rev. 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. In order for someone to be the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, he would have to know every little thing from eternity, and also every little thing from eternity. the future, including eternity, who can know such a thing but God? Of course, someone could say that it is, but that would be a lie and it would not be true and only God can claim: "I am the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the End" because:
God is omniscient
“Lord! You taste me and know when I sit down and when I stand up; You know my thoughts from afar; When I walk and when I rest, You are around me, and you see all my ways on my tongue, but You, Lord, see, You have already covered me behind and in front and placed Your hand on me. Your knowledge is strange to me, I cannot understand from Your spirit, and where would I flee from Your face, You are there. To descend into hell, to rise on the wings of the dawn, and to move to the end of the sea: And there your hand will lead me, and your right hand will hold me darkness hides me; but even the night is like light around me. Even the darkness will not be eclipsed by you, and the night is as bright as the day: darkness is like light, you created me in my mother's womb, that I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and not a single bone of mine hid from You, although I was woven in the depths of the earth, she saw my embryo all written, and the days were recorded, when they were not yet, how unfathomable are Your thoughts, God! How great are their numbers”
Psalm 139:1-17
In this psalm we see how many facts God knows about us, but that is only a small part because God has far more knowledge about us, but it is practically impossible to express it in words, and here we see that God knows when we sit down, when we stand up, what we do, how we work, he knows all our ways, all our words that we have spoken, he writes that he knows even our thoughts, we can further see that God knows the past, present and future, knows everything about us even before our birth, etc. This clearly indicates that we cannot do anything without God's knowledge, and this applies only to us humans, who are only a small part of God's omniscience.
Here are a few examples that are close to us from life, something that everyone can understand because not all people are scientists or academic citizens, there are far more "ordinary" people, especially throughout history, and the Bible is written in simple understandable language so that everyone can understand him.
And from this it is clearly seen and everyone can understand that God is omniscient.
"There is none holy like the Lord; for there is none other than Thee; and there is no rock like our God. Speak no more haughtily, and let it not come out of your haughty mouth. for the Lord is God who knows everything, and he executes the purposes."
1 Sam.2:2-3
Here, these verses confirm again that the Omniscient God had a practical lesson here, a friendly advice from God, and it applies to our life, it applies to what we do, how we do and what we say, because God knows everything he does to me, so if we persist, we refuse to live according to the will of God, it is our own fault and one day we will bear the consequences for it. Of course, God does not want to force us to do something, it is our choice, but it is great wisdom to listen to the advice that God gives us because God does not want us to perish so that all may live, and that is the meaning of the word "repentance" from 2 Peter.
"The Lord is not late with His promise, as some think He is late, but He is patient with us, because He does not want anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
God is present everywhere
We said that God is not limited by earthly laws, nor can the essence of God be fathomed. creation, knowledge, giving, forgiveness, salvation, etc.
"But will God really live on earth? Here, the sky and the heavens above the heavens cannot contain You, let alone this home that I am building".
1 Kings 8:27
"For His eyes are turned to the ways of men and He sees all their steps. There is no darkness or shadow of death where those who do iniquity can hide."
Job 34:21-22
"Where would I go from Your spirit, and where would I flee from Your face? If I go to heaven, You are there. To go down to hell, there you are. To rise on the wings of the dawn, and move to the end of the sea: And there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will hold me. To say: Yes if the darkness hides me; but the night is also like light around me. Even the darkness will not be darkened by You, and the night is as bright as the day: darkness is like light. For You created what is in me, you formed me in my mother's womb. I praise You, that I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and my soul knows it well. Not a single bone of mine has hid from You, even though I was created in secret, woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my embryo, in Your book it was all written, and the days were recorded, when there were none of them yet."
Ps. 139:7-16
"The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, seeing the bad and the good."
Proverbs 15:3
"Am I God from near, says the Lord, and am I not God from afar?" Can someone hide in a secret place so I don't see them? Speaks the Lord; do I not fill heaven and earth? Speaks the Lord.”
Jer. 23:23-24
"If they bury themselves in the lowest part of the earth, from there my hand will take them; and if they go up to heaven, I will take them down from there; And if they hide on the top of Carmel, I will find them and take them from there; and to hide before my eyes at the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent to bite them"
Amos 9:2-3
"And there is no substance unknown before Him, but everything is naked and exposed before the eyes of the One to whom we speak."
Hebrews 4:13
God is almighty
In the Bible, we find through different time periods and different manifestations of God's omnipotence, so we will mention some.
We see from the Bible that Abraham was 99 years old, but that he had no offspring, and on one occasion God appeared to Abraham and said:
"And when Abraham was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said to him: I am God Almighty, live according to my will, and be honest. And I will make a covenant between me and you, and I will greatly multiply you. And Abraham fell prostrate. And the Lord spoke to him again and said: From me here is my covenant with you that you will be the father of many nations."
We further see that Avram was not really sure about that, so he thought that he would never have children with his wife Sarah
"Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, saying in his heart: When will a son be born to a man of a hundred years? And Sarah? Will a ninety-year-old woman give birth?"
And here we can see God's omnipotence, because he told Abraham something that was not very clear to the human mind, but it was very clear to God, that's why he said it to Abraham. We later see from the Bible that this promise was fulfilled, and it was fulfilled because God is omnipotent because He possesses all the knowledge and then it is no problem to fulfill the given promise. This or a similar promise can only be given by God because he is omnipotent, and let's imagine that now we humans make a promise about something that will happen in the future. That promise may happen by chance, or only one part of it may come true, or it may not happen at all, we don't know, but God is omniscient and omnipotent, and when he makes promises, he fulfills them.
We can see the fulfillment through the Bible, but here is just one verse.
"The tribe of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham"
Mtt. 1:1
Next we have the event when the Lord sent Moses to Egypt to lead the people of Israel out of slavery.
Here we can see that God appears to Moses as God Almighty and not under some other name.
"God is still speaking to Moses and said to him: I am the Lord. And I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the name God Almighty, but by my own name, Lord, I would not be known to them."
The next example is from John's revelation, where we have a scene in heaven where four living beings praise the Almighty God, and in order for someone to be omnipotent, he must possess the power that sustains everything, and such power is possessed only by the Almighty God.
"And after this I heard a great voice of many people in heaven saying: Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power to our Lord;
Rev. 19:1
,, And I heard as the voice of many people, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of strong thunders, saying: Hallelujah! For the Lord God Almighty reigns."
Rev. 19:6
It says that the Lord God is glorified in heaven, who is omnipotent and who reigns, and in the Gospel of Luke we can see from where the Lord reigns.
"The Son of Man will sit at the right hand of the power of God."
Luke 22:69
Therefore, the Lord is on the right side of the power of God and reigns from there, it is written about this:
"...All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."
Matt. 28:18
The Lord reigns because He is El Shaddai or God Almighty. God possesses infinite power or power that is eternal and has no end, and the part of the prayer "Our Father" reminds us of this.
,,...Because Your kingdom, power, and glory are yours forever. Amen"
Matt. 6:13
God can use this force at his discretion without any trouble or difficulty to create something as in the past when he created the earth and everything living on it or as he is creating today or as he will create in the future.
"Ah, Lord, Lord! Behold, You created the heavens and the earth with Your great power and Your uplifted arm; nothing is difficult for You."
Jer. 32:17
,,He made the earth by his power, established the world with his wisdom, and scattered the heavens with his understanding; When he utters his voice, the waters roar in the heavens, he raises steam from the ends of the earth, he sends lightnings with rain, and he brings forth the wind from his stables."
Jer. 10:12-13
Humans are very intelligent beings and practically they can create anything they want up to certain limits, but in creation we read that God used only a word and it was created, he did not need any material like we need to create something and there is another proof that God is almighty.
,, And God said: Let there be light. And there would be light"
"By the word of the Lord the heavens were created, and by the spirit of His mouth all their hosts"
Psalm 33:6
In the Gospel according to Matthew, we read about how only the word of God is needed to heal a person and the disease is defeated, God does not need to be
,,.And the captain answered and said: Lord! I am not worthy that you enter under my roof; but just say the word, and my servant will be healed"
Matt. 8:8
Although God with his power has unlimited possibilities, he will never use his power in such a way as to be in conflict with other attributes of God. We have an example in the confrontation of the Lord Jesus with the cross where Jesus could only say a word and angels would be there who could destroy the whole world and not just the enemies who nailed him to the cross.
"Or do you think that I cannot now beg my Father to send me more than twelve legions of angels?"
Mtt. 26:53
If it had happened that way, it would have contradicted the Father's will and the intention with which the Lord Jesus came to earth, and then Jesus would not have been able to say:
"I glorified You on earth; I've done the job you gave me to do"
John 17:4
Here we see that God uses his almighty power for his glory to fulfill God's plan because what he intended must be and nothing but the will of God can change that plan.
"The Lord of hosts swore, saying: Indeed, it will be as I have planned, and as I have planned it will be done."
Isaiah 14:24
God has planned in advance how the nations will receive the Word of God and it is written about in the Acts of the Apostles where it is said that the evangelizers will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and then practically no one will be able to stop them in that work until they fulfill the activities that God has planned.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit descends on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and there to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8
And finally, let's mention something that hasn't happened yet, but it will happen when the Almighty God will say the Word again and it will be what is written in the revelation and after that what we read in Isaiah.
"And out of His mouth came a sharp sword, to slay the Gentiles with it; and He will strike them down with a rod of iron; and He treads on the cauldron of wine and hearts and the wrath of God Almighty."
Rev. 19:15
"For, behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth,"
Isa. 65:17
Let us also mention that with this power the Lord Jesus defeated Satan in the desert
"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting for forty days and forty nights, he finally got hungry. And the tempter approached Him and said: If You are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread. And He answered and said: It is written: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Then the devil took Him to the holy city and placed Him on top of the church; So he said to him: If you are the Son of God, jump down, because it is written that he will command his angels for you, and he will take you in his hands, so that you do not trip over a stone with your foot. And Jesus said to him: But it is also written: Do not tempt the Lord your God. Again the devil took Him and took Him to a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of this world and their glory; And he said to him: I will give you all this if you fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him: Get away from me, Satan; because it is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone. Then the devil left Him, and behold, the angels approached and served Him."
Mtt. 4:1-11
Finally, here are a few more verses that confirm that God is almighty:
,, And God said to him: I am God Almighty; grow and multiply; a nation and many nations will become of you, and kings will come from your loins."
"For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, a great, mighty and terrible God, who does not look at who is who, nor does he accept gifts;"
,,And said, O LORD God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven? and rulest not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen? and in thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand thee?"
2 Chron. 20:6
"From the north it comes like gold; but in God there is a more terrible glory. He is Almighty, we cannot reach Him; he is of great power, but with judgment and great justice he does not torment anyone"
Job 37:22-23
"Look, I am the Lord God of all flesh, is there anything difficult for me?"
Jer. 32:27
"And Jesus looked at them and said to them: With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matt. 19:26
,,And Jesus looked at them and said: With men it is impossible, but not with God: for all things are possible with God."
Mark 10:27
"Because with God everything is possible that he says."
Luke 1:37
We have seen several examples of God's qualities that confirm the verses that the Lord Jesus gave John to write down. The only "Someone" who possesses the qualities that we have studied can say that he is the Almighty, and that is God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
"I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, Who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."
Rev. 1:8
The verses we have studied should strengthen us in our faith because if God promises something, He surely fulfills it, and in this case it refers to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory.
God reveals the fulfillment to us in 21 chapters where he says:
,, And he said to me: It is finished. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give the thirsty from the spring of living water forever."
Rev. 21:6
submitted by HealthyYard6559 to u/HealthyYard6559 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:22 Bane_LoToR Star Wars: Legacy of the Old Republic Dev Diary 16 - 2nd Anniversary

Star Wars: Legacy of the Old Republic Dev Diary 16 - 2nd Anniversary
NOTE: All images are from a test build of the mod and do not represent the final product. Text and other visual aspects are subject to change. Most of the images including event text are deliberately cut off to avoid full spoilers.
Star Wars Legacy of the Old Republic, a total conversion set in the Old Republic Era.


Greetings fellow Old Republic enthusiasts, it's been more or less a year since our last dev diary. In general, this year has been full of surprises, reworks and fun little modding shenanigans. First the 1.3.5 Update will drop in a couple of hours, we originally wanted to drop this update on the actual anniversary of lotor but the Stellaris Update and the Machine Age DLC threw us back a bit.
Nevertheless, we have many things planned for the future which benefit a lot from Machine Age changes, like potential Kilostructures (which fit Star Wars way better than Megastructures) or Crisis Paths for the Sith and Mandalorian Crusades. But before we lose ourselves in future content, what can you expect later today? For this, we split this Dev Diary into two sections, the initial one will focus on Technologies and Tech Tree alignment.

Technologies and the Tech Tree:

Hello everyone, allow me to introduce myself: I'm Sola. I've been working behind the scenes, handling internal testing, balancing tasks, and whatever else Bane decides to throw my way. For this LotOR update, I wanted to comb through the technology tree and revamp it. The aim? To ensure that, with the plethora of techs we've added, everything felt cohesive and choices felt meaningful.
Changing Progression Paths: One of the biggest changes we've made was to incorporate the bonus modifier technologies into the progression paths, instead of being an optional side-choice. This change helps with similar technology effects not clogging the limited technology choices, but also doesn't remove anything that would speed up tech progression. We've expanded upon the built-in 'gateway' system (the lock icon located at the bottom right of a tech choice). It should help indicate if a technology is a prerequisite for more than just the immediate following tech in the tree.
One example of the expanded gateway system, various technologies now show what kind of fields they advance, like the new Droids field which also has a unique research category on later technologies
A simple example of this new progression is: Thrusters 1 -> Thruster Improvement 1 -> Thrusters 2 -> Thruster Improvement 2, etc A more complex example is how laser weapons progress (image below): One of either Turbolasers 1 or Laser Cannons 1 needs to be researched to access the Laser Weapon Improvement 1 technology, and then for Turbolaser 2 or Laser Cannons 2 you need both the previous weapon level researched and the previous improvement technology researched. (You can completely skip researching either Laser Cannons or Turbolasers and still progress the other one to max tier.)
Technological Progress Example
Additional Starting Components: One significant change involved introducing a "level zero" version for components with multiple research direction choices. Currently, these include Missiles, Torpedoes, and Shield Types. This adjustment ensures that concussion missiles, proton torpedoes, and deflector shields are not a level ahead of other choices within the same tech tier.
Aligning Tech Tiers: We also addressed inconsistencies in the placement of technologies on the tree. The tier spacing between direct improvements along any given 'tech-progression-line' is now much more consistent. For instance, fuel extraction bonuses were all in the first few tiers, they are now spread out and you should no longer see a million of them early-game. Also, components like armor or weapons now feature all their normal (non-rare) upgrades on the same tier. This also included filling in missing technology or adding more component levels to ensure a smoother progression.
I don't want to talk about the Droids, but I have to talk about the Droids: They follow canon classes now. Changing them all around gave me a headache. Lore-heads, you're welcome Super-secret message just for those that read these: Tech tree coming soonTM
Some of the Droid Technologies, essentially they follow a formula of advancements in Droid Brains unlocking various subtypes which give minor bonuses
Beyond those methodical changes various technologies got new Icons, names and descriptions in our ongoing effort to adapt them closer to the Star Wars Universe.

Map Changes and Replayability:

Back to me, my major focus for this update was replayability and the sense of actually finding something out there. Lotor (which as you can see everyone spells differently) has a inherent problem, it's a mix between the full randomness of vanilla and the entirely static galaxy of total conversions like SW: New Dawn or the late Fallen Republic. While this is a change made by design after years of working on the previously mentioned mods, we were still somewhat limited by the clusterfuck which is the Star Wars Galaxy (various authors just adding things they find cool without thinking about what actually makes sense).
To this end, we essentially changed a bunch of minor things which might make Lotor closer to lore-inspired than fully lore accurate, which at least from our perspective makes more sense for a game like Stellaris. In general systems are still where they are supposed to be but might be a bit of miss aligned compared to the Star Wars map to allow for more natural choke points, exploration and better visual consistency. Beyond that we also placed some systems strategically over the galaxy which are never mentioned but are there, like pulsars and black holes which rarely if at all get mentioned in Star Wars media.
But what does that have to do with replayability? We essentially want you to have a playthrough where the most important systems are where you expect them think Coruscant, Kuat, Mandalore, but systems between them are somewhat randomized with a set cannon name. This means minor systems can be different sometimes it's a pirate base, sometimes it's an asteroid belt etc., yet it still uses the canonical position and name it's supposed to have. To this extent, we also created a dynamic spawning system for pirates (which now use Star Wars ships & components) as well as the space critters (which are usually renamed to more lore accurate versions).
Mandalorian Raiders hiding in a nebula in your neighborhood
With this we essentially checked all the boxes we set ourselves for replayability, expect one. What can we actually discover out there? For this, one of the major features included in this version is a new rare resource system. Essentially it's 40ish deposits of rare Star Wars substances which can be found on planets through the galaxy. This initial version mostly focuses on rare metals, gemstones, medical supplies, but the system can be expanded in the future.
All rare substances have unique deposits with special icons and effects, which vary depending on the category. Some of them even have further uses
One further use is for example the reworked Isotope-5 which can be applied to various ship systems or the rare Oridium which has beneficial effects on ship armor
While no where being close to the full update, those previews show some of the new and reworked features in Lotor, we hope you will enjoy them and want to thank you folks for sticking around for two years!
If you’d like to know more, feel free to head over to our discord or check out the mod page on the Steam workshop! And as usual a small shoutout to the two other RMG Total Conversions: - SW: New Dawn: Which should be updated soon - Star Trek: New Civilisations: Which recently added a Borg Crisis Path, resistance may indeed be futile!
As usual, you can join our Discord here to see some last-minute teasers and further announcements: RMG Community Discord Server
submitted by Bane_LoToR to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:09 FireHandOWHOT An auction worth crashing (typo fix)

(The typos were bothering me so goddamn much i just needed to fix it even though its so far after i originally posted)
Raindrops begin to tap against the stone brick pavement, greeting Scornajis and the drow with a melancholic atmosphere. The crowds sifting through the streets begin to thin out as the minutes pass.
Scorn looks up at the building before him, easily the highest-class building in this town. A slow trickle of well-dressed individuals filters their way in and out.
This was the place.
The date of Wuhmi's sale was almost a week ago. Scorn's shoulders droop from his lack of hope. Despite rushing across the border here, the creeping feeling that he's too late has already sunk its claws into him.
He's taken out of his thoughts by a snap of the drow's mechanical fingers. "Scorn! C'mon, head in the game. Ready for the plan?"
He takes a deep breath and nods, rolling his shoulders back up into his confident stance as he focuses. "Hmm... there didn't seem to be any other entrances, so I guess the front door is the way to go. Sure your illusions will work?"
A hint of doubt hangs on his voice before the drow reassures him confidently. "It will, it will, and you won't even have to actually dress up in a suit." He lets out a slight chuckle. "Aye, that's good. Never can seem to get any in my size anyway."
The pair stand in an alley, and the drow points at Scorn. A far more glamorous robe than anything he usually wears now decorates his body, slightly shimmering. She does the same to herself, a dress appearing on her form. "Alright, ready, Scorn?" He nods in response, and the duo make their way to the building.
Entering the building, they are greeted by warmth and brightness, the contrast with the dark streets and rain leaving Scorn squinting as his eyes adjust.
It's a massive room with a stage surrounded by seats in the back of it, and several trinkets resting upon pedestals, up for silent auctions as people write down bids for them.
"Welcome sir, my lady, we do hope you find what you're looking for today." Says an employee as they stride past, both of them ignoring him. "Drow, over there, left of the stage." Scorn flicks his eyes to it, discreetly gesturing in its direction.
A man with a gold-encrusted cane is talking to an employee before a door is opened for them, another door immediately after, so the first can be shut behind them, hiding what's inside.
"But how do we get in..." The drow gives Scorn a pat on the back. "I've got it. Just go look around at things, act natural." And with that, she steps into a crowd and dissapears entirely
Tension tugs visibly on Scorn's stance as he is forced to stand idly. His body twitches as rage seeps into his every thought, the occasional flicker of flame rising off his body.
They took his apprentice, changed her entire *species*, and sold her like an animal. He leans slightly forward against a table displaying some objects, the weight of his thoughts pushing him down, before it's relieved by a tap on the back, the drow returning.
"Just hung out invisible near the door, I've got the passcode. Come on." Scorn nods, being led to the door by her. The employee stops the pair, drow clears her throat and "I'd like to buy freedom itself." "How much would you pay?" *The doorman asks.
With that, they allow Scorn and the drow through. The hall leads down a flight of stairs into a far larger auction house... and the things for sale are far worse. Cages decorate the stage, shackled waitresses carefully carrying plates of drinks.
Scorn's eye twitches, forcing himself to remain calm, taking in his surroundings. As he collects his thoughts, a man walks onto the stage and starts the auction, seeming to be the man running the business. "Might have some questions for him later.." Drow remarks.
"Alright, looks like that's it." Drow nods towards a door to the side, the occasional employee stepping through it. "Doesn't seem to be guarded." *He strokes his beard in thought before the drow raises her hand "Alright, I can make us both invisible for a bit, hopefully we'll be able to find the records before it ends. Ready?"
The pair slip invisibly inside. Doors lining the walls as they search through the hallway. Peeking in each door, one of which being a large tunnel they assume is for smuggling, yet most of it is storage rooms. a great deal of the storage being people held in cages.
Scorn is stopped from action by a hand on his shoulder, looking back at the drow as she shakes her head "We can make a plan to bust them out after, and besides Scorn.. you're not bulletproof. Maybe get the council in on it, just focus on finding Wuhmi for now." He solemnly nods, looking forward to coming back here and causing a scene.
They hug the walls as a few guards pass them by without a clue of their presence. They wait for them to leave out of earshot, before entering the last door, clearly being an office of some sort.
Paintings and lavish furnishings fill the room, the desk alone likely costing more than Scorn has ever carried. Without wasting a second, they begin their search, flipping through papers, and searching through drawers
"Ahah! Bills of sale once again!" Scorn proudly proclaims, flipping through them, his expression slowly sinking "this can't be right.. there's got to be more..." A frustrated sigh slips out from the wizard. All the sales are coded, disguised as normal objects.
"Painting by ___ 1 platinum, leviathan leather purse 370 gold, great wyrm egg 10 platinum sold to estate of Dupree.." Scorn places his face in his hands, briefly processing before standing up. "lets see if our auctioneer would be so kind as to just tell us."
Scorn and the drow stand in the group of buyers, staring at the stage, trying to think of an opening.. till one is presented. The auctioneer bringing on his next good. "Alright folks we've got a REAL treat on our hands here, a Girallon!"
He pulls a tarp off a tall cage after its wheeled up to him, the metal shaking as the beast inside roars. A large, 4 armed ape grabbing at the metal bars, its body wounded and thin, clearly having been kept weak for safety. The auctioneer rambles on about the beast, and starts the bidding.
Scorn's eyes widen slightly as an idea crosses his mind. "Drow, I need you to turn invisible, and grab the auctioneer, I'm gonna cause a distraction."
She quickly nods, slinking off and turning invisible, climbing up the wall with her enchanted armor, hanging off the ceiling right above the auctioneer, while Scorn gets closer to the stage.
Scornajis points forward, concentrating deeply as he points at the lock, an invisible stream of incredibly cold air coming forth from his finger tip, freezing the lock from a distance.. till it snaps.
"2 platinum! Do i hear 3? 3 plati...num.." The auctioneer looks to the side at the beast he was selling as the Girallon grabs the door to its cage, and pushes it open, the lock clattering to the floor as the beast steps out, the room falling silent.
"..g-..GUARDS!" The auctioneer yells before he gets promptly backhanded by the ape, sending him flying across the stage. The girallon roars, leaping forth into the crowd and throwing around the buyers like toys.
In the midst of the chaos, drow drops from the ceiling. Silently landing next to the wounded auctioneer, lifting him up as he vanishes in her illusion.
Scorn smiles at the scene, quite proud of the outcome of his plan, before holding open the door to the hallway, silent footsteps passing him as the drow walks through, followed shortly by Scorn himself. They take the previously identified smuggling route, the long tunnel empty of noise besides Scorn's heavy footsteps.
it takes several minutes until they find the exit, after which they're greeted by cloudy skies and rolling hills as they exit the tunnel. Scorn takes a deep breathe allowing fresh air to fill his lungs.
He looks to the side at the drow, the unconscious auctioneer hanging from her grasp. He pulls his shrunken scrying orb from his robe, enlarging it and contacting Lex.
*Scorn and the drow take a seat in a nearby grove of trees, and collectively let out a sigh.
"..im going to have to teach Wuhmi to fight better."
submitted by FireHandOWHOT to u/FireHandOWHOT [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:09 rollercoasterdreams Wanting to leave this life.

I’m thinking of trying to take my life three weeks from now. I’m planning to go to the motel I was at when I was sixteen during a time when some really traumatic awful things happened. I know that’s really screwed up. It’s trauma I feel like I haven’t been able to overcome. I’m currently going through a really difficult time in my life which is reminding me of the horrible things that happened during that time. It feels like I’m trapped in the trauma and there is no way out. I battle with long Covid and I have been reinfected a few times now. I’ve been trying everything in my power to avoid reinfection but I haven’t been able to. Each reinfection has set me back a lot. It feels like it’s keeping me stuck underwater. Covid and Long Covid with what it’s done have been incredibly awful and scary at times. Sometimes it feels like something is attacking my whole body. I feel like it’s slowly taking my ability to live and have any hope away from me. I started to get better before but then I got infected again which set me back a lot and I’ve just recently been reinfected for another time. It’s bringing me back to when I was 16 in that awful traumatic situation because for a time I couldn’t escape the situation, I was trapped. I feel like I can’t escape this. I feel trapped. I keep having dreams about that time and feeling like I’m reliving it. I don’t know what to do anymore to stop this nightmare except take my life. All these years I only wanted to overcome my trauma and be able to live a good and fulfilling life. I wanted to make up for the years I felt like I lost to trauma. I got sober almost eight years ago and committed to not give up no matter what and do whatever it took to build a good life. I feel like it’s becoming impossible and I’ve failed. I’m planning on going to this motel taking benzos, opiates and alcohol and ending my life. I don’t think I can do it anymore and I’m losing any hope for a future. It sucks because I think there is so many beautiful amazing things in life and I want to live but I can’t keep going on like this.
submitted by rollercoasterdreams to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:05 Best_Technician_7772 My mother in-law is planning my bridal shower

Ever since before my boyfriend had proposed to me, I’ve always told everyone that I don’t want a wedding. It just seemed like an expensive hassle when my only goal was to marry the love of my life. Since then my fiance has shared that it’s his dream to have a big wedding so I learned to love the idea and plan it with him. But less than one month into being engaged, his mom starts asking me about my bridal shower. It caught me off guard as I’m trying to plan a wedding for 280 people, why would I even think about a bridal shower? My mom is mentally and physically disabled and my maid of honor is out of state so I figured I would just skip the whole thing since I had no one to plan it. Then one day I meet my fiance at his mom’s house after he’s had a few beers and he goes “just ask her mom, she won’t care!” So she asks me if she can plan my bridal shower for me. She goes onto say how she knows that no one can do it for me and that I deserve one so she’d love to do it. I told her yes and i genuinely appreciated the offer.
Now this is where it gets weird. The first issue is the prizes. I tell her that there’s this great store nearby that sells gift baskets for cheap and she goes “oh that store stresses me out” so I tell her that it’s no big deal, I go there all the time anyway and I buy a bunch of prizes. She buys a single pickle ball set. I ask her if she wants me to drop the prizes off at her house and she tells me to just leave them at mine until she’s ready for them. And again, I tell her that fine.
Then she chooses the hall and caterer. She asks if I don’t mind, she really wants it close to her mom (my fiancés grandma). It’s a little bit further of a drive for my family, but I agree. It annoyed me a little bit that she thought my finances grandma came before mine for my shower though. Then she asks if her mom can cater because she’d really love it and again I say that’s totally ok if she wants to do it, it’s just going to be a lot of women to cook for
Next my fiance calls me and tells me that he has to run to the store because chicken is on sale and his mom asked him to buy it for the shower. He pays for it all and puts it in our deep freezer.
A little bit later, she’s trying to get in touch with my bridesmaids to make sure the date of the shower works out for everyone. Then they start talking about planning the shower and one of my bridesmaids suggests a cocktail for the shower. My MIL then informs her that the hall she booked doesn’t allow alcohol so it’s a DRY shower. She never talked to me about this at all so I started to get super irritated. At this point we have paid for everything except a single pickleball set and the low fee of renting the hall. Yet I’m sacrificing mimosas at my shower so she can look good for her mom.
She hasn’t come up to me with any ideas for this shower other than the games. If I try to send an idea to her, she just asks me to get a quote. I was even gifted a box of wedding decor and it had a tiered cupcake holder so I sent her a picture and said we can use this and she goes “oh you want cupcakes?” I tell her I love German chocolate and we need a dessert anyway but she can’t figure out how to plan this out so she goes “How many cupcakes does it hold? How many cupcakes do you think we’ll need?” And then sends me a picture of a cupcake that fits with the theme she chose and it isn’t even German chocolate. Again, I am in the middle of planning a wedding I did not want for almost 300 people. It really irked me that she asked to plan this thing but can’t even figure out how to bring cupcakes to a party without me doing it.
Now the shower is three months away and the only thing done is my FULL garage because she still hasn’t taken any of the decor or prizes and it’s already full with decor for my wedding. Gift baskets aren’t made, invites aren’t sent out, a menu hasn’t been discussed, and the only idea discussed on her end is the games and the theme.
I don’t want to be ungrateful and I’m sure other girls would love to plan their bridal shower. But all of this is stuff that I simply don’t want. Yet, we have paid and planned almost all of it. I am DREADING this shower. It feels like it’s more about my MIL being able to tell everyone she planned it instead of actually doing it and none of it is even what I like.
The wedding is killing me. I literally quit my job because it’s becoming so much (we had talked about me quitting after we were married and my fiance can support me financially until I find something else ) you better believe my MIL took me quitting and ran with it. Because last I heard, she was telling my fiance that “it’ll never work out” and implied that I’m a gold digger. And telling the whole family about me.
I’m such a mess about it all and I feel like I’m going crazy. There’s so much more, and I can answer any questions in the comments. Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts?
submitted by Best_Technician_7772 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:02 Apprehensive_Dog5431 Discord Images to OBS/Twitch stream

I've been looking for something like this for a long time and I am astounded and frustrated nobody has made anything like this. I found plenty of people asking for this, but no one actually showed a solution.
I stream with friends on twitch as we are in a discord call, and they will often post pictures in discord, but there was no way for me to easily show the picture on stream without toggling the entire discord window so twitch chat can actually see what we are talking about. What I wanted was some way for it to be automated, at least as much as possible.
Through the use of a custom discord bot, I was able to make something work.
Before I get into how to make this work, let me briefly explain how it works so you can tell if this is something you're willing to do. I will be highlighting all areas you need to fill out. The rest is mostly copy paste.
Discord Bot has reading access to a discord channel of your choice>a code tells the bot to monitor this discord channel for image links and image attachments>Upon detecting a new image, the bot will edit an HTML file somewhere on your computer with the link to the image along with some other things to make it readable for OBS>OBS uses that HTML file as a local browser source.
The only potential issue here that can benefit from some improvements is the source will not properly update unless you hide and then unhide the source. If its already hidden, simply unhiding it will prompt the correct image. (Just be sure the source has "Shutdown source when not visible" enabled, to allow it to update and take less resources while not visible) I simply made this a hotkey to easily toggle the source, however there is a way to create an OBS script that will automatically hide the source after a period of time, and reveal it upon updating, I was unsuccessful in this though.
To get this to work, you will only need to create 2 text files, paste some code, and change 3 lines to match your details so it properly links to the correct channel, bot, files, etc. I will highlight these things so you wont have to go searching.
-Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications -Hit "New Application" at the top right, accept terms and name it whatever you want. -On the left under Settings/Installation be sure User Install and Guild Install are checked. -Navigate to the "Bot" tab on the left and turn OFF "Public Bot" and turn ON "Message Content Intent" -Head over to the "OAuth2" tab on the left. -Under "OAuth2 URL Generator" You will see a big list of "scopes" All you need is to check "bot" -A new portion will be revealed called "Bot Permissions". For simplicity sake since you can give it "Administrator". If you are concerned about security, you can check off only what would be needed like read messages and maybe read message history. This area you will have to experiment to see what is absolutely needed. -Copy the generated URL and paste it into your browser and select what server you would like to add it to. -Once added it should have all the needed permissions to do its job, but double check roles and default permissions to make sure its not conflicting with anything on your server. -Go back to the "Bot" tab on the left and hit the "Reset Token" button. You will be given a code. (Copy and paste this somewhere for you to refer to later.)
2. PYTHON (DONT PANIC) You barely need to mess with it.
-Head over to https://www.python.org/downloads/ and download the latest version. -When installing, make sure to check the box that says "Add Python X.X to PATH" during the installation process. This ensures that Python is added to your system's PATH environment variable, allowing you to run Python from the command line. (Just stay with me here, its not as bad as it sounds) Otherwise if you don't see this, its fine.
-Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
-Create a new text file and name it "discord_bot.py" (Be sure to change the file extension from .txt to .py) -Right click the file and hit "open with" and select notepad. -Go ahead and paste the following code into the file:
import discord import os import time import re TOKEN = 'YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE' CHANNEL_ID = 'YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE' TEXT_FILE_PATH = 'YOUR TEXT FILE PATH' # Create an instance of discord.Intents intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.messages = True intents.guilds = True intents.message_content = True # Pass intents to the discord.Client() constructor client = discord.Client(intents=intents) # CSS style to limit image dimensions CSS_STYLE = """  """ .event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {client.user}') .event async def on_message(message): if == int(CHANNEL_ID): print(f'Message received in correct channel: {message.content}') print(f'Attachments: {message.attachments}') if message.attachments or any(re.findall(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+(\.jpg\.png\.jpeg))', message.content)): image_url = message.attachments[0].url if message.attachments else re.findall(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+(\.jpg\.png\.jpeg))', message.content)[0][0] try: # Generate HTML content with image URL embedded in an  tag html_content = f"""    Show Image {CSS_STYLE} Include CSS style   Image   """ # Update the HTML file with the generated HTML content with open(TEXT_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file: file.write(html_content) print(f'HTML file updated with image URL: {image_url}') except Exception as e: print(f'Error updating HTML file: {e}') else: print('No attachments or image links found in the message') client.run(TOKEN)message.channel.id 
-A few lines into the code you will see three lines that read:
-You need to replace these. Refer to your token you saved earlier and paste it in place of YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE. When you replace it, it should still have the (') at each end. Example: TOKEN = 'adnlkn34okln2oinmfdksanf342'
-For the Channel ID, head over to Discord>Settings(cogwheel bottom left)>advanced and turn on Developer Mode. -Head over to the Server where you want OBS to grab from and where you invited the bot. -Right click the text Channel you want OBS to grab pictures from and hit "Copy Channel ID" -Go back to the text file with the code and paste the ID you just copied place of YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE. (again make sure not to delete ' ' in the process.
So far we have the Bot Token and the Channel ID done.
-We need to create another text file. Create one and find a place to save it where you'll remember it. Somewhere like your documents folder will work fine. -Name it whatever you want, but be sure to save it as a .HTML file, rather than a .txt file. (for the sake of the tutorial, lets assume you named it "showimage.html" ) *-*Right click the html file you just made and click properties -Here you can see the file "Location". Go ahead and copy it. -Go back to that discord_bot.py file and replace YOUR TEXT FILE PATH with the address you just copied.
There. The code is finished so go ahead and save it. Now you need to implement it into OBS
-Go ahead and open OBS. Go to your desired Scene and create a new Source, and make it a Browser Source. -I made the width and height 600x600, but you can adjust it once we get a picture on screen. -Toggle ON "Local File" and "Shutdown source when not visible" -For the local file, browse your computer for that "showimage.html" file we made earlier and select it.
We are almost done. You will have to launch this bot every time you want this image thing to work, so maybe save this last part on a note.
-Type CMD in your start menu on windows. -Right click "Command Prompt" and hit "Run as administrator" -Navigate to where the discord_bot.py file you made was saved. You can do this by typing "cd" followed by the address and hitting enter
Example: cd C:\Users\YOURNAME\OneDrive\Desktop Enter\*
-Then type: python discord_bot.py Enter\*
You should see a few lines of text that say: "Logged in as (whatever your bot name is)"
You're done!
When someone posts a link to an image, or uploads one directly to your desired channel, the bot will create a link for the obs source to refer to, and it should pop up in your scene, assuming its visible. If you still dont see anything, try restarting OBS and or go into the source properties, scroll down, and click the "refresh cache of current page" button at the bottom. Keep in mind the picture will not update unless you force the source to refresh somehow. If you dont want to keep going back to obs to hide/unhide the source to update it, you can set a hotkey to it, create an OBS script, or use a separate program like streamerbot to automate the process to your liking.
This was a huge pain in the ass to do, and I dont want anyone to go through what I did, so I wanted to have it all in a janky guide to get people started. Also I made it so the pictures have a minimum and maximum w/h size so small images arent so darn small, and big ones dont take up so much space. You can adjust this in the .py file, just be sure to close command prompt and start the bot again for the changes to go through.
Please let me know if you guys have any questions or suggestions, and Ill try my best to help/ respond. I hope someone makes use of this and it pops up in search results because I couldnt find anything like this anywhere.
submitted by Apprehensive_Dog5431 to obs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:57 DragonStryk72 Pre-Warp Survival (Part 39)

First Prev Archive Royal Road Patreon
Reader Advisory: The next couple of parts contain talk about a number of sensitive topics centered around PTSD. I'll have some space here so you don't accidentally see something you didn't want to, but if you read on, just know, it is to a purpose, and yes, it does concern some of my own experiences with PTSD.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
I hate this. This feeling of them all around my mind, but I need to see it. How did Keith become this? I can feel my tribemate, Hoda... I had expected her to choose to be my wife, but I feel it, she has become wife to Keith.... whatever, it is unimportant. I am Trayg, and I have four wives already, and at least six when I am done with this 'game'. He is a strong warrior, and I need to learn his strength. I feel all the other weaklings, though. Bah, weak, but they provide in their own ways to make up for it.
Keith's song begins again, and I feel things shift around me, and I see my first view of this Earth. For such a warrior, I expected a stronghold, but it is anything but. The sun is bright on this house, and I see farms back behind it, lines of trees to protect from the wind between fields, and a warm breeze flows outward. And then, I see him, a child, pedaling furiously on some contraption, a bag clutched in his hand, his knuckles paling from how hard he holds it. A tithe for his father, something to instill pride, though the memory does not remember what is inside. I follow the boy as he comes off of the contraption, letting it fall away as he sprints into the house, and suddenly, a sharp, loud bang fires off... something is wrong.
The sound is incredibly loud, the force of it I can feel even from here, but no birds stir, no rodents scurry, and I follow the boy, and something... feels wrong about what I am seeing, what I am hearing, like something screams already, but is muffled, and I can smell the blood already. The boy proceeds up the stairs, still sprinting with his tithe in hand, and the door to his father's chambers open... and the scent does not change, the whole scene is frozen in that moment, no birds chirping. Something is wrong, this still image. Something.... this scene is not real, and I feel the press of minds, Val calling out for me to halt, but I will not have things hidden from me, and I step forward, and I feel it tear, the whole world ripping apart around me. The scene is changed. The sound... it was not made outside the house, the boy did not enter after. He entered as his father took his own life, and I felt the minds shift, and the words of Keith's song pierce the vision:
You can't kill me if I'm already dead Buried alive by the things that they've said I killed myself, but no one knows
I felt a hand, but not in the shelter, the yurt that we occupied. Azoccu. I watched as he stepped into the room with a screaming child crying out for his father to wake up, and Azoccu knelt beside him, "Oh, child, no one should have seen this. This is not your fault."
He laid his hand on him, and the scene faded. Amongst the others, I could feel the Trils. They were gaining power from this somehow, but there was no time to think. Scenes whipped by, the boy at the funeral, comforting his grandparents, and something was wrong, but not the scene. The adults. They gave empty platitudes, and they spoke about him when they thought he could not hear:
"How do you even get over seeing something like that? He's so young..."
"What happens to him now?"
"First his mom, then his dad? Kid's gonna end up in a rubber room."
The boy's grandparents were broken down, inconsolable in seeing the body of their child, and then I felt Dukaetha enter, hopping along to sit next to the boy. Why is she the only one? Where are his friends? His family? Why is no one showing him how to grieve? Why is he the one comforting?
The scene shifted, and the rabbitfolk faded, and I watched as he stood off by himself, watching his father being lowered into the ground in a brown box, until another grandfather stepped up to him, this one hardier, with thick hair over his lip, calloused hand laying on the boy's shoulder, and knelt down, "Hey there, bit. Tell you what, me and Gramma had us a talk about it, and we'd like you to come live with us. How's that suit you?"
The boy trembled, bitter tears coming out, "Pop-Pop... I... I want dad back."
I watched the boy break, but... this is wrong. I felt a similar feeling from Hoda. Where were the other family? Why was his tribe not coming together for him? Two ceremonies for a corpse, and none of them to take him as ward except for an old man and woman? Where were the tribe's children? Even their shaman seemed more concerned over the dead one. Hoda stepped forward, praying over the boy as was her place as shaman.
The scene fell away, and more scenes came past. The boy grew, his 'Pop-Pop' teaching him to hunt, to farm, to ride, but I felt my anger building. His tribe pulled away from him, pulled back. They said the right words, expressed sorrow at the loss, but they all held back from him, like they might somehow catch his grief like a disease. It kept going, increasing as his grandparents died, one after the other, and steadily I watched as members of our new tribe stepped forward to be with him in those moments.
The rage welled up within me, growing by the moment. Again, and again.... I bellowed out, breaking the connection, and shoved aside those in my way as I stalked from the building, hearing the words of Keith from his stage:
As these judging eyes surround me And silence tearing me apart Only seeing to the surface They refuse to see my heart
I stalked across to one of the empty shelters, taking shelter from the storm raging around, and I screamed. I paced, and I felt the insane rage within my chest. I needed to fight, I needed to let this out, before it could stain my spirit. I ripped the hatchet from my belt, and put everything into hacking into one of the logs that were used for seating. I swung again and again, putting every bit of my anger into the act when I heard the door bang open. Val. She stepped inside, "Are you okay, Trayg?"
I threw the hatchet into what was left of the log, "Fuck your entire species!"
She stepped back as I stepped forward, shocked, "Look, I get it-"
She shook her head in that negative way the humans used, "No, they-"
I slammed a fist into a pillar, "Don't lie to me! I saw it with my own eyes! His whole tribe left him to rot save for one old man and woman who were too old to be caring for a young boy. Where were his friends?! Where was his shaman to heal his spirit? Where was anyone for him?!"
Val teared up, and stayed mute, "My world may be savages, but we never would have left a child like that."
I pushed past, exiting the shelter to go back, "And I won't abandon him now."
First Prev Archive Royal Road Patreon
submitted by DragonStryk72 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:52 CopperScum64 Secret Arcane Hunter (no? maybe? plz respond)

It’s new (mini) set time and time for warlock, druid or rogue to break the game again. This time, Druid got left behind.
While glare is the new big kid on the block, the deck is preying on a meta that had a 35% of renathal decks before the miniset, and as that number go down and to a new equilibrium, i expect the deck will stabilize around a reasonable power level (i wouldn’t mind crystallizer to get deleted though so we can finally play questless glare like our Lord intended). Meanwhile, the meta shifts around make for a lot of decks becoming suddendly playable. Handbuff paladin, more reach based aggro and ice block decks even with a worse wincon than warp since tech is very hard to play in a glare meta. So anyway, after tuning some glare lists (strictly questless) i started trying some other things. This is my first attempt at a deck that has a decent position in the new meta Secret Arcane Hunter, also known as Custom Warlock 2:
2 x Arcane Shot 2 x Costumed Singer 2 x Ricochet Shot 2 x Shimmer Shot 2 x Trinket Tracker 2 x Bargain Bin 2 x Hidden Meaning 2 x Mad Scientist 2 x Silvermoon Farstrider 2 x ZOMBEES!!! 2 x Celestial Shot 1 x Cloaked Huntress 1 x Halduron Brightwing 2 x Eversong Portal 1 x Rinling Rifle 1 x Beastalker Tavish 2 x Starstrung Bow
No code cause i can’t copy it atm (i’m on my work pc, for my lawyer, this is a joke). The idea behind the deck is pretty simple: Early game play some minions, get some secrets up, and then lategame finish with buffed reach + bow. This deck can work because of an ok glare matchup (especially the more aggro 30 versions) and because it farm one of the popular glare counters (sorc mage, at least until they play performers and then you cri ev3rytime ). Some card choiches explanation: The arcane package without conjuring arrow: i don’t think we need the extra draw in this format, especially turn 6+. You get your secrets pretty consistently between singer and scientist, and then your secrets draw your bows and extra cards. This package has two purposes: it is reach vs glare and slower decks, and it’s board control vs aggro. It’s in fact the only way you win the aggro matchup, by getting early farstriders/haldurons into portal/ricochet. The secret package: the secrets i’m playing here are imho by far the best 6 you can play. You can tell they’re good because it’s not a warcrime to spend mana on them. Turn 2 bees contest a lot of aggro plays, turn 2 meaning is often a 3 drop with charge, and turn 2 bin is swindle without the combo requirement (don’t play it on 2 though, always tempo king). 6 secrets, 2 Singers and 2 Scientist feel perfect as a package. It’s good enough to make your bow cheap later on, it doesn’t dilute ur draw with too many secrets early on and both the tutors are acceptable as tempo plays as well (revert singer cowards). Rinling Rifle: the third weapon to improve bin, as well to discount your bows and get additional utility. I’ve liked it quite a bit. Tavish: generally good against a lot of things, plus gives you secrets. No Product 9: this feels instinctively a tad too slow to me. On turn 5 you may have easily only triggered a single secret, more often two, and two secrets that your opponent know of plus a 4/4 doesn’t look like premium to me. It would be much more interesting in a reno shell, where you get to the lategame more consistently and as such this could be a huge bomb, but in an aggro shell? Doubt. I’d rather play a single Huntress over it as the three-drop slot is a thin.
The mulligan: In general always keep the 1 drops into a curve, don’t keep secrets or cards that cost 4+ (rare exception, being on coin and having triple secret/double secret and singer + huntress is prob a keep). Keep farstrider vs aggro and try to toss everything into arcane spells (trinker tracker also ok obviously) to clear their early boards. What does it work against: - Glare is ok. Good reach. This matchup get worse the higher you go up on ladder. Quad digit glare is free. Triple digit is favored. Double digit is even-ish. High legend is unfavored but who cares. - Slow-ish decks are mostly ok. - Combo mages and druids (there are some dorian combos around) are usually free with the secrets combined with the pressure. What it does not work against: - Aggro me dood. These matchup are about early arcane package (farstrider into ricochet/eversong) to prevent snowballing and then hopefully you can race them. You can’t really stabilize here, they’re bad and drifter is ur worst enemy. - Huhunter. They usually kill a bit faster than you do. This is bad-ish, not terrible. - Handbuff pally with lot of heal. Healing is cheat! Bad healing! Bad! Sit down!
I’ve climbed pretty consistently with this but again can’t check stats as i’m on the move and i play only on phone. It has been feeling good and it’s something a bit different than what i’ve been playing lately. Hope you guys don’t play hearthstone and go outside this weekend.
submitted by CopperScum64 to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:44 AngelmZeal1 A certain forest exists where there are no animals. Unfortunately for us, my friends and I discovered the reason why.

La forêt silencieuse. It simply translates to the silent forest. An eerie description for what has become the grave of many beautiful souls and probably many more in the future.
We were a group of three friends, huge science enthusiasts or big-time nerds if you prefer, visiting a foreign country on our annual leave. During a night at a bar, Esperanza, who could understand the local language overheard a conversation about the nearby forest and the fact that it was devoid of fauna. There was a little touch of superstition to it, but our scientific and rational spirits could not subscribe to that. Therefore, to spice up our stay, we decided to investigate the next day.
Not a single soul wanted to take us to the forest without really explaining why according to Esperanza, so we decided to go on foot since it was a little bit visible from our accommodation. Near the entrance, one man ran after us shouting things I could not understand. That was the scariest thing our group of girls could witness so far, so Esperanza told us to run and so we did, entering the forest, giggling like little girls going on an adventure.
From a very young age, I always loved nature. Even after what has happened, I still do to a certain extent. It saddened my heart to see multiple plants and flowers, crushed on the ground, leading our way and fueling our curiosity, as strange marks and patterns also decorated the semi-dry soil. The trees were very tall and shielded us from the late afternoon sun. We took a few pictures and soon realized that the rumor was true. We could not spot one small bird or even a butterfly, and the only sounds we could hear were the ones we made, and those from the wind and rustling leaves. That was at least until we heard it for the first time.
It seemed to come from underground, like the sound of a voluminous tree being uprooted, accompanied by more rustling leaves noises. We looked up and could not spot anything. That was the time we decided to head back to the accommodation, after all, evening was fast approaching.
"Girls please hurry." Ines kept on saying during our walk back to the entrance, constantly looking behind her.
"Don't worry kiddo, we did not go too deep inside anyway. We'll soon be out." Esperanza spoke, reassuring her little sister. "The scariest thing that could happen now is another Raquel's lecture." She added, prompting her sister to chuckle.
"At least, she can't bore the locals with those." Ines added to the mockery.
"What that crazy dude was saying?" I asked Esperanza, ignoring their teasing.
"Oh, that guy, I didn't get it well but, something about disappearing and—"
The same noises interrupted us, but that time, they were coming from multiple directions around us. The rumor was then proving absolutely false. Something was definitely in that forest. We started jogging, looking around us and especially above us without seeing anything suspicious, and that for maybe over an hour, till evening and darkness found us. We had to stop at some point, after the noises stopped, because we were tired and out of breath.
We could no longer find our way out.
Finally thinking of contacting help, none of us knew what the right number could be, so instead, Esperanza found the number of our accommodation owner in her call history and phoned the gentleman. The communication did not really go well as there was some kind of interference, and suddenly, once again, the noises startled us. That time however, we could see that something high up in the trees, apparently sped towards us, as branches and leaves from afar were agitated by a moving force.
"Run, RUN!" Esperanza shouted, pushing Ines and I to lead the way.
All of us ran for our lives and for countless minutes since the strange noises would not stop. However, the moment we stopped because we were out of breath, Ines and I noticed that Esperanza had disappeared. At that point, Ines had reached her limit and just started screaming her sister's name desperately. I had to hug her to calm her down, and like a symbol of hope, we then saw the emergency flares in the sky. Esperanza did pass the message successfully and help had arrived somehow. They were showing us which way to go.
None of us wanted to abandon Esperanza but we needed to get help and assistance. After I made Ines understand that, I took her hand and we started running towards the flares, still escorted by the noises. They grew louder by the second but we did not stop, we could not stop if we wanted to survive. We ran until the ground suddenly caved in and we fell into a hole. It was not really deep, so I could quickly regain my senses, shaking my head to remove the sand, especially after hearing Ines scream at the surface. The screams were brief, quickly replaced by squelching sounds that grew louder as I climbed up. I did not even exit the hole when it came into view. Its branches morphed into two gigantic arms covered with leaves, it held half of Ines in one hand while its other one helped it chew and swallow the rest of my friend's body. A tree next to it then transformed, its branches regrouping to form two arms, while a bald head with two luminous white eyes and a large mouth, emerged from the top of the trunk.
The threat was not a predator hiding in the trees, it was the trees.
Ines remaining half was soon coveted by the other tree as a scuffle soon erupted. They started to move away from the hole, their roots sliding on the ground and making those underground sounds we have been hearing all that time. They mangled what was left of Ines while I seized the opportunity to attempt an escape. As soon as they noticed me, their branches moved up to cover their heads as if they reverted back to being normal looking trees, and they chased me, swerving between other trees. I ran, sobbing as I knew I could not escape them because of their incredible speed. Soon, other trees imitated the monsters as soon as I passed them, transforming behind me and joining the chase.
At some point, everything stopped again plunging the whole forest into a dead calm only disturbed by the emergency flares noises, my steps, my heavy breath and sobs. All the time, I tried looking around and behind me, unable to tell the difference between those monsters and normal trees, not even knowing if there were some normal trees in that forest or if all of them were monsters. Something then grabbed me from behind and lifted me up. It was one of them. It quickly directed me to its mouth while I screamed in fear and despair. At that moment, I really thought it was the end, but it suddenly stopped in its track. I remained in its massive hand, hyperventilating with my mouth and eyes wide open, having a good look at the piercing white eyes of the monstrosity.
"Em pure" I apparently heard it say, which I later discovered to be exactly 'impur' a word that means impure. It then tossed me away so violently that I only remember hitting something and falling unconscious.
Upon waking up the next morning, I discreetly looked around, surprised to be alive, then just stood up and dashed in a random direction. There was no noise, except for my panting and steps, the wind and the leaves. I ran without stopping for one second, my sight disturbed by the blood covering my forehead, determined to seize that last opportunity to stay alive. I then exited the forest and found myself in a field from where I could see a farmhouse. It was the end of the nightmare.
I became a curiosity for the locals as nobody ever made it alive out of the silent forest before. The authorities extracted all the information they could from me about what had transpired in those woods. Some believed me, others just could not, but we agreed on an official version about my friends and I being attacked by wild boars. I was then diagnosed with a condition that affected my blood, something I never knew I had, which they believe is what made me impure to the eyes of those things.
Traumatized to the core, I went back to my country, unable to really leave that nightmare behind as to this day, I am scared of trees. Despite that, I really try to cherish my life even though I feel guilty for having survived. Also, I have come to accept that science does not have the answers for everything, and that leaving certain mysteries alone is a wise choice.
submitted by AngelmZeal1 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:43 AngelmZeal1 A certain forest exists where there are no animals. Unfortunately for us, my friends and I discovered the reason why.

La forêt silencieuse. It simply translates to the silent forest. An eerie description for what has become the grave of many beautiful souls and probably many more in the future.
We were a group of three friends, huge science enthusiasts or big-time nerds if you prefer, visiting a foreign country on our annual leave. During a night at a bar, Esperanza, who could understand the local language overheard a conversation about the nearby forest and the fact that it was devoid of fauna. There was a little touch of superstition to it, but our scientific and rational spirits could not subscribe to that. Therefore, to spice up our stay, we decided to investigate the next day.
Not a single soul wanted to take us to the forest without really explaining why according to Esperanza, so we decided to go on foot since it was a little bit visible from our accommodation. Near the entrance, one man ran after us shouting things I could not understand. That was the scariest thing our group of girls could witness so far, so Esperanza told us to run and so we did, entering the forest, giggling like little girls going on an adventure.
From a very young age, I always loved nature. Even after what has happened, I still do to a certain extent. It saddened my heart to see multiple plants and flowers, crushed on the ground, leading our way and fueling our curiosity, as strange marks and patterns also decorated the semi-dry soil. The trees were very tall and shielded us from the late afternoon sun. We took a few pictures and soon realized that the rumor was true. We could not spot one small bird or even a butterfly, and the only sounds we could hear were the ones we made, and those from the wind and rustling leaves. That was at least until we heard it for the first time.
It seemed to come from underground, like the sound of a voluminous tree being uprooted, accompanied by more rustling leaves noises. We looked up and could not spot anything. That was the time we decided to head back to the accommodation, after all, evening was fast approaching.
"Girls please hurry." Ines kept on saying during our walk back to the entrance, constantly looking behind her.
"Don't worry kiddo, we did not go too deep inside anyway. We'll soon be out." Esperanza spoke, reassuring her little sister. "The scariest thing that could happen now is another Raquel's lecture." She added, prompting her sister to chuckle.
"At least, she can't bore the locals with those." Ines added to the mockery.
"What that crazy dude was saying?" I asked Esperanza, ignoring their teasing.
"Oh, that guy, I didn't get it well but, something about disappearing and—"
The same noises interrupted us, but that time, they were coming from multiple directions around us. The rumor was then proving absolutely false. Something was definitely in that forest. We started jogging, looking around us and especially above us without seeing anything suspicious, and that for maybe over an hour, till evening and darkness found us. We had to stop at some point, after the noises stopped, because we were tired and out of breath.
We could no longer find our way out.
Finally thinking of contacting help, none of us knew what the right number could be, so instead, Esperanza found the number of our accommodation owner in her call history and phoned the gentleman. The communication did not really go well as there was some kind of interference, and suddenly, once again, the noises startled us. That time however, we could see that something high up in the trees, apparently sped towards us, as branches and leaves from afar were agitated by a moving force.
"Run, RUN!" Esperanza shouted, pushing Ines and I to lead the way.
All of us ran for our lives and for countless minutes since the strange noises would not stop. However, the moment we stopped because we were out of breath, Ines and I noticed that Esperanza had disappeared. At that point, Ines had reached her limit and just started screaming her sister's name desperately. I had to hug her to calm her down, and like a symbol of hope, we then saw the emergency flares in the sky. Esperanza did pass the message successfully and help had arrived somehow. They were showing us which way to go.
None of us wanted to abandon Esperanza but we needed to get help and assistance. After I made Ines understand that, I took her hand and we started running towards the flares, still escorted by the noises. They grew louder by the second but we did not stop, we could not stop if we wanted to survive. We ran until the ground suddenly caved in and we fell into a hole. It was not really deep, so I could quickly regain my senses, shaking my head to remove the sand, especially after hearing Ines scream at the surface. The screams were brief, quickly replaced by squelching sounds that grew louder as I climbed up. I did not even exit the hole when it came into view. Its branches morphed into two gigantic arms covered with leaves, it held half of Ines in one hand while its other one helped it chew and swallow the rest of my friend's body. A tree next to it then transformed, its branches regrouping to form two arms, while a bald head with two luminous white eyes and a large mouth, emerged from the top of the trunk.
The threat was not a predator hiding in the trees, it was the trees.
Ines remaining half was soon coveted by the other tree as a scuffle soon erupted. They started to move away from the hole, their roots sliding on the ground and making those underground sounds we have been hearing all that time. They mangled what was left of Ines while I seized the opportunity to attempt an escape. As soon as they noticed me, their branches moved up to cover their heads as if they reverted back to being normal looking trees, and they chased me, swerving between other trees. I ran, sobbing as I knew I could not escape them because of their incredible speed. Soon, other trees imitated the monsters as soon as I passed them, transforming behind me and joining the chase.
At some point, everything stopped again plunging the whole forest into a dead calm only disturbed by the emergency flares noises, my steps, my heavy breath and sobs. All the time, I tried looking around and behind me, unable to tell the difference between those monsters and normal trees, not even knowing if there were some normal trees in that forest or if all of them were monsters. Something then grabbed me from behind and lifted me up. It was one of them. It quickly directed me to its mouth while I screamed in fear and despair. At that moment, I really thought it was the end, but it suddenly stopped in its track. I remained in its massive hand, hyperventilating with my mouth and eyes wide open, having a good look at the piercing white eyes of the monstrosity.
"Em pure" I apparently heard it say, which I later discovered to be exactly 'impur' a word that means impure. It then tossed me away so violently that I only remember hitting something and falling unconscious.
Upon waking up the next morning, I discreetly looked around, surprised to be alive, then just stood up and dashed in a random direction. There was no noise, except for my panting and steps, the wind and the leaves. I ran without stopping for one second, my sight disturbed by the blood covering my forehead, determined to seize that last opportunity to stay alive. I then exited the forest and found myself in a field from where I could see a farmhouse. It was the end of the nightmare.
I became a curiosity for the locals as nobody ever made it alive out of the silent forest before. The authorities extracted all the information they could from me about what had transpired in those woods. Some believed me, others just could not, but we agreed on an official version about my friends and I being attacked by wild boars. I was then diagnosed with a condition that affected my blood, something I never knew I had, which they believe is what made me impure to the eyes of those things.
Traumatized to the core, I went back to my country, unable to really leave that nightmare behind as to this day, I am scared of trees. Despite that, I really try to cherish my life even though I feel guilty for having survived. Also, I have come to accept that science does not have the answers for everything, and that leaving certain mysteries alone is a wise choice.
submitted by AngelmZeal1 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:40 Specialist_Ask1303 I (F 27) found out my boyfriend (M 23) has been masturbating to the social media posts of women that he’s met/knows in real life while he’s been in relationship with me.

My boyfriend and I have been together for four months, and until now have shared what I thought was a mutually loving relationship. At the beginning of the relationship, I told him in depth about my experiences of being cheated on, and deceived in my past relationships, and how trust is now a struggle for me. For him it’s his first relationship. He told me at the time that he wanted to be the man who helped me heal from this, and I committed myself to giving him my trust unless he gave me a reason not to, even though it scared me. And I have. I’ve been getting counselling and have worked really hard to give our relationship its best chance, and I had so far managed to build a solid foundation of trust with him which I had never quite achieved in previous relationships. I really started to believe that he was different and that I could actually trust him. We had a conversation early in the relationship about porn, and while I did say that I wasn’t super comfortable with it, and that I didn’t think it was ideal to view while in a relationship and can also be quite harmful to the viewer, I didn’t say it was a dealbreaker for me. He at some point after that conversation then told me that he had stopped watching porn. Recently, I have moved into his house where he lives with his mum, on a temporary basis until we return from a holiday that I’m due to join him on in a few weeks. While we were laying in bed the other night, he opened his laptop in front of me and there was a tab open of a girls Tik Tok account that he clicked on and then quickly closed after I saw it. I asked him what it was and he looked sick and started acting cagey and wouldn’t answer my question. Eventually after me asking several more times, he said what it was. I asked why he had been looking at it and he again wouldn’t answer until I asked several times, and then said to me “it’s what you’re assuming probably”. I told him I wasn’t assuming anything and needed him to tell me himself, and he said that he had been masturbating to one of her tik toks the other day when I left for work, after we had already had sex that morning. I asked who the girl was and he said it was just some random, but he then elaborated that he’s met her before and has hung out in the same circle as her in social settings several times before we met and he thought she was ‘hot’ but has never actually spoken to her. I asked if he’s friends with her or follows her on any of his socials and he said no, which he then confirmed. I asked him how many times he’s masturbated to other women that he’s met in real life while he’s been with me and he said around 10 times. He said that his sexual attraction for other women didn’t end when he got into a relationship with me and that he thinks it’s just that “red-blooded male” thing of desiring variety, and that he’s had thoughts of these women and masturbating to them has been like a release of these sexual thoughts. It hurts me a lot as I’ve only been sexually attracted to him and haven’t desired or thought of anyone else sexually since we’ve been together, but we obviously have different natures which I can understand isn’t something that can be controlled even though it breaks my heart to know. In saying that, I said to him that even if his sexual urges for other women didn’t stop when we got together, what should have stopped out of respect for his commitment to me is him acting on it in any way. He said that it’s a normal thing for men to do and that he viewed it as being in a similar vein to watching porn as to him it was just a visual that he found sexually stimulating, but to me it feels akin to cheating even though logically I know it’s not, as he hasn’t been getting off on the act of sex but rather the fantasy of another person (the tik toks weren’t sexually explicit and were just of the girls face and body). To me it feels like he would sleep with these women if he had the opportunity, even while in a relationship with me, and it especially hurts that he’s done this after we’ve just had sex as if I’m not satisfying enough for him. We have a very active and fulfilling sex life and have had sex every single day that we’ve seen each other since we got together, he’s had many new sexual experiences with me and has been very vocal since the beginning that our sex is the best sex he’s ever had and that I’m everything he could ever want, and that he’s intensely attracted to me and satisfied by me in every way, so I don’t understand why it hasn’t been enough. Even after this he’s still saying that I’m everything he wants and I’m his dream woman, which is pretty hard to believe given what he’s been doing. He said he himself that he doesn’t understand how he could have everything he could possibly want and need and still feel the urge to do what he’s done as well. I asked him how he would feel if I did the same thing and he said he would feel sick and disgusted, and he admitted that he never wanted me to know because he knew it was wrong and would hurt me, yet has done so anyway under the basis that what I didn’t know couldn’t hurt me, so I’m struggling to believe that he even loves me when he hasn’t been doing so behind my back. To add insult to injury, he’s an extremely self-disciplined man in other areas of his life. He’s an mma athlete and I’ve recently just watched him go through a training camp which he put his absolute all into and made many sacrifices for, yet he hasn’t afforded me or our relationship the same level of commitment. Anyway, he’s since been extremely apologetic and remorseful and has been crying constantly as I’ve been contemplating whether to continue the relationship or not. He said that he feels sick for hurting me like this and doing the opposite of what he said he was going to do, and that he’ll never do it again and will do anything to earn my trust back and repair the relationship. He’s deleted and blocked certain girls on his socials and removed other ‘temptations’ from his view, let me see his phone and messages on his socials to assure me that it never went beyond this, and arranged to get counselling in a couple days which he’s said he will commit to doing as regularly as he needs to change and be the partner I deserve. I don’t know what to do as I believe he means it when he says he wants and intends to change but firstly, he’s still going to have his socials (and I wouldn’t ask him to delete them) so it would be very easy for him to unblock and go to these public profiles that he’s been using, and at the end of the day he’s still going to be who he is at the core regardless of what’s on his socials. I’m also worried that he’s just saying whatever he can so I won’t leave him and that it wouldn’t hold up once he felt comfortable again. I love him to bits and we’ve had an otherwise happy and healthy relationship so I want to give him a chance to do what he’s said but any trust I had in him has been completely destroyed. I know that he would have continued doing what he was doing had I not accidentally seen what I did and he’s admitted that he wouldn’t have been honest if I hadn’t of seen that and had just randomly asked, so I know he’s dishonest now. I’m scared that if he’s already been doing something that he knew would hurt me and has given into his sexual urges for other women in a way, that he could go all the way with it and sleep with someone else. And I’m worried that these habits might be too deeply ingrained (he’s been doing this for years and years) so he may not be able to change, and while I’m willing to give him a chance and at least just see how it goes and if he doesn’t stick to what he’s said then I’ll end the relationship, I’m concerned that he might continue to do what he’s been doing and just get better at hiding it and continue to deceive me because he doesn’t want to lose me. And lastly, my biggest concern is that giving him a chance will ruin my mental health in the process. He’s now on his way to Thailand where I’m supposed to be meeting him in three weeks time, and I’m already full of worry knowing all of this now, wondering if he’ll be unfaithful during his time alone over there and then keep it from me. So reddit, please weigh in, should I give him a chance?
TLDR: My boyfriend has been masturbating to the social media posts of other women that he’s met/knows in real life while he’s been in a relationship with me, and has hidden this from me. The trust is gone and I don’t know whether to give him another chance or end the relationship.
submitted by Specialist_Ask1303 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:39 Unique_Season9342 Iphone x repair

Iphone x repair
Hello, i live in qatar with no apple stores. so i cant go to the apple store to fix my phone. one day, i dropped my 64gb silver iphone x, and thousands of components just gave up. bluetooth chip, both cameras, face id. i fixed my phone in my local phone repair shop. he fixed the bluetooth ic chip for 180 qar, and he replaced the front camera and back camera. he told me that he fixed everything, yeah airdrop was working and both cameras. he told me that face id wont work. this was a few months ago. i really miss face id but i thought i would give it up and finish. but suddenly 2 weeks ago, my back camera just gave up, everything else works except the back camera. since the back camera doesnt work it glitches out the front camera then both dont work ( front works when i restart the phone but then it stops working after 5-10 mins) do yall suggest i go to a different repair shop because i feel like this repair shop is lying about the face id that it cant be repaired, when i connect my phone with the 3u tools program. it shows this below: , also the face id error message i will show it right now, so do yall think it is possible to fix face id or no?
submitted by Unique_Season9342 to mobilerepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:37 Additional-Cow4536 It's been almost 2 months and I'm just not over this break up...

So 3 years we've been together but we were together the first 5 months n broke up because he was texting and calling this girl his blonde beauty. I shouldn't have gone back I should have stuck to my guns and just not gone back I feel like I wasted 3 years of my life. An apartment a marriage kids it was all just talk we never really accomplished anything and I never really got over what he did or alost did. I changed after our break up id wanna check his phone id feel insecure I became a totally different person that wasn't me at all. Now that we're actually done I just keep thinking about everything n I drink and call him n keep making it worse. I got my closure this morning while I was up drinking n called him but I just feel so depressed. I've been seeing a therapist and it helps but I'm just not ding the work I just keep falling back into my old habits. I was drunk n broke up with him now this has happened before and the last time I did it was because he left me at a bar but it was the 2nd time and it was my fault because we got in a fight n I didn't wanna leave idk why. I tried taking it back but he said I couldn't change and the whole reason I couldn't was because of him though I turned into this because I couldn't get over what happened I never allowed myself to change. Just found out as well 2 guys came up to him both his friends I guess n said I hit on them and he believed them but honestly idk what to believe either. I was in love with this man and loyal as hell but when I drank I became a worse person. Maybe he is better off maybe I won't change :/ I just keep thinking abut everything I could have done but it's not helping me. My therapist wanted me to practice grounding myself when over think about things out of my control but instead I drank and called my ex at 6am. Surprisingly he called back and we talked I had wanted to talk about our break up cos I couldn't believe after 3 years he was just done like that. I did block him on everything and now I blocked his number not that he'll look me up or try to contact me again. He wants to be alone he said and idk why he kept my number now I feel like he kept it maybe to see if it's me texting or calling and not the fact he'll wanna talk in the future. I definitely ignored the whole no contact rule after this break up and I feel like there's no hope at all. He was the only person I could go to with stuff like this and now I feel like my whole world is gone. Yeah it was wrong to make him my whole world but I thought of it as trying to be a good girlfriend. Now I have to start all over I guess but I'm 30 ad he was my longest and I just feel like giving up right now. My sleep patern is out of whack I don't even feel joy with eating I don't do much on my days off except I guess try to do things for myself. It's not like I have a whole friend group like he does it just feels like it's so easy for him right now and things are looking up for him. I wanna believe he'll regret it but when I think about the fact I wouldn't even take me back as I am right now it just kills me. If i get better would he even want me would I even want him. I'm just struggling with the fact we both may be closing the door on this relationship forever, only comfort I get is not knowing what the future can bring. I just do t wanna be stupid I know we could be toxic I know he wasn't exactly changing either and do I even wanna go back. I just don't know anymore I feel so lost and hopeless right now I just needed to vent and maybe some advice.
submitted by Additional-Cow4536 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:37 TraditionalWalrus700 Me 19m and my girlfriend 19f broke up with me, give me your opinions about the whole situation?

My Girlfriend (19F) and me (19M) were hanging out on Monday 13th May and we were in the sun just minding our business. When i take out my phone to take a picture of us, she says to me “Can you delete it?) and i ask no questions about it, went on to my camera roll to delete the picture whereas she grabs my phone and deletes it herself and then proceeds to head over to recently deleted. She finds three photos of girls (one of the photos was two girls taking selfies with clothes on) the other two photos was just the same with mirrorpics and she was also fully clothed. My girlfriend asks “what are these photos?” At first I didn’t know what to answer but i went ahead and said well these photos turn me on and i didn’t really think through when i screenshotted must of forgotten them in the recently deleted folder. Well she then proceeds to walk away from me and i try to pack our things as fast as possible and when i catch up to her, she starts to be very violent and threatens to call the police on me for whatever reason? And thats when i drew the line and started to walk away and when i turn my back she says “go fuck your mother” and come to think of it, i should’ve punched her throat out but its only words from a crazy woman so no harm done really. The second all of this drama happened she blocked me literally everywhere. I usually call her from an private number in that way i can reach her but that day no call no nothing because i felt very ashamed for my actions and why i did that. I’ve never in my life felt so ashamed, anyways i call her the next day and she answers me and i tell her that i’ve missed her and i really wanna talk to her and she doesn’t reakky reapond with anything except for “mhm” or “yea” which I felt in that moment very awkward. But anyways didn’t think much of it.
The next day i call which is Wednesday 15 May and i tell her that i was outside her school and waiting for her to go and grab lunch, i go to grab lunch with her because she eats alone and doesn’t really have that many options of friends, so i try to make it easier for her and show up every lunch break she gets why i succeed to do literally the whole semester. Anyways i tell her over the phone that i was waiting for her but must of missed her and i did wait probably like 20-25 minutes because I was very eager to solve our little situation. (Btw the reason why i left was because i had already tried to call her and i was supposed to go pick up my mom from home to drop her off at work, otherwise would’ve waited longer) anyways i call her later on that day and tell her about and she said to me that her lunch break started earlier which is the reason why I must of missed her, she tells me that I should’ve came earlier to meet her in the library and yesterday.
(Btw we talked for an hour asked eachother how we are doing and try to connect a little which seemed like it worked, but i tried to make it clear that i still want to talk about our little incident)
Anyways yesterday I go out to meet her and I finally catch her and follow her to go eat, we both ordered food by this time we still haven’t greeted eachother only I was trying to get closer to her without trying to make her uncomfortable. I even ordered her favorite dip sauce for her french fries because she doesn’t usually order her itself because she gets limited money on a card from her school which means she can only buy some certain meals on the menu. When we get our food i go to her table to ask if i can sit her which she answers with no. And right there and then my appetite went away like crazy didn’t even touch the food.
When we were done I went outside to wait for her and there again I went after her to show her that I actually care for her and that I don’t wanna give up and leave her alone. We get to a bench and im trying to sit there and talk with her but she’s all silent and doesn’t speak I also brought to her that my therapist recommends that we go to her where we can sit and talk about our problems. She doesn’t respond to that. I then instead tried to tell her about how I actually feel about her and that she’s the most important person to me and that i love her etc.
When she goes back to school, her friend requests a follow on my instagram and I realized that my girlfriend which is my ex now had told her friend about what had happened and i was shocked because we never tell anyone about out problems and try to solve them ourselves.
So my stupid goes outta my way to buy her a bouquet of flowers and a little note with cute words. And again i tried to catch her after school which i did and she went to a place where she could talk to me at least what i thought but when i sat down she basically said that im a cheater and disrespectful and that she wants nothing to do with me and she’s moving on. I even tell her about her friend that is trying to follow me just because im used to telling her everything. And she responded with “yea she wants you to leave me alone” then i stood up and walked away.
Now I don’t know how many of you will agree with me but those guys who has actually given everything to their girlfriend and in return from her u basically get nothing which is my case, we all know how that feels and it’s literally the worst feeling ever because the relationship is only holding because of you which is me. The relationship was only one sided and my stupid ass was too blind to see it. I don’t think i was right for my actions but to call me cheater over that is really raising the bar. I can take and accept that it was disrespectful but yea it is what it is. I have witnessed this chick look at another man without a shirt while we were at the beach (me n her) for literally an hour if not longer. I told her “wtf is your problem? Why are you looking at him?” She actually has the guts to say “it was to get your attention” bruh what I even left her with him to show her im fucking pissed and my stupid feels sorry for her so i return and that son of a bitch who’s she’s looking at was smiling at me. That little piece of shit humilated me and i still took her home like the little birch i am. And there has been multiple times where she has done things shady but she doesn’t speak about them. I can might aswell call her the cheater for looking at him and humiliating me.
I don’t really know what to think of the situation but me n her aren’t speaking and I think it’s for the best but I still think we should’ve worked it somehow but what can you do. She can actually tell her friend to kiss my ass because ik this girl better than anyone.
submitted by TraditionalWalrus700 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:30 SaintJuvia My mum came back home after a 2 month vacation and I hate it

My mum went on a big holiday from two months and I was alone at home with my older brother, this has been the most peaceful two months of my life, she called every now and then but I always made sure I was busy, since the first call we had ended in a fight
It was amazing to feel like I was actually my age, I could go out and not worry about her calling me every hour for my exact location, not feeling like I was trapped or talked down to, I felt so much freedom.
My mum keeps telling I wouldn't survive on my own when I move out, but aside from my brother cooking some dinners and not as much expenses to pay compared to moving out, I did REALLY well. I was financially stable cause she didn't find any dumb reasons for me to fork over cash to her, I felt happy with myself, I was going out more often and making bigger strides in my career, I was getting things done and going out to the living room to relax without any dread. I was able to be more openly queer and not have to hide and endure her back handed comments towards my community
She's been back for one day and I've already gone back to putting my headphones in an hiding in my room
My mum doesn't like ANYTHING that belongs to me existing outside my room, including food and toiletries so she chucked everything right back in, making a mess of it.
She's told me off for every tiny things I've done in the past 24 hours, and put all the restrictions on how I can live back up, I despise it. I've struggled with trying to live with my ADHD, and it's impossible because she just refuses to give me any space to breathe, when she was gone, I got so much work done, I started taking driving lessons. My room never looked more organised. I felt free to actually USE my coping mechanisms and techniques without her making it more difficult for me
I woke up and heard her moving around the house and I felt absolutely depressed
It's too unstable out there for me to confidently move out, but not having her around for two months has made me know how much need to
She constantly tells me how she can't wait for me to leave and get out of her hair, but whenever I makes steps to leave, suddenly I can't survive in my own and I need to stay
She was aware I was happier without her, she mentioned it multiple times while on speaker with my brother. She's been aware that I don't love her for a very long time, but instead of looking at her behaviour, all she does is guilt me and push me further.
Her leaving made me finally realised how little I missed her.
submitted by SaintJuvia to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:29 Unique_Season9342 iphone X repair

iphone X repair
Hello, i live in qatar with no apple stores. so i cant go to the apple store to fix my phone. one day, i dropped my 64gb silver iphone x, and thousands of components just gave up. bluetooth chip, both cameras, face id. i fixed my phone in my local phone repair shop. he fixed the bluetooth ic chip for 180 qar, and he replaced the front camera and back camera. he told me that he fixed everything, yeah airdrop was working and both cameras. he told me that face id wont work. this was a few months ago. i really miss face id but i thought i would give it up and finish. but suddenly 2 weeks ago, my back camera just gave up, everything else works except the back camera. since the back camera doesnt work it glitches out the front camera then both dont work ( front works when i restart the phone but then it stops working after 5-10 mins) do yall suggest i go to a different repair shop because i feel like this repair shop is lying about the face id that it cant be repaired, when i connect my phone with the 3u tools program. it shows this below: , also the face id error message i will show it right now, so do yall think it is possible to fix face id or no? will send photo becuz this community dont allow vids.
submitted by Unique_Season9342 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:27 GreedyPersonality390 Power of Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat

Power of Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Ayat e karima ka wazifa for hajat
Need over here simply refers to anything we want to have or want fulfilled; be it a necessity, an option or a desire. The focal can be any of these: health, wealth, achievement, marriage, children, practical difficulties or things that you value in this world. Ayatut Tama is a qu'ranic aya whose action is a chasa with an aspiration that the wish is grant.
Stars (Wazifa) Achieving purpose
Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat, Accessory verse-like prayer service is consequently assumed to be very flowing and capable of making supplication requests to be used to be granted in specific. Some of its key benefits are:For example, it includes:
  • It cuts down with the difficulties quickly means that speed is many times higher the traditional way. They might be war, lack of love, starvation, depression, or whatever you can imagine to be awful.
  • Another merit that healthy nutrition possesses is that it is a factor for people`s health and recovery from illnesses. The wazifa act as a medium through which one can transfer all the bad energies away all to only positive energies near to the person.
  • By getting Christian marriage, some people expect their kids to follow the perfect path the parents have established. And in a second, He will grant us peace and make us Allah’s happy people in the Quran. It is instrumental in helping to maintain women's health before and during pregnancy and birth too.
  • Income increase undoubtedly follow by an increase in sources of income in addition to its sustenance and barakah process. Very many broke people, that are stuck in poverty, also like this litany.
  • In doing so it has a capability to eliminate and cancel out any negative energy emitted by the unwelcoming creature within the environment or the whole household. It is a physical barrier that provides shield from these powers.
  • The procedure allows a single individual to work on the issue and come up with better proposals. It does the same, which, one time, delivered their marriage.
  • This ayat e karima is not only potent mustard but also very useful for winning cases, exams, and interviews.
  • It is a useful tool of reason among the people that makes up a community and brings harmony in cases of gender conflicts and those that involves the immediate family members.
    Therefore, the company guarantees that the query is properly answered at any single point in a very short time. Symmetry should be involved in conducting this part as well.
That is Basmalah, Qur'an's most referred and liked verse contained in this Waaziifah.
The verse used in this wazifa is the 255th verse from Surah Baqarah, the 2nd chapter of the Holy Quran:The verse in this wazifa is verse 255 of chapter Baqarah in the Quran, which is the only chapter, second in proportion.
Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat , "Allah!Allah is the only God with no equal; He is the Ever Living, the Everlasting (Saying this literally – the Ever Living, the Eternal). At no time is his eyelid drooping a reflection of being asleep even when sleepovercame. The only endowment He has is what is in the skies and on earth. Is there an intermediary other than one whom God declares to be a valid intercessor?
He is conscious of everything that precedes them and everything that succeeds them; yet He has no liking of their knowledge regarding His knowledge except what He willed of it. He is sitting on the throne of the King of the heavens and the earth, and establishing the harmony and their existence is not trouble for Him. He is Almighty the Most High and the Big. " (2:The other thing would be the class studying on the Renaissance may thus be able to talk about various events that transformed the old feudal system into the modern society.
Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat, A construction on the street of angelic goodwill and the other construction from the holy sentences of Holy the Quran.
This Magical incantation will be helpful to be prayed all days for 41 days in order to achieve the request in which one’s desires will be fulfilled. The procedure is as follows:The step-by-step process will be as follows:
  1. The treatment should by prescribed on Thursday- the night before the first day of the week. First, wash the hands and face and sit in the best direction with the back towards the qibla.
  2. Durood-e-Shareef must be muttered for eleven times and it can be termed as a twice blessing of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the starting point.
  3. Scratch done now read surah Baqarah 255 times number 1125.
  4. Then pray durood shareef or pyaar onee or may the Quranic words collected by recitation of wazifa reach to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and make a supplication that the wazifa is accepted.
  5. Now start reciting the zikar as soon and as frequently as possible and continue the recitation for 41 days revelantly. Have faith and patience. However, the same still might not be realized within this time bracket, I live in hope that my wish soon comes true by God`s will.
  6. This would be 41 more days if unforeseen circumstances lead to a delay. Nevertheless, the ease of the warm-up is momentarily the first round.
Important Notes Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Paid and concentration are the most important things to consider doing Salah. So it is obvious that you strictly follow Islamic teachings in your daily deeds. Life is a test in which we practice to please Allah to avoid the bad things. Also connect namaz and zikr with good deeds for union of these and more strength of this wazifa.
Conclusion About Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Qur'an admits that Allah is the One who would legitimately answer those who worship Him with salah. Ayat e Karima deciphering is the shortest way of making wishes from a Lord (Who is the most merciful, knows all and the one who is in charge). Many have experienced this beautiful thing and there is no magic words that can describe the sheer amazement when it becomes true.
Thus, do not add anything beside Him in your heart to enjoy this imperishable dua which is considered the dua for need in the category of this particular dua. The prophet of Islam (PBUH) believed that recitation of this verse into the house could never allow poverty to get there. In this case, I would like to add respond sincerely and try Allah helping me pass this easily. Ameen.
Online Free Consultation With Maulana Ji Please Visit:

AyatEKarima #WazifaForHajat #Zikr #IslamicRemedy #SpiritualHealing #DuaPower #PrayerWorks #MiraclesOfQuran #MuslimFaith #DivineIntervention #BlessingsFromAllah #SeekingHajat #FaithAndPrayer #QuranicChanting #SolveYourProblemsFromQuran #AllahsMercy #GuidanceFromQuran #DivineHelp #CallingUponAllah #HajatFulfillment #PowerOfFaith

submitted by GreedyPersonality390 to u/GreedyPersonality390 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:25 Unique_Season9342 iPhone X Repair

Hello, i live in qatar with no apple stores. so i cant go to the apple store to fix my phone. one day, i dropped my 64gb silver iphone x, and thousands of components just gave up. bluetooth chip, both cameras, face id. i fixed my phone in my local phone repair shop. he fixed the bluetooth ic chip for 180 qar, and he replaced the front camera and back camera. he told me that he fixed everything, yeah airdrop was working and both cameras. he told me that face id wont work. this was a few months ago. i really miss face id but i thought i would give it up and finish. but suddenly 2 weeks ago, my back camera just gave up, everything else works except the back camera. since the back camera doesnt work it glitches out the front camera then both dont work ( front works when i restart the phone but then it stops working after 5-10 mins) do yall suggest i go to a different repair shop because i feel like this repair shop is lying about the face id that it cant be repaired, when i connect my phone with the 3u tools program. it shows this below: , also the face id error message i will show it right now, so do yall think it is possible to fix face id or no?
submitted by Unique_Season9342 to phonerepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:22 Rare_Zookeepergame82 Guys, r/MartletAppreciation is about appreciating her. It isn't about PORN. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE if you want you're gross artwork on it. This is about "appreciating" her. Not simping, not shipping, and especally not porn or suggestive stuff.

Guys, MartletAppreciation is about appreciating her. It isn't about PORN. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE if you want you're gross artwork on it. This is about
Get you're "cry for freedom" excuse out of here. Yous just love you're porn and want it shared and to poision everything. This is disgusting and this is like the ONE TIME I actually liked a mod's decision to remove something. If you love MARTLET PORNOGRAPGY WHERE SHE GFHSDL:HGW*ESRGFHYWSDFuhp WITH HER oigs';fuygs;dfijo then go somewhere else where you can "ENJOY" that. Yous are disgusting and love porn and LOVE IT. It's just normal to you IT"S DISGUSTING TO ME. Get over your'sefd
I want to just like her without PORN PORN PORN PORN PORN PORN I WANT IT to be all I ever hear from all of yous. I HATE HATE HAT EHAT HEATAHEITAEIHTASEIT I want porn to die. It's infected everything I love and I hate it so much. IT"S SO embarresing guys. It's really embarresing how yous hide you're intentions and it all under "it being unfair" and "moderator abuse" and "artistic freedom" when it really is just yous are horny and love destorying EVERYT SINLE PIECAE OF INNOCENTCE IN THIS CHarachsal;thfsea;f.
This isn't even just about this bird, it's about everything. It's like, can I have a nice little community of Martlet Appreciators without needing porn porn poRN PORN. "WE NEED MARTLET PORN ON THIS SERVER" being all that I hear???
I HAte POrN I hATE PORn! It's KILLED mey childhood or something I HATE IT I HATE IT I I HATE PORN. I Hwant it to die so badly I would GISUDGI"I"I"I"I"D!!! WHY?!?!? WHY DO YOUS CARE SO MUCH!?!
This exact same thing happened on the "Undertale Yellow" subreddit wiuth you guys going all "Oh, but it isn't striaght up porn so it's good" to soft core porn and undergarments and horny Martlet art. Also with shipping. Don't tell me "slippery slope" isn't real when it LIETTERLY HAPPENED on the other subreddit a month ago.
JUST STOP. I HATE PORN, I HATE PORN and I HaetraTE PoRN! Also this is a nice sub reddit and we should be nice. ^V^
This was litteraly one of this subreddit's posts. \"It isn't a slipperly slope\" you liars. Yous already did it three months ago.
This is also someone's profile iamge on this server. It's a submissive GROSS artwork. THough the style is great. Such wasted talent.
This image is of \"boy kisser\". It is already here.
This FGREAKLING PORN yous all love so much. If Martlet could see all this she'd HATE US. HATE HATE likeE I HATE PORN!
Just STOP IT ARleadyTG"ISd! GEEZ Ruin a seuxalisted character, not her.
She'd firstly be worried, confused and sad.
And then she'd hate us all and call us disgusting.
I AM noT like yous at ALL. I just like her as a nice and coolo character. >:(
submitted by Rare_Zookeepergame82 to MartletAppreciation [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:20 Financial-Bonus7595 Arranged marriages are scary, what if…. (I’m 24F)

Back in 2018, my cousin brought his girlfriend of 10 years (school love) and her parents to home for marriage talks. Long story short, the meeting went downhill and they broke up.
He slipped into depression. He already had mental health issues since childhood because of his parents’ divorce. The breakup took a serious toll on him and he would talk about unaliving himself to my father. My dad being his father figure, got really concerned about him and what would happen to my bua if he does something like that, as he is her only son.
So he thought the best solution to my cousin’s su*cidal tendency was to find a girl for him and get him married asap. I was only 18 and yet I tried to talk to my dad that this is not a good idea. How can he marry another girl when he’s clearly not over his ex? Is it ok to ruin her life?
But obviously no one listened to me, my cousin said yes to the first girl he met. It felt like he just wanted to get done with it. The girl was extremely beautiful but only BSc while my cousin is an IIT graduate. It didn’t quite sit right with my bua, our family values education a lot, so she wanted to look for better matches. But he showed no further interest so they got engaged and this was just one month after his breakup. He was taking antidepressants and his medical history, his recent breakup, everything was kept a secret from the bride’s family. Preparations for the wedding were underway, when it came to light that the bride has still not finished her graduation (She had failed final exams twice and was waiting for third attempt). My family started reconsidering this alliance, thinking how could they hide this from us. I was furious at the hypocrisy. But my cousin said it doesn’t matter, he wants his wife to be a homemaker anyway and my family thought that another broken relationship would do him more harm, so they got married a month after the engagement.
I genuinely feel sad for my sister in law. I wonder if my cousin really loves her as much as he loved his ex girlfriend. On the outside, they seem like a happy family, but it’s the opposite. My bua and dadi often bitch about my SIL over how she has no career, no ambitions and how he is way beyond her league. They say she married him only for a well settled life. But she’s pretty so I guess she’s trying to become big on insta (she makes those cringe lipsync reels but gets no views) and my bua finds that embarrassing. They had a lot of fights prompting my cousin to move out. Even after having a daughter, he used to come to my dad and talk for hours. He told him that he missed his ex, he sees her in his dreams and all. I’ve asked my dad multiple times “Are you happy with what you did?” “What else did you expect to happen in their marriage?” And his answer to me always is “At that time I just didn’t want him to die.”
This whole scenario, witnessed by me first hand, just made me hate arranged marriages. I realised that it’s so transactional, so superficial, and so conniving. You’re playing a gamble, even if you might think your parents have picked out a good match for you. There’s so many dark secrets hidden behind those smiling, approachable faces which you’ll only unearth after getting married. And it’s worse for the girl because she is the newest member of the family and has to live her whole life there. I know not all AMs can be generalised like this, but I decided it’s not for me nuh uh. I hope people out there take adequate time to get to know each other before marriage and don’t hush into saying yes, as is usually the case with AM. And please move on, get over your ex first before ruining someone else’s life.
submitted by Financial-Bonus7595 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]
