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2024.06.01 09:41 Wise-Judgment-4347 Am I the asshole if I refuse to go home because I think I might commit suicide if I do.

I'll be leaving uni for home in a few days time, but I just got off the phone after talking with my parents and siblings and had felt triggered about the past 2 years and how I almost commited suicide because of all the stress and pressure of putting up with what had transpired. For context, I'm 24 (F) in my last year of uni, and I have two brothers 30(M) and (5M) who live with my parents (Both in their late 50's), who live in the country side. I had been diagnosed with heart disease when I was in highschool and since then things have been tough for me, with losing all my weight and having to go through three different schools just to complete high school because of my health, but since then I have got the hang of taking care of myself and my symptoms, I have gained weight, made it to uni (which was a suprise not only to myself but my teachers as well) and am almost done with uni, and I could not be prouder. However, this past week has been a roller coaster, with thoughts of committing suicide lurking in every corner, I didn't know why at first but after talking to my parents on the phone bits of memories came flooding back to me about how I thought I reached my point of living and that my heart was gonna give out any moment or that it would be better if I'd just off myself with that sharp knife in the corner by slitting my wrists open. You see, my mum had this really bad lung infection the Christmas of 2022 while I was home for the holidays, and I took on most of the responsibility of taking care of her from 5am in the morning to the next morning where I'd sleep at 3am after ensuring she was okay, then wake up to do it all again. Don't get me wrong, I loved taking care of my mum, it made me happy that I could be there when she was at her weakest to lend her the strength and care she deserved after taking care of me all these years. It all happened one afternoon when my brother has come home afted being gone all day and did not even receive an earful from my parents (or mainly my dad) like I did for being out for just 2 hours to unwind from taking care of my mum and nursing her back to health all while not having any contact with friends or the outside world then our yard for almost 2 months, I was called selfish by my dad and told that my actions were stupid that if my mum would die I'd look stupid crying for her just like my mum's sister who chose to go out and meet friends the day her father died, that I was supposed to be at home with mum taking care of her. My dad is a stay at home dad, my older brother dropped out of college and my mum is the sole bread winner of the family. While my mum was sick, my dad would get groceries, attend to church meetings, ensure the yard was kept clean lend a hand when it was needed with caring for mum while my brother ate, slept on time, had time to meet friends, throw his plates in the sink without washing them and not lending a hand with helping mum. Meanwhile I spent my days bathing her, dressing her, feeding her, massaging her body, changing her hot water in her mugs to ensure she stayed hydrated because that's all she could drink without coughing , cleaning her sleeping area and sanitizing it everytime she had to go to bed after a warm bath as well as watching over her as she slept to ensure her pillows were placed in a way that didn't obstruct her airflow all while also ensuring that everyone's laundry was done and put away, food was cooked and served, plates were washed and put away, my little brother was cared for also while doing part of my dad's work around the house to ensure he got enoughg sleep at night, since we lived by the country side there were a lot of chores to do around the house as most of the things were done manually or by hand. I did this until she got back on her feet and was able to do little things around the house without my help. After a week or two when my mum had improved told my parents that I'll be gone the next day after lunch to see my friend and that normally before mum got sick Friday was a free day for me that I get an off day of doing house work. So the day came, I dressed up (I felt pretty after not being able to do that in a whole) and left after ensuring that my big brother was home to assist mum whenever she needed and also checked on my mum to see if she was okay and that she didn't need my help before I stepped out of the house at 2pm. The walk to my friend's house felt like heaven, with sun in my face, the breeze on my face and the skip in my step. I spent the afternoon talking, laughing and having a good time with my friend before going home at 5pm, happy and satisfied that the day had brought me so much joy and relieved my stress. I got and came in with a big Hello, to everyone in the house, my dad didn't say anything, he just sat there looking so mad. And that's when he proceeded to call me selfish and compare me to my mother's sister all while my mother and brother sat there saying nothing, I atleast thought they would've spoken up to say that I needed the break, but they didn't. I cried as ai stood there listening to my dad utter out harsh words until I couldn't listen to him anymore. I proceeded muster up a less shaky voice and said the following "I apologies for going out to see my friend and I apologies mum and dad it won't happen again, but the thing is I needed this, after taking care of mum and the house I just needed a break. My brother gets to go out, meet friend and talk to them and even stay out till late but he never gets scolded but when I do it's different. I do everything in this house, I take care of mum, wash all of your clothes, cook the food, feed you all and even wash up after everything and you big brother can't even wash your own plate or lend a hand. Oh and dad I spend the time I get after mum finally rests during the day to do some of your chores to cut down the amount of time you spend doing them in order for you to get a good night's rest and I go to sleep early in the morning just to wake up after 2 hours and do it all again. So I'm sorry that I had to go out, but I really needed it." After saying all that, I went up to my room and cried the whole night. The next morning I came downstairs at 10am to find my dad washing up and my mum on her phone, it was a quiet day, I thought my brother was in his room, then the we got heard that he had actually left in the morning to go visit my aunt who is a 30 minute drive from our house, where he spent the day hanging out with friends and cousins before coming back home at 6pm with my grandma who came to spend a week with us. My dad upon hearing the news that my brother was had left in the morning just shook his head and said that my brother should have stayed and lend a hand around the house, but after my brother got back I was hoping he'd get the same scolding my dad gave me, well that never happened. I went to my mum and asked her why wasn't daddy scolding my big brother and she did not say anything so I spoke up and said aloud, "wow, so I get a scolding for staying out for just 3 hours but he gets to stay out for an entire day without helping out around here and he gets welcomed home?" I then went to my room because I didn't want them to see the tears that started to fall, then it hit me when I was in my room crying, everything that happened over the years on how differently I was treated, my accomplishments my birthday's and even my sickness. It hit me how differently I was treated, my brother had big graduation foods prepared and his graduations were celebrated from primary all the way to high school and little courses while I just had a well done from my parents even after taking in prices since I was in elementary, thought they'd take me out to eat a celebratory lunch after my high school graduation because it was the hardest part of my life to pass but all I got was a disgusted look and a 'thats what your wearing?' after at my graduation after I took my gown off to take pictures. I can't remember the time I blew out candles for my birthday or when a party was thrown for me, but my brother somehow has a cake for most of his birthdays and he had a really big party once with four big cakes, a whole roasted pig, lots of food and even had all his friends invited. When i reaches the age of 14, the same age he was when my parents threw him a party, I thought I'd have the same too, but I didn't, and still had not one party until I turned 24. The day I turned 23, was a month after my mum got better, I spent the whole day cooking for everyone, was wished happy birthday after realising it was my birthday, I then told them I'd come down to eat later after I take a nap and that they should serve the food and leave mine on the dining table. I came down to find they ate most of the food, and I was only placed only a bit of food in my plate. I got mad and hit my plate on the table with just a little food spilling over, my dad saw this and screamed at me and told me that my future husband would beat me up and that my life will be miserable and bad because of what I did. Well you guessed it, I went back to my room crying, and that blade in my bag looked so tempting against my wrists. I also remember when my brother dropped out of college that I was blamed by my parents, with my dad telling me on my way back from the grocery store that I'm the reason my brother ended up like how he is because they show me too much favour growing up. And when my big brother was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after dropping out of college after misuse of alcohol and drugs my mum religiously took to the internet to search for diets, information and everything to do with it until he became better and she continued doing so for every little sickness like flu, meanwhile my heart disease was never on her search list. She even signed up for YouTube videos and lessons on everything to do with my brother health, and mind you my heart disease was diagnosed 6 years before he got bipolar. I left for school after the holidays, still exhausted and stressed from the entire experience. My body had reached its lowest point, I could feel my heart was tired, I was ready to die in my bed in my dorm, I had made peace that if my heart passed out before while rest I'd be okay with it. That's third year of uni was hell for me, my body never really recovered, I kept getting sick, had malaria countless times as well as typhoid three times in a row the same year. The stress combined with with the state of my immunity caused me to be sent to various medical officers and clinics to get my blood samples and x-rays to find what was wrong with me, why after being treated and cured my body felt sick. They thought I had tuberculosis, others thought I had STI's but all tests came back negative, and mind you all these tests cost money and my parents weren't happy with what they were spending for me to get this tests. It came to a point when I called my mum to tell her that I feel really sick and I'm stressed with my assignments, only for her to say "you're always sick, everytime we call you're sick. Don't you know we're tired of this, stop trying to get sick!". I'm tired of getting sick too mum, I thought to myself as I got off the call and stared at the pile of medicine Infront of me prescribed by the doctor as well as my heart meds, and they were too much, my mum's words over the phone kept playing in my head I I got my the blade on my study table and pressed it into my left wrist lightly drew it over to cut the skin, the pain felt soothinf, calming even, then I wondered how it would feel if I placed the knife on my study table and fell on it to pierce my heart, would the pain feel good? Would the thoughts stop? Would mum stop complaining? Would they mis me? What would happen to my body? Then I thought better of it and wrote in my dairy ro stop myself from doing ealxactly that then I was distracted by my medicine Infront of me with thoughts of "they would never know if you take all these and overdose, it'll be a painless death." The remainder of third year continued like these, with sickness and suicide thoughts until I went for job internship at a company I've always wanted to work in and life was good because i didnt for home for the holidays and I spent the holidays at school in my little dorm room with friends who looked out for me. Then 2024 rolled around and I'm properly rested, no stress and I'm happy. That's is until a month ago when my parents bought me my ticket to go back home to see them for the holidays that I spiralled, I had completely locked those memories away, but after every phone call this past month I'm left a crying mess with flashes of words said and feelings felt during that time and I go back to thinking of suicide. I nearly commited suicide on the 16th of may, i was truly gonna go throught with it, I wanted to so bad if only I did not see the bible verses in front of me amd if my roommates hadn't come back early. But I know, if I do go home now, I might actually commit suicide, if something like what happened in the past happens again, or if they say another harsh word, I wouldn't think twice of dying, because I'm done, I truly am.
submitted by Wise-Judgment-4347 to u/Wise-Judgment-4347 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:24 Diligent-Radish2230 I was raped multiple times and no one believed me that night

It’s a long winded story about how it started. I’ll skip to the parts that are relevant to this sub. My ex basically took advantage of me one night. I’ll never fucking forget it. I technically consented in the beginning. I did not know that he was fucking me to humiliate me. Once I found out I felt like I had been raped but I know it’s not rape because I only regretted it after. My exs brother walked in to what he was doing to me. He said it was rape. I tried to express that it wasn’t rape but his brother shook his head and said that it was rape he saw I wasn’t enjoying it. I tried to decline all processes but I wasn’t allowed to. I get to the hospital so they can take a dna sample. I tell the nurses to please stop it’s not rape. They stop.
I remember what they said to me. They told me that I was disgusting for lying and that I was scum for doing that. I tearfully apologized and left the hospital with the police. I tell the police that it wasn’t true it wasn’t rape and they put on the report that I lied. I remember what they said to me too “ we’re going to put that you lied on this case so that if you ever try to say you were raped again no one will believe you.” I remember agreeing and hoping that it wouldn’t happen to me. Unfortunately it did happen to me again. That same night, he raped me multiple times but what was I to do? The police weren’t going to help me. His brother had stood by and watched me get raped again. At one point I think he even joined in. He was never on my side either. “ you deserved it anyways I never liked you.” I know I’m not always the best person, but I try to be. I tried and tried to get help but who was going to help me now?
I still cry most nights when I think about it.
submitted by Diligent-Radish2230 to rapecounseling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:45 Candid-Bet-951 My director is nuts and I’ve finally had enough

I’ve known her since I was a kid and she’s like a sister to me, but she has seriously lost it. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s about to lose the entire GI department. I feel like I need to move on right now to preserve our personal relationship. She has become borderline abusive towards staff and then tries to scare us in to staying by telling us it will be worse anywhere else we go. I admit she has gotten in my head a bit and I would like to leave nursing all together because if this is the best I’m going to get, I don’t want to do it at all anymore.
I completely redid my resume today and submitted 2 applications not remotely related to Periop, but still nursing positions. We’ll see how it goes. I’m also considering transferring to the ER to keep my time with the hospital, but distance myself from the department.
This is mostly just a rant because I don’t have anywhere else to talk all this out.
Edit because I got distracted and didn’t finish deleting a sentence I chose not to include.
submitted by Candid-Bet-951 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:38 SeasonLow164 How do I (26 F) resolve tensions over a delivery room incident involving my husband (26 M)?

So, I (26 F) recently had a very bright baby boy, and my husband (26 M) is very upset with how it all played out in the hospital. We had planned to have a child for quite some time, and we both agreed we wanted one and only one. It took a good while to even get the chance to have a child, but when I finally was pregnant, we were both extremely excited. I had a rather standard pregnancy I would say, with normal ups and downs, but I wouldn't say there was any major issues (which is genuinely surprising considering how things tend to go for me). I will say that around the start of the 3rd trimester, it was not uncommon to feel like I was asleep constantly, kinda in a dream where you're half conscious. When I finally was due, things went well until we actually made it to a room.
After about 2 hours, a nurse came up to me and told me everyone was going to removed from the room, but I could pick people who could stay. There was a lot going on, and I just picked out my mother and my sister, as they had both had children and I figured they would be the most comfortable with birthing. The actual birthing process I remember very little about, but fortunately everything went fine as far as I could tell in the moment.
Problems came up about 2 days after I left the hospital, where my husband was extremely distant, which is completely out of character. I figured it was fatigue as there had been a whole lot going on, but he soon confronted me saying that he felt completely betrayed and that I had stolen the biggest moment of his entire life. It got to the point where he seemed to be trying to guilt trip me, saying that every man looks forward to the birth of their child more than anything in life, and that was the most important point of his life right there, which he had been denied the right to be around for. I somewhat understand why the moment held great sentimental value for him, but in the moment I did not see it that way, and alot was going on when that decision was sprung on me. Essentially, I understood his frustration, but felt like my actions were understandable in the moment. We had discussed a large amount of possibilities, but never if he would be in the room during birth, and I see why in hindsight. I did not think it was that large of an issue, and he thought it was so obvious that every father would be there to witness the birth of their child, and I should have wanted him there to support me. Telling him I didnt assume he would be there has only upset him more, as that made him respond saying I was making it out like he was less of a parent than me. Whatever our reasoning for it, he feels like he lost out on the biggest moment of his life, and I do feel incredibly bad that things worked out the way they did, but I do not think it was really my fault.
We put it to rest for a bit and resumed the conversation later, where I found out two major points that I believe sent him over the edge on the matter. He had apparently attempted to "force" his way into the room (my husband is a very large man, I neither think he would actually put hands on those nurses, nor would he have been unable to get in if he needed to). He felt that the fact he was treated the way he was even when he desperately wanted to enter the room was a sign that he was unwanted and that already his position as the father was irrelevant to most. Not going too far into his past for privacy reasons, but he's always had a complex about women being considered better parents, and this largely stems from him being a child of divorce where he lost his father who he looked up to. I feel like even that may be too much about his personal details though. The second important factor was that the two people I did choose, my mother and sister, were apparently quite harsh to him about the entire ordeal.
For what my sister and mother had said, I asked them and they vaguely confirmed that they had talked about how upset they would be at their husbands if they were not in the room. I believe they had a disconnect on what they actually meant here, as my mother seems to have meant it in a more "Why didn't he fight for you" kinda way, where her husband (my father) would've pushed any nurse aside to make sure he was next to her. Very standard older couple things, nothing too shocking for my mother, however my sister was much more confusing, as she was most upset that he had attempted to argue with the nurse and disrespect my wishes. My husband and my sister never got along, and I think subconsciously I figured it would be a bad idea to have them in the same room when tensions were so high too.
To be blunt, I understand that in some cases there would be a reason to keep the father out, but not my husband. He's not immature, controlling, or violent, and I believe if it had been pointed out to me I would've agreed to have him in there if I knew how much it meant to him. This is not a case of me feeling uncomfortable with him being in there, it just wasn't something I thought about, and was never made aware of.
With the situation explained, I don't really know what to do going forward? Even if I completely side with my husband and admit to wrongdoing, will that even solve the issues? It's not like I can do back and reverse the decision, and I feel this has largely served as a battleground between my side of the family and my husband. I don't want to ask if I should directly side with my husband or my family on this matter, but what route is there to best make everyone happy?
submitted by SeasonLow164 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

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2024.06.01 00:52 AngelWithAPencil I peed in a cup for nothing

I need to get a medical form filled out so I can give it to a hospital I’m interested in working at, but my doctor worried that they will not accept information from 2022. So, I’m doing some new tests.
Today I went to do blood work. But they also wanted a urine test. I told the nurse that I am on my period. She said “That’s fine! I’ll give you some wipes”. So after I am jabbed in the arm, I go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for a good 3 minutes because of course my body does not cooperate. But I got the sample. You can picture what it looked like.
I give it to the nurse and as I am about to leave, another nurse comes to me and tells me “Since you’re on your menstrual cycle, we cannot accept the sample. You’ll have to come back when you’re not on your period.” I look at her, and then I look at the other nurse who took my blood and also told me that it didn’t matter.
She avoided eye contact. So that’s how my Friday went.
Edit: I just realized that she did not sterilize (wipe the area down before inserting the needle) before jabbing me so I’m hoping it doesn’t get infected since it still hurts and has a red line now
submitted by AngelWithAPencil to PointlessStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:03 ThorsHammock Tube free yippee!!

I’m resting at home after my bisalp! I’ve read just about every post on here for the past few months so I figured I’d share my story too. I’m so grateful for this wonderful community, and I hope my story helps someone the way you all helped me! Long post ahead, but I wanted to give all the details for those that want them.
I was raised very conservative, and saw children as something you had to have because there was no other option. I remember the moment when I was 14 and found out it was something you could opt out of, and immediately knew that was the path for me! I was 21 when I got my IUD, and if I could have just gotten sterilized then, I would have.
7 years later (this past January), I realized my IUD expires in November. I had a pretty terrible experience with the insertion, although it has served me well these years. I realized I didn’t want to go through that again, so I started looking into sterilization instead. I found this community, and the list of doctors. My consult was scheduled for end of February. Even choosing from the list, I was nervous about the consult, but everything went well. She did give me some alternative options (in American healthcare, giving alternative options to any procedure is a mandated part of the informed consent process) but when I declined, we spent the rest of the visit going over the procedure itself. We decided on a bisalp and IUD removal.
I was offered an appointment less than a month later, but with work and life plans, I opted to schedule out until the end of May. I didn’t have a separate pre-op appointment, just a phone call with an anesthesiologist about a month before.
That brings us to today! I was feeling pretty nervous this morning. I usually have a large breakfast so not eating wasn’t fun. I was allowed to have water and black coffee up to 2 hours before my appointment, and I’m so thankful I got to have my coffee!
My husband and I checked in and I was taken back almost immediately. They needed a urine sample for a pregnancy test, then I was asked to put on the gown and grippy socks. They got my vitals and inserted my IV. So far, the IV was the worst part of it. I have small veins, so I did have to get stuck twice. After that was over, they brought my husband back. My anesthesiologist came and went over everything and had me sign consents, then my doctor came in and had me sign some more consents.
I waited a little bit for the room to be prepared, then they came in to grab me. The anesthesiologist gave me some anti-anxiety meds. It felt like having a really strong cocktail. They wheeled me to the operating room, and put an oxygen mask on my face. They asked me to breathe deeply as they gave me the anesthetic. The anesthetic burned a little as it went in my arm (which they said was normal) and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery!
The first thing I asked was ‘are they gone?’ And the nurse told me yes, and the procedure went very well! She asked my pain level and I said about a 6 (although at this point I don’t even remember any pain) and she gave me some IV pain meds. I was given some apple sauce and they went and told my husband to bring the car around. I got up, got dressed, and they wheeled me to the car.
I am a little phlegmy and sore from the breathing tube, and my first trip to the bathroom burned a little from the catheter (only the first time, it’s been fine since) but I’m feeling surprisingly normal!
I’ll be taking it easy at home with my cats for the next week. 28 years old, childfree, and never have to worry about pregnancy again. I feel like this giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders! If you made it this far, thanks for letting me share. If my anxious ass can make it through, you can too! Wishing every one of you an experience as easy and straightforward as mine!
TLDR: no more fallopian tubes, it was easy, I’m feeling great!
submitted by ThorsHammock to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:51 rintintintintin Remote positions

Hello I have been applying to remote positions for the past 9 months with no responses from any of them (other than rejections). What am I doing wrong? I have a standard nursing resume and have experience >10 years. I have applied from clinical nursing positions to education to utilization. Any advice ?
submitted by rintintintintin to Nurses [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:35 looplox The Raifee Wood Ranger Guide: Entry 40, The Strawberry Fête

Can you hear that? It sounds like the Strawberry Fête has been set up in the usual spot by the central lake. I imagine they’ll be there for a few days so you should all visit when you can. The sooner the better, however. Keep an eye on the cloche.” - Mabel
The start of summer is a strange time in Raifee Wood. Just as the dour and deadly creatures of the colder months retreat (or at least settle down a little), the more mischievous beings of the warmer months begin to rear their heads. The Strawberry Fête is one such group, making two visits each year: Once near the end of May and another at the end of July. While the exact day of their arrival is never consistent, you’ll know when they’re here- the raucous music can be heard throughout the forest. They’ll linger in the woods for a few days before vanishing, so if you choose to visit, it is best to go as soon as possible.
For once, you have a choice of whether you wish to expose yourself to the potential dangers of the fête. It is entirely self-sufficient so Mabel does not have any tasks for us to do for them. The only reason to go is to trade: While the opportunity is valuable, you must evaluate the risk yourself.
Before visiting the Strawberry Fête, consider what you are willing to trade. For some of the more unusual items, you will need specific things, but also consider bringing the following to trade for standard goods:
In addition to your trade items, find the red basket in the supply closet and grab one of the cords inside it. If there aren’t any left, wait until someone returns- you must not enter the Fête without one.
  1. The Strawberry Fête takes place next to the central lake of Raifee Wood. The fête is quite noisy, but you will not be able to see it. Locate the petrified stump on the lake’s border. Next to it, you should see a small circle of rocks- this is the location of the Strawberry Fête. Do not touch the circle or step into it until you are ready.
  2. There is a branch on the petrified stump which you should knot the cord tightly to. Tie the other end around your wrist. We are not 100% certain what the cords are, but after examining one, Natalia compared it to an umbilical cord specimen she saw during her nursing course. We’ve decided that we shouldn’t ask Mabel about them- we'd rather not know. Whatever they are, they're a crucial tether to the mortal world and without being tied to one, you won’t be able to leave the Strawberry Fête.
  3. When you’re ready, jump into the circle. Ensure you don’t fall over and that both of your legs enter the circle at once. If you try to step into it or stumble and land only partially in the circle, part of your body will be ripped into the Fête while the rest remains in the Wood. I’ve only seen it once before and it’s… gruesome.
  4. When you enter the Fête, you will see a bustling market filled with vendor stalls, a bandstand and a maypole. Everything will be contained within a ring of tall standing stones, much larger than the ones you saw in the wood. Do not stray beyond these stones at any point during your visit. The mist outside has the same quality as the mist surrounding Raifee Wood- it is incredibly corrosive.
  5. The vendors and customers at the Strawberry Fête are the typical sprites you will see flitting around Raifee Wood, although much larger than you will be accustomed to. Usually no taller than a pencil, the ones in the Fête are just a foot or two shorter than the average human. Unfortunately, this makes their unusual features more notable too. Big, expressive eyes look fine when the sprites are small, but up close the way their pupils bulge and dilate is unsettling. The twitchiness of their dragonfly wings and sharp teeth can be unnerving too. Refrain from commenting on these things. Sprites are easily offended and will either refuse to trade with you or make your visit actively difficult if they feel slighted.
  6. While you are walking around the Fête, you will notice that your cord stretches upwards, disappearing from sight. Nobody should mention or bother you about it but do not remove it at any point. A few sprites may try to convince you to untie it: To help you try something on, or for them to hold onto while you dance. Firmly reject these suggestions, even if they seem upset- they know full well what they’re doing. Thankfully, due to our status as rangers, the sprites won’t try to forcefully cut or untie your cord, save for in a specific place. More on that later…
  7. When you arrive, look for a cloche, in the middle of the Fête. Inside, you will see a cluster of strawberries with human faces. Note the appearance of the fruit. As the Fête continues, the berries will degrade, shrivelling as the faces twist into pained expressions. Check on the cloche every 20 minutes or so. It is very easy to lose track of time in the fête, and you do not want to be around when the strawberries are completely rotten.
  8. There are normally several stalls selling food throughout the market. Do not buy or eat anything. While perfectly fine for the sprites, the majority of sprite delicacies cause nasty side-effects for humans or contain ingredients that you don’t want to consume. The pasty vendor is especially pushy, so avoid him. He has a sadistic interest in getting rangers to try his goods claiming that they’re ‘a taste from home’. Fortunately, nobody has tried any of them yet- sprite wordplay is painfully blatant.
  9. Aside from food, many of the stalls will be peddling unusual but useful supplies which can be traded for using the general items listed at the top of the entry. Fertilisers for keeping the cottage’s St John’s Wort healthy, winter furs that pulse warmly as if still alive and plenty of toys and trinkets for entertainment and decoration at the cottage. The important thing is not to accept anything for free, even if the vendor claims that it's a gift. Sprites never give anything away for free and will be keen for you to accept the offer since it gives them the liberty to choose their payment. For example, a former ranger named Clover once accepted a complimentary winter hat from a vendor and lost her scalp. We were able to patch her up, but she didn’t last long after that.
  10. The stall decorated with spider webs sells a lot of useful fabrics. It is worth a visit- the spools of web thread are incredibly durable and can be used to fix garments, while the circles of dried caul membrane can adhere to small injuries and scars to heal them. Avoid red lace, however. The delicate material is composed of veins, and can instantly adhere to your skin like the caul membranes do, even if you so much as brush past it. However, rather than smoothing over or healing wounds and scars, the lace creates sensitive sore spots that throb uncomfortably.
  11. The elderly sprite running the blue tent sells dreams in bottles. For obvious reasons, our line of work can make sleeping difficult so having a guaranteed peaceful rest is very useful. However, the dream vendor will only accept one trade- a dream bottle for a happy memory. You won’t get to choose what memory he takes so this is a bit of a gamble- it could just be a field trip you went on at school but it might also be your mother’s face. The only off-limit thing seems to be our true and false names. If you decide to trade a memory, the sprite will extract it with a long thin hook inserted into your nose. While safe (provided you stay still) I will caution that the sensation of having a memory pulled out is uncomfortable- a bit like a fingernail hooking under a crease in your brain and unpicking it. Thankfully, the procedure has no physical ill effect. Once you’ve paid, take care when selecting your bottle. Each will contain a multi-hued mist and these colours are important. The majority are safe, and will contain peaceful dreams that can be used up to five times- open the bottle and inhale some of the mist before recorking it. However, avoid any bottles with blue or yellow hues. The seller only sells good dreams, but a good dream for a sprite can differ greatly from a good dream for a human. I don’t know about you, but dreaming about eating a newborn child or tormenting an old woman by sticking pins under her fingernails hardly sounds appealing to me.
  12. Avoid the red marquee. While most of the humans being traded in there are very young, the sellers in the tent may try to forcefully cut your cord and sell you off too. The atmosphere in the marquee is very intense and we think that is what emboldens the sprites who hang around in it. The thick material of the tent should muffle most of the noise and smell, but it is best to keep away from it altogether. Trying to disrupt the marquee’s proceedings will likely shatter the social contract which allows us to enter the fête in the first place. Besides, if in theory you did manage to save someone, they couldn’t leave with you- the cords can only lift one person at a time. Better to be bartered, butchered and consumed in one’s sleep than be woken up and forced to choose between an angry mob or the melting mist.
  13. If you require companionship, visit the brightly painted caravan near the bandstand. It sells some useful monsters called umbramites. These small creatures appear as nothing more than a shadow on the nearest surface, unable to interact with anything in the physical realm. However, they are excellent at alerting to unseen dangers, can be sent off to locate missing objects and according to those who do choose to own them, can provide much-needed companionship. Ask Arata or Bea for more information if you are interested. However, life requires an equivalent sacrifice. Alongside a large initial trade of standard goods (the vendor has an affinity for teeth if you have any), the time that your umbramite lasts is determined by how much of your lifespan you’re willing to give up. It can be a few weeks or a few decades. You won’t age physically when the time is taken, but you will feel a distinct sense of heartburn as your lifespan reduces. The trainer who runs the stand will stitch your shadow to the umbramite using a black thread- it dissolves after a few days so you can both move independently. The umbramite will stay loyal to you and last until its allotted lifespan runs out. While lifespan feels like a steep price, it is worth remembering that virtually no rangers ever reach old age- you may as well put those years to use, right?
  14. The twin sisters who own the silver stall offer extractions of all kinds. If you have a rotten tooth, or a stubborn splinter from the Steward, they’ll remove it for a small fee. For a bigger fee, they can also remove more evasive troubles- traumatic memories, heartache and regrets. For this, they have a jar filled with silver leeches. Once attached to the temple, they will extract the unpleasant memory of your choosing with only moderate discomfort. Just be careful not to let them remove any important information about the inhabitants- if you ask them to remove a memory associated with one, re-read their guide entry carefully afterwards.
  15. If you are invited to take part in the maypole ceremony, decline. The young female sprites who usually participate are viciously competitive. If you mess up the pattern they are weaving or look as if you’re showing off they will attack you violently, ranger or not. They’re not above inflicting this treatment on other sprites either- the maypole dance typically ends with at least one casualty.
  16. It is safe to dance within the crowd of revellers at the bandstand, but only on your own or with another ranger. If you dance with one of the sprites, they will become attached to you and follow you around the market obsessively. Furthermore, when it is time to leave, they will cling to you and the extra weight risks breaking your cord. If you do notice another ranger in this predicament, do your best to restrain the sprite so the ranger can leave quickly. Ignore the whining and sobbing, sprites are fickle and they would quickly lose interest in you even if you stayed with them in the market. Once discarded, the merchants of the red marquee would likely pick you off.
  17. As mentioned previously, you must be careful to monitor your time in the market closely. Time passes at an uneven pace: An hour can feel as short as ten minutes or as long as a day. To be safe, you should leave when the larger strawberries begin to cave in and darken, if not before. From what Mabel has told us, once the strawberries have fully decayed the market shifts location, severing your cord and leaving you at the mercy of the merchants.
  18. To leave the market, make sure that everything you have with you is securely packed away in your buttoned pockets or rucksack. Loop both of your hands into the cord securely and pull yourself up. When you are around a meter or two off the ground, the cord will retract sharply, pulling you up and out of the Strawberry Fête. The force will normally fling you clean from the circle, so be prepared for a rough landing.
  19. Once resurfaced, untie the cord and check your inventory thoroughly, including all the linings and pockets of your clothes. On occasion, one of the sprites will sneak an extra unpaid good into your pockets before you leave. If you are concerned that you might not be able to keep track of your inventory, bring a list, including everything you brought in and purchased. If you do find something, throw it into the circle before you leave. If kept, the sprite will find you on your next visit and as mentioned before, take whatever payment they feel entitled to. It won’t be a fair trade.
Previous Entry: Entry 33, The Blightswell
Introduction and basic guide to surviving in Raifee Wood
submitted by looplox to Ruleshorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:22 atb2332 My Experience with DJS

My Experience with DJS
I (31M) am 7 weeks post op and wanted to share my experience so far as I have been on this sub for a few months and really gained a lot of value in my journey. I hope my experience does the same for others. For reference, I had DJS. My underbite was advanced 12 MM. They moved the lower jaw back 7 MM and brought the top forward by 5 MM.
I actually started the process in Sept of 21 (29 at the time). I had my initial consult with an orthodontist for braces and he immediately referred me to my surgeon. My surgeon books out far in advance so I didn’t get in until May of 22. We talked and he told me what to expect; liquid diet for 2 weeks, soft foods for 4, possible numbness in the lower jaw for life, and that I fortunately wouldn’t need to be wired shut. My ortho projected I’d have the braces for 30 months in total and they agreed I could do surgery somewhere in the middle. I decided I was finally ready to move forward with fixing my teeth and bite, and I’m very fortunate to have good health insurance through work, so the braces went on later that month and the journey began. Last November (23) is when I was able to get my surgery date, which was just this past April on a Thursday.
For two years I had this cloud looming over my head, knowing I was going to need this surgery. I wasn’t nervous or scared per se, but it was hard to get excited for the end result knowing I’d have this massive gorilla in front of me in the form of jaw surgery. My surgery was scheduled for 7:30 AM, they wheeled me into the OR right on time, and that’s when the nerves really set in. I didn’t think I’d be that nervous, but it’s a different experience when you’re on the bed and see all these nurses and doctors ready to do their thing. I was scared, but I knew I was in good hands, and that anesthesia is niiiiiice so I was out in a second.
My surgeon told me it varies person to person; some people have a really hard time post op, and for others it’s really no big deal. Obviously I was hoping for the latter but when I woke up I could immediately feel the pain. It was admittedly a little worse than I expected, but I was glad the surgery was over. I had to stay overnight, which I wasn’t excited about at first but once I was in that bed I was grateful to have so much assistance. Laying in that bed hooked up to a million things certainly wasn’t fun, and taking meds all through the night made it difficult to get any rest. Still, I was just glad the surgery was over and I could get the healing process started.
I went home the next morning and began my recovery. Fortunately I was able to take 2 weeks off of work, and I needed it because I did a lot of laying around. The first few days are the worst of course. Drinking out of syringes was difficult and made me not want to eat, but by the following Monday I could drink out of cups and that made it better. I had the med schedule down and I stuck to comfort watches on TV. I think from Friday-Sunday I slept for 30-60 minutes on and off, day and night. The nasal congestion was hell, and I didn’t expect to have to deal with so much phlegm in my throat which made sleeping at night especially difficult. I highly recommend you plan for that and take something to break it up or you’re going to wake up multiple times with trouble breathing like me.
After the first week it was kind of easy tbh. The 2nd week is still tough, but you have little milestones here and there that keep you going, such as noticing the swelling go down, sleeping a full night uninterrupted (maybe night 6 I wanna say), adding mushy foods like scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes, getting off meds (maybe day 10-12, I can’t remember). I went back to work after 2 weeks and fortunately I work from home and was able to not take as many calls (I’m in insurance) because talking was still a challenge until a little after week 3 or so. I’m a bit of a gym rat and I was able to resume workouts 2 weeks post op and by now I’m pretty much all the way back to where I was before surgery. I will say, by the night before I went back to work, I was feeling a bit depressed. The process takes a toll on you mentally based on all the things you can’t do. Laughing hurt, talking hurt, I wasn’t around my friends, and I was just laying on the couch binging TV and movies day in and day out. It improved once I got back to work, but be careful with your mental health as you go through this, and try to remember that it’s temporary and you’re doing this for a reason. It will be worth it in the end.
At this point I feel really good. I’m getting most of the feeling and movement back which is encouraging and I’m eating my normal diet again for the most part. The numbness is still there but I can tell it’s going down. I’m getting that itchy/staticky sensation so I know it’s coming back. I just started chewing last week and it’s definitely a challenge but I’m getting there. I still have rubber bands on my braces and I’m hoping to get them off later next month. I was projected 6-9 months of braces post op so I’m hopeful for the end of the year.
One thing I want to mention when it comes to diet is it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Coinciding with my gym habits is my nutrition, which I take very seriously. I didn’t have as much trouble getting protein as I thought I would. I made sure to use protein powder, collagen peptides, beef bone broth, Fairlife milk which is higher in protein per serving, Greek yogurt, and eventually eggs and egg whites once I could get them in my mouth. I also added stuff like OJ and Apple Juice, honey, almond/peanut butter, and for the first few weeks milk shakes. The food was honestly no issue at all. At first I had no appetite, and I feel like my body knew it couldn’t chew anyway so I never really craved solid foods. There was no point where I was drinking a smoothie and said “man I wish I had a pizza.” It wasn’t like I was eating prison food or anything. I just found a system that worked and stuck with it, but that’s just me and my experience, I wouldn’t knock you if you struggled to adapt because it definitely is a big change for a lot of people. I just bring this up because it was the thing I dreaded the most and the number 1 thing other people always say is they couldn’t do it when I tell them what I had to do. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it actually was once I figured it out. Just be sure to EAT period, as much as you can, because that’ll help with the healing process and I didn’t eat a whole lot at first. I think I lost something like 17 lbs in the first few weeks. Don’t be like me.
All in all, I’m so glad I went forward with the procedure. I will say, obviously when you look at the side by side it’s a dramatic difference, but I’m used to the change by now and don’t really notice it. I don’t think it significantly changed me in ways that made me much better looking or like a super model. I lost 100 lbs in my 20s and I think that was a much more dramatic physical change than this. I’ve seen some wild transformations. Some of you went from Michael Cera to Ryan Gosling (sorry, MC), and honestly good for you, that’s super awesome. I think I was already decent looking and it made me slightly more decent looking, which is all anyone can ask for. Just manage your expectations going in. The functionality is worth it alone. I can’t believe how much easier it is to breathe out of my nose, and I never even knew it was that difficult to start with. It’s also a weird feeling getting used to my teeth meeting the way they do now, but I like it and I’m excited to see how it works as my teeth align better. I admit, I might feel differently once the braces are off, and I’m still a little swollen so that will go down in time too, but part of me thought I’d look way different and I’m still just me. I know how insecure the underbite (or overbite for you folks out there) can make you, trust me, but it’s just one thing and you’re more than your bite. In fact a lot of people tell me they never even noticed it, which always shocked me because it was my biggest insecurity for the longest time. Would I do it again? Absolutely, I have zero regrets and I was fortunate to be in good hands with a great surgeon, but it’s a big surgery to do and I wouldn’t wish that first week or two of recovery on my worst enemy.
Open for questions, just ask, and good luck on your journeys too!
submitted by atb2332 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by emilyjordan0544 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:21 BohemianPeasant 🌤 Misc. OR Covid-19 Data, 05/29/2024

Oregon’s Respiratory Virus Data

Test Positivity:

🚩 Positivity rates are experiencing a slight uptick.

Covid-19 Variants in Oregon:

🚩 There was no new sequencing reported since last week.

Hospital Capacity:

Total Cumulative Covid-19 related deaths:

🚩 4 deaths reported for w/e 03/17/2024 through 04/21/2024

Vaccination Effort Metrics:

Long Term Care Facilities Vaccination Data (OHA):

Wastewater Monitoring

submitted by BohemianPeasant to CoronavirusOregon [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:55 denkihajimezero How to be good at somemthing?

While it's very likely that I'm good at something it doesn't seem to be something that gets me a job or if it is then I'm not aware of my skill. I believe that anyone can be good at most things with enough practice, but that is also a problem. I can't get better at things and i don't fully know why. I definitely don't have the time or money to go to college or anything like that, but i should be able to self study. But everyday I just end up watching youtube and not being productive. My current understanding is that I'm just too lazy and entitled. I need someone to please share their insight: how can i figure out what i am good at? or how can i become good at something that gets you money?
Ultimately, I just need $18.30 an hour to keep my home and car, $20/hour and i get to keep going to therapy. I am supposed to be a programmer making at least $40/hour because i went to college and have 4 years of experience in the industry and i'm supposed to be smart. but i'm clearly not good enough at programming despite almost a decade of skill grinding. All the other jobs that give 18/hour i'm not skilled for either, like warehouse jobs need forklift cert, and nurse jobs need a cert, etc. In a couple months i will be evicted from my apartment and have to sleep on my parents couch in their double wide trailer with no privacy or space. and dad is abusive too.
i need to get a job, which means i need to be good at something that makes money. I'm not good at anything that makes money. I either am over looking something that i am actually good at that makes money or i need to learn how to become skilled at something else in a couple months. If a stranger wants to look at my allegedly impressive resume, i don't mind starting a DM conversation.
assuming i'm not overlooking anything, i need to figure out how to become more skilled. I was a gifted student, so all throughout school i just succeeded without really doing anything in particular. I'm very lazy and entitled as well. i don't even really know where to start. My brother told me to try getting certifications, but i cant do that either, it's hard to explain. I know i can watch a youtube video and study and then take the test and get the certification, but i can't actually do that. I can't afford ADHD medicine because i don't have a job, so that solution is locked out from me. Are there any other solutions to become more skilled at something?
submitted by denkihajimezero to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:08 MightBeneficial3302 Investing in Uranium: A Closer Look at Generation Uranium Inc. (TSXV: GEN)

Investing in Uranium: A Closer Look at Generation Uranium Inc. (TSXV: GEN)
While precious metals are on most investors’ radar more or less of the time, others sneak up on the markets. We went through lithium cobalt, etc, and while those commodities are still maintaining a level of interest and robustness, the latest interest has developed in Uranium. Therefore, an example of a decent player in the sector is warranted. The choice is Generation Uranium Inc. (the “Company” or “Generation”) (TSXV: GEN).
Here is the CORPORATE PRESENTATION for those who want a quick fix.
For context, this is one of many price forecasts for a metal at the forefront of a commodity that is becoming scarcer. I suggest the numbers below are conservative.
Giant Cameco (CCO) states these reasons for the growing need for Uranium.
  • The first is to lift one-third of the global population from energy poverty by growing clean and reliable baseload electricity.
  • Second, 85% of the current global electricity grids that run on thermal power should be replaced with a clean, reliable alternative.
  • Finally, the goal is to grow global power grids by electrifying industries, such as private and commercial transportation and home and industrial heating, primarily powered by thermal energy today.
Big Uranium picture– supply/demand;
Now that we have set the context let’s talk about GENERATION uranium. Since this is an intro piece, I will likely lift some stuff from the website. This will provide a basis for ongoing development as we progress in future pieces. As you can see, the area is the ‘box’ for Canadian uranium mining. At the lower portion of the Athabasca, the impressive Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V) holds large and prolific projects.
Gens’ wholly-owned Yath Project is located in the prolific and underexplored Thelon Basin in Nunavut, Canada. It is situated along the trend from the 43 million lbs Lac 50 uranium deposit being advanced by Latitude Uranium, a company currently being acquired by ATHA Energy Corp for an all-share acquisition valued at CAD 64.7M.
  • Stable Mining Jurisdiction
  • Strategic Land Position
  • High-Grade Historic Results
  • Near-term Drill Target Potential
  • Extensive Historical Work
  • Surrounded by Latitude and Atha Energy
  • Unconformity & Beaverlodge Deposit Targets
There are significant mines in the area that add to the potential of GEN;
On March. 20,2024, GEN announced drilling would commence on its Yath project.
Gen also announced that the inaugural exploration program on its self-same Yath project will begin on its 85km², 8,500-ha property located in the Thelon Basin in Nunavut, Canada. Due to strong historical sampling and anticipated long-term elevated world spot uranium pricing due to favourable supply and demand dynamics, the Company anticipates expending significant capital resources into the basin in 2024.
“With high-grade historic results and extensive historical work, the Company is anticipated to resume additional field exploration in the coming weeks at Yath to better decipher the near-term drill target potential of known uranium mineralization. Generation believes in the untapped potential at Yath, as adequate diamond drilling was never conducted as a consequence of the downturn in uranium prices subsequent to the Fukushima nuclear incident”.
Generation Uranium as a proxy is quite simple. The Company doesn’t own dozens of disparate properties but has decided to be more direct. It holds an option to acquire a 60% interest in and to the Arlington Property, located within the Arrow Boundary District of south-central British Columbia, and a 100% interest in the Yath Uranium Project, located in the Territory of Nunavut.
The stats for the Yath project look impressive enough to warrant a position as a growth stock and a proxy for the scarcity of Uranium.
No matter the makeup of uranium-generated power, it will always be ‘clean and green’ or grey or…well, you get the point.
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to Wealthsimple_Penny [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:30 ddgr815 City seeks nominations for Detroit Composer Laureate

The City of Detroit office of Arts, Culture, and Entrepreneurship (Detroit ACE) is seeking nominations for Detroit Composer Laureate, a new position sponsored by the Ford Foundation that would advocate for and represent Detroit’s diverse musical heritage, community and spirit, building upon Detroit’s long standing as a leader in musical innovation and excellence.
After a formal selection process, the chosen individual will be ceremonially named the City’s official Composer Laureate, similar to other Ford Foundations-sponsored positions, City Historian Jamon Jordan and Poet Laureate jessica Care moore.
The Laureate will be expected to teach Detroit’s musical legacy and inspire young people to continue that legacy by considering careers in music, encouraging young talents to make their careers in Detroit rather than travel to New York, Atlanta, or Austin to use their Detroit skills to make those cities better.
“Detroit has produced some of the world’s greatest music and composers, and we have a whole new generation of young artists that our new Composer Laureate will be able to help develop and inspire,” said Mayor Mike Duggan, who reaffirmed the city’s commitment to the creative community by creating the Department of Arts, Culture & Entrepreneurship (ACE) five years ago, headed by its director, Rochelle Riley.
The laureate also will honor and challenge local composers to elevate Detroit’s musical genius as well as create original music that defines our lives. The laureate will have two major deliverables:
To qualify, applicants must:
The Mayor will name the Composer Laureate based on the recommendations of a community judging panel and report to the Director of Arts and Culture.
“We are so proud to be one of the cities in America with an official historian, a Poet Laureate and now a Composer Laureate, which all speaks to Detroit as a leader in history, spoken word and music,” said Rochelle Riley, the City’s Director of Arts and Culture.
To nominate a candidate, please submit a packet that includes:
Candidates may nominate themselves. Packets should be sent to
The deadline for nominations is June 7, 2024.
For more information, contact Lacey Holmes in the ACE office at
submitted by ddgr815 to Detroit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:30 SafeFunSex-com My Experience Getting an HIV Rapid Test: Sharing for Anyone Who’s Nervous

I wanted to share my recent experience getting an HIV rapid test, as I know how nerve-wracking it can be to go through this process.
A few weeks ago, I found out that my boyfriend has been seeing another partner. This news hit me hard, and on top of dealing with the emotional fallout, I became very concerned about my sexual health. Even though I’ve always been careful, the thought of potential exposure to HIV terrified me. I decided to get an HIV rapid test for peace of mind.
I went to a local clinic that offered walk-in rapid testing. The staff were incredibly kind and professional, which helped ease some of my anxiety. They explained the process to me: a simple finger prick for a blood sample, and then a wait of about 20 minutes for the results.
The test itself was quick and almost painless—just a small prick on my finger. However, I find blood tests terrifying, and the sight of blood makes me squeamish. The waiting period felt like an eternity even though it was only 20 minutes. During that time, I sat in the waiting area, trying to distract myself with my phone.
Finally, the nurse called me back in and handed me the results. I was so relieved to see that it was negative. The whole experience, while initially scary, turned out to be straightforward and nowhere near as bad as I had imagined.
I wish there were more non-invasive options available that could be done at home, like urine or other methods that don’t involve blood. It would make the process a lot less intimidating for people like me.
submitted by SafeFunSex-com to hivrapidtest [link] [comments]