Quotes for nephew

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2011.09.14 06:48 vortex222222 Home for sharing quotes

"I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” Steve Huffman, aka spez, Reddit CEO. For more information about the black-out: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-65855608

2016.08.25 23:15 Corporal_ORA Quotes from liberals, reactionaries and fascists that inadvertantly provide support for communism

Quotes from liberals, reactionaries and fascists that inadvertantly provide support for communism

2024.05.31 22:36 Positive-Meeting8124 AITA for snitching on my sister?

(sorry if it's not correct grammar I'm typing fast)
Ok so for backstory I'm 17 yrs old and my family cut off my brother because he wanted no pictures at his wedding but my family still took pics so I told my brother about it basically he got mad, told his wife and my dad had a tantrum about how he can do whatever he wants to his son and my brother cut him , my mom and siblings off for crossing his boundaries (and because they where mentally abusive to him) but didn't cut me off because I'm the only one that respected his boundaries
Ok now fastforward 2-3 years later my brother and his wife have a son and I'm the ONLY person in my family that has access to my nephews pictures because I'm the only person they can trust to not share it to others (they believe in evil eye) around this time my older sister reconnects with my brother so he decides to send her pictures of his son because he trusts her enough but only if she didn't send those pictures to my parents because who knows who they'd send it to with their ability to not respect boundaries
Obviously my sister didn't learn her lesson and still sent those pictures to my dad where he'd brag about not "giving a fuck" about his grandchild (he literally has fantasies about beating the shit out of my nephew) even though he's the one that shows off my nephew's pictures to random strangers saying, and I quote, "my only grandchild it's a shame we can't visit him" (I wonder why!!!!) My sister would send these pictures to other people in front of me KNOWING that I'd defend my brother even if it costed me a leg and an eye so she knew what was coming
Naturally I immediately told my brother what my sister had been doing behind his back and he sent a long paragraph to her saying that he's going to cut her off for sending pictures of his kid to people he specifically told her not to send to and my sister went berserk shes calling me a shit load of names basically saying I ruined the "connection" they had and my parents are giving me death threats for breaking up the family again (who's gonna remind them that they broke it first??)
My younger sister says I'm in the right because who knows what would happen to my nephew if those pictures got sent to the wrong person but my mom said all I've done is listening to the devil and deepening the wounds in this family even though I've done nothing but tell my brother what his family has been doing with those pictures and what they've said about a CHILD
My bad if if words aren't spelt right I'm getting a lecture while I write lol
Personally I don't think I did anything wrong by just looking out for my brother but I'm wondering if I was supposed to let my sister cross my brother's boundaries again
submitted by Positive-Meeting8124 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:20 Villordsutch NE Warrior DPS in the greatest PVP armour image needed.

Hello all,
I recently made a post about the passing of our nephew and trying to find an image of one his characters - https://www.reddit.com/wow/comments/1d4tu2o/is_there_a_way_to_see_all_of_someones_characters/
Unfortunately due to restrictions placed upon accounts by Blizzard, the GM couldn't help me find the names of my nephew's characters. So I'm looking for the next best thing now.
I remember him playing a NE Warrior DPS and I know he adored PVP. Now I know what a NE Druid Tank looks like (RaWR) as I play one of those, however I know bog all about PVPing Warriors. So can anyone possibly direct me to (or show below) a male NE Warrior tank, in what you'd consider the best PVP armour.
I honestly don't care about stats here, I'm more about what looks the greatest, as transmog exists.
Once I've got one that looks great. I've then got the task of looking for a WoW quote of mourning/saying goodbye etc. Then we're sending it off to a digital artist.
Thank you all for the help here.
submitted by Villordsutch to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:38 Few_Watercress757 Dog broken pelvis

My 3 year old neutered Australian Shepherd mix was hit by my nephew. He is currently at the hospital overnight with a broken pelvis. They quoted $20,000 for surgery and hospital. That seems very high, doesn’t it? We live in Minnesota. Any recommendations for a more affordable vet clinic would be very appreciated. We love him so much he is a rescue and was abused before we got him.
Species: dog Sex: male, neutered Age: 3 Breed: Australian shepherd mix Weight: 55 pounds History: we adopted him from a rescue and he doesn’t have medical problems Location:Minnesota Duration: accident happed today
submitted by Few_Watercress757 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:01 Glad_Athlete_7493 zellig copypasta

Today my wife and I went to visit our 12 year old nephew in Hospital today, apparently he has a terminal disease or something, when I arrived I saw my nephew and I said to him “I like your haircut, you look just like Koos”. A doctor then corrected me to tell me he actually had cancer, I told the doctor that I don’t believe in Astrology and it’s just a false concept. Anyways, my nephew was hanging out with a bunch of his friends who also had cancer, there was maybe a group of 10 twelve year old's. and I saw one of them had a zellig shirt, and he looked really sad, so I thought I’d cheer him up. And as a member of this cord I remembered a few funny quotes that really got a lot of gem emotes So I said the first one that came to my mind. I put on my best Mymy impression and yelled “death to the Belgians ”. To my shock not a single one of them even cracked a smile, within seconds I was tackled to the ground by one of the guards and I spent the rest of the night in a reeducation camp for “Hate speech” or something like that, and the camp was so boring, I thought it was gonna be like ongezellig. but it was nothing like that, I was just made to write essays for the night. I didn’t even see Vera, anyways when I went home my wife had divorce papers and told me to sign them. What do I do? Am I stupid? I love my wife and I don’t wanna divorce her. I hate feminism
submitted by Glad_Athlete_7493 to zellig [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:15 th987 Harry’s view of Kate & William’s relationship in Spare

Harry’s view of Kate & William’s relationship in Spare
A few people in another discussion here were wondering what Harry said in his book about William & Kate’s relationship, and I have the book & said I’d skim for those parts.
It’s been a long time since I read it, but Kindle helpfully let’s you search on a name & find all references in the book.
I am in no way trying to say we should accept Harry’s POV as gospel. It’s just one source about the marriage.
Harry said he was thrilled and happy for his brother when Harry first met Kate. Harry loved her and thought William did.
When I tried to copy parts, Kindle turned them into these automatically for sharing, but they ended up stuck at the top and not within the body of the post. Sorry.
Anyway, the first when Harry met Kate. Harry thought she seemed like a great match for his brother, and she was nice to Harry.
He envisioned the three of them having happy times together, and it sounds like they did that for a while.
But if you also remember the incident where Harry was photographed in a Nazi uniform, he says in the book he was going to a party with William and Kate, a Colonialism theme party, which you can see and read about in another post here from today.
And he asked them for input on his costume and they were all for him wearing the Nazi suit. He doesn’t rake them over the coals for it. Just talks about how bad the fallout was, how deeply he regretted it and being sent to Germany as part of his apology tour where he heard firsthand accounts Jews held in the concentration camps.
Sounds like he really learned how horrible dressing up as a Nazi was.
He and William’s relationship is portrayed as complicated and close in a way that being two brothers living in such odd circumstances with shared experiences would be, but at the same time he seems to yearn for a much closer relationship with William.
Harry said he knew from the start that he was the spare and William the heir, that there was never any misunderstanding about that. And that he was openly talked about as the spare by members of his own family. He sounds accepting of it, but also like it was understood William would always be protected.
Harry’s troubles were openly talked about in the press, and he hated the press. They frightened him from the time he was a child and had to appear in front of all the cameras. He hated them for the way they hounded his mother and believes there partially to blame for her death.
But also seems to accept in a way that it’s his role to be the spare and the bad guy in the press, so William could be protected.
He portrays William as someone he shared many good times with, but also arrogant and used to getting what he wanted. Harry did not envy William being the heir. He did not want to be in Royal life.
He talks about when William and Kate had kids, how he was thrilled to have a new niece and nephew, and happy for his brother and Kate, but the press kept asking if he was disappointed about being bumped down the line of succession by the new babies. And he found that question horribly offensive and completely off base. He did not want to be king.
The next quote is from Williams wedding day. Harry talks about being thrilled for them to have found each other and like it was love. But he also felt like he would be the third wheel, and it made him feel lonely and want very much to marry himself and find a kind of relationship William and Kate had.
He wanted to have kids too, and always thought he would be the first to marry and have kids. He wanted to be a young dad because he remembered happy times when his father was younger playing and laughing with him and William, and that those times stopped as his father aged, and he felt the age gap between them kept a distance between the boys and their father that Harry didn’t want between him and his kids.
Harry finds it a little odd that he went to Africa to visit William and during their trip William said nothing about getting engaged. It was only right after that trip that Charles told Harry of William and Kate‘s engagement. No idea what to make of that.
He says William had premarital jitters the night before the wedding, but doesn’t say whether he found them excessive or alarming. He said two of Williams groomsmen started passing him drinks, and William got drunk.
The next morning, he describes William as smelling of alcohol hung over, having barely slept the night before. He also said William was angry because his grandmother had decreed that William could not wear the military uniform he wanted to wear, that he had to wear a different one. William did not like the way he looked in the red uniform.
Also, he did not want Harry to be his best man. William had two close friends he chose to stand up with him, but the press wanted the narrative and I guess the royal family did, of the two Brothers supporting each other with Harry as best man.
Plus Harry said he knew being chosen as best man would’ve made the other two men huge targets for press scrutiny in the lead up to the wedding, and that they were nice and didn’t deserve that. So Harry was best man.
He also tells the story of the press saying it was a touching moment when Harry chose to give William the sapphire engagement ring his mother was given by their father, that Harry wanted William to have it to give to Kate, I guess as a sign of brotherly support for the marriage. Harry said it was completely fabricated. That William had the ring from soon after her death and always had it.
But Harry remembers thinking how beautiful Kate was walking down the aisle toward William and it being a joyous occasion.
His last quote is from the end of the speech he gave as best man. He did not want to give the speech. He also said William was a little afraid of what Harry might say, as the kind of ribbing brothers can give each other, it sounded like. But Harry did it, and at the end found himself thinking of their mother and mentioned her.
He also talks about the wedding being in Westminster Abby, the same place where they held his mothers funeral, so also bringing back memories of that day with a huge crowd and being on display in the same building.
He hated being around all the dead people in the Abbey. One thing you might not know unless you visited, is that there are so many people buried in the Abbey, underneath it and in Crypts inside of it. They’re everywhere. I was shocked when I saw how many dead people we’re buried there.
Many kings and queens, various nobles you’ve never heard of, and it seems like various rich people from the middle ages who just had a lot of money and wanted to be buried in the Abbey.
I am an American, and I loved the medieval cathedrals. Growing up at seeing weddings in Westminster Abby and always wanted to visit. It was such a disappointment and really creepy with all the dead people.
Harry joins the military and is off on military service during many of the early years of William and Kate‘s marriage. He doesn’t say much about their relationship good or bad in those years, except once he left the military, moving into quarters near them in one of the palaces and thinking he’d end up being invited over for dinner and to play with the kids, but those invitations didn’t happen.
Stopped reading last night at the point where Harry first met Megan. Hope to read more today and post later.
If anyone’s curious, I found his book well written, deeply personal, interesting & a compelling read, in case anyone’s interested. He had some very interesting adventures traveling in Africa and places like the north and south poles, plus a detailed look at his time at war, aside from the whole fight with his family once he got together with Meghan.
submitted by th987 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:17 sulliedjedi Somnophilia List - Updated

Somnophilia List - Updated
I've updated the original Somnophilia List and shared a doc with tags, CWs, types of somno, and GR links.
Thank you to everyone who added books in the last post! ❤️
If you know of any other somnophilia books, feel free to add them below. (The post has a search feature you can put the author's name to see if it's already listed here.)
I tried to mark each book with the type of somnophilia (noncon, dubcon, consensual, drugged, etc) but there are some missing, let me know if you want to add more details.
Here's the complete list if you don't want to bother with the doc:

Somnophilia Books

Fade to Black by Jasper Blew CNC, trans MC, pre-planned consensual drugged somnophilia, best friends-to-lovers, dubcon, noncon, erotica novella SW
Sweet Baby Boy by Simon Strange ex-step-fathestep-son, camping, erotica novella, somnophilia
Playing Pretend by Simon Strange stepbrothers, erotica novella, somnophilia
Cheaters by Simon Strange (somnophilia flashback), stepbrothers, cheating (not on each other), erotica novella
Daddy's Other Boy by Simon Strange MMM, humiliation, married couple adds a third, cock cage, crying, consensual cuckolding, somnophilia, full-length book
Misbehaved by Simon Strange age-gap, daddy kink, age-play, bratty boy, hurt/comfort, spanking, enemies-to-lovers, professostudent, somnophilia, full-length book
Finder's Keepers by Simon Strange D/s, spanking, somnophilia, erotica novella
Daddy's Little Helper by TM Chris fatheson incest, practically all somnophilia, short book SW
Apple Pie by West Greene friends-to-lovers, military/bartender pairing, size difference, brief somnophilia scene, 27 pages, erotica novella, perma-freebie
The Good Liar by CP Harris step-brothers/pseudo-incest, somnophilia, cheating, rough sex, possessive, full-length book
Bad Wrong Things by CP Harris Age-gap, motorcycle, rough sex, injuries, blood, possessive, toxic, somnophilia, bareback, CNC, full-length book
Quillon's Covert by Joseph Lance Tonlet fatheson incest, small somnophilia scene, full-length book, atypical relationship and ending SW
Rend (Riven 2) by Roan Parrish face-fucking, somnophilia, angst, depression, sunshine top/grumpy bottom, foster care, self-doubt, trauma, hallucinations, hurt/comfort, marriage in crisis, possessive/obsessive, full-length book
Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me (Naughty or Nice #5) by Luna David, Amy Bellows daddy kink, praise kink, lace and lingerie, holiday book, consensual somnophilia, full-length book
Pretty Wreck (Pretty Broken 3) by JR Gray in-depth somnophilia conversations and planned somnophilia, rock stars, alcohol and drug use, full-length book, toxic abusive gaslighting ex
Truck Me (The Men of Bear Springs 4) by BJ Blakely pure PWP, age gap (20 years), truckers, college student, daddy kink, D/s, exhibitionism, jerking off in someone's truck and leaving a mess behind, voyeurism, threesome, rough sex, bratty boy, public sex, somnophilia, full-length book
Maahes (Malicious Gods: Egypt Series) by Emma Jaye dark romance, dark romance, graphic violence, murder, kidnapping, dubcon, Bulgarian MC, "Egyptian mythology", cults, brainwashing, death of a dog, torture, human-trafficking, murders, obsession, mentions of noncon and incest, somnophilia, check CWs, full-length book
Hostile Takeover (The Game 8) by Cara Dee uncle/nephew (by marriage) pseudo-incest, D/s, DDlb, age gap, submissive Daddy, younger Dom/older sub, shared sex scenes, somnophilia, full-length book
Happy Pride (Pride Pet Play 2023 series) by RA Frick trans sub, D/s, primal play, pet play, somnophilia, full-length book
Never Have I Ever: Submitted to My Enemy (Never Have I Ever 2) by Willow Dixon frenemies-to-lovers, hookups-to-lovers, college, so much consent, positive ADHD rep, CNC, somnophilia, found family, forced proximity, sensory deprivation, bondage, edging, phone sex, hook-up via app, kink-exploration, full-length book
Dark Possession (The Miner's Reluctant Wife 1) by Amelita Rae prison, feminization, noncon, humiliation, watersports, public rape, off-page cannibalism, violence, submission, check CWs, erotica novella
Sweetboy by Amelita Rae prison setting, age-gap (20 years), somnophilia, erotica novella, check CWs
Consequences of Crying by Abigail Kade dark romance, retelling of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, vampire/incubus pairing, soulmates, reincarnation, somnophilia, erotica novella
Stepbrother Next Door (Meadowfall Professors 3) by Anna Wineheart omegaverse, mpreg, stepbrothepseudo-incest, spanking, DP, exhibitionism, sex toys, age-gap, professostudent pairing, full-length book, CW self-harm, pregnancy complications, discussion of miscarriage, somnophilia (1 scene, consensual)
Dad's Omega Best Friend (Meadowfall Professors 2) by Anna Wineheart omegaverse, mpreg, age-gap, professostudent, younger alpha/older omega, somnophilia (1 scene, consensual), banana dick boat
Two Daddies for the Single-Dad Omega (Daddies for Dumpster Omegas 3) by Anna Wineheart MMM, omegaverse, mpreg, somnophilia (1.5 scenes, consensual)
Forced by the Alpha Prisoner by Anna Wineheart cover-to-cover noncon, erotica novella, noncon scientific experiments, forced ruts, payback, zucchini insertion, food play, public sex, carrying while impaled, somnophilia (1 scene, noncon) SW
Forced by the Alien Monster by Anna Wineheart alien reptile, kidnapping, erotica novella, cover-to-cover noncon, somnophilia (1-2 scenes), noncon somnophilia undertones throughout SW
Monster-Forced: The Monster's Forced Breeding by Anna Wineheart erotica novella, cover-to-cover noncon, forced breeding, pubic sex, cockwarming, somnophilia (several scenes throughout, noncon), dark Beauty and the Beast retelling, mpreg, breeding kink SW
Monster Bait by Anna Wineheart erotica novella, noncon, forced pleasure, forced breeding, somnophilia (2 scenes, noncon) SW
Top Priority (The Game 1) by Cara Dee novella, perma-freebie, somnophilia, military, one-night stand, insta-lust
Their Boy (The Game 2) by Cara Dee MMM, DDlb, two daddy Doms/one Little, sadist Daddy, brat, somnophilia, full-length book
Doll Parts (The Game 4) by Cara Dee MMMM, DDlb, stepdad,.BDSM, somnophilia, full-length book
We Have Till Monday by Cara Dee MMM, daddy switch, DDlb, age-play, age-gap, Nashville/NYC setting, chef, musician/music instructor, somnophilia, race car bed, full-length book
Out by Cara Dee age-gap, dirty talk, praise kink, somnophilia discussions and planning, full-length book
Out for the Holidays by Cara Dee 150-page sequel to *Out*, played out somnophilia scene planned from the previous book
Taken in His Sleep (Deeper Space #1) by Adri Armstrong often free on SW, somnophilia, itsy bitsy erotica
Marrow by Trisha Wolfe, Brynne Weaver forensic anthropologist serial killewildlife biologist serial killer pairing, intentional self-drugging for somnophilia and CNC, check CWs
Teach Me to Sin (Water, Air, Earth, Fire #4) by Riley Nash MMM, double age-gap, enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, somnophilia
Drawn Together by ZA Maxfield Cajun MC/Japanese manga artist pairing, anime con, road trip, running from a stalker, noncon somnophilia (passed out drunk) CWs: past mention of animal abuse, torture, multiple murders, kidnap, mutilation.
Sleepwalkers (Garden of Fiends #2) by Daniel May estranged vampire mates, grumpy/grumpy pairing, lover-to-enemies-to-lovers, 100 years apart, on the run in catacombs, forced proximity, hate sex, second chance, PNR with some horror, blood, dubcon, somnophilia.
Off Limits by Daniel May bro-cest, dubcon, noncon somnophilia, accidental aphrodisiacs, erotica novella SW
Mastery (Sex Wizards #2) by Alethea Faust part of a series/best read in order, poly, kink-based magic system, hard BDSM, 24/7 D/s, magic school, consensual drugged somnophilia, long list of kinks, check CWs
Ride Me (Dress Me #2) by KD Ellis MMM, poly, stalker Daddy/biker Daddy/pretty Boy, switching, doll play, consensual somnophilia
Under His... Shorts by Adara Wolf collection of short stories, *New Year's Eve** short has noncon somnophilia*
Sleep Tight Little Bro by Becca Vale bro-cest, dubcon somnophilia, erotica novella SW
Good Boy (Vanilla Baby Trilogy #2) by Jett Masterson omegaverse, sugar daddy, age-gap, billionaire/college student pairing, BDSM, praise kink, consensual somnophilia
Unsuitable Omega by Jamie Kessel trans alpha/trans omega pairing, omegaverse, domestic discipline, consensual somnophilia
Precious by Roe Horvat omegaverse, forced proximity, trapped together during omega's heat, heat sex, fisting, womb sex, somnophilia (during a heat, omega is out of it)
Lost in a Moment (Trials of Fear #4) by Nicky James hurt/comfort, best friends-to-lovers, GFY, pets named after the Beatles, chronophobia (fear of the passage of time), clock collection, amputee, PTSD, hoarder, somnophilia à deux
Just the Tip (Extracurricular Activities 0.5#) by Neve Wilder dubcon, enemies-to-lovers, somnophilia, erotica novella
Corin and the Courtier (Beautiful Beasts #2) by Eliot Grayson omegaverse, dragon shifter, belly bulge, forced proximity, only one bed, 15-year age gap, size difference, somnophilia when MC faints from being knotted
A Dream of Daisies by Lemi Young omegaverse, fluff, mpreg, insta-love, size difference, somnophilia, cuddles, lots of flowers, novella
Sword and Sorcerer (Claw and Crown #2) by Richard Lunch viking fantasy, wolf-shifter, commoneprince, forced proximity, magical lube, breath play, bondage with magical plants, somnophilia
Igni Ferroque (Tennebrose #2) by Ashlyn Drewek necromancedemon pairing, enemies-to-lovers, noncon, torture, vers, flip-fucking, breath play, light somnophilia
Overtime (Alpha Omega Hockey #3) by Marina Vivancos omegaverse, hockey, alpha/alpha pairing, best friends-to-lovers, codependent, possessive, praise kink, orgasm denial, double rut, breath play, consensual somnophilia, CW sex with others on page
Levity (Dragons of Ardaine #2) by Roe Horvat omegaverse, grumpy alpha dragon shiftebroken human omega pairing, lactation, nursing, breeding, fisting, half-shifted sex, humiliation, masteslave, service kink, shifted while rimming, somnophilia
Loving the Legend (Chasing Rings Book 1) by Kit Grey basketball, POC MCs, rookie/star player pairing, hurt/comfort, grief/trauma, intercrural, breath play, cockwarming, edging, consensual somnophilia
Alpha Kings by Roe Horvat MMM, alpha bear-shiftealpha wolf-shifteomega pairing, virgin, kinks and fetishes: heat sex, knotting, breeding, male pregnancy, rough sex, cum play, nipple play, male lactation, lactation kink, double penetration, fisting, orgies, ritual deflowering, biting, mild blood play, half-shifted sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, size difference, fainting/unconscious somnophilia, ritualistic sex scenes, cockwarming.
Bro Versus Bro by Lemi Young Bro-cest, incest, magic, noncon somnophilia, dubcon somnophilia, double-sided dildo SW
Head in the Game by Rebecca Rathe Double bi-awakening, age-gap (28 years), divorced, obsessive, toxic, dubcon, currently sober alcoholic, coach/star player pairing, football, brat, face-fucking, rimming, fingering, felching, gagging, rough sex, bareback, sex everywhere, no lube, spit as lube, OW drama, has MF scenes, misogyny (don't be a "pussy"), long somnophilia scene
The Feral Alpha (The Danger Alpha Brotherhood book 1) by Anna Wineheart Reincarnation story, kidnapping, violence, speech impediment, brief bullying, consensual somnophilia (1 scene), non-shifter mpreg
Rut by Reese Morrison Post-apocalyptic, triggered ruts, sperm pouch, tentacles, colored bodies (green and blue), age gap, coworkers, island living, two tentacles, DP with dick and tentacle, triple penetration with dick and two tentacles, tentacle sounding, begging, praise kink, good boy, somnophilia, face-fucking, light humiliation, breath play, restraints with tentacles, D/s elements
Midnight Fun (Tally Marks 3) by Addison Acres Fatheson incest, kink-negotiation, consensual somnophilia, sleeping medication, consensual drugged somnophilia, kink-freakout, cum-dumpster, open relationship SW
Checkmate by Daniel May Former chess teachestudent pairing, age-gap, size difference, massive dick, slight dubcon for somnophilia/intoxicated sleep, who's the grandmaster now, erotica novella (44 pages), author freebie
Cinnamon by Delilah Demoan omegaverse, size difference, fuck or else, age-gap (paranormal), that's never going to fit, fated mates, slick, slime, womb-fucking, breeding, overstimulation, fisting, biting, public sex, mpreg, just the tip, cockwarming, somnophilia, nipple orgasm, lactation SW
Forced by His Wolf Brother by Anna Wineheart Bro-cest, wolf-shifter, cover-to-cover noncon, knotting, cooking while impaled, feeding, primal play, noncon cuddling, cockwarming, forced breeding, exhibitionism, public sex, filming, noncon somnophilia (1 scene) SW
Pay to Play by D Dove Dubcon somnophilia, fatheson incest, camboy, inflatable dildo, daddy kink, pay-me-to-fuck-my-dad, lingerie, butt-plugs, sex toys, age-gap SW
Trained by My Father-in-law (Dub-con Daddies Part 2) by Jay L North Age-gap, BDSM, begging, butt-plug, cockwarming, come-on-my-boy, crying, daddy kink, degradation, dirty talk, D/s, douching tutorial, dubcon, exhibitionist, feminization, good boy, guiche piercing, humiliation, I'm not gay, leg-shaving, lingerie, manipulation, nipple piercing, noncon piercings, pain play, prince Albert piercing, praise kink, prostate milking, sex party, somnophilia, spanking, under the table BJ SW
His Princess by Ki Brightly, MD Gregory Age-gap, pseudo-incest, stepdad/stepson, 1950's housewife kink, forced feminization, lingerie, heels, breeding kink, humiliation, free use, roleplay, somnophilia, daddy kink, light primal play, noncon, dubcon, violence, guns, murder, misogyny, slut-shaming, cum-play SW
These Silent Stars (The Devils Vitality series) by Chani Lynn Feener dark, sci-fi, college, enemies-to-lovers, obsessive, toxic, noncon, dubcon, bondage, mild bloodletting, sound play, drugging, blackmail/ manipulation, forced betrothal, codependence, mood disorder, sociopath, psychopath, violence, murder, abuse of power, dubcon/noncon somnophilia
PS I Spook You (The Spectral Files 1) by SE Harmon FBI profilecold case detective, PNR, banter, humor, crime drama, ghosts, second chance, Florida, prickly hedgehog, somnophilia
Human Omega (Black Creek Pack 1) by Jay L North omegaverse, mpreg, semi-shifters, growly alpha/snarky human omega, extreme size difference, kidnappings, initial dub-con, violent death, blood, biting, knotting, consensual heat sex somnophilia, erotica novella
submitted by sulliedjedi to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:03 starkravinglab Quilted pillow case

Quilted pillow case
Thank you all for all the advice and links! I decided to make my first "quilt" a decorative pillow case for my sister. My four year old nephew learned what a cemetery was and immediately informed her of this breaking news with this quote. I thought it was a keeper.
submitted by starkravinglab to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:42 ManufacturerThis7741 Boomer Thinks She Can Hit Disabled Son Over "Bad" Words

So my mom and I don't have the best relationship but I've tried to make it work even though we live apart but as of two weeks ago, fuck it.
So were at my nephew's preschool graduation thing. To save money, I was staying at a hotel with my parents. Which is never a good combination. Now I always always ALWAYS wear a lanyard with my key and ID and stuff on it to compensate for my ADHD. And to make sure that my important shit don't get stolen or lost. Things fall out of pockets, particularly when you're in a wheelchair, or can be taken from a bag and walked off with. Lanyards not so much.
But mom was all Kareny about me looking nice for the graduation and how the lanyard would make me and I quote "look like a jake"
When I asked her what the *hell* a Jake was she threatened to hit me for swearing
However due to us being in a rush, and my anger at her threatening me over stupid Kareny bullshit, the memory of where I put the thing never properly formed and it probably got moved at least 3 times
One could reasonably argue that the lanyard was my responsibility as dad did. My argument is that the lanyard is my way of taking responsibility and by forcing me to remove it via threat of physical violence, it became her responsibility.
The dumbass part is that a random guy wearing a lanyard is not high on the list of priorities of anyone at a preschool graduation. They're all thinking "I hope I get a picture." or "I hope my son doesn't show the crowd that he learned to undress himself."
So I have lost my house key which I have to pay for, my debit card which I have to replace and my ID which I have to replace.
But the lanyard and the extra errands are not the issue.
She has a habit of threatening to be violent towards me whenever I hurt her little feelings. And only me. Because I'm disabled and more importantly I permitted it.
She does not threaten to hit dad when he hurts her itty bitties. Does not threaten my sister. Does not threaten the nephews. Does not threaten the old people who hurt her feelings. She only threatens to hit me. She only threatens violence towards ME and I don't care about whatever excuse dad or her freaky Pentecostal cult make for her I'm done.
She threatens to be violent towards me again, it's go time. I've gotten stronger since taking PT and I live in a place with fairly loose self-defense laws. And I know exactly which knee she had surgery on. And I have no problem using it.
Fuck the Fifth Commandment. Fuck all aspects of our culture that enable old people to randomly threaten younger people with violence without consequences. I don't care anymore. She wants a fight she'll damn well get one.
submitted by ManufacturerThis7741 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 11:48 Orange_Menace1 (Spoilers Main) - Randyll Tarly Failing Upwards, Part 1/2 - a command analysis

Randyll Tarly, Failing Upwards

part 2/2 here https://www.reddit.com/asoiaf/comments/1d08i8x/spoilers_main_randyll_tarly_failing_upwards_part/
This post speculates the books are misleading regarding the ability of Mace Tyrell and Randyll Tarly. At a surface level Mace is a weak leader and Tarly a skilled and loyal commander. I challenge those in-world views and suggest the opposite, that Tarly is a middling commander, and will turn to Aegon. This is not a new theory, but I hope my observations can add to the existing works.

Randyll Tarly as a Commander

The Battle of Ashford

Context: The battle of Ashford happened late in Roberts Rebellion and was his one loss. Robert’s host and the Tyrell host were closing in on each other around Ashford, which was on the western flank of the Stormlands.
The Battle – what we know: Tarly lead the vanguard, which engaged Roberts army ahead of the main host. By all accounts the battle was decided before Mace arrived, although the exact meaning of this is unclear. Lord Cafferen (of Old Oak) was cut down by Randyll. The main casualty of note was Mace Tyrell’s cousin, Quentin Tyrell.

The Battle – Relevant POV sections:

A Storm of Swords - Tyrion III: ~Tyrell's reputation rested on one indecisive victory over Robert Baratheon at Ashford, in a battle largely won by Lord Tarly's van before the main host had even arrived.~
A Storm of Swords - Davos V: "King Robert suffered defeats like any other man. ~Lord Tyrell bested him at Ashford~…
A Storm of Swords - Samwell V (multiple):
"~You are the one~ that killed the creature in the snow," King Stannis said, when only the four of them remained.
~"Your father is an able soldier,"~
~"He defeated my brother once, at Ashford. Mace Tyrell has been pleased to claim the honors for that victory, but Lord Randyll had decided matters before Tyrell ever found the battlefield. He slew Lord Cafferen with that great Valyrian sword of his and sent his head to Aerys." The king rubbed his jaw with a finger. "You are not the sort of son I would expect such a man to have."~
"If you had not taken the black, you would make a useful hostage," Stannis mused. He has taken the black, sire," Maester Aemon pointed out.
"You slew this creature with an obsidian dagger, I am told,"
"On Dragonstone, where I had my seat, there is much of this obsidian to be seen in the old tunnels beneath the mountain," the king told Sam. "Chunks of it, boulders, ledges. The great part of it was black, as I recall, but there was some green as well, some red, even purple. I have sent word to Ser Rolland my castellan to begin mining it. I will not hold Dragonstone for very much longer, I fear, but perhaps the Lord of Light shall grant us enough frozen fire to arm ourselves against these creatures, before the castle falls."
He considered Sam again. "I am told that you and this wildling girl passed beneath the Wall, through some magic gate."
You will show me this gate."
"I," said Sam, "I w-will, if . . ." If it is still there. If it will open for a man not of the black. If . . "You will," snapped Stannis. "I shall tell you when."
A Dance with Dragons - The Griffin Reborn:
He had lost it all at Stoney Sept, in his arrogance. Robert Baratheon had been hiding somewhere in the town, wounded and alone. Jon Connington had known that, and he had also known that ~Robert's head upon a spear would have put an end to the rebellion, then and there.~ He was young and full of pride. How not? King Aerys had named him Hand and given him an army, and he meant to prove himself worthy of that trust, of Rhaegar's love. He would slay the rebel lord himself and carve a place out for himself in all the histories of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Battle – Takeaways from the POV’s:
Tyrion: Tyrion’s main takeaways were that the battle of Ashford was indecisive, and largely won by Tarly’s van before the main host arrived. He bristles at Tyrell taking credit.
Davos: Maester Pylos attributes Roberts loss to Lord Tyrell not Tarly
Samwell: Stannis describes Tarly as able. Mace claimed the honors for Ashford but Tarly decided matters before Mace found the battlefield. Sam was not the son he would have expected from Randyll. There are hints that Stannis respects Sam, and it can subsequently be inferred, does not respect Tarly.
Jon Connington: Killing Robert would have ended the war.

The battle – Analysis:

Ordinarily a van is the forward marching unit of an army. Its exact uses and troop composition varied substantially. Typical uses are as a pinning force (to engage before the main host arrives).
The van did not appear to pin the enemy army, the low number of hostages, and the fact the battle is described as indecisive is indica that Tarly scattered Roberts army ahead of the main force. When we consider this, it becomes apparent how catastrophic the engagement was. If the van was able to win so crushingly, any engagement that did NOT decide the battle before the main force arrived was like to end the war. Instead, Randyll wins ~personal glory~.
Roberts army retreated, with Robert holing up in the Stoney Sept, to regroup after the Battle of the Bells with said force winning the war. The only person to hold Tarly in high regard is Tyrion. Stannis describes him as able, Pylos attributes the win to Tyrell and JonCon points out the objective is to kill Robert, whom escaped (albeit injured).
A tangent – Sam and Stannis.
On the POV’s above, Sam is said to be ‘not the son that Stannis would expect from Randyll and a useful hostage if he hadn’t taken the black. The inference is there’s value in Sam being a Tarly. The other possible meaning, is that Sam himself is useful.
Between Stannis acting on the obsidian information, the fact Sam killed an other, and the black gate shenanigans Sam not being the son expected of Randyll could take a very different connotation. Randyll is able, Sam is intelligent. This also adds a little context to his exchange with Aemon. It could be argued Stannis wants Sam in his service, and that whole exchange is not actually about holding Sam over Randyll, but wanting Sam in his own right.
· Sam points out that the Black Gate may only open for a man of the black. Stannis snaps at Sam that Sam will show Stannis the game, after Aemon explicitly states that Sam has taken the black therefore Stannis cannot have him. In other words, Stannis is not concerned with whether the gate will open for him personally and only interrupts when Sam suggests it may not open, saying Sam will open it at a time of Stannis’s choosing.
If we take Stannis’s words in that meaning, his comments on Randyll become more pointed. The battle being decided before the main host arrived is not necessarily praise, and able is not a glowing compliment of Randyll’s ability. You are not the sort of son I would have expected at a surface level is an insult but could alternately be seen as praise.
Re-reading the chapter, Stannis holds Sam in high regard, and presses him for all kinds of information, on Dragonglass, Wights and The Black Gate. He questions showing Lightbringer to Aemon, but when Aemon says ‘Sam will be his eyes’, Stannis draws the sword. He drones on about his plans to Sam, despite being typically tight lipped. Heck, according to some popular theories, he’s playing games with Jon in every interaction (the Manifesto series of articles comes to mind), which makes this interaction with Sam even stranger.
Extending this further into the Jon and Sam chapters is beyond the scope of this article but I would be remiss not to mention a few key points
· It is immediately after this conversation with Stannis that Aemon suggests to Sam to rig the election
· According to a popular theory, Sam then rigs the election count for the nights watch on top of his meddling with the candidates
· Stannis is hinted to know this when he talks to Jon and points out the election wasn’t fair.
To sum up this tangent – because Sam was not the expected son of the merely able Randyll, and because Sam appears to be respected by Stannis, able may be a veiled insult.

An Interesting historical analogy (thanks Wikipedia). The Battle of Ashdown

As this is a AWOIAF forum not a historical forum, I won’t delve into history beyond the point of analogy. However the battle of Ashford has strong historical parallels to the battle at Ashdown. Rather than delve deeply, I will provide the relevant Wikipedia section, and a dot point list of parallels. I believe they are substantial enough to merit consideration.

Four days later, on about 8 January, the armies fought again at Ashdown. ~The Vikings arrived first at the battle ground and deployed along the top of the ridge, giving them the advantage.~ They divided their forces into two contingents, one under their kings, Bagsecg and Halfdan, the other under their earls. When the West Saxons heard this from their scouts, they decided to copy the formation, with Æthelred facing the kings and Alfred the earls. ~The king then retired to his tent to hear Mass, while Alfred led his forces to the battlefield~. Both sides formed their forces into shield walls. Æthelred would not cut short his devotions and ~Alfred risked being outflanked and overwhelmed~ ~by the whole Danish army. He decided to attack and led his men in an uphill charge.~ Battle then raged around a small thorn tree and finally the West Saxons were victorious. ~Although both the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and Asser emphasise Alfred's role in the victory, in the view of Richard Abels it was the attack by Æthelred when he joined the battle which was decisive and he might have intended all along to take the Vikings unawares~**.** They suffered heavy losses, including King Bagsecg and five earls, Sidroc the Old, Sidroc the Younger, Osbern, Fræna, and Harold. The West Saxons pursued the fleeing Vikings until nightfall, cutting them down. ~However, victory proved short-lived, as it was followed by two defeats, at Basing and Meretun.~ Soon after Easter, which fell on 15 April in that year, Æthelred died and was succeeded by Alfred.[7]
· Ashdown sounds like Ashford.
· A fraction of the force (the van) attacked the opposing army – and won.
· It was suggested that the attack of the second force is what actually won the day, rather than the first battling force that won the glory. This is not dissimilar to Tarly getting the glory but Mace being the actual lead commander.
· The battle was followed by two defeats (akin to the Battle of the Bells and the Battle of the Trident, soon after the war being lost)
· This was Alfred the Great's first major victory over the Viking invaders, similar to the first win against Robert

~Ashford in Summary~
Between our historical analogy, and our POV chapters, Ashford may not be the grand accomplishment for Tarly that the in world characters think of him. In fact, had he pinned the force or waited for Mace Tyrell, the war could have likely ended. Nobody speaks of his brilliance, with Pylos and Stannis hinting that it was Mace’s win and that Tarly was merely able, Tyrion saying it was indecisive, and JonCon pointing out that killing Robert ends the war.
Ashford was the single best opportunity to end the war, and basically all Tarly had to do was hold Roberts host in place before the main host of Mace arrived. Arguably, he didn’t even have to engage, and could have just waited around. His ‘victory’ turned Mace’s strategic and tactical brilliance into a small, indecisive victory.

Advising Renly - The Rising Sun

I have clipped the quotes here for space reasons
Context: Renly has gathered a massive host. Stannis has besieged storms end with a small force about 1/20 or less the size of Renly’s. Negotiations have failed and Renly is planning his attack on Stannis with his generals.
What we Know: Tarly is ignored and overlooked at every turn.

The Rising Sun

"And have it said that I won by treachery, with an unchivalrous attack? Dawn was the chosen hour."
"Chosen by Stannis," Randyll Tarly pointed out. "He'd have us charge into the teeth of the rising sun. We'll be half-blind."
"Only until first shock," Renly said confidently. "Ser Loras will break them, and after that it will be chaos."
I preface this section with a historical sidenote – the direction the sun rises and the directions of the winds are very real battle concerns in medieval history. This is not some ASOIAF chicanery nor Tarly inventing some reason, but a real battle tactic. Using the sun to hinder an enemy is a known stratagem.
That said, Renly totally disregards it.
In multiple texts we see how the ‘Chivalry of the South’ has rallied to renly. He specifically says that chivalrous part was the least part of his power. His army outnumbers stannis over 20 to 1. Stannis has light cavalry in boiled leather against Renly’s armoured knights, let alone the questionable loyalty of some of Stannis’s force.
Even a relatively costly battle is trivial to Renly’s force, but the presence of another potential king is dangerous. Looking at Renly’s wider strategy his reasons to stay honourable are obvious. He gathers ‘all the chivalry of the south’, and has many, many lords looking to him for reward. Not going at the chosen hour may be militarily superior, but it could result in a number of poor outcomes. No battle at all leaves stannis in tact, and breaking his word could result in the ‘chivalry of the south’ not being as committed as they currently are. Finally, he has no claim – just an army. Stannis is a very real problem, as Stannis actually does have a claim. He needs to deal with his brother.
From Renly’s perspective, Stannis directly meeting his forces on the battlefield is an act of insanity. If he can remove the threat of stannis in a single pitched open field battle, that is of immense strategic value. The sunlight is a single tactical factor (the value in the ASOIAF world to which is hard to evaluate).
I think it is a reasonable interpretation that Tarly, whilst technically correct is thinking far too narrowly. At present Renly has overwhelming numerical superiority, a higher quality of troop and momentum in the war of the 5 kings. He faces a small enemy force, with a stronger claimant than himself.

They Should Do Battle
"Your Grace, I see no need for battle here," Lord Mathis Rowan put in…
~"And have men say I feared to face Stannis?"~
~"Only fools will say that~~,"~ Lord Mathis argued….
~"I say that Stannis is a danger to you~," Lord Randyll Tarly declared
(god bless you Randyll Tarly)

A Clash of Kings - Catelyn III
All the chivalry of the south rides with me, and that is the least part of my power. My foot is coming behind, a hundred thousand swords and spears and pikes. And you will destroy me? With what, pray?
~"And have it said that I won by treachery, with an unchivalrous attack? Dawn was the chosen hour."~
"Castles and courtesies will not appease him, he must have blood. Well, I am of a mind to grant his wish."
~"Lord Mathis, you shall lead the center of my main battle. Bryce, you'll have the left. The right is mine. Lord Estermont, you shall command the reserve."~


So Randyll isn’t actually proposing they do battle, he’s copying the words of Renly. A subtle bit of humour (if you share my interpretation) is when Lord Mathis says only fools will say Renly feared Stannis, about 5 seconds later Tarly explains why Renly should fear Stannis. Amusingly, Mathis is given a command (the centre) and Tarly isn’t here.
If we assume that Tarly isn’t held in the highest regard, the comments very much appear tongue in cheek. Despite being of the same opinion as Renly (and there’s an argument he’s just copying what Renly already said), he still manages to walk into an insult. Now on the other hand, maybe his opinion is highly valued. But time and time again we see Renly disregard and slight Tarly, ignoring his advice and denying him a command. As such, I posit it is more probable that this is a subtle jab.

Polticking with Caitlyn

~"I call it weak." Lord Randyll Tarly had a short, bristly grey beard and a reputation for blunt speech. "No disrespect to you, Lady Stark, but it would have been more seemly had Lord Robb come to pay homage to the king himself, rather than hiding behind his mother's skirts."~
"King Robb is warring, my lord," Catelyn replied with icy courtesy, "not playing at tourney."
Renly grinned. ~"~~Go softly, Lord Randyll, I fear you're overmatched."~

So once more we see Renly silencing Tarly, albeit in a playful tone. Additionally, Renly treats Caitlyn with substantially more respect than Randyll. Albeit he still threatens here, but there’s a strong inference Randyll’s approach is wrong.

Dispositions and Tactics

Rowan and Tarly are seen in Renly’s tent speaking of dispositions and tactics. One could argue this infers competence. Another fair argument is it infers a level of collaboration between Rowan and Tarly.
The excellent analysis in the article series Blood of the Conqueror has predicted Rowan and Tarly going over to the Aegon cause. Now I’m not going to get too much into that here (as this is a battle analysis), but Rowan and Tarly are in many ways complimentary to one another, both are Tyrell Bannermen, and as the story progresses we see reasons for them to become unruly. Given the total lack of description beyond this sentence, I would argue this shows a closeness between Tarly and Rowan moreso than any genius tactical mind from either.


So we see Tarly here very much looked over by Renly. The only character not apparently treating him like a buffoon is Rowan, whom can be argued to be of questionable loyalty (again I harp back to the Blood of the Conqueror theories). Even then we have the quip from rowan that infers Tarly isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

Battle of the Blackwater

A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
…golden rose and golden lion and all the others, the Marbrand tree and the Rowan**~, Tarly's huntsman~** and Redwyne's grapes and Lady Oakheart's leaf. All the westermen, all the power of Highgarden and Casterly Rock! ~Lord Tywin himself had their right wing~ on the north side of the river, with Randyll Tarly commanding the center and ~Mace Tyrell the left,~ but the vanguard won the fight
A Storm of Swords - Catelyn II
"When you stopped Lord Tywin on the Red Fork," said the Blackfish, "you delayed him just long enough for riders out of Bitterbridge to reach him with word of what was happening to the east. ~Lord Tywin turned his host at once, joined up with Matthis Rowan and Randyll Tarly~ near the headwaters of the Blackwater, and made a forced march to Tumbler's Falls, ~where he found Mace Tyrell and two of his sons waiting with a huge host and a fleet of barges~. They floated down the river, disembarked half a day's ride from the city, and took Stannis in the rear."


Tarly in command over Rowan:
· Firstly we see Tarly in command of the centre rather than Rowan
· Tarly is completely screwed here. Given larger command, sent off to duskendale then his inheritance castle taken under him
· We don’t hear of Tarly doing much of anything in the battle – but we do hear of the analogous flanks.

Tarly shares the brutal tactics of Tywin
Rowan is more intelligent (hence the earlier fool conversation and being chosen for Renly’s force). The earlier conversations between Rowan and Tarly indicate this. Note that in the aftermath, Tarly has one of his prizes (Brightcastle) essentially stripped away when he was off to another battle. One wonders if Rowan would have fallen for the same chicanery. If Tarly was present, there’s good argument this may not have been doable.
Although we only hear of it later, Rowan’s emotions play on his face at least a little. We know that he has at least a little animosity towards Tywin Re the Targaryen babes.
Tyrion watched the faces of the Lords Tyrell, Redwyne, and Rowan, wondering if any of the three would be bold enough to say, "But Lord Tywin, wasn't it you who presented the bodies to Robert, all wrapped up in Lannister cloaks?" None of them did, but it was there on their faces all the same. Redwyne does not give a fig, he thought, but Rowan looks fit to gag. -ASOS, Tyrion III

Tyrell and Tywin Mirrored
On the two flanks of the army, Tywin and Mace Tyrell take mirrored positions. Garlan takes the van and Tarly the center (note this is mirrored with Rowan in the center in Renly’s army and Tarly not having a command.)
Although a stretch, Renly was concerned with appearances and the treatment of Stannis’s body. This fits far more with the personality of Rowan than we have seen of the ‘kill everyone’ attitude of Tarly.
Logistical Victory by MACE – boats and bitterbridge
Logistically, the battle is won by Mace Tyrell (whom I love as a character) with a fleet of barges and a huge host already in position (allowing the army to cross quickly enough to intercept the battle of the blackwater). Also the messenger that draws in Tywin’s host comes from Bitterbridge – Tyrell Lands. Given the van wins the battle, there’s a fair argument that Mace could have won the battle alone, albeit with all the support he wins a crushing victory instead.

We hear the van won the fight (with a tyrell in it)
First the parallels. Mace Tyrell is paralleled to Tywin on the two flanks. It is a tyrell in the van who decides the day. Randyll commands the center.
So Randyll is relegated to an important, but ultimately ancillary position. Whether the battle is won by Tywin or Mace (and by all logistical accounts, it’s Mace), is another question, but the ‘finest soldier in the seven kingdoms’ is once again, somewhat ineffectual. He still commands the center in such a battle, but he displays no logistical or battle prowess (worth of text inclusion) in this fight either, just being a renowned commander in the right place at the right time. He is lumped in with the ‘other lesser lords’ when doling out rewards.

Duskendale and lesser beasts


· Lord Randyll defeats a northern army. The army is mostly foot and misplaced. It seems to be around a few thousand.
· This time, about half appear to escape bloodied – Clegane cuts off the retreat.
· Some theories say Tarly/Tywin was tipped off by Roose Bolton.
· This time he gets the commander
· Fifth occurs in FIELDS AND FARMS. Bad terrain for a retreat. Glover TRAPPED against blackwater bay
· Note that Glover had to be captured lest bolton treachery be revealed. Cannot be allowed to send raven.
· Strong implication of a trap and tipoff


A Storm of Swords - Catelyn IV
When they brought him word of the battle at Duskendale, where Lord Randyll Tarly had shattered Robett Glover and Ser Helman Tallhart, he might have been expected to rage.

A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
Lord Randyll Tarly held Maidenpool, Duskendale, and the kingsroad.
A Storm of Swords - Tyrion III
"No," their father said. "With the war. Varys."
Yesterday at dawn our ~brave Lord Randyll caught Robett Glover outside Duskendale and trapped him against the sea. Losses were heavy on both sides, but in the end our loyal men prevailed. Ser Helman Tallhart is reported dead, with a thousand others. Robett Glover leads the survivors back toward Harrenhal in bloody disarray, little dreaming he will find valiant Ser Gregor and his stalwarts athwart his path."~
A Storm of Swords - Tyrion I
~As for Stark, the boy is still in the west, but a large force of northmen under Helman Tallhart and Robett Glover are descending toward Duskendale. I've sent Lord Tarly to meet them, while Ser Gregor drives up the kingsroad to cut off their retreat.~ Tallhart and Glover will be caught between them, with a third of Stark's strength."
A Storm of Swords - Catelyn IV
"A third of my foot, lost for Duskendale?"
"The ironmen have my castle and now the Lannisters hold my brother," Galbart Glover said, in a voice thick with despair. Robett Glover had survived the battle, but had been captured near the kingsroad not long after.
A Feast for Crows - Brienne II ~Lord Randyll Tarly had commanded Joffrey's army, made up of westermen and stormlanders and knights from the Reach. Those men of his who had died here had been carried back inside the walls, to rest in heroes' tombs beneath the septs of Duskendale. The northern dead, far more numerous, were buried in a common grave beside the sea~. Above the cairn that marked their resting place, the victors had raised a rough-hewn wooden marker. HERE LIE THE WOLVES was all it said. Brienne stopped beside it and said a silent prayer for them, and for Catelyn Stark and her son Robb and all the men who'd died with them as well.


Firstly we start with the obvious comparison. Tarly lets Robert escape when Mace otherwise very nearly won the war. Given another chance, Randyll pins his enemy against the sea and plans to not let a man escape. Having somewhat surrounded the opponent on known land, with reinforcements (Clegane) behind him, he still manages to suffer heavy casualties, and the target escapes.
What a colossal mistake. The only good news is he intercepted enough of the force that it seems no ravens got sent off showing exactly what happened, as if one message got back, the whole red wedding could have been undone.
Now prior posts have analyzed duskendale about allowing paths of retreat, and number of losses, but I think there are three key takeaways
· The stark contrast between this and his tactics at Ashford
· The fact that he failed to capture the host and Gregor Clegane had to clean up the mess
· The fact he suffered heavy losses when by all rights he had every advantage (and still failed to capture the army)
Interestingly, the message that gets to Robb is that Tarly shattered glover. The actual message from Varys is only 1000 were killed, with Tallhart. Now its difficult to say how many foot there were, but it’s not unreasonable to assume that 1000 is less than to around half the force. Clegane captures Glover in the aftermath (thankfully), and Robb gets the report that Tarly shattered the force, when in actuality a good chunk of it was Clegane.
As a sidenote- this is indicative that Clegane actually isn’t a bad commander, and in turn this makes the fact that Edmure Tully threw him back more impressive.
We also don’t hear of any captives other than the ones taken by Clegane. It appears Tarly is putting men to the sword (we know he did this with the florents).
Now before we get into conspiracy theories, we see Glover in ADWD conspiring with Madderly to help the starks and Stannis, so it seems this was not some cunning scheme where he secretly got himself captured.
Interestingly, the graves Brienne sees seem to indicate a crushing victory for Tarly, like the one described by Robb. This however is at odds with the report of Varys, and the fact Clegane had to mop up the leftover army. Now there are a few possibilities for this. Varys could be wrong/lying, heavy losses is being thrown around as a relative term (but that seems suspect), or the total of Tarly dead and Clegane’s role is being hidden. The last seems the most likely, Robb hears of a crushing defeat led by Tarly not Clegane (which we know is at least partially false), the dead he kills don’t add up, and there’s no mention of Clegane whom definitely did some of the work.
Also even assuming the whole situation is true and Tarly killed men at a 2/1 ratio, this assumes there are 500 heroes tombs under the septs at Duskendale. Simply put, there may not be that many. The whole aftermath stinks of a coverup. Tarly is getting Cleganes credit (and interestingly, it’s around now that Tywin decides not to give Clegane to oberyn).
Finally we get to the tinfoily bit. Helman garrisoned with Walder Frey to make sure he kept peace. Of the two lords, Helman is arguably more problematic, he knows more of Frey habits (when Tywin is scheming a betrayal) and his nephew is a possible hornwood claimant (cough Roose cough). If there was a conspiracy to kill one and ransom the other – I can see a world where Talhart is the one to be killed. In all reality though, this is a bit too ambitious, and in reality one just died and one escaped – without some super scheme that Tarly was involved in.
So in summary – once again Tarly fails his mission. At best, he bloodies an out of position army whilst taking heavy casualties, with his reinforcements on the way, and half the army breaks free (admittedly into Clegane). This is not a great display of prowess. We also know its possible to capture these men as hostages, as Clegane successfully does so – and Tarly fails to once again. Now it’s not catastrophic as the Northerners are bleeding men and trading troops tit for tat is beneficial, but the battle itself (the thing Randyll is in charge of) is highly unimpressive. The strategic victory goes to Tywin, whom in truth entrusts it as much to Gregor Clegane as to Tarly. As it so happens, Clegane delivers and Tarly doesn’t.

A summary as a commander

Talk about failing upwards
Charging ahead, he is able to turn a crushing win into an indecisive one which ultimately leads to Roberts Rebellion succeeding
He gives counsel to Renly about the sun when renly knows that the sheer strength of his cavalry makes the issue moot. Renly all but ignores him.
He doesn’t appear to do much during the battle of the blackwater
He manages to mess up essentially an ambush at Duskendale. Despite reinforcements being on the way
As a result of the 4 above points, he is given, lands, titles, honors and a position on the small council.
Upon actually reviewing his achievements and each individual battle, I’ve 180’d on Tarly. George RR Martin does a great job building him up, and having everyone describe him as a great commander, but actually unpacking his battles, he looks pretty underwhelming. The most important battle he won was Ashford, but that was a strategic catastrophe which otherwise could have potentially let Mace Tyrell win the war. Afterwards he’s carefully managed, with Renly outright dismissing him, Mace keeping the key positions of command in other people’s hands and Tywin going so far as to dispatch a trusted force behind him in the event he fails again – WHICH HE DOES.
He also has a lot of analogies to Mathis Rowan, which we will get to. Both have been posited in Blood of the Conquerer as possible Aegon supporters. I think the books have very much set this up.
submitted by Orange_Menace1 to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 01:14 CarBombCupcake Quotes for a high school grad?

My nephew is graduating this year, and he has DEFINITELY caught the theatre bug. What are some great quotes for the inside of his card?
Thanks all!!!
submitted by CarBombCupcake to musicals [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:16 Realkevinnash59 Arranging a trip for my mother in law who has mobility issues between Macclesfield and Whitby, need ideas

My lovely elderly mother in law has arranged a holiday in whitby for a week. We don't drive, neither does she. Her husband can't walk, but doesn't use a wheelchair meaning his mobility is short, slow bursts of walking, followed by long rest periods. She's also bringing our 3 year old nephew (my BIL's not mine so I have no control over this) and her scabby wee dog.
Her plan is to book trains, but when I visited whitby and travelled from Leeds a few years ago, there were at least 3 connections, timings were tight and we had to run to catch them. So zero chance of her husband (or her) realistically making these connections.
Her budget won't extend to a private pick-up and drop-off, as we got a quote and it was £700 return for a pet-friendly 4+ person taxi, and that's not in heour budget.
Any options would be great, as my only idea now is to plan the train route and buy individual tickets which will cost a bomb and take an age to do.
submitted by Realkevinnash59 to uktravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:08 MissBittersweet94 Bestfriend of 20+ years acting immature or is it just me?

So I just gave birth 8 months ago, and the year before that, I got divorced because my husband cheated on me but it was a messy divorce and only my closest family members knew about it... And some friends who I eventually had to inform about it.
After giving birth, my bestfriend of 20+ years reached out to me to check my baby through facetime. She lives in another state. I was still in the hospital at that time, dealing with complications from giving birth. I told her I will contact her when I’m all settled.
Like maybe 1-2 months after that, I was dealing with some post partum depression. I was of course posting photos of my little one on social media for my family members and friends to see who are from outside the country. This bestfriend NEVER reached out again... But I didn’t think anything out of it as I was also really busy being a first time mom.
Then occassionaly my bestfriend would post quotes on her instagram about disrespect, etc. But she never really reached out and never liked any of my baby’s photos I post online... Come December, I sent her a card with my baby’s picture in it and I also gifted her a bookmark customized with her name on it we would give gifts to each other every year on Christmas)... But 2-3 weeks later, heard none from her saying she received the card or the gift. I messaged her after 3 weeks to check if she received and she said yes - 2 days after, I got an amazon box with a water bottle container and a baby gift.... Ok, so it’s probably a gift she sent out of guilt? But that is not the whole point of my story here.
Then I messaged her and thanked her for that. Christmas eve came, I am bothered that she NEVER liked any of my baby’s recent pics but she liked my nephew’s pics instead. Something is off now... I messaged her saying that I feel like we are growing apart (something like that), and she gor furioused...
Saying that I have no time to message her after I gave birth or didn’t tell her about what happened to my ex husband and I who inmy defenss, I also didn’t tell any of my friends about it because it seriously put me in my darkest hour dealing with divorce while pregnant... Then she started bringing up stuff in the past, things she did not like about me or what I did which btw I did not really know about this until that day.
And yes after that, I just found it very immature of her. She is single, no kids... No commitment or no responsibilities. I don’t expect her to understand what I’m going through but gaslighting me like that is a whole new level.
What do you think? Am I in the wrong?
submitted by MissBittersweet94 to u/MissBittersweet94 [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:00 UTC76 New to Fishing Charters - advice?

I am located in Southwestern Ontario (Burlington) and am looking to surprise my nephew with a charter in July during which we hope to target Bass and Pike on Lake Erie. We are both new to fishing and have always done shore casually fished while camping, at a friends cottage etc. I have called a few charters getting quotes for a 4 hour trip with the highest being $550 taxes included (well reviewed, website etc.)and the lowest being $400 (no website, only a few posts on Reddit). This is all new to me and wanted to get some feedback:
1) Is this a common price range?
2) Is it common for charters to offer up their services without having all the normal business approach such as website etc.? For example, a guy that has a boat and decides "Hey I think I am going to make some cash and take guys out to fish for while"
3) How do guys on this board vet these guys for safety, paying them up front with deposit etc.
4) Is there anything else I should be looking for? Any advice?
submitted by UTC76 to FishingOntario [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:37 AffectionateFox8001 How my boomer MIL got herself uninvited from my son's graduation

(Originally posted in CharlotteDobreYouTube)
Have I got a boomer story for you! Let's go on an adventure...warning...I tell stories with rabbit holes and tangents. This is probably gonna be too long. I'm sorry!!!
So, the characters are me (40f), boomer MIL (64f BM for short, like bowel movement bc she's caca), my oldest son, (17m), and my church "mom" (65f CM for short).
A little background: BM thinks she's an awesome mom and grandma even though she's not. She uses my kids as facebook props to show off how "wonderful" she is. The only reason she was around my kids so often was because we went to the same church. She lived 10 minutes down the road from us, but could never be bothered to come over or have anything to do with any of us is if we didn't initiate. She has always said that if we ever try to threaten to keep our kids away from her, like if we were having a disagreement, that she would not fight to see them. We've never threatened to keep our kids from her, she just wanted us to know that she didn't give a sh!t to see her gandkids. So, that tells you right there, that she's a grandma when it's convenient for her.
She's of the boomer mentality that mental health issues are made up and aren't real. "You have nothing to be depressed about." "Just snap out if it." "Just be happy." You get the point. I struggle with depression, I always have. She doesn't understand or even try to understand and is the least empathetic person I've ever met.
When I get overwhelmed, I get depressed, and I start shutting down. My plate is overflowing right now. Between the end of the school year and the possibility of us moving states, I've been overwhelmed. My oldest is a senior and the last month of senior year is crazy busy. I have another child (11m) in public school and this is his last year of elementary school, so this has been an extremely busy month for him. I have 3 more kids that do online public school/homeschool. So, they're home all day with online classes, but since they're a public school, they have mandatory state testing just like regular public school. I have had to take them to do state testing on 4 different days overyhe last few weeks and the meeting place was 45 minutes from home, at a conference room in a mall. I also babysit 3 kids (1m, 4m, 4f), so hanging out for 4 to 5 hours a day on 4 different days with a shitload of kids at the f#cking mall was not easy. Not to mention the positions and "jobs" that I hold at church. To say I'm busy is an understatement.
We've been planning on moving for the last few months because a position at my husband's work is coming open near where he grew up, which is in another state. His parents recently moved back to their hometown after my FIL retired, so one reason for the move would be to be closer to them. They are getting older, so I would be taking care of them once they needed it, so moving closer seemed like a great option. Also, it's a lower COL area than we live in now. Currently we live in the metro area of a capital city and we would be moving to a middle of nowhere po'dunk town.
Told you, rabbit holes, thanks for still being with me!!!
And this is just the straw that broke the camel's back, this is not the only reason for my decision.
So, to the actual story...
Last week, I got a mother's day card in the mail from BM. She's a dollar tree card fanatic. It was a very typical card that she sends me. Nothing handwritten except for "love, grandma and grandpa." This is what she writes in all my cards. (Another tangent...last year my mom passed a month before mother's day and that actual mother's day was her and my dad's anniversary. And I had a super complicated relationship with my momster. So, it was an exceptionally hard day for me. The card she got me said "Daughter" in huge letters on the front. I thought it was so incredibly passive aggressive and completely inappropriate for that year. If it would've been any other year, it would've been fine. Also, she never gets me cards that just say "daughter" so, to me, it was a low blow.) (Yet another tangent...she does passive aggressive crap all the time, for instance when she used to do fb birthday posts, she would always ask me to send her a pic to post. I'm picky about what pics are used and she knows that. Last year, I sent her a great pic of me and her son to use. So, she used one from about 12 years ago that looked like absolute poop. It was a surprise pic, so like not even posed, stupid look on my face. No matter what pic I send, and usually send like 3, she uses a completely different one that doesn't even look good.) I got the card last Tuesday. Hubby happened to be talking to her while driving home from work that day, so when he got home, I thanked her for the card and just wanted to give her a heads up that I hadn't gotten a chance to mail hers yet because of everything I had going on. I kinda broke down and was sharing how I felt and she basically just said, "suck it up, it'll be fine." She's always been dismissive of my feelings, always.
So, my CM is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. She listens to me, lets me share my feelings without being dismissive, and actually shows she cares. I see her twice weekly at church, and text with her during the week. Since BM has moved 8 moths ago, she has called or texted "just to talk or check in on us" less than a handful of times. She only calls/texts when she needs something or on a special occasion. She called my husband to ask about something, not just to talk. I understand now why the oldest grandson, my nephew, didn't even bother to invite her to his and his girlfriend's baby shower where he proposed. She thinks she's an amazing grandma bc she sends birthday money in a card and posts their pics on Facebook. And, she even stopped posting the kids birthday messages on fb bc she said it was "too much trouble." So, she just sticks to her 30 daily inspirational Bible quotes posts. She's the type that was so pissed off that both of her kids went with courthouse marriages instead of going into debt for a wedding because she didn't get to walk down the aisle at her kids' weddings and post pics on fb. She's mentioned this several times, but definitely wasn't even willing to spend a dime towards a wedding that no one wanted except her. She was also unwilling to take a day off work to go to the courthouse with us. With both of her kids' marriages, the kids and partners were together for a while and had kids before getting married, so spending tons of money on a huge wedding for either of us couples wouldn't have been the best way to spend money.
On mother's day, I gave my CM a card with a few lines written in it about how amazing she is and how I'm so grateful for her. I'm way closer to her than BM. CM is my chosen family and to me, your chosen family is the one that means more because you chose them, you didn't just get stuck with them. My blood family is incredibly toxic, so I stick with my chosen family. CM made a fb post with all that she got for mother's day. It was gifts and cards from her own children, and of course my card as well. CM & BM are fb friends, so of course BM saw it. Also, BM has everyone convinced she's this sweet, little old church lady, but she is far from it.
So, this Tuesday she got her cards in the mail. I always give her one from hubby and myself, and a separate one from our boys. I wrote a nice little note in it. Not long, a line or 2, but it was more effort than she put into my card. She sent me and hubby the following in a group text...
Copy and pasted, only edited out names.
"Got my cards in the mail today. 😭. They were post marked Saturday. You could of kept them til I got there or next year. It's like yall bought them Saturday, wrote a few words and rushed to get them to post office. My heart 💔broken. I thought I deserved better. I wish I could send pictures of my card verses [CM] 😩 card. I couldnt tell which gift was yours. But least I have a year to try do better and be worthy of such wonderful words of love and praise that was written to her.
I don't mean to complain or seem ungrateful but I wished you hadn't mailed them.😭😭. I can't explain how crushed I am.😔 Anyway hopefully I will see yall on the 20th."
Note: my oldest son is graduating on the 20th. She was supposed to drive down and spend the night with us to attend the graduation. I honestly believe she picked this fight because she doesn't want to drive the 6 hours down here.
If you "don't mean to complain or seem ungrateful" then why tf did you send it? I asked my husband what was his initial reaction and he said, "Really?!? All she had to do was say thanks."
So, after I talked to my husband and oldest son (I wanted to make sure everyone was on board with what I was saying before I sent it) , I sent her this response:
"I mailed them on Friday, I bought them several weeks ago. I told you I hadn't mailed them yet because I've been in a deep depression and you dismissed my feelings like always. I have real, valid feelings and you always dismissed them as silly. And come after me because now you're feelings are hurt. Wow, ok. The absolute audacity. And it's not just with your cards that I'm slacking. It's with everything. Because I have depression. I'm overwhelmed on top of that and literally the only thing you care about is a card. I tried to express my feelings the other day on the phone and you dismissed them like you always do. I know things will be fine, but in this moment they are not and you don't get that. Because you don't understand how or why I feel the way I do, then my feelings are silly or invalid to you.
And I never gave [CM] a present. Don't know why you thought that.
Don't worry about coming down on the 20th."
She replies by trying to blackmail me;
"Well my am so sorry I said anything. I never realized you thought that about me. I never dismissed your depression but yes i never knew what to do for you. I am not going to go back and forth about this. I will text [son] and let him know you told me not to come."
She's not sorry to me for being dismissive, she's sorry because now she doesn't get her "Proud MeMe moment" and can't post pictures of her at his graduation on fb. And even if she didn't "know what to do" for me, all she had to do was ask. Or listen. Or give a damn hug. But, no, she just dismissed me bc to her depression isn't real. And she's not going back and forth bc she knows shes wrong! Little did she know that I had already cleared it with hubby and son before sending the text, so I think she thought it would make me look bad to my oldest son that I told her no to come. Oldest son said, "I'm neutral, I don't care if she comes or not. It's not like she's had anything to do with us since she moved, and barely had anything to do with us when she was here."
So, my last text to her said, "He knows. I asked him before I texted you, and he's good with it."
All she had to do was say thanks or not even say anything at all. But, no, she had to say something stupid. Even her own son said that she's lucky she even got a card bc if it was up to him, her actual son, she wouldn't have gotten anything. So, not only is she not invited to the graduation, she's never welcome in my home again. The great part is I don't have to share my holidays with her ever again!!! And please know that I'd never keep her grandchildren from her, but if she wants a relationship with them, she'll have to put some effort in. And we all know boomers hate effort.
ETA: we are no longer moving anywhere close to her. If anything, we'd move in the opposite direction.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my rant. I appreciate you my friends!
submitted by AffectionateFox8001 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:50 bjack91 Need to vent... hope it's ok

So I've been on here a while. This post is probably gonna be the most honest I've ever done. Got in a fight with my mother a little bit this morning ( I don't scream or get violent) my nephew knows that I'm lonely but won't just settle because I feel like my moral compass isn't worth compromise. I want someone need someone who sees me for me I'm disabled I live at home because of my medical needs and cannot work due to those problems. My nephew a 14 year old little asshole constantly berates belittles me calls me gay and a 40 year old virgin .. A virgin I am 40 I am not. Sex shouldn't be a throwaway one night stand with multiple partners in my opinion. I've been a single parent quote unquote since his mother decided drugs were more important. But today I told my mother I don't care how lonely I am it's either him or me because I can't stand being bullied by someone who I live with and pay for. And I was kinda just very much dismissed... it makes me feel very unseen.
submitted by bjack91 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:29 Mad_Season_1994 "We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality" - I purged a lot of fear from myself yesterday

Long story short: I got a vasectomy yesterday morning. I know I don't want kids. It's just never been an aspiration of mine, not even in my happiest moments when I'm with my nephew whom I share a birthday with. Not even when I would watch him and his father (my brother) playing and having a good time. That "want" just has never been there for me. Additionally, I don't want every sexual interaction I have with a girl to be ruined in my head by the fear of a condom breaking, no matter how effective it may be. So I felt the best option would be to have this procedure done.
In the minutes leading up to me walking into my doctor's office, I felt fear stop me in my tracks, contemplating getting back in my car and going home. But I pressed on and was in the procedure room in less than five minutes. The doctor was very casual and professional, starting a conversation with me and going from there. But at the first sensation of the anesthetic needle going in, panic nearly overcame me and I started to hyperventilate a bit. Not enough to cause alarm for the doctor, mind you. But enough that he gently ushered me to just breathe normally. And I slowly got better. There were a few other moments of discomfort, but the procedure was done in about 20 minutes I reckon.
But as soon as I got to my car, I cried more than I have in a long, long time. Even when I've been at my lowest, I just don't really cry. But I legitimately was like this for a few minutes. I even wished my dad was there with me just for comfort (he's on a cruise with my mother). But I managed to collect myself and got home safe.
And yet, after only a few hours and into today, I've hardly thought about it. Granted I've been busy doing things around the house. But it's like my brain has come to the realization of "You were crying over something so trivial. You're fine". And I am fine, physically anyway. Mild pain and that's it.
But I thought about Seneca's quote above and how I, to use the old phrase, made a mountain out of a molehill. Yes this is a life altering procedure. But waking up this morning and realizing the worst was now behind me, and that this fear I had has gone...it's liberating. Truly.
submitted by Mad_Season_1994 to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:13 Authorrlee Week of Grandmother’s Funeral I Went NC w/ Only Sibling

(I am SO sorry for the needed lengthy) Back Story & Context Leading To My Decision:
I (33F) have 1 sister, “Sam” (38F). Although we share the same parents, our childhood & the way we were treated was incredibly different. Mainly because Sam had always been favored & treated far better than me. A fact that Sam refuses to acknowledge to this day.
Before & after my parents got married, it was agreed upon that they would not have children, until one day my mother “Susan” (66F) came up with the bright idea that if she gave her parents (“Norma & Gene”) a grand-baby they would finally love her. She went off the pill without telling my father, got pregnant, then had Sam. To no one’s surprise, Susan hated being a mom. So she would ship Sam across the country to Norma & Gene’s constantly, so much so, they saw her as THEIR child. And they showered her with love that Susan never even got a taste of. This led to Susan being aggressively jealous & resentful of her child.
Years later, my dad was tricked again into having me to “save their marriage.” They divorced when I was 3. All Sam ever knew from Susan was neglect, emotional & mental abuse from Susan, which only became worse when she could use “favoring” me as another way to hurt Sam. This was NOT a secret in my family, resulting in maltreatment towards me (either subconsciously or intentionally).
Abuse toward Sam turned physical. My father was given full custody of her when I was 8, and I was left with Susan for the next 2 years until she decided she wanted to move to San Francisco because she “deserved” a more glamorous life. I do not remember the years living with Susan, but recently one of my closest friends (of 25 years) said to me I practically lived at her house & she barely interacted with Susan throughout the entirety of our friendship.
To make up for Susan being an awful parent, Norma & Gene would dote on Sam & shell out a lot of $$$ to give her a very nice life which includes but not limited to; taking her on luxury trips around the world (I was only invited on 1 in the times we lived together), Norma would write her lengthy letters to continue growing their bond, has had so much money spent on her such as down payment on her first house & paid for extravagant events such as majority of the bill for her $50,000 wedding @ 21yo, the rest my father paid for. The only time she worked before graduating with her degree was part time ONE semester in college then quit because it was “so tiring” to work & study. Want to guess who paid her bills & gave her an allowance the rest of the time? Compare this to me when I barley received a kind word. They offered me money ONCE in my early 20’s to pay off my credit card & medical debt I accrued in college as I had to pay all my own bills while working full time (I have been working since I was 15) and going to school full time. I am the only one in the family who worked in college, yet I am still the only one to graduate with honors. I accepted with the condition it would come out of my “inheritance.” I have never asked or been offered money since. I have paid for ALL my own bills since I left home @ 18 years old.
Despite the obvious disparities and constant hurt they put me through, I was an active member of the family who mainly kept her mouth shut. I attended family events unless I could not afford to go, I sent holiday gifts, called between 1-2x per month for an 1 hour+ phone call in which I most often bit my tongue unless it was to defend Sam as Norma & Susan did not agree with her parenting.
Something to note, in May 2021 my father had an accident that would lead to his passing in December 2021. The disagreements & Sam’s nastiness toward me after the accident and then his death further strained our relationship.
Fast forward to March 2023. An explosive incident at Susan’s home. Susan started berating Sam for not allowing Susan to take my oldest nephew cross country for a week. When Sam confronted her on the abuse she endured growing up, and will not subject her kids to that, Susan lost it. Not only did Susan say that Sam made that up (I have the court documents in my possession) she screamed at Sam until she began sobbing in ear shot of her 3 young kids, husband, and my step father. I stood up for Sam as always, which resulted in Susan screaming in my face “I don’t want a relationship with you” with Sam as a witness. I cut ties with Susan in that very moment, then made the family aware of my decision, and everyone, including Norma agreed to respect my decision which she later went back on.
By August 2023, my physical health that had been on a rapid decline since 2019 including 18 out of 23 (78%) of my spinal discs deteriorating without a known cause had become unbearable to manage + time I had to take off because of migraines & doctor’s appointments, I had to quit my corporate desk job. I had enough money saved to tide me over for some time, but as any US adult in their 20’s & 30’s know, it’s been rough the past few years, add in physical disabilities & limited mobility + regular migraines, I was running low on money & needed help. So at the end of December, at the encouragement & insistence of my aunt “Elizabeth” (61F & Susan’s sister) who I had become quite close with over the past few years, I went to Norma & Gene to ask for a LOAN. They had donated $25,000 to Sam’s place of worship on her behalf a few months prior, offered to buy Sam & her husband a house the year prior, paid for Elizabeth’s bills & expensive lifestyle for the last year when she was soul searching on what line of work she wanted to do next, this was after putting a down payment on Elizabeth’s new $470,000 condo + $70,000 of renovations it needed, not to mention the literal hundreds of thousands of dollars that they have given Susan over the years just to pay off her credit card debt (none of which is coming out of their inheritance might I add) she assured me they would absolutely loan their granddaughter with serious health issues money. Elizabeth would talk to them personally about it, just to seal the deal while Sam would help me find cheaper alternatives to my current necessities such as Medicaid.
I make the request, and to my surprise they are more than happy to help me with a loan. But one week later & their phone calls with Susan, they say by email they “love me but cannot continue to financially support my poor decisions.” I call Elizabeth who says, it was not in her best interest to talk to them about helping me as I am “worthless to this family and society while being disabled.” Then adds that she will not let her “mental health deteriorate just to emotionally support me.” I then immediately reach out to Sam who does not even have the guts to talk by phone only text, and says she called Susan to explain my circumstance but “wasn’t going to argue or pick a fight” to help me and that she is sorry that that she “can't show up for me the way I want her to because she needs to maintain her own mental health, relationships and boundaries.” She also threw in that I have “made up this narrative in my head” that they treat her & I different, that she is treated better. This is literally in the same conversation where I already listed how she was treated better.
That day I fully cut contact with Norma, Gene, and Elizabeth. I told them they will not be hearing from me again, and I will not be attending theirs or Susan’s funeral. And I stopped speaking with Sam for the time being. Ironically, what led us to speaking was last month (April 2024) I had begun working on an article about going No Contact with family members. I asked if I could discuss her childhood abuse in a few sentences as part of the article. She agreed and offered to give me quotes. I accepted then interviewed her. From there we began rebuilding our relationship.
Then Wednesday, May 8, Norma passes. I do not attend the funeral that happened on Friday, May 10. My two cousins who I have become very close with in the last 6 months understood why, and supported my decision. I made it clear to Sam, who told Susan I would not be attending and I had made it clear in January that when the time came, I would l not be attending their funerals. Which clearly they saw as an empty threat. But even though I did not go, I continually checked in with them & Sam to ensure they were okay. Not once from Wednesday to yesterday (Tuesday) did Sam reply to a single message. As I was concerned about this, I reached out yesterday morning. She replied in the afternoon. I was incredibly hurt by her very lengthy message. Here are 2 excerpts that led me to full NC.
  1. “Your perspective on the situation was clear, you werent coming to be with the family and you arent grieving [Norma’s] death at least in the conventional sense. I had to be the one to answer from most of the family why you werent there, it was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for me.”
  2. “Since late January/Early February things have already been really strained between us. I know that most that comes from my point of view and actions were really hurtful to you. I hate that I hurt you and Its been difficult for me to reconcile that I can't show up for you the way you want me to while also maintaining my own mental health, relationships and boundaries.”
She continually says that she cannot show up for me the way I need without affecting her mental health, jeopardizing her relationship with Susan, Gene or Norma, crossing boundaries (boundaries she never clarified or explicitly said to me ONCE) and I am not someone that would ever want to hinder someone else’s life by my presence or cause inner turmoil by associating with me. I let her know this and said I will stop trying to cultivate a relationship and I will step away for good. I said it as kind as possible, taking an hour to craft a message that can only be seen as kind. I told her if she responds I will not be reading it.
I work very hard to stay positive as it’s just me to lean on. When there is something eating at me emotionally, it will drain my energy & have me spiral until it is resolved. I did not want to waste another moment feeling hurt especially when I wasted hours being angry & upset after receiving her text before crafting my reply.
My dad always preached that Sam is “far more sensitive” than me & needs to basically be treated with kid gloves despite her being almost 5 years older (he held this stance until his passing). He would have surely wanted me to apply that rule to this situation by waiting a few weeks to cut ties once she had time to process her grief. As Norma was the closest person to a loving mother Sam consistently had, I cannot help but compare it with my experience of losing my dad. If someone who always supported me esp. with any family issues, cut contact the same week he passed, it would have added a whole other layer of devastation & loneliness to an already difficult time
So, I am torn on whether it was right of me to put myself first or if I should have done what I am known & expected to do which is making Sam’s feelings the priority over mine.
ADDITIONAL ADVICE REQUESTS: 1. If anyone else has gone through a similar situation or has no immediate family, how do you handle it when having to discuss it with others? Such as explaining it to a new S/O’s, or the least complicated version to their family members or my friends who do not know the full back story but will eventually pick up on me not mentioning my sister or my nephews & niece. 2. If anyone is not able bodied or is limited to working options due to health, what you do for your full or extra income (outside of any government assistance)?
TY to all who comment &/or upvote!☺️
submitted by Authorrlee to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:46 DustinReturns Why Yasuke was a Samurai [Compilation]

Why Yasuke was a Samurai [Compilation]
In the following I will be compiling the absolutely phenomenal work of u/ParallelPain from AskHistorians on this topic throughout the last years and most recent events. Important to note is that this user is (as it seems) capable of basic Japanese linguistics and is mainly referring to primary sources, tracking down almost ALL publicly accessible entries of Yasuke, readily engaging in any type of communication related to this topic.


All credits go to them, but they have not yet made their own post except for comprehensive replies.
Databases they are mainly referring to, entries of the Maeda Clan from the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo and generally the publicly accessible Japanese database.
Structure: Frequently asked [Q/C] question / claim followed by an [A/R] answer / response

[C] "A stipend could've been given to anyone"


Since the last time I posted about this, I went to track down the entry of Yasuke in the Maeda Clan version of the Shinchōkōki. Kaneko Hiraku (professor at the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo, the most prestigious historical research institution in Japan) includes in his book below, paired with the translation in Thomas Lockley's book (which is correct):
然に彼黒坊被成御扶持、名をハ号弥助と、さや巻之のし付幷私宅等迄被仰付、依時御道具なともたさせられ候、 This black man called Yasuke was given a stipend, a private residence, etc., and was given a short sword with a decorative sheath. He is sometimes seen in the role of weapon bearer.
Ever since previously people have been arguing with me that "stipend" could be given to anyone, not just samurai, without considering the word’s meaning in Japanese. I have already mentioned how the word was used in Japanese history. Let’s look then specifically at how Ōta Gyūichi, the author of the chronicles, used it. Here are all the other entries that mention the word "stipend" (specifically 扶持), each with link to the exact page of the Shinchōkōki. I will also quote the translation by J. P. Lamers, so this time the translation is academically published.
  1. Shiba Yoshikane in 1553 – son of the previous and soon to be the next de jure lord of Owari, before Nobunaga ran him out of town.
若武衛様は川狩より直にゆかたひらのあたてにて信長を御憑み候て那古野へ御出すなはち貳百人扶持被仰付天王坊に置申され候 Lord Buei the Younger fled directly from his fishing spot on the river to Nagoya, dressed only in a bathrobe, to call on Nobunaga’s help. Accordingly, Nobunaga assigned him a stipend sufficient to maintain a retinue of two hundred men and installed him in the Tennōbō temple.
2. Saitō Dōsan. Recent research suggest this story is inaccurate, but I’m just demonstrating how Ōta Gyūichi uses the word.
斎藤山城道三は元來山城國西岡の松波と云者也一年下國候て美濃國長井藤左衛門を憑み扶持を請余力をも付られ候 The original family name of Saitō Yamashiro Dōsan was Matsunami. He was a native of the Western Hills of Yamashiro Province. One year, he left the Kyoto area for the provinces and called on the help of Nagai Tōzaemon of Mino, who granted him a stipend and assigned auxiliaries to him.
3. Nobunaga remonstrating Ashikaga Yoshiaki in 1573 for not giving out stipend properly.
一 諸侯の衆方々御届申忠節無踈略輩には似相の御恩賞不被宛行今々の指者にもあらさるには被加御扶持候さ樣に候ては忠不忠も不入に罷成候諸人のおもはく不可然事 Item [3] You have failed to make appropriate awards to a number of lords who have attended you faithfully and have never been remiss in their loyal service to you. Instead, you have awarded stipends to newcomers with nothing much to their credit. That being so, the distinction between loyal and disloyal becomes irrelevant. In people’s opinion, this is improper. ... 一 無恙致奉公何の科も御座候はね共不被加御扶助京都の堪忍不屆者共信長にたより歎申候定て私言上候はゝ何そ御憐も可在之かと存候ての事候間且は不便に存知且は公儀御爲と存候て御扶持の義申上候ヘ共一人も無御許容候餘文緊なる御諚共候間其身に對しても無面目存候勸(觀歟)世與左衛門古田可兵衛上野紀伊守類の事 Item [7] Men who have given you steadfast and blameless service but have not been awarded a stipend by you find themselves in dire need in Kyoto. They turned to Nobunaga with a heavy heart. If I were to say a few words in their behalf, they assumed, then surely you would take pity on them. On the one hand, I felt sorry for them; on the other, I thought it would be in the interest of the public authority (kōgi no ontame; sc., to your benefit). So I put the matter of their stipends before you, but you did not assent in even one case. Your hard-heartedness, excessive as it is, puts me out of countenance before these men. I refer to the likes of Kanze Yozaemon [Kunihiro], Furuta Kahyōe, and Ueno Kii no Kami [Hidetame].
4. A samurai captured in 1573 who would rather die than submit to Nobunaga.
御尋に依て前後の始末申上之處神妙の働無是非の間致忠節候はゝ一命可被成御助と御諚候爰にて印牧申樣に朝倉に對し日比遺恨雖深重の事候今此刻歷々討死候處に述懷を申立生殘御忠節不叶時者當座を申たると思召御扶持も無之候へは實儀も外聞も見苦敷候はんの間腹を可仕と申乞生害前代未聞の働名譽名不及是非 When Kanemaki, on being questioned by Nobunaga, gave a rough account of his career, Nobunaga commented that it would be a shame to lose a man with such marvelous accomplishments to his credit and stated that his life would be spared, were he to pledge his loyal service to Nobunaga. To this Kanemaki replied that he had harbored a deep grudge against the Asakura for a long time. Now that so many warriors of standing had been killed, however, he could not permit himself to stay alive by giving vent to his resentment. The moment he was remiss in his loyal service, Nobunaga would surely think that whatever he might have said at this juncture was just an expedient to save his skin and would cancel his stipend. Then Kanemaki would be unable to live with himself and with what people would say about him. He would therefore cut his own belly now. Having made this plea, he took his own life. His heroism was unprecedented, and his glory was beyond dispute.
5. Nobunaga to his own "companions" (think of Alexander’s foot and horse companions) in 1575 because he was feeling generous that day and had just given a bunch of cloth to a beggar and then felt like also rewarding his men who were supposedly moved to tears by the former act of generosity.
御伴之上下皆落淚也御伴衆何れも々々被加御扶持難有仕合無申計樣体也如此御慈悲深き故に諸天の有御冥利而御家門長久にに御座候と感申也 All of Nobunaga’s companions, those of high as of low rank, also shed tears. Each and every one of his companions had his stipend increased, and it goes without saying that they felt fortunate and thankful. It is because Nobunaga was so compassionate, everyone felt, that the heavens shed their blessings upon him and that the fortunes of his house would long endure.
6. Kuki Yoshitaka and Takigawa Kazumasu in 1578 for building big ships.
九鬼右馬允被召寄黃金二十枚並御服十菱喰折二行拜領其上千人つヽ御扶持被仰 Nobunaga summoned Kuki Uma no Jō and presented him with twenty pieces of gold as well as ten garments and two boxes containing wild duck. In addition, Nobunaga rewarded Kuki Uma no Jō and Takikawa Sakon with stipends adequate to maintaining a thousand men each.
7. A young samurai in 1579 for being a good wrestler, since Nobunaga loves wrestling.
甲賀の伴正林と申者年齡十八九に候歟能相撲七番打仕候次日又御相撲有此時も取すぐり則御扶持人に被召出鐵炮屋與四郞折節御折檻にて籠へ被入置彼與四郞私宅資財雜具共に御知行百石熨斗付の太刀脇指大小二ツ御小袖御馬皆具其に拜領名譽の次第也 A man from Kōka whose name was Tomo Shōrin, some eighteen or nineteen years old, showed good skills and scored seven wins. The next day, too, Nobunaga put on sumo matches, and Tomo again outclassed the others. As a result, Nobunaga selected Tomo to become his stipendiary. At about that time Nobunaga had to take disciplinary measures against a gunsmith by the name of Yoshirō, whom he locked up in a cage. Now Tomo Shōrin received the private residence, household goods, and other possessions of this Yoshirō. Nobunaga also gave him an estate of one hundred koku, a sword and a dagger with gold-encrusted sheaths, a lined silk garment, and a horse with a complete set of gear—glorious recognition for Tomo.
8. As part of his order preparing for his soon-to-be conquests in 1582, Nobunaga ordered his vassals to hire good local samurai.
一 國諸侍に懇扱さすか無由斷樣可氣遣事 一 第一慾を構に付て諸人爲不足之條內儀相續にをひては皆々に令支配人數を可拘事 一 本國より奉公望之者有之者相改まへ拘候ものゝかたへ相屆於其上可扶持之事 Item [5] Treat the provincial samurai with courtesy. For all that, never be remiss in your vigilance. Item [6] When the top man is greedy, his retainers do not get enough. Upon succeeding to domains, apportion them to all your retainers and take new men into your service. Item [7] Should there be any men from your home province who wish to enter your service, investigate their provenance, contact their previous employers, and only then grant them a stipend.
So Ōta Gyūichi used the word from time to time, and it was not a one-off usage. Every single usage of the word stipend by Ōta Gyūichi was, without exception, either giving it to samurai, some of whom were incredibly high ranked, or used in the context of hiring samurai or samurai’s salary. This includes a young sumo wrestler who may or may not have been a samurai, but was definitely hired by Nobunaga as his personal samurai. There is therefore no reason to think Gyūichi was using the term in Yasuke's context any differently. In fact we might even draw a slight parallel to Tomo Shōrin. Yasuke was said to have had the strength of ten men, meaning he must have demonstrated that strength and it’s certainly possible he demonstrated it through wrestling and beating everyone. Nobunaga loved wrestling, loved exotic stuff, and as shown above loved to demonstrate his generosity. So, it would certainly make sense on meeting Yasuke (coincidentally at Honnōji) for Nobunaga to make give Yasuke, who was exotic and might have been good at wrestling, a samurai’s stipend, a decorated sword, and a residence. Incidentally Tomo Shōrin was also at Honnōji when Akechi Mitsuhide attacked, though unlike Yasuke he did not survive.
EDIT: I'm adding an explanation because people are misinterpreting this post.
The meaning of the word stipend is not supposed to prove Yasuke was a samurai all by itself. What proves Yasuke was a samurai is not he received a samurai stipend, but that he received a samurai stipend and carried Nobunaga's weapons which was the job of a samurai and had and fought with a katana at Nijō and he was mobilized and followed Nobunaga on the Takeda campaign of 1582 and remained by Nobunaga's side even after Nobunaga dismissed all his "ordinary soldiers".
If you've read all my posts and links on Yasuke and still don't believe Yasuke was a samurai, then you either a) prefer to believe your own bias over historical research or b) should post an academic level publication from a PhD level researcher arguing Yasuke wasn't a samurai so I could read it.

[Q] 'Is "samurai" a title in the way that High Middle Ages knighthood was? I.e. you formally take part in an accolade and are dubbed "knight," or is it more fluid than that?'


Leaving aside the actual fluidity of the word "knight," there was never a formalized requirement of a "samurai-ing" ceremony. At this point in time a samurai was basically anyone who 1) went to war armed and ready to fight and 2) either a) awarded/inherited an estate with enough income capable of supporting at least a family plus hire follower(s) for war, b) paid a stipend which was "permanent" (as in not just for the duration of the task) of about that value, or c) had enough property to be some sort of community leader so could be called upon for war often with follower(s). In the mid-sixteenth century the legal privileges of using his family name on official documentations and wearing two swords in public and having these be inheritable would be formalized. But that was many decades past Yasuke's time, and even then things were a lot more fluid than most people realize.
Actual titles were something else entirely, though many samurai of the time liked to self-style said titles, so those not officially recognized and recorded had little value. Looking through the list of names killed at Honnōji and Nijō, like Yasuke most did not have titles (officially recognized or self-styled) or if they did they were not known by the titles.
Yes he was a samurai. I don't know how the game portrays him and don't care, but for sure samurai was not something glorious or indeed all that rare. Neither was their lives all it's cut out to be (everyone's lives sucked in 16th century Japan) and while there were plenty of non-samurai who tried and became samurai, there were also plenty of samurai who "gave up" their status and became peasants or merchants.
Source: Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2

[C] "Yasuke is just an irrelevant character not worth mentioning with few historical records"


If I may ask, why are there so few written accounts about Yasuke?
Yasuke is mentioned in at least: one diary, one chronicle, three letters, and one ecclesiastic history (Francois Solier's, who confirms he was from the area of Mozambique and brought to Japan via India). As far as the number of written accounts that mention a historical figure goes, that's a lot. In comparison most of the other koshō at Honnōji and Nijō who fought and lost their lives, we only know them because they are mentioned in the Shinchōkōki or later works that cite or obviously reference it, and many are only mentioned in so far as having their names listed among the dead.
an African person 'becoming a samurai' without it being documented is ridiculous.
Maybe, maybe not. Good thing then Yasuke becoming a samurai was documented.
Source: Paragraph 1

[Q] "In how many battles has Yasuke fought?"


We don't know how much time he spent in Japan because he first appeared in the sources on March 27, 1581, and was last mentioned on June 21, 1582.
Our sources only clearly state him fighting at Nijō Castle, though it's possible he also fought at Honnōji that morning. That still counts as one though. He followed Nobunaga on the Takeda campaign of 1582 but there's no record of Nobunaga's direct forces engaging in combat.
Source: Paragraph 1

[C] "Having a fief is required for a Samurai"


Having a fief is not a requirement for being samurai as around the time Yasuke appeared an increasing number of samurai were employed on stipend.
Matsudaira Ietada's diary describe him as being under Nobunaga fuchi. I don't know if western internet writers mistakenly translate the term literally as "carry" but fuchi means a rice stipend or a warrior employed by such stipend. Yasuke was paid a fuchi. At the very least Lorenzo Mesia reported that Nobunaga assigned people to show him around Kyōto. Either way would make him a warrior.
Having a (long)sword is not a mark of a samurai either until the late 17th century when the Edo Bakufu outlawed the wearing of the (long)sword in public by non-samurai population of the cities.
And in any case Luis Frois recorded Yasuke having fought at Nijō where he surrendered his sword. So he had one.
So he was definitely a samurai. And considering he was among Nobunaga/Nobutada's pages/guards, a relatively important one at that.
Source: Paragraph 1
Response by a user:
I still disagree...
He was obviously one of Nobunaga’s pages, but that doesn’t mean he was Samurai. As I stated, as sandal bearer Toyotomi Hideyoshi was also one of Nobunaga’s pages while he was a peasant, a position that would have also seen him receive a stipend.
The longsword was outlawed for non-Samurai in the 16th Century when Toyotomi instituted the sword hunt, removing them from the possession of all peasantry. Either way, the only explicit reference to Yasuke’s sword type is when Nobunaga gifted him a wakizashi and I don’t think it proves anything one way or another aside from Nobunaga taking an interest in the man which also explains him being shown around Kyoto.
He may have been Samurai, but there is not enough proof to definitely say so. I also think that considering his unique status at the time, if he had been made Samurai one of the sources would have explicitly stated so as it would have been unusual if not unheard of for the Japanese and probably unheard of for any of the western missionaries in the country at the time.
Response to this:
In general, 扶持 is a term for a payment for mid-lower ranking warriors for them to hire (usually warrior) servants for (usually temporary) employment. Given the term's usual usage, and that Yasuke was clearly by Nobunaga's side in permanent employment, it doesn't make sense for Yasuke to be anything but a warrior.
Even if Yasuke was "only" a 小姓 (page) or 道具持ち (weapons-bearer), that would make him a warrior on par with Ranmaru (at least before spring of 1582 when Ranmaru received a large fief).
In contrast, the Toyokagami specifically says Hideyoshi started out taking care of Nobunaga's shoes when Nobunaga went hunting. When Hideyoshi became a samurai, the term used for Hideyoshi's servants was ずさ.
You seem to be under the impression that a samurai was someone who needed to be officially made one, like "knighted". That isn't very accurate for the knight either, but bushi was a social group determined by what one did, not a formal rank or title. Meaning Ietada describing him as Nobunaga's fuchi, and as it doesn't make sense for Ietada to think Nobunaga was someone in a position to be dealing with the hiring of servants himself, Ietada's diary is more record of Yasuke being a samurai than many others would get.
Could Ietada be using the term to mean something other than its usual meaning, or just be mistaken? Of course. But as far as I know currently no one has put forward evidence of, or really even argued such. All published authors in English and Japanese pretty much treat Yasuke as a samurai (Lockley goes so far as to say so in the title of his book).
The longsword was outlawed for non-Samurai in the 16th Century when Toyotomi instituted the sword hunt, removing them from the possession of all peasantry. Either way, the only explicit reference to Yasuke’s sword type is when Nobunaga gifted him a wakizashi and I don’t think it proves anything one way or another aside from Nobunaga taking an interest in the man which also explains him being shown around Kyoto.
Sword hunt's orders was "limited" to the country-side peasantry, and in any case was two decade's after Yasuke's time under Nobunaga. Besides, the word used by the translation of Luis Frois' report is katana.

[C] "He was only a page/squire/retainer (whatever)"


No, but they were a social class of their own, and the distinction was enough that we have specific mention of ashigaru (who were not part of the samurai class until the Edo period) being raised to the samurai class.
A 小姓 (page/squire/aide/bodyguard) was a full samurai. FYI no source say Yasuke was actually a 小姓, which was a specific job title. The assumption is if he really was a weapons-bearer, as supposedly recorded in the Maeda Clan version of the Chronicles of Lord Nobunaga, he would most likely be a 小姓. Unfortunately the relevant dates of the Maeda Clan version is not available on the National Archives of Japan Digital Archives so I can't check, but I don't have a reason to doubt it.
As for the report Luis Frois uses, if I remember correctly it describes the sword given to Yasuke as a ‘short ceremonial katana’ implying, to me at least, that it was a wakizashi as you have to question whether a foreign priest would see much difference beyond their length. Again, there is room for disagreement.
Frois says no such thing. Most likely you remember wikipedia (cough) which record that in Maeda Clan version of the Chronicles of Lord Nobunaga, Yasuke was given a koshigatana (just another name for wakizashi, not sure who translated it as "short, ceremonial katana" in English) during his first meeting with Nobunaga in spring of 1581.
I already linked and translated the relevant section of Luis Frois' letter in the thread above. Even in the original Portuguese Frois uses the term katana (spelled cataná).

[Misc] First Breakdown of the History about Yasuke (and why he was a Samurai)

Here are all the written accounts of Yasuke I can find. Bare with me because all of them I'm translating from Japanese:
Chronicles of Lord Nobunaga (Shinchōkōki):
2nd Month 23rd Day [March 27, 1581]. A black monk* came from the Christian countries. He looks about 26-7 of age and his entire body black as a cow. He's body is really well-built, and furthermore has the strength of over ten men. The padre brought him here to see Lord Nobunaga. I'm really grateful to be able to see such rare things among the three countries that's never been seen before, and in in such detail, all thanks to Lord Nobunaga's great influence.
*Wiki's translation use "page" but it's probably wrong. In this case Ōta Gyūichi probably mean shaved/hairless.
Letter from Luis Frois, April 14, 1581:
The Monday after Easter, Nobunaga was in the capital, but a great number of people gathered in front of our casa to see the cafre [black slave], creating such a ruckus that people were hurt and almost died from thrown rocks. Even though we had lots of guards at the gates, it was difficult holding people back from breaking it down. They all say if we showed for money, one would easily earn in a short time 8,000 to 10,000 cruzado. Nobunaga also wanted to see him, and so sent for him, so Padre Organtino brought him. With great fuss, he couldn't believe this was the natural colour and not by human means, so ordered him to take off all his clothes above his belt. Nobunaga's sons also called him over, and everyone was very happy. Nobunaga's nephew the current commander of Ōsaka also saw this and was so happy he gave him 10,000 coins.
Letter from Lorenzo Mesia, October 8, 1581:
The padre brought one cafre with him, and no one in the capital has see before, and they all admired him, and countless people came to see him. Nobunaga himself saw him and was surprised, and thought it was painted with ink and did not believe he was black from birth. He see him from time to time, and he knew some Japanese, so he never got tired of talking to him, and he was strong and knew some tricks so Nobunaga was very happy. Now he's his strong patron, and to let everyone know he has has a someone show go with him around the city. The people say Nobunaga would make him a tono*.
*Japanese word for lord or sir.
Matsudaira Ietada's Diary, Tenshō 10, fourth month:
Nineteenth [May 11, 1582], day of Teibi. Raining. His highness gave him a stipend. They say deus [the Jesuits] presented him. He had the black man with him. His body was black like ink, 6.2 feet tall. They say his name's Yasuke.
Luis Frois' report to Jesuit Society, November 5, 1582:
And the cafre the Visitador [Alessandro Valignano] gave to Nobunaga on his request, after his death went to the mansion of his heir and fought there for a long time, but when one of Akechi's vassals got close and asked him give up his sword, he handed it over. The vassals went and asked Akechi what to do with the cafre, he said the cafre is like an animal and knows nothing, and he's not Japanese so don't kill him and give him to the church of the Indian padre. With this we were a bit relieved.
So all we know about him is that he was probably the first African in central Japan, and aroused great interest from all the Japanese. He was big, healthy, strong, knew some performance tricks, and learned some Japanese. He was a slave of the Jesuits, but Nobunaga took a liking to him and the Jesuits gave him to Nobunaga. Nobunaga liked him so much he was given a stipend, so he was definitely made a samurai. After Nobunaga's death at Honnōji, he went to Nijō Castle to protect Oda Nobutada, and fought bravely. But it was for naught, and he was captured and handed over to the Jesuits. Nothing else is known about him.
One other textual reference to Africans in Japan exist. In Luis Frois' History of Japan he recorded another cafre and one from Malabar (India) working the two cannons on Arima clan's ship, with one loading and one igniting.
Otherwise there are pictorial evidence of Africans in Japan.
This is a painting of one in a sumo match who may or may not be Yasuke.
A couple of paintings here and here suggest that unlike central Japan, Africans as slaves seems not that rare in the trading ports, probably Hirado or Nagasaki.
EDIT: For those interested, the relevant section of the Jesuits' letters in the original Portuguese are below:


[C] 'A stipend could've been given to anyone'
[R] In the Chronicles of Oda Nobunaga by Ōta Gyūichi the usage of the word stipend (specifically 扶持) has ALWAYS been used in the context of either giving it to samurai, some of whom were incredibly high ranked, or used in the context of hiring samurai or samurai’s salary.
[Q] 'Is "samurai" a title in the way that High Middle Ages knighthood was? I.e. you formally take part in an accolade and are dubbed "knight," or is it more fluid than that?'
[A] It was fluid because in that time period anyone who "1) went to war armed and ready to fight and 2) either a) awarded/inherited an estate with enough income capable of supporting at least a family plus hire follower(s) for war, b) paid a stipend which was "permanent" (as in not just for the duration of the task) of about that value, or c) had enough property to be some sort of community leader so could be called upon for war often with follower(s)" was considered a Samurai.
[C] "Yasuke is just an irrelevant character not worth mentioning with few historical records"
[R] He is better documented than anybody else of his rank during the Sengoku period.
[Q] "In how many battles has Yasuke fought?"
[A] We don't know in how many battles he has actually fought.
[C] "Having a fief is required for a Samurai"
[R] No, it wasn't. A payment or stipend was enough to be considered a Samurai.
[C] "He was only a page/squire/retainer (whatever)"
[R] Even if he was, a 小姓 (page/squire/aide/bodyguard) was a full samurai.


AskHistorians Moderator
And as u/ParallelPain previously said already "If you've read all my posts and links on Yasuke and still don't believe Yasuke was a samurai, then you either a) prefer to believe your own bias over historical research or b) should post an academic level publication from a PhD level researcher arguing Yasuke wasn't a samurai so I could read it."
Source (at the end)
Share/repost this in all reddits, so people can stop complaining. Also, if anything is broken, I'm going to fix it, but Reddit keeps messing the formatting up.
submitted by DustinReturns to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:29 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/16/2024

Date: 05/16/2024

Reading time: 14 minutes, 2817 words

🪖 Military

Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg unanimously adopts motion expressing support for Armenia

The Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg unanimously adopted a motion expressing support for Armenia. The motion condemns the forced exodus of more than 100,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of Azerbaijan's military operation. It calls for the immediate release of Armenian PoWs by Azerbaijan.
Armenpress, Luxembourg lawmakers urge government to act for implementation of ICJ orders by Azerbaijan

Russia expels U.K. defense attache in tit-for-tat move

Russia has expelled Britain’s defense attache in a tit-for-tat response to the expulsion of one of its own diplomats from London last week. A. T. Coghill must leave the territory of the Russian Federation within a week.

Ruben Vardanyan's detention period was extended for another 5 months

Vardanyan was arrested on September 27, 2023, at the Azerbaijani checkpoint of Hakari Bridge. He was charged with three counts: financing terrorism, creating and participating in armed units and/or groups. Azerbaijan confirms presence of about 23 Armenian prisoners.
CivilNet, Azerbaijan extends Rune Vardanyan’s arrest by 5 months

Training sessions will be held from June 11 to August 30

From June 11 to August 30, training camps of reservists will be held in Armenia. Up to 5,151 citizens will be involved in the training sessions, of which 4,647 are rank-and-file and junior non-commissioned officers. It is planned to provide 45 units of road construction equipment.

🏛️ Politics & Government

An opposition figure was killed in Azerbaijan

Natig Mehdi, a member of the opposition Musavat party of Azerbaijan, was killed in Baku. Mehdi's disappearance was reported by his nephew on May 9, and his death was announced on May 14. His colleague Elsevar Islamov is accused of the murder. Islamov worked as a security guard at a Baku school, and Islamov was the school's deputy financial director.

Zelenskiy visits Kharkiv describing the situation there as “extremely difficult”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy travelled to the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Thursday. He described the battlefield situation in the region as "extremely difficult" but under control. Zelenkiy postponed all his foreign trips on Wednesday as the situation deteriorated. Russia says it has taken control of 12 villages since it launched its attack.

Red Cross visits Armenian captives held in Azerbaijan

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) representatives visited Armenian detainees in Azerbaijan. Among those detainees are representatives of the former military and political leadership of Nagorno-Karabakh. Baku officially confirms capture of 23 Armenians, 17 of whom ended up in Baku after Azerbaijan's military aggression last September.

France accuses Azerbaijan of interference in New Caledonia riots

France accuses Azerbaijan of ‘interference’ in politics of its Pacific territory of New Caledonia, which has seen deadly riots in recent days. Azerbaijan swiftly denies the charge, adding to a growing number of tensions between France and the hydrocarbon-rich Caspian Sea state. The riots were sparked by moves to agree a new voting law that supporters of independence say discriminates against the indigenous Kanak population.

No new Armenia-Azerbaijan border created, the border existing at time of USSR collapse being reproduced – PM’s Office

No new border is being created between Armenia and Azerbaijan; rather, the existing de jure border at the time of the USSR’s dissolution is being reproduced. The border description is exactly as presented on the 1976 map.

Armenia border residents dissatisfied with delimitation

Residents Kirants are dissatisfied with the results of the delimitation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Deputy Foreign Minister Paruyr Hovhannisyan receives EU Delegation

Deputy Foreign Minister Paruyr Hovhannisyan received the delegation led by Adrien Kirali, Director of Neighbourhood East and Institution Building of the European Commission. Interlocutors highly appreciated the Joint EU-US-Armenia high-level meeting held on April 5, 2024 in Brussels.
Armenpress, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan meets with EU Trade Commissioner

Armenian, Jordanian Foreign Ministers express concerns over tense situation in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem

Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan were held in Yerevan. The parties commended the current high level of political dialogue between Armenia and Jordan. The interlocutors exchanged views on the prospects of developing cooperation between the two countries.

Armenian Foreign Minister, PACE President exchange ideas on regional issues

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan met with the President of the PACE Theodoros Rousopoulos in Strasbourg on May 16. The interlocutors exchanged views on the issues related to Armenia’s engagement in the Council of Europe.
Armenpress, Armenia involved in efforts to reopen regional communications: Mirzoyan

Prime Minister Pashinyan meets with World Bank and International Finance Corporation leadership

Nikol Pashinyan received the World Bank's Senior Managing Director Axel van Trotsenburg and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Regional Vice President Alfonso Garcia Mora. The progress of joint projects, as well as the potential for diversifying Armenia's economy, were discussed.

Speakers of the Parliaments of Armenia, Azerbaijan have brief conversation

Alen Simonyan and Sahiba Gafarova had a short conversation in Geneva. The main meeting of the speakers of the parliaments of the two countries is expected to take place in the evening.

Armenian Foreign Minister signs Oviedo Convention in Strasbourg

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ararat Mirzoyan signed Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine (Oviedo Convention) Armenia is the 37th country to join the Convention.
Armenpress, Armenia signs Council of Europe’s Bioethics Convention

Government approves housing provision program for Nagorno-Karabakh displaced people

The government approved the housing provision program for forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh. Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan presented the relevant project.
Armenpress, The housing problem of Artsakh residents will be solved in 3 stages, 2-5 million drams will be given. the government accepted the plan, Armenian government approves program to support refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenia to establish Embassy in Cyprus

Armenia will establish an embassy in the Republic of Cyprus, the residence in Nicosia. The project was included in the package of non-reportable issues at the May 16 session of the government. The justification for the project states that the two countries accept each other as traditionally friendly countries.
Armenpress, Armenia will have an embassy in Cyprus, Armenia to open embassy in Cyprus, Armenia will open an embassy in Cyprus, Armenia to open Embassy in Cyprus

Legal basis for border delimitation with Azerbaijan relies on the last maps of the USSR- Pashinyan

Pashinyan: It was fundamental for Armenia not to create new borders, but to reproduce the borders previously confirmed by the Alma-Ata Declaration. The last maps of the Soviet Union, de jure having legal significance, he said.
Armenpress, In the issue of border demarcation, Armenia has adopted the principle of "the border passes where it passes". Pashinyan, The border demarcation commissions of Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a protocol, Pashinyan on Armenia-Azerbaijan border delimitation agreement: ‘I think it’s major success’, Pashinyan commented on the agreement reached with Azerbaijan on the issue of border demarcation in Tavush

Armen Grigoryan and Bogdan Klich discussed regional and extra-regional developments

Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Armenia Armen Grigoryan received the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Senate of Poland Bogdan Klich. The parties discussed the Armenia-Poland bilateral agenda. Ideas were exchanged on the possibilities of expanding cooperation in various fields, particularly focusing on promoting trade and economic relations.

World leaders should steer clear of Baku climate conference unless political prisoners are released

Hrair Balian: World leaders who stand for a rules-based international order must decline participation in the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) in Baku unless 23 Armenian political prisoners jailed illegally in Azerbaijan are released. Balian says Azerbaijan is one of the most corrupt despotisms on the planet. Azerbaijan wants to turn the COP29 into a “Cop of peace”, urging countries participating in the summit to observe a ‘Cop truce”

State revenue committee chairman meets with WBcolleagues

Chairman of the State Revenue Committee Rustam Badasyan met with his colleagues from the World Bank. The meeting discussed the progress of programs implemented with the assistance of the Bank. An agreement was reached on possible areas for further cooperation.

Slovakia's prime minister not in life-threatening condition – deputy PM

Slovak PM Robert Fico is no longer in a life-threatening condition after being shot several times, deputy prime minister says. Fico's surgery had gone "well" and he was "not in a [life-threatening situation] at this moment", deputy PM Tomas Taraba says. Earlier the defence minister said the prime minister was "fighting for his life" after being gravely injured in an attack.
Armenpress, Slovakia PM Robert Fico no longer in life-threatening condition – deputy PM

Healthcare Ministry to receive additional 3 billion AMD to cover government-paid services

The Armenian government has decided to provide the country’s Healthcare Ministry with an additional amount of 3 billion drams to cover government-paid medical services for citizens. Half of this money will be spent on aid to low-income families, 400 million on emergency aid, 500 million on hemodialysis, 300 million on cancer treatment, 200 million on transplantation, and 100 million on treating infectious diseases.

Yerevan Mayor visits Missak Manouchian’s tomb at French Pantheon

The official delegation led by Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan visited the French Pantheon, where the remains of French national hero Misak Manouchian and his wife Meline are buried. The ceremony took place on February 21, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the execution of the executed soldiers.

💵 Economy

EEU membership is beneficial for Armenia- Pankin

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Alexander Pankin said participation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is beneficial for Armenia. He said the growth of the Armenian economy and its involvement in the flows of commodity production cooperation is statistically confirmed by various indicators.

Granting market status to Armenia's economy discussed in USA

Armenian Economy Minister Gevorg Papoyan met with U.S. officials in Washington. Focus was on Armenia-US bilateral trade and granting Armenia the status of a market economy. In January-March 2024, the Armenian-American trade turnover amounted to more than $108.9 million (37.4% decrease compared to the first quarter of last year)

''Learn & Work: YSU Expo- 2024'' launched at Yerevan State University

"Learn & Work: YSU Expo- 2024" has gathered applicants, students, graduates, university divisions, and employers under one roof. The Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine CJSC has joined the Expo with great pleasure. The mining industry is one of the most important branches of Armenia's economy.

Byblos Bank Armenia celebrates Students' Day with scholarship recipients

Yerevan State University students who received scholarships from Byblos Bank Armenia gathered to meet with the Bank's CEO, Hayk Stepanyan. The Bank and the university have a history of successful collaboration. 10 YSU students were granted nominal scholarships of AMD 1 million each, while five others received tuition reimbursement.
ArkaAm, Byblos Bank Armenia celebrates Students' Day with scholarship recipients

EBRD and EU boost funding for Armenian firms via Inecobank

The EBRD is providing a US$ 7 million loan to Inecobank for on-lending to Armenian firms. The EU is complementing this support with grant incentives of up to 15 per cent and free local and international consultancy services. At least 70 per cent of loans provided to Ineco Bank will be allocated towards funding investments in green technologies.
ArkaAm, EBRDis providingUS$ 10 million financial package to ArmSwissBank for on-lending to Armenian MSMEs, EBRD plans to invest up to 500 million euros in Armenia in 2024

EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso re-elected for a second term during annual meeting in Yerevan

Odile Renaud-Basso re-elected for a second term as the bank's president. The EBRD is the leading institutional investor in Armenia. The bank has invested more than €2.1 billion in 211 projects in the country’s financial, corporate, infrastructure and energy sectors.
ArkaAm, EBRD Governors re-elect President Odile Renaud-Basso for a second term

Ardshinbank hostspanel discussion on economic and trade sanctions as part of 33rd EBRD Business Forum

Ardshinbank organized a panel discussion on economic and trade sanctions. The main objective of the discussion was to exchange views and assist participants in the practical implementation of sanctions compliance. The meeting also discussed the role of financial institutions in ensuring sanctions compliance, mechanisms for collaboration between the public and private sectors in combating sanctions evasion, and the importance of information transparency.
ArkaAm, Ardshinbank held a panel discussion on economic and trade sanctions within the framework of the 33rd EBRD conference (PHOTO)

Armenian customs find amphetamine in package from US, suspect detained

90 pills of amphetamine found in package sent from U.S. to Yerevan Zvartnots Airport. The package was sent via Globbing Shipping forwarder company. The drug, fully banned in Armenia, was found inside the package alongside edibles and personal items.
ArkaAm, SRC found 90 amphetamine tablets in a shipment sent from the USA to Yerevan (VIDEO)

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:27 AffectionateFox8001 How my boomer MIL got herself uninvited from my son's graduation

Hello fellow potatoes! And to the potato queen herself, girl, you're amazing!!! I just found your channel a few months ago, but I'm a huge fan. I don't have a lot of time for videos, but when I do get to watch, I watch yours.
Have I got a boomemil story for you! Let's go on an adventure...warning...I tell stories with rabbit holes and tangents. This is probably gonna be too long. I'm sorry!!!
So, the characters are me (40f), boomer MIL (64f BM for short, like bowel movement bc she's caca), my oldest son, (17m), and my church "mom" (65f CM for short).
A little background: BM thinks she's an awesome mom and grandma even though she's not. She uses my kids as facebook props to show off how "wonderful" she is. The only reason she was around my kids so often was because we went to the same church. She lived 10 minutes down the road from us, but could never be bothered to come over or have anything to do with any of us is if we didn't initiate. She has always said that if we ever try to threaten to keep our kids away from her, like if we were having a disagreement, that she would not fight to see them. We've never threatened to keep our kids from her, she just wanted us to know that she didn't give a sh!t to see her gandkids. So, that tells you right there, that she's a grandma when it's convenient for her.
She's of the boomer mentality that mental health issues are made up and aren't real. "You have nothing to be depressed about." "Just snap out if it." "Just be happy." You get the point. I struggle with depression, I always have. She doesn't understand or even try to understand and is the least empathetic person I've ever met.
When I get overwhelmed, I get depressed, and I start shutting down. My plate is overflowing right now. Between the end of the school year and the possibility of us moving states, I've been overwhelmed. My oldest is a senior and the last month of senior year is crazy busy. I have another child (11m) in public school and this is his last year of elementary school, so this has been an extremely busy month for him. I have 3 more kids that do online public school/homeschool. So, they're home all day with online classes, but since they're a public school, they have mandatory state testing just like regular public school. I have had to take them to do state testing on 4 different days overyhe last few weeks and the meeting place was 45 minutes from home, at a conference room in a mall. I also babysit 3 kids (1m, 4m, 4f), so hanging out for 4 to 5 hours a day on 4 different days with a shitload of kids at the f#cking mall was not easy. Not to mention the positions and "jobs" that I hold at church. To say I'm busy is an understatement.
We've been planning on moving for the last few months because a position at my husband's work is coming open near where he grew up, which is in another state. His parents recently moved back to their hometown after my FIL retired, so one reason for the move would be to be closer to them. They are getting older, so I would be taking care of them once they needed it, so moving closer seemed like a great option. Also, it's a lower COL area than we live in now. Currently we live in the metro area of a capital city and we would be moving to a middle of nowhere po'dunk town.
Told you, rabbit holes, thanks for still being with me!!!
And this is just the straw that broke the camel's back, this is not the only reason for my decision.
So, to the actual story...
Last week, I got a mother's day card in the mail from BM. She's a dollar tree card fanatic. It was a very typical card that she sends me. Nothing handwritten except for "love, grandma and grandpa." This is what she writes in all my cards. (Another tangent...last year my mom passed a month before mother's day and that actual mother's day was her and my dad's anniversary. And I had a super complicated relationship with my momster. So, it was an exceptionally hard day for me. The card she got me said "Daughter" in huge letters on the front. I thought it was so incredibly passive aggressive and completely inappropriate for that year. If it would've been any other year, it would've been fine. Also, she never gets me cards that just say "daughter" so, to me, it was a low blow.) (Yet another tangent...she does passive aggressive crap all the time, for instance when she used to do fb birthday posts, she would always ask me to send her a pic to post. I'm picky about what pics are used and she knows that. Last year, I sent her a great pic of me and her son to use. So, she used one from about 12 years ago that looked like absolute poop. It was a surprise pic, so like not even posed, stupid look on my face. No matter what pic I send, and usually send like 3, she uses a completely different one that doesn't even look good.) I got the card last Tuesday. Hubby happened to be talking to her while driving home from work that day, so when he got home, I thanked her for the card and just wanted to give her a heads up that I hadn't gotten a chance to mail hers yet because of everything I had going on. I kinda broke down and was sharing how I felt and she basically just said, "suck it up, it'll be fine." She's always been dismissive of my feelings, always.
So, my CM is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. She listens to me, lets me share my feelings without being dismissive, and actually shows she cares. I see her twice weekly at church, and text with her during the week. Since BM has moved 8 moths ago, she has called or texted "just to talk or check in on us" less than a handful of times. She only calls/texts when she needs something or on a special occasion. She called my husband to ask about something, not just to talk. I understand now why the oldest grandson, my nephew, didn't even bother to invite her to his and his girlfriend's baby shower where he proposed. She thinks she's an amazing grandma bc she sends birthday money in a card and posts their pics on Facebook. And, she even stopped posting the kids birthday messages on fb bc she said it was "too much trouble." So, she just sticks to her 30 daily inspirational Bible quotes posts. She's the type that was so pissed off that both of her kids went with courthouse marriages instead of going into debt for a wedding because she didn't get to walk down the aisle at her kids' weddings and post pics on fb. She's mentioned this several times, but definitely wasn't even willing to spend a dime towards a wedding that no one wanted except her. She was also unwilling to take a day off work to go to the courthouse with us. With both of her kids' marriages, the kids and partners were together for a while and had kids before getting married, so spending tons of money on a huge wedding for either of us couples wouldn't have been the best way to spend money.
On mother's day, I gave my CM a card with a few lines written in it about how amazing she is and how I'm so grateful for her. I'm way closer to her than BM. CM is my chosen family and to me, your chosen family is the one that means more because you chose them, you didn't just get stuck with them. My blood family is incredibly toxic, so I stick with my chosen family. CM made a fb post with all that she got for mother's day. It was gifts and cards from her own children, and of course my card as well. CM & BM are fb friends, so of course BM saw it. Also, BM has everyone convinced she's this sweet, little old church lady, but she is far from it.
So, this Tuesday she got her cards in the mail. I always give her one from hubby and myself, and a separate one from our boys. I wrote a nice little note in it. Not long, a line or 2, but it was more effort than she put into my card. She sent me and hubby the following in a group text...
Copy and pasted, only edited out names.
"Got my cards in the mail today. 😭. They were post marked Saturday. You could of kept them til I got there or next year. It's like yall bought them Saturday, wrote a few words and rushed to get them to post office. My heart 💔broken. I thought I deserved better. I wish I could send pictures of my card verses [CM] 😩 card. I couldnt tell which gift was yours. But least I have a year to try do better and be worthy of such wonderful words of love and praise that was written to her.
I don't mean to complain or seem ungrateful but I wished you hadn't mailed them.😭😭. I can't explain how crushed I am.😔 Anyway hopefully I will see yall on the 20th."
Note: my oldest son is graduating on the 20th. She was supposed to drive down and spend the night with us to attend the graduation. I honestly believe she picked this fight because she doesn't want to drive the 6 hours down here.
If you "don't mean to complain or seem ungrateful" then why tf did you send it? I asked my husband what was his initial reaction and he said, "Really?!? All she had to do was say thanks."
So, after I talked to my husband and oldest son (I wanted to make sure everyone was on board with what I was saying before I sent it) , I sent her this response:
"I mailed them on Friday, I bought them several weeks ago. I told you I hadn't mailed them yet because I've been in a deep depression and you dismissed my feelings like always. I have real, valid feelings and you always dismissed them as silly. And come after me because now you're feelings are hurt. Wow, ok. The absolute audacity. And it's not just with your cards that I'm slacking. It's with everything. Because I have depression. I'm overwhelmed on top of that and literally the only thing you care about is a card. I tried to express my feelings the other day on the phone and you dismissed them like you always do. I know things will be fine, but in this moment they are not and you don't get that. Because you don't understand how or why I feel the way I do, then my feelings are silly or invalid to you.
And I never gave [CM] a present. Don't know why you thought that.
Don't worry about coming down on the 20th."
She replies by trying to blackmail me;
"Well my am so sorry I said anything. I never realized you thought that about me. I never dismissed your depression but yes i never knew what to do for you. I am not going to go back and forth about this. I will text [son] and let him know you told me not to come."
She's not sorry to me for being dismissive, she's sorry because now she doesn't get her "Proud MeMe moment" and can't post pictures of her at his graduation on fb. And even if she didn't "know what to do" for me, all she had to do was ask. Or listen. Or give a damn hug. But, no, she just dismissed me bc to her depression isn't real. And she's not going back and forth bc she knows shes wrong! Little did she know that I had already cleared it with hubby and son before sending the text, so I think she thought it would make me look bad to my oldest son that I told her no to come. Oldest son said, "I'm neutral, I don't care if she comes or not. It's not like she's had anything to do with us since she moved, and barely had anything to do with us when she was here."
So, my last text to her said, "He knows. I asked him before I texted you, and he's good with it."
All she had to do was say thanks or not even say anything at all. But, no, she had to say something stupid. Even her own son said that she's lucky she even got a card bc if it was up to him, her actual son, she wouldn't have gotten anything. So, not only is she not invited to the graduation, she's never welcome in my home again. The great part is I don't have to share my holidays with her ever again!!! And please know that I'd never keep her grandchildren from her, but if she wants a relationship with them, she'll have to put some effort in. And we all know boomers hate effort.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my rant. I appreciate you my friends!
submitted by AffectionateFox8001 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:13 Authorrlee AITA for going full No Contact with my sister the same week as our grandmother’s funeral?

(I am SO sorry for the needed lengthy) Back Story & Context Leading To My Decision:
I (33F) have 1 sibling, “Sam” (38F). Although we share the same parents, our childhood & the way we were treated was incredibly different. Mainly because Sam had always been favored & treated far better than me. A fact that Sam refuses to acknowledge to this day.
Before & after my parents got married, it was agreed upon that they would not have children, until one day my mother “Susan” (66F) came up with the bright idea that if she gave her parents (“Norma & Gene”) a grand-baby they would finally love her. She went off the pill without telling my father, got pregnant, then had Sam. To no one’s surprise, Susan hated being a mom. So she would ship Sam across the country to Norma & Gene’s constantly, so much so, they saw her as THEIR child. And they showered her with love that Susan never even got a taste of. This led to Susan being aggressively jealous & resentful of her child.
Years later, my dad was tricked again into having me to “save their marriage.” They divorced when I was 3. All Sam ever knew from Susan was neglect, emotional & mental abuse from Susan, which only became worse when she could use “favoring” me as another way to hurt Sam. This was NOT a secret in my family, resulting in maltreatment towards me (either subconsciously or intentionally).
Abuse toward Sam turned physical. My father was given full custody of her when I was 8, and I was left with Susan for the next 2 years until she decided she wanted to move to San Francisco because she “deserved” a more glamorous life. I do not remember the years living with Susan, but recently one of my closest friends (of 25 years) said to me I practically lived at her house & she barely interacted with Susan throughout the entirety of our friendship.
To make up for Susan being an awful parent, Norma & Gene would dote on Sam & shell out a lot of $$$ to give her a very nice life which includes but not limited to; taking her on luxury trips around the world (I was only invited on 1 in the times we lived together), Norma would write her lengthy letters to continue growing their bond, has had so much money spent on her such as down payment on her first house & paid for extravagant events such as majority of the bill for her $50,000 wedding @ 21yo, the rest my father paid for. The only time she worked before graduating with her degree was part time ONE semester in college then quit because it was “so tiring” to work & study. Want to guess who paid her bills & gave her an allowance the rest of the time? Compare this to me when I barley received a kind word. They offered me money ONCE in my early 20’s to pay off my credit card & medical debt I accrued in college as I had to pay all my own bills while working full time (I have been working since I was 15) and going to school full time. I am the only one in the family who worked in college, yet I am still the only one to graduate with honors. I accepted with the condition it would come out of my “inheritance.” I have never asked or been offered money since. I have paid for ALL my own bills since I left home @ 18 years old.
Despite the obvious disparities and constant hurt they put me through, I was an active member of the family who mainly kept her mouth shut. I attended family events unless I could not afford to go, I sent holiday gifts, called between 1-2x per month for an 1 hour+ phone call in which I most often bit my tongue unless it was to defend Sam as Norma & Susan did not agree with her parenting.
Something to note, in May 2021 my father had an accident that would lead to his passing in December 2021. The disagreements & Sam’s nastiness toward me after the accident and then his death further strained our relationship.
Fast forward to March 2023. An explosive incident at Susan’s home. Susan started berating Sam for not allowing Susan to take my oldest nephew cross country for a week. When Sam confronted her on the abuse she endured growing up, and will not subject her kids to that, Susan lost it. Not only did Susan say that Sam made that up (I have the court documents in my possession) she screamed at Sam until she began sobbing in ear shot of her 3 young kids, husband, and my step father. I stood up for Sam as always, which resulted in Susan screaming in my face “I don’t want a relationship with you” with Sam as a witness. I cut ties with Susan in that very moment, then made the family aware of my decision, and everyone, including Norma agreed to respect my decision which she later went back on.
By August 2023, my physical health that had been on a rapid decline since 2019 including 18 out of 23 (78%) of my spinal discs deteriorating without a known cause had become unbearable to manage + time I had to take off because of migraines & doctor’s appointments, I had to quit my corporate desk job. I had enough money saved to tide me over for some time, but as any US adult in their 20’s & 30’s know, it’s been rough the past few years, add in physical disabilities & limited mobility + regular migraines, I was running low on money & needed help. So at the end of December, at the encouragement & insistence of my aunt “Elizabeth” (61F & Susan’s sister) who I had become quite close with over the past few years, I went to Norma & Gene to ask for a LOAN. They had donated $25,000 to Sam’s place of worship on her behalf a few months prior, offered to buy Sam & her husband a house the year prior, paid for Elizabeth’s bills & expensive lifestyle for the last year when she was soul searching on what line of work she wanted to do next, this was after putting a down payment on Elizabeth’s new $470,000 condo + $70,000 of renovations it needed, not to mention the literal hundreds of thousands of dollars that they have given Susan over the years just to pay off her credit card debt (none of which is coming out of their inheritance might I add) she assured me they would absolutely loan their granddaughter with serious health issues money. Elizabeth would talk to them personally about it, just to seal the deal while Sam would help me find cheaper alternatives to my current necessities such as Medicaid.
I make the request, and to my surprise they are more than happy to help me with a loan. But one week later & their phone calls with Susan, they say by email they “love me but cannot continue to financially support my poor decisions.” I call Elizabeth who says, it was not in her best interest to talk to them about helping me as I am “worthless to this family and society while being disabled.” Then adds that she will not let her “mental health deteriorate just to emotionally support me.” I then immediately reach out to Sam who does not even have the guts to talk by phone only text, and says she called Susan to explain my circumstance but “wasn’t going to argue or pick a fight” to help me and that she is sorry that that she “can't show up for me the way I want her to because she needs to maintain her own mental health, relationships and boundaries.” She also threw in that I have “made up this narrative in my head” that they treat her & I different, that she is treated better. This is literally in the same conversation where I already listed how she was treated better.
That day I fully cut contact with Norma, Gene, and Elizabeth. I told them they will not be hearing from me again, and I will not be attending theirs or Susan’s funeral. And I stopped speaking with Sam for the time being. Ironically, what led us to speaking was last month (April 2024) I had begun working on an article about going No Contact with family members. I asked if I could discuss her childhood abuse in a few sentences as part of the article. She agreed and offered to give me quotes. I accepted then interviewed her. From there we began rebuilding our relationship.
Then Wednesday, (May 8), Norma passes. I do not attend the funeral that happened on Friday, May 10. My two cousins who I have become very close with in the last 6 months understood why, and supported my decision. I made it clear to Sam, who told Susan I would not be attending and I had made it clear in January that when the time came, I would l not be attending their funerals. Which clearly they saw as an empty threat. But even though I did not go, I continually checked in with them & Sam to ensure they were okay. Not once from Wednesday to yesterday (Tuesday) did Sam reply to a single message. As I was concerned about this, I reached out yesterday morning. She replied in the afternoon. I was incredibly hurt by her very lengthy message. Here are 2 excerpts that led me to full NC.
  1. “Your perspective on the situation was clear, you werent coming to be with the family and you arent grieving [Norma’s] death at least in the conventional sense. I had to be the one to answer from most of the family why you werent there, it was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for me.”
  2. “Since late January/Early February things have already been really strained between us. I know that most that comes from my point of view and actions were really hurtful to you. I hate that I hurt you and Its been difficult for me to reconcile that I can't show up for you the way you want me to while also maintaining my own mental health, relationships and boundaries.”
She continually says that she cannot show up for me the way I need without affecting her mental health, jeopardizing her relationship with Susan, Gene or Norma, crossing boundaries (boundaries she never clarified or explicitly said to me ONCE) and I am not someone that would ever want to hinder someone else’s life by my presence or cause inner turmoil by associating with me. I let her know this and said I will stop trying to cultivate a relationship and I will step away for good. I said it as kind as possible, taking an hour to craft a message that can only be seen as kind. I told her if she responds I will not be reading it.
I work very hard to stay positive as it’s just me to lean on. When there is something eating at me emotionally, it will drain my energy & have me spiral until it is resolved. I did not want to waste another moment feeling hurt especially when I wasted hours being angry & upset after receiving her text before crafting my reply. But with that said, AITA for cutting ties at this time & not waiting?
EDIT: I realized that this post may have appeared as me venting more than asking for perspective since my mind was already made up about going full NC, but the reason I pose AITA is in reference to the timing. My dad always preached that Sam is “far more sensitive” than me & needs to basically be treated with kid gloves despite her being almost 5 years older (he held this stance until his passing). He would have surely wanted me to apply that rule to this situation by waiting a few weeks to cut ties once she had time to process her grief. As Norma was the closest person to a loving mother Sam consistently had, I cannot help but compare it with my experience of losing my dad. If someone who always supported me esp. with any family issues, cut contact the same week he passed, it would have added a whole other layer of devastation & loneliness to an already difficult time…So, I am torn between if did the right thing by putting myself first or if I should have done what I am known & expected to do which is making Sam’s feelings the priority over mine.
ADDITIONAL ADVICE REQUESTS: 1. If anyone else has gone through a similar situation or has no immediate family, how do you handle it when having to discuss it with others? Such as explaining it to a new S/O’s, or the least complicated version to their family members or my friends who do not know the full back story but will eventually pick up on me not mentioning my sister or my nephews & niece. 2. If anyone is not able bodied or is limited to working options due to health, what you do for your full or extra income (outside of any government assistance)?
TY to all who comment &/or upvote!☺️
submitted by Authorrlee to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:56 InsaneComicBooker Wizards...Nine? A proposal

UNMARKED SPOILERS BELOW, I will sadly go into spoiler territorry so often the post would look like a bad SCP Foundation article if I tried to black out every single one.
First thing I thought upon finding out about the Wizard Three in Sigil, was an opportunitty to include more iconic characters. As we learned more about their role I noticed several complaints about them. Like, "why are we having epic level NPCs relegating the work to mid-level party"? Or "isn't Tasha evil? What is she doing here?" Or "how the hell did Kas fool Tasha, who knows Mordekainen very well?". And so an idea to fix these issues all at once presented itself to me.
In this version of adventure, the PCs are summonned not by Wizard Three, but Wizard Nine. Nine iconic, high-level wizards or other magic users from across D&D worlds or even beyond. They were all summonned to Sigil,to each tap into one of Outer Planes of appriopriate aligment and channel that power into Wish, so symbolically the Will of the entire multiverse wished of Vecna's death. You could even call it something like "Wish of All", make it some greatest magic avialable, maybe something you can only cast from Sigil, center of all. This kind of metaphysical 90's-Vertigo/Mage the Ascension level stuff is what I think of when I think of Planescape.
Once the Wish of All fails, the wizards realize it means one of them must not be who they claim, but an imposter misaligned with their designated plane, possibly an agent of Vecna. So they immediatelly lock themselves in Sanctuary - only PCs can enter and leave because they weren't in the room during the casting. And every time they return with next piece of the Rod, they find Wizards in most disfunctional game of Among Us ever, often probably erupting into violence - this is nine geniuses working AGAINST each other, as everyone suspects everyone. Obviously all these people are warded against all common means of discovering an impostor - Zone of Truth, mind-reading, etc - because you don't get to be this powerful of a Wizard without guarding all your secrets safer than national treasures.
Now, you could keep the original reveal, where Mordekainen is the imposter. If you do, I would advocate against bringing any magic users who know him, like Tasha, Elminster, Storm Silverhand or Dalamar the Dark. If you decide to change the imposter's identity, you can happily bring in some of them, but I would avoid those who know each other (so if you want Elminster, then no Mordekainen or Dalamar).
Evil characters can work with this group because of several reasons, which they should be open about. They may vary from "You think I don't realize that, alongside everyone else, Vecna is going to screw ME over?", through "uppity gods need to be put in their place, especially this one" to "I would love what the guy is promising to do to all creation, but I'm not bending my knee to NOBODY!".
Below is a list of proposed characters to use from as many worlds I could think of. I will be coming back to this post to add more names and more worlds with further research, potentially going even beyond strictly WotC settings. You can drop your own suggestions, I will happily add them to the list with next edit. All requirements are that the character is able to cast 9th level Arcane spells, or has reputation backing up that they should, If you have any notes for potential DM willing to use them, please provide them as well.
Eberron - I noticed most of suggestions for Eberron are of evil variety, due to the setting's lack of high-level heroic NPCs (with two exceptions that cannot leave their seats of power), but we'll work with what we have
Exandria (Critical Role) - most Exandria characters don't reach this high level - even Circle of Brass from Calamity were level 15. However, I found two options to provide a bit of fanservice for any critters at your table, both Chaotic Good:
Krynn (Dragonlance)
Magic the Gathering - there are many worlds in this franchise, but they're often very shallow, so I will group this stuff together. I do feel that Magic Worlds have been enough part of D&D that inclusion of
Mystara - one of my beloved classic worlds, poses an issue because it never conformed to classic 9-types aligment, instead opting for lawful (defined as "altruistic") and chaotic ("selfish"). A rare exception, 2e book Glantri: Kingdom of Magic, was a big help here, I managed to crib some extra information from Champions of Mystara and Dawn of the Emperors.
Oerth (Greyhawk)
Toril (Forgotten Realms)
Wildspace (Spelljammer) - It is a bit confusing how to count these characters, as some of them come from other worlds lidted in here. But if they are mostly well-known in Spelljammer, I beleive they should be representing that setting. Thanks to Spelljammer fandom legend Night Druid and other friends, who helped compile the list of suitable characters upon my request, that I then picked from whoever looked interesting
Other - here I will put characters who somehow seem the only candidates from their respective worlds.
Domains of Dread (Ravenloft) - I put this one last because of unique use we could have out of Domains of Dread in this campaign. You see, we know that characters trapped in Demiplane of Dread cannot leave that easily, they need Dark Powers' permission. And Dark Powers are backing up Kas. In the comments u/Zahariel pointed out if wizards realize there is an imposter among them, Kas would fail all tests an archmage would easily pass. I have also seen multiple complaints how both main antagonists of this campaign - Vecna nad Kas - are absent from most of it, with many ideas being thrown around about having Kas as an active rival that competes for pieces of the Rod. It occured to me that he may play that role, while we still have an impostor - another character trapped in Demiplane of Dread could be working with Kas and the Dark Powers, in exchange for their freedom. This way we could even allow PCs to Sherlock Holmes who the traitor is between collecting different pieces of the Rod, and still can have Kas show up with hordes of monsters to steal the Rod later. All that matters is they do not impersonate a character of the same aligment, and wield strong magic on their own. Here are some candidates for this role:
That's for now, but rest assured, I shall be returning to this post to update it with more characters, potentially more campaign worlds even. Your suggestions whom to add are always welcome.
submitted by InsaneComicBooker to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]
