Poem echoes by pat mora

Foo Fighters

2011.01.31 05:31 siouxu Foo Fighters

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2019.09.03 17:15 AliciaWrites Writing Prompts Get Critical

WP Critique is meant for experienced writers who wish to receive more thorough and direct critiques of their work than they have received thus far. As such, our goal is to make certain that as many writers as possible both contribute and receive a critique.

2019.05.22 03:53 dreetea Boramiyu (보라미유)

Boramiyu (보라미유) is a South Korean solo singer who debuted under Shofar Entertainment (쇼파르엔터테인먼트) (formerly Shofar Music (쇼파르뮤직)) on November 21, 2018. She is known for her various covers on YouTube, performing on I Can See Your Voice / ICSYV (너의 목소리가 보여) 5 (as Jang Boram (장보람)), and releasing several singles, mini albums, and OST's for K-dramas such as: Once Upon a Small Town (어쩌다 전원일기), Now, We Are Breaking Up (지금, 헤어지는 중입니다), Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (도도솔솔라라솔), Into the Ring (출사표), 제3의 매력.

2024.06.01 14:11 adulting4kids Prompt Poetry

  1. Imagery: Prompt: Choose a setting (real or imaginary) and describe it using detailed sensory imagery. Imagine the sights, sounds, smells, and textures to create a vivid scene, just like a painter with words.
  2. Metaphor: Prompt: Compare a personal experience to an everyday object or phenomenon in an unexpected way. For example, "My heart is a compass that always points to the north of your laughter."
  3. Simile: Prompt: Write a series of similes to express intense emotions. For instance, "As brave as a lion facing the storm, as fragile as a petal in the wind."
  4. Rhyme: Prompt: Craft a short poem or lyrics with a consistent rhyme scheme. Experiment with different rhyme patterns (ABAB, AABB, etc.) to enhance the musicality of your writing.
  5. Meter: Prompt: Compose a poem with a specific meter, such as iambic pentameter. Pay attention to the syllabic beats in each line to create a rhythmic flow.
  6. Alliteration: Prompt: Create a tongue-twisting line using alliteration. Focus on the repetition of initial consonant sounds to add a playful or musical quality to your writing.
  7. Assonance: Prompt: Write a passage where the vowel sounds within words echo each other. Experiment with different vowel combinations to create a melodic effect.
  8. Personification: Prompt: Choose an inanimate object and personify it. Describe its actions, thoughts, and emotions as if it were a living being.
  9. Symbolism: Prompt: Select an object or element and explore its symbolic meaning. Connect it to broader themes or emotions in your writing.
  10. Enjambment: Prompt: Write a poem where the thoughts flow continuously from one line to the next without a pause. Explore how this technique can create a sense of movement or urgency.
  11. Repetition: Prompt: Repeat a word or phrase throughout a poem for emphasis. Consider how repetition can enhance the overall impact and meaning of your writing.
  12. Free Verse: Prompt: Embrace the freedom of expression by writing a poem without adhering to rhyme or meter. Allow your thoughts to flow organically, exploring the beauty of formless verse.
  13. Stanza: Prompt: Divide your writing into stanzas to create distinct sections with varying themes or tones. Explore how the organization of lines contributes to the overall structure of your work.
  14. Theme: Prompt: Choose a universal theme (love, loss, freedom, etc.) and explore it through your lyrics. Delve into the nuances and perspectives associated with the chosen theme.
  15. Tone: Prompt: Write a poem that conveys contrasting tones. Explore how shifts in tone can evoke different emotions and responses from the reader.
  16. Connotation: Prompt: Select a word with strong connotations and use it in a poem. Explore the emotional baggage and cultural associations tied to the word within the context of your writing.
  17. Irony: Prompt: Craft a poem with elements of irony. Create situations or lines that convey a meaning opposite to the literal interpretation, adding layers of complexity to your writing.
  18. Allusion: Prompt: Reference a well-known song, book, or historical event in your lyrics. Explore how the use of allusion can enrich the depth and meaning of your writing.
  19. Syntax: Prompt: Experiment with sentence structure to create different effects. Play with word order, sentence length, and punctuation to convey specific emotions or rhythms in your writing.
  20. Diction: Prompt: Choose a specific mood or atmosphere you want to convey and carefully select words that evoke that feeling. Pay attention to the impact of your word choices on the overall tone of your writing.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:33 ItsGotThatBang Is Ron Paul responsible for the rise of Trumpism in general & Vivek Ramaswamy in particular?

Ron Paul Redux: The Texan Congressman Has an Unlikely Intellectual Heir: Vivek Ramaswamy is running on Paul’s regressive libertarian populism
Remember that moment in the Republican presidential debate when one brash guy voiced some unorthodox positions, and the other candidates hastened to express their vigorous disagreement? Probably not. I mean, the debate took place in 2011, and that controversial Republican, Ron Paul, has largely faded from memory.
When he ran for the GOP nomination in 2008 and 2012, Paul came across as a rumpled gadfly voicing unvarni­shed opinions that put him on the fringes of the party. But today, at 88, he can look with pride on an ideological heir who is young, handsome and slick– and happens to be in perfect harmony with the modern Republican Party: No, not Rand Paul, Ron’s son, the three-term Republican Senator from Kentucky. It is the practicing Hindu and son of Indian immigrants: Vivek Ramaswamy.
Ramaswamy doesn’t look or act like the avuncular Texas obstetrician. Educated at Harvard and Yale, with a glib confidence and a physique suited to playing tennis shirtless, Ramaswamy could hardly be more different. But that’s on the surface. Put him and Paul together in a room and they would find plenty to agree on. Not only do both self-identify as libertarians, they represent the same flavor of populist paleolibertarianism. The main difference is that Paul was starkly at odds with the prevailing ideology of the GOP back then. Ramaswamy, on the other hand, is fluent in the language of today’s very different GOP.
Comrades In Arms
Paul railed against the federal government and particularly the central bankers at the Federal Reserve. He abhorred multilateral institutions, affirmative action, foreign aid, welfare, and environmental protection. He denounced NAFTA as a step toward a North American Union. He vowed to cut federal spending by $1 trillion in his first year and abolish five cabinet departments. His newsletter described Martin Luther King Jr. as “the man who replaced the evil of forced segregation with the evil of forced integration.” Paul later claimed that he didn’t write or approve such statements in the publication that bore his name. But his followers ate them up.
You can hear distinct echoes of much of this in Ramaswamy.
The 38-year-old pharmaceutical tycoon says he would eliminate the Department of Education, the IRS, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the FBI, part of his unlikely plan to get rid of 75% of the federal workforce. He has said he would cut off aid to Ukraine and, in time, to Israel too – though he later reversed himself on the latter. Like Paul, he claims the “climate change agenda is a hoax.”
When a white gunman killed three Black people in Jacksonville, Florida, Ramaswamy, who likewise opposes affirmative action, put the blame not so much on the perpetrator but on racial preferences for creating “a new wave of anti-Black and anti-Hispanic racism in this country.” He suggested his running mate might be Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is notorious for his anti-vaccine disinformation, popular in certain libertarian circles.
Ramaswamy has raised the possibility that government instigators were involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection. But you know who beat him to that? Ron Paul. (There is no evidence of that.)
Carrying Water for Trump
Ramaswamy says, “I don't think Donald Trump was the cause of Jan. 6,” ignoring a Himalayan pile of evidence confirming that he was thoroughly complicit in the Capitol insurrection. Without knowing the evidence that will emerge during Trump’s criminal trials—which Ramaswamy smears as “politicized prosecution”—he promises to grant the former president a full pardon. Oh, and he describes Trump as “the best president of the 21st century,” despite his unprecedented effort to overturn a free and fair democratic election.
Paul, meanwhile, has said little—if anything—about Trump’s role in inciting the Capitol mob. He has, however, slammed the Jan. 6 Congressional hearings as “insurrection theater” perpetrated by “desperate Democrats.”
On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Ramaswamy outlined the following bizarre scenario if he were certifying the last election instead of Mike Pence: “Here’s what I would have said: ‘We need single-day voting on Election Day, we need paper ballots, and we need government-issued ID matching the voter file.’. . . In my capacity as president of the Senate, I would have led through that level of reform, then on that condition certified the election results, served it up to the president — President Trump — then to sign that into law. And on January 7th, declared the re-election campaign pursuant to a free and fair election.”
And then he would have ridden away on his purple unicorn. Ramaswamy’s alternative was not only idiotic but impossible, a tribute to either ignorance of the Constitution and the legislative process or breathtaking dishonesty. Paul had a reputation for being a kook given his many offbeat crusades. But Ramaswamy seems determined to outdo him.
On immigration too, Ramaswamy and Paul are remarkably aligned with each other and at odds with policy libertarians, who paleolibertarians deride as establishment elites. Paul was against a border wall—at least he said he was—whereas Ramaswamy, borrowing from Trump, has pledged to “close the southern border.” But Paul talked incessantly about eliminating the incentives for “illegal immigration,” to wit, easy welfare and easy birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented. In the same vein, Ramaswamy has pledged to push a constitutional amendment ending birthright citizenship if elected.
Ramaswamy: No Anti-War Warrior
But that’s not the only thing in the constitution Ramaswamy wants to amend. He’d also raise the voting age to 25, which would disenfranchise 31 million people—more than the population of Texas. That’s one way to address the Republican Party’s low esteem among 18-to-24 voters, 65% of whom voted for Joe Biden in 2020, though he may not have considered the electoral vengeance they would exact as soon as they turn 25.
Ramaswamy’s measure combines the anti-democratic with the coercive. Young adults could gain voting rights by passing a civics quiz or by spending six months in the military or “first responder service”—his goal being to “revive civic duty among Americans.” He has also advocated compulsory universal service for high school students on summer breaks in his book, Woke Inc.
Much of this, along with Ramaswamy’s embrace of the Monroe Doctrine as a warning to foreign powers such as China that “America comes First and that our hemisphere is not to be encroached by our adversaries,” would not thrill the Paulistas whose version of America Firstism consists of not spilling American blood for foreigners. Nor would they likely go along with Ramaswamy’s proposal to use military force to “annihilate the Mexican drug cartels” or his suggestion to make a firm commitment to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack.
But paleolibertarian Paul fans would be four squares behind Ramaswamy on ceding Ukraine to Putin – the only Republican on the debate stage in favor of doing so.
Mainstreaming the Fringe
They would also be open to Ramaswamy’s conspiratorial turn of mind. Paul has tried to distance himself from the kooky theories peddled under his name in his newsletter—like when in the grimmest days of the AIDS epidemic, it accused gays of plotting to “poison the blood supply”—but Paul himself is on the record claiming that the U.S. government knew about 9/11 in advance but kept it a secret. In a similar vein, Ramaswamy also hinted­ at federal involvement in the attack but recanted later.
When Paul ran for the GOP nomination, his views were effectively disqualifying. In 2012, his best showing, he finished third in the Iowa caucuses and second in the New Hampshire primaries. He eventually ended up with 8% of the convention delegates, putting him fourth in the overall race. But like Pat Buchanan before him, he was never halfway plausible as the Republican presidential nominee. His role was provocateur, taking bold positions that let his rivals unite in denouncing him as dangerous and irresponsible.
Ramaswamy likewise found his opponents ganging up on him in the first Republican debate, with Nikki Haley, Chris Christie and Mike Pence doing their best to read him out of the race. But his views, despite their similarity to Paul’s, can no longer be derided as conservative heresy. In fact, his rivals seemed to be the ones defensive with GOP voters, which is no surprise given Trump retains the allegiance of 59% of them, according to a post-debate poll.
Ramaswamy isn’t likely to win the nomination. But if he loses, it won’t be because his views are too extreme for the party faithful who remain under the spell of Trump’s toxic populism. That’s why Ramaswamy has shrewdly declared, “I’m in this race to take the America First agenda far further than Donald Trump ever did.”
To that end, Ramaswamy has put out a 10-point statement of his convictions which include “God is real,” “there are two genders,” “reverse racism is racism,” and “an open border is no border,” all intended to signal his vehement opposition to the left.
Paul was against the cultural left too but he didn’t make that the center-point of his campaign because the GOP then wasn’t fighting the culture war 24/7. But post-Trump, the party is fully consumed by the leftist enemy and so what was implicit in Paul is now explicit in Ramaswamy.
In retrospect, Paul was less an outlier than a forerunner. In his candidacy were the seeds of a new version of a populist libertarian conservatism—rooted in a suspicion of ties with the rest of the world, racial paranoia, rejection of cultural liberalization, hostility toward almost every major national and international institution, a propensity for red-pill fantasies and a distrust of democracy.
What was fringe in Paul’s time is now the dominant strain in the GOP—and Ramaswamy is determined to be its champion.
What are your thoughts? This is obviously a bold claim & I’m not sure I fully agree with it.
submitted by ItsGotThatBang to AskLibertarians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:52 neojoe74 Testing Tables

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2024.06.01 04:27 edgiscript [F4M] The Real Treasure [Cat-Girl Cat Burglar] [Security Guard Listener] [Kidnapping] [Wanting To Share Her Life With The Listener]

Note: For information on monetization: An Introduction To The Book That Is Me : ASMRScriptHaven (reddit.com)
Note: For my library: Masterlist for edgiscript : ASMRScriptHaven (reddit.com)
Note: This was going to be the DC character Catwoman, but changed midway through. Truth is, I didn't want to deal with Batman and the history of the character, I just wanted her traits. Buuuuuuut, because of that, I threw in a few homages to DC.
Note: Character is supremely confident throughout. As she speaks, she's very calm and sensual, very alluring and comforting to the listener. If you’re uncertain as to how she would be reacting or speaking, err on the side of being very soft and seductive. She adores the listener and is in complete control so she never acts afraid of anything he might say or do. Any fear is playful, mocking, or just plain phony.

(Footsteps of a night watchman slowly echoing through the halls. A wooden door opens.)
Cat-burglar: (Playfully. Not actually worried.) Whoopsie, looks like I’ve been caught red-handed. Didn’t expect to see you here so soon. I thought your rounds would keep you on the east wing for at least another five minutes. Am I red-faced or what?
Trying to sound the alarm? Only realizing now that your alarm system isn’t working? Oopsie. I wonder who could have done something like that? (Laughs.)
Oh well. They say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. So, I think I’ll just pocket the one I came for and make my exit now. Ta-ta, my love.
(Sound of fleeing as listener gives chase.)
(Footsteps stop. Momentary pause.)
(Calling out.) Oh, deeeeear. This way. (Giggles.)
(Fleeing sounds and chase again. Door opens and then closes.)
There you are. I thought you were quicker than that. I had to turn around and signal you so you didn’t lose me.
(Sigh. Then with mock-distress.) You’re right. I’m trapped. We’re now in this basement supply room with no way out except through the only door that you’re now blocking. Whatever shall I do?
(Calmly.) Here. Here’s the South African Bat-Diamond. You caught me fair and square. I’ll return it and go quietly. Catch.
(Tosses it to listener.)
The treasure that I came for is in your possession. Now, please share with me your plans for me.
(Flirty.) Handcuffs? My, my, you enjoy a good party, don’t you? But no, sadly I won’t be cuffed on the first date. I’m not that easy. (Giggles.)
(Playfully.) Ooh, a taser. I’m shaking in fear. What can a simple girl like me do against such a nasty weapon.
(Clicking sound, followed by several clicking sounds.)
Oh, no. Is your weapon not working? Could it possibly have been replaced with a dud? Now, who could have perpetrated such a thing and why. (Laughs.)
Yes, dear, your hands are going numb. You see, the phony diamond I just tossed to your ungloved hands was coated with a special toxin of my own design. You’ve lost feeling in your hands and now it’s working its way to your arms, and very soon your entire body will be paralyzed.
That’s right. Phony diamond. If you would have bothered to look at the case instead of staring at what was in my hands, or maybe other parts of my body, you’d have seen that the real diamond was still there. I never actually removed it.
That’s right, dear. Shhhhh. Don’t be afraid. I’ve got you. Don’t worry, I’m not about to harm you. This may sting, but this antidote will keep the toxin from reaching your heart. I certainly don’t want to see you die. No, no, my love.
Aaaaaaand, it may have the additional effect of putting you to sleep. Scratch that, it definitely has the additional effect of putting you to sleep.
I’ll never get the diamond? My sweet, sweet darling, haven’t you figured it out yet. I’m not after the diamond. I already told you. The treasure that I came for is in your possession. I’m here… for you.
(Time passes as listener blacks out then re-awakens.)
Oh, goodie, you’re awake. (Giggles.) I’ve been snuggled up to you here for a while waiting for you to finally wake up. I’ve just been amusing myself running my fingers through your silken hair.
Well, exactly where we are longitude and latitudinally speaking is… a secret that I’m going to leave untold for the time being. But one way of answering your question correctly is that you’re in my lair, my home, my fortress of solitude, however you want to say it. The central core of the matter is that you’re with me and you always will be.
No, no, honey. Don’t rush it. It’s ok. Take your time. You’re still waking up. Ease into it gently. I’ve got you here in my bed… wrapped up in my loving arms… as well as other types of binds… don’t rush. Take a deep breath.
(Brief pause.)
No, I mean it. Take a deep breath. Like this. (Takes a deep breath herself.) Then let it out. (Exhales.) Once again, deep breath. (Takes a deep breath.) And out. (Exhales.)
Feel better?
Good… goooooood. Now, go ahead and ask me, slowly and calmly, what you were about to ask.
(Soft, gentle laugh.) My ears. Do you like them?
Oh, yes. I can imagine what a surprise they are. Nekos aren’t common on your world. In fact, I do believe I’m the only one. Who could have known that the greatest cat-burglar on earth was, in fact, a cat? Now that I’ve got my mask off, you see me for who I truly am. The ears that you and everyone else believed to be a part of my outfit, are actually mine.
When you get a little more strength and can sit up, I’ll show you my tail as well. (Giggles.)
That’s… a very… very long story, and I’m more than happy to tell you the whole thing, but I’m going to wait until you’re a little less drugged up for that so you remember it clearly once I’ve told you. It’s a tale of intrigue, mystery, and a little bit of interdimensional travel.
Not of my own design, of course. I may be a cat-person, which is an oddity in these parts, but I do not possess what you might call superhuman powers. And what I mean by that is that I’m normal for someone of my species. I’m not a shape-shifter from Mars or anything like that. I’m from earth, just not your earth.
No, dear. I’m not going to drug you anymore. At least not right away. Not tonight. I wanted you fully alert for all I wanted to share with you. But yes, that’s why you’re tied up. I can’t have you trying to get away on me now, which is completely impossible, however, I understand why you can’t accept my word on that. Therefore, you might have actually tried to get away from me if I’d let you wake up unbound. You might have caused some harm if I’d have let you do that.
(Laughs.) No, not to me, silly. You might have harmed yourself.
(Very seductively.) And there’s no… way… I could ever… let… that… happen…
(Deep sigh.) My dear, are you beginning to understand why you’re here? I wasn’t at the museum for the diamond. It was a paltry bauble compared to others I’ve stolen. No, no, no. I… was there… for you.
(Kiss. Giggles.)
That’s right, my lovely, (kiss) lovely, (kiss) boy. (Giggles.) You… little old you, were the real treasure I was after.
Why do you find that such an odd thing for me to say?
My dear, dear boy, you are not common or average in any way shape or form. You are the sweetest, cutest, purest, cutest, nicest, cutest, shyest, most endearing person I’ve ever seen on two planets. And did I mention you’re pretty cute? (Soft laugh.)
I’ve acquired more wealth in my life than my grandchildren’s grandchildren could possibly spend. You’re laying right now in the true lap of luxury. I have anything I could ever possibly want… except someone to share it with.
And that’s where you come in. I was on vacation. I was relaxing and visiting your small-town museum.
No, I wasn’t planning on stealing anything. You had nothing I’d truly care about. But I will admit that I was, how do they say it here? “Casing the joint.” Imagining how I could evade security and make off with whatever I wanted. I do it for fun. It’s like how some people play sudoku. It stimulates me and relaxes me at the same time.
And I saw you. Or rather, you saw me. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of me. I had a scarf over my head to keep my ears hidden, and my tail was neatly tucked away in my dress, but you followed me around like a little lost kitten. I wondered if you were trying to build up the courage to speak with me.
And then you saw someone snag my purse. I noticed it too. Well, of course, I rolled my eyes at his attempt. You had no way of knowing who I was or what I could do to him when I would have followed his scent later and taken care of him once nobody was around. But you, believing me to be utterly helpless and in distress, flew into action and immediately apprehended the villain in spectacular fashion. You truly impressed me.
And when you returned my purse, I thought you were going to finally say something to me, but you were interrupted by the cries of a lost little girl separated from her parents. And that grabbed my attention more than catching the purse thief. Without a moment’s hesitation, you walked away from your personal desires, trying to speak with me, in order to comfort that darling little girl. You scooped her up and held her warmly, patting her on the back gently as you calmed her down and located her parents.
Your selflessness struck me as something very uncommon on both of our worlds. So, I followed you for a few days and discovered that it wasn’t a fluke. It was easy to see that you were indeed a sweet, sweet man. I just had to make you mine.
No dear, that might be how it’s done on your planet, but on my world, when a cat-girl decides that you’re hers, she simply claims you.
(Giggles.) Ok, there’s a little more to it than that, but I can explain all of that later. For right now, you just need to know that I wanted you, I needed you, I fell in love with you, and I took you, possibly in that order. (Giggles.)
(Very softly and seductively.) Now just lay back and relax because I’ve spoken enough about all of that for right now. The drugs have worn off completely and I want to show you what you’re in for.
(There is a little bit of time between each thing she says as she softly does each thing she says.)
The head pats…
The snuggles…
The nuzzling into your neck with my nose while purring…
Mmmmmmmmm, you smell so good…
The gentle nibbling on your neck right beneath your ear…
(Soft giggle.) Oh, you really liked that, didn’t you?
The whispering into your ear about just how cute and adorable I find you…
The caressing of your hair and cheek while I whisper in your ear…
And, of course, while I climb onto your body and lay myself gently on top of you, the frequent, loving… (Kisses.)
Are you thinking now that my kidnapping you isn’t such a bad thing? (Soft laugh.)
Yes, I know. It may be a gentle kidnapping, but it’s still kidnapping none-the-less. You’re right. You are so right. I guess that means I should let you go and then turn myself in to the proper authorities to face my punishment.
Orrrrrrr. And hear me out on this one, you could acknowledge that A, I don’t really care if I’ve broken any law. After all, I’m a master thief. I’ve already broken several.
And B, if I turned myself in and let you go, you’d no longer get this (Kiss.) and this (Kiss.) and these (Kisses.)
Do you really want to give up all that and more simply because I didn’t ask you beforehand to confirm that I knew you’d like it.
That’s what I thought. Now, just relax, sweetie. I’m about to show you just how great it is to be my most valued treasure.
submitted by edgiscript to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:44 SpamHamJamPanCan The Pink Gorilla

The Pink Gorila
In the whispering darkness of Romania's ancient landscapes, a man found himself on an urgent business quest, his trusty but weary car his only steed. The journey began smoothly on the highway until a serpent-like snarl of cars halted his progress. With the aid of modern technology, he sought an alternative path, leading him into the embracing arms of winding mountain roads, under the watchful gaze of towering pines that whispered secrets of old.
As the road serpentined through the mountains, the car, much like a steed of old tales, started to protest its heavy burden. A steep ascent loomed, challenging the vehicle's resolve. The man, his heart a mix of determination and doubt, urged it onward until—a loud BANG shattered the moment, a sound reminiscent of ancient battles, echoing off the mountain walls. The car trembled and stuttered, barely cresting the hill before it succumbed to silence.
The descent was a silent glide, the only sounds being the whisper of wind and the occasional ominous hoot of an unseen owl. The car, now a silent ghost of itself, came to a rest in the embrace of the dark road. The man's hope dimmed like the fading light of his phone, the lifeline to the outside world now a dying ember.
Determined, he set forth on foot, the crunch of gravel underfoot his constant companion. The road gave way to a mysterious path, leading to a gate that groaned and moaned like a creature from a bygone era as it allowed him passage. The mansion that awaited was a giant, slumbering in the moonlight, its grandeur both awe-inspiring and unsettling.
The giant wooden doors opened with a groan, revealing a world untouched by time. The butler, a silent specter, led the man through halls adorned with echoes of grandeur and whispers of the past. The invitation to stay was both a blessing and a veil to a mystery that lay deeper within the heart of the mansion.
The butler's revelation of the pink gorilla was a scene straight from the pages of a gothic novel, the creature a vibrant anomaly in the shadowed room. The man's curiosity, once piqued, became an obsession, leading him through the mansion's veins, driven by the need to uncover the truth.
The final confrontation, a cacophony of sounds—shrieks of bent metal, the furious roar of the gorilla, and the desperate pounding of the man's heart—culminated in a moment of surreal humor. "You're it," the gorilla declared, a sentence that hung in the air like a twisted punchline, blending fear, confusion, and an absurd sense of camaraderie.
In this extended tale, the journey through Romania's heartland became not just a physical trial but a voyage into the unexpected, where every creak, roar, and silent whisper wove a richer tapestry of adventure, mystery, and an unforgettable encounter with the surreal.
As the echo of the gorilla's declaration faded into the night, the man stood frozen, a cocktail of emotions swirling within him. The absurdity of the situation clashed with the primal fear that had gripped him moments before, leaving him in a state of bewildered amusement. The gorilla, having delivered its message, seemed to regard him with a semblance of curiosity, its eyes glinting in the moonlight that filtered through the torn roof of the car.
The man, now catching his breath, realized the predicament he found himself in was far from ordinary. He was in the heart of Romania, face to face with a creature that defied explanation, in a scenario that seemed to leap from the pages of a storybook. Yet, here he was, his heart pounding not just from fear but from the thrill of the unexpected.
With a newfound resolve, he decided to embrace the madness of the moment. "Well, I suppose it's my turn then," he said, more to himself than to the gorilla, who seemed to cock its head slightly, as if understanding. The man slowly exited the remnants of his car, cautiously stepping around the gorilla, which surprisingly made no move to stop him.
As he walked back towards the mansion, a plan began to form in his mind. He would find the butler, demand answers, and perhaps, just perhaps, turn this nightmarish adventure into an opportunity. After all, not everyone can say they've played tag with a pink gorilla in a Romanian mansion.
The mansion, now silent, seemed to watch his return with a sense of anticipation. The doors, once daunting, now invited him in, as if welcoming him back from a journey of initiation. Inside, the mansion was a labyrinth of shadows and whispers, the history of its walls mingling with the man's own story.
He found the butler in the grand foyer, polishing an ancient vase with a care that seemed out of place in the chaos of the night. "Ah, you've returned. And how did you find our resident jest?" the butler asked, without turning, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.
The man, pausing to catch his breath, replied, "I believe it's my turn now." The butler simply nodded, as if this was the expected response, and gestured for the man to follow him once more.
This time, their destination was not the hidden cage but a library filled with books that seemed as ancient as the mansion itself. The butler handed him a tome, its cover worn by time, titled "The Lore of the Land." "Perhaps this will shed some light on your encounter," the butler suggested, before leaving the man alone with his thoughts and the book.
As the first light of dawn began to filter through the tall windows, the man poured over the pages, discovering tales of creatures and legends that painted a world beyond the ordinary, a world where perhaps, a pink gorilla in a Romanian mansion wasn't so out of place after all.
His adventure, which began as a simple business trip, had transformed into a journey of discovery, not just of the mysteries hidden in the heart of Romania but of his own capacity for wonder and belief in the extraordinary. As the sun rose, casting a golden glow over the mansion, the man knew that no matter the outcome of his original quest, he had already uncovered a story worth more than any deal he could have hoped to close.
As the dawn's light unfurled across the sprawling estate, casting shadows and revelations in equal measure, the man felt a profound shift within. The mansion, with its myriad secrets and whispered histories, seemed no longer a mere relic of the past but a living, breathing entity that had chosen him to unveil one of its countless mysteries. The book in his hands, a bridge to the arcane and the marvelous, whispered of worlds parallel yet intersecting with our own, where the fabric of reality was thinner, and the extraordinary danced closely with the mundane.
The lore of the pink gorilla, as he discovered, was not merely an oddity to be puzzled over but a guardian of thresholds, a creature that manifested to those at the cusp of significant personal revelations or crossroads. The lore suggested that an encounter with such a being was not random but a deeply personal challenge, an invitation to explore the unknown corridors of one's life and perhaps, to redefine the boundaries of what was considered possible.
Emboldened by this knowledge, the man decided that his journey was far from over; it had, in fact, just begun. He resolved to leave behind the constraints of his previous ambitions and embrace the path of discovery that lay before him. With the mansion as his starting point, he would delve deeper into the mysteries of the land, seeking out the ancient, the hidden, and the mystical.
As he set forth from the mansion, the butler, now less a servant and more a guide, bestowed upon him a parting gift—a compass, not for navigation by conventional means, but one that pointed towards the extraordinary. "May this guide you to the wonders that await," the butler said, his eyes twinkling with a knowledge that seemed as vast as the lore contained within the mansion's walls.
The man stepped outside, the air fresh with the promise of the morning, and looked back at the mansion one last time. It stood majestic and serene, a keeper of secrets and tales untold, now a beacon in his quest for the extraordinary. He turned away, his heart alight with possibilities, and set off into the sunrise, the land stretching out before him like a canvas waiting for new stories to be painted.
His encounter with the pink gorilla, now a cherished memory, served as a reminder that the world was far more wondrous and complex than he had ever imagined. Each step forward was a step into the unknown, a chance to uncover the magic hidden in plain sight, waiting for those brave enough to seek it out.
And so, the man's journey continued, each day a new chapter in a saga of discovery, each encounter a thread in the tapestry of a life redefined by wonder and a boundless quest for the extraordinary. The road ahead was uncharted, the stories waiting to be told infinite, and the world a place of endless marvels, forever changed by one night, one mansion, and one pink gorilla that dared him to dream bigger.
As the man ventured deeper into the landscapes that sprawled beyond the mansion's boundaries, each step took him further from the world he knew and closer to the realms of the unexplained and the mystical. The compass given by the butler did not point north, but towards anomalies of nature and hidden enclaves of magic. Its needle quivered and spun, leading him through forests that whispered ancient secrets, across rivers that sang of lost loves, and over hills that murmured with stories of battles long forgotten.
His first destination was a village whispered about in the mansion's lore, a place where the veil between the worlds was said to be thinnest on nights when the moon hid its face. The villagers, at first wary of the stranger, soon opened their doors and hearts to him, sharing tales of their ancestors who walked with spirits and commanded the elements. Here, the man learned the language of the trees and the songs of the stars, each lesson weaving into him a deeper connection with the world around him.
One night, under a cloak of starless darkness, he was taken to a clearing in the woods where the villagers gathered to witness the dance of the spirits. As the air filled with the hum of ancient chants, shadows began to dance at the edge of his vision, twirling and weaving around a fire that burned with a green flame. The man watched, spellbound, as the divide between the worlds blurred, and for a moment, he felt the touch of the unknown—a feeling both exhilarating and humbling.
With each encounter, the man's perception of reality expanded. The compass led him next to a mountain where the wind spoke in riddles, and he spent a moon cycle deciphering its words, each answer revealing a layer of the world's fabric he had never imagined. On the peak, amidst clouds that whispered of eternity, he found a stone that pulsed with the heart of the mountain—a gem that glowed with an inner light, guiding him further on his quest.
His journey was not without trials. There were paths that led into darkness, where fears and doubts rose like specters to challenge his resolve. But with each step forward, he shed layers of his former self, finding strength in vulnerability and power in the acceptance of the unknown.
The man realized that the true journey was not just about uncovering the wonders of the world but also discovering the depths of his own spirit. He encountered beings of light and shadow, each teaching him that balance was the key to harmony and that every light casts a shadow. He learned to walk the tightrope between worlds, embracing both the light and the dark within himself.
Years passed, seasons turned, and legends grew around the figure of a man who walked the borders of reality, a seeker of truths hidden and a bearer of stories untold. To some, he was a myth, a symbol of the eternal quest for understanding and connection. To others, he was a reminder that the world is far vaster and more mysterious than it appears, that magic lies in belief, and that the extraordinary is all around, waiting for those with the courage to seek it.
And so, the man who once sought only to close a deal for his company became a traveler of the liminal, a bridge between the seen and the unseen, forever changed by a night at a mansion and a pink gorilla that showed him the endless possibilities of the 'what if.' His journey became a testament to the power of curiosity and the human spirit's unyielding desire to explore the wonders of the universe.
In the tapestry of his adventures, the man discovered not just the external marvels of a world unseen but also the internal landscapes of his own soul. With each step into the unknown, he peeled back layers of himself, revealing strengths and vulnerabilities he never knew he possessed. The journey became less about the destinations and more about the transformation within, a metamorphosis catalyzed by the pursuit of the extraordinary.
As seasons melded into years, his tales wove into the fabric of the local lore, a collection of stories that inspired those who heard them to look beyond their own horizons. The man, now a wanderer of realms both earthly and ethereal, realized that his journey had no end, for the pursuit of wonder is infinite, and the path of discovery eternal.
In his travels, he encountered communities that, hidden from the modern world, preserved the essence of magic that once flourished unbridled across the land. He learned the ancient arts of healing from a wise woman whose garden was a mosaic of herbs and enchantments. From a silent monk atop a snow-capped peak, he mastered the art of listening, hearing the whispers of the wind and the songs of the stars. Each encounter, each lesson, was a thread in the rich tapestry of his evolving journey.
But it was in the quiet moments, when he stood alone under the canopy of stars, that the man found the deepest connection to the universe. It was then he understood that every star was a story, every breeze a song, and every stone a testament to the timeless dance of creation. He realized that magic did not exist apart from the world but was woven into the very fabric of existence, visible to those who chose to see.
His legend grew, not as a mere traveler or seeker of oddities but as a guardian of the gateways between worlds, a protector of the ancient truths and mysteries that bind the universe together. People from far and wide sought him, not just for his knowledge but for the light he carried within, a beacon of hope and wonder in an age of skepticism and forgetfulness.
Eventually, the man understood that his journey was also a return, a spiral that led not only outward into the depths of mystery but inward to the heart of his own being. He found peace in the balance of opposites, in the harmony of light and shadow, and in the understanding that every end is but a new beginning.
As he stood on a cliff overlooking the sea, where the sky met the water in an endless embrace, the man reflected on the path that had led him here. He thought of the pink gorilla, the mansion, the butler, and the countless souls he had met along the way. With a heart full of gratitude, he realized that his quest had been not just for the wonders of the world but for the rediscovery of wonder within.
With the horizon stretching before him, the man set down his compass, now understanding that the true direction was always guided by the heart. As the sun dipped below the sea, casting the world in a glow of gold and crimson, he took a deep breath, ready for whatever adventures awaited.
For in a universe of endless possibilities, the journey is never truly over; it only transforms, leading the seeker on new paths, through new doors, and into new realms of wonder. And so, with the stars as his map and his heart as his compass, the man stepped forward, into the next chapter of a story that is as old as time and as new as the next sunrise.
But the narrative of the man, now a timeless wanderer, takes a poignant turn, reflecting the essence of every journey. With the breadth of the world woven into the fabric of his spirit, he sought to impart the wisdom gained from the myriad paths tread and the countless stars counted. The wanderer, once a seeker, became a storyteller, a custodian of tales that bridged worlds and hearts.
In villages and cities, in valleys and atop mountains, he shared stories that kindled the flames of curiosity and wonder in the listeners. His tales were not just recounts of adventures but parables of connection, resilience, and the undying quest for understanding. Through his words, the veil between the mundane and the magical grew thinner, reminding all that wonder did not reside in distant lands but within the grasp of those who dared to dream and look beyond.
His legacy, however, was not merely in the tales told under the moon's soft glow or beside the hearth's warm fire. It was in the sparks ignited in the souls of those who listened, a chain reaction of wonder that transcended time and space. Children who listened with wide-eyed wonder grew up to explore their own paths, discovering new stories to add to the ever-expanding tapestry of human endeavor and cosmic ballet.
As seasons changed and the wheel of time spun, the wanderer's steps grew slower, his journey taking him closer to the heart of existence itself. He ventured into the realm of silence, where the whispers of the universe were clearest, seeking the source of the magic that had fueled his journey. Here, in the quietude of being, he found the ultimate truth that his journey had circled around: that all of existence is interconnected, a symphony of light and shadow, where every soul plays a note in the grand orchestral work of the cosmos.
In this realization, the wanderer saw that his journey had been both outward and inward, a spiral dance that led to the core of existence where all stories began and ended. He understood that his legacy was not the tales he'd told or the wonders he'd unveiled but the reminder that the journey is infinite, and every end is a new beginning.
With this knowledge, the wanderer found a place to rest, a tranquil nexus where all paths intersected. He became a beacon, a lighthouse for those navigating their own voyages through the tempests and tranquilities of life. And as he shared this final piece of wisdom—that the greatest adventure lies in the discovery of one's own soul—he completed his transformation from a man on a quest to a timeless guide, a mentor to the seekers, dreamers, and storytellers who would follow the trails he had blazed.
And so, the story of the wanderer weaves into the greater story of humanity, a reminder that the journey never truly ends. It is passed from one soul to another, through words and silence, in the hope that the magic of wonder, the quest for connection, and the pursuit of the extraordinary will forever illuminate the path of those who walk the earth, gazing at the stars and dreaming of the infinite.
In the continuum of time, where the wanderer's tale merges with the cosmos, his essence diffuses into the fabric of existence, becoming a part of the universal consciousness. This transformation marks not an end but an evolution, a transcendence from physical journeys to ethereal guidance, where his spirit continues to inspire across dimensions.
In the ethereal plane, the wanderer's insights become whispers in the wind, ripples in the water, and twinkles in the night sky, accessible to all who find themselves lost or in search of deeper truths. His presence is felt in the sudden inspirations that strike at the quiet of dawn, in the courage that rises amidst storms, and in the peace that descends with twilight's embrace.
As the world spins and generations rise and fall, the wanderer's tales, now part of the collective mythos, foster a legacy of exploration and introspection. They serve as a compass for the soul, guiding those who seek to break the fetters of the ordinary and embark on journeys of their own, whether through physical realms or the landscapes of the mind and spirit.
Temples, not of stone but of thought and intention, arise in his honor, places where seekers gather to share stories, wisdom, and insights, creating a web of interconnectedness that spans the globe. These gatherings, illuminated by the fire of curiosity and the glow of fellowship, become beacons of light in a world that, at times, seems overshadowed by the mundane and the material.
In these spaces, the wanderer's teachings evolve into a philosophy of life, a path that embraces the beauty of the unknown and the power of the human spirit to transcend limitations. It is a call to view each day as an adventure, each challenge as a riddle to be solved, and each interaction as a thread in the intricate tapestry of the collective human experience.
As the philosophy spreads, touching hearts and awakening minds, the wanderer's spirit journeys alongside those who dare to dream, explore, and discover. He becomes a guardian of dreams, an ally in the quest for meaning, and a guide to those who navigate the myriad paths of life.
The wanderer's journey, which began as a solitary quest, culminates in a universal voyage, a collective endeavor to uncover the mysteries of existence and the wonders of the cosmos. It is a journey that transcends time, space, and dimension, uniting all in the quest for knowledge, understanding, and connection.
And thus, the story continues, a perpetual narrative woven into the very essence of existence, inviting all to join in the eternal dance of the cosmos. The wanderer's tale becomes not just a story but a living testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration, a call to embrace the infinite journey of discovery, understanding, and connection that defines the human condition.
In this unending story, every soul is both a wanderer and a storyteller, contributing their verse to the endless poem of existence, where every end is a beginning, and the journey is eternal, bound only by the limits of imagination and the depth of one's courage to explore the vast, uncharted territories of the heart and the heavens.
In the ever-expanding narrative of existence, where each soul’s journey intertwines with the fabric of the universe, the legacy of the wanderer becomes a cosmic echo, resonating through the ages. This resonance is not confined to the tales of old or the whispers of the wind but lives in the heartbeats of those who carry the torch of exploration and curiosity into the future.
As civilizations advance and technology bridges the gaps between stars, the essence of the wanderer guides humanity's steps into the cosmos. His spirit, a beacon of adventure and discovery, illuminates the path for those who navigate the infinite expanse of space, seeking not conquest but connection, not dominion but understanding.
In this new era of exploration, the wanderer's teachings transform into principles that govern the interaction between worlds and cultures. The ethos of respect, wonder, and a thirst for knowledge transcends the boundaries of planets, becoming a universal language that unites different forms of life across the galaxy. The wanderer’s legacy, now embedded in the collective consciousness, inspires a federation of worlds, each unique yet bound by common values of exploration, peace, and the shared quest for the mysteries of the universe.
This federation, a testament to the wanderer's dream, embarks on voyages that span light-years, delving into the unknown depths of the cosmos. Each expedition carries the spirit of the wanderer, each discovery a tribute to his unyielding curiosity. These journeys reveal the interconnectedness of all existence, showcasing the myriad ways life expresses itself across the vast canvas of space. Through these encounters, humanity learns not only of the diversity of the cosmos but also of its own place within the grand scheme of existence.
As the federation explores, it encounters phenomena that defy explanation, mysteries that echo the tales of magic and wonder that the wanderer once pursued on his own terrestrial journey. These mysteries, remnants of the universe's creation and markers of its evolution, offer glimpses into the forces that weave the fabric of reality. They serve as reminders that, despite the advances in knowledge and technology, the universe will always harbor enigmas, inviting those with the courage to explore them.
In this ongoing voyage, the wanderer's story becomes more than a legend; it becomes the guiding ethos for a civilization venturing beyond the cradle of Earth. It teaches that exploration is not just a physical journey but a voyage of the spirit, a quest to understand not only the universe but also the soul’s infinite potential.
And so, as ships bearing the emblem of the federation traverse the star-studded void, the wanderer’s legacy endures, a timeless narrative that continues to inspire those who look upon the night sky not as a boundary but as an invitation. The story of the wanderer, once a solitary figure traversing the shadowed forests and mystical lands of Earth, now resonates through the cosmos, a symbol of the eternal journey of discovery that defines the essence of all sentient beings.
In this boundless adventure, every heart that dreams, every mind that wonders, and every soul that ventures into the unknown carries the spirit of the wanderer, contributing to the endless symphony of the cosmos. The journey is eternal, the stories infinite, and the legacy of the wanderer a beacon that lights the way to the furthest reaches of imagination, where every star is a story, every planet a poem, and every galaxy a garden of wonders waiting to be discovered.
As the cosmos unfolds its endless narrative, woven from the threads of countless journeys, a unique strand weaves through the fabric of existence, linking every heart that dares to explore the unknown. This strand, a cosmic echo of a tale both whimsical and profound, originates from an encounter that transcends time and space, grounding the vastness of the universe in a moment of playful connection—a link between the wanderer and a pink gorilla.
In the heart of an ancient, mystical mansion, hidden within the fold of reality where the wanderer's journey found unexpected turns, the moment when the gorilla, with a touch and a simple phrase, "You're it," transformed the nature of the quest. This moment, a playful exchange in the shadow of the unknown, became a beacon, a reminder that amidst the grandeur of the cosmos and the depth of our explorations, there lies a fundamental link of shared existence, a thread of joy and simplicity that connects all beings.
As humanity ventured into the stars, guided by the wanderer’s legacy of curiosity and discovery, they carried with them this ethos of connection. The federation of worlds, born from a dream of exploration and understanding, found in the tale of the wanderer and the pink gorilla a symbol of their deepest values. In every encounter with new worlds and sentient beings, in every diplomatic exchange and shared exploration, the story of the gorilla served as a reminder that at the heart of all discovery is the desire for connection, for the simple joy of recognizing oneself in the other, across the vastness of space and the diversity of life.
This ethos inspired a tradition among the explorers of the federation. In their voyages across the stars, whenever a new planet was discovered, or a new species welcomed into the community of the cosmos, the story of the wanderer and the pink gorilla was shared as a gesture of friendship and solidarity. The phrase "You're it," translated into myriad languages and forms of communication, became a universal greeting, symbolizing the invitation to join the grand adventure of exploration and mutual discovery.
The pink gorilla, once a curious anomaly within a mysterious mansion, evolved into a symbol of the interconnectedness of all beings. Statues and holograms of the gorilla adorned public squares and spaceports across the federation, each a testament to the playful spirit that underlies the quest for knowledge and the journey towards understanding.
In this way, the legacy of the wanderer and his encounter with the pink gorilla wove itself into the cultural fabric of a galaxy-spanning civilization. It reminded all who heard it that beyond the awe-inspiring mysteries of the universe, the fundamental connections that bind us are woven from moments of simplicity and shared joy.
And so, as the federation explores the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the spirit of the wanderer and the essence of the pink gorilla journey with them, a timeless link that binds every heart that looks to the stars and dreams of discovery. In every "You're it," there is an invitation to partake in the eternal dance of the cosmos, a call to explore not just the mysteries of the universe but the bonds that unite us all in the grand tapestry of existence.
submitted by SpamHamJamPanCan to u/SpamHamJamPanCan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:33 hi_kaylaaa13 [9th grade Creative Writing] Twenty Poetry Projects, a lot of stress and writers block

I have been trying to do this for hours but I just can't think of anything, or anything I think of is kind of stupid or I think of a poem but I can't think of twenty things to do all twenty things on the list.
Is there anything I can do to stop the writers block, or figure out what to write about, or any ideas anyone has?
Here's the things I have to write:
Begin the poem with a metaphor.
Say something specific but utterly preposterous.
Use at least one image for each of the five senses, either in succession, or randomly throughout the poem.
Use one example of synesthesia (mixing of the senses).
Use the proper name of a person and the proper name of a place.
Contradict something you said earlier in the poem.
Change direction or digress from the last thing you said.
Use a word (maybe slang) you’ve never seen in a poem.
Use an example of false cause-effect logic
Use a piece of “talk” you’ve actually heard (preferably in dialect and/or which you don’t understand.
Create a metaphor using the following construction: “The (adjective) (concrete noun) of (abstract noun)…
Use an image in such a way as to reverse its usual associative qualities.
Make a persona or character in the poem do something he/she/they could not do in “real life.”
Refer to yourself by nickname and in the third person.
Write in the future tense, such that part of the poem seems to be a prediction.
Modify a noun with an unlikely adjective.
Make a declarative assertion that sounds convincing but that finally makes no sense.
Use a phrase from a language other than English.
Make a non-human object say or do something human (personification.)
Close the poem with a vivid image that makes no statement, but that “echoes” an image from earlier in the poem.
The only thing I've got so far is I watch the sunlight dance on the water ( for personification )
submitted by hi_kaylaaa13 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:43 Restuva4790 The Nature of Xenobiology- Chapter 14

Credit to u/SpacePaladin15 for the interesting world created and to u/LiteX99 for some interesting comments on chapter 126 that inspired this story. Feedback is appreciated!
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Memory transcription subject: Dr. Abraham Bishop, Lead Xenobiologist on the Athena Atrytone
Date [standardized human time]: December 11th, 2136
“So if you ever want to try king crab, I’ll ask the kitchen staff to make some Arxur-friendly recipes,” Ezra said behind me as I polished off a few death curves. I sighed as I mentally scrapped my Laxna human cell line experiments. Well, at least the information is so mundane that Tayu is allowed to know.
“I look forward to it,” Tayu said. “Although, it is a shame that the gravid ones are released into the wild.”
“All in the name of sustainability,” I added. “No sense in eating your food to extinction.” I glanced at the time and shut off my computer. 6:45. “Long story short, intis is toxic. Not unexpected for a benzene derivative.”
You would figure an alien gut microbe that’s accustomed to surviving on non-intis containing alien food would fare better without intis, but maybe the adaptability comes from the rest of the Arxur microbiota. At least, I have proof of incompatibility between Laxna and earthly life to send, which was honestly all I expected.
“Shame,” Ezra said. “I hear there’s untapped potential in Wrissan plant life. Something about a taboo on seasonings.”
“Why would we taint perfectly good food with leaves?” Tayu asked. “Or those foul smelling bulbs you humans are so infatuated with?”
“Flavor Tayu, flavor,” Ezra responded.
“Flavor is right,” I agreed, my dour mood lifting somewhat from the banter. “Now let’s head to class, Tayu. Ezra, I wish to see you join us someday soon.”
After a short stroll down the hall, Tayu and I reached our classroom. The sound of scraping rocks resonated from Tayu as I opened the door. The usual attendees were present: Kassa, Graxif, and Athre; however, they were all circled around a notable guest for the lecture. I walked over to the crowd, with far less mirth than Tayu, and stood before my long lost pupil. Scales that were once a near-black grey, have taken on a certain glossiness and a purple hue. Golden eyes filled with a near serene meditative gaze looked down to me.
“Kasyi, welcome back,” I said, patting him on the shoulder. “It has been too long. How are you holding up?”
“Kassa did most of the holding,” Athre jeered, prompting laughter from the rest of the Arxur.
“A few soldiers too,” Kassa teased. “Poor ntahhe can’t handle a little clawing.”
“I was addressing Kasyi,” I responded. That was too much information. At least they’re opening up and being more sociable now. Also, soldiers? Plural?
“I am well, Abraham,” Kasyi said. “I took time to… meditate. To think we almost lost such a profound concept.”
I sighed a breath of relief and smiled. Yes, a new topic. “An ancient emperor wrote a book called Meditations if you are interested in reading more. I hear the book is quite enlightening.”
“Meditations by Marcus Aurelius,” Kassa said, earning many head tilts from the crowd. “We have access to most of human literature, so we should make use of it, no?”
“Kassa, you want to convert to an alien faith as well?” Graxif asked.
“We will take the best of these foreign ideas for our own,” Kasyi said.
“You two were serious,” Tayu said in disbelief. “How can you abandon the Prophet?”
“The Prophet has led us astray. Our minds have been enfeebled. Our tongues lashed. Our bodies starved. We need a new path.”
Kassa’s tail, ever so subtly shifted towards Kasyi, while the rest of the Arxur stared dumbfounded.
“Perhaps, we can begin with the main topic now,” Graxif said, pulling himself out of a stupor. “The elemental tables of our two species have been recently reconciled. Let us put that to use.”
“Well on that note,” I said before any theological tangents could sprout up, “I’ve noted that the basics of cellular metabolism seem to echo between Earth and Wriss. Cytosolic carbon metabolism is basal, with further energy extraction occurring in specialized cellular structure in ‘higher’ organisms. I quite appreciate how few steps your cytosolic metabolism seems to have, but the chemistry is… frightening.”
“The use of nitrites and nitrates are quite different from on Earth, no?” Kasyi probed. “They mimic the liberal use of phosphates that you would be more accustomed to.”
“But far less stable,” I replied. “What were the conditions on early Wriss like?”
“It is theorized that Wriss was moved closer to our star after life first began,” Kassa said. “Colder temperatures would favor less stable molecules, but there is no clear answer for why we use nitrates and nitrites so extensively.”
“Abiogenesis occurring further out in a solar system would require reactions with a lower energy input requirement. Of course, other environmental factors notwithstanding,” I mused. “That being said, your basic carbon is a carbon ring, which is generally stable. How would that work?”
“Wriss is riddled with metal,” Tayu said. “Nickel, platinum, and iron are all very common.”
“As is gold,” Athre added.
“Oh, and silver too?” I asked,.
“Immensely so,” Graxif answered.
“Well that helps explain a few things,” I said, rubbing my hand over my face. What star hypernova’d all over Wriss? THIS is what would destroy human-Arxur relations, not the sapiophagy. What do you mean platinum and gold are common?
“In comparison, Terran glycolysis seems quite profound,” Kasyi said, eyes glimmering. “With so few natural catalysts, how did such a system arise?”
“Early Earth,” I began, “was hot, iron-rich, and a generally reducing environment. Experiments in the 1900s, two hundred years ago or so, replicated these conditions and found many foundational amino acids, sugars, and other biotic precursors spontaneously arise from methane, ammonia, and other simple compounds.” Kasyi sat down as his eyes flickered about, scanning his memories for any relevant information.
“There is a theory that early Wriss was highly volcanic,” Kasyi said. “Perhaps this was the early condition that allowed Wrissan abiogenesis.”
“A cold planet, riddled with volcanoes would reconcile the two theories mentioned,” Athre said.
“Yes, it could,” I said, walking over to the board behind us. “Does anyone have any particular questions on glycolysis?” I began writing down a rudimentary series of chemical reactions as I awaited their response.
“Retrained use of metal catalysts aside, Terran glycolysis is fairly standard,” Tayu said. “The Venlil also work with five carbon sugars, and the Gojid use six carbon ones.”
“The Krakotl and Tilfish also use carbon sugars,” Graxif added.
“Good, good,” I said. “Because I need your hydrophobic, hydrocarbon-loving metabolism drawn out for me.”
“The translator should’ve been sufficient, no?” Athre asked. In the background, I heard Tayu pre-emptively turn off her translator.
“Methylmalondialdehyde translated, but what in the ‘I should’ve dropped organic chemistry’ is 2-methyl-5-nitroethyl-hexane-1,6-diol?”
I saw all the uninitiated Arxur scan the room, with increasingly pained expressions. Clearly whatever system the Arxur used to describe organic chemistry was less agglutinative and precise than IUPAC guidelines.
“Force stop,” Athre said.
“Reboot,” Graxif commanded.
“Off,” Kassa ordered.
“Restart,” Kasyi demanded.
“On,” Tayu said, with a smug look coming over her.
With restrained amusement, I watched the Arxur re-calibrate their translators after an auditory backhanding. Athre marched up to the board, sketched out all of the intermediaries for intis “glycolysis” using the ball-and-stick method, and drew arrows connecting them all.
“These are the structures of the molecules,” he said. “Name them something better.”
“Unfortunately, the structure becomes the official, standard name,” I said.
“That explains much,” Graxif said, rubbing his snout in irritation. “Single carbon bound to three hydrogen group bound onto the second carbon of the greater ring of carbon… Krakotl-shit, I can’t repeat it all.”
“The first time I heard Abraham name a molecule,” Tayu said, “the description started at the subatomic level to describe the quantum entanglements and subatomic wavelengths involved.”
“No wonder you all restarted your translators,” I said.
My eyes glanced over the, now-familiar, intis structure as it is first… hydrolyzed. The hydrophobic carbon ring is hydrolyzed. What kind of enzymatic black magic is this? Then we get the next, translation-confounding reaction where a nitrite molecule attacks an OH group, giving the molecule a fully-fledged nitrate group. The molecule is then split in two using hydrogen peroxide before another nitrite group reacts with the free OH group. Upon the next step, the nitrates have been removed, presumably for some substrate-level catabolism. The final carbon-source is methylmalondialdehyde, thankfully, a sensible molecule.
“The initial nitrite group is from free-floating ions?” I asked, pointing to the first reaction.
“No,” Athre said. “It comes from fluorohydroxyimidazoline trinitrate. The second comes from a helper molecule, yielding a net gain in energy.”
“Without somehow spontaneously detonating like the explosive it is,” I said exasperatedly.
I stared at the methylmalondialdehyde molecule, with a nagging feeling at the back of my head. I drew another, then another, then another. The class began muttering behind me as I shuffled bonds around. I moved the methyl group into the backbone and banged my head against the board. Fucking succinate.
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submitted by Restuva4790 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:56 Eltwish Mostly listen to jazz, electronica, ambient; want to get back into songs

For the past 15 years I've almost never listened to songs. I wouldn't say I avoid them on purpose, but I don't know how to find songs I would like - most of my favorite artists are predominantly instrumental and that leads me to more not-songs. Some artists / groups I keep coming back to are Snarky Puppy, Zac Zinger, Pat Metheny, Brad Mehldau, Brian Eno, Evan Marien, Plini, Kashiwa Daisuke, and Debussy. In general most my playlists are fusion/prog-adjacent, but I also dig a lot of chiptune, on occasion some dark ambient, DnB, or weird experimental nonsense. And whatever Clown Core is.
In contrast, I feel like my taste in songs is frozen to when I was in high school. I listened to a lot of John Mayer, Death Cab, Regina Spektor, Bright Eyes, Beatles and Radiohead. I still dig them all, but I feel like there's a disconnect between them and what I usually listen to. I also want to write some songs, but usually when I write I want to sound more like the stuff I mentioned above, not like a Beatles knockoff. I don't know how to write, or even to find, songs like that stuff. I suppose sometimes it seems like in songs, much of the development is taking place in the lyrics, which means the music itself isn't the focus, but if I'm listening to music I usually want to hear the musical ideas play out. So the songs I do like are mostly just great stories or poems that happen to have good supporting music (or else they're musically interesting but I feel like they'd be more interesting without words).
So, any suggestions? Anyone who likes some of the stuff I like have any songs you also love? Or mabye there are some songs I've missed from the past 15 years that are just so damn good you bet I can't not love them?
EDIT - Getting some awesome suggestions here; I'll respond when I listen, might take me a few days but I'll get to them. By the way, feel free to suggest stuff that's not in English.
submitted by Eltwish to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:28 ricotito23 [USA-PR] [H] Switch,PS2,PS4,PS5,Vita,3DS Games [W] PayPal

Selling my personal collection. Over 800 Games.
Sorry my bad english. Paypal ff.
Free Shipping over $100. More photos at request. Offers are welcome. Most of these Prices are based on Pricharting (and pricecharting price are inaccurate so sorry im lazy to put my prices for these 800 games) Offers are welcome Worst can say is no.There's a problem with letter T jumps to C in switch and vita to A. working on it. Also i have blaster master and shantae slipcovers. Want to sell them together with Slipcovers.
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2024.05.31 21:20 Future_Ad_3485 To Catch a Fallen Feather Part Thirty-Three: A Cartoon of Misfortune and Cruelty

Standing outside the bouncing bubble of a dimension, cheery music had me scratching the back of my head. This adventure was going to be a hoot, my presence was the sole one around. Everyone had an excuse today, a bitter wave of hurt dimming my eyes. Plucking my blade from my back, a strong hand grabbed my shoulder. Deerthos waved down at me, his eager grin causing relief to wash over me. Happy to see him, a hearty laugh tumbled from his lips.
“Did you need a little help today?” He inquired with another big smile, a sharpened antler bouncing off of his fur robes. “How about it, my dear pal?” Chuckling to myself, he spoke the word dear. Confusion twisted his features, my humor going over his head. Shaking off the small bit of hurt at the missed joke, we stepped through. Groaning bitterly to myself, the black and white scene of a nineteen twenties cartoon greeted me. Trees and animals bounced up and down while singing, Deerthos’ energy matching my own sea of pure annoyance. A piano played a villain’s song that sounded like we were tied to the railroad tracks. The animals ran away from the incoming storm clouds, the dust threatening to choke us. The villain music picked up, the trees twisting into evil monsters. His chances of surviving the first attack was slim, the energy picking up. Pushing Deerthos away, a bunch of dynamite landed by my feet. Stomping my boot on the inky ground, an ice wall protected me from the blast. Apologizing as I helped him up, immortality wasn’t on his side. Dragging him into the black hole inches from us, hot air lashed at my cheeks as we whistled into a giant vat of black ink. Deerthos tossed me over the edge, ink splattering against a white wall the moment my face met a hard white surface. Whipping the ink off of me, the cartoon effects were aiding me for the first time. Deerthos landed next to me, a quick shake resulting in him being clean. Staring up at the ceiling, hand drawn gears clicked and groaned. Glancing back at each other with matching wicked grins, the antler spun in his palm. Tossing it into the biggest one, a blast of ice began to grind the rest to a stop. Nodding his head towards a ladder in the opposite corner, our footfalls echoed towards the only way up. Scurrying up the rungs, the cartoon had been put on pause. Hiding behind a thickest tree, a sleazy cartoon styled demon lurked with noises to announce his presence. His slicked back oily hair glittered in the light of a bomb, his big cartoon eyes circling around in a creepy way. Staring down at my ruby lace summer dress, the pop of color seemed foreign in this world of black and white. Ink grazed my fingertips, the liquid dripping from the smooth tree. Soaking my dress in the ink, a wave of relief washed over me at the inky goo soaking into the light material. Digging at the grass underneath me, curiosity twinkled in my eyes at the grass flaking away instead of the usual tearing noises. Tapping my blade against my leg, something had to give. Fishing around my pocket, my genuine smile lingered on my face as I lent him my spare dagger. The bone dagger looked right in his palm, the carved wooden hand had the mark of his people.
“Your grandfather passed this onto me. The weapon never quite liked me. Something tells me that it loves you.” I urged with another friendly smile, tears splashing onto my palm. “Forgive me for changing its composition but I infused my feather into the blade. The darn thing should be as tough as you.” Nudging my shoulders, his presence reminded me of an old friend. Whistling in a pinstripe suit, his sinister grin met my defeated scowl. Throwing his bomb in my direction, Deerthos punched the bomb back in his direction. Mumbling a quick drats, the word boom popped up. Floating into the sky, a thin line of ash stuck out of his pants. Sucking in a steady flow of souls, our eyes traced the line to a cage of living humans dangling over a boiling river of lava. Dramatic music drummed to life, his elastic arms snapping into place. How do we destroy the indestructible? Tapping my foot incessantly while thinking, a metallic noise had me grinning ear to ear. Judging by the water sloshing around what seemed like a water tower. Ink washed away with one drop, my brow cocking. Mouthing the words water tower, his wink confirmed our plan. Crashing towards the newly formed body, our punches slid through his body. Falling flat on our faces, attacking him would be pointless. Burying my fingers into the lush grass, ice crept out from underneath my palm. Devouring everything in sight, Deerthos brute strength would help me out. Bouncing up to us in his cartoon form, the ice had made his realm brittle. Rolling over to face that bastard, a silver dagger glinted in his hand. Aiming it for my heart, my boot smashing into the hilt sent him flying back.
“Now!” I shouted over his steady stream of curse words, Deerthos slamming his dagger into the weakest point. Ominous cracks had his arm curling around my waist, his strong arms taking him with me the moment he leapt into the air. His dimension melted into the water sloshing around in the water tower, Deerthos and I catching the remaining survivors. Summoning a slide of ice, our steady hands pushed themselves onto the pine needle riddled forest floor. A ball of black energy burst from the busted water tower, feathers drifting aimlessly the moment I opened up my wings. Pushing off the edge, a chilly breeze nipped at my cheeks. Shock rounded my eyes at Emberon smashing into me, his hands curling around the base of my wings. A tortured wail burst from my lips the moment he ripped them out, the two of us zooming towards the dirt. His flames whisked him away, panic twisting my features. Angling my blade for the dirt, the vibration of the tip sinking into the dirt had me flipping off the hilt. Cursing under my breath, my weapon was too far from me. Sniffing the air, ash confirmed the sulfuric scent of Emberon. Smashing his knee into my back, a fountain of blood exploded from my lips as every organ burst. The cracking of my spine made the moment that much worse, Deerthos catching me on his arm. My blade bounced off his robe, my head shaking at him placing me in front of a tree gingerly. Shoving a vial of his type of medicine into my mouth, a cloud of dirt obscured him running away. Biting down hard enough to shatter the glass, the sweet liquid coated my throat on the way down. Everything doubled, my antlered friend taking the hits with ease. Spirits of his ancestors floated around him, strengthening his every blow. Horror rounded my eyes at a spot opening up, Master Scarston moving him out of the way. Taking the stab to the heart, his broken smile met mine before blood dripped down the corner of his lips.
“Consider this payment for your services, Nyx. The table is yours to command.” He wheezed, raising his scythe over his head. “Make me proud.” Violent sobs wracked my useless body, what remained of the demon floated by my head. Grabbing it with my hands, my ice ate the ball until it shattered into pieces. A limp Mr. Scarston rolled up next to me, his body decaying to jet black butterflies. Fluttering into the sky, the abrupt jolt of my body healing had me crying out in both physical and emotional agony. Bones clicked back into place while my organs weaved themselves back together, the final second allowing me to pop to my feet. A blizzard roared to life, midnight black snow dancing furiously with my increasing rage. My irises darkened to the shade of the darkest night, Deerthos knowing to get out of the way. Charging at him with increased speed, a smug surprise rounded Emberon's eyes at my kick knocking him through a couple of trees.
“How dare you!” I roared brokenly, every teardrop freezing. “Time for you to pay, you rotten bastard!” A wave of his flames headed towards me, terror rounding his eyes at the lack of results. Freezing his next waves, his boots crunched backwards. Raising my foot over my head, inky blood poured from my eyes, ears and nose. Slamming my heel into the ice, spikes impaled him. Struggling to escape, his claws dug into the thickening ice. Marching up to him with a snarl, my claws extended from my fingernails. Digging them into his eyes, his claws shredded my arm. Collapsing onto my ass, his flames whisked him away. The snow lightened to the pure ivory it once was, my blood painted the icy wasteland with every coughing fit. Fresh tears mixed with the blood, the ice catching my forehead. Weeping into the ice, the howling winds covered my endless bout of screams. Sensing Deerthos, his hand rubbed my back. The ice melted in the morning sun, the mud painting my face. Deerthos scooped me up, his arms carrying back into the safety of his territory. The beauty of his world seemed like nothing with what I saw, his steady hands sitting me underneath a hidden waterfall. Chilly water washed away my sins of that day, the corner of my lips quivering. Washing the mud out of my hair, his next words had me staring oddly in his direction.
“I vow to serve you as my master.” He promised with a sad smile, an infinity mark appearing on his palm. “Seeing you lose someone woke me up to the bigger mission at hand. Rest easy knowing that I will never die.” Massaging a natural shampoo in my hair, my eyes darted over to the glistening water. Parting my lips to protest, his head shook with a confident smile.
“I want this. You need me and I need you. Consider it our own special bond.” He chirped cheerfully, looking hopefully in the sky. “He told me to protect you with my life and I always want to be by your side in your war. Your war is mine.” A fresh scent washed away the brimstone tainted death, the rush of the water stealing me into a rough slumber.
Stirring awake in a hotel room, the setting was familiar. Deerthos offered me a ruby Victorian style dress, his tired smile speaking of all that he had done for me. His mouth moved, the words not hitting my ears. Helping me to my feet, his nimble hands peeled off the fur robes he placed over my shoulder. Dropping the modernized style of a dress over my head, the hem floated around my knees. Fussing with the bell sleeves, silent tears dripped off his skull. Spinning around to face him, my thumbs wiped away his tears. Reading his thoughts, the others kicked him out. Shoving him away, his life was destroyed because of me. Why did I do that!
“Sorry.” I blurted out while clenching my fists, the tears never ending. “It’s all my fault your life is ruined.” Waving my concern away, the bed groaned in protest the moment he sat down. Patting the bed, my shaky legs didn’t give me a choice. Please don’t hate me. Never hate me, I pleaded dejectedly to myself.
“The king thing wasn’t my gig. The truth is that I chose you before I became immortal. My cousin took over in my stead.” He admitted with an honest smile, his hands crossing on his lap. “My father told me to follow my heart and I did. You have my loyalty.” Resting my head on his shoulder, the door burst open. Salem skidded in, his nice black suit matching my dress perfectly. Stumbling to my feet, his arms caught me. Burying my head into his shoulder, his loving embrace was all that I needed at that moment. Kissing the top of my head, a bit of warmth returned to my soul. Comforting me with more kisses, he knew what brought me back to life. Lifting up my chin with his finger, his lips pressed against mine tenderly. Getting lost in the moment, the pain slapped me in the face as he released me from his spell.
“You have to keep it together to greet your council.” He encouraged me sweetly, his thumbs wiping away my tears. “Make his sacrifice worth every second of it. I love you, Nyx.” Stepping back, I slid my feet into my boots. I thought I gave him immortality, Madame Maria finding her way in with a broken smile. Someone looked seconds from bursting with a confession, the primary question haunting my mind.
“He drew that mark on his palm whenever he met with you. It never stuck. I suppose death can’t have immortality.” She wept openly, fussing with her onyx suit. “You tried but I told him to tell you. Please don’t be mad.” Opening up my arms, her hair brushed against my cheek in her desperate embrace. Soaking my shoulders with her emotions, God chose to take a friend away from me. Too broken to be infuriated with him, a sad smile haunted my lips. Hiding that secret from me was simply like him, his spirit floating in the corner giving me pause. Asking everyone to leave, no one protested. Walking over to him, I placed my hands on my hips. Fighting a fresh wave of tears, his shoulders shrugged casually. Death should never be this casual, I sighed to myself.
“I couldn’t bring myself to tell you.” He admitted with tears staining his cheeks, his icy hands cupping my shoulder. “Sorry but I wanted you to be happy and you looked so happy when you saw it. Color painted his pale cheeks, his hand ruffling my hair. A bright light glowed above him, so many questions rested on the tip of my tongue.
“I love you.” I choked out through a wall of tears, his hands cupping my cheeks. “You could have said something and I would have protected you with everything I had.” Kissing my forehead, immortality was something he never wanted. Burying me in one of his bear hugs, his chin rested on my head. Could you never let me go? My heart knew that he would move on the moment he released me.
“I made a deal with God a long time ago. I did my time and now I get to get reborn into a nice life.” He chuckled with his tears soaking the top of my head. “Thanks for everything. Remember kiddo, this isn’t goodbye but another way to see you later.” Floating into the bright light, a numbness came over my face. Moving through the motions of walking through the twisted halls with my support by my side, the others rose to their feet at the sight of me. Bowing in my direction, I took my seat at the head of the table. A scythe necklace waited for me, Maria dropping it over my head. Rising to my feet, they commanded my full respect. Gathering my wits, he left the council to me. Speak like a damn leader.
“Regret haunts me with the fact that Master Scarston died.” I spoke shakily, death glares snapping in my direction. Shouting endless rants in my direction, every breath grew shorter. Leaning onto the table, none of this was fair. Too much loss followed me, the room began to spin around me. Slapping Maria’s hands away, the complaints were hitting me all at once. Ice crept out from underneath my feet, spikes creaking to life around them.
“Shut up! Shut up!” I barked hotly, watching frozen tears shatter onto the table. “He came out of nowhere and took a deadly strike for my friend. That wasn’t my decision and you should know that. Listen to me and listen to me well. I vow to protect you guys with all I have. Our team will always be there for you if monster problems come up. Let’s get to business.” Sinking into my seat, they slid their files over to me. Confused as to what to do, Maria guided me through the paperwork. Swiping their checks, she placed her own on top of the pile.
“We pay our dues to run this operation.” She whispered discreetly, playing with my hair. “Keep up the good work. Their respect lies with you.” Standing straight up, Deerthos stepped up to my left shoulder. Zoning in and out of the meeting, Salem took notes behind me. Rising to their feet with me, they bowed on their way out. Shifting my attention towards Maria, my hands took her. Sniffing the air, a busted smile lingered on her lips.
“Many apologies for your loss, my dear friend.” I apologized for the thousandth time, my palm pressing against her flat stomach. “All isn’t lost. You have a lovely little bat in you. I promise to be there to protect you both with my life. I have to go before I lose my shit.” Turning to leave, her fingers curled around my wrist. Yanking me close to her, mixed emotions had her trembling in front of me. Calm down, friends secrets would always be locked away in my mind
“Don’t tell another soul about this.” She pleaded with the smile I bore when Salem died, my arms burying her into a bear hug. Soaking my shoulder with her emotions, her hands caught the blood soaking my back. Stumbling back with a look of terror and motherly concern, her shaking hands lowered the top of my dress. Rubbing her palms along the bloody nubs, her next question threw me off. How embarrassing for her to see such a filthy mess?
“Does this sting?” She inquired honestly, her tears slowing to a stop. “Do they grow back?” Smiling back at her with the strongest smile I could muster, she had nothing to worry about. The sweetness in her tenderness left me wishing for Scarston’s gentleness all over again. Fighting back the tears, the silence between us was strenuous. Scarston had found himself in my living room quite a bit, his presence brightening the house.
“They grow back. I have a potion at home. If it means anything, I would have traded my wings for his survival.” I sighed tiredly, pulling the top of my dress back up. “If I could rewind time, I would have smashed into him. The information is yours to work through.” Clicking out of the conference room, we would have to meet at the mansion next time. Wishing that I could fly away, I lingered by the window. Sitting on the ledge, my feet dangled freely. Salem embraced me from behind, his chin resting on the top of my head.
“If you could fly, the sky would be yours.” He promised sweetly, sitting down next to me. “Is this what it looks like all the way up here?” A warm breeze blew our hair back, his hand cupping mine. Leaning my head on his shoulder, true beauty could be seen in the sky. Touching the stars was like nothing else, abrupt sobs wracked my body. As dark as it may seem, the flames of hope dwindled down to a small flicker.
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2024.05.31 19:55 JulianSkies Blackriver Cases - Season 10 “Days of Fury” - Episode 3 “Of Fire And Fury”


Season 10 “Days of Fury” - Episode 3 “Of Fire And Fury”

“Boss, you-”
“No. Santos, you’re an animal expert and you’ve done more than enough as it is. Vess, one of you needs to be here and between you and Marik I’d rather take him with me, I’m sure you appreciate it. Nila, you have a long career and basically never fielded. That’s enough skeleton crew, the three of you are staying here. That’s final.”
Keya sighs, the closed walls of the van offering little distraction from wayward thoughts. She turns her attention to the rest of her officers in it, trying to distract herself from memories of earlier in the paw “Been a while since I’ve been in an actual transport van” she drops, hoping for a response.
Her officers tiredly turned their attention to her. Marik, Lunek, Aren and Kessa were all here with her in the transport and none looking too joyful at the situation “Somehow our cruiser is more comfortable” Aren chuckles.
“That’s ‘cause it’s a secondhand retrofit bought in an auction” Keya shakes her head before tilting her ears to the front of the van “We got much longer to go?”
“No, ma’am” comes the chirp of a krakotl “In fact just past the corner”
Though it was impossible to see from within the enclosed van, the slow deceleration and eventual full stop made it clear they were, in fact, at their destination. Stepping out of the van the first thing to strike is the noise, a distant cacophony of shouting and howling. The second thing to strike was the colors, usually in such a large congregation of exterminators one would be seeing a light of bright colors, the silver and white of thermal suits, the reds and yellows of their tools, but what was most abundant here were darker colors, mainly black. “Briefing’s over in that tent, you should be the last team for this paw” their driver mentions, having stepped out herself.
Which brings the third thing called to attention- The tents. An entire operational outpost had been set up here, taking over a little park, and by the number of tents present running logistics and command this was far from a small operation. “They’re still bringing in more people?” a voice from behind draws her attention.
Tilting her ear back while they move Keya keeps track of a conversation “Whatever is going on here is big it seems” Aren had begun conversing with someone else that was out of her sight, but they had places to be and she had to keep walking.
“Herd’s just been getting bigger for the last four paws, tension just getting worse. Crap, I’m surprised it didn’t boil over just yet” the bassy voice in what she believed was mazic language added “Well, good luck you all, I’ll have to get back on the line soon”
It did not take much longer before the Blackriver crew arrived at the tent where the briefing was to be held. A scattering of plastic chairs was spread in front of a projector, another two dozen exterminators were already here and seated, the number of venlil among them was also surprisingly low. Or perhaps it was not quite so surprising given why they were here, most surprising was the presence of humans. “Ah, the last group we were expecting” says someone at the front by the projectors. An older venlil whose age-grey had overtaken whatever his natural color was, as well as a human with a long patch of black fur dangling from under his nose were there. “Take a seat”
“Alright, here’s the rundown of the situation” the venlil officer starts. “Four paws ago a protest started in front of the Regional, Ilfran’s Landing is a big city but it became obvious people came from everywhere here. The protesting started getting heated, so the Guild decided to send personnel to prevent it from causing any harm. I’m sure a few months ago we all believed prey wouldn’t get up to these antics, that the human stampede from the memorial service was unique to predators. I’m sure we have been all disabused of this notion by recent news” he sighs “For the last four paws the protest has been building up, they’ve set up food stalls even”
“You know it’s serious when the grills come out” one of the humans pipes up
“Fact they brought some meat is something we’re overlooking right now” the venlil commander adds, causing a few worried signs from everyone present “Planetary HQ decided to get their paws dirty with this protest, however, and sent directives as well as called up reinforcements to deal with this. Officers on site have been rotating in and out to keep a paw-long presence.”
“Here are your priorities: First, the safety of unrelated parties. Second, safety of the protestors. Third, integrity of unrelated material. Last, integrity of the Regional” after a moment to let the information settle he continues “Look… I think it bears saying… None of us is happy with our Regional Firebase. I bet most of you want to be there with the protestors. Speh, I bet the protestors don’t even know how many exterminators are in there with them.”
He starts pacing “We’ve all seen how often promises of funding ended up with badly maintained gear and suspiciously rich chiefs. We’ve all seen how many people complaining about malpractice just happened to be diagnosed with PD. We’ve all seen how reports of extortion seemed to just vanish into thin air. Or how when the omnivores among us learned the truth they kept silent, even when the HQ was giving out statements of succor for their officers.”
“We all joined the force wanting to protect the herd. No, no- Not all of us. Quite a few joined out of lack of choice, but we’ve all bought into the lie we were supposed to be protectors. I think recent history has shown that was never the true intent of the guild.” the venlil commander stops pacing and turns to the assembly “But we’re here to make that lie a reality. We’re here to protect our herd, from ourselves if that has to be it. And HQ agrees. The Regional has fucked up too much.”
“So they’re leaving it out to dry” he adds with a finishing tone “We are only here to make sure those people don’t hurt each other and other innocents around, because they can.” with a paw wave he directs attention to a map being projected, it shows the local streets with a large red mark on multiple of them, as well as blue lines encircling the mark “This is the current protest zone, yes it’s huge. You are not to attempt to contain them too much, for now they have been happy with being herded around somewhat, the only point of real contest is this street” he points to said street “That is to be kept clear for traffic at all times. Solgalick’s Mercy is one of the largest hospitals around here, I’m sure the herd will be understanding of not blocking access to it.”
Then the human commander picks up the briefing “Alright… My turn. You already got the gist of the situation, so I’m adding my experience here. Used to be military police before I volunteered to get here, closest thing we have on earth to the actual job the exterminators do. Been at my fair share riots, both sides. Broke quite a few windows when I was a teenager.”
“Let me tell you one thing, the big bad predator here is scared alright?” he adds with a serious tone, scanning his eyes through everyone “These people are angry, and they’re not aimlessly angry. They know every crime hanging over the Regional, they have lists of the guilty, they have a plan and have goals. And those are the most effective and dangerous kind. They’re not aimless civilians angry at the police because something happened.”
“Or at least their leadership is. I’m sure whatever changes they are pressuring for will go through, with how the headquarters is dealing with things here. Wouldn’t surprise me if they just decided to throw the Regional’s staff to the wolves” a couple of people flinch at the imagery “Don’t pretend that’s not what y’all are right now… No, no you’re worse than that. Let me tell you something-”
“If this shit was going down back on Earth? We could rely on the group being disorganized. When a large group like this happens, they can’t work together very well without training. It takes years to teach a human to work in large groups like this, but I’m seeing a lot of venlil in here, this is your home after all. And you people? You don’t need that training to work in a group, it’s in your nature. And in the worst case scenario, and those people get riled up? We’re not looking at a mob, we’re looking at an army.”
The human’s gaze turns back to the map “But as I’ve said, they’re a people with a plan. The organization of the protest has no plans for things to turn violent, they want pressure and not damage. But that doesn’t mean those aren’t just people here, who have more than enough reasons to be angry. If just one of them decides that the organizer’s plans aren’t enough justice… Well, the herd follows. And I’ve come to realize that’s true regardless of species.”
He turns back to the assembled “My point is be careful, because if the worst comes to pass, well… It’ll be bloody.”
With an affirmative flick of his right ear the venlil commander steps up “I’m sure you’ve all took in the map as is and have found your sectors” he waits for a few seconds, watching as multiple signs from ear flicks to thumbs ups to tail swipes to nods respond “Good, go to the armory tent to get the riot gear and a quick briefing on it and… Good luck”
As the group filters out of the briefing room, Keya steps last behind the rest of her own officers. “Lunek you alright with being in the shield line?”
“Yeah… Don’t worry boss, I can handle it” his voice is shaking a little bit, but he isn’t flinching “I hope nothing bad happens… I understand what those people are thinking.”
“We all do, if it helps… I think they’re doing the right thing as well. It’s this Regional that let Long Cliff happen, who straight up goaded Striped Hill on. Just remember, we’re just here to make sure nobody gets hurt… Too much.”
It wasn’t long until they'd made their way to the armory tent. It was as organized as it could be, a tarp had been set up as a tent off the back of a transport van, inside of it visible are mostly the black padded armor that every other exterminator had been wearing in this place as well as tall translucent shields. The first one to step up was Marik, curiously scanning through the unusual gear.
“I know a gun nut when I see one” says the human that’s manning the station “All less-lethal gear here” she points back with a thumb at the sparsely fitted weapon racks before starting to pull out and give armor sets “Standard issue riot armor, ceramic plating with shatterweave layer. Will take any reasonable hit, fire-resistant, in case any high caliber weapon has found their way here the shatterweave will take one punch no matter how hard” Keya is the first to step over “Fasten over here, and over here. Those are venlil fit”
As the human pulls out two shields Nila and Lunek step up front, both still fastening up their armor “Riot shields, put your hands through this place here and hold on tight. You’re going to have to hold it at a bit of an angle since they’re human-sized. Can take bullets if need be, should stop anything they can throw at you.” Lunek is the first one to strap the shield to his arm, finding that it is as she had said, just a few centimeters too tall and scraping hard at the floor if he tries to move. “I’m sure you’re well acquainted with the sticks, though”
Then, she pulls out a short gun, single-barreled with a strangely wide barrel and a long magazine at the back of it loaded from the top. Marik picks it up, inspecting the empty gun and then the magazine that she puts down “Shotgun with rubber rounds. Low-power, hits like a punch from god, can still break bones and rip an eye off so aim at the limbs. You’re staying right behind the shield line, right?”
“Yeah” Marik adds simply, loading the magazine full of large rounds in it “Keep holstered until command”
Then, the human pulls out two pieces of gear that make the officers look confused. “UX-1s, new thing your people came up with” sitting on the ground was a rather familiar object, a gauntlet-mounted fluid projector with a long tube attached to a back-mounted tank. Unlike the usual flamethrower design, however, it was not just a single tank but two half-sized ones. One of them was a familiar blue but it had yellow stripes while the other one was a bright green.
“Experimental?” Aren is the one to ask “Also I never heard the ‘U’ classification. Are you sure we should be bringing experimental gear to this sort of situation?”
The woman shrugs “Actually better than the stuff we used on Earth, amusingly.” she taps the side of her head “Took a stickyfoam canister to the noggin once, got a cranial fracture out of it. Anyway” she points to the gear as Keya and Aren put them on, its shape feeling familiar to them “Utility-type Mark One fluid projector. Designed first and foremost as a tool. You’re equipped with the riot loadout, shockwater” he taps the blue canister “And stickyfoam.” the green canister.
“There’s a selector here” she flicks the selector unceremoniously in Keya’s palm “Shockwater is water laced with minerals to increase conductivity, when you fire you have more than just high pressure water but also a mild shock, less than a taser but enough to dissuade anyone.” she flicks the selector again “Stickfoam, it remains liquid for a few seconds before hardening and sticking to any surface, solid as stone. Originally used as an anti-tank weapon but we employ it in riot control, be sure to aim for the feet and whoever it is isn’t going to be moving anytime soon” then she pulls out two handheld canisters “Stickyfoam solvent, in case you need it”
Keya pulls up her holopad, looking at the clock. Bit more than a tenth of a claw had passed, very little time, and they were already strapped in gear and ready to go. “Alright” she swallows a deep breath “Meven Street, we’re going to be by the road to the hospital. Everyone be as relaxed as you can-” but her words are interrupted.
Aren had gently swinged his tail to touch her shoulder “Hey, you’re just another officer right now, boss. Don’t worry, we all know our positions” she only answers by flicking an ear forward once, and keeping silent.
The cacophony of noise grew louder and louder as they got closer to their assigned position. There were shouts, not in unison but in a disparate stream of white noise, there was music being played loudly and annoyingly both in real instruments and out of devices. A thousand and one different ways to make oneself heard were being played out within the mass that had overtaken the street.
Even knowing she was just another officer this time, Keya still couldn’t stop herself from watching her officers go their respective ways.
Nila and Lunek quickly ran off to the line of officers standing right beside the crowd, as soon as they approached a gojid and a takkan wearing the same riot gear quickly came back after being relieved, visible bags under their eyes as they sluggishly started heading back towards the temporary base.
Marik quickly found his way beside a group of humans standing just a few meters behind the shield line by a parked cruiser. The group seems to acknowledge him wordlessly at first, but when one of the humans goes to leave he attempts to pat Marik on the head. Predictably, the loudness of the slap is strong enough to even attract attention from some in the protest, who stare inquisitively as the other humans the group laugh at the one leaving.
“Really put us right in the fuel line…” Aren’s voice calls her attention to her side. Tracking where his ears are turned to, she finds the tallest building in the street- Solgalick’s Mercy Hospital. “You think there’ll be a problem?” he asks.
She looks around to where her post is. A small tent had been set up here as well as a large vehicle she hadn’t seen before with a strange turret on top comprised of a long barrel and two round objects by the sides, a couple of people with white bands bearing the green paw symbol of field medics were sitting on plastic chairs “Either there’ll be none or all of them at once” she says. There were two others here, another couple of venlil wearing the same UX-1s as they were and quite clearly the ones they were meant to relive “What’s with that?” she asks, pointing at the vehicle with her tail.
“Humans call it a riot control vehicle” one of them answers “Got a bunch of things in it in case people get rowdy to take them down without harm.” They wave a paw at it “My opinion, though? Looks like one of those arxur transport vehicles. Kinda creepy.”
Aren’s chuckle makes her twist an ear at him “Nah this is definitely not that. Look up human tanks later, then you’re going to see a real vehicle like that”
“Aren, stop making things awkward” she sighs “Everyone’s tense enough as is”
“Nah, it’s alright” the one she’s relieving answers “I’d rather have this stuff on my side anyway” they say before leaving with a wave.
Keya’s role was very obvious. Armed with the heaviest-duty crowd control gear and stationed beside an armored vehicle they were quite clearly the final resort in case something happened, which meant she’d have time to watch. She felt a little bit guilty, it was probably her seniority that got her placement here and knowing some of her officers were right up there in the shield wall while she was here…
But for now, all she could do was observe and… Wait. She watches as the line of officers of many species ahead stand tall as the cacophonous mass of protestors shifts like water past them. The noise is great, but surprisingly not grating, there are a multitude of voices but they seem to be working together in some way. A few more officers come to relieve men at the wall as others leave. Once or twice officers at the wall need to leave and then quickly return. including one of her own.
Lunek needs a bit more endurance training… crosses her mind.
At one point Marik gets inside the cruiser with the human officers and the vehicle speeds away. It doesn’t take long for it to return, they stop the vehicle at the same place it was and step out, nothing seemingly having happened. But the protest is louder at this point.
Nearly an entire claw had passed at this point, with the noise slowly rising higher and higher, when a small commotion happens by the shield wall. For a couple of seconds she puts her entire focus there trying to figure out what is going on, until a krakotl officer waves a beckon with their tail and she and Aren rush towards the position.
When they get there the shield line had let through a human carrying a venlil in her arms “I can walk you know?”
“No you can’t, you’re limping”
“That was my tail, not my leg”
“Fuck you, man, just let me-”
“Excuse-me, what happened?” Keya interrupts the bickering duo
“I don’t know, someone stepped on his tail and he just crumpled, I need to take him to the hospital!”
“Girl, it’s just a tail torsion-” the venlil wiggles in her arms
“That’s not nothing!” Aren howls “Speh, that’s a part of your spine, you shouldn’t be on your feet” he turns around, scanning the direction of the hospital “Do you need help carrying him”
“No, I got it, thanks… Thought you weren’t going to let us pass.”
Keya shrugs her tail “We’re just keeping the way to the hospital clear” she turns her focus to the venlil in the woman’s arms “Stop trying to play tough, just let her take you”
The two of them escort the grumbling pair until they’ve past the area with the vehicle and let them continue on their way to the hospital “Ick, I’m surprised he’s awake. Tail torsions hurt like death” Aren comments
“Don’t I know it, suffered one during stampede response training. Felt like someone was pulling my brain out through my tail” she shudders at the thought “... Why did it happen, though? Takes a lot of effort to cause it”
Aren looks over at the mass of the protest. There were now a lot more signs raised then before, and the noise was louder “Dunno, they look super packed right now” and she sees Aren’s hackles visibly raising “I don’t like this”
Keya turns around, she can hear sounds coming from the large vehicle beside her, like claws on metal. The first thing she notices ahead is the group on the cruiser having opened the vehicle’s doors and standing ready, then she notices that the shield wall had lost some of their lightly casual posture, holding tighter to their shields.
It was just one person.
One agitated venlil having some form of heated argument with a human. The shouting can’t reach her here, she can’t hear the words, but she can see the energetic swings of the arms and the erratic tail.
The venlil turns around suddenly, a bottle of drink in her paw. The human moves quickly, but not quickly enough- He grabs her by the waist, lifting her up on his shoulders and starting to drag her out of there- But the bottle had already been thrown, it sails the piddly distance between them and the shield line.
The glass shatters against a translucent shield, a light crimson fire of high proof alcohol erupts on the impact. And the shouting begins.
In a matter of moments what was disorganized yet harmonic shouting turns to vicious howling and roaring, the crowd on the other side of the shield wall starts moving faster and some voices on a megaphone can be heard. But the cries for organization go unheard as the tension continues to boil- But for a few moments, nothing else happens. There is one officer in the shield wall who is shaking, Lunek’s ears are pinned to their head in fear, but he holds his shield steady- The dying flames still lick at the other side of the transparent barrier, Lunek attempts a gentle motion of reassurance with his tail towards the crowd, nobody around moves and for a fraction of a moment it seems the worst had passed as silence seems to rule.
And then there was gunfire. The supersonic boom of overheated air familiar to magnetically-accelerated weapons, a crimson streak in the sky of a tracer round originated from the Regional.
Sound returns in a terrible roar of a multitude of voices. The officers at the shield wall change their posture and steady their feet just in time as the crowd seems to crash against the shields like a tide and then retreat. For a few moments Keya holds on to her breath, readying for action but… The wall holds, and for now she needs not act.
“Hell, it’s going to shit!” a voice calls out from behind, a human Keya hadn’t noticed here had come running “Everyone, keep this street clear! The riot is breaking out in earnest and we already have a few wounded, they’re coming in from the other side of the street!” It was the same human commander from the briefing. He stops in place for a few seconds, left hand over his ear “Shit… Hell… FUCK! Fine” he runs ahead of her closer to the shield wall “Keep holding, keep the hospital lane clear!”
Keya can just stare as the shouting from the other side of the line grows to a crescendo and… The shield line starts to move. Each and every man in the shield line is holding steady to their shields, their feet planted firmly on the ground… But the herd is moving forward with similar intensity, except with so many more bodies they have begun to physically drag the officers along.
“Attention protesters!” it was a venlil’s voice on the megaphone this time, familiar, of the same man who held the briefing “Please keep this street clear! Keep the route to the hospital open! That is all we ask!” but the cries fall to deaf ears.
“Hell… Shield line, move back! Suppression cannons!” Keya jolts as the armored vehicle beside her whirs to life, she makes space for it as it moves forward and the shield line starts slowly yielding ground. The turret on top of the vehicle turns towards the mass of protesters and- From it erupts a powerful jet of water, not unlike that from a firefighter’s vehicle, but instead of aimed at flames it is aimed at people. The powerful stream of water strikes them, causing many to stumble backwards for a bit-
But the ones behind them prop them back up, and the combined might of the herd beats off the pressurized water. She can’t see it from behind the shield wall, but the simple thought of being pressured front and back by different forces, the water- “Cannons, switch to shockwater!”
It takes only half a second, what was once a combined, mobilized force against the torrent scatters. The combined block loses cohesion, but they do not retreat- For a moment all they do is cease advancing as they huddle like a wall against the amplified assault. But a moment is all they need, no longer pressured the shield wall relaxes for just a moment, and then those at the front of the riot rush. The shields close in again, but not fast enough before a few dozen break through running forward.
Keya readies herself, flicking the selector to shockwater and lowering her stance, Aren does the same at a distance. But they’re not the first ones to move, instead Marik and the officers with him move first, bringing up their shotguns and firing. The blasts are loud- The first few runners just fall over, the impacts swiping their limbs from under them. A couple of humans had clearly been hit and continued to rush despite the crimson soaking their clothes. A venlil had to be hit five times, he stumbled at the first two hits, seemingly shrugging them off unharmed, the two next caused him to flinch and the fifth hitting a glancing strike on his head sending him tumbling down. “STAND DOWN!” the officer who fired the last shot yells, she can see Marik hollering at him but the din of battle had become too powerful.
“Shields, retreat! LRAD, active!” the human commander shouts. The shield line starts to move back, Marik and the rest of the shotgunners walk back as well- Then, a strange piercing noise erupts from the vehicle. She keeps her primary focus on the advancing riot but she can see enough to notice a pair of speakers mounted on the turret, speakers directional not unlike her own ears, and the annoying noise finally processes to her as a mere echo of whatever the real sound would be like. A couple of seconds after that realization she sees the majority of the riot just stop on their tracks, pulling ears closed and clutching their head. If the simple noise bleed beside the vehicle was giving her a mild headache, she couldn’t imagine what being in the direct cone of sound would be doing.
But another sound, much lower, attracts her attention. A sound from behind her that causes her to twist an ear back to catch it. Whistles. The periodic whistles had a very particular cadence, a cadence of whistles that everyone learns the importance of very early in their lives- After all, the sound of an ambulance is familiar to all. She chances a glance behind her to see that there isn’t just one, but multiple. Some arriving, some leaving, they’re going as fast as their engines can, unloading people inside the hospital.
But it is a terrifying bugle that turns her eyes back to the crowd that seemed disabled. The sound cannon had done its job, but there were still some people running. But in that instant something became clear: They weren’t trying to get anywhere, nor were they trying to get away from something no. It was clear where they were heading, she was their target, as was everyone else here clad in black. And there were still dozens driven by raw emotions that had overcome every weapon employed against them.
Aren had taken position beside her, the men that once held the shield line had now become separated from each other, using shield and baton to fend off rioters whose new objective was to bring punishment with their own paws. Keya flicks the selector, she’d already seen those people power through shockwater, and aims her gauntlet low.
Six, there were six rushing towards her and she couldn’t spare mental power to process even their species. She clenches her paw, grasping the trigger and firing a short stream of green fluid, the six raise up their arms expecting something else and leaving their lower limbs unprotected as the sticky substance covers feather, fur, scale and cloth. They have time to take one more step before the mess solidifies, their upper bodies lurching forward while their lower bodies refuse to move, they struggle to move to no avail resorting to their voices as their final weapon.
She spares a glance at Aren who’d been turned on by another half dozen, then focuses forward once again, Marik and his team had already retreated behind her and the shields were starting a slow retreat. Most of them had made it past behind her and Aren, their stickyfoam doing the final job of keeping people contained where the riot vehicle failed, but Lunek and a few others had remained ahead to cover against all manners of thrown objects.
The rage-fuelled burst, however, could only drive the rioters for so long and their will started to falter. The larger groups had begun to disperse, the whistles of the ambulances were starting to sound louder than the shouts, the noise of the LRAD had died out and the pressure gauge was indicating her stickyfoam tank was down to the last third. Keya felt, for a moment, that the crowd’s fury had been spent and she could relax.
And then she saw him. A man with a silver coat of fur, eyes filled with feral rage, body marred by scars new and old, twitching claws and angrily pawing at the ground. When their attentions crossed he ran at her, she aims her gauntlet low at him but he leaps, she tries to track his movement but he was too fast and lands with both hindpaws against her chest- She simply presses the trigger and swings her gauntlet up as the impact brings both of them to the ground.
Falling on her back against the backtank leaves her breathless for a moment. But Keya quickly recovers to stand back up, first assessing that nobody else was running at her- But even before she can do that the horrible gurgling sounds from the ground call her attention. The man had fallen, body partly immobilized with one of his arms stuck to his side, but he desperately claws at his face- Green viscosity covering his snout and leaking also out of his mouth.
“BRAHK!” Keya quickly kneels down beside him “MEDIC!” she shouts, pulling out the canister of solvent from her belt with a shaking paw “Stop- Stop it!” she says, trying to control the man’s frenzied free paw as she sprays the solvent on his face and mouth, before venturing her own paw between his teeth to attempt to pull the softened mass blocking the airway.
“Move, move, move!” a commanding voice comes from beside her, people with the green paw band had arrived “We got a blocked airway here, get the-” they quickly shoo her away and she’s more than happy to let the experts do their job. She stands back up and looks around, the sounds have died off save for the whistles of the ambulances.
There were people scattered on the ground, sitting on the curb, resting against walls, all of them nursing wounds. Glass littered the streets from every storefront and house in sight, no object present in the street was spared the pent up rage, and illuminating everything was the orange glow of flames. Flames, thankfully, contained to just one place.
Even from here she could see it, the front of the Regional had, in a twist of irony, taken ablaze. The flames threatened to spread further into the nearby buildings but as the rage of the riot died down people had arrived to stop it, a group was helping escort the water cannons towards the flames, one of them had already arrived and was dowsing the nearby buildings with water, wounded people refused being taken to the nearby hospital as they set up a bucket brigade to draw more water from nearby buildings to help soak the flames. Echoing in the distance were the sirens of the fire engines coming to the rescue.
Keya just stands there watching the shifting chaos, taking in deep breaths… “Hell…” is all she can say.
Even the most well organized, well prepared, demonstration can fall part. When so much wrong has been brought, when you finally have the chance to let the world hear you... Sometimes all that is left in you is pure fire and fury.
And in the end it just takes one person, and the herd follows. That is true for any thinking mind.
And always remember: Even the gentlest of blows is still a deadly strike.
submitted by JulianSkies to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:24 larki18 Viggo Mortensen scores his own movies. His music background is a saga in itself

Viggo Mortensen scores his own movies. His music background is a saga in itself
Viggo Mortensen was always drawn to the old piano in his grandparents’ house in Watertown, N.Y., 30 miles south of the Canadian border, the community where he lived after his parents divorced. Whenever he went over, he would sit down and play. He improvised melodies, usually imagining a scene or something visual.
“It was a comfortable place to be, and you could sort of travel with your imagination as you were playing,” the actor, 65, says via Zoom from his part-time home in Spain, the afternoon light spilling from the window behind him as he lights up a smoke. “Even as a kid, I liked doing that. I always related music to images. I would imagine being somewhere.”
It’s only too clear in hindsight that Mortensen was, essentially, scoring a movie in his mind.
Now he’s doing it for real. Mortensen has written and directed “The Dead Don’t Hurt,” a new western out Friday in which he also stars as a Danish immigrant handyman who leaves his bold new bride (Vicky Krieps) to serve in the Civil War. As if that weren’t enough hats to wear, Mortensen composed the music, performing several instruments on the score.
Mortensen, who also scored his 2020 directorial debut, “Falling,” joins a very exclusive club of directors who’ve created the music for their own films — from Charlie Chaplin and Clint Eastwood to Jeymes Samuel. But one doesn’t get the sense that this is some auteurist flex, or even simply a means to save on the music budget (as was the case for fellow club member John Carpenter). For Mortensen, who also does painting and photography and runs a micro publishing company, making music has always been a vital part of telling the story of his life.
“He really is a total, complete artist,” says Elijah Wood, Mortensen’s “Lord of the Rings” co-star, on a Zoom call from his home in Highland Park. “Certainly, there are people who express themselves in different disciplines and have other interests, but he’s so accomplished in everything he does. And he’s very humble and quiet about it. He just does.”
As his acting career began to take off in the 1980s — his first big screen role was as an Amish man in Peter Weir’s “Witness” — Mortensen married punk singer Exene Cervenka of the Los Angeles band X after they played husband and wife in the 1987 televangelism satire “Salvation!” He wrote some lyrics with her, although his role in her career was mainly limited to taking the cover photos for her solo albums. Their union ended in 1992, but it produced a son, Henry, who became a skilled musician and “knows a lot more about punk rock music than I do,” Mortensen says, “even though I like it.”
Still, there was always something punk, or bohemian, about Mortensen onscreen — even though he was often cast as working-class, macho types: a drug dealer, a hitman. He played tough parts sensitively, and straight parts sideways.
A fateful moment came in the mid-’90s, when the producers of a spoken word album about Greek and Roman myths approached Mortensen to contribute a piece about Poseidon. He wrote and performed a water-themed poem and “crudely, with a little tape recorder, recorded some water sounds to go with it,” he says. “I mixed it in a half-assed way and sent it to the company.”
They sent it back, fully mixed, with some interesting guitar parts by an enigmatic musician whose stage name was Buckethead. Brian Patrick Carroll is an Anaheim native who wears an upside-down KFC bucket for a hat over his long curly locks and a white “Halloween” mask. Mortensen asked Buckethead if he wanted to collaborate and they met in the Chatsworth studio of Travis Dickerson.
Something sparked between Mortensen, with his improvisational and decidedly non-pop inclinations and poetic musings, and Buckethead, with his virtuosic shredding and duffel bag full of Japanese toys. Their first indie album was “One Less Thing to Worry About” in 1997 (long out of print), which featured a black-and-white photo of Mortensen eating a shoe on its cover.
“We’ve made several records since then,” says Mortensen, “all with Travis recording and laughing and just enjoying us clowning around. Some things are really odd to listen to, I guess. But every once in a while, we’d come up with a melody that was really beautiful.”
The whirlwind, impromptu sessions involved Mortensen’s son from the beginning. Afterward, “I would feel just very calm, almost like a really benevolent kind of drug or something I’d taken,” Mortensen says, laughing at himself. “I would drive home feeling really good, and then when we had the record finished, I would just listen to it over and over again — especially driving.”
Even when Mortensen found blockbuster fame as Aragorn in the “Rings” films, he kept making these weirdo soundscape albums. At the height of “Rings” fever, he roped his new co-stars — Wood, Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd — into contributing on a bizarre record called “pandemoniumfromamerica.”
Mortensen “invited us hobbits to laser tag,” Wood recalls, and then they all went over to Dickerson’s studio, where Buckethead and a bunch of instruments were scattered around the room. “It was just a couple of friends hanging out and messing around in the studio, and suddenly these things started to take shape out of the ether.”
On one track, “Half Fling,” Wood and Monaghan made “high-pitched, Muppet call-and-response voices,” says Wood. “I became aware instantly that the musical expression is not dissimilar from painting or photography for him. I don’t know that it even has an identifiable genre. I wouldn’t know how to classify it. It’s sort of beautifully undisciplined.”
“We did it for ourselves, really,” Mortensen says. “That’s how I see making art, generally — making it as a way of remembering what I’m experiencing at that time.”
That was the same impulse for Mortensen’s turn as a writer-director. “Falling” was inspired by memories of his mother and father, who divorced when he was young, and the dementia they both developed in older age.
Based on his own original script, “The Dead Don’t Hurt” is a classic western in many respects. Mortensen plays the Danish-born Holger Olsen — his own father, Viggo Sr., was Danish and the actor still has family in Denmark — and Krieps plays Vivienne Le Coudy, a French Canadian woman with clear echoes of Mortensen’s mother, Grace Gamble, of Canadian descent. The story was born from his image of her running around in the maple forests near the Canadian border as a little girl.
Mortensen says he wrote the score as he was writing the screenplay, pegging where he thought music should go. He knew he wanted music of the period and reached out to violinist Scarlet Rivera — who famously played with Bob Dylan in the ’70s — and cellist Cameron Stone to perform his folky Americana ideas. They convened in the Chatsworth studio and Mortensen joined in on piano and also played bass, guitar and percussion.
When it came to shooting the movie, the score was as much of a guide as the script.
“I played the music for the cinematographer and for my first [assistant director] and some of the actors,” he says, “just to explain: This is the tone I’m going for and this will affect the duration of the scene, the rhythm of the scene and even shot selection. And because it’s a nonlinear story I knew there were going to be transitions from one time period to another, or ellipses. I knew the music would help.”
The sharp sound of clacking claves accompanies Mortensen’s character in the present day, hunting down the man who preyed on his wife during his military absence. Warm fiddle tunes and sweet harmonies underscore happier times in their marriage. Mortensen’s melodic score has a tactile, earthy feel that perfectly suits the steep trails, canyons and rustic production design. (Stunning locations in Durango, Mexico, stood in for Nevada.)
“I don’t like it when the music in a movie is telling you, ‘Now you must be afraid. Now you must be sad. Now you must be happy,’” the actor-director-composer says, “any more than I like it when the dialogue does that or the acting or the cinematography. So the idea was to have all the music before, and know what we were aiming to get across — but that it would accompany, and sometimes be in contrast, in the right moment, to what was happening.”
Mortensen says he might hire a different composer for the next movie he directs. He’s aware of his own limitations. Regardless, he’ll involve them early.
But whenever he comes across a piano — in a hotel, a restaurant or in a holding area on the set of “Eastern Promises” — he’s going to sit down and play it.
“Even if you just play for two minutes,” he says, “it brings you back down, puts your feet on the ground” — and it lets Mortensen’s imagination wander off into some new world.
submitted by larki18 to viggomortensen [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:01 DTG_Bot Community Focus: Gabriel Flauzino

Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/community_focus_gabriel
Some say that to create art, you need inspiration, which only derives from the gods. In today's case, you can say this art is very directly inspired from a whole pantheon.
As soon as we knew internally that The Pantheon was in development, we wanted to do something to commemorate such a unique activity. After some consideration, we ended up with this idea: a poster will all the raid bosses. We had the immense pleasure of working with Gabriel Flauzino and Displate to create the outstanding piece you saw last week.
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And today, we have the immense pleasure of getting to know Gabriel a bit more because he is the protagonist of our latest Community Focus.

Tell us a bit about yourself so our readers can know you better

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He-llo, dear reader! I'm happy to be here, but even happier that you are! I'm Gabriel Flauzino, aka FLZ, a 23-year-old art nerd, soon to be 24. Despite having some Italian blood and surname, I was born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil, a place I affectionately like to call a tropical dystopia—but hey, summertime has always been my favorite!
It's hard for me to pinpoint who I am... Throughout the years, I've changed a lot, and in many ways, I’ve become a whole different animal. As a teenager, I played the keyboard and guitar; wrote poems, songs, and fables; painted digitally and traditionally; and studied physics and biology... I wanted to do it all. However, the sacred path of the digital pen was chosen, and being able to make a career out of it was a dream of mine.
The adult me (who usually drinks too many energy drinks, goes to the gym six days a week, and has ADHD as his worst enemy) got to live this dream, and I will never cease to show my appreciation towards Bungie and its wonderful community for helping me on the way.

Everyone has a story of how they first started playing Destiny. Would you share yours with us? And do you have a favorite class?

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I first played Destiny back in 2014, when I was 14, and it literally changed my way of seeing games. The amazing concept art, the marvelous storytelling through the scenarios, the lighting, the textures, the planets... I can still feel what I felt back in the day: a growing passion to tell my own stories and share my vision of what I saw when playing it. It's pure magic, and I hope I'm able to convey this feeling through my art to all of you.
Something in Destiny really caught my attention when I first saw it on E3 2014. I played a lot of games when I was a teenager, and they helped me learn English and specialize in an art style that resembles posters and splash art. Games like Persona 3, 4, and 5; Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, and 12; and Shadow of the Colossus were some of the main games that marked my most nerdy years. My teenage years were really rough, I gotta tell you. Having the goal of pursuing an art career most definitely helped me to keep everything in check inside my noggin.
Destiny was already one of my favorite games back then, when I started making fan art of it in mid-2018. I couldn't make a dime from art until then, and believe me, I was trying hard. Fast forward to October 2019, when I won my first Art of the Week with an art style that I believe is my specialty: posters! Then my humble account of 40 followers grew to over 2,000 in a few days. It was honestly unbelievable. It's crazy when you realize people like what you do, that iit's not a delusion nor an illusion, and people actually care for the hard work you've been doing for countless sleepless nights.
On the topic of my favorite Destiny class, it's pretty hilarious how my class usually matches my current personality and hobbies. From 2014 to 2018, I mained Warlock, as all I wanted to do was study and read. Then 2018 to 2021 rolled in, and I mained Hunter as I entered a more, uh, emo phase. (Sorry, mom, it really was a phase.) Now, from 2022 onwards, I am a Titan main because I'm chronically addicted to the gym and boxing. Look, I'm a simple man. I see dudes with big arms, and I wanna be like them.

How would you define your art style? Where do you find inspiration?

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I would say my art is “safe.” Like, I genuinely like playing it safe when making my artwork, as I enjoy studying what has been done in the past. I often find myself drawing more inspiration from the work of John Collier, John Martin, or Arnold Böcklin, for example, than from any other artists from this generation. You may ask, "What does a 23-year-old fan art artist know about art history?" Exactly, I know nothing and will ultimately die as an apprentice, but I want to study what made the works of the other artists the most impressive pieces of art in human history.
With that said, while I consider my art style safe, I believe it can also impress. It takes time, but I often work more in my mind than on canvas, imagining how the final piece needs to look as well as what to do to achieve that, and most of the time, I won't stray away from the initial idea.
And where do I find inspiration? Artists like Aaron Blaise and Ethan Becker helped me to master tools like Photoshop and PureRef and manage good workflows that can achieve industry standards. Geniuses like Hayao Miyazaki taught me to dream higher and higher. Mutuals like AviixeArt, Brandon Meier, Kathi_Langley, and Gammatrap (Brandon McCamey) were and still are brilliant minds that I look upon in my career, and who I often find myself using as inspiration for countless works of mine.

So, raid bosses: what makes them so interesting that you have dedicated so many pieces to them?

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The real question is: who doesn't think raid bosses are interesting?! We all like good villains —and beating them. The idea that a collective and joint act can beat even the most powerful bad guys is something only the raiding experience in Destiny can deliver. You feel powerful and fulfilled with your achievement, and that's a peak experience in the world of video games.
One of my favorite games ever is the Dark Souls franchise. The feeling that a mere mortal is capable of facing literal Gods is something that the gaming genre delivers in an awe-inspiring and powerful way.
Illustrating all the power and malice of these villains on a canvas is to seal the idea that you and your friends conquered that battle together. Raids are my favorite part of Destiny: getting together with friends, suffering for countless hours (seriously, I spent 19 hours on Day 1 Deep Stone Crypt...), and sharing good memories. It really is something special, which I hope to memorialize in every piece I make.

I know picking a favorite is hard, but you can tell us... Which is your favorite?

I think this is an easy choice. Of all the villains we've ever faced, the one who finally showed us the horrors that exist among the stars was Oryx. From Aurash to Taken King, the Navigator has proven himself several times, and The Books of Sorrow are the apotheosis of Destiny's lore, in my opinion. Seeing Oryx's trajectory following his ideals, even the most terrible and distorted ones, until the end made the final showdown against him the most special moment in Destiny's history.
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The magic of fiction is being able to admire a villain's conviction, even if their actions are unimaginably cruel. Knowing that makes the moment when they are struck down much more complex and satisfying.
And in the end, with Touch of Malice, Oryx won. There’s a bittersweet truth we chose to ignore at the end of Books of Sorrow, that maybe Oryx wasn’t totally wrong. Maybe the universe is as unfair and cruel as Oryx once wrote, and maybe the Ravenous Heart will still pulse with the dying of the last stars and the last gulps of primordial black holes.

Now, let's talk about The Pantheon. Your Pantheon. Could you share with us how this piece came to be?

Look, I'm going to be brutally honest here: I caught a really bad case of COVID while making this artwork, but I was so determined to finish it. I just didn’t care. I swear to God, I got home from the hospital and went straight to work. It was not a lot of fun, but I was okay enough to paint and give it my best, so I'm happy I chose to do so. And I have to tell you, it was worth every second.
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First, I made two iterations of what I wanted the art to be, which was a poster of sorts, with all eight villains in their coolest poses possible. The artwork is definitely not gloomy nor dark, but rather it gives a sense of wonder and achievement. The Destiny art team helped me a bunch with some suggestions, which were very welcome, and I duly implemented them in the final piece.
I was able to draw a character each day, giving them all the attention and spotlight that I thought was necessary. Color-wise, it was kinda tough. Some characters like Atraks-1 stand out a lot, so adjusting the tone map to be pleasing to the eye was half of the process. Ultimately, this piece is something I already planned on doing when I first saw The Pantheon was launching, so I had a blast partnering with Bungie and Displate for the ride!
I’m absolutely pleased and pumped to see everyone’s reaction when The Pantheon of Gods ships. Bungie did an excellent job making these characters present again in the game, with a fun and memorable activity that to memorializes this moment in
Also, could I be a little biased by placing Oryx in front? Yes, I was.

Anything you would like to share with other artists out there? Maybe even some colleagues you want to mention?

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Alright, this may be the longest part of the blog post, so bear with me. Robert Schumann has always been an interesting figure for me. In addition to being an excellent pianist and composer, Schumann wrote something that has echoed with me: "To send light into the darkness of men's hearts—such is the duty of the artist."
For other artists out there reading this, what do you interpret from this? What do you think is your light, and what do you think is the darkness in the heart of mankind? I feel that, in an era that is stained more and more with the arrival of technologies that seek to destroy the essence of art, it is necessary to have both the sensitivity and softness to express oneself through the artistic medium as well as the perseverance and sense of justice to fight against these oppressive means. Do what you love, and if you send this light to someone's heart, you will be immortal.
That being said, all of this is only possible with a strong sense of community and a place where you are welcomed and admired. I would like to dedicate a little bit of everything I have ever achieved to some of the most special people I have had in my life and in my inspirations.
Mr. Stephen Boe, aka AviixeArt, and his enviable brushstrokes. Brandon, aka Gammatrap, and his extremely effective technique as well as his wonderful personality. Kathi, with her hypnotizing neon colors. Kevin, with his endless creativity. Gustavo Bleyer and Polux, for being dear countrymen and extremely talented. Robyn, for her dense, greenish brushstrokes. Emily and the way she does magic in traditional art. Seeing you all grow, along with many other artists, is what keeps me hopeful for the future of human art. Thank you for being here. And I would also like to thank Byf for the opportunity and recognition a few years ago during an art competition that he promoted. It was hella fun!

And before we go, please, let everyone know where they can find you online and enjoy your outstanding work.

I’m on Twitter and Instagram. Don't be shy, and feel free to talk to me there! If you just found out about my work, feel free to join along for the ride. There’s still much, much more to come.
Thank you for having me today! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you for The Final Shape, and beyond. Tchau!
No, Gabriel, thank you for working with us! It's been a real pleasure, and we can't wait to see your future works. And please, keep sharing your talent with the world.
Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:01 DTG_Bot Community Focus: Gabriel Flauzino

Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/community_focus_gabriel
Some say that to create art, you need inspiration, which only derives from the gods. In today's case, you can say this art is very directly inspired from a whole pantheon.
As soon as we knew internally that The Pantheon was in development, we wanted to do something to commemorate such a unique activity. After some consideration, we ended up with this idea: a poster will all the raid bosses. We had the immense pleasure of working with Gabriel Flauzino and Displate to create the outstanding piece you saw last week.
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And today, we have the immense pleasure of getting to know Gabriel a bit more because he is the protagonist of our latest Community Focus.

Tell us a bit about yourself so our readers can know you better

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He-llo, dear reader! I'm happy to be here, but even happier that you are! I'm Gabriel Flauzino, aka FLZ, a 23-year-old art nerd, soon to be 24. Despite having some Italian blood and surname, I was born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil, a place I affectionately like to call a tropical dystopia—but hey, summertime has always been my favorite!
It's hard for me to pinpoint who I am... Throughout the years, I've changed a lot, and in many ways, I’ve become a whole different animal. As a teenager, I played the keyboard and guitar; wrote poems, songs, and fables; painted digitally and traditionally; and studied physics and biology... I wanted to do it all. However, the sacred path of the digital pen was chosen, and being able to make a career out of it was a dream of mine.
The adult me (who usually drinks too many energy drinks, goes to the gym six days a week, and has ADHD as his worst enemy) got to live this dream, and I will never cease to show my appreciation towards Bungie and its wonderful community for helping me on the way.

Everyone has a story of how they first started playing Destiny. Would you share yours with us? And do you have a favorite class?

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I first played Destiny back in 2014, when I was 14, and it literally changed my way of seeing games. The amazing concept art, the marvelous storytelling through the scenarios, the lighting, the textures, the planets... I can still feel what I felt back in the day: a growing passion to tell my own stories and share my vision of what I saw when playing it. It's pure magic, and I hope I'm able to convey this feeling through my art to all of you.
Something in Destiny really caught my attention when I first saw it on E3 2014. I played a lot of games when I was a teenager, and they helped me learn English and specialize in an art style that resembles posters and splash art. Games like Persona 3, 4, and 5; Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, and 12; and Shadow of the Colossus were some of the main games that marked my most nerdy years. My teenage years were really rough, I gotta tell you. Having the goal of pursuing an art career most definitely helped me to keep everything in check inside my noggin.
Destiny was already one of my favorite games back then, when I started making fan art of it in mid-2018. I couldn't make a dime from art until then, and believe me, I was trying hard. Fast forward to October 2019, when I won my first Art of the Week with an art style that I believe is my specialty: posters! Then my humble account of 40 followers grew to over 2,000 in a few days. It was honestly unbelievable. It's crazy when you realize people like what you do, that iit's not a delusion nor an illusion, and people actually care for the hard work you've been doing for countless sleepless nights.
On the topic of my favorite Destiny class, it's pretty hilarious how my class usually matches my current personality and hobbies. From 2014 to 2018, I mained Warlock, as all I wanted to do was study and read. Then 2018 to 2021 rolled in, and I mained Hunter as I entered a more, uh, emo phase. (Sorry, mom, it really was a phase.) Now, from 2022 onwards, I am a Titan main because I'm chronically addicted to the gym and boxing. Look, I'm a simple man. I see dudes with big arms, and I wanna be like them.

How would you define your art style? Where do you find inspiration?

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I would say my art is “safe.” Like, I genuinely like playing it safe when making my artwork, as I enjoy studying what has been done in the past. I often find myself drawing more inspiration from the work of John Collier, John Martin, or Arnold Böcklin, for example, than from any other artists from this generation. You may ask, "What does a 23-year-old fan art artist know about art history?" Exactly, I know nothing and will ultimately die as an apprentice, but I want to study what made the works of the other artists the most impressive pieces of art in human history.
With that said, while I consider my art style safe, I believe it can also impress. It takes time, but I often work more in my mind than on canvas, imagining how the final piece needs to look as well as what to do to achieve that, and most of the time, I won't stray away from the initial idea.
And where do I find inspiration? Artists like Aaron Blaise and Ethan Becker helped me to master tools like Photoshop and PureRef and manage good workflows that can achieve industry standards. Geniuses like Hayao Miyazaki taught me to dream higher and higher. Mutuals like AviixeArt, Brandon Meier, Kathi_Langley, and Gammatrap (Brandon McCamey) were and still are brilliant minds that I look upon in my career, and who I often find myself using as inspiration for countless works of mine.

So, raid bosses: what makes them so interesting that you have dedicated so many pieces to them?

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The real question is: who doesn't think raid bosses are interesting?! We all like good villains —and beating them. The idea that a collective and joint act can beat even the most powerful bad guys is something only the raiding experience in Destiny can deliver. You feel powerful and fulfilled with your achievement, and that's a peak experience in the world of video games.
One of my favorite games ever is the Dark Souls franchise. The feeling that a mere mortal is capable of facing literal Gods is something that the gaming genre delivers in an awe-inspiring and powerful way.
Illustrating all the power and malice of these villains on a canvas is to seal the idea that you and your friends conquered that battle together. Raids are my favorite part of Destiny: getting together with friends, suffering for countless hours (seriously, I spent 19 hours on Day 1 Deep Stone Crypt...), and sharing good memories. It really is something special, which I hope to memorialize in every piece I make.

I know picking a favorite is hard, but you can tell us... Which is your favorite?

I think this is an easy choice. Of all the villains we've ever faced, the one who finally showed us the horrors that exist among the stars was Oryx. From Aurash to Taken King, the Navigator has proven himself several times, and The Books of Sorrow are the apotheosis of Destiny's lore, in my opinion. Seeing Oryx's trajectory following his ideals, even the most terrible and distorted ones, until the end made the final showdown against him the most special moment in Destiny's history.
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The magic of fiction is being able to admire a villain's conviction, even if their actions are unimaginably cruel. Knowing that makes the moment when they are struck down much more complex and satisfying.
And in the end, with Touch of Malice, Oryx won. There’s a bittersweet truth we chose to ignore at the end of Books of Sorrow, that maybe Oryx wasn’t totally wrong. Maybe the universe is as unfair and cruel as Oryx once wrote, and maybe the Ravenous Heart will still pulse with the dying of the last stars and the last gulps of primordial black holes.

Now, let's talk about The Pantheon. Your Pantheon. Could you share with us how this piece came to be?

Look, I'm going to be brutally honest here: I caught a really bad case of COVID while making this artwork, but I was so determined to finish it. I just didn’t care. I swear to God, I got home from the hospital and went straight to work. It was not a lot of fun, but I was okay enough to paint and give it my best, so I'm happy I chose to do so. And I have to tell you, it was worth every second.
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First, I made two iterations of what I wanted the art to be, which was a poster of sorts, with all eight villains in their coolest poses possible. The artwork is definitely not gloomy nor dark, but rather it gives a sense of wonder and achievement. The Destiny art team helped me a bunch with some suggestions, which were very welcome, and I duly implemented them in the final piece.
I was able to draw a character each day, giving them all the attention and spotlight that I thought was necessary. Color-wise, it was kinda tough. Some characters like Atraks-1 stand out a lot, so adjusting the tone map to be pleasing to the eye was half of the process. Ultimately, this piece is something I already planned on doing when I first saw The Pantheon was launching, so I had a blast partnering with Bungie and Displate for the ride!
I’m absolutely pleased and pumped to see everyone’s reaction when The Pantheon of Gods ships. Bungie did an excellent job making these characters present again in the game, with a fun and memorable activity that to memorializes this moment in
Also, could I be a little biased by placing Oryx in front? Yes, I was.

Anything you would like to share with other artists out there? Maybe even some colleagues you want to mention?

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Alright, this may be the longest part of the blog post, so bear with me. Robert Schumann has always been an interesting figure for me. In addition to being an excellent pianist and composer, Schumann wrote something that has echoed with me: "To send light into the darkness of men's hearts—such is the duty of the artist."
For other artists out there reading this, what do you interpret from this? What do you think is your light, and what do you think is the darkness in the heart of mankind? I feel that, in an era that is stained more and more with the arrival of technologies that seek to destroy the essence of art, it is necessary to have both the sensitivity and softness to express oneself through the artistic medium as well as the perseverance and sense of justice to fight against these oppressive means. Do what you love, and if you send this light to someone's heart, you will be immortal.
That being said, all of this is only possible with a strong sense of community and a place where you are welcomed and admired. I would like to dedicate a little bit of everything I have ever achieved to some of the most special people I have had in my life and in my inspirations.
Mr. Stephen Boe, aka AviixeArt, and his enviable brushstrokes. Brandon, aka Gammatrap, and his extremely effective technique as well as his wonderful personality. Kathi, with her hypnotizing neon colors. Kevin, with his endless creativity. Gustavo Bleyer and Polux, for being dear countrymen and extremely talented. Robyn, for her dense, greenish brushstrokes. Emily and the way she does magic in traditional art. Seeing you all grow, along with many other artists, is what keeps me hopeful for the future of human art. Thank you for being here. And I would also like to thank Byf for the opportunity and recognition a few years ago during an art competition that he promoted. It was hella fun!

And before we go, please, let everyone know where they can find you online and enjoy your outstanding work.

I’m on Twitter and Instagram. Don't be shy, and feel free to talk to me there! If you just found out about my work, feel free to join along for the ride. There’s still much, much more to come.
Thank you for having me today! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you for The Final Shape, and beyond. Tchau!
No, Gabriel, thank you for working with us! It's been a real pleasure, and we can't wait to see your future works. And please, keep sharing your talent with the world.
Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:16 albert1165 Open Source: VinFast might open North Carolina EV factory in 2026. Or later. Or never.

I’m Brian Gordon, tech reporter for The News & Observer, and this is Open Source, a weekly newsletter on business, labor and technology in North Carolina.
On the morning of April 17, we broke the story that construction had stalled at VinFast’s electric vehicle factory site in southeastern Chatham County.
County officials approved VinFast’s original building plans last summer, but in December, the company said it desired a different, smaller layout for its multibillion-dollar assembly plant. Chatham said this would be fine, but it needed to approve the revisions before construction could restart. Four months passed without VinFast submitting anything, and Chatham officials said they didn’t know when VinFast might do so.
Then, approximately 12 hours after our story published in mid-April, the EV manufacturer sent the county its new building plans.I don’t mention this to pat ourselves on the back. I am truly curious what this timing suggests about VinFast’s intentions in North Carolina, especially in light of more news this week that puts the company’s promised 7,500-worker local facility in further doubt. Was VinFast sitting on revised plans and not sending them until it felt pressure? Was it a coincidence? If the former is true, how serious can the plans be?
On Wednesday, Reuters cited someone familiar with the Chatham project who said the factory could face another delay. The plant was initially supposed to begin producing vehicles in 2024. After a postponement to 2025, its now poised to open sometime in 2026 or after.
Never is also a possibility. No significant building had occurred at the 1,765-acre site southwest of Raleigh more than two years after the project was announced. Compared to early 2022, U.S. electric vehicle enthusiasm has dimmed and VinFast has lost several billion dollars.
In the company’s latest earnings call, executives described future factories in India and Indonesia but only addressed its North Carolina timeline when prompted by an investor near the end. This echoed something a former VinFast employee told me this winter: The carmaker bet big on the North America and Europe markets around 2021, when the manufacturer first pivoted to market electric vehicles to drivers outside of Vietnam. But since then, it has increasingly looked toward more developing areas.
“VinFast is conducting a thorough review and evaluation of all aspects of the construction process for our North Carolina factory,” a company spokesperson emailed the N&O this week.
I will be interested to see how state politicians react to the project’s mounting murkiness. In an email Wednesday, a spokesperson for Gov. Roy Cooper said VinFast officials “have emphasized their longterm commitment to this project.”
Rep. Robert Reives, the House Democratic leader, declined to comment on the latest VinFast news through a spokesperson. Reives represents Chatham County and spoke at the carmaker’s groundbreaking ceremony in July. Sen. Natalie Murdock, another Democrat representing Chatham, did not give a comment either. But news of VinFast’s arrival in March 2022 was also celebrated by top state Republicans like House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger. Neither men attended VinFast’s groundbreaking last summer, and a spokesperson for Berger did not respond to a request for comment this week.
N.C. Commerce Department spokesperson David Rhoades said in an email Wednesday that “the state’s commitment to the project has not changed and neither have the strong protections we put in place to guard the state’s investment in the project site.”
That North Carolina awarded VinFast $1.25 billion in incentives has some skeptics shouting of a potential “boondoggle,” but I recommend you read our explainer detailing the ins and outs of the incentive deals to better judge for yourself.
source: Update on when VinFast EV maker may open North Carolina plant Raleigh News & Observer (newsobserver.com)
submitted by albert1165 to VinFastComm [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:12 SexxxMelaneexxx Poems

. Cinquain: Whisper, Soft breeze, Rustling through leaves, Nature's gentle melody, Serene.
. Ghazal: Moonlight spills, a silver stream, Love's refrain, a poet's dream. Roses weep, their petals gleam, Lost in verses, shadows scheme.
Sestina: Moonrise casts its ethereal glow, Each night, a cyclical ebb and flow. Stars witness tales, both high and low, As time weaves stories, to and fro.
Tanka: Autumn leaves descend, A tapestry of farewell, Crisp whispers of time. Nature's brush strokes paint the scene, Seasons change, memories cling.
Pantoum: In the moonlit dance, shadows play, Shadows weave tales in the silvery night. Echoes of laughter, whispers sway, Night unfolds its magical light.
. Rondel: Sunset's hues in vibrant array, Paint the sky in hues of gold. Nature's masterpiece, bold and bold, A canvas where dreams hold sway.
. Rondeau: Joyful laughter, a sweet refrain, Echoes through the sunlit glade. Hearts entwined, a bond well made, Love's melody, a constant gain.
. Triolet: Whispers of wind through ancient trees, A tale told by the rustling leaves. Whispers of wind through ancient trees, Nature's song, a timeless tease.
Quatrain: Moonlight weaves a silken thread, Night unfolds in shadows' spread. Stars whisper secrets overhead, Dreams bloom in the quiet bed.
Elegy: In the quiet of the setting sun, Memories linger, stories spun. A solemn ode to what is done, Elegy for a life well-run.
. Ode: Sing, muse, of nature's wondrous grace, A symphony in every living trace. Ode to the moon's soft, glowing face, Illuminating night's quiet embrace.
. Ballad: In a valley where the rivers twine, A ballad echoes through ancient pine. Heroes rise, and villains decline, Tales of love and loss intertwine.
. Epic: A saga unfolds in realms unknown, Heroes clash with a thunderous tone. Epic battles in a world overthrown, A timeless tale, through ages, is sown.
. Narrative poem: Through the forest and over the hill, A narrative weaves, tranquil and still. Characters dance, their destinies fulfill, A poetic journey, a quill's skill.
Epigram: In few words sharp, a truth unveiled, Wit and wisdom in balance, finely scaled. Life's ironies, humor exhaled, Epigram, where truths are hailed.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:26 xXOutlierXx [F4A] A Poem for your Playwright [Friends] [Poetry] [Writing Think Tank] [Mature Topics] [Philosophy]

Hello all. The youtube channel, Kiyoko&Kanade are currently hosting a 3 part ASMR competition, with one of the divisions being for script writers (deadline June 21 [see their youtube channel community tab for more details]).
Because of this, I plan to write a lot more. And as a consequence of that, I plan to share my script entries here, because why not? I hope you enjoy it!
Side note - this script is okay for monetization.
Synopsis Your friend needs help coming up with a poem for a narrator to read before the start of their play. You have dabbled in the literary arts in the past, so maybe you could help?
[Sound of footsteps]
[Sound of someone speaking can be heard in the distaned; and said speaking becomes clearer the longer the foosteps sound, as the listener is walking towards the speaker]
Juliet: (Stoic) "What is left for the man who has lost it all...? What comfort is there to offer the hero, when those he loves are dead...? Who can tell me..." (Exasperated sigh, now speaking casually) How in the world I'm going to salvage this script?
[Sound of knocking]
Juliet: Huh, did someone just... knock? The only thing to knock on would be a set piece on the stage...
[Sound of heeled footsteps] [Brief pause] [Sudden Gasp and Excited Squeal]
Juliet: Oh my gosh!
[Sound of rushed footsteps and collison as the speaker runs to, and then hugs, the listener]
Juliet: I'm so happy to see you! What are you doing here?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Your meeting ended early than you expected, so you decided to stop by? Ooh, you are a gem!
[Rustling sounds as speaker hugs listener tighter]
Juliet: (Giggling) Okay, okay, I get it. I'll release you, for now. But seriously, it is so great to see you here. I know that the team and I are still technically in rehersals, but even so, having you here for moral support means a lot.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Hm? Oh, the rest of the crew isn't here yet. I always show up early to go over the script and edit lines. So I'm afraid there won't be much to see until a little later on. (Sarcastically mumbling to herself) Unless of course you want to see me slowly lose my mind.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Huh? Oh, I didn't say anthing.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Ugh, fine! What I said was, "there won't be much to see, unless you like the idea of watching me slowly loose my mind!"
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: What's up? (Scoffs) This script is what's up! No wait, this script isn't up, it's down! In fact, this script is so far down, it's basically in purgatory.
[Slumps/thumps to the floor]
Juliet: (Sigh) I need a break.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Yeah, I'm okay... It's just... I want this play to go well... It's my first time writing and producing a play, after all... But this script is being a nusance and a half.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: No, the story isn't the problem. I actually have a reasonable amount of faith in this one. The problem is the intro. Or rather, the poem that's supposed to go in place of the intro, and is meant to give the audience a glimpse into the mind of the protagonist. It's also supposed to give a summary of the plot of the play itself, without giving too much of anything away. It's also meant to ask deeply philosophical questions, without giving anyone a concrete answer.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You're right. It is a lot. Which is why it needs to be perfect, and why I'm currently lying on the floor in defeat.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You say I can do it, but as far as I can tell, the scoreboard reads Juliet: 1, Script: 1 hundred million.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Yeah, those are pretty bleak scores. And if I had any sense at all, I'd give up and stop playing.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Who says I can't give up on art and become a corporate stooge? I think I'd be a great normie (sarcastically)
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Giggling) Okay, you're right; I wouldn't last a week. (Wistful sigh) That still doesn't mean I shouldn't quit, though.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You croon the idea "I will Survive," but this horrible poem in my hands, says your off key!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Huh? You... want to, read it? (Gasping) That's it! You can help me!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Help me with what? Uh, with this play piece (waving script in the air)-- Duh! I can't believe I didn't think of this before. You were always into the same things as me in school. You even managed to write a few pieces that made me cry. Which is not too shabby, if I may say so myself.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (In a playfully mocking tone) "Eh, that was a long time ago." Give me a break. I know that beneath that suit and tie, beats the heart of a bonafide theatre kid, and no amount of time or money can change that.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Oh, you're still not sure? Well in that case-- here! (Slamming of papers into the listener) Read this and tell me what you think (she says while jogging away).
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Nu-uh, no give backsies! You have been burdened with genius, and I shall be your muse!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Groan all you want, I see you smiling over there, troublemaker. Now hurry up and make words, our audience awaits!
[Brief Pause] [Note - all of Juliet's dialogue will be from a distance from here on]
Juliet: Hm? It would help if you know what the play's about? Well... it's about a medieval knight who gives his life defending his country, only to be revived 100 years later as a Dullahan.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Yeah, it is pretty gruesome. But life doesn't pull any punches, so neither will I! Anyway, the knight goes around the kingdom trying to get his bearings, he has been dead for the last century after all. But as the Knight goes around town, his heart gets broken, as the Loving Queen he knew gave birth to horribly selfish descendants. These royal brats, and those after them, changed the kingdom from the peaceful utopia that it was, into the oppresive and tyrannical regime it now is. And so our knight is left in a really tough spot. He gave his life for a kingdom that no longer exists. He sacrificed it all so that a group of bad people could horde it all. And thus our hero is left thinking... was any of it even worth it...?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You think that's deep... (Nervous and bashful giggles) Uh... Thank you. I've been working really hard on the actual script. Now all I need is for this poem to make sense.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You, have an idea?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: A disconnected, third person narration of images, with pieces of the protagonists thoughts thrown in?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: I'm not sure that I follow, but at this point, I'd kiss a donkey's rear end if it meant moving forward.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Giggling) Sorry, sorry, I promise you're better than a donkey. (Clearing throat) please, most beatiful and wonderful friend of mine, continue.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Stoic) "A soul denied his destined death. The warrior is once again called to stand. Touch not the golden rays of heaven, nor seek solace in the gentle blanket of silver; yours, is the twighlight. Outside it, your foot will find no purchase."
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: I see, "a soul denied death" shows that the subject of the poem is undead. And the "golden rays of heaven," and the "gentle blanket of silver?"
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Allusions to sunlight and moonlight. That's so coo-- wait, didn't you get that from some videogame you played? You know the one... It's about a treasure hunter, and an alchemy pirate, and a thief who was said to be lost at sea?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Yeah, I thought so. But hey, nobody said that borrowing someone else's genuis for playwrighting is illegal. So I'm all for it. But what was that bit you wrote about twighlight?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You put that in because it sounds cool? Well, I mean, it does-- but it also makes it seem like our protagonist can only move during twighlight.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: No, no, no-- don't change it. I actually really like it! The idea of a ghost that only moves about during twighlight is eerily fitting. Especially when you consider that our protagonist is hero drawn from the shadows of the kingdom's history. Of course, twighlight in reality only lasts for like-- what, an hour? So if our play was more realistic, our hero wouldn't have enough time to do anything. But thankfully, none of that matters for a work of fiction, where the name of the game is "suspension of disbelief!"
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Well, don't just stand there, keep going! I'm finally starting to get invested.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Stoic) "The wind howls and groans as it races through the empty streets. The echoes of smiling children cast judgement on broken young men. 'Why do you kneel beneath earth and stone? Why do you spend your strength hunched over moldy bread, and the shavings of copper coins? Is not our kingdom glorious?' The Solider is left to wander."
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: I see, so the wind is meant to convey emotion via the sound it's known to make as it moves. And the "echoes of children" bit is meant to compare and contrast the glory of the past with the bleakness of the present. That's... really dark. And strangely timely...
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Yeah, yeah-- I'll try not to think about it too much. Just keep going.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Stoic) "Tears of crimson wll not flow from a body beyond the styx; but strands of ruby still linger, sweetly, in the gallery of my heart. That grand tapestry, blessed by emerald halos, and adorned from above by a circlet of gold... Dearest Luciea... The seas I would brave to hear your siren song... one final time... May your sweetness grant succor to our sovereign in his rest."
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Huh...? Oh, sorry... I was just... I was wondering how it might feel, to have someone describe me like that...
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Flustered) I'm fine, I'm fine! Just walk me through what you wrote down this time!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: So the Hero's wandering is making him reflect on his time on the battlefield. And the lack of blood, or "crimson tears" leaving his wounds, makes him think of his beloved; who just so happened to have red hair, and who just so happened to be the Queen, who was also very much-- married.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: No, I'm not condeming the trope. The tragic irony is, the heart wants what it wants, and we don't always get a say in it.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: I'm smiling because, despite the overuse of the cliche, I still find it beautiful. And I especially like how the hero thinks of his Queen as he wanders. It makes me think that she is the reason he lept into battle in the first place.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Okay, Okay... I'll focus... But you should know better than to bother an artsy girl when she's having a moment!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Well when you put it like that, I guess I'll have to choose work over wanderlust, but you better make it up to me, later!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Giggling) Good. Now then... (deep breathe) I'm ready...
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Stoic) "A Swan that fleas into eternity, leaving no feathers behind for her young, chains both child and children to the mud; where they are left to adopt the nature of frogs. 'Off with his head. Bring me what is owed. Sell the widow's daughter for a barrel of wine.' The poets of the past prove themselves liars, as toads become tyrants that turn kingdoms into swamps."
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: So the Queen is the Swan in this analogy, and her kids-- and their kids, being nothing like her, are the evil frogs?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Okay, I get it now. I'm not gonna lie, I was seriously lost there. Thanks for explaining it to me, but, I'm beginning to worry if this is okay.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: What I mean is, is it really okay for us to use flowery language and lofty imagery like this? What if it goes over everyone's head?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Quoting the speaker) If they don't get it the first time, they'll just have to come back and watch the play again. (Giggling) Aren't you the optimist?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Oh, so now you're an artist? (Giggling) Get back to reading, you dork, before I lob an artistic shoe at you.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Stoic) "My sword was freed from its sheath, but my countrymen are slain with negligence. I stood watch on the kingdoms walls, only for the threat to emerge from within. I cannot find my enemy. Fiends conceals themselves with my kingdom's colors. Damn this bitter masquerade! And a thousand plagues on this child's farce! Show yourselves, cowards! Take up arms against me, my nemeses. I will see that you get your fill, in steel, ere the sun rises!"
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You know, this sounds a lot like a war cry.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: It's a mournful cry? The hero lamenting the fact that he let his people down, because he left them in such a sorry state, and because he doesn't know who their enemies are anymore?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Please tell me you have a way to end all of this on a good note. Or at least, a less somber one. I know that I'm technically the one who wrote the play, which means I'm technically responsible for the tone of the intro; but-- if we give this to our viewers, as is, I'm worried they'll spend the entire show crying.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Okay, I'm trusting you.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Stoic) "I would have words with the world, but my voice is lost in the tempest. A budding appletree on a snow capped peak. A lone snow blossom in a field during harvest. So am I to the souls set forth at this time. An oddity to be criticized. I traded my life for a dream, and woke up to a nightmare. All my endeavors are sand-- they have slipped through the peoples' fingers. A soldier stands his ground. A king loves all men. And a pauper lives long enough to see both of them fall. In this light cast by death, the darkness of life has been lifted, and so hate finds ample kindling to burn inside me. My thoughts are heavy, they weigh on me like bars of iron, so I bow the head and stagger about in the dark, despising my every breath."
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Deep breath - recovering from her lines) Wait... that's it? I thought you said you would make things better!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Set up for the climax, later? I... You... (Scoffs)-- I asked you to write for me so we could save this script from purgatory, not so you could write me the soliloquy of a guy who's already been there!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Life is a portait of suffering, and our hero is Fate's muse. (Scoff/incredulous laughter) You... you're something, you know that?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Oh no, I'm keeping it. In fact, I'm keeping all of it! I may make a tweak here or there, for the sake of adding my own artistic flare in a few places, but tweaks aside-- the piece you gave me today will be very much intact when our play debuts. And I really hope you'll be there to see it.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You will? Promise?
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: Okay, you said it. Don't be surprised if you have to quit your job to keep your promise to me!
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: You don't think it'll be that serious? Well, a girl can hope. After all, if you quit that hum-drum job, you can work full time with me-- as my lovely assistant.
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (Sarcastically) Eh, I don't know, boring labels like "Co-Author" and "Fellow Playwright" just don't have the same ring as "Lovely Assitant."
[Brief Pause]
Juliet: (With nervous excitement in her voice) Wait, what are you doing...? Oh, no-- Bestie, put the shoe down... Bestie...? Bestie...? (Giggling shriek as Juliet dodges a shoe)
Juliet: Oh now you've done it, take this!
[Vid ends to a fadeout of Juliet's voice, as she calls out to, and playfully mocks, the speaker; as they take turns chasing and fleeing from each other across the stage]
submitted by xXOutlierXx to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:52 Griffon-Knight Dive into Classic Tales with Poetic Twists - New Videos on "Fantasy & Science Fiction @ Storynory"!

Hey everyone,
If you're a fan of classic video games and animated series, you'll love the latest additions to our YouTube channel, "Fantasy & Science Fiction @ Storynory"! We've created captivating poems that bring these beloved stories to life in a whole new way:
🗿 Secrets of Chichen Itza - A poetic journey inspired by the NES game "Tombs and Treasure."
🔮 Echoes of the Arcane - Experience the magic of "Arcane: Online Mystery Serial" through our evocative verses.
🏴‍☠️ The Pirates of Dark Water - Sail the seas with our poem based on the iconic animated series.
👮 The Guardians of Empire City - Follow the adventures of the elite squad from "C.O.P.S." in our tribute to this 80s classic.
Check them out on our channel and let us know what you think!

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2024.05.31 01:00 livia2lima Day 20 - Scripting


Today is the final session for the course. Pat yourself on the back if you worked your way through all lessons!
You’ve seen that a continual emphasis for a sysadmin is to automate as much as possible, and also how in Linux the system is very “transparent” - once you know where to look!
Today, on this final session for the course, we’ll cover how to write small programs or “shell scripts” to help manage your system.
When typing at the Linux command-line you're directly communicating with "the command interpreter", also known as "the shell". Normally this shell is bash, so when you string commands together to make a script the result can be called either a '"shell script", or a "bash script".
Why make a script rather than just typing commands in manually?



Scripts are just simple text files, but if you set the "execute" permissions on them then the system will look for a special line starting with the two characters “#” and “!” - referred to as the "shebang" (or "crunchbang") at the top of the file.
This line typically looks like this:
Normally anything starting with a "#" character would be treated as a comment, but in the first line and followed by a "!", it's interpreted as: "please feed the rest of this to the /bin/bash program, which will interpret it as a script". All of our scripts will be written in the bash language - the same as you’ve been typing at the command line throughout this course - but scripts can also be written in many other "scripting languages", so a script in the Perl language might start with #!/usbin/perl and one in Python #!/usbin/env python3


You'll write a small script to list out who's been most recently unsuccessfully trying to login to your server, using the entries in /valog/auth.log.
Use vim to create a file, attacker, in your home directory with this content:
 #!/bin/bash # # attacker - prints out the last failed login attempt # echo "The last failed login attempt came from IP address:" grep -i "disconnected from" /valog/auth.logtail -1 cut -d: -f4 cut -f7 -d" " 
Putting comments at the top of the script like this isn't strictly necessary (the computer ignores them), but it's a good professional habit to get into.
To make it executable type:
chmod +x attacker
Now to run this script, you just need to refer to it by name - but the current directory is (deliberately) not in your $PATH, so you need to do this either of two ways:
 /home/support/attacker ./attacker 
Once you're happy with a script, and want to have it easily available, you'll probably want to move it somewhere on your $PATH - and /uslocal/bin is a normally the appropriate place, so try this:
sudo mv attacker /uslocal/bin/attacker
...and now it will Just Work whenever you type attacker


You can expand this script so that it requires a parameter and prints out some syntax help when you don't give one. There are a few new tricks in this, so it's worth studying:
 # ## topattack - list the most persistent attackers # if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo -e "\nUsage: `basename $0`  - Lists the top  attackers by IP" exit 0 fi echo " " echo "Persistant recent attackers" echo " " echo "Attempts IP " echo "-----------------------" grep "Disconnected from authenticating user root" /valog/auth.logcut -d: -f 4 cut -d" " -f7sort uniq -c sort -nr head -$1 
Again, use vim to create "topattack", chmod to make it executable and mv to move it into /uslocal/bin once you have it working correctly.
(BTW, you can use whois to find details on any of these IPs - just be aware that the system that is "attacking" you may be an innocent party that's been hacked into).
A collection of simple scripts like this is something that you can easily create to make your sysadmin tasks simpler, quicker and less error prone.
If automating and scripting many of your daily tasks sounds like something you really like doing, you might also want to script the setup of your machines and services. Even though you can do this using bash scripting like shown in this lesson, there are some benefits in choosing an orchestration framework like ansible, cloudinit or terraform. Those frameworks are outside of the scope of this course, but might be worth reading about.
And yes, this is the last lesson - so please, feel free to write a review on how the course went for you and what you plan to do with your new knowledge and skills!



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submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:08 MesozoicBloke01 My experience on r/Homeschool

[Warning: the following post is long and may contain upsetting content]
I spent the better part of my evening idly scrolling through Homeschool. Many of the posts were equal parts infuriating and intriguing. I wanted to share and discuss some of the observations I made while visiting. I've seen far, far worse homeschool groups in my time but the subreddit begins to show its dark side the further you dig.
I know there are exceptions to what I discuss below, but I am simply dealing with trends I noticed while going through the top posts.
And please note, I do not support brigading the subreddit. Do not contact, harass, or spam any of the posters.
With all that being said...
-There are a disproportionate amount of posts about kindergarteners and preschoolers.
By far the most frequent posts I encountered regarded very young children, around preschool and kindergarten ages. Crafts, work spaces, "classrooms," advice, achievements, etc. These easily outweighed all other age groups. In fact, discussions about homeschooling itself seemed to drop off dramatically after grades 3 and 4, which also aren't mentioned very frequently.
This left a sour taste in my mouth. Playing with young children is common with any parent, homeschoolers or not, yet it's almost the focus of the subreddit. Crafts, basic arithmetic, spelling, etc., these are about as complex as posts regarding education get. I'd argue these are things most parents teach their children anyways. Yet these parents are acting like they're taking some radical approach by homeschooling them. There are notably very few high-ranking posts about children older than this age group or the materials such older children need to study.
Perhaps it's just that the majority of parents on the subreddit are new and simply don't have older children yet, but it seemed odd that there were hardly any posts that discuss high schoolers. It gives the impression that, once the joy of interacting with toddlers wears off, the parents are simply leaving the children to their own devices ("unschooling," which I'll get into later). There are no science projects, teen book recommendations, field trips, sports, dances, study spaces, or advice. The few that discuss achievements in higher education or the work place come across as more self-congratulatory than anything else. Which leads us to our next point.
-There are very few posts made by homeschool students.
This stood out to me. Barring a small amount of exceptions, every top post and comment on the subreddit is from parents, not children. The few that are from children are overwhelmingly negative or at the very least critical towards homeschooling. These posts and comments either recieve backlash or no one engages with them at all. This leads to an echo chamber, where the parents continually pat themselves and each other on the back and simply say what they want to hear. There is very little nuance or criticism from other parents. They come across as smug, self-righteous, and pretentious.
In my personal experience, I've found that many homeschooler parents have a narcissistic air about them, and this subreddit is no different. They're snarky, conceited, and highly sarcastic. They seem to treat homeschooling as a personal journey rather than one that will forever effect their children. They need constant reaffirming from other parents and seem to struggle heavily with confirmation bias.
There are a small handful of posts or comments from children celebrating homeschool, but they're almost treated like exceptions to the rule (unsurprisingly). Like the adults make a big deal out of it every time a student makes a positive post.
-There's a strange amount of support for unschooling.
Perhaps this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did, but for every comment celebrating structure, lesson plans, and curated studies, there are three in support of unschooling. If you're unaware of this concept, it's the idea that children learn better when left completely on their own. The mindset is that kids will be naturally drawn to an interest and study it themselves, with no input from teachers or parents. This, understandably, has problems, but there are several proponents of it on the subreddit. One user, the rare student poster, shared their unfortunate homeschool experiences. The replies tried to argue that it was an unschooling success story. This, for one, seemed tasteless, and two, came across as a bizarre source of justification.
-Conspiracy theories, while not terribly common, are reoccurring.
I and many of my fellow homeschoolers here had to put up with paranoid and delusional parents. I'd argue a belief in conspiracies is one of the main things that drive such people to homeschool their children. Many of the parents on Homeschool are no different. Now, conspiracy theories aren't overly frequent on the subreddit, but I found some sort of comment or post dealing with them more often than I expected. The most common ones involve corrupt governments, public schools attempting to force all children into basic jobs, those critical of homeschooling being "trolls," "paid propagandists" or "feds," and alternate history narratives.
-There's a strange infatuation with Little House on the Prairie.
I saw it come up on three different occasions. It seems like something many homeschooler parents love for some reason. Mine were obsessed with it and it seems like it's drawn it's share of fans from other parents as well. A few people were critical of using it as a standard, citing settler life as being lonely and depressing, which was refreshing.
-The word "kiddo" is used way too much.
Not necessarily a "bad" thing, but it seems like the subreddit's favorite, go-to word. Everyone uses it. It reminds me of how older men often refer to their spouses as "the wife."
-The posters are well-aware of us.
Our subreddit gets mentioned fairly frequently. Some parents offer a nuanced view of our experiences and offer sympathy. They question if they're hindering their kids' future by homeschooling. Other comments come directly from users here, though as stated before, they aren't always well-received.
There are whole threads regarding us, with the overwhelming consensus being that we are merely anomalies and do not represent the homeschooling experience. To an extent, yes, I agree. Homeschool works great for certain people. But, statistical anomaly or not, our perspective and experiences matter and should be considered. It's clearly a widespread problem if it can garner a subreddit with thousands of members. To ignore people who did not enjoy their homeschooling experience is the same as pretending everyone benefitted from it.
I think this also comes from a place of them wanting the subreddit to remain an echo chamber. They don't want to hear any opposing opinions, and children who directly felt the neglect and abuse of homeschooling are their worst enemy. Some commenters even expressed disappointment that people such as us post there at all and argued that it should be a sort of safe space for positive homeschooling discussions. Certain comments and posts called for stricter moderation specifically to deal with people who criticize homeschooling in any way.
-They are aware of their own reputation yet, paradoxically, are also lacking in self-awareness.
Every few posts involve a joke about "socialization." These are the smug, condescending posts that act like their 5 year old excitedly talking to a store employee is proof they aren't socially stunted. Or arguing that public school children don't interact all day either. Or say things like "my child is so mature, they prefer adults and won't even talk to kids their age." They poke fun at their popular reputation, yet lack any self-awareness that these interactions and behaviors are not healthy. They celebrate their kids being "weird" and "quirky" while failing to understand what counts as self-expression and what counts as poor social skills.
Perhaps the funniest (in an ironic way) post involved a person asking where all the positive homeschool subreddits are. They pointed out our subreddit and accurately noted it's for students who experienced or are experiencing trauma related to homeschooling. A commenter also accurately noted that the majority of posts in their subreddit came from parents, not children. A couple comments pointed out how telling it is that there are no spaces for students, by students, to share their positive experiences. It's all heavily biased towards the parents and almost every time the children do get a say, it's a negative. Yet this realization doesn't seem to sink in for the majority of users.
-Many parents are clearly not meant to be their childrens' primary educators.
Horrible grammar, sentence structure, and spelling abound in this subreddit. There are a few posters who claim to be actual teachers with degrees, but these are not the norm. The majority are average people who believe they can sufficiently teach all major topics simply because they can read.
-Some people aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're right-wing/authoritarians.
There are several top posts that openly joke about the authority the parents have over their children. Healthy conversation is not generally encouraged. Parent-child relations are often strict and rigid in these posts. They rarely seem to acknowledge them as children or even just students. They are treated more like objects or personal achievements. Children are occasionally insulted for being "lazy" and ADHD and other such educational hinderances are put in quotes, as if the child is faking it. There are multiple "us vs. them" posts, where the parents, not-so-subtly, claim to be protecting their children from a morally corrupt society. Many of the parents pride themselves on their homeschooled children being different from "normal" kids, with one commenter explicitly mentioning Tumblr as being something to avoid, which a few people pointed out seemed like a dog whistle. Many comments are anti-government, anti-CPS, encourage use of legal loopholes, etc. The post histories on some of these users revealed anti-LGBT comments, racism, blatant insulting, and revisionary history. And just keep in mind, these are the things they're comfortable sharing publically.
And those are my general take-aways from my time on the subreddit. Like I said, it's not the worst I've seen, but it's still quite bad. A borderline echo chamber that's biased towards parents and discourages criticism. For me, it was a morbidly-fascinating exploration into the minds of those who so unfairly hindered our childhoods. I'm not saying every poster on the subreddit is an unfit parent or that homeschool is harming their kids, but many were far too close for comfort for me.
submitted by MesozoicBloke01 to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:53 adulting4kids Holidays Poetry

  1. Hanukkah Ekphrasis:
    • Write an ekphrastic poem inspired by a piece of Hanukkah artwork, exploring the visual elements and infusing it with poetic interpretations of the holiday's themes.
  2. Diwali Pantoum:
    • Construct a pantoum that reflects the cyclical nature of Diwali, interweaving verses to capture the rituals, lights, and familial warmth associated with the festival.
  3. Kwanzaa Sestina:
    • Create a sestina that delves into the principles of Kwanzaa, allowing the repeated end words to echo the interconnectedness of the seven guiding principles.
  4. Las Posadas Narrative Poem:
    • Craft a narrative poem that tells the story of Las Posadas, exploring the characters, their emotions, and the transformative power of reenacting the journey to Bethlehem.
  5. St. Lucia's Day Rondeau:
    • Write a rondeau that captures the cyclical nature of St. Lucia's Day, emphasizing the themes of light, devotion, and the annual return of the festive traditions.
  6. Winter Solstice Tanka:
    • Express the quiet beauty and contemplation of the Winter Solstice through a series of tanka, focusing on nature, reflection, and the promise of longer days.
  7. Chinese New Year Found Poetry:
    • Create a found poem using excerpts from Chinese New Year traditions, incorporating elements from traditional greetings, myths, and customs to craft a poetic collage.
  8. Ganna Ode:
    • Write an ode that celebrates the Ethiopian Christmas (Ganna), highlighting the spiritual significance, communal joy, and cultural richness of this festive occasion.
  9. Oshogatsu Concrete Poem:
    • Experiment with a concrete poem that visually represents the symbolic elements of Oshogatsu, using the arrangement of words to evoke the essence of the New Year celebration.
  10. Global Celebrations Haiku Sequence:
    • Develop a sequence of haikus that encapsulate the spirit of global holiday celebrations, drawing on diverse imagery and cultural elements to create a mosaic of poetic snapshots.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:34 TheSmogmonsterZX The Days in Our Millennia - Lessons continue... - 4

The Days in Our Millennia
Stories of the Scions
Lessons continue...
Hale looked around and pulled out Bodley. The strange creature’s display also doubled as its own eye, and in this case it was displaying a waving hand to its master.
“Okay, so look up ‘DC Universes’.” Anna said as she pulled out Mr. Chompy and showed them what application to use. “These are called apps, older folks call them programs. Perfection yells at them.”
“He does not like technology, does he?” Hale asked, trying to understand the Scion of Chaos just a little bit.
Anna shook her head, “Like all things relating to Chaos, Perfection is complicated. Most of them are.”
“Most people in general are.” Sammy shrugged, then stared at Freddie’s screen. “Wow, that's a lot of heroes.”
“There are also a lot of villains and criminals.” Hale added, “Why are we here, Anna?”
So one thing to understand about a Scion and their balance is what happens when it gets very out of balance. Which is happening here.” Anna said, “The good guys have been winning a lot, like a whole hell of a lot.”
“So evil must swing back stronger.” Hale nodded in understanding, “Consumption is here?”
Anna nodded, “So is Raptor, but only we can see them. Maybe The Specter can too, but he’ll play by the rules. This place fell under our umbrella a long time ago when -”
An explosion erupted from a building down the street. Two forms streaked from the fiery building, but only one was in control of their trajectory. The one with no control landed and rolled in the street. Hale watched Anna who sighed and shook her head.
“Not a hero?” Hale asked, “Or not your fight?”
“A bit of both.” Anna rolled her eyes.” This is a fight between two mages, both decidedly jerks and scumbags.”
The man who had been blown from the building stood. He was blond with half his face covered in blood, but he wore a savage smile as he stood up and cast a spell that put his arm back into place.
“Really, you bloody wanker!” The man shouted down the street as the other mage approached. “Come on then Illidae, you ain’t got what it takes!”
A series of fireballs rained down the street.
Hale and Sammy watched the other man. He was floating with a staff hovering in front of him, a golden glow surrounded his form and his oddly teal hair levitated upwards as if repelled by gravity. His eyes glowed bright white and his mouth seemed to move rapidly with no words coming out.
“This is John Constantine and Choronus Illidae.” Anna sighed. “Both are the kind of guys who would sell out another person to the forces of evil to get what they need, but also the kind of guys who will make it so that deal also screws over the devil or whatever they made a deal with.”
Hale’s jaw dropped, “Definitely not heroes.”
“Uhh...” Sammy pointed to Constantine, “Uh this is...”
“Yeah...” Anna sighed as the world around them erupted into multiple shades of red.
Energy streamed from the power unleashed in the area as a demon tore through reality and knocked Choronus Illidae further back. Then it turned to Constantine and grinned.
“That is a very limited form of the demon Trigon.” Anna explained. “And this is about to get bad.”
“Someone’s approaching.” Hale noted, “Someone who has a heavy burden tied to the demon.”
“That’d be Raven.” Anna nodded, “She’s Trigon’s daughter, and if he possesses her, he gets to be on the material plane.”
“We can’t possibly be expected to allow that!” Hale roared.
“Right now we’re observing, if we act we jump right into a fight Raptor and Consumption are drawing around. We will drag the fight out because of how much aid we give Raptor.” Anna said, “And if we do that not only does it drag things out, it means Consumption can call in his own forces and while I haven’t seen who he’s put in those positions under his sway, I can assure you they are not going to be something we want to take lightly.”
“Uh...” Sammy pointed to the sky. “Am I seeing this right?”
Above the scene, which had now shifted to Constantine fighting Trigon with petty spells and tricks, was a clash of giants. Consumption was combating Raptor in a direct fight that wasn’t fully visible, even to the Lesser Scions.
“How are they not destroying the city?” Sammy asked.
“Because the fight hasn’t escalated to that.” Anna explained as a young woman in a dark cloak descended and cast a spell on Trigon.
“It’s about to.” Sammy winced.
Trigon roared with laughter as he grabbed Constantine and threatened the human’s life, ordering his daughter to stand down and submit to him. What he did not expect was Choronus Illidae to return and plunge the staff he had been using through the back of the demon, the golden head of Horus’ symbol pierced the demon through his chest and was covered in his blood. Still,the demon laughed and spun on the second mage, grabbing him in his other hand.
That was when the staff exploded. In a flash of power and wrath the Lesser Scions watched as the city of Metropolis had its downtown area decimated. When the flash died down Trigon was holding his daughter and stepping through a portal, the two mages laid motionless on the ground. In the fight above, the two scions had stopped their battle and Raptor was severely wounded as both Scions retreated.
“Are they dead?” Sammy asked with a slight whimper, “I don’t think they are.”
Anna nodded, “Constantine is harder to kill than a cockroach and Illidae is just as stubborn and both have a curse or two preventing them from just being killed outright like that.”
“Isn’t that a blessing?” Hale clarified.
“Not when demons do it so you don’t cause a war in hell, or Apophis does it to keep you from getting to your wife’s soul in the afterlife.” Anna sighed as a blue streak passed though the area and the mages vanished.
“Where was he?” Sammy asked, “This Superman guy.”
“Otherside of the world fighting with his friend to stop something similar.” Anna said and stepped onto the rubble filled street. “See this damage?” She sat on a large chunk of a torn up street.
Both of the newer Lesser-Scions nodded.
“I could have given any of those three a boost, Hale could have helped Raven, and Sammy you could have prevented the change that’s about to come by various means.” Anna said, “But then Consumption would have had to up his game and this explosion would have just been the start.”
“Hundreds dead could have been thousands.” Hale nodded in a grim realization, “Is this all we do?”
Anna smiled, “No, this is what they do, the full Scions. We can help or hinder but there will always be a cost. We have to decide if we’re willing to live with that.”
“Would you have helped if you weren’t teaching us?” Hale asked.
Anna smiled and stood up, Hong Long appeared and opened a portal with a clear location on the other side. “Come on, let me show you some fun parts of the job...” She stepped through and waited.
Sammy sighed and nodded, gesturing for Hale to go first. Hale cautiously stepped through and all three found themselves in a dark cave underground. A large computer system wasn’t too far away and a man in a dark costume sat staring at the screens.
“Batman, my personal favorite.” Anna smiled, “He often struggles with his own inner demons. Mostly fear.”
“And responsibility.” Hale nodded, “He knows a way to save Raven, but it could cost a hero their life. An Etrigan?”
Anna nodded, “And here’s where we can come into conflict Hale. Does he do the right thing and save Raven from being possessed, possibly losing a powerful ally and saving countless lives or does he sacrifice Raven, potentially saving an ally and saving countless lives?”
“You make the choice that saves the most lives, if you know it.” Hale said, “Otherwise you make the prudent move that gives you the advantage in the long run in what is clearly going to be a war.” Hale paused, “I’m hearing and feeling his own internal argument, aren’t I?”
Anna nodded.
“I though this was supposed to be fun.” Sammy said, “And how are there only two options?!”
“I did kinda lie, fun here is... in how you view it. We’re not enemies, but opponents.” Anna said.
Hale nodded and drew her glaive over her shoulder from nothingness, as her form shifted to wearing clothing slightly more appropriate for a fight and a cloud of bronze dust surrounded her. “You clearly see sacrificing Raven as the wrong move.”
“Batman doesn’t sacrifice people unless he has to, this plan allows for Etrigan to have a chance.” Anna nodded and dropped into a stance she had learned from an old friend and red ribbons of energy streamed around her.
“Whoa!” Sammy leaped behind a giant penny. He then paused and looked up, “Penny for your thoughts ladies?” He then pushed it over and watched as a flash of light froze the area they were in.
The penny fell over, but he could tell it wasn’t the penny that was present in the actual cave. Hale dodged out of the way and stared at Sammy in shock as the man focused and a set of armor, painted in flames and other designs, grew over him and a powerful hammer appeared in his hands. Anna merely let the penny slam down as her aura dissolved the object around her.
“There is always a better option than sacrificing people, he just needs to change his way of thinking!” Sammy roared, his voice distorted by his armor.
“Well now, we know what we’re fighting for.” Anna smiled, “Remember we can’t die, normally, but we can run each other ragged.”
Hale refocused on Anna, “And you have the most experience in this type of combat. Sammy we-”
Hale was interrupted as Sammy ran full force into her and then swung his hammer upward. Hale was slammed into the bones of a dinosaur, but managed to deflect the hammer with her glaive. She then brought forward a cloud of silver dust that turned into a series of flying daggers that all pointedly stuck into Sammy’s armor, mildly annoying him as they jammed a few joints. Then she raised her glaive to block the blade that Anna was rushing at her with.
Anna grinned as she then brought a powerful diving kick to Hale’s knees. The force sent Hale sailing into a wall. Anna then followed up by applying a powerful telekinetic blast to Sammy and he also went sailing, but fell down the pit that made up a good chunk of the Bat-Cave. Anna then made a beeline for Batman, before she could reach him though Hale slammed into Anna’s side, grabbing the hood of Anna’s hoodie and tossed her back towards the edge.
“I may not have your experience in this combat, but I was a god and I did fight.” Hale brought her glaive forward.
Anna stood up and smiled, “Yeah but you haven’t fought a Quain. We’re different beats entirely.” Anna bolted forward and Hong Long sprang forward and streaked off to a side as they separated and spread around Hale. Hale watched the two of them separate and quickly cast a spell, the bronze dust quickly encased her in a glowing armor that met the clashing claws of Hong Long and the telekinetic force of Anna and resisted both fully. Ann then dropped back and Hong Long coiled around her and snarled.
“Gold is a sign of haughtiness.” Hale said, trying to provoke Anna.
“Nah, that’s just the sign of me being stupid when I was a lot younger.” Anna began to stretch in place. “And if you think your armor can stand me, you’re in for a surprise.” She rushed forward again and drew back her hands as she ran.
Hale watched as Hong Long trailed behind Anna. The former god focused her bronze dust forward and created a hemisphere to protect her. Then everything shook and exploded as Sammy flew up from the pit and fired a weapon that blinded and stunned both Anna and Hale.
“Hahahaha!” Sammy laughed, “Eat mini-nukes!”
When Hale and Anna could see again Sammy was already at Batman whispering into the man’s ears.
Anna stood up, crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks before declaring, “All right, Sammy wins this match.”
Sammy’s armor vanished as he rubbed the back of his head. “It just occurred to me, if the goal is to get him to listen, then we’re fighting each other to get the time to get him alone. So I used the ultimate disable button. Sort of.” He laughed nervously.
“Nukes.” Anna nodded, “I should have known something like that was coming.”
“What?” Hale blinked. “That...” She looked between Anna and Sammy, “That’s what the fight was for?!”
Anna nodded, “We’re part concept. So we need to get our ideas to the people who will listen and they need to choose in the end. So, honestly, this was Sammy and Batman’s win.”
“What?” Sammy blinked.
“If he hadn’t desperately been searching for a third option, you wouldn’t have had a chance.” Anna explained, “But he was at war with himself.”
“We are at the whims of their desires?” Hale’s face contorted in confusion.
“Not quite. I could have won too. So could you have. But Sammy was slightly stronger than us because Batman wanted a third option. Now he’s dedicated to that idea.” Anna explained. “If I had won, he’d have gone with the first plan, but still had a third option sitting in his head. Remember we can’t control them, only slightly influence them.”
“What if we had all lost?” Hale asked.
Anna smiled, “Then he would have made the choice on his own and knowing Batman he would have made that third option happen if it cost him his life. He doesn’t like leaving people behind if he can help it.” She then looked back at Hale, “Then again he will also sacrifice another world to save his own. He’s very complicated.”
“That’s cold.” Sammy blinked in concern as he watched Batman piece together a plan. “Is it bad that this plan scares me?”
“He does that.” Anna nodded, “How many steps is he on?”
“Forty-five.” Sammy blinked, “Can we please actually do something fun? This man is terrifying.”
Hale walked over and looked at the plans Batman was putting together, “I second this, this man is concerning.”
Anna nodded, “Okay, I got a place in mind. Who likes cute animals with elemental powers?”
Hale looked at Anna in confusion. “What?”
“Please don’t have dogs that shoot fire.” Sammy sighed.
“Several flavors.” Anna smiled, “Don’t worry, we have to stop by Perfection’s Verge to get you both ready.”
Anna had Hong Logn open another portal and the three walked through into a vast open forest. Hale looked around and then up at the sun, then she paused.
“The sun is blue.” Hale noted.
“But we’re in yellow sunlight.” Sammy looked up and then looked confused.
“Why does the sun seem to be looking at me?” Hale asked.
“Well, you all walk into what’s essentially my living room.” Perfection appeared from behind a tree, “Of course I’m gonna take interest.”
Hale looked at the Scion then at the star and then back again. “You’re the star?”
Perfection bowed and his human appearance faded and was replaced by a tall pillar of human shaped fire. His eyes were barely visible within the conflagration as a different shade of blue and white.
Perfection’s “voice” echoed in the heads of those around him as a memory of a voice rather than an audible sound.
Hale stepped back in awe as she took the form in, she had seen odd forms as a god. Forms that were clearly influenced by their positions. This was something else though. Perfection was Chaos incarnate and this form radiated power and confidence, but she could not make the connection of a star to chaos. Sammy simply let out a whistle that showed he was impressed.
“Gotta say boss, nice digs. Haven’t seen this much green all at once. The look’s pretty neat too.” Sammy smiled. “Anna said we need to speak to you before going to the next place.”
Perfection’s barely visible grin grew and he spun around and twisted his form back to his human guise. He looked at Anna and steepled his hands before he spoke, “Are we visiting family?”
Anna nodded, “I haven’t seen Rio in so long.” Her smile grew, “And these two need starters and an appropriate look.”
Perfection stretched his arm out to an impossible length and pulled a rack of clothes out from behind another tree. He put on a white lab coat and suddenly a green sloth-like creature appeared on his back.
“What is that?” Hale stared in awe and smiled, “It’s adorable.”
“This is Hattie, a Lazeleaf. Technically not a real pokemon, but we love her anyway.” Perfection patted the pokemon’s head. “I was her trainer a dozen and a billion lifetimes ago. I got Wraith to let me have her when that adventure was over. She’s a green sloth pokemon.”
“What’s a pokemon?” Sammy asked, “And does it taste good?”
Perfection was not surprised when Anna and Hale drew weapons on his subordinate. He shook his head and continued. “They’re animals in a reality we typically call a ‘Pokemon World’. Anna’s got some family in one and they can’t leave anymore.”
“So we’ll be going in under mortal disguises.” Anna smiled, “Not hard for me, I kinda prefer that. But you guys need to learn to separate your forms out.”
Hale nodded, “Because we can choose to be our ideal selves. I understand.”
Sammy shrugged, “Shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Change is a hard thing sometimes Sammy.” Perfection grinned, “So I’m going to scramble together a look for you both. First question though...”
“No!” Anna sighed, “Don’t.” She feigned annoyance as she tried not to laugh.
Hale and Sammy looked confused.
“Are you a boy or a girl?” Perfection grinned.
“Perfection, please stop.” Anna sighed.
“I don’t get it.” Sammy blinked, “You know that answer.”
“It’s a joke.” Hale sighed, “Something we’re missing.”
Perfection nodded and shrugged, “Look Anna, we got a red-hated lunatic we’re trying to give a job he won’t turn into a joke and this is me saying this. Let me have my fun, please.” He gave a pleading look.
Sammy stared in confusion. “What?”
“Who brought an Alucard here?” Anna snapped angrily. “He’s a terrible influence on my dad!”
“Alucard...” Hale paused and Perfection froze as he watched her mull the name over.
“Hey that’s Dracula backwards!” Sammy chuckled.
Hale turned to glare at Sammy, “What?”
“Yeah. Like in the horror book!” Sammy pulled a book out of his pocket. “Good read.” He handed it over.
Hale quickly skimmed a few pages and read the insert. “So it’s fiction based on him. I can only assume this was some sick joke.”
Perfection cleared his throat, “Alucard in his reality is the altered personality of Vlad Tepes.”
Hale’s glare became daggers as she closed the book. “We should probably not meet.”
“Why not?” Sammy inquired, “Seems like a riot.”
“I don’t know about most realities, but Vlad Tepes slaughtered many innocent people and many of my countrymen.” Hale said coldly.
“Look, I don’t approve.” Perfection said, “But your countrymen weren’t exactly innocent. Nor were all of those people. A lot were, but not most. He was brutal, efficient and fucking terrifying.”
Anna stared at Perfection.
“Yeah, I used a swear.” Perfection nodded then shook his head. “Look, Hale, he’s not from your reality, so please keep the prejudice contained.”
Hale took a breath, “I will do my very best, Perfection, but I cannot guarantee anything.”
“Well if he’s half the pest the other one I met was, you’ll have plenty of reason without your own issues.” Anna gave a concerned nod. “Has he pissed off Wraith yet?”
Perfection shook his head, “I’m hiding until he does.” He pulled over a spare white board from behind yet another tree. “Look, I’m gonna make you some bodies that fit the region and typical styles, you’re gonna be younger and mostly human, until you need to be what you are.”
Sammy raised his hand, “Okay, but do I need to be in a body like my old one?”
Perfection shook his head, “No we can stick with what you want.”
Hale nodded, “Well, I am a girl then. I would prefer something nice to wear. About what age would we be?”
“I’m going sixteen.” Anna nodded.
Hale nodded and in a moment her form changed. Sammy’s jaw dropped as Hale’s form became slightly shorter, she lost the wolf ears and features. Her hair remained mostly the same and so did her eyes. She mostly shrunk by about a foot and was wearing a pleasantly designed dress.
“Of course the former god has the talent for shapeshifting.” Perfection gave a laughing snort, then he looked at Sammy. “Want me to craft it or you want to try?”
Sammy looked about nervously, “I think you should.”
Perfection smiled and spun th white board multiple times before stopping it. When it stopped there was a neatly drawn form of Sammy. He was slightly shorter, with a less wide frame, he had sunglasses and a baseball cap turned backwards that had his hair sticking out. He was wearing a nice leather jacket and clean jeans with a rucksack hanging over his back. Sammy nodded in approval and in a moment he focused and became a living form of the image.
“Sorry, boss.” Sammy smirked nervously.
“Don’t worry.” Perfection waved his hand dismissively, “Envisioning others in new looks is often easier than one’s self.”
“Talking with Iroh lately?” Anna smiled and laughed. “Or maybe older Zuko?”
“So what if I was? They’re both awesome!” Perfection laughed. “Oh, Hale, you’ll need a backpack or something.”
Hale nodded and a shoulder bag appeared on her right shoulder.
“Now, next we’re gonna get you a starter.” Perfection grinned, “Normally I’d give you both a charmander or something, but you both got something about you I can use to give you a rather unique partner.”
Hale watched as Perfection stepped to the side and Kyra, her mount, was sitting, looking very confused until she saw Hale. The large celestial wolf stood at attention and then noticed Perfection, in a flash she was at Hale’s side growling at the Scion.
“Calm, Kyra, he is an ally. Possibly a friend.” Hale said calmly, the wolf slowly calmed down.
Perfection stepped to the side once more and a large scaled lizard with sharp claws and two curling horns appeared as if it had always been there. It roared and went to attack, then it paused and sniffed the air and found Sammy. It sniffed the man and quickly curled up at Sammy’s feet.
“Quigley?” Sammy’s eyes teared up, “I thought those Brotherhood assholes got you.” Sammy hugged the creature’s large head.
“Deathclaws are so adorable when they make friends!” Perfection beamed and wiped a tear away. “And it’s always nice to unite old friends.”
“Will Kyra, let alone Quigley pass for a pokemon?” Hale nodded to Hattie, “They seem far more adorable.”
“I mean there are some mean ones.” Anna nodded and pulled out a white sphere and tossed it out.
A large metallic looking creature popped out next to Perfection. It let out an annoyed cry, then curled up on the ground.
“That’s my Aggron, his name is Smudge.” Anna sighed, “And when he isn’t napping he’s throwing opponents into mountains. He’s my powerhouse.”
“I thought that was you cheating and using Hong Long as a shiny gyarados?” Perfection gave a smug grin.
“No, that’s me getting over-competitive.” Anna admitted. “Or needing to save people.”
“So...” Perfection smiled at Hale and Kyra, “What element do you think best defines Kyra and yours relationship?”
“I beg your pardon?” Hale asked, “How would you define ‘element’ in this case?”
Perfection sighed, “She really is a stickler for detail.”
Anna nodded, “She also has no knowledge on how the pokemon work.” Anna looked at Hale, “So basically there are like eighteen different classifications of pokemon ‘type’, a kind of elemental classification. Think fire, water, ice, steel and the like.”
“Steel?” Hale scoffed, “You’re serious?”
“Smudge is a rock and steel type.” Anna said, “His armor is metal he grows by eating dirt and stone.”
“A terravore?” Hale blinked in astonishment. “I see. Well if there was one thing that defines our relationship it is our loyalty to each other. An unbreakable bond we forged from the time she was a pup.”
Perfection nodded and smiled at Anna, “I don’t think she got the assignment.”
“You’re asking me to attribute our relationship with a system I don’t even understand!” Hale snapped.
Perfection jumped back, slightly shocked. “Right. Well...” He gestured to her bag and Bodley rose from it, “You have tools.”
Hale took Bodley and typed into it while glaring at Perfection.
“I think she’s slightly mad.” Perfection giggled.
“P, please.” Anna sighed, “I don’t want to spend an entire trip explaining your eccentricities.”
Perfection sighed and nodded. “Look up ice and steel types, I think you might like them.”
“I know what Quigley would be.” Sammy smiled, “We’re both fighters, is there something for that?”
Perfection grinned, “Very much so.”
Quigley then began to glow and its shape and form twisted and shrunk. Soon it was a lizard that was barely two and a half feet tall. It was wearing some form of sheep skull that gave it the curved horns and it had four long claws, though much shorter than what they had been, at the end of its somewhat comically large paws. Then it stood and roared.
“Clawswip!” Quigley shouted and stopped in shock. “Clawswip?”
“You plan to transmute Kyra?” Hale glared at Perfection.
“It, like most things, is not permanent.” Perfection explained, “Only while in a pokemon world would she have this form and it keeps you two together.”
Hale paused and nodded. She took a moment to remind herself that Perfection was chaos and also incredibly powerful.
“We both enjoy testing ourselves and snow is fun to play in.” Hale nodded.
“See.” Perfection smiled, “You got it.” He looked at Kyra, “So what do you think, pup? Steel and ice or ice and steel?”
Kyra cocked her head at an angle in confusion. Then her form glowed and she shrunk down, her saddle eventually covered her new form entirely. Hale lifted it up and had to hold back a happy squeal of joy. Kyra was now a fluff of white and silver fur with bronze eyes and ear tufts. The little canine howled and jumped forward.
“Slushowl!” Kyra rushed forward and cuddled with Hale’s leg.
Hale picked her friend up and almost dropped her, Kyra’s fur was now like a steel brush. Hale looked at Perfection who just nodded knowingly.
“So, what will you be using?” Sammy asked, “I mean besides the big guy?”
“I always keep Hong Long as a backup.” Anna said with a nod, then handed several spheres over to Perfection. “Put those up for me will you?”
Perfection nodded and put them in the pockets of his lab coat. “Want a new starter?”
“What you got?” Anna asked.
“Laaaze!” Hattie stretched a claw out.
“Really?” Perfection rubbed his chin, “Well it has been a while, I suppose you do need a bit of exercise. Want to take Hattie for a spin?”
Anna clapped her hands together and squealed as she jumped for joy.
Perfection pulled out his own sphere and held it up for Sammy and Hale to see. “This is pokeball, you keep pokemon in them.” He recalled Hattie and handed the pokeball to Anna.
Anna immediately let Hattie out and the sloth clung to her and slowly positioned herself to cling to Anna’s backpack.
Perfection then handed Sammy and Hale several pokeballs along with one marked for their partners. He also gave them several spray bottles labeled “potion” and a few odd looking berries.
“Now we’re ready.” Anna smiled, “We’re off to have a pokemon adventure!”
Hong Long appeared and tore open a portal, then turned into a limbless red creature with a gaping maw. He roared and disappeared into a ball on Anna’s side.
“Last one through is a mirelurk egg!” Sammy ran through.
“I don’t know what that is, but I won’t be one!” Hale dashed through after.
“Well, you’re a mirelurk egg.” Perfection snorted.
“I’ll take care of Hattie, I promise.” Anna smiled.
Perfection snorted, “She’s maxed out with eviolite. Hong Long would be less of a war crime.”
Anna rolled her eyes and stepped through the portal.
Once all three were through the portal Perfection smiled and enjoyed the silence for all of two minutes before a crimson clad vampire appeared in his Verge with Wraith chasing directly after him. Alucard lit several trees on fire as he ran through before vanishing once again. Then Alan appeared and handed the shocked Perfection a tropical drink.
“You know, I feel like even Deadpool would have more restraint.” Alan sighed.
“If it weren’t for the fact that I can literally revert the damage done, I would be supremely pissed off.” Perfection nodded as he sipped the drink. “Oh he crashed Wraith in a bar, didn’t he?”
Alan nodded and sighed.
“We figure out a position for him yet?” Perfection asked.
Alan nodded again.
Perfection took a deep breath. “He’s under me isn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Alan patted his friend on the back. “Mania.”
“Fuck.” Perfection said for the second time in far too close succession for his liking.
“Yeah.” Alan nodded.
“Wait, isn’t that madness?” Perfection asked.
“Lachesis clarified, Mania is a very specific and different condition. And no, he can’t really control it.” Alan chuckled, “Also Karma’s ready to kill him too.”
Perfection nodded, “I think I have a solution.”
“DM’s already going for his boss.” Alan smiled, “We’re thinking Lesser-Scion of Restraint.”
Perfection took another sip and nodded.
The Scions are © /uTheSmogMonsterZX
All other characters not a part of the Scion-Verge-Verse are © Their Original Creators and are not used with intent to infringe upon their creator’s rights.
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<<< The Voice Box/Author’s Notes>>>
Smoggy: So, we have... 4 stories in the backlog.
Wraith: That outline was huge!
Smoggy: Welp, time to roll arc 7 into this one!
DM: Excellent choice sir!
Anna: Time to play pokemon champion! Wooo!
Alan: Calm down super-star. Time to train newbies.
Wraith: What’s the lesson this time?
Perfection: How to survive your own descent into madness?
DM: Respecting your peers even when they make bad decisions?
Alan: Relaxation 101?
Anna: Smoggy, help me.
Smoggy: No lesson.
Anna: Thank you.
Perfection: (leering at Smoggy suspiciously) Hmmm...
Smoggy: Time to touch base with the others!
Wraith: Yeah, that makes sense.
submitted by TheSmogmonsterZX to HFY [link] [comments]
