Aetna phone numbers


2022.05.15 04:42 VoteBirb ScamPhoneNumbers

Love scam baiting? so do i, in this community people can post scammers numbers knowing that they with probably ruin the scammers career. Or at least scare the crap out of them, as im just in the making of this server i will be posting the numbers till we reach maybe 20 members. I will still be posting numbers constantly but yeah, please join.

2017.12.14 18:41 duckyoumate Indian Girls on Tinder

No matter a guy or a girl, share some cringeworthy profiles or chats from your Tinder encounters, have fun! :) Also remember that this is NOT an incel jerk sub, so if you're looking to whine about women and how they won't date you. You won't find that here, nor will it be tolerated. Be kind, be civil. 500 post karma and 1000 overall karma required. Don't message the mods asking why your posts aren't showing up, if you don't meet the karma requirements.

2016.12.18 07:13 TheCats_Bananas People Who Ate The Onion

A subreddit for screencaps of people who failed to see The Onion's articles as satire.

2024.06.01 14:02 HedSi French IDF soldiers are sending voice notes of them torturing Palestinians to a Palestinian politician in France. Zionists shouldn't be tolerated at all. They've shown no interest in being part of humanity.

French IDF soldiers are sending voice notes of them torturing Palestinians to a Palestinian politician in France. Zionists shouldn't be tolerated at all. They've shown no interest in being part of humanity. submitted by HedSi to CommunismMemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 NiceLittleGamerNerd How to deal with an absent groupmate (who has plenty of personal issues) in research?

I have an upcoming title defense this Monday, and 3/4 of my research group's working hard to finish the paper, but we have a member that doesn't have a phone or laptop, so we have no contact with him at all.
For context, we're doing our research through Google Docs, and as he destroyed his phone because of his "anger issues", and his laptop is also broken, which resulted in us having absolutely no contact with him. Additionally, he comes from a broken family, He only has his mom and relatives to support him (as far as I know).
He also refuses to go to a net cafe, cause apparently he got bullied when he went there once. What do I even do? I have his mother's number but from what he told us she's really busy at work and doesn't wanna be contacted, so I wanna respect his privacy on that aspect.
submitted by NiceLittleGamerNerd to studentsph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:00 AutoModerator The /r/LocationSound Hot Mic Promo Post - June, 2024: Links and news for anything you are affiliated with go here

Location Sound related Self-Promotion is welcome in this post

Welcome to the subreddit regular feature post for self-promotion and discussion about your latest site/film/work/product/business. Here is where you can link to and discuss things you are affiliated with. We encourage you to add a comment to this post providing info and links regarding your support site, blog, videos, sfx kickstarter or whatever else you've got related to Location Sound.
Remember to maintain privacy of your personal information on any public comments.
In trying to balance the Reddit policies on SPAM and self-promotion with the understanding that you may have something that our readers will want to know about, we have created this regular feature post for the subreddit. Instead of banning or removing your info outright, this post allows you to get your info to our readers while keeping our front page free from being used as a billboard. Furthermore, we see this as an opportunity for you and our readers to have a regular go-to for discussion regarding your latest news/info, something for everyone to look forward to. Please keep in mind the following:
Chat with us in the /LocationSound Discord channel
submitted by AutoModerator to LocationSound [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:39 Minimum_Mastodon2904 Partial cancelation Paris-Wein OBB nightjet

Partial cancelation Paris-Wein OBB nightjet
I just recieved this. Does anyone has any tips on this problem ? My english is not that fluent and the Phone number doesn't work from France..... Thank you in advance
submitted by Minimum_Mastodon2904 to Interrail [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 PatroWasTaken 3 hours

Hey everyone, I don't expect anyone to reply to this as it'll probably be shrouded by the other posts. Just needed somewhere to write it all down.
My life has never been good. I've had moments of happiness, even for extended periods of time, but never for longer than a few months at most. I grew up in a horrible environments in and out of CPS where my Mum finally got custody of me at age 3, after I remained in a foster home for around 6 months. My Mom tried so hard for me, even until she won her court case against my birth Father. Until I was around 12, I was raised in a fairly normal environment by myself. Most of my childhood I never endured abuse or anything like that. It wasn't until I was 12, shit got real. At that age, people deemed my problems invalid because I was so young and "it couldn't be that bad" or "other people have it worse". I could never tell my Mum because I didn't want to dissapoint her and make it seem like all her efforts were for naught. As such, I sat alone with my problems, occasionally talking to people online, but nothing helped. When I turned 13, I discovered herbal cigarettes for the first time. I would roll a herb (usually something that produced a relaxing effect or a minor hallucinagen) and smoke it on my porch when my parents weren't home. After I first tried it, I told myself, "It was a good stress reliever, but I'm not gonna do this again. It's bad for me." This cycle repeated daily for around a month. Eventually, my parents found out. Despite my worries, they weren't mad. But the dissapointment in my Mum's eyes were unreal.
This was the moment where I first lost my parents trust.
Eventually, I stopped, as my parents hid everything away from me. Because of this I never wanted to be at my house, so I was with a new group of "friends: I had made. There was this one guy, who I'll name John. John shared a lot of my common interests, and would talk to me during class and we'd hang out at the centre of our city pretty often, just us two messing around and having fun, like a bunch of 8th grade boys. This lasted for a few months. I had one of the best birthdays ever with him. Around a month afterwards, this man somehow tricked me into sending nudes to him. I'm a straight man. I thought this was another one of his jokes and we'd be chill afterwards.
I was wrong.
The next day, I went to school surrounded by weirded stares and comments on the situation. I knew then, that I seriously fucked up bad. I somehow got myself out of the situation by saying it wasn't me, but my friendship with John was diminished. Despite this, he was the only friend I actually hung out with consistently after that. I dealt with his remarks in the times in the future, which grew more and more consistent as the times went on. I knew I had to let him go after he told my principle that I had a weapon on me for self defense (which basically everyone in my city does), which nearly led to me being suspended. Eventually, I abandoned him all together, and ran with whatever little amount of pride I had left. I fell into a huge state of depression after this. Even my online friends didn't want me anymore. Someone had accused me of being a pedophile and falsified screenshots. I had no one.
One day, after school, a friend who I wasn't particularly close with wanted to hang out with me after school. He mentioned his parents had a cabinet full of alcohol.
Seeing no danger with this, I accepted without hesitation. This was my first experience with alcohol. I got wasted with him, and for the first time in months, my worries washed away. Eventually, this became a weekly occurance. I would tell my parents I was going to the park, but instead I would get drunk with my friend. This soon became the only way I could live without stress. Around this time, I became closer with an acuqainted friend and his friend group, who we'll call Terry and his friends. Terry was a chill guy. We didn't share all the same interests, but he liked me for who I was. He didn't care about my past. I became closer with his friends, too. Eventually this became my new friend group. Around the time I formed this new friend group, I stopped going drinking with my other friend. Not because I didn't want to, but because he stopped pestering me to hang out with him like he did the months before. Instead, the roles were reversed at that point. Me and this friend group started hanging out more, and more, and more.
During this time, I met my first love. It was online, but it felt like the best thing in the world. We were young, and stupid. She was beautiful. I remember first talking to her on the phone on the plane ride to my Uncle's wedding. I decided to myself that I really liked this girl. I wanted her more than anything. I remember she was the only thing I dedicated myself for. Something I felt was worth being there for. I finally felt like I had some worth for the first time in forever. I should mention this was slightly before the drinking thing. We talked, we called, we loved for two whole weeks. Towards the end, I made the stupid mistake of telling her that "if I didn't meet her I probably would've killed myself". This wasn't entirely true. I was depressed before talking to her, but I don't think I was suicidal. However, this seemed to be a problem for her. Apparently, she felt trapped. Thus, she left me. I remember having to hide my heartbreak from my parents. I shortly got over it, however, and met a new girl from my school. I realize now I didn't love her, I loved the idea of being in a relationship. I remember joking to my ex about how bad my girtlfriend at the time was. After a while, she found out I was following other girls on instagram. I denied it at first, but discovered it was an opportunity to pin a breakup on her not trusting me enough, so I used that reason and dumped her. She later told the whole school I was unloyal (which I wasn't, I didn't even talk to the girls I followed). She proceeded to post shitty photos of me on her tiktok account. I remember being fuming. If sonething so small was the worst of my problems now, I would be blissful happy right now. A few weeks afterwards, I got back with my first ex. This time, it was one sided. After just over a month, I began to look at girls in my class with desire. I completely broke it off with my ex, telling her I didn't love her anymore. Years later, I still regret this decision. She accepted this, and we remained friends. Every time I felt lonely, I would talk to her again, and we would begin talking like we were together again. This repeated for around 6 months. We kept talking until around a few months ago, where I discovered she blocked me out of nowhere. I believe it was out of respect for her new boyfriend, which I respect.
After we had broken it off for the final time, I began spending time outside of school with my new friend group. Slowly, we began to hang out more and more. I even found a new girlfriend, which I had found off of quick add on snapchat, lol. Around Christmas, things went downhill. My friends asked a personal question, which was whether my girlfriend had sent me explicit pictures (i thought it would make me sound cooler if I said yes), but then they caught me in the lie, and they immediately lost trust for me. I saw the same look in their eyes as I saw in my Mother. Distrust. I tried to salvage the friendship, but I new it wouldn't be the same ever again. It still isn't. I saw the cycle repeat itself. Like last time, I left my girlfriend because I lost interest. I began to become depressed again. I started vaping and drinking to escape the pain. I didn't care as much about my looks anymore. I remember having one of the worst heartbreaks of my life afterwards. I told myself I wouldn't date ever again. I still hung out with my friends, but we all knew inside that we didnt care for each other as much as we acted. For around a month, I lived life in a cycle. A depressed cycle. One day, I caught a glimpse of a girl in my class who was exactly my type in a woman, physically and mentally. I knew she was far too good for me. I barely talked to her, and didn't have her on any social media. I eventually got the courage one afternoon to add her on snapchat, after one of my friends gave me her snap. This was after a mutual friend informed me that she found me attractive, which I didn't buy. The night I added her, we talked, and I rememebr playing games with her and her friends. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I fucked up my sleep sdchedule just to speak to her longer. I got to know her more, and more. She was the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world. My eternal bliss lasted for a week. I had ordered flowers to ask her out with and I had the whole thing planned out with her friends. I remember going to my first work shift, and coming home, and getting a message from her:
"Hey, I think I'm lesbian. It's not your fault, I promise. I'm so sorry."
I was heartbroken, I kept tryna suffocated myself over and over again. I asked her why, what her thought process was. She eventually tired of my questions and she said that I was being a dick about it. I ended up sending her a message later that day telling her that I was sorry for being a dick about it (I still don't know what I did wrong). I didn't go to school the next day. I remember avoiding her hard for the whole rest of the school term. I was insanely depressed afterwards, the worst I've ever felt. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I tried weed for the first time afterwards, it was mesmerising. It nearly compared to the feeling of being with her. But it was only a temporary escape. As the weeks went on, I became more and more depressed. Then, my parents found out I smoked weed, and my own mother told the police (I still dont know if thats morally right and im overthinking it) and my whole family found out and now hates me. I'm scheduled to see them tomorrow. I'm being illegally overowkred by my job, and I can;t do anything about it. I didn;t show up today, I'm probably already fired. I tried a cigarette today, it was one last thing I wanted to know before I pass. I went to one last convension today, and asked God for a sign to keep living. I ended up meeting a girl, asking for her number, and she gave me her insta and messaged me "You really thought I'd date you? Not tryna be mean".
In three hours, it'll turn midnight. I'll go to a store, find nitrous oxide, and overdose on that. Asphyxiation isn't that painful. I have nothing at all.
submitted by PatroWasTaken to Suicide_Talk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:35 elite_kermit Internship, Dota and old school data mining

This was years ago. I was in my final stretch of the bachelor's degree and had to do an internship for a semester to graduate. I looked around but in the end I decided to just do it at the local internet Cafe I was hanging out at. I knew the owner, I had spent a considerable amount of time there so it seemed like the easiest path.
The owner, M., had two guys for IT support but they were working remotely. They had the PCs almost automated, loading a prepared image when needed or on each boot and they would come down every three months for some checks. So I thought I could learn from them, they always seemed cool. And he needed someone a little more technically capable than the current employees. I would do the usual, make coffee and tend the registry but also help customers or repair hardware when needed so that he wouldn't have to ship it to the pair of IT guys.
Everything was peachy. Besides the usual creeps and some GPUs that were failing (managed to "fix" some of them by putting them in the oven, having found an article about it) it was excellent. I worked nights, which was quiet and just counted the days to the end of the internship so I could go and find a real job.
At some point, about two months in my internship, things started happening. It was at a time where there was no reconnecting to an online game, not most of them anyway. And Dota was popular. Like the actual warcraft 3 map. So customers were rightly pissed when connections started dropping like flies. They would play and then nothing, network would drop them.
The IT guys immediately said we need to change the switch in the server rack room (more like a rack closet). But that was expensive and not a guaranteed solution. So the boss stonewalled until customers threatened to leave and go elsewhere. He tasked me to find one online which I got from ebay for half the price. It was shipped, received and the guys guided me on the phone on installing it.
For a few days it was okay until the issue returned. And I had limited experience so I did my best. Went online, tried several things but nothing. It went on for a couple weeks more until I had the idea to do some data mining. Nothing much, but I just started writing down details about when the disconnections happened. Soon it became apparent to me that it only happened when there were more than a number of customers in the shop. About 20 or so but it wasn't an exact number. I did some research and found a setting on the network card for each computer (they were loading an image, remember?), related to high stress or something. I can't recall the name or where it was, but essentially when the network reached a certain bandwidth it shut down the Lan port. It was just a bloody check box.
The IT guys fixed it, repaired the images as well with the new setting and we all went on to playing Dota like nobody's business. But I still use it in some interviews when asked how I handle problems.
(Excuse the formatting and grammar. I wrote this while waiting for a train on my phone.)
submitted by elite_kermit to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:29 007kane007 Vodacom scam alert

Got a call from a guy (local black male) that said he was from Vodacom. Apparently I had won an Audi, 35k in cash and a phone. I was very skeptical and asked to speak to a manger or supervisor. A few minutes later a guy claiming to be the supervisor called (Afrikaner white male). He was extremely convincing and I 99% fell for everything he was saying. He had an answer to every question that I had, and I had some very challenging questions for him because I am naturally very skeptical of these calls. They wanted me to purchase vouchers in order to activate my Vodabucks. Even though I did not enter any competition I was selected based on network usage. As we were chatting I was researching in the background. The competition they mention is on Vodacoms website but the prizes which I apparently won are not listed on the website, which I found strange. He was very good at explaining how the Vodacom apps work and all the numbers which I need to dial to activate the prize. They wanted me to purchase the vouchers and activate my prize before 18:00 or else it rolls over to the next person. When I dial these numbers they actually are Vodacom numbers. I eventually called Vodacom customer care and they confirmed that there was no competition offering those prizes. I survived to tell the tale but these scammers are very good and very convincing. I was on the phone with them for about an hour going back and forth with all the questions I had. The guy even sent me links to vodacoms website about the Vodacom unlock 30 competition via WhatsApp. He had a Vodacom logo as his profile pic and his number came up as “Vodacom” on the Truecaller app. Be careful out there people. There are vultures out there waiting to take advantage.
submitted by 007kane007 to capetown [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:29 MayorOfTopherTown steroid saturday, and a movie rental GIVEAWAY!

steroid saturday, and a movie rental GIVEAWAY!
also… can these games start a little earlier please 😴
submitted by MayorOfTopherTown to CoffeeAndACard [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:29 007kane007 Vodacom scam alert

Got a call from a guy (local black male) that said he was from Vodacom. Apparently I had won an Audi, 35k in cash and a phone. I was very skeptical and asked to speak to a manger or supervisor. A few minutes later a guy claiming to be the supervisor called (Afrikaner white male). He was extremely convincing and I 99% fell for everything he was saying. He had an answer to every question that I had, and I had some very challenging questions for him because I am naturally very skeptical of these calls. They wanted me to purchase vouchers in order to activate my Vodabucks. Even though I did not enter any competition I was selected based on network usage. As we were chatting I was researching in the background. The competition they mention is on Vodacoms website but the prizes which I apparently won are not listed on the website, which I found strange. He was very good at explaining how the Vodacom apps work and all the numbers which I need to dial to activate the prize. They wanted me to purchase the vouchers and activate my prize before 18:00 or else it rolls over to the next person. When I dial these numbers they actually are Vodacom numbers. I eventually called Vodacom customer care and they confirmed that there was no competition offering those prizes. I survived to tell the tale but these scammers are very good and very convincing. I was on the phone with them for about an hour going back and forth with all the questions I had. The guy even sent me links to vodacoms website about the Vodacom unlock 30 competition via WhatsApp. He had a Vodacom logo as his profile pic and his number came up as “Vodacom” on the Truecaller app. Be careful out there people. There are vultures out there waiting to take advantage.
submitted by 007kane007 to DownSouth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:28 007kane007 Vodacom scam alert

Got a call from a guy (local black male) that said he was from Vodacom. Apparently I had won an Audi, 35k in cash and a phone. I was very skeptical and asked to speak to a manger or supervisor. A few minutes later a guy claiming to be the supervisor called (Afrikaner white male). He was extremely convincing and I 99% fell for everything he was saying. He had an answer to every question that I had, and I had some very challenging questions for him because I am naturally very skeptical of these calls. They wanted me to purchase vouchers in order to activate my Vodabucks. Even though I did not enter any competition I was selected based on network usage. As we were chatting I was researching in the background. The competition they mention is on Vodacoms website but the prizes which I apparently won are not listed on the website, which I found strange. He was very good at explaining how the Vodacom apps work and all the numbers which I need to dial to activate the prize. They wanted me to purchase the vouchers and activate my prize before 18:00 or else it rolls over to the next person. When I dial these numbers they actually are Vodacom numbers. I eventually called Vodacom customer care and they confirmed that there was no competition offering those prizes. I survived to tell the tale but these scammers are very good and very convincing. I was on the phone with them for about an hour going back and forth with all the questions I had. The guy even sent me links to vodacoms website about the Vodacom unlock 30 competition via WhatsApp. He had a Vodacom logo as his profile pic and his number came up as “Vodacom” on the Truecaller app. Be careful out there people. There are vultures out there waiting to take advantage.
submitted by 007kane007 to southafrica [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 New_Throwaway_7799 I Feel Guilty For The Nasty Thing I Did, But It's Finally Over

So, in my last post I wrote about how my Q broke up with me and threw me out in the middle of the night. He'd get texts and calls at 3am, also he'd come home with lipstick stains on his lips a few months ago, completely dismissed everything when I asked him, got physically and emotionally abusive. Called me crazy and said I don't trust him.
Last week I went through his phone and called a few numbers on it, it was of women he meets at pubs, he'd told them he was single, but they told me they didn't do anything with him. Anyway I think they told him I'd called, so he got so angry, broke up with me and threw me out.
I apologized and begged him to take me back, maybe coz I'm trauma bonded. He said he'll think about giving me another chance and that he needs time and space. I agreed, but then I found out he literally slept with someone the day after he kicked me out (went over to his place and found used condoms).
I'd even asked him the previous day if he was going to see other people while he was thinking about giving me another chance, he said no. When I confronted him about the condoms, he completely made it out to be my fault again, saying I invaded his privacy and that I just proved that he can't give me another chance. I couldn't take it anymore, I went over yo his flat while he was out drinking and wrote "cheater" on his walls and mirrors with a permanent marker. I was just so so sick of how much he'd put me down over the months.
I feel so guilty about it today, he'll never forgive me for this. Was I wrong in being angry because technically we were broken up when he slept with someone else. But he made me think we might have a chance again soon, he was even texting and calling me everyday. I just need to feel validated. Plz help me.
submitted by New_Throwaway_7799 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:24 derpasticous I think I was scammed and sold a fake diamond ring, moissanite instead of real diamond. I'm supposed to propose next week, but I just want everybody else's opinion.

I think I was scammed and sold a fake diamond ring, moissanite instead of real diamond. I'm supposed to propose next week, but I just want everybody else's opinion.
What really irks me is the fact of how defensive the seller got first pretended like they didn't know what moissanite was then backpedaled and said they'd never sell it. They are the only offered me half of a refund and not the full thing. Can't help but think the seller has been scamming multiple other people because their store has a bunch of five-star reviews. If I was paying for a moissanite ring I had several others picked out that were way better quality. The gold on this is not real according to the other Jewelers or at least there is very little in it. Definitely not 14k, The prong work is sharp and scratchy and she's going to cut herself on the ring. Overall, it's just been a horrible experience but I wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
submitted by derpasticous to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:23 Few-Procedure-8324 Hire Gmail Hacker for Ethical Needs

Hire Gmail Hacker for Ethical Needs is an insightful article that delves into the world of ethical hacking, focusing on the unique perspectives of hackers who specialize in Gmail. You will discover how these professionals can help you recover lost passwords, secure your accounts, and investigate potential cyber threats, all while adhering to legal standards and ethical guidelines. The article highlights the skills and expertise of ethical hackers, shedding light on their crucial role in maintaining digital security. With a friendly and approachable tone, the piece offers a deeper understanding of why hiring an ethical Gmail hacker might be the solution you need.

Hire Gmail Hacker for Ethical Needs

Have you ever wondered if hiring a hacker for Gmail could be done ethically? It might sound a bit outlandish, but in certain situations, it can be both legal and necessary. This article will guide you through the ins and outs of hiring a Gmail hacker ethically, while retaining your values and adhering to legal guidelines.

Understanding the Hacker’s Perspective

Who Are Hackers?

Hackers often get a bad rap. The term "hacker" brings to mind images of people in dark rooms, breaking into systems for nefarious purposes. However, not all hackers are bad. In fact, there are "white hat" hackers who use their skills ethically to help others. These hackers follow the law and adhere to strict ethical guidelines.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking is the practice of penetrating systems and networks to spot vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. Ethical hackers are skilled professionals who use their knowledge for good. They are often hired by companies to protect sensitive information, ensure security, and train employees on best practices.

When Might You Need to Hire a Gmail Hacker?

Forgotten Passwords

One of the most common reasons people consider hiring a Gmail hacker is to recover forgotten passwords. Life is busy, and sometimes we forget the little things, like email passwords. In such cases, an ethical hacker can help you regain access to your account.

Security Concerns

Perhaps you suspect your Gmail account has been compromised. In such scenarios, a hacker can help secure your account by identifying any breaches, ensuring that your sensitive information remains safe.

Legal Situations

In some legal situations, gaining access to an email account is crucial. For example, in cases involving fraud or embezzlement, an ethical hacker can help retrieve pertinent information that can serve as evidence.

Important Considerations Before Hiring a Gmail Hacker

Legal Implications

Before you decide to hire a Gmail hacker, it's crucial to understand the legal boundaries. Unauthorized access to email accounts is illegal and can result in severe penalties. Always opt for ethical hackers who follow legal guidelines.

Ethical Boundaries

You must ensure that your actions are ethical. Hire a hacker only if you have legitimate reasons, like recovering your account or ensuring security. Avoid any activities that could harm others or invade their privacy.

Verifying Credentials

Not all hackers are trustworthy. Before hiring, do your due diligence. Check their credentials, reviews, and, if possible, get recommendations. Trustworthy ethical hackers often have certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).

How to Find an Ethical Gmail Hacker

Online Platforms

Several online platforms connect clients with ethical hackers. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and others have dedicated sections for cybersecurity professionals. These platforms usually have reviews and ratings to help you choose the right person.
Platform Features
Upwork Large community of professionals, reviews and ratings available, detailed profiles
Freelancer Competitive bidding process, wide range of skills, portfolio sections
Guru Strong focus on security professionals, niche market, reviews, and feedback

Hacker Communities

Hacker communities and forums like Reddit, HackerOne, and Bugcrowd can be excellent places to find ethical hackers. These platforms are often frequented by cybersecurity professionals who are passionate about their work.


Sometimes, the best way to find a reliable hacker is through referrals. Reach out to friends, colleagues, or professionals in related fields to get recommendations. This ensures that you are hiring someone trustworthy and experienced.

What to Expect from an Ethical Gmail Hacker

Initial Consultation

Expect an initial consultation where the hacker assesses your needs and provides a preliminary plan of action. This step usually includes discussions about your goals, any specific concerns you have, and the time frame for the project.

Proposal and Agreement

After the consultation, the hacker will present a proposal. This document outlines the scope of work, timelines, and costs. It's crucial to have this outlined in an agreement to protect both parties.

Work Process

Most ethical hackers follow a structured work process, which can include the following steps:
  1. Reconnaissance: Gathering information about your Gmail account, such as associated security questions, recovery emails, etc.
  2. Analysis: Identifying potential vulnerabilities and devising a plan to regain access or enhance security.
  3. Execution: Implementing the chosen strategies, whether it's password recovery or securing the account.
  4. Reporting: Providing a detailed report of the steps taken and recommendations for future security.

Follow-Up Support

Good ethical hackers offer follow-up support to ensure that the issue is completely resolved and that you understand any steps you need to take to avoid future problems.

Ethical vs. Unethical Hacking: A Comparison

Understanding the distinction between ethical and unethical hacking is crucial. Below is a table that highlights the key differences.
Criteria Ethical Hacking Unethical Hacking
Purpose To identify vulnerabilities, enhance security, or recover lost data To steal data, cause harm, or gain illegal access
Legality Legal, with consent from the owner Illegal and punishable by law
Approach Transparent, follows a structured process Secretive, often deceptive
Reporting Provides detailed reports and recommendations No reporting, leaves no trace

Tools Ethical Hackers Use

A variety of tools are available to ethical hackers for Gmail hacking and cybersecurity purposes. These tools aid in recon, analysis, and execution.
Tool Function
Burp Suite Comprehensive web vulnerability scanner
Metasploit Penetration testing framework
Wireshark Network protocol analyzer
John the Ripper Password cracking tool
Nmap Network discovery and security auditing tool

Cost of Hiring an Ethical Gmail Hacker

Factors Influencing Cost

The cost of hiring an ethical Gmail hacker can vary widely based on several factors, including:

Cost Range

On average, hiring an ethical hacker can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour. Specific projects like account recovery might fall within a fixed price range, typically $100 to $500 depending on complexity and urgency.

Protecting Your Gmail Account

Setting Strong Passwords

One of the simplest yet most effective means of protecting your Gmail account is by using strong passwords. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name or birthdate.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security to your Gmail account. Even if someone gets your password, they’ll also need your phone or another device to log in.

Regular Updates and Monitoring

Be vigilant about updating your passwords regularly and monitoring your account activity. Google provides a feature that notifies you of any suspicious activity, which can be very useful.

Ethical Hacking Certifications

Having an understanding of the certifications ethical hackers may hold can help you verify their credentials. Here are some common ones:
Certification Name Description
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Comprehensive course covering various techniques and tools used in ethical hacking
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Certification requiring hands-on demonstration of hacking skills in a lab environment
GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN) Focuses on penetration testing and methodologies, including advanced techniques and tools
CompTIA Security+ Broad cybersecurity certification, covering foundational security skills and knowledge

Ethical Hacking in Business Context

Benefits for Companies

Businesses often hire ethical hackers to strengthen their cybersecurity measures. By identifying vulnerabilities ahead of time, companies can protect their sensitive information and reduce the risk of data breaches.

Regulatory Compliance

In industries like finance and healthcare, regulatory compliance is crucial. Ethical hackers help these companies meet legal standards by ensuring that their systems are secure and up to date.

Training and Awareness

Ethical hackers can also provide invaluable training to employees, helping them understand the latest security threats and best practices for minimizing risks.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Finding Trustworthy Professionals

Finding a trustworthy ethical hacker can be challenging due to the abundance of scammers in the market. Always verify credentials and ask for references to ensure that you are working with a reliable professional.

Balancing Costs

Hiring an ethical hacker can be expensive. To balance costs, define your needs clearly and set a budget beforehand. Sometimes, an initial consultation can give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of pricing.

Legal Framework and Ethical Guidelines

Legal Considerations

Understand that ethical hacking must always comply with legal frameworks. Unauthorized access is illegal. Make sure you have the explicit consent of the email account owner.

Ethical Guidelines

Ethical hackers follow a strict code of conduct:

Final Thoughts

Ethical hacking can provide legitimate support for various needs, including Gmail account recovery and improving security measures. By hiring a professional ethical hacker, you can ensure that your Gmail account is both secure and accessible, without crossing any legal or ethical boundaries.
Navigating the world of ethical hacking might seem daunting, but with the right guidance and considerations, you can achieve your goals responsibly and effectively. Remember, the key is to always act ethically and legally while ensuring that your actions respect the privacy and rights of others.
So, the next time you find yourself in need of a Gmail hacker for ethical purposes, you’ll know exactly what to do and what to look for. Good luck, and stay secure!
submitted by Few-Procedure-8324 to AndrewJJake [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:13 CollinzoTheGreat £5 free for signing up to Zilch

The signing up takes only a few minutes to complete.

Steps to get the £5 reward :

1. Use my referral link (only the referral gives you the £5 reward)

2. Verify your email address and phone number, then verify your identity using your Passport/ID/Driver license + your selfie (the approval is within 5 minutes)

3. Link a debit card (Revolut and Tide are good too)

4. Choose the store where you want to spend your £5 by clicking on it (I recommend Amazon or Ebay as I have tested them both).

5. Select the Pay it all now option

6. Enable the discount on the slider (Make sure the band is highlighted) -

7. Click on 'Enable for store' - this will open a new tab with the store.

8. Add you product to your cart and at the payment section use the Zilch card (available on the page with the slider)

Terms – Non-ref (no bonus) - Ref (£5 bonus -
submitted by CollinzoTheGreat to FreemoneyUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:10 Independent_Two_8610 Employer lied to me about having sick pay

Hi, I’m located in Chicago, IL and am an admin assistant employed through a staffing agency. 25 y/o if that matters. I was hired on a temp to hire basis with the client stating they wanted to permanently fill the role after my three month contract. As is typical for these roles, they just keep extending the contract monthly, heavily implying that a permanent position will be offered soon but i’m on month seven now and i’m being given the run around.
Upon beginning this position I inquired with my recruiter at the staffing agency whether I have sick pay and he said no. Two months ago I started having some health issues that made it really hard to come to work. I’ve been pushing myself extremely hard to show up and work on days when i’ve been in a lot of pain because I can’t afford a shortened check. A big part of my job is stocking so I have to lift and move a lot of boxes each week, and I have to do it all myself.
I had been calling my recruiter multiple times over the past weeks to see what the status of my contract being switched to a permanent role is because it was getting increasingly hard to not have sick time off. I made him fully aware of my condition and struggles at work related to it, and he told me twice over the phone that I do not have sick pay but he empathizes with my situation and will look into my contract conversation but he would never get back.
I usually fill out my timecard on my laptop, but i did it on my phone last week and i noticed there was a section that said “sick” with a number of hours next to him. I emailed my recruiter a screenshot of it asking what it meant since I don’t have sick time? And also called him out for never replying to my inquiries. He replied and said that I do in fact have sick time and he apologizes for the misinformation.
My question is whether this was a violation of my workplace rights because I was lied to about the benefits I have. I was told that I don’t have sick pay over the phone so there is no proof of that, but in the email he apologized for the misinformation. If I tactfully respond to the email to get him to admit that he explicitly told me I don’t have those benefit multiple times is there any legal action I can take? Even without that, is there anything I can pursue with his existing apology?
I’m going to try and pursue back pay for my accrued hours as i’ve had to take days off for being sick which were unpaid. If they deny me this, is that another thing that I could potentially take action against? I want to get paid out for the accrued hours now because they could end my contract at any second and then I wouldn’t be able to retrieve those funds.
I know emotions don’t play a factor here, but I have called my recruiter sobbing over the last weeks to tell him at the end of my rope because I am in so much pain and i need sick pay and each time he said he would look into my contract but he didn’t. One email was all it would’ve taken for him to inquire about my sick pay and it would’ve made things so much easier for me. I know employees don’t matter anywhere, especially low level office bitches like me, but i’m disheartened because I genuinely have been killing myself at this job. Staying late and working through lunches because after my manager quit they just gave all her work to me. It’s only me and another assistant on site and everyone I report to is out of state. It’s just been so hard and I don’t want to just lie down and take this if there’s anything I can do. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Independent_Two_8610 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 LEX_Reception 7 Ways a Legal Phone Answering Service Can Benefit Your Firm

Law firms are continually seeking ways to enhance efficiency and client experience. We often think of a positive client experience as a well-delivered service, so it’s no surprise that many firms invest in systems that help with client and case management. However, have you considered how phone calls can affect your firm’s efficiency and client satisfaction?
It’s easy to overlook, but who is answering the phone and how they deliver the service plays a significant part in your firm’s ability to retain clients and improve your workflow. One solution is to introduce a legal answering service to your firm, and in this article, we dive into the benefits it can have for your firm.

What is a legal phone answering service?

A phone answering service for lawyers functions as a round-the-clock virtual receptionist. You no longer need to worry about missing calls after hours, when team members are out of the office, or on weekends or holidays. A legal phone answering service ensures that no call goes unanswered, but some providers also go beyond answering calls. Phone answering services can also assist with scheduling appointments, lead qualification, and providing general support to clients. Find out more about what is a legal phone answering service here.

Benefits of legal phone answering service

While there are numerous advantages to having a legal phone answering service for your law firm, we focus on our top 7 reasons – discussing each one in detail with key takeaways describing how it can positively impact your law firm’s operations.
You can be available for clients 24/7/365
A legal phone answering service ensures your firm is accessible around the clock. Clients often call after hours with urgent legal queries, but if the call goes unanswered, this can lead to client frustration and lost business for your firm. By introducing a legal phone answering service, your firm can eliminate this issue by providing help when you’re not around. 24/7 availability gives clients a sense of comfort knowing they can always reach out and helps to reaffirm that your firm is dependable.
Key takeaways
Improve overall client satisfaction
Prompt responses and effective communication are the foundations of client satisfaction. With more than half of consumers saying they would switch to a competitor after only one bad experience with a company – client satisfaction must be considered from the outset [Zendesk, 2023].
A legal phone answering service ensures that every call is answered professionally. This, in turn, will work to reduce wait times and improve the overall client experience. If your clients are getting a quality level of service each and every time they communicate with you, your firm is also likely to benefit from positive word-of-mouth referrals.
Key takeaways
Demonstrate professionalism
Virtual receptionists are trained professionals. LEX Reception is powered by real people and each receptionist handles calls with the etiquette and knowledge expected in a legal receptionist role. First impressions matter, and a competent answering service helps to build your reputation from the very first interaction.
Key takeaways
Provide multilingual support
In an increasingly globalized world, law firms often deal with clients who speak various languages. Multilingual support in a phone answering service allows your firm to communicate effectively with a diverse client base and expand your reach. Language barriers can be a significant obstacle when it comes to legal services which can leave many potential clients feeling isolated. Misunderstandings can put people through an emotionally difficult experience during what may already be a stressful time. By having a phone answering service like LEX Reception that offers bilingual support in English and Spanish, your law firm can ensure that no client is turned away due to language constraints.
Key takeaways
Manage appointments efficiently
Managing appointments can be a time-consuming task for busy lawyers. A legal phone answering service streamlines this process by scheduling, confirming, and reminding clients of their upcoming appointments. For lawyers, missed appointments can lead to inefficiencies and lost revenue. A legal phone answering service takes over the task of managing appointments, reducing the likelihood of no-shows through efficient scheduling and reminders. This not only improves your operations but also maximizes your billable hours.
Key takeaways
Increase client retention
Effective communication and reliable support contribute significantly to client retention. By ensuring that client inquiries and concerns are addressed promptly, a phone answering service can help strengthen client relationships and encourage long-term loyalty.
A focus on client retention through a quality service is not only important for the client, but for your firm’s growth. In fact, it was reported that a 5% improvement in client retention could increase profitability by 25% [Forrester, 2023]. If you consistently deliver an excellent experience for your clients with the help of a dedicated phone answering service, your retention rates will improve.
Key takeaways
Customizable services
Every law firm has unique needs and client onboarding procedures and, as such, legal phone answering services focus on how best to align with these needs. From personalizing your call scripts to integrating with your existing operational tools, you can make a legal phone answering service like LEX work harder for your firm. This flexibility means that the service can evolve along with your firm, providing consistent support that is in line with your growing requirements.
Key benefits

Get more time with LEX Reception

Discover the difference a specialized legal phone answering service can make for your firm. LEX Reception’s phone answering service is designed with busy lawyers in mind, providing professionalism, efficiency, and customized support to enhance your firm’s operations and client relations.
Book a demo and experience firsthand how LEX Reception can transform the way your firm handles client communication and management.
submitted by LEX_Reception to u/LEX_Reception [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 DJCryingInTheUber Phone bill has unexplained Google Play charges not from me

Helloe reddit I'm in need of some advice. This might get a bit convoluted but I'll try and be as concise as possible, any advice/insight would be greatly appreciated! (I am in the UK)
I think I might end up having to close my contract with Three and move which is I fine but that will be more money so would love to know if there's anything else I can try!
submitted by DJCryingInTheUber to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:07 leslxeee E-Visa Japan Question

I'm (23F) applying from NYC as I'm from the Philippines and am a permanent resident. I'm going to the Philippines with my bf (US citizen) but we wanted to stop at Japan first. We're traveling for my birthday and to visit family in the Philippines. I submitted my application a week ago, got this email today:
Your application is currently being reviewed, and you are missing/should re-submit the following documents:
-Your modified travel itinerary using our format. *Please review our sample provided in the following link, and kindly indicate at least one tourist destination or area name for each day of your planned visit. Under “accommodation” write the name and address of the hotel. Under “contact” write the phone number of the hotel. *Instead of entering "Tokyo" or "Kyoto", please list the name of tourist destinations such as Sky tree, Roppongi Hills, Kinkaku-ji, Arashiyama, Nijo-jo, and Kiyomizu-temple. *Refer to the detailed travel itinerary #7 at the following link:
-Your entire hotel booking confirmation.
-The statement(s) from other bank account(s) proving your financial stability to cover travel expenses. *If you have any foreign, investment banking or hi-yield saving accounts with a sufficient amount of money which proves your financial stability and covers your travel expenses, please submit those statement(s).
I'm just scared of screwing up showing my financial stability. My bf is paying for the trip as it is my birthday, we already booked flights, hotels, etc. But I still sent over a bank statement that showed I had $4000+ which I got from the bank itself. I can get a new one, I also submitted my boyfriend's bank statement as he is financing the trip as well so I'm not quite sure what to send to them along with US passport + drivers license. He's also in the flight booking. I did submit it literally a day before they emailed me so I'm not sure if they saw it. So I'm not sure what bank statement to send to them - I only have one.
Does anyone have any advice? I'm probably gonna call them on Monday to ask as well
submitted by leslxeee to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:04 chapril_ does this sound like i’m s*? please help

so i haven’t been out of the house since wednesday but on wednesday i went to a bar and touched things like the doorknob, i also used a friends bathroom. since then i’ve been so anxious i could’ve picked up nv. ik it’s been over 48 hours since then, but i guess im still worried because the germs could’ve gotten on my phone and anytime since then i could’ve ingested the germs from my phone by touching it and then touching my mouth. i’ve been feeling a bit off for the past few days but today ive had constipation, today i managed to number 2 which was normal but after it became d and im so scared that’s the first sign of a sb. i also have a dull ache pain in my lower behind and an uncomfy feeling in my tummy. does this sound like a sb? im super anxious about it :/
submitted by chapril_ to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 AutoModerator The GameAudio Share Mine June, 2024 - Use this post to link to / discuss your site, works, product, business or anything you created or are affiliated with

Game Audio related Self-Promotion welcomed in the comments of this post

The comments section of this post is where you can provide info and links pertaining to your site, blog, video, sfx kickstarter or anything else you are affiliated with related to Game Audio. Instead of banning or removing this kind of content outright, this monthly post allows you to get your info out to our readers while keeping our front page free from billboarding. This as an opportunity for you and our readers to have a regular go-to for discussion regarding your latest news/info, something for everyone to look forward to. Please keep in mind the following;
Subreddit Helpful Hints: Mobile Users can view this subreddit's sidebar at /GameAudio/about/sidebar. For SFX related questions, also check out /SFXLibraries. When you're seeking Game Audio related info, be sure to search the subreddit or check our wiki pages;
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submitted by AutoModerator to GameAudio [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 AutoModerator r/ProTools Content Creator Station Promo Post June, 2024 - Share your Pro Tools tracks, related site, blog, video tutorials or other works here

For all your Pro Tools Related content

Welcome to the subreddit regular feature post for sharing things you are affiliated with. We encourage you to add links to your tracks, support site, blogs, videos, or sfx kickstarters or other products related to Pro Tools. These kinds of things should be added here and not to the subreddit front page. This subreddit feature post is the place for evaluation and critiques requests of personal sound, music, video, reel, sites, resumes, or whatever else you have that is Pro Tools related and would like for folks to tell you what they think of it. Let's hear what you've got.
Chat with us in the ProTools subreddit Discord Channel
submitted by AutoModerator to protools [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 AutoModerator The AudioPost Mine June, 2024 - Tell us about your site/works/product/business here

AudioPost Related Self-Promotion Welcomed Here

If it's yours, by you, for you, about you, or something you are otherwise affiliated with, tell us about it here in the AudioPost Mine
This post is the only place in the sub for discussion about your latest site/works/product/app/content/business related to Audio Post. Have a new SFX library? Tell us about it here!
This venue allows you to get your info to our readers while keeping our front page free from billboarding. It's an opportunity for you and our readers to hear about your latest news/info. Please keep in mind the following when using this post;
Welcome to the AudioPost Mine. There's going to be a lot of dirt but we hope for some gold too.
submitted by AutoModerator to AudioPost [link] [comments]