Nausea vomiting virus fatigue

Did I harm my pregnancy with Orgsm contractions (intense cramping, nausea, almost passed out)

2024.06.01 12:35 Helenakene Did I harm my pregnancy with Orgsm contractions (intense cramping, nausea, almost passed out)

I don't know if you are allowed to use words like Orgsm here? Anyways, I'll refwr to it as "O"
I hope someone from here can help me or calm me down. I had a hot dream a week ago and it caused my body to react somehow and I had some cramping in my uterus that woke me up. Simce that experience, I've been scared to be intimate with my partner to the end and actually experience O. I wanted to do it step-by-step without him being involved so I used my toy this morning to see how my body reacts. Immediately after, I started having intense cramps in my uterus, along with strong nausea but no vomiting. I got very hot and covered with sweat. I had a need for bowel movement and felt pins and needles in my arms and legs, like my blood just decided to go somewhere else, more important. It was my 1st O in weeks. I took 2 paracetamols and tried to breathe through it. The whole thing took about 15-20 minutes. I now feel sensitive in my uterus and bloated but I had that before the incident as well. I'm worried the O contractions harmed my pregnancy and growing baby? Why was it so intense? For the record, I haven't had any bleeding or spotting, which is a good sign.
I have had it before I was pregnant. Always when I was closer to my period and always triggered by O. It has been hard for us to fall pregnant and I understand I am being anxious. I want to make sure I do everything right and don't jeopardise it in any way.
Maybe someone here has experienced this and shed some light to it. Can't even call my specialist because it's Saturday.
Thank you
submitted by Helenakene to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:35 Peone1 suddenly potentially celiac?

I feel super ignorant posting here without a diagnosis but i’m waiting on lab results and would love to discuss it.
I’m 23f, never had bowel or food problems in my life other than a mild sensitivity to dairy. Recently (as in, the last week or two) i’ve been constipated more often than not despite no change in diet and get extremely unwell after every single meal. About an hour - two hours after I eat i develop a splitting (!!!) headache on the right side of my head, fatigue, and get very nauseas. Not able to do anything - i’ve left work after lunch almost every day since then because i literally can’t function. does this sound like celiac? or is it possible it’s just an intense gluten intolerance that’s come on?
This morning I had sourdough bread and paid the price almost all day. I made a gluten free dinner after i started feeling better and I’m starting to feel sick again now but not as unwell as earlier today.
Can anyone relate???
submitted by Peone1 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:31 Worried_Sea_5558 ALT enzyme went from 400, to 1400, to 900, to 88. What on earth happened!? Help please

After some opinions please.
30 year old female who gave birth 14 weeks ago and had my gallbladder removed 10 weeks ago.
It all went well until last week when I got the same gallstone/gallbladder pain. It lasted a few hours and went away when I was in hospital. I also had nausea and vomiting during this time. The symptoms only lasted a few hours and I've felt 100% normal since with no symptoms.
Ultrasound of my liver and bile ducts was normal. They just found a mildly fatty and enlarged liver.
The hospital ran blood tests and ALL of my liver enzymes were elevated into the hundreds. All other bloods normal. It was definitely not alcohol or drug induced.
24 hours later, my ALT enzyme went from 400 to 1300.
24 hours after that my ALT dropped back to 900.
1 week later my ALT is now 88 and near normal.
The doctors said maybe some sludge left over in the bile duct, or viral hepatitis (but I live in Australia?) may have been the cause but whatever it was has now passed.
What on earth could have caused this? Surely it's related to my gallbladder removal?
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
submitted by Worried_Sea_5558 to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:53 msmmm_mmmmmm A year after gallbladder pancreatitis: should I have my pancreas checked out?

Asking since I still sometimes get the same symptoms as before: bloating (mostly makes me burp), discomfort (not pain) just below the ribs, yellowish stool. However nausea and vomiting, both present in my GP attack, hasn’t reoccurred. Have to note I had my gallbladder removed back then. Should I get my pancreas/liver checked?
submitted by msmmm_mmmmmm to pancreatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:53 Worried_Sea_5558 Please help! 10 weeks post op pain. Very high liver enzymes (ALT 1300). Better now but what happened!?

After some opinions please.
30 year old female who gave birth 14 weeks ago and had my gallbladder removed 10 weeks ago.
It all went well until last week when I got the same gallstone/gallbladder pain. It lasted a few hours and went away when I was in hospital. I also had nausea and vomiting during this time. The symptoms only lasted a few hours and I've felt 100% normal since with no symptoms.
Ultrasound of my liver and bile ducts was normal. They just found a mildly fatty and enlarged liver.
The hospital ran blood tests and all of my liver enzymes were elevated into the hundreds. It was definitely not alcohol or drug induced.
24 hours later, my ALT enzyme went from 400 to 1300.
24 hours after that my ALT dropped back to 900.
1 week later my ALT is now 88 and near normal.
The doctors said maybe some sludge left over in the bile duct, or viral hepatitis (but I live in Australia?) may have been the cause but whatever it was has now passed.
What on earth could have caused this? Surely it's related to my gallbladder removal?
Has anyone experienced anything similar post surger?
submitted by Worried_Sea_5558 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:38 Reckless_Donut Domperidone withdrawal

I was diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2021, my BMI was 12 or 13 and I nearly needed a feeding tube, I was vomiting everything up. Metaclopramide (Relgan) didn't work for me so I was put on Domperidone (Motilium) which definitely helped. I still had issues with vomiting daily but things improved with time and I was able to gain weight with meal replacement drinks. I also started gabapentin last year which helped with nausea and appetite so I'm back to a healthy weight.
My gastroenterologist gave me the go ahead to try to taper off the domperidone this year because I'm at a weight where its not dangerous if I flare up again. I vomit maybe once a month now and my symptoms are well controlled so I decided it was time to try to taper off. I'm 23 and want to reduce my reliance on medications where I can. But everytime I skip a dose, I get horrible migraines worse than usual (I have chronic migraines alongside POTS) and it almost always triggers a short period. I'm just wondering if anyone else has successfully tapered off domperidone without it setting off periods and migraines?
It stopped my periods for about 2 years so I know it has an impact on my hormones but even one missed dose will set off a change in hormones which I believe is the trigger for the migraines. Because I'm trying to taper off it slowly its a daily occurrence with a bad migraine being triggered and then feeling fine before I skip a dose the next day.
Any advice would be appreciated :)
submitted by Reckless_Donut to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:29 cwrace71 Reconsidering What Long Covid Could Be Doing To Me

So...this is likely going to be a long post, I apologize in advance as I kind of just have a lot of my mind to expand upon.
I am a 33 year old male, I first got Covid in late December 2023. It was rough, What complicates this for me is that I didn't feel good before Covid. For years I dealt with major fatigue issues, what some would consider similar to adrenal fatigue type symptoms, low blood sugar feelings every day, anxiety, all kinds of weird stomach/chest sensations, lack of energy, heat sensitivity, anxiety and more. The only things I previously had been confirmed to have that could have contribued to this were low Vitamin D and a hiatal hernia. Over the last few years I've had a batery of heart tests, stomach tests, all never really found much other than the hiatal hernia.
Covid was rough on me for sure. Had the worst cough I've ever had for weeks. Though oxygen remained normal, the worst muscle pains I've ever had, and stomach issues, frequent bowel movement. In the weeks following Covid I felt like my hiatal hernia had been made worse as I was just noticing symptoms in there more. I also feel sleepy way more than I did before Covid. The coughing stopped, but I dont know that any of it totally went away, there were periods of time where I forgot I had Covid and even thought I was totally over it a few times, but right now I am reconsidering it.
The last few weeks I have really been just not been feeling rough..and its nothing new to me totally but it all feels worse.
Muscle pains and soreness...I dont have horrible muscle pains, but I have pains that are just there that I didnt notice before, arms, legs, ribs, back, chest. Now weird feelings werent new to me, but its all so much more noticeable after Covid. Its almost like...My muscles are all just a little heavy/sore, like if I want to go on a walk, its like starting an old car, something at 33 I dont think is the norm, just sitting here typing this paragraph I've noticed a strain/muscle pain in my left knee, upper thigh, fingers, and left wirst. They are low on the pain scale like 2 or 3 out of 10, but they are there. It is similar to the muscle feelings you get when you are sick but not quite on that scale, just a lower level daily 24/7 version of it.
My hiatal hernia has felt so much worse in the last few weeks. I am noticing so much more pressure around it, its almost like a baby kicking in my lower chest/upper stomach when I move positions or lean wrong, or strain. I've had lots of nausea last few weeks also going along with it, it also goes along with the low blood sugar feelings I get which are fixed by foods (not sugar), and sometimes its hard to tell if I am sick or hungry or what.
Along with the theme of stomach issues, and this one gets a little more graphic...I haven't been normal with bowel movements since I had Covid. Atleast my usual. I was..pretty regular pre-covid. Every couple days, maybe once a day, but it was..simple..relatively the same...Since I had Covid, its extremely irregular, much more frequently it can be more diahhrea like, usually very soft, sometimes multiple times a day which used to be extremely rare for me, and where I used to be able to hold it before, it seems to come on much more suddenly for me now.
For a weird one, I feel like my anxiety is worse again since I had anxiety for years which was actually caused by all the strange symptoms I had over the years. But it had been maintained and stable before Covid. Now it feels like any adrenaline release at all absolutely screws up my body. Good or bad energy. Watching a sporting event and getting excited = feeling bad...Even gaming...I am an eSports compeititor, mainly with sim racing, but I enjoy other games. I've noticed that if I play a game like Fortnite now, when I get done if its a tense game, I am borderline panic attack and my body freaking out for literally no reason, and it comes on out of nowhere once i'm done. Fortnite seems to do it worst of all games.
There are more things im sure I am forgetting but its very late, and this really hit me today that maybe somehow Long Covid is playing up all of these things after all. I did have an episode of my heart racing last month and they said it was POTS..I had an EKG while it was going, EKG was normal, Chest XRay was normal...I dont necessarily believe it was POTS but I also cant rule it out as I have had other POTS like symptoms before.
submitted by cwrace71 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:20 Confident_Hyena9712 praxotine

hi, i’m 17F and i got prescribed 12.5 mg praxotine about five days ago. i’ve been taking it regularly since, and though it was fine for the first two days, the last two days (today and yesterday) haven’t been great. i’ve been experiencing nausea, intense body aches, fatigue, shakiness and vertigo. is this normal? this is the lowest dosage available but i’m sort of small (5’3, 50 kgs) so even low dosages on comparatively milder SSRIs like nexito have been difficult for me to deal with. should i wait another few days for this to dissipate or should i contact my psychiatrist today?
submitted by Confident_Hyena9712 to SSRIs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:13 ShitShy Not diagnosed/symptom questions

Hi there… I have been diagnosed with PCOS which gradually over the years has stopped my period completely. I know symptoms during your period are a major factor in endo, BUT when I did have my period, it was very heavy, I’d have severe pain in my legs, severe cramping, lower back pain, and lots of clotting.
I am 25 years old. My period has gradually stopped completely over the years unless I am on a birth control, and I “bleed”(withdrawal bleeding) on the last week, otherwise off of it I have no period. I’m currently not on any sort of birth control, no periods…. A couple months ago I randomly had severe tailbone pain, pressure inside of my vagina, and uterine pains/cramping. This year it has happened a couple times… It wasn’t due to a period, I brushed it off blaming it on my cysts. But recently I’ve been EXTREMELY tired, nauseous, headaches. I am on the bigger side, I can always eat!! But lately I haven’t been able to and I am rapidly losing weight due to it. My partner and I had intercourse a couple days ago, my pelvic was so tight he could barely penetrate.. it was not a wet issue or anything like that, I tried to put my finger inside to see what he was talking about and that barely fit! We ended up stopping because it was hurting him. I have NEVER experienced pelvic dysfunction, along with that I’ve had discharge which I’m not used to whatsoever due to not having a cycle. Along with that, just odd feelings in my uterine area, not painful… almost like from my uterus down is inflamed and I am constantly aware and can feel it inside of me, if that makes sense? I’ve also had severe bloating in my stomach and swelling of my breasts. I didn’t think much of my fatigue and nausea until the issue with my pelvic… has anybody else had similar symptoms? I also have had GI issues the past couple of years and seem to have worsened the past year!!
submitted by ShitShy to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:08 kirimiau Guilty feelings after MMC ( missed miscarriage)

I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder about three years ago. For a while, I believed I had it under control. I underwent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy monthly, adjusting the frequency of sessions based on how I was feeling. This routine seemed effective until I moved to Germany.
The move to Germany significantly impacted me, increasing my introversion and leaving me with a profound sense of purposelessness. My boyfriend at the time was incredibly supportive, even witnessing a severe episode where I self-harmed. Despite seeing me at my worst, he did not leave me. A year later, we married in Denmark, as we hold different nationalities. Just when everything seemed to be falling into place, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I underwent a thyroidectomy, and two months later, I found out I was pregnant.
My husband and I had been discussing the possibility of having a child for months. I had reservations because I knew children are a significant responsibility, and I feared that having a child might change the wonderful relationship I had with my husband. However, my husband, who is already a father was very excited with the idea of having another child. Eventually, I decided to try. My doctor gave me the green light to conceive, and I began tracking my ovulation. To my surprise, it worked quickly.The 11 weeks I was pregnant were the most miserable I have ever felt. I was out of control, crying every day, and filled with rage. I even had moments where I wanted to harm the life growing inside me. Every day, while at the train station, I felt the urge to jump onto the tracks and end it all. I was plagued by obsessive thoughts that my husband would stop loving me once we had a child. It was the most distressing period of my adult life. During my viability check in the sixth week of pregnancy, the ultrasound revealed an empty sac. The doctor expressed sympathy, but internally, I felt an unexpected sense of relief. I was told to wait two more weeks for confirmation. I had a mixed emotions and I felt overwhelmed. Initially, I had been excited about the pregnancy, but the intense symptoms, sadness, and anger made it unbearable. I was unable to properly grieve.
Later ultrasounds confirmed the empty sac. At last... it was over. I felt conflicting emotions—relief and sadness, for the loss and for my inability to grieve the possibility of a baby. Yesterday, I underwent a D&C . Physically, I feel better—no nausea, no vomiting—but the sadness remains for the loss, the guilt, and for my uncertainty about wanting the baby in the first place.
submitted by kirimiau to BPDrecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:00 xterisx tips for talking to parents about getting an aid??

hi, this is my first time posting so sorry if its not formatted/written very well & also sorry if i rambled too much
TDLR: thinking of mobility aids bc of joint pain & fatigue/lightheadness, not currently seeing any docs or anything, unsure how to speak to parents about it????
im not currently diagnosed w/anything or regularly seeing any kind of doctomedical professional, ive seen the physio about my left knee twice [once in 2023 and once last week, housemaids knee, i think? keeps coming back. got given a sheet of exercises for it]
i am also on the waiting list to see a cardiologist bc i have symptoms that seem more or less consistent with POTS? [palpatitions & high heart rate standing up, lightheadedness, vision going out, tempreture issues, nausea, etc. not self diagnosing just using to help give a picture of it] but i dont even have an appointment date yet
i have had blood tests done as well as an ecg regarding that ^^^^ & all the results were normal
i also have some kind of joint pain/issues [worst in my ankles/wrists, and my left knee & right hip], as well as fatigue and minor-ish balance issues. all of my issues are like, inconsistent in severity
i have been thinking about getting a mobility aid of some sort for a while, but recently much more, as ive been hurting my knee more, like basically any time i walk more than mile [or even less, sometimes].
& also because i regularly get tired/lightheaded and have to sit down [and usually end up sitting on the ground]. i find standing largely uncomfortable, and it usually becomes painful within 10 minutes
i try to exercise but its difficult all considered [also have a circadian rythmn disorder so im not regularly awake in daylight hours :/] & i think a mobility aid could help me? especially bc i find myself leaning on things a lot
right now i use knee & ankle supports semi-regularly, which has helped a lot in reducing the pain/keeping it from getting worse. imo im being more active since getting them
i am [kind of irrationally, maybe?] very nervous about talking to my parents
they have largely been supportive in the past about accommodating me & letting me persue my interests. everyone picked up fingerspelling & a couple signs bc i sometimes dont/cant speak verbally, for example
though its only in the past year that ive realised im physically disabled [had all the symptoms before, just didnt realise it was wasnt everyones experience], i did a lot of that discovery thru having conversations with them about it, & i regularly talk thru stuff with them to help get an idea of which things i experience are considered abnormal/concerning
they seem to understand, at least, that i have a lot of trouble with doing things. my mother is the one who bought the knee brace for me. shes also an occupational therapist [stopped practicing after having kids but recently re-registered], so she knows more than the average person about this kinda thing
they are not always immediately great about things, but theyre willing to discuss and actually listen, so a lot of times its about how well i can articulate myself when i explain. their general attitude is that i should be able to make my own decisions, and that if it helps me then its worth at least discussing
i have previously suggested that ive thought about the subject, but not necessarily for myself [spoken about my friends disabilities and mobility aids & stuff]. i'm unsure of how to bring it up & anxious even tho the worst thing theyre likely be is kinda skeptical, in which case its pretty likely i would be able to talk them into it?
for reference the things im most drawn to personally are forearm crutches and those canes w/the seats? not sure if theyre called smthn specific. a lot of places we go have pretty rough floors/no paths so it seems most practical to me. im also currently a minor [turning 18 next year], if thats relevent at all.
i am willing/would kinda prefer? to see a medical professional about it and get suggestions of what would be best first, so thats not an issue [except for actually getting access to that, bc nhs waiting lists are ridiculously long and private is so expensive]
but again id need to talk abt it first to be able to have my parents arrange that for me [have selective/situational mutism so need someone with me on doctors visits]
idk. thoughts?? suggestions on how to bring all this up? thanks for reading in any case & once again sorry this ended up so long!!
submitted by xterisx to mobilityaids [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:30 AdhesivenessOk5534 I'm miserable! What can I do do???

Tw- ED and food abuse
I'm pretty sure this is caused by severe EDNOS that I've had for 7 years. I have a history of every eating disorder, I starve, binge, purge with exercise and laxatives, pretty much anything that doesn't include vomiting. I've gone down to 90 lbs and up to 240 lbs, each within months. The main disordered eating pattern I use to struggle with was binge and restrict. Last few years it was only binge, I was then restricted access to food which plunged me into a deep anorexic spiral. I went from 240 to 150 in 5 months. I have developed what feels like ulcers from extreme stress (had them before) causing terrible pain when I do eat (duodenal) and when I don't eat (peptic). I also have very very severe emetophobia, which causes me to restrict even more (my theory is: can't throw up if you have nothing to throw up ((I know this isnt true please don't mention it in the comments)))
All of this has led to very uncomfortable, hypo-like symptoms:
Extreme nausea Sweating/clammy Feeling faint or just passing out Fatigue Mailse Excessive salivation Irritability
However when my blood sugar is checked it's normal, but it takes a while for these symptoms to hit their peak and knock me over and I usually get it checked after I feel it coming on and not during an 'episode'
I'm nauseous because I'm hungry, can't eat because I'm nauseous, I'm passing out regularly when I stand up, literally crying because I can't eat food when I am literally famished. Sweaty and fatigued when I get hit with this. Glucose tablets and carbs bring me back, but it's hard to stomach anything when I'm putting every brain cell into not puking everything I've eaten since birth. I am miserable, this cycle is feeding my ED thoughts and putting me in a snake eating itself situation, so to speak. I feel shitty, I'm nauseous 24/7, I'm hungry 24/7, and I'm anxious 24/7. I don't know what to do, hell I'm not even sure if this is the right sub 😔😔
submitted by AdhesivenessOk5534 to Hypoglycemia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:22 BlueFantasyZ Too sick to work?

I got diagnosed early last year, but starting October I started having days of vomiting or general nausea and fatigue randomly. I've tried diet changes and medication, but nothing seems to help. I can be fine for a few days and then I'm down a few. It can't be tracked or timed, and I feel too sick to do my job when I'm sick. I ended up going on a medical leave while the gastro tried to pinpoint the cause before they decided it was gastropariesis flare ups. Because I never know day to day how I'll feel, I still can't work. My gastro has referred me for a gastric pacemaker, and my appointment is next week. But I'm having so much trouble with my short term disability insurance and the doctors filling out the paperwork and saying I have no restrictions. How can I work if I don't know if I'll be too sick to get out of bed without vomiting? Has anyone else had to stop working because of this? Is there any hope I can get the doctors to understand?
submitted by BlueFantasyZ to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:55 TrollThyKing [pjo]Meme

[pjo]Meme submitted by TrollThyKing to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:15 ilyydu Anxiety possibly?

submitted by ilyydu to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:12 Hungry_Walk3377 Do you get multivitamin IV during Taxol infusion?

I'm getting 12 weekly Taxol infusions after dose dense AC. I got a multivitamin infusion with each AC, and my mind now associates it with nausea. My treating oncologist said it's okay to leave it out during Taxol infusions. But the nurses here at chemo ward told me every patient gets multivitamin IVs to help with fatigue, and they can change the mix or brand to avoid nausea.
I'm confused. Will ofcourse ask my onco but I was wondering if others around the world are getting multivitamins through IV during chemo, and if it actually helps (beyond just being a placebo)?
submitted by Hungry_Walk3377 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:40 Constant_Teaching_63 physical anxiety only

27F, For the past 6 months I’ve been dealing with panic attacks and physical anxiety symptoms, everyday I deal with headache fatigue nausea disassociation shakiness dizziness you name it and it’s all day doesn’t let up then at night I can’t sleep and wake up every few hours but no mental anxiety like I have no anxious thoughts it’s driving me CRAZY it’s affecting my everyday life I just want to stay in bed all day I can’t even leave the house. Going to start lexapro which I’m really nervous about (sensitive to meds) I tried Zoloft but the side effects were too much hope lexapro isn’t as bad..
submitted by Constant_Teaching_63 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:37 ace_hospital_pune How Thyroid Disorders Impact Kidney and Urinary Tract Health ?

How Thyroid Disorders Impact Kidney and Urinary Tract Health ?
In the complex and interconnected world of human physiology, the thyroid gland holds a place of great importance. This small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development. While the thyroid's role in these processes is well-known, its impact on other organs, particularly the kidneys and the urinary tract, is often overlooked. In this blog, we will explore the intricate relationship between thyroid disorders and kidney and urinary tract functions, highlighting the importance of holistic healthcare approaches in managing these conditions.
Understanding the Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland produces two main hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones influence nearly every cell in the body, affecting metabolic rate, heart function, digestive health, muscle control, brain development, and bone maintenance. The production and release of these hormones are regulated by the pituitary gland, which secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
Common Thyroid Disorders
Thyroid disorders are relatively common and can significantly impact overall health. The two primary types of thyroid disorders are:
Hypothyroidism: This condition occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, depression, and slowed heart rate. Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder, is a common cause of hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism: This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Symptoms include weight loss, rapid heartbeat, sweating, nervousness, and irritability. Graves' disease, another autoimmune disorder, is a common cause of hyperthyroidism.
The Thyroid-Kidney Connection
The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering blood, removing waste products, balancing electrolytes, and regulating blood pressure. Thyroid hormones influence kidney function in several ways, and disruptions in thyroid hormone levels can have significant effects on kidney health.
Hypothyroidism and Kidney Function
Hypothyroidism can lead to several kidney-related issues, including:
Reduced Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR): GFR is a measure of how well the kidneys filter blood. Hypothyroidism can reduce GFR, leading to impaired kidney function and decreased clearance of waste products from the body. This can result in the accumulation of toxins and fluids.
Hyponatremia: Hypothyroidism can cause an imbalance in sodium levels, leading to hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood). This condition can cause symptoms such as headache, nausea, confusion, and seizures. Proper sodium balance is crucial for maintaining kidney function.
Fluid Retention and Edema: Hypothyroidism can cause the body to retain fluids, leading to swelling (edema) in the extremities. This fluid retention can put additional strain on the kidneys and exacerbate kidney dysfunction.
Hyperthyroidism and Kidney Function
Hyperthyroidism can also affect kidney health, leading to issues such as:
Increased GFR: Hyperthyroidism can cause an increase in GFR, which may seem beneficial but can lead to increased renal blood flow and potential damage to the glomeruli (the filtering units of the kidneys).
Electrolyte Imbalances: Hyperthyroidism can cause imbalances in electrolytes such as calcium and phosphate, which are essential for proper kidney function. Elevated calcium levels (hypercalcemia) can lead to kidney stones and impaired kidney function.
Proteinuria: Hyperthyroidism can cause protein to leak into the urine (proteinuria), which is a sign of kidney damage. Chronic proteinuria can lead to further kidney damage and a decline in kidney function.
The Impact of Thyroid Disorders on the Urinary Tract
In addition to their effects on the kidneys, thyroid disorders can also impact the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, and it is responsible for the production, storage, and elimination of urine.
Hypothyroidism and the Urinary Tract
Urinary Retention: Hypothyroidism can cause urinary retention, a condition where the bladder does not empty completely. This can lead to increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder dysfunction.
Decreased Bladder Capacity: Hypothyroidism can reduce bladder capacity, leading to frequent urination and an increased risk of UTIs.
Hyperthyroidism and the Urinary Tract
Increased Urine Output (Polyuria): Hyperthyroidism can lead to increased urine production, a condition known as polyuria. This can result in frequent urination and dehydration if fluid intake is not adequately increased.
Increased Risk of UTIs: Hyperthyroidism can increase the risk of urinary tract infections due to changes in urinary patterns and possible alterations in immune function.
The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Comprehensive Treatment
Given the complex relationship between thyroid function and kidney and urinary tract health, early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of thyroid disorders are essential. Healthcare providers should be aware of the potential renal and urinary complications associated with thyroid disorders and take a holistic approach to patient care.
Diagnosis and Management
Diagnosing thyroid disorders involves a combination of clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and imaging studies. Common diagnostic tests include:
Thyroid Function Tests: These blood tests measure levels of TSH, T4, and T3. Elevated TSH and low T4 indicate hypothyroidism, while low TSH and high T4 indicate hyperthyroidism.
Antibody Tests: These tests detect antibodies associated with autoimmune thyroid disorders, such as anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies in Hashimoto's thyroiditis and thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSIs) in Graves' disease.
Imaging Studies: Ultrasound and radioactive iodine uptake tests can help evaluate the structure and function of the thyroid gland.
The management of thyroid disorders involves a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and regular monitoring. Treatment strategies include:
Medication: Hypothyroidism is typically treated with synthetic thyroid hormone replacement (levothyroxine). Hyperthyroidism may be treated with anti-thyroid medications (methimazole or propylthiouracil), radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery.
Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management can help support thyroid function and overall health.
Regular Monitoring: Patients with thyroid disorders should undergo regular monitoring of thyroid function tests to ensure that treatment is effective and to adjust medications as needed.
Addressing Kidney and Urinary Tract Health: Patients with thyroid disorders should also have their kidney function and urinary health monitored regularly. This may include blood tests to assess kidney function, urine tests to detect proteinuria or infection, and imaging studies if necessary.
The Role of Specialist Care at Ace Hospital
At Ace Hospital, we understand the intricate connections between thyroid health, kidney function, and urinary tract health. Our team of specialists in nephrology, urology, and endocrinology work together to provide comprehensive care for patients with thyroid disorders. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of a patient's health are addressed, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.
The relationship between thyroid disorders and kidney and urinary tract health is complex and multifaceted. Understanding this connection is crucial for providing comprehensive care to patients with thyroid issues. By recognizing the potential impact of thyroid disorders on kidney and urinary function, healthcare providers can take a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
At Ace Hospital, we are committed to providing expert care for thyroid, kidney, and urinary tract health. Our team of specialists is dedicated to helping patients manage their conditions and improve their overall well-being. If you have concerns about your thyroid health or its impact on your kidneys and urinary tract, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced team.
submitted by ace_hospital_pune to u/ace_hospital_pune [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:12 uniqueusername_1177 New here- feeling alone

I've been dealing with pelvic pain and a myriad of other symptoms for the past 2 months. After multiple misdiagnoses a CT scan showed that I have "prominent bilateral parametrial vessels with pelvic congestion syndrome".
Urgent Care gave me a referral to a GYN but they've been impossible to get ahold of, and I ended up going to the ER a few days ago because I felt so sick. ER also suggested that it could be endo?
I'm in pain (general pelvic pain plus a shooting pain on my left side) and have constant nausea, lightheadedness, and fatigue. This is consuming so much of my life and I feel like I can barely function. The wait for the GYN to schedule is torture and my mental health is taking a toll. I feel so scared, frustrated, and exhausted. I'm so tired of the pain and can't imagine feeling like this forever.
How long did it take you to receive any form of treatment after diagnosis? I'm also not sure on if I need to be seeing a vascular specialist as well? Unfortunately with my insurance I need a formal referral to see any specialist.
I'd appreciate any advice, experiences, or words of comfort.
submitted by uniqueusername_1177 to pelviccongestion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:53 SpencerWhiteOTH side effect concerns

hey guys! i switched from lexapro to trintellix two months ago due to persistent nightmares. the taper was surprisingly smooth for me, it wasn’t until last month where i’ve been completely sidelined with migraine-like symptoms plus a variety of stomach issues (closer to pain/pressure + nausea as opposed to vomiting/diarrhea). trying to rule out everything, my blood tests are clean for infection, and the only constant in my life has been the new meds (shifted back from uni -> home while this saga’s gone on).
my doctor is VERY adamant that it should not be a medication issue, so i hate to be the guy to disregard a professional’s advice, but… did any of you experience this on trintellix?
submitted by SpencerWhiteOTH to trintellix [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:14 Round-Draft5070 “Anxiety” has put me in the hospital 17 times in 4 weeks.

I’m losing my mind. I’m 27f 150 pounds. I work from home but I’d say decently active around the house. I vape (in the process of quitting) Never drink. Don’t really have any medical issues that I’m aware of but I do take anti depressants for depression. I had cosmetic surgery done 4 weeks ago and my anxiety started getting really bad before the surgery. “This is too dangerous” “you’ll join the 27 club” “don’t do it it’s not worth it, what if something goes wrong” scared of blood clots and aneurysms. I did the surgery anyway and I’m okay. Though the anxiety constituted and just got worse. The first 2 weeks of surgery I was at the ER convinced I had a blood clot because my d dimer was slightly elevated (no clot) They did a CT scan, did blood and I was ok. Went in about 4 days later to a different ER, convinced I had clots in my legs, they did ultrasound of my legs, nothing. Everything was fine. Then my anxiety started getting way worse as I started developing chest and arm pain. My left arm would throb, sometimes my fingers, then my wrist, then my arm, and my chest would hurt with a stabbing pain. I went to the ER, they did a chest xray, took blood and did ELG, showed everything was perfect. Went home, felt off again… called EMT, they came out did EKG, everything looked fine so I didn’t go in…. I got blood work done (thyroid, HDL, vitamins, CBC, all the basic and even more) and my HDL was low (should be 50 it’s 49) and my b12 was WAY too high BUT I did have a b12 injection 3 days before the blood test. But SOMETHING in me is telling me that something is wrong. WHY is my HDL low? It has no reason to be. Everyday I’m convinced I’m having a stroke or heart attack. I have Xanax as needed and they only help for the panic attack but not the day. I’m trying to rationalize my thoughts, but WHY is my HDL low? WHY do I feel like this? My blood pressure DROPPED today, I got dizzy and fatigue and almost passed out, called 911 and they just checked my blood sugar level and BP and said it’s pretty low (I refused to go to the ER) I went home snacked ate salt and whatnot and felt better but like why did it drop?
I’m convinced I’m doomed and something bad is gonna happen it’s taking over my life, I see a cardiologist on Monday but I don’t even feel safe waiting till Monday. What do I do? I STILL get hand and chest pain and sudden nausea and I SWEAR it’s REAL. I’m obsessed with checking my pulse and o2 levels I check probably 50 times a day. It’s taking over my life and I’m getting too scared to even leave the house. Worried I’m going to just have a heart attack or something I can’t shake the feeling.
It’s not just in my head. What do I do?
submitted by Round-Draft5070 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:11 ilyydu Physical symptoms of anxiety

hi all, I’m 19 and I’ve had anxiety since I can remember. Mainly due to academic pressure from my parents. I’ve felt sick since October 2023. Vomiting, nausea, dry heaving in the mornings,dizziness, diarrhea/constipation, weight loss,burping, fast heart rate and no appetite at all. I constantly feel like crying and like the world is ending. My doctor at this point has done every test possible and everything has come basically come back normal. Including a endoscopy/colonoscopy. The endoscopy showed minimal gastritis on the biopsies but my doctor said there is no way that this is causing my symptoms. I’ve had a ct scan, x-ray and ultrasound of both my chest and abdomen everything comes back normal. My doctor thinks this is all due to anxiety and wants to be put on antidepressants which I’m open to but I’m just all confused how anxiety can cause this serious of physical symptoms. I’ve had to quit my job in october and take all online classes as a result. My life has basically come to completely halt and I feel tired constantly. Has anyone dealt with something similar and what helped you? I appreciate any advice thank you!
submitted by ilyydu to mentalhealth [link] [comments]