How amazing your boyfriend is


2022.05.12 04:58 bellanpal HowCuteIsYourDog

All dogs are cute! But have you ever wondered how cute your dog is? Share photos of your dog here and let other dog lovers tell you! We encourage you to post! Don't be shy! Share now!

2020.05.16 11:59 Dhanish04 Pets Are Amazing

A place to post anything amazing about your pets. Cuteness is Amazing too.

2023.07.12 23:15 Visual_Ad3724 OkHomo

when you're not gay but your boyfriend is

2024.06.01 10:45 Ready-Bat-8824 May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”

May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”
~Hillary & Alec’s IG Stats~
  • January 2024 = Hillary 17 posts & Alec 28 posts
  • February 2024 = Hillary 8 posts & Alec 20 posts
  • March 2024 = Hillary 2 posts & Alec 21 posts
  • April 2024 = Hillary 4 posts & Alec 15 posts
  • May 2024 = Hillary 5 posts & Alec 28 posts
Hillary’s IG Stats Overview
  • May 2022 = 433 posts including the Chantecaille Episode = Hilz received lotions from luxury brand Chantecaille and posted a pic of Edu in a diaper with said lotions. The company didn’t repost, nor did they partner with her. Two days later, she donned her sewer slippers and accosted unsuspecting “needy” people, handing them gifts bags filled with Chantecaille lotions and $50 bills (and recorded herself doing so).
  • May 2023 = 18 posts including the infamous “humpy yoga” fiasco featuring unnerving eye contact.
Every choice in this video was wilder than the last.
  • May 2024 = 5 posts
  • May started with Alec appearing on the “Our Way with Paul Anka and Skip Bronson” podcast. I tried recapping it, but it was basically three boring privileged old white men rambling about their wealth and privilege. Anka’s description of living in a “Murdoch created” gated community near Malibu near the “good airport” – to avoid the unwashed masses at LAX one presumes – was where I gave up on the recap idea and just listened with a scowl.
  • Some lowlights:
On Having More Kids & Moving to Vermont
Alec: Well, in my family now, I'm the only person I know who drops four kids off at school in the morning and comes home and I still have three kids waiting for me. When I get home, I have seven - I have eight children. Ireland, my oldest daughter who's married, Ireland has a baby, and she and her boyfriend are living in Oregon. And I met my wife and I got remarried and I had seven kids in nine years. It's crazy. (I think you meant to say, “my wife is batshit crazy.” The devil is in the details, Zander)
And then, all of a sudden, I met my wife, who I love dearly, (I think he repeats this in virtually every interview to counter the years of talking shit about Kim Basinger) every time the baby would get to be two years old, we’d go, maybe it's time for one more baby, one more baby, so we have seven kids. But we're actually selling our house, moving to Vermont. We bought a place in Vermont, and I'm trying to get everybody to start to acclimate up there…I think my wife wants a little change of scenery now, it's so crowded out here…I love Vermont. It's so peaceful. We got a great deal. We got fifty-five acres; house was built in 1792. It's very pretty.
The Kids Want Alec Around All the Time
Host: What do you do away from your family? Meaning, do you play golf? Do you play tennis?
Alec: I play tennis all summer...The thing that's happened in these last ten years, especially the last three or four years, is my kids are used to me being around…I mean they really rely on that… when I'm gone, they're like, you know, they're on FaceTime. If I travel to go away for a couple of days to get a paycheck, they’re on my FaceTime going you know, where are you? What are you doing? You know, they're completely baffled when I go away. (God bless those kiddos and I’m preeetttttty sure they rely on Leonela/Leonetta a whole lot.)
Drug & Alcohol Use
Alec: Every day for two years, I think I snorted a line of cocaine from here to Saturn. We did one on the rings of Saturn. Then we came home. We took it back home. I mean, cocaine was like coffee back and everybody was doing it all day. I did a lot of coke and then I and then February 23rd, 1985…I stopped doing drugs and my drinking increased, which is they tell you that's going to happen, and that did happen. I just started drinking. I mean, and the thing, I miss drinking. I don't miss drugs at all, but I do miss drinking. I like to drink. (I appreciate next to nothing about this man, but I appreciate the honesty of this statement).
Host: But because you don't drink, and because you don't do drugs, what do you do? Do you meditate? What do you do to deal with the pressures of the outside, you know, forces, (I think you mean “lawsuits”, Paul) what do you do to get away from that?
Alec: (deadpan) Drink. I drink. I lied; I've been drinking nonstop since 1985. I lie. I tell people I'm sober and I drink my balls off. (Laughs) But no, I do miss drinking, I must say…New York relaxes me. I walk around and I see aspects of it that I've never seen before. I look at a building and I'll go, my god, I never noticed that about that building. Those doors. You know. New York is like a European city. You walk around and keep your eyes open. And I have lunches and coffee with my friends. (Um is he talking about the owner of Madman Espresso? Because that’s the only coffee related person we’ve ever seen him around.) And, I'd like to get out of here because the city is chaotic. (But also relaxing? What the hell?) But we live in the village. It's a little bit more residential. I love New York. I go to the symphony and the opera and the ballet all the time, you know, pretty regularly. But I do try to meditate. Meditating with seven children is like trying to play ping pong on the deck of an aircraft. It's a real pain in the ass. (But they rely on you, Alec?!?!)
  • Back on IG, Alec commented on a video that Ireland posted of Kim Basinger and Ireland’s partner, André, playing with baby Holland, apparently in the backyard of Kim’s home. The doting abuelo’s comment was “I know that pool deck!” – dude, say something, ANYTHING, about your daughter’s child.
He probably screamed at poor Kim on that pool deck.
An irate comment on Alec's IG: \"I cannot believe he is wearing street shoes on those floors!\" Now deleted.
  • People magazine published a puff piece entitled “Alec Baldwin Is 'Understandably Worried' as His Rust Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Looms” (Exclusive Source). Here’s the entirely of what the exclusive source Yoel had to say:
    • "Alec is stressed. He is understandably worried."
    • "He has an excellent legal team. I don't think anyone is thinking jail time but given the decision for Ms. Gutierrez-Reed it’s hard to know."
    • "You have to understand that at the end of the day Alec is a professional actor, so when he's on set, you wind him up, you say action, he pulls out the gun and does whatever he's supposed to do on his job. Then suddenly he's facing criminal charges. It's like, how did that even happen?"
  • In real news, the manslaughter charging document was released – interesting read!
  • Surprisingly, Alec did not post a tribute to his wife to honor her “mi cultura upbringing” on the first Sunday in May - when it's celebrated in Spain.
  • On May 6th, Alec’s lawyers vultures-for-hire filed additional motions to have the case dismissed while Said the Pap for hire posted a pic of himself with Crackhead Barney (who was wearing not much besides some Daisy Dukes a la Hillary Lynn) and Alec was spotted in the wild (with a nanny in tow, because only the peasants walk around without staff).
Imagine having to listen to this guy bloviate in addition to raising his kids.
A pepino prayer: Lord, keep the nannies safe and sane. Amen.
  • Over on his scintillating IG account, Alec posted the news that he will be co-directing a production of Macbeth with Geoffrey Horne for Shakespeare Downtown this summer. Good thing this will be in June, because there might be a bit of a scheduling conflict for Alec in July.
  • Alec posted two pictures of Edu: one totally scrunched in a too-small stroller and one making the patented Baldwin duck lips. Against all logic, the pic of the kid perched on a tiny stroller became the picture Alec chose as his new profile pic.
  • On Mother’s Day, Alec dug deep, looked back on his grid, landed on this picture he first posted in December 2023 and said, “this is the one!” It features Alec, his wife, one of their 7 kids, two very hungry caterpillars, and stars the ubiquitous Madman Espresso single use coffee cup. ¡Feliz día de la madre, Híláríá!
Low effort personified.
Obsessed with the one and only comment this video garnered: “what’s the stethoscope for?”
Oh Daniel, where to begin?
\"To be honest\" is not a phrase typically associated with Grifty McGrifter.
  • The day a judge heard the motion to throw out Alec’s indictment was also Romeo's birthday so Hillary posted a story (#2 of 5 posts) of her, Alec, and the birthday boy as well as a grid video collage set to John Lennon’s “Beautiful Boy” (#3 of 5 posts) – a solid choice, nothing bad to say here. Alec, on the other hand, did not make a happy birthday post but found time to repost a “Crush the Can” fundraising campaign video from the Baldwin Fund. These videos are not good, if only they had connections to folks the filmmaking industry…
Bye, Wig!
  • A public service announcement for the Reddit Cares brigade: not posting about a kid’s birthday on IG or not liking a family member’s IG post is not usually an issue. I am well aware that countless people live offline and exchange private messages; however, we are gathered here today and most days to talk about Alec and “Hilaria” Baldwin. They use social media, and IG in particular to cultivate a brand/façade/public persona. Given that, liking/not liking or posting/not posting is of note. This concludes our announcement.
  • Listen, at this point in the game, I am HERE for Said the Pap. I am just going to lean into the theory that he’s an agent of chaos and a savvy social critic because this picture is a true gift to this sub. Live long and prosper, amigo.
Tiny. Baby. Sewer. Slippers. And is she holding a phone?? Call for help, sweet pea.
  • On the day of Holland's first birthday, StepAbuela Hilly posted a “candid” shot of her and her three oldest boys, skipping through NYC in a light rain (post #4 of 5). When I tell you I cranked up the Gypsy Kings, poured a sangria, and flamenco flurried my way over to the comments – and was delighted:
    • u/FamousOhioAppleHorn: When I see a woman dressed like that in FL, I know she's gonna buy 5 Hour Energy, cigs and scratch off tickets while telling everyone her entire life story.
    • u/NightOwlsUnite: fucking slippers. She's a walking germ factory. If and when the next pandemic hits, thank her.
    • u/smallpepino: Typhoid Larry.
    • u/Sun_will_rise_again: Those slippers are going to walk themselves to the trash…. They’re DONE, they’ve been through enough 🚮 Also this looks like something Britney Spears would write…. Just a jumble of random shit.
    • u/ ca17miledrive: There she is again. The Dope of Greenwich Village.
    • u/MallorcanMalarkey: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the insane.
So many pockets, so little sense.
  • Since Hilly is being so shy about showing her face. It’s a good thing the trusty folks at the Daily Mail have no such qualms. Alec and Guest Baldwin attended the 25th anniversary of a pretentious restaurant that gleefully reposted a picture of the duo calling them “amazing stars.” Restaurant Sirs, you have been bamboozled.
Maybe she should have kept the sweatshirt from the other day on her head?
MichWho was also there- if only Hillary's mallet could tap some life into the frozen tundra of Mich's mask/face.
  • Also, is this iteration of Hillary’s face giving Danielle Staub and/or Countess LuAnn vibes, or no?
Does one just ask for the squinty and taut special?
\"PeePaw\" just about took me out.
  • The next day a New Mexico judicial district judge denied the motion to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter case. This means that Alec must stand trial in July; sometimes the judicial system works in the interest of fairness. If nothing else, it is gratifying to know that he is spending through the nose to mount this legal defense.
  • With her usual ham-fisted timing, Hilz got to work and posted a grid video of Alec showing his phone to Ilaria Sin Hache (props to u/Longjumping-Stage647 for the moniker). It’s cute – who doesn’t love a baby in a onesie trying to talk and toddling around? Hilz for damn sure knows the value of her “vending machine of joy” and captioned her video: “I want dada, I want dada”….shes talking more and more. This is her first sentence 🤍. They love watching puppies together. The sweet things we are grateful for…that laughter. It calms the heart ⛅️”
23,791 of Hillary’s 989K followers liked this video.
  • Hilz responded to some comments and then a few zingers found their mark:
    • Commenter 1: Daddy’s little girl 💕💜💕💜
    • Hillary: “def…I was a little jealous…all our other 6 said mama first, but this one said dada 😂. All kidding aside…it’s such a beautiful relationship. Gives him life and strength ❤️”
    • Commenter 2: Such a sweet little one. I miss your updates. Come back ❤️
    • Hillary: I will…I promise 💚
    • Commenter 3: This is a cute sitcom. Far from reality as many things on social media. But cute and happy, and that is what we want to see. Not the maids, fights, and tantrums
    • Commenter 4: Awe so cute! Grandparents are the best!!!
  • May 26th was the two-year anniversary of Carol Baldwin’s passing and Alec posted a picture of the two of them captioned (verbatim): “two years ago today Your work continuesWe all miss you”
Alec was more effusive in his RIP post about Sam Rubin, an LA entertainment reporter who passed, than about Carol.
  • I offer you Billy Baldwin’s caption for the picture of himself and his mother the same day:
    • My Mom: Honey... HOOOOONNEEEEYY!!!
    • Me: Yeah Mom!!!
    • My Mom: Do me a favor??
    • Me: Sure Mom.
    • My Mom: Go grab me the... the... the whatchamacallit?
    • Me: The what?
    • My Mom: You know... the thingamajig that has that little doohickey on the side. It's in the kitchen junk drawer next to the whooziwhats!!!
    • This never meant the same thing twice but every time she said it... I knew exactly what she wanted. Gone two years today. Smart, funny, tough, wacky, wild... and a heart of gold. Miss you dearest Mama!!! ♥️
  • Maybe Alec couldn’t focus on a more heartfelt tribute to his mother because was distracted by his wife’s unusual move of taking an Uber – quite normal for many but for Hillary My Ancestors Arrived on the Mayflower Hayward- Thomas, it’s usually a private car double parked for maximum chaos or sewer slippers slapping against the grime of NYC sidewalks, so this middle ground must have been confusing for PeePaw.
Your body is nice, Hillary. You don't need the alien appendages on the right or the multiple bras at once on the left.
  • Alec’s defense team added 9 new witnesses on the last day they were permitted to do so (5/6/24) and did not provide witness statements. Prosecutors argued that this was done in bad faith and that “the State has now been prejudiced by the defendant's strategy to gain a tactical advantage as the State is unable to file pretrial motions as it relates to the new witnesses, is unable to properly investigate the statements of the witnesses and list its own new witnesses to refute the testimony of the belatedly disclosed witnesses.” So on 5/31, the prosecutors moved to exclude the witnesses from the trial. Stay tuned…
  • As this legal mess was going down, Alec and Hillary made their signature move: a staged pap walk in NYC wearing ill-fitting clothes, clutching phones and Madman Espresso products. How the mightily mediocre have fallen…
The unfiltered images must be...something else.
submitted by Ready-Bat-8824 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:48 jd896 27 [M4F] #NYC - Posting Every Friday Until You Shoot Your Shot

Hi everyone, my name's Justin! I just want to say that I appreciate all the kind messages I’ve gotten so far, but I’m still looking for someone to take on fun dates! I have so many restaurants and experiences bookmarked, so there'll be no shortage of plans to make together. Why else would I make the ideal boyfriend, you ask?
I'm really eager to go on fun dates with someone special. So if you're down to take it out of DM's quickly, let's make memories together! Otherwise, feel free to let me know how cheesy I am or if you got a cool recommendation for me to check out with one lucky woman
submitted by jd896 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:15 Environmental-Chef19 Been in love with her for 8 years, but I'm just her secret

I've recently gotten my heart broken by this girl, the one I call the love of my life. I've always been a passive redditor but I can't handle my feelings and decided to give it a chance a write this off and see what people think, it migth help?
For the last 8 years I've been in love with one of my sister's best friends.
For context: I've known this girl for about 20 years, let's call her Sophia. My little sister always teased me that Sophia had a crush on me, beck then I was 12 years old and I was not interested in a 8 year old girl. We grow up in Latin America in a country were is not taboo to date someone underage as long as the age gap is not crazy. Furthermore our relationship never became physical until we were both of age.
Fast forward 8 years later and I'm picking up my sister from school and I see her all grown up. She had drown into a beautiful young woman. I was dating my first girlfriend at the moment so I never considered anything to happen.
One day Sophia comes to my hose to "study" with my sister. The reality was that she used the excuse to meet up with her ex that wanted to ask for another opportunity. I drove her to the place were they meet and after their argument. She didn't want to be with him anymore and he was just pleading and saying he had changed etc. After this, she and I spent the rest of the day together. I had some errands to run and she accompanied me. That was the very first time we really talked. We talked about life, relationships, guys, girls,etc. We found we were really similar in a lot of things and personality wise. At the end of the day we were waiting for her parents to pick her up. She put her head in my shoulder and my heart started pumping. Nothing happened, maybe she wanted me to kiss her, but I was still with my ex and was just too new to dating to not freeze.
A couple of weeks later me and my ex had splitted due to me finding out she had being cheating in my for months. That's a story for another day.
My family got the opportunity to move to the US and we decided to go. During our last month in our home country we had many goodbye parties. In one of those a large group of friends visited to watch a movie. I was seating in the floor with my head tilted agains the sofa and Sophia was behind me. She started striking my hair without anyone noticing it. That nigth I walked her down of our apartment and we finally kissed. That was the real beginning of my forever crush on her.
Back then I had only had one girlfriend, knew nothing of dating and I was now in a new overly sexualized country. I had the time to explore new relationships and learn. Sophia and I never discussed our feelings bcs there was no realistic way for us to date long distance. We never stopped talking though, we never stopped being flirty with each other. I sent her flowers on her birthday and chocolates on valentines. Our lives continued and each dated separedly for a couple years.
My sister and I went back to our home country to visit family and for her friends high school graduation (for us high school graduation is a bigger deal than in the US, prom is a party that goes up to the next day). I helped Sophia with her graduation dress, I helped her choose one and when she bought it, I sent it to her to our home country. When I visited her I wasn't expecting getting into a relationship with her, she was still just a crush and the prospect of a long distance relationship didn't work for us.
I finally saw her at her prom reception, she looked like a Greek goddess with the white dress I had sent her. We took a photo that almost look like a wedding picture, that picture now just hurts my heart. Everything was great, I was expecting to dance all night with her. Then it all crumbled when she introduced me to her boyfriend. The had started dating just a couple of weeks prior to this. My heart broke a little. I spent the rest of the nigth in my hotel room, I couldn't see her with someone else. I couldn't blame her though, I never told her I wanted to spent that nigth with her, and other than being flirty, I had never discussed my feelings. The next day at her graduation ceremony her parents (I've known all her family for years, being friends with our family) invited me to go to lunch with them to celebrate Sophia's graduation. I had to politely decline because her boyfriend was there. They didn't know her daughter and I had history.
I ended up spending that visit to my home country with friends and even rekindle an old flame with another girl I've dated previously. Sophia and I talked only once for her to tell me sorry for not telling me she had a boyfriend, that she thought I didn't care anymore. Again we never stopped texting after this.
A year later she and her family visited us in the US. I was just back from an study abroad program in Europe. Sophia and I ended up studying both architecture. I was on my third year and she was just starting back home. Her parents were interested in me taking her to the same study abroad program as it was architecture oriented and outside students could be part of it. I was amazed of how her parents wanted (and offered to pay for part of my expenses) me to basically take a month long vacation with their dauther in Europe.
One day picked her up in her hotel (she lied and told her parents she was spending the morning with another friend). I took her to est some breakfast at IHOP. We talked again about us, she told me that she and that boyfriend had broken up. We basically catched up on each other. When we were at the car, the tension was such that it could be cut with a knives. We kissed again, the flame was still there.
During that trip we went out, went to the beach, to the malls, hanging up, clubs, etc. It was the closest thing to dating we had ever had. One day she asked me to pick her up to her friends place, she was drunk and couldn't get to her parents that way, I took her to McDonald's and bought her chicken nuggets. It was about 2 am. She started crying, she told me she didn't understand why I was so good to her, how I was the only good guy in her life that cared for her really. I stayed with her until she sobered up and left her at her parents, she kissed me goodnight kindly.
On her last 2 days in the states she stayed at our place (it was a normal sleepover since she and my sister have been friends since 6). They had a girls nigth. I just spent some times with them watching a movie. We hold hands under the sheets.
That nigth around 3 am she sneaked into my bedroom and we proceeded to have one of those nights you can only dream about, one of those nights that cements themselves in your brain. I can recall every damn second, her smell, how her skin felt under my fingers. The taste of her lips and the sound of her voice trying not to be too loud.
She and her family left the US after that. We kept texting, this time not only flirty, but actually lovingly. unfortunately little by little she stopped replying, then stopped texting first. A couple of days later she went back to her ex and again broke my heart. I felt betrayed, I felt used. I thought that finally we migth had a chance at something but she decided otherwise.
I was really hurting and out of petty, I overtalcked at a house party my sister had with some friends from our country. Basically a "never have I ever been with my sisters friend". Everyone knew we had history but never confirmed it. One of the girls at the party started the rumor that Sophia and I Have had sex. Weather it was true, or hometown learned of this and it even reached her boyfriend. I only knew of this when she confronted me about it almost a year later. She was furious, I was so angry at myself thinking I had screwed it over for real.
Years passed and I had little by little let go of her. We only talked sporadically, wishing happy birthday and stuff like that.
4 years passed and we finally started talking again. She was living in Spain doing an MBA and she wanted to catch up. We talked for hours like nothing ever happened, she told me how her life had changed, experiences she had. I was amazed how our lives had mirrored, similar life decisions, similar trauma. I honestly think we are soul mates. I confessed that I always wanted to have a relationship with her. She told me that I was the one that got away (or something similar, it doesn't translates to English).
Since I was in a relationship and she was still adamant to having a long distance relationship, we just said godbye for now. To each of us to live our lives happily and if one day our paths crossed, it migth just be destiny.
We didn't talk much until valentines day of this year (2024). She texted me asking if there was a song thst reminded me of her. We exchanged songs and kept talking. Just like always, like we never stopped caring for each other. A couple of weeks later I sent her yellow flowers ( it's a thing back home to send yellow flowers at the end of May to the girl you love). She really like them but I noticed she didn't put it on Instagram or anything, again a secret. She had always kept me a secret from her parents and from her sister. She told me that even though she loved the flowers, she didn't wanted me to be hurt by her not loving me like I loved her.
We kept texting a flirting for weeks and she randomly sent me a message with a ticket to Miami (where I live). If you don't have feeling for me, WHY WOULD YOU SENT ME THAT?. She was coming to visit some friends. We planned a road trip to Orlando and to go to Disney with her friends.
The 2 months we planned stuff, places to go, stuff to do. I made a plan to confess all my bottled feelings for her, wrote her a 4 page love letter that I sealed in an emvelop with my own wax seal (I'm theatrical like that). But in social media I started seeing signs thst she migth be dating someone... Nothing official even now. I had my suspicions but wanted to see where things were going.
I picked her up in the airport, she was as beautiful as ever, we went to a restaurant and ate and talked until 3am. Not a mention of a boyfriend. Back when we arrived at my family's house (I moved back to my parents after covid, I'm moving back out on August) we kept talking in my bedroom for hours, almost until the sun came up. We were al must cheek to cheek, nose touching. I went for the kiss but she stopped me. She told me she couldn't. I told her that I knew she might had someone but I didn't know how serious it was. We ended up cuddling the rest of the nigth.
She left to Orlando on a train and I was supposed to join her in the weekend since I work.
We stayed at a resort with her friend. I stayed at her room in the sofa. No one asked questions. We went to the parks and had a good time. In the middle of disney she got a video call from her parents, she kept me out of their sight and didn't pass me to say hello. Again I was a secret. She told me that she couldn't tell her parents that I was staying with her, that they would thing something else was happening. How could she explain that to her parents?. I was angry. If that was the case how could she explain my presence to her boyfriend back home? Was I a secret for him as well? How can you organize all this and still say you don't have feelings for me? If I'm just a friend and nothing is going on... What's IS going on?
She flew back home a couple of days ago. We haven't talked. I refuse to see her instagram. She published a couple of photos that I FUCKING TOOK of her, for the boyfriend to reply with love and hearts. I'm afraid the boyfriend is also a good guy, with good feelings. It's not his fault what she's doing to me. I'm also afraid that since this actually a good guy, he'll propose and she'll say yes. After all of this I can't imagine her ending up with someone else. I had a panic attack just thinking about that.
I know my mistake this trip was being just a simp for her. I wasn't my self, I let my intrusive thouths to take over me and just be a simp for her. Now I'm tired, heart broken, depressed. Food doesn't taste the same, I don't want to leave my bed. I've had even suicidal thoughts, even though I know deep down I would never actually do it.
Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent.
submitted by Environmental-Chef19 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:33 Theseaiswatching Trans mtf20 is he afraid to fall in in love with me? Str8 m21

I met this guy 4 years ago right before my transition he was my friends boyfriend and he was also selling weed so I would buy from him sometimes,I always felt some attraction for him and I would catch him staring at me but because we stopped hanging out with that friend and I stopped buying from him ,
4 days ago he added me on Snapchat and started talking at first he didn’t know i was the same person and i had to tell him that I knew him and that im trans and he just completely ignored the fact that i was trans and most guys don’t believe me bc I don’t look trans, i told him that night if he wanted to come by my house to smoke and watch a movie , he came we started watching a movie we smoked he was very flirty but I could feel he was kinda nervous, he hugged me and we started kissing,im single and live alone so i meet like 2-3 guys a week and i know how guys kiss when they are in love with me and when they are just horny with him it felt so different I could tell he was really into me by the way he was touching,breathing,kiss he was holding me so tight on his body I could hear and feel his heart pounding and after a long of time kissing or just hugging very tight with our faces touching I told him i was sleepy and if he wanted to go to the room put me for sleep and leave and he just told me no and i said what do u mean? And he said again no I don’t want to and he kissed me 5 minutes later I told him the same thing and he said again no and I asked him again what do u mean no and he just said ok let’s go to your room and we went and started making out then i told him im very sleppy he took my hand he layed on the bed hugged me and we slept together the next morning i woke him up because my grandma was coming to my house he cuddled and kissed and he left now I don’t want to meet with any other guy he is stuck in my head and i know that what i felt he felt it too but it’s been 2 days now I told him to come again yesterday but he said he was really tired i said ok and i told to another guy to come that i used to have a crush on him to hopefully forget him but it didn’t help today I told him again if he wanted to come tonight and said he’ll see if he can with his work and tell me later but then he left me on delivered for a couple of hours and now i just don’t know what went wrong i feel that maybe he is too afraid to meet again bc Ik we’re gonna catch alot of feelings and I’m the first trans girl he ever did something with but the chemistry is just amazing idk i felt that we were one when we was together so because im also very afraid of rejection I removed him from Snapchat and unfollowed me on insta , I thought if he really did felt something too he will make an attempt to see what went wrong and why I removed him but if he doesn’t care that much he will just never talk to me again
Am i wrong for removing him? How do you explain his behaviour? Please help i feel like shit and I can’t get him off my mind
submitted by Theseaiswatching to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:55 wolfyfancylads If you could reboot one of these dead horror games of the past, which would you prefer?

Little info on all of them, but feel free to look into them before voting. Italic is a quick spoiler free plot summary. Positives and Negatives are listed to show you what you could enjoy, but what also needs fixing (which can vary from small problems to complete overhauls).
Deep Fear: A Sega Saturn game. A routine visit to an underwater base, The Big Table, turns into a fight for survival as a virus begins turning everyone and everything into horrific monsters. You have one goal: make it to the surface alive. One of the first games to let you move while aiming, backstep, upgrade your ammo count, and has a unique air feature as some rooms are flooded, filled with toxic air, or are simply lacking oxygen. Downsides include god ugly cutscenes, horrific voice over (including a SUPER fay gay voice for no reason), enemy damage ranging from 4% of your health to 30% of it with each hit (and they can hit one by one if in groups), and generally it being on the Saturn (aka, an unpopular choice).
Blue Stinger: Dreamcast cult classic. An island goes silent at Christmas and you discover a horrific virus has spread, turning everyone into dino-human monsters. While survival is your priority, a mysterious blue being seeks your help, your goals aligning more than you think. Positives are in-game currency and multitude of weapons and items, and some unique heat and swimming functions. Negatives are terrible audio mixing, basic 3D graphics, bad cutscene angles, inappropriate music choices, bad voice acting, it's... A lot.
Carrier: Dreamcast game that's basically forgotten. After your brother's ship sends out an SOS, you soon discover a spore-like creature has taken over the ship and the crew. But your objective hasn't changed: save any survivors, get out alive, and blow the monsters to high hell. Positives include fixed camera angles that commonly follow the player to reduce disorientation, two scenarios from two different protagonist views (see how your female companion survived!), zapping (item persistence in scenario 2) and a positive feeling of ACTUALLY saving NPCs (most horror games have everyone die around you). Negatives include iffy dubbing, cutscenes only a little better than Blue Stinger, a flat ending which feels like an edgy 14 year old's facebook post, zapping (use too much in scenario 1, have less in scenario 2), and limited gun use (some walkthroughs suggest using melee against certain bosses).
The Ring: Nightmare Realm: A Dreamcast game prone to mockery. Your boyfriend dies after using a mysterious program called "RING.exe". After using the program yourself, you enter of realm of darkness. Die in the game, die for real... But what's real or not soon becomes blurred. The positive (singular) is the plot, which has an amazing twist. The downsides are bad sound effects, flashlight running out during cutscenes, never ending enemies with limited ammo, confusing locations, bad voicing, bad writing, and the fact you can run around as an officer worker with an RPG.
Clock Tower: A classic from the SNES era that died on PS2. The first three games were point and clicks, with the third being a controllable horror, however we'll be ignoring 2 and 3 for this (as 2 was a trash fire and 3 is pretty generic and got super weird). Four orphans are adopted and think their future looks bright. But when the lights go out, they soon realize they're merely the prey of a godless ten year old with blood soaked shears... The first two games had intense atmosphere, vital choices, a good plot, good writing, and generally set the mood for future horrors. Downsides included how slow paced it could be and how confusing it was (which some might argue is on point for the feel of panic).
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2024.05.31 23:21 Moechie-1312 Will he come back to me even after blocking me everywhere and doesnt give a shiet about me anymore?

So me(19F) and my ex(21M) broke up 3 days ago because he’s going to Korea to study for 2y and plan on living there forever and I am staying in the US. I watched all those tiktoks and read all those reddits hearing people say that the guy will always come back. However I believe mine wont and we will never contact again because we are in 2 different paths from now on but I just want to hear your advices so that I can give up my last hope. This is a pretty long one. Please forgive me.
So I am an international student and I got a scholarship to go to the US for uni and I plan on residing here in the future. Everything is hard for me I only made one best friend who is from the same country as me and that’s it. I cannot make any white friends because it’s hard. Let alone finding a guy to date. My type is white tall athletes guys and all of them in my school only want white soro girls so I dont have hope finding a boyfriend in my school. That’s why I tried downloading dating apps. I am a virgin and I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never lost my first kiss. And s*x and first kiss are precious to me.
We matched on Tinder 6 months ago and he was very active and tried to get to know me. He’s pretty special to me because he was looking for a serious relationship and asked for my insta instead of my snapchat. When everyone there is just trynna hook up he really want a relationship and when I said I will not have s*x until I graduate will you wait for me and he respects me. We went on few dates and things went really well because he’s exactly my type, tall, dirty blonde and blue eyes. He even made the effort to drive to see me every single time because he’s 1h15 away and I dont have a car. And he paid for things too. His type is Asian too because I noticed that he followed many attractive Asian famous girls and many friends from Korea. I noticed one in there name A that he liked every single posts of her. But we were nothing at that point so I didnt say anything. He was just back from a trip to Asia and he likes Korea the most. He said that country is beautiful, safe and cheaper than Us and he did tell me he want to move there to live in the future. But at that point I was just planning on dating for fun so I dont care and keep going.
Funny enough we keep talking even though we dont have anything in common. After getting to know basically every basic things about each other, our conversation is plain and is just ‘wyd’ ‘im tired’ ‘im working’ etc. It’s shallow and not very deep. I noticed that but Im lonely so having a guy like that everyday is actually amazing to me. I dont have the intention of marrying him or anything and he doesnt too. But after several dates I slowly get attached. He hugged me, carried me up like a princess. Everything I have dreamt of before. And finally that day I lost my first kiss to him and he asked me to be his gf and I said yes. It was amazing.
So after we are officially dating. I got jealous of his followings and easily annoyed because he’s a super nonchalant guy.
I made a mess about him following those revealing models and he said he didnt remember because it’s a long time ago and delete all of them. However, when it comes to that girl A and some other I mentioned he said I will delete those I dont know but she’s just my friend and I wont delete her. ‘We dont even talk.’ Just a friend he knows from his Korea trip. Then I let it ago, but then after a while I noticed him liking her posts again and again and each time I fought with him and finally he told me he wont like her post anymore and he stopped.
But then I noticed him following a new girl B and she’s from Korea and I asked him and he said she’s his Korean teacher. I feel something sus but I cant do anything. He’s trying his best to learn Korean just to be able to live there and dont even care about my country. He doesnt even try to say my name correctly or learn anything about my country.
He’s really busy and he trynna work hard to earn money and his sleep schedule is really messed up. Im always annoyed because he takes hours to reply to me. And many small fights like how he only reply to my ‘i miss you’ but never say it first, and never call me, only texting. After a month of dating we got into a big fight. Imma sum it up. I asked him to come see me on Friday but then his grandpa got into a health problem so he had to drive his mom to the hospital and he said he will pick me up on Sat. I was all prepared and woke up early and then he overslept. Then he said he’ll come at 3.30 in the afternoon. I was waiting again. Until he texted me at 4. saying that his car tag exprired so he couldnt come see me. I was so sad but cant help it because it’s all valid reasons. I waited untill next week again, and I asked him to meet again. And then he overslept again, leaving me hanging and waiting like an idiot. I was so upset this time I texted him paragraphs saying not good things like why are you so irresponsible why dont you care about my feelings etc. if you dont text me back before 10a let’s just break up. Next morning he woke up and told me ‘you know what, we not gonna work’ then he unadded me on snapchat and unfollow me on instagram and unfollow me on tiktok too. But i still can text him on insta and imess and discord. I was so shocked and begged him to come back everywhere. I was crying like a baby dont wanna lose him. It was a traumatizing day for me. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that.. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance.
We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. Then I asked to meet again and he said he cant because his schedule changed again and I got upset again and he unadded me again, block me on insta and tiktok and discord, but I still can text him on Imess. Then I apologized again and we got back again and he said ‘I do mean the last one’.
Then Im constantly careful not to hurt him or fight and we got on dates and we got more physically close to each other. However I dont feel any deep connection we’re just very shallow. Idk how to explain it. I think we’re just there to not be lonely. At least for me. I feel like he doesnt give a shit if i leave or not anymore.
Things go well for another month then I realize summer is comming and I’ll have to leave him for 3 months. I was not happy bc he’s not upset ab the fact that im going away at all. Then I noticed he slowly get colder towards me. I mean it’s not obvious but he doesnt crave for touching hugging me as much as before. I have to ask for kiss and hugs. And he only texted me on snap and never on instagram where I noticed he’s online everyday. His snap scores also went up 10 every morning and Idk if im a creep but like 1 or 2 even when he’s not snapping me so he’s snapping others. I know he has like 1 or 2 guy friends but I took a look at his phone sometimes (which he’s always trynna hide whenever he’s w me) and noticed some girls as well. But maybe just for streaks. And ofc he’s still texting that B girl for Korean lesson. And A girl is now in Japan for a trip. A and B post stories EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s their cute photos and I know my bf is online on instagram everyday and watch those stories so I am very unhappy.
Then the day come when I have to go away for summer. He asked me when Im back and I said September. Then he said he’ll go to Japan in August for 1 month and I said okay. So we are in LDR now and I asked him to call me bc I need more contact to feel loved and valued. He said he will, but he never call me. He said it’s just he just never call anyone. I was upset many times but I also let it go. Also he never said he loved me. Only like.
Then I saw him like a thirst trap reel of a revealing famous korean girls 2 weeks ago. I was so fcking offended but he’s sick so im not making any fuss. After 4 days I decided to bring that up and texted him paragraphs on insta, imess and snap about how offended and sad I am and asked him why he do that when we are dating. Just for him to seen on insta and imess and reply on snap ‘I dont know’. Eventually, i let it go again because I dont wanna lose him if I take things further.
Then we went on for a couple more days before he texted me ‘I have something to tell you. I’ll go to Japan and to Korea and study there for 2 y w the intention of living there. I’ll be back sometimes to the US but obv that’s not enough for you’ then it’s some more lots of texts of me trying to keep it until he finally say ‘it’s best we break up, it wont work’.
Then he blocks me on everything, Insta, tiktok, snap, discord, mess. I dont dare to check if he blocks my number or not. And he’s gone, cold-heartedly, so easily as if I am nothing. I asked my friends to stalk him for a bit and notice that right after he blocks me. He likes B’s posts, his Korean teacher. And he like A’s posts, the girl he promised he wont ever again, who’re in Japan rn. So he moved on, and ready for his next life, no look back, no regret. While I am here. I think he’s the best I can find on dating apps, because everyone there just trynna hu. And I wont be able to find bfs in school. So i’ll be alone for a long time. Idk what to do, im so pessimistic. And i still want him to crawl back for an ego boost, that at least he still miss me. But apparently not, he’s already moved on, and already didnt give a shit ab me for a long time. So what tiktok says is wrong right. He’ll never come back..
submitted by Moechie-1312 to nocontact [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:07 Ecstatic-Return-8019 I don't know whether to keep or abort the baby anymore

I (25F) found out I was pregnant on Mother's Day. Told my boyfriend (28M) and his reaction was not what I'd expected (considering I asked him just the previous week if I was pregnant would he want me to get an abortion and he said NO, he wants to keep it). He did not hug me, kiss me, even hold my hand it took about 5 minutes for him to say we need to have an abortion.
I've been the one going back and forth with him on it but he stayed solid, being negative saying we made a mistake, we lusted after each other that night, he's mad we were irresponsible, a baby would be another bill neither of us can afford on and on. Just a complete 180 from what he's been saying about having a baby from the moment we got together. (He dated baby mother's and surrounded himself with women with children before we got together).
So even after waking up the morning after we found out, I kept asking him are you sure? He's like this is what we have to do. I booked the consultation appointment while he was in gamestop selling a game system for gas money. That's how bad he's doing financially for reference.
Anyway, the past month I've been pregnant he's been totally absence claiming he's 'working', but doesn't have his $100 half of the ultrasound appointment that's monday. He gets paid weekly. I get paid every 2 weeks and work part time and still saved it up.
We've seen each other 3 times this month compared to me being at his house with his family exclusively for almost 8 months straight while I was taking a break from work. Suddenly doesn't want me over for long, doesn't want to spend time together, doesn't want me involved in any of his family activities like his cousin's grad or meeting his other cousin who came into town.
I argued with him and he spun it into something completely different ignoring the pregnancy in the equation altogether. Both times I brought up his lack of involvement and attentiveness to me.
I kept getting emails from planned paranthood that they had ultrasound appointments opening up and a week before I asked my boyfriend if we could do the earlier appointment date offered. He said no because he can't get off work in time enough (works at a restaurant as a cook). I said, isn't this an emergency situation where you should just call off? (And he works in the afternoon, the appointment would obviously be morning). He's like no, keep the appointment as is (Monday). I was frustrated and angry passing up all these appointment offers as my symptoms continued getting worse.
Then yesterday, I asked him did he get off for the original appointment date. He said yeah. Asked him to send me the $100, casually says he doesn't have it. As him what's going to happen if they offer to schedule the abortion for the next day? He says and I QUOTE:
"LET'S PRAY IT'S A LITTLE LATER." I called him over and over again until he texted back 'we're busy'. He was at work. I'd had it. I called his Mom and broke down to her. No one knew so far because we'd planned the abortion - why break everyone's hearts? But at this point, he was clearly sabotaging the appointments and I was scared he'd make an excuse, wake up late, all types of shit at this point.
So after ignoring me the entire rest of the night, I'm in his text messages saying I'm done and I want to break up. This really was the last straw for me. He could've gotten my forgiveness for everything in our relationship if he'd hugged me that night kissed me, said I love you and told me, "I'm happy. We're going to get through this. I love you and let's get married." But of COURSE not.
Even if he'd supported me at ALL this past month, I wouldn't have come to this conclusion. So when he finally calls me today, guess what he says ladies and gentlemen? JUST FUCKING GUESS.
"I want to keep the baby." Then tries to gaslight me that he had never made up his mind, told me he needed time, on and on and on. Ya'll I told him if it's twins I can't do an abortion and he had fear in his eyes like, 'bitch you're getting the abortion'. He was like, "Stop playing." Now he wants to keep the baby!!!! I think it's mainly because he feels bad now that everyone knows the abortion was his idea. It's like, too bad! You should've listened to me and thought about it before responding!
I feel like he's emotionally fucking with me at this point thinking he can keep going back and forth on a decision like this like it's nothing. Now I'm so torn. I was happy I was pregnant and didn't try to stop from getting pregnant because I was 100% sure he would be an amazing father and take care of me. Now that he's suddenly let me down at my most vulnerable time, I cannot imagine being tied to him for the rest of my life. I'm not into the single mom life, not into co-parenting, I want to get married and have a solid family and have my child be loved eternally by their dad specifically because of how I grew up. I want him fully involved, even moreso than me.
So now I'm just sitting here second guessing everything. I truly don't know what to do. I feel so sick and I want to feel better and I want him out of my life. But now all those dreams he smashed a month ago are coming back. Someone please weigh this out for me. I never intended to be a mom. My switch flipped as soon as I saw the test.
TL;DR: I'm pregnant and my boyfriend emotionally and physically abandoned me and keeps flip-flopping and playing with my emotions on whether or not he wants to be a father.
submitted by Ecstatic-Return-8019 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:53 JJ_vxu AITA for dating the little Brother of my ex more than two years after the break-up?

Hi. To be honest, I don't know much about Reddit, It's my first time using it. I really need some help and since I've been watching these Reddit Stories on TikTok, I thought maybe this Community could help me too. Also, please excuse my English, it's not my first language.
I'm a 17 Year old male. Growing up, I was never really interested in Love. All I cared about was Volleyball. I started playing when I was 6, and I've been playing ever since. When I was 13, one of my teammates Introduced us to his older Sister. She was very pretty, and I had a crush on her. I had no experience with stuff like that, so I was very awkward around her, but somehow she ended up liking me. We started to spend more time together, and she was honestly such a nice person, and I enjoyed spending time with her. We actually started dating after two months, but we never did anything besides holding hands and hugging. She introduced me to her family after a few weeks, and that's when I got to know the youngest Brother of the Family. Tbh, at first I thought he was a girl. I never knew Boys could be so pretty. We quickly became friends and were able to connect over shared interests.
I "Dated" that girl for around half a year. She was the one to break up. I was sad, but not because of the break-up. More because that meant I couldn't spend as much time with her brother anymore. And I was right. We completely lost touch. We didn't live in the same town, nor did we go to the same school.
We didn't see each other for two years, then we finally met again. I was 16 at that point, and he turned 15 a few weeks prior.
We live in a country where you go to school till you're around 15, and then you start to work (unless you go for higher education, but only a small percentage can pass the entrance exams) I started to work a year prior in a nursing home and just started my second year. The entire team of that station met at the office to welcome our new trainees and surprise. There he was. It was a weird feeling that I'd never felt before. If he was pretty when we first met, then the guy standing in front of me now was breathtaking. He didn't grow much, and he still had feminine features, but you could tell now that he was a guy. His hair got longer and the way it was put into a bun just made him look gorgeous. He recognized me instantly and we became close once again. I already loved spending time with him when I was younger, but now I had that even weirder feeling in my chest. I loved every second with him. Even our team started to call us love birds. One co-worker even said once, that I'm the most love-stuck Idiot she's ever seen and that I follow him like a lost puppy. At first, I always denied everything since I was scared for our friendship. I know this is the most basic excuse to not confess your feelings to your crush. And then when I finally found the courage to confess, he was faster.
We both finally had two weeks off and we were hanging around at my place. I didn't dare to go to his place since his sister was still my ex. Even though we dated when I was 13-14 and she was 14, I still thought It might be weird to go to their home.
We spend the entire day just chilling on the couch and watching movies. Looking back, we sat way too close together to be "just friends". In the evening, we decided to make homemade Pizza. We got all the ingredients and started to work. Then I had the amazing idea to throw some flour at him. It turned into a little flour fight. We were laughing the entire time until he suddenly kissed me. I know this sounds like straight out of some romance movie, and it definitely felt like that. I can't explain what was going on inside of me at that moment, but it felt right. I've kissed my ex once, but It felt nothing like that kiss.
Well, we started dating that evening. At first we didn't tell anyone, but our co-worker found out anyway. Saying they were excited would be an understatement. We really are blessed with an amazing and supportive team that we are very thankful for.
Now we come to the actual problem: His family. He is Asian, and so are his parents. His father is Korean, and his mother is Japanese. In general, they are nice people. When I dated my ex, they accepted me after a few weeks and treated me as their own. But based on my Boyfriends telling, growing up they weren't the biggest fans of gay people. Being a Bisexual man who dated their daughter before wasn't the best start to meeting them again.
Either way, we couldn't hide forever, so we went to his family home one week ago after dating for a year and a half. And it went surprisingly well. His mother was very open-minded and welcomed me once again into the family. The father was a little grumpy at first, but once we found topics to talk about, he warmed up to me. Everything went well until his sister, alias my Ex, showed up. At first, she didn't recognize me, but once she did, she stared at me surprised and asked what I was doing here. She sat right next to me, squeezing herself between me and my boyfriend. I instantly felt uncomfortable, and based on his face, he felt the same way. Luckily, their mother came to our rescue and told her that I am her brother's boyfriend. Her mood instantly changed from happy to disgusted and jumped up from her seat. She started to scream at their parents about how they could let her brother date her ex-boyfriend. Their faces were kinda hilarious. Turns out they never realized I was her boyfriend because we never behaved like a couple. She then turned to my boyfriend and started to throw insults at him. I stepped in between because I could tell that he was on the edge of tears. I told her to calm down, that our relationship was almost four years ago, that our relationship was never serious, and that she was the one who broke up in the first place. Then I asked her why it bothers her so much that she's making such a scene. I didn't get a response to my question, she just looked at all of us with an angry expression, called me an AH and left. When I turned around, I saw that my boyfriend was quietly crying and muttering stuff like "That's all my fault" I pulled him into a hug and tried to calm him down, which worked after multiple minutes of rubbing his back and whispering calming words to him.
His mother looked at us with sad eyes the entire time. After everything calmed down, she apologized and asked if we could leave. We did and went to my place. The rest of the day we spend watching our favorite movies, eating snacks, and cuddling.
His mom called the next day, telling us that she fully supports us, but that her husband is on the daughter's side. My boyfriend had another panic attack and now thinks he is the reason why the family gets ripped apart.
I'm torn apart. I really don't want to leave him. Call me selfish, but I love him with all I have and want a future with him, maybe even marry him one day, which is luckily legal here. But on the other side, I can't stop thinking that I might be the asshole. Was it wrong of me to not distance myself as soon as I realized I liked him more than just a friend, knowing that he's the brother of my ex?
submitted by JJ_vxu to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:16 SeasonedArtisan TLDR: venting, so skip unless you’re bored

I’m not going to do anything, if I don’t have to. I promised that back in 2015.
I don’t want to give any identifying information as I have many internet coherent people in my life, but I’ll try to make this make sense.
I’m an artist. A good one (artists need to learn it’s ok to compliment their skills lol). I’m an oil painter, went to school for it and everything. I wrote a book for my bestie’s 17th bday (I’m 33 F now, I hear many users clicking off already lol) but you won’t find me online. My self esteem was crushed by my first boyfriend.
I was raised in a church (kind of like a cult) and didn’t date anyone until they kicked us out when my dad called them out for financial extortion. Religion, am I right?
So after my “family” of a decade kicked us out, I connected with this boy from school and his family and had nothing like it before.
Things didn’t work out, and this is not about him. We were together for 5 years and I got his younger sister out of it (he’s not a good brother so we’re like sisters now).
So, I’m still working to be diagnosed, but I’m very sure I’m autistic, highly functioning. My brother is soooo smart and talented (30 M) but he does get disability checks because he will never be able to handle a job or certain social situations because of his autism and he’s to live, well and loved - may I add, in our parents’ home forever.
I graduated with a college degree before I graduated high school, and have always been hyper fixated on social interactions and how to best assist my next fellow human… so I think my need for a diagnosis flew under the radar since I seemed to be doing so well.
So back to the cult kicking us out and meeting my longterm boyfriend… I started drinking.
Anyone with anxiety will tell you that alcohol is a crazy thing to include in the mix. On one side, if you’re not prone to an addictive personality, you can take a couple of shots or drink a couple of cocktails and all of a sudden you’re confident and strong and heard, everything that most people struggle with everyday and want to overcome.
If you do have an addictive personality…. Welcome to the beginning of the end of your life. And you don’t even know it. It’s a tale as old as time so, maybe it’s different for you. But for me, the first time I started swigging whiskey (and I’m very much a lady lol), I surely didn’t.
I started drinking at around 17, was amazing at parties. A great hostess, a great guest, had a boyfriend that loved having such an awesome gf. I really thought that it was me that he loved, but I figured that out too.
By the time that I was graduating with my bachelor’s degree at 19, I realized my life was turning into a hellish landscape. I partied with my friends and bf the night before but no one showed up for my walk across the stage. No family, no friends that traveled to come party the night before, definitely no bf. He’s busy! And it’s ok, I wasn’t let down at all. I expected them not to be there.
As an older adult now, I don’t know what’s worse. No one showing up, or knowing they weren’t and forcing myself to be ok with it. Or being able to convince myself it was ok.
I shook the hand of the school president who clearly and vocally expected me to fail, but I put on such a good show (really, I’m a pretty decent artist! lol) that I made his year look great, so he wanted to act like we were friends. It didn’t matter to me. It was one of the first comprehensive tastes of how genuinely selfish the rest of this world is about to be.
I’ve sobered up several times, got therapy lined up, it doesn’t happen, I relapse and ruin everything, and here we go again. I try to work through the 12 steps every successful time (if you’re a recovering addict this is SO IMPORTANT) and the longest I’ve gone is a year and 7 months. Best times of my life. But I keep coming back. I don’t have a “why” that’s about me. I keep talking about my family, friends, parents. And I recognize if I don’t get a strong “why” for myself in place, I’m probably going going to keep failing… which is why I’m starting to think about my next steps.
I don’t have kids. I promised myself I wouldn’t get pregnant and bring someone else in if I hadn’t broken the generational curses yet. Won’t adopt for the same reason. I’m the oldest of 3, I have a younger sister as well who lives with me. She’s so smart and strong and has a bachelor’s degree and committed relationships that make sure she’s taken care of and fine.
But I can’t kill myself because it would harm her, and my brother; it would destroy my parents, and I know that the people who love me will have a hard time digesting this because they don’t recognize this is how I’ve felt for a long time. And no, I won’t talk to them. They’re not certified mental health professionals and trauma dumping on people who know me has never been a positive experience. It would be sudden and harsh to most and may be part of a domino effect of sadness that I don’t want to happen, but would definitely be my legacy.
I’ve thought about moving away and doing it in another country. We’re military brats who are first generation American (I wont say which country we’re from because people will definitely know it’s me) so it’s not an odd idea to move to a different country and not be heavily in touch. My mother would definitely catch on, though. How am I going to explain her never seeing me again if I’m healthy and flourishing?
I would just like any type of insight. I’m not getting anywhere by myself, so…
So Reddit… AITA?
Oh. Wrong thread.
Edit: oh btw, I am getting sober again tomorrow, June 1. Feel free to join me. I’m good at starting. I just don’t know what I’ll do if I fail again.
submitted by SeasonedArtisan to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:22 Moechie-1312 Will he come back to me even after blocking me everywhere and doesnt give a shiet ab me anymore?

So me(19F) and my ex(21M) broke up 3 days ago because he’s going to Korea to study for 2y and plan on living there forever and I am staying in the US. I watched all those tiktoks and read all those reddits hearing people say that the guy will always come back. However I believe mine wont and we will never contact again because we are in 2 different paths from now on but I just want to hear your advices so that I can give up my last hope. This is a pretty long one. Please forgive me.
So I am an international student and I got a scholarship to go to the US for uni and I plan on residing here in the future. Everything is hard for me I only made one best friend who is from the same country as me and that’s it. I cannot make any white friends because it’s hard. Let alone finding a guy to date. My type is white tall athletes guys and all of them in my school only want white soro girls so I dont have hope finding a boyfriend in my school. That’s why I tried downloading dating apps. I am a virgin and I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never lost my first kiss. And s*x and first kiss are precious to me.
We matched on Tinder 6 months ago and he was very active and tried to get to know me. He’s pretty special to me because he was looking for a serious relationship and asked for my insta instead of my snapchat. When everyone there is just trynna hook up he really want a relationship and when I said I will not have s*x until I graduate will you wait for me and he respects me. We went on few dates and things went really well because he’s exactly my type, tall, dirty blonde and blue eyes. He even made the effort to drive to see me every single time because he’s 1h15 away and I dont have a car. And he paid for things too. His type is Asian too because I noticed that he followed many attractive Asian famous girls and many friends from Korea. I noticed one in there name A that he liked every single posts of her. But we were nothing at that point so I didnt say anything. He was just back from a trip to Asia and he likes Korea the most. He said that country is beautiful, safe and cheaper than Us and he did tell me he want to move there to live in the future. But at that point I was just planning on dating for fun so I dont care and keep going.
Funny enough we keep talking even though we dont have anything in common. After getting to know basically every basic things about each other, our conversation is plain and is just ‘wyd’ ‘im tired’ ‘im working’ etc. It’s shallow and not very deep. I noticed that but Im lonely so having a guy like that everyday is actually amazing to me. I dont have the intention of marrying him or anything and he doesnt too. But after several dates I slowly get attached. He hugged me, carried me up like a princess. Everything I have dreamt of before. And finally that day I lost my first kiss to him and he asked me to be his gf and I said yes. It was amazing.
So after we are officially dating. I got jealous of his followings and easily annoyed because he’s a super nonchalant guy.
I made a mess about him following those revealing models and he said he didnt remember because it’s a long time ago and delete all of them. However, when it comes to that girl A and some other I mentioned he said I will delete those I dont know but she’s just my friend and I wont delete her. ‘We dont even talk.’ Just a friend he knows from his Korea trip. Then I let it ago, but then after a while I noticed him liking her posts again and again and each time I fought with him and finally he told me he wont like her post anymore and he stopped.
But then I noticed him following a new girl B and she’s from Korea and I asked him and he said she’s his Korean teacher. I feel something sus but I cant do anything. He’s trying his best to learn Korean just to be able to live there and dont even care about my country. He doesnt even try to say my name correctly or learn anything about my country.
He’s really busy and he trynna work hard to earn money and his sleep schedule is really messed up. Im always annoyed because he takes hours to reply to me. And many small fights like how he only reply to my ‘i miss you’ but never say it first, and never call me, only texting. After a month of dating we got into a big fight. Imma sum it up. I asked him to come see me on Friday but then his grandpa got into a health problem so he had to drive his mom to the hospital and he said he will pick me up on Sat. I was all prepared and woke up early and then he overslept. Then he said he’ll come at 3.30 in the afternoon. I was waiting again. Until he texted me at 4. saying that his car tag exprired so he couldnt come see me. I was so sad but cant help it because it’s all valid reasons. I waited untill next week again, and I asked him to meet again. And then he overslept again, leaving me hanging and waiting like an idiot. I was so upset this time I texted him paragraphs saying not good things like why are you so irresponsible why dont you care about my feelings etc. if you dont text me back before 10a let’s just break up. Next morning he woke up and told me ‘you know what, we not gonna work’ then he unadded me on snapchat and unfollow me on instagram and unfollow me on tiktok too. But i still can text him on insta and imess and discord. I was so shocked and begged him to come back everywhere. I was crying like a baby dont wanna lose him. It was a traumatizing day for me. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that.. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance.
We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. Then I asked to meet again and he said he cant because his schedule changed again and I got upset again and he unadded me again, block me on insta and tiktok and discord, but I still can text him on Imess. Then I apologized again and we got back again and he said ‘I do mean the last one’.
Then Im constantly careful not to hurt him or fight and we got on dates and we got more physically close to each other. However I dont feel any deep connection we’re just very shallow. Idk how to explain it. I think we’re just there to not be lonely. At least for me. I feel like he doesnt give a shit if i leave or not anymore.
Things go well for another month then I realize summer is comming and I’ll have to leave him for 3 months. I was not happy bc he’s not upset ab the fact that im going away at all. Then I noticed he slowly get colder towards me. I mean it’s not obvious but he doesnt crave for touching hugging me as much as before. I have to ask for kiss and hugs. And he only texted me on snap and never on instagram where I noticed he’s online everyday. His snap scores also went up 10 every morning and Idk if im a creep but like 1 or 2 even when he’s not snapping me so he’s snapping others. I know he has like 1 or 2 guy friends but I took a look at his phone sometimes (which he’s always trynna hide whenever he’s w me) and noticed some girls as well. But maybe just for streaks. And ofc he’s still texting that B girl for Korean lesson. And A girl is now in Japan for a trip. A and B post stories EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s their cute photos and I know my bf is online on instagram everyday and watch those stories so I am very unhappy.
Then the day come when I have to go away for summer. He asked me when Im back and I said September. Then he said he’ll go to Japan in August for 1 month and I said okay. So we are in LDR now and I asked him to call me bc I need more contact to feel loved and valued. He said he will, but he never call me. He said it’s just he just never call anyone. I was upset many times but I also let it go. Also he never said he loved me. Only like.
Then I saw him like a thirst trap reel of a revealing famous korean girls 2 weeks ago. I was so fcking offended but he’s sick so im not making any fuss. After 4 days I decided to bring that up and texted him paragraphs on insta, imess and snap about how offended and sad I am and asked him why he do that when we are dating. Just for him to seen on insta and imess and reply on snap ‘I dont know’. Eventually, i let it go again because I dont wanna lose him if I take things further.
Then we went on for a couple more days before he texted me ‘I have something to tell you. I’ll go to Japan and to Korea and study there for 2 y w the intention of living there. I’ll be back sometimes to the US but obv that’s not enough for you’ then it’s some more lots of texts of me trying to keep it until he finally say ‘it’s best we break up, it wont work’.
Then he blocks me on everything, Insta, tiktok, snap, discord, mess. I dont dare to check if he blocks my number or not. And he’s gone, cold-heartedly, so easily as if I am nothing. I asked my friends to stalk him for a bit and notice that right after he blocks me. He likes B’s posts, his Korean teacher. And he like A’s posts, the girl he promised he wont ever again, who’re in Japan rn. So he moved on, and ready for his next life, no look back, no regret. While I am here. I think he’s the best I can find on dating apps, because everyone there just trynna hu. And I wont be able to find bfs in school. So i’ll be alone for a long time. Idk what to do, im so pessimistic. And i still want him to crawl back for an ego boost, that at least he still miss me. But apparently not, he’s already moved on, and already didnt give a shit ab me for a long time. So what tiktok says is wrong right. He’ll never come back..
submitted by Moechie-1312 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:21 Moechie-1312 Will he come back to me even after blocking me everywhere and doesnt give a shiet about me anymore?

So me(19F) and my ex(21M) broke up 3 days ago because he’s going to Korea to study for 2y and plan on living there forever and I am staying in the US. I watched all those tiktoks and read all those reddits hearing people say that the guy will always come back. However I believe mine wont and we will never contact again because we are in 2 different paths from now on but I just want to hear your advices so that I can give up my last hope. This is a pretty long one. Please forgive me.
So I am an international student and I got a scholarship to go to the US for uni and I plan on residing here in the future. Everything is hard for me I only made one best friend who is from the same country as me and that’s it. I cannot make any white friends because it’s hard. Let alone finding a guy to date. My type is white tall athletes guys and all of them in my school only want white soro girls so I dont have hope finding a boyfriend in my school. That’s why I tried downloading dating apps. I am a virgin and I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never lost my first kiss. And s*x and first kiss are precious to me.
We matched on Tinder 6 months ago and he was very active and tried to get to know me. He’s pretty special to me because he was looking for a serious relationship and asked for my insta instead of my snapchat. When everyone there is just trynna hook up he really want a relationship and when I said I will not have s*x until I graduate will you wait for me and he respects me. We went on few dates and things went really well because he’s exactly my type, tall, dirty blonde and blue eyes. He even made the effort to drive to see me every single time because he’s 1h15 away and I dont have a car. And he paid for things too. His type is Asian too because I noticed that he followed many attractive Asian famous girls and many friends from Korea. I noticed one in there name A that he liked every single posts of her. But we were nothing at that point so I didnt say anything. He was just back from a trip to Asia and he likes Korea the most. He said that country is beautiful, safe and cheaper than Us and he did tell me he want to move there to live in the future. But at that point I was just planning on dating for fun so I dont care and keep going.
Funny enough we keep talking even though we dont have anything in common. After getting to know basically every basic things about each other, our conversation is plain and is just ‘wyd’ ‘im tired’ ‘im working’ etc. It’s shallow and not very deep. I noticed that but Im lonely so having a guy like that everyday is actually amazing to me. I dont have the intention of marrying him or anything and he doesnt too. But after several dates I slowly get attached. He hugged me, carried me up like a princess. Everything I have dreamt of before. And finally that day I lost my first kiss to him and he asked me to be his gf and I said yes. It was amazing.
So after we are officially dating. I got jealous of his followings and easily annoyed because he’s a super nonchalant guy.
I made a mess about him following those revealing models and he said he didnt remember because it’s a long time ago and delete all of them. However, when it comes to that girl A and some other I mentioned he said I will delete those I dont know but she’s just my friend and I wont delete her. ‘We dont even talk.’ Just a friend he knows from his Korea trip. Then I let it ago, but then after a while I noticed him liking her posts again and again and each time I fought with him and finally he told me he wont like her post anymore and he stopped.
But then I noticed him following a new girl B and she’s from Korea and I asked him and he said she’s his Korean teacher. I feel something sus but I cant do anything. He’s trying his best to learn Korean just to be able to live there and dont even care about my country. He doesnt even try to say my name correctly or learn anything about my country.
He’s really busy and he trynna work hard to earn money and his sleep schedule is really messed up. Im always annoyed because he takes hours to reply to me. And many small fights like how he only reply to my ‘i miss you’ but never say it first, and never call me, only texting. After a month of dating we got into a big fight. Imma sum it up. I asked him to come see me on Friday but then his grandpa got into a health problem so he had to drive his mom to the hospital and he said he will pick me up on Sat. I was all prepared and woke up early and then he overslept. Then he said he’ll come at 3.30 in the afternoon. I was waiting again. Until he texted me at 4. saying that his car tag exprired so he couldnt come see me. I was so sad but cant help it because it’s all valid reasons. I waited untill next week again, and I asked him to meet again. And then he overslept again, leaving me hanging and waiting like an idiot. I was so upset this time I texted him paragraphs saying not good things like why are you so irresponsible why dont you care about my feelings etc. if you dont text me back before 10a let’s just break up. Next morning he woke up and told me ‘you know what, we not gonna work’ then he unadded me on snapchat and unfollow me on instagram and unfollow me on tiktok too. But i still can text him on insta and imess and discord. I was so shocked and begged him to come back everywhere. I was crying like a baby dont wanna lose him. It was a traumatizing day for me. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that.. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance.
We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. Then I asked to meet again and he said he cant because his schedule changed again and I got upset again and he unadded me again, block me on insta and tiktok and discord, but I still can text him on Imess. Then I apologized again and we got back again and he said ‘I do mean the last one’.
Then Im constantly careful not to hurt him or fight and we got on dates and we got more physically close to each other. However I dont feel any deep connection we’re just very shallow. Idk how to explain it. I think we’re just there to not be lonely. At least for me. I feel like he doesnt give a shit if i leave or not anymore.
Things go well for another month then I realize summer is comming and I’ll have to leave him for 3 months. I was not happy bc he’s not upset ab the fact that im going away at all. Then I noticed he slowly get colder towards me. I mean it’s not obvious but he doesnt crave for touching hugging me as much as before. I have to ask for kiss and hugs. And he only texted me on snap and never on instagram where I noticed he’s online everyday. His snap scores also went up 10 every morning and Idk if im a creep but like 1 or 2 even when he’s not snapping me so he’s snapping others. I know he has like 1 or 2 guy friends but I took a look at his phone sometimes (which he’s always trynna hide whenever he’s w me) and noticed some girls as well. But maybe just for streaks. And ofc he’s still texting that B girl for Korean lesson. And A girl is now in Japan for a trip. A and B post stories EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s their cute photos and I know my bf is online on instagram everyday and watch those stories so I am very unhappy.
Then the day come when I have to go away for summer. He asked me when Im back and I said September. Then he said he’ll go to Japan in August for 1 month and I said okay. So we are in LDR now and I asked him to call me bc I need more contact to feel loved and valued. He said he will, but he never call me. He said it’s just he just never call anyone. I was upset many times but I also let it go. Also he never said he loved me. Only like.
Then I saw him like a thirst trap reel of a revealing famous korean girls 2 weeks ago. I was so fcking offended but he’s sick so im not making any fuss. After 4 days I decided to bring that up and texted him paragraphs on insta, imess and snap about how offended and sad I am and asked him why he do that when we are dating. Just for him to seen on insta and imess and reply on snap ‘I dont know’. Eventually, i let it go again because I dont wanna lose him if I take things further.
Then we went on for a couple more days before he texted me ‘I have something to tell you. I’ll go to Japan and to Korea and study there for 2 y w the intention of living there. I’ll be back sometimes to the US but obv that’s not enough for you’ then it’s some more lots of texts of me trying to keep it until he finally say ‘it’s best we break up, it wont work’.
Then he blocks me on everything, Insta, tiktok, snap, discord, mess. I dont dare to check if he blocks my number or not. And he’s gone, cold-heartedly, so easily as if I am nothing. I asked my friends to stalk him for a bit and notice that right after he blocks me. He likes B’s posts, his Korean teacher. And he like A’s posts, the girl he promised he wont ever again, who’re in Japan rn. So he moved on, and ready for his next life, no look back, no regret. While I am here. I think he’s the best I can find on dating apps, because everyone there just trynna hu. And I wont be able to find bfs in school. So i’ll be alone for a long time. Idk what to do, im so pessimistic. And i still want him to crawl back for an ego boost, that at least he still miss me. But apparently not, he’s already moved on, and already didnt give a shit ab me for a long time. So what tiktok says is wrong right. He’ll never come back..
submitted by Moechie-1312 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:20 Moechie-1312 Will he come back to me even after blocking me everywhere and doesnt give a shiet ab me anymore?

So me(19F) and my ex(21M) broke up 3 days ago because he’s going to Korea to study for 2y and plan on living there forever and I am staying in the US. I watched all those tiktoks and read all those reddits hearing people say that the guy will always come back. However I believe mine wont and we will never contact again because we are in 2 different paths from now on but I just want to hear your advices so that I can give up my last hope. This is a pretty long one. Please forgive me.
So I am an international student and I got a scholarship to go to the US for uni and I plan on residing here in the future. Everything is hard for me I only made one best friend who is from the same country as me and that’s it. I cannot make any white friends because it’s hard. Let alone finding a guy to date. My type is white tall athletes guys and all of them in my school only want white soro girls so I dont have hope finding a boyfriend in my school. That’s why I tried downloading dating apps. I am a virgin and I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never lost my first kiss. And s*x and first kiss are precious to me.
We matched on Tinder 6 months ago and he was very active and tried to get to know me. He’s pretty special to me because he was looking for a serious relationship and asked for my insta instead of my snapchat. When everyone there is just trynna hook up he really want a relationship and when I said I will not have s*x until I graduate will you wait for me and he respects me. We went on few dates and things went really well because he’s exactly my type, tall, dirty blonde and blue eyes. He even made the effort to drive to see me every single time because he’s 1h15 away and I dont have a car. And he paid for things too. His type is Asian too because I noticed that he followed many attractive Asian famous girls and many friends from Korea. I noticed one in there name A that he liked every single posts of her. But we were nothing at that point so I didnt say anything. He was just back from a trip to Asia and he likes Korea the most. He said that country is beautiful, safe and cheaper than Us and he did tell me he want to move there to live in the future. But at that point I was just planning on dating for fun so I dont care and keep going.
Funny enough we keep talking even though we dont have anything in common. After getting to know basically every basic things about each other, our conversation is plain and is just ‘wyd’ ‘im tired’ ‘im working’ etc. It’s shallow and not very deep. I noticed that but Im lonely so having a guy like that everyday is actually amazing to me. I dont have the intention of marrying him or anything and he doesnt too. But after several dates I slowly get attached. He hugged me, carried me up like a princess. Everything I have dreamt of before. And finally that day I lost my first kiss to him and he asked me to be his gf and I said yes. It was amazing.
So after we are officially dating. I got jealous of his followings and easily annoyed because he’s a super nonchalant guy.
I made a mess about him following those revealing models and he said he didnt remember because it’s a long time ago and delete all of them. However, when it comes to that girl A and some other I mentioned he said I will delete those I dont know but she’s just my friend and I wont delete her. ‘We dont even talk.’ Just a friend he knows from his Korea trip. Then I let it ago, but then after a while I noticed him liking her posts again and again and each time I fought with him and finally he told me he wont like her post anymore and he stopped.
But then I noticed him following a new girl B and she’s from Korea and I asked him and he said she’s his Korean teacher. I feel something sus but I cant do anything. He’s trying his best to learn Korean just to be able to live there and dont even care about my country. He doesnt even try to say my name correctly or learn anything about my country.
He’s really busy and he trynna work hard to earn money and his sleep schedule is really messed up. Im always annoyed because he takes hours to reply to me. And many small fights like how he only reply to my ‘i miss you’ but never say it first, and never call me, only texting. After a month of dating we got into a big fight. Imma sum it up. I asked him to come see me on Friday but then his grandpa got into a health problem so he had to drive his mom to the hospital and he said he will pick me up on Sat. I was all prepared and woke up early and then he overslept. Then he said he’ll come at 3.30 in the afternoon. I was waiting again. Until he texted me at 4. saying that his car tag exprired so he couldnt come see me. I was so sad but cant help it because it’s all valid reasons. I waited untill next week again, and I asked him to meet again. And then he overslept again, leaving me hanging and waiting like an idiot. I was so upset this time I texted him paragraphs saying not good things like why are you so irresponsible why dont you care about my feelings etc. if you dont text me back before 10a let’s just break up. Next morning he woke up and told me ‘you know what, we not gonna work’ then he unadded me on snapchat and unfollow me on instagram and unfollow me on tiktok too. But i still can text him on insta and imess and discord. I was so shocked and begged him to come back everywhere. I was crying like a baby dont wanna lose him. It was a traumatizing day for me. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that.. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance.
We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. Then I asked to meet again and he said he cant because his schedule changed again and I got upset again and he unadded me again, block me on insta and tiktok and discord, but I still can text him on Imess. Then I apologized again and we got back again and he said ‘I do mean the last one’.
Then Im constantly careful not to hurt him or fight and we got on dates and we got more physically close to each other. However I dont feel any deep connection we’re just very shallow. Idk how to explain it. I think we’re just there to not be lonely. At least for me. I feel like he doesnt give a shit if i leave or not anymore.
Things go well for another month then I realize summer is comming and I’ll have to leave him for 3 months. I was not happy bc he’s not upset ab the fact that im going away at all. Then I noticed he slowly get colder towards me. I mean it’s not obvious but he doesnt crave for touching hugging me as much as before. I have to ask for kiss and hugs. And he only texted me on snap and never on instagram where I noticed he’s online everyday. His snap scores also went up 10 every morning and Idk if im a creep but like 1 or 2 even when he’s not snapping me so he’s snapping others. I know he has like 1 or 2 guy friends but I took a look at his phone sometimes (which he’s always trynna hide whenever he’s w me) and noticed some girls as well. But maybe just for streaks. And ofc he’s still texting that B girl for Korean lesson. And A girl is now in Japan for a trip. A and B post stories EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s their cute photos and I know my bf is online on instagram everyday and watch those stories so I am very unhappy.
Then the day come when I have to go away for summer. He asked me when Im back and I said September. Then he said he’ll go to Japan in August for 1 month and I said okay. So we are in LDR now and I asked him to call me bc I need more contact to feel loved and valued. He said he will, but he never call me. He said it’s just he just never call anyone. I was upset many times but I also let it go. Also he never said he loved me. Only like.
Then I saw him like a thirst trap reel of a revealing famous korean girls 2 weeks ago. I was so fcking offended but he’s sick so im not making any fuss. After 4 days I decided to bring that up and texted him paragraphs on insta, imess and snap about how offended and sad I am and asked him why he do that when we are dating. Just for him to seen on insta and imess and reply on snap ‘I dont know’. Eventually, i let it go again because I dont wanna lose him if I take things further.
Then we went on for a couple more days before he texted me ‘I have something to tell you. I’ll go to Japan and to Korea and study there for 2 y w the intention of living there. I’ll be back sometimes to the US but obv that’s not enough for you’ then it’s some more lots of texts of me trying to keep it until he finally say ‘it’s best we break up, it wont work’.
Then he blocks me on everything, Insta, tiktok, snap, discord, mess. I dont dare to check if he blocks my number or not. And he’s gone, cold-heartedly, so easily as if I am nothing. I asked my friends to stalk him for a bit and notice that right after he blocks me. He likes B’s posts, his Korean teacher. And he like A’s posts, the girl he promised he wont ever again, who’re in Japan rn. So he moved on, and ready for his next life, no look back, no regret. While I am here. I think he’s the best I can find on dating apps, because everyone there just trynna hu. And I wont be able to find bfs in school. So i’ll be alone for a long time. Idk what to do, im so pessimistic. And i still want him to crawl back for an ego boost, that at least he still miss me. But apparently not, he’s already moved on, and already didnt give a shit ab me for a long time. So what tiktok says is wrong right. He’ll never come back..
submitted by Moechie-1312 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:19 Moechie-1312 Will he ever come back to me even when he blocked me everywhere and doesnt give a shit about me anymore?

So me(19F) and my ex(21M) broke up 3 days ago because he’s going to Korea to study for 2y and plan on living there forever and I am staying in the US. I watched all those tiktoks and read all those reddits hearing people say that the guy will always come back. However I believe mine wont and we will never contact again because we are in 2 different paths from now on but I just want to hear your advices so that I can give up my last hope. This is a pretty long one. Please forgive me.
So I am an international student and I got a scholarship to go to the US for uni and I plan on residing here in the future. Everything is hard for me I only made one best friend who is from the same country as me and that’s it. I cannot make any white friends because it’s hard. Let alone finding a guy to date. My type is white tall athletes guys and all of them in my school only want white soro girls so I dont have hope finding a boyfriend in my school. That’s why I tried downloading dating apps. I am a virgin and I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never lost my first kiss. And s*x and first kiss are precious to me.
We matched on Tinder 6 months ago and he was very active and tried to get to know me. He’s pretty special to me because he was looking for a serious relationship and asked for my insta instead of my snapchat. When everyone there is just trynna hook up he really want a relationship and when I said I will not have s*x until I graduate will you wait for me and he respects me. We went on few dates and things went really well because he’s exactly my type, tall, dirty blonde and blue eyes. He even made the effort to drive to see me every single time because he’s 1h15 away and I dont have a car. And he paid for things too. His type is Asian too because I noticed that he followed many attractive Asian famous girls and many friends from Korea. I noticed one in there name A that he liked every single posts of her. But we were nothing at that point so I didnt say anything. He was just back from a trip to Asia and he likes Korea the most. He said that country is beautiful, safe and cheaper than Us and he did tell me he want to move there to live in the future. But at that point I was just planning on dating for fun so I dont care and keep going.
Funny enough we keep talking even though we dont have anything in common. After getting to know basically every basic things about each other, our conversation is plain and is just ‘wyd’ ‘im tired’ ‘im working’ etc. It’s shallow and not very deep. I noticed that but Im lonely so having a guy like that everyday is actually amazing to me. I dont have the intention of marrying him or anything and he doesnt too. But after several dates I slowly get attached. He hugged me, carried me up like a princess. Everything I have dreamt of before. And finally that day I lost my first kiss to him and he asked me to be his gf and I said yes. It was amazing.
So after we are officially dating. I got jealous of his followings and easily annoyed because he’s a super nonchalant guy.
I made a mess about him following those revealing models and he said he didnt remember because it’s a long time ago and delete all of them. However, when it comes to that girl A and some other I mentioned he said I will delete those I dont know but she’s just my friend and I wont delete her. ‘We dont even talk.’ Just a friend he knows from his Korea trip. Then I let it ago, but then after a while I noticed him liking her posts again and again and each time I fought with him and finally he told me he wont like her post anymore and he stopped.
But then I noticed him following a new girl B and she’s from Korea and I asked him and he said she’s his Korean teacher. I feel something sus but I cant do anything. He’s trying his best to learn Korean just to be able to live there and dont even care about my country. He doesnt even try to say my name correctly or learn anything about my country.
He’s really busy and he trynna work hard to earn money and his sleep schedule is really messed up. Im always annoyed because he takes hours to reply to me. And many small fights like how he only reply to my ‘i miss you’ but never say it first, and never call me, only texting. After a month of dating we got into a big fight. Imma sum it up. I asked him to come see me on Friday but then his grandpa got into a health problem so he had to drive his mom to the hospital and he said he will pick me up on Sat. I was all prepared and woke up early and then he overslept. Then he said he’ll come at 3.30 in the afternoon. I was waiting again. Until he texted me at 4. saying that his car tag exprired so he couldnt come see me. I was so sad but cant help it because it’s all valid reasons. I waited untill next week again, and I asked him to meet again. And then he overslept again, leaving me hanging and waiting like an idiot. I was so upset this time I texted him paragraphs saying not good things like why are you so irresponsible why dont you care about my feelings etc. if you dont text me back before 10a let’s just break up. Next morning he woke up and told me ‘you know what, we not gonna work’ then he unadded me on snapchat and unfollow me on instagram and unfollow me on tiktok too. But i still can text him on insta and imess and discord. I was so shocked and begged him to come back everywhere. I was crying like a baby dont wanna lose him. It was a traumatizing day for me. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that.. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance.
We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. Then I asked to meet again and he said he cant because his schedule changed again and I got upset again and he unadded me again, block me on insta and tiktok and discord, but I still can text him on Imess. Then I apologized again and we got back again and he said ‘I do mean the last one’.
Then Im constantly careful not to hurt him or fight and we got on dates and we got more physically close to each other. However I dont feel any deep connection we’re just very shallow. Idk how to explain it. I think we’re just there to not be lonely. At least for me. I feel like he doesnt give a shit if i leave or not anymore.
Things go well for another month then I realize summer is comming and I’ll have to leave him for 3 months. I was not happy bc he’s not upset ab the fact that im going away at all. Then I noticed he slowly get colder towards me. I mean it’s not obvious but he doesnt crave for touching hugging me as much as before. I have to ask for kiss and hugs. And he only texted me on snap and never on instagram where I noticed he’s online everyday. His snap scores also went up 10 every morning and Idk if im a creep but like 1 or 2 even when he’s not snapping me so he’s snapping others. I know he has like 1 or 2 guy friends but I took a look at his phone sometimes (which he’s always trynna hide whenever he’s w me) and noticed some girls as well. But maybe just for streaks. And ofc he’s still texting that B girl for Korean lesson. And A girl is now in Japan for a trip. A and B post stories EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s their cute photos and I know my bf is online on instagram everyday and watch those stories so I am very unhappy.
Then the day come when I have to go away for summer. He asked me when Im back and I said September. Then he said he’ll go to Japan in August for 1 month and I said okay. So we are in LDR now and I asked him to call me bc I need more contact to feel loved and valued. He said he will, but he never call me. He said it’s just he just never call anyone. I was upset many times but I also let it go. Also he never said he loved me. Only like.
Then I saw him like a thirst trap reel of a revealing famous korean girls 2 weeks ago. I was so fcking offended but he’s sick so im not making any fuss. After 4 days I decided to bring that up and texted him paragraphs on insta, imess and snap about how offended and sad I am and asked him why he do that when we are dating. Just for him to seen on insta and imess and reply on snap ‘I dont know’. Eventually, i let it go again because I dont wanna lose him if I take things further.
Then we went on for a couple more days before he texted me ‘I have something to tell you. I’ll go to Japan and to Korea and study there for 2 y w the intention of living there. I’ll be back sometimes to the US but obv that’s not enough for you’ then it’s some more lots of texts of me trying to keep it until he finally say ‘it’s best we break up, it wont work’.
Then he blocks me on everything, Insta, tiktok, snap, discord, mess. I dont dare to check if he blocks my number or not. And he’s gone, cold-heartedly, so easily as if I am nothing. I asked my friends to stalk him for a bit and notice that right after he blocks me. He likes B’s posts, his Korean teacher. And he like A’s posts, the girl he promised he wont ever again, who’re in Japan rn. So he moved on, and ready for his next life, no look back, no regret. While I am here. I think he’s the best I can find on dating apps, because everyone there just trynna hu. And I wont be able to find bfs in school. So i’ll be alone for a long time. Idk what to do, im so pessimistic. And i still want him to crawl back for an ego boost, that at least he still miss me. But apparently not, he’s already moved on, and already didnt give a shit ab me for a long time. So what tiktok says is wrong right. He’ll never come back..
submitted by Moechie-1312 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:08 Moechie-1312 Will my exs comeback even when he blocked me on everything, and doesnt give a shit anymore…

So me(19F) and my ex(21M) broke up 3 days ago because he’s going to Korea to study for 2y and plan on living there forever and I am staying in the US. I watched all those tiktoks and read all those reddits hearing people say that the guy will always come back. However I believe mine wont and we will never contact again because we are in 2 different paths from now on but I just want to hear your advices so that I can give up my last hope. This is a pretty long one. Please forgive me.
So I am an international student and I got a scholarship to go to the US for uni and I plan on residing here in the future. Everything is hard for me I only made one best friend who is from the same country as me and that’s it. I cannot make any white friends because it’s hard. Let alone finding a guy to date. My type is white tall athletes guys and all of them in my school only want white soro girls so I dont have hope finding a boyfriend in my school. That’s why I tried downloading dating apps. I am a virgin and I’ve never been in a relationship before and I never lost my first kiss. And s*x and first kiss are precious to me.
We matched on Tinder 6 months ago and he was very active and tried to get to know me. He’s pretty special to me because he was looking for a serious relationship and asked for my insta instead of my snapchat. When everyone there is just trynna hook up he really want a relationship and when I said I will not have s*x until I graduate will you wait for me and he respects me. We went on few dates and things went really well because he’s exactly my type, tall, dirty blonde and blue eyes. He even made the effort to drive to see me every single time because he’s 1h15 away and I dont have a car. And he paid for things too. His type is Asian too because I noticed that he followed many attractive Asian famous girls and many friends from Korea. I noticed one in there name A that he liked every single posts of her. But we were nothing at that point so I didnt say anything. He was just back from a trip to Asia and he likes Korea the most. He said that country is beautiful, safe and cheaper than Us and he did tell me he want to move there to live in the future. But at that point I was just planning on dating for fun so I dont care and keep going.
Funny enough we keep talking even though we dont have anything in common. After getting to know basically every basic things about each other, our conversation is plain and is just ‘wyd’ ‘im tired’ ‘im working’ etc. It’s shallow and not very deep. I noticed that but Im lonely so having a guy like that everyday is actually amazing to me. I dont have the intention of marrying him or anything and he doesnt too. But after several dates I slowly get attached. He hugged me, carried me up like a princess. Everything I have dreamt of before. And finally that day I lost my first kiss to him and he asked me to be his gf and I said yes. It was amazing.
So after we are officially dating. I got jealous of his followings and easily annoyed because he’s a super nonchalant guy.
I made a mess about him following those revealing models and he said he didnt remember because it’s a long time ago and delete all of them. However, when it comes to that girl A and some other I mentioned he said I will delete those I dont know but she’s just my friend and I wont delete her. ‘We dont even talk.’ Just a friend he knows from his Korea trip. Then I let it ago, but then after a while I noticed him liking her posts again and again and each time I fought with him and finally he told me he wont like her post anymore and he stopped.
But then I noticed him following a new girl B and she’s from Korea and I asked him and he said she’s his Korean teacher. I feel something sus but I cant do anything. He’s trying his best to learn Korean just to be able to live there and dont even care about my country. He doesnt even try to say my name correctly or learn anything about my country.
He’s really busy and he trynna work hard to earn money and his sleep schedule is really messed up. Im always annoyed because he takes hours to reply to me. And many small fights like how he only reply to my ‘i miss you’ but never say it first, and never call me, only texting. After a month of dating we got into a big fight. Imma sum it up. I asked him to come see me on Friday but then his grandpa got into a health problem so he had to drive his mom to the hospital and he said he will pick me up on Sat. I was all prepared and woke up early and then he overslept. Then he said he’ll come at 3.30 in the afternoon. I was waiting again. Until he texted me at 4. saying that his car tag exprired so he couldnt come see me. I was so sad but cant help it because it’s all valid reasons. I waited untill next week again, and I asked him to meet again. And then he overslept again, leaving me hanging and waiting like an idiot. I was so upset this time I texted him paragraphs saying not good things like why are you so irresponsible why dont you care about my feelings etc. if you dont text me back before 10a let’s just break up. Next morning he woke up and told me ‘you know what, we not gonna work’ then he unadded me on snapchat and unfollow me on instagram and unfollow me on tiktok too. But i still can text him on insta and imess and discord. I was so shocked and begged him to come back everywhere. I was crying like a baby dont wanna lose him. It was a traumatizing day for me. Eventually he responded and said ‘you dont know but I forgave you many times’ ‘maybe im not good enough for you’ and stuffs like that.. but eventually he added me back and said he’ll give me one last chance.
We got back for 2 days and now he’s lost a large part of interest for me. Then I asked to meet again and he said he cant because his schedule changed again and I got upset again and he unadded me again, block me on insta and tiktok and discord, but I still can text him on Imess. Then I apologized again and we got back again and he said ‘I do mean the last one’.
Then Im constantly careful not to hurt him or fight and we got on dates and we got more physically close to each other. However I dont feel any deep connection we’re just very shallow. Idk how to explain it. I think we’re just there to not be lonely. At least for me. I feel like he doesnt give a shit if i leave or not anymore.
Things go well for another month then I realize summer is comming and I’ll have to leave him for 3 months. I was not happy bc he’s not upset ab the fact that im going away at all. Then I noticed he slowly get colder towards me. I mean it’s not obvious but he doesnt crave for touching hugging me as much as before. I have to ask for kiss and hugs. And he only texted me on snap and never on instagram where I noticed he’s online everyday. His snap scores also went up 10 every morning and Idk if im a creep but like 1 or 2 even when he’s not snapping me so he’s snapping others. I know he has like 1 or 2 guy friends but I took a look at his phone sometimes (which he’s always trynna hide whenever he’s w me) and noticed some girls as well. But maybe just for streaks. And ofc he’s still texting that B girl for Korean lesson. And A girl is now in Japan for a trip. A and B post stories EVERY SINGLE DAY and it’s their cute photos and I know my bf is online on instagram everyday and watch those stories so I am very unhappy.
Then the day come when I have to go away for summer. He asked me when Im back and I said September. Then he said he’ll go to Japan in August for 1 month and I said okay. So we are in LDR now and I asked him to call me bc I need more contact to feel loved and valued. He said he will, but he never call me. He said it’s just he just never call anyone. I was upset many times but I also let it go. Also he never said he loved me. Only like.
Then I saw him like a thirst trap reel of a revealing famous korean girls 2 weeks ago. I was so fcking offended but he’s sick so im not making any fuss. After 4 days I decided to bring that up and texted him paragraphs on insta, imess and snap about how offended and sad I am and asked him why he do that when we are dating. Just for him to seen on insta and imess and reply on snap ‘I dont know’. Eventually, i let it go again because I dont wanna lose him if I take things further.
Then we went on for a couple more days before he texted me ‘I have something to tell you. I’ll go to Japan and to Korea and study there for 2 y w the intention of living there. I’ll be back sometimes to the US but obv that’s not enough for you’ then it’s some more lots of texts of me trying to keep it until he finally say ‘it’s best we break up, it wont work’.
Then he blocks me on everything, Insta, tiktok, snap, discord, mess. I dont dare to check if he blocks my number or not. And he’s gone, cold-heartedly, so easily as if I am nothing. I asked my friends to stalk him for a bit and notice that right after he blocks me. He likes B’s posts, his Korean teacher. And he like A’s posts, the girl he promised he wont ever again, who’re in Japan rn. So he moved on, and ready for his next life, no look back, no regret. While I am here. I think he’s the best I can find on dating apps, because everyone there just trynna hu. And I wont be able to find bfs in school. So i’ll be alone for a long time. Idk what to do, im so pessimistic. And i still want him to crawl back for an ego boost, that at least he still miss me. But apparently not, he’s already moved on, and already didnt give a shit ab me for a long time. So what tiktok says is wrong right. He’ll never come back..
submitted by Moechie-1312 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:06 ThrowawayD47 Am I(M20) being overly insecure of my girlfriend(F21) or am I acting reasonably?

I am currently visiting family across the country, and this is a recent text chain in it's entirety. Am I being overly insecure, or is it ok that I've been hesitant in multiple cases?
Phone gonna die. So ik youre going to bed, but if you text me for whatever reason, I love you and goodnight❤️
Hey I already told her it was okay because I don't think it would be an issue but for our next girls night E is inviting her two gay friends and we'll probably go camping. Not a lingerie party or anything and they are gay so it's not an issue for me but I just wanted you to know I love you too baby and goodnight!!
Ok, thats kind of a thing. You dont feel uncomfortable at all camping with 2 guy strangers?Alright, well I love you and goodnight!
No because they are her friends and I would assume she trusts them and we'd be in a group and they are gay. And potentially in a relationship with each other I can't remember if she said that or not
Ok baby, I trust you. I love you too! So so so much. Thanks baby❤️
Finally back from the opera. A lot better than the last one Btw, I assume I couldnt come to the camping night?
Nice! She said it was specifically a girls night thing I'm sorry. Although she's not set on camping we may just have another game night sleepover. They also might not even come since this is a future plan and she's invited people before where it didn't work out Also I'm kinda hyperventilating about this so when you wake up can you please send me some reassurance? I would also like to reiterate that this is vague future plans. Kind of panicking and crying I want to call you but I don't want to get you in trouble with your mom I think I'm okay now. I was just hyperventilating thinking about the disagreement we had about Lander and how that made me feel. Also stuff about my parents and having to overexplain myself and my plans to them. I love you, I know you aren't controlling like them, but just like how your brain gets taken over by fear of cheating mine gets taken over by fear of being controlled. I know that's the last thing you would ever do to me but my brain has little ptsd moments and I start to cry and can't breathe. I know you are okay with me hanging out with gay friends of friends but my brain gets confused sometimes and thinks you'll be passive aggressive and controlling like my parents/ex even tho I know that's the last thing you would ever do. I guess I'm just a little more traumatized than I want to admit. I love you, you are an amazing supportive boyfriend and I know this is just my fear talking. I love you❤️ you are genuinely so healthy for me Okay I talked to M and now I'm completely better
Oh baby. Im so so sorry I didnt see any of your texts. I wish I couldve helped Tbh I just woke up from a dream where we broke up so not great either😅 Im so sorry
Awww I'm sorry
Im really doing my best, I really am, but when I get uncomfortable, I dont know when its justified or not, and every partner Ive ever had has pushed back against everything thats ever made me uncomfortable, so I have no frame of reference
It's okay we can have a reassuring phone call I know baby, and I know you are doing your best
How was your talk with M?
It's just hard because I let people walk over me even if I know what I'm doing is right. We both got issues and I know it's going to be okay Good but we didn't really talk about that. I just told her I had a panic attack and she just talked to me about furniture til I felt better
I know itll be ok, I just dont know how to react when im uncomfortable because I will always feel like Im in the wrong no matter what Ok Im really sorry i wasnt there
I understand
Youre not gonna break up with me right?
It just hurts Of course I'm not going to. It's always okay to be uncomfortable, It's just from my perspective you don't trust me to exist in a room with two GAY men and a group of friends which tbh really hurts my feelings. Especially because that means A. Your girlfriend of 1 year somehow convinces two gay men to have sex with her or B. She is sexually assaulted somehow by two GAY men in front of her friends And I know you don't mean it to and you always have a right to be uncomfortable but I would never try to keep you from hanging out alone with your gay girlfriends because that would be wrong on my part even if it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable sometimes. I know it's because people hurt you and they weee awful and I'm sorry but I am not that person.
I understand. Honestly it was mainly the second thing, cause Ive known people whove lied about their sexuality in order to get away with doing what they wanted and idk, I was just worried. And I also wasnt sure why I wouldnt be allowed if it wasnt just a girls thing Im sorry
I can try to get you invited if it means that much
No, its fine I just didnt understand what the difference was
I understand but it just makes me feel like I can't be alone in public or around males of any kind. Especially because my friends are there and these people are their friends and I trust my friends to not have rapist best friends We can talk about it later and I swear I'm not trying to fight you. I just have some hurt feelings from the Lander thing and I don't think I ever worked through them. I love you and we are going to be okay❤️
Ok, Ill ttyl. I love you too
Also don't feel pressured to reply I'm just getting my thoughts out while crying on my break. It just makes me feel like a child. Like when I would go to do normal person things like have sleepovers or drive to a neighboring town and my parents would be like "we trust you we just don't trust other people and you never know what could happen" like I didn't have instincts or was just so stupid that if I was in the presence of a man for 5 seconds I would accidentally have sex with him. It just hurts so much That has more to do with them then you but that's probably why this triggered me so much Especially because I try so so so so so hard to make you comfortable and prove I'm trustworthy
Im sorry. That must be hard I want you to feel trusted and loved, I do I dont know what to do to make it better
It's ok I had a full conversation with M and I feel much better
Im glad she made you feel better
Also one of the new people gave me tissues while I was crying so that's sweet/embarrassing 😆
Im sorry
It'll be ok❤️ We'll be okay❤️ Deal?
submitted by ThrowawayD47 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:49 Mythos_Industries Illyria 2

I wake up the next morning. I think I will let Snowflake sleep in. I get dressed and as I walk out of my bedroom I say. “Morning, Chompy.”
As I walk to the kitchen I hit speed dial on my freshly charged phone. “Hey uncle Helsing. You haven’t called me back yet. I need to know where mom is. I’m starting to worry. Call me back, please?”
As I walk into the kitchen, I hit speed dial again. Like before I get voicemail. “Mom…where are you? What the fuck? Why aren’t you here? Where are you? What’s going on? Call me back.”
I hang up and start making breakfast. I’ve decided to treat myself and make steak and eggs. The eggs are of the cheesy variety. Uncle Helsing taught me how to make them. Yeah…this will help my mood. I throw on a second steak. When the first is done, I take it to the conservatory. Patunia starts shaking her leaves when I enter. “Hey, girl. I’m home. Missed you.”
Patunia wraps her vines around me.
“Thank you. Here. I brought you some breakfast. Here.”
I give Patunia the steak and say. “I’ll be back. I’ll tell you all about my trip.”
Patunia hugs me again and I go and finish cooking my breakfast before it burns. Before I sit down to eat, my phone rings. I smile when I see the name. “Hey, Mercy.”
She won’t let me call her aunt.
“Hey, bitch. How was your trip?”
“It was awesome. I’ll tell you all about it. Speaking of which, do you know where mom is? She wasn’t here when I got home.”
“No. She hasn’t said anything to me. I got just the thing to take your mind off of it.”
“What?” I ask.
“Holden will be back today. In a couple of hours, we are throwing him a welcome home party.”
Holden will be back today? I thought he wasn’t going to be back for another couple of weeks.” I say.
“No, he’s coming back early. He’s trying to throw us off, so we won’t throw him a party but he’s getting one. You coming?”
“Hell yeah I’ll be there. What time?” I ask.
“He should be here around noon. So party at three.”
“Done. I can’t wait.”
“Cool. Later.”
I put the phone down with a little whoop. Holden is coming back today. He’s more than my best friend. He’s the closest thing I have to a brother. We’ve known each other since we were babies. This is exciting, I can’t wait. I should get ready. I finish my breakfast and walk out to the fairy colony. “Betty!” Many of the fairies exclaim.
“I’m home. I thought maybe we could catch up while you braid my hair. That ok?”
“More than ok. Sit down.” A fairy says.
I sit down and tell of my trip as the fairies braid my hair. Like usual, they do an amazing job. “As always, perfection.” I say.
Matilda smiles at me. “Will you come back and tell us more stories?”
“Of course. I’m home for good now.”
There is a cheer from the fairies as they fly around my head. I thank them again and go back inside and get dressed. I’m so excited to see Holden again. We haven’t seen each other in a year. I mean we’ve talked and sent texts but it’s not the same. I still have time to kill. So I roll a blunt using more of my mom’s pot. I make an iced coffee and sit down at the patio table. When I do, Ace flies down and lands on the table.
“How’s our new roommate?” I ask.
Ace whispers.
“He’ll warm up to us. He just needs some time. His adjustment period is going to take longer than usual it seems.”
I take a hit as Ace whispers. “Have you been able to talk to him?”
Ace whispers.
“Time. He just needs more time.”
I lean back in my chair. “Let’s not worry about that now. Today Holden is coming home. Let’s just enjoy the day. You and I.”
I smoke my blunt as I sip my coffee. After awhile Ace starts fanning me with his wings. “It is kinda warm today. Thank you. You are such a gentleman.”
I finish my blunt and close my eyes for a few minutes. “About time for me to go. Thank you for the fan, good sir.”
I go inside and grab my keys as I call out. “Going out, boys. See ya later.”
I walk to the garage. I small wave of dread hits me when I think I may see Lily. Lily scares me. She’s too fast and too loud. When I enter i see Lily is gone. I put my hands on my hips and whisper. “Where did you go, mom?”
Jolene is the car I drive. She is almost as fast as Lily but a bit smaller and nowhere near as loud. I put my hands on Jolene’s roof and say. “Hey girl. Missed you. Let’s take a small drive.”
I get in Jolene and stat her up. Her engine sounds strong not overwhelming like Lily. I pull out and head to the party. I get there soon enough and it looks like the party is in the connected backyards of many houses. Holden is not going to like this. That thought makes me smile. I get out of Jolene and walk to the backyards. As I come around a corner, I bump into someone. “Sorry.” I say.
It’s Cythina. Mercy’s daughter. Full disclosure. I dated her twin brother William. We broke up before I went on my trip.
“Well. Look who crawled out of the sewers.” She says.
“Hi Cythina. How are you?”
She grabs me by the throat and slams me against a house. “Oh so good since you broke my brother’s heart. Forcing him to leave.”
I break her grip. I’m unusually strong for a human. I can go toe to toe with a werewolf. “Our breakup had nothing to do with hm leaving.”
Cythina leans in closer and whispers in my ear. “The second you turn your back. I’m fucking you up.”
“Your mom will have a problem with that.” I respond.
“She won’t be alpha forever. Besides, fucking you up for breaking her son’s heart. I doubt I’ll get into too much trouble.”
“She respects our decision. She knows it’s none of her business.”
“My brother is gone so it’s my business now.”
I grab her, spin and slam her into the house. “It’s none of your business either. Enjoy Holden’s homecoming.”
Cythina breaks my grip. “You as well. Don’t turn your back.” She says this as she drags a finger across her throat.
“Is then a problem here?” Someone says. I turn and see it’s Mercy.
Cythina gives a fake smile. “No mom. Just telling Betty I hope she has fun today. I know how excited she is to see Holden.”
“Can you bring the ice outside and put it in the coolers?” Mercy asks Cythina.
“Sure, mom.” Says before taking off.
When we are alone. Mercy says. “I overheard all of it.”
“She blames me for William leaving.”
Mercy steps and hugs me. “I know. It has taken her anger to a whole other level.”
“You don’t blame me do you?”
“No. Artemis made the call and he answered. I couldn’t blame you if I tried.”
In short. Artemis created a new pack called the Shadow Moon pack. Like the Blood Fang, they are shock troops. Except no one knows where it is and what Artemis is having them do. There are rumors they are hunting basically monsters. But no one really knows. Mercy breaks the hug and holds my face. “Glad you came in time. Holden will be thrilled. You will tell me all about your trip, yes?”
“I will.”
“Come on back.”
We enter the backyard. I grew up with the Blood Fang. So it’s a bunch of friends to catch up with. As I walk up to a group of werewolves. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cynthia scowl at me. After some conversation I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. When I come back out I stand against a tree to collect my thoughts.
“There you are, bitch.”
I turn and lean against the tree. “Not now, Cythina.”
Cythina give me a sinister smile. “Yes, now bitch.”
Now she is standing in front of me.
“Leave me alone, Cythina. It’s not my fault that William joined the Shadow Moon pack.”
“It sure the fuck is and I will take my pound of flesh now.”
An arm shoots between us and a hand slams into the tree and stays there. It’s Holden. He leans towards Cythina. “We got a problem, bitch?”
She sneers at Holden. “Welcome back, packmate. See you’re picking up where you left off. Protecting your human.”
“Protecting a friend. Now give your packmate a welcome home hug before you fuck off.”
Cythina hesitates. “Sure.”
They hug and Holden whispers something in her ear but I don’t know what. Holden let’s go and Cythina leaves. He then turns to me. “Not back for thirty seconds and I find you knee deep in shit.”
“Holden!” I cry as I jump into his arms. “I’ve missed you.”
He lets me down and I ask. “So where did you end up?”
Holden gives me a slight smile. “Your boy ended up hanging with The Pack in Mexico for a bit.”
“No shit? Cool.”
Holden turns his head to the party in the backyard. “Mercy throwing me a party? Goddamn it.”
I slap his arm. “Don’t be a dick. Your pack missed you.”
“A party is a bit much.”
“Consider it an excuse to get fucked up.”
Holden looks at me. “Yeah. Ok. Sure. Got weed? You’ve been home longer than me.”
“You were just in Mexico. Where’s your weed?” I tease.
Holden shrugs. “I brought back a motorcycle.”
I put an arm around Holden’s waist as I guide him to the backyard. “Oh. You’re telling me that story.”
We walk into the backyard and Holden is surrounded by his pack. It was like a spontaneous mosh pit. I wiggle my way out of it before I’m crushed. I find a small fire with empty chairs around it so I sit down. I watch the happy reunion from a safe distance. Eventually they stop mobbing Holden and now the party kicks into high gear. Holden finds his way and sits down next to me by the fire. “How long is this supposed to last?” He asks.
I light a blunt, take a hit and hand it over.
“You know this will last all night.” I answer as I exhale.
“I know. Damn it.” Holden says before taking a hit.
I smile at him. “This is a good thing. They love you.”
“Wish they loved me a bit less.” Holden says before taking another hit.
“So how was Mexico?” I ask before taking the blunt.
“It was cool. I was on my best behavior when I was with The Pack.”
“I’m sure.” I say, teasing.
Holden doesn’t react. I lean forward. “Dude. You’re not thinking of joining are you?”
Holden sighs. “I might. I don’t know.”
5he thing about Holden is…there’s is an underlying sense of searching. What for? He doesn’t even know.”
“Leave your pack? That’s crazy Holden.”
“I just got back. You trying to push me out the door?” He asks.
I take a hit and hand the blunt back. “Shut your ass up. You know I’m not.”
As we talk, a young boy around twelve walks up and sits down. His name is Kurt. He’s a nice kid. “Hey, Holden. Glad you’re back.”
Holden exhales. “Sup, Kurt. How you been?”
Holden is of the age where the youngest members of the Blood Fang ask him for guidance.
“What?” Holden asks.
Kurt shifts in his seat. “It’s just….i like somebody.”
“Good for you. Go talk to them.” Holden instructs.
“I can’t. It’s complicated.”
Holden hands over the blunt and narrows his eyes. “Why?”
“It’s another boy.”
Ok. For any humans reading this. This is a bit tricky in the werewolf world. Werewolves have sex for population. Pleasure is a far, far and smaller secondary reason. Same sex relations aren’t really addressed but they’re not exactly frowned upon either. They just turn a blind eye to it. Holden looks at Kurt for a second. “Well. Look at the balls on you. Planning on being alpha?”
This takes Kurt aback. “What? No. I don’t really have plans on being an alpha.”
“Right. So the chances are slim, which means you don’t have to worry about it. You do know that in the grand scheme of things, with humans and us. Being with somebody for love is relatively new concept. Right?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kurt asks.
“If you become alpha. You got responsibilities that do not care about your feelings or wants. Look, little man. If by some chance you do become alpha. Fulfill your responsibilities but make it clear with your breeding mate what’s going on. It’s when mates keep secrets that shit goes sideways. Just be honest and upfront with your breeding mate. No sketchy shit. Anyway, why you worried? Chances are that you will never have to deal with that shit.”
Kurt stays silent.
“What? Not what you wanted to hear? Came out maybe so you want a parade? Tough shit. Nobody cares. Not a single fuck.”
Holden tilts his head. “You’re not telling me something.”
“Well. Which is it?” Holden asks.
“I don’t know.”
Holden leans towards him and speaks in a lower voice. “Are you telling me that you don’t know for sure? Are you yelling me you haven’t even kissed him? You little shit, you think so little of me that you would waste my time by dropping this bullshit on me and you don’t even know for sure? Hum?”
Kurt shifts in his seat. He is very uncomfortable right now. “I’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. I don’t know what to do.”
“Do you know what the difference is between hunting and love?” Holden asks.
“No.” Kurt answers.
“There is none.” Holden says as he draws even closer to Kurt. “Let me make this easier for you. You kiss him and find out for sure. Either way, or you and I are going to have some serious problems. Understand?”
“Yeah…yeah.” Kurt stammers.
Holden looks at him for a moment. “What are you waiting for? What did I just say?”
“I don’t know. You said a lot.”
“There’s no difference between love and hunting. Both have a small window of opportunity. Go.”
Kurt scrambles and awkwardly gets out of his chair. “Ok. Yes, sir.”
When he is gone, I look at Holden. “Bit harsh. Don’tcha think?”
Holden leans back in his chair and smiles. “Nah. He’s a good kid. He just needed my particular brand of aggressive encouragement.”
“That’s one way of putting it.” I say as I light another blunt. Take a hit and hand it over. “I may need some of your aggressive encouragement.”
“What do you mean?” Holden asks.
“Mom is gone. Don’t know where she went. Just that she took Lily.”
“What the fuck do you mean gone? She’s leaves all the time but she always comes back after a couple days. What do you mean gone?”
“Gone. She wasn’t there when I returned. Nobody is answering my calls, Lily is gone. I don’t know.what to do. This just feels different.” As I was talking, I had the sudden urge to cry. I had to really try and hold back the tears.
“So you don’t know where she went?”
“No. She just left and I can’t reach her.”
Holden slumps in his chair. “That’s a shame. I was hoping to see her fine milfy ass. Your mom can get it.”
I snort despite myself. “Holden, gross. Shut up.”
Holden chuckles and says. “For real though. I know you got your gremlins but do you want me to crash on your couch?”
“Leave your party? I couldn’t ask you to do that.” I answer.
“That’s not what I asked and you know it. Besides, we are past my part of this party.”
“It would be nice. Sure you don’t mind?”
“Nope.” Holden says as he gets up.
“We don’t have to leave now.” I say.
“It’s cool. I rode up here without stopping. I’m exhausted. Let’s go.”
“If you’re sure…”
Holden cuts me off. “Bitch, let’s go.”
I get up and Holden puts an arm around my shoulders as we walk. “Look. We will figure out where your mom went. Then you can read her the riot act.”
“I want nothing more. Hey, can we make a quick stop on the way?”
“Where?” Holden asks.
“The garrison. I still haven’t checked in with Micah.”
“Yeah, sure. I’m serious Betty. I’m fucking exhausted. The clock is ticking.”
“Just take a minute.”
I hop in Jolene and Holden rides his new motorcycle. It’s a chopper and I’m not the least bit surprised. We go to the garrison and I talk to Micah. I missed the gargoyle so much. It was a happy reunion. We get home and Holden is surrounded by the gremlins. Snowflake especially. He has always like Holden very much.
“Sup, dudes. Good to see you.” Holden says.
I clap ,u hands and say. “Ok. We are tired and need some sleep. You can pester Holden tomorrow.”
The gremlins disperse as I grab a couple of blankets. When I come back Holden is already on one of the couches in the office. I toss a blanket on him. “Here.”
I lay down on the other couch.
“What are you doing?” Holden asks.
I pull the blanket over me as I answer. “I’ll sleep down here too. It will be like those sleepovers we had when we were kids.”
“We going to watch My Neighbor Is a werewolf?”
“I wish. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Hey, I’m serious. We will find your mom.”
“I hope so.” I say as I close my eyes.
submitted by Mythos_Industries to MythosIndustries [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:37 ThrowRAplout I (29F) am having a hard time dealing with my partner's (29M) depression. Any advice?

Throwaway account. My apologies if this is too long. As it the title clearly states, I'm having a hard time dealing with my partner's depression. Even though I've been through tough times in my life, experience grief etc, I've never really been depressed. I've been together with my partner, let's call him Will for 4 years now. The first two years were amazing, I was truly living a fairytale and thought i had finally met the man of my dreams. Moving in together was a big deal, because it was my first time and I really wanted to be sure before going into this next step. I was on the lookout for red flags, but I truly couldn't find any, not a single one. Sure we had some fights here and there, but nothing we couldn't communicate our way through. He actually taught me how to communicate since I had a bit of trouble expressing vulnerability in the beginning. So we move in together, and we find this lovely apartment and I remember feeling that I hadn't been happier in my life. As the relationship progressed I noticed a change in his behavior, barely perceptible at first because it happened gradually. But he became easily irritable, would come back home in a bad mood, and just different. (just to be clear, even when he's angry, he's never violent with me, not verbally or anything else, he's still his sweet old self when talking to me, always using sweet nicknames and hugging me). The change is his behavior really affected me though, I could not understand what was wrong. I thought it was me, maybe he just didn't love me like he used to, maybe he decided he's better off single. It really affected my self esteem for a while, but I've worked on it with my therapist and understand now that his issues shouldn't affect me this way. Nevertheless, we ended up breaking up last summer due to multiple conflicts and just pure lack of communication. He moved to his sister's place while I stayed in our apartment. He payed his half of rent, called me everyday to check on me, and overall showed that he truly was the decent guy i fell in love with. We got back together two months after because we realized (mostly him because I never doubted) that we're in love and don't want to lose each other. Life continued, and after a while, he started acting weird again. He tried breaking up with me multiple times over the last couple of months, and every time it would finally get us talking and then decide to stay together. Last time he did it was 3 weeks ago. I think I had finally had enough, because I just asked him to leave. We kept contact as always and he recently confessed to me that he's depressed. This is where I state that he's been miserable at his work for the last year, and I have no doubt NOW his personality change is due to that. He tells me he needs his space, he needs to find himself, be happy again before we can be together again. Now I've seen enough reddit post to know what to expect from comments, but I really don't think he's cheating on me. I really think he's going through an existential crises. The problem is he won't let me in, I want to be able to help, I want to bring him a bit of joy in his daily life, I want to be someone he can lean on. I told him now that I know what he's going through, I can be more understanding when something triggers him. But he won't... I don't know what to do anymore. Am I just grieving from the relationship we had and not seeing that we would be better off parting ways? I want to understand his depression better, and I want to be there for him (because he was there for me when i most needed it), but i'm sick of feeling like our relationship is always hanging by a thread. Also what worries me most, now that we've broken up twice, is that this will be a recurring event. Like every time he feels bad he will just move out until he feels better. He says he wants to get better for us, but that he can't ask me to wait for him, that he cares about my well being way too much for that. he tells me he loves me, and that he thinks about me all the time, and that sometimes he feels that i might be happier without him. Now 3 weeks in, I'm just so conflicted. My heart tells me not to give up on this sweet man that loves me more than anything and is just going through a tough time. But my brain tells me that this is not what i signed up for, sure i'll take whatever as long as he is with me, but I did not sign up for an absent boyfriend. I want him to come home so we can work on it. I just don't know what to do.... So reddit, please, what to do when your partner is depressed?
submitted by ThrowRAplout to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:56 ButterscotchAble2029 Let me share something sweet moments from my date yesterday 🤭

So yesterday I went on a date with my long time boyfriend (5 years ) .I met him after long time cause he is home from college for summer vacation . So yesterday I wake up late and due to that I have to rush out of home with my hair let down as my hair is dripping wet .So everything was going well we are gossiping and talking about lots of things . In the middle of the date he was telling me that my hair is now this much long and I am telling him about how my hair is thinning out and I am worried . He then take out a piece of my hair ( i guess it caught up in his watch ) which was hanging cause I didn't ever brush it as it was very much wet . So I told him that hoe I wake up late and that's why my hair is still wet and told him to throw it away .
He carefully rolled the fine hair while talking to him and instead of throwing it away he put it in his pocket 😐.I asked him "why are you putting in your pocket! what are you even gonna do with it ? ". This guy legit looked my in the eyes grinning ear to ear and said to me" I am gonna do black magic with it so that all you can never think about leaving me and always be with me". I was smiling and told him that you don't need to do anything I am not going anywhere. But he still didn't let go of that hair .
Fast forward we came home and he dm'ed me with those puppu eyes emoji (🥺) and told me how he carefully took it to his home but when he was changing his clothes and taking out things from pocket he forgot and lost that hair 🤭. I kinda consoled him and told him next time we meet he can take another one . He was at first kinda down but hearing me he was totally happy and told me that next time he is gonna be more careful and never gonna lost him. All while I am thinking how cute is this 🤭💖.this guy really was fighting me when I tell him not to mind it's just a piece of hair nothing important.he was like how could you say that If I have intention of throwing it away I would have never taken it ..🥰 .I was laughing like crazy and thinking how I love this guy ..he never fails to amaze me and make me feel happy. There are many instances where i have found that he does things whole heartedly which are so cute and sweet 🧿 .
Hope this makes you happy and give hope that there are still men who are gems of a person 💖🥰
submitted by ButterscotchAble2029 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:39 This-Craft5193 1 year sober AND it's my birthday :)

I posted a previous before and after pic but today is my official 1 year and it's my 37th birthday :)
it's long, sorry
I was a bartender in NYC for 15 years and once upon a time booze was how I paid my bills, made all my friends, networked to find housing and jobs, it was my entire life. But I also think a lot of my interactions with some of the worst alcoholics, both behind and in front of the bar, (and in relationships) really inspired this journey. So many people who were living half a life, a ghost still walking, while their body and mind failed them, friends and family pulled away, and just left them with a drink in their hand. A lot of 'friends' in their forties just partying like they were 20, no savings, no retirement, no healthcare, just YOLOing, and once in a while wondering why life was getting progressively harder.
Both of my parents were alcoholics and somehow divorce, bankruptcy, losing the house and family business, EMBEZZLEMENT, 3 DUIs (mom) years of isolation and loneliness (dad) and both of them estranged from either all (mom) or half(dad) of their children, they just never had that moment where they decided their kids or their life were worth putting the booze down. I could never do that to my little boy, he's the funniest, most creative, energetic little guy and he deserves a more worthy mom (and at least one sober parent, since I separated from his dad, he got drunk and broke my son's leg which also inspired this choice, so my son can call on me day or night, 24/7 and know a SOBER available parent is there for him).
since I got sober I've:
And I remember it fondly, as a time I got myself into some very serious trouble and managed to get myself out of it. It felt like an allegory for my sobriety. That I can fuck up and (mostly) get out of it unscathed. I didn't even get any ticks or anything. I do not recommend PURPOSELY getting lost, but challenging yourself to do a nerve-wracking physical thing is really informative about how you process struggle and I think that guided me through the rest of this past year. Lots of near-religious bargaining with the forest gods for me, apparently.
I never blacked out or hit rock bottom (I do have a kid), but I think I'm a more fun mom now. I think he misses some of the social outings though. I did lose 90% of our parent friends/social circle because some people see your choice to be sober as an indictment of their behavior and frankly, I can't give a shit about that. My boyfriends parent-friends are not big drinkers so they're such a nice change of pace from the group I was hanging out with previously.
I hope someone sees this and sees a framework for building their first amazing sober year. We're rooting for you. Even the forest gods.
Edited to add: I've lurked all over this sub for years before I made the jump. Without this group (and probably my boyfriend) I wouldn't have made it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone who shared their highs and lows.
Whatever your reasons, for your family, your kids, your cat, your job, your life, to just stop THINKING about it, I Will Not Drink With You Today. <3
submitted by This-Craft5193 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:26 prprr I make $134,000 and spent $2,048 while on a 5-day solo trip to Yosemite + San Francisco

I make $134,000 and spent $2,048 while on a 5-day solo trip to Yosemite + San Francisco
01: BIO
Age: 28 Occupation: Product manager Hometown: Northeast MCOL PTO days: 28 days (23 base + we can buy 5 additional days).

  • 401k + ROTH IRA + HSA: ~$114,650
    • I have maxed my Roth IRA and 401k since about 2020. My employer match vests immediately, but one of our bonuses also go here, and about $24k of that bonus total won’t vest for a couple of years.
  • Brokerage account: ~$99,100
  • Crypto + penny stocks: ~$2,000
  • Home equity: $216k condo - $167k loan = $49k equity
  • HYSA: $6,840
  • Credit card debt: $3,644 right now (woof). I pay it off every month.
  • Student loan debt: $0 now, $27k originally for a bachelors in graphic design. I focused on paying it off asap after graduation.
  • Medical debt: $629 for an overnight ER visit from like 3 years ago. It was originally 6k, ugh.
  • Mortgage listed above ^
net worth: $305,191

Monthly Take Home:
  • Monthly take-home: Around $5,021 ($2,510 bi-weekly).
  • Deductions include maxing 401k and HSA. Roth already maxed with my end-year bonus.
  • When I have an extra paycheck because of a 3rd Friday, it goes to the HYSA (funding travel slush fund). I follow a zero-dollar based approach and don’t budget for an average monthly amount.
  • One of my favorite parts of work is bonuses– we get quarterly and bi-annual bonuses. I receive about $35,000 total in bonuses total throughout the year. Of that, about $10k is deposited directly to my bank account in the middle and again in the beginning of the year.
Side gig: Anywhere from $50 to $400 monthly depending on how much I focus on this. It's nice I can just make some extra cash if I want to.
4: TRAVEL RESERVATIONS / PREP (total amounts + pie chart at the end)
Flights: $394 round-trip economy tickets purchased 5 months ago Car rental: $361.61 for a 2009 Mini Cooper convertible via Turo Lyft to/from airport: $74
Accommodations ($604 total): Glamping tent near Yosemite: $257 (2 nights) Dome near Carmel/Monterrey: $233 (1 night) Hostel in San Francisco: $113.11 (2 nights)
Miscellaneous: $21.58 on a set of rope to tie onto the cables in half dome. I already had gloves, a harness, and was able to borrow my boyfriend’s carabiners.

Day 1 — East coast → SF → Yosemite Day 2 — Hiking Half Dome! Day 3 — Driving Yosemite → Big Sur → Carmel-by-the-Sea Day 4 — Driving up the Coastal HWY to San Francisco Day 5 — Wandering San Francisco Twin peaks, Christmas point, Golden Gate Day 6 — Wandering San Francisco Chinatown, Railcar, Saluhall, Japantown, movies, flying home Day 7 — Arriving home

1 — Wed, 5/22 — ✈️ Flying into SFO, driving to Yosemite :)
3am – My flight is at 6:20am, so I get up and start to get everything ready. Most of it is prepped from last night– I just have to pack a box of strawberries, get dressed, and head out. I have time for 10 minutes in front of my red light therapy lamp so I do that and use the time to meditate. My boyfriend let me use his Lyft account to save 20% on my ride and it comes out to $40. I venmo'd him when we scheduled it last night for 4am, and my ride is outside early so we go.
9am – Plane lands! Flight went super smooth, I spent some of it reading a HBR book and some of it sleeping. I had a middle seat. The flight attendant dropped off 3 fruit bars and i'm so happy to snack.
10am – Take public transit (load $20 into the Clipper app) to make it to my Turo car rental, but I get there early so decide to go do a little grocery shopping for my hike tomorrow. I find a little grocery and buy canned beans, kale lentil soup, cotton candy grapes, 2 power bars, 2 apples, green almonds (!!), and shower gel ($35.59).
12pm – I can finally pick up my car! I got a Black Mini Cooper <33 which has been my dream car for like almost a decade. I knew driving would be a BIG part of this trip and so I wanted it to be fun. I got a convertible because I wanted full view of the seascape, forests, etc while I drove through. I also thought it would be a good way to test it out before committing to actually purchasing one in the future. I get it, pickup is smooth, and I start driving to Yosemite.
2pm – Make a quick stop at CVS to get... a USB charger because the car takes USB-A and I only have USB-C. I bought something else but I honestly have no idea what it was, just that the total ended up being $50 somehow : I keep driving snacking on the grapes and make another stop at Alta Masa memorial park to visit Steve Jobs resting place who is like a 33% of my hypothetical dream dinner guest list.
7pm – After a long, winding, and kind of scary road, I finally get to my little glam tent. It's so cute and cozy. It was a 5-hour drive total but it wasn't so bad. I finish eating the kale lentil soup and then fall asleep pretty quickly excited for my day tomorrow. Tomorrow has to go perfectly because it's the only day I'll be able to hike Half Dome without a permit.
2 — Thurs, 5/23 — 🪨 Hiking Half Dome
3:30am – Get up and get everything ready: harness, rope, carabiners, gloves, sunscreen, apples, almonds, and power bars. I decide to leave my credit card and license behind because "I won't need it" (I needed it). I leave by 4am planning to get there by 5:30am, but I'm running low on gas and try to stop at a few gas stations but they're closed and don't take Apple pay. I'm a little anxious because I know I'll keep going uphill and gas efficiency is low. I decide I'll be fine because the way back will be downhill.
6am – I make it to Curry Village, fill up my water, and find an Information Station and ask the person there a few questions and walk out with two maps. I make my way towards the trail and start on John Muir by 6:30am.
12pm – Yay! Finally made it through John Muir and sub dome. I'm exhausted and I ate one of my power bars and most of my almonds on the way here and kept promising myself I'd eat one of my apples while looking at Half Dome. So I do that and take like an hour break just chilling taking in the view. I meet a mom and daughter on the way up and they're so sweet, and a man that says he hikes to the cables all the time and that he likes to run back down sub dome. wtf.
1pm – I've made it up the cables and I'm on the dome!! I'm kind of thirsty with not a ton of water left, so I eat some of the snow on the dome— It's so delicious and rewarding and beautiful to eat this snow. It feels so special and nice to eat it. idk.
6pm – I make it all the way down to Curry Village and I'm somehow not very hungry but a big meal still sounds like the move. They have pretty good vegan options. I get rice and beans and vegan ceviche with chips. Everything totals ($16). I drive back to my tent but stop at a gas station for gas (it's open! they take apple pay inside) ($44.12) plus Oreos and Maria cookies ($1.78). I'm back home by 8pm and fall asleep pretty much right away. Dreading a cold night shower... I don't shower :(
3 — Fri, 5/24 — 🌊 Big Sur and Carmel-by-the-Sea
9am – I shower (finally) and am pleasantly surprised the shower has warm water. There are cows all around the tent and they're SO CUTE. I pack everything up while I take a vlog recounting the hike yesterday (an interesting development in my Aging Anxiety<3 as I'm nearing 30 is this mild phobia of forgetting experiences and so I find myself recording every little thing recently..... the video vlogs just feel like a nice way to capture this, right now, though). Anyways– Goodbye, Yosemite! I vow to come back because I'm realizing now that just 1 day in Yosemite is bananas. I'm on the road by 10am en route to Monterrey/the coast.
12pm – This is the worst drive of my life. Google maps decided to put me through farm country and I see SO many dairy farms and by the 6th one I'm like, sobbing in my car. It's so cruel and sad that this is the entire life of these beautiful beings. One of the farms had like a thousand cows rounded up in squalor. Ugh. Having the freedom and agency to see the beautiful waterfall and mountains in Yosemite, and knowing I can live my life like I want to, it's especially hard seeing these cows not have that available to them. They were born to be bred and used like machines. They don't get paid. Then they're slaughtered. I cycle in this mental loop for a long time and work to mentally move past this because I can't actually go back there and, like, take the cows with me.
3pm – I've finally gotten to the coast and the ocean is so beautiful. The coast, the rocks, everything is so breathtaking and I feel so lucky to be here. I send pictures to my boyfriend and we joke like "no but why is my MacBook open" because the landscape looks exactly like screensavers lol. I see a woman holding up her dog to see Big Sur. It's so sweet. I'm hungry so eat the faba beans right out of the can because scrappiness and when I'm done I see the label says "Best by 07/2022". uhhh. I keep driving up/down the coast and stopping at a bunch of scenic points, etc. I stop at the beach and eat a piece of seaweed that's growing on a rock. It's really good and I'm sad we don't have more seaweed varieties at like, mainstream grocery stores. There's this giant flat field right next to the coast and somehow, it's just full of roaming cows. They're sooo cute and so lucky to have this view and that this is their home! <3 I later find the property on Zillow for 5.5 million. So cool.
6pm – I make it out to Carmel and walk around but it's not as cool as I wanted it to be. It's very commercial. There's an Anthropologie and a Bottega Veneta. Meh. I stop at a little grocery Nielsen Bros Market and get extremely fancy dried apricots for $21 and a little pouch of mango mochi for $6. I look at restaurants on Google maps and it sends me to an Israeli restaurant that ends up being terrible and so overpriced. I get a cup of lentil soup and zaatar with pita and it comes out to $30 thx to a large tip just because the service was so good. I keep walking around for a while and leave at around 9pm.
10pm – I get to my dome in Watsonville– it was such a nightmare to drive up to! The driveway was extremely steep, long, narrow, and bumpy—Just extremely scary to drive up with a tiny car. I was supposed to stay here two nights but decide I can't do it again and message the hosts that I need to cancel tomorrow and get a refund. They are cool with it and send me a refund ($240) and I extend my stay in SF by one night (53.93) (both already subtracted from reservation totals). I'm glad because honestly I'm ready to spend more time in SF vs. out by the coast / Watsonville. I go to sleep happy. The dome is cute.
4 — Sat, 5/25 — 🌲🍌 Big Basin Redwoods Park + Pacific Coast Highway
10am – Shower, pack everything, and I'm out by 10am. Driving down the nightmare driveway is way more manageable in the daytime! I decide to drive back to the coast and to SF through Big Basin Park which was on my list. On the way there, I stop at a little town and get snacks: corn nuts, sesame bars, a box of strawberries, chocolate, and a bottle of almond milk cold brew ($21.74). I also get gas ($48.60). While driving with the top down, eating a giant super juicy strawberry, the lyrics of this one remix of Smashing Pumpkins I love comes on and "greatest day of my lifeeee" feels so right and so good in this moment. The freedom I feel right now is amazing. I love my life and everything I've worked on to achieve it <333
12pm – Make it to Big Basin Redwoods Park and parking is $10. The 2020 fires seem to have brought down so many trees, but Redwoods are apparently super resilientent and a bunch of them are coming back even though they look like total charcoal. I walk a few of the trails but many of the paths are closed off, unfortunately. It's still beautiful. There are so many banana slugs everywhere (native!!) and they're so bright yellow and so super cute. On my way out I ask the park ranger how to get to the coast and she gives me a map and great directions for a long scenic route. cool.
2pm – The drive was indeed so awesome, and I make it to the coast! I stumble upon Pebble Beach and holy shit, it's indescribable. Nature is insane. That is all. I hop around a couple of the sand formations, so overwhelmed by the joy inside me and the surroundings so much larger, older, and more powerful than I. Ugh.
7pm - I keep driving up and down the coast and finally as the sun is starting to set I decide eating a sandwich watching the sunset is exactly what I want. Yet, finding a vegan sandwich is impossible, I guess. So I go to a Nepali restaurant and get daal and aloo & bhanta. I park and wait for a looooong time in the car until I go inside to check and they've had it ready for like 15 minutes. Time is precious! The sun sets fast when you don't plan ahead! It comes out to $27.71. By 8:15pm I'm sitting on a bench in Half Moon Beach watching the sun set, shivering in the cold pacific wind lol and eating my daal + aloo bhanta combo. It was much more romantic in my head. I pack up and chill in my car for a bit and I'm driving again by 9pm.
10:30pm – Get to San Francisco, find public parking trying to avoid a $60 overnight garage, and hope for the best given i've heard there's an approx. 89% chance your car will get broken into overnight. I check into my hostel in Chinatown and !!!! it's theee beeeessttt! I love this place. Check-in is smooth and the entire place is so clean. I shower and get ready for bed. 3 other girls are sleeping in our room, but thanks to noise cancelling AirPods I don't notice anything disruptions or anything.
5 — Sun, 5/26 — 👟🌁 Urban Hike through a few San Francisco Tourist Spots
9am – I get up and decide I need to do laundry– get cash from an ATM ($8 fee) and buy a laundry pod for $1. The laundry machines cost $7 total. Looking back, this was insane—I spent $16 on laundry. I could've just washed by hand. While the washer and dryer run, I come downstairs for free breakfast in the commons. I have 2 bananas and a bagel with PB&J, plus orange juice. I leave around 11am to return my car—it's fine and all the windows are there! I stop to fill up on gas again before turning it in ($16). Since I'm near the grocery store that sold me the expired beans, I go back and ask for a refund. They're going insane over me asking for a refund for $1.79 beans, and I'm going insane over them selling me beans that expired two years ago. They finally realize I'm insufferable and just give me the refund (-$3.18). I text my boyfriend about them being mad I wanted a refund and he also sends me a refund (-$2).
12pm – I still need to figure out how to structure the rest of my day so I stop at Starbucks for a Pink Drink and try to plan the rest of it ($6.25). I decide to do an urban hike starting at Twin Peaks and going up north from there towards the Academy of Sciences park/area/etc. I take the bus and it drops me off kind of near Twin Peaks / Christmas Tree Point and I hike up and look at the city. I get a snack from a truck stand—Mexican pinwheel chips with chili on top ($6). These people are making a killing selling these. They're pretty good but I'm kind of just whelmed by the view. It's a city, and yes civilization is impressive. I just think nature gets to me more. I pick up some trash while I walk but I'm also consistently struck by how trash-free SF is! Even when it's so windy!
2pm – I keep walking and make it to the Golden Gate Park area trying to find lunch. Hopefully a sandwich!! I want to just hold something in my hand and eat it with a view. smh. I go to The Loving Hut which is just this vegan kind of culty place with posters on the wall about how da Vinci was vegetarian, etc. I get a burger ($20.94) because that's the most sandwich thing I can get, and walk to Golden Gate Park and eat it overlooking the fountain. Very unfulfilling. Not quite a sandwich, not really a view.
8pm – I keep walking through a few of the trails right before the bridge and make it up to the Golden Gate Bridge in time for sunset. By this time it's pretty cold and starting to get dark quickly so I kind just want to get to the hostel. I take the bus back and it's the wrong one lol so it kind of takes me forever. I'm home by 10pm, shower, and go to bed.
6 — Mon, 5/27 — 👟🗺 More urban hike??? Chinatown, Japantown, wandering San Francisco??
11am – I finally get up, pack everything and leave my bag at the front desk. I came down too late for breakfast so I just leave. I walk around Chinatown and see a cable car so I hop on it. It charges $8 (prepaid via Clipper). It takes me down to Market Street near a few spots I wanted to check out so it's perfect. I walk towards Saluhall by IKEA and get a sub-okay chickpea curry bowl ($22.21) and a strawberry ice cream cone with hazelnut powder ($5.36)—It's soooo pretty. I keep walking around and I'm cold so I buy a sweater ($10, but this is going towards my normal clothing budget) and a jacket ($40 from Ross, but not counting it because I returned it when I got back home). I stop at the VC Morris Gift Shop which is a building designed by Frank L W.
2pm – Keep walking, get a snickerdoodle from Jane The Bakery ($5.55), and make it to Japantown. I kind of go crazy and get my boyfriend a bunch of little gifts from Japan Center—A pack of mushroom cat figurines and some cat manga ($56) and finally win two flower cats from a claw machine at Kiddleton ($27). I feel super guilty now because he's super frugal and also feels guilty receiving gifts so I kind of regret getting all this, but I really missed him and I think this was my way to cope? I also get a small journal and pen to record the trip from Maido Stationary ($8.36).
6pm – Walk to Alamo Square and look at the Painted Ladies for a bit while I talk to my mom on the phone. This is such a nice spot for people watching. I wish I had a sandwich in my hand to eat with this view. I still have 3 hours before I have to leave for my flight, so I go see Babes at Alamo Drafthouse for the 6:40pm show ($17.61). It's fun and Ilana Glazer is so lovable and funny. Seeing a movie on a trip is the best.
8pm – I make it back to my hostel to get my bag and head to the airport. Checkin isn't going well and the checkin screen keeps saying I need someone for assistance. I'm paranoid I'm past the checkin window or something... and, well, it turns out I was. When I talk to one of the attendants, he informs me my flight was actually for yesterday, Sunday 5/26. Shocked, dismayed, in complete disbelief, I ask, "How am I going to get home??????" lmao. He then tells me the good news, which is that ***the same flight***!!! is happening again tonight, same route, and that I can just board that one. He doesn't charge me anything. I'm so beside myself and grateful. I text my boyfriend, "I'm a silly silly goose. A very lucky one".
7 — Tue, 5/28 — ✈️ Flight home
1am – Finally board the plane, buy wifi for $10 so I can log into work, get a pack of trail mix for $12, and get a Lyft home the next day for $34.
9:30am – I sleep most of the way home wake up but wake up in a panic that the workday started and I'm offline. But it's fine, I get back to messages on my phone, and it all works out okay.
11am – I get home and am so happy to be back and to see my boyfriend <3 I realize I left one of my AirPods in the Lyft, and the driver says he didn't find it. It'll cost me $89 to replace it unfortunately, so I start planning to make money via my side gig to cover that loss. :)

// PRE-TRIP transit ($829 total): Flights: $394 round-trip economy tickets purchased 5 months ago Car rental: $361.61 Lyft to/from airport: $74
accommodations ($604 total): Glamping tent near Yosemite: $257 (2 nights) Dome near Carmel/Monterrey: $233 (1 night) Hostel in San Francisco: $113.11 (2 nights)
misc: $21.58 on a set of rope to tie onto the cables in half dome. I already had gloves, a harness, and was able to borrow my boyfriend’s carabiners.
// ON-TRIP (estimates, pulled from Monarch) Public transit: $36 into the Clipper card throughout the trip (used all of it). Gas: $108.72 Doing things: $49.33 Food: $228.34 Gifts: $68.83 Miscellaneous (wifi on the plane, overpriced usb cable, laundry pods, etc): $115 Fees (atm stuff): $8
Total: $2,047.54
Directly from the books

How did you save up for this trip and for how long? Did you accumulate credit card debt for taking this vacation? I started planning this trip in January when my year-end bonus hit my account. I funded my Roth IRA and put the rest in my travel sinking fund / used it to buy the plane tickets. I also had an "extra" paycheck in March that I put towards my travel sinking fund. After this trip, I have $1,942 left in my travel sinking fund.
I didn't take on credit beyond what I know I can cashflow.
submitted by prprr to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:56 honeydew_peaches you will find someone better

my original post for reference:
i had mentioned in that previous post that i had gone on a date with someone and it was amazing and hoped it would lead to something further. i am here to say we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend!!!
i’m writing this to hopefully encourage and comfort other people who think it is impossible to find someone again after your break up. i was in the same boat. i was constantly thinking and writing about how i was never going to find anyone ever again and that i could not imagine myself being with anyone else and sharing my life with anyone else ever again but i was incredibly wrong. the right person will come your way, i promise!!!
you will not have to beg this person to love you and show you effort, it will not feel like a constant battle. the right person will make you feel safe, comfortable, and at peace. someone who can cause you so much pain is not supposed to be in your life.
give yourself grace and time, and i promise the worst of it will pass and someone new will be there to receive you. someone who can better understand you and will be a better fit for you, it is not impossible to find love again.
as always, i am open to people PMing me if they need a listening ear or some advice. i cannot express how much that helped me in my healing process and hope to provide it to someone else as well.
submitted by honeydew_peaches to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:10 Lightbulbb49 I found an engagement ring in my boyfriend's car

I made an account on here to share this because I just can't get it out of my head and I want to share. He might find this and recognize the situation and my username but I don't mind. For reference, I am 18, and he is 21.
I met my boyfriend while in the process of dropping out of college. I had practically given up on anything to do with love because I had my heart broken a few weeks before meeting him, but I was bored and kinda lonely so I had decided to join a dating website, not looking for anything serious, just to keep my mind off everything. But then I met him, and I know this sounds cheesy, but we instantly clicked. Our humor was so similar, we had so many things in common, and most of all, he understood me. I've been told my whole life that my brain works differently than other people, and that I'm weird. I think in different ways that are hard for me to explain so it kinda felt like no one really understood what I was trying to say. That is, until I met him. It felt like he was reading my mind, and it still does. Kinda freaky how he just knows what I'm thinking and feeling, in a good way. I went back home and visited my family a couple days after really starting to talk to him, and one day while at my parent's house, after him asking me a couple times previously about making it official, I put my fears aside and finally decided I was ready for a relationship with him. I ended up calling him at work after thinking about everything and just saying "Hi, you're my boyfriend now" and we've been going really well.
He came to visit me at the campus when I got back. I was so nervous and scared meeting him, mostly due to a fear of men lol, but as soon as I got in his car to figure out where to park, all my fear melted away. As soon as he parked his car, I kissed him. I knew I had already fallen hard, and we had already said "I love you" by this point. Quick, I know, but it just felt right. we sat in my room and laughed and played around for hours, and if I remember correctly, he stayed the night and left for work that morning. That day and night is one of the best memories I have. The next day, he came back and we had our first official date, and the day happened to land on my grandparents' anniversary. It was my first date ever, and it was really amazing. I had so much fun with him. I ended up getting lipstick on him (which he proudly wore to the date) and he kicked my ass at checkers in my dorm and it was wonderful. He came to see me a few times before I left the college.
I ended up getting kicked out a little earlier than planned, and I didn't have time to get out and get to my parents on my own, especially since I don't currently have a license and my family lives almost 4 hours from the campus I was going to. I called him crying, and he ended up leaving work and coming to help me pack. He even met my parents halfway to drop me and my stuff off with them, a 2.5 hour drive to the meeting spot and 3 ish hours back to his house. This was the first time meeting my parents, and for it being so brief, it went great! He fit in so well, and it wasn't awkward at all. My dad eventually told my mom separately that he thinks that we're gonna last a long time, and that he's the one. I was heartbroken when he finally left because I was so worried it would be the last time we saw each other for a very long time. His house is about 4.5 hours from mine, so add time for gas and stops and it's an almost 5 hour drive just to see each other, and considering I still don't have a license, that would be a lot of pressure on him.
fast forward, and he ends up coming to visit me and my family for Memorial Day weekend. He left right after work on friday and left Monday evening. During this time, he started to really get to know my family and we even hung out with my sister and her husband since she came to visit as well. We have a few babies in the house (my little cousins, all under 4) and they immediately adored him, which was a very big green flag for me considering I've watched them grow up and they're very dear to me; I call them "my babies" all the time and he knows how important those kids are to me.
I ended up giving him a promise ring I had gotten him while he was here. It was a black ring with a t-rex head on it. Unconventional, I know, but we really bonded over our shared love of dinosaurs and Jurassic Park, and I thought it was really heartfelt. Along with it, I wrote him a long letter telling him just how much I adore him (it was 8 pages, a bit excessive but I'm a writer and a hopeless romantic; a very interesting combo.) In case you were wondering, yes, he absolutely loved the ring. He had also brought with him another ring that we consider a promise ring that he said was also to kind of measure the sizing because I have really thick hands and my ring size is a bit uncommon. It's a beautiful black onyx ring with a silver band and I absolutely love it and have rarely taken it off since.
While he was here, I went with him to get some alcohol. Since I couldn't go in with him, I stayed in the car. I don't have any device other than my laptop at the moment so I ended up getting nosy and looking around his car. I happened to look in his center console and found none other than a ring box. I had seen the same one on amazon, and I think I had showed it to him at one point. It was a dark green, velvet, coffin-shaped box. I immediately had the thought pop into my mind that it was possibly an engagement ring, so I didn't look in it because obviously I don't want to spoil the surprise. I put it right back and closed the center console and just decided to take pictures on his phone instead (which he liked, I think.)
Later, he was taking his gifts to the car that I had given him, including the promise ring, the letter, and some other little things I had found or made and given to him. That's when he shows me the ring box and confirms that it is, in fact, and engagement ring and wedding band set. He told me that it won't be for a couple years, but he already knows, and he's just waiting for us to really know each other and live with each other for a while so that we can know that we're ready since we haven't been dating that long.
The thing about it is, I am so madly in love with him. I've heard of people being scared away with just the thought of an engagement ring, but as soon as he told me that it was an engagement ring, I was just over the moon. If he had dropped to one knee in that moment, I would've said yes. We haven't been dating for a very long time but I can feel it in my gut. He is the one that I'm going to marry. He's my definition of perfect. I can laugh and play with him but I also feel so comfortable having those serious talks with him. He understands me in ways I've never experienced. He doesn't make me feel weird about all my medical issues, and he's one of the few people that have treated me like I was normal despite them. He makes sure I'm okay and he makes me feel so loved. I feel like I could do anything when I'm with him. He's my favorite person in the whole world. He's such an amazing person. He's so smart and he makes me laugh. And when he smiles and does his little happy dances it feels like time stops for a second and I just feel an overwhelming love for him. I feel like i can talk to him about anything but even if we can't think of anything to talk about, the silence is comfortable. He's currently on a call with me as I type this, and all I can think is how much I wish he was here with me right now. My parents talked about him possibly moving in with us for a little while until we're able to be more stable and get a place of our own, and I have enough connections around here that a job for him is pretty much guaranteed. He's been looking at houses here as well. I think about him and our future pretty much 24/7, and I look forward to it. Knowing I have him in my life is so motivating. I just can't wait for us to live together, to get engaged, to get married, to maybe have a baby of our own. I can't wait to experience live with someone as amazing as him. I know this is all really cheesy, but it's been almost a week since I found it, and I still smile so hard when I think about the fact that he's so invested in us. I'm so lucky and happy that I found him.

submitted by Lightbulbb49 to u/Lightbulbb49 [link] [comments]