Scuba car picture

I saw a car. I took a picture of it.

2012.05.14 20:05 barcodescanner I saw a car. I took a picture of it.

People often see rare or interesting vehicles that brighten their otherwise dreary days. And what a better way to express that than to share a picture of it with complete strangers? (Motorbikes welcomed!)

2016.01.10 19:38 RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

Roast some rubber!

2009.12.16 06:28 luckytopher Porsche

A place for Porsche owners and enthusiasts.

2024.06.01 16:07 chuckEchickpeas 41 M4F - Open to Long Distance

I'm looking for a vegan and child-free woman to spend the rest of my life with. I live in New Mexico, but I'm open to a long-distance relationship at first and would be willing to move eventually for the right person. I have my stuff together: no debt, my house is paid off, I have a stable job, I don't do drugs, etc. I'm not a workaholic, so we're not going to be filthy rich, but we can live a comfortable life.
I'm about as introverted as they come, which has its pros and cons. I'm low maintenance and a very good listener, but I'm socially awkward. I try to be a logical person. I can enjoy a good debate without getting emotionally involved. I would also consider myself a minimalist. My house is small and I typically only buy things that I need.
My hobbies include cycling, working out, home improvement, hiking, camping, and traveling. I can fix anything around the house and I can fix your bike, but I'm worthless when it comes to fixing cars. We don't have to have the same hobbies. I'm happy to give you time to do your own thing and I'm not the jealous type.
I live with a dog. Hopefully that's not a deal breaker. She's 10 years old has a life expectancy of 12-15 years. She eats vegan food, so perhaps she'll live longer. I don't plan on another dog after she dies, but I would be open to it.
Send me a message and I'll send you some pictures. I'm 5'7" and bald, but I take very good care of myself.
submitted by chuckEchickpeas to veganr4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:04 Ephemeralwriting I was told he's half rottie and "something wide" with jowls

I was told he's half rottie and
He's either 5 months old or 8 months old. The first estimate was from his previous owner and the second from the vet. He was rescued from someone who was living in their car and had an accidental litter. They said he was Rottweiler and something else. My brother in law was the one who first rescued him, so I never saw the pictures of his parents. He's 44 pounds now and he's been that size for about two weeks. He has a congenital condition that could lead to his growth being stunted. We thought originally he was bullmastiff and rottie but he's small and it seems like he's plateaued. There also might be some pittie in there. I sent of the test last week so I should know in a week. I'll come back here and update you all.
submitted by Ephemeralwriting to DoggyDNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:02 Ok-Acanthaceae-1245 New Fed: How Should I manage my salary?

I would love to post a picture of my most recent paystub but I'm not sure if that's wise... here's a summary/ snapshot:
Salary- 52k or $25 per hour Hours worked- 80 (biweekly) Take Home Pay- 1.5k
Why so small : (
This is before the insurance, TSP adjustments and etc. I really need a car as a field agent but l'm not sure how anyone can survive off of this ... I'd share more details but l've come to discover that Reddit is very judgy but I'm more than happy to answer any questions and post more details
submitted by Ok-Acanthaceae-1245 to fednews [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 AutoModerator Monthly Banner Contest - June 2024

Every month, we will open up the potential for your Speed3 to become the Sub's banner! Simply drop a picture of your speed in the comments, or link a photo to a site like Imgur (Instagram pages are not allowed), and vote for your favorites! At the end of the week, the winner will be chosen and they will have their photo uploaded as the banner for the month!
Couple of rules:
  1. Repeat cars allowed
  2. No back-to-back car wins
  3. No repeat photos
  4. One submission per user per contest
  5. Horizontal aspect ratios only
Good luck, and let's see those Speeds!!
submitted by AutoModerator to mazdaspeed3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 EmotionalFerret1138 Dinged someone's rental car

My passenger opened their door carelessly and dinged someone's rental car. This happened in Montreal, QC. We're from the GTA and they'd rented the car from the GTA as well. They're tourists with international drivers licenses and I've shared my insurance information and drivers license info with them. I also have pictures of the ding and their info. I'm not sure how the process works. Has someone faced this before?
submitted by EmotionalFerret1138 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:51 Theios_Nikolakis Need advice/opinion about a parking ticker appeal

Hello all, firsly I would like to get your opinion in regards this parking ticket that I got (See link bellow for the photos). I believe that I am outside of the parking's premises as there is no double yellow lines as there is after the gates. Secondly, I was there for less than 10 minutes overall, so I am not sure if there is a "cooldown" period you can even stay in a car park without getting fined. I would like to hear your opnion and experiences with such occations, if any.
Link to photos (The second picture is outdated, they have removed the yellow lines after the gates. However, I was still parked on the bend so it doesn't change my point much)
submitted by Theios_Nikolakis to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 waggingtons 6 Month Retrospective / Minolta Maxxum 5 / 50mm 1.7 / Variety of Film

6 Month Retrospective / Minolta Maxxum 5 / 50mm 1.7 / Variety of Film
First 3 are from my most recent rolls, last 3 are from my first rolls.
I'm 6 months in and wanted to shout out this community / share a little about my journey with film.
I'm a musician and writer, and I've never felt confident in my ability to do visual art. I'm an auditory learner and thinker but I think I have a good eye, just not great at visualizing stuff in my head. So I thought I'd try photography.
I didn't want to do digital because that felt too similar to my phone, where I tend to rush and don't give myself time. Plus I just loved the results I thought I could get from film without much editing. Also vintage gadgets are just plain cool, and while film is expensive, the cameras often aren't so it still felt like a good entry point.
And I've been having a blast. I like that it forces me to slow down and consider a shot when I'm really trying to compose—to see a scene in the wild, know I wanna capture it, and take the time to frame it up right because I don't wanna waste film.
But I also like that it helps me stay in the moment when taking pictures of friends and family. With my phone, I hated feeling like I had to take dozens of shots for the people in my life to go through, guaranteeing I took a keeper. With film, I take the picture and move on. Plus, pulling out an old point & shoot that makes little robot noises when you turn it on or a clunker of an SLR with its satisfying wind makes people smile. People love the pictures I get of them on film too, and it makes me more inclined to get them printed.
It's also been great for my physical and mental health. I'm hitting 10k steps a day no problem and I've seen so much more of my city. I was out taking photos, and some guy asked me if I could help him push his car, so I said sure and he gave me BBQ from his little catering side business. It was sick. Photography's been a cool way to connect with people, and has even enhanced some of my other skills and interests. Like bringing a camera to a show is a whole new thing (even though concert photography is pretty tricky for me).
And for the past 6 months, I've had a ton of questions. And every single time I look for answers on AnalogCommunity, or for inspiration here. It's been really reliably positive. Appreciate it!
submitted by waggingtons to analog [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 SpankingTheMonkey23 Brake pad wear

Brake pad wear
My car has its second service soon. It’s coming up two years old with 20k on the clock. Will be on about 21k when the service is done. Skoda Octavia for reference.
Is it possible to tell from these pictures if the front pads have much life left on them? I have no idea how long they usually last as I don’t usually keep cars this long 🙈 and I’d like to be prepared for them saying if it needs these changing or not. Disks are rusty because I was washing it when I took the pics 🫧
Thanks in advance 👍
submitted by SpankingTheMonkey23 to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:47 LevoIsDry Can anyone help me figure out whats going on? A spark plug maybe? The picture is with my car fully running. AC also not working. Radio/Power Windows works.

Can anyone help me figure out whats going on? A spark plug maybe? The picture is with my car fully running. AC also not working. Radio/Power Windows works. submitted by LevoIsDry to crv [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:44 jmlalblushi Highest mileage.

Highest mileage.
Lets see the highest mileage your car has reached with the original engine and transmission. Include the car model, year, and the mileage. Feel free to post pictures of these legendary vehicles for us to admire.
I'll start: Toyota Celica 2001 Mileage: 346,000 miles.
P.S. I started this thread because I'm proud of how many miles it has and how well it still runs with only minor issues.
submitted by jmlalblushi to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 GenieGrumblefish The Conclusion

I'm confident my theory about this case has been proven, thanks to that awesome FOIA drop that just happened. Thanks again for that.😘
The unconfirmed widely believed story was Perp was in Oklahoma at the time his girlfriend goes missing.
He couldn't wait to go out there and had bought plane tickets despite having military permission.
While flying out and while going through security at an airport, after widdling down his Commander who granted him permission after denying it once before, he missed a call from a strange number and he started calling his Mom and the police in NH to report he was sure it was Maura, she's alive!
This happens at 6 am.
We find out now he received this call on Feb 11 while he is in ILLINOIS, about 13 hours from Oklahoma.
We also do not have clarification it came while he was in an airport, they just list the state.
This actually should be a major development considering he first lied about the flight he took out there. The one he gave didn't exist. Then it was, there must have been a layover I can't remember because I was so anxious to search for Maura, etc.
His disciple' scrambled through historical flight lists to make this work!
They even found one with an Atlanta layover that fit!
Case solved!
Later on, we find out Perp was actually granted leave via the phone. So another thing that we are supposed to just overlook. He's not physically placed at the base in this time frame.
It makes sense now that we know he was in Illinois.
My theory is he told LE that he had plans to meet up with her to get his gifts back, the phone, the diamond necklace, the gloves, pictures, basically the contents of Mauras car at the time of the second in two day one car crash she is involved with.
He claims she never showed up so he had to leave because of you know, the military.
That's it.
Prove otherwise, and that is the problem in this case.
LE knew they broke up. It was very apparent due to the staged fuck you Perp shrine on her bed that they actually took him to, to view.
This helps him though because it proves she could have been very upset and even suicidal over him and ran off and met with misfortune or even suicide.
It could be argued she couldn't bear to give him back his things so she was being indignant by blowing him off after he came all this way to get his stuff back!!
I understand the problem here.
After this 6 am proof of life voicemail allegedly received going through security or wherever, he does not show up at the police station for 13 hours and he's with his parents who live in Ohio despite claiming to arrive in NH in the early afternoon, he shows up at 7 pm.
So there was never a flight out east on Feb 11. They drove.
This should now be made the main focus of this case. Not Israel Keyes, not a red truck, but this.
People actually following this case for the right reasons should start demanding answers about this very topic.
That is justice for Maura.
Who is fighting for her? It's more fighting to protect the integrity of a convicted stalking woman beater who has claimed he'd kill one of them like he killed Maura.
They don't even try to hide it.
How do you in good faith post about this case if you can just pretend that Perp being in Illinois isn't a huge red flag?
Sadly, besides protecting the murderer, it's more about them saving face and being right despite what is in front of their face.
We need to start demanding answers and clarification about this. If this was a police error, we haven't heard anything from Team Perp who hasn't issued any kind of statement refuting this, instead his team has swung into red herring mode across the subs with more absurd diversions.
submitted by GenieGrumblefish to MauraMurraySolved [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:25 Random-Historian I picked up these miniatures and a couple of dozen post cards (more pictures can be given in a separate post if any of you are curious) in exchange for a bag of toy cars.

I picked up these miniatures and a couple of dozen post cards (more pictures can be given in a separate post if any of you are curious) in exchange for a bag of toy cars. submitted by Random-Historian to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:12 eugenehong Retrohavoc 2024, XT3 TTArtisan 35mm 1.4

Retrohavoc 2024, XT3 TTArtisan 35mm 1.4
car season is upon asia once more, took these pictures today, feel free to critique on what could be better (except for focus, still working on that)
submitted by eugenehong to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 ebsb60 Iracing-SideMirrors with 49inch monitor

I have often asked myself whether I have both side mirrors in the picture when iracing in a Formula Car with the g9 49-inch monitor.
submitted by ebsb60 to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:08 CaterpillarHot1428 [LAUNCHING TODAY] GRAND OPENING Saturday, June 1st 12PM EST MelodyRush RP Adventure, Music, and Chaos Active PD and EMS Recruitment LGBTQ+ 20+ Jobs Including Heists and Robberies Beginner Friendly, 18+, Custom Scripts, Clothing, and MLO's

[LAUNCHING TODAY] GRAND OPENING Saturday, June 1st 12PM EST MelodyRush RP Adventure, Music, and Chaos Active PD and EMS Recruitment LGBTQ+ 20+ Jobs Including Heists and Robberies Beginner Friendly, 18+, Custom Scripts, Clothing, and MLO's
We are MelodyRush RP, the ultimate FiveM experience Launching TODAY as a public server June 1st at 12 pm EST, our server aims to provide the ultimate experience for our users. We have everything from heist preps to trailer dealerships, venues for special events, and multitude of jobs, both legal and illegal.
Check out our server trailer below ⬇ MelodyRush RP FiveM Server Trailer (
We are actively recruiting for EMS and PD. No experience needed as we have experienced officers and paramedics ready to train you.
Come check out our enhanced map extensions, custom MLO's, and 5 dealerships all fit for a different purpose.
Custom housing beyond your imagination. Any house can be your home and a variety of furniture options! You can even watch TV in your home as well as cook meals, host house parties, and more!
If music is your thing, you have come to the right place! We at MelodyRush are all about throwing events, musical performances, and letting the light shine on you. We are looking for singers, rappers, songwriters, DJ's, Producers, and more. So if you love music, you found the home of some great art!
Our only requirement is that you join our Discord. We do this so we can keep track of who is a part of MelodyRush RP for a variety of reasons:
Check out all that we have to offer and more below!
submitted by CaterpillarHot1428 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:07 AlternativeSilent825 Looking for Grandpa’s Car

Looking for Grandpa’s Car
Hey Everyone My name is Dylan I’m 20 years old and I have been on a hunt for my dream car, which happens to be a car that my grandfather and dad had built when i was a child, I grew up in this car and although I don’t have to funds to purchase the vehicle I would absolutely love to be in contact with the mysterious current owner I have asked my dad and grandfather who they sold it to, and I was told it was sold somewhere around 2010-2013 to someone in the Florida Area If you have any information and or contacts this car it would make my world to send it this way! Thank you and god bless
BUILD LIST “260Z Complete Frame Up Resto, JTR 350 V8 Conversion, 3550 Tremic 5 Speed Tranny, 300 ZX Trans Axles, Reinforced and connected sub frames, 3.70 R200 Differential, Eibach Progressive Rate Springs, Tokico Illumina Struts, Arizona Z Mustache Bar and Diff. Supports, Toyota Front Brake Calipers, 240 SX Rear Brake Calipers with 11' Brembo Rotors.”
Pictures Posted Below
submitted by AlternativeSilent825 to VINwiki [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:05 AlternativeSilent825 Looking for Grandpa’s Car

Looking for Grandpa’s Car
Hey Everyone My name is Dylan I’m 20 years old and I have been on a hunt for my dream car, which happens to be a car that my grandfather and dad had built when i was a child, I grew up in this car and although I don’t have to funds to purchase the vehicle I would absolutely love to be in contact with the mysterious current owner I have asked my dad and grandfather who they sold it to, and I was told it was sold somewhere around 2010-2013 to someone in the Florida Area If you have any information and or contacts this car it would make my world to send it this way! Thank you and god bless
BUILD LIST “260Z Complete Frame Up Resto, JTR 350 V8 Conversion, 3550 Tremic 5 Speed Tranny, 300 ZX Trans Axles, Reinforced and connected sub frames, 3.70 R200 Differential, Eibach Progressive Rate Springs, Tokico Illumina Struts, Arizona Z Mustache Bar and Diff. Supports, Toyota Front Brake Calipers, 240 SX Rear Brake Calipers with 11' Brembo Rotors.”
Pictures Posted Below
submitted by AlternativeSilent825 to Datsun [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:00 Mother_Driver2714 My story of love. It's gonna be long hope you guys enjoy.

My first reddit post, hope you guys go easy on me.
  1. Her
I met her (let's call her missybusy) through a common friend group. My friends from my previous school were still connected to me and I often used to meet them. She was new to that friend group and it was her first time coming for a meetup. My friend has a pretty big place so a lot of us could accommodate at the same time. I am usually quiet and I talk less. I was sitting in the corner on the sofa and then I saw her enter through the door along with one other friend of mine. And oh my god, I was in awe and amazement because truthfully, I had never seen a girl so pretty and radiant. Her eyes were bright like the moon at night, her complexion fair like milk and her smile was just so beautiful I can’t even describe it in words. She was the quiet one as well so we both were seated in the corner having small to no conversation. This was my first meeting with her and then we met on multiple other meetups and it was always a few words of exchange. One of my friends (let's call him Dave) was actually sort of close to her and they both used to talk frequently. However, some problems arrived between Dave and missybusy and so Dave reached out to me for help. So, I tried to solve matters by talking to both Missybusy and Dave and this is how I started talking properly to Missybusy. I tried to solve the matter and, in the process, I became friends with Missybusy. And she was really fun to talk to! all this time I perceived her to be quiet and less talkative but when I started to talk to her, I realized that she has an amazing personality besides being so pretty. And around that time my friendship with her strengthened and we used to talk frequently but not every day. And somewhere among these conversations I developed a liking for her and so did she. We used to flirt a lot and it was so fun and pure. This went on for around 3 to 4 months and we continued to flirt and talk. And it was around the time of January when she had returned from the farewell of her high school and she showed me the pictures and she looked gorgeous. An absolute angel. And that night of constant flirting I always kept mentioning about another her in front Missybusy, I did that so she wouldn’t suspect that I liked her. But then she got serious and she confessed that she liked me and I was in a small shock but then I confessed to her as well. At this point one would think that this is it, this is where you guys get into a relationship. But no, I actually asked her to wait for our final exams to be over and even she wanted this. Around One and a half month later we went on our first date. And it was peaceful but it was a very dull date to be honest I took her from one place to another which I feel was terrible. I screwed up the first date. But she told me it was really peaceful and so I didn’t think much of it back then. We kept talking over WhatsApp and Instagram for almost another 2 months but we were not in a relationship yet because she said she wanted time and I believed I shouldn’t pressure her so I kept waiting thinking we have all the time in the world. She was an introvert and she didn’t go out much she liked staying at home more and I sort of found this trait cute, although it meant we didn’t get to meet a lot. 2. Dates and Love In the month of June, we went for another date and spoiler alert, this is the day I fell in love with her. We went to watch a movie- Spiderman, into the spider-verse, and to be honest the movie was decently funny and every time Missybusy laughed I looked at her and adored her smile. I noticed she was shivering, she felt cold because the cinema hall was actually very cold so I wrapped my arm around her so she wouldn’t feel cold and she just came closer and the annoying armrest was like a wall in between. In that moment, I made my purest and most honest wish to God (I’m very spiritual and religious). I asked God to always keep Missybusy happy no matter what. After the movie we exited the hall and we were standing near the exit of the mall and just talking and laughing. It was a blissful moment I can never forget that moment ever. She just jokingly pushed me and I literally fell down and I’ve got to say it was funny as hell. And while I was on the ground I saw her laughing so loudly and openly that I… I also fell in love. I was madly in love. We laughed and talked for another half an hour more and then the both of us went home. While on my way to home I realized that I had fallen for her and everything around me felt so soothing, so amazing and I was so happy. This was my favorite day with her and my best day yet. It was perfect, it was divine it was full of amazement and I for the first time felt what is it like to love. One problem I’ve always had is expressing my feelings. I end up thinking what the other person is going to think about my feelings and I’m going to be judged. But I still told her I love you but she hadn’t said it back yet. Another date we went on that she considered her favorite day with me was when we went to have pizzas. At first, we just walked around, talked a lot and laughed together. Held hands and roamed the paths. Then we came across a pizza shop and decided to have some pizza. Oh boy did I know what the day was going to unfold. She has two siblings so she always had been a fast eater when it came to pizzas and ice creams and at that time, I didn’t know that she ate pizzas so quickly. She finished her whole pizzas before I could finish two slices and to be fair, I’ve always been a slow eater and I didn’t eat very spicy food at the time. So, she was done with her pizza way before I had. She added chili flakes to my pizza slice which slowed my pace even more and she just sat there watching me eat and laughed at me while I was just trying my best to eat the pizza. I realized how much she was enjoying this so I just prolonged this whole thing, I ate slower, I made faces and I even called her a bully and she was laughing so much and, in my heart, I enjoyed that so much. I usually don’t allow people to mess with my food but seeing her laugh I just wanted this moment to last forever. A couple of time later, when everyone was busy filling applications for college, one of our friends (let’s call her jane) hosted a birthday party. The plan was that she will invite us all to our house and then from there we’ll go to a restaurant. So Missybusy and I went to buy gift for our friend and we bought two identical plushies for Jane. Anyways, that day was so special. Because when we all went back home and when Missybusy and I were talking over WhatsApp she said ‘I love you’. For the first time ever, I heard it from her, although it was still on text, I was jumping around screaming in joy and a few tears of joy appeared. I was beaming with joy. I was so happy. This should mean we were finally together, right? Nope. Our colleges were about to start soon and we both were enrolled in a different college, she said she wanted to see how our college life is going to affect our relationship. I didn’t think of it much since what could’ve gone wrong? College started and one month in and I could feel the distance increasing between us and she seemed busier than usual obviously but somewhere because of this she wasn’t giving me much time either. It was a Sunday afternoon when I confronted her about this and she seemed to have realized this as well and she said she’s really sorry about all this. But in the end, she said a relationship doesn’t seem possible. I was devastated but I didn’t shout or yell at her I tried to convince her in everyway possible. But it was futile. It seemed impossible to convince her. And the call ended with a goodbye.
  1. The real end
Another problem that I had this whole time was not knowing when to give up trying and give up trying to keep her happy instead of myself. One day later she texted me and she asked if we could meet because she believed I deserved a proper goodbye. And I eventually went to meet her the very next day. And we talked a lot. She said she felt really sorry and she told me that I deserved the best. She told me she was overwhelmed by college; she saw so many faces together and it was difficult for her. I was just super sad but anyhow I controlled myself and I didn’t cry in front of her. But she did, she started crying and I couldn’t hold back then, I hugged her and patted her head telling it’s alright. After she stopped crying, she said she’s sorry and she told me she changed her mind, she had some expectations from a relationship and one of them was physical touch and since we lived far from each other that seemed less likely but she said one has to sacrifice something for love, and I was just confused. I didn’t know what to say, what to do. I said I’ll let her know. Less than an hour after we went back to our homes, I messaged her saying that I’m ready and I want to be with her. Because I thought God had given us a second chance and I believed that it is very much possible and I shouldn’t take too long to tell her.
Everything was perfect for about a month. It was the month of October; we had a small quarrel over something and the next day I called her to apologize. But something seemed different, something felt off. She said it’s okay but I could feel something was off. The worst day of the year and the worst time of that day. She told me her brother had run away from their house because of something that happened with him and a girl and their family was in a lot of panic, and she was obviously worried and scared. She prayed to God to return her brother and she promised that she will never date someone again. I stood there, without movement, without words and I realized what it had meant. It meant an official goodbye. Breaking up in a way one could never expect. She told me to promise to not tell this reason for breakup to my friends (common friend group). I was the one who was given up. The call ended with both of us saying I love you but for the last time ever. I wasn’t at home; I was outside in a park. I felt as if someone had stabbed me right through the heart. I couldn’t feel the wind anymore. People seemed to have stopped talking. The sky lost its color, the birds stopped chirping. My whole world had come to a pause. I couldn’t think straight. I returned home acting normal. My father had come to visit, he rarely visits the city because him and my mother are separated so I don’t get to see my whole family together often so I didn’t want to spoil it. My mother and sister knew about Missybusy. Later that night I told my mom and sister that we broke up and my mom was worried but I told her to not worry because I was fine and I never told them the actual reason either, I just keep telling them I got bored of her so that they won’t worry about me, besides I had created such a wonderful image of missybusy for them I thought I should let it be that way. I couldn’t tell me friends what had happened, I didn’t tell my mom and sister what actually happened. I just kept it to myself and it hurt. It hurt really bad. I felt as if I had given her my heart and she shattered it and threw it away. I never hated her for it and I always blamed the circumstances.
  1. Life goes on
I was broken. And as any person after a breakup felt sad and sorrowful, so did I. But I kept my emotions bottled and never told anyone the actual reason. I did everything possible to keep myself distracted, I played games for many hours in a day, I talked to multiple people at once, I scrolled Instagram for hours and I was even addicted. I was losing control and I was falling in a huge pit. Days went by, I was in a terrible mental state. I attended every meetup possible even the ones I didn’t feel like going to, I was spending money like I was a millionaire or something, and I was running out of it. In the month of December, I went to visit my father and when he went for work I was alone and bored so I re-installed snapchat and just took a snap and sent it to all, I didn’t realize it went to Missybusy as well. She replied to that snap and asked how I am doing and we started a small conversation, we were just catching up and all. I was still in a poor mental state but honestly it just felt good talking to her again. And I asked her one question- “When exactly did you move on” and she replied she hadn’t. I felt bad because I realized it must’ve been difficult for her as well, college was tough for her. She told me she dated someone for two days. I was devastated yet again. So that promise for which we had to break up meant nothing. But for some reason a part of me was relieved anyway because she didn’t deserve all this. But what about me? I felt self-pity at that point honestly. When she was gone, I felt as if a part of me was taken away. I never asked for this and I never thought that I’ll have to go through all this when I first said I love you to her. Although we decided we should keep talking but I just couldn’t, after everything I could not just see her as a friend, I’ll always see her as my first love. I always try my best to smile and fool around my friends because that's who I was before I met her but I didn’t force it back then. When I returned to my city, I knew I couldn’t let these bad habits be my future. I knew what happened with me wasn’t fair but I couldn’t let that destroy my career or life. I started learning new things. I got into the stock market learnt a bit of trading and made good sum of money. I was still playing games and was still somewhat addicted. But slowly but surely, I was recollecting myself. I tried avoiding meetups with my school friends’ group because they always bring up this topic and I just hated that. I wanted peace. No matter how the days went by the night were always difficult, I didn’t hate her but I hated that the thought of her kept coming in my mind. It was always hard to fall asleep.
  1. The Present- I’m still not over her completely. A part of me will always have hope for her to come back even though my mind knows otherwise but the heart is just weird. I met my school group friends after a long time and I felt good. There were four of us (Me, Dave and let’s call the other two Bob and Marley). I get along with Marley very well, he has his college in a different city so whenever he comes here, I make sure to meet him separately. When I met Marley, we went to a café just to have food and talk really, he asked me why does no one know the real reason for my and Missybusy's breakup. I just told him that it’s complicated. Then Marley told me that he heard from Bob and Dave that they told him that Missybusy started to like someone else that is why you both broke up. It was unprecedented to me. I felt weird, I felt a weird sting. I went back home and I messaged her to confront about this, I was taken away by my impulses. She assured me that wasn’t it and then we started talking like normal people do, talked about each other’s friends’, each other’s college life and so on. Then she asked if it’s possible to meet because it had been so long! And I was honestly scared to meet her but I just agreed anyway. 30th of may we met at a bowling and pool café. We sat there and talked about each other’s life. And honestly it seemed God did listen to my wish for keeping her happy because she had made good friends at college and obviously, she did have some problems but overall, she did seem happy and I was happy for that. The moment I saw her again after such a long time I realized nothing changed, she was just as pretty, her eyes were glowing just as usual and her fashion game was on the top. We made several eye contacts throughout and I could see a little pain in her eyes. It was the pain of guilt or pain of just losing, I won’t know for sure. When we were talking about our lives and what all had happened in these 7 and a half months, I felt so peaceful inside. But as soon as I mentioned what all I had to go through after out breakup she kept saying sorry and it felt as if I was just there to make her feel sorry. So, I refrained from talking about that. But then what did I have to talk about? Most of these months I had spent in misery and apart from that I told her about the little breakthroughs that I made in the market and I told her how I made some good friends at college. But that was it really. So, she did most of the talking. I was just listening. I didn’t want to talk about what I had to go through all these months because I felt I’ll just pressure her with more guilt. I didn’t come here to meet her and just listen to her saying sorry. I only cared about her smile.
My failure of expressing came back to me, I couldn’t tell her that I still loved her, I couldn’t tell her I still miss her. I just listened to her and laughed with her. She asked me once more before we left the park where we were walking at the moment, can we still we be friends? I was hesitant. But I told her we couldn’t. I told her we won’t be able to give time to this friendship and besides I have my competitive exams in December so I need to focus on that. But that’s just a part of it, I can never view her as my friend but always as the person I loved.
When we exited the park, we were standing near her car (oh she drives great by the way!). I told her to go while I wait for my uber. I pushed her away (not physically), I kept telling her to go away. That was it, no hugs just goodbyes. I wanted to hug her but I didn’t want the part of me that still had hope to grow. As she drove away, I realized in the end, I did end up hurting her by telling her to just go away. I came back home, acted normal as usual. Lied to my mom and sister again and told them the 'meeting was fine but it was boring'. The next day when I was home alone. I burst out crying. I never cried this much before. Only I know what I have lost. I didn’t want the part of me that had hope to grow but I also didn’t want it to just die. I cried for hours until eventually I washed my face and waited for my mom and sister to return. Missybusy was gone. I know what I’ve lost. And I blame myself for it. I can physically feel the pain in my heart at this point. It hurts so much. I wish I never met her after she told me a relationship isn’t possible. I wish I was never in love. I wish I never love again. I wish to be never this vulnerable again. I had gone through so much pain in those months and tried to act normal in front of everyone. I can’t tell how many thoughts crossed my mind daily. I just kept it bottled up within me. In the end I think God doesn’t like my heart. When I was in my mother’s womb it was found that I had a very faint heartbeat. As soon as I was born, I was taken into the ICU for surgery. Five years later it was found I have a low BPM. And so many years later my heart was broken into pieces. God doesn’t like my heart.
submitted by Mother_Driver2714 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:59 Plastic-Bandicoot-85 Removed my badges and Googone residue will not come off my car.

Removed my badges and Googone residue will not come off my car.
Pictures attached. I used some Googone to get my badges off cuz I dunno, I think it looks cooler. Problem being now the back of my car has these weird stains that won’t come off. I looked it up and everything I’ve tried has been unsuccessful. If nothing works I might just detail the back. Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by Plastic-Bandicoot-85 to COROLLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:56 Sweet-Count2557 Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA

Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
Discover the Best of New York City at Distrikt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan
Price Level: $$$$
Hotel Class: 3.0
Looking for a hotel in the heart of New York City? Look no further than Distrikt Hotel New York City. Located in Midtown Manhattan, our hotel is just minutes away from popular attractions like Times Square, Hells Kitchen, and The Empire State Building. With our concierge team at your service, you can easily plan your itinerary and transportation. Plus, as a Distrikt guest, you'll enjoy exclusive local discounts. Our modern guest rooms are designed with your comfort in mind, featuring triple-paned windows to block out the noise while still offering breathtaking views. Hungry? Head to our on-site restaurant and bar, Collage Bistro and Bar, where you can enjoy everything from grab n go breakfasts to late-night cocktails. And don't forget to take advantage of our free WiFi, fitness center access, room service, and car service. Book your stay at Distrikt Hotel New York City today and experience the best of the Big Apple.
Amenities of Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
Distrikt Hotel in New York City, USA, offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and convenient stay for its guests. The hotel provides free internet and wifi access, allowing guests to stay connected throughout their stay. The friendly and knowledgeable concierge is available to assist with any inquiries or requests. The hotel features non-smoking rooms and facilities for disabled guests, ensuring a comfortable stay for all visitors. Guests can enjoy a delicious meal at the on-site restaurant or unwind with a drink at the balounge. For those arriving by air, airport transportation is available. The hotel also offers a business center for guests who need to stay productive during their stay. Each room is equipped with a refrigerator and a flatscreen TV for added convenience. The 24-hour front desk and housekeeping services ensure that guests' needs are met at any time. Additionally, the hotel provides baggage storage, a safe, and an ATM on-site for added convenience. With its excellent amenities and convenient location, Distrikt Hotel is the perfect choice for a memorable stay in New York City.
Contact of Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
342 West 40th Street, New York City, NY 10018-1404
Location of Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
Pictures of Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
Tips for Staying in Distrikt Hotel New York City
This is a small hotel, others were great at night at not slamming their doors shut, but oh lord the morning.They store your luggage free of charge.Coffee complimentary!!This room is about a 15 minute walk from Times Square. This was the furthest I have ever stayed. I would recommend staying closer to 47th StGet to know the staff. New Yorkers are so friendly and accommodating.Do not book here.
Reviews of Distrikt Hotel New York City in New York City, USA
Book Distrikt Hotel New York City Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:55 Batowel77 Was crawling on my arm in the car

Was crawling on my arm in the car
I tried to take a better picture but couldn’t get a good one in a moving car. Michigan. It’s the stripped looking crumb
submitted by Batowel77 to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:51 Stuka_Hunter Is the clear coat completely stripped?

Is the clear coat completely stripped?
I used rust remover several days ago on some spots on the boot, probably some inclusions in the paint from the factory.
I used the very same rust remover on other cars and on other panels of the same car with no issues at all. Rain usually washes all remover residues off. But today I noticed white, water etched spots where i applied the remover and after buffing it the result can be seen on the picture...
I am now wondering, is the clearcoat completely stripped or just partially?
submitted by Stuka_Hunter to Detailing [link] [comments]