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2008.03.12 19:51 Disability

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2024.06.01 14:27 karatespacetiger June Recovery Challenge Day 1 Check In

Hello and welcome to Day 1 of the June Recovery Challenge, how are you?
Wishing you peace and all the success today and all month long, good luck everyone! :)

Today's check in:

Think of a scale from zero to 100 of how important it is for you to be in recovery. You can use the following chart as a guide:
Where are you on this scale?
What led you to choose the number you did, as opposed to a higher or lower number?

If you're just joining us today for the first time, here is some info about what we do here! :)

What the Recovery Challenge posts are:
What they are not:
If you're new to recovery or it's been a while, here are some "getting ready" posts, in case they might be helpful for you to set yourself up for success this month!
I have about 3 months' worth of daily material that I am rotating through for these posts so whenever someone joins, if they stick around for three months or so they will see pretty much everything I have to offer :)
**I believe in respecting individuals' autonomy over their body and recovery path, and I do not believe in nor am I qualified to be telling people what they should or shouldn't do regarding body size! That said, I try to keep the recovery challenges as a weight-neutral space because while some may be on a weight-loss journey (and it's everyone's individual choice to make), many (if not most) people in ED recovery either need or want to accept their bodies as they are regardless of current size, and so I try to keep the space as free of "thinner is better" messaging as possible.

if you have a slip and want to turn it into a recovery learning opportunity, here are some questions:
(you don't have to post your answers if you don't want to, but I do recommend writing or typing them out somewhere)
Copy/paste the following text into your comment to get a reminder from Reddit:
When you get your reminder, look here for a link to the next day's post :)
submitted by karatespacetiger to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:27 Double_Egg_Salad Glaive Lord is Surprisingly Good After the Buff (Yes, THE Glaive Lord)

Glaive Lord is Surprisingly Good After the Buff (Yes, THE Glaive Lord)
It baffles me that I’m even writing this, but NK’s actually made GLord not just usable, but decently strong on even the True Experts because of the new ability for it to ricochet back and hit the same target multiple times per throw. If you haven’t tried it yet, I’d certainly recommend you give it a shot, because my first go-around with it after the update led to the run that you see above (that I didn’t complete because I accidentally restarted lol). Not only is there essentially no other damage tower aside from GLord and Sauda, but it also only requires minimal support in the form of Single Target DMG and the usual MGlue/Press shenanigans that allow towers like this to shine. Obviously a run like this would struggle to r100, but it’d still end up with likely 40k by the end of the run, which is an incredible feat for a tower that used to be quite possibly the worst option for its price (aside from, say, Spectre at the time), and it’s certainly not that Sauda is OP on Bloodles despite my continued claim that she is indeed great on the Texperts.
Now, this may seem circumstantial or anecdotal or whatever you may try to write it off as, but keep two things in mind. Firstly, this was my first attempt at doing the run, and I had no idea what to get at really any point aside from my regular earlygame. This saveup took zero planning ahead and just some basic knowledge of income and round formation. Secondly, this is the hardest map in the base game we’re talking about here, and GLord casually swept up the majority of lategame with some basic support, and keep in mind, it can’t move around! Even though it’s relegated to one side, the glaives ricochet and help Sauda decimate Cerams that she would otherwise need a dedicated control/stall tower for, and it also provides a hell of a lot of damage to MOAB class bloons as considering its high pierce and base damage – so if it can work well here, imagine what it can do for you on essentially any other Texpert/Expert.
It’s a small buff, and one that doesn’t sound nearly as strong as it is in-game, but it goes to show that a minor boost to something that a tower should have an emphasis on can make it comparatively incredible to its prior form. I’m personally considering it to be at least an above-average T5 now, which is ridiculous to say considering, well…
It’s Glaive Lord. So good on ya, NK.
If anyone would like to add on, give insights, disagree, or what have you feel free to leave a comment and we can discuss further, because I feel that they genuinely hit the nail on the head for what this tower should be.
submitted by Double_Egg_Salad to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:26 Sweet-Count2557 Seamore's Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States

Seamore's Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Seamore's Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Seamore's: A Culinary Journey through Local, Sustainable Seafood in Montauk, New York
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Seamore's: A Culinary Journey through Local, Sustainable SeafoodWelcome to Seamore's, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Montauk. As a travel blogger, I am always on the lookout for unique dining experiences that showcase the essence of a destination. Seamore's is a restaurant that perfectly embodies the farm-to-table concept, offering a delightful culinary journey through local, sustainable seafood.At Seamore's, you can expect nothing but the freshest catch of the day. Their commitment to sourcing seafood from local fishermen ensures that every dish is not only delicious but also supports the community. From succulent lobster rolls to mouthwatering fish tacos, Seamore's menu is a testament to their dedication to sustainable dining.What sets Seamore's apart is their emphasis on transparency. Each dish is thoughtfully prepared, with the origin of the seafood clearly stated. This level of detail allows diners to make informed choices and truly appreciate the farm-to-table experience. Whether you're a seafood aficionado or simply looking to indulge in a memorable meal, Seamore's is the place to be.As a travel blogger, I am constantly seeking out hidden culinary gems, and Seamore's has undoubtedly earned its place on my list of must-visit restaurants. So, if you find yourself in Montauk, make sure to stop by Seamore's for a taste of their delectable, sustainable seafood. Your taste buds and the local community will thank you!
Cuisines of Seamore's in New York City,NY,United States
Seamore's Restaurant is a culinary haven for those seeking a diverse range of cuisines. With a focus on American flavors, this eatery offers a delightful array of dishes that cater to seafood lovers, vegetarians, and those with gluten-free dietary preferences. From succulent seafood delicacies to delectable vegetarian-friendly options, Seamore's ensures that every guest can indulge in a memorable dining experience. Whether you're craving a classic American burger, a fresh catch of the day, or a flavorful gluten-free pasta, this restaurant has something to satisfy every palate. Seamore's commitment to providing a variety of cuisines ensures that everyone can enjoy a delicious meal in a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Features of Seamore's in New York City,NY,United States
Reservations Seating Wheelchair Accessible Serves Alcohol Full Bar Table Service
Menu of Seamore's in New York City,NY,United States
Location of Seamore's in New York City,NY,United States
Contact of Seamore's in New York City,NY,United States
+1 212-730-6005
390 Broome St., New York City, NY 10013
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:25 StankSillage Someone emailed HR about my supervisor and he’s accusing me

In order to understand, I'll have to give a lot of context surrounding the job, so strap in. I work on a rig in North Dakota and there's a chain of command. The positions (lowest to highest) go floorhand, motorhand, derrickhand (me, 24M), driller, then toolpusher. There is a company representative for our customer but that won't be relevant in this story. The rig runs 24/7, with a day and night crew each working 12.5 hours for 14 day stretches. As you could probably imagine, we get irritated with each other from time to time as we work 175 hours in 2 weeks with no lunch breaks, short smoke breaks if a guy can find a minute. That being said, we do our best to get along out here. Nobody wants to hate someone they are stuck with for that long, no matter how different of lives we may lead form one another. Well, the two tool pushers weeks off are staggered from ours so we get 1 week with TP1, one week with TP2. 2 days ago (under TP2's tower), one of my floorhands told me he was going to write an anonymous email to HR about the condition of his man camp as the hands staying in there have been getting sick. Against my advice and behind my back, he sent the email. I had already discussed the issue with TP1 and he arranged to have the camp professionally cleaned. Word got back to the VP of drilling and he replaced their camp the same day. No problems, right? Wrong. At relief time that afternoon I went out to let the daytime derrickhand go in and TP2 was out there. He brought it up to everyone that there was a second email sent, outlining some problems someone had with him. I don't know the content of said email, but everyone has been referring to it as the "TP2 is a douchebag" email. I wasn't too surprised to hear that HR had been contacted about him because he can be a pain in the ass and very vindictive. I've worked with TP2 for 3 years now and while he has his moments, I respected him (definitely past tense now.) Later on in the evening, I went to his shack to ask him what was going on with the situation and he kept saying "I know who did it. That sucks for them because they have to come through me for a promotion. They have to come to me for anything they need out here." I had an issue with that statement because of how unprofessional (and illegal if I'm not mistaken) it was but I held my tongu and brushed it off. Promotions are a pretty common occurrence out here so it could have been anyone. At the beginning of my shift last night, he called me over to his man camp, where he started grilling me and accusing me of writing the email because I knew about the floorhands email. I clarified with him that I had advised against it and had already made plans with TP1 which I have definite proof of. He continued to press me and accuse me, and only stopped when I brought up all of the times him and I got into screaming matches because I wasn't afraid to call him out. He then said "I know it wasn't you, I just wanted to hear you say it. I know who did it." An hour ago when my relief came to work, he informed me that TP2 had already heavily insinuated to day crew that it was me to, to the point where they knew he couldn't have been talking about anyone else. There's already precursors for legal issues as it's clear as day that he has a vendetta and is trying to retaliate. At what point do I make a real stink of the issue? I want to believe that the issue can be resolved within the company, but I'm not a punk and won't let another man mess with my income/ career path. I have shown nothing but dedication to this company for 5 years and now I'm in a position where I feel like it will come to legal recourse. The hard part is proving retaliation because our job scope covers a wide range of tasks. Some of them REALLY suck. Cruel or unusall punishment seems like a stretch as it's hard to prove with a job such as this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and I apologize for how long winded the post is. I want to be thorough so any advice I receive is relatively applicable to my situation. Feel free to disregard my opinion on the legalities, I wouldn't be here if I had a law degree.
submitted by StankSillage to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:25 TYMeDUST Looking for suggestions/input to help with developing my new short-form horror visual novel game

Hi everyone!
My name is Tymedust and I'm a game developer focusing on visual novels with interactive elements (my name's URL goes to my games on if anyone wants to check them out).
This July I'm entering a short-form Jam (basically an event where you develop games during set time and content restrictions) with heavy limitations, and I'm interested in creating something with a creepier vibe than my earlier projects, being a life-long fan of horror.
With that in mind I was hoping I could throw this out there in order to get input from fellow horror gamers, and perhaps get some discussions going on how to create something effective within the set limits of this event.
First off, the limitations:
Other than that, it's relatively free-form what you can do. You can play around with visual effects (zooms, slowdowns, camera panning, etc) and as long as you don't add more content to the above list, it's allowed. In order words, there's a lot of room for creativity within the constraints.
Second off, what I have so far to work with (I can't show any actual assets since you aren't allowed to start working on them until the Jam starts proper, so this is all in the pre-planning stage):
So that's basically the concept; a writer and her words. The mood is dark and atmospheric, and I'm definitely feeling an influence from horror poetry (at one time I considered making the game poetry-only, but I'm not sure if that will catch a modern player in the same way... though it's not entirely off the table).
This is where I welcome any and all ideas. What should happen, what should her writing be about, what kind of effects should be used within the constraints of the Jam to create atmosphere, mood and horror?
It should be noted that I do already have several potential ideas, but I feel like I'm missing something, like the final piece of the puzzle to make this go from "cool" to "damn cool", so to speak.
I'm very thankful for any input, and should I utilize any ideas mentioned here in the final product, I'll of course provide proper credit. :) I also welcome examples for short horror games that you'd recommend me to check out which might be influential within this setting.
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! <3
submitted by TYMeDUST to HorrorGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:25 Freya_Giselle Father hiding food from me

So, for context I am currently 22 F, I weigh about 140 and I'm 5'8, everybody else in the house is morbidly obese, which I only add because this isn't about him caring about my weight or anything.
So, some quick backstory:
I've been stuck in this narcissist household since my mom died at 20, I only stayed because she was really sick and he was abusive and I was scared to leave her alone. Anyways.
He quickly found another woman 3 months after she died, and moved her and her daughter in soon after. Without even considering how that may make me feel. Yet he claims moral high ground. I tried to get along with her after a while, it didn't end up working out. She became his slave. Which he loves.
I was working last year and making really great money but also struggling with substance abuse and I quit after being SA'd at a work retreat. I also lost my car within that time. And now my father cries wolf about me finding a job. Which I did...several times.. with great pay, each time he said would help me with Uber until my first paycheck, and each time he fell flat, during training too. I swear he gets off on getting my hopes up, keeping me stuck and him in control. I have a plan, and I'll be out by the end of the yeaearly next year.
Now, things have escalated very far. He purchased a mini fridge awhile back and it was seldomly used. Now, he comes home with a shit ton of groceries, with most or half of it going straight upstairs to his cringey little gatekeepy fridge. All he keeps downstairs for me is milk, bread, lettuce, ham, cheese etc. Gulag ass type shit. And it isn't a money issue...we live in a very nice house and he has a great job etc. He also has 3 cameras alone in the kitchen. Watching every move I make.. which he loves. Watching the ring cameras at 2 am for entertainment while I struggle to put a decent meal together. Most days I just eat bread dipped in mustard (kinda good). It's almost like he's glad my mom is gone so he can abuse me this way. I even had meat defrosting and when him and my step mom woke up they took it from me and took it upstairs to hide it. I was really stoked. I cried for hours.
He hates me because I'm his biggest opp. I always call out his bullshit and abusiveness and he hates being reminded of how evil he truly is, behind the covert narcissistic mask. Anyways that's my rant/vent. I've never done this before. If there is any questions, feel free to ask. There is a shit ton else he does.
TL:DR - My father loves to mentally abuse me by hiding food from me because he hates me and loves control
submitted by Freya_Giselle to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:24 HyperPort1 Hyperport: Rent A Tata Ace In Bangalore

Need a reliable mini truck for your transport needs? Rent a Tata Ace in Bangalore! Ideal for small businesses and personal moving. Well-maintained, affordable, and available for immediate hire. Whether it's for daily rentals or long-term needs, we've got you covered. Contact us today to book your Tata Ace and experience hassle-free logistics. Call or visit our website. Flexible rental plans and 24/7 customer support.
submitted by HyperPort1 to u/HyperPort1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 houserenterukwill Non-relative wants me to live in her house after death

Confusing situation. I have been walking a dog for an elderly lady. I have not known her for long, but was healthy when I met her. She has been in the hospital recently with a terminal illness. I have taken her dog into my flat with my wife, child and two cats. Not an ideal situation, flat is too small, no garden, cats are threatened etc.
She has asked me to take the dog. She does not want to send him to a shelter as he will be put down or not adopted for being large and reactive. I have promised to take him. My wife and I will have to move house in order to make space for him, but that's okay, we were thinking of moving anyway.
I mentioned to her in hospital we were looking for new places to live. The next day she asked me to come in and told me she wants to rent her house to me for free. It is a nice house and big enough for the family. She said she would leave the house to her niece with a clause that she has to rent the house to me. I told her that was a generous offer but I would have to speak to my wife and think it over. I do not know her that well and do not want to get involved with her will and her family. I'm not even sure if something like that is enforceable?
The next day she told me that she is no longer leaving the house to her niece and is instead leaving it to her good friend. Her niece did not agree to the plan, understandably. She probably sees me as some stranger trying to take advantage of her auntie. The lady was angry with her though and changed her mind, instead having her will changed to leave the house with her good friend. This woman would drive twice a week across London to clean her house, care for her and cook her food, not sure what their relation was, but she is a good lady. The niece on the other hand lives in Australia and has never been very involved with her. I understand why she would leave the house with the carer instead, but felt terrible that I had been embroiled in the situation.
I had not even had time to think about it properly nor had agreed. The offer is tempting, the house is decent, better than what we have, and it's free rent (or reduced rent), and we've been struggling a lot with finding a large enough place in our budget for the kid and the dog. This would solve our problem, but it would be very messy. The carer lady has agreed to uphold her wishes, but I'm not sure how we would go about it, or if she'd even keep to her word. My wife thinks she'll just turn us out within half a year and sell the house.
If I was to accept the offer, how would we go about it legally? Would the Will be able to enforce a tenancy agreement? She mentioned something about a Trust, not sure if that changes things? Can we sign a long term (3 year +) agreement with the new landlady that she can't break? Can we sign a long term tenancy agreement with the original owner before she dies and have it remain after her death?
Just looking for some advice on how feasible this all actually is. Haven't made a decision yet and not happy about getting involved in her family affairs, but it seems she's not really that close with her family (house was initially left to charity) and would prefer to help me and the carer lady who were a part of her life. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by houserenterukwill to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 RaveBotBot Here are some events in Detroit this week! 6/1 - 6/8

Here are the upcoming events for the next 7 days:

Ferndale Pride Party


Therapy Geckos Reptilian Rave

Deep Science Of Sound Sessions

Tep No


Necto Pride Presents

Glotaku Lounge Det

Golf Clap

Stay tuned for more updates!
This bot is maintained by u/drowninginristretto and is currently a work in progress.
I am always open to suggestions of more places to look for concerts and events to post, please feel free to send any suggestions my direction. EDMTrain is just the first and I will continue to expand.
Data Source: EDMTrain
submitted by RaveBotBot to DetroitEDM [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 BitsOfAdventures I made an app to help plan your Weekly Runs: Now updated with (even more) new features, Thanks to your feedback!

A year ago, I introduced Weekly Runs in this community, a free Android app that makes it easy to plan your Weekly Runs. I deeply appreciate the feedback I received from many of you!
I'm excited to announce a significant update, as the app now includes many more features and improvements to existing features:
🔄 Week Replication: Copy previous week's runs and adjust running distances, to quickly create your running schedule.
🏅 Races: Dedicated section for past and upcoming race tracking. You can see how many days left to your next race, and remember (or share with friends) details about all your completed races, including finish time, location, etc.
🛌 Injury Recovery: Easily modify your plan to include no-run days and recovery weeks, ensuring you stay on track without compromising your health.
📋 Warm-Up Checklist: Ensures you never miss essential warm-ups, reducing injury risk and enhancing your running experience. Easily add, edit and remove any pre-run step.
🛎️ Running Reminders: Notifications on days you have a scheduled run.
📝 Notes: Possibility to add personal notes for each run.
🏃‍♂️ Run Type: Easy, Tempo, Interval, Hills, Long, Race, etc. For runs of type “race”, you can now add additional details, such as the race name, location, etc.
📈 Weekly Distance: A weekly mileage display with a percentage increase for safe progress tracking.
📊 Track Progress: Detailed statistics on your runs: Weekly distance, Long runs, etc.
I’d appreciate your feedback, particularly on the app's user interface and any additional features you'd like.
Thanks for your feedback!
submitted by BitsOfAdventures to AdvancedRunning [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 snustysleasel Best Place To Sell an Online Course Learnworlds vs Udemy vs Kajabi

The demand for online education has skyrocketed in a society going more and more digital. This is an incredible opportunity for educators and content developers.
In the world of online education, websites like Udemy, LearnWorlds, and Kajabi are well-known.
Every platform has a distinct combination of features that it offers, from powerful tools for creating courses and analytics to marketing and community building capacities.
Whether you’re an academic institution, a creative worker, or an enterprise, the range of platforms caters to varied needs. It is crucial that instructors are knowledgeable about the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.

Best Place To Sell an Online Course

This post seeks to give you a thorough overview of the most well-liked online course selling platforms, illuminating their features, costs, and course kinds that you may offer so that you can choose the best option for your needs and experience.


LearnWorlds is a feature-rich online course platform that enables instructors to design, market, and sell their courses. The platform has many features out of the box, like customisable certificates, an integrated social network, and interactive video.
In addition, it has several third-party tool integrations, the capacity to generate assignments and quizzes, and the ability to engage students with interactive ebooks.
LearnWorlds provides distinctive features, such as integrated social networking and interactive video, for course developers who prioritize interactive and captivating content. Student happiness and engagement can be greatly increased in this way, which is important for course success.
Course producers may offer a more comprehensive and organized learning experience with its configurable assignments, quizzes, and certificates.
Flexibility in organizing and promoting courses is also made possible by the platform’s broad third-party interfaces.
Important features include tasks, integrations, certificates, interactive films, and quizzes.
Get today Learnworlds

Advantages include


Selling points include business, technology, health, lifestyle, and education.


In summary, LearnWorlds is a great platform for developers seeking community development and involvement.
Knowing something is not only powerful in the digital era, but it may also lead to profitable commercial ventures. People all across the world are ready to learn, and your knowledge could serve as a lighthouse for countless others. Never allow hesitancy to stop you.
Take the step to create a course and you and the many interested minds waiting for your insights will discover a world of possibilities.
It’s time to spread knowledge, educate, and thrive!
Simply said, you’re in good hands with LearnWorlds.
Get today Learnworlds


Advantages of Udemy

Drawbacks of Udemy

Cost on Udemy

Udemy charges a revenue share of 63% on all other course sales and 3% on courses made through instructor coupons. It is free to publish free courses that include less than two hours of video. (Note: Mobile platform fees for sales of mobile courses, as well as processing costs from PayPal or Payoneer, are not included in revenue sharing.)
Why are you offering your first course on Udemy? due to the platform’s abundance of resources for developing and promoting courses.
For instance, if you’re not sure whether your video courses are up to par, you may send in a sample for evaluation.
You’ll receive comments on the audio and video, as well as equipment recommendations.
Additionally, Udemy offers a helpful Teaching Center with instructions on topics like organizing a course, shooting your first video, and other related subjects.
Udemy’s customized marketing courses can help if you’re having trouble closing your first few transactions.
Take advantage of site-wide discounts, have your course highlighted in their email blasts, or sign up for Udemy’s affiliate marketing program.
Udemy gets a cut of course sales; all of these programs are optional. The promotional channel you select will determine how much they take.
Because of the scale of the marketplace you’re competing with, it’s critical that you choose the ideal course topic and evaluate how it compares to other courses on the site using Udemy’s marketplace insights.
This function, which is akin to Google Analytics, provides information on a topic’s popularity on Udemy, search volume, and related keywords.
Additionally, you may view the quantity of courses that are currently available for a given subject, the category’s highest-earning courses, the monthly revenue earned, and the most effective channels for promotion (Udemy search, Udemy discovery, external sources, and paid ads).


Expert designers would benefit most from using Kajabi, one of the most upscale online course platforms.
Kajabi might not be for you if you are a novice or a small business owner.
On the other hand, this is the ideal location if you are an experienced designer looking to start an online academy. This platform even has Amy Porterfield’s endorsement!

Kajabi’s features


The ability to build webinar pipelines is an intriguing feature shared by all of the options.
It also has fantastic marketing options, like expertly branded messaging, because it caters to huge edupreneurs.
The cost is somewhat more than that of the other platforms on this list, but for some users, the attentive, knowledgeable support staff can make up for it.
They could have made the digital offering more varied for the price they ask by including some possibilities, such as vFair’s event gamification tool, but they don’t.
The website may seem overly technical because it was designed with specialists in mind, which may discourage novice course developers from using it.
Overall, it is a costly and comprehensive LMS supplier, according to its reputation.
submitted by snustysleasel to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:08 WaseemHH I had my Urethrotomy 16 days ago

Hi. I've (25M) had Urethral Stricture for 4.5 years, and I finally had my surgery (Urethrotomy) done 16 days ago.
Honestly, I was looking forward to take that as an opportunity to stop masturbating for ever. I couldn't help it since I got horny and didn't know how to control myself, but I tried to try an alternative which is to have a hand-free orgasm, and I ejaculated. That was last night and 3 days ago, but now I made a plan not to do it for two weeks in order to cut it off gradually.
Anyways, my main point is: Is ejaculation itself, without stroking my penis harmful for my urethra and the scar tissue after the surgery?
PS: I had a wet dream three days after the catheter removal.
submitted by WaseemHH to UrethralStrictureAid [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 Stefanpkh 32 [M4F] Europe - Supportive and Loving Man from Iceland Looking for a wife

Gamer Boy 🤝 Book Girl
Hello there,
I’m a nearly 32-year-old man from Iceland, living with a physical disability that means I use a wheelchair most of the time, though I can walk indoors. I'm writing this post from the heart, hoping to find a meaningful connection.
I've tried both local and international dating sites with little success, so perhaps Reddit can be my last hope. For a long time, I felt undeserving of love because of my disability, but I've come to realize that love transcends physical limitations. I’m a hopeless romantic who cherishes staying awake with my partner until they drift off to sleep.
Here’s what brings me joy:
Who am I? I am loyal, patient, passionate about my interests, and eager to share yours. I consider myself caring, nice, and humorous—but you'll have to be the judge of that.
While I'm content on my own, life feels more fulfilling with someone special. It’s not just about living, but living meaningfully and sharing that with someone. I want to explore the world and cherish those experiences with a loved one.
About you: Ideally aged 24-38, you should value kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. A penchant for dark humor is a plus. Physical traits aren’t my main focus, but I do find a soft voice and a shorter stature charming. (Lines up well with the height of the wheelchair)
Ultimately, I’m searching for someone who can laugh at life and themselves. Looks matter, but personality resonates more deeply with me.
I'm still defining my ideal partner; maybe it’s you. If you want a glimpse of me, just ask. I prefer chatting on platforms like Discord, given Reddit’s clunky messaging.
If you’ve read this far, thank you—you’re already a hero in my eyes. Let’s see where this could go?
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful evening! I’m curious to see what this post might bring.
submitted by Stefanpkh to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 Stefanpkh 32 [M4F] Europe - Supportive and Loving Man from Iceland Looking for a partner

Gamer Boy 🤝 Book Girl
Hello there,
I’m a nearly 32-year-old man from Iceland, living with a physical disability that means I use a wheelchair most of the time, though I can walk indoors. I'm writing this post from the heart, hoping to find a meaningful connection.
I've tried both local and international dating sites with little success, so perhaps Reddit can be my last hope. For a long time, I felt undeserving of love because of my disability, but I've come to realize that love transcends physical limitations. I’m a hopeless romantic who cherishes staying awake with my partner until they drift off to sleep.
Here’s what brings me joy:
Who am I? I am loyal, patient, passionate about my interests, and eager to share yours. I consider myself caring, nice, and humorous—but you'll have to be the judge of that.
While I'm content on my own, life feels more fulfilling with someone special. It’s not just about living, but living meaningfully and sharing that with someone. I want to explore the world and cherish those experiences with a loved one.
About you: Ideally aged 24-38, you should value kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. A penchant for dark humor is a plus. Physical traits aren’t my main focus, but I do find a soft voice and a shorter stature charming. (Lines up well with the height of the wheelchair)
Ultimately, I’m searching for someone who can laugh at life and themselves. Looks matter, but personality resonates more deeply with me.
I'm still defining my ideal partner; maybe it’s you. If you want a glimpse of me, just ask. I prefer chatting on platforms like Discord, given Reddit’s clunky messaging.
If you’ve read this far, thank you—you’re already a hero in my eyes. Let’s see where this could go?
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful evening! I’m curious to see what this post might bring.
submitted by Stefanpkh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:07 Stefanpkh 32 [M4F] Europe - Supportive and Loving Man from Iceland Looking for a wife

Gamer Boy 🤝 Book Girl
Hello there,
I’m a nearly 32-year-old man from Iceland, living with a physical disability that means I use a wheelchair most of the time, though I can walk indoors. I'm writing this post from the heart, hoping to find a meaningful connection.
I've tried both local and international dating sites with little success, so perhaps Reddit can be my last hope. For a long time, I felt undeserving of love because of my disability, but I've come to realize that love transcends physical limitations. I’m a hopeless romantic who cherishes staying awake with my partner until they drift off to sleep.
Here’s what brings me joy:
Who am I? I am loyal, patient, passionate about my interests, and eager to share yours. I consider myself caring, nice, and humorous—but you'll have to be the judge of that.
While I'm content on my own, life feels more fulfilling with someone special. It’s not just about living, but living meaningfully and sharing that with someone. I want to explore the world and cherish those experiences with a loved one.
About you: Ideally aged 24-38, you should value kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. A penchant for dark humor is a plus. Physical traits aren’t my main focus, but I do find a soft voice and a shorter stature charming. (Lines up well with the height of the wheelchair)
Ultimately, I’m searching for someone who can laugh at life and themselves. Looks matter, but personality resonates more deeply with me.
I'm still defining my ideal partner; maybe it’s you. If you want a glimpse of me, just ask. I prefer chatting on platforms like Discord, given Reddit’s clunky messaging.
If you’ve read this far, thank you—you’re already a hero in my eyes. Let’s see where this could go?
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful evening! I’m curious to see what this post might bring.
submitted by Stefanpkh to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:04 Shadowxx30 Is there something I can do?

I realize when posting this that I am making assumptions and I also realize that my ability to influence an outcome is small or nonexistent but I can’t help but wonder if there is anything I can do.
I have a coworker that has confided in me in the past about some mental health issues he has encountered. He is a recovering alcoholic and has revealed to me that he has had hallucinations/delusions in the past. Followed by a period of time that he seemed to be free of them. He has also mentioned that I was the only person who believed him when he said that he had those delusions.
In the last couple of weeks he has begun to say things that make me very suspicious that he is a state of mind that is detached from reality. He has very grandiose thoughts, has made contact with a “higher power” and has received a big plan, and is very optimistic. I’m only providing this as context to my suspicion. I’m not seeking a diagnosis nor do I believe I have that capability.
My question is, is there any way for me to approach this that may lead to him seeking or getting mental health support?
He already mentioned to me that his girlfriend made the suggestion that he may be having some insert generic diagnoses here. I asked him what he thought about it and he responded “no.” He doesn’t seem open to considering the possibility.
So far, I have just been very go with the flow with anything he says. I don’t think there are many people in his life that he is comfortable with and I don’t want to compromise that by bluntly confronting him but I also want him to be able to get the support I think he needs. Is there anything I can do or do I stay out of his personal business?
Note: I did do some investigating on his “big plan” and he did reveal to me what it was. I was a little concerned because of how cryptic he was and he has a history of somewhat radical ideas. But he revealed to me that it was writing a book, so I don’t believe he is currently a danger to himself or others.
submitted by Shadowxx30 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 AutoModerator /r/Minnesota Monthly FAQ / Moving-to-MN / Simple Questions Thread - June 2024


There are a number of questions in this subreddit that have been asked and answered many times. Please use the search function to get answers related to the below topics.
This thread is meant to address these FAQ's, meaning if your search did not result in the answer you were looking for, please post it here. Any individual posts about these topics will be removed and directed here.


Moving to Minnesota

Planning a potential move to Minnesota (or even moving within MN)? This is the thread for you to ask questions of real-life Minnesotans to help you in the process!
Ask questions, answer questions, or tell us your best advice on moving to Minnesota.
Helpful Links


Simple Questions

If you have a question you don't feel is worthy of its own post, please post it here!


As a recurring feature here on /Minnesota, the mod team greatly appreciates feedback from you all! Leave a comment or Message the Mods.

See here for an archive of previous "Moving to Minnesota, FAQ and Simple Questions" threads.
submitted by AutoModerator to minnesota [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:59 Typical-Geologist272 AITA for stopping my ex from seeing his child

Just a bit of contect he was never involved in my pregnancy since we broke up when I was 10 weeks pregnant I let him know when we was born and he message me when can I see her.
I arrange for him to see her when she was 5 days old he didnt seem that interested in her at all he never looked at her he held her one during the few hours he saw her. He came again when she was about 2 weeks old and that when the problems started.
He constantly picked fights saying I wasn't allowing him to see her and I was a horrible mother that she's not his as she looks nothing like him etc.
When she was 3 weeks old he tried to end it twice it go that bad the police had to drag him back to the hospital, I said thats since his mental health isnt the best that's its not the best idea for him to be seeing her and we can arrange somthing for when his mental health was better I still messaged him sent in photos and we still ft when he could.
2 weeks later I got a letter though for mediation I message him and he said that his mental health was better and that even if he and said anything I would allow him to see her ( which I never did the planning wasn't the best as when he was buzy I was free amd when I was buzy he was free so him seeing her was difficult to arrange) after I decline he stopped messaging me
8 months later I put in for child support he got his sister to message me to tell me I'm a horrible person for putting in for CS when I don't allow him to see her (i never said he couldnt see her) so I message him to see if he wanted to see her and I would arrange somthing so that he wasn't on his own with her so like at a visitation centre.
We went back and forth for a few days then I asked him it not message me everyday (as all it was is him asking is she was OK and constantly comparing her to his family but when i said oh she gets that from my side of the family he would accuse me of pushing him and his family out and that im trying to turn her against him she was 9 months old at the time) he flipped out on me.
Saying how can I help and support my child if you don't allow me to message. I put back I'm not saying not message just not every day and I might be the arsehole for this but I said that asking how she is amd comparing her to your family isn't helping or supporting her.
Then he went on a rant about how much of a horrible person I am and then demanded to see her or he would take me to court to I Just put fine see you in court then during the conversation he kept trying to argue with me but I had tried to remain civil
A day later I got a call from CS as he had denied being her dad and we had to go wait for a DNA test and I had to answer some question. His family however kept messaging me about the case it was like a message or two a day which I had ignore I ended up closed the CS case as his family kept on harassing me about the DNA test
So aita for stopping him from seeing his child?
submitted by Typical-Geologist272 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:55 therealsyncretizm If you're new to Tana or this subreddit, look here! (Official community thread)

Dear Tanarian,
Welcome to our friendly subreddit. We are an unofficial community, maintained by fans and users of is a knowledge management application which strives to be an operating system for your life and for teams.
After nearly 2+ years of being alpha, has finally matured and reached Paid Beta, with a 14-day trial period. It has both a Free plan and a Core plan. To gain access, you can follow the link here: See Pricing
Note: While Tana was in alpha (early access), Tana said that if you wish to get early access, you can make a post in the #introduce-yourself section in the Slack channel, and priority was given to people who expressed interest in the channel. However, it is unclear how long this will still be up given that Tana has launched its paid beta.
Links for this community:
Let me know if you think certain resources should be placed up here as well!
Welcome onboard, and join us in our love for Tana!
submitted by therealsyncretizm to TanaInc [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:55 CoffeeAnalyst25 My thoughts on Top 5 and vote splitting scenario

We’ve reached the final couple of weeks of this season and here is my top 5 prediction and chances of vote splitting.
1) Jinto
One of the main content makers of the season. Right from the start, Jinto made content out of tea ☕️ which at first seemed stupid but BiggBoss gave him the comedy arc. Slowly whatever he did, be it some blatant lie or his cussing, BB made sure he was portrayed as a “paavam/nishkalankan” character. This gained him a lot of the typical family audience votes and also the way he took on Jabri gave him the “Raajavu” image, he was also attacked by the whole house at one point which gained him sympathy votes as well.
Jinto has recently toned down his words and made sure he doesn’t curse or use strong language which he has done really well but at what cost ? There has been a significant drop in screen space for Jinto going into the finale which might affect his chances winning the title ?
2) Abhishek Sreekumar
The strongest of the wildcards. Came right into the show with controversies to his name, made sure he would have the alpha/sigma males with him no matter what. I thought that there would only be a small percentage of people who’d fall in that category but surprisingly looking at his vote share, the numbers are huge.
Of course that is not the only category of votes he owns, Abhishek Sreekumar does not seem actually the person he portrays to be. He does seem to be wearing a mask for the sake of getting popularity and owning that particular fan group. There is a large group of audience who think he is very good as a gamer and is a kind guy on the inside. This group wouldn’t care about his fake mask but would rather vote for him seeing his dedication for the game.
Now what audience group is common for Jinto and Abhishek ? They both have played against Jasmin and they have the most stable vote bank of the show : Anti-Jasmin votes.
3) Jasmin
The biggest controversy of the season was Jabri and we know how it has ruined a lot of lives till now. But I strongly believe “We reap what we sow”. Jasmin has been good in some tasks throughout the show but has been an utter failure in TTF. She did have valid points against Jinto at some stages but I’d say she lost the majority of times. She had a 50-50 win over Nora but Nora won it big time for the last fight that happened between them. Jasmin is strong with words and points sometimes but her disrespect and lack of accountability gets her a major L from me. She doesn’t appeal to me at all but that might not be the same for everybody.
I am surprised with the vote share Jasmin has, I’m sure she feels she is a top 2 right now. This might be the category of audience who feel Jasmin has won her arguments quite well and is the “better” when compared to Jinto and Abhishek Sreekumar. Also, there is a small percentage of people who think that her cheating isn’t a big thing and people are being too hard on her. And this isn’t a small percentage of the audience, it is a considerably good percentage which takes us to a vote splitting scenario.
Vote Splitting Scenario
Consider the scenario where Jinto gets 25% votes, Abhishek Sreekumar gets 25% votes and Jasmine gets 30% votes. This is a random assumption without taking into consideration the anti-Jasmine votes. If the anti-Jasmin votes are 10% of the audience, either of Jinto or Abhishek Sreekumar needs to get the majority of Anti-Jasmin votes to be the title winner or to beat Jasmin. It must be stressed that Jasmin has a strong vote base and her votes won’t go down from here no matter what she does.
4) Arjun
Arjun has been a soft gamer throughout this season. He hasn’t really made much impact with his verbal skills but stood out in physical tasks by giving his 100%. I feel BB tried forcing Arjun and Sreethu for the Sreejun combo but hasn’t been organic at all but there has been a larger number of Sreejun simps all over SM.
Even though Arjun seemed to be a decent person in the show, his chance of winning the title is weak considering he hasn’t made much impact even towards the end of the season.
5) Sijo/Sreethu
Sijo came into the show with a lot of plans but sadly had to go out of the show when things went overboard. The punch from Rocky costed Rocky his whole BB appearance while it meant Sijo would stay out of the show for weeks and I feel the little support he had got weaker as weeks passed by. But it eventually got him a lot of sympathy votes for his comeback. Then again, he couldn’t make him impact apart from his “thee” dialogues.
Sreethu has been an example of how pretty privilege works in BiggBoss. Apart from an argument or two and her captaincy week, Sreethu hasn’t done much to gain a unique support from the audience. I remember Sreethu topping one of the weeks with votes but that has eventually died down now (Has it ? We’ll see 😅)
Sorry for the long read, please feel free to share your thoughts :)
submitted by CoffeeAnalyst25 to BiggBossMalayalamS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:51 raqcservices Top 12 Benefits of Outsourcing Quality Inspection Services in 2024

Top 12 Benefits of Outsourcing Quality Inspection Services in 2024
In today's competitive business landscape, ensuring the highest quality standards is paramount for sustained success and customer satisfaction.
This is where outsourcing quality inspection services come into play. By entrusting this crucial aspect of their operations to specialized third-party providers, businesses can reap numerous benefits, including cost savings, efficiency gains, enhanced quality control, and access to expertise and specialized tools.
In this article, we will explore the top 12 benefits of outsourcing quality inspection services in 2024 and how it can help businesses thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.


Outsourcing quality inspection services involves hiring external professionals or agencies to assess and monitor the quality of products or services.
This can include various aspects such as conducting inspections, audits, and tests to ensure compliance with industry standards.

Growing importance of quality inspection in the business landscape

In today's competitive market, maintaining high-quality standards is crucial for businesses to gain a competitive edge and build customer trust.
Quality inspection helps identify and rectify any deficiencies or defects, preventing costly recalls or customer complaints.
As customer expectations continue to rise, businesses are increasingly realizing the importance of investing in quality inspection services to maintain their reputation and ensure customer satisfaction.

Top Benefits of Outsourcing Quality Inspection Services

1. Reduction in operational costs through outsourcing
Outsourcing quality inspection services can lead to significant cost savings for businesses.
Instead of investing in expensive equipment, training, and hiring dedicated personnel, outsourcing allows businesses to pay only for the services they require.
This eliminates the need for additional fixed costs and can result in substantial operational cost reductions.
2. Streamlining quality inspection processes for improved efficiency
By outsourcing quality inspection, businesses can benefit from streamlined processes and improved efficiency.
External professionals have the expertise and experience to conduct inspections more quickly and accurately, saving time and resources.
This allows businesses to focus on their core functions and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately improving overall productivity.
3. Leveraging the knowledge and experience of quality inspection professionals
Outsourcing quality inspection services provides access to a pool of skilled professionals who specialize in various industries and have extensive knowledge in quality management.
These experts bring valuable insights and best practices to the table, helping businesses identify potential issues and implement effective quality control measures.
Leveraging their expertise can significantly enhance the overall quality of products or services.
4. Utilizing advanced tools and technologies for accurate inspections
Quality inspection professionals are equipped with advanced tools and technologies that enable accurate and comprehensive inspections.
These tools can include state-of-the-art testing equipment, software for data analysis, and specialized measurement devices.
By outsourcing quality inspection, businesses gain access to these advanced tools without the need for substantial upfront investments, ensuring accurate assessments and reliable results.
5. Ensuring consistent quality standards through outsourcing
Outsourcing quality inspection services ensures consistent adherence to quality standards.
External professionals follow standardized processes and protocols to conduct inspections, leading to reliable and consistent results.
This consistency helps businesses maintain their quality standards across different product lines, preventing variations and ensuring customer satisfaction.
6. Meeting industry regulations and compliance requirements
Compliance with industry regulations and standards is critical for businesses to operate legally and maintain ethical practices.
Outsourcing quality inspection services allows businesses to stay updated with the ever-changing regulatory landscape.
Quality inspection professionals are well-versed in industry regulations and can help businesses meet compliance requirements, minimizing the risk of legal issues or penalties.
7. Adapting inspection services based on business needs and demands
Outsourcing quality inspection services offers businesses the flexibility they need to adapt their inspection processes based on their ever-changing needs and demands.
As your business grows and evolves, so do your requirements for quality control. By outsourcing, you can easily customize your inspection services to ensure they align perfectly with your specific business objectives.
8. Scaling up or down quality inspection operations efficiently
One of the greatest benefits of outsourcing quality inspection services is the ability to scale your operations efficiently.
Whether you're experiencing a sudden surge in production or facing a temporary slowdown, outsourcing allows you to quickly and seamlessly adjust your inspection services accordingly.
No need to stress about hiring and training additional staff or minimizing costs during slower periods. With outsourcing, you can easily ramp up or down your inspection operations as needed, saving both time and money.
9. Allowing businesses to concentrate on their core functions
Outsourcing quality inspection services permits businesses to focus on what they do best: their core competencies.
You didn't start your business to become an expert in quality control, right?
By entrusting this important task to specialized professionals, you can free up valuable time and resources to focus on the aspects of your business that truly set you apart from the competition.
10. Allocating resources towards strategic initiatives and business growth
When you outsource quality inspection, you're not only freeing up time but also valuable resources.
Instead of spending money on building an in-house quality control department, you can allocate those funds towards strategic initiatives and fuel your business growth.
Whether it's investing in research and development, expanding into new markets, or improving your overall customer experience, outsourcing allows you to invest your resources where they matter most.
11. Mitigating risks associated with substandard products or services
By outsourcing quality inspection services, you are taking proactive steps to mitigate the risks associated with substandard products or services.
Quality control experts can identify defects and non-compliance issues early on, preventing potential recalls, customer dissatisfaction, and costly legal battles.
By catching problems before they reach the market, you can safeguard your reputation and ensure your customers receive only the highest quality products.
12. Strengthening relationships with suppliers through effective inspections
Outsourcing quality inspection services also contributes to building stronger relationships with your suppliers.
Effective inspections not only hold suppliers accountable for meeting quality standards but also provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvements.
By working collaboratively with your suppliers, you can foster a culture of continuous improvement and drive greater efficiency throughout your supply chain.

Conclusion: Embracing the Benefits of Outsourcing Quality Inspection Services in 2024

In today's fast-paced business landscape, outsourcing quality inspection services can be a game-changer for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve.
From flexibility and scalability to freeing up resources for core functions and mitigating risks, the advantages are undeniable.
By embracing outsourcing in 2024, businesses can streamline their operations, enhance supplier relationships, and focus on what truly matters ─ delivering exceptional products and services to satisfied customers.


1. Why should businesses consider outsourcing quality inspection services?
Outsourcing quality inspection services allows businesses to tap into specialized expertise and resources, leading to cost savings, improved operational efficiency, and enhanced quality control. By outsourcing this critical function, companies can focus on their core competencies while ensuring consistent quality standards and compliance with industry regulations.
2. How can outsourcing quality inspection services help in risk mitigation?
Outsourcing quality inspection services helps mitigate risks by ensuring that products or services meet the desired quality standards. Professional inspection providers have the expertise to identify potential issues and ensure that suppliers adhere to specifications and requirements. This reduces the risk of substandard products reaching the market and helps maintain a company's reputation.
3. Is outsourcing quality inspection services suitable for businesses of all sizes?
Yes, outsourcing quality inspection services can benefit businesses of all sizes. Whether a small startup or a large enterprise, outsourcing allows companies to access specialized expertise, advanced tools, and scalable resources that may not be feasible to develop in-house. Outsourcing provides flexibility and cost-effectiveness, making it a viable option for businesses looking to maintain quality standards while managing costs.
4. How can outsourcing quality inspection services contribute to supplier relationships?
Outsourcing quality inspection services can contribute to improved supplier relationships by establishing clear quality expectations and standards. By conducting regular inspections, businesses can provide valuable feedback to suppliers, enabling them to enhance their manufacturing processes and address any quality issues. This collaborative approach fosters stronger relationships built on trust and mutual commitment to delivering high-quality products or services.
By outsourcing quality inspection services, businesses can realize cost savings, improve efficiency, access expertise and specialized tools, and ensure enhanced quality control and compliance. Embracing outsourcing can be a strategic move for businesses striving to thrive in the evolving business landscape of 2024.
submitted by raqcservices to u/raqcservices [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:42 Standard_Mode9882 My AI startup, 0 to 1

Hello everybody,
In this post, I'll share a bit about how I started my AI startup and how it's going (still in the very early phase).

The Failure

I started about 6 months ago, developing an AI system for making restaurant calls without doing any prior research (spoiler: total failure). I developed the product (1-2 months) and launched it to the market. I thought it was a great idea and even wrote some posts discussing it in-depth. However, the product was a total failure—no one wanted to use it, even for free! So, instead of wasting time trying to find someone who would use it (I reached out to over 100 people), I pivoted. I repurposed the AI system into a fun platform where you can have fluent conversations with the AI.

Preventing Failure

Market Research! For the second attempt and the new product idea, I researched to see if there was a market fit and potential traction. I didn't have concrete data but wanted to move quickly. I looked at search trends for similar apps, asked in forums if the product could be useful, and received positive responses (I know, not the best market research, but I had to move forward).

The New Product

I developed the new product idea in almost a month. What is the product about? It's an app to practice fluent and common conversations in any language, like ordering a coffee at Starbucks or asking for directions on the street. You can practice any common situation in a fun way, with added objectives to make the conversations dynamic. I plan to add features to make conversations even more enjoyable while you learn another language.

First Milestone!

After reaching out to some people I had contacted before, making new posts, and engaging with potential users, I hit my first BIG MILESTONE: I gained 20 users in a week. It might seem like a small number, but it shows the product has potential, which is very exciting for me.

Road to Market Fit, 100 Users, and More! (Currently Here)

Now, I'm thinking about how to achieve the next goals: improving the product based on feedback, studying how to help users more effectively, and planning the next marketing strategies.
And that's all for the moment!
Want to try it? Send me a DM!
submitted by Standard_Mode9882 to startups [link] [comments]