Escaping websense

Finding Familiars: The best choices for your loyal companion, and a few interesting alternatives

2022.09.07 01:11 Scifiase Finding Familiars: The best choices for your loyal companion, and a few interesting alternatives

Find familiar is one of my favourite spells, packed with so much utility that it's basically a class feature for wizards, that warlocks and post-Tasha's druids can get in on too. But not all choices are made equally. Here I'm going to rank the choices and explain my reasoning, plus consider alternative familiar choices (not the more powerful options that warlocks can get, but simple tiny CR 0 beasts).

So those are the listed options, but the core monster books include other tiny and small CR0 creatures. Many are quite reasonable for a DM to allow you to use.
There are other CR 0 familiar options in adventure books too.
Icewind dale has quite a few:
Waterdeep has two
Tomb of annihilation has three, two of which are weird creatures specifically intended to be familiars.
Finally there's Storm Kings thunder

I've missed a few that are duplicates, like the crow from Mad Mage, and I've not bothered with any of the fish, because they're all F tier unless you're always under water. Or the strixhaven familairs, because I think they're not designed to be stacked up against most other familiars.
submitted by Scifiase to dndnext [link] [comments]

2018.07.06 04:55 GuruRagamuffin Of Spiders and stealth

be me
be half elf druid in a party of 5 others
in the continent looking for my wife but the trail is cold so I tag along with these guys
in a city helping two of the newer members of the party solve this murder case they're on
people in the city getting utterly fucked up
this weird poison is being used on them but we don't know whose doing it
get information that a nobleman who is involved somehow is having a party
you can see where this is going
one of the members of the prospectors bereau (the guys who are investigating the murders) says he can hook us up with invitations and fancy clothes
everyone gers excited to start dressing up
it dawns on me that we won't be allowed weapons
that doesn't fly right with me
"I wild shape into a crab"
queue montage as people exit the changing rooms in their attire, describing their fancy outfits
I proceed to sneak into the tiefling sorcerers pocket
we all head to the party
get to the door and everyone manages to get in without a hitch
they're handing out fine dwarven ales and wines to people as they're arriving
I nip my friend, he looks in his pocket as I gesture at the beers
he grabs one for me, other guests notice my chitinous appendage reach out to grab it
he plays it of cool and starts flirting with guests as we try and figure out where we can find information
other party members disperse among the crowd
eventually my human transportation shifts to a room with a stair case and a few guests listening to a drunk man talking about which ales are the superior or something
a plan is forming
another member of the party starts reluctantly engaging the drunk party goers, so that they are looking away from the stairs
the tiefling sorcerer takes this opportunity and throws my crustacean ass up the stairs
its time for some sweet infiltration
as the party continues downstairs I start moving upstairs
across from the staircase is a room and down the corridor some guards
I sneak into the room under the door
just a chest and a bed, not much to go off
I turn into a human to think about how to proceed
loot the chest because I'm saving up for this sweet staff
an idea strikes me square in the head
I shit in the bed (this wasn't part of the plan I just did it for fun, the party think it was part of a grander scheme though)
I cast pass without trace
plus 10 for stealth
I wild shape into a spider
I am basically undetectable
I leave the room and start wandering around
spraying Web juice all over the shop
I walk down the corridor, right I front of the guards
pretty much impossible to fuck up a stealth roll now
progressing from room to room looking for information
suddenly I sense a familiar presence with my websense
the tiefling sorcerer has come upstairs to look for clues
"fuck he's going to mess it up"
how can I stop the guards noticing him?
I quickly run towards the guard and launch myself onto his face
"what the fuck! Theres a spider on me"
I'm thrown off and run into the first room under the door and the guard follows me
"what the fuck there's shit on the bed"
the tiefling follows me to the largest bedroom
we find a key that's obviously for the downstairs study
now to get back downstairs
I wave my arachnid limbs to try and gesture what my plan is to the sorcerer
it doesn't work
I gesture for him to follow me
two guards in the hallway
I can handle this
jump on one's face again and scuttle away to a different room
the tiefling manages to escape back down the stairs
but this guard is wise to me
I'm thrown down the serving staffs stairway
landing at the bottom, my single health point is lost after a pretty piss poor dex roll
immediately transformed into a fairly ragged, scruffy druid
just then a maid carrying delicious appetisers wanders in from the kitchen
I guess I'll have to play the part
"aww come one you fucking fascists just let me stay for a bit"
the guard isn't buying it, hauls my ass out of their
meanwhile, the nobleman is making a speech in the main hallway, the sorcerer uses this as an opportunity to enter the study
he manages it relatively well
the patrolling guards don't see him
he manages to find the information we are looking for
he heads footsteps approaching
how is he going to get himself out of this one?
fortunately at this point, a very peeved druid is outside waving his quarterstaff around yelling about prejudice against half elves and how he should be allowed in the party
I conjure animals to summon 16 goats who proceed to stampede throughout the mansion, distracting everyone
the sorcerer regroup with the rest of the party and choose this moment to make their exit with the information we required
All in all, a successful heist.
submitted by GuruRagamuffin to DnDGreentext [link] [comments]

2017.07.20 21:12 heyyotony I had a really weird day at work today.

I had a really weird day at work today.
It started as a normal day, I was at my desk by 9.30 taking calls about computer problems that were easily resolved with the age old question "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" and setting up mobile phones in between calls.
At 11.30 I logged off the phone system and took the mobile phones over to the post room, stopping to talk to Janice for a quarter of an hour. By the time I was back at my desk, it was lunchtime. I ate 6 wagon wheels and drank 2 pints of full-fat milk.
I set up two iMacs for graphic designers in the afternoon, and returned to my desk to create a pointless spreadsheet at my managers' behest. At 4PM, the vulnerability scanner started to scan the network, and as it does every Thursday at 4PM, and it killed the internet, as it normally does. To fix the internet, someone has to walk to the far side of the site, through the factory floor, all the way to cabinet 6 where the core switch lives (basically like a really expensive router) and turn it off and on again. My colleagues are lazy, and as the most junior IT technician in the department, I was asked to go and restart it.
I walked across the site, through the "thinkcubator", past the office of the screaming skull and down into the bowels of the factory, winding my way through machines endlessly spooling wrapping paper and folding and embossing envelopes before arriving at cabinet 6. Cabinet 6 is a comms cabinet with 4 racks of servers, switches and the old A/S400 backup tape machine. The room is a 4*4m square with an electromagnetically locked swipe card door that can only be opened from the outside. Last Thursday, my colleague spent an hour locked inside after he forget to wedge the door open, and he only managed to escape by unplugging the websense server and waiting for someone to come and fix it. As I approached cabinet 6, the door looked slightly ajar, but the status LEDs on the card reader indicated it was locked. I thought little of it and swiped my pass. Immediately an A5 notepad dropped to my feet, and I thought I heard a muffled gasp from behind the door. I stood there for 5 seconds until I heard the door lock again trying to figure out what was going on before trying the door again. I tried to open the door, but it felt like something (or someone?) was behind the door preventing me. I looked around and saw one of the factory workers watching me, as soon as I made eye contact he walked over to see if I needed help. I asked him to push the door as soon as I swiped because I needed to get inside. As soon as I swiped he put all of his weight into pushing open the door, but this time it immediately flung open and rebounded.
I'll never forget what I saw next. It's etched into my memory where it will stay until I die. Dean Denby, Janices husband since 1985 was looking for his underwear somewhere on the floor. The woman who was with him was frantically trying to button up her shirt and holding her underwear in her hand. It was pretty obvious what they were doing, and it was exceptionally awkward for everyone. I said "wow I'm sorry" and pretty much ran off to the smoking shelter for lack of a better option. I had a cigarette, calmed down a little, and by the time I had returned they had gone.
I don't think I have the capacity to just forget about it and pretend it never happened, but at the same time I do not want to intervene. Currently, I'm leaning towards writing a report and submitting it to HR. Only IT workers are supposed to be able to access those rooms, and people are definitely not supposed to have sordid affairs on the premises during their contracted hours. Any serious advice would be appreciated because unlike Dean and his mistress, I'm not really having fun, and I'm dreading seeing any of them again.
TL;DR Accidentally discovered an affair while trying to fix the internet, don't know how to deal with it, or even if I need to
submitted by heyyotony to copypasta [link] [comments]