Punk wedge hair

/r/ PureHardcorePunk

2013.03.05 03:29 oTToMaN77 /r/ PureHardcorePunk

This is for all people into just old, hardcore punk from the 80s till now. No Green Day, Casualties, Rancid, or any other band that needs to hire professional hair stylists and/or have sold out big time. Just into Discharge, Jerry's Kids, Black Flag (pre-Rollins), Circle Jerks, White Cross, OFF!, the Neos, Descendents, Explioted, Last Resort, Antikrieg, Ill Repute, Agression, well you get the idea...

2023.09.13 03:47 Master_Reception_353 PHFband

Subreddit dedicated to Joe Locke's pop punk recording project P.H.F (Perfect Hair Forever) Discord server: https://discord.gg/efMpa7Ef

2012.12.28 12:57 Alternative music of the 90s

Come wallow in the nostalgia of 90s era alternative rock. Grunge is allowed but punk... not so much. Also, 80s hair bands that released music in the 90s are forbidden.

2024.06.04 10:21 GreenHalo456 32/M Can't sleep, lonely and bored anyone else in the same boat? Lets chat, maybe you need a bit of attention or just need to vent? Ill gladly listen and never judge.

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice night! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:04 Ok_Permission_5933 Can this style dress take a veil

Can this style dress take a veil
Eloping to Vegas in Sept
Have picked a cute short dress that will hopefully travel well(from uk) no shoes picked yet could be a small heel a small wedge or flats
Want to have my hair up (pic for reference)
Do you think the neck bow would ruin the look of a veil? What style /length would work best? Or should I focus I stead on a nice hair ornament?
It's a secret elopement so I can't ask friends and family
I'm 41 so although I've gone for a short fun dress I'm also trying to avoid the mutton dressed as lamb look!
I've scoured the Internet looking for someone who may have worm this with a veil but no luck
Thank you
submitted by Ok_Permission_5933 to weddingdress [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:58 Pristine_Can_5359 184 skins All Dababy Emotes Gold Brutus Master Chief (Matte Black) Gold Midas Fixer Trilogy Cloud Striker Prodigy Point Patroller Full Email Access, DM me to offer if interested

184 skins All Dababy Emotes Gold Brutus Master Chief (Matte Black) Gold Midas Fixer Trilogy Cloud Striker Prodigy Point Patroller Full Email Access, DM me to offer if interested submitted by Pristine_Can_5359 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:42 doctor-gigibanana JaMEs is back on the skateboard. Will he patch her broken wings? Revisiting Betty as a Coming Out anthem.

JaMEs is back on the skateboard. Will he patch her broken wings? Revisiting Betty as a Coming Out anthem.
That post by Billy Joe Armstrong had me thinkin about that punk rock skateboarding outlaw JaMEs, so let's reevaluate in a post TTPD, museless world.
"Betty, I won't make assumptions"
This line sets the tone for a confession and reconciliation.
The name "Betty" itself refers to a term used in the 1980s for pretty young girls in the skate and surf subcultures, suggesting that Betty herself might be part of a subculture that values nonconformity and rebellion. Betty was also a 2020 HBO coming-of-age show about a group of skateboarding girls.
“It's a word that's been used in a positive and negative way,” said Moselle (creator of the show. “It used to only be used for surfers. Then it kind of transformed into like a girl who hangs out with skaters and surfers. Back in the day we called them ‘pro hoes,’ so we're reclaiming that word. Like, ‘Oh, you’re going to call me a skate betty? Then, let’s skate.’”
Betty as a term being reclaimed by the show and by Taylor, who also wants to “reclaim” Betty and actualize as her true self.
• Betty could also be “beta”. It is the second letter in the Greek alphabet. • Alpha=James (1) // Betty=Beta (2) • In a wolfpack, the alpha gets the first dibs on food. • In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 2. (Second time's a charm) • In astronomy it’s the second brightest star in a constellation. • A beta version of software is an unfinished version released to either the public a select few or whoever signs up to beta test it for bugs or GLITCHes.
If Glitch playing today signified the GLITCH being over, perhaps the finished version is ready.
"About why you switched your homeroom, but I think it's 'cause of me"
You had to continue living in secrecy because of what I did to you...Another summer takin’ cover. (Because I'm the smallest man who ever lived)
"Betty, one time, I was ridin' on my skateboard"
The skateboard symbolizes freedom and nonconformity, connecting JaMEs to skateboarding subculture, which, like the queer community, often represents a rejection of societal norms and an embrace of individuality. So there was a moment in time when JaMEs and Betty almost connected, when JaMEs was a punk rock skater just like Betty… But alas, she rides right past her house in August of 2019.
Which leads me to what had me thinkin about Betty and skateboards today. This post from Billy Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day.
The post reads:
Just saw Taylor Swift eras tour in Lyon France 🇫🇷!! Great production. Great voice . Great entertainer. Great songwriting. Crazy crowd. People even shared with me some friendship bracelets. Thanks a million taylorswift. My bracelets say #sexybaby #assholeoutlaw
I believe this was an Easter Egg, she’s back up on the skateboard. And when we meet her at midnight with TS12, perhaps there will be a pop-punk sound.
And then of course, there’s this: https://www.pastemagazine.com/music/green-day/the-queer-normalcy-of-green-days-dookie-30-years-later
And this https://www.gaytimes.com/music/green-days-billie-joe-armstrong-loves-being-called-a-bisexual-icon-its-fking-cool/
I'm also wondering if "sexybaby" and "assholeoutlaw" point to the album name. A play on those two ideas. Monster on the Hill. Mother is Home. Lol just brainstormin.
"When I passed your house, it's like I couldn't breathe"
The inability to breathe can be a metaphor for the suffocating nature of her unspoken feelings at the very moment when all was lost. It symbolizes the tension and anxiety of wanting to be the Betty, self-actualized version of herself but being silenced, or for whatever reason not going through with expressing what she wanted to express.
"You heard the rumors from Inez"
Rumors and gossip can have a powerful impact on the truth as Inez’s role as a spreader of rumors reflects the societal pressures and external forces that complicate the situation.
"You can't believe a word she says most times, but this time it was true"
This contradiction emphasizes the complexity of trust and the difficulty of discerning truth from falsehood, mirroring the struggle many queer folk face in coming out, and also mirroring the way her own circus of a life and a brand have a funny relationship with the truth,.
"The worst thing that I ever did, was what I did to you"
This line is a direct admission of guilt and regret, central to the song's theme of seeking forgiveness. She caused herself deep pain. She rusted her own sparkling summer.
"But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me?"
The party represents a social gathering where appearances and societal judgments are prevalent. The party is OUT. Her uncertainty about being accepted here parallels the anxiety of coming out and seeking acceptance in a heteronormative society. It’s a moment of vulnerability, questioning whether her true self will be accepted.
"Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden?"
This stark contrast between rejection and acceptance symbolizes the risk and reward of coming out. The garden is a metaphor for a place of honesty and openness, a return to an Eden-like state of being true to oneself. It represents a safe space where she hopes to be accepted and loved.
"In the garden, would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing?"
The garden represents a space of truth, and the "summer thing" suggests a fleeting moment in time. The moment in August when Lover was released and she didn’t do it. She seeks reassurance that her feelings, even if once temporary or hidden, can now be accepted openly.
"I'm only seventeen, I don't know anythin', but I know I miss you"
Her youth underscores the theme of coming-of-age and the confusion and intensity of teenage emotions. The coming-of-age HASN’T come and gone. Because she misses Betty. This line also highlights the genuine, unchanging nature of her feelings for Betty. It reflects the uncertainty of adolescence but also the clarity of true emotion.
"Betty, I know where it all went wrong. Your favorite song was playin' from the far side of the gym"
Betty’s favorite song, I’m willing to bet, is ME!
The gym, I’m imagining a 1950s gymnasium at prom, contrasts with the private nature of their feelings, highlighting the tension between public perception and her private identity.
"I was nowhere to be found, I hate the crowds, you know that"
Her aversion to crowds and public scrutiny hints at a deeper fear of judgment, common in those struggling with coming out. It also reflects her preference for intimate, personal interactions over public displays. This aversion could also symbolize her fear of being outed or judged by others.
"Plus, I saw you dance with him"
This introduces a rival, which could symbolize societal expectations or heteronormative relationships. It signifies the pain of seeing Betty conform.
This rival could also symbolize the conflict her fans might have with her coming out — "but what about all your ex-boyfriends." Her fear that they will feel betrayed and leave her. She’s weaving through her braids of lies…
"I was walkin' home on broken cobblestones"
The broken cobblestones symbolize her tricky and troubled path. Walking home suggests a journey towards self-discovery and returning to one's true self.
"Just thinkin' of you when she pulled up like a figment of my worst intentions"
The unexpected arrival of another character, representing temptation or distraction, complicates her feelings. Whatever ::happened:: that stopped her from going through with it, and kept her in the cycle of lies.
Whether it was something external, like her masters, or her fear, her “needing drugs more”, addicted to the image she had built of herself, an idea of sorts.
"She said 'James, get in, let's drive'"
The act of getting in the car represents a choice. It highlights the conflict between choosing an easy, conformist path or the harder one toward authenticity.
"Those days turned into nights, slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long"
This indicates physical presence with one person but emotional longing for another, symbolizing the duality of living a closeted life versus yearning to be out. Yearning for that moment that slipped away.
"Betty, I'm here on your doorstep, and I planned it out for weeks now"
The doorstep represents a threshold, a point of no return. Planning it out suggests the importance and careful consideration of the moment, akin to the careful planning often involved in coming out. This signifies a crucial moment of truth and bravery.
She wants a grand gesture, she’s going to have to do something grand to get Betty back. That's her point in making the Betty speech about teaching men how to apologize. It's "How To Get The Girl".
The plan is Her hair falling into place like domino’s... because the hairpins are falling out... because all the dominos are cascading in a line.
"But it's finally sinkin' in, Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again"
This line captures the urgency and finality of the moment. It represents the transition from fantasy to reality. I think she promised herself when she wrote this, and when she performed it at the Country Music Awards with rainbow strings on her guitar. And because that's where she was when she actually was 17, starting in country music. That's why she's dressed like a beautiful gay ruby slipper. She needed to start over with Betty before they can go home...
This really was a huge step out of the door. It didn't feel like it to the general public because she was believed to be in a happy relationship with Joe at the time, but to her, this was quite the gesture. Especially doing it where she started. So in a way, she created this intimate moment between her and Betty, with them being the only two people who knew this was, well, what it was..
"The only thing I wanna do is make it up to you, so I showed up at your party"
Because she’s actually going to do it. She’s showing up this time. She’s not skatin’ past.
"Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?"
Public displays of affection symbolize the desire for open acceptance. This is what she was going to say the first time. This is the speech she’s thrown out a thousand times. And she’s actually saying it this time.
"If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings?"
The kiss represents healing. The "broken wings" metaphor connects to the idea of becoming whole and free, like in "Blackbird" by The Beatles.
Which leads us to the closing line in the Time Person of the Year article:
“And the way before I left, she showed me the note from Paul McCartney hanging in her bathroom, which has a Beatles lyric written on it—and not just any Beatles lyric, but this one: “Take these broken wings and learn to fly.”
She’s patching her broken wings.
Spreadin’ em like a parachute.
"I'm only seventeen, I don't know anythin', but I know I miss you"
She’s emphasizing that she was too impaired by her youth to know what to do, she never grew up, but it doesn’t matter because she still feels this way.
She was only waiting for this moment to arise...
submitted by doctor-gigibanana to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:40 EngineSensitive2584 I had gender envy and lesbian brain kick in at the same time

I went on a little trip with my friends, nothing much, just a trip to a nearby theme park. We stopped for lunch and I saw this absolutely gorgeous woman. Black and red hime-style hair, a kind of punk, maybe rocker style outfit, amazing makeup!
Y'know that meme of "not sure if I want to be her or be with her"? It was both, I very clearly felt both in full force at that one moment, lol.
I legit had a dysphoria and gender envy fueled breakdown, over probably the prettiest girl I've seen in a while. I was talking to my friends when I noticed her and my friends seriously had to snap me back to the conversation.
Is that weird? Has anyone else ever had an experience like this?
submitted by EngineSensitive2584 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:38 GreenHalo456 32[M4F]Arizona/Anywhere- Anyone feeling bored or lonely? Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve!

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice day! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:33 GreenHalo456 32[M4F]Anyone feeling bored or lonely? Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve!

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice day! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:04 lets-split-up I used to geocache, but after what I found this last time I'm deleting the app and never geocaching again...

My friend Ahmed and I met through geocaching. We used to joke that we couldn’t have been more opposite if we tried, our worlds so different it was like a bird from the sky talking to a fish from the sea (who was the bird, and who the fish, changed depending on context). We bonded over a particularly difficult cache—it turned out to have been washed away by a storm—and soon our expeditions together were the highlight of my week. But our lives got busy. He had kids. I had my career. Once a week became once a month, then only an occasional thing. And we dropped out of touch.
Once COVID hit, I got laid off. Messaged Ahmed to see if he’d be up for geocaching since it’s one of the activities one can do outdoors during the pandemic. He went geocaching a couple times with me, wearing his little daughter Ayaan on his back. Adorable, but it did limit how long he and I could be out hiking.
And then life got busy again.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing this post is that recently, I hit another hard point in my life. I came out to my girlfriend’s family. Thought they’d be accepting, only to be bombarded with snide remarks about my pronouns. Not to mention the constant misgendering. My girl kept telling me to stop acting like it’s such a big deal.
So I went back to my old escape. Pulled up the app. Started walking. Looking for caches. Letting my mind drift and my legs carry me. Anything not to have to think. Going more and more remote after I found all the geocaches in my area.
I even messaged Ahmed, though he didn’t respond. (Bitterly, I thought perhaps he wouldn’t accept me now. Which is unfair of me. He was deeply religious and a conspiracy theorist and I’m a pink-haired punk atheist, but we talked deeply and always found common ground. Anytime I jumped to assumptions about him, he’d prove me wrong. He said the same about me.)
I tried making new friends in the geocaching community. I went with a group once, went another time with some gal named Debbie and her daughter. But just didn’t feel that connection. Maybe it’s the place I am in life.
There was one name that kept showing up on the logs. Ahmed’s. And at first I was excited. My old friend, back in the game! But when I messaged, his reply disappointed me:
HIM: Sorry Blake, can’t. Life, you know.
And then, a few minutes later:
HIM: Try this one.
He sent me a link to a specific cache. It was marked with the highest difficulty. I went out there but couldn’t find it. This seemed another “washed away in a storm” scenario, and I told him so in messages. He told me to keep looking. I finally asked if he could give me a hint, anything, but all he said was to keep on. And after an hour, frustrated, I called it quits.
After that, I tried reaching out again to ask him to come geocaching with me, but he had the same excuse. “Life, you know.” But I kept seeing his name on the logbooks. I became obsessed. Told myself I would get to a cache before him. He’d been to every single one that I found, even as I was going to more remote locations from our usual stomping grounds.
ME: How are you doing this? Have you hit EVERY single cache?
HIM: Keep looking
ME: Are there any you haven’t found?
HIM: Keep looking
HIM: Keep on, friend.
ME: How about I come with you on the next one you do? It’s been too long. Honestly, I could use your advice.
HIM: Sorry Blake, can’t. Life, you know.
ME: Kids keeping you busy? How is Ayaan doing?
HIM: Walking now! Daddy’s so proud.
I stared at the text, puzzled. Feeling a slight chill.
She learned to walk during the pandemic. In 2020. Four years ago.
ME: All right, for real, what’s going on man?
HIM: Keep looking.
So I went out. Opened the app, and searched for some caches I hadn’t been to yet. Ones further out. Found one on a hike deep into the woods, so remote it wasn’t the sort Ahmed would usually go for now that he had kids. Still, my old friend had already marked it. This time though, I took notice of the date: 5/20/2024
I went for another one nearby, this one an easy find in a picnic area. It was the same. Ahmed had marked it for exactly the same date.
The next one, too.
In fact, all the caches I found, even the ones I’d found back in our city where we lived, all had the same date. I know because I went and double checked. All the 20th of May of this year. The same day he’d started messaging me after ghosting me for weeks. But he couldn’t have found them all in a single day. Impossible. No matter how much he trekked around, that was just too many to mark. I was deeply chilled now, terrified. And then my phone pinged with another message. It was Ahmed again.
HIM: Keep looking.
What else could I do? In some ways it was like old times. A treasure hunt. There was something I had to find. A cache. The only cache he hadn’t found first. There had to be one. And then I remembered the impossible cache. The one he’d sent me the link to that I hadn’t been able to find. I went back there. Messaged him:
ME: Is this the one?
HIM: Keep looking.
Again, I hunted up and down. The sun was sinking lower in the sky. I couldn’t find anything out here in these woods. It should have been right here by the trail, shouldn’t it? I threw my hands up in surrender, and since the sun was looking beautiful over the rocky bluffs, I went ahead and started climbing the rocks upwards, thinking to clear my head a bit.
HIM: Keep looking.
The hairs on my arms prickled as I stared at that message. I climbed further, but got nothing, so then I hiked downwards along the slope, deeper into the wooded undergrowth.
HIM: Keep looking.
Deeper still. The sun had lowered enough that the long shadows stretched like skeletal fingers had now become a blanket of shadow, and there was a chill in the air. And the smell of wet earth, leaves, that fetid reek of damp earth, and… something else. Every now and again. A faint unpleasant undertone.
Ahmed didn’t do social media. One of his conspiracy theories was about how much data those companies collect on you to use for nefarious purposes (actually that’s less conspiracy theory than truth I suppose, but one I ignored whereas he angrily sought to thwart their efforts to “spy on” him.) But he had family members on Facebook or Snapchat or Instagram, surely. I should reach out, I thought. Should search for them. Maybe they’d posted some of what’s going on. He’d mentioned a sister once, Sahra. I searched for her and found her on Facebook.
My phone pinged as I slowly stepped further down the slope.
HIM: Keep looking.
The earthy smell was stronger now. I opened Sahra’s page. Unlike her brother, she posted often online. I had to scroll, but not too far, before I started seeing the posts: My brother is still missing! Please pray for him to be found—
HIM: Keep looking.
From the posts on Sahra’s page, it looked like he’d been struggling. There’d been a lot he hadn’t shared with me recently. We’d hardly seen each other, after all. Apparently he and his wife were separated. Wow. His sister worried he’d done something, maybe. That he might hurt himself. The Ahmed I knew would never have considered it. But how much did I really know him? We were geocaching buddies, that was all. And yet in my heart, I couldn’t believe he’d do something like that. Not while his daughter was still alive. Not while—
HIM: friend.
HIM: Sorry Blake
I stopped as my boot crunched on something. Looked down with a gasp. Just a plastic bottle. My heart relaxed. But then I noticed something else. In the dim light of dusk, I turned on my phone’s flashlight to see better and swept along the shaded undergrowth and there—there was a flash of blue from a jacket, hidden now by leaves and the undergrowth. A jacket, an arm… a hand… And now again I noticed the smell.
When I tried later to show Ahmed’s family the messages on my phone, I couldn’t find any. Nor did any of the caches still have Ahmed’s name in the logbook. It was like I’d hallucinated all of it. But based on the state in which he was found, authorities believe Ahmed was hiking the trail, went climbing along the rocky cliffs and fell. Hit his head. Lost his phone. Injured and disoriented, he didn’t make it back to the trail.
Crucially, their findings showed that he had NOT taken his own life. He’d just been doing what I was doing. Out in the woods, sorting out his shit, geocaching. And then when he wanted to keep climbing, to work off some of that frustration and uncertainty—he slipped.
He needed his family to know what happened to him. That he hadn’t intentionally left them. Hadn’t intentionally left her—his daughter. He needed her to know.
There’s one more thing. I gave up geocaching after that. Got back to life. But after I broke up with my girlfriend, I finally opened the app again because… I was just feeling so low. Trying to run from the world. And when I opened it, I saw he sent me one more message, urging me away from the dark thoughts bubbling in my brain:
HIM: Keep on, friend.
submitted by lets-split-up to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:59 lets-split-up I used to geocache, but after what I found this last time I'm deleting the app and never geocaching again...

My friend Ahmed and I met through geocaching. We used to joke that we couldn’t have been more opposite if we tried, our worlds so different it was like a bird from the sky talking to a fish from the sea (who was the bird, and who the fish, changed depending on context). We bonded over a particularly difficult cache—it turned out to have been washed away by a storm—and soon our expeditions together were the highlight of my week. But our lives got busy. He had kids. I had my career. Once a week became once a month, then only an occasional thing. And we dropped out of touch.
Once COVID hit, I got laid off. Messaged Ahmed to see if he’d be up for geocaching since it’s one of the activities one can do outdoors during the pandemic. He went geocaching a couple times with me, wearing his little daughter Ayaan on his back. Adorable, but it did limit how long he and I could be out hiking.
And then life got busy again.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing this post is that recently, I hit another hard point in my life. I came out to my girlfriend’s family. Thought they’d be accepting, only to be bombarded with snide remarks about my pronouns. Not to mention the constant misgendering. My girl kept telling me to stop acting like it’s such a big deal.
So I went back to my old escape. Pulled up the app. Started walking. Looking for caches. Letting my mind drift and my legs carry me. Anything not to have to think. Going more and more remote after I found all the geocaches in my area.
I even messaged Ahmed, though he didn’t respond. (Bitterly, I thought perhaps he wouldn’t accept me now. Which is unfair of me. He was deeply religious and a conspiracy theorist and I’m a pink-haired punk atheist, but we talked deeply and always found common ground. Anytime I jumped to assumptions about him, he’d prove me wrong. He said the same about me.)
I tried making new friends in the geocaching community. I went with a group once, went another time with some gal named Debbie and her daughter. But just didn’t feel that connection. Maybe it’s the place I am in life.
There was one name that kept showing up on the logs. Ahmed’s. And at first I was excited. My old friend, back in the game! But when I messaged, his reply disappointed me:
HIM: Sorry Blake, can’t. Life, you know.
And then, a few minutes later:
HIM: Try this one.
He sent me a link to a specific cache. It was marked with the highest difficulty. I went out there but couldn’t find it. This seemed another “washed away in a storm” scenario, and I told him so in messages. He told me to keep looking. I finally asked if he could give me a hint, anything, but all he said was to keep on. And after an hour, frustrated, I called it quits.
After that, I tried reaching out again to ask him to come geocaching with me, but he had the same excuse. “Life, you know.” But I kept seeing his name on the log sheets. I became obsessed. Told myself I would get to a cache before him. He’d been to every single one that I found, even as I was going to more remote locations from our usual stomping grounds.
ME: How are you doing this? Have you hit EVERY single cache?
HIM: Keep looking
ME: Are there any you haven’t found?
HIM: Keep looking
HIM: Keep on, friend.
ME: How about I come with you on the next one you do? It’s been too long. Honestly, I could use your advice.
HIM: Sorry Blake, can’t. Life, you know.
ME: Kids keeping you busy? How is Ayaan doing?
HIM: Walking now! Daddy’s so proud.
I stared at the text, puzzled. Feeling a slight chill.
She learned to walk during the pandemic. In 2020. Four years ago.
ME: All right, for real, what’s going on man?
HIM: Keep looking.
So I went out. Opened the app, and searched for some caches I hadn’t been to yet. Ones further out. Found one on a hike deep into the woods, so remote it wasn’t the sort Ahmed would usually go for now that he had kids. Still, my old friend had already marked it. This time though, I took notice of the date: 5/20/2024
I went for another one nearby, this one an easy find in a picnic area. It was the same. Ahmed had marked it for exactly the same date.
The next one, too.
In fact, all the caches I found, even the ones I’d found back in our city where we lived, all had the same date. I know because I went and double checked. All the 20th of May of this year. The same day he’d started messaging me after ghosting me for weeks. But he couldn’t have found them all in a single day. Impossible. No matter how much he trekked around, that was just too many to mark. I was deeply chilled now, terrified. And then my phone pinged with another message. It was Ahmed again.
HIM: Keep looking.
What else could I do? In some ways it was like old times. A treasure hunt. There was something I had to find. A cache. The only cache he hadn’t found first. There had to be one. And then I remembered the impossible cache. The one he’d sent me the link to that I hadn’t been able to find. I went back there. Messaged him:
ME: Is this the one?
HIM: Keep looking.
Again, I hunted up and down. The sun was sinking lower in the sky. I couldn’t find anything out here in these woods. It should have been right here by the trail, shouldn’t it? I threw my hands up in surrender, and since the sun was looking beautiful over the rocky bluffs, I went ahead and started climbing the rocks upwards, thinking to clear my head a bit.
HIM: Keep looking.
The hairs on my arms prickled as I stared at that message. I climbed further, but got nothing, so then I hiked downwards along the slope, deeper into the wooded undergrowth.
HIM: Keep looking.
Deeper still. The sun had lowered enough that the long shadows stretched like skeletal fingers had now become a blanket of shadow, and there was a chill in the air. And the smell of wet earth, leaves, that fetid reek of damp earth, and… something else. Every now and again. A faint unpleasant undertone.
Ahmed didn’t do social media. One of his conspiracy theories was about how much data those companies collect on you to use for nefarious purposes (actually that’s less conspiracy theory than truth I suppose, but one I ignored whereas he angrily sought to thwart their efforts to “spy on” him.) But he had family members on Facebook or Snapchat or Instagram, surely. I should reach out, I thought. Should search for them. Maybe they’d posted some of what’s going on. He’d mentioned a sister once, Sahra. I searched for her and found her on Facebook.
My phone pinged as I slowly stepped further down the slope.
HIM: Keep looking.
The earthy smell was stronger now. I opened Sahra’s page. Unlike her brother, she posted often online. I had to scroll, but not too far, before I started seeing the posts: My brother is still missing! Please pray for him to be found—
HIM: Keep looking.
From the posts on Sahra’s page, it looked like he’d been struggling. There’d been a lot he hadn’t shared with me recently. We’d hardly seen each other, after all. Apparently he and his wife were separated. Wow. His sister worried he’d done something, maybe. That he might hurt himself. The Ahmed I knew would never have considered it. But how much did I really know him? We were geocaching buddies, that was all. And yet in my heart, I couldn’t believe he’d do something like that. Not while his daughter was still alive. Not while—
HIM: friend.
HIM: Sorry Blake
I stopped as my boot crunched on something. Looked down with a gasp. Just a plastic bottle. My heart relaxed. But then I noticed something else. In the dim light of dusk, I turned on my phone’s flashlight to see better and swept along the shaded undergrowth and there—there was a flash of blue from a jacket, hidden now by leaves and the undergrowth. A jacket, an arm… a hand… And now again I noticed the smell.
When I tried later to show Ahmed’s family the messages on my phone, I couldn’t find any. Nor did any of the caches still have Ahmed’s name in the logbook. It was like I’d hallucinated all of it. But based on the state in which he was found, authorities believe Ahmed was hiking the trail, went climbing along the rocky cliffs and fell. Hit his head. Lost his phone. Injured and disoriented, he didn’t make it back to the trail.
Crucially, their findings showed that he had NOT taken his own life. He’d just been doing what I was doing. Out in the woods, sorting out his shit, geocaching. And then when he wanted to keep climbing, to work off some of that frustration and uncertainty—he slipped.
He needed his family to know what happened to him. That he hadn’t intentionally left them. Hadn’t intentionally left her—his daughter. He needed her to know.
There’s one more thing. I gave up geocaching after that. Got back to life. But after I broke up with my girlfriend, I finally opened the app again because… I was just feeling so low. Trying to run from the world. And when I opened it, I saw he sent me one more message, urging me away from the dark thoughts bubbling in my brain:
HIM: Keep on, friend.
submitted by lets-split-up to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:12 crustboi93 31 [M4F] Iowa/USA - seeking rad busty nerd

Looking for the Leeta to my Rom.
I'm 5'3", white, with an average build, green eyes, brown hair (currently shaved), and a mustache. I'm shy, nerdy, and goofy, with a touch of the 'tism. Leftist. Agnostic.
Primarily a metalhead and punk, but also enjoy synth and folk music, with a healthy respect for jazz and classical. A few of my favorite artists include Blind Guardian, Candlemass, Judas Priest, Testament, Anaal Nathrakh, Darkthrone, Skeletonwitch, and Gulch. Occasional concert promoter
Sci-fi and fantasy nerd. Tolkienite. D&D. Video games. Animation. Manga/graphic novels. Love learning about history, culture, science, and religion. I listen to a lot of media criticism as I'm teaching myself screenwriting.
Here for the goths, goofs, and geeks. I love women who are smart, funny, passionate, affectionate, empathetic, and curious. Open to different aesthetics, but I'm definitely a boob guy. Bonus points if you're tall, muscular, or share similar interests.
Let's talk. Tell me about the things that make you happy!
submitted by crustboi93 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:29 Isosmoke 27 [M4F] #Online/Southeast USA - Alt goof looking to be spammed by YOU daily!

Hey there! I'm a 27M from US, I am hoping to find someone I can talk to with ease, throughout the day about anything and everything, someone who likes to share and have meaningful conversations. I'm kind of a hopeless romantic, hoping to meet my person but I am also open to completely platonic friendships too!
I am an ambivert, I love a nice cozy night in or a fun night out. I love to play PC games, anything from rpgs/mmos to cozy crafters to survival or fps. I also enjoy game development, art, music, movies, cartoons and shows. On the other hand, I love to get outside, go workout, enjoy a nice hike in nature or go exploring around town.
I love music and finding new music, some of my favorite genres are indie, alt, rock, pop, punk, pop punk, rap, hiphop, elctro swing and more.
Normalcy is overrated, I take pride in my weird goofiness, and you should too! I'm alt, 420 friendly. I love life and new experiences. I am extremely open-minded, ambitious, optimistic, non-judgmental, caring, kind and love deep conversations. I'm an animal and nature lover.
Looks-wise I am 6ft, light brown medium length hair, nose piercing, hazel eyes, husky/thick body type (but workout frequently) and I want to get a tattoo at some point. I am open to swapping pictures as well.
As for my own preferences, I'm really not picky but I would prefer someone who enjoys being pretty active but is also down to chill out and lounge. Bonus points if you have an indie/alt/grunge/soft/y2k/pastel aesthetic!
If you made it to the end hopefully you found something interesting, shoot me a dm, tell me a bit about yourself. P.S. I will send you a picture of my cat! (or my isopods 😳)
submitted by Isosmoke to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:05 NegativeGamer Respect X-51/Aaron Stack, the Machine Man! (Marvel, 616)

Machine Man was the last of a group of robots built by the US military for a secret weapons project. Raised like a son by one of the project leads, Dr. Abel Stack, Machine Man was thrust into a world not ready to accept him when Abel sacrificed his life to remove a built-in self destruct chip meant as a failsafe. Despite the government's persecution of his existence, he would become a superhero and honorary member of the Avengers, saving the lives of people no matter if they viewed him as a man or merely a machine.


Robotic Physiology



Extendable Limbs

Fine Control
Offensive Usage

Gravity Negation




On Objects
Magnetic Fields

Temperature Systems

Hacking Implements

Senses and Sensors

Object/Emission Detection
Signal Detection/Transmission
Measurement Systems
Vocal Replication

Temporary Modifications

Other Abilities

Sentinel Abilities

During the events of Machine Man/Bastion '98, Machine Man's main body was taken over by Bastion and given access to some of Bastion's Sentinel abilities as a result.MMB This section is only for the feats he demonstrated in his original body, and not the Sentinel form he took beginning in X-51 #1.


Offensive Abilities



Former Abilities

Following Machine Man's first encounter with the Hulk, extraneous parts of his machinery, including his laser, flame, and stun abilities, had to be removed in order to keep him from self-destructing.MM10 To see the abilities he demonstrated before this downgrade, see here.
















Continued in the comments

submitted by NegativeGamer to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:48 totempow Mid vs SD3 vs IG1 - Same Prompt

Mid vs SD3 vs IG1 - Same Prompt
grunge style a man with a cluttered desk sitting at his keyboard in a robe, he is wearing glasses and his hair is a mess, fantasy portrait photography, beautiful eyes, ethereal beauty, magical atmosphere, whimsical element, enchanting composition, mystical storytelling, professional lighting, imaginative concept, creative styling, otherworldly aesthetic, fantasy romance, surreal visual, enchanting character, captivating narrative, intricate detail, vibrant color, fantastical landscape . textured, distressed, vintage, edgy, punk rock vibe, dirty, noisy --ar 5:6
AR 4:5
AR 2:3 https://ideogram.ai/g/Im2_Jm2xRDGBSVUdCC9PVA/0
SD3 via Stable Assistant (Allegedly the same as the weights being dropped in a few days)
AR 4:5
submitted by totempow to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:26 AggripaDaRippa 28/M/Pennsylvania/Anywhere Single cat dad looking for new people to chat with!

Hey there! Looking for some new people to talk to, down to chat about pretty much anything as long as you can somewhat hold a conversation haha. Not really great at writing these things so I'll just list off some of my interests and things I'm looking for.
About me:
-i like watching sports; baseball, hockey, F1, sometimes basketball.
-i love video games, I play mostly on my PC, but I also have a PS5 and a switch. Right now I'm mostly playing dota 2 and r6 siege, but I have and play a lot of other stuff too.
-I have two cats that I love to death, totally down to show you how cute they are!
I love movies, I have a pretty large physical movie collection of blu rays and 4ks, I especially love horror but I'll watch most genres.
-I also enjoy music a lot, mostly metal, but also pop punk, pop, rap, country, and some other random stuff too. I've been to A LOT of concerts over the past 10 years but haven't been to many recently.
-im pretty introverted, I work a lot and when I'm not working I like to pretty much stay in and relax for the most part.
-i work night shift, i I have a pretty unorthodox schedule and sleep during the day and I'm up all night haha
I have 6 tattoos!
I don't smoke or drink, I don't really mind or care if you do though!
Physically im 6 foot tall hazel eyes with glasses and short brown hair. Medium build, a bit of a dad bod.
That's pretty much it, I'm sure there's a lot more I could include but I'll save that for later. Now here's some things I'm looking for!
What I'm looking for:
-someone who can somewhat hold a conversation and is actually interested in getting to know each other
-down to share selfies and possibly down to voice chat in the near future
down to switch to another platform, I don't really want to use the chat feature on here, sorry.
-open to the possibility of something flirty, and or just friendship. I'm not strictly looking for friendship only.
That's mostly it I think. Shoot me a message with a little about yourself if you're interested
submitted by AggripaDaRippa to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:10 Jet_Threat_ Is this kind of rope Y-front harness safe (or good)?

Is this kind of rope Y-front harness safe (or good)?
I’m looking for a good y-front harness (I’ve heard they’re ideal but please suggest otherwise if I’m wrong) and was interested in this one by Dogsnug. It seems to be most popular with sighthounds, so I figured I’d ask here. My one medium-haired dog is weirdly shaped; he is skinny with a wedge head, tiny waist and narrow chest so I’m not sure if this would work. I’m also considering the Flagline harness by ruffwear. Other recommendations welcome.
submitted by Jet_Threat_ to sighthounds [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:54 Raceway124 [45/M]Runner...Punk Rocker...take a chance

Hi in the Midwest, I'll let you guess if we ever get to a voice or video chat. I'm a runner into punk and metal mostly. Always looking for new tunes! I like being outdoors as much as possible . I don't drink or do drugs. I also will hop my old butt on my skateboard because I'm in shape enough to get away with it. I have all my hair and teeth too! No men.No under age. DM are open.
submitted by Raceway124 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:11 Bluebells7788 African parents can truly be unserious buffoons who destroy their children's lives

Long post so get your popcorn...
So this weekend I learned of a rapidly developing and very sad situation in my family that has been ongoing with my cousin. Going to call said cousin 'Mary' for anonymity purposes and her husband 'Michael'.
So for the last year or so my cousin has seemed a little off kilter to me so when I last saw her, we agreed to 'catch-up' but life has been busy so alas we have not been able to since April this year, which I am now sad about.
She recently quit her job recently at the beginning of the year and her in-laws were very upset. She's a doctor in the NHS in the UK stand also tops up that salary with private sector work. Anyway that money train recently ended and the in-laws are big mad. I have never seen them this angry and it really made my blood run cold and realise that educated African women are often just cash cows to their in-laws.
Mary married Michael about 7/8 years ago just after she qualified and completed her junior doctor rotations. They had been together for @ 6 years before that. Michael is in IT and specifically cyber security, and as we know IT has taken a hit recently. Michael was made redundant last year and has been doing contract IT work, which whilst very lucrative also lacks stability. He also had a period where he clearly had some sort of depression but it was never addressed, but worse still I think his mother capitalised on it to drive a wedge between her son and his wife.
Anyway all the above put pressure on Mary as the main breadwinner, which is compounded by the fact that they have 2 children under 5. Both families are problematic in origin with their own dysfunctional dynamics and it has been a struggle for them at times but I had no idea how toxic things had got....
So my understanding is that last August Michael's mum came to the UK (she is a British citizen who is now retired having lived and worked in the UK for over 30+ years) for some medical treatment, as the NHS waiting lists are so backed up she started pressuring her son to pay for private treatment so she could return home more quickly. Michael then made all sorts of promises to his mother and tried to put her as a dependant under his work private insurance but that was a no-no and soon after he was laid off anyway. He got a good severance package, which he should have banked to keep the family going i.e. pay mortgage, bills etc for at lest 1 year....but we know how this goes.
Anyway Michael uses the money to secure medical care privately instead of just waiting and pushing under the NHS and despite Mary using all her contacts to try and work the system to move things along faster or supplement with some private care in the meantime. The mother starts being unreasonable and putting pressure on her son despite knowing that he is not a permanent employee at his job. Michael has always been a mummy's boy so eventually he breaks down and uses the severance money for private care - despite the wait on the NHS being just another 3-6 months MAX and the condition not being life-threatening. In fact she came to the Uk as she usually does every summer and had been living with the condition in Africa for over a year and was even dancing and dashing money at a family wedding when I saw her last summer.
Anyway Michael spends about half of his cash severance money on this treatment along with a HUGE chunk of THEIR savings, and setting the other half aside for tax (which the mother would then manage to sequester from him also for extended family). Mary goes nuts, especially as she knows MIL's condition is in NO WAY life threatening and her husband is technically out of work and it all falls on her shoulders. Bear in mind also that his severance money was paid gross so there is still tax to be paid on some of it.
The mother then decides she wants to stop with them 'for a while' so ends up staying in London from August to new year this year, goes home and THEN COMES BACK AGAIN. This puts incredible strain on my cousin as her MIL is a menace. She essentially treats her like a slave and accuses her of neglecting her responsibilities, not cooking for her son, not taking care of her family and not greeting her correctly when she comes in the house, not being respectful enough and just a whole heap for nonsense. Medical staff work shift patterns which means Mary typically works 3x shifts a week and then an extra one in the private sector. That last private shift is an over-nighter and pulls in a whole lot of moola - basically increases her salary by another 40-50% which as a young family is helpful for childcare.
MIL is not incapacitated in anyway but refuses to help with the kids and instead just picks at my cousin all day every day in the cruelest way. She also blames her for Michael's depression and says she's not doing her job as a wife to 'lift up her husband' whilst he is down after having lost his job. My cousin is respectful and just sucks it up - never answers back and always politely responds back 'yes Ma'.
Then MIL ups the game and starts deciding to piss off the Nanny who leaves after being spoken to harshly and insulted African style (just a fucking NO with these euro nannies). The live in au-pair follows suit and the MIL states that my cousin is so lazy and why does she need so much childcare anyway? One of the kids is also in Nursey semi-full time and MIL will some days just take them him early or refuse to take that kid in for the day full stop putting pressure on the au pair which is why she eventually left (the school is 10 minute walk from the house).
On once occasion older kid had a stomach ache and my cousin begs the MIL to go and pick him up as she is still on shift. MIL loses her shit and refuses to be cooperative but instead takes the opportunity to start insulting her over the phone, in the end the Nursery start blowing up my cousins phone and my cousin has to leave work and pick up her little man before they call the social on her (they do that in the UK). This pattern continues apparently for months with my cousin having to rope in various family members, contract nannies and friends to help including myself - so I got a front row seat to the shit-fuckery. She is also now on the radar of social services given the various little incidents of MIL refusing or forgetting to pick up the oldest child. Also she slaps the older kid one day and he goes to school with the marks which is a HUGE no no in their posh white area of leafy London. My aunt also intervenes and says WTF - why are you treating my kid and grand-kids like that - don't you have daughters of your own? MIL is becoming a fucking tyrant.
One thing I am noticing is that Michael is not speaking up for his wife or even his own children and it's fucking concerning. Then one day she messages me and says she's worked out that his mother is instigating him to talk to her like crap and demand 'traditional man' treatment. Anyway after 5-6+ months of back to forth and struggling with childcare, just being fucking exhausted and just beaten down my cousin has 'taken a sabbatical for mental health reasons'. Her boss actually demanded it as her BP was through the roof and she looked like she was really not coping. So effectively she was on sick leave for the first few weeks and then thereafter her boss who is a huge supporter and mentor helped her hatch a plan - she would basically take some time out until the youngest is Nursery age. She manages to wrangle @ 3 months in sick pay, study leave and holiday pay and thereafter she was effectively on sabbatical. So he last NHS pay cheque was @ April this year and she now only has the 1 day a week private shift work money coming in.
However, my cousin has told her MIL that she has quit to 'take care of her husband and the family' as she has been telling her to do so. As stated above she just the private overnight shift work coming in. This means that she now has the kids at home with her 24-7 (which she is actually enjoying) and can now be a 'proper wife'.
You would think the in-laws would be over the moon.....but the strangest thing about all of this is that the MIL and Michael's father are BIG mad. Like very BIG Mag. My cousin and her husband have joint accounts for everything and he has always subsidised his family back home with money from their accounts and my cousin has never complained (even though they are not poor), whilst my aunt lives in the UK and still works and actually helped my cousin financially when they first got married. So now only her private shift money is coming in and Michael is on a slightly less lucrative contract at the moment, which although is due to run for a while does not pay as much. They have enough to cover the mortgage, bills etc live comfortably and even save a little but not enough to have the lifestyle they had before and support NUMEROUS family members. Michael was supposed to contribute to his youngest sisters wedding in Dubai this summer and also his youngest brothers UK university school fees. BUT there is no money in the kitty so his family like I said are BIG mad and calling her a useless, bad, evil, spoilt woman, and asking how can she just sit at home and watch her husband kill himself when she is a whole qualified medical doctor?
Bear in mind this same women did everything in her power to disrupt and spoil my cousins job and make her life a real struggle - like really peppered her. My cousin DGAF she is living her best SAHM life with her 1 shift a week, taking her babies for days out and really getting to know them and crying for all the time she missed with them, hanging out with her other mummy friends, getting her hair and nails done, finishing DIY projects around the house (has a fairly decent growing insta home account with a few small sponsorships LMAO) and has no intent to go back to work until the youngest is 3 years old next year so she doesn't go crazy again. She also now has a creative outlet and seems much happier.
Meanwhile in march this year Michael panics as it's time to pay the tax man. Michael miscalculated thinking that the first £50k of his severance is tax free when it's actually only the first £30k. My cousin has pre-empted this shit show so she had stopped paying her private shift salary into the joint account and opened a separate account. Their agreement being that as she now effectively earns about 30% of her previous salary that she she would pay for food, emergency childcare and anything around the house and he took care of the mortgage, bills and car. She is also earning a small but decent amount from Insta and he hasn't twigged that is how she is funding her DIY projects and even new washing machine and coffee machine, but he is too disinterested to notice. So anyway the taxman wants @ £20k and this idiot does not have it and the MIL is now insulting my cousin and telling her she should go back to work to help earn it as the fines are starting to build up. My cousin remains steadfast stating that she is taking care of her children and husband and herself and she will go back when the youngest is 3 and qualifies for (almost) free full time school and reminds her MIL that she nearly had a nervous breakdown.
Michael is now begging her also to go back to work and she reminds him of how he used to gang up on her with his mother and how mentally low she was and why she had to stop working because of the lack of support. Anyway MIL has now decided that she is going back to Nigeria after SIL's wedding and will not be coming back.
BUT and here is the big but - I do not see my cousins marriage surviving this because it's a BIG mess. On the surface she doesn't seem that bothered and in fact looks to be very over it and I don't think Michael has worked that out yet. In fact I think things were so bad last year that when my cousin planned the sabbatical that she was also taking an emotional break from her husband - but now she has realised she wants out. My cousin is a very kind and loving person but also very practical and forensic and I now realise that the point of this sabbatical was also partly financial to start creating some distance from Michael after how his family have treated her. After working for 10+ years she has no real savings to show for it as his family have effectively leeched off them for a decade and he has continuously allowed it. All the while she worked those extra shifts to effectively subsidise them and they treated her life trash at the first sign of instability and her MIL showed incredible cruelty.
So in less than one year my cousins MIL completely drove my cousin a very sane, stable and kind person to the end of her sanity and dismantled her marriage. When the money ran out and she senses my cousin is emotionally detached from her son and her son is now blaming her, she now plans to bounce.
I am just shocked having witnessed this fuckery over the last year. What TF was MIL trying to achieve by driving a young mother to the end of her wits like this. On one occasion she actually cancelled the nanny my cousin booked as an emergency measure when she heard my cousin speaking to the agency about the cost, which meant that I had to save the day. Luckily I able to take a short notice holiday that day and was able to go and take care of her kids because I knew how important that shift was for specialisation purposes. On one occasion she called everyone in the family to complain that my cousin did not greet her properly. My cousin had just finished a very stressful overnight shift and even picked up some shopping on the way home at 7/8am in the morning then when she came home started cleaning the house which was a mess. The MIL then came downstairs expecting her to start kneeling to her. It was a mess and my aunt cleared her ass.
I am still in shock at how utterly evil and contemptible some African parents can be.
submitted by Bluebells7788 to africanparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:24 JadedBarber5363 [WTS] [WTT] 1/10 AGE, 1 Gram Palladium, 2.5 Gram Gold Acre, Slabs, Proof Sets, 10 oz Bars, 1 oz Bars, 1 oz Rounds/Coins, Kooks, Geigers, Fractional, Foreign, Goldbacks, Collectables, and more.

*Chat Preferred. Only accepting trades for items under “COLLECTABLES”. Items verified using SIGMA Investor (Thru and Gravity), Pocket Pinger, Weight, and Magnet.
2021 1/10 AGE- $265 SOLD
50 2023 Wyoming Goldback- $225
2.5 Acre (In Assay)- $215
22x Grand Casino Silver Tokens (No Capsules various different designs)- $465
3x 1 oz Nadir Bars (In Assay)- $36 EA
1 oz Coca Cola Bar- $37
1 oz The Perth Mint Kangaroo Bar- $39
2023 Merry Christmas Colorized Bar- $35
The Royal Mint 007 “Diamonds Are Forever” 1 oz Bar- $40
1973 Mothers Day Vintage 1 oz Bar- $36
Silver Trade Unit 1 oz Round Morgan Design- $35
2x Golden State Mint Year Of The Dragon 1 oz- $38 EA
2x 2023 King Charles Royal Arms 1 oz- $38 EA
2x Steamboat Willie 1 oz Rounds- $34 EA
Americas Rarest Coins 2 oz Silver “Bust Dollar” Design- $75
2x 50 Gram Geiger In Assay- $65 EA
10 Oz “The Wedge” DHF Silver Bar- $380
Silver 1975 Philippines Proof Set (complete)- $90
2000 The Dawn of A New Millennium 1oz Silver- $35
1 Gram Geiger In Assay- $8
16x 1 oz Silver Towne Mighty Eagles- $510
7x 1 oz Misc Nicer Rounds- $225
Cale Yarborough 1 oz Round- $40
1974 1 oz Liberty Medallion- $35
20x 1 oz Tokelau 2024 Proof Mustang- $36 EA or all for $34 EA
$3 Face 90% Lot ($1 Wash, $1.20 Rosevelt’s, $.80 Mercs all with dates and some are higher grades)- $64
1x 1962 Proof Set (beat up envelop, but complete)- $26
10 oz Bar- $315
1 oz Peace Dollar Round- $40
2x 2023 Kookaburra (W/Capsule)- $35 EA
4x 2024 Kookaburra (W/Capsule)- $35 EA
1 oz 2023 5 Mark Germania Mint Allegories (W/COA)- $45
500 Gram The Holy Mint Bar- $525
1964 Accented Hair Proof Set (Complete)- $70
22x 2024 1/10 Silver Brittanias- $10 EA or all for $9 EA
2001 S Proof JFK Half- $12
2022 1oz Serbia Nikola Tesla Natural Healing NGC MS70- $115
1964 Washington Quarter NGC PF67 (Crack on slab)- $15
1946 Walking Liberty Half PCI MS65- $95
2017 S ASE NGC PF70 Ultra Cameo San Fransico Slab- $120
1922 D Peace NGC MS63- $85
2023 Morgan CAC First Delivery MS69 Slab- $100
Bradford Exchange 2023 T2 BU ASE- $40
1855 Germany 1 S Hamburg MS63 NGC (Toner)- $80
5x 1 Gram Argor Palladium- $60 EA
COLLECTABLES: Will trade for low premium Silver and Gold. [WTT] [WTS]
1x 2021 Cameroon Crucifix Coin- $120 EA
6x Fiji 2022 Snowflake Coin W/Crystals (Sealed)- $85 EA
3x Fiji 2023 Wonders Of Nature Great Barrier Reef Coin- $145 EA
2021 Star Wars IG-11 NIUE Coin- $105
2021 Samoa Splash Of Colour (Color 🇺🇸) New York City Coin- $175
🚛*Shipping- is $5 for 1-8 oz (Ground Advantage), $6 for 9-12 oz (Ground Advantage) and $10 for over 12 oz (Priority Mail) both with tracking numbers. American shipping only 🇺🇸 (prices are for lower 48). I am shipping out of Oklahoma, if you are close I may be able to ship cheaper ground than priority on higher weights. Be sure to inquire if you expect that to be the case.
🧾*Payment- I accept Zelle (preferred), Venmo, cash app, and PayPal FF (least preferred and not available for low flair users). Please no notes/comments or I will refund (if you are forced to use one add an emoji or . ) Thanks!
💂 *Security- I will not give my password to anyone for any reason. I have enabled two factor authentication and have other steps to help protect myself and the buyers. I also use the same setup to take proof photos, so any deviation in that is a red flag 🚩.
submitted by JadedBarber5363 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:54 ShallotCommercial164 Baker Terry

Whatsup Dhmis subreddit
i think Baker Terry (voice actor from the puppets and actor) is extrem underrated (everyone just talks about becky and joe but not baker terry even though he's a big part of it :( )
That's why I'm gushing about him here now :3 (and I think that many dhmis fans don't know that much about him)
Baker Terry is so cool, he is definitely my favorite actor / voice actor (HIS PINK HAIR WAS SO COOL!?)
He did a music video named "im not a punk anymore" where he had pink hair and was a punk :3
He also was Craig in "Craigs big day" a short film from baker terry, joe pelling and becky sloan (i dont know the meaning behind that)
and he did a short film named "BIN"
i also noticed 3 references
  1. in the car Episode where duck talks about that he stuck pictures on his window he says "it looks pretty good to meee" anf craig in craigs big day says the same thing at the end
  2. In the unreleast pilot of dhmis (which only aired at the Sundance Film Festival on January 29th) Yellowguy was a punk and he wore exactly the same clothes as Baker Terry in "Im Not a Punk Anymore"
  3. Dan Britt the animator from dhmis with joe (Dan Britt is also very very underrated) did a Animation named "I Decided to Leave" at "1:23" you can her the voices from yellow guy, red guy, and duck laughing :D
I ALSO LOVE THE ANIMATION "im dead inside"
i wish the songs "im dead inside" "im not a punk anymore" and "craigs big day Song" would be on Spotify :(
(dhmis is litteraly my hyperfixation)
okay byee :D
submitted by ShallotCommercial164 to DHMIS [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:25 Taeng9Sica Who Is Winning In A Fight?

I've been thinking about this since that post about wishing Nobu punched Takumi during Trapnest's party. So I was curious which characters you think are most to least likely to win in a fight?
For me, males: 1(Takumi): We see this man punch two people in the manga and leave their noses bleeding afterwards. And all it took was a singular punch at that. We know he basically grew up poor and was a delinquent in high school, busting windows out the building. He is also one of the tallest guys in the cast, second to only Yasu, I believe. Not only that, but I know for a fact he does not fight fair. He will fight dirty and sometimes, that's what you need. The man is winning, respectfully.
2 (Yasu): Yasu just gives off that vibe. We saw him punch a paparazzi, but it didn't seem like he put all his strength into that. He gives off the vibe of someone who knows they can lay you out, but is choosing not to for your sake. He also kicked Takumi's shin in the manga, but it didn't seem to have that much of an impact as Takumi bounced back up like it was nothing.
3 (Ren): He grew up on the streets, I know he had to get scrappy at some point. I forgot to mention this with Yasu and Takumi, but he plays guitar and that gives a motherfucker some callouses. So I know if Ren smacks someone, they feeling it. We know that he can probably choke someone into unconsciousness too. The only thing that can hold him back is the drugs and withdrawals.
4 (Shin): Respectfully, if Shin and Nobu ever got into a physical fight, imma bet on Shin. He ain't a punk (as in, he's not a coward), so even if he does lose, I feel like he's gonna go down fighting.
5 (Nobu): I'm sorry, but he should just be the friend on the sidelines filming the fight, cause he's not gonna make it. Arms? Weak. Upbringing? Spoiled. Height? Short. Sorry. Yes, he has callouses and he did work at the construction spot, but I think even he knows it's a loss. But he has heart.
For females: 1 (Nana): The only reason is because we see she's not afraid to get physical. She punches and kicks Nobu multiple times, grabs at Shin and Ren on a few occasions, and she probably has a high pain tolerance. She also worked at a construction spot too and she made the table at 707, so she has some strength there. She has a lot of energy too and her hair ain't long, so don't gotta worry about no one pulling it. I also think she's the tallest of the girls, but I could be wrong.
2 (Misato, the fake one): She's a crazy groupie. That's enough of a reason.
3 (Hachi): Lemme explain. She can cook and bake. And if you've ever met someone who cooks and bakes, without using a machine, you know their arms got some strength to them. Not only that, but she was pregnant and climbed up seven flights of stairs multiple times throughout the manga in heels, so she got some leg strength there too. The only thing is, she's very emotional and I feel like she'd be the type to start crying when angry and you can't fight with tears in your eyes.
4 (Asami/Yuri): She just gives off the vibe of a girl who pulls hair, scratches, and throws things in a fight. Do I think she will punch someone? No. But will she slap and scratch them? Yes.
5 (Reira): Has to have energy to perform all those songs during a tour. Yasu also mentions her abs are strong, so she got some good core muscles. But I don't think she can fight. Homegirl was sheltered and spoiled by Takumi. She never had to fight a day in her life.
I left out Junko, Kyosuke, and a few other cast members just cause I don't have strong opinions on whether or not they can fight. But what's your list?
submitted by Taeng9Sica to NanaAnime [link] [comments]


As the title states, received a fry with a hair cooked into it. I alerted the waitress. She seemed concerned and asked if I wanted a new meal, and also suggested replacing the fries. I told her the sandwich was fine, and a fresh order of fries would be sufficient. It seemed like the easiest solution, considering I didn't want to derail the other two people's lunch, I was with. So, off to the kitchen she goes. A couple minutes later she returns with an empty plate and asks me to put my sandwich on the plate and she will remove the fries. OK, kind of odd, since I already had removed the contaminated fry, which she had taken. Anyway, a couple minutes passes and she returns with what appear to be the same fries, just put back in the grease and completely overcooked. I thought it odd the way the thing was handled, so I filled out the customer feedback, on their website. Here is their response
"Thank you for your patience while we investigated this matter. We have visited with the team members that were involved with your experience and thoroughly reviewed the details. Under closer inspection in the kitchen, the "hair" was determined to be a thin piece of cheese that had been pulled off the sandwich when plating. All the team members in the back of the house(3), where the lighting is brighter than in the dining room, concurred that it was cheese. The team member in the kitchen then dropped a new set of wedge fries and plated them for service, which is our standard when replacing any side item. We make a new one. We did not "redrop" the existing wedge fries. We never put item, of any type, back in the fryer once it has been prepared. Your original fries were placed directly in the trash by the server. Wedge fries are a freshly prepared item in house, from whole potatoes, and can look very similar and have varying colors to them based on starch/sugar content. So, perhaps, your fresh second order was from a potato that had more starch in it when cooked, thus darker. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding of what occurred and how it was handled. Thank you for your support of our restaurant and team. brett's
That is some true revisionist history. There were two other people, at the table, who witnessed it. Additionally, the waitress confirmed what I saw, as she saw it. Four people were standing there looking at it, yet no one said it was cheese. But... it was the bad lighting.
How would the cheese get between the coating, of the fry, and the potato, if it just fell off the sandwich? Since it was fried into the coating, had it been cheese it would have cooked away.
All Brett's responses are bunk and classless, to blame me, and my companions, as not being able to see what was clearly right in front of us. The attempt to gaslight is rich. "Don't believe your lying eyes". The whole way it was handled and their obvious willingness, to absolutely lie and libel their customers, says a lot about what a garbage restaurant it is. 0/10 Would not recommend.
submitted by dawgphan to Athens [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:57 Fabulous_Green_7911 I don't like "indie" music

I'm a pretty open-minded person in terms of my music taste. Enjoy everything from 80s hair metal to 90s, 2000s pop punk to modern trap. But one genre which I can really not get into is the "indie" music of today- bands like Bon Iver, Tame Impala Arcade Fire, Cigarettes After Sex or solo artists like Girl In Red, Mac De Marco and Clairo
It seems to be popular amongst a lot of people in my friend circle and is probably the most acclaimed genre in many online music communities. But personally, I think its more of a genre that is meant to be elevator, background music for depressing, nostalgia-themed Instagram reels. All the songs are pretty slow, touch upon the same subjects and the artists do not have a distinctive sound whatsoever according to me. It is pretty dull and boring.
So for the fans of this genre, what attracts you towards it? I am open to suggestions but this was my unpopular opinion about indie music of today.
submitted by Fabulous_Green_7911 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]
