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Seems like it should be darker by now. I havnt been super strict lately but am trying to stay under 20g of carbs when I do have them.
submitted by Aggravating_Weird_42 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:35 linkbuildingexperts What Is Biltong?

A Guide to South Africa's Nutritious Snack

Biltong, a high-protein, low-carb meat snack, has captured the hearts and taste buds of many around the globe. Originating from South Africa, its journey from a local delicacy to an international snack favourite is a testament to its unique flavour and the growing demand for healthier snacking options. We're diving into the world of biltong, exploring its history, how it's made, and the reasons behind its surging popularity.
What sets biltong apart from other snacks is not just its taste but also its nutritional profile, making it a perfect choice for those looking to indulge without compromising their health goals. Whether you're after a quick bite post-gym, a nutritious snack for the office, or a convenient treat during outdoor adventures, biltong offers a delicious solution. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind biltong's success, its health benefits, and how it differs from its cousin, jerky.

Key Takeaways

What Is Biltong: A South African Delicacy

Biltong, a high-protein, low-carb meat snack originating from South Africa, stands as a symbol of culinary heritage and innovation. Whilst embodying the spirit of South African gastronomy, it offers a healthier alternative for snack lovers worldwide. Let's delve into the essence of what makes biltong a distinctive and cherished delicacy.

The Historical Roots of Biltong

The journey of biltong began in the 17th century with Dutch settlers in South Africa adopting and enhancing a traditional drying technique from the indigenous Afrikaner population. They introduced biltong, a word derived from the Dutch "bil" (buttock) and "tong" (strip or tongue), showcasing the process of curing strips of meat. The preservation method, involving saltpetre, vinegar, coriander, and black pepper, allowed for the creation of a durable food source essential for travellers and explorers.
Over the decades, biltong evolved beyond a mere survival food, cementing its place as a beloved snack in the South African cultural landscape. Its popularity surged, transcending borders and gaining a following in various countries, thanks in part to South Africans spreading their culinary traditions globally. Today, you can discover genuine South African-made biltong through our online store, South African Spaza Shop, further enriching the cultural exchange.

Common Meats and Ingredients

The most celebrated form of biltong uses beef, revered for its rich flavour and tender texture. However, the versatility of biltong extends to various meats, including game and exotic animals, offering a diverse spectrum of tastes. The essential ingredients that define traditional biltong include meat, black pepper, coriander, salt, and vinegar. These components work harmoniously, creating the unique taste profile that biltong aficionados admire.
Modern iterations of biltong might introduce additional elements such as garlic, sugar, and chilli peppers, further enhancing its appeal. However, at its core, biltong retains the fundamental characteristics that have made it a cherished snack for centuries. Whether enjoyed as a nutritious post-workout snack, a convenient office treat, or a companion on adventurous excursions, biltong delivers unmatched convenience, health benefits, and delectable flavours.
In drawing from its rich history and utilising a broad spectrum of ingredients, biltong epitomises a culinary tradition that continues to captivate and satiate appetites worldwide. As we offer biltong made by South Africans in our online store, we're honoured to share a piece of our cultural heritage with you. Explore the authentic taste of South Africa and understand why biltong remains not just a snack, but a tradition cherished across continents.

The Art of Biltong Making

Biltong, a high-protein, low-carb meat delicacy, has captivated the tastes of many around the globe. Originating from South Africa, its unique preparation and drying process make it a distinctive snack. In this section, we'll delve into the traditional techniques that have been perfected over centuries and explain the drying process that concentrates the flavours, making each bite a savoury delight.

Traditional Preparation Techniques

The journey of making biltong begins with the selection of quality meat. Traditionally, beef is the preferred choice, but variations might include game meats, offering a broader spectrum of flavours. The meat is then trimmed of excess fat and cut into long strips, adhering to the grain for that perfect texture.
The next step involves the marination process, where the meat strips are bathed in a concoction of vinegar, salt, and spices. The authentic mix typically features coriander, black pepper, and sometimes a hint of clove or nutmeg. This marination not only infuses the meat with its characteristic flavour but also acts as a preservative, a crucial aspect given the historical origins of biltong as a means of preservation before the advent of refrigeration.
Once marinated, the meat is generously coated with a dry rub of spices, further embedding the complex flavour profile that biltong is renowned for. This step is where the artistry of biltong making truly shines, as the blend of spices can be adjusted to create different flavour variations, from the traditional to more modern twists incorporating chilli, garlic, or even smoky BBQ notes.

The Drying Process Explained

Following the marination and seasoning, the meat undergoes the pivotal drying phase, which is where the real magic happens. Traditional methods involved hanging the meat in a dry, ventilated space, allowing it to air-dry naturally. This slow drying process, which can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the climate and thickness of the slices, meticulously draws out moisture without cooking the meat.
The goal of the drying process is to remove enough moisture to preserve the meat while retaining its tender texture. Advanced drying techniques, refined through generations, now utilise controlled environments that simulate the ideal drying conditions, ensuring consistency and safety without compromising on the traditional taste and texture of biltong.
Once the drying process is complete, the meat is scrutinised for its firmness and dryness. It's at this point that the biltong can either be sliced thinly to enjoy immediately or cut into thicker chunks for those who prefer a more substantial bite.

Biltong vs. Jerky: Key Differences

Exploring the realm of dried meat snacks, we often encounter two prominent contenders - biltong and jerky. Both offer unique flavours and textures but hail from different culinary traditions. Here, we delve into what sets these two apart, focusing on their taste, texture, and nutritional profiles. For enthusiasts eager to taste authentic South African biltong, our online store at South African Spaza Shop features a selection made by South Africans, capturing the essence of this traditional snack.

Taste and Texture Distinctions

When unraveling the differences between biltong and jerky, taste and texture are paramount. Biltong, originating from South Africa, is known for its tender and juicy texture. It's made from whole pieces of marbled steak and retains a noticeable succulence due to its air-drying process. The flavour of biltong is robust and complex, influenced by a marinade of vinegar, salt, and spices such as coriander and black pepper, which infuse the meat during its preparation.
Jerky, on the other hand, tends to be chewier and less moist compared to biltong. Its texture results from being dried with heat rather than air, often resulting in a tougher snack. The taste of jerky can vary widely depending on the marinade used but generally leans towards a simpler, smokier flavour profile due to the heat-drying process and the addition of smoke flavours in many commercial varieties.

Nutritional Comparison

Nutritionally, both biltong and jerky offer a high-protein, low-carbohydrate snack option. However, some differences arise from their respective preparation methods. Biltong's air-drying process and reliance on natural spices for preservation can result in a snack that's free from artificial preservatives and sugars. This not only contributes to biltong's distinctive taste but also implies a cleaner nutritional label with fewer additives.
Jerky, because of its drying process and sometimes extensive use of marinades, might contain higher sodium levels and added sugars, depending on the brand and flavour. While still a nutritious option when chosen carefully, consumers looking for minimal processing and additives might lean towards biltong.
In essence, whether it’s the tender, richly flavoured bites of biltong or the chewy, smoky strips of jerky, both snacks satisfy the craving for savoury treats. For those intrigued by the traditional flavours of South Africa, biltong presents a culinary experience that bridges cultures and tastes. Our selection at South African Spaza Shop offers an authentic taste of biltong, meticulously crafted by South Africans, ensuring a genuine snack experience for our customers.

Culinary Uses of Biltong

Exploring the culinary versatility of biltong opens a realm of delicious possibilities. Our journey through the beloved South African snack doesn't stop at its enjoyable taste when eaten on its own. Biltong's rich flavour profile and tender texture make it a fantastic ingredient for a variety of recipes. From traditional dishes to innovative culinary creations, biltong enhances meals with its unique taste.

Popular Biltong Recipes

Biltong's adaptability in the kitchen is remarkable. Its incorporation into diverse recipes showcases its ability to complement various ingredients, enhancing the flavour of dishes. Here are some popular biltong recipes that celebrate this South African delicacy:
  1. Biltong Salad: A fresh salad mixed with thin slices of biltong, blue cheese, roasted nuts, and mixed greens, drizzled with a balsamic glaze, offers a perfect balance between the meat's rich flavour and the salad's fresh components.
  2. Biltong Quiche: Integrating biltong into a quiche provides a delightful twist on the classic dish. Combined with eggs, cream, and cheese, biltong adds a savoury depth that elevates the overall taste.
  3. Biltong Pizza: Sprinkling chopped biltong atop a pizza, along with ingredients like feta, avocado, and caramelised onions, creates an irresistible fusion of flavours.
  4. Biltong Pâté: This creamy spread, made by blending biltong with cream cheese, butter, and spices, serves as a superb topping for crackers or toasted bread, offering a sophisticated snack or appetiser.
  5. Biltong Pasta: A simple yet flavourful pasta dish can be achieved by tossing cooked pasta with sliced biltong, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and a creamy sauce, resulting in a hearty and satisfying meal.
For those seeking authentic flavours, our South African Spaza Shop offers biltong made by South Africans, available in our online store at Our biltong selection promises an authentic taste experience, bringing the essence of South African culinary traditions to your kitchen. Whether you're looking to recreate traditional recipes or invent new ones, biltong adds a delicious and protein-rich element that transforms ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary delights.

Health Benefits of Biltong

Nutritional Profile and Advantages

Biltong, a traditional South African meat snack, stands out for its impressive nutritional profile, offering a plethora of health benefits. Rich in high-quality protein, biltong supports muscle repair and growth by providing the essential amino acids needed for bodily functions. Protein is crucial for the building blocks of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails and aids in tissue repair. This makes biltong an excellent addition to the diet of athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to maintain a healthy physique.
Moreover, biltong is low in carbohydrates, making it a suitable snack for individuals following low-carb, keto, or paleo diets. The drying process preserves many of the meat's nutrients, meaning biltong is also packed with vitamins and minerals essential for overall health. These include iron, which is vital for transporting oxygen in the blood; zinc, which boosts the immune system; and vitamin B12, necessary for brain health and energy production.

Biltong in a Balanced Diet

Incorporating biltong into a balanced diet offers several advantages. Due to its high protein content and low carbohydrate levels, biltong can help satisfy hunger and reduce cravings, aiding in weight management. Its convenience as a ready-to-eat snack makes it a practical choice for busy individuals seeking nutritious food options on the go.
For those interested in exploring the range of biltong flavours, our South African Spaza Shop offers biltong made by South Africans, available in our online store. We select high-quality, locally-sourced meats, marinated in traditional spices, then air-dried to perfection. Enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, biltong provides a tasty, nutrient-rich snack that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Discover our selection and experience authentic South African biltong by visiting South African Spaza Shop.
Biltong is not just a delicious snack but also provides significant nutritional benefits. Whether added to dishes for extra flavour or enjoyed on its own, biltong is a fantastic option for those looking to maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing taste.

Storing Biltong the Right Way

After exploring the joys of making and consuming biltong, it's crucial to understand how to store it properly to maintain its quality and longevity. Biltong, a South African delicacy known for its rich flavour and nutritional benefits, requires correct storage conditions to preserve its taste and freshness. Whether you've made your own or purchased it from specialists like us at the South African Spaza Shop, where we offer authentic biltong made by South Africans, storing it the right way is key.

Optimal Storage Conditions

To keep biltong at its best, it's important to store it in a cool, dry place. Moisture is the enemy of biltong, as it can lead to mould growth and spoilage. Therefore, ensuring that the storage area has good air circulation and is apart from direct sunlight helps in prolonging its shelf life. When stored and packed correctly, biltong can last for several months, making it an excellent snack for travellers and those looking for a nutritious treat that stands the test of time.

Packaging for Longevity

For optimal storage, pack biltong in breathable packaging, such as paper bags or cloth bags, which allow air to circulate while controlling moisture. Plastic bags can trap humidity, so they're best avoided unless the biltong is vacuum-sealed, which significantly extends its shelf life. If you prefer your biltong on the drier side, keeping it in a slightly more ventilated area will ensure it remains in your desired condition.

Periodic Checks

Regularly checking your stored biltong for signs of spoilage is a good practice. Fresh biltong will be deep maroon, firm to the touch yet bendy without cracking. Any deviations from this, such as an off smell, visible mould, or unusual colour changes, suggest it's time to discard it.
By following these storage tips, you'll be able to enjoy high-quality biltong whenever you crave it. And remember, for those who'd rather skip the DIY route, our online store at South African Spaza Shop offers a wide range of authentic biltong made by South Africans, ensuring you experience the true taste of this nutritious snack. Whether you're familiar with what biltong is or are a newcomer eager to try, we've got you covered.


We've explored the rich heritage and nutritional benefits of biltong, a delicacy that's stood the test of time from its humble beginnings to becoming a beloved snack worldwide. Understanding how to store biltong properly ensures we can enjoy its unique taste and health advantages for months. For those of us craving the authentic taste of South Africa, the South African Spaza Shop offers a convenient and reliable source of high-quality biltong. Whether we're making it at home or buying it, biltong remains a smart choice for anyone looking for a nutritious, protein-packed snack. Let's embrace this tasty tradition that's as much about culture as it is about flavour.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is biltong still illegal in the US?

Biltong itself is not illegal in the US, but regulations require it to be brought in with a valid import certificate. Failure to present this certificate upon entry results in confiscation by Customs and Border Protection.

What part of the cow is biltong made from?

Biltong can be produced from various beef cuts, with the round cut being the most preferred due to its tenderness. The top round roast is especially recommended for its balance between tenderness and flavour.

Why is biltong so chewy?

The chewiness of biltong varies based on the fat content of the meat used. Fattier cuts result in a chewier texture, while leaner cuts offer a drier finish, allowing makers to influence the texture through their choice of meat.

Is biltong healthier than jerky?

Yes, biltong is considered healthier than jerky due to its natural taste, and it generally contains no added sugars or carbohydrates. Additionally, it has significantly less sodium, making it a better choice for those watching their intake.

Why is biltong so expensive?

The cost of biltong is attributed to the energy-intensive drying process, which requires a controlled environment for a prolonged period. Other factors include packaging, marketing, and distribution expenses, all contributing to its higher price point.
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2024.05.23 14:29 linkbuildingexperts What Is Biltong? Explained by South African Spaza Shop

Biltong, a high-protein, low-carb meat snack, has captured the hearts and taste buds of many around the globe. Originating from South Africa, its journey from a local delicacy to an international snack favourite is a testament to its unique flavour and the growing demand for healthier snacking options. We're diving into the world of biltong, exploring its history, how it's made, and the reasons behind its surging popularity.
What sets biltong apart from other snacks is not just its taste but also its nutritional profile, making it a perfect choice for those looking to indulge without compromising their health goals. Whether you're after a quick bite post-gym, a nutritious snack for the office, or a convenient treat during outdoor adventures, biltong offers a delicious solution. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind biltong's success, its health benefits, and how it differs from its cousin, jerky.
What Is Biltong: A South African Delicacy
Biltong, a high-protein, low-carb meat snack originating from South Africa, stands as a symbol of culinary heritage and innovation. Whilst embodying the spirit of South African gastronomy, it offers a healthier alternative for snack lovers worldwide. Let's delve into the essence of what makes biltong a distinctive and cherished delicacy.
The Historical Roots of Biltong
The journey of biltong began in the 17th century with Dutch settlers in South Africa adopting and enhancing a traditional drying technique from the indigenous Afrikaner population. They introduced biltong, a word derived from the Dutch "bil" (buttock) and "tong" (strip or tongue), showcasing the process of curing strips of meat. The preservation method, involving saltpetre, vinegar, coriander, and black pepper, allowed for the creation of a durable food source essential for travellers and explorers.
Over the decades, biltong evolved beyond a mere survival food, cementing its place as a beloved snack in the South African cultural landscape. Its popularity surged, transcending borders and gaining a following in various countries, thanks in part to South Africans spreading their culinary traditions globally. Today, you can discover genuine South African-made biltong through our online store, South African Spaza Shop, further enriching the cultural exchange.
Common Meats and Ingredients
The most celebrated form of biltong uses beef, revered for its rich flavour and tender texture. However, the versatility of biltong extends to various meats, including game and exotic animals, offering a diverse spectrum of tastes. The essential ingredients that define traditional biltong include meat, black pepper, coriander, salt, and vinegar. These components work harmoniously, creating the unique taste profile that biltong aficionados admire.
Modern iterations of biltong might introduce additional elements such as garlic, sugar, and chilli peppers, further enhancing its appeal. However, at its core, biltong retains the fundamental characteristics that have made it a cherished snack for centuries. Whether enjoyed as a nutritious post-workout snack, a convenient office treat, or a companion on adventurous excursions, biltong delivers unmatched convenience, health benefits, and delectable flavours.
In drawing from its rich history and utilising a broad spectrum of ingredients, biltong epitomises a culinary tradition that continues to captivate and satiate appetites worldwide. As we offer biltong made by South Africans in our online store, we're honoured to share a piece of our cultural heritage with you. Explore the authentic taste of South Africa and understand why biltong remains not just a snack, but a tradition cherished across continents.
The Art of Biltong Making
Biltong, a high-protein, low-carb meat delicacy, has captivated the tastes of many around the globe. Originating from South Africa, its unique preparation and drying process make it a distinctive snack. In this section, we'll delve into the traditional techniques that have been perfected over centuries and explain the drying process that concentrates the flavours, making each bite a savoury delight.
Traditional Preparation Techniques
The journey of making biltong begins with the selection of quality meat. Traditionally, beef is the preferred choice, but variations might include game meats, offering a broader spectrum of flavours. The meat is then trimmed of excess fat and cut into long strips, adhering to the grain for that perfect texture.
The next step involves the marination process, where the meat strips are bathed in a concoction of vinegar, salt, and spices. The authentic mix typically features coriander, black pepper, and sometimes a hint of clove or nutmeg. This marination not only infuses the meat with its characteristic flavour but also acts as a preservative, a crucial aspect given the historical origins of biltong as a means of preservation before the advent of refrigeration.
Once marinated, the meat is generously coated with a dry rub of spices, further embedding the complex flavour profile that biltong is renowned for. This step is where the artistry of biltong making truly shines, as the blend of spices can be adjusted to create different flavour variations, from the traditional to more modern twists incorporating chilli, garlic, or even smoky BBQ notes.
The Drying Process Explained
Following the marination and seasoning, the meat undergoes the pivotal drying phase, which is where the real magic happens. Traditional methods involved hanging the meat in a dry, ventilated space, allowing it to air-dry naturally. This slow drying process, which can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the climate and thickness of the slices, meticulously draws out moisture without cooking the meat.
The goal of the drying process is to remove enough moisture to preserve the meat while retaining its tender texture. Advanced drying techniques, refined through generations, now utilise controlled environments that simulate the ideal drying conditions, ensuring consistency and safety without compromising on the traditional taste and texture of biltong.
Once the drying process is complete, the meat is scrutinised for its firmness and dryness. It's at this point that the biltong can either be sliced thinly to enjoy immediately or cut into thicker chunks for those who prefer a more substantial bite.
Biltong vs. Jerky: Key Differences
Exploring the realm of dried meat snacks, we often encounter two prominent contenders - biltong and jerky. Both offer unique flavours and textures but hail from different culinary traditions. Here, we delve into what sets these two apart, focusing on their taste, texture, and nutritional profiles. For enthusiasts eager to taste authentic South African biltong, our online store at South African Spaza Shop features a selection made by South Africans, capturing the essence of this traditional snack.
Taste and Texture Distinctions
When unraveling the differences between biltong and jerky, taste and texture are paramount. Biltong, originating from South Africa, is known for its tender and juicy texture. It's made from whole pieces of marbled steak and retains a noticeable succulence due to its air-drying process. The flavour of biltong is robust and complex, influenced by a marinade of vinegar, salt, and spices such as coriander and black pepper, which infuse the meat during its preparation.
Jerky, on the other hand, tends to be chewier and less moist compared to biltong. Its texture results from being dried with heat rather than air, often resulting in a tougher snack. The taste of jerky can vary widely depending on the marinade used but generally leans towards a simpler, smokier flavour profile due to the heat-drying process and the addition of smoke flavours in many commercial varieties.
Nutritional Comparison
Nutritionally, both biltong and jerky offer a high-protein, low-carbohydrate snack option. However, some differences arise from their respective preparation methods. Biltong's air-drying process and reliance on natural spices for preservation can result in a snack that's free from artificial preservatives and sugars. This not only contributes to biltong's distinctive taste but also implies a cleaner nutritional label with fewer additives.
Jerky, because of its drying process and sometimes extensive use of marinades, might contain higher sodium levels and added sugars, depending on the brand and flavour. While still a nutritious option when chosen carefully, consumers looking for minimal processing and additives might lean towards biltong.
In essence, whether it’s the tender, richly flavoured bites of biltong or the chewy, smoky strips of jerky, both snacks satisfy the craving for savoury treats. For those intrigued by the traditional flavours of South Africa, biltong presents a culinary experience that bridges cultures and tastes. Our selection at South African Spaza Shop offers an authentic taste of biltong, meticulously crafted by South Africans, ensuring a genuine snack experience for our customers.
Culinary Uses of Biltong
Exploring the culinary versatility of biltong opens a realm of delicious possibilities. Our journey through the beloved South African snack doesn't stop at its enjoyable taste when eaten on its own. Biltong's rich flavour profile and tender texture make it a fantastic ingredient for a variety of recipes. From traditional dishes to innovative culinary creations, biltong enhances meals with its unique taste.
Popular Biltong Recipes
Biltong's adaptability in the kitchen is remarkable. Its incorporation into diverse recipes showcases its ability to complement various ingredients, enhancing the flavour of dishes. Here are some popular biltong recipes that celebrate this South African delicacy:
  1. Biltong Salad: A fresh salad mixed with thin slices of biltong, blue cheese, roasted nuts, and mixed greens, drizzled with a balsamic glaze, offers a perfect balance between the meat's rich flavour and the salad's fresh components.
  2. Biltong Quiche: Integrating biltong into a quiche provides a delightful twist on the classic dish. Combined with eggs, cream, and cheese, biltong adds a savoury depth that elevates the overall taste.
  3. Biltong Pizza: Sprinkling chopped biltong atop a pizza, along with ingredients like feta, avocado, and caramelised onions, creates an irresistible fusion of flavours.
  4. Biltong Pâté: This creamy spread, made by blending biltong with cream cheese, butter, and spices, serves as a superb topping for crackers or toasted bread, offering a sophisticated snack or appetiser.
  5. Biltong Pasta: A simple yet flavourful pasta dish can be achieved by tossing cooked pasta with sliced biltong, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, and a creamy sauce, resulting in a hearty and satisfying meal.
For those seeking authentic flavours, our South African Spaza Shop offers biltong made by South Africans, available in our online store at Biltong. Our biltong selection promises an authentic taste experience, bringing the essence of South African culinary traditions to your kitchen. Whether you're looking to recreate traditional recipes or invent new ones, biltong adds a delicious and protein-rich element that transforms ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary delights.
Health Benefits of Biltong
Nutritional Profile and Advantages
Biltong, a traditional South African meat snack, stands out for its impressive nutritional profile, offering a plethora of health benefits. Rich in high-quality protein, biltong supports muscle repair and growth by providing the essential amino acids needed for bodily functions. Protein is crucial for the building blocks of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails and aids in tissue repair. This makes biltong an excellent addition to the diet of athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone looking to maintain a healthy physique.
Moreover, biltong is low in carbohydrates, making it a suitable snack for individuals following low-carb, keto, or paleo diets. The drying process preserves many of the meat's nutrients, meaning biltong is also packed with vitamins and minerals essential for overall health. These include iron, which is vital for transporting oxygen in the blood; zinc, which boosts the immune system; and vitamin B12, necessary for brain health and energy production.
Biltong in a Balanced Diet
Incorporating biltong into a balanced diet offers several advantages. Due to its high protein content and low carbohydrate levels, biltong can help satisfy hunger and reduce cravings, aiding in weight management. Its convenience as a ready-to-eat snack makes it a practical choice for busy individuals seeking nutritious food options on the go.
For those interested in exploring the range of biltong flavours, our South African Spaza Shop offers biltong made by South Africans, available in our online store. We select high-quality, locally-sourced meats, marinated in traditional spices, then air-dried to perfection. Enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, biltong provides a tasty, nutrient-rich snack that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Discover our selection and experience authentic South African biltong by visiting South African Spaza Shop.
Biltong is not just a delicious snack but also provides significant nutritional benefits. Whether added to dishes for extra flavour or enjoyed on its own, biltong is a fantastic option for those looking to maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing taste.
Storing Biltong the Right Way
After exploring the joys of making and consuming biltong, it's crucial to understand how to store it properly to maintain its quality and longevity. Biltong, a South African delicacy known for its rich flavour and nutritional benefits, requires correct storage conditions to preserve its taste and freshness. Whether you've made your own or purchased it from specialists like us at the South African Spaza Shop, where we offer authentic biltong made by South Africans, storing it the right way is key.
Optimal Storage Conditions
To keep biltong at its best, it's important to store it in a cool, dry place. Moisture is the enemy of biltong, as it can lead to mould growth and spoilage. Therefore, ensuring that the storage area has good air circulation and is apart from direct sunlight helps in prolonging its shelf life. When stored and packed correctly, biltong can last for several months, making it an excellent snack for travellers and those looking for a nutritious treat that stands the test of time.
Packaging for Longevity
For optimal storage, pack biltong in breathable packaging, such as paper bags or cloth bags, which allow air to circulate while controlling moisture. Plastic bags can trap humidity, so they're best avoided unless the biltong is vacuum-sealed, which significantly extends its shelf life. If you prefer your biltong on the drier side, keeping it in a slightly more ventilated area will ensure it remains in your desired condition.
Periodic Checks
Regularly checking your stored biltong for signs of spoilage is a good practice. Fresh biltong will be deep maroon, firm to the touch yet bendy without cracking. Any deviations from this, such as an off smell, visible mould, or unusual colour changes, suggest it's time to discard it.
By following these storage tips, you'll be able to enjoy high-quality biltong whenever you crave it. And remember, for those who'd rather skip the DIY route, our online store at South African Spaza Shop offers a wide range of authentic biltong made by South Africans, ensuring you experience the true taste of this nutritious snack. Whether you're familiar with what biltong is or are a newcomer eager to try, we've got you covered.
We've explored the rich heritage and nutritional benefits of biltong, a delicacy that's stood the test of time from its humble beginnings to becoming a beloved snack worldwide. Understanding how to store biltong properly ensures we can enjoy its unique taste and health advantages for months. For those of us craving the authentic taste of South Africa, the South African Spaza Shop offers a convenient and reliable source of high-quality biltong. Whether we're making it at home or buying it, biltong remains a smart choice for anyone looking for a nutritious, protein-packed snack. Let's embrace this tasty tradition that's as much about culture as it is about flavour.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is biltong still illegal in the US?
Biltong itself is not illegal in the US, but regulations require it to be brought in with a valid import certificate. Failure to present this certificate upon entry results in confiscation by Customs and Border Protection.
What part of the cow is biltong made from?
Biltong can be produced from various beef cuts, with the round cut being the most preferred due to its tenderness. The top round roast is especially recommended for its balance between tenderness and flavour.
Why is biltong so chewy?
The chewiness of biltong varies based on the fat content of the meat used. Fattier cuts result in a chewier texture, while leaner cuts offer a drier finish, allowing makers to influence the texture through their choice of meat.
Is biltong healthier than jerky?
Yes, biltong is considered healthier than jerky due to its natural taste, and it generally contains no added sugars or carbohydrates. Additionally, it has significantly less sodium, making it a better choice for those watching their intake.
Why is biltong so expensive?
The cost of biltong is attributed to the energy-intensive drying process, which requires a controlled environment for a prolonged period. Other factors include packaging, marketing, and distribution expenses, all contributing to its higher price point.
submitted by linkbuildingexperts to u/linkbuildingexperts [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:26 DiscountDebbie Kitsch - Hair & Body Care - 15% Off: KATHLEENDOUGHERTY15

Hair & Body Care — From hair accessories to bottle-free beauty. Feel confident when purchasing our products no matter your hair type, style, or budget. Eco-friendly.
Kitsch is super affordable & they're Even more affordable with this 15% Off Code!!
submitted by DiscountDebbie to referralswaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:25 chad_penguindick God's most autistic warrior

God's most autistic warrior submitted by chad_penguindick to schizophrenicpissdawn [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:18 Crafty_Bison_8207 ublock works on one laptop, not another

Hi Guys,
New to reddit, so hello.
I have an odd problem, I have 2 laptops, both windows 10, both running firefox 126, ublock origin 157.2. One plays buffstreams tennis completely fine, and shows UBO blocking the content, including when looking at the logger. The other laptop blocks nothing on buffstreams (2 items in the ublock window, no grey little square for number of items blocked in the bar, or on items in the UBO window) and the logger shows 3 items only, the link loads blank, or I get a danger warning if I disable ublock. It doesn't seem like it's limited to buff streams but other sport streaming sites too, so expect it's some option not UBO itself?
I've tried:
uninstalling and reinstalling UBO
uninstalling and reinstalling firefox
making a new profile in firefox
disabling ipv6
refreshing the fitler list (oddly the working one shows 185,797 network items in filter lists vs 136,073 in the non working, although I can't see why)
I have no custom filters etc set up in the working one, it's default (to my knowledge)
I am not super internet/settings savy so please ELI5. Current link working on one, not the other.
uBlock Origin: 1.57.2
Firefox: 126
filterset (summary):
network: 136073
cosmetic: 46705
scriptlet: 19567
html: 1815
listset (total-discarded, last-updated):
user-filters: 0-0, never
ublock-filters: 38416-112, 16m Δ
ublock-badware: 8828-0, 16m Δ
ublock-privacy: 920-2, 16m Δ
ublock-unbreak: 2340-2, 16m Δ
ublock-quick-fixes: 165-15, 16m Δ
easylist: 87328-164, 16m Δ
easyprivacy: 50962-64, 16m Δ
urlhaus-1: 13145-1, 15h.16m
plowe-0: 3726-1159, 15h.16m
filterset (user): [empty]
userSettings: [none]
hiddenSettings: [none]
allReadyAfter: 3244 ms (selfie)
maxAssetCacheWait: 1161 ms
cacheBackend: indexedDB
Thank you for any help!
submitted by Crafty_Bison_8207 to uBlockOrigin [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:14 rog13t-storm How long should a smoke break take?

Smokers: how long would you say an average smoke break takes you? Is it 15+ minutes? (And then, do you complain about people standing around when you come back inside?) Also, do you go out and smoke right after service has started? This is all very normal where I work & I’d like to know how commonplace it is
submitted by rog13t-storm to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:55 Zabbix_LLC Zabbix 7.0rc2 has been released!

Zabbix 7.0rc2 has been released!
The second release candidate version adds a Website by Browser template used for synthetic end-user web monitoring features.
Full release notes
submitted by Zabbix_LLC to zabbix [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:50 Toonbelly [UK] [H] Selling off the majority of my collection 100+ Blu-Ray Steelbooks [W] PayPal (Will ship Worldwide)

Selling the majority of my collection, anything that isn’t listed but is photographed is either sold or I haven’t decided to sell at this time (but may be open to discussing).
Tagged & timestamped:
28 Days Later (Sealed) - £160 Akira - £25 Beetlejuice - £15 Blade Runner 2049 4k - £40 Blade Runner Premium Collection (Sealed) - £55 Bronson - £25 Chernobyl Diaries - £8 Chronicle, VGC - £20 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - £8 Desperado - £15 Evil Dead 2013 - £55 Heroes Reborn - £10 Hitman - £12 Last Stand (German) - £20 Lifeforce - £35 Rise of the Planet of the Apes - £15 Suicide Squad - £12 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - £60 The Dark Tower - £6 The Lost Boys - £50 Total Recall (1990)- US - £40
——— Broad conditions, again if you’d like specifics I can send individual photos etc.
300 Rise of an Empire 3D, sealed - £10 2 Guns - Sealed - £8 Alien 3, VGC - £35 Alice Through the Looking Glass (sealed) - £15 Ant-Man (UK) Perfect - £15 Armageddon VGC (has been kept inside of sleeve) - £30 Avatar (UK) - Fair Condition - £4 Ben Hur 50th Anniversary 6 disc set (French) - VGC - £35 Book of Eli (German) sealed - £30 Captain America: Civil War VGC - £10 Captain America The First Avenger (UK) - VGC - £18 Captain America: The Winter Soldier VGC - £10 Cinderella Live Action good condition - £8 Cobra (sealed) - £130 Collateral (sealed) - £35 Conan (French) Sealed - £90 Dark Shadows (UK) - Good Condition - £8 Das Boot (PopArt) sealed - £35 Daybreakers Metalpak (dutch), sealed but small rip - £90 Death Race (German) perfect - £15 Die Hard 1 (sealed) - £55 Die Hard 2 (sealed) - £40 District 9 (German) sealed - £25 Divergent - Sealed - £10 Edge of Darkness (aus) dinted and some pitting - £7 Elf (Canadian Version) - Sealed £40 Exodus Gods & Kings, sealed - £35 Fast and Furious 1-6 Tin (German) - VGC - £40 Freddy vs Jason (German) - £50, good some scratching to front Goodfellas, good condition some scratches - £35 Hero, acceptable - £12 Hunt for Red October (German) VGC - £25 In the Mouth of Madness (German) good - £80 Invictus (French) - VGC - £15 J Edgar (French) - VGC - £25 Judge Dredd (German) perfect condition - £40 Late Phases (German) good, some scratches - £12 Lethal Weapon VGC - £10 Looper (lenticular) VGC - £8 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (German) - VGC - £15 Man of Steel - Sealed - £10 Matrix (1st print) sealed - £40 Monsters Dark Continent, acceptable (scratching on back) - £5 Patriot Games (German), excellent condition - £15 Paul (German) - Perfect - £15 Priest (Italian) VGC some scratches on back - £8 RED (Spanish) - Sealed - £30 Resident Evil: Retribution (Pop-Art) VGC - £12 Robin Hood (German) Sealed - £10 Rush Hour (German) sealed small rip - £70 Rush Hour 3 (German) - VGC - £40 Saving Mr Banks (UK) Perfect other than rip to J-Card - £12 Saving Private Ryan (German) - VGC - £20 Scrooged, good - £25 Seven (German) sealed but ripped - £30 Seven Samurai (sealed with small rip) - £60 Shooter, sealed - £12 Skyline (German) sealed - £15 Snow White and the Huntsman (UK) - VGC - £5 Spider-Man Trilogy (Dutch) - Sealed - £40 Stalingrad (French), VGC few scratches on back but front is perfect - £30 Star Wars The Force Awakens, sealed - £15 Starship Troopers VGC - £35 The Conjuring (German) perfect other than crease on J-card - £55 The Dictator (French) - Perfect apart from slight fold in J-Card - £55 The Green Hornet (German) - Sealed - £15 The Legend of Hercules (German) - acceptable - dented on spine - £8 The Long Good Friday, perfect - £15 The Lone Ranger - perfect - £6 The Mummy Trilogy (UK) Sealed - £35 The Prodigies (German) VGC - £12 The Sixth Sense, sealed - £60 The Thing (German) - Perfect - £30 This Is England UK - VGC - £15 Total Recall (red/black case), perfect - £12 Toy Story 1, 2, Up, The Incredibles, and A Bugs Life (German) - £30 - Small ding to The Incredibles and A Bugs Life, light scratches across all of them consistently - not terribly noticeable if not directly in the light Training Day (1st Edition) sealed - £40 Transformers (UK) sealed - £35 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (German), perfect kept inside sleeve - £12 Transformers Dark of the Moon (UK) - VGC - £4 Underworld Awakening (German) VGC minor scratches - £8 X-Men First Class (French) - VGC - £20
Postage is £4 to the UK up to 2kg, I will ship worldwide BUT it can get quite expensive even for one steel. Will do discounts for multiples.
submitted by Toonbelly to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:36 SpellEnough [srp661j1] pepsi

[srp661j1] pepsi
And makes the rolex boys look twice 😂it's one heavy mf
submitted by SpellEnough to Seiko [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:35 forest9sprite [QCrit] AUDLT Fantasy - No Man's Daughter (105K/First attempt)

Hello everyone,
I just want to say that I find the information on this subreddit useful, and I am very grateful to everyone who shares their experiences. PubTips is a wonderful community.
I'm taking a break from revisions on this project to work on my query letter. I want to make this query as punchy as possible to reflect the action-forward nature of the MS. However, it feels flat, and I can't figure out why. Any feedback is appreciated.
Dear XXXX,
On the mountainous frontier of Ymir, blood mage Hervör stumbles out of a portal into the snow. With the gunshots of her pursuers still ringing in her ears and sickened by the spell toll, she struggles to find shelter. It seems Hervör swapped being hung for murder with freezing to death until a homesteading family saves her.
Taking the name Kára, she decides to stay and becomes a huntress to repay her life debt to her new family. When a priest of the All-father recognizes her, she assumes he’s after the bounty on her head. Instead, he offers her a deal: open a portal to help his team retrieve the fur of a wampus cat for the new high king’s coronation. In return, she will receive an exoneration and enough gold to set her mountain family up for life.
Mundane weapons cannot penetrate the hide of this magic-wielding cat. Worse, it stalks the land of the Jotun—giants who wield powerful frost magic. Kára has a plan: steal the monster-slaying gun from her father's grave. A weapon only her bloodline can carry and will absorb the painful toll that mages must pay for their runic magic. The edge she needs to take down the cat and earn absolution.
Yet, with each kill, the gun sings to her, and she delights in the blood spilled across the snow. Under the influence of the weapon and consumed by battle lust, she loses sight of her goal: securing a future for herself and her adopted family. Her father’s kin left the weapon in a grave for a reason. Magic always comes at a price.
NO MAN’S DAUGHTER is a 105k-word adult dark fantasy that blends the Saga of the Norse Shield Maiden Hervör, with Appalachian folk culture, in an environment inspired by the Canadian Rockies. It will appeal to fans of Ava Reid’s The Wolf and the Woodsman, Rebecca Roanhorse’s Tread of Angels, and Ursula Vernon’s Nettle & Bone.
Thank you for your consideration,
[First 300 Words]


Opening the portal could kill me, but I’m a dead woman, anyway. Wincing, I tear at the gash on my palm and write the last blood rune across the stonework of the gate. Behind me, a wooden door muffles the shouts of angry men. I lift my trembling finger from the black granite. In this once-forgotten place buried beneath a ruined castle, I can barely read the words I have written in the timid light of my kerosene lamp.
“Break it down,” a man orders.
The heavy thuds on the door continue, but the iron oak boards and hinges bolted into the rock should hold long enough. After all, I designed it to keep looters out.
“Wait,” a voice calls from beyond the door. “I have the keys.”
Shit, do or die. Brushing aside that the latter’s more likely, I kneel on the grit-covered stone before the gate.
“Lord of the Bridge, hear me,” I plead in the old language. “By the ink of my blade and the earth’s bones, I pledge my life to you. Now open the path!”
Come on, work, damn it.
My heart leaps when gold sparks appear at the edges of the stone circle. I have no idea where this goes on the continent of Ymir, but anything is better than hanging. Then I feel it, something like cold tentacles, pushing on my chest. I inhale deeply and brace myself for what I know is coming—the extraction of payment.
Active magic isn’t a gift. It’s a trade.
There’s always a price. How did the ancients pay this toll to the unknown god?
I gasp as the invisible tendrils pass through my breast, wrap around my heart, and squeeze.
submitted by forest9sprite to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:30 Due_Extreme_2448 Is this laptop a beast in the 1 lakh price range?

Is this laptop a beast in the 1 lakh price range?
Hi seniors, this year I'll be joining a college(dropper hu bhai) Laptops bahot time se search Kar raha hu, found this one which im willing to go forward with. My budget is 1.1L and it should last atleast 6-8 years.
Main usage: ¬AAA title games ¬College coding ¬video editing and graphic designing(maybe) ¬Excel, outlook and other microsoft stuff
My main question is rtx 3060 low for this price range laptop? Is the graphics card and processor sufficient for AAA titles casual gaming?
Thank you so much!
submitted by Due_Extreme_2448 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:28 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 23 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 23 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:28 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 23 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 23 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:22 Zanko95 Message to Ethan's gut issues [Long discussion about probiotics and gut health]

Message to Ethan's gut issues [Long discussion about probiotics and gut health]
Ethan thalking about how probiotics do not survive the stomach
I had a moment, similar to the one that Ethan's going through, where I was trying to "troubleshoot" my gut.
On a regular basis I would feel bloated, I would go to the bathroom 2-3 times a day where my stool's runny, and my energy was terrible.
As a bit of a background - I used to be a very healthy individual, but for the about 1-2 year my diet became really bad. Tons of processed foods, fried food, frozen ready meals, etc.,
I've done a healthy amount of research on the gut microbiome in the past - purely out of curiosity. For instance, did you know that 95% of serotonin and 50%+ of dopamine are produced in the gut, and 70-80% of your immune cells are present in the gut.
\**UPDATE*** I have left a table at the very bottom, which lists the bacterial strains responsible for the production of various neurotransmitters*\8]).
Various institutions are looking into the possibility of poor gut health being, not just a precursor, the cause of depression and anxiety. As well as a plethora of other mental illnesses, auto-immune issues, metabolic disorders (such as difficulty losing weight, as your body's energy conversion is shot), poor energy, poor bone density, and so on.
Fascinating stuff. The gut's called the second brain for a reason.
I will not go into the geeky/sciency detail, but I will leave a list of references at the bottom for anyone interested on reading up on it.
Anyway, I started a "gut health diet" - which is essentially where you make sure you eat enough dietary fibre throughout the day (aim for 15-30g), but most importantly - it is where you have a high variety of fibre sources.
Scientists believe that people should strive for 20 to 30 different fibre sources - this promotes the development of healthy bacteria.
Fibre is super important for your gut bacteria as it is used as a food source by them. I really hate to say this, but we are truly what we eat. If you eat food rich in fat and poor in fibre, you are creating a favourable environment for "bad" bacteria to mutliply.
If you are to use supplements to help boost your fibre intake, make sure that you look at not just the quantity of fibre (in grams), but look at the variety of fruits, grain and vegetables used to make the supplement. As well as, the fibre being soluble + insoluble fibre.
For example, metamucil has a decent amount of fibre (1.8g - 2.5g), but it's only coming from one source - Psyllium Husk (usually from corn).
Fibre is one of the micronutrients that unfortunately gets neglected quite often - especially with most mainstream diets (think of keto, for example). The fact that most of the best fibre sources are carbs sources, which are commonly the first thing that gets reduced when a person starts a weightloss diet.
On the other side of the spectrum, a diet rich in processed foods and saturated fats also hurts your gut microbiome and can lead to gut dysbiosis - an imbalance of the gut flora (where the person has low bacterial diversity in their gut,where the majority of the make-up is bad bacteria.
Btw, Intestinal Dysbiosis can lead to gluten intolerance, IBS/IBD, and lactose intolerance.
And, of course, antibiotics literally destroy your gut flora.
Here's another interesting fact, researchers are starting to believe that the gut microbiome is responsible for "weight coming back" after being on a diet.
As well as the introduction of new healthy bacteria through the use of fermented foods, not supplements.
Ethan's comment
...they don't know if it can even survive the digestion process to reach the intestines
Is somewhat true when it comes to probiotic supplements, there is no point in wasting your money on them. Even if the product is really good, and if their capsules were able to survive the digestion process, the % of bacteria that is actually introduced to the gut is so small, that it's not worth the money.
So, I would recommend sticking to fermented foods. Find a few that you enjoy eating on a regular basis and just stick to them.
My favorites are kefir (which you can either buy, or make yourself), sauerkraut, Bulgarian Yogurt (better bacterial diversity than Greek yogurt), Miso and Kombucha.
The bacteria that comes from these sources have a protective layer, which they use to survive the stomach acid, and enter the gut. Here is an exerpt from a research paper\4]) :
[Probiotics] are highly resistant against artificial gastric acid and bile juices.
I usually try and avoid preaching health tips, but my man, lemme tell you, you will feel fantastic after just a few weeks of doing this. Your energy, your mood, no bloating, regular bowel movement.
You genuinely feel like a new person.
\**Keep in mind, repairing your gut flora takes time. Depending on your situation, it can take up to 6-12 months, just to get back to a healthy level.*
Btw, don't avoid bread! Bread is great for the biome, the problem is when you get processed white bread. Sourdough is a great alternative (tastier too) which is lower in gluten, in carbs and calories (as most of it is consumed by the sourdough bacteria), and is a great way to treat local allergies (as the sourdough starter is made with yeast flowing all around you.

This is a PSA to people in general. Make sure you take care of your gut bacteria!

99% of human DNA is microbrial.. 99%! Our symbiotic relationship with the gut bacteria MUST not be left as a second-thought.
If you allow for gut dysbiosis to occur, it can lead to a wide-range of health complications. And the problem is that, the gut would be the last place most medical professionals and doctors would look. And quite frequently, the medication they prescribe will further damage your gut bacteria.
And for some, the intestinal dysbiosis can be so bad, that it prevents them from being able to digest certain foods (which are necessary to repair their gut), and have to resort to bacterial consortium transplantation or fecal transplantation.
We need our little friends, as much as they need us.


[1] Gut microbiota and its metabolites in depression: from pathogenesis to treatment00092-0/fulltext#:~:text=Increasing%20preclinical%20and%20clinical%20studies,regulating%20the%20gut%2Dbrain%20axis)
[2] The gut microbiome: linking dietary fiber to inflammatory diseases
[3] Dietary Fiber Intake and Gut Microbiota in Human Health
[4] Rebuilding the Gut Microbiota Ecosystem ⬅ Really in-depth information
[5] Strategies to promote abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila, an emerging probiotics in the gut, evidence from dietary intervention studies ⬅ FODMAP diet info in here
[6] Sourdough Microbiome Comparison and Benefits
[7] The Effects of Kefir and Kefir Components on Immune and Metabolic Physiology in Pre-Clinical Studies: A Narrative Review
[8] The Microbiota and Health Promoting Characteristics of the Fermented Beverage Kefir ⬅ Great meta analysis, very detailed information
[9] Neurotransmitter modulation by the gut microbiota
[10] Microbial Diversity and Characteristics of Kombucha as Revealed by Metagenomic and Physicochemical Analysis
Neurotransmitter Table - From [9] Neurotransmitter modulation by the gut microbiota
NeurotransmitterBacterial StrainReference DopamineBacillus cereusTsavkelova et al., 2000 Bacillus mycoidesTsavkelova et al., 2000 Bacillus subtilisTsavkelova et al., 2000 Escherichia coliTsavkelova et al., 2000 Hafnia alvei (NCIMB, 11999)Shishov VA, 2009 Klebsiella pneumoniae (NCIMB, 673)Özoğul, 2004 Morganella morganii (NCIMB, 10466)Özoğul, 2004 Proteus vulgarisTsavkelova et al., 2000 Serratia marcescensTsavkelova et al., 2000 Staphylococcus aureusTsavkelova et al., 2000 NoradrenalineBacillus mycoidesTsavkelova et al., 2000 Bacillus subtilisTsavkelova et al., 2000 Escherichia coli (K-12)Shishov VA, 2009 Proteus vulgarisTsavkelova et al., 2000 Serratia marcescensTsavkelova et al., 2000 SerotoninEscherichia coli (K-12)Shishov VA, 2009 Hafnia alvei (NCIMB, 11999)Özoğul, 2004 Klebsiella pneumoniae (NCIMB, 673)Özoğul, 2004 Lactobacillus plantarum (FI8595)Özoğul, 2012 Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (MG 1363)Özoğul, 2012 Morganella morganii (NCIMB, 10466)Özoğul, 2004 Streptococcus thermophilus (NCFB2392)Özoğul, 2012 GABABifidobacterium adolescentis (DPC6044)Barrett et al., 2012 Bifidobacterium dentium (DPC6333)Pokusaeva et al., 2017 UCC35624Bifidobacterium infantis ( )Barrett et al., 2012 Lactobacillus brevis (DPC6108)Barrett et al., 2012 Lactobacillus buchneri (MS)Cho et al., 2007 Lactobacillus paracaseiNFRI (7415)Komatsuzaki et al., 2005 Lactobacillus plantarum (ATCC14917)Siragusa et al., 2007 Lactobacillus reuteri (100-23)Pokusaeva et al., 2017 Lactobacillus rhamnosus (YS9)Siragusa et al., 2007 Lactobacillus. delbrueckiisubsp. bulgaricus (PR1)Siragusa et al., 2007 Monascus purpureus (CCRC 31615)Su et al., 2003 Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus (Y2)Yang et al., 2008
submitted by Zanko95 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]


All prices are including shipping / also willing to negotiate on some prices
UGLY (Limited Clear & Signed alt Cover): slowthai - 100$
…As God Intended (Brown & Bone): Che Noir & Apollo Brown - 35$
96 (White & Signed): El Camino - 100$
Martyrs Prayer (Blue & Signed): El Camino - 100$
To Kill A Sunrise (Yellow limited): Kota the Friend - 50$
Retropolitan (RSD Instrumentals): Skyzoo & Pete Rock - 15$
The Recession 2: Jeezy - 15$
Trollz 7” Rainbow Splatter: 6ix9ine - 15$
Mississippi: The Album: David Banner - 5$
VMP Releases…
• Labcabincalifornia: The Pharcyde - 40$
• When the Smoke Clears: Three 6 Mafia - 40$
• Her Favorite Colo(u)r: Blu - 40$
• The Hall of Game: E-40 - 40$
• At What Cost: Goldlink - 40$
• Genocide & Juice: The Coup - 40$
• Ceelo Green and His Perfect Imperfections: Ceelo - 40$
• When Life Gives You Lemons, Paint That Shit Gold: Atmosphere - 40$
• Stone Cold Rhymin’: Young M.C. - 30$
Call Me If You Get Lost: Tyler, the Creator (Includes box with no shirt or poster) - 30$
Roadrunner: BROCKHAMPTON (Includes box with no T-Shirt) - 20$
Donda: Kanye West - 20$
submitted by ashtonl99 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:20 teashoesandhair [POEM] alternate names for black boys - Danez Smith

submitted by teashoesandhair to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:20 ahmertash Ortodoks Kilisesi Takviminde Bugün, 23 Mayıs (Yeni Takvim/Düzenlemiş Jülyen Takvimi)

Ortodoks Kilisesi Takviminde Bugün, 23 Mayıs (Yeni Takvim/Düzenlemiş Jülyen Takvimi)

Mür Taşıyıcısı Azize Meryem
Azize Meryem, Klopas'ın karısı ve Rabbimiz İsa Mesih'i takip eden ve O'nun işinde hizmet eden kadınlardan biriydi. Calvary'nin korkunç kurbanı yapılırken ve öğrenciler saklanıp dağılırken, ona mahkûmiyet yerine kadar eşlik etti ve İsa'nın çarmıha gerilme acısına ve gömülmesine yardım etti. Ama aynı zamanda Pazar sabahı Diriliş'in sevinçli haberini duyacak kadar şanslı olan mür taşıyıcılarından biriydi. Bu Meryem'in oğulları Yoşes ve Yakup'tu. Sonuncusu 12 havari arasında sayılmış ve hatta onu İlahiyatçı Yuhanna'nın kardeşi olan diğer Yakup'tan ayırmak için Küçük olarak adlandırılmıştır. Aziz Meryem, Yukarı Oda'da Kutsal Ruh'un tecellisinde de hazır bulunmuştur. Kudüs'te ilk Kilise kurulduğunda, Meryem gerçek inancın yayılması ve her türlü iyi ve hayırsever iş için hizmetlerini sunmaya devam etmiştir. Kaynak

Podolsk Prensesi, Azize Bakire Efrosinia
O Podolsk Prensi Vsevlav’ın kızıydı. Ailesi ondan evlenmesini istediğinde o, bir manastıra kaçtı ve orada rahibe oldu. Rab’bin bir meleği ona üç defa görünüp bakireler için inşa edeceği manastırın yerini gösterdi. Kendi kız kardeşi Evdokia’yı ve elit tabakadan olan birçok başka genç kızı manastır hayatına soktu. Onun akrabalarından biri olan, Borisov prensesi, Zvenislava, tüm varlığını, elbiselerini ve mücevherlerini getirdi ve şöyle dedi: ‘Bu dünyanın tüm güzelliklerini hiçe sayıyorum. Düğünüm için hazırlanmış bu şeyleri de Kurtarıcı’nın Kilisesi’ne vermeyi umuyorum. Ruhî bir evlilikte kendimi O’nunla evlendirmeyi arzuluyorum ve O’nun kolay ve hafif boyunduruğu altına başımı eğiyorum.”. Evfrosin ona da öğretti ve ona Evpraksia ismini verdi. İleri yaşta, Evfrosin, Kudüs’te ölme arzusunu açığa vurdu ve bu lütuf için dua etti. Allah onun duasını duydu ve o gerçekten de Aziz Theodosyus’un Kudüs’teki manastırında, ziyareti sırasında, 23 Mayıs 1173 yılında uyudu. Kaynak

İtirafçı Aziz Mikail, Synnada (Afyon - Şuhut) Piskoposu
Aziz İtirafçı Mikail gençliğinden itibaren manastır yaşamına özlem duydu ve Patrik Tarasius (784-806) tarafından Karadeniz kıyısındaki bir manastıra gönderildi. Geleceğin Nikomedia Piskoposu Aziz Teofilakos (8 Mart) da onunla birlikte manastıra girer. Manastırda her iki keşiş de ruhani mücadelelere giriştiler ve kısa süre içinde Rab'den gelen armağanlarla yüceltildiler. Bir keresinde, bir hasat sırasında, insanlar susuzluktan zayıf düştüğünde, boş bir metal kap keşişlerin duasıyla suyla dolduruldu. Patrik Tarasius, Aziz Mikail'i Synnada şehrinin piskoposu olarak takdis etti. Kutsal yaşamı ve bilgeliği sayesinde Aziz Mikail inananların sevgisini ve imparatorlar I. Nikēphóros (802-811) ve I. Michael Rangabe'nin (811-813) dikkatini çekmiştir. Aziz Mikail 787 yılında İznik'te düzenlenen Yedinci Ekümenik Konsil'de hazır bulunmuştur. İkonoklast sapkın Ermeni Leo (813-820) tahta geçtiğinde, Ortodoks hiyerarşileri görevlerinden uzaklaştırmaya ve yerlerine sapkınları atamaya başladı. Aziz Mikail Ortodoksluğu savunmuş, sapkınlara cesurca karşı çıkmış ve onların hatalarını kınamıştır. Ermeni Leo, Aziz Mikail'i mahkemeye çıkardı, ancak işkenceden korkmadan kararlı bir şekilde cevap verdi: "Kurtarıcım İsa Mesih'in, Annesi Saf Bakire'nin ve tüm azizlerin kutsal ikonalarına saygı duyuyorum ve onların önünde eğiliyorum. İkonaların kiliselerden kaldırılması yönündeki emirlerinize itaat etmeyeceğim." Leo daha sonra Aziz Mikail'i Eudokiada şehrine sürgüne gönderir ve itirafçı burada 821 yılı civarında ölür. Aziz Mikail'in başı Athos Dağı'ndaki Aziz Athanasius'un Büyük Lavrası'nda muhafaza edilmektedir ve kalıntıların bir kısmı Ivḗron manastırındadır. Kaynak

Genç Aziz Eumenios (Saridakis)
Aziz Eumenios (dünyada Konstantin Saridakis) 1 Ocak 1931'de Girit'in Efia köyünde, dindar George ve Sofia Saridakis çiftinin çocuğu olarak dünyaya geldi. Evin geçimini sağlayan kişiyi erkenden kaybeden bu yoksul ailenin sekizinci ve son çocuğuydu. Yunanistan'daki Nazi işgalinin zor yılları küçük Konstantin'in ilkokul eğitimi almasına izin vermedi. Yine de çocuk sadece zekasıyla değil, aynı zamanda özel dindarlığıyla da dikkat çekiyordu. Harikulade bir olay, geleceğin büyüğünün hayattaki yolunu seçmesinde belirleyici bir etkiye sahipti. Bu olay 1944 yılında gerçekleşti. Bir şenlik yemeği sırasında, Fr. Eumenios'un daha sonra anlattığı gibi, ruhunun derinliklerine nüfuz eden olağanüstü, kör edici bir parlaklık ortaya çıktı. İlahi ışık karşısında hayrete düşen ve sarsılan genç, "Keşiş olacağım!" diye haykırdı. Konstantin'in hayattaki yolu önceden belirlenmişti. Kendisinin de dediği gibi, "Eğer bir kişi Tanrı'dan iyi bir şey için çağrı alırsa, Tanrı ona yardım eder ve çalışır." 1951 yılında Konstantin Saradakis, köyünden çok uzakta olmayan Peygamber Elias manastırına girdi. Bu manastırda, başrahibin yanı sıra, genç çömezin büyük bir sevgiyle hizmet ettiği iki yaşlı ve kör keşiş de çalışıyordu. Üç yıl sonra Konstantin, Sophronios adıyla manastır tacını aldı. 1954 yılında Keşiş Sophronios, dönemin Yunan yasalarına göre zorunlu olduğu üzere askere alındı. Tıpkı manastırda olduğu gibi orduda da genç keşiş her türlü işi yapmaktan kaçınmıyor, üstlerine saygı ve itaat gösteriyor ama aynı zamanda manastır görevlerini de yerine getirmeye çalışıyordu. Ancak ordudayken Fr. Sophronius şeytani saldırıların eşlik ettiği büyük bir günaha kapıldı; doktorların tüm çabalarına rağmen düşmeyen bir ateşi vardı. Askere alınan keşişin durumu ciddileşince Selanik'e nakledildi ve orada bu garip hastalığın korkunç nedeni bulundu: cüzzam! Bu ağır çarmıh için Rab'be şükreden hasta keşiş, Atina'daki cüzam hastanesine götürüldü ve burada neyse ki tedavi başarılı oldu ve tamamen iyileşti. Ancak bu korkunç hastalığın acı tadını tattıktan sonra, cüzamlı kolonisinde kalmaya ve acı çekenlere hizmet etmeye karar verdi. Ve o hastanede 500'den fazla cüzzamlı vardı! Hastane yönetimi keşişe Aziz Cosmos ve Damian'a adanmış hastane kilisesinin yakınında küçük bir kulübe verdi. İhtiyar hayatının geri kalanını burada geçirdi. Keşiş günlerini cüzamlı kolonisinde ruhani çileci çalışmalarla, yatalak cüzamlıların bakımıyla ve kilise ayinleriyle geçirdi. Henüz çok gençken cüzzam hastalığına yakalanan ve Sakız Adası'ndaki cüzzam kolonisinde kırk üç yıl yaşayan Cüzzamlı Aziz Nikephoros'la tanışmak Fr. Sophrony için büyük bir lütuftu. O zamana kadar kör ve neredeyse felçli olan Aziz Nikephoros 1957 yılında Atina'daki cüzzam hastanesine nakledilmiştir. Aziz Nikephoros, 1964'teki istirahatine kadar Fr. Sophrony'nin ruhani rehberiydi ve Fr. Sophrony, azizin ömrünün sonuna kadar onunla büyük bir sevgiyle ilgilendi. Kırk dört yaşındaki keşiş 1975 yılında Eumenios adıyla rahip olarak atanmış ve akut enfeksiyonlar için bir hastane haline gelen cüzzam hastanesinin günah çıkaran papazı olmuştur. Hastane bahçesindeki mütevazı kulübesinde yarım asırdan fazla yaşamış olan yaşlı adam, Tanrı'ya ve insanlara durmaksızın hizmet etti; günah çıkaranları dinledi, kutsal sunakta hizmet etti, teselli etti, karmaşık durumlarda tavsiyelerde bulundu, mucizeler yarattı ve hem ruhsal hem de fiziksel hastalıkları iyileştirdi. Kendisinin de geçirdiği ciddi hastalıklara rağmen, ihtiyarın yüzünden gülümseme hiç eksik olmadı ve gözlerinde Tanrı'ya ve tüm insanlara duyduğu sınırsız sevgi parladı. Görgü tanıklarının anlattığına göre, durugörü, mucizeler yaratmak ve azizleri görmek Fr. Eumenios için sıradan işlerdi. Kutsal Ruh'un lütuf dolu armağanlarıyla cömertçe donatılmış olan ihtiyar, hastanenin duvarları ardında başarılı bir şekilde "kendini sakladı". Günah çıkarmak için bazen Rahip Eumenios'a giden Kapsokalyvia'lı Aziz Porphyrios, onu "günümüzün gizli azizi" olarak adlandırmıştır. SSCB'deki komünist rejimin çöküşünden sonra, Fr. Eumenios ve ruhani oğlu, şimdi Güzelyurt Piskoposu Neophytos (Kıbrıs Ortodoks Kilisesi), Kiev, Moskova ve St. Petersburg'a bir hac gezisi yaptı ve burada büyük bir saygıyla Kronstadtlı Kutsal Dürüst Yuhanna'nın kutsal mezarını ziyaret etti. Atina'ya döndükten sonra, yaşlı adamın sağlık sorunları daha da kötüleşti: diyabet, zayıf görme, böbrek sorunları ve doktorların kesmeyi önerdiği bacaklarıyla ilgili sorunlar. Önümüzdeki birkaç yıl boyunca ölüme karşı savaşan ihtiyar, hiç bitmeyen bir insan akışını kabul eden pastoral hizmetini hiç kesintiye uğratmadı. 1992 yılında, Kilise'ye yaptığı hizmetlerden dolayı, Fr. Eumenios'a başimandrit rütbesi verildi. 1999 yılında Atina'daki "Evangelismos" hastanesine yatırılan ihtiyar, 23 Mayıs'ta ruhunu Tanrı'nın ellerine teslim etti. Mübarek ihtiyarın naaşı doğduğu köy olan Efia'da defnedildi. Günümüzde, kutsanmış ihtiyar Eumenios'un duaları ve şefaatiyle, Rab hasta ve acı çekenler için çok sayıda şifa ve ruhsal teselli mucizesi gerçekleştirmektedir. Kaynak

Rostov Piskoposu, Mucize Yaratan Aziz Leontius'un Kutsal Emanetlerinin Bulunması
Aziz Leontius MS 11. yüzyılda Rusya'da yaşamış ve Kiev şehrinden gelmiştir. Rusya'da ve Konstantinopolis'te eğitim görmüş ve daha sonra Kiev'deki Pechersky Lavra Manastırı'na yerleşerek Aziz Anthony'nin (10 Temmuz'da anılır) ruhani rehberliği altına girmiştir. Daha sonra Rostov Piskoposu seçildi ve kendini ateşli bir gayretle başpiskoposluk hizmetine adadı. Aziz Leontius MS 1073 yılında huzur içinde uyumuştur. Kaynak

Aziz Sava Manastırı’nın Aziz Şehidi Mihail
Ailesi öldüğünde, genç Mihail bütün varlığını sattı ve Kutsanmış Aziz Sava’nın Manastırı’na girdiği yer olan Kudüs’e gitti. Bir keresinde Manastır’ın elişlerini satmak için şehir merkezine gönderilmişti. Bir Arap Prensesi’nin harem ağası onu sokakta gördü ve mallarını göstermesi için Prenses’in evine götürdü (O tarihlerde Kudüs Müslüman Araplar tarafından yönetiliyordu). Prenses, tıpkı Potifar’ın karısı gibi (Yaratılış 39: 6-15), genç keşişe karşı uygunsuz duygular besledi ve onu yatağına çağırdı. O reddettiğinde ise kızgın prenses onu dövdürttü ve Sultan’a yollattı. Orada da onu Muhammed’e küfretmekle suçladı. Sultan ona İslam’ı kabul ettirmeye çalıştı fakat o reddetti. Bir doz zehir kutsal Mihail’e hiç etki etmeyince, Sultan onun başını Kudüs’ün merkezinde, halkın içinde kestirtti. Keşişler onun bedenini geri aldı ve manastırında ona onurlu bir cenaze yaptılar. (9. yy) Kaynak

Günlük Okumalar

  • Elçilerin İşleri 8:26-39 'O arada Rabbin bir meleği Filipusʼa şunu söyledi: “Kalk, güneye doğru, Yeruşalimʼden Gazzeʼye inen ıssız yola git!” Filipus da kalkıp oraya gitti. Yolda Etiyopyalı bir hadıma rastladı. Adam Etiyopya kraliçesi Kandakeʼnin vezirlerinden biriydi. Kraliçenin bütün hazinesinden sorumluydu. Allahʼa ibadet etmek için Yeruşalimʼe gelmişti. Ülkesine dönerken at arabasında oturmuş, peygamber Yeşayaʼnın kitabını okuyordu. Kutsal Ruh Filipusʼa, “Git, şu arabaya yetiş” dedi. Filipus koşup at arabasının yanına vardı. Vezirin Yeşaya Peygamberʼin kitabından okuduğunu işitince ona sordu: “Acaba okuduklarını anlıyor musun?” Vezir de şöyle cevap verdi: “Birisi bana yol göstermedikçe nasıl anlayabilirim?” Ondan sonra Filipusʼun arabaya binip yanına oturmasını rica etti. Vezirin Kutsal Yazılarʼdan okuduğu parça şuydu: “Koyun gibi kesilmeye götürüldü. Kuzu kırkıcının önünde nasıl ses çıkarmazsa, o da ağzını açmadı. Aşağılandı ve adaletten yoksun kaldı. Soyundan kim söz edecek? Çünkü Oʼnun yeryüzündeki hayatına son verildi.” Vezir de Filipusʼa dönüp şöyle dedi: “Rica ederim, söyle bana, peygamber kimden söz ediyor? Kendisinden mi yoksa başka birisinden mi?” Filipus Kutsal Yazılarʼın o bölümünden başlayarak vezire İsaʼyı müjdeledi. Yollarına devam ederlerken, su bulunan bir yere geldiler. O zaman vezir şöyle dedi: “İşte su! Vaftiz olmama ne engel var?” Yollarına devam ederlerken, su bulunan bir yere geldiler. O zaman vezir şöyle dedi: “İşte su! Vaftiz olmama ne engel var?” Sonra at arabasının durdurulmasını buyurdu. Filipusʼla vezir birlikte suya indiler. Filipus da onu vaftiz etti. Sudan çıktıklarında Rabbin Ruhu Filipusʼu hemen alıp götürdü. Yoluna sevinçle devam eden vezir, Filipusʼu bir daha görmedi.'
  • Yuhanna 6:40-44 'Çünkü Babamʼın istediği, Oğulʼu gören ve Oʼna iman eden herkesin sonsuz yaşama kavuşmasıdır. Ben de böylelerini son günde dirilteceğim.” “Gökten inmiş olan ekmek benim” dediği için oradaki Yahudiler İsaʼya karşı homurdanmaya başladılar. Birbirlerine şöyle dediler: “Bu Yusuf oğlu İsa değil mi? Annesini babasını tanıyoruz, değil mi? Nasıl olur da şimdi, ‘Ben gökten indim’ diyor?” İsa onlara şöyle cevap verdi: “Aranızda homurdanmayın. Eğer beni gönderen Baba bir kimseyi bana çekmezse, o kimse bana gelemez. Ben de o kişiyi son günde dirilteceğim.'
submitted by ahmertash to HristiyanTurkler [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:17 NY9D The 20KW 30' Light Tower Trailer we didn't buy this week

Our fleet of ~15 diesel 30' tower trailers got quite a workout during and after the 2020 pandemic. The idea that one ham could open a residential garage door and roll out one of these to a deployment site and be on the air in half an hour was appealing. These were popular on Field Day, when a decent sized beam could be deployed to a park or parking lot with minimal setup.
One Field Day use case we had hear about annually is powering large RVs. Our favorite ham club has around four, and various (6KW- gasoline) onboard RV generator ailments are a constant topic of conversation. One of the RVs reportedly broke down out West, and may not be back in time for June. One large rig nicknamed "Swamp Monster" provides the lovely food service, but needs 50A of 115V AC for the various systems, including two air conditioners.
The pair of 2012 vintage ex Sunbelt 6KW diesel towers I bring are ideal for powering Field Day stations. They have two sets of 20A 115V outlets and we made transformers for 240 30A 3 wire (L6-30- hot, hot ,ground no neutral) to 120V 20A. We can use the transformers for one 30A 120V RV outlet but not the 50A RV requirement. These gensets burn > .5 gal/hour and do not require refueling during the event and emit no RF hash we could detect.
The arrival of sad faces and 50A RV power cords caused us to shop online. We are pretty good at this - and just needed an excuse. Vin the Diesel - a Coleman 15KW generator unit was purchased at auction some years back for $800. It has a "California" 50A 240V four wire (hot, hot, ground + neutral) AC outlet. A simple adapter converts this to a modern 50A RV outlet. It has a small (10 gallon) internal fuel tank and burns ~1 gallon/hour. In 2023 we powered a 50A RV, 2x 30A RVs and several smaller trailers and stations. It worked well but we made a lot of trips to the nearby diesel station. We do not have priority fuel delivery set up for emergencies- FEMA had a recent exercise for a weeks long regional power outage and limited diesels.
Diesel light towers are made in 6KW, 8KW, 15KW and 20KW models. The 20KW models seem to be seen in Canada, North Dakota and Texas. One (2012 Magnum MLT 5200) appeared for auction locally in running condition. It's a good brand. It was single phase only- three phase is used at events but not in Ham Radio as such. I lobbed in a low four figure bid and called Doug, N0NAS who tries to be the voice of reason.
Why I wanted it:
  1. Bragging rights
  2. One trailer rules them all - 440,000 lumens of light (3-5 acres), lots of 120V AV power (167 amps), 30' tower, 56 gallons diesel.
  3. Two California jacks (50A each) and one 50A Marine Shore Power also easy to convert to RV 50A, several 30A 3-wire 240V and four 120V 20A AC outlets.
Why I didn't need it:
  1. No place to store it in my garage - it's wide - our Duluth area trailer base has room though
  2. No use case except Field Day (MN VOAD is getting a 30' ex FEMA trailer - 50A RV plug) but it has a built in genset)
  3. 1.8 gallons per hour fuel burn. $170 worth of diesel for 24 hours. If you run it lightly loaded it will use a little less but will also wet stack
  4. 15,000 hours on it- we don't use it much - but an overhaul ($$) is in the future.
  5. A solar tower trailer is more event friendly due to noise, fuel cost and smoke
To make a long story short, it went for $1300 or so. This was above my impulse buy range- and a good thing actually.
2012 MAGNUM MLT5200IVCAN Online Auction Results
submitted by NY9D to amateurradio [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:12 gettingbybutbarely Resistance to medication

Has anyone had to jump from medication to medication due to resistance? I went from taking 15 mg of Adderrall IR twice a day to 30 mg twice a day in less than a year. I was on that dosage for about 2 1/2 years even though I noticed that last year or so it wasn’t working.
Then for healthcare reasons I abruptly stopped for about a year but was on the verge of losing my job due to the mess that I had on my brain so I got an appointment and by that point the Adderall shortage was in its peak. My psychiatrist recommended a couple different stimulants, all had to be changed because of my shitty healthcare and that’s how I ended on Adzenys XR (18 mg). It worked fine but it’s been less than a year and I feel with each passing day it lasts less and less. Has anyone else experienced this? If so what has been an explanation or solution?
submitted by gettingbybutbarely to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:59 Cold_Army_4719 Someone wanna trade for signed astro

Someone wanna trade for signed astro submitted by Cold_Army_4719 to ToiletTowerDefense [link] [comments]