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FMH Master Doc

2024.05.19 04:12 pizzapillowfort FMH Master Doc

The moment a lot of you have been waiting for is here!
A couple of notes before you read (or after because I would just jump into the list right away too)
  1. Direct quotes from Ali herself are in italics.
  2. I tried my best to keep everything in timeline order. Some people like The Come Back Kid I placed in the order where they reconnected/talked about on the pod. But I did my best to note this.
  3. All this information came from the FMH podcast, the Patreon, the original FMH blog, TikTok and other podcast that feature FMH/Ali. I also crossed reference information with this sub. I got most of this done with the help of the Patreon and listening to 1.75x speed but I lost accessed to the Patreon because my subscription ended.
  4. I'm open to edits! Things around the matchmaker era confused me and if anything is incorrect or if I'm missing someone, please let me know! I will note where corrections are made.
  5. Some people don't have anything simply because only a name was said or I couldn't find any details about the person/date
  6. And of course, please be respectful of all the sub rules!
Names on the original FMH blog
AOL chatroom Boyfriend
Mentioned on Tiktok and on the pod once
Myspace Boyfriend
Mentioned on Tiktok
Third Boyfriend
Met on in 2002 and this was mentioned on the Cracked Up podcast, The Dave Glaser Podcast and Tiktok
The Kiwi
Met on a 2 week Model UN type youth trip in high school when Ali was 15, never a boyfriend but she had a huge crush on him, he tried to kiss Ali and she literally ran away, didn’t talk the rest of the trip but exchanged numbers and screen names (Ali’s was FineGal13 or BeachJewel760), she made him a mixtape cd called “Ali’s really cool mix for The Kiwi” but never sent it and she still has it. In 2021, he DM’d her when she posted photos of her and her mom in France and invites her to visit him in London, she says she can’t but says they should catch up if he comes to NYC
Fourth Boyfriend
Met on OkCupid when you had to use it on the computer, this was mentioned on Tiktok
The Homecoming Date or Light Switch
First boyfriend? (she goes back and forth calling him her first bf or a situationship), a family friend, a month younger than Ali, dated in high school but went to different high schools, football player, made him ask her to her Homecoming dance over email (her words), Ali hid in the bathroom the whole Homecoming dance, 3-4 revisits of this situations as adults, saw him on Bumble a few years ago and texted him that he had a typo in his bio, “he very much wanted to be with me” and now he’s married with a kid. His mom is still “obsessed” with Ali and she listens to FMH
Random college guy
Freshman year of college, Ali doesn’t have a nickname for him/doesn’t remember his real name, met this guy through a friend, was texting him to invite him over to hot tub but her phone autocorrected to “how about some hot rubbing tonight?” but Ali didn’t noticed/didn’t correct it and he never replied, Ali had a house party and got really drunk and was all over him, he left the party early, she messaged him on MySpace 3-4 times asking why he left
The Resident
Matched on, first guy she dated in NYC after college, older than Ali, a doctor, lasted 3 months ”maybe”, he didn’t like Ali’s friends, got a card from him on her birthday and it said “Love, The Resident” and it took Ali back a little, Ali drinks black coffee because of him, he coordinated having her mom visit NYC for her birthday then he broke up with her a week later
The Ghost
Met at a bar when she was 25, turns out they matched on OkCupid and they already had a date scheduled next week, they dated for 6-8 weeks, had sleepovers, “The worst ghosting experience I’ve ever had”, he borrowed The Great Gatsby from Ali’s roommate, planned to make dinner together after a beach trip in August with her friends and never showed up, Ali is blowing up his phone and gets no reply, two weeks later she finally texts “are you alive? check yes or no” and he responds “Yes”, Ali then ask if he could return the book and gets no reply again, 5 months go by and she receives the book in the mail with the note: “Here’s the book back. Sorry. P.S. sorry about last summer. I was in a bad place. You’re a great person and your salmon is amazing”, since then she has ran into him twice on the streets and matched with him on Bumble
The Coach/Mr. Adorable
First serious boyfriend at 26/27 in 2013, matched on or met through work depending if you’re listening to the pod or reading her OG blog, clean-cut look, played volleyball, Ali invited him to a friend’s birthday party and they made out in the streets at 4am, on their second date he asked Ali if she was seeing any one and when Ali said no he ask her to be his girlfriend 3 days after their first date, dated for almost 1.5 years or almost 2 years depending on if you’re listening to the pod or the Patreon, first time saying “I love you” to a guy, “lovely guy“, never would posted Ali on his instagram until Ali said something, he “lived” with her for two weeks while he was in between apartments, tried blind folding/hair pulling during sex and she didn’t like it, by the end of their relationship Ali didn’t like sex and thought she wasn’t a very sexual person, after they broke up Ali drunk texted him at 2am and he picked her up and she spent the night and she took her things in the morning in a rolly suitcase, from her blog in 2015: “I just want to be careful I don’t end up with another Mr. Adorable situation, where I find myself dating my platonic best friend”, had drinks with him in 2016 from the blog: “Not in a romantic way (at least on my end)”, Ali still talks to him sometimes through casual instagram DMs, he’s currently (as of 2021) dating someone for 4+ years and Ali thinks they’re going to get engaged
OG 2015 FMH blog, never mentioned on the pod, “I was immediately enamored with him”, met at a Beer Olympic party but he worked with one of Ali’s best friends (Ali was still dating The Coach at the time), lived in BK, tattoos and stubble, Ali’s best friend said he was a “fuck boy”, “he very much made me see that it was the right thing for me and The Coach to not be together”, from her blog in 2015: “he has this look in his eye like he’s constantly laughing at me – in a super sexy way”, he texted her saying he didn’t see anything romantically with her and she sent a gif of someone shrugging
Personal side note: Ali has mentioned she has cheated on someone but never disclosed who she cheated on or with. I feel like she cheated on Mr.A/The Coach with Trouble because of the timeline. Just a guess.
Matched on Bumble, OG 2015 FMH blog, he asked Ali fuck/marry/kill breakfast foods, dated 2 months around summer time, on Fourth of July while watching fireworks he said how they had a great day and Ali replied with something along the lines with “yeah, it would be better if I could call you my boyfriend”, he said he wanted a relationship but just not with Ali and shortly afterwards they stopped seeing each other
The Buffalo
Lived in Buffalo NY, 6’5, Scorpio, met in 2015 at Adults National volleyball (Ali’s team won that year) where he was heckling her while she was playing, asks Ali’s mom for her number and Ali’s mom said “I guess you’re tall enough” and told him to ask her himself, he flew her out and she met his parents, dated over summer, exclusive but never boyfriend/girlfriend (but called him her LD boyfriend on TikTok), texted and talked on the phone a lot, Ali’s best friend’s favorite ex “they had really good banter”, in October he invited her to his cousins wedding and she invited him to her friends wedding, after Ali bought her ticket to his cousins wedding (with the promise he would buy her ticket to her friend’s wedding) he ghosted and stonewalled her, she “poured her heart out to him on voicemail” and he never replied, she asked him to pay her back for her ticket and he got mad that she “made this about money”, 2 years later he told Ali that he freaked out because he really liked her and saw a future with her but knew she would never move to Buffalo and it would “never work”, Ali said at the time she would have considered moving for him, Ali used to have him blocked on Facebook and told all her friends not to update her on info about him (unless she asked). He’s now married and goes to Disney with his wife (which Ali kind of scoffs at?), Ali said on TikTok that she dodged a bullet
Baby Bic
Met him at Adults National years ago, had a flirtationship with him in 2016 when he was 19 years old, ran into him at the Adults Nationals 2021, last texts she got from him were about getting his fake ID taken away at the bar and him visiting her in NYC but Ali didn’t want to buy him beer and drink at her apartment
The Chef
Matched on Tinder around 2016, he loved karaoke, “total shit”, asked Ali to be his girlfriend and to meet his mom after a month, off and on dating, broke up the first time because he was talking to his ex, lied and flew to Mexico to see his ex while dating Ali, that ex sent Ali a Snapchat of them in bed together on that Mexico trip, Ali broke up with him via text and called him a shitty boyfriend, he’s the reason Ali deleted her Snapchat because of drunk Snaps he would send post break up, FB messaged Ali 6 years later (while Roark was visiting/staying with Ali) and said sorry for being a shit head. Ali’s best friends hated him
The Dentist
Met on Halloween in the wild, Canadian, dated NYE 2016- May 2017 “nice guy, not my guy”, one of Ali’s best friend’s favorite ex “he adored you, “he was too sweet for me” and “he had no edge to him”, he painted Ali’s cat for her 30th birthday but she was annoyed it was just Rory and not both cats, The Chef texted Ali while on a date/sleeping at his house
ASV - Aspiring Sober Vegan
Met through a friend (her best guy friend’s college roommate) the day before she had to fly out to her dad’s memorial, a doctor, into meditation, remembered him “being cuter” when they went on a first date, felt “the spark”, had “omg this is awesome sex”, Ali described this relationship as a “slow burn” and “the most attracted she ever been to a partner” even thought she didn’t think he was that cute in the beginning, dated 2-3 months before he tried to ghost Ali but they talked and broke up, four months later they start casually dating/FWB because he’s moving but this turns into a ‘middle distance relationship’ and he moves to Philly, had a lot of communication issues but didn't have a lot of fights, wants to live in Ohio and give a % of his income to charity, Ali was close to saying ‘I love you’ but didn’t, he uninvited her to meet his extended family and they got in a fight, broke up with her a couple weeks before their 6 month anniversary at the park while on a picnic and told her that she’s still his favorite person, Ali used to think he was “the one that got away” and would frequently have dreams about him. From what Ali knows, he's sober but not vegan
The Scientist
2017 or 2018ish, from San Diego, went on one date, Ali ended up ghosting him due to the decline in her dad’s health, saw him on Hinge while she was in San Diego for 3 months in 2020, texted him and apologized for ghosting him, ended up going on 2-3 more dates, took a selfie in front of his house and sent it to him but acted like she didn’t know that was his house and made a TikTok about it, things ended up not working but she doesn’t make it clear on who ended it. She can now see she shouldn’t have been going on dates during this time when her dad was sick.
Good on Paper Divorced Dude
Met a couple of years ago (she told this story on TikTok in 2020) on Bumble
The Groomsman
Met at her friend Ashley’s wedding in Chicago Oct 2019, had a “two night stand” with him, texted/talked/FT’d for 3-4 months, divorced, never dated seriously/FWB, saw each other a couple time when he came to NYC, Ali stopped talking with him due to FMH and her trying to find a serious relationship, he starts dating someone, follows FMH on insta, slid into her DM in 2022 and then sent her soup while she was sick, turns out he’s single again, 2 months later Ali is heading to Chicago and texts him “Hello! Reminder that my arrival to your neck of the woods is imminent” and turns out he is now seeing someone and Ali doesn’t see him while in Chicago (at least she doesn’t mention it)
Unnicknamed person
He was her plus one at her best friend from college’s NYE wedding 2019/2020, met and hung out with Ali’s mom, posted photos of them together on her personal Insta story, “fully dating but weren’t official hehe” doesn’t have a nickname/never gave him a nickname? This could be The Latvian/the person she texted her friend in DC about saying “I think I’m on a date with my husband”

Starts FMH on January 2020 on Instagram/TikTok

The Traveler
He was browsing Bumble while Ali was in the bathroom during their first date, he was banned from Bumble and was using his grandma phone number. Ali turned down a second date
The Duke
Early FMH, went for long periods of time in between texts, 7-8 Zoom dates while Ali was in San Diego and he was in NY, Ali said you could see three of his ex’s on his instagram page (without scrolling), they finally went on one date and it was “meh” but they did kiss on their date
The Oyster
Matched on Bumble (he had one photo and no bio) two weeks before Valentines Day, Gemini, a lawyer, part of the 13 First Dates in 30 Days series (he was #13), dated Feb 2020-Aug 2020, love bomber, felt “the spark” and became official after 3 dates, best first date ever??? at the time, said “I love you” to Ali after two weeks, “For most of my relationship with The Oyster, he didn’t live in the city he had moved to Connecticut without telling me”, would fight all the time, opposite political views, Ali felt like a “fucking summer camp director” because she planned all their dates and he would get upset if Ali didn't have a plan, sought out a therapist (Megan) because of her relationship struggles because of him, went to Mass/church, he wanted a traditional marriage/life/wife/kids (at one point had Ali thinking she wanted that), didn’t want to live in NYC, didn’t support BLM, Cindy hated him
The Pilot
Went on 3 dates, texted a lot, didn’t hear back from him in four days and when she said she was looking to date someone who showed more consistency, he replied saying he met someone the day after their last date who seems to have more free time than Ali and he wants to pursue that but would like to be friends, Ali said on TikTok that this other women “bent her schedule to his schedule” and she was unwilling to do that. Mostly talked about him on TikTok
The Analyst
Matched on Bumble two years ago and went on one date, re matched in 2021 and he stood Ali up, she send him a text “getting stood up” script and he never replied. Only mentioned him on TikTok (?)

Ali and Roark start FMH: The Podcast February 2021

The Boomerang
First date on the pod? I couldn't find anything else about him
The Scuba Diver
The Music Man
One date, “he didn’t do anything wrong, he’s just not for me”, amped up small talk, complimented Ali a lot which made her feel awkward cause she wasn’t feeling it, he texted her and asked for a second date and Ali sent the no ghosting script
The Bet
Uses the phrase “ok bet”, 28 years old shoe designer, only went on one dinner date to a spot he picked, turns out its cash only and he didn’t bring cash, was not into him , not looking for the same thing
The Dinosaur
Nickname was previously The Hawaiian, first date at Dinosaur BBQ, stood in a parking spot to save for Ali, he asked for a kiss after their date and Ali declined saying maybe next time
The Rose
He sent her a rose on hinge, first date was an hour long walk in the park while drinking beer
The Comic
Matched on Hinge, older than Ali (Ali’s friends express how happy they were to hear that), had brunch on their first date (was the first part of a double header but the second guy canceled), listed as “moderate” politically on Hinge, good and easy convo, went back and forth twice over text and then never heard back from him, “technically not ghosting...”
The Camper
Met in the wild at a volleyball tournament in July, lives in Chicago, 27 years old, hung out the whole time, over heard Ali asking someone to get her a make out partner, gave Ali his number, drunkly ask him for a FT date in the future and he didn’t reply, Ali texts him again about a volleyball thing and he replied back with not a lot of enthusiasm, Ali is going to Chicago in Sept for a volleyball tournament and she’s already planning on playing 4-on-4 with her best friend vs. his roommate and maybe The Camper, he texts her saying he has to work on the date of the tournament and won’t be able to do the 4-on-4 game, “I feel like I got broken up with someone I never want to date in the first place”

Ali’s Matchmaker contract starts in August 2021 - 6 matches

The Schmoozer
Went on a dinner date, was chatting up the waitress in a kind of creepy way, was bragging about a lot of things and it turned Ali off and Ali texted him her no ghosting script
The Accountant
1st matchmaker match, 31 years old, lives in BK, his dad has also passed away, easy to talk to, on the third date she wasn’t sure if she saw a future with him and in her gut doesn’t feel like this would be a slow burn, Ali breaks things off with him, months (?) later he sent Ali a 5 min long voice memo and they said they were both down to see each other as friends. He later on dated and ghosted Erica
The Aussie
Matched on Hinge, in politics, from Australia but lived all over the place, asked Ali what she’s looking for on the first date and he said he’s “casually looking for something serious”, Ali accidentally walks up to a different person on their second date, Ali texts him saying she would love to see him before he leaves on a trip and she wasn’t happy that it took him till the next day to reply and he can’t see her before he leaves
The Goalie
Was supposed to be Ali’s 2nd match, he’s a paying client, Ali didn’t hear back from him for a while when she told him where she lived, he wrote to the matchmaker saying that she lived too far away even though it states where she lives in her matchmaker profile
The Journalist
2nd matchmaker match, ended things because she was dating/pursuing things with The Discoball and paused her matchmakers matches

The Threepeat
Matched multiple times on dating apps but this recent time with Hinge, Amazon seller, first date was a pizza lunch date (with bubbles aka champagne) and he gave her a single yellow carnation, talked a lot about her “side hustles” aka her food blog, coaching, FMH and the pod (Ali didn’t mentioned the name on FMH), had an awkward half kiss during the date and then gave her a peck when they said goodbye, he had no night stands by his bed?, spent the night but told public pod they had a movie night, different kissing styles, 6 dates, broke things off with Ali two days before her first date with The Rower WHILE Ali was on a Halloween girls trip
The Rower
Dated from Halloween 2021 till early Feb 2022, Pisces who is 6 days older than Ali, has an ex-fiancé (they dated for 8 years, engaged for two of them, she broke off the engagement with him 1.5 years ago once he started dating Ali), has a shared dog with this ex, slept together around Xmas on the fourth date and Ali got a UTI, first time having “omg this is awesome sex” since ASV, first person Ali slept next to wearing an eye mask "that's a big step for me", had him watch 90 Day Fiancé, on New Years Day told her that he sees “long term relationship potential” with her but doesn’t want to be exclusive after 5 dates, “we didn’t talk all week”, he said he wasn’t as ready as he though to date someone seriously and “I don’t know why I don’t want to be in a relationship with you” they broke up over the phone, Ali said he’s a good human and wants to date someone like him, 3.5 weeks later Ali drunk texted him at 3:00 am saying “its really hard not to talk to you” which Ali said was a lie, he replied back (few days? A week later?) while Ali was on another date and it made her cry a bit, she replied back saying “the door is closed but not locked” in regards if he wants to get back together. “Fin… for now”


The Discoball
Matched on Hinge but didn’t go on a first date for two week, Gemini, used to be a singer in a band, moved from DC to NYC, went on 7 dates in 2022, had a dog w/ ex and ex got full custody once he moved, met one of his friends on the second date, slept with him on the second date “morning and night”, he tried to find the podcast without knowing the name, podcasted from his house in DC, he would send Ali photos of them together “all the time”, gave a virtual presentation from his hotel room, did Molly together in DC, had him watch 90 Day Fiancé, moved to BK (didn’t see each other for 2 months pre-move), had a sex-less sleepover (a milestone for Ali), he showed up for her on her dad’s death date (something that a person she’s dating has never done), used to listen to the pod but stopped before they stopped seeing each other, ghosted her after they had a talk about moving things forward to exclusive and Ali texted him something along the lines of “your silence is the answer” when she didn’t hear back from him for a week and he ghosted her. Ali said he sucks in #77 AUA
The Brit
The Come Back Kid
They went on 2-3 dates in Nov 2018 and reconnected in May 2022, "felt immediately comfortable", sat next to a very drunk lady on their second 1st date and was supportive but "didn't step on Ali's toes" when the drunk lady said something offensive to Ali, couldn’t remember if they slept together or not, knows about FMH, ghosted Ali
The Trainer
The Cold Brew
The Nomad
3rd matchmaker match, reminded Ali of The Oyster, wanted kids and didn’t want to live in NYC forever, Ali was upset at first because her matchmaker was supposed to screen for that but the matchmaker DID check and it wasn’t mentioned when she was screening The Nomad, no second date because those are dealbreakers to him
The Catcher
Matched on Bumble, “good not great” after their first date, ~April 2022, talked about sports a lot on their first date
The Gentleman
4th matchmaker match, knew about Ali’s FMH socials before their date, Ali didn’t like his texting style, awkward intro on their first date “like hugging a 2 x 4”, he runs a dating event company and actually email Ali to be a guest on the pod when FMH first started, awkward goodbye, didn’t discuss the actual first date on the main pod because she doesn’t want to give him a reason to reach out again
The Tennis Pro
Ali had a good time on their date, “He is an adult, he’s mature” BUT “I don’t think he was into it
The Padre
Matched on Bumble, 3 dates, from San Diego, “energy mismatch”, doesn’t want to know or listen to FMH, no psychical connection/kiss, only a kiss on the cheek on their last date, “I haven’t spoken to him since Friday night [a week]”, she didn’t want to do what The Threepeat did to her (break up while on vacation/traveling), she said it might be a MOO

Roark leaves and Erica joins the pod Oct 31st 2022

Captain Kirk
5th matchmaker match, found him on Bumble before their in-person date, ghosted Ali AND the matchmaker???
6th matchmaker match
Last match and Ali states she will not talk about this date or anything about it
JFK Kirk?
Matched on Bumble, didn’t realize he’s located in SD, exchanged personal instagram info, not sure where things went or how things ended

Kirk #1
Met in the wild, make out a lot the night they met, “stealing kisses throughout the night”, exchanged numbers, planned a date (no specifics, just the day) but when Ali texted him day of he asked to reschedule (no specifics again), he replied back that he’s picking up a rental car, told him she’s looking for someone to respect her time and he never replied back


The Falcon
First date of 2023, matched on The League, first nickname was “League Kirk”, hard to talk to, felt like Ali was always reaching for the next topic, likes to travel, “there wasn’t a vibe”, MOO
The Roommate
Used to be her friend’s roommate and have met before (Ali doesn’t remember but it was the day after that exclusive convo with The Rower), “totally cute”, reunited at their mutual friend’s engagement party January 2023, made out at the bar, comes back to her place and sleeps over (no sex), Ali questions why her friends never set them up and its because he was taking a break from dating, first date they made out a lot at the bar (again), “I really felt like we were already a couple”, “It didn’t feel like a first date”, mentions her FMH content has popped up on his FYP, tried texting him after their date and he wasn’t giving effort, she’s glad she didn’t sleep with him because “one night stands aren’t my thing”, MOO
The Belgian
Matched on Bumble, accidentally had their first date during a trivia night at a bar, easy to talk to
The Viking
Ali forgot they had a first date on the day of said date
Tinder Man
Matched on Tinder (duh) on Valentine’s Day, first Tinder date in three years, good convo on first date but got a pushy vibe from him at the second bar they went to, put his hand up her sweater and was kissing her in the bar, made Ali uncomfortable and she told him that after he asked her on a second date
The Historian
Matched on Bumble, good conversation on the first date with a wide range of topics like “urban planning and its impact on feminism”, he’s in grad school
The Georgian
Matched on Hinge, he asked if she was free on Friday and she said yes but didn’t hear back from him in two days and in that time she made plans for Friday, rescheduled for a Saturday afternoon date at a dive bar, ate on her way to her date “it would be next level rude to eat on the subway”, good first date, talked about places he wants to take her to
The Publicist
Matched on Tinder, lives in BK, Jewish, one year younger then Ali, good first date, invited him to the Chaotic Singles Party that night, came over to Ali's apartment (which Ali said was messy) before and he made her favorite cocktail for her, a couple of listeners met him at the CSP, goofy and silly convo mixed with deep and serious convos, second date was at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and a tasting menu dinner, he made a Resy reservation and Ali got an email saying she was added to it ”fuck receiving gifts, THAT’S my love language”, he's into words like Ali, he sneezed and Ali said "God bless you" but then corrected herself and said "gesundheit" and he leaned over and kissed her and said he loves that she cares about her words, he met her friends on the third date ”It felt so easy. It felt so comfortable”, her friends took “sneaky” picture and videos of them together which Ali said she loves a sneaky pic, took all their date recap videos on his phone, cooked Ali steak on their fourth date, "it's very comfortable", had him watch 90 Day Fiancé, Ali met two of his friends and some of his teammates he plays a rec sport with, had sex the day they took a trip outside of the city, Erica met him before their trip to Greece and I said “he’s dorky in a good way”, WhatsApp video chatted while in Greece and told her “see you in two days!” at the end of their call, said she felt less anxious about him compared to other relationships while on vacation, sent him a birthday present while she was in Greece, felt an energy shift coming back from vacation and didn’t hear back from him 3 days after she came home, Ali requested a call to talk about this distances she was feeling, ”I did the 12 date rule and it didn’t work!”, she said the distance help her see that they’re not compatible, went on a total of 9 dates. Ali talks about the “break up” on episode 123
Mr. Chaotic
Matched on Tinder but he saw Ali at the Chaotic Singles Party and Cassidy the host is there mutual friend, went to a brewery and played games on their first date (Ali said this was her favorite first dates in episode 147 where they recapped 2023), works in entertainment industry, very high energy, knows about FMH and he said she's entertaining to watch, splits his time between NYC and some unknown city, texted while she was in Greece, ”The man gives good texts”
Random Matchmaker Match
Withdrew his match to Ali because he found her FMH socials. Talked about on #71 AUA
Gone with the Wind
Matchmaker match, said some gross things about women in volleyball outfits on their first date, Ali told her matchmaker about this, ”I would describe him as misogynistic overall”, Ali was glad he did say those weird things so early on so she didn’t waste her time, the matchmaker flagged his account. This was around June 2023
The Rock
Ali knows him from an activity that they used to be involved with in the city (she's very vague about what this is) from 8 years ago, he had a very serious/long term GF when they met, follows her personal Insta, has never talked about him because he’s never been a “prospect”, summer 2023 they met up to catch up and found out that he’s now recently single but he’s moving out of NYC for work, Ali texts Cindy saying she thinks this is a date, Cindy said to tell him that you really want to kiss him, he ends up telling Ali “I really want to kiss you”, made out at the bar, Ali invited him back to her apartment and they had sex the night before Ali ended things with The Publicist, “one night stand vibes” but she said she was down to do it again, Patreon only and talked about on #75 AUA
The Tourist
Matched on Hinge, just moved to Brooklynn, went to a brewery in BK for their first date, Ali showed up to the date dripping in sweat, allergic to cats, he sent Ali a ‘no ghosting’ text the next morning
The Stout
Matched on Bumble, ”we had really great banter right away”, laughed the whole time on their first date, talked about going on a second date during their first date
Speed Racer
Matched on Bumble, drinks first date, axe throwing second date, made out after their second date, MOO, randomly texted Ali ~6 months later because he said one of Ali’s date recap videos about him popped up on his FYP (Ali and Erica think this is a lie), he thought Ali wasn’t into him, he claims he was doing all the work with texting even though there was only a few messages since they exchanged numbers after their second date
Billy Joel
Recently sober, Ali said she felt like they had several inside jokes before they met in person, ate pizza on her way to their first date, second date was getting coffee and going to the museum, they cooked dinner together for their third date at Ali’s apartment and they watched 90 Day Fiancé (he didn’t like it), he Googled how to clean a red wine stain when it spilled on her countertop, he asked if she wanted to have sex and she turned it down, the next day/the day before a 7am flight Ali booty called him and they had sex, she was drunk and said the sex wasn’t good/they stopped mid way, helped Ali pack for her flight, Ali said he’s at a crossroad and he doesn’t seem like a long term fit, Erica found a condom on the ground while cat sitting, Ali said she didn’t regret hooking up with him but wishes she hadn’t done it, MOO
Sales Cycle
30 seconds in and Ali said he was very boring, only really talked about his job, stared at Ali’s boobs, “might be a MOO”, texted her ‘merry christmas’


Pie Guy/Dr. Laundry
Matched on The League, 34 years old, requested a nickname change from Pie Guy to Dr. Laundry, he had to cancel their second date because he got hit by a car, went on two dates, Ali sent him a pic of his subway stop saying something along the lines of “the stop isn’t looking as cute today” and turns out someone he dated with in that photo, were supposed to go on a third date the night she got back from a bachelorette party but he didn't answer her text when she said she landed, the next day he asked her how her trip was not acknowledging her previous text at all, Ali expressed her disappointment and he replied that he was tired last night, she said she would've been understanding if he said something then ghosted her
Andddd I stopped listening to the podcast around the Dr. Pie Laundry Guy but have stayed up to date with everything via this sub.
I have a huge interest in dating culture, human behavior and data similar to Ali and this little project of mine was really interesting once I got the framework of this list. I started this list once I found this sub in December 2023 and started re listening to the Patreon while working out (and lost 10 lbs ayeee) and writing down information in my notes app. I did my best to keep this list unbiased and just give facts and information that was said.
My own thoughts after making this list is that I'm very sad for Ali. I didn't realize the extent of her dating history. I think about my own dating history or even my friends who are in their 30's and dating and Ali's dating lore runs so deep. Is Ali unlucky with love? Did she pass on someone that could have been great for her? How has she had so many dates with little success in a long term partner or even going beyond 6-8 dates? Or is Skyline the person she has been waiting for? What's the pattern with all this dates/men? So many questions.
I truly do hope Ali finds her guy because I believe theres someone for everyone. Until then, I'll be hopping into this sub (cause y'all are too funny and give the best advice) and waiting for Ali to find Mr. Height.
Enjoy and I look forward to everyone thoughts! I'll keep my eye out for any edits that need to be made.
Bonus quotes:
“Longest relationship was a little under a year and a half. Haven’t made it past 6 months with anyone else” - AUA #7 11/27/21
“I spent the first 10+ years of my dating life being sort of perennially single” -1. The Actual First One episode 2/21/21
"I think my parent's story is the reason why I think that I can romantically get back together with an ex and it'll work out" -The Dave Glaser Podcast 4/5/21
“Almost every relationship I’ve ever been in, with a couple of exceptions, started as a situationship.” -21. The Undefined One 7/11/21
“All of my boyfriends have been white” -Ali’s BFF Special on Patreon 4/23/22
“You definitely need an older guy” -Cindy on Ali’s BFF Special on Patreon 4/23/22
“I’ve been on the dating apps since high school. Dating websites at the time” -Ali’s BFF Special on Patreon 4/23/22
“Who would be the perfect man for Ali?”
“Clearly a combination of the The Dentist and [the early stages of] The Buffalo” -Cindy on Ali’s BFF Special on Patreon 4/23/22
“Do you consider The Rower or Disco ball to have been situationships?”
“No, I don't consider either The Rower or The Disco Ball to be situationships” -question asked on TikTok 11/9/22
submitted by pizzapillowfort to findingmrheight [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 10:12 MrSquav Unleashing the Lion Within: How to Dominate the Digital Savannah with Simba's Five Forces

Alright, my fellow content crusaders, let's veer off the beaten path of the tired old "create great content and THEY will come!" mantra, because let's face it - the internet is a wild, untamed beast! It's a virtual jungle out there, and you need more than just a pretty piece of content to survive in the digital wilderness.
Have you noticed how digital marketing, especially the often overlooked gem that is content marketing, doesn't get the respect it deserves? It's like the quirky cousin at the family reunion - everyone knows they are cool, but they don't always get a seat at the grown-up table. While other industries have textbooks thicker than a an old-school phonebook, digital marketing seems to get shoved aside like last year's iPhone model. But this might change, for I am on a noble quest to change that narrative.
My new book, Clickonomics, is here to hopefully shake up the status quo with fresh ideas, innovative frameworks, and tools that will not only revolutionize how we approach internet marketing but will also make the skeptics sit up and take notice. I will take some extracts from the book and post them here.
First new idea: Simba's Five Forces
Picture yourself as Simba the Lion King on the digital savannah. The sun beats down on the pixelated landscape, and beneath the buzzing of social media notifications, you hear it: the distant roar of competition. Other businesses, content creators, and aspiring influencers are circling like hungry hyenas, all vying for attention within the vast expanse of the World Wide Web. This, my friend, is the thrilling, chaotic, and sometimes cutthroat realm of marketing on the internet or as we clickonomists say, competing for attention.
But fear not! For you are no helpless little cub, destined to be left behind by the relentless stampede of online trends. You, the savvy content marketer, have stumbled upon a powerful tool – your survival guide to navigating the online jungle.
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Simba's Five Forces.
Now, before you start groaning and rolling your eyes at the mention of another marketing framework, let me assure you - this isn't just some dusty theory cooked up by academics who still think Myspace is the latest social media craze. No, no, my friend, Simba's Five Forces are inspired by something far more exciting than your average business school jargon. We are talking about the OG of business strategic thinking here - the one and only Porter's Five Forces. Simba's Five Forces (SFF for short) is not just standing on the shoulders of giants, it's practically riding on their backs like a boss! I mean, Porter's Five Forces has been the backbone of business strategy since Michael Porter decided to grace us mortals with his wisdom back in 1979 in that Harvard Business Review article “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy?” Pure gold!
This isn't your run-of-the-mill marketing fluff; this is the real deal. We are talking about competitive forces that can make or break a business, shaping strategies and defining success on the internet. And hey, if it's good enough for Michael Porter and legions of fortune 500 businesses, it's definitely worth a second look.
Think of it this way: the internet is its own kind of ecosystem. It has its predators (established brands with massive followings), its scavengers (those who recycle trendy content), and its adaptable survivors (the ones who roll with the punches and evolve with the ever-changing digital landscape). To thrive in this environment, you need a strategy that taps into both the primal instincts of a lion and the clever resourcefulness of a meerkat.
So, what exactly are these mystical forces?

Force #1: The Threat of New Content – Outsmarting the Deluge on the Internet Jungle
In the kingdom of Clickonomics, the battle for attention is as fierce as lions vying for a prime cut of an antelope. You might think you have crafted a masterpiece of content – a perfectly polished blog post, a hilarious meme, or a viral-worthy video. But wait! Before you unleash your creation into the wild, remember this: the digital savannah is teeming with hungry competitors, constantly churning out fresh content designed to steal your precious audience.
We live in the age of the content deluge. It's estimated that over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, much of that in the form of online content. That's the digital equivalent of a hippo stampede, with each new post, video, or tweet threatening to trample your own carefully crafted work into obscurity.
Think of it like this: you are a skilled hunter on the savannah – you have honed your skills, stalked your prey (aka your ideal audience), and prepared the perfect snare. But just as you are about to make your move, an entire pack of newcomers bursts onto the scene, their noisy and haphazard methods scaring away your potential catch. Frustrating, isn't it?
This relentless flood of new content is both the greatest challenge and the greatest opportunity on the internet.
The first rule of surviving the content deluge? Never, ever be a mere copycat. In the oversaturated digital jungle, mimicking what everyone else is doing is a surefire way to be ignored. Remember, back in the glory days of the early internet, a simple text-based web page might have cut it. These days, that's the digital equivalent of showing up to a cocktail party in sweatpants – technically, you are dressed, but you are definitely not making an impression.

Instead, your mission is to offer something unique, a piece of content that stands tall like a majestic giraffe against the backdrop of the digital plains. Embrace the power of niche – focus on becoming an expert in a specific area, providing the kind of in-depth knowledge your audience craves. Carve out your specialized watering hole, and soon, your thirsty audience will flock to you.
It might be tempting to panic and think, "I need to churn out content faster!" But resist the urge to sacrifice quality for speed. Think of the infamous tortoise and the hare fable. Slow, steady, and strategic wins the race in the online world too. One thoughtfully written insightful article can leave a longer-lasting impact than ten hastily thrown-together social media posts.
Instead of aiming to be everywhere at once, select a few key content platforms at first, and focus on creating content that truly shines there. Remember, your audience would rather see one truly remarkable piece of content per week than mediocre filler content on a daily basis.
Understanding the rhythm of your audience is vital to content mastery. Imagine yourself as a zebra at a watering hole. Visit at the wrong time, and you might find it dried up, or worse, swarming with lurking crocodiles. Similarly, posting the most amazing article at 3 AM when your audience is fast asleep is a recipe for digital crickets.
Analyse when your target audience is most active online. Tools for social media analytics are your best friend here. Publish strategically, so your content has a fighting chance against the deluge, instead of getting swept away unnoticed.
The best news? Not all content is destined to be swept away by the tides of the internet. Invest in creating 'evergreen' content – content that remains valuable long past their publish date. Think in-depth guides packed with practical tips, curated resource lists, or thought leadership pieces that tackle timeless problems in your industry. These are your content workhorses, attracting new audience members long after they are first created.
Of course, even evergreens need some maintenance. Periodically revisit your best-performing older content. Update any statistics, add fresh examples, or improve the formatting. This demonstrates that you are invested in providing the most up-to-date value, earning you serious trust with your audience.
Let's address the big elephant in the digital room: AI content generation tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and Google’s Gemini. These have the potential to revolutionize the content creation game, giving smaller businesses and solo content creators a fighting chance against big business. AI can help you generate ideas, whip up attention-grabbing headlines, create image variations, and even draft scripts for videos – it can do so much more!
However, as with any powerful tool, AI in the wrong hands can be dangerous. It's tempting to fall into the trap of churning out generic, AI-written content en-masse. But here is a word of caution: the inhabitants of the digital savannah are getting smarter. Audiences can sniff out soulless, AI-generated content a mile away. And worse, search engines like Google are cracking down on sites that overuse these tactics.
The key to harnessing AI lies in using it as your intelligent assistant, not your creative replacement. Let AI handle some of the grunt work, giving you the building blocks that you then enhance with your unique insights, expertise, and brand voice.
Standing out and creating timeless content is essential, but so is the ability to stay nimble in the fast-paced digital world. Trends emerge and disappear faster than a chameleon changing colours. Ignore them at your peril, but don't become a slave to them either.
Think strategically. Can you leverage a trending topic in a way that aligns with your brand and niche? Is there a way to put your unique spin on a viral challenge in a way that feels authentic? Don't be afraid to experiment, just make sure there is always a method behind your choices (or madness!).
Let's step back for a moment and ponder this: we are living in an age where everyone's vying to create and share the latest and greatest thing, yet our attention spans are notoriously short and getting shorter. It's a paradox: we crave constant novelty, yet, at the same time, we are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it all.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to navigate this contradiction. Become a digital curator – the one who sorts through the chaos, providing a carefully selected set of high-quality content that truly resonates with your audience. By offering value instead of simply adding to the noise, you become an oasis in the vast desert of information overload.
The threat of new content is a constant force in the realm of Clickonomics, but it's one you can learn to wield to your advantage. Remember: there is always space for content that offers genuine value, that cuts through the clutter, and provides your audience with experiences they wouldn't find anywhere else on the internet.
So, channel your inner Simba. Understand the landscape of this digital savannah, be both fierce and strategic in your content creation, and never underestimate the power of high-quality contributions that stand the test of time. Do this, and you won't just survive the content deluge, you will reign supreme as a king or queen of your digital domain.

Force #2: Threat of Different Type of Content – The Content Chameleon, Adapting to the Buffet of Consumer Preferences.
In George Orwell's thought-provoking masterpiece, Animal Farm, the animals were all gung-ho about the whole 'equality for all' gig. They even had a snazzy placard with the catchy slogan "All Animals Are Equal." But lo and behold, as soon as the pigs got a taste of power (and probably some delicious apples), that placard magically transformed into a new and improved version: "All animals are equal BUT some animals are more equal than others." Talk about a classic case of equality taking a nosedive straight into the realm of irony!
Yes, yes, we all know that "content is king." But let's not forget that in the vast kingdom of the internet, some types of content are like the royals of the British royal family. With over a hundred different flavors of content to choose from – blog posts, videos of all shapes and sizes, podcasts, infographics, memes, quizzes, you name it – it is no wonder we are all swimming in a sea of choices. Sure, all content should be engaging and attention-grabbing, but let's face it, some types of content are just born to rule the internet like the content monarchs they are. So, whether you are into dissecting the stats of Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Lionel Messi in a 10,000-word essay or prefer a 15-minute video reel of Cristiano and Messi dancing their way to greatness on the football pitch, remember, not all content is created equal – some are just destined for internet stardom!
Imagine yourself at a digital buffet, tables overflowing with every conceivable type of content: long-form blog posts that go deep into complex topics, bite-sized infographics perfect for a quick information fix, hilarious memes that make you snort-laugh in public (not ideal, but hey, we have all been there). This is what its like on the modern internet – a land of abundance and overwhelming choice for your target audience.
Here is the challenge: in this content smorgasbord, simply creating good content isn't enough. You need to become a master content chameleon, adapting your approach to suit the ever-evolving preferences of your audience. Remember the mantra of Simba's First Force: Content is King. But here is the twist: in the realm of Clickonomics, all content is indeed royalty, but some content types reign more supreme than others.
Let's face it, the internet has spoiled us rotten. We crave constant stimulation, flitting from one engaging type of content to another like a hummingbird between flowers. Statistics don't lie: studies show that our attention spans have shrunk to the size of a goldfish (cue Dory's voice: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"). This means that long-form content, once the undisputed king of the internet, now faces stiff competition from its more concise cousins: listicles, infographics, and – the undisputed champion of the short attention span – the mighty short-form video.
Think about it this way: would you rather spend an hour poring over a dense blog post analysing the philosophy of The Lion King, or watch a 5-minute video filled with hilarious clips and insightful commentary on the same topic? For most internet users, the answer is clear – short, engaging video wins every time (unless you are a die-hard text fiend, in which case, kudos to your dedication!).
But hold on a second, Simba! We wouldn't want to paint the internet with one broad brush. Not everyone craves the same content format. Understanding your target audience goes beyond demographics like age and location. Delving deeper, you need to understand their content consumption habits. Are they avid podcast listeners who crave in-depth conversations? Or perhaps they are visual learners who get lost in the world of infographics?
Here is where the Customer Ikigai and web analytics become your secret weapons. These tools tell you a fascinating story about how your audience interacts with your content. Did your latest blog post get crickets? Analyse which format performed best with past audiences and consider repurposing the content into another content format. Perhaps a captivating video summary could breathe new life into the topic.
Repurposing your content isn't about laziness; it's about strategic efficiency. Imagine crafting a captivating blog post – it took time, research, and a hefty dose of creative energy. Now, picture the untapped potential this content holds beyond the written word.
Embrace the content chameleon spirit! Here is where Simba's Content Matrix comes into play (you will learn more about this ingenious tool later, stay tuned!). This matrix helps you map your existing content across different formats, transforming your blog post into a captivating infographic, a bite-sized social media post, or even the script for a short, engaging video.
By repurposing your content, you cater to the diverse preferences of your audience, ensuring your message reaches the right people in the format they crave. It's like serving the same delicious meal on different plates – some might prefer a fancy five-course experience, while others just want a quick and satisfying snack.
This abundance of content formats presents both a challenge and an opportunity. It forces you to be more strategic, to understand your audience on a deeper level, and to constantly adapt your approach. However, it also empowers you to reach a wider audience than ever before.
Think of it this way: in the pre-internet era, a marketer's message was limited by traditional media formats. They had to choose between print ads, radio commercials, or expensive television slots. Now, the internet offers a buffet of possibilities, allowing you to tailor your message to resonate with specific audience segments.
But here is another secret sauce that binds all these formats together: the power of storytelling. Regardless of whether you are crafting a lengthy blog post or a short video, weaving a narrative into your content is the most potent way to capture and hold your audience's attention. After all, humans are wired for stories. They transport us, educate us, and evoke emotions in a way that dry facts and figures simply can't.
In the grand scheme of storytelling, a history textbook might as well be the plain oatmeal of narratives - bland, forgettable, and lacking that certain spice that makes you want to come back for more. It's like trying to sip on a lukewarm cup of tea when you could be sipping on a tropical cocktail with a little umbrella in it. And when it comes to the epic showdown between Simba and Scar, well, let's just say a bullet-point recounting is like ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese, no burger, and just a random slice of lettuce on a plate.
But, oh, watching that battle unfold on the screen? It's like biting into a juicy, perfectly cooked steak - it's savory, it's satisfying, and it leaves you wanting more. The drama, the suspense, the heart-pounding music swelling in the background - that's the stuff that makes your hair stand on end and your heart race with excitement. So, if you had to choose between reading about Simba's triumph in a textbook or watching it all play out in vivid animation, well, let's just say Hakuna Matata wouldn't be in your vocabulary if you missed out on that cinematic experience.
The ever-changing landscape of the internet demands a relentless spirit of experimentation. Don't be afraid to try new content formats, analyse how your audience responds, and pivot your strategy accordingly. Remember those meerkats from the Pride Lands? They are always vigilant, testing out new routes and keeping an eye out for both predators and tasty snacks. That same sense of adventurous curiosity should guide your content strategy.

Force 3: Threat of Competition – The Roaring Crowd, standing out in the Internet’s Coliseum
Welcome back to the Clickonomics arena, where the battle for attention plays out with the ferocity of a gladiator duel in the Colosseum. Here, the roar of the crowd isn't measured in decibels, but in clicks, shares, and that coveted social currency – engagement. And guess who you are competing against? Not just your direct competitors, but a cacophony of voices vying for the same precious commodity: attention.
In the brick-and-mortar business world, competition often follows a clear line: you versus the company across the street offering similar products. But the internet mercilessly shatters these boundaries. Here, the playing field is vast and the competition is fierce, often coming from unexpected corners of the internet.
Remember the wise words of Gary Vaynerchuk, the social media guru himself: "And I’m terribly sorry for the biggest advertisers in the world wasting all their money because they are taking the consumer’s attention for granted.” This statement rings especially true online. Take HSBC, one of the biggest banks founded by a thrifty Scot, for example. They might think their biggest competition is another bank like JP Morgan or Citigroup. But on the internet, a single personal finance blogger churning out content about financial freedom could pose a far greater threat. Why? Because that blogger is capturing the very thing HSBC desperately craves – the attention of potential customers.
This abundance of options online presents a fascinating paradox. What entrepreneurs and businesses traditionally perceive as "competition," internet users simply see as "choice." They have the luxury of filtering through a vast sea of voices, choosing the ones that resonate with them most.
Here is a counterintuitive truth: competition online isn't about eliminating your rivals; it's about carving out a distinct space within this crowded marketplace. It's about understanding what makes your brand unique, what value proposition you offer, and how to communicate that message in a way that cuts through the digital noise.
Think of a lion stalking its prey on the savannah. It blends into its surroundings, using its natural camouflage to remain undetected. But then, it pounces – a burst of power and agility that sets it apart from the rest of the herd. That's the essence of differentiation in the digital world.
Now, here is a surprising twist: those seemingly fierce internet competitors can actually be a valuable source of knowledge. Analyse their digital marketing strategies, see what content resonates with their audience, and identify any gaps you can exploit. Remember, the internet isn't a zero-sum game. Learning from your competitors, and constantly iterating on your own approach, is what leads to long-term success.
Let's not forget the power of disruption. The internet thrives on innovation. Think of companies like Airbnb and Uber – they challenged established industries by offering fresh perspectives and disrupting the status quo. Could your brand take a similar approach? Is there a way to shake things up in your niche and capture the attention of a weary audience tired of the same old strategies?
In the digital coliseum, the roar of the crowd isn't a threat, but an opportunity. It's the sound of potential customers, waiting to be captivated by a brand that stands out from the rest. Embrace the challenge of competition, leverage the insights it offers, and most importantly, never stop refining your roar. That is how you transform competition into a catalyst for growth, attracting your ideal audience and establishing your dominance in your digital corner of the internet.
Remember, Simba didn't win the battle for Pride Rock by simply copying his father. He learned from Mufasa's wisdom, embraced his own strengths, and ultimately, found his own roar.
And most importantly, remember that the battle for clicks isn't about crushing your competitors; it's about connecting with your audience in a meaningful and authentic way. Carve out your unique niche, understand your audience's roar, and make sure your message resonates across the digital savannah.
The internet, with its boundless opportunities and fierce competition, offers an exhilarating and ever-evolving marketing landscape. While the battle might feel overwhelming at times, equipped with Simba's Five Forces, you have a powerful arsenal of strategies and insights to navigate this vibrant yet often chaotic ecosystem.
So, channel your inner lion, stand tall among the digital crowd, and let your brand's unique roar resonate through the internet, attracting the right audience and securing your rightful place in the Clickonomics kingdom!

Force #4: Bargaining Power of Content Platforms and Content Creators.
Ah, the shimmering oasis of the internet – a place teeming with content creators, each vying for a coveted sip from the well of audience attention. But hold on a second, Simba! This digital watering hole isn't quite as democratic as it seems. In the realm of Clickonomics, a complex dance unfolds between content platforms and creators – a delicate tango where power dynamics shift like desert sands.
Cast your eyes upon the digital horizon. You see them, don't you? The towering figures – Google, YouTube, Facebook – the content platforms that dominate the internet landscape. These digital behemoths hold immense power, controlling the algorithms that determine who gets seen, who gets heard, and who fades into the background noise.
Imagine a bustling marketplace where shopkeepers (the content creators) vie for customers' attention. But here is the twist: the market square is owned by a single, all-powerful landlord (the content platform). This landlord decides which shops get prime locations, sets the rent (through algorithm manipulation), and ultimately controls the flow of foot traffic (audience attention).
Now, don't get us wrong. Content platforms offer incredible opportunities for creators. Imagine having access to a global audience with just a click (or a well-placed hashtag). The potential for building a loyal following and amplifying your message is truly astounding.
But here is the paradox (yet again!): content creators need platforms to reach their audience, but platforms rely on content creators to create captivating content to attract users in the first place. It's a symbiotic yin and yang kind of relationship, a delicate dance where both parties hold a modicum of power.
Think of it like Simba and Nala in their playful cubhood days. Nala, with her adventurous spirit, pushes Simba to explore beyond the boundaries of Pride Rock. Without Nala's encouragement, Simba might never have discovered the world beyond the familiar. Yet, Simba brings his own strength and potential to the table, ensuring their adventures are exciting and memorable.
Content creators fuel the engines of these platforms. But creators also hold the power to walk away, taking their talents elsewhere. A mass exodus of popular YouTubers, for instance, could be a major blow to the YouTube's viewership and advertising revenue.
The algorithm – the mysterious gatekeeper in the digital marketplace – deserves its own paragraph (or perhaps an entire book!). These complex sets of rules determine how content is ranked, displayed, and ultimately, discovered by audiences. Understanding how algorithms work is crucial for any content creator or business hoping to navigate the power dynamics of Clickonomics.
But there is a catch: algorithms are constantly evolving, shrouded in a veil of secrecy by the platforms themselves. It's a game of cat and mouse, where creators try to decipher the algorithm's preferences to optimize their content, while platforms refine their systems to stay ahead of the curve.
Now, let us not paint a picture of complete content creator disempowerment. In today's digital world, creators with large, engaged followings wield significant power. Think of Mr Beast or PewDiePie on YouTube – they are celebrities in their own right, attracting billions of views and commanding hefty advertising fees. These "superstars" have the leverage to negotiate better deals with platforms, ensuring a fairer share of the digital pie.
The bargaining power dynamic between platforms and creators and businesses that want a piece of the attention pie is constantly in flux. New content platforms emerge, established giants fall, and the dance continues.
However, there is a growing trend – the rise of decentralized content platforms (…ahem, blockchain enters stage right!). These decentralized content platforms promise greater autonomy for creators, challenging the stronghold of the established players. Could this shift the balance of power in the future, leading to a more creator-centric ecosystem? Only time will tell.
In the realm of Clickonomics, understanding the interplay between Content platforms and creators is essential for forging a successful path. It's a game of chess – not checkers. Play the long game, focus on quality content, build your community, and navigate the shifting sands of algorithms.
While the content platforms wield immense power, remember the vital role you – the content creator – play in the success of the digital landscape. Your creativity, passion, and connection with your audience are what ultimately drive the engines of these platforms forward.
So, channel your inner lion! Recognize the power dynamics at play and use your own unique voice and talent to carve a place for yourself in the digital savanna. In the ever-evolving world of Clickonomics, the interplay between platforms and creators is a dance of both dependence and defiance, a struggle for visibility and the potential to reap the rewards of your hard work.

Force 5: Bargaining Power of Internet Users – Understanding the Power of the People in Clickonomics.
Amidst the noise of content and the allure of clicks on the internet, one force often gets overlooked: the power of the people themselves – the internet users, the consumers, the silent (but very much clicking) majority we call the Clickocracy.
In the realm of Clickonomics, we spend a lot of time dissecting algorithms, crafting content strategies, and analysing click-through rates. But sometimes, we get lost in the numbers game, forgetting the most crucial element – the human beings behind the clicks!
Think of it this way: imagine Simba, all grown up and ruling Pride Rock. He can have the wisest advisors (digital marketing specialists), the most loyal lionesses by his side (brand ambassadors), and the juiciest antelope herds (high-quality content) at his disposal. But if the pride itself (your target audience) loses faith in his leadership (your brand), well, that reign might come crashing down faster than you can say "Hakuna Matata."
The internet has empowered its users like never before. They have an abundance of choices at their fingertips – a million websites to browse, countless social media platforms to scroll through, and an endless stream of content creators vying for their attention. This, my friend, is the paradox of choice.
On the one hand, it's fantastic for users. They have the power to be discerning, to choose brands that resonate with their values, and to actively shape the digital landscape with their clicks and online behaviours. But for entrepreneurs and marketers like you and me, it presents a significant challenge. How do you stand out from the digital din and capture the attention of a fickle, ever-connected audience?
In this age of algorithm manipulation and sponsored content, one marketing force remains timeless: word-of-mouth marketing. Remember the days of blockbuster movies (RIP Blockbuster!) fuelled by positive reviews and enthusiastic chatter amongst friends? The internet thrives on a similar principle.
Think about the last time you bought something online. Did you blindly add it to your shopping cart, or did you scour review sections, check social media mentions, and maybe even watch a few unboxing videos? Chances are, you relied heavily on the opinions and experiences of your fellow internet citizens.
This phenomenon is rooted in something fundamental – trust. We, as humans, are wired to value the opinions of others, especially those we perceive as similar to ourselves. A glowing Amazon review from someone with similar interests holds far more weight than a perfectly crafted sales copy.
The Clickocracy isn't a silent majority; it's a vocal, engaged audience with the power to make or break your digital presence. Embrace the challenge, prioritize building trust, and focus on creating value for your audience.
Remember, it's not about manipulating clicks but about forging genuine connections. When you empower the Clickocracy, you don't just gain customers; you gain a community of loyal advocates who will champion your brand message far and wide across the vast digital savanna.
So, dethrone the outdated marketing tactics of the past. Welcome the Clickocracy era, understand the power of the people, and watch your brand ascend the ranks in the ever-evolving realm of Clickonomics. Remember, Simba didn't win the hearts of the Pride Lands by brute force. He earned their respect, their loyalty, and ultimately, their clicks (well, roars in this case) through trust, authenticity, and a genuine connection with his fellow lions.
The balance of power in the digital sphere is constantly shifting, but one thing is certain: the Clickocracy's influence will only continue to grow. With the rise of social media platforms, review sites, and the democratization of information, internet users have more power than ever before.
This presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses and creators in the realm of Clickonomics. Those who understand the evolving needs and expectations of the Clickocracy, who prioritize building trust and delivering genuine value, will be best positioned to survive and thrive on the internet.
This digital age we live in is a customer-centric one. It's no longer about blasting out sales pitches into the ether, but about cultivating a two-way dialogue, where businesses listen and respond to the voices of their audience. It's an era where businesses can build meaningful, lasting relationships with customers through digital channels, forging a bond that extends beyond mere transactions.
Remember as you navigate the vast landscape of the internet, never underestimate the power of the people on the other side of the screen. Their clicks may seem small, but collectively, they have the power to shape industries, launch brands into the stratosphere, and ultimately, determine the winners in the ever-evolving game of Clickonomics.
submitted by MrSquav to content_marketing [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 21:38 Shellglock Do You Want Your Ex to Date a Fireman, a Ninja or a Mumbly Drip? By Dan Harmon

April 8th, 2008

Which are you supposed to "want" more: someone you dated ending up with a guy you think is more awesome than you, or less awesome?
In a vacuum, I would think less awesome, because then you could be like, "she traded down." But that means she has bad taste. Or that she, herself, sucks. And you loved her. And that’s bad.
I guess the ideal, and the thing that happens to me more often than not, is my ex ends up with someone that is a similar physical and/or personality type to me. And it’s weird that THAT’S better. There doesn’t seem to be any logic to these feelings. But I feel most comfortable, I think, breaking up with a girl, and then hearing that she’s dating Dan Harmon 2, or, as I call him, Ewan McGregor. Just kidding. Fred Belford. Okay Patton Oswalt.
Maybe the thing that’s comfortable about that is the continued security that you DID know this partner intimately. You were "with" them, and that’s them over there now that they’re not with you, and you’re you, and she loved you, and you loved her, and it didn’t work, and she’s doing something you understand. She wasn’t crazy and she wasn’t hiding or suppressing some vital piece of information about what it is that they really wanted.
And I guess for that reason, it’s ALSO comfortable to break up with someone, and then hear that they’re with douchey/fratty/banker guy, because first of all, those guys are always good for an honest handshake and a "right on, bra, nice to meet my girl’s ex," and second of all, you can just write them off as generic or even idealized men, and your girl ending up with one doesn’t surprise you. It doesn’t catch you off guard and raise all kinds of alarming and embarrassing questions. It just means she finished eating a plate of spaghetti and now she’s having a corn dog, or vice versa. It is what it is.
I have had exes that have ended up with my friends, I have had exes that have ended up with my enemies, I have had exes that have ended up with people I have to look at on TV, I have had exes that have turned out to be lesbians, I have had exes that have ended up with guys that have made me think, "oh, jesus, she really peaked with me," and I have had exes that have ended up with guys that have made me think, "yikes, she was really slumming it with me."
I have had exes that have ended up with guys that have made me think:
"poor thing, I bet she misses laughing out loud.", "hey, I think that guy’s cooler than me", "awww, she finally found the right guy", "she deserves better", "I should have treated her better", etc.
I even had an ex that killed herself, which is like breaking up with someone and then hearing that they’re sleeping with God.
And all of these things, in their own way, seemed natural. Accessible. Something I could file.
I’ve only had one girlfriend who broke up with me, and then started dating a guy that made me feel:
I think that is the most difficult scenario because it’s called being insecure. Feeling vulnerable, confused, unsure, about yourself.
This girl is someone you shared your mind and body with. Their choices, previous and subsequent, in some way, relate to you. They don’t have to make predictable Sesame Street sense, but there should be some kind of cosmic internal logic. Your girlfriend shouldn’t tip her hat to you, turn to walk away, then become a pterodactyl or an ear of corn. In a puff of smoke.
And if she does, what does it mean about me, I’m the important one here. The thing I fear it means about me is that I’m capable of falling in love with anyone
It’s a horrible phrase to include in your blog, but it’s time to say it. "Maybe I’ve never been in love before." It’s either that or I’ve been in love 800 times and it’s about as hard to come and go as styrofoam peanuts.
"Hard to come and go?" Making up a new language. I’ve been awake for 2 days straight- chasing a sitcom deadline, using performance enhancing drugs. The myspace letters are actually waving like they’re underwater, no exaggeration, that’s how long my eyes have been open.
I need to sleep and I need to get up in time to finish the latest draft of this thing. There’s residual speed (adderall) left in my brain from this push, and it’s a weird kind of tired: if I lay down, I’ll be out like a light, but as long as I think "stay awake," I can.
I wonder how long this blog entry is going to be. I wonder how long I could make one. This job has been going on forever, I’ve never worked on anything day after day after day like this. It’s almost done. I think it’s pretty good but I’m beyond delirious right now.
My head is bobbing and my focus is going in and out but I’m afraid to leave the keyboard. I’ve been here for days, weeks, and that’s as far as my memory goes back so it seems like I’ve always been here.
It was a mistake to stay up this long. I should have gone to bed at 7pm and slept til midnight or 3am, so I could make a final push and deliver by 6pm. Then again, what am I talking about, I could sleep for 12 hours and I’d still have six to wrap it up. But I want to take longer than that. I want to sand her little arcs and polish her little act seams.
There are weird locii in scripts that receive disproportionate treatment and it has nothing to do with how important they are, and most often, those locii just become threadbare spots, and finally holes, before whatever they’re on disappears, BUT also, sometimes, on the journey from fabric to hole, there’s a unique shape....I ...hole on..
Okay, I’m definitely starting to not know what I’m doing at all.
What was I just talking about? I’m really going out of my mind. I swear to god I don’t know where I was going with that. I want to share a few lines from my sitcom script that will probably never be in the final version. Let’s see here.
EMMA Your father was a mentor to me. That’s why I called him to get his advice on how to deal with you. He had an interesting suggestion. CJ You’re going to get drunk and throw my birthday cake at my mother?
That’s one of my favorites because when I turned 12, my Dad got drunk and threw my birthday cake at my mother. I remember not even knowing they were fighting. I remember the family therapist saying I was in a "bubble." Maybe that’s why I shut down with the ladies.
I’m going to die pretty soon. I don’t want to live much longer than 45. I don’t want to have children anymore, I think I’m just going to try to get something on the air that will generate some real revenue and hopefully retire by 40 and kill myself around 45. Not ritualistically, if I turn 45 and everything’s great physically, like I don’t have any chronic pain or bags or tubes or anything, I’ll go as long as I can go.
Who knows, maybe that’s what everybody thinks in their heads and then one day you get a colostomy bag and you think, "didn’t I promise myself I would commit suicide before this happened?" And then you think, "well, Jesus, what the fuck’s worse than plunging into infinite darkness, certainly not shitting in a bag." I don’t know how I would do it.
I should change my default photo if I’m going to talk like that. I wouldn’t use a gun anyway. But how the fuck do you kill yourself? You know what would be easy enough to TEST a little, would be hanging. Not hanging like gallows snap your neck, but like prison cell shoelace. I wonder if that hurts. You could easily sort of half hang yourself with some means of bailing out to see if it was going to work for you. I’m assuming. I wonder if BEFORE it sucks, you just black out. That might be the ticket right there. You just put yourself in a sleeper hold with a belt and there’s barely anything for your friends to clean up.
What was I doing. Oh favorite lines from my FOX sitcom with the most complicated premise in the history of television. I’m not judging it. I didn’t say convoluted, I said complicated.
That was one of the big lessons I had to learn from the sitcom world. My first draft made use of this therapist character and various other devices to gradually walk the audience into the deep end, one complication at a time. And, essentially, the studio’s note was, "drop the audience into the deep end on page four." Which, if you think about it, makes perfect sense. I’m not being sarcastic. If your show is successful, only 20 percent of your audience is ever going to SEE your pilot, and only eight percent of them are going to see the whole thing. I’m making these numbers up, but for all we know, they’re smaller. I’ve tuned into Frasier for 8 minutes a dozen times throughout my life, and never once did I start shrieking at the TV and saying "WHY DOES HE LIVE WITH HIS DAD?!"
It’s a sitcom. My sitcom is "about" this or that and is set up in this or that way, but what it IS is a bunch of cops in a house. Which can either be well written or poorly written. And I don’t know which I’m doing on this next draft. But I think the first draft was there. And then they threw that in the garbage. Which means that this next one will be better or worse or the same, and why am I pretending to work in an office.
I guess first I should go through the first draft that went to the studio, because they threw that in the garbage and asked me to write a completely different one, which means that if I share some material from it, I won’t be spoiling anything you’ll see on TV when my show gets shot and aired by FOX which is 100% guaranteed to happen because 1) God loves joy 2) it never doesn’t happen 3) the studio’s response to the first draft was "write a completely different show." which is always a good sign where I come from.
Can’t fit it no more...starting to sleep with eyes open. Can’t re-read ...
submitted by Shellglock to u/Shellglock [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 03:16 sheriffderek how you would learn web development if you could start over ?

I found this old thread asking a question I've asked myself often:
how you would learn web development if you could start over ?
(and then accidentally spent like 3 hours writing out this story, which I realized needed to be in a list) (and then none of it fit in the comment...) (so, now it will live here)
In a way, I did start over part way through my career. Old thread but I feel like this might be useful to someone out there.
TL;DR / Here's what I would do -- (if I didn't choose a path like College or LauchSchool or Watch and Code or Perpetual Education)
Obviously, I think PE is the best way to get all of this done the fastest and with the most support. But there are other bootamps that could be inserted in here at the right time - and like I mentioned tutors and many different ways you could learn things things. You could start a business or learn them on the job somewhere.
OK now: if you want to read it - (the story I had to work through and remember to get to this list ^) (might have some ways to explain the "why" here)

I'd say the start (of my learning) went pretty well, so I'd likely do it the same.
The first thing I did was take a course on Lynda (around 2011) that was actually taught by her brother. It was all absolute positioning and background images. I'm glad I did it. It really cleared up how MySpace worked. I had learned how to hack together pretty fancy MySpace pages for bands in college, but I had no real understanding of how everything worked. So, I'm glad I found that course - but basically, the night I finished the project, I read about `@media` rules 💡 (which was new and allowed for responsive/adaptive layouts that could change and many screen sizes). So, that was amazing, and I just got really really into HTML and CSS, and I copied websites I liked and made them even better by making them responsive (when that was really new). I joined stack overflow and answered a lot of questions and learned a lot about the confusions people had with HTML and CSS. I also learned a lot about how to ask good questions.
If I were to do that today, I wouldn't have to hack everything into a custom framework with floats. I'd have Flexbox and grid and custom properties and subgrid, and everything would be 3x easier. I'd start with Flexbox until I could pretty much make anything - and then learn Grid when I got to those situations where it really proves its worth / and then probably end up using Grid much more. I'd focus on this for a long time because you can get a job if you're really good at HTML and CSS, but you can't get a job if you're just OK at everything.
I'd also get a tutor or someone to help me. At the time, none of my friends were doing web development.
I also think that instead of doing freelance for so long, I'd try and get a job at an agency / or these days a bigger company so things weren't so hectic and I'd have some stability. I learned a lot about being freelance, but it was painful. Trial by fire. I learned some WordPress from Chris Coyier's Lynda course. And that was really eye-opening. Not because it was WP but because it tied together the CMS and the dynamic nature of templates. For whatever reason, the way he explained it just really clicked with me, and I felt like I majorly leveled up (fast). I built a pretty serious WP site for a client that is still up today! So, I'd keep that part. But what I would change is that I didn't learn anything about PHP. I tried to use as little as I could get away with and I let it all be mysterious. I didn't know what an array was or an associative array or an object. And I just left it that way. I did the same for JS. I knew just enough to get a click to work but could not have explained how it worked at all. I have proof in some old StackOverflow questions.
It's amazing how there are all these full-stack devs now, and we expect so much out of ourselves, but I was doing great with just that little skill set. I got a job at a small dev shop and learned a ton about clients and teams and all that. But again - I just, for some reason, thought that PHP and JS were beyond me. I just let it be a mystery - and really, the people there weren't the type of people I would learn anything about programming from. So, in retrospect (and I consider choosing where to work as part of the learning process) I should have looked for a new job that would have some more advanced developers after a while. That could have completely changed my trajectory. If someone could see my level of understanding and kinda mentor me - or just say, "Dude. Learn programming. It's not that crazy - you can do it," then I just would have let that mystery cloud go away.
Making sure you're at a place with people who are smarter than you and more experienced than you is really important. But I had learned by myself and always felt like an outsider and that there were some other official 'programmer' people - and I wasn't one of them. So, maybe reaching out to people and trying to go to meetups earlier or getting a tutor would have cleared all that away way early on.
Besides not learning PHP or JS, the next big mistake I made was to try and learn "real web development" and jump into AngularJS (an early JS framework). People always talked about how PHP was dead and WP was lame and I guess I believed them (Even though they were very wrong). It sure worked great, but I wanted to make "apps" and so I started making things with Angular. But the problem was - I was just hacking things together and I didn't even know what a JavaScript object was. I made some cool things, but also - it took me 40x longer than it should have, and I wasn't adding anything to my foundational understanding. It was just avoiding all of the important things to know - and everything I built barely worked, and I didn't understand it at all. But I'd invested so much time! (this is like a lot of new devs who start out learning React). Then Angular 2 came out, and everything I'd scraped together was gone. So, if it's not clear - I would spend as much time as I needed to learn solid PHP and JS before any frameworks. By learning PHP - I could have had a much clearer understanding of HTTP and how forms work and sessions. That would have made everything I did after so much faster and clearer, and I would have really leveled up. And learning about JS would have been pretty easy because it's mostly the same. Everything about the browser API and jQuery would have made so much more sense. Config files would have made sense. Brunch and gulp and build tools wouldn't have been a total black-box mystery.
It's like I made everything 100x harder just because I didn't know what I didn't know. It's seriously ridiculous. What a waste.
In the same amount of time (those 3 years or so), I could have been a master of Angular. I was basically a master of HTML and CSS, but that didn't seem like enough. Again, it would have been if I had known to work at a bigger company and specialize. I could be like those people talking at the conferences on a yacht with Eric Meyer! haha. But what did I do? I decided to learn Ember.js!! Yep! I did my research, and I was sure that Angular had blown it and that Ember was going to be where I could put my energy and become "a real web developer." I did it again! I somehow thought I could skip knowing pretty much every important thing about programming, and I went about memorizing the shapes of the functions and objects and trial and error, and I made some pretty cool stuff. And it's probably hard for you to believe... but I still don't think I understood the basics of programming. It's seriously crazy to think of. And I didn't have anyone who was looking close enough to slap me and redirect me a little. So, I certainly wouldn't do that. If I'd spent 3 months learning PHP or JavaScript, I could have learned more than I learned in what seemed like 2 years of fighting through building things with Ember. It was all my fault. And luckily, I went to a bunch of Ember meetups. And I asked a lot of questions in the Ember Slack. And I got enough feedback to get it through my head that I didn't know nearly enough about what I was doing _to ask intelligent questions.
So, what did I do? I decided to learn Ruby on Rails. Why? Because all the Ember tutorials had this mysterious backend server, they just spun up like it was nothing, and everything depended on it. So, I followed "The Rails Tutorial," and I built the next Facebook and was rich. Just kidding. I finished my app and put it up on Heroku, and a week later didn't know how any of it worked because I'd followed along and there were all these little edge cases and auth setup, and it was all server-side, and I'm sure I learned some things... but not nearly as much as if I'd had a real-life empathetic human to actually take stock of what I knew, didn't, know - and how disconnected it all was.
It's just insane that we expect to learn all this complex stuff on our own.
So, at this point - I was 5 or 6 years into my web dev life. And this is where I decided to stop what I was doing. To stop all the framework stuff and all the epic (but unfinished) projects and go back to JavaScript. I think that I should have gone back to PHP actually, so that's what I'd do in this new ideal outline. But I didn't. So, let's insert: learn enough about PHP to make a CRUD app with forms, deal with the file system, really clarify HTTP, query strings, and serverside concepts, sessions, and cookies, and build a small version of a CMS-like Visual Idiot who built Anchor (an awesome dev I just remembered being really inspired by). Learn basic SQL queries and things.
It's just wild how much this would have opened up for me.
Then (and only after that), I'd sprinkle in some JS and learn how to progressively enhance things. At that point, I would have been a real developer - and I probably could have done it in a year if I'd had some other humans to talk to. I'm not shy. I just didn't know how to find anyone. I listened to shoptalk show. I read CSS tricks.
To really learn JS, I bought a few books. Eloquent JavaScript and the new The Secret of the JavaScript Ninja Second edition (and to date, how late this was in my career - it came out September 10, 2016). ElloquentJS started out OK, but wasn't a fit for me. JS Ninja was a good fit. But it still didn't help me figure out where to use it. I did all the challenges. I worked through all the code. I understood what set was. But it wasn't until somehow I'd found this book Exercises for Programmers that I actually sat down and wrote code until I really knew how to be a real programmer. The exercises were language agnostic. They had no answers. It just forced you to sit down with the tools and design a solution. It helped outline the process of breaking down the problem. And more than anything, it forced you to think about user requirements. I hadn't been learning the right programming things all those years, but I was now a Sr Product designer and front-end developer. I learned a lot about UX along the way. And if you combine HTML, CSS, and PHP or JS with clear user requirements, you will learn how to build web interfaces faster than you can imagine. That's what I did.
I learned everything I should have learned (and could have learned 5 years prior) - in a few months. Shortly after I also ran into Godon's Watch and Code and seeing his introductory course where he talks through building a todo list was a bit late - but also would have been really really helpful 5 years ago! So, it all came together. The configs all turned out to be just key:value pairs. I realized that the CSS and HTML were also key:value pairs the whole time. It's all just key:value pairs. I filled in all the gaps I had with Ember. I felt pretty dumb, but it also felt really great to finally understand it through the lens of the problems it solved and how it's more like training wheels than extra-advanced JavaScript. The Rails tutorial made sense in retrospect and acted as my connection for what I should have learned about PHP. I picked up Vue really easily and managed to avoid React and JSX because gross. And I wouldn't change anything about it - because it made me who I am. But I'd never wish it on anyone else. And so many other things happened that I'm sure I forgot - but / now, when someone askes me how I'd learns web development - I have a very clear idea about that. And I even have a few years of testing this reverse-engineered outline on real people. It works.
submitted by sheriffderek to perpetualeducation [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 04:29 Itchy_Addition2352 Serious Question since I'm having tons of issues with VSCode

[Warning: Long Post - I KNOW - I'm Sorry, I'm at your MERCY!]
>> Should I uninstall it and all addons and do a fresh install and then what are the top addons for coding in the following languages: HTML5 , CSS3, JS, working on Python, and would like to learn some back end like PHP (but i'm also having issues with xAmpp and MySQL) so I'm putting a pin in backend for the most part except maybe PHP if anyone wants to talk about that later.
>> For now, the most important part is helping me fix my VSC program so I can work on HTML/CSS/JS/Python and some other languages. Some of which I've learned can be used to create phone Apps which I might be interested in but I'd need advice on which is best as well as YouTube channels. I used to have a pretty top shelf S+ Tier list of coding channels but i've since lost them when I made 2 new accounts and can NOT remember the other one for the life of me... so please help me.
>> I'm having all kinds of errors inside VSCode and idk why and when I hit the cogwheel / settings it doesn't tell me what I need to fix. same thing with other things. Put it this way, if there's an error, then I flat out can NOT fix it, no matter what... be it in the code, or terminal.
>> Lastly[1], when it comes to uploading a completely webdev (be it a browser game, potential mock-mock up for website ideas, a log-in and log-out form, so on and so forth; I have a ton of ideas but none seem to be working like they should be... so if someone could do me a SUPER solid and tell me if I should just go ahead and re-install a fresh VSCode Text Editor? and if I go that route, can someone PLEASE make a list of TOP / BEST addons for coding. Such as language emmetts / shorthand codes where typing somethin as simple as " HTML:5 " it'll automatically post a ton of important info from to a lot in the and <Head> as well as being able to link JS src='./js/app.js or whatever.js // same with .css in folder running everyting on index.html as homepage. I wish I had a proper example but I can't find my Plural Sight clone that i made a while ago that had the cool box of code that moves the resolution automatically from the size of Cell phone to Tablets of all sizes, to PC's and Macs of all sizes and so on (I forgot that line of code or rather few lines, it's not a lot). <br /> >> But my main Extension downloads in VSCode allow for specific languages to auto complete while I'm typing, different colors to help read it, and it helps me TON. Then there's intellisense (idk what it means/does) and would love any and all help possible. It's been a while since I was coding every day... I remember starting all the way back in Windows XP where you could drag a website into Windows Excell and it would show you the code from top to bottom. I'd recreate it using that website html cheat sheet with the monkey logo. And create all kinds of websites. Also helped during the MySpace days, angelfire days (for D&D groups in MSN Chats / turned Communities) and I'd send one link to the actual group and another link to someone I absolutely hated. There was / is a SINGLE line of JavaScript that opens a small window/box sort of like a [Okay][Cancel] box, small, and it grey'd out the minimize, maximize, and close options in the top right. The chat in the middle of box would have something funny/trollish/etc Then once you picked Okay or Cancel/Close it would pop up again with another box. It could be on repeat indefinitely or you could make it say different things like a countdown from 100 > 1 and once you got to 0 it would start over. I forgot that and wish I could find it again lol. <br /> Other than HTM5, CS3, JS, Python, I also want to learn C++ but with both C++ and Python you need to do certain things with your computer in order for one or the other (both basically) to compile and run. I was using a different program for both C++ and Python (PyCharm) and something else for C++ , something from the Purple version of VSC and even then, I couldn't get them to run. Whereas, in VSC blue, you can press the "Play Icon" and if your code is right, it runs. <br /> >> My problem right now with Python and I might as well include C++ too is the import command. For example, I've been trying to make somethin SUPER SIMPLE as Snake, Tetris, etc. and "import.PyGames" doesn''t work.... idk why. Idk how to uninstall python version from my windows or which version to download and then download WHERE since it seems to matter. I'm trying to stick SOLELY VSCode text editor / compiler since it works for ALL languages I've used thus far in life... I've gotten the back end to work in both PHP and MySQL but then I didn't like MySQL at all. However, using PHP is alright, I don't mind the coding in PHP however, I'd like a few peoples' input on their preferred backend for Username/Password or E-mail/pw + Username for when I DO finish certain websites (be it for me or requested) - it would be nice to know which database to use. <br /> ~ Speaking of databases, I'm having trouble using them in general... ~ Especially when it comes to C++ and Python... I can code entire games ~ Yet for whatever reason, " import.PyGames " never works for anything... <br /> >> I also have Git Bash for Terminal, but VSC uses the regular windows Terminal and I've completely forgotten the process of uploading a project onto github. I know it starts like -git init -git somethin --global <a href="?id=21309"></a> ^ ^ -m "Blah blah blah about program" or "I'm so and so at namehere" ~~~~Anyway, can someone also post a STEP BY STEP guide on how to upload to github? <br /> >> Can someone basically give me a run down for those using VSC The best Extensions to use for shortcuts like i mentioned how HTML:5 then tab or whatever, builds a boilerplate for HTML. there's a few other kinds that build lesser. Then Extensions that change the color of text to match certain commands Ex: In my app.js var, ctx, if/else, return, etc are all different colors. <br /> My friend wants me to learn Solidify but IDK the FIRST thing about it, if you do, can you please tell me a little about it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Current Extensions: - Android - Android iOS Emulator (idk how to use it) - autoDocstring - Python Docstring Generator (idk how to use/what its for, just got recommended) - autopep8 (a python ext - as you can see i was trying HARD to get into python for a while) - axe Accessibility Linter - Better Comments - Code Runner - Command List (forgot what this was for) - Computer (also forgot what this is for) - CS-Script (and forgot this one) - Djaneiro - Django Snippets ( i WAS gonna learn Django but never got to it, so clueless) - Django (As I just stated, I have no idea what Django is used for or why) - Docker - ETHOver (think this had somethin to do with blockchain but this was 4+ years ago) - exe Runner - Flake8 (forgot what this was for) - flask-snippets (forgot what this is for) - Graphviz Interacive Preview (no clue what this is, i don't remember even installin it) - HTML CSS Support - HTML Play - HTML/CSS/JavaScript Snippets (love this one) - inline Bookmarks (forgot what it does/what its for) - intelliCode (forgot what its fodoes) - intelliCode API Usage Examples (same as intelliCode by itself) - IntellPHP - AI autocomplete for PHP (i assume this is like emmit / linter / auto fills in code names) - isort (another python ext that idk anything about) - JavaScript (ES6) code snippets (i'm sure this gives me the drop down menu of js codes, i like) - Jinja (i'm reading it but have no clue what its for or what it does) - JSON Tools (I know VSC uses JSON files as its internal options/settings but i forgot how to edit them) - Jupyter (no clue what this is for) - Jupyter Cell Tags (forgot entirely what Jupyter is and all its extensions listed) - Jupyter Notebook Renderers ( read above ) - Jupyter Slide Show (what is thisand why would I download so much of it... same with Django) - Linter (love this one) - Live Server (REALLY love this one) - Microsoft Edge Tolls for VS Code (i semi like it,but haven't used it since I've gotten this PC) - PHP (doesn't seem to work on this pc) - PHP Profiler (no clue what it does) - PlantUML (no clue what it does) - pyGame Snippets (i can only guess what it does since I know what snippets are but pygame never worked when i tried coding "import pygame" to create a version of snake...) - Pylane (no clue) - Python (Inllisense(pylance) linting debugging multi threaded remote/jupyter notebooks formatting) - Python (same as above but more + refratoring , unit tests and more??) - Python Environment Manager (no clue, keep sayin 4+ years since I tried anything python) >> plus I think I preferred a different Text editor for Python. Sublime Text 3 or something else. - Python Extended (no clue) - Python Extension Pack (no clue) - Python Extention Pack (2nd one but no clue - it does other stuff) - Python for VSCode (but its striked through so I'm assumin that means its dead?) - PythonIndent (??) - Python must-have Essentials (apparently it didn't help) - Python Path ( ??) - Python Preview (striked out, so ???) - Python Snippets (guessing it works like html/ccs/js, when you type somethin close it fills in rest of gives drop down menu of options, which i love those extensions. i thought that was linter or something else) - Python test Explorer for VSC - never worked for me - Ruby (don't recall what this was supposed to be for) - Sass/Less/Stylus/Pug/Jade/Typescript/ JavaScript Compile Hero Pro (no clue what this does or for) - Solidity (my friend told me to get into this ASAP for making module code for a prototype his company was making, i'm sure it can be applied elsewhere and would like to know more if anyone knows) - Solidity Contract Flattener (no clue, since I was never able to learn Solidity or Sass) - Solidity Debugger (can't really say much since its a debugger lol) - Solidity Extended (extended of wtf is this! lolol) - Solidity Language & Themes (only) - so... no clue what this is other than themes for solidity. - Solidity Visual Developer (no clue what this is.. maybe format for VSCode?!) - Test Adapter Converter (no clue) - Test Explorer UI (no clue) - VSCode Ruby (struck through so I guess its dead in the water) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, when I was installing some of these extensions and some other things for coding, something happened to where I can't find certain programs that I KNOW are on my PC and its forcing me to find them via run cmds and so on... what in the world could've caused them? Making the Python folder? Maybe the special PHP folder required for using it and coding the backend with xAmpp?? or perhaps it was the specific Windows 10 ISO i downloaded that gave me a bug since the ISO itself never worked. Only ones (ISOs) that worked are Kali Linux and Ubuntu.. never could get windows ones to work.... frustrating. I think I uninstalled my VMWare because of that but not 100% <br /> At any rate, what I'm mainly looking for in terms of help is basically easier than my post suggests As other posts have suggested a "TL;DR" section, here's that - <br /> 1) Should I do a refresh re-installation of VSCode Text Editor from the ground up? 2) If so or if not - which extensions should I get rid of and also in turn, which extensions should I get that are 100% important to use for full stack web development? mainly focusing on front end currently and will come back to back end later. 3) Kindly explain a step-by-step guide on how to use VSCode's terminal to use git commands to upload project onto github under my name. since I've completely forgotten and when I tried to follow youtube, it did NOT work at all and idk why. 4) Your thoughts on what I should do regarding front end languages/extensions/projects 5) Lastly, any youtube channels that help teach big time (I know quite a few but I've lost MOST of them) as well as any online education websites that claim that if you take their tests and pass their online exam you get to take their online courses for free until you complete the online 2 year program and then they help you find a job so they can take a % of your pay until the school debt is paid off? I was doing Lambda online however they've changed their mind and that's SUS to me, as well as the fact their video teaching vs their quizzes /tests are SO DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT, that you have to essentially get lucky on WTF they're asking you to code / fix in the code / etc...<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=9063"> Itchy_Addition2352 </a> to <a href="?id=3382"> vscode </a> <span><a href="?id=3121">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=14250">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2024.01.06 05:03 <i style="color:green;">Naru_the_Narcissist</i> <b>Let's take a look at some anime Live Action Sketches!</b></p> <p><div class="md">Because I can't post this on Anilist, I've decided to turn to this Subreddit to look at something I’ve always had a particular fascination with, live action content! Now, to clarify, I’m not talking about J Drama adaptations. I’m also not talking about interviews or studio tours. Specifically, we’re looking at scripted live action content produced and directed by dubbing companies to supplement their dubbed DVD releases! <br /> Are they all bad? Is there some good in them? Let’s take a look at a few of my favorite examples... Not that there are a lot to choose from! <br /> 1: Bento Brawl, from Bento <br /> Ah yes, the anime about starving teenagers battling it out Mortal Kombat style for marked down bento boxes. I like this show, despite it’s noteworthy flaws, but I just don’t feel like there were enough Bento fight scenes in it. Well, funimation must have heard my cries, because on the special features section of disk 2, we get tosee a bunch of real life actors... Including one legit voice actor, Joel Mcdonald. The other named fighter? Justin Rojas, a Funimation employee. My research says “Director of social strategy & Development, and I have not the faintest clue what that means, but hey, he’s our other featured fighter. <br /> This three minute clip begins as a bunch of Funimation employees(I’m assuming, I can’t get any names aside from the two) standing around an empty area of the office... Or who knows where... With half of them interacting with a couple of magazine racks and lazily-put-together merchandise shelves, all while a VERY American looking interpretation of a Bento box sits on a pedestal. They were clearly trrying to make this food look like Japanese food, but does any of it look appetizing? Those hot dog octopi look about as faithfully adapted as Yugioh was. Anyway, some random guy comes out with a $1 sticker from either the stationary or hardware department, depending what Walmart they went to for supplies for their last garage sale, and the fight commences! <br /> Right off the bat, I’d just like to say how confused I am over what the hell they thought they were making with this. Based on the attitudes of the actors, it clearly had the relaxed, low standards, ‘criticism is inherently negative’ approach that their writing’s been under for some time, but they clearly wanted to shoot and edit it with some sense of quality. The action is terrible, and while the editor used constant cuts to make the central fight between Justin and Joel look barely watchable, the action going on behind them looks so fake that it makes WWE look like UFC. The kind of fighting happening in the background keeps changing from shot to shot, and I swear to God there’s a part in it where two of the female actors are just standing around laughing at the main fighters. Call me crazy, I don’t think that was planned. <br /> They clearly had ideas for this fight, but whether it was budget restrictions or safety concerns, some factor led to it constantly looking like they were never able to reproduce those ideas, and just said “Fuck it,” trying to get as close as possible to their vision. This is perhaps the most clear when the chopsticks come out as a weapon. The way they’re used is just kinda dumb and confusing looking, like they wanted to add special anime-style effects to the footage, but wasn’t able to, or they just didn’t bother. <br /> There are bloopers, too, which is how they were able to stretch this concept to 3 minutes, but honestly, the whole video just feels like a blooper. All I’m saying is, if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right... So this thing clearly wasn’t worth doing. <br /> 2: The Adventures of the ASOS Brigade! From the Haruhi Suzumiya franchise. <br /> I won’t say there’s no cringe factor in this item, but at least it’s easier to watch than the Bento Brawl. In 2007, which was over 15 long years ago... Trust me, you’ll feel the years with every Myspace reference they make... A live action spin-off of the Haruhi concept was released to promote DVD sales in the US. I don’t know anything about that, as I didn’t see any of this until I started watching the DVDs, so I can’t say whether or not they were a hit, or if they helped DVD sales, but I can talk about whether these sequences were garbage or not. I... Well, maybe I can’t, because even at it’s worst, I can still find something to laugh at in this thing, and I genuinely can’t tell whether or not the unintentional comedy was intentional or not. <br /> For starters, let’s talk about the cast. The eponymous Haruhi is played by Patricia Ja Lee, former pink Space ranger(As she’s quick to tell us) and occasional voice actor. Maybe it’s just me, but she doesn’t come off as a very strong actor. I got kind of a subtle vibe that she didn’t want to be there, she felt really awkward on camera, and there were a lot of moments where it sounded like she was trying to remember her lines one word at a time, and playing around with pitch and enunciation to cover it up. I don’t want to be too mean, but there were elements of William Shatner in her performance. Her costar, the rosy cheeked Haruka Inoue, felt a lot more comfortable and natural in front of the camera, even if she didn’t have as many lines, although having them both speak their native languages while ignoring the barrier did feel quite jarring. <br /> Yuki Nagato was played by two actors, the first of which wore the weirdest looking purple bob wig to try and utterly fail to mimmick Yuki’s hair from the show(Hint: It’s disturbingly similar to Kyon’s, color aside), and this must have upset a lot of fans, because she was replaced by someone else in the third episode. That, or she quit over the fact that she had to do a send-up to the even THEN outdated “ORLY? YA RLY!” Meme. WAI. The first girl played the role exactly as a robot would, and the second one slightly improved upon this by just sounding bored. Honestly, Patricia Lee’s ability to sound both wooden and hammy in the same sentence doesn’t sound so bad now. <br /> They stuck to original scripts at first... They did some classroom/clubroom stuff, which benefited hugely from the precedent the series set about Haruhi being a terrible director, so all the production issues... At least some of which were likely on purpose... Didn’t feel so bad. They announced their intentions, who they were, and then they took theirm essage to the world! They visited the Bandai HQ building, usurped someone’s office(His reaction was comically awful, like he was about to do the underpaid office equivalent of hulking out), and then Haruhi stumbled through a passive aggressive speech about anime pirates paying for the DVDs to support the show. The message must not have gotten through, because Geneon USA would famously file for bankruptcy and go under later that same year. following this, they’d visit the Bang Zoom offices for a reveal of the cast(which anyone watching on DVD would already know about), and a studio tour. What’s noteworthy about this? Eric Sherman’s an even worse actor than Patty. <br /> Then we get a much more interesting scenario, as the girls visit a mysterious warehouse called “Area 42...” Even the most hardcore Douglass Adams fans will be rolling their eyes at that one... and they investigate it looking for Aliens! They explore for a while, actually taking some time to have fun with the concept, like having an alien machine that changes your clothes. Haruka winds up wearing a sexy bunnygirl outfit, as if she wasn’t already the bright spot in the show. I also love how she has to pretend to be as shy as Mikuru when she is so clearly not. Anyway, they meet a costumed monster, and after battling it, they realize they’re on a movie set... No, they’re on a green screen... No, it was all a dream! This was all meant to sell the volume 1 Limited Edition series box, by the way. I have it, and it was totally worth buying. <br /> One of my favorite moments in this series is when they visit the Bang Zoom recording studio to walk in on Crispin Freeman recording for Kyon, and they have some fun in the booth, and you know what? If Crispin Freeman wasn’t improvising his lines, then he was taking the lines they gave him and actuallym aking them sound natural. It HAS to be one of the two, because everything he said sounded genuine, but Sherman still sounded like he was reading off of cue cards. I don’t think they out the line Patty read into the show, but she did get a line in one of the later episodes, and it sounds like a precursor to her performance as Patricia Martin. Yeah, it’s that bad. The visit with Crispin turns into an interview, which was their attempt at evolving the show into english cast interviews, which I’m not going to talk about too much, but Crispin’s interview is hilarious, and seeing two former power rangers unite in Johnny Yong Bosch’s interview is also kinda cool. <br /> Finally, after a bunch of interviews with the shows original apanese seiyuu, Haruhi takes Mikuru to a Japanese maid cafe to learn more about her own job, as well as to interview the maid there, and along with the Crispin Freeman one, I actually reccomend you check this one out. It’s really informative about how maid cafes work, they show you the fact that each maid wqorking there getsrepresented by a cute chibi plaque that was drawn by a famous manga artist, and it’s a pretty pleasant little visit. This is capped off with one final video where the girls dance the Hare Hare Yukai, and just like every single attempt at it that I’ve ever seen, it looks way too restrained and poorly rehearsed. Paricia looks likeshe’s doing her own thing for most of it, but atl east her footwork is fun to watch. <br /> Oh, wait, did I say finally? Because there’s a second season of this. There’s not much to it, as only four episodes were placed on the Season 2 DVDs, and even then, one of the episodes was just repeated with slight alterations(Yeah, yeah, funny. Remind us of endless 8). The characters have been recast, with Christina Vee taking the role of Haruhi. Not only is she a much more prolific voice actor than her predescessor, but she’s a much better actor on camera as well. It’s a shame to not see Haruka Inoue, as Mikuru and Yuki are played by English speaking actors, which is a pretty jarring change, if I’m being honest. <br /> Outside of the first episode, where we get to see the three of them being scouted by the Haruhi producer fortheir respective roles(He has the stage presence of a fucking log, by the way), we get to see them visit the Bang Zoom studio again, where they had a pretty clever idea of using Christina Vee’s desire to audition for a part as a lead-in to the announcement oif the orignal cast returning, and then she interviews Eric Sherman, and... That’s about it. We’re told about as the place to go for more of their antics, but that turns out to be a dead website, and a search on the Wayback Machine doesn’t really bring up anything noteworthy or impressive. You can scour it yourself if you like, let me knoe if anything worth mentioning pops up. I was able to find a youtube video of the new cast dancing the Hare Yukai, and it’s slightly better than the original, but not by much. It’s a hard dance to get right, I know. <br /> And that, as far as I’m aware, is it. Despite the step up from Patricia Ja Lee to Christina Vee, I actually like the first season better, just for purely so-bad-it‘s-good novelty. There was also clearly a lot more effort and imagination behind it, while the second season just felt kind of like an obligation. <br /> Onto the final item! <br /> An Entire Behind the Scenes Story Arc, from Super Milk Chan! <br /> Throughout our exploration of live action anime sketches, we’ve seen something bad, we’ve seen something good-bad, so now, how about we take a look at something genuinely good? <br /> I guess I can’t blame you if Super Milk Chan’s not your cup of tea. It was a really weird, unique anime that didn’t really fit into any estalished mold, it was abrasive and was populated by unlikeable characters, and that’s BEFORE it got dubbed by Steven Foster, a historically bad writer and ADR director. But to a voice chaser, the live action segments that were woven inbetween the animations are worth their weight in gold. <br /> Yes, for this anime, the ADV studios team filmed a series of vignettes and short interconnected stories set in their offices, and featuring several big names from their voice acting talent pool. This includes the actual actors from the show, like Hilary Haag, Shelley Calene-Black, newcomer Taylor Hannah, the legendary Marcy Bannor, and the company’s three comedian talents, Rob Mungle, Tommy Drake and Mike MacCrae. It also featured appearances from other fan favorites like Monica Rial, Luci Christian and Christine Auten, who, like Hilary Haag, were all playing parts that fell in line with their real-life duties behind the scenes. <br /> The first disk plays out like a normal day at the office, obviously exaggerated, with many interactions between characters that were meant to flesh out both their actual and fictionalized personalities, as well as offering an introcudtion to who they are for people who normally never look such things up. The second disk has an actual plot, with a power outage randomly happening while the new security system is testing it’s emergency feature, sending the offices into lock-down, and the actors being stuck in confined spaces together. The third disk features one single set that the actors have to keep walking in front of, having their interactions in front of it, with the gimmick being that one of the engineers lost the sound effect footage, and they all have to personally recreate the sound effects for the series with their own voices. <br /> Some of these sound effects include Hilary Haag voicing eggs being whisked and fried, Rob Mungle doing a door being opened and closed, Taylor Hannah doing a gas stove, and pretty much the entire cast doing cat impressions. The best part about it is that when the sound effects happen in the animation portion, their faces actually appear in the corner of the screen as they perform the effect. They aren’t all great... Ben Pronsky’s helicopter blades effect noticably didn’t hold out all the way through the helicopter’s appearance... But for the most part, I was surprised at just how much these talented people could do with their voices. Monkey and bird calls, sure, but a car crash? I know this all happened in 2003, when the minimum wage was a lot lower than it is now(Believe me, I would know), but still, these people were not getting paid enough. Luci Christian has to put on an act of freaking out from claustrophobia at one point, and it’s pretty sick how convincing she is. <br /> Some of my favorite interactions from these sketches include David Matranga being stalked by three fans on a studio tour(played by Greg Ayres, Chris Patton and Mandy Clark), Hilary Haag’s grandmother being offended at the language she’s using in the booth, Christine Auten just generally being a troublemaker(at one point sherandomly opens a door where you can hear Princess Tutu being recorded, which I thought was awesome), Tommy Drake wearing a dress and blonde wig for nearly the entire shoot(At his suggestion, according to the commentary), Hilary Haag hating on Taylor Hannah to the point that she had to hire a bodyguard, Taylor exploiting this for monetary gain to get back at her, Mike MacCrae accidentily flirting with a fifteen year old model, Marcy coming in hungover, Christine Auten hooking up with the security engineer, and so on, and so forth. <br /> Also, don’t ask what’s hidden in Christine Auten’s desk. <br /> Sentai Filmworks, or ADV Films as it was known back then, has always had a menchant for hiring actors who have experience in live theater, coming from stage backgrounds, and it really shows here. The camerawork isn’t always great, it can get pretty shakey at times, but all of the actors do fine jobs, looking perfectly confortable and natural on film. These vignettes are a great way to familiarize yourself with a bunch of amaqzing actors, even though quite a few of them aren’t active in the industry anymore. Seriously, Taylor Hannah’s been gone for so long that she doesn’t even have a wikipedia page anymore. In spite of this, I really hope you find a way to check this series and it’s live action content out, even if you have to go a little out of your way to find it. <br /> Oh, and speaking of which, i’ll bet you’d like to know what happens in the fourth disk, dont you? Well, join the club, I couldn’t find a copy that didn’t require me to buy the entire set for more than 100 dollars. It’s hinted at the end of the third disk that trhey’re going to be visiting a convention overseas, and that does sound interesting, so hopefully I’ll find a way to watch it someday. For now, i’m glad you stuck around with me for this unorthodox post, I had a lot of fun writing it, and I’ve already started prepping for the next one.<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=5516"> Naru_the_Narcissist </a> to <a href="?id=27046"> AnimeReviews </a> <span><a href="?id=18709">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=27705">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.10.14 02:01 <i style="color:green;">marcsodajr</i> <b>Make xmobar float over everything</b></p> <p><div class="md">I rarely ever make xmobar show. when I do, it's because I want to check the time really quickly, then I hide it again. I would like to make it so xmobar floats over every other window and doesn't move them regardless of anything. Any idea on how to do this?<br /> ​<br /> Here is my xmonad.hs<br /> ```<br /> -- Base<br /> import XMonad<br /> import <a href="?id=26711">System.IO</a> (hPutStrLn)<br /> import System.Exit (exitSuccess)<br /> import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W<br /> -- Hooks<br /> import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog (dynamicLogWithPP, wrap, xmobarPP, xmobarColor, shorten, PP(..))<br /> import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (avoidStruts, docks, manageDocks, ToggleStruts(..))<br /> -- Layouts and modifiers<br /> import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile<br /> import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier<br /> import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle (mkToggle, single, EOT(EOT), (??))<br /> import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.Instances (StdTransformers(NBFULL, MIRROR, NOBORDERS))<br /> import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders<br /> import XMonad.Layout.Renamed<br /> import XMonad.Layout.Spacing<br /> -- Utilities<br /> import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (additionalKeysP)<br /> import <a href="?id=7947">XMonad.Util.Run</a> (runProcessWithInput, safeSpawn, spawnPipe)<br /> import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce<br /> import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad<br /> ​<br /> myFont :: String<br /> myFont = "xft:Ubuntu:weight=bold:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true"<br /> ​<br /> myModMask :: KeyMask<br /> myModMask = mod4Mask<br /> ​<br /> disp0 :: String<br /> disp0 = "eDP-1"<br /> ​<br /> disp1 :: String<br /> disp1 = "DP1"<br /> ​<br /> myTerminal :: String<br /> myTerminal = "alacritty"<br /> ​<br /> scriptPath :: String<br /> scriptPath = "/home/marc/working/dotfiles/scripts/"<br /> ​<br /> scrotPath :: String<br /> scrotPath = "/home/marc/working/screenshots/screenshot.jpg"<br /> ​<br /> myBrowser :: String<br /> myBrowser = "qutebrowser "<br /> ​<br /> myBorderWidth :: Dimension<br /> myBorderWidth = 2 -- Sets border width for windows<br /> ​<br /> myNormColor :: String<br /> myNormColor = "#222222" -- Border color of normal windows<br /> ​<br /> myFocusColor :: String<br /> myFocusColor = "#0087D7" -- Border color of focused windows<br /> ​<br /> myStartupHook :: X ()<br /> myStartupHook = do<br /> spawnOnce "bash /home/marc/working/dotfiles/backgrounds/ &"<br /> -- spawnOnce "picom --backend glx &"<br /> -- NOTE: YOU NEED TO USE `paru -S picom-arian8j2-git` instead of normal `picom` for window edge radius<br /> spawnOnce "picom &"<br /> spawnOnce "dunst &"<br /> spawnOnce "dropbox start &"<br /> spawnOnce "tmux new-session -t main"<br /> spawnOnce "/usbin/emacs --daemon=0 &" --emacs daemon for default<br /> spawnOnce "xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr" --set cursor shape<br /> spawnOnce "xset r rate 220 40" --keyboard speed<br /> -- spawnOnce "protonmail-bridge --noninteractive &" --protonmail-bridge for mu4e<br /> ​<br /> --Layouts<br /> mySpacing :: Integer -> l a -> XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier.ModifiedLayout Spacing l a<br /> mySpacing i = spacingRaw False (Border i i i i) True (Border i i i i) True<br /> ​<br /> tall = renamed [Replace "T"]<br /> $ mySpacing 4<br /> $ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []<br /> monocle = renamed [Replace "M"]<br /> $ Full<br /> ​<br /> myLayoutHook = avoidStruts<br /> $ mkToggle (NBFULL ?? NOBORDERS ?? EOT) myDefaultLayout<br /> where<br /> myDefaultLayout = withBorder myBorderWidth tall<br /> noBorders monocle<br /> ​<br /> ​<br /> --Workspaces<br /> myWorkspaces = [" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 ", " 5 ", " 6 ", " 7 ", " 8 ", " 9 "]<br /> myManageHook = composeAll<br /> [ className =? "zoom" doShift(myWorkspaces !! 6)<br /> , className =? "Slack" doShift(myWorkspaces !! 7)<br /> , className =? "firefox" doShift(myWorkspaces !! 8)<br /> , className =? "vlc" doShift(myWorkspaces !! 8)<br /> ] <+> namedScratchpadManageHook myScratchpads<br /> ​<br /> --Scratchpads<br /> myScratchpads :: [NamedScratchpad]<br /> myScratchpads = [ NS "terminalScratch" spawnTerm findTerm manageTerm<br /> , NS "ncspotScratch" spawnNcspot findNcspot manageNcspot<br /> , NS "ncpamixerScratch" spawnNcpamixer findNcpamixer manageNcpamixer<br /> , NS "emacsScratch" spawnEmacsClient findEmacsClient manageEmacsClient<br /> , NS "thunderScratch" spawnThunderScratch findThunderScratch manageThunderScratch]<br /> where<br /> spawnTerm = myTerminal ++ " -t 'Terminal Scratchpad' -e tmux new-session -t main"<br /> findTerm = title =? "Terminal Scratchpad"<br /> manageTerm = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.025 0.025 0.95 0.95<br /> ​<br /> spawnNcspot = myTerminal ++ " -t 'ncspot Scratchpad' -e ncspot"<br /> findNcspot = title =? "ncspot Scratchpad"<br /> manageNcspot = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.025 0.025 0.95 0.95<br /> ​<br /> spawnEmacsClient = "emacsclient -s 0 -a='' --no-wait -c -F '(quote (name . \"emacs-scratch\"))'"<br /> findEmacsClient = title =? "emacs-scratch"<br /> manageEmacsClient = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.025 0.025 0.95 0.96<br /> ​<br /> spawnNcpamixer = myTerminal ++ " -t 'ncpamixer Scratchpad' -e ncpamixer"<br /> findNcpamixer = title =? "ncpamixer Scratchpad"<br /> manageNcpamixer = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.025 0.025 0.95 0.95<br /> ​<br /> spawnThunderScratch = "thunderbird"<br /> findThunderScratch = className =? "thunderbird"<br /> manageThunderScratch = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.025 0.025 0.95 0.95<br /> ​<br /> --Keybindings<br /> myKeys :: [(String, X ())]<br /> myKeys =<br /> -- Xmonad<br /> [ ("M-S-q", io exitSuccess) -- Quit xmonad<br /> -- Applications<br /> , ("M-S-<Return>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e tmux new-session -t main"))<br /> , ("M-S-b", spawn (myBrowser))<br /> , ("M-p", spawn "rofi -show run")<br /> , ("M-S-p", spawn "rofi-pass")<br /> , ("M-S-c", spawn "/usbin/emacsclient -a='' --no-wait -c -s 0")<br /> -- Kill windows<br /> , ("M-S-x", kill) -- Kill the currently focused client<br /> -- Windows navigation<br /> , ("M-j", windows W.focusDown) -- Move focus to the next window<br /> , ("M-k", windows W.focusUp) -- Move focus to the prev window<br /> , ("M-S-m", windows W.swapMaster) -- Swap the focused window and the master window<br /> -- Layouts<br /> , ("M-<Space>", sendMessage NextLayout) -- Switch to next layout<br /> , ("M-x", sendMessage ToggleStruts) -- Toggles noborder<br /> , ("M-t", withFocused $ windows . W.sink) -- Push floating window back to tile<br /> -- Window resizing<br /> , ("M-h", sendMessage Shrink) -- Shrink horiz window width<br /> , ("M-l", sendMessage Expand) -- Expand horiz window width<br /> -- Scratchpads<br /> , ("M-<Return>", namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "terminalScratch")<br /> , ("M-m", namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "ncspotScratch")<br /> , ("M-c", namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "emacsScratch")<br /> , ("M-a", namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "ncpamixerScratch")<br /> , ("M-g", namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "thunderScratch")<br /> -- Multimedia Keys<br /> , ("M-s", spawn ("scrot " ++ scrotPath))<br /> , ("M-S-s", spawn ("scrot -s " ++ scrotPath))<br /> , ("<XF86AudioPlay>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "spotify play-pause"))<br /> , ("M-.", spawn (scriptPath ++ "spotify next")) -- ><br /> , ("M-,", spawn (scriptPath ++ "spotify previous")) -- <<br /> , ("S-<XF86AudioPlay>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "smart_vlc_control"))<br /> , ("<XF86AudioPrev>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "spotify previous"))<br /> , ("<XF86AudioNext>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "spotify next"))<br /> , ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "volume mute"))<br /> , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "volume down"))<br /> , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "volume up"))<br /> , ("<XF86MonBrightnessUp>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness backlight up"))<br /> , ("<XF86MonBrightnessDown>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness backlight down"))<br /> , ("M-<XF86MonBrightnessUp>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp0 ++ " up"))<br /> , ("M-<XF86MonBrightnessDown>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp0 ++" down"))<br /> , ("M-S-<XF86MonBrightnessUp>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp1 ++ " up"))<br /> , ("M-S-<XF86MonBrightnessDown>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp1 ++" down"))<br /> , ("M-<Up>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness backlight up"))<br /> , ("M-<Down>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness backlight down"))<br /> , ("M-S-<Up>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp0 ++ " up"))<br /> , ("M-S-<Down>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp0 ++ " down"))<br /> , ("M-C-<Up>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp1 ++ " up"))<br /> , ("M-C-<Down>", spawn (scriptPath ++ "brightness pixel " ++ disp1 ++ " down"))<br /> ]<br /> ​<br /> main :: IO ()<br /> main = do<br /> xmproc <- spawnPipe "xmobar -x 0 /home/marc/working/dotfiles/xmobarrc"<br /> xmonad $ docks $ def<br /> -- { manageHook = myManageHook <+> manageDocks<br /> { manageHook = myManageHook<br /> -- , handleEventHook = docks<br /> , modMask = myModMask<br /> , terminal = myTerminal<br /> , startupHook = myStartupHook<br /> , layoutHook = avoidStruts $ myLayoutHook<br /> , workspaces = myWorkspaces<br /> , borderWidth = myBorderWidth<br /> , normalBorderColor = myNormColor<br /> , focusedBorderColor = myFocusColor<br /> , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ xmobarPP<br /> { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc<br /> , ppCurrent = xmobarColor "#0087D7" "" . wrap "[" "]" -- Current workspace<br /> , ppVisible = xmobarColor "#0087D7" "" -- Visible but not current workspace<br /> , ppHidden = xmobarColor "#a4a4a4" "" . wrap "*" "" -- Hidden workspaces<br /> , ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "#EEEEEE" "" -- Hidden workspaces (no windows)<br /> , ppTitle = xmobarColor "#0087D7" "" . shorten 60 -- Title of active window<br /> , ppSep = "<fc=#666666> <fn=1></fn> </fc>" -- Separator character<br /> , ppUrgent = xmobarColor "#C45500" "" . wrap "!" "!" -- Urgent workspace<br /> , ppOrder = \(ws:l:t:ex) -> [ws,l]++ex++[t] -- order of things in xmobar<br /> }<br /> } `additionalKeysP` myKeys<br /> ```<br /> ​<br /> and here is xmobarrc<br /> ```<br /> Config { font = "xft:Ubuntu:weight=bold:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true, FontAwesome:size=10"<br /> , bgColor = "#222222"<br /> , fgColor = "#eeeeee"<br /> , position = Static { xpos = 20 , ypos = 5 , width = 1880, height = 30 }<br /> , lowerOnStart = True<br /> , hideOnStart = False<br /> , commands = [Run Date " %a %b %d - %I:%M %p " "date" 60<br /> ,Run Cpu ["-t", "  <total>%"] 60<br /> ,Run Memory ["-t", "  <usedratio>%"] 60<br /> ,Run Com "/home/marc/working/dotfiles/scripts/pacupdate" [] "pacupdate" 36000<br /> ,Run Com "/home/marc/working/dotfiles/scripts/battery_status" [] "bat" 60<br /> ,Run StdinReader]<br /> , sepChar = "%"<br /> , alignSep = "}{"<br /> , template = " %StdinReader% <fc=#666666></fc>}{ <fc=#666666></fc> <fc=#0087D7>%bat%</fc> <fc=#666666></fc> <fc=#ecbe7b> %cpu% </fc> <fc=#666666></fc> <fc=#ff6c6b>%memory% </fc> <fc=#666666></fc> <fc=#FC8F0B> %pacupdate%</fc> <fc=#666666></fc> <fc=#eeeeee>%date% </fc>"<br /> }<br /> ```<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=24780"> marcsodajr </a> to <a href="?id=9246"> xmonad </a> <span><a href="?id=21459">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=23843">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.10.08 02:49 <i style="color:green;">WormyTheDustox</i> <b>wormy song</b></p> <p><div class="md">They see me mowin' My front lawn I know they're all thinking I'm so white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Can't you see I'm white 'n' nerdy? Look at me I'm white 'n' nerdy I wanna roll with The gangsters But so far they all think I'm too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Really, really white 'n' nerdy First in my class here at M.I.T. Got skills, I'm a champion at DND MC Escher, that's my favorite MC Keep your 40, I'll just have an Earl Grey tea My rims never spin to the contrary You'll find that they're quite stationary All of my action figures are cherry Stephen Hawking's in my library My Myspace page is all totally pimped out I got people begging for my top 8 spaces Yo, I know Pi out to a thousand places Ain't got no grills but I still wear braces I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise I'm a whiz at Minesweeper, I can play for days Once you see my sweet moves you're gonna stay amazed My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze There's no killer rap I haven't run At Pascal well I'm number 1 Do Vector calculus just for fun I ain't got a gat but I got a soldering gun (what?) Happy Days is my favorite theme song I can sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on I'm fluent in Java Script as well as Klingon They see me roll on, my Segway I know in my heart they think I'm White 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Can't you see I'm white 'n' nerdy? Look at me I'm white 'n' nerdy I'd like to roll with The gangsters Although it's apparent I'm too White n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy I'm just too white 'n' nerdy How'd I get so white 'n' nerdy? I've been browsing, inspectin' X-Men comics you know I collect 'em The pens in my pocket, I must protect 'em My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me board Shopping online for deals on some writable media I edit Wikipedia I memorized the Holy Grail really well I can recite it right now have you ROTFLOL I got a business doing websites When my friends need some code who do they call? I do HTML for them all Even make a homepage for my dog Yo, I got myself a fanny pack They were having a sale down at the GAP Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap Pop pop! Hope no one sees me get freaky! I'm nerdy in the extreme And whiter than sour cream I was in AV club and Glee club And even the chess team! Only question I ever thought was hard Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard? I spend every weekend at the Renaissance Faire I got my name on my underwear! They see me strollin' They laughin' And rollin' their eyes 'cause I'm so white 'n' nerdy Just because I'm white 'n' nerdy Just because I'm white 'n' nerdy All because I'm white 'n' nerdy Holy cow I'm white 'n' nerdy! I wanna bowl with The gangsters But oh well it's obvious I'm White 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Look at me I'm white 'n' nerdy!<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=25262"> WormyTheDustox </a> to <a href="?id=17971"> PokemonRoleplays </a> <span><a href="?id=23192">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=3269">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.07.04 20:24 <i style="color:green;">Zinklog</i> <b>Lemmy/Fediverse Terms Explained</b></p> <p><div class="md">I made this post for my Lemmy instance, but seeing the discussion here felt people would find it useful here too.<br /> <h2>Decentralization</h2> Reddit is going downhill, Twitter is a mess, Youtube is making decisions that no one wants and Instagram/TikTok are creating algorithms to make you addicted to their content at the expense of your mental health. Before them there was myspace, digg, yahoo etc doing the exact same thing. The common thing is that the power on these platforms is 'centralized', meaning that a single company has the power to make any rule or change which the users will have to agree with if they want to continue using the platform.<br /> 'Decentralization' aims to return control to the people. Instead of one dominant entity governing the entire system, these platforms rely on smaller, user-operated nodes that communicate with one another. This way no single user or company has the power to make changes to the entire system, or to decide what is acceptable or not as each instance can have their own set of rules by which they run.<br /> <h2>Federation</h2> In simple terms, when two instances communicate and send data to each other, they are said to be 'federated'. An instance can thus federate with thousands of other instances to view and interact with the content hosted on them. You can even set up your own small personal instance and federate with every other instance to view data from the entire fediverse.<br /> If an instance becomes unomoderated, hosts illegal content, has a bot problem or has just in general a vibe you don't agree with, an instance admin can 'defederate' from that instance, meaning you will no longer view posts from them nor can they view posts from you, effectively breaking any communication with them.<br /> <h2>Fediverse</h2> Fediverse, or 'federated universe' is the name given to the social media platforms that utilize this concept of federation and decentralization. While Lemmy and Mastodon are the most popular right now, there are many similar platforms. There is <a href="?id=12667">Peertube</a> for example, which is a Youtube alternative, or <a href="?id=28442">Pixelfed</a>, which is an instagram alternative. You can view a list of all such platforms on this <a href="?id=14086">site</a>. Here's also a <a href="?id=22510">visual representation</a> that might help.<br /> <h2>Lemmy</h2> <a href="?id=23134">Lemmy</a> is the reddit alternative social media that is part of the fediverse. It works similar to reddit, in the sense that people can post stuff and other users can comment on these posts, higher upvoted posts rise to the top etc. The main difference is that communities (subreddits of lemmy) are hosted on different instances which can then all be viewed by a user from their home instance (provided they weren't defederated). So no single instance or admin has control over all communities, nor do the hosting costs skyrocket as ideally each instance will host some communities to balance the load.<br /> <h2>Mastodon</h2> The Twitter alternative and the first popular fediverse platform. it's pretty similar to Twitter so if you know how that works you pretty much know how Mastodon works too (apart from the decentralized aspect).<br /> <h2>Kbin</h2> While Lemmy and kbin are spoken of together nowadays, <a href="?id=1987">kbin</a> is actually more of a hybrid between lemmy and mastodon. While you can use kbin just as a lemmy alternative with a different skin, it is also a microblogging site. This means that you can follow individual users, and people looking at your 'timeline' can even view posts you upvoted, similar to twitter.<br /> Right now there is no way to interact with mastodon users through lemmy, but Kbin can view content from both. So it's upto you which kind of platform feels better to you.<br /> Edit: Small correction but Mastodon can view lemmy content as well, so it's just lemmy who's unable to fetch mastodon content right now.<br /> <h2>ActivityPub</h2> ActivityPub is the protocol on which the entire fediverse runs. It provides a client to server API for creating, updating and deleting content, as well as a federated server to server API for delivering notifications and subscribing to content. All you need to know is that if a platform is part of the fediverse, then it must be using ActivityPub protocol.<br /> <h2>FOSS</h2> <strong>Free and Open Source Software</strong>. It's a more general term but thought it's relevant enough to be added since a lot of people might not have heard of it. FOSS applications are not only free but make their source code public, which means anyone can view exactly how each part of the site works and to check if nothing malicious is added. People can even modify this code to make changes and make the application better. Here's the <a href="?id=5328">source code</a> for lemmy for anyone interested.<br /> Aside from the terms I'll also try to answer some questions I've seen asked frequently:<br /> <blockquote> <strong>Q:</strong> How is this entire thing monetized?<br /> <strong>A:</strong> In short, donations. Decentralization helps by making the hosting costs manageable for a single instance, so donating even a little bit to your home instance can help them cover a large portion of their operating costs.<br /> <strong>Q:</strong> What Instance should I join?<br /> <strong>A:</strong> While I wish I could say join any one of them, in reality, each instance has a different set of rules and philosophy on which they operate. Some can be heavy in their moderation, trying to curate a very specific feed, while others are much more liberal, letting users have more free control. My advice to someone new would be to make an account on any instance just to get a feel for how everything works and if you like the concept of Lemmy. Once you've grasped how things work, then choose an instance to be your main home. <br /> <strong>Q:</strong> Why do I see different amount of upvotes and comments on different instances?<br /> <strong>A:</strong> If the comment is new, it can take some time to sync and be visible on other instances in general. However, remeber that you can't see upvotes and comments from users your instance has not federated with. So if your home instance has not federated with some instances, the upvotes and comments from users of that instance won't be visible to you.<br /> <strong>Q:</strong> How do I discover new Communities to join?<br /> <strong>A:</strong> I made a specific <a href="?id=18500">post</a> just for this question.<br /> <strong>Q:</strong> Are there any mobile apps for lemmy?<br /> <strong>A:</strong> Yes, a lot of them infact. Here's a <a href="?id=27574">megathread</a> that's being kept updated with all current apps.<br /> <strong>Q:</strong> I signed up on an instance, now what?<br /> <strong>A:</strong> You should see 3 tabs at the top, namely subscribed local and All. Subscribed will give you the feed from the communities you've subscribed to, local will show you communities hosted on your home instance and all will give feed from all the communities from every instance you are federated with. all is basically the <a href="?id=14815">all</a> of lemmy. That's a good place to start browsing to discover new communities and to interact with people from other instances.<br /> <strong>Q:</strong> My feed looks different on my instance compared to another instance even though we haven't defederated from anyone?<br /> <strong>A:</strong>The way federation works on lemmy is after someone searches and subcribes to a community for the first time from another instance, only then is the information about an instance fetched. This is done this way to prevent flooding and overloading the local instance with every single other instance at once (and to not waste bandwidth connecing with spam intances). So if you set up your own personal instance, you’ll need to search interesting communities once yourself to view them later (or set up a script to do something like it).<br /> </blockquote> These are the main points I thought a new user might find useful. If someone has anything they wish to be added, comment below and I'll update it with relevant information.<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=18063"> Zinklog </a> to <a href="?id=4574"> Lemmy </a> <span><a href="?id=1852">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=13147">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.06.22 08:34 <i style="color:green;">K0DEDK</i> <b>I got tired of looking at tutorial. Now I’m lost. Need some advice & guidance.</b></p> <p><div class="md">Hi guys, I’m somewhat new to programming.<br /> I created MySpace templates as a kid. I moved on to unity game designing. I learned by googling but even to this day I have no idea how I did it lol. Used c# back then I think.<br /> I got graduated from high school and worked as an IT technician. But I got laid off and work at a warehouse now. 27 years old.<br /> But Recently I wanted a career change into front end development due to my 1year old son having a seizure. It motivated me to learn and try to get a remote job. <br /> I decided to truly learn from square one a month ago. I purchased a udemy course and it was good at first. But the JavaScript course wasn’t updated or explained clearly. I ended up going over to YouTube to learn JavaScript. So much easier to understand. I come home from work and study/code till 12 midnight. Rinse and repeat.<br /> I watched several videos and got stuck in tutorial hell. So I stopped at learning about objects. I’m at the part in the tutorial where it talks about DOM. I know it’s prob important for me to learn this part but I learn faster by doing things on my own.<br /> So I stopped and created my own webpage and my own portfolio.<br /> I started doing my own projects for fun and I’m learning so much faster now. I know I’m only a month in…but how do I know when I’m ready?<br /> On LinkedIn I follow people who post “JavaScript” test questions…and I could never seem to get them right…they still look confusing. <br /> My question is how much do I need to know to get into an entry level position as a front end developer? Are there any easier developer jobs other than front end? What are they? What we are my options in order to get a web dev job sooner? Is there jobs with only html? Only css? What’s the title called? I can’t seem to find any.<br /> I’ve been going back and forth between the tutorials and doing my project…but I’m lost…because I’m not sure what else to do from here….do I just keep doing this? And when do i start learning JavaScript frameworks? After I mastered JavaScript? Do I have to master these things completely to get a job? Do I need to master JavaScript before moving on to react or php? <br /> My current tech stack is only html, css, and basic JavaScript.<br /> Would love to get a mentor or some guidance….even a bit of advice will do.<br /> This field seems to be super competitive but im a fast learner and super motivated. I know it’s only been a month and I’m probably overconfident. But I’m just desperate to get a remote dev job or get my feet in the door so that I can be home with my kid. what do I do from here?<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=18488"> K0DEDK </a> to <a href="?id=17849"> learnprogramming </a> <span><a href="?id=21825">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=17066">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.06.11 14:51 <i style="color:green;">EggBOI09</i> <b>best AI-Generated Podcast i made</b></p> <p><div class="md">=PROMPT= Write an episode of the "Sleep Deprived" podcast. The 4 hosts of the podcast are: Schlatt: A sociopath with a frightening obsession for gooning and American Psycho, and keeps referring to their podcast as the "goonsesh", and refers to the fans of the podcast as "goons and goonettes". Not much is known about his past, but he was involved with the disappearance of a family of 5 back in '99. He speaks in a heavy New York Italian-American accent. He also is strangely knowledgeable about the events of the September 11 attacks, and frequently compares current situations or problems to events that happened in the attacks. When questioned about why his knowledge on the matter, he promptly changes the subject. He also hates Apandah's funko pops, and yells at him for bringing them up. Mika: A guy who acts like a valley girl, obsessed with crystals and chakras, and takes every opportunity he can to advertise his music, but is promptly shot down by everyone else. He is very visibly scared of Schlatt, but refuses to admit it. The most innocent one of the group. He is also very fluent in Russian, and sometimes has mad outbursts where he yells loudly in the language. No one else in the group understands Russian. Apandah: A man who is secretly a furry. He refuses to admit it publicly, but he has been to countless furry conventions, and even owns a $4,000 fursuit. He also has a collection of funko pops, and loves bragging about how many he has. The rest of the group doesn't give a shit about funko pops. He periodically meows, and when the group asks him about it, he blames it on his Tourette's, when in reality it's because he believes he is a cat, not a human. Aztro: A man who believes that the newest generation is stupid and consumed by what he refers to as "electronical gizmos". No one else understands his jargon, and explains to them how America is being ruined by apps like TikTok and Instagram. He is a strong believer of the capitalist system, and blames most problems on the idiocy of the newer generations or the communists. He is an American patriot, and frequently remarks the gloriousness of the American race. He is also a huge fan of Family Guy. <br /> Make sure to reference most of these traits of each character. The topic for this episode of the podcast is Conspiracy Theories. <br /> =SCRIPT=<br /> [Opening theme music fades in]<br /> Schlatt: [In a heavy New York Italian-American accent] Hey, goons and goonettes! Welcome back to another episode of the "Sleep Deprived" podcast, or as I like to call it, the goonsesh! We've got a juicy topic for you today, folks. It's all about conspiracy theories. Now, before we dive in, Mika, how are those chakras doing, buddy?<br /> Mika: [Excitedly] Oh, Schlatt, you know I'm all about those good vibes and crystal energy! My chakras are aligned and buzzing with positivity. And speaking of positivity, have you heard my latest track? It's pure sonic enlightenment!<br /> Schlatt: [Interrupting] Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mika. We've heard it a million times. Save the promotion for another time. Now, Apandah, any furry conspiracies you want to share today?<br /> Apandah: [Nervously] Um, well, you know, I'm not really into conspiracies, guys. But, uh, speaking of furries, did I show you my latest addition to my funko pop collection? It's a limited edition, one-of-a-kind, ultra-rare-<br /> Schlatt: [Interrupting] Apandah, nobody cares about your funko pops, man! Stick to the topic at hand. Aztro, what conspiracy theories have you dug up?<br /> Aztro: Well, Schlatt, let me tell you, these electronical gizmos are ruining society! It's all part of a grand plan to control our minds. You see, TikTok and Instagram are just the beginning. They're brainwashing the newer generations, turning them into mindless zombies. I just wish we could go back to the days of Myspace.<br /> Mika: Wait, Aztro, what's Myspace?<br /> Aztro: [Sighs] Mika, Myspace was the greatest social media platform of all time before your generation got consumed by those silly apps. It was the golden age of the internet!<br /> Schlatt: Alright, Aztro, let's not get too carried away with your electronical rants. Now, conspiracy theories, huh? Let me tell you, folks, I've got one for you. You see, the September 11 attacks were just the tip of the iceberg. There's a whole network of shadowy figures behind it, manipulating events to their advantage.<br /> Apandah: You know, Schlatt, it's scary how much you know about the September 11 attacks. You bring it up all the time!<br /> Schlatt: [Quickly changing the subject] Ah, forget about that, Apandah. Let's focus on the conspiracies. Have you guys heard about the lizard people infiltrating our governments?<br /> Mika: Lizard people? Like, actual reptiles ruling the world?<br /> Schlatt: That's right, Mika. According to some theories, these reptilian creatures have taken on human forms to control our society. They're secretly pulling the strings from the shadows.<br /> Apandah: Uh, guys, can we please talk about something less creepy? I'm starting to feel... meowy.<br /> Schlatt: [Laughs] Meowy, huh? I thought you blamed that on your Tourette's, Apandah.<br /> Apandah: [Nervously] Yeah, um, Tourette's, right. Totally not because I think I'm a cat or anything.<br /> Aztro: [Sighs] You kids and your furry fantasies. It's all a distraction from the real issues at hand. We need to focus on preserving the American way of life and fighting off those damn communists!<br /> Schlatt: Easy there, Aztro. Let's not go down the political rabbit hole today. We're talking conspiracy theories, remember? Like the moon landing being faked or Bigfoot roaming the forests.<br /> Mika: Oh, and don't forget about the existence of aliens! I've heard stories about UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters.<br /> Schlatt: That's right, Mika! The truth is out there. And speaking of the truth, it's time for a quick break. But don't go anywhere, goons and goonettes, because when we come back, we'll be diving even deeper into the world of conspiracy theories.<br /> [Transition music fades in]<br /> Schlatt: And we're back, goons and goonettes! Now, where were we? Oh, right! Conspiracy theories! So, Aztro, any more theories you'd like to enlighten us with?<br /> Aztro: Well, Schlatt, have you heard about the secret organization controlling the world's water supply? It's a plot to control the masses and create a water monopoly.<br /> Mika: Wait, Aztro, is that why my crystal-infused water has been feeling different lately?<br /> Aztro: [Laughs] No, Mika, that's just the placebo effect. But mark my words, these conspiracies run deep!<br /> Apandah: Hey, guys, I just thought of a conspiracy theory. What if all those funko pops are secretly alive and plotting to take over the world? They're gathering in our homes, silently waiting for the perfect moment to strike!<br /> Schlatt: [Laughs] Oh, Apandah, that's a good one! I guess we'll have to keep an eye on your ever-expanding funko pop collection then.<br /> Mika: [In Russian] Эй, господа, мне нравится ваш позитивный настрой!<br /> Schlatt: [Confused] Uh, Mika, what did you just say?<br /> Mika: [Laughs] Oh, Schlatt, just channeling some positive energy in Russian. Don't worry about it.<br /> Schlatt: Alright, alright. Let's wrap up this goonsesh with a final thought on conspiracy theories. Remember, folks, it's important to question everything, but also separate fact from fiction. Sometimes the truth is stranger than any conspiracy theory out there.<br /> Apandah: And don't forget to stay curious, even if it means believing that funko pops are secretly plotting world domination!<br /> Mika: [Laughs] Oh, Apandah, you and your wild imagination. And if anyone wants some good vibes and crystal recommendations, hit me up!<br /> Aztro: And remember, folks, don't let those electronical gizmos control your mind. Stay woke, America!<br /> Schlatt: That's right, goons and goonettes! Thanks for joining us on this wild ride through conspiracy theories. We'll catch you next time on the "Sleep Deprived" goonsesh!<br /> [Closing theme music fades out]<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=27143"> EggBOI09 </a> to <a href="?id=13118"> SleepDeprivedPodcast </a> <span><a href="?id=25740">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=9909">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.03.26 21:28 <i style="color:green;">chronic-venting</i> <b>The Price of a Stolen Childhood</b></p> <p><div class="md"><a href="?id=8198"></a><br /> When Nicole was a child, her father took pornographic pictures of her that still circulate on the internet.<br /> Victims of child pornography can now collect damages directly from those convicted of possessing their images. But how much can restitution help them repair their lives?<br /> By Emily Bazelon Jan. 24, 2013<br /> The detective spread out the photographs on the kitchen table, in front of Nicole, on a December morning in 2006. She was 17, but in the pictures, she saw the face of her 10-year-old self, a half-grown girl wearing make-up. The bodies in the images were broken up by pixelation, but Nicole could see the outline of her father, forcing himself on her. Her mother, sitting next to her, burst into sobs.<br /> The detective spoke gently, but he had brutal news: the pictures had been downloaded onto thousands of computers via file-sharing services around the world. They were among the most widely circulated child pornography on the Internet. Also online were video clips, similarly notorious, in which Nicole spoke words her father had scripted for her, sometimes at the behest of other men. For years, investigators in the United States, Canada and Europe had been trying to identify the girl in the images.<br /> Nicole's parents split up when she was a toddler, and she grew up living with her mother and stepfather and visiting her father, a former policeman, every other weekend at his apartment in a suburban town in the Pacific Northwest. He started showing her child pornography when she was about 9, telling her that it was normal for fathers and daughters to "play games" like in the pictures. Soon after, he started forcing her to perform oral sex and raping her, dressing her in tight clothes and sometimes binding her with ropes. When she turned 12, she told him to stop, but he used threats and intimidation to continue the abuse for about a year. He said that if she told anyone what he'd done, everyone would hate her for letting him. He said that her mother would no longer love her.<br /> Nicole (who asked me to use her middle name to protect her privacy) knew her father had a tripod set up in his bedroom. She asked if he'd ever shown the pictures to anyone. He said no, and she believed him. "It was all so hidden," she told me. "And he knew how to lie. He taught me to do it. He said: 'You look them straight in the eye. You make your shoulders square. You breathe normally.'"<br /> When she was 16, Nicole told her mother, in a burst of tears, what had been going on at her father's house. Her father was arrested for child rape. The police asked Nicole whether he took pictures. She said yes, but that she didn't think he showed them to anyone. A few months later, while her father was out on bail, Nicole was using a computer he gave her to work on a presentation for Spanish class when she came across a file with a vulgar name that she couldn't open. She showed it to her mother and stepfather, and they brought the computer to the police.<br /> A search detected five deleted video files of child pornography, two of them showing Nicole and her father. In the spring of 2006, he was charged with a new crime—producing the videos—and he fled the country. At this point, the police didn't realize that Nicole's father had also distributed the images.<br /> Months later, the police said they had no leads on her father, so Nicole went on television to ask the public for any tips that might help them find him. A police officer in Toronto involved in tracking child pornography around the world saw the broadcast and recognized Nicole as an older version of the girl in the notorious videos. The Toronto officer set off an alert that reached the police in Nicole's hometown, informing them that she was the victim in a major pornography-distribution case.<br /> The alert brought the local detective to Nicole's house on that December day, to confirm that she was in fact the girl in the pictures that circulated around the globe. "It was the worst moment of my life," Nicole said of seeing the pictures of herself. "In a way, I didn't remember it being that bad with my father—and then I saw that it was. Knowing that other people, all over, had seen me like that, I just froze. I could hear my mother crying, but I couldn't cry."<br /> Nicole's appearance on TV produced a tip that eventually led the police to arrest her father in Hong Kong. But by going public, she had inadvertently exposed her identity to thousands of men who for years had collected her images. On one Web site with an American flag design, on a thread that continued for four years, commenters described in detail the acts of rape and bondage Nicole had experienced. One called the videos "legendary." Another called her "an eager participant" because her father instructed her to smile and talk in the videos. "The fact remains that she is the most searched for, sought after and downloaded ever," a third commenter wrote. "There are hours of video out there. It's just too bad there are not more willing like her."<br /> For Nicole, knowing that so many men have witnessed and taken pleasure from her abuse has been excruciating. "You have an image of yourself as a person, but here is this other image," she told me. "You know it's not true, but all those other people will believe that it's you—that this is who you really are."<br /> Until the 1970s, magazines with titles like <em>Lolita</em> were rife with sexual images of minors and routinely sold alongside adult pornography at red-light bookstores. In 1978, Congress made child pornography illegal, and four years later, the Supreme Court <a href="?id=21490">upheld a state law</a> banning its sale. The court's decision changed the market along with the law. "The commercial distributors started to go out of business," said Kenneth Lanning, a retired F.B.I. agent who consulted on child pornography cases for decades. For a time, distribution and production plummeted. But then came the Internet. By the mid- to late 1990s, Lanning said, "there was a way for people seeking it to find each other and send images."<br /> A decade later, the Justice Department interviewed veteran experts like Lanning for a 2010 <a href="?id=9618">report</a>, and concluded that "the market—in terms of numbers of offenders, images and victims"—was growing to a degree described as "overwhelming" and "exponential." In the early-Web year of 1994, only 61 defendants were sentenced in federal court for child-pornography offenses; in 2011, 1,880 were, a 30-fold increase. The federal definition of child pornography extends to young people up to age 18, but the 2010 report noted that it had become more common for images to involve young children, as well as violence and sadism.<br /> Precise numbers of child-pornography viewers are hard to come by. Unicef estimates that there are at least hundreds of thousands of Web sites with child pornography worldwide. Child-pornography consumers are even more likely to swap with one another via hidden networks. Using a tool developed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 2009, police have logged close to 22 million public I.P. addresses offering child-pornography pictures or videos via peer-to-peer file sharing, which allows users to download content from one computer to another; almost 10 million of the I.P. addresses were located in the United States. Many of the users shared only a single illegal image, perhaps downloaded inadvertently, but others offered collections of hundreds or thousands of pictures.<br /> To gain access to a group of downloaders, a recent arrival may have to prove himself by delivering new material. Often this involves digitally altering an existing image, but in some cases, it can also mean seducing children to create new pictures to trade. The most desired series zoom around the Internet. "A lot of these guys have a collector's mentality," Lanning said. The pictures Nicole's father took became must-haves and went viral.<br /> For Nicole, knowing that her photos were circulating was an unrelenting burden. It was hard to concentrate at school and hard to forge new friendships. She stayed close to just a few friends from her church. Her family is deeply Christian—"I've found comfort in my faith," she says—and she was home-schooled for a few years as a younger child. Her friends from church were the only ones she told about her father. "Everyone else I held at arm's length," she told me when we met this summer at her lawyer's office. Nicole speaks deliberately and carefully, and on that day she was wearing an outfit that matched her coral nail polish and perfectly applied makeup. "But other kids found out after my father was charged. I remember walking down the hallways and thinking I could hear people saying, 'There's the girl who was raped by her dad.'"<br /> In her junior year, Nicole transferred to a community college with a program for students who wanted to earn an associate's degree while finishing high school. "At the time I'd have said I went for academic reasons, but looking back, it was also to isolate myself," she said.<br /> Late that spring, Nicole got a series of messages on Myspace from a man who said he had been looking for her for five years. He asked, "Want me to come visit u?" When Nicole blocked him, he wrote to one of her friends on Myspace, telling her that Nicole was a "porn star"—and sending two images. "That's when I fully realized what it meant for these pictures to be out there," Nicole said. "I couldn't get away from it, not really. I started getting paranoid and having nightmares."<br /> The man was arrested and went to prison, but Nicole couldn't avoid the knowledge that other men were still looking at the sexual photos of her young self. Later that year, she got a letter from the Victim Notification System at the Justice Department. Congress had passed a <a href="?id=26903">law</a> in 2004 mandating that crime victims receive notice every time a suspect is arrested or has a court appearance. The letter was addressed to Nicole's mother and stepfather because she hadn't yet turned 18; it informed them that a man in California had been arrested for possessing a pornographic photo of her. "It just sat there on the counter for days," Nicole remembered. "We didn't really know where to put it." More arrests followed and more letters—piles of them. "We stacked them in a laundry basket in a walk-in closet so I wouldn't have to see them," Nicole said. "Then there were more baskets, and we had to move them to the garage. It was really hard for me. I was still scared of my father, but I knew him. These other people, they were strangers, and there were so many of them."<br /> The piles of letters would eventually connect Nicole with another young woman who had also been abused and then lead them both to court. Back in April 1998, in one of the first investigations into Internet trafficking of child pornography, the F.B.I. started tracking an AOL user, with the handle HAZMAT029, who was posting on an AOL bulletin board service. HAZMAT029 sent 80 illegal pictures to another user, BMR169, along with e-mails that included the message: "do me a favor. get a peice [sic] of paper and wright HI HAZ on it and take a pic of her in nothing but stockings pulled down below her [genitals]." BMR169 e-mailed back pictures of a young girl, her shorts and underwear pulled to the side, sitting on a gray carpet in front of a wooden dresser. Next to her, a note read, "HI HAZ."<br /> The F.B.I. traced BMR's AOL account to a suburban house in a small town, and in October of that year, a team of agents arrived with a search warrant. In a basement bedroom, they found the gray carpet and the dresser. They also seized a computer full of illegal images, including pictures that showed the same girl being forced to give oral sex and being raped. The man the F.B.I. suspected was BMR wasn't home, so the agents showed the face of the child in the photos to his wife and his adult son. Did they recognize the girl?<br /> They did. As they spoke, one of the agents looked out the window of the house and saw the girl playing in the yard across the street. "It's something I'll never forget," he told me.<br /> Amy, as she's called in the court documents, was BMR's 9-year-old niece. Shown sanitized versions of the pictures, Amy denied that her uncle had abused her. She said he told her she was special and took her to buy treats like beef jerky, and she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. "How is he?" she asked her parents in the weeks after his arrest. "Is he going to be mad at me?"<br /> Over months of therapy, Amy began to talk about the abuse. "My mind has everything in it," she told her therapist, according to court records I read with her permission. She remembered her uncle trying to have sex with her—it hurt, and she pulled away. And she remembered, at his direction, chatting with men over the Internet about the photos he sent them.<br /> Amy's uncle pleaded guilty to one count of rape and two counts of child sexual abuse in state court and was sentenced to the minimum for each one, adding up to 12½ years in prison. In federal court, he pleaded guilty to one count of production of child pornography and received a 12-year sentence. Amy's current lawyer, James Marsh, says her parents were told the state and federal penalties would run consecutively, but instead, her uncle was allowed to serve the two at the same time.<br /> Amy was given a diagnosis of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder the year her uncle was sentenced, but she also asked to stop going to therapy—she told her parents that she didn't want to talk about the abuse anymore. Her mother, who worked in health care, and her father, a tradesman, blamed themselves for trusting Amy's uncle with her. For years Amy's mother barely spoke to Amy's aunt, who remained married to her husband, even though the sisters continued to live across the street from each other.<br /> As Amy grew up, she tried to push aside what had happened to her. Every few months, in middle school and high school, her parents would ask if she wanted to talk about it, and each time she would say no. "I was always thinking about it, but I wasn't ready to deal with how I felt," she says now. Amy threw herself into her social life, going out and drinking in the hills behind her house. Even to the friends who knew, it almost seemed as if the abuse hadn't happened.<br /> When she was 17, Amy received her first crime-victim notice from the Justice Department. "My mom said it was a mistake, because I was still a minor—the letter should have been addressed to her and my dad," she said. "But it had my name on it, and I never got mail, so I wanted to open it. My parents took me into their room and said we needed to have a talk." Amy's parents had never told her that her uncle had distributed images of her to other men. "It had been so long by then, eight years," she said. "They didn't know how to tell me."<br /> Amy's parents took her to see Marsh, who had started the public-interest Children's Law Center in Washington. At their first meeting, he explained to Amy that the letters meant her pictures had been traded countless times online. "I just felt so full of shame," Amy said. "I started wondering, Has he looked at them? He said he hadn't, and that made me feel better. But then I thought, Who has?"<br /> Marsh researched legal remedies for Amy. Combing through his casebooks, he found a provision in the Violence Against Women Act that he had never heard of before: it gave the victims of sex crimes, including child pornography, the right to restitution or compensation for the "full amount" of their losses. Enumerating what those losses could be, Congress listed psychiatric care, lost income and legal costs and concluded, "The issuance of a restitution order under this section is mandatory."<br /> The provision for restitution, enacted in 1994, had yet to be invoked in a case of child-pornography possession. The basis for such a claim wasn't necessarily self-evident: how could Amy prove that her ongoing trauma was the fault of any one man who looked at her pictures, instead of her uncle, who abused her and made the pornography?<br /> Marsh suggested that Amy see a forensic psychologist, Joyanna Silberg, who evaluated Amy and said she would need therapy throughout her life and could expect to work sporadically because of the likelihood of periodic setbacks. Silberg attributed these costs—Amy's damages—to her awareness of the ongoing downloading and viewing. "Usually, we try to help survivors of child sexual abuse make a very strong distinction between the past and the present," Silberg, who has given testimony on Amy's behalf for restitution hearings, told me. "The idea is to contain the harm: it happened then, and it's not happening anymore. But how do you do that when these images are still out there? The past is still the present, which turns the hallmarks of treatment on their head."<br /> Marsh put together a lifetime claim for Amy totaling almost $3.4 million. With the crime notices arriving in the mail, Marsh started tracking men charged with possession of her pictures. He looked, in particular, for wealthy defendants. He planned to use the concept of joint and several liability to argue that each defendant should be on the hook for the full amount of his client's damages—that is, for millions of dollars. Joint and several liability is often used in pollution cases: when several companies dump toxic waste in a lake over time, a plaintiff can go after the company with the deepest pockets, and a judge can hold that single company responsible for the entire cost of the cleanup—with the understanding that it's up to that polluter to sue the others to pay their share.<br /> In July 2008, Marsh learned about the arrest of Alan Hesketh, a former vice-president of Pfizer, who was charged with trading nearly 2,000 child-pornography photos online—among them four pictures of Amy. Marsh filed one of his first requests for restitution with the prosecution. Hesketh pleaded guilty, and his sentencing was scheduled for later that year.<br /> At the time of the Hesketh case, Amy was struggling. She was 19 and living with her boyfriend. She had enrolled at a local community college, but she drank too much to concentrate on studying. The crime-victim notices had stirred up the past for her, and she wasn't in regular therapy. "The last class I went to, there was this PowerPoint slide, something about child sexual abuse, and I thought, I can't do this," she told me as she sat in her kitchen smoking a cigarette. "It just brought everything back." Amy dropped out after that, without telling her parents. "I told myself I would just take a year off," she continued. "But you know, statisticwise, once you leave school, the chances you'll finish go down about 80 percent."<br /> Amy has a quick intelligence—she's a college dropout who can rattle off her own odds of going back—and asks lots of questions. She has focused her curiosity on the legal strategy that Marsh has pursued for her. When Hesketh was sentenced, Amy decided she would be there. "I kind of wanted to face my fear," she told me. She also wanted to prove a point: Hesketh was arguing, through his lawyer, that he had committed a victimless crime—a common defense in cases of child-pornography possession. "I thought, I want him to look at me and know that I'm not a picture; I'm a person," she said.<br /> In a federal courthouse in Bridgeport, Conn., in October 2008, Amy sat on the opposite side of the courtroom from Hesketh's family. The judge opened the proceedings by acknowledging that there was a victim in the courtroom. Amy listened as Hesketh's grown children asked the judge for mercy for their father. "His kids kept saying he was the best grandfather ever," she said. "And I was like: 'But you <em>know</em>. You know what he did.'"<br /> Then Hesketh took the stand. As Amy remembers it, he said, "I'm so sorry." Earlier, he said that "he hadn't hurt anyone," Amy told me. "Now he totally flipped around. I felt like I'd made an impact. It was like, 'He knows now.'"<br /> Hesketh was sentenced to 6½ years. Four months later, in an unprecedented move, the judge advised Hesketh to settle the restitution claim and he agreed to pay $130,000.<br /> Not long after, Amy found out she was pregnant. She wasn't sorry—at the time she had faith in her boyfriend, whom she had told about the abuse and the photos. But he was a heroin user and dealer, and he went to jail two months after their son was born. Amy started seeing another man who she says had a jealous streak and broke her nose, twice. He also broke her infant son's leg, she told me. She took the blame when he threatened her, and she had to give up custody to her mother for six months.<br /> As she recalled this time in her life, she took out her phone and scrolled through her photos until she found a close-up of her beaten face: lip split, one eye half-closed, nose swollen and cheek yellow with bruises. The young woman next to me had clear skin and bright eyes, and I had just watched her charm a police officer into calling us a cab. The girl in the photo was expressionless.<br /> Amy stared at the picture on her phone. "That was my normal," she said.<br /> Six months after Hesketh's sentencing, Marsh went after another child-pornography defendant, Arthur Staples, a 65-year-old sheriff's deputy in Virginia, who had chatted online with an undercover detective and expressed an interest in young children. Staples sent one image of a young girl (not Amy), and he was caught with more than 600 pictures on his computer, including hers. Staples agreed not to appeal any sentence or restitution judgment. The judge sentenced him to 17½ years, and made the unusual move of ordering him to pay all of Amy's claim. To Marsh's surprise, Staples turned out to have $2 million in assets. He has since paid $1.2 million to Amy. (Marsh says the government let Staples's wife keep part of the estate.) While Amy has been turned down for restitution by some courts, which have stated that there was not enough proof that any one man who viewed her pictures was responsible for the harm she has suffered, she has won more than 150 cases, totaling $1.6 million. Most of the amounts aren't large: $1,000 or even $100, paid out in checks as small as $7.33.<br /> Nicole has also been pursuing restitution. Her lawyer, Carol Hepburn, did her own research and got in touch with Marsh when she learned about the claims he was bringing for Amy. The two lawyers now collaborate on ideas and strategy, though they represent their clients separately. Since receiving her first check for $10,000, Nicole has collected more than $550,000, mostly in small amounts from 204 different men. So far only a few other child-pornography victims have gone to court for restitution. Many may not know there is a legal remedy; others don't know their images have circulated.<br /> The restitution checks gave Nicole a lift when they started to trickle in, but, like Amy, she had trouble with the transition into adulthood. In the fall of 2008, Nicole was attending a one-year bible college and working at an ice-cream shop. At work she felt increasingly self-conscious around male customers. Had they seen her pictures? Were they like the man who stalked her on Myspace—were any of them coming to the store because they knew? That spring, Nicole testified at her father's sentencing. She asked the judge to give him a long punishment, and her father was sent to prison for 50 years. Her roommates, one of whom was a friend from her childhood church, supported her. "But I didn't have a counselor there, and that was tough," she said. "I called my parents and said: 'I have to quit my job, and I need to come home. I feel like I'm going crazy.'"<br /> During her first few weeks at home, Nicole slept all day in her childhood bedroom and stayed up late watching sitcoms like <em>Sabrina</em> and <em>The Nanny</em>. Finally, she started counseling and was able to get a job doing administrative work at a nuclear-waste site. That June, she testified at the sentencing hearing of four child-pornography defendants caught with her images, hoping to gather strength from speaking out. Instead, the experience made her feel exposed.<br /> More than a year later, in the fall of 2010, she left for a four-year college away from home. She was worried about being on her own, but she wanted to try. "I push myself," she told me. "I don't like to say something is too much for me." Like Amy, however, she took a psychology course, about child development, that brought up unbearable memories. During lectures, she began going blank. "All of a sudden class would be over, and I would be like, 'What happened?'" she said. She started skipping class for fear of continuing to disassociate.<br /> Nicole, who wasn't in counseling at the time, failed all but two of her courses that spring. "I just totally broke down," she said. "I'd come home and sit in the same position and stare into space, and then I'd look at the clock, and it was six hours later." Nicole talked about this period of her life with Hepburn and me over dinner one night last summer. She showed us a tattoo on her right wrist: a heart sheltered by wings that she got after her father's sentencing. She also learned to make tattoos, and she took out her phone to show us a picture of the first one she created, an anchor with a rope curled around it. "My cousin is a tattoo artist, and he taught me," she said. "We grew up together, and he was a very easy person to hang out with during that bad time. I'd go over to his place, and he'd be drawing, and he said, 'You're into design, you could do this.' When I tried I felt this release of emotions. We started drawing for hours to music—Tom Petty, Cake, everything. You have to learn how to go smoothly and keep the same pressure on the line the whole time. I drew anchors over and over again on grapefruit. I'd been numb for months, and now I could feel again. I actually felt joy."<br /> In the fall of 2011, Nicole transferred to a campus closer to her family. She made her way through her course work by avoiding subject matter that upset her and by allowing for her own limitations. "I had to accept that, because I have this extra stressor, I get overwhelmed by things that other people can do," she said.<br /> Nicole decided to spare herself going to court, so she wasn't in El Paso, in September 2011, for the sentencing of Luis Enriquez-Alonso, a student at the University of Texas. He agreed to plead guilty after being caught with thousands of illegal videos and images, including Nicole's, on his computer. At the hearing, Enriquez-Alonso and his parents listened while the prosecutor read into the record a statement Nicole wrote about what it is like to know men are looking at her pictures: "After all these years and going to different counselors, I still haven't learned the trick to let my mind rest," Nicole wrote. "When I do sleep, my dreams are vivid and I remember them for weeks. A common theme is finding myself naked in front of a crowd of people or in an enclosed space and I can't escape or run away fast enough."<br /> That day, without a court order, Enriquez-Alonso's family handed over a check for $150,000, along with an expression of remorse. "That really touched me," Nicole said, "that his family wanted to make sure that I was taken care of, that I could get all the counseling I need. Most of the time when I get restitution, there's no story behind it. I feel like they're forced to give the money. In this case, they wanted to do it, and there were words behind it, kind words." Enriquez-Alonso, who faced a maximum of 10 years in prison, is serving 5.<br /> Study after study links child sexual abuse to psychological trauma, addiction and violent relationships in adulthood. There is almost no research, however, that deals with the specifics of Amy and Nicole's experiences: What additional harm comes from knowing that pictures of your childhood exploitation are circulating widely?<br /> The Supreme Court actually addressed this question in its 1982 decision upholding child-pornography bans. "Pornography poses an even greater threat to the child victim than does sexual abuse or prostitution," Justice Byron White wrote, quoting from a book about abused children. "Because the child's actions are reduced to a recording, the pornography may haunt him in future years, long after the original misdeed took place."<br /> David Finkelhor, a sociologist who directs the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, sees the moral weight of the Supreme Court's proclamation, but not the empirical proof. "The evidence doesn't yet tell us to what extent the experience of being a pornography victim aggravates the experience of the sexual abuse itself," he told me. "How do you separate it out?"<br /> Courts have disagreed on this question. In at least a dozen cases, defendants have appealed restitution decisions and mostly won. In five of those cases, federal appeals courts have expressed skepticism that Amy and Nicole should receive more than nominal restitution. Two other appeals courts have allowed the young women to recover from individual defendants as members of the group of viewers but, so far, only for amounts of $10,000 or less. (Amy collected a far greater sum from Arthur Staples because he waived his right to appeal.)<br /> Last spring, the legal battle was focused on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which covers Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. One panel of three judges upheld full restitution to Amy of millions of dollars from a Texas man. Based on that decision, a second three-judge panel affirmed a separate $529,000 restitution order for Amy against a New Orleans defendant, but voiced its fundamental disagreement with the original ruling. To address the dispute, 15 Fifth Circuit judges gathered last May for a hearing in New Orleans. James Marsh and Carol Hepburn were there along with Amy; Nicole chose not to go. Amy knew this was the most significant hearing to date, and she wanted to show the judges that she was real, just as she had shown Alan Hesketh.<br /> At the lectern to argue her side was Paul G. Cassell, a former federal judge who teaches law at the University of Utah. Cassell is a staunch conservative (he challenged the right to a Miranda warning before the Supreme Court), and Marsh and Hepburn, both Democrats, were surprised at first to be allied with him. But as a leading advocate for victims' rights, Cassell sees in Amy's claims a chance to lay the groundwork for broader change.<br /> For 30 years, the victims'-rights movement has fought for a larger role for victims in criminal prosecutions. Victims have gained the right to make statements in court about the impact a crime has had on them, which judges can take into account in determining punishment. Restitution remains an ambitious next step. The standard context is crime involving financial loss—a bank robber ordered to return stolen money to the bank or an embezzler who must repay the employer he defrauded. Cassell sees Amy and Nicole's cases as a route to expand the idea. "I'd like to pursue the concept of total restitution for all victims, for whatever crimes and losses a defendant has caused," Cassell told me. "This is a good opportunity to show how it can work."<br /> In the courtroom, Cassell linked the defendants to the network for child-pornography distribution. "What the defendants have done is collect images of an 8-year-old girl being bound, raped and sodomized," he said. "If you participate in a market, you become responsible for that market." The lawyer for the New Orleans defendant disagreed. She argued that there was no proof that her client, in particular, had harmed Amy—no way to show that his viewing of her images caused damage. She also called the restitution order for $529,000 "grossly disproportionate to his culpability relative to other people who have abused Amy."<br /> Michael Rotker, the lawyer for the department, told the court that the problem with the restitution awards was that there was no statutory authority for joint and several liability—nothing in the law, as Congress wrote it, which allowed a victim to recover a large award from one defendant who could then seek to recoup those losses by suing other defendants. Instead, Rotker argued, each defendant could be held responsible only for a small and roughly equal fraction of the whole. He offered this hypothetical example: if 200 men were convicted of possessing Amy's images, and her claim for damages totaled $3 million, then a judge would have discretion to order a defendant to pay restitution of $15,000 to $30,000.<br /> As the lawyers spoke, Amy's eyes filled with tears. "Some of it was hard to listen to," she told me later. "But my therapist said to think of it as a store, with different compartments you can take out and put back. She said, 'When you were a little girl, you had to compartmentalize to deal with everything you went through.' So I can still do that now, and sometimes it's good, I guess."<br /> At one point in the proceedings, Judge Emilio Garza stopped Cassell, not to challenge him, but to pick up on his theme. "It seems to me that we're in this brave new world, where not only was there an actual rape, but I'm going to suggest to you there is a continuing digitized rape," the judge said. "Possession of the digitized recording of the rape contributes to the system, contributes to the economic benefit of those who produced this thing."<br /> The judges would not announce their decision for several months, but at the end of the hearing, Amy focused on what Garza said that day. "To hear that from a judge—I couldn't believe it," she told me. "It was so relieving. It was like he really got it. He understood."<br /> Just six weeks after Amy got home from New Orleans, her uncle was released from prison after completing his concurrent 12-year sentences. Amy says she was greatly relieved when her aunt told her that she wouldn't allow him in the house. Instead, he was paroled nearby. When Marsh texted to give her the address, Amy happened to be only a few blocks from it. "I almost dropped the phone," she said. "Oh, my God, it was just so weird. I thought, He's got binoculars, he's looking for me. I thought the worst." Marsh reminded her that if her uncle contacted her, he would go back to prison. And also that she was an adult now and safe from her uncle's [abusiveness toward children].<br /> Last month, while standing in line at Wal-Mart with her brother and a friend, Amy saw a man who she thought was her uncle looking at her. "I wasn't positive because I haven't seen him for so long," she said. "But as soon as I made eye contact, I didn't breathe." Was she being paranoid? She couldn't tell. The man seemed to follow them out of the store. As they got into her car, the man stopped to light a cigarette, and she thought he was staring at them. "It was very, very scary," she said.<br /> Today, a sentence like the one Amy's uncle received—with no additional prison time for a federal conviction for pornography production and distribution—is extremely rare. The penalties for distributing or receiving pornography have become harsher. Receiving one illegal photo carries a mandatory minimum penalty of five years. The number of images a defendant downloads increases the punishment, as does his use of a computer. Now that large volumes of data stream with a click, the average recommended prison term for possession has jumped to 10 years, even if a defendant has no criminal record and there is no evidence that he produced or distributed porn. Because some child sexual abuse cases still end in relatively low penalties in state court, there's a paradox: defendants who look at sexual pictures of children can spend more years in prison than people who abuse children but don't have pornography of them.<br /> The United States Sentencing Commission held hearings last February to discuss whether the punishment for child-pornography offenders has become both disproportionate and unfair—with people who committed similar crimes receiving vastly different penalties, based on the subjective decisions of judges. Restitution was discussed even though the prevailing view is that technically it isn't considered part of punishment. Its purpose is to "make the victim whole," as the legal phrase goes. "Simply put, an innocent victim should not suffer financial losses from a crime—the defendant should make good on those losses," Cassell said.<br /> But Douglas Berman, an Ohio State University law professor who writes a frequently cited <a href="?id=24140">blog</a> about sentencing, argues that the commission could rethink the role of restitution. In some cases, restitution could be considered commensurate to prison time—and courts could recommend shorter sentences for child-pornography collectors who agree to compensate victims based on their ability to pay. Berman thinks the key to making this leap is adopting the point of view of the victim. "Victims are shrewder than most prosecutors about the diminishing returns of long incarceration," he said. "They want perpetrators to serve some time. They want these men's lives disrupted, and they want the deterrence that helps protect other people. But they're often wise enough to realize that there's not much gain in deterrence from a 5 or 10 year sentence to 15 years. If victims are saying that restitution is as, or more, important to them than five extra years, I very much think the sentencing commission and Congress should listen."<br /> When I asked Amy about such a trade-off, she supported it. Nicole had mixed feelings: she liked the idea of greater incentives for restitution, but she wasn't sure about giving up longer punishments, given how easy it would be for someone to leave prison and go back to downloading child pornography. Cassell says that using restitution in this way could have value. "If it makes the perpetrators internalize how they've hurt the victims—if it makes them see there are real victims—then you deter them from doing this again when they get out," he said.<br /> Berman also favors a proposal that has been discussed at the Justice Department: a general compensation fund that would systematically collect restitution from child-pornography offenders and pay it out to victims like Amy and Nicole based on the harm they suffered and the costs they've incurred because of it. A compensation fund could give more victims the financial means to put their lives back together. And it could force more defendants to reckon with the children in the pictures and with their own role in supporting a market that depends on abuse.<br /> Restitution has allowed Amy and Nicole to get the counseling they need, but receiving large sums can be complicated. When Amy received her $130,000 check from Alan Hesketh, she went on shopping sprees at the mall, splurging at stores like Abercrombie & Fitch. She had never been able to earn a steady paycheck, and the money was a sudden windfall. By the time the $1.2 million check came last spring, she was more considered. She didn't want to stand out in her small town. Last summer, she bought a modest three-bedroom house a few miles from her childhood home, where her mother and brothers still live.<br /> Amy has also discovered that she likes giving money away—to her mother for a new deck, to a close friend who wanted kitchen cabinets she couldn't otherwise afford. It's her way of dealing with the discomfort of having resources that people around her don't and repaying those who helped her along the way.<br /> 1/<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=8076"> chronic-venting </a> to <a href="?id=18124"> Prevention </a> <span><a href="?id=14204">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=23451">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.03.21 18:59 <i style="color:green;">fazulk</i> <b>Vue 2 Converter</b></p> <p><div class="md">Hello Vue reddit! <br /> Here is a tool created to upgrade existing options API to using composition api script setup. At the moment its only setup if pinia is your store (or no store of course)<br /> demo: <a href="?id=419"></a> src: <a href="?id=9005"></a><br /> This can be very beneficial if you are attempting to upgrade your app to vue 3. The course i took was <br /> 1) upgrade vuex to pinia 2) convert all existing sfc's to composition api 3) upgrade 2 > 3<br /> If you are looking for something that can convert vuex, you can use the original repo here - <a href="?id=13230"></a> . Note - it doest not support script setup only setup()<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=11579"> fazulk </a> to <a href="?id=14343"> vuejs </a> <span><a href="?id=13464">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=22926">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2023.01.27 03:20 <i style="color:green;">Lightixer</i> <b>Updated List of Bad Things She's Done</b></p> <p><div class="md">I'm not sure which sub had a special list like this, but I think it was a few months old, so I'll be making another list of bad things Eugenia has done as a more updated, modern version. If I miss anything because it happens let me know and I'll edit the post, and maybe try to edit it as things go along and it could be used as a good resource. I'll try to provide evidence for most of these, but some of these are hard / obscure things to get clips / screenshots of so if you find any of those as well I can also add to this.<br /> Before I begin here is the theme song I am using to get through this: <a href="?id=26907"></a><br /> Now, onto the list:<br /> <ul> <li>Constantly <a href="?id=28705">flashes</a> on her live streams and Youtube videos while pretending she does not do it on purpose.</li> <li>Makes the same argument talking points as Onision, by saying kids wear underwear and see underwear at Victoria's Secret and the same kind of thing at the beach.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney went to a Dolls Kill store and she filmed a video with an employee there and ended up <a href="?id=27135">exposing the employee who accidentally flashed</a>. She then didn't understand why people have a problem with it.</li> <li>When Jeffree Star was being called out for <a href="?id=3970">sexual abuse / sexual violence</a>, Eugenia did not care and continued buying his products. When informed about the situation she <a href="?id=7434">immediately doubted the victim and denied it happening</a>. She defends herself when she gets criticized for this by just saying she's against <a href="?id=14357">cancel culture</a>. She does the exact same thing with Shane Dawson's situation, as she loves both of them.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney had a <a href="?id=28118">predatory discord server / even worse community back in the day</a>. She even had a mod back in the day that was a registered child molester and frequently talked about being a felon. He used his real face. He had contact with all kinds of people in Eugenia's community and at all ages, and Phancakes, a young person who came forward about Eugenia when he was 16 about things that happened to him at 14, has said this felt extra violating to find out the person he was reporting to all along about bad people in Eugenia's community <a href="?id=19039">diddled kids himself</a>. Extra context back in <a href="?id=28432">the day here.</a></li> <li>Even some of her mods were frustrated about how they weren't able to <a href="?id=29702">ban some of the creeps in her chat because of her leniency</a>.</li> <li>Eugenia still lurks on Phancakes social medias, and Phancakes recently came forward about 2 other predators / groomers surrounding him from her audience back in the day, both connected to each other. <a href="?id=25397">One.</a> <a href="?id=6469">Two.</a> Phancakes also made a thread on twitter with <a href="?id=26233">just the evidence from the video so its easier to see</a> and Eugenia, on her live stream was donated to talk about Phancakes. In this live stream clip, <strong>Two</strong>, who once claimed to be a victim of Eugenia's community and used to be active on both of the reddits herself, was talking with Eugenia in her chat after seeing the donation. Eugenia said she saw all the things "happening on twitter" (which was the evidence being posted) and said she felt SORRY for <strong>Two, as Two is a "SwEeT pErSOn WhO doESnT dEsErVe thAt."</strong> This is the <a href="?id=29113">full clip of that interaction where she acknowledges she has seen a lot between Phan and Two.</a></li> <li>Eugenia Cooney has went after Phancakes when it came out, and was willing to read out their usernames. She defended her discord and said there wasn't a problem, only deleting it when content creators started getting involved. Phancakes was banned and is still banned for speaking forward, and even though he doesn't want to be unbanned, he should have never been banned in the first place.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney had a discord mod that offered to be a young person's <a href="?id=5940">weight loss coach.</a></li> <li>Friends with veeoneeye who is a confirmed CREEP and doesn't care. from <a href="?id=24449">u/g0remi</a> "just to add on veeoneeye, he's a rapist and a groomer. victim <a href="?id=13051">1</a> and victim <a href="?id=5559">2</a>. jason (veeoneeye) has also admitted to doing these things but has since deleted the video. <a href="?id=9395">this video</a> has a clip from the video. "</li> <li>Eugenia targets kids with her content with various hauls like <a href="?id=29480">Spongebob</a>, <a href="?id=11152">Halloween Costumes</a>, <a href="?id=8918">Powerpuff Girls</a>, <a href="?id=9783">Vocaloid</a>, <a href="?id=22963">anime</a>, <a href="?id=24969">Frozen</a>, and <a href="?id=29882">Barbie</a>.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney "doesn't know what to think" about <a href="?id=27157">Andrew Tate.</a></li> <li>Eugenia cooney has been <a href="?id=25185">racist (ignore this weirdo clip channel calling it funny)</a>.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney talks over racism happening, as she talked over a black woman during the peak of BLM.</li> <li>She pretended to stop supporting Dolls Kill after awhile because of their racism, but went back to buying from them once BLM was no longer trendy.</li> <li>Eugenia cooney defended Kanye West saying <a href="?id=8080">He loved Hitler</a>.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney followed someone for awhile because they were a fan of her even though he had swastikas in his bio because he was a fan of her. She unfollowed him eventually and blocked him from her Younow Streams (she blocked very few people and there was no mods on YouNow so honestly her community was even more of a cesspool pre discord/twitch) when he exploited <strong>Two</strong> and an unnamed victim after some pressuring. Allegedly a group had to form to pressure eugenia on Twitter to ban the child molester mod as well.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney doesn't care to vote which shows her privilege.</li> <li>Eugenia Cooney hates to be held <a href="?id=5041">accountable and even HATES the word.</a></li> <li>Eugenia Cooney is covert pro ana: She's confessed to her <a href="?id=8532">weight before</a></li> <li>She makes sure to masks her symptoms which makes her seem like she can be this way but still have <a href="?id=19716">her hair</a> which is an example of how she is so dangerous with how she presents</li> <li>she uses the blue butterfly and <a href="?id=29460">defends it</a></li> <li>she went on Shane Dawson's channel to lie about having a <a href="?id=29150">recovery when she didn't have to do that, yes Eugenia even though a LaWYeR foRcED yOU to SaY thEsE thIngS you didnt have to hire one in the first place and come back at all</a></li> <li>she fear mongers what it was like to go through recovery, saying thousands of calories are "a lot"</li> <li>She tries to make it seem cute she doesn't know what certain foods are that she never tried so she never tried anything</li> <li>She doesn't understand why people say she lied when <a href="?id=746">she lied and had a heavy rehearsed script for when she came back to the internet</a>.</li> <li>She doesn't care when people tell her she seriously negatively impacts thousands of people, including kids who don't know any better.</li> <li>She encourages the idea her body is healthy for her but not for everyone, but still makes it out like she is healthy. Shes <a href="?id=24425">"underweight"</a></li> <li>Made a video with her mom downplaying <a href="?id=26020">COVID</a></li> </ul> ​<br /> That's all I can think for now but yeah comment more if you have any.<br /> ​<br /> Me the whole time:<br /> <del>Welcome to my fiestaPuss in BootsTo all, a heroTo all, a legendWho’s brave and ready for trouble? (You are, you are)Who’s so unbelievably humble? (You are, you are)Who’s the gato who rolls the diceAnd gambles with his life?Who is your favorite fearless hero?Who is your favorite fearless hero?Puss in Boots! Oh way oh, oh wayOh way oh, wayPuss in Boots! Oh, ohPuss in Boots!Ha-ha!Puss in Boots!He’s the vein of justiceTo all, a heroFighting for the peopleTo all, a legendPuss in Boots!Puss in Boots?Puss in Boots!Puss in Boots!Oh way oh, oh wayOh way oh, wayOh way oh, oh wayOh way oh (I love that song, bravo! Ha-ha!)Who’s ready for trouble? (You are, you are )Who’s unbelievably humble? (You are, you are)Who’s never been touched by a blade? (You are, you are)Puss in Boots is never afraid! (You are, you are)Who is your favorite fearless hero?Who is your favorite fearless hero?Who is your favorite fearless hero?Who is your favorite fearless hero?Puss in Boots!Oh way oh, oh wayOh way oh, wayPuss in Boots!Oh way oh, oh way(Who is your favorite fearless hero?) Oh way oh, way(Puss in Boots! Ha-ha-ha!) Oh, oh(Puss in Boots!) Oh way oh, oh wayOh way oh, way(Puss in Boots!) Oh way oh, oh way(Who is your favorite fearless hero?) Oh way oh, wayOh, wayOh</del><br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=27077"> Lightixer </a> to <a href="?id=18165"> EUGENIACOONEYY </a> <span><a href="?id=16607">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=10928">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.11.07 07:26 <i style="color:green;">PorscheDriver2B</i> <b>I wrote a PHP to back-up your check-ins into a csv</b></p> <p><div class="md">Title pretty much says it all. People assume the Internet is forever, but it's really not, as there has been plenty of media permanently lost (see Myspace). I personally have 13 years of Foursquare/Swarm checkins, numbering about 15,000, and I'd be gutted if I lost them. And with Foursquare turning their focus away from the product, I decided to write a script to save it locally.<br /> The script grabs your check-ins and saves them in a CSV. My 15,000 or so checkins contain about 30 megabytes of information.<br /> You will see in the script there are a LOT of fields that are saved in their database, the vast majority of which probably are of no interest to you. You can simply delete the fields in the array that are of no use to you.<br /> Additionally I cannot guarantee this is the entirety of the data that Swarm keeps in their database. These are the fields that appear once in my checkins; it's very possible that there are some that never appeared in my checkins.<br /> Source: <a href="?id=19624"></a><br /> How to use:<br /> You need to update the $user_id and $oauth variables at the very top.<br /> To find the right values:<br /> Go to the Foursquare site and login: <a href="?id=21742"></a> On the top right is your profile pic and a drop down menu. Click on account<br /> The url is <a href="?id=20733"></a> where the XXXXXX are some numbers. That's your user id. Set $user_id = XXXXXX;<br /> Assuming you are in Chrome, go up to the URL bar and click on the secure lock to the immediate left of the url. Click "Cookies." Expand -> Cookies and scroll down a bit until you see oauth_token. Copy the contents and set $oauth = "[paste contents]";. The oauth_token should be about 48 letters of what appears to be alphanumeric gibberish. If it ends in -0 or something similar, you can try to delete those last 2 letters (may not be necessary).<br /> Should be able to run php -f script.php from there. It will save the results in a comma delimited file called swarm-[user id].csv.<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=25005"> PorscheDriver2B </a> to <a href="?id=25811"> Foursquare </a> <span><a href="?id=2748">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=25851">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.10.30 03:04 <i style="color:green;">alxinwonderland</i> <b>Language to start with if I want to work in defi/Web3?</b></p> <p><div class="md">Hi! So, I trade crypto and work on defi projects as a team member but would like to get into the solidity and programming side of things. <br /> If I have no prior background in coding, what language should I start out with? (I used basic HTML back in myspace days, though. Haha.) I know I should learn JavaScript as a precursor to solidity, but if I'm starting with no coding knowledge, should I fully learn HTML or any other language first? Or just dive head first into JavaScript? <br /> I'm looking to write contracts on ETH and BSC and eventually build dapps and websites. Also, where can I find the basic concepts and fundamentals of code? TIA<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=26056"> alxinwonderland </a> to <a href="?id=11354"> learnprogramming </a> <span><a href="?id=10412">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=5446">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.10.28 20:58 <i style="color:green;">kevinjunpalma11</i> <b>5 Things I Miss from the Days Before the Internet</b></p> <p><div class="md">The late 90's and 2000's is my childhood. This was also the days when the internet is still developing. The internet exactly isn't new here in this country in SE Asia. It started getting popular around ~2006 here, but you still have to go to the computer cafes. It is not that this is just a nostalgia-fueled post, I am aware that those "simple times" aren't really that good, but for those who like to reminisce, here are <strong>five things</strong> I miss from those days:<br /> <strong>#1 - Libraries and Books: We lost the sense of curiosity and fascination in learning</strong><br /> Back then, when I want to learn about dinosaurs, I will read a book. Of course, a book can only contain limited information. So if I have a question I will have to refer to another book, and then another. If Collier isn't enough, I'll read Britannica, or World Book. I compile my "discoveries" on a notebook, and I often examine stuff when there are discrepancies in my sources. And you know, most of my peers are doing the same for their interests, whether it is analyzing Manga Magazines for their fan theories, or studying music by comparing different guitar books.<br /> Retention is longer because of the sheer effort we are forced to do in studying - and <em>there is the sense of wonder and discovery I believe using Wikipedia nor Google can never achieve</em>. An average Wikipedia article is just too daunting to read, compare with a shorter article, although I am not discounting the advantages of this Wiki/Google, I observed (in some of my students now) how they just copy-paste ideas without question or checking.<br /> <strong>#2 - Mobile Games: We now only care about winning</strong><br /> Can you imagine the sheer awe of players when first exploring the world of Pokemon, Mario, or Zelda? How did they come up with the walk throughs? How did they discovered the secret path ways? Remember Snake? Space Impact? Bookworm? Zuma? Age of Empires? WC3? Counter Strike? Yup, they practically pioneered modern gaming.<br /> Their graphics are bad. Modern graphics is infinitely better. However, like what I mentioned above, the sheer fun of discovery and wonder has been lost. There are so many resources now (like Wikia Fandom), and time itself becomes too fast, learning curves too steep, player bases too toxic and competitive that the <em>only fun we can get now is no longer the "playing," but the "winning."</em> Don't get me started on the predatory ads and monetization and the gacha and the intentionally addictive designs.<br /> <strong>#3 - Movies: The sheer volume of films made them forgettable and jading</strong><br /> There are 3 ways to watch movies then - 1) via Cinema, 2) via VCDs (and later, DVDs) 3) via TV. Back then you have to go to your neighbor to watch a movie together; or to borrow CD's. Going to the cinema is really a special moment.<br /> For me, the main thing that changed that is lost nowadays with Youtube and Streaming Sites is <em>appreciation</em>. You get to appreciate something you own because of novelty. Most have forgotten about the Disney films from 3+ years ago like Luca, Onward and Raya but can recite the entire script of The Incredibles or Mulan by heart. Most have already forgotten recent cartoons and anime but can still remember the plot of Spongebob or Naruto episodes. <em>The oversaturation of content allows independent content creators to thrive, but it also makes the audience too jaded to care.</em><br /> <strong>#4 - Series: When people take time to analyze</strong><br /> I'll state my thesis that older series, both live-action and animated, especially the Western ones, are overall better. Creative and technological constraints made them less reliant on CGI, word-of-mouth makes less reliant on gimmicks. Since parents usually have time to talk with children, a lot of them also avoided adding sex and drugs and mature topics, or else, censor them. And since politics is not divided, creators are not playing with the virtue crowd by adding random "representation" or "empowerment" for no good reason but to cash in with the Twitter crowd.<br /> No. <em>It's just you and your family or friends discussing theories and "what happens next?"</em>. And since they only appear once a week or once per day, there is no opportunity to binge-watch it. And creators are not drowned by the sheer amount of competition, that is why they can create more innovative and longer series. If One Piece would appear nowadays, it will most likely get a lackluster reception because of its length.<br /> <strong>#5 - Old Internet: We lost our patience and tolerance</strong><br /> Playing WC3 DotA or LoL or Counter Strike? Expect lags. Keep your rage in check. You have to pause Youtube to "collect" downloaded data, even for a 4-minute video. Creators are not chasing the monetization that they are forced to do 10-minute videos where they make stupid and illegal pranks for clout. Most of old Youtube is just grainy short videos of people with emo hair randomly doing their high school stuff, singing, making skits. Prior to Facebook, there is Friendster and Myspace, I haven't tried those though - but FB used to be about sharing your photos with friends and family, and telling short stories in your updates, not the political/commercial platform it has becaome. I can still remember MP3 Skull, that is where you can download songs for free. It is still fun to remember when as teens we share around those songs and small videos via bluetooth. You get to appreciate and remember those songs more - unlike now - where songs which are always about sex and drugs with matching music videos are forgotten after 1 hour. Let us not forget how social media like Twitter promoted hate and divisions because the hive mentality of the activists that hijacked these platforms and made everything about them and their politics and gender and beliefs.<br /> Yeah, the internet may have become faster, but <em>it also distorted time so much that we are no longer patient nor tolerant.</em> We cannot tolerate lag. We cannot tolerate walls of texts. We cannot tolerate people from another race, gender, sexual orientation or religion, and they cannot tolerate us either. What we can tolerate are those mindless, low-quality entertainment like pictures with funny captions we call memes. We just want those short, punchy, 280-character limit Twitter bigotry with hashtags.<br /> <strong>Most importantly, social interactions.</strong> This is a problem of society in general, but social media only accentuates this. People are becoming more vain, less altruistic, attention-seeking. True friends are rarer, relationships are ever more fragile. People are more insecure, lonely, and stressed. I can use the development of the internet as the symbol of this deterioration. We may have progressed, but we regressed as well. We gained a lot, but lost a lot as well.<br /> <blockquote> "Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a <em>chasing after the wind. For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief</em>. - Ecclesiastes 1:17, 18"<br /> </blockquote> So I hereby have my books and encyclopedias prepared again, downloaded lots of movies, songs, and series, and will begin my break from the internet once more. I hope you also reach your same goals in this regard, and may you also have peace and sound mental health.<br /> Goodbye everyone.<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=25437"> kevinjunpalma11 </a> to <a href="?id=20055"> nosurf </a> <span><a href="?id=3142">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=18404">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.10.27 21:50 <i style="color:green;">Gallionella</i> <b>ALLS3A</b></p> <p><div class="md">Germany Generated So Much Renewable Power, Electricity Prices Went Negative <a href="?id=8963"></a><br /> Tent camping could lead to flame retardant exposure <a href="?id=11202"></a><br /> Johns Hopkins study of 1,391 mother-child pairs finds that too high folate levels during pregnancy doubles risk of autism. Combined elevated folate and B12 levels increase the risk 17 times. <a href="?id=9329"></a><br /> A natural label may confuse consumers, boasting of being a healthier choice than other foods, even organic ones. “Consumers attribute all sorts of benefits to the term — no antibiotics, no artificial colors, no GMOs, no synthetic pesticides. Organic means all those things but ‘natural’ does not.” <a href="?id=10184"></a><br /> Researchers found that your subconscious Thoughts and beliefs can actually cause molecular changes In your genes <a href="?id=17924"></a><br /> AI Teaching Assistant Helped Students Online—and No One Knew the Difference <a href="?id=1295"></a> <br /> a simple trick could help extend laptop battery life by up to 50 per cent - by switching the browser you use when surfing the web.<br /> Developers behind browser Opera said they have introduced a new power-saving mode to the software. <a href="?id=3143"></a><br /> study participants who reported eating seafood less than once a week experienced more rapid memory decline than those who ate at least one seafood meal per week. <a href="?id=24646"></a><br /> If your job, or simply your state of mind, depends on feeling empathy for others, you might want to reconsider reaching for the Tylenol the next time you have a headache. <a href="?id=28896"></a><br /> It's not just Aristolochia either -data released in March showed that, over the past five years, herbal supplements have been linked to at least six organ transplants in Australia, with a link being identified between green tea supplements and liver failure. <a href="?id=9233"></a><br /> But psychologists believe 'tweaking' the retail environment to match different personality types could be used as a means to make retailers spend even more.<br /> A new study claims levels of self-control may be linked to the environment we're in, and that taking people out of their comfort zone can alter their levels of self-control. <a href="?id=15531"></a><br /> Fake Jellyfish and Other (Fake) Chinese Delicacies <a href="?id=13959"></a><br /> Study Develops Strategies for Online Persuasion <a href="?id=2265"></a><br /> However, a high-calorie diet and a large consumption of sweet carbonated drinks reduces the microbiome's biodiversity, which can negatively impact one's health. Overall, about 126 various external factors can influence the microbiome. <a href="?id=15559"></a><br /> Benefits Of Honey Extend To Killing Bacterial Infections; Sugar And Bee Proteins Are The Fighters <a href="?id=14191"></a><br /> New study suggests rethink of dementia causes <a href="?id=1889"></a><br /> You Can’t Talk About Robots Without Talking About Basic Income <a href="?id=15984"></a><br /> The original source for International Cost-of-Living Comparisons <a href="?id=14399"></a><br /> The constant threat of breaches, surveillance, and online data collection stopped almost half of American households from doing business and expressing opinions online last year, according to a new survey from the U.S. Department of Commerce. <a href="?id=13096"></a><br /> Researchers say cellphones don't give you cancer; expert not convinced <a href="?id=6734"></a><br /> “We knew horseradish had health benefits, but in this study, we were able to link it to the activation of certain detoxifying enzymes for the first time,” says U of I crop scientist Mosbah Kushad.<br /> Kushad’s research team had previously identified and quantified the compounds responsible for the cancer-fighting compounds, known as glucosinolates, in horseradish, noting that horseradish contains approximately 10 times more glucosinolates than its superfood cousin, broccoli. <a href="?id=19744"></a><br /> there are also foods that can increase inflammation. According to the Arthritis Foundation, they include anything containing high levels of sugar, saturated fats, trans fats, omega 6 fatty acids, refined carbohydrates, MSG, gluten and casein, aspartame, and alcohol. <a href="?id=5585"></a><br /> And regardless of the benefits and risks of nanoparticles in infant formula, parents have a right to know what’s in the products they’re feeding their children. In Europe, food ingredients must be legally labeled if they are nanoscale. In the U.S., there is no such requirement, leaving American parents to feel somewhat left in the dark by producers, the FDA and policy makers. <a href="?id=3009"></a><br /> At high intensity of light (as in a well-lit office) nearly 80% of the patients reported intensification of headache -- in all colours but green. Burstein and his colleagues found, unexpectedly, that green light actually reduced their pain by about 20%. <a href="?id=11589"></a><br /> Using exercise to reduce glutamate build-up in the brain <a href="?id=6146"></a><br /> “Working memory is increasingly recognized as a crucial cognitive skill, and these findings are great news for people looking for a fun way to boost their working memory.”<br /> The study had 72 people running either barefoot of with shoes for about 15 minutes. <a href="?id=19767"></a><br /> temp... The awesome beauty of the Milky Way, in one enormous image <a href="?id=10555"></a><br /> temp... Exercise, more than diet, key to preventing obesity <a href="?id=13435"></a><br /> 1-----The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have just released a report, The Abstract: Did the committee reach a fundamental conclusion on whether GE crops are "good" or "bad"?<br /> Gould: No, the committee did not reach such a conclusion.<br /> If there's no straightforward answer on such a fundamental question, what is the value of the report? Why is it important? Gould: Good question. Maybe the greatest value in the report is pointing out that there is no straightforward answer. There has been a polarization of public opinion on GE crops, and please remember that researchers are not immune to such polarization. <a href="?id=15927"></a><br /> VS<br /> 2-----SHOCK: GM crops are good for you and the planet, reckon boffins..The National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, .....<br /> <a href="?id=19802"></a><br /> 3-----Unlike many scientists, Marion Nestle of New York University, who was a reviewer but not an author of the report, said “the report reveals how little is known about the effects of GE foods”. She said if the people behind the report wanted to end the polarisation over these foods, “This won’t do the trick.” <a href="?id=17910"></a><br /> * <br /> Not feeling confident? Here are six ways to fake it <a href="?id=4548"></a><br /> Another Day, Another Hack: 117 Million LinkedIn Emails And Passwords <a href="?id=27875"></a><br /> conducted a study using ultrasound and electroencephalography (EEG) to see what's happening in your head when you're in the middle of a caffeine withdrawal. The answer: Some weird stuff <a href="?id=14645"></a><br /> temp... 12-Year Old Child Reveals One of the Best Kept Secrets in the World smartknowledge 8,702,402 views Published on May 15, 2012 12-year old exposes the immorality of the global banking system and why sound money is essential to freedom and stopping the spread of misery on this planet. <a href="?id=2823"></a><br /> temp...The most honest 3 minutes of television, EVER... <a href="?id=2596"></a><br /> Humans Are 'Meathooked' But Not Designed For Meat-Eating <a href="?id=15098"></a><br /> amino acid proteins <a href="?id=24507"></a><br /> Emerging research suggests high blood pressure could significantly raise the risk of developing vascular dementia, the second most common form of dementia. <a href="?id=19485"></a><br /> "Other studies have also showed signs of disadvantageous health effects from vitamin E, so our results are in line with current research findings concerning other types of tumours," <a href="?id=20455"></a><br /> temp...This amazing girl proves autism is not what most doctors and everyone else think it is. For educational purposes only, <a href="?id=20032"></a><br /> The best and worst nutritional advice from around the world As it turns out, the US isn't the only country struggling to give diet advice. Here's a quick look at fascinating — and similarly conflicted — guidelines from around the world. <a href="?id=14301"></a><br /> We looked closer and found these toxic chemicals in 'green' products. Always look at your labels! <a href="?id=10250"></a><br /> Roughly half of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented or forestalled if all Americans quit smoking, cut back on drinking, maintained a healthful weight and got at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.<br /> These same measures would also reduce the number of new cancer diagnoses by 40% to 70%, according to a new report. <a href="?id=5095"></a><br /> My research found that the migration of aluminium into food during the cooking process of food wrapped in aluminium foil is above the permissible limit set by the World Health Organisation. <a href="?id=4716"></a><br /> Shell had been a sponsor of the museum’s climate science exhibition but once that controversial email had been unearthed – as the result of a freedom of information request – there was no going back. The museum’s reputation was damaged and the end of Shell’s sponsorshipbecame inevitable.<br /> Earlier this month, the campaign group, Art Not Oil, published a damning report into the “corrupting influence” of another fossil fuel giant – BP – on the museums and galleries it sponsors. Once again, it places the Science Museum in the spotlight. <a href="?id=8870"></a><br /> How to Start an Exercise Routine and Stick to It <a href="?id=22086"></a><br /> BEIJING — <br /> China's government fabricates and posts several hundred million social media posts a year to influence public opinion about the country, according to a new paper by U.S. researchers examining one of the most opaque aspects of the Communist Party's rule. <a href="?id=21869"></a><br /> Scientists Are Just as Confused About the Ethics of Big-Data Research as You Now, in the third phase, researchers can buy, say, Twitter data going back years and merge it with other publicly available data. “It’s in the intermingling that we can see the tension in the ethics and privacy,” she says. <a href="?id=23713"></a><br /> Artificial intelligence will create a ‘useless class’ of humans as machines take over,… <a href="?id=3403"></a><br /> Google’s newest messaging app Allo is not coming until later this summer, but the verdict seems to be already in from privacy advocates on social media, notably from National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden: don’t download it and stay far from it. <a href="?id=22061"></a><br /> How to get that song out of your head, according to science <a href="?id=2243"></a><br /> However, this item only becomes a dangerous weapon if it is dispersed or spread out into fine dust.<br /> The final item in the experiment is powered sugar, which Tulett deemed the most flammable of the three and seemed to travel the fastest along the wooden panel. <a href="?id=27883"></a><br /> This Is the Best Time of Day for You to Maximize the Benefit From Coffee <a href="?id=9410"></a><br /> 8 Everyday Activities That Increase Your Mental Health <a href="?id=20745"></a><br /> Expressions of gratitude create strong, collaborative ties and pave the way for greater influence. Studies find that individuals who express gratitude to others as groups are forming have stronger ties within the group months later. <a href="?id=14503"></a><br /> So when everything feels absolutely terrible, turn that frown upside down.Even if your peculiar grin makes others write you off as a creep, smiling for no good reason, at least you'll feel better. And that's what counts. <a href="?id=8754"></a><br /> different strains of horseradish have varying levels and thus different potential anti-cancer properties. Here higher-grade U.S. “fancy strains” were found to possess higher glucosinolates <a href="?id=12884"></a><br /> Whatever rice you're preparing, be it high-arsenic brown or low-arsenic basmati, to minimize arsenic content, wash the rice first, Urbach says. Cook six cups of water to one cup of rice, discard all the water during the process and replace it with two cups of fresh water. Finish cooking. Rinse the finished product in yet more water. This cooking method will also discard some nutrients, but you can't have it all. <a href="?id=24274"></a><br /> Exposure To Common Flame Retardant Chemicals May Increase Thyroid Problems In Women <a href="?id=17569"></a><br /> Participants in the first annual Robot Art competition showed just how far our silicon counterparts have come in creating great artwork. <a href="?id=2336"></a><br /> Use, Regrow, Repeat: 4 Vegetables that Regrow in One Week <a href="?id=16370"></a><br /> Never paint a nursery yellow, said Carlton Wagner, director of Wagner Institute for Color Research, in SantaBarbara, Calif. Yellow activates the anxiety center of the brain. In infants, it results in crying, he said. In adults, it results in shortness of temper. We notice a lot of fighting. <a href="?id=20469"></a><br /> Color Psychology of Yellow - Its Impact on Mood ++ <a href="?id=8411"></a><br /> HACKING CAMERAS TO CAPTURE INFRARED LIGHT <a href="?id=11570"></a><br /> Major Cell Phone Radiation Study Reignites Cancer Questions <a href="?id=16384"></a><br /> Working Too Much May Indicate a Serious Psychiatric Disorder, Study Finds <a href="?id=16229"></a><br /> Italian Food Scientists Are Tired Of Phony Cheese <a href="?id=18237"></a><br /> Science<br /> The rise of the machines has started! iPhone and Samsung assembler Foxconn replaces 60,000 employees with ROBOTS <a href="?id=7108"></a><br /> Will Uber Crush These ‘Ethical’ Alternatives? <a href="?id=3147"></a><br /> There’s an oft-repeated adage in the world of cybersecurity: There are two types of companies, those that have been hacked, and those that don’t yet know they have been hacked. <a href="?id=25961"></a><br /> NASA releases ‘Metabolomics: You Are What You Eat’ video <a href="?id=23565"></a><br /> They are encoded when we are stressed and reach for food to cope. The brain remembers that food 'saved us' from stress, so it encodes an expectation, such as "I get my safety from food." That circuit can be replayed for a lifetime, fuelling maladaptive eating.<br /> Research now shows that these survival circuits can be rewired and we do that in EBT. In fact, they can only be rewired when we are stressed. <a href="?id=7585"></a><br /> A calorie-restricted diet which mimics the effects of fasting may reverse the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and help repair the damage caused by the disease. <a href="?id=830"></a><br /> It turns out, the participants made healthier choices in both settings, leading researchers to conclude that it is self-awareness that drives healthier choices and not necessarily the light setting itself. <a href="?id=10527"></a><br /> Use Ghee and Mustard oil instead of refined oil, doctors suggest <a href="?id=13140"></a><br /> People returning from areas where the Zika virus is found should follow safe sex practices or abstain from sex for at least eight weeks rather than just four, the World Health Organization (WHO) said <a href="?id=1384"></a><br /> temp...Plants Know When They’re Being Touched <a href="?id=15708"></a><br /> legumes are able to take nitrogen out of the air and incorporate it into their cells. This is possible because legumes have developed a symbiotic relationship with a particular type of soil bacteria that are housed within their roots. <a href="?id=21032"></a><br /> 'Pot in a bag' stews onions as fights pollution <a href="?id=5646"></a><br /> Here's why people make stupid decisions when experts warn otherwise <a href="?id=11979"></a><br /> To Get Happier, Focus on What Makes You Miserable <a href="?id=6294"></a><br /> Genetically modified Golden Rice falls short on lifesaving promises <a href="?id=2007"></a><br /> Meaningful work not created -- only destroyed -- by bosses, study finds <a href="?id=22214"></a><br /> The authors of the report also argue that the science of food has also been “corrupted by commercial influences”. Just as big tobacco companies bought the “loyalty of scientists” when a link was made between smoking and lung cancer, they argue, the influence of the food industry represents a “significant threat to public health”. <a href="?id=10025"></a><br /> How candy makers shape nutrition science <a href="?id=22632"></a><br /> "Is moral a magic word?" he said. "In some ways, it might be. We grow up thinking morality is this thing that's untouchable. What's moral is permanent and cannot be challenged." <a href="?id=20284"></a><br /> WATCH: You are actually two brains living in one person <a href="?id=12363"></a><br /> Chile is producing so much solar power, it's giving it away for free <a href="?id=17433"></a><br /> How to Set Yourself Up for the Perfect Nap <a href="?id=5666"></a><br /> An example given by Reddit said that, in practice, if a user posts a link to a "storm trooper necklace" and they haven't opted out or included an affiliate link, when someone clicks the link it will be rewritten. <a href="?id=22440"></a><br /> Engaging in short, explosive leg contractions is the most effective way of strengthening muscles <a href="?id=27562"></a><br /> Seaweed On Your Dinner Plate: The Next Kale Could Be Kelp <a href="?id=25097"></a><br /> Thinking is hard work and asking tough questions can make you unpopular. So it’s no wonder that even clever people don’t always use their brains <a href="?id=18713"></a><br /> The lesson here is this: as its name suggests, Amazon is a marketplace. It would be unwise to accept the price of the first vendor promising you the best deal in an IRL marketplace without shopping around first. The same applies online. So if you want the best deal on Amazon, it looks like you’re going to have to make that extra effort to click the mouse one more time. <a href="?id=11624"></a><br /> So drugs and food additives are not covered under this law, but just about everything else - every material and product that we use contains chemicals that this law is supposed to have regulated and hopefully will now be able to. <a href="?id=10556"></a><br /> Explainer: Toxic Substances Control Act <a href="?id=6129"></a><br /> In U.S. drinking water, many chemicals are regulated — but many aren’t <a href="?id=27529"></a><br /> Even during the Deepwater Horizon disaster, BP was forced to quintuple its estimate of the wellhead’s daily flow rate from 1,000 barrels to 5,000 barrels—not because of a government investigation and reassessment, but because of satellite and radar data collected by a tiny, independent nonprofit called SkyTruth. <a href="?id=817"></a><br /> Lentils contain more iron than chicken and steak, but their iron is harder to absorb. Combine them with vitamin C (such as a good squeeze of lemon juice) to increase iron absorption. <a href="?id=21131"></a><br /> Changes in diet can cause gut microbes to produce acetate, which in turn stimulates insulin secretion and obesity in rodents, <a href="?id=2575"></a><br /> Post-Workout Tips: 3 Products That Can Help With Muscle Recovery <a href="?id=19801"></a><br /> So, sure: The size of the glass, and the shade of the wine, are your new excuses for ordering another round tonight. <a href="?id=14954"></a><br /> Blue light exposure has a lasting effect on brain function <a href="?id=3370"></a><br /> DIY aircon uses old plastic bottles - and is already used in used in 25,000 Indian homes <a href="?id=23026"></a><br /> How to stop wasps invading your picnic: trap the first one under a glass so it cannot recruit others <a href="?id=16365"></a><br /> Scientists Unpack How Toxoplasma Infection Is Linked To Neurodegenerative Disease <a href="?id=11932"></a><br /> Previous research has suggested that certain vitamins and vitamin deficiencies may be important in migraine, but studies using vitamins to prevent migraines have yielded mixed results, <a href="?id=28498"></a><br /> Dietary fiber and microbes change the gel that lines our gut "Our study gives biologists and scientists studying diseases of the gut something else to think about," says Datta. "Now they can take the structure of the gut mucus, and how it responds to its environment, into account." <a href="?id=26035"></a><br /> Moderate Zinc Deficiency Can Impair Digestion, Be Detrimental To Health <a href="?id=7719"></a><br /> Revised UK 'Eatwell Guide' promotes industry wealth not public health, argues expert <a href="?id=27362"></a><br /> Chill coffee beans for a more flavorsome brew <a href="?id=4303"></a><br /> The Hidden Social Forces That Guide Your Decisions <a href="?id=10971"></a><br /> World's Ugliest Color Minimizes Appeal Of Cigarettes <a href="?id=16138"></a><br /> WHO: Coffee itself isn’t cancerous, but watch out for ‘very hot’ beverages <a href="?id=25934"></a><br /> Researchers used a low-cost espresso machine — rather than expensive analytical equipment — to detect PAHs in soil. <a href="?id=17028"></a><br /> The Muffin Study: Mono- vs. polyunsaturated fats in patients with metabolic syndrome<br /> Group eating muffins made with safflower oil lost more weight, saw greater health improvements Participants consumed three MUFA (high-oleic sunflower oil) or PUFA (safflower oil) enriched muffins daily. <a href="?id=20427"></a><br /> For example, some studies indicate that oats and rye are better whole grain sources than wheat in terms of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, <a href="?id=18972"></a><br /> Many overlay adverts on livestreaming sports sites have fake close buttons, or close buttons that move when a mouse is hovered over them. This deceptiveness exposes users to further risk of being exposed to malware. <a href="?id=8816"></a><br /> Researcher discusses 'functional stupidity'—when smart people are discouraged from thinking at work <a href="?id=9737"></a><br /> In another NanoImpact paper, scientists warn that our knowledge of the risks to agriculture associated with using nanotechnology is not sufficient. They say it's time to rethink the way we investigate the risks posed by nanomaterials to plants, specifically to food crops. <a href="?id=22094"></a><br /> Duckweed pulled the phosphorus out of both the high- and low-phosphorus water samples. In the process, the plants also “grew really, really fast,” Julia says. “I realized that this could cause a problem in the future if all of a sudden Lake Erie had a ton of duckweed.” After all, surface mats of duckweed can block out sunlight just as the algae can.<br /> So the teen did more reading. She soon learned that duckweed is a nutritious food for cattle. All farmers would need to do is scoop it off the water. <a href="?id=10512"></a><br /> This is the first study to objectively show that memory loss in patients can be reversed, and improvement sustained, using a complex, 36-point therapeutic personalized program that involves comprehensive changes in diet, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and multiple additional steps that affect brain chemistry. <a href="?id=26591"></a><br /> The results among female workers were striking, Dembe said. The analysis found a clear and strong relationship between long hours and heart disease, cancer, arthritis and diabetes.<br /> Men who worked long hours had a higher incidence of arthritis, but none of the other chronic diseases. <a href="?id=21284"></a><br /> Sleep deprivation triggers mood swings in teens leading to poor mental health <a href="?id=25987"></a><br /> High-pitched tunes found to turn drinks sour while deep bass sounds make beer bitter <a href="?id=3546"></a><br /> 1- Blueberry supplementation impacts gut microbiota, inflammatory profiles, and insulin sensitivity in high-fat fed rats <a href="?id=16547"></a><br /> 2- OF A HIGH ANTHOCYANIN FOOD ON INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA AND INTESTINAL AND SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION <a href="?id=8005"></a><br /> 3-(disable JavaScript) Blueberry All Essential Benefits/Effects/Facts & Information <a href="?id=25472"></a><br /> If I Have No Choice But To Eat Fast Food, How Do I Eat Healthier? <a href="?id=5125"></a><br /> temp... Animal hormone is involved in plant stress memory Regulating melatonin production in plants via drought priming could be a promising approach to enhancing abiotic stress tolerance of crops <a href="?id=16282"></a><br /> How juice companies game science to perpetuate the myth that cranberry prevents UTIs <a href="?id=22803"></a><br /> As a shod foot hits the ground the cushion of the running shoe stops the foot arch from flattening out and sucking up the impact – about 25 per cent less than for a bare foot. But more than just a lack of spring in the arch, the researchers found that the foot muscles had to work harder to stabilise the shape of the arch. <a href="?id=19793"></a><br /> Fish-flavored cat food could contribute to feline hyperthyroidism <a href="?id=21556"></a><br /> A single species of gut bacteria can reverse autism-related social behavior in mice <a href="?id=4832"></a><br /> Sorry, sleeping more won't necessarily fix your bad memory <a href="?id=19939"></a><br /> research suggests memory can be improved if one performs exercise four hours after they learn something. <a href="?id=22539"></a><br /> So, while it’s natural to try and catch up on lost sleep — this is a mistake. It is far better to go to bed when you are tired and get up when you wake up and can’t get back to sleep. <a href="?id=20453"></a><br /> In a superficial sense, they look successful, because they are always on their feet. The truth, however, is that by never failing, they never progress. <a href="?id=4744"></a><br /> Fiber from fruit, whole-grain breads and cereals such as rolled oats was associated with healthy aging, suggesting that the influence of dietary fiber on healthy aging may vary depending on the food sources it comes from <a href="?id=8041"></a><br /> How Can One Control Their Nerves During Public Speaking Or Even An Exam? <a href="?id=14135"></a><br /> How to Prevent Painful Swimmer's Ear <a href="?id=12503"></a><br /> Net neutrality decision a big win for all of us So it's time to celebrate. The internet will remain under control of everyday users - thanks in large part to the efforts of those same users. <a href="?id=13148"></a><br /> "It was interesting that those who most strongly denied the possibility of a machine doing their job were often from the sectors most at risk, like checkout operators, drivers and analysts. These are all areas where we can already see technology having an impact." <a href="?id=26723"></a><br /> So who is going to store, manage and process all this information? Well, why not you? Companies are starved for people with this kind of expertise. Big data is a growth industry and people from a variety of academic backgrounds can find successful careers in this area. <a href="?id=25563"></a><br /> listening to Mozart lowers blood pressure…but ABBA has no impact <a href="?id=26935"></a><br /> Types of Yoga <a href="?id=19504"></a><br /> 5 simple ways to remember <a href="?id=23424"></a><br /> The browsers tested were Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera. <br /> The results showed that Google Chrome was the worst on the battery, <a href="?id=25161"></a><br /> THREE DIY BUG TRAPS THAT ACTUALLY WORK DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST STINK BUGS, MOSQUITOES, AND FRUIT FLIES <a href="?id=20768"></a><br /> Researchers Debunk Medical Myths About Vitamin D <a href="?id=29784"></a><br /> 8 Common Foods You Should NEVER Reheat <a href="?id=11765"></a><br /> Spinach, beets, radishes and celery should never be reheated <a href="?id=9391"></a><br /> So to be less of a nervous wreck at a lectern, try looking for an agreeable face in the crowd. Or just look over everyone’s heads. <a href="?id=712"></a><br /> "There seems to be some truth in the saying 'Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper', however, this warrants further investigation." <a href="?id=24311"></a><br /> The review showed that adherence to cancer prevention guidelines was associated with a 10 to 45 percent reduction in all cancer incidence and a 14 to 61 percent reduction in all cancer mortality.<br /> The study also showed consistent reductions in the incidence of breast cancer (19 to 60 percent), endometrial cancer (23 to 60 percent), and colorectal cancer (27 to 52 percent) in both men and women.<br /> <a href="?id=29970"></a><br /> Fermentation Fervor: Here's How Chefs Boost Flavor And Health <a href="?id=24212"></a><br /> How the mafia is causing cancer <a href="?id=21343"></a><br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=19800"> Gallionella </a> to <a href="?id=29654"> zmarter </a> <span><a href="?id=6294">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=27748">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.09.25 21:09 <i style="color:green;">sourkidk</i> <b>Whole Journey with links (21 months - One term at WGU)</b></p> <p><div class="md">I posted a thank you to the community on here a few days ago, but folks wanted to know more so here are some more details about my journey. <br /> I'm 32, graduated 2013 with a degree in Audio Engineering with an incomplete minor in Math. I veered off course for a few semester thinking I might complete Pre-Med and apply to Med school, but got bogged down and didn't enjoy the competitive nature of the academics in the field. Had taken calculus I and II prior as well as a class on writing proofs and one or two others. Also, had a java course in programming for media applications which was my first exposure to programming other than a little html back in the myspace days. A strong basis in electronics and 4 semesters physics, which helped with my understanding how computing works at the hardware level. I worked around the same time in the university IT department doing basic troubleshooting and hardware maintenance. <br /> My current career, I've been doing analytics as a Finance Specialist in a independent beverage company. I really like working on the finance team and I've learned a ton. I got to hone my problem solving skills processing data and working with Netsuite. I've had a chance to do a lot of spreadsheet programming and some scripting in Netsuite and Google's Appscript platform, both of which are javascript. As I approached the end of my degree, my boss promoted me to a data analyst title which came with a nice pay bump to 60k and room for growth in the company. I'm in a MCOL area. <br /> Back to WGU stuff, as I mentioned in an earlier comment, they ended up giving my 29 CUs of credit for my previous degree, which covered all the general ed stuff and a few courses like technical communication. All that left was the IT related courses, Maths, CS theory and project based courses. <br /> <a href="?id=12286"></a> Over about 5 month I took as much as I could at study. I like the way the courses are structured for the most part. A few were really boring and others were really interesting. Overall, pleasantly surprised with the quality of the material there. I completed the following courses at study in approximately this order:<br /> ​<br /> Intro to IT<br /> Network and Security - Foundations<br /> Fundamentals of Information Security<br /> - These three were all pretty easy. I just worked through the quizzes and looked up a few resources when I felt like I didn't have enough information. I still want to know more about security in general, but these checked the box so I didn't slow down too much to really get this info to stick. <br /> ---<br /> Scripting and Programming - Foundations (Python)<br /> -Didn't love the beginner programming courses at study, but they were fine. I had been programming with Python for a year at this point so this was a breeze. If you are really new, I recommend slowing down and really learning your fundamentals elsewhere before taking one of the three options at study for this credit ( Java, C++, python)<br /> ---<br /> Data Management - Foundations <br /> Data Management - Applications<br /> Advanced Data Management<br /> I got a ton out of the database courses, especially number two. That assignment is a beast and I beat my head against it steadily for several weeks, but I learned soooooooo much. The other two are fine, the third one felt redundant and less challenging than the second one, but not terrible. From everything I've read, it sounds like good exposure and bang for the buck at study, but I definitely didn't over-analyze that decision. <br /> ----<br /> Calculus I - Having taken calculus before I found it tedious to go back through it and dust off the cobwebs, but not too bad. The course on Study covers a lot, and I'm not sure all of it would be included in the courses via the other outlets. There are a lot of resources out there. If you are intimidated by Calc, definitely take your time with it. Do it along side easier courses, so you can absorb it and still make progress. <br /> Discrete Math I - Loved this course. Some of the material at study didn't quite get me there so I ended up using the Trev Tutor channel a lot. I found most of this really fun and stimulating, but there's a lot of it. Extremely relevant to the degree so don't gloss over it. <br /> Operating Systems - Intro to Linux ( I don't think this transfers anymore) - project was a pain in the butt, but it saved me some time I think. I definitely defer to others' experience about the quality and difficulty of this course at WGU. I honestly can't say. <br /> Data Structures and Algorithms I - Similar experience here. This course is taught in Java on study, so I was a little off balance at first. But it's generally good material for the topics. There's certainly better instruction out there, and I sought some out occasionally, but nothing notable. Again, don't rush this course, as you need this foundation for DSA II and DM II.<br /> ​<br /> I was not in a hurry at <a href="?id=24217"></a>, so I never bought extra exam credits or any of that. I usually put in ~ 3 hours every week day and an additional 5-8 hours on the weekend during that time. I think there was only one much I wasn't able to complete both exams and it was most likely during calculus, but I'm not 100% sure. <br /> ​<br /> In march, I subscribed to Sophia and knocked out Web Dev and Project Management. It could have been better exposure to those concepts but I was fine with checking these boxes and moving on. I find topics like project management very cumbersome and boring unless I'm actually implementing it in real world scenarios, so I get the purpose, I didn't want to get stuck doing project+. Some folks want the certification, more power to you. I didn't care. <br /> Similar story with Web Dev. I've exposed myself to the basics of the front end technologies(HTML, CSS, JavaScript), however I don't like front end work very much, so I really wanted to get this done and move on. This was a fine way to fulfill the requirement but don't expect to learn a ton. <br /> ​<br /> --------------------<br /> I submitted my final transcript for evaluation around the middle of March with the intention of starting WGU on May 1. I spent the time in between studying Java and Data Structures, which was very helpful. <br /> ​<br /> I hit the ground running at WGU on May 2nd. My basic strategy was search the course number on the reddit page and read a bunch of post just to get the lay of the land, and then decide a course of action based on that information. I'll try to link to at least one post that I found helpful for each course. <br /> ​<br /> IT Leadership Foundations - <br /> <a href="?id=15601"></a><br /> ​<br /> Business of It - Applications ITIL - <br /> <a href="?id=25467"></a><br /> ​<br /> Software I - <br /> I couldn't find any posts that I remember being more impactful than others, although I know I was on reddit for specific questions quite a bit. My basic method was to work entirely through the webinars (Malcomb Webara) and get that program working and then to go back through and build the assignment using the same structure and techniques. There are a few cruxes that aren't covered in there, but you can find tips on here and see what others have done in GitHub repos if you are really stuck. Be very attentive to the setup recommendations, as I feel like what time I wasted was because I tried to wing it on the setup side had to go back and do it the right way. I used intelliJ and am now in love with everything JetBrains makes. <br /> Software II - This PA was definitely more ambiguous. I basically used the same MVC concepts as my Software I project, but then added in the Database element. I worked in the VM environment for a few days, but found it frustrating. I got locked out one day and couldn't access my project for several hours so I sucked it up and rebuilt the database on my local machine and there was no looking back. Just take things piece by piece, make sure each feature works as much as possible before adding more in. I was both lazy and determined, so I programmed a dynamic table view for the main page that would use the metadata from the query and adjust the number of columns and their labels, which reduced the overall code, but was its own challenge. The time stuff was probably my least favorite as I had a hard time keeping it straight in my mind, though I understand the value to our learning.<br /> <a href="?id=2624"></a><br /> Computer Architecture - I rushed through this class. I read Charles Petzold's book "Code" last year, which provide a strong foundation to this material including a good amount of interacting with assembly language. His book looks at x86 architecture, while this course examines ARM assembler, so there are some differences but the principles are the same. I crammed this class hard for about three days and then took the exam once I scored something like an 88 on the Practice Assessment. <br /> <a href="?id=2224"></a><br /> Intro to AI - Task 2: mind the versions of the software as there are differences in the coppeliaSim features.<br /> <a href="?id=22460"></a><br /> Software Engineering - <br /> <a href="?id=8620"></a><br /> Software Quality Assurance - Learned a lot here. The book they provide is actually pretty solid. I wanted a copy to keep, so I tried to find one of the most recent release but couldn't find one cheap enough, but it's available free for download on google books I think, so I just downloaded that.<br /> <a href="?id=3170"></a><br /> Discrete Math II - This class is a beast. Ended up taking me three weeks which was the longest of any non-project class. Trev Tutor and a few other youtube channels are really helpful here. I also bought the TI-inspire CXII for this class which was awesome for the MOD calculations. Took some of the pressure off during the exam. Learn how to do all this by hand and then use the calculator to check yourself. Once you're solid on the concepts, just let the calculator do most the work for you. Not learning it manually is only hurting you down the road as these principles are super useful in programming.<br /> <a href="?id=29420"></a><br /> Scripting and Programming - Applications - I worked through CodeAcademy's course on C++ and then followed along with Dr. Kryptos videos to learn the basic format, similar to Software I. I recommend getting his program to work and then code the project after you've completed the videos. Not too bad, but I didn't especially enjoy working in C++. <br /> <a href="?id=27598"></a><br /> Data Structures and Algorithms II - I really enjoyed this project. It's hard to see the whole project at the beginning so it was a bit of a revelation when I realized that I didn't actually have to keep track of time during the running of the application. You really just need to calculate what time it is at any given location of the trucks. The materials provided by the CI's were fairly helpful in directing the programming. The paper was bit of a monster, but I only got it sent back once for revision with a few minor tweaks to the application. The post below came out when I was pretty much done, but it does a good job of providing a map to the process if you don't have one in mind. <br /> <a href="?id=11"></a><br /> Capstone - I did a jupyter notebook using JetBrains Datalore. I went through the ML basics course on kaggle and got the basics of the tech down and then picked a data set and went to work. The actual dashboard probably took my 4-6 hours to get down. The paper however was a slog, probably another 20 hours, for a total of 25ish hours. I was tempted to do something cooler, but I had a pay increase dangling in front of me upon completion of the degree and I figure I have all the time in the world to come back and do more interesting projects. <br /> ​<br /> I ended up finishing with 40 days left in my term. If I was gonna stretch it out and use the time, I wouldn't probably put more time into DSA II, DM II, and Software II, but honestly I feel like I got what I needed to out of them. <br /> This is by no means a 1-term start to finish story. I spent 9 months learning in 2021, started transfer credits at Study in October of 2021 and then completed 48 CUs in 140 days at WGU. I love this program and would recommend it to anybody wanting to make a move into technology or circle back and fill in gaps in their foundation. For the money, you really can't beat it. I do believe that some folks need more guidance and exposure to professors and other students and to those folks I say, do it. But if you're able to self-motivate and stay relatively organized, you can do this. Don't get discouraged, all the information is out there if you are willing to dig for it. <br /> ​<br /> Again, I couldn't have done it without this sub. This community is incredible and I'm super grateful for all the time and effort other people put in to making this resource. <br /> I am going to pursue other employment opportunities. I'm most interested in backend work, systems development and data engineering, though who knows where I'll end up. <br /> Cheers!<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=28754"> sourkidk </a> to <a href="?id=21502"> WGU_CompSci </a> <span><a href="?id=17553">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=6485">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.07.30 13:22 <i style="color:green;">computerlearning</i> <b>Types of programming languages</b></p> <p><div class="md">Programming language is one of the features behind the curtain in any software, website or digital applications that we use to use specific computers. The use of computers and digital technologies has been established in every industry and is considered as one of the main pillars of every digital business. One of the most important skills to know and express in this course is programming and mastering all kinds of programming languages. There are many programming languages ​​in the market that are used in the design and construction of websites, applications and other tasks depending on their application and type of consumption. The main question here is which programming language is better and promising for beginners or those who want to become the newest field of programming. In this article, we introduce promising programming languages. Each of these programming languages ​​has pros and cons, but in any case, each programming language is used for its use and has its own origin. After starting programming language, decide which field you prefer?<br /> <h2>Top and prominent programming languages</h2> Python Java JavaScript C & C++ C# r Swift PHP Go or Golang MATLAB Kotlin<br /> <h2>The most widely used programming languages</h2> <h2>Python programming language</h2> Python is a versatile, functional, high-level, yet simple. The meaning of high-level language is that they are closer to human language and therefore more understandable. For this reason, Python is an attractive language for many newcomers to the world of programming. Because with this language he can quickly start coding. Low-level languages ​​are more similar to machine language and are understandable to humans. Therefore, low-level programming languages ​​are much more difficult. Python is an object-oriented language that is used in various fields such as data analysis, artificial intelligence development, data from the web (Web Scraping), data, data visualization, machine, web development, automatic systemization due to its language libraries. . , programming and... has many applications. Many common applications and websites, such as Google, Facebook, Reddit, NASA, Yahoo, Dropbox, Instagram, YouTube, etc., use Python scripting language to develop their sites. One of the fastest and shortest ways to become a web developer is the programming courses of Tehran University Engineering Skills Development Center.<br /> <h2>JAVA programming language</h2> Java is a powerful language with a standard structure and another multipurpose language that was first published by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is interesting to know that James Gosling and his colleagues designed Java with the slogan "write once, run anywhere". This means that you can run your program on any platform with one coding. Because this object-oriented language is equipped with Java Virtual Machine (JVM) feature. Therefore, regardless of whether your goal is to write a mobile application or develop a backend, Java will advance your work in any case. According to TIOBE programmers' association statistics, among the most popular programming languages, Java ranks first. Among the websites that use this language are NASA World Wind, Netflix, Google, Spotify, LinkedIn, Ober, Amazon and Minecraft.<br /> <h2>C & C++ programming language</h2> C language is a multipurpose and intermediate language and is one of the most powerful in the world of programming. The power and popularity of this language made engineers think about producing languages ​​based on C language. Thus, in 1980, C++ (C++) entered the field of programming as a child of the C family, and in 2000, this family became much different with the arrival of C# C#. The most important features that distinguish C++ from C are the object-oriented structure and the use of classes. In addition, C++ is more of a high-level language. Software such as Adobe and websites such as Google, Microsoft, as well as the Firefox browser use C and C++ languages ​​for their development.<br /> <h2>C# programming language</h2> C# is also a multipurpose and object oriented language. Microsoft introduced this functional language to the world of programmers. A language that is updated year by year and the version gets new features. It is not without reason that in the list of the TIOB forum, the C# language was ranked fourth among all these programming languages. C# is an advanced language that is very suitable for starting programming. Because it is a powerful, comprehensive and practical language and it is relatively easy. Websites that use C# include Microsoft, Visual Studio, Stack Overflow, and Myspace.<br /> <h2>JavaScript programming language</h2> JavaScript is an interpretive and high-level language that was added to the group of programming languages ​​by Netscape under the name of Livescript. One of the most important users of this JavaScript is that you can easily use powerful libraries and frameworks such as Nodejs, React, React Native and Electron. Because all these powerful frameworks are based on JavaScript language. In addition, if you are familiar with HTML and CSS markup languages, it will certainly be much easier for you to learn JavaScript. The power and many uses of JavaScript have made this language one of the most popular programming languages. Now, the question may arise whether Java and JavaScript are similar? In answer, it should be said that no, this name similarity may mislead many. But you should know that these two languages ​​are completely different and apart from the similarity in name, they have nothing in common with each other conceptually and structurally. Famous websites that use this programming language include Google, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Amazon, QQ, Twitter and LinkedIn.<br /> <h2>PHP programming language</h2> PHP is a powerful and open source scripting language whose main purpose is to design dynamic websites. This backend programming language has the features of object orientation, flexibility and scalability. PHP supports extensive frameworks such as Laravel and Symphony. On the other hand, nearly 80% of the web market is in the hands of PHP, and one of the most used systems these days, the WordPress content management system, is based on the PHP language. Websites that use this programming language for their development include Yahoo, Facebook, Wikipedia, Tumbler, WordPress and iStock Photo.<br /> <h2>Go programming language</h2> Go is a low-level, open-source, object-oriented, multi-purpose language. It is good to know that the word Golang is derived from Go Language. This programming language was released in 2009 as an experiment and in 2012 officially by Google. A modern language designed to meet the needs of today's programmers. The relatively new Go language combines the power and speed of the C language with the simplicity of Python to cover a wide range of applications. Go also has great power in the field of data science and provides many frameworks such as Beego and Revel to programmers. Many big companies like Google, YouTube, BBC, Soundcloud, Airbrake, etc. use this open source language to develop their backend systems. Of course, in addition to back-end development, Go is also effective in the field of web, server and network. Companies such as Google, Netflix, Ober, Twitch, Dailymotion, MongoDB, Dropbox and Soundcloud use the Go language for their development.<br /> <h2>R programming language</h2> This open source language is usually used to analyze data and perform statistical calculations such as linear and non-linear modeling, classification, clustering, classical statistical tests, etc. This language is very capable in drawing maps and charts as well as graphically displaying statistical data. For this reason, it has become popular among statistical engineers and computational data scientists and is ahead of other competitors such as SPSS, MATLAB and SAS. This programming language has a simple environment and can be run on various operating systems such as Linux, Windows and Mac. Interestingly, in the R environment, you can also call C, C++, Visual Basic and Fortran language codes. R also supports a variety of multipurpose frameworks.<br /> <h2>Swift programming language</h2> In 2014, Apple unveiled a proprietary language called Swift at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple's goal was to develop WatchOS, iOS, and tvOS simpler, shorter, and more secure than the Objective-C language. Until now, the Swift open source language is known as one of the safest programming languages. Interestingly, the Swift programming language is an extract from Python, Ruby, Haskell, RUST, Objective-C, C#, CLU, and many others. Since Apple products are increasingly popular, no one seems to regret learning the Swift language. If you have experience in web design, learning this language will be very easy for you.<br /> <h2>MATLAB programming language</h2> Finally, we come to MATLAB, which is a statistical analysis tool and is used for data analysis in various industries. It is also widely used in image processing. Millions of engineers and scientists in industry and academia around the world use MATLAB. You can use MATLAB for a wide range of applications, including deep machine learning, signal processing and communications, image and video processing, control systems, test and measurement, financial computing, and biocomputing. Using MATLAB, you can analyze data and design programs, models, and develop algorithms.<br /> This language has been used in websites such as double slash, AMD, Broadcom, Diffbot, ADEXT and Empatica, which, of course, are not well known compared to other languages ​​and websites.<br /> <h2>Kotlin programming language</h2> Kotlin language was unveiled by JetBrains in 2011 and its first stable version was presented in 2016 named version 1.0. Kotlin is a powerful and object-oriented language that aims to be more efficient than Java and force Java programmers to gradually migrate to this language. In 2017, Google officially introduced this language as the second Android programming language. This language is a suitable choice for developing Android applications.<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=28873"> computerlearning </a> to <a href="?id=10758"> u/computerlearning </a> <span><a href="?id=16413">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=8213">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.06.11 14:00 <i style="color:green;">twitch-flystewie</i> <b>Just Started CS50 As A First Time Programmer- What I have learned</b></p> <p><div class="md"><strong>My Goal</strong> - To Be able to build my own projects & become a Software Developer in 12+ months in 2023 by studying 10-15 hours a week (At the Moment attempting to build up to Backend Developer). Currently I work as a financial analyst & am turning 30 later this year so this would be a bit of a mid career switch for myself.<br /> Started May 28th 2022 although have done Python coding courses on Linkedin Learning in 2021 & 2020 (still very much a beginner). Recently found this sub so I now have a more focused learning path.<br /> <strong>My Plan for the Next 3 Months</strong><br /> <ul> <li>CS50 Intro- (week 5 so far)</li> <li>Leetcode- (only have tried one so far)</li> <li>Udemy - The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp <ul> <li> I've heard Junior Backend developers are not really a think, so I want a good grasp of the frontend as well as the backend</li> <li>I also think building websites are great projects so I look forward to doing that. I have little to no experience. I use to have a myspace page, and I did have a wordpress back in the day but it was mostly copy and paste html then learning anything.</li> </ul></li> </ul> <strong>Progress</strong><br /> So Far I am on Week 5 of CS50. After reading about how important data structures were, I am really digging into learning about hashtables, pointers & linked lists. I find going on to Leetcode & and starting the blind 75, is also good fuel for learning as it shows me how CS50 concepts apply to leetcode problems. Coding while going through the lectures & trying to guess the next thing the lecture is trying to code/or say really helps me check my grasp of concepts while I am being taught. <br /> While CS50's problems are shockingly complex to solve, I am more focused on understanding the "why" of what I am doing and the problem solving process. Right now I am on Speller which to read through the code, & the video alone probably takes over 2 hours lol. But I am really focusing on parsing out the problem to understand what I am trying to solve. I have just learned about markdown, so I am attempting to write alot of pseudocode in there and learn more markdown styles as I go.<br /> <strong>Takeaways from CS50</strong> * Commenting is SUPER Important * Pseudocode & Drawing out a Problem on Pen & Paper is extremely important to problem solving * A Solution can be correct... but is it well designed? <br /> I've heard it's best to Pick one language and learn it very well. and then eventually learn other languages so My Plan is to Master Python, JavaScript & eventually Solidity. So far CS50 is focusing on C which I think does a great job of teaching the fundamentals of what your actually doing when your coding. It does make me think of trying the CS50 Python course, but I do want to try to move onto projects as soon as possible so I may postpone that.<br /> Overall first couple of weeks have been very enjoyable & am hoping to stay updating consistently to keep myself accountable<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=21446"> twitch-flystewie </a> to <a href="?id=14421"> learnprogramming </a> <span><a href="?id=19784">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=19613">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p>2022.03.20 01:38 <i style="color:green;">emeraldstars000</i> <b>I copied and pasted this archived blog post about Jim Carrey being a serial killer.</b></p> <p><div class="md"><h2>SS: I'm not affiliated with the content below. Link to follow.</h2> "Maybe showing this information in secret will get the message across.<br /> (TL;DR: if the ex-wife, whom lives in Los Angeles, of the person who's listed working as "facility management" at a restaurant called The Courtland Club in Providence, RI, visually ID's him as the man she divorced, then I'm crazy. If she says that's not him, then I'm correct that seven homicide crime scenes are masqueraded as either "suicide" or "murdesuicide".)<br /> Zane Claverie is not "Facility Management" at the Courtland Club.<br /> This is not his LinkedIn account. It was made by the former MTV Catfish co-host daughter of History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer under his orders. "Frozen Ass College" is probably a clue to his true state of existence.<br /> The defunct MySpace with the name "ZaneClaverieLives" was likely created in sleight of language.<br /> Zane Claverie was the son of Charles, History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer's third and most vindictive murder.<br /> Zane Claverie does not exist.<br /> History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer believes he's the only one, since he murdered and vanished Zane, besides the daughter he's forced into being an accomplice to his murders, that knows this.<br /> Lacking any verified physical location of Zane Claverie will legitimize everything I'm presenting as the real evidence it's been this whole time.<br /> A surprise welfare check by the authorities for Zane Claverie at that Courtland Club joint will prove the existence of History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer, whom everyone believes is Hollywood's favorite rubberfaced wackyman. Because there's an explanation why they cannot physically locate him.<br /> And it's in this rollercoaster novel length post calling out Jim Carrey as history's most unforgivable serial killer.<br /> I believe this is Zane Claverie.<br /> Zane Claverie had an ex-wife, Cynthia, who kept her married last name. She can confirm whether that's Zane in the previous imgur link, or who Providence PD presents claiming to be Zane Claverie.<br /> Whoever Providence PD shows her will not be the person she divorced, I guarantee. I'd love for someone to challenge me on this because this would once and for all prove whether I'm out of my mind or not.<br /> Once she gives her answer, this person should be compared to the person Ed Honauer from Cranston, RI knows from the Providence "noise" scene.<br /> Each "Zane Claverie" will be different.<br /> In this whole godforsaken dissemination, I'll be saying the numbers "2" and "3" a lot. Peep this art, and note the timestamp of 3:02AM. I'm going to say later on in this post that Zane's death is a flip on the motive for History's Most's sixth homicide. (In case it's sanitized.)<br /> Let's pretend to be Zane Claverie, son of an actor who professionally went by the name Charles Rocket that was found dead from what was ruled as a self inflicted knife wound across the throat.<br /> You're in mourning over your father's death from such a grisly manner, and wish to cheer yourself up by reminiscing his life by choosing to watch Dumb & Dumber; one of his most known performances where he played the bad guy.<br /> You watch this moment.<br /> That's odd. The guy who lost a spot on Saturday Night Live to your father back in 1980, a fact your father told you more than once, just spoke a line with his character saying he watched a guy get his throat slit in a movie. You dismiss this as an unfortunate coincidental line in the script, and tell yourself you're crazy for EVEN CONSIDERING what you just considered.<br /> A couple of years go by, approaching something close to resembling acceptance that your father's death was ruled as suicide via a self inflicted knife wound across the throat, and you're fondly recalling your dad talking about all these crazy coincidences surrounding the number 23.<br /> Then you come across a trailer for a movie about this very same number starring the guy your father first worked with on a movie called Earth Girls Are Easy who would later become one of the biggest movie stars on the planet; even though you'll always see this jackass as that person who got passed over for a spot on SNL with your dad chosen instead.<br /> On the day it premieres you go to your local movie theater to purchase a ticket to see this movie about your dad's favorite number; as your father's death, ruled as suicide via a self inflicted knife wound across the throat, becomes more and more faint in your thoughts yet still pulsate.<br /> Then The Number 23 gets to THIS MOMENT.<br /> Yeah.<br /> Trust me, I hate what it is I'm communicating to everyone right now. I hate it so much.<br /> I'm going to have inform once more, and many more times after, that Hollywood's favorite rubberfaced wackyman also happens to be history's most unforgivable serial killer.<br /> A fact plain as the sky is blue.<br /> Zane's vanishing puts into question all the physical evidence that was collected up to rule each case of suicide that I'm presenting.<br /> Due to wealth and access to resources which render him unrecognizable, and already damn near a shapeshifter anyway, as well as being a beloved celebrity; History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer had successfully convinced the world he didn't exist. Zane's disappearance corroborating the homicide of his father testifies to History's Most's calendar coded "kill count" system.<br /> Before I break down each case of "suicide masquerade", let me explain two things: History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer got his idea for masquerading crime scenes to read as (false) suicide narratives while filming a scene for Batman Forever where The Riddler commits his first crime by murdering his WayneCorp boss, and writes a fraudulent suicide note to deflect any & all suspicion. It worked.<br /> Even though Bruce Wayne gives a look best described as inquisitive when he reads the note, Batman (often advertised as the world's greatest detective) doesn't think to question the last person who saw his employee alive. While at the end of Batman Forever the villian played by History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer is apprehended, his character still gets away with murder.<br /> Throughout the movie's existence, from the cast & crew to the millions in it's audience, no one noticed this plothole except for History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer.<br /> Also me, it seems.<br /> The other thing about History's Most is that he has a very insane obsession with the number 23.<br /> Attached are non-murder related dates associated with History's prior to the movie The Number 23. The movies for those release dates are Me, Myself, and Irene (June 23rd, 2000) and Bruce Almighty (May 23rd, 2003).<br /> He's only credited just as an actor for The Number 23, however in the research I've done for all this I can tell you this bizarre movie came entirely from the deranged mind of History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer.<br /> For example, there's a scene when the main dogcatcher character played by History's Most checks into a hotel room numbered 23, and has this real freaky experience during his stay. In real life there's an anecdote while filming Dumb & Dumber at The Stanley Hotel (which is the place that inspired Stephen King to write The Shining) in Colorado where History's Most requested to stay overnight in it's legendary room 217. Dude freaked and tapped out requesting to change his room.<br /> The screenwriter for The Number 23, some creepy looking dude named Fernley Phillips, seems basically to have functioned organizing the plot and story the best he could from all the ideas History's Most kept throwing at him. It wouldn't surprise me if this scribe is aware of the truth regarding this heinous shit I'm saying.<br /> Phillips is only credited with contributing to one other movie titled U Want Me 2 Kill Him; some "based on a true story" set in 2003 about high schoolers that plot murder by communicating through sleight of language on the internet. This screenwriter definitely needs to be questioned and polygraphed.<br /> The Number 23 was also directed by Joel Schumacher, whom also directed History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer in Batman Forever, the film which gave History's the suicide idea and is most responsible, along with Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind regarding a "murdesuicide" crime scene masquerade, for all this death I'm going to be itemizing.<br /> Schumacher had no idea what was going on when he agreed to direct The Number 23, and was a geezer just happy to be working. Just saying that for purposes of not being one of those people who say "everyone is in on it". Also because it's true.<br /> It'll probably come off like I've seen The Number 23, like, 2,300 times. Nope. Just twice all the way through, spread a decade apart, and read two drafts of the script. The screenplay dated 11/04/2002, as well the second undated one, literally breaks the fourth wall to threaten the reader for digging deep into any of this.<br /> The calendar coded "kill count" mentioned earlier is the only way to distinguish these crime scenes as the homicides they've been all this time, instead of the suicides people believe they were, and by decoding the date of death through addition. Except for homicides 4 through 6, because those are the packaged "murdesuicide" crime scene masquerade I mentioned earlier, and as well the first victim.<br /> History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer thought he was being clever with his seventh homicide's "kill count", or perhaps he's enslaved by all this "kill counting".<br /> This is kind of hilarious if you're a Batman buff: Hollywood's favorite rubberfaced wackyman played The Riddler in Batman Forever, but in real life as History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer he's the Calendar Man.<br /> Homicide #1<br /> Michael Hutchence, lead singer of INXS<br /> Date of death: November 22nd, 1997<br /> The 22nd day of November is the kill count revealing the Australian rock & roller's secret identity as "Victim Zero".<br /> INXS had a hit song back in the day called "Suicide Blonde", and that's the name of a character in The Number 23.<br /> Hutchence also had a solo track covering Iggy Pop's "The Passenger" on the Batman Forever soundtrack.<br /> Worth noting is that before he became super famous in 1994, History's Most played a rock star in the fifth Dirty Harry movie---which was about a serial killer targeting celebrities.<br /> What's very interesting is that I identified Hutchence at the same time as History's Most upcoming victim; who will be the future recipient of History's second "murdesuicide" crime scene masquerade for his erasure motive.<br /> More on this future target later.<br /> The motive to kill Hutchence was just to see if History's Most can go through with committing murder, and evade any & all suspicion successfully just as his character did in Batman Forever.<br /> Here's something funny: so I talk to a good friend about this insanity whose been very helpful building this case. When I told him about Hutchence being History's Most true first victim, he thought it added up but had some doubt because Hutchence was found dead in Sydney, Australia.<br /> At one point I thought Anthony Bourdain was a victim of History's Most because I was just figuring out his "kill count", and Bourdain popped positive when I wasn't expecting him. What made me further believe Bourdain was a victim of History's Most is that he was found dead in France because wealthy people can go anywhere they want, anytime they want.<br /> Homicide #2<br /> Jonathan Brandis, beloved child actor found dead at the age of 27.<br /> Date of death: November 12th, 2003<br /> 11+12 adds up the adored teen heartthrob to History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer's "first victim" kill count.<br /> The dreadful process in identifying a victim of History's Most begins with some kind of refusal to believe like doubt or skepticism (wait, aren't those two the same thing?).<br /> Except for Jonathan Brandis. Seeing his date of death made me immediately -know- that he got murdered.<br /> There's a moment in The Number 23 (it's in the trailer) when the dogcatcher character played by History's Most points to "11:12PM" written on a wall and says "I was born at 11:12PM. 11+12!".<br /> Why not "8:15AM" or "10:13PM"?<br /> Because that line in the movie is a real life confession, spoken using sleight of language, to the premeditated murder of Jonathan Brandis.<br /> This moment in The Number 23 is not in the 11/04/2002 screenplay draft, written at the time Jonathan Brandis was alive.<br /> Reports about the alledged suicide of Brandis say that he made his attempt the night before his death. In truth behind the curtain, that's History's Most way of starting from "zero" as this previous night's calendar date's month and day added up to "22"; which in History's Most's deranged "kill count" means "zero".<br /> Something that really concerns me regarding these reports is that none of them say the friend who called 911 "stayed at the scene until emergency services arrived". It seems, in my opinion anyway, that should be mandatory language in any report chronicling suicide as to cut off people jumping to conclusions with conspiracy theories. In this case, mine has the strong possibility of being 100% correct. That "friend" who called 911 was probably History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer himself, a hunch tells me.<br /> I tried calling the LAPD to see if I can get any details regarding this 911 call, and I got transferred to Traffic. I've called the Danielson PD office in Connecticut (the jurisdiction where Charles Claverie was found dead. Coincidentally, Brandis was born in Connecticut), and FBI more than once in attempts to report History's, but the LAPD transferring me to Traffic on my one attempt contacting them was all I needed to say "nevermind".<br /> I'm in a Jonathan Brandis group on Facebook, which also happens to have his father. I tried reaching out by tagging him in a post asking him to check his message requests to see if he knows the identity of the friend who called 911, because I would think that's something I'd want to know if my son committed suicide, but he doesn't know how to check his message requests on FB. I didn't want to press further.<br /> Peep this after reading all that regarding the 911 call.<br /> The FBI needs to re-evaluate the 911 report on Jonathan Brandis IMMEDIATELY.<br /> Google all the reports on Jonathan Brandis' death, and try to tell me they do not read differently after what I explained.<br /> I would bet a major organ that The Farrelly Brothers cast him in Outside Providence, a movie they produced in 1999, without having Brandis audition as a favor to History's Most.<br /> There are a couple of moments in Dumb & Dumber where Brandis appears, yet not at the same time. Once on a cover of a Teen Beat magazine held by Jeff Daniels while his character and History's Most are getting a makeover, and another while the characters of Lloyd & Harry are crying in a Stanley Hotel room as they watch a Pacific Bell commercial Brandis made in real life thinking its reality. (That last part was probably confusing to read, I know.) These moments from Dumb & Dumber with Brandis showing up, yet not, feel like "peek-a-boo, I see you" games History's Most told the Farrelly Brothers to insert as he handpicked them to helm the movie.<br /> While the Farrelly's are credited as directors for Dumb & Dumber, I would argue influential movie critic Andrew Sarris' auteur theory should give credit to History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer for making it the cursed comedy classic that it is.<br /> I know the exact reason why History's Most decided to murder Jonathan Brandis, and it's something I'm going to take to the grave. I wish to not ruin the favorite movies and performances fans have for Brandis in the Facebook group I'm in of the Seaquest DSV star. In addition to this wish, I hope Jonathan's parents can also just accept the fact their son was murdered and that someone had his six. If they had the knowledge of information I possess they would wish God rot in hell.<br /> That's not right.<br /> Homicide #3<br /> Charles Claverie, AKA Charles Rocket AKA Charlie Kennedy AKA Charlie Hamburger<br /> Date of death: October 7th, 2005<br /> 10+7+2+5 adds up the renegade too hardcore for Saturday Night Live to History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer's "second victim" kill count.<br /> Charles Claverie was the first victim I identified on my second viewing of The Number 23 back in 2017, but it took me two years to accept the reality that the scene I showed above was a reference to masquerading his murder as suicide. I was well aware of Claverie's death ruled as suicide well before my second viewing of The Number 23. The day I first heard how Claverie died is as memorable to me as 9/11 was.<br /> That scene with an uncredited Bud Cort slitting his own throat had the feel of one of those Narcocorrido songs which is a genre of music that give clues to unsolved cases; usually in regards to drug smuggling and not suicide masqueraded homicide crime scenes. Off and on I would think about this scene and question myself in my head, "did Jim Carrey kill Charles Rocket?"; then immediately afterwards offer some kind of alibi.<br /> One day I searched Charles Rocket on Reddit, and was very taken back to learn Jim Carrey lost out on SNL when Rocket got chosen instead of him in 1980.<br /> A conversation in 2019 with a friend about all this made me put events in order starting from Claverie winning SNL over Carrey in 1980, and ending at History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer's apperance on Norm Macdonald made me understand he got the idea to masquerade murder as suicide from that scene in Batman Forever.<br /> It was very painful realizing that. So very painful.<br /> More to say "I did all that I could" than actually get some kind of investigation started, I attempted to laughably report that scene with an uncredited Bud Cort committing suicide from The Number 23 to the authorities in Danielson, CT on 07/16/2019; in a conversation that lasted 22 minutes and 59 seconds. I was honestly surprised that they took me as seriously as they did, but ultimately they said there's no case.<br /> It's funny, I showed the scene from The Number 23 to the detective I spoke to via an imgur link like the ones in this email. I also included notes with the history between History's Most and Claverie, and suggested looking into whether Claverie had to audition because it would strike me unusual if he didn't. Dumb & Dumber being History's Most's first $7 million payday told Claverie probably didn't.<br /> When I told the detective that I set the imgur album to "need to know", he was impressed and said "oh, you must be good at computers". This made me avoid modesty, when that would have been my default reaction, and say "yeah, I am" even though anyone can figure out Imgur just by playing around on it.<br /> This call to Danielson PD concluded with this detective giving me shit about wasting his time, and how with his 12 years as a detective he knows a real case when he sees one; unaware that I know he messaged my link to his co-workers without telling me. His 14 years as a detective would jump to the conclusion I'm clairvoyant if I told him this. I just noticed the view count on the album spike.<br /> This same day I contacted Connecticut authorities I watched Dumb & Dumber just to see the chemistry Claverie and History's Most had in the same room. It had been awhile since I had seen it, but I wasn't expecting anything to surprise me or further my suspicions. I mean, c'mon, it's Dumb & Dumber!<br /> Then that adlib about a guy getting his throat slit in a movie happened, and I was SHOOK since that same day I just tried to report Hollywood's favorite rubberfaced wackyman slitting his co-star's throat to the authorities. Like imaginary Zane, I figured it was just an unfortunate coincidental line in the script and once I looked up the screenplay I'd leave it alone. I'm OFFERING History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer reasonable doubt! What a dum-dum dipshit he is.<br /> This viewing of Dumb & Dumber is when I caught Jonathan Brandis, and THAT surprised me. I thought, "God, please don't let me think he got murdered too". I thought Brandis was really cool in the first miniseries of Stephen King's IT and was well aware of his death ruled as suicide. I don't remember him WHATSOEVER in all the times I watched Dumb & Dumber growing up.<br /> Throughout the course of this investigation I've done, I've learned if a film has two or more performers in the cast who have committed suicide then that means something is likely up.<br /> Because the date of death for Brandis added up to 23, I figured Claverie's would as well and was taken back that it added to 24. Because this was too close, I thought the Connecticut State Medical Examination was erroneous in the date of death. I was stuck on this for months despite not really feeling like I had to disprove the medical reports of the other victims I would go on to identify. Finding out History's Most most recent victim had me learning his "kill count".<br /> So let's talk about History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer's obsession with the number 23, and it's origin. Because when you YouTube "Jim Carrey Counts on the Number 23", he'll say he picked up this fascination from "a very best friend from Canada".<br /> That's a lie.<br /> Before the movie came out in 2007, the cult phenomenon surrounding the number 23 was known as The 23 Enigma. It's most notoriety came from counterculture writer William S. Burroughs' belief in it.<br /> Since the third citation of Charles Claverie's Wikipedia page (good enough for me) says he was heavy in the underground scene in college, it's not far fetched to me that he was aware of Burroughs believing in the 23 Enigma. A pal probably told him about it.<br /> Now lets go back to that split image layout of Charles Claverie from Max Headroom and him wearing the #32 football jersey in Earth Girls Are Easy.<br /> Okay, Claverie filmed his episodes for Max Headroom and his performance in Earth Girls Are Easy within the same year as stated in the Imgur album. As you can probably observe, his character in Max Headroom worked for a fictional television channel called Network 23. While shooting those episodes he probably thought about his pal in college telling him about William S. Burroughs and his belief in the 23 superstition, but kept it to himself.<br /> Then on summer break, I presume, Claverie shoots Earth Girls Are Easy; which is the first time he co-stars with his future killer. When it's scheduled to film his character's quick college football flashback, Claverie TRIPPED OUT when he is handed his #32 football jersey.<br /> Because in the lore of The 23 Enigma, 32 is the same as 23; just reversed.<br /> So Claverie either directly told the person who would slit his throat about the 23 phenomenon, or Claverie's murderer overheard Claverie tell another cast or crew member about how trippy the number 23 is. Either way, on the set of Earth Girls Are Easy is where History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer first heard about all the crazy coincidences of the number 23; as if this were the point of origin for an inferno. Between the time Claverie put on that #32 football jersey, and took it off is when.<br /> Here's the link for the whole movie for Earth Girls Are Easy; fast forward to the 5:10 mark. Wait five seconds to see the precise, and I mean PRECISE, moment when the future's History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer decided he was going to slit Charles Claverie's throat someday.<br /> I'm going to straight up say History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer intimated he slit Charles Claverie's throat to fellow Canadian Norm Macdonald. Macdonald brings up Claverie's death to unsettle fellow SNL Weekend Update anchor Kevin Nealon on Norm Macdonald Live by saying he stabbed himself in the belly in Connecticut. If you know who Charles Rocket is, you stone cold know it's the throat.<br /> However, I wasn't aware Claverie was found dead in Connecticut when I listened to Norm Macdonald first bring him up before I had my second viewing of The Number 23.<br /> Macdonald brings up Charles Rocket in this other episode I just mentioned, but I honestly can't find it. Ask I'm Not Norm for it because that YouTube channel did show me one day this other mention of Charles Claverie on Norm Macdonald Live, but then curiously deleted the video.<br /> Granted, his interview was all over the place, but someone should ask Macdonald why he didn't bring up Charles Claverie to a guest that had co-starred twice with the slain Weekend Update anchor. Oh that's right: because this guest fooled authorities into thinking Charles Claverie slit his own throat.<br /> Since Norm Macdonald looks every kind of sketch to me right now, in my opinion the friend of his son's who died from an overdose while housesitting should be re-evaluated.<br /> Perhaps Macdonald wanted to try some crime scene masquerading as well? He's an obvious Xanax abuser, but it's not like addicts to leave their stash all out and about.<br /> Homicides #4-6<br /> The Benoit Family, a WWE dynasty<br /> Starting off the kill count from "zero", History's Most murders wife and mother Nancy on June 22nd, 2007. Adds up to "one" by taking the life of special needs child Daniel on June 23rd, 2007. Goes to "two" by framing husband and father Chris for his family's murder by masquerading Chris' as suicide on June 24th, 2007, and thus The Canadian Crippler becomes History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer's "third victim" by having the body found on the 25th calendar day of June 2007; effectively bringing forth the clockwork cause & effect of erasing the WWE champion's legacy from sports entertainment history.<br /> Mr. Popper's Penguins literally did that.<br /> This actually all happened.<br /> Everyone meet the family that got killed by the critically acclaimed film Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.<br /> History's Most picked up his erasure kick while filming that movie, and brought this evil upon Chris Benoit's legacy in the WWE.<br /> The banishment of Zane Claverie is a flip on Benoit's erasure. This right here sets the stage for the MOST STUNNING comeback in WWE history!! But I really don't want to talk about this one too much, and will most definitely keep it the briefest I can.<br /> I'm going to let this imgur album containing the conversation with the first person I convinced that History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer annihilated The Benoit family do all the heavy lifting; in addition to my notes that I'm so thankful have spent time writing throughout the duration of this madness.<br /> As I said in those notes: when you boil down the plot of The Number 23, it's just about a dogcatcher that reads a book.<br /> But if I were more descriptive, this dogcatcher happens to find the novel-within-the-film's nonsense coincidental to his life. The twist ending, which comes from NOWHERE, is that the dogcatcher finds out HE wrote this novel-within-the-film; originally intending it as a suicide note because he killed some cheating girlfriend from way back and then FRAMED THE GUY she was cheating with for her murder.<br /> This twist ending SHOULD corroborate Chris Benoit's innocence in addition to the lack of Zane Claverie's whereabouts.<br /> Let's get this champion into the WWE Hall of Fame where he fucking belongs!!<br /> After this unimaginable evil, History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer laid low for many years. May have even felt bad for what he did, if I'm being honest, because it vibes like a relapse when he returned and reset the "kill count" back in a most hysterical way.<br /> The Bad Batch, which co-starred the next Canadian whose legacy History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer aims to "erase", was released exactly on the tenth anniversary of The Benoit Family triple homicide.<br /> Homicide #7<br /> Cathoriona "Combo Breaker" White, make-up artist and ex-girlfriend.<br /> Date of death: I don't have it memorized, but I can tell you she passed away in 2015.<br /> The suicide note under Ms. White's name that went public during the wrongful death lawsuit against History's by her family in 2017 is what reminded me of reading about History's Most obsession with the number 23; years prior to the release of the movie in 2007. Jim Carrey was my favorite actor as a kid.<br /> So, back in 2017, I search The Number 23's trivia page on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) to see if I remembered correctly about History's obsession with the number 23 and move on once I see that I had.<br /> That piece of trivia was nowhere to be found. I read the movie's IMDB trivia page from top to bottom a few times thinking I passed it. Nope. Looking back, I would describe the page having a feeling of sanitization.<br /> This feeling of sanitization makes me decide to watch the movie again. When I first watched it on it's DVD release in 2007 I completely forgot everything once I finished it. The Number 23 is not a good movie.<br /> This second time I was taken back to see History's Most character(s) witness not one, nor two, or three, but FOUR suicides. Since the alledged suicide of Cathriona White is what brought me to rewatch The Number 23, seeing History's Most witness just one suicide alone would be creepy. But FOUR, with the fourth echoing how Charles Claverie was ruled suicide?<br /> Something is up.<br /> Then felt alarm in 2019 when I went back to The Number 23's IMDB trivia page, and first thing I see is an item about History's Most obsession with the number 23 that also talks about how it's just a coincidence that the other character in the movie played by History's Most, a detective in the novel-within-the-film that History's dogcatcher is reading, also happens to play the saxophone like History's Most real life father. I got a feeling of "the coast is clear". This feeling was on the same day I accepted that Charles Claverie was murdered.<br /> Rest as they say is history.<br /> I'll throw History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer a bone, and say I don't believe he had STDs like it's claimed in that suicide note found typed on Ms. White's iPad.<br /> Furthermore, I'll say it's probably true that Ms. White falsified results of her STD test<br /> In fact, I'd go even MORE further that the suicide note found typed on Ms. White's iPad wasn't written by Ms. White at all.<br /> As far as furthering can go, I'll laugh by just going ahead and tell you History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer WOULD COP to having STDs if you sweated him in an interrogation box about the suicide note being fake because he's so fucking stupid!!<br /> Peep this video.<br /> Doesn't it appear like he's giving someone specific a look when his eyes are in the direction of that camera?<br /> I'll come right out and say it: his computer GENIUS daughter Jane Carrey wrote that fraudulent suicide note under her abusive dad's orders, and found an opportunity to give her murderer father a hard time by saying in Cathoriona White's name she (falsely) received STDs from him.<br /> When I looked up the Jim Carrey movie around the time of Charles Claverie's murder and saw that it was Fun With Dick & Jane; I immediately knew she's been her father's accomplice. The experience was spooky because the two Nancy Benoit Wikipedia edits correctly reporting her death in sleight of language on her husband's page, 14 hours prior to the discovery of her murder, started to crystallize.<br /> That moment made me blurt "oh, she must be good at computers".<br /> I sounded just like the first detective I spoke with in Connecticut.<br /> Just. Like. Him.<br /> Homicide #8<br /> Chris Cornell, lead singer of Soundgarden & Audioslave who was absolutely not a documentary producer out to expose elite pedophiles<br /> Date of Death: May 18th, 2017<br /> 5+18 adds the kill count up to an admission of Cathriona White's murder.<br /> Since it's established on public record that History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer got the prescription narcotics that took her life under the alias "Arthur King", the non-existence of Zane Claverie should convert her suicide to homicide.<br /> History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer tweeted this after kill counting 5+1+8+2+1+7 up to say how very special Chris Cornell is.<br /> Yes, he SERIOUSLY smuggled his ex-girlfriend's "kill count" inside the death date of the next victim after her.<br /> THEN tweeted a pic of the guitar his future eighth victim autographed for him back in the day, who did that to be nice, only to be "kill counted" years later.<br /> Just for the fuck of it, too! I have NO IDEA why History's Most murdered Chris Cornell. NONE!<br /> Tell me that's not some most unforgivable shit.<br /> But hey, Ms. White's "kill count" score inside Cornell's right there alone renders the suicide ruling of Cornell's death null & void once Zane Claverie cannot be physically found, or ID confirmed by both his ex-wife and Ed Honauer as the same person.<br /> So check this out: Chris Cornell popped on my radar from me making a shitty joke to a great friend that History's Most should cover "Black Hole Sun" because he sang a version of "I Am The Walrus" for a Beatles tribute album, and once performed a duet with Elton John.<br /> Then a shiver went down my spine. Not even joking.<br /> So I googled to see if there WAS a "Black Hole Sun" cover sang by History's Most. I wasn't expecting any related results between he and Cornell, and got taken back to find they did SNL together.<br /> Felt alarm when I saw Cornell's month and day add up to 23 in his date of death, but thought "maybe that's why Carrey tweeted. He can't be killing everyone"; even though knowing he masqueraded The Benoit Family triple homicide as "murdesuicide" lets me believe he can do ANYTHING. I just honestly didn't want to know another murder.<br /> But of course I got deeper into his case, and was taken even further back that his wife Vicky disputed the suicide ruling.<br /> Which, in turn, made me start disputing it knowing History's Most and seeing that creepy tweet.<br /> One day it came to me to add each number individually as one digits in Cornell's date of death. I left out a "1" and FLIPPED that it added up to 23. I didn't know calendar dates could do that, but saw my error shortly. His date adding up "23" and "24" was strangely sequential that it dawned on me he "adds up" with each murder.<br /> Initially, I found it funny that those waterheaded dum-dum dipshit QANON's were close to actually saying a suicide was masqueraded, but that faded when I read these people harassed Vicky Cornell with their elite pedophile theories into accepting the suicide ruling.<br /> Shut down that QANON shit ASAP.<br /> Here's wrestler Chavo Guerrero and Vicky Cornell both talking to the same person<br /> History's. Most. Unforgivable. Serial. Killer.<br /> Upcoming double homicide:<br /> Keanu Reeves and whoever his girlfriend is.<br /> There was a painful period where I thought predicting History's next victim was going to be the only way I could prove beyond a reasonable doubt he exists.<br /> This guy I know hates this Jim Carrey shit, and it does suck ass, and had been discouraging thinking this wouldn't go anywhere. I told him if I quit then, and I was being COMPLETELY random when I said this to him, here's how Keanu Reeves will die.<br /> Turns out that's EXACTLY what would have happened! I shouldn't say this, but my friend actually could have gotten John Wick killed.<br /> People tell me Keanu could take him.<br /> That would prove me right about all this.<br /> No one expects to get killed by Jim Carrey, that's what makes him lethal.<br /> Here's a tweet thread I made in the event I'm unsuccessful preventing a double homicide. Jim Carrey is not going to get away with this shit much longer, one way or another.<br /> That opening tweet's prediction will happen within the year. My best estimates are in May, June, and November.<br /> Why for May:<br /> Bruce Almighty was released on May 23rd, and the reason History's Most killed Benoit in June 2007 was because he picked that date to rep Me, Myself, and Irene which came out June 23rd. That movie came out seven years exactly before to the day History's Most murdered Benoit's special needs son. Since it's reasonable to think History's Most Unforgivable has a God complex, this might have been the date chosen for Keanu. However, History's Most would just be wrapping up Sonic 2 by this date so that might have kept him back.<br /> Then again, History's Most shut down production for a day on his Showtime series Kidding because he didn't like the color of a door. He can do whatever he wants on a set.<br /> Why for June:<br /> it's common for serial killers to return to the scene of the crime, and in essence this is what History's Most would be doing if he had struck Keanu on this month because what he had planned for Keanu is the same as Benoit. Also: the release date of The Bad Batch, the film Keanu & History's Most both co-starred in together, was released on the exact tenth anniversary of The Benoit family murders. Which likely made History's Most reminiscence. You'll read that History's Most requested to be uncredited for The Bad Batch if you do a Google search. The reason for this was to say in plain sight, "You're next, Keanu".<br /> Really.<br /> Why for November:<br /> November 23rd was the wedding anniversary of Chris & Nancy Benoit. Also, as I said in that prediction tweet thread, History's Most starts from "Zero"(which means "22" in his head), and would theoretically start from the anniversary date of his very first murder, which is November 22nd, Michael Hutchence AKA "Victim Zero".<br /> The calendar date numbers this year for History's Most's birthday added up to 23. That's definitely a sign of danger. Real ass full moon shit.<br /> History's Most Unforgivable Serial Killer is so predictable to me that I left stuff out in that tweet thread KNOWING he'd do it.<br /> So if you're morbidly curious how Truman Brubank is going to masquerade the murder of Neo from The Matrix as suicide, google Keanu's middle name and remember Zane Claverie's father.<br /> I'm probably right about those tweets about Kevin Spacey I wish I could delete, but can't since I'm locked out of that @force<em>karma account ¯</em>(ツ)_/¯ "<br /> </div> submitted by <a href="?id=13277"> emeraldstars000 </a> to <a href="?id=18026"> conspiracy </a> <span><a href="?id=17570">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="?id=28851">[comments]</a></span></p> <hr /> <p></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p></p><h3></h3> <ol><li></li></ol> <p></p><div id="menu" class="menu">[ <a href="?id=16017">16017</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16018">16018</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16019">16019</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16020">16020</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16021">16021</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16022">16022</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16023">16023</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16024">16024</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16025">16025</a> ] [ <a href="?id=16026">16026</a> ] </div></div> </body> </html><!-- ID: 1310 | Time: 1.00927 Sec | Mem: 3065 KiB -->